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interactive travel posts

Shopping Cart

Shopping cart items, 25 social media content ideas for travel.

interactive travel posts

On social media, the content you post is critical to engaging your audience and creating a solid fan base. Yet, many travel professionals struggle with knowing what to post. Whether you are wondering what to say on Twitter, Facebook, blogs or any other channel, here are some travel content ideas to help get the creative juices flowing:

I’ve said it many MANY times : travel is an experiential product and the best way to get people thinking about travel is to show them fun places to go and fun things they can do while they are there. If you can, share personal or client photos of destinations you want to sell. They don’t need to be professional shots and often work even better if you’re in the photo doing something silly! I’ve had many travel agents report that they sell at least one or two packages they wouldn’t have otherwise every time they post photos of a trip they took.

If you don’t have photos of your own,  Flickr  is a great spot to find amazing shots of every type of destination around the world. Do a quick search and link (don’t steal!) to particularly amazing photography that you think your audience would enjoy.

Videos are also a great way to inspire customers to travel and usually works even better than photos because of their interactive nature. Once again, you don’t always need a professionally shot video to attract attention. A home video of a particularly memorable moment, useful information (like the view of a new cruise ship cabin), fun activities or footage of a new resort will do the trick. Got a knack for humor or publicly humiliating yourself without worry? Great! Use it to your advantage when you create your videos. The funnier the better!For those who are a little camera shy, don’t despair!  YouTube  is a great resource for videos of all kinds.  With a little imagination you can search and find some pretty amazing clips.

3. Useful links

The latest traveler alerts, a list of recommended items to pack, articles about the hottest trends in travel – think about what would be useful for your readership to know and you’ve got some sharable content. This is your chance to show off your expertise as a travel professional and provide your potential customers with information that they may not find otherwise.

Not sure where to find this information? Blogs, news sites, and trade press have articles that can fit the bill. You can also use  Google Alerts  to monitor the web for articles on just about any topic.

4. Blog posts

This one should go without saying, but too many people don’t think about it. If you publish regular blog posts, PLEASE remember to post links to them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc if you have accounts there. Most blog platforms will allow you to connect your blog to other social channels automatically if you have trouble remembering to post.

5. Destination fun facts

Everyone loves a good bit of trivia or little known facts! It’s entertaining, informative and can again help position you as an expert in your field. Many tourist boards and hotel properties have fun facts available through their marketing department. Just ask to see if they can help you out.  Otherwise, the web is always a good alternative!

Engage your audience by asking them questions about things like their favourite vacation spot, what type of perks they like to get from their agent, what makes their holiday a perfect one, etc. Get them talking to you AND use the opportunity to do a little behind-the-scenes market research to find out what you can do to win and keep their business.

7. Event announcements

Are you attending your local travel show or hosting a consumer evening? Let the world know where you will be and when! Invite your fan base to come see you.  You might be surprised by how many of them show up…and bring a friend!

8. Top 10 lists

Quick, useful and always a good way of giving quick recommendations on destinations to see, things to pack, attractions to visit and more. You can either compile your own top 10 or link to someone else’s. Bonus points if you create your own with photos or video!

9. Community work updates

People like to know that you care about your community.  If you or your team partake in community service or charitable work, share information like updates about your latest donation, photos of your team volunteering, or news about your favourite charity.

10. Contest announcements & updates

Contests are ALWAYS a popular thing. If you choose to run one, you can build anticipation and buzz by posting regular updates. Whether you talk about the prizes, highlight funny entries, countdown the days until the winner is announced or something else, you’re sure to get attention (and probably new followers/fans/readers) really quickly.

11. Travel updates

Here’s another great opportunity to showcase your expertise as a travel expert. Share updates about your favourite suppliers (new bathtubs in every cabin? Service upgrades at a resort? New designer bag with every purchase? Ok…maybe not the last one, but you get the point) or important travel updates about specific destinations (everything from new passport requirements to travel warnings).

12. Ship inspection information

If you are a cruise expert and visit ships while they are in port, by all means, share pictures and reviews with your fans.  They WANT to hear your expert advice to know which ships are worth sailing.

13. Fam trip reports

I know too many agencies who require these reports from staff and then stuff them in a folder where they will never be seen again. You are experiencing travel while on these Fam trips and NEED to share those experiences with your fan base. This can be in the shape of photos, videos or blog updates. It doesn’t really matter. Either way, tell them what you liked, didn’t like, recommend and find amazing. If you do a good job, you may get a booking or two out of the experience.

14. Client stories

Ever get an email from a client who tells you how GREAT their trip was or wants to let you know about something funny that happened? If so, ask for their permission to share it with everyone. It acts as a testimonial for you and can be entertaining all at once.

15. Answers to common questions

If there are travel questions you get regularly, use the opportunity to share the answer with a wider audience. It may even prompt your fan base to ask you more questions and start engaging. Again…show everyone that you know your stuff and the bookings will follow!

16. Opinions

If something is happening in the travel community and you have an opinion to share, you can use your social channel to do so.  However, I would caution you to think twice about being excessively controversial or political as it may turn some people away. Some controversy is ok, but too much can be hard to handle for some people.

17. Travel tips

These can be quick tips or longer blog posts about your recommendations. Just like the fun facts, top 10 lists, and other ideas listed here, they help position you are the expert that your are while being useful.

18. Behind-the-scenes updates

If your teams is planning an event or preparing something big, there is always interest in seeing you have fun behind-the-scenes.  Be creative here with photos, videos, stories and staff comments.

19. Favourite quotes

Inspiring travel quotes are fairly easy to find (Google to the rescue!) and quick to post. If you are out of inspiration for the day, a quick quote can keep the engagement going with minimal effort.

20. Staff picks

Get your whole team involved in recommending hotels, resorts, cruises, activities or whatever else you can think of. This can be really fun for everyone and helps showcase your agency as a whole.

21. Interviews

Think written or video interviews with people on your team, a destination representative, hotel partner, etc.

22. Funny Stories

Whether it’s a cartoon, a funny video, an anecdote or the joke of the week, humor always goes a long way!

23. Updates from the road

This is where you bring out your inner journalist.  If you have access to an internet connection or a smartphone while on the road travelling or attending events, you can provide live updates.  This works particularly well on Twitter or Facebook where updates can be quick and short. Blog posts take some thought, but you could still provide one update per day once you have a chance to slow down a bit in the evening.

24. Milestones

Did you just get a new specialist certification? Did your agency win an important award? Maybe you got featured in the local newspaper. It’s time to let everyone know so they can share in the joy and find out how fabulous you really are!

25. Travel deals

I saved this one for last because it seems like the most obvious choice, yet it’s not always the best one. Depending on your sales goals, you may not want to attract the bargain hunters looking for the best deal. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if deals are a good choice for you.

It’s not as hard as it may seem. Many of the ideas above are already available within your agency or on the web.  A simple Google search or using  Google Alerts  can help you stay in the loop and find interesting content quite easily and without gobbling up your precious time.

Now it’s your turn…

Have you had success with any of the ideas above? Or perhaps I’ve missed a few good ones that you’d like to share?

Big Income Paradise

Big Income Paradise

Helping Small Businesses Make BIG Income!

70+ Interactive Facebook Posts For Killer Engagement (Check It Out)

  • January 15, 2021
  • Blog , Social Media Marketing
  • by Petra Šranc

If you’re running a business, you want better Social Media engagement to reach more people. And by using these  70+ interactive Facebook posts , you will achieve that. 

But sometimes it’s hard to come up with a good idea. Maybe you’re in a hurry, or you’re just exhausted from creating so much content for your business.

That’s why I made an  extensive list of interactive posts . There are over 70 ideas you can copy and paste. You can also change them and make them more personal. 

This post includes affiliate links to products I love and recommend, meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain my blog and business so that I can deliver more value and knowledge to you.

Table of Contents

Interactive posts for facebook to boost your engagement, what is an interactive post, how do i make an interactive post on facebook, get 7+ years of content ideas to help you save time & increase your engagement.

  • Share a GIF of your current mood.
  • If you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go?
  • If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
  • Name one thing you don’t eat.
  • What is your biggest fear? 
  • What is your favorite thing about spring?
  • What are you obsessed with most?
  • What is your dream vacation?
  • What movie freaked you out as a kid?
  • Are you more of a coffee or tea person?
  • What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  • What is your favorite Social Media platform?
  • How many tattoos do you have?
  • If you could have any item for free, what would you choose?
  • Post a GIF that describes your Friday night.
  • Name a Disney movie using only emojis.
  • Which is your favorite emoji? 
  • What is your favorite quote? Please share it with us. 
  • Where are you from? 
  • How many kids do you have?
  • What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep? 
  • Where would you live for the rest of your life? 
  • What’s something most people don’t know about you? 
  • If you could have one wish granted, what would you wish for? 
  • How did you meet your best friend? 
  • Tell me something that you dislike that everyone else seems to love. 
  • Snap a close-up of an object, and we will try to guess what it is.
  • What’s your favorite fall recipe? 
  • Fill in the blank: You should never interrupt a woman when she is ________.
  • Using a GIF – what was your first job?
  • At what age did you become a parent?
  • Are you team Apple or team Android? 
  • This or that: cats or dogs? 
  • Name your favorite Disney character. 
  • What song are you embarrassed to admit you like? 
  • What life lesson have you learned recently? 
  • What’s on your wishlist? 
  • What’s the quote you live your life by? 
  • What’s the household chore you hate the most? 
  • Fill in the blank: Today I will be ________. 
  • Tag someone amazing and let them know they are beautiful.
  • How are you relaxing today?
  • Finish the sentence: Life would be boring without ________.
  • Pencil eyeliner or liquid eyeliner? 
  • What’s your favorite color? 
  • What’s the most used phrase in your house?
  • What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never have?
  •  What’s something crazy you used to believe in? 
  • Who is your celebrity crush? Post a photo. 
  • What’s your all-time favorite TV series?
  • What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 
  • Let’s have a good laugh. Share a funny meme with us. 
  • Post the last pet photo you took. 
  • Sunday Funday: using a GIF – what’s your favorite thing to do on Sundays? 
  • This or that: sunrise or sunset? 
  • Are you a saver or a spender? 
  • You have 30 minutes to spend $1K in one store. What store are you going to?
  • Who has had the most significant impact on you?
  • Who or what are you avoiding right now?
  • Would you rather go shopping or dancing?
  • In three words: where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
  • What’s the best part of your life right now? 
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose? 
  • Share any random fact.
  • Tell me something you can never find when you need it. 
  • Ruin Thanksgiving in 4 words.
  • Search your name in the GIF bar. Share the first one that pops up.
  • Share three things you love about yourself. 
  • What’s your favorite hobby? 
  • What puts you in a good mood? 
  • Name a book that changed your life.
  • What are your must-have snow day items? 
  • If you had a theme song that played every time you walked into a room, what would it be? 
  • You just won the lottery. What’s the first thing you’re buying? 
  • What three words best describe you? 
  • What is one talent you wish you had? 
  • You have to get a tattoo of the last emoji you used. How screwed are you? 

Need more content ideas? Then check out my blog post:  120 Killer Social Media Content Ideas Your Audience Will Love .

An interactive post is content that spikes people’s curiosity and makes them want to engage in it. That means they comment, like, share, or click through. 

The best interactive posts are usually questions, pool questions, and funny content. If you want to learn more about what content converts best, read my blog post:  What Type Of Social Media Content Converts Best?

If you want to make an interactive post on Facebook, think about something that most people can  relate to  (relatable post). If your audience experienced that thing before, they would more likely engage in your post.

You might also be interested in my blog post:  What Makes a Social Media Post Successful?

Want more ideas? Here Are 101 Effective Facebook Post Ideas To Grow Your Business

What to post on Facebook to get a lot of likes?

If you want to get a lot of likes on Facebook, then post your selfie. It usually works best. Just make sure your photo is clear and of good quality. Don’t forget to smile because that will help you get even more likes. You can also include a famous quote that your audience resonates with. 

Don’t forget to grab your Freebie with  100 Social Media Post Ideas For Engagement  before you go.

Special Offer $27

interactive travel posts

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  • Pingback: 333 Killer Social Media Questions To Skyrocket Your Engagement - Big Income Paradise
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50+ Travel Questions That Will Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

interactive travel posts

It is no secret that the Stories feature on Instagram can really drive your engagement. Not only that, but it allows you to get to know your followers better and what type of content they respond to.

The Questions sticker on Stories is my go-to to interact with followers, and I love to ask engaging questions about my favorite subject…TRAVEL! Within 24-hours of posting a travel question, I start reposting responses, tagging the account that answered. In turn, the follower I tagged may acknowledge the repost with a heart, a thank you, or even repost the answer on their stories, usually tagging my account as well.

Occasionally, a follower will send a direct message saying how much they enjoy answering the questions I ask and sometimes even state so in their own story repost of their answer. Since this is a popular way to interact and make people think about their own travels, I figured I would compile a list of my highest-performing questions that you can use!

Here is my top 50 travel questions list for you to use:.

1. What is the most memorable road trip you’ve been on?

Instagram Stories Question

2. Do you have a dream road trip you would like to do? If so, where?

3. What road trip snacks do you love to bring/buy?

4. If you are planning a road trip this year, where will you go?

5. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s worth visiting.

Instagram Stories Question

6. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s NOT worth visiting.

7. What’s the best thing you’ve brought back from your travels? (souvenir/other)

Instagram Stories Question

8. Name a strange/unusual tourist attraction where you live.

9. If traveling was back to normal, where would you go?

(This question is one I asked during the coronavirus quarantine and received dozens of responses.)

Instagram Stories Question

10. Name a travel-related film/tv show you enjoy.

Instagram Stories Question

11. What is your favorite hotel brand/chain or hotel in general?

12. What are you doing this weekend?

13. Where did you go on your last trip?

Instagram Stories Question

14. What holiday is only celebrated in your country?

(I love questions like this because it is one we can all learn from. Maybe it’s a holiday you and your followers have never heard of and want to learn more about. This is a great question to find out more about another country and its culture.)

15. Name a dish/dessert you keep dreaming about after having it in your travels.

(People love talking about food, so be prepared for a lot of engagement on this one!)

16. What’s the most incredible natural phenomenon you have witnessed?

( This about your own experiences. Have you seen the northern lights, a geyser, or Niagara Falls? Chances are your followers have seen some pretty amazing things too, some things you may not have ever heard of. This question can help grow your bucket list as well as those of your followers.)

17. What is the most dangerous/adventurous thing you have done in your travels?

18. What is your favorite website/app to book travel?

19. If you won a trip to go anywhere, where would you go?

20. What is your favorite place to go in the city you currently live?

21. Where did you go on your first international trip?

22. Where did your family take you for vacation when you were a child?

23. What is your favorite body of water?

24. In what place have you seen the best night sky? (i.e. stars, northern lights, etc.)

25. What is your favorite beach?

26. Where is the most memorable trip you’ve been on so far?

27. What is your favorite travel accessory/gadget?

28. What is your drink of choice on an airplane?

29. What is the strangest/most interesting thing you’ve eaten in your travels?

30. What has travel taught you?

31. What is your favorite travel quote?

32. Name a place you feel has been affected by over-tourism.

33. Where is the best hike you’ve ever done?

34. Where have you seen the best sunset?

35. Where is the most environmentally-conscious place you’ve visited?

36. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

37. Why do you travel?

38. What tour company have you used in your travels?

39. What is your favorite airline?

40. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

(A great question to get to know your followers better.)

41. Where do you wish you were right now?

42. What is your favorite city for architecture?

43. What is your favorite city for food?

44. What do you do for exercise when you travel?

45. What camera equipment do you bring with you when you travel?

46. In how many cities have you lived?

47. How long was your longest trip?

48. What is your favorite airport you’ve traveled through?

49. Who is your favorite travel companion?

(You can take this one a step further and have them tag the person. That way, when you share, you can tag both your follower and their travel buddy who may end up following you if they aren’t already!)

50. Respond with a travel-related emoji & I will repost a photo from your feed.

(This one is my absolute favorite and I use it often. Why? Well, everyone wants to get their account seen, gain more followers and increase engagement on Instagram. Sharing is a fantastic way to showcase some of your followers’ amazing travel photos and, oftentimes, they will repost one of your photos in return. I have had followers message me to say thanks and that they received several more followers because I shared one of their photos. It is a win-win!)

Instagram Stories Question

Bonus: Polls!

Using the poll sticker is another fun way to help drive engagement, and they are quick and easy for people to scroll through your Stories and answer as there are only two choices.

