Hauck Travel N Care Plus Reisebuggy Test Erfahrungen Dusty Blue

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City-Flitzer (nicht nur) für den Urlaub: Der Hauck Travel N Care Plus Reisebuggy im Test


Erster Aufbau & erster Eindruck

Der Hauck Travel N Care Plus wird in einem handlichen Karton geliefert; der erste Aufbau ist in drei Minuten erledigt. Du musst den Buggy nämlich lediglich aufklappen und alle Räder sowie den Schutzbügel aufstecken. Sogar das Verdeck ist bereits montiert. Die beiliegende Anleitung brauchte ich dafür nicht.

Mein erster Eindruck vom Hauck Travel N Care Plus? Tatsächlich wirkt er – wie der Hersteller verspricht – insgesamt etwas hochwertiger und optisch noch ein bisschen ansprechender als der rund 50 Euro günstigere Travel N Care . Ich habe die Farbvariante „Dusty Blue“ getestet.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Hauck Travel N Care Plus: Die Eckdaten

Was ist uns am travel n care plus im test positiv aufgefallen.

Bevor wir uns mit den Details befassen, fasse ich Dir für einen 1. Überblick die Vor- und Nachteile dieses Reisebuggys zusammen:

  • Sehr wendig
  • Leicht und kompakt
  • Intuitiver Klapp-Mechanismus
  • Lässt sich sogar mit Baby auf dem Arm einhändig zusammenfalten
  • Alle 4 Räder sind per Knopfdruck abnehmbar
  • Größere Hinterräder erhöhen den Fahrkomfort
  • Sehr großes Verdeck mit Netzfenstern
  • Für einen Reisebuggy überdurchschnittlich großer Einkaufskorb
  • Schutzbügel lässt sich aufklappen
  • Praktischer Schultergurt
  • Schöne Farben, urbanes Design

So viel zu den Vorteilen des Travel N Care Plus. Da liegt natürlich die Frage nahe, ob mich auch etwas an dem Produkt gestört hat. Hier muss ich sagen: Die Nachteile vom Hauck Travel N Care Plus sind im Grunde dieselben Mankos, die auf fast alle Reisebuggys im Vergleich zu einem normalen Sportwagen zutreffen.

  • Fixe Schieberhöhe
  • Liegeposition ist nicht ganz flach
  • Polsterung könnte etwas dicker sein
  • Eingeschränkter Fahrkomfort im Gelände

Darf der Travel N Care Plus mit ins Handgepäck?

Das Klappmaß ist beim Travel N Care Plus ähnlich klein wie bei den meisten Konkurrenzprodukten. Egal, wie knapp der Kofferraum Deines Mietwagens am Urlaubsort bemessen ist, dieser Buggy wird problemlos hineinpassen. Dennoch ist er nicht unbedingt handgepäcktauglich : Die Bestimmungen variieren je nach Airline, bewegen sich aber in aller Regel im Bereich 55 x 40 x 23 cm.


Wenn Du die Räder abmontierst (was wirklich einfach geht) misst der Travel N Care Plus ca. 58 x 42 x 28 cm . Ob das Bodenpersonal hier ein Auge zudrückt, ist fraglich – dennoch kannst Du es natürlich ausprobieren und uns gerne berichten, ob es geklappt hat!

Lies hier, welche Anforderungen ein Buggy erfüllen muss, damit Du ihn im Flugzeug mitnehmen kannst.

Praxis-Test: Wie fährt sich der Travel N Care Plus?

Super schlank und extrem wendig: Das sind die Kernkompetenzen des Travel N Care Plus. Das zahlt sich nicht nur beim Städtetrip aus, wenn der Platz in S- und U-Bahn begrenzt ist. Auch im winzigen Supermarkt auf dem Campingplatz oder im engen Hotel-Aufzug wirst Du froh über jeden Zentimeter sein, den Dir der kompakte Kinderwagen schenkt. Die Vorderräder sind um 360 Grad schwenkbar – der Wendekreis ist also wirklich klein.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test Erfahrungen Hinterräder

Solange Du mit dem Travel N Care Plus auf asphaltierten Straßen unterwegs bist, lässt er sich einwandfrei schieben. Auch Kopfsteinpflaster oder Schotterwege im Park macht die 4-fache Federung gut mit.

Die Hinterräder sind mit 18 cm Durchmesser verglichen mit anderen Reisebuggys sogar relativ groß und bestehen aus PU-Material mit kleinen Lufteinschlüssen, die kleine Hindernisse zusätzlich abfedern.

Nichtsdestotrotz: Wenn Du im Urlaub Wanderungen über Stock und Stein oder lange Strandspaziergänge planst, solltest Du neben dem Reisebuggy eine gute Babytrage (eventuell mit Rückentrage-Option) oder eine Kraxe im Gepäck haben.

Wie bequem ist der Travel N Care Plus fürs Baby?

Der Bezug fühlt sich super weich und glatt an, gar nicht so knisterig-knitterig, wie man es sonst von Buggys kennt. Dafür gibt es schon mal einen Pluspunkt!

Die Polsterung könnte etwas dicker sein – an der Stelle wird bei Reisebuggys natürlich zugunsten des Gewichts immer etwas gespart. Ich würde hier eventuell noch eine zusätzliche Sitzauflage kaufen, die den Buggy für längere Ausflüge etwas bequemer macht. Zumindest gibt es im Kopfbereich aber ein kleines eingearbeitetes Extra-Kissen und die Gurte sind auch gut gepolstert.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Kopfpolster Bezug Dusty Blue, blau

Laut Hersteller darfst Du den Travel N Care Plus bereits ab der Geburt nutzen, weil er sich in Liegeposition einstellen lässt. Wirklich relevant wird er aber erst, sobald Dein Kind sich selbstständig hinsetzen kann – der Zeitpunkt ist individuell verschieden. Die meisten Babys bringen sich zwischen 6 und 10 Monaten erstmals von alleine in eine Sitzposition.

Bequeme Liegeposition und großes Sonnenverdeck

Wenn Dein Kind unterwegs entspannt schlafen kann, verschafft das auch Dir etwas Ruhe. Mit einer Liegefläche von ca. 86 cm hat der Travel N Care Plus für Kinder bis ca. 2,5 Jahre eine komfortable Größe, aber auch ältere Kinder können sich noch bequem zurücklehnen.

Die Liegeposition ist nicht komplett flach – genauso wie bei den meisten Reisebuggys. Das stufenlose Einstellen per Zugband geht ganz leicht mit einer Hand.

Ein Highlight ist das erweiterbare Sonnenverdeck mit UV 50+-Bezug . Der Stoff spannt sich so schön und es klappt sich fast geräuschlos aus. Zwei Netzfenster rechts und links gewährleisten eine gute Luftzirkulation, dennoch wird Dein Kind im Schlaf nicht geblendet.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test Erfahrungen Verdeck

Ausstattung & Komfort für Dich

Schieberhöhe für durchschnitts-mamas.

Wenn Du so wie ich um die 165 cm groß bist, sollte die fixe Schieberhöhe perfekt sein. Und auch meine 170 cm große Kollegin Steffi (auf dem Foto) kann den Buggy super schieben. Nur für sehr hoch gewachsene Elternteile ist ein Buggy mit höhenverstellbarem Griff mitunter die bessere Wahl.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test Erfahrungsbericht Schieberhöhe Griff

Bestnoten für den Faltmechanismus

Um den Travel N Care Plus zusammenzuklappen, musst Du die beiden weißen Knöpfe oben am Schiebegriff gleichzeitig betätigen. Als Linkshänderin brauche ich dafür beide Hände, Rechtshänder können das problemlos auch einhändig mit dem Kind auf dem Arm erledigen.

Der Buggy klappt fast von alleine zusammen, Du musst ihn zum Schluss nur noch einmal zusammendrücken, damit sich die Faltverriegelung schließt. Auch das wieder Aufklappen gelingt ohne großen Kraftaufwand mit nur einer Bewegung.

Geräumiger Einkaufskorb

Wickelzeug und Wechselkleidung, Fläschchen und Snacks, die Pool-Handtücher und das Sandspielzeug-Arsenal oder die Leckereien vom lokalen Wochenmarkt: Der Einkaufskorb bietet ausreichend Stauraum und ist immer gut erreichbar, auch wenn die Schlafposition eingestellt ist.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test Erfahrungen Stauraum Einkaufskorb

Flexibler Schutzbügel

Wenn Dein Kind immer wieder ein- und aussteigen möchte, kannst Du den Schutzbügel einfach per Knopfdruck an einer Seite aufklappen. Ältere Kinder können ihn schon gut selbst wieder schließen, selber öffnen aber definitiv noch nicht. So kannst Du in Eigenverantwortung auch mal aufs Anschnallen verzichten.

Der Schutzbügel und auch der Schiebegriff sind mit perforiertem Kunstleder bezogen – das ist robust, griffig und gefällt mir optisch auch gut.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Solider 5-Punkt-Gurt

Beim Anschnallen verlieren viele Kinder oft die Geduld, am besten soll die Fahrt sofort losgehen! Zum Glück musst Du beim Travel N Care Plus nicht lange mit den Schnallen herumpuzzlen. Der Gurt lässt sich easy schließen , zum Öffnen braucht es aus Sicherheitsgründen etwas mehr Druck. So kann auch kein Geschwisterkind Dein Kleines unbemerkt abschnallen – zumindest nicht bis zu einem gewissen Alter.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus im Test Gurt

Zuverlässige Fußbremse

Wie die meisten Reisebuggys hat der Travel N Care Plus eine kleine Fußbremse mit Anti-Rutsch-Beschichtung . Sie rastet sicher ein und lässt sich auch mit offenen Sandalen gut bedienen.

Hauck Travel N Care vs. Travel N Care Plus im Vergleich: Wo liegen die Unterschiede?

Als der Travel N Care Plus im Herbst ’22 auf den Markt kam, haben wir bei Babyartikel.de uns natürlich als erstes gefragt, inwiefern er sich von dem ebenfalls noch sehr neuen Travel N Care unterscheidet.

Hier die wichtigsten Unterschiede im Überblick:

Die zwei wichtigsten Punkte sind sicherlich die etwas größeren Hinterräder und die ca. 5 cm längere Rückenlehne der Plus-Version. Dadurch eignet sie sich besser für unebenes Terrain als das Basis-Modell – und auch die Nutzungsdauer verlängert sich.

Ich würde den Aufpreis für den Travel N Care Plus investieren, weil die Einsatzmöglichkeiten etwas flexibler sind und der Komfort fürs Baby offensichtlich verbessert wurde.

Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test: Fazit

Was mir am Travel N Care Plus besonders gut gefällt – auch im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Reisebuggys: Er maßt sich nicht an, das ultra-kompakteste und ultra-leichteste Produkt auf dem Markt zu sein. Anders als diese Buggys, die bis auf wenige (preisintensive) Ausnahmen nämlich gleichzeitig auch oft die klapperigsten sind, kannst Du ihn flexibel einsetzen und bist beim ersten Kopfsteinpflaster nicht sofort aufgeschmissen. Das macht ihm zum perfekten Begleiter nicht nur auf Reisen, sondern auch im Alltag mit Deinem Baby & Kleinkind. Extrapunkte gibt es für den tollen Bezugsstoff, das große Verdeck und den cleveren Faltmechanismus.

Hat Dich der Travel N Care Plus Testbericht überzeugt? Falls nicht, schau Dir hier unsere weiteren Reisebuggys im Vergleich an.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

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2 Kommentare zu “ City-Flitzer (nicht nur) für den Urlaub: Der Hauck Travel N Care Plus Reisebuggy im Test ”

Hallo liebes Babyartikel Team

Ich habe mich in den letzten Tagen intensiv mit City-/Reise-Buggies beschäftigt und bin letztlich beim Hauck Travel N Care Plus hängen geblieben, aufgrund der Vorteile wie Gewicht, Packmass, Tragegurt, Fahrkomfort, Federung, grosser Korb, waschbarer Bezug, Stabilität im Vgl. zu anderen Reise-Buggies, Fenster im Verdeck, dem max. Kindesgewicht von 22 kg, dem Einhandfaltsystem und dem Preis von ca. 180 EUR. Leider ist wie bei so vielen anderen Reise-Buggies der Schieber fest und ich nehme an mit meiner Körpergrösse von 1.82 m werde ich wohl Beinprobleme bekommen, auch wenn der Schieber mit 105 cm noch höher ausfällt als z.B. beim ABC Design Flash. Könnt ihr mir eventuell einen vergleichbar hochwertigen Reise-Buggy empfehlen, der die meisten der pos. Eigenschaften des Hauck Travel N Care Plus abdeckt und einen variablen Schieber besitzt, sodass dieser auch für meine Körpergrösse passend ist? Über eine Rückmeldung würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Vielen Dank und beste Grüsse Carsten

Hallo lieber Carsten,

viele große Eltern, insbesondere die Väter, stoßen bei Kinderwagen auf dasselbe Problem wie Du. Buggys sind meistens auf Leichtigkeit getrimmt, weshalb viele keinen höhenverstellbaren Schieber haben.

Zwei Ausnahmen unter den Buggys sind der Hauck Rapid 4D (mit Luftkammerrädern) bzw. der Hauck Rapid 4D Air (mit Lufträdern). Preislich sind beide Buggys ähnlich wie der Travel n Care Plus angesiedelt, bieten Dir und Deinem Kind viel Komfort und haben einen höhenverstellbaren Schieber. Dafür ist der Rapid 4D mit 10,6 kg schwerer als der Travel N Care Plus (7,2 kg) und auch etwas größer. Auf der anderen Seite bietet der Rapid 4D auch etwas mehr Platz und ist bis 25 kg belastbar.

