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Tour del estadio de Mestalla

  • 8,8 / 10 84 opiniones | 1.674 viajeros Quería destacar,lo agradable y servicial que fue la chica de la taquilla. Un 10. 10 Elena

Acompañadnos a descubrir los secretos de uno de los estadios de fútbol más antiguos de España con este tour por el Mestalla , la casa del Valencia C.F. ¡Perfecto para los amantes del deporte rey!

Escudo del Valencia sobre el césped de Mestalla

Historia de uno de los estadios más antiguos del fútbol español

Desde el momento que pongáis un pie en el Mestalla, sentiréis que no se trata de un estadio de fútbol más. El campo del Valencia, con capacidad para más de 45000 espectadores , es desde 2020 el más antiguo de la Primera División en España .

El estadio se inauguró el 20 de mayo de 1923 y debe su nombre a la  histórica acequia de Mestalla que pasaba junto al sur del campo. Pero, ¿sabíais que tuvo otro nombre? Entre los años 1969 y 1994 fue el Estadio Luis Casanova, en homenaje a uno de los mejores presidentes de la historia del club. ¡Durante el tour os contaremos más detalles sobre este histórico recinto deportivo!

Tour por el Mestalla

Tras reunirnos a la hora indicada comenzaremos este interesante tour por el Mestalla, el campo del Valencia C.F . ¿Listos para poneros en la piel de los futbolistas profesionales? ¡No se hable más!

Durante una hora recorreremos sus instalaciones para descubrir todas las anécdotas que esconde este estadio junto a un guía. Visitaremos puntos tan llamativos como la sala de prensa , donde han comparecido entrenadores míticos como Luis Aragonés , Rafa Benítez o Quique Sánchez Flores .

También nos acercaremos a conocer el terreno de juego donde tantas tardes han luchado y goleado leyendas chés como David Villa, Gaizka Mendieta o Mario Alberto Kempes , y tendremos la oportunidad de ver el vestuario donde la primera plantilla del Valencia C.F. se prepara para cada partido. 

La visita en días de partido

Los días de partido el tour sólo podrá realizarse por la mañana y el acceso a los vestuarios estará cerrado. Os recomendamos consultar la web oficial del Valencia CF para ver la programación de los encuentros.

Entrada reducida

Los precios de la entrada reducida se aplican a los niños de 5 a 12 años, mayores de 65 años y/o jubilados o pensionistas, y desempleados . La tarifa reducida también se aplica para estudiantes y personas con Carnet Joven . 


El tour guiado por Mestalla es accesible para personas con movilidad reducida, pero el itinerario no será el mismo : no se visitarán ni la tribuna, ni la sala de prensa ni el túnel de vestuarios por imposibilidad de acceso. En su lugar, se ofrecerá una visita a las siguientes áreas: terreno de juego, vestuario local, capilla, zona mixta, Mestalla per Sempre, balcón de la afición y museo "Récords Blanquinegres".

Al hacer la reserva debéis indicarnos si deseáis realizar el tour en español o en inglés .

La actividad se realiza con un guía que habla español e inglés.

Guía en español o en inglés.

Entrada al estadio de Mestalla.

Cuándo reservar

Puedes reservar hasta la hora de inicio siempre que haya disponibilidad. Reserva ya y asegura tu plaza.

Tipo de bono

Accesible en silla de ruedas. Es necesario indicarlo en la reserva.


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Preguntas frecuentes

P - ¿Qué incluye el tour por el Mestalla?

R - El tour incluye la entrada y la visita guiada durante una hora por el campo del Valencia Club de Fútbol y sus instalaciones. Accederemos a los vestuarios de los jugadores, la sala de trofeos, el palco VIP y la sala de prensa.

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R - En Civitatis ofrecemos la mejor calidad y precio garantizados, haz click aquí si quieres saber cómo seleccionamos nuestras actividades.

P - ¿Cómo hacer la reserva?

R - Para reservar el Tour del estadio de Mestalla, elige la fecha deseada y completa el formulario. La confirmación es inmediata.

Si tienes otras dudas, contacta con nosotros.


Punto de encuentro.

Estadio de Mestalla.

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Mestalla Valencia C.F Stadium

Avenida de Suecia, s/n. 46010, Valencia

Estadio Mestalla Valencia C.F

TOURISTIC AREA: City of Arts and Alameda

Opening hours: for the purchase of match tickets, the ticket offices are open from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00. You can also buy grandstand tickets through the website. VIP tickets can only be requested through the website. The ticket offices are closed on the weeks when no games are played. 

The Mestalla Tour is usually held in the mornings between 10:30 and 14:30 every day of the year, except on 1 and 6 January and 25 December. In the afternoons, between 15:30 and 18:30, from October to March. Until 19:00 in April, May, June and September and until 20:00 in July and August. On 24 and 31 December, only until 17:30. On Sunday afternoons there is no tour except in July and August. 

The last tour takes place 1 hour before closing time. On match days check timetables on the website.

For people with reduced mobility, we recommend booking the tour in advance at [email protected] 

Located between wide and flat paved streets and avenues, with homogeneous paving. 

There are contrasting signs with approved pictograms, with information about spaces and itineraries. 

Adaptable guided tours for people with disabilities, with previous reservation.

Counter 124 cm high, with screen and without loudspeaker or magnetic induction loop. 

Interior mobility:

There are information panels with pictograms or short texts, signalling spaces and itineraries. 

With a free/occupied visual system, with a free lower band in the cabin door. 

There are two lifts located in the access towers A and B and a third one in the grandstand area. All three have visual information in the cabin but not on the outside. 

Access doors are fully glazed, dressing rooms with curtains and no visual information about spaces and itineraries. 

Mestalla Tour:

A sign language translator is available on request. With an additional charge on the entrance price. Consult at the ticket office.ticket office located next to Gate 3. 76 cm high counter with screen. With loudspeaker, without magnetic induction loop.

Six public parking spaces of 220x450 cm, with vertical and horizontal signs in C/ Dr. Joan Reglá, 20 m away. Approach area over 120 cm on the right or left side. Accessible route to the stadium. 

The stadium has multiple entrances along its entire perimeter, all of which are level and permanently open during matches.

Access to the stands area by means of stairs with steps of 16 cm high and 30 cm of average footprint. With handrails on both sides, not prolonged in embarkation-disembarkation areas.

There are access areas by means of a continuous spiral ramp with an average slope of 3%. With handrails along the entire route. In towers A and B, alternative route by lift not suitable for PRM.

Through Gate 11, direct access to the field by means of a 400 cm ramp, more than 120 cm wide and an average slope of 3%.

Ticket offices:

Located outside the building, on the corner of Avda. de Suecia and C/ del Dr. Joan Roglá. Access with no unevenness.

Counter 94 cm high, 92 cm lower free height and 12 cm lower depth.

The building has two main rings or levels, connected by multiple stairs, ramps and two lifts located in towers A and B and another in the Tribune area.

There are 44 places reserved in the South Zone for PRM with accessible tinerary. The entrance from door 11 is recommended.

Passage areas with more than 120 cm free width.

On the ground floor, areas with non-homogeneous paving and with isolated ramps of between 10 and 50 cm. On the upper floors, homogeneous paving, with the possibility of finding eyebrows on the route.

The toilets for PRM are located on the ground floor, next to the area reserved for them. Access without unevenness

There are two adapted toilets, with two cabins each.

Door sign with approved symbol. Anti-slip flooring

Toilet area door with a 3 cm drop, opening inwards, with a type C handle, with 77 cm clear width. Without return spring.

Toilet door with no gap, opening inwards with handle type C, with 80 cm clear passage width. Without return spring. There is a space of more than 150 cm in front of and behind the door.

Cab door with no gap, opening outwards with handle type C, with 80 cm clear passage width. Without return spring.

