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Tesla Road Trip Tips for Long-Distance Travelers

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Last updated on July 29th, 2023 at 06:26 am

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in your electric vehicle? A long road trip in a Tesla is not only an exciting adventure but also a sustainable choice that reduces your carbon footprint. However, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, it’s important to know some essential Tesla road trip tips. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a plethora of tips specifically designed for long-distance travel in your Tesla. From strategic planning and utilizing Tesla Superchargers to optimizing battery life and making the most of your navigation system, we’ve got you covered. So, fasten your seatbelts, charge up your batteries, and let’s hit the road!

Is Tesla Good for a Road Trip? Exploring the Benefits of Electric Adventures

Planning a road trip ? If you’re considering embarking on an adventure with a Tesla, you might be wondering if it’s a suitable choice for your journey. In this article, we’ll explore the question: Is Tesla good for a road trip? Let’s delve into the benefits of driving a Tesla on your next excursion.

White Tesla - Tesla Road Trip Tips

Range and Charging Network

One of the primary concerns when it comes to road trips with electric vehicles (EVs) is range anxiety. However, Tesla’s extensive charging network and impressive range capabilities make it an ideal choice for long-distance travel. Tesla’s Supercharger network provides fast and convenient charging options along major highways, allowing you to replenish your battery quickly and continue your journey with minimal downtime. With Supercharger stations strategically located, you can confidently plan your route and charge your Tesla at regular intervals, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted road trip experience.

Rapid Charging Speeds

Tesla cars are known for their fast charging speeds, thanks to their innovative technology and advanced battery management systems. Superchargers can provide a significant amount of charge in a short period, allowing you to get back on the road quickly. Depending on the model and charging station, you can add hundreds of miles of range to your Tesla in as little as 15 to 30 minutes. This means you can make efficient pit stops, enjoy a meal, stretch your legs, and have your Tesla ready for the next leg of your adventure.

Tesla’s Navigation and Trip Planning Tools

Tesla vehicles come equipped with built-in navigation systems that are optimized for EV travel. These systems consider factors such as your Tesla’s current charge level, charging station locations, and real-time traffic conditions to provide you with the most efficient and convenient route to your destination. The navigation system also identifies Supercharger stations along your route, making it easy to plan charging stops and optimize your journey. Additionally, Tesla’s trip planning tools, available through the Tesla app and website, offer comprehensive trip planning capabilities, allowing you to map out your route, estimate charging times, and locate amenities such as restaurants, shopping centers, and scenic attractions along the way.

Enhanced Driving Experience

Driving a Tesla on a road trip offers a unique and enjoyable experience. Teslas are known for their smooth acceleration, quiet operation, and spacious interiors, providing comfort for both the driver and passengers during long hours on the road. Tesla’s autopilot features, such as adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assistance, can also alleviate driver fatigue, making the journey safer and more relaxing. With access to entertainment options, streaming services, and a comprehensive infotainment system, Tesla ensures that you and your passengers are entertained throughout the trip.

Eco-Friendly and Cost-Efficient

Choosing a Tesla for your road trip not only offers convenience and comfort but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. Tesla’s all-electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing your carbon footprint and helping to combat climate change. Additionally, with the cost of electricity typically lower than gasoline, driving a Tesla on a road trip can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially when taking advantage of Tesla’s Supercharger network, which offers competitive charging rates.

In summary, Tesla is an excellent choice for a road trip. With its extensive charging network, rapid charging speeds, navigation and trip planning tools, enhanced driving experience, and eco-friendly nature, Tesla offers a compelling package for those seeking electric adventures. Whether you’re planning a cross-country journey or exploring scenic routes, a Tesla can provide the range, convenience, and comfort needed for a successful road trip. So, charge up your Tesla, plan your route, and get ready to embark on an electrifying adventure that’s both enjoyable and sustainable.

What Is The Maximum Driving Distance For A Tesla?

The maximum driving distance for a Tesla varies depending on the specific model and battery configuration. Tesla offers different models with varying ranges, including the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y.

The range of each model can further vary based on the battery capacity chosen, such as Standard Range, Long Range, or Performance variants.

As of the latest models, the Long Range versions of Tesla cars can typically achieve a range of over 300 miles on a single charge. However, it’s important to note that factors such as driving conditions, speed, temperature, and use of accessories (such as climate control) can impact the actual driving distance.

Tesla’s continuous advancements in battery technology and efficiency continue to push the boundaries, and the driving ranges of their vehicles are subject to change and improvement over time.

Should I Always Precondition My Tesla?

Preconditioning your Tesla before every trip may not always be necessary, but it can be advantageous in certain situations. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to precondition your Tesla:

  • Extreme Weather Conditions : Preconditioning is particularly beneficial in extreme weather conditions. If you’re facing extremely hot or cold temperatures, preconditioning your Tesla helps bring the interior to a comfortable temperature before you start your journey. This not only enhances your driving experience but also conserves battery power by reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling while on the road.
  • Long Trips or High-Speed Travel : For long trips or high-speed travel, preconditioning can help optimize battery performance. By preconditioning your Tesla, you ensure that the battery is at an optimal temperature, allowing it to deliver maximum power and efficiency throughout your journey. This can help maintain a consistent range and minimize the impact of high-speed driving on battery performance.
  • Shorter Trips or Moderate Temperatures : Preconditioning may not be necessary for shorter trips or when the weather is mild. If you’re embarking on a relatively short journey and the weather is comfortable, your Tesla’s interior temperature will reach a pleasant level relatively quickly without the need for preconditioning. In such cases, you can save time by skipping the preconditioning step and rely on the car’s climate control system to adjust the temperature as needed during your drive.

Ultimately, the decision to precondition your Tesla depends on your specific circumstances and preferences. If you anticipate extreme weather conditions or are planning a long trip with high-speed driving, preconditioning can provide significant benefits. However, for shorter trips or moderate temperatures, preconditioning may not be essential. Consider the factors at play and make a decision that suits your needs to optimize your Tesla’s performance and driving experience.

How Do You Precondition A Tesla For A Road Trip?

Preconditioning a Tesla for a road trip is a valuable step to ensure a comfortable and efficient journey. Preconditioning involves preparing your Tesla’s interior temperature and battery for optimal performance before you start your trip. Here’s how you can effectively precondition your Tesla for a road trip:

  • Using the Tesla App : The Tesla mobile app allows you to remotely control various aspects of your car, including preconditioning. Before your road trip, open the app and select the “Climate” option. From there, you can set the desired cabin temperature for your car. Preconditioning your car remotely will ensure that the interior is at a comfortable temperature when you’re ready to hit the road.
  • Scheduled Departure : Another method for preconditioning is utilizing the “Scheduled Departure” feature in your Tesla. This feature enables you to set a specific departure time for your trip. By selecting this option, your Tesla will automatically begin preconditioning the battery and cabin temperature prior to your scheduled departure, ensuring optimal performance and a comfortable environment upon entering the car.
  • Plugged-In Preconditioning : If your Tesla is connected to a charging source, you can take advantage of plugged-in preconditioning. By plugging in your Tesla before your trip, you can initiate preconditioning through the car’s charging screen or the Tesla mobile app. Plugged-in preconditioning not only optimizes the battery temperature but also ensures that your car is charging to the desired level before you start your road trip.

Preconditioning your Tesla before a road trip is particularly beneficial in extreme weather conditions. By preparing the interior temperature and battery in advance, you can optimize energy consumption and maximize your driving range. This thoughtful step will enhance your overall driving experience and ensure a comfortable journey from the moment you set foot in your Tesla.

Top Tesla Road Trip Tips

Take a peek below for my valuable insights, practical tips, and real-life examples to ensure a smooth, enjoyable, and worry-free adventure. Fasten your seatbelt, charge up your Tesla, and let’s hit the open road!

Tesla Logo - Tesla Road Trip Tips

1. The Excitement of Tesla Road Trips

A Tesla road trip is more than just a means of transportation; it’s an opportunity to explore new horizons, embrace the freedom of the open road, and experience the power and efficiency of electric travel. Whether you’re embarking on a long road trip across multiple states or planning a weekend getaway, your Tesla is ready to take you on an adventure like no other. But before you buckle up and hit the road, let’s delve into the essential aspects of planning and executing a successful Tesla road trip.

2. Planning Your Tesla Road Trip

Before setting off on your Tesla road trip, meticulous planning is crucial to ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey. Tesla offers an integrated trip planner within its app and website, allowing you to chart your course, locate Tesla Supercharger stations, estimate charging times, and optimize your travel plans. By utilizing this powerful tool, you can plan your route, identify charging stops, and even customize your itinerary based on your preferences and needs. It’s important to consider factors such as the distance to your destination, the availability of charging infrastructure along the route, and any must-visit attractions or landmarks.

3. Maximizing Range and Overcoming Range Anxiety

One of the primary concerns for EV owners, especially during long road trips, is range anxiety—the fear of running out of battery charge before reaching the next charging station. However, with careful planning and a few smart strategies, you can overcome range anxiety and make the most of your Tesla’s range. Here are some key tips to maximize your Tesla’s range:

  • Regenerative Braking : Take advantage of regenerative braking, a feature that recaptures energy during deceleration and braking, converting it back into the battery. By adjusting your driving style to anticipate traffic conditions and use regenerative braking effectively, you can extend your Tesla’s range.
  • Optimize Charging Speed : When using Tesla Superchargers, aim for a charging session that brings your battery to around 80% rather than a full charge. Charging slows down significantly as the battery reaches its maximum capacity. By planning your charging stops strategically, you can minimize charging time while still ensuring a sufficient range to reach the next station.
  • Drive Efficiently : Maintain a steady speed and avoid rapid acceleration and excessive braking. Maintaining a consistent pace and adopting a smooth driving style can help conserve energy and extend your Tesla’s range. Higher speeds can decrease efficiency and reduce battery life.
  • Minimize Energy Consumption : Use your Tesla’s energy-saving features, such as adjusting climate control settings to conserve battery power. Additionally, avoid carrying unnecessary weight and keep your tires properly inflated for optimal efficiency.
  • Temperature: Be mindful of temperature, as extreme hot or cold conditions can impact battery performance.

4. Navigating the Open Road with Tesla and Google Maps

Your Tesla’s built-in navigation system is your best friend on a long road trip. Utilize it to plan the best route to your final destination, taking into account charging stops along the way. The navigation system will guide you to Supercharger locations and provide real-time information on your battery charge and range. Trust in the system and enjoy the peace of mind it provides.

While Tesla’s built-in navigation system is exceptional, incorporating Google Maps into your Tesla road trip can enhance your overall journey. Google Maps provides real-time traffic updates, alternative routes, and information about nearby amenities, including shopping centers, restaurants, and attractions.

By combining the power of Tesla’s navigation system with Google Maps, you can access the most up-to-date information and make informed decisions about your route, charging stops, and points of interest along the way.

Tesla At A Charging Station - Tesla Road Trip Tips

5. Charging Strategies for Long-Distance Travel

When embarking on a long road trip in your Tesla, strategic planning is key. Plan your route and identify Tesla Superchargers along the way. These Superchargers are designed specifically for Tesla vehicles, providing fast and convenient charging options. Plotting your journey with the help of your Tesla’s navigation system will ensure you have easy access to Superchargers and can cover long distances without range anxiety. Here are some tips to optimize your charging experience:

  • Utilize Tesla Superchargers : One of the biggest advantages of driving a Tesla is the network of Superchargers. These high-powered charging stations are strategically located along major highways, making long-distance travel a breeze. The Tesla app and website provide real-time information about Supercharger availability, so you can plan your charging stops accordingly. Plan your stops around Supercharger locations, ensuring you have ample time to charge your Tesla while taking a break. Superchargers can provide a significant charge in a relatively short time, allowing you to make the most of your road trip.
  • Consider Tesla Destination Chargers : While Superchargers are ideal for quick top-ups, you may also need to consider other charging options, such as public charging stations, especially in areas with limited Supercharger coverage. Tesla also offers destination chargers installed at hotels, resorts, and other locations. These chargers provide slower but convenient charging options, especially if you plan to stay overnight or take a longer break during your road trip. Research and book accommodations that offer Tesla destination chargers to wake up to a fully charged vehicle each day. By planning ahead, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free journey.
  • Research Public Charging Stations : In addition to Tesla-specific chargers, research public charging stations along your route. Familiarize yourself with the locations and availability of charging stations operated by other networks to have alternative options in case of any unforeseen circumstances or to fill in any charging gaps.
  • Optimize Charging Time : Use your charging stops wisely by taking advantage of nearby amenities. Explore the surroundings, enjoy a meal, or take a short walk to make the most of your charging time.

6. Adapting to Weather Conditions

Weather conditions can significantly impact the range and efficiency of your Tesla during a road trip. Cold weather, in particular, can reduce battery efficiency and potentially affect your travel plans. To mitigate the impact of cold weather on your Tesla’s range, consider the following:

  • Pre-condition Your Tesla : Use the Tesla app to pre-condition your vehicle before departing. Pre-conditioning allows you to warm up or cool down your Tesla while it’s still connected to a charger, optimizing the cabin temperature and minimizing the use of battery power.
  • Plan for Additional Charging Stops : Colder temperatures can decrease your Tesla’s range. Account for this by planning additional charging stops or adjusting your itinerary to include locations with charging infrastructure that can help offset any range reduction caused by cold weather.
  • Be Mindful of Energy Consumption : Running the heater or air conditioning excessively can affect your Tesla’s range. Adjust the climate control settings to a comfortable level and consider using the seat heaters, which consume less energy.

7. Essential Gear and Packing Tips

To ensure a hassle-free and comfortable Tesla road trip, it’s essential to pack the right gear and essentials. Here’s a checklist of items to consider:

  • Charging Adapters : Bring charging adapters that allow you to connect to non-Tesla charging stations. This ensures compatibility with different types of charging infrastructure you may encounter along the way.
  • Charging Cables : Don’t forget to pack your Tesla’s standard home charger cable. It’s handy for slower charging options, such as Tesla destination chargers or standard outlets when no other charging infrastructure is available.
  • Loading Information Label : Some regions may require
  • a loading information label for EV charging. Make sure to have one in your Tesla, as it provides important information for emergency personnel or technicians who may need to handle your vehicle during charging or maintenance.
  • Tesla Roof Rack : If you plan on bringing extra gear or luggage, consider investing in a Tesla roof rack. It provides a convenient and secure way to transport items, allowing you to maximize interior space and ensure a comfortable journey.
  • Essential Road Trip Supplies : Don’t forget to pack essentials like snacks, water, blankets, and a first aid kit. These items can come in handy during unexpected situations or if you encounter limited amenities along your route.
  • Entertainment and Connectivity : To keep yourself and your passengers entertained during the trip, consider bringing charging cables for smartphones, tablets, or other devices. You can also take advantage of Tesla’s built-in entertainment system, streaming services, and games to make the journey more enjoyable.

8. Staying Connected and Informed

Throughout your Tesla road trip, it’s important to stay connected and informed. The Tesla app provides valuable real-time updates and features that enhance your journey. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  • Charging Progress : Use the Tesla app to monitor the progress of your charging session remotely. It allows you to keep track of the charging speed, estimated time remaining, and battery charge level without leaving the comfort of your car.
  • Supercharger Availability : The app provides information on nearby Supercharger stations, including their availability and the number of charging stalls. This feature helps you plan your next charging stop effectively and avoid potential wait times.
  • Navigation and Trip Planning : Tesla’s app offers seamless integration with the navigation system, allowing you to plan your route, review charging options, and optimize your trip right from your smartphone.
  • Service and Support : In case you encounter any issues during your road trip, the app enables you to schedule a service appointment conveniently. You can also access resources, FAQs, and contact Tesla’s support team for assistance.

9. Emergency Preparedness and Alternative Charging Options

While Tesla’s Supercharger network is extensive, it’s always wise to have a backup plan in case of unexpected situations. Here are some tips for emergency preparedness and alternative charging options:

  • Research Public Charging Stations : Familiarize yourself with public charging stations along your route, even if they are not Tesla-specific. Mapping out these locations ensures you have alternative options in case of unforeseen circumstances or if you need an additional charge to reach the next Supercharger station.
  • Credit Card and Payment : Some public charging stations may require a credit card for payment. Make sure you have a credit card with you or set up any necessary accounts or apps in advance to streamline the charging process.
  • Emergency Contact Information : Keep a list of emergency contact numbers, including Tesla’s roadside assistance, local towing services, and EV-specific service centers. This information can be invaluable in case of emergencies or technical issues during your trip.
  • Plan B Routes : Before hitting the road, identify alternative routes or charging stations that can serve as Plan B options. This foresight can prove useful if you encounter unexpected road closures, traffic congestion, or charging station maintenance.

