gandalf travel oferta

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gandalf travel oferta


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Gandalf Travelgazetki

Gandalf Travel

Gazetki od gandalf travel.

Gandalf Travel gazetka (ważność do 5-05)

Gandalf Travel gazetka

Ta Gandalf Travel gazetka z ofertami jest jeszcze ważna przez 15 dni. Przejrzyj najnowsze oferty od Gandalf Travel i zaoszczędź na zakupach w Gandalf Travel.

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Powiązane sklepy.


Rainbow Tours


Popularne lokalizacje Gandalf Travel

Gandalf Travel gazetki

Przejrzyj najpierw gazetki Gandalf Travel w aplikacji

Pobierz darmową aplikację, zawierającą 1100+ sklepów


Gandalf Travel gazetka i promocje

Gandalf Travel to niewielka polska firma zajmująca się organizowaniem wycieczek i przejazdów do Chorwacji. Skupienie się na jednym rejonie pozwoliło agentom biura podróży dokładnie poznać teren, hotele i możliwości wycieczek, żeby wszystko zawsze było dopięte na ostatni guzik. Dlatego, jeśli ktoś w Polsce planuje organizację wycieczki do Chorwacji, to powinien najpierw spojrzeć na ofertę Gandalf Travel. Firma działa na terenie całej Polski, więc nie ma znaczenia, w którym województwie ktoś mieszka. Czy to miasto Warszawa, Kraków, czy Gdańsk – zawsze w pobliżu znajdzie się jedno z biur podróży. Jak wspomniano wcześniej, oryginalne podejście do organizowanych wycieczek skutkuje tym, że firma oferuje najwyższej jakości produkty, a niskie ceny to standard. Gandalf gazetka promocyjna nie jest wydawana w standardowej formie, ale po przejściu na stronę internetową lub korzystając z oferty najbliższego agenta, można dowiedzieć się wszystkiego o aktualnych wycieczkach do malowniczej Chorwacji. Ulotki, katalog i broszury dotyczące konkretnych wyjazdów zawsze zapewnią optymalne rabaty, oferty handlowe i inne promocje, które cenowo biją na głowę inne, bardzo dalekie wycieczki na drugi kraniec Europy.

Firma skupia się wyłącznie na Chorwacji, dzięki czemu może zaoferować jedne z najlepiej zorganizowanych i dopracowanych pod każdym względem wyjazdów. W ofercie biura podróży Gandalf Travel znajdują się następujące opcje:

  • wycieczki Czarnogóra,
  • obozy młodzieżowe,
  • przejazdy do Chorwacji,
  • 10-dniowe wczasy Makarska,
  • 12-dniowe wczasy Makarska,
  • 10-dniowe wczasy Podgora.

W zależności od pory roku i liczby pozostałych miejsc z danego wyjazdu można liczyć na różne obniżki cen, promocja Gandalf Travel może sprawić, że wyjazd będzie w przybliżonej cenie do wczasów w Polsce. Wystarczy regularnie przeglądać gazetki promocyjne w formie oferty na witrynie biura podróży.

Strona internetowa jest bardzo prosta i służy przede wszystkim rezerwacjom, i poznaniu aktualnej oferty firmy. Użytkownik może przejrzeć dostępne terminy oraz w razie potrzeby zadzwonić do agenta w celu dogrania szczegółów. Aplikacja i program lojalnościowy jeszcze nie działają, ale biorąc pod uwagę specyficzny profil firmy, takie opcje nie są niezbędne. Jeśli ktoś chce poznać godziny otwarcia i adres najbliższych biur podróży, powinien przejść na: .

Twoje sklepy Gandalf Travel

Przejrzyj najświeższe gazetki oraz promocje z Gandalf Travel i nigdy nie przepłacaj. Gandalf Travel ma 131 sklepów w Polsce z konkurencyjnymi, tygodniowymi promocjami. W najnowszej Gandalf Travel gazetka znajdziesz promocje, które są dostępne od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024. W tym tygodniu dostępnych jest 0 produktów, które można kupić z rabatem, prawdopodobnie w możliwie najniższej cenie. Nie przegap takich promocji jak: oferta 1, oferta 2 i oferta 3! Oczywiście Gandalf Travel zapewnia także wiele innych produktów, które aktualnie nie znajdują się na wyprzedaży. Możesz zamówić je na sklepie internetowym lub odebrać stacjonarnie w pobliżu. Wybierz najbliższą lokalizację w naszej „wyszukiwarce lokacji" w górnej części portalu, tuż obok opcji wyszukaj. Możesz także sprawdzić dodatkowe informacje jak godziny otwarcia Twojego sklepu w Bydgoszcz , Gdańsk , Gdynia lub dowolnego innego lokalu na terenie Polski, przechodząc na stronę internetową danego sklepu.

Jeśli w gazetce Gandalf Travel nie możesz znaleźć tego, czego szukasz, to sprawdź promocje podobnych sklepów z tej samej kategorii: Podróże , jak na przykład Ryanair , or Rainbow Tours . Znajdziesz tutaj produkty, za którymi się rozglądasz i to w najniższych cenach. Oprócz korzystania z promocji na ulotce możesz zaoszczędzić pieniądze, wykorzystując kod rabatowy Gandalf Travel. Sprawdź stronę internetową Gandalf Travel, żeby odebrać swój.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania w związku z Gandalf Travel

Jakie promocje są dostępne w tym tygodniu w sklepach gandalf travel.

Sklep Gandalf Travel dostarcza w tym tygodniu swoim klientom wiele świetnych promocji! Oferty na ten tydzień w sklepie Gandalf Travel można sprawdzić w Gandalf Travel gazetka z datą ważności od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024. Wszystkie niesamowite promocje możesz sprawdzić także w online – na sklepie internetowym lub na stronie sklepy Gandalf Travel . Oto kilka interesujących okazji i rabatów: oferta 1, oferta 2 i oferta 3.

Gdzie mogę znaleźć gazetki na następny tydzień dla sklepu Gandalf Travel?

Najnowsze gazetki dla sklepu Gandalf Travel na ten i kolejny tydzień znajdują się w tym miejscu: Gandalf Travel gazetka ważność od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024. Sprawdź promocje na następny tydzień na!

Skąd mam wiedzieć, czy wybrany przedmiot jest dostępny w lokalnym sklepie Gandalf Travel?

To czy dany produkt jest dostępny w wybranym sklepie lub lokalnej filii, możesz sprawdzić przez Internet na stronie internetowej sklepu Gandalf Travel . Twój produkt jest niedostępny? Bez obaw, przeglądając Gandalf Travel gazetka ważną od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024, można znaleźć alternatywne promocje.

Czyt sklep Gandalf Travel jest w mojej okolicy?

Najbliższy sklep możesz wyszukać już na naszej stronie internetowej. Wystarczy, że podasz swoją lokalizację. Zaletą udostępniania lokalizacji jest to, że możemy wyświetlać listę wszystkich znajdujących się w Twojej okolicy sklepów. Po kliknięciu przycisku „Sklepy" w aplikacji mobilnej wyświetlone zostaną najbliższe sklepy Gandalf Travel . Żeby dowiedzieć się, jakie filie sklepów znajdują się w Twoim otoczeniu, możesz również podać kod pocztowy na stronie internetowej lub w aplikacji mobilnej.

Ile sklepów Gandalf Travel znajduje się w Polsce?

Gandalf Travel ma kilka oddziałów. Na stronie internetowej sklepu Gandalf Travel znajdziesz wszystkie adresy lokali znajdujących się na terenie Polski. Chcesz sprawdzić, gdzie znajduje się najbliższy sklep Gandalf Travel w Twojej okolicy? Udostępnij swoją lokalizację w naszej aplikacji! Uwaga: Niektóre sklepy znajdujące się na naszym portalu działają wyłącznie jako sklepy internetowe.

Czy sklep Gandalf Travel jest teraz otwarty?

Sklepy Gandalf Travel działają zgodnie ze standardowym harmonogramem, ale w niektórych przypadkach godziny działania mogą się nieco różnić. Niektóre lokale są otwierane wcześniej lub działają o nieregularnych porach. Żeby sprawdzić, czy najbliższy sklep Gandalf Travel jest otwarty, kliknij zakładkę „Sklepy" na stronie internetowej sklepu Gandalf Travel i wybierz lokal działający najbliżej Twojego miejsca. Na stronie sklepu Gandalf Travel sprawdzisz także godziny otwarcia.

Gdzie mogę sprawdzić godziny otwarcia sklepu Gandalf Travel?

Aktualne godziny otwarcia sprawdzisz na stronie internetowej sklepu Gandalf Travel . Godziny otwarcia można odczytać także na naszej stronie internetowej lub w aplikacji mobilnej. Przejdź do zakładki „Lokalizacje" i wybierz swoją lokalizację, żeby sprawdzić, jakie są godziny otwarcia danego sklepu Gandalf Travel .

Co można zamówić przez internet ze sklepu Gandalf Travel?

W sklepie Gandalf Travel można zamawiać przez Internet. Sprawdź sklep internetowy, żeby sprawdzić zakres działania sklepu Gandalf Travel . Sklep internetowy najczęściej zawiera czytelne kategorie, dzięki czemu można w łatwy sposób wszystko przeglądać. Aktualnie dostępne są promocje z Gandalf Travel gazetka o ważności od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024.

Czy oferta serwowana przez sklep Gandalf Travel w Internecie jest taka sama jak w stacjonarnych oddziałach?

W większości oddziałów sklepu Gandalf Travel , w sklepie stacjonarnym i internetowym powinien być dostępny ten sam asortyment. Może się to jednak różnić w zależności od lokalizacji. Odwiedź stronę internetową sklepu Gandalf Travel , żeby dowiedzieć się więcej. Zainspiruj się, sprawdzając Gandalf Travel gazetka z datą ważności od 26-04-2024 do 05-05-2024.

Uwaga: Niektóre sklepy działają wyłącznie w Internecie lub stacjonarnie. Upewnij się tego, sprawdzając stronę internetową sklepu Gandalf Travel .

Jeśli mam jakieś pytanie, chcę przesłać opinię lub skargę na sklep Gandalf Travel, jak mogę się z wami skontaktować?

W przypadku pytania, opinii lub skargi związanej z działaniem sklepu Gandalf Travel zalecamy przejść na stronę internetową sklepu Gandalf Travel . W sekcji „Kontakt" znajdziesz adres e-mail, numer telefonu lub formularz kontaktowy, dzięki którym sklep Gandalf Travel z pewnością pomoże rozwiązać każdą sprawę.

Promocje Gandalf Travel


Przeglądaj i porównuj gazetki i oferty ze sklepów co tydzień!


Pobierz naszą darmową aplikację

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  • Gazetki Gandalf Travel zawsze na wierzchu
  • Największy zbiór sklepów w Polsce

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Zapisz listę!

Osiągnięto limit 15 produktów na Twojej liście bez własnego konta. Załóż darmowe konto, żeby móc dodawać nielimitowaną liczbę produktów.

Dlaczego warto założyć DARMOWE konto?

  • Nielimitowana liczba produktów na twojej liście zakupowej
  • Powiadomienia ze sklepów w Twoim otoczeniu.
  • Obserwuj ekskluzywne promocje z najnowszymi okazjami.

Dodano do ulubionych

Usunięto z ulubionych

Artykuł został dodany do Twojej listy zakupów.

Artykuł został usunięty z Twojej listy zakupów.

Portal turystyczny

Portal turystyczny

gandalf travel oferta

Gandalf Travel

Gandalf Travel jest biurem podróży funkcjonującym na naszym rynku od ponad 10 lat – zostało utworzone w 2002 r., a swoją siedzibę ma w Łodzi. Firma specjalizuje się przede wszystkim w organizowaniu wypoczynku na Bałkanach, chociaż dokłada wszelakich starań, aby nieustannie uatrakcyjniać oraz poszerzać swoją ofertę.

Trzy lata od momentu założenia Gandalf Travel uzyskało uprawnienia przewoźnika autokarowego, natomiast w kolejnym roku zaczęło organizować wycieczki z samolotem jako środkiem transportu. Oferta biura jest bardzo zróżnicowana – składają się na nią nie tylko wycieczki objazdowe, ale także kolonie czy wyjazdy dla studentów. Istnieje również opcja zorganizowania takiego wyjazdu jaki zażyczy sobie klient. Z kierunków najbardziej eksploatowanych należy wymienić Chorwację, Bułgarię, Albanię i Czarnogórę, ale z opisywanym tu touroperatorem można też wybrać się np. do Włoch czy do Hiszpanii. W kwestii zaś tego jakie oceny zbiera firma, to są one różne – od bardzo wysokich po niskie, ale takie opinie to zawsze kwestia indywidualna.

  • ← Ile trwa lot do Kenii
  • Oasis Tours →

9 thoughts on “ Gandalf Travel ”

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Bardzo gorąco pragnę wszystkim polecić biuro Gandalf Travel. Z jego usług razem z żoną skorzystaliśmy już po raz drugi, w tym roku zdecydowaliśmy się na majówkę w Amsterdamie. Wszystko było zorganizowane doskonale. Wielkie brawa należą się naszemu pilotowi, który do tego wyjazdu był przygotowany perfekcyjnie. Hotel mieliśmy jakieś 50 km od Amsterdamu, ale z dojazdem nie było kłopotu, zwłaszcza, że mieliśmy bardzo dobrych kierowców. Poziom wycieczki bardzo wysoki, z naszej strony brak zastrzeżeń.

Z Gandalf Travel byliśmy w tym roku w Czarnogórze. Było po prostu wspaniale. Z hotelu niezapomniane widoki, dech w piersiach normalnie zapierało. Fantastyczne jedzenie, serwowali głównie kuchnię śródziemnomorską, ale i regionalnych dań nie brakowało. Fakultatywne wycieczki bardzo dobrze zorganizowane. Początkowo byliśmy sceptycznie nastawieni do pokonania takiej trasy autokarem, ale obawy okazały się zupełnie niepotrzebne. Biuro zapewniło wysoki komfort podróży.

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do mariaa mariaa

Jakoś czuję KRYPTOREKLAMĘ. „Z hotelu niezapomniane widoki” – no tak bo kilka metrów od balkonu stoi balkon innego budynku. „serwowali głównie kuchnię śródziemnomorską” – zważywszy że nie podano ani razu żadnej ryby pod żadną postacią to trochę dziwne stwierdzenie. „Fakultatywne wycieczki bardzo dobrze zorganizowane” – 2 się nie odbyły a na 3 zepsuł się autokar (to akurat wypadek losowy).

Niedawno wróciliśmy z Budvy, gdzie byliśmy z Gandalf Travel. Wcześniej byliśmy z tym biurem w Chorwacji i też byliśmy bardzo zadowoleni. Generalnie Czarnogóra to fantastyczne miejsce na urlop, jest tu pięknie, no i dużo taniej niż w Chorwacji. Byliśmy zakwaterowani w świetnym pensjonacie. Bardzo dobrze nas tam karmili, jedzenie wyśmienite, a przy tak intensywnym zwiedzaniu to naprawdę ważne. Wrażenia bardzo pozytywne, biuro spisało się po prostu świetnie i wszystkim mogę polecić wyjazdy przez nie organizowane.

Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług tego biura, byłam z nim na wycieczce w Berlinie. Organizacja bardzo dobra. Wszystko było dopięte na ostatni guzik, zero spóźnień czy jakiś innych nieprzyjemnych zdarzeń. Fenomenalna przewodniczka! Opowiadała bardzo ciekawie. Program był idealnie wręcz dopasowany do potrzeb uczestników wycieczki. Jestem naprawdę pełna podziwu, tym bardziej, że wycieczka nie była droga i można się było zastanawiać jak właściwie biuro na niej zarobiło.

Moja opinia na temat Gandalf Travel jest jak najbardziej pozytywna. W ubiegłym roku skorzystałem z ich oferty „studencki wrzesień” i razem ze znajomymi wybraliśmy się do Złotych Piasków. Pomimo tego, że podróż trwała prawie 30 godzin, nie była mocno uciążliwa, bo autokar był bardzo wysokiej klasy, sprawny i wygodny. Nasza pilotka była świetna, kontakt z nią był bardzo dobry. Nie nastawialiśmy się na wycieczki fakultatywne, ale ci co z nich korzystali bardzo je sobie chwalili.