Here are a few high-engagement travel-related polls I have used in my own stories with the “This or That” theme:

  • Solo Travel vs. Group Travel
  • Travel by Car vs Travel by Plane
  • London vs. Paris
  • Beach vs. Mountains
  • Adventure Trip vs. Relaxing Trip
  • Plan It vs. Wing It
  • Sightseeing vs. Shopping
  • Tourist Spots vs. Hidden Gems
  • Airbnb vs. Hotel
  • Local Street Food vs. Fancy Restaurant

Instagram Stories Question

If you use Instagram questions, it is always a great idea to repost answers and tag the account that answered. If you reshare others’ content, yours will most likely be reshared as well, increasing followers and engagement. Remember, Instagram is a community and sharing is caring! Check out my Instagram page here .

Feel free to bookmark this list for your future travel-related Instagram questions and polls. And please share any other travel-related questions you have had great engagement on in your social media posts in the comments.

increase engagement on instagram stories

This post may contain affiliate links with which I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.


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Creating a Travel Post on Facebook: Tips to Craft Engaging Content

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By Happy Sharer

interactive travel posts


When it comes to marketing your travel business, there’s no better platform than Facebook. With its powerful targeting capabilities and vast reach, you can easily get your message in front of your target audience. One of the best ways to use the platform is by creating a travel post that engages users and encourages them to book their next trip with you. In this article, we’ll discuss how to craft an engaging travel post on Facebook, from utilizing storytelling to incorporating visuals to driving engagement with the post.

Tips for Crafting an Engaging Post

Tips for Crafting an Engaging Post

When crafting a travel post on Facebook, it’s important to make sure that it’s engaging and interesting enough to grab the attention of your target audience. Here are a few tips to help you create an engaging post.

Utilize Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to engage your target audience. People love stories because they evoke emotion and connect with them on a personal level. When crafting your travel post, think about what kind of story you can tell that will resonate with your audience. It could be a story about one of your trips, or even a customer testimonial. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s interesting and engaging.

Include Interesting Details

In addition to telling a story, make sure to include interesting details about your trips. This could include anything from the sights you saw to the food you ate. These details will help add depth and texture to your post, making it more engaging and memorable.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to engage with your audience and get them talking. You can ask questions related to your post or even invite people to share their own experiences. This will help spark conversation and create a sense of community around your post.

Explaining How to Incorporate Visuals Into a Travel Post

Visuals are key when it comes to creating an engaging travel post on Facebook. People are naturally drawn to visuals, so it’s important to make sure you’re including high-quality photos, videos, graphics, and illustrations in your post. Here are a few tips to help you incorporate visuals into your post.

Use High-Quality Photos

High-quality photos are essential for creating an engaging travel post. Try to include beautiful photos of the places you’ve visited, and make sure they’re clear and well-composed. This will help draw people in and give them an idea of what to expect if they book a trip with you.

Include Video Content

Video content is another great way to engage your target audience. You can create short videos showcasing different aspects of your trips, or even include customer testimonials. Videos are a great way to bring your post to life and give people an inside look at what they can expect.

Consider Using Graphics and Illustrations

Graphics and illustrations are also great additions to your travel post. They can help break up text and make your post more visually appealing. Plus, they’re a great way to showcase your brand and make your post stand out.

Ideas For Making Content Interactive

Ideas For Making Content Interactive

Making your content interactive is another great way to engage your target audience. Here are a few ideas for making your content interactive.

Invite Conversation

One of the best ways to make your content interactive is to invite conversation. Ask questions, invite people to share their experiences, and encourage feedback. This will help create a sense of community around your post and make it more engaging.

Ask Followers To Share Their Experiences

Another way to make your content interactive is to ask your followers to share their experiences. Invite them to post photos of their own trips, or ask them to share their favorite places to visit. This will help create a conversation and get people talking.

Offer Contests or Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are also great ways to engage your target audience. Offer prizes such as free trips or discounts on future bookings. This will help get people excited about your post and increase engagement.

Suggestions for Driving Engagement with the Post

Suggestions for Driving Engagement with the Post

Once you’ve crafted your travel post, it’s important to make sure you’re driving engagement with it. Here are a few suggestions to help you do just that.

Post at the Right Time

Timing is everything when it comes to getting the most engagement out of your post. Make sure you’re posting at the right time, when your target audience is most likely to be online. Experiment with different times to see what works best for your business.

Utilize Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your post seen by more people. Use relevant hashtags that relate to your post, and make sure to include location-specific ones as well. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase engagement.

Engage with Other Pages

Engaging with other pages is also a great way to drive engagement with your post. Comment on other posts, share content from other pages, and tag them in yours. This will help increase visibility and draw more attention to your post.

Creating a travel post on Facebook is an excellent way to engage your target audience and promote your business. By following these tips, you can craft an engaging post that drives engagement and encourages people to book their next trip with you.

(Note: Is this article not meeting your expectations? Do you have knowledge or insights to share? Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.)

Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

In a world of wanderlust and digital storytelling, Instagram has emerged as the ultimate platform for showcasing travel experiences. Picture-perfect landscapes, vibrant cultures, and awe-inspiring adventures have found their virtual home in the captivating realm of Instagram. For local tour operators and safari providers, Instagram travel content management offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage audiences, attract travelers, and showcase the hidden gems of their destinations.

Imagine this: You’re standing atop a majestic mountain, a panorama of breathtaking vistas spreading out before you. The crisp air tingles with excitement as you capture the moment—a moment that speaks of the wonders your local tours can unveil. This is the essence of travel, and Instagram is the canvas that paints these stories.

Let’s dive into 25 creative Instagram travel content ideas tailored for local tour operators, backed by insights and data to guide your journey toward crafting compelling narratives and enticing visuals.

Table of Contents

25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas

  • Showcase Authentic Local Experiences: Share snippets of local cuisines, traditional crafts, or unique rituals—offer a glimpse into the authentic essence of the destination.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Tour Previews: Tease upcoming tours with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, showcasing preparations, guides, and exclusive spots.
  • User-Generated Content Contests: Engage your audience by hosting contests encouraging travelers to share their experiences using a specific hashtag.
  • Historic Narratives and Fun Facts: Combine stunning visuals with intriguing historical facts or folklore about landmarks or attractions.
  • Interactive Polls and Quizzes: Foster engagement through interactive polls or quizzes about destinations or travel preferences.
  • Local Wildlife and Nature Spotlights: Feature the biodiversity of the region, from rare birds to picturesque flora, fostering an appreciation for nature.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with travel influencers or micro-influencers to showcase your tours and reach a broader audience.
  • Day-in-the-Life Series of Guides: Highlight a day in the life of your tour guides, sharing their perspectives and insights.
  • Travel Tips and Hacks: Provide valuable tips, packing hacks, or insider knowledge about the destination to aid potential travelers.
  • Stunning Aerial Views: Utilize drone photography or breathtaking aerial shots to showcase the destination’s beauty from a unique perspective.
  • Local Art and Street Performances: Highlight the vibrant art scenes and street performances unique to the destination, showcasing cultural richness.
  • Transformational Journey Series: Share inspiring stories of personal transformation or growth experienced by travelers during your tours.
  • Time-lapse Videos of Scenic Views: Captivate your audience with mesmerizing time-lapse videos showcasing sunrise, sunset, or bustling cityscapes.
  • Environmental Sustainability Initiatives: Showcase efforts toward sustainability, conservation, or responsible tourism practices, resonating with eco-conscious travelers.
  • Virtual Tour Experiences: Offer virtual tours or live sessions, giving audiences a taste of what your tours entail.
  • Local Community Spotlights: Introduce followers to local heroes, artisans, or community-driven initiatives making a positive impact.
  • Inspirational Travel Quotes: Pair stunning imagery with motivational quotes that resonate with the travel spirit and ignite wanderlust.
  • Travel Challenges or Quests: Create challenges encouraging followers to explore hidden gems or complete tasks within the destination.
  • Seasonal Content and Festivities: Align your content with seasonal events, festivals, or celebrations unique to the destination.
  • Interactive Stories and Q&A Sessions: Use Instagram Stories to conduct Q&A sessions, encouraging audience interaction and addressing queries.
  • Travel-themed IGTV Series: Develop episodic IGTV series exploring different aspects of travel or destination highlights.
  • Cinematic Storytelling: Craft visually compelling stories through cinematic sequences, immersing viewers in the journey.
  • Adventure Sports and Thrilling Activities: Showcase adrenaline-pumping activities or extreme sports available through your tours.
  • Local Cultural Exchanges: Highlight moments of cultural exchange between travelers and locals, fostering a sense of connection.
  • Travel Testimonials and Reviews: Share authentic testimonials and reviews from satisfied travelers, building credibility and trust.

Travel Content Shared by Other Travelers Inspire Trust

The travel content ideas for Instagram presented here are not just theoretical musings—they stem from the pulse of Instagram’s travel community. According to a study by Socialbakers, travel-related content receives 9.6% higher engagement rates than other industries on Instagram. Furthermore, incorporating user-generated content increases trust among consumers , with 76% of travelers believing that content shared by other travelers is more honest than branded content (Stackla, 2021).

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Anna-Katri Räihä (@adalminasadventures)

Those statistics underline the importance of authenticity and interactive engagement in captivating an audience within the travel sphere on Instagram.

The pulse of the Instagram travel community

The pulse of the Instagram travel community resonates with a vibrant blend of visual storytelling, wanderlust-driven exploration, and a quest for authenticity.

Storytelling on the frontlines to solve customer pain points and increase direct bookings

It thrives on the immersive power of captivating imagery, transporting users to distant landscapes, cultural treasures, and off-the-beaten-path adventures . This community pulsates with a hunger for unique experiences, craving authenticity in content that goes beyond the ordinary tourist snapshots.

Understanding the needs of emerging luxury travel markets and personas

Engaging with this community means embracing a spirit of discovery, encouraging user-generated content, and fostering a sense of connection through shared narratives. It’s an ecosystem where stunning visuals, insightful captions, and interactive engagement reign supreme, drawing strength from the desire to uncover hidden gems, celebrate diverse cultures, and inspire others to embark on their transformative journeys .

Positive Luxury: Personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences

At its core, the pulse of the Instagram travel community beats with the collective passion for exploration, storytelling, and the endless allure of the world waiting to be discovered.

FAQs Instagram content ideas for Travel Companies

How do you make good travel content worth sharing on instagram.

To strategically make good travel content shareable on Instagram, focus on creating visually captivating imagery or videos that evoke emotions, tell a compelling story, showcase unique experiences, use popular or trending hashtags, encourage user engagement through interactive elements like polls or questions, collaborate with travel influencers or feature user-generated content, and maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and eager to share your content.

How do I grow my travel page on Instagram?

To grow your travel company page on Instagram while attracting qualified leads and genuinely interested travelers, focus on strategic content creation . Curate captivating visuals and informative captions that highlight the unique experiences and value your travel products offer. Utilize targeted hashtags, collaborate with influencers aligned with your travel niche, and engage with your audience authentically through stories, polls, and Q&A sessions. Encourage user-generated content and testimonials to build trust. Prioritize quality over quantity to attract an audience genuinely passionate about your offerings, fostering a community of engaged travelers seeking authentic experiences.

How to get travel content ideas on social media?

To generate travel content ideas on social media , understanding both the audience and destinations is key. Engage with the audience through surveys, comments, and feedback to grasp their preferences and interests. Research destinations thoroughly, exploring local culture, landmarks, and unique experiences. Create content aligning with the audience’s travel desires , offering valuable insights, tips, and captivating visuals that showcase the destination’s authenticity. Blend storytelling with informative posts, leveraging trends, user-generated content, and real-time updates to resonate deeply with the audience’s travel aspirations, ensuring a compelling and tailored social media travel content strategy for instance.

How do you post travel content on Instagram?

No magic way, just be real and imaginative! Jet-set your Instagram feed: Mix stunning scenery, cultural snapshots, and wanderlust-inducing moments. Craft engaging captions, sprinkle with travel tips, and embrace authenticity. Hashtag wisely, tag locations, and invite followers to explore the journey with you. Voila! Bon voyage to captivating content!

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram remains a potent tool for local tour operators to captivate audiences, tell compelling stories, and beckon travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys. By leveraging these 25 travel Instagram content ideas, grounded in data-backed insights and engagement strategies, tour operators can elevate their Instagram presence , enticing adventurers to explore the hidden wonders of their locales.

The Skeptical Lens on Travel Influencer Partnerships in 2024

Remember, behind every captivating Instagram post lies an opportunity to spark curiosity, forge connections, and invite individuals to become part of the mesmerizing tales only travel can weave. It’s time to unleash the magic of your destination and invite the world to embark on unforgettable adventures.

Sources: Socialbakers. Instagram Industry Benchmarks. Stackla. (2021). The State of UGC [User-Generated Content].

What type of content is most authentic

Source : eclipsegroup.co.uk

Additional readings for travel content creators

Embarking on a digital odyssey, travel bloggers and content creators chart a course through the realms of inspiration and discovery. As storytellers of wanderlust, they navigate the landscape of possibilities, unveiling a mosaic of travel experiences. From the whispers of ancient cities to the untamed beauty of nature’s wonders, their canvas is vast and ever-evolving. Here lie 25 ideas, not just posts, but portals that beckon the curious, crafting narratives that transcend borders and ignite the imagination

Here are 25 post ideas for travel bloggers and influencers:

  • Destination Guides: Detailed posts highlighting must-visit spots, local tips, and hidden gems.
  • Packing Essentials : Share packing lists or tips for different types of travel experiences.
  • Travel Itineraries : Curate sample itineraries for various durations or travel styles.
  • Accommodation Reviews : Detailed reviews or experiences from hotels, hostels, or unique stays.
  • Budget Travel Tips : Offer advice on how to travel on a budget, including money-saving tips.
  • Food and Culinary Experiences : Showcase local cuisines, street food, or dining experiences.
  • Travel Photography Tips : Share photography techniques or editing tips for stunning travel photos.
  • Solo Travel Insights: Discuss safety tips, empowerment, and experiences from solo trips.
  • Adventure Activities : Highlight adventurous experiences like hiking, diving, or extreme sports.
  • Cultural Immersion : Feature cultural traditions, festivals, or local customs.
  • Sustainable Travel: Promote eco-friendly practices, ethical tourism, or responsible travel tips.
  • Travel Mishaps and Lessons : Share funny or insightful stories from travel mishaps.
  • Travel Vlogs : Create video content capturing travel experiences or day-in-the-life vlogs.
  • Local Transportation Guides : Offer guidance on navigating public transport or getting around.
  • Travel Hacks : Provide time-saving or life-hacking tips for smoother travel experiences.
  • Travel Challenges : Challenge followers to complete tasks or visit specific places and share their experiences.
  • Destination Comparisons : Compare similar destinations or different travel experiences within a region.
  • Travel Apps or Gadgets : Review useful travel apps, gear, or gadgets that enhance the travel experience.
  • Q&A Sessions: Engage with followers through live or recorded Q&A sessions about travel.
  • Travel Inspirational Quotes : Share motivational quotes or sayings paired with stunning travel photos.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content : Showcase the making of content, bloopers, or personal insights.
  • Local Art and Handicrafts : Feature local artisans, crafts, or unique souvenirs.
  • Day Trips or Excursions : Highlight day trip options or off-the-beaten-path excursions.
  • Travel Safety Tips: Offer advice on staying safe while traveling, including health and security tips.
  • Future Travel Plans : Tease upcoming trips, share plans, or seek suggestions from followers.

These ideas can help diversify content and engage audiences while providing valuable insights and inspiration for travel enthusiasts.

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15 Unique Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Business

Vishal Raghuwanshi

  • Author Vishal Raghuwanshi
  • Published September 25, 2023

interactive travel posts

A wide variety of content may help people involved in the travel business to grow their brand and boost reservations by keeping followers engaged and informed.

Do you own a travel company? Are you looking for a content marketing strategy to advertise your travel business? If the answer to these questions is yes, you’ve come to the correct place. Travel businesses broaden their market through intensive marketing, which is possible with social media material. Nowadays, if you want to reach a wider population, nothing can beat social media

Earlier we made a complete guide for travel businesses for social media marketing , today in this blog post, we will discover 15 Unique post ideas and tactics for creating social media content for travel businesses . Here are the best 15 unique social media content ideas for Travel businesses.

1. Travel Tips and Guides

Travelers are always looking for useful tips and recommendations to help them plan their trips. As in the travel business, the best social media content ideas are to discuss the ideal times to visit specific destinations, must-see attractions in prominent cities, and cultural etiquette to be aware of. You can submit important packing techniques, essentials to bring, and what to leave at home in short-form content like reels or stories! Share information on required official documentation, such as travel insurance, visas, and other travel-related paperwork.