In case of emergency, the lock does not allow opening from the outside.

A circle with a diameter of 130 cm can be inscribed inside the cabin.

Washbasin outside the cabin, without pedestal, 75 cm high. Lower free height of 60 cm and depth of 48 cm. Pressure tap.

Mirror not inclined with edge less than 100 cm from the floor.

Toilet access space of 89 cm on the right side, 25 cm on the left side and 130 cm front access.

Toilet seat 41 cm high.

Fixed support bar on the left, 76 cm high.

No alarm system inside the cabin.

Lighting without timer. 

There are two lifts with similar characteristics, located in access towers A and B. Door with a free passage width of 100 cm and a cabin of 120x160 cm.

Call buttons at 107 cm high, interior buttons at 110-150 cm high. No handrails. In front of the door there are two bollards with a distance of 50 cm between them.

The grandstand area has another lift, used during the Mestalla Tour as an alternative to the staircase areas, with a free passage width of 80 cm and a 140x100 cm cabin. Call buttons at 97 cm height, interior buttons at 90-106 cm height and handrails at 90 .cm height. Without mirror. 

The stadium has numerous sections of stairs that connect the different heights and give access to the interior of the pitch and the grandstand area. Homogeneous steps with an average height of 17 cm and a footprint of 30 cm. They generally have handrails, although there are sections at some points that lack them. Handrails as a rule not extended in embarkation/disembarkation areas. 

Cafeteria / Restaurant:

There are numerous bars at different points in the stadium. With an average height of 110 cm.

In the VIP area there is a cafeteria accessible by a 17-step staircase. Alternative route by means of a lift, with a 16 cm high step provided with a handrail to access the cafeteria. Access to the bar by means of a three-step staircase, without handrails. Only for customers with a season ticket or entrance ticket for that area. 

Ticket offices located next to Gate 3. 76 cm high counter, without a free bottom.

Main entrance with 17-step staircase, 17 cm high and 30 cm tread. With handrails on both sides at a height of 94 cm.

Alternative entrance with a door with at least 90 cm free passage width and 7 cm eyebrow, with access to a lift.

The Tour has numerous staircases on its route. For PRM, alternative routes are offered that give access to most of the places visited, with the exception of the press room. It is necessary to carry out the tour with the accompaniment of stadium staff.

There are stairs with a minimum of 3 steps and a maximum of 18, with an average height of 17 cm and a footprint of 30 cm. Most of them have handrails at least on one side, except those located between the changing rooms and the access to the pitch.

Doors in corridors with a minimum of 78 cm wide free passage. Some with eyebrows or unevennesses of up to 5 cm.

Corridors with a free passage width of more than 120 cm.

Showcases allow wheelchair users to be approached and are located at heights of between 40 cm and 60 cm.

Along the route there is rest furniture. 

Located outside the stadium, in the Plaza del Valencia C.F. Itinerary accessible from the stadium

It has a street level and a lower one, only accessible by means of a staircase with 10 steps of 17 cm high and 28 cm of footprint. With a simple handrail on one side.

Access with 4 cm high eyebrow. Entrance door with automatic opening, with more than 120 cm wide free passage. Automatic opening exit door, with 90 cm clear passage width. 110 cm high counter on the upper floor. 105 cm high counter on the lower floor, both without a bottom panel.

Objects and hangers located at heights of between 40 and 250 cm.

Free passage width in corridors greater than 120 cm, with occasional narrowing of 100 cm.

Changing rooms with a door of 87 cm wide and a floor of 145x138 cm. Closed by a curtain. They have a seat and a full-length mirror. Hangers located at 156 cm high.

It has seats on the ground floor.

It has full-length mirrors.

Homogeneous, non-slip flooring.

The stadium has multiple entrances along its entire perimeter, all of which are level and permanently open during matches. They are equipped with torches.  

Located outside the building, on the corner of Avda. de Suecia and C/ del Dr. Joan Roglá. Access without obstacles or unevenness. Counter 124 cm high with screen and without direct lighting.  

The building has two main levels, connected by multiple stairs, ramps and two lifts located in towers A and B, as well as in the Tribune area. There are contrasting signs about spaces and itineraries. 

On the ground floor, areas with non-homogeneous paving and with isolated ramps of between 10 and 50 cm. 

There are sloping beams without signs or protection. 

Inside the field, stairs with high chromatic contrast, without a horn or visual-touch signalling. Some steps do not have handrails. 

Allows access for a guide dog.  

There are numerous toilets distributed throughout the different heights of the building. Men's and women's toilets marked with non-tactile, approved pictograms and with chromatic contrast, located at a height of 210 cm. 

Toilet door contrasted with the wall. 

Homogeneous illumination without timer. 

No obstacles or unmarked overhangs.  

There are two lifts with similar characteristics, located in access towers A and B. With non-contrasted buttons, without Braille and without high relief. Without handrails. They do not have acoustic signals that indicate the stop floor and the direction of travel. The floor in front of the door is not marked with a visual or tactile strip. They have an intercom. In front of the door there are two bollards with a distance of 50 cm between them. 

The grandstand area has another lift, with contrasting buttons, without Braille and with high relief. With handrails at a height of 90 cm. It does not have sound signals indicating the stop floor and the direction of travel. The floor in front of the door is not marked with a tactile-visual strip. It has an intercom  

The stadium has numerous flights of stairs that connect the different heights and give access to the interior of the pitch and the grandstand area. 

Homogeneous steps with an average height of 17 cm and a footprint of 30 cm. They generally have handrails, although there are sections at some points that lack them. Handrails as a rule not extended in embarkation/disembarkation areas. 

Most of the staircases inside the stadium do not have tactile-visual signs, neither at the beginning and end of the staircase, nor on each of the steps. In many cases they lack a protective base. Without an opening. There are staircases without protection at the bottom. 

They have non-slip and homogeneous flooring.  

There are numerous bars in different parts of the stadium. With an average height of 110 cm and without direct lighting. Itinerary free of obstacles. 

In the VIP box area there is a cafeteria accessible by means of a 17-step staircase with light signs on the riser. Alternative route by means of a lift, with a 16 cm high step equipped with a handrail to access the cafeteria. Only for customers with a season ticket or entrance ticket for that area. 

Access to the bar by means of a three-step staircase, without handrails or tactile-visual signs. It has sloping beams without contrasting visual signs. 

There are numerous bars in the rest of the stadium. Itinerary free of obstacles.  

Located outside the stadium, in the Plaza del Valencia C.F. Itinerary with lowered pavements from the stadium. 

It has one level at street level and another lower one, only accessible by means of a staircase with 10 steps of 17 cm high and 28 cm of footprint. Without an opening, with a protective base on both sides and without tactile-visual signs at the beginning and end of the staircase or on each step. With handrail on one side. 

Access to the tent with 4 cm high eyebrow without tactile-visual signs. Glass entrance door with automatic opening, without contrasting visual signs. Glass exit door, automatic opening, with low-contrast visual signs. 

110 cm high counter on the upper floor. 105 cm high counter on the lower floor, both with direct lighting. 

Homogeneous, non-slip flooring. On the ground floor there is an area dedicated to footwear with artificial grass.  

Ticket office next to Gate 3. 76 cm high counter with screen and direct lighting. 

Main entrance with 17-step staircase, 17 cm high and 30 cm tread. With handrails on both sides at a height of 94 cm and tactile-visual signs on each step. Without visual and tactile stripes at the beginning and end of the staircase 

In some areas of the route there are sloping beams without contrasting visual signs. Some are protected. 

Homogeneous lighting without reflections on the exhibition elements. Texts on panels with medium size font and chromatic contrast. 

There are numerous staircases with different characteristics along the route. Most of them have handrails and lack visual and tactile signs. 

Some doors have eyebrows of up to 5 cm. 

