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Tips For Finding Avian Vets Near You

Many species of pet birds have a long lifespan (larger parrots can live up to 80-90 years), and most people who get a pet bird expect a long-term, gratifying bond with their bird. I suggest everyone who has a bird at home do routine checkups (2-3 times yearly) to ensure their bird lives a full, healthy life. Avian medicine is a distinct and very specialized field that requires extensive training, advanced skills, and facilities specifically designed and equipped to treat and hospitalize birds.

Abigail Fekete

Published at Sunday, April 30, 2023

Abigail on Twitter

Reviewed by Matt Hodson

Last Review Date: 04/01/2024

Next Review Date: 05/01/2024

Tips For Finding Avian Vets Near You

The complexity of avian medicine

Finding an avian vet for your pet bird is not just a good idea; it is essential for your bird's health and well-being. Avian medicine, also known as bird medicine, is a specialized field of veterinary medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of health issues in birds . It is a unique branch of veterinary medicine that differs significantly from other fields of veterinary medicine, primarily due to the distinctive anatomy, physiology, and behavior of birds. There are many reasons why birds require specialized veterinary care, and a veterinarian with avian expertise can provide a higher standard of care than a general practitioner. First, it is important to understand that birds are a unique type of animal with specific needs that are different from other pets. Their unique anatomy, physiology, and behavior require specialized knowledge to diagnose and treat effectively. For example, birds have a very different respiratory system than mammals, and they require specific anesthesia protocols to ensure their safety during surgical procedures. 

Whether you are a new bird owner, moving to a new neighborhood, or you’re simply looking for a new avian veterinarian, here are some tips to help you find an avian veterinarian you can trust. Birds, like us, need to have annual (I take my boys 2-3 times a year if no issues arise) wellness visits with a veterinarian. These visits are important to monitor health, as well as to share new information to improve both the physical and social well-being of our feathered family members.  

Only avian vets can offer adequate care for your bird 

An avian veterinarian can teach you what every bird owner should know:

  • What kind of daily care your bird needs
  • Proper nutrition for your species of bird
  • Housing and environmental needs for your bird
  • How to provide environmental enrichment, including safe toys and foraging opportunities
  • How to prevent accidents
  • How to prevent the spread of disease from one birdto another
  • How to provide emergency care to your bird
  • How to identify signs of illness so that proper medical care can be sought
  • How often your bird needs medical care

Avian veterinarians receive specialized training in avian medicine, which includes extensive study of bird anatomy, physiology, and behavior. They are familiar with the latest advances in avian medicine and have access to specialized equipment, such as endoscopes and x-rays, which are necessary for diagnosing and treating bird illnesses.

One of the primary reasons why finding an avian vet is essential is because birds can hide signs of illness very well. In the wild, birds that appear weak or sickly are often targeted by predators, so it is in a bird's nature to hide signs of weakness. This means that by the time a bird shows symptoms of illness, the disease may be quite advanced. An avian vet has the training and experience to recognize subtle changes in a bird's behavior or appearance that could indicate an underlying health problem. Early detection is critical for successful treatment, and an avian vet can help you catch problems early on.

Hatchin using my finger as a perch on the way to the vet.

Understanding the masking phenomenon in birds

“A common misconception held by many bird owners and veterinarians is that birds are not very resistant to illness. To the novice it often appears that birds show signs of illness one day, are at the bottom of their cage the next, and dead the day after. This misconception has stemmed from two sources. First, many of the birds seen in practice are only a few generations descended from wild birds. As such, they retain many of the  protective instincts  inherited from their forebears.

Many avian species kept as companions are relatively  low on the food chain . These protective instincts have been developed to avoid drawing the attention of predators. One such instinct is often known as  the masking phenomenon . Predators are naturally drawn to prey that looks or behaves differently from others. Unusual coloring, weakness, or lameness can single out a bird and make it attractive to a predator. A natural instinct is therefore to avoid appearing different. A sick bird will make a determined effort to look healthy, even in the absence of predators. The classical “sick bird look” we usually associate with illness: fluffed feathers, closed eyes, and lethargy, only develops when the bird is incapable of masking these signs. Therefore, many of the patients presented to veterinarians are past the initial stages of their illness and are now decompensating rapidly.  (Doneley et al., “Clinical Avian Medicine” Vol I, 2006).”

Birds have specific nutritional needs 

Another reason why finding an avian vet is essential is that birds have specific nutritional needs that can be challenging to meet. Improper nutrition can lead to a host of health problems, including feather loss, egg binding, and even death. An avian vet can provide guidance on proper nutrition and diet for your bird, ensuring that they are getting the right balance of nutrients for their species and age.

Avian vets can also provide preventive care to help keep your bird healthy. This may include routine check-ups, screenings, and preventive treatments for common bird illnesses. For example, many birds require regular beak and nail trimming, which can be difficult to do at home without proper training. An avian vet can perform these procedures safely and comfortably for your bird.

Reasons why finding an avian vet for your pet bird is crucial

Specialized knowledge and training: Avian veterinarians are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of bird-specific diseases and medical conditions. They have a deep understanding of the unique anatomy and physiology of birds, as well as their behavior and nutritional requirements. They also have specialized knowledge in the use of anesthesia and other medications that are used to treat birds safely.

Early detection of health problems: Regular visits to an avian vet can help identify health issues early on, allowing for more effective treatment and better outcomes. Many birds are masters at hiding illness, and by the time their symptoms become visible, the disease may have progressed to a more advanced stage. Avian vets are trained to recognize subtle changes in a bird's behavior and physical appearance that can indicate underlying health problems.

Preventive care: Avian vets can provide routine check-ups, screenings, and preventive care to help keep your bird healthy. This includes trimming your bird's wings and nails, checking for signs of obesity, and advising you on proper nutrition and environmental conditions to maintain optimal health.

Emergency care: Birds can experience medical emergencies just like any other pet. Finding an avian vet in advance means that you'll be prepared in case of an emergency. Avian vets have specialized equipment, such as endoscopes and x-rays, that are necessary for diagnosing and treating bird emergencies.

Better outcomes: When you take your bird to an avian vet, you can be assured that they will receive the best possible care. Avian vets are trained to handle the unique needs of birds, and they have access to the latest diagnostic tools and treatments. This can lead to better outcomes and a higher quality of life for your pet.

Birds can experience medical emergencies just like any other pet. Birds are prone to injuries from flying into windows, getting caught in doors, or escaping from their cages. In these situations, time is of the essence, and having an avian vet that you trust and can call on in an emergency can be lifesaving for your bird.

What should you look for in an avian veterinarian?

After locating an avian veterinarian near you, call the veterinary office, and ask to set up an appointment to meet the veterinarian and visit the office. Ask questions about the hospital such as:

  • Do all the veterinarians at the facility treat birds?
  • Are the technicians trained in handling and treating birds?
  • How are emergencies handled if the office is closed?
  • Does the facility have a separate area for hospitalized birds?
  • Does the veterinarian care for pet birds regularly?

Board certification

Board certification in avian medicine is a credential that demonstrates a veterinarian's expertise in treating and caring for birds. To become board-certified in avian medicine, a veterinarian must complete several years of specialized education and training in the diagnosis and treatment of avian diseases, as well as demonstrate proficiency in avian surgery, anesthesia, radiology, and other aspects of avian medicine. The veterinarian must then pass a rigorous examination administered by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners or another recognized board certification organization. Board certification in avian medicine is a mark of excellence that signifies a veterinarian's commitment to providing the highest quality care to their avian patients.

Tips for finding an avian vet in different countries

You may have to travel to find a vet with the right skills and experience, but it’s vital to be registered with a practice in case your pet bird needs treatment.  Even if they don’t provide care for your pet bird themselves, many vets can recommend a practice that does. If you don’t manage to find an avian vet this way, the Parrot Society UK has a list of avian vets by county or a quick online search should provide details of avian vets near you. If you need more help, ask in specialist exotic bird forums or breed societies online, or locally. In the UK, avian vets may have a certificate in exotic animal medicine and surgery - but some may just have lots of experience in dealing with birds and no further qualification beyond a veterinary degree.

