Jungle safari in india: भारत के इन 6 नेशनल पार्क में जरूर करें जंगल सफारी, बाघों से होंगे रूबरू.
Jungle Safari In India: आप घूमने के लिए नेशनल पार्क में जंगल सफारी का ऑप्शन चुन सकते हैं. शेर और बाघों को देखने के लिए ...अधिक पढ़ें
- Last Updated : January 28, 2022, 13:33 IST
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Jungle Safari In India: जब भी मन को तरोताजा करने के लिए घूमने की बात आती है तो ज्यादातर लोग हिल स्टेशन (Hill Station) या फिर समुद्री तटों (Sea Beaches) का रुख करते हैं. वहीं कुछ लोगों को ऐतिहासिक दर्शनीय स्थलों पर जाना पसंद होता है. लेकिन अगर आप पहाड़ों और बीचेस की दुनिया से अलग कुछ एडवेंचरस करना चाहते हैं तो जंगल सफरी (Jungle Safari) का मजा ले सकते हैं. लाइफ में कभी-कभी वाइल्ड होना भी अच्छा होता है. ऐसे में आप घूमने के लिए नेशनल पार्क में जंगल सफारी का ऑप्शन चुन सकते हैं. शेर और बाघों को देखने के लिए भारत में कई फेमस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान मौजूद हैं जहां पर जंगली सफारी की जा सकती है. आइए आपको बताते हैं कुछ बेस्ट जंगल सफारी के ऑप्शन के बारे में जहां आप फैमिली, पार्टनर और दोस्तों के साथ क्वालिटी टाइम स्पेंड कर सकते हैं.
बांधवगढ़ राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, मध्य प्रदेश मध्य प्रदेश के बांधवगढ़ राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में वन्यजीवों की आबादी सबसे ज्यादा है. यहां पर करीब 50 बाघ महज 100 वर्ग किलोमीटर के क्षेत्र में फैले हुए हैं. इस पार्क में बाघों के अलावा आप सांभर, चीतल, जंगली सूअर, लोमड़ी, तेंदुआ, बाइसन, नीला बैल, हिरण, नीलगाय भी देख सकते हैं. आप यहां पर जीप या हाथी की सफारी चुन सकते हैं. इस पार्क को कवर करने के लिए चार जोन हैं और हर दिन केवल सीमित संख्या में वाहनों को ही प्रत्येक जोन के माध्यम से पार्क में जाने की अनुमति दी जाती है. इसके लिए प्री-बुकिंग जरूरी है. यहां जाने का सबसे अच्छा समय अप्रैल से जून के बीच है और हर बुधवार को ये नेशनल पार्क बंद रहता है. यहां सुबह 5:30 से 10 बजे तक और शाम को 4 बजे से 7 बजे तक सफारी का मजा लिया जा सकता है.
इसे भी पढ़ेंः Unique Railway Stations In India: ये हैं भारत के अजीबो गरीब रेलवे स्टेशन, जानें इनके बारे में सबकुछ
रणथंभौर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, राजस्थान यह पार्क देश के सबसे बड़े राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों में से एक है और वन्यजीव फोटोग्राफरों के बीच बहुत फेमस है. यह बाघों के लिए एक संरक्षण स्थल और एक टॉप बाघ अभयारण्य है. यहाां आप बाघ देखने के साथ साथ लोमड़ी, मगरमच्छ, तेंदुआ, भालू, सियार भी देख सकते हैं. बाघों को आमतौर पर पार्क के बकौला क्षेत्र में देखा जाता है, जिसमें घने जंगल और कई पानी के तालाब हैं. कहा जाता है कि इस पार्क में दुनिया की सबसे लंबी जीवित बाघिन मौजूद है. रणथंभौर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में 10 जोन हैं और जोन 4 में बाघों की सबसे ज्यादा आबादी मौजूद है. यहां जंगल सफारी का सबसे अच्छा समय अप्रैल से मई महीने के बीच है. यहां सुबह 7 बजे से 10:30 बजे तक और दोपहर 2:30 बजे से शाम 6 बजे तक जंगल सफारी का मजा लिया जा सकता है.
कान्हा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, मध्य प्रदेश कान्हा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान को रूडयार्ड किपलिंग की जंगल बुक में काफी अच्छे से वर्णित किया गया है. इस पार्क का एक बड़ा क्षेत्र खुले घास के मैदानों से घिरा हुआ है. बाघों को देखने के अलावा, आप यहां पर गौर, ताड़ की गिलहरी, धारीदार लकड़बग्घा, चिंकारा, चूहा हिरण, काला हिरण, सियार, साही, सांभर जैसे जानवर भी देख सकते हैं. बाघों को देखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका पार्क के मुक्की प्रवेश द्वार से सुबह-सुबह हाथी की सफारी करना है. अप्रैल से जून महीने के बीच में यहां सफारी करने का सबसे अच्छा समय है. यहां सूर्योदय से लेकर सुबह 10 बजे तक और दोपहर 3:30 बजे से सूर्यास्त तक जंगल सफारी कर सकते हैं.
जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क, उत्तराखंड जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क देश के प्रतिष्ठित राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों में से एक है और सबसे पुराना भी है. हिमालय की तलहटी पर स्थित, इस पार्क की खूबसूरती जानवरों को एक अच्छा वातावरण प्रदान करती है. साथ ही पर्यटकों को भी अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करती है. बाघों के अलावा इस पार्क में आप भालू, गोरल, तेंदुआ, चीतल, हिरण को भी देख सकते हैं. बाघों को देखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका पार्क के पूर्वी भाग बिजरानी का दौरा करना है. आप ढिकाला और अन्य क्षेत्रों में वॉच टावरों के ऊपर से भी बाघों को देख सकते हैं. हालांकि बिजरानी क्षेत्र बाघों का सर्वाधिक घनत्व वाला क्षेत्र है. आप यहां मार्च से जून महीने के बीच में आ सकते हैं. आप यहां सुबह 6:30 बजे से 10 बजे तक और दोपहर 1:30 बजे से शाम 5:30 बजे जंगल सफारी कर सकते हैं.
सतपुड़ा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, मध्य प्रदेश सतपुड़ा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में जंगल सफारी करने के लिए प्रतिदिन केवल 12 वाहनों की ही अनुमति दी जाती है. बाघों को देखने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगह सोनभद्र नदी के आसपास का इलाका है. गर्मियों के मौसम में आपको बाघ नदी में तैरते हुए दिखाई दे सकते हैं. बाघों के अलावा आप यहां साही, जंगली सूअर, चिंकारा, चीतल, गौर, तेंदुआ, लकड़बग्घा, काला हिरण भी देख सकते हैं. आप यहां अप्रैल और मई के महीने में आ सकते हैं. यहां पर सुबह 7 बजे से 11 बजे तक जंगल सफारी करवाई जाती है.
इसे भी पढ़ेंः दिल्ली-एनसीआर के इस मार्केट में 50 रुपए में मिलता है सामान, संडे को घूमने का बना लें प्लान
बांदीपुर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान, कर्नाटक नागरहोल और मुदुमलाई के साथ बांदीपुर दक्षिणी भारत में एक प्रमुख बाघ आबादी क्षेत्र के रूप में जाना जाता है. पश्चिमी घाट में बाघों की आबादी देश की बाघों की आबादी का एक चौथाई होने का अनुमान है. इस पार्क में बस सफारी, हाथी सफारी और जीप सफारी करवाई जाती है. अगर आप बाघ देखना चाहते हैं, तो हाथी सफारी या जीप सफारी का आनंद ले सकते हैं. ऊटी-मैसूर हाईवे पर स्थित यह पार्क बाघों और हाथियों को देखने के लिए फेमस है. गर्मी के मौसम में बाघों को देखने के लिए यहां भारी संख्या में पर्यटक आते हैं. बाघों के अलावा, आप नीलगिरि तहर, लंगूर, खरगोश और तेंदुआ भी देख सकते हैं. मार्च से जून के बीच ये जगह घूमने लायक है. यहां पर सुबह 6:30 बजे से 9 बजे तक और दोपहर 3:30 बजे से शाम 5:30 तक जंगल सफारी कराई जाती है.
Tags: Lifestyle , Travel
13 Best Wildlife Safaris in India Every Animal Lover Needs To Take!
Man started living in a jungle, domesticating his way through life, only to make the modern cities a jungle. If you are the rare breed who would rather leave the city behind and live in the jungles again, a trip through the wildlife India has to offer might be the closest you get to that dream! Here’s taking a look at some of the best wildlife safaris in India.
1. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan
Spanning over 1,334 square kilometers, the Ranthambore National Park is a royal home to predators not short of royalty themselves – tigers. Being the main attraction, tigers capture the interest of wildlife photographers. While you enjoy a safari in Ranthambore , the wild cats come out to enjoy the warmth of the desert.
Additionally, if you can’t spot these majestic cats, you won’t be disappointed as you will get to see other wildlings like Sloth Bears, Wild Boars, Sambar to name a few.
Best time to visit – October to June while tiger sightings happen between March and May.
2. Hemis National Park, Ladakh
If you’re one who likes the ultimate thrill of the high altitude, chilly winds and animals, the Hemis National Park is your paradise. Spreading 4400 sq km, the park is home to 16 species of mammals and 73 of birds apart from the snow leopard.
It is best known for Snow leopards, Tibetan argali sheep, Ibex, Blue sheep, chukhar, snow cocks, golden eagles to name some. As many as 100 endangered snow leopards call this their home.
Best time to visit - May to September is the best time to visit. In November due to heavy snowfall, the park closes the safari.
3. Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand
Jim Corbett is perhaps one of India’s best known wildlife parks, being Asia’s very first National Park. Residing in this park are the most furious member of the cat family – the Tigers. People from different nations visit Corbett just to get a glimpse of these wild cats. Besides tigers, there are Serow, Goral, Himalayan Tahr among other fascinating wild species.
Best time to visit - Mid-November to June end with tigers best spotted from March to May.
4. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh
If you want to see the majestic Royal Bengal Tigers then look no further than the Bandhavgarh National Park. Bandhavgarh is counted among the best places for a wildlife safari in India, presently being a protected environment wherein different wild beings can live and prosper. The tiger population is one of the most densely populated in India. In the past, it also served as haunting ground for the royals.
Best time to visit - October to June and tigers are sighted sound March to May.
5. Sasan-Gir Wildlife Sanctuary , Gujarat
Located on the western Gujarati peninsula, this park’s rugged scrubland and forests are best explored on a Jeep safari. King o the jungles, the lion makes its fearful presence felt here and this is the o nly place in the world where you can see Asiatic lions. Past from the lions and leopards, the Jackals, striped Hyenas, and India Fox are some of the smaller carnivores found here. Several birds and reptiles also find a home in the forests.
Best time to visit - December to April; the park closes mid-June through monsoon season in mid-September.
6. Kaziranga National Park, Assam
Spanning across 429.69 square kilometers, the Kaziranga National Park is home to largest population of One Horned Rhinoceros in the world . Being far away from the human inhabitance is perhaps the reason for the flourishing wildlife here. Apart from the rhinos, elephants, bears, panthers and various pretty birds traverse the landscape of the park. Kaziranga is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Best time to visit - November to April is the ideal time to visit.
7. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
Popularised by Rudyard Kipling as the Mowgli land, Kanha is the place that inspired the classic – the Jungle Book. The Black Panther, Bears, Pythons, Elephants and even the Bengal Tiger , found their space in the classic. Around 125 tigers dot the scenery of the park and it’s a real treat for book and nature lovers alike!
Best time to visit - October to mid-June with March to May being ideal to spot the tigers and panthers.
8. Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
This picturesque, 192,000-acre wildlife sanctuary located in the lap of the Western Ghats in Kerela, offers a lush environment for its inhabitants. There are plenty of tigers to see apart from birdwatchers who enjoy the park for its tropical species. One can also boat around the park to see the animals up real close like the elephants.
Best time to visit - Open throughout the year, September to December is the best time to go here.
9. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam
A Project Tiger Reserve, UNESCO World Heritage site, Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is located at the border of Assam and Bhutan, a four-hour drive from Kaziranga. There are jeep tours and elephant rides across the area as well as raft excursions on the water. It is home to a great variety of wildlife, including many endangered species, such as the tiger, pygmy hog, Indian rhinoceros and Indian elephant.
Best time to visit - October to April with January to March being peak wildlife spotting time.
10. Sunderbans National Park, West Bengal
Travelling around the mangroves of the Sunderban National Park you will see sights like a tiger swimming in the water, a rarity found nowhere else! The Sundarbans area covers 4624 sq km incorporating a wide variety of birds and reptiles and including the salt-water crocodile. Apart from the Royal Bengal Tiger; Fishing Cats, Leopard Cats, Macaques, Wild Boar, Indian Grey Mongoose are also found in abundance here.
Best time to visit - October to April
11. Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra
Tadoba is a wonderful place to enjoy wildlife in India, with a lake encircled by forests and hills. The stunning lake is among the main attractions of the place. The wildlife here includes Tigers, Barking Deer, Hyenas, Gaur, Leopards to name some.
Best time to visit - October to June, tiger spotting happens in March to May.
12. Pench National Park , Madhya Pradesh
Located almost at the border of Madhya Pradesh with Maharashtra, the Pench National Park is a tiger reserve spanning 464 sq kms . The topography supports a mosaic of vegetation ranging from moist, sheltered valleys to open, dry forests. The Nilgai, Leopards, Wild Boars are just some of the fantastic beasts found here.
Best time to visit - October to June
13. Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh
Almost every willing you can imagine can be spotted at the Satpura National Park. The rugged terrain along with the dense jungle makes it the perfect habitat for the wild animals to flourish and makes for a challenging safari through the park for the adventure lover in you!
Some of the animals you can spot here are the Spotted Dear, Leopards, Sloth Bear, Black Buck, Sambar, Four Horned Antelopes, Porcupine, Smooth Otter so make sure your camera has plenty of space to capture it all.
This post was published by Akriti Paracer
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बेस्ट जंगल सफारी के लिए जाने जाते हैं ये नेशनल पार्क, आपने इनमें से कितनी जगहों का किया है सफारी सफर
हम कभी-कभी हिल स्टेशन, बीचेस, इतिहास जैसे दर्शनीय स्थलों को देख देखकर बोर हो जाते हैं और कभी-कभी हमें कुछ लाइफ में वाइल्ड करने का मन करता है। ऐसे में हम चूज़ करते हैं नेशनल पार्क में घूमने के लिए जंगल सफारी का ऑप्शन।.
बांधवगढ़ राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - Bandhavgarh National Park
मध्य प्रदेश के इस वन्यजीव अभयारण्य में देश के राष्ट्रीय पशु की आबादी सबसे अधिक है। करीब 50 बाघ महज 100 वर्ग किलोमीटर में फैले हुए हैं। इस पार्क में देखने के लिए अन्य जानवर सांभर, चीतल, जंगली सूअर, जंगली कुत्ता, भारतीय लोमड़ी, तेंदुआ, बाइसन, नीला बैल, मृग, नीलगाय आदि मौजूद हैं। बाघों के करीब जाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका जीप या हाथी सफारी चुनना है। इस पार्क को कवर करने के लिए चार ज़ोन हैं और हर दिन केवल सीमित संख्या में वाहनों को ही प्रत्येक ज़ोन के माध्यम से पार्क में जाने की अनुमति है। ऐसे में प्री-बुकिंग बेहद जरूरी है। यहां जाने का सबसे अच्छा समय अप्रैल से जून के बीच और यहां हर बुधवार नेशनल पार्क बंद रहता है। सुबह 5:30 से 10 बजे तक और शाम 4 बजे से शाम 7 बजे तक सफारी की टाइमिंग हैं।
राजस्थान के रणथंभौर में हैं घूमने की कई बेहतरीन जगह, आप भी इन 7 डेस्टिनेशन की सैर जरूर करें
रणथंभौर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - Ranthambore National Park
यह पार्क देश के सबसे बड़े पार्कों में से एक है और वन्यजीव फोटोग्राफरों के बीच बहुत प्रसिद्ध है। यह पार्क अब बाघों के लिए एक संरक्षण स्थल और एक टॉप बाघ अभयारण्य है। यहाँ देखने के लिए अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानवर जंगली बिल्लियाँ, भारतीय लोमड़ी, मगरमच्छ, तेंदुआ, सुस्त भालू, सियार आदि मौजूद हैं। बाघों को आमतौर पर पार्क के बकौला क्षेत्र में देखा जाता है, जिसमें घने जंगल और कई पानी के होल्स हैं। रणथंभौर में बाघों की दिलचस्प कहानियां हैं, कहा जाता है कि इस पार्क में दुनिया की सबसे लंबी जीवित बाघिन थी। बाघिन ने शीर्ष पर्यटन आकर्षण होने और संरक्षण में एक भव्य भूमिका निभाने के लिए लाइफटाइम अचीवमेंट पुरस्कार जीता। रणथंभौर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में दस जोन हैं और जोन 4 में बाघों की सबसे ज्यादा आबादी है। यहां जंगल सफारी का सबसे अच्छा समय अप्रैल से मई है। सुबह 7 बजे से 10:30 बजे तक और दोपहर 2:30 से शाम 6 बजे तक जंगल सफारी की टाइमिंग है।
घुड़सवारी के शौकीनों के लिए ये रही भारत की 6 बेहतरीन जगह, साथ में बच्चों को भी ले जाना न भूलें
कान्हा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - Kanha National Park
इस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान को रूडयार्ड किपलिंग की जंगल बुक में भी काफी अच्छे से वर्णित किया गया है। इस पार्क का एक बड़ा क्षेत्र खुले घास के मैदानों से आच्छादित है। बाघों को देखने के अलावा, आप गौर, ताड़ की गिलहरी, धारीदार लकड़बग्घा, चिंकारा, चूहा हिरण, काला हिरन, सियार, साही, सांभर जैसे जानवर देखने को मिल सकते हैं। बाघों को देखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका पार्क के मुक्की प्रवेश द्वार से सुबह-सुबह हाथी की सफारी करना है। अप्रैल से जून यहां सफारी करने का सबसे अच्छा समय है। सूर्योदय से सुबह 10 बजे तक और दोपहर 3:30 बजे से सूर्यास्त तक आप यहां जंगल सफारी कर सकते हैं।
जैसलमेर जाएं, तो इन 6 एक्टिविटीज को करना न भूलें, ट्रिप बन जाएगा एकदम सुपर्ब
जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क - Jim Corbett National Park
यह देश के प्रतिष्ठित राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों में से एक है और सबसे पुराने में से एक भी है। हिमालय की शक्तिशाली तलहटी पर स्थित, इस पार्क की खूबसूरती जानवरों को अच्छे से जीवन जीने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है। बाघों के अलावा इस पार्क में देखने के लिए शीर्ष जानवर सुस्त भालू, गोरल, मछली पकड़ने वाली बिल्ली, तेंदुआ, चीतल, भौंकने वाले हिरण आदि मौजूद हैं। बाघों को देखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका पार्क के पूर्वी भाग बिजरानी का दौरा करना है। आप ढिकाला और अन्य क्षेत्रों में वॉच टावरों के ऊपर से बाघों को देखने के साथ-साथ पार्क का खूबसूरत नजारा भी देख सकते हैं। बाघों को देखने के लिए पर्यटक रात भर ढिकाला क्षेत्र के वन विश्राम गृहों में रुकते हैं। बिजरानी क्षेत्र बाघों का सर्वाधिक घनत्व वाला क्षेत्र है। आप यहां मार्च से जून के बीच में आ सकते हैं और सुबह 6:30 से 10 बजे तक और दोपहर 1:30 से शाम 5:30 बजे तक यहां जंगल सफारी करने का समय है।
जिम कॉर्बेट में पर्यटक सिर्फ जंगल सफारी ही नहीं इन 7 मजेदार चीजों के भी लेने आते हैं मजे, इस वीकेंड बनाएं यहां जाने का प्लान
सतपुड़ा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - Satpura National Park
बाघ पैदाइशी शिकारी होते हैं, जो स्वभाव से दुबकने के आदी होते हैं। जब जंगल में कैंटर और जीपों की लंबी कतार दौड़ती है तो ऐसे जानवर के दिखने की उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती। इस प्रकार, सतपुड़ा प्रति दिन केवल 12 वाहनों की अनुमति देता है। बाघों को देखने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगह सोनभद्र नदी है। गर्मियों के दौरान, आप गर्मी से बचने के लिए बाघों को नदी में तैरते हुए देख सकते हैं। यह बहुत कम बाघ अभयारण्यों में से एक है, जहां घूमने की अनुमति है। बाघों के अलावा, आप साही, जंगली सूअर, चिंकारा, चीतल, गौर, तेंदुआ, लकड़बग्घा, काला हिरन और अन्य जानवरों को भी देख सकते हैं। आप यहां अप्रैल और मई के महीने में आ सकते हैं। सुबह 7 से 11 बजे तक यहां जंगल सफारी करवाई जाती है।
बांदीपुर राष्ट्रीय उद्यान - Bandipur National Park
नागरहोल और मुदुमलाई के साथ बांदीपुर दक्षिणी भारत में एक प्रमुख बाघ आबादी क्षेत्र के रूप में खड़ा है। पश्चिमी घाट में बाघों की आबादी देश की बाघों की आबादी का एक चौथाई होने का अनुमान है। इस पार्क में बस सफारी, हाथी सफारी और जीप सफारी की सुविधा उपलब्ध है। यदि आप बाघों को देखना चाहते हैं, तो हाथी सफारी या जीप सफारी का विकल्प चुनना सबसे अच्छा है। ऊटी-मैसूर हाईवे पर स्थित यह पार्क बाघों और हाथियों को देखने के लिए प्रसिद्ध स्थलों में से एक है। पार्क दो राज्यों के साथ फैला है। तमिलनाडु की ओर, इस पार्क को मुदुमलाई रिजर्व कहा जाता है। काबिनी क्षेत्र के साथ पार्क का उत्तर-पश्चिम क्षेत्र गर्मी के मौसम में बाघों को देखने के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। बाघों के अलावा, आप नीलगिरि तहर, लंगूर, भारतीय खरगोश, तेंदुआ और कई अन्य जानवर देख सकते हैं। मार्च से जून के बीच ये जगह घूमने लायक है। सुबह 6:30 से 9 बजे तक और, दोपहर 3:30 से शाम 5:30 तक (बस); सुबह 10 से 11 बजे (हाथी सफारी) और, सुबह 6 से 9 बजे और शाम 4 बजे से शाम 6 बजे (जीप सफारी)
रेकमेंडेड खबरें
India » Places
Introduction to The Top 15 Jungle Safaris in India
- Jul 18, 2024
- Reading time: 15 mins read
- By Anoushka
A List of Must-Visit Jungle Safaris in India
Enlisting lesser-known wildlife safari gems of the country , what to prepare for your wildlife safari experience , how to ensure the best experience for you and your travel companions during the safari .
