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Tourist Attractions

Tourist attractions.

Kolejka Swarno

Zielona Lokomotywa na ulicach Zakopanego to barwny środek komunikacji, oprowadzający pasażerów wokół całego miasta. Ciuchcia Zakopiańska, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, to pojazd żwawy, pełen wigoru i uroku. Szczególnie zapadł w pamięci spacerowiczów, kiedy stanął na czele parady podczas Wiosny Jazzowej. Teraz regularnie wyrusza w trasę, zbierając po drodze wesołych podróżników. Trasa Ciuchci Zakopiańskiej zaczyna się pod Skocznią i wynosi około 9 kilometrów. Więcej informacji https://www.facebook.com/Zakopia%C5%84ska-Ciuchcia... Kontakt  tel. 500771223

Escape room to wyjątkowa i emocjonująca atrakcja turystyczna, która zdobywa coraz większą popularność na całym świecie. Stanowi fascynującą rozrywkę dla turystów, którzy chcą doświadczyć nietypowego wyzwania i spędzić czas aktywnie podczas podróży. Pokoje zagadek należą do tej grupy atrakcji które warto zobaczyć będąc w Zakopanem. Ale zapewne zapytasz, czym jest Escape Room? Escape room, znany także jako "pokój ucieczki”, „pokoje zagadek” lub „ Quest room”, to interaktywna rozrywka, która ma na celu sprawdzenie umiejętności logicznych, zręcznościowych i detektywistycznych uczestników. Gracze zostają zamknięci w specjalnie zaprojektowanym pomieszczeniu i mają określony czas, zwykle od 60 minut do 90 minut, aby rozwiązać szereg zagadek, odkryć wskazówki i zrealizować określone cele, które umożliwią im poznawanie dalszych tajemniczych zakamarków a w ostateczności opuszczenie pokoju. Pokój ucieczki jest pełen ukrytych mechanizmów, łamigłówek, skrytych pomieszczeń i zagadek logicznych. Gracze muszą współpracować, myśleć kreatywnie, dedukcyjnie i logicznie, aby pokonać wyzwania i uciec z zamkniętego pomieszczenia. Tematyka pokoju może być różnorodna, obejmując m.in. historie kryminalne, zagadki historyczne, science fiction, fantasy czy horror. Escape roomy cieszą się ogromną popularnością jako forma rozrywki w gronie znajomych, rodzeństwa czy współpracowników, a także są wykorzystywane jako narzędzie do integracji zespołów w biznesie. Oprócz rozrywki, escape roomy rozwijają umiejętności takie jak współpraca, komunikacja, kreatywność, rozwiązywanie problemów i podejmowanie szybkich decyzji. W Zakopiańskim Let Me Out posiadamy 6 autorskim scenariuszy gry, dla graczy w różnym wieku i o rożnym zdobytym doświadczeniu w pokonywaniu kolejnych pokoi zagadek. Pokoje w naszej ofercie to: Kraina Czarów - 60 min gry - poziom trudności: Dla początkujących Epizod 2054 - 60 min gry - poziom trudności: średnio zaawansowany Komnata Wiedźmy - 75 min gry - poziom trudności: średnio zaawansowany El Profesor: Napad prawie doskonały - 90 min gry - poziom trudności: średnio zaawansowany Klątwa Zbójów - 60 min gry - poziom trudności: Dla doświadczonych Łódź podwodna - 75 min gry - poziom trudności: Dla doświadczonych Szukasz ciekawych miejsc w Zakopanem i zastanawiasz się co warto zobaczyć zarówno latem jak i zimą? Odpowiedź jest prosta Escape Room to zawsze idealny pomysł na aktywne spędzenie wolnego czasu. Organizujesz event, wyjazd firmowy, wycieczkę szkolną, zimowiska lub szkółki letniskowe? Nasza oferta jest skierowana także do Ciebie. Posiadamy kilku letnie doświadczenie w organizowaniu tego typu wydarzeń. Nasz Escape Room jednorazowo przyjmie grupę składającą się z 33 osób. Posiadasz większą grupę składającą się z np. 100 osób? To także żaden problem wystarczy dobra organizacja czasu. Więcej o naszych pokojach a także kalendarz rezerwacji znajdziesz na naszej stronie internetowej: https://zakopane.letmeout.pl Opinie i aktualne informacje znajdziesz na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/LetMeOutZakopane  Godziny otwarcia: Codziennie od 11:00 - 21:00  Let Me Out Escape Room Zakopane Ul. Kościuszki 3 34-500 Zakopane tel. 783 167 277

Kolejka Swarno

" Twoje dziecko marzy, by pobyt w Tatrach połączyć ze spotkaniem z puchatymi królikami, zadziornymi kozami, alpakami, czy danielem? Jeśli tak, to koniecznie odwiedź Tatrzańskie Mini ZOO. To tu można spacerować wśród zwierząt, przytulać się do nich i karmić zakupionym w kasie prowiantem. Dla każdego znajdzie się coś miłego. Tu będziesz mieć szansę na przytulenie zwierząt i pokazanie dzieciom, jak wyglądają one w rzeczywistości. Na wizytę czekają alpaki, kozy, owce, jeleń, daniele, mundżaki, kangury w tym jeden biały, osiołki oraz pawie i wiele innych. Nie da się ukryć, że takie spotkanie to nie lada gratka dla samych zwierzaków. Kiedy tylko widzą turystów, od razu przybiegają z  nadzieją na poczęstunek.   Podczas pobytu w Zakopanem ogromną przyjemność sprawi dzieciom także wizyta w zagrodzie królików w mini ZOO. Prócz tych uroczych puszystych zwierząt, mieszkają w niej także świnki morskie. Tatrzańskie Mini Zoo jest super atrakcją również dla rodziców! Mięciutkie króliki i świnki morskie z pewnością ucieszą się z przyniesionych marchewek i kawałków kapusty. Kury zadowolą się ziarnami, a kozy i alpaki – sianem podawanym wprost z ręki. Zwierzęta są łagodne i przyjaźnie nastawione do zwiedzających. Dodatkowo dla zwiedzających przygotowaliśmy plac zabaw, budynek z grami dla dzieci, latem bungee oraz dmuchańce, a zimą zjeżdżalnie pontonową" Jesteśmy dla was otwarci cały rok od 10:00 do 20:00  Bilet upoważnia do wielokrotnego wejścia w ciągu dnia.  Lokalizacja:  Ul. Piłsudskiego k/26 - 600 m od Wielkiej skoczni w kierunku Krupówek.  34-500 Zakopane  Tel: 504 154 434

Kilkadziesiąt gatunków żywych, swobodnie latających, największych i najbardziej kolorowych motyli świata w jednym miejscu. Wizyta w Motylarni Zakopane jest jak wejście do rajskiej dżungli . W świecie bajecznych motyli, które swobodnie latają między odwiedzającymi, możesz zachwycić się ich pięknem, zrelaksować i wyciszyć wśród egzotycznej zieleni. To przede wszystkim niezapomniane przeżycie . Co cię czeka?     Motyle są wszędzie ,mogą usiąść Ci na głowie lub ramionach wprawiając w zachwyt dzieci i dorosłych. Spotkasz kilkadziesiąt gatunków egzotycznych motyli. Rozpiętość skrzydeł największych osobników to prawie 30 cm! Wyglądają jak ze snów! Poczujesz się, jak w lesie tropikalnym, czyli naturalnym miejscu życia naszych motyli. U nas zawsze jest pogoda , jest ciepło i bardzo zielono. Od złożenia jaj, poprzez przepoczwarzanie się gąsienicy po studium dorosłe - poznasz cykl życia motyla . Zobaczysz przedziwne gąsienice i poczwarki.    Wykwalifikowani przewodnicy (w cenie biletu) zdradzą Ci motyle sekrety. Czy motyle żyją tylko miłością? Dlaczego mają dwie pary skrzydeł? Z jaką prędkością latają? Jak widzą świat?  Przyjdź, poznaj fascynujący świat motyli. Przekonaj się, że świat ma więcej kolorów niż myślisz. Nie zapomnij zabrać aparatu. Ta wizyta doda Ci skrzydeł!  Drzwi do magicznego świata znajdują się przy ul. Generała Andrzeja Galicy 8, kilka metrów od środkowych Krupówek . Dzieci do lat 3 - wstęp wolny. Jesteśmy otwarci od 10:00 do 20:00, 7 dni w tygodniu! Motylarnia Zakopane Ul: Generała Andrzeja Galicy 8 34-500 Zakopane Tel: 575 012 202

Kolejka Swarno

Unikalna aranżacja wnętrza tworzy niepowtarzalny klimat, niezwykłe wyposażenie, wspaniałe atrakcje i wyjątkowe warsztaty, a także profesjonalna obsługa sprawiają, że jest to miejsce, w którym dzieci poczują się bezpiecznie i będą chciały wracać. Dla Waszych pociech przygotowaliśmy nietuzinkowe warsztaty, kreatywne możliwości spędzania czasu wolnego, w trakcie którego Milusińskim towarzyszyć będzie nasza maskotka Miś Stramuś.   Godziny otwarcia:   Poniedziałek- piątek 10:00- 18:00 Sobota- niedziela 12:00- 19:00 Adres: Sport i Turystyka Sp. z o.o.  ul. Balzera 28,  34-500 Zakopane telefon: 18 20 116 46 e-mail: [email protected] OFERTA ORAZ CENNIK - POBIERZ

The Lapidarium of the Tatra National Park is a collection of rocks and plants reflecting the geological map of the Tatras.Lapidarium - a geological spatial map of the Tatras - shows the diversity of inanimate nature and its impact on vegetation that grows there.The Tatra Mountains are shown here as a homogeneous massif formed by various geological processes, which were the same on both sides of the Polish-Slovak border.

Tatra lapidarium

Thermal springs at the mouth of Dolina Olczyska is a natural place of living for many species of amphibians and reptiles. The place took its name from salamanders which were numerous here ages ago and were called “lizards” or “salamanders” (“jaszczury” in Polish) highlanders. The concept of establishing a center for protection of amphibians in the place of former thermal pools was established in 2003. The aim of this project was to create conditions closely replicating the natural ones, in which it will be possible to breed and observe rare and endangered species of amphibians: salamanders, newts and frogs, and reptiles: lizards and snakes. An additional very important aspect was the need for ecological education of society.

The parrot house - 70 exotic parrots are waiting to have fun with you. They like to be stroked, fed and cuddled. In return, they willingly pose for photos. The parrot house Egzotyczne Zakopane is the largest facility of this type in Lesser Poland.Located far from the noisy Krupówki, it offers free parking, a restaurant and a souvenir shop to its guests. The inhabitants of the parrot house fly free, you enter directly into their world without cages.You will get to know beautiful and colorful species, over 70 parrots, which are specifically trained, they looking for contact with humans and they come to your hand or arm. You can stroke them, feed them and take a picture together. You will see species such as the cockatoo, the blue-and-yellow macaw, the coconut lorikeet and many more here. Some of them are so big that their wingspan reaches up to 120 cm. In the parrot house you will have a great time with your family, friends or your loved one. School trips and camp groups also won’t be bored here. 

Parrot house

The upside-down house in Zakopane is a unique attraction that lets you to experience the phenomenon in the form of a different effect of gravity on humans and lets you to free your imagination with a guarantee of great fun. The upside-down house is an attraction for children and adults. The house sits on its roof, it is also positioned diagonally. Everything looks different in it. You can walk on the ceiling in the house, and all of the equipment of the latter stands, or rather hangs because it’s attached to the floor. Additionally, the slant makes maintaining the balance not so easy, you will remember your labyrinth! The only simple thing here are the stairs which lead not to the first floor but to the ground floor. Well, yeah, we start the tour from the first floor.  

Snowland is a unique Snow Land on the map of Zakopane. A magical, exciting place where you can have fun in the snow surrounded by the Tatra National Park. Snow Maze   It was created for the first time in the winter season of 2015/2016. It is located under the "Wielka Krokiew" ski jump and is the largest building of this type in Poland and in the world. Interesting fact: the production of artificial snow and the construction of the entire Maze takes about a month and it’s possible only at temperatures below zero.  

Snowland - winter theme park

wyszukiwanie zaawansowane Strzałka

Dodatkowe kategorie, wybierz przedział czasowy.

  • Questions & Answers

discover zakopane logo


a website created by the inhabitants of Zakopane

practical information on the town of Zakopane and the region (since 2003)

airport transfers, accommodation, attractions and much more


Zakopane snowmobile tours

  • Snowmobile tours

Sleigh ride in the Chocholowska Valley

  • Sleigh rides

Zakopane apartment at Krupowki street

  • Recommended accommodation


  • Skiing and snowboarding


Zakopane Krupowki promenade


horse riders


cottage for rent


Mountain hotel Kalatowki


skiing in Zakopane


Chocholow Village




my dog - cane corso italiano


bike trip in Zakopane


Join us on facebook.

cottages for rent


snowmobile tour in Zakopane

  • snowmobile tour is an unforgettable attraction for everyone


sleigh ride in the Tatra National Park

  • sleigh rides in the Chocholowska Valley in the Tatra National Park


ski jumping World Cup in Zakopane

  • the largest and most important sport event in Zakopane


Kasprowy Wierch cable car

  • Kasprowy Wierch cable car - for skiers and tourists


Termy Chocholowskie

  • there are 6 baths with thermal water in the vicinity of Zakopane


Dunajec Gorge rafting

  • rafting through the spectacular Dunajec Gorge


day trips from Zakopane

  • Day Trips from Zakopane to Krakow, Auschwitz, Wieliczka, Slovak Tatras...


Festival of Highland Folklore in Zakopane

  • Festival of Highland Folklore is the most important cultural event organized in Zakopane


Barbara - reflection in ski goggles


ski jumping world cup in Zakopane



  • The wooden sign ZAKOPANE is a popular place for the souvenir photo - it is located in the park Równia Krupowa, near the intersection of Kościuszki and 3go Maja streets.

Church Holidays

Most of the shops, some restaurants and activities like sleigh rides and rafting are closed on the Christmas Day, Easter Day and Corpus Christi

Dzien dobry!

Local people (especially older ones) like to be greeted with Dzien Dobry (jayn DOH-bry = Good Morning)

Zacopane? Zakopan?

The correct name of our town is ZAKOPANE ( zakopane in Polish means buried..) not Zacopane, Zakopan, etc.

What does Podhale mean?

Podhale is a historical and geographical region located at the northern foot of the Tatra Mountains.

What is Giewont?

Giewont (1894 m above sea level) is a Tatra peak - one of the symbols of Zakopane.

Oscypek? Oszczypek?

Oscypek is a smoked sheep's milk cheese with a small amount of cow's milk (both names are correct).

My favorite hotels in Zakopane and vicinity:

Zakopane - aries hotel & spa.

Beautiful hotel, fantastic SPA, extraordinary breakfast. The location is quiet but very close to walk to Krupowki Promenade and main attractions of Zakopane.

Zakopane hotel Aries


Very convenient location between the bus and train station, and Krupowki promenade. Most rooms have balconies with a view of the Tatra Mountains, two-level Wellness & SPA (600 m2) with physiotherapy treatments, restaurant serving old Polish dishes, a playroom for children.

Zakopane hotel Grand Stamary


Hotel Nosalowy Dwor



The most popular mountain resort in Poland continues to attract a growing number of followers of the “winter madness”, while summer visitors who come to explore the magnificent Tatra Mountains, to drink in the beautiful scenery and the relaxed holiday atmosphere. Zakopane is, in fact, a small town noted for its charming highland architecture, colourful folk culture, remarkable sights and its vibrant Krupowki Street, bursting with life both during the day and the night.

Zakopane TOURISM

Famous Krupowki street in Zakopane, Poland

The traditional culture and art of the highlanders includes their architecture, cloth, food and music, all fascinating and still alive. Zakopane is rather like a large village, with wooden folk cottages adjacent to Art Nouveau houses that remain from the town’s popularity at the end of the 19th century. It was home to many famous artists at that time, and many of these have left their mark on the atmosphere and architecture. The most well known street in Zakopane is Krupowki – the town’s main thoroughfare and mall. There are plenty of restaurants, cafes, shops and stalls selling shoes made from calf leather (“kierpce”), woollen sweaters, wooden kitchen utensils, sheep fleeces and the “oscypek” salty cheese.


Its climate is determined by its location in the mountains – the average temperature is only 4.3 degrees Celsius, a few degrees less than Poland’s average. The very strong although warm Foehn wind (the strongest measured gust was 280 km/h) that is a feature of the Tatra region can influence how people feel and even the state of their health. Zakopane lies in the Lesser Poland voivodship, about 100 km (2 hours drive) from Krakow.

Zakopane is quite a young city, the first record of its name dating back to the 17th century. Originally there were several separate villages spreading between Gubalowka and the Tatra Mountains. In the 18th century the largest and most prosperous of these was Kuznice (today a district of Zakopane), famous for its steel. Beginning early in the 19th century, the increasing growth of Zakopane overtook the now fading Kuznice, and the expanding population resulted in the construction of the first parish church in 1847. This small and lovely wooden building still stands in Koscieliska Street.

In the second half of the 19th century Zakopane was “discovered” by the Polish intelligentsia and artists, helping it to grow into a fashionable mountain resort. They were captivated not only by the beauty of the mountains, but also by the original folk culture of the region. The rowdy behaviour of the belle époque writers, poets and painters made Zakopane even more popular, as they became a favourite subject of gossip for the other guests at the resort. The landscape and climate of the town led the famous Warsaw doctor, Tytus Chalubinski, to encourage people suffering from heart disease or tuberculosis to come and stay there. Among the most famous visitors and residents were the composer Karol Szymanowski, the actress Helena Modrzejewska, the writer Henryk Sienkiewicz and the painter and designer Stanislaw Witkiewicz – who invented the “Zakopane style”, inspired by the traditional architecture of the region. Admirers of the region founded the Tatra Society in 1873 to protect the wildlife and to popularise the mountains. The development of Zakopane was accelerated in 1899 with the opening of the railway line linking it with Krakow .