2. Show Them the Visuals

Travel is an immersive experience. The greatest way to get people interested in it is to show them enjoyable locations. Share personal or client images of destinations you want to sell if possible. They don’t have to be professional, and they frequently work better if you’re in the picture doing something ridiculous! Many travel agents have told me that every time they upload images of a vacation they took, they sell at least one or two packages that they would not have sold otherwise.

Moreover, because of their interactive nature, videos are a terrific approach to persuade clients to travel even more than photos. Again, a professionally shot video is not always required to draw attention.

interactive travel posts

3. Hire Travel Influencers

Travel influencers can assist you in reaching new customers and travel groups. However, you must understand how to work with them effectively.

An effective approach would be:-

  • Determine who your ideal consumers are. Who influences their purchasing paths from discovery to assessment to purchase?
  • Match the right influencers with the appropriate customers. They could be chosen based on their common interests, behaviors, style, and resemblance.
  • Examine what travel influencers write, photograph, or film on video. Are they pertinent to your travel or hospitality company?
  • Create direct and personal contact with your influencers, establish working arrangements, prepare potential initiatives, and put them into action.
  • Monitor the results of the influencer marketing campaign. How powerful are your influencers? What are their final outputs? 

interactive travel posts

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4. Show What You Have Achieved

Keep your readers updated with your achievements. If your travel business is recently certified in some specializations, or if you have earned any awards. Try to share your accomplishments, it has a positive impact on readers. Doing this, helps you to gain the confidence of travellers as they would be happy seeking travel ideas from someone who is a master in this field.

5. Promotions and Deals

Marketing your travel business is never complete unless you present your target audience with your most appealing feature. Once you’ve gotten them interested in the rest of your material, entice them with limited-time promos or discounts. 

Make the discounts unique by selecting certain locations, limiting the number of people, or specifying a demographic. A lover’s holiday to Paris, for example, is likely to attract newlyweds or long-term couples.

Share last-minute deals to tempt your traveller to take action. Try to include holiday packages to remind your customers that you have exciting things planned for them long after they arrive!

6. Post Latest Updates

Social media updates can also assist travel businesses in providing better customer care. The most recent social media updates can assist a travel business in selling its services and attracting new customers. Posting the most recent updates on social media can also assist a travel business in engaging with its consumers and developing a devoted following.

7. Don’t Forget Posting Booking Updates

This must go without saying, but far too many individuals fail to consider it. Sharing booking updates on social media can also assist in attracting new customers by highlighting the travel business’ services at various destinations. 

This can promote bookings and generate interest. It has the potential to increase customer engagement and trust. Moreover, it will help people who are confused while choosing their destination, as according to availability, they might confirm only the choices they get

8. Share the Unseen Side

Share behind-the-scenes photographs and videos of your staff planning and organising client travels. This allows your audience to see you in your element while also developing trust in the company. It also highlights the brand’s hardworking and dedicated employees. Post about your travel business’s history and ideals to draw people in. Discuss how the brand began, whether it was the vision of one person or a small group of people. Compare that to where you are today, how the brand has evolved, and highlight some significant landmarks.

Share the stories of each team member to put your team in the spotlight. Investigate their most memorable travel experiences. Request that a few members include a pro tip at the end of each video.

9. Fun Facts Post

Sharing fun and interesting trivia or unknown information can be enjoyable and informative. It can also establish you as an authority in your industry. You can find these fun facts from tourism boards and hotel marketing departments. If you can’t find them there, the internet is a great resource to explore. So go ahead and be a clown by sharing some fun facts!

interactive travel posts

10. Wish Them

Sharing well wishes on social media can help a travel business develop a favorable brand image by demonstrating that it cares about its clients’ well-being. This can aid in the development of a deeper and warm connection with clients.

It can also assist in enhancing customer involvement by giving customers a place to submit their own best wishes and bond with the travel business.

interactive travel posts

11. Share Crucial Information

This is one of the top social media content ideas used by professional travel agencies. Instead of just promoting your holiday destinations and client testimonials, share useful travel industry facts. Any changes to visas and other related paperwork can assist first-time travellers in obtaining accurate information. 

These materials will assist people in better planning their journeys and increasing their awareness of how to make the most of their travel experience. Furthermore, it will raise brand awareness for your company and enhance organic traffic to your website.

12. Feature Your Customers in Posts 

Why not feature your customers in your Instagram pictures instead of just publicizing your travel business’ holiday packages? This is a welcome change of pace that makes you appear less sales while also allowing you to be remembered.

Interview your customers to learn about their experiences while on a tour with you. Then, take what they’ve said and turn it into Instagram pictures that display their lives in magnificent detail. Potential consumers may hurry to sign up for your travels after reading these posts!

interactive travel posts

13. Address the Travellers’ FAQs

It is very important to answer all the questions of your travellers. Remember, a travel business prospers when it addresses all the queries of its users efficiently. 

Answer all their doubts. Try to be crisp and informative with your response. Create posts on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), so that other people also get answers to the frequently asked questions.

14. Your Opinion Matters

Experience of previous customers is good to share. But, don’t forget as a responsible travel business, your opinion is equally important for the new travellers. If something is going on in the travel community and you have an opinion to contribute, you can do so using your social channel. Positive feedback will undoubtedly be welcomed by all.

However, be mindful of becoming overly provocative or political, as this may turn off certain people. Some debate is acceptable, but too much might be difficult for some individuals to take.

15. Giveaways That Gets ROI 

Giveaways can generate excitement and expectation among your social media followers. This tactic can assist travel agencies in building brand awareness.

Travel agencies can encourage their followers to participate in their content. However, it can enhance their overall participation on their social media handles by sponsoring a prize on social media.

interactive travel posts

When utilizing social media to promote the travel business, consistency is crucial. By constantly publishing fascinating content, you may maintain a strong online presence and attract both loyal followers and new customers. These content ideas assist travel agencies in developing a diverse and intriguing social media profile that showcases their services.

Because the online world is constantly evolving, travel companies must stay current. They should concentrate on creating visually appealing and entertaining social media posts. These postings have the power to transport people to new locations and motivate them to embark on their travels. So, keep in mind that social media is more than simply a tool; it’s a method to share the excitement of travel with others.

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How To Create A Virtual Roadmap on Instagram Stories

With everyone encouraged to #StayHome , most are spending much more time online and better yet, on social media. And because of that, over 73% of influencers and brands have seen double their normal engagement rates , if not more. This is an amazing opportunity for destination marketing organizations to invest more energy and time engaging and connecting with their audiences. Through inspiration and entertainment, you’ll create an escape that doesn’t just add a few likes to your page. You’ll create lasting connections that will translate to bookings in the future when we can all travel again.

Today we’re sharing how destinations and brands can create a virtual, interactive roadmap using Instagram stories—ultimately increasing awareness for local businesses and attractions, engaging potential future visitors, and keeping the traveling mindset in their area alive.

interactive travel posts

Step 1: Pick out 10-15 places you would like to highlight. We recommend selecting  a mixture of businesses, attractions, restaurants, activity partners, parks, etc. to keep things interesting.

  • Are you a State DMO , representing a lot of cities and towns? Pick out cities that have strong presence on Instagram and will reshare your stories to their audiences.
  • If you’re a city , mix it up more with attraction partners, parks, restaurants, etc.

Step 2: Collect content of your selected destinations from their Instagram account. Be sure to look at their tagged posts as well. If you find influencer or UGC content while doing this, definitely save it to add in as well. Or if you had influencers visit your destination in recent years, be sure to add their photos and tag them too.

*Pro tip: Rather than screenshotting photos and risking a poor crop or a decreased quality in resolution, try a Chrome extension like Downloader For Instagram , which quickly downloads selected images and saves them directly to your desktop. Many of these plug-ins and extensions even name the file with the handle of the Instagram account that the image was sourced from, making photo crediting that much easier to remember.

Step 3: Share the curated content to your Instagram story. Be sure to start with a simple intro slide that explains what the following series of slides will entail. Here’s an example:

“While we all #StayHomeStaySafe, we have decided to bring our destination to you. Today we’re taking you on a virtual road trip across (insert your city/state/destination)!”

Step 4: As you post the curated content to your stories, make sure to do the following:

Always tag the destination and the photographer. Doing so is not only right from an ethical and photo crediting standpoint, but it also allows both the photographer and the destination to repost it on their Instagram story. This is key for increasing awareness and can help you gain more followers and future visitors. Now is also the time to use any influencer content you might have sourced. If influencers choose to repost the story you tagged them in, it has the potential to reach thousands of their Instagram followers.

When possible, also geo-tag the location. This allows those who are already searching the location to stumble across your content. It also allows your followers who are viewing the story to see the attraction on a map.

Implement strong CTAs on each or every other slide to drive engagement. This could look like swiping up to an influencer’s travel blog post about the location or using the quiz and question buttons that are built into Instagram (accessible via the sticker icon on the top right side of your story screen). There’s even a sticker for donations. Play around here and get creative!

Step 5: Close out with a slide that asks followers where you should visit next.

Visit The USA did an amazing job of creating a virtual road map on their Instagram story, which goes to show that you can do this at the city, state or national level. The screenshots below are little snippets from their trip across Arizona:

interactive travel posts

And there you have it: a virtual roadmap! If you want to take it one step further and have this content live online, consider translating into a blog like what we did here for Visit Virginia Beach . Happy mapping! 🗺

Interactive Posts: 9 Proven Tactics to Get More Engagement on Social Media

interactive travel posts

More engagement on your posts means more followers for your brand.

And more followers for your brand means more customers.

That's exactly why interactive posts are one the best ways to level-up your social media game.

Driving your engagement rates through the roof is a surefire strategy to start raking in more revenue from social media.

But what is an interactive post, and how does it differ from any other kind of social media post?

In this article, you'll learn about social media engagement, and how you can create posts that drive massive growth for your brand.

So without further ado, let's get into it.

What are Interactive Posts?

Interactive posts are social media posts specifically designed to drive high engagement for brands and pages. Where regular posts might see comments and shares as a bonus, interactive posts see engagement as the goal.

The goal of an interactive post isn't necessarily to drive direct profit or even to get your page the most followers. It's to get customers to start an engagement and share that post around.

Why is Post Interaction Important?

Connecting your shopify store to Instagram or Facebook don't get more traction based on page followers alone.

In fact, one of the biggest factors behind how far a post reaches is engagement .

If a post gets lots of engagement within a short time span, it's likely to get a lot more traction since the algorithm will show it to more users.

On the other hand, a post that just gets 1 or 2 likes probably won't have great reach- Even if the page that posted it has 100K followers.

Not only that, but pages that frequently share high-engagement content are more likely to get farther reach on future posts.

So, to sum it up: Social media pages need high engagement to consistently create posts with a far reach. Without engagement, it's unlikely any brand will see much success.

What is a Good Engagement Rate for Social Media Posts?

The average engagement rate on TikTok is 18%, whereas non-video content on Facebook sits at around .18%. Which is to say, a good engagement rate will look different depending on which platform you're using and what kind of posts you're publishing.

Video content tends to have much higher engagement rates, with an average of 6% on Facebook, whereas text and photo-based posts often sit under 1%.

Instead of aiming for one golden number, it helps to compare your content to similar content from competitor brands.

If your posts consistently get less engagement than similar ones on the platform, it might be time to reevaluate your social media strategy.

What Causes Low Audience Engagement Rates on Social Media?

Low social media engagement can be caused by a multitude of reasons - from infrequent posting schedules to bad copywriting.

If you notice a lack of engagement on your brand's posts, there's probably a good reason behind it.

More often than not, that reason is simpler than you might think. Here are the top reasons you might be seeing low engagement rates on social media.

a) You're on the Wrong Social Media Platforms

Not every platform is built equally, at least, not for each niche.

While a B2B SaaS brand might do great on LinkedIn, it probably won't do so well on a platform like Pinterest or Instagram.

Likewise, a B2C brand like Walmart probably shouldn't focus on LinkedIn, a largely B2B platform.

If you're seeing a lack of engagement, analyze where your competitors are allocating their focus. If your brand isn't on the same platform as most of the competition, you might just be barking up the wrong tree.

b) You Aren't Using CTAs in Your Posts

A CTA , or Call-to-Action, is the baseline requirement to encourage consumers to take any action.

Whether it's purchasing, liking, or following - The best way to earn conversions is to include a CTA where you want those conversions to happen.

Even a simple "Leave a like if you agree!" can do wonders for your engagement rate. If you aren't using them consistently, now's the time to start.

c) You Post Too Often

Posting too often can have just as negative an effect as not posting often enough. In fact, the outcome can even be worse.

Posting and promoting low quality content often can lead to users ignoring your posts, whether purposefully or not.

That lack of attention towards your posts will only result in the algorithm showing them to fewer people.

This can lead to a downward spiral for your engagement rate and social growth.

d) You Don't Post at the Right Times

Every platform has a peak hour where the most users are actively using the site.

If you aren't posting within one of those peak times, you'll be missing out on tons of potential engagement.

Luckily, we'll talk about just the right times to post a bit further down in the post, so stay tuned.

e) Your Posts Aren't Adding Value

Ok, this seems like an obvious thing to say.

However, it's worth mentioning because many brands make the mistake of using social media like a direct sales channel.

Social media is a place where users go to be, well social.  It's not a place where people want offers repeatedly rammed down their throat.

People are much more likely to follow your brand and engage with your content when it adds value to their lives.

So, you want to think about what problems your audience faces, then provide solutions with your posts.

For example, suppose you sell camping equipment.  Instead of just posting product images, why not show your audience the best ways to start a fire in damp conditions? How about teaching them how to tie useful camping knots?

Value-packed content along these lines will get lots more likes, comments and shares than promotional posts.

So, zoom out. Think about your customers and ask "how can we help them reach their goals?".  When you do that, you'll start to generate engagement and follows like nobody's business.

9 Ideas for Interactive Posts to Boost Your Engagement

Now that we've covered just what interactive posts are, it's time to talk about how you can create them.

Here are 9 post ideas you can use to drive more engagement to your brand's page.

1. Use Memes & Comedy to Humanize Your Brand

In recent times, brands everywhere have started to take a more personable attitude towards customers. It's a great way to connect with your audience and build trust quick.

Another great way to amplify that is with humor. Brands like MoonPie are experts at showing their human side to customers. Here's a silly tweet on their Twitter feed that helps illustrate that.

social media memes

The premise and tone helps to show that it isn't just a large grey company, there are people behind the brand that all have senses of humor too.

2. Host Giveaways for Quick Engagement Boosts

giveaway interaction post

Giveaways are another excellent way to get large amounts of engagement quickly.

Usually, the main goal of a giveaway is to get followers to follow your page and like a post in exchange for a chance to win a prize.

The reason they work?

Well, everyone loves getting free things - and if the only cost is a follow, then it's a no-brainer. It's a win-win.

And for the brand hosting said giveaway, that engagement can help spread the post even further. Every user who joins the giveaway is another one that's subscribed to see your regularly posted content.

3. Ask Your Audience for Direct Feedback

Sometimes the best way to foster engagement on your social media posts is to simply ask for it.

Now, that doesn't mean to post a caption saying "Please engage with our post."

Rather, use your social media page as an opportunity to ask fans and followers for direct feedback on your brand.

The list of questions you can ask is virtually endless, from what customers are looking for in future product lines, to critiques on your current products- Asking for direct feedback is a great way to boost engagement and collect data on how you can improve your brand moving forward.

To boost the odds of getting feedback, you can offer an incentive to everyone who comments (such as 5% off via DM) or pick one winner who gets a bigger prize like $100 gift card to spend in your store.

4. Directly Engage with Your Followers

On a similar note, direct engagement with followers is another way to show that your brand is looking out for its customers.

The best ways to seek opportunities are to look for brand mentions and @s on platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

charmin social media response

Brands like Charmin and JetBlue are experts at using Twitter to directly engage with their audience.

And because of that, plenty of customers ping them every day for support requests or messages. It's a great opportunity for them to publicly show their brand's customer-focused attitude.

In your own brand, search for users who've mentioned the company and try to respond to those mentions on a regular basis.

The goal of those responses can be customer care, exposure, or even just a simple short conversation with a customer. Responding to customer mentions humanizes your brand and spurs future engagement.

5. Host Contests as a Fun Way to Bring in New Followers

Contests are a lot like giveaways when it comes to interactive posts.

The premise is practically the same, tons of people enter for the chance of a prize, and a small portion of those participants win said prize.

The biggest difference, though, is that contests are a bit more interactive than giveaway posts.