Unsere Kollegin Julia hat den Hauck Rapid 4D Air getestet und sich dabei explizit mit der Schieberhöhe befasst. Sie schreibt: „Mein Test-Partner hat eine Körper-Größe von 190 cm – seine ideale Schiebehöhe liegt bei 105 cm. Kein Problem mit dem gepolsterten Knick-Schieber des Hauck Rapid 4 D Air.“ Über diesen Link kommst Du zu Julias Test-Beitrag.

Sollte der Rapid 4D nicht der richtige Wagen für Dich sein, schau Dir mal den Gesslein Smiloo Happy Plus an: https://www.babyartikel.de/prod/gesslein-buggy-sportwagen-smiloo-happy-plus-mit-liegeposition-hohenverstellbarer-schieber-bis-20-kg-black-tabak-ocean-blue Er kostet deutlich mehr als der Travel N Care Plus, dafür sieht er schlanker und moderner aus als der Rapid 4D und war Testsieger im Buggy-Test 2021 von Stiftung Warentest. Sein Schieber lässt sich auf eine Höhe bis zu 109 cm einstellen. Über diesen Link kommst Du zum Test-Beitrag , wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte Dir weiterhelfen. Alles Gute für Dich und Deine Familie! Jennifer vom Babyartikel.de-Magazin

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Hauck Travel N Care

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Buggys im Test Testergebnisse für 24 Buggys freischalten

Testergebnisse für Hauck Travel N Care

Bug­gys 03/2024 - buggys.

Online-Preise (ohne Versandkosten) ermittelt durch Geizhals seit August 2023. Davor durch Idealo .

PFAS = Per- und poly­fluorierte Alkyl­sub­stanzen.

EU-POP-Ver­ord­nung = EU-Ver­ord­nung für per­sistente organische Schad­stoffe.

  • Pushchairs, Buggies and Strollers

Hauck Travel N Care Stroller review

Hauck Travel N Care Stroller

The easy-to-handle and agile Hauck Travel N Care stroller is a long-term travel companion suitable for children up to approx. 4 years that takes up to 25 kg.

Wherever your destination, the light and stable aluminium frame, suspension and swivelling front wheels offer your child a comfortable ride.

1. Hauck Travel N Care Stroller

Travel N Care Stroller

  • Lightweight

One-handed folding

Large storage

  • Easy to clean
  • The hood could extend more

Travel N Care Stroller

The Hauck Travel N Care Stroller won Gold in the Mother&Baby awards 2024 for Best Lightweight Buggy/Stroller.

Hauck Travel N Care Stroller key features

Handy and compact travel companion

Agile, comfortable and safe travel

Practical handling for active parents

Light, handy and robust

Self-standing and small folding

Adjustable seating and lying area

Canopy with UV protection and peek-a-boo window

Easy to care material

Testing the Hauck Travel N Care Stroller

The Travel N Care Stroller was very simple to put together - just slot the wheels on and go! I loved the one handed fold mechanism, it was very intuitive to use, I didn’t need to read any instructions before using it which is essential for any parent where time is premium. When we were out & about we were next to a family with the Jools Aer and they look very similar pushchairs, so the biggest selling point of this one is that it’s less than half the price of it’s more premium rival. I love that the covers are removable & washable as we all know how much toddlers adore snacks! It was extremely comfortable for my 2 year old - so much so she refused to get out of it! The backrest is easily adjustable for naps and I love the peekaboo window for keeping an eye on your baby. The lap bar is also a good addition as it’s often an extra add on. Finally, we loved the adjustable footrest as it made for a more comfortable ride for my little one. Premium stroller at a budget price!

Really compact and easy to open, especially if you’re on your own! I like that you can sling it over your shoulder easily too. It’s a very nice looking stroller, lies quite flat for naps and the sun shade covers right over probably more so than other strollers I’ve used so extra shading in the sun. Had the olive green colour which is lovely and am aware it comes in other nice colours too. The basket below is a good size. It’s smooth to push along too. Overall very pleased with this product and would definitely recommend.

I recently transitioned from a two-part travel system and it feels like this has many of the features I liked from the travel system, without the bulk.The design is stylish, simple and sleek.Manoeuvrability is light, but feels sturdy. The wheel swivel is smooth and the suspension handled both the city and rural domain equally well. The breaking system is neat, quick and easy to apply. The one handed fold is easy and simple and when folded is light, compact and small for storage and doesn’t take up too much boot space. As a mum of three, I do not travel light and found the larger basket quite spacey compared to other strollers I have used in the past. I liked the good size UV protected hood, with the added benefit of a peek-a-boo window. When my son was asleep I was able to fully recline the seat, but keep an eye on him through the peek-a-boo window.The bumper bar was a particular favourite feature for my son, he liked to pop his feet up and hold on to the bar when travelling around.

This Travel N Care Stroller is brilliant I would definitely recommend to a friend of fellow mum. It folds compact, is easy to manoeuvre and the seat sits very upright compared to others of this style. My toddler is very happy in this and can also nap as it lies flat. I like the olive green colour I received.

It’s quick and easy to put up & collapse which is essential when travelling with children. It doesn’t take up as much space in my boot as our bigger pram so it’s a great stroller to take on holiday or on days out when you need to fill your boot with other things! It’s also great for everyday as it can be stored standing up in the hallway. I loved the carrying strap too, great idea for travelling when you need to have your hands free for your children. Despite being a compact pushchair the basket is a decent size so again, it’s perfect for days out or holidays. We had an older compact stroller (Mamas & Papas Acro) & this was a definite upgrade - my daughter was so much more comfortable in it and the adjustable footrest was a particular & It was really easy to handle, felt robust despite being light and I can imagine us choosing this over our bigger pram in a lot of situations. The harness felt a lot sturdier than other ones we’ve tried and it was also comfortable for our little one.

Final thoughts

The Hauck Travel N Care Stroller is a great lightweight and compact stroller which is perfect for travelling with. It folds down with just one hand to a small size thanks to the self-closing transport lock and can be carried by the padded shoulder strap, if your child is wanting to walk.

The travel N Care provides pure comfort with 4x suspended and agile wheels providing a smooth ride and adjustable seating and lying area, providing your child with plenty of room. It also comes with a canopy with UV protection from the sun and a peek-a-boo window, so that you can still see them. Although some have said the hood could benefit from being extended to cover a bit more. It also includes a large storage basket at the bottom for you to easily store the essentials when out and about.

Full product spec

Max load 25kg

Dimensions: ‎86 x 50 x 104 cm; 7 Kilograms

Aluminium frame

  • Testberichte
  • Einstellungen
  • Baby- & Kinderbedarf


Reisebuggys, hauck kinderwagen, hauck travel n care plus.

  • Typ: Rei­se­buggy, Buggy
  • Ein­satz­be­reich: Ein­kau­fen & Rei­sen
  • Tele­skop-​Schie­ber: Nein
  • Sitz mit Ruh­e­po­si­tion: Ja
  • Wend­bare Sitzein­heit: Nein
  • Alle Produktdaten ›

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung


Aktuelle Info wird geladen...

Robus­tes Flie­gen­ge­wicht

Passt das Travel N Care Plus zu mir? Unsere neutrale Einschätzung zum Hauck Kinderwagen, basierend auf Meinungen und Produktdaten.

Vollständiges Fazit lesen ›

  • hohe Belastbarkeit
  • geringes Eigengewicht
  • kompaktes Faltmaß
  • Sitz fällt schmal aus
  • kein Handgepäckformat

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30.01.2024 Travel N Care Plus

Eigens für die Reise hat Hauck den Buggy Travel N Care Plus konzipiert. Das Leichtgewicht – der Wagen bringt knapp über sieben Kilogramm auf die Waage – lässt sich zu einem kompakten Faltmaß von 58 x 51,5 x 34 Zentimeter zusammenklappen. Das übersteigt leider das übliche Handgepäckformat um einige Zentimeter. Die Allradfederung sowie die PU-Reifen sorgen für ruckelfreie Wege, auch auf unebenen Untergründen. Im Einkaufskorb transportieren Sie zusätzliche Utensilien mit bis zu drei Kilogramm Gewicht. Insgesamt trägt der Buggy 25 Kilogramm, eignet sich also für Kinder bis zu einem Alter von circa vier Jahren. Allerdings fällt der Sitz mit einer Breite von 31 Zentimetern ein wenig schmal aus. Sie nehmen für den Reisebuggy rund 200 Euro in die Hand, was für die Ausstattung vertretbar ist.

von Nadia Hamdan

Fachredakteurin im Ressort Home & Life – bei Testberichte.de seit 2016.

Passende Bestenlisten: Kinderwagen

Preisspanne: 25 € bis 1.050 €

  • Test-​​Fokus auf kind­ge­rechte Gestal­tung, Hand­ha­bung, Schad­stoffe
  • Tests zei­gen: Bug­gys für Drei-​​ bis Vier­jäh­rige nur sel­ten bequem
  • Statt mit­wach­sen­der Fuß­stüt­zen meist nur Bein­he­ber
  • Jog­ger-​​Kin­der­wa­gen müs­sen Brems-​​ und Sicher­heits­tests beste­hen
  • Regen­schutz und Schie­be­griffe oft schad­stoff­be­las­tet
  • Nach­hal­tig­keit: Geschwis­ter­wa­gen mie­ten statt kau­fen

Preisspanne: 70 € bis 450 €

  • Im Ver­gleich zu All­tags­bug­gys kom­pak­tere Bau­art, weni­ger Gewicht, mehr Fle­xi­bi­li­tät
  • Viel­rei­sende soll­ten Aus­stat­tung und Qua­li­tät genau prü­fen
  • Man­che Her­stel­ler wer­ben mit Bord­ge­päck­taug­lich­keit ihrer Rei­se­bug­gys
  • Extre­men Mini­for­ma­ten fehlt es oft an Sitz-​​ und Fahr­kom­fort
  • Stif­tung Waren­test: Oft hapert es an einer beque­men Sitz-​​ und Lie­g­e­po­si­tion
  • Auf siche­ren Trans­port ach­ten (Front­bü­gel, gute Brem­sen, Sta­bi­li­tät, Hosen­trä­ger­gurt)

Preisspanne: 70 € bis 690 €

  • Drei grund­le­gende Arten: All­tags­buggy, Sport­buggy, Rei­se­buggy
  • Rücken­leh­nen­höhe sollte min­des­tens 50 cm betra­gen
  • Groß­be­reifte Bug­gys für Wan­der­wege geeig­net, klein­be­reifte für die Stadt
  • Stif­tung Waren­test: Lie­g­e­po­si­tion oft ver­bes­se­rungs­wür­dig
  • Ein beque­mer Sitz ist breit, aber nicht zu tief
  • Jog­ger-​​Bug­gys: Hand­schlaufe am Schie­ber kann Stürze begüns­ti­gen

Preisspanne: 70 € bis 420 €

  • Test­sie­ger bei Stif­tung Waren­test: Saturn R Duo­set mit geräu­mi­gem Wan­nen­auf­satz
  • Kin­der­wa­gen-​​Sets, Bug­gys, Sport­wa­gen und Geschwis­ter­wa­gen
  • umsetz­bare und flach bis zur Lie­g­e­po­si­tion absenk­bare Sitze
  • kom­for­ta­ble Sport­kin­der­wa­gen mit großer Sitz-​​ und Lie­ge­flä­che
  • auch leichte Bug­gys mit Baby­wanne und Baby­schale kom­bi­nier­bar
  • einige Test­ver­sa­ger mit Schad­stof­fen und Sicher­heits­män­geln

Hauck Buggys

Preisspanne: 70 € bis 200 €

  • meist prak­ti­sche Modelle zum güns­ti­gen Preis
  • breite Palette: Rei­se­bug­gys, Shop­per oder Kom­fort-​​Bug­gys mit höhen­ver­stell­ba­rem Sitz
  • Modelle mit auf­setz­ba­rer Baby­schale sind ab Geburt ver­wend­bar
  • einige Modelle haben eine Lie­g­e­po­si­tion und die­nen als Schlaf­platz
  • prak­ti­scher Ein­hand-​​Falt­me­cha­nis­mus am Schie­ber
  • Ver­de­cke mit hohem UV-​​Schutz

Datenblatt zu Hauck Travel N Care Plus

Auch interessant.

So wählen wir die Produkte aus

Hauck Runner


  • Typ: Jog­ger
  • Ein­satz­be­reich: Sport

GB Gold Pockit+

Ergobaby metro+.

  • Tele­skop-​Schie­ber: Ja

iCandy Core

  • Typ: Tra­vel­sys­tem, Kom­bi­kin­der­wa­gen
  • Ein­satz­be­reich: Stadt & Gelände

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Hauck Travel N Care

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Kurz & knapp

Der Kinderbuggy ist vor allem als langjähriger Reisebegleiter gedacht. Kinder bis zu einem Alter von 4 Jahren und einem Maximalgewicht von 25 kg können hier Platz nehmen.

Unsere Meinung

Empfohlenes angebot.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Meinungen anderer Nutzer

Die besten und authentischsten Informationen über einen Buggy findest du immer von Eltern, die ihn schon länger benutzen. Sie teilen in ihren Bewertungen, was gut ist und was besser könnte.