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Nie polecamy, kompletne dno. Zero organizacji, rezydentki płaczą i nie potrafią się odnaleźć w tym co robią. Wycieczki organizowane, są albo przestawiane na zbiórke dwie godziny później(informacja z kwadrans przed wyjazdem) lub przekładane, nie adekwatne do ceny… totalna masakra. NiE POLCAMY!

Byłam w tym roku w Budvie w Czarnogórze (14-25.08.2013) Pani sprzedająca ofertę niedoinformowana lub celowo wprowadzająca w błąd (odradzała zabieranie butów na plaże, twierdziła że jest dostępny czajnik, sztućce i ręczniki w każdym pokoju – było odwrotnie). Opis oferty „obiekt położony ok. 450 m od słynnej Slovenskiej Plažy” wprowadza w błąd – patrząc w samo google widac że najbliższe dojście to to 1,6km (nawet „wirtualnie w lini prostej” nie wyjdzie 450). Podróż chociaż długa zadowalająca – kierowcy sympatyczni. Zakwaterowanie bardzo skromne (za tą cenę nie spodziewałam się rewelacji) – wystające w łazience kable elektyczne, lekko zwisający i trzeszczący kontakt i staszliwy fetor wydobywający się z łazienki (zwłaszcza początkowe 2 dni) itp. Pokój nie uprzątnięty (sprawiał wrażenie pobieżnie zamiecionego – znalazłam paluszki poprzedników). Wykupionym jedzeniem można było się najeść. Posiłki zadowalające (po za zupą która z drobnymi zmianami CODZIENNIE była jednakowa). Reasumując za tą cenę można pojechać byle nie nastawiać się na siedzenie w pokoju i nie słuchać „rad” pani z biura. Wycieczki także odradzam (taniej można zorganizować sobie na miejsu). Pozdrawiam współwczasowiczów.

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Hej, Byłam w Chorwacji z Gandalfem (sierpień 2014). Zalety: -Porządne autokary, nowoczesne, wygodne, regulowane siedzenia do tyłu i na boki (chociaż nie wiem jak miejsca na końcu), klima. – Kwatera była fajna, mieliśmy opcję fortuna(czyli trafisz tam gdzie są miejsca) oczywiście były widełki, standard w którym kwatera miała się mieścić i faktycznie mieściła się.Dostaliśmy razem z sąsiadami cały segment. Były w nim 2 pokoje, każdy pokój miał własną łazienkę, do tego na 4 osoby mieliśmy salonik i kuchnię, także nie było na co narzekać. Standardy ok. – Wykupiliśmy sobie wyżywienie chyba 88 euro za 7 obiadokolacji i śniadań, śniadania jak dla mnie super, szwedzki stół, płatki, ciepłe mleko, salami, sery, miód, dżemy, pieczywo świeże, masło, kawa, herbata,co chcesz, obiadokolacje – dzień wcześniej trzeba było zapisać się na obiad, bo do wyboru były 2 warianty, zazwyczaj mięsne danie, albo ryba(zazwyczaj cała, wraz z głową i ogonem). Ja nie narzekałam, jedyne co było lipne to zupy. Ale wiadomo, że nikt nie ugotuje nam tak dobrej zupy jak w domu. Do obiadów woda/sok/lemoniada w dzbankach. Za tą cene naprawdę spoko. Głodna nie chodziłam. – Rezydentki podały niezbędne informacje w pierwszym dniu, reszta była wiwieszana przy naszej stołówce przy willi. -cena wycieczki jak dla mnie bardzo dobra. -towarzystwo w autokarze jak najbardziej pozytywne, sporo młodych ludzi. Kulturalnie i wesoło.

Wady: jak dla mnie nie ma na co narzekać, ale wiem że są osoby, którym wyjazd się nie udał. Byli państwo 4 osoby i dziecko i dostali nie tą kwaterę co zamówili, jednak problem został załatwiony tak szybko jak było to mozliwe.Uważam, że na plus. Nasi znajomi też dostali lipną kwaterę, zgłosili to do rezydentki, poczekali na przyjazd jakiegoś faceta, załatwił im apartamencik na 4 osoby, 2 pokoje, 2 piekne łazienki, klima bez dopłaty, duża kuchnia, korytarz i balkon. Wg mnie full wypas. Także z jednej strony jest to zaniedbanie kogoś z biura, ale z drugiej wszelkie problemy były ekspresowo załatwiana i to na plus. Minusem, który ja odczułam było wykwaterowanie o godzinie 9 rano i wyjazd o 17, trochę męczące, jednak bagaże można było przynieść do willi w której jedliśmy posiłki, także można było iść połazić po Makarskiej do tej 17. Jeżeli chcieliśmy się wykąpać przed podróżą trzeba było na własną rękę, no ale z drugiej strony wiedzieliśmy, że wykwaterowanie jest rano, jedna grupa pojechała o 10 a druga (moja) o 17, także nie wszyscy mieli ten problem. Ogólnie polecam, ze względu na cenę i możliwość ewentualnego skorygowania wszelkich niedociągnięć w krótkim czasie, coś było niedopatrzone, to reakcja była natychmiastowa.

Uważam, że opinie biura psują nowogobaccy turyści, którzy za niedużą cenę oczekują nie wiadomo jakich luksusów. Jeżeli chcą mega luksusów, to niech płacą kilka tysięcy za kilkudniową wycieczkę. Wg mnie cena adekwatna do zaoferowanej imprezy turystycznej.Polecam studentom i normalnym ludziom.

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Gandalf (Olórin)

Whether in the guise of Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, Tolkien’s most famous wizard plays the role of the nearly perfect guide, instigator, and mentor for the heroes of both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit . He steps into the fray as an active combatant as well, e.g., Gandalf is not simply an armchair general. Tolkien devoted an entire essay to his Wizards, emissaries from the Valar sent to level the playing field in the struggle against the dark Maia Sauron by the free peoples of Middle-earth: the Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits. “The Istari” in Unfinished Tales was written in 1954, late enough to be considered one of the more authoritative texts, provides an excellent source for everything one might have wanted to know about the Wizards.

The majority of readers first encounter Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring in the form of an elderly bearded man. "An old man was driving it [a horse cart] all alone. He wore a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and a silver scarf. He had a long white beard and bushy eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of this hat." 1 One quickly learns that he is a friend of Hobbits, Men and Elves, wise and somewhat mysterious. A significant number of readers will have already met Gandalf in The Hobbit, wherein he is described almost word-for-word as he is in The Fellowship of the Ring : the same pointed blue hat, long grey cloak and silver scarf, beard and bushy eyebrows. 2 The narrator of the opening pages of The Hobbit, however, emphasizes of mystery which surrounds Gandalf in his introduction of this important character.

Gandalf! If you had heard only a quarter of what I have heard about him, and I have only heard very little of all there is to hear, you would be prepared for any sort of remarkable tale. Tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion. 3

Gandalf appears in The Hobbit as the wise and mysterious wanderer, a wizard no less, who first proposes an adventure to Bilbo Baggins who is surprised and appalled at the very idea. Disappearing in and out of the story, as Gandalf is wont to do, he charges Bilbo with a seemingly nearly impossible task. He changes the conservative Hobbit forever by placing him in the middle of an adventure of a lifetime and simultaneously draws the reader into the marvelous world of Middle-earth.

Gandalf also appears in the published version of The Silmarillion in a markedly different aspect: that of a semi-divine Maia hidden within the guise of an old man, whom we met in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings . Tolkien introduces him in The Silmarillion as the Maia Olórin. "Wisest of the Maiar was Olórin. He too dwelt in Lórien, but his ways took him often to the house of Nienna, and of her he learned pity and patience." 4 [More will be added later on the significance of Gandalf’s residence in the gardens of Irmo in Lórien, place of dreams and consolation, so different from the strife and hardship in Middle-earth.]

One may find in the Unfinished Tales article a precise and comprehensive explanation of whom and what Gandalf actually is. Christopher Tolkien confirms that Gandalf is one of the Istari, who are of the Maiar. “It appears indeed from the mention of Olórin in the Valaquenta ( The Silmarillion pp. 30 –1) that the Istari were Maiar; for Olórin was Gandalf.” 5 It goes on to explain that

". . . though he loved the Elves, he walked among them unseen, or in form as one of them, and they did not know whence came the fair visions or the promptings of wisdom that he put into their hearts. In later days he was the friend of all the Children of Ilúvatar, and took pity on their sorrows; and those who listened to him awoke from despair and put away the imaginations of darkness. 6

Gandalf bears a proliferation of names, as do most of the major characters in Tolkien’s legendarium. The name by which he is known as a Maia of Aman is Olórin. In The Two Towers, Faramir lists several of Gandalf’s names,

'Mithrandir we called him in elf-fashion,' said Faramir, 'and he was content. Many are my names in many countries, he said. Mithrandir among the Elves, Tharkûn to the Dwarves; Olórin I was in my youth in the West that is forgotten, in the South Incánus, in the North Gandalf; to the East I go not. ' 7

Gandalf fascinates and attracts the reader because he fundamentally satisfies a need. Literary archetypes exist because they appeal to certain universal desires to look to a guide, guardian, protector, mentor, or adviser who knows more than the struggling protagonist. He represents the Other, the supernatural or unknowable, coming from outside of the ordinary world of the protagonists. Tolkien himself has referred to Gandalf as angelic.

he was an incarnate 'angel'– strictly an ἄγγελος, 8 that is, with the other Istari, wizards, 'those who know', an emissary from the Lords of the West, sent to Middle-earth, as the great crisis of Sauron loomed on the horizon. By 'incarnate' I mean they were embodied in physical bodies capable of pain, and weariness, and of afflicting the spirit with physical fear, and of being 'killed', though supported by the angelic spirit they might endure long, and only show slowly the wearing of care and labour. 9

The archetypes that Gandalf epitomizes include those of the wizard or magician, the wise old man who acts as a teacher and/or manipulator and whose principle role is to see that the major actors complete their quest and achieve their goals. This figure necessarily possesses the attribute of wisdom and also certain magical powers or qualities. Gandalf has been compared to the wizard Merlin, who is most often in modern interpretations of Arthurian legend as a wizard and senior advisor to Arthur.

[Gandalf’s] function as a 'wizard' is an angelos or messenger from the Valar or Rulers: to assist the rational creatures of Middle-earth to resist Sauron, a power too great for them unaided. But since in the view of this tale & mythology Power – when it dominates or seeks to dominate other wills and minds (except by the assent of their reason) – is evil, these 'wizards' were incarnated in the life-forms of Middle-earth, and so suffered the pains both of mind and body. 10

Some of the popular interpretations of the story of Merlin, in which one might say he bears more than a passing resemblance to Tolkien’s Gandalf, include T.H. White’s The Once and Future King and Mary Stuart’s Arthurian series which begins with The Crystal Cave . Those writers came after Tolkien and retold the tales of the most famous of wizards written about in English with a conscious look back at the legendarium, beginning largely with Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae and Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur . If anything, Tolkien would have consciously avoided mirroring too closely those sources that prominently included the figure of the elder wizard or magical adviser. The traditional figure of Merlin, like Gandalf, is of uncertain, mysterious, and not entirely natural origins. Yet, like Gandalf, he can still suffer human distress and must struggle to achieve his purpose, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing.

They were also, for the same reason, thus involved in the peril of the incarnate: the possibility of 'fall', of sin, if you will. The chief form this would take with them would be impatience, leading to the desire to force others to their own good ends, and so inevitably at last to mere desire to make their own wills effective by any means. To this evil Saruman succumbed. Gandalf did not. But the situation became so much the worse by the fall of Saruman, that the 'good' were obliged to greater effort and sacrifice. Thus Gandalf faced and suffered death; and came back or was sent back, as he says, with enhanced power. 11

In Rohan, when he approaches King Theoden’s court, the reader is given pictures of both Gandalf the mundane and Gandalf the extraordinary in the space of a few lines.

Old and weary you seem now, and yet you are fell and grim beneath, I deem. [The guard at the gates of Edoras says addressing Gandalf] Suddenly he threw back his grey cloak, and cast aside his hat, and leaped to horseback. He wore no helm nor mail. His snowy hair flew free in the wind, his white robes shone dazzling in the sun. 12

Others have analyzed in some detail the similarities of Tolkien’s Gandalf to the Scandinavian deity Odin in his earthy more humble form. Tolkien scholar Marjorie Burns, in her article “Gandalf and Odin,” 13 notes the similarity in physical description of Gandalf to Odin, not to mention his habits, characteristics and reasons for his earthly wanderings.

. . . it was specific attributes that Gandalf and Odin share that suggested a link between the wizard and the god. They saw that the most distinctive features of Gandalf -- his hat, beard, staff, and penchant for wandering -- were, as well, the key characteristics that Odin displays when he leaves Asgard and travels in disguise through the plane of human existence, the middle-earth of Norse mythology. During these earthly journeys, Odin does not appear as a stern and forbidding deity or a bloodthirsty god of battle -- but rather as a grey-bearded old man who carries a staff and wears a hood or a cloak (usually blue) and a wide-brimmed, floppy hat. 14

She continues to cite one of the most prolific of academics currently publishing in Tolkien studies, Verlyn Flieger, who she quotes as saying, “she noted that both Merlin and Odin play a part in Gandalf's character, though the connection Flieger recognized between Odin and Gandalf was not so much their appearance as their shared ability to lead. ‘A kind of Odin-figure,’ she calls Gandalf, ‘mustering troops and bringing them to battle’." 15

A magnificent description of Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring, paints him as a true mixture of the near godlike and the humble:

Gandalf was shorter in stature than the other two; but his long white hair, his sweeping silver beard, and his broad shoulders, made him look like some wise king of ancient legend. In his aged face under great snowy brows his eyes were set like coals that could suddenly burst into fire. 16

In The Lord of the Rings Gandalf acts as counselor and wise confidant of the remaining High Elves in Middle-earth, like Galadriel and Elrond. He is the trusted friend of the secretive Dwarves, a champion of the Hobbits and a teacher and support to the leaders among the Men of Middle-earth.

For with the consent of Eru they sent members of their own high order, but clad in bodies as of Men, real and not feigned, but subject to the fears and pains and weariness of earth, able to hunger and thirst and be slain; though because of their noble spirits they did not die, and aged only by the cares and labours of many long years. And this the Valar did, desiring to amend the errors of old, especially that they had attempted to guard and seclude the Eldar by their own might and glory fully revealed; whereas now their emissaries were forbidden to reveal themselves in forms of majesty, or to seek to rule the wills of Men or Elves by open display of power, but coming in shapes weak and humble were bidden to advise and persuade Men and Elves to good, and to seek to unite in love and understanding all those whom Sauron, should he come again, would endeavour to dominate and corrupt. 17

Continued in Part 2.

Works Cited

  • The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, “A Long-Expected Party.”
  • The Hobbit, “An Unexpected Party.”
  • The Silmarillion, Valaquenta, “Of the Maiar.”
  • Unfinished Tales, “The Istari.”
  • The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.
  • Greek: ággelos = a messenger or a delegate, could indicate either human or celestial.
  • The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, 156 To Robert Murray, SJ (draft).
  • The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, 181.
  • The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, “The King of the Golden Hall.”
  • Verlyn Flieger, and Carl E. Hostetter, eds., Tolkien's Legendarium Essays on the History of Middle-Earth (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000) 220, Questia, Web, 2 Mar. 2012.
  • The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, "Many Meetings."

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The Gandalf is an enchanting small passenger barge that can accommodate up to 20 passengers. Owned and operated by skipper Hans Petrus, this popular ship sails under the Dutch flag and has been drifting through the canals and waterways of Belgium and the Netherlands for many years. The Gandalf has a total of ten twin cabins (10 m² – 108 sq.ft.) with two single beds in each. In two of the cabins, there is an option to sleep three by including a bunk bed (on request). The bathrooms in all […]

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About this ship: gandalf.

The Gandalf is an enchanting small passenger barge that can accommodate up to 20 passengers. Owned and operated by skipper Hans Petrus, this popular ship sails under the Dutch flag and has been drifting through the canals and waterways of Belgium and the Netherlands for many years.

The Gandalf has a total of ten twin cabins (10 m² – 108 sq.ft.) with two single beds in each. In two of the cabins, there is an option to sleep three by including a bunk bed (on request). The bathrooms in all the cabins have been recently renovated and include showers, basins and toilets. The cabins all have central heating, ventilation and fully functioning windows. Hair dryers are available on request.

On the upper deck, you’ll find a large, cozy lounge which includes a bar, dining area and Wi-Fi. The Gandalf also has two sundecks with tables, chairs and sitting areas that make for the perfect spot to have a drink and enjoy the abundance of natural beauty as you drift toward your next destination.

