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Christian Tour Braşov Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28

Adresă și orar.

  • Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 Braşov 500025
  • 40 31 710 56 34
  • Lu-Vi: 10:00-18:00
  • https://christiantour.ro/contact

Dacă ați accesat această pagină, probabil vizitați frecvent magazinul Christian Tour din Christian Tour Braşov - Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 . Avem informațiile actuale ale Christian Tour Braşov - Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 și programul de funcționare aici pe Toate Ofertele !

Acest magazin Christian Tour este unul dintre cele 139 magazine din România . În orașul dvs. Braşov , veți găsi un total de 2 magazine operate de Christian Tour . Găsiți informațiile actuale și programul de orele de deschidere Christian Tour Braşov - Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 pe site.

Magazine Christian Tour - Braşov

Christian tour - cele mai apropiate magazine.

thumbnail - Catalog Mega Image

Program: 10:00 – 22:00

Christian Tour

Bucurie zi de zi

christian tour brasov program

Din 1997 până ȋn prezent, Christian Tour a devenit cel mai mare organizator de vacanţe din România. A acumulat know-how şi experienţă, ajungând ȋn top şi menţinându-şi pozitia de lider ȋn industrie. Această evoluţie spectaculoasă s-a perpetuat datorită muncii constante a unei echipe de oameni valoroşi, din care te invităm să faci parter. Noi la Christian Tour am realizat că, dincolo de tehnologiile moderne, clienţii au ȋn continuare nevoie de profesionişti care să le ofere cele mai bune soluţii şi alternative ȋn materie de servicii turistice şi să le fie alătui pe tot parcursul organizării şi desfăşurării călătoriei.

Christian Tour este membru fondator al Memento Group of Companies, cel mai mare grup turistic prezent pe piaţa din România ȋncă din anul 2011. Operațiunile Memento Group se desfăşoară în ȋntreaga Europă, ȋn state precum: România , Serbia, Grecia, Turcia, Spania sau Moldova. În calitate de furnizor principal de servicii de călătorie și conexe, Memento Gorup a evoluat an de an, extinzându-și treptat portofoliul către noi domenii de activitate, cu braduri inovatoare precum: Animawings (companie aeriană); MementoBUS (divizia de transport), Yuga (divizia de retail), Fabrica de Asigurari (divizia de asigurări), MemEx (divizia de curierat) sau Memento Hub (divizia IT&C). Totodată, ȋncepând cu anul 2019, Memento Group este, de asemenea, proprietarul și dezvoltatorul francizei locale a celui mai mare jucător din turismul mondial – TUI.

christian tour brasov program

Coresi Shopping Resort

Galerie: luni – duminică: 10:00 – 22:00

Hipermarket: luni – duminică: 7:00 – 22:00

Street Coresi: luni – duminică: verificați programul individual

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Zaharia Stancu nr. 1, Brașov, Romania

Latitudine: 45.670701 | Longitudine: 25.615936

The future of travel

The founder of Christian Tour, Cristian Pandel, has gone through all the stages of a successful story, starting from a simple idea, working hard and with passion, becoming an entrepreneur with an unique approach concerning travel and related services.

After 24 years, Christian Tour is one of the most prominent companies in SE Europe, with a dedicated team of more then 200 travel professionals active in +40 travel office all over Romania and Republic of Moldova.


We understand the families’ needs for vacation: a peaceful, serene trip for  adults and entertainment for children.

Nearly half million customers travel with Christian Tour every year . All our customers, looking for sunny beaches destinations, city breaks or niche holiday spots, can and will find ideas for their next holiday.


We know that the active people go on vacation for new experiences. Especially for them, Christian Tour  has created cultural tours, weekend breaks and pilgrimages all over the world.


Nowadays we want to explore the world, to discover new destinations, to change the décor for a while. We offer city breaks in the European capitals and flight tickets to any destination around the world.


You dream of paradise? Christian Tour will take you there! Exotic islands,  turquoise horizons, bizarre foods and exquisite cocktails. This is the scenery of an exotic holiday created by Christian Tour.

WE FOCUS on what our customers want; we constantly introduce new destinations and new services; we are very selective regarding our suppliers; nevertheless our rates for all holiday packages stay at the range of affordable.


Senior Voyage, our dedicated brand for senior citizens is well known for its unrivaled tours throughout the most spectacular destinations in Romania and in many European countries.

Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage” brand in Romania.  


WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country – Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very beginning of its existence.

Business Travel

We offer complete solutions for business travel by combining technology with experienced and well trained travel specialists. We provide complete counselling and support services such as accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance.


Our evets team is experienced, creative, innovative and enthusiastic.  We will work alongside you to create complex and memorable events. We aim to make your work easier, by taking over your responsibilities and saving you time, while also fully complying with your budgets and policies. 

Who are we - THE JOURNEY

We make everything simple

IT ALL BEGAN ALMOST 24 YEARS AGO when, together with a group of other enthusiasts, we started exploring the Romanian mountains. We discovered the excitement of experiencing new places and the joy of escaping the everyday bustle. Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible.  

Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded. Since the philosophy of the newly founded travel agency was based on the same values as the school, to open up new experiences and places, we chose as logo a symbol that reminded of those special early days: the Bucegi Sphinx.  

In the past years, due to an excellent team of tourism professionals and the economic force behind us, Christian Tour has become one of the most important brands on the Romanian tourism market. Our field of activity is one of the most fascinating anyone can imagine: we set out our clients for dream destinations!  

Christian Tour, as part of Memento Group, stands out as NO 1 tour operator in Romania and a major player in SE Europe. We are committed to fulfill the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, accessible and memorable as possible, to deliver the right experience to all our customers.  

Corporate Services

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Ticketing, accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance

BENEFITS: Employee benefits, gift vouchers, discount packages

MEETINGS: Consultancy on accommodation and meal choices, transport, technical equipment, graphics

INCENTIVES : Consultancy on destinations, transport, accommodations, meals, conference venues, party planning, teambuilding activities, tour guides, customized gifts

CONGRESSES : Event concept, on-site coordinator, participants registration, accommodation, meals, catering, transport, graphic design, technical equipment, multimedia solutions, translation services, hostess services, airport meet& greet, photo and video services, voting and videoconference facilities, VIP services, speakers booking, entertainment, security services

EXPOSITIONS : Planning, contracting, concept design, logistics, graphic production, marketing and promotion services

Benefits for our customers

  • A single provider that manages the entire travel business of the company
  • Personalized and complete services adapted to their needs
  • Negotiated rates
  • Access to our global network of partners
  • Optimized travel costs
  • Safe travels through verified services
  • Advantageous payment terms
  • Dedicated travel consultants
  • Specialized assistance during the trip in case of flight cancellation or schedule changes
  • Event planning
  • Compliance with the company’s SLAs
  • Detailed and efficient reporting
  • Specialized help in designing travel policies

Happy Clients

Descoperă BRAȘOV

Informații turistice, sănătate & frumusețe.

