Master Your French

20+ French Halloween Costumes That Will Inspire You

Updated: June 11, 2022 by Mylene in Entertainment   ▪ English Français  

best french halloween costumes

Do you want to put on your favorite Halloween outfit and take some photos of awesome memories?

But which French costumes will be the go-to Halloween costume for you this year?

No need for magical powers to find the perfect costumes for Halloween, sometimes you just use your own dress and a few choice accessories.

French costumes for Halloween

If you’re celebrating Halloween this year, you might want to try one of these options below if you’re still unsure of a costume choice!

In what follows, you’ll find 21 great French Halloween costume ideas to inspire you:

Classic French costumes for Halloween

French-themed halloween costumes for couples.

  • French-inspired Halloween costumes for kids and babies

Do the French celebrate Halloween?

Let’s start with some inspiring costume ideas for Halloween to make you look like one of these many French celebrities including Napoleon, Marie-Antoinette, Karl Lagerfeld​, and Amélie Poulain.

1. Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader who became notorious as an artillery commander during the French Revolution.

If you’re looking to buy a napoleon costume, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

2. Marie-Antoinette

Marie-Antoinette is the last queen of France and ultimately ended her life during the French Revolution. This costume is perfect for getting a historical as well as a sexy look!

If you’re looking to buy a queen Marie Antoinette costume, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

3. A Moulin Rouge Dancer

The Moulin Rouge is the French cabaret famous for its high-kicking cancan dance! This fun and sexy look will make you the center of attraction!

If you’re looking to buy a Parisian moulin rouge dancer, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

4. Mona Lisa

You can dress up like Mona Lisa the world-famous painting created by the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci.

If you’re looking to buy a Mona Lisa painting, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

5. Joan of Arc – Jeanne d’Arc

Do you prefer to wear armor and military gear? And do you want to be the woman who led France to its late victory in the 100 Years War? Choose to be Jeanne D’Arc for one night.

If you’re looking to buy a middle-aged military costume like Jeanne d’Arc, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

6. Coco Chanel

Looking for a fashion-inspired Halloween costume? The key elements of this costume are simplicity, elegance, and comfort. The colors are black and white. Get the pearls necklace like the one in the picture below.

coco chanel

7. Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld was a fashion designer who lived in Paris. You’ll need a black and white uniform: eyes glasses, wig, fingerless gloves, and cravat.

karl lagarfeld

8. Amélie Poulain

Amélie has a vivid imagination and her goal in life is to spread happiness in the world. Her costume is a black polka dot top, a green cardigan, a red skirt, and black Oxfords.

amelie poulain

These following French-themed Halloween costumes are sure to get a laugh wherever you go.

9. Chef and Bread

This costume is family-friendly, you can wear it with your partner or with your child. You feel like a l like a real bread!

costume french long bread baguette

10. Wine and Cheese

A wine and cheese dress is what you need for this Halloween to be perfectly paired with your partner!

To get this wine and cheese costume for Halloween click on the following link:

french tourist costume

11. 18th century couple

If she’s dressing up as Marie Antoinette this Halloween, he can choose the costume of King Louis XVI for instance.

french tourist costume

12. French mime couple

Want to wear your normal clothes? Pull out a striped shirt and black bottoms, then add a beret, white glove and you’re ready to go!

Get the striped shirt, the black bottom, and the beret from the following link:

french tourist costume

13. Brittany couple

This is a traditional French costume for couples.

traditional costume man woman french brittany

14. French man and French girl

Don’t want to spend a ton on a costume that you’ll only wear once? You can use your own clothes and you just need to have a French beret.

If you’re searching for French-themed clothes, you can get them by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

15. Asterix and Obelix

Another costume for couples is a big belly for him and a mustache for her.

If you’re looking to look like Asterix on Halloween, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

French-inspired Halloween costumes for kids

Now let’s check some Halloween costumes that could make the perfect outfit for little kids!

16. Cute Baguette

Get a chef costume and carry a baguette.

If you’re looking to carry a fake French baguette, you can find one by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

17. Croissant

A cute little kid dressing as a croissant? Check the related blog on  ohhappyday to make the costume by yourself.

french croissant costume baby with mother

18. French Macaron

To turn your baby into a tasty patisserie, try a macaroon costume , and choose your flavor.

french macaroon halloween costume girl

19. Eiffel Tower

Dressing your little one as a cute Eiffel Tower is especially great if they build it with you. Check this blog to do it together.

eiffel tower costume kids

20. French Rooster

This hilarious costume represents the symbol of France.

If you’re looking to buy the baby rooster costume, you can get it by clicking on the following link:

french tourist costume

21. Marie Curie

The look is easy to pull together with pieces you already own! A vintage dress or just a lab coat and a chemistry flask, of course!

kid scientific marie curie

Halloween is an American celebration that is increasingly celebrated in France.

Many French people consider Halloween as a commercial celebration. And of course, stores try to take advantage of it.

On Halloween whether in France or in the USA,  parents and especially kids:

  • Get to have fun dressing up
  • Go to parties
  • Eat and laugh together

In addition to the above costume ideas, Google provides the top-trending costume searches in the United States: Conjure up Halloween’s most popular costumes .

What does a kid say when you open the front door:

Des bonbons ou un sort? meaning candies or a spell?

10 best French comics to level up your French

French Belgian comics

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Oui In France

No BS guide on what to wear in France (from someone who’s lived here a decade!)

France · travel

France can be intimidating to a lot of us, especially before our first trip when we’re left to base our opinion on other people’s stories. I know this to be true because France intimidated me before I moved here! From the language to the people to the culture, it can all be dizzying for someone who has never been to France.

One question I get regularly is about how to dress in France. I’ve gotten so many emails over the years from people asking if they need to buy anything special to fit in as a tourist. You’re curious about what French people actually wear, so this post is long overdue. Let’s get into how to dress in France (and what to wear in Paris and NOT wear). How do women dress in France? Read on…

How to dress in Paris (what to wear in France)

what to wear in paris

First up, when reading articles about how to dress in France and Paris fashions, I see a lot of content out there that paints French women and their fashion style with the same brush.

It’s well-meaning advice that answers “How do women dress in France” that’s not necessarily wrong, but it leaves very little room for people who don’t dress the fashion-forward way being described. It can even be stressful for someone who is not very fashionable and thinks they need to be in order to enjoy their France vacation.

I’m here to help and can get you squared way on what to wear in France. Read on…

The French fashion advice I see time and time again about what to wear in Paris is also not super practical for those of us who are going to be walking a lot and doing touristy things. 

I’m pointing this out because it’s important to take all how to dress in France fashion advice (even mine!) with a grain of salt. Yes, generally speaking French people tend to dress up a bit more than Americans — especially in big cities like Paris — but no one is going to shame you for your fashion choices as a tourist if you don’t look like the Parisian women around you.

Besides, fashion is deeply personal, so keep your own preferences in mind.

Next, let me repeat something I say this a lot on my blog in varying contexts because it applies here in this post about “how to dress in France” too. Not all French people are the same . They don’t dress the same way and not everyone cares about fashion or looking put together.

French people are also not all secretly judging tourists’ fashion choices and really don’t care what you wear. It’s important to feel good in your own skin. Emily in Paris’ fashions aren’t real life for 99% of people out there and are definitely not for tourists.

Above all, I think it’s important to wear what you like and what you’re most comfortable wearing. 

How do women dress in France? Well, French fashion is diverse

It might surprise you that there is a lot of diversity in how people dress — especially outside of big cities. French women dress for their own personal style (or lack there of), region and climate, budget, activity, and a whole lot of other factors.

A point I want to stress is that French people don’t all dress any one way and they’re certainly not all upper middle class fashionistas. French fashion style is so diverse.

For the record, you will see the French in sneakers. In shorts. In baseball caps. In casual clothes. In track suits with dirty sneakers. And believe it or not, I regularly see French folks in workout wear hitting up my small-town grocery store after the gym — still in yoga pants and athletic shoes. The times are a-changin’!

There are loads of French people who dress sloppily and couldn’t care less about labels or looking put together or trendy. Just like in the U.S., you’ll find more fashionable looking people — “sharp” as my mom would say — in big cities. Paris is a bit like New York, in that you’ll see more fashionable, style-conscious people than in smaller towns.

The South of France tends to have a bit more of a relaxed style. You’ll see all kinds of beachwear along the coast and people in flip-flops at beachside cafes. This stands in stark contrast to Paris fashions. 

But despite what you see in the movies, not all French women are slim fashionistas rocking the latest designer everything. So don’t let that outdated French fashion stereotype stress you out at all.

what to pack in paris

How to dress like a French woman

What I’ve noticed is that for most people, French style is less about name brands and more about how the overall outfit comes across. You don’t need expensive designer clothes to fit in with locals in France and dress like a French woman. Do some women love designer labels? Of course. But if you’re looking to fit in, just keep some simple overarching French style tips in mind.

First, a lot of French women are more discreet in their style, in terms of colors, cuts, and accessories than the average American. How to dress in France is all about being understated, to an extent.

When in France, think neutral colors, nothing too short, low cut, or flashy. But again, this is speaking generally and you do what feels right to you . There are always exceptions to these French fashion style rules. You’ll find French women who love short colorful dresses, stiletto high heels, with tons of flashy jewelry, and a bright designer handbag. But it’s not the norm and it’s not the way to fit in.

First and foremost, let me mind you of Rule 1, as a tourist you’ll want to dress in a way that’s comfortable for you and your plans. Ultimately, wear things that make you happy. But no 6-inch stiletto heels when you visit Mont St. Michel and the cobblestone streets, OK? Your ankles will thank me. 😉

If you want to dress like the locals in France, there’s a lot of variety here. As a tourist going on a hike, if you want to look like a French one, go to Decathlon and buy anything by the brand Quechua . The French are known for these backpacks and jackets and I love my Quechua windbreaker. Tom’s dad loves his backpack. Anything Quechua will have people pegging you as a French tourist.

