dark souls 2 tour de brume

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Soluce Dark Souls II

  • DLC : Crown of the Old Iron King
  • La Tour de Brume Partie 1
  • Ajouter une precision

dark souls 2 tour de brume

Sommaire de la soluce

  • L'Orée
  • La Forêt des Géants Défunts
  • La Tour des Flammes de Heide
  • Le Quai de la Désolation
  • La Forteresse Oubliée
  • L'Eminence du Péché

Le Bosquet des Chasseurs

  • La Vallée des Récoltes
  • L'Aiguille de Terre

La Forteresse de Fer

  • Le Bois de l'Ombre
  • Les Portes de Pharros
  • La Carrière de Vivepierre de Tseldora
  • Le Dépotoir
  • Le Ravin Noir
  • Le Sanctuaire de l'Hiver
  • Le Château de Drangleic
  • Le Passage du Roi
  • Le Sanctuaire d'Amana
  • La Crypte des Mort-vivants
  • La Forteresse d'Aldia
  • L'Aire du Dragon
  • Le Sanctuaire Draconique
  • Souvenirs des Anciens
  • Le Trône du Désir
  • La Cathédrale Bleue
  • Le Beffroi de la Lune
  • Le Purgatoire des Mort-vivants
  • Le Beffroi du Soleil
  • La Tombe des Saints
  • Le Gouffre Obscur Millénaire
  • Lenigrast le Forgeron
  • McDuff la Main Sûre
  • Ornifex la Forgeronne
  • Maughlin l'Armurier
  • Shalquoir la Douce
  • Melentia la Marchande
  • Licia de Lindelt
  • Carhillion de l'Abîme
  • Gavlan le Solitaire
  • Straid d'Olaphis
  • Felkin le Paria
  • Chloanne la Lithologue
  • Gilligan l'Artisan
  • Magerold de Lanafir
  • Rosabeth de Melfia
  • Cromwell le Rédempteur
  • Chancelier Wellager
  • Gardien des Tombes Agdayne
  • Navlaan le Sorcier Royal
  • Cale le Cartographe
  • Lucatiel de Mirrah
  • Pat le Courtois
  • Creighton l'Aventurier
  • Benhart de Jugo
  • Tark le Scorpide
  • Capitaine Drummond
  • Saulden le Déchu
  • Targray des Sentinelles Bleues
  • Gardien des Cloches
  • Gren la Demi-portion
  • Grandhal le Guide Obscur
  • Les Gardiennes du Feu
  • Messagère d'Emeraude
  • Dyna et Tillo
  • La Voie Bleue
  • Les Sentinelles Bleues
  • Les Gardes-Cloches
  • La Confrérie du Sang
  • Les Héritiers solaires
  • Les Vestiges Draconiques
  • La Compagnie des Champions
  • Les Pèlerins des Ténèbres
  • Le GeDoSaTo
  • Changer l'interface du jeu en PS3 ou PC
  • Accéder au DLC
  • Shulva, la Cité-Sanctuaire
  • Le Sanctuaire du Dragon
  • Le Repos du Dragon
  • La Grotte des Morts
  • Mémoire du Roi
  • La Tour de Brume Partie 2
  • Mémoire du Vieux Roi de Fer
  • Le Passage de Fer
  • Eleum Loyce la Glaciale Partie 1
  • Eleum Loyce la Glaciale Partie 2
  • Grande Cathédrale / Ancien Chaos
  • Lisière Gelée

dark souls 2 tour de brume

Objets d’importance :

- Taillant du Fondeur x10

- Âme de Nadalia des Cendres x12

- Anneau de Dextérité

- Danse de Feu

- Calice d’Âmes x2

- Anneau de Quartz de Flammes +3

- Grand Arc d’Alonne +5

- Espadon Majestueux

- Anneau de Quartz de Sorts +3

- Anneau du Simple d’Esprit

- Anneau de l’Oiseau Funeste

- Anneau de Vie +3

- Epée Large +7

- Esponton du Pèlerin

- Lampyrion x2

- Peau de Carcasse

- Gantelets de Catarina

- Jambières de Catarina

- Anneau de Conjuration +1

Remarque : Vous ne pourrez obtenir le 12 ème fragment d’âme de Nadalia qu’après avoir vaincu Sire Alonne dans la Mémoire du Vieux Roi de Fer.

En arrivant dans la zone, dirigez-vous vers la tour à droite puis montez à l’étage, examinez ensuite l’étrange statue de glace qui se trouve là pour récupérer 6 Taillants du Fondeur (image1) . Ces objets vous permettront de détruire les idoles de Nadalia afin de récupérer des fragments de son âme. Avancez sur la chaine géante afin de rejoindre la Tour de Brume à proprement parler. Là-bas, allumez le feu de camp puis approchez-vous de l’idole, attendez alors la fin de sa tempête de feu pour lui enfoncer un Taillant dans le cœur, vous récupérerez ainsi le premier fragment de l’âme de Nadalia (image2) .

image 1

Partez maintenant en direction des escaliers à gauche et descendez-les pour récupérer l'Anneau de Dextérité sur un cadavre (image3) . Faites ensuite demi-tour et franchissez la porte à droite, il s’agira alors de descendre les escaliers puis de vous laisser tomber sur l’engrenage pour atteindre le niveau inférieur (image4) .

image 3

De retour à l’extérieur, partez vers la droite et éliminez les ennemis qui sortiront du sol (image5) . Aux termes de cet affrontement, franchissez la porte et utilisez les deux échelles pour atteindre la zone en contrebas. En bas de la seconde échelle, récupérez la Faux +7 sur le cadavre puis passez la porte derrière vous (image6) .

image 5

Dans le couloir, fouillez le coffre du fond pour récupérer une Tablette de Titanite puis descendez l’échelle, il s’agira alors de nettoyer la zone avant de détruire l’idole pour récupérer un second fragment de l’âme de Nadalia (image7) . Ceci fait, retournez-vous puis franchissez la porte située à gauche de l’échelle, fouillez ensuite le cadavre qui se trouve sur le sol pour récupérer le sortilège « Danse de Feu » (image8) .

image 7

Retournez maintenant dans la salle précédente et ouvrez la grande porte en tirant sur le levier (image9) . A l’extérieur, partez vers la gauche et descendez la pente, interagissez ensuite avec le mur pour ouvrir un passage secret dans lequel se trouvent deux coffres, à l’intérieur de l’un d’eux, vous trouverez 2 Calices d’Âmes (image10) .

image 9

Revenez sur vos pas et allez ouvrir la porte située sur le côté droit du balcon, de l’autre côté de celle-ci, vous ferez la rencontre de nouveaux ennemis transportant un tonneau explosif. Pour vous en débarrasser facilement, utilisez un sort de Pyromancie ou une flèche enflammée pour les faire exploser (image11) . Ceci fait, descendez l’échelle au fond puis continuez votre route, vous devrez alors faire exploser un nouveau groupe d’ennemis avant de descendre l’échelle qui se trouve tout au fond (image12) .