The Association of Avian Veterinarians (finds you an avian vet near you) is a diverse global professional organization dedicated to advancing and promoting avian health, welfare, and conservation through education, advocacy, and science. The AAV has more than 1700 members comprised of veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, and allied professionals that work in private practice, colleges and universities, zoos, government, and industry. Many of the AAV’s members are considered global leaders in avian conservation and wild bird health. The AAV strives to preserve and protect birds in the wild and their native habitats. Enter your address and AAV will show you the nearest certified avian veterinarians in your area. 

Important final note

If you live in an area where avian vets aren't available or you aren't able to afford your bird's medical bills (which often go above 1000$), you should not consider having birds as pets!

home visit bird vet

Hatchin and Azuki in their transport cage.

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Bird Venue

Expert Vetster Bird Wellness Consultations Online

  • By D. Silva
  • On July 6, 2023

Vetster offers convenient online bird wellness consultations for your pet bird’s health and well-being. With vetster, you can connect with licensed veterinarians from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that your bird receives expert care without the need for stressful visits to the clinic.

Expert Vetster Bird Wellness Consultations Online


The Evolution Of Bird Care: From In-Person Vet Visits To Online Consultations

The evolution of bird care : from in-person vet visits to online consultations

With the advancement of technology, the way we care for our pets has been undergoing a significant transformation. Gone are the days when we had to take our feathered friends to in-person vet visits for routine check-ups and consultations. We now have the convenience of online consultations, allowing us to get expert advice without leaving the comfort of our homes.

Let’s explore the key points that highlight the evolution and benefits of online consultations for bird wellness.

Convenience And Accessibility: Transitioning To Virtual Bird Wellness Consultations

  • Online consultations provide bird owners with the convenience of getting professional advice from the comfort of their homes.
  • No more stressing about traveling long distances, navigating through traffic, or finding parking spots with a pet carrier in hand.
  • Virtual bird wellness consultations offer flexibility in scheduling appointments, making it easier for busy pet owners to find a time that works for them.
  • Remote access to professional avian veterinarians means that bird owners in remote areas or with limited access to local veterinary services can still receive expert care.
  • Online consultations allow for reduced waiting times, as appointments can be scheduled more efficiently, minimizing the need for long waits at veterinary clinics.

Advancements In Telemedicine: Transforming The Bird Care Industry

  • Telemedicine has revolutionized the bird care industry by bridging the gap between pet owners and avian veterinarians through digital platforms.
  • Live video consultations enable veterinarians to assess the bird’s condition visually, enabling more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.
  • By observing the bird’s behavior and physical appearance through video calls, veterinarians can provide precise recommendations for nutrition, housing, and overall bird well-being.
  • Online consultations empower bird owners with educational resources and guidance on preventative care and early intervention.
  • Digital platforms also allow for easy sharing of medical records, lab results, and imaging, enabling better collaboration between veterinarians and their clients.

Online consultations have transformed the way we care for our avian companions. The convenience and accessibility of virtual consultations, coupled with advancements in telemedicine, have made it easier for bird owners to seek professional advice and ensure the well-being of their feathered friends.

This evolution in bird care reflects the continuous efforts to provide the best possible care for our beloved pets.

Comprehensive Health Assessments And Diagnostic Evaluations

Advanced technology: accurate diagnosis from the comfort of your home.

Whether you have a finch, parrot, or cockatiel, ensuring the health and wellness of your feathered friend is of utmost importance. With vetster’s bird wellness consultations, you can now receive comprehensive health assessments and diagnostic evaluations for your bird, all from the comfort of your own home.

Utilizing advanced technology and veterinary expertise, vetster brings the veterinary clinic to you, providing accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans tailored to your bird’s unique needs.

Here are some key points to know about vetster’s comprehensive health assessments and diagnostic evaluations:

  • Convenient online consultations: No need to travel to a vet clinic anymore. Through vetster’s online platform, you can connect with a licensed avian veterinarian from the comfort of your home. This eliminates the stress of transportation and the unfamiliar environment for your bird.
  • Thorough health assessments: During the consultation, the avian veterinarian will perform a comprehensive health assessment of your bird. They will discuss any concerns you may have, gather relevant medical history, and conduct a detailed examination using video technology. This allows the veterinarian to visually assess your bird’s condition and identify any potential issues.
  • Diagnostic evaluations: If further diagnostic tests are required, vetster’s avian veterinarians can recommend appropriate diagnostic evaluations. These may include blood tests, radiographs, or other specialized procedures. The results of these tests will help in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning for your bird.
  • Accessibility to advanced technology: Vetster’s online platform is built with state-of-the-art technology, allowing avian veterinarians to utilize advanced equipment remotely. This includes video cameras, digital imaging, and telemedicine tools, which assist in making accurate assessments and diagnoses for your bird.
  • Collaboration with local veterinarians: In cases where on-site treatment is necessary, vetster’s avian veterinarians can work alongside your local veterinarian to provide the best care for your bird. They can discuss the diagnosis, treatment plan, and ongoing monitoring, ensuring continuity of care for your avian companion.
  • Personalized treatment plans: Once a diagnosis is made, vetster’s avian veterinarians will develop personalized treatment plans tailored to your bird’s unique needs. These plans may include medication regimes, dietary adjustments, environmental modifications, or other necessary interventions. The veterinarians will guide you through the treatment process and address any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Expert advice and education: In addition to diagnosing and treating illnesses, vetster’s avian veterinarians are also an excellent resource for general bird wellness. They can provide guidance on proper nutrition, grooming, behavior, and preventive care, helping you maintain the overall health and happiness of your bird.

By harnessing the power of advanced technology and avian veterinary expertise, vetster’s comprehensive health assessments and diagnostic evaluations bring convenience, accuracy, and tailored care to your bird. With vetster, you can rest assured knowing your feathered friend is receiving the best possible healthcare from the comfort of your home.

Access To Specialized Avian Veterinarians And Consultants

A global network of avian experts at your fingertips.

When it comes to the health and well-being of our feathered friends, access to specialized avian veterinarians and consultants is crucial. Vetster bird wellness consultations online offers a global network of avian experts right at your fingertips. Whether you have questions about nutrition, behavior, or medical concerns, vetster connects you with professionals who can provide the guidance and expertise you need.

Here are the key points to note about this invaluable resource:

  • Comprehensive avian care: Vetster brings together a diverse network of avian experts who specialize in various aspects of bird health and wellness. From general wellness check-ups to advanced diagnostic procedures, these professionals are well-equipped to handle a wide range of avian care needs.
  • Specialized knowledge: Avian medicine is a highly specialized field, and finding a veterinarian with extensive knowledge and experience in avian care can be a challenge. Vetster solves this problem by connecting bird owners with avian veterinarians who have dedicated their careers to the health and well-being of birds.
  • Personalized consultations: Vetster bird wellness consultations online offers personalized consultations tailored to your bird’s specific needs. Whether you have a question about your bird’s diet, need help with training and behavior, or require immediate medical assistance, vetster’s avian experts are available to provide guidance and support.
  • Convenience and flexibility: With vetster, you can access avian veterinary care from the comfort of your own home. The online platform allows you to schedule appointments at a time that works best for you, eliminating the need for stressful and time-consuming visits to the veterinary clinic.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that specialized avian veterinarians and consultants are just a click away provides peace of mind for bird owners. Whether you’re dealing with a minor concern or a serious medical issue, having round-the-clock access to expert advice and guidance can make all the difference in ensuring your bird’s health and well-being.

24/7 Availability: Urgent Care And Emergency Consultations

Bird health emergencies can occur at any time, and having access to urgent care and emergency consultations is essential. Vetster bird wellness consultations online offers 24/7 availability for urgent and emergency avian care, ensuring that your bird receives the care it needs without delay.

Here are the key points to highlight about vetster’s urgent care and emergency consultations:

  • Immediate assistance: When a bird health emergency arises, time is of the essence. Vetster’s avian experts are available 24/7 to provide immediate assistance and guidance, helping you make informed decisions about your bird’s care.
  • Urgent care services: Whether your bird has ingested something toxic, is experiencing respiratory distress, or has suffered an injury, vetster’s avian veterinarians can assess the situation and provide guidance on how to proceed. They can recommend first aid measures and determine whether emergency veterinary care is necessary.
  • Emergency treatment plans: In critical situations, vetster’s avian experts can work with you to develop a tailored emergency treatment plan. They can provide guidance on stabilizing your bird’s condition until emergency veterinary care can be obtained, ensuring the best possible outcome for your feathered friend.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you have access to urgent and emergency avian care around the clock can provide immense peace of mind. No matter the time or day, vetster’s avian veterinarians are there to support you and your bird in times of crisis.