Contest can often be more effective ways to foster engagement, and add a bit of excitement to your brand. here's how Myntra used a contest interactive post to earn just over 7,000 responses in 2 hours.

myntra contest interactive post

Here are they keys to a successful high-engagement contest post:

  • Make the contest easy to enter: The higher your barrier to entry, the bigger of a prize you'll need to offer to generate any significant engagement. For posts like these, it's usually better to keep requirements small.
  • Make commenting, sharing the post, & following your page a requirement for entry: Since the goal is more awareness and post impressions earning comments and shares are some of the best ways to boost those results.
  • Use an eye-catching image to get initial interest: If your post doesn't catch the eyes of scrolling social media users, it won't spread very far in the first place.
  • Offer a prize that makes the contest hard to resist: Your reward needs to make it worth each follower entering the contest. Some of the best ideas for contest rewards are huge discounts or free products.

6. Share Content Across Multiple Channels

The truth of social media marketing is that it isn't about "getting lucky."

Any brand can get one post accidentally go viral, but that's not a sustainable or profitable strategy, it's a one-off.

Successful social media marketing is about numbers . If you consistently publish high-quality posts on a regular schedule, you'll see growth in followers and engagement.

But there's a way to boost that approach to see even more results from your social media efforts.

Instead of using each post just once, repurpose each piece of content across multiple channels.

Odds are most posts you create are well suited for multiple platforms. Posts that work well on Twitter can often be great for Instagram, Facebook, and vice versa.

Each time you upload a post, be sure post it across every relevant channel you can.

That way, you can multiply your efforts. Each 1 piece of content can make for 2,3 or more separate posts.

And since it's a numbers game, that just means you're tilting the odds even moreso in your favor.

7. Craft Eye-Catching Infographics

Infographics help brands to pack tons of high-value info into easily digestible images.

They're great tools for increasing shares and getting more social signals from your posts.

Here's how a music equipment brand used an infographic to promote products and inform followers at the same time:

infographic post

When posting your own infographics, remember that high-value information is the priority.

If your infographic is nothing but a pretty design, followers won't have much reason to share. The perfect infographic combines both eye-catching design elements and information that's relevant to the audience.

Combine those two things and you have a recipe for success.

8. Feature Your Customers in User-Generated Content Campaigns

User-generated content (UGC) presents one of the easiest win-win situations for brands on social media.

It allows brands to connect with their customers, get submissions, and then turn those submissions into a collaborative post by the community itself.

One great example of this is the "One Day Without Shoes" campaign by TOMS.


To help raise awareness for children who go without shoes every day, TOMS started the #withoutshoes hashtag and hosted an event. For every follower who took a barefoot picture and used the hashtag, they'd send out a pair of free shoes to a child in need.

The result?

Over 27,500 users used the hashtag, leading to tons of new shoes for kids in need, and tons of publicity for TOMS. It's one of the reasons they're so successful today.

In your own brand, hosting UGC events to spread awareness and get users to post is a super effective way to build social media momentum.

9. Use Fill-in-the-Blank Posts to Drive Engagement

Fill-in-the-blank posts are simple. You give a sentence with a blank to fill as a prompt, and followers comment their own answers.

It's not the deepest or as groundbreaking as some other tactics may seem, but it's an effective way to drive comment and engagement regardless.

fill in the blank post

On your own social media page, use fill-in-the-blank posts to get a quick boost to your comment section and add a bit of fun to your feed.

How to Create a High-Engagement Post

So, we've covered a few of the best examples of interactive posts out there- But what exactly makes those examples drive high engagement?

As the old adage goes, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life."

So rather than leaving it at 9 great examples, let's talk about how your brand can fish for engagement.

Here are our top tips on what makes a high-engagement post.

a) Understand Your Target Audience Deeper than Surface Level

One of the critical components to a successful business is how well you understand your audience.

Sure, if you sell sports clothing, you know that most of your customers live active lifestyles.

But to effectively market products and drive engagement on social media, you'll need to understand them on a deeper level than that.

One of the best ways to develop that understanding is by building buyer personas for your most common audience groups.

Not sure how to? Here's a great guide on how to build a target persona .

b) Use Each Social Media Platform to Its Strengths

Different platforms are great for different brands and audiences.

While a brand that relies on stunning, high-definition images might do well on Instagram, it might not see that same success on Facebook- Where video content tends to be best.

Before you decide to allocate resources to a platform, consider whether it fits your brand and target audience.

In general, Facebook is ideal for older audiences, with video content reigning supreme on the platform.

Twitter, on the other hand, does well with most age groups and audiences- Though video-based content doesn't tend to be as prevalent on the platform.

Instagram is perfect for brands who use lots of images and eye-catching colors to grab attention- It also tends to have a younger audience base than other platforms.

And TikTok is a newer platform with a mostly younger audience (anywhere between Gen Z to Millennials). It's great for generating extremely high engagement on video-based content. But text or image-based social media content doesn't fit on the platform.

c) Take Notes From High-Engagement Posts on Your Feed

To create high-engagement content, you'll want to analyze just what trends there are amongst already-successful posts.

Make sure to take notes from posts with lots of social media attention, whether they're your own or from competing pages. Is there anything in common among them?

  • What format do they use? Video, Image, Text?
  • How much copy does each post have?
  • What's the CTA on each post?
  • What hashtags are being used?

Discovering trends among the successful posts on a platform can help you create content that take advantage of those trends.

How to Create Interactive Facebook Posts

Here are our top 3 tips for increasing audience engagement for your brand on Facebook.

1. Live Video Content Has the Best Engagement on Facebook

Video content already has the best engagement on the platform, but the word from Facebook is that live video content earns an average of 6 times more engagement than non-live content.

But the problem is; most merchants find going live a little scary for the first few times. If you're not sure how to act on camera, Dan Snow, CEO of award winning marketing firm Snow Agency has this advice:

"Just try sharing a behind-the scenes look into your office culture or company events. Alternatively, use Facebook Live to interview subject matter experts in your industry or answer FAQs. Facebook Lives are a great way to offer how-to’s and tutorials demonstrating how to use your offerings to your audience in real-time. The key is to not over-think it!"

2. Don't Overload Your CTAs

Not only has Facebook spoken out on how they filter "engagement bait" posts, but there's another problem with overloading your posts' CTAs.

Asking followers to like, comment, and share a post can lead to less engagement. Why?

It's too many steps.

To get the most out of your post CTAs on Facebook, only include one action. Whether that's a like, a share, or a comment- But not all three.

3. Encourage Users to Directly Follow Your Page

In the previously linked study, Facebook also mentioned that brand page content is more rare on users' feeds now.

That's because Facebook wants to filter content to just what each user wants to see, as well as interactions amongst their friends on the platform.

Because of this, it's important to ask your audience not only to like your page, but to follow it too, so they see more of your content and can engage with it.

Interactive Post Ideas for Instagram

Using Instagram to boost your brand? Here are 4 tips to help get more engagement.

a) Use Hashtags to Their Full Potential

The Instagram algorithm uses hashtags to help show users relevant content on their feeds.

And because of this, each post can contain up to 30 different hashtags to help slot it into the relevant categories.

While you don't need to use every one of those 30 hashtag slots, it's a good idea to use a decent few of them. At least 10-20, though if you can find 30 relevant hashtags- Feel free to use them.

Instead of manually entering your hashtags after every post, save a list of the 30 best hashtags for your niche, and add it to the end of each post you publish.

You can find ideal hashtags by searching through competitor posts and your own feed, once you have a list built up, you'll only have to update it every so often to keep it fresh.

👉 Pro Tip: Add 5 periods, each on a single line to the end of your post before entering the hashtags. This helps keep your post uncluttered by storing the hashtags within the "show more" section of the description.

b) Proactively Follow People in Your Niche

Instagram prioritizes showing posts to users who follow you.

One of the best ways for brand new pages to earn their first followers is by proactively following people who are interested in their niche.

One great way to do this is by finding a competitor page, filtering the followers, and following a set number of those users.

Doing this consistently can net you great results, since plenty of Instagram users are keen to follow pages back. Once your page has grown to a decent size, this tactic might start to become an inefficient use of your time though.

Be careful on how many users you follow each day, keep it to 100 or under; any more than that and Instagram may flag your account as spam.

c) Only Use High-Quality Images

In an age where brands and pages are using top-notch images in every post, low-quality or grainy images won't fly- Especially on a platform like Instagram.

Make sure to only publish pictures and posts that make use of high-definition images. They don't have to be 4K, but they should be crisp, clean, and clear.

d) Give Your Posts an Early Boost to Create "Snowball Posts"

If Instagram's algorithm notices a post that gains traction quickly after it's published, it's likely to show that content to even more users than usual.

The best way to take advantage of that is by using "snowball" tactics to give your posts a huge surge in engagement.

By this, we mean to give your own posts an early boost in engagement.

Use your team's personal Instagram accounts to like and comment as soon as each post goes live.

This initial engagement will help your post "snowball" and grow quickly, using that initial engagement to gather even more impressions, and so on.

Tips for Creating TikTok Interactive Content

TikTok is one of the most popular platforms out there, and it's only getting more popular. Here's how you can hop on the trend and create engaging content on it.

1) A Consistent Post Schedule is Essential for TikTok Growth

TikTok's algorithm values consistent posts as a huge factor. If your page is putting out high-quality videos on a regular basis, those videos are more likely to get shown to more of your followers.

If possible, stick to a daily schedule of posts to keep your momentum on the platform.

It helps to create batches of videos and content at a time, that way you can continue to post from your backlog instead of creating fresh content each day.

2) Use Strategic Stitches & Duets for Huge Engagement Boosts

Stitches and Duets allow you to "attach" your posts to already-existing posts.

Used correctly, these can be some of the best tools out there for page growth and engagement.

Find high-engagement, relevant posts on TikTok, and create Stitch or Duet content to share in the post's success.

Twitter Tips for High Engagement Interaction Posts

Twitter has sat at the top of the social media throne for quite some time now. Here's how your brand can get the most value from it.

a) Post During High-Traffic Timeslots

One important piece of the engagement puzzle is just when you're posting.

engagement times for twitter

A study by Sproutsocial has shown that the best time to post on Twitter is around 9am.

b) Hop into High-Engagement Conversations

Just like Stitches and Duets help pages hop onto successful posts on TikTok, replies can help you share the success on Twitter.

One of the best ways to get quick boosts to your page on Twitter is to find high-engagement threads and hop into the conversation. (as long as your brand is relevant)

That's just what Uber did here to rake in some of the engagement from this thread:

uber response on twitter

c) Keep Posts Short & Sweet

Twitter isn't a platform for length or wordy posts. For the most part, keep content short-form and snappy.

If you want to share a longer resource or content piece, it's best to link out to an external page rather than posting it right to your Twitter feed. And when you link out, you can link out to interactive PDFs , they have the realistic page flip feeling, plus you can track your users' behavior!

The Wrap Up: Increasing Engagement with Interactive Posts

Interactive posts are excellent ways to drive brand engagement and boost your page on social media. Some key factors for successful interaction posts are the same for any post:

  • Include clear, simple CTAs in your captions
  • Use high-definition images
  • Keep to consistent post schedules
  • Reuse content across channels

But that's not all. Taking advantage of already-successful threads and posts can help to boost your page early on in its life.

Remember, social media marketing isn't luck- It's a numbers game. Stay consistent and keep to the best practices, and you'll see stable growth over time.

If you found this guide helpful, feel free to read more of the content from our blog .

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Travel Bloggers: How to Stand Out with Powerful Interactive Maps

on 4 February, 2022

Interactive maps are one of the most powerful tools available to travel bloggers today. Unfortunately, far too many travel bloggers today are either using interactive maps incorrectly or not using them to their full potential. As a GIS expert, data scientist, and travel blogger myself, it pains me greatly when I see so many crappy maps on travel blogs. There is so much potential going to waste. As a result, I want to help you, the travel blogger, realize the full potential of your interactive maps. At the very minimum, you’ll see more traffic, retain more visitors, and make your website easier to navigate.

What Makes a Good Interactive Map?

Regardless of what industry you’re in, a good interactive map is easy to understand, offers an intuitive user experience, and draws the user’s focus to the data on the map. One of the best examples of an interactive map is the RadarScope application, which we covered in detail last month in 6 Powerful Weather Applications for Stunning Landscape Photography . If you’re not familiar with it, RadarScope is an application that plots weather radar data, severe weather warnings, and much more on a map.

interactive travel posts

So how exactly does RadarScope do it so well? When I look at the maps in the screenshots above, I make a few key observations about what makes it such a powerful interactive map, even without having access to its interactivity.

  • Your eye is immediately drawn to the radar data on the screen.
  • The basemap is simple enough that you instantly know where the storms are, while at the same time fading into the background and not distracting you from the data on the map.
  • RadarScope’s chosen color scheme is easy to understand because it’s the industry standard for the weather and meteorology field.
  • The design of RadarScope’s user interface is timeless. The last two screenshots in the above gallery are from the El Reno (31 May) and Moore, Oklahoma (20 May) tornadoes in 2013. The remaining screenshots were taken between 2017 and 2021.

You Can Bring That Same User Experience to Your Travel Blog Without Breaking the Bank

Thankfully, there are plenty of tools and applications available today to bring a similar mapping experience to your travel blog. Best of all, many are free and open source, so you don’t have to spend your hard-earned cash on expensive licensing fees. However, before we look at solutions, let’s have a look at the problem.

Too Many Travel Bloggers’ Interactive Maps are Not Actually Fully Interactive

In order to fully understand the problem so many travel bloggers run into, let’s first look at the definition of interactive.

Interactive: allowing a two-way flow of information between a computer and a computer-user; responding to a user’s input. Oxford Dictionary

Armed with that definition, have a look at what you’ll find on far too many travel blogs. From the home page, you click on a link or button to the interactive map. You see a simple map that looks something like this screenshot. Some of the countries may be shaded to indicate that the blogger has traveled there.

A Map of world with countries shaded is not an interactive map

If you hover over a country, it’ll often show the country’s name and maybe a count of the number of blog posts, photos, or videos the travel blogger has created. However, if you click on a country, you’ll just be brought to another page with a list of post titles. In the best case scenario, you’ll also see a featured image and the first 20-40 words of the post, much like our All Posts page .

However, this still leaves me asking one question. If you have a map whose only purpose is to redirect visitors off of said map, why even have the map at all?

How Can Travel Bloggers Make Their Maps Interactive?

First and foremost, if you’re going to add a feature to your blog or website, it should serve more of a purpose than just redirecting visitors off of it. Your visitors should be able to gather all of the information they need without leaving the map. There is one exception, however. If you’re trying to display lengthy content, such as an entire blog post, don’t try to put the entire post in a pop-up window on the map. Nobody in their right mind is going to scroll through all of that.

Instead, you want to include key details and a link to the full blog post to make a fully interactive map. For a blog post, you’ll want to include at least four things.

  • Title of the post
  • A summary of the post or the first 20-25 words of it
  • The post’s feature image
  • A link to the full post
  • Anything else that’s relevant and important, such as the date, author, or location

Example: The Matt Gove Photo Visual Media Map

To best demonstrate a fully interactive map, let’s have a look at the Matt Gove Photo Visual Media Map . Instead of blog posts, the map includes datasets to display all of our photos and videos on a map. Notice how it includes all five requirements for full interactivity. As a user, you can easily explore our photos and videos on a map without having to leave the map. In addition, you can click on the link in the pop-up window to view the full album or video.

Best GIS Solutions for Travel Bloggers to Create Interactive Maps

As recently as 10 years ago, getting professional-quality interactive maps meant shelling out hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every year in GIS software licensing fees. Even worse, there were very few online GIS programs to choose from back then.

Thankfully, that has all changed. Today, you there are an plenty of free online mapping programs available. Many of these programs are both incredibly powerful and easy to set up. While it’s certainly not a requirement, I highly recommend investing in a developer to install, connect, and integrate the maps on your website. They’ll be able to connect your maps directly to your database. As a result, new content will automatically be added to your maps, allowing them to effortlessly scale with your business. It’ll cost more up front, but with a good developer, you’ll save money in the long run.

We’d love to help you get set up with your maps. If you want to discuss your project further or get a free quote to add maps to your travel blog, please get in touch with us today. Or if you’re still just kicking tires, please feel free to browse our catalog of GIS products and services .

Google Maps or Bing Maps

If you’re just starting out or are looking for a simple solution, Google or Bing Maps are great options! Both platforms allow you to create high-quality maps and embed them on your website free of charge. And best of all, you don’t need a developer. Instead, you’ll just copy and paste a short block of code into your website or blog.

