salt travel roaming

Roaming-Zonen & -Tarife.

Nachfolgend findest Du die Zonen und geltenden Tarife für die Nutzung Deines Handys im Ausland außerhalb der Schweiz und Liechtenstein.

Wir unterteilen Länder in 4 Zonen: EUROPE, TRAVEL, WORLD und FAR.

Diese Zonen bestimmen den Preis, den Du für die Nutzung Deines Handys im Ausland bezahlst.

Nachfolgend findest Du die komplette Länderliste pro Zone.  


Andorra, Belgien, Dänemark*, Deutschland, Färöer-Inseln, Finnland, Frankreich* (inklusive Korsika), Gibraltar, Griechenland, Grossbritannien* (Kanalinseln nicht inbegriffen: Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man), Irland, Island, Italien, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Niederlande*, Norwegen* (inklusive Spitzbergen), Österreich, Polen, Portugal (inklusive Madeira und Azoren), Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Spanien (inklusive Kanarische Inseln und Balearen), Tschechien, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt, Zypern.


Argentinien, Australien*, Bangladesch, Brasilien, Bulgarien, Chile, China*, Dominikanische Republik, Estland, Hongkong, Indien, Japan, Kanada, Katar, Kolumbien, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malaysia, Mexiko, Neuseeland*, Peru, Republik Südafrika, Saudi-Arabien, Singapur, Slowenien, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkei, USA* (inklusive Alaska und Hawaii), Vereinigte Arabische Emirate.

Ägypten, Albanien, Algerien, Amerikanische Jungferninseln, Äquatorialguinea, Armenien, Aruba, Bahrain, Belarus, Bermuda, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Botswana, Britische Jungferninseln, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Ecuador, El Salvador, Elfenbeinküste, Fidschi, Französische Antillen und Französisch-Guayana, Gabun, Georgien, Ghana, Grönland**, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesien, Irak, Israel, Jordanien, Kambodscha, Kamerun, Kanalinseln (Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man), Kap Verde, Kasachstan, Kenia, Kirgisistan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Macau, Madagaskar, Malawi, Moldova, Mongolei, Montenegro, Mosambik, Nicaragua, Niger, Nordmazedonien, Oman, Pakistan, Philippinen, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Ruanda, Russland, Sint Maarten, Saint-Pierre und Miquelon, Sambia, Senegal, Serbien, Seychellen, Sri Lanka, Südkorea, Tadschikistan, Trinidad und Tobago, Tschad, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Afghanistan, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua und Barbuda, Aserbaidschan, Äthiopien, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bonaire, Burundi, Cayman Islands, Cookinseln, Curaçao, Dominica, Dschibuti, Eswatini, Französisch-Polynesien, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iran, Jamaika, Jemen, Komoren, Kongo, Kuba***, Lesotho, Libanon, Liberia, Libyen, Malediven, Mali, Marokko, Mauretanien, Mauritius, Montserrat, Myanmar, Namibia***, Nepal, Neukaledonien, Nigeria, Osttimor, Palästinensische Gebiete, Panama, Papua-Neuguinea, Paraguay, Saba, Salomoninseln, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Simbabwe, Somalia, St. Kitts und Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Sudan, Südsudan, Surinam, Syrien, Tansania, Togo, Tonga, Tunesien, Turkmenistan, Turks- und Caicosinseln, Uganda, Usbekistan, Vanuatu, Wallis und Futuna, Zentralafrikanische Republik.

Tarife für Roaming-Anrufe und -SMS.

Die nachfolgenden Tarife gelten für die Nutzung von Anrufen, SMS und Internet im Ausland, die nicht in den Inklusivleistungen Deines Salt Abos oder Deiner Talk-/Internetoption inbegriffen ist.

Eingehende Anrufe werden im Sekundentakt abgerechnet. Für ausgehende Anrufe werden Dir mindestens 30 Sekunden berechnet, danach erfolgt die Abrechnung im Sekundentakt. Der Gesamtbetrag wird auf die nächsten zehn Rappen aufgerundet.

*Alle Preise sind in CHF inkl. MwSt. ausgewiesen. Die Abrechnung erfolgt pro MB. **FAR-Zone: die Internetverbindung ist standardmässig gesperrt. Um auf das Internet zuzugreifen, können Sie Data Packs kaufen.

Das Datenvolumen und die Internetgeschwindigkeit hängen von Deinem Abo-Typ ab: Europe, Europe XXL, Europe XXL Young, World: unbegrenztes Internet (inkl. 40 GB mit High Speed, danach Drosselung auf 128 kbit/s) in der EUROPE-Zone. Europe Data: unbegrenztes Internet (inkl. 20 GB mit High Speed, danach Drosselung auf 128 kbit/s) in der EUROPE-Zone. Internet Travel Data: unbegrenztes Internet (inkl. 10 GB mit High Speed, danach Drosselung auf 128 kbit/s) in der TRAVEL-Zone.

* Data DayPass-Informationen

Roaming-Tarife für Premium- & Kurznummern.

Die Roaming-Tarife für Anrufe von Premiumnummern, Kurznummern und Sondernummern (ausgenommen Notrufnummern) werden vom Provider der Nummer festgelegt. Die Preise sind in keinem Mobile-Abo enthalten und werden zusätzlich berechnet. Du kannst alle Premiumnummern hier  finden.

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Salt Launches Unlimited Roaming Plan

Salt is launching a revamped version of its Plus Europe mobile plan. The biggest update: Unlimited data roaming in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. In this review, telecom expert Ralf Beyeler analyzes the new Salt plan.

From February 12, 2019, Salt is offering a new version of the Plus Europe mobile plan . The most important change to the plan affects roaming allowances. Users now benefit from unlimited data roaming in Europe, the U.S. and Canada. Formerly, the plan only included a 4-gigabyte data roaming allowance.

The plan now costs 89.95 Swiss francs per month – 95 centimes per month more than the pre-update price. However, Salt currently has a promotional offer by which new customers can get the plan for 69.95 francs per month instead of the standard 89.95 francs per month, with no minimum required term. Existing customers who are willing and able to extend their contract can migrate to the new mobile plan.

Salt explained to that the plan includes unlimited data roaming. However, the mobile operator maintains a fair use policy. Mobile users must agree to limit their usage of the plan to a somewhat vague “normal use” when they sign up for the Salt plan.

As before, the plan includes unlimited calls within all Swiss networks and unlimited mobile data use within Switzerland in its flat fee. The plan also includes unlimited international calls from Switzerland to Europe, Canada and the U.S. in the flat fee.

Verdict by telecom expert Ralf Beyeler

Salt is responding to Swisscom’s announcement of its new mobile plans two weeks ago. From February 25, 2019, Swisscom is offering a new inOne mobile go plan. With a flat fee of 80 francs per month, this new Swisscom plan includes 40 gigabytes of data roaming in Europe.

At the standard price (not the promotional offer), the Salt plan costs around 10 francs more per month than the Swisscom plan. But Salt’s plan does not limit data speed, offer unlimited data roaming (Swisscom has a 40-gigabyte allowance), and includes unlimited international calls in its flat fee.