Vetster bird wellness consultations online gives bird owners access to specialized avian veterinarians and consultants from around the world. With a network of experts at your fingertips, you can receive personalized avian care, expert guidance, and 24/7 availability for urgent and emergency consultations.

Trust in vetster to provide the comprehensive avian care your feathered friend deserves.

Cost-Effective And Time-Saving Solution

Bird owners know how important it is to provide regular veterinary care for their feathered friends. However, scheduling and attending in-person appointments can be time-consuming and costly. That’s where vetster bird wellness consultations come in. This innovative online service provides a convenient and cost-effective solution for bird owners to connect with experienced avian veterinarians from the comfort of their homes.

In this section, we will explore the key benefits of vetster bird wellness consultations, focusing on how they are a cost-effective and time-saving solution.

Minimizing Expenses: No Travel Costs Or Waiting Room Fees

  • By opting for vetster bird wellness consultations, bird owners can avoid incurring additional expenses typically associated with in-person veterinary visits.
  • With online consultations, there are no travel costs to consider. Bird owners can consult with avian veterinarians from anywhere, eliminating the need to account for transportation expenses.
  • Additionally, waiting room fees are a thing of the past with vetster. You no longer have to spend time and money waiting for your turn in a crowded veterinary clinic.

Efficient Follow-Ups: Continuity Of Care And Remote Monitoring

  • Vetster bird wellness consultations enable bird owners to establish a continuous and consistent line of communication with their avian veterinarians.
  • Follow-up consultations can be easily scheduled online, ensuring the progress and well-being of your bird are effectively monitored.
  • With the ability to remotely monitor your bird’s health, vetster offers peace of mind and prompt intervention if any concerns arise.

By utilizing vetster bird wellness consultations, bird owners can save both time and money while ensuring their feathered companions receive the best care possible. Don’t let distance or busy schedules hinder your commitment to your pet’s well-being. Embrace the convenience and cost-effectiveness of online veterinary consultations with vetster.

Preparing For Your Virtual Appointment

Virtual appointments have become increasingly popular in the world of veterinary care. The convenience of accessing veterinary services from the comfort of your own home is undeniable. So, how can you make the most of your virtual consultation with a bird wellness expert?

In this section, we will guide you through the process of preparing for your virtual appointment with vetster. From gathering relevant information to setting up the perfect environment, we’ve got you covered!

Gathering Relevant Information: Medical History And Behavioral Observations

Before your virtual consultation, it’s essential to gather all the relevant information about your bird’s medical history and behavioral observations. Providing this information to your veterinarian will help them better understand your bird’s health status and behavior patterns. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Medical history:
  • Make a note of any previous illnesses or injuries your bird has experienced.
  • Include information about any ongoing medications or supplements your bird is currently taking.
  • Keep a record of past surgeries or procedures your bird has undergone.
  • Behavioral observations:
  • Note any recent changes in your bird’s behavior, such as aggressive or unusual vocalization.
  • Pay attention to appetite changes, weight fluctuations, or lethargy.
  • Observe any changes in feather quality or appearance.

By gathering all this information and sharing it with your veterinarian during the virtual consultation, you can ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of your bird’s overall well-being.

Setting Up The Perfect Environment: Tips For A Successful Virtual Consultation

Creating the right environment for your virtual consultation is crucial to its success. Here are some tips to help you set up the perfect space for your virtual appointment:

  • Choose a quiet and well-lit area:
  • Find a quiet room in your home where you won’t be disturbed during the consultation.
  • Ensure the room is well-lit, allowing your veterinarian to see your bird clearly.
  • Test your technology:
  • Check your internet connection and ensure that your device’s camera and microphone are working properly.
  • Familiarize yourself with the video conferencing platform you will be using for the consultation.
  • Have necessary tools ready:
  • Keep your bird’s medical records and any relevant documents on hand.
  • Have a scale available to measure your bird’s weight if needed.
  • Prepare your bird:
  • Ensure your bird is comfortable and secure before starting the consultation.
  • Have some treats or toys nearby to keep your bird engaged and cooperative during the appointment.

Following these tips will help create an ideal virtual environment for your consultation, allowing you to make the most out of your time with the bird wellness expert at vetster.

Remember, preparing for your virtual appointment by gathering relevant information and setting up the perfect environment will help ensure a smooth and effective online consultation.

Maximizing The Consultation Experience

Bird wellness consultations online offer a convenient and effective way to ensure the health and well-being of your feathered friend. Maximizing the consultation experience is essential for a successful outcome, and there are a couple of key strategies to keep in mind: active participation and utilizing visuals.

Active Participation: Asking Questions And Seeking Clarifications

When engaging in a bird wellness consultation online, it’s essential to actively participate by asking questions and seeking clarifications. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Be prepared: Before the consultation, jot down any questions or concerns you may have about your bird’s health. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything during the consultation.
  • Ask for explanations: If the veterinarian uses any medical jargon or terms that you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Understanding the veterinarian’s recommendations and explanations fully is crucial to your bird’s well-being.
  • Share relevant information: In order to receive the most accurate advice, be sure to share any relevant information about your bird’s diet, behavior, living environment, and recent changes in their routine or health status.
  • Discuss treatment options: If the veterinarian suggests a treatment plan, don’t hesitate to ask about alternative options or potential side effects. It’s important to have a complete understanding of the recommended course of action to make an informed decision.

Utilizing Visuals: Sharing Images And Videos For Accurate Assessment

Visuals play a crucial role in bird wellness consultations online, allowing veterinarians to accurately assess your bird’s condition. Here are some tips on how to make the most of visuals during the consultation:

  • Capture clear images and videos: Ensure that the images and videos you share are of high quality and well-lit. This will allow the veterinarian to see important details and make a more accurate assessment.
  • Show different angles: When capturing images or videos, try to include different angles to provide a comprehensive view of the affected area or behavior. This will help the veterinarian get a better understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Provide context: When sharing visuals, be sure to provide context by describing the symptoms, duration, and any changes you’ve noticed. This additional information will help the veterinarian make a more informed diagnosis.
  • Follow instructions: If the veterinarian provides specific instructions on how to capture visuals, such as how to palpate an area or how to observe your bird’s behavior, make sure to follow these instructions carefully. This will help ensure that the veterinarian receives the necessary information to make an accurate assessment.

By actively participating in the consultation and utilizing visuals effectively, you can enhance the overall experience and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for your feathered companion. Remember to ask questions, seek clarifications, and share relevant information, while capturing clear visuals and providing context.

These practices will ensure that your bird receives the best possible care during the online consultation.

Maintaining Ongoing Care And Support

Bird owners understand the importance of maintaining their feathered friends’ health and well-being. However, it can sometimes be challenging to provide ongoing care and support, especially when facing specific health issues. That’s where vetster’s bird wellness consultations come in. Through these online consultations, bird owners can receive expert advice and guidance to ensure the continual progress and monitoring of their feathered companions.

Implementing Recommendations: Applying Treatment Plans At Home

  • One of the key aspects of ongoing care is implementing the recommendations and treatment plans provided by the avian veterinarian during the consultation.
  • By applying the treatment plans at home, bird owners play a crucial role in their pet’s recovery and overall well-being.
  • Some recommendations may involve dietary changes, administering medications or supplements, or modifying the bird’s habitat to promote a healthier environment.
  • Following the veterinarian’s instructions diligently can significantly enhance the bird’s chances of achieving a positive outcome and maintaining good health in the long run.
  • It is crucial to understand the importance of consistency and commitment when it comes to implementing the recommended treatment plans.

Follow-Up Communication: Ensuring Continual Progress And Monitoring

  • Communication plays a vital role in ensuring ongoing care and support for your bird. With vetster’s bird wellness consultations, follow-up communication becomes convenient and effortless.
  • After implementing the recommendations and treatment plans, bird owners can reach out to the avian veterinarian for any questions, concerns, or progress updates.
  • The veterinarian can provide further guidance, address any issues that may arise, and offer reassurance throughout the recovery process.
  • Follow-up communication allows for continual progress monitoring, ensuring that the bird is responding well to the treatment and making the necessary adjustments if needed.
  • With vetster’s user-friendly platform, bird owners can schedule follow-up consultations at their convenience, providing peace of mind and ongoing support.