Die wichtigsten Merkmale

Wenn du mehr über die technischen Daten erfahren möchtest, kannst du dir alle Produktspezifikationen im Detail ansehen.

Vor- und Nachteile

Der Hauck Travel N Care ist ein beliebtes Modell unter den Kinderbuggys. Viele Eltern und Kinder haben ihn bereits auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. Ob im Alltag, auf holprigen Waldwegen oder bei Stadtbummeln – der Hauck Travel N Care konnte sich auf unterschiedlichen Geländearten beweisen.

Hier verrate ich dir jetzt, wo die Vorzüge des Modells liegen und wo es noch Nachbesserungsbedarf gibt:

  • Ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Sehr wendig
  • Leicht und kompakt
  • Alle Räder sind abnehmbar
  • Sehr großes Verdeck
  • Nicht der idealste Buggy für Neugeborene
  • Schieberhöhe kann nicht verändert werden


Der Hauck Travel N Care wird in einem Paket geliefert, wobei der Buggy etwa 6,8 Kilogramm wiegt. Er besteht aus wenigen Einzelteilen und ist einfach zusammensetzbar. Eltern, die den Hauck Travel N Care kaufen, finden im Paket:

  • Sicherheitsbügel
  • Bedienungsanleitung

Weitere Extras für den Hauck Travel N Care wie ein Schlecht-Wetter-Schutz sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten und müssen separat bestellt werden.

Alle Tester beschreiben, dass sie der Zusammenbau nur wenige Minuten gekostet hat. Auch das Zusammenklappen ist in weniger als 10 Sekunden erledigt.

Optik und Design

Der Hauck Travel N Care zeichnet sich durch sein kompaktes und leichtes Design aus, was ihn zu einem praktischen Begleiter für reiselustige Eltern macht. Besonders auffallend ist der Aluminiumrahmen .

Eine Besonderheit dieses Modells ist die Möglichkeit, es mit nur einer Hand zusammenzufalten, was den Transport in Bus, Bahn oder Flugzeug erleichtert.

Das kompakte Design und ein selbstschließendes Transportschloss ermöglichen eine sichere und platzsparende Verstauung. Für Komfort während der Fahrt sorgen die agilen Räder und eine stoßdämpfende Federung.

Ein weiteres Merkmal ist der verstellbare Sitz- und Liegebereich, der sich mit einer Hand fast vollständig zurücklehnen lässt, sodass das Kind bequem schlafen kann. Der große 3-Zonen-Verdeck bietet Schutz vor UV-Strahlung (UPF 50+) und verfügt über ein Sichtfenster, das den Blickkontakt zum Kind ermöglicht.

Die Bezüge sind leicht abnehmbar und maschinenwaschbar, was die Pflege erleichtert. Der Kinderwagen bietet zudem einen großen, leicht zugänglichen Einkaufskorb für wichtige Reiseutensilien.

  Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Daniella Szabó (@daniella_szabo)

Hauck Travel N Care: Testberichte und Meinungen von Mamas und Papas

Der Hauck Travel N Care hat im Test Julia, Lisa, Daniel und Christian überzeugt. Ich fasse ihre Meinungen und Bewertungen aus Videos sowie von Online-Shops hier für dich zusammen. So siehst du auf einen Blick, wie der Hauck Travel N Care in Tests abschneidet, ohne alle lesen zu müssen.

Aufbau des Hauck Travel N Care

Der Hauck Travel N Care ist so gemacht, dass mit wenigen Handgriffen der Buggy aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen werden kann.

Der Buggy wird zusammengefaltet geliefert. Man muss (ohne spezielles Werkzeug oder handwerkliches Talent) die Räder per Klick anbringen. Auch der Schiebegriff und der Sicherheitsbügel müssen noch angebracht werden.

Danach kann man den Kinderwagen schon ausgiebig testen.

Der Aufbau in der Praxis

Der Hersteller verspricht, dass der Aufbau innerhalb weniger Minuten erledigt sein soll. Julia stimmt dem zu und erklärt, warum sie nicht einmal die Anleitung gebraucht hat: „Der Hauck Travel N Care Plus wird in einem handlichen Karton geliefert; der erste Aufbau ist in drei Minuten erledigt. Du musst den Buggy nämlich lediglich aufklappen und alle Räder sowie den Schutzbügel aufstecken. Sogar das Verdeck ist bereits montiert. Die beiliegende Anleitung brauchte ich dafür nicht .“

Anne hatte auch keine Probleme mit dem Aufbau: „Der Buggy ist optisch schön, der Zusammenbau ging auch fix .“

Auch Christian findet: “ Zu dem lässt es sich ziemlich einfach und schnell zusammenbauen. Im zusammengeklappten Zustand lässt sich der Buggy super transportieren und nimmt vor allem nicht soviel Platz weg. Es lässt sich dann mit minimalen Aufwand einsatzbereit machen.“

Die Räder des Hauck Travel N Care sind aus EVA-Material gefertigt, was für Ethylen-Vinylacetat steht. Dieses Material ist bekannt für seine Leichtigkeit und Flexibilität, was es zu einer beliebten Wahl für Kinderwagen und andere Mobilitätsprodukte macht.

EVA-Räder sind wartungsfrei und bieten eine gute Dämpfung, was zu einem angenehmen Fahrkomfort beiträgt. Sie sind ideal für feste Untergründe wie Stadtstraßen oder Einkaufszentren geeignet, da sie leichtgängig und wendig sind. Durch die 4-fache Stoßdämpfung kann man aber auch problemlos auf unebenen Strecken unterwegs sein.

Die Räder des Hauck Travel N Care haben einen Durchmesser von 13,5 cm vorne und 16 cm hinten, was eine ausgewogene Größe für die meisten alltäglichen Situationen darstellt.

So finden Mamas und Papas die Räder

Die Räder eines Buggys sind entscheidend dafür, wo man problemlos mit dem Wagen fahren kann. Der Hersteller verspricht, dass die Räder auch bei unebenem Terrain (sofern es nicht zu steinig ist) keine Probleme haben sollten.

Die Meinungen der Eltern gehen hier auseinander. Die Räder sind von vielen nicht die Favoriten, empfinden diese aber trotzdem nicht als störend. Eine davon ist Lisa: „Kleines Minus… An den Rädern sieht man schnell Gebrauchsspuren aber das schadet der Funktionalität nicht.“

Alexandra ist von den Rädern überzeugt: „Die Räder sind gefedert und leichtgängig. Der Buggy ist damit sehr wendig.“ Christian schließt sich ihrer Meinung an: „Die Räder lassen sich gut manövrieren und es ist bis 25kg belastbar.“

Papa Christian hält die Reifen für nicht ideal bei unebenen Strecken: „In schwererem Gelände stoßen die Reifen von dem Hauck Buggy an die Grenzen .“


Die Hauck Travel N Care kann sich auch für Neugeborene eignen. Das liegt an einer Rückenlehne, die sich bis zu einem Winkel von über 150 Grad neigen lässt, was fast einer Liegeposition entspricht.

Der Innenbereich ist so gestaltet, dass er Komfort bietet, auch dank eines verstellbaren Fußteils mit zwei Positionen. Die Maße der Rückenlehne betragen 48 x 31 cm, während die Sitzfläche 19  x 33 cm misst. Die gesamte Liegefläche des Sitzes ist 85 cm lang​​.

Der Buggy verfügt über eine Peek-a-boo-Fenster im Verdeck, was die Sichtbarkeit und Überwachung des Kindes ermöglicht.

Das sagen Eltern über die Liegefläche

Als Elternteil steht das Wohl des Kindes an erster Stelle. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, dass die Liegefläche 1A ist. Julia ist im Grunde überzeugt, hat aber auch Verbesserungswünsche: „Der Bezug fühlt sich super weich und glatt an, gar nicht so knisterig-knitterig, wie man es sonst von Buggys kennt. Dafür gibt es schon mal einen Pluspunkt! Die Polsterung könnte etwas dicker sein – an der Stelle wird bei Reisebuggys natürlich zugunsten des Gewichts immer etwas gespart.“

Lisas Sohn kann gar nicht genug von dem Buggy bekommen: „Unser Sohn liebt den Buggy und möchte lieber mit diesem als mit dem Großen fahren.“

Auch der Sohn von Tamara konnte von dem Kinderbuggy überzeugt werden: „Die Sitz-/Liegefunktion ist sehr komfortabel und die Leichtlaufräder sorgen für eine sanfte Fahrt.“

  Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an   Ein Beitrag geteilt von 𝑀𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑒𝓁𝒶 〽️ (@michellszabo)

Technische Daten

Für wen ist der hauck travel n care geeignet.

Nachdem ich mir so viele Tests und Meinungen durchgelesen habe, konnte ich mir ein Bild darüber machen, welche Eltern sich über den Buggy freuen könnten. Der Hauck Travel N Care ist ideal für Eltern und Kinder, die:

  • Eltern, die viel reisen: Für Familien, die häufig unterwegs sind, bietet der ultra-kompakte und leichte (6,8 kg) Buggy eine praktische Lösung. Er lässt sich leicht im Auto verstauen oder als Handgepäck in Flugzeugen mitnehmen, was ihn zum idealen Begleiter für reiselustige Eltern macht.
  • Stadtbewohnende Eltern: Der Buggy ist aufgrund seiner Kompaktheit und Wendigkeit perfekt für Eltern geeignet, die in dicht besiedelten städtischen Gebieten leben. Er lässt sich leicht durch enge Supermarktgänge manövrieren und in kleinen Wohnungen oder engen Fluren verstauen.
  • Preisbewusste Eltern: Mit der Fähigkeit, von Geburt an bis zu einem Gewicht von 22 kg zu dienen, bietet der Buggy eine langfristige Investition, die mehrere Wachstumsphasen des Kindes abdeckt, ohne dass schnell ein neuer Buggy gekauft werden muss. Dies könnte für Familien attraktiv sein, die auf der Suche nach wertvollen, kosteneffektiven Lösungen sind.
  • Aktive und abenteuerlustige Familien: Der Buggy ist auch für Eltern geeignet, die gerne Ausflüge in die Natur machen oder die Stadt erkunden möchten. Seine leichte Bauweise und die einfache Handhabung machen ihn zu einem guten Begleiter für Tagesausflüge und Abenteuer im Freien.
  Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Daniella Hill (@keepingitkirby)

Für wen lohnt sich der Hauck Travel N Care nicht?

Der Hauck Travel N Care könnte für einige Eltern oder Familien weniger geeignet sein, insbesondere für jene, die spezifische Anforderungen oder Vorlieben haben, die über die Grundfunktionalitäten des Buggys hinausgehen.

Familien, die regelmäßig auf besonders rauem oder unebenem Terrain unterwegs sind, könnten feststellen, dass die EVA-Reifen und die allgemeine Konstruktion des Buggys nicht optimal für solche Bedingungen sind.

Auch Eltern, die Wert auf eine umfangreiche Ausstattung legen, wie etwa eingebaute Becherhalter, große Staufächer oder eine besonders luxuriöse Polsterung, könnten finden, dass der Hauck Travel N Care in diesen Bereichen zu wünschen übrig lässt.

Des Weiteren könnte der Buggy für diejenigen, die nach einem sehr individuell anpassbaren Kinderwagen suchen – etwa in Bezug auf Höhenverstellbarkeit – nicht die erste Wahl sein, da der Fokus hier auf Funktionalität und Kompaktheit liegt, ohne viel Raum für Personalisierung.

Der Hauck Travel N Care überzeugt als ultrakompakter und leichter Kinderbuggy, ideal für reiselustige Familien und Stadtbewohner. Mit seinem Faltmechanismus und der Fähigkeit bietet er eine hohe Benutzerfreundlichkeit.

Die EVA-Reifen und die Gesamtkonstruktion sind auf Komfort und Wendigkeit in städtischen Umgebungen ausgelegt. Die Liegefläche, die für Kinder von 0-48 Monate geeignet ist und eine fast vollständige Liegeposition ermöglicht, steigert die Vielseitigkeit des Buggys.

Darüber hinaus bietet das verstellbare Verdeck Schutz und Komfort für das Kind, während der Buggy durch seine robuste Konstruktion eine langfristige Investition darstellt.

Preislich liegt der Hauck Travel N Care mit einer UVP von 151,16 € im mittleren bis sogar günstigen Segment (je nachdem, was man sich von einem Buggy erwartet). Der Kinderwagen ist aber laufend im Angebot und durch die vielen positiven Tests und Bewertungen jeden Cent wert.

Janina Zaminer

Janina Zaminer

Janina hat eine große Familie mit vielen Cousins und Cousinen. Deshalb war sie schon viel (und oft) mit Kinderwägen unterwegs und eine motivierte Shoppingbegleitung, um den perfekten Buggy zu finden. Bei Janina ist man an der richtigen Stelle!

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Hauck Travel N Care

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  • £129.95 Amazon
  • £129.95 Kiddies Kingdom
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The Hauck Travel N Care pushchair is a lightweight stroller that the manufacturer claims is compact, easy to fold and makes an ideal travel companion. Could this pushchair be a useful model to take on weekend breaks and holidays? Read our full review to find out what our panel of parents and experts thought, and how it performed in our laboratory tests.

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What's included?

  • What is it?
  • What’s it like to push?
  • Is it straightforward to use with your child?
  • Is it easy to fold, transport and store?
  • Is it safe and sturdy?
  • Is there anything else I should know?
  • Should I buy it?