Another difference is that the Plus Europe plan from Salt includes roaming in the U.S. and Canada in addition to Europe, whereas Swisscom’s inOne mobile go plan only includes roaming in Europe. Swisscom’s plan, for its part, includes 100 megabytes per month of data roaming outside of Europe. Though small, this allowance is valid for most countries around the world.

Like other plans which include data roaming allowances, the Plus Europe plan is a niche product designed for mobile users who frequently travel abroad. If you only occasionally go abroad on vacations or for long weekends, the Plus Europe plan will not give you the best value for money. Getting a plan which has a low base fee and does not include roaming allowances is a better financial move. You can then simply purchase a data roaming bundle or a roaming option ahead of traveling abroad.

What is surprising is the fact that Salt has not updated its Plus World plan in response to Swisscom’s launching of the inOne mobile premium plan. This Swisscom plan includes: 100 gigabytes of data roaming in Europe, the U.S. and Canada; 10 gigabytes of data roaming in some other countries (including Australia and Thailand); and 1 gigabyte of data roaming in certain other countries (including Costa Rica and Vietnam). By contrast, the Salt Plus World plan includes 5 gigabytes of data roaming in Europe and the U.S. and 1 gigabyte of data roaming in 170 other countries.

More on this topic: Interactive Swiss mobile plan comparison

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Sunrise, Salt, Swisscom Roaming Tariffs Compared

As of this week, most Swiss telecommunications providers will apply new roaming tariffs. A current comparison shows that the legal adjustments can not only be positive for customers. This comparison with two usage profiles shows surcharges of up to 80% compared to the previous costs. With some providers, choosing the right additional option can also make it cheaper. Switzerland roaming tariffs

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After Swisscom announced changes to the roaming tariffs on July 1, 2021 due to the revision of the Telecommunications Act , Salt and Sunrise UPC, as well as the subsidiary brands, are communicating the new tariffs today. Oliver Zadori from received and analyzed the tariffs in advance.

Additional options are now valid for longer – but often more expensive

All options that contain a certain data volume or a certain number of minutes must now be valid for at least 12 months. Salt is introducing a new annual data package in addition to the existing ones. For the EU, it contains 10 GB and costs CHF 99.95. At Yallo and Lebara , data packages with a certain volume are no longer available; there are only unlimited flat rate options with up to 10, respectively. 60 gigabytes of high-speed data volume. Cost: CHF 15.- for three days or CHF 45.- for 30 days. Sunrise and Aldi Mobile are sticking to data packages, increasing the prices and the period of validity to one year. At UPC, only the validity changes from one month to one year, at the same price.

Billing per second for telephony and new prices

Calls are no longer rounded up to the full minute but billed every second (outgoing from half a minute) and rounded to 10 cents. This can mean a cost reduction for many calls. With Swisscom, UPC, Aldi Mobile and Salt, the call tariffs remain the same. Sunrise, Wingo, M-Budget, Coop Mobile are raising the standard minute rates, however, while Yallo and Lebara have lowered them. Despite the new clocking, longer calls without a suitable additional option can also become more expensive.

Comparison: 2 GB data volume in the EU Switzerland roaming tariffs

The table below compares the costs with the old and new models from some providers. It was assumed that this sample user is on vacation for a week in an EU country and wants to use 2 GB of data. Phone calls are only made via apps. Since most of the new data packages are valid for one year, it can be worthwhile to buy a larger data package because it can be used later. Therefore, the second part of the table shows how this can affect the costs if, for example, one week vacation can be taken in summer and again in autumn.  One week

salt travel roaming

Twice a week If, for example, the 5 GB data package were purchased at Sunrise, which can also be used at a later point in time, the costs would be the same as previously for two 3 GB units. With Yallo and Lebara, the price surcharge of 50% remains as this unlimited data option is only valid for 30 days. The additional costs for Salt, Wingo, M-Budget and Aldi are now almost the same at around CHF 59. By far the most expensive provider with CHF 240.- for 4 GB is UPC. In fairness, it must be pointed out that a subscription with unlimited roaming telephony and 10 GB data volume is available for CHF 39.90 a month.

Comparison: 500 MB data volume and telephony in the EU Switzerland roaming tariffs

In order to make the effects of the new second cycle and any surcharges for the minute tariffs visible, the second comparison also took moderate telephony into account in addition to the data usage of 500 MB. For this purpose, six incoming calls to an EU country, each 1.5 minutes each and four outgoing calls to Switzerland each 2.5 minutes, as well as 3 SMS were charged.  One week  Due to the new options, the assumed roaming use will be 17% cheaper with Aldi Mobile and 8% cheaper with Sunrise. With the new frequency of seconds, Swisscom will be 7% cheaper, Salt and UPC around 3% cheaper. Due to the recently increased minute tariffs, the usage profile for Wingo is 1.4% more expensive and for M-Budget it is 14% more expensive.  Twice a week

salt travel roaming

With Aldi Mobile, the effect of the longer period of validity is now visible, so the assumed use now only costs half as before. The longer duration also has a positive effect on Swisscom, Wingo and Sunrise. 20% and 22% arises. M-Budget is slightly cheaper by almost 11%, UPC by 7% and Salt by 3%. The offers from Yallo and Lebara are also 66% more expensive for this profile, as before, because only an unlimited data option and no data packages with a few gigabytes are available anymore.

Roaming subscriptions are worthwhile for frequent users

If you travel often, you should take a look at the mobile phone subscriptions with roaming volume included. Up until now, these have been relatively expensive. However, due to the numerous promotional prices, these subscriptions are becoming more and more affordable and some of them are now cheaper than pure Swiss flat-rate offers a few years ago. For example, a campaign subscription with unlimited EU roaming is still available today for CHF 32.-. The tariff calculator from contains the daily updated special offers and conveniently finds the cheapest offers for any desired use.

The most popular brands that have already communicated new tariffs or conditions have been selected. Two different usage profiles were defined, each for use, for example, for holidays during a single week. In order to examine the effect of the longer valid additional options, a second evaluation was carried out in which an additional week of use within the same year was assumed. The costs relate to the most optimal additional options. The information relates to mobile phone subscriptions (with the exception of Aldi Mobile). Prepaid offers with partially different tariffs were not taken into account. The additional costs apply exclusively to subscriptions that do not contain an inclusive roaming volume.

Conclusion Switzerland roaming tariffs

This comparison does not necessarily show the cheapest option for frequent roaming use, because subscriptions with roaming services included were not taken into account. The main aim is to show the differences in costs due to the numerous changes. As can be seen in the comparison tables, roaming use can now be cheaper but also more expensive, depending on the provider. With Sunrise, Wingo, Salt and Aldi Mobile, the roaming data packages have generally become more expensive due to the longer duration. However, since they are valid for one year, they can also be used longer and could reduce costs depending on usage behavior.

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How Do I Turn On International Roaming

Published: December 15, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Shawn Goddard

  • Travel Tips



Welcome to the world of international travel! Exploring different countries and experiencing new cultures can be an exciting and enriching adventure. However, when it comes to staying connected while abroad, many travelers find themselves puzzled by the concept of international roaming.

International roaming allows you to use your mobile phone and enjoy the same services you have back home while you are traveling outside of your country. This means you can make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, and use data services like email, social media, and browsing the internet.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of turning on international roaming on your mobile device. We will cover the necessary steps, tips, and considerations to ensure a smooth roaming experience. Whether you are embarking on a business trip, a vacation, or an international adventure, this guide will help you stay connected and avoid any unexpected surprises.

