Brazilian wandering spiders: Bites & other facts

The spider's name means "murderess" in Greek, which is appropriate for the deadly arachnid.

A closeup-photo of a Brazilian wandering spider, with orange head and black and white-striped legs


Size & characteristics, bites and venom, additional resources.

The Brazilian wandering spider, also called armed spiders or banana spiders, belongs to the genus Phoneutria , which means "murderess" in Greek. And it's no wonder why — it's one of the most venomous spiders on Earth . Its bite, which delivers neurotoxic venom, can be deadly to humans, especially children, although antivenom makes death unlikely.

Guinness World Records has previously named the Brazilian wandering spider the world's most venomous spider multiple times (though the current record-holder is the Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus , according to Guinness ). But, as the late Jo-Anne Sewlal, who was an arachnologist at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, told Live Science, "classifying an animal as deadly is controversial," as the amount of damage depends on the amount of venom injected. 

Jo-Anne Sewlal was a noted arachnologist from Trinidad and Tobago. While completing her PhD, she received the National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST) 2012 Award for Excellence in Science and Technology for Junior Scientist. In 2013, She received a doctorate in zoology from the University of the West Indies. She discovered several species of spiders in her home country, surveyed the arachnids across several countries the Caribbean and appeared as an expert on the topic on The Science Channel. She died of an allergic reaction in January 2020.

There are nine species of Brazilian wandering spider, all of which are nocturnal and can be found in Brazil. Some species also can be found throughout Central and South America, from Costa Rica to Argentina, according to a 2008 article in the journal American Entomologist . Study author Richard S. Vetter, a research associate in the department of entomology at the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, wrote that specimens of these powerful arachnids have been mistakenly exported to North America and Europe in banana shipments. However, Vetter noted, in many cases of cargo infestation, the spider in question is a harmless banana spider (genus Cupiennius ) that is misidentified as a Phoneutria . The two types of spiders look similar.

The taxonomy of Brazilian wandering spiders, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) , is:

Kingdom : Animalia Subkingdom : Bilateria Infrakingdom : Protostomia Superphylum : Ecdysozoa Phylum : Arthropoda Subphylum : Chelicerata Class : Arachnida Order : Araneae Family : Ctenidae Genus : Phoneutria  

  • Phoneutria bahiensis
  • Phoneutria boliviensis
  • Phoneutria eickstedtae
  • Phoneutria fera
  • Phoneutria keyserlingi
  • Phoneutria nigriventer
  • Phoneutria pertyi
  • Phoneutria reidyi
  • Phoneutria depilata , according to a 2021 study published in the journal ZooKeys , which found that Phoneutria boliviensis actually included two separate species from different habitats. 

Brazilian wandering spiders are large, with bodies reaching up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) and a leg span of up to 7 inches (18 cm), according to the Natural History Museum in Karlsruhe, Germany. The species vary in color, though all are hairy and mostly brown and gray, although some species have lightly colored spots on their abdomen. Many species have bands of black and yellow or white on the underside of the two front legs, according to the University of Florida . 

A beige Brazilian wandering spider crawls toward a green leaf on a forest floor

These arachnids "are called wandering spiders because they do not build webs but wander on the forest floor at night, actively hunting prey," Sewlal told Live Science in an interview conducted in 2014, before her death. They kill by both ambush and direct attack.

They spend most of their day hiding under logs or in crevices, and come out to hunt at night. They eat insects, other spiders and sometimes, small amphibians, reptiles and mice. 

Research into one species of Brazilian wandering spider, Phoneutria boliviensis , revealed that these spiders eat a mix of arthropods and reptiles. DNA metabarcoding, a technique that examines the DNA and RNA in a sample, of the guts of 57 spiders identified 96 prey species, including flies, beetles, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, locusts and crickets, according to research from the University of Tolima and the University of Ibagué in Colombia . Some of the female spiders also ate lizards and snakes.

While their bites are powerful and painful, "their bites are a means of self-defense and only done if they are provoked intentionally or by accident," Sewlal said.

A gray brazilian wandering spider sits on a green leaf over a large white egg

In the Brazilian wandering spider, just as in most spider species, the female is larger than the male. Males approach females cautiously when attempting to mate, according to the biology department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse . Males perform a dance to get females' attention, and males often fight each other over the female. The female can be picky, and she often turns down many males before choosing a mating partner. Once she does pick one, the male needs to watch out; females often attack the males once copulation is finished.

The female then can store the sperm in a separate chamber from the eggs until she is ready to fertilize them. She will lay up to 1,000 eggs at a time, which are kept safe in a spun-silk egg sac.

Brazilian wandering spiders typically live for one or two years.