As long as you don’t wear white socks up to your knees with dirty old sneakers and Birkenstocks and a big neon fanny pack complete with a t-shirt and baseball cap with an American flag, you won’t stand out. But if that’s your jam when visiting the Eiffel Tower, go for it. Rule 1 is key when wandering the streets of Paris. 😉

But honestly, no one is going to care what you’re wearing as long as you’re clothed and dressed appropriately (don’t go to a Michelin-starred restaurant in your flip-flops and cut off jean shorts, though. There’s a dress code in that case). That may seem obvious, but man oh man, do I have stories…

French people are not going to approach you and tell you that what you’re wearing is what NOT to wear in Paris. Everyone’s too busy to pay attention. Again, that might seem obvious to some of you, but trust me when I say I’ve gotten a bunch of emails over the years asking this.

As a tourist in France, you’re just passing through. It’s OK to be a tourist and look like one, complete with hiking boots, a windbreaker and  a backpack. French folks are tourists too sometimes. And if anyone judges you, it’s no biggie, ok? You won’t see them again.

Something else to keep in mind when deciding on how to dress in France is that your sightseeing outfit is going to be different than what a French woman is wearing to her office job or someone grabbing a late night meal with friends in her neighborhood or someone going out to a nightclub.

As a tourist, dress for the activity you’ll be doing. Fashion will look different at a nightclub, a dinner party, desk job, sightseeing, etc.

So now that my big intro is out of the way, it’s time to jump into my French fashion advice on how to dress in France…

There are some overarching French style principles you may want to take into account if your goal is to fit in or look more French, no matter if you’re 20 or 70 years old.

what to wear in paris spring

Style tips for what to wear in Paris (and France in general):

My disclaimer: There’s nothing wrong with trying to fit in or NOT fit in with the French. Style is personal and it’s OK to wear the things you like. That said, by sticking to my tips below on how to dress in Paris, you’ll show you’ve done your homework on French culture . But you do what feels right for you.

In addition, figuring out how to dress in Paris is often a matter of practicality and safety . Fitting in instead of calling attention to yourself via your style of dress will help deter pickpockets, scammers, and thieves.

1. Less is more

The French are masters at looking chic without being over the top about it. You don’t need to have perfectly coiffed hair, a full face of makeup, and be dressed to the nines to fit in with the French.

Less is more when it comes to personal style and learning how to dress in Paris. A few versatile, high-quality pieces that fit well go a long way. No need to overdo it and look like you’re trying too hard. Effortless is the key word here.

2. Wear neutrals

While you will see French people wearing colors, neutrals are way more common. Or neutrals mixed with a bit of color and not an all-red outfit. Think shades of black, white, brown, gray, and beige instead of bright colors. Floral patterns and other more simple patterns — nothing too busy — are popular for tops and dresses . 

3. Don’t be too flashy This might be my most important fashion tip for how to dress like a French woman. Don’t be too flashy! This goes for the clothes themselves and also your accessories like jewelry and handbags.

Remember what I just said above about how less is more. French fashion style is more classic than trendy. Anything overly attention grabbing would be seen as a bit of a faux pas to some and a definitely a bit out of touch.

Wearing bright red heels, a colorful short dress, a ton of jewelry and heavy makeup with a brightly colored handbag would be a bit flashy for everyday French taste. You really don’t see people dressed like this at the farmers’ market or running errands.

This also means that it’s best to leave your overly revealing outfits at home along with your expensive jewelry. Anything too short/tight/lowcut will get you the wrong kind of attention. Think elegant sexy and not in-your-face sexy. Leave those short shorts behind.

When it comes to jewelry, opt for some affordable pieces from my new fave Quince ( full review here and use this link for a $20 off Quince discount code ). You can still look put together but not worry about losing a pricey piece. Quince has affordable prices and top quality.

These gold vermeil earrings are gorgeous. Same with the matching ring (just $39 bucks). BaubleBar also has super affordable jewelry perfect for a trip to Paris (like this trendy paperclip bracelet ).

4. Keep it neat

The French tend to look put together, even in simple outfits. This means making sure you’re wearing clean shoes, clothes that are ironed (or atleast not wrinkly) and that fit well (properly tailored!) and nothing overly sloppy looking. Think tailored shorts and nice sandals with a button-up tank instead of denim cutoffs, plastic flip-flops, and an old tee.

5. Elevate your casual style

Generally speaking, especially in bigger cities like Paris, French people’s everyday casual attire for running errands and socializing is bit more dressy than what you’d see in the U.S.

It doesn’t mean everyone everywhere dresses up, but it’s safe to say that dressing up a bit is totally normal in France even if you’re just running errands. When you’re having doubts and not quite sure what to wear in Paris, you can opt for something a bit more dressy and you’ll fit in with everyone else just fine.

Something else to note when learning how to dress like the French is that most people do not wear athletic wear or loungewear out and about unless it’s just a quick errand on the way home from the gym or park. Athleisure is becoming more popular though but throw on joggers with fashionable sneakers and a moto jacket (like my picks below) and not old running shoes and a hoodie.

Next, don’t be afraid to throw on a blazer over your jeans instead of a sweatshirt or wear a more tailored pair of pants. Pull on your leather ankle boots instead of old sneakers.

Women of all ages love the blazer over a button-down shirt look, or even as a way to class up a t-shirt. Believe it or not, striped Breton shirts aren’t just for tourists.

A quick word on sneakers: The French do wear them but athletic shoes are generally reserved for the gym.

For both men and women, go for a pair of Adidas Originals Stan Smith , vegan French brand Vej a, or Converse style sneakers instead. This European style of sneaker is also popular. I have a pair in red. Comfortable walking shoes are a must.

6. Add a scarf

How do people dress in France? With a light scarf! When in doubt, no matter the season or your gender, add a scarf of some sort. It’ll keep you warm and double as a fashion accessory. Go neutral or more colorful but just make sure you have one.

Tie or loop it around your neck and voilà, your outfit is complete. A scarf really is a must when learning how to dress in France if you want to fit in. Leave your wooly winter scarf at home in the spring and summer and grab a casual French scarf like this affordable one instead.

A silk scarf and cotton blends are popular and a cashmere option during the winter months is a solid pick too.

10 Must-know beginner France tips for your first trip >>

What to pack for Paris

When I’m traveling, I like to pack versatile, unfussy pieces in dark colors that can go from day to night with just a change of shoes. Sweat-wicking fabric is also a plus.

Next, always be prepared for the unpredictable weather. Unless it’s in the middle of summer and you’re in the South of France, layers are a must. Even in May, temps can still be quite cool and you can have some rainy days, so when deciding what to wear in France, be prepared for everything when you plan out your Paris outfits.

We visited the Mont St. Michel in June and the wind was whipping in the 40s F. My scarf and hooded jacket came in handy. So be prepared for the weather even if you think it “should” be warm.

Example of what to pack for Paris in spring weather:

how to dress in france

// Quince Italian Leather Quilted Crossbody bag . I have this in the color pictured and the leather is great quality. It’s the perfect size for a small wallet and a few essentials. (Get $20 off w/my Quince discount code link!) Belt bag , aka the modern fanny packs, are also functional and look great worn as a cross-body bag.

// Quince cashmere scarf.   I hate when wind blows down my neck and this scarf gets the job done. It goes from winter to early spring beautifully.

// Athleta Everlasting tank . Available in a bunch of colors, this lightweight tank is a perfect layering piece and can be dressed up or down. Think of it as a button-down shirt but in tank form.

// Halogen Long Cardigan . A lightweight cardigan is a springtime must and this one fits the bill. And here’s a shorter option from Lands’ End.

// Cole Haan Trench Coat . A lightweight coat like this one is perfect for whatever the day brings.

// Quince Moto Jacket . If you like shorter options, you can’t go wrong with a leather moto jacket. Consider this my Paris leather jacket pick. It’s versatile and will last for years!

// Veja Esplar sneakers . Super popular French brand with both men and women.

// Nisolo Chelsea Boots . Classic and sustainably made, these leather ankle boots will last you for years to come.

// Athleta B rooklyn Ankle pant . Lightweight with enough stretch to move, these pants will soon became your favorite travel pant and can be dressed up or down.

// Madewell Curvy Vintage Fit jeans . For the jeans lovers out ther, if you haven’t checked out Madewell jeans, they’re worth a look! 

What to wear in France in the spring:

If you’re curious about how to dress like a French woman, you’ll want to keep some general style categories in mind as you’re putting together your Paris packing list. The brand isn’t super important. Think classic, versatile pieces in neutral colors.

Light coat or jacket. Every tourist needs a spring jacket — whether you’re trying to emulate Parisian fashion or not. A trench coat is a good pick or if you’re into a shorter option, a moto jacket works well. If you’re going to be quite active and going hiking and that sort of thing, go with a windbreaker/light jacket like this one. I’d recommend bringing two jackets — one that’s more stylish like the trench or moto and one that’s more functional for daytime hikes.

Light pants. While you can never go wrong with jeans, I like to be able to move a bit more and go with a lighter option nine times out of 10. Athleta is one of my favorite brands not only for activewear but for travel clothes. In addition to the Brooklyn Ankle pant above, the Venice joggers are amazing. I have them in two colors along with these as well .

I’m not a fan of skinny jeans or jeans in general if I have a lot of walking to do or will be super active — especially in warmer months. They don’t breathe well and can chafe in all the wrong places. If you love jeans, black jeans would be my pick. Or better yet, go with some of my active pant picks from Athleta above. Black pants for the win — they won’t show sweat or stains as easily.

Up top, I like a tank top and then either a long sleeve top like a cardigan you can easily take off or a sweatshirt, depending on the temps.

If you’re more at ease in a dress , knee-length and below the knee midi dresses in floral patterns are really popular — both with sneakers and sandals. Maxi dresses are also popular, so feel free to pop one into your luggage.