The prosperity and popularity of the place continued during the 1920s and 1930s, and in 1933 it received its town rights. Although it still attracted many tourists and artists, such as the very eccentric Witkacy (painter and architect, and son of Stanislaw Witkiewicz), the highlanders themselves were rather poor and this led to great numbers of them emigrating to the United States.

During World War II Zakopane was not the scene of any major activity. Some of its inhabitants were active in the resistance movement as guides to take people across the border and smuggle post, presses or weapons. Following the war, Zakopane, as part of the Polish People’s Republic, continued to develop as a mountain resort. In 1954 the Tatra National Park was founded to protect the territory of the Tatra Mountains. more >> -->


tourist office zakopane

Grand Tour of Poland

  • Explore Poland’s finest
  • Learn glasswork secrets
  • Experience a unique water-and-grass cruise

Recommended Zakopane tours

Halfday tour of zakopane.

  • Essential Zakopane
  • More time for the town
  • More time for the mountains

Folklore evening

  • This is the spirit of Zakopane
  • Live music, dance & great food
  • Crazy cheerful night

Morskie Oko Lake

  • Top 5 Lake worldwide (WSJ)
  • Breathtaking scenery
  • Easy 5-hour hike


  • Warsaw hotels
  • Krakow hotels
  • Gdansk hotels
  • Poznan hotels
  • Wroclaw hotels
  • Lodz hotels
  • Szczecin hotels
  • Zakopane hotels
  • Bydgoszcz hotels
  • Katowice hotels
  • Torun hotels
  • Lublin hotels
  • Gdynia hotels
  • Sopot hotels
  • Bialystok hotels
  • Czestochowa hotels

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  • 1 Understand
  • 2.1 By train
  • 2.4 On foot
  • 3 Get around
  • 4.1 Museums
  • 5.2 Nearby hikes
  • 8.2 Mid-range
  • 8.3 Splurge
  • 10.1 Budget
  • 10.2 Mid-range
  • 10.3 Splurge

Zakopane is a large, year-round mountain resort in Małopolskie Province in southern Poland. It's set in the Tatra mountains which form the natural frontier between Poland and Slovakia. It's been a spa and fashionable society spot, and is characterised by wooden chalets in a distinctive local style.

Understand [ edit ]

Get in [ edit ], by train [ edit ].

Trains run every couple of hours or so from Kraków , taking 3 hr 30 min. Three of these come direct from Warsaw (6-9 hours), with Sleeper trains most nights. Other destinations usually involve changing in Kraków but there is one direct train daily from Bydgoszcz via Poznan and Wroclaw .

The 49.300783 19.96263 1 railway station is 500 m (1,600 ft) east of town centre.

By bus [ edit ]

Several bus companies run from Kraków via Nowy Targ to Zakopane, taking two hours, so there's price competition and buses at least hourly. The main carriers are Majer Bus and Szwagropol . Flixbus run direct from Warsaw, 7 hr.

By car [ edit ]

From Kraków take Highway 7 to Rabka and then 47 to Zakopane, 90 min but longer on fine weekends and holidays when everyone heads into the mountains.

On foot [ edit ]

You can use the long-distance hiking trails which cross the border with Slovakia .

Get around [ edit ]


  • PKS buses according to schedule.
  • Mini bus — There are a lot of privately owned vans (called mini bus ). Most have fixed routes and rates, no schedule. Often there is the possibility of negotiation (route, price, time). Note a driver's telephone number if you think you may need transport later .

See [ edit ]

tourist office zakopane

  • Tatra Mountains .  
  • Morskie Oko lake
  • The Gubałówka Hill Funicular .  
  • Kasprowy Wierch Cableway .  
  • Cemetery of the Distinguished at Pęksowy Brzyzek , ul. Kościeliska, by the old church . The oldest cemetery, dating from the 1920s. A burial place of distinguished people connected to Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains. Most of the tombstones are real works of art made of wood, stone and metal. Free . ( updated May 2016 )

Museums [ edit ]

  • 49.288705 19.966292 2 Gallery of 20th Century Art at Oksza villa , ul. Zamoyskiego 25 , ☏ +48 692 029 817 . W-Sa 10:00—18:00, Su 11:00-16:00, M Tu closed . 7 zł, concessions 5,50 zł .  
  • The Władysław Hasior Gallery ul. Jagiellońska 18b
  • The Gallery of Art in Koziniec ul. Koziniec 8
  • The Kornel Makuszyński Museum ul. Tetmajera 15
  • Museum of the 1846 Chochołów Uprising Chochołów 75
  • Karol Szymanowski Museum ( Villa Atma ), ul. Kasprusie 19 .  
  • Jan Kasprowicz Museum , Harenda 12a .  

Do [ edit ]


  • Teatr im. St. I. Witkiewicza , ul. Chramcówki 15 , ☏ +48 18 20 00 660 .  
  • Kasprowy Wierch
  • Białka Tatrzańska
  • Bukowina Tatrzańska
  • Butorowy Wierch

tourist office zakopane

  • Climb .  
  • Paraglide . A 15-minute flight as a passenger costs 250 zł. There are a couple of day courses in paragliding as well.  

Many of these activities are outside of Zakopane. However, minibuses, leaving when full, depart from different points in Zakopane all day. Most minibuses leave from the front of the train station. The same system works to return hikers/skiers to Zakopane. Expect to pay about 3.50 zł each for the minibus (around €1).

Additional things to explore:

  • Murowaniec hostel in Gąsienicowa valley
  • Morskie Oko valley
  • Kasprowy Wierch ( mountain ), 1985 metres. Tatra view point. Restaurant. Skiing area. Cable railway runs from

Hike [ edit ]

It's worth buying a map of the area if you're going hiking. Most likely you will be hiking in Tatra National Park . Be aware that as it is a National Park special rules apply—don't be loud, leave any garbage or disturb animals. Maps are sold by the tourist office (17 Kosciuszki St., telephone: 01820 12211), down the hill, on your left, just before getting to the bus stop and cross roads (Krupowki St. and Kosciuszki St.) in the centre of town. They'll also give suggested routes, based on the latest weather forecasts and your fitness and equipment. Entrance fee of 4 zł (2 zł for students and school kids).

The maps are very tourist-friendly, with the "difficulty levels" for different paths marked: possibly slightly patronising for seasoned hikers. The pram symbol for the 'easy' paths is taken too literally - people have been seen trying to get prams up steep paths from Zakopane into the mountains. All the paths marked on the map are well maintained by the government.

Whichever route you plan to take, it is advised you dress warmly and bring spare waterproof clothes and water. Put the clothes in a plastic bag in your backpack to keep them dry in case of rain. Even midsummer it can hail for a whole day in the mountains! Remember you are already at 1000m, although it doesn't feel like it.

See also: Hiking from Zakopane to Giewont

Nearby hikes [ edit ]

Mount Rysy 2499-metre, 4-hour hike from Morskie Oko valley

Learn [ edit ]

  • Mountain Academy "Murowaniec" — avalanche courses .

Buy [ edit ]

  • Many shops at Krupówki promenade.

Eat [ edit ]

A local speciality is Oscypek , smoked sheep's milk cheese.

There are many good eateries within Zakopane. Look for authentic-looking wood huts. Avoid ones with colourful lights and multi-coloured lamps. Good "Bacowkas" include "Bąkowo Zohylina Wyźnio and Nizino" right off of Krupowki. Chata Zbójnicka on Jagiellońska is also good for authentic food (and experience). You can also try the fried fish eateries anywhere in town for a quick, cheap meal. Trout is the speciality in this town.

There is a cheese market every day. It's probably best to come early in the morning while the produce is still fresh, but it's fine to eat whenever it's purchased.

Budget [ edit ]

All of these are in the city centre:

  • 49.294562 19.951815 1 Meta Seta Galareta , Mariusza Zaruskiego 2 . ( updated May 2022 )
  • 49.294086 19.954229 2 Chatka Puchatka - Obiady Domowe , Krupówki 35 . ( updated May 2022 )
  • 49.293633 19.955424 3 Bar Górski , Weteranów Wojny 2 . ( updated May 2022 )
  • 49.297496 19.949165 4 Bar Mleczny Nowotarska 4A , Nowotarska 4A . ( updated May 2022 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Regional Restaurant Nosalowy Dwór , Balzera 21d . The choice of meals from both regional and international cuisine. ( updated May 2022 )
  • Restauracja 'U Wnuka' , ul. Kościeliska 8 , ☏ +48 18 2064167 . First restaurant in Zakopane, opened around year 1850. Obviously they have the traditional highlander cuisine. ( updated May 2022 )

Splurge [ edit ]

Drink [ edit ].

  • 49.292515 19.957885 1 Cafe Piano , ul. Krupówki 63 , ☏ +48 18 201 21 08 . Daily 15:00—24:00 . Full of surprises, strange sculptures, lamps made of (fake) amber. And the best thing is that there are swings in place of bar stools!  

Sleep [ edit ]

  • 49.28315 19.96761 1 Camping 'Pod Krokwią' , ul. Żeromskiego , ☏ +48 18 201 22 56 . Place for tents and campervans as well as small wooden houses and rooms.  
  • 49.286188 19.99836 2 Good Bye Lenin Hostel , ul. Chłabówka 44 ( ca 2 km from the centre ), ☏ +48 18 200 13 30 . Wooden house, reputed to be 100 years old. Clean, but noisy and mostly occupied by foreign tour groups, Thefts and fights have been reported. Dorms from 35/40 zł, double 120/130 .  
  • 49.29966 19.956902 3 Target Hostel , ul. Sienkiewicza 3B , ☏ +48 18 207 45 96 . In the centre.  
  • Plenty of private rooms . Tourists coming by train or bus will often find private landlords waiting for them at the stations. Negotiate the price. Board often available. Ask to be shown the location on a map. Many locations are outside Zakopane city (which may be an advantage).
  • 49.2963 19.9489 4 Villa Vita , ul. Krupówki 2 , ☏ +48 18 200 06 00 . 5-min walk from a cable-lift to Gubałówka. From the windows you can admire a beautiful view over Krupowki and Tatra Mountains.  
  • 49.285735 19.98818 5 Nosalowy Dwor Resort and Spa , Balzera 21d , ☏ +48 18 20 22 400 . Two hotels of the Nosalowy Dwór Resort & Spa complex are situated at the foot of Mount Nosal in Zakopane. There is 3* regional style hotel Nosalowy Dwor and 4* Hotel Grand Nosalowy Dwor.  
  • 49.294105 19.949914 6 Aries Hotel and Spa , Mariusza Zaruskiego 5 , ☏ +48 18 544 44 44 , [email protected] . Rather new upscale hotel in the former building of Dom Turysty, the former main budget accommodation provider of Zakopane. Now it is a rather luxurious hotel with spa. starting at 440 zł .  

Go next [ edit ]

  • Kuźnice : get in on foot, or by local bus.

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Ski chairs at Zakopane

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Nestled in the foothills of the Tatras, Zakopane is Poland’s best-known mountain resort, famed for hiking in summer and skiing in winter, though at the height of the summer and winter seasons it can get positively overrun.

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Must-see attractions.

Morskie Oko

Morskie Oko

Perched nearly 1400m above sea level, the emerald-green 'Eye of the Sea' is the largest lake in the Tatras and a popular outing from Zakopane. Minibuses…

Tatra Park Nature Education Centre

Tatra Park Nature Education Centre

The national park's education centre walks visitors through the natural history of the mountains, including dioramas, interactive displays, kids'…

Old Church & Cemetery

Old Church & Cemetery

This small wooden church and atmospheric cemetery date from the mid-19th century. The Old Church has charming carved wooden decorations and pews, the…

Szymanowski Museum

Szymanowski Museum

An adjunct to the national museum in Krakow, the Szymanowski Museum highlights the life and work of the early modern Polish composer Karol Szymanowski …

Tatra Museum

Tatra Museum

This is the main branch of the Tatra Museum, which occupies various branches around Zakopane. Featuring old-fashioned exhibits exploring the natural…

Museum of Zakopane Style

Museum of Zakopane Style

Housed in the Willa Koliba, this was the first of several grand wooden villas designed by the noted Polish painter and architect Stanisław Witkiewicz in…

Museum of Zakopane Style – Inspirations

Museum of Zakopane Style – Inspirations

This companion museum to the main Zakopane Style museum is more of an ethnographic exhibition, highlighting the highlander folk roots and styles that…

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Wildlife & Nature

Nov 20, 2015 • 5 min read

Poland's southern border is defined by the upward thrust of the Carpathian Mountains. Europe's second-biggest mountain range after the Alps, the…

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Zakopane -Town under the Tatra Mountains Getting to know the winter capital of Poland

I wholeheartedly believe that Poland has it all – absolutely breathtaking cities, tranquil seaside, beautiful lakes… there is even a desert! But on the very south of the country, one more absolutely magical gem awaits your visit – the Tatra Mountains. It is at their foot where you will find Zakopane.

Located a little over 100 kilometres (just under 70 miles) from the capital of Lesser Poland, Zakopane is the ultimate one-day tour destination from Krakow for people who want to experience something extraordinary. Often referred to as the winter capital of Poland , the town offers a perfect blend of outdoorsy fun, modern hotels, beautiful views and fascinating traditions – everyone will find something for themselves!

Interested? Keep on reading!


What does the name Zakopane mean?

Contrary to the names of most cities, the word zakopane actually has a meaning and is commonly used in everyday language. It means... buried  (but only in passive voice, so you could say that skarby zostały zakopane  - the treasure has been buried , but you can't say they buried the treasure  using the same word. The beauty of Polish language, ladies and gentlemen! :)). The name " Zakopane " originates from the distinctive geographical location of the town. The term comes from times when these lands were uninhabited by people.

But why has that become the name of the town? Well, there's a folk legend for it.

A shepherd who, staying with his sheep on a loincloth on the southern slope of Gubałówka, beautifully sunny and warm, with a beautiful view of the Tatra Mountains on the horizon, decided to check whether this place is suitable for a permanent settlement. He buried an oat seed, and after returning there later he saw that the seed had grown up beautifully and gave off a good crop. And from the burial of this grain, this place was called Zakopane.

Isn't that a cute story? Initially, the Zakopane region served as a refuge for shepherds seeking shelter from the harsh mountain conditions and the dangers associated with the alpine climate. The settlement was nestled in a valley, sheltered from winds and extreme weather. This natural location was somewhat "buried" amid the surrounding mountains.

Officially founded in the second half of the 19th century as a mountain settlement, Zakopane has since become a popular leisure destination and a tourist hub recognized both in Poland and abroad. The name reflects both the town's position in the valley and its historical roots as a refuge in the mountains.

What is Zakopane famous for and why should you visit?

The most important things about this 30 000 town in southern Poland are the majestic Tatra Mountains and the unique folklore. Oh, and oscypki .

Definitely oscypki .

The Tatra mountains

There is plenty of reasons to visit the Polish mountains, I mean – just look at the photos in this post… I will give you some more specific recommendations though, don't worry! Regardless of the season – you will not be disappointed . Whether you are into hiking, skiing, snowboarding, or laying on a balcony of luxury hotel sipping mulled wine – Zakopane’s got you covered.

While Zakopane in itself offers a variety of attractions, the most common reason for heading there is to hike in the nearby mountains. I will list just a few of the magical destinations in the Polish Tatra mountains, bear in mind though there are plenty more !

Come and explore them yourself, but please remember to prepare yourself for the hike – wear appropriate shoes and outerwear, take SPF and water with you!


A very well-known mountain massif in the Tatra mountains with it’s highest point at 1895 metres AMSL. Look at it closely, can you see what it resembles?

It is said to be… a sleeping knight! If you couldn’t see it before, look at the photo once again ;)  There is a legend among the locals that these are actually enchanted knights who sleep deep in the Tatra Mountains and will wake up when the time is right. But when will the time come? We still don't know...

In 1901, a steel cross (15 metres high!) was erected on Great Giewont. It is one of the regional landmarks and a site of religious pilgrimages.

2. Gubałówka

A mountain (1129 metres AMSL at highest point) very popular among tourists. It is a great option for those who want to experience views from a mountain top but can’t or don’t want to hike on foot , as there is a funicular that can quickly take you all the way up.

3. Morskie Oko

I don’t want to be biased, but I think this might actually be my favourite. Just saying!

Morskie Oko (the literal translation of it's name would be the Eye of the Sea ) is a breathtaking lake (the largest one in Tatra mountains) in the midst of the mountains – it looks as if taken straight out of a fairytale . This one is also a very popular spot, and for very good reasons. Absolutely incredible views worth every second of the hike!


Isn't it just incredible?

Something for more experienced hikers – a beautiful mountain on the border of Poland and Slovakia, with it’s north-western summit being the highest point of Poland (2499 metres AMSL) . Prepatation may take a little more effort, but the satisfaction is very rewarding.

Honorable mentions

The Polish Tatra mountains are truly beautiful and I highly encourage you to dive into Google to see what piques your interest and pursue that. Will it be one of the places mentioned above? Or maybe one of our beautiful valleys – Dolina Chochołowska , Dolina Kościeliska or Dolina Pięciu Stawów ? Maybe you will want to reach the top of Kasprowy Wierch or Świnica ? It doesn’t really matter which one you choose, as long as you are excited for the journey!


Who lives in Zakopane? The wonderful people and the folklore of the region

The region of Polish Tatra mountains is called Podhale and the people who live there ( górale  eng. highlanders ) are well-known for being very vibrant, passionate and hard-working people with rich culture that they like to cultivate. Their culture, music, dance, and traditional attire are an integral part of Zakopane. You will surely spot some traditional outfits and hear their lively music (often played live in restaurants). There is even an entire art style called Zakopane Style , which is very prominent in the region – you will notice very characteristic buildings everywhere!

Just take a look:


The most popular choices

Wieliczka Salt Mine Guided Tour from Cracow

Regional cuisine of the area is known for some of the most recognizable dishes in Poland . As you will see in a second, most of them are savoury and very flavorful!