There are isolated ramps of up to 30 cm, some without tactile-visual signs. 

Homogeneous pavement, in some areas with carpet. 

Non-homogeneous lighting throughout the entire route. 

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Estadio de Mestalla


Club: Valencia CF | Opening: 1923 | Capacity: 55,000 seats

History and description

Estadio de Mestalla opened on the 20th of May 1923 with a friendly between Valencia and Levante. It could initially hold 17,000 fans, but was quickly expanded to a capacity of 25,000.

During the Spanish civil war, the stadium served as a concentration camp and junk yard, and as a result got heavily damaged to the point that not much remained of it after the war.

Mestalla got restored after the war, but remained a modest affair until the club embarked on a grand redevelopment program called “Gran Mestalla”, which involved the construction of a new main stand and the expansion of all other stands. Works were finished in 1955 and raised capacity to 45,000 places.

In 1957, part of the new stadium collapsed after the river Tùria flooded the city, but the stadium was soon rebuilt. In 1962, Nottingham Forest was the first foreign team to play at Mestalla.

In 1969, the stadium was renamed after former president Luis Casanova, an honour that overwhelmed him so much that he asked in 1994 to change the name back to Mestalla.

In the 1970s, Valencia considered moving to a new stadium on the edge of the city, but instead decided to redevelop Mestalla, which was made necessary by the upcoming 1982 World Cup. Works included the reconstruction of the bottom tier, which until then still consisted of a brick structure and was replaced by a concrete one.

During the 1982 World Cup, Mestalla hosted all of Spain’s three first round group matches.

The stadium remained more or less the same for the next fifteen years. It underwent its last redevelopment between 1997 and 2001 when both ends and one side got expanded with an extra tier, and new access towers were built in the corners.

Estadio de Mestalla still lacked many modern facilities though, and Valencia soon after announced plans for a new stadium in the north of the city. Construction of the 75,000-seater started in 2007, but works were halted in early 2009 due to a lack of funding and presently do not seem likely to recommence any time soon.

Estadio de Mestalla

(photos of the present Estadio de Mestalla below)

How to get to Mestalla

Estadio de Mestalla is located just east of Valencia’s historic city centre. The walk from the cathedral or the main railway station (Estación del Norte) takes no more than 30 minutes.

Alternatively, the stadium can be reached by metro . Metro stop Aragón, on line 5, lies next to the stadium. Line 5 will also bring you to the airport . Another option is taking metro line 3 to station Facultats, which lies a 5-minute walk north of the stadium.

Address: Avenida Suecia s/n, 46010 Valencia

Eat, drink, and sleep near Mestalla

Estadio de Mestalla is located in a dense urban neighbourhood close to Valencia’s city centre. There are plenty of cafés and restaurants in the area of the stadium, while more serious nightlife can be found a small walk away in the historic centre.

There is, for example, a pocket of nightlife around Plaza de Canovas at less than 10 minutes walking from the stadium, but there is much more further on in the historic centre, while there is a club scene around the city’s beaches.

There is a wide variety of hotels in Valencia, and some very good options close to Mestalla. Hospes Palau de la Mar , Hotel Husa Dimar , and SH Valencia Palace are on the edge of the historic centre and less than 10 minutes walking from the stadium. Hotel Renasa , NH Villacarlos , and Hotel Kris Consul del Mar are equally close, somewhat cheaper, but a little further away from the centre.

Click here for all hotels near Estadio de Mestalla. There are many more options in the historic centre at just 5 to 10 minutes more walking. Alternatively, you can choose a hotel closer to the beachfront .

Valencia Tickets

Tickets for Valencia games can be purchased online through the official website ,  Ticketmaster , or . Tickets can also be bought in person at the Mestalla ticket windows, at the Valencia megastore on the Avinguda del Marqués de Sotelo right off Plaça de l’Ajuntament square in the city centre, or at one of the Fenamix sales points .

Valencia’s attendances are among the highest in the league, but they sell out only a few high-profile matches per season. In these cases you may have to settle for resellers such as viagogo  and ticketbis . These websites may also be your only option if Ticketmaster and don’t accept your foreign credit card.

Ticket prices depend on the opponent, but can start as cheap as €10.00 for the upper tiers ranging up to €65.00 for the best seats at the main stand. Most tickets go for between €15.00 and €35.00. Tickets for the Barcelona and Madrid matches will be significantly more expensive.

Mestalla stadium tours

Valencia offer guided stadium tours around Mestalla, that include access to the dressing rooms, players’ tunnel, and press room. The tours last about an hour.

Tours run continuously Mondays to Fridays between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm, and Sundays between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. On matchdays tours only run until 5 hours before kick-off and don’t include the dressing rooms.

The tour costs €10.20. Bookings can be made online  through a form, by phone +34963 372 626, or at the tour ticket window at Mestalla, but are not required.

Email  [email protected] for more information.

Photos of Mestalla

Estadio de Mestalla

Relevant Internet links – Official website of Valencia CF. – Official tourism website for Valencia. – Travel information on the Valencia metro.

Went to watch Valencia against Granada few weeks ago. The game itself was not the best( 1-0 to Valencia). Tickets were very cheap. I got mine from the ticket window on the day of the game for 15 Euros, but the cheapest were for 8!! I was seating high up, but the view was amazing. There was a section of home fans behind one of the goals that was singing for the entire game. What surprised me was the fact that straight after the half-time whistle everyone got out sandwiches. It looked really strange. Valencia is a very beautiful city and would like to recommend a visit to everybody. It was a great day!

Went to a game in the Mestalla against Athletico Bilbao on November 9th. Though not a great match (it ended 0-0) the atmosphere was amazing. My friend got the tickets through ticket master and they cost 30 euros. Well worth it the atmospere alone was worth the entrance fee. Was sitting next to a few Athletico fans in a predominantly Valencia section but felt no bad vibes. Needless to say i was wearing an orange hoodie and blue trainers so i was covered.

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Tour por el estadio Mestalla

estadio mestalla tour


Punto de encuentro, últimas opiniones.

Una de las mayores atracciones de Valencia que fascina a miles de visitantes es el tour por el estadio de Mestalla con acceso a la  sala de prensa, el vestuario de los jugadores o el palco VIP.

Mestalla, el estadio del Valencia C.F, abanderado del fútbol de élite en la capital del Turia es uno de los campos más míticos de este deporte. 

Hablamos del 4º equipo español en cuanto a títulos internacionales,  campeón de la UEFA y dos veces subcampeón de la Champions League . 

Con este Mestalla Forever Tour, podremos conocer todos los secretos del estadio más antiguo de la primera división española que cumplía 100 años desde su construcción en 2023. 

En esta visita guiada podrás  sentarte en el banquillo del entrenador  y admirar desde ahí el terreno de juego que ha visto brillar a auténticos genios del balompié, como Mario Alberto Kempes, David Villa o Romario. 

Además, tendrás acceso a la sala de trofeos, los vestuarios o la  exposición histórica del Camp de Mestalla  que conmemora a los jugadores del pasado y del presente.

Descubre todas las curiosidades de este equipo ché y su feudo en las entrañas de Mestalla, una experiencia perfecta tanto para los amantes del fútbol como para los turistas que buscan un plan original en Valencia .  ¡Reserva ya tus entradas!

1 hora aprox.

  • Visita guiada del estadio de Mestalla: sala de prensa, vestuarios, túnel y palco VIP.

La visita se realiza en español.


Esta actividad es apta para personas con movilidad reducida. El itinerario no será el mismo por imposibilidad de acceso.

Pet Friendly

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Desde 13,30 €

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Todas las opiniones son de clientes verificados por la plataforma externa Truspilot. La transparencia y veracidad son elementos esenciales en Buendía.