As experiential travel gains momentum as an emerging trend during the post-COVID times, the concept of experience-based travel is not a new one. Jungle Safari has been an evergreen travel choice for many travelers around the globe. In an abundantly environment-rich nation like India, there’s a plethora of options available to explore the jungles with the medium of safaris. Some of the earliest established jungle safari parks established in India date back to 1936.
A country embedded with natural treasures from tip to toe has a wide-spread abundance of variety for wildlife safari opportunities dispersed in each state. Although mentioning safari parks from each state would be a hefty task, here’s still an attempt to curate a list of all the jungle safari you must add to your adventure bucket list today.
As the saying goes, India is an embodiment of all the cultures of the world. It is also evident that the country is brimming with thriving wildlife in every direction. To suffice up to par with this claim, here’s a list of the most famous and well-known wildlife sanctuaries in India.
- Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand
If there’s one true location that has immortalized the wildlife safari influence nationwide, it would be the OG, Jim Corbett National Park. Jim Corbett National Park is not only India’s safari gem and the best place to visit in May , but it also is the first Asian National Park.
The name of the park originates from the famous hunter and explorer Jim Corbett, the man who hunted only man-eating tigers in the region. Jim Corbett consists of 4 zones open for visitation – Dhikala, Jhirna, Bijrani, and Durga Devi. Animals such as Bengal Tigers, chitals, deer, Asiatic elephants and black bears, otters, gharial, Golden oriole, and a number of species of birds can be easily spotted throughout the property. It is seemingly one of the places that entail many top hill stations in India .
- National Park is open for jungle safari
- Best time to visit: March to May
- Duration: Schedule at least 5 hours for the safari ride
- Jim Corbett safari price: Jeep safari charges – INR 4500 (Indians); INR 7500 (Foreigners); Canter safari charges – INR 1200 (Indians); INR 3000 (Foreigners); Elephant safari charges – INR 3500 (both Indian and Foreigners)
Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan
Following suit the trail of popularity amidst the most prominent jungle safaris in India to visit during October is the Ranthambore National Park, which is based in Rajasthan. This 1,300 square kilometers of land houses a dwindling population of tigers. The explorers of this park can easily spot these majestic beasts in their natural habitat.
Apart from tigers, Ranthambore also houses a wide range of wild animals, such as Sloth Bears, Wild Boards, Monitor lizards, Indian chameleons, Indian flying foxes, and Sambars. The national park is also famous amongst wildlife photography enthusiasts.
- Duration required for the Ranthambore safari: Approximately 3.5 hours, excluding pit stops for selfie sessions
- Price of Ranthambore jungle safari: Ranthambore jeep safari – INR 1500 per person (Indians); INR 2900 per person (foreigners); Ranthambore Canter safari – INR 1200 per person (Indians); INR 2300 per person (foreigners); Special safari half-day: INR 46,000 (Indians); INR 56,000 (Foreigners); Special safari for full-day: INR 57,000 (Indians); INR 72,000 (Foreigners)
- Gir National Park, Gujarat
The feeling of intruding into someone else’s territory upon entering Gir National Park is rather pronounced. This is the land of lions, crocodiles, hyenas, or leopards and is one of the most visited Indian places during December . The flora here is incredible, with half the park area covered by teak forest, amla, timru, and khair, among others. Of course, the Asiatic Lions are the lords here, and they are a spectacular sight.
Apart from them, the other highly sighted spotter animal in the park is the Chital or the Indian spotted deer. Striped hyenas and wild boars are other attractions. Here, one can also spot a fascinating variety of birds, such as the Malabar whistling thrush to the Paradise flycatcher. Like the King of the Jungle, Gir is the kind of Indian jungle safari tour.
- Best time to visit: December to March
- Duration required for the Gir safari: 3 hours
- Price of Gir jungle safari: For Indian residents for up to 6 people is Rs.800-1000. The extra Child Fee is Rs. 100 for normal days and Rs. 125 for festivals/Saturday/Sunday
- For foreigners, the entry fee for up to 6 people for normal days is Rs. 5600 – 7000. The extra Child Fee is Rs. 1400 for normal days and Rs. 1750 for festivals/Saturday/Sunday.
- Charges For Other Services
- The vehicle fee at Gir Jungle Trail is Rs.1700 per jeep.
- If you want to have a professional photo, then the charges per Camera are Rs.200 for Indians and Rs. 1400 for Foreigners.
- The service for professional guides who will be responsible for providing you with all the information about every single species charge between Rs.400-700.
- Up to 6 persons – Rs.3800 – 4800 (Indian resident)
- Up to 6 persons – Rs.14500 – 17500 (Foreign resident)
- Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
Ever since the outstanding feature in ‘Mowgli,’ the Kanha National Park has garnered the attention of the world. As mentioned in the book and the movie, animals such as panthers, bears, pythons, and elephants can be spotted in this nature haven. The park is divided into four zones – Kanha, Sarahi, Kisli, and Mukki zone.
A visit to this park will have you reminiscing about one of your favorite childhood tales. Spot packs of tigers roam around the property, making it their habitat. This place is also renowned for housing one of the most unique and historical places in India , the Khajurao temple.
- Best time to visit: October to mid-June
- Duration of safari: 3 hours for jeep safari
- Kanha Safari Charges for Regular Safari Ride:
- For Full Vehicle Permit: Online booking charges for full vehicle: 6500
- For Single Seat Permit:
- Online booking charges for a single seat: Rs 250 + 10 online portal fees= Rs 260
- Total charges per person- Rs 655 per safari per gypsy per person.
- Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh
The Bandhavgarh National Park once served as a hunting ground for royal families in Madhya Pradesh. The area has now been cloistered as a protected reserve for the Royal Bengal Tiger.
This majestic reserve is one of the most densely populated tiger sanctuaries in the country ever since the population has thrived in the park. Likewise, animals other than tigers, such as leopards, Neelghai, barking deer, Bengal foxes, striped hyenas, and others, are sheltered in this sanctuary.
- Best time to visit: October to June
- Duration of safari: 3–4 hours
- Safari charges in Bandhavgarh National Park: Jeep safari prices – INR 6500/jeep
- Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh
Encircling the outskirts of Madhya Pradesh is the Pench National Park is one of the best Indian places to visit in April . The serene park sprawls over 400 square kilometers and is mostly renowned for being a tiger reserve. However, apart from the tigers, the Pench is also home to nilgais, leopards, and wild boars.
The key attraction of this park entails its diverse vegetation. The flora is as important to this reserve as much as the fauna. The wide variety of plant life ranges from plants growing in moist areas to trees that grow in dry, arid regions.
- Safari duration: 3–5 hours; one in the morning and one in the evening;
- Pench National Park safari charges: Approx INR 3000 per gypsy/jeep per safari, including guide fee of INR 300
- Sunderbans Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the largest Tiger Reserve and National Park in India, it’s the only apt description to introduce the Sunderbans Wildlife Sanctuary with these remarkable renditions. This national park stands atop amidst the choices of places to visit for wildlife safari in India. Sunderbans partake in forming the world’s largest delta, formed by Rivers Ganga, the Brahmaputra, and the Meghna.
A wildlife safari experience at this place acts as an opportunity for you to come across the fabled tiger alongside other forms of wildlife fauna, including the rhesus monkey and the chital deer. The Sunderbans National Park is also widely renowned for its Ridley Sea Turtles.
- Best time to visit: September to March
- Duration of the Sundarbans Safari: Due to the unique landscape, Sundarbans National Park only offers boat safaris and no jeep safaris. The safari timings are usually between 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
- The entry fee: The entry fee to visit Sundarbans National Park is INR 60 for Indians and INR 200 for International Tourists.
- Periyar National reserve
The first South Indian wildlife reserve on this list is here. The Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary is a lush and beautiful reserve located in Kerala. The sanctuary is known for its picturesque scenic beauty, most of which comes from the western ghats enveloping it.
This national reserve serves as a home to many tigers and elephants. Along with safaris, it also offers boat rides around the park.
- Best time to visit: September to January
- Safari duration: 4–5 hours
- Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary safari charges: Jeep safari – INR 2000 per person
- Kaziranga National Park, Assam
This North-Eastern gem of a place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam embodies an area of 420 square kilometers and houses the one-horned rhinoceros.
The population of species of rhinoceros present at this location is the largest in the world. Apart from the rhinos, animals such as elephants, bears, and panthers on your safari can also be found here.
- Best time to visit: November to April
- Safari duration: 2 Hours
- Safari charges at Kaziranga National Park: INR 3800-4500 per jeep
- Kabini Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka
The Kabini Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in Karnataka. It provides shelter to many species of animals like deer, cheetahs, elephants, panthers, leopards, and others. The sanctuary is also home to more than 250 species of birds, including migration birds.
- Best time to visit: October – February
- Safari duration for Kabini jungle safari: Approximately 3 hours
- Safari charges: The safari costs around Rs. 900 per person per safari
- Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
Located in Maharashtra, the Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary is the nature’s museum for those who love wildlife. This enriching reserve offers a sanctuary to 34 species of mammals,166 species of birds, including migration birds, and many more animals. Needless to mention that this sanctuary is a renowned hub for bird spotting. Mostly sighted animals here are bison, tiger, deer, barking deer, wild dog, chital, Indian gaur, and others.
- Best time to visit: March to June
- Safari duration for Nagzira jungle safari: Between 4 and 5 hours
- Safari charges: Rs 50 onwards
- Dibru Saikhowa National Park, Assam
Dimwitted by the limelight of Kaziranga, Dibru Saikhowa National Park is another hidden gem of a sanctuary that beautifies Assam. This park is bountiful with rare species of animals and fishes. This is the place that provides a home to the rare white-winged wood duck. Animals such as capped langur, parrotbill, water buffalo, tiger, and others can also be spotted here.
- Safari duration for Dibru Saikhowa Jungle safari:
- Safari charges: As this safari is brimming with adventurous tasks that come with different modes of safaris, it would be wise to check this website for your reference:
- Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Gujarat
The Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary is a bird sanctuary located in Gujarat. It is well-known for more than 300 species of migratory birds during the season. This sanctuary is also known for its extraordinarily diverse landforms, such as marshlands, salt-water sources, freshwater lakes, dams, creeks, and many more.
- Best time to visit: October to March
- Safari duration for Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary safari: 2-3 hours
- Safari charges as per the vehicle of choice:
- Car & Jeep (up to 6 persons): Rs. 400 for Indians & USD 40 for Foreigners.
- Matador Car, Station Wagon, (4 up to 15 people): Rs. 1000 for Indians & USD 100 for Foreigners.
- Heavy Motor Vehicles-Bus (4 up to 60 people): Rs. 3500 for Indians & USD 350 for Foreigners.
- Tal Chhapar Sanctuary, Rajasthan
The Tal Chhapar Sanctuary is famous for its blackbuck reservation. It is located in Rajasthan. This sanctuary beholds an exceptional biosystem in this desert region. This thorny-sand forest sanctuary is famous for numerous species of migratory birds that visit during September. Animals that can be spotted other than blackbuck are desert cats, and desert foxes, among many others.
- Best time to visit: November to February
- Safari duration for Tal Chhapar safari: Between 8 AM to 5 PM
- Safari charges: Rs. 20 per person and Rs. 3500 per jeep safari trip
- Dachigam National Park, Srinagar
This national park engulfed in the valleys of Srinagar is created on the regions that were once a collection of ten villages. The Dachigam national park is known for its varying altitude and sloping grasslands ending with rocky cliffs. Dagwan River flows through the park and is enriched with varied types of species of fish. Other than that, animals to spot here are black bear, brown bear, leopard cat, stag, langur, jackal, hill fox, marten, and marmot, among many others.
- Best time to visit: April to August
- Safari duration for Dachigam National Park safari: Invites visitors between 8 AM to 6 PM
- Safari charges:
- Entry Fee For Indians – per Person Rs.25/-.
- Entry is free for Children less than 10 years of age
- For Students and Teachers, Rs.2/-.
- For Still Camera shooting Rs.100/- per camera.
- For Foreigners – per person Rs.50/-.
- For Students and Teachers, Rs.10/-.
- For Still Camera shooting, Rs.200/- per camera.
- Make sure to avoid planning your adventurous expeditions during rainy seasons, as the chances of a landslide always increase during that time of the year. This is the reason why most wildlife reserves do not even open during the monsoon season.
- Please check beforehand the allowed equipment by the safari organizers, in case you encapture your safari experience in photographs or videos.
- Always keep an extra pair of clothing with you as the weather in the forest is always unpredictable, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
- It is important for you to stay quiet and refrain from making any noises unless you want to have the wild animal’s attention on you.
- Refrain from offering eatables to the animals unless the safari guide allows it.
- Do not litter in the jungle while on a safari in India. The environment is precious; let’s keep it that way and practice the good habit of keeping our trash to ourselves before we can properly dispose of it.
- Please do not smoke in the jungle. Even the slightest sparks of fire can lead to a major wildfire accident, causing harm to both the animals and the environment.
- Congratulations! You’re doing the first step already. Which is researching thoroughly about the destination and making your choice wisely.
- Consider the desirable duration of your safari journey and decipher if your choice of safari provides the said duration of services.
- Be careful and mindful while enjoying this expenditure.
- Ask about the ways you can make contributions to the wildlife of the sanctuary and the local communities.
- Share your experience with your community and generate awareness about how to make this planet a better place for wildlife creatures.
Although this one-step guide is an information tool for your reference, it is advisable to curate a list of deciding factors that are absolutely essential for you. After all, it will be most beneficial to make your experience as customized as possible. We sincerely hope you have the time of your life with experience. Adventure awaits you!
- Fun Things to Do in Las Vegas That aren’t the…
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It is an undeniable fact that the Indian jungle safari diaspora is plentiful. This could be the reason behind getting the traveler confused about which one to pick for their next excursion. To help you choose the right options according to your requirements, there are plenty of lists in this article to guide you properly.
It is a question that only you can answer yourself, as each person seeks a different experience based on their requirements and whereabouts. So, which is the best jungle safari for you?
Between June and October, during the dry season of the year.
Jim Corbett National Park was established in 1936.
Again, Jim Corbett National Park.
It depends on the location you choose for your next excursion.
It can be described as a forest trail that can be walked through, trekked upon, or explored with a jeep.
Kaziranga National Park.
Check out the best Rameshwaram itinerary !
The 15 Best places for Jungle Safari in India in 2024
Last Updated on March 13, 2024
Jungle safari is one of the most riveting experiences that you can have in India. Blessed with an exceptional faunal diversity, India offers you a chance to live “The Jungle Book”.
Be it the Tiger trails of Karnataka, or Asiatic lion in the Gir Forest – a safari through the India's forests is unforgettable. So, get ready to read about these thrilling escapades in the Indian Jungles.
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Best Jungle Safaris in India – South Zone
South India is where you find the world's hottest biodiversity hotspot – the Western Ghats . No wonder it is home to beautiful forests. Mainly famous for tiger sighting, South Indian jungles also offer you an opportunity to see many other endangered species like the Nilgiri Tahr, Lion-Tailed Macaque and Nilgiri Langur.
1. Bandipur Tiger Reserve
Bandipur, Nagarhole, Wayanad (Kerala) and Mudumalai (Tamil Nadu) are four national parks spread across 3 states of India. Together this interconnected group of national parks form the largest free habitat of tigers in India and the whole world. Bandipur Tiger Reserve and Mudumalai, aka Masinagudi are so close that they are almost like a continuous stretch of forest for a layman.
In the 6-hour jeep safari in Bandipur Tiger Reserve by Jungle Lodge & Resorts , you will enter deep into the forests in search of the evasive striped beauty. The safari is conducted in two phases. There is one 3-hour safari in the evening and one 3-hour safari in the next morning.
Besides tiger, you will come across many other indigenous species of Western Ghats. The thrill of riding through the dusty forest, watching the spectacular sunset amidst the sound of birds and looking out for peacocks, deer, monkeys and other members of the beautiful forest ecosystem of Karnataka is a memorable experience.
Besides booking a stay in the JLR properties, you can also book a tour of Bandipur Safari from Mysore here . You can read more about it here .
Places to stay in Bandipur
- The Serai, Bandipur – The most famous luxury stays in the region
- Dhole's Den – A travel sustainable property in the cradle of nature in Bandipur
2. Nagarhole National Park
Also in Karnataka, Nagarhole National Park is separated from the Bandipur Tiger Reserve by the resplendent Kabini river. Located at the border of Mysuru and Kodagu districts, Nagarhole is one of the most visited national parks in India. The forest of Nagarhole is home to spotted deer, sambal, monkeys, leopards and many other indegeneous animals.
Check out the best places to visit in Karnataka – one of the most beautiful states of India.
While the park itself id beautiful and you have almost as much probability of spotting a tiger while driving through the forests as in Bandipur, the jungle safari has scope of improvements. The timings of Jungle safari are 6am to 8 am in the morning and 3pm to 5pm in the evening.
The bookings are managed by the Forest Department, and you can only book a one-hour jeep safari pr bus safari in the forest. You will be greeted by a herd of deer at the ticket counter itself and it's hard to resist the urge to pet those beauties.
3. Periyar Tiger Reserve – a Lake Safari
Located in Idukki district of Kerala, Periyar Tiger Reserve is a great place to go for jungle safari. It is the Best managed Tiger Reserve among 50+ Tiger Reserves in the country according to the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).
The forest engulfs the beautiful Periyar Lake in Thekkady . Besides tiger, you get to see other indigenous species like the Sambhal Deer, elephants ,Nilgiri langur and the lion-tailed macaque.
There are a variety of jungle safari options in the Periyar reserve. The regular safari in the daytime can be on vans of jeeps. The highlight of a trip to Periyar Tiger Reserve is the opportunity to join the night patrol.
This is a regular night patrolling program in the fringes of the Eco development zone of the Tiger Reserve in the company of armed guards between 7 pm and 4 am (7pm-10, 10-1am, 1-4am).
You can also enjoy a relaxing safari in the lake or book a one-night or two-night camping at PTR. Check out all available activities for online booking here .
Places to Stay
- Cardamom Country by Xandari – A luxury resort 4km away from the jungle.