  • Autentificare Cont nou Activare cont
  • Adrese utile
  • Agenții de turism, ghizi și instructori
  • Agenții de turism

Christian Tour

Brașov agenții de turism.

  • Când să vii
  • Atracții turistice
  • Împrejurimi
  • Aeroporturi și aerodromuri
  • Restaurante și bistrouri
  • Baruri și cafenele
  • Cofetării şi patiserii
  • Supermarket-uri
  • Operă, teatru, filarmonică
  • Cluburi, casino și săli de jocuri
  • Peste 18 ani
  • Cabane și camping
  • Regim hotelier
  • Închirieri auto și biciclete
  • Taxi și transfer aeroport
  • Telecabine, gondole, teleski, telescaun
  • Spitale și clinici
  • Ghizi și instructori
  • Centre de informare turiști
  • Schimb valutar și case de amanet
  • Vulcanizări
  • Tractări auto
  • Service auto
  • Reprezentanțe auto
  • Librării, biblioteci și asociații culturale
  • Servicii veterinare
  • Croitorie și retușuri
  • Servicii juridice
  • Servicii Funerare
  • Curățătorii ecologice și chimice, spălătorii
  • Informatii utile
  • Zile festive
  • Calendar evenimente
  • Târguri și expoziții
  • Filarmonică, operă și operetă
  • Evenimente sportive
  • Petreceri și evenimente diverse

Sănătate și frumusețe

  • Asociații și cluburi sportive
  • Centre de închiriere echipamente sportive
  • Arene și parcuri
  • Centre de înfrumusețare
  • Săli de sport și fitness

Adăugate recent

Filadelfia turism, agentia de turism cristianul, dialect tour, estella travel, nunta lui figaro | operă de w.a. mozart.

luni - vineri: 09:30 - 19:30; sâmbătă: 09:30 - 14:30

BRAȘOV Piaţa Sfatului 28 (zona Centrul istoric) localizare cu Google Maps

+40 371 30.56.34 +40 720 80.02.47

[email protected]

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Anul 2016 marchează un moment important pentru compania noastră. Odată cu împlinirea vârstei de 19 ani pe piaţă, suntem hotărati să rămânem în continuare partenerul tău preferat. Inspiră-te din catalogul nostru, şi găseşte-ţi vacanţa mult dorită! Vino apoi la una dintre reprezentanţele noastre pentru mai multe idei şi informaţii despre viitoarea ta vacanţă. Te aşteptăm!

Albume foto

123 Travel este o agenţie tur operatoare care vă oferă vacanţe în destinaţii precum Austria, Grecia, Turcia,Italia, Croaţia, Muntenegru şi nu în ultimul rând România! Agenția oferă...

Smart Tours

SMART TOURS este o agenţie de turism şi evenimente cu sediul în Braşov. Suntem pe piaţă de 9 ani, timp în care am înregistrat o creştere constantă atât în ceea ce priveşte numărul de...

Kron-Tour este liderul local din ultimii 20 de ani al pieţei de servicii turistice şi totodată partener de încredere al celor mai importanţi clienţi corporate din Zona Centru.

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Recomandările din Brașov vor fi disponibile în curând.

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  • Post Category: BRASOV / BRASOV

Ai mers in vacanta cu agentia de turism CHRISTIAN TOUR din BRASOV, BRASOV? Spune-ne cum a fost .

Vrei sa pleci in vacanta cu agentia de turism CHRISTIAN TOUR din BRASOV, BRASOV? Citeste parerile clientilor .

Compară prețurile unei asigurări de călătorie


Tipul agentiei de turism: ORGANIZATOARE

Data emiterii licentei de turism: 07.01.2019

Site web: www.christiantour.ro


Denumire firma: CHRISTIAN’ 76 TOUR SRL

CUI: 9617078

Registrul comertului: J40/5529/1997


Aceasta agentie de turism nu are inca niciun review. Poti fi prima persoana care adauga o parere.

Adauga parerea ta:

Alte agentii de turism, estella travel din brasov, brasov, dia’s travel din brasov, brasov, forum tours din brasov, brasov.

  • Aventuri extreme


SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

Adriana Mosoiu

  • Călătorii în perioadele de sezon redus, pentru a beneficia de prețuri cât mai bune și a te bucura de locurile respective fără aglomerație.
  • Înnoptare în aceeași locație, astfel căratul bagajelor dintr-o parte în alta nu va mai constitui o problemă.
  • Echilibru optim între relaxare și vizite. Vizitezi pe îndelete, pentru a surprinde frumusețea fiecărui loc și moment.
  • Asistență turistică pentru întreaga perioadă, care include preluarea și însoțirea turiștilor către și de la hotel, organizarea excursiilor opționale și suport oricând la destinație.
  • Ghizi profesioniști, bine pregătiți pe fiecare destinație, care știu ca-n palmă fiecare pietricică din partea locului.

Citește și Vacanță în ROMÂNIA: DELTA DUNĂRII, un colț de natură rupt din rai

  • senior voyage

christian tour brasov program


Buna ziua! Ma numesc Rodica Grigoras si locuiesc in Brasov. As dori sa ma inscriu la mai multe excursii in tara,realizate de Cristian Tour dar,faptul ca, se pleaca dimineata din Bucuresti este un impediment pentru mine. Ar fi foarte convenabil daca, CONTRA COST s-ar asigura un transfer de la Brasov la punctul de imbarcare din Bucuresti si retur. Am fi mai multe persoane interesate. 10 martie 2024,cu multumiri anticipate

Bună ziua, Vă rog să luați legătura cu cei de la agenția Christian Tour din Brașov, pentru a găsi o soluție.

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christian tour brasov program

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Christian Tour

🕗 programul de lucru, comentarii  5.

Cluc 24

Firma mare dar din pacate neserioasa. Pacat ca-si permit sda piarda clientii. Ofera sejururi afara, dar uita de propria lor tara.