Here are some examples:

  • bryndza and bundz (made from sheep milk),
  • oscypek the king of all cheeses from the region (and may even be the king of all cheeses in all of Poland)  – smoked cheese made from sheep milk; has a characteristic shape – it’s tapered at both sides. Often served with cranberry sauce, oscypek provides a delightful blend of savory and sweet notes, offering a true taste of the region's heritage.
  • gołka (looks similar to oscypek, but it’s made from cow’s milk not from sheep's milk – you can tell the difference between them by their shape; their taste however is very different, so it’s a good idea to taste both)
  • kwaśnica – traditional saeuerkraut soup with meat, eaten usually with bread or potatoes – a must-try! This tangy soup is prepared by fermenting cabbage and cooking it with a variety of meats such as smoked sausage or bacon. The result is a hearty, flavorsome soup characterized by its rich, robust taste and comforting aroma.
  • czosnianka – soup made with potatoes, garlic, onion and mint
  • hałuski – a specific type of thick, soft potato dumplings
  • placek zbójnicki (or Highlander’s Potato Pancake in English) – well… a potato pancake :) made with potatoes, flour, onion, fatback, lard, eggs and spices. These hearty potato pancakes are typically served with goulash or beef stew, creating a filling and satisfying meal. The crispy texture of the pancakes complements the richness of the meat, offering a delightful contrast of flavors and textures.

Pierogi , traditional dumplings, are beloved in highland cuisine and come with various fillings, including meat, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, or cheese. These dumplings are typically boiled and then either pan-fried or served with crispy onions and sour cream. Pierogi are a versatile and comforting dish, appreciated for their delicious fillings wrapped in a soft dough casing.

If you’re wondering where you could try all those delicious delicacies, I recommend checking out the tripadvisor list of best restaurants in Zakopane – thousands of tourists can’t be wrong! ;)

What if a lit stove is not enough to heat.... %%

First things first, so... D zięgielówka (ahh those Polish names....)     – nalewka  its aa type of traditional Polish strong alcoholic beverages made with garden angelica. In the region of Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains, there are specific alcoholic beverages that are an integral part of the local culture. One of the most characteristic drinks is " Żubrówka ," also known as bison grass vodka , which is infused with natural aromas of bison grass, giving the drink a subtle, herbal flavor. Another noteworthy local alcoholic beverage is " Krupnik ," a traditional honey-based liqueur infused with spices such as cloves or cinnamon. It's a sweet drink with a rich history, valued as both a way to warm up on cold days and a symbolic element of holiday traditions.

Moreover, the region is renowned for excellent craft beers crafted with passion and utilizing local ingredients such as mountain herbs or honey. These local beers often embody the distinctive flavors of the region and are a popular choice among tourists seeking an authentic experience. Local alcoholic beverages not only complement the culinary journey through Zakopane but also form a part of the cultural heritage, offering an opportunity to taste traditional flavors and beverages deeply rooted in the local traditions.


Traditional gołka cheese

The weather

Zakopane is a great destination regardless of the season, but it’s important to remember about taking according protective measures.

If you are planning on roaming the hiking trails in the middle of summer, it’s absolutely crucial to use high SPF and cover your head ! During the wintertime on the other hand you have to make sure that you are ready for the harsh freezing weather. As the city is in a close proximity to the mountains, the conditions can be slightly more extreme than in the rest of the country. The weather can change rapidly, so be prepared for everything.

Better safe than sorry!


Where to stay in Zakopane?

There is a wide variety of accommodation options in Zakopane and it's area. It doesn’t matter if you feel like pampering yourself with a night in a lavish hotel or if you’re on a budget and just want to sleep in an affordable, cosy guesthouse – you can be sure that you will find something suitable for your needs .

Here are some examples, but feel free to check out booking or trivago for more options.

Please bear in mind that I am not including prices as they tend to vary depending on the season, weather etc., so be sure to check up-to-date pricing on the Internet !


Important tourist spots – worth checking out!

1. gubałówka.

Already mentioned before – you can get to the top by funicular and enjoy the view .

2. Krupówki Street

One of the most famous streets in Poland, is the main pedestrian zone of  Zakopane.  Filled with shops, restaurants, cafes, and places where you can buy local handicrafts and souvenirs.

There is never a dull moment on Krupówki!

3. The Tatra museum

Perfect if you want to learn more about the history and tradition of the fascinating Podhale region.

4. Wielka Krokiew

The biggest ski jump in Poland. It attracts winter sports enthusiasts and serves as an interesting attraction for tourists. Such stars as the legendary Polish Adam Małysz, Finnish Janne Ahonen, Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer and many others have jumped on this hill.

I said about this earleir but its so important I need to do it one more time:

5. Tatra Mountains 

"The Tatras - Poland's Himalayas" is a metaphor that perfectly encapsulates the majestic beauty of this mountainous region. Nestled at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, Zakopane offers tourists a unique opportunity to discover captivating landscapes and unforgettable adventures. The similarities between the Tatras and the Himalayas not only lie in the impressive scale of the mountains but also in the magical atmosphere and extraordinary experiences awaiting travelers in this picturesque corner of Poland.

In Zakopane, surrounded by breathtaking mountain vistas, you'll uncover unique trekking and climbing trails, along with incredible opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts. This land of mountain adventures attracts nature enthusiasts and explorers from around the globe. Majestic peaks, deep valleys, crystal-clear lakes - these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the splendor of the Tatras.

Vacationing in Zakopane presents an excellent chance to experience not only the beauty of nature but also the richness of highland culture, local cuisine, and traditions. This charming spot in Poland, sometimes referred to as the Polish equivalent of the Himalayas, entices visitors with its unique charm and unparalleled opportunities for immersing oneself in the lap of nature. Come to Zakopane and feel the magic of the Tatras - Poland's Himalayas, waiting to unveil their secrets with every step.

How about spending time actively? Zakopane has a looot to say here

Spending time actively is an excellent way to invigorate the body and mind, as well as to explore the world around us.The Tatra Mountains, often dubbed the "Pearl of Polish Mountains," stand as a majestic natural wonder and a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts visiting from the UK. Among the most renowned peaks in the Tatras are Rysy, the highest summit in Poland, offering a challenging yet rewarding trek with awe-inspiring views. Giewont, recognized by its silhouette resembling a sleeping knight, is another iconic peak that draws adventurers seeking panoramic vistas. Numerous hiking trails weave through the Tatra National Park, catering to various skill levels and preferences. The popular trail to Morskie Oko, a stunning glacial lake, presents an accessible yet picturesque hike. Adventurers seeking a more challenging journey often venture along the Orla Perć trail, known as one of the most demanding and exhilarating routes, traversing exposed ridges and offering breathtaking views.

One of the most enchanting spots in the Tatras is the Valley of Seven Ponds (Dolina Pięciu Stawów), a natural wonderland boasting a series of crystal-clear alpine lakes surrounded by towering peaks. The hike through this valley is an immersive experience, revealing a landscape of serene beauty with each step. The emerald waters of the ponds reflect the rugged grandeur of the mountains, creating a captivating scene that seems almost otherworldly. Exploring the Tatra Mountains provides a chance to witness diverse flora and fauna, from rare alpine plants to wildlife like chamois and eagles. The raw, unspoiled beauty of the Tatras, coupled with the tranquility and purity of nature, makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventurers seeking an unforgettable encounter with Poland's alpine marvels.

Another idea is kind wet. The Dunajec River rafting expeditions take place in towns near Zakopane, such as Szczawnica, offering an extraordinary experienc. For instance, Szczawnica is a prime location for these adventures. Embarking on a Dunajec River rafting excursion from Szczawnica or similar towns in the area is an invitation to explore the stunning natural beauty of the region. Drifting along the meandering river, surrounded by towering limestone cliffs and lush greenery, provides a captivating journey through the heart of the Pieniny Mountains. Guided by local highlanders known as 'flisacy,' the traditional wooden rafts navigate the gentle waters, adding an authentic touch to this scenic voyage. As you immerse yourself in this adventure, you'll encounter a breathtaking panorama, witnessing the harmonious blend of nature's splendor and the rugged, captivating landscapes that define this part of Poland. For travelers seeking an enriching encounter with Poland's natural wonders, embarking on a Dunajec River rafting trip from Szczawnica or similar towns near Zakopane promises an unforgettable fusion of adventure, cultural heritage, and awe-inspiring landscapes.

How to get to Zakopane from Krakow?

Ok, so you really really really want to go there now?

We've got your back! Just check out this post where we go into detail on the topic. There you will find out everything you need to know!


I hope I have managed to convince you that visiting Zakopane is a great idea.

Not that I needed to try hard, the place is so beautiful it basically sells itself!

The unique folklore, architecture, food and gorgeous views will surely enrich your Poland experience, so if you can – while planning your trip to Krakow, book an extra day for your mountain adventure :)

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  • -> Zakopane - the winter capital of Poland and the navel of the world! Zakopane - the winter capital of Poland and the navel of the world!

Zakopane - the winter capital of Poland and the navel of the world!

Zimowy widok na położoną w dolinie miejscowość w tle strzeliste góry

It is not only a resort which has been attracting tourists and mountain sports enthusiasts for years, but it is also the cradle of highland culture and Podhale art, next to which the unique Zakopane style was developed. Zakopane, discovered by Dr Tytus Chałubiński, has gathered circles of artists and scholars inspired by the proximity of the Tatra Mountains and the highland culture since the end of the 19th century. The Tatra Mountains  dominate the town, making the tourist season last all year round, and the unique climate attracts countless visitors.

Is the magic of Zakopane really omnipresent? It is worth finding out by visiting this enchanting place. 

The unique and unparalleled feature of Zakopane is not the mountains, nor highland folklore, but a symbiosis of these three factors: The Tatra Mountains, the highland culture and the Polish intelligentsia, which draws its creative inspiration from the Tatra Mountains and the highland culture. Zakopane can and should be a place of splendid - although not mass - cultural events at the highest level, non-commercial festivals, exhibitions and book publishing, and not only a market for tourism and trade.

Władysław Orkan

The unique climate of a Tatra village

Zakopane has always fascinated, and the spirit of the place has always intrigued and attracted exceptional personalities. The first written mention of Zakopane dates from 1605, but the Tatra Mountains were still unknown then. At the beginning of the 19th century, the life of Zakopane revolved around the activities of the ironworks in Kuźnice. Doctor and botanist Tytus Chałubiński is called the discoverer of Zakopane. Although people had been visiting Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains since the beginning of the 19th century, he was the one who came here in 1873 and contributed to making the place famous. The doctor noticed the climatic values of the Zakopane health resort, which positively influenced the treatment of tuberculosis. On the other hand, he appreciated the charm of the Tatra Mountains and the peculiarity of highland culture. Thanks to Chałubiński, other personalities from the world of culture, art and science came to Zakopane. Enchanted by the beauty of the mountains and inspired by the previously unknown highland culture, these people contributed to the development of the place, later called by Rafał Malczewski "the navel of the world". It was thanks to Chałubiński that Stanisław Witkiewicz, the creator of the Zakopane style, whose works can still be admired today almost at every turn, came to Zakopane. It was in Zakopane that Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and many others rested. It was thanks to Stefan Żeromski that Zakopane was the first town to regain independence in 1918. It is here that the FIS World Ski Championships were held years ago, and now the World Ski Jumping Championships, the Festival of Mountain Folklore and many other sporting and cultural events are organised.

Zakopane style and artists - timeless museums

If one wants to get to know a place well, they should start sightseeing at its source. The Tatra Mountains Museum , a treasury of knowledge about the Tatra Mountains and Podhale , opens the door for tourists to the fascinating world of the artistic creation and cultural heritage of the region. Consisting of 11 branches, most located in Zakopane, it provides unforgettable experiences and reliable knowledge. The Gąsienica Sobczak Cottage, which exhibits, among other things, the Dęmbowski collection of ethnographic objects, presents a traditional highlander cottage, everyday utensils and the highlander handicrafts that inspired the Zakopane style. The nearby Villa Koliba , the first villa in the Zakopane style, takes visitors back in time to the beautiful parlours and interiors designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz, complemented by works by leading Zakopane artists: Wojciech Brzegi, Tymon Niesiołowski, Franciszek Neuzil. The Art Gallery in Villa Oksza, the third work of Stanisław Witkiewicz built in the Zakopane style, presents the achievements of the Zakopane artistic colony. The wooden interiors are filled with the works of such artists as Stanisław Barabasz, Stanisław Gałek, Leon Wyczółkowski, Rafał Malczewski and Wojciech Weiss. Visitors can enjoy art inspired by the Tatra Mountains and Podhale from the highest level and various fields: photography, painting, graphics, sculpture and artistic handicraft. The exhibits also include works by students of the Wood Industry School, headed by Zofia Stryjeńska and Karol Stryjeński. A separate exhibition room is devoted to the works of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz "Witkacy", one of the most recognisable figures in the Zakopane art world and the creator of the famous portrait company.

A slightly different perspective on art is offered by the Gallery of Władysław Hasior , one of the most eminent Polish artists of the second half of the 20th century. Through the prism of pop art and assemblage art, often inspired by folk art, mythology and history, it provokes and encourages one to expand the imagination. There are two other branches of the Tatra Museum in Zakopane: the main building and the Museum of Kornel Makuszyński , who was associated with Zakopane, but they are currently under renovation. A visit to the atmospheric Villa Atma, the Karol Szymanowski Museum , where the exposition presents the composer's life and work, rounds off your knowledge of Zakopane's artistic output. A visit to the Jan Kasprowicz Museum in Harenda , located in the villa where the poet lived with his wife, is a must. The permanent exhibition presents memorabilia of the poet and his family: furniture, paintings, books and photographs. Those who want to learn more about the region will enjoy the exposition at the Centre for Native Culture "Czerwony Dwór" , the villa where Artur Rubinstein lived and where Stefan Żeromski frequented. The exposition presents exhibitions of works by artists from the Podhale region, in particular, traditional glass paintings by artists from Zakopane.

Unique nature of the Tatra Mountains

Let us remind you that the Tatra Mountains are a world biosphere reserve. One can learn about the nature of the Tatra Mountains and their topography by visiting the newly renovated Centre for Nature Education of the Tatra National Park . As part of the visit, one can take part in a fascinating educational walk, which will undoubtedly interest the youngest ones and surprise even the older ones with Tatra curiosities. Visitors are impressed by the largest model of the Tatra Mountains, which offers a close-up view of all the peaks. A presentation with a lector's commentary, a film projection in 4D and 3D cinema and realistic dioramas presenting the Tatra ecosystems and the impact of humans make one realise the value of the mountains. During the tour, one can even look into a cave and listen to or even feel the Tatra life going on. An excellent attraction for children is the Discovery Room, which offers educational computer games, e.g. to help them use a map, identify the sounds of Tatra nature and practice perceptiveness. The Centre of Nature Education offers fascinating modern education about the protection of the Tatra nature and about the habits and life of animals and plants.

The history and atmosphere of the place somewhat differently

The old architecture of Zakopane delights absolutely everyone. For those who do not like visiting museum interiors, Zakopane can offer an alternative - wandering around the streets and nooks of the city. T he Tatra Museum  has developed two walking routes: Szlakiem Stylu Zakopiańskiego (Along the Route of the Zakopane Style) and Szlakiem Znakomych Zakopiańczyków (Along the Route of Famous Zakopane People). The first route leads through the main, well-known but less recognised monuments of regional architecture. One can admire iconic wooden architecture buildings, such as Villa Koliba, the Old Church  and the cemetery on Pęksowy Brzyzek , the necropolis of distinguished Poles. The cemetery contains real and symbolic graves of famous mountaineers, speleologists, TOPR rescuers, prominent figures from the world of art and science and famous Zakopane inhabitants. On the tombstones, there are such names as: Bronisław Czech, Kornel Makuszyński, Mariusz Zaruski, Andrzej Chramiec, Tytus Chałubiński, Stanisław Witkiewicz, Karol Szymanowski and many others. The route continues along the trail of historic brick and wooden buildings, such as Dom pod Jedlami and the historic churches of Zakopane. As far as religious monuments are concerned, it is worth visiting the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptówki, which Pope John Paul II visited in 1997. Be sure to visit the Old Church of larch wood in Kościeliska Street , the oldest church in the capital of the Tatras and Podhale. In Krupówki Street, it is worth stopping by the Church of the Holy Family. A little further from the centre, there are wooden and equally beautiful churches of Salvatorians and Bernardines by the Boulevards. Walking from Kuźnice towards Kalatówki, it is worth visiting the Albertine Sisters Monastery, and taking a right turn upwards, the neighbouring Albertine Brothers Monastery. The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a stunning place on Jaszczurówka, designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz, which looks magical, especially in its winter appearance.

However, another trail leads along the Route of Famous Zakopane People, sometimes passing the same places necessary for the history of Zakopane and bringing closer the activities of prominent people connected with the Podhale region.

In turn, a not-to-be-missed proposal for an evening is the absolutely unique and delightfully atmospheric Witkacy Theatre , which, in its repertoire, also includes plays inspired by the culture and works of Zakopane, e.g. the famous "Na Przełęczy" and the equally popular "Człapówki" or "Demonizm zakopiański".

Zakopane - thermal baths and regional dishes 

After the unforgettable spiritual experience of mountain hiking, walking or visiting museums and theatres in Zakopane, one can also relax their body. Hotels offering various spa treatments are very popular. One of the most popular places is the Zakopane Aqua Park, offering water massages in geothermal waters, attractions for children and saunas. A little further from the city are also the Chochołów Thermal Baths , the Szaflary Thermal Baths  and the Thermal Baths in Bukowina Tatrzańska . Zakopane restaurants, which are easily found, especially in Krupowki and in the surrounding streets, specialise in traditional cuisine, offering delicious regional dishes, which taste especially good after a day full of excitement. Oscypek, dumplings with bryndza, kwaśnica or mountain trout are dishes you absolutely must try. In restaurants and inns, the unique atmosphere is also introduced by live highlander music.