image 11

Utilisez donc la série d’échelles pour atteindre les niveaux inférieurs et débarrassez-vous des ennemis qui se trouvent là, ouvrez ensuite le coffre situé à droite pour obtenir une Ceste +8 (image13) . Franchissez le passage derrière vous puis tournez à droite pour atteindre le deuxième feu de camp de la zone (image14) .

image 13

Après l’avoir allumé, entrez dans le couloir du fond et ouvrez le coffre en bois pour récupérer quelques Titanites Scintillantes , faites ensuite demi-tour et franchissez le mur de brume qui se trouve au fond du couloir (image15) . De l’autre côté de celui-ci, partez vers la gauche et descendez à l’échelle, éliminez alors l’ennemi situé devant vous avant de poursuivre votre route vers la gauche (image16) .

image 15

Un peu plus loin, traversez le couloir puis ouvrez la porte, de l’autre côté de celle-ci, détruisez les carcasses explosives et descendez l’échelle, vous devrez alors affronter un groupe d’ennemis, dont une armure géante (image17) . Pour plus de facilité, vous pouvez remonter l’échelle et attirez les monstres avec un Crâne élégant afin de pouvoir les éliminer à distance. Lorsque vous serez parvenu à vaincre tous vos adversaires, enfoncez un Taillant du fondeur dans l’idole pour récupérer le troisième fragment de l’âme de Nadalia puis fouillez le cadavre sur le sol afin d’obtenir l’Anneau de Quartz de Flammes +3 (image18) .

image 17

Ouvrez maintenant la grande porte en tirant le levier puis allez vous occuper de l’armure animée située devant vous (image19) . Cet ennemi vaincu, engagez-vous sur le sentier à droite et utilisez un arc pour vos débarrasser de la sorcière qui vous attend plus loin. Après l’avoir éliminée, continuez votre progression et débarrassez-vous du reste des ennemis (image20) .

image 19

Au bout du chemin, descendez l’échelle et éliminez vos assaillants, vous pouvez alors vous aventurer sur la corniche à gauche afin de récupérer des âmes, attention toutefois, de nombreux monstres sortiront du sol et des parois de la montagne (image21) . Quoi qu’il en soit, dirigez-vous maintenant vers les escaliers au fond puis avancez sur la chaine géante pour atteindre la tour située de l’autre côté (image22) .

image 21

Là-bas, vous serez envahi par Maldron l’Assassin, engagez donc le combat mais ne vous précipitez pas à la poursuite de l’esprit sombre lorsque celui-ci prendra la fuite dans les escaliers (image23) . Après le départ de Maldron, fouillez le coffre pour récupérer 2 Ascètes de Feu puis engagez-vous dans les escaliers. Lors de la descente, prenez votre temps et éliminez les ennemis à distance, sachez toutefois que l’idole de Nadalia située dans la zone vous maudira constamment, il vous sera donc impossible de sauver votre humanité durant l’opération. Quoi qu’il en soit, continuez votre descente et éliminez Maldron, détruisez ensuite l’idole pour mettre un terme à la malédiction et obtenir un quatrième fragment d’âme (image24) .

image 23

Ceci fait, sautez sur l’engrenage situé juste en face de l’idole et fouillez le cadavre pour récupérer un Grand Arc d’Alonne +5 (image25) , vous pouvez ensuite descendre les escaliers pour atteindre la base de la tour. Là-bas, débarrassez-vous des trois ennemis qui sortiront du sol puis fouillez le coffre en métal pour obtenir l’Espadon Majestueux (image26) .

image 25

Vous pouvez maintenant retourner au sommet de la tour et rejoindre la zone principale, une fois là-bas, franchissez le mur de fumée situé en haut des escaliers pour atteindre le vestibule. Dirigez-vous vers la droite pour trouver un nouveau feu de camp puis continuez votre visite du vestibule pour dénicher l’Anneau de Quartz de Sorts +3 sur un cadavre (image27) . Retournez maintenant au niveau du feu et engagez-vous dans le couloir du fond, au bout de celui-ci, descendez les escaliers puis utilisez l’échelle qui se trouve tout au fond (image28) .

image 27

Le Sceptre en Fer Brûlant

En bas, vous apercevrez des ennemis dans un couloir à droite et une grille juste devant vous, commencez par ouvrir la grille en tirant sur le levier puis frappez la statue cracheuse de feu pour l’envoyer vers les monstres au fond (image29) . Une fois ceux-ci éliminés, avancez dans le couloir puis réitérez l’opération pour déverrouiller une seconde grille. Cette opération accomplie, dirigez-vous vers le fond du couloir et débarrassez-vous de l’armure géante pour pouvoir déverrouiller la dernière grille (image30) .

image 29

De l’autre côté de celle-ci, franchissez la porte puis partez vers la gauche, au bout du couloir, vous pourrez ouvrir une autre grille ce qui vous permettra de débloquer un raccourci vers le feu de camp du vestibule (image31). Faites maintenant demi-tour et franchissez le mur de fumée situé de l’autre côté de la grande chaine, il s’agira ensuite d’avancer dans le sombre couloir tout en vous débarrassant des ennemis qui trainent sur le sol (image32) . Faites bien attention à ces derniers car ils ont la fâcheuse tendance à s’enflammer et à exploser lorsqu’ils sont blessés.

image 31

Après les avoir tous éliminés, descendez l’échelle au fond et affrontez l’esprit sombre de Rachel Vivelame (image33) . Après votre victoire, ouvrez les portes qui se trouvent tout autour de vous pour récupérer divers objets ainsi que le sort « Souvenir » . Une fois cet objet en votre possession, ouvrez la porte la plus à gauche et débarrassez-vous des ennemis qui se trouvent derrière (image34) .

image 33

Vous pouvez ensuite descendre l’échelle puis ouvrir la grande porte en fer située au bout du couloir. De l’autre côté se trouve plusieurs ennemis, éliminez-les donc avant de récupérer le Sceptre en Fer Brûlant (image35) . Cet objet en votre possession, avancez dans le couloir de droite et tirez le levier pour faire descendre l’ascenseur mais attention, un ennemi vous attend sur ce dernier (image36) .

image 35

Une fois au sommet, partez vers la gauche et laissez-vous tomber dans le trou pour rejoindre votre point de départ. A partir de là, vous pouvez retourner dans le vestibule et insérer le sceptre dans la machine (image37) . En accomplissant cette action, vous allez activer toute une série d’ascenseurs dans la Tour de Brume qui vous permettront de récupérer de nouveaux objets. En premier lieu, retournez au tout premier feu de la zone et utilisez l’ascenseur pour atteindre le balcon à gauche, vous pourrez alors fouiller un cadavre et récupérer l’Anneau de l’Oiseau Funeste (image38) .