10. Enhancing the Tesla Road Trip Experience

Beyond the practical aspects of planning and charging, a Tesla road trip is an opportunity to create lasting memories and fully embrace the experience. Here are some tips to enhance your journey:

  • Embrace the Scenic Route : While major highways may offer the fastest route, consider taking the scenic route on occasion. Exploring winding roads, beautiful landscapes, and charming towns can add a touch of adventure and excitement to your trip.
  • Take Frequent Stops : Break up your journey with frequent stops at interesting locations. Visit local attractions, parks, viewpoints, or historical sites along the way. These breaks not only offer a chance to stretch your legs but also allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture and enrich your travel experience.
  • Exploring Local Amenities – While charging your Tesla, take the opportunity to explore nearby shopping centers or attractions. Many Supercharger locations are conveniently situated near shopping centers, providing an opportunity to stretch your legs, grab a snack, or even do some shopping while your Tesla charges. Embrace the break, recharge yourself, and enjoy the local amenities.
  • Enjoy Local Cuisine : When stopping for meals, opt for local restaurants and eateries. Trying regional delicacies and immersing yourself in the local food scene adds a flavorful dimension to your road trip.
  • Connect with Other EV Owners : As an EV owner, you are part of a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Engaging with other EV owners, whether through online forums, social media groups, EV-specific apps, or local meet-ups, can provide valuable insights and tips for your road trip. Share experiences, gather recommendations, and connect with fellow Tesla owners who have embarked on their own epic road trips. The EV community is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored.

11. Exploring Iconic Destinations and National Parks

A Tesla road trip offers the perfect opportunity to explore iconic destinations and breathtaking national parks. Here are some notable locations to consider adding to your itinerary:

  • San Francisco : Drive across the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and explore the vibrant city of San Francisco. Visit popular attractions like Fisherman’s Wharf, Alcatraz Island, or take a scenic drive along the stunning Pacific Coast Highway.
  • Los Angeles : Experience the glamour of Hollywood, stroll along Venice Beach, or explore the cultural hotspots of downtown Los Angeles. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a memorable drive along Mulholland Drive or catch a beautiful sunset at Griffith Observatory.
  • National Parks : Visit renowned national parks such as Yosemite, Joshua Tree, or Grand Canyon National Park. These natural wonders offer majestic landscapes, hiking trails, and breathtaking viewpoints, allowing you to connect with nature and create unforgettable memories.

12. Reflecting on the Tesla Road Trip Experience

As your Tesla road trip comes to an end, take some time to reflect on the incredible journey you’ve just undertaken. Capture the moments through photographs, journaling, or creating a digital travelogue. Share your experiences with friends, family, and fellow EV enthusiasts, inspiring others to embark on their own electric adventures.

Final Thoughts

Embarking on a long-distance road trip in your Tesla is an adventure like no other. By following these Tesla road trip tips, including strategic planning, utilizing Superchargers, connecting with the EV community, and making the most of your Tesla’s features, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable journey. Embrace the freedom of driving an electric vehicle, and let your Tesla’s navigation system guide you to new destinations and unforgettable experiences. So, grab the steering wheel, charge up, and hit the road with confidence!

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10 Smart Long-distance Tesla Road Trip Tips

tesla road trip charging strategy

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Rose Morah

Taking a road trip in a Tesla, whether for the first time or as an experienced Tesla owner, can both be exciting and daunting.

I mean, road trips with Teslas are amazing, but they can also be quite challenging, especially if it’s your first time.

But that does not necessarily mean that you can’t fully enjoy your Tesla road trip.

In fact, with just a few tips and tricks before and during the trip, you will be able to make your road trip with your Tesla as ‘normal’ as any other.

So, the following are tips for going on a road trip with your Tesla:

Related : The best Tesla trip planner app .

  • 1. Choose your charging stations wisely

2. Inspect your tires before the road trip

3. install the right wheels.

  • 4. Watch out for Tesla 'range anxiety'

5. Always have an extra buffer

6. take advantage of tesla features.

  • 7. Use Tesla as 'plan B'

8. Install Tesla Sunshade

  • 9. Don't Cold Battery Pack

10. Carry less

Frequently asked tesla road trip questions, 1 . choose your charging stations wisely.

First of all, Tesla Superchargers make a long road trip possible. Planning your charging stops well helps save you time and ensure that you enjoy your trip.

There are great apps that can help plan your charging stops wisely. The in-built tesla route planner app works well, but there are also other alternatives.

The following are some of the best tesla route planner apps available for long road trips.

Related : ABRP Vs Plugshare: Which One is The Best EV Trip Planner App?

We also have a detailed article about the best Tesla route planner based on the Tesla owners who have actually used these apps before.

Having a good charging stops plan gives you a better road trip experience. 

But what does it mean to plan wisely?

By taking a look at the Charging Locations on the map to your destination, you can start by choosing those with exciting detours.

Related : Smart Tips for Planning A Road Trip With An EV .

Reasons Why Your Tesla Is Charging Slow At A Supercharger .

Choosing great spots along the highway as your charging stops is fun when traveling as a couple but also with kids.

Another advantage of planning your charging stops is, you have the opportunity to choose/book a hotel or a vacation rental where you can freely charge overnight while you rest. 

Hence, you wake up the following day ready for your next leg and with a full charge.

Check out these 5 Tesla Supercharging Tips To Speed Up Your Charging Time On A Road Trip .

See also : Is Tesla Full Self Drive Worth It?

Before embarking on your journey, it is vital to inspect your tires for cuts, foreign objects, or bulges. 

First, you can do this by checking the Tire and Loading Information label on the center door pillar, visible when you open the door.

And should you notice any issues, schedule a service appointment via your Tesla app.

The label will also confirm the size of your tires and the correct tire pressure.

tesla Tire and Loading Information

And if you’re looking to get an excellent pocket-friendly tire pressure pump, then consider checking out this one on Amazon.

See the Tire Pressure Guide: What is the Proper Tire Pressure For Vehicles?

You could consider installing aero wheels when going on road trips with a Tesla. This is mainly because aero wheels add about 3 to 4% efficiency, which adds more miles/increases range.

See also: Cool and Must-Have Tesla Model 3 and Y Accessories .

4. Watch out for Tesla ‘range anxiety ‘

While on your road trip, it is perhaps not uncommon to find yourself driving on a low charge.

This may sometimes trigger range anxiety.

To prevent this, you need to first identify some of the key contributing factors that will likely drain your battery fast.

For instance, here are a few essential factors:

  • An uphill drive
  • Weather conditions, such as snow, rain, and headwinds
  • Driving speed

Therefore, you may need to, for instance, find out the type of terrain beforehand.

How to Maximize Tesla Range & Reduce Battery Drain on Tesla .

What if you realize that you might not have enough charge to get you to your next charging destination?

If you realize that you might not have enough charge to get you to your next charging stop, you should do the following:

  • Drive behind semi-trucks (but not close).

This will help save the EV lot of energy because the truck in front will be taking the brunt of all the air resistance.

  • Reduce your driving speed. 

Reducing your driving speed reduces the strain on the car which causes the battery to use less energy. This will make it possible to arrive at your next charging destination. 

  • Turn off or reduce the HVAC system.

Turning off or reducing the HVAC system will help maximize the car’s energy efficiency.

This will thereby significantly help you deal with range anxiety when driving your Tesla on a road trip.

See the Longest Range Electric Car .

When going on a long Tesla road trip, I highly recommend that you always have an extra buffer (range).

You can do this by setting your charge limit to 100%. Why?

Because you never know what might happen on the road trip.

For example, encountering closed roads may force you to take longer routes which could end up messing with your original charging plan. This may also lead to range anxiety.

Before embarking on a road trip, you need to ask yourself, ‘Do I want to get to my destination as fast as possible, or want to create a memorable experience along the way at a nice leisurely pace?’

Here is how Tesla features can help you achieve either of that:

First, if you want to get to your destination on time, or rather save time than eat away all your hours on the road, you only need to enter your destination on your Tesla touch screen. The navigation will then automatically display the fastest route. 

Secondly, you can choose to use the traffic-based routing feature to help you navigate and escape traffic by rerouting you to your destination. Be sure to turn it on, on the map’s settings icon.

And thirdly, if all you want is to have the best experience on the road with your Tesla, then you can use the Go Anywhere feature to select and make stops on routes that have great scenic views.

  • Use the Tesla energy tab for almost accurate range estimates

When driving, the best way to check your estimated driving range is by checking it at the energy tab on your Tesla navigation. 

It is more accurate than your standard battery display because it uses your driving data over the past 30 miles to estimate what your range remaining is.

  • Take advantage of the Camp Mode Feature

The Tesla Camp Mode feature converts your Tesla into a comfortable, breathable, and relaxing cabin. So, if you are still wondering whether it is possible to camp in a Tesla, the simple answer is, yes, it’s possible . 

You need to put the car in camp mode to activate the heat if it’s cold. Alternatively, you can leave it on neutral to ensure that the A/C or heater is on.

The Camp mode feature takes care of:

  • Airflow and temperature in the car. You can also adjust the cabin temperature depending on your preferences.
  • The interior lighting. You may also choose to enable or disable music.

This, no doubt, makes Tesla great for camping.

How Do You Enable Camping Mode on your Tesla?

  • First, ensure your car is in park mode, and your battery charge is above 15%.

Tesla will not allow you to use the camp mode feature if your charge is below 15% or not set to park mode.

  • Tap the fan icon located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Then tap the “Camp” icon.

How long can Tesla last in camp mode?

For as long as it has enough charge. It will remain in camp mode until you decide to turn it off. 

The camp mode does not consume a lot of energy. It mostly consumes about 10% of your battery in about 8 hours. This is typically the maximum time you need to sleep in a day. However, during winter , your battery consumption may rise by 5% in 8 hours.

7. Use Tesla as ‘plan B ‘

Depending on your destination and route, if you’re traveling on a tight budget or can’t find a good hotel for the night. The good news is, you can use your Tesla as plan B.

Can you sleep in the back of a Tesla?

Yes, you can! I have managed to convert my Tesla into a comfortable bed on several occasions when going on long road trips.

I started using this Tesla sleeping air mattress after getting tons of recommendations from friends.

tesla road trip charging strategy

The mattress takes me only about 5 minutes to pump. It is also easy to set up, fits perfectly, and is comfortable to sleep on. 

Since I own a Tesla Model 3, the back seats, which don’t fold completely flat were my main challenge. However, after watching a couple of helpful videos online, I finally learned how to remove the back seat cushions.

To my surprise, this made the Tesla air mattress even more comfortable and relaxing since I was now able to fit perfectly without folding my legs. I am 6ft, by the way.

I should also point out that apart from the comfort, the mattress is also very durable. I have used it on countless road trips and while camping for a good two years now, and I don’t think I will be throwing it away any time soon.

If interested, this air mattress is available on Amazon in all sizes for Tesla Model X, Model S, Model Y, and Model 3 SUVs.

It is worth noting that, Tesla Model S is known for its unique ability to provide a comfortable and good night of sleep. Its back seat can easily fold flat, creating enough space for a comfortable bed.

And another thing, you can use the RV Parky app to help you find car camping places for your overnight camping.

For more detailed content about Tesla camping, be sure to check out – How To Camp In A Tesla Like A Pro.

Are you going to be traveling mainly during the day and in sunny/hot temperatures?

If yes, then I would strongly recommend that you purchase a Tesla sunshade .

Sunshades help keep the heat out by reducing and blocking heat transmission.

From experience, I hated stopping for a charge when driving in sweltering temperatures. I would suffer from the heat inside the car while waiting for it to charge.

And even when I opted to go for a walk, I would come back to a hot, burning seat. That was not a pleasant experience.

Luckily, I discovered what I now consider an excellent sunshade for my Tesla.

It was surprisingly very affordable and has since made my road trips more relaxing and fun, even in hot temperatures.

How? Because it effectively blocks the heat!

And the good news is, it’s straightforward to install.

If you are interested, be sure to check it out on Amazon .

tesla road trip charging strategy

9. Don’t Cold Battery Pack

A cold battery pack charges relatively slower as compared to a warm battery pack. Thus you may end up taking longer to charge.

For a fast charge, you should hence allow your battery to heat up first. 

The battery heats up when:

  • Precondition your car

Precondition the battery before arriving at your next charging stop .

The car should start pre-heating the battery 10 to 15 minutes before arriving at your next charging stop.

This means that, if you have set your next charging stop on the navigation, the car should automatically start pre-heating before you arrive.  

Preconditioning helps speed up your charging and get the battery ready to charge before you arrive at the next charging stop.

The more weight you carry in your tesla, the more energy it will use. 

Less weight = Less energy used.

This results in more charge consumption, which also means more charging stops. 

  • Is Tesla good for long road trips?

Absolutely. Tesla being one the safest cars on the road, with chargers spread out strategically across different destinations, makes it suitable for long road trips. 

And additionally, Tesla as a company has always made continuous improvements, such as constantly re-engineering its models, new tire designs, and adding more charging stations, which has made it possible for drivers to enjoy and have smooth road trips.

  • How accurate is the Tesla trip planner?

Unfortunately, the Tesla trip planner is not 100% accurate. And perhaps, this explains why most new Tesla drivers sometimes experience range anxiety. 

However, most drivers tend to get more accurate predictions with time, depending on their driving experiences. And besides, Tesla has also been working over the past years to make their trip planner more accurate for drivers.

Related : How Accurate Is The Tesla Trip Planner?

  • How do I plan a Tesla road trip?

The Tesla Go Anywhere tool has made it easier for road trip rookies planning long road trips using a Tesla. 

The tool also provides you with supercharger locations, recommended charge times, and routes to take on your trip.

  • What are the best Tesla trip planner apps?
  • A Better Route Planner (ABRP) – it allows you to select your own stops, set your preferred charge and wait times, and easily find hotels that have Tesla charging stations.

This app also allows drivers to search the charging stations based on – high-power and public or residential stations. 

And speaking of residential stations, residential chargers can be a great alternative for travelers going on a long journey or where chargers are spread far apart. 

The app is free and available on both Android and iOS phones.

  • ChargePoint – the app provides you with charging spots across parking garages, workplaces, homes, retailers, and multifamily dwellings.

And apart from that, you are also provided with the charging costs and status, charging history, and real-time updates that include busy charging times.

  • EVHotels – this app provides drivers with over 250,000 hotels worldwide that have EV charger stations.

It costs $99 and is available on both Android and iOS phones.

tesla road trip charging strategy

Hello there! My name is Rose. I’m passionate about electric cars and clean energy. My adventurous spirit and journalistic pursuits make each day fascinating and far greater. I consider traveling not just about the grandeur moments, but the little elements that transform the whole experience.

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tesla road trip charging strategy

10 Tips for Your Long-Distance Tesla Road Trip 

Updated: June 29, 2023

Published: May 26, 2023

tesla road trip charging strategy

Taking a road trip in a Tesla is an exciting adventure, but it can also present some unique challenges, especially for first-time Tesla owners. However, with a little preparation and knowledge, you can ensure that your Tesla road trip is as enjoyable and hassle-free as any other. In this blog post, brought to you by Steer EV, we’ll provide you with 10 smart tips to enhance your long-distance Tesla road trip experience. Let’s dive in! 

1. Choose your charging stations wisely

To optimize your road trip, plan your charging stops strategically. Utilize apps like the Tesla in-built route planner or other alternatives to map out the Supercharger locations along your route. Consider selecting charging stops with exciting detours or near attractions, making your journey more enjoyable. Additionally, booking accommodations with charging facilities overnight allows you to wake up fully charged and ready to hit the road. 

2. Inspect your tires before the trip

Before embarking on your journey, ensure your tires are in good condition. Check for cuts, foreign objects, or bulges by referring to the Tire and Loading Information label located on the center door pillar. If you notice any issues, schedule a service appointment via the Tesla app. Confirming the correct tire pressure and size will optimize performance and safety. 

3. Consider installing aero wheels

For improved efficiency and range, consider installing aero wheels specifically designed for long-distance travel. These wheels can increase your mileage by approximately 3 to 4%, allowing you to go the extra mile on your road trip. 

4. Mitigate range anxiety

Range anxiety, the concern of running out of battery charge, can dampen your road trip experience. Be aware of factors that affect battery drain, such as uphill drives, weather conditions, and driving speed. Research the terrain and plan accordingly. Utilize navigation tools to identify charging stations along your route, ensuring you have adequate opportunities to recharge. 

5. Maintain an extra buffer

Always leave room for unexpected situations by setting your charge limit to 100%. Road closures or unforeseen detours may force you to take longer routes, potentially affecting your original charging plan. Having an extra buffer of range ensures peace of mind and helps alleviate range anxiety. 

6. Optimize regenerative braking

Tesla vehicles are equipped with regenerative braking, which converts kinetic energy into electricity, extending your range. Take advantage of this feature by adjusting the regenerative braking settings to your preference. Familiarize yourself with the different levels of regenerative braking and experiment to find the most efficient option for your driving style. 

7. Pack essential charging accessories

Before hitting the road, pack essential charging accessories such as a Tesla charging cable, adapters for various charging networks, and a portable charging connector. Having these items readily available will allow you to charge at different types of charging stations and ensure a smooth charging experience. 

8. Plan for entertainment and comfort

Long road trips require entertainment and comfort. Utilize Tesla’s built-in entertainment features, such as streaming music and videos, playing games, or accessing navigation for interesting landmarks along your route. Additionally, bring snacks, water, and necessary amenities to keep everyone comfortable throughout the journey. 

9. Utilize destination charging

In addition to Superchargers, Tesla offers destination charging at various hotels, resorts, and attractions. Plan your stops at locations that provide destination charging options, allowing you to recharge while enjoying your destination. Research and book accommodations that offer these facilities in advance to ensure availability. 

10. Join the Tesla community

Tap into the knowledge and experiences of fellow Tesla owners by joining online Tesla communities and forums. Engage with experienced road trippers who can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and advice specific to your destination. Learning from others’ experiences will enhance your road trip planning and enrich your overall journey. 