Our guests love the fact that the Gandalf is largely powered by a double-roof of solar panels, both because it lessens the environmental footprint of the ship, and because it means the generator hardly needs to be used to power the ship, making the evenings still and quiet on board.

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Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey, a pivotal character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth saga, is a wise, enigmatic wizard known for his guidance, magical prowess, and pivotal role in the struggle against darkness.

The Definitive Glossary for Lord of the Rings


Article written by Michael Chude

B.Sc. degree in parasitology and entomology from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

Once a powerful spirit of Valinor, Gandalf the Grey, played a pivotal role in Middle-earth’s fate. He quietly guided both the great and wise leaders of Middle-earth and the ordinary people, showing his ability to find strength in the humble. As Gandalf transformed from Grey to White, he became the symbol of resilience against evil and a beacon of hope in the face of darkness.

Gandalf the Grey was one of the five great spirits that were sent to Middle-earth to contend against the might of Sauron as he began to gather his power once more.

Origins of Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey was a great spirit of the order of the Maiar who served the Valar in Arda. He was one of the spirits of the Ainur who were created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur. Wisest among the spirits of the Maiar, he was one of the Ainur who entered Eä, the physical realm and descended into Arda to shape it.

In the early history of Arda, Gandalf existed in Valinor as the spirit Olórin and served the Vala Manwë, though he lived in the gardens of Lórien where the Valar Irmo and Nienna had their home. In Lórien he was tutored by Nienna, the patron of mercy and pity, whose lessons served him well ages later during his mission in Middle-earth. He is also associated with Varda, the Lady of the Stars.

After the the Valar Orome discovered the first Elves who rose around the shores of Lake Cuiviénen, Olórin was one of the Five Guardians sent there to guard the Elves from the forces of Melkor. When the Valar invited the Elves to go settle in Valinor, the five guardians on the Great Journey to the Undying Lands.

Along the journey, he fell in love with the Elves, and throughout his early life, he walked among them as a spirit, unseen by their eyes, sending them fair visions in their hearts that made them wiser. Sometimes, he went among them wearing a physical form, a fana, that appeared like an Elf. Throughout his existence and his mission in Middle-earth, he followed the example of Nienna, taking pity on the sorrows of the free peoples and drawing those who listened to him out of despair.

Gandalf Arrives in Middle-Earth

As the malicious power and dark influence of the fallen Maia Sauron began to grow again in Middle-earth during the Third Age, the Vala Manwë convened a council of the Valar where they created the order of the Istari, made up of Maia spirits who were to act as missionaries to, and guardians of, the free peoples of Middle-earth to aid them in their fight against Sauron and his influence. Though selected by Manwë himself, he did not wish to go because he feared Sauron. Manwë saw his fear as the best reason for him to be included in the mission.

Submitting to the will of Manwë, Olórin departed Valinor to Mithlond in the year 1000 of the Third Age. He arrived shortly after two other Istari, Curumo and Aiwendil, at about the same time the Necromancer appeared in Mirkwood. Like the other Wizards, he took the shape of an elderly man, and he was dressed in a grey robe.

Arriving at Mithlond, Gandalf was welcomed by the mighty Elf Glorfindel, whom he had befriended in Valinor, who was sent to Middle-earth earlier on a similar mission, and Círdan the shipwright, who possessed Narya, one of the Three Elven Rings of Power. Due to his affinity to the Vala Ulmo, Lord of the Seas, and of prophecy, Círdan the Shipwright, a wise, far-seeing Elf, sensed divine strength, power, and wisdom within Gandalf.

Círdan also foresaw the future struggles Gandalf would face in his mission to oppose Sauron, so he gifted Gandalf with Narya, the Ring of Fire, which he had wielded till that point Círdan, promising that it would support him in his labors. Then Círdan said, “ But as for me, my heart is with the Sea, and I will dwell by the grey shores until the last ship sails. I will await you. “

Gandalf traveled through Middle-earth, going about as a wanderer and counselor to the free folk. Unlike Saruman, he did not take up a single permanent residence. Gandalf never traveled to the east of Middle-earth, restricting his activities to the lands in the west of Middle-earth where the remnants of the Dúnedain, descendants of the Numenorean exiles, and the Eldar remained to oppose Sauron.

He was known by many names during the long years he remained in Middle-earth: the Elves knew him as Mithrandir, the Grey Pilgrim, while the Men of Arnor named him Gandalf, which became his most common name. He was also called Incánus by the Southrons and Tharkûn to the Dwarves.

Gandalf Opposes Sauron

In the year 1100 of the Third Age, a great evil took over Amon Lanc, an abandoned fortress of the Silvan Elves under King Oropher, and it was thereafter known as Dol Guldur, the Hill of Sorcery. The entity was soon known as the Necromancer, and he corrupted the massive Greenwood the Great and filled it with evil creatures and shadows. Though he was unsure, Gandalf suspected that Sauron might have returned to torment the world again.

The evil in Mirkwood continued to grow over the next 200 years, as well as the power of the one controlling it. Orcs multiplied in the Misty Mountains and in other deep places where they hid. The Witch-king of Angmar, the lord of the Nazgûl and the mightiest of Sauron’s servants, had built a fortress in Angmar in the Northern wastelands and waged unending war against the Numenorean Kingdom of Arnor. Around this time, the Dwarves of Moria awakened Durin’s Bane, leading to its fall.

Sauron also sent a large army of Orcs from Gorgoroth to attack Minas Ithil, and the fair city fell under the shadow. Sauron and his servants also spread plagues and waged war across Middle-earth. In the year 2063 of the Third Age, Gandalf infiltrated Dol Guldur to discover its secret, but the Necromancer fled, preventing Gandalf from discovering his identity. Peace returned for some centuries.

Known as the Watchful Peace, the peaceful period lasted for almost four hundred years, but the forces of evil were not idle. The Nazgûl had been preparing for Sauron’s return, which occurred in 2460. Realizing that evil had returned once again, the wisest of the Elf-lords and the leaders of the Istari formed the White Council. Galadriel, one of the mightiest Elves and bearer of Nenya, one of the Three Elven Rings, wished Gandalf to be the chief of the Council, but he refused the position so Saruman took this place because of his vast knowledge.

When King Thráin II, son of  Thrór, a Dwarf of Durin’s Folk from the Lonely Mountain, disappeared during a journey to Erebor, Gandalf went in search of him. He had suspected that Thráin was captured because of the Dwarven Ring of Power she bore. Around 2845, he entered the abandoned city of Khazad-dûm, but his search was in vain. Five years later, his search led him once more to Dol Guldur; this time, he infiltrated the fortress in secrecy. 

There in the dungeons he found Thráin, who gave him his last possessions, the map, and the key to Erebor, but the Ring of Power had been taken from him. Gandalf also discovered that the Necromancer was no other than Sauron himself, and he had taken the last of the Seven Dwarven Rings from Thráin. Sauron was gathering the remaining Rings of Power as he searched for his lost One Ring. Gandalf left Dol Guldur and returned to the White Council with his discoveries.

He urged the council to attack Sauron while the One Ring was still lost and Sauron’s power immature. But Saruman argued against him and said that it was better to watch and wait and that the One Ring had long ago been washed into the Sea. They were not aware that Saruman now wanted the Ring for himself and was secretly searching for it along the banks of the river Anduin.

The majority of the council agreed with Saruman. Elrond Half-elven, a powerful member of the council, privately told Gandalf he had a foreboding that the Ring would be found and that a great war to end the Age was coming. He feared that it would end in darkness and despair.

The Right Place at the Right Time

Gandalf had first met the shy and secretive Hobbits of the Shire during his wanderings in Eriador and had befriended them. He would occasionally return to participate in the parties thrown by the Old Took, where he thrilled young Hobbits with his fireworks and his stories about adventures and dragons. He was known as a troublemaker for putting the desire for adventure into the hearts of little Hobbits. It was there he met a relatively adventurous young Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. 

With Sauron growing in power, Gandalf feared for the North in its weakened state. With the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor destroyed by the Dragon Smaug and the town of Dale cowed and defenseless, Gandalf feared that Sauron would take advantage of the desolation of the region around Erebor to try to regain the northern passes in the mountains and the old lands of Angmar. Gandalf knew that exiled Dwarven King-Under-The-Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield, planned to assail the mountain city and attempt to kill Smaug, but he knew that more needed to be done.

While heading to the Shire, Gandalf decided to spend the night in Bree, where he chanced across the Dwarven King. Thorin had been having a strange and strong urge to seek out Gandalf. Intrigued, Gandalf told Thorin that he had also been having the same urge to seek him. They decided to travel together since they were going in the same direction, each seeking to discuss their problems with the other.

Along their journey, Gandalf came up with a plan that involved Thorin killing the Dragon and reclaiming his throne and his family’s treasure, although the plan called for a burglar, one chosen by Gandalf himself. Gandalf felt that a Hobbit should be involved, and he remembered Bilbo Baggins and decided to pay him a visit with Thorin. Though he missed Bilbo, who had traveled to Rivendell to visit the Elves for the Elven New Year, he became confident that Bilbo was fit for the job. Returning later with the Dwarf Balin, Gandalf successfully convinced Bilbo to join them on the quest as a burglar.

Thorin and his company, along with Gandalf, first made for Rivendell. Along the way, Gandalf saved the Company from a group of stone trolls. From their treasure hoard, the Company retrieved the swords Orcrist and Glamdrig, and the dagger Sting, legendary Elven weapons forged in the Eldar days in Gondolin for use against the evil creatures of the Vala Morgoth.

Gandalf once again saved the Company when they were captured by Goblins when they unwittingly camped at the secret entrance to Goblin-town. Gandalf, who had evaded capture, launched a surprise attack on the Goblins, killing the Great Goblin and then leading the Dwarves to the exit. During the mayhem surrounding their capture, Bilbo lost his way and secretly acquired a magic ring that he claimed to have won from a creature named Gollum, though he had initially kept it secret from Gandalf.

They were aided in their escape by the Eagles who roosted on the peaks of the Misty Mountains, whose leader had befriended after he healed the Eagle lord of a poisoned wound. They rested in the Eagles’ eyrie, and the next day, they were dropped on the other side of the Mountains.

Gandalf left the Company on the outskirts of the Forest Gate, for he had urgent matters to attend to. He warned them to always stay on the road till they were clear of the dark forest and to never eat fruit or wild game from the forest, nor drink from its streams. The White Council had grown afraid of Sauron’s rising power, even though the One Ring was still lost to him.

Gandalf had at last been able to convince them to attack Dol Guldur. Gandalf and the other members of the White Council attacked Dol Guldur, but Sauron had anticipated the attack and fled to Mordor. The White Council destroyed the fortress, ridding the forest of Sauron’s evil. Gandalf soon received news of all that befell the Company in Mirkwood and their escape from the Wood-Elves’ custody.

Gandalf arrived at Erebor too late to help the quest; Thorin and his company had slain the dragon Smaug and reclaimed Erebor. But he had arrived just in time to prevent a battle between the Dwarves, the Men of Dale, and the Elves of Mirkwood. He warned them of an approaching army of Orcs and Wargs and called for a truce between the armies, and the Dwarves, Elves, and Men formed an alliance. The Orcs of the Misty Mountains were destroyed in the ensuing battle.

King Thorin sustained grievous wounds during the battle and died. After the funeral, his cousin Dáin Ironfoot was crowned in his place and became King-under-the-Mountain. Soon, Bilbo and Gandalf left Erebor for the Shire. Gandalf had accomplished two of his greatest goals: denying Sauron an important ally by causing the death of Smaug, and the destruction of Dol Guldur. But Gandalf and Galadriel agreed that it would have been better if Sauron had been destroyed before he had gathered his power.

The Return of the Dark Lord

The White Council had hoped that the attack on Dol Guldor would weaken Sauron and delay his return to power, but despite the Council’s hopes, Sauron was not weakened by this attack. He had foreseen he had anticipated the attack and prepared Mordor beforehand and had fled there when Dol Guldor was destroyed. Ten years later, the Dark lord Sauron declared himself openly in Mordor and rebuilt his old fortresses, including Barad-dûr.

Seeing the increasing danger, the White Council met again in 2953 to discuss the Rings of Power. Still deceitful, Saruman sought to allay their fears by claiming he had reliable information that the One Ring was lost in the Belegaer Sea. After their meeting, Saruman, jealous and afraid of Gandalf, set spies to watch all his movements. This had the unintended consequence of disrupting peace in the Shire and its surrounding areas, and Saruman discovered Gandalf’s interest in the Shire. As a result, he started sending agents to Bree and the Southfarthing.

Meanwhile, Gollum had left his cave in the Misty Mountains in search of Bilbo and his stolen Ring. As he traveled through Mirkwood, the Woodland Elves marked his passing and sent a message to Gandalf about his movements. But Gollum turned towards Mordor, and all news of him ceased, and soon Galdalf’s mind was overtaken by other matters.

Sauron soon began gathering his forces for the final assault against the armies of the West. Easterlings from Khand and beyond the Sea of Rhûn, joined by the Haradhrim reinforced his stronghold in Mordor; Orcs, trolls, and other foul beasts were multiplying while his minions were searching the Anduin for any sign of his precious One Ring.

A few years later during one of his visits to the Shire, Gandalf noticed that despite his advancing age, Bilbo remained youthful. He also began to worry about the magic ring Bilbo had obtained during their capture under the Misty Mountains, and he had begun to suspect that it was a Ring of Power. He recalled that Bilbo had lied to him at first that he had won the ring from Gollum before admitting that he had stolen it. He also saw how obsessed Bilbo was with the ring and the strange effects it was having on the Hobbit and he became suspicious.

Gandalf could see that Bilbo was very preoccupied with the ring. Such un-Hobbitlike behavior aroused his suspicions. After Bilbo’s Farewell Party, Gandalf convinced him to bequeath Frodo, his younger cousin, with the ring before leaving the Shire. He then warned Frodo to never use the ring.

Gandalf soon left the Shire to search for information about Bilbo’s Ring, and he resumed his search for Gollum. He sought the help of Aragorn, the hidden Heir of Isildur and a Ranger of the North, whom he had become friends with several years ago. The Rangers of the North were put to guard the Shire more closely. 

Gandalf showed up only three years later to check on Frodo and the Shire and continued for the next four years always turning up unexpectedly and disappearing before dawn. In 3009 he once again began hunting for Gollum with Aragorn, searching in the vales of Anduin, Mirkwood, Rhovanion, and even to the edges of Mordor. The search lasted eight years, for Gandalf did not know that Gollum had been captured by Sauron. Gandalf regretted ignoring Gollum for so many years, as his trail had become cold, causing Gandalf to endure many dark and dangerous days.

Gandalf’s search for lore about the ring led him to Minas Tirith, where, in 3017, he found the Scroll of Isildur, and from the scroll, he pieced together the missing history of the One Ring. On his way back to the Shire, he got word from the Galadhrim that Aragorn had finally captured Gollum and so he went to Mirkwood to meet him. For days he interrogated him to confirm what he already knew.

When he learned that Gollum had been held prisoner and tortured in the tower of Barad-dûr, Gandalf was overcome with fear. During Gollum’s torture, he had told Sauron about the magic ring, mentioning the Shire and the name Baggins. From the effects Gandalf saw in Gollum and Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf confirmed that Bilbo’s ring was not an ordinary Ring of Power, but Sauron’s Ruling Ring itself. Gandalf hastily returned to the Shire.

The Fellowship of the Ring

Upon his return to the Shire, Gandalf proves to Frodo that Bilbo’s ring is Sauron’s One Ring, which the Dark Lord of Mordor has been searching for. He told Frodo that he gathered much of this information by interrogating the creature Gollum. Dismayed, Frodo exclaimed that Bilbo should have killed Gollum in the caves under the Misty Mountains when he had the chance, but delivering a lesson on mercy, Gandalf speculated that perhaps Gollum still had a huge role to play before the end. He also told Frodo that it was not for him to decide who should live and who should die.

Fearing that the Shire was not safe anymore and that Frodo’s continued stay there would not only endanger him and his hometown but would also put the One Ring within Sauron’s easy reach, Gandalf suggested that Frodo should leave the Shire and take the Ring to Lord Elrond in Rivendell. Frodo decided he was going to leave after his next birthday under the guise of moving in with his mother’s kin in Buckland.

