New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

Mar 14, 2022

by Jen Simmons & Jon Davis

Safari Web Extensions

Web inspector.

With over 70 additions to WebKit, Safari 15.4 is packed with new web technologies, updates, and fixes. We’ve assembled a huge release as part of our commitment to web developers, and the people who use the web. This is the first big WebKit release of 2022, and we’re just getting started.

Safari 15.4 is available for macOS Monterey 12.3, macOS Big Sur, macOS Catalina, iPadOS 15.4, and iOS 15.4. You can update to Safari 15.4 on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina by going to System Preferences → Software Update → More info, and choosing to update Safari.

Let’s start with HTML. WebKit added support for lazy-loading images with the loading attribute on the <img> element, providing web developers with an easy way to instruct the browser to defer loading certain images until the user scrolls near them.

After years of standardization debates over accessibility considerations and with a solution finally at hand, WebKit added support for the <dialog> element and ::backdrop pseudo-element. The <dialog> element provides a robust and powerful way to create overlays and modals.

The ::backdrop pseudo-element makes it possible to style the background underneath the modal.

This is a pretty dialog

You can learn all about using <dialog> and ::backdrop in Introducing the Dialog Element .

WebKit also added support for the global autofocus attribute allowing developers to indicate which element should be the one in focus when the page loads or when a <dialog> is displayed.

Features for CSS Architecture

Several additions to CSS in 2022 offer revolutionary new ways for web developers to architect their code, making it easier to reuse code, create design systems, and integrate with complex applications.

Landing in Safari first , WebKit added support for the :has() pseudo-class. This selector fulfills a long-expressed desire for a “parent selector” — a way to apply CSS rules conditionally based on the contents of an element — and goes even further with the possibilities it enables. It was long thought such a selector was not possible, but our team figured out a way to highly-optimize performance and deliver a flexible solution that does not slow the page.

WebKit added support for Cascade Layers — a powerful way to organize styles into layers where specificity is calculated independently inside each layer.

a diagram of cascade layers, showing how Author layers cascade

A web developer could create a “framework” layer and a “custom” layer — assigning all the CSS from a 3rd-party framework to the “framework” layer, and writing their own code in the “custom” layer. They could designate that everything in the custom layer should beat everything in the framework layer, no matter the specificity of the selectors used in each layer. Cascade Layers is arriving in all major browsers at about the same time and is included in Interop 2022 , ensuring this is a tool web developers can begin to seriously consider for the future.

WebKit also added support for CSS Containment — all four types: size, layout, style, and paint — with the contain property.

Solving Pain Points

Several more additions to CSS in WebKit introduce solutions to long-standing pain points.

Web developers often ask for a tool that would work similar to existing viewport units, but work better on mobile devices where the dimensions of the browser’s viewport change as a user scrolls the page. The new Viewport Units are that solution. 100svh refers to 100% of the height of the smallest possible viewport. 100lvh refers to 100% of the height of the largest possible viewport. And 100dvh refers to 100% of the dynamic viewport height — meaning the value will change as the user scrolls.

100svh measures the smallest viewport, top to bottom. 100lvh measures the largest viewport. 100dvh measures the dynamic viewport, changing as the user scrolls.

There are other new viewport units as well — svw , lvw , and dvw serve the same purpose for width. To cover the small, large, and dynamic versions of vmin and vmax, the svmin , svmax , lvmin , lvmax , dvmin , and dvmax units were implemented. To support logical dimensions, the new vi and vb are similar to existing Viewport Units, in the viewport inline and viewport block dimensions. And svi , svb , lvi , lvb , dvi , and dvb provide logical dimension units for the small, large, and dynamic versions of the inline and block dimensions. WebKit is happy to lead the pack, shipping these new units first and encouraging other browsers to do so through Interop 2022 .

WebKit added support for the :focus-visible pseudo-class to style the focus indicator only when the browser renders it. Learn more by reading The Focus-Indicated Pseudo-class :focus-visible .

To make native form controls more customizable, the accent-color property provides a way for web developers to alter the color of particular parts of the form control UI. Accent color is supported for <input type="checkbox"> , <input type="radio"> , <progress> , <select> , and text-input types with a <datalist> on macOS, iPadOS, and iOS. Additionally, on iPadOS and iOS, accent color is supported for <input type="range"> , <button> , and <input type="button"> .

WebKit fixed a bug with the interpolation between colors with alpha transparency — improving gradient support.

How a gradient looks before & after this fix. Without the fix, the color is muddy.

WebKit added support for calc() math functions including sin , cos , tan , e , pi , exp , log , atan , acos , asin , and atan2 .

Several new WebKit features in Safari 15.4 enrich what’s possible in typography on the web.