image 37

Retournez maintenant au niveau du second feu puis partez en direction de la rotonde, de là, partez vers la gauche et montez sur le petit ascenseur afin d’atteindre l’ouverture située au-dessus de vous (image39) . En haut, éliminez les deux armures animées puis déverrouillez la porte à droite pour ouvrir un raccourci vers le feu de camp . Ceci fait, retournez-vous puis franchissez le mur de feu qui se trouve devant vous, de l’autre côté de celui-ci, ouvrez la porte à droite et avancez sur la corniche pour récupérer l’Anneau du Simple d’Esprit (image40) .

image 39

Retournez maintenant au niveau de l’ascenseur que vous avez utilisé pour atteindre cette zone et laissez-le descendre jusqu’à son niveau le plus bas. De là, sautez sur la petite corniche et ouvrez le coffre en métal pour récupérer l’Esponton du Pèlerin (image41) . Cet objet en votre possession, retournez à nouveau sur l’ascenseur et utilisez-le pour atteindre la grande porte située à gauche (image42) .

image 41

De l’autre côté de celle-ci, attirez l’armure géante pour la faire sortir de la zone de soin créée par l’idole de Nadalia puis éliminez-la (image43) . Vous pourrez ensuite fouiller le coffre à droite afin de récupérer l’Anneau de Vie +3 , fouiller les cellules pour récupérer l’Epée Large +7 et enfin détruire l’idole pour obtenir le cinquième fragment de l’âme de Nadalia (image44) .

image 43

Retournez maintenant au niveau de la rotonde et cherchez un autre ascenseur sur la droite (image45) . En haut de celui-ci, partez à droite et ouvrez la porte, dans le couloir, frappez la statue à gauche pour bruler les ennemis qui se trouvent devant vous (image46) .

image 45

Montez ensuite les escaliers en face et répétez l’opération précédente, après avoir éliminé les ennemis, fouillez le coffre au fond pour récupérer 4 Taillants du Fondeur (image47). Vous pouvez ensuite retourner à votre point de départ en passant dans le trou derrière vous (image48) .

image 47

De retour dans le vestibule, utilisez l’ascenseur secondaire et laissez-le monter, vous apercevrez alors un couloir juste en face de vous (image49) . Sautez dans sa direction et avancez pour découvrir un coffre contenant 2 Lampyrions (image50) .

image 49

Éléments supplémentaires

Depuis le second feu de camp de la zone, dirigez-vous vers la rotonde après avoir utilisé le Sceptre en Fer Brûlant et entrez dans l’ascenseur de droite. A l’intérieur de celui-ci, interagissez avec le mur pour découvrir la présence d’un passage secret (image51) . A l’intérieur, vous trouverez un coffre contenant la Peau de Carcasse , un objet offrant une protection de 1000 contre la Malédiction (image52) . Un élément idéal pour parcourir les zones de la tour maudites par les idoles de Nadalia.

image 51

Dans les couloirs aux murs couverts de pics de la zone accessible depuis le vestibule de la tour, éliminez tous les ennemis puis attirez une carcasse explosive dans le tout premier couloir, faites-la exploser tout au fond du couloir pour dévoiler un passage secret abritant 8 Os de Dragon Pétrifié (image53-54) .

image 53

Dans la même zone, attirez un autre ennemi explosif dans le second couloir et faites-le exploser tout au bout, entre les deux plaques de pics sur le côté droit, pour dévoiler un nouveau passage secret (image55) . A l’intérieur, vous trouverez un coffre contenant les Gantelets de Catarina et les Jambières de Catarina (image56) .

image 55

Depuis l’ascenseur où vous avez récupéré la Peau de Carcasse, entrez dans la pièce à droite puis éliminez l’armure animée au rez-de-chaussée.  Attirez ensuite une carcasse explosive à l’étage et faites-la exploser au niveau du mur de gauche, juste devant la tête de taureau, pour découvrir un nouveau mur destructible (image57) . A l’intérieur, vous trouverez l’Anneau de Conjuration +1 sur un cadavre (image58) .

image 57

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Brume Tower

You require the Heavy Iron Key to access this DLC. At Iron Keep, grab the Iron Key found underneath the very first fire-breathing bull head. You should have pulled the lever above the Eygil's Idol bonfire to deactivate all fire-breathing bull heads. Use the Iron Key to open the locked door near where you fought The Last Giant. Enter the unlocked area and locate the Heavy Iron Key. Be wary of the Flame Salamanders, whose fireballs can one- or two-shot you. Use Poison Arrows to poison a Flame Salamander and wait for it to die.

Enter Brume Tower, light the Throne Floor bonfire, and grab Smelter Wedge x 6 from a deactivated Ashen Idol. Smelter Wedges can be used to destroy Ashen Idols found throughout the DLC. Don't destroy the very first Ashen Idol you encounter. Save your Smelter Wedges for Ashen Idols scattered throughout the later areas, where it would be more useful to deactivate the Idols. A deactivated Ashen Idol drops a Soul of Nadia, Bride of Ash. Collect all 12 soul fragments to create the Soul of Nadia and trade it with Straid for a chime or pyromancy. Navigate to the Upper Floor bonfire and then to the Foyer bonfire.

You require the Scorching Iron Scepter to activate all elevators in Brume Tower. These elevators open up paths that lead to most of the remaining areas of the DLC, including the bosses. Grab the Scorching Iron Scepter and key it into the ignition device that looks like a bull's head. The ignition device is located near the Foyer bonfire. After activating the contraptions in Brume Tower, your next immediate objective is to obtain the Hollow Skin, an item that nullifies curse. Then grab the Tower Key to open all remaining doors within Brume Tower and unlock paths to two of the bosses.

The Smelter Throne bonfire is located at the very top level of Brume Tower. On your way to the bonfire, you would be invaded by Prowler x 5, each of whom is similar to the Mad Warrior red phantom that occasionally spawns at the top of Belfry Sol. The first Prowler spawns near an Ashen Idol and the remaining four spawn as you ascend the staircase to the Smelter Throne bonfire. Ignore the Prowlers for the moment. Concentrate your effort on deactivating the Ashen Idol as soon as possible, then fight the Prowler near the Ashen Idol. Next, lure one of the remaining four Prowlers down to where the Ashen Idol stood and fight one at a time. Whenever you're overwhelmed by multiple Prowlers, equip the Silvercat Ring and drop down to the nearby elevator, but doing so can result in death if the elevator is far enough down.