The Tatra Mountains and other routes

Zakopane and its surroundings are, above all, a paradise for tourists who enjoy hiking and mountain activities. Apart from walking along Krupówki Street, Zakopane is worth seeing from a different perspective. A ride in a cable car to Gubałówka  provides a lot of excitement, and in fine weather, one can sunbathe on the top with an unlimited panoramic view of the Tatra Mountains. The walk can be continued in the direction of Kościelisko or Harenda. For those willing to take on bigger challenges, there is also a cable car to Kasprowy Wierch , but due to the high demand, it is advisable to buy the ticket in advance. Most of the Tatra valleys start in Zakopane, especially the Strążyska Valley and the Dolina Białego Valley. Less known, but nevertheless charming, are Dolina za Bramką and Ku Dziurze. The trail network allows for the planning of interesting loops and walks tailored to individual abilities. It is often possible to combine a route with the path running under the Regle and enjoy the panorama of the Gubałówka range and lower mountain pastures. For the more experienced hikers, the higher parts of the mountains await, with trails starting in Kuźnice. Hala Gąsienicowa and the main peaks of the High Tatras, Kasprowy Wierch and the Czerwone Wierchów ridge are just some of the most popular spots. An extremely attractive diversion is a trip by PKL, a cable railway, to Kasprowy Wierch, built at an extremely impressive pace within 227 days in 1935-1936. The railway runs daily, and the ascent takes about 30 minutes. The attraction is besieged by tourists, so it is worth buying a ticket online in advance. At the top, in good weather, a panorama of the highest peaks of the Tatra Mountains opens up before you, with Świnica proudly presenting itself in the foreground and the ridge of the Western Tatras on the other side. A walk to the nearby Beskid (2,012 m) is worthwhile, and those with more energy can descend from Kasprowy to Hala Gąsienicowa and Kuźnice.

In winter, in turn, in addition to mountain walks, tourists can use the ski trails from Kasprowy Wierch and the surrounding ski lifts - below Nosal and Krokwia, on Szymoszkowa and many others. More freedom is offered to ski tourists, who can use hiking trails and ski slopes.

Cultural events

Apart from museums and theatres open to tourists, Zakopane also offers a wide range of cultural events. Cyclically, the largest New Year's Eve concerts in Poland take place on Równia Krupowa. Every year, from spring to autumn, artists and musicians from all over the world come to take part in festivals: Festival of Mountain Lands, Festival Moc Gór - Encounters with Mountain Film, Book Festival, March Salon and Art Film Show, Tatra Musealia and Jazz Camping on Kalatówki.

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Salut Bye Bye - Blog voyage

Visit Zakopane in Poland: what to do in this mountain town in the Tatras?

Visit Zakopane in Poland: what to do in this mountain town in the Tatras?

Zakopane, a charming mountain town easily accessible from Krakow , serves as a starting point for stunning hikes in the Tatra Mountains (Polish Carpathians). It's also a popular ski resort and an idyllic spot to take in picturesque views of snow-capped peaks, wooden chalets, and a cable car. In this article, I'll guide you through your visit to Zakopane and provide practical information on top-rated restaurants, hotels, activities, and guided tours from Krakow.

If you have any questions or want to share your experience, feel free to leave a comment below!

Where is Zakopane, the trendiest city in the Polish Carpathians?

What to do in zakopane, how long should you stay in zakopane, how to get to zakopane, where to stay the best hotels in zakopane, good restaurant recommendations in zakopane, final tips for visiting zakopane, poland.

Zakopane, also known as the "capital of winter sports" in Poland , is home to just under 30,000 inhabitants. The city lies in a valley between the (small) Gubałówka mountain (3,693 feet above sea level) and the (large) Tatra mountain range (which peaks in Poland around 8,200 feet above sea level).

As the Tatras are the highest mountain range in Poland, the ski resort of Zakopane is a preferred destination for skiing, sledding, ski jumping, hiking, sleigh rides, and more. The Tatras are also known for their water parks and spas, which draw visitors seeking to unwind and rejuvenate.

Located in the south of Poland, 68 miles by road from Krakow, the altitude of the resort ranges from 2,460 to 3,710 feet above sea level.

Here is Zakopane on a map :

The Carpathians always remind me of the novel Dracula , which is set in the Romanian Carpathians in Transylvania. However, in reality, these mountains are vast and span over eight countries, including Poland, where they serve as the border with Slovakia further south.

I highly recommend exploring the area, either on a day trip from Krakow or by booking a stay there.

The city offers both mountain activities, such as skiing, winter sports, hiking, and more classic activities, like museums, spas, and sightseeing. Here's a glimpse of what you can do in Zakopane.

Discover Kasprowy Wierch, the roof of Poland

A cable car connects Zakopane to Kasprowy Wierch, which sits at an altitude of almost 6,562 feet. The ascent provides breathtaking views of both the mountains and the city, which gradually fades into the valley below.

Once at the top, there's something for everyone. If you don't want to walk much, you can simply enjoy the magnificent view and visit the weather observatory , the highest building in all of Poland.

There's also a hiking trail that meanders around the mountaintop, serving as a border between Poland and Slovakia . There are often patches of snow even outside of winter, so it's important to wear good shoes.

The cable car operates year-round but may occasionally close due to weather conditions or for technical revisions. You can find the opening calendar online.

The ski resort itself is typically open in January, February, and March, with the best snow conditions usually in March. Kasprowy Wierch is the starting point for several black runs for those who want to speed down the mountain in winter!

View from Kasprowy Wierch in Poland

Krupówki Street and its craft market

Let's head back down to the valley to explore Zakopane itself! It's a mountain town that's heavily focused on tourism and craftsmanship , and at times it seems like everything is designed for visitors. In fact, some Poles dislike the city for this reason.

On-site, you'll find plenty of small wooden chalets selling basic souvenirs (magnets, etc.) and local crafts, including glass objects, ceramics, sheepskins, furs, leather coats, and carved wooden objects.

Zakopane craft market in Poland

The main shopping street is Krupówki Street. It's a pedestrian cobblestone street lined with shops, cafes, restaurants, and passages with even more stores, as well as a craft market on the edge of a small mountain stream spanned by wooden bridges.

Zakopane craft market in Poland

Upominek (46 Krupówki Street) is one of the souvenir shops with a good reputation, but you'll find many traders, as well as sporting goods stores that can be handy if you're missing hiking or skiing gear.

The main post office is also located on the extension of Krupówki Street. They sell postcards, so if you want to send a little reminder of your visit to your loved ones, this is the perfect time! I found it to be well-organized, with a machine where you indicate the purpose of your visit (e.g., buying stamps), and based on that, you're given a number and directed to a counter.

Try the Oscypek, a local mountain cheese

In addition to handicrafts, don't miss the opportunity to taste the Oscypek , a type of mountain cheese with a protected designation of origin. You can easily miss it because it doesn't look like cheese at all , rather like buns or bread! I saw a lot of stands selling it... and I finally realized that this was the famous cheese I had been told to try!

A street stand selling oscypek in Zakopane

It is a local specialty that is made from a combination of cow's and sheep's milk . There are various types of oscypek cheese that differ based on the proportion of cow's milk and sheep's milk used during its production. In addition, oscypek comes in different shapes such as two cones attached together, big cylinders, flat ovals, and "laces." When I was in Poland, a local couple suggested I try the lace-shaped oscypek as they claimed it tasted better than the cylindrical or conical shapes. After trying multiple shapes, I agreed that the "laces" had a finer taste.

Oscypek has a smoky flavor that is reminiscent of provolone. It is typically consumed hot and served with cranberry jam. I was even able to bring some back in my carry-on bag without any issues!

Oscypek, Polish mountain cheese

Wooden buildings and churches of Zakopane

Zakopane, like many other places in Poland, is home to many religious people and therefore has numerous churches . While attempting to discreetly take some photos, I found that there were several masses held every day, and the churches were always packed with people! The locals' religious practice is apparent, with people making genuflections and the sign of the cross while entering or exiting the churches.

Zakopane has a unique architectural trend known as the "Zakopane style" , which blends wooden constructions with Art Nouveau elements, wooden sculptures, and roofs designed to withstand the weight of snow.

Among the local churches worth visiting is the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on Krzeptówki Street (approximately 1.9 miles from the city center). The church was consecrated by Pope John Paul II during his pilgrimage to Poland in 1997, and though the exterior is ultra-modern, the interior is made of wood.

The Fatima Shrine in Zakopane - Jozef Kotulič

Another noteworthy church is the Jaszczurówka Chapel (Kaplica Jaszczurówka, also known as the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus), which is entirely made of wood. It is located 2.5 miles from the city center, so having a vehicle to get there is recommended. If you visit Zakopane with a travel agency, they will likely include a visit to this chapel.

In the heart of Zakopane, you can also discover the Stary Kościół ("Old Church") , which was built in 1847 and is the oldest wooden church in Zakopane. It is also known as Our Lady of Czestochowa. The church was packed with people, providing further evidence of the religious devotion of the Polish people. People sang hymns, and the faithful stood at the back of the small church because it was so crowded... and you could hear the mass from outside!

Stary Kościół in Zakopane

Beyond the churches, the Zakopane style can be seen on numerous local buildings, museums, and houses.

A house in the Zakopane style

Examples include:

  • The Museum of Zakopane Style (Kościeliska 18) in Willa Koliba - This villa houses a museum that showcases the career and work of Stanisław Witkiewicz, the originator of the Zakopane style, in a typical mountain wooden decor. You can find the price and opening hours here .
  • Villa Atma (Kasprusie 19) - Here you can also visit a typical wooden house and immerse yourself in the life of Karol Szymanowski, a Polish composer of Russian origin who owned this cottage in Zakopane. You can find practical information about the museum here .
  • The Willa Oksza (Hr. Władysława Zamoyskiego 25) - You can enter this typical wooden villa, which houses an art gallery dedicated to many Polish artists who were inspired by the Tatras and the Podhale region where we are located. Prices and opening hours here .

The ancient cemetery of Zakopane

Beside the old wooden church I mentioned earlier, the Stary Kościół, is a small chapel, the Kaplica Gąsieniców, whose name literally means "chapel of caterpillars." It marks the entrance to an ancient cemetery that is definitely worth visiting , the Cmentarz Zasluzonych na Peksowym Brzyzku. It was established in 1850 and is home to many graves of local personalities who were important to the region.

The cemetery is full of wooden sculptures and especially features representations in the Podhale style: depicting Christ sitting , in full doubt.

It's a very serene place.

Seated Christ in the cemetery of Zakopane

The Funicular and Gubałówka Mountain

When spending a day in Zakopane from Krakow via a tour with a travel agency, Gubalowka is often included in the itinerary. It is easily accessible and offers a beautiful view of the Tatras without the need for extensive walking. However, it's a bit like the "Disneyland of Zakopane" as the area is packed with games, spaces to eat and shop for postcards.

To get to Mount Gubalowka , you can take the funicular located a stone's throw from the city center. You can find prices and practical information on this site .

View from Gubalowka mountain

At the top of the funicular, you will find many restaurants . Many are tourist traps without necessarily serving good food. For a quick break, the café Na Wierchu is decent, and for a proper meal, Po Widoki restaurant is acceptable compared to other places.

In Gubalowka, you can take a short walk to Butorowy Wierch (about 1.2 miles away), where a chairlift takes you back down to Zakopane in 15 minutes.

If you don't want to take the funicular on the way back, you can go down on foot, but you should know that in the summer season there is often a small "toll" of a few zlotys to pay because the path passes through private property.

At the top, there is also the "Ropes Gold Ridge," an adventure park that has gained immense popularity in the area, as well as a toboggan ride which you can ride on a small cart (ticket prices here ). Both the children and adults enjoy the toboggan ride equally.

Gubalowka Toboggan (Gravitational Slide)

The ski jump at Wielka Krokiew

Zakopane has Poland's largest ski jumping hill . It has hosted the World Cup ski jumping events several times. Kamil Stoch, the 2013-2014 World Ski Jumping Champion and a native of Zakopane, made the longest ski jump ever on the hill.

The ski jump is located at 1 Bronisława Czecha, about 1.2 miles away from Krupowki Street.

The Upside-Down House, Dom Do Gory Nogami

As you stroll along Aleja 3 Maja in the center of Zakopane town, you'll stumble upon a house built in a rather unusual way! The visit is brief (about half an hour), especially if you're accompanied by young children, as the house is simply... upside down.

You can check admission fees and opening hours here (using Google Translate)!

Upside-down house (Dom Do Gory Nogami) in Zakopane

Visit the Tatra Museum

Located at 10 Krupowki Street, this small museum dedicated to the history and culture of the Tatra region features many photographs and artifacts. You can also explore a reconstructed typical 19th-century Podhale cottage during your visit, which should take about half an hour.

Take a trip to Morskie Oko

The region is a haven for those who enjoy walking and capturing photographs of nature, with plenty of hikes to choose from within the Tatra National Park. This national park is home to a range of lakes and walking paths, with AllTrails listing about a hundred hiking routes , providing ample opportunity to explore the region during your stay.

One of the gems of the Tatra National Park is Morskie Oko, which is considered to be one of the most stunning lakes in the world . Buses run from Zakopane to the starting point of the hiking trail leading to the lake.

To find the bus schedule, please visit this website .

Morskie Oko in Poland

Mount Giewont

This hike is perfect for experienced hikers, as it involves reaching the summit of Mount Giewont , which is 6,214 feet above sea level.

To avoid crowds, it's best to start early and pack a picnic. The trail can get busy in good weather, and at the top, you'll find a huge steel cross that's 49 feet high and was brought here in 1901.

The entire hike takes about 5.5 hours, and the last part of the trail is the most challenging since there's a steep area where you are on the border between walking and climbing. In rainy weather, it can be slippery.

Chocholow Thermal Baths

If you're looking for a place to relax and unwind, head to the Chocholow Thermal Baths , also known as Chocholowskie Termy, located near Zakopane.

This vast thermal complex draws water from a depth of 11,811 feet, and the water temperature is maintained at 96.8 °F. On-site, there are eight thermal water pools, saltwater pools, and a mix of indoor and outdoor pools.

In addition to relaxation areas like a sauna, hammam, and salt cave, there are more leisure-oriented areas, such as waterfalls, a wild river, climbing nets, slides, and areas to practice team sports in the water.

If you're staying in a hotel or rental in Zakopane, you can easily buy a ticket in advance and reach the baths on your own (just select the option that doesn't include any transfer). The thermal baths are about a 20-minute car ride from Zakopane.

While passing through the village of Chocholow, take some time to admire the small wooden houses as well!

If you're interested in visiting the thermal baths, you can also find excursions from Krakow, such as this tour by Cracow Top Tours that includes Zakopane, Morskie Oko, and Chocholow Thermal Baths for relaxing at the end of the day. Or check out this tour by The Tours Brothers that includes Zakopane and entrance to the thermal baths.

You can check many other tour options here .

Chocholow Thermal Baths at Night

The Aqua Park in Zakopane

If you're spending some time in Zakopane and the weather is nice, you should know that there is a great water park there, with affordable prices and family rates.

The place is well-known in the region and offers pools, saunas, whirlpools, a children's playground, water jets and games, as well as waterslides .

The Dunajec Gorge

If you're spending a week in the region, I would recommend going to the beautiful Pieniny region , which is about an hour away. There, you can visit the Czorsztyn Castle, cross the border with Slovakia, enjoy a walk high above the treetops, or raft down the Dunajec Gorge, a local river.

The Pieniny website provides useful information for planning a visit to the area.

There are also tours that combine Zakopane and Pieniny, like this tour by Connect Krakow .

In summary, people come to the Podhale region to enjoy nature. The few museums in the area are not necessarily long to visit or "must-see," so visitors will find happiness hiking, taking photos in the midst of nature, or enjoying winter sports in a different way than at the most famous ski resorts.

You can get a taste of the city in one day by walking through the center and going up to Kasprowy Wierch, for example. However, to get a better idea of the area, I would advise you to spend a few days there, such as a long weekend or a whole week. This will allow you to complete at least one real hike and explore some sights a bit further from the center, such as the thermal baths, the Dunajec Gorge, or others.

There is no airport in Zakopane, only a small flying club in Nowy Targ. The easiest way to get there is to visit Zakopane from Krakow . You have two options: you can organize everything yourself by bus or car, or you can use a travel agency that will handle all the logistics for you.

Visiting Zakopane with a guided tour

Several travel agencies offer day trips to Zakopane from Krakow . The tour program can vary depending on different preferences. For example, you can check out these quality tours:

  • This tour offered by Intercrac , with an English-speaking guide, will take you to the village of Chocholow and its 18th century houses, as well as to Zakopane where you will visit key places such as the museum, old cemetery, Gubalowka mountain, etc.
  • This excursion combines Zakopane with the opportunity to bathe in hot springs. There is also an English-speaking guide, and the organizing agency is called Thousand Miles Krakow Adventure Company.
  • This excursion proposed by Mr Shuttle includes several hours of free time in Zakopane with an English-speaking guide.
  • This tour by Legendary Krakow allows you to see the splendid Morskie Oko lake, Zakopane, and the Chocholow thermal baths.
  • This tour by Connect Krakow takes you on an 18-kilometer wooden raft ride through the Dunajec Gorge before visiting Zakopane.

If you'd rather hire a private guide , you can do so online .

Zakopane in Poland, at the foot of the mountains

Getting to Zakopane by car

Zakopane is located about 62 miles from Krakow , but there is often quite a lot of traffic, so it often takes between 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours to get there.

Along the way, you will see the Tatras mountain range looming in the distance, especially since it is the highest mountain range in the Polish Carpathians. There is often a lot of fog in the area in the early morning.

Parking is generally not a problem because there are many parking lots in Zakopane. The "Parking Zakopane Centrum Krupówki Gubałówka" is particularly good and not expensive, but it is a bit out of the way. Many people prefer to park at the foot of Gubalowka mountain to be closer to the center.