WebKit added support for the font-palette CSS property and @font-palette-values rule. The font-palette property provides a way for web developers to select one of several different pre-defined color palettes contained inside a color font — for example, to declare that a font’s dark color palette be used for the site’s dark mode design. The @font-palette-values rule provides a way for web developers to define their own custom color palette for recoloring color fonts.

four versions of a drop cap, in orange, purple, yellow, and black.

WebKit added support for text-decoration-skip-ink to control how underlines and overlines are rendered when they pass over glyph ascenders and descenders. WebKit previously supported this typography feature through text-decoration-skip , but since no other browsers yet support this short-hand, WebKit’s support of the long-hand will make it easier to turn off ink skipping for underlines and overlines.

WebKit added support the ic unit , useful when typesetting CJK scripts. Much like how the ch unit is equivalent to the width (or height, whichever is the inline direction) of the 0 glyph in a font, the ic unit is equivalent to inline direction length (width or height) of the “水” glyph in the element’s current font.

Retiring WebKit prefixes

In an ongoing effort to reduce dependency on prefixes, WebKit newly supports several CSS properties and values that were only previous available in an earlier form. The prefixed versions will still work, now aliased to the unprefixed versions. Safari 15.4 added support for:

  • appearance , including appearance: auto
  • mask , along with the long-hand forms mask-image , mask-size , mask-repeat-x , mask-repeat-y , mask-origin
  • backface-visibility
  • text-combine-upright
  • print-color-adjust
  • match-parent CSS value for the text-align property

WebKit also removed the non-standard CSS properties -webkit-border-fit , -webkit-margin-collapse , -webkit-margin-top-collapse , -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse , -webkit-margin-before-collapse , -webkit-margin-after-collapse , and -webkit-background-composite .

This release includes many upgrades to Web APIs in WebKit to help web developers deliver better user experiences.

New support for BroadcastChannel allows tabs, windows, iframes, and Workers from an origin to send messages to each other. This enables experiences like syncing login state for a site across multiple tabs.

Another new mechanism supported in WebKit is the Web Locks API to manage access to a resource as an asynchronous locking control from an origin in tabs, windows, iframes, and Workers.

Developers can also control scroll behavior for an element with either the CSS scroll-behavior property or the behavior option in window.scroll() , window.scrollTo() , and window.scrollBy() methods in JavaScript. This new support gives developers the ability to choose between instantly jumping to a position in the viewport or smoothly animating the scroll operation.

The ResizeObserver API has updated support for the ResizeObserverSize interface used by ResizeObserverEntry to help developers observe changes to an element’s box-sizing properties.

The addition of structuredClone(value) provides a utility that uses the structured clone algorithm to synchronously perform a deep copy to clone and transfer objects from the input value.

WebKit support of the File System Access API with Origin Private File System first shipped in Safari 15.2. This release introduces the getFile() method in FileSystemFileHandle making it more convenient to read a file from the file system. Plus, WebKit updated WriteableStream to work with the File System Access API. For more information, read File System Access API with Origin Private File System .

New features and updates to JavaScript bring added convenience for developers. Handy new Array features make it nicer to search starting from the end of an array using the findLast() and findLastIndex() methods . These methods help developers avoid the typical approach requiring mutating the array with reverse() first.

There’s also support for the at() method to access an entry at a specified integer index, which notably includes support for using negative integers to start at the end of the array.

The new language utility Object.hasOwn() simplifies detecting when the object has a property itself, one that is not inherited or doesn’t exist.


As the standards process defines more Internationalization features, WebKit continues to add regular updates to its Intl implementation. This release includes identifying the supported values of local time zones, collations, calendars, numbering systems, and currency with the Intl Enumeration API .

Intl.Locale , updated to V2 , exposes new information that includes calendar-week data such as the first day of the week, text information like writing direction, and other region-dependent defaults such as calendars, 12- or 24-hour cycles, and numbering systems.

WebKit also updated Intl.DisplayNames to V2 , adding support for the calendar and dateTimeField names, and the languageDisplay option.

The selectRange() method added to Intl.PluralRules provides locale-correct pluralization for ranges (e.g. 0-1 items). The Intl.NumberFormat V3 update adds the formatRange() and formatRangeToParts() methods for formatting a number range using locale-aware conventions along with new useGrouping , roundingPriority , roundingIncrement , trailingZeroDisplay , and signDisplay options.

Finally, Intl.DateTimeFormat includes support for four new timeZoneName options: shortOffset , longOffset , shortGeneric , and longGeneric .

Web App Manifest and ServiceWorker received updates that improve the user experience for both websites in Safari and web apps saved to the home screen on iOS and iPadOS.

