joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Joie Versatrax review

  • Laura Higgins

In a nutshell

The Joie Versatrax is a stylish, mid-range, multi-functional pushchair with a nifty one-handed fold, but may be a tight fit for children at the upper weight limit

What we tested

  • Large easy-to-access basket, lightweight, handy pockets, easy to steer, good quality wheels, large carrycot
  • No footmuff, no central bumper bar in carrycot, not suitable for overnight sleeping, snug-fitting seat

Showing item 1 of 4

Joie is a mid-market brand that claims its products offer unique parent-friendly features using the highest quality materials - promising products that are safe, stylish and affordable.

The Versatrax is their latest pushchair, costs £300 and is a hard-working multitasker. Described as a 4-in-1 system, it can be used with a carrycot, infant carrier and forward or rearward-facing seat.

Similar products in the same price bracket include the Billie Faiers MB400 Bronze and Sage Melange Pushchair, £299.99 , Baby Elegance Venti 2-in-1 Pushchair by Rosie C in Grey, £319.99 and the CBX Leotie Lux Pushchair & Carry Cot, £349.99.

Buy The Joie Versatrax: Boots , Mamas & Papas and Uber Kids

Laura Higgins is a mum to 2 children - Ross, aged 3, and 5-week-old Skylar. She tested the Joie Versatrax in a busy town centre, on bumpy, uneven pavements.

What were your first impressions of the Joie Versatrax?

I was surprised at how lightweight the Versatrax felt with the carrycot on. This is great for lifting the buggy in and out of the boot but made me think that it might not be very sturdy - particularly on uneven pavements.

What age range is the Versatrax pushchair suitable for?

The pushchair is suitable from birth up to 22kg, which Joie says is about 4 years old, while the carrycot is suitable from birth to 9kg.

I tried my 3-year-old in the seat to get an idea if this was right (he’s just over 13kg) and it was very snug. I would say the Versatrax wouldn’t be suitable up to the age or weight it claims to be.

What do you think of the carrycot?

The Versatrax’s carrycot was spacious, but not so large that a newborn would be lost in there. It fitted easily onto the chassis using the included adaptors. My baby seemed very comfortable in there - it’s very cushioned, but the lining was not very soft and didn’t feel very breathable so I used it with a sheet. It’s not suitable for prolonged periods of sleeping, so couldn’t be used as an overnight travel cot.

The mattress pad can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and the liner can be hand-washed and drip-dried. Being machine washable would have been handy, but then I used it with a sheet so it didn’t really need more than a hand-wash anyway.

The carrycot’s handle was on the hood, the same one used for pulling the hood into position, but a central bar would have made lifting the cot a bit more balanced.

There’s also a handy little pocket inside the carrycot, which is perfect for your phone or keys but is not something I’ve come across before!

What do you think of the Versatrax seat unit?

The seat was just as easy to attach as the carrycot and could be forward or parent-facing. The parts that were removable could be machine washed - really handy for when older children spill drinks or have an accident when potty training. It was lovely and padded and the leg rest was adjustable to make it more comfortable as children get older.

My only reservation with the Versatrax seat is that it didn’t come with a footmuff, which for me is an essential in colder weather, especially if you are using the seat attachment with a small baby.

The Versatrax seat unit is actually suitable from birth in the most reclined position, although I would be reluctant to use it with a newborn baby. My baby seemed a little lost in there, and if we were out for a long period of time I would prefer her to be in the carrycot, where she is more enclosed and cosy, and does not have to be strapped in.

Does the Versatrax seat recline?

Yes - the seat reclined and clicked into place easily, with a pull lever at the top of the seat.

Is the seat reversible?

The Versatrax seat is reversible so you can have it parent-facing or forward-facing. It’s very simple to change - you simply use the side clips to lift it out and pop it back in the other way round.

What did you think of the Versatrax seat harness?

I loved the padded straps which I think would have made being strapped in more comfortable.

With other buggies I have tried, the buckle can sometimes be a bit stiff, but this clipped in and out really easily. Also, you can adjust the harness with one hand – a helpful touch if you are trying to convince an older child to sit still while you strap them in!

How easy is it to manoeuvre the Joie Versatrax around town?

This was so smooth to manoeuvre around town. I didn’t feel like it was cumbersome when walking through a busy town centre (as some buggies can be) and the wheels allowed me to move it swiftly when needed.

How does the Versatrax pushchair ride on challenging surfaces?

I used this buggy on uneven pavements and it still manoeuvred very well without being too bumpy for my baby, and it felt pretty sturdy when going up and down kerbs.

I also found the Versatrax fairly easy to get in and out of the house, with both the seat and carrycot, thanks to the locking front wheels.

What do you think of the wheels?

I found that the Versatrax wheels handled well on bumpy, uneven surfaces and going up and down kerbs, thanks to the rubber outside and foam-filled inside. They seemed really durable.

Is the brake easy to use?

The brake on the Versatrax is a pedal that you simply press up or down with your foot. It wasn’t too stiff and was very convenient to apply as it’s to the side and not obstructed by anything.

How is interacting with your child when in the Versatrax buggy?

It was easier to interact with my child when using the seat, compared to the carrycot where she was obscured somewhat by the apron. I didn’t actually see this as a disadvantage, as I liked that she was protected in the Versatrax carrycot rather than exposed in the seat.

If she was slightly older then I would prefer to be able to interact with her more than I could in the carrycot, but then she would probably be in the seat at that point anyway.

How sturdy is the Versatrax pushchair?

The pushchair felt sturdy enough, which was surprising considering that it was quite lightweight compared to others I have tried.

However, after just a few trips out the Versatrax chassis had started to scuff. Although this wouldn’t impact on how well it functions, it might just look a little tatty if you decided to keep it for a second child, for example.

How much does the Versatrax weigh in each mode?

The Versatrax weighs just 11.7kg with the seat on, making it easy to manoeuvre and lift. The carrycot is only 2.97kg so it’s actually even lighter when used in this mode.

How easy is the Joie Versatrax to lift?

When used with the carrycot it was very light, as you need to take the cot off of the chassis to fold it. The carrycot itself is extremely light, and without anything attached the chassis is easy to lift into the boot of a car.

However, with the seat unit on it was a different matter – it was manageable, but considerably heavier. And there isn’t a clip or anything to hold the chassis closed when folded, so that - combined with the weight - made getting the Versatrax in and out of the boot tricky.

How does the Versatrax pushchair fold?

The Versatrax claims to fold in a flash using just one hand, which I should imagine is one of its main selling points.

  • The seat doesn’t need to be removed, regardless of which way it is facing, you just use one hand to fold this in half, then use the central strap to fold it down completely
  • However, there is a knack to it. In theory you simply lift the chassis by the strap in the centre and it will collapse. In practice, you need to give it a bit of a yank to release the lock, and a couple of times I did have to resort to using my other hand to press the clips in to release it
  • The one-handed fold is actually easier to do when the seat is attached, perhaps the extra weight of the seat helps the clips to unlock
  • The strap can then be used to carry the chassis, or it can be stored freestanding

Unfolding it is easy and can be done with one hand, you just pull up the push bar. When being used with the carrycot, this does need to be removed first.

What did you think of the hood on the Versatrax?

The hood on the carrycot can be pulled into 2 different positions and clicks into place. It needs a little bit of a tug on the handle to get it to click into the highest position. To push the hood back down, there are 2 buttons on either side that you press to release, but these are also a little bit stiff to use.

The hood on the Versatrax seat can be unzipped to provide extended coverage and did fold down quite far.

How compact is the buggy when unfolded and folded?

I was happy with how compact the Versatrax was when folded down, even with the seat attached. It was easy to fit into the boot of the car and store in the hallway at home.

What do you think of the shopping basket?

I was very impressed with the Versatrax’s basket. If you use the buggy for running errands, shopping or even days out, you’ll quickly realise how valuable a large, sturdy basket is.

This one held about 4 bags of shopping and was still easily accessible with both the seat and carrycot on - a problem I have encountered with other buggies. It also has a handy zip-up pocket for keeping essentials or valuables safe and close to hand.

What do you think of the Versatrax rain cover?

The rain covers for both the carrycot and seat covered the units completely and were quick and easy to pull on – perfect when I was caught off-guard by a sudden downpour!

How did you find using the Versatrax buggy on public transport?

I used the pushchair with the seat attachment on a bus and found it easy to get on and off with, and to fit into the space available. If I had needed to fold it down, the one-handed fold function would have come in handy. I think perhaps with the carrycot attached the journey wouldn’t have been quite as easy.

Does it fit in the boot of your car?

I have an average-sized boot and the Versatrax chassis with the seat on fitted in nicely, with space for a bag or two to spare. With the carrycot, the fit was snug and it did push the parcel shelf up slightly.

What’s in the box?

  • The Versatrax chassis
  • Adaptors to use with the carrycot and car seat, both of which are sold separately.

Is it easy to assemble?

The Versatrax instruction booklet initially looked a bit tricky, as you had to keep referring back to images on previous pages. However, it was pretty self-explanatory to assemble and the images were clear to understand so it only took about 15 minutes to build.

What would you have wanted to know before you purchased the Joie Versatrax?

I would have liked to know that the seat attachment doesn’t have a foot cosy. When buying a stroller for an older child I wouldn’t have expected one, but with a push chair for a baby I would have just assumed that there was one included.

Is the Versatrax a stylish pushchair?

I would say that it’s a pretty stylish pushchair, and it looks modern with its woven fabric and faux leather handle. I liked the colour, Laurel, which I would describe as a sage-tinted grey. It is also available in a light grey (Grey Flannel), a dark grey (Pavement) and a navy blue (Deep Sea).