Remember, maintaining ongoing care and support for your bird is essential for its health and well-being. Through vetster’s bird wellness consultations, you can implement expert recommendations and communicate with avian veterinarians to ensure continual progress and monitoring. Your feathered companion deserves the best care, and vetster makes it possible in the comfort of your own home.

Book a consultation today and provide your bird with the care and support it deserves.

Vetster’s online bird wellness consultations provide a convenient and effective solution for bird owners seeking expert veterinary care from the comfort of their homes. With a team of experienced and specialized avian veterinarians, vetster offers comprehensive care and guidance for all aspects of bird health and wellbeing.

Through live video consultations, pet owners can discuss concerns, receive personalized advice, and even obtain prescriptions when necessary. This online platform not only saves time and money but also reduces stress for both the bird and its owner by eliminating the need for travel and clinic visits.

From routine check-ups to addressing specific health issues, vetster ensures that birds receive the highest standard of care, no matter their location. With its user-friendly interface and commitment to patient satisfaction, vetster is revolutionizing avian veterinary care and making it accessible to bird owners everywhere.

Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to the convenience of vetster’s online bird wellness consultations!

D. Silva

Hi there, I'm Erick, a bird enthusiast and the owner of this website. I'm passionate about all things avian, from identifying different species to observing their behavior and learning about their habitats. I hope my website can be a valuable resource for anyone who shares my love for these incredible creatures.

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Choosing an Avian Veterinarian: Factors to Consider

choosing an avian veterinarian

Table of Contents

Just like any other pet, your bird needs regular checkups and preventive care to stay healthy and happy. But finding a qualified avian veterinarian can be tough—after all, not every vet is trained to care for birds.

Here’s what you need to know to choose the best avian vet for your feathered friend .

Choosing an Avian Veterinarian infographics

Choosing an Avian Veterinarian: Why You Should Choose an Avian Veterinarian

Whether you have a feathered friend or are looking to adopt one, you want to make sure your avian companion receives the best possible care.

That’s why it’s important to choose an avian veterinarian that is experienced and knowledgeable in avian medicine. Not sure where to start?

Check out our top 5 reasons why you should choose an avian veterinarian for your bird.

1. Experience and Expertise

Avian veterinarians are specially trained in avian medicine and have years of experience treating birds. This means they are better equipped to handle any situation that may arise with your feathered friend.

2. Access to Resources

Avian veterinarians have access to specialized resources, such as aviary facilities and diagnostic equipment, that general practitioners do not. This allows them to provide your bird with the best possible care.

3. Wide Range of Services

Avian veterinarians offer a wide range of services, from routine checkups to emergency care. This means you can rest assured knowing that your bird is in good hands no matter what the situation may be.

4. Personalized Care

Because they see fewer patients, avian veterinarians are able to provide more personalized care for each one. This allows them to get to know both you and your bird on a personal level and develop a rapport that will last for years to come.

5. Complete Care

Avian veterinarians provide complete care for your bird, from beak to tail feathers. This means they are able to catch potential problems early and nip them in the bud before they become serious health issues.

choosing an avian vet

How to Choose an Avian Veterinarian

When it’s time to choose an avian veterinarian, you want to make sure you are entrusting the care of your feathered family member to someone who is qualified and experienced.

Consider these factors as you make your decision.

Consider the Reception Staff and Technicians

The first people you will interact with when you call or visit the vet’s office are the reception staff and technicians. They should be friendly and helpful.

They should be able to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can. If they are rude or dismissive, that’s a sign that you should keep looking.

How Are the Vet’s Handling Skills?

Watch how the vet and staff handle the birds in the office. Do they treat them with respect? Are they gentle? Do the birds seem stressed?

If so, that’s a red flag. Ideally, you want to find a vet who has calm hands and a gentle touch, as well as a staff that is comfortable around birds.

Ask About the Vet’s Educational Background

All veterinarians must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from an accredited veterinary school, but not all vets have additional training in avian medicine.

Ideally, you want to find a vet who has completed a rigorous residency program in avian medicine and has board certification from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) .

Experience Working With Birds

Ask about the vet’s experience working with birds.

How long have they been doing it? What kind of birds do they usually see? The more experience a vet has working with birds, the better.

Familiarity with Specific Species of Birds

You want to make sure that the avian veterinarian you choose is familiar with the specific species of bird that you have.

Different species of birds have different health needs and the more experience your veterinarian has with your specific type of bird, the better.

choosing an avian vet for xray

Coverage for Emergencies (and House Calls)

Emergencies happen and when they do, you want to know that your avian veterinarian will be there for you.

Many veterinarians offer emergency coverage as well as house calls so that your bird can get the care they need, when they need it.

Respectfulness and Ability to Answer Questions

When you take your bird to the veterinarian, you may have a lot of questions about its health and well-being.

It is important to find an avian veterinarian who is respectful and able to answer all of your questions in a way that you can understand.

Member of the Association of Avian Veterinarians

The Association of Avian Veterinarians is the leading professional organization for avian veterinarians.

Members of this organization are required to adhere to a code of ethics and standards of practice so you can rest assured that your bird is in good hands.

Sees a Large Number of Birds Per Week (Compared to Other Animals)

You want to make sure that the avian veterinarian you choose sees a large number of birds per week compared to other animals.

This way, you can be confident that they have the experience necessary to provide the best possible care for your pet bird.

Veterinary care can be expensive but it is important to find an avian veterinarian who fits both your needs and your budget.

Many veterinarians offer flexible payment options so be sure to ask about pricing before making your final decision.

choosing an avian vet how to choose one

A Few More Tips for Finding the Right Avian Vet

Just like you want the best doctor for yourself, you want the best avian vet for your feathered friend. After all, our birds are family, and we only want the best for them.

So, how do you find an avian vet that is the right fit for you and your companion? Here are a few more things to keep in mind.

Make a List of Everything You Want in a Vet

The first step is to make a list of everything that you want or need in an avian vet. This list can be as long or as short as you’d like.

For example, you may want someone who specializes in birds, who has experience with your specific type of bird, who is close to your home, or who takes your insurance.

Once you have your list, you can start narrowing down your options.

Ask For a Tour

When you have a few vets in mind, call them and see if they offer tours of their facility. This is a great way to get a feel for the vet and the staff.

During the tour, pay attention to how clean and well-kept the facility is.

Does the staff seem friendly and knowledgeable? Is the vet open to answering any questions that you have?

Doing this will help you get an idea of what it would be like to take your bird there for an appointment.

Explore Multiple Options

Don’t just go with the first avian vet that you find. Explore multiple options so that you can be sure that you are getting the best possible care for your bird.

Ask friends or family members if they have any recommendations, look up reviews online, or even ask your regular veterinarian for some suggestions.

Schedule a Wellness Visit

After you’ve found an avian vet that you think would be a good fit, schedule a wellness visit so that your bird can meet the vet and staff.

You can also ask any additional questions that you may have. This is also a great time to bring up any concerns that you have about your bird’s health.

choosing an avian vet for emergency

Don’t Just Go for Emergencies

When it comes to choosing an avian veterinarian, bird owners often make the mistake of only considering emergency care options.

While it’s important to have a vet on hand in case of an unforeseen medical crisis, it’s also important to choose a vet that can provide comprehensive care for your feathered friend.

A good avian vet will be able to provide routine check-ups, vaccinations, and dietary advice, as well as offer guidance on issues like cage selection and behavior training.

In addition, a good avian vet will have a wealth of knowledge about different bird species and their specific needs.

Do Your Part in Identifying Health Concerns

When your feathered friend is not feeling well, you want to take them to see the best avian vet possible.

After all, these veterinarians have dedicated their lives to helping our feathered counterparts stay healthy.

That being said, it is still important to do your part when it comes to identifying health concerns. This way, you can be sure that the vet you choose is the best possible fit for your bird.

First and foremost, take note of any changes in your bird’s behavior. Is there a sudden change in eating habits? Are they sleeping more or less than usual?

Any change, no matter how small, could be an indication of a larger problem. In addition, pay attention to your bird’s appearance.

Are their feathers looking dull or unhealthy? Do their eyes seem sunken or glassy? These are all signs that something might be wrong.

Trust Your Gut

After meeting with each avian vet on your list, you should have a good idea of which one is the best fit for you and your feathery friend.