Web App Manifest improvements include ensuring the browser always fetches the manifest file during page load instead of when the user chooses to “Add to Home Screen” from the Share menu. This approach improves reliability, and also allows a manifest file to define the characteristics of a webpage in Safari.

In addition, declaring icons in a web app manifest file is now supported. Safari and iOS use manifest-declared icons when there is no apple-touch-icon defined in the HTML head, and when the manifest file code for declaring the icons either omits the "purpose" key or includes "purpose": "any" . Defining icons by using apple-touch-icon takes precedence over manifest-declared icons in order to provide consistent behavior for web apps that use this technique to define specific icons for iOS, distinct from other mobile platforms.

Developers can now enable Navigation Preload in ServiceWorker to improve load performance and avoid ServiceWorker startup delays that block network requests. There’s also new support for allowing users to download files generated by a ServiceWorker. WebKit also improved the reliability of using Fetch using FormData with a file going through ServiceWorker.

The WebRTC negotiation API is now fully aligned with the WebRTC 1.0 specification to support WebRTC perfect negotiation . It is an approach that solves potential synchronization issues that can happen during negotiation between two remote peers.

WebKit added support for in-band chapter tracks for audio and video. In-band text tracks provide captions or chapter marker information inside the container for the media itself, instead of being declared in HTML or injected with JavaScript. In-band caption tracks like CEA-608 were already supported. Now, in-band chapter tracks are also supported, where the “cue” represents the start time and title of a chapter.

WebKit added support for requestVideoFrameCallback() on <video> , which allows the caller to be notified when there’s a new video frame available for display, and also provides metadata about that frame.

Continuing our dedication to privacy, and to further our proposed web standard for measuring advertising in a privacy-preserving way, Safari 15.4 provides three updates to Private Click Measurement :

  • Added conversion fraud prevention via unlinkable tokens for triggering events on merchant websites.
  • Added support for same-site conversion pixels on merchant websites, to remove dependency on cross-site pixels.
  • Allowed measurement of links in nested, cross-site iframes on publisher websites.

WebKit in Safari 15.4 improves support for Content Security Policy Level 3 , providing enhanced security control over the loading of content, and helping web developers to mitigate risks of cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities. Blocked resource violation reporting for inline script, inline style and eval execution is updated to match web standards. New support for 'strict-dynamic' , 'unsafe-hashes' , and 'report-sample' source expressions give developers more flexibility. Developers can also safely include external JavaScript in their pages using new support for hash source expressions.

The release also removes support for the XSS Auditor, which has been superseded by modern cross-origin defenses like CSP and COEP.

Developers that use WKWebView, including third-party browsers on iOS and iPadOS, can make use of new WKPreferences for additional user experience control. Apps on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS can now control allowing or preventing web content from using the Fullscreen API . Another new preference allows enabling or disabling site-specific quirks, a set of site-specific behaviors designed to improve web compatibility.

On iPadOS, web content that uses Media Source Extensions now works in WKWebView.

In our ongoing commitment to a cross-browser interoperable model for extensions , Safari 15.4 includes additional support for Web Extensions, including support for manifest_version 3 and related API changes. New capabilities include:

  • service_worker background scripts as an alternative to non-persistent background pages.
  • Script and style injection via the browser.scripting APIs.
  • Dynamic and session rules via the browser.declarativeNetRequest APIs.
  • Webpage-to-extension messaging using externally_connectable:matches.

And several issues were resolved, including:

  • Limits are now enforced on the size and number of items in extension sync storage.
  • More directives are now allowed to be included in the content_security_policy of an extension’s manifest, such as the sandbox directive.
  • Special matching characters ( * , | , || , and ^ ) in urlFilter of declarativeNetRequest rules are now handled, instead of being treated as regex patterns.
  • Promise returns from runtime.onMessage listeners are now allowed for the message reply.

Updates to Web Inspector provide helpful new tools for working with CSS in the Styles panel, including intuitive support for Cascade Layers and the new @layer rulesets, making it easy to identify in which layer a rule is defined.

There are also new CSS Alignment controls when using align-content , align-items , align-self , justify-content , justify-items , or justify-self for Flexbox and Grid to visually identify and select an ideal value.

While adding new properties or values in the Styles panel, Web Inspector offers convenient auto-completion options. This release upgrades auto-completion to use fuzzy matching, making finding the right option even easier.

When working with CSS custom properties, or CSS variables as they’re more widely known, a common practice is to add them to a selector rule for :root or html . Unfortunately, this leads to a long list of inherited CSS variables for every element on the page. Web Inspector helps you handle this in a few ways. First, it hides unused inherited CSS variables automatically. Then, a button is available to reveal them all when you need to see them. You can also use the filter tools to search for the right CSS variable. Or, you can see all applicable CSS variables grouped by value type in the Computed panel, allowing you to collapse the groups that aren’t relevant to your task.