Unfortunately, the simplicity of both Google and Bing Maps leave them with some downsides. Most notably, if you have a dynamic dataset or high traffic volumes, you’ll run into issues. Neither platform is built to display large datasets. As a result, you’ll struggle to scale your application and will run into high API fees to generate the basemaps as your organization grows.

Mapbox is a direct competitor of both Google and Bing Maps, but it offers so much more. As a result, I typically recommend that my clients use Mapbox over Google or Bing. Mapbox gives you much finer control over your mapping application, allowing you to scale it both up and down as your business evolves. And best of all, it’s completely free to use, unless you have more than 50,000 map loads per month.

Mapbox map of Boston, in a light grey color scheme

However, my favorite Mapbox feature is its use of vector tiles, which allows you to display huge amounts (read: gigabytes) of data that load and respond extremely fast.

  • Fully customizable maps
  • Much friendlier pricing than Google or Bing
  • Supports both proprietary and open source data formats
  • Offers a software development kit to add your own functionalities and customizations
  • Developer optional to use maps or embed them on your website

Leaflet is a simple, yet powerful open source JavaScript library that displays two-dimensional maps on your website or blog. Because it’s hosted on your server, you don’t need to worry about API fees, regardless of how much or how little traffic you get. It’s lightweight, fast, powerful, and completely customizable. Furthermore, it has an extensive library of plugins and extensions if you need additional functionality. If you don’t know JavaScript, you’ll need a developer for the initial set up of your maps. You can easily connect Leaflet to nearly any type of database or data repository. As a result, Leaflet maps will easily scale with your business once it’s set up.

A popup box on a sample Leaflet interactive map

Thankfully, Leaflet requires very little maintenance once you get it up and running. In fact, I tell my clients that it’s often more cost-effective to pay for Leaflet maintenance as you need it instead of paying a recurring monthly maintenance fee. Yes, there are obviously exceptions to that rule. However, for the vast majority of people, Leaflet is an extremely cost-effective way to add high-quality maps to your website or blog.

Like Leaflet, Cesium is an open source JavaScript library that creates powerful 3D maps to “unleash the power of 3D data”. Their maps are engineered to maximize performance, precision, and experience. With Cesium, it often feels like there is no limit when it comes to what you can do with a map. In fact, Cesium also includes a timeline, so you could make the argument that its maps are four dimensional instead of three.

Furthermore, they’ve even created their own 3D vector tile format that lets you load enormous datasets in seconds. For example, check out Cesium’s demo that loads 3D models of nearly every building in New York City . It’s fast, fluid, and responsive. For additional demos, have a look at Cesium’s Use Cases . You’ll find examples from many different industries, applications, and regions.

Screenshot of a cockpit from a flight simulator built on Cesium's 3D mapping technology

You can get an incredible amount of power and functionality out of Cesium’s free base functionality. For the average travel blog, the free functionality is probably more than you need. However, if you want to harness its full potential, you should at least look into some of the paid add-ons for Cesium. Those paid add-ons will streamline your workflow and optimize your data. As a result, your users will ultimately have a better experience.

If you’re trying to decide between Leaflet or Cesium, why not use both? Originally developed as an open source platform for the Australian Government, Terria lets your users choose whether they want to view a two or three dimensional map. And you can probably see where this is going. Leaflet powers Terria’s two dimensional maps, which Cesium is behind its three dimensional maps.

The best feature of Terria, however, is its user interface. Easily organize and browse through a huge number of datasets. It uses Cesium’s 3D data optimization to ensure your map remains fast and responsive, even if your datasets are massive. Use Terria’s slider to compare datasets side-by-side. It even includes a feature for you to build stories with your data and share them with your audience.

interactive travel posts

I use Terria for all of my mapping needs, and also recommend it for most of my clients. Its power and responsiveness across all devices, including mobile phones, coupled with its flexibility and minimal programming required to set it up make it the optimal platform for me. My users and clients have never complained about being confused using Terria, and are often impressed at how easy it is to analyze huge amounts of data. And best of all, I can set it up so it scales up and down as I need without needing hardly any maintenance.

If you want your travel blog to stand out from the rest, adding fully interactive maps with Terria is one of the easiest and most cost-effective way to do so. To learn more or get started, please get in touch with us or browse our online resources.

  • Our Catalog: GIS Products and Services
  • Our Maps Made with Terria
  • Blog Posts About Terria
  • Book a Free Info Session
  • Request a Quote
  • Join Our Email List

ESRI ArcGIS Online

If you have a complex dataset, but would prefer not to hire a developer, ESRI’s ArcGIS Online may be the best solution for you. Yes, it does have licensing fees, but you’ll get much of the functionality of the other applications we’ve discussed without needing a developer to set them up for you. Like the other platforms, ArcGIS online can easily handle large numbers of complex datasets, and plot those data on maps that need just a copy and paste to embed in your website. Plus ESRI is widely considered to be the industry standard for anything related to GIS and maps. If anything goes wrong for you, they have excellent documentation and support.

If you’re looking for a real-world example of ArcGIS Online in action, you’ve probably seen them already. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, most dashboards that display maps of COVID-19 data use ArcGIS online.

Interactive map on Johns Hopkins University's COVID-19 dashboard

Travel Bloggers, Take Your Interactive Maps to the Next Level

Once you have your new interactive map set up on your website or blog, simply adding a link to it is not enough. In addition, you should strategically embed them on different pages of your website to give your users the most immersive experience. For example, you’ll find the Matt Gove Photo Visual Media map embedded both on the home page of this blog and the main photo gallery page on the Matt Gove Photo website , in addition to being embedded above. I’ll continue to add maps as we go forward, too.

Interactive map embedded on the Matt Gove Photo website

To figure out where to embed your interactive maps, have a look at your website’s analytics. Are there pages that have a lot of page views? Is there a specific page people are navigating to that the map could benefit? Are your visitors getting confused and leaving your website instead of navigating somewhere the map could help? Is there a logical place for your maps in your navigation or sales funnel?

Finally, as a travel blogger, you shouldn’t plot just your blog posts on the interactive map. Geotag photo albums, videos, social media posts, guides, fun activities, scenic drives, and much more. Don’t be afraid to make multiple maps, either. Try to use a platform like Terria or ArcGIS Online that organizes your datasets in a logical manner and makes it easy to both add and remove data from the map. If that’s not an option, don’t overwhelm your users with too much data on a single map. That’s one of the best ways to drive visitors off of your website and directly into the arms of your competitors.

Fast, professional quality interactive maps are one of the best ways travel bloggers can stand out from the crowd. Interactive maps are easy and cost-effective to implement and maintain. They’re also incredibly effective at retaining your visitors’ engagement and keeping them on your website. It boggles my mind why so many travel bloggers haven’t taken full advantage of the incredible potential interactive maps present to both grow your audience and keep your existing followers coming back for more.

Are you ready to take the next steps with interactive maps and bring your website or travel blog to the next level? As avid travelers and data science experts who specialize in online GIS and mapping applications, we’d love to help you take that next step in your journey. I invite you to please browse our catalog of GIS and mapping services . Then, get in touch or book a free info session with us to discuss your specific project. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Top Photo: Chapman’s Peak Drive on the Matt Gove Photo Scenic Drives Map Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

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5 Quick Ways to Engage Your Audience with Interactive Posts

interactive travel posts

In today’s day and age, interactive posts are the new kid on the block. They’re fun, engaging, and come in many variants – there’s an interactive post for every business! No matter your device, interactive posts can be viewed and interacted with, which makes them a highly accessible media form.

Plus, social media is highly saturated with content, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be heard above the crowd. The visual appeal of your posts matters, but it is often not enough by itself to get the attention of serial scrollers.

So, what’s the solution?

Interactive posts. 

In case you’ve never heard of these nifty, technological advances in content, we’re about to broaden your mind. Without further ado, here are 5 quick ways you can engage your audience – no matter your business – with interactive posts.

First – what are interactive posts?

Interactive posts are ones that ask and motivate viewers to do something, and actively engage with the content being presented. Viewers of an interactive post may be asked to choose between two options ( much like in a choose-your-own-adventure story presented in an interactive PDF ), provide an opinion, or explore an image to access its text or other resources.

For instance, Instagram ’s swipe-up feature is a simple example of big companies putting interactivity into practice. Viewers who want to see the full content being advertised in an Instagram story simply swipe up to do so, and this simple action reinforces the idea to viewers that they are choosing to be redirected.

Is it worth switching to interactive posts?

The short answer is yes, and the why is supported by a long list of market studies. Explore the interactive image below to learn about a few key reasons:

In summary, interactive posts will help you:

  • Differentiate your business from others
  • Educate your buyers
  • Keep your content relevant
  • Increase overall engagement 
  • Nurture leads

Examples of interactive posts

The applications for interactivity are infinite and can be as simple as adding a button to an image or as complex as the construction of an escape game post. Here are a few we’d recommend considering if you’re looking to incorporate interactive posts into your marketing strategy.

1. Interactive Infographics

About 10 years ago, infographics rose to prominence as they enjoyed a moment as the new, cool kid of the digital scene. Just when their ubiquity started to take the edge off of how eye-catching they were to consumers, the interactive infographic emerged to refresh the powerful trend. 

Interactive infographics are a great way to prioritize the most important statistics and pieces of information. You can tuck lesser statistics away into windows that pop up only when the viewer engages with a certain element or button, keeping the visuals clean and easy to digest.

You can also create infographics that display different sets of information as the viewer navigates through them. This kind of interactivity also works well with maps.

Here’s a simple example from a Twitter post explaining why clients should position their content in layers when creating business presentations. It’s more interesting than a static image, right?

2. Polls and Quizzes

Nothing works quite like a good poll or quiz, and the reason is simple. People love sharing their opinion. It makes them feel heard and important, which is a great way to leave potential clients feeling.

Polls should be accessible and easy to participate in. Their accessibility depends on how easy it is for them to have an opinion and you can lower barriers to participation by ensuring that what you’re asking is easy for your audience to have an opinion on. 

You may choose to post a poll on something closely related to your business, or you may opt for something on the sillier end of things. If you’re looking to simply increase engagement, questions like “What’s the best barbeque ingredient?” is a better option on Independence Day than something that requires deep thought.

As for quizzes, here’s one mind-blowing piece of information for you. In 2013, the most-read story on the New York Times’ website was… an interactive quiz . Think about that for a second. 2013 was the year Obama began his second term as president and the pope resigned, and what won out was an interactive quiz showing people their personal dialect map. 

Some social media platforms have the ability to create polls built into their interface. Here’s an example of a simple Twitter poll:

When it comes to fast food, which burger chain is your go-to favorite? #poll — Everyday Health (@EverydayHealth) March 11, 2018

And if you want to make quizzes the right way, you’ll need a pro tool to do it.

Interact Quiz Builder offers a free version of their tool that is robust and the best on the market. Learn more by reading this Interact Quiz review here.

3. Interactive Videos

Videos are a popular engagement tool for a reason; one study found that when on a company’s website, 80% of online visitors watch a video while only 20% read the content. 

Interactive videos are the next step, but despite their effectiveness, there’s one common hangup when it comes to their creation. Interactive videos are generally on the pricier side of the content spectrum .

If your budget is limited, interactive video presentations can provide a good solution. They can be made for free and achieve a video effect through automatic page transitions and animations. 

Here’s an example of a travel company’s video presentation:

Have your audience choose between options in the middle of your video presentation to determine what they see next or hover over different elements to see additional information along the way. This small added opportunity for engagement can make a world of difference. 

4. Calculators and Measurement Tools

Calculators and similar measurement tools allow your audience to approach your product without having to reach out to anyone on your team. You can set up calculators to provide quotes to potential clients, to show them how much they’ll be saving with your product, and to measure the positive impact your service will have on their lives. 

Tools like Grid can help you create measurement tools that people can try for themselves without feeling beholden to your company too soon in the process. If you haven’t used one before, we’re sure you’ll quickly understand why they’re a go-to tool for so many businesses.

If you’re short on time, you can simply create a static image that links to your calculator. Here’s an example of that shortcut in action:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by High-End Apparel Manufacturing (@makersvalley)

5. Interactive eBooks

Your post will keep things short and sweet, but by drawing inspiration from an ebook format, you can provide your audience with a lot of information in a small space. One thing ebooks do exceptionally well is organizing their information, dividing it into units or chapters.

You can create multi-page posts on Instagram or insert multi-page creations on Twitter and Facebook to achieve a similar dividing and organizing effect. Your audience will thank you for the ease of navigation and will enjoy the storybook effect you achieve with this format. Make sure you remember not to saturate your audience with too much information though. We want posts that are ebook- inspired and not manuals.

Here’s an example of an interactive ebook style report, that cleverly uses augmented reality to really engage the viewer:

Need help creating interactive posts?

Twine ’s community of 410,000+ highly skilled freelancers can take the guesswork out of creating interactive posts and other kinds of content. This is a great option if you’d like to put your message in the hands of an expert. Harness the power of interactive marketing for your message while saving yourself time and effort.

Or fancy using an online tool?

Genially ’s freemium all-in-one tool for creating interactive and animated marketing content is an accessible option for making your posts interactive.

It allows you to insert all kinds of external content such as YouTube videos, images, audio, Google maps , PDFs, and gifs into your posts – leaving them in plain view, or tucking them away in spaces opened by viewer-interacted buttons.

You can insert your interactive creations directly onto several social platforms using just their URL. Sign up for a free account to try the tool for yourself!

Wrapping Up

If you haven’t tried interactive posts for your social platforms yet, now is the time, and the options are limitless. Try starting with a simple interactive addition to your posts, and see how your audience responds. An interactive infographic or image can be a good place to start, before moving onto more animated or complex formats. Just be sure to double-check that you’re using the best website builder , so your site looks good with all the interactive features you add!

Remember : You can’t get different results by doing what you’ve always done. Take the leap to interactive posts, even if that means starting with small changes to your current posting plan. Trust us: you’ll be glad you did .

Genially is an online tool that allows users to create stunning presentations, infographics, quizzes, dossiers, interactive images, and more. Their goal is to help users improve the way they present, communicate, spread information, and teach.

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12 Ready-To-Use Ideas for Interactive Facebook Posts (with examples)

  • 5 October 2022
  • Karolina Kurcwald

12 Ready-To-Use Ideas for Interactive Facebook Posts (with examples)

Want to increase engagement on Facebook? Be more engaging! (Thank you, Captain Obvious!) No, but really. And if you don’t really know how, here are some ideas and examples of interactive Facebook posts that will get you more comments, likes, and shares.

Why get interactive on Facebook?

What’s an interactive facebook post, how to create interactive posts on facebook – ideas and examples, bonus section: how do you manage all that engagement.

  • Get more interactive on Facebook and reap the benefits

Manage all Facebook comments & messages from one place

Manage all Facebook comments & messages from one place

Manage all your Facebook comments and messages from one view. Ads comments included – with an all-in-one social media tool.

14-day trial period. No credit card required.

I keep repeating that in my posts, but let me do that one more time. Interactivity is at the very core of social media. Facebook started as a way to interact with peers and later on with brands and customers. It’s the “social” in “social media.

But many brands don’t seem to have gotten the memo. They use Facebook and other social media channels as billboards – a one-way digital marketing channel that only pushes their promotional content in front of their audience without any interaction or relationship-building .

Well, that’s not how this works – and especially when we’re talking about organic social media content (because Facebook ads are something else.) The way Facebook algorithm works, it favors organic content that gets people engaged. 

So the more people interact with your content, the more Facebook users will see it. And the more they’re engaged in a conversation with you, the more they’re likely to want to buy from you eventually (or again, if they’re already your customers.) 

And that’s exactly why you need to make your posts interactive:

  • To boost your Facebook engagement and reach
  • To build a stronger relationship with your audience – and a stronger brand
  • To foster customer loyalty and advocacy
  • And in the long run, to increase conversions from your posts (whether that’s clicking through to your website or buying something in your online store.)

Facebook interactive posts are not really some sort of a special type of content that takes more effort to create. They’re just Facebook posts your audience can – and is encouraged to – interact with.

So they’re engaging posts that ask questions, elicit responses, encourage questions back, etc. It can be a Facebook live or maybe video content. Anything that will make your readers want to leave a comment, or at the very least, a like (or another type of interaction).

If you struggle with coming up with ideas for Facebook interactive posts , here’s a list to get you started and – hopefully – inspired.

Let’s go over some Facebook creative posts ideas and examples.

1. Just… start a conversation

Sometimes, it’s enough to say good morning and hint at a topic everyone’s excited about. Like… yes, the weather. With the scorching weather in the UK (and across Europe) this summer, Innocent did a really simple thing in one of their Facebook posts:

facebook interactive posts - innocent's fb post

200 comments and 117 shares from a post about it being “too hot”? Not bad if you ask me.