- Chrisie's Hotel – A 3-star travel-sustainable property only 1.2 km away from Periyar National Park
- Noah's Treehouse – A travel sustainable homestay close to the jungle, which has its fair share of wildlife like deer, hornbill etc.
4. Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary – The Elephant Paradise
The second largest wildlife sanctuary in Kerala, Muthanga is home to a huge variety of birds and animals. It is a Project Elephant site dedicated to rescue and conservation of the beautiful giants.
You can book a 2-hour jeep safari or a jungle camping excursion from the Sultan Bathery checkpost in Wayanad. You can also go there in your own car.
Places to stay:
Our stay at Sterling Wayanad at Sultan Bathery gave us an opportunity to explore the jungles by our car every day of our stay.
Rithu Holiday Cottages and tents gives you the most authentic jungle-camping experience in Muthanga.
5. Mudumalai National Park in Tamil Nadu
Mudumalai National Park, also known as Masinagudi Tiger Reserve is located in Tamil Nadu. Besides tigers, these dense forests are home to giant elephants, antelopes and many indigenous species of the Western Ghats . Living in a cottage in the forests amidst deer and peacocks and going on a tiger safari is an experience of a lifetime.
Spanning 321 square kilometers at an elevation range of 850m – 1250m, in the Nilgiris, Masinagudi will mesmerize you with its beauty.
Van / Bus safari is organized every morning (6 am to 10 am) and evening (2pm to 6pm), each safari lasting only 30 minutes.
To increase the chances of seeing interesting wildlife you should book jeep safaris that are longer. Elephant safari is also an option in Masinagudi. Private vehicles are not allowed in safari zones.
Check out the best places to visit in Tamil Nadu .
6. Eravikulam National Park Safari – to see the Nilgiri Tahr
Nestled in the hills of Munnar, Eravikulam National Park has a mystic charm that will bewitch you all. Anamudi, the highest peak in South India is located right inside the park.
The park’s mesmerizing beauty is because of the mountains, the waterfalls and the pristine natural ecosystem. An ecosystem which was unfortunately disturbed and replaced with the aggressive commercialization and tea plantations by the British.
The ticket counter is bustling with people all the time as it is one of the biggest attractions in the Idukki region. The safari bus simply takes you to the hilly forests and leaves you there to explore the park by yourself.
Vehicles are not allowed to enter beyond a point to maintain the sensitive biosphere.
So here you have the walking jungle safari. The 97 sq km park has three parts – the core area, the buffer area and the tourism area. Visitors are allowed to stroll only in the tourist area. Trek in the Kurinji trails covered with blossoms to spot the endangered Nilgiri Tahr and be awed at the sight of the majestic Lakkom Falls.
Don't miss the Eraviulam National Park in your Munnar itinerary .
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7. BR Hills
Biligiriranga Hills, popularly known as BR Hills is an elusive and enchanting forest in Karnataka. Located between Bangalore and Mysore , this could be one of the most visited jungles in India, but it is actually quite the opposite. Because tourism in the area is not as well-developed, footfall is less, and the jungle-feel is quite authentic.
Welcoming Ellis Veen from Backpack Adventures to share her experience at BR Hills
It was a rainy morning in BR hills . The wildlife sanctuary was lush and green and teeming with life. Our jeep was going slow on the muddy dirt roads through the dense forest. One time we even had to get out to remove fallen branches from the narrow jeep track.
The rainy season is maybe not the best time to go on a safari in India, but it is when the jungle of BR Hills truly comes alive. The constant drizzle did not take away the natural beauty of the monsoon greenery and the joy of spotting wildlife.
I was lucky to see wild boars, barking deer and chital deer and just as I was leaving BR Hills there was a group of elephants by the side of the road.
BR Hills is one of the lesser-known wildlife sanctuaries in Karnataka. Although less popular than nearby Bandipur or Kabini, it is equally beautiful and with the same chances of spotting the elusive tiger or the Asian elephant that roams the forests. Being a bridge between the Eastern ghats and the Western ghats it is a biodiverse area of rich flora and fauna.
BR Hills has culture and history too. The local Biligiri Ranganathaswamy temple is an important place of worship for the local Soliga people and a pilgrimage site for Hindus.
With its scenic location on top of a hill it offers sweeping views over the BR Hills Wildlife sanctuary. Safari s are organized by the K.Gudi wilderness camp where you can sleep as well.
KSTDC Mayura Hotel – a government-run sustainable resort in B.R.Hills
Gorukana Eco Wellness Resort – a 4star eco-friendly stay near B.R. Hills
8. Dandeli Jungle Safari
Dandeli, located in the northern region of Karnataka is a great place for adventurists and nature-lovers. It is also very close to Goa and can be clubbed as at extension to your Goa itinerary.
Raksha shares her tips for Dandeli Jungle Safari
Designated as a tiger reserve, the town of Dandeli is a natural habitat for wildlife and is the second largest sanctuary in Karnataka state of India. Now called the Kali Tiger Reserve, the forest has abundant wild animals, reptiles, and birds.
Forests of Dandeli are made up of moist deciduous and semi-evergreen trees. The sanctuary is located on the banks of River Kali and is said to have about 13 to 14 tigers in the wild. It is also home for the rare black panthers.
The best time to visit Dandeli is between the months of October and May. Jungle safaris are operated twice during the day by the forest department.
The visitors can also take a coracle ride on the river to see freshwater crocodiles. And for adventure seekers, there is white water river rafting available with rapids of 3+ grades.
Dandeli has many accommodations catering for all kinds of travelers. There are home stays that provide amazing options for budget travelers and then there are resorts for luxury travelers.
Kali Wilderness Camp operated by Jungle Lodges is an excellent place to stay. As it is part of the government, preference for jungle safari rides is given to the guests of the camp.
Jungle Safari in India – Rest of India
I have only been to jungle safaris in the south. So, for the rest of India I reached out to the blogging community for their suggestions. North India has a diverse landscape with deserts, Himalayan forests, mangroves and more. The enriching experiences of these bloggers gave me new travel goals.
1. Jaldapara Jungle Safari
Welcome Soumya from Nature Diary to share his experiences:
The list of best jungle safari in India is incomplete without mentioning Jaldapara National Park in the northern part of West Bengal . After Kaziranga National Park in Assam, Jaldapara is the second-largest home for critically endangered one-horned rhinos in India.
At present, the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation Limited ( WBFDCA ) arranges jeep safaris on five routes and elephant safaris on two routes across the national park.
If you love to enjoy the wilderness at its best, choose the elephant safari route from Hollong, an ecotourism destination in North Bengal. There are three times when the safari commences in the early morning: 5:50-6:30 AM, 6:30-7:30 AM, and 7:30-8.30 AM.
It is preferable to book the 1st slot as the forest looks most beautiful at this time. Please note that the jungle safari is open every day except Thursday.
During the safari , you can see animals like rhinos, Asiatic elephants, sambars, hog deer, barking deer, jungle cats, giant squirrels, porcupines, pangolins, pythons, etc. Over 240 species of bird species, including peacocks, hornbills, green pigeons, barbets, and parakeets, can be seen on the jungle safari . Overall, a jungle safari at Jaldapara National Park is worth every penny.
To enjoy nature to its fullest, you can stay in the Hollong forest bungalow overnight and book the next morning's safari .
2. Ranthambore Jungle Safari
Located in Rajasthan, at the junction of two of the oldest mountain ranges – the Aravallis and Vindyas – Ranthambore forest offers the most picturesque setting for a wildlife safari.
Ranthambore is famous for tiger safari, but it is also a home to a large variety of birds and animals. Some of these are the sloth bear, leopard, Indian wolf, deer, fox, hyena and mongoose.
Sakshi , blogger at Tripleamommy shares her experience.
My husband and I love going to National Parks. Ranthmabore is our favorite – both for its proximity to Delhi and the high chances of tiger sighting. The first time we went to Ranthambore was in April 2009 and we stayed at a government guest house.
The facilities were basic but that’s not really important when you are on an adventure trip. We were lucky to spot the tiger on our second trip and I can still feel the excitement of that moment!
We had been roaming the dry plains in our jeep when suddenly in a distance, there was a cacophony of birds and screeching of monkeys! A tiger was approaching! Our jeep joined at least 8-10 other jeeps and canters that scrambled to that area to sight the tiger, when it appeared majestically on the horizon. The second time we went was with our entire family and this time we stayed at the Taj Vivanta – it is a lovely property and other than the tiger safaris, just the stay at the property was great fun! ther than the safaris, Ranthambore has a lovely fort that history lovers would love to visit – the picturesque ruins and the temple make for a great visit.
You can reach Ranthambore by train – get off at the Sawai Madhopur station and in most cases the hotel will send their jeep to pick you up from the station. If you are in Jaipur or Delhi – NCR, you can also enjoy a lovely road trip to Ranthambore.
Book admission to Ranthambore Jungle Safari here . You can also book a complete day trip package from Jaipur
Places to stay in Ranthambore
Ranthambore Regency – a 4-star sustainable resort close to the national park
Sawai Madhopur Lodge – a 5-star sustainable romantic resort by Taj Vivanta, 12km from the national park
Six Senses Fort Barwara – a fort transformed into a 5-star resort, 30-minute drive from the national park
3. Kanha Tiger Reserve Jungle Safari
Kanha tiger Reserve also known as the Kanha -Kisli National Park is the largest national park in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It encompasses an area of 940 sq km and is divided into two zones- Mandla and Balaghat.
Welcome Jon Duncan from Backpacking Man to share his tips for Kanha Tiger Reserve
The Kanha Tiger Reserve is one of the best places in India to spot tigers in the wild and also makes for a great jungle experience in India. In fact, the area was the inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's “The Jungle Book”, which says it all.
The obvious main thing to do in the area is to go on a day jeep safari through the reserve keeping an eye out for tigers, as well as lots of other wildlife such as deer and, if lucky, packs of wild dogs.
The driver of the jeep is accompanied by an expert ranger/guide who will be able to track animal prints on the ground to try and find the wildlife.
Note that there are elephant safaris available in the area which may seem adventurous, but these are not recommended as the elephants are not treated so well.
So, avoid that and promote ethical tourism and stick to going on a jeep safari which is actually the best way to see a lot more of the reserve anyway.
- Camp Dev Vilas
- Club Mahindra Kanha
4. Bhandavgarh Jungle Safari
Located in the Umaira district of Madhya Pradesh, India, Bhandavgarh National Park is a fantastic place for tiger safari. The core area of the park is 100 square-kilometers and is home to approximately 50 tigers.
Like Bandipur, there are two slots for 3-hour Jeep safaris, once at dawn, and again in late afternoon. The National Park has three main safari zones, namely – Tala Zone , Magadhi Zone and Khitauli Zone .
Tala Zone is the oldest and richest zone in terms of biodiversity.
One can chose between a jeep safari and an elephant safari at Bhandavgarh.
Once again, I could get Sakshi to share her experience in Bhandavgarh National Park.
In 2014, when the family was invited for a wedding in Jabalpur, we grabbed at the opportunity to stop at Bandhavgarh for a day. Took a train to Katni and then drove for about 2 hours to get to Bandhavgarh.
By the time we reached, it was late for the afternoon safari, so we took some time settling in and familiarizing ourselves with the property.
We turned in early as we had a very early morning safari. The slight chill at dawn combined with the hot chai and coffee served for the safari goers was a great start to the day.
And the sumptuous breakfast served after the safari was also very welcome. Even though we didn’t get to see the tiger, the safari ride itself was a lot of fun.
In the afternoon we left for Jabalpur, a lovely road trip and the most memorable for me were the blazing spring colors of the trees.
You can follow Sakshi on Instagram .
Places to stay for the safari
Tree House Hideaway – Built like an actual tree-house, it offers you a great opportunity for bird-watching. The property organizes a tiger safari every evening.
Bhandavgarh Tiger Lodge – This travel-sustainable property is located close to the maingate of the Bhandavgarh National Park from where you can book your safari.
5. Gir Forest Safari
The Sasan Gir Wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat is the only place in India where you can spot the rare Asiatic lions in the wild. The rough scrublands and dry forests enable tourists with an excellent opportunity to photograph the majestic animal in its natural habitat.
Ruma, blogger at The Holiday Story shares some tips.
Gir forest , also known as Sasan Gir, encompasses an area of 1.412 Km². At present, around 600 lions inhabit this forest land in Gujarat. Exploring this jungle through a safari is an exhilarating experience.
Early morning is the best time to go for a safari. Reporting time for the morning slot is 5:30 am. The IDs need to get verified first before boarding your choice of a safari vehicle. The gipsy or jeep will then take you through the Gir Jungle Trail .
There are several routes on this trail. The safari explores these trails in search of a glimpse of the mighty lions. Other than lions, you can also see deer, monkeys, langurs, and many species of birds. On visiting the Kamleshwar dam, you can also see crocodiles and birds like pelicans.
Apart from safari, you can visit the Kankai Mata temple or Jamjir waterfall. Both of these attractions are within the forest vicinity. You can also shop from the souvenir shop located in this national park. Drop by the Durbar Hall Museum to learn a bit about the history of Gujarat.
You can book a Gir Safari here .
Recommended stays:
Gir Serai IHCL Seleqtions – a 5-star luxury resort by Taj
The Fern Gir Forest – 5-star eco-friendly resort right next to Gir Forest
6. Jim Corbett National Park
Ipsita from Nomad Enroute shares her tips
Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve, the first tiger reserve in India, is spread across a vast land of 520 square kilometers in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand.
It came into being in 1936 while in 1973 the Project Tiger was first launched under which tiger and other endangered species were to be preserved in their natural habitat.
The rare species such as otters and the endemic fish-eating crocodile, along with a significant number of tigers have found their home in the dense forest of Jim Corbett .
On the road we spotted a sambar running towards the jungle . Several deer were gliding along the riverbed, among which we could recognize a swamp deer (barasingha), which is now extinct in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The booking is handled by the forest department following the strict guideline set by the department.
You can book the safari online, with the requisite documentation supporting your request. Full name, address, age, sex and ID card number. The time-slots for the safari are 6 am to 9:30 am and 3 pm to 6 pm.
For Indians, it costs Rs. 4500 to hire a jeep, which includes 6 adults and 2 children between the age group 5-12. For foreigners, it costs Rs. 9000 for 6 adults and 2 children. Remember that charges must be made in advance and in case your plan gets cancelled, you won’t be refunded.
Recommended Stays in Jim Corbett
The Hosteller Jim Corbett
Click Resort Corbett Tiger Den
7. Kaziranga Jungle Safari
Welcome Vidyut from Triplyzer who shares his experience in the Kaziranga Safari
Kaziranga National Park is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. There are numerous tiger safaris in India, but safari here has something unique to offer – the one-horned rhino, a rare beast!
I visited Kaziranga as part of my northeast India itinerary, stayed overnight in the nearby town, and took the safari in the morning. For safari, you can either take a jeep or ride an elephant. I preferred the jeep for ethical reasons, but honestly, an elephant ride does sound fun.
Safaris start as early as 5.30 am in summer and it's best to do it when it is still cool. The jeep safaris take about 2 hours, keep your DSLR with zoom lens ready as you will come across an abundance of wildlife.
There are four different safaris taking you to different zones in the park. If you start early, you can easily visit two of these. Central Range (Kohora) and the Western range (Bagori) are the two most popular, the former is known for the beautiful grassy landscape while the latter boasts of easy Rhino sightings.
The state government-run dedicated buses from the bus station at Paltan bazaar to Kaziranga, making it cheap and easy to get here. Since the journey is over 5 hours long, stay in Kohora as it has plenty of budget and premium options.
So here ends my post on the best jungle safaris in India – selected by travel bloggers. This was based on diversity of experiences and the endangered species that the forests preserve. I hope this will help you select your next holiday destination. Please share it and subscribe to the blog if you like the content.
So, are you thrilled to explore the wild Indian Jungles? I sure am. If you liked the post, save it so that you can plan your next jungle safari in India. This is the 10th post in the series “My Fabulous Five” for #BlogchatterA2Z . You can read other previous posts here . Subscribe for email updates and connect with me on Instagram for more travel stories.
Special thanks to the amazing wildlife photographers for making their photos available on Pixabay for free. The image sin the cover picture and two of the images in the Pinterest graphics are from Pixabay Creative Commons.
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Interesting read. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! A jungle safari in India sounds amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!
Ahhh! We were supposed to go in 2020 but it got cancelled. I would love to see these amazing animals in the wild! Thank you for inspiring me and let me travel through your pictures!
This sounds like such a cool experience! I didn’t realize safaris were a thing in India, but now I want to go on one.
Thanks a lot Maggie. India has some of the most thrilling and beautiful forest experiences.
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15 Top Wildlife and Jungle Lodges in India
There are some superb jungle lodges in India that provide unforgettable wildlife experiences. Many are dedicated to eco-tourism and conservation. If you're planning on going on safari, the choice of lodge becomes important as the quality of naturalists and transport varies. These lodges are all outstanding in terms of location, services, and activities. Some are well known, while others are off-the-beaten-track.
Jawai Leopard Camp, Pali District, Rajasthan
Jawai Leopard Camp offers the ultimate glamping experience in the untamed Rajasthan desert where leopards roam. This very exclusive and opulent experiential jungle lodge is surrounded by the Aravalli hills, halfway between Jodhpur and Udaipur. What makes it really unique is that the area is not part of a national park, so there are no restrictions. The property has just nine luxury tents in the wilderness. Although, calling them tents doesn't do them justice at all! If you really want to pamper yourself, stay in the royal suite with its own private heated swimming pool. Leopards aren't the only wildlife around. There are more than 170 species of birds and crocodiles. Jeep safaris, cycling, and treks offer the opportunity to see them. Other activities include village excursions, yoga and meditation, and day trips to Kumbhalgarh Fort and Ranakpur Jain Temple. Outdoor dining is also a highlight. Imagine eating dinner under the stars in a private granite kopje (outcrop). It's possible!
- Rates: From 58,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Evolve Back, Kabini, Karnataka
Evolve Back (formerly the award-winning Orange County) sits on the edge of Nagahole National Park , surrounded by Karnataka's Kabini River. The philosophy is simple: provide an exquisite vacation and wildlife experience while preserving the nature and culture of the land. Guests are accommodated in 37 spacious huts, with the design inspired by tribal villages. Subtle on the outside but sublime on the inside, they either have their private swimming pool or open-to-the-sky Jacuzzi.
Facilities include reading lounge, Ayurvedic center, family swimming pool, and two gourmet restaurants. Guests can also dine by the riverside or on a candlelit cruise. Experiences offered include boat safaris and jeep safaris in the national park, coracle rides on the Kabini River, guided nature walks and night trails, and Kuruba tribal dances around the campfire. The lodge even has its own resident elephant that you can bathe and feed!
- Rates: From around 30,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast is included.
Spice Village, Thekkady, Kerala
An eco-friendly CGH Earth property, Spice Village is also themed on a tribal village. Its thatch-roof cottages are set amid 14 acres of spice trees close to Periyar National Park . The environment is wild! Activities include boat safaris through the national park, forest treks, bird watching, visiting a local tribal village, and Kerala cuisine cooking classes. The property also has an Ayurvedic treatment center and outdoor swimming pool.
- Rates: From around 15,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast is included.
Singinawa Jungle Lodge, Kanha, Madhya Pradesh
Named Most Inspirational Eco Lodge of the Year in the 2016 TOFTigers Wildlife Tourism Awards, stunning Singinawa Jungle Lodge showcases the region's unique tribal and arts culture. The lodge is unique because it has its own Museum of Life and Art, dedicated to tribal Gond and Baiga artisans, on the property. It's located on 110 acres of jungle and also undertakes many conservation initiatives. One of the special things about the lodge is that it offers a range of village experiences in addition to jungle safaris so that guests can connect with the local tribes and learn about their lifestyles. It's fascinating to be able to visit tribes in their village during the day and see them dressed up and performing their tribal dance at night. Gond tribal art lessons are also available.
Accommodations are provided in 12 rustic stone and slate cottages, plus a four-bedroom jungle bungalow, and a 2 bedroom jungle bungalow. Facilities include The Meadow spa with Indian and Oriental treatments and The Wallow swimming pool surrounded by nature.
- Rates : From around 16,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Chitvan Jungle Lodge, Kanha, Madhya Pradesh
Chitvan Jungle Lodge is one of the top places to stay near Kanha National Park , and it's situated super close -- almost within walking distance of Mukki Gate. This secluded lodge is spread over 14 acres and does a wonderful job of blending in with its environment. The owners have converted farmland into a mini-forest with over 100 species of birds and butterflies. Their motto is "Conservation through Tourism" and the focus is on making tourism an alternate economy for the local community.