5 opiniones

Muy buen tour, para conocer la historia de Mestalla y el equipo Valencia, la atención  muy buena, el guía va  haciendo explicaciones en español  muy amable explicando cada rincón por el que, luego tienes  tiempo para hacer todo tipo de fotos y videos

Todo fue bien, el acceso, las entradas y todo, nos encantó a los 4. Ver un estadio por dentro es flipante.  

Fue muy interesante y buen precio. Recomendable   

Mi hijo que es seguidor de la valencia lo paso muy bien, sobre todo el poder ver el banquillo!!!!  

Nos gustó mucho el tour y ver el estadio por dentro  

Opiniones verificadas de nuestros clientes

Todas las opiniones son de clientes verificados por la plataforma externa Truspilot. La transparencia y veracidad son elementos esenciales en Buendía

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메스타야 스타디움 가이드 투어

발렌시아 CF의 유서깊은 홈 경기장 메스타야 스타디움을 방문하고 박물관에서 과거와 현재의 선수들의 매치웨어 아이템을 살펴보며 팀의 가장 영광스러웠던 경기에 대해 들어보세요.

메스타야 스타디움은 스페인 발렌시아에 있는 축구 경기장으로 스페인에서 8번째로 크고 발렌시아 지역에서는 가장 큰 규모의 경기장이에요. 무엇보다 지역 위치상 아주 가파른 스탠드로 유명하답니다. 영어를 구사하는 가이드와 1시간 동안 기자실, 선수 탈의실, 실제 선수들이 입장하는 터널, VIP box등 경기장 곳곳을 둘러보고 비하인드 스토리를 만나보세요.

estadio mestalla tour

발렌시아 CF를 애정하거나 축구를 사랑한다면!

지식이 풍부한 가이드와 함께 발렌시아의 홈 경기장에서 메스타야 포에버 투어를 떠나보세요.

메스타야 스타디움은 발렌시아 CF가 홈에서 치른 대부분의 경기를 주최했어요. 스페인에서 가장 오래된 축구 경기장 중 한 곳인 메스타야 스타디움의 곳곳에서 선수들과 열정적인 팬들의 흔적을 만날 수 있답니다.

메스타야 포에버 투어가 뭐예요?

estadio mestalla tour

발렌시아 CF에서 공식적으로 주최하는 스타디움 투어를 포에버 투어라고 부르고 있어요.  기자실, 선수 라커룸, 터널을 통해 경기장으로 나가 팬들의 열광을 상상해보세요. 축구를 좋아하거나 메스타야에 관해 호기심을 갖고 있다면 발렌시아 클럽의 역사와 재미있는 일화를 들을 수 있는 이 투어가 아주 흥미진진할 거예요.

아찔한 경사의 스탠드

estadio mestalla tour

스타디움의  이름은 원래 경기장의 남쪽 스탠드 밖에 있던 관개 운하인 Mestalla(메스타야)에서 유래했어요. 경기장의 북쪽 스탠드는 매우 가파른 부분으로 유명하답니다. 영국의 권위있는 신문 'The Telegraph'는 발렌시아 CF의 팬들을 "스페인에서 가장 분위기 있는 팬들"이라고 정의하며 "유럽의 그 어떤 주요 경기장보다 기울기가 커서 보고만 있어도 숨이 막힐 정도의 스탠드를 갖추고 있다"고 평가했어요.

사진만 봐도 놀랍지 않나요?

투어에 대해 소개해요

estadio mestalla tour

투어는 오전 10시 40분부터 오후 17시 25분까지 다양한 시간대가 준비되어 있기 때문에 일정에 따라 언제든 투어를 즐길 수 있어요. 투어는 예약한 시간 정시에 떠나고 1시간 동안 진행된답니다. 우리의 가이드는 발렌시아 축구 클럽의 이야기와 가장 뛰어난 일화를 들려줄 거예요. 영어와 스페인어 두가지 언어로 진행되기 때문에 스페인어를 할 줄 몰라도 걱정없어요.

투어를 경험한 에디터의 추천 이유

estadio mestalla tour

"유럽 축구에 관심이 있다면 투자할 가치가 충분해요! 심지어 저렴한 가격으로 스타디움 곳곳을 경험해 볼 수 있어서 좋았어요. 환상적인 무대 뒤 투어에요."


What's included.

  • 영어 및 스페인어를 구사하는 가이드와 함께 하는 메스타야 경기장 1시간 가이드 투어
  • 기자실, 선수 탈의실, 터널, VIP Box 방문
  • 입구에 모바일 바우처 제시 후 실물 티켓으로 교환
  • 지정한 날짜에만 유효해요.

주소 : 에스타디오 데 메스타야 Av. de Suècia, s/n, 46010 València, Valencia, 스페인 Google맵에서 열기

월요일 - 금요일 오전 10:40 오전 11:55 오후 1:25 오후 3:55 오후 5:25

토요일 오전 10:40 오전 11:25 오전 11:55 오후 12:40 오후 1:25 오후 3:55 오후 4:40 오후 5:25

일요일 오전 10:40 오전 11:25 오전 11:55 오후 12:40 오후 1:25

시즌 별로 운영 시간이 상이할 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 공식 홈페이지 를 참조해주세요.

에스타디오 데 메스타야

What to Remember

  • 반드시 시작 20분 전에 도착해야합니다.
  • 5세 미만의 어린이는 무료로 입장할 수 있으며 티켓을 선택할 필요가 없습니다.
  • 할인권은 학생에게는 적용되지 않습니다.  매표소에서 직접 할인받을 수 있습니다.
  • 할인권은  어린이(5-12세), 시니어(65세 이상) 또는 퇴직자, 연금 수령자, 실업자에게 허용되며 유효한 신분증이 필요합니다.
  • 경기가 있는 날에는 탈의실에 방문할 수 없습니다.
  • 조직적, 운영적 또는 스포츠적 필요로 인해 방문이 전체 또는 부분적으로 중단되거나 수정될 수 있습니다.
  • 투어는 이중 언어로 진행됩니다

Cancellation and Refund

estadio mestalla tour

Tour Mestalla: sacar entradas para visitar el estadio del Valencia CF

tour estadio mestalla

El Mestalla, hogar del Valencia Club de Fútbol y uno de los estadios más antiguos de España, te abre sus puertas. Sumérgete en la historia y las anécdotas destacadas del Valencia CF con el Mestalla Forever Tour.


Una Visita Inolvidable al estadio del Valencia CF

Descubre los secretos de este emblemático estadio con una visita guiada . Imagina pasear por la sala de prensa, los vestuarios, y sentir el rugido de la afición.

Los guías te llevarán a una travesía emocionante por las áreas más interesantes . El tour está disponible todos los días del año y es apto para todos los públicos.

Itinerario del tour por Mestalla

Desde que comience este tour, te darás cuenta de que el Mestalla no es un estadio común. Con una capacidad para 45000 espectadores y fundado en 1923, alberga historias y leyendas que desean ser descubiertas por sus aficionados.

  • Grada y Palco Presidencial: Una mirada al corazón del estadio donde la dirección del club y los invitados distinguidos observan los partidos.
  • Trofeos, Mestalla para Siempre: Un recorrido por los logros históricos del club, con trofeos y memorabilia que narran la rica historia del Valencia CF.
  • Balcón de la Afición: Un homenaje a los seguidores del club, reflejando la pasión y lealtad de los aficionados.
  • Recuerdos Blanquinegros: Una colección de momentos y objetos históricos que representan la esencia del club.
  • Antesala de Prensa y Sala de Prensa: Un vistazo detrás de escena a donde los medios se reúnen y donde se realizan las conferencias de prensa oficiales.
  • Zona Mixta: Área donde los jugadores y entrenadores interactúan con la prensa después de los partidos.
  • Vestuario Local: Un acceso exclusivo a donde los jugadores se preparan para los partidos, lleno de detalles íntimos del equipo.
  • Leyendas: Espacio dedicado a los jugadores legendarios que han dejado su huella en el club.
  • Túnel de Vestuarios y Salida al Césped: Experimenta la emoción de caminar por el túnel hacia el campo y sentir la energía del estadio desde el césped y el banquillo.
  • Capilla: Un lugar tranquilo y espiritual donde los jugadores y el personal pueden reflexionar o rezar.
  • Vestuario de Árbitros: Un vistazo a la preparación y el espacio reservado para los árbitros del partido.
  • Centro Médico: Instalaciones modernas donde los jugadores reciben atención médica y tratamiento.
  • Gracias Afición: Una expresión de agradecimiento del club hacia sus leales seguidores.
  • Trofeo Naranja: Un reconocimiento especial a uno de los eventos anuales más importantes del club, celebrando la pretemporada y la conexión con los fans.