Full Access first month £5, then £10.99 per month, cancel at any time

  • Jan 2024 First reviewed by Which?
  • Jan 2023 Released

Test results

The overall Which? test score is made up of the following star ratings, all determined by our rigorous lab tests.

Pushchairs on the rolling road

How we test pushchairs

12 Mar 2024


How we test manoeuvrability

How easy the pushchair handles on a range of surfaces, including pavements, uneven surfaces, rough ground and around obstacles.

Travelling with the pushchair

How we test travelling with the pushchair

How easy the pushchair is to fold and unfold for storage or travel. Expect a complicated method or some difficulty adjusting models that get three or fewer stars for this attribute.


How we test convenience

How easy it is to use the pushchair, including attaching the seat unit, reclining the seat, using the brakes, and comfort to push.


Where to buy (6 retailers), compare retailers.

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Samuel Johnston

Out of Stock £129

In Stock £129.95

Kiddies Kingdom

In Stock £130

In Stock £149.95

In Stock £149.99

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Joie Tourist

Geo3 Mono pram

  • World and parent facing

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Hauck Buggy Travel N Care

Hauck Buggy Travel N Care schwarz


Hauck Buggy Travel N Care


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hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Lieferung: bis Di. 30.04.

baby-walz.de - Shop aus Bad Waldsee

Lieferung: bis Fr. 10.05.

otto.de - Shop aus Hamburg

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Sofort lie­fer­bar: heute bis 15 Uhr be­stellt, morgen ge­lie­fert

babyartikel.de - Shop aus Aschheim

  • Daten vom 24.04.2024 19:15
  • Weitere Angebote anzeigen
  • hauck Reise Buggy Travel N Care, für Kinder, bis 25 kg Belastbar, Leicht, Kompakt, Komfortable Sitz-/Liegefunktion, Leichtlaufräder, Federung, UV-Schutz 50+, Einhändig Klein Faltbar, Olive Grün 139,99 €
  • Hauck Kinder-Buggy Travel N Care, dark olive 145,64 €
  • Hauck Buggy, Dunkelblau, Metall, 86x50x104 cm, EN 1888, Feststellbremse, Fußstütze abklappbar, Federung, 5-Punkte-Gurt, Transportsicherung, mit Tragegriff, Einhand-Faltmechanismus, abnehmbarer Schutzbügel, Kinderwagen, Buggys 149,90 €
  • Hauck Buggy, Schwarz, Metall, 86x50x104 cm, EN 1888, Feststellbremse, Fußstütze abklappbar, Federung, 5-Punkte-Gurt, Transportsicherung, mit Tragegriff, Einhand-Faltmechanismus, abnehmbarer Schutzbügel, Kinderwagen, Buggys 149,90 €
  • Hauck Buggy, Olivgrün, Metall, 86x50x104 cm, EN 1888, Feststellbremse, Fußstütze abklappbar, Federung, 5-Punkte-Gurt, Transportsicherung, mit Tragegriff, Einhand-Faltmechanismus, abnehmbarer Schutzbügel, Kinderwagen, Buggys 149,90 €
  • Hauck Buggy, Beige, Metall, 86x50x104 cm, EN 1888, Feststellbremse, Fußstütze abklappbar, Federung, 5-Punkte-Gurt, Transportsicherung, mit Tragegriff, Einhand-Faltmechanismus, abnehmbarer Schutzbügel, Kinderwagen, Buggys 149,90 €
  • Hauck TRAVEL N CARE - Buggy | Beige 149,90 €
  • Hauck TRAVEL N CARE - Buggy | Black 149,90 €
  • Hauck TRAVEL N CARE - Buggy | Dark Olive 149,90 €
  • Hauck TRAVEL N CARE - Buggy | Dark Navy Blue 149,90 €
  • hauck Travel N Care Black 149,90 €
  • hauck Buggy Travel N Care Black 149,90 €
  • hauck Buggy Travel N Care Dark Olive 149,90 €
  • Hauck Kinder-Buggy Reisebuggy & Sportwagen Travel N Care mit Li, (2-tlg), mit Liegeposition und Einhand-Faltmechanismus 149,90 €
  • Hauck Kinder-Buggy Reisebuggy & Sportwagen Travel N Care mit Li, mit Liegeposition und Einhand-Faltmechanismus 149,90 €


  • Buggy für Kinder bis 4 Jahre 
  • mit einer Hand zusammenklappbar 
  • belastbar mit 25 kg Gewicht 

Flexibler Buggy für Ausflüge und Reisen

Der Hauck Buggy Travel N Care ist mit 6,8 kg vergleichsweise leicht. Das liegt an dem Alurahmen. Das Material hat wenig Eigengewicht, ist aber dennoch stabil. Dadurch fährst Du Kinder bis 22 kg mit dem Wagen spazieren. Wer möchte, der kann auch den Einkaufskorb in Bodennähe beladen. Er trägt Snacks, Getränke, Wickel- und Spielutensilien bis 3 kg Gewicht. Will das Kind selbst laufen, klappst Du den Buggy einfach zusammen. Die Maße betragen dann: (L × B × H) 58 × 50 × 34 cm. Dank der Transportsicherung kann der Kinderwagen nicht wieder automatisch aufklappen. Mithilfe des Tragegurtes kannst Du das zusammengefaltete System bequem tragen.  

Bequeme und sichere Fahrt

Kinder ab etwa 6 Monaten können es sich im Hauck Travel N Care bequem machen. Sie werden mit einem 5-Punkt-Gurt sowie einem Sicherheitsbügel am Platz gehalten. Eltern passen die stufenlos verstellbare Rückenlehne schnell und einfach den aktuellen Bedürfnissen an. Steil nach oben geklappt, hat der Nachwuchs einen guten Ausblick. Zurückgelegt eignet sich der Sitz perfekt für ein Schläfchen. Damit die Sonne nicht blendet, wird einfach das 3-Zonen-Verdeck ausgeklappt. Das Kind kann durch das Sichtfenster beobachtet werden. Der integrierte UV-Schutz 50+ schützt die sensible Haut gut vor schädlicher Strahlung. Das Verdeck kannst Du auch abnehmen, falls es nicht gebraucht wird.  

Ordentliche Bereifung, gute Reinigung

Eine Fahrt auf ruckeligem Untergrund stört die Kleinen nicht. Denn die 4-fach stoßgedämpften Reifen fangen viele Erschütterungen ab. Die Vorderreifen schwenken um 360°. Hindernisse werden deshalb schnell und leicht umfahren. Je jünger die Kinder sind, desto eher wird während des Ausflugs gekleckert. Damit der Buggy trotzdem schick und hygienisch bleibt, ziehst Du einfach den Bezug ab. In der Maschine lässt er sich bei 30° C waschen. Anschließend sieht er wieder aus wie neu. Die Kund:innen bei amazon.de verleihen dem Hauck Travel N Care 3,3 von 5 Sternen. Kritisiert werden Materialschwächen und ein geringer Fahrkomfort.  

Wer schreibt hier:

Julia Starkey arbeitet seit 2015 als freischaffende Bloggerin und Content-Managerin. Für renommierte Magazine sowie ihr eigenes Projekt Mycyclo.de testet sie Gesundheits-, Familien- und Lifestyle-Produkte auf Herz und Nieren. Ihre Leser-Community schätzt ihre fundierte Recherche gepaart mit einer objektiven Berichterstattung.

leichter Alurahmen

einhändig faltbar

lässt sich zusammengeklappt mit Gurt tragen

verstellbare Rückenlehne mit Liegeposition

Qualität und Komfort von Kund:innen und Testmagazin teils schlecht bewertet


schadstoffbelastete Bezüge

Testberichte - von uns für Dich zusammengefasst

  • mangelhaft (4,8) mangelhaft (4,8) Fazit: Der günstigste Buggy im Test schneidet am schlechtesten ab. Zwar lässt er sich leicht montieren, zusammenklappen, ist gut gefedert und lange haltbar. Aber beim Sitzkomfort, den Gurten und auch beim Schieben und Bremsen zeigen sich Mängel. Am schwersten wiegt das mangelhafte Urteil der Schadstoffprüfung: Umwelt- und gesundheitsschädliche Fluorverbindungen (PFAS) stecken in zu hoher Menge in den Bezügen des Buggys. Eine der hier entdeckten Chemikalien ist seit 2020 verboten. Stiftung Warentest 03/2024 (22.02.24)

Weitere Stichworte zu dem Produkt Buggy Travel N Care:

Jannina G says: "Quite simple" and gives the Hauck Travel N Care 3

Quite simple.

  • light, compact
  • easy to fold
  • easy to store
  • wobbly wheels
  • push could be smoother
  • not for terrain
  • not roomy for larger kids
  • cheap fabrics and plastics
  • small basket
  • definitely not for kids at the maximum of weight capacity (cannot imagine a 22kg child fitting in the seat)
  • fixed handlebar

It is quite simple, and definitely not for bad terrain or for large, heavy toddlers. On the other hand, if you need a ride for a smaller child and something not making up your car trunk while not costing you a fortune, it is ok.

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Home » Europe » Moscow

EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024)

Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit!

Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city each year! Although the warmer months make exploring Moscow’s attractions more favorable, there’s just something about a fresh snowfall that only enhances the appearance of the city’s iconic sites!

If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or simply wanting to see as much of the city as possible, this Moscow itinerary will help you do just that!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

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Best Time To Visit Moscow

Where to stay in moscow, moscow itinerary, day 1 itinerary in moscow, day 2 itinerary in moscow, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in moscow, day trips from moscow, faq on moscow itinerary.

Here is a quick look at the seasons so you can decide when to visit Moscow!

The summer months (June-August) are a great time to travel to Moscow to take advantage of the enjoyable mild temperatures. This is considered peak travel season. Bear in mind that hotel prices rise along with the temperatures!

when to visit moscow

If you’re planning a trip to Moscow during fall (September-November) try to plan for early fall. This way the temperatures will still be pleasant and winter won’t be threatening.

Russian winters (December-February) are not for the faint of heart as Napoleon learned to his peril. Some days the sun will be out for less than an hour, and snow is guaranteed. Although winters are exceptionally cold, this is when you’ll get a true glimpse of the Moscow experience!

The best time to visit Moscow is during spring  (March-May). The temperatures will begin to creep up and the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day. Hotel rates will also have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

With a Moscow City Pass , you can experience the best of Moscow at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

Moscow is a large city with many accommodation options to choose from. Staying in a location that fits with your travel plans will only enhance your Moscow itinerary. Here is a brief introduction to a few great areas of the city we recommend checking out!

The best place to stay in Moscow to be close to all the action is Kitay-Gorod. This charming neighborhood will put you within walking distance to Moscow’s famous Red Square, thus cutting down on travel time. This will allow you to see more of the city in a shorter amount of time!

where to stay in moscow

It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops. If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or just planning a quick weekend in Moscow, then this area is perfect for you!

Another great area to consider is the Zamoskvorechye district. This area of the city offers a blend of new and old Moscow. It has an artsy vibe and there are plenty of fun sites you can explore outside of the main touristy areas of Moscow.

Of course, as in all areas of Moscow, it’s close to public transportation that will quickly connect you with the rest of the city and make your Moscow itinerary super accessible!

Best Airbnb in Moscow – Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Modern and cozy, this apartment is in the heart of Old Moscow. Bordering the Basmanny and Kitay-Gorod districts, this two-bedroom flat is walking distance to the Kremlin and Red Square. Safe, quiet, and comfortable, this is the best Airbnb in Moscow, no question!

Best Budget Hotel in Moscow – Izmailovo Alfa Hotel

moscow itinerary

The Izmailovo Alfa Hotel is a very highly rated accommodation that provides all the components necessary for a comfortable trip to Moscow. There is an on-site restaurant, bar, fitness center, and an airport shuttle service. The rooms are modern and spacious and are equipped with a TV, heating/air conditioning, minibar, and more!

Best Luxury Hotel in Moscow – Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre

moscow itinerary

If you’re touring Moscow in luxury, the Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre is the hotel for you! Elegantly furnished rooms are equipped with a minibar, flat-screen TV,  in-room safes, as well as tea and coffee making facilities! Bathrooms come with bathrobes, slippers, and free toiletries. There is also an onsite restaurant, bar, and fitness center.

Best Hostel in Moscow – Godzillas Hostel

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station. Guests will enjoy all the usual hostel perks such as self-catering facilities, 24-hour reception, Free Wi-Fi, and security lockers. This is one of the best hostels in Moscow and its wonderful social atmosphere and will make your vacation in Moscow extra special!

Godzillas Hostel is one of our favourites in Moscow but they’re not taking guests right now. We’re not sure if they’re closed for good but we hope they’ll come back soon.

An important aspect of planning any trip is figuring out the transportation situation. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get to all of your Moscow points of interest right? Luckily, this sprawling city has an excellent network of public transportation that will make traveling a breeze!

The underground metro system is the quickest and most efficient way to travel around Moscow. Most visitors rely exclusively on this super-efficient transportation system, which allows you to get to pretty much anywhere in the city! It’s also a great option if you’re planning a Moscow itinerary during the colder months, as you’ll be sheltered from the snow and freezing temperatures!

moscow itinerary

If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro.

Moscow’s metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a ‘Troika’ card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a metro cash desk. The ticket is simple, convenient, and even refundable upon return to a cashier!

No matter which method you choose, you’ll never find yourself without an easy means of getting from point A to point B!