Brazilian wandering spiders' venom is a complex cocktail of toxins, proteins and peptides, according to the Natural History Museum in Karlsruhe, Germany. The venom affects ion channels and chemical receptors in victims' neuromuscular systems.

After a human is bitten by one of these spiders, he or she may experience initial symptoms such as severe burning pain at the site of the bite, sweating and goosebumps, Sewlal said. Within 30 minutes, symptoms become systemic and include high or low blood pressure , fast or a slow heart rate , nausea, abdominal cramping, hypothermia, vertigo, blurred vision, convulsions and excessive sweating associated with shock. People who are bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider should seek medical attention immediately.

Their  venom is perhaps most famous for triggering painful and long-lasting erections . For that reason, in a 2023 study, scientists reported that they were testing the venom in humans as a potential treatment for erectile dysfunction in those for whom Viagra didn't work.

However, these bites are rare, and envenomations, or exposure to these toxins from a spider bite, are usually mild, Vetter said. For instance, a 2000 study in the journal Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo found that only 2.3% of people with bites who came to a Brazilian hospital over a 13-year period were treated with antivenom. (The other bites did not contain enough venom to require it.) Most of the bites were from the species P. nigriventer and P. keyserlingi in eastern coastal Brazil. About 4,000 bites reportedly happen each year in Brazil, but only 0.5% of those cases are severe, according to a 2018 study in the journal Clinical Toxinology in Australia, Europe, and Americas . Meanwhile, 15 deaths have been attributed to Phoneutria in Brazil since 1903, the 2018 study reported. 

"It is unlikely that the spider would inject all of its venom into you, as this venom is not only needed as a means of defense but to immobilize prey," Sewlal said. "So if it did inject all of its venom, it [would] have to wait until its body manufactured more before it could hunt." That would also leave the spider vulnerable to being attacked by predators.

Furthermore, Sewlal pointed out that venom production requires a lot of a spider's resources and time. "So if the spider were to attack frequently and use up all of its venom, it [would] be safe to assume that it has a ready food supply to replace the energy and resources used. This situation does not exist in the wild."

  • Learn more about Brazilian wandering spiders from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse .
  • Read about several species of Brazilian wandering spiders, including several images of the arachnids at the University of Florida .
  • Find a spider in your bananas? It may or may not be a deadly species, according to the University of California, Riverside .

This article was originally published on Nov. 20, 2014. 

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Jessie Szalay is a contributing writer to FSR Magazine. Prior to writing for Live Science, she was an editor at Living Social. She holds an MFA in nonfiction writing from George Mason University and a bachelor's degree in sociology from Kenyon College. 

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

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Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria fera) is an aggressive and highly venomous spider . It was first discovered in Brazil hence its name. However, this genus is known to exist elsewhere in South and Central America .

The Brazilian Wandering spider is a member of the Ctenidae family of wandering spiders.

The Brazilian Wandering spider appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for being the most venomous animal .

In this particular genus, there are five known similar species whose members are also highly venomous. They include some of the relatively few species of spiders that present a threat to human beings.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Characteristics

The Brazilian wandering spider can grow to have a leg span of up to 4 – 5 inches. They are large hairy spindly-looking spiders who have eight eyes, two of which are large. Brazilian wandering spiders are fast-moving spiders, their legs are strong and spiny and they have distinctive red jaws which they display when angered.

The Brazilian wandering spider is not a Tarantula . Brazilian wandering spiders are not even in the same family group. Tarantulas are harmless to humans and are mostly ambush killers who wait for prey to come to them. Brazilian wandering spiders are active hunters. Brazilian wandering spiders and Tarantulas do have one thing in common, however, they do not eat bananas.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Habitat and Spider Webs

The Brazilian Wandering spider is so-called because it wanders the jungle floor, rather than residing in a lair or maintaining a web. This is another reason it is considered so dangerous. In densely populated areas, the Brazilian Wandering spider will usually search for cover and dark places to hide during daytime, leading it to hide within houses, clothes, cars, boots, boxes and log piles. This usually causes accidents when people disturb them.

The Brazilian Wandering spider is also called the ‘banana spider’ as it is occasionally found within shipments of bananas. As a result, any large spider appearing in a bunch of bananas should be treated with due care.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Diet

Adult Brazilian Wandering spiders eat crickets, other large insects, small lizards and mice. Spiderlings of this species eat flightless fruit flies and pinhead crickets.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Reproduction

All spiders produce silk, a thin, strong protein strand extruded by the spider from spinnerets most commonly found on the end of the abdomen. Many species use it to trap insects in webs, although there are many species that hunt freely such as the Brazilian Wandering spider. Silk can be used to aid in climbing, form smooth walls for burrows, build egg sacs, wrap prey and temporarily hold sperm, among other applications.