Gandalf then left for Sarn Ford where he once again met with Aragorn to inform him of Frodo’s plans. When he heard news of the wars of war in Gondor and a Black Shadow that struck fear into people’s minds, he decided to leave the Shire and head South. He promised to return in time for Frodo’s birthday so they could travel to Rivendell together.

As Gandalf wandered through Eriador gathering news from refugees of the war in Gondor, he met Radagast the Brown, who brought an urgent summons from Saruman. Radagast also warned him that the Ringwraiths were searching for the location of the Shire. He asked Radagast to send him news of Sauron’s actions at Orthanc.

Gandalf traveled to the Prancing Pony at Bree, where he left a letter with Barliman Butterbur urging Frodo to leave for Rivendell with haste and to seek out a man named Strider. Gandalf believed he would be able to catch up with them on the road to Rivendell. He also instructed Frodo to travel under the name “Mr. Underhill”. Sadly, Barliman forgot to send the letter to Frodo.

During Gandallf’s meeting with Saruman, the White Wizard revealed his desire for the One Ring to Gandalf. He made an offer of allyship with Gandalf and proposed that they take the Ring for themselves and seize power from Sauron. Horrified at Saruman’s words, Gandalf rejected the offer, so Saruman attacked him and imprisoned him at the pinnacle of Orthanc. 

Gwaihir, the Windlord, came to deliver news from Radagast, and, seeing Gandalf imprisoned at the pinnacle, rescued him. Gandalf hastily made for the Shire, because he knew that Frodo and the One Ring were in grave danger of being discovered by Sauron’s Nazgûl or the treacherous Saruman’s servants.

Gandalf traveled to Edoras, the home of the horse-lords in Rohan, hoping to find a strong steed that could carry him swiftly to the Shire. Seeing his need, King Théoden gifted him with Shadowfax, who was lord of the Mearas; a race of horses descended from the horses of the Valar. King Théoden would later regret this gift. Shadowfax bore Gandalf for the rest of his stay in Middle-earth.

Arriving at the Shire, Gandalf found that Frodo had left for Rivendell without him. He also learned that the Nazgûl, dressed as Black Riders, had been searching the area. Disturbed by the news, he set out for Bree where Barliman apologized for forgetting to send the letter.

He was worried about Frodo and his Hobbit companions who had left with Strider, the suspicious Ranger, but Gandalf was overjoyed by the news. After congratulating a puzzled Barliman, Gandalf slept the night at the inn, and, in the morning, he left for Weathertop, a high point in the region, to observe the surrounding area.

The Nazgûl also had the same idea and were also surveilling the area when Gandalf arrived. A great battle of light and flames ensued, but Gandalf overwhelmed them and drove them off. Aragorn and the Hobbits spied the battle from afar, but they did not know that Gandalf was involved. The next morning he marked some stones with the rune for G, leaving them for Aragorn and the Hobbits to find. He then left Weathertop, pursued by four Riders.

Several days later, Aragorn and the Hobbits were camping in Weathertop when they were attacked by the remaining five Nazgûl. Although they escaped, Frodo was stabbed by the Witch King with a Morgul blade. Gandalf evaded the four Nazgûl and safely reached Rivendell and was welcomed by Glorfindel, whom he sent to help bring Frodo safely to Rivendell. Several days later, an injured and dying Frodo arrived at the Ford of Bruinen, with the Nazgûl in hot pursuit. With Gandalf’s help, Elrond saves Frodo by awakening the enchanted river and sweeping them away.

After Frodo had recovered from the wound, Elrond called a Council to consider the fate of the Ring. By coincidence, several representatives of the free races of Middle-earth were visiting Lord Elrond’s house for various reasons. Gandalf and Elrond cautioned that the best course was to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, where it was made. Some of the members of the council disagreed with them, but they eventually agreed with the plan.

Elrond then selected nine walkers to form the Fellowship of the Ring, standing against Sauron’s nine Riders. The members of the council had realized that for the fellowship to penetrate Mordor and reach Mount Doom successfully, they would have to rely on stealth rather than on strength of arms. Gandalf was chosen as the leader of the fellowship, which included Aragorn, Boromir of Gondor, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and the Hobbit Frodo Baggins, who was named the Ring-bearer, and Samwise Gamgee his servant, Peregrin Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck.

As the fellowship left Rivendell, Gandalf contemplated the obstacles facing them. They had to cross the vast Misty Mountains because Gandalf was wary of leading the company through the Gaps of Rohan, which would take them too close to Isengard. He decided they would cross the Misty Mountain at the Redhorn Pass near the mountain peak Caradhras.

This plan failed when a massive storm began as they approached the peak, forcing them to turn back. Gimli convinced Gandalf to take the fellowship through the ruins of the ancient Dwarven kingdom, now called Moria. Gimli had the desire to investigate the whereabouts of his cousin Balin who had traveled to the ruins to refound the ancient kingdom. Gandalf and some other members of the fellowship were not so keen on the plan because they feared the dark, labyrinthine tunnels of Moria, and the dark creatures that live there. 

Gandalf had been to Moria centuries before in his search for Thrain and his Ring of Power, but he had entered through a different route. So as the fellowship got to the Doors of Durin, Gandalf had issues at first deciphering the password to open them. but after some delay, he spoke the password and then led the group into the darkness of Moria. Their exploration led them to the Chamber of Mazarbul, where Gandalf read the Book of Records, which revealed the fate of Balin, Gimli’s cousin who had led the ill-fated attempt to re-settle Moria. They were soon attacked by Orcs and they fled the chamber, heading to the eastern exit.

Gandalf felt a terrible power chasing after them, the dreaded Durin’s Bane. It caught up with the group at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, which spanned a deep chasm. Gandalf and Legolas immediately recognized it as a Balrog; an immensely powerful, demon-like spirit of darkness created ages ago by the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. Facing the creature, Gandalf was forced to break the bridge upon which they both stood, leaving the beast to fall into a seemingly bottomless chasm. But the Balrog’s whip lashed out, and grasped Gandalf by the knees, causing him to fall into the pit.

Gandalf survived the fall and battled the Balrog in the deep bowels of the earth under the mountains. He tirelessly pursued the creature for eight days through the tunnels created by unknown burrowing things, and up the Endless Stair, the unbroken spiral that climbed from the roots of the mountains to the peak of Zirakzigil.

The Balrog spread out his dark wings once again and burst into flames as soon as it exited the stairs, and Gandalf battled it for two days and nights in Durin’s Tower, with ice, wind, and smoke swirling about them as they fought. Using the last burst of power within him, Gandalf defeated the Balrog, throwing it down the mountainside where its body broke. Gandalf’s spirit then left his exhausted and battered body, having sacrificed himself to save the Fellowship.

Gandalf the White

The mission of the Istari was failing. Saruman, the leader of the order, had been corrupted by his desire for the One Ring, Radagast had abandoned the mission, and the two Blue Wizards were lost. Being the only Istari who had tirelessly stayed true to the mission, Eru expanded Olórin’s wisdom and power, then sent him back to Middle-earth as Gandalf the White. As he was now the only active Istari in Middle-earth, he was granted the power to “reveal” more of his inner Maiar strength, although he seldom unveiled the naked power within him for the remainder of his time in Middle-earth, since his mission was still the same: to support and encourage those who opposed Sauron.

Gandalf was reincarnated where his body had died on the peaks of the Misty Mountains, where he lay shivering in the dreadful cold till the Windlord, Gwaihir, came to rescue him. The great Eagle flew him to Lothlórien, where he rested and was clothed. He was also gifted a new staff by the Lady Galadriel. Gandalf soon received news that Frodo had left the Fellowship and was traveling to Mount Doom.

As Frodo was beyond his assistance now, Gandalf left immediately and went south to Fangorn Forest, where he ran into the Three Hunters: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, and gave them messages from Galadriel. He learned from them that Samwise Gamgee left for Mordor with Frodo. Hearing this news pleased Gandalf.

The next day Gandalf called to Shadowfax, and the group rode for King Théoden’s halls in Edoras. There, they discovered that Gríma Wormtongue, Saruman’s spy, had manipulated the king’s mind, making him ineffective with fear and hopelessness. After deposing Wormtongue, Gandalf encouraged Théoden to declare war against Saruman. Gandalf knew now that a great war to end the age was beginning and that if Rohan fell to Saruman, there would be no hope for Gondor.

After Gandalf and King Théoden made a plan, the king took his forces and went west to the fortress of Helm’s Deep where he was quickly besieged by Saruman’s force. Gandalf then went in search of Erkenbrand, the lord of Westfold; together with Erkenbrand’s soldiers, they attacked Saruman’s forces from the rear and broke the siege of Helm’s Deep.

Treebeard, the tree shepherd, had gathered the Ents and Huorns against Isengard. Along with the Hobbits Merry and Pippin, the Ents moved against Saruman, shattering the outer walls of Isengard while the Huorns were sent against the orcs. The battle resulted in the complete annihilation of Saruman’s orcs.

After the battle, Gandalf took a small group, including Théoden and Aragorn, and went to Orthanc. He offered Saruman forgiveness, but Saruman contemptuously rejected it. Gandalf then broke his staff and cast him from the Order and the Council. Gandalf set the Ents to keep watch over Isengard, then advised King Théoden to ride to Gondor’s defense as soon as possible. The wizard’s mind had already turned to Gondor and the coming onslaught from Mordor.

Siege of Minas Tirith

After Pippen had looked into the palantír of Orthanc and exposed himself to Sauron, Gandalf took the Hobbit with him as he traveled to Minas Tirith, the last stronghold of the Numenoreans. Soon after arriving, Gandalf spoke with the Steward of Gondor, Denethor II, learning of his deep sorrow and despondence over the death of his eldest son, Boromir. Seeing Denethor’s sorrow, Pippin begged to enter into the Steward’s service in payment for the death of Boromir. While the Steward accepted his fealty, he treated Pippin with disrespect and suspicion.

Gandalf unveiled his divine power for the first time when Faramir, the Steward Denethor’s younger son, was attacked by the Nazgûl as he and his soldiers retreated from Osgiliath after it had been captured by Orcs from Mordor. Gandalf rode out upon Shadowfax, shining like the rising sun, and drove the Nazgûl away. From Faramir, Gandalf learned that Frodo and Sam were still alive and were headed towards Mordor.

Led by the Witch-king, the forces of Mordor soon arrived at the city of Minas Tirith and the city was soon besieged by a vast force from Mordor, led by the Witch-king. Faramir was sent out again to defend the crossing over the Anduin at Osgiliath, but this ended up with the prince grievously wounded by a Morgul arrow, but a sortie led by Prince Imrahil saved him from certain death. As the siege progressed, Gandalf went about encouraging the defenders and giving them hope, his presence taking away the fear of the Nazgûl from the soldiers wherever he went.

Seeing multitudes of Sauron’s catapult raining flaming bolts on the city, which burned unchecked, and seeing his only son dying, Denethor became dismayed and lost all heart. Denethor then abandoned the defense of the city and its leadership, but Gandalf stepped in to rally the faltering defenders. When the forces of Mordor finally broke through the gates of Gondor with the enchanted battering ram Grond, Gandalf stood alone at the gateway, challenging the Witch-king. But before either of them could attack, the horns of Rohan sounded, signaling the arrival of the Rohirrim. Hearing this, the Witch-king departed from the gateway.

Before Gandalf could pursue, Pippin brought him news of Denethor’s intention to burn himself and Faramir on a funerary pyre like the heathen kings of old Numenor deceived by Sauron into worshipping Morgoth. Hearing this, Gandalf went with haste to the tombs, arriving on time to save Faramir, but he was unable to save Denethor, who died on the pyre clutching a palantír in his hands as he burned.

The Rohirrim carved into Sauron’s forces, and Éowyn and Merry defeated the Witch King, throwing their enemies into disarray. Aragorn arrived with a large force of relief soldiers, including Dunedain from the North, in a fleet of ships captured from pirates from Umbar. Aragorn’s forces completely defeated Sauron’s assault against Minas Tirith, relieving the city and breaking the siege. Sauron’s forces were routed and completely killed.

The Battle of the Morannon

The attack on Minas Tirith was but only a small part of Sauron’s grand plan to break the power of the men of the West and take dominion over all of Middle-earth. The Dark Lord had sent other armies north against the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor and the woodland realm of Thranduil in Mirkwood. He also sent Orcs against Lothlórien and other points along the Anduin. Even in his defeat, the Dark Lord still commanded vast armies of Orcs and Men and would move against Gondor again.

The lords of the West, Aragorn, Imrahil, and Éomer, chose Gandalf to be their leader in the coming final battles. This would be the of Gandalf’s action in fulfilling his mission in Middle-earth. Knowing that the fate of Middle-earth depended on the outcome of Frodo’s mission, Gandalf advised the lords to strike north to the gates of Mordor and draw Sauron’s attention away from Frodo’s movements in Mordor. He knew that the plan would likely lead to the defeat of the armies of the West, but it would buy time for Frodo to complete his mission and destroy the Ring.

Gandalf and Aragorn led the army of the West across the Anduin and marched on Mordor, occasionally announcing their coming. As they set up their armies, the Mouth of Sauron rode out to parley with them. Intending to frighten Gandalf and Aragorn, the Mouth revealed Frodo’s mithril coat and sword.

He implied that their owner was captured and tortured. He then proposed that the forces of the West surrender to Sauron and pay homage to him, but Gandalf was uncowed by his threats, Gandalf flung open his cloak and revealed his divine light. Seizing the opportunity, Gandalf reached forward and grabbed the belongings from the dazed Mouth, who returned to the fortress of Cirith Gorgor in fear. Sauron’s vast army of Orcs and Trolls soon attacked.

Sauron had fallen for Gandalf’s trap, for as Gandalf and the Mouth talked, Frodo and Sam were climbing up the slopes of Mount Doom. As the battle raged before the gates of Mordor, Frodo stood at the Crack of Doom. There, at the very spot where the One Ring was made, it finally overcame Frodo’s will with its lure, and he placed the Ring upon his finger, claiming it as his own. Immediately the Nazgûl were summoned from the battlefield by their lord, as he realized his terrible blunder: never calculating that his enemies intended to destroy his Ring.

Gandalf proved to be a being of great foresight. The creature Gollum had been trailing Frodo and Sam, and as Frodo claimed the One Ring for himself, Gollum attacked him, bit off his ring finger, and reclaimed the Ring. But while Gollum was celebrating his reunion with his, Precious slipped off the ledge and fell into the fires of Orodruin. As the One Ring was unmade, the fiery mountain erupted. The foundations of the tower of Barad-dûr and the Towers of the Teeth crumbled, and the towers collapsed. The Ring-wraiths burned out like shooting stars, and with Sauron’s power destroyed, he was reduced to a mere shadow of malice, never to torment the world again.

With Sauron’s power gone, his armies were scattered, and the forces of the Men of the West now set upon them with fury. Seeing that victory was achieved, Gandalf then mounted Gwaihir the Eagle for the third time and set out for Mount Doom in search of Frodo and Sam. To his great relief, the two were found on the slopes of Orodruin, clinging to life amid the volcanic eruptions. Gandalf’s mission on Middle-earth was complete.

End of the Order

Gandalf reunited with the rest of the Fellowship as they got back to Minas Tirith. Aragorn was crowned the ruler of the united kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor and was given the new name Elessar. Gandalf, at Aragorn’s request, set the crown upon the King’s head and declared, “ Now come the days of the King, and may they be blessed while the thrones of the Valar endure! “, thus ushering in the new Age of Men.

Soon after Aragorn’s coronation and wedding to Arwen, Gandalf and the rest of the remaining members of the Fellowship left Minas Tirith on the journey home. This was Gandalf’s last long journey in Middle-earth. His errand to Arda had been fulfilled; Sauron had been defeated.

One by one, he said farewell to his friends on the long journey as they each went their way until, at last, only the four Hobbits remained at his side. At the borders of the Shire, he went his way, too. He left the Hobbits to settle the affairs of the Shire themselves, for the scattered pieces of evil remaining in the world were no longer his concern, and then he went to the house of Tom Bombadil.

Gandalf met with Frodo in Mithlond two years later, and they journeyed together to the Grey Havens, where they would board the White Ship and sail to the Undying Lands. Now that Sauron was destroyed, Gandalf openly wore the Ring Narya upon his finger, and Shadowfax walked beside him.

He was finally going home after steadfastly carrying out his mission of enflaming the hearts of the free peoples of Middle-earth against Sauron’s evil. He said goodbye to Samwise, Merry, and Pippin then boarded the ship beside Frodo, Bilbo, Lord Elrond, and the Lady Galadriel. The ship passed west upon the Sea, taking the hidden straight path to Valinor.