The idea behind Chitvan is to provide a retreat from worldy life -- with "chitt" being a product of the mind and ego, and "van" meaning forest. Guests can tame their minds among nature. The luxurious cottage accommodations have been named after various elements: Agni (fire), Prithvi (earth), Jal (water), and Akash (ether). All have magnificent views of the forest or farmland. Highlights are open showers, and private sit-outs and terraces. Meals are prepared using organic ingredients grown at the resort. Activities offered include jeep safaris in the national park, birding and butterfly spotting at the lodge, nature walks, tribal dances, bullock cart rides, and market visits.
- Rates: From around 6,500 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Kanha Earth Lodge, Kanha, Madhya Pradesh
Another award-winning eco-lodge, Kanha Earth Lodge is also located near Kanha National Park, on 16 acres of forest in a small tribal hamlet bordering the buffer zone. It's around 30 minutes from the park's main entry gate (Khatia Gate). The lodge successfully blends eco-sensitivity and local village cooperation with a fantastic wilderness experience.
There are 12 independent luxury cottages for guests. Their design has been influenced by traditional Gond tribal architecture and locally available material has been used to build them. What's particularly notable about Kanha Earth Lodge is that it's managed by Pugdundee Safaris . The safaris conducted by this very reputable company really stand out in terms of knowledge and enthusiasm of naturalists, and maintenance and comfort of vehicles.
- Rates: From around 12,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Samode Safari Lodge, Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh
Samode Safari Lodge at Bandhavgarh National Park is part of the Samode Hotels portfolio -- a renowned luxury heritage hotel group from Rajasthan that's in the process of expanding. The group is best known for its magnificent flagship property, the 500-year-old Samode Palace near Jaipur , which opened as a hotel in 1987. A trip to Africa prompted the owners, who are descendants of the royal family of Samode, to create the lodge. Its architecture has been inspired by the colorful villages around it. There are 12 eco-friendly, gorgeously furnished cottages, as well as a dining room, library, recreation room, a fully equipped spa, and swimming pool.
Food is a big focus at Samode properties. At the Samode Safari Lodge, guests are treated to different dishes daily for lunch and dinner so that they can experience a range of cuisines. The dining locations change as well. The lodge's safaris are also highly rated. The lodge has its own jeeps and expert naturalists, which are possibly the best in the area. Wildlife conservation is taken seriously, and guests are shown a thought-provoking documentary about tigers and the problems they face in India.
- Rates: From around 66,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Mahua Kothi, Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh
A Taj property, also at Bandhavgarh National Park, Mahua Kothi derives its name from the Mahua or butter tree. The substantially sized lodge occupies 40 acres of land around 20 minutes from the park entrance. Best defined as rustic luxury, it has two parts: the original kothi (homestead) that's been beautifully renovated and serves as the common space for guests, and newly constructed guest accommodations. The 12 guest huts have been built in central Indian village style, and are accessed through private courtyards with traditional mud floors. The recreated village experience also includes an open kitchen, breakfast displayed on a bullock cart, traditional Indian games, kettles of boiling water on charcoal burners, and bicycles for guest use.
In addition to morning and afternoon jeep safaris, conducted using the lodge's own naturalists and vehicles, guests can also go on guided nature walks, village and school visits, and learn star gazing. Special mahua martinis, made from the tree's flowers, are served in the evenings.
- Rates: From around 35,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast is included.
Forsyth Lodge, Satpura, Madhya Pradesh
You're unlikely to see a tiger at lesser-known Satpura National Park but it's an excellent place to spend time in nature, and Forsyth Lodge is one of the best wildlife lodges to do it at. This lodge is set on 44 acres of reclaimed jungle at the edge of the park. It has 12 independent guest cottages constructed out of cob in an arc around the lodge building, giving them unique vantage points into the landscape The lodge is made out of rammed earth and holds dining areas, a well-appointed library devoted to Indian wildlife, a lounge, several fireplaces, and a bar. There's also an eco-friendly (chlorine-free) swimming pool and telescopes on the terraces for stargazing
Satpura National Park is an inspiring example of a park that doesn't just focus on the usual jeep safaris, although the lodge does offer them both during the day and at night. Other possible activities inside the national park include elephant safaris, canoe safaris, and walking safaris led by the lodge's naturalists. Notably, Satpura is one of two protected forests in India that visitors are allowed to walk through. In addition, the lodge offers an expedition to Pachmarhi plateau, a two-day hike to or from the plateau on the Forsyth Trail, and a three-day introductory course into jungle craft and understanding the wilderness.
- Rates: From around 22,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Reni Pani Jungle Lodge, Satpura, Madhya Pradesh
Reni Pani is another popular option for staying near Satpura National Park. It features 12 luxury cottages with three different locations and designs. Six of the cottages sit along the seasonal stream that runs through the property, four are in the forest, and two are atop a hillock on the property. The forest and hill cottages are built with local material and have private viewing decks and bay windows. The 30 acres of forest that the lodge occupies is blessed with thick trees, a wide meadow, seasonal stream, and watering holes that attract several species of birds and animals. It's pure delight for nature lovers! Bird watching, anthropology expeditions, jeep safaris, elephant safaris, boat safaris, canoeing and nature walks are all offered.
- From around 16,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
Sherbagh, Ranthambhore, Rajasthan
Sherbagh is a pioneering luxury tented camp situated on a family estate bordering Ranthambore National Park , one of India's top destinations for seeing a tiger . It was founded by a local family who's played an active part in wildlife conservation in the area for more than 40 years. When they bought the estate in the 1980s, it was barren, degraded and devoid of vegetation. With much care and attention, they've grown a healthy forest on it, filled with trees, grasses and other indigenous flora, birds, and animals.
The 12 luxury tents nestled on the property have been designed along the lines of the 1920s safari accommodations popular during the British Raj. Inside, they're decorated with classic colonial furniture. The lodge provides guests with a detailed introduction to Ranthambore, its wildlife, and conservation efforts. It has its own exclusive safari vehicles and teams of wildlife trackers, so you can be assured of the best safari experience. There's also a jungle spa, under the canopy of a holy peepal tree, that offers a range of treatments.
- Rates: From around 46,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
The Blackbuck Lodge, Velavadar National Park, Gujarat
Off the beaten track, The Blackbuck Lodge has a fabulously secluded position along the Velavadar Blackbuck National Park, near the Gulf of Cambay on Gujarat's west coast. This park was formerly the private grassland and hunting ground of the Maharaja of Bhavnagar. Now, it's protected area for blackbucks (spiral-horned antelopes) to inhabit. And, you can watch them from the privacy of the veranda at the back of your room.
The Blackbuck Lodge occupies 70 acres of untamed land. It has 14 luxury villas for guests, with chic interiors and stylish architecture. The lodge offers safaris into the park and excursions to surrounding tourist destinations.
- Rates: From around 12,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast included.
Asiatic Lion Lodge, Gir, Gujarat
Asiatic Lion Lodge opened in 2014 and offers eco-friendly accommodations near Gir National Park , where these lions roam. The lodge is a venture of Terra EcoTourism and the owners (who are keen wildlife photographers) have been in the hospitality industry for the past 20 years. It has a serene location, amongst nature near the village of Haripur, in the western part of the Gir jungle around six kilometers from Sasan Gir village (the entry point to the national park). Apparently, the lodge is the first eco-tourism property in the area.
There are 16 guest cottages, constructed in an environmentally friendly manner. The lodge's Flavors of Forest restaurant serves north Indian and regional Kathiawadi delicacies of Gujarat, cooked with organic ingredients where available. There's also the Forest Cafe, situated adjacent to a seasonal natural water pond. It's got a library with a wide variety of books on wildlife and is a great place to relax. In terms of activities, films on wildlife are shown every evening. Nearly 35 species of rare birds are often sighted in the area next to the lodge, and its naturalist takes guests on guided nature walks and bird watching walks. Other activities such as bicycle riding and visits to a nearby tribal village are possible, along with safaris into the national park.
- Rates: From around 4,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast is included.
Pench Jungle Camp, Pench, Madhya Pradesh
Pench Jungle Camp offers luxury tented and cottage accommodations on 12 acres of forest close to the entrance of Pench National Park. What's particularly notable is that it has its own 38 acre ecological park, bordering the buffer zone of the national park, that's home to a diverse range of wildlife and birds. Guest can explore it on foot or horseback, or by bicycle. The camp has its own naturalists who also conduct birdwatching trips, along with jungle safaris inside the national park. Facilities include lounge and library, swimming pool, and Ayurvedic spa.
- Rates: From around 6,000 rupees per night, plus tax. Breakfast is included.
KTDC Lake Palace, Thekkady, Kerala
The Lake Palace is not your usual government owned and operated property -- it's surprisingly special in a number of ways. First, the location. It's on Lake Periyar in the midst of Periyar National Park and is only accessible by a 20 minute boat ride. Second, it was the summer retreat of the kings of Travancore. It's an intimate property with only six guest rooms, built in 1927. The old-world ambiance has been retained. A drawback of this is that the rooms and bathrooms are quite old fashioned, but some may say it's part of the charm! All the rooms offer fantastic views of the lake and jungle, and it's not uncommon to see deer, elephants, and wild buffaloes from them!
Since it's situated inside the park, the Lake Palace has an advantage of offering exclusive nature-based activities from its premises. These include wildlife boat cruises, nature walks, and trekking, bamboo rafting, border hiking, elephant rides, and jungle patrols. Outside the property, additional activities are bullock cart rides, plantation tours, visits to tea factories, and shopping for spices at the local market.
- Rates: From 10,000 rupees per night, plus tax. All meals are included.
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Safari in India
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10 best India safari tour packages
Compiled by
Steff India travel expert at TourRadar
Rediscover Gujarat - Ahmedabad, Gir, Somnath & Dwarka !! (A Budget Friendly Tour)
Adventures ranthambore wildlife safari tour from delhi with safari rides, same day tiger safari tour from jaipur all included, jungle book - in search of the tiger (a unique experience tour), wildlife tour india, luxury taj and tigers tour, jim corbett tour from delhi, 6 day golden triangle tour with ranthambore - tigers and taj mahal sunrise/sunset, central india wildlife tour, bandhavgarh kanha pench tour.
“The tour was an unforgettable experience, with stunning views and a well-organized itinerary.” Malini Keshavaprasad, traveled in January 2024
- Christmas & New Year
- Experience the sound and light show at Akshardham
- Explore the historic Adalaj Stepwell
- Visit the majestic Somnath Temple
- Experience thrilling jeep safaris for tiger sightings
- Drive to Ranthambore from New Delhi
- Explore forests and spot diverse wildlife
“It's a great tour. We had a nice pickup and a good drive from Jaipur to Ranthambore Nationalpark.” Christoph Füger, traveled in March 2023
- Travel back to Jaipur with great memories
- Explore Ranthambore's vast wildlife
- Observe a variety of birds and animals
“Super Trip planed by MTA for my Family. KIDS Enjoyed.” Sunny.karir Karir, traveled in December 2021
- Visit the majestic Amber Fort in Jaipur
- Marvel at Jaipur's Jantar Mantar observatory
- Explore the historic sites of Old Delhi
“We are also satisfied what we paid them for this tour.” morin, traveled in September 2019
- Sightseeing
- Witness the majestic beauty of the Taj Mahal
- Experience Jaipur's royal heritage and crafts
- Spot tigers on safaris in Kanha National Park
“We felt SO SAFE and had so much fun whilst seeing all the very best India has to offer!” Sophie Carrigg, traveled in March 2024
- Tour the majestic Agra Fort
- Enjoy a scenic drive through Jaipur
- Experience safaris in Ranthambore
- Transfer back to New Delhi for your flight
- Explore Bijrani Safari Zone for tigers
- Drive to Jim Corbett and check into your hotel
“It was truely a one of a kind experience. Sonja, has some great employees working for her and really know how to make the trip exciting and educational.” Lionel Johnson, traveled in June 2024
- Discover the majestic Agra Fort and Mehtab Bagh
- Tour Jaipur's palaces and astronomical observatory
- Experience two thrilling safaris in Ranthambore
“Alkof has shown itself to be honest and reliable. I've travelled a great deal and there are many tour operators who are untrustworthy.” Courtney Fairweather, traveled in April 2024
- Spot tigers on a Kanha jeep safari
- Enjoy multiple safaris across parks
- Explore Pench, the real Jungle Book
“The tour was much more flexible and convenient than a group tour, with knowledgeable guides.” Debra Papiernik, traveled in October 2022
- Experience the thrill of multiple jeep safaris
- Spot diverse wildlife in Pench National Park
- Track tigers on a Bandhavgarh jeep safari
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Redefining the Indian Safari Experience
A luxurious melody of sustainable living.
Pugdundee Safaris is recognized as one of India's leading responsible safari companies. With seven intimate jungle lodges in Central India and many bespoke wilderness experiences it presents the very best of the Indian subcontinent wildlife & hospitality. Between 2009 and 2024, we have been awarded for our excellence in wildlife safaris, our commitment to sustainability, our experienced naturalists and our pioneering mobile safari initiative.
Pugdundee is a Hindi word meaning a foot trail commonly used by humans and animals, this word is popularly used for such beaten paths in the Indian jungles. We continuously strive to deliver the best possible guest experience, while still integrating the conservation of jungles and the people living around. We are motivated by the hope of reaching out to people in the remotest areas of our country, as we believe that they are the front-runners of wildlife conservation. However, maybe just a drop in the ocean we consider that we are making a significant contribution to wildlife conservation and rural economy wherever our lodges are.
Driven by the love of Indian jungles we made an unplanned humble beginning in 1986, with a small-tented camp at Panna. Between 2007 -2010, two more lodges were setup and it was not until the year 2011 that they were all put together under a common umbrella. Today, Pugdundee Safaris is run by a passionate team of wildlifers and hospitality professionals with a team of over 300 people committed in providing an incredible wildlife experience. The team includes naturalists, nature guides, boatmen, trackers and a marketing team based in Delhi.
Besides its mainstay of running wildlife lodges, Pugdundee Safaris has been keenly engaged in conservation and community development activities. At Pugdundee we believe local people hold the future of the forests in their hands and can either help protect or destroy them. If we wish to conserve our forests, we must look after the needs of local people by helping to improve their ability to earn livelihoods. Our lodges set mostly in remote locations away from regular tourism hubs help ensure that the benefit of eco-tourism is distributed far and beyond.
Our Eco Wildlife Lodges
Our lodges are nestled in the large forested estates in the most pristine locations away from regular tourism hubs, yet close enough to offer easy access to the national parks. Offering an unparalleled Indian Safari experience, they are the epitome of luxury, comfort & unimagined indulgence.
Kanha Earth Lodge
Denwa Backwater Escape
Pench Tree Lodge
Treehouse Hideaway
Kings Lodge
Ken River Lodge
Waghoba Eco Lodge
Experience tiger country with pugdundee safaris.
Central India has a stronghold of wild tigers and is the best place to see big cats in the world. Besides Tigers, the Jungles of Central India are brimming with other wildlife including Leopard, Sloth Bear, Elephants, and Indian Gaur. The team at Pugdundee will be happy to curate a bespoke safari experience as per your best-suited requirement from active safaris to birding or just a trip focusing only on big cats. Find some inspirations below:
Great India Tiger Safari
Tiger Tiger
Luxury Tiger Safari in India
Kipling Trails
Wildlife Trails
Best of Central Highlands
Know us better.
The magical encounters often begin just outside of your comfort zone. We offer the right mix of both relaxation & exploration to elevate the bar of how wildlife holidays are done in India. Most of our team members grew up in the wildest parts of the country and never cease to let go of a chance to share its captivating tales with you.
Awards & Recognitions
Love poured by the Industry
Sustainable . Healthy . Regional
Tips for Tiger safari
Put an end to your Wilderness Quest
Exclusive Wildlife Experiences
Pugdundee has pioneered many exclusive wildlife experiences, whether it is a Walking Safari and Camping in Satpura Tiger Reserve, an Expedition on bicycle from Pench to Kanha through a tiger corridor, or offering exquisite wildlife photographing experience from the professionally built photography hides in Pench & Tadoba.
Walking Safari & Mobile Camping
More than two centuries after the first safari expedition brought the Europeans in direct contacts with the wilds; the lure of the experience endures. Out of the hardship of travel across difficult terrain in colonial Africa and India, came an experience of great luxury and sensuality. Inspired by their attempt, we bring to you a novel experience of being on foot in the Central Indian Jungle& overnight stay in a mobile camp set in Satpura Tiger Reserve.
Cycling Safari & Camping
A Jungle Book Cycling Experience that takes you to central India’s famous - Pench & Kanha Tiger Reserves. The trip covers exciting Kanha-Pench forest corridor with mobile-tented camping experience, in the forest, with a small tour to Rukhad Sanctuary. Wildlife, landscape and tribal communities make it a fascinating region to cycle through the forested corridor that serves as a refuge to dispersing wildlife across the parks.
Photographers Special
Our team is well equipped to put together an end-to-end bespoke photography focused trip, whether it is for a learner or a professional. With over 30-trained guides & a fleet of vehicles we are well versed to handle the special arrangements required by a photographer, be it modified jeeps, experienced guides or excess luggage. Depending on the interest, we suggest a combination of various parks & travel periods as per species focus.
Sustainability at Pugdundee
At the heart of our sustainability vision is not only the commitment to reduce our impact on the shared environment but also to contribute towards a positive change. We strive to encourage avenues for economic well-being for the host communities that we co-exist with, and charming our guests with authentic & holistic experiences. We have in 2020 adopted ESG, the international sustainability criteria for hotels, provided by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. In doing so, we realigned our commitments and positioned active governance, as the lever to manage our actions, monitor performance and sustain the changes; in collaboration with our guests, tourism bodies and industry networks.
Zero single-use plastic as our guest experience, achieved at 6 of our lodges.
Lodges present vernacular architecture styles, tastefully built with an emphasis on local and green architecture.
Lodge premises are re-wilded with native species extending into natural forests, offering safe passage to visiting wildlife and natural habitat to many other species.
Emphasis on Sustainable & Healthy Food options
50 KV net metering solar plants are installed which takes care of about 75% of our power need
Above 70% of our team is comprised of locals who are also in managerial & key positions.
For over five years we continue to be actively engaged in contributing to the education and infrastructure of the local schools.
Adopting farm-to-table initiatives by serving fresh food produce grown in our organic kitchen gardens. Also sourced from local farmers, thereby reducing our carbon miles.
Above 70% of lodge services and procurement needs are met locally.
Pugdundee lodges are periodically audited and certified by TOFT, using the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.
Pugdundee managers and staff participate in regular sustainability training. Lodge managers and senior management are accountable for sustainability-related changes and reporting.
A large percentage of senior managers have completed GSTC training.
Learn With Pugdundee
Learn with Pugdundee is our educational initiative to create a unique platform for all the wildlife enthusiasts to come together & contribute to the growing fraternity. An inclusive approach is the very foundation of an eco-venture such as ours, where capacity building & co-learning lead our operations at the forefront.
India’s first-of-its-kind Professional Naturalist Training Program is conducted at Satpura’s, Denwa Backwater Escape , in association with (WFS). This twenty-one night's program conducted by experts in the field of wildlife and conservation focuses to elevate passionate wildlife enthusiasts into professional naturalist. Additional 3 night’s extension available for guiding techniques. The participants will be equipped to be inducted as trainee or lodge naturalists in wildlife based tourism sector, start-leading nature based tours, or simply learn how to appreciate nature from a wider lens.
Professional Naturalist Training.
Amateur Naturalist Course, has been curated due to interest among a lot of people to know more about wildlife or explore a future potential as a naturalist, regardless of their educational background. For such candidates who deeply desire to learn about nature, Wildlife and Forestry Services in association with Pugdundee Safaris presents A-NAT. As experienced lodge operators & wildlife professionals, we realize that the forest is an observatory of passionate nature lovers, and this course serves as an opportunity to be more informed about various sides of nature.
Amateur Naturalist Training
Young Naturalist Training Course is an initiative of Learn with Pugdundee to introduce children to nature and build a foundation for further learning and life-long appreciation. This program is offered complimentary to children between 9 – 16 years* and is conducted year around while the parents are on a wildlife holiday with us. This is currently available at Bandhavgarh, Satpura, Pench, Kanha and Tadoba.