Brazilian Wandering spiders reproduce by means of eggs, which are packed into silk bundles called egg sacs. The male spider must (in most cases) make a timely departure after mating to escape before the females normal predatory instincts return.

Mature male spiders have swollen bulbs on the end of their palps for this purpose and this is a useful way to identify whether the spider is male or female. Once the sperm is inside the female spider, she stores it in a chamber and only uses it during the egg-laying process, when the eggs come into contact with the male sperm for the first time and are fertilized. The Brazilian Wandering spiders life cycle is 1 – 2 years.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Venom

Bites from the Brazilian Wandering spider may result in only a couple of painful pinpricks to full-blown envenomed. In either case, people bitten by this spider or any Ctenid should seek immediate emergency treatment as the venom is possibly life threatening.

The Phoneutria fera and Phoneutria nigriventer (two species of wandering spider) are the two most commonly implicated as the most vicious and deadly of the Phoneutria spiders.

The Phoneutria not only has a potent neurotoxin, but is reported to have one of the most excruciatingly painful envenoms of all spiders due to its high concentration of serotonin. They have the most active venom of any living spiders.

One of their members, the Brazilian Huntsman, is thought to be the most venomous spider in the world. Brazilian wandering spiders are certainly dangerous and bite more people than any other spiders.

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Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts

Brazilian wandering spider profile.

There are more than 50,000 species of spider, and the vast majority are less dangerous than a honeybee. Almost none are aggressive, and of those with medically significant venom, only a small percentage are capable of causing death. So, on the whole, arachnophobes are just being a bit silly.

But there’s one spider that vindicates all of these fears, and few animals are as globally renowned to be a serious threat to human lives as the Brazilian Wandering Spider .

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are actually 9 species of spider in the same genus ‘Phoneutria’, one of which is found in Central America, with the rest in South America.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts

Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts Overview

These spiders are called wandering spiders because of instead of spinning a web to wait for food, or occupying a lair, they spend their night wandering in the leaf litter of the jungle floor for prey.

The sensitive hairs on its body help detect vibrations of passing prey, and it will feed on insects, lizards, frogs and any animals as large as itself.

During the day they will hide under logs, rocks, or inside termite mounds and banana plants. They will also sometimes wander into urban areas and homes, where they can come into contact with humans.

Brazilian wandering spiders are aggressive , dangerous and frightening. For once, this is an animal you should be wary of.

The females are larger, around 50% heavier than males, and produce more venom, and this might be a clue as to why their Greek name translates to “ Mudress” . These spiders will often stand and fight and have an intimidating threat display.

The potency of their venom is one of the reasons they’re so dangerous, and their ability to hide away in fruit and shoes explains why most bites are on extremities.

Interesting Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts

1. armed spiders.

In Brazilian, these are sometimes known as armed spiders, on account of their elongated front legs.

They can convey quite a bit of information with these legs, and as wandering spiders, use them to get about the forest, looking for food.

Brazilian Wandering Spider

2. Banana Spiders

They’re also sometimes called ‘banana spiders’ on account of their status as a stowaway on popular fruit imported from the tropics.

This is becoming less common as stricter regulations ensure there’s less contamination of fruits, but there’s always a chance your next bunch of bananas will have a family of these spiders living inside it.

3. They have the largest venom glands of any spider

Females produce more venom than males, but both sexes have enormous venom glands. These glands are even more impressive when you consider the size of the spider is significantly less than the largest around.

The venom glands of the Brazilian Wandering Spider are over a centimetre long, and this is all housed inside the bright red chelicerae (mouth parts) which they are quick to display whenever they get upset. 1

4. They’re aggressive

These spiders can grow quite large and have long, brightly-coloured legs. Unlike most spiders, they’re known to stand their ground when threatened and are far quicker to bite than many other species.

They’ll still try to scurry away where possible, and they’re not out to get anybody.

But where most other species will flee, the wandering spiders’ aggression does make it more likely to be involved in incidents.

Most bites are on fingers and toes, a sign that they’re being stepped on or grabbed inadvertently. When the spider feels cornered, it’ll rear up on its back legs and waves its colourful arms around as a warning.

Then it’ll sway side to side, beckoning you to have a go. Anything foolhardy enough to call this bluff gets a wealth of envenomation effects. 2 3

Brazilian Wandering Spider threat display with front legs raised

5. They give some men erections

There are ways to accomplish this with fewer side effects, but a bit from a Brazilian wandering spider does come with a certain Viagral quality.

This isn’t as fun as it might sound. Prolonged erections in this manner are likely to harm and destroy muscles and blood vessels in the penis and could cause irreparable damage.

Besides this, the assault on the central nervous system that comes with envenomation by this spider doesn’t sound worth it. 4

6. And some people die

This assault brings with it a whole host of unpleasant symptoms. Seizures, foaming at the mouth, inability to speak, collapse, and a host of other miserable experiences.