El tour está adaptado para personas con movilidad reducida, ofreciendo un itinerario alternativo que incluye zonas como el terreno de juego, el vestuario local, y el museo «Récords Blanquinegres».

  • Duración: 1 hora
  • Idiomas: Español e inglés
  • Incluido: Guía en el idioma elegido y entrada al estadio

¿Cómo llegar al Estadio Mestalla desde Valencia centro?

  • Metro : Puedes coger la línea 7 del metro desde la estación de Colón hasta la estación de Aragó, que está a unos 10 minutos a pie del estadio. El viaje en metro dura unos 8 minutos y el billete cuesta entre 1 y 2 euros.
  • Autobús : Puedes coger la línea 81 del autobús desde la parada de Teatre Principal hasta la parada de Facultat de Filologia, que está a unos 5 minutos a pie del estadio. El viaje en autobús dura unos 10 minutos y el billete cuesta 2 euros.
  • Taxi : Puedes tomar un taxi desde el centro de Valencia hasta el estadio Mestalla, que te llevará unos 4 minutos y te costará entre 4 y 6 euros.
  • Pie : Si te gusta caminar, puedes ir andando desde el centro de Valencia hasta el estadio Mestalla, que te tomará unos 25 minutos y no te costará nada.

Preguntas frecuentes

El precio es el mismo si compras online o en las taquillas de Mestalla, pero si compras online puedes beneficiarte de un 10% de descuento si tienes la València Tourist Card.

El socio del Valencia CF tiene ventajas exclusivas como el acceso gratuito al tour, la posibilidad de reservar su plaza con antelación, y el descuento del 50% para sus acompañantes.

Tienes que llegar a la hora exacta de la reserva, ya que el tour empieza puntualmente y no se puede acceder una vez comenzado. Se recomienda llegar con 15 minutos de antelación.

La diferencia entre los tours y las entradas de Mestalla es que los tours son visitas guiadas con un guía que te explica la historia y las curiosidades del estadio, mientras que las entradas son visitas libres sin guía, en las que puedes recorrer el estadio a tu ritmo.

Una visita a Mestalla dura aproximadamente una hora, aunque puede variar según el ritmo de cada grupo.

La última hora para entrar a la visita de Mestalla es una hora antes del cierre del estadio, que suele ser a las 18:00 horas, excepto los días de partido o eventos especiales.

No se puede visitar el estadio del Valencia CF el día de un partido, ya que el estadio está cerrado al público por motivos de seguridad y organización.

No se puede asistir a los entrenamientos de los jugadores del Valencia CF, ya que se realizan en la Ciudad Deportiva de Paterna, que es un recinto privado y no está abierto al público.

¿Fan del Valencia? Estos son los precios de los abonos del Valencia CF esta temporada.

Best sports stadiums tours

Mestalla Stadium

Top Mestalla Stadium Ticket # Tickets for Mestalla Stadium: Guided Visit # City of Arts and Sciences Museum + Mestalla Stadium: Guided Visit # Mestalla Stadium: Guided Visit + Oceanogràfic of Valencia

The Mestalla Stadium Tour is a captivating experience that allows visitors to explore the rich history and vibrant atmosphere of Valencia CF’s iconic home. With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, visitors can step into the players’ dressing room, walk through the tunnel, and stand pitchside, immersing themselves in the world of professional football.

The tour showcases the stadium’s awe-inspiring architecture and offers insights into the club’s legacy through interactive exhibits and memorabilia. It’s a must-do for sports enthusiasts, history buffs, and curious travelers alike, providing a glimpse into the magic of football at Mestalla Stadium.

A Glimpse into Footballing Heritage

Mestalla Stadium, inaugurated in 1923, stands as a testament to the rich footballing heritage of Valencia CF. Steeped in history, the stadium has witnessed countless legendary moments and hosted some of the game’s greatest players.

The tour offers an opportunity to trace the club’s footsteps, explore the trophy room and relive the glory days through interactive exhibits and memorabilia. As you stand on the hallowed grounds of Mestalla, you can feel the echoes of the past, immersing yourself in the club’s legacy.

Architectural Marvel

Beyond its historical significance, Mestalla Stadium boasts awe-inspiring architecture that will leave visitors in awe. The stadium’s distinctive vertical seating arrangement brings fans closer to the pitch, creating an intense atmosphere described as the “12th man” effect.

During the tour, you can explore the stadium’s unique features, including the player tunnel, VIP areas, and the panoramic view from the stands. The guided tour offers insights into the meticulous design elements that make Mestalla Stadium an architectural marvel.

Behind-the-Scenes Access

One of the major highlights of the Mestalla Stadium Tour is the exclusive access it provides to areas typically off-limits to the general public. Visitors can enter the players’ dressing room, walk through the tunnel where football legends have emerged, and experience the rush of standing pitchside.

By delving into the inner workings of a professional football club, tourists gain a newfound appreciation for the dedication and commitment required to excel in the sport.

Immersive Atmosphere

Football is more than just a game; it’s an experience that ignites passion and unites people from diverse backgrounds. The Mestalla Stadium Tour allows visitors to soak up the vibrant atmosphere that permeates the stadium. As you walk through the stands, you can almost hear the chants and cheers echoing in your ears.

It’s an opportunity to understand the deep bond between Valencia CF and its devoted fans, known as the “Valencianistas,” who create an electrifying atmosphere on match days.

A Sporting Journey

Whether you’re an ardent football fan or simply interested in sporting history, the Mestalla Stadium Tour takes you on a captivating journey through time. From the club’s humble beginnings to its illustrious triumphs, the tour provides a comprehensive narrative that encapsulates the essence of Valencia CF.

You’ll gain insights into the team’s strategies, experience the thrill of victory, and learn about the challenges faced along the way. It’s an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of sport, leaving a lasting impression on all who embark on the journey.

Popular Stadium Tours

estadio mestalla tour

Hanan Irfan is a football fanatic and a true red at heart. An ardent supporter of Manchester United, Hanan is inspired by the Class of 92’s story. Apart from football, Hanan also likes following different sports and going on alpine treks. 