Learn more by reading Taming CSS Variables with Web Inspector .

We love hearing from you. Send a tweet to @webkit , @jensimmons or @jonathandavis to share your thoughts on this release. What technology from Safari 15.4 are you most excited about? What features or fixes do you want to see next? If you run into any issues, we welcome your feedback on the Safari UI or your WebKit bug report about web technology. Filing issues really does make a difference.

Download the latest Safari Technology Preview to stay at the forefront of the web platform and to use the latest Web Inspector features. You can also use the WebKit Feature Status page to watch for new information about the web features that interest you the most.

To see the full list of what’s in WebKit for Safari 15.4, including additional bug fixes, read the Safari 15.4 release notes .

These features were first released in Safari Technology Preview: 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 , 134 , 135 , 136 , 137 , 138 , and 139 .

Update to the latest version of Safari

If a Safari update is available for your device, you can get it by updating or upgrading macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS.

Get Safari updates for Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Vision Pro

The most up-to-date version of Safari is included with the latest version of the operating system for your Apple device.

To update Safari on Mac, update macOS .

To update Safari on iPhone or iPad, update iOS or iPadOS .

To update Safari on Apple Vision Pro, update visionOS .

Get Safari updates for Windows

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows or other PC operating systems. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows, released in 2010 and now outdated, was the last version made for Windows.

If a website says your browser is out of date

If a website says that Safari is out of date even though you're already using the latest version of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS, there could be an issue with the website. If you’re sure that you want to use the website, contact the website owner or developer for guidance about how to best use their website.

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Safari stops trackers in their tracks.

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Privacy Report

Safari makes it simple to see how your privacy is protected on all the websites you visit. Click Privacy Report in the Safari menu for a snapshot of cross-site trackers currently prevented from profiling you on the website you’re visiting. Or view a weekly Privacy Report to see how Safari protects you as you browse over time.

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Putting the you in url..

Safari is more customizable than ever. Organize your tabs into Tab Groups so it’s easy to go from one interest to the next. Set a custom background image and fine-tune your browser window with your favorite features — like Reading List, Favorites, iCloud Tabs, and Siri Suggestions. And third-party extensions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac let you do even more with Safari, so you can browse the way you want across all your devices.

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Safari Extensions add functionality to your browser to help you explore the web the way you want. Find and add your favorite extensions in the dedicated Safari category on the App Store.

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When you use Safari on multiple devices, your tabs carry over from one Apple device to another. So you can search, shop, work, or browse on your iPhone, then switch to your iPad or Mac and pick up right where you left off.

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iCloud Keychain securely stores your user names, passkeys, passwords, and credit card numbers and keeps them up to date on your trusted devices. So you can easily sign in to your favorite websites — as well as apps on iOS and iPadOS — and quickly make online purchases.

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Deep WebKit integration between Mac hardware and macOS allows Safari to deliver the fastest performance and the longest battery life of any browser on the platform, while supporting modern web standards for rich experiences in the browser. WebKit in macOS Sonoma includes optimizations that enable even richer browsing experiences, and give developers more control over styling and layout — allowing for more engaging content.

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Here's everything new in Safari on iOS 15.4 and macOS 12.3

Apple released macOS Monterey 12.3 and iOS 15.4 on Monday, both of which include the latest update for the Safari web browser, version 15.4. In addition to the usual changelogs for both operating systems, Apple has also published a blog post revealing all the changes in the latest WebKit engine update, which powers Safari on all platforms.

Safari 15.4 adds support for the <dialog> element and ::backdrop pseudo-element, which were also included in the recent Firefox 98 update . The features make it easier for sites to create dialog/popup boxes that fit in with the design of a page, with less custom JavaScript and HTML code. Other CSS features for web developers are now supported, including the new :has() pseudo-class, Cascade Layers, CSS Containment, new Viewport Units, and more calc() math functions. Those new additions will make web development easier, and more importantly, helps Safari catch up to Chrome and Chromium-based browsers (which in turn means fewer broken websites for people using Safari).

The Safari update has a few new Web APIs, too. BroadcastChannel is now supported, so tabs, windows, frames, and Service Workers from the same origin can all communicate to each other — a helpful feature for web applications running across multiple tabs and windows. New features are available for the File System Access API, which allows web apps to access local files and folders (with permission), and the Web Locks API has been added.