Paralysis is possible, as is cardiac shock. Blood vessels can burst in the brain, or anywhere else, and in many cases, this can be enough to kill a person.

This spider has one of the most potent venoms of all, and there are multiple legitimate records of death as a result of bites.

7. But they’re rarely fatal

While the Brazilian wandering spider is potentially one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, there is some evidence to suggest it gives a dry bite, defensively.

This means that despite exceptionally toxic venom, the amount actually injected is less than some of the other contenders, and this is what makes it typically less lethal than the Australian funnel webs.

These spiders are classified as Dangerous Wild Animals and would therefore require a special permit to keep. Bites from wandering spiders are common in South America, but antivenom is often readily available, and they rarely result in death.

In most cases, lethal bites are cases of a very young or very old victim, and few people of healthy age are killed. 5

Banana Spider

8. They do invade the UK sometimes

These unquestionably scary spiders show up in supermarkets in the UK on occasion, having hitched a ride on banana shipments.

On more than one occasion they’ve made their way into shoppers’ homes, but it doesn’t appear that there are any cases of them biting people as a result.

These spiders aren’t suited for temperate climates and don’t survive Winter, so there’s no risk of them multiplying.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Fact-File Summary

Scientific classification, fact sources & references.

  • PeerJ. (2017), “ Dimensions of venom gland of largest venom glands in all spiders ”, Bio Numbers.
  • Dave Clarke (2010), “ Venomous spider found in Waitrose shopping ‘beautiful but aggressive’” , The Guardian.
  • “ Phoneutria Perty (Arachnida: Araneae: Ctenidae) ”, UF-IFAS University of Florida
  • Kátia R.M. Leite (2012), “ Phoneutria nigriventer spider toxin Tx2-6 causes priapism and death: A histopathological investigation in mice ”, Science Direct.
  • “ Brazilian wandering spiders: Bites & other facts ”, Live Science.

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Brazilian Wandering Spider: Care, Food, Habitat & Preventions

Mike Wallace

Have you ever heard of or do you know what a  Brazilian wandering spider is ? It is a big venomous spider from places like Central and South America, and people sometimes call it the  banana spider . Why? Well, we are about to find out!

Table of Contents

These wandering spiders are aggressive hunters who go out on the hunt at night. Their meals include both invertebrates (like insects) and vertebrates (creatures with a backbone, like small animals).

These spiders are super dangerous because their venom is like a powerful potion that can make people really sick or even worse. They usually hang out in tropical rainforests and even in cities, hiding in banana plants. 

So, let’s get more information about the world of this sneaky spider to learn the details about its looks, eating habits, where it lives, the venom it carries, and find out if it is genuinely risky. Ready to explore? Keep reading!

Brazilian Wandering Spider Description:

Scientific name and family:.

In Brazil, they are sometimes known as “ armed spiders ” (armadeiras), and they share the name “ banana spiders ” with a few other spiders. They have different names, but they are all talking about the same interesting spider!

Brazilian Wandering-Spider sitting on hand Spiders-Planet

The Brazilian wandering spider, scientifically known as  Phoneutria , Maximilian Perty kickstarted the Phoneutria genus in 1833. The name comes from the Greek word φονεύτρια , which means “murderess” and falls under the Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda phylum, and Arachnida class.

Within Arachnida, it is classified in the order Araneae, infraorder Araneomorphae, and Ctenidae family. The genus Phoneutria, described by Perty in 1833, includes the type species  Phoneutria fera .

This classification helps us understand where these spiders fit into the larger picture of living organisms.

The following 9 species are accepted by The  World Spider Catalog :

  • Phoneutria bahiensis
  • Phoneutria boliviensis
  • Phoneutria eickstedtae
  • Phoneutria fera
  • Phoneutria keyserlingi
  • Phoneutria nigriventer
  • Phoneutria pertyi
  • Phoneutria reidyi
  • Phoneutria depilata

What do Brazilian Wandering Spider look like?

Size range:.

The spiders in the Phoneutria group can get pretty big in size. Their legs can stretch out to be 13 to 18 centimeters (5 to 7 inches) wide, and their bodies can have a range between 17 to 48 millimeters (a little more than half an inch to almost 2 inches) long.

The female Brazilian spiders can get pretty big, reaching up to 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) in length. On the other hand, the males are smaller, usually measuring around 7 centimeters (2.8 inches). They usually weigh up to 0.21 ounces.

They have long, slender legs, and even though some other spiders with different names might have longer legs, the Phoneutria spiders are champions when it comes to having the longest bodies and being the heaviest in their spider gang.

The spider’s body has two main parts. The first is the prosoma, kind of like its “head,” where you will find all eight legs, eyes, fangs (chelicera), and little multitasking arms (pedipalps).