Red Square | Moscow Kremlin | Lenin’s Mausoleum | St. Basil’s Cathedral  | GUM Department Store

Spend the first day of your itinerary taking your own self guided Moscow walking tour around the historic Red Square! This is Moscow’s compact city center and every stop on this list is within easy walking distance to the next! Get ready to see all of the top Moscow landmarks!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – The Red Square

  • Why it’s awesome: The Red Square is the most recognizable area in Moscow, it has mesmerizing architecture and centuries worth of history attached to its name.
  • Cost: Free to walk around, individual attractions in the square have separate fees. 
  • Food nearby: Check out Bar BQ Cafe for friendly service and good food in a great location! The atmosphere is upbeat and they’re open 24/7!

The Red Square is Moscow’s historic fortress and the center of the Russian government. The origins of the square date back to the late 15th century, when Ivan the Great decided to expand the Kremlin to reflect Moscow’s growing power and prestige!

During the 20th century, the square became famous as the site for demonstrations designed to showcase Soviet strength. Visiting the Red Square today, you’ll find it teeming with tourists, who come to witness its magical architecture up close!

The Red Square

The square is the picture postcard of Russian tourism, so make sure to bring your camera when you visit! No matter the season, or the time of day, it’s delightfully photogenic! 

It’s also home to some of Russia’s most distinguishing and important landmarks, which we’ve made sure to include further down in this itinerary. It’s an important center of Russia’s cultural life and one of the top places to visit in Moscow!

In 1990, UNESCO designated Russia’s Red Square as a World Heritage site. Visiting this historic site is a true bucket-list event and essential addition to your itinerary for Moscow!

Day 1 / Stop 2 – The Moscow Kremlin

  • Why it’s awesome: The Moscow Kremlin complex includes several palaces and cathedrals and is surrounded by the Kremlin wall. It also houses the principal museum of Russia (the Kremlin Armory).
  • Cost: USD $15.00
  • Food nearby: Bosco Cafe is a charming place to grat a casual bite to eat. They have excellent coffee and wonderful views of the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin!

The iconic Moscow Kremlin , also known as the Kremlin museum complex, sits on Borovitsky Hill, rising above the Moscow River. It is a fortified complex in the center of the city, overlooking several iconic buildings in the Red Square!

It’s the best known of the Russian Kremlins – citadels or fortress’ protecting and dominating a city. During the early decades of the Soviet era, the Kremlin was a private enclave where the state’s governing elite lived and worked.

The Kremlin is outlined by an irregularly shaped triangular wall that encloses an area of 68 acres! The existing walls and towers were built from 1485 to 1495. Inside the Kremlin museum complex, there are five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The Armoury Chamber is a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace’s complex and is one of the oldest museums of Moscow, established in 1851. It showcases Russian history and displays many cherished relics. Definitely make sure to check out this museum while you’re here!

The Moscow Kremlin

The churches inside the Moscow Kremlin are the Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel, Church of the Annunciation, and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki (a church tower).

The five-domed Cathedral of the Dormition is considered the most famous. It was built from 1475–1479 by an Italian architect and has served as a wedding and coronation place for great princes, tsars, and emperors of Russia. Church services are given in the Kremlin’s numerous cathedrals on a regular basis.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was the former Tsar’s Moscow residence and today it serves as the official workplace of the President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Putin seems to have bagged that title for life) .

Insider Tip: The Kremlin is closed every Thursday! Make sure to plan this stop on your Moscow itinerary for any other day of the week!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Lenin’s Mausoleum

  • Why it’s awesome: The mausoleum displays the preserved body of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin .
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Khinkal’naya is a charming Georgian restaurant with vaulted ceilings and exposed brick. It’s a popular place with locals and right next to the Red Square!

Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s Tomb, is the modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. It’s located within the Red Square and serves as the resting place for the Soviet leader! His preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924.

It’s located just a few steps away from the Kremlin Wall and is one of the most controversial yet popular Moscow attractions!

Admission is free for everyone, you’ll only need to pay if you need to check a bag. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, they have to go through a metal detector first. No metal objects, liquids, or large bags are allowed in the mausoleum!

Lenins Mausoleum

Expect a line to enter the building, and while you’re inside the building, you’ll be constantly moving in line with other visitors. This means you won’t be able to spend as long as you’d like viewing the mausoleum, but you’ll still be able to get a good look. Pictures and filming while inside the building are strictly prohibited, and security guards will stop you if they see you breaking this rule.

The mausoleum is only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – unless it’s a public holiday or a day scheduled for maintenance. The hours it’s open for each day are limited, make sure to check online before you visit to make sure you can fit this into your Moscow itinerary for that day!

Insider Tip: The Lenin’s Museum is there for people to pay their respect; remember to keep silent and move along quickly, it’s not intended for people to congregate around. Also, men are not allowed to wear hats and everyone must take their hands out of their pockets when inside the building.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – St. Basil’s Cathedral

  • Why it’s awesome: A dazzling designed cathedral that showcases Russia’s unique architecture. This cathedral is one of the most recognizable symbols of the country!
  • Cost: USD $8.00
  • Food nearby: Moskovskiy Chaynyy Klub is a cozy cafe serving food items and pipping hot tea; it’s the perfect place to go if you’re visiting Moscow during the winter months!

Located in the Red Square, the ornate 16th-century St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the building you picture when you think of Moscow’s unique architecture. Its colorful onion-shaped domes tower over the Moscow skyline!

The cathedral was built from 1555-1561 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was designed with an iconic onion dome facade and enchanting colors that captivate all who see it. Fun fact: If you’re wondering why Russian churches have onion domes, they are popularly believed to symbolize burning candles!

This iconic cathedral has become a symbol of Russia due to its distinguishing architecture and prominent position inside the Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing historical cathedrals in the world!

St. Basils Cathedral

The interior of the church surprises most people when they visit. In contrast to the large exterior, the inside is not so much one large area, but rather a collection of smaller areas, with many corridors and small rooms. There are 9 small chapels and one mausoleum grouped around a central tower.

Visiting the inside is like walking through a maze, there are even small signs all around the cathedral tracing where to walk, and pointing you in the right direction! The walls are meticulously decorated and painted with intricate floral designs and religious themes.

The church rarely holds service and is instead a museum open for the public to visit.

Insider Tip: During the summer months the line to go inside the cathedral can get quite long! Make sure to arrive early or reserve your tickets online to guarantee quick access into the cathedral!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – GUM Department Store

  • Why it’s awesome: This is Russia’s most famous shopping mall! It’s designed with elegant and opulent architecture and provides a real sense of nostalgia!
  • Cost: Free to enter
  • Food nearby: Stolovaya 57 is a cafeteria-style restaurant with a variety of inexpensive Russian cuisine menu items including soups, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. It’s also located inside the GUM department store, making it very easily accessible when you’re shopping!

The enormous GUM Department Store is located within the historic Red Square. It has a whimsical enchantment to it that sets it apart from your typical department store.

A massive domed glass ceiling lines the top of the building and fills the interior with natural sunlight. There are live plants and flowers placed throughout the mall that give the shopping complex a lively and cheerful feel! A playful fountain sits in the center, further adding to the malls inviting a sense of wonder and amusement!

The GUM department store opened on December 2, 1893. Today, it includes local and luxury stores, including Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many more! There are numerous cafes, restaurants, and even a movie theater inside!

GUM Department Store

For a special treat, head into Gastronom 1. This 1950s-style shop sells gourmet food items, like wine, freshly-baked pastries, cheese, Russian chocolate, and of course, vodka! Also, be on the lookout for a bicycle pedaling ice cream truck with an employing selling ice cream!

The ambiance is simply amazing, a trip to this idyllic shopping mall is an absolute must on any Moscow itinerary!

Insider Tip: Make sure to carry some small change on you in case you need to use the restroom, you’ll need to pay 50 rubles – or about USD $0.80 to use the bathroom in GUM.

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Novodevichy Convent | Gorky Park | State Tretyakov Gallery | All-Russian Exhibition Center | Bolshoi Theater

On your 2 day itinerary in Moscow, you’ll have a chance to use the city’s excellent public transportation service! You’ll explore a few more of Moscow’s historic highlight as well as some modern attractions. These sites are a little more spread out, but still very easily accessible thanks to the metro!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Novodevichy Convent

  • Why it’s awesome: The Novodevichy Convent is rich in imperial Russian history and contains some of Russia’s best examples of classical architecture!
  • Cost: USD $5.00
  • Food nearby: Culinary Shop Karavaevs Brothers is a cozy and simple place to have a quick bite, they also have vegetarian options!

The Novodevichy Convent is the best-known and most popular cloister of Moscow. The convent complex is contained within high walls, and there are many attractions this site is known for! 

The six-pillared five-domed Smolensk Cathedral is the main attraction. It was built to resemble the Kremlin’s Assumption Cathedral and its facade boasts beautiful snowy white walls and a pristine golden onion dome as its centerpiece. It’s the oldest structure in the convent, built from 1524 -1525, and is situated in the center of the complex between the two entrance gates.

There are other churches inside the convent as well, all dating back from many centuries past. The convent is filled with an abundance of 16th and 17th-century religious artworks, including numerous large and extravagant frescos!

Novodevichy Convent

Just outside the convent’s grounds lies the Novodevichy Cemetery. Here, you can visit the graves of famous Russians, including esteemed authors, composers, and politicians. Probably the most intriguing gravestone belongs to Russian politician Nikita Khruschev!

The Novodevichy Convent is located near the Moscow River and offers a peaceful retreat from the busy city. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The convent remains remarkably well-preserved and is an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque architecture! 

Insider Tip: To enter the cathedrals inside the complex, women are advised to cover their heads and shoulders, while men should wear long pants.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

  • Why it’s awesome: A large amusement area in the heart of the city offering many attractions!
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Food nearby: Check out Mepkato, located inside Gorky Central Park for a casual meal in a cozy setting. There are indoor and outdoor seating options and the restaurant is child-friendly!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a large green space in the heart of Moscow. The park opened in 1928, and it stretches along the scenic embankment of the Moskva River. It covers an area of 300-acres and offers a lovely contrast from the compact city center.

You’ll find all sorts of wonderful attractions, from boat rides to bike rentals to tennis courts and ping-pong tables, and much more! there are an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts scheduled in the summer months.  A wide selection of free fitness classes is also offered on a regular basis, including jogging, roller skating, and dancing!

Although many of the options you’ll find here are more suited for outdoor leisure during the summer, you’ll also a selection of winter attractions, including one of Europe’s largest ice rinks for ice-skating!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

If you’re trying to decide what to do in Moscow with kids, the park also offers several venues designed specifically for kids. Check out the year-round Green School which offers hands-on classes in gardening and art! You can also feed the squirrels and birds at the Golitsinsky Ponds!

The park is very well maintained and kept clean and the entrance is free of charge, although most individual attractions cost money. There is also Wi-Fi available throughout the park.

With so many attractions, you could easily spend all day here! If you’re only planning a 2 day itinerary in Moscow, make sure to plan your time accordingly and map out all the areas you want to see beforehand!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – The State Tretyakov Gallery

  • Why it’s awesome: The gallery’s collection consists entirely of Russian art made by Russian artists!
  • Food nearby : Brothers Tretyakovs is located right across the street from the gallery. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric restaurant serving top quality food and drinks!

The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov.  The gallery is a national treasury of Russian fine art and one of the most important museums in Russia!

It houses the world’s best collection of Russian art and contains more than 130, 000 paintings, sculptures, and graphics! These works have been created throughout the centuries by generations of Russia’s most talented artists!

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibits range from mysterious 12th-century images to politically charged canvases. The collection is rich and revealing and offers great insight into the history and attitudes of this long-suffering yet inspired people!

All pictures are also labeled in English. If you plan to take your time and see everything inside the museum it will take a good 3-4 hours, so make sure to plan your Moscow trip itinerary accordingly! This gallery is a must-see stop for art lovers, or anyone wanting to explore the local culture and history of Russia in a creative and insightful manner! 

Insider Tip: When planning your 2 days in Moscow itinerary, keep in mind that most museums in Moscow are closed on Mondays, this includes The State Tretyakov Gallery!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – All-Russian Exhibition Center

  • Why it’s awesome: This large exhibition center showcases the achievements of the Soviet Union in several different spheres. 
  • Food nearby: Varenichnaya No. 1 serves authentic and homestyle Russian cuisine in an intimate and casual setting.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a massive park that presents the glory of the Soviet era! It pays homage to the achievements of Soviet Russia with its many different sites found on the property.

The center was officially opened in 1939 to exhibit the achievements of the Soviet Union. It’s a huge complex of buildings and the largest exhibition center in Moscow. There are several exhibition halls dedicated to different achievements and every year there are more than one hundred and fifty specialized exhibitions!

All Russian Exhibition Center

The Peoples Friendship Fountain was constructed in 1954 and is a highlight of the park. The stunning gold fountain features 16 gilded statues of girls, each representing the former Soviet Union republics. 

The Stone Flower Fountain was also built in 1954 and is worth checking out. The centerpiece of this large fountain is a flower carved from stones from the Ural Mountains! Along the side of the fountain are various bronze sculptures.

You will find many people zipping around on rollerblades and bicycles across the large area that the venue covers. It’s also home to amusement rides and carousels, making it the perfect place to stop with kids on your Moscow itinerary! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and allow a few hours to explore all the areas that interest you!