Apple isn't forcing the controversial change from Manifest V3

Apple added support for the WebExtensions API (essentially a clone of Chrome's extension API) last year, and Safari 15.4 has a few improvements to keep it aligned with changes in Chrome. Google rolled out the updated Manifest V3 API last year, with the release of Chrome 88, and Safari now supports everything in the new standard (such as Service Workers for background pages and new dynamic/session rules). However, Apple isn't forcing the controversial change from Manifest V3, which was the API change for network requests that limited the ability of some content/ad-blocking extensions. Apple might decide to follow Google's lead in the future, but for now, both the old and new network request APIs will be supported.

There are a few other changes in Safari 15.4, including updates to the Web Inspector, new font options, and much more. If you're a web developer, or just interested in the inner workings of Safari, I definitely recommend checking out the source link below.

Source: WebKit Blog , Apple

There's an all-new, super secure look for Safari 15 on macOS

First announced at WWDC 2021

Safari 15 on Big Sur

The new version of Apple 's web browser is now here for macOS running Catalina and Big Sur with the official release of Safari 15.

In testing since its unveiling at WWDC 2021 in June, Safari 15 has seen major changes this year, with design updates being rolled back and giving users the option to switch between the older or newer user interface.

While this version will start shipping with macOS 12 Monterey once a release date is confirmed, users running Catalina and later can update to Safari 15 and benefit from improved security features alongside the updated design.

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Safari 15 improvements

What’s immediately apparent is the new design that Safari 15 features, with tabs sitting beside the address bar, alongside the entire window adapting to the current web page’s color scheme, so you may see it turn entirely blue or red from time to time.

However you can revert to the previous design by going to Preferences > Tabs > Separate Layout, alongside making sure that the window doesn’t change color by unchecking ‘Show Color in tab bar’.

Under the hood, Safari 15 can switch to a HTTPS connection automatically when browsing, alongside better tracking protection, and a bunch of security updates .

You can update to Safari 15 by going to Software Update > Check for Updates and the new version will be available to download.

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Daryl Baxter

Daryl had been freelancing for 3 years before joining TechRadar, now reporting on everything software-related. In his spare time he's written a book, 'The Making of Tomb Raider', alongside podcasting and usually found playing games old and new on his PC and MacBook Pro. If you have a story about an updated app, one that's about to launch, or just anything Software-related, drop him a line.

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safari 15.4 download


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Everything in new in Safari 15 and how you can try it yourself right now

Andrew O'Hara's Avatar

Start page in Safari 15 for macOS

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Look and feel

Unlike years past where Apple has provided Safari with more under-the-hood changes, this year, the update is apparent with Safari taking on a fresh coat of paint. Visually, it looks cleaner and more compact than it did before.

Those changes all come to the redesigned unified search bar. Instead of splitting tabs into a top and bottom row, it is all crammed together into a single row. Tabs slide left to right, and when you select a tab, it becomes the combo URL/search box. By combining the active tab with the URL box, Apple has reduced the space requirements significantly.

Toolbar options for Safari 15

To help fit everything in, Apple employed a few other space-saving measures. Some buttons have been relocated behind an ellipsis in the URL box. You can tap the ellipsis for the share button, add to bookmarks/reading list option, and the reload button.

Moving the page reload button may cause some frustration, but it is still possible to use the keyboard shortcut CMD+R. That makes the button less critical, so hiding it behind the ellipsis will free up some much-needed space for most users. If you did routinely use the refresh button, Apple's repositioning is less than ideal.

Toolbar customization options for Safari 15

Fortunately, you can still customize the top bar. You can right-click the bar to bring up the customization option, and you can drag and drop the remaining toolbar items where you'd like them.

Safari's toolbar adjusting for AppleInsider (left), YouTube (center), and Apple (right)

Another neat feature of the toolbar is its ability to change color. When you visit different sites, the Safari toolbar will take on the color of any site you land on. When visiting AppleInsider, the toolbar takes on AppleInsider's dark blue. Visiting YouTube turns the bar white and visiting Apple's iPhone 12 Pro mini-site makes it black. This creates a more cohesive visual experience where the toolbar doesn't stand out.

Apple made a few modifications to the start page this year, most relating to syncing across your various devices. When you set your background for the start page, it can sync to any device you're signed in to with your Apple ID. Set it on your Mac and it will show on your iPad . This is a new toggle located within the settings icon in the lower-right corner of the start page.

That same menu has a toggle to display or hide iCloud tabs on the start page and a "Use Start Page on All Devices" option.

Tab Groups are arguably the most significant feature coming to Safari. The more we use them, the more we enjoy them. If you have a habit of opening a bunch of tabs at once, you likely will too.

Tab Groups in the toolbar

How it works is that you can group any tabs you have opened into different buckets. Create a group for your work tabs, create a group for relaxing, and create one with your financial or banking sites. Then you can jump between your groups as needed, keeping your toolbar clean and organized.