Clasa Informatica

Clasa Informatica

Este o firma care nu prezinta incredere si siguranta. In anul 2016, am achizitionat un sejur in Turcia prin aceasta firma si in contract era stipulata, bineinteles, si asistenta turistica pe toata durata sejurului. Ghidul care ne-a preluat de la aeroport a recunoscut cu nonsalanta ca el nu cunoaste limba turca, ne-a lasat la hotel si am schimbat numere de telefon, spunand ca daca avem probleme sa-l sunam, si o sa mai treaca el pe la noi. S-a intamplat insa ca in 16.06 sa aiba loc puchul din Turcia, iar noi fiind in Marmaris, am fost treziti efectiv la 4 dimineata de zgomote de mitraliere. Am mers la receptie, sa vedem ce se intampla, iar cei de la hotel ne-au sfatuit sa ne intoarcem in camera si sa asteptam. Intre timp, am deschis si televizorul si am vazut nebunia care era in desfasurare , cu tancuri, arme si lupte de strada. L-am sunat pe ghid si ce credeti ? Avea telefonul inchis. Ghidul a raspuns la telefon dupa vreo doua zile, deci dupa ce apele s-au linistit, iar noi ne-am descurcat singuri, cerand si primind asistenta consulara. Specific, ghidul a raspuns la telefon dupa vreo doua zile, spunand ca a fost foarte ocupat, deci tot noi l-am contactat, nu a incercat el sa vada daca turistii firmei pe care o reprezinta sunt in regula, dupa situatia aceea de forta majora. In concluzie, Christian Tour este o firma neserioasa, pe care nu te poti baza. Tinand cont de faptul ca acum oriunde in lume poate izbucni un conflict, daca nu iti asumi sa calatoresti pe cont propriu, atunci trebuie sa alegi o firma de incredere, iar Christian Tour nu se incadreaza in aceasta categorie.


DEZORGANIZARE totala la CHristian TOUR..... Am calatorit pt prima data cu ei si sigur este ultima... Circuit Viena, Praga Dresda 28.11.17 La achizitionare am stiut ca trebuie sa ne imbarcam din Sibiu, autocarul venind pe ruta Pitesti, Valcea,Sibiu. Pt transport cu agentia , din Fagaras la Sibiu = 70km ar fi trebuit sa platim 40 euro de persoana dus-intors ceea ce ma bucur ca nu am facut. Am mers pe cont propriu la Sibiu, unde am asteptat un alt autocar al aceleiasi firme Christian Tour care, culmea, venea de pe ruta Valea Prahovei, Brasov, Fagaras, Sibiu.... ...deci puteam sa fim repartizati in acest autocar care avea aceeasi destinatie si pret.... Din acest autocar s-au mutat in autocarul nostru persoane care au platit cei 40 euro pt ca imbarcarea lor se considera la SIbiu.... Aceste persoane au platit pt disconfortul de a se muta dintr-un autocar in altul ,al aceleiasi firme, atat la dus cat si la intors... Pt ei aceeasi excursie a fost cu 40 euro mai SCUMPA!!!!! La plecare am intrebat de ce nu am fost in autocarul dinspre Brasov si ni s-a spus ca nu am platit cei 40 euro.... Am cerut ca macar la intoarcere, din Sibiu sa ne mutam in autocarul care trecea prin orasul nostru! Ghida....foarte rigida ne-a spus ca nu se poate pt ca nu am platit in plus.... Vi se pare normal sa cumperi un pachet turistic de la o agentie care are TRASEU PRIN LOCALITATEA DIN CARE PLECI si sa platesti in plus PT IMBARCARE INTR-UN ALT ORAS ???..... .... Nu mai vorbesc de conditiile de cazare din Budapesta....... fara caldura la hotel in decembrie.....

Cosmin Coman

Cosmin Coman

Am avut ocazia sa mergem intr-un sejur in Grecia insa experienta cu ei a fost dezastruoasa. Transportul a fost realizat din foarte multe bucati. Nu ne-au dat detalii cu privire la transport, a trebuit sa sunam la agentie sa intrebam cand, unde si cum vom fi transferati. Am fost pusi sa asteptam in mijlocul tarii fara nici o informatie (ghidul nu a mai raspuns la telefon), fara sa stim unde trebuie sa asteptam autocarul sau cand trebuie sa vina. Ghidul a vandut bilete in excursii la dublu pret decat cele din statiune. Cand am avut o preblema cu cazarea nu s-au implicat deloc. Nu recomand sub nici o forma aceasta agentie!

dorina scarebna

am calatorit cu christian tour pentru prima data si am constatat ca sunt extrem de neseriosi, in primul rand au anulat ex la care am fost inscrisa, mi s-oferit acelasi circuit cu cu alta data de plecare, am comis cea mai grava eroare, trebuia sa tin cont de primul instinct pe care l-am avut, si anume acela ca nu poate fi o firma serioasa daca nu este capabila sa stranga minimum 35 de persoane pt excursie,ulterior intalnindu-ma restul de excursionisti,s-a adeverit din plin neseriozitatea firmei, eram in autocar turisti inscrisi la 4 excursii cu date diferite de plecare,turisti care la randul lor au fost redistribuiti deoarece excursiile la care s-au inscris au fost anulate, Autocarul care ni s-a pus la dispozitie era o rabla inchiriata de la o firma de transport din valcea, autocar de transport navetisti la modul in care arata, cauciucuri uzate, spatele autocarului avea montat o placa de plastic, avea un motor care huruia si era atat de zgomotos incat nu se auzea ghidul cand povestea pe unde calatorim, inainte de Arad , autobuzul a avut explozie pe spate, si deficiente la ambreiaj, soferii nu aveau scule sa repare si sa schimbe roata, am stat pe autostrada 2 ore, pana au reusit soferii sa opreasca un alt autocar, care le-a imprumutat scule necesare si niste cablu sa lege nu stiu ce pe la ambreiaj, toti turistii s-au revoltat ,sa-u certat cu ghidul care nu dorea sa sune la firma si sa solicite alt autocar, pana la urma ne-a pacalit ghidul ca firma va trimite alt autocar sa ne preia din budapesta, unde am avut prima noapte de cazare, bineinteles ca nu a sosit nici un autocar si am calatorit 10 zile cu autocarul in conditii de disconfort , caldura in autocar, scaune inguste, daca unul din pasageri statea cu mainile pe langa corp, celalalt trebuia sa stea cu miinile ridicate pe scaunul din fata, spatiul dintre rindurile de scaune era foarte ingust,nu aveai unde sa iti intinzi picioarele, si calatoream c ate 700,800 de km/zi, daca te gandeai sa rabatezi scaunul ii striveai picioarele celui din spate, si multe alte inconveniente, in concluzie a fost o excursie foarte obositoare, organizare foarte slaba a ghidului, tot ce s-a vizitat a fost in fuga, daca te oprei sa faci poze/film nu auzeai ce povesteste ghidul, daca stateai in jurul ghidului sa ail auzi nu reuseai sa faci poze pentru ca pleca ghidul mai departe si te pierdeai de ghid.La intoarcere spre tara ne-am cazat tot la budapesta si am am avut o scurta croaziera pe dunare cu ghid local, care stia limba romana, bineinteles ca ne-a vorbit de ungaria mare cu teritoriile ei si de faptul ca transilvania a fost a ungariei, ghidul nostru nu s-a scandalizat, au fost cativa turisti care s-au scadalizat.