Who would the Joie Versatrax be most useful for?

This is a good buy for someone who wants to use a pushchair around town, with a baby or a smaller child.

Is the Versatrax value for money?

Given that some similar products are in the same price bracket as a second-hand car, I think that the Versatrax is very reasonably priced. I did feel that the quality wasn’t as good as some of the pricier models I have tried, but the quality of the materials didn’t prevent it from doing the job well. Certainly good value for money.

Do you have to buy a lot of additional extras?

The Ramble XL carrycot is sold separately (£99.99 on Amazon ), but the seat is suitable from birth so it’s not an essential and comes down to what you would prefer for your newborn. The Versatrax is also compatible with 3 Joie infant car seats – the i-Level, the i-Gemm and the Gemm, all sold separately.

Where can I buy the Joie Versatrax?

It is available to buy from, Boots , Mamas & Papas and Uber Kids .

MadeForMums verdict

I would recommend the Joie Versatrax for someone who is looking for a reasonably priced pushchair to take their child from being a baby into a toddler. I was happy with how it functioned, although there were a few things that could have made it even better.

However, if you’re looking for something to last you several years, and perhaps to be used for a second child, I’m not sure it would still look as smart second time round.

For more feedback on the Joie Versatrax, see our parent testers' comments in the latest MadeForMums product test.

  • 20 of the best travel systems for newborn babies
  • 10 of the best convertible pushchairs
  • 10 of the best forward and rear facing buggies

Product Specifications

  • Travel Systems

Joie Versatrax travel system review


The Joie Versatrax travel system at a glance

Combine the sleek and stylish Versatrax with Joie's i-SnugTM infant carrier and rambleTM XL carry cot for a multipurpose travel system that will take you from those very first adventures and beyond. Versatrax is a stylish pushchair that has a simple one-handed fold system and all wheel suspensions with Sweet StrideTM single front swivel wheels for a sweet ride. Team it with the i-SnugTM, the lightweight yet strong i-Size certified infant carrier, and the rambleTM XL with its super soft lining and full cot cushioning for a system that's ready for everything.

Joie Versatrax Trio - Cycle Shell Grey 802886

Joie Versatrax Trio - Cycle Shell Grey

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Joie Versatrax Trio - Cycle Shell Grey


Joie versatrax trio - cycle shell grey.

  • Suitable from birth with flat reclining seat and height adjustable pushbar
  • Adjustable forward and rearward facing seat
  • One hand easy fold and setup, with seat rearward or forward facing
  • Freestanding when folded with a carry strap built in
  • Full-size UPF50+ canopy that is water repellant with eyeshade visor
  • Multi-position recline for backrest tilt options and 2 position calf support
  • Front and back access storage basket with a cup holder
  • All wheel suspension for a smooth ride with Locking front swivel wheels and one touch brakes
  • Sweet Stride™ single front swivel wheels
  • SoftTouch, 5-point harness


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Joie Versatrax Trio Cycle Pushchair | Shell Grey

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Folds in a flash -the one hand, one-piece flat fold works with seat rearward, forward or off the chassis and packs up flat in an instant. The durable rubber-outside, foam-filled tyres tackle tricky terrain with ease and the super spacious shopping basket is ready to load to the max, from the front or from the back. What is the Joie Cycle Collection? All of the fabrics in Joie's Cycle Collection are 100% made from recycled plastic bottles! That includes the canopies, seat pads, inserts, and baskets. The bottles are collected, cleaned, turned into tiny chips, then melted and spun into thread. From there, they are woven into super soft and durable knits that are both beautiful and cosy. What about the packaging in the Joie Cycle Collection? All of our cartons are both recyclable and made from 100% recycled materials! And while we’re still looking into ways to remove a few small plastic components from our packaging, all plastic used is also recyclable. Our stroller raincovers are recyclable as well! Why are the Joie Cycle Products slightly more expensive? Our recycled fabrics are slightly more expensive to source than other, traditional woven and knit fabrics – so the products in our Cycle collection are typically have slightly higher recommended retail prices. What's included in the bundle? Stroller, Carrycot, i-Snug Car Seat, Cupholder, Raincovers, Car Seat Adaptors

Features - Rearward and forward facing seat. - Compatible with Joie Gemm, i-Gemm, i-Level and i-Snug car seats and ramble XL carrycot with included all-in-one adapters. - Mechanical 3 position recline seat unit with a lie flat mode. - One-hand, instant flash fold and set up mechanism. - Extendable UPF50+ and water repellent canopy. - Adjustable calf support and handle and removable arm bar. - Height adjustable push bar. - Large storage basket. - Cupholder - Soft touch harness is soft on baby’s skin whilst keeping them safe and secure. - Stands when folded with compact trolley mode. - All wheel suspension with puncture free foam-filled rubber tyres.

Specifications Weight: 11.7kg Open Size: 92.4cm x w 65.5cm x 112cm Folded Size: 86cm x w 65.5cm x 36cm Product usage: Birth to 22kg

Name: Joie Versatrax Trio Cycle Pushchair | Shell Grey

SKU: T1803EACYC000

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joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

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Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System Bundle - Laurel (Exclusive Package to Kiddies Kingdom) On clearance

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Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System Bundle - Laurel (Exclusive Package to Kiddies Kingdom)

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Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System Bundle - Laurel (Exclusive Package to Kiddies Kingdom)

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This bundle includes

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Joie Versatrax Pushchair-Laurel

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Joie Ramble XL Carrycot-Laurel

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Britax Römer BABY-SAFE CORE Group 0 Carseat - Space Black

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Add a Britax Römer BABY-SAFE CORE Base

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Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System Bundle - Laurel (Exclusive Package to Kiddies Kingdom)

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Package Includes:

Joie versatrax pushchair, joie ramble xl carrycot, britax römer baby-safe core group 0 car seat.

Meet versatrax™, the travel far, experience more, enjoy most pushchair. We know so much adventure awaits, so meet your match in the Joie versatrax.

4in1 multiway usage - Adjusting to baby’s ever changing needs is effortless for this hardworking multitasker. The 4in1 versatrax combines carry cot, infant carrier and forward or rearward facing seat all in one sweet ride.

Ease to Fold - No need to double over as you fold up, thanks to a handy quick release on the back of the seat. Trigger the safety release and lift the activator for a one piece fold that’s more secure than ever.

Compact pram fold - Whether the seat is fastened forward or rearward, the versatrax tucks closed and stands ready to store with one quick tug.

You’re back on the go with an equally speedy set up, seat already intact.

  • Rearward and forward facing seat- the reversible seat means that you can either have some one-on-one time with your baby facing towards you, or they be entertained by the outside world in one turn.
  • All-in-one adapters- the pushchair is compatible with Joie Gemm , i-Gemm, i-Level , i-Snug car seats and the Joie Ramble XL Carry Cot .
  • Mechanical 3-position recline seat unit- offers comfort at all levels for your baby, whether sitting or lying down. You can easily control the level of recline
  • One-hand, instant flash fold mechanism- effortlessly folds in a flash, with the seat rearward, forward, or off the chassis.
  • Extendable UPF50+ and water-repellent canopy- the extendable canopy with ventilation and a see-through window, protects rain or shine, and can be easily retracted if you don’t need it.
  • Adjustable calf support, adjustable handle and removable armbar- adaptable to your child’s size and needs, the pushchair can be modified to your own requirements.
  • Large storage basket- the all-access basket is big enough to fit all of your belongings, and can be reached in every seat position.
  • SoftTouch harnesses- the SoftTouch harness is made of especially soft material, designed to keep your baby safe, without compromising their comfort.
  • Stands when folded with compact trolley mode- when you’re not using the pushchair it folds down compactly, not taking up extra space, and stands upright by itself, so can be put away anywhere.
  • All wheel suspension with fake air tires- provides support over any terrain and is durable enough to go the distance.
  • Weight of child: birth to 22.5kg (approx. 6 years)
  • Open Size: l 88-101 x w 58 x h 99-108.5cm
  • Folded Size: l 82.8. x w 54.8 x h 42cm
  • Weight: 12.1kg

Meet Ramble XL, a cuddly and cosy oversized cot to keep little ones snoozing on the go. Lie-flat mattress is fully covered and cocooned for a sweet and secure stroll.

Perfect partner - Pairs perfectly with Versatrax, Litetrax 4 and Mytrax using adapters to create an effortless travel system. Infant ready - Baby soft lining and full cot cushioning designed for little ones’

comfort. One sweet ride - Comes complete with a cool weather apron, tailored raincover, adjustable canopy, leatherette touches and plush mattress.

  • Pairs with Joie Versatrax Pushchair- the adapters are included with pushchair purchase.
  • UPF50+ retractable canopy with multiple positions- the extra protective canopy protects newborns from the elements, and can be easily retracted, or simply moved into a different position to ensure maximum comfort.
  • Foldable for storage- easily foldable to reduce space and ensure easy transport.
  • Storage pocket at inner foot end- the concealed inner storage pocket is ideal for baby’s essentials that need to be close by, like pacifiers, teddies, and spare clothes.
  • Cool weather apron snaps on and off- the apron keeps little ones toasty warm in even the coldest of weather, with full visibility so they can still see out, and easy removal for when you move inside
  • Fully lined and cushioned- the whole cot is fully lined and cushioned to ensure maximum comfort
  • Soft grip handle- the faux-leather handle is soft grip to ensure that parents are comfortable when carrying the Ramble XL
  • Chic and cosy styling- this carry cot is practical AND stylish, in a beautiful ‘laurel’ colour that blends in perfectly anywhere

The Britax Römer BABY-SAFE CORE is a super compact and versatile i-SIZE infant carrier, which offers essential safety and comfort for babies from 40 to 83 cm. Convenient to install via a 3-point belt or particular ISOFIX base (sold separately).