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to mention that international roaming charges can be substantial. It’s essential to keep an eye on your usage and manage your costs effectively while roaming. We will also provide tips on how to minimize costs and avoid bill shock.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the power of international roaming and stay connected wherever your travels take you, let’s get started! Follow our guide to ensure a seamless and stress-free roaming experience.

Understanding International Roaming

Before we delve into the steps of turning on international roaming, it’s essential to understand the concept and how it works. When you travel outside your home country, your mobile phone needs to connect to a foreign network to access voice, text, and data services. This process is called international roaming.

International roaming is made possible through partnerships between mobile service providers around the world. These partnerships allow your mobile device to connect to a foreign network and use their services as if you were still in your home country.

When you make or receive a call, send a text message, or use data services while roaming, your mobile service provider processes and routes these communications through the foreign network. The foreign network then sends the data back to your provider, who charges you accordingly.

It’s important to note that international roaming charges can vary significantly depending on your mobile service provider and the country you are visiting. Rates can be higher for voice calls, text messages, and data usage compared to what you would typically pay while in your home country.

In addition to the potential cost implications, it’s also worth considering that roaming services may operate differently in terms of network coverage and available services. While most countries offer roaming services, there may be exceptions or limitations in remote areas or regions with weak network infrastructure.

Now that we have a basic understanding of international roaming, let’s move on to the steps you need to follow to turn it on and enjoy seamless connectivity while abroad.

Steps to Turn On International Roaming

Turning on international roaming on your mobile device is a straightforward process that can be done in a few simple steps. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:

  • Contact your mobile service provider: Before traveling, it’s important to contact your mobile service provider to ensure that your device and plan are compatible with international roaming. They can provide you with information about available plans, rates, and any restrictions that may apply while traveling.
  • Check mobile network compatibility: Different countries use different mobile network technologies. It’s crucial to verify that your mobile device is compatible with the networks used in the country you are traveling to. You can usually find this information on your device manufacturer’s website or by contacting your mobile service provider.
  • Activate international roaming through your phone settings: Once you have confirmed that your device and plan are compatible, you can proceed to activate international roaming. Go to your phone’s settings menu and look for the “Network” or “Mobile Networks” section. There, you should find an option to enable international roaming. Toggle this option to turn it on.
  • Enable data roaming: If you want to use data services such as email, social media, or web browsing while abroad, you also need to enable data roaming. In the same “Network” or “Mobile Networks” section of your phone settings, you will find an option to enable data roaming. Make sure to toggle this option as well.
  • Restart your device: After enabling international roaming and data roaming, it’s a good idea to restart your mobile device. This helps to ensure that the changes take effect properly and that your device can connect to the foreign network.

Once you have completed these steps, your mobile device should be ready to connect to foreign networks and use voice, text, and data services while abroad. However, it’s important to keep in mind that activating international roaming may incur additional charges, so it’s crucial to monitor your usage and manage costs effectively.

In the next sections, we will provide tips on minimizing costs and managing your usage while roaming. We will also address common troubleshooting issues that you may encounter. So, stay tuned!

Checking Mobile Network Compatibility

One of the crucial steps in turning on international roaming is to ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the mobile networks in the country you are visiting. Different countries utilize different network technologies, and not all devices support every network type. Here’s how you can check the compatibility of your mobile device:

  • Consult your device manufacturer’s website: Most device manufacturers provide detailed information about the network compatibility of their devices on their websites. Visit the website of your device manufacturer and look for the specifications or technical details section. Here, you should find information about the network types and frequencies that your device supports.
  • Contact your mobile service provider: Your mobile service provider can also assist you in determining the compatibility of your device. Reach out to their customer support and provide them with the make and model of your mobile device. They will be able to inform you if your device can connect to the networks in the country you plan to visit.
  • Research the network technologies in the country: Conduct some research on the mobile network technologies used in the country you are traveling to. Common technologies include GSM, CDMA, and LTE. Check if your device supports these network types. Additionally, some countries may utilize specific frequency bands for their networks, so ensure that your device supports those frequencies as well.

By following these steps, you can determine if your mobile device is compatible with the mobile networks in the country you plan to visit. If your device is not compatible, you may need to consider alternatives such as renting a local phone or purchasing a SIM card for that particular country.

Remember, network compatibility is essential for a seamless and uninterrupted roaming experience. Ensuring that your device can connect to the local networks will allow you to make calls, send messages, and use data services without any issues.

In the next section, we will discuss how to contact your mobile service provider to inquire about international roaming plans and rates.

Contacting Your Mobile Service Provider

Before embarking on your international journey, it is crucial to get in touch with your mobile service provider to inquire about international roaming plans and rates. By contacting them, you can gather all the necessary information to make informed decisions about your roaming options. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Locate the customer service contact: Look for the customer service contact details of your mobile service provider. This information can typically be found on their website or on your monthly billing statement. You can also try searching online or calling their general customer service hotline.
  • Prepare the relevant information: Before contacting your mobile service provider, gather all the necessary information, such as your account details, the dates of your trip, and the countries you will be visiting. Having this information on hand will help the customer service representative provide you with accurate and tailored information.
  • Call or message customer service: Depending on the service options provided by your mobile service provider, you can either call their customer service hotline or initiate a chat or message through their website or mobile app. Explain to the representative that you are planning to travel internationally and inquire about their international roaming plans and rates.
  • Ask about available roaming plans: Inquire about any specific international roaming plans or packages offered by your mobile service provider. These plans are designed to provide you with cost-effective options for staying connected while abroad. Ask for details about the pricing, included services, and validity periods of these plans.
  • Understand the roaming rates: If there are no specific roaming plans available, ask about the standard roaming rates for voice calls, text messages, and data usage in the countries you will be visiting. Take note of these rates to have an idea of the potential costs and to help you plan your usage accordingly.
  • Discuss any restrictions or limitations: Check whether there are any restrictions or limitations on your roaming usage. Providers may have fair usage policies or caps on data usage to prevent excessive charges. Make sure to understand these policies to avoid any surprises.
  • Consider alternative options: If the roaming plans or rates offered by your mobile service provider are not suitable for your needs, ask if there are any alternative options, such as purchasing a local SIM card or using a mobile hotspot device. These options may provide more flexibility and cost savings, especially for extended stays or frequent international travelers.

By contacting your mobile service provider and gathering all the necessary information, you can make informed decisions about international roaming plans and choose the option that best suits your needs and budget.

In the next section, we will guide you through the process of activating international roaming through your phone settings.

Activating International Roaming through Your Phone Settings

Once you have checked the compatibility of your mobile device and gathered information from your mobile service provider, it’s time to activate international roaming through your phone settings. This process may vary slightly depending on your device and operating system, but the general steps are as follows:

  • Open the settings menu: Locate the settings app on your phone’s home screen or app drawer and tap on it to open the settings menu.
  • Find the network or mobile networks option: Look for the section in the settings menu that corresponds to network or mobile networks options. This may vary depending on your device, but it is usually located under the “Connections,” “Wireless & networks,” or “Network & internet” section.
  • Enable international roaming: Within the network or mobile networks options, you should find a toggle or checkbox to enable international roaming. Tap on this option to turn it on.
  • Enable data roaming: If you want to use data services while roaming, make sure to enable data roaming as well. Look for a separate toggle or checkbox specifically for data roaming and toggle it on.
  • Save the changes: Once you have enabled international roaming and data roaming, navigate to the bottom of the settings menu and look for a “Save,” “Apply,” or “Done” button. Tap on it to save the changes.
  • Restart your device: To ensure that the changes take effect properly, it is recommended to restart your device after activating international roaming. This will help your device connect to the foreign network and establish a stable connection.