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  • Attractions

The Evangelic church from Cristian

The western portal is of gothic origins and the church still preserves Cistercian marks like the arcades of a rosette or the curbs of a cherry flower from one of the keystones. The defence area built in the first part of the 15th century is consolidated by 8 towers, the bastion strengthening the gate area and a water fosse which later was covered up. Around the 19th century the bastion became the vicarage, because the fortress around the church lost its military properties. On the east side of the Evangelic church from Cristian is the Evangelic cemetery. After reconstructed in neo-classical style it was added also Anna May’s thumb stone. The almost 3 meters high statue of Jesus Christ seems so natural that gives you protective feelings. It is classified as the second highest church from Transylvania after the Black Church in Brasov. For the ones passionate about the combined architectural styles the fabulous example is to be found in the Evangelic church from Cristian.

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Tour Guide Braşov

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Sibiu Day Trip from Brasov

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Castles Day Tour Peles - Bran - Rasnov from Brasov

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Day Tour Peles Castle - Caraiman Monastery from Brasov

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Transfagarasan Highroad Tour from Brasov (warm season)

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Sighisoara - Viscri Day Trip from Brasov

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Tour Guide Braşov - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

Tours & Day Trips in Brasov

  • Tours & Day Trips in Brasov

Brasov is one of Romania's most popular tourist destinations famous for its medieval architecture and charming natural surroundings. Surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, with Bran Castle and Peles Castle nearby, it's one of the best cities to visit during your holiday in Romania! Check our guide for what to do in Brasov to learn more and our suggestions for things to do.

Brasov is 3 hours away from Bucharest and is your entry point into Transylvania. It's a great base to explore the Great Romanian Outdoors, visit medieval castles and traditional villages, go on adventurous tours or wildlife watching! Many of the best things to do in Romania can be crossed off the list from here! Have a look at our collection of the best day trips in Brasov we selected so you have a great experience, and if you have any questions contact us!


Major romanian cities: all tours & day trips.

  • Tours & Day Trips in Bucharest
  • Tours & Day Trips in Cluj-Napoca
  • Tours & Day Trips in Timisoara
  • Tours & Day Trips in Sibiu

Top attractions in Romania Tours

  • Castles, Fortresses & Historic Tours
  • UNESCO Sites & Cultural Tours
  • Transylvania Tours and Trips
  • Turda Salt Mine Tours
  • Transfagarasan Road Tours
  • Bran Castle Tours
  • Peles Castle Tours
  • Corvin (Hunyadi) Castle Tours
  • 7 Stairs (Ladders) Canyon Tours

Romanian Adventures & Wildlife Tours

  • Bike & Cycling Tours
  • Hiking & Trekking Trips
  • Wildlife Watching & Tracking Trips
  • Ski & Winter Sports Tours

Authentic Romanian Trips

  • Food & Wine Tours
  • Unique Experiences with Locals

christian tour brasov program

Photography Tour of Romania: Traditional Villages & Local Life

Start from: Brasov

Dumitrescu Vlad

  • small group

wild bear watching at the hide

Short Bear Watching Experience from Brasov

Munteanu Simona

3-day Hiking & Wildlife Trip in the Wild Carpathians

Start from: Rucar village, Arges county

Lazar Robert

  • customisable

Piatra Craiului National Park

1, 2 or 3 Days Hiking Tour in Piatra Craiului National Park

Tirla Marian

Backcountry (Offpiste) Ski Tour in the Carpathians

Start from: Brasov, Bucharest or Sibiu

Stratila Marius

Ski or Splitboard Guided Tour

Start from: normally, Brasov. pick up possible from OTP/Bucharest or Sibiu

MTB Tour Brasov

Mountain Bike Tour to the BEST Viewpoint of Brasov

7 stairs Canyon tour

Hiking Trip to the Spectacular 7 Stairs Canyon

The Old City Center

Brasov with a Local: Mt. Tampa, Farmers' Market & Home-Hosted Meal

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{{ activity.title }}

Start from: {{ activity.starting_point }}

Dumitrescu Vlad

Reviews about Tours & Day Trips in Brasov

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It was really neat to see bears in the wild! Really great experience and guide was very nice. I would recommend to do this! Note that there are different locations for the look outs, so it may look different than in the pictures. Our location wasnt this pretty meadow in the pictures, but still, the bears came quickly and that was the important part. They feed the bears to keep them out of the nearby farms etc, so you will see bears.

Our guide was EXTREMELY knowledgeable which is great because I'm quite a curious traveler. He had the wisdom of someone who not only has been a guide a very long time but also an informed citizen of the world. Tiberius was also quite careful to avoid crowds ensuring we got there ahead of time to beat the crowds. For this reason alone, the tour was very much worth it. I enjoyed his stories and learned a lot.

We had a fabulous trip in the mountains which were especially beautiful after a fresh fall of snow. It was a good length of day out and a good intro to the range. Bogdan, our guide is highly experienced and knowledgeable and we were fortunate to benefit from that.

We had an amazing two day hike with Mihai. He was knowledgeable and accommodating, letting us squeeze in other activities if we wanted. A beautiful way to explore stunning landscape. The chalet we stayed in overnight was also beautiful and cosy.

This tour was the highlight of my whole week in Romania across various towns and cities. Was so cool seeing brown bears in the wild (we saw 4 in total) and Simona our guide was extremely knowledgeable, friendly, professional and engaging. You simply cannot go to Brasov and NOT do this tour!

Excellent tour, really nice guides and the bears did not disappoint. Good communication.

I had a perfect 2 days hiking trip in the Bucegi mountains with some great views and nice landscapes from rocky cliffs, to a nice plateau, an interesting gorge and beautiful autumn forests. The tour guide Radu was very nice and had a lot to tell about the region and the history of rumania. I booked the tour last minute and was happy it worked out. I really loved this hiking trip and would highly recommend it.