Ultimate travel essentials for your trip to Europe >>

Shoes. Comfortable shoes are a must, especially on days where you’re walking everywhere. Ballet flats look cute but I’d save them for a short stroll in your neighborhood when you’re only going out for a drink or coffee, not a day where you have a lot of walking to do. 

These were my sneakers/tennis shoes picks from above:

Adidas Originals Stan Smith , vegan French brand Vej a, or Converse style sneakers instead. This European style of sneaker is also popular.

I love these zip-up Ugg high-top sneakers and have them in black. Second pair actually (just without the shearling). LOVE.

To elevate your look, why not try some boots. You can’t go wrong with a style like the Nisolo Chelsea boot . I have them in brandy.

Regardless of what shoes you choose, make sure they’re broken in ahead of time. There’s nothing worse than blisters from new shoes.

Scarf. My cashmere scarf from Quince is 10 out of 10. Here’s a lighter scarf option. Everyone has a scarf pretty much all year round so rock whatever style you like best. You’ll fit right in.

Hat/visor. If you try to stay out of the sun like me, something to protect your face is a must. I have this visor .

Umbrella. You never know when it might rain. My Totes travel umbrella has never steered me wrong.

Bag. I’ve been a fan of Pacsafe’s anti-theft products for years. Their bags have special tech like RFID blocking and slash proof straps that’ll safeguard your belongings. I’ve had my Pacsafe backpack for five years and it’s still going strong.

For a classic purse, you can never go wrong with the classic French brand Longchamp. Their zip-closed Le Pliage bag comes in a variety of sizes and colors and is perfect for your France trip any time of year.

American social norms that don’t translate to French culture >>

what not to wear in paris

Recap of what not to wear in Paris (if you want to fit in)

–Overly flashy jewelry. Leave it home.  –Plastic flip-flops that you’d see at the beach (unless you’re at the beach) –A very brightly colored outfit –Super revealing clothing  –Athletic shoes and athletic wear meant for the gym

Hope you enjoyed my article on how to dress in Paris and France in general! What French fashion tips do you have to add?

Disclosure: This what to wear in Paris post contains affiliate links but is not sponsored.

For even MORE FRANCE TIPS, grab my new France travel guide priced at just a few bucks!

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PIN my how to dress in Paris post:

how to dress in paris

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April 18, 2023 at 6:23 pm

Diane, I always enjoy your posts. They’re fun and informative. And, in response to your post on fashion…. My favorite light rain jacket in the states is bright pink. I get lots of compliments when I wear it. But, after more than a few visits to Paris and the rest of France, I never bring it along when I travel. Just too bright. Plus, I’m not a kid. I’m in my 60s. The ultimate compliment in France is being spoken to in French by a stranger, as if I’m a local. I don’t think that would never happen in my bright pink raincoat!

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April 19, 2023 at 6:04 am

Thank you so much, Kathy! I appreciate that and am so glad you find my content helpful and fun. 😉 I can’t say I see too many bright pink rain jackets but I’m sure they exist and if you love it, definitely wear it!!

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August 5, 2023 at 1:27 pm

Oh, the fun of fashion! I live in Languedoc, in the far south of France, and things are quite relaxed here, so let me give you an example. Last night we went to a little music event at our village square. We sat on the bar terrace with a 1 euro glass of wine and enjoyed one of my favorite pastimes: people watching. So it is August, but the weather was not very hot and a strong wind was really quite cool. I’d worn a fleeze! In August! Anyway, here comes one of our inhabitants strolling along — a man with a pony tale, his beard braided, wearing floppy pink harem pants. A woman stood out because she’d put on her winter coat against the breeze, a coat complete with big furry collar. in August, in the south of France. I love this place! Okay, this was kind of unusual, and most people just wear very ordinary clothes, but it is definitely not high society Paris here.

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September 24, 2023 at 9:16 pm

I’m going to Paris in October for a week and after 3 days walking around NYC my feet were SO SORE so I was going to bring my Birkenstocks with me to Paris (hopefully it isn’t rainy!) because they truly are the most comfortable shoes I own. So these will be a dead giveaway?

September 24, 2023 at 9:25 pm

Hello, I don’t think Birkenstocks in and of themselves will mark you as a tourist. They are really popular now among the French. But wearing them in October might be seen as a bit unusual since they’re typically worn in the summer. There are tons of tourists in Paris, so you definitely won’t stand out. Have a great trip!

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October 3, 2023 at 10:00 pm

I’ve often read advice to foreign tourists not to wear sportswear, hiking shoes and so on in Paris because it flags them as tourists.

In fact, it’s no issue to wear sportswear such as Quechua: most people would think you are a French local or tourist, or perhaps from one of the neighboring countries where Decathlon is popular. I wear hiking shoes when visiting Paris, they are very good for walking in the street, Métro staircases and so on.

What flags people as tourists is highly visible foreign brands that are not so usual in France (e.g. Under Armor), especially combined with bright colors.

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February 26, 2024 at 8:14 am

Bonjour Diane,

Thank you for your excellent take on French fashion. Interesting, fun and useful. Great example of clothes, shoes, accessories and even brands French brands.

Until then keep them coming!! Bonne journée, Robert Ps: Life is meant to be lived. You should put that in a t-shirt, frame etc Hallelooo!!

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Early morning in #istanbul when the streets are still calm. Something that caught us by surprise was the fact that cars and scooters really don’t slow down much for pedestrians and they get really close to you when they pass. Definitely use the sidewalk whenever you can! Lots of fun shops and cafes here near the Galata Tower where we’re staying.

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40 French Halloween costumes: Inspired ideas for adults

Unleash your inner Francophile with one of these French Halloween costumes which you can buy or DIY. Perfect for a themed party or cosplay too.

French halloween costume ideas and french themed cosplay costumes

If you’re looking for French-themed costume ideas, whether it’s for Halloween, cosplay, or a themed party, you’ve come to the right place.

From iconic French historical figures like Napoleon and Marie Antoinette to costume ideas inspired by French films, literature, and culture, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Let’s dive into the world of French Halloween costumes that you can buy or DIY. 

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French Halloween costumes inspired by Films and Literature

Transform yourself into characters made famous in French films and literature. 

1) Three Musketeers costume (great group costume)

‘All for one and one for all’ is the motto of Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and Artagnan, four characters from the book “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas, the most famous French writer of the nineteenth century.

Few people outside of France realize that Dumas based his characters on four historical figures who were part of the King’s musketeers (mousquetaires du roi). These high-ranking elite soldiers were skilled in using muskets, a type of firearm, and are often depicted wearing distinctive uniforms with feathered hats and swords. ( source )

Woman's Musketeer Costume

2) The Count of Monte Cristo

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is another a dventure novel written by Alexandre Dumas. A 19-year-old sailor named Edmond Dantès is falsely accused of treason and imprisoned in the Château d’If. After he escapes from the fortress located on a small, rocky island 1.5 km (0.9 miles) offshore from Marseille, he adopts the persona of Count of Monte Cristo and seeks revenge on everyone who wronged him. 

To dress as the count, you’ll have to wear dashing period clothing from the late 1800’s to 1900’s. — Top hats, long fitted coats, cravats etc. 

Tailcoat Jacket

3) Amélie Poulain

An easy DIY French Halloween costume that you can recreate with things you may already have in your closet is to dress up as Amélie from the famous French cult film Amélie , released in 2001. 

One of Amélie’s signature looks in the movie is a red dress, often paired with a green cardigan and black combat boots . Add props, such as the garden gnome, which Amélie takes pictures of in various destinations, and some dangling Raspberry earrings to represent the scene where Amélie eats raspberries off her fingers. 

How to dress like Amélie Poulin outfit

4) Les Misérables charcter costumes

les miserable Costume designs poster

Pay homage to Victor Hugo’s famous French novel “Les Misérables” by dressing up as one of the characters that feature the tattered clothing and props that reflect the misery and hope portrayed in the story.

Éponine hat (les misérables)

5) Phantom of the Opera:

Recreate the haunting character from French author Gaston Leroux’s novel “Phantom of the Opera” with a black cape, half mask, and a single rose. Next year, repurpose it into a vampire costume. 

Phantom of the Opera costume

6) Madeline

Madeline is a children’s book series which follows the adventures of a red-headed 7-year-old girl who lives in an all-girls boarding school run by nuns in Paris.

Madeline and the other 11 girls living at the boarding school all wear a uniform, which consists of a blue dress, white collar, ankle socks, yellow hat, and Mary Jane shoes.

Madeline Toy Doll

Historical French Costumes:

These historical French Halloween costumes are based on clothing styles from various historical periods in France. 

7) Bell époque period clothing

The Belle Époque period lasted from about 1871 to 1914 in France. It was a time when culture and art flourished, and people felt optimistic.

Fashion during the Belle Époque was elegant, polished, ornate, and often flamboyant. Women usually wore long dresses or skirts, high necks, puffy sleeves, and large hats. Men typically wore three-piece suits with a waistcoat, dress shirt, and tie.

Belle Poque Striped skirt

8) Cancan Dancer:

How fun would it be to dress up like a French Cancan dancer, like the ones who perform at the Moulin Rouge? 

A French Cancan dancer costume typically includes a ruffled dress with frills designed to flare out during the high kicks, fishnet stockings, a garter belt, and black boots or heels. Complete the costume with a headpiece, feather, and choker and some dramatic makeup. 

Moulin Rouge - French Cancan Dancer Poster

9) French prisoner costume

French prisoners in France used to wear a distinctive black and white striped prison uniform known as the “pyjama,” which made it hard for escapees to blend in with the environment. 

French prisoner costume

Famous historical French people’s costumes

These French Halloween costume ideas are based on clothing associated with well-known figures from French history. 

10) Napolon costume

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who declared himself emperor of France in 1804.

A Napoleon costume typically includes a black or navy blue tailcoat jacket with matching trousers, a black or red bicorne hat, and black boots . Consider adding a sash and medal to represent his military achievements.