Young Naturalist Training
Find our pugmarks.
Pugdundee today is present in all the premium tiger reserves in the country, offering bespoke safari expeditions across an extensive part of Central India covering Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra.
Plan Your Trip
Planning for a safari, why not do it in style.., terms & conditions, booking terms.
- Above rates are valid until 30th June 2024.
- Rates may differ during Christmas, New Years and long weekends; please contact reservations team for details.
- 50% advance payment at the time of booking and balance 30 days before arrival date.
- No adjustments or refunds in case of not availing any facility from the package.
- Our lodges require a minimum 24 hours prior notice to organize an airport/station transfer. In case of any urgent requests of such nature, we recommend our guests to contact reservation office by phone.
- In keeping with our heightened security procedures, we request all guests to carry a photo-identity to present at check-in. Foreign nationals are required to present their Passport and valid visa. Indian nationals can present any one of the following: Passport, Driving License, Voter ID card or PAN card. This should be the same as submitted at the time of safari bookings.
- Guests who have paid by online credit card will have to also sign a further authorization at the lodge on arrival and present the original card.
- Our standard check-in time is 1330 hrs and check out time is 1100 hrs local time.
- Subject to availability of rooms, we can offer you an early check-in and late checkout facility. For us to guarantee you an early check-in or late check out, you will need to reserve the room from the previous night.
- Kanha & Bandhavgarh national parks remain closed every Wednesday for afternoon safari & for full day on Diwali & Holi.
- In Tadoba, core gates remain closed on Tuesdays & buffer gates remain closed on Wednesdays in addition to Diwali, Holi and 01st May
- The forest department may close the parks on short notice due to rain.
- 1 child below 5 years complimentary, others will be charged 25% of double's cost.
- Children between 5-12 years 25% of the cost of double package in the same rooms.
- Above 12 years at 40% the cost of the double package, if minimum 65% extra child supplement has been paid, an automatic upgrade to 2 rooms will be provided, subject to availability.
- 7 days and less - 100% cancellation.
- 8 days to 21 days - 60% cancellation.
- 21 days to 35 days - 30% cancellation.
- 35 days and above - 20% cancellation.
- Amendment in dates within 35 days from arrival is treated as a cancellation.
- Cancellation amount is calculated as per total booking amount and not as per advance deposited.
- Christmas / New Year and long weekend bookings are non-refundable.
Latest launches at Pugdundee
A hub for all the recent launches.
If you are here, you are definitely the one, who is seeking more than just a wildlife holiday. Here is a quick collection of our carefully curated bespoke experiences & learning programs that are designed for an immersive wilderness experience.
WORKSHOP (January 13 to January 18, 2025)
Currently, in its 7th edition, Wildlife and Forestry Services in association with Pugdundee Safaris has developed the Amateur Naturalist Course, A-NAT, which has been curated for wildlife & nature enthusiasts who deeply desire to learn about nature. Forest is an observatory of passionate nature lovers, and this course serves as an opportunity to help such candidates to get back to where they belong.
Walking & Mobile Safari
Workshop (november 14 to november 18, 2024 and january 23 to january 27, 2025).
An exclusive program by Pugdundee which offers walking for over 2 days in the core of Satpura Tiger Reserve . Evenings are spent in a full-service luxury camp, set up exclusively in the buffer zone for the guests. The camp comes with walk-in tents, daily housekeeping & freshly prepared meals.
WORKSHOP (August 21 to September 11, 2024)
India’s first-of-its-kind Professional Naturalist Training Program is conducted at Denwa Backwater Escape in Satpura National Park . Pugdundee Safaris in association with Wildlife Forestry Services (WFS) has been offering this 21-day program since 2018 & more than 90 students have graduated. The program is conducted by experts in the field of wildlife & conservation and focuses to elevate passionate wildlife enthusiasts into professional naturalists.
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Where to go for Jungle Safari in India
Behind the thick bamboo bushes lurks the ferocious tiger, waiting patiently for its prey. The meditative trance of the skies above is disturbed occasionally by the screeching of an eagle. Somewhere, in the distance, a herd of deer visits the local water hole to quench their thirst, even as the sly crocodile remains lifeless, waiting for the perfect moment to launch its attack. These are some of the scenes which await you as you embark on a jungle safari in India to the dense forests of India.
This is a safari unlike any other, full of surprises and thrills. It’s nothing short of a privilege to see nature’s inhabitants in their natural habitat, displaying raw emotions. This blog is for you if you have ever nurtured a desire to experience wildlife. Here, we tell you where to go for a jungle safari in India and come across the best sights and sounds of Nature.
Here are the best Places to Go for Jungle Safari in India
Jim corbett national park, uttarakhand, ranthambore national park, rajasthan, gir national park, gujarat, kanha national park, madhya pradesh, bandhavgarh national park, madhya pradesh, pench national park, madhya pradesh, sunderbans wildlife sanctuary, west bengal.
Corbett National Park, originally known as Hailey National Park, was established in 1936 and is India’s first national park. Visitors flock to this park to witness the tiger in all its majestic beauty. This park is also renowned for being home to various rare species of mammals, reptiles and birds. One can spot barking deer, spotted deer, sambar, and chinkara on a jungle safari in India to this national park. Crocodiles are another major attraction in Jim Corbett. But, its definitely the Royal Bengal Tigers in their natural habitat that lure for safari holidays in India.
Best time to visit: November to June
[ Plan a trip to Corbett with these well-customized packages ]
One of the best places to experience a wildlife safari in India is Ranthambore Tiger Reserve . Although tiger spotting is the prime attraction here, one can also spot jackal, fox, leopard and mongoose. Embarking on a jungle safari to this tiger reserve lets you witness the nilgai, blue bull antelope, chital and sambar deer. Apart from the fauna, the flora too, is worth admiring here. The landscape is defined by rolling hills and crags, lakes and rivulets. Ranthambore offers the best forest tours in India to visit the Tigers. Explore best customized Golden Triangle Tour Package with Ranthambore .
Best time to visit: October to June
[ Experience wildlife safari in Ranthambore with these customized packages ]
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The feeling of intruding into someone else’s territory upon entering Gir National Park is rather pronounced. This is the land of the lions, crocodiles, hyenas and leopards. The flora here is incredible, with half the area of the park being covered by teak forest, amla, timru and khair, besides others. Of course, the Asiatic Lions are the lords here, and they are a spectacular sight.
Apart from them, the other highly sighted spotter animal in the park is the Chital, or the Indian spotted deer. Striped hyenas and wild boars are other attractions. Here, one can also spot a fascinating variety of birds such as the Malabar whistling thrush to the Paradise flycatcher. Like the King of the Jungle, Gir is the kind of Indian jungle safari tours.
Best time to visit: December to March
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Kanha National Park , spread across an area of 940sq. km, holds the distinction of being one of the largest national parks in Madhya Pradesh. This park is also respected globally for playing an important role in saving the Barasingha from extinction. A safari here gives you an opportunity for spotting the Royal Bengal Tiger, apart from the enormous Barasingha and wild dogs as well. This is also where National Geographic’s award winning “Land of the Tigers” was shot. In fact, a visit to Kanha ensures the best Tiger Safari in India.
Best time to visit: Mid-October to June end
[ Explore the wilderness in Kanha National Park with these packages ]
No wildlife safari in India is complete without visiting the Bandhavgarh National Park . This place dates back to 2000 yrs, and is renowned for having the highest density of Royal Bengal tigers in the world. Tourists here are treated to sights of fascinating animals like chital, nilgais, Indian bison, chinkara, jackals and wild boars. Besides, if you are lucky, you may even spot several species of birds like gray Malabar hornbills, green pigeons and browed fantails. Bandhavgarh is undoubtedly a must visit place for Indian safari holidays.
[ Browse these well-planned Bandhavgarh tour packages ]
The exploits of Mowgli and his friends in The Jungle Book fascinated us during our childhood. However, Rudyard Kipling based Mowgli’s adventures on this fascinating place. Located in the southern ranges of the Satpura range, it’s divided by Pendi River into two equal parts. A safari to this park lets you witness an exotic variety of wildlife including the Nilgai, Cheetal, Sambha and Gaur (Indian Bison). Another particular fascination of wildlife jungle safari in Pench is the four species of endangered vultures, namely the white-rumped, long billed vulture, white scavenger and king vulture.
Best time to visit: February to April
Sunderbans Wildlife Sanctuary stands out among the places to go for wildlife safari in India . Sunderbans are part of the world’s largest delta, formed by the mighty Rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra and the Meghna. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it’s the largest Tiger Reserve and National Park in India. The tiger is the legend here, and is the main subject of every conversation.
A wildlife safari here lets you come across the fabled tiger, apart from the other forms of wildlife including rhesus monkey and chital deer. However, Sunderbans National Park is also widely acknowledged for conservation of the Ridley Sea Turtle. In fact, it is totally correct to say that Sunderbans offers the most thrilling tiger safari in India.
Best time to visit: September to March
Now you can plan your jungle safari in India with our exciting collection of wildlife holiday packages in India .
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Vishwajit Sharma
Vishwajit writes about all things Travel Places, Attractions and Tour Packages.He Is passionate about learning new things.
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Recent comments.
Amazing wildlife safari in India with its deep forest and beautiful endangered animals. I would like to visit soon.
Glad to know about your interest in wildlife safaris. Choose any of theses destinations for your wildlife expedition. For expert guidance, you contact us with the help of inquiry forum. Till then, do follow our blog for post on India tourism.
Corbett and Pench are awesome for Tiger spotting. Interesting info for wildlife enthusiasts
Thanks for your kind words. Keep on following our blogs for more such posts.
Catching a lion walking around is great whether you see it anywhere, so I feel all of the above Jungle safaris are a phenomenal option to Experience jungle safari. Though I’ve been to Corbett and I really liked the overall experience
Nice information for Jungle safari in India for frequent Travellers
Thanks for such a lovely comment. Keep following our blogs for more such content.
after reading this informative post got knowledge about we can plan jungle safari in india, such a amazing post
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15 Best Jungle Safari Destinations in South India
Wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves are the places where animals as well as plants are protected from disturbance and provided a comfortable living. These places are established to protect and maintain natural habitats and wildlife populations. And, India has become one of the top countries in protecting the natural habitats of our planet. Being famous for its vast and varied geographical features, India is indeed a paradise for an incredible number of wildlife species.
You can find a huge number of national parks all across India. However, South India has been playing a crucial role in attracting hordes of wildlife enthusiasts throughout the year. The densely populated forests of the South Indian states (Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana) located in the lap of the Eastern and Western Ghats mountains are the main reason behind this popularity.
Compared to North India, the national parks in South India are untouched and their beauty is unparalleled. These parks have been taking a major part in creating South India the best for wildlife tourism. We have created a list of the best national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in South India below. Without travelling to these places your South India wildlife tours could not be completed.
- Bandipur National Park
- Periyar National Park
- Silent Valley National Park
- Mathikettan Shola National Park
- Guindy National Park
- Eravikulam National Park
- Mudumalai National Park
- Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary
- Nagarhole National Park
- Bannerghatta National Park
- R. Hills Wildlife Sanctuary
- Kudremukh National Park
- Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary
- Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary
- Viralimalai Wildlife Sanctuary
Most Popular South India Jungle Wildlife Safari Tour Packages
Bandipur National Park, Karnataka
Previously treated as the private hunting grounds for Britishers and the kings, Bandipur National Park is now an important part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. It is located in the lap of Western Ghats and is regarded as one of the most popular national parks for Jungle Safari in South India. Bandipur National Park covers an area of around 872 square kilometres located in Karnataka on the Mysore-Ooty highway.
Bandipur National Park is the home to endangered Asiatic wild elephants, tigers, sloth bears, sambar, mouse bear, spotted deer, flying lizards and over 200 species of birds. You can explore the diverse flora and fauna of Bandipur National Park by availing of jeep safari tours.
How to Reach Bandipur National Park?
- The nearest airport to Bandipur is Mysore Airport from where you have to take a bus or car to cover a distance of 215 kilometres.
- The nearest railway station to Bandipur is Mysore City Junction (80 kilometres) and you have to hire a car to reach the national park.
- The park is located on the highway and can be reached via bus from various cities such as Bangalore, Coimbatore, Mangalore and Cochin.
Best Time to Visit Bandipur National Park for Jungle Safari
- Winter is the best time to visit Bandipur National Park during the months between November and February. It is the best time to watch migratory birds like Warblers, Peregrine Falcon and Flycatchers.
- However, for tigers sighting, the best time is during the months between March and June, because it is the best time tigers step out of their zones.
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Periyar National Park, Kerala
Periyar National Park , Thekkady, is surrounded by the banks of a huge lake and located in a dense hilly forest, famous for serving as a haven for a diverse variety of flora and fauna. Also known as a tiger reserve, the park is one of the best places for jungle safari in South India. Internationally acclaimed for its unfathomable natural beauty, it is blessed as being home to rich biodiversity across the country.
Periyar National Park is one of the popular national parks in South India and one of the places where you can avail your own jungle safari. There are several options for a river cruise, hiking trip and tiger safari and you must pay an entry fee when you arrive and take a guide along with you. The park is famed for over 30 species of mammals, especially Asian Elephants, Sambar, Gaur etc., butterflies, birds, fish and Royal Bengal Tigers.
How to Reach Periyar National Park?
- There are two nearest airports to Periyar National Park – Madurai and Kochi. The distance of the park from the airports is 146 kilometres and 190 kilometres, respectively.
- The nearest railway station is Kottayam and the distance between the park and the station is 114 kilometres.
- The park is also connected with the major cities of India by road. Travellers can take bus service to Thekkady from Kochi, Madurai and Kottayam.
Best Time to Visit Periyar National Park for Jungle Safari
- Summer (March to May) is the best time to visit Periyar National Park as it is the ideal time to spot various flora and fauna.
- Travellers can also choose one of the months between October and February as a preferred option owing to pleasant weather.
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Silent Valley National Park, Kerala
Being the central part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Silent Valley National Park is famed for offering a perfect undisturbed ecosystem to a huge variety of flora and fauna. It is located in the Palakkad District of Kerala and bordered by Nilgiri Plateau in the north and Mannarkkad Plain in the south. An ideal place for trekkers and wildlife explorers, the national park was called Sairandhrivanam centuries ago as it was believed to be the hidden space for Sairandhiri along with her five husbands (the tale of Mahabharata).
It was declared a national park in 1984 for being home to a rich collection of biodiversity. A jungle safari in Silent Valley National Park will let you see animals from tigers, snakes, elephants, and leopards to more than 1,000 species of plants including 110 species of orchids. As per the official data, there are more than 400 species of moths and over 200 species of butterflies are found in the Silent Valley National Park.
How to Reach Silent Valley National Park?
- Peelamedu Airport is the nearest airport to Silent Valley National Park, located at a distance of around 155 kilometres.
- The nearest railway station is Olavakkode Railway Station at a distance of around 75 kilometres.
- Travellers can take a bus to Palakkad and reach Mukkali from where they have to take entrance tickets and a guide to enter the park.
Best Time to Visit Silent Valley National Park for Jungle Safari
- You can plan a jungle safari trip to the Silent Valley National Park during the period between December and February as the weather becomes pleasant this time.
- However, one can also visit the park in the months of March and April.
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Mathikettan Shola National Park, Kerala
Mathikettan Shola National Park is located in Poopara Village in Kerala. A tropical rainforest, and an important elephant strip, this park was declared a national park in 2008. Home to a wide variety of endangered species, Mathikettan Shola National Park is located about ten kilometres from Munnar.
The varying heights of the terrain house dense verdant forests, which are fed by the streams like Mathikettan Puzha, Uchillkuthi Puzha and Njandar. The aftermath is a perfect ecosystem as a shelter for a rich collection of flora and fauna. The wildlife enthusiasts love to visit the park for animals like gaur, sambar, langur, and many more birds.
How to Reach Mathikettan Shola National Park?
- The nearest airport to Mathikettan Shola National Park is Kochi International Airport, which is connected to all the major cities and countries across the globe. It is located at a distance of 142 kilometres from the park.
- The nearest railway station to the park is Theni Railway Station, which is connected to other cities in India via Madurai Railway Station.
- There are several state-run bus services available that connect the park with the cities like Cochin and Madurai.
Best Time to Visit Mathikettan Shola National Park for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit Mathikettan Shola National Park is between April and September.
- However, you can also visit the park throughout the year.
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Guindy National Park, Tamil Nadu
The eighth smallest national park in India, located in the middle of Chennai City, Guindy National Park was established back in the year 1978. It is 2.70 square kilometres protected area that houses a rich collection of biodiversity. The park is an extended part of the grounds enclosing Raj Bhavan (residence of the governor of Tamil Nadu), which was previously known as the ‘Guindy Lodge.’
The authority takes utmost care to protect the park and its ecosphere. A wide variety of flora and fauna found in Guindy National Park attract over seven lakhs of travellers throughout the year. The park houses 2,000 chitals, 400 blackbucks, various snakes and turtles. There are also more than 130 species of birds, over 60 species of butterflies and 14 species of mammals, which make the trip to the park memorable for a lifetime.
How to Reach Guindy National Park?
- The nearest airport to the Guindy National Park is Chennai Airport, which is eight kilometres away and has domestic and international terminals. It is connected with all the major cities in India as well as across the world.
- Guindy National Park can also be reached via train. The nearest railway station is just one kilometre away. Moreover, there are two stations near the park, Chennai Central Station and Chennai Egmore and respectively, they are 12 kilometres and 9 kilometres away.
- Guindy National Park in Chennai is also connected with the major cities via bus services. So, you can also reach the park by road.
Best Time to Visit Guindy National Park for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit Guindy National Park is between October and May. You can expect soothing weather this time and see various animals in their habitat. Moreover, this is the time when migratory birds come to the park from different corners of the world.
- It is recommended not to visit the park during monsoon as the surroundings become muddy and slippery.
Also Read: Wildlife Tourism in Tamil Nadu
Eravikulam National Park, Kerala
Kerala’s first-ever national park, also known as Rajamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Eravikulam National Park is located in Idukki. Previously treated as a game reserve till 1971 under Kannan Devan Hill Company, the area was declared a national park in1975 in order to protect the endangered species of Nilgiri Tahr. It is situated at the top of a hill in the Western Ghat range, covered by verdant grasslands and shola forests.
Eravikulam National Park attracts thousands of scientists, ornithologists, wildlife enthusiasts and photographers throughout the year for being home to a plethora of flora and fauna. Apart from the Nilgiri Tahr, you can also see other animals like dhole, leopard, sambar, golden jackal, Nilgiri marten, Indian porcupine and many more. There are also more than 132 species of birds including Nilgiri pipit, black and orange flycatcher, Kerala laughingthrush and many more.
How to Reach Eravikulam National Park?
- The nearest airport to Eravikulam National Park is Kochi International Airport, which is 135 kilometres away from the park.
- The nearest railway station is Aluva Railway Station, which is 115 kilometres away from Munnar, from where you have to take a bus or taxi or private car to reach the park.
- The park is located at a distance of around 15 kilometres from Munnar City Centre, which is connected to the major cities of India via bus services. You can reach the entry point of the park, Rajamalai by road and then need to travel on foot.
Best Time to Visit Eravikulam National Park for Jungle Safari
- The months between September and October are the best time to visit Eravikulam National Park as it is the ideal time to spot Nilgiri Tahr amidst the full-blooming grasslands.
- April to May is also a preferred time to view various indigenous animals in the park.
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Mudumalai National Park, Tamil Nadu
One of the best places to see tigers in South India, Mudumalai National Park is situated on the Northwest side of Nilgiri Hills. Being an important wildlife corridor in the Nilgiri Biosphere, the national park is adjoined by other parks and wildlife reserves such as Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Silent Valley National Park, Bandipur National Park and Mukurthi National Park.
Mudumalai National Park offers a balanced ecosystem, which makes it a perfect place for being home to over 13 per cent of total mammal species and 8 per cent of bird species in India. It houses some rare medicinal plants like Mangifera indica, Terminalia arjuna, Pongamia glabra and many more. Moreover, you can expect to see various animals like leopards, tigers, jungle cats and many more species. This national park is also an amazing place for night safari. The connecting roads to the adjoining national parks and forests are the places where you can expect the wildlife during the safari.
How to Reach Mudumalai National Park?
- The nearest airport to the national park is Coimbatore International Airport, which is 127 kilometres away from the park.
- There are two railway stations near Mudumalai National Park, Mysore Railway Junction and Coimbatore Railway Junction. The stations are located at a distance of 90 kilometres and 120 kilometres away from the park, respectively and are well-connected with most of the major cities in India.