Zakopane craft market in Poland

Getting to Zakopane by bus

The bus departs from the bus station in Krakow . You can either book your Krakow-Zakopane ticket in advance or get it on the bus. The frequency of the bus depends on the season, and many people take it at the last moment.

There are direct buses from Krakow bus station to Zakopane bus station, and the journey takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes. You can check the timetable on the E-Podroznik website, by entering "Krakow M.D.A." as the departure point and "Zakopane" as the destination. You can also buy your ticket online on the same website.

It's worth noting that there are very frequent buses between Krakow and Zakopane , so you don't have to worry about schedules. If you want to come back late or even in the middle of the night, there are solutions available. The round trip costs less than 10€, making it an affordable option.

At the bus station in Krakow, there are signs displaying the next departures (posted about 15 minutes before) and the platform number where the bus will depart from. The platform number starts with either a D or a G. The bus station is on two levels, and the letter indicates whether the bus departs from the upper level (letter G) or the lower level (letter D, simply exit the building and take the stairs).

The area is well-marked with pictograms and most signs are available in English, so even if you don't speak Polish, you will be able to navigate with ease.

Krakow bus station

Parking is not allowed in the immediate vicinity of the bus station, so the bus has no trouble navigating through the morning traffic around Krakow. It often has a dedicated lane to avoid traffic jams, and unlike in Paris, this is something most drivers respect!

Krupowki Street in Zakopane, Poland

Public transportation in the area

The city has a bus network , and you can download the map here . The timetables for the different bus lines can be found online .

If you plan on spending more time in Zakopane (which, in my opinion, is definitely worth it!), you should know that there are plenty of quality accommodations in Zakopane , including hotels, bed & breakfasts, and rental apartments.

Considering the local prices, I would recommend looking at high-end hotels , where you can find a room with unbeatable rates and excellent services, including spa facilities.

My favorite is definitely the Aries Hotel with Spa , which has sumptuous decor, a great pool, and is centrally located so you can do everything on foot. It's a 5-star hotel with unbeatable prices. They usually offer special packages for those who want to spend Christmas and/or New Year's Eve in Zakopane, which can be a great idea for families or couples.

The cozy pool at Aries Hotel

You can also take a look at the Sabala , a hotel with a swimming pool located on Krupowki Street, the main shopping street of Zakopane, and at the Grand Hotel Stamary , which is close to the train station and a 6-7 minute walk from Krupowki Street; it also has a very nice swimming pool!

A mountain spa getaway is always a good idea, especially when the scenery around the hotel is covered in snow and you can enjoy the water in a warm and cozy setting!

Looking for a place to enjoy Polish cuisine? As for restaurants, I recommend Karcma Zapiecek , which offers a lot of local specialties. Poles cook duck and beet dishes particularly well, and to give you an idea, the delicious dish below with duck, pear, and beet puree was filling and not expensive (equivalent to 7.5€ for this dish, which was one of the most expensive on the menu!).

The Karcma Zapiecek restaurant in Zakopane

I had a good time with some Quebecers I met there! The decoration of the restaurant gives off a mountain vibe (yes, this is a typical tourist observation ^^).

The Karcma Zapiecek restaurant in Zakopane

If you're looking for some great local food, there are several restaurants to choose from in Zakopane. Some good options include Goralska Tradycja (Krupówki 29), Gazdowo Kuźnia (Krupówki 1), Bąkowo Zohylina Niźnio (Józefa Piłsudskiego 6), Drukarnia Smaku Cristina (plac Niepodległości 7), or the Restauracja Zakopiańska (Jagiellońska 18, not to be confused with the Zakopianska pharmacy located on Krupowki Street, whose "menu" is likely to be less appetizing).

If you're in the mood for some international cuisine, check out Casa Mia (Krupówki 69), Cristina's Pizzeria (plac Niepodległości 7), or the burgers at Tunel's Restaurant (Krupówki 7).

For a quick snack, I recommend trying the pastries at Samanta Cukiernia. There's a location on Krupowki Street and their cakes are absolutely delicious (thin and crunchy cookies with a taste that isn't overly sweet). The place also doubles as a tea room, so you can stop for a break in the heart of Zakopane.

If you're in the mood for brunch, I highly recommend checking out STRH Bistro Art Café (Krupówki 4a).

With all these great options, it's clear that you'll need to spend at least one night in Zakopane to try out some of the best restaurants!

It is important to note that many people in Zakopane do not speak English, including in tourist areas such as the train station. However, they are usually very willing to try to understand and help, and a smile and gestures can go a long way. In more complicated situations, apps like Google Translate can be useful in overcoming the language barrier.

Horse-drawn carriage in Zakopane, Poland

Remember that Zakopane is a mountainous region , and it is important to be properly equipped and to check the weather forecast before going hiking. The climate can change rapidly, mountain storms can be severe, and there may be snow at higher altitudes even in early autumn. It is important to wear appropriate footwear.

If possible, check the weather forecast for Zakopane a few days in advance and plan your activities accordingly. When the weather is poor, the views of the mountains are not as impressive, so it would be a shame to miss them. Additionally, many museums are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so plan accordingly if you want to visit them.

Finally, before leaving the city, make sure to visit the Most Miłości , a bridge over a stream that is popular with couples who attach padlocks to the bridge as a symbol of their love.

Love locks on the Most Miłości in Zakopane

Consider stopping for a souvenir photo at Równia Krupowa Park, where the name Zakopane is written in large wooden letters that make for a great photo opportunity. There are also carved wooden figures where you can take pictures with the Tatras in the background.

Visiting Zakopane provided me with a beautiful view of the Polish Carpathians and is a great way to get some fresh air, whether you're spending a week in Krakow or exploring the mountains of Poland.

Marlène Viancin

Hello! On this blog, I share my photos, insights, and travel tips from journeys in France and around the world. I launched this blog in French in 2014 and began translating some articles into English in late 2022. I have a special passion for solo travel! In March 2023, I was blessed with my son James, and I've already begun introducing him to the joys of traveling as a solo mom with a baby.

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Poland Travel Expert

All the very best things to do in Zakopane

Zakopane is one of the premier tourist destinations in Poland. There are many things to do in Zakopane in both summer and winter. Zakopane in the Tatra National Park is best known for its white powder ski runs, tall trees and amazing wooden architecture.

Facts about Zakopane:

Festival of highland folklore, escape rooms in zakopane.

While Zakopane is at its busiest in winter, summer is also a great time to visit. In summer in Zakopane, there are various things to do, including hiking in the Tatra Mountains, exploring the charming town’s traditional architecture, and enjoying outdoor activities such as cycling and horseback riding.

The sun will be out, the skies will be blue, and the weather will be warm. This allows you to explore the town of Zakopane far and wide.

traditional houses in Zakopane poland

Where is Zakopane Poland?

Zakopane Poland was first mentioned in the records in 1676. Zakopane is located in Southern Poland in the Tatra Mountains, close to the border with Slovakia.

The nearest major city in Poland to Zakopane is Krakow, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Zakopane is a 2-hour drive from Krakow through rolling hills and green countryside.

It’s a very scenic trip as you get closer to the mountains, and Zakopane looms large. Zakopane has a healthy population of 27,000 people.

This population fluctuates depending on the time of year. This amazing mountain getaway is a beautiful place to visit, from the traditional houses to the picturesque mountains to the friendly Polish people.

  • Zakopane has an elevation of between 800 and 1000 meters
  • Zakopane Poland points of interest are visited by over 2.5 Million tourists a year
  • Zakopane bid unsuccessfully for the 2006 Winter Olympics.
  • Zakopane elevation is up to 1000 feet above sea level

Things to do in Zakopane, Poland

The resort town of Zakopane, Poland, was once considered only a winter destination in Poland. It is now emerging as a year-round destination. Also, once only a place where local Polish tourism flourished, it has gained widespread recognition on the international travel scene. Plenty of international tourists are making their way to Zakopane.

With so many activities in Zakopane, Poland, you will love this tranquil Polish town and return to see what to do in Zakopane in any season.

Playing in the snow while seeing in Zakopane

Skiing in Zakopane in Winter

Let us get this straight out of the way. Winter sports, including skiing in Zakopane, are what this town is famous for. It’s the winter capital of Poland. In the winter peak season, people flock to Zakopane from nearby cities such as Krakow and beyond. They come to stay at ski resorts, buy their ski passes and hit the mountain peak in Zakopane in winter.

In the winter, you can enjoy Polish mulled wine, ice skating, thermal spas and winter activities. There are some great ski runs and places in Zakopane to ski for all levels of skiers. Let’s look at some of the best places to get on a cable car and ski in Zakopane.

Zakopane ski locations

  • Nosal Ski Station – Great for beginners and first-time skiers. This location has three green/blue ( the easiest rated ) ski slopes. Onsite, you will find a ski school, ski and clothing rentals, a ski kindergarten, two restaurants and a sled riding hill. The Nosal ski station is the perfect Zakopane ski resort for honing your skills on the mountain.
  • Szymoszkowa Ski Station – Ski slope for beginners with green/blue runs of 400m. Ski slope for intermediates with a red run of 1.500m. There is also a ski school with kindergarten, ski rentals (one with clothing rental), and a restaurant
  • Kasprowy Wierch – is the highest ski resort in Poland. The Gasienicowa and Goryczkowa ski runs are the only alpine-style slopes in Poland. This Zakopane ski resort and ski runs are for advanced skiers only. It is not for beginners.

When packing for a winter trip to Zakopane and all regions in southern Poland, include warm clothes that let you dress in layers and  waterproof boots  as you will be walking around in the snow.

Pack plenty of jumpers, pullovers, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and maybe even some long  thermal underwear  for an extra layer of warmth. A waterproof  snow jacket   is essential in this winter wonderland. The wind can be chilling to the bone.

See more of Poland: All the best things to do in Warsaw

Things to do in Zakopane – Krupówki Street

Krupowki Street is the main pedestrian thoroughfare in the town centre of Zakopane, Poland. The street is over a kilometre long and begins at the base of the Gubalowka cable car station. Krupowki is lined with restaurants, bars, shops, and hotels.

When the sun comes out, you will find thousands strolling the street, window shopping and people-watching. Zakopane restaurants and bars are packed with people enjoying good food and drinks. Grilled meats seem to be the specialty of Krupowki.

The atmosphere is alive on Zakopane’s main street, especially in the height of the summer and winter seasons. You will find horse-drawn carriages and street performers all along the street. Walking Krupowki is one of the most popular things to do in Zakopane, Poland.

An afternoon spent strolling, eating at amazing restaurants, drinking and enjoying life on Krupowki Street is a must. Visiting Zakopane in summer, you will find a market selling traditional Tatra crafts and products from the region, such as handcrafted wooden souvenirs and local produce.

Family travel to Zakopane tip:

You will find people dressed as characters, such as Paddington Bear, who approach the kids. These guys are going to want money. All along Krupowki, you find amusement centres with games like air hockey and pinball machines. Zakopane with kids is a great option.

A cheese that is made in the villages of the Tatra Mountains

What to see in Zakopane – Traditional cheese-making

We tasted the Zakopane cheese, a creamy and smooth cheese with a rubbery texture. This Zakopane cheese is sometimes eaten with jam, which is a little strange for foreigners. It is one of the top things to see in Zakopane.

Oscypek, Oszczypek is a  smoked cheese  made of salted sheep milk found exclusively in the Tatra Mountains region of Poland. No other cheese can be called Oscypek.

This regional speciality is a protected trade name under the EU‘s Protected Designation of Origin geographical indication.

Just outside Zakopane, on the open fields at the base of the surrounding Tatra mountains, you will find wooden mountain shelters dotted all over. You can go to these huts, watch the traditional making of cheese, and buy it freshly made.

The Zakopane cheese is pressed into wooden moulds and comes in all shapes and sizes. Cheese production in the Tatra was first mentioned in the 15th century.

Poland travel advice: All the best Polish souvenirs to buy

Aqua Park – Zakopane tourist attractions

Is there anything better to do on hot Zakopane summer days than go to the water park? AQUAPARK Zakopane is a world of fun for the whole family. It is hard to call this Zakopane attraction just a water park. At Zakopane Aquapark, you will find the following:

  • 2 water slides
  • A wild river
  • Thermal baths
  • Water fitness classes
  • A Gym for working out
  • Salt Cave – for natural healing elements

The Aqua Park Zakopane is one of the region’s largest and most modern facilities. It truly is a great way to spend a day in Zakopane. Mix fun with health and healing for your body. There is a restaurant on-site to grab drinks and food.

Address: Jagiellońska street 3134-500 Adamierz Zaskopane Email: www.aquapark.zakopane.pl

Mountain biking Tatra National Park Zakopane

Mountain biking in Zakopane is only allowed on established tracks in the surrounding mountains. Some of the best tracks to follow are:

  • Pod Reglami road  runs from the ski jump to the Siwa Polana meadow in Chocholowska Valley. It’s best done in the morning to avoid walkers who use the trail also.
  • Chocholowska Valley Road  is where the previous ride ends. Siwa Polana meadow to Polana Chcocholowska refuge. You can rent a mountain bike in the Chcocholowska Valley.

Quick checklist for your trip to Zakopane

Accommodation in zakopane.

  • Traditional homestays in Zakopane
  • Ski Chalets in Zakopane
  • Hostels in Zakopane

Must have tickets for Zakopane activities

  • Zakopane City highlights walking tour
  • Ski Lift Pass
  • Transfer to Zakopane from Krakow

Never leave home without

  • Get your travel insurance here
  • Do you need a visa to holiday in Zakopane?
  • Wifi so you can stay in touch

Zakopane in summer – Wielka krokiew ski jump

Heading up the Zakopane ski lift can be an exciting family travel adventure. Wielka Krokiew ski jump is the official Polish name of the Zakopane ski jump. It is a regular venue for the FIS World Ski Jumping Championships.

ski jump in Zakopane Poland

The stadium has a capacity of 40,000 people, and the ski jump is open even in the offseason. It is available for tourists and summer practice sessions for the local ski jumpers.

The ride to the top of the mountain is not for the faint-hearted. The Wielka Krokiew ski jump lift takes you vertically to the top of the ramp, where you get a real indication of the height and slope of this venue.

The views from the top of Wielka Krokiew ski jump are fantastic and well worth the journey. The views provide an amazing panoramic over the town and the mountains behind. Just don’t look down when you are going up. The Ski lift may not be a likely thing to do in Zakopane in summer, but it’s still a thrill.

Family travel in Zakopane tip:

At the bottom of the ski jump, a small photo booth sells pictures captured of you on the way up to the top of the ski jump. Makes for a great souvenir when you are visiting Zakopane Poland.

Planning to visit Auschwitz : Everything you need to know before you go

Thermal Pools in the Zakopane Area

Thermal pools are perfect when the weather is rainy and horrible. The waters are warm and welcoming, coming at you from over 300 meters below the ground. Many thermal spas have waters that are rich in minerals.

The Sulphur smell will have everyone giggling. Many of these places have indoor and outdoor pools and thermal spas for use in this Zakopane winter wonderland. You will find thermal pools at the following locations.

spa in zakopane

  • Terma Bania , Białka Tatrzańska, 181 Środkowa Street, open every day 9:00 am-10:00 pm
  • Terma Bukovina , Bukowina Tatrzańska, 22 Sportowa Street, open every day 9:00 am-10:00 pm
  • Chochołowskie Termy , Chochołów 400, open everyday 9:00 am-10:00 pm
  • Termy Szaflary , Szaflary, 20 Nowe Area, open every day 8:00 am-10:00 pm
  • Gorący Potok , Szaflary, 45 Nowe Area, open every day 11:00 am-10:00 pm

We hope this gives you some ideas for winter and summer bad weather days in Zakopane. The thing about holidays in the mountains is the weather can change quickly. These Zakopane places to visit will keep everyone entertained. Book a Thermal Springs experience in Zakopane .

Tatra Mountains Zakopane Poland – Gubalowka

Gubalowka sits at 1123 meters, looking down on Zakopane directly above the town in the Tatra National Park. The trip to Gubalowka begins with a Zakopane cable car ride up the hill, one of Zakopane’s best things to do.

The Zakopane cable car takes 4 minutes and costs over a euro. The ride up the hill is amazing as you ascend upwards through pine trees, and the town slowly disappears beneath you.

You will find restaurants, bars and spectacular views at the top of Gubalowka Hill in the Polish Tatra Mountains. The sun deck terrace is one of Europe’s most magnificent spots for a drink, food or ice cream.

A soft-serve ice cream is called Lodi. You will encounter machines everywhere selling Lodi in summer in Zakopane. The view from the top is amazing as it sweeps over the Tatra mountains .

Snow covers the tops of the highest peaks, even in summer. There is a smaller market for the top-selling Polish handicrafts and souvenirs. The market seems to stretch forever on either side of the road at the top of the hill.

You will be bombarded with the smell of grilled meats, hamburgers, and hot dogs while trying to avoid market stall holders trying to sell you anything and everything. Hiking trails lead off from the top of Gubalowka, providing incredible views and access to surrounding villages. In winter, ski runs lead down the hill.

Family travel tip:

At the top of the mountain is a toboggan run for kids and adults, a rope course, horse rides and numerous other activities to amuse the kids in Zakopane.

A cable car in summer in Zakopane

Zakopane things to do – Unique Architecture and Design

Many houses and buildings in Zakopane are built out of wood according to the traditional style of the area. The design of the buildings is inspired by the regional art of Poland’s highland region known as  Podhale .

This unique architectural style of the building is now known as the Zakopane style. All new buildings up to 1914 had to be built in this way.

It is still very popular today, and a walk around town will tell you that many new buildings are still being built in this traditional style. Finding them in the streets is one of the best free things to do in Zakopane.

Everywhere you look, there are amazing wooden buildings, both single and double-story. The house is truly unique. You won’t find this sort of design anywhere else in the world.

I found myself wandering different streets, admiring how people had stuck to the traditional building designs but had added small touches of their own.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

This church was built in honour of Pope John Paul II. It was built as an offering to God for saving the Pope after an assassination attempt in 1981. The church is only one of 4 churches in Poland that the Pope himself consecrated. The church is visited by over 300,000 pilgrims a year and is one of the most interesting things to do in Zakopane.