Men's Adult Napoleon Costume

11) Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc was a French female military leader and a symbol of courage and patriotism. She is often depicted wearing a men’s suit of armour. 

Joan of Arc costume

12) King Louis XIV aka “The Sun King”

Channel your inner royalty by dressing up as the most famous French king of them all, King Louis the 14th. 

King Louis Costume

13) Templar Knights costume

The Templar Knights were a medieval Christian military order and brotherhood co-founded by Hugh of Payns. He was a French knight and the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar who swore to defend Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem and the holy land during the Christian Crusades.

These holy warriors are usually depicted wearing a white tunic with a red cross on the chest and a white hooded cloak. Some costumes also include chainmail armour and accessories such as a sword, shield, or gauntlets (a type of glove.)

Templar Knights costume

14) Marie Curie

Do as Sheldon did on the Big Bang TV series and dress up as Marie Curie, better known as Madame Curie in France. She was a Polish naturalized French physicist and chemist famous for her work on radioactivity and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, which she won in 1911 for discovering the elements radium and polonium.

To become Marie Curie, forget about a white lab coat which she rarely wore. Instead, you’ll need to wear a long black dress — period clothing from the late 19th century. In photos, she usually has frizzy hair, which she coiled into a bun or chignon. Throw in some laboratory props like a test tube, flask, or beaker — made of plastic, and voila.

You could also get creative with the symbols from the periodic table of elements she discovered, “RA” for radium and “PO” for polonium. 

Marie Curie and Radium Enamel Pin Set

15) Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel was a famous French fashion designer known for popularizing women’s clothing inspired by menswear. She was often seen wearing tailored tweed or houndstooth suits, chic quilted handbags, sophisticated hats, tasteful bracelets, pearls, and sunglasses. Don’t forget to put on a bit of Coco Channel perfume for a 4D experience.

Coco Chanel inspired dress

16) Bip the clown

French halloween costumes bip the clown Marcel Marceau

“Bip the Clown” was a famous French clown character created by Marcel Marceau, who is also one of the world’s best-known mimes.

He typically wore a white painted face, a beat-up top hat adorned with a red flower, a striped shirt, and white trousers.

Famous French couple’s Halloween costumes

Here are some French Halloween costumes that would be great for couples. 

17) Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI

Put a regal twist to your French Halloween costume by dressing up as Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, the ultimate French power couple. They were the last king and queen of France until they lost their heads, literally. Both were beheaded during the French Revolution. Some gruesome variations to this costume are to add elements that reflect their beheading by adding dripping, dripping blood to their neck, tattered clothing and tarnished jewelry.

Marie Antoinette Halloween costume: Her signature look included a white powdered wig, regal gown, ribbons, and the distinctive touch of Rococo makeup and beauty marks. Don’t forget the cake. Marie Antoinette is often given credit for saying let them eat cake .

Let them eat cake plush

King Louis the 16th costume: To achieve his extravagant royal look, you’ll need a long ornate coat, also known as a tailcoat, Knee-length breeches, white stockings, and a white ruffled dress shirt with cuffs. In terms of shoes and accessories, you’ll need a pair of buckled shoes and a cravat, a type of neckband similar to an Ascott. Don’t forget the powdered wig and maybe a big gold ring. 

King Louis XVI Costume

18) Mona Lisa & Leonardo Da Vinci

The Mona Lisa, painted by the Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci, which is displayed at the Louvre Museum in Paris, is one of the most recognizable paintings in the world and a national treasure of France. In French, the painting is called “La Joconde” from the Italian “La Gioconda” because it’s believed that the woman in the painting was Lisa del Giocondo.

Mona Lisa Costume: You could dress up as the Mona Lisa painting, which you could buy online or make at home. Another option is to dress up as Mona Lisa herself. You would need a dark-coloured dress and to fix your hair to match Mona Lisa’s style in the painting. Apply your makeup to create a pale complexion, and outline your lips so you can recreate her mysterious smile. A fun little accessory would be to include a bag with a print of the Mona Lisa on it. 

Mona Lisa Neoprene bag

Da Vinci costume: To dress up as Leonardo Da Vinci, you’ll need a long, scraggly white beard and, of course, a beret or peasant cap, which were signature accessories of artists during the Renaissance period. Choose earthy-toned Renaissance clothing such as a robe or tunic. Don’t forget to wear Renaissance-type boots or shoes. And just for fun, wear a pair of Mona Lisa socks. 

Leonardo Da Vinci Costume

Stereotypical French costumes

There’s no end to French clichés that can be turned into French Halloween costumes. 

19) French maid costume

The exaggerated stereotype of the sexy French maid is a fun alternative to other seductive costumes. French maid uniforms typically consist of a short black dress with a white apron and some sort of headpiece. Add a duster to complete the ensemble. 

French Maid costume

20) French Ballerina

Get ready to Plié and pirouette in a French ballerina costume. You’ll need a ballerina leotard, tutu and some comfortable ballet shoes you can wear outdoors. Don’t forget to slick back your hair into a bun and apply some sophisticated and dramatic makeup. 

Women Ballerina costume

21) French mime Halloween costume (a great couples costume)

French mimes, short for “pantomime,” have historical roots in France that date back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. These silent performances use exaggerated facial expressions and gestures to tell a story and convey emotion, which means you don’t have to talk to anyone if you dress up in a French mime costume.

What do mime artists wear?

French mime costumes typically consist of a horizontally striped black and white shirt, Black Pants, suspenders, a beret and sometimes white gloves. Don’t forget the mime makeup for Halloween, which consists of applying thick white face makeup and red lips, which emphasizes their expressions more.

Mens French mime costume

22) Air France flight attendant

Join the “Mile High Club” and show off your love for travel and France by dressing up as an Air France flight attendant.

Air France uniform

Air France uniforms typically include a navy blue suit or dress and a light blue or red scarf to match the airline’s brand identity. You can also add gloves and a retro pillbox hat that you can make out of cardboard and fabric. You’ll need to look up some pillbox hat tutorials on Google. 

Air France Flight Attendant Costume

23) French sailor costume

Dressing up as a French sailor is an easily recognizable symbol of the French maritime culture.

There are so many ways to put together a French sailor costume, but it typically includes a navy blue and white striped shirt paired with either white or blue pants or shorts and a white sailor hat. You can keep it traditional or add some flair and go for a sexy French sailor theme.

French Sailor Costume

24) Rude French waiter costume

An easy homemade French costume would be to dress up as a rude French bistro waiter. 

You’ll need a waist apron, a white shirt, which you could pair with a black vest , and some props, such as a wine bottle opener and maybe a drink tray.

Add some finishing touches, such as a fake moustache and a rude attitude, and you’re good. 

Bistro Chef Apron, Black/White Pinstripe

25) A French man cliché

Stereotypical French man costume is easy to put together. It’s based on cultural clichés and iconic imagery associated with France. 

  • Striped Shirt: The Breton striped shirt, known as a “marinière.”
  • Suspenders: Suspenders or braces can add a traditional touch to the costume.
  • Baguette: Carrying a baguette (French bread) or a bottle of wine can be a humorous prop.
  • Blue or Red Scarf: Like the ones worn by French labourers
  • Black Pants 
  • Red, navy blue or black A-line dress or skirt:
  • Nice shoes:
  • Fake cigarette:

Stereotypical French mans costume

26) A French woman  cliché

9 piece French Women costume

Funny French food-inspired Halloween costumes

These French Halloween costume ideas draw inspiration from French cuisine in a humorous or amusing way.

27) Bonbon girl

How sweet is this bonbon costume? “Bonbon” is the French word for candy. 

French bonbon girl costume

28) Baguette costume

If you’re the kind of person who would wear a banana costume, why not go for a French baguette costume? 

French baguette costume

29) Nutella costume

The Nutella obsession is real. 

3D Graphic Nutella Hoodie

30) French Mustard Bottle

Grey Poupon is a well-known French brand of mustard famous for its Dijon mustard, originally from the French city of Dijon.

Grey Poupon: French Dijon Mustard bottle costume

31) French Champagne costume

French Champagne bottle costume

32) Couples wine and cheese costume

Wine and cheese are two symbols of France and French culture that are perfectly paired. 

Couples wine and cheese costume

French Symbols and Icon costumes

These French Halloween costumes are inspired by well-known symbols and icons associated with France. 

33) La Marianne costume

French costume: Marianne French symbol of France that represents liberty equality fraternity

In French culture, Marianne is the goddess of liberty and the national emblem of the French Republic. She represents the French values and motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.

She is often depicted wearing a red Phrygian cap, aka liberty cap, a white dress, a brown belt and carrying a French flag . An example of this is in the French painting “Liberty Leading the People” displayed at the Louvre. 

Red floppy cap

34) Rooster (le coq Gaulois)

Every true Francophile knows that the rooster (le coq) has been the unofficial symbol of France since Roman times. It’s used on souvenirs, jerseys, and flags and was even used as a symbol during the French Revolution. 

French Rooster Costume

35) French Coq hat

A French cockerel hat (coq hat) is a type of headdress that is often worn by supporters of the French national football (soccer) team, especially during international tournaments. The coq hat gets its name from the Gallic Rooster (le coq gaulois), which is the unofficial national symbol of France, symbolizing the fighting spirit and pride of the French people.

Blue, white and red coq (cockerel) hat

36) Elegant French Paris Eiffel Tower dress

If you want to embrace a French theme for Halloween without wearing an actual costume or need an outfit for a French-themed party, look for accessories and clothing printed with French icons.

Eiffel Tower Earrings Necklace Jewelry Set

37) Soccer player for the French team

Soccer, which is called “football” in French, is a big deal in France. Show your spirit for French teams by dressing up as a French football player. (Kylian Mbappé is one of France’s most well-known professional footballers.)

France world cup polo shirt (Mbappe)

38) French Mardi Gras girl

Embrace the lively spirit of Mardi Gras and the Carnival season  by wearing French flag -coloured clothing and accessories. For a touch of class, add some rose-coloured glasses to represent the French expression “La Vie en Rose,” made famous in Édith Piaf’s f mous French song . The song conveys the idea of seeing life through rose-coloured glasses.