An Ashen Idol is found halfway down a tower that is accessible via an iron chain bridge. Crossing the bridge would trigger Maldron the Assassin to invade you. His primary aim is to troll, tricking you into following him deep down the tower. Stay at the top of the tower and hit him with poison weapon(s) until he is poisoned, e.g. use a bow and Poison Arrows. Sooner or later he would run down the staircase to where the Ashen Idol is located. Don't follow him as he is leading you to enemies that are buffed by the Ashen Idol. Instead, use the Seed of a Tree of Giants so that enemies would attack him. Equip the Hollow Skin to nullify the curse status effect. Focus on dispatching of the Ashen Warriors who are on various platforms. Even though these enemies are buffed by the Ashen Idol, they can still be poisoned and they are far enough away from the Ashen Idol that they can't be healed by the Idol. Leave the Possessed Armours alone at the moment because they can revive as long as the Ashen Idol is active. Maldron tends to stand near the Ashen Idol. As long as the Seed is active, enemies should target him instead of you. Wait at the top of the tower for enemies to kill him. Then slowly make your way down to the Ashen Idol, killing all Ashen Warriors on your way. As long as the Ashen Idol is out of commission, enemies are no longer buffed and the Possessed Armours won't revive after being killed.

Notable loots:

  • Hollow Skin. While equipped, you are immune to the curse status effect. This head piece is useful during your exploration of areas that build up the curse status effect and during the fight against an end-game boss.
  • Dexterity Ring. Located near the very first active Ashen Idol, close to the Throne Floor bonfire. Equip the ring to raise your Dexterity by five points.
  • Life Ring+3. Found in a chest guarded by an Iron Warrior, who is constantly healed by a nearby Ashen Idol. The Ashen Idol is located behind a door that exudes a yellow aura. Lure the Iron Warrior as far away from the target door as possible, run to the door and open it, and use a Smelter Wedge to put the Ashen Idol out of commission so it won't be able to heal the Iron Warrior.
  • Spell Quartz Ring+3. This ring significantly boosts your magic defense.
  • Dispelling Ring+1. Behind a wall and can only be accessed by an explosive device. Lure a Cask Runner near the wall and shoot a Fire Arrow at the Cask Runner to cause an explosion.
  • Smelter Wedge x 4. Found on the same level as where you obtained the Dispelling Ring+1. Save these wedges for the fight against Fume Knight.
  • Strength Ring. Equip the ring to increase your Strength by five points.
  • Crown of the Old Iron King. Can be collected after defeating Fume Knight.

Smelter Demon

A magic variant of the Smelter Demon at Iron Keep. Most if not all of its attacks deal magic damage. Stack as much magic defense as possible. Equip the Spell Quartz Ring+3 and/or the Dispelling Ring+1. You might find it useful to infuse a weapon with poison, then buff the weapon with Dark Weapon. Otherwise, buff your weapon with Dark Pine Resin. Elizabeth Mushrooms are useful during the fight. Being too close to the Smelter Demon and its magic flame would chip your HP. Consume an Elizabeth Mushroom to help you regenerate some HP. The most difficult aspect of this boss is making your way through Iron Passage, the gauntlet area of the DLC. The path to the arena is littered with hordes of enemies that can easily gank you to death. While you focus on fighting Ashen Warriors, Astrologists and Fume Sorcerers and even Possessed Armours can shoot you with great arrows, magic, and miracles. The items along the path are not worth collecting. Run straight to the boss arena and/or summon at least one NPC to distract enemies while you run.

Fume Knight

Use a fast weapon and buff it with lightning or dark. Make sure you deactivate the Ashen Idol x 4 outside the boss arena prior to fighting Fume Knight. If any of the Ashen Idols is active, it can heal the boss. Fume Knight is a tank. Summoning one or more NPC phantoms would significantly boost the boss' HP. Roll through his attacks, try to position yourself behind him, and get in one or two hits at most.

The boss is already difficult by himself. The difficulty is compounded by the hordes of enemies littering the path to the boss arena. Use any weapon you are comfortable with and buff it with dark. Lightning and magic are OK, but fire should be a last resort. Always lock on to the boss and look for opportunities to get in at most one hit. The boss is weak against thrust attacks, hence a rapier and the Old Leo Ring are effective against him.

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Brume Tower

The Brume Tower is the central location of the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

When you first enter the area, you will climb up some stairs and find a lot of corpses. Among them will be an ashen statue that will crumble when you interact with it. You will however receive some Smelter Wedge items. These will be important later on.

Proceed across the chain and light the first bonfire of the DLC. Ignore the hole to your left and walk forward and an enemy will appear from the ground. Step back, as she is going to cast a large pyromancy. Once the spell is done, run in and interact with the enemy. Do not attack, as the only way to kill it is through interacting with it and using a Smelter Wedge . This is a Nadalia Totem, and they will become more common as you progress through the DLC. Some will cast spells, some summon in enemies and there are a few who also heal nearby targets.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

With the totem gone, there is a staircase behind the thrown that will lead you to an item. Grab it, come back up and proceed down the other stairs. Jump down carefully until you reach the floor below, and proceed outside. For the rest of the DLC, you must always be cautious walking across the ash, as there are usually enemies laying in wait. These Iron Knights can hit pretty hard, the axe wielding ones especially, so make sure your dodges and blocks are on point. Also, make sure to smash all the ash bodies. Some will contain items!

Once cleared of enemies, proceed into the central chamber and climb down the ladders. After the first ladder, walk around behind the central pillar to find some Blackweed Balm. Jump down now to the second platform, head through the door and you will find a chest with a Titanite Slab at the end, by a ladder. Head down and you will find another totem, and several enemies.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

Make sure to move slowly through this area, so you only grab the attention of one enemy at a time. The totem will summon in ashen warriors when you get close, so be prepared. They are tougher than the normal versions so keep that in mind while battling them. Once you have defeated them, go to the totem and destroy it. Go back to the ladder now and head to the small side room. Watch yourself, as there are enemies in here, and when you approach the item a enemy will jump from the ash. The item is worth it though, as its the pyromancy Dance of Fire .

With the spell in hand, head to the large door in the other room and toss the switch to open it. When you do, a possessed armor will attack you. These enemies can be a pain, as they have strange attack animations. They also have both a powerful melee and ranged attack options. Once it is dead, head left, deal with the enemies and grab the item, then go back and go to the right now and enter the single door. Inside, you will spot the first of a recurring theme, enemies who carry explosive barrels near fire. Although it may seem like it's designed to troll you, these rooms will be handy later on. Remember that fire and lightning will ignite the barrels, but you can use normal attacks to smash them and kill the enemies. Once you do, jump down by the fire and carry on.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

The next room is full of barrels and a possessed armor. If you are quick, you can run in, toss a bomb or other item to ignite the barrels, and clear the room. If you wait to long, the armor will float away and start coming towards you. Whatever happens, clear the room and head outside. Go down the ladder, kill the knight then proceed down again. Two knights can be found here, along with an item. Take them down, enter the hall and turn right to find the next bonfire.