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  • Attrazioni a Valencia
  • Oceanografic Valencia
  • Biglietti Bioparc Valencia
  • Biglietti per spettacoli di flamenco a Valencia
  • Terra Natura Benidorm
  • Museo della seta di Valencia
  • Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía
  • Hop-On Hop-Off
  • Crociere panoramiche

Biglietti per il tour Mestalla Forever

Headout è un partner autorizzato e fidato dell'attrazione, che offre esperienze di qualità per poterla vivere al meglio. Questo non è il sito web dell'attrazione.

estadio mestalla tour

Mestalla Forevertour Valencia CF

  • Il Mestalla Forever Tour Valencia CF è un meraviglioso tour guidato nella storia del più antico stadio di calcio della Spagna incompagnia di da una guida esperta che parla inglese/spagnolo.
  • Passeggia attraverso la sala dei trofei, gli spogliatoi, la galleria VIP e la sala stampa per approfondire la storia del Valencia CF negli anni '90.
  • Senti l'adrenalina mentre attraversi il tunnel per entrare nel parco.
  • Goditi la vista panoramica dello stadio più antico della Spagna mentre ti siedi in panchina.
  • Scopri l'incredibile passato del club di Valencia con le nostre guide turistiche che ti condurranno in aree normalmente non accessibili a giocatori e funzionari.
  • Biglietto d'ingresso all'attrazione principale
  • Guida esperta che parla spagnolo/inglese

Servizi esclusi

  • Ingresso agli spogliatoi nei giorni delle partite
  • Spese personali
  • Trasferimenti da e per l'hotel
  • Il tour è condotto in spagnolo/inglese e ha una durata di 1 ora.
  • I tour non saranno disponibili durante le giornate di allenamento a porte chiuse e inizieranno 5 ore prima delle partite.
  • L'uso di maschere facciali è obbligatorio per tutti, tranne che per chi può dimostrare di non doverle indossare per obbligh di natura medica.
  • Questi biglietti non possono essere cancellati o riprogrammati.

combo (5%  di sconto): biglietti per il bioparc di valencia + tour guidato mestalla forever del valencia cf-1

Combo (5% di sconto): Biglietti per il Bioparc di Valencia + Tour guidato Mestalla Forever del Valencia CF

5% di sconto

  • Quando sei a Valencia, fai il pieno di calcio e fauna con questo Combo Tour che ti porta al Bioparc e al Mestalla Forever Tour del Valencia CF.
  • Indossa i tuoi stivali da ranger ed esplora la savana africana a Valencia, che riproduce i terreni selvaggi dell'Africa.
  • Circondati di splendidi ghepardi, curiosi scimpanzé e affascinanti elefanti, con panorami, suoni e profumi che ti trasporteranno in Africa.
  • Dopo essere stato in libertà, fai un tour del Mestalla Forever Tour del Valencia CF che ti porterà a conoscere la sua storia, facendoti sentire un vero calciatore.
  • Scopri lo storico stadio del Valencia Club de Football grazie alla tua guida e visita la sala dei trofei, gli spogliatoi, la galleria VIP e la sala stampa.

Biglietti Salta la Coda per il Bioparc di Valencia

Stadio Mestalla

  • Biglietto d'ingresso allo stadio

Bioparc Valencia

  • Consiglio: Porta con te il binocolo per un'esperienza più coinvolgente.
  • Il Bioparc offre spettacoli che illustrano il comportamento e l'alimentazione degli animali, quindi controlla il programma per assistere a uno di questi.
  • È vietato fumare.
  • Non è possibile effettuare fotografie o registrazioni a scopo commerciale senza previa autorizzazione.
  • Non potrai rientrare nell'edificio.
  • Consiglio: Il tour dura circa un'ora, quindi indossa scarpe comode e pianifica di conseguenza.
  • Il tour di Mestalla Forever Tour del Valencia CF non sarà disponibile nei giorni delle partite o degli allenamenti.
  • Per questo tour i bambini devono avere almeno 5 anni di età. I bambini fino a 14 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.

Le migliori cose da fare a Valencia

Oceanografic Valencia

Mestalla Forever Tour

Lo stadio di Mestalla, sede del Valencia Club de Fútbol, è uno dei più vecchi in Spagna. Con il Mestalla Forever Tour puoi imparare tutto sulla storia dello stadio e visitare aree che solitamente non sono accessibili al pubblico. Puoi passeggiare nel campo, visitare gli spogliatoi, la curva Nord e tanto altro ancora.

Perché visitare lo stadio di Mestalla

Mestalla Forever

  • Il primo stadio in Spagna: la tua occasione per vivere l'esperienza di essere al Mestalla, il più antico stadio della Spagna, sede del Valencia CF da più di un secolo.
  • Accesso ad aree esclusive: durante la visita, non solo la tua guida ti darà tutti i dettagli sul glorioso passato di Valencia, ma ti permetterà anche di accedere ad aree normalmente riservate ai giocatori, al personale tecnico e alle autorità. Non perdere l’occasione di vedere la sala stampa e gli spogliatoi dei giocatori.
  • Sapere di più sulla storia dello stadio: Impara di più sulla data di inaugurazione dello stadio, sulla sua capacità iniziale di 17.000 spettatori, sulla sua evoluzione nel corso degli anni e sull'aggiunta di un ulteriore livello e di nuove torri di accesso agli angoli.

Il Mestalla Forever Tour in breve

Mestalla Forever

  • Il tour completo dello stadio di Mestalla ti permette di scoprire tutto sulla storia del Valencia CF.
  • Durante questo tour hai l'opportunità di visitare la sala dei trofei, gli spogliatoi, la tribuna d’onore e la sala stampa.
  • Puoi inoltre approfittare della vista panoramica sul più vecchio stadio di Spagna.
  • Il tour include un biglietto d'ingresso all’attrazione principale e una guida esperta che parla inglese e spagnolo.
  • La guida ti racconterà aneddoti e curiosità interessanti sullo stadio e la squadra di calcio.

Polizza di cancellazione: i biglietti non possono essere modificati o annullati.

Punti salienti del Mestalla Forever Tour

Mestalla Forever

Sala dei trofei

Il tour del Mestalla di Valencia ti fa scoprire i più importanti risultati ottenuti durante le partite disputate in questo stadio. Nella sala dei trofei trovi la bacheca con i trofei vinti dalla squadra spagnola nella Liga e in molti altri campionati nel corso degli anni.

Mestalla Forever

Visita gli spogliatoi del Valencia CF allo stadio di Mestalla, dove i giocatori si preparano prima delle partite.

Mestalla Forever

Tribuna d'onore

Ottieni l'accesso alla tribuna d'onore dello stadio di Mestalla, dove il pubblico generale non ha solitamente il permesso di assistere alla partita.

Mestalla Forever

Sala stampa

Con la tua guida, puoi visitare la sala stampa e la zona interviste dove i giocatori di calcio incontrano i giornalisti dopo la partita.

Mestalla Forever

Una vista panoramica

Mentre cammini lungo il corridoio d’accesso al campo del Mestalla, puoi approfittare di un’incredibile vista d’insieme sul più antico stadio in Spagna, che vanta ormai un secolo di storia.

Qual è il metodo migliore per acquistare i biglietti per il Mestalla Forever Tour? Prenota online!

Il miglior modo per acquistare i biglietti per il Mestalla Forever Tour è di farlo online e garantirti così una transazione sicura e senza contatto. Prenotare online offre anche vantaggi aggiuntivi:

Prenotazione anticipata : pianifica il tuo viaggio in anticipo e scegli i biglietti per la data e l'orario di tua scelta. In questo modo, potrai evitare la delusione di scoprire che i biglietti sono esauriti.

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Incredibili sconti : beneficia dei migliori sconti e delle offerte proposte sulla nostra piattaforma.

Pianifica la tua visita allo stadio di Mestalla

Mestalla Forever

Orari dello stadio: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10:00 alle 17:15, il sabato dalle 10:00 alle 18:45 e la domenica dalle 10:00 alle 13:30.

I tour dello stadio di Mestalla sono disponibili a intervalli frequenti, ecco il programma:

dal lunedì al venerdì: 10:45, 12:00, 13:30, 16:00, 16:45, 17:30

sabato: 10:45, 11:30, 12:00, 12:45, 13:30, 15:45, 16:30, 17:30

domenica: 10:45, 11:30, 12:00, 12:45, 13:30

Mestalla Forever

Indirizzo: Av. de Suècia, s/n, 46010 Valencia, Spagna. Trova su mappe .

In autobus : puoi salire a bordo degli autobus delle linee 10, 98 o C3 per raggiungere la destinazione. La fermata dell’autobus più vicina è Primat Reig-Xabia. Il punto d'incontro è raggiungibile a piedi in 5 minuti da qui.