French fan girl / mardi gras

39) French flag face

Don’t forget to decorate your face like the French flag .

French flag colour makeup

40) Statue of Liberty costume

If you’re looking for a French-themed costume with a twist, look no further than the Statue of Liberty. Although most people associate her with the United States, she was actually designed by a French sculptor and built in France, then shipped off to the US as a gift. 

The entire costume can easily be created at home. You’ll need a green dress or green toga-type robe to mimic the weathered oxidized copper of the statue. There are plenty of online tutorials that show you how to make the torch and crown with construction paper. And don’t forget the tablet she’s holding with the inscription “JULY IV MDCCLXXVI” (July 4, 1776), which you can make from foam or cardboard. 

Lady Liberty Costume

41) Human French flag costume

What better way to honour France and show your patriotism than to dress up as the ultimate symbol of France, the French flag ? All you have to do is find anything with a blue, white and red flag motif.

Flag of France Ankle Socks

Wrapping up French Halloween costumes

With the ideas shared in this post, I  hope you’ve found some inspiration for your own French-themed Halloween costume

For anyone who likes funny French Halloween costumes but doesn’t want to waste their money or effort on one that will never be used again, get a funny printed T, which you can wear as pyjamas later. 

If lost, please return to Paris long shirt or pyjama

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Annie André

Annie André

About the author

I'm Annie André, a bilingual North American with Thai and French Canadian roots. I've lived in France since 2011. When I'm not eating cheese, drinking wine or hanging out with my husband and children, I write articles on my personal blog for intellectually curious people interested in all things France: Life in France, travel to France, French culture, French language, travel and more.

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The Best French-Themed Halloween Costumes

  • By Jenny Hughes
  • October 15, 2018

A person wearing a hat

France doesn’t really celebrate for Halloween… but for Halloween you can celebrate France! Check out some France and French-inspired Halloween costumes. Yes, some of them are cheesy — no pun intended — but if there’s a time for that, it’s Halloween.

The Beret-and-Stripes French Look

Montmartre Artist

*Beret-and-stripes but with a twist*

French Mime

*Beret-and-stripes but with more makeup*

French Toast

*Beret-and-stripes but with more toast*

French Kiss

*(like the band? get it?) beret-and-stripes but with more aggressive makeup*

The Eiffel Tower

Moulin Rouge Dancer

french tourist costume

French Chef

*get a chef costume and carry a baguette (and paint on a mustache, if you so desire)*

french tourist costume

Marie Antoinette

Wine Bottle

Napoleon Bonaparte

French Macaron

Royal Court Members

French French Bulldog

*works best on a dog*

A close up of a sign

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10 French Halloween Costume Ideas For 2023 You’ll Love

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on September 28, 2023

10 French Halloween Costume Ideas For 2023 You’ll Love

The most frightful time of the year is approaching fast. For Francophiles or anyone looking for original Halloween costumes, we’ve found ten fun and unique ideas to add a French twist to trick-or-treating. Six for women and four for men, with all the relevant information.

French Halloween Costume Ideas

Marie-Antoinette Halloween Costume

If she were alive today, France’s last queen might have said, “Let them eat Halloween candy.”

The wife of the unfortunate Louis XVI met her fate on the guillotine in Paris with grace. One of the most famous French women lived a life of excess, epitomized by the (probably untrue) story of her telling the hungry masses to “eat cake. ” It all came to a bloody end in 1793, as the French Revolution claimed its most famous victim.

To get you started, you’ll want to get dressed up in a costume for the period with a wardrobe fit for a Bourbon queen. Blood stains are optional.

french tourist costume

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Could there be anything more ghoulish than a queen who lost her head?

French Lady Outfit

With cliches dialed up to 11, nobody will doubt you have dressed as a French woman for Halloween with this costume , complete with beret, striped top, scarf, and baguette.

french tourist costume

See prices and reviews on Amazon

It’s a classic caricature, but not without accuracy. After all, a white striped top is an iconic Frech fashion item, known as a marinière or Breton shirt.

Worn by sailors ( marins ) based in Brittany ( Breton ), it was later popularized by fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier, becoming an everyday clothing item known more simply as a tricot rayé (striped top).

Of course, berets, sunglasses, and scarves are enduring fashion items straight from the French Riveria. Fellow revelers may even think you forgot to dress up.

The fake baguette will give it away (a real one would get eaten). And yes, you will see underarm baguettes across France. Although rarely as a French Halloween accessory.

Moulin Rouge Dancer Apparel

Cancan your way into Halloween with the classic cabaret dancer costume .

french tourist costume

The Moulin Rouge is emblematic of the Parisian Belle Epoque, aided by the paintings of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec , who occasionally depicted the glitzier side of the once notorious red-light district.

The Moulin Rouge popularized the cancan dance that became symbolic of cabaret. And whether you can lift your legs to the sky or not, this French Halloween costume will stand out.

Mona Lisa Halloween Costume

La Gioconda, AKA Mona Lisa, is the star exhibit at the Louvre Museum. Her impenetrable smile graces the most famous painting in the world. And the most bizarre Halloween costume on this list.

french tourist costume

Art fans will know the most celebrated painting in France is actually Italian. Painted by the Renaissance legend Leonardo da Vinci and brought to France by King François I.

This déguisement (fancy dress costume) can be flung on with little effort. All you need to complete this instantly recognizable French Halloween costume is an enigmatic smile.

Joan of Arc Dress

Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) is arguably the most famous of all French women .

The so-called Maid of Orléans inspired the French army to lift the siege of Orléans, starting a chain of events that would lead to France reversing their losses during the Hundred Years War .

Burned at the stake by the vengeful English army aged only 19, she left a legacy that has never been forgotten.

The Joan of Arc costume reflects her pious beliefs (she claimed God spoke to her directly) and is sure to start a conversation at any Halloween party.

french tourist costume

French Maid Outfit

Few Halloween costumes are more suited to adults-only parties than a French Maid outfit .

french tourist costume

How the sexy French Maid outfit became a fetish could fill a Netflix documentary series. However, the black uniform with white trim started life as a simple outfit worn by maids in France during the 19th century.

Later, it became an essential part of the burlesque wardrobe and a playful attire that would start tongues wagging. If that sounds like your Halloween, this outfit with a dress, apron, and headband is the ticket.

Napoleon Bonaparte Halloween Costume

The Little Corporal was a giant of history and probably the most famous of all Frenchmen .

The former artillery commander from Corsica left an indelible mark on French and European culture as an all-conquering General who became an all-powerful emperor.

You won’t have to drop hints about who you’ve come as this Halloween. This Napoleon costume comes with all the finery of his preferred battlefield ensemble as a Colonel of the Grenadiers. It is an image captured in many paintings.

french tourist costume

The red, white, and blue of the Tricolor are on full display, from the trousers to the medal-adorned jacket topped with golden epaulets.

Don’t forget to tuck your hand in for that essential statesmanlike finish, keeping one free for the Halloween punch.

Frenchman Costume

After the French woman’s costume, we had to include one for the guys.

This unmistakable Frenchman’s Halloween costume tones down the vivid colors. Otherwise, the marinère , beret, and scarf are all present. But instead of a baguette, you get a mustache to complete the effect.

french tourist costume

It’s a humorous and affectionate nod to a French stereotype that has never got old.

Vincent van Gogh Costume

This Dutchman became an honorary Frenchman, moving first to Paris and the South of France in the last few years of his tragic life.

Many of Vincent van Gogh’s works ended up in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, including pieces from his final artistic burst shortly before his suicide. Poignantly, fame only came after his death, preceded by a life of poverty and overwhelming mental health problems.

This Vincent van Gogh Halloween costume is a work of art in its own right. A hat, shirt front, jacket, and tie apparently draw inspiration from the impressionist’s self-portraits with hints of his best-known paintings, including Starry Night. It’s a surefire conversation starter.

french tourist costume

French King Costume

Our 10th and final French Halloween costume idea steals from centuries of gallic history.

It might not be fit for un roi de France , but this French king costume could be a trick-or-treat highlight. Not least because it is modeled on Louis XVI, who lost his head on the guillotine alongside his wife (and earlier entry) Marie Antionette. A matching Halloween ensemble made for couples.

french tourist costume

This dazzlingly white outfit features a jabot neckband, pants, and a resplendent jacket with gold trim. A wig and stockings are available for the full effect. Red wine stains will only enhance the look. After all, this Frenchman met the bloodiest of ends.

With that sobering thought, we sign off and wish you a Joyeux Halloween.

If the bloody history of the French monarchy tickles your curiosity, our list of French Halloween vocabulary may interest you and provide further spooky ideas!

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Read our full review of À Moi Paris and find out why we love it so much!

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Read our full review of French Verb Drills and find out why we recommend this course!

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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French Style: Venetian Carnival Costumes in France

  • French Style , Rhône Alpes

Venetian Carnival costume

Thierry Quique is a man with a rather beautiful obsession – the Venetian Carnival.

In 2010, whilst Thierry was out walking with a friend in the lovely medieval village of Yvoire, Haute-Savoire, he had one of those “Eureka” moments. It was, he felt sure, the perfect setting for a Venetian Carnival parade. The beautiful and ancient town much admired by tourists and officially classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France – it was absolutely right for dressing up in the style of carnival which he had admired for so long. The mystery and magic of the Carnival, everything from the silk gloves to the plumed hats, the silent parades – appeals to Thierry’s creative side and the town of Yvoire not far from Annecy, famous for its Venetian Carnival – it seemed to him a match made in heaven.

Thierry explained to all of his friends what he wanted to do and persuaded many of them to join in with him. An avid photographer and admirer of the style of Venetian Carnival, he was gratified that so many of his friends wished to support his dream and Rêveries Vénitiennes was born.