It can also help you focus if you don't have open tabs for Reddit or Twitter while you're trying to work and you don't have to see your work tabs while trying to kick back.

Redesigned Sidebar

You can jump between Tab Groups from the new toolbar option or do so from the redesigned sidebar. The sidebar used to be two tabs — one for bookmarks one for your reading list — but now it is a series of folders for both of those two categories as well as your Tab Groups.

A new Tab Group can be created on-demand at any time from that drop down in the toolbar. It can be an empty group or can be pre-populated with your current open tabs.

Quick Note integration

Creating a Quick Note

Quick Notes is another fantastic new feature that is coming to macOS Monterey as well as iPadOS 15 . It is a system-wide feature that allows you effortlessly create a note with contextually aware app links to make them even more useful. But Safari has its own specific ties to Quick Note.

The ellipsis in the toolbar features a button to generate a Quick Note. You can also create a Quick Note by highlighting a text block, right-clicking, and adding to a Quick Note.

A Quick Note returning

These are easy, and whenever you create a Quick Note with a link to a page, any time you revisit that page in Safari, your note will resurface in the lower-right corner.

Available in beta

The updated version of Safari will land this fall for most users, but you have a couple of options if you'd like to get an early look.

Developers can test macOS Monterey now, though this is strongly discouraged for non-developers and especially discouraged on your daily driver. Apple will be issuing a public beta in July, which is a better option for those eager to give it a try.

Safari Preview

Alternatively, Apple releases what it calls Safari Technology Previews. This is available now for users of macOS Big Sur. You can install Safari 15.0 on your Mac and it will install as a second app, alongside the existing public version of Safari. You can download the technology preview from Apple's mini site.

You will have both Safari 14 and Safari 15 Technology Preview on your Mac. You can test out the new features as much as you want, and if it gives you issues, switch back to the public build and remove the Technical Preview without having any risk.

Otherwise, sit back and be ready for a new Safari experience and much more coming soon.

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How to install the iOS 15.4 public beta

Test the new use face id with mask feature.

By Barbara Krasnoff and Cameron Faulkner

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safari 15.4 download

There have been some exciting features announced for the next version of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 15.4, including the ability to use Face ID with a mask and to access some snazzy new emoji. If you can’t wait, you can test them in the first available public beta right now — assuming you’re willing to risk encountering possible bugs. Here, we walk you through the steps for installing the software.

  • Apple might let you use Face ID with a mask in the next iOS update
  • The biting lip emoji coming in iOS 15.4 will instantly make conversations awkward

Before we get started, here’s the usual word of warning about installing unfinished beta software: these releases may seem stable for general use, but they could contain some bugs. Your experience may differ from others, depending on the apps you use. And finally, if you do decide to install, we suggest backing up your device’s data in case things go badly.

In addition, some of the new features may not be available, depending on what phone you’ve got. For example, according to 9to5Mac , you won’t be able to use the “Use Face ID with a Mask” feature unless you have an iPhone 12 or newer.

Finally, if you haven’t installed iOS 15 yet, keep in mind that these are the devices that are supported for that operating system:

  • iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone X, iPhone XR
  • iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus
  • iPhone SE (first and second generation)
  • iPod Touch (seventh generation)

How to install the iOS 15..4 beta 1

  • Head to Apple’s beta software portal from your phone’s Safari browser and agree to sign in with your Apple ID.
  • Under the “Get Started” subhead, select “Enroll your iOS device” if you haven’t enrolled it already.
  • Once you’ve enrolled, scroll down to a reminder to make sure that you’ve created a backup of your phone’s content in case you need to revert to a previous state.

Apple’s beta software portal will let you download the beta software.

  • Continue to scroll down until you find a button that says “Download profile,” then tap on it. This will bring up a warning that says the website is trying to download a configuration profile. Select “Allow.” You will get a pop-up window that says you can set the new profile from the Settings app.
  • Open the Settings app. A new section called “Profile Downloaded” should be added near the top. Select it, and you’ll have access to the beta software download.
  • Select “Install” on the top right corner. You’ll have to re-enter your password and agree to the usual very long consent statement by tapping “Install” one more time.
  • You may need to restart your phone for the profile to activate.
  • Congrats, you did it!

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How to install TrollStore on iOS 14.0-16.6.1 with TrollInstallerX

In case you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a new TrollStore installation method on the block called TrollInstallerX by iOS developer @alfiecg_dev , and it’s arguably one of the easiest ways to put TrollStore on your device aside from TrollHelperOTA.

TrollInstallerX UI redesign.

As promised, we’re here today to talk about how to use TrollInstallerX so that anyone who might be interested in trying this TrollStore installation method can get started with it at their earliest convenience. We’ll outline the process step-by-step, from start to finish.