When making your final decision, trust your gut—you’ll know which vet you feel most comfortable entrusting the care of your beloved bird.

With a little patience and research, you’ll be sure to find the perfect avian veterinarian for your family!

How Much Does a Vet Cost for a Bird?

Veterinary bills can be pretty expensive, especially if you have a pet that needs routine care or one that gets sick often.

Birds are no exception—they may not need routine vaccinations like dogs and cats, but they are susceptible to a number of health problems that can require regular vet visits.

So, how much does a vet cost for a bird ?

On average, a basic vet visit for a bird will cost between $50 and $100.

This will cover a physical exam, any necessary tests or screenings, and any general advice or recommendations the vet has.

If your bird is sick or injured and needs more intensive treatment, the cost will go up accordingly.

choosing an avian vet cost

How Often Should a Bird Be Examined By a Veterinarian?

Routine veterinary check-ups are an important part of keeping your bird healthy.

How often your bird needs to be seen will depend on factors such as its age and overall health, but in general, it is recommended that birds be examined by a vet at least once a year.

Just like any other pet, birds need to see a veterinarian on a regular basis to ensure their continued good health.

How often your bird should be examined will depend on a number of factors, including its age, species, and overall health. However, it is recommended that birds be seen by a vet at least once a year for a routine check-up.

During a routine check-up, your vet will ask you about your bird’s diet, behavior, and any changes you’ve noticed in its health or appearance.

An important part of the check-up will also be a physical examination of your bird.

This will usually include taking its temperature, listening to its heart and lungs with a stethoscope, and feeling its body for any abnormal lumps or masses.

Your vet may also collect a stool sample to test for parasites.

In some cases, your bird may need more frequent veterinary visits.

For example, if your bird is molting (losing feathers), it may need to be seen more often so that the vet can determine if there is an underlying medical condition causing the problem.

Birds that are breeding or showing signs of illness will also need to be seen more frequently.

Choosing an Avian Veterinarian: Is It Worth Taking a Bird to a Vet?

There are a number of good reasons to take your bird to the vet. First, regular veterinary care can help catch health problems early before they become serious.

Your vet can also provide you with valuable information on how to keep your bird healthy and happy.

Furthermore, building a relationship with a veterinarian can give you peace of mind in knowing that there’s someone you can turn to for help if your bird ever does become sick or injured.

So, is it worth taking your bird to the vet? Ultimately, that decision is up to you.

However, we hope that this article has provided you with some food for thought so you can make the best decision for your feathered friend.

Choosing an avian veterinarian is an important decision. You want to make sure you find someone who is qualified and experienced.

Consider these factors when making your choice: the reception staff and technicians, handling skills, educational background, and experience working with birds.

With a little research, you can find the perfect vet for your feathered friend.

READ NEXT: Signs of Illness in Pet Birds

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Do I Need to Take My Pet Bird to the Vet?

Around 5.7 million U.S. households own pet birds , making them one of the most popular pets in the United States. If you've recently joined this growing number of bird owners, you probably want to know how you can keep your new friend happy and healthy.

Do I Need to Take My Pet Bird to the Vet?

To many people's surprise, birds, like all other pets, need veterinary care to thrive. Below, we'll explore four reasons why you should take your bird to the vet.

Scheduling a New Bird Visit

The most important veterinary visit you and your bird will make is the first one. Like a "new puppy" visit, new bird visits should be scheduled immediately after bringing your pet home. This will ensure that your bird is healthy and that you understand how to take care of your new pet properly.

During the visit, your vet will perform a physical exam and check to ensure your bird doesn't have any diseases. Your pet's weight, appearance, and mobility will be recorded. If there are changes in any of these areas between your initial visit and your bird's yearly checkup, diagnostic testing may be required.

Diagnosing Illnesses

All animals get sick at times, and birds are no exception. Often, it's hard for owners to know if their bird is ill since birds try to hide signs of sickness. This is why regular trips to your veterinarian are so important. If you suspect that your winged friend isn't feeling great, your vet will probably run a series of diagnostic tests to help determine what's ailing them.

The types of diseases your bird is at risk for vary across pet bird breeds . A few of the most common conditions include:

  • Proventricular Dilatation Disease
  • Polyomavirus
  • Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease
  • Psittacosis

General Care

While it's easy to find information on dog and cat care, learning how to keep your bird healthy can be more challenging. Since birds are exotic pets, there isn't as much information available on how to best care for them. This is where your vet comes in.

Your vet can provide useful guidance on a variety of bird care topics, including feeding, bird safety, housing, and grooming. Although veterinarians are equipped to provide all the information you need to keep your pet healthy, it can be helpful to spend some time thinking about questions beforehand. This will help ensure that you have all the information you need to care for your pet properly.

Behavior Issues

Like dogs and cats, birds can occasionally display behavior problems that are harmful to themselves or their owners. Screaming, biting, and feather plucking are all common issues that even the best pet birds can exhibit. Before treating the behavior, your vet will examine your bird to rule out any illnesses or health concerns that could be causing your pet to act out. If your pet isn't ill, your veterinarian can provide care guidance to help mitigate these undesirable behaviors.

Birds don't misbehave just to bother you. Typically there is a cause behind their behavior. A few of the most common causes include:

  • Wrong size of birdcage
  • Nutritional deficiency

How to Bring Your Bird to the Vet

Now that you understand why you should take your bird to the vet, you're probably wondering how to get them there. It's never a good idea to bring your bird in an unenclosed box or on your shoulder since even birds with trimmed wings can easily escape the office. Instead, use a carrier or cage to comfortably and safely transport your bird. Wire cages with viewing doors are especially handy because they allow the vet to see your bird's breathing and posture prior to handling them. Before placing your bird in the cage, line the bottom with newspaper. This will allow the vet to check your bird's droppings easily.

Bringing home a new bird is exciting, and you want to make sure your new friend has a long, happy life with you. If you're wondering, "Where is a vet near me, for birds ?" Consider booking an appointment with Forever Vets. From emergency care to diagnostic treatment, Forever Vets has experience working with a variety of exotic pets and would love to meet both you and your winged friend!

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Should birds go to the vet?

Katie Lawler

Many pet owners take their dogs and cats to the vet regularly for check-ups and when they get sick. But what about pet birds – should they also see an avian veterinarian? There are good reasons to take your feathered friends to the vet.

Do birds need to go to the vet?

Yes, birds should see an avian vet. Here’s why:

  • Preventative care – Checkups allow the vet to catch problems early before they become serious.
  • Illness diagnosis – Avian vets can diagnose and treat illnesses specific to birds that regular vets may miss.
  • Injuries – Birds can suffer broken bones, wounds, etc. that need medical care.
  • Surgery – Some conditions like tumors may require surgical removal.
  • Testing – Birds can be tested and screened for infectious diseases.
  • Medications – Birds often need specialized medications that only avian vets can prescribe.
  • Nutrition advice – Vets provide guidance on proper bird diets and supplements.
  • Behavior issues – Avian vets can address feather plucking, screaming, aggression, etc.
  • Emergencies – Having an avian vet already selected provides care when needed urgently.

Seeing an avian vet helps keep birds healthy and solves medical problems specific to their species. Birds are very good at hiding illness until it becomes severe. Checkups allow issues to be caught and treated early before they become critical.

How often should pet birds go to the vet?

Most avian vets recommend bringing healthy birds for wellness exams 1-2 times per year. Schedule your bird’s first vet visit shortly after getting them to establish a baseline of health. After that, annual or biannual visits allow the vet to monitor weight, look for signs of disease, and address any issues.

Schedule wellness visits when your bird is healthy. This allows thorough examination and diagnostic testing without anesthesia if the bird is stable. Visit the vet right away if you notice any signs of illness between exams. Don’t wait on veterinary care when your bird seems sick. Birds deteriorate rapidly so timely treatment is critical.

Also take your bird to the vet immediately after acquiring them even if they seem fine. Quarantine new birds for 30-45 days and have them vet-checked to avoid introducing disease into your home. Schedule a followup exam at the end of quarantine as illnesses may take time to manifest.

What does a bird vet check for during an exam?