Venetian Carnival costume

Since their first Carnival in 2011 it has become a passion for the members of the group who promote the Venetian Carnival style around France. They are invited to visit towns where their stunning costumes are guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser and wow onlookers.

Venetian Carnival costume

Members of Rêveries Vénitiennes dress for events in gorgeous, sumptuous gowns and suits, filled with exquisite detail, sequins and beads, these unique costumes take many hours of hard work to design and make. Traditional porcelain masks hide their features. These men and women who adore the style of Venetian Carnival costume meet at organised locations to parade in all their fabulous finery, gathering crowds of admirers and hordes of photographers wherever they go.

Venetian Carnival costume

The Venetian Carnival history is an ancient one – the word carnival is from the Latin for “Farewell, meat!” As Lent required people to fast, all perishable food such as meat had to be used and this created an excuse for a party – particularly in the rather licentious and party loving town of Venice.

Venetian Carnival costume

The history of the Venitian Carnival tradition really began after 1162 when pigs and bulls were slaughtered for a feast. Just over a century later, the donning of masks is mentioned in documents of the day. The wearing of masks at the Carnival allowed participants to behave in ways they might not had others been able to identify them. It allowed people from different social backgrounds to meet and created a feeling of anonymity. The masks are traditionally made from porcelain, leather or glass; no one really knows where the idea came from.

Venetian Carnival costume

The heyday of Venetian Carnival was in the 1700s when the “Grand Tour” was at its peak – rich young noble men enhancing their education with a tour of historic sites of Europe took full advantage of the pleasure of Carnival. After that the Carnival became less popular until a revival in 1979 and it is now a major attraction in the Venetian Calendar.

Venetian Carnival France

The Venetian Carnival in France is also becoming increasingly popular thanks to people like Thierry Quique. The Venetian Carnival at Annecy attracts thousands of visitors every year and is a firm favourite on the French tourist calendar.

Venetian Carnival France

If you’re interested to join Thierry and his group or to know where they will be parading next – see the website for Rêveries Vénitiennes.

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How to Dress Like a Tacky Tourist: Tips and Ideas

How to Dress Like a Tacky Tourist: Tips and Ideas

Are you looking to stand out on your next vacation? Do you want to embrace the tacky tourist look with confidence and style? Look no further as we guide you through the do’s and don’ts of dressing like a tourist.

In this post, we will delve into the world of tourist aesthetics, defining what it means to dress like one and exploring popular trends and cliches. We will also provide tips on essential items that can help you achieve the perfect tourist look.

Lastly, we will give ideas on how to create your own tourist costume by mixing and matching different elements for maximum impact. Join us as we discover how to have fun with fashion and embrace our inner tackiness!

Understanding the Tacky Tourist Aesthetic

Dress Like a Tacky Tourist

Embracing the playful and over-the-top fashion choices inherent in the tacky aesthetic allows for a lighthearted costume experience. This look celebrates and parodies tourist stereotypes, creating a whimsical and carefree vibe by exaggerating cliches.

It revolves around bold, mismatched, and loud fashion statements, combining gaudy, touristy elements to create an exaggerated and playful appearance.

The tourist aesthetic is not only a fun costume choice but also a way to embrace authenticity while enjoying sightseeing or participating in themed events like Tourist Day, homecoming week, or even last-minute Halloween preparations.

Defining Tacky Tourist Fashion

Embracing the vibrant and playful tourist aesthetic involves sporting tropical prints, fanny packs, and touristy accessories. This fashion style revels in mismatched patterns, bright colors, and novelty accessories, creating a whimsical and deliberately over-the-top look.

The tourist fashion embodies a humorous and campy style, combining exaggerated and absurd elements for a fun and lighthearted costume.

It’s all about embracing touristy, stereotypical clothing, accessories, and footwear to create an authentic and playful outfit that celebrates sightseeing and last-minute costume ideas. Whether for homecoming week, Halloween, or a themed party, the tourist costume ensures fun and authenticity with its gaudy and touristy elements.

Popular Trends and Cliches

When capturing the tourist aesthetic, one cannot overlook the popular trends and cliches that define this playful fashion statement. From the iconic Hawaiian shirts to the questionable fashion choice of socks with sandals, every element contributes to the overall humor and authenticity of the tourist costume ideas.

The inclusion of fanny packs, Mickey Mouse ears, lei, sunglasses, and umbrella hats adds a touch of humor and whimsy to the ensemble. Moreover, last-minute tourist costume ideas, binoculars, and pouches are essential for perfecting the tourist day look.

This unique fashion genre celebrates homecoming week, Halloween, and other festivities by embodying touristy, tacky costume accessories that exude a lighthearted, carefree vibe.

Essential Items for a Tacky Tourist Look

Essential Items for a Tacky Tourist Look

The essentials for achieving a tourist look encompass vibrant tropical shirts, tacky prints, and a plethora of touristy accessories. Embracing the tourist aesthetic necessitates over-the-top accessories, sandals, sunglasses, and lei to bring authenticity to the outfit.

Essential items for the tourist look include fanny packs, binoculars, and embracing the socks with sandals trend for that perfect touristy vibe.

Additionally, incorporating last-minute tourist costume ideas, Hawaiian shirts, visors, and umbrella hats is crucial for achieving the desired look.

Tropical Shirts and Kitschy Prints

Iconic elements of tourist fashion involve embracing bold, colorful, and kitschy prints, including Hawaiian shirt patterns. These tropical shirts and kitschy prints are essential for achieving an authentic tourist costume look.

Tacky tourist fashion emphasizes the incorporation of tropical, kitschy, and colorful shirt prints, fanny packs, and sunglasses. Kitschy, tropical shirt prints are a staple of tourist fashion, adding authenticity to the costume by creating a vibrant and eye-catching ensemble.

Incorporating these prints and styles into your tourist costume ideas will elevate the overall appearance and ensure that you stand out during events like Tourist Day, Homecoming Week, or themed parties.

Over-the-top Accessories

When embracing the tourist aesthetic, over-the-top accessories play a crucial role in completing the look. From fanny packs to Mickey Mouse ears and sunglasses, these accessories add authenticity to the tourist costume.

Incorporating lei, umbrella hats, sunglasses, and even sandals is essential for achieving the desired tourist look. Binoculars, visors, and pouches are also key elements that enhance the overall costume.

Whether it’s for a tourist day, homecoming week, or a last-minute Halloween costume, these over-the-top accessories are a must-have for creating an unforgettable and authentic tourist costume look.

Embracing the Socks with Sandals Trend

Embracing the trend of pairing socks with sandals contributes to the playful and whimsical tourist look. It adds an extra touch of authenticity to the costume, promoting a quirky fashion statement. Tacky tourist fashion is all about embracing this unconventional trend to achieve an authentic and whimsical costume.

The socks-with-sandals combination plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall authenticity of the tourist costume, making it an essential element of this fashion style. By incorporating socks with sandals, individuals can fully embrace and exude the playful and vibrant spirit of the tourist aesthetic.

Creating Your Own Tacky Tourist Costume

Creating your unique tourist costume involves a playful combination of touristy and tacky elements for maximum effect. Customizing the costume allows for a personalized and exaggerated touristy look, embracing the over-the-top aesthetic.

Layering and mixing different touristy clothing, footwear, and accessories are essential to achieve the desired tourist costume.

By combining and mismatching various touristy, tacky accessories, sandals, and Hawaiian shirt prints, you can create a one-of-a-kind ensemble. Making use of last-minute costume ideas and embracing the authenticity of tourist fashion can help in achieving the perfect tourist look.

Mixing and Matching for Maximum Tackiness

For the ultimate tourist look, mixing and matching touristy, tacky costume ideas, accessories, and footwear are key. Achieving maximum tackiness involves combining these elements in a playful and exaggerated manner.

To create the perfect tacky tourist costume, consider mixing and matching various touristy accessories, Hawaiian shirt prints, and sunglasses for that over-the-top effect.

By combining and mismatching different tourist costume ideas, footwear, accessories, and Hawaiian shirt prints, you can maximize the tourist effect. To truly embrace the tourist aesthetic, mixing and matching different elements such as accessories, sandals, and umbrella hats is essential.

How Can You Pull Off The Perfect Tacky Tourist Outfit?

Pulling off the ideal tourist outfit requires confidence, humor, and a willingness to embrace clichés. Embody a playful, carefree attitude and fully commit to the touristy, tacky aesthetic to achieve the perfect look. Embrace the costume, exude humor, and showcase authenticity for maximum impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some key elements of a tourist outfit?

Some key elements of a tourist outfit include wearing Hawaiian shirts for that tropical vibe, accessorizing with fanny packs, visors, and oversized sunglasses, embracing the socks with sandals or flip-flops trend, and adding camera accessories or maps as props to complete the look.

Are there any specific patterns or prints that are commonly associated with tourist attire?

Hawaiian shirts are a classic tourist staple, known for their loud and colorful prints. Floral, animal, or geometric patterns are commonly associated with tourist attire. Accessorize with fanny packs, visors, and oversized sunglasses to complete the look. Remember, fashion is subjective, so have fun experimenting with your own style!

How can I accessorize my tourist outfit to complete the look?

To complete your tourist outfit, consider adding a fanny pack or camera, a wide-brimmed hat with a tropical print or destination slogan, socks with sandals, oversized sunglasses, and a lei necklace. These accessories will enhance your tourist aesthetic.

Are there any clothing items or accessories that should be avoided when trying to achieve a tourist look?

When aiming for a tourist look, it’s important to avoid certain clothing items and accessories. Instead of expensive or sophisticated outfits, embrace bright patterns, Hawaiian shirts, and fanny packs. Don’t match your outfit perfectly; go for a mismatched and eclectic style.

To embrace the tourist aesthetic, you need to let go of fashion rules and dive into the world of bold prints, clashing colors, and over-the-top accessories.

From tropical shirts and kitschy prints to socks with sandals, the key is to have fun and embrace the cliches. Mix and match different pieces to create your own unique tourist costume that will turn heads and bring smiles wherever you go.