The second part is the opisthosoma, holding the spinnerets for making silk, the back end opening (anal opening), “the lungs,” the heart, and the important bits for making baby spiders (reproductive organs).

So, the prosoma is like the front control center, and the opisthosoma is like the back office, handling things like silk-making and baby-making.

Brazilian spiders come in different colors, with most being hairy and shades of brown and gray. Some species may have lightly colored spots on their abdomen.

A distinctive feature of many species is the presence of bands of black and yellow or white on the underside of their two front legs.


To identify a spider from the Phoneutria group, look for a dense brush of fine hairs on their leg parts. They might seem like other spiders, especially  Cupiennius , but here is how you can differentiate: 

  • Phoneutria often have a dark line on the front of their palps and a thin black line on top of their head. 
  • Check underneath, too; their legs usually have dark parts and light joints. Sometimes, the belly has black dots or is reddish. 
  • Usually it has been observed that when they are upset, they do a cool defensive move like lifting their front legs high with a distinctive pattern. So, if you see a spider doing that dance, it is probably a Phoneutria!

Brazilian Wandering Spiders live all over the Americas, from Costa Rica to northern Argentina. They are like the residents of the jungle, chilling in forests east of the Andes in countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and the Guianas.

Some, like P. reidyi, P. boliviensis, and P. fera, love the Amazon rainforest, while others prefer the Atlantic Forest in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

They have also made themselves at home in the Cerrado savanna. But if you head to northeastern Brazil, they are not around. These spiders have even taken trips to Chile and Uruguay.

Why are they called Banana Spiders?

These spiders are linked with bananas. Richard S. Vetter, a researcher at the University of California, found that these powerful spiders sometimes end up in North America and Europe by accident, hitching a ride in banana shipments.

Banana Spider sitting on banana leaf - Spiders Planet

But it is often a case of mistaken identity. Only a few Phoneutria species have been found in banana shipments, and sometimes, other spiders get the blame due to misidentification. 

What They Like to Eat or Hunt?

Their food includes flies, beetles, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. Occasionally, they might even feast on small creatures like amphibians, reptiles, or mice. All these diet or food findings tell us about how diversified eating habits these fascinating spiders have.

Mating and Lifecycle:

Like most spiders, the female spiders are bigger than the males. When the male spider wants to be friends, they do a little dance (vibrating his pedipalps and specialized sensory appendages) to signal his intentions to impress the female, but it is a cautious approach.

The behavior of the female can be choosy, and she might say no to a few before picking the right one. 

After the dance, sometimes, the females decide to attack them, or if she is interested, she can store the male’s baby-making material in a special place until she is ready to use it.

Then, she lays a bunch of eggs, up to 1,000 at a time, and keeps them safe in a silk egg sac. Sadly, after laying her eggs, the mom spider says goodbye. It is her way of making sure the new spiders are ready to explore the world on their own.

The lifespan of the banana spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) differs for males and females. Females usually live for 6 to 8 weeks after reaching maturity, while males have a shorter lifespan of 2 to 3 weeks after their last molt. 

Certain mammals, like coatis (Procyonidae, which includes raccoons) and other small insectivores, birds are potential predators of large wandering spiders.

These spiders got their name as wandering spiders because of the fact that they are not into web building. Instead, they stroll around the forest floor at night(nocturnal), searching for dinner.

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are active hunters and use both ambush tactics and direct attacks to catch their prey. During the day, they prefer cozy spots like under logs or in crevices, only emerging at night for their hunting adventures. These spiders do not build nests like other spider species.

While wandering spiders are not naturally aggressive towards humans, they won’t hesitate to bite if they feel cornered or threatened. Most bites happen when a spider accidentally gets trapped in clothing or bedding. 

Bite and Venom:

The bite of the armed spider is the most dangerous in the world as the venom it carries can be harmful to humans.

The danger is not just about how strong the venom is; it is also about factors like the spider’s likelihood to bite and how close it is to where people live.

These spiders often hide in houses, clothes, and other dark places during the day, making accidental bites more likely. 

While their fangs are adapted for small prey, some experts think they might give a “dry” bite in defense to save venom. Studies suggest that not all bites inject venom, and serious cases requiring antivenom are rare.

However, there have been confirmed cases of death, with symptoms appearing quickly, including:

  • Severe pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • In severe cases, paralysis and death

The severity can depend on the spider’s sex, with females generally more dangerous. The spiders produce less venom in colder months, and a small amount can be potent enough to harm.

Fortunately, bites from Brazilian spiders are rare, and when they do occur, the exposure to the toxins is generally mild, as explained by Vetter.