We had an early start of the day, just in time to catch the first rays of sunlight on the rolling hills of the countryside. The morning mist unfolded sleepy valleys. An absolute gem of a sight! Vlad is a very warm and welcoming person. It was a pleasure to chat about Romanian culture, photography and life in general. He was both easy going and knowledgeable. Shortly after being invited for coffee by a neighbour, it became apparent how much some of the locals look up to Vlad and even confide in him. He was very quick to help us communicate and also exchange some words, smiles and jokes with the locals. There is nothing touristy or staged about this experience. Nor should you expect bursting out your camera at every corner. Which for us was perfect! It's totally fine if you aren't a photographer. You will surely be making some great memories. After nearly 9 days travelling through central Romania, our day-trip with Vlad was one of our most cherished moments. Looking back, I would have definitely traded in more days to explore the countryside near Brasov. It truly is an "unspoilt" and genuine part of Europe. So if any of this is in your plans, make the most of your time but remember to slow-down and enjoy! Thank you so much Vlad & Romanian Friend.

Simona was an incredible guide. She was knowledgeable, friendly and made the whole experience fun. Seeing the bears was a highlight for us in Romania and we were so glad we decided to do the experience. If you like learning a bit about Romanian communist history and nature, you won't be disappointed!

Our tour with Vlad was the highlight of our stay in Brasov. He took us to places we would have never known about and we thoroughly have lunch at his apartment. Vlad seemed as interested in getting to know about us as we were to get to know him and his culture. Booking through Romanian Friend was easy and communication throughout the process was a breeze. If you're in Brasov you should definitely book one of Vlad's tours!

christian tour brasov program

Best Day Trips and Top Things to Do in Brasov

The city of Brasov is one of Romania’s most popular tourist destinations for locals or foreign travellers alike. Whether you visit the Brasov area on your own or go on a guided tour, you will quickly realise why – representative for our country’s rich medieval and troubled history, with large squares, 700-year-old Black Church, cobbled narrow streets (including the narrowest in Europe – Rope Street, which was used as an escape route for residents in the upper town during fires or invasions), sturdy, colourful and richly decorated houses that belonged to wealthy merchants, Brasov is charming and nothing less! And taking in the fresh mountain air coming from the Carpathian Mountains surrounding the city from all sides is the best way to make your visit even better! Easily accessible via public transport, with the option of either a bus or train journey, or flying in on the recently opened airport, spending one night in the city is a must even if your goal is to visit the nearby Dracula’s Castle! But you should know that the area around Brasov offers some of the best day trips in ROmania: from renowned castles and fortresses, wonderful natural attractions, authentic local life in remote mountain villages, natural parks, and, of course, the famous Transylvania region to which Brasov acts as a gateway. By no means exhaustive, here’s our list of the best tours and day trips in and around Brasov:

  • Bran Castle aka Dracula’s Castle

Just to get it out of the way – this is Romania’s #1 tourist attraction and remains the most visited medieval castle on guided tours. It's often the first stop for many tourists in Romania, even after the Covid pandemic. That's why the most popular day trips in Romania will also include a visit to the fascinating Dracula's Castle. Overhyped because of its 'Dracula' association, this attraction is located in the small village of Bran, just 30 km (a half hour drive) from Brasov. The fortress was built around 1377 as a strategic defence fortress and customs pass. Perched on a crest overlooking a valley leading into Wallachia, Bran Castle has menacing towers and truly a medieval air to it. With a long history and passing through many hands and owners, the castle has an interesting history of its own – not at all related to Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, the supposed real-life person for Bram Stoker’s character. The best way to explore Bran Castle is with a tour guide who can offer you valuable insights into the castle's history. Therefore, check our dedicated page and find the cheapest day trips to Bran Castle.

  • Peles Castle - The royal construction that marked a world premiere

Romania offers so much more than just Bran Castle, and for those with a fascination for history, numerous castles and fortresses from the medieval period stand as proof of the rich culture of this country. Peles Castle, whose construction commenced in 1873 and was completed in 1914, is situated in the picturesque town of Sinaia, on the medieval route connecting Transylvania and Wallachia. It was commissioned by King Carol I, and it can be found along the Peles River's valley. It also holds a world record as the first castle to be entirely powered by locally produced electricity. Now, its architecture and history continue to captivate hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Brasov's medieval fortifications and bastions The evolution of the city of Brasov was marked by numerous invasions by Mongols and Turks, a menace that spanned from the 13th to the 15th century. Therefore, during the medieval ages, the townspeople made the decision to fortify their town. This included a 12m high and 3km long wall with seven defence bastions that were erected in key points of the city, each of them entrusted to a guild. That’s how the medieval city of Brasov built a reputation as The Citadel of the Seven Bastions. Although most of the massive walls were demolished in the 19th century as the city expanded, portions of it are still standing. Out of the seven initial bastions, only six stood the test of time and can be visited today on fascinating guided city tours. If you enjoy hearing tales of times long forgotten, these iconic landmarks can provide a fascinating glimpse into the city’s troubled and captivating history.

  • The Black Church

The Black Church is a top attraction to visit in Brasov, as it’s one of the city’s most representative historic monuments. Towering over the Council Square and Brasov Old Town, the majestic landmark was built between 1385 and 1477 and remains to this day the largest Gothic church in Eastern Europe. Originally named the Church of Saint Mary, it got its mysterious name after a fire in 1689 that destroyed a large part of the Old Town and blackened its walls. The Black Church is worth visiting not only because it provides a wonderful example of Gothic architecture, but also because of its exquisite interior where influences from the east and west collide. You’ll get to see beautiful balconies, mesmerizing stained-glass windows, stone columns, a grand organ, and a collection of wonderful Anatolian carpets, and discover the enthralling history between its walls.

  • Tampa Mountain

Brasov is famous not only for its historic buildings and quaint cobbled streets, but also for the stunning natural scenery surrounding it, and Tampa Mountain is a good example of that. Although today most people are attracted by the Hollywood style Brasov sign, there’s more to this mountain than meets the eye. It was at its top where the original citadel was built back in the 13th century. The construction was destroyed in 1458-60 when Vlad the Impaler attacked Brasov, but one can still see its ruins. Overlooking Brasov like a giant nature-clad tower, Tampa Mountain is an ideal place for breathtaking views across the city and intriguing pieces of history. On a guided tour in Brasov, you can visit this beautiful place using the cable car or if you’re feeling adventurous, you can hike to the top on a picturesque alley veiled by trees.