Embarking on a long-distance Tesla Road trip can be an exhilarating experience. By following these ten smart tips, you can optimize your journey, reduce range anxiety, and ensure a memorable and enjoyable adventure. Remember, careful planning, preparedness, and utilizing the available resources and technology will help you make the most of your Tesla road trip. So, buckle up, charge your batteries, and get ready for an amazing adventure on the open road! 

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Tips for Tesla Road Trip: How to Plan and Prepare for a Smooth Journey

Planning a road trip in a Tesla requires some extra considerations compared to a traditional gas-powered vehicle. With a range of up to 400 miles on a single charge, Tesla owners have the freedom to travel long distances, but it’s important to plan ahead to ensure a smooth journey. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and tricks to make the most of a Tesla road trip.

One of the most important things to consider when planning a Tesla road trip is charging. Tesla has a network of Supercharger stations across the country, but it’s still important to plan your route carefully to ensure that you have access to charging when you need it. Checking the Supercharger map and planning your route around charging stops can help you avoid range anxiety and ensure that you arrive at your destination safely and on time. In addition to Superchargers, there are also other charging options available, such as Destination Chargers and third-party charging stations, which can provide additional flexibility when planning your trip.

Another key consideration when planning a Tesla road trip is making the most of the car’s features. Tesla’s trip planner can help you estimate charging times and plan your route, while Autopilot can help reduce driver fatigue on long drives. Additionally, taking advantage of Tesla’s climate control system and packing light can help maximize range and ensure a comfortable journey. By following these tips and planning ahead, Tesla owners can enjoy a stress-free and enjoyable road trip experience.

In this article:

Choosing the right tesla model.

When planning a road trip with a Tesla, it’s important to choose the right model for your needs. Tesla offers a range of models, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right Tesla model for your road trip:

The range of your Tesla is a critical factor when planning a road trip. The Model S Long Range, for example, has an estimated range of up to 405 miles on a single charge, while the Model 3 Standard Range has an estimated range of up to 263 miles. Consider the distance you will be traveling and the availability of charging stations along your route when choosing the right Tesla model for your road trip.

Charging Speed

Tesla’s Supercharger network allows for fast and convenient charging during your road trip. The charging speed of your Tesla will depend on the model you choose. The Model S and Model X, for example, can charge at up to 200 kW, while the Model 3 can charge at up to 250 kW. Keep in mind that charging times will vary based on factors such as battery level and temperature.

Comfort and Space

The Model S and Model X offer more space and comfort for passengers and luggage, making them ideal for longer road trips. The Model 3 and Model Y are more compact and may be better suited for shorter trips or solo travelers. Consider the number of passengers and amount of luggage you will be bringing on your road trip when choosing the right Tesla model.

Tesla Referral Code

When purchasing a Tesla, it’s important to use a tesla referral code to receive benefits such as free Supercharging miles and discounts on accessories. Be sure to ask a Tesla owner for their referral code or search online for available codes when making your purchase.

Overall, choosing the right Tesla model for your road trip requires careful consideration of factors such as range, charging speed, comfort, and space. By taking these factors into account and using a referral code, you can enjoy a comfortable and efficient road trip in your Tesla.

Planning Your Route

When it comes to planning a Tesla road trip, one of the most important steps is to plan your route. Fortunately, Tesla makes this process easy and convenient for drivers.

Tesla’s navigation system includes a trip planner that can help you map out your route and find the most efficient way to get to your destination. The trip planner takes into account factors like traffic, road conditions, and charging stations along the way to ensure that you have a smooth and stress-free journey.

To use the trip planner, simply enter your destination into the navigation system and select “Trip Planner” from the menu. The system will then generate a route that takes into account your starting point, destination, and any charging stations you may need to stop at along the way.

In addition to the trip planner, there are also several third-party tools available that can help you plan your route. One of the most popular is, which allows you to enter your starting point, destination, and vehicle model to generate a route and estimate your charging needs.

When planning your route, it’s important to take into account factors like the distance between charging stations, the availability of charging stations, and the time it will take to charge your vehicle. Tesla’s Supercharger network is extensive and growing, but it’s still important to plan your route carefully to avoid any unexpected delays or range anxiety.

Overall, with the right planning and preparation, a Tesla road trip can be an enjoyable and stress-free experience. By using Tesla’s trip planner and taking advantage of third-party tools, you can ensure that you have a smooth and efficient journey without any unexpected surprises along the way.

Understanding Tesla’s Charging Network

Tesla’s charging network is one of the most extensive in the world, with over 25,000 Superchargers and 15,000 Destination Chargers globally. Understanding how these charging options work is essential for Tesla owners, especially those planning a road trip.

Supercharger Stations

Supercharger stations are Tesla’s proprietary charging stations, designed to provide fast and convenient charging for Tesla owners. Superchargers provide up to 170 miles of range in just 30 minutes, making them ideal for long-distance travel.

Tesla has strategically placed Supercharger stations along major highways and popular travel routes, making it easy for Tesla owners to plan their trips. The company also offers a Trip Planner tool that helps drivers locate Supercharger stations along their route.

To use a Supercharger station, Tesla owners simply pull up to a charging stall, plug in their vehicle, and start charging. The charging process is automated, so there’s no need to swipe a credit card or enter payment information.

Destination Charging

In addition to Superchargers, Tesla also offers Destination Charging, a network of charging stations located at hotels, restaurants, and other popular destinations. These chargers provide a slower charge, but they are ideal for overnight stays or extended stops.

Tesla owners can locate Destination Charging stations using the in-car navigation system or the Tesla mobile app. Some Destination Charging stations are free, while others may require a fee.

It’s important to note that Destination Charging stations are not as widespread as Superchargers, so Tesla owners should plan accordingly if they plan to rely on them during a road trip.

Overall, Tesla’s charging network is designed to provide convenient and fast charging for Tesla owners. By understanding the differences between Supercharger and Destination Charging stations, Tesla owners can plan their road trips with confidence and ensure that they have access to the charging options they need.

Tesla Road Trip Features

When embarking on a long-distance road trip in a Tesla, there are several features that can make the journey more comfortable and enjoyable. This section will cover two of the most important features: Autopilot and the Entertainment System.

Tesla’s Autopilot feature is designed to assist drivers with tasks such as steering, accelerating, and braking. It uses a combination of cameras, sensors, and radar to detect other vehicles, road markings, and obstacles. Autopilot can help reduce driver fatigue and stress, especially during long-distance road trips.

However, it’s important to note that Autopilot is not a fully autonomous driving system. Drivers should always remain attentive and ready to take control of the vehicle if necessary. It’s also important to follow all traffic laws and regulations, even when using Autopilot.

Entertainment System

Tesla’s Entertainment System is another useful feature for long-distance road trips. The system includes a large touchscreen display that can be used to access a variety of entertainment options, such as music, movies, and games. Passengers can also connect their own devices to the system using Bluetooth or USB.

One of the most unique features of the Entertainment System is the ability to watch Netflix and YouTube while the vehicle is parked. This can be a great way to pass the time during rest stops or while waiting for the vehicle to charge at a Supercharger station.

Overall, Tesla’s Autopilot and Entertainment System can make long-distance road trips more comfortable and enjoyable. However, it’s important to use these features responsibly and always prioritize safety on the road.

Maintaining Your Tesla on the Road

When embarking on a Tesla road trip, it is important to keep your vehicle in good condition to ensure a smooth and safe journey. Here are some tips for maintaining your Tesla on the road:

1. Check Tire Pressure Regularly

Maintaining the correct tire pressure is crucial for both safety and efficiency. Tesla recommends checking tire pressure at least once a month and before embarking on a long trip. The recommended tire pressure can be found in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or on the driver’s side door jamb.

2. Keep the Battery Charged

It is important to keep the battery charged to ensure that you have enough power to reach your destination and any charging stations along the way. Tesla’s navigation system can help you plan your route and locate nearby charging stations. It is also recommended to keep the climate control system off when the car is parked to conserve battery power.

3. Monitor the Vehicle’s Performance

Tesla vehicles have a built-in monitoring system that can alert you to any potential issues. It is important to pay attention to any warning lights or messages and address them promptly. Regular maintenance, such as tire rotation and brake pad replacement, can also help prevent issues from arising.

4. Pack Emergency Supplies

In case of an emergency, it is important to have essential supplies on hand. This can include a first aid kit, flashlight, blanket, and extra food and water. It is also recommended to carry a portable charging device in case of a dead battery.

By following these tips, Tesla owners can ensure a safe and enjoyable road trip experience.

Dealing with Emergencies

In the event of an emergency during a Tesla road trip, it is important to be prepared and know what steps to take. Here are some tips to help you handle emergencies on the road:

  • Route Planning : Plan your route and charging stops beforehand. Use the built-in route planner in your Tesla or Google Maps to mark out the charging points along the way. When deciding which points to use, always pick the fastest chargers, i.e. Level 3.
  • Emergency Kit : Pack an emergency kit in your Tesla, including items such as a first aid kit, flashlight, blankets, water, snacks, and a phone charger. Make sure you have access to your emergency kit at all times.
  • Emergency Disconnects : Tesla vehicles come equipped with emergency disconnects that allow first responders to safely de-energize the vehicle when extraction is necessary to rescue passengers. Familiarize yourself with the location of the emergency disconnects in your Tesla.
  • Tesla Service Center : Before embarking on a long road trip, it is recommended to have your Tesla checked at a local Tesla Service Center. Let the experts examine your car for any issues that might need fixing.
  • Tesla Support : In case of any emergency or issue, contact Tesla Support immediately. They can assist you with any problems you may encounter on the road.

By following these tips, you can be better prepared to handle any emergencies that may arise during your Tesla road trip.

Maximizing Battery Life

When planning a long-distance trip with a Tesla, maximizing battery life is essential. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Tesla’s battery:

  • Regenerative Braking: Set your regenerative braking to “Standard” to conserve range while decelerating. This can help increase your Tesla’s range by up to 10%.
  • Reduce Aerodynamic Drag: The energy required to overcome air resistance increases exponentially with speed. Therefore, driving at high speeds can significantly decrease your Tesla’s range. To reduce aerodynamic drag, keep your windows closed and use the air conditioning instead of opening the windows.
  • Avoid Cold Temperatures: Cold temperatures can significantly reduce your Tesla’s range. To minimize the impact of cold weather on your battery life, park your Tesla in a garage or other sheltered area. Additionally, preheat your Tesla’s cabin while it’s plugged in to reduce the amount of energy required to heat the cabin while driving.
  • Avoid Stop-and-Go Driving: Stop-and-go driving can significantly reduce your Tesla’s range. To maximize your battery life, try to maintain a steady speed while driving.
  • Use Tesla’s Navigation System: Tesla’s navigation system can help you plan the most efficient route for your trip. It takes into account factors such as elevation changes, traffic, and weather conditions to help you maximize your Tesla’s range.

By following these tips, you can maximize your Tesla’s battery life and enjoy a stress-free long-distance trip.

In summary, a Tesla road trip can be a fun and eco-friendly way to travel long distances. With the proper planning and preparation, drivers can avoid range anxiety and enjoy a smooth journey. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Plan ahead: Use the Tesla navigation system or other route planning apps to map out charging stops along the way.
  • Choose charging stations wisely: Look for Supercharger locations near attractions or detours to make the journey more enjoyable.
  • Know your car’s capabilities: Familiarize yourself with your Tesla’s range and charging time to avoid any surprises on the road.
  • Bring necessary supplies: Pack snacks, water, and other essentials to stay comfortable during long charging stops.
  • Be flexible: Unexpected delays or changes in plans can happen, so be prepared to adapt and adjust your route as needed.

Overall, a Tesla road trip can be a great way to explore new places while minimizing your carbon footprint. With the right mindset and preparation, drivers can enjoy a smooth and stress-free journey.

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Tesla Guide: How to charge a Tesla while on a road trip?

July 26, 2023 by Tesla Maison

tesla road trip charging strategy

Tesla electric vehicles have become more than a vision of the future. They are a clear statement on the viability and affordability of plug-in automobiles today. Model S and Model X cars are becoming more common on highways and roads, not just in large cities. Teslas may still be considered luxury cars, but many are used as family vehicles and primary vehicles. This means they're often taken on road trips.

How can I charge my Tesla while driving? You have a variety of options to charge your Tesla while on the road.

  • Assume an additional hour for every 5 hours commuted in a gas-powered car.
  • After plugging in your final destination, you can use the Tesla GPS to find Superchargers automatically.
  • Finally, you should call hotels in advance to ask about free Tesla chargers. This will allow you to wake up the next morning with a full charge.

If you plan to drive a Tesla, you will need to prepare for your trip. Continue reading to find out everything you need for a hassle-free and safe trip.

Read More:  Tesla Guide: What Happens If A Tesla Battery Died On The Road

Tesla Drivers and Chargers: Know Your Limitations

Tesla drivers who plan a road trip face the biggest challenge of charging their vehicles outside of familiar and convenient environments like home and work. Teslas and other electric cars (EVs), as they become more popular, continue to be accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of EV charging station installations. These stations can now be found at shopping centers and libraries, office buildings, and even at work.

Tesla owners may have to face some challenges when venturing out of the city, despite EV chargers being available in many urban areas. Tesla owners are all too familiar with "range anxiety", a term coined by Tesla to describe the fear that an electric car's battery may run out before it reaches its destination or a charger station.

The Automobile Association of America, or AAA, in certain markets has a little-known Pilot Program which can dispatch emergency charging trucks for electric vehicles that are stranded.

Tesla Vehicle Driving ranges

To plan a road trip in a Tesla, it is helpful to know the range of the different models.

Tesla's driving range is another attractive feature of its vehicles. Its sleek design and performance are also impressive. Tesla entered the electric car market in a splashy way about seven years back. EV owners could only drive around 100 miles with a full battery charge. Tesla vehicles surpassed that standard significantly, as illustrated below (all miles based upon a full-charge).

  • Model 3- 220+ Miles for Standard Range Vehicle, 320+ Miles for Extended Range Model
  • Model S: 270+ Miles for Standard Range Vehicle, 335+ Miles for Extended Range Model
  • Model X- Range of 238+ Miles for Standard Range Vehicle, 295+ Miles for Extended range Model

tesla road trip charging strategy

Tesla Charging Times

Tesla supercharger charging.

Tesla Superchargers charge your Tesla the fastest. Superchargers, which are similar to gas station locations, are found on roads. Typically, they cost between $10 and 15 for a complete charge.

240v Outlet Charger

Tesla recommends 240-volt charging when at home or not near a Supercharger. Tesla owners are likely to have installed the Tesla Wall Connector, which provides 240-volt and 50-amp power in their garage. This allows them to charge their vehicle as quickly as possible.

Charging 120v Outlet

If you do not have a Supercharger nearby or a 240V outlet, you can still charge your Tesla with a standard 120V outlet. Standard equipment on all Teslas is the Mobile Connector Bundle. This bundle contains a charging adapter with a 20 foot cable, and a connector that plugs in to a 120-volt wall outlet.

Tesla informs its new customers that the Mobile Connector kit should always be in the trunk to serve as a backup option for charging while on the road. Other than that, the Mobile Connector kit is not an affordable or sustainable option for charging a Tesla in everyday driving. These figures are proof of this.

Yes, that's right. You can get three miles out of a Model 3 or Model S and two miles from a Model X after one hour of charging with a standard 120 volt outlet. If you left your Tesla vehicle plugged to the same outlet over night (10-12 hours), you'd have up to 30 to 36 mile range in your Model 3 or Model S, and 20 to 24-miles on your Model X.

The next day, you may only have time to drop your kids at school or commute to work.

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Planning Your Tesla Charging Strategy

It's important to plan your road trip charging strategy. Even if your plans don't include hopping from 20 to 36 miles a day, depending on your Tesla model and whether you will have overnight electrical outlets available.

Tesla Charging Stations

Supercharger stations charge electric vehicles exclusively for Teslas. Tesla Superchargers are 120 kW rated and can complete the same task in an hour and fifteen minutes. It is named after this.

Tesla has expanded its Supercharger network rapidly, in response to the growing need for bridging the range gap between urban areas. There are 1,636 Supercharger Stations in North America (the United States Canada and Mexico), with 14,497 Supercharger Connectors.

Superchargers are most prevalent in the Bay Area and Southern California. New York is also a popular area for Teslas.

Most Superchargers have between 8-12 connectors. They are all open every day of the week, 24 hours a day. Supercharger stations can be found in Tesla's website, on the Tesla app for iPhone and Android and on the vehicle's onboard computer.

According to the area you are in and what time it is, you might have to wait a while for a charging spot. Tesla owners agree that it is best to visit Superchargers early in morning before rush hour, or late in the day after commuters are gone.

Annual Supercharger Credit

Tesla will sometimes offer new Model S and Model X owners a 400 kWh Supercharger credit per year to encourage longer road trips. This is equal to about 1,000 miles driving each year. Model 3 owners are not eligible for this offer, but Tesla says that fully charging any Tesla is cheaper than buying gasoline.

Tesla boasts that there are many Supercharger stations in the works. However, most of them are in areas with high traffic and in cities. Any road trip over several hundred miles in the United States will involve significant driving through undeveloped areas.

It's not surprising that road trips are popular because they allow you to enjoy the scenery of rural America.

Public Charging Points

Tesla owners appear to enjoy the best of both worlds when it comes charging their vehicles in public charging stations. Tesla owners can charge their vehicles not only at Tesla's exclusive Superchargers, but at an even larger number of universal EV chargers. There were approximately 21,300 electric vehicle chargers in the United States as of April 2019. These stations had over 62,000 charging connectors.

The vast majority of public EV charging station offer Level 2 charging. This is 240 volts power, with amperage ranging typically from 50 to 80. (Level 1 is your standard 120-volt outlet, while Level 3 would be the Supercharger). has a list of all the stations in each state.

Public charging stations accommodate almost all models and makes of electric cars, including Teslas. SAE J1772, also called a "J Plug", is a universal standard charging connector. This is by far the most commonly used charging device at public EV stations.

The Mobile Connector Bundle included with all new Teslas contains an adapter which allows the J1772 model to be plugged into any Tesla. Numerous smartphone platforms and tools are available to help EV drivers find the nearest public charging station. These are the most popular.

  • U.S. Department of Energy – Alternative Fuels Data Center Website is a user-friendly database of EV chargers in Canada and the United States. You can search by location or fuel type. The search engine includes a filter for charging sites that are Tesla-friendly.

You can enter the city of your starting point, the city of your destination, and how many miles you want to go off-course (e.g. 5, 10 miles). The website then shows all the charging stations in the city you have chosen as well at the beginning and end points. The site allows you to download the information and email it to yourself.

  • ChargeHub - Another popular website that provides numerous search filters for you to narrow your results down to meet your specific needs. ChargeHub for instance, lets you specify charging connectors (such as J1772), station brands, charging providers that offer free charging, and hours of operation.

In certain charging locations there are icons to indicate when the connectors are available or if they are being used all. ChargeHub offers a route planning tool for long distance trips.

  • PlugShare - This is a popular online tool used by Tesla drivers. EV charger searches can be narrowed down by filtering them according to power, connector types, amenities, etc.

Plugshare offers a trip-planning feature, which will populate the driving route once the start and end locations are entered. You can also view the entire journey on Google Maps. It is possible to edit the route and add or remove charging stations. The trip planner can even estimate range based on your Tesla model.

  • Google Maps – Among the new features of Google Maps are searching for nearby EV Charging Stations. Google Maps is similar to other online tools in that it will tell you how many charging connectors there are, as well as where you can charge up your Tesla.

You can also use Google Maps to view street views to determine where you need to go in an unfamiliar location (e.g. a road trip).

Read More:  Tesla Guide: What Is Tesla Valet Mode? And How To Use It?

What is the Cost of Charging Your Tesla

There are some public EV charging station where you can charge up your Tesla for no cost. However, you'll need to find them and then hope that they are located within a reasonable range for your travel route. Most likely, you'll have to pay for your charge.

In terms of public EV chargers or networks, two payment models are available: the first is the pay-as you-go model, and the second is the membership model. Payment details may vary depending on the network that you are using to recharge your Tesla.

There are many brands that are associated with public charging stations for electric vehicles. These include Valero and Shell.

Certain brands may be concentrated in a certain part of the US compared to others. However, certain networks offer a larger number of charging locations in varying states.

Some EV charging network require registration and linking a new account to a card before the first visit. Others operate on a monthly fee model. In either case, it's best to set up and complete your EV charging network account prior to your road trip.

Here a few prominent public EV charging networks:

  • ChargePoint - By all estimates, this is the largest network of public EV charging stations with more than 6,000 independently owned sites. California has the highest concentration of ChargePoint locations, but this network operates sites in 42 other states.

Initial registration and credit card link are required, but account set up is free, and charging visits can be managed via a mobile app on your smartphone. Since the charging stations are independently owned, the actual charging method (e.g., by usage/kWh or by plug-in time) will vary from location to location, but many sites offer free public charging.

  • Blink - The Blink network operates 1,600+ charging sites in 25 states, with most of the locations in Texas, California, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Initial registration with a credit card is required to open a Blink InCard account. Blink sites charge by the kilowatt hour (kWh), so this is a usage based billing system, much like paying a stated price per gallon of gasoline.

These rates can be found on many EV network charging station locator tools.

  • EVgo - This network of over 700 public EV charging sites is operated by the clean energy division of NRG, one of the nation's largest power producers and electricity retailers. EVgo operates on a monthly subscription model and requires first time users to register. (However, their website also states that EVgo will always take care of an EV driver in need.)

Unlike Blink, EVgo charges by plug-in time, either hourly or by the minute, depending on the location and the time of day. Rates will certainly vary depending on whether you are an EVgo subscriber or simply an EV driver in need of a charge.

As you can see, range anxiety is quickly becoming a thing of the past with the number of Tesla Supercharger locations and public EV charging stations growing by the day. With the amazing connectivity provided by smartphone apps and online tools, many of which display nearby restaurants and retail centers, you can even plan your grocery shopping or grabbing a bite to eat around charging your Tesla.

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tesla road trip charging strategy

Do Your Research

Once you have determined a comfortable driving range for your particular Tesla model and you have calculated the total distance that will be driven to your destination, it is time to utilize the various tools and resources we have discussed. Along your planned driving route, plot charging stops that are within driving reach of each other.

Select Your Charging Locations

Your best option will always be a Tesla Supercharger station as it will provide the shortest charging time, so consult the Tesla website or the smartphone app to see if there are any sites along your driving route. Even if it requires a slight detour (e.g., 10 to 15 miles), the time you lose driving will be more than made up by the quicker charging time compared to public EV charging stations.

Speaking of which, since there are a far greater number of public EV charging stations than Tesla Supercharger sites, chances are very good that you will be visiting them. As you research viable charging sites, be on the lookout for Level 2 charging with J1772 connectors (and make sure that your Mobile Connector bundle in the trunk has the adapter).

Be ever mindful of the length of charge time and the correlating driving range that you will achieve. Unless you are fortunate to have a Tesla Supercharger station or two along your route, do not expect to fully charge your vehicle while on the road. You will be piecemealing your driving sessions to arrive at your final destination, so you need to plan your charging stops accordingly.

Planning a charging stop to coincide with a meal break, a little sightseeing, or even some shopping would enable you to make the most of your charge time.

Choosing Your Lodging

Statistics show that nearly 80% of all EV charging takes place at home, and this should be your guiding light when planning your road trip. Your greatest opportunity for charging your Tesla as fully as possible will be overnight at your lodging location.

We've already seen that charging from a 120-volt wall outlet, even overnight, will not boost your driving range significantly. On a road trip, charging time is a premium. For this reason, it may be worthwhile to select a hotel that offers Tesla charging onsite, or at a minimum, Level 2 J1772 charging.

While various online tools do have search filters for EV charging at hotels, it would be best to confirm with a simple phone call. It is worth noting that figures pertaining to the number of Tesla and public EV charging stations do not include restricted access charging sites, which would include those on hotel property as they would be accessible only by paying guests.

What if You Go off the Grid?

What if electricity isn't available for long stretches during your road trip or at your final destination (for example, overnight camping at a remote location)? While common sense dictates that you charge up as much as possible before venturing off the electrical charging grid, it would also be prudent to consider other charging options in the event that electricity is not readily available.

If you live in an area that is prone to weather-related loss of power or an area that is susceptible to wildfires and, therefore, subject to fire-preventive power shut-offs by the utility companies, then perhaps you are familiar with portable power generators.

Basically, a portable power generator supplies electricity via a gas-powered engine that powers an on-board alternator to generate your own electricity on demand.

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Can you Charge a Tesla with a Portable Generator?

The answer is yes, but in order to do so, you will need a portable generator that meets very specific requirements, and you will need to follow a few specific steps.

Portable Generator Requirements

Tesla vehicles are technological marvels, and to protect highly sensitive and potentially vulnerable components from damage, certain safeguards have been built into each Model S, Model 3, and Model X. Basically, we need to defeat these safeguards in order to charge your Tesla with a portable generator.

  • The portable generator must be an inverter to deliver a pure sine wave output. All Tesla models require clean power, and if the Tesla's sensors detect a modified or lesser sine wave, they simply will not allow the vehicle to charge because what they sense as potentially dirty power could result in damaging electrical surges. By converting DC (direct current) power into AC (alternating current) power, an inverter generator mimics the electricity that is fed into our homes from the utility companies.
  • The portable generator must be properly grounded. Another safeguard implemented by Tesla's engineers is that the incoming power must be from a properly grounded source. If the vehicle's sensors detect non-grounded power, they will not permit the Tesla to charge. With certain models, the generator's frame or chassis adequately serves as a proper ground as detected by the Tesla's sensors.

It is recommended that when charging a Tesla from a portable generator, the amperage setting on the generator be set to low initially, and gradually increased to 28-30 amps. Also, the generator should have a minimum output of 1500 watts.

tesla road trip charging strategy

Choosing a Portable Generator

All things considered, two portable power generators come to mind as possible options for charging a Tesla in an emergency situation:

  • Generac IQ2000 - This is a gas-powered, inverter generator with a sustained output of 1,600 watts. It measures 20" x 13" x17" and weighs 47 pounds and would easily fit in the trunk of all Tesla models. It has a fuel capacity of 1.06 gallons. It is touted as one of the quieter power generators in its class.
  • Champion 9200W - Although this inverter generator satisfies our two requirements, it measures 48" x 40" x 30" and weighs nearly 250 pounds. It would not be a viable option for a Model 3 owner due to the small trunk opening on that vehicle, and would not leave much room for luggage or any other travel items in a Model S or Model X.

However, it does boast a 7.7 gallon fuel tank and can operate at 9200 watts. This generator is considerably loud (owner's manual likens it to being near a vacuum cleaner).

It is important to note that while a portable power generator can charge a Tesla vehicle, it is not as effective or efficient as conventional charging methods. Even with hours of continuous charging from a portable generator, your Tesla may only achieve 20 to 30 miles of driving range, which would may be enough to get you to a charging station or a somewhere to plug in your Mobile Connector.

Portable Generators and Gasoline

Another important consideration is that most portable power generators run on gasoline, which means that for continuous operation (i.e., lengthy Tesla charging session) the generator's gas tank will need to be refilled, perhaps repeatedly. Furthermore, there are significant safety concerns associated with transporting containers of gasoline in your vehicle.

Even with the safest gas containers money can buy (also known as "Jerry cans"), there are significant safety concerns when transporting gasoline in a closed container.

  • Gasoline is highly flammable, but perhaps the greater danger is the extremely volatile and potentially explosive fumes.
  • Gasoline emits carbon monoxide, which is itself odorless and potentially deadly with prolonged exposure in an enclosed area.
  • Gasoline spills will produce a noxious odor that will linger for days, if not weeks.
  • Handling gasoline requires the utmost care and attention. Prior to opening the cap on a gas container, it is recommended that you ground yourself by touching metal to avoid sparking from static electricity.

With carefully selected equipment and with a little know-how, it is possible to charge a Tesla with a portable generator. Whether this charging method is feasible for a road trip however, is debatable. As an emergency means of charging your Tesla in the event of power loss at home, however, it seems to be a worthwhile investment.

  • Supercharger
  • Tesla Charging
  • Tesla Model 3
  • Tesla Model S
  • Tesla Model X
  • Tesla Model Y
  • Tesla Tips & Tricks

Like any car, gas, or electric, travel planning is essential. Whether gas or electric, cars need refueling. I’m in the market for a 2024 Tesla Series 3. Anxiety is part of the driving experience. The best answer is: Do your homework before leaving home.

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tesla road trip charging strategy


What Should You Bring On A Tesla Road Trip?

tesla road trip charging strategy

If you like reading about Tesla road trips, there are some great stories about  family road trips ,  European road trips ,  winter road trips ,  skiing  and  snowboarding  trips, and  many more . There are also some helpful tips and tricks for electric road trips from several veterans of the road, including Brad Templeton , who had explained some useful charging strategies, and Steve Sasman , who took an epic 48-state road trip, visiting 107 Tesla stores.

But what should you bring along on a Tesla road trip? To make Tesla road trips much more convenient, stress-free and fun, many road warriors bring along a  Road Trip Charging Kit  during their travels. Superchargers are found  almost  everywhere these days. But there are still times when you can’t easily find (or get to) one.

The Road Trip Charging Kit allows you to access charging at non-conventional locations. The kit includes a 30-foot extension cable that connects directly to your Tesla charging cable, and four UL-certified charging adapters that will let you connect to almost any power source — all the most common 240-volt connectors, including those you’ll find at RV parks. The individual adapters are also available separately.

Above: Road Trip Charging Accessories for Tesla Owners (Source:  EVANNEX )

The  NeoCharge Smart Splitter is a handy electrical gadget that’s really designed for use at home — it allows you to share a garage-based appliance outlet with your Tesla, avoiding a costly panel upgrade — but you might want to take it on the road with you as well. In some situations — for example, if you’re staying with relatives or friends who don’t have an EV charger but do have a dryer in the garage — it could really save the day.

tesla road trip charging strategy

We hope you won’t suffer any blowouts or breakdowns on the road, but if you do find yourself needing to jack up your Tesla, some  Jack Pads are a must. Because the battery compartment sits on the underside of the vehicle, you have to be careful when using a jack. Special Jack Pads custom-designed for a Tesla are made from a strong, hard rubber compound to ensure safety and protect your battery, your body, and your paint job.

A  Precision Tire Gauge  can also buy you some added peace of mind on the road, and  Charging Hang Tags and Courtesy Notices  can promote friendly relations with your fellow EV drivers.

Check out more Tesla aftermarket accessory stories here .

This article is supported by EVANNEX . View the original article here .

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Travel Tips for Your Tesla Vehicle

Tesla Supercharger location

Your Tesla vehicle is designed to maintain its battery over time, and will not overcharge when plugged in for an extended period. For that reason, when you’re away from home, we always recommend leaving your vehicle plugged in.

To maintain a cool cabin temperature and maximize your range, park in a shaded area and turn your AC on while charging. You can monitor your charge and temperature from the Tesla app .

Set your regenerative braking to ‘Standard’ to conserve range while decelerating.

Before starting a long road trip, we recommend checking your tire pressure (psi) shown on the Tire and Loading Information label located on the center door pillar. You should also inspect your tires for bulges, foreign objects, cuts or wear. If you notice anything concerning, you can self-schedule a service appointment in the Tesla app .

Enter your destination on the touchscreen and Navigation will identify the fastest route, as well as the most convenient locations to charge along the way.

Use the Go Anywhere tool to plan future road trips in your Tesla vehicle. Select your car’s configuration and your start and end locations, then the Go Anywhere tool will provide you with a route that passes by Supercharger locations. It will even give you a recommended charge time at each stop. Tesla always advises using your trip planner when you’re on the road to get the most accurate recommended stops and charge times based on your driving.

To locate the nearest Supercharger location at anytime, tap the lightning bolt icon on your navigation, then tap any red Supercharger pin to view the total number of open stalls, status updates and maximum charge rate available.

You can also explore Destination Charging locations conveniently located at hotels, restaurants and shopping centers across the country. These will be indicated with a gray pin.

Review our walkthrough videos to learn more about your vehicle’s features.

If your vehicle’s interior reaches over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, Cabin Overheat Protection will automatically turn on to lower the cabin temperature. You can adjust this setting through your touchscreen by following these steps:

  • For Model S and Model X: Controls > Settings > Vehicle
  • For Model 3 and Model Y: Controls > Safety > Settings

As a reminder, AC will create some condensation, which may pool under your car.

You can review your Owner’s Manual to learn more.

Model S and Model X only: Climate Keeper maintains a set temperature in the cabin for an extended period of time. This is perfect for keeping groceries cool or maintaining a comfortable cabin temperature for an overnight camping trip.

  • Shift into Park, and select ‘Auto’ from Climate Controls.
  • The Climate Timer will appear below your individual climate settings.
  • Adjust climate settings as needed.
  • Tap ‘Keep Climate On.’

It will remain on until you shift out of Park, manually turn it off, or if your battery’s charge drops to 20%.

Maps and Navigation

How do I adjust the traffic based routing feature?

Your Tesla vehicle detects real-time traffic conditions and automatically adjusts the estimated driving and arrival times. The navigation system can reroute you to your destination if traffic conditions change. To turn this feature on or off, touch the map's settings icon, then touch ‘Online Routing.’

How do I change the orientation of the map?

The touchscreen displays a map at all times. Hold and drag a finger to move the map in any direction. Rotate the map in any direction by holding and turning two fingers. Touch the icon in the top right corner of the map to set the orientation.

How do I remove Superchargers from my route?

To remove a Supercharger station from your route, select ‘remove charging stops’ (lightning bolt sign) at the bottom of the directions.

TeslaThunder – Tesla Accessories, Insights, & How-To's

9 Tesla Road Trip Tips for Long Travel

October 30, 2020

Many rent RVs, minivans, and trucks to go on a road trip, can’t go wrong with that. Have you ever thought of doing so with an electric vehicle such as your Tesla?

Sure, electric cars are practical and efficient, but traveling long distances in one requires a little more planning. You will have to make sure that your batteries have enough juice to get you to the next charging station safely, and plan stops accordingly.

Tesla’s network of Superchargers makes long drives across the country feasible. Still, if you’re traveling along less-frequented routes, you may have to make use of traditional charging stations or even regular 120v plugs. Every time you stop for a recharge, you will have some exploring time, which can amp up your entire experience. With a little careful planning, a road trip with a Tesla could be the best thing ever.

Tips for Road Trips in a Tesla

road trip in a tesla

1. Check the Tesla supercharger map!

So, you’ve got a final destination in your sights, but before you can get there, you have to plan your entire trip around recharging stations. You don’t have to worry about the range because there are charging stations everywhere, but you do need to learn about the boundaries of your car.

If you drive faster than you should, the batteries will lose juice quicker, and if you’re not careful, you might find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere. Head to Tesla’s official website and check the supercharger map between you and your final destination. Plan breaks on locations where your car’s batteries will be half empty. The vehicle will recharge faster, and you will never run out of juice.

Related: Getting the best range with your Tesla

2. Use the built-in trip planner

If you’re the type of person who likes to plan out every last detail of the trip, excellent. However, if you’re not so skilled at planning everything out, Tesla’s built-in trip planner will do everything for you. It’s a convenient feature that will make sure that you never run out of power, no matter where you’re going.

The planner will show you all charging stations along your route, with details like how long you need to drive between two stations and how long will it take for your car to recharge once you stop. You won’t have to check your maps all the time; just input your starting point and your destination, and the app will take care of everything else.

If you prefer to use a mobile device or a laptop to plan your trip, you can also use Tesla’s web-based road trip planner .

3. Arrange “car fill-ups” and “human fill-ups” to happen at the same time

tesla supercharger charging

Electric cars need a recharge as much as the people inside of it. The entire trip will revolve around recharging stations, so you should plan to take breaks based on your car’s battery levels. Since most charging stations are located near malls and gas stations, you should plan your meals and sightseeing to happen simultaneously while your Tesla is charging.

Hook your Tesla onto a charging station and stretch your legs a bit. Have something to eat if you’re hungry and take the time to see the town or go to the mall and enjoy a coffee or whatever else you want. By making sure that you satisfy your needs while your car is charging, you will save some time, and you won’t be sitting in your car bored for hours.

4. Have charging adapters ready

tesla charging adapter for road trip

Even though Tesla’s app will show you a detailed route with the closest charging stations, you should bring a charging adapter along, or a charging extension cord , just in case. You never know if you’re going to have to take a detour at some point, so it’s always a good idea to have an adapter you can use to charge your car’s batteries anywhere. The adapter is not that big, so it won’t take up a lot of trunk space. If you don’t have one when you need it, you could end up being completely helpless far away from a charging station.

5. If possible, charge when the battery level is below 50%

Some Tesla owners prefer to keep their batteries above 50% at all times, and that’s fine, but the batteries charge faster when they are more than half empty. So, to save some time, it’s better that you allow the batteries to deplete to let’s say 30 or 35 percent, and then stop for a recharge, rather than doing so every time a station is close by.

It’s also a manner of personal preference. If you like making frequent breaks to stretch your legs, this might even cut your road trip charging time, depending on your driving.

6. Set driving mode to conserve energy

Electric cars have a tremendous amount of torque that allows you to accelerate very quickly. However, a heavy foot will make the batteries deplete sooner, leaving you with much less range than expected.

Turn the Range Mode on to limit the amount of power the car uses and increase efficiency. That means that you won’t be able to accelerate so quickly, but you will get a significant increase in mileage. Keep your foot off the gas, and you will be able to drive much further.

7. If driving in the winter, plan for a reduction in range

Winter road trips are sometimes even cooler than summer trips. The landscapes are often breathtaking, and there’s something special when you sit in a warm Tesla while everything around you is freezing cold. With that said, you should also know that batteries don’t perform the same in low temperatures and that heating the car will use a considerable amount of juice.

winter travel in tesla

The batteries powering your car will become less efficient, so you will have to plan more frequent stops. Remember that before hitting the road. You don’t want to run out of batteries far away from a recharge station in the middle of winter. If driving in freezing sub-20-degree weather, you should prepare for a reduction in range of up to 40% .

8. Make use of 240V dryer plugs if renting Airbnb accommodations!

Road trips can last for weeks! That means that you’ll have to book hotels and apartments for several nights. Since many people use Airbnb to find a place to stay, it’s good to know if you’re allowed to use the 240V dryer plug to recharge your car during the night. That way, you’ll start the next day with full batteries, allowing you to get more range before you have to recharge. Make sure you have adapters ready!

Destination charging also offers charging at locations such as hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, and other popular spots across the country.

9. Plan for activities while the car is charging

Even when using a supercharger, charging the battery sufficiently to continue the road trip can take 30 minutes or more. That’s more than enough time to use the facilities around and get something to drink, but what do you do for the remaining 20 minutes? Teslas have several on-board arcade games if looking for an entertaining way to wait. If traveling with family or friends, there are various car-friendly board games that don’t need a big table for you and your road trip partners to enjoy.

If you’re looking to make the road trip even more engaging and lucky enough to be traveling along a scenic route, you could even bring your trip to the next level by bringing a couple of bikes with you and equipping your Tesla with a bike rack .

Road trip tips to maximize range:

If you’re planning to take a road trip in your Tesla, you will be driving hundreds or thousands of miles. When your car runs on batteries, you must plan ahead and do some math. You should try and make slight changes to help you get the most mileage out of a single charge. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

Minimize aerodynamic drag

You might be tempted to carry external baggage, bike racks, roof racks, or even tow a small trailer. You should be aware that extra weight and roof racks affects the vehicle’s aerodynamic profile and will lead to a significant decrease in range.

Anything you add to the car that affects the original aerodynamics will create more drag, which will deplete your batteries faster. The same thing goes for standard petrol cars. If you want to bring your bikes along or need to expand your storage with a roof rack, expect to be making more stops to recharge your batteries.

Be speed-conscious

Teslas have an incredible aerodynamic profile and some of the lowest drag coefficients in a car. For example, if you drive at 75 miles per hour, the vehicle will have to provide more power to the wheels due to increased aerodynamic drag, which will lower your maximum mileage. On the other hand, if you keep the speed around 60 mph, your car will use less power due to less aerodynamic resistance, allowing you to go further on a single charge. Again, it’s a thing of personal preference, but that going faster will require you to make more stops on the way.

Use AC and heating conservatively!

No matter if you’re going on a road trip during the summer or the winter, your AC will work hard to provide the best possible temperature inside the car. As you can imagine, that requires power, too, so you must ration the use of the AC to get more mileage out of your Tesla. If you keep it on the entire time, you will drain the batteries sooner, which means you’ll have to stop and recharge the car more frequently.

The best method is to allow the AC to cool the car down for a few minutes and shut it down until the temperature rises again. The same thing goes for heating during winter road trips. With a little practice, you will be able to maintain a steady temperature without depleting the batteries too much.

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tesla road trip charging strategy

How to Charge a Tesla on a Road Trip

How to Charge a Tesla on a Road Trip

Tesla electric vehicles are no longer a glimpse of the future, but an emphatic statement about the viability of plug-in cars today. The Model S, Model 3, and Model X are quickly becoming common sights on our roads and highways and not just in major metropolitan areas. While still considered a luxury car, many of these Teslas are family and primary-use vehicles, which means road trips.

How do you charge your Tesla on a road trip?  Fortunately, there are quite a few options, but you may want to plan ahead.

  • First, assume an extra hour of commute time for every 5 hours of commute time in a gas car. 
  • Next, plug your end destination into your Tesla’s GPS to automatically route you to Superchargers when needed.
  • Lastly, if staying in hotels overnight call ahead to see if they have free Tesla chargers so you can wake up to a full charge for free.

No matter how long of a road trip you’re planning on taking, you’re going to need to plan ahead when you drive a Tesla. Continue reading for everything you’ll need to know to make a safe and drama free trip!

Know the Driving and Charging Limitations of Your Tesla

The biggest challenge facing Tesla drivers planning a road trip is how to charge their vehicles away from the familiar and convenient surroundings of home and work. As Teslas and other electric vehicles (EVs) become more and more mainstream EV charging stations continue to pop up at a dizzying pace, dotting cities and neighborhoods at places like shopping centers, libraries, and office buildings.

However, despite the ongoing proliferation of EV charging stations in urbanized areas, venturing outside of city limits can create challenges for Tesla drivers. “Range anxiety” is a phrase that is all too familiar to Tesla owners as it was coined to describe the fear on the part of a person driving an electric car that the vehicle’s battery will run out of power before reaching the destination or a charging station.

(In certain markets, the Automobile Association of America or AAA, has a little known  pilot program  that can dispatch emergency EV charging trucks to help charge stranded electric vehicles.)

Tesla Vehicle Driving Ranges

Before tackling the challenges of planning a road trip with a Tesla vehicle, it will be helpful to know just how far the various Tesla models can drive on a full charge.

Aside from its sleek design, ground-breaking performance, and innovative features, another appealing aspect of Tesla vehicles is its driving range. Before Tesla made its splashy entry in the electric vehicle arena roughly seven years ago, EV owners were fortunate to drive 100 miles or so on a full charge. Tesla vehicles raised that bar significantly as shown below (all mileage based on full charge):

  • Model 3  – 220+ mile range for standard range vehicle, 320+ miles for extended range model
  • Model S  – 270+ mile range for standard range vehicle, 335+ miles for extended range model
  • Model X  – 238+ mile range for standard range vehicle, 295+ miles for extended range model

Tesla Charging Times

Tesla supercharger charging.

Tesla Superchargers are the fastest way to charge a Tesla. The Superchargers are located along roads similarly to gas stations. They typically cost about $10-15 for a full charge.

240v Outlet Charging

When at home, or not near a Supercharger, Tesla recommends charging with 240-volt power. If you are a Tesla owner, then chances are that you have invested in the Tesla Wall Connector in your garage that supplies the 240-volt, 50-amp electrical service needed to provide the fastest charging time for your vehicle at home.

120v Outlet Charging

If you don’t have a Supercharger near by, or a 240-volt outlet, you can use a standard 120-volt outlet to charge a Tesla. All Teslas come with the Mobile Connector Bundle as standard equipment. This bundle includes a charging connector with 20-foot cable and an adapter that plugs into a standard 120-volt, 15-amp common wall outlet.

Tesla advises its new owners that this Mobile Connector kit is recommended as a backup charging option while traveling and should be kept in the trunk at all times. In other words, the Mobile Connector is not a feasible or sustainable means of charging a Tesla vehicle for everyday driving, and the following figures prove this point emphatically.

Yes, you read that correctly. One full hour of charging from a standard 120-volt outlet will get you three miles of driving range on a Model 3 or Model S, and two miles on a Model X. If you were to leave your Tesla vehicle plugged into the same outlet overnight (10-12 hours), the next day you would have 30 to 36 miles of driving range on your Model 3 or Model S and 20 to 24 miles on your Model X.

This may be enough to drop the kids off at school, commute to work or run errands the next day but it certainly will not get a road trip off to a productive start.

Planning Your Tesla Charging Strategy

Unless your travel plans call for hopscotching to your destination 20 to 36 miles per day (depending on which model Tesla you drive and assuming you will have overnight access to an electrical outlet), it would be wise to examine all available charging options for your next road trip and formulate a charging strategy, especially if it’s going to be a long one.

Tesla Charging Stations

Supercharger stations are electric vehicle charging sites dedicated exclusively to Tesla vehicles. Whereas the Tesla Wall Connector charging unit for homes is rated at 11.5 kW (kilowatts) and can fully charge a Model S in roughly nine hours, the Tesla Supercharger is rated at 120 kW and can do the same job in roughly an hour and 15 minutes. Hence its name.

Recognizing the need to bridge the driving range gaps between major urban areas, Tesla has been expanding the number of its Supercharger stations at a robust pace. Throughout North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico) there are roughly 1,636 Supercharger stations with a total of 14,497 available Supercharger connectors.

The highest concentrations of Supercharger stations correlate to areas where Teslas are popular, such as the Bay Area, Southern California and New York, but they can also be found on highways linking major cities and urban areas, and along heavily traveled corridors.

The typical Supercharger station has 8-12 connectors (stalls), and most, if not all, are open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Supercharger locations can be found on  Tesla’s website , the Tesla smartphone app (iPhone and Android) and through each vehicle’s on-board computer (which will not only display the closest Supercharger locations but also show how many charging stalls are available).

Depending on the area and time of day, you may find yourself waiting for a charging stall to open up. There seems to be a consensus among Tesla owners that the best time to visit a Supercharger station is early in the morning before the a.m. rush or mid-morning after the commuters have come and gone.

Annual Supercharger Credit

It is worth noting that to promote longer road trips, Tesla sometimes offers new buyers of its Model S and Model X vehicles an annual Supercharger credit of 400 kWh (kilowatt hours), which equates to roughly 1,000 miles of driving per year. Unfortunately, this offer does not extend to Model 3 owners, but according to Tesla, the cost of fully charging any Tesla model is significantly cheaper than the equivalent in gasoline.

Tesla touts that many more Supercharger stations are in the works, but most current and planned locations are concentrated in urban and high traffic areas. Any road trip exceeding several hundred miles, no matter what part of the United States it runs through, will likely include significant stretches of driving through undeveloped areas.

After all, isn’t appreciating the natural scenery of rural America part of the appeal of taking road trips?

Public Charging Stations

When it comes to charging their vehicles at public charging stations, Tesla owners seem to have the best of both worlds. Not only can they charge their Tesla vehicles at Tesla-exclusive Supercharger stations, but also at the even greater number of universal EV charging stations. As of April 2019, there was an estimated 21,300 electric vehicle charging stations across the United States, with over 62,000 charging connectors.

The overwhelming majority of these public EV charging stations offer what is known as Level 2 charging, meaning 240 volt power with amperage typically ranging from 50 to 80. (Level 3 charging would be Supercharger charging and Level 1 would be your 120-volt common wall outlet.) A state-by-state breakdown of these stations can be found  here .

Public charging stations are designed to accommodate virtually all makes and models of electric vehicles, including Teslas. There is a universal, standardized charging connector known as the SAE J1772 (also known as a “J Plug”), and it is far and away the most common charging device found at public EV charging stations.

The Mobile Connector Bundle that comes with all new Teslas includes an adapter that enables the J1772 to plug into any Tesla model. To assist EV owners in finding public charging stations nearest them, there are numerous smartphone platforms and online tools available. Here are a few of the more popular ones:

  • U.S. Department of Energy  – The  Alternative Fuels Data Center  website is a straightforward, easy-to-use database of EV charging stations in the United States and Canada. Searches can be performed by location, and results can be filtered by fuel type (e.g., electric, biodiesel, hydrogen, etc.) and charging capabilities, including a search filter specifically for Tesla-friendly sites.

A route mapping feature enables you to enter the starting city, the destination city, and the number of miles you are willing to deviate off course (e.g., 5 miles, 10 miles) and the website shows you all the public charging stations along your route as well as in your starting and ending locations. This information can be downloaded from the site and emailed to you.

  • ChargeHub  – This is another popular site that offers numerous search filters to help you narrow down search results to best suit your specific needs. For example,  ChargeHub  allows you to specify specific charging connector types (such as the J1772), particular station brands, free charging providers, and operating hours.

With certain charging locations, there are icons for when connectors are currently available or when they are all being used. ChargeHub also has a route planner for longer trips.

  • PlugShare  – This is one of the more popular online tools used by Tesla owners. EV charging station searches can be filtered by power, connector type, amenities (e.g., wi-fi, restrooms, hotels & lodging), and other options.

Plugshare  also has a trip planning feature that populates the driving route with charging station stops once the starting and ending locations have been entered, and the entire trip can be viewed on Google Maps. The route can be easily edited to add or remove stops, and the trip planner will even calculate range estimates based on your particular Tesla model.

  • Google Maps  – Among the features that have been added to  Google Maps  is searching for nearby EV charging stations near you or a specific location. Like the other online tools, Google Maps will not only show you where you can charge your Tesla but also how many connectors are available. 

Best of all, since it is Google Maps, you can utilize street view to see exactly where to go if you’re in an unfamiliar area (e.g., road trip).

The Cost of Charging Your Tesla

While there are public EV charging stations where you can charge your Tesla for free, you will need to search for them and hope they are within an acceptable range of your travel route. Chances are you will have to pay for the charge.

When it comes to public EV charging stations or networks, there are two payment method models, (1) the pay as you go model and (2) the membership or subscription model. Payment details will vary depending on whose network you are using to charge your Tesla.

Just as there are recognizable brands among the over 100,000 conventional gas stations across the nation, such as Valero, Chevron, Shell, and Mobil to name a few, there are also brands associated with public EV charging stations.

Particular brands may be more highly concentrated in one part of the country compared to another, but certain networks operate a greater number of charging locations and can be found in more states across the US.

Most EV charging networks require initial registration and linking the new account to a credit card prior to making the first visit, while others operate on a monthly subscription model for charging access. Either way, it is best to complete your registration and set up your EV network account before departing on your road trip.

Here a few prominent public EV charging networks:

  • ChargePoint  – By all estimates, this is the largest network of public EV charging stations with more than 6,000 independently owned sites. California has the highest concentration of ChargePoint locations, but this network operates sites in 42 other states.

Initial registration and credit card link are required, but account set up is free, and charging visits can be managed via a mobile app on your smartphone. Since the charging stations are independently owned, the actual charging method (e.g., by usage/kWh or by plug-in time) will vary from location to location, but many sites offer free public charging.

  • Blink  – The Blink network operates 1,600+ charging sites in 25 states, with most of the locations in Texas, California, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Initial registration with a credit card is required to open a Blink InCard account. Blink sites charge by the kilowatt hour (kWh), so this is a usage based billing system, much like paying a stated price per gallon of gasoline. 

These rates can be found on many EV network charging station locator tools.