Also Read: What is a Huntsman Spider? (Heteropodidae) – The Ultimate Guide

Banana Spider’s Facts:

Below are essential details about Brazilian wandering spiders:

  • They hold the title for the world’s largest spiders , boasting leg spans reaching up to 15 centimeters (6 inches).
  • Their venom packs a powerful punch, capable of inducing severe pain, paralysis, and, in extreme cases, fatal outcomes for humans.
  • Despite their intimidating reputation, they are generally non-aggressive and resort to biting only when provoked.
  • These spiders inhabit tropical rainforests and urban areas across Central and South America.
  • In case someone has been bitten by this spider, he/she needs quick medical treatment to control the effects timely.

Brazilian Wandering Spider sitting on wood -Spiders Planet

Treatment and Preventive Measures:

If bitten by a wandering spider or armed spiders, prompt medical attention is crucial. There is an antivenom for the spider’s venom, but its effectiveness is highest when administered within a few hours of the bite.

To prevent a bite:

  • Wear protective clothing, use shoes and long pants when in areas where these spiders are found.
  • Before wearing your clothes and shoes, make sure to check them to ensure no spiders are hiding.
  • Maintain cleanliness and avoid leaving food or garbage exposed, as this can attract spiders.

These preventive measures are essential for minimizing the risk of encountering and getting bitten by Banana spiders.

Can Brazilian spiders kill humans?

Brazilian wandering spiders (Phoneutria nigriventer) are venomous and can potentially kill a human with a single bite. Their venom contains a potent neurotoxin that can cause severe pain, paralysis, and even death. 

Are Brazilian spiders poisonous?

Yes the venom of this spider is poisonous, that can cause death. While Brazilian wandering spiders are potentially dangerous, actual bites are relatively rare.

By adopting preventive measures and promptly seeking medical attention if bitten, the risk of serious complications can be significantly reduced.

Can you keep Brazilian spiders as pets?

It is strongly advised against keeping wandering spiders as pets due to their venomous nature and the potential risk to human safety.

Managing these spiders in captivity demands specialized knowledge and handling procedures to minimize the risk of bites.

Final Thoughts:

The Brazilian wandering spider, banana spider, or armed spider is a large and venomous arachnid found in Central and South America. While their potent venom can be harmful to humans, encounters are rare.

These nocturnal hunters have adopted various habitats, from rainforests to urban areas, and are associated with banana shipments. Understanding their appearance, behavior, and habitat is crucial for minimizing risks.

Seeking immediate medical attention after a bite is essential, as antivenom is available but most effective when administered promptly. Despite their fearsome reputation, the Brazilian spider remains a captivating and potentially dangerous species.

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Brazilian Wandering Spider: Size, Bite, Diet and Other Facts 

Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is a venomous arachnid with a fearsome reputation. This South American rainforest dweller packs a powerful punch, but don’t let its nickname “banana spider” fool you – they’re active hunters, not web-spinners. Despite their size and venom, bites are uncommon as they’re typically shy.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider has garnered significant attention due to its potent venom, which makes it one of the world’s most venomous spiders. Understanding its biology and behavior is crucial for both scientific research and public safety.

Scientific classification

The Brazilian Wandering Spider belongs to the family Ctenidae within the order Araneae. Its scientific classification is as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Ctenidae
  • Genus: Phoneutria

The Brazilian Wandering Spider goes by various common names, including “armed spider,” “banana spider,” and “wandering spider.” Synonyms for this species may include Ctenus , which was formerly used for some Phoneutria species.

Distribution and habitat


  • South American:  Found throughout most of South America east of the Andes mountains, including countries like Brazil (their namesake), Argentina, Paraguay, and up into northern regions.
  • Central American Touch:  A few species even reach southern Central America.
  • Rainforest Dwellers:  Primarily found in the lush rainforests of South America.
  • Not Picky Places:  They can also adapt to other habitats like the Atlantic Forest and even some urban areas.
  • Daytime Hideouts:  While they wander at night, they seek shelter during the day in places like termite mounds, under rocks, or even (unintentionally) in bananas!

Physical Characteristics

 size and weight.

The Brazilian wandering spider is a creepy crawly giant. Their bodies can grow up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) long, but that’s not the scary part. Their legs can span a whopping 7 inches (18 cm), making them look even bigger. They are one of the biggest true spiders by body weight and size.

Despite their impressive leg span, Brazilian wandering spiders are relatively light. They only weigh around 6 grams, which is about the same as two pennies. While they might look imposing, they’re not the heaviest arachnids around.

Coloration and markings

These spiders exhibit a range of colors, including brown, black, and sometimes reddish hues. They often have distinctive markings on their bodies, which can vary between species. These markings may include stripes or patterns that serve as a key identification feature.

Notable features

One of the most notable features of the Brazilian Wandering Spider is its elongated, robust body and long, agile legs. They have sharp fangs, which they use to inject venom into their prey or in self-defense.

Sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism is evident in this species. Females are larger and bulkier than males, while males have longer, more slender legs. Additionally, males possess specialized structures known as pedipalps, which are used during mating.

In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into the behavior, venom, and ecological role of the Brazilian Wandering Spider, shedding light on why this species has both fascinated and instilled fear in those who encounter it.

 Behavior and Ecology

where does a brazilian wandering spider live

 Nocturnal habits

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are primarily nocturnal creatures. They are most active during the night, venturing out of their daytime hiding places to hunt for prey and engage in mating activities. Their nighttime activity allows them to avoid predators and reduce the risk of desiccation in the hot tropical sun.

Hunting and feeding behavior

These spiders are agile hunters and primarily feed on insects, small vertebrates, and other arachnids. They do not build webs to capture prey but instead rely on their excellent senses, including acute vision and touch, to locate and stalk their victims. They often wander in search of food and are known for their swift and lethal strikes. Once they subdue their prey, they inject venom to immobilize it before feeding.

Brazilian Wandering Spiders (Phoneutria) are active hunters and have distinctive feeding behaviors. Here’s an overview of their feeding habits:

  • Active Predators: Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not web-builders like many other spider species. Instead, they are active predators. They actively roam their environment in search of prey rather than waiting for insects to stumble into a web.
  • Hunting Strategy: When hunting, these spiders use their excellent senses, including acute vision and touch, to locate potential prey. They are known for their agility and speed, which they use to stalk and capture their victims. They have sharp fangs, which they use to deliver a venomous bite to immobilize their prey.
  • Diet: Their diet consists primarily of insects and other arthropods, but they are opportunistic feeders and may consume a variety of small creatures, including small vertebrates such as frogs and lizards when the opportunity arises.
  • Venom Use: Brazilian Wandering Spiders inject venom into their prey to immobilize and partially digest it. Their venom contains neurotoxins that affect the nervous system of their victims. Once the prey is incapacitated, the spider can feed on it at its leisure.
  • Feeding Process: After subduing their prey with a venomous bite, the spider uses its chelicerae (fangs) to break down the prey’s tissues. The venom also helps in predigestion, turning the prey’s insides into a semi-liquid form that the spider can ingest. They can consume both the internal fluids and solid parts of their prey.
  • Frequency of Feeding: The frequency of feeding can vary depending on factors such as the availability of prey and the spider’s size. Generally, they need to feed periodically to sustain their energy and growth. Spiderlings may require more frequent meals to support their rapid growth, while adults can go longer periods between meals.

Overall, the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s feeding strategy is well-suited for their active and wandering lifestyle, allowing them to efficiently capture and consume a variety of prey in their natural habitat.

Role in the ecosystem

The Brazilian Wandering Spider plays a vital role in controlling insect populations within its habitat. By preying on a variety of insects and other small creatures, they help maintain ecological balance. Additionally, their presence in the rainforest ecosystem contributes to the overall biodiversity and food web.

Mating and reproduction

Mating in Brazilian Wandering Spiders is a complex and potentially dangerous process. Male spiders must carefully approach and court a receptive female to avoid being mistaken for prey. They use specialized pedipalps to transfer sperm to the female’s reproductive organs. After successful mating, females lay egg sacs containing hundreds of eggs. They guard these sacs and ensure the survival of their offspring until they hatch.

 Lifespan and growth

The lifespan of Brazilian Wandering Spiders varies between males and females. Males generally have a shorter lifespan, typically living for a few months to a year after reaching maturity. Females, on the other hand, can live for several years. The growth of these spiders involves a series of molts, during which they shed their exoskeletons to accommodate their increasing size. Molting is a vulnerable period in their lives as their new exoskeleton is initially soft and requires time to harden.

Venom and Envenomation

Composition of venom.

The venom of Brazilian Wandering Spiders is a complex mixture of neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and other enzymes. One of the most significant components is a neurotoxin called PhTx3, which targets the nervous system of their prey.

Toxicity and effects on humans

The venom of these spiders is highly potent and can be lethal to their prey. In humans, envenomation can cause a range of symptoms, including intense pain, muscle cramps, fever, nausea, and in severe cases, paralysis and death. It’s important to note that while their venom is potent, actual fatalities from Brazilian Wandering Spider bites are rare due to the availability of medical treatment.

First aid and medical treatment

In the event of a Brazilian Wandering Spider bite, immediate medical attention is crucial. First aid measures may include cleaning the wound and applying ice to reduce pain and swelling. However, the primary treatment involves antivenom, which can counteract the effects of the spider’s venom.

Cases of envenomation and fatalities

Although fatalities from Brazilian Wandering Spider bites are uncommon, there have been documented cases of severe envenomation, especially in regions where medical treatment is not readily available. These spiders are generally non-aggressive and will bite humans only in self-defense when provoked, or if they feel cornered.