Every summer since 1965, the Festival of Highland Folklore has been held in Zakopane, Poland. Like all great cultural events, this one was born from a small beginning with strong ties to the area’s regional history.

What began with four local folk singing groups has since expanded to encompass performers and traditions from other countries, making the Festival of Highland Folklore an international event in Zakopane. Zakopane comes alive during the festival with music, dance and singing.

This festival makes learning about other cultures and traditions possible while still having amazing entertainment for the whole family.

Looking for some extra fun in Poland?  Check   out more of these amazing festivals in Poland

What to do in Zakopane with kids

Kids can be difficult to keep occupied when it’s raining. We often find ourselves asking what can we do. Below are some great ideas for visiting places in Zakopane with kids when it is raining.

Ten pin bowling

It is a great activity for kids when it is raining. It’s good for kids to keep active in Zakopane. There are several bowling alleys in Zakopane for families to visit. You can find bowling alleys at the following locations.

  • Aqua Park Zakopane,  31 Jagiellońska Street
  • Tatra Hotel , Zakopane, 34 Cyrhla Street
  • Hotel Belvedere,  Zakopane 3 Droga do Białego
  • Zadyma Inn,  Szaflary, 1e Zakopiańska Street
  • Borowy Dwór,  Szaflary, 1a Cieplice Street
  • Burkaty Pension , Białka Tatrzańska, 252a Środkowa Street

Cinemas in Zakopane

There are two cinemas in Zakopane, some showing the latest movies in English and Polish. The Cinema is a great thing to do in Zakopane with kids. You can find Zakopane Cinemas below.

  • Kino Giewont

Kids Park Janosika

Over 700 square meters of indoor space for kids in Zakopane. You will find amazing fun with indoor sports such as football and basketball. You can do puzzles and games, indoor sleighs, and play in the ball pits. There is a cafe and food available onsite for all.

KIDS Park Janosika – Sala Zabaw is located at Zakopane, ul. Krupówki 14a – II piętro

An escape room, also known as an escape game, is a physical adventure game in which players solve puzzles and riddles using clues, hints, and strategies to complete the objectives.

Currently, Zakopane has only one escape room business. The escape rooms are great for days when the weather may not be so good, or you are just looking for something different. You will find the Zakopane escape room at

Escape Room Zakopane  – ESC House, Tadeusza Kościuszki 3, 34-500 Zakopane, Poland

Travel Poland: 10 of the best Polish cities you must visit!

Zakopane attractions – nearby villages to visit

There are so many wonderful things to do in Zakopane, but you may want to venture out of the town to see more of what Zakopane, Poland, offers.

Below are some of the villages that surround Zakopane and are worth a visit on your trip to Poland.

  • Zab  – From this small mountain village, tourists can take in the breathtaking panorama of the Tatra Mountains, the Babia Gora Range and the Gorce Mountains. Make sure you have a meal at one of the amazing traditional restaurants.
  • Bialka Tatrzanska  – This village offers some great mountain walking and biking paths. In the winter, you can use over 20 ski lifts and numerous traditional beads and breakfasts to stay in. This village is only 20 kilometres from Zakopane
  • Male Ciche  – Is known as the prettiest village in the vicinity of Zakopane, Poland. Amazing food, challenging skiing and a picture-perfect location surrounded by the forest of the Tatra mountains. 14 km from Zakopane
  • Niedzica – This village is situated on the banks of the River Dunajec. This town has some amazing historic buildings and a 14th-century church and castle.

It’s worth a day trip from Zakopane to see some of these other amazing locations. The area around Zakopane, Poland, is stunning.

Day trip from Zakopane – Wieża widokowa Krynica Zdrój

At Wieża Widokowa Krynica Zdrój you will find the first wooden observation tower in Poland. This amazing wooden Tower stands at a height of 49.5 meters and is located at the top of the Słotwiny Arena ski station (896 m above sea level). The tower is nestled amongst the forests of the Jaworzyna Krynicka Mountain range.

Wooden structure lookout

The treetop walk allows you to take in all the sights as you move along the 1.3km length of the structure. There is some added fun for kids with a 60-meter slide taking them back to the bottom. Do you fancy walking through the treetops at the height of a 17-story building? This amazing attraction is a little over 100 kilometres away from Zakopane.

How to get to Zakopane

The nearest International airports to Zakopane are Krakow and Katowice.

There is one direct train weekly from Warsaw to Zakopane and 2-3 per day from Krakow.

The Krakow Zakopane bus runs daily. It takes a little over 2 hours. The bus to Zakopane leaves Krakow every hour during the day. Polski Bus prices and timetables are  HERE.

Driving to Zakopane is a great option. Be aware that the Polish roads are not the best and lots of people like to visit Zakopane, which can cause traffic jams on the way.

Where to stay in Zakopane

Zakopane has a huge range of accommodation options. Zakopane accommodation comes in the form of hostels, ski resorts, chalets, hotels and apartments. Accommodation in Zakopane is generally cheaper in the summer months.

A visit to Zakopane is a great option. Zakopane with kids or family, Zakopane as a single or couple. There are plenty of Zakopane attractions for you to do.

Search for Hotels in Zakopane

Search for Apartments in Zakopane

FAQs about visiting Poland

Poland is an emerging holiday destination in Europe, and there are so many questions to ask for first-time visitors. Even for some people who regularly visit, you can always learn something new about Poland.

Traditional foods to try when visiting Zakopane, Poland

The cuisine of the Tatra region is very tasty but also uses much fat and has more calories than is usually needed. This is traditional because, in the older days, the people working in the cold and mountains needed more energy to get through the work day.

  • Zurek Soup –   traditional Polish food. A distinctive feature of this exclusive food is its sour taste.  Compulsory additions to zurek soup are hard-boiled eggs and a peculiar Polish sausage.
  • Kwaśnica Soup –  Is made of pickled cabbage and meat (one or two kinds): mutton or pork, often with a smoked rib. Original kwaśnica is eaten with potatoes (that should be boiled separately, not in the soup!) or with bread
  • Hałuski –  is noodles made of grated potatoes, salt and flour
  • Moskole is a traditional cake baked on a griddle. They’re made of boiled potatoes, flour, water and salt. When cooked, they should be a little bit of crispy crust and a soft centre
  • kluski śląskie –  Kluski slaskie are kind of potato dumplings. Kluski slaskie are eaten with meat sauces such as Goulash.

Weather in Zakopane Poland

July is the hottest month in Zakopane with an average temperature of 15°C (58°F), and the coldest is January at-4°C (26°F), with the most daily sunshine hours at 7 in July. The wettest month is June, with an average of 120mm of rain. This type of weather means Zakopane is great in winter and amazing in summer.

Money in Poland

What currency do I need for my trip to Zakopane Poland? The official currency you need to use in Poland is the Polish Zloty. We recommend that you get a  Revolut travel money card  that can be loaded with multiple currencies and has nearly non-existent withdrawal fees to save money on your family trip to Poland.

Overall In the summer, visitors to Zakopane can enjoy various outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and swimming in the majestic Tatra Mountains. They can also explore the vibrant local culture by attending folk music concerts and traditional dance performances.

For those seeking relaxation, there are numerous spas and thermal baths to unwind in. There is no shortage of things to do in Zakopane during summer.

In Zakopane, winter brings heavy snowfall, transforming the town into a popular ski destination.

Zakopane is one of the most popular Polish tourist attractions. We at Poland Travel Expert think it is worth a visit and should be on everyone’s bucket list to visit southern Poland.

We hope this post has encouraged you to visit Zakopane Poland in any season and enjoy all the area offers. There are so many wonderful things to do in Zakopane Poland.

Poland Travel Expert   is your ultimate guide to all things Poland. Your next trip to Poland will not be complete without our detailed Poland guides, Poland itineraries and Poland travel tips.

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Summer in Poland – the best places to visit
Airports close to Auschwitz
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Author Bio: Mark Wyld

Mark Wyld is a Father, husband, traveller, and writer at Poland Travel Expert and other blogs. I have accumulated a wealth of experience over multiple visits to Poland. Thanks to our friends in Poland, we stay connected to the nation’s pulse, ensuring that our content is up to date with our first-hand experience. The information on this website is backed by genuine expertise.

The Solo Globetrotter | Solo Female Travel Blog

20 Things to do in Zakopane Poland For a Fantastic Holiday

Looking for the best things to do in Zakopane in summer and winter? You are in the right place.

I have visited Zakopane during both seasons, and I cannot pick a favourite. Hence I decided to share a combined guide to help you if you are wondering what to do in Zakopane.

While Krakow may be the most popular destination in Poland, close to this city lies the winter capital, Zakopane.

Nestling at the foot of the majestic Tatra Mountain Range, this enchanting city is one of the best places that should be on your itinerary.

From hiking to funicular rides to museums to delicious Polish food, there are plenty of Zakopane things to do, something for every kind of traveler.

Without much ado, keep scrolling further to know everything in this ultimate list of things to do in Zakopane.


Top things to do in zakopane in summer and winter, taste local cheese oscypeck.

One of the unmissable things to do in Zakopane is to try the local special delicacy, Oscypek .

This delicious salted cheese, made of smoked sheep’s and goat’s milk from the highlands of the mountains around, is the proud invention of this gorgeous town. 

places to visit in Zakopane

Although you can find Oscypek is various cities in Poland, you should try it here, in its city of origin!

The history of Oscypek dates back to the 14th century.

It is a part of the staple food of the locals, and you can try them with cranberries, bacon, sausages and or just the cheese itself, as a snack or breakfast too.

poland zakopane weather

If you love cheese like me, you will fall in love with Oscypek, which tastes smoky with a tinge of salt, and is carved into various designs and sold in small shops and carts on the streets of Zakopane.


If you want to know how Oscypek is prepared, then even better than just getting to taste, right? 

All you have to do is get a bit outside the town where you will find many wooden houses amidst the fields where you can visit to watch how the cheese is traditionally prepared and designed on moulds.

activities to do in poland

I’d highly recommend joining a guided local cheese-making tour because learning about the cheese culture is one of the best things to do in Zakopane.

Also, try this guided food tour in Zakopane to taste other local delicacies with the experts.


One of the top things to do in Zakopane is strolling on its main street Krupowki, which is the heart of the town.

This pedestrians-only street stretches for over a kilometre, beginning at the starting point of the Gubalowka funicular ride station.

Whether you are here in Zakopane in winter or in Zakopane in summer, you will find this street bustling with locals and tourists shopping, dining at many amazing restaurants and bars or unwinding in those adorable cafes. 

things to do in Zakopane

Local band performances and musical events will entertain you at night in the bars and restaurants.

Krupowki is the best place for people-watching and soaking in the charm of this town.

Try some of the best sausages, soups and bread on this street. You can witness musical performances by the local artists.

If you are in Poland for Christmas, you will find an additional Christmas market with decorated wooden chalets, Christmas trees, carols, food shops, rides, and more.

The street will be transformed into an enchanting Yuletide paradise. 

Krupówki street in Zakopane during Christmas is magical

Among the local souvenirs you should buy are Tatra handicrafts, wooden toys, glass products decorated with hand-made paintings, and winter/summer clothes.

As mentioned earlier, Krupówki street is where you should also try Oscypek, which comes in all shapes and sizes.

Recommended: Krakow: Zakopane Day Trip with Hot Springs and Hotel Pickup


Zakopane is famous for its wooden houses and buildings that have tiered architecture.

One of the unique things to do in Zakopane is to notice these cute houses with patios decorated with flower pots. 

As you wander through the town, you will notice that many homes, restaurants, and even churches are built in this unique style of Zakopane wooden architecture.

things to do in Zakopane

The history of these wooden buildings date back to the early 19th-century, as Stanislaw Witkiewicz, a renowned Polish architect is credited with the creation of this style and is the trademark style in the Podhale region. 

Zakopane style houses and villas are especially sought throughout Poland and also in Europe, and I’s recommend you to stay in one such wooden chalet.


One of the most beautiful things to do in Zakopane is to admire the panoramic bird views of the town surrounded by the magnificent Tatra. 

You shouldn’t miss any chance to enjoy these splendid views, and one of them involves taking a cable car ride to the top of Mount Kasprowy Wierch.

Recommended: Zakopane Full-Day Trip from Krakow with Cable Car Ride

Did you know? Kasprowy Wierch is home to the highest ski resort in Poland.

things to do in Zakopane

Whether you are visiting Zakopane during the peak winter season or you are in Zakopane in summer, you should take a ride to Mount Kasprowy and spend some time as both seasons are ideal and offer different experiences.

If you are wondering what to do in Zakopane with kids, this trip will best for them.

things to do in Zakopane

In winter, you can enjoy skiing and snowboarding on Mount Kasprowy.

The Gasienicowa and Goryczkowa, the two popular ski runs, are the only alpine-style slopes in the country, ideal for an advanced skier.

Since the funicular ride to Gubalowka is among the top Zakopane attractions, you can alternatively head to Kasprowy if you prefer fewer crowds. However, I’d recommend giving both a try if you have time!


Just a five-minute funicular ride from the centre will take you to one of the top things to do in Zakopane – visiting Gubalowka Mountain.

tourist office zakopane

As much as the place, this super short ride to the top is a beautiful ascend as you see the dense forests below and the mountain peaks around on your way up to the top.

things to do in Zakopane

Located at over 1100 meters, Gubałówka offers dramatic views of the town and the surrounding Tatra mountains. It is a part of the Tatra National Park. 

You can check out the decked terrace, where you will find many cafes and restaurants to buy some food and drink for the company as you sit to soak in the blissful views.

mountains tatry

Since it is a popular attraction, expect to encounter a lot of street food, from sausages to soups. Take a walk amidst the market to check out handicrafts and souvenirs.

Many trails for hikers start from Gubalowka, ideal to enjoy the outdoors in summer. In winter, you can ski or rent a snowboard.

tourist office zakopane

If you plan to visit Zakopane from Krakow as a day trip, I’d recommend you book this epic guided tour that involves a cable car ride to the top of Gubalowka Mountain . 

This excellent private tour is worth every penny, as you can also visit Chocholow village and relax in the thermal pools on your way back. 

Recommended: Kraków: Zakopane Tour with Thermal Pool


Unlike the other regions of Poland, the cuisine of the Tatra region is known for its copious amounts of calories, especially large fat content. 

This is one of the reasons why Oscypek cheese is a staple food.

Consuming high-calorie foods is a tradition dating to the 14th century when farmers around the mountains had to endure the harsh weather and work long hours outdoors.

Some of the delicious food of Tatra has been passed on to many generations in Zakopane, so you can throw your diet out of the window (it’s a holiday, after all!) and indulge in the tasty delicacies.

Polish dumplings

Poland is known for its ultimate soups, and Zakopane is no exception. Try two specialities, Zurek – the traditional Polish soup and Kwaśnica, made of meat, served with mashed potatoes or bread.

Also, try the different types of cakes and special potato dumplings served with sour cream.

The restaurants on Krupówki street are awesome, but they are catered towards tourists. For a more authentic experience, try these Polish delicacies in one of the milk bars.

Join this beer tasting tour in Zakopane for an absolute fun experience.


The best way to experience and explore the city’s culture, traditions and history is by signing up for a walking tour. What better than a local to get you through the heart of Zakopane? 

tourist office zakopane

Whether it is the rich ancient history of Zakopane or the culture and traditions of people in the Tatra mountains or learning about cheese, skiing, or pretty wooden huts, one of the best things to do in Zakopane is joining a guided walking tour.


One of the perks of traveling in the mountains is the many beautiful natural hot springs rich in minerals that you can enjoy.

Imagine being surrounded by surreal views in pretty villages and unwinding in one of the thermal baths – your idea of holiday bliss? 

If you are nodding with me, then one of the items on the list of must things to do in Zakopane should be thermal baths hopping .

best ski resort in poland

Among the most famous thermal spas in Zakopane is Terma Bukowina, located in Bukowina Tatrzańska village, which is around 25 minutes from Zakopane 

Other lovely thermal spas are in Chocholow, Szaflary, and Białka Tatrzańska – one of the enchanting villages in the Tatra mountains.

How about combining a day of skiing and thermal baths? Book this tour which gives you access to both at reasonable prices.

Recommended: From Krakow: Zakopane Tour and Hot Springs with Hotel Pickup


One of the best things about the gorgeous mountains is the valleys that are home to secluded enchanting villages, away from the crowds of travelers.

If you want to get glimpses of the rugged life in the mountains and the Polish villages, you should plan a drive or a trip to nearby villages in the Tatra mountains. 

things to do in Zakopane

The rolling hills, greenery everywhere, streams, forests and winding roads – these landscapes will enchant you with their ethereal beauty.

Among the most beautiful villages, check out Zab, which is known for its excellent location overlooking the majestic Gorce, Tatra and the Babia Gora Mountain Ranges.

poland zakopane skiing

The views from Male Ciche, a quaint village surrounded by astoundingly beautiful landscapes, will make you fall in love with Poland again.

Less than 15 minutes from Zakopane, this village is also home to an advanced ski jump if you are visiting in winter.

tourist office zakopane


Just an hour drive away from Zakopane lies the tiny hamlet of Niedzica, one of the villages on the mountains of Tatra.

It is home to a 14th-century medieval castle sitting atop a hill on the banks of the River Dunajec, one of the beautiful Poland castles.

Niedzica castle

While the town itself is a perfect getaway to enjoy a stroll in the town, one of the best things to do in Zakopane is visit this stone castle.


Zakopane is known in Europe for the Highland Folklore Festival, which is held before the spring every year, usually in February. 

Initially, a casual, local tradition of gathering the main folk groups from the highland mountains of Tatra to conserve the culture eventually made it into an incredible folklore festival, one of the unique kinds in Poland and Europe. 

tourist office zakopane

Now, not only Polish but folk artists from all over the world gather every year to appreciate and celebrate the rich culture of Tatra Highlanders.