  • Rasnov Fortress

Very close to Brasov there is the small town of Rasnov situated at the base of a mountain. On top of this mountain is Rasnov Fortress, one of the best-preserved medieval fortresses in Transylvania and truly a wonderful sight to visit on a day trip from Brasov. Strategically built to allow for maximum visibility of the surrounding area, as you can imagine, Rasnov Fortress was also used to control and defend the entrance into Transylvania. Its defensive system was comprised of nine towers, two bastions, and a drawbridge, and it was quite different from other Saxon fortresses of that time, resembling more with a village. Supposedly built by Teutonic Knights in the 13th century initially out of wood, the Rasnov Citadel was later upgraded to stone and steel through the shared effort of the villagers living in the area who used it as a refuge in times of need. In addition to its breathtaking views, the Râșnov Citadel, a medieval Fliehburg-type fortress, now also features quaint shops and craft stores, making it the perfect place to pick up a souvenir. It's no wonder that it's becoming increasingly popular as a tourist attraction. You can also find a museum behind its ancient walls, displaying a variety of artifacts (including a skeleton preserved under a glass wall), and explore a network of labyrinthian rooms and secret passages that will take you back in time for a short while. To uncover the best places for delving into the history of Romania's diverse regions, visit our dedicated page showcasing tours of castles and historic landmarks

  • Rupea Fortress

Another fortress built on top of a hill, Rupea Fortress watches over the town with the same name. Built in the 14th century and constantly upgraded afterwards, it was used to defend and protect the area and the locals living here. Now, it’s one of Transylvania’s most iconic medieval sites, located midway between Brasov and Sighisoara and included in the itinerary of most Brasov day tours. On the Rupea Citadel site, ruins from our 2,000-year-old ancestors the Dacians were found, proving that this place was inhabited for a long time by our ancestors and considered of strategic importance. In fact, during the Dacians, this settlement was called Rumidava and after the invasion of the Romans, it was renamed Rupes (rock in Latin). Rupea Fortress is partially in ruins but it was restored recently and should make it on your list of places to visit if you want to learn about the history of the area and greater Transylvania and see some great views!

  • Saxon villages with fortified churches

One of the most interesting things tourists can discover on one of the available Brasov day trips is how well different nationalities lived together. There was harmony in sharing the same living space, while at the same time, keeping each other’s own traditions. This is why people flock to see the Saxon villages every year. Viscri is one of the best-known Transylvanian villages, after having been put on the world tourist map by Prince Charles himself. Tourists come here to see the former Szekely, then Saxon settlement, built around the fortified church. They get to spend the night in an authentic guesthouse and enjoy the peace and quiet of the place, along with some traditional meals. It is a good place to be submerged in the local culture and simple, yet very appealing way of life. A short drive from Brasov, less than 2 hours away by car, can transport you back in time, and that’s why Viscri is a popular tourist attraction included in the best day trips. Founded by the Teutonic Knights, the Prejmer Fortified Church was in the first line of defence against the invaders of the Transylvanian Saxon space. Now, the 13th-century construction, which is the largest fortified church in southeastern Europe, is part of the UNESCO Heritage Sites, calmly welcoming visitors of all nationalities. With Gothic architecture, rounded windows, and solid 3 meters-thick walls, the fortified church provided shelter in the 15th and 16th centuries to the Saxon community in the village, when they needed to flee from the invading Turks and Tatars. It could host locals in up to 300 rooms and it had a special provision system for supplies during the attacks and for supplying the village below in times of peace. In the neighboring county of Mures, you can visit Saschiz, another Saxon village, boasting its own fortified church used as a defensive outpost. And do not worry. Although all of these villages are built on the same model of community taking refuge in the religious edifice in times of war, there are still plenty of differences between every experience. The Saschiz fortress, for example, is by far one of the sturdiest. Also, the community in Saschiz had another fortress where they sought shelter during times of war and where they stored community goods and food in times of peace, the Peasants’ Fortress, up on the hill. A taste of these valuable local foods can be still sampled with some of the many local producers you can find by simply walking through the village.

  • Sighisoara Citadel

Once you’ve caught a taste for spending time in a medieval fortress, there is no going back, only going further to explore even more architectural and cultural gems. Luckily, in Romania, you don’t have to go that far. A 2-hour day trip from Brasov by car will take you down a very picturesque road to the citadel of Sighisoara, a 12th-century construction with amazing defensive and locative constructions, restaurants, and cultural venues, that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Get your cobbled street-specific footwear and plan on a day looking at colorful old buildings, which are now personal residences, restaurants, boutique hotels, or stores. Sighisoara, also known as the pearl of Transylvania, is one of Romania’s most popular tourist attractions and one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe. You could spend days discovering the whole citadel, the lower and the upper part. But when time is short, make sure to visit the center of the citadel, hard to miss since it is a vast open space, right in the middle, with access from the city below from various areas. There are various defense towers, formerly run by the city guilds. But the most famous of all, and accessible from the city center is the clock tower. It strikes on the hour, and it has a wooden figurine carousel depicting the days of the week which is set in motion at the same time. The tower hosts two exhibitions you will not want to miss out on. The lower and the upper parts of the citadel are connected through a covered staircase, interesting to climb. Once you get there, go on a tour of the Church on the Hill and the Evangelical Cemetery. The old citadel of Sighisoara plays host to a number of cultural events, the main one of which is the Medieval festival, the largest of its kind in Romania. It usually takes place in July. Taking a short walk in Sighisoara is a great way to step back in time and experience the medieval atmosphere that envelops you at every turn. During the summer months, Sighisoara attracts numerous visitors. Nevertheless, exploring this historically rich destination remains an excellent choice for tourists to kickstart their Romanian adventure year-round, mainly because it's regarded as one of Europe's most captivating inhabited fortresses.

  • The 7 Stairs (Ladders) Canyon

Undoubtedly one of the most popular natural attractions in Romania, the Seven Ladders Canyon is very close to Brasov and makes for a great hiking day trip. To reach the entrance of the canyon, you will pass through one of the beautiful Transylvanian forests. Located in the western part of Piatra Mare Mountains, this Jurassic limestone canyon was formed as a result of natural ruptures, earthquakes, and landslides that happened over thousands of years. If this isn't a good reason to bring your hiking boots to Romania - even if you visit the royal Peles Castle with them - we don't know what is! Similar to a very narrow gorge and 160 m long, the canyon has no less than 9 waterfalls which means there is a small ecosystem with lots of humidity inside. The canyon can be crossed through a series of metal stairs, passageways, and vertical ladders but without the need for specialized equipment. This means you will have a very personal, up-close experience with nature and if you book a guided hiking tour the guide will take you to some of the most beautiful places in Piatra Mare massif! Check our dedicated page for day trips to the 7 Stairs (Ladders) Canyon.