In metro : stazione: Aragón, sulla linea 5.

In treno : Estación del Norte è la stazione ferroviaria di Valencia, situata nei paraggi di Plaza de Toros. A 2 km a ovest dallo stadio di Valencia, è possibile raggiungere la destinazione con una passeggiata di 20 minuti o prendendo un taxi fuori dalla stazione.

Mestalla Forever

  • Il complesso è accessibile alle persone in sedia a rotelle, ma si prega di segnalare questa necessità al momento della prenotazione.

Suggerimenti per le visite

  • Prenota i tuoi biglietti online per il Mestalla Valencia Forever Tour, per garantirti un'esperienza di acquisto priva di stress e risparmiare tempo.
  • Per esplorare lo stadio di Mestalla e avere una panoramica della storia dei più antichi stadi di calcio della Spagna con una guida esperta, ti consigliamo una visita guidata.
  • Con la tua guida puoi esplorare le aree dello stadio dove il pubblico non è solitamente ammesso, come il campo e le sale interne.
  • Dedica un'ora o più della tua visita a Valencia per esplorare l'interno dello stadio.
  • Puoi anche optare per l’audio-guida per rendere la tua esperienza ancora più coinvolgente.

Domande frequenti sul Mestalla Forever Tour

Puoi acquistare i biglietti per il Mestalla Forever Tour online e in anticipo e approfittare così di entusiasmanti offerte e tanti sconti.

Con il biglietto per il Mestalla Forever Tour, potrai accedere all’attrazione e avere a disposizione una guida esperta che parla inglese e spagnolo per accompagnarti durante il tour dello stadio.

Il Mestalla Forever Tour dura circa un’ora.

All’interno dello stadio di Mestalla puoi visitare gli spogliatoi, la tribuna d'onore, la sala dei trofei, la sala stampa e tante aree di questo luogo ormai storico.

Puoi approfittare di fantastiche offerte e sconti sui biglietti per il Mestalla Forever Tour acquistandoli online dal nostro sito web.

Il Mestalla è lo stadio di calcio di Valencia, in Spagna. Indirizzo : Av. de Suècia, s/n, 46010 Valencia, Spagna. Trova su mappe .

Lo stadio di Mestalla è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10:00 alle 17:15, il sabato dalle 10:00 alle 18:45 e la domenica dalle 10:00 alle 13:30.

Consigliamo la visita guidata dello Stadio di Mestalla per assicurarsi di ottenere una visione completa della storia del luogo e di esplorare l'attrazione nel modo più comodo possibile. Per evitare eventuali ritardi, ti consigliamo inoltre di presentarti al punto di incontro 15 minuti prima dell'orario programmato per la visita.

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Catalá avisa sobre el nuevo estadio: "No va a llegar agosto sin tomar una determinación en una línea: ni beneficios ni prebendas al Valencia"

La alcaldesa acusa a PSPV y Compromís de poca coherencia e insiste en que digan sin van a aprobar las fichas urbanísticas

Vista de la fachada exterior del estadio desde la Avenida de las Cortes.

La alcaldesa de Valencia, María José Catalá , tiene una premisa muy clara con respecto a la forma en que quiere desencallar el problema del nuevo estadio del Valencia en la Avenida de las Cortes: " Ni un beneficio ni una prebenda para el Valencia , máxima exigencia y estricto cumplimiento con la ciudad y el valencianismo". En esa postura se mantiene desde el pasado mes de octubre, cuando anunció que no negociaría con el club un nuevo convenio sin que antes comenzaran las obras y prestaran garantías económicas para finalizarlas, a lo que en los últimos meses se sumó una auditoría que evaluara el coste de ejecución de la enésima modificación del proyecto de estadio que presentaron en enero para obtener licencia de obras.

Después de que el TSJ ratificara la caducidad de la ATE, hay otra línea roja en el horizonte. El 3 de agosto decae la suspensión de licencias que ha impedido al Valencia estos dos últimos años comercializar los suelos residencial y terciario que tiene tanto junto al nuevo estadio como en el actual Mestalla. Eso si antes no hay reanudación de las obras, aprobación de las fichas urbanísticas y/o convenio.

Pese a que no hay aún avances en ninguno de estos sentidos, la alcaldesa aseguró antes de agosto el Ayuntamiento. "Les digo no va a llegar agosto sin que el Ayuntamiento tome una determinación que siga en la misma línea que he apuntado desde el primer momento: ni un beneficio, ni una prebenda para el Valencia, máxima exigencia y estricto cumplimiento con la ciudad y el valencianismo", afirmó.

"Ayer algunos se cayeron de la cama y se dieron cuenta que en la resolución de la caducidad que hicieron Ximo Puig y el partido socialista el 29 de julio de 2022 pone expresamente que se caducaba la ATE pero que seguía vigente el plan ATE del año 2015, que no es la ATE, y que se suspendían las licencias durante dos años", afirmó. "La pregunta es: ¿qué hicieron desde la caducidad hasta mayo de 2023 cuando gané las elecciones? Absolutamente nada ", se contestó. Sin embargo, después reconoció que el anterior gobierno tenía un borrador y desarrolló unas fichas que ahora no quiere aprobar .

"Yo no me he movido, ni un milímetro. He sido la más dura de todos los grupos políticos de la corporación con el Valencia. No he aprobado las fichas de las que ellos hicieron la aprobación inicial, no he aprobado un convenio del que ellos tenían un borrador y siempre he hablado de avales y de penalizaciones y de calendario, cosa que no hizo la anterior corporación. He puesto unos requisitos claros encima de la mesa: que las obras se inicien y estén en una buena situación para empezar a hablar de otras cuestiones", apuntó Catalá.

La alcaldesa acusó a los partidos de la oposición de dar "bandazos" permanentemente y de ser incoherentes por haber realizado una "aprobación inicial" de las fichas urbanísticas sin que hubiera suscrito un convenio, lo que podría interpretarse como una ayuda a Peter Lim. " ¿Eso no era barra libre para Lim y ahora resulta que si aprobamos las mismas fichas sin el convenio es barra libre para Lim? Se trata de acabar el partido con una postura coherente, equilibrada y meter goles y en esa postura solo estoy yo, el PP, el resto van diciendo cada día una cosas distinta, el partido socialista, Compromís... y encima son incoherentes con lo que hicieron", insistió.

"Les pido que me aclaren qué van a hacer y que se mantengan si puede ser quince días al menos en una misma postura", añadió.

"Como valencianista y como socia me parece que manosear el Valencia para sacar rédito político no le ha salido bien a más de una y uno, y no es de recibo. Que se dediquen a una postura coherente y si puede ser unificada de todo el ayuntamiento para que juntos consigamos lo que queremos", señaló.

"Que el Valencia tenga un estadio en condiciones y podamos desgranar toda la situación urbanística que tiene con la ciudad, podamos dar salida a Cortes Valencianas y resolver el problema del viejo Mestalla y exigir, aunque no nos toca a la ciudad, que la gestión deportiva sea la correcta. Yo de momento solo tengo palabras para el entrenador que esta consiguiendo llevar al Valencia a hitos importantes", sentenció.

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Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.

estadio mestalla tour

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The Assumption Belfry and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

The Assumption Belfry and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

View from a corner of Assumption Cathedral on the architectural ensemble of the Assumption Belfry (at the left) and Ivan the Great Bell Tower (at the right) built in the Moscow Kremlin in 16th century. The tower’s name implies that it had once housed St. John’s Church, and that it used to be the tallest building in Moscow (height with cross is about 80 m). For many decades the bell tower was also the main watchtower in the Kremlin, and later also a fire tower. Petrok Maliy, the Italian architect who built the Kitai-Gorod wall in Moscow, started the construction of the church of the Resurrection, later renamed Church of the Nativity, next to the Ivan the Great Tower in 1532. Decades later was converted to a four-tier belfry for large bells, known today as the Assumption Belfry after its main 64-ton bell placed in the middle of the fourth tier. The Assumption bell tolled only on great holidays and to announce events of exceptional significance.