There are many aspects to an avian wellness exam:

  • Physical exam – Weight, crop/abdomen palpation, eyes, ears, nose, skin, feathers, foot/leg joints, muscle tone, and more.
  • Parasite check – Fecal float and skin/feather exams check for mites, lice, worms, giardia, etc.
  • Blood work – Assesses organ function, blood cell counts, nutritional status, diseases, etc.
  • DNA testing – Sexes young birds and screens for genetic diseases.
  • Viral screening – Tests for avian-specific infectious viruses like polyomavirus.
  • Behavior review – Checks for signs of neurologic issues or psychological problems.
  • Nutrition consultation – Vet evaluates diet and makes feeding recommendations.
  • Vaccinations – Birds may need certain annual shots.
  • Nail trim – Overgrown nails can be trimmed to prevent injury.

This thorough top-to-bottom exam allows the vet to evaluate all aspects of your bird’s health and well-being. Based on exam findings, diagnostic testing, and your bird’s history, the vet can identify existing or emerging health issues and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Common avian vet visits

There are some common reasons birds need veterinary visits beyond their regular checkups:


Birds can suffer injuries or sudden illness requiring emergency vet care:

  • Broken blood feathers
  • Broken bones

Egg binding or dystocia

  • Heat or cold stroke
  • Attack by predator or dog/cat
  • Respiratory distress

Don’t hesitate to rush your bird to an emergency vet clinic if they have an urgent medical issue. Birds can decline rapidly when injured or ill, so quick treatment is essential.

Birds can suffer various traumatic injuries that require vet attention:

  • Head trauma
  • Wounds and lacerations
  • Damaged beak
  • Dislocations
  • Feather picking wounds

Bandaging, splinting, surgery, and medications may be needed to treat injuries depending on severity. Follow all at-home care instructions provided by your avian vet.

Birds can develop bacterial, fungal, yeast, and parasitic infections affecting different body systems:

  • Respiratory infections
  • GI infections
  • Skin/feather infections
  • Oral infections
  • Eye infections
  • Ear infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Reproductive infections

Culture and sensitivity testing helps identify the organism and best antibiotic for treatment. Follow medication dosage and duration instructions. Isolate infected birds from other pets. Disinfect cages, toys, food bowls, etc. to prevent transmission.

Female birds may have difficulty passing an egg. This can become life threatening if the egg gets stuck. Symptoms include:

  • Sitting fluffed up
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling around vent

Emergency vet care provides fluids, calcium, oxytocin, and lubricants to help pass the egg. If that fails, egg surgery or ovariectomy may be needed. Prevention involves providing optimal nutrition/supplements and limiting light exposure to 10-12 hours daily.

Growths or masses

Birds can develop benign and malignant tumors in various areas:

  • Reproductive tract
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Respiratory tract

Diagnostic testing like biopsies determine if growths are cancerous. Treatment options include surgical removal, chemotherapy, radiation, etc. Prognosis depends on the tumor type, location, and spread.

Dental issues

Birds’ beaks continuously grow. Abnormal wear and malocclusion can lead to overgrowth requiring trimming:

  • Overgrown upper or lower beak
  • Misaligned upper and lower beak
  • Malocclusion or scissor beak
  • Gas bubbles or infection under keratin layer

Some dental conditions like beak necrosis may require anesthesia for treatment. Providing proper abrasive surfaces in the cage helps wear down beaks naturally.

Preparing for your bird’s vet visit

Proper preparation helps ensure your bird’s vet visit goes smoothly:

Find an avian vet

See an experienced bird doctor, not just a general vet. Locate an avian vet in advance so you’re ready when an issue arises. Search directories through the Association of Avian Veterinarians.

Schedule an appointment

Book your appointment in advance for routine wellness exams or new health concerns. Emergencies are seen as walk-ins when possible. Inform staff this is an avian patient so proper setup is available.

Fast before visit

Withhold food for 3-4 hours before so crop is empty for exam. Water is fine. Don’t fast birds showing signs of illness.

Gather history

Write down details about your bird’s health, diet, environment, behavior, etc. This helps the vet make an accurate diagnosis. Bring prior medical records if available.

Transport bird properly

Use a secure carrier labeled “Live Bird” appropriate for your bird’s size. Avoid fabric bags as birds can overheat. Drape a light cover to minimize stress. Don’t let small birds loose in your car.

Bring supplies

Bring your bird’s regular food, medications, supplements, etc. in case an extended stay is needed. Bring their favorite toy or perch for comfort.

Costs to expect

Avian vet fees range widely depending on the services provided. Expect to pay:

  • Wellness exam: $50-$100
  • Emergency visit: $100-$250
  • Fecal or viral screening: $50-$150
  • X-rays or bloodwork: $100-$300
  • Hospitalization: $100-$500 per day
  • Surgery: $300-$3000 depending on procedure

Have an avian fund saved or look into pet insurance to help cover larger bills. Providing great care for your feathered companion is worth the investment!

Home care after the avian vet

Follow all post-visit instructions carefully:

Administer medications

Give medications exactly as prescribed. Never stop early even if your bird seems better.

Monitor appetite and droppings

Watch your bird’s food intake and droppings consistency. Notify the vet if abnormalities persist.

Limit activity

Rest is important after injury, surgery, or illness. No flying or over-exertion during recovery.

Provide supportive care

Offer easy-to-eat foods and supplemental heat, fluids, or nutritional support as needed.

Separate from other pets

Isolate treated birds during recovery to prevent disease transmission or bullying by cagemates.

Return for rechecks

Bring your bird back for necessary rechecks to evaluate healing progress and medication efficacy.

Proper aftercare and close monitoring facilitates healing and prevents complications in your recovering bird. Be vigilant and don’t hesitate to call your avian vet with any concerns.

Regular vet visits keep pet birds healthy, catch problems early, and provide life-saving care when emergencies occur. Birds are masters at masking illness until it becomes severe. Don’t wait to seek veterinary help – birds can deteriorate very quickly. Establish a relationship with an experienced avian vet and bring your feathered friend in for checkups at least annually. Given appropriate medical care when needed, birds can live many years with their owners and thrive. Your avian companion is worth the investment!

home visit bird vet

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Lafeber Company does not necessarily endorse or recommend any of the veterinary clinics,  bird clubs , or  retailers  listed. This lookup is provided purely as a service to bird owners.

If you know of a business or service in your area that treats pet birds and is not listed in our database, please drop us a note and we’ll be happy to include them.

More extensive veterinary locators are also available through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and Association of Avian Veterinarians .

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Find Bird Vet Services When Your Bird Has A Physical Condition or Needs Emergency Care. Mobile Bird Vet Services are Available or Visit Our Well-Equipped Bird Veterinary Clinic. We Have a Team of Experienced Professionals To Care For Your Bird.

Your veterinarian plays a significant role in your bird's health. Birds tend to hide illnesses until it is too late. If you start to notice minor changes in your Bird's Physical Condition call Petvets USA. Find an Avian Vet who can ensure your bird is healthy and happy.

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Veterinarian For New Purchased Bird

Recently Purchased Birds are most likely to be affected by transmittable ailments. It is important to get a veterinarian to perform a medical examination on your bird to ensure it is free of diseases. It is also important for birds to have an annual physical checkup. Preventing Health Issues is easier with early detection.

Many species of Pet Birds have a long lifespan, and most people who adopt a companion bird can expect a gratifying relationship. Petvets USA offers  Routine Examinations For Companion Birds to guarantee they live a full, healthy life.

Bird's Regular Veterinary Care

Avian medicine has turned into a specialized segment of veterinary medicine, and most general practitioners are not educated in avian care. Find specialized expert  Avian Veterinary Services  near you.

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Avian Veterinary Checkup

Many avian veterinarians conduct routine checkup tests while utilizing short-acting gas anesthesia. Petvets USA is one of the few places where the Physical Examination of Birds can be easily performed without anasthesia. Reduce risk by getting your bird examined by our devoted Avian Veterinarians.

Bird Physical Examination

Every visit to Petvets USA begins with a full physical examination. During the physical, the physician will record your Bird's Weight, General Appearance, And Mobility . Start your bird's medical history so that future issues can be easily identified.

Bird Blood Testing 

Just as your routine visit includes blood testing, so does a Checkup For Pets . Blood testing can include a complete blood count (CBC) examining the red blood cells, white blood cells, and thrombocytes, and serum biochemical profile which looks at various organ enzymes. Test results are a reliable indication of your bird's health.

An Avian Pet Veterinary Service

Petvets USA recommends regular inspections for companion birds to ensure they live a full, healthy life. Veterinary services like bird vet, Reptile Vet , dog dentist, etc, are offered by Petvets USA. Find committed professional experts who care for your bird or animal as if it were their own. 