If you follow the path from the bonfire, you can grab some Twinkling Titanite , however the other door can't be opened. Head back now and down the hall away from the bonfire and you will find a fog door. Enter and you will find a chamber with a bunch of locked elevators, so head to the only ladder available and go down. Proceed to the only door available and go through to find a room full of barrels. Either kill the enemies with a normal weapon, or detonate the barrels from outside the room with a spell or arrow. Once it is cleared, you will have a challenging room ahead of you.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

This room can be vicious, as there are several different enemies to deal with. If you barely move after coming down the ladder, you should be able to fight just a few enemies at a time. You can also try sniping them with magic and arrows. The real pain is when the giant demon joins in. If you are feeling adventurous, you can try two other things. One, is to run to the large door and pull the switch. This can be hard though as you can't be hit or else the animation cancels. The other is to run to the Nadalia Totem and kill it. This won't kill the enemies she has already summoned, but if you die and come back, they won't be there.

Once you are finally able to clear this chamber, proceed through the large doors and a possessed armor will spawn. Beyond that will be a cliffside path, however you will quickly be fired upon by a new mage. These mages fire lightning based magic, and should you approach them, they are capable fighters and can even teleport. This one is also protected by several Iron Knights, so if you try to approach, be ready for a fight. Your best option, should you have some available, is to fire arrows. This entire area can be a pain as there are enemies up top and some down below, so if you just fire arrows at everyone, it will make your life much easier.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

Once you deal with the ones up top, make sure to explore the ash platform down below. Some enemies will be lurking underneath, looking to jump you, but there are some good items out here, worth grabbing. Once you are done here, head towards the hallway and you can pick how to proceed. The fog door will progress you forward, however if you go down below you can find a side area. Go there and cross the chain and you will be invaded. This assassin is tucked behind the broken wall. When you fight him, he will run away if he gets near the stairs, so try to keep him in the corner.

Once you deal with him, or he runs away, you will have to descend into the tower. If you do so, you will notice the heavy dark and the curse being applied to you. There will also be enemies along the way, so your best option is to snipe them from far away. Once you have cleared some of them out, you need to rush down the stairs until you find the Nadalia Totem, and destroy it. This will life the darkness on the area. You can now safely proceed all the way to the bottom, but be warned, there are several more enemies down there.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

After dealing with that dark area, go back across the chain and enter the fog door. You will be in the bottom of the main chamber, and if you walk around the edge, you will find a bonfire. From here, head down the hall and you will enter a large chamber, with a series of paths around it. In the middle is a room full of barrels, and the outside is thin hallways filled with fire, enemies and spikes. You have to proceed around the outside, carefully, while flipping switches to open up the central chamber. Once you reach the end, open the final gate and head outside.

Before crossing the chain, look left and enter this hall. Follow it and you will open a shortcut to the bonfire, so you don't have to go through the previous room. Now go back outside, cross the chain and enter the tower. Once in this tower, you will notice that it is very dark, and in this dark lies a new enemy.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

These guys will lurk in the dark and jump at you when close. They will also explode should they get low on health or sometimes when they are close. There are torches along the left you can ignite if you desire. Once you make your way through the tunnel, go down the ladder but be prepared for a fight. There are also several doors here, but only one leads you out of the room. You should still open all of them though, as there are items behind most of them.

Once you reach the bottom, you will find a chamber full of the exploding enemies. Once you get the attention of one, all of them will chase you. The trick to killing these ones is to let them get close to each other then back away. Instead of fighting, these ones will just detonate when they are close, so lure them into blowing up then dodge away. The explosion will hurt the other ones, and eventually they will all just kill each other. Once they are dead, head back into the chamber and grab the key item, Scorching Iron Scepter . Now you can exit the room through the hallway and ride the elevator, or simply teleport back to the last bonfire you rested at, which likely is the one in the lower Brume Tower.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

From the bonfire, go to the pedestal and activate the tower. Now that all the parts are moving, you have a choice. You can take the elevator up and from there you will find two areas. One has more Smelter Wedge items, the second will have a Nadalia Totem, red phantoms, and once you are past those, the boss, Sir Alonne .

If you wish to progress through the main arc of the DLC, take the elevator that goes down. Once down, there is another elevator, but instead go down the large hallway. It will eventually open to the an ash covered plateau. When you get out there, the large iron demons will begin spawning. You will need to fight through several, but it is worth it, as this area has the Tower Key . Once you have this key, you will be able to open several of the locked doors you have come across, including the one that leads to the Iron Passage .

Ignore that area for now though. Go back to the main elevator chamber, take the next one down and walk across the path until you enter a room with a hole in the floor. Similar to an earlier spot, you will will need to kill an enemy, then jump down. Repeat this several times until you reach the bottom. If you find your having issues, use a bow to snipe the enemies from the floor above. At the bottom is a large iron demon, but once he is down you can open the door.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

This area has several enemies in it, however it can be tricky to get through as some of them, mainly the possessed armors, won't stay dead. They will revive after a short time. The other will die permanently. The best thing is to just run past them and to the elevator. Take it down, kill all the ashen knights here and you can pick up the Sorcery Clutch Ring . Once you have it, take the only way out and you will find the final area.

Here you will find several Nadalia Totems. As you walk around, large iron demons will also pop out of the ground. On the far right is the final bonfire, so make sure to head that way and light it. The fog door will lead to the final boss, the Fume Knight . Before going in there, make sure to kill as many of the Nadalia Totems that you can. If you need more, check out the Where to Find More Smelter Wedges page.

Up Next: Iron Passage

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Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron King

Dark Souls Wiki

Brume Tower

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Brume Tower is a location in Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron King .

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  • 2 Adjacent locations
  • 4.1 Respawning
  • 4.2 Non-respawning
  • 4.3 Characters
  • 6 Non-playable characters

Overview [ ]

The location is actually a number of large towers set within a volcanic wasteland setting. The towers are connected by large chains that can be walked across. The largest and central tower is a giant clockwork contraption that, once activated, sets a number of elevators in motion within the tower and surrounding area, allowing further access.

Adjacent locations [ ]

  • Memory of the Old Iron King
  • Iron Passage

Bonfires [ ]

  • Throne Floor
  • Upper Floor
  • Lowermost Floor
  • The Smelter Throne

Enemies [ ]

Respawning [ ].

  • Ashen Warrior
  • Cask Runner
  • Fume Sorcerer
  • Iron Warrior
  • Possessed Armor

Non-respawning [ ]

  • Crystal Lizard

Characters [ ]

  • Maldron the Assassin
  • Quicksword Rachel
  • Fume Knight

Non-playable characters [ ]

  • Carhillion of the Fold (summon)
  • Steelheart Ellie (summon)
  • 1 Dark Sun Gwyndolin
  • 2 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
  • 3 Furtive Pygmy

Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Old Iron King - Brume Tower, axe demons, Soul of Nadalia

Explore Brume Tower and fight groups of vicious enemies with ranged attacks and fire.

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Brume Tower

Light the bonfire then head up the small stairs and you'll come across the first Ashen Idol . Wait for the flames to subside, run up to it and use the Smelter Wedge . You will now pick up the Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash . Turn around and go down the staircase on the right.

Now go around the corner and drop onto the hanging platform. Drop down again onto a circular platform in the middle of the room and pick up two Old Growth Balm . Drop down one last time and you'll be in front of a doorway.