Remember, the goal is not to blend in but to stand out in true tourist fashion. So, go ahead and unleash your inner tourist with confidence and style!

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Ferona Jose Travelistia Blogger & Writer

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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25+ Tacky Tourist Costumes for Adults and Kids

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The concept of tourist costumes revolves around the attire worn by individuals when they engage in travel and exploration. These costumes typically reflect both practicality and a sense of fashion, taking into account the specific needs and cultural considerations of different destinations. While tourist costumes vary greatly depending on the location, climate, and activities involved, they share a common goal of providing comfort, functionality, and style for travelers.

The Tacky Tourist Costume has become a popular choice for costume parties, themed events, and even Halloween. This light-hearted and playful attire allows individuals to embrace the stereotypical tourist persona with a touch of humor and whimsy.

Here are the best Tourist Costumes for you!

1.) Tacky Adult Tourist Costume

1.) Tacky Adult Tourist Costume

This Halloween take a family vacation in paradise with this memorable Tacky Tourist Costume for Adults. You will find yourself laughing the night away.

2.) Tacky Tourist Costume

In this Tacky Tourist Costume , you'll turn into every vacationer's worst nightmare! Our one-piece jumpsuit includes a hoop waist, baggy shorts, a T-shirt with a funny screen print ("Which way to the Buffet?"), and a tacky Hawaiian overshirt. Slip into th

3.) Tacky Tourist Costume Duo Set

Take up too much space on the subway with this Tacky Tourist Couples Costume ! This funny couples Halloween costume features two one-piece jumpsuits that make you and your best friend look like you need directions badly! Your duo will have so much fun pre

4.) Tacky Traveler Adult Costume

4.) Tacky Traveler Adult Costume

Say cheese! It's the Adult Tacky Traveler Costume! Put your socks and sandals on and get ready for summer vay-cay with the Adult Tacky Traveler Costume!

5.) Hawaiian Beach Cap

5.) Hawaiian Beach Cap

This Hawaiian Beach Hat is an awesome accessory for Halloween, or any tropical themed party this year! Grab one today to expand your costume apparel wardrobe.

6.) mens Tropical Tourist Adult Sized Costume, Multi/Color, One Size US

6.) mens Tropical Tourist Adult Sized Costume, Multi/Color, One Size US

7.) Hawaiian Shirts for Men Short Sleeve Aloha Beach Shirt Floral Summer Casual Button Down Shirts,Orange49690,4,M

7.) Hawaiian Shirts for Men Short Sleeve Aloha Beach Shirt Floral Summer Casual Button Down Shirts,Orange49690,4,M

8.) Hawaiian Shirt for Men, Funny Short Sleeve Floral Flamingo Shirts

8.) Hawaiian Shirt for Men, Funny Short Sleeve Floral Flamingo Shirts

9.) Mens Flamingo Hawaiian Sets Casual Short Sleeve Button Down Shirts Beach Outfits X-Large Pink Tiger

9.) Mens Flamingo Hawaiian Sets Casual Short Sleeve Button Down Shirts Beach Outfits X-Large Pink Tiger

10.) Clear Colored Plastic Sun Visor Tennis Beach Bingo Vegas Dealer Golf Casino Hat

10.) Clear Colored Plastic Sun Visor Tennis Beach Bingo Vegas Dealer Golf Casino Hat

11.) Kids UPF 50+ Mesh Safari Sun Hat UV Sun Protection Hat Summer Daily Bucket Play Hat Khaki

11.) Kids UPF 50+ Mesh Safari Sun Hat UV Sun Protection Hat Summer Daily Bucket Play Hat Khaki

12.) Boy Hawaiian Shirts for Kids Tropical Shirt Leaves Leaf 3T 4T Palm Tree Aloha Clothes Boys Tacky Tourist Costume Girl Button Down Dress Collar Luau Summer Beach Top Tees Size 3 4 for Party Gift

12.) Boy Hawaiian Shirts for Kids Tropical Shirt Leaves Leaf 3T 4T Palm Tree Aloha Clothes Boys Tacky Tourist Costume Girl Button Down Dress Collar Luau Summer Beach Top Tees Size 3 4 for Party Gift

13.) Boys Tourist Costume Kids Button Down Short Sleeve Tops+Shorts Sets 4-12 Years

13.) Boys Tourist Costume Kids Button Down Short Sleeve Tops+Shorts Sets 4-12 Years

14.) Girl's Elastic Hawaiian Hula Dancer Grass Skirt with Flower Costume Set -Purple Birthday Tropical Party Decorations 40cm

14.) Girl's Elastic Hawaiian Hula Dancer Grass Skirt with Flower Costume Set -Purple Birthday Tropical Party Decorations 40cm

15.) 7 Pack Hawaiian Flower Leaf Hula Skirt Costume Accessory Kit for Hawaii Luau Party - Dancing Hula with Hawaiian Lei, Hibiscus Hair Clip, Pineapple Sunglasses for Boys Girls

15.) 7 Pack Hawaiian Flower Leaf Hula Skirt Costume Accessory Kit for Hawaii Luau Party - Dancing Hula with Hawaiian Lei, Hibiscus Hair Clip, Pineapple Sunglasses for Boys Girls

16.) Kids Binoculars Shock Proof Toy Binoculars Set for Age 3-12 Years Old Boys Girls Bird Watching Educational Learning Hunting Hiking Birthday Presents

16.) Kids Binoculars Shock Proof Toy Binoculars Set for Age 3-12 Years Old Boys Girls Bird Watching Educational Learning Hunting Hiking Birthday Presents

17.) Wooden Mini Camera Toy for Toddlers 1 2 3 Years Old, Neck Hanging Photographed Props for Boys Girls Children Kids' Room

17.) Wooden Mini Camera Toy for Toddlers 1 2 3 Years Old, Neck Hanging Photographed Props for Boys Girls Children Kids' Room

18.) Men's Fun Fruit Printed Short Sleeve Button Down Hawaiian Shirt Suits Small Navy Yellow

18.) Men's Fun Fruit Printed Short Sleeve Button Down Hawaiian Shirt Suits Small Navy Yellow

19.) Hawaiian Party Flower Leis Luau Wreath Set - Necklace Headband and Bracelets, Great for Beach Wedding Birthday Holiday Hawaii Theme Party Activity Decoration (Red)

19.) Hawaiian Party Flower Leis Luau Wreath Set - Necklace Headband and Bracelets, Great for Beach Wedding Birthday Holiday Hawaii Theme Party Activity Decoration (Red)

20.) Womens Hawaiian Shirt Short Sleeve Blouse Flamingo White Pink S

20.) Womens Hawaiian Shirt Short Sleeve Blouse Flamingo White Pink S

21.) Windy City Novelties - Rainbow Umbrella Hat for Adults and Kids | for Summer Party Favors Hiking Camping Beach Wearables Sun Protection

21.) Windy City Novelties - Rainbow Umbrella Hat for Adults and Kids | for Summer Party Favors Hiking Camping Beach Wearables Sun Protection

22.) Fanny Pack w/ 3 Pockets Traveling Concealment Pouch Airport Money Bag (Hot Pink)

22.) Fanny Pack w/ 3 Pockets Traveling Concealment Pouch Airport Money Bag (Hot Pink)

23.) Camera Shoulder Strap Climbing Rope Camera Neck Strap for Mirrorless and DSLR Cameras, with Lens Cap Keeper (Green)

23.) Camera Shoulder Strap Climbing Rope Camera Neck Strap for Mirrorless and DSLR Cameras, with Lens Cap Keeper (Green)

24.) Men's Short Set Outfit 2 Piece Tracksuits Floral Hawaiian Casual Short Sleeve Shirt and Shorts Suit A612 Yellow S

24.) Men's Short Set Outfit 2 Piece Tracksuits Floral Hawaiian Casual Short Sleeve Shirt and Shorts Suit A612 Yellow S

25.) Shiny Rhinestones Sport Sun Visor Adjustable Summer Cap Visor Caps for Women Men White

25.) Shiny Rhinestones Sport Sun Visor Adjustable Summer Cap Visor Caps for Women Men White

26.) The Hat Depot 300N Unisex 100% Cotton Packable Summer Travel Bucket Sun Fishing Hat (S/M, White)

26.) The Hat Depot 300N Unisex 100% Cotton Packable Summer Travel Bucket Sun Fishing Hat (S/M, White)

27.) BYOS Fashion Cotton Unisex Summer Printed Bucket Sun Hat Cap, Various Patterns Available (Vintage Flower Black)

27.) BYOS Fashion Cotton Unisex Summer Printed Bucket Sun Hat Cap, Various Patterns Available (Vintage Flower Black)

The Tacky Tourist Costume typically consists of various elements designed to capture the essence of a stereotypical tourist. It often includes a combination of mismatched and brightly colored clothing items, oversized accessories, and an assortment of touristy props. The key to a successful Tacky Tourist Costume lies in exaggerating tourist stereotypes and incorporating humorous details.

When assembling a Tacky Tourist Costume, one might start with a vibrant Hawaiian shirt adorned with loud patterns and colors. Pairing this with a pair of high-waisted, knee-length shorts in a clashing print adds to the comedic effect. The costume is often completed with knee-high socks, sandals, or sneakers that showcase the wearer’s distinct lack of fashion coordination.

To accessorize the Tacky Tourist Costume, individuals often opt for oversized sun hats, fanny packs, and cameras with large lenses. These accessories emphasize the tourist’s desire to document every moment while still maintaining an unmistakable sense of tackiness. Additionally, wearing sunglasses, preferably in a garish style, and sporting a lanyard with an oversized ID badge or a collection of keychains adds a playful touch.

Another significant aspect of the Tacky Tourist Costume is the use of props. Travel essentials like maps, guidebooks, and foldable city street plans can be carried around for added authenticity. It’s also common to see tourists clutching selfie sticks or walking around with an inflatable pool float in the shape of a flamingo or a donut.