  • Piatra Craiului Natural Park

In the Carpathian Mountains, the Piatra Craiului mountains are considered among the most beautiful and exciting for hiking trips. Famous for their sharp limestone ridge that zig-zags across the sky at heights of over 2.170m, this natural park is every hiker’s paradise. Moreover, this incredible natural park provides great options for budget travelers seeking to enjoy a day or two of camping. It offers challenging treks at its ridges but also leisurely trails across hills dotted with remote villages, to admire nature and biodiversity and come across lots of local attractions and friendly villagers. For independent travelers Piatra Craiului can be considered an excellent choice for a walking tour through Romania's impressive natural landscapes. Piatra Craiului National Park has been a protected area since 1938, encompassing a wide variety of wildlife and rare plants, picturesque hiking trails for both beginners and versed hikers, and wonderful small mountain villages. It contains many small-sized natural reservations and attractions such as Zarnesti Gorges, Dambovicioara Cave, Moeciu and Gradistei Canyons, and Curmatura Hut. There are guided day trips or multi-day hiking tours from Brasov or Bucharest that will take you to these sights and we know the friendliest licensed hiking guides for that!

  • Picturesque and traditional Romanian villages: Magura, Pestera, Sirnea, Ciocanu

All over the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, and particularly around Brasov, there are many remote villages dotting the hills with their small houses, haystacks and livestock. Here, aging villagers live like they used to 100 years ago. These villages are representative of the authentic self-sustainable and peaceful rural lifestyle of Romanian culture, where people are very much attached to traditions and customs, community-living, the livestock and land they harvest and work for their daily sustenance.

The villages of Magura, Pestera, Ciocanu, Fundata, Moeciu, and Sirnea, located in Piatra Craiului National Park, are among the most representative. These charming villages provide exceptional opportunities for culture trips, allowing visitors to savor the tranquil ambiance and experience the lifestyles of their inhabitants amidst the towering ridges. These communities live at the highest altitudes in Romania at over 1.200m, nestled between mountain crests and rolling hills. If you plan to visit these villages, it's advisable to opt for a private day trip with a local guide. This way, you'll have the advantage of their knowledge of the area and the ability to interact with the locals and even step into a traditional house, which might be challenging otherwise. That’s why we created our day trip to Magura and Pestera villages which is our best-selling guided tour from Brasov. And the road trip to these isolated areas is an experience in itself!

  • Fagaras Citadel

Another interesting historic attraction to visit on a day trip from Braşov is in the city of Fagaras. Dating back to the early 1300s, Fagaras Citadel was also used to defend Transylvania from invaders (obviously!) against the Tatars and later Ottoman Empire. In 1599 the fortress was used as a residence by Mihai the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) an important figure in Romanian history who later gifted it to his wife. It continued to be used as a residence by medieval rulers projecting their power in the area known as Fagarasului Land. The citadel is the perfect history lesson for medieval times and feudal organisation. During the communist regime (1948-1960) Fagaras Citadel was used as a prison for political detainees and a wing of the building is dedicated to remembering and describing those times. Recently, the citadel was restored and now houses the Fagaras Country Museum, where one can admire a vast array of medieval weapons, traditional folk crafts, and Roman artifacts, reinforcing its historical significance.

  • Bear watching in Brasov and wildlife tours

Few people know that Romania hosts the largest brown bear population in Europe. Previously hunted for game meat, fur, or simply as trophies or for sport, they are now protected by law. As their numbers grew, bear watching became a popular activity in Romania, and you have the opportunity to see these majestic animals in their natural habitat on a guided day trip from Brasov! Lots of tour guides offer bear-watching tours but you should be careful in choosing the right guides as not all of them are specialised in wildlife activities or will take you on an ethical experience. Our professional guide-partners have been verified by us and can offer you the real and ethical experience with bear tracking or watching and also for other wildlife found in the Carpathians (wild boars, deer, lynx, etc.). Book a guided wildlife tour from Brasov if you want to find out why Romania has been called Europe’s last wilderness reserve! A special attraction in the area is the Libearty Bear Sanctuary, a natural reservation that shelters bears saved from improper captivity from all over Europe. The reservation located in the hilltop forest near the town of Zărnești was open to the public in 2008. Now it’s home to 100 brown bears and can be visited under stricter rules than a zoo because it focuses more on protecting the animals rather than caring for visitors.

  • Hiking in Bucegi Mountains

Famous among locals for hiking day trips, Bucegi mountains are the main weekend destination for people living in Brasov, Bucharest, and nearby counties, as they offer plenty of things to do and see for nature lovers. It only takes about 2-3 hours to get to the Prahova Valley resorts and even less to get up a mountain trail. And while the resorts are bustling with people checking into boutique hotels, 4–5-star hotels, B&Bs, local guesthouses, pensions, villas, or apartments, the mountain trails are cool and quiet. Probably the main attraction, accessible by cable car from Busteni and by car from Sinaia, or by foot if you are up for the challenge and don't want to add any extra cost to your Romanian adventure, is the Busteni Plateau. Famous for its wind-carved rock formations called the Sphinx and Babele (Old Women), the plateau is also a destination for yoga practitioners looking for the best place to recharge their batteries. It is said that it is a place with great vibes and high positive energy. Since it is 1600 – 2400 meters high, the view below on a sunny day is breathtaking. If the day is foggy or cloudy, you will see clouds, like from an airplane window. Which is also pretty impressive. Hiking enthusiasts can dare to reach the plateau on a 4-hour hiking trip up the Jepii Mari route, a relatively accessible, yet strenuous hike. The trail is closed in wintertime and special hiking equipment is highly recommended. The Jepii Mici trail is 2-3 hours for people with a high fitness level and it is recommended for going up to the plateau, as most accidents happen if you take this trail to descend to Busteni. If the Jepii Mari trail has mainly wide forest trails, the Jepii Mici trail takes you over the steep rocks, where you will hang on to chains nailed to the mountainside. This is an adventurous trail, but not for people lacking the right fitness level or proper equipment. A light hiking day trip from Brasov to Bucegi Plateau will take you to Heroes’ Cross, or Caraiman Cross. This is an easy hike and should take around 1,5 – 2 hours. The Cross, which can be seen from the Busteni resort as well, is 28 meters high, placed at an altitude of 2284 meters by King Ferdinand of Romania and Queen Mary, to honor the heroes of WWI. Another trail will take you from the plateau to Omu Peak. It’s a 2-hour, accessible hike to the highest peak of the Bucegi mountains at 2507 meters. Even tourists who do not feel confident enough to venture up the mountains can enjoy the beautiful natural attractions of the area. One of the most accessible is Valea Cerbului (Stag Valley), a road taking you from Busteni to the Gura Diham Chalet on a flat road, beautifully surrounded by mountains. This is the starting point for the Diham Cabin trail, a light, 2-hour route accessible to children as well. It is picturesque and relaxing, even though it starts with something the locals call “Fools slope” because just behind the Gura Diham Chalet, there is a very steep portion of the road with gravel. Power through this for about 20 minutes and you will be on an easy path to the cabin situated at 1320 meters altitude, where they serve clean and delicious mountain food, worthy of your effort of getting there. On the other side of Busteni, there is the forest trail toward the Urlatoarea (The Screamer) Waterfall. This is by far one of the easiest trails in the Bucegi mountains for hiking trips from Brasov. However, keep in mind the fact that the trail goes through the forest, so wear warm clothes and hiking shoes as it can get slippery with small streams crossing your path here and there and getting the ground wet. If your hiking day trip starts from Brasov or Sinaia, you can travel by car up to the Padina plateau, on the other side of the mountain from the Bucegi plateau. You can even access the Bucegi plateau by cable car from Padina. Once here, enjoy the green of the high-altitude forest and take the road to Ialomicioara cave, dug deep into the Batrana Mountain. The cave is an impressive mix of galleries and halls even small children can visit and find interesting. Do not forget to get your protective gear (helmets) from the entrance and wear warm clothes as is it chilly in summertime. Upon your descend from the Padina plateau, stop at the Bolboci Lake, an artificial lake also known as the Bucegi Sea. This is a very popular destination, with people coming over for a view of the lake, for a meal enjoyed in the brisk cool mountain air, or for one of the many trails starting from around the lake. As you can tell, the Bucegi Mountains provide visitors with a multitude of wonderful activities, ensuring you experience the very best things nature has to offer.