Upon completing these steps, your phone should now be set up to connect to foreign networks and use voice, text, and data services while roaming. Remember that enabling international roaming may result in additional charges, so it’s important to monitor your usage and manage costs effectively.

It’s worth noting that the exact location of the network or mobile networks options may vary depending on the make and model of your device and the operating system version. If you’re having trouble finding these settings, refer to your device’s user manual or search online for specific instructions.

In the next section, we will discuss the importance of enabling data roaming and provide tips on managing your costs and usage while roaming.

Enabling Data Roaming

Enabling data roaming is an essential step if you want to use internet services such as email, social media, and web browsing while traveling internationally. By activating data roaming, you allow your mobile device to connect to foreign networks and access data services. Here’s how you can enable data roaming on your device:

  • Open the settings menu: Access the settings app on your device by locating it on the home screen or app drawer.
  • Find the network or mobile networks options: Look for the section in the settings menu that corresponds to network or mobile network settings. Depending on your device, it may be listed as “Connections,” “Wireless & networks,” or “Network & internet.”
  • Enable data roaming: Within the network or mobile network settings, look for the option to enable data roaming. It may be presented as a toggle switch or a checkbox. Toggle this option to the “on” position to enable data roaming.
  • Save the changes: Once you have enabled data roaming, navigate to the bottom of the settings menu and tap on the “Save,” “Apply,” or “Done” button to save the changes.
  • Restart your device: To ensure that the changes take effect properly, it is recommended to restart your device. This will help your device connect to the foreign network and establish a stable data connection.

Enabling data roaming is crucial for accessing data services while you are abroad. However, it’s important to note that using data services while roaming can result in significant charges, as data roaming rates are typically higher than what you are accustomed to in your home country. Therefore, it’s vital to manage your data usage effectively and take steps to avoid bill shock.

Here are some tips for managing your data usage while roaming:

  • Connect to Wi-Fi whenever possible: Look for Wi-Fi networks in your travel destination, such as at hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Connecting to Wi-Fi networks allows you to use data-intensive services without incurring additional roaming charges.
  • Disable automatic app updates and backups: Automatic app updates and cloud backups can consume a significant amount of data. Disable these features or set them to Wi-Fi only to prevent excessive data usage while roaming.
  • Monitor your data usage: Check your device’s data usage settings or download a data monitoring app to keep an eye on your usage. Set data usage limits or specific warnings to stay within your desired data cap.
  • Manage app data usage: Some apps, especially social media and video streaming apps, can consume a large amount of data. Adjust the settings of these apps to reduce data usage, such as disabling auto-play videos or selecting lower quality settings.
  • Pre-load maps and offline content: Before leaving your home country, pre-load maps and save content such as articles, documents, and videos for offline use. This way, you can access them without requiring an internet connection while roaming.
  • Use data-saving modes: Many smartphones have built-in data-saving modes that restrict background data usage and optimize overall data consumption. Enable these modes to minimize data usage while still staying connected.

By following these tips and being mindful of your data usage, you can use data services while roaming without breaking the bank. Remember to periodically check your data usage and adjust your settings as needed to ensure a smooth and cost-effective roaming experience.

In the next section, we will discuss how to manage costs and usage while roaming and provide tips on avoiding bill shock.

Managing Costs and Usage while Roaming

Roaming charges can add up quickly, but with some careful planning and management, you can avoid bill shock and keep your mobile expenses in check during your international travels. Here are some tips for managing costs and usage while roaming:

  • Understand your roaming plan: If your mobile service provider offers specific roaming plans, make sure to familiarize yourself with the details. Take note of any included allowances, such as a certain number of minutes, texts, or data, and be aware of any overage charges if you exceed those limits. Understanding the terms of your plan will help you make informed decisions about your usage.
  • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible: Connect to Wi-Fi networks whenever they are available to avoid using cellular data. Utilize Wi-Fi at hotels, cafes, restaurants, and other public spaces. This will help you save on roaming data charges, especially for data-intensive activities like video streaming or large file downloads.
  • Be mindful of data usage: Data usage can quickly rack up charges while roaming. Disable automatic app updates and opt for manually updating apps when connected to Wi-Fi. Avoid streaming high-definition videos unless necessary, and limit background data usage for apps that may eat up your data without your knowledge.
  • Opt for messaging instead of calling: International calling charges can be substantial while roaming. Consider using messaging and chat apps like WhatsApp, Viber, or iMessage to communicate with friends and family back home. These apps use data for messaging instead of minutes, making them a cost-effective alternative.
  • Download maps and guidebooks offline: Before you travel, download offline maps or guidebooks on your device. This way, you can access important information without requiring an internet connection while roaming. This can save you from data charges incurred while using navigation or searching for information online.
  • Consider purchasing a local SIM card: If you have an unlocked device, buying a local SIM card in the country you’re visiting can often be more cost-effective than using international roaming. This allows you to get a local phone number and access local rates for calls, texts, and data. Research local mobile service providers in advance to find the best options.
  • Keep track of your usage: Monitor your usage regularly to stay on top of your expenses. Check your mobile service provider’s app or website to see your usage details, including calls, texts, and data consumption. Set usage alerts or reminders to ensure you don’t exceed your limits or spend more than anticipated.
  • Use VoIP services for international calls: Instead of making direct international calls, consider using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services like Skype, Google Voice, or FaceTime Audio. These services allow you to make calls over the internet, potentially saving you money compared to traditional international calling rates.
  • Consider an international SIM card or global roaming plan: If you travel frequently or need reliable international connectivity, consider investing in an international SIM card or a global roaming plan. These options often provide competitive rates and coverage in multiple countries, making them convenient for frequent travelers.

By following these tips and being mindful of your mobile usage, you can effectively manage costs and keep your expenses under control while roaming. Always check with your mobile service provider for specific details on roaming offers, rates, and any associated terms and conditions to ensure a smooth and cost-effective experience.

In the next section, we will address common troubleshooting issues that may arise while roaming and how to resolve them.

Troubleshooting Roaming Issues

While international roaming is designed to provide seamless connectivity while traveling, there may be instances where you encounter issues or face challenges. Let’s explore some common roaming issues and how to troubleshoot them:

No network coverage:

If you find yourself in an area with no network coverage or weak signal, try the following:

  • Manually switch networks: Go to your phone’s network settings and try manually selecting a different network. This can sometimes help you connect to a stronger or more compatible network in the area.
  • Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve network connection issues. Power off your device, wait a few seconds, and then power it back on.