What you need to know about TrollInstallerX

Before getting started with TrollInstallerX, you need to understand what it is, what it isn’t, and whether you should consider an alternative TrollStore installation method.

TrollInstallerX supports arm64 (iPhone X and older) and arm64e (iPhone XS and newer) devices running iOS & iPadOS versions 14.0-16.6.1. It also supports iOS & iPadOS 17.0 beta 1, beta 2, beta 3, and beta 4 on arm64 devices only. The iOS & iPadOS 17.0 public release is  not  supported.

TrollInstallerX exists because the developer wanted a method to install TrollStore on compatible devices without sacrificing a system app to do so, such as the Tips app. It does this by using the Kernel File Descriptor ( KFD ) kernel exploit and the dmaFail PPL bypass for devices that require the latter.

While TrollInstallerX can do this on many device and firmware combinations, there are a few exceptions on which you will still need to sacrifice a system app. We’ll outline that below:

  • Direct installation: Works on iOS & iPadOS 14.0-16.6.1 on arm64 devices and works on iOS & iPadOS 14.0-16.5.1 on arm64e devices — excluding A15, A16, and M2 devices on iOS & iPadOS 16.5.1. A8 devices are only supported on iOS & iPadOS 14.0-15.1 until further notice.
  • Indirect installation: Works on iOS & iPadOS 16.5.1-16.6.1 on arm64e devices due to the lack of a PPL bypass on iOS & iPadOS 16.6 and later. This is the o my method that works on A15, A16, and M2 devices on iOS & iPadOS 16.5.1.

Another thing we should note is that TrollInstallerX needs to be sideloaded with AltStore or Sideloadly before you can use it, which means using a computer. If you don’t have a computer, then TrollHelperOTA would be the better method for you because you can use TrollHelperOTA to install TrollStore on iOS 14.0-15.6.1 without a computer.

Once you’ve installed TrollStore on your device, you can choose to remove TrollInstallerX on your device or remove it. This is completely up to you.

Please note that TrollInstallerX will not jailbreak your device. After installing TrollStore, you may be able to use the Dopamine jailbreak or the Serotonin ‘semi-jailbreak’ to install jailbreak tweaks on your device.

TrollStore, the end product of using TrollInstallerX, is a perma-signing utility that lets you permanently install .ipa files on your iPhone similarly to sideloading, except that you won’t need to re-sign those app(s) every seven days with an Apple ID . It does this with a powerful CoreTrust bug.

If you’re ready to use TrollInstallerX to install TrollStore on your iPhone or iPad, then you can follow the steps below to get started.

Installing TrollStore with TrollInstallerX

To install TrollStore 2 with TrollInstallerX, you will need to follow the steps outlined below:

1) Download and install Sideloadly if you don’t already have it.

Note: You can also use AltStore if you’re more comfortable with that over Sideloadly, but we’ll be using Sideloadly for the purposes of this tutorial since it has less setup.

2) Launch Sideloadly .

3) Connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac and be sure to “Trust” it via the prompts in Finder and on the device itself.

Note: You may not need to “trust” your iPhone or iPad if you regularly connect it to your Mac and have already trusted it previously.

4) Visit the following URL in your favorite web browser:

5) Click the latest .ipa file in the releases list to download it:

Download the latest TrollInstallerX IPA file.

6) Find the downloaded file and drag it into Sideloadly :

Drag TrollInstaller IPA file into Sideloadly.

7) Select your iPhone or iPad from the combo box in the Sideloadly window:

Enter Apple ID for using Sideloadly to install TrollInstallerX.

8) Enter your Apple ID in the Apple ID field.

9) Click the Start button.

10) Enter your Apple ID password when prompted to proceed:

Enter Apple ID password in Sideloadly and click OK.

Note: Your Apple ID is used to sign the app, so you are required to enter your password for authentication with Apple’s servers. You may make a burner Apple ID if you wish, but this isn’t necessary.

11) Click the OK button to move on.

Note: Once Sideloadly finishes, TrollInstallerX will be installed on oyur device. Don’t attempt to launch it just yet.

12) Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and navigate to General → VPN & Device Management and tap on your Apple ID :

Trust Apple ID after sideloading TrollInstallerX.

13) Tap the blue Trust button with your Apple ID email inside of it:

Trust this developer after sideloading TrollInstallerX.

14) Tap on the red Trust button in the subsequent pop-up to confirm.

15) Launch the TrollInstallerX app:

Launch the TrollInstallerX app.

16) If you get the prompt recommending TrollHelperOTA, but you prefer to use TrollInstallerX, then tap anywhere outside of the prompt to dismiss it :

Tap outside of TrollHelperOTA prompt.