How did Gandalf become White?

After Gandalf defeated the Balrog on the peaks of the Misty Mountains, his spirit was taken by Eru, the creator, who expanded his powers and taught him greater wisdom than he already possessed. When he returned, Gandalf became the head of his order, outranking the fallen Saruman.

Are Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White the same?

Gandalf the Grey was an Ainur spirit who was made flesh so he could carry out his mission in Middle-earth. After Gandalf the Grey’s body died following the battle with the Balrog, his spirit was returned to a new body as Gandalf the White. So, although it is still the same spirit as Olorin, Gandalf the White is a slightly different person from Gandalf the Grey.

Who played Gandalf the Grey?

In the 2001 New Line Cinema adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf was played by the British actor, Ian McKellen.

Are Gandalf and Sauron the same race?

Yes, they are of the same race. Gandalf and Sauron are of the race of the Ainur. They are an order of lesser spirits known as the Maiar, who serve the Valar, the rulers of Arda.


About Michael Chude

Michael Chude has years of experience writing flash fiction and reviewing books with his book club members. He is also an avid reader who loves great stories and extensive world-building.

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Meet Gandalf, the fluffy Siberian cat who has earned the well-deserved title of the Fluffiest World Traveler on Instagram! This adorable feline’s journey began when he was rescued from a closing pet shop in downtown Seoul, South Korea.

At just 5 weeks old, he was battling a respiratory infection. Now, he resides in California with his humans and has embarked on numerous exciting adventures, exploring 2 countries and 8 American states.

According to his humans, Gandalf is an indoor cat, but they make an exception for leash time. “We started taking him out with us when he was just a few weeks old. He loves it!

We get to share in all of his adventures, and he gets the outdoor experience he craves,” they shared. Gandalf’s enthusiasm for exploring is evident as he eagerly runs to the door, ready for his leash to be put on. He’s truly a travel bug!

Now, let’s take a look at this fantastic collection of 15 photographs that Gandalf’s humans hope will inspire you to embark on your own adventures with your furry companion:

Here’s Gandalf proudly displaying his ‘pawssport’ which probably has more stamps than yours or mine!

gandalf travel oferta

He absolutely adores the beach and relishes in clifftop walks.

gandalf travel oferta

This charming cat made a stop in Austin, Texas, one of the many capital cities he has visited during his travels.

gandalf travel oferta

Gandalf’s fashion game is on point, often spotted sporting trendy jumpers that showcase his purr-fect dress sense!

gandalf travel oferta

This fluffy and adorable cat has not only become a rising star himself but has also explored the star-studded pavements of Hollywood.

gandalf travel oferta

Despite being an indoor kitty, Gandalf yearns for the great outdoors. Every time his humans pick up his leash at home, he eagerly runs to the door, ready for the adventure ahead.

The vastness of the Grand Canyon left Gandalf completely overwhelmed during his camping trip.

gandalf travel oferta

He recently explored the old mines in Gold Bug Park, immersing himself in new smells and learning about California’s fascinating history.

gandalf travel oferta

Gandalf thoroughly enjoys discovering new places and making friends with fellow campers and local wildlife along the way!

gandalf travel oferta

Here he is, attempting to spread Christmas cheer to all the young kitties out there!

gandalf travel oferta

After a delightful walk in the snow, Gandalf is all set for a well-deserved nap.

gandalf travel oferta

During his beach visits, he gets to explore hidden gems that no dog has ever laid eyes on!

gandalf travel oferta

The San Francisco Bay Bridge is just one of the many landmarks that Gandalf, a well-traveled cat, has had the pleasure of experiencing.

gandalf travel oferta

Exciting times are ahead for Gandalf as he prepares to relocate to New Zealand with his humans, where more thrilling adventures surely await him.

gandalf travel oferta

Gandalf’s humans hope that his extraordinary journey will inspire you to create your own memorable experiences with your beloved feline companion.

gandalf travel oferta

If you want to see more of Gandalf and his remarkable travels, be sure to check out his Instagram profile .

gandalf travel oferta

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Gandalf in Tengwar

Gandalf , known temporarily as the Grey and later the White , and originally named Olórin ( Quenya ), was an Istar (Wizard), dispatched to Middle-earth in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron . He joined Thorin II and his company to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug , helped form the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring , and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring .

  • 1.1 Years of the Lamps
  • 1.2.1 Arrival in Middle-earth
  • 1.2.2 Reemergence of the Necromancer
  • Conception of a plan
  • Leading the company
  • Pressing business
  • The Battle of Five Armies
  • Return to the Shire
  • Searching for the Ring
  • Saruman's betrayal
  • Journey to Rivendell
  • Forming of the Fellowship
  • Fall in Moria
  • Resurrection
  • War in Rohan
  • Siege of Gondor
  • Fall of Sauron
  • 1.3 Final deeds
  • 2.1 Other names
  • 3.1 Mythical roots
  • 3.2 Der Berggeist
  • 4 Personality
  • 5 Appearance
  • 6 Powers & abilities
  • 7.2 Glamdring
  • 8.1 The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings film trilogies
  • 8.2 Voice dubbing actors
  • 8.3 Rankin/Bass films
  • 8.4 Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings
  • 8.6.1 Magic and Abilities
  • 11.3 Video games
  • 12 Translations
  • 13 References

Years of the Lamps

Olorin or gandalf maia by annie claudine

Gandalf as a Maia named Olórin before leaving the Undying Lands - by Annie Claudine

Originally called Olórin , he was accounted as the wisest of the Maiar . He was created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur , [1] and was at the beginning of Time amongst the Ainur who entered into Eä . [2] In his "youth" he became one of the Maiar who served Manwë , Varda , Irmo , and Nienna . He was associated with light and fire, much like Varda, [3] yet his ways often took him to Nienna, from whom he learned pity and patience. He loved the Elves , but walked unseen among them, or wore the guise of an Elf, and sent them fair visions in their hearts that made them wiser. Throughout his life he followed the example of Nienna, talking pity on the sorrows of the Children of Ilúvatar and drawing those who listened to him out of despair. [3]

When the Valar decided to send the Istari (also called Wizards ) to Middle-earth to counsel and assist all those who opposed the Dark Lord Sauron, Manwë and Varda included Olórin among the five to be sent. At first, Olórin was nervous and described himself as too weak and afraid of Sauron. Manwë understood, and told Olórin that such was a reason why he should go, to overcome that fear. Furthermore, the One Ring, containing much of Sauron's power, presumably still existed somewhere. Thus, Manwë insisted that Olórin should go as the third, but Varda convinced him to send Olórin as the second instead. [4] He agreed, and prepared for Olórin's departure from the Undying Lands with the other four, arriving about the same time that the Necromancer appeared in Mirkwood .

Arrival in Middle-earth

Olórin, like the other Wizards, took the shape of an old man. He was robed in grey and wandered about as a counsellor. At Mithlond he was welcomed by Glorfindel , his friend from Valinor (who had been sent earlier on a similar mission), and Círdan the shipwright who possessed Narya , one of the Three Elven Rings of Power. Círdan divined in Olórin a sense of strength and power despite his appearance as a bent and aged man. Círdan gave Narya to Olórin with a prediction of his future struggles with evil, and a promise that it would support and aid him in his labours. [5]

Gandalf wandering Robert Zigo

Gandalf the Grey wandering Middle-earth, by Robert Zigo

Gandalf on blue Panel

Gandalf, by Jay Johnstone

He then began his sojourn in Middle-earth and over many centuries, he walked among the Elves as a stranger, learning from them and teaching them. Unlike Saruman , Olórin never took up permanent residence, and never went to the east, apparently restricting his activities to the Westlands of Middle-earth, where the remnants of the Dúnedain and the Eldar remained to oppose Sauron. He was known by many names during the long years he wandered: Elves named him Mithrandir , the "Grey Pilgrim", while the Men of Arnor coined Gandalf , which became his most common name. He was also known as Incánus in the South and as Tharkûn to the Dwarves . [4] He later revealed himself as one of the Istari, and eventually became known as not only the wisest but also the most powerful of them.

A legend tells that Gandalf had been given by Yavanna the Elfstone of Eärendil , to bring to the peoples of Middle-earth as a token that the Valar had not forsook them. He gave this to Galadriel , bearer of one of the three Elven Rings and mighty among the Eldar, who prophesied that she would in turn pass it to one who would also be called Elessar . [6]

Reemergence of the Necromancer

Around year TA 1100 , the Istari and Eldar discovered that some evil entity resided in at Dol Guldur in Mirkwood ; while some thought a Nazgûl had returned to torment the world, or some new evil was arising, Gandalf began to suspect that perhaps Sauron himself might have returned. [5] [7] As in the next two hundred years, evil continued to grow and spread, as well as the source directing it. Gandalf went to Dol Guldur in TA 2063 to discover its secret. [5] However, the Necromancer fled upon Gandalf's arrival, preventing Gandalf from identifying him. [7] After Gandalf's incursion, the evil there seemed to desist, and its absence allowed for some centuries of calmness. [7]

Gandalf the Grey

Ian McKellen as Gandalf in the late Third age

That peaceful period was known as the Watchful Peace and lasted for almost four hundred years, but the Nazgûl had used this period to prepare for Sauron's return, in TA 2460 . [5] Realising the returning evil, Galadriel formed and reunited the White Council three years later composed of four members: herself, Gandalf, Saruman, and Elrond the Half-elf (who was the bearer of another of the Three Rings). Galadriel wished Gandalf to be the chief of the Council, but he refused the position, wishing to set down no roots and to maintain his independence; Saruman took this place instead because of his vast knowledge and skill. [7] However, he later grew jealous and afraid of Gandalf, [5] which was one of the reasons for his future betrayal.

During his wanderings in Eriador , Gandalf met and befriended the isolated and secretive people of the Hobbits in their country, the Shire . During the Long Winter of TA 2758 Gandalf came to their aid. [5] It was then when he witnessed and admired the pity and courage that the humble Hobbits reserved in their hearts. [8] He then passed onward but nevertheless would return to visit the Shire occasionally and participate in the Midsummer-eve parties of the Old Took , where he impressed young Hobbits with his fireworks , and his stories about Dragons , Goblins and princesses. [8] He was thus known to be "responsible for so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures". He also met a relatively adventurous Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins , although he was in fact far from "adventuresome." [9]

Gandalf finds Thrain

Gandalf finds Thráin in the dungeons of Dol Guldur

When King Thráin II , a Dwarf of the royal line of Durin , disappeared on journey to Erebor , Gandalf looked for him. At some point after TA 2845 he entered the abandoned city of Khazad-dûm during this search. After this proved to be in vain, the Wizard exited through the Doors of Durin ; however this experience did not help him know how to open the doors from the outside. [10] In TA 2850 , his quest led him once more to Dol Guldur, this time in secrecy. [5] He found Thráin in the dungeons, who gave the Wizard his last possessions, the map and key to Erebor. [11] Most importantly, he found out that the Necromancer was not a Nazgûl – it was Sauron himself, and he had taken the last of the Seven Rings from the Dwarf King; Sauron was gathering the remaining Rings of Power and possibly searching for his lost One Ring .


The White Council meeting on the question of Dol Guldur

Gandalf escaped Dol Guldur and returned to the White Council. [7] After relating his discoveries, he urged the council to attack Sauron while the One Ring was still lost and while Sauron's power was not yet beginning to be restored . But Saruman said that it was better to watch and wait; that the One Ring had long ago rolled from Anduin to the Sea . The majority of the council agreed with Saruman. Elrond later privately told Gandalf he had a foreboding that the Ring would be found, and that the war to end the Age was coming. Indeed, Elrond added, he feared that it would end in darkness and despair. Gandalf encouraged him, saying there were many "strange chances," and that, "help oft shall come from the hands of the weak". Gandalf did not yet realize that Saruman now wanted the Ring for himself and was secretly searching for it along the banks of the River Anduin.

As time went on, the wizard became increasingly troubled by his knowledge of Sauron's resurgent strength. He knew that Sauron was already plotting war from Dol Guldur, and that as soon as he felt strong enough, he would attack Rivendell . Unfortunately, the only power left besides Rivendell to resist an attempt from Mirkwood to regain the lands of Angmar were the isolated Dwarves of the Iron Hills .

Quest of Erebor

Conception of a plan.

Over the years, Gandalf became concerned about the weak state of the North. Smaug the dragon had destroyed both the Kingdom under the Mountain and the town of Dale , and the wizard feared that Sauron might use the desolation around Erebor to regain the northern passes in the mountains and the old lands of Angmar. Gandalf knew that exiled Dwarf King of Durin's Folk , Thorin II , planned to battle against Smaug, but he knew that it would not be enough. In TA 2941 , [5] while staying the night in Bree , Gandalf happened across the Dwarf King. [8] Thorin initiated conversation; he had been having a strange feeling urging him to seek Gandalf. The same was intrigued, for he had thought to seek Thorin as well. They found they were taking the same road for a while (Thorin passing through the Shire on his way to the Ered Luin ), and they agreed to travel together. Thorin wanted advice, and Gandalf in turn wanted to discuss the dragon Smaug with Thorin.

Ultimately, Gandalf concocted a plan wherein Thorin could destroy Smaug and recover his family fortune, albeit with a "burglar" of Gandalf's own choosing.

Leading the company

Come with me

Gandalf invites Bilbo Baggins on an adventure

Feeling that a Hobbit should be involved, Gandalf remembered Bilbo Baggins. At first he found only Holman Cotton as Bilbo had left on the occasion of the Elven new year, something that persuaded Gandalf that Bilbo was the right person for the job. [8] He visited Bilbo later, bringing along the kinsmen of Thorin. [9] In the end, Gandalf convinced the reluctant Baggins to become a burglar for Thorin. Gandalf then accompanied Thorin and Company to Rivendell . During the journey Gandalf was instrumental in saving the travellers' lives from several calamities. He saved them from a trio of Stone-trolls , and later obtained the legendary sword Glamdring from their Troll -hoard; Gandalf bore it thenceforth. [12]

He also helped Thorin and Company through the Misty Mountains ; when unknowingly they camped in the Front Porch of Goblin-town , the Northern Orcs captured the whole company except Gandalf, who surprised them much later, killing the Great Goblin and then leading the Dwarves to the Goblin-gate . [13] It was during this time that Bilbo obtained a " magic ring ". [14] Bilbo initially claimed he "won" it from the creature " Gollum " while the company was under the Misty Mountains. [15] The Ring conferred invisibility on Bilbo when he wore it, and he kept it secret from Gandalf for some time.

On their escape out, the Company was saved by the Eagles of the Misty Mountains; Gandalf once had healed the Lord of the Eagles from an arrow-wound, and thenceforth they became friends. The Eagles picked them up from the Great Shelf , and the next day they dropped them off on the Carrock . [15]

Pressing business

Gandalf, Giancola

Gandalf, by Donato Giancola

Gandalf then sought the hospitality of Beorn , persuading him to welcome and host the whole Company in his hall . But then he left the quest prior to its completion; after leading the Company to the outskirts of the Forest Gate , he gave them some final advice before they entered Mirkwood , and went to attend other obligations. [16] [17] The White Council had met under the gravest of circumstances: Sauron's power was returning, even without his Ring. Gandalf at last convinced the Council to attack Dol Guldur , to which even Saruman agreed (as by now he feared Sauron as a rival, and wished to delay his search for the Ring). Gandalf joined his peers in assailing Dol Guldur, ridding Mirkwood of the Necromancer's presence, who fled to Mordor to his long-prepared stronghold of Barad-dûr . [18] When he was about to finish his task, news about what happened to Thorin's Company in Mirkwood reached him, and realized that the instructions he gave did not help them; they had lost their way, and then vanished due to the encounter with the Wood-elves , who had captured them. He was anxious to get back to them as soon as possible. [19]

The Battle of Five Armies

Meanwhile Thorin's quest was successful: Erebor was retaken and Smaug was killed, [20] but when Gandalf finally arrived to the area, he found the Dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills preparing for an attack by the Lake-men and the Elves of Mirkwood. He was with Bard and Thranduil and thus revealed his presence, trying to reason with Thorin. When the attack was beginning, Gandalf halted them, to warn that the Orcs and Wargs were coming to claim the treasure. He invited Dáin Ironfoot for council, and soon Dwarves, Elves and Men formed an alliance, and defeated the Orcs of the Misty Mountains in the Battle of Five Armies . [21]

King Thorin was mortally wounded and, after his funeral and the reestablishment of Erebor under Dáin, Bilbo and Gandalf followed their way back; they celebrated Yule at Beorn's, and then returned to Rivendell, where he discussed with Elrond the events of Dol Guldur and the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf had accomplished his immediate goal, which was to destroy Smaug, since he could have been used to disastrous effect by Sauron. A large number of Orcs and Wargs also were killed in the North, removing threats to Rivendell and Lothlórien. [8] The two agreed that it would be better if the Necromancer were banished from the world altogether. [22]

As Gandalf and Bilbo passed by the site of their former encounter with the stone-trolls, they made sure to recover the gold of the troll-hoard they had buried before the Wizard left to perform other duties and Bilbo returned to the Shire. [22] Gandalf, for his part, found himself amazed by the Hobbit; until then, the Wise had paid no attention to Hobbits and knew little of them. For the rest of his sojourn in Middle-earth, Gandalf took a special interest in Hobbits, and particularly in the Baggins family.