Unable to make or receive calls:

If you’re experiencing difficulties making or receiving calls while roaming, try the following steps:

  • Check your account status: Ensure that your account with your mobile service provider is active and in good standing. Confirm that you haven’t reached any call or usage limits that may be affecting your ability to make or receive calls while roaming.
  • Check for call forwarding settings: Verify that call forwarding is disabled on your device. Some devices have call forwarding settings that may need to be adjusted while roaming to ensure calls are directed to the correct number.

Data connectivity issues:

If you’re having trouble connecting to data services while roaming, consider these troubleshooting steps:

  • Enable data roaming: Ensure that data roaming is enabled in your device settings. Without data roaming enabled, you may not be able to access data services while abroad.
  • Confirm APN settings: Access the Access Point Name (APN) settings on your device and verify that they are correctly configured for your mobile service provider. Incorrect APN settings can prevent data connectivity while roaming.

Unexpected charges:

If you receive a bill with unexpected roaming charges, take the following actions:

  • Contact your mobile service provider: Reach out to your provider’s customer service and inquire about the charges. Ask for a detailed breakdown of the charges and clarification on the usage that led to those charges. They may be able to provide explanations or suggest solutions to address the situation.
  • Review your usage: Double-check your own data usage records to see if there are any discrepancies. Confirm that you’ve been using data, making calls, or sending messages within your planned usage limits.

Lost or stolen device:

If your device gets lost or stolen while roaming, take immediate action:

  • Contact your mobile service provider: Inform your provider about the situation and request to suspend your service temporarily. They can help prevent unauthorized usage and guide you on the next steps, such as getting a replacement device or SIM card.
  • Contact local authorities: Report the loss or theft to the local authorities in the country you’re visiting. They can assist you with filing a police report, which may be required for insurance claims or other documentation.

If you encounter any other issues while roaming, reach out to your mobile service provider for assistance. They can offer specific troubleshooting steps or escalate the issue to their technical support team if needed. Remember to keep your provider’s contact information handy while traveling for easy access to support when required.

In the final section, we will conclude our guide on turning on international roaming and offer some closing thoughts.

Congratulations! You have now learned the essential steps to turn on international roaming on your mobile device and manage your connectivity while traveling abroad. By understanding the concept of international roaming, checking mobile network compatibility, contacting your mobile service provider, and activating roaming through your phone settings, you are well on your way to staying connected no matter where your adventures take you.

Remember to be mindful of the potential costs associated with roaming and take proactive steps to manage your usage effectively. Use Wi-Fi whenever available, monitor your data usage, and consider alternative options such as local SIM cards or global roaming plans to optimize your connectivity while minimizing expenses.

Should you encounter any issues while roaming, troubleshoot them with the tips we provided or seek assistance from your mobile service provider. They are there to support you and ensure a smooth and enjoyable roaming experience.

Finally, have a fantastic time exploring new destinations, staying connected with loved ones, and making the most of your international travels. By following this guide, you can confidently navigate the world of international roaming and enjoy seamless connectivity wherever you go.

Safe travels!


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Travel Trip Ahead? Dodge Mobile Roaming Charges With These Tips

Adventure is out there, but don't let skyrocketing phone charges add to the danger -- just follow our advice.

salt travel roaming

Traveling and want to avoid roaming charges? There are alternatives to racking up pay-per-text fees when vacationing abroad.

Modern travel sees great benefits from the tech tools in our pockets. Anyone can download a few smartphone apps (many of them free) to reserve hotel rooms, navigate cities, translate signs through the camera, and, with the latest AI-driven apps, even translate conversations in real time. 

But those fancy phone features require a data connection, which typically costs extra through roaming charges when you're outside your home network. Here's how to avoid such charges.

Read more: Best Phone to buy for 2024

First and foremost, you'll want to understand how pricey those extra charges are, or whether you'll be traveling to a region that's cheaper or free with your carrier. Some mobile carriers have partnered with carriers in other countries for more-affordable roaming or even free service, albeit with some restrictions. For instance, some plans, like T-Mobile's Essentials, have free service in Canada and Mexico, though only at slow "2G" and "3G"-like speeds, so don't expect to stream lots of video with that connection. 

But traveling to most countries will require you to pay mobile roaming charges if you try to use data services, make voice calls, or send text messages on your phone as normal. If that's your plan, check out our guide for the best travel phone plans. 

If you want to avoid mobile roaming charges, keep the following tips in mind.

A man and woman stand posed to take a selfie in front of a cathedral in Spain.

Set up mobile service ahead of time

Some carriers will let you pick traveling service options ahead of time, which can include daily, weekly or monthly flat fees to get service from partner carriers in other countries. You can wait until you arrive at your destination and wait to be prompted to select your chosen service, but you can set it up ahead of time. Note that some carriers will simply default you to these services rather than charge you higher roaming fees, though it's worth confirming before you travel.

These international plans are pretty convenient, though some may come with caveats like being deprioritized behind other carrier customers, meaning you'll get lower speeds during peak traffic times. Check the fine print of each travel plan to know its restrictions and what you may need to pay for extra service.

Verizon's international plans start pretty simple, with $10 a day getting you 2GB per day of high-speed data and unlimited 3G-speeds data thereafter, as well as free voice calls and texting, in over 210 countries. That plan is discounted to $5 per day in Canada and Mexico. 

If you have one of the carrier's latest plans, known as Unlimited Plus and Unlimited Welcome, you'll get these features included for Canada and Mexico. Folks with Verizon's top Unlimited Ultimate option will get this international data for Canada and Mexico as well as for more than 210 countries. 

salt travel roaming

AT&T has a similar $10-per-day travel plan for unlimited data, voice calls and text. The data counts against your usual plan's allowance; going over will result in a charge and/or reduced download speeds of a super slow 2G-like connection. If you don't sign up for this plan, traditional roaming fees kick in, charging per text message, megabyte of data and minute of voice calling. 

Unlimited data for Canada and Mexico is included in AT&T's main Unlimited plans, while the carrier's Unlimited Premium PL and Unlimited Elite plans also allow unlimited data in 20 Latin American countries.

T-Mobile has its own international plans with unlimited calling, though they're pretty modest with data, starting at $5 per day for half a gigabyte of downloaded data. But keep in mind that the carrier's standard plans also include some international data allowances.

The basic Magenta and Go5G plans offer up to 10GB of high-speed data a month in Canada and Mexico, and once that's used up, get unlimited data at very slow 2G speeds (as previously mentioned, the cheapest Essentials plan only gets data in Canada and Mexico at 2G speeds). Go5G Next, Go5G Plus and Magenta Max plans have a small 5GB monthly travel allowance for high-speed data in over 215 countries, though that's subject to potential extra taxes and conditions. Standard Go5G plans get the same 5GB data allowance in 11 European countries.

Though it's possible to bump up your plan for the month (or more) you're traveling and return to your old plan thereafter, it's likely simpler to just pay for international data.  

A woman in a yellow all-weather coat sits on a rock perched over a lake surrounded by snow-covered mountains.

Getting mobile service directly from a local carrier

Before carriers got friendlier with their international agreements to support each other's customers, one of the better traveling strategies was to get service straight from the carrier in the country you were traveling in. Once you landed, you'd just walk into a local carrier's retail store and get a prepaid SIM card to last you the length of your trip.