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Bolshoi Theater

  • Why it’s awesome: The Bolshoi Theater is a historic venue that hosts world-class ballet and opera performances!
  • Cost: Prices vary largely between USD $2.00 –  USD $228.00 based on seat location.
  • Food nearby: Head to the Russian restaurant, Bolshoi for high-quality food and drinks and excellent service!

The Bolshoi Theater is among the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world! It also boasts the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers!

The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times during its long history. In 2011 it finished its most recent renovation after an extensive six-year restoration that started in 2005. The renovation included an improvement in acoustics and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.

The Bolshoi Theater has put on many of the world’s most famous ballet acts! Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theater in 1877 and other notable performances of the Bolshoi repertoire include Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker!

Bolshoi Theater

Today, when you visit the theater, you can expect a magical performance from skilled singers, dancers, and musicians with the highest level of technique!

If you don’t have time to see a show, the theater also provides guided tours on select days of the week. Tours are given in both Russian and English and will provide visitors with a more intimate look at the different areas of the theater!

The stage of this iconic Russian theater has seen many outstanding performances. If you’re a fan of the performing arts, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world, making it a must-see attraction on your Moscow itinerary!

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station.

  • Towels Included

Cosmonautics Museum | Alexander Garden | Ostankino Tower | Izmaylovo District | Soviet Arcade Museum

Now that we’ve covered what to do in Moscow in 2 days, if you’re able to spend more time in the city you’re going to need more attractions to fill your time. Here are a few more really cool things to do in Moscow we recommend!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

  • Hear the timeline of the ‘space race’ from the Russian perspective
  • This museum is fun for both adults and children!
  • Admission is USD $4.00

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a museum dedicated to space exploration! The museum explores the history of flight, astronomy, space exploration, space technology, and space in the arts. It houses a large assortment of Soviet and Russian space-related exhibits, and the museum’s collection holds approximately 85,000 different items!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum does an excellent job of telling the full story of the exciting space race between the USSR and the US! It highlights the brightest moments in Russian history and humanity and is very interesting and fun for all ages!

If you’re a fan of space or just curious about gaining insight into Russia’s fascinating history of space exploration, make sure to add this to your 3 day itinerary in Moscow!

The Alexander Garden

  • A tranquil place to relax near the Red Square
  • Green lawns dotted with sculptures and lovely water features
  • The park is open every day and has no entrance fee

The Alexander Garden was one of the first urban public parks in Moscow! The garden premiered in 1821 and was built to celebrate Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s forces in 1812!

The park is beautiful and well maintained with paths to walk on and benches to rest on. The park contains three separate gardens: the upper garden, middle garden, and lower garden.

The Alexander Garden

Located in the upper garden, towards the main entrance to the park is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. This monument was created in 1967 and contains the body of a soldier who fell during the Great Patriotic War!

The park stretches along all the length of the western Kremlin wall for about half a mile. Due to its central location in the city, it’ll be easily accessible when you’re out exploring The Red Square.

It provides a bit of relief from the city’s high-energy city streets. Bring a picnic lunch, go for a walk, or just sit and people watch, this is one of the best Moscow sites to wind-down and relax!

Ostankino Television Tower

  • Television and radio tower in Moscow
  • Currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe
  • Make sure you bring your passport when you visit, you can’t go up without it!

For spectacular views of the city, make sure to add the Ostankino Television Tower to your itinerary for Moscow! This impressive free-standing structure provides stunning views of the city in every direction. The glass floor at the top also provides great alternative views of the city!

Ostankino Television Tower

It takes just 58 seconds for visitors to reach the Tower’s observation deck by super fast elevator. The tower is open every day for long hours and is a great site in Moscow to check out! There is even a restaurant at the top where you can enjoy rotating views of the city while you dine on traditional Russian cuisine or European cuisine!

The tower is somewhat of an architectural surprise in a city that is not known for skyscrapers! To see the city from a new perspective, make sure to add this stop to your Moscow itinerary!

Izmaylovo District

  • The most popular attractions in this district are the kremlin and the flea market
  • Outside of the city center and easy to reach via metro
  • Most popular during the summer and on weekends

Travel outside the city center and discover a unique area of the city! The Izmaylovo District is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and one of the coolest places to see in Moscow! The two main attractions we recommend checking out are the Kremlin and the flea market.

The Izmailovo Kremlin was established as a cultural center and molded after traditional Russian architecture. This colorful complex is home to several single-subject museums, including a Russian folk art museum and a vodka museum!

Izmaylovo District

Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century! The market is connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Pick up all your Russian souvenirs here, including traditional handicrafts, paintings, books, retro toys, and Soviet memorabilia!

You will find many hand-made and hand-painted options available at higher prices, as well as mass-produced souvenir options at lower prices!

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

  • Closed on Mondays
  • Filled with old arcade games that visitors get to try out!
  • The museum also includes a small cafe and burger shop

For something a little different, check out the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games! The museum features roughly 60 machines from the Soviet era, including video games, pinball machines, and collaborative hockey foosball! The machines inside the museum were produced in the USSR in the mid-1970s.

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The best part is, most of the games are still playable! Purchase tickets and try the games out for yourself! The museum also has a neat little screening room that plays old Soviet cartoons and an area with Soviet magazines! This unique attraction is a fun addition to a 3 day itinerary in Moscow, and an attraction that all ages will enjoy! 

Whether you’re spending one day in Moscow, or more, safety is an important thing to keep in mind when traveling to a big city! Overall, Moscow is a very safe place to visit. However, it is always recommended that tourists take certain precautions when traveling to a new destination!

The police in Moscow is extremely effective at making the city a safe place to visit and do their best to patrol all of the top Moscow, Russia tourist attractions. However, tourists can still be a target for pickpockets and scammers.

Moscow has a huge flow of tourists, therefore there is a risk for pickpocketing. Simple precautions will help eliminate your chances of being robbed. Stay vigilant, keep your items close to you at all times, and don’t flash your valuables!

If you’re planning a solo Moscow itinerary, you should have no need to worry, as the city is also considered safe for solo travelers, even women. Stay in the populated areas, try and not travel alone late at night, and never accept rides from strangers or taxis without a meter and correct signage.

The threat of natural disasters in Moscow is low, with the exception of severe winters when the temperature can dip below freezing! Bring a good, warm jacket if you visit in Winter.

However, please note that Russian views on homsexuality are far less accepting than those in Western Europe. Likewise, Non-Caucasian travellers may sadly encounter racism in Russia .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Moscow

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Now that we’ve covered all the top things to see in Moscow, we thought we’d include some exciting day trips to other areas of the country!

Sergiev Posad (Golden Ring)

Sergiev Posad Golden Ring

On this 7-hour guided tour, you’ll visit several scenic and historic areas of Russia. Start your day with hotel pick-up as you’re transferred by a comfortable car or minivan to Sergiev Posad. Admire the charming Russian countryside on your drive and enjoy a quick stop to visit the Russian village, Rudonezh!

You’ll see the majestic Saint Spring and the Church of Sergiev Radonezh. You’ll also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the most famous Orthodox sites in Russia!

Lastly, you’ll swing by the local Matreshka market and enjoy a break in a nice Russian restaurant before returning to Moscow!

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

On this 13-hour trip, you’ll discover old Russia, with its picturesque landscapes and white-stoned beautiful churches! You’ll visit the main towns of the famous Golden Ring of Russia – the name for several cities and smaller towns north-east of Moscow.

Your first stop will be in the town of Vladimir, the ancient capital of all Russian principalities. The city dates back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest and the most important towns along the Ring! Next, you’ll visit Suzdal, a calm ancient Russian town north of Vladimir with only 13,000 inhabitants!

The old-style architecture and buildings of Suzdal are kept wonderfully intact. If you’re spending three days in Moscow, or more, this is a great option for exploring the charming areas outside the city!

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

On this 9-hour private tour, you’ll explore the ancient town of Zvenigorod, one of the oldest towns in the Moscow region! As you leave Moscow you’ll enjoy the stunning scenery along the Moscow River, and make a few stops at old churches along the way to Zvenigorod.

Upon arrival, you’ll explore the medieval center, including the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. Next, you’ll take a break for lunch (own expense) where you’ll have the chance to try out the Russian cuisine! Next, you’ll visit the Museum of Russian Dessert and sip on tea at a Russian tea ceremony.

The final stop of the day is at the Ershovo Estate, a gorgeous place to walk around and enjoy nature!

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage & Faberge

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage and Faberge

On this full-day tour, you’ll enjoy a a full round trip to St Petersburg where you’ll spend an exciting day exploring another popular Russian city! You’ll be picked up from your hotel in Moscow and be transferred to the train station where you’ll ride the high-speed train ‘Sapsan’ to St Petersburg.

Upon arrival, you’ll start the day by touring the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Next, you’ll visit the Faberge Museum, where you’ll explore the impressive collection of rare Faberge Eggs! In the afternoon, enjoy a sightseeing boat ride and a traditional 3-course Russian lunch.

If you’re spending 3 days in Moscow, or more, this is an excellent trip to take!

Trip to Kolomna – Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

Trip to Kolomna - Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll escape the city and travel to the historic town of Kolomna! First, you’ll visit the 14th-century Kolomna Kremlin, home to the Assumption Cathedral and an abundance of museums!

Next, enjoy lunch at a local cafe (own expense) before embarking on a tour of the Marshmallow Museum – of course, a marshmallow tasting is provided!  Your final stop is the Museum of Forging Settlements, where displays include armor and accessories for fishing and hunting.

Discover this beautiful Russian fairytale city on a private trip, where all of the planning is taken care of for you!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Moscow itinerary.

How many days you need in Moscow?

We recommend that you spend at least two or three days in Moscow to take it all in.

What’s the best month to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is over the spring, from March to May as temperatures are mild, crowds are thin and prices are reasonable.

What are some unusual things to do in Moscow?

I mean, queuing up to see an almost 100 year old corpse is pretty unsual! Check out Lenin’s Mausoleum if you fancy it!

What are some fun things to do in Moscow?

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a fun place to explore the famous space race from the perspective of the ‘other side’!

We hope you enjoyed our Moscow itinerary! We’ve made sure to cover all the Moscow must-sees as well as some unique attractions in the city! Our addition of insider tips, favorite food stops, and day trips from Moscow is an added bonus and will guarantee you make the most out of your exciting Russian vacation!

Immerse yourself in the modern and traditional Russian lifestyle! Get lost in museums, witness awe-inspiring architecture, and indulge in Russian cuisine! Spend the day strolling through all of the charming sites of Moscow, admiring the beautiful scenery and discovering the city’s fairytale-like enchantment!

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Alya and Campbell

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Kuznetski Most area in Moscow

Kuznetski Most is a small area between Tverskaya street, Kremlin, and Kitai Gorod (Lubyanka) and it's a downtown of Moscow. First of all, 'Kuznya' is a great place to walk: it is a real Moscow area, not a postcard at all, hectic busy streets neighbour tranquil lanes and courtyards with traditional architecture. There are also many very nice cafes, restaurants, clubs, and shops. If you want a cool place to meet people, go for a walk and to get the real feeling of the city, check out this area.

Kuznetsky Most area - photo by Sergey Rodovichenkov @FlickR

Long time ago there were only half-broken low wooden houses in Kuznetski Most area, and it was the place where poor blacksmithes lived. Blacksmith is 'Kuznets' in Russia, hence the name. In the beginning of the street (on top) there was a bridge over a small river, later this river was put underground, so there's no bridge anymore. About 200 years ago there was a rich Moscovitan noble buying this area. He immediately put away all the blacksmiths' houses and started to build a fancy new district. Just in few years he built up beautiful houses, with impressive ornaments, rich decoration, pools in the courtyards. Also, he opened some French boutiques in the area. That's when Kuznetski Most started to become fashionable. In a short time all the elite moved to this  area, and those who wasn't so fast were coming here to make some shopping and to sit in many of the restaurants and cafes around.  In the 20th century, when the communist times arrived, most of the buildings were given to government offices, some were given to soviet shops. The area became boring, the architecture was slowly deteriorating , but nobody seemed to care. In the beginning of the 90s  the area was revived again: the buildings were  restored , there was many new cafes being opened, boutiques, and shops. One important landmark of Kuznetsky Most is that it's home to FSB (Federal Security Bureau - former KGB) offices, and if you walk along Kuznetsky Most street you can get to the FSB reception, which is open 24 hours (in case you have something to report).  

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Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow: The Best of Moscow!

I just got back from one week in Moscow. And, as you might have already guessed, it was a mind-boggling experience. It was not my first trip to the Russian capital. But I hardly ever got enough time to explore this sprawling city. Visiting places for business rarely leaves enough time for sightseeing. I think that if you’ve got one week in Russia, you can also consider splitting your time between its largest cities (i.e. Saint Petersburg ) to get the most out of your trip. Seven days will let you see the majority of the main sights and go beyond just scratching the surface. In this post, I’m going to share with you my idea of the perfect travel itinerary for one week in Moscow.

Moscow is perhaps both the business and cultural hub of Russia. There is a lot more to see here than just the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Centuries-old churches with onion-shaped domes dotted around the city are in stark contrast with newly completed impressive skyscrapers of Moscow City dominating the skyline. I spent a lot of time thinking about my Moscow itinerary before I left. And this city lived up to all of my expectations.

7-day Moscow itinerary

Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

Day 1 – red square and the kremlin.

Metro Station: Okhotny Ryad on Red Line.