Return of the Shadow

Gandalf by Matthew Stewart

"A Light in the Dark", by Matthew Stewart

The White Council last reunion by Alan Lee

The White Council's last meeting, as illustrated by Alan Lee

Despite the Council's hopes, Sauron was not weakened by this attack. He had foreseen the move that drove him from Mirkwood, and his retreat was but a feint. Ten years after the attack, Sauron declared himself openly in Mordor in 2951 and rebuilt his fortress of Barad-dûr . The White Council met for one last time in 2953 to debate the fate of the Rings of Power. Saruman quieted his peers claiming to have the knowledge that the One Ring was lost in the Belegaer . After their meeting, Saruman, jealous and afraid of Gandalf, set spies to watch all his movements; this would affect the peaceful Hobbits, as Saruman thus discovered the existence and noted Gandalf's interest in the Shire , and started sending agents to Bree and the Southfarthing . [5]

In 2956 , Gandalf met Aragorn , the hidden Heir of Isildur , and soon became friends with him. From that point on Aragorn and Gandalf often worked together towards a common end - the defeat of Sauron.

Return to the Shire

During this period Gandalf visited the Shire frequently, especially his friend Bilbo Baggins, and his younger nephew, Frodo . He noted Bilbo's unusual youthfulness, despite his advancing age; the suspicious "magic ring " that Bilbo had acquired during his adventure began to weigh on his mind. Gandalf recalled the deceit Bilbo used in originally claiming it for his own—Bilbo had later admitted to stealing it from Gollum. Gandalf could see that Bilbo was now very preoccupied with the Ring and had begun to suspect that the same was indeed a ring of power. Such un-hobbitlike behaviour aroused his suspicions.

Gandalf at the Shire, Sweet

Gandalf entering Hobbiton , by Darrell Sweet

In 3001 , Bilbo planned what would become known as his Farewell Birthday Party , and at the culmination of the hobbit's speech, Bilbo put on the mysterious Ring and disappeared, as a joke on his neighbors. Later as he was bidding farewell to Gandalf, who had known about his plans to leave, Bilbo began to change his mind about leaving his Ring to Frodo, as he had earlier agreed. When Gandalf tried to persuade him to leave it, Bilbo became hostile and accused Gandalf of trying to steal the Ring for his own benefit, which he referred to as his "precious." Horrified by Bilbo's outburst, Gandalf stood to his full height and projected his power, frightening the hobbit. This brought Bilbo back to his senses; he apologized, admitting that the Ring had been troubling him lately, and begrudgingly left it behind. Bilbo and Gandalf bid each other goodbye before Bilbo left the Shire for his journey. [23] Before leaving the Shire, he spoke with Frodo, emphatically warning him not to use the Ring. [24]

Gandalf in the Library at Minas Tirith

Gandalf in the library at Minas Tirith, by Jay Johnstone

Searching for the Ring

Keen now to find out more about Gollum , he sought Aragorn's help to capture him. Studying the records in Minas Tirith , he found the Scroll of Isildur and pieced together the missing history of the One Ring. In TA 3017 on his way back to the Shire he got word from the Galadhrim that Aragorn had finally captured Gollum and he went to Mirkwood to meet him. For days he interrogated him in order to verify what he already suspected. A great fear came over him when he learned that Gollum had been to the Tower of Barad-dûr. Sauron had tortured Gollum and learned not only of the "magic ring", but also the names "Shire" and "Baggins". Gandalf left Mirkwood soon after, and left Gollum with the Wood-elves of Northern Mirkwood. [5] He now returned in haste to the Shire, certain that Frodo's ring was not simply a ring of power: it was the One Ruling Ring of Sauron.

War of the Ring

Upon returning to the Shire, Gandalf immediately went to Frodo and confirmed his suspicions by throwing the Ring into Frodo's hearth fire, which revealed, in Black Speech , the inscription upon the Ring. Gandalf then told a dumbfounded Frodo about the One Ring and its history, and how Sauron would seek to regain it. Instructing Frodo to go to Rivendell with the Ring, Gandalf told him to make arrangements to leave the Shire quietly.

Gandalf and Frodo in Bag End, Giancola

Gandalf telling Frodo of the Ring , by Donato Giancola

While in the Shire, he had a sense of foreboding; in the aftermath of Sauron's assault on Osgiliath , Gandalf heard disturbing news about war in Gondor and a Black Shadow. He started wandering around Eriador , hearing news from the refugees who had a fear they could not speak about, until he met Radagast the Brown who brought a message from Saruman that he must seek him at once; and a warning that the Ringwraiths were looking for the Shire. [25] He went to The Prancing Pony at Bree. Believing that he would not be able to return to Frodo in time, he wrote a letter, urging him to move as soon as possible for Rivendell, and seek a "Strider" whose real name was Aragorn, along with a riddle to identify him; Gandalf would then try to catch up with them when available. He also instructed Barliman Butterbur to send the letter to Hobbiton and to expect a Mr. Baggins that would come under the name of "Mr. Underhill". He left the inn, but Barliman would forget to send the letter. [26]

Saruman's betrayal

GandalfRescued Hickman

Gwaihir bearing Gandalf away from Orthanc, by Stephen Hickman

Soon thereafter Gandalf arrived at Isengard . At their meeting, Saruman finally exposed his own betrayal by revealing his desire for the One Ring. He offered to his "old friend and helper" that they take the Ring for themselves and seize power from Sauron . Gandalf rejected this with horror, and was imprisoned by Saruman on the pinnacle of Orthanc . Gwaihir the Windlord, soon arrived and helped Gandalf escape. Gwaihir's real purpose for visiting Orthanc was to report a sighting of the Nazgûl, as Radagast had appealed to him to do so earlier on. Gandalf knew he must return quickly to the Shire, as Frodo (and the Ring) were in grave danger from both Sauron's Nazgûl and now Saruman's treacherous desire for the Ring.

Journey to Rivendell

Gandalf hurriedly went to Rohan , desiring to find a strong steed; there he obtained Shadowfax from King Théoden , who later resented the gift. This mighty horse and Gandalf forged a special bond, and Gandalf made quick use of Shadowfax's incredible strength and endurance.

Gandalf sped to the Shire. Fortunately, Frodo had already left the Shire without waiting for Gandalf, and was seeking the refuge of Rivendell. Upon arrival, Gandalf learned that the Nazgûl , arrayed as Black Riders, had been searching the area. Dismayed, he set out for Bree; Barliman apologised to Gandalf for forgetting to send the letter, worried that the hobbits had left with Strider, the suspicious Ranger . But for Gandalf, this was a hope which far exceeded his expectations. After congratulating a puzzled Barliman, and blessing his beer, Gandalf then made for Weathertop , a high point in the region, to observe the surrounding area.

Ted Nasmith - Fire on Weathertop

Gandalf fighting the Nazgûl, as illustrated by Ted Nasmith

There he was assaulted at night by the Nazgûl, but drove them off after a great battle of light and flame. These phenomena were seen by Aragorn and the hobbits from afar, without knowing it was Gandalf. Before leaving, he marked some stones with the cirth G for them to find, then fled east, drawing four of the Ringwraiths after him.

Several days later, Frodo, Aragorn, and company stayed at Weathertop and were confronted by the remaining five Nazgûl. Despite their escape, Frodo was stabbed in the process by the Lord of the Nazgûl with a Morgul-knife . [27] Gandalf was able to evade the four Nazgûl and successfully reach Rivendell and was welcomed by Glorfindel . However, several days later, an injured Frodo arrived at the Ford of Bruinen , though the Nazgûl pursued him all the way there. Gandalf, along with Elrond , saved Frodo from the Nazgûl by enchanting the water and sweeping them away. [28]

Forming of the Fellowship

Elrond called a council after Frodo was healed to consider the momentous decision regarding the Ring. There Gandalf explained to the others how Saruman had imprisoned him and how the White Wizard was creating his own army of Orcs to rival Sauron's. [25] By chance, representatives of most of the free peoples happened to be in Rivendell already for various reasons. Elrond and Gandalf advised that the Ring should be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom , where it was made. Others dissented or objected, but eventually submitted to Gandalf's plan. Ultimately, Elrond appointed the Fellowship of the Ring as nine walkers, numerically set against Sauron's nine Nazgûl. The relatively small number reflected the realisation by Elrond and the other council members that the Quest of Mount Doom would not rely upon strength of arms, but on stealth and good fortune. Gandalf was chosen to lead the company, which included Aragorn, Boromir of Gondor, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and the hobbits Frodo, Samwise Gamgee , Peregrin Took , and Meriadoc Brandybuck .

Gandalf leading the Fellowship

Gandalf leading the Fellowship through Eregion

Several obstacles stood in the company's way. Gandalf was determined not to lead the company near Isengard, so the vast Misty Mountains had to be crossed. Gandalf decided to take a southern route to the Redhorn Pass and cross the mountains that way, traversing the mountain range and avoiding Isengard. When this attempt failed due to a terrible storm, he then decided to take the Fellowship through the ruins of Moria , where the remains of the great Dwarf city of Khazad-dûm was now a labyrinth of abandoned tunnels under the mountains. Others in the company were loathe enter the maze, as it was now the lair of Orcs and something known only as " Durin's Bane ".

Gandalf the grey ii by giovabellofatto

Gandalf the Grey, by Giovani Bellofatto

Fall in Moria

At the Doors of Durin on the west side of the mountains, Gandalf, after some delay, spoke the password and led the company into the dark. Having been in Moria on an earlier perilous errand, he was somewhat familiar with the underground passages. Eventually the party came to the Chamber of Mazarbul , where Gandalf read the Book of Records , which revealed the fate of Balin , the leader of an ill-fated attempt to re-colonise Moria. Soon after, the party was attacked by Orcs, and forced to flee the chamber. By then Gandalf was well aware of their location, and he led the party quickly towards the eastern exit.

You cannot pass," he said. The Orcs stood still, and a dead silence fell. "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn . Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass. — The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book II, Chapter 5: "The Bridge of Khazad-dûm"

Gandalf confronts balrog

Gandalf and the Balrog

Unfortunately Durin's Bane caught up to the group at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm . Gandalf and Legolas immediately realised what it was: a Balrog of Morgoth , a servant of the first Dark Lord . In a spectacular display of bravery, Gandalf faced the demon and broke the bridge both stood upon, leaving the beast to fall into a seemingly bottomless chasm. But the Balrog's whip lashed out, and grasped Gandalf by the knees, causing him to fall into the pit. While falling, Gandalf shouted "Fly, you fools" and vanished into the abyss. [29]

Gandalf and Balrog, R V

Gandalf dueling on Zirakzigil, by Raoul Vitale

Yet Gandalf did not die; he and the Balrog fell for a long time, and the wizard was burned by the Balrog's fire. Then they plunged into a deep lake in the depths of the mountain, which Gandalf later said was cold as the tide of death and almost froze his heart. They fought in the water until finally the Balrog fled into dark tunnels, where the world was gnawed by nameless things, older even than Sauron. Gandalf pursued the creature until it led him to the spiralling Endless Stair , and they climbed it until they reached Durin's Tower in the living rock of Zirakzigil , the pinnacle of the Silvertine above the clouds. There they fought , until at last Gandalf threw down his enemy, and the Balrog broke the mountain-side as it fell. Then darkness took Gandalf, and he passed away. His body lay on the peak. The entire battle, from the confrontation on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm to the mutual demise of the Balrog and Gandalf, had taken ten days.


Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell... Naked I was sent back – for a brief time, until my task is done. And naked I lay upon the mountain-top. … There I lay staring upward, while the stars wheeled over, and each day was as long as a life-age of the earth. — The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers , Book Three, Chapter V: "The White Rider"

Gandalf on Shad, Damiani

Gandalf riding Shadowfax, by Ralph Damiani

But Gandalf's spirit did not depart Middle-earth forever at this time. As the only one of the five Istari to stay true to his errand, Olórin/Gandalf was sent back to mortal lands by Eru , and he became Gandalf once again. Yet, as he was now the sole emissary of the Valar to Middle-earth, he was granted the power to "reveal" more of his inner Maiar strength. This naked power that lay within him was seldom used during the remainder of his time in Middle-earth, as his mission was essentially the same: to support and succor those who opposed Sauron. Nevertheless, when Gandalf's wrath was kindled his "unveiled" strength was such that few of Sauron's servants could withstand him.

Three days later he was found by the windlord Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles, who had been sent by Galadriel to find him. Gandalf was carried to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien , where he was healed, given a new staff, and clothed in white, and thus became Gandalf the White. He soon learned that Frodo and Sam had left the Fellowship and were attempting the quest of Mount Doom without the others, and was greatly gladdened to hear that Sam had accompanied Frodo.

War in Rohan

Gandalf Rohan

Gandalf confronting Théoden, controlled by Saruman

As Frodo was beyond his assistance now, Gandalf promptly went south to Fangorn Forest , where he met the Three Hunters, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, and gave them messages from Galadriel . Then he called forth Shadowfax, and rode with them to Edoras . There he found that Saruman's spy Gríma Wormtongue had deceived King Théoden into hopeless impotence. Gandalf quickly deposed Wormtongue and encouraged Théoden to ride west to war against Saruman. Gandalf by now was keenly aware that the great war to end the age was beginning; if Saruman conquered Rohan then Gondor would be alone with enemies on all sides. [30] [31]

Keep well the Lord of the Mark, till I return. Await me at Helm's Gate. Farewell! —Gandalf to Aragorn and Éomer and the men of the king's household

Gandalf the White returns

Gandalf the White returns, at Helm's Deep

At Gandalf's encouragement, King Théoden went west to the Hornburg where he was quickly besieged; Gandalf then searched for Erkenbrand and the scattered forces of the Westfold , which he later found and led to the Deep, thus breaking the siege. Meanwhile, the Ents (along with, and persuaded by, the Hobbits Merry and Pippin) moved against Saruman and sent Huorns against the Orcs, resulting in the utter ruin of the outer walls of Isengard and the complete annihilation of Saruman's Orcs. After the battle, Gandalf went to Orthanc with Théoden, Aragorn, and a small group. There Saruman rejected Gandalf's offer of forgiveness with contempt. Gandalf then broke Saruman's staff and cast him from the Istari Order and the White Council. Gandalf imposed a strict watch on Isengard by the Ents and then advised King Théoden to ride to Gondor's defense as soon as possible. The wizard's mind had already turned to Gondor and the coming climactic battle in the east. [32]

Siege of Gondor

Gandalf save the Gondor Army

Gandalf saves the Osgiliath force

As a 'reward' for Pippin, who had foolishly gazed into a palantír , Gandalf took the Hobbit with him to Minas Tirith , the last bastion of the west. Soon after arriving, Gandalf confronted Denethor II , the Ruling Steward , and learned that he was near despair over the death of his eldest son, Boromir. Pippin entered the Steward's service in payment of the debt that he and Merry owed, the death of Boromir. Ostensibly they were allies, but the Steward treated Gandalf with scorn and suspicion. When Faramir , the Steward's younger son, returned from Osgiliath and was attacked by Nazgûl, Gandalf upon Shadowfax drove them away by revealing the power within him; later Faramir told him that Frodo and Sam were still alive and headed towards Mordor .