You can participate in competitions like singing folk songs or in costume contests.

The event is one of the best things to do in Zakopane for fantastic fun involving singing and dancing.

Plan a trip to witness this international festival, where you can also explore art exhibitions and galleries.

Recommended: From Krakow: Zakopane and Tatra Mountains Full-Day Tour


If you are wondering about the fun things to do in Zakopane with your kids, then you should head to Aqua Park Zakopane.

Located in the city centre, you will have ultimate fun in this park, equipped with many rides, thermal pools, bowling and other games for an activity-filled day. 

One of the many lovely things about Aqua Park is its awesome location overlooking the mountains and valleys.

For the best use of your time and to involve more exciting activities, I’d highly recommend this epic day tour from Krakow to Zakopane. 

Along with free pickup and exploring Zakopane town, it also combines a walk to Bachledka Treetop after spending some time in the Aqua Park.


One of the things to do in Zakopane in Poland is to check out the few museums, the townhouses. 

The Tatra Museum, right on Krupówki street, is a must-visit if you are a museum lover – it is the best museum showcasing the history, culture and traditions of the Polish Tatra region.

tourist office zakopane

Visit Villa Koliba, the first building built in the traditional wooden Zakopane style of architecture, which is a monument as well as a museum housing the artefacts related to this unique architecture. 

Recommended: From Krakow: Zakopane Tour with Gubalowka Funicular & Museum


While you are in Zakopane, check out the unique churches in the city.

Unlike anywhere in Poland or Europe, where the churches are made of sandstone or bricks, Zakopane has medieval wooden churches in line with the town’s architectural style.

tourist office zakopane

The Fatima Sanctuary in Krzeptówki is the main church and also stop by Jaszczurówka Church.

Recommended: From Krakow: Zakopane & Tatra Mountains Tour


If you are a nature lover or enjoy mountains , hiking and cycling Zakopane is one of the best places in Poland to be. These are the best things to do in Zakopane Poland for outdoor activities.


One of the best things to do in Zakopane winter is to go skiing. Many people looking for skiing in Europe lean towards the Alps of Switzerland or France or other countries which are more expensive and commercialized. 

But one of the best things about Skiing in Poland is that the day passes come at a fraction of the price that you would pay anywhere in the Alps.

Not just the cost, the crowds are fewer, and you get to enjoy winter activities in stunning locations, topped with awesome food and drinks.

things to do in Zakopane

Zakopane is the top destination when it comes to skiing. You will find many locals on holidays and weekends on these slopes. 

There are many slopes for ski activities, and whether you are a beginner with no experience or a seasoned skier, there are slopes and practices for every experience level. 

The main Zakopane ski jump is Wielka Krokiew , which is a popular stadium too, and travelers can use the ski as well.

The ride to the top of Wielka is adventurous and as you ascend in the chair lift, you will witness the gorgeous snow-capped landscapes and valleys below.

tourist office zakopane

If you are an experienced ski person and love to challenge yourself, one of the top things to do in Zakopane for you will be to try skiing at Krasprowy Wierch, which has some of the longest descents that you can have an adventure on.

For a ski trip with a post-card perfect village experience, head to Bialka Tatrzanska village, which has over 15 ski lifts, many amazing hotels overlooking the valleys.

Recommended: Zakopane & Tatra Mountains Private Full-Day Tour from Krakow


One of the top places to visit in Zakopane is Tatra National Park, a UNESCO Heritage site, a Biosphere spanning across Slovakia and Poland.

tourist office zakopane

Located in the Tatra mountains, this renowned national park is home to many glacial lakes, plenty of well-marked hiking trails, and mountain biking paths.

You will be many nature lovers and trekkers during summer and winter. 

Rent a mountain bike and enjoy the stunning vistas in the national park, one of the best things to do in the Tatra mountains.

There are many designated biking trails(you can only bike on these), including the famous one leading to the Siwa Polana meadow, gorgeous Chcocholowska Valley.

tourist office zakopane

For trails outside the park, I’d recommend going to the village of Bialka Tatrzanska , especially if you are here in summer for sweeping views of the valley with majestic Tatra in the backdrop.

Recommended: Tatra Mountains and Zakopane Full-Day Trip from Krakow


Tatra National Park is home to many beautiful lakes.

One of the fantastic things to do in Zakopane in summer if you want to experience the wild is to plan these hikes.

If you are keen on a relatively easier day hike, choose the gorgeous Lake Morskie Oko . Nicknamed the ‘Eye of the Sea’, this spectacular mountain lake is the largest in the Tatras.

things to do in Zakopane

You will need 2 to 3 hours to reach the lake, and to get to the starting point, and you should take the shuttle. This blue-green alpine lake is very popular among hikers and nature lovers. 

Start the Morskie Oko hike as early as possible in the morning to get ahead of the crowds that increase in the afternoon.

tourist office zakopane

The other popular lake and an easy hike are Czarny Staw Gąsienicowy Lake, famously known as Emerald Lake.

Most hikers stop here for a picnic thanks to its amazing location for panoramic views. You can follow the trail to hike further up.

The hike starts from Kuźnice and ends in the same town. It takes about 4 to 5 hours to complete. You can reach the starting point by shuttle in Kuźnice.

Recommended: From Krakow: Morskie Oko and Zakopane Day Trip


Apart from the hikes to the lakes, there are many other trails along the Tatra National Park valleys. 

One of the beautiful things to do in Zakopane is to go on these multi-day hikes or day hikes by basing yourself in the town.

poland mountains zakopane

If you are a seasoned hiker, you can plan a climb to the Rysy Mountain , the tallest peak in Poland, on the border of Slovakia.

For others looking for easy, moderate trails, I’d suggest Strążyska Valley, easily accessible from Zakopane. 

Poland Zakopane

You can go all the way up to Mount Giewont following the trail to end in Kuźnice town, which will take 8 to 9 hours in total.


If you are looking for one of the quirky things to do in Zakopane, try a Quad-biking adventure in the Tatra mountains to get your adrenaline up and running.

tourist office zakopane

This epic quad bike tour will take you through Gubałówka passing through forests, rolling hills, and valleys.

This is one of the best trails to enjoy the view of the Tatra and the surrounding fantastic landscapes. Book this tour here.


When to visit zakopane.

One of the top things that you need to know about Zakopane is it is a popular winter destination, receiving thousands during the months of October to March. 

Whether you want to travel to Zakopane during summer or winter is a tough choice to make, because both seasons offer unique experiences that cannot be compared. If possible, you should visit Zakopane during both seasons. 

I was here at the onset of winter, and I loved everything about Zakopane in winter.

Poland in winter is one of the awesome places to be.

If you are looking for a ski holiday in a winter wonderland, wanting to experience snow and snow sports, you should visit Zakopane in winter. 

best places to visit in poland in summer

January and the start of February are usually the coldest days with layers of snow blanketing the town and the mountains and temperatures in the negative.

If you want to hike, enjoy the trails, blooms, and the sunny outdoors, summer may be the best time for you.

Zakopane weather is consistent. July is usually the hottest month in this town, with temperatures hovering around 15°C to 18°C and 7 to 7.5 hours of sunshine.


Zakopane is close to Krakow, Poland’s most visited city and one of the best cities in Europe.

The nearest International airports to Zakopane are Krakow and Katowice. And there are regular flights to Zakopane from most of the cities.

If you want the cheapest option, take the buses from Krakow to Zakopane that leaves from Krakow’s main bus station Dworzec Autobusowy. You can directly buy the tickets at the station. 

zakopane ski resort

However, if you are traveling during the peak season, I’d recommend buying a day or two in advance.

The journey takes you through the amazing countryside of Polland and takes about 2 hours to reach Zakopane from Krakow.

If you want a more comfortable option, you can choose the trains. About 2 to 3 trains from Krakow to Zakopane are available, which takes around 3 hours.

FROM WARSAW – There are a few weekly trains from Warsaw to Zakopane, as well as buses every day, which takes about 3 to 4 hours.


The area close to the city centre and many ski resorts and cottages secluded in the mountains are some of the best places to stay in Zakopane.

You have plenty of types of hotels in Zakopane – villas, apartments, hotels, and home stays in all budget ranges.

best ski resort poland

But I’d highly recommend you to stay in one of the Zakopane style wooden houses , which has excellent amenities, spectacular views of the Polish Tatra, and more.

This is the signature style element of this ski resort town, so don’t miss a chance to indulge in this experience.

Here are the wooden chalets you should check out:

Tatra Wood House – Perfect views and secluded; Wooden chalets with excellent locations are BIAŁY PUCH , Domek Góralski – Górski Hyr , and Arcychata Zakopane

If you are looking for a budget stay, check either of these apartments – Willa Cztery Strony Świata , and Villa Słonecznego Wzgórza

The best hotels in medium-range are – Villa Adamo&SPA , and Willa Jarosta

That’s it about all the fantastic things to do in Zakopane. Have a fabulous trip. Check out more posts on Poland for your trip, below.


  • 30 Free Things To Do in Krakow, Poland
  • How to Spend 3 Days in Warsaw
  • 45 Things About Poland No One Tells You
  • 20 Day Trips From Warsaw You can Plan
  • 15 Pretty Day Trips You can Plan From Wroclaw
  • 25 Best Things to do in Gdansk


things to do in zakopane

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Zakopane [1] is a very popular winter resort and summer getaway town in the Tatra mountains at the southern tip of Poland . It became a climatic health resort and as well as cultural spot in the 1880s. Many Polish writers and artists visited Zakopane at the turn of 20th century. Stanisław Witkiewicz developed so called Zakopane Style architecture still popular in Polish mountains.

Get in [ edit ]

By train [ edit ].

There are around five trains every day from Kraków . It takes three and a half hours, costs around 25 PLN and stops at many small towns along the way. Sleepers go to Warsaw and Wroclaw every night as well.

By bus [ edit ]

Several companies ride between Krakow and Zakopane, two biggest are Maxbus [2] , MajerBus [3] , Szwagropol [4] , PolskiBus [5] and several other known as PKS (it used to be state-run company, now it has been privatized and there are few dozen local, independent branches (those are the cheapest). Ticket costs from 12 to 15 PLN, discounts mostly don't apply. The journey takes at least two hours fifteen minutes, sometimes more (depends on traffic). Direct bus from Budapest by Eurobusways [6] .

Private transfer from Krakow city or Krakow airport directly to Zakopane Zakopane transfer .

By car [ edit ]

'Zakopianka' from Krakow - road number 7 to Rabka and then 47 to Zakopane. It takes around one and a half hour, but depends on traffic. Traffic jams on summer weekends are legendary.

By foot [ edit ]

Through Łysa Polana border crossing from Slovakia . It's also possible to go through Polands highest mountain peak, Rysy, but it's not advised outside of the summer months unless you have some hiking experience.

Get around [ edit ]

  • PKS buses according to schedule.
  • There is a large number of privately owned vans (called mini bus ). Most have fixed routes and rates, no schedule. Often there is the possibility of negotiation (route, price, time). Note some driver's telephone numbers if you think you may need transport later . It costs 3 zloty to go one way to Kuznice, and 10 zloty to go one way to Morskie Oko

See [ edit ]

  • Tatra Mountains
  • Tatrzański National Park
  • Krupówki . Main walking street full of restaurants and shops. There's also a church with beautiful interior located here.
  • Morskie Oko lake
  • Ku Dziurze Valley . Tiny valley next to Wielka Krokiew jumping hill, there's a tiny Dziura Cave ( Hole in Polish). The cave's very tiny and easy to explore
  • The Gubałówka Hill Funicular [7]
  • Kasprowy Wierch Cableway [8]
  • Cemetery of the Distinguished on Pęksowy Brzyzek ul. Kościeliska, The oldest cemetery, since 1920s a burial place of distinguished people connected to Zakopane and Tatra Mountains. Most of the tombstones are real works of art made of wood, stone and metal.
  • Wooden churches . There're many old, wooden churches built in mountain style. They're located f.ex. in Harenda,
  • Krzeptówki sanctuary . Beautiful mountain-style contemporary one.
  • Olcza sanctuary . Sanctuary's composed of contemporary building inspired by Tatra Mountains. There's a beautiful interior composed by stain glasses.
  • Jaszczurówka chapel . Beautiful, wooden chapel built in mountain style

Museums [ edit ]

  • The Tatra Museum , [x] . has several buildings throughout the town.

The Main Building ul. Krupówki 10

The Gallery of 20th Century Art at Oksza villa ul. Zamoyskiego 25

The Museum of the Zakopane Style - Inspirations Droga do Rojów 6

The Museum of the Zakopane Style at 'Koliba' villa ul. Kościeliska 18

The Władysław Hasior Gallery ul. Jagiellońska 18b

The Gallery of Art in Koziniec ul. Koziniec 8

The Kornel Makuszyński Museum ul. Tetmajera 15

Museum of the 1846 Chochołów Uprising Chochołów 75

  • Karol Szymanowski Museum ( Villa Atma ), ul. Kasprusie 19 , [x] .
  • Jan Kasprowicz Museum , Harenda 12a , [x] .

Do [ edit ]

  • Teatr im. St. I. Witkiewicza , ul. Chramcówki 15 , ☎ +48 18 20 00 660 , [x] .
  • Kasprowy Wierch
  • Białka Tatrzańska
  • Bukowina Tatrzańska
  • Butorowy Wierch
  • Polana Szymoszkowa
  • Paraglide [10] A 15-minute flight as a passenger costs 250 PLN. There are couple day courses in paragliding as well.
  • Hike - It's worth buying a map of the area if you're going hiking. Most likely you will be hiking in Tatra National Park [11] . Be aware that as it is a National Park special rules apply - don't be loud, leave any garbage or disturb animals. Maps are sold by the tourist office (17 Kosciuszki St., telephone: 01820 12211), down the hill, on your left, just before getting to the bus stop and cross roads (Krupowki St. and Kosciuszki St.) in the centre of town. They'll also give suggested routes, based on the latest weather forecasts and your fitness and equipment. The maps are very tourist-friendly, with the "difficultly levels" for different paths marked: possibly slightly patronising for seasoned hikers. People have been seen trying to get prams up steep paths from Zakopane into the mountains. The pram symbol for the 'easy' paths is taken too literally. All the paths marked on the map are well maintained by the government. Note: you will have to pay a small entrance fee. The fee is 5 PLN (2.5 PLN for students and school kids). Whichever route you plan to take, it is advised you dress warmly and bring spare waterproof clothes and water. Put the clothes in a plastic bag in your backpack, to keep them dry in case of a rain. Even midsummer it can hail for an whole day in the mountains! Remember you are already at 1000m, although it doesn't feel like it.

Many of these activities aren't in the centre Zakopane itself. However, minibuses, leaving when full, depart from different points in Zakopane all day. Most minibuses leave from the front of the bus station. The same system works to return hikers/skiers to Zakopane. Expect to pay about 3.50 zł each for the minibus (around 1 euro).

Buy [ edit ]

  • Many shops at Krupówki promenade. There is a small supermarket on Kosciuski street, near the junction with Krupowki street.

Eat [ edit ]

  • Oscypek , local specialty , smoked sheep's milk cheese.
  • There are many good eateries within Zakopane. Look for authentic-looking wood huts. Avoid ones with colorful lights and multi-colored lamps. Good "Bacowkas" include "Bąkowo Zohylina Wyźnio and Nizino" right off of Krupowki. Chata Zbójnicka on Jagiellońska is also good for authentic food (and experience.) You can also try the fried fish eateries anywhere in town for a quick, cheap meal. Trout is the specialty in this town.
  • Gofry . Waffles with cream, ice cream, berries, fruit or whatever you want. Tasty dessert. ~7 PLN .
  • There is a cheese market every day. It's probably best to come early in the morning while the produce is still fresh, but it's fine to eat whenever it's purchased.
  • Regional Restaurant Nosalowy Dwór , Balzera 21d , [x] . The choice of meals from both regional and international cuisine.
  • Restauracja 'U Wnuka' , ul. Kościeliska 8 , ☎ +48 18 2064167 , [x] . First restaurant in Zakopane, opened around year 1850. Obviously they have THE traditional highlander cuisine.

Drink [ edit ]

  • Literatka , Krupówki 77 . Small, artsy pub, full of paintings or graphics created by local artists (exhibitions change). Beer costs 7 PLN, they offer shisha.
  • Cafe Piano , ul. Krupówki 63 . Full of surprises, strange sculptures, lamps made of (fake) amber... best thing - there are swings in place of bar stools!
  • Ampstrong , ul. Jagiellońska 18 , ☎ +48 18 201 29 04 , [x] . Well known club. Quite underground.

Sleep [ edit ]

Budget [ edit ].

  • Camping 'Pod Krokwią' , ul. Żeromskiego , ☎ +48 18 201 22 56 , [x] . Place for tents and campervans as well as small wooden houses and rooms. ( N 49 16' 58 , E 19 58' 10 )
  • Dom Turysty , [x] . The Dom Turysty advertises that it has the largest wooden roof in the country.
  • Aga Dom Wypoczynkowy , ul. S.Nedzy Kubinca 43 , ☎ +48 18 207 05 00 , [x] . Wooden B and B right by the mountains. Mountain view from rooms. Good value for the money. English speaking staff.
  • Target Hostel , ul. Sienkiewicza 3B , ☎ +48 18 207 45 96 , [x] . Close to the bus station, walk towards the centre of town and turn right just before the Tourist information office.
  • Szarotka Youth hostel SSM , Nowotarska 45 A . A budget object in the center, TV room, WiFi. They also have a location in Krzeptówki 2 street.
  • Camping Harenda . Tent and camper places
  • OSW Dafne , Jagiellońska 30 . Resort near center, WIFi, restaurant
  • Top Hostel , Krupówki 24 . Hostel in the center, WiFi
  • OW Szpulki , Małe Żywczańskie 9B . Resort located near the center, shared and private bathrooms, gym, sport hall
  • hotel Boruta , Chałubińskiego 28 . Hotel not far from center, free WiFi, garden, barbecue facilities
  • DW Sienkiewiczówka , Zamoyskiego 21 . Small resort close to center, free WiFi
  • DW Chałubiński , Partyzantów 9 . Resort not far from center, restaurant. They also have other object on Makuszyńskiego street.
  • hostel Stara Polana , Nowotarska 59 . Object in city center, WiFi
  • hostel 1902 , Kasprusie 2 . Hostel in the center, WiFi
  • Księżówka , Przewodników Tatrzańskich 2 . Religious resort located in Kuźnice, near Kasprowy Wierch cable car, some rooms with balconies.