No trip to Moscow would be complete without seeing its main attraction. The Red Square is just a stone’s throw away from several metro stations. It is home to some of the most impressive architectural masterpieces in the city. The first thing you’ll probably notice after entering it and passing vendors selling weird fur hats is the fairytale-like looking Saint Basil’s Cathedral. It was built to commemorate one of the major victories of Ivan the Terrible. I once spent 20 minutes gazing at it, trying to find the perfect angle to snap it. It was easier said than done because of the hordes of locals and tourists.

As you continue strolling around Red Square, there’s no way you can miss Gum. It was widely known as the main department store during the Soviet Era. Now this large (yet historic) shopping mall is filled with expensive boutiques, pricey eateries, etc. During my trip to Moscow, I was on a tight budget. So I only took a retro-style stroll in Gum to get a rare glimpse of a place where Soviet leaders used to grocery shop and buy their stuff. In case you want some modern shopping experience, head to the Okhotny Ryad Shopping Center with stores like New Yorker, Zara, and Adidas.

things to do in Moscow in one week

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To continue this Moscow itinerary, next you may want to go inside the Kremlin walls. This is the center of Russian political power and the president’s official residence. If you’re planning to pay Kremlin a visit do your best to visit Ivan the Great Bell Tower as well. Go there as early as possible to avoid crowds and get an incredible bird’s-eye view. There are a couple of museums that are available during designated visiting hours. Make sure to book your ticket online and avoid lines.

Day 2 – Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Arbat Street

Metro Station: Kropotkinskaya on Red Line

As soon as you start creating a Moscow itinerary for your second day, you’ll discover that there are plenty of metro stations that are much closer to certain sites. Depending on your route, take a closer look at the metro map to pick the closest.

The white marble walls of Christ the Saviour Cathedral are awe-inspiring. As you approach this tallest Orthodox Christian church, you may notice the bronze sculptures, magnificent arches, and cupolas that were created to commemorate Russia’s victory against Napoleon.

travel itinerary for one week in Moscow

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Unfortunately, the current Cathedral is a replica, since original was blown to bits in 1931 by the Soviet government. The new cathedral basically follows the original design, but they have added some new elements such as marble high reliefs.

Home to some precious collection of artworks, in Tretyakov Gallery you can find more than 150,000 of works spanning centuries of artistic endeavor. Originally a privately owned gallery, it now has become one of the largest museums in Russia. The Gallery is often considered essential to visit. But I have encountered a lot of locals who have never been there.

Famous for its souvenirs, musicians, and theaters, Arbat street is among the few in Moscow that were turned into pedestrian zones. Arbat street is usually very busy with tourists and locals alike. My local friend once called it the oldest street in Moscow dating back to 1493. It is a kilometer long walking street filled with fancy gift shops, small cozy restaurants, lots of cute cafes, and street artists. It is closed to any vehicular traffic, so you can easily stroll it with kids.

Day 3 – Moscow River Boat Ride, Poklonnaya Hill Victory Park, the Moscow City

Metro Station: Kievskaya and Park Pobedy on Dark Blue Line / Vystavochnaya on Light Blue Line

Voyaging along the Moscow River is definitely one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of the city and see the attractions from a bit different perspective. Depending on your Moscow itinerary, travel budget and the time of the year, there are various types of boats available. In the summer there is no shortage of boats, and you’ll be spoiled for choice.

exploring Moscow

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If you find yourself in Moscow during the winter months, I’d recommend going with Radisson boat cruise. These are often more expensive (yet comfy). They offer refreshments like tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Prices may vary but mostly depend on your food and drink selection. Find their main pier near the opulent Ukraine hotel . The hotel is one of the “Seven Sisters”, so if you’re into the charm of Stalinist architecture don’t miss a chance to stay there.

The area near Poklonnaya Hill has the closest relation to the country’s recent past. The memorial complex was completed in the mid-1990s to commemorate the Victory and WW2 casualties. Also known as the Great Patriotic War Museum, activities here include indoor attractions while the grounds around host an open-air museum with old tanks and other vehicles used on the battlefield.

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The hallmark of the memorial complex and the first thing you see as you exit metro is the statue of Nike mounted to its column. This is a very impressive Obelisk with a statue of Saint George slaying the dragon at its base.

Maybe not as impressive as Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower , the skyscrapers of the Moscow City (otherwise known as Moscow International Business Center) are so drastically different from dull Soviet architecture. With 239 meters and 60 floors, the Empire Tower is the seventh highest building in the business district.

The observation deck occupies 56 floor from where you have some panoramic views of the city. I loved the view in the direction of Moscow State University and Luzhniki stadium as well to the other side with residential quarters. The entrance fee is pricey, but if you’re want to get a bird’s eye view, the skyscraper is one of the best places for doing just that.

Day 4 – VDNKh, Worker and Collective Farm Woman Monument, The Ostankino TV Tower

Metro Station: VDNKh on Orange Line

VDNKh is one of my favorite attractions in Moscow. The weird abbreviation actually stands for Russian vystavka dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy). With more than 200 buildings and 30 pavilions on the grounds, VDNKh serves as an open-air museum. You can easily spend a full day here since the park occupies a very large area.

Moscow sights

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First, there are pavilions that used to showcase different cultures the USSR was made of. Additionally, there is a number of shopping pavilions, as well as Moskvarium (an Oceanarium) that features a variety of marine species. VDNKh is a popular venue for events and fairs. There is always something going on, so I’d recommend checking their website if you want to see some particular exhibition.

A stone’s throw away from VDNKh there is a very distinctive 25-meters high monument. Originally built in 1937 for the world fair in Paris, the hulking figures of men and women holding a hammer and a sickle represent the Soviet idea of united workers and farmers. It doesn’t take much time to see the monument, but visiting it gives some idea of the Soviet Union’s grandiose aspirations.

I have a thing for tall buildings. So to continue my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow I decided to climb the fourth highest TV tower in the world. This iconic 540m tower is a fixture of the skyline. You can see it virtually from everywhere in Moscow, and this is where you can get the best panoramic views (yep, even better than Empire skyscraper).

top things to do in Moscow

Parts of the floor are made of tempered glass, so it can be quite scary to exit the elevator. But trust me, as you start observing buildings and cars below, you won’t want to leave. There is only a limited number of tickets per day, so you may want to book online. Insider tip: the first tour is cheaper, you can save up to $10 if go there early.

Day 5 – A Tour To Moscow Manor Houses

Metro Station: Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno on Dark Green Line / Kuskovo on Purple Line

I love visiting the manor houses and palaces in Moscow. These opulent buildings were generally built to house Russian aristocratic families and monarchs. Houses tend to be rather grand affairs with impressive architecture. And, depending on the whims of the owners, some form of a landscaped garden.

During the early part of the 20th century though, many of Russia’s aristocratic families (including the family of the last emperor) ended up being killed or moving abroad . Their manor houses were nationalized. Some time later (after the fall of the USSR) these were open to the public. It means that today a great many of Moscow’s finest manor houses and palaces are open for touring.

one week Moscow itinerary

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There are 20 manor houses scattered throughout the city and more than 25 in the area around. But not all of them easily accessible and exploring them often takes a lot of time. I’d recommend focusing on three most popular estates in Moscow that are some 30-minute metro ride away from Kremlin.

Sandwiched between the Moscow River and the Andropov Avenue, Kolomenskoye is a UNESCO site that became a public park in the 1920’s. Once a former royal estate, now it is one of the most tranquil parks in the city with gorgeous views. The Ascension Church, The White Column, and the grounds are a truly grand place to visit.

You could easily spend a full day here, exploring a traditional Russian village (that is, in fact, a market), picnicking by the river, enjoying the Eastern Orthodox church architecture, hiking the grounds as well as and wandering the park and gardens with wildflower meadows, apple orchards, and birch and maple groves. The estate museum showcases Russian nature at its finest year-round.

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If my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow was a family tree, Tsaritsyno Park would probably be the crazy uncle that no-one talks about. It’s a large park in the south of the city of mind-boggling proportions, unbelievable in so many ways, and yet most travelers have never heard of it.

The palace was supposed to be a summer home for Empress Catherine the Great. But since the construction didn’t meet with her approval the palace was abandoned. Since the early 1990’s the palace, the pond, and the grounds have been undergoing renovations. The entire complex is now looking brighter and more elaborately decorated than at possibly any other time during its history. Like most parks in Moscow, you can visit Tsaritsyno free of charge, but there is a small fee if you want to visit the palace.

Moscow itinerary

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Last, but by no means least on my Moscow itinerary is Kuskovo Park . This is definitely an off-the-beaten-path place. While it is not easily accessible, you will be rewarded with a lack of crowds. This 18th-century summer country house of the Sheremetev family was one of the first summer country estates of the Russian nobility. And when you visit you’ll quickly realize why locals love this park.

Like many other estates, Kuskovo has just been renovated. So there are lovely French formal garden, a grotto, and the Dutch house to explore. Make sure to plan your itinerary well because the estate is some way from a metro station.

Day 6 – Explore the Golden Ring

Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a “theme route” devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

Having started in Moscow the route will take you through a number of historical cities. It now includes Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Sergiev Posad. All these awe-inspiring towns have their own smaller kremlins and feature dramatic churches with onion-shaped domes, tranquil residential areas, and other architectural landmarks.

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I only visited two out of eight cities included on the route. It is a no-brainer that Sergiev Posad is the nearest and the easiest city to see on a day trip from Moscow. That being said, you can explore its main attractions in just one day. Located some 70 km north-east of the Russian capital, this tiny and overlooked town is home to Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, UNESCO Site.

things to do in Moscow in seven days

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Sergiev Posad is often described as being at the heart of Russian spiritual life. So it is uncommon to see the crowds of Russian pilgrims showing a deep reverence for their religion. If you’re traveling independently and using public transport, you can reach Sergiev Posad by bus (departs from VDNKh) or by suburban commuter train from Yaroslavskaya Railway Station (Bahnhof). It takes about one and a half hours to reach the town.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a great place to get a glimpse of filling and warming Russian lunch, specifically at the “ Gostevaya Izba ” restaurant. Try the duck breast, hearty potato and vegetables, and the awesome Napoleon cake.

Day 7 – Gorky Park, Izmailovo Kremlin, Patriarch’s Ponds

Metro Station: Park Kultury or Oktyabrskaya on Circle Line / Partizanskaya on Dark Blue Line / Pushkinskaya on Dark Green Line

Gorky Park is in the heart of Moscow. It offers many different types of outdoor activities, such as dancing, cycling, skateboarding, walking, jogging, and anything else you can do in a park. Named after Maxim Gorky, this sprawling and lovely park is where locals go on a picnic, relax and enjoy free yoga classes. It’s a popular place to bike around, and there is a Muzeon Art Park not far from here. A dynamic location with a younger vibe. There is also a pier, so you can take a cruise along the river too.

Random Russian guy

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The Kremlin in Izmailovo is by no means like the one you can find near the Red Square. Originally built for decorative purposes, it now features the Vernissage flea market and a number of frequent fairs, exhibitions, and conferences. Every weekend, there’s a giant flea market in Izmailovo, where dozens of stalls sell Soviet propaganda crap, Russian nesting dolls, vinyl records, jewelry and just about any object you can imagine. Go early in the morning if you want to beat the crowds.

All the Bulgakov’s fans should pay a visit to Patriarch’s Ponds (yup, that is plural). With a lovely small city park and the only one (!) pond in the middle, the location is where the opening scene of Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita was set. The novel is centered around a visit by Devil to the atheistic Soviet Union is considered by many critics to be one of the best novels of the 20th century. I spent great two hours strolling the nearby streets and having lunch in the hipster cafe.

Conclusion and Recommendations

To conclude, Moscow is a safe city to visit. I have never had a problem with getting around and most locals are really friendly once they know you’re a foreigner. Moscow has undergone some serious reconstruction over the last few years. So you can expect some places to be completely different. I hope my one week Moscow itinerary was helpful! If you have less time, say 4 days or 5 days, I would cut out day 6 and day 7. You could save the Golden Ring for a separate trip entirely as there’s lots to see!

What are your thoughts on this one week Moscow itinerary? Are you excited about your first time in the city? Let me know in the comments below!


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Ann Snook-Moreau

Moscow looks so beautiful and historic! Thanks for including public transit information for those of us who don’t like to rent cars.

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Yup, that is me 🙂 Rarely rent + stick to the metro = Full wallet!

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Mariella Blago

Looks like you had loads of fun! Well done. Also great value post for travel lovers.

Thanks, Mariella!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

I have always wanted to go to Russia, especially Moscow. These sights look absolutely beautiful to see and there is so much history there!

Agree! Moscow is a thousand-year-old city and there is definitely something for everyone.

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Tara Pittman

Those are amazing buildings. Looks like a place that would be amazing to visit.

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Adriana Lopez

Never been to Moscow or Russia but my family has. Many great spots and a lot of culture. Your itinerary sounds fantastic and covers a lot despite it is only a short period of time.

What was their favourite thing about Russia?

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Gladys Parker

I know very little about Moscow or Russia for the\at matter. I do know I would have to see the Red Square and all of its exquisite architectural masterpieces. Also the CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE SAVIOUR. Thanks for shedding some light on visiting Moscow.

Thanks for swinging by! The Red Square is a great starting point, but there way too many places and things to discover aside from it!

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Ruthy @ Percolate Kitchen

You are making me so jealous!! I’ve always wanted to see Russia.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Moscow is in my bucket list, I don’t know when I can visit there, your post is really useful. As a culture rich place we need to spend at least week.