Photo #043 taken on June 29, 2016 during a tour of Moscow Kremlin with my dear client from Lebanon, Jacques Saade.

About Me in Short

Guide, Driver and Photographer Arthur Lookyanov

My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services , check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.

See you in Moscow!

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  • Owner: Moscow Guide & Driver
  • Date: June 29, 2016 05:14:00 am EDT
  • File name: ALP-2016-0629-043-Assumption-Belfry-and-Ivan-the-Great-Bell-Tower-Moscow-Kremlin.jpg
  • Tags: Russia , Moscow Kremlin , Kremlin Towers , Ivan the Great Bell Tower , Belfry , Assumption Belfry , Assunmption Bell , Moscow

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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  1. Mestalla Forever Tour

    Contacto. Email. [email protected]. Teléfono. +34 96 337 26 26 - 672 06 25 23. Lunes a Viernes de 9:30 a 13:30h. Valencia CF Official Website. All Club information. Latest news, match schedule, ticket sales, photos, videos and fan customer service.

  2. Mestalla Forever Tour

    Email. [email protected]. Teléfono. +34 96 337 26 26 - 672 06 25 23. Lunes a Viernes de 9:30 a 13:30h. Página web oficial del Valencia CF. Toda la información del Club. Noticias, calendario, venta de entradas, fotos, vídeos y servicios a los aficionados. Amunt Valencia.

  3. Mestalla Stadium Tour: A Tour for the Ages

    The guided tour lasts about an hour and is bilingual, in Spanish and English. If you suffer from reduced mobility, please write to us after your purchase at [email protected], so we can prepare the adapted visit . The tour leaves from gate number 3 of the Mestalla Stadium, Avda. Suecia, Valencia.

  4. Visita guiada al estadio de Mestalla

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  5. Tour del estadio de Mestalla, Valencia

    Tour del estadio de Mestalla. 8,8 / 10. 84 opiniones. Ver disponibilidad. Ver más fotos (44) Acompañadnos a descubrir los secretos de uno de los estadios de fútbol más antiguos de España con este tour por el Mestalla, la casa del Valencia C.F. ¡Perfecto para los amantes del deporte rey!

  6. Mestalla Valencia C.F Stadium

    The Mestalla Tour is usually held in the mornings between 10:30 and 14:30 every day of the year, except on 1 and 6 January and 25 December. In the afternoons, between 15:30 and 18:30, from October to March. Until 19:00 in April, May, June and September and until 20:00 in July and August. On 24 and 31 December, only until 17:30.

  7. Estadio de Mestalla

    Mestalla stadium tours. Valencia offer guided stadium tours around Mestalla, that include access to the dressing rooms, players' tunnel, and press room. The tours last about an hour. Tours run continuously Mondays to Fridays between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm, and Sundays between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm.

  8. Mestalla Stadium (Estadio De Mestalla) Tours and Tickets

    Home to Valencia Club de Fútbol, Mestalla Stadium (Estadio de Mestalla) is one of Spain's oldest soccer stadiums. Book a guided tour to learn about the stadium's past, visit areas that are not usually accessible to the public—including the changing rooms and the pitch—and scale the vertigo-inducing North Stand seating.

  9. Tickets for Mestalla Stadium: Guided Visit

    Take the 'Mestalla Forever' tour for a guided look around Valencia's historic Estadio de Mestalla with a knowledgeable, English and Spanish-speaking guide; Explore the club museum and learn about the team's most glorious games, as you pore over match-worn items belonging to players past and present

  10. Tour por el Estadio de Mestalla Valencia CF

    Con este Mestalla Forever Tour, podremos conocer todos los secretos del estadio más antiguo de la primera división española que cumplía 100 años desde su construcción en 2023. En esta visita guiada podrás sentarte en el banquillo del entrenador y admirar desde ahí el terreno de juego que ha visto brillar a auténticos genios del ...

  11. Estadio De Mestalla

    Estadio De Mestalla. Had the pleasure of doing the stadium tour seeing changing rooms, trophy room, go in the tunnel and dugouts. The stadium is a typical old Spanish football stadium with steep raked seating that is great for watching football. Suggest edits to improve what we show.

  12. Mestalla Stadium: Guided Visit

    Be ready for a guided visit to Valencia DF's historic home, Mestalla! It's called the 'Mestalla Forever' tour for anyone interested in and curious about soccer and Mestalla! The tour is in English and Spanish, so don't worry, even if you cannot speak Spanish! Open your ear to speak of a passionate host who will lead you to Culb's journey from 1919 to now! Check out the ...

  13. Tour Mestalla

    Desde que comience este tour, te darás cuenta de que el Mestalla no es un estadio común. Con una capacidad para 45000 espectadores y fundado en 1923, alberga historias y leyendas que desean ser descubiertas por sus aficionados. Grada y Palco Presidencial: Una mirada al corazón del estadio donde la dirección del club y los invitados ...

  14. Mestalla Stadium

    The guided tour offers insights into the meticulous design elements that make Mestalla Stadium an architectural marvel. Behind-the-Scenes Access. One of the major highlights of the Mestalla Stadium Tour is the exclusive access it provides to areas typically off-limits to the general public.

  15. Valencia C.F MESTALLA Stadium Tour ⎜Visita al Estadio del Valencia!

    Visita con Nosotros el Estadio del Valencia C.F! Mestalla es uno de los estadios históricos de Europa y es el mas antiguo de la Primera división actualmente....

  16. Prenota il tour Mestalla Forever

    Mestalla Forevertour Valencia CF. a partire da. 13,30 €. Verifica disponibilità. Conferma Istantanea. Biglietti per cellulari. 1 h. Il Mestalla Forever Tour Valencia CF è un meraviglioso tour guidato nella storia del più antico stadio di calcio della Spagna incompagnia di da una guida esperta che parla inglese/spagnolo.

  17. Valencia

    20/04/2024. Estadio de Mestalla. Sigue el resultado del Valencia - Real Betis en directo con SPORT. Partido de 32a Jornada en Estadio de Mestalla. Minuto a minuto del Valencia - Real Betis.

  18. Camp de Mestalla

    Si quieres conocer todos los secretos y curiosidades de Camp de Mestalla visita Mestalla Forever Tour. Nuestros guías te acompañarán en una apasionante visita por las áreas más interesantes del estadio, donde te contarán la historia y las anécdotas más destacadas del Valencia Club de Fútbol. Más información

  19. Catalá avisa sobre el nuevo estadio: "No va a llegar agosto sin tomar

    La alcaldesa de Valencia, María José Catalá, tiene una premisa muy clara con respecto a la forma en que quiere desencallar el problema del nuevo estadio del Valencia en la...

  20. Moscow metro tour

    Moscow Metro. The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours' itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin's regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as "a people's palace". Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings ...

  21. Moscow

    Price per person. 641,69. View details. About the tour Reviews 10. 8 days / 7 nights. St. Petersburg Moscow. We offer you a unique opportunity to visit Russia's two largest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This fascinating, week-long tour will take you to the historic Russian capitals that have always played the most important part in the ...

  22. Estadio

    Página web oficial del Valencia CF. Toda la información del Club. Noticias, calendario, venta de entradas, fotos, vídeos y servicios a los aficionados. Amunt Valencia.

  23. The Assumption Belfry and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

    Photo #043 taken on June 29, 2016 during a tour of Moscow Kremlin with my dear client from Lebanon, Jacques Saade. Next Previous 9 of 34 . About Me in Short. My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002.

  24. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...