- There are several bus services operating between Thepakadu (the main bus stop for the park) and the cities such as Mysore, Coimbatore, Ooty, Bengaluru etc. So, you can also reach the park by road.
Best Time to Visit Mudumalai National Park for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit Mudumalai National Park is between the months of October and May. The weather remains favourable this time and you can expect to spot various kinds of flora and fauna in the park.
Also Read: Anamalai Tiger Reserve Information
Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka
Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary , located in the North Kannada District of Karnataka is an ideal place to experience the activities like river rafting, trekking, bird watching, and other water adventures. The sanctuary is home to over 200 species of birds, which attract thousands of bird-watchers and wildlife enthusiasts over the years.
Apart from the birds, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the places for tiger sighting in South India. As per the official data, there are around 40 tigers living in the core part of the sanctuary. Moreover, you can also spot animals like monkeys, leopards, elephants and birds like falcons and some exotic species in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary.
How to Reach Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary?
- The nearest airport to Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is Belgaum. It is connected with cities like Mumbai and Bangalore.
- The nearest railway station is at Dharwad from where you have to travel 57 kilometres to reach Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary.
- You can also travel to the sanctuary by road. There are several bus services operating between the sanctuary and the cities like Hubli, Dharwad, Belgaum, Goa, Bengaluru and Karwar.
Best Time to Visit Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary for Jungle Safari
- Similar to other popular national parks in South India, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is also surrounded by shola forests. Though it offers a moderate atmosphere throughout the year, October to May is the ideal time to visit the sanctuary.
Also Read: Wildlife Tourism in Karnataka
Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka
Previously known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Nagarhole National Park and Tiger Reserve is a nationally acclaimed tiger reserve for its high-density tiger population in the country. The park is spread across an area of 850 square kilometres in Mysore and Kodagu districts in Karnataka. It is enclosed by Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary to the south and Bandipur Tiger Reserve in the southeast.
Nagarhole National Park lies as a connecting corridor for tigers and elephants to the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. It is one of the major hubs of conservation under Project Elephant and Project Tiger. The park is famous for being one of the best places for exploring wildlife. Apart from tigers and elephants, one can also see gaur, sambar, chital, antelope and other animals in Nagarhole National Park.
How to Reach Nagarhole National Park?
- The nearest airport to the Nagarhole National Park is Bangalore Airport, at a distance of 220 kilometres.
- You can also reach the park via rail. The nearest railway station is Mysore Junction, located at a distance of 89 kilometres away from the park.
- There are regular bus services available to reach the national park from nearby major cities like Bangalore, Mysore etc.
Best Time to Visit Nagarhole National Park for Jungle Safari
- Summer, during the months of April and May, is the best time to visit Nagarhole National Park as the waterholes in the park are dry and the animals come out for water at the lake.
- However, to explore in a better weather condition, one can also visit the park between November and February.
Also Check Out: Complete Karnataka Tourism Guide
Bannerghatta National Park, Karnataka
Bannerghatta National Park is undoubtedly one of the best national parks to explore in South India. The park is located near Bangalore (25 kilometres south) in the Anekal range, Karnataka and is regarded as home to a wide variety of wildlife. It was declared a national park in 1974 and in 2002, a small portion of the park was turned into a biological park or zoo.
Bannerghatta National Park spreads across an area of around 261 square kilometres and is bordered by 16 villages. Being a part of the wildlife corridor for elephants connecting Sathyamangalam Forest and BR Hills, the Bannerghatta National Park is one of the ideal places for a jungle safari tour. It offers a guided bus tour along a six-kilometre stretch to spot various species of animals such as elephants, leopards, gaur, peacock, Royal Bengal Tiger and many more.
How to Reach Bannerghatta National Park?
- The nearest airport to Bannerghatta National Park is Bengaluru or Bangalore Airport, which is around 46 kilometres away.
- The nearest railway station to the park is Yeshwantpur Junction, which is connected to all major cities via rail.
- You can also reach the park via metro railway. The nearest metro railway station is Yelachenahalli.
- There are also bus services available to reach Bannerghatta National Park from cities like Bengaluru, Mysore etc.
Best Time to Visit Bannerghatta National Park for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit the park is during the months between October and June owing to the perfect weather conditions.
- Best Places for Wildlife Safari Tours in Karnataka
B.R. Hills Wildlife Sanctuary & Tiger Reserve, Karnataka
BR Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, also popular as BR Tiger Reserve is considered to be the wildlife corridor that connects the Western Ghats to the Eastern Ghats. It is located at a height of about 1,551 metres from sea level and spread across an area of 540 square kilometres in a hill range in Karnataka (Chamarajanagar District).
The sanctuary was declared a tiger reserve by the Karnataka State Government in 2010. Apart from being a tiger reserve in South India, B.R. Hills Wildlife Sanctuary is also home to a huge variety of animals. Some of them are elephants, deer, bison, sloth bears etc. A place for tiger sighting in South India, BR Tiger Reserve is also covered with more than 250 species of birds. It is one of the best places in South India to experience bird watching, elephant bathing and jungle safari in one place.
How to Reach B.R. Hills Wildlife Sanctuary?
- The nearest airport to the wildlife sanctuary is the Mysore airport, which is about 80 kilometres away.
- One can also reach the sanctuary by rail. The nearest railway station is Mysore Railway station (around 89 kilometres).
- You can also reach BR Tiger Reserve by road. Bus service is available from cities like Bangalore and Mysore.
Best Time to Visit B.R. Hills Wildlife Sanctuary for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit BR Hills Wildlife Sanctuary is between the months of October and March as the weather this time becomes pleasant and perfect to enjoy various adventurous activities.
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Kudremukh National Park, Karnataka
Home to a wide variety of wildlife, spread across an area of around 600 square kilometres, Kudremukh National Park is located at a junction of Chikkamagaluru, Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts in Karnataka. The park has derived its name from a hilltop which looks like the shape of the head of a horse. Entirely covered by dense forests, the park includes four ranges, named Kudremukh, Kalasa, Kerekatte and Shimoga.
Being a popular wildlife destination in South India, Kudremukh National Park is home to several species of birds like the imperial pigeon, Malabar trogon, great pied hornbill and many more. There are several options for bird-watching available here. Apart from the birds, Kudremukh National Park is also a renowned ecospace for jungle safari in India, as well as South India. You can get some glimpses of leopards, tigers, common langurs, sloth bears, Malabar giant squirrels and many more species in the park.
How to Reach Kudremukh National Park?
- Travellers can reach Kudremukh National Park by air. The nearest airport to the park is Mangalore International Airport, which is 95 kilometres away from the park.
- The nearest railway station is also 95 kilometres away, Mangalore Railway Station.
- One can also travel to Kudremukh National Park via bus from nearby cities.
Best Time to Visit Kudremukh National Park for Jungle Safari
- The best time to visit the park is during the months between October and May, after the monsoon.
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Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Karnataka
The largest bird sanctuary of Karnataka, Ranganathittu is located in the district of Mandya, in the historic town of Srirangapatna. The bird sanctuary, comprising six islets, situated on the bank of River Kaveri, is popularly known as ‘Pakshi Kashi,’ which means birds’ paradise. Due to the ideal location of the islets and the presence of aqua insects in abundance, the bird sanctuary has become a perfect place for the migratory birds that come from countries like Siberia, Australia and North America. The place has been referred to as one of the popular tourist attractions in South India.
Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary was declared a sanctuary after famous ornithologist Dr Salim Ali pressured the government to do so in the year 1940. It has been regarded as a haven for wildlife enthusiasts across the globe. The sanctuary is home to the largest population of marsh crocodiles in Karnataka. Apart from the crocodiles, you can also get glimpses of about 170 avian species such as Oriental darter, river tern, Indian shag, painted stork and kingfishers.
How to Reach Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary?
- The nearest airport to the bird sanctuary is Mysore International Airport, which is around 30 kilometres away.
- The nearest railway station to Ranganathittu is Srirangapatna at a distance of five kilometres.
- You can also reach the sanctuary by bus from cities like Bangalore and Mysore.
Best Time to Visit Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary for Jungle Safari
- The best time to go to Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary is between the months of June and November. These months are the best time for bird-watching as these are the nesting months for the birds.
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Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
The second-largest wildlife sanctuary in Kerala, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the important regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. It is located between Bandipur, Nagarhole and Mudumalai reserve forests and is home to a huge variety of flora and fauna. The perfect environment in an evergreen setting along with a favourable climatic condition has made this place a perfect place for the species.
Home to several species of mammals, wildlife enthusiasts and photographers love to explore Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. You can easily spot elephants, deer, panthers, jungle cats and especially tigers here. It is also popular as a home to a large number of endangered species of birds. There are several options for jungle safari in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. One must pay an entry fee and take a forest guide for the safari.
How to Reach Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary?
- The nearest airport to the sanctuary is Karipur International Airport in Kozhikode at a distance of 125 kilometres. There are several bus services available between the airport and the sanctuary.
- Travellers can also reach the sanctuary via rail. The nearest railway station is Kozhikode at a distance of 100 kilometres.
- Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is also connected to other cities via bus service. One can avail buses from cities like Kasargod, Calicut, Cochin and Trivandrum.
Best Time to Visit Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary for Jungle Safari
- The ideal time to visit the best jungle safari destination in South India is between August and February. However, the place remains open throughout the year.
Top 15 Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks in Kerala
Viralimalai wildlife sanctuary, tamil nadu.
Viralimalai Wildlife Park is one of the best places to explore our national bird, the peacock. It is a renowned wildlife destination in Tamil Nadu and attracts a huge number of tourists to watch varied species of peacocks closely in their natural habitat. It is located in a town at a distance of 30 kilometres from Trichy.
Apart from the peacock sanctuaries, there is also a Murugan temple, where the eminent form of dance, Bharatnatyam flourished. The temple is located at the top of a hill and travellers need to climb about 210 steps to reach there. There are a total of six species of peacocks in Viralimalai and the Murugan temple along with its surroundings is the main region where they are found mostly.
How to Reach Viralimalai Wildlife Sanctuary
- The nearest airport to Viralimalai Wildlife Park is Tiruchirappalli International Airport at a distance of 30 kilometres.
- The nearest railway station is Tiruchirappalli Junction, which is connected to all the major cities of South India, as well as India.
Best Time to Visit Viralimalai Wildlife Sanctuary
- The best time to visit the wildlife park is during the months of October to April because one can find pleasant weather at this time.
- However, if you want to see the peacocks tapping their feet in the rain, then the monsoon (July to September) is the best time to go.
- Top 20 Wildlife Safari Destinations in Asia
- Top 111 Wildlife Photographers in the World
- 12 Best National Parks for Jungle Safari Experience in India – Love and Conserve Our Wildlife
Wildlife holidays in South India cannot be completed if you do not add one of these places to your itinerary. These are some of the places where you will have the best jungle safari experience of your life. However, one needs to take permission, book rooms in hotels or resorts, safari cars and many more in advance to plan South India Jungle Safari wildlife holidays. This might become hectic for you.
So, if you need any assistance in booking your holidays, you can call us or browse our website for some best packages for the best jungle safari experiences in South India.
Other Important Tourism Links
- Wildlife Safari Tour Packages
- Popular Tiger Safari Tour Packages
- Popular Bird Watching Tour Packages
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Disclaimer: We do not take credit for some of the licenced paid images used in our blogs, whether from Google Images, Fotolia & Shutterstock. All such images are the copyrights of their respective owners and we try to provide credit for them wherever we can. If, however, any copyright image has been used on our blog, the concerned person can either mail us directly to remove the image or provide credit to whomsoever the image may belong to.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which are the best places for jungle safari tours in south india.
South India is home to some amazing untouched forests filled with a rich collection of flora and fauna. Some of them are the best places for jungle safari tours. The best time for jungle safari in South India is between September and November or from April to June.
Some of the best places for jungle safari tours are:
Which is the best destination for Tiger Safari in Karnataka?
Wildlife tourism in South India has been getting popular over the years. Tiger safari is one of the reasons behind this popularity. South India, especially Karnataka boasts of around 524 Royal Bengal Tigers and it has some of the best places to see tigers in South India. Some of them are:
- Bandipur National Park and Tiger Reserve
- Nagarhole National Park and Tiger Reserve
- Bhadra Tiger Reserve
- Kali Tiger Reserve
- BRT Tiger Reserve
Which are the top destinations for Wildlife safari tours in Tamil Nadu?
Tamil Nadu has some of the best wildlife sanctuaries in South India. A wildlife tour in South India cannot be completed without visiting these parks and sanctuaries. The top destinations for wildlife safari tours in Tamil Nadu are:
- Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary
- Anamalai Tiger Reserve
- Mukurthi National Park
- Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve
Which are the best destinations for night jungle safari in South India?
There are some wildlife sanctuaries in South India which can also be explored at night. The authorities allow night safari tours and it is worth experiencing. Some of the best destinations for night jungle safari are:
- Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary
- Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary
Published: 17 Jun, 2022
About the author
Nandini Bhattacharya
From the ‘City of Joy,’ Kolkata, Nandini Bhattacharya is a Travel Writer by profession and traveller by passion. She loves to explore places around the world, new cultures, different cuisines and all new things that one can learn outside the home. She also loves to document her journey so that people can be inspired and travel more. Nandini is a nature lover and talks about sustainable tourism. She wants to make this world a good place where people can live healthy and happily.
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7 best jungle safaris in india.
Enjoying a jungle safari in India is full of thrills and adventures, it gives a chance to discover some of the most vibrant and unique ecosystems of the world. Visitors get a chance to fully immerse themselves in the natural biodiversity of the whole country. Additionally, it also gives a chance to experience the amazing wildlife. Each and every location offers a distinct type of thrill, from the massive, wide plains of Ranthambore to the profound, mysterious forests of Kaziranga. If a wildlife fanatic enjoys travelling a lot, India offers a few of the most incredible jungle safaris that seem promising and amazing.
Discovering the Jungle Treasure of India
Experiencing safari in India is an unforgettable experience which includes the rich flora and fauna of the country. This ranges from the dense, dark jungles of central India to the lush green tropical rainforest of the northeast. Visiting these dimensions will allow guests to experience the thrill of hunting the rare species of tigers and leopards. A trip to these lush green environments offers a unique opportunity to develop a deep connection with the natural world where knowledgeable ecologists disclose the tales of jungle inhabitants.
Enjoying a fantastic trip across the best jungle safaris in India wherein every location has an individual unique charm and thrill. Exploring the incredible Ranthambore National Park is all about fun and witnessing the rare species of Bengal Tigers. Visitors can explore the ancient paintings in the cave placed inside. Each and every safari destination in India offers an unforgettable journey into the marvels of nature, blending rich ecosystems and incredible views with close encounters with wildlife.
Here are the 7 best jungle safaris in India-
- Ranthambore National Park Jungle Safari
- Kanha National Park Jungle Safari
- Gir National Park Jungle Safari
- Tadoba National Park Jungle Safari
- Jim Corbett National Park Jungle Safari
- Pench National Park Jungle Safari
- Jhalana National Park Jungle Safari
1. Ranthambore National Park Jungle Safari
An exciting adventure into the core natural landscape of Rajasthan comes in India’s best jungle safari destinations. Ranthambore is an attractive spot for those who love wildlife and draws them in due to its picturesque background of lush green forest and old remains that mingle. When visitors first enter the location, the natural setting offers an unexpected contrast of rough terrain, dense sal and dhok trees and huge grasslands. Because of their unpredictable behaviour, which makes every spot intriguing and unique, the most popular inhabitants of the park are the Royal Bengal tigers. Additionally, the park is also home to many deer species, bears, leopards and much more which contributes to the vibrant atmosphere. With the lush green surroundings and an inkling of past majesty, this park is further enhanced by its long historical background. Ranthambore is a famous and ideal destination for those guests who are truly a comprehensive adventure of the jungle.
Rich Diversity of Ranthambore National Park
For guests who love to explore nature, Ranthambore National Park is a must-visit location for them due to its abundance of flora and fauna. The terrain of rocks, grasslands, and dry hardwood forests combine to create a unique ecosystem in the park. People can discover an extensive variety of flora that includes outstanding floral bushes which offer beauty to the dry surroundings, thick sal forests and historic banyan palms. Featuring multiple renowned Bengal tigers including T-34 and T-39 wandering within the sanctuary can be seen. Ranthambore is a shelter for an extensive variety of wild creatures which includes rare Great Indian Bustard, Indian Pitta and Painted stork.
2. Kanha National Park Jungle Safari
To enjoy the exciting thrill of jungle safari, Kanha National Park gives the best jungle safari experience in India. This park lies in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, which is quite famous for its beautiful landscape and richness of flora and fauna. The national park is covered around 90 km and offers a backdrop for Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book,’ which is an ideal destination for tiger enthusiasts and is home to spectacular Royal Bengal tigers. On this safari, visitors pass grazing land, flowing rivers and streams, and dense forests of sal and bamboo that offer a unique opportunity to see wildlife in its native environment. The well-maintained routes of the park go across by the safari vehicles, which are open-top jeeps or canters that offer stunning views and close-up experiences with various kinds of wildlife. Professional guides who convey details on the ecological aspects of the park, the lifestyle of its inhabitants, and conservation campaigns improve the experience of this safari. Kanha National Park offers breathtaking views, diverse fauna, and a peaceful yet thrilling atmosphere that makes it an amazing safari experience.
A Harmony of Natural Beauty and Fauna
Kanha National Park is an absolute treasure trove of nature, which provides visitors with an enormous variety of flora and fauna. A broad spectrum of species of plants, such as the unique vivid wildflowers and sal trees are backed by the distinctive environment of the park, which is symbolized by its wide grass fields, serene bamboo gardens and dense sal woods. The unique fauna of Kanha National Park includes the primary fascination of the park, the Bengal tigers, which survive in its rich flora. A variety of other animals could be observed in the park, which includes the highly endangered barasingha, wild dogs, leopards and many more types of deer like sambal and chitar. The USP of Kanha is its pristine beauty and its status as a refuge for both renowned and rare species.
3. Gir National Park Jungle Safari
A fascinating tour of one of the most significant animal ecosystems in Asia, Gir National Park is renowned for being the last refuge for Asiatic lions and also the best national park for wildlife safaris in India. The diverse location of the park covers an area of more than 1,400 square km that includes wide-open prairies, lush green woods, and dry scrublands to create a combination of habitats that are sheltered to several kinds of wildlife . On this safari, guests will drive through these various habitats in customized open-top cars in the direction of trained ecologists who provide comprehensive details on the natural world, conservation efforts, and the past of the park. Reports of sightings of various amazing creatures like striped hyenas, leopards, and the critically endangered Indian wolf add to the thrill of hunting down the rare Asian lion, which can be identified by its smaller height and unique creases of skin. The safari promises an important and memorable experience with India’s most treasures of nature due to the biodiversity of Gir.
Explore the Hidden Wonders of Gir National Park
The Asiatic lions, a wonderful and critically endangered animal fascinate visitors from all over the world in this park. Gir is a house to more than 400 distinct species of birds, such as the elusive-grey-headed fish eagle and colourful dream flycatcher. A diverse variety of animals are sustained by the distinct terrain of the park, which varies from the meadows to dry hardwoods. In addition to plenty of species of amphibians and reptiles, tourists can observe prominent inhabitants, which include the exquisite spotted deer, the Indian wild boar and the elusive leopard. Gir National Park’s USP is its effective conservation of Asiatic lions, and efforts to expand and protect their population.
4. Tadoba National Park Jungle Safari
Well known for its diverse ecosystem and huge population of tigers, Tadoba National Park is one of the top wildlife reserves in Maharashtra. Todoba occupies an area of around 625 km and is a wildlife haven formed of wide grazing land, serene rivers and lakes, and dense jungles of bamboo and teak. The national park is particularly known for maintaining an adequate number of Royal Bengal tigers and conducting a tiger safari, which offers a thrilling opportunity to witness the amazing creatures in the wild. In addition to the tigers, plenty of other animals can also be seen by the guests of the park. An ideal place for bird enthusiasts, the varied terrain of the park and availability of sources of water draw an extensive number of species of birds, which also include the perched serpent eagle and the changing hawk-eagle. The experience of the tiger safari gets better with the understanding of the natural cycles of the park, conservation efforts, and the lives of its inhabitants. The breathtaking views of Tadoba National Park and the thrill of hunting rare species provide an unforgettable experience.