From here you'll need to head down the stairs and fight the first Axe Demon. Walk behind it as it ops out of the soot and get a critical blow on it before finishing it off in a fight. Once its dealt with you can take two Twilight Herbs at the end of the platform. Go the right and destroy the fallen knights as you go.

At the bottom of the hill you'll see three more Axe Demons appear. Hit them with ranged attacks if you can and you'll be able to get two or three good hits in before they come at you. If one of them leaps at you avoid the attack and circle around it to hit it from behind. Try and keep them apart to make the fight easier.

Once they're dead, go down the hill and turn right to fight another Axe Demon. Now go to the far end of the path and at the gate you'll find a Rogue Water . Go back the way you came and go through the doorway on the right. Climb down the ladder on the left and at the end of the small platform, around the circular structure, you'll find a Blackweed Balm . Pick it up for an intelligence boost and go back to the small platform and down the other ladder for a Scythe +7

If you want a few extra items here you can drop to a ledge below on the right and fight a Axe Demon and a Possessed Armour inside the balcony. At the end of the path is a chest containing a Bonfire Ascetic and two Human Effigy .

If you don't want the items just go through the doorway for 10 Prism Stones before going around the corner and opening a chest at the end of the hall for a Titanite Slab. Go down the ladder next to the chest and in the room below you'll find an Ashen Idol but not before having to fight three enemies.

At the bottom of the ladder take out the first enemy and the Ashen Idol won't activate. Once dealt with, move to the adjacent room and fight the next enemy. Stay close to the hallway and the third enemy won't attack until this one is down. Once all three are dead pick up the Dance of Fire spell.

In the Ashen Idol room kill the enemy at the far end with ranged attack. As you approach the Idol another enemy will appear (an Axe Demon) so kill it and use a Smelter Wedge to disable the Idol.

Help yourself to the Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash then pull the lever on the left to open the iron door. There's an enemy patrolling here, so kill it and go through the door and left. Two Axe Demons will spawn - kill them before taking five Lloyd's Talismans . Go back to the door and past it to the stairs, opening the door at the balcony.

Inside you'll find a bunch of enemies holding explosive barrels - they're ripe for the picking with some ranged attacks. Go left and reach the ladder to climb down and move over to the stairs. an enemy will approach from the closest room, so prepare your shield and defeat it.

Go halfway down the stairs and look left to see a enemy next to a flaming statue. Hit it with a ranged attack and there are two more enemies in a similar spot. Another ranged attack or two will take care of them. Pick up the two Goldenfruit Balms . Go into the adjacent room and left of the flaming statue. Down the ladder you'll find another enemy, then head right for another ladder.

From this position you'll see one of three enemies in the room below. Hit it with ranged attacks and it won't be able to hit you with firebombs. Climb down the ladder waiting for the other two enemies to move away from the bottom, but as you hit the bottom climb back up. the red invader will follow you but the the other won't, so you can take them both on separately.

The red invader uses a whip and throwing knives and has quite the reach, able to stun at close range. When he throws knives attack two or three times and back away, avoiding the whip. With that guy dead fight the last enemy in the room below and open the chest for a Caestus +8 . through the doorway and down the stairs you'll find a bonfire. Light it and ignore the statues as they're of no use at the moment.

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Head up the stairs. There's a door directly ahead but it doesn't open, so go left. On the right near the railing you can see into the room. There are two enemies here with bows standing near flame traps. Wait for them to fire an arrow, which will hit the railing, then move to the chest and open it for three Twinkling Titanite . Now the enemies will approach you but kill themselves on the flame traps.

Now go back to the room with the bonfire, head straight and around the corner to the right. You'll see a mist doorway here, but go left into the first alcove and there's a ladder.

Move to the alcove at the bottom right and into the corridor to the right to open the door at the end. as soon as the door opens move away and ready a ranged attack to take out the two enemies with exploding barrels. One shot should do the job.

Next to the ladder at the end of the room are three Radiant Lifegems and in the room below a bunch of enemies. Look down from the left of the ladder (be careful of the trap door) and wait for an enemy with an exploding barrel to come in to view. Hit him with a ranged attack before going any further.

You really don't want to drop down here because there's a lot of enemies, but with some patience you can hit them all with ranged attacks through the hole where the ladder is. All together you'll see four Axe Demons, a Giant Club Demon and an Ashen Idol. You'll need to climb down the ladder a bit to get them to come close, then back up to pick them off. It's not the quickest method - it takes about 5 minutes - but it's the safest.

If you're impatient/brave just head down and get stuck into the fight. Leave the Giant Club Demon until last. Just keep moving and attacking and don't stay in one spot for too long. There's another enemy in a cage just above the room on the far side throwing fire bombs. If you don't go past the rotting body on the floor you'll be out of range and you can deal with it later.

When the room is clear grab the Flame Quartz Ring +3 at the bottom of the ladder and go up to the Ashen Idol . Wait for the first burst of lava to recede then move quickly and insert the Smelter Wedge . You'll be given another Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash .

Open the door on the far side using the lever and go through to tackle a Possessed Armour with a flaming sword and bow just past the stairs. You can wait for it to fully form before hitting it with ranged attacks but if it rushes you brace for flaming sword attacks. When it's on the ground look out for an sneaky attack from it.

Go down the stairs for five Large Titanite Shards , a Human effigy , two Twinkling Titante and a Dried Root . Brace yourself as you turn the corner for a Fume Sorcerer attack. Get too close and two Axe Demons will join in - one from the front and another from behind - so try and use ranged attacks on the Fume Sorcerer. If you knock it off the cliff it will continue to attack from below, so don't think you've gotten away with finishing it off.

Further along you'll be attacked by another Fume Sorcerer. Attack with ranged weapons again and use the pillars on the path for cover. There's a Humam Effigy on the left and at the end of the path is a ladder. Climb half way down and enemies will spawn below, so climb back up and take them out with ranged weapons.

Climb down the ladder to see an invader. When it follows you, climb back up and fight it up top before climbing back down. Around the corpses in the snow you may find a few items such as a Soul of a Proud Knight but be prepared for two enemies to attack close to the wall on the left.

You now face two paths. you can go down the stairs and through the doorway on the left, or head straight through the doorway on the right. The path on the left takes you to an Alonne Greatbow +5 , a Majestic Greatsword and two Bonfire Ascetic . The path on the right takes you on to the boss fight.

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Soul of nadalia, bride of ash (fragment) | dark souls 2 wiki.

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Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (Fragment) is a consumable  Boss Soul  item in  Dark Souls 2  (DKS2) .  Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash , the remnant of the once-powerful soul of Nadalia, who abandoned her physical form and roamed Brume Tower. Seeking a king who had already departed, she, in despair, cast away her own soul, clinging instead to the relics of the old monarch. This soul exists only as a fragment and cannot be utilized in its current state.  Boss Souls  are materials used to trade for unlocking various upgrades and abilities, spells, as well as for crafting unique equipment. These  Boss Souls  are obtained by defeating the various  Bosses  of the game.

Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash, who renounced her flesh and wandered Brume Tower. When Nadalia came to this land, the king she sought was no longer there. Dispirited, she forsook her own soul and clung to the heirlooms of the old king. This is only a fragment of a soul, and cannot be used in this state.

Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (Fragment) Usage in Dark Souls 2

  • When 12 fragments are gathered the complete Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash is formed.

Dark Souls 2 Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (Fragment) Location

  • The first ashen idol is just above the stairs next to the first bonfire of Brume Tower .
  • The second one is shortly afterwards in a room you get to by a descending ladder, try to dispatch the enemies around it before approaching it, as getting near to the idol buffs the enemies.
  • The third one is in the room with the enemy throwing firebombs at you and with the big hammer-wielding enemy.
  • The fourth one is in the separate tower with the invader and the majestic greatsword near the third bonfire, it buffs enemies, revives possessed statues and curses you.
  • The fifth one is behind the locked door behind the place near the third bonfire where you put the scepter, it does the same as the one above.
  • The sixth one is in the third door from left to right in the place with the hammer-wielding enemy with four doors you can go to after activating the elevators of Brume Tower (accessed near the Upper Floor bonfire, where the Life Ring +3 is.
  • The seventh one is where you are invaded by the Prowlers, on the way to the Smelter Throne bonfire.
  • Ashen idols 8 to 11 are next to the Fume Knight battle, and can heal the boss if he approaches them.

Dark Souls 2 Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (Fragment) Notes and Tips in Dark Souls 2

  • Since one smelter wedge can be acquired after defeating Sir Alonne, an ashen idol should be skipped when encountered in order to have enough smelter wedges to destroy the four at the bottom of Brume Tower in order to make the boss fight easier. The two best ones to avoid at first are (as listed above) number 4 and 5, as they are near bonfires and can be tedious to get to.
  • Four more smelter wedges can be found up the elevator in the Foyer and then up the elevator directly ahead. Once at the top of this elevator, proceed right. You will run into Possessed Armors and Ash Knights. Once you defeat them and head up two spiral staircases, there will be a chest on your left and the exit on your right.

dark souls 2 tour de brume

Can confirm they do NOT despawn if you forget to pick them up (at least not in SOTFS). After I finished brume tower, I did the Ivory king dlc content, a bunch of other achievement hunting tasks, over the span of a week, came back to brume tower for the outcry pyro, checked every soul of nadalia location and one of them was still there on the ground waiting to be picked up.

Didn’t realize these get removed per ng cycle

I have no more smelter wedges and only 11 fragments. I've killed both Fume and Alonne and double checked their corpses. No Ashen Idols left either, but that could be excused as having missed one, though I checked that also. My only conclusion is that you can permanently miss one, one way or another. Sad.

The 6th is the one I can't find

dark souls 2 tour de brume

I thought there were 11 fragments in total when i realized there was 1 more. i stabbed all the ashen idols and defeated raime (for the 6th time, and that was like a week ago/12/19/2022). I thought i stab one ashen idol so i double checked for the ashen idol locations, but i grew lazy and searched up a video on youtube instead. I found the 12th fragment in one of the cursed rooms near the foyer bonfire and like bruh. Has this ever happened to you guys?

Skip the first ashen idol. It doesn’t buff anything that I’m aware of.

the description for point 6 is incredibly bad

F*cking troll devs... Leaving the player wondering where the last smelter wedge is. Jesus Christ, I searched the entire level from top to bottom and couldn't find another. This level is the reason why I didn't touch DS2 for 4 years after installing it. This is such bs, I can't even. Probably the worst level in the entire game. I legit thought it was a bug, thinking that maybe it didn't spawn another wedge. So the last smelter wedge is after defeating Sir Alonne, which you can only enter that armor's "memory" AFTER you defeat Fume Knight (AND you have the Ashen Mist Heart), which gets healed by the thing because of course he does, unless you read the wiki and INTENTIONALLY leave one out. So many poor design choices in this game...

dark souls 2 tour de brume

This is so damn stupid, why the last one 'stick' is dropped from the boss who you actually faces >only after defeating the Fume knight< ??? Now I'm stuck right outside his arena because i'm lack the last one of those to destroy the idol and because of that, if i enter the fog the ashen idol will keep regenerating the life bar of this bastard. "Since one smelter wedge can be acquired after defeating Sir Alonne, an ashen idol should be skipped when encountered in order to have enough smelter wedges to destroy the four at the bottom of Brume Tower in order to make the boss fight easier. The two best ones to avoid at first are (as listed above) number 4 and 5, as they are near bonfires and can be tedious to get to." But how i'm supposed to known that before? If you doesn't have any real argument and wanna say "you not supposed to know everything at the first play-through" or "try again in NG+" because you either read the wiki before playing or unintentionally skipped some idol before reaching this area so you could destroy all four before facing the f***** in black armor - don't lose your time! This damned game is broken, no wonder why so much people dislikes it the most.

They don't de-spawn, right?! I finished it the dlc and in the end I only got 11. I might've skipped 1 when I used a wedge and not picked it up, I don't know which one tho. And all my wedges have been used. Pls tell me the don't de-spawn.

How many true Nadalia's souls can get per game, can I burn 1 adversity in the bonfire and then reappear????

I have 10 fragments and 1 smelter wedge after getting all that the wiki says and beating Fume Knight and Sir Alonne, what did I miss?

I have fought him 3 times now and the fragment wont be dropped why?

If your missing MORE than one before fighting Alonne than I suggest revisiting all the previous locations. The souls should still be there even if you used the smelter wedge AND died/teleporting away, etc.

Wheres the smelter throne bonfire ??

what did Soul of Nadalia do?

the fume knight didnt drop a soul. what now?

I cheated and gave myself 99 of these fragments, the first place they will combine into the soul of Nadalia is next to the lowermost floor bonfire, in brume tower. They didn't want to combine in any other place. Also going to post this on the soul of Nadalia, someone be a good chap and add this to the wiki, please.

Every time I near one I hear faint, near inaudible whispers. If someone could tell me what she is saying that would be pretty cool

Could you guys post the locations on the ashen idol page proper? Thanks!