Developed in line with the i-Size standard, the Britax Römer BABY-SAFE CORE is provides essential safety and comfort for every journey. Suitable from birth up to 83 cm and 13 kg of weight (approx. 15 months), it features durable shell with protective side wings and expandable sun canopy.

The BABY-SAFE CORE features compact design and weighs only 3.9 kg*, which makes it one of the lightest car seats in its class. With a convenient adjustable carry handle, you can transport your little one from door to door with minimal effort.

The BABY-SAFE CORE features well padded interior with specially designed height-adjustable headrest and removable infant insert made of energy-absorbing foam. Its soft-padded 3-point harness with an easy and seamless buckle offers undisturbed sleep when your baby needs it.

To keep the highest safety standard, the Britax Römer BABY-SAFE CORE is recommended to install with specially designed ISOFIX base (sold separately), however it can be attached in the car via 3-point belt too. This flexibility allows you to use the seat in practically all cars, not necessarily equipped with particular anchor points.

As the most of current infant carriers, the BABY-SAFE CORE is can be used as a part of the travel system. The carrier easily attaches onto pushchair frame via CLICK & GO® adapters included with all Britax Römer strollers.

  • Suitable from birth to 15 months / 40 - 83 cm / 0 - 13 kg
  • Conforms to ECE R129 (i-SIZE) standard
  • Lightweight design - only 3.9 kg*
  • Durable shell with protective wings
  • Height adjustable headrest - 10 positions
  • Removable newborn insert
  • Superior Side Impact Protection system (SICT)
  • Easily adjustable padded headrest and harness
  • Expandable UPF 50+ sun hood
  • Soft padded 3-points safety harness with quiet buckle
  • Adjustable carry handle
  • Easy removable and machine washable seat cover
  • Installation via Isofix base or 3-poit vehicle belt
  • Compatible to use with CORE and FLEX 5Z ISOFIX bases (available separately)
  • Fits all Britax Römer strollers equipped with CLICK & GO® adapters (available separately)


  • Rearward facing installation: 40 - 83 cm
  • Dimensions: H62.5 x W44 x D65.5
  • *Weight (without canopy and newborn insert): 3.9 kg
  • Colour: Green
  • Pushchair Age Suitability: From Birth (Lies Flat)
  • Pushchair Orientation: Forward & Parent Facing
  • Number of Wheels: 4 wheeler
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Shooter Files by f.d. walker

Street Photography Tips, Interaction, Travel, Guides

Apr 24 2017

City Street Guides by f.d. walker: A Street Photography Guide to Moscow, Russia


*A series of guides on shooting Street Photography in cities around the world. Find the best spots to shoot, things to capture, street walks, street tips, safety concerns, and more for cities around the world. I have personally researched, explored and shot Street Photography in every city that I create a guide for. So you can be ready to capture the streets as soon as you step outside with your camera!

At over 12 million people, Moscow is the largest city in Russia and second largest in Europe by population ( Istanbul is #1). An urban, cosmopolitan metropolis with more than enough glitz and glam to cater to the elite, but without losing its fair share of Soviet era roughness around the edges. It can be fast paced, brash, busy, and trendy like other big cities, but it has its blend of West meets Russia atmosphere and beauty that provides plenty of unique interest. The Red Square is as famous as it gets, but there’s so much more to this city, including the most beautiful subway system you’ve ever seen. It would take years to capture all of Moscow, but that means you have an endless amount of areas to discover.

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So here’s a Street Photography guide so you can be ready to capture all that Moscow has to offer before you even arrive!

  • Patriarch’s Pond
  • Old Arbat Street
  • Maroseyka Street
  • Tverskoy Boulevard

Top 5 Street Spots:

1. red square.

The Red Square is the most famous square in not just Russia, but all of Eastern Europe. The name actually doesn’t come from the color of the bricks or communism, but from the name in Russian, Krásnaya, once meaning “beautiful” before its meaning changed to “red.” This large plaza is what you see on the cover of guide books and magazines for Moscow, with St. Basil’s Cathedral being the center piece next to Lenin’s Mausoleum surrounded by the Kremlin Wall. Of course, the Red Square attracts hordes of tourist due to the main attractions, but all that activity around an interesting atmosphere does provide street photo opportunities. It’s also the central square connecting to the city’s major streets, providing a good starting point to explore outward.

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You’ll also find the popular pedestrian only Nikolskaya Street connecting the Red Square to Lubyanka Square. This line of expensive shops includes plenty of activity, while also leading you to another popular square. Filled with history rivaling any city, the Red Square and surrounding areas are the heart and soul of Russia.

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2. Patriarch’s Ponds

Patriarch’s Ponds is one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Moscow. Despite the name being plural, there’s only one large pond, but it’s worth a visit with your camera. It’s a popular spot for locals and expats to come relax or take a stroll around the pond. You get an interesting mix of young and old too, from young love to “babushkas” feeding pigeons. It’s a very peaceful park atmosphere in one of the nicer areas within the city center, while bringing enough activity for street photography. 

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The pond is shallow and in the winter becomes a popular spot for ice-skating too. The area is also well-known for the location in the famous Russian novel, The Master and Margarita. 

3. Old Arbat (Stary Arbat)

Old Arbat is the most famous pedestrian street in Moscow, and dating back to the 15th century, also one of its oldest. Originally, it was an area of trade, but soon became the most prestigious residential area in Moscow. During the 18th century, Arbat started attracting the city’s scholars and artists, including Alexander Pushkin. Cafes lined the streets and impressive homes filled the neighborhood. Since then, New Arbat street was created as a highway in the area, while Old Arbat was paved for a 1km pedestrian only walkway.

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Due to the historic buildings, famous artists that lived here, and the bohemian atmosphere, Old Arbat has become a big attraction for tourists today. Now, there’s a mix of cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, street performers, street merchants and other attractions for visitors, and some locals, to come enjoy. It can get really busy here and there’s usually something interesting going on so it’s a good street to come walk with your camera for guaranteed life.

4. Gorky Park

One of the most famous places in Moscow is Gorky Park. The official name is Maxim Gorky’s Central Park of Culture & Leisure, which gives you an idea of what goes on here. When built, it was the first of its kind in the Soviet Union. Divided into two parts, it stretches along Moscow River. One end contains fair rides, foods stands, tennis courts, a sports club, a lake for boat rides, and more. This end brings more active life due to its number of attractions, while the other end is more relaxed, where you’ll find gardens, trees, older buildings, and an outdoor amphitheater.

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Gorky Park attracts mostly locals so it’s a good spot to capture the non-tourist side of Moscow life. Muscovites come here to escape the city and unwind in a picturesque setting. The park remains alive outside of the warmer months too, especially when the lake turns into the city’s largest outdoor skating rink. I’d recommend taking the metro out here to spend at least half a day exploring the massive park’s life with your camera.

5. Maroseyka Street

Maroseyka Street is a popular area not too far from the Red Square. The long, winding street turns into Pokrovka and is lined with restaurants, cafes, bars and places to stay. It’s actually where I like to stay when I’m in Moscow due to its location and solid street photography opportunities itself. You have Kitay-gorod station near and if you keep walking southwest, you’ll get to the Red Square. But if you walk northwest, as it changes to Pokrovka, you can find a long street of activity for photography with its own interesting atmosphere.

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6. Tverskoy Boulevard

Tverskoy Boulevard is the oldest and longest boulevard in Moscow, beginning at the end of Nikitsky Boulevard, and finishing at Pushkin Square, a spot to come for activity itself. The boulevard is made up of two avenues, with pedestrian walkways in-between. You’ll find grass, shrubbery, trees, benches and more walking it’s almost kilometer length. Many people come here to enjoy some relaxation, walk their dog, or just to use it to walk wherever they’re going. Its center location also provides a nice place to walk with your camera near plenty of other spots you’ll want to check out anyway.

Sample Street Walk:

For a full day of Street Photography, covering some of the best spots, you can follow this sample street walk for Moscow:

  • Start your morning walking around the Red Square (1), while exploring the surrounding area, including Nikolskaya Street
  • Then walk northwest to Patriarch’s Ponds (2) and slowly walk the pond and surrounding area with your camera
  • Next, walk east to the Pushkin Monument and stroll down Tverskoy Boulevard (6)
  • Once Tverskoy Boulevard (6) ends, it will turn into Nikitsky Boulevard. Follow this down until you get to the start of Old Arbat Street (3), across from Arbatskaya station
  • After you’re done walking down Old Arbat Street (3) for more street photography, spend some time checking out Moscow’s beautiful metro stations
  • To finish off the day with more street photography, get off the metro near Red Square (1) again, Maroseyka Street (5) or wherever you’re staying for the night.

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3 Things I’ll Remember about Shooting in Moscow:

1. museum metro.

The Moscow metro system was the first underground railway system in the Soviet Union and today includes 203 stations across 340km of routes. The elaborate system has some of the deepest stations in the world too, with escalators that seem to go on forever. None of this is what makes it so special, though. Many of its stations feel like stepping inside a museum, making it without a doubt the most interesting and beautiful metro system I’ve been in.

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When built, Stalin wanted to make the metro stations “palaces for the people” with marble, chandeliers, and grand architecture. The best part is the variety of architecture and styles used, making many of the stations a completely different experience visually. You could easily spend a whole day traveling the stations and there are even tours available for people who wish to do just that. My advice, though, would be just to buy a ticket and hop on and off at different stations, while exploring different lines. The museum-like surrounding mixed with the crowds of characters can make for a great photography experience.