Of course, not everything will work that way, and you might not see the results if, so far, you’ve been just posting product info (and not really talking to your audience.) 

Knowing what gets your audience excited is key to creating posts that people will want to engage with, so make sure you research your audience really well . And that you’re consistent – you might not see great results at first, but if you keep at it, you’ll get there.

Plus, don’t forget, social media marketing (and Facebook marketing) is a conversation. And saying “good morning” is as good a conversation starter as any. 

Neal Taparia from Cribbage Online suggests, “Keep your posts conversational and funny like you’re talking to a friend. This not only makes your brand relatable but invites more interaction.”

Facebook comment moderation tool (ads included)

Facebook comment moderation tool (ads included)

Use NapoleonCat to manage all of your Facebook comments (ads included), messages, reviews, etc. – with an all-in-one social media tool.

2. Ask a question

Another obvious conversation starter is asking a question. Again, it can be related to something as obvious as the weather. But you can also ask people about things like:

  • How they’re using your products or services
  • What’s the weirdest way/place/circumstance they’ve used it 
  • What’s a funny story they have related to it

You get the idea. The more relatable the question, the more likely people will want to respond with their stories or sometimes even photos or videos. 

Even asking a simple question about “which product they like better” might do the trick. You know people like sharing their opinions on Facebook. 😉

facebook interactive posts - tasty's fb post

You can also look for more creative ways to ask that question, like in the example below.

facebook interactive posts - fitbit's fb post

3. Post user-generated content to inspire interaction

Asking questions can be a super effective way to get user-generated content . The type of interactive content that doesn’t come from the brand but from its customers, making it much more relatable. 

Plus, people often feel appreciated when their favorite brand posts their story or photo, so it’s also a great way to build brand trust and lasting relationships with your customers.

Here’s a great example from Starbucks, which asked their customers to share their love stories that have Starbucks in them.

facebook interactive posts - starbucks' fb post

And here’s the post where they asked for the stories. Just look at the number of comments:

facebook interactive posts - starbucks' fb post 3

Apart from plain asking for comments, there are some other ways to get content from your audience, including:

  • Asking for reviews when they buy from you
  • Resharing the content they post with your products or services
  • Reposting Google reviews or testimonials
  • Organizing contests

4. Post lists for people to complete

A super easy way to get people engaged, and again, encourage their opinions or advice. And I’m sure there’s lots of interesting things around your product or service to get people talking. Here’s an example from Fitbit (who, by the way, are great at posting this kind of content on their Facebook Page, so go check that out.)

facebook interactive posts - fitbit's fb post 2

And to give you an idea of how people respond, here’s a look at the comment section. What’s also great about this approach is that it gets people interacting with each other, making it an effective community-building activity, too.

facebook interactive posts - comment section under Fitbit’s fb post 2

5. Ask people to fill in the blanks

A similar way to elicit comments is to ask people to complete a sentence. This can, again, be connected to your product or service, but can also be a more general, random conversation starter. You know, whatever works, as they say.

Here’s an example from Wendy’s, who, by the way, have a very specific way of engaging people on their social media channels – and one that definitely works for them.

facebook interactive posts - wendys fill in the blank

6. Do a poll

Doing polls on Facebook is an excellent way to get people actively engaged. I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about participating in a poll that makes me want to click (especially when I’m procrastinating, and answering a poll seems like a great idea.)

The easiest way to do it is to ask people to click certain reactions in response, like in this post from Wendy’s:

facebook interactive posts - wendys fb post

Or this one from Depositphotos:

facebook interactive posts - depositphotos fb post

And if you want to get more comments than reactions, do a poll that asks people to leave a comment (they can comment with emojis, too). Like in another example from Fitbit’s Facebook Page:

facebook interactive posts - fitbit's poll post

7. Share tips (and ask for them)

In addition to sharing tips on your Facebook Page, for example on using your product, you can also ask people to share more tips to encourage interaction between community members. This can be a great engagement booster for your Facebook Page.

Like in this example from Chewy that contains a list of things to pack if you’re travelling with a puppy.

facebook interactive posts - chewy fb post

8. Organize a contest or giveaway

I already mentioned this one as a way to get user-generated content. Adding an incentive for people to comment and share is always a good idea. Here’s another example from Chewy, with a chance to win a pet portrait. 

The fact that pet photos can be an extremely interactive Facebook post idea by their very nature is another thing… 😉 (I didn’t really want to add a separate “Share cute dog photos” point, though ;))

facebook interactive posts - chewy fb post 2

9. Ask for feedback

I get that this might be tricky. Because you might need to brace yourself for any kind of feedback – including negative feedback. But if you’re being honest with your customers and ready to have those conversations, you should be absolutely fine.

And having those conversations openly, listening to your customers talk about their experience, might actually help you build a reputation of an authentic, responsive brand. Which might just be what sets you apart from your competitors – not just on Facebook. 

10. Show the people behind your brand

Apart from cute dogs 🐶 and cats 🐱, showing people also usually works really well. It helps establish a more human connection with your brand (which, after all, is made up of people).

Like in another example from Innocent (you can tell they’re one of my favorite brands on social media ;)):

facebook interactive posts - innocent's fb post 2

11. Tap into popular social media trends

This one requires some social media savviness – but also has one of the highest potentials to go viral. And that’s because you’re essentially jumping on something that’s already gone viral.

One pro tip: avoid being cringey. If you don’t get the trend, it’s probably best not to use it. People can tell. 🙂

And here’s a successful example from – again – Fitbit:

facebook interactive posts - fitbit's fb post 3

(P.S. Notice how they reshare their tweet – repurposing successful content on other channels is also an effective and time-saving tactic.)

12. “Caption this photo”

Another fun way to get people creative and also enjoy themselves while they think of an answer. The funnier the photo, the better. Like in the case of this one from Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards:

facebook interactive posts - comedy wildlife photography awards fb post

The fact of life is, the higher engagement you get on Facebook, the more engaged you have to be yourself. Getting comments from people and never responding to them is not on the list of social media best practices. So, if you’re after boosting your Facebook engagement, prepare to spend more time moderating comments.

And to make that easier, get yourself a Facebook comment moderation tool like NapoleonCat and its Social Inbox. Using it, you’ll be able to:

  • Get all social media comments in one dashboard – not just from your Facebook Business Page (or Pages) but from your other social channels as well, e.g., Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google reviews. This can save you hours monitoring comments, especially in busy periods like when you’re running a particularly popular giveaway.
  • Respond from that same place. And if you have a team and manage multiple Facebook accounts , assign comments to other team members, so that everyone knows who and when to respond to. 
  • Use Facebook automated messages to save yourself even more time.
  • If (and this is very likely to happen) people ask product-related questions under your engagement posts or even complain about your product or service, assign those instantly to your customer service team so they can help the customer, and possibly take the coversation to Messenger to share sensitive data like order number.
  • Automatically remove spam and bot comments – which are also likely to happen as your posts get more and more popular. 

Social media inbox - NapoleonCat

Protect your Facebook Page & Ads from offensive comments and SPAM

Automatically hide or delete comments containing spam under your organic posts and ads – with an all-in-one social media tool.

Get more interactive with Facebook posts and reap the benefits

Social media is there not just to sell your products (though it can be really effective for sales.) It’s also there to connect with your audience on a more human level. So find ways that work for your brand and your customers – hope you’ve found some inspiration in the list above! 

Oh, and get some Facebook management tools for business to make the whole thing a lot easier.

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Karolina Kurcwald


Messaging strategist and copywriter for SaaS & tech brands, helping them find and communicate what sets them apart from the competition.

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  • Blog, Marketing
  • Last updated: February 26, 2024
  • 10 minute read

How to Create Interactive Blogs and Social Media Posts

Interactive posts can help you drive engagement on your blog and social media pages. Learn more about their benefits and how to create them here.

jess heston headshot

Jessica Heston is a freelance content writer and copywriter from Philly. She spends her downtime watching true crime shows, playing classical piano, enjoying craft beer with her husband, and caring for her rescue kittens.

Woman holding dog and taking pictures of herself

Written by Jess Heston

Table of Contents

What are interactive social media posts, why are interactive posts so important, how to create interactive posts on social media, how to create blogs that drive massive engagement.

Social media platforms are always evolving. Often, it seems like as soon as you’ve figured out the best way to engage with the social community and find new followers, someone figures out a way to do it better.

But don’t look at it as though someone is beating you to the punch — consider it a valuable tool that you can use to improve your own posts going forward.

The best social media content creators are getting more followers than you because they’ve mastered the art of attracting attention and building their brand or business.

And many of them are doing so with interactive content.

Interactions between people are what social media is all about. So, it makes perfect sense that interactive content has become one of the best ways to engage online and take your brand to the next level.

Whether you’re looking to create interactive Facebook posts or engaging Instagram stories, there are all sorts of ways to turn an individual social media post into an interactive one.

Here are some interactive post ideas, plus some more information on why interactive social media content is so important.

Some people might argue that all social media posts are interactive.

Social media content is, after all, designed to be shared with others, and when others read your post, they’re interacting with you (sort of). Even posting something as mundane as “the sky is blue” on a social media platform can get comments and reactions.

So as long as people can react and respond, you’ve created an interactive post, right?

Not exactly …

When we talk about interactive social media posts, we’re referring to posts that are intended to engage the reader and prompt an action or a response.

Interactive posts come in various shapes, sizes, and formats, but they all have one thing in common:

They’re created with the intent of getting the reader to play, answer, click on, click through, or respond in real-time.

Here are some of the most popular types of posts that will generate responses from your audience and increase social media engagement:

Contests, Sweepstakes, and Giveaways

People love free s**t. Give away a free gift card or offer raffle tickets, and you can be sure that people will click, enter their information, and cross their fingers hoping to win.

Quizzes and Polls

Woman pumping her fist in excitement while looking at her phone

As we all know all too well, social media is the place to share your opinions. No matter how seemingly insignificant a short quiz or poll question may be, people are quick to interact and reply with their opinion.

Typeform  is a great tool that makes it easy to build quizzes for your blog.

A survey could be a multi-question list about something serious, such as climate change or criminal justice, or it could be about something completely ridiculous, such as which of the Real Housewives has the best style, the best hair, or the best house.

Soliciting opinions is a proven way to get readers to engage.


Calculator tools are ideal for financial businesses. For example, a budget calculator or a mortgage calculator can be an invaluable tool that people interact with for several minutes at a time and revisit on multiple occasions.

But calculators aren’t only for those in the financial industry. If you’re a fitness trainer, a nutritionist, or a healthy eating chef, you can engage your audience with a BMI calculator tool that’s relevant to your brand.

Multiple Choice or Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

Like quizzes, people love multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank answers.

Whether you’re into Star Wars, baseball, or French poetry, devising a few questions is a great way to test your audience’s knowledge of your favorite subject matter and give them a chance to show how smart they are.

Interactive Infographics

If you’re looking to create shareable interactive content, consider posting some eye-catching infographics. You can turn a flat, static infographic into an interactive one by adding a hover tool that your readers can use to access additional info.

Live Videos

Live videos make for compelling content, especially on a platform like Instagram where your audience can respond in real time. Just make sure that you only post high-quality video content. Posting poor-quality content can backfire on you and turn your audience away.

Interactive Maps

Interactive maps that allow users to zoom in, zoom out, pan around, and hover for additional details are an excellent form of engagement. The more information you provide in your map, the more time your audience can spend interacting with your post.

Content Ratings

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again — people love to express their opinions. You can give your audience yet another chance to express theirs by asking for content ratings on your latest post or social media page in general.

You’ll need a thick skin for this one, as you’re likely to get some haters and detractors.

But there is an upside:

If your overall ratings are high, you can post them as user-generated content on your Facebook page or business website to help build trust and authority.

Data Visualizations

Instead of posting boring pie charts and bar graphs, consider generating data visualizations. Data visualizations combine color and interesting graphics as a way to provide lots of useful information that appeals to the eye. Data visualizations can also make complicated content easier to digest.

Augmented Reality

On its own or in combination with virtual reality, augmented reality posts allow your readers to immerse themselves in your world through their devices.

One example of augmented reality that you may already be familiar with is the Starbuck’s classic Cup Magic campaign , an app that generates video animations when you point your smartphone at a Starbucks cup logo

You can turn almost any post into interactive content by adding a question to the end or giving your reader hover and toggle tools that provide additional information. Even static images, such as gifs and memes, can be made interactive by adding a button to activate or animate the image.

Interactive posts are but one part of a robust  content marketing strategy . Not only do they increase engagement, but they’re a way to get a two-way dialogue going between the content creator and the user.

Unlike other types of social media posts, which can garner comments and reactions, interactive posts can help you learn about your followers and their buying habits.

For example, a survey or quiz post is more than a way to gather answers — it’s a way to gain insight into who your audience is and what they like.

Because they’re designed to be engaging, interactive posts can increase the amount of time that readers spend on your business page. They also encourage your existing audience to share your content which can, in turn, help you gain more followers and more customers.

Interactive posts are one of several ways that you can increase brand loyalty and build trust with your audience . Establishing trust helps you build better customer relationships, sell more products and services, and increase revenue — three things that all businesses need to grow and be successful.

Unlike tweeting a random thought or photo, creating an interactive post requires a bit more effort.

Here are the three key things to do to ensure that your interactive posts increase engagement rates:

Devise a Strategy

Like all components of your overall content marketing strategy, interactive posts should have a consistent message and be relevant to your target audience. When coming up with interactive content ideas, make sure that you choose topics and formats that will resonate with your audience.

For example, if you’re a fashion brand, an interactive infographic about Olympic sports might not pique your audience’s interest. But an infographic about Olympic uniforms through the years might.

Have the Right Content Creators in Place

It’s easy to post a brief blurb on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. But devising a series of interactive posts requires a bit more skill than just typing a thought and hitting the publish button.

It’s important that you have the right content creators in place to generate the type of interactive posts you want to put on social media. That means  hiring professional writers  to craft your written text or graphic designers to create your visual content. If you want to post videos, you’ll need someone with filming and editing skills.

If you don’t have someone with these skills on staff, hire a freelancer to do the work for you. If your budget won’t allow it, then stick with the types of posts that you can best generate yourself.

Related: check out our content marketing services !

Analyze Your Results

No matter what types of posts you create, it’s important to do an analysis of each one so that you learn how successful it was (or wasn’t).

After you create an interactive post and get responses, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did the post increase engagement?
  • Did the post drive sales?
  • Did the post generate more followers?

Taking the time to analyze each post can help you steer future posts in the right direction. It’s also a good idea to test different types of interactive posts and compare the results to learn which format and which type of content your audience responds to best.

Publishing engaging posts on your social networks is an excellent way to connect with your audience. But of all the types of content that exist, blogging remains one of the most important and most effective.

In a recent survey of content marketing professionals, 92% of content marketers  use blogging as a part of their content marketing strategy. And they do so because it works.

There are all sorts of different blog formats that you can use, but viral blogs can drive massive engagement and draw traffic to your site, especially if you post links to those blogs on social media.

Create Shareable, Viral Blogs

Viral blogs educate and entertain, and they can be about any topic that resonates with your target audience. The point of a viral blog is that your followers will share it with their followers, so one single blog post has the ability to create an exponential increase in customers , subscribers, and followers and help to retain the ones you already have.

You can create viral blog posts in various formats, such as listicles or “top ten” posts. When they’re well-written, include relevant  keywords , and feature great graphics, they have the potential to be shared over and over again.

No matter what topic you choose to write about, be sure to create an attention-grabbing title. This is the first thing your audience will see, so make sure it stands out and entices your audience to want to click and read.

Every good content marketing strategy includes blogging. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to increase your presence online, establish yourself as a trusted voice in your niche, build authority, and turn followers and subscribers into actual customers.

Make Your Content Easy to Share

Don’t make your readers copy and paste your content’s URL in order to share it. Adding a  “Click to Tweet” button  or  referral box  to your blogs will make sharing your content easier and more intuitive.

There is more to social media marketing than coming up with clever hashtags.

If you’re looking to increase audience engagement, it’s time to start generating interactive posts and well-written, shareable blogs that can garner attention. Your competitors have already arrived at the party, and in this scenario, there’s no such thing as being fashionably late.

For more information on how our digital marketing team can help you build a robust content marketing strategy,  contact Intergrowth today .


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interactive travel posts


interactive travel posts

Interactive Instagram Polls and Questions for Travel Lovers

Instagram Polls and Questions for travel lovers

Table of Contents

  • What Are Instagram Polls? 
  • Why to Use Instagram Polls and Quizzes?