  • Outdoor adventures around Brasov

Lying at the base of Tampa Hill and with Postavaru Massif nearby, Brasov is a great place to go on a bike day trip as the area offers plenty of forest trails including some challenging downhill rides. On a mountain bike tour, a guide will take you on some amazing trails around Brasov with stops along the way to admire the beautiful views of the area. You can even enjoy a snack at a mountain hut or at a vista point! Brasov is also a great destination for winter sports lovers: nearby Poiana Brasov is considered the best ski resort in Romania but Postavaru Massif is also a great place for off-piste, backcountry freeriding, whether you’re a beginner or experienced rider!

  • *The Earth-made Pyramids of the Sun

The Egyptian pyramids are not the only ones surrounded by mystery. At about 70km from Brasov, far away from the bustling city, in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere lies the village of Sona. By looking at its Saxon country houses and the picturesque rural setting, you’d never guess the mysteries hidden in the area. In the village of Sona, eight peculiar formations arise along a nature trail, creating the most intriguing and unusual view. These pyramid-shaped mounds, around 30 meters high, and covered with vegetation, are surrounded by many local legends and stories. There are scientists who believe that the pyramids at Sona were created by the Dacians and that they shelter King Decebal's tomb, the famous ruler of our ancestors. If you're interested in visiting these captivating attractions, we can arrange a custom day trip for you at the best prices. Feel free to contact us for more details!


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  3. Christian Tour Braşov Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28

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    Christian Tour. January 22, 2019 ·. NOU! Program #SeniorVoyage Delta Dunarii si Dobrogea - acum si cu plecare din #ClujNapoca si puncte de imbarcare in Turda, Targu Mures, Sighisoara, Brasov. Calatoreste prin #Dobrogea, loc al nasterii noastre crestine, pamant al vechilor vestigii si al criptelor martirice si exploreaza alaturi de noi Delta ...

  6. Christian Tour

    Din 1997 până ȋn prezent, Christian Tour a devenit cel mai mare organizator de vacanţe din România. A acumulat know-how şi experienţă, ajungând ȋn top şi menţinându-şi pozitia de lider ȋn industrie. Această evoluţie spectaculoasă s-a perpetuat datorită muncii constante a unei echipe de oameni valoroşi, din care te invităm ...

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    Christian Tour. 261.427 de aprecieri · 6.285 discută despre asta · 27 au fost aici. De peste 26 de ani, Christian Tour creează câte un drum spre fiecare vis.

  8. Christian Tour

    Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible. Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded.

  9. Metropola

    Christian Tour. luni - vineri: 09:30 - 19:30; sâmbătă: 09:30 - 14:30. BRAȘOV Piaţa Sfatului 28 (zona Centrul istoric) localizare cu Google Maps +40 371 30.56.34 +40 720 80.02.47. [email protected]. link website. link Facebook. Anul 2016 marchează un moment important pentru compania noastră.

  10. Christian Tour

    Găsiți datele de contact ale firmei Christian Tour - Braşov din Str. Piata Sfatului Nr. 28, 500025, Braşov inclusiv telefon ☎, adresă, ⌚ program de lucru. De asemenea, găsiți Agenţie de turism în apropiere și din localitatea Braşov.


    CHRISTIAN TOUR: Tipul agentiei de turism: ORGANIZATOARE Data emiterii licentei de turism: 07.01.2019 Site web: www.christiantour.ro Adresa: PTA SFATULUI, NR 28, BRASOV, BRASOV Denumire firma: CHRISTIAN' 76 TOUR SRL CUI: 9617078 Registrul comertului: J40/5529/1997

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    Christian Tour în Brașov deschise azi. Piața Sfatului 28, Brașov, Rumänien, telefon:+40 31 710 5634, program de functionare, fotografie, hartă, locatie

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    The Evangelic church from Cristian. The Evangelic church from Cristian was built since early times in 1270 marking through its construction the shift from the roman to gothic style. In the 16th century the building is strengthen by adding two rows of walls and towers. The church reconstruction was made in neo-classical style in the 19th century.

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    Inaugurarea Aeroportului Internațional din Brașov a fost "sărbătorită" cu lansarea zborului charter Brașov - Antalya, un parteneriat între Paralela 45 și Christian Tour . Potrivit informațiilor furnizate de touroperatorul Paralela 45, gradul de ocupare a fost 100% pentru destinația vedetă a verii pentru vacanțele în Turcia.

  18. Tour Guide Braşov

    Sibiu Day Trip from Brasov. 11. Historical Tours. 8-11 hours. On this full-day guided trip you will leave Brasov behind to witness the sites and history this ancient region of Romania…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers. from. $105.

  19. Tours & Day Trips in Brasov

    Christian C. on 08.11.2023 did Short Bear Watching Experience from Brasov. ... Book a guided wildlife tour from Brasov if you want to find out why Romania has been called Europe's last wilderness reserve! A special attraction in the area is the Libearty Bear Sanctuary, a natural reservation that shelters bears saved from improper captivity ...

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    Agentia De Turism Cristianul Brasov, Brasov, Romania. 108 likes · 1 talking about this · 1 was here. Suntem una dintre primele agentii de turism infiintate in Brasov. ECHIPA noastra este formata din... Log In. Agentia De Turism Cristianul Brasov 108 likes • 111 ...