Explore the Rich Biodiversity of Tadoba National Park
The distinctive environment of the park, which includes a blend of dense jungles, and serene water bodies and also a perfect place for sustaining an extensive range of animals. The Tadoba’s USP is its large inhabitants of Bengal tigers. With the 200 varieties of birds which includes the Crested Serpent eagle and the Indian Pitta, guests can come to enjoy the extensive bird life of the park. The ecological balance of the park is upheld by the rich flora, which includes bamboo trees, teak trees and a wide range of medical trees. Tadoba is a residence of some endangered species which include sambar deers, Indian wild dogs, Indian foxes and megafauna-like leopards.
5. Jim Corbett National Park Jungle Safari
Famous for its diverse wildlife and breathtaking surroundings, Jim Corbett National Park is an excellent jungle safari location that is located in Uttarakhand. Formerly named after famous shooter and activist Jim Corbett, Hailey National Park was the very first national park, which was established in 1936. Having an overall area of over 1,300 sq km, the park is dedicated to the diverse spectrum of ecosystems, such as grasslands, river belts, and dense sal trees. A trip to Jim Corbett National Park offers guests the opportunity to explore various scenery and a variety of animals in the park. Jim Corbett National Park gives the best safari experiences in India.
Apart from the thrilling encounters with the animals, Jim Corbett National Park gives an idyllic escape from the hustle of city life due to its pure surroundings and beautiful vistas. Additionally, visitors may also see neighboring sites like the old Corbett Museum and the Corbett Waterfall, which give a cultural and historical backdrop. Everything taken into account, a safari through the jungle in Jim Corbett National Park is an ideal experience for people who love nature and wildlife.
Explore the Natural Marvels of Jim Corbett
The park, which extends over a range of landscapes, is a shelter to a different tapestry of plant life, that ranges from serene riverine belts to lush green fields. Featuring more than 600 species of birds, which also includes the endangered fish eagle and the incredible Himalayan griffon, the national park also maintains a rich bird population. The USP of the park is its successful preservation efforts, especially to protect the Bengal tigers and Asian elephants which makes it a centre of attraction for tourists.
6. Pench National Park Jungle Safari
A prominent jungle safari, Pench National Park is one of the best family jungle safari destinations in India. It is located in central India and covers both the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The beautiful scenery and rich diverse environment are the major attractions of the Pench National Park. Inside the Central Indian Highlands, an area covering 750 sq km, lies this wildlife sanctuary. Because of the increasing popularity of Bengal tiger species in Pench National Park, visitors are able to witness them in their natural environment.
Featuring its peaceful state and magnificent setting, Pench National Park provides an idyllic retreat to the wilderness, which extends above the thrill of seeing wildlife. Additionally, guests may visit neighboring locations like the charming town of Turia and Pench Tiger Reserve, which offer additional details about the ecological and historical significance of the area.
The Lush Wilderness of Pench National Park
With its gorgeous scenery, the USP of the park is its dense woods that span both the states and an absolute treasure trove of distinctive flora and fauna. As the park is famous for Bengal tigers, the Pench national park is a shelter to many wildlife creatures which includes wild dogs, leopards and spotted deer. A diverse variety of birds can also be spotted including the crested serpent eagle and the Indian roller and can be fascinating to bird watching.
7. Jhalana National Park Jungle Safari
Nestled in the center of Jaipur, the bustling capital of Rajasthan, Jhalana National Park is a unique metropolitan refuge and a top wildlife safari destination that offers an unusual sort of jungle safari. The park is famous for its wide range of flora and animals. An unforeseen sanctuary amongst the urban growth, the park covers an area of roughly 20 sq km. High mountains, lush greenery, and much more combine to form a beautiful backdrop in Jhalana, which is a habitat for an abundance of species, including the rare species of leopards. The experience of safari in Jhalana National Park stands out because of its connection to the city, which makes it an easy and accessible choice for visitors.
Guests gain significant insights regarding the ecological process and preservation activities of the park while being accompanied by experienced naturalists. The Jhalana National Park provides an unusual combination of the wild adventure of the park alongside the amenities of the city.
Heaven of Flora and Fauna
The typical USP of the park is its ease of access and the opportunity to observe a variety of animals, such as elusive leopards. The conservation area is a blanket of a tapestry of different kinds of vegetation that maintains an extensive variety of plant species, such as banyan tree, ascia and various other blooming shrubs. A broad range of wildlife might be observed by the guests which includes several types of magnificent creatures like Indian fox, hyenas and several types of deer. The spurfowl and the Indian eagle are some endangered species of birds that can be seen in the Jhalana National Park. Rich in the combination of flora and fauna, this park is a must-visit place.
Other Interesting Blogs to Read
- Why We Celebrate International Tiger Day?
- Best Places to Visit in Rajasthan
- Best Wildlife Resorts to Stay in Ranthambore
- Information Trinetra Ganesh Temple Ranthambore
- Ranthambore National Parks Latest News Updates
- Best Luxury Resorts in Ranthambore National Park
- Peacock Flying in Ranthambore National Park
- Take a Jungle Safari at These 10 Best Wildlife Destinations in Summer Season & Get the Best of Wildlife Adventure
- The Inspiring Story of How Aditya & Poonam Singh Made a Lush Forest Out of a Barren Land in Ranthambore
- Why Should We be Teaching Wildlife Conservation in Schools?
- Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Safe Around Wildlife
- Human – Wildlife Conflict in Concrete Jungle
- 20 Facts You Probably Didn’t Knew About Tigers
- Wildlife Conservation Initiatives by Indian Government
- Experience Golden Triangle India with Ranthambore Tiger Safari
- 10 Reasons to Visit Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan
- In Pictures: Showcasing India’s Endangered Species
- My Experience at Ranthambore National Park- Sundeep Kheria
- Top 5 Star Hotels in Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
- Photography Tour in Ranthambore National Park
- Rajiv Gandhi Regional Museum of Natural History
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Jungle Safari In India: Here is the list of 9 best National Park
Discovering the untamed wilderness Jungle Safari In India, an adventure like no other. From the regal Bengal tigers of Ranthambore to the tranquil waterways of Sundarbans , the country offers a plethora of jungle safaris tailored to every traveler’s interests and budgets.
India, as a vast land, is the abode of millions of wildlife species, boasting a rich variety of flora and fauna. Embark on an unforgettable journey by experiencing the Indian jungle safari. It’s an adventure like no other, where you’ll delve into the natural habitats of countless wildlife species.
Immerse yourself in nature’s embrace, breathe in the crisp, rejuvenating air, and embrace the tranquil serenity of the jungle. Witness the unparalleled beauty of our planet, preserved within the lush confines of these jungles. Make your vacation truly memorable by connecting with the essence of Earth’s precious treasures.
- RANTHAMBORE National park
- JIM CORBETT National Park
- KANHA National Park
- BANDHAVGARH National Park
- KAZIRANGA National Park
- SATPURA National Park
- SASAN – GIR Wildlife Sanctuary
- TADOBA National Park
- KAZIRANGA National Park
Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan:
Ranthambore National Park, situated in the Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan, was declared a national park on November 1st, 1980. Its iconic feature is the historic Ranthambore Fort, dating back to the 10th century, perched atop a hill. Bounded by the Banas River to the North and the Chambal River to the South, this park spans an impressive area of 1,334 km2, making it the largest national park in the region.
Renowned for its majestic tigers, Ranthambore is home to a diverse array of wildlife, boasting approximately 30 mammal species, 12 reptile species, and over 300 species of exotic migratory and resident birds.
- Highlights : Majestic tigers, enchanting ruins of Ranthambore Fort, diverse mammals, reptiles, and birds.
- Visually Appealing : Set against the backdrop of the Aravalli and Vindhya ranges.
- Flora : Babul, Gurjan, Kadam, Khair, and more.
- Fauna : Tigers, sloth bears, leopards, and various other species.
- Best Time to Visit : October to June
Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh:
Located in the Madla/Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh, this national park was designated as such in 1955. Spanning an impressive area of 940 square kilometers, it holds the distinction of being the largest national park in Madhya Pradesh.
Renowned for its tiger conservation efforts, this park is a vital sanctuary for these majestic creatures. Additionally, it serves as a critical habitat for other significant species, including swamp deer and Barasingha.
With its vast expanse and diverse wildlife, this national park offers visitors a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and importance of preserving India’s natural heritage
- Inspiration : Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book.”
- Notable Species : Tigers, barasingha (swamp deer), and leopards.
- Scenic Beauty : Vast grasslands and dense forests.
Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh:
Nestled in the Vindhya hills of the Umariadistrict in Madhya Pradesh, this national park is celebrated for its population of majestic Royal Bengal tigers. Boasting the highest tiger population in India, it stands as a testament to the successful conservation efforts aimed at protecting this iconic species.
Established in 1968, the park covers an extensive area of 1,536 square kilometers, providing ample space for the flourishing wildlife population and offering visitors an unparalleled opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.
- Tiger Haven : High tiger density for thrilling sightings.
- Landscape : Picturesque hills, valleys, and meadows.
- Wildlife : Tigers, diverse bird species, and more.
Sundarbans National Park, West Bengal:
In Sundarban National Park, West Bengal, the stealthy tiger roams amidst the world’s largest mangrove forests, while birds sing and motor boats echo through the creeks. Tourists enjoy boat rides, unaware of the watchful eyes of tigers and saltwater crocodiles.
The dense canopy hosts a variety of birds, adding to the park’s rich biodiversity. Stretching across 40,000 sq. km between India and Bangladesh, Sunderbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasting mangrove trees and unique Sundari trees with upward-shooting roots for respiration
- Unique Ecosystem : Largest mangrove forest globally (UNESCO World Heritage Site).
- Iconic Residents : Bengal tigers, saltwater crocodiles, and abundant birdlife.
- Best Time to Visit : September to March
Jim Corbett National Park , Uttarakhand:
Nestled in the northern reaches of India, specifically in the Nainital district near Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, lies this iconic national park. Established in 1936, it covers a vast expanse of 521 square kilometers, making it the oldest national park in India.
Renowned for its majestic Royal Bengal tigers, the park is also home to a diverse array of wildlife, including leopards and wild elephants. Its rich biodiversity extends to encompass 400 species of flora and an impressive 550 different species of fauna.
- Historic Significance : India’s oldest national park.
- Wildlife : Tigers, elephants, leopards, and diverse bird species.
- Scenic Beauty : Tranquil landscapes and riverine forests.
- Best Time to Visit : November to June
Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh:
Located in the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh, this national park spans an area of 524 square kilometers. Renowned for its rich biodiversity, it serves as a vital habitat for a diverse range of animal species.
Among the notable inhabitants of this park are leopards, sambar deer, chital (spotted deer), flying squirrels, bears, blackbucks, and numerous other species.
- Unique Safaris : Jeep safaris, boat safaris, and elephant-back safaris.
- Wildlife Encounters : Tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and abundant birdlife.
- Best Time to Visit : October to April
Sasan-Gir National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat:
Declared as a wildlife sanctuary on September 18th, 1965, this sanctuary is nestled in the districts of Junagadh, Gir Somnath, and Amreli in Gujarat, Western India. Its fame extends globally as it is renowned for its population of majestic lions, making it a symbol of pride and conservation efforts worldwide.
- Asiatic Lions : This park is the last refuge of the majestic Asiatic lion , found exclusively in India.
- Habitat : Explore the dry forests and grasslands in search of lions and other wildlife.
- Location : Located in Gujarat , it’s a sanctuary of immense importance
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra:
Located in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, this national park covers an expansive area of 625.4 square kilometers. Established in 1955, it holds the distinction of being Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park.
Renowned for its tiger reserve, this park is a vital sanctuary for the conservation of these iconic big cats. Additionally, it is known for its teak and crocodile bark tree species, adding to the park’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage.
- Tiger Haven : Known for its beautiful Tadoba Lake and diverse wildlife .
- Wild Residents : Besides tigers, the reserve is home to leopards , wild boars , and over 200 bird species .
- Largest National Park : It’s Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park .
Kaziranga National Park, Assam:
Nestled in the Golaghat district of the northeastern state of Assam, this national park spans an area of 430 square kilometers. Declared as a national park in 1974, it is renowned for being home to the iconic Great Indian one-horned rhinoceros.
The park’s landscape is characterized by tall elephant grass and rugged reeds, creating a picturesque and diverse habitat for its resident wildlife. With its unique ecosystem and remarkable biodiversity, this national park offers visitors an unforgettable glimpse into the natural wonders of northeastern India.
- UNESCO World Heritage Site : Renowned for its one-horned rhinoceros population .
- Unique Blend : Offers a fascinating mix of grasslands and riverine ecosystems .
- Wildlife : Also shelters tigers , elephants , and various bird species.
When planning yourJungle Safari In India, consider factors like wildlife preferences, timing, and budget. With careful planning, an Indian jungle safari promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature.
Incredible biodiversity, allowing visitors to connect with nature in unforgettable ways. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast or simply seeking an escape from city life, Jungle Safari In India promises adventure, rejuvenation, and awe-inspiring moments
Namaste! I am Om. I am a licensed Tourist Guide ( Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India), I’m originally from Varanasi. Now, I am living in Rishikesh. I set up this blog to share my tips and experiences for traveling to inspire and help you to travel more. Hari Om
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- 15 Wildlife Safaris in India
Jungle Safaris in India
Here's the list of best wildlife safaris in india:, quick navigation, ranthambore national park.
Hemis National Park
Best of Rajasthan
Jim Corbett National Park
Bandhavgarh National Park
Best of Kerala
Sasan-Gir Wildlife Sanctuary
Kaziranga National Park
Best of Ladakh
Kanha National Park
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary
Best of Andaman and Nicobar
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
Sundarbans National Park
Best of Nepal
Tadoba National Park
Pench National Park
Best of Bhutan
Satpura National Park
Dudhwa National Park
Best of Spiti Valley
Panna National Park
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Discover the enchanting allure of Khecheopalri Lake, a hidden gem nestled amidst the breathtaking landscape of Sikkim, India. Revered as a sacred site, this 'wishing lake' holds deep spiritual significance for both Buddhists and Hindus. Its pristine waters and surrounding lush forests create a serene sanctuary for visitors seeking tranquility and connection with nature.Legend has it that the lake fulfills the sincere wishes of those who visit with pure intentions. The rich biodiversity surrounding the lake adds to its charm, attracting nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.Embark on a spiritual and natural journey as you explore the cultural beliefs and ecological wonders of Khecheopalri Lake. Whether you seek introspection, photography opportunities, or simply a moment of peace, this mystical destination promises an unforgettable and rejuvenating experience amidst the splendor of the Himalayan foothills.
The name Laitlum translates to the “End of the slopes” in the local language. In fact, this canyon is also known as Smit Valley by the local population.The route to this canyon may be slightly challenging, but tourists are assured of an adventure to get to the canyon. In the end, the trek to the canyon is so worth it, thanks to the best views that it offers.
Experience the wonders of Periyar National Park! Nestled in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, this biodiverse sanctuary offers a captivating blend of wildlife and pristine landscapes. Embark on thrilling jungle safaris and encounter majestic elephants, tigers, leopards, and diverse avian species roaming freely in their natural habitat. Discover lush forests, shimmering streams, and cascading waterfalls as you trek through its verdant trails.Boating on the tranquil Periyar Lake provides a unique opportunity to spot wildlife congregating at the water's edge. As a responsible eco-tourism destination, the park promotes conservation efforts and sustainable tourism.Whether you're an adventure seeker, wildlife enthusiast, or simply seeking a serene retreat amidst nature's bounty, Periyar National Park promises an unforgettable and enriching experience in the lap of pristine wilderness.
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The 13 Best Jungle Safaris in India
by middha on August 10, 2018
India is blessed with a diverse and rich landscape. It is home to many communities and cultures. But this diversity is also apparent in the wealth of wildlife around the country.
A jungle safari is as close as you can go to see these wild animals in their natural habitat. We have compiled a list of the best jungle safaris in India. If you are looking for some fun and adventure, read on.
Jungle Safari In India: Northern Region
1. ranthambore national park.
The Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan is spread across 1300 square kilometres of land is home to a dwindling population of tigers. You get to see these majestic beasts in their natural habitat, making the deserts of Ranthambore all the more regal.
Besides tigers, here you can also view other animals such as Sloth Bears, Wild Boards, Monitor lizards, Indian chameleons, Indian flying fox and Sambars. The national park is also famous amongst wildlife photography enthusiasts.
- Best time to visit: March to May
- Duration required for the safari: 3.5 hours
- Price of Ranthambore jungle safari: Ranthambore jeep safari – INR 1500 per person (Indians); INR 2900 per person (foreigners); Ranthambore Canter safari – INR 1200 per person (Indians); INR 2300 per person (foreigners); Special safari half-day: INR 46,000 (Indians); INR 56,000 (Foreigners); Special safari for full-day: INR 57,000 (Indians); INR 72,000 (Foreigners);
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2. Hemis National Park
The Hemis National Park in Ladakh happens to be one of the highest altitude parks in the world. The climate in this park comprises chilly winds along with massive snowfall.
The park is home to animals that live and thrive in such chilly climates such as the snow leopard, ibex, blue sheep, snowcocks and the Tibetan argali sheep. The park is shut in November due to the heavy snowfall.
- Best time to visit: May to September
- Timings: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Entry Fee: INR 20 for Indians; INR 100 for Foreigners
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3. Jim Corbett
One of the most renowned parks in India, Jim Corbett National Park is Asia’s first National Park. The park is named after the famous tiger hunter and explorer, Jim Corbett, who hunted only man-eating tigers in the region.
After his passing, to protect the tigers from going extinct, the entire area was converted into a national park. There are 4 zones in Jim Corbett to visit – Dhikala, Jhirna, Bijrani and Durga Devi. You can spot Bengal Tigers, chitals, deers, Asiatic elephant and black bear, otters, gharial, Golden oriole and a number of species of birds as well.
- Duration: You need around 5 hours for a safari ride in Jim Corbett
- Jim Corbett safari price: Jeep safari charges – INR 4500 (Indians); INR 7500 (Foreigners); Canter safari charges – INR 1200 (Indians); INR 3000 (Foreigners); Elephant safari charges – INR 3500 (both Indian and Foreigners)
You can book budget hotels in Nainital and enjoy a pleasant stay.
Jungle Safari In India: Central Region
1. bandhavgarh national park.
Bandhavgarh National Park was once a hunting ground for many royal families in Madhya Pradesh. The area has now been cordoned off as a protected reserve for the Royal Bengal Tiger.
Ever since then the population has thrived in the park and is one of the most densely populated tiger reserves in India. They conduct guided safaris where you can witness and learn all about these regal beasts. You can spot leopards, Neelghai, barking deers, Bengal fox, striped hyena and others.
- Best time to visit : October to June
- Duration of safari: 3-4 hours
- Safari charges in Bandhavgarh National Park: Jeep safari prices – INR 6500/jeep
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2. Kanha National Park
Kanha National Park has gained worldwide attention ever since it was featured in the famous story ‘Mowgli’, authored by Rudyard Kipling. Staying true to the book, you can spot animals such as panthers, bears, pythons and elephants. The park is divided into four zones – Kanha, Sarahi, Kisli and Mukki zone.
The national park is also blessed with a pack of tigers that roam the land. A visit to this park will have you reminiscing about one of your favourite childhood tales.
- Best time to visit : October to mid-June
- Duration of safari: 3 hours for jeep safari
- Safari charges in Kanha National Park: INR 6500 (Indians); 9500 (Foreigners) for each of the four zones.
3. Pench National Park
Pench National Park is located on the borders of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The park sprawls over 400 square kilometres and is known mostly as a tiger reserve.
The key feature of this park is the diverse vegetation that grows here. The plant life ranges from plants growing in moist areas to trees that grow in dry, arid regions. Apart from the tigers, the national park is also known to shelter nilgais, leopards and wild boars.
- Best time to visit: October to June
- Safari duration: 3-5 hours; one in the morning and one in the evening;
- Pench National Park safari charges: Approx INR 3000 per gypsy/jeep per safari including guide fee of INR 300
Check Hotels Near Pench Jungle Thrill Nagpur
4. Satpura National Park
Satpura National Park is located in Madhya Pradesh and is known for its distinctive topography. The rugged land and dense lush jungle make it the perfect breeding ground for various animals.
Satpura National Park is the go-to place for wildlife enthusiasts to spot animals and click pictures. Here you will see species such as the spotted deer, leopards, sloth bears, blackbucks, sambar, antelopes, porcupines and otters.
- Best time to visit : October to April
- Duration: 4 hours
- Satpura National Park safari charges: Jeep safari via Keria route – INR 2750 per person; via Lagda route – INR 3050 per person; via Churna route – INR 6700 per person;
Jungle Safaris: Western Region
1. sasan-gir wildlife sanctuary, gujarat.
The Sasan Gir Wildlife sanctuary is located in the western region of Gujarat. The landscape is characterized by rough scrublands and dry forests. The sanctuary is home to Asiatic lions. This particular species of a lion can only be found in the Gir sanctuary.
A safari here is exciting and exhilarating. Besides the Asiatic lions, you can also spot fellow predators such as leopards, jackals and the Indian fox. The park remains shut during the monsoon season.
- Best time to visit : December to April
- Duration of safari: 3 hours
- Safari charges at Sasan-Gir Wildlife Sanctuary: INR 4300/jeep (Indians); INR 13800/jeep (Foreigners);
2. Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra
The Tadoba National Park in Maharashtra is a popular spot for wildlife enthusiasts. The National Park consists of a lake that is surrounded by massive hills and beautiful forests.
The key feature of the national park is, however, the lake that acts as a watering hole for many animals and is a popular safari spot. The animals that you can spot here are barking deer and hyenas.
- Safari duration: Approx 2 hours
- Safari charges in Tadoba National Park: Jeep prices on weekdays – INR 750; Mini-bus prices on weekdays – INR 1500; Jeep prices on weekends- INR 1000; Mini-bus prices on weekends- INR 2000;
Jungle Safari in India: Eastern Region
1. kaziranga national park.
The Kaziranga National Park in Assam is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park covers an area of 420 square kilometres and houses the one-horned rhinoceros.
The population of species of rhinoceros is the largest in the world here. Apart from the rhinos, you can spot animals such as elephants, bears, and panthers on your safari.
- Best time to visit: November to April
- Safari duration: 2 Hours
- Safari charges at Kaziranga National Park: INR 3800-4500 per jeep
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2. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
Another UNESCO World Heritage Site , the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in Assam is a project tiger reserve. The sanctuary is located on the borders of Assam and Bhutan and is roughly a four-hour drive away from Kaziranga.
The wildlife sanctuary is also home to animals like the pygmy hog and the Indian elephant. Guided safari tours are conducted here where you can spot these animals. Inside the sanctuary, you can sign up for rafting excursions and wildlife camps.
- Best time to visit: October to April
- Safari duration: Elephant safari – 1 hour; Jeep safari – 4 hours;
- Manas Wildlife Sanctuary safari charges: INR 120 (Indians); INR 750 (Foreigners);
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3. Sundarbans National Park
The Sunderban National Park in West Bengal mostly comprises marshy swamplands that are spread across a staggering 4000 square kilometres of land. The marshlands provide a favourable habitat for many animals such as Royal Bengal tigers, macaques, leopard cats, wild boar, Olive Ridley turtles and the Indian grey goose.
If you are lucky you can spot fishing cats swim through the marshy lands and pounce upon their unsuspecting prey.
- Safari duration: 4 hours and 8 hours
- Sundarbans ecotourism charges: INR 2600 per person
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Jungle Safari in India: Southern Region
1. periyar wildlife sanctuary.
The Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Kerala. The sanctuary is known for its scenic beauty much of which comes from the western ghats that surround it. The sanctuary is spread across 192,000 acres of lands and is filled with dense green vegetation.
Here you can see tigers and elephants. Along with safaris, there are also boat rides conducted around the park.
- Best time to visit: September to January
- Safari duration: 4-5 hours
- Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary safari charges: Jeep safari – INR 2000 per person
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So there you have it wildlife enthusiasts, a list of the safaris in India that you can visit. Visit these amazing places to admire nature at its finest.
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8 jungle lodges for the best safari experiences in India
With the monsoon more or less behind us (discounting the recent unseasonal showers), national parks across India have opened shop for the safari season. The lush jungles beckon, teeming with flora and fauna, and the promise of a tranquil stay—not to forget a big cat sighting if you’re lucky. From Corbett and Kaziranga to Kanha and Kabini, here is Vogue's edit of the most luxurious jungle lodges that make the perfect base for enthralling wildlife safaris.
Banjaar Tola, Kanha
Located along the banks of the Banjar River overlooking the heart of Kanha National Park, Banjaar Tola offers an unparalleled Taj Safaris experience. Two intimate camps, each with nine tented suites and a private pool, are spread over 90 acres of sal forest. Ensuite tents feature bamboo floors, handcrafted driftwood furniture, Gondi artwork and Bastar bell metalwork, and wide glass doors opening onto private decks with river views. Get a taste of local tribal cuisine in scenic outdoor dining settings.
Diphlu River Lodge
If it’s good enough for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, it’s good enough for us. Perched on the fringe of Kaziranga National Park, Diphlu River Lodge offers 12 semi-detached cottages . Inspired by the architecture of local Mishing tribal homes, the cottages are raised on stilts and made of bamboo and wood, topped with thatched roofs. Head out on a jeep safari to spot the one-horned rhinoceros or hop on board a specially designed country boat that cruises down the Brahmaputra where you might catch a glimpse of the endangered Gangetic dolphins.
Evolve Back Kuruba Safari Lodge, Kabini
Inspired in design by the Hadis (hamlets) or tribal villages, the picturesque Evolve Back Kuruba Safari Lodge is bordered on two sides by the Kabini River. Splurge on the Pool Reserve Hut, which comes with lavish living areas, an indulgent bathroom, a temperature-controlled pool and a unique Star Bed (an open-air berth that’s perfect for stargazing). The resort offers jeep safaris in Nagarhole National Park, boat safaris on the Kabini River and even a ride down the river on a traditional round boat called a coracle.
Jim’s Jungle Retreat, Corbett
Soak in the forest experience at Jim’s Jungle Retreat located on the periphery of Jim Corbett National Park. 18 independent cottages channel the architectural style of the local pastoral Van Gujjar tribe with a generous sprinkling of British Raj flair. We recommend the Jungle Lodge, which offers spectacular views at a 15-foot elevation. Experiences include jeep safaris, cycling expeditions, heritage walks and even an overnight stay in the forest. After a long safari, lounge by the pool, relax in the library or rejuvenate yourself in the jungle spa.
Pench Tree Lodge, Pench
Pench in Madhya Pradesh is quintessential Jungle Book territory where, like Mowgli, you can run into Shere Khan (the tiger) and Baloo (the sloth bear). And Pugdundee Safaris’ Pench Tree Lodge with six treehouses and luxury cottages is the ideal base for your adventures. Perched at 18 feet above the ground, the spacious treehouses are made of local sal wood and come with a private sit-out deck and bay window lounger. Pench National Park is only 20 minutes away; apart from jungle safaris, there’s a host of activities to choose from like cycling, night trails , village walks and more.
Reni Pani Jungle Lodge, Satpura
Live amidst true wilderness at Reni Pani Jungle Lodge, located in the Satpura National Park & Tiger Reserve. This exquisitely designed conservation and wildlife-focused lodge allows you to choose from 12 cottages and four luxury tents, all of which come with the creature comforts you’d expect. To really immerse yourself in nature, book one of the tents where you can observe animals as they drink from a nearby waterhole. Apart from jeep and motorboat excursions, you can also opt for walking, canoeing, cycling and camping safaris.
Sujan Jawai, Jawai Bandh
Dramatic granite rock formations make a spectacular backdrop for Sujan Jawai, a luxury wilderness camp that blends sophistication with ecology. The 10 tented suites have been recently upgraded and the new ensuite bathrooms now include a bathtub and a marble shower. For ultimate privacy, book the new Eden at Jawai, a two double-bedroom suite with a private entrance, jeep and butler, as well as a heated pool and a large deck. Track leopards on wilderness drives, explore the landscape on horseback and immerse yourself in the local culture on a guided walk with the Rabari tribespeople.
The Oberoi Vanyavilas Wildlife Resort, Ranthambore
Ranthambore National Park is one of the best places in India to spot a tiger and The Oberoi Vanyavilas Wildlife Resort offers a luxurious setting for this experience. Spacious tents come with teak wood floors, king beds, plush armchairs, claw-footed bathtubs and private gardens. Head out on an exciting jungle drive to track tigers or on a Chambal river safari to spot crocodiles. Experience a rejuvenating spa session and then wind down with a sundowner at the observation tower.
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India Wildlife Tour Packages – New Home Page
India Wildlife Tour Packages
Discover what’s residing in the jungles of India with our India Wildlife Tour Packages. The jungles of India are home to many amazing animals. 70% of tigers live in tiger reserves or national parks of India. India is the last home of highly endangered Asiatic lions and one-horned rhinos.
Wildlife tours of India give you ample opportunity for an encounter with a majestic tiger roaring in the jungle, an elephant or Rhino crushing through the grass on its way, a thrilling moment of a lion on the hunt, a deer jumping in joy, playful monkey making the jungles funny & entertaining at times; wildlife safari in India is nothing less than its African counterpart.
With 100s of National parks & over 500 wildlife sanctuaries, India is among the 17 mega bio-diverse countries. Indian Government’s projects like Project Tiger , Project Rhino & Project Elephants have played an important role in protecting & increasing the population of these highly endangered species of animals on the earth. Best wildlife tours in India are incomplete without sighting a Royal Bengal Tiger . Plan your tour with the help of wildlife tour operators in India and enjoy the jungle adventure.
Wildlife tours in India to national parks & wildlife sanctuaries can be a lifelong delight for a wildlife lover. At Inside Indian Jungles we take you deep inside the jungles. We organize customized wildlife safari tours , wildlife photography tours for photographers, tiger safari to ensure tiger sightseeing for you, bird watching tours for a bird lover, and a fully customized tour if you want to go your own way to the jungle tourism in India.
Let’s start the adventure!!
Where would you like to go on an India wildlife tour?
A land with a wide range of diversity also fits even with the wildlife. A few of the most breathtaking animals call India their shelter; the royal Bengal tiger, An Asiatic Lion, the Asiatic elephant, The Indian Rhino, and the sloth bear are in focus. India jungle tour offers an unforgettable adventure for any wildlife enthusiast attracting thousands of travelers from across the world to visit these jungles every year.
Explore the top Indian national parks and wildlife sanctuaries to witness the amazing wildlife of India. Choose from the most visited and famous national parks to ignite your wildlife lust. Our customized wildlife tour packages in India give you a perfect combination of stunning wildlife and scenic landscape so you can enjoy your Indian jungle safari tours at their best visiting the famous national parks with our wildlife experts.
Madhya Pradesh
This national park boasts of the maximum population in the country spread over about 694 sq km. Tala zone is the best safari zone for tigers. This national park is the home of the famous tigers like Sita, Mohini, B2, and Bamera.
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Ranthambhore National Park
For tiger sightings, Rajasthan is the second as attractive prospect in India. In this park, you will see tigers basking and ambling in the sun. The semi-desert nature of the park makes it the best place for tiger sighting and photography.
Kanha is known as the best place to spot tigers in India. It is a safe shelter for tigers. Kanha national park covers an area of 940 sq km across the central highland of the Mekal Rang.
Corbett National Park
This is the best place for a tiger safari in India. It is the oldest park covering around 1288 sq. km. area. Your visit to Corbett can bring you pleasant results because you may get the chances to spot tigers in their natural habitat.
Tadoba National Park
Tadoba National park is one of the oldest National Parks located in the state of Maharashtra. Tadoba is about 91 Kms away from Nagpur and approximately 45 Kms from Chandrapur which is an industrial hub and also a district headquarter.
Satpura National Park
Satpura National Park is located in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh in India. It was declared as the National Park in 1981. This place can be more interesting for you because this park still remains unexplored by tourists. Satpura is one of the favorite spots of Bengal tigers.
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Pench National Park
Pench National Park is spread over an area of 257 sq. km. in the south of Satpura hill ranges in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It offers decent chances to meet tigers. Pench was confirmed as a wildlife sanctuary in 1983 and as a tiger reserve in 1992.
Nagarhole National Park
This is called the safest place for tigers. Tigers live here in a free atmosphere. The bank of Kabini River is the sweetest place to encounter with the Tigers. In South India, the jungles of Nagarhole are the ideal habitat of Royal Bengal Tiger
Choose your wildlife encounter with
From the Royal Bengal Tigers of Ranthambore to the endangered single-horned Rhinoceros of Kaziranga , the thrilling Indian wildlife is truly enchanting. Everyone can witness hundreds of exciting creatures enclosing majestic tigers, Asiatic lions , rhinos, elephants , wild Asiatic asses, leopards, jackals, wild boar, and many more in their natural habitat. Choose with whom you want to encounter on your next wildlife tour of India.
Meet Royal Bengal Tigers
Royal Bengal Tiger
Meet The Indian Elephants
Indian Elephant
Meet Asiatic Lions
Meet Indian Rhinos
Explore india wildlife tours based on popular interest.
With a variety of travel themes, India is one such country that has so much to offer for every traveler that no one can explore India at its best without perfect India wildlife tour itineraries. Select from an array of Indian wildlife tour and travel packages to make your next Indian trip exotic, and bring memories to life with the best Indian wildlife safari tour operator’s handpicked India travel packages. And grow your lust for traveling India again and again.
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Just follow your interest and leave the rest to Hidden Treasures of India, a wildlife tour operator in India to make your India wildlife holiday experience memorable. Plan an exotic and thrilling journey of wildlife with our vast range of customized wildlife India tour packages which include everything you need for the best wildlife experience. Get excited with the sudden glimpse of endangered species of animals and birds will add extra cheers to your Indian wildlife tour. A jungle tour in India with the best wildlife tour operator will leave you with unforgettable experiences that will last a lifetime.
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India is one of the most enchanting global tourist destinations. But choosing the perfect wildlife destination for maximizing your time in nature to encounter majestic tigers, Asiatic lions, and Rhinos can be overwhelming without a perfect Indian wildlife expert. As one of the best wildlife tour operators in India, Inside Indian Jungles can help you to experience jungle tours in India at it’s best.
We are specialists in personalized India wildlife tours and your wildlife holiday will be custom-designed to suit your requirements.
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Inside Indian Jungles believes that a wildlife tour is only as good as the wildlife expert who leads it, so we provide the very best guides.
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Inside Indian Jungles take the services and quality parallel. We take care of your India wildlife tour from start to finish to suit your budget.
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Dive into the world of discovery with our India wildlife blog – bringing you unique experiences and inspiring wildlife tales from the Jungles of India. Wildlife enthusiasts visit wildlife destinations in India to encounter with the big cats in their natural habitats sprawling under the sun or the beautiful birds chirping all the time in the deep forest. Stay updated with every Indian wildlife news. Be warned – it’s super addictive!
Everything you need to know about tiger census 2018
Wildlife In India: step into the real-life Jungle Book
Birds Keoladeo Ghana National Park
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सवाना जंगल, Africa - हिन्दी डॉक्यूमेंट्री | Wildlife documentary in Hindi Explore the mesmerizing world of ...
Jungle Safari In India: आप घूमने के लिए नेशनल पार्क में जंगल सफारी का ऑप्शन चुन सकते हैं. शेर और बाघों को देखने के लिए भारत में कई फेमस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान मौजूद हैं जहां ...
Serengeti Jungle, Africa - हिन्दी डॉक्यूमेंट्री | Wild animals documentary in HindiExplore the mesmerizing world of wildlife ...
There are around 40 species of reptiles and amphibians and 200 species of avifauna. Wildlife lovers from all across the globe come here for the best wildlife tourism experience of India. Flora in Gir National Park - Jambu, Karanj, Umro, Vad, Kalam, Charal, Sirus, Amli, Tendu, Dhak, Zizyphas and Jamun etc. Fauna in Gir National Park- Sambar ...
3. Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand. Source. Jim Corbett is perhaps one of India's best known wildlife parks, being Asia's very first National Park. Residing in this park are the most furious member of the cat family - the Tigers. People from different nations visit Corbett just to get a glimpse of these wild cats.
Enjoy These Best Jungle Safari In India In Hindi; न्यू ईयर पर नहीं बन पाया कहीं घूमने का प्लान, इस वीकेंड एक दिन की जंगल सफारी का उठा सकते हैं लुत्फ ... Uttar Pradesh in Hindi. उत्तर ...
Tiger Reserves In India In Hindi बेस्ट जंगल सफारी के लिए जाने जाते हैं ये नेशनल पार्क, आपने इनमें से कितनी जगहों का किया है सफारी सफर
Best time to visit: October to June. Duration of safari: 3-4 hours. Safari charges in Bandhavgarh National Park: Jeep safari prices - INR 6500/jeep. Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh. Encircling the outskirts of Madhya Pradesh is the Pench National Park is one of the best Indian places to visit in April.
Six Senses Fort Barwara - a fort transformed into a 5-star resort, 30-minute drive from the national park. 3. Kanha Tiger Reserve Jungle Safari. Kanha tiger Reserve also known as the Kanha -Kisli National Park is the largest national park in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
More INDIA News . IMD ने मानसून में ही दे दिया सर्दी का अपडेट, ला नीना के असर से इस साल ठिठुराएगी ठंड! SBI ने लॉन्च किया FASTag का नया डिजाइन, क्या है इसके ...
Address. Kohka, Tehsil Baihar, Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh 481111, India. Get directions. Phone +91 73038 85691. Visit website. Named Most Inspirational Eco Lodge of the Year in the 2016 TOFTigers Wildlife Tourism Awards, stunning Singinawa Jungle Lodge showcases the region's unique tribal and arts culture.
Luxury Taj and Tigers Tour. 4.5 2 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "This luxury Taj Mahal and Tigers tour exceeded all our expectations. It was a perfect blend of culture and natural beauty.". Billy, traveled in June 2024. Safari. Christmas & New Year. Watch the sunrise at Taj Mahal. Explore historic sites in Delhi.
Our Story. Pugdundee Safaris is recognized as one of India's leading responsible safari companies. With seven intimate jungle lodges in Central India and many bespoke wilderness experiences it presents the very best of the Indian subcontinent wildlife & hospitality. Between 2009 and 2024, we have been awarded for our excellence in wildlife safaris, our commitment to sustainability, our ...
Here are the best Places to Go for Jungle Safari in India. Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan. Gir National Park, Gujarat. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh. Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
Periyar National Park, Kerala. Periyar National Park, Thekkady, is surrounded by the banks of a huge lake and located in a dense hilly forest, famous for serving as a haven for a diverse variety of flora and fauna. Also known as a tiger reserve, the park is one of the best places for jungle safari in South India.
Tadoba National Park Jungle Safari. Jim Corbett National Park Jungle Safari. Pench National Park Jungle Safari. Jhalana National Park Jungle Safari. 1. Ranthambore National Park Jungle Safari. An exciting adventure into the core natural landscape of Rajasthan comes in India's best jungle safari destinations.
#LuxuryHotel #TigerReserve #JungleSafariAnd here we are, our very first jungle safari in India and that with our whole family. If you had watched our part 1 ...
With careful planning, an Indian jungle safari promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature. Incredible biodiversity, allowing visitors to connect with nature in unforgettable ways. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast or simply seeking an escape from city life, Jungle Safari In India promises adventure, rejuvenation, and awe ...
Nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Desert National Park is the 2nd largest Indian national park situated in Rajasthan. It is the only national park in India to have a desert ecosystem. Despite its arid location, the park houses some of India's significant wildlife attractions, including the Bengal Fox and the Blackbuck.
Jungle Safaris in India. Ranthambore National Park, Hemis National Park, Jim Corbett National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, Sasan-Gir Wildlife Sanctuary and many more. In the middle of lush green forests and exotic animals, wildlife safari in India promises the best thrilling experience to wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Jungle Safari In India: Central Region. 1. Bandhavgarh National Park. Bandhavgarh National Park. Bandhavgarh National Park was once a hunting ground for many royal families in Madhya Pradesh. The area has now been cordoned off as a protected reserve for the Royal Bengal Tiger.
Pench Tree Lodge, Pench. Pench in Madhya Pradesh is quintessential Jungle Book territory where, like Mowgli, you can run into Shere Khan (the tiger) and Baloo (the sloth bear). And Pugdundee Safaris' Pench Tree Lodge with six treehouses and luxury cottages is the ideal base for your adventures. Perched at 18 feet above the ground, the ...
This is the best place for a tiger safari in India. It is the oldest park covering around 1288 sq. km. area. ... Get excited with the sudden glimpse of endangered species of animals and birds will add extra cheers to your Indian wildlife tour. A jungle tour in India with the best wildlife tour operator will leave you with unforgettable ...