Midrange [ edit ]

  • Plenty of private rooms . Tourists coming by train or bus will often find private landlords waiting for them at the stations carrying signs typically saying "Noclegi" or "Wolne Pokoje". Negotiate the price. Board often available. Ask to be shown the location on a map. Many locations are outside Zakopane city (which may be an advantage). The average price for a single room seems to be 50 zloty
  • Zakopane Apartments RakaTravel. , " phone="+48 889 628 438" Comfortable, clean apartments in and around Zakopane. Prices from 120zl per night. English speaking staff. [12]
  • hotel PRL , Makuszyńskiego 12 . Hotel in the center, free WiFi, restaurant
  • hotel Helios , Słoneczna 2 A . Hotel close to city center, free WiFi, restaurant
  • hotel Sabała , Krupówki 11 . Hotel in the center, bar, restaurant, WiFi, swimming pool
  • hotel Nałęcz , Zająca 10 . Hotel not far from city center, WiFi
  • hotel Kasprowy Wierch , Krupówki 50 B . Hotel in the center, bar, restaurant
  • DW Hyrny , Piłsudskiego 20 . Resort in the center, swimming pool, cafe, spa
  • DW Wanta , Grunwaldzka 21 . Resort close to the center, bar, game room
  • Jasny Pałac , Tetmajera 24 . Object close to the center, free WiFi, restaurant
  • hotel Gromada , Zaruskiego 2 . Hotel near the center, WiFi
  • OW Panorama , Wierchowa 6 . Resort not far from center, WiFi, bar
  • Good Bye Lenin Hostel Zakopane , Chłabówka 44, 34-500 Zakopane , ☎ +48 18 20 13 30 , [x] . Thefts, fights and bedbugs have been reported. dorms start from 40 pln single rooms from 150 pln. .
  • Villa Vita , 2 Krupowki Street , [x] . 5 min walk from a cable-lift to Gubałówka.

Splurge [ edit ]

  • Nosalowy Dwor Resort & SPA , Balzera 21d , ☎ +48 18 20 22 400 , [x] . Two hotels of the Nosalowy Dwór Resort & Spa complex are situated at the foot of Mount Nosal in Zakopane. There is 3* regional style hotel Nosalowy Dwor and new 4* Hotel Grand Nosalowy Dwor.

Camping [ edit ]

  • Camping Pod Krokwią . Camping located near Wielka Krokiew jumping hill, toilets
  • Pole Namiotowe Mostowi . Tent camp located in district of Harenda, showers

Finding a proper accommodation in high season could be really hard, you can chose nearby villages and towns like f.ex. Poronin, there're many resorts and accommodation places like f.ex. Dom Rekolekcyjny RAM.

Get out [ edit ]

  • Murowaniec hostel in Gąsienicowa valley
  • Morskie Oko valley, many minibuses leave from opposite the bus station to a massive parking lot near the Slovakian border, after that then you walk the remaining 9km to the lake, or use a horse and cart!
  • Hiking from Zakopane to Giewont (which can be done as a detour on the way to Gąsienicowa valley)
  • Kasprowy Wierch ( mountain ), 1987 metres. Tatra view point. Restaurant. Skiing area. Cable railway runs from Kuźnice but is closed often. ( get in on foot, or by local bus (which leaves from the layby next to the bus station).
  • Mount Rysy 2499 metres 4 hour hike from Morskie Oko valley. You can also cross the border on this mountain and go to the Slovakian peak of Rysy which is 2503 metres. ID may be needed to do so though, as the crossing is manned in the summer.
  • Orla Perc Famous mountain trail from Zawrat to Krzyzne, not for the faint-hearted or inexperienced! Always use the chains provided.
  • Slovakia Some of the minibuses that go to Morskie Oko also go the main border crossing with Slovakia. Buses to Poprad and beyond leave from just after the border.

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Travel Like a Local – Tips for Getting Around Zakopane


I need to say that Zakopane is a popular tourist destination, so its streets tend to be packed, leading to significant traffic congestion. Therefore, it’s a wise choice to leave your car at your accommodation and opt for public transportation. Not only will you avoid traffic jams, as local drivers know their way around, but it’s also more cost-effective.

Parking fees at popular spots like the Morskie Oko trail can be quite steep. Since Zakopane is a small town, walking is often the most convenient way to explore. However, if you need a taxi, it’s better to call one.

Navigating Zakopane by Car

If you didn’t bring your own car, car rental options are available in Zakopane. However, if you plan to spend most of your time in the city center, you won’t need one. A car might be useful in the summer, but keep in mind that winter conditions can make many places harder to access. Roads may be blocked, and winter equipment like chains and defrosters are essential. Just like in any city, there are areas where cars are not permitted.

In the city center, pedestrian-only zones include Krupówki and Pilsudskiego Streets . The car traffic boundary near Tatra National Park is marked by Droga pod Reglami , beyond which you’ll need to continue on foot or by public transport. Zakopane has ample parking spaces, with the majority found on Al. 3-go Maja Street and Bronislaw Czech near sports stadiums and ski jumps.

↳ Make sure to check out my guide to ALL attractions in Zakopane , so you don't overlook anything interesting : 66 Best Attractions in Zakopane 2023 – What to Do – Interesting Places

  • If You decide to visit Zakopane By Car, I think you should also read this article: Zakopane on a Budget: How to Find Free Parking Spots

Making the Most of Public Transportation

In the winter, you can travel by horse-drawn sleigh, while in the summer, horse-drawn carriages are available, adding a touch of charm to your visit. On a more practical note, buses and private minibuses can take you to remote locations, trailheads, and picturesque valleys. In some cases, they offer better access than private cars. Most transport services depart from the bus station, which is a short 10-minute walk from the city center.

To access the public bus timetable : Click Here

Purchasing Public Bus Tickets in Zakopane

You can buy tickets from vending machines on buses, directly from the driver (exact change required), or through the mPay mobile app. When using the app, your ticket is automatically validated. During inspections, simply go to the „Ticket Control” tab, select your active ticket, and show it to the inspector – no internet connection required. Alternatively, tickets can be purchased at these locations:

  • TESKO Tatrzańska Komunalna Grupa Kapitałowa Sp. z o.o. Customer Service Office, 17a Szymony St.
  • Tourist Information Center, ul. Kościuszki 17
  • Tourist Information Center, 7 Koscieliska Street
  • Kiosk on Cyrhla Street, next to No. 25

Ticket machines can be found at these Zakopane spots:

  • Station area st. no. 8
  • 3 Maja Avenue Upper
  • 3 Maja Avenue Lower
  • Watra (in the upward direction)
  • Jana Pawła II traffic circle (near TPN information point)

Ticket Pricing

Options for 60-minute, 24-hour, 3-day, and family tickets are also available.

Exploring Zakopane by Cable Car

tourist office zakopane

The cable car to Kasprowy Wierch has been a top attraction for years. However, due to its popularity, you might have to wait in long queues for tickets. To avoid this, consider purchasing tickets in advance or taking in the views of the railway from the tourist trail.

The hike to Kasprowy is not too challenging, and you’ll get a close-up view of the route and the transfer point at Myslenice Turnie. The Gubalowka funicular doesn’t have long ticket lines, so it’s worth hopping on for a breathtaking panorama of the Tatra Mountains . For a healthy return trip, we recommend walking back, which only takes about half an hour.

↳ Book the best local Tatra Mountains attractions now by clicking here!

Taking a Taxi in Zakopane

If you need to get around Zakopane quickly, local taxi services are your best bet. Local drivers know the fastest routes, how to avoid traffic jams, and how to navigate the city with ease. Plus, you won’t have to worry about parking, steep inclines, or closed roads. When opting for a taxi, it’s best to call a reputable taxi Zakopane service for a more affordable ride. Personally I do not use taxi, as it is the most expensive way of traveling.

If you are looking for taxi in Zakopane, You can call 24/7 Radio Taxi Zakopane, they speak in English, Russian, Greek, German and Polish. Their phone number is: 0048 666 300 111 .

Renting a Bike or Scooter in Zakopane

Renting a scooter is an exciting way to explore Zakopane and its surroundings. These nimble vehicles provide a comfortable way to get around and enjoy spontaneous downhill rides in the hilly town.

Scooters are fun for both kids and adults. Younger ones will see them as an enjoyable way to burn off energy, while older riders can appreciate scooters as a practical, active transportation option for short distances. For an even more comfortable and dynamic experience, consider renting an electric scooter instead of a conventional one.

  • For More information, please read this article: Explore Zakopane in Style: Rent an Electric Scooter

Getting to Nearby Cities from Zakopane

Buses traveling to destinations outside Zakopane depart from the plaza next to the train station . There are three main routes: Nowy Targ, Białka Tatrzańska , and Czarny Dunajec. Here’s a breakdown of the cities and towns you can reach along these routes:

  • Nowy Targ: Poronin , Biala Dunajec, Bańska Niżna , and Szaflar . You can also reach these towns on buses going to Cracow .
  • Białka Tatrzanska : Poronin, Bukowina Tatrzanska, and Białka Tatrzanska.
  • Black Dunajec : Dolina Małej Łąki, Dolina Kościeliska, Kościelisko, Dolina Chochołowska, Witów, Chochołów, Koniówka, and Podczerwone.

Separate buses go to other destinations like Ząb , Murzasichle , Czerwienne , Małe Ciche, Jurgów , and Bustryk .

All of these buses stop at Al. 3-ego Maja , which is in the center of Zakopane, next to Krupówki . Tickets can be purchased from the bus drivers.

Traveling from Zakopane to Morskie Oko

Buses to Morskie Oko arrive at the parking lot on Palenica Białczańska . From there, you need to walk or take a carriage to Morskie Oko, which is about 9 km away and takes 2-2.5 hours to reach.

Here you can find complete guide I wrote about getting from Zakopane to Morskie Oko (including hiking routes options).

  • Since Morskie Oko is a must see, I suggest you read more about this place: A Guide to Visiting Morskie Oko, The Emerald Lake Near Zakopane

If you want to be on time and without any hassle, you can alternatively book a private tour from Zakopane to Morskie Oko. It is more expensive, but you will receive a professional guide who will take care of you and teach you about local history and traditions.

Getting to Thermal Pools in Białka , Bukovina , Szaflary , and Chochołów

To reach the „ Terma Bania ” in Białka Tatrzańska or „ Termy Bukovina ” in Bukowina Tatrzanska , take a bus from Zakopane to Białka Tatrzańska . Buses for both destinations depart from the square at the Zakopane railway station.

For detailed schedules, visit the following links:

If you are not sure which thermal pools you should visit, please read this article I wrote, it describes pros and cons of all thermal pools near Zakopane .

  • Zakopane-Bialka Tatrzanska
  • Zakopane-Bukowina Tatrzanska

If you’re coming from other towns in the region, it’s best to travel to Zakopane first and then take a bus to your desired destination. However if you are in Kraków, you can book a private trip from Kraków to Thermal pools. They will pick you up from you location and take you straight to the thermal pools.

tourist office zakopane

↳ Book the thermal springs tickets and the transfer by clicking here!

  • https://portaltatrzanski.pl/porady/informacje-praktyczne/komunikacja-miejska-w-zakopanem-rozklad-jazdy-praktyczne-informacje,1034
  • https://www.zakopane.pl/komunikacjamiejska/rozklad-jazdy

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Moscow metro to be more tourist-friendly

A new floor sign system at the Moscow metro's Pushkinskaya station. Source: Vladimir Pesnya / RIA Novosti

A new floor sign system at the Moscow metro's Pushkinskaya station. Source: Vladimir Pesnya / RIA Novosti

For many years now, Moscow has lagged behind St. Petersburg when it comes to making life easy for tourists, especially where getting around the city is concerned. Whereas the northern capital installed English-language maps, signs and information points throughout its subway system in the late 2000s, the Russian capital’s metro remained a serious challenge for foreign visitors to navigate.

Recent visitors to Moscow may have noticed some signs that change is afoot, however. In many stations of the Moscow subway, signs have appeared on the floor – with large lettering in Russian and English – indicating the direction to follow in order to change lines. Previously, foreign visitors using the Moscow metro had to rely solely upon deciphering the Russian-language signs hanging from the ceilings.

Student volunteers help tourists find their way in Moscow

However, this new solution has a significant drawback. “The floor navigation is visible only to a small stream of people – fewer than three people per meter. During peak hours, this navigation will simply not be noticed,” said Konstantin Trofimenko, Director of the Center for Urban Transportation Studies.

One of the biggest problems for tourists in the Russian capital remains the absence of English translations of the names of subway stations in the station vestibules and on platforms. The Department of Transportation in Moscow has not commented yet as to when this problem will be solved. However, Latin transliterations of station names can already be found in the subway cars themselves.

Finding the right exit

At four of the central stations – Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most – the city authorities have now installed colorful stands at the exits with schematic diagrams of the station’s concourse and surrounding area, which provide information about the main attractions and infrastructural facilities.

The schematic diagrams are the work of British specialists from the City ID and Billings Jackson Design firms, who have already implemented successful projects in New York and London.

According to Alexei Novichkov, expert at the Design Laboratory at the Higher School of Economics, the design of these information booths raises no objections: The color solutions, font, layout and icons are consistent with international standards.


However, the stands do have some shortcomings. “Many questions are raised about the fact that the developers of these maps did not apply orientation to the north, and have provided layouts of the surrounding areas with respect to the exits,” says Novichkov. “A system like that is used for road navigators, but most of the ‘paper’ guides and maps are oriented strictly to north. The subway map is also oriented to north, so people may become confused.”

Muscovites and foreign visitors are generally positive about these navigation elements, with most of them citing the numbered exits from the subway as the most useful feature.

The fact is that many Moscow subway stations have several exits. One of the busiest central stations of the Moscow subway in particular, Kitay-Gorod, has more than a dozen exits. Previously, these exits were differentiated from each other only with signs in Russian referring to the names of streets and places of interest to which they led – making it easy for tourists and those with poor navigation skills to get confused.

Now, when making an appointment to meet a friend, instead of struggling to find the right spot when they tell you: “I'll meet you at the exit to Solyanka Street,” you can just propose to meet under a specific exit number.

“I’ve lived in Moscow for seven years,” says Angelika, a designer from Voronezh, “but I still don’t always know where to go to find the place I need, so the new schematic diagrams will be very useful. Previously, some subway stations had maps, but not with so much detail.”

Teething problems

Foreigners, meanwhile, focus their attention on other elements. “It is good that the new information boards have QR-codes, which can be ‘read’ by smartphones,” says Florentina, a writer from Vienna. But there are also shortcomings. “The English font of the information on posters and in the captions to theaters and museums is too small – you have to come very close to see it well,” she says.

Pleasant encounters on the streets of Moscow

Florentina was also dissatisfied with the fact that such posters are not provided at all subway stations: “When I was trying to find Tsaritsyno Park (a museum and reserve in the south of Moscow) at a subway station with the same name, it turned out to be quite difficult,” she says.

“There are no maps with landmarks for other areas, such as those already in the city center. There were no clear pointers in the English language, and the passers-by I met did not speak in English, so they could not help me,” she adds.

Officials say that the navigation system is gradually being redeveloped and improved. According to Darya Chuvasheva, a press representative for the Department of Transport of Moscow, the introduction of a unified navigation system will take place in stages.

“By the end of 2014, the system will first appear on the first subway stations on the Circle Line. By the end of 2015, we plan to install the system at all major stopping points, subway stations and transport interchange hubs,” says Chuvasheva.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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  1. Tourist Area

    Zakopane is the highest located town in Poland. Its administrative borders also embrace part of the Tatra Mountains range, where the summit of Mr Świnica at 2301 m above sea level makes the highest point. ... [email protected]. Tourist Zone. Town Zone. ... Deklaracja dostępnosci. Tourist information. Tourist Information Center ...

  2. Tourist information points

    [email protected]. Tourist Zone. Town Zone. ... Deklaracja dostępnosci. Tourist information. Tourist Information Center Chramcówki 35 street 34-500 Zakopane phone +48 18 20 12 211 phone +48 18 20 12 004 [email protected] [email protected]. Information Points Opened on. 9.00-17.00 mon. - sat. (III - VI, IX - XII)

  3. Zakopane Poland

    The Municipal Tourist Information Center (Centrum Informacji Turystycznej) is located in the station building. One can get here free maps and brochures or buy professional maps and guide books as well as souvenirs and paintings and sculptures made by local artists. Zakopane, Chramcowki 35 St. [email protected]. +48 18 20 120 04.

  4. Tourist attractions

    [email protected]. Tourist Zone. Town Zone. ... Deklaracja dostępnosci. Tourist information. Tourist Information Center Chramcówki 35 street 34-500 Zakopane phone +48 18 20 12 211 phone +48 18 20 12 004 [email protected] [email protected]. Information Points Opened on. 9.00-17.00 mon. - sat. (III - VI, IX - XII)

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    Zakopane is a very popular ... Maps are sold by the tourist office (17 Kosciuszki St., telephone: 01820 12211), down the hill, on your left, just before getting to the bus stop and cross roads (Krupowki St. and Kosciuszki St.) in the centre of town. They'll also give suggested routes, based on the latest weather forecasts and your fitness and ...

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    I need to say that Zakopane is a popular tourist destination, so its streets tend to be packed, leading to significant traffic congestion. Therefore, it's a wise choice to leave your car at your accommodation and opt for public transportation. Not only will you avoid traffic jams, as local drivers know their way around, but it's also more cost-effective.

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