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Since there are so many stations, here are some of my favorites to check out:

  • Novoslobodskaya
  • Mayakovskaya
  • Elektrozavodskaya
  • Komsomolskaya
  • Ploschad Revolyutsii
  • Dostoyevskaya
  • Prospekt Mira

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2. Moscow is Big

It’s no secret that Moscow is a big city, but it can feel even bigger with how spread out much of it is. This is especially true if you compare it to cities outside of Asia. If I compared it to cities in Europe, I’d probably say only Istanbul would warrant more time to really discover the depths of this city. Most only explore around the Red Square and surrounding area, but that is such a small part of the city. Although, that central area does give you plenty to see on its own.

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Fortunately, I had a good friend living in the city to show me around, but it opened up my eyes even more to how much there is to discover in Moscow. It’s a big city with a variety of atmosphere that can take you from “east” to “west” and trendy to rugged depending on where you go. I’d imagine you’d have to live here a while to really know the city.

3. Cosmopolitan Mix of East meets West

Modern skyscrapers mixed with amazing architecture, a world-class metro system with museum-like beauty, trendy fashion and chic clubs, Moscow is a rich mix of Russian culture and history in a more western cosmopolitan package. There is a push to keep the Russian culture, while also pushing forward with a modern metropolis the whole world will envy. This comes with an impressive skyline, that continues to grow, and endless modernities, but with soviet nostalgia and atmosphere mixed in for good measure.

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Mixed in with this grand western cosmopolitan atmosphere, is a strong national pride in Russia. This includes their famous leader, Vladimir Putin. Maybe no other place will you see a country’s leader more often. All over, from the pricey tourist shops to the underground walkway stalls, you’ll find goods with Putin’s likeness covering them. From t-shirts to magnets to Matryoshka dolls. There’s a strong national pride that can be seen around the city, which also extends to their leader. Moscow is many things. It’s East meets West, modernizations meets Soviet era, and a whole lot more.

What To Do For a Street Photography Break?:

Eat at a stolovaya.

Stolovayas are Russian cafeterias that became popular in the Soviet days. You grab a tray and walk down the line of freshly prepared local dishes, and select whatever you want from the chefs. They’re usually inexpensive and a much better value than restaurants, while giving you the opportunity to try from a wide selection of everyday Russian food. They’re also very tasty. I always include some borsch on my tray and go from there. The places themselves are all over Moscow and usually come with Soviet-era aesthetics to complete the experience.

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Street Safety Score: 7

*As always, no place is completely safe! So when I talk about safety, I’m speaking in general comparison to other places. Always take precaution, be smart, observe your surroundings and trust your instincts anywhere you go!

Being the 2nd largest city in Europe with over 12 million people, you’re going to have your dangerous areas, but for the most part, it feels safe walking around. Russia is statistically higher in crime compared to most of Europe, but this generally doesn’t apply to tourists and visitors. Around the Red Square and surrounding city center, you should feel completely safe walking around. Pick pocketing can happen, but no more than other touristic places. I always explore Moscow freely without coming across too much to worry about. It’s a spread out city, though, so of course it matters where you are. Just use basic street smarts, know where you are and Moscow shouldn’t give you a problem. 

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People’s Reaction Score: 7

Moscow is fast paced, big city life, which usually means people aren’t too concerned with you, or your camera. I don’t find people notice or pay much attention to me when I’m out taking photos in Moscow. For the most part, people just go about their day. You shouldn’t get too many looks or concern. But it can depend on the area you are in. The more you stick out, the more you might get noticed with suspicions. I’ve never had any problems in Moscow, or Russia, but just be careful who you’re taking a photo of if you get out of the city center. Other than that, it’s about average for reactions. 

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Street Tips:

Learn the alphabet .

Much of Moscow, including the metro system, doesn’t use english. The Russian alphabet uses letters from the Cyrillic script, which if you aren’t familiar with it and don’t know the sounds, can be hard to decipher the words. This is most important for street names and metro stops when trying to get around. It can save confusion and make it easier getting around if you learn the basic alphabet. At the very least then, you can sound out the words to see which are similar in the english conversion, which can help matching them to maps. When out shooting street photography, getting around is as important as anything. So save yourself some time and frustration by learning the Russian Alphabet.

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Use the metro

While Saint-Petersburg feels very walkable for a city its size, Moscow can feel very spread out, even for its bigger size. Outside of the Red Square area, you can have plenty of walking before getting anywhere very interesting, so you’ll need to take the metro a lot if you really want to explore the city. Maps are deceiving here too, it will always be further than it looks.

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Another reason it’s less walkable than Saint-Petersburg is its completely different set-up. Moscow’s streets are mostly contstructed in rings with narrow, winding streets in-between. This is common with medieval city cities that used to be confined by walls, but you usually don’t have it in a city this massive. Saint-Petersburg has a more grid-like pattern that also uses the canals to help you know your way around. When it comes to navigating on foot in Moscow, it can be more difficult, so bring a map and take the metro when needed. It’s why Moscow’s metro carries more passengers per day than the London and Paris subways combined.

Explore other areas if you have time

Moscow is really big. While most people stay around the Red Square within the Boulevard Ring, there’s so much more to the city. I covered some other spots outside of this circle, but if you really want to see the city, you’ll need time. If you do have time, some other areas I’d check out first are Zamoskvarechye, along some of the south and western Moscow.

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For some more inspiration, you can look through the Street Photography of Moscow photographer Artem Zhitenev  and check out 33 of my photos taken in Moscow .


Moscow’s name brings a certain mystique, but once you’re there it might bring a different atmosphere than you expect. It’s big and sprawling, but beautiful in many ways. It can feel like a European capital on a grand scale, but you can definitely find its Russian side in there.

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The urban sprawl of Moscow can be intimidating, but give it enough time and you’ll be rewarded with plenty to discover. All with the world’s best metro system to take you around.

I hope this guide can help you start to experience some of what Moscow contains. So grab your camera and capture all that Moscow has to offer for Street Photography!

If you still have any questions about shooting in Moscow, feel free to comment below or email me!

(I want to make these guides as valuable as possible for all of you so add any ideas on improvements, including addition requests, in the comment section!)

Click Here For More City Street Guides!

(A New Guide Posted Every Other Wednesday)

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Home » Europe » Moscow

EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024)

Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit!

Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city each year! Although the warmer months make exploring Moscow’s attractions more favorable, there’s just something about a fresh snowfall that only enhances the appearance of the city’s iconic sites!

If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or simply wanting to see as much of the city as possible, this Moscow itinerary will help you do just that!

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Best Time To Visit Moscow

Where to stay in moscow, moscow itinerary, day 1 itinerary in moscow, day 2 itinerary in moscow, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in moscow, day trips from moscow, faq on moscow itinerary.

Here is a quick look at the seasons so you can decide when to visit Moscow!

The summer months (June-August) are a great time to travel to Moscow to take advantage of the enjoyable mild temperatures. This is considered peak travel season. Bear in mind that hotel prices rise along with the temperatures!

when to visit moscow

If you’re planning a trip to Moscow during fall (September-November) try to plan for early fall. This way the temperatures will still be pleasant and winter won’t be threatening.

Russian winters (December-February) are not for the faint of heart as Napoleon learned to his peril. Some days the sun will be out for less than an hour, and snow is guaranteed. Although winters are exceptionally cold, this is when you’ll get a true glimpse of the Moscow experience!

The best time to visit Moscow is during spring  (March-May). The temperatures will begin to creep up and the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day. Hotel rates will also have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges!

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With a Moscow City Pass , you can experience the best of Moscow at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

Moscow is a large city with many accommodation options to choose from. Staying in a location that fits with your travel plans will only enhance your Moscow itinerary. Here is a brief introduction to a few great areas of the city we recommend checking out!

The best place to stay in Moscow to be close to all the action is Kitay-Gorod. This charming neighborhood will put you within walking distance to Moscow’s famous Red Square, thus cutting down on travel time. This will allow you to see more of the city in a shorter amount of time!

where to stay in moscow

It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops. If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or just planning a quick weekend in Moscow, then this area is perfect for you!

Another great area to consider is the Zamoskvorechye district. This area of the city offers a blend of new and old Moscow. It has an artsy vibe and there are plenty of fun sites you can explore outside of the main touristy areas of Moscow.

Of course, as in all areas of Moscow, it’s close to public transportation that will quickly connect you with the rest of the city and make your Moscow itinerary super accessible!

Best Airbnb in Moscow – Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Modern and cozy, this apartment is in the heart of Old Moscow. Bordering the Basmanny and Kitay-Gorod districts, this two-bedroom flat is walking distance to the Kremlin and Red Square. Safe, quiet, and comfortable, this is the best Airbnb in Moscow, no question!

Best Budget Hotel in Moscow – Izmailovo Alfa Hotel

moscow itinerary

The Izmailovo Alfa Hotel is a very highly rated accommodation that provides all the components necessary for a comfortable trip to Moscow. There is an on-site restaurant, bar, fitness center, and an airport shuttle service. The rooms are modern and spacious and are equipped with a TV, heating/air conditioning, minibar, and more!

Best Luxury Hotel in Moscow – Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre

moscow itinerary

If you’re touring Moscow in luxury, the Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre is the hotel for you! Elegantly furnished rooms are equipped with a minibar, flat-screen TV,  in-room safes, as well as tea and coffee making facilities! Bathrooms come with bathrobes, slippers, and free toiletries. There is also an onsite restaurant, bar, and fitness center.