Interesting Instagram Poll and Questions for Travel Lovers

Using predis.ai to generate instagram story polls, best practices for instagram story polls.

With an estimated active monthly user base of over 2 billion people, Instagram exerts a lot of influence in the world of social media. Given its innovative features and wide reach, this platform offers incredible opportunities to leverage your love for travel. You should definitely think of interactive Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers.

But to do that, you need to be aware of how to engage your audience as a travel lover.

Enter Interactive Instagram Polls.

This feature can drive interactions with your audience and boost your engagement. It can attract attention, spark conversations, and help you achieve valuable feedback from your audience.

For a feature that was introduced in 2017 , Instagram Polls have climbed the popularity chart at a great speed. Today, it’s an intrinsic part of the Stories feature on Instagram.

So, how do you use this feature to your advantage? If you aren’t sure, don’t stress yourself. This article has your back.

What Are Instagram Polls?

Instagram polls refer to a visually appealing interactive feature that allows you to ask questions to your friends and followers and view the results as they vote. You can add up to 4 options for them to choose from.

The responses are available in real time, including the percentage of votes for each option. This feature comes in the form of an interactive poll sticker in Instagram stories, available in both video and photo formats. You can even share the outcome of your poll in your stories.

Instagram polls

Think of an Instagram poll as a fun way to generate interest and engage your audience. You can use Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers to understand what your friends and followers like and make informed decisions based on the feedback.

Why to Use Instagram Polls and Quizzes ?

Did you know that about 500 million people use Instagram stories every day? When you want to grow your followers, tapping into this resource using Instagram polls can be highly beneficial. 

Let’s explore some of the key benefits of using interactive Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers.

1. Boost Instant Engagement

Instagram polls are a great way to capture the attention of your audience and drive interaction. This feature engages your followers instantly by allowing them to share their responses to the travel question you asked with just a simple tap.

Your audience is more likely to interact with your Story rather than skip it when they are asked to give their opinion about something. This makes them feel engaged and valued. 

2. Receive Real-Time Feedback

While there are many ways to collect travel-related feedback, most of them are time-consuming. When you need immediate feedback, Instagram polls can be your go-to option.

They can help you to get feedback about anything in real-time, right from selecting a travel souvenir to trying out a much-hyped street food dish.

3. Discover Audience’s Interests

Instagram is a visual medium that you can leverage for business based on the interest of your audience. Polls and quizzes empower you to discover your audience’s opinion about travel and related aspects.

For instance, you can ask for their opinion about a new travel service or product before launching it. If the idea appeals to your audience, you can go ahead enthusiastically.

If the response doesn’t sync with your expectations, you may consider making changes to your offering to increase its chances of acceptance. This can help you to generate leads and drive sales.

4. Create Relevant Content

Responses to Instagram story questions for travel can provide ideas for posting relevant content. By analyzing your poll stats, you can identify the type of content that your audience prefers. This can help you to create better and faster content.

When your audience starts liking and sharing your posts, it can boost your reach and help you to grow your account. You will also have a clear idea of the kind of travel content that works for you and polish your skills along similar lines.

5. Generate Curiosity and Excitement

Creating curiosity about your travel posts is an effective means to keep your audience hooked. One way of achieving this objective is through polls and questions on Instagram Stories.

An interactive poll allows your audience to participate by making a choice. If their guess is correct, they are left with a feeling of satisfaction. If not, then they are surprised.

In both scenarios, your posts will drive interactions and generate excitement among your audience.

6. Encourage Social Responsibility

There’s no denying that Earth is the only place for us to live, travel, and enjoy life. This makes it necessary for everyone to be responsible for the planet. When it comes to traveling responsibly and spreading awareness about it, polls and quizzes can be a great way to do so.

For instance, you can share information about how humans are destroying nature and ask if your followers think it’s right to litter travel destinations or leave behind trash when visiting a tourist spot.

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Are you looking for interesting travel Instagram poll ideas? While there are plenty of them, we have curated some of the popular options for you to consider.

Here are a bunch of exciting poll ideas that can help to captivate and engage your followers.

1. This or That

Go for ‘this or that’ polls when you want to create fun comparisons. This poll idea is a hit with wanderlusts.

You can ask your audience to choose between any two options, such as ‘Tourist Hotspots or Offbeat Places?’, ‘Solo Travel or Group Adventures?’, ‘Planned Vacation or Sudden Trip?’, etc.

pool and quiz ideas in Instagram

2. Yes or No

Boost quick responses with ‘yes or no’ story questions for travel. These are simple but effective polls that can easily engage your audience.

You can pose any question when using this poll, such as ‘Do you wake up late on vacations?’, ‘Do you like architectural sites?’ or ‘Have you tried any adventure activity during your last vacation?’.

Yes or No question idea

3. Pick an Option

Opt for ‘pick an option’ polls or quizzes to get your audience’s opinion about something. You can create a question and offer 2 to 4 options to your audience.

Pick an option

Such polls or quizzes can include questions like ‘Which is the best city to spend Christmas when in Germany?’, ‘What travel accessory is a must for hiking trips?’, ‘Which city is known as the “City of Love”?’, etc.

Elevate Your Insta Game 🚀

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interactive travel posts

4. Travel Destinations

Ask your audience to pick a travel destination for you from two or more given options. You can also ask them to guess your destination.

travel destination

Image Source

It is an extremely popular poll that helps to enhance engagement with ease. Your poll options can be like ‘Turkey or Maldives?’, ‘France or Switzerland?’ or ‘London or Kuala Lumpur?’.

5. Food Fun

Trying out local dishes or famous culinary delights forms an integral part of most travel ventures. Get your audience to share their opinion of which famous item you should try eating when you visit a place.

For instance, you can create polls like ‘Burger or Pizza?’, ‘Souffle or Pie?’, ‘Sushi or Dim Sum?’, ‘Vanilla or Chocolate,’ etc.

Food fun questions

6. Creative Questions

When it comes to travel Instagram poll ideas, you can be as creative as you want. Form questions that are out of the box to draw the instant attention of your audience.

Make sure that the questions should be compelling enough to make them stop scrolling and start engaging. For instance, you can create polls like ‘Would you go to Hogwarts or Narnia?’, ‘Will you stay in a haunted hotel – Yes or No?’, etc.

You can also post about unplanned travel instances, such as ‘We are late for the flight. Shall we make it – Yes or No?’, ‘It’s snowing. Should we cancel or continue with our plans?’ etc.

Creative questions

Won’t it be great if you have a tool that can enhance your creativity by 10 times and generate Instagram Story questions for travel effortlessly? Well, it’s quite possible. Predis.ai empowers you to experience this magic with its state-of-the-art AI technology.

Now, you can craft visually stunning and captivating Stories to elevate your Instagram game. You can generate personalized templates for seamless story creation. The user-friendly interface of Predis.ai helps to bring alive your Story polls by enabling you to add and edit media elements.

The best part is that Predis.ai also allows you to schedule your Instagram stories in advance. This ensures that your content is published when your audience is most active, ensuring maximum visibility.

In short, if you are planning to win the Internet story game, Predis.ai can be your most potent tool.

Not all Instagram Story polls and questions for travel lovers are created equal. While some polls are dynamic enough to captivate the target audience, others fall flat.

If you want to maximize the impact of your interactive Story questions for travel, here are a few best practices to follow:

1. Keep Your Story Polls Short and Crisp

Aim to create polls that your audience will be able to answer in just a few seconds. If you have lengthy travel Instagram poll ideas, consider splitting the question across several Stories. 

2. Set a Goal for Your Poll

When you have a goal for a poll, you can structure it better. While you don’t need a goal for every poll, it does help to have one.

3. Think About Content Relevance

A relevant Story poll always works better at engaging an audience. So, try to come up with poll questions that will find relevance with your followers.

4. Opt for an Eye-Catching Design

An Instagram Story poll featuring a great design can draw the attention of your audience instantly. You can use professional design templates to create Story polls with eye-catching designs.

5. Mind the Poll Timing

Using your Instagram Story polls at the right time can ensure maximum visibility and engagement. Try to go for the peak hours when your followers are most active on the platform.

Supercharge Your Content Creation with AI 🌟

Instagram polls and questions for travel lovers offer incredible opportunities for travel lovers to create enjoyable experiences on Instagram. They can engage your audience and enhance interaction. You can leverage polls to gain insights about the opinions and preferences of your followers.

If you want to maximize the impact of your Instagram Story polls, you need to use the right tools for the purpose. Predis.ai is a highly effective tool that can help you create exceptional polls and questions effortlessly. Empowered by AI technology, the platform also allows you to create templates for polls.

Create a free account and start exploring Predis for the best outcomes.

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interactive travel posts

Co-founder @Predis.ai, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.

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Tools for Creating Interactive Travel Maps

In travel, a map is your most important piece of gear. It will get you from where you are, to where you want to be and back again. With the advent of the internet, maps are a lot easier to use and to get your hands on.

The one problem is, Google Maps and Google Earth can be a bit boring, especially when you want some fun and memorable maps on your site. The best solution? Make colorful, customized, and interactive maps yourself.

interactive travel posts


Travellerspoint brings exciting differences to the travel map game. Using their platform, you can map out a recent trip that you’ve gone on, adding images and short blog posts to each destination marker as well.

With these maps, you can also plan out an itinerary map. Once you have created your map, it’s really simple to copy the embed code onto your own blog. The platform is open and free for anyone to use, all you have to do is sign up. It’s a fantastic opportunity for travel bloggers to incorporate an interactive way for their readers to follow them on their adventures.


If you are someone who is looking for the dramatics of animation, as well as the information of a regular map, Animaps is the platform for you. Create maps with markers that move, shapes that change over time as well as info bubbles that pop-up on cue.

If you send these Animaps out, they will appear as a video, and the people watching can play, pause, speed up and slow down as they please. All this may seem complicated at first, but going through the tutorials will turn you into a pro in no time.

interactive travel posts

Scribble Maps

Scribble Maps allows you to get creative and draw and share maps simply. Using Scribble Maps, you can add custom images, place any amount of text and markers, draw different shapes, add distances, save the maps as PDF, and a whole lot more.

You are also able to send maps to your friends as well as embed them into your website or your blog. The basic service is free while paying for Pro Scribble enables you to import KML files, spreadsheets, and SHP files for a certain price.

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Click2Map is a great platform for creating maps that serve a specific purpose or fulfill a particular need. Click2Map allows you to place built-in markers from their massive library to ensure your maps are more informative and interactive.

You are also able to add lines and polygons to your maps to serve various purposes, such as marking out particular geographical features. When you are done making your map, you can download it and embed it to your website free of charge.

interactive travel posts

The unique aspect of ZeeMaps is that you are able to use their service without having to sign up. You are able to place customizable markers, as well as highlight countries, states, cities, and towns.

Another really cool feature is that you are able to add video or sound clips to the markers, enabling you to have an explanatory video or tour of a particular marked location. You are also able to have customizable search fields.

interactive travel posts

MapTiler is definitely one of the more advanced map makers on our list and is definitely one with more features. It is used by NASA, Google, and Apple. You can effectually render the geodata into the map tiles which are suitable for Google Maps API mashups, Google Earth, and many others.

You are able to use MapTiler on Windows, Linux, and Mac, which makes this tool incredibly versatile. There is a free version that you can try out, as well as paid versions that offer different bundles and features.

interactive travel posts

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TargetMap is another very handy tool for creating and publishing maps. It has a large community, and the sense of community is encouraged as when your map is published, you are able to compare it to others.

You can obviously embed your maps into your website or blog. To use the service for free, you will need to share your maps. If you do not want to share, you will need to pay for the premium service which will then keep your maps private.

interactive travel posts


HeatmapTool is a handy and easy tool that allows you to make heatmaps out of a CVS file. They can scale the heatmap as you please, and also update it in real-time. You can cool the map by dimming it, and sharpen or soften the edges as you like.

Another very cool feature of this site is that you are able to make heat maps that can overlay the Google Maps API. The basic version of this site is once again free, and you will need to pay for the premium version which offers more features.

interactive travel posts

GmapGIS is a very simple tool that allows mapping for specific purposes. You are able to draw lines, shapes, add labels, add markers, as well as to measure distance on maps, all without needing a Google account.

Once you are finished labeling and marking your map, an automated link is generated for you to then share or put on your website or blog. With this tool, you can choose to save the map in KML format or view it on Google Earth.

interactive travel posts

geoCommons allows you to create, use, and share deeply data-rich maps regardless of your skill and knowledge level. It lets you map real-time social data using over 50, 000 available open-source data sets.

You are also able to filter the data and maps on the geoCommons database using any number, string or attribute of data available. Once finished, you are able to share your map or embed it on your website or blog.

interactive travel posts

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Interactive World Maps

As the name suggests, the Interactive World Maps plugin enables users to create an interactive map of the world on their site. These maps are generated using the Geochart API in SVG format, meaning they are mobile-friendly across all devices.

You can segment the map into continents, countries, and even states. This allows travel websites to group their content accordingly. You have control over colors and click actions for each segment of the map as well. Although this is a paid plugin, the features are well worth the cost.


These map-making tools are incredibly useful if maps are an important factor in your blog. Even if they aren’t, maybe discovering these tools will give you the inspiration you need to make some interactive maps for your blog.

Matt G Davison

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January Social Media Post Ideas + Done-For-You Content

january content ideas for small business owners

Are you struggling to come up with January social media post ideas?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got a variety of fun and interesting post ideas that will get your followers engaged and interacting with your content.

january social media post ideas blog image (5)

Our list of January social media ideas will help you keep your accounts active and engaging all month long.

This January, show your followers some love and appreciation by sharing fun and interesting content on social media!

Whether it’s for New Year’s, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, or to promote specials celebrating winter, your followers will surely appreciate having something engaging to interact with.

We’ve got everything you need to keep you and your followers engaged and entertained.

Keep reading because you’ll discover what to post on social media during January.

Plus, I have a resource that will make your social media planning so effortless you’ll wonder how you survived without it.

This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links I may receive a small commission. Please know that I only recommend products I have used and that I sincerely think will help your business. 

January social media posts ideas that get engagement.

When creating your January social media calendar, it’s essential to create content that will serve your audience and generate engagement. 

Engagement includes comments, likes, shares, and views of your content, and it’s the key to your success on your social media platforms of choice. 

Engagement lets you know what type of content your audience likes, and it also tells the algorithm that your content is valuable and should be shown more often. 

So how do you get more engagement on January social media ideas? 

The short answer is…

  • Share an image or video with every post 
  • Ask questions 
  • Use hashtags 
  • Share inspiring content 
  • Celebrate holidays

For the long answer with detailed examples and statistics, read my blog post: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement.  

Now that you know five simple ways to get more engagement, let’s walk through the social media content ideas for January. 

What to Post on Social Media in January

When planning out your content for the entire month, the first thing you want to do is open your favorite calendar tool and start building your content plan for the month.  

You could use Google Calendar, Asana, Trello, or an old-school paper calendar and a pen. 

Once your calendar is open, you want to identify holidays, local events, business milestones, and special promotions for the month and add them to the calendar.

image 4

Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media in January

January is a great time for renewal and new beginnings, which makes it a fantastic time to run a new year sale for your business.

Depending on the nature of your business and what fits your brand’s core values, you could run a sale in honor of the new year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, winter, or any of the fun holidays or observances throughout the month.

For example, if you’re in the health and fitness industry, offer a 20% off sale throughout the entire month of January.

Or, if you’re a therapist or life coach, offer a 24-hour flash sale on January 1st for anyone who purchases a coaching package.

If you’re a travel agent, you could offer a free upgrade if they book a trip on Plan for Vacation Day . You can also promote a trip to visit Graceland during Elvis’ birthday celebration week.

Restaurants could offer 10% off in celebration of National Bagel Day, National Hot Chocolate Day, National Chocolate Cake Day, National Spaghetti Day, National Popcorn Day, National Strawberry Ice Cream Day, or International Hot and Spicy Food Day. 

This is just the tip of the types of promotions you can run, so make sure you promote the heck out of it with your social media marketing ideas!

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When people think of January, they typically think of New Year’s Day, New Year’s resolutions, and winter. Those are fantastic social media holidays and occasions to celebrate, but there are many others you’ll want to celebrate as well.

Did you know that there are over 185 special holidays and observances in January?

Here are some of the more popular holidays and observances in January: 

– january 1: new year’s day – january 4: national trivia day – january 15: martin luther king jr. day – january 18: get to know your customers day – january 24: national compliment day – january 26: national spouses day – january 28: national have fun at work day – january 31: national hot chocolate day.