That's still possible today, though it's a bit more complicated. If you have one of the many phones that lack a physical SIM slot, including the latest iPhone 15 series and Samsung Galaxy S24 series, you'll have to register service through one of the eSIM accounts on your device. It's pretty easy to do, and is in fact one of the benefits of having multiple digital eSIM slots -- so you can have one for domestic use and one for traveling -- but it requires you to register through the carrier in question. You can even load the eSIM before you travel, through apps like Airalo and Ubigi .

Unfortunately, there's something else to consider: whether your phone is unlocked, that is, not tied to a carrier and restricted in using eSIMs from other carriers (even international ones). If you bought your device unlocked, you're in the clear. 

If you're paying off your phone in installments from your carrier, it's complicated. Verizon users have it best, as their installment plans unlock phones after 60 days. AT&T and T-Mobile, however, require you to finish your installments and fully pay off your phone to unlock it. Since AT&T's plans have a minimum of 36 monthly installments, customers may be out of luck getting a local carrier eSIM unless they're nearing the end of their contract -- in which case it may make sense to pay the balance for more travel freedom.  

Relying on a hotspot and tethering

Another method to avoid roaming is a bit more roundabout and requires you to sign up for service with a local carrier anyway, but you won't have to fiddle with eSIMs. When you land in your country of travel, you can rent a mobile hotspot (or register service on one you already own), which is a handheld device that turns cell signals into Wi-Fi. 

Note that you'll still need to pay for service either from the hotspot maker or from a local carrier, and there's no guarantee that their networks will play nicely with a given hotspot device. Check that it'll work in the area you're traveling to. 

Once you've got one set up, you just connect to the hotspot's Wi-Fi using your phone as normal. While it's a bit more cumbersome, this also lets you get internet for your other devices, like tablets and laptops, pretty much anywhere you get a phone signal from a local carrier.

Read more: Best cheap phone plan for 2024

Another caveat is that you'll need to keep the hotspot itself charged, which is another device battery you'll have to worry about. It might be worth carrying an external battery to make sure your hotspot can last a full day while you're out and about.

Ultimately, whatever option you choose should fit your travel habits and where you intend to go. Some carrier partnership options will be more appealing but offer slower speeds than getting service straight from the local carrier. But don't worry about getting locked into a choice: You can always try out one way when you arrive and switch to another if a better choice presents itself.

I Took 600+ Photos With the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. Look at My Favorites

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Buying a Sim Card for Russia at Moscow Airport in 2024

salt travel roaming

Flying to Moscow Airport Sheremetyevo soon? Avoid on high roaming costs and buy a sim card for Russia on arrival at Moscow Airport or get yourself an e-sim card for Russia. Prepaid sim cards in Russia come with a lot of data and are cheap, but language barriers are real! E-sim cards are easier, but a couple dollar more expensive.

In this guide you can read everything you need to know before buying a sim card for Russia at Moscow Airport, where to buy a sim card, up to date prices as per January 2024, my recommendation and even info about international and e-sim cards for Russia.

Staying connected is the first thing I do when I get to a new country. These days I mostly order an e-sim card online because it is so easy, but buying a local prepaid sim card is sometimes a better option.

I love to document all my travel tips for other travelers and since  I am also aiming to travel to every country in the world you can already find more than 200 sim card guides on Traveltomtom from all around the world: Europe ,  Dubai , Saudi Arabia , Pakistan , Nairobi , Johannesburg , London , Paris ,  New York , Toronto , Dominican Republic , Bogota , Panama City , Mexico City , Singapore , Hong Kong , Vietnam , Uzbekistan , Philippines , Turkey  and many more.

So next time you are planning your adventure abroad come check out Traveltomtom for the latest prepaid and e-sim card advice for your next holiday destination. Bookmark me!

Buying a prepaid sim card for Russia is actually really affordable! Great value for money. When I discovered this it definitely made me smile. Who does not love cheap data?

My recommendation

Traveltomtom recommends buying a Megfon prepaid sim card at Moscow Airport for traveling in Russia. Megafon has a great prepaid sim card deal for tourists: 30 GB data + free social media for just $6 USD.

Be prepared that pretty much no one speaks English at Moscow International Airport so buying a prepaid sim card can be a hassle.

Therefore Traveltomtom definitely recommends e-sim cards for traveling to Russia. As soon as the plane lands you are online. However, there are not many e-sim cards for Russia available on the internet. SimOptions is the only e-sim provider that sells e-sim cards for Russia .

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You can also look into buying an international sim card for traveling in 2024 . Again here, SimOptions is the only provider that still offers physical prepaid sim cards for traveling to Russia.

Need some travel inspiration for Russia? Check out my  trip to Altai Mountains ! Absolutely amazing.

Best e-sim cards for Russia

The easiest way to stay connected when traveling to Russia in 2024 is an e-sim card.

You order an e-sim card for your trip to Moscow on the internet, you receive a QR code, scan it, follow the simple steps and within less than 2 minutes you have a Russia e-sim card installed on your phone.

Upon arrival in Moscow it automatically connects you to an available network and you enjoy data on your phone pretty much when the plane lands.

Airalo has recently stopped supplying e-sim cards for Russia until further notice! As of January 2024 Airalo e-sim cards for Russia are still not available.

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $5 USD
  • 2 GB data for 15 days = $9 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $11.5 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $17 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $29 USD
  • 20 GB data for 30 days = $48 USD

Click here to directly order any of the above e-sim cards for Russia online or get more info.

simoptions esim card plans for russia 2024

SimOptions is currently the only e-sim provider that sells e-sim cards for Russia. Traveltomtom has used SimOptions in more than 50 countries around the world without any problems.

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $7.90 USD
  • 3 GB data for 15 days = $14.90 USD
  • 5 GB data for 15 days = $19.90 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $34.90 USD
  • 20 GB data for 30 days = $64.90 USD

Click here for more info or to order an e-sim card for Russia via SimOptions .

Make sure your phone is e-sim compatible before ordering an e-sim card for Russia.

You can also order a physical prepaid sim card for traveling in Russia online and get it shipped to your home address before your trip. Click on the link to get an international data sim card for Russia with 10 GB data for $49.90 USD and get more info and see all the sim card deals.

Arriving at Moscow Airport SVO

First off this airport is spread out with 6 terminals and traveling in and between the terminals takes time. There are trains that connect the terminals so if you are in transit don’t worry the transportation system is pretty well organized. But hey we are in Russia, be prepared to struggle with languages barriers.

You may think at an international airport with this status there would be a ton of people speaking English, but forget about it. Welcome to Russia!

The ladies at the information desk all spoke good English and were very helpful. A tip for when you visit Moscow, download a translate app this will make traveling in Russia much easier.

To use most translate apps that use the dictation function you need a working internet connection. Sheremetyevo Airport has very easy access to good and free WiFi but as soon as you leave the airport you would wish you had a prepaid sim card for Russia with data. So no need to explain you anymore why you should buy a Russia sim card on arrival.

Aeroexpress SVO Airport

In and between Terminal D and E there is the Aeroexpress train station, the most convenient way to get from Sheremetyevo Airport to Moscow city. Just before you enter the train station there are many mobile phone shops where they sell prepaid Russian sim card for tourists.

Mobile internet operators in Russia

The main mobile internet operators in Russia are: Tele2, Beeline, MegaFon, MTS and Yota. Apart from Yota and MTS you can buy a Russia sim card from any of the operators at Moscow Airport.