17) In the next prompt, tap on the Unsandbox button :

Tap the Unsandbox button in TrollInstallerX.

18) Tap OK in the unsandboxing prompt that appears next:

Tap OK button in unsandboxing prompt.

19) Tap the Install TrollStore button :

Install TrollStore button in TrollInstallerX.

20) When prompted about a Persistence Helper, choose an app to load it into (such as Tips) or scroll all the way down and choose No Persistence Helper if you are using the direct installation method:

TrollInstallerX No Persistence Helper.

21) TrollInstallerX walks you through the entire install process as it works behind the scenes:

TrollStore installed successfully with TrollInstallerX.

21) When finished, launch TrollStore from your Home Screen:

TrollStore launch from Home Screen.

Enjoy TrollStore and perma-signing capabilities!

TrollInstallerX is the latest and most streamlined way to install TrollStore on iPhones and iPads, in many cases without sacrificing one of your device’s system apps to do so as has been required with previous installation methods.

Here are some other TrollStore installation methods, just in case you wanted to compare them:

  • How to install TrollStore on iOS 14.0-15.6.1
  • How to install TrollStore on A12+ devices on iOS 16.0-16.6.1 with TrollStar
  • How to install TrollStore on iOS 14.0-15.8.1 with TrollMisaka

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Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 144 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview , the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari.

Safari Technology Preview Feature

The current ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ release is built on the Safari 15.4 update and it includes Safari 15 features introduced in macOS Monterey.

The ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ update is available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences to anyone who has downloaded the browser . Full release notes for the update are available on the Safari Technology Preview website .

Apple's aim with ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development process. ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ can run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while designed for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

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Top Rated Comments

brunerd Avatar

I used to think Safari was so good. Everyday I use it something goes wrong that works perfectly in Chrome or Firefox. Safari is terribly unreliable

miniyou64 Avatar

I know it’s probably niche but please fix the memory issues when watching Twitch. Literally eats GB’s of memory.

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  1. How to Download Safari 15 on macOS Big Sur and Catalina

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  2. Safari 15.4 Release Notes

    Safari 15.4 ships with the iOS and iPadOS 15.4 and macOS 12.3. General Known Issues. Safari 15.4 in macOS Catalina running on an iMac (Late 2012 or 2013) with a NVIDIA GPU may experience multiple sites that fail to load or continuously refresh after loading. (88177392) CSS New Features. Added :: backdrop pseudo-element support.

  3. About the security content of Safari 15.4

    Safari 15.4. Description: A user interface issue was addressed. Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved state management. Description: A use after free issue was addressed with improved memory management. Description: A buffer overflow issue was addressed with improved memory handling.

  4. Safari 15 Release Notes

    Redesigned the Safari user interface in macOS 12, iOS and iPadOS 15, along with adding Tab Groups and customization sync. Authentication and Passwords New Features. Added support for Verification Codes to the iCloud Keychain Password Manager. To use verification codes with Safari and Autofill:

  5. New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

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  9. There's an all-new, super secure look for Safari 15 on macOS

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  13. Everything in new in Safari 15 and how you can try it yourself right

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  18. Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 145 With Bug Fixes and

    Wednesday May 11, 2022 1:29 pm PDT by Juli Clover. Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed ...

  19. Apple Released Safari 15.4! New Features, Improvements ...

    This video is about Safari 15.4. This version came pre-installed for macOS Monterey 12.3 and iOS 15.4. Safari 15.4 is here for macOS Big Sur and macOS Catali...

  20. Safari 15.6 Release Notes

    Overview. Safari 15.6 ships with the iOS & iPadOS 15.6 and macOS 12.5. CSS New Features. Added support for : modal CSS pseudo-class.. Resolved Issues. Fixed object-fit causing iframe contents to shift.. Fixed inert behavior to apply to :: after, :: before, and :: marker pseudo-elements.. Fixed : focus-visible matching a mouse click after a second element.focus() call. ...

  21. How to install TrollStore on iOS 14.0-16.6.1 with TrollInstallerX

    15) Launch the TrollInstallerX app: 16) If you get the prompt recommending TrollHelperOTA, but you prefer to use TrollInstallerX, then tap anywhere outside of the prompt to dismiss it: 17) In the next prompt, tap on the Unsandbox button: 18) Tap OK in the unsandboxing prompt that appears next: 19) Tap the Install TrollStore button:

  22. Safari Release Notes

    Safari is a web browser app and web technology platform available on iOS and macOS. It's built on WebKit, a fast, open-source web rendering engine that implements web standards. Safari includes Apple web innovations such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Reader mode, Safari App Extensions, and Web Inspector.

  23. Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 144 With Bug Fixes and

    Monday May 2, 2022 1:20 pm PDT by Juli Clover. Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ...