Contented Traveller

What are Media FAM Trips? or Press Trips

by Paula McInerney | Dec 12, 2018 | BLOGGING TIPS , DESTINATIONS | 55 comments

What are Media FAM Trips? or Press Trips

First of all, you may wonder What are Media FAM Trips? A Media FAM trip is a Media Familiarization trip, offered to media on behalf of an organization to get the media familiar with their destination and services. They are also called Press Trips. They can be either a group or an individual Media FAM trip.

Why We are Suddenly Embracing Group Media FAM Trips

  • 1 Why We are Suddenly Embracing Group Media FAM Trips
  • 2 Why did we change our minds?
  • 3 How does a Media FAM trip work?
  • 4 What is expected of you from a Media FAM trip?
  • 5 “So, you are getting another free holiday, aren’t you?”
  • 6 “So, you don’t have any fun at all?”
  • 7 What are the benefits to of going on Media FAM trip?
  • 8 What are the downsides of a Media FAM trip?
  • 9.0.1 Please feel free to ask us any questions about Media FAM trips.

It was ironic that in 2016, Gordon and I went on 5 group Media FAM trips, considering that we had been avoiding them up until then. One of our beliefs was that traveling with other people has more con’s than pro’s, and also ironic, that one of our most successful articles on our site is Traveling with Other People – the Dont’s and the Dont’s.

But you know what? We decided to take ourselves out of our comfort zone because the group Media FAM trips we were offered were too compelling to knock back . We still do individual FAM trips for different companies as we have done extensively over the last few years, but we have now seen many benefits to the group Media FAM trip . Since then we have done many Media Fam trips or Press Trips.

Editor note: Updated, December 2018

Why did we change our minds?

Our business model is all about our readers , and bringing you information that will help you discover new and different things. It is also about bringing to the table some left of center experiences, and we have been able to do this particularly with our travels to lesser known areas of Indonesia, like visiting Manado in Northern Sulawesi Indonesia ,  exploring the Spice Islands of Maluku and Raja Ampat (you can read all about Raja Ampat here) which we got to experience on group Media FAM trips.

Media Fam trip

I have listed some of our Media FAM trips at the bottom of this article. There are some others we have done, but the content belongs to the magazines we freelance for. Since then we have been privileged to work with some amazing companies all over the world. Since then we have worked with Rail Plus doing the Indian Pacific train from one side of Australia to the other. Been to the Hydo Majestic in the Blue Mountains, explored Mayfield Garden, discovered the regional city of Bathurs t, and quite a few more.

Media Fam trip

How does a Media FAM trip work?

In our case, and in many cases, we were contacted by different companies or organizations who felt our site was a good match for the Media FAM trip, and we felt that what they offered was a good match for our readers.

At times we have proactively sought out the Media FAM trip because we had gotten so much valuable information from the previous ones, and were able to bring new and different content to you guys. These were group trips of about 5-20 very diverse media people, many of whom are now firm friends and colleagues.

What is expected of you from a Media FAM trip?

This is where there is inconsistency. Sometimes a company or organization will spell out what they expect, and at other times you are left on your own to decide what to deliver.

I aim to over-deliver because there is a domino effect in this industry. If you develop a good reputation as a hard worker, who gives an excellent ROI, then you get asked on more individual and group Media FAM trips, and your readers ..that’s you that we are bringing you more tangible ideas, information, and first-hand experiences.

“So, you are getting another free holiday, aren’t you?”

No. There is nothing free about this. We offer an exchange of services with the companies or organizations we work with. A free holiday does not involve nine flights in 7 days , with only an hour of sleep on some nights, and on an easier day, you might get 4 hours.

Organizations who choose to work with us, and more importantly we want to work with, will wring every last bit of blood out of you on Media FAM trip. And we get that . They have often paid a lot of money to show you something, and by hell or high water, and a lot of missed sleep, you are going to work from before dawn to post-dusk. And then need to write up what you have done; start promoting on your social media platforms, edit photos, and videos, and then start all over again the next day. A Media FAM trip is a job. It is not a holiday; it is a business trip. There is nothing free about an exchange of business services. However .. we love it. Contented Traveller is our passion and our business.

“So, you don’t have any fun at all?”

On the contrary, we have had a lot of fun on these Media FAM trips . Just see me as the Dancing Queen on Raja Ampat, where I owned it with a lady from the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia – yes, that is their full title. We have seen amazing places, done amazing things, met some amazing people, and that is why we did 5 of these back to back in 2016.  Yes we love it, and yes, we get to bring you, our readers, more and more information.

media-fam trip

What are the benefits to of going on Media FAM trip?

This question has a multifaceted answer.

The first benefit is that we get to bring you the insider information so that you can do this yourself, or a derivative of what we have done because we will not recommend that you do nine flights in 7 days for example. We iron out these issues for you. We can offer new perspectives on destinations and experiences , and I think you know us well enough that we cut to the chase on things.

We get to grow professionally through Media FAM Trips

Not only have we seen some incredible places, eaten some remarkable food, stayed at some amazing hotels, tried different products, but we have also met many people who do things differently than what we do. It is a huge chance to professionally develop yourself as you interact with people from all parts of the Media.

Most of our Media FAM trips have been a mix of food and travel bloggers, vloggers, photographers, Instagram influencers, traditional print journalists, editors, TV reporters, travel agents, and radio DJ’s. The diversity is what makes it so unique, and also very levelling. ‘No one knows everything ‘ is how Cosmo’s Editor, and SnapChat Board Member Joanna Coles  described this information age, at Cannes Lion, 2016 – the  international advertising festival; and you learn how true this is on Media FAM trips.

What are Media FAM Trips?

What are the downsides of a Media FAM trip?

There is a risk that because we are all seeing the same things, stopping to do the same activity, or taking the same photos, that there could be what I call, the cookie cut effect media promotions. But that didn’t and hasn’t happened. Gordon gave me an excellent analogy. We can both be sitting in a café in Paris looking at the same scene. What he sees, and how he interprets that, is totally different to what I see and how I interpret this. This is what also happens on Media FAM trips, and is influenced by our past, our beliefs, and other sociological influences.

Are you going to say anything negative, when it has all been paid for?

Well for a start, people are not stupid. Readers are smart and can cut through the bullshit pretty quickly.

We never ever underestimate our audience. However, the purpose of a Media FAM trip is definitely to generate positive editorial publicity. This is where the world has changed. Rather than paid advertising there is the understanding that audiences value the editorial opinion of the writer, which is us in this instance. Secondly, as previously stated, it is not a free trip. It is an exchange of services. Being honest about our experiences is why we have such a loyal audience and why we do so well in this business.

In saying that, we still will advocate that not all of your travels will go to a predetermined plan, and that you should expect the unexpected, and that in reality, these experiences are the one’s that you will remember.

Media FAM trips offer many benefits to your readers, and to you as a professional. We recommend them.

Please feel free to ask us any questions about Media FAM trips.

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Dining at the Boilerhouse Restaurant, QStation Manly


Press Conference, Qatar Airways.


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What are Media FAM Trips?

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Media Fam trip

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Media Fam trip

There have been other Media FAM trip, or Press trips that we have done over the years. This is by way of explaining what the purpose of these important interactions. Feel free to ask any questions.

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As a small company who want to invite press to stay in our unique accommodation (we are in sunny Dorset btw), how do we get in contact with writers who might want to visit us?

email me, and i can post it on a number of FB groups, where I know there will a lot of interest. Email is on our website.

As I am just about to embark on my third famil trip ever I couldn’t agree more. I am always stoked when an invite comes my way and thinks work out. Famils are, for me, a fantastic way to get to know a destination in the most intimate way. As a mother of two there are many trips that are off-limits for me. A strenuous journey in a hot country is one of those things I wouldn’t be able to do with my family. On the other hand, I am not willing to go there on my own either. I also fully appreciate the opportunity to meet new people on the road, almost all of them crazy travel-addicts like me. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn more tricks of the trade and to improve one’s writing through exchange and inspiration. The only negative thing about famils is that you are not free to do and to write what you want (I mean, operators need to be featured even though they might not quite fit your blog etc, not in terms of praising them if you don’t agree with their operations). It’s nice to throw in your own independent travel into the travel year too, because this way you can do what you really like at a much slower, more appreciative pace. Lastly, Paula, I totally agree in terms of over-delivering what is expected in terms of outcome. As bloggers, we are sometimes looked down upon by traditional media, and it’s great to be able to outshine them in terms of quality and output and freedom of speech. I always strive to deliver far more than is expected, and I always give 110%. I hope karma will come my way one day. Great post!

We are on the same page Silke. It is always about being totally professional, yet without the constraints of who owns which media outlet, and which political party they happen to be in bed with. This is why ‘bloggers’ are such a threat to mainstream journalism. We can, and do say what we want. without having to toe some party line.

Is there a website or resource that lists upcoming media FAM trips that travel media can apply for?

Not to my knowledge. The offers we receive come out of the blue, though if you are a member of Travel Massive for example, you may just see some advertised.

Hi Paula, I have never been invited for a FAM trip yet (have registered for one in Oct, hoping to hear that I get selected soon). However, I have been invited for an event or hotel stay. Is it OK for new bloggers like us to write to tourism boards or travel partners directly about FAM trips – what’s the best way to approach them? Thanks, Kat

Of course you should write to whomever will help you to give your readers the best information they possibly can get. It is definitely scary when you first start out pitching, but always be honest about what you are trying to achieve and why it is f benefit to your readers, and consequently to them. Good lick, have a read of this article,

Nice trip Paula..

I went on my first FAM trip a couple of months back and came out with the same thoughts as you.

Trips are curated so you’ll experience the best of the best but sometimes you tend to miss out on hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path places as compared to traveling there on your own.

It is an enriching experience and I’m definitely up for more FAM trips in the future!

I agree. While you get to see many things, sometimes I would like an afternoon off to find those things that you just do when wandering on your own. We are also receptive to more Media FAM trips.

So envious you got invited to Raja Ampat. I’m invited to an Indo trip, too, but not there. As a diver, it’s in my bucket list. Hopefully next year they’ll invite me there haha

I hope they will too Aleah. Check out Peter McGee who was the diver on our trip, as they hadn’t really catered for the the rest of us to dive. Peter takes the most amazing underwater shots.

I find that on FAM trips I don’t always enjoy everything, but it’s important to remember that what might not be your cup of tea might well be someone else’s. I think it’s important to tell readers what I didn’t like, especially if it didn’t work at my daughter’s age at the time. But I try to add the context of, if you’re interested in XYZ you would probably find it interesting or, if you’re more of XYZ kind of traveler than I am, you’ll enjoy it, or kid older/younger than mine will get more out of it. That’s the context you can only get first hand that helps others make better travel decisions themselves.

Well said. I might not like certain things but Gordon tends to. We got a bit lucky that we are polar opposites, so that when we write we can cover many perspectives. I like the context that you mention.

Hi Paula, a great explanation of what FAM trips are and how you have experienced them! I personally am not a huge fan of group FAM trips as we like to travel independently and plan out our own schedules, but they definitely have some advantages! I actually met my husband on a small group press trip:) ~ Jessica

That’s lovely that you met your husband. We were surprised that we enjoyed the group trips so much, and got so much out of it.

Great post, Paula. Thank you! I’ve considered FAMs but haven’t pursued any mainly because of the responsibilities that come with them. I agree they’re worth doing, especially if it’s a part of your business model.

I think they have definitely added a richness to our business, so I guess we are fans.

Hello Paula, like to read your take on this. I have not done a FAM trip but I have been invited to cover events and review hotels / restaurants / products. I can attest it is a lot of work and requires hours dedicated hour (after you are done with the experiential part). Quality content creation takes effort. I agree you should aim to over deliver. You set a positive tone for you and for others in the industry.

Thanks Ruth, I agree. It is all about professionalism, and delivering high standard that makes you a valuable partner to be in business with.

Fascinating article Paula! We’ve only done a few Fam Trips as we don’t really have the time to commit to any and all options, yet.

We have mostly done individual ones, but certainly now see a lot of benefits to group Media FAM trips. When you are less busy ..

Great read Paula. We are yet to go on a FAM trip, but look forward to an invitation that fits in with our fulltime work schedule. A lot of great info here, being a huge fan of cruises I would have loved to joined you onboard Golden Princess.

We are fortunate that Contented Traveller is now both of our full time jobs, so it makes it a lot more flexible for such group and individual trips.

This post reveals one side of travel bloggers life.So far I don’t have any experience with such press trips.But,it can be a great way to meet and interact with other bloggers.On the other way,yes it is a business trip and there are lot of things to do after the trip.

So true. It is a business trip no matter which way you look at it. There is work to be done before the trip, making sure you are well read on what the destination etc is about. There is work to be done on the trip, and a huge amount after it. In saying that, we love it and would not change it.

This is really interesting Paula as I’m occasionally tempted to start pursuing media trips but never have. Your change of heart has got me thinking…

Definitely do it. There are so many benefits that we were not aware of.

I’ve been on a couple of FAM trips this year, associated with conferences I attended. They were tiring but great. It is nice to get insider information and make contacts if there are things you want to see more of beyond the trip. I too wondered about everyone writing about the same thing, but we all seem to bring our own unique spin to it.

That was my biggest worry that we would not be able to bring our own styles to the writing. But it did happen.

I found this article very interesting because I have just returned from my first media FAM trip to Northern Japan. Yes it was exhausting and I had absolutely no rest, but I had the best time of my life. I feel that it has already had a very positive impact on my travel blog and hope that more FAM trips may be offered in the future. You never know I may get to join you one day!

I do agree, there are so many benefits in a Media FAM trip. I love Japan, so will look forward to reading of your ventures. Let’s hope we get to do one together.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, love learning from you!

Thanks Janet. I think we all learn from one another.

Great article. I was averse to group FAMs earlier too but I’ve really begun to enjoy them. A combination of group and individual FAMs is ideal.

I agree, we certainly changed our minds about group trips, but we also enjoy individual Media FAM trips too.

We have yet to go on a FAM trip, and really didn’t know that much about them. This is really helpful. Thanks Paula.

Thank you. Media FAM trips are a unique and different way to experience a destination.

Paula and Gordy, I take FAM trip’s every chance I get. Yes they are tiring (especially at our ages), but we can always catch up on sleep when we get home. I have explored several countries I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see, without the FAM trips. One of the other benefits IMHO, is the networking with other bloggers. I think it’s wonderful to spend a few days with other bloggers and see if you really get along. I have only found one instance where the travel person wasn’t my cup of tea! All the rest have been extraordinary individuals! #safetravels Mike

I hope we get to go on a Media FAM trip with you one day Mike, because I agree totally with you. We would never have got to experience Raja Ampat, Sulawesi and the Spice islands without this, and the professional development that get by default with traveling with other professionals is invaluable.

Loved this article. I guess for us new bloggers it’s the ‘big’ question, how to promote yourself to get the FAM trips or on the radar (so to speak). Tips on that would be helpful too! Thanks so much!

I wish I had the answer for you. It is a random that we get invited. I would love to know why, but we have had some amazing individual and group Media FAM trips over the years. It is probably serendipity. But let me think on this, and see if i can interview some of the companies we have worked with to uncover the modus operandi.

Thanks so much

Great article, Paula! As a PR person, I’m always interested in hearing the journalists’ take on media press tours. I’ve shared this with the clients I work with. Thank you!

Marti, you were one of the most mazing people we have worked with, and we look forward to working with you again. I need to go belly up to the bar, eat more maple syrup and see some of our lovely friends from the Distinctive Inns of New England.

One benefit of these trips is the chance to interact with well informed locals who usually speak excellent English. I’ve found the leaders of these trips to be willing to engage on a wide range of topics.

I totally agree Suzanne. Often it is the unplanned things and conversations that give you the differentiation in your articles.

Offering FAM trips to bloggers is kind of disappointing because most travel bloggers are terrible writers who claim objectivity. The art of travel writing takes a serious hit when writers are chosen for their metrics and not their skills.

That’s a little disappointing to hear. I believe readers enjoy hearing people’s personal perceptions, and can probably forgive an odd grammatical or structural error. I would think that the art of travel writing is about communicating with your readers on an engaged and personal level.What does make a ‘good’ travel writer?

I guess the idea thing to do is first make some background check and research about the bloggers before you invite them. Think about the content, your market, your goals etc.

Nice write up Paula! 9 flights, 7 days. Never ever ever 😀 Cool to see how you’ve had your opinion of them changed.

It was meeting you Jub; that changed my perspective totally xxx

Is it predominantly PR agencies or tourism boards that contact you? Or do you reach out to them?

PR agencies, Tourism Boards, hotels, restaurants, etc etc reach out to us for the Media FAM trips. We did however, on the 2nd trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia reach out to them after they did a call out on Trav Media.

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What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them

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Familiarisation Trips, better known as Fam Trips, are educational trips organized exclusively for media partners or travel agents and resellers, by travel businesses such as tour operators and accommodation establishments.

Fam Trips are designed to equip participants with adequate product knowledge to either sell onto clients or publish for media coverage. Travel businesses host Fam Trips to showcase their business and product to the people who resell or cover them in media.

Either way, the fundamentals of Fam Trips remain the same, you want to create memorable, fun, and personable experiences for the people who undertake them. They are essentially marketing tools that highlight your travel offering and are one of several ways to generate leads and new business for your travel company.

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Who Goes On Fam Trips?

Fam Trips are usually set up either as invitation-only sponsored learning trips or at discounted rates exclusively available for travel agents to book.

Travel agents and resellers go on Fam Trips to experience first hand a travel product or offering. This gives them insight into the finer details of the offering and lets them add a personal touch to their sales pitch.

Travelers are on the lookout for personalized travel experiences and something as simple as a travel agent knowing whether there is a packed breakfast available to take on a day hike excursion without needing to check details with the establishment saves time, conveys efficiency and will attract customers to your travel business .

Fam trips are not only for travel agents or resellers though, media partners also participate in them too. Travel writers or photographers join Fam Trips for media to write up articles and take beautiful images to post and share in their publications.

Fam Trips

Tips On How To Run Successful Fam Trips

You want to apply the same basic principles to your Fam Trips regardless of whether you are hosting Media or Suppliers. In both cases, the trips should be experiential and relevant to your product.

Set Expectations

Email your suppliers and media partners their proposed itineraries a few weeks in advance so that they know what to expect from the Fam Trips and can raise any questions they may have to prepare for it.

When hosting Fam Trips for Media discuss your expectations for the press coverage before the trips begin so that you are all on the same page. Establish where the write-ups will be published, the length and frequency of the articles, expectations for social media posting etc.

Fam Trips

Offer Authentic Experiences

While you do need to pull out the stops and offer the same experiences that full paying guests would get, you do not want to misrepresent your offering by including something not ordinarily part of your repertoire.

Clients will be disappointed if they read about a sundowner experience on the riverbank but discover on arrival at your lodge that it is not in fact on your activities list it.

Create Partnership Offerings

Contact surrounding travel businesses to see if they would be interested in creating partnership offerings to provide to the suppliers and media partners.

Approach restaurants who might be interested in hosting groups for some of their meals. Or contact a bicycle tour operator to ask if they would lead groups on a trail experience.

This will give the other businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility and get mentions in the media and it will help you to spread some of the costs involved in hosting Fam Trip groups.

Fam Trips

Offer Alternative Itineraries

Where applicable, showcase a number of your most popular activities to the people on your Fam Trips. Not only will this highlight more aspects of your travel business, but it will also negate the possibility of accidentally excluding someone from partaking in particular activities.

Consider people’s varied interests and add one or two alternatives to your itineraries. The idea is for your suppliers and media partners to make the most of their Fam Trip experience so limiting your educational Fam Trip activity to a snorkeling trip might not work in your favor if you are hosting people who do not enjoy swimming for example.

Set A Manageable Schedule

Remember the people you host on your Fam Trips are working even if it may not always seem like it. With this in mind, remember to allocate a certain amount of downtime on your Fam Trips to allow your travel agents and media partners to check in with the office, organize the information they are putting together on your travel product, or have a quick catch up with the family at home.

Fam Trips

Provide All Necessary Information

Your suppliers and media partners are going to need the details of all the accommodations they stay in, restaurants they dine at, and activity providers who guide them on their Fam Trips. As the organizer, you will have easy access to all of this information.

Compile a list of all the names, email addresses, contact numbers and social media handles of your partners onto a database and share it with the people on your trip. This way they will be able to accredit everyone accordingly.

You can include the brochure images and write-ups of your travel product in this informational package too. You might find that your suppliers need to update your product on their site and this will make sure that they have what they need.

Most of this information will likely be required in a digital format, so either email it or make it available to download from a limited access portal.

Make Follow Ups After The Trips

Do not leave it too long after your Fam Trips have finished to follow up with your travel agents and resellers to get their feedback.

See if they have any questions or suggestions for you and check that your media posts are published and all the information is optimized, correct, and up to date.

Keep the communication lines open and find out what worked and what didn’t and learn from each experience and Fam Trip.

Fam Trips

Remember that your travel agents, suppliers, and media partners are key players in your business’ success and Fam Trips are a good way to nurture relationships with them. So consider the time and resources you spend hosting Fam Trips and nurturing relationships as an investment in marketing your business and promoting your travel offering.

In an industry where experience is everything, going the extra mile and working together to give clients the best possible service will translate into stellar reviews and glowing recommendations for all parties involved.

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About the author

Maria Claudia Lira (she/her)

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How to run a FAM trip and get the media coverage you deserve

  • Tourism Marketing

This is a guest post written by Kyle McCarthy, editor for My Family Travels. You can find more of her work here . 

We know every travel destination wants publicity, and every tour operator and supplier wants their services recommended. Like most media outlets who cover travel, I’ve grown up with some rules about how FAM trips work. The trouble is, those rules keep changing, and travel hosts are often not aware of it.

You can avoid misunderstandings by building and maintaining a relationship with local media. Attend conferences, trade shows, and events to meet people. Send out email press releases to vendors, partners, newswires, and websites that cover your destination, and of course, don’t forget to share news on social media. Most importantly, follow up on any requests for information. This way, you’ll have some media ‘friends’ to invite on your next FAM trip.

If you’re inviting media you don’t know, here are some strategies for making sure a trip you host is well covered in the media.

1. Determine which partners you want to work with.

If you’re the local tourism office or DMO, ask which tour operators, hotels and restaurants want to increase their visibility to visiting media? In addition to offsetting costs, partnerships broaden the scope of the trip, making it more likely that the media will pick up and report on some part of it.

Keep in mind that roundups, or stories that include comparison reviews (“5 Best Hotels in Belgrade”) are typically more popular than a thousand-word review of one hotel.

2. Set expectations.

Once you’ve designed your trip, who will you invite? Review the past work of potential guests and let them know what you expect. Is it a 500-word blog post about each day? Three Instagram stories? A video? (Do NOT ask for a TripAdvisor review!)

Communicate politely prior to confirming their attendance to determine if there are deliverables that the media want to be paid for. This is a frequent source of frustration on both sides.

3. Make your trip newsworthy and exciting.

As an editor getting pitches from many writers, my first question when deciding to publish a story is: “Why and why now?”

If your trip covers a special local festival: give your media great tips on how to attend the following year, a behind the scenes look, interviews with performers, or insider information to share with readers. If you’re bringing media to the Ennis Polka Festival in Texas that I attended, for example, be sure to feed them different types of kolaches !

Jumping into water

4. Go big with this trip!

Make it as deluxe or exclusive as you can. In general, your guests will have more to write about if they stay at the most historic hotel in town, or at the most luxurious one. Any “most” will give your destination an edge. Do not expect media to write about a spa, however, unless you provide a complimentary spa treatment.

Making your media guests feel special and appreciated is always a good idea too!

5. Be authentic and experiential.

If your company provides wilderness services, skip the fancy hotels. The media partners who join your FAM are interested in the wilderness, or have an audience who is. Don’t just show them tents – let them experience a night in one.

6. Give media a choice of itinerary.

Everyone understands some itinerary stops are required. However, offering a choice of activities is respectful of each media’s interests. This will make your guests stakeholders in the trip, and guarantee more engagement from participants who come to each stop.


7. Feed everyone well.

Media, even if they’re not covering a culinary destination, will share a meal on social media just to make their colleagues jealous.

Ask your restaurant partner to provide samples of various cocktails and dishes, and make food presentations Insta-worthy. Maybe some will include local cuisine as a reason to visit the destination, especially if you provide a remarkable meal followed by conversation with the chef.

8. Make a realistic schedule.

Your media guests may travel for a living, but that doesn’t mean they are on vacation. Allow a few hours down time back at the hotel each day, so that they can check in with their offices, follow up on other assignments, talk to the babysitter, and organize your information.

9. Harness the internet’s power.

If your FAM requires a lot of driving, equip the vehicle with WiFi and encourage social influencers to post in real time as you travel. It is the best way to ensure that you get the most coverage for each place and partner visited.

Your trip itinerary must also list the website, contact information and social media handles for each of the places you visit so they can be tagged in posts. An easy hashtag lets you track the number of social media impressions earned by your FAM.

10. Provide information, in writing, as well as on USB flash drives.

Many media no longer travel with a computer and can’t read information on your USB sticks. So, in addition to a current media kit, provide Fact Sheets with statistics and fun facts, plus a few images with captions and credits that media can use. And, don’t forget to provide everyone with a contact list of the other guests on your FAM so they can stay in touch.

And do I need to add, you stay in touch too? The most common mistake I see on press trips is that no one ever follows up, to find out what worked and what didn’t, if there are questions, does the media need any more information etc.

Building and maintaining relationships with media can be very beneficial to your business as long as you keep it professional and productive for everyone involved.

Get free itinerary and fact sheet templates for FAM trips

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What You Should Know About a FAM Trip

Annie Brigham, Digital Marketing Coordinator

What is a FAM trip?

Who attends a fam trip, who pays for a fam trip.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for the Hosts?

What are some things to keep in mind when planning a FAM trip?

A FAM trip stands for “familiarization trip” and is one incentive of being in the travel industry. FAM trips are exclusive educational trips for travel agents, media personnel, and resellers. These familiarization trips provided by travel businesses such as travel operators, tour operators, and accommodation suppliers allow them to experience their services and destinations first-hand. FAM trips are opportunities for travel businesses to familiarize agents and media personnel with their destination and immerse them in the local culture, introduce them to local operators, and highlight the benefits their company offers, essentially take them backstage. For instance, they can have the opportunity to meet a celebrity chef that they have been referring their clients to.

The usual people presented on these trips are Travel Agents, suppliers, and media partners such as Journalists, Editors, Influencers, & Tour Operators. These individuals are necessary for countless travel businesses’ success, and as suppliers and travel operators, you are looking to build a long-term working relationship with them. The aim is to keep track of key industry influencers and invite people relevant to your industry’s success. These invitations may rope in a travel agent you have worked with in the past, who you want to enhance your relationship with or introduce new offerings to, or a new prospect who has recently jumped on your radar who can potentially help you collect new business.

Though FAM trips are endlessly changing and evolving, and differentiate per business, tour operators, cruise lines, and hotels interested in showcasing their points of interest typically provide everything for these trips. FAM trips are more often than not fully sponsored invite-only events unless there is a partnership with a rental car company or airline that exists. Sponsorships are customary because the host provides the money or product in exchange for their visit.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

Familiarization trips present numerous benefits to the attendees. The head benefit of a FAM trip is that it allows travel agents and other travel industry providers to gain ideal first-hand experience. This involvement enables them to understand better the several benefits that different kinds of trip excursions offer to their clients. As a result, they can better supply the perfect services and vacations to their client based on their desires and needs and effectively inform their clients on what they can expect. In addition, media personnel, travel writers and editors, and photographers can gain first-hand experience that can help provide better content, details, and photographs for their future publications. These trips grant journalists opportunities to develop tailored stories that they may want to develop further. For example, the trip may introduce them to a chef who has a fascinating life story or recipe to share. A further benefit is that the FAM trip guests can expand their professional network by building connections with other travel agents, suppliers, and media personnel; most FAM trips embrace downtime to relax with other professionals. This schedule allows them time to get in touch with industry experts and exchange stories on what has worked for their business. By developing long-lasting relationships with travel operators and suppliers, they will also acquire better deals for themselves and their future clients.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to the Hosts?

Arranging a “familiarization trip” is a valuable marketing tool. As a host of a FAM trip, one benefit is that you can generate new leads and business for your company. By permitting these professionals to gain first-hand experience with your products, they will better understand and share the benefits of your travel offerings with their clients. When it comes to benefits from hosting media personnel is that you are enhancing your media coverage; travel writers and photographers take part in these trips to photograph your offerings and compose content. If you can impress and inspire your guests during a FAM trip, then you should be able to generate first-rate reviews and recommendations for your travel business. For example, one of our clients , Arizona, invited an Editor in Chief on a FAM trip to their destination. The Editor in Chief made a customized trip with a luxury angle and published over 20 full pages of material about the destination and included them in the cover. The clients were very thankful for these results and said that the benefits of these results were worth more than five times that than the overall cost of the FAM trip.

After conversing with some of our employees regarding their client’s FAM trip success stories, we have put together some things we think you should consider when planning your FAM trip: You must research and plan the trip and itinerary during the FAM trip planning stage according to your media personnel and travel agent’s profiles. Look at their previous publications and create activities that they will find appealing, craft experiences with multiple “wow factors” that they can share in their publications. Keep in mind that it is up to the criteria of your guest when it comes to what will get published; not everything that they experience will be incorporated. Provide thorough itineraries and trip information as soon as possible in the planning process; this will allow your FAM trip guests to raise any concerns or questions ahead of time and will enable you to customize their stay exceedingly well. When crafting a detailed itinerary for your guests, you must also be mindful of their time on your trip; you must provide a good balance of activities and educational events with free time to relax and take a breather. Lastly, put together a plan for contingencies; keep in mind that not everything will go to plan. It would be safest to prepare for anything from a last-minute guest cancellation up to flight cancelations, emergencies, or lockdowns. But, again, it is better to over plan.

Special thanks to our Connect Worldwide FAM trip experts Eduardo Peraza and Pedro Berruecos for contributing to this article. Contact us today if you are looking for a destination marketing partner or are interested in learning more about attending, planning or hosting a FAM trip.

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White Paper: Familiarization Trips

media familiarisation visit

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • What are familiarisation trips?
  • What are the benefits of Fam Trips?
  • The future of Fam Trips
  • How can FamTrips can create a successful destination?

1. Executive Summary

Familiarisation Trips, also known as Fam Trips, could be seen as an added value to Destinations & Marinas since it has many benefits. Here you can think of benefits such as first-hand experience, both valuable sales- & marketing tools, and your participants can expand their professional network. In addition, Fam Trips are not only popular these days but will become even more popular in the future. In order to get familiar with the impact of Fam Trips, you should first become aware of what the future and success of Fam Trips look like. After this, you can apply this to your own organisation and take advantage of all these benefits.

2. Introduction

Familiarisation Trips (Fam Trips) are an undervalued marketing tool that any destination can use. Nevertheless, Familiarisation Trips have become increasingly popular when it comes to destination marketing over the years. This white paper was written with the intention of answering the following research questions: “How can Fam Trips create additional value and a competitive advantage to your destination?”, and “Why should you have Familiarisation Trips as part of your marketing and sales proposition?”. In order to do so, an explanation of what Familiarisation Trips are will be done, followed by an explanation of the benefits. Next, the future of Fam Trips will be discussed, and finally, an overview of how Fam Trips can create a successful destination will be done. 

3. What are Familiarization Trips?

Familiarisation Trips are a marketing tool that highlights what your destination has to offer and can also be used to generate new leads. By definition, Fam Trips are exclusively organised educational trips that equip participants with sufficient knowledge of the destination to either sell clients or publish for media coverage. The purpose is to allow participants to experience the destination first hand (Alban, 2018). The participants of Fam Trips vary and are based on the organisation hosting the Fam Trips.

media familiarisation visit

4. Benefits of Familiarization Trips

Fam Trips can have many benefits to your organisation, which will lead to new business opportunities. In the following section, we will elaborate further on these benefits and how they can help you to grow as an organisation in the yachting industry.

1. First-hand experience 

As it has been said in the previous section, Fam Trips will give a better view of the products and services your destination has to offer. Participants are going on Fam Trips to experience this first hand (Alban, 2018). According to Annie Brigham who is working as a digital marketing coordinator at Connect Worldwide, this involvement enables participants to better understand the several benefits that different kinds of trips and excursions offer to their guests (Brigham, 2021). As a result, they can better supply the perfect products and services to their guests based on their desires and needs and effectively inform their clients on what they can expect. Next to that, it will help participants to provide high-quality content, details, and photographs for their future publications. For example, the trip may introduce them to a chef who has a fascinating life story or recipe to share (Brigham, 2021). 

2. Valuable sales tool 

A further benefit of organising Fam Trips is that it can help your organisation to generate sales. According to the Good Tourism Institute, you have the potential to put your destination and your business on the map. The main aim of a Fam Trip is to network, build relationships and personally promote your products and services (Pohl, 2021).

3. Valuable marketing tool 

According to Annie Brigham, it will give a better understanding by permitting these professionals to gain first-hand experience with your product (Brigham, 2021). When it comes to benefits from hosting media personnel is that you are enhancing your media coverage; travel writers and photographers take part in these trips to photograph your offerings and compose content. If you can impress and inspire your guests during a Fam Trip, then you should be able to generate first-rate reviews and recommendations for your destination (Brigham, 2021). 

4. Expanding your network 

Another benefit is that Fam Trips guests can expand their professional network by building connections with other participants who will have different kinds of field expertise; most Fam Trips embrace downtime to relax with other professionals (Brigham, 2021). This schedule allows them time to get in touch with industry experts and exchange stories on what has worked for their organisations. By developing long-lasting relationships with other participants, they will also acquire better deals for themselves and their future clients. 

media familiarisation visit

5. The future of Familiarization Trips

‘’Fam Trips are more important now than they ever were,’’ is what Natalie Browning said, owner of Insider Travel Planners in Danville, West Virginia. ‘’Given the circumstances, the general public is afraid to travel, or they have concerns. When they see someone they trust out travelling and experiencing new things, they are likely to follow suit. We need Fam Trips in order to show the world that we can travel and things are open.’’ (TravelAge West, 2020)

According to TravelAge West, the new world of Fam Trips is going to be very exclusive, focusing on changes in order to provide consumer confidence (TravelAge West, 2020). It will stay important to focus on what the traveller wants and anticipate this in the future. ‘’Moving forward, we will be hosting smaller and more personalised Fam Trips with a stronger focus on social media’’, said Carilis Felipe, the company’s director of field sales (TravelAge West, 2020). We want to encourage agents to document their experience on their social platforms for consumers to see and feel comfortable travelling to the destination. 

Regardless of how they take place, Fam Trips are likely to become an increasingly important educational source for travel advisors, according to Thomas Carpenter, owner of Huckleberry Travel (TravelAge West, 2020). 

6. How can Familiarization Trips create successful destinations?

People often believe that Fam Trips hold no value, but this is probably because things went wrong in the organisational process. Maybe the right people weren’t invited or the proper follow-up process did not take place. Therefore, carrying out Fam Trips the right way can be beneficial for any company (Lucht, 2015). 

According to Lucht (2015), the Taiwan Convention Bureau invited 12 corporate buyers from China for a six-day Fam Tour. On the last day, the Bureau presented 12 destination management companies and travel agencies to the corporate representatives, and they generated three corporate travel deals. This amounted to 1,500 MICE travellers heading to Taiwan. The Fam produced an ROI of 3000%. The cost of the Fam was $25,000 and Taiwan generated at least $750,000 from the MICE travellers for the destination (Lucht, 2015). 

Additionally, ACREW hosted a Fam Trip for a marina who received a ROI of 1000% based on the return visits for those who attended the Fam Trip. Another broker Fam Trip hosted by ACREW for a destination resulted in $3.4 million charters being brokered. This shows that Fam Trips can indeed create successful destinations once done right. Here are some tips on how to successfully run Fam Trips:

Set Expectations

Sending the participants their proposed itinerary in advance is a good way to manage their expectations (Alban, 2018). You can also organise a meeting a week in advance to go through the itinerary to discuss and give further details. Managing expectations is one way to ensure that the participants are not disappointed during the Fam Trip. 

Creating Connections

You would think that displaying your destination and tourism products should be your first priority during Fam Trips, but it shouldn’t be. Your top priority should be building connections with the participants of your fam trips. Only then would you fully connect them to your destination, and be able to show their uniqueness and potential (Pohl, 2021). 

Make Follow-Ups After The Trips

Don’t wait too long to follow up with the participants of the Fam Trip and get their feedback. See if there are any questions or suggestions. Keep the communication lines open and find out what worked and what didn’t. Their feedback can be crucial going forward (Alban, 2018).

media familiarisation visit

Alban, M. C. (2018). What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them. Retrieved from

Brigham, A. (2021, July 06). Retrieved March 17, 2022, from CWW:  

Lira Alban, M. C. (2018, September 22). What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from We Travel Academy:  

Pohl, C. (2021, January 29). 3 tips to stand out with the most memorable Fam trips. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from Good Tourism Institute:  

TravelAge West. (2020, June 16). What Is the Future of Fam Trips? Retrieved March 17, 2022, from TravelAge West:  

Lucht, J. (2015). The Value of FAM Trips. Retrieved from

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media familiarisation visit

Leanne Calderwood

Hosting the Perfect Familiarization Trip

planning a familiarization trip7

  • May 16, 2019
  • Sales and Service

(this post was originally posted February 2018; this is the revised post here)

Some of your meeting planner prospects may be quite savvy on the FAM circuit, or this may be their first opportunity to be hosted.  Regardless of where your client is in their career and journey, there are some things you can keep in mind as host when planning a FAM trip.

Why are FAMs important?

For meeting planners, familiarization trips work because they provide a holistic view of what their program would look like in a destination – from ease of access, hotels and offsites, local beauty and amenities, and ease of doing business.  All factors contribute to a meeting planner’s decision to use a destination.  For site selection professionals, many of their clients lean on these industry experts to advise them on destination that make sense for their program’s goals. FAMs are education-based opportunities , not vacations.

As a host destination and/or event host, here are some things to keep in mind when you host your next FAM:

  • One point of contact- while your FAM trip requires lots of partners in order to make it a success, designate one point of contact for both suppliers and the attendees. This will save on confusion during execution.
  • Timing – it works best if you can offer FAMS at varying times of the year, so planners can somewhat “pick and choose” when they can come. If you can only host one FAM a year, you may benefit from moving the FAM around to different weeks or seasons to accommodate planner’s schedules.  There is one destination that I’m dying to go see on behalf of my clients, but they hold their FAM during the same week, every year, during my busiest month of the year.  For 10 years now, I’ve had to decline the opportunity to go see the destination.  Ironically, I haven’t booked a lot of business in this destination either.
  • Vetting process – FAMs can be seen as “free vacays” by some inexperienced planners. By vetting the potential delegate, you may be able to qualify your delegates and ensure your fam is full of planners who truly have business aspirations for your destination.
  • Pre-fam survey – conduct and execute a pre-fam survey with your delegates. Ask them key questions about their program(s), including size and demographics of delegates.  This will help your suppliers customize their talking points specifically for certain individuals.
  • Work collaboratively – regardless of how you feel your particular service is the “best game in town”, ensure you work in tandem with the other hotels and offsite venues in your destination.  The first and foremost goal should be to get the planner to buy into the destination, not your particular service.
  • Showcase unique local qualities – showing what’s unique to your destination may seem like a no-brainer, but ensure your offerings truly stand out as original. Are you a museum town?  How are you different from the other museum towns in the country?  Do you have a thriving wine region?  How do you set yourself apart from other wine regions?
  • Agenda and timing
  • Contact information for each facility, and for the hosts
  • Social media handles for each facility
  • Dress code for each day of the trip
  • Average weather for the season
  • Communication between partners – every stop on the tour wants to showcase their best, and they should be encouraged to do so. Have the partners communicate with one another (or use your “one point of contact”) about the plan for the day, especially menus.  While its great that all your partners are known for their fried chicken, the delegates likely do not want to eat fried chicken at three different places in one day.
  • Downtime – many of your attendees are busy meeting planning professionals. Their life at the office doesn’t stop just because they took 3 days out of their schedule to see your destination.  Ensure you build in a few hours each day for delegates to catch up on email (or jet lag).
  • Post-fam debrief – Conclude the familiarization trip experience by sending both a post-fam survey to your delegates, as well as your suppliers, to see what was impactful about the FAM, and what leaves room for improvement for the next one
Leanne’s Note – I recently attended a FAM during the destination’s most popular festiva l – it was an incredible experience and it really showcased the energy of the city.  Ensure your FAM participants understand the booking implications of booking their meetings around the festival time as opposed to other times of the year.

Some of the above tips may not work for your destination given the logistics, but many of these are achievable regardless of the duration of the familiarization trip or destination.  By employing many of these tips, you’ve set yourself up for a great return on your FAM investment.  Good luck with your FAMs this season!

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Public Relations Sydney

What is a famil and how it can help you get amazing media coverage

What is a famil?

A famil or familiarisation is a PR tool designed to give select journalists the opportunity to experience a region, venue, product or package. It is conducted with the intention that a journalist will then write a favourable story about their experience.

Typically famils are conducted by businesses in the tourism industry, to demonstrate the latest properties or offerings. This industry thrives on experiences, and journalists can help these businesses to meet or exceed client expectations about a region, venue or package by writing about their experiences.

However, you don’t have to be a hotel or tourist attraction to use this media tactic. If you manage a venue, such as an attraction or restaurant, think about how you can create an experience that you can invite a journalist to enjoy. Consider the interesting aspects of your venue you would like highlighted and work these into a fun and attractive prospect for a journalist (or even blogger).

When planning a famil consider the following:

Know your audience Understanding your target audience is critical to the success of a famil. Research the journalists and bloggers who write about your industry or area of expertise prior to inviting them. By contacting the right journalist you are more likely to get them to attend your famil and write about their experience with your business.

Be the host with the most A famil needs to be informative and engaging, and as the host your job is to do just that. If the host is passionate and enthusiastic when showcasing the business, it can make for a more engaging and memorable experience. It is also important for the hosts to be welcoming to the journalists as they are out of their comfort zone. They will appreciate the friendliness and consideration, and are more likely to remember you and your business once the famil is over.

Pack in the action Keep in mind when planning to showcase your business, a full itinerary is critical. Journalists are there to experience and see everything you have to offer. Plan events that will provide variety and insight, try thinking outside the square by pinpointing key areas to highlight rather than showing everything.

For example, highlighting a new attraction at a venue and then conducting an activity that incorporates the attraction such as playing a game of beach volleyball to highlight the new activities available at a venue or showcasing the latest technology on offer and then creating an interactive game around this.

Follow up Once the famil is over, stay in touch with the journalists that attended. It is a good way to gain feedback and keep the relationship alive. Continued engagement with attendees will keep you and your business front of mind, and could lead to media opportunities in the future.

The important thing to remember about famils is to only use one when you have something physical to showcase or promote. Ensure to plan ahead and provide ample opportunities to highlight what it is your business has to offer. This will hopefully create a positive and memorable experience for the journalist and could result in some positive media coverage.

Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results.  Contact us today . For more great tips visit our website 

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How to Design a Successful FAM Tour

media familiarisation visit

There are many more critical factors of a successful FAM tour than most people realize. Many of these are not widely known and/or acknowledged by destinations and their participating hospitals clinics hotels government agencies and other organizations. As a result hosts spend money for FAM tours and get no return on their expenditure. In fact a FAM tour is an investment and should provide a return on its expense.

So what are these aspects that make a FAM tour effective and how does the host make a profit? First lets look at the generally accepted medical tourism industry standard and then we will examine the actual success factors themselves.

What constitutes a successful FAM tour?

A FAM tour is industry slang for Familiarization Tour. As its name suggests the tour is intended to familiarize the attendees with the host destination. Medical tourism industry FAM tours are currently made up of trips of six to 12 people to a particular destination.

During the tour the attendees visit the destination hospitals and clinics stay at select hotels and engage in some tourism activities. There is also the customary exchange of contact information with the intention of future business being conducted between the attendees and the participating destination FAM tour organizations.

Some of the better-planned FAM tour hosts do some screening of the attendees to make sure that they carry the right amount of influence in the relevant industries. Destinations are often looking for buyers as they are usually called. Buyers are decision makers in the health insurance or employment areas both of which are considered to be sources of potentially large numbers of patients for the destination countries and the participating organizations.

Some of these better planned tours also schedule some business meeting time for the attendees and the host organizations to kick start their business relationships. Often times visits can end without serious business being discussed but rather a promise is made to discuss business in subsequent phone or other meetings.

Both these activities  the screening and the business meetings  are designed to increase the success of the FAM tour.In short the host destinations are attempting to ensure that the expense brings them some return.

However while these are excellent activities they do not guarantee a successful FAM tour. In order for it to be successful the following items must be considered and addressed during the planning stage. (Note that examples of the critical success factors are presented at the end of the article). ‍

Factors for success

1. Build a relationship:- Both destination hosts and FAM tour attendees must understand and agree with the FAM tour objective(s) which is usually to create an event that will trigger a relationship or that will enhance an existing relationship.

Most FAM tours are designed to either create business for the destination host hospitals clinics and participating organizations or to expose the destination host hospitals to the FAM tour attendees in the hope of generating future business. ‍

It's important to note that without the relationship factor the FAM tour is most likely to generate only business transactions at best. Many hospitals complain that after spending money to host a FAM tour they received little to no patients from their efforts.

Usually this is because the attendees are busy sending patients to destinations with which they have a relationship in addition to a business agreement. By introducing the relationship factor FAM tour destination hosts and attendees start building the foundation for a long and fruitful relationship.

The communication becomes more open and both parties work together to achieve success. Trust begins to develop and barriers are broken down. This sort of relationship usually grows to include other business in addition to medical tourism business. ‍

‍ 2. Define the host:- FAM tours generally experience some disarray and confusion during the implementation stage when it is unclear to the attendees who exactly the hosts are. Are the hosts the government agencies the hospitals and clinics the funding organizations or a combination?

It should be absolutely clear and transparent.Also the relationship between the host(s) and the other participating organizations should be abundantly clear. Of course there is an optimal arrangement that will benefit all parties concerned and the host(s) should consult with someone who has experience in the industry and who can help them leverage their host position to achieve successful results. ‍

‍ 3. Identify the tour attendees The host needs to figure out whom to invite to the FAM tour. Remember the objective of the tour is to create an event that will trigger a relationship or that will enhance an existing relationship.

Knowing that this relationship is primarily between the host(s) and the attendees it becomes apparent that the attendees should be people who represent organizations that will benefit the host(s). However the attendees should also be people who represent organizations that the host(s) can benefit.

A relationship is between two parties for the tour to be successful both parties must benefit.

‍ 4. Assign a facilitator and create a schedule:- Now that the host(s) attendees and objectives have been identified the FAM tour needs a schedule and facilitator(s). A facilitator is the person who will actually implement the tour. The person should be fluent in the visitors language but the tour can still be effective if one of the attendees is an interpreter.

The facilitator should be widely available and have no time conflicts for the duration of the tour. The person should also be savvy in the business ways of the destination host country. FAM tour attendees always have many questions and the lack of answers can quickly render a FAM tour ineffective.

An effective FAM tour schedule is one that contains hospital and clinic visits some government agency visits opportunity for business discussions and some social activity usually with a tourism component associated with it. The length of the tour depends on a number of factors. See the table below for an example of a three-day tour.

‍ 5. Secure appropriate housing:- The lodging is central to the FAM tour and should be absolutely first class. First the travel time between the host hotel and the hospitals and clinics to be visited should be minimized.

Second the host hotel should have some examples of the types of rooms that will be available to future patients including fully accessible rooms and fitness facilities. The cuisine should be international in flavor and availability and room service should be 24/7.

Remember that the attendees will be conducting business with their countries while visiting and this may involve a time difference. Therefore they should be able to access all the hotel services round the clock.

‍ 6. Narrow your marketing/hospital selection:- Destination countries should focus on the one or two procedures that they have world-class reputations in and the lowest prices. It is not good marketing to advertise all the hospital and clinic procedures because it demonstrates a lack of understanding of the metrics that make medical tourism viable. Patients and buyers look for quality equal to or better than what is available in their home country and at the best price possible. ‍

‍ 7. Include tourism activities:- There are two reasons to included tourism activities in a FAM tour. The first is because most patients will be accompanied by a companion and the companion may need to re-energize themselves during the patient visit.The second reason is to advertise the destination country.

The most popular and effective form of marketing is word-of-mouth. There is no better way to encourage repeat visits whether for healthcare purposes or for tourism purposes than to make sure that the visitors see what the destination country has to offer.

‍ 8. Plan efficient and effective business meetings:- Of course the main reason for the FAM tour to begin with is to motivate business and to do this via a relationship approach. This approach is not only a smart way to do business but it also is an excellent marketing approach for the destination country and its hospitals and clinics.

Some time has to be dedicated toward business and business activities. Careful consideration and planning should be undertaken. FAM tour participants should be given a schedule that clearly shows what all the activities are well in advance of them leaving their countries to start the tour.

They should be clearly instructed on what business activities are going to take place how to prepare for them and what their role is going to be. This will ensure a smooth business discussion.

‍ 9. Appoint a business meeting facilitator:- In addition to the above recommendations a business meeting facilitator has to be appointed. This person does not have to be the same person that facilitates the whole tour.

This person should be trained and should know who the attendees are their titles and responsibilities the objectives of the FAM tour and the objectives of the business discussions. This will ensure an error-free business environment.

‍ 10. Follow up:- Follow-up is essential to the eventual success of any FAM tour. Follow-up is the ultimate responsibility of the hosts. They are the ones that have made the financial outlay in order to achieve an objective and therefore they are the most invested in the outcome.

At the business meetings and other FAM tour meetings milestones for certain activities would have been established. These milestones should be the focus of all follow-up activities.

Buyers beware

Always prescreen your buyers and evaluate their position in the industry. There has been a growing trend of Fake Buyers on Fam Trips. They may be consultants and marketing companies that use the Fam Trip as a fully paid trip to market their services directly to the hospitals. If disclosed in advance and if the host finds value in it then the consultant may provide value to the host. ‍

A FAM tour is a one-time opportunity for a host country and its hospitals and clinics to impress the tour attendees. This is a cant fail proposition. In other words everything must go well during a FAM tour otherwise word-of-mouth communication will certainly cause future problems for the host country.

All efforts must be made to ensure that the FAM tour is most impressive and that the attendees are supremely confident that the host country offers a viable short- and long-term solution for their healthcare issues. If all the above factors are addressed successfully a FAM tour will provide just the jump start that a host country needs in the medical tourism industry. ‍

About the Author:

Alex Piper is the President of OneWorld Global Healthcare Solutions a consulting company committed to creating a worldwide healthcare solution.With over 17 years experience in Insurance Marketing and Employee Benefits Management Alex Piper possesses extensive knowledge of the U.S. Healthcare Market and the influence that Insurance Carriers U.S.

Employers Hospitals Physicians Physician Groups Healthcare Professional Organizations and Government will have on the next generation of global healthcare.As an insurance executive at a top Fortune 50 U.S. company he spent eight years designing employee and customer benefits programs including healthcare programs for the large supplier and distribution partner companies of his employer.

He was responsible for creating a benefits program that had over U.S.$140 million in assets and had over 1300 companies enrolled. His latest program grew from zero to $40 million in insurance premiums in less than two years!

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media familiarisation visit

ETA hosts Media Familiarisation Trips

Fostering collaboration and promoting destination eswatini.

Familiarisation tours provide a valuable platform for media and influencers to experience a destination firsthand, gaining in-depth knowledge of its attractions, unique experiences, and overall ambiance. This firsthand exposure allows them to craft authentic and compelling narratives that showcase the destination’s true essence. Familiarisation tours also serve as a catalyst for fostering collaboration between media and influencers and the tourism industry.

By bringing together key players in the travel sector, these tours facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and potential partnerships. Familiarisation tours represent a mutually beneficial partnership between the tourism industry and media and influencers. By providing a platform for immersive experiences and fostering collaboration, these tours contribute to the creation of authentic content, increased destination awareness, and ultimately, a thriving tourism sector.

With this ideal in mind, ETA annually hosts members of the media and influencers with the aim of educating, informing and showcasing what Destination Eswatini has to offer to the domestic, regional and international market. In the dynamic realm of tourism, media and influencers play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and influencing travel decisions. Familiarisation tours, also known as fam trips, offer a unique opportunity to immerse media representatives and influencers in a destination’s offerings, fostering meaningful connections and generating authentic content that resonates with potential visitors.

Early this month was no different for ETA hosted members of the media and influencers . As we approach the festive season, the members of the media and influencers toured three tourist leisure facilities. Our guests braved the harsh Saturday heat and visited Mantenga Lodge & Restaurant in Ezulwini, Olive Country Lodge in Mkhondvo and TreeTops Game Resort in Big Bend.

ETA selected members of the media:

  • Phephile Motau- Eswatini Observer
  • Sinethemba Dlamini- Eswatini Broadcasting Information Service (EBIS)
  • Bahle Gama- Eswatini Financial Times
  • Todvwa Gwebu- Eswatini Tourism Authority, Youtuber and Social Media Influencer
  • Thandwayinkosi Dlamini- Destinations Vlogger
  • Zandisile Howe- Miss Eco Tourism Eswatini  

Mantenga Lodge & Restaurant

Mantenga Lodge & Restaurant serves as an ideal base from which to explore Swaziland’s rich cultural heritage. Visit the renowned Sheba’s Breast Mountains, immortalized in Rider Haggard’s “King Solomon’s Mines,” or venture into the heart of Ezulwini, known as the “Valley of Heaven.” Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions of Swazi culture, witnessing traditional dance performances and experiencing the warmth and hospitality of the Swazi people.

The lodge’s restaurant, renowned for its delectable cuisine, serves up a tantalizing fusion of traditional Swati flavours and international culinary influences. Fresh, locally sourced ingredients take center stage in each dish, creating a symphony of flavours that will tickle your taste buds. Indulge in the succulent flavours of grilled game, savour the rich aromas of traditional Swati dishes, or delight in the exquisite presentation of international cuisine.

Surrounded by the Ezulwini Valley’s natural splendour, Mantenga Lodge & Restaurant offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration and relaxation. Take a refreshing dip in the sparkling outdoor pool, soak up the sun on the expansive deck while savouring breathtaking views, or embark on guided nature walks to discover the hidden gems of the surrounding area.

For Bookings:

Tel: +26824161049

Email: [email protected]


Olive Country Lodge

Nestled amidst the tranquil embrace of Eswatini’s verdant hills, Olive Country Lodge offers a haven of serenity and sophistication, inviting travellers to immerse themselves in the heart of Africa’s on your way to the Shiselweni region. Olive Country Lodge, situated at on MR9 within the Yithi Abantu Highway, exudes a harmonious blend of rustic charm and modern comfort, where guests can unwind and reconnect with nature’s gentle rhythms. Spacious and African fusion tinted decorated rooms, such as the Beehives, offer scenic views of the rolling hills and lush greenery that paint the landscape.

Olive Country Lodge’s culinary team takes pride in tapping on guests’ taste buds with a fusion of traditional Swati cuisine, seafood and a touch of oriental flair in the menu

Tel: +26876526263

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


TreeTops Game Resort

Perched atop a hill overlooking the sweeping expanse of the Lowveld, Tree Tops Game Resort in Lukhula Road, Big Bend exudes an ambiance of sophistication and comfort, where every detail is meticulously crafted to enhance your African resort experience. Spacious and tastefully decorated rooms provide a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation, while panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness paint a breathtaking backdrop to your stay.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or a casual diner seeking an unforgettable culinary experience, the Tree Tops Game Resort restaurant is a must-visit destination. It is a place where the flavours of Eswatini come alive, where the spirit of adventure meets the art of fine dining, and where memories are made to last a lifetime.

Tel: +26878080801

Email: [email protected]

The Fam Trips Ripple Effect

The impact of familiarisation tours extends beyond immediate media coverage and social media engagement. The relationships forged during these tours often lead to long-term collaborations, ongoing content creation, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Tourism organisations can track the effectiveness of familiarisation tours by monitoring website traffic, social media engagement, and media coverage generated after the tours. By analysing these metrics, they can gauge the impact of these initiatives on brand awareness, reputation, and ultimately, tourism arrivals.

As the Eswatini tourism landscape continues to evolve, the role of media and influencers will only grow in significance. Familiarisation tours remain an essential tool to cultivate meaningful relationships, generate authentic storytelling, and promote destinations to the world.

media familiarisation visit

MMPRC Hosts Familiarisation Trip For Top Influencers From India

The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), also known as Visit Maldives, has successfully completed an exclusive media familiarisation trip for esteemed influencers from India to the breathtaking Sunny Side of Life. This captivating campaign took place from 15th to 22nd July 2023 and left a lasting impression on the Indian audience, showcasing the Maldives’ unparalleled beauty and luxurious experiences.

The group of participants consisted of five highly popular influencers and one PR representative, who utilized their extensive social media presence and online platforms to showcase the unmatched charm of the Maldives. The influencers involved in the trip were Thomson Pascal Sequira, Rohan Mehra, Kanika Mann, Aakriti Rana, and Shaurya Sanadhya Tulshyan, with a combined reach of over 14 million. Each influencer brought their unique perspective and influence to the campaign, sharing captivating posts, stories, and content highlighting the luxurious host properties and the incredible experiences available in the Maldives.

During their visit, the participants indulged in signature cuisines and unforgettable experiences at world-class properties, including Pullman Maldives, Movenpick Resort Kuredhivaru, and Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives. These experiences included exploring spa facilities and wellness offerings, participating in water sports, snorkeling trips, and attending a Mermaid Introduction Class.

This media familiarisation trip comes when Indian arrivals to the Maldives have been soaring, with 113,759 visitors recorded as of 7th July 2023. India has now emerged as the leading source market, accounting for 14.4% of all tourists visiting the Maldives.

The trip is part of Visit Maldives’ ongoing efforts to promote the Maldives as a top-of-the-mind destination for luxury travel. Utilizing a comprehensive marketing strategy encompassing PR activities, fairs, joint promotions, radio campaigns, social media, and digital marketing, as well as roadshows, MMPRC aims to reach a broad target market in India and further solidify the Maldives’ position as the ultimate luxury getaway.


media familiarisation visit

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media familiarisation visit

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media familiarisation visit

News October 15, 2023

media familiarisation visit

MMPRC Promotes Maldives at TTG Travel Experience 2023

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) promoted the Sunny Side of Life at TTG Travel Experience 2023, held from 11th October to 13th October 2023 in Rimini Expo Centre in Italy. A total of 33 co-exhibitors participated in the fair alongside MMPRC to strengthen the destination presence in the Italian market.

TTG Travel Experience is one of the key marketing events for the promotion of global tourism in Italy. They offer various business development opportunities including the chance for tourism industry stakeholders to present their products and services to a wide audience of B2B professionals and consumers. The fair provides a leading platform for industry partners to reveal their latest plans, collaborate with new partners, and strengthen old ties in the Italian market.

media familiarisation visit

MMPRC showcased the full range of products, including resorts, guesthouses, liveaboards, hotels, along with our exceptional services and unique experiences at TTG Travel Experience 2023. Throughout this fair, MMPRC and industry partners aimed to promote the Maldives and share the latest information about the destination to the travel trade and travellers from the Italian market and beyond.

The Italian market is traditionally strong, being the third top source market in 2019. As of June 2023, there has been a 31.1% increase in arrivals compared to the same period last year. The Maldives has seen over 84,093 tourists from Italy in total this year so far. MMPRC is consistently strengthening the presence of Maldives in the Italian market through a 360-degree marketing approach. The efforts undertaken by MMPRC are part of its key strategy in providing unforgettable experiences in the Sunny Side of Life for every Italian traveller.

So far this year, in addition to media familiarisation trips and other activities, the Visit Maldives Storytellers’ Conference 2023 included several active participants from Italy, resulting in substantial visibility and coverage for the Maldives on different social and traditional media platforms. Visit Maldives will also be representing Destination Maldives at major trade shows such as EUDI 2023 which will take place in Bologna from 13th to 15th October 2023. The commencement of direct ITA Airways flights to the Maldives under seasonal flight operations is expected to lead to considerable increase of arrivals from Italy to the Maldives at the end of this year.

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media familiarisation visit

News April 23, 2024

media familiarisation visit

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FS Kwatra interacts with media from Seychelles, Sri Lanka upon their familiarisation visit to India

To forge closer ties with neighbours in the indian ocean region, foreign secretary vinay kwatra interacted with "media friends" from seychelles and sri lanka who are on a week-long familiarisation visit to india beginning thursday..

FS Kwatra interacts with media from Seychelles, Sri Lanka upon their familiarisation visit to India

To forge closer ties with neighbours in the Indian Ocean region, Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra interacted with "media friends" from Seychelles and Sri Lanka who are on a week-long familiarisation visit to India beginning Thursday. "Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra interacted with our media friends from Seychelles and Sri Lanka who are on a week-long familiarisation visit to India beginning today. Another step towards closer ties with our neighbours in the Indian Ocean region," Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi tweeted.

Amid the unfolding great maritime game in the Indian Ocean, the importance of Seychelles to India's strategic calculus cannot be overstated. Situated only 600 miles east of Diego Garcia, the US air and naval base, the Indian Ocean archipelago is becoming a hub of geopolitical competition, an MEA press release had said. Moving beyond defence, it's in the areas of development and capacity building that the India-Seychelles partnership shines forth. Think of Seychelles, and India always looms large in this enchanting archipelago country better known for beauty pageants, honeymooners and luxury holidays.

There have been many presidential visits from India to this African littoral nation. Culturally, the Indian diaspora remains the flag-bearer of Indian traditions and values. Persons of Indian Origin have been among the earliest inhabitants of this island nation. Moreover, India has come to rescue Sri Lanka which is currently under a severe economic crisis. The island country is facing an acute shortage of foreign currency along with a food and fuel crisis.

On the other side, under the 'neighbourhood first policy', India has responded with urgency to the government of Sri Lanka's request for assistance in overcoming hardships and will enhance economic linkages between the two countries be it through infrastructure connectivity and renewable energy. In line with its "neighbourhood first" policy, India has been highly active to help Sri Lanka during its economic crisis. (ANI)

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AirAsia waiting for government response to Macau base plan


AirAsia waiting for government response to Macau base plan

AirAsia is waiting for details of the government’s policies and conditions on setting up a base to open its own airline in Macau, the low-cost carrier’s CEO for Hong Kong and Macau Celia Lao Sio Wun said on Tuesday.

Lao made the remarks while speaking to reporters during a Macau media familiarisation visit to AirAsia’s headquarters at Kuala Lumpur airport.

The airline’s founder Tony Fernandes said in March that he was interested in setting up a base in Macau as Air Macau’s monopoly ends in November next year.

“[Fernandes] knows about the development in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), he knows about the Macau government’s involvement, so he’s positive about it, and is interested to have an airline there, which makes sense to do,” Lao said.

She said that when the Macau government releases more details about its aviation industry’s development plan, AirAsia would propose to the government its Macau base plan.

“The direction is to have an AirAsia airline [based in Macau], but it needs to be both ways, we first need to know what the government’s direction is so that we can complement them,” she said, pointing out that opening up the industry would allow competition, which for customers would result in more choices based on price and quality.

Lao said that for the company’s 15th anniversary in Macau this year, it is currently offering flights at 115 patacas for all Macau destinations.

According to Lao, AirAsia in Macau started off with just one flight per day from Bangkok and now operates 91 flights a week to 11 destinations in three countries – Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

“This is quite a miracle because when we launched our flights, the gaming industry wasn’t opened up yet, so it really relied on Macau’s own attractiveness to get tourists to fly there,” Lao pointed out.

According to the Macau Post Daily, concerning the GBA infrastructure development, she said that the company was looking to bring back its Macau-Penang route, and was also considering launching a Japanese destination, possibly Nagoya, for Macau.

According to Lao, AirAsia already has 27 bases with its nine airlines.

“Macau flies to 11 destinations, there are 16 other destinations, so when we have a base in Macau, there’s a chance we can connect these other destinations with Macau,” she said.

Read more about AirAsia through its CEO Celia Lao here .

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Tesla recalls almost 4,000 Cybertrucks over faulty accelerator

A Tesla Cybertruck In Los Angeles

Tesla is recalling almost 4,000 of its flagship Cybertrucks to fix a potentially dangerous fault with their accelerators' pedals.

A safety recall report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that 3,878 of the vehicles would be recalled for repair — including all those manufactured between Nov. 13, 2023, and April 4.

"On affected vehicles, when high force is applied to the pad on the accelerator pedal, the pad may dislodge, which may cause the pedal to become trapped in the interior trim above the pedal," the report said.

The recall adds to a run of bad news for Tesla. On Monday, the company laid off 10% of its workforce after disappointing company earnings showed a decline in the number of cars it delivered in the first three months of the year. Its stock price has fallen nearly 40% this year, and Tesla has reportedly stopped development of a cheaper vehicle option so it can focus on self-driving robotaxis —a move that has made some analysts more pessimistic about the company.

The Cybertruck has done little to change that narrative. The futuristic-looking vehicle has generated plenty of buzz but also scrutiny over everything from its safety and reliability to its sharp edges and reports of rust spots on its stainless steel body .

The pedal problem was raised on social media this week by one driver who found that the vehicle was accelerating on its own after the accelerator became stuck to the floor when a rubber cover came loose.

A TikTok video of Cybertruck owner Jose Martinez illustrating the problem has been shared more than 42,000 times and viewed more than 6 million times on X, the social network which, like Tesla, is owned by billionaire Elon Musk.

The NHTSA said in its recall report that the fault was caused by "residual lubricant (soap)" which had been used to apply the rubber pad during the manufacturing process. It said "Tesla will replace or rework the accelerator pedal assembly" at no extra charge.

The NHTSA said Tesla first received notice of a customer complaint about the accelerators on March 31, followed by a second on April 3. The report said that Tesla made the determination to voluntarily recall the vehicles on April 12.

It also said Tesla has already begun to address the issue on vehicles in production or at delivery centers.

media familiarisation visit

Patrick Smith is a London-based editor and reporter for NBC News Digital.


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    Fostering collaboration and promoting Destination Eswatini Familiarisation tours provide a valuable platform for media and influencers to experience a destination firsthand, gaining in-depth knowledge of its attractions, unique experiences, and overall ambiance. This firsthand exposure allows them to craft authentic and compelling narratives that showcase the destination's true essence.

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