Minas Tirith was soon besieged by a vast force from Mordor, led by the Witch-king of Angmar . Faramir having received a wound from a poisoned dart in the retreat from Osgiliath, lay near death inside the Tower. Still, Gandalf encouraged the men of Minas Tirith to have hope, and dispelled the fear of the Ringwraiths by his very presence. But Sauron's catapults hurled flaming bolts upon the city; soon the first circle of the city burned unchecked. Denethor now lost all heart as the city burned and his only remaining son hovered near death; he abandoned his leadership of the city. Gandalf then took it upon himself to direct the defense in cooperation with Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth . When the gigantic ram Grond destroyed Minas Tirith 's Great Gate , Gandalf placed himself alone at the ruined gateway. The Witch-king then appeared in the midst of the blasted gate upon a black horse and threatened Gandalf with death; but Gandalf did not move — seated upon Shadowfax he defied the mightiest of Sauron's minions. However, the stand-off ended inconclusively, as the morning arrived along with the host of the Rohirrim . Hearing the horns of the Riders of Rohan, the Witch-king departed.

But Gandalf did not pursue his foe, for Pippin brought him news that Denethor was about to commit suicide in the Houses of the Dead , burning himself and his son Faramir on a pyre like the heathen Kings of old. Gandalf rushed to stop this madness and was able to save Faramir, but not Denethor, whose despair and grief had overcome his mind. Gandalf also learned how it was that Denethor's will had been broken: Denethor clutched a palantír in his hands as he burned. Clearly Denethor had been using the stone's special properties for some time — extending his vision far beyond those of men's eyes, but also wrestling in thought with Sauron. And even though Sauron could not completely overwhelm Denethor's mind, his courage was daunted by knowledge of the vast might of Mordor. Thus the shadow entered into the capital of Gondor.

Nevertheless, and against all hope, the siege was broken. Éowyn of Rohan and the hobbit Merry defeated the Witch-king, whose last wail was heard by many as he was reduced to impotence. Soon after, Aragorn arrived with a large valour of Men from the southern fiefs upon a captured Corsair fleet from Umbar . The forces of the men of the west then utterly defeated Sauron's attack against Minas Tirith, relieving the city and killing virtually all of the invaders. Gandalf's carefully laid plans and words of wisdom, along with acts of heroism not seen since the elder days, had defeated Sauron's first move.

Fall of Sauron

In Minas Tirith, Gandalf was selected by Aragorn, Imrahil, and Éomer (the Captains of the West ) to be their leader in the coming final battles. This would be the culmination of Gandalf's efforts in Middle-earth. Fully aware that the west would stand or fall on the outcome of Frodo 's mission, he advised the lords to launch an attack against the Morannon , thereby drawing Sauron's eye away from Frodo's likely location. This plan surely would result in a catastrophic loss for the outnumbered army, but it gave Frodo a chance to achieve the quest of Mount Doom .

Gandalf; The White

Gandalf in the final battle at the Black Gate of Mordor

Led by Gandalf and Aragorn, the Army of the West crossed the Anduin and marched north, pausing occasionally to announce their coming and to dispatch small numbers of men to lesser tasks. Upon arriving at the Black Gate, the forces halted and prepared for battle. As they ordered their companies, the foul Mouth of Sauron rode forth to parley with them; he revealed Frodo's Mithril Coat and Sam 's Barrow-blade and implied that their owner was captured and tortured. The emissary of Sauron then proposed that the forces of the west surrender; Gandalf however was undaunted, and, seizing his friend's belongings, rejected Sauron's offer. In shock, the Mouth of Sauron turned back towards the Black Gate, which slowly opened to reveal a vast army of Orcs and Trolls advancing on the lords of the west. Sauron's trap was sprung.

Yet Sauron himself became the victim of Gandalf's trap. Unbeknownst to all, Frodo and Sam had succeeded in scaling Mount Doom and even as the Battle of the Black Gate began Frodo stood at the Cracks of Doom . But the power and lure of the Ring finally overcame his will and he placed the Ring upon his finger, claiming it as his own. Immediately the Nazgûl were summoned by their lord, as he in terror realized his blunder: his enemies intended to destroy his Ring.


Gandalf with Gwaihir rescues Frodo and Sam

But Gandalf's foresight proved accurate again as the creature Gollum, who had been doggedly following the Ring-bearer, seized the Ring from Frodo, and, while celebrating his reunion with "his precious," unwittingly fell into the fires of Orodruin. The Ring was unmade as the fiery mountain erupted. The tower of Barad-dûr , the Black Gate and the Towers of the Teeth began to collapse, their foundations crumbling, the Ring-wraiths burned out like shooting stars, and Sauron was reduced to a mere shadow of malice, never to torment the world again. With Sauron gone, his forces scattered like frightened insects; the Men of the West now set upon them with fury. Gandalf announced the success of the Ring-bearer and the end of Sauron; the quest had been fulfilled. Seeing that victory was achieved, Gandalf then mounted on Gwaihir the Eagle for a third time, and set out to see if Frodo and Samwise had survived the tumults of Mount Doom. To his great relief, the two were found on the slopes of Orodruin, clinging to life amid the volcanic eruptions. The great quest was over.

Final deeds

In Minas Tirith, Gandalf and the remaining members of the Fellowship reunited. At the coronation of King Elessar , Gandalf (at Aragorn’s request) set the crown upon the King’s head, and declared "Now come the days of the King, and may they be blessed while the thrones of the Valar endure!". Thus Gandalf ushered in the new age of Men. Not long after Gandalf led Aragorn to a high hallow on the upper slopes of Mindolluin and there they found a sapling of the White Tree of Gondor , a sign of the renewal that was to come.

After the coronation and wedding of Aragorn to Arwen , Gandalf left with the rest of the remaining Fellowship on the journey home. For Gandalf, it was his last long journey in Middle-earth. His errand had been fulfilled; Sauron had been defeated. He said farewell to his friends one by one until at last only the four Hobbits remained at his side. At the borders of the Shire he, too, turned away. He left the Hobbits to settle with the Shire, for the shattered pieces of evil still remaining in the world were no longer his concern, and went to talk to "moss gatherer" Tom Bombadil .

Into the west

Departing from Middle-earth

What Gandalf did during the next two years is unknown; it is possible that his "long talk" with Bombadil was just that. At any rate, on September 29 3021 , he met Frodo at the Grey Havens ready to take a White Ship over the sea to Aman . He wore Narya openly on his finger, and Shadowfax was beside him (perhaps even to take ship with him). His mission was over, and his homecoming after more than 2000 years was nigh. He bade farewell to Samwise, Merry, and Pippin (the latter two of whom he had forewarned of the passage), then boarded the ship beside Frodo, Bilbo, Elrond, and was never seen again in Middle-earth. [33]

The ship passed west upon the sea, and then took the hidden straight path to Valinor : Gandalf became Olórin once more. There, presumably, he dwells still in the gardens of Irmo . Olórin, the wisest of the Maiar and the sole Istar to remain true to his mission, had successfully kindled the hearts of the free people in Middle-earth to overcome the evil of their time. In a large way, it was his victory.

The name Gandalf means "Elf of the wand" or "Wand-elf", from the Northern language of Dale .

Within Tolkien's legendarium , "Gandalf" is a mysterious name of the meaning "Wand-Elf" (alternatively cane/staff) in old northern Mannish. Most denizens of Middle-earth incorrectly assumed Gandalf was a Man (human), although he was really a Maia spirit (equivalent to an angel).

The name Gandalf is originally from the "Dvergatal", a list of Dwarf-names found in the Völuspá poem of Norse Mythology , from which the names of Thorin and his fellow Dwarves were also drawn. [34]

Other names

  • Olórin , his name in Valinor and in very ancient times. It comes from the Quenya olor or olos ("dream"). [35] The name could also be spelled as Olorion . [36]
  • Mithrandir , his Sindarin name, used in Gondor and by the Elves. It means "Grey Pilgrim", from the Sindarin mith ("grey") and ran ("wander") or rhandir ("pilgrim"). [35] [37]
  • Tharkûn , given by the Dwarves , which means "Staff man". [36]
  • Incánus , a name of unclear language and meaning. He must have acquired the name from one of his many travels in the south, near Harad . [36] Tolkien several times changed his mind about it, varying between the Latin word incanus (meaning Grey and a possible Westron invention meaning "Greymantle"), a word Ind-cano (meaning Cruel Ruler), or even a form of Southron meaning "Spy of the North".
  • Old Greybeard , by the Mouth of Sauron when they meet at the Morannon .
  • The White Rider (when mounted on the great horse Shadowfax )
  • Stormcrow (a reference to his arrival being associated with times of trouble), often used by his detractors to mean he is a troublesome meddler in the affairs of others.
  • Láthspell , by Gríma Wormtongue [31]
  • Gandalf Greyhame
  • The Grey Pilgrim , a reference to his solemn duties and many difficult travels.
  • Gandalf the Grey , and later Gandalf the White after he was reborn as the successor to Saruman .
  • Gandalf the Wandering Wizard

Two names that were later discarded were Shorab (or Shorob ) that was a name of unclear language and meaning used in the East, while in the south he was known as Forlond (or Forlong ). [36]

Character development

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. — The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , "The Shadow of the Past"

Mythical roots

Gandalf smoking Roger Garland

Gandalf smoking, by Roger Garland

The Old Norse name " Gandalfr " appears in the list of Dwarves in the Völuspá of the Elder Edda; the name means "cane-elf," or "wand-elf." J.R.R. Tolkien took the name along with the Dwarves ' names when he wrote The Hobbit in the 1930s. He came to regret the creation of this "rabble of eddaic-named Dwarves, [...] invented in an idle hour" ( The Return of the Shadow , pg. 452), since it forced him to come up with an explanation of why Old Norse names should be used in Third Age of Middle-earth . He solved the dilemma in 1942 by the explanation that Old Norse was a translation of the Northern language of Dale . The figure of Gandalf has other influences from Germanic mythology, particularly Odin in his incarnation as "the Wanderer", an old man with one eye, a long white beard, a wide brimmed hat, and a staff. Tolkien states that he thinks of Gandalf as an "Odinic wanderer" in a letter of 1946. [38]

Gandalf is also similar to Väinämöinen , a Bard in Finnish mythology.

Gandalf's equivalence to Merlin the Magician , of English Mythology, is discussed in episode two of the 2014 documentary Looking for the Hobbit ,featuring French Arthurian expert Nicholas Mezzalira and Medieval specialist Leo Carruthers .

Der Berggeist

Tolkien had a postcard labelled Der Berggeist ("the mountain spirit"), and on the paper cover in which he kept it, he wrote "origin of Gandalf" at some point. The postcard reproduces a painting of a bearded figure, sitting on a rock under a pine tree in a mountainous setting. He wears a wide-brimmed round hat, and a long cloak and a white fawn is nuzzling his upturned hands.

Humphrey Carpenter in his Biography said that Tolkien had bought the postcard during his 1911 holiday in Switzerland . However, Manfred Zimmerman (1983) discovered that the painting was by German artist Josef Madlener and dates to the late 1920s. Carpenter concluded that Tolkien was probably mistaken about the origin of the postcard. Tolkien must have acquired the card at some time in the early 1930s, at a time when The Hobbit had already begun to take shape. [39]

The original painting was auctioned at Sotheby's in London on July 12, 2005 for 84,000. The previous owner had been given the painting by Madlener in the 1940s and recalled that he had stated the mountains in the painting's background were the Dolomites.


Gandalf is often described in The Lord of the Rings as quick to anger, and equally quick to laugh. [40] His deep wisdom and compassion clearly derived from the patience he learned in Valinor, just as his care for all creatures of good will must have come from his strong sense of compassion for the weak. Both his patience and sense of kindness were revealed again and again, extending even to the servants of his enemies.

Keen observers of Gandalf often detected a veiled power, usually revealed in his eyes, which appeared deep and wise. He was alternately affectionate and brusque; he often surprised others with his bluntness when time was of the essence. Gandalf consistently upbraided foolish behaviour, but also richly rewarded those who acted with good intentions.

Hobbits appealed to him more than to the other Wizards, and he went often to the Shire for respite from errands. His attachment was likely because the Shire was of more bliss and peaceful than other inhabited realms of Middle-earth.

Gandalf the Grey profile

Gandalf's appearance in The Hobbit film trilogy

Gandalf is described as an old man with a pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and a silver scarf. He had a long white beard and bushy eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of the hat.

After he is resurrected, the change of his signature colour from grey to white is significant, for he was sent back to replace the corrupted head of the Order of Wizards and leader of the White Council Saruman as the Chief of the Order of Wizards. In the book, he says that he has himself become what Saruman should have been.

Círdan the Shipwright seemed to have foreseen this, for he entrusted the care of Narya , the Ring of Fire (one of the Three Rings of the Elves) to Gandalf rather than Saruman.

Powers & abilities

Gandalf was one of the wisest and most knowledgeable beings in Middle-earth, believed by Galadriel to be more worthy than Saruman in leading the White Council, though he was less mighty in magic , until his resurrection. He had extensive knowledge of many languages and writing systems used in Middle-earth, as well as in the history and customs of several of its peoples. He considered himself the greatest scholar of Hobbit traditions. His long journeys allowed him to meet many influential and powerful individuals and form lasting bonds with them. The Hobbits knew him as a masterful crafter of firecrackers.

Outside of the Shire, however, Gandalf the Grey was revered as one of the most powerful and wisest beings to tread Middle-earth, although he was wary of confronting Saruman and Sauron directly as Gandalf the Grey, and admitted the latter was still more powerful after his rebirth. He was considered the most powerful member of the Fellowship of the Ring, as well as, according to Aragorn, its leader, not in small part thanks to his encyclopedic knowledge. His great intelligence allowed him to accurately guess the thoughts of others and made him perhaps the preeminent architect of Sauron's defeat. Moreover, Gandalf was skilled at telling men things that were true from a certain point of view, such as when he scammed Háma into allowing him to bring his staff before the king.

Armed with an Elven blade, Gandalf was as valiant a fighter as the other swordsmen in the Fellowship, in no way hindered by his elderly appearance when fighting or riding. Gandalf reaped Orcs and other servants of evil with his blade, and slew the Balrog in a duel, though he perished as well. He is rendered even more formidable by his magic. Gandalf killed a squad of Goblins with lightning during the quest to slay Smaug , then hurled lightning and fire at the Nazgûl when he was attacked on Weathertop—something noticed for miles around and that seared the battlefield. Gandalf described himself as "a servant of the Secret Fire , wielder of the flame of Anor ". Coincidentally, many of his spells were based on light and fire. He was able to light a faggot of wet wood simply with a touch of his staff, which he considered distinctive enough that any onlooker would recognize his handiwork. Gandalf purged the room of the Great Goblin with blue glowing smoke which scattered piercing white sparks to kill the Orcs. He could cause the tip of his staff to glow with bright white light so as to see in the dark and increase the radiance at will, as demonstrated in Moria. Gandalf could conjure sparks, such as to light pinecones on fire, and could choose any color for his flames. When fighting a pack of wolves, he set fire to all treetops on a hill with a single blazing branch, and the air became so hot that an arrow burned mid-flight. At the cost of shattering his staff, he was able to conjure a sea of white flames that caused the bridge under the feet of Durin's Bane to crumble.

Gandalf the Grey has command over a great array of spells for all situations, such as magically healing wounds (though he stated Elrond was a better healer), being able to enhance Elrond's flood spell by giving the water the appearance of galloping knights, and seal doors shut or open them, although it should be noted that he was unable to open the Doors of Durin prior to remembering the password. During the Battle of Five Armies , Gandalf amplified his voice to be heard by the armies of Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Gandalf could control the color and shape of smoke, such as to make a cloud of smoke float around himself. Moreover, Gandalf could manipulate the taste of beer, and he stated that Durin's Bane nearly overpowered him with its counterspell, forcing him to rely on a word of Command that resulted in a blast which caused the ceiling of the room beyond the door to collapse. Gandalf also could make illusions such as when he covered Bilbo's use of the One Ring at his party. Gandalf once had a comprehensive knowledge of Orc, Elf, and Manish magic, at least for the defending and locking of places, and while he had forgotten many of these spells by the time of the Great War of the Ring , he still had a firm grasp of many.