Just a quick pointer, if you happen to use a smelter wedge on a bride of ash and do not collect the soul whether it be through death or incompetence it will not respawn and you will be short one soul when you require it to form. This cannot be reclaimed through bonfire ascetic. As far as I know NG+ may reset key items such as this however it's certainly gonna be a fun trip now that most of my bonfires are strengthened. :D

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  • Solution complète : Lisière gelée
  • Solution complète : Serments
  • Solution complète : Personnages et Marchands Importants
  • Solution complète : Tour de Brume
  • Solution complète : Mémoire du vieux Roi de Fer
  • Solution complète : Passage de fer
  • Attention Ascète de feu


  1. Dark Souls 2 Guide

    dark souls 2 tour de brume

  2. La Tour de Brume Partie 2

    dark souls 2 tour de brume

  3. La Tour de Brume Partie 2

    dark souls 2 tour de brume

  4. Dark souls 2 (PS4)

    dark souls 2 tour de brume

  5. La tour de brume [Dark Souls II

    dark souls 2 tour de brume

  6. La Tour de Brume Partie 2

    dark souls 2 tour de brume


  1. Mouk

  2. Dark souls 2 : Comment accéder au DLC / La couronne du vieux roi de fer

  3. Dark Souls 2 guia: MUELLE DE NADIE || Gameplay, trucos y secretos de la zona || Episodio 16

  4. Where Do I GO!?

  5. Dark Souls 2

  6. Dark Souls 2


  1. La Tour de Brume Partie 1

    Avancez sur la chaine géante afin de rejoindre la Tour de Brume à proprement parler. Là-bas, allumez le feu de camp puis approchez-vous de l'idole, attendez alors la fin de sa tempête de feu pour lui enfoncer un Taillant dans le cœur, vous récupérerez ainsi le premier fragment de l'âme de Nadalia (image2). image 1. image 2.

  2. Brume Tower

    Head outside and turn left into a small doorway, at the end turn left into a small room and go up the ladder. Pull the lever to open a shortcut to the previous bonfire and pick up a Dried Root. Go back and cross the chain on the left. Enter the fog gate and kill the 5 Ashen Crawlers in that hallway.

  3. Solution complète : Tour de Brume

    Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Solution complète : Tour de Brume" du jeu Dark Souls II dans son wiki.

  4. Dark Souls II

    [ Ce guide concerne Dark Souls II, et non Dark Souls II : Scholar of the First Sin. Beaucoup d'objets et d'ennemis changent de place ce qui rend le visionnag...

  5. Brume Tower

    On the ground next to the Possessed Armor ambush, 5x Large Titanite Shard, Human Effigy, 2x Twinkling Titanite and Dried Root. A Human Effigy is in between the two Fume Sorcerers, The ashen platform underneath has some hidden items: Large Soul of a Proud Knight, Soul of a Hero and Soul of a Great Hero. Go the stairs next to a fog wall.

  6. Dark Souls 2 Guide

    Guide Français, HD et muet de Dark Souls 2

  7. Dark Souls 2 Guide

    Guide Français, HD et muet de Dark Souls 2

  8. Brume Tower kouryakubo full map english translation : r/DarkSouls2

    A community dedicated to Dark Souls 2, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One. Members Online Heide's Tower of Flame/Cathedral of Blue Recreated In Minecraft

  9. Brume Tower · HonKit

    Locate boss arenas at Brume Tower, Dark Souls II: SotFS. The Smelter Throne bonfire is located at the very top level of Brume Tower. On your way to the bonfire, you would be invaded by Prowler x 5, each of whom is similar to the Mad Warrior red phantom that occasionally spawns at the top of Belfry Sol. The first Prowler spawns near an Ashen ...

  10. Brume Tower

    Brume Tower. The Brume Tower is the central location of the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC. When you first enter the area, you will climb up some stairs and find a lot of corpses. Among them will ...

  11. brume tower tips : r/DarkSouls2

    TheHittite. A lot of things in the area are susceptible to Alluring Skulls. Keep some on your hotbar for when you get overwhelmed. Also a lot of the encounters are designed more as puzzles than brawls. Brume Tower is full of deadly traps that work both ways. Especially note that the headless giants are often found in the same areas as hollows ...

  12. Brume Tower

    Brume Tower is a location in . The location is actually a number of large towers set within a volcanic wasteland setting. The towers are connected by large chains that can be walked across. The largest and central tower is a giant clockwork contraption that, once activated, sets a number of elevators in motion within the tower and surrounding area, allowing further access. Memory of the Old ...

  13. Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Old Iron King

    Brume Tower. Light the bonfire then head up the small stairs and you'll come across the first Ashen Idol. Wait for the flames to subside, run up to it and use the Smelter Wedge. You will now pick ...

  14. Quickest route to get to brume tower? : r/DarkSouls2

    A community dedicated to Dark Souls 2, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One. ... You don't need the Iron Key but you have to get to Iron Keep anyway to kill Old Iron King and reach Brume Tower. So jumping down into the Salamander Pit doesn't help you much. Indeed, it's more difficult to run past the two salamanders on top ...

  15. Brume_ps4

    Head outside and turn left into a small doorway, at the end turn left into a small room and go up the ladder. Pull the lever to open a shortcut to the previous bonfire and pick up a Dried Root. Go back and cross the chain on the left. Enter the fog gate and kill the 5 Ashen Crawlers in that hallway.

  16. Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (fragment)

    Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash (Fragment) is a consumable Boss Soul item in Dark Souls 2 (DKS2). Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash, the remnant of the once-powerful soul of Nadalia, who abandoned her physical form and roamed Brume Tower.Seeking a king who had already departed, she, in despair, cast away her own soul, clinging instead to the relics of the old monarch.

  17. Location of Brume Tower? : r/DarkSouls2

    A community dedicated to Dark Souls 2, game released for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One. ... Considering we enter to brume tower via shrine near Old Iron King fight, Im going to assume that it is the location of where brume tower might have been or near the proximity of brume tower before everything is engulfed in flames. Idk much ...

  18. Solution complète de Dark Souls 2, guide, tutos, astuces

    Forum. Bienvenue sur le sommaire de notre solution complète de Dark Souls 2. Découvrez nos guides et tutos pour créer votre personnage ainsi que nos conseils et astuces pour venir à bout des ...

  19. Dark Souls 2 #24 : Découverte du DLC 2

    Live du 22/07/22- Chaîne Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/savun- Chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmCLlnZfSe93AoSGc03l7eA- Twitter : https://t...

  20. What's up with brume tower? : r/DarkSouls2

    Poison is your friend in Brume! You mean the big room with giant and the idol? You can chase some of the barrel hollows through the trap doors and then blow them up with fire arrows, or just shoot the enemies directly. Should be able to kill most of them that way, and then you can rush the idol.

  21. Brume Tower DLC cursed room : r/DarkSouls2

    Brume Tower DLC cursed room. This is, if reading this through doesnt tell you, my first playthrough of the DLC in dark souls 2 and ive encountered this room behind a heavy door thats in the same room as the foyer bonfire. Now the enemies are fine (albeit the dark does make it quite tricky) but there is a rapid curse build up and upon peeking ...

  22. Brume tower is absolute bullshit... : r/DarkSouls2

    Especially Dark Souls II (SOTFS) has so many damn bosses. I believe out of all the three Dark Souls there is; it's the second one that has the most bosses (but definitely not all are necessary to kill). Now I gotta tell you quantity doesn't mean quality necessarily. But most of the bosses are pretty good! Some are content fillers or rehashes of ...