Yota is a fairly small operator with a weak 4G network in Russia and is not recommended for tourists. But especially for an MTS prepaid sim card it is a pity they don't sell them at Moscow Airport. MTS has the strongest 4G network in Russia and is the only provider that offers 5G in Russia.

Where to buy a sim card at Moscow Airport

As I said the airport is pretty big and it more or less comes down to which terminal you arrive. Most travelers from Europe will arrive at Terminal B or D so let’s have a look at buying a Russian sim card there first.

If you are about to visit Moscow then I recommend you to go to the city by Aeroexpress, a convenient train that connects Sheremetyevo Airport to Moscow city. It is located between Terminal B and D. Just before you enter the train station there are many shops lined up where you can buy Russia sim cards for tourists as well.

At Terminal F there are also shops in the arrival hall where you can buy a prepaid Russia sim card.

Buying a sim card at SVO Terminal B

Arriving at Terminal B at SVO airport makes things easy for you as there is no choice. The only available sim card for Russia is Beeline. It is impossible to miss the Beeline shop as it is straight in front of you when you walk out of arrivals.

Prepaid sim card Beeline

beeline russia sim card

The picture is hard to read when you don’t speak Russian. Neither do I so I had the guy selling the Beeline sim Russia sim card explain me in his best English what everything means.

600 Rubles = $9

  • 15 GB - 4G internet
  • 500 minutes calling in and to Russia
  • Valid for 30 days

Total costs for this package is only around $9, that is only $0,60 per GB data. I told you Russian sim cards are cheap! When arriving at Terminal B buying a Beeline sim card for Russia is worth it.

Buying a sim card at SVO Terminal D

At Moscow SVO Airport Terminal D there are two options for you. In the arrivals hall on level 1 there is TELE2 and at the departures hall level 3 you can buy a Megafon sim card.

Prices and info below are updated in January 2024. Prices are in Russian Ruble: $1 USD  = 88.5 RUB and 100 RUB = $1.13 USD.

Megafon Russia prepaid sim card

megafon russia

Let me tell you if it is worth going up two levels to the Megafon kiosk to buy your Russia sim here.

I went there twice as a week later I wanted to double check the information what I wrote down and both ladies spoke very little English. Service level for English speaking tourists is zero at Moscow Airport so be prepared. I used a translate app to get the following info.

There are two Megafon sim cards for tourists available:

  • 20 GB + 750 minutes + unlimited texting - valid for 1 month =  750 Rubles - $8.5 USD
  • 30 GB + 1,500 minutes + unlimited texting - valid for 1 month =  1,000 Rubles - $11 USD

Both packages are really great value for money!

TELE2 Russia prepaid sim card

tele2 sim russia

Depending on which exit you take from the luggage belts you will either walk up to the TELE2 shop or it is on your left in the arrivals hall. At the small shop two young employees were very helpful and explained the available TELE2 sim cards fro tourists in Russia.

TELE2 Russia offers the following sim cards for tourists:

600 Rubles (400 + 200 activation costs) = $7 USD

  • Unlimited calls to TELE2  numbers in Russia
  • Free Facebook, VKontakte, Viber, Whatsapp
  • 1 month valid

900 Rubles (700 + 200 activation costs) = $10 USD

  • 30 GB - 4G internet
  • 800 minutes calling in and to Russia

Looking at these Russian prepaid sim card packages I am impressed by the value for money of TELE2. Since I never really call and text anyway, a TELE2 sim card for Russia was a perfect match.

Beeline Russia prepaid sim card

beeline russia shop

There is a Beeline shop that sells the following package:

500 Rubles = $6

  • Unlimited internet - 4G network
  • No hotspot available
  • 14 days valid
  • 30 Rubles per day extra, top up credit can be bought everywhere

sim card russia moscow airport

There is also a shop called EBPOCETb where they sell Megafon sim cards and Beeline sim cards. The guy in the shop recommended me to buy a Megafon sim card instead of Beeline. Scroll down to see 4G network coverage maps for Russia.

Buying a sim card at SVO Terminal F

In the end I headed to Terminal E and F to find the perfect Russia sim card for tourists. At Terminal E there is NO shop that sells prepaid sim cards for Russia, but in Terminal F there was a Megafon kiosk again.

Megafon sim card Russia at SVO Terminal F

sim card russia airport moscow

Of course here they sold the same sim cards for tourists as they did at the Terminal D, but to my surprise they also sold a specific tourist package.

Megafon tourist sim card Russia

russia sim for tourists

  • 30 GB data + 1500 minutes + unlimited social media - valid for 15 days =  500 Ruble - $6 USD

WOW! Looking at the above I am sure you are stunned too! Free social media and on top of that 30 GB data just for $6 USD. I asked if there would be any activation costs, but nope you pay just the 500 Rubles.

For tourists traveling to Russia for less than 2 weeks this for sure is the best Russia prepaid sim card you can find at Sheremetyevo Airport. The Megafon shop is open from 09.00 to 21.00 daily and is next to the meeting point at Terminal F.

Best 4G/5G mobile network in Russia in 2024

Let’s quickly have a look at the mobile providers in Russia selling sim cards at Moscow Airport to determine who has the best 4G/5G network in Russia. For more detailed maps of the 4G/5G network coverage  in Russia have a look at the link and you can zoom in to the region in Russia you will be traveling.

Is there 5G in Russia?

No, there is still no proper 5G network in Russia in 2024. Only in the city center of Moscow there is a small 5G network available when you are having an MTS sim card. Unfortunately they don't sell MTS sim cards at Moscow Airport. If you want an MTS 5G sim card you have to go to an MTS store in Moscow city center.

Beeline  4G/5G network coverage map

beeline 4g 5g network coverage map russia 2024

TELE2 4G/5G network coverage map

tele2 4g 5g network coverage map russia 2024

Megafon 4G/5G network coverage map

megafon 4g 5g network coverage map russia 2024

Looking at the mobile internet coverage maps for Russia you can see that as of 2024 the 4G/LTE network coverage is pretty similar for each provider. However, Megafon is slightly more extensive than Beeline and Tele2 and therefore is rated as the best 4G/LTE network in Russia in 2024. 

I expect Russia to start rolling out 5G soon, but unfortunately it is hard to go through the Russian news on the internet as I do NOT speak a word Russian! ;)

Order a prepaid sim card for Russia online

orange holiday world international prepaid sim card for russia

With such cheap prepaid sim cards on arrival at Moscow Airport I would not directly recommend buying an international sim card for Russia. However, it makes you forget about all the hassle buying a sim card on arrival since barely anyone even speaks English.

If your phone is not e-sim compatible then look into the following if you want to order a prepaid sim card for Russia on the internet.

Arrive prepared in Russia with an international prepaid sim card. You order them online and a physical prepaid sim card will be delivered to your home address. You put this sim card in your phone and it automatically connects to an available network upon arrival in Russia, basically when the plane lands you are instantly online.

SimOptions is the only sim card provider that sells physical prepaid sim cards for Russia:

  • 10 GB data for 14 days = $49.90 USD

Click here for more info or to order an international sim card for Russia via SimOptions .

Also a last reminder that if your phone is e-sim compatible you can order an e-sim card for Russia online .