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung


Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for all the great info! I’ve never been in to Russia, but this post makes me wanna go now!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Wow this is amazing! Moscow is on my bucket list – such an amazing place to visit I can imagine! I can’t wait to go there one day!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

The building on the second picture looks familiar. I keep seeing that on TV.

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Reesa Lewandowski

What beautiful moments! I always wish I had the personality to travel more like this!

hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

Perfect itinerary for spending a week in Moscow! So many places to visit and it looks like you had a wonderful time. I would love to climb that tower. The views I am sure must have been amazing!

I was lucky enough to see the skyline of Moscow from this TV Tower and it is definitely mind-blowing.

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Chelsea Pearl

Moscow is definitely up there on my travel bucket list. So much history and iconic architecture!

Thumbs up! 🙂

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Blair Villanueva

OMG I dream to visit Moscow someday! Hope the visa processing would be okay (and become more affordable) so I could pursue my dream trip!

Yup, visa processing is the major downside! Agree! Time and the money consuming process…

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Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Moscow

Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Moscow

Visiting Moscow? Get yourself a metro card and explore Moscow’s beautiful metro stations. Moscow’s world-famous metro system is efficient and a great way to get from A to B. But there is more to it; Soviet mosaic decorations, exuberant halls with chandeliers, colourful paintings and immense statues. Moscow’s metro is an attraction itself, so take half a day and dive into Moscow’s underground!

The best thing to do is to get on the brown circle (number 5) line since the most beautiful metro stations are situated on this line. The only exception is the metro stop Mayakovskaya one the green line (number 2). My suggestion is to get a map, mark these metro stops on there and hop on the metro. It helps to get an English > Russian map to better understand the names of the stops. At some of the metro stops, the microphone voice speaks Russian and English so it’s not difficult at all.

Another thing we found out, is that it’s worth taking the escalator and explore the other corridors to discover how beautiful the full station is.

Quick hotel suggestion for Moscow is the amazing Brick Design Hotel .

These are my favourite metro stations in Moscow, in order of my personal preference:

1. Mayakovskaya Station

The metro station of Mayakovskaya looks like a ballroom! Wide arches, huge domes with lamps and mosaic works make your exit of the metro overwhelming. Look up and you will see the many colourful mosaics with typical Soviet pictures. Mayakovskaya is my personal favourite and is the only stop not on the brown line but on the green line.

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2. Komsomolskaya Station

Komsomolskaya metro station is famous for its yellow ceiling. An average museum is nothing compared to this stop. Splendour all over the place, black and gold, mosaic – again – and enormous chandeliers that made my lamp at home look like a toy.

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3. Novoslobodskaya Station

The pillars in the main hall of Novoslobodskaya metro station have the most colourful stained glass decorations. The golden arches and the golden mosaic with a naked lady holding a baby in front of the Soviet hammer and sickle, make the drama complete.

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4. Prospect Mira Station

The beautiful chandeliers and the lines in the ceiling, make Prospekt Mira an architectural masterpiece.

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5. Belorusskaya Station

Prestigious arches, octagonal shapes of Socialistic Soviet Republic mosaics. The eyecatcher of Belorusskaya metro station, however, is the enormous statue of three men with long coats, holding guns and a flag.

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6. Kiyevskaya Station

The metro station of Kiyevskaya is a bit more romantic than Belorusskaya and Prospect Mira. Beautiful paintings with classical decorations.

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7. Taganskaya Station

At the main hall Taganskaya metro station you will find triangle light blue and white decorations that are an ode to various Russians that – I assume – are important for Russian history and victory. There is no need to explore others halls of Taganskaya, this is it.

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8. Paveletskaya Station

Another and most definitely the less beautiful outrageous huge golden mosaic covers one of the walls of Paveletskaya. I would recommend taking the escalator to the exit upstairs to admire the turquoise dome and a painting of the St Basil’s Cathedral in a wooden frame.

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Travelling with Moscow’s metro is inexpensive. You can have a lot of joy for just a few Rubbles.

  • 1 single journey: RMB 50 – € 0,70
  • 1 day ticket: RMB 210 – € 2,95

Like to know about Moscow, travelling in Russia or the Transsiberian Train journey ? Read my other articles about Russia .


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' src=

Wow! It is beautiful. I am still dreaming of Moscow one day.

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It’s absolutely beautiful! Moscow is a great city trip destination and really surprised me in many ways.

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My partner and I did a self guided Moscow Metro tour when we were there 2 years ago. So many breathtaking platforms…I highly recommend it! Most of my favorites were along the Brown 5 line, as well. I also loved Mayakovskaya, Arbatskaya, Aleksandrovski Sad and Ploshchad Revolyutsii. We’re heading back in a few weeks and plan to do Metro Tour-Part 2. We hope to see the #5 stations we missed before, as well as explore some of the Dark Blue #3 (Park Pobedy and Slavyansky Bul’var, for sure), Yellow #8 and Olive #10 platforms.

That’s exciting Julia! Curious to see your Metro Tour-Part 2 experience and the stations you discovered.

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    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

  2. Hauck Kinder-Buggy Travel N Care Plus Set

    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

  3. Hauck Travel N Care Test: Wendiger Reisebegleiter im coolen Design

    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

  4. Hauck Kinder-Buggy Hauck Reisebuggy & Sportwagen Travel N Care mit Li

    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

  5. hauck Reise Buggy Travel N Care, für Kinder, bis 25 kg Belastbar

    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung

  6. hauck Buggy Travel N Care Plus Vanilla

    hauck buggy travel n care bewertung


  1. Sunny

  2. Hauck

  3. Hauck Runner

  4. Hauck Travel N Care športový kočík

  5. Hauck Swift X Duo Pushchair Review

  6. How To Fold The Hauck Walk N Care Pushchair


  1. Test: Hauck Travel N Care Plus Reisebuggy

    Hauck Travel N Care Plus Test: Fazit. Was mir am Travel N Care Plus besonders gut gefällt - auch im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Reisebuggys: Er maßt sich nicht an, ... Preislich sind beide Buggys ähnlich wie der Travel n Care Plus angesiedelt, bieten Dir und Deinem Kind viel Komfort und haben einen höhenverstellbaren Schieber. ...

  2. Test: Hauck Travel N Care

    Buggys im Test; Testergebnisse; Hauck Travel N Care; Hauck Travel N Care Zur Startseite. 21.02.2024. 181 Artikel; ... Testergebnisse für Hauck Travel N Care Bug­gys 03/2024 - Buggys. Hauck: Travel N Care Ge­wich­tung Testurteil - Qualitäts­urteil 100 % nach Freischaltung verfügbar Kindgerechte Gestaltung 45 % ...

  3. Hauck Travel N Care im Test 2024

    geringe Belastbarkeit des Einkaufskorbs. Im Buggy Travel N Care von Hauck transportieren Sie Ihr Kind bis zu einem Gewicht von 25 Kilogramm. Die Belastbarkeit liegt über dem Durchschnitt und macht den Wagen auch für den Transport von für schwereren und älteren Kindern interessant. Das geht leider zulasten der Einkaufskorbkapazität.

  4. Hauck Travel N Care Stroller review

    The Hauck Travel N Care Stroller is a great lightweight and compact stroller which is perfect for travelling with. It folds down with just one hand to a small size thanks to the self-closing transport lock and can be carried by the padded shoulder strap, if your child is wanting to walk. The travel N Care provides pure comfort with 4x suspended ...

  5. Hauck Travel n Care Testbericht

    In diesem Video zeigt Dir Steffi den neuen Reisebuggy Travel n Care von Hauck. Mit unter 7 Kilo ist der Wagen ein praktisches Leichtgewicht für Ausflüge und ...

  6. Hauck Travel N Care Plus

    Eigens für die Reise hat Hauck den Buggy Travel N Care Plus konzipiert. Das Leichtgewicht - der Wagen bringt knapp über sieben Kilogramm auf die Waage - lässt sich zu einem kompakten Faltmaß von 58 x 51,5 x 34 Zentimeter zusammenklappen. Das übersteigt leider das übliche Handgepäckformat um einige Zentimeter.

  7. Hauck Travel N Care: Tests, Erfahrungen und Meinungen

    Der Hauck Travel N Care hat im Test Julia, Lisa, Daniel und Christian überzeugt. Ich fasse ihre Meinungen und Bewertungen aus Videos sowie von Online-Shops hier für dich zusammen. So siehst du auf einen Blick, wie der Hauck Travel N Care in Tests abschneidet, ohne alle lesen zu müssen. Aufbau des Hauck Travel N Care

  8. hauck Reise Buggy Travel N Care, für Kinder, bis 25 kg Belastbar

    Amazon.de: Alles für das Baby - hauck Reise Buggy Travel N Care, für Kinder, bis 25 kg Belastbar, Leicht, Kompakt, Handlich , Komfortable Sitz-/Liegefunktion, Leichtlaufräder, Federung, UV-Schutz 50+, Einhändig Klein Faltbar, Beige. Gratis Lieferung ab 29€ durch Amazon.

  9. Hauck Travel N Care review

    The Hauck Travel N Care pushchair is a lightweight stroller that the manufacturer claims is compact, easy to fold and makes an ideal travel companion. Could this pushchair be a useful model to take on weekend breaks and holidays? Read our full review to find out what our panel of parents and experts thought, and how it performed in our laboratory tests.

  10. Hauck Travel N Care

    The Hauck Travel N Care is a 2022 release of a budget-friendly ultra-compact stroller very similar to the Polish Kinderkraft Indy (most probably made in the same factory or based on the same design). This affordable travel buggy folds with one hand while, on paper, offering durabiôlity of up to 22 kg in the seat (25 kg overall, if you take the 3 kg basket capacity into consideration).

  11. Hauck Buggy Travel N Care ab 129,99 € (April 2024 Preise ...

    Der Hauck Buggy Travel N Care ist mit 6,8 kg vergleichsweise leicht. Das liegt an dem Alurahmen. Das Material hat wenig Eigengewicht, ist aber dennoch stabil. ... Fazit: Der günstigste Buggy im Test schneidet am schlechtesten ab. Zwar lässt er sich leicht montieren, zusammenklappen, ist gut gefedert und lange haltbar. Aber beim Sitzkomfort ...

  12. Travel N Care

    Travel N Care - Kompakter und leichter hauck Reisebuggy Kurzer Ausflug bis langer Urlaub - komfortables Reisen mit Kind Leicht, sicher. de. Neuheiten. Kinderwagen. ... Der kompakte hauck-Buggy ist dank Aluminiumrahmen leicht, stabil und bis 25 kg belastbar. Einhändig faltbar, leicht und komfortabel tragbar.

  13. Hauck Travel N Care user review: Quite simple

    On the other hand, if you need a ride for a smaller child and something not making up your car trunk while not costing you a fortune, it is ok. 6 parents rated the Hauck Travel N Care already. It's got. 2.1/5. It is quite simple, and definitely not for bad terrain or for large, heavy toddlers.

  14. Travel N Care Plus

    Dann ist der Travel N Care Plus dein perfekter Reisebegleiter. Der kompakte hauck-Buggy ist dank Aluminiumrahmen leicht, stabil und bis 25 kg belastbar. Komfortabel Reisen mit falt- und tragbarem Buggy. Unterwegs faltest du den Buggy einfach und schnell mit einer Hand. Er steht selbstständig ohne dass der Griff den Boden berührt.

  15. Travel N Care Plus

    Easy-to-care and machine washable material. When your child spills food or drink, you can simply take off the cover and wash it at 30 degrees in the washing machine. Your Travel N Care Plus will be ready for your next trip in no time.

  16. Produktvideo

    Travel N Care - Kompakter und leichter hauck ReisebuggyKurzer Ausflug bis langer Urlaub - komfortables Reisen mit KindLeicht, sicher und kompakt - der Travel...

  17. EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024 Guide)

    Welcome to our EPIC Moscow itinerary. If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro. Moscow's metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a 'Troika' card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a ...

  18. Travel N Care

    Travel N Care - Compact and light hauck travel pushchair With baby in the mountains, at the sea or on a city trip Light, safe and compact. en. Neuheiten. Kinderwagen. Hochstühle. Reisebetten. Tür- & Treppenschutzgitter. Lerntürme. Fahrradanhänger. Spielen & Lernen. Babypflege. Disney. 1/11. Travel N Care

  19. Kuznetski Most area in Moscow

    Kuznetski Most is a small area between Tverskaya street, Kremlin, and Kitai Gorod (Lubyanka) and it's a downtown of Moscow. First of all, 'Kuznya' is a great place to walk: it is a real Moscow area, not a postcard at all, hectic busy streets neighbour tranquil lanes and courtyards with traditional architecture. There are also many very nice cafes, restaurants, clubs, and shops. If you want a ...

  20. Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

    Day 6 - Explore the Golden Ring. Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a "theme route" devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

  21. Travel N Care

    The folded Travel N Care is stable and stands up on its own. Thanks to the compact design and self-closing transport lock, you can store the hauck pushchair safely in a small space. ... You can store lots of things in the large hauck transport basket and you can get to your accessories easily at any time. Awards. Accessories. Our ...

  22. Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Moscow

    4. Prospect Mira Station. The beautiful chandeliers and the lines in the ceiling, make Prospekt Mira an architectural masterpiece. 5. Belorusskaya Station. Prestigious arches, octagonal shapes of Socialistic Soviet Republic mosaics. The eyecatcher of Belorusskaya metro station, however, is the enormous statue of three men with long coats ...