The Tacky Tourist Costume allows individuals to embrace a carefree and fun-loving spirit. By exaggerating stereotypes and incorporating humorous details, wearers can bring joy and laughter to any occasion. It’s important to remember that this costume is meant to be light-hearted and in good fun, celebrating the enthusiasm and curiosity of tourists while playfully poking fun at their fashion choices and habits.

The Tacky Tourist Costume is a delightful way to express oneself at parties or events that call for a touch of humor. By combining mismatched clothing items, oversized accessories, and an array of touristy props, individuals can embody the spirit of a stereotypical tourist while spreading laughter and enjoyment among fellow partygoers.

Tourist Costume Ideas

tourist fannypack

Photo W. Crew on Flickr

tacky tourist party

summer sisters holly costco frame

Photo jayzwelling on Flickr

Tacky Tourist Day!

tourist tacky

Photo allikat737 on Flickr

party izabela gereb photogereb

Photo Photography by Ati GeReB on Flickr

The Tacky Tourists & Izabela's Birthday party 2009 February 28 - 007

costumes party portrait halloween me self booth diy photo costume fanny tourist pack tacky

Photo no3rdw on Flickr

Halloween Photo Booth - Tacky Tourist

It's me, dressed as a 'Tacky Tourist' (testing the photo booth) ----- Just four pics from the photo booth I set up at a friend's Halloween party this year. Shot using a Rebel XTi, two Vivitar flashes and Cactus triggers. It was a tethered setup, with the photos displayed on a big monitor as they were taken. We got over 300 shots on a single set of batteries (in the flashes) with not tooo many misfires. I don't have umbrellas and we didn't have a lot of time to set up a DIY diffuser, so you see the shadows. The flashes became less reliable towards the end of the night but overall the booth was a huge success! I won't bore you Flickr users with any more shots, but there are a bunch up on Facebook 🙂

halloween shirt costume hilarious funny colorful bright tourist gaudy hawaiian tacky mismatched

Photo craftybeaver on Flickr

Chad as a Tacky Tourist

I had some friends over for dinner last night. Chad had dressed up for Halloween at work and came straight here from the office. He showed up on my doorstep in this getup, HAHA! I like the sandals with socks. The funniest thing was that because he wore his sunglasses ALL DAY (even in the office), his eyes couldn't adjust to the light. So he left them on ALL evening. He even sat down in my pitch dark theater room and watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" with his sunglasses on.

halloween shirt costume hilarious funny colorful bright tourist gaudy hawaiian tacky

I had some friends over for dinner last night. Chad had dressed up for Halloween at work and came straight here from the office. He showed up on my doorstep in this getup, HAHA! The funniest thing was that because he wore his sunglasses ALL DAY (even in the office), his eyes couldn't adjust to the light. So he left them on ALL evening. He even sat down in my pitch dark theater room and watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" with his sunglasses on.

costumes halloweenwork

Photo xylophilous on Flickr

Pam, Bill, & Becca

Pam is a fat, tacky tourist, I am Quasimoto, and becca is Velma of Scooby Doo.

seattle gay costumes us washington colorful 1985 jerryme 10millionphotos unlimitedphotos

Photo gaymay on Flickr

Jerry & Me on the 5th Annual Unofficial Seafair QUEEN CITY CRUISE Saturday, August 3rd 1985. Presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America.

halloween rich tourist 2009

Photo Richtpt (Rich Uchytil) on Flickr

Halloween 2009 Costume

In my Tacky Tourist costume. You can't see the name tag very well (even full sized) but it says, "Priceline Tours" and has my name on it. This was fun and silly to put together. The shoes & socks make it I think. Is it sad that the only thing I bought for this was the hat? hahaha

seattle gay costumes us washington colorful 1985 jerryme 10millionphotos unlimitedphotos

1985 Flashback

Today we flashback to 1985 with Jerry & Me on the 5th Annual Unofficial Seafair QUEEN CITY CRUISE Saturday, August 3rd 1985. Presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America. To see more photos from 1985...CLICK HERE!!

tourists tacky

Photo amyhaywood on Flickr

Some Campers

tacky Tourist Costume

Photo toddlerazzi on Flickr

our tacky tourist costumes

I went to a Faces of Courage camp this weekend w/ one of my best friends. We are both fighting colon cancer and met some of the most amazing women who are also fighting cancer. Thank you to Peggie and the Faces of Courage foundation for hosting such a great camp

gay 1991 oldphotoalbums 10millionphotos

Aug & Sep, 1991 (113)

Queen City Cruise in Seattle, Washington. Presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America.

tacky Tourist Costume

Photo gregfeely on Flickr

Greg and Florentina dressed up like Tacky Tourists for costume party

tacky Tourist Costume

Photo jaime_hagelstein on Flickr

Dry run of Halloween costumes - tacky tourists

halloween vintage beads costume tourist wig disguise dork hawaiianshirt october312007 ellenjoroberts ellenjdroberts ejdroberts ellenjocom

Photo EllenJo on Flickr

blurry photo taken by cook!

Check out the tacky madras bermuda shorts and bowling shoes. What a tacky tourist!

gay costumes love happy hats 1984 shorts tubesocks leighs oldphotoalbums 10millionphotos

Jul-Dec, 1984 (105)

Queen City Cruise, presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America

vacation canada tourism costume statues tourist canadian souvenir princeedwardisland pei cavendish attractions anneofgreengables

Photo cultureschlock on Flickr

Anne of Green Gables

The Dress-As-Anne photobooth at the Cavendish Figurines souvenir shop at the Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island. Learn more about the Canadian children's book icon and her tourist appeal here: Anne's alterego was also honored as Lost Boy of the Week:

tacky Tourist Costume

Photo HiLiteOnline on Flickr

COWBOYS IN SCHOOL: Students wear cowboy/cowgirl costumes for the homecoming spirit week. Tuesday, it was tacky tourist day. DARA LEVY / PHOTO

tacky Tourist Costume

Photo vlup2us65 on Flickr

A Pair of Sparrows

Don't you just HATE it when you show up to peddle on Hollywood Blvd. and someone else is there wearing the EXACT same costume...?!? On weekends, Hollywood Blvd. is literally crawling with popular "characters" with whom tourists can pay to have their picture taken. These "characters" are simply freelance individuals... affiliated with no one in particular... and so there is no "regulation" of their appearance or representation. This makes things interesting. Some "characters" are well-developed and interesting. Others are rather tacky. Often popular "characters" are duplicated! Here we have a PAIR of Captain Jack Sparrows! One of whom is not pleased that I'm taking his picture without paying him for it!

seattle gay costumes smile washington friend rich 1985 leighs 10millionphotos

Queen City Cruise 1985

Rich at the 5th Annual Unofficial Seafair QUEEN CITY CRUISE Saturday, August 3rd 1985. Presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America.

gay hat washington costume 1989 trashbags oldphotoalbums 10millionphotos

1989 Photos -062

Queen City Cruise presented by the Tacky Tourist Club of America in Seattle Washington, August 5, 1989

men homemadecostumes menshalloweencostumes touristcostume goodwillhalloweencostumes

Photo goodwilleasterseals on Flickr

Tacky Tourist Goodwill do-it-yourself costume

Create a one-of-a-kind tacky tourist Halloween costume with Goodwill finds and accessories you may already own!

halloweencostumes halloweencostumeideas funnyhalloweencostumes couplehalloweencostumes uniquehalloweencostumes tackytouristcostume

Photo DailyDouble001 on Flickr

Tacky Tourist Costume

You can get more information on the Tacky Tourist Costume here


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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Electrostal History and Art Museum - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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  • Travelling wanderlust travel ideas for the wanderer in your life! Best travel tourist costume for men women & kids. Adventure through your world journey. Vacation gear to wear during your next family trip! American Tacky Tourist outfit For travellers.
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  • Two-part protective case made from a premium scratch-resistant polycarbonate shell and shock absorbent TPU liner protects against drops
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Travelling wanderlust travel ideas for the wanderer in your life! Best travel tourist costume for men women & kids. Adventure through your world journey. Vacation gear to wear during your next family trip! American Tacky Tourist outfit For travellers. Don't get lost! If you do not understand the local language of the country you are visiting, this is the perfect thing to let others know that you are a tourist! Perfect tourism costume to wear on a cruise ship tour abroad! This Touristique Costume French Tourism Travel To France Tourist item is designed by Vacation Travel Voyage & Explore Adventure Journey.

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    21. Mondrian. You might not be able to get your hands on a 1960s YSL Mondrian dress, inspired by the iconic De Stijl paintings of the artist Piet Mondrian, but you can find a pretty good dupe on Etsy. It's a good costume for saying things like, "I am a work of art.". These French-inspired Halloween costumes include historical costumes ...

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    When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho. See all posts by. Here are some French Halloween costume ideas for 2023 including Marie-Antoinette, Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Maid, Frenchman and more.

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    Stay cool not cringe: There's a fine line between a clever tacky tourist costume and a cringe-worthy one. It's funny to poke fun at genres, ideas, and behaviors, but never at specific groups of people. To show respect towards others, avoid mocking accents, stigmatizing marginalized groups, or wearing a fat suit/padding.

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    Essential items for the tourist look include fanny packs, binoculars, and embracing the socks with sandals trend for that perfect touristy vibe. Additionally, incorporating last-minute tourist costume ideas, Hawaiian shirts, visors, and umbrella hats is crucial for achieving the desired look. Tropical Shirts and Kitschy Prints.

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    Here are the best Tourist Costumes for you! 1.) Tacky Adult Tourist Costume. $24.99 in stock. BUY NOW. as of June 2, 2023 8:16 pm. This Halloween take a family vacation in paradise with this memorable Tacky Tourist Costume for Adults. You will find yourself laughing the night away.

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  18. Elektrostal, Russia 2024: All You Need to Know Before You Go

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel. 25.

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  20. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  22. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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