My experience buying a Russia Sim Card at Moscow Airport

I decided to buy a TELE2 sim card for traveling in Russia and spent $9 USD on the smallest prepaid sim package. I went on a trip to the Altai Mountains in Siberia and to my surprise I could not only use the network of TELE2, but also the Megafon network. No clue why but it worked smooth.

Another reason why I would recommend you to buy a Megafon or TELE2 prepaid sim card for Russia at Moscow Airport.

A working network connection in Russia is as you can imagine a challenge in the worlds biggest country. But overall if I had a signal the 4G speed was good, especially in cities. On the road in Siberia I mostly just had a 3G signal, which worked fine.

More about my road trip in Altai, Siberia , check out my blog about this undiscovered region in Russia!

I hope this blog about prepaid sim cards in Russia on arrival at Moscow Airport was helpful for you if you have a question please leave me a comment.

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What Is Data Roaming? A Guide to Managing Cellular Data Usage 

A person using a cellphone on roaming.

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Data roaming can be a convenient way to stay connected when traveling abroad or outside of your network's coverage area. However, it can also result in unexpected charges if not managed properly. This article provides an overview of the pros and cons of data roaming, including tips on how to manage data usage on your mobile device, and how to avoid bill shock. By understanding the potential costs and benefits of data roaming, you can make informed decisions about when and how to use cellular data services while on the go. 

What is Data Roaming?   

Data roaming is the use of cellular data services on a mobile device outside of the coverage area of the home network . This can result in additional charges from your mobile service provider, which can vary depending on the destination and the type of data usage. It is important to understand data roaming settings on your device and to manage usage to avoid unexpected charges.

We tend to think of our cell phones as seamlessly connected devices. However, depending on where you are in the world, your service provider might not have access to base stations, or hubs that connect your phone to the internet and data services. That’s where data roaming comes in.  

In order to provide uninterrupted coverage, most service providers partner with other networks to “share” a signal when necessary. Data roaming on a phone allows you temporary access to another network to use data services even when you are outside of your mobile network's coverage area. That means even if you are outside your normal coverage area, you will still be able to access mobile data services such as email, web browsing, talk, text, and other applications. 

When Would You Need Data Roaming?   

Data roaming is typically needed when you are traveling outside of your mobile network's coverage area and want to use cellular data services on your mobile device. For example, imagine you’re on a vacation overseas and need to check your hotel reservation or call a Lyft. Without data roaming, you may only be able to connect to Wi-Fi networks, which may not be available in all locations. Data roaming makes it possible to use your phone as easily as if you were at home, which is definitely a comfort while traveling.  

When you use roaming, your mobile device connects to a foreign network, and your mobile network provider charges you for any foreign data your device uses, including data used to send text messages, access the internet, or make a call. It's important to note that the data roaming charges can be significantly higher than usual, which may result in additional charges, and vary based on your selected mobile network provider and the country you are visiting. 

The Pros and Cons of Data Roaming   

If you're planning to travel abroad or outside of your mobile network's coverage area, data roaming may be an option to stay connected on the go. However, before you enable data roaming on your device, it's important to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision. In this article section, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of data roaming, as well as tips for managing data usage and avoiding unexpected charges. 

  • Access. Data roaming offers uninterrupted access to data services outside your home network area and even outside the country. 
  • Convenience. Data roaming means you can easily use apps, email, and messaging no matter where you are without having to worry about finding Wi-Fi hotspots or other internet connections. 
  • Cost. As we mentioned, data roaming can result in significantly higher charges for mobile data usage, which can be a major disadvantage if you are not aware of the charges or if you exceed your data usage limit. Those charges can add up pretty quickly. Depending on your carrier, data roaming will probably run you about .10 for a text message, .25 for a minute of talk time, and $2-$5 per MB of data. 
  • Unwanted usage. If you have a plan that puts automatic caps on data usage, data roaming might also mean additional fees for exceeding your data limits. These charges can come as a surprise if you’ve enabled automatic updates or have apps running in the background on your mobile device while you’re traveling.  
  • Security issues. Using unknown networks outside your usual coverage area can sometimes open your device up to malware or phishing attacks. 

How to Avoid Data Roaming Charges   

If you're traveling outside of your network's coverage area, roaming charges can add up quickly. While most major service providers no longer have roaming charges for travel within the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, roaming fees still apply when traveling abroad. To avoid bill shock, check with your service provider before you travel to see what options are available. Many providers offer plans that cover international roaming for a flat daily fee or as an additional monthly charge. For frequent travelers, there are also international plans that offer talk, text, and data coverage for an additional monthly fee. By planning ahead and selecting the right plan, you can stay connected without breaking the bank.

A person using a tablet on roaming

Tips for Using Data While Traveling  

No one wants to return home from a trip to a huge bill for unexpected roaming charges. Here are some precautions you can take to avoid excess fees when traveling. 

  • Plan ahead. Research the options your service provider offers for extending plans for international travel. Choose a weekly or monthly international travel plan to make sure you can stay connected for less or consider purchasing a SIM card for your device. 
  • Turn data roaming on/off. Devices allow you to switch roaming off and on. Keep roaming off when you don’t need access to maps, email, apps, or messages so you won’t be charged. You can switch roaming back on when you need these services.  
  • Turn off auto updates. Make sure your apps are only updating while connected to Wi-Fi in order to avoid roaming charges for services that aren’t critical. Disable push notifications for apps that are not essential. 
  • Download and use offline maps. Many map apps or online map services allow you to download maps ahead of time and save them on your device. This is a smart move for travelers because, in addition to avoiding using roaming data, you’ll also have a map available should you become lost in a remote area without service.  
  • Be careful streaming music or videos. Be mindful of data usage when streaming music or videos, which can quickly use up data. 
  • Monitor your data usage regularly. Monitor your data usage often to avoid exceeding your plan's limit and incurring additional charges. 

Data Roaming Alternatives   

Here are a few tools savvy travelers can use to avoid data roaming charges when traveling internationally. 

  • Wi-Fi hotspots. Many hotels, airports, cafes, and public spaces offer free or paid Wi-Fi hotspots. You can use Wi-Fi to connect to the internet and use data services on your mobile device without incurring data roaming charges. However, public Wi-Fi can also come with security risks, so make sure to check your phone regularly for malware and avoid phishing scams.  
  • Local SIM cards. You can buy a local SIM card in the country you are visiting and use it in your mobile device for talk, text, and internet. Many international airports have kiosks where you can purchase a local SIM, or you can get one in advance from places like Amazon. However, to purchase a local SIM you’ll need an unlocked phone, a passport, and, occasionally, a local address. 
  • International SIM cards. Some mobile network providers offer international SIM cards that allow you to access data services in multiple countries. These can be an especially convenient option if you’ll be traveling to different countries. If your device has an eSIM (a digital version of a SIM card), there’s no need to buy a physical card. eSIMs let you easily add an international roaming plan to your device that starts working the moment you arrive in another country, giving you hassle-free flexibility. 
  • Portable hotspots. Mobile hotspot devices allow you to create a Wi-Fi hotspot that will connect devices including laptops, mobile phones, and gaming devices to Wi-Fi. These are a great option for travelers who need access to multiple internet devices.  

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  2. Salt.

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