Gandalf the White displayed these same powers, but more advanced and with a few more spells. When he first met Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas in his new form, he shocked and quickly overpowered them with his agility and magic: he effortlessly disarmed the former two, one by causing his sword to burst into flames, the other by pulling the axe from his hands with a wave of his staff, and burnt the Elf's arrow into nothing when the latter loosed it. Shortly afterwards, he said that he had recently battled the Eye of Sauron to prevent him from locating Frodo, and although successful, the confrontation left him spent. Gandalf's mere presence was frightening to those who were about him if the White Wizard willed it and his voice could stun weaker beings or cause them to hesitate. Gandalf the White could force others to obey his orders, as he demonstrated against Gimli and Saruman. He also displayed the ability to communicate with horses and was able to reach Shadowfax with his mind. Gandalf's control over lighting and shadows increased after his return, as he was able to strike down Gríma Wormtongue without really harming the man, just after controlling the darkness in a whole room to remove the light as a show of power. He later displayed the ability to focus raw light (called the "white fire") into beams and blasts to drive off the Ringwraiths and these attacks were so powerful that only the Witch-king dared to duel Gandalf, using this spell caused Gandalf's eyes to glow. Gandalf also telekinetically disarmed Denethor and was able to increase his physical strength, without needing to speak spells. Finally, he also shattered Saruman’s staff, and thus stripped the rogue wizard of his divine/magical power, save the power of Saruman's voice.

For all his power as Gandalf the White, he admitted that Sauron was far stronger and would win if they ever dueled and was unsure if he could defeat the Witch-king, once the latter had been empowered for the assault on Gondor.

As his unrestricted form, Olórin, he likely had all his previous powers massively boosted, and the abilities to shapeshift and to travel at unfathomable speeds, among others. However, even this form seems to have restrictions, as the Ainur were said to have their power restricted upon descending to Earth.

Gandalf primarily used his staff, but also carried a sword in combat. Sometimes during combat, Gandalf would be seen wielding both weapons against his enemies.

Gandalf utilized his staff for various spells and abilities. He used it not just as a weapon, but a walking stick. He initially had an old wooden staff which he lost in the Mines of Moria while fighting the Balrog . He used a new one upon becoming Gandalf the White.

This was an Elven sword Gandalf found in a troll cave . From that point until the resolution of the War of the Ring, he used this as a weapon to complement his staff, wielding them with equal skill. In many cases, he fought with both weapons at once.

In adaptations

The hobbit and the lord of the rings film trilogies.

Sir Ian McKellen portrayed Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy directed by Peter Jackson .

I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected the way of pain! —Saruman to Gandalf

Sean Connery was originally considered for the role of Gandalf, but turned it down because he didn't want to spend so long in New Zealand , where the film was shot; Tom Baker of Doctor Who fame, Patrick Stewart , Christopher Plummer , and David Bowie were also considered or approached. [41] McKellen's interpretation of the role was widely praised. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , making him the only individual cast member to be nominated for his performance. Christopher Lee , a lifelong fan of Tolkien's works, had hoped to be cast as Gandalf, but due to his advancing age instead opted for the role of Saruman, as Gandalf would require horse riding and more swordsmanship.

Gandalf's staff in The Fellowship of the Ring film was sculpted by Brigitte Wuest , after a drawing by Alan Lee . [42]

Rankin-Bass's Gandalf

Gandalf the Grey (1977)

Ian McKellen reprised his role of Gandalf the Grey for The Hobbit film trilogy , noting in early interviews that he preferred portraying Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White, as Gandalf the Grey required a more nuanced performance. He maintains, however, that he enjoyed playing both Gandalf's, but felt Gandalf the Grey was easier and calmer to portray.

Voice dubbing actors

Rankin/bass films.

John Huston provided the voice of Gandalf in two animated television features by Rankin/Bass ( The Hobbit and The Return of the King ).

Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings


Gandalf the Grey (1978)

In the 1978 animated film of The Lord of the Rings by Ralph Bakshi , Gandalf was voiced by William Squire with John A. Neris doing the modeling. (It is not known whether Squire played him in the live-action recordings used for rotoscoping .)

  • Norman Shelley voiced the character in the 1955 BBC Radio adaptation of The Lord of the Rings .
  • Heron Carvic voiced the character in the 1968 BBC Radio radio adaptation of The Hobbit .

Rankin-Bass's Gandalf (White)

Gandalf the White (1980)

  • Bernhard Minetti voiced the character in the 1980 German radio serial adaptation of The Hobbit . [43]
  • Sir Michael Hordern played him in the (1981) BBC Radio radio serial of the The Lord of the Rings .
  • Karol Machata voiced the character in the 1989 Slovak two-episode radio miniseries adaptation of The Hobbit . [44]
  • Manfred Steffen voiced the character in the 1991-1992 German radio serial adaptation of The Lord of the Rings . [45]
  • Martin Huba voiced the character in the 2001-2003 three-season Slovak radio serial adaptation of The Lord of the Rings . [46]

Video games

  • Gandalf is one of only three characters to appear in all six films of both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogies, the other two being Galadriel and Sauron .
  • Wells the Grey is a homage to Gandalf from the TV show The Flash .
  • Gandalf is considered by many to be the archetypal wizard or at least “wise old man” wizard in fantasy.
  • Gandalf is considered by many to be one of the characters that Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, created to embody Jesus Christ . Though Tolkien's work has no single concrete figure to represent Christ, Gandalf's good nature, his role as a guide, his self-sacrifice, and his death/resurrection make him one of the three protagonists identified as Christ-like (alongside Frodo and Aragorn). [47] [48]


  • The Hobbit - First appearance as "the Grey"
  • The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Two Towers - First appearance as "the White"
  • The Return of the King
  • Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
  • The History of Middle-earth
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
  • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
  • The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
  • The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest
  • The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
  • LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game
  • Guardians of Middle-earth
  • LEGO The Hobbit: The Video Game
  • LEGO Dimensions


  • ↑ The Silmarillion , " Ainulindalë : The Music of the Ainur"
  • ↑ The Silmarillion , " Valaquenta : Account of the Valar and Maiar According to the Lore of the Eldar"
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Silmarillion , " Valaquenta : Of the Maiar"
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Silmarillion , " The Istari "
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 The Lord of the Rings , Appendix B : The Tale of Years (Chronology of the Westlands), "The Third Age"
  • ↑ Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth , " The History of Galadriel and Celeborn "
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 The Silmarillion , " Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age "
  • ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth , " The Quest of Erebor "
  • ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Hobbit , Ch. I: " An Unexpected Party "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , Vol. I: The Fellowship of the Ring , Book Two, Ch. 9: " A Journey in the Dark "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , Appendix A , "Durin's Folk"
  • ↑ The Hobbit , Ch. II: " Roast Mutton "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , Ch. IV: " Over Hill and Under Hill "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , Ch. V: " Riddles in the Dark "
  • ↑ 15.0 15.1 The Hobbit , Ch. VI: " Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , " Queer Lodgings "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , Ch. VIII: " Flies and Spiders "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , Appendix B , "The Third Age"
  • ↑ The Hobbit , Ch. 10: " A Warm Welcome "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , " Fire and Water "
  • ↑ The Hobbit , " The Clouds Burst "
  • ↑ 22.0 22.1 The Hobbit , Chapter XIX: " The Last Stage "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book One, Chapter II: " The Shadow of the Past "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book One, Chapter I: " A Long-expected Party "
  • ↑ 25.0 25.1 The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book Two, Chapter II: " The Council of Elrond "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book One, Chapter X: " Strider "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book One, Chapter XI: " A Knife in the Dark "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book One, Chapter XII: " Flight to the Ford "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , Book Two, Chapter V: " The Bridge of Khazad-dûm "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Two Towers , Book Three, Chapter V: " The White Rider "
  • ↑ 31.0 31.1 The Lord of the Rings , The Two Towers , Book Three, Chapter VI: " The King of the Golden Hall "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Two Towers , Book Three, Chapter VII: " Helm's Deep "
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Return of the King , Book Six, Chapter IX: " The Grey Havens "
  • ↑ Tom Shippey , J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century , " The Hobbit : Re-inventing Middle-earth", pgs. 15-16
  • ↑ 35.0 35.1 The History of Middle-earth , Vol. V: The Lost Road and Other Writings , Part Three: " The Etymologies "
  • ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 The History of Middle-earth , Vol. VIII: The War of the Ring , Part Two: The Ring Goes East, V: "Faramir"
  • ↑ Parma Eldalamberon , Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • ↑ The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien , Letter 107
  • ↑ Manfred Zimmerman, The Origin of Gandalf and Josef Madlener, Mythlore 34 (1983)
  • ↑ The Lord of the Rings , The Fellowship of the Ring , " Lothlórien "
  • ↑
  • ↑ Gary Russell , The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring , pg. 41
  • ↑ Der Hobbit (hörspiel). (German: " The Hobbit (radio play)". (German-language wiki of Tolkien's Legendarium). Retrieved/cited 30 May 2021.
  • ↑ Hobit . (Slovak: " The Hobbit ") Slovak 1989 radio play. Tolkien (English-language wiki of Tolkien's Legendarium). Retrieved/cited 30 May 2021.
  • ↑ Der Herr der Ringe (hörspiel). (German: " The Lord of the Rings (radio play)". (German-language wiki of Tolkien's Legendarium). Retrieved/cited 30 May 2021.
  • ↑ Pán prsteňov . (Slovak: " The Lord of the Rings ") Slovak 2001-2003 radio play. Tolkien (English-language wiki of Tolkien's Legendarium). Retrieved/cited 30 May 2021.
  • ↑ Kerry, Paul E. (2010). The Ring and the Cross: Christianity and the Lord of the Rings . Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 32–34. ISBN 978-1-61147-065-9 .  
  • ↑ Schultz, Forrest W. (1 December 2002). Christian Typologies in The Lord of the Rings . Chalcedon.
  • Lord of the Rings
  • 3 Aragorn II


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  2. Gandalf b2b Saruman

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  4. Gandalf and Saruman strolling through Isengard Gardens at Harcourt Park, NZ #lotr #gandalf #saruman

  5. Gandalf's Beat Machine Level 2


  1. Gandalf Travel

    Biuro podrózy Łódź oferuje tanie wczasy w Chorwacji autokarem, wycieczki i wyjazdy Makarska. Wycieczki autokarowe do Chorwacji z biurem podróży Gandalf Travel. Bogata oferta wyjazdów studenckich i wycieczek objazdowych. Wynajem autokarów i busów, przewóz osób.

  2. Gandalf Travel

    Gandalf Travel, Łódź. 5,144 likes · 1 talking about this. Biuro Podróży Gandalf Travel z Łodzi. Super oferty na wyjazdy do: Chorwacji, Grecji, Bułgarii.

  3. Gandalf Travel

    Wycieczki autokarowe do Chorwacji z biurem podróży Gandalf Travel. Bogata oferta wyjazdów studenckich i wycieczek objazdowych. Wynajem autokarów i busów, przewóz osób. Book now. Biuro podrózy Łódź oferuje tanie wczasy w Chorwacji autokarem, wycieczki i wyjazdy Makarska. Wycieczki autokarowe do Chorwacji z biurem podróży Gandalf Travel.

  4. Gandalf Travel

    Gandalf Travel, Łódź. 5143 osoby lubią to · 1 osoba mówi o tym. Biuro Podróży Gandalf Travel z Łodzi. Super oferty na wyjazdy do: Chorwacji, Grecji,...

  5. Gazetka Gandalf Travel

    Najnowsza Gandalf Travel gazetka. Przejrzyj ofertę gazetki na ten tydzień i sprawdź godziny otwarcia sklepu Gandalf Travel.

  6. Gandalf Travel

    Gandalf Travel jest biurem podróży funkcjonującym na naszym rynku od ponad 10 lat - zostało utworzone w 2002 r., a swoją siedzibę ma w Łodzi. ... Oferta biura jest bardzo zróżnicowana - składają się na nią nie tylko wycieczki objazdowe, ale także kolonie czy wyjazdy dla studentów. Istnieje również opcja zorganizowania ...

  7. tolkiens legendarium

    Gandalf doesn't directly travel to Minas Tirith after visiting Frodo. He only does so 17 years later after Bilbo's farewell feast. Gandalf only travels to Minas Tirith after he forsakes his chase for Gollum. 'With that thought, I forsook the chase, and passed swiftly to Gondor. In former days the members of my order had been well received there ...

  8. Gandalf Travel

    Biuro podrózy Łódź oferuje tanie wczasy w Chorwacji autokarem, wycieczki i wyjazdy Makarska. Wycieczki autokarowe do Chorwacji z biurem podróży Gandalf Travel. Bogata oferta wyjazdów studenckich i wycieczek objazdowych. Wynajem autokarów i busów, przewóz osób.

  9. The Complete Travels of Gandalf

    Gandalf is known for his many travels far and wide in Middle-earth. Today, we cover all of the known journeys of the great wizard. From his dwelling in Ama...

  10. Gandalf (Olórin)

    Whether in the guise of Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, Tolkien's most famous wizard plays the role of the nearly perfect guide, instigator, and mentor for the heroes of both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. He steps into the fray as an active combatant as well, e.g., Gandalf is not simply an armchair general. Tolkien devoted an ...

  11. Gandalf

    The Gandalf is an enchanting small passenger barge that can accommodate up to 20 passengers. Owned and operated by skipper Hans Petrus, this popular ship sails under the Dutch flag and has been drifting through the canals and waterways of Belgium and the Netherlands for many years. The Gandalf has a total of ten twin cabins (10 m² - 108 sq.ft.) with two single beds in each. In two of the ...

  12. Tour & Travel Agency in Moscow

    In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg. You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights), Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights), Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more. As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former ...

  13. Moscow Navigator

    We specialize in private and customer-tailored tours for individuals and groups. Moscow Tours. Business trips to Moscow. Eco-tours, hikings in Moscow region. Trips to the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia. MoscowNavigator International Travel Club. St. Petersburg tours. Tour options include: Moscow tours in 1 day/2days/3days (Red Square tour ...

  14. Gandalf the Grey Character Profile

    Gandalf the Grey was a great spirit of the order of the Maiar who served the Valar in Arda. He was one of the spirits of the Ainur who were created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur. Wisest among the spirits of the Maiar, he was one of the Ainur who entered Eä, the physical realm and descended into Arda to shape it.

  15. Gandalf

    Gandalf | Biuro Podróży | Częstochowa, Czestochowa. 637 likes · 1 was here. - tanie wczasy, wycieczki, wyjazdy do Grecji, Turcji, Tunezji,...

  16. Moscow

    Price per person. 641,69. View details. About the tour Reviews 10. 8 days / 7 nights. St. Petersburg Moscow. We offer you a unique opportunity to visit Russia's two largest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This fascinating, week-long tour will take you to the historic Russian capitals that have always played the most important part in the ...

  17. How did Gandalf travel so fast? Even with Shadowfax? : r/lotr

    So would have 39 days to travel from Isengaurd to Bag End if he had not been imprisoned. He ended up in Edoras on Sept 20th, and on Shadowfax reached Weathertop on Oct 3rd I think, so was able to cover a far greater distance (Edoras to Shire, to Bree, to Weathertop) in 14 days. So to cover a half the distance in of the distance in nearly two ...

  18. Oferta

    Oferta. Oferujemy wynajem autokarów: przewozy pracownicze i turystyczne - krajowe i międzynarodowe. wyjazdy pobytowe. obsługa biur podróży. przejazdy dla firm szkoleniowych. wyjazdy na eventy, zjazdy, konferencje. wynajem autokarów dla gości weselnych. wyjazdy integracyjne.

  19. GANDALF Crossword Clue

    GANDALF Crossword Clue. The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "GANDALF", 3 letters crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Enter a Crossword Clue. A clue is required. Sort by Length.

  20. Meet Gandalf The Fluffiest World Traveler on Instagram!

    Meet Gandalf, the fluffy Siberian cat who has earned the well-deserved title of the Fluffiest World Traveler on Instagram! This adorable feline's journey began when he was rescued from a closing pet shop in downtown Seoul, South Korea. At just 5 weeks old, he was battling a respiratory infection. Now, he resides in California with his humans ...

  21. Taganka Travel

    Taganka Travel, Moscow, Russia. 133 likes · 8 were here. Travel agency

  22. Gandalf

    Gandalf was one of the five Istari sent to Middle-earth by the Valar in the Third Age.In Valinor he was known as Olórin. Gandalf was instrumental in bringing about the demise of Sauron in T.A. 3019, chiefly by encouraging others and dispensing his wisdom at pivotal times.He was originally robed in grey, and second to Saruman in the Order of Wizards. After his fall in Moria, Gandalf returned ...

  23. Gandalf

    "He wore a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and a silver scarf. He had a long white beard and bushy eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of his hat." —The Fellowship of the Ring, "A Long-expected Party" Gandalf, known temporarily as the Grey and later the White, and originally named Olórin (Quenya), was an Istar (Wizard), dispatched to Middle-earth in the Third Age to combat the ...