For the complete list of January holidays, visit: January Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media .

Inside the complete list of holidays, take a look at the daily observances and week-long or month-long holidays and find some fun ones that spark unique ideas.

For example, share a photo of you cleaning up your workspace on National Clean Off Your Desk Day , turning off your lights on National Cut Your Energy Costs Day , sporting a hat on National Hat Day , or putting together a puzzle on National Puzzle Day .

happy national puzzle day

You could share a photo of you and your family on a fun adventure together on National Celebration of Life Day , or you can post a video sharing uplifting or inspiring words for your audience on Blue Monday .

To find fun days to celebrate on social media, use a resource like my Social Media Content Club , which provides a detailed list of more than 3,200 special days and observances to help you plan out the special days you want to recognize during January. 

social media content club grapes

Next, look at your marketing plan to see if you have any big promotions planned for the month. If you’re running a huge holiday sale, add it to your January content calendar ideas and plan out which days you want to promote it on your social media channels.

Once all of your special days and promotions are scheduled on your calendar, add 1 – 2 question posts each week throughout the month. 

Access daily done-for-you posts for less than $1 a day inside the Social Media Content Club . 

Questions to Ask on Social Media in January

January is associated with new beginnings, resolutions, goals, and healthy habits, and in the Northern Hemisphere, winter.

Create social media posts asking questions based on those themes.

For example:

  • What was the best thing to happen last year?
  • What’s your favorite healthy restaurant?
  • How do you plan to make this year your best year yet?

what new years resolutions have you kept

Unless you’re a nutritionist, asking your followers about their favorite healthy restaurant has nothing to do with your business. 

But guess what? That’s OK! In fact, it’s better than OK. It’s exactly what you want to do. 

Your social media feed should not be full of self-promotional posts that scream “ME, ME, ME!!!”  

Good social media content focuses on creating positive conversations and providing value to your audience. 

Fun questions are a great way to create positive conversations and get more engagement on your posts. 

Remember, engagement lets the algorithm know that your content is valuable and increases its visibility. 

Once you’ve added questions to your content calendar, add 1- 2 positive quotes to share each week.

Quotes to Share on Social Media in January

Quotes focused on new beginnings, change, growth, and winter are ideal for sharing during the month of January. 

  • “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” -Alan Watts
  • “Winter forms our character and brings out our best.” -Tim Allen
  • “Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself.” -Mark A. Cooper

cs lewis quote

Positive and uplifting quotes make great social media content because they help counteract all the toxicity on social media and generate lots of likes.  

When designing your quote images, I recommend playing with different fonts. Big, bold fonts are easy to read, but scripted fonts are visually appealing and can catch people’s attention.

Test a variety of fonts and see which designs perform the best.

Once you’ve added quotes to your content calendar, fill the remaining days with educational, personal, or promotional posts.

Finalize Your January Content Calendar

Once you’ve added holidays, questions, and quotes to your content calendar, you’re ready to fill in the remaining days.

First, add one self-promotional post each week.

Remember, your content should focus on serving your audience, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ever promote your business.

The goal with social media is to grow your business, so make sure you’re promoting your products and services about once a week.

For 17 different ideas to promote your business on social media, read: 100 Ideas of What to Post on Social Media .

Use the ideas in that post to fill in the remaining days of your content calendar.

Download my free cheat sheet of 100 post ideas to speed up the process.

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Once each day of your January content calendar is planned out, you’re ready to identify popular and trending hashtags to use in your posts. 

Hashtags to Use on Social Media in January

Hashtags are a fantastic way to increase the visibility and reach of your social media posts.

You can use up to 30 hashtags in your Instagram posts, but research from Track Maven suggests that nine hashtags are the magic number for Instagram.

On Facebook and Twitter, I recommend you use 1 – 2 hashtags, and on LinkedIn, use 3 – 5 hashtags.

When compiling your list of hashtags for Instagram, be careful not to use only the most popular hashtags.

Hashtags with millions of posts are highly competitive, reducing the chance of your content getting seen.

image 3

To increase your exposure, I recommend including hashtags with a range of popularity in your posts. 

Choose a few popular hashtags with millions of posts, a few hashtags with hundreds of thousands of posts, and a few less popular hashtags with thousands of posts.  

To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of 20 of the best hashtags to use on Social Media in January: 

  • #happynewyear2024
  • #healthgoals 
  • #healthyhabits
  • #Ihaveadream 
  • #january 
  • #january2024
  • #januaryvibes 
  • #martinlutherkingjr
  • #newyeargoals 
  • #newyearnewgoals 
  • #newyearsresolutions 
  • #newyearvibes 
  • #snowseason 
  • #wellnessgoals 
  • #winter2024
  • #wintervibes

happy new year

For more hashtags, read my blog post: January Hashtags for Social Media – 140+ Hashtags for 2024.

How to Create Content for Social Media

Now that you have your social media content planned out for January, you’ll need to set aside time each week to create your January content ideas. 

Remember when I said to include an image or video in every post? 

Research has shown that posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. 

If you’re going to bother creating content, include an image. 

A great tool to use is Canva.com . It’s a free online design tool that takes all the guesswork out of graphic design. 

image 3

When creating content for social media, I recommend blocking off 2 – 3 hours each week. 

You’ll use that time to plan out your posts for the week, design images or record videos, write captions, and research all the hashtags for each post. 

Content Creation Hack for Social Media

If you don’t have 2 – 3 hours to spare each week and need a content creation hack, then join the Social Media Content Club and cut that time down to 1 minute a day! 

Katherine tried it and said, “I tried this for 1 day before buying a yearly subscription. What I love is that most pressure is gone!! No more agonizing blank vapid stares at my phone wondering what to do for social media today.” 

Inside the Content Club, you’ll get access to daily copy-and-post content complete with an eye-catching image, text status, and 3 relevant and popular hashtags.  

content club gif

Stan joined the Content Club and said, “Our sales for our webstore have increased by over 50% since we began using this platform. It was the best decision we’ve made. This has been the only platform that exceeded our expectations.” 

Click here to give the Social Media Content Club a try!

So, if you’re looking for some social media content ideas for January – or need help creating content for your social media accounts – we’ve got you covered.

From seasonal hashtags to engaging questions, we’ve got everything you need to keep your followers engaged and interacting with your content all month long while increasing your social media presence.

And don’t forget to try out the Social Media Content Club for effortless content creation.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others! It would mean the world to me.


  • January Hashtags for Social Media
  • January Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media
  • 100 Ideas of What to Post on Social Media

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Sol 4130: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 31 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical-perspective projection panorama of the Martian surface suitable for stereo viewing, centered at 26 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). This single-eye view must be combined with the partner left image to be viewed in stereo. Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45-degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Perspective

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Left Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a vertical projection of the Martian surface near the rover, covering an area of 20 meters (north/south) by 20 meters (east/west). North is up in the image. This projection provides an overhead view, but introduces distortion for items not on the surface, such as large rocks and the rover itself. Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45-degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Left Navigation Camera, Vertical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Left Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Left Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical-perspective projection panorama of the Martian surface suitable for stereo viewing, centered at 33 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). This single-eye view must be combined with the partner right image to be viewed in stereo. Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45-degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Left Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Perspective

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Left Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical projection panorama of the Martian surface centered at 180 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45 degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Left Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 image pairs in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical perspective projection panorama of the Martian surface suitable for stereo viewing, centered at 33 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). This anaglyph must be viewed with red/blue glasses (red over left eye). Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45-degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Mast-Mounted Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Perspective

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 30 image pairs in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 31 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical projection panorama of the Martian surface centered at 148 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). Curiosity took the images on March 18, 2024, Sol 4128 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 708, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45 degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4128: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 52 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical projection panorama of the Martian surface centered at 150 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). Curiosity took the images on March 15, 2024, Sols 4125-4102 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 660, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was 1 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45 degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4125: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 52 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 51 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical projection panorama of the Martian surface centered at 150 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). Curiosity took the images on March 12, 2024, Sols 4123-4102 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 660, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was from 1 PM to 12 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45 degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4123: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 51 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 49 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this mosaic. The seam-corrected mosaic provides a 360-degree cylindrical projection panorama of the Martian surface centered at 150 degrees azimuth (measured clockwise from north). Curiosity took the images on March 07, 2024, Sols 4118-4102 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at drive 660, site number 106. The local mean solar time for the image exposures was from 1 PM to 12 PM. Each Navcam image has a 45 degree field of view. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sol 4118: Right Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took 49 images in Gale Crater using its mast-mounted Right Navigation Camera (Navcam) to create this…


  1. Best Interactive Posts To Drive Social Media Engagement

    interactive travel posts

  2. Interactive Post

    interactive travel posts

  3. Pin by Ashley Smith on LuLaRoe just for me

    interactive travel posts

  4. Travel Social Media Post Design on Behance

    interactive travel posts

  5. 30 Interesting Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Agencies

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  6. Map Your Adventures With This Interactive Travel Visualizer

    interactive travel posts


  1. 10 Best Travel Map Animation Templates

  2. Creating Eye Catching Travel Posts on Canva Tips and Tricks

  3. Master Creating A Travel Agency Website Design Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  4. Virtual Vacations: A Walk Through Paris

  5. Best AI Travel Planning Tool in 2023 (TripPlanner.aI)

  6. Instagram Travel Story Ideas


  1. 25 Social Media Content Ideas For Travel

    On social media, the content you post is critical to engaging your audience and creating a solid fan base. Yet, many travel professionals struggle with knowing what to post. Whether you are wondering what to say on Twitter, Facebook, blogs or any other channel, here are some travel content ideas to help get the creative juices flowing: 1. Photos.

  2. 70+ Interactive Facebook Posts For Killer Engagement

    And by using these 70+ interactive Facebook posts, you will achieve that. But sometimes it's hard to come up with a good idea. Maybe you're in a hurry, or you're just exhausted from creating so much content for your business. That's why I made an extensive list of interactive posts. There are over 70 ideas you can copy and paste.

  3. 50+ Travel Questions That Will Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

    Here are a few high-engagement travel-related polls I have used in my own stories with the "This or That" theme: Solo Travel vs. Group Travel; Travel by Car vs Travel by Plane; London vs. Paris; Beach vs. Mountains; Adventure Trip vs. Relaxing Trip; Plan It vs. Wing It; Sightseeing vs. Shopping; Tourist Spots vs. Hidden Gems; Airbnb vs. Hotel

  4. Creating a Travel Post on Facebook: Tips to Craft Engaging Content

    Use High-Quality Photos. High-quality photos are essential for creating an engaging travel post. Try to include beautiful photos of the places you've visited, and make sure they're clear and well-composed. This will help draw people in and give them an idea of what to expect if they book a trip with you.

  5. 89 Travel posts ideas

    Apr 15, 2021 - Explore Lorena Rustulka's board "travel posts" on Pinterest. See more ideas about facebook engagement posts, interactive posts, interactive facebook posts.

  6. 25 Creative Instagram Travel Content Ideas For Tour Operators

    Here are 25 post ideas for travel bloggers and influencers: Destination Guides: Detailed posts highlighting must-visit spots, local tips, and hidden gems. Packing Essentials: Share packing lists or tips for different types of travel experiences. Travel Itineraries: Curate sample itineraries for various durations or travel styles.

  7. 15 Unique Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Business

    So go ahead and be a clown by sharing some fun facts! 10. Wish Them. Sharing well wishes on social media can help a travel business develop a favorable brand image by demonstrating that it cares about its clients' well-being. This can aid in the development of a deeper and warm connection with clients.

  8. How To Create A Virtual Roadmap on Instagram Stories

    Pick out cities that have strong presence on Instagram and will reshare your stories to their audiences. Step 2: Collect content of your selected destinations from their Instagram account. Be sure to look at their tagged posts as well. If you find influencer or UGC content while doing this, definitely save it to add in as well.

  9. 15 Fun Interactive Facebook Posts Ideas to Boost Engagement

    Here are a few of our top post ideas that can inspire you to create fun, interactive Facebook posts that'll drive engagement and thrill your audience. If you struggle to implement any of the ideas below, you can also decide to work with a qualified Facebook advertising agency. 1. Questions and Polls.

  10. Interactive Posts: 9 Proven Tactics to Get More Engagement ...

    In your own brand, hosting UGC events to spread awareness and get users to post is a super effective way to build social media momentum. 9. Use Fill-in-the-Blank Posts to Drive Engagement. Fill-in-the-blank posts are simple. You give a sentence with a blank to fill as a prompt, and followers comment their own answers.

  11. Travel Bloggers: How to Stand Out with Powerful Interactive Maps

    Too Many Travel Bloggers' Interactive Maps are Not Actually Fully Interactive. ... Finally, as a travel blogger, you shouldn't plot just your blog posts on the interactive map. Geotag photo albums, videos, social media posts, guides, fun activities, scenic drives, and much more. Don't be afraid to make multiple maps, either.

  12. 7 Travel Content Marketing Examples to Inspire You in 2023

    Read on for some ideas and real-world examples of effective and eye-catching travel content marketing. 1. An inquisitive blog. The British Museum's blog is a sleek sneak peek at upcoming special exhibitions as well as a modern take on art history.

  13. 5 Quick Ways to Engage Your Audience with Interactive Posts

    5. Interactive eBooks. Your post will keep things short and sweet, but by drawing inspiration from an ebook format, you can provide your audience with a lot of information in a small space. One thing ebooks do exceptionally well is organizing their information, dividing it into units or chapters.

  14. 12 Ready-To-Use Ideas for Interactive Facebook Posts + examples

    You know, whatever works, as they say. Here's an example from Wendy's, who, by the way, have a very specific way of engaging people on their social media channels - and one that definitely works for them. Wendy's "fill in the blank" post on Facebook (and its 4k comments) 6. Do a poll.

  15. 11 Types of Interactive Posts That Generate Engagement

    Data Visualizations. Instead of posting boring pie charts and bar graphs, consider generating data visualizations. Data visualizations combine color and interesting graphics as a way to provide lots of useful information that appeals to the eye. Data visualizations can also make complicated content easier to digest.

  16. Engaging and Interactive Travel Posts to Inspire Your Wanderlust

    Explore interactive travel posts that will ignite your wanderlust and take your travel planning to the next level. Discover unique destinations, insider tips, and captivating stories that will make your next trip unforgettable.

  17. 25 Interactive travel posts ideas

    Oct 22, 2020 - Explore Tracy Hudson's board "interactive travel posts" on Pinterest. See more ideas about interactive posts, facebook engagement posts, interactive facebook posts. Pinterest. Explore. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. Touch device users can explore by touch or ...

  18. Interactive Instagram Polls and Questions for Travel Lovers

    Creating curiosity about your travel posts is an effective means to keep your audience hooked. One way of achieving this objective is through polls and questions on Instagram Stories. An interactive poll allows your audience to participate by making a choice. If their guess is correct, they are left with a feeling of satisfaction.

  19. How to Make an Interactive Map on WordPress for Travel Blog

    First and foremost, you need to install and activate the WordPress Plugin Route Planner. Follow these steps: a. Log in to your WordPress admin panel. b. Navigate to the "Plugins" section. c. Click on "Add New.". d. In the search bar, type "WordPress Travel Route Plugin.".

  20. Tools for Creating Interactive Travel Maps

    Click2Map is a great platform for creating maps that serve a specific purpose or fulfill a particular need. Click2Map allows you to place built-in markers from their massive library to ensure your maps are more informative and interactive. You are also able to add lines and polygons to your maps to serve various purposes, such as marking out ...

  21. January Social Media Post Ideas + Done-For-You Content

    What to Post on Social Media in January. When planning out your content for the entire month, the first thing you want to do is open your favorite calendar tool and start building your content plan for the month. You could use Google Calendar, Asana, Trello, or an old-school paper calendar and a pen.

  22. Travel Agent Collective

    10,000+ Travel Advisors trained using our proven content strategy. Elevate your travel agency's social media game with Travel Agent Collective. Discover a unique all-in-one tool for effortless content creation and social media management. Join us and transform your business today!

  23. 290 Best TRAVEL AGENT Ideas in 2024

    Feb 27, 2024 - Explore Sumintra Leonese's board "TRAVEL AGENT Ideas", followed by 216 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about travel agent, travel, interactive posts.

  24. All Mars Resources

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery. About NASA's Mission. Join Us. Home. News & Events. Multimedia. NASA+. Missions.

  25. Interactive Graphic Novel 'Songs of Travel' Launches on May 9th for

    Causa Creations just announced that its previously revealed interactive graphic novel Songs of Travel will launch on iOS and Android for on May 9th. Songs of Travel tells the story of five ...