Best Hostel in Moscow – Godzillas Hostel

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station. Guests will enjoy all the usual hostel perks such as self-catering facilities, 24-hour reception, Free Wi-Fi, and security lockers. This is one of the best hostels in Moscow and its wonderful social atmosphere and will make your vacation in Moscow extra special!

An important aspect of planning any trip is figuring out the transportation situation. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get to all of your Moscow points of interest right? Luckily, this sprawling city has an excellent network of public transportation that will make traveling a breeze!

The underground metro system is the quickest and most efficient way to travel around Moscow. Most visitors rely exclusively on this super-efficient transportation system, which allows you to get to pretty much anywhere in the city! It’s also a great option if you’re planning a Moscow itinerary during the colder months, as you’ll be sheltered from the snow and freezing temperatures!

moscow itinerary

If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro.

Moscow’s metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a ‘Troika’ card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a metro cash desk. The ticket is simple, convenient, and even refundable upon return to a cashier!

No matter which method you choose, you’ll never find yourself without an easy means of getting from point A to point B!

Red Square | Moscow Kremlin | Lenin’s Mausoleum | St. Basil’s Cathedral  | GUM Department Store

Spend the first day of your itinerary taking your own self guided Moscow walking tour around the historic Red Square! This is Moscow’s compact city center and every stop on this list is within easy walking distance to the next! Get ready to see all of the top Moscow landmarks!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – The Red Square

  • Why it’s awesome: The Red Square is the most recognizable area in Moscow, it has mesmerizing architecture and centuries worth of history attached to its name.
  • Cost: Free to walk around, individual attractions in the square have separate fees. 
  • Food nearby: Check out Bar BQ Cafe for friendly service and good food in a great location! The atmosphere is upbeat and they’re open 24/7!

The Red Square is Moscow’s historic fortress and the center of the Russian government. The origins of the square date back to the late 15th century, when Ivan the Great decided to expand the Kremlin to reflect Moscow’s growing power and prestige!

During the 20th century, the square became famous as the site for demonstrations designed to showcase Soviet strength. Visiting the Red Square today, you’ll find it teeming with tourists, who come to witness its magical architecture up close!

The Red Square

The square is the picture postcard of Russian tourism, so make sure to bring your camera when you visit! No matter the season, or the time of day, it’s delightfully photogenic! 

It’s also home to some of Russia’s most distinguishing and important landmarks, which we’ve made sure to include further down in this itinerary. It’s an important center of Russia’s cultural life and one of the top places to visit in Moscow!

In 1990, UNESCO designated Russia’s Red Square as a World Heritage site. Visiting this historic site is a true bucket-list event and essential addition to your itinerary for Moscow!

Day 1 / Stop 2 – The Moscow Kremlin

  • Why it’s awesome: The Moscow Kremlin complex includes several palaces and cathedrals and is surrounded by the Kremlin wall. It also houses the principal museum of Russia (the Kremlin Armory).
  • Cost: USD $15.00
  • Food nearby: Bosco Cafe is a charming place to grat a casual bite to eat. They have excellent coffee and wonderful views of the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin!

The iconic Moscow Kremlin , also known as the Kremlin museum complex, sits on Borovitsky Hill, rising above the Moscow River. It is a fortified complex in the center of the city, overlooking several iconic buildings in the Red Square!

It’s the best known of the Russian Kremlins – citadels or fortress’ protecting and dominating a city. During the early decades of the Soviet era, the Kremlin was a private enclave where the state’s governing elite lived and worked.

The Kremlin is outlined by an irregularly shaped triangular wall that encloses an area of 68 acres! The existing walls and towers were built from 1485 to 1495. Inside the Kremlin museum complex, there are five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The Armoury Chamber is a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace’s complex and is one of the oldest museums of Moscow, established in 1851. It showcases Russian history and displays many cherished relics. Definitely make sure to check out this museum while you’re here!

The Moscow Kremlin

The churches inside the Moscow Kremlin are the Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel, Church of the Annunciation, and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki (a church tower).

The five-domed Cathedral of the Dormition is considered the most famous. It was built from 1475–1479 by an Italian architect and has served as a wedding and coronation place for great princes, tsars, and emperors of Russia. Church services are given in the Kremlin’s numerous cathedrals on a regular basis.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was the former Tsar’s Moscow residence and today it serves as the official workplace of the President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Putin seems to have bagged that title for life) .

Insider Tip: The Kremlin is closed every Thursday! Make sure to plan this stop on your Moscow itinerary for any other day of the week!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Lenin’s Mausoleum

  • Why it’s awesome: The mausoleum displays the preserved body of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin .
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Khinkal’naya is a charming Georgian restaurant with vaulted ceilings and exposed brick. It’s a popular place with locals and right next to the Red Square!

Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s Tomb, is the modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. It’s located within the Red Square and serves as the resting place for the Soviet leader! His preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924.

It’s located just a few steps away from the Kremlin Wall and is one of the most controversial yet popular Moscow attractions!

Admission is free for everyone, you’ll only need to pay if you need to check a bag. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, they have to go through a metal detector first. No metal objects, liquids, or large bags are allowed in the mausoleum!

Lenins Mausoleum

Expect a line to enter the building, and while you’re inside the building, you’ll be constantly moving in line with other visitors. This means you won’t be able to spend as long as you’d like viewing the mausoleum, but you’ll still be able to get a good look. Pictures and filming while inside the building are strictly prohibited, and security guards will stop you if they see you breaking this rule.

The mausoleum is only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – unless it’s a public holiday or a day scheduled for maintenance. The hours it’s open for each day are limited, make sure to check online before you visit to make sure you can fit this into your Moscow itinerary for that day!

Insider Tip: The Lenin’s Museum is there for people to pay their respect; remember to keep silent and move along quickly, it’s not intended for people to congregate around. Also, men are not allowed to wear hats and everyone must take their hands out of their pockets when inside the building.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – St. Basil’s Cathedral

  • Why it’s awesome: A dazzling designed cathedral that showcases Russia’s unique architecture. This cathedral is one of the most recognizable symbols of the country!
  • Cost: USD $8.00
  • Food nearby: Moskovskiy Chaynyy Klub is a cozy cafe serving food items and pipping hot tea; it’s the perfect place to go if you’re visiting Moscow during the winter months!

Located in the Red Square, the ornate 16th-century St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the building you picture when you think of Moscow’s unique architecture. Its colorful onion-shaped domes tower over the Moscow skyline!

The cathedral was built from 1555-1561 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was designed with an iconic onion dome facade and enchanting colors that captivate all who see it. Fun fact: If you’re wondering why Russian churches have onion domes, they are popularly believed to symbolize burning candles!

This iconic cathedral has become a symbol of Russia due to its distinguishing architecture and prominent position inside the Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing historical cathedrals in the world!

St. Basils Cathedral

The interior of the church surprises most people when they visit. In contrast to the large exterior, the inside is not so much one large area, but rather a collection of smaller areas, with many corridors and small rooms. There are 9 small chapels and one mausoleum grouped around a central tower.

Visiting the inside is like walking through a maze, there are even small signs all around the cathedral tracing where to walk, and pointing you in the right direction! The walls are meticulously decorated and painted with intricate floral designs and religious themes.

The church rarely holds service and is instead a museum open for the public to visit.

Insider Tip: During the summer months the line to go inside the cathedral can get quite long! Make sure to arrive early or reserve your tickets online to guarantee quick access into the cathedral!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – GUM Department Store

  • Why it’s awesome: This is Russia’s most famous shopping mall! It’s designed with elegant and opulent architecture and provides a real sense of nostalgia!
  • Cost: Free to enter
  • Food nearby: Stolovaya 57 is a cafeteria-style restaurant with a variety of inexpensive Russian cuisine menu items including soups, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. It’s also located inside the GUM department store, making it very easily accessible when you’re shopping!

The enormous GUM Department Store is located within the historic Red Square. It has a whimsical enchantment to it that sets it apart from your typical department store.

A massive domed glass ceiling lines the top of the building and fills the interior with natural sunlight. There are live plants and flowers placed throughout the mall that give the shopping complex a lively and cheerful feel! A playful fountain sits in the center, further adding to the malls inviting a sense of wonder and amusement!

The GUM department store opened on December 2, 1893. Today, it includes local and luxury stores, including Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many more! There are numerous cafes, restaurants, and even a movie theater inside!

GUM Department Store

For a special treat, head into Gastronom 1. This 1950s-style shop sells gourmet food items, like wine, freshly-baked pastries, cheese, Russian chocolate, and of course, vodka! Also, be on the lookout for a bicycle pedaling ice cream truck with an employing selling ice cream!

The ambiance is simply amazing, a trip to this idyllic shopping mall is an absolute must on any Moscow itinerary!

Insider Tip: Make sure to carry some small change on you in case you need to use the restroom, you’ll need to pay 50 rubles – or about USD $0.80 to use the bathroom in GUM.

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Novodevichy Convent | Gorky Park | State Tretyakov Gallery | All-Russian Exhibition Center | Bolshoi Theater

On your 2 day itinerary in Moscow, you’ll have a chance to use the city’s excellent public transportation service! You’ll explore a few more of Moscow’s historic highlight as well as some modern attractions. These sites are a little more spread out, but still very easily accessible thanks to the metro!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Novodevichy Convent

  • Why it’s awesome: The Novodevichy Convent is rich in imperial Russian history and contains some of Russia’s best examples of classical architecture!
  • Cost: USD $5.00
  • Food nearby: Culinary Shop Karavaevs Brothers is a cozy and simple place to have a quick bite, they also have vegetarian options!

The Novodevichy Convent is the best-known and most popular cloister of Moscow. The convent complex is contained within high walls, and there are many attractions this site is known for! 

The six-pillared five-domed Smolensk Cathedral is the main attraction. It was built to resemble the Kremlin’s Assumption Cathedral and its facade boasts beautiful snowy white walls and a pristine golden onion dome as its centerpiece. It’s the oldest structure in the convent, built from 1524 -1525, and is situated in the center of the complex between the two entrance gates.

There are other churches inside the convent as well, all dating back from many centuries past. The convent is filled with an abundance of 16th and 17th-century religious artworks, including numerous large and extravagant frescos!

Novodevichy Convent

Just outside the convent’s grounds lies the Novodevichy Cemetery. Here, you can visit the graves of famous Russians, including esteemed authors, composers, and politicians. Probably the most intriguing gravestone belongs to Russian politician Nikita Khruschev!

The Novodevichy Convent is located near the Moscow River and offers a peaceful retreat from the busy city. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The convent remains remarkably well-preserved and is an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque architecture! 

Insider Tip: To enter the cathedrals inside the complex, women are advised to cover their heads and shoulders, while men should wear long pants.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

  • Why it’s awesome: A large amusement area in the heart of the city offering many attractions!
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Food nearby: Check out Mepkato, located inside Gorky Central Park for a casual meal in a cozy setting. There are indoor and outdoor seating options and the restaurant is child-friendly!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a large green space in the heart of Moscow. The park opened in 1928, and it stretches along the scenic embankment of the Moskva River. It covers an area of 300-acres and offers a lovely contrast from the compact city center.

You’ll find all sorts of wonderful attractions, from boat rides to bike rentals to tennis courts and ping-pong tables, and much more! there are an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts scheduled in the summer months.  A wide selection of free fitness classes is also offered on a regular basis, including jogging, roller skating, and dancing!

Although many of the options you’ll find here are more suited for outdoor leisure during the summer, you’ll also a selection of winter attractions, including one of Europe’s largest ice rinks for ice-skating!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

If you’re trying to decide what to do in Moscow with kids, the park also offers several venues designed specifically for kids. Check out the year-round Green School which offers hands-on classes in gardening and art! You can also feed the squirrels and birds at the Golitsinsky Ponds!

The park is very well maintained and kept clean and the entrance is free of charge, although most individual attractions cost money. There is also Wi-Fi available throughout the park.

With so many attractions, you could easily spend all day here! If you’re only planning a 2 day itinerary in Moscow, make sure to plan your time accordingly and map out all the areas you want to see beforehand!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – The State Tretyakov Gallery

  • Why it’s awesome: The gallery’s collection consists entirely of Russian art made by Russian artists!
  • Food nearby : Brothers Tretyakovs is located right across the street from the gallery. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric restaurant serving top quality food and drinks!

The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov.  The gallery is a national treasury of Russian fine art and one of the most important museums in Russia!

It houses the world’s best collection of Russian art and contains more than 130, 000 paintings, sculptures, and graphics! These works have been created throughout the centuries by generations of Russia’s most talented artists!

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibits range from mysterious 12th-century images to politically charged canvases. The collection is rich and revealing and offers great insight into the history and attitudes of this long-suffering yet inspired people!

All pictures are also labeled in English. If you plan to take your time and see everything inside the museum it will take a good 3-4 hours, so make sure to plan your Moscow trip itinerary accordingly! This gallery is a must-see stop for art lovers, or anyone wanting to explore the local culture and history of Russia in a creative and insightful manner! 

Insider Tip: When planning your 2 days in Moscow itinerary, keep in mind that most museums in Moscow are closed on Mondays, this includes The State Tretyakov Gallery!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – All-Russian Exhibition Center

  • Why it’s awesome: This large exhibition center showcases the achievements of the Soviet Union in several different spheres. 
  • Food nearby: Varenichnaya No. 1 serves authentic and homestyle Russian cuisine in an intimate and casual setting.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a massive park that presents the glory of the Soviet era! It pays homage to the achievements of Soviet Russia with its many different sites found on the property.

The center was officially opened in 1939 to exhibit the achievements of the Soviet Union. It’s a huge complex of buildings and the largest exhibition center in Moscow. There are several exhibition halls dedicated to different achievements and every year there are more than one hundred and fifty specialized exhibitions!

All Russian Exhibition Center

The Peoples Friendship Fountain was constructed in 1954 and is a highlight of the park. The stunning gold fountain features 16 gilded statues of girls, each representing the former Soviet Union republics. 

The Stone Flower Fountain was also built in 1954 and is worth checking out. The centerpiece of this large fountain is a flower carved from stones from the Ural Mountains! Along the side of the fountain are various bronze sculptures.

You will find many people zipping around on rollerblades and bicycles across the large area that the venue covers. It’s also home to amusement rides and carousels, making it the perfect place to stop with kids on your Moscow itinerary! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and allow a few hours to explore all the areas that interest you!

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Bolshoi Theater

  • Why it’s awesome: The Bolshoi Theater is a historic venue that hosts world-class ballet and opera performances!
  • Cost: Prices vary largely between USD $2.00 –  USD $228.00 based on seat location.
  • Food nearby: Head to the Russian restaurant, Bolshoi for high-quality food and drinks and excellent service!

The Bolshoi Theater is among the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world! It also boasts the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers!

The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times during its long history. In 2011 it finished its most recent renovation after an extensive six-year restoration that started in 2005. The renovation included an improvement in acoustics and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.

The Bolshoi Theater has put on many of the world’s most famous ballet acts! Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theater in 1877 and other notable performances of the Bolshoi repertoire include Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker!

Bolshoi Theater

Today, when you visit the theater, you can expect a magical performance from skilled singers, dancers, and musicians with the highest level of technique!

If you don’t have time to see a show, the theater also provides guided tours on select days of the week. Tours are given in both Russian and English and will provide visitors with a more intimate look at the different areas of the theater!

The stage of this iconic Russian theater has seen many outstanding performances. If you’re a fan of the performing arts, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world, making it a must-see attraction on your Moscow itinerary!

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station.

  • Towels Included

Cosmonautics Museum | Alexander Garden | Ostankino Tower | Izmaylovo District | Soviet Arcade Museum

Now that we’ve covered what to do in Moscow in 2 days, if you’re able to spend more time in the city you’re going to need more attractions to fill your time. Here are a few more really cool things to do in Moscow we recommend!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

  • Hear the timeline of the ‘space race’ from the Russian perspective
  • This museum is fun for both adults and children!
  • Admission is USD $4.00

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a museum dedicated to space exploration! The museum explores the history of flight, astronomy, space exploration, space technology, and space in the arts. It houses a large assortment of Soviet and Russian space-related exhibits, and the museum’s collection holds approximately 85,000 different items!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum does an excellent job of telling the full story of the exciting space race between the USSR and the US! It highlights the brightest moments in Russian history and humanity and is very interesting and fun for all ages!

If you’re a fan of space or just curious about gaining insight into Russia’s fascinating history of space exploration, make sure to add this to your 3 day itinerary in Moscow!

The Alexander Garden

  • A tranquil place to relax near the Red Square
  • Green lawns dotted with sculptures and lovely water features
  • The park is open every day and has no entrance fee

The Alexander Garden was one of the first urban public parks in Moscow! The garden premiered in 1821 and was built to celebrate Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s forces in 1812!

The park is beautiful and well maintained with paths to walk on and benches to rest on. The park contains three separate gardens: the upper garden, middle garden, and lower garden.

The Alexander Garden

Located in the upper garden, towards the main entrance to the park is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. This monument was created in 1967 and contains the body of a soldier who fell during the Great Patriotic War!

The park stretches along all the length of the western Kremlin wall for about half a mile. Due to its central location in the city, it’ll be easily accessible when you’re out exploring The Red Square.

It provides a bit of relief from the city’s high-energy city streets. Bring a picnic lunch, go for a walk, or just sit and people watch, this is one of the best Moscow sites to wind-down and relax!

Ostankino Television Tower

  • Television and radio tower in Moscow
  • Currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe
  • Make sure you bring your passport when you visit, you can’t go up without it!

For spectacular views of the city, make sure to add the Ostankino Television Tower to your itinerary for Moscow! This impressive free-standing structure provides stunning views of the city in every direction. The glass floor at the top also provides great alternative views of the city!

Ostankino Television Tower

It takes just 58 seconds for visitors to reach the Tower’s observation deck by super fast elevator. The tower is open every day for long hours and is a great site in Moscow to check out! There is even a restaurant at the top where you can enjoy rotating views of the city while you dine on traditional Russian cuisine or European cuisine!

The tower is somewhat of an architectural surprise in a city that is not known for skyscrapers! To see the city from a new perspective, make sure to add this stop to your Moscow itinerary!

Izmaylovo District

  • The most popular attractions in this district are the kremlin and the flea market
  • Outside of the city center and easy to reach via metro
  • Most popular during the summer and on weekends

Travel outside the city center and discover a unique area of the city! The Izmaylovo District is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and one of the coolest places to see in Moscow! The two main attractions we recommend checking out are the Kremlin and the flea market.

The Izmailovo Kremlin was established as a cultural center and molded after traditional Russian architecture. This colorful complex is home to several single-subject museums, including a Russian folk art museum and a vodka museum!

Izmaylovo District

Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century! The market is connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Pick up all your Russian souvenirs here, including traditional handicrafts, paintings, books, retro toys, and Soviet memorabilia!

You will find many hand-made and hand-painted options available at higher prices, as well as mass-produced souvenir options at lower prices!

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

  • Closed on Mondays
  • Filled with old arcade games that visitors get to try out!
  • The museum also includes a small cafe and burger shop

For something a little different, check out the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games! The museum features roughly 60 machines from the Soviet era, including video games, pinball machines, and collaborative hockey foosball! The machines inside the museum were produced in the USSR in the mid-1970s.

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The best part is, most of the games are still playable! Purchase tickets and try the games out for yourself! The museum also has a neat little screening room that plays old Soviet cartoons and an area with Soviet magazines! This unique attraction is a fun addition to a 3 day itinerary in Moscow, and an attraction that all ages will enjoy! 

Whether you’re spending one day in Moscow, or more, safety is an important thing to keep in mind when traveling to a big city! Overall, Moscow is a very safe place to visit. However, it is always recommended that tourists take certain precautions when traveling to a new destination!

The police in Moscow is extremely effective at making the city a safe place to visit and do their best to patrol all of the top Moscow, Russia tourist attractions. However, tourists can still be a target for pickpockets and scammers.

Moscow has a huge flow of tourists, therefore there is a risk for pickpocketing. Simple precautions will help eliminate your chances of being robbed. Stay vigilant, keep your items close to you at all times, and don’t flash your valuables!

If you’re planning a solo Moscow itinerary, you should have no need to worry, as the city is also considered safe for solo travelers, even women. Stay in the populated areas, try and not travel alone late at night, and never accept rides from strangers or taxis without a meter and correct signage.

The threat of natural disasters in Moscow is low, with the exception of severe winters when the temperature can dip below freezing! Bring a good, warm jacket if you visit in Winter.

However, please note that Russian views on homsexuality are far less accepting than those in Western Europe. Likewise, Non-Caucasian travellers may sadly encounter racism in Russia .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Moscow

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

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Now that we’ve covered all the top things to see in Moscow, we thought we’d include some exciting day trips to other areas of the country!

Sergiev Posad (Golden Ring)

Sergiev Posad Golden Ring

On this 7-hour guided tour, you’ll visit several scenic and historic areas of Russia. Start your day with hotel pick-up as you’re transferred by a comfortable car or minivan to Sergiev Posad. Admire the charming Russian countryside on your drive and enjoy a quick stop to visit the Russian village, Rudonezh!

You’ll see the majestic Saint Spring and the Church of Sergiev Radonezh. You’ll also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the most famous Orthodox sites in Russia!

Lastly, you’ll swing by the local Matreshka market and enjoy a break in a nice Russian restaurant before returning to Moscow!

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

On this 13-hour trip, you’ll discover old Russia, with its picturesque landscapes and white-stoned beautiful churches! You’ll visit the main towns of the famous Golden Ring of Russia – the name for several cities and smaller towns north-east of Moscow.

Your first stop will be in the town of Vladimir, the ancient capital of all Russian principalities. The city dates back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest and the most important towns along the Ring! Next, you’ll visit Suzdal, a calm ancient Russian town north of Vladimir with only 13,000 inhabitants!

The old-style architecture and buildings of Suzdal are kept wonderfully intact. If you’re spending three days in Moscow, or more, this is a great option for exploring the charming areas outside the city!

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

On this 9-hour private tour, you’ll explore the ancient town of Zvenigorod, one of the oldest towns in the Moscow region! As you leave Moscow you’ll enjoy the stunning scenery along the Moscow River, and make a few stops at old churches along the way to Zvenigorod.

Upon arrival, you’ll explore the medieval center, including the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. Next, you’ll take a break for lunch (own expense) where you’ll have the chance to try out the Russian cuisine! Next, you’ll visit the Museum of Russian Dessert and sip on tea at a Russian tea ceremony.

The final stop of the day is at the Ershovo Estate, a gorgeous place to walk around and enjoy nature!

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage & Faberge

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage and Faberge

On this full-day tour, you’ll enjoy a a full round trip to St Petersburg where you’ll spend an exciting day exploring another popular Russian city! You’ll be picked up from your hotel in Moscow and be transferred to the train station where you’ll ride the high-speed train ‘Sapsan’ to St Petersburg.

Upon arrival, you’ll start the day by touring the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Next, you’ll visit the Faberge Museum, where you’ll explore the impressive collection of rare Faberge Eggs! In the afternoon, enjoy a sightseeing boat ride and a traditional 3-course Russian lunch.

If you’re spending 3 days in Moscow, or more, this is an excellent trip to take!

Trip to Kolomna – Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

Trip to Kolomna - Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll escape the city and travel to the historic town of Kolomna! First, you’ll visit the 14th-century Kolomna Kremlin, home to the Assumption Cathedral and an abundance of museums!

Next, enjoy lunch at a local cafe (own expense) before embarking on a tour of the Marshmallow Museum – of course, a marshmallow tasting is provided!  Your final stop is the Museum of Forging Settlements, where displays include armor and accessories for fishing and hunting.

Discover this beautiful Russian fairytale city on a private trip, where all of the planning is taken care of for you!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Moscow itinerary.

How many days you need in Moscow?

We recommend that you spend at least two or three days in Moscow to take it all in.

What’s the best month to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is over the spring, from March to May as temperatures are mild, crowds are thin and prices are reasonable.

What are some unusual things to do in Moscow?

I mean, queuing up to see an almost 100 year old corpse is pretty unsual! Check out Lenin’s Mausoleum if you fancy it!

What are some fun things to do in Moscow?

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a fun place to explore the famous space race from the perspective of the ‘other side’!

We hope you enjoyed our Moscow itinerary! We’ve made sure to cover all the Moscow must-sees as well as some unique attractions in the city! Our addition of insider tips, favorite food stops, and day trips from Moscow is an added bonus and will guarantee you make the most out of your exciting Russian vacation!

Immerse yourself in the modern and traditional Russian lifestyle! Get lost in museums, witness awe-inspiring architecture, and indulge in Russian cuisine! Spend the day strolling through all of the charming sites of Moscow, admiring the beautiful scenery and discovering the city’s fairytale-like enchantment!

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

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Alya and Campbell

Alya and Campbell

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  • Travel Systems
  • Joie Versatrax E Trio i-Snug Travel System with Ramble Carrycot, i-Venture Car Seat & i-Base Advance - Pebble Joie Versatrax E Tri...

Joie Versatrax E Trio i-Snug Travel System with Ramble Carrycot, i-Venture Car Seat & i-Base Advance - Pebble

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Key things to know

  • Adjustable forward and rearward facing seat
  • Water-repellent canopy
  • 2 position calf support
  • Sweet Stride™ single front swivel wheels
  • Carry strap built in
  • i-Venture Car Seat
  • ISOFIX Base


Package Includes: Versatrax E Trio Pushchair i-Snug 2 Car Seat Ramble XL Carrycot Cupholder Joie i-Venture Group 0+/1 Car Seat i-Base Advance ISOFIX Base Raincover Introducing Versatrax E™, the ultimate multimode pram designed to exceed your expectations. Suitable from birth with its adjustable flat reclining seat, this versatile pushchair grows seamlessly with your child, adapting to your every need. The 4in1 Versatrax E combines a carrycot, infant carrier, and forward or rearward facing seat, all in one smooth ride. It pairs perfectly with the i-Snug 2 Car Seat for a convenient travel system. With forward or rearward facing seating options, along with multi-position backrest recline, 2-position calf support, and a height-adjustable handle, both you and your little one are ensured comfort on every journey. Say goodbye to struggles with folding thanks to the handy quick release on the back of the seat. Whether the seat is fastened forward or rearward, the Versatrax E conveniently tucks closed and stands ready to store with its handy carry strap. Featuring a UPF50+ water-repellent canopy and included raincover, your child stays protected from the sun and elements. The easily accessible storage basket, Sweet Stride™ single front swivel wheels, and all-wheel suspension ensure a smooth ride for your child and effortless navigation for you. Complete with one-touch brakes and many safety features, including a 5-point harness, your child's security is guaranteed. Versatrax E™: redefining comfort, convenience, and safety in one innovative pram. The included Joie i-Snug 2 is a weightless wonder, as one of the lightest i-Size certified infant carriers available. Weighing in at only 3.25 kg, this on-the-go pro is incredibly light to the touch but intensely strong in safety. Both your kiddo and your mind can rest secure knowing your car seat meets the highest safety standards, including side impact testing and i-Size certification. Featuring an adjustable headrest, infant pillows, and a curved base your little one is sure to be comfy and safe on any journey. Its ergonomic handle, machine washable fabrics and one pull motion harness also help to make things easier for parents. Also included is the Ramble Carrycot, cuddly and cosy oversized this carrycot keeps little ones snoozing on the go. A lie-flat mattress is fully covered and cocooned for a sweet and secure stroll. The all new Joie i-Venture Group 0+/1 Car Seat boasts the best in safety and comfort and is suitable from birth to approx 4 years or 18.5Kg. The i-Venture is perfect for matching with the included i-Base Advance for a complete i-Venture system. The i-Venture car seat can be used in the rearward or forward facing position up to approx 4 years. The position can be easily changed using the one-handed quick release button with no re-installation required. The 7 position reclining options and 5-point harness with shoulder and lower buckles are easy to adjust, offering extra comfort. The exclusive Tri-Protect headrest features three layers of foam including patented Intelli-Fit memory foam, providing optimal side impact protection for peace of mind. The reinforced steel inner shell also provides utmost structural strength and resilience with built-in ventilation. The i-Venture keeps your little one comfortable on your days out with loose-knit temperature controlled fabrics that wick away moisture even in summer. The machine washable cover snaps on and off for easy cleaning when the car seat is ready for a freshen up, making the i-Venture a perfect all-rounder. The Joie i-Base Advance is engineered to fit perfectly with the Joie i-Venture car seat. Compliant to i-Size R129 & also approved to R44/04, the i-Venture Isofix safety base from Joie is designed to hoist and secure little sailors right from birth.

Category: Travel Systems

L92cm x W66cm x H112cm Weight: 12kg

Travel System

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joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Local Life

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Getting around Moscow

  • 1 Travel tips
  • 2 Getting to Moscow
  • 3 Getting around Moscow
  • 4 Money Matters
  • 6 Info about Moscow & Russia

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Official taxis can cost a bomb in Moscow, and after taking a ride in one you wouldn't be surprised to hear that your driver was called Boris Korruptikov. There's little point in insisting on using the meter as they can fix the amount per km. Instead look like you are prepared to take the bus and negotiate a price - plus have the right change or you will end up leaving a big tip. Alternatively wave down a comrade for a lift - see our page on citizen cabs !

Buses, trolleybuses and mini-buses offer a slightly less comfortable way of getting around town, and should be used when the metro won't take you where you need to go. Expect plenty of argy-bargy to get in, but once inside admire the reliability with which money changes hands as those at the back pass their roubles to the front for a ticket.

There are no trams in the epicentre of Moscow and they tend to be useful only for joining the outer districts of town with the metro system. You can buy a ticket on board or at a kiosk.

Renting a car isn't prohibitively expensive in Moscow, however the city's ring roads can make the most experienced driver break out into a cold sweat. Apart from dodgy manoeuvres from your fellow drivers, just heading in the right direction can be quite a headache...

The Moscow metro is a tourist attraction by itself! So unique!

Whats the best way to get from the airport to your hotel.

joie versatrax 3 in 1 travel system

Latest reviews

Tinkoff C Cusack: Again Putin is destroying Ukraine for his own ends. Don't be fooled Hitler was evil but Putin is even worse. Marsupial is completely destroyed and the people left have no food he is starving them to death. Pass this on safely because we know a lot of Russians have been detained for expressing their views. If you receive this please let me know. Tinkoff John Hirst: Putin is causing genocide in Ukraine. He does this in YOUR name. Hard Rock Cafe Vladimir Putin: Putin is the reason Russia's economy is going down, because he has violated international order with an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Meanwhile he lies to Russians that there are Nazis in Ukraine when the President Zelenskyy is Jewish. He said that Russians would be greeted with flowers and instead they are targeted with anti tank missiles. Putin is absolutely insane. Read the Washington Post and other REAL sources. Cafe Pushkin Vladimir Putin: Putin is the reason Russia's economy is going down, because he has violated international order with an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Meanwhile he lies to Russians that there are Nazis in Ukraine when the President Zelenskyy is Jewish. He said that Russians would be greeted with flowers and instead they are targeted with anti tank missiles. Putin is absolutely insane. Read the Washington Post and other REAL sources.

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  1. Joie Versatrax Trio

    TOP VERSATRAX FEATURES. 4in1 stroller offers carry cot, infant carrier and world and parent facing seat options all in one; Quick and intuitive fold and setup, whether seat is rearward or forward facing Flex™ comfort ride in-seat spring suspension takes on any terrain that may cross your path and provides your little one up to a 50% smoother ride; Spacious storage basket with front and back ...

  2. Joie Versatrax review

    Joie is a mid-market brand that claims its products offer unique parent-friendly features using the highest quality materials - promising products that are safe, stylish and affordable. The Versatrax is their latest pushchair, costs £300 and is a hard-working multitasker. Described as a 4-in-1 system, it can be used with a carrycot, infant ...

  3. Joie Versatrax Travel System Review

    A practical parent pleaser, the Joie Versatrax is the perfect pushchair for parents wanting one pushchair that will see them through until the end of their p...

  4. Joie Versatrax E Trio i-Snug Travel System with Ramble Carrycot, i

    The 4in1 Versatrax E combines a carrycot, infant carrier, and forward or rearward facing seat, all in one smooth ride. It pairs perfectly with the i-Snug 2 Car Seat for a convenient travel system. With forward or rearward facing seating options, along with multi-position backrest recline, 2-position calf support, and a height-adjustable handle ...

  5. Review: Joie Versatrax travel system

    The Joie Versatrax travel system at a glance. Combine the sleek and stylish Versatrax with Joie's i-SnugTM infant carrier and rambleTM XL carry cot for a multipurpose travel system that will take you from those very first adventures and beyond. Versatrax is a stylish pushchair that has a simple one-handed fold system and all wheel suspensions ...

  6. Joie Versatrax travel system

    Pram. 13.7kg. World and parent facing. £37.95 View retailers. Test score. Add to compare. The Joie Versatrax is a travel-system-compatible pushchair that's suitable from birth, thanks to its lie-flat, reversible seat. Joie says it also has a compact one-hand fold, a multi-position backrest recline and a carry strap for transporting it when folded.

  7. Joie Versatrax Trio

    The Joie Versatrax Trio - Cycle Shell Grey is a multi-mode pram that goes further. 4in1 multi-mode usage The 3in1 Versatrax Trio combines carry cot, infant carrier and forward or rearward facing seat all in one sweet ride. Ease of fold No need to double over as you fold up, thanks to a handy quick release on the back of the seat.

  8. Joie Versatrax Trio Cycle Pushchair

    Meet Versatrax™ Trio Cycle Pushchair, Carrycot and Seat Bundle in Shell Grey, a 4 in 1 pram pushchair with multi modes for total versatility with a car seat, carry cot, and rearward and forward-facing pushchair seat. The one-of-a-kind adapters (included) clip in to hold an infant carrier or your matching Joie ramble xl™ carry cot.

  9. Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System-Shale

    Buy Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System-Shale. Price match guarantee and free next day delivery on orders over £50. Save 5% using code 'SPRING5' (Excludes Products in Offer, Clearance & Selected Brand).-0 Product Products 0. No products. £0.00 Estimated Order Total. Checkout Edit.

  10. Joie Travel Systems

    The Joie Versatrax travel system has a modern design and comes in various colours. This 3-in-1 system comes with a beautiful lie-flat carrycot for your precious newborn, and with soft cotton lining and a plush mattress, your bundle of joy can relax in complete comfort. The Joie i-Muze 3-in-1 Juva is a simple system without the need for a ...

  11. Joie Versatrax 3in1 Travel System Bundle

    Joie Ramble XL Carrycot. Meet Ramble XL, a cuddly and cosy oversized cot to keep little ones snoozing on the go. Lie-flat mattress is fully covered and cocooned for a sweet and secure stroll. Perfect partner - Pairs perfectly with Versatrax, Litetrax 4 and Mytrax using adapters to create an effortless travel system.

  12. Joie Versatrax On The Go Travel System Bundle

    Delivery Info. Free when you spend over £49.95. Product Description. meet versatrax™. The travel far, experience more, enjoy most pushchair. We know so much adventure awaits, so meet your match in the Joie versatrax. 4in1 multi-mode usage. Adjusting to baby's ever changing needs is effortless for this hardworking multitasker.

  13. Joie Versatrax Lagoon Travel System

    Product usage: Birth to 22kg. Testing Certification: EN 1888-2:2018. Carrycot weight: 2.97kg. Dimensions: l 88 x w 41.2 x h 58cm. Usage: birth to 9kg. Meet Joie Versatrax Lagoon Travel System Suitable from birth with flat reclining seat. Adjusting to baby's ever changing needs is effortless.

  14. Travel Systems with Car Seat Included

    Joie's range of travel systems is perfect for the parent searching for an infant carrier and pushchair ... stroller and car seat travel system. from £0.00. litetrax™ E ... from £550.00. Add to Bag. Versatrax On The Go Bundle . 4in1 travel system. from £0.00. Joie signature. Finiti Flex Travel Ready Bundle ...

  15. Nthabiseng Precious Mathole

    3,469 likes, 25 comments - nthabisengmathole on April 29, 2024: "The other day, taking an evening stroll with my little girls in our @joie_sa Versatrax Travel System ...

  16. City Street Guides by f.d. walker:

    3 Things I'll Remember about Shooting in Moscow: 1. Museum Metro. The Moscow metro system was the first underground railway system in the Soviet Union and today includes 203 stations across 340km of routes. The elaborate system has some of the deepest stations in the world too, with escalators that seem to go on forever.

  17. Joie Versatrax Travel System

    Joie Versatrax Travel System - Shale Specification: Open size: L92.4 x W65.5 x H112 cm. Folded size - L36 x W65.5 x H86 cm. Weight - 12 kg. Usage - Birth to 22 kg. Please note that the base price is for the Stroller only and images are for illustration purposes, all other items need to be added.

  18. EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024 Guide)

    EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024) Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit! Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city ...

  19. Joie Versatrax E Trio i-Snug Travel System with Ramble Carrycot, i

    The Joie i-Base Advance is engineered to fit perfectly with the Joie i-Venture car seat. Compliant to i-Size R129 & also approved to R44/04, the i-Venture Isofix safety base from Joie is designed to hoist and secure little sailors right from birth. Category: Travel Systems. Dimensions

  20. Getting around Moscow City

    9 million Muscovites can't be wrong - the Metro is the best way for getting around Moscow, especially when it affords you a respite from the Russian winter. Tickets are a snip at 19 roubles, and the organised amongst you can make a further saving by buying in bulk (you can buy tickets for up to 70 journeys). Plan your journey by taking a look ...


    There are lots to see in the city centre of Moscow, so we decided to start our series of Russia travel videos by showing you around the most historical part ...