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  • Please fill out the following consent form for Boarding your Bird.
  • Take a look at our new client talk for lots of great and important information on how to care for your bird!
  • If your bird needs extra care after a visit or hospital stay can be daunting, especially if they need medication or need a specialized cage. We have a variety of handouts and videos to help make the process a little easier for you.
  • If your bird is going home on oral medication, please watch our  medication demonstration video.
  • If your bird has gone home in a hospital tank or box, here is a video to demonstrate how to change the flannel in the tank/box .
  • Here is a handout on how to set up your hospital tank in a safe way so your bird stays comfortable and calm.
  • Here is a handout for setting up a raised grate modified cage .
  • Click here to see what to expect during your appointment .

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Abstract: The materials and techniques used in bird cage manufacturing vary tremendously. Mo...

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Posted by Fern Van Sant on 06 December

Avian reproductive behaviors observed in the wild......such as pair bonding, courtship regurgitation, cavity seeking, nest building, territorial ag...

Posted by Fern Van Sant on 16 April

Abstract: The materials and techniques used in bird cage manufacturing vary tremendously. Most cages are constructed primarily of steel with some f...

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Purple blooms on the verge of opening, backlit by the sun

This is a campuswide week of events, lectures, and volunteer opportunities designed to educate and inspire action related to environmental justice, climate, and nature-based solutions. This year’s theme is Restore & Regenerate.

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Excellence in Graduate Teaching Reception

Penn Grad Center brick exterior with foliage

5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

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Science & Technology

Bringing cognitive science in action to young minds

Penn upward bound high school students from west philadelphia got a tour of the penn smart aviary, grasp lab, and the penn vet working dog center during a visit to pennovation works..

Penn Upward Bound students record bird behaviors.

Eleven high school students stood around the 20-by-8-by-8-foot enclosure at the Penn Smart Aviary at Pennovation Works, focused on the dozen or so brown-headed cowbirds flitting from perch to perch and emitting high-pitched songs.

Biology professor Marc Schmidt and doctoral student Natalia Aponte Borges instructed the students—half of a group visiting that day from Penn Upward Bound —to tally the number of times they observed different behaviors: singing with spread wings, singing with wings down, preening, flying. The second task was to pick a single bird, identifiable by the pair of colored bands on the bird’s legs and follow the bird’s behaviors for three minutes.

“I have become really interested in understanding how the brain works in a naturalistic context,” Schmidt told the group. He is interested in learning how a male cowbird decides to be with a certain female and not another, and this spring day was just before the beginning of courtship season. Aponte Borges explained that, to understand courtship behavior across the mating season, they separate males and females before starting recordings. The students observed behaviors between males, which she said are important for establishing hierarchy in the flock.

MindCORE , Penn’s hub for the integrative study of the mind, organized a visit to Pennovation for 19 students from Upward Bound, including three from the STEM-focused Upward Bound Math and Science program, during their spring break. Students learned about cognitive science and saw research in action through talks and demonstrations at the Penn Smart Aviary, Penn Vet Working Dog Center , and GRASP Laboratory (General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception).

Housed in the School of Arts & Sciences , MindCORE, which stands for the Mind Center for Outreach, Research, and Education, supports collaborative research across Penn schools and centers. MindCORE hosted Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School students at Pennovation a couple weeks later. Penn Upward Bound is a year-round college prep program for motivated high school students from West Philadelphia who show financial need or would be first-generation college students.

“They’re basically exactly the students we want to reach. Outreach is bringing science where it isn’t,” says Russell Richie, associate director of MindCORE and the Cognitive Science program. He said MindCORE previously had faculty speak to Upward Bound students during college prep day, and the center last summer ran a similar Pennovation tour for its summer fellows.

“Prior to this visit, students could not define cognitive science. The visit gave students the opportunity to explore diverse careers that are unfamiliar to them,” says Joann Gonzalez-Generals, director of Penn Upward Bound. “This was Upward Bound’s first visit to Pennovation Works, and it brought STEM careers to life.”

Richie began the day by explaining the meaning of cognitive science—the study of human, animal, and machine intelligence—and how it sits at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.

Russell Richie talks to Penn Upward Bound students.

He explained the benefits of cognitive science for various careers in technology, health care, and research before outlining the three tour stops and giving students some questions to mull: “How do the robots, dogs, and birds seem to perceive, think or act similarly?” “Where do the animals’ and robots’ behaviors come from?” “Why study birds or dogs?”

Samir Thomas-Cooper, a third-year student at School of the Future and an Upward Bound Math and Science student, later said he came away from the visit struck by “just how much work really goes into all this. People are really serious about gaining information on the ocean or gaining information on how birds act. Same thing with the dogs.”

Robots, birds, and puppies

The tour began in the GRASP Lab, with Ph.D. students Victoria Edwards and KongYao Chee of the School of Engineering and Applied Science talking about the lab’s work instrumenting the ocean with drifters and sensors to better understand the environment.

Edwards explained that working in robotics involves thinking about perception, intelligence, and action, referring to how robots sense the world, how they make decisions, and how they move in the environment. She talked about adaptive sampling, comparing a robot’s task of coming up with a cohesive representation of its environment to the reconnaissance that teams would undertake playing Capture the Flag. “Once you’re passionate about something, the math should not put you off,” Chee told the students.

When Edwards asked the students if they are interested in going into engineering, Nelson Okeke’s hand shot up. The Overbrook High School third-year later said he was interested learning about how robots and dogs are trained to do specific tasks and that the visit taught him to be more observant of small things.

After the GRASP Lab visit, students split into two groups and alternated going to the aviary and the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, a national research and training center that prepares dogs for work like search and rescue and law enforcement.

Ruth Desiderio, WDC volunteer and outreach coordinator, explained to the students that the Center is training dogs to be able to go into a situation—such as a building collapse in an earthquake—and use scent detection to identify whether there are survivors trapped in the rubble. Staff and volunteers demonstrated how the dogs are trained to work and perform these critical tasks with three working dogs in training: 10-week-old Skye, and 1-year-olds Whelan and Joe.

Trainer Kathryn Eland inched into a barrel on her stomach and pulled a round cover in front of the opening, ready for Skye to come find her. “This puppy is at the stage where she is just having fun, seeing the person in the barrel, and barking” to alert others to Eland’s presence, trainer Alena Heyer said as Skye entered the facility.

After Skye barked several times at the barrel, as she has been trained to do, Eland provided some positive reinforcement by offering Skye’s favorite toy from behind the cover. It was now playtime. “What a good pupper! Good girl!” Eland said in an excited voice and tone that Desiderio said dogs love.

At the end of the visit to Pennovation, Roman Catholic High School third-year student Nigel Stewart reflected on how intelligence manifests differently, noting that the dogs had a goal, the birds exhibited different behaviors, and the robots performed certain tasks.

Stewart said the visit showed him that cognitive science can merge psychology and artificial intelligence or linguistics and philosophy and that the field is very broad: “Your options are open.”

Training exercise at Working Dog Center.

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Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences

‘The Illuminated Body’ fuses color, light, and sound

A new Arthur Ross Gallery exhibition of work by artist Barbara Earl Thomas features cut-paper portraits reminiscent of stained glass and an immersive installation constructed with intricately cut material lit from behind.

dramatic light on Robert Indiana’s LOVE statue on Penn’s caption.

Campus & Community

25 years of ‘LOVE’

The iconic sculpture by pop artist Robert Indiana arrived on campus in 1999 and soon became a natural place to come together.

Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health

Health Sciences

Two-and-a-half decades of research in Malawi

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In hot water: Coral resilience in the face of climate change

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How does the solar eclipse affect animals? Veterinarians share insights and pet safety tips

By Aliza Chasan

Updated on: April 8, 2024 / 4:54 PM EDT / CBS News

With around 180 million people living in or near the 2024 solar eclipse path of totality, many pet owners have been wondering how the eclipse may impact animal behaviors and how their pets might react. 

Veterinarians said they've been fielding questions from some concerned pet owners about the eclipse's impact on animals. Ultimately, there isn't a clear answer for pet owners because eclipses happen so infrequently. Researchers did plan to watch animal reactions during the April 8 eclipse to learn more about how it affects animals.

"There's not a lot of scientific research done on this topic of animals and eclipses mostly because they don't come often," said American Kennel Club Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Jerry Klein. "And a lot of it's just been anecdotal reports and just volunteering information."

How does a solar eclipse affect animals?

Though there isn't a lot of information out there, veterinarians and animal researchers do have some idea how the eclipse may impact dogs, cats and more. 

"Most animals will be overall unaffected by the eclipse, but pet owners may notice brief periods of confusion, and dogs and cats may exhibit fear and confusion," said Dr. Katie Krebs, a veterinarian and professor at University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine. 

Pets may hide, howl, pace or pant during the eclipse, Krebs said. As the sky darkens, some pets may start their nighttime routine early. 

The average indoor dog or cat is likely not going to be affected by the eclipse, said Dr. Rebecca Greenstein, veterinary expert with pet care company Rover. 

"So owners should take heart and take comfort in knowing that," Greenstein said.

Why do solar eclipses affect animals?

It's not so much the eclipse that affects pets, but the behavior of people, Klein said. 

"They'll take their cues from us," Klein said. "So if they're kept indoors and we don't try to force them into a situation that's peculiar, there should be minimal to none as far as reactions."

Many people will gather at eclipse parties and those large gatherings can impact pets if they're brought along, Klein said. The travel, noise and crowds can be stressful for animals. 

Some animals that depend more on the light-dark cycle, like birds, may be more affected because the sky will darken during the eclipse, Krebs said. 

"Things like fireworks and thunderstorms are probably a much more significant phenomenon than an eclipse that's lasting only a few minutes," Greenstein said.

Can animals look at the eclipse without going blind?

Animals generally know not to stare at the sun themselves — they've learned that doing so can temporarily blind them, leaving them vulnerable. 

"Dogs know that if something hurts them, they probably shouldn't do it," said Klein. "So left to their own devices, dogs are probably not going to stare at the sun."

Pets may look up if they see the people around them are preoccupied with looking up at the sky, vets said. 

"Dogs follow your cues, so if you're preoccupied with looking up, your dog is looking to your cues to figure out how to behave," Greenstein said. "So this may be a time to either not bring them along, or if you are, to reassure them with their favorite toy or treat and just keep them preoccupied with what's going on at ground level."

A dog wears eclipse glasses in New York City as people gather to see the solar eclipse

Pet owners do not need special eclipse glasses for their dog or cat, Krebs said. 

If you have a pair of eclipse glasses around, be careful not to leave them unattended with your pet, who may chew on or eat them, Klein said. Eclipse glasses that have scratches or punctures should not be used. 

Should you keep your pets inside or outside during the solar eclipse?

Veterinarians agree that it's likely best to keep pets inside during the eclipse, especially if they're stressed by crowds or events like storms or fireworks. 

"If possible, keep them indoors in a comfortable environment where they will feel more secure because the feeling of this is probably the most important thing," Klein said.

Owners planning to go to eclipse events should be respectful of their pet's boundaries. 

"Not all animals do well with large crowds or with you being distracted with other things, so leaving them at home or calling a trusted pet sitter are probably the best bet," Greenstein said.

At home, owners can try distracting a pet with a favorite toy, vets said. Pets who are often anxious may benefit from anti-anxiety medication during the eclipse, but owners should check with their veterinarian for specifics before giving their dog or cat any medication, Krebs said. 

"If you plan to stay home during the eclipse, your pet may seek out extra attention or comfort, so providing them with extra comfort and reassurance may help," Krebs said.

More pet safety tips to keep in mind

If you've decided to take your dog to an eclipse event, it's important to make sure they're microchipped with current info in case they get stressed and run away, Klein said. While there, make sure they're well controlled on a leash.

"By and large, we're not thinking this represents any major danger, but definitely pet owners should use their judgment," Greenstein said.

Aliza Chasan is a digital producer at 60 Minutes and She has previously written for outlets including PIX11 News, The New York Daily News, Inside Edition and DNAinfo. Aliza covers trending news, often focusing on crime and politics.

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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  13. Find an Avian Veterinarian

    More extensive veterinary locators are also available through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and Association of Avian Veterinarians. - Thank You. The Lafeber Co. You can search by zip code or city. Your location. Search radius. 25 mi. Results. 25.

  14. Bird Vet

    Veterinary services like bird vet, Reptile Vet, dog dentist, etc, are offered by Petvets USA. Find committed professional experts who care for your bird or animal as if it were their own. Get highly trained experienced Bird Vet that can meet all your avian's healthcare needs. We offer a wide range of services of exotic bird vet, emergency bird ...

  15. Links and Demos for your visit and after care

    As always, if you have any questions or concerns you can always reach out to us during normal business hours by phone, (408) 255-1739, or by email, [email protected]. Please fill out the following consent form for Boarding your Bird.Take a look at our new client talk for lots of great and important information on how to care for...

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  17. - Avian Home Veterinary Care, PLLC

    We provide veterinary care for birds including parrots, finches, canaries, chickens, ducks, pigeons, & others! Additionally, we provide care for rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and other small exotic mammals. We also provide care for small reptiles. Veterinary house calls for birds, rabbits & other exotic pets in Dutchess County, NY.

  18. Avian vet near me: Find your local bird vet

    The easiest way to discover avian vets or exotic bird vets is to use our find a vet tool.Simply click the link, enter your postcode, and click on the list of nearby vets until you find one which is listed as exotic friendly (you may need to click on more info for each veterinary practice).Alternatively, you can try our referrals guide.In this case, select the pull-down menu called referral ...

  19. TOP 10 BEST Home Visit Vet in Miami, FL

    Top 10 Best Home Visit Vet Near Miami, Florida. 1 . The Home Vet. "The Home Vet is the best vet ever. I've lived in 3 different states and had many vets and this is BY..." more. 2 . Carballo Animal Clinic. "Both father and son are amazing vets. Honest, loving, compassionate and very patient." more.

  20. Avian Influenza

    Avian influenza, or "bird flu," is a contagious viral disease of domestic and wild birds. It's a major threat to the poultry industry, animal health, trade, and the economy worldwide. Caused by influenza type A viruses, the disease varies in severity depending on the strain and species affected. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strains ...

  21. USDA-APHIS: Veterinary Services

    Veterinary Services. APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) protects and improves the health, quality, and marketability of our Nation's animals, animal products, and veterinary biologics. Our experts work with partners across many disciplines, both domestically and globally, to protect American agriculture. Learn more about our organization and the ...

  22. Bird Buddy Smart Bird Feeder review

    The Bird Buddy is a smart bird feeder that uses artificial intelligence to identify birds visiting the feeder and then sends pictures and videos of these visits to its accompanying app. Users can ...

  23. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Detections in Livestock

    Home; Travelers. Pet Travel. Take a Pet From the United States to Another Country (Export) ... veterinarians, and state animal health officials. ... Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Dairy Herds: Frequently Asked Questions APHIS Recommendations for HPAI H5N1 Virus in Livestock (214.38 KB) Confirmed Cases of HPAI in Domestic ...

  24. Bringing cognitive science in action to young minds

    Stewart said the visit showed him that cognitive science can merge psychology and artificial intelligence or linguistics and philosophy and that the field is very broad: "Your options are open.". Penn Upward Bound high school students observed Whelan, a 1-year-old working dog in training at the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, barking to ...

  25. Will the solar eclipse affect animals? Veterinarians share pet safety

    Farm animals were scared and confused during total solar eclipse 01:30. With around 180 million people living in or near the 2024 solar eclipse path of totality, many pet owners have been ...

  26. How to keep dogs and cats safe during the solar eclipse

    Her veterinary practice, in Pocatello, Idaho, closed down for several minutes so staff members could watch the eclipse outside, along with many of their dogs. Solar eclipse 2024: Follow the path ...

  27. MILAVIA Air Shows

    The second fast jet display team of Russia is the Swifts consisting of five MiG-29s painted in red, white and blue. A bird out line is depicted on the upper and lower surfaces of the aircraft. The display routine is similar to the Russian Knights with the team flying loop, roll, turn manoeuvres in close formation.

  28. Fresh Air for April 6, 2024: WNBA star Sue Bird; Sleater-Kinney

    Bird has theories about why NCAA fans don't follow the WNBA. Ken Tucker reviews Beyoncé's new album. Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker talk Sleater-Kinney, and 30 years of making music.

  29. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  30. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...