  • EVgo  – This network of over 700 public EV charging sites is operated by the clean energy division of NRG, one of the nation’s largest power producers and electricity retailers. EVgo operates on a monthly subscription model and requires first time users to register. (However, their website also states that EVgo will always take care of an EV driver in need.)

Unlike Blink, EVgo charges by plug-in time, either hourly or by the minute, depending on the location and the time of day. Rates will certainly vary depending on whether you are an EVgo subscriber or simply an EV driver in need of a charge.

As you can see, range anxiety is quickly becoming a thing of the past with the number of Tesla Supercharger locations and public EV charging stations growing by the day. With the amazing connectivity provided by smartphone apps and online tools, many of which display nearby restaurants and retail centers, you can even plan your grocery shopping or grabbing a bite to eat around charging your Tesla.

Do Your Research

Once you have determined a comfortable driving range for your particular Tesla model and you have calculated the total distance that will be driven to your destination, it is time to utilize the various tools and resources we have discussed. Along your planned driving route, plot charging stops that are within driving reach of each other.

Select Your Charging Locations

Your best option will always be a Tesla Supercharger station as it will provide the shortest charging time, so consult the Tesla website or the smartphone app to see if there are any sites along your driving route. Even if it requires a slight detour (e.g., 10 to 15 miles), the time you lose driving will be more than made up by the quicker charging time compared to public EV charging stations.

Speaking of which, since there are a far greater number of public EV charging stations than Tesla Supercharger sites, chances are very good that you will be visiting them. As you research viable charging sites, be on the lookout for Level 2 charging with J1772 connectors (and make sure that your Mobile Connector bundle in the trunk has the adapter).

Be ever mindful of the length of charge time and the correlating driving range that you will achieve. Unless you are fortunate to have a Tesla Supercharger station or two along your route, do not expect to fully charge your vehicle while on the road. You will be piecemealing your driving sessions to arrive at your final destination, so you need to plan your charging stops accordingly.

Planning a charging stop to coincide with a meal break, a little sightseeing, or even some shopping would enable you to make the most of your charge time.

Choosing Your Lodging

Statistics show that nearly 80% of all EV charging takes place at home, and this should be your guiding light when planning your road trip. Your greatest opportunity for charging your Tesla as fully as possible will be overnight at your lodging location.

We’ve already seen that charging from a 120-volt wall outlet, even overnight, will not boost your driving range significantly. On a road trip, charging time is a premium. For this reason, it may be worthwhile to select a hotel that offers Tesla charging onsite, or at a minimum, Level 2 J1772 charging.

While various online tools do have search filters for EV charging at hotels, it would be best to confirm with a simple phone call. It is worth noting that figures pertaining to the number of Tesla and public EV charging stations do not include restricted access charging sites, which would include those on hotel property as they would be accessible only by paying guests.

What if You Go off the Grid?

What if electricity isn’t available for long stretches during your road trip or at your final destination (for example, overnight camping at a remote location)? While common sense dictates that you charge up as much as possible before venturing off the electrical charging grid, it would also be prudent to consider other charging options in the event that electricity is not readily available.

If you live in an area that is prone to weather-related loss of power or an area that is susceptible to wildfires and, therefore, subject to fire-preventive power shut-offs by the utility companies, then perhaps you are familiar with portable power generators. 

Basically, a portable power generator supplies electricity via a gas-powered engine that powers an on-board alternator to generate your own electricity on demand.

Can you Charge a Tesla with a Portable Generator?

The answer is yes, but in order to do so, you will need a portable generator that meets very specific requirements, and you will need to follow a few specific steps.

Portable Generator Requirements

Tesla vehicles are technological marvels, and to protect highly sensitive and potentially vulnerable components from damage, certain safeguards have been built into each Model S, Model 3, and Model X. Basically, we need to defeat these safeguards in order to charge your Tesla with a portable generator.

1.  The portable generator must be an inverter to deliver a pure sine wave output.  All Tesla models require clean power, and if the Tesla’s sensors detect a modified or lesser sine wave, they simply will not allow the vehicle to charge because what they sense as potentially dirty power could result in damaging electrical surges. By converting DC (direct current) power into AC (alternating current) power, an inverter generator mimics the electricity that is fed into our homes from the utility companies.

2.  The portable generator must be properly grounded.  Another safeguard implemented by Tesla’s engineers is that the incoming power must be from a properly grounded source. If the vehicle’s sensors detect non-grounded power, they will not permit the Tesla to charge. With certain models, the generator’s frame or chassis adequately serves as a proper ground as detected by the Tesla’s sensors.

It is recommended that when charging a Tesla from a portable generator, the amperage setting on the generator be set to low initially, and gradually increased to 28-30 amps. Also, the generator should have a minimum output of 1500 watts.

Choosing a Portable Generator

All things considered, two portable power generators come to mind as possible options for charging a Tesla in an emergency situation:

  • Generac IQ2000  – This is a gas-powered, inverter generator with a sustained output of 1,600 watts. It measures 20” x 13” x17” and weighs 47 pounds and would easily fit in the trunk of all Tesla models. It has a fuel capacity of 1.06 gallons. It is touted as one of the quieter power generators in its class.
  • Champion 9200W  – Although this inverter generator satisfies our two requirements, it measures 48” x 40” x 30” and weighs nearly 250 pounds. It would not be a viable option for a Model 3 owner due to the small trunk opening on that vehicle, and would not leave much room for luggage or any other travel items in a Model S or Model X.

However, it does boast a 7.7 gallon fuel tank and can operate at 9200 watts. This generator is considerably loud (owner’s manual likens it to being near a vacuum cleaner).

It is important to note that while a portable power generator can charge a Tesla vehicle, it is not as effective or efficient as conventional charging methods. Even with hours of continuous charging from a portable generator, your Tesla may only achieve 20 to 30 miles of driving range, which would may be enough to get you to a charging station or a somewhere to plug in your Mobile Connector.

Portable Generators and Gasoline

Another important consideration is that most portable power generators run on gasoline, which means that for continuous operation (i.e., lengthy Tesla charging session) the generator’s gas tank will need to be refilled, perhaps repeatedly. Furthermore, there are significant safety concerns associated with transporting containers of gasoline in your vehicle.

Even with the safest gas containers money can buy (also known as “Jerry cans”), there are significant safety concerns when transporting gasoline in a closed container.

  • Gasoline is highly flammable, but perhaps the greater danger is the extremely volatile and potentially explosive fumes.
  • Gasoline emits carbon monoxide, which is itself odorless and potentially deadly with prolonged exposure in an enclosed area.
  • Gasoline spills will produce a noxious odor that will linger for days, if not weeks.
  • Handling gasoline requires the utmost care and attention. Prior to opening the cap on a gas container, it is recommended that you ground yourself by touching metal to avoid sparking from static electricity.

With carefully selected equipment and with a little know-how, it is possible to charge a Tesla with a portable generator. Whether this charging method is feasible for a road trip however, is debatable. As an emergency means of charging your Tesla in the event of power loss at home, however, it seems to be a worthwhile investment.

Tesla Discounts:

The articles here on are created by Greg, a Tesla vehicle and Tesla solar expert with nearly half a decade of hands-on experience. The information on this site is fact-checked and tested in-person to ensure the best possible level of accuracy.

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  • Travel Guide

How To Charge A Tesla On A Road Trip

Published: November 17, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Carolyn Eddy

  • Tech & Gear
  • Travel Essentials & Accessories
  • Travel Tips



Embarking on a road trip is an exciting adventure, and with the growing popularity of electric vehicles, many people are now taking their Tesla cars on long journeys. However, one of the main concerns for Tesla owners planning a road trip is how to effectively charge their vehicles along the way. Fortunately, the rapidly expanding network of charging stations and Tesla’s Supercharger network makes it easier than ever to keep your Tesla fully charged and ready for the open road.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of charging your Tesla on a road trip, ensuring you have a smooth and hassle-free experience. We will cover everything from planning your route and researching charging stations to understanding different charging options and maximizing your range. Whether you’re a seasoned Tesla owner or a first-time road tripper, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the information you need to hit the road confidently.

While the convenience of Tesla’s Supercharger network is unparalleled, it’s important to note that relying solely on Superchargers may not always be feasible, especially if you’re venturing off the beaten path. Thankfully, there are alternative charging options available at public charging stations and destination charging locations that can provide the necessary power to keep your Tesla going.

Before embarking on your road trip, it’s crucial to plan ahead and familiarize yourself with the charging infrastructure along your route. This will help you plan your stops and ensure you have sufficient charging options along the way. Additionally, understanding the different charging speeds and connector types will allow you to make informed decisions and optimize your charging time.

So, whether you’re cruising along the scenic coastal highways or exploring the picturesque mountains, we’ve got you covered with all the essential information and tips to charge your Tesla on a road trip. Get ready to hit the road and enjoy the thrill of electric adventure!

Planning for Your Road Trip

Planning is key when it comes to a successful road trip, and this holds true for charging your Tesla as well. Here are some essential steps to follow as you prepare for your electric adventure:

1. Determine your route: Start by mapping out your desired route using navigation apps like Google Maps or Tesla’s built-in navigation. Plan your stops and identify charging stations along the way, making sure they are conveniently located and compatible with your Tesla model.

2. Research charging infrastructure: Take the time to research and familiarize yourself with the charging infrastructure along your route. Websites and apps like PlugShare and ChargePoint can provide detailed information on public charging stations, including their availability, charging speeds, and connector compatibility.

3. Check charging station reviews: Before relying on a particular charging station, it’s beneficial to read reviews from other Tesla owners or electric vehicle drivers. This will help you gauge the reliability and functionality of the charging station, ensuring a smoother charging experience.

4. Identify backup charging options: While Superchargers are convenient and widely available, they can sometimes be busy or occupied. It’s essential to identify backup charging options in case you encounter a crowded Supercharger station. Research alternative charging stations in the area or consider destination charging locations at hotels, restaurants, or attractions.

5. Take weather conditions into account: Weather conditions can affect your vehicle’s range, so keep a close eye on the forecast during your trip. Cold temperatures can reduce battery efficiency, while hot temperatures can impact charging speeds. Plan accordingly and factor in any necessary adjustments to optimize your range and charging needs.

6. Plan for longer charging stops: Charging your Tesla takes time, so plan for longer stops at charging stations during your road trip. Use this time to relax, explore nearby attractions, grab a meal, or simply take a break from driving. Having some activities planned out can make the charging stops more enjoyable.

7. Account for elevation changes: If you’re traveling through hilly or mountainous terrain, remember that elevation changes can impact your vehicle’s energy consumption. Consider this factor when planning your charging stops and ensure you have enough charge to navigate through any challenging stretches.

By taking these steps during the planning phase, you’ll be well-prepared for your road trip and have peace of mind knowing that you have charging stations conveniently located along your route, reducing any potential range anxiety or charging-related concerns.

Researching Charging Stations Along Your Route

Researching and identifying charging stations along your route is essential for a smooth and hassle-free road trip with your Tesla. Here are some tips to help you effectively research and choose the right charging stations:

1. Use charging station locator tools: Utilize online platforms and smartphone apps that specialize in locating charging stations. Websites such as PlugShare, ChargePoint, and Tesla’s own Supercharger map can provide comprehensive information on available charging stations, their locations, and necessary details like connector types and charging speeds.

2. Filter and narrow your search: Utilize search filters on charging station locator tools to narrow down your options based on connector compatibility, charging speed, availability, and amenities. This will help you find the most suitable charging stations that meet your specific needs.

3. Check for real-time station status: Charging station locator tools often provide real-time status updates on station availability, including whether a charging station is currently in use or available. This feature can save you time and prevent unnecessary stops at occupied or out-of-service stations.

4. Read user reviews and ratings: Take advantage of the user review and rating sections on charging station locator platforms. Pay attention to the feedback left by other Tesla drivers to get insights into the reliability, accessibility, and overall experience provided by each charging station.

5. Consider amenities and nearby attractions: Evaluate the amenities offered at charging stations, such as nearby restrooms, dining options, or shopping centers. Additionally, take note of any interesting attractions or points of interest nearby that you may want to explore during your charging stops.

6. Note operating hours: Check the operating hours of charging stations, especially if you anticipate traveling during non-traditional hours. Some stations may have limited operating hours or be inaccessible during certain times, which could affect your charging plans.

7. Ensure compatibility: Verify that the charging stations you plan to utilize are compatible with your specific Tesla model. Different Tesla models may require different connector types, so double-check to avoid any charging-related inconvenience.

By thoroughly researching and planning your charging station stops, you can ensure a seamless and efficient charging experience during your road trip. Planning ahead will not only save you time and reduce range anxiety but also allow you to make the most of each charging stop by taking advantage of nearby amenities or attractions.

Understanding Different Types of Charging Options

When it comes to charging your Tesla on a road trip, it’s important to understand the different types of charging options available. Here are the primary charging options you may encounter along your journey:

1. Tesla Superchargers: Tesla’s Supercharger network is specifically designed for Tesla vehicles. Superchargers are high-speed charging stations that can provide a significant amount of power to your Tesla in a short period of time. Most Superchargers are strategically located near major highways and popular travel routes, making them convenient for road trips. They offer the fastest charging speeds and are ideal for recharging your Tesla during longer stops.

2. Public Charging Stations: Public charging stations are commonly found in urban areas, shopping centers, hotels, and other public locations. These charging stations are typically equipped with Level 2 chargers, which provide a slower charging speed compared to Superchargers. Public charging stations may require a charging card, app, or payment for usage. It’s important to make sure the charging station is compatible with your Tesla’s connector type before attempting to charge.

3. Destination Charging: Some hotels, restaurants, and other businesses offer charging stations for their customers. These destination charging stations are convenient for overnight stays or extended breaks, as they allow you to charge your Tesla while you enjoy other amenities. Destination chargers are typically Level 2 chargers and are slower than Superchargers but can still provide a significant amount of charge over a longer period of time.

4. Home Charging: Charging your Tesla at home is the most convenient option for regular daily charging. Tesla provides home charging solutions, including the Wall Connector, which allows you to charge your vehicle overnight or whenever it’s parked at your residence. Home charging is slower compared to Superchargers or public charging stations, but it provides a convenient way to maintain your Tesla’s charge on a daily basis.

Understanding these different charging options is crucial for planning your road trip effectively. It’s a good idea to have a mix of Superchargers, public charging stations, and destination charging locations in mind as you map out your route. This ensures that you have ample charging opportunities along your journey and reduces any concerns about range anxiety or running out of power.

Keep in mind that charging speeds can vary depending on the charging option and the specific charger’s capacity. It’s important to factor in charging times when planning your stops and to account for any potential delays due to crowded charging stations.

By familiarizing yourself with the different charging options and including them in your road trip plans, you can confidently embark on your journey knowing that you have reliable charging options available to keep your Tesla powered up and ready for the next leg of your adventure.

Preparing Your Tesla for the Road Trip

Before hitting the road for your Tesla road trip, it’s important to ensure that your vehicle is properly prepared. Here are some essential steps to consider when preparing your Tesla:

1. Perform a Vehicle Check: Conduct a thorough inspection of your Tesla to ensure everything is in working order. Check the tire pressure, lights, and windshield wipers. Verify that all fluids are at appropriate levels, including windshield washer fluid and coolant.

2. Update Software: It’s important to keep your Tesla’s software up to date. Check for software updates and install any available updates before you begin your road trip. Updated software can improve the performance and efficiency of your vehicle.

3. Plan for Regular Maintenance: If your Tesla is due for any routine maintenance, such as a tire rotation or brake check, it’s wise to schedule that before your road trip. Ensuring your vehicle is in top condition will contribute to a smoother and safer journey.

4. Charge to Full Capacity: Before embarking on your trip, make sure your Tesla is fully charged. This will give you the maximum possible range and reduce the need for immediate charging after starting your journey.

5. Use Range Mode: Engage Range Mode in your Tesla to optimize energy efficiency during your road trip. This setting makes adjustments to various vehicle systems to extend battery range, such as adjusting climate control and limiting energy usage by auxiliary systems.

6. Set Trip Energy App: Utilize the Trip Energy app on your Tesla’s touchscreen to monitor your energy consumption and range estimation. This will help you track your energy usage and make adjustments as needed to maximize your range.

7. Familiarize Yourself with Charging Port Location: Take note of the location of your Tesla’s charging port and become comfortable with the process of connecting and disconnecting the charging cable. This will make charging stops more efficient and minimize any potential issues when using different charging stations.

By following these preparation steps, you’ll be ready to embark on your road trip with confidence. Taking the time to ensure your Tesla is in optimal condition and fully charged will set the stage for a seamless and enjoyable journey.

Packing Essential Charging Accessories

When embarking on a road trip with your Tesla, it’s important to pack the necessary charging accessories to ensure a smooth and hassle-free charging experience along the way. Here are some essential charging accessories to consider:

1. Charging Cable: Always have your Tesla’s charging cable with you. This cable is required to connect your vehicle to charging stations. Depending on your Tesla model, you may have a portable Mobile Connector or a Tesla-specific charging cable. Make sure to pack the appropriate cable for your vehicle.

2. Adapter Plugs: In some cases, you may encounter charging stations that use different plug types or levels of power. It’s advisable to carry adapter plugs to ensure compatibility with a wide range of charging stations. Tesla provides various adapter plugs for different charging scenarios, such as NEMA 14-50, CHAdeMO, and CCS Combo.

3. Charging Cards or Apps: Some public charging stations may require specific charging cards or mobile apps for payment or access. Research the charging stations along your route to determine if any cards or apps are needed and make sure to have them readily available.

4. Extension Cord: It can be handy to carry an extension cord in case you encounter a situation where the charging station is located further away from your Tesla’s charging port. This ensures flexibility and convenience when connecting your vehicle to the charging station.

5. GPS or Smartphone Mount: A GPS or smartphone mount in your Tesla can be useful for navigation. Mounting your device at eye level allows for easy viewing of charging station locations, optimization of route planning, and quick access to navigation apps.

6. Portable Charger: In case you need to charge your Tesla from a standard electrical outlet, a portable charger can be a lifesaver. These portable chargers, commonly referred to as “Level 1” chargers, allow you to recharge your Tesla at a slower rate. While not ideal for long charging sessions, they can be useful in emergencies or situations where no other charging options are available.

7. Travel Organizer: Consider using a travel organizer or bag to keep your charging accessories neat and easily accessible. This will help prevent any loss or damage to your cables or adapters and keep everything organized during your road trip.

Packing these essential charging accessories ensures that you are well-equipped to handle various charging situations and locations. By being prepared, you can minimize any inconvenience or delays that may arise and enjoy a seamless charging experience throughout your road trip.

Charging Etiquette at Public Charging Stations

When utilizing public charging stations during your road trip, it’s important to practice good charging etiquette to ensure fairness and efficiency for all electric vehicle (EV) owners. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Be Mindful of Charging Time: Public charging stations are typically shared among multiple EV owners. It’s important to be mindful of your charging time and not to overstay your welcome. Once your Tesla is adequately charged, move your vehicle promptly to allow others to access the charging station.

2. Don’t Hog Charging Stations: Avoid using multiple charging stations simultaneously when there is a limited number available. If you have more than one Tesla or are traveling with other EVs, be considerate and only use one charging station at a time, allowing others to access the remaining stations.

3. Follow Posted Time Limits: Some public charging stations may have posted time limits to ensure fair usage. Adhere to these time limits and avoid leaving your vehicle connected to the charging station for an extended period if it is no longer necessary.

4. Keep Charging Spaces Clear: Be mindful of parking in designated charging spaces only if your vehicle is actively charging. Once your Tesla has finished charging, move it to a regular parking spot to free up the charging space for other EV owners. This helps prevent unnecessary congestion and ensures fair access to the charging stations.

5. Communicate with Other EV Owners: If charging stations are in high demand or if you anticipate needing an extended charging session, communicate and coordinate with other EV owners to arrange shared access. This can help prevent conflicts and optimize the use of available charging stations.

6. Report Non-Functioning Stations: If you come across a charging station that is out of service or not properly functioning, report it to the station operator or the appropriate authorities. This helps ensure that necessary maintenance or repairs are promptly addressed, providing a better charging experience for everyone in the future.

7. Leave Charging Cables Neatly: When disconnecting from a charging station, neatly coil the charging cable and place it back in its designated storage area, if provided. This keeps the charging area organized and prevents the cables from being damaged or causing tripping hazards for other users.

8. Be Considerate in Busy Areas: If you’re in a high-traffic area with limited charging stations, be mindful of others waiting for their turn to charge. Avoid unnecessary delays by ensuring your Tesla is fully charged or seeking alternative charging options to free up the station for those in greater need.

By following these charging etiquette guidelines, you can contribute to a positive charging experience for all EV owners. Practicing courtesy and consideration at public charging stations helps create a harmonious environment and ensures more efficient access to charging infrastructure during your road trip.

Using Navigation and Trip Planning Tools

When embarking on a road trip with your Tesla, utilizing navigation and trip planning tools will enhance your overall travel experience. Here are some key ways to make the most of these tools:

1. Tesla Navigation System: Tesla vehicles come equipped with an intuitive built-in navigation system specifically designed for electric vehicles. Utilize this system to plan your route and optimize charging stops along the way. The Tesla navigation system will provide real-time range estimates, highlight Supercharger locations, and guide you to the most convenient charging options.

2. Plan Multiple Stops: Utilize the trip planning feature in your Tesla’s navigation system to plan multiple stops at charging stations along your route. The system will calculate the optimal charging durations and suggest the most efficient charging locations based on your Tesla’s battery level and the distance to your destination.

3. Plan for Efficient Pit Stops: Take advantage of the “Trip Energy” app on your Tesla’s touchscreen to monitor your energy consumption and plan efficient pit stops. Use this information to time your charging stops with other planned activities, such as grabbing a meal or visiting local attractions, to make the most of your time on the road.

4. Utilize Charging Station Locators: Supplement your Tesla’s built-in navigation system with third-party charging station locator tools like PlugShare, ChargePoint, or the Tesla Supercharger map. These tools provide additional charging station options and user reviews, helping you make informed decisions and ensuring a smooth charging experience.

5. Check Charging Station Availability: Before arriving at a charging station, use the navigation system or charging station locator tools to check the availability of charging stalls. This will help avoid unnecessary waiting times and allow for better planning of alternate charging options if needed.

6. Familiarize Yourself with Charging Instructions: Navigate through your Tesla’s touchscreen menus to familiarize yourself with the charging instructions, including how to start and stop charging sessions, adjusting charge limits, and viewing real-time charging status. This knowledge will streamline your charging stops and prevent any confusion or delays.

7. Stay Updated with Over-the-Air Updates: Tesla often releases software updates that can enhance the functionality and capabilities of your vehicle’s navigation and trip planning features. Keep your Tesla connected to Wi-Fi or a strong cellular network to ensure you receive these updates and benefit from the latest improvements.

By utilizing navigation and trip planning tools, you can optimize your road trip experience with your Tesla. From efficient charging stops to real-time route guidance, these tools will ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, allowing you to focus on the adventure ahead.

Finding and Using Superchargers

Superchargers are a vital part of the Tesla charging infrastructure, offering fast and convenient charging for your Tesla on a road trip. Here’s how to find and effectively use Superchargers:

1. Use the Tesla Navigation System: Tesla’s built-in navigation system will automatically detect your Tesla’s battery level and suggest nearby Supercharger locations along your route. Simply follow the navigation instructions to reach the recommended Supercharger for a quick and efficient charging session.

2. Monitor Supercharger Availability: Before arriving at a Supercharger station, use the Tesla navigation or Tesla mobile app to check the availability of charging stalls. This will help you plan your arrival time and ensure that a stall is ready and waiting for you.

3. Plan Charging Stops: Utilize the trip planning feature in your Tesla’s navigation system to determine the optimal number and duration of Supercharger stops based on your route and battery range. This feature provides useful recommendations on when and where to stop for charging, taking into account your Tesla’s specific energy consumption and the distance to your destination.

4. Optimize Charging Efficiency: When using a Supercharger, it’s best to charge until you have enough range for your next leg of the journey, rather than charging to 100%. This helps maximize charging efficiency and reduces the time spent at the Supercharger station, allowing other Tesla owners to access the stalls more quickly.

5. Follow Charging Etiquette: Be mindful of other Tesla owners waiting to charge and promptly move your vehicle once charging is complete. This ensures fair and efficient access to the Supercharger stalls for everyone. Remember to park in designated Supercharger spaces only and avoid blocking other vehicles.

6. Take Advantage of Amenities: Many Supercharger stations are strategically located near amenities such as restrooms, shops, and dining establishments. Use the charging time to take a break, stretch your legs, and enjoy the nearby facilities. Tesla’s navigation system often highlights these amenities for your convenience.

7. Stay Informed with Supercharger Updates: Tesla is continually expanding its Supercharger network and adding new stations. Keep your Tesla’s software up to date to receive the latest Supercharger location updates and improvements to your in-car navigation system.

Superchargers provide a fast and reliable charging solution for your Tesla during a road trip. By utilizing the Tesla navigation system, planning your charging stops, and following charging etiquette, you can make the most of the Supercharger network and keep your Tesla powered up for your adventures.

Making the Most of Destination Charging Options

Destination charging offers a convenient way to charge your Tesla while you enjoy various amenities or stay at hotels, restaurants, and other destinations. Here’s how you can make the most of destination charging options during your road trip:

1. Research Destination Charging Locations: Before your trip, research and identify destination charging locations along your route. Look for hotels, resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, and tourist attractions that offer Tesla-compatible charging stations. Utilize websites, mobile apps, or Tesla’s in-car navigation system to find these locations.

2. Plan Charging Stops at Destination Locations: Incorporate destination charging into your itinerary by selecting hotels or restaurants with charging stations. Choose locations where you plan to spend a significant amount of time, allowing your Tesla to charge while you enjoy your stay or dine.

3. Utilize Charging During Overnight Stays: Take advantage of destination charging options at hotels and resorts during overnight stays. Plug in your Tesla upon arrival, and by the time you wake up, you’ll have a fully charged vehicle ready for the next leg of your trip.

4. Ask About Charging Amenities: When making reservations at hotels or restaurants, inquire about the availability and suitability of charging stations for your Tesla. Some places may have specific parking spots reserved for electric vehicles, ensuring convenience and accessibility for charging.

5. Explore Nearby Attractions: While your Tesla charges, explore the nearby attractions or amenities at the destination charging locations. Enjoy a leisurely walk, indulge in a shopping spree, or savor a delicious meal while your vehicle gains charge.

6. Use Charging Time for Rest and Relaxation: Take advantage of destination charging stops to unwind and recharge yourself. Use the downtime to relax, catch up on work, read a book, or simply enjoy the surroundings. It’s a great opportunity to recharge both your Tesla and yourself.

7. Show Gratitude and Support: When using destination charging options, express appreciation to the establishment for their EV-friendly amenities. This positive feedback encourages businesses to continue providing charging infrastructure and supports the growth of sustainable transportation.

By integrating destination charging into your road trip plans, you can maximize your charging opportunities and enjoy the convenience of charging your Tesla while engaging in other activities. Take advantage of destination charging options to extend your vehicle’s range, explore new places, and make the most of your road trip experience.

Tips for Efficient Charging and Maximizing Range

Efficient charging and maximizing range are crucial factors in optimizing your Tesla road trip. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your charging sessions and extend your vehicle’s range:

1. Charge at the Right Time: Plan your charging sessions during off-peak hours when electricity rates are typically lower. This can help reduce charging costs and make charging your Tesla more economical.

2. Precondition Your Tesla: Use your Tesla’s mobile app or schedule preconditioning to heat or cool your vehicle while it’s still connected to a charger. This helps minimize the use of energy from the battery for climate control, preserving more battery power for driving.

3. Avoid Frequent and Shallow Charging: While it’s convenient to top up your battery frequently, it’s more beneficial for overall battery health to charge in longer, deeper sessions. Avoid frequent shallow charging and instead aim for less frequent but deeper charging sessions when your battery reaches lower levels.

4. Reduce Energy Consumption: Take measures to minimize energy consumption while driving. This includes using regenerative braking, maintaining a steady speed, and minimizing unnecessary use of accessories such as air conditioning or heating. These actions can significantly impact your vehicle’s range.

5. Utilize Regenerative Braking: Make the most of your Tesla’s regenerative braking feature, which converts kinetic energy to electrical energy and charges the battery while decelerating. This can help extend your vehicle’s range by capturing energy that would otherwise be wasted.

6. Optimize Climate Control: Heating and cooling can have a significant impact on your Tesla’s range. Instead of relying solely on air conditioning or heating, use techniques like pre-conditioning, seat warmers, or utilizing the climate control feature while connected to a charger to keep your battery usage minimal.

7. Avoid Excessive Speeds: Driving at high speeds significantly reduces your Tesla’s range. To maximize your driving distance, adhere to speed limits and maintain a consistent and moderate speed. This will help conserve energy and extend your vehicle’s range.

8. Monitor Range and Efficiency: Keep an eye on your Tesla’s range and energy consumption. Familiarize yourself with the onboard energy display and check your estimated range regularly. This information will help you strategize and make informed decisions during your road trip.

9. Consider Topography and Route Planning: Take into account the elevation changes and terrain along your route. Uphill climbs consume more energy, while downhill descents can replenish your battery through regenerative braking. Plan for these factors and adjust your driving style and charging stops accordingly.

10. Travel with a Safety Buffer: Factor in a safety buffer when planning your charging stops and range estimates. This ensures that you have a cushion of extra range in case of unexpected detours, weather changes, or temporary charging station closures.

By implementing these tips, you can make your Tesla’s charging process more efficient and extend your vehicle’s range during your road trip. Embracing smart charging practices and optimizing your driving habits will enhance your overall road trip experience and reduce any range-related concerns.

Maintaining Vehicle Safety and Security

Maintaining the safety and security of your Tesla is paramount during a road trip. Here are some essential tips to ensure the well-being of your vehicle:

1. Park in Well-Lit Areas: When making charging stops or overnight stays, choose well-lit areas for parking. Opt for locations that have security cameras or are well-populated to deter theft or vandalism.

2. Lock Your Tesla: Always lock your Tesla when leaving it unattended, even if it’s just for a short period. Secure all windows, doors, and the trunk to prevent unauthorized access or theft.

3. Be Cautious of Public Wi-Fi: When connecting to public Wi-Fi networks at charging stations or hotels, exercise caution. Avoid accessing sensitive information or making online transactions unless you are confident in the security of the network.

4. Set PIN to Drive: Enable the PIN to Drive feature on your Tesla to add an extra layer of security. This feature requires a unique PIN to be entered before the vehicle can be operated, safeguarding against unauthorized use.

5. Store Valuables Securely: Keep valuable items out of sight when you park your Tesla. If you need to store belongings in your vehicle, use the trunk or lockable compartments to deter potential theft.

6. Install a Dashcam: Consider installing a dashcam in your Tesla for added security and peace of mind. A dashcam can provide video evidence in the event of an incident or accident, aiding in insurance claims or legal proceedings.

7. Stay Updated with Software Updates: Keep your Tesla’s software up to date to ensure that any security patches or enhancements are installed promptly. Regular software updates from Tesla help protect against potential vulnerabilities.

8. Locate Security Cameras: Take note of the presence and locations of security cameras at charging station facilities or parking areas. Parking within their field of view can act as a deterrent to potential theft or vandalism.

9. Stay Alert and Observant: Be aware of your surroundings, especially at charging stations and rest stops. Report any suspicious activity to authorities or charging station operators to help maintain a safe environment for all EV owners.

10. Review Tesla’s Security Measures: Familiarize yourself with Tesla’s built-in security features, such as the mobile app’s monitoring capabilities, remote locking, and location tracking. Utilize these tools to monitor and secure your Tesla during your road trip.

By following these safety and security tips, you’ll help protect your Tesla and ensure a worry-free road trip experience. By prioritizing the well-being of your vehicle, you can focus on enjoying the journey and have peace of mind throughout your adventure.

Troubleshooting Common Charging Issues

While charging your Tesla on a road trip, you may encounter common charging issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help address these problems:

1. Inspect Charging Cable and Connector: If your Tesla is not charging, check the charging cable and connector for any signs of damage or dirt. Ensure they are securely plugged into both the vehicle and the charging station.

2. Reset Charging Session: If your charging session appears to be unresponsive or stalled, try resetting it. On your Tesla’s touchscreen, navigate to the charging menu, select “Stop Charging,” and wait a few seconds before initiating another charging session.

3. Check Charging Station Compatibility: Confirm that the charging station is compatible with your Tesla’s charging connector. Different Tesla models may require different connector types, so double-check to ensure compatibility before attempting to charge.

4. Restart Your Tesla: If your Tesla is experiencing charging issues, perform a restart by pressing and holding the two steering wheel buttons simultaneously until the touchscreen turns off and the Tesla logo reappears. This can resolve minor software glitches affecting charging functionality.

5. Check Charging Station Status: Verify the status of the charging station through the Tesla mobile app or the charging station’s display, if available. Ensure that the station is not undergoing maintenance, offline, or occupied by another vehicle.

6. Move to a Different Charging Stall: If a particular charging stall is not functioning or is occupied, try moving to a different stall at the same charging station. This can resolve issues related to a specific charging stall and allow you to continue charging.

7. Try a Different Charging Station: If you encounter persistent charging issues at a specific station, consider finding an alternative nearby charging station. Utilize available charging station locator tools or the Tesla Supercharger map to locate and navigate to an alternative station.

8. Contact Tesla Support: If you have exhausted troubleshooting options and are still experiencing charging issues, reach out to Tesla Support for assistance. Provide them with specific details about the charging station, error messages, and any troubleshooting steps you have already taken.

9. Ensure Sufficient Power Supply: Some charging stations may be limited in power supply or require an active network connection to operate. Confirm that the charging station has a stable power supply and that you are within the range of a reliable network connection.

10. Plan for Backup Charging Options: It’s always wise to have backup charging options in mind, especially in case of unexpected charging issues. Research and identify alternative charging stations or destination charging locations along your route to ensure uninterrupted charging during your road trip.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can address common charging issues efficiently and minimize any potential disruptions to your Tesla road trip. Remember to stay patient and adapt as needed to ensure a reliable and enjoyable charging experience.

Embarking on a road trip with your Tesla is an exciting and environmentally friendly adventure. With proper planning, utilization of charging infrastructure, and adherence to charging etiquette, you can enjoy a smooth and stress-free journey. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to charge your Tesla efficiently and maximize your range.

Researching and locating charging stations along your route, understanding different charging options, and preparing your Tesla for the road trip are crucial steps in ensuring a successful journey. Packing essential charging accessories, practicing good charging etiquette, and utilizing navigation and trip planning tools will further enhance your experience.

By making the most of Superchargers and destination charging options, you can optimize your charging routine and take advantage of amenities and attractions during your charging stops. Additionally, implementing tips for efficient charging and maximizing range will help you get the most out of your Tesla’s battery performance.

Keeping vehicle safety and security in mind, troubleshooting common charging issues, and maintaining open communication with Tesla support will help overcome any challenges you may encounter along the way. By prioritizing safety and following best practices, you can ensure the security of your Tesla and enjoy a worry-free trip.

In conclusion, a successful Tesla road trip requires careful planning, utilizing charging infrastructure, and being mindful of charging etiquette. With the expanding network of Superchargers and destination charging options, along with advanced navigation and trip planning tools, charging your Tesla on the road has never been easier. By incorporating these tips into your road trip preparations, you can embark on your adventure knowing that you have the knowledge and resources to charge your Tesla efficiently and enjoy the journey to its fullest.


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You asked, we answered: Your questions about electric vehicles

Camila Domonoske square 2017

Camila Domonoske

Photograph of a person's hand plugging in their electric vehicle to charge with an EV charger. The hand is cut out of the photograph and part of a collage with green rectangles, question marks, and graph paper.

If you're thinking about getting an electric vehicle, you're not alone.

People in the U.S. buy more than a million new cars every month, and as of March, less than 10% of those are electric vehicles. But more than half of car shoppers are at least considering battery-powered cars and SUVs, according to multiple studies .

And shoppers have lots of questions. In January, The Sunday Story, an NPR podcast, asked listeners for their EV questions. More than 60 listeners sent in queries, and The Sunday Story and Life Kit teamed up to answer them. The listener questions have been edited for length and clarity.

Are EVs truly better for the planet, even with mining for batteries and fossil-fuel -based electricity to charge them? (This was the No. 1 question asked by our listeners.)

The answer is yes . Many researchers have confirmed it , and online tools let you compare the impacts for yourself. One of the most recent analyses comes from Corey Cantor with the energy research company BloombergNEF, who headlined his report last month: "No Doubt About It: EVs Really Are Cleaner Than Gas Cars."

"Big picture, moving away from spewing more CO2 into the atmosphere is a good thing for the climate," he says. And the environmental benefits of EVs are getting bigger over time as grids get cleaner.

The Electric Car Race! Vroom, Vroom!

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Is it better from an environmental standpoint to buy an electric vehicle now, or keep driving the gas car you have until you need a new car? –Ali Mercural, Portland, Ore.

For the climate, there's a strong case for switching now.

Yes, creating that new EV — getting the materials to build it from scratch — is resource-intensive. But the climate impact of a gas-powered car increases every single day you drive it.

To be precise, more than 85% of a gas-powered vehicle's lifetime emissions come from using the car, not from building the car. That's according to researchers at Argonne National Laboratory. And that means the new EV, despite its manufacturing costs, will be cleaner over time.

Jessika Trancik , a professor at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, suggests taking the long view on decisions like these. Think not just about emissions right now but over the entire time you'll own a vehicle.

"Generally speaking, switching to that electric vehicle is going to provide a benefit over the lifetime of the car," she says.

I'm not proud, but I've run out of gas twice in my life. Luckily, I had friends nearby to bring me a gallon of gas. What would happen if I ran out of charge in an EV? Would a tow truck come to charge me up? How long would that take? And how embarrassing would that be? –Robin Rzechula, Chicago

We can't promise it won't be embarrassing, but a tow truck could tow you to a charger. In some cities, AAA will bring a mobile charger to you.

How well do EVs handle cold weather?

Overall, charging is a different experience than fueling up. With a combustion engine, you have to regularly make a stop at a gas station to fill up. With an EV, for daily driving, most people charge at home overnight – which drivers frequently cite as a major perk of EV ownership. (This does require the ability to charge at home).

For road trips, on the other hand, many parts of the country still have limited availability of fast chargers, which are high-speed chargers designed for use in the middle of a trip. Charger speeds and reliability at public charging stations vary, and charging takes much longer than filling up at a gas station.

So charging takes less work day-to-day, but more planning on long trips. Map out chargers on your route so you won't find yourself calling AAA.

Does leasing an electric car come with the same perks (like tax rebates) as buying an electric car? –Hallie Andrews, Washington, D.C.

The same or better.

There's a federal $7,500 tax credit for purchasing an EV, now available as an up-front credit toward the cost of the car. But the list of vehicles that qualify is short because of requirements meant to support U.S. jobs and supply chains. Buyers also have to be under an income cap.

Leased electric vehicles all qualify for a $7,500 credit – no matter where they're built, with no income cap. Check your lease paperwork to confirm that the credit is being fully passed along to you.

Efforts underway to make cities more EV-friendly

Wouldn't it be better to design cities around mass transit and use mass transit than get everyone to convert to electric vehicles? – Thomas Guffey, Los Angeles

Yes, designing cities to encourage mass transit – and to make them more walkable and bikeable – has a lower carbon footprint than relying on electric vehicles, in addition to other benefits . Electric bikes also have a fraction of the environmental footprint of EVs.

Switching to EVs is an important part of fighting climate change, but far from the only change that needs to happen.

The digital story was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual editor is Beck Harlan. We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at [email protected].

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tesla road trip charging strategy

Analysts see big strategy shift from Elon Musk after Tesla delivery debacle

T esla  ( TSLA )  shares look set to extend their 2024 slump past 33% Wednesday as analysts and investors rush to reprice the world's leading EV maker following its starkly disappointing first-quarter-delivery update.

Tesla's March-quarter delivery numbers in fact showed the biggest nonpandemic decline in more than 10 years, with just under 387,000 units handed to customers.

The tally was not only 8.5% lower than the year-earlier level, it was 20% south of the record 484,507 tally reached over the three months ended in December and well shy of Wall Street's consensus forecast of around 455,000.

Tesla cited the impact of "factory shutdowns resulting from shipping diversions caused by the Red Sea conflict and an arson attack at Gigafactory Berlin" for the muted first quarter total. The report followed on from warnings earlier this year that 2024 deliveries would be "notably lower" than prior-year levels. 

Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas, however, says that while Tesla cited supply-side challenges to the disappointing delivery figures, "the bigger factor is slowing demand."

Weaker-than-expected sales figures from China, where last month's volumes fell to the lowest in more than a year, would certainly suggest a big demand problem. So would the electric-vehicle group's constant tinkering with prices in an environment of high interest rates and challenging affordability. 

Tesla faces demand headwinds, bloated inventory

"Investors are concerned that EV [estimates are] way too high relative to recent investments in production capacity," Saxo Bank strategists wrote Wednesday. "Higher interest rates and issues with building out EV infrastructure for charging are hitting demand."

Goldman Sachs analysts have also argued that any reduction in the number of vehicles eligible for purchase credits tied to the Inflation Reduction Act could affect between 5% and 15% of total EV demand, while an outright repeal "could affect 10% to 30% of demand."

Morgan Stanley's Jonas also notes that not only were Tesla's first-quarter-delivery figures wildly outside Wall Street forecasts, they also represent a new and increasing challenge to the group's near-term profit.

Tesla's production rate of around 412,000 vehicles, the bulk of which were the lower-end Model 3 sedans and the Model Y midsize SUVs, outpaced demand by around 46,600, according to Jonas.

That leaves Tesla with a bloated overall inventory of around 24 days of supply, a nine-day increase from end-of-year levels and likely the largest on record.

At Tesla, price cuts might not work

"First-quarter deliveries represent the last catalyst for further significant consensus (earnings) reductions," Jonas wrote. "We would prepare for Tesla to initiate cost-cutting initiatives to help preserve margin rather than to double down on price cuts."

Guggenheim analysts, who lowered their price target on Tesla by $10, t0 $122 per share following yesterday's delivery update, said they "sense a strategic shift from Tesla to defend pricing (correct long-term strategy, in our view) at the expense of volumes.”

In other words, Musk may need to abandon one of his key 2024 strategies – prioritizing market share over profitability – to keep investors on board with the company's longer-term narrative.

Related: Top analyst revamps Tesla price target, sees potential profit surprise

Hints of that change came earlier this year amid reports that Musk had asked managers to define which positions within their units were critical to the group's business. Bloomberg also reported that U.S. managers have been asked to make a "binary" assessment of roles across the group.

Tesla employs around 140,400 worldwide, with major production facilities in Texas, California, Germany and China.

Musk needs to pull other Tesla levers

Musk may also need to accelerate the group's AI ambitions, which are increasingly linked to its efforts to offer self-driving capabilities in all its vehicles. 

Tesla claims to have data based on around 300 million miles of driving, a figure Musk said last year would "soon be billions of miles and tens of billions of miles." Those data, along with its AI supercomputer, could provide a huge competitive advantage in the self-driving market, he said.

Late last month Musk told Tesla employees that it would be "mandatory" for its North American operations to "install and activate" Full-Self-Driving software in new Tesla vehicles and to "take customers on a short test ride before handing over the car."

"Almost no one actually realizes how well (supervised) FSD works," Musk wrote in the memo. "I know this will slow down the delivery process, but it is nonetheless a hard requirement."

Related: Tesla shares tumble after 'unmitigated disaster' in Q1 deliveries

Analysts also see underlying value in Tesla's energy division, which sells energy-storage and solar-energy systems. 

The unit saw fourth-quarter revenue rise 10% from Q4 2022 levels to around $1.31 billion, while the full-year tally was just over $6 billion, a 54% gain from the year earlier.

Musk himself told investors last month that Tesla is "currently between two major growth waves," with "Full-Self-Driving, [next-generation] vehicle and energy storage" powering the group's next advance.

"Our energy-storage business had another record year with deployments more than doubling and revenues increasing by more than 50%," said Vaibhav Taneja, Tesla's chief financial officer, on last month's conference call.

"This business is poised to again surpass our auto business in terms of growth rate in 2024," he added. "This has been in the works for quite some time with us laying the foundation a few years back by building our" battery megafactory in Lathrop, Calif.

Musk may have to hurry.

More Tesla:

  • Analysts update Tesla stock outlook after yet another EV price change
  • Cathie Wood buys $35 million of beaten-down tech stock

Analyst reveals new Tesla price target, Mag 7 risk as shares extend slump

Key analysts, such as Wedbush's Dan Ives, a longtime Tesla bull, are starting to question Musk's communication strategy. And high-profile investors, such as Ross Gerber of Gerber Kawaski, the Los Angeles investment firm, have called for a new Tesla board that can keep the vocal CEO from undermining the group's core business.

"Tesla right now is caught between 'two waves of growth,' and patience is starting to wear very thin among investors," Ives says, adding that distractions such as Musk's AI ambitions, a largely pliant board and legal challenges to his pay package continue to linger.

"For Musk, this is a fork-in-the-road time to get Tesla through this turbulent period. Otherwise troubling days could be ahead," he added. 

"With the ongoing debacle around margins, production and ongoing macro events, Musk will need to quickly take the reins back in to regain confidence in the eyes of [Wall] Street with a big few quarters ahead."

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Tesla Lead


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    5. Charging Strategies for Long-Distance Travel. When embarking on a long road trip in your Tesla, strategic planning is key. Plan your route and identify Tesla Superchargers along the way. These Superchargers are designed specifically for Tesla vehicles, providing fast and convenient charging options.

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  3. 10 Smart Long-distance Tesla Road Trip Tips

    So, the following are tips for going on a road trip with your Tesla: Related: The best Tesla trip planner app. Table Of Contents. 1. Choose your charging stations wisely. 2. Inspect your tires before the road trip. 3. Install the right wheels.

  4. Most Time Efficient Trip Charging

    Strategy #2: Only charge your Tesla at the fastest charge rate: 0% to 50% battery charge. This required around 6 short stops for me when traveling from San Diego back to the Bay Area, not letting the battery get below 10% charge. I didn't notice a huge difference in one strategy being more time efficient than the other, but I am interested to ...

  5. Go Anywhere

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  6. How Do You Charge A Tesla On A Road Trip

    One of the most convenient and efficient ways to charge your Tesla on a road trip is by utilizing Tesla's Supercharger network. These stations are strategically placed along major highways and routes, allowing you to replenish your vehicle's battery quickly and continue on your journey. Here's how you can research Supercharger locations: 1.

  7. 10 Tips for Your Long-Distance Tesla Road Trip

    For improved efficiency and range, consider installing aero wheels specifically designed for long-distance travel. These wheels can increase your mileage by approximately 3 to 4%, allowing you to go the extra mile on your road trip. 4. Mitigate range anxiety. Range anxiety, the concern of running out of battery charge, can dampen your road trip ...

  8. Road Trip secret strategies

    Dec 8, 2019. #3. First and foremost: A Better Routeplanner. Your trip is long enough that you'd be spending at least one night on the road. Useful to look for a hotel/motel that either has overnight Tesla or J1772 L2 destination charging, or even some 120V receptacles around the parking lot that can be used.

  9. Tips for Tesla Road Trip: How to Plan and Prepare for a Smooth Journey

    Tesla's Supercharger network allows for fast and convenient charging during your road trip. The charging speed of your Tesla will depend on the model you choose. The Model S and Model X, for example, can charge at up to 200 kW, while the Model 3 can charge at up to 250 kW.

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    Some drivers, particularly on fast "get from A to B" road trips will follow a different strategy of charging. Most EVs charge the fastest when they are under 50% full, the charge rate declines ...

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    Overnight charging is also almost always free and thus saves money on fuel. It's not uncommon for us to charge 50 kWh at an overnight charger, which would cost more than $20 at a Tesla ...

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    On a road trip, charging time is a premium. For this reason, it may be worthwhile to select a hotel that offers Tesla charging onsite, or at a minimum, Level 2 J1772 charging. While various online tools do have search filters for EV charging at hotels, it would be best to confirm with a simple phone call.

  13. Tales Of Using Unusual Charging On A Tesla EV 5,000 Mile Road Trip

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    The Road Trip Charging Kit allows you to access charging at non-conventional locations. The kit includes a 30-foot extension cable that connects directly to your Tesla charging cable, and four UL ...

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    Maximize Your Range. To maintain a cool cabin temperature and maximize your range, park in a shaded area and turn your AC on while charging. You can monitor your charge and temperature from the Tesla app. Set your regenerative braking to 'Standard' to conserve range while decelerating. Before starting a long road trip, we recommend checking ...

  16. Road tripping and charging to 100%

    Scenario 1: Charge to 100% overnight, arrive at first charging station with 30% left. 80% charge needed to reach next charging station. Charge from 30% to 80%. Scenario 2: Charge to 90% overnight, arrive at first charging station with 20% left. 80% charge needed to reach next charging station. Charge from 20% to 80%.

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    If you prefer to use a mobile device or a laptop to plan your trip, you can also use Tesla's web-based road trip planner. 3. Arrange "car fill-ups" and "human fill-ups" to happen at the same time. Electric cars need a recharge as much as the people inside of it. The entire trip will revolve around recharging stations, so you should ...

  19. How Do You Take A Tesla On A Road Trip

    Charging Your Tesla. Charging your Tesla is essential to keep your electric vehicle running smoothly throughout your road trip. Here's what you need to know about charging: Supercharging: Tesla's Supercharger network is a fast and convenient way to charge your vehicle on long-distance trips. Superchargers can replenish your battery to 80% ...

  20. How to Charge a Tesla on a Road Trip

    1000+ miles/hour charged. Model S. 1000+ miles/hour charged. Model X. 1000+ miles/hour charged. Tesla Superchargers are the fastest way to charge a Tesla. The Superchargers are located along roads similarly to gas stations. They typically cost about $10-15 for a full charge.

  21. How To Charge A Tesla On A Road Trip

    Charge to Full Capacity: Before embarking on your trip, make sure your Tesla is fully charged. This will give you the maximum possible range and reduce the need for immediate charging after starting your journey. 5. Use Range Mode: Engage Range Mode in your Tesla to optimize energy efficiency during your road trip.

  22. Ford's CEO hopes major deal with Tesla will help fix charging ...

    Jim Farley experienced the shortcomings of America's EV charging network on a recent road trip in an F-150 Lightning. He's feeling pretty good about the choice to adopt Tesla's charging technology.

  23. Thinking about getting an electric vehicle? Here's what to know : Life

    Switching to EVs is an important part of fighting climate change, but far from the only change that needs to happen. The digital story was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual editor is Beck Harlan ...

  24. Optimize travel time = ...going as fast as possible ...

    Hello to all, there was a lot of discussion about the best charging / speed strategy in order to minimize the journey time. However, one of the graph posted on this post : ... My first Tesla road trip from UK to Spain. yessuz; Aug 23, 2023; The UK and Ireland; 2. Replies 23 Views 5K. The UK and Ireland Mar 20, 2024. yessuz. L.

  25. Tesla Cybertruck Expected to Support Inductive, Wireless Charging

    Tesla's Journey to Wireless Charging. Tesla's exploration into wireless EV charging is marked by strategic moves, including acquiring and selling a specialized wireless charging company, while retaining its key engineers. While Tesla's initial focus is on home charging, the technology has the potential to extend to road charging.

  26. Analysts see big strategy shift from Elon Musk after Tesla ...

    Tesla's production rate of around 412,000 vehicles, the bulk of which were the lower-end Model 3 sedans and the Model Y midsize SUVs, outpaced demand by around 46,600, according to Jonas.