Understanding the behavior, ecology, and venomous nature of the Brazilian Wandering Spider is crucial for both scientific research and public awareness, helping to minimize the risk of envenomation and promote coexistence with this remarkable but potentially dangerous arachnid.

Brazilian wandering spider life cycle

The Brazilian wandering spider has a fascinating life cycle that revolves around hunting and motherhood. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Egg Haven:  After mating, the female lays hundreds, sometimes even a thousand, eggs in a silken sac. This becomes their protected nursery.
  • Tiny Terrors:  Hatching from the eggs emerge translucent spiderlings called larvae.
  • Nymph Stage:  The larvae molt a few times, transforming into nymphs. Think of them as mini-adults but without the ability to reproduce yet.
  • Shedding for Size:  As nymphs grow, they undergo multiple molts, shedding their outer shell to accommodate their larger bodies.
  • Ready to Roam:  After the final molt, the spider emerges as a full-fledged adult, complete with reproductive organs. Now, they can join the wandering lifestyle and continue the cycle.

The life cycle begins when a female Brazilian Wandering Spider lays her eggs. She typically creates an egg sac made of silk and deposits it in a concealed location, such as a tree hollow or leaf litter. Inside the sac, she may lay hundreds of eggs. The female guards the egg sac and ensures its protection until the spiderlings hatch. The duration of the egg stage varies depending on environmental conditions but generally lasts for a few weeks.

Spiderling Stage

After the incubation period, spiderlings (young spiders) emerge from the egg sac. They are extremely vulnerable at this stage and rely on their mother’s protection and guidance. Spiderlings are miniature versions of adult spiders but lack the full coloration and size. They disperse from the nest once they have molted and are capable of hunting on their own. During this stage, they grow rapidly by molting, shedding their exoskeletons to accommodate their increasing size.

Juvenile Stage

As spiderlings continue to molt and grow, they progress into the juvenile stage. During this phase, their coloration becomes more distinct, and they start to develop the characteristic features of adult Brazilian Wandering Spiders. They become increasingly independent and begin to exhibit hunting behaviors. The duration of the juvenile stage can vary but often lasts several months.

Sub-Adult Stage

The sub-adult stage is an intermediate phase between juvenile and adult. At this point, the spiders are closer in size and appearance to adults but have not yet reached sexual maturity. They continue to molt, with the frequency of molting gradually decreasing as they approach adulthood. Sub-adult spiders may exhibit more territorial behaviors as they compete for resources and prepare for eventual mating.

Adult Stage

Upon reaching sexual maturity, Brazilian Wandering Spiders enter the adult stage. This is when they are fully developed and capable of reproduction. Females are larger and bulkier than males, and males possess specialized structures called pedipalps, which they use during mating. Adult spiders engage in mating activities, and females lay eggs to continue the life cycle. Adult Brazilian Wandering Spiders can live for several years, with females typically having longer lifespans than males.

Understanding the life cycle of these spiders is essential for studying their behavior, reproductive biology, and population dynamics. It also provides insights into their adaptation strategies in the complex ecosystems of South and Central America.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Bite

Brazilian Wandering Spider Bites

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are known for their potent venom and, occasionally, their bites on humans. While bites are relatively rare due to the spider’s non-aggressive nature, understanding the consequences of a bite is crucial for public safety.

Studying Brazilian Wandering Spider bites is of great interest for several reasons. It helps healthcare professionals provide appropriate medical treatment, raises awareness among communities in spider habitats, and contributes to our understanding of venomous arachnid envenomations.

The venom of Brazilian Wandering Spiders is a complex mixture of neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and enzymes. It contains various components, including PhTx3, which is a potent neurotoxin affecting the nervous system.

Brazilian Wandering Spider bites can have a range of effects on the human body, including intense pain, muscle cramps, fever, nausea, and in severe cases, paralysis. The severity of the symptoms depends on factors such as the amount of venom injected and the individual’s sensitivity to the venom. There are several types of spider bites .

Symptoms of a Brazilian Wandering Spider Bite

Local symptoms

  • Intense pain
  • Itching or burning sensation
  • Formation of blisters or lesions

Systemic symptoms

  • Muscle cramps and spasms
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Respiratory distress

Severity and variations

The severity of Brazilian Wandering Spider bite symptoms can vary widely. In some cases, symptoms may be mild and resolve on their own, while in severe envenomations, life-threatening complications can occur. Individual reactions to the venom can also vary, making it challenging to predict the exact outcome of a bite.

First Aid and Immediate Response

Steps to take after a bite

Immediate response to a Brazilian Wandering Spider bite should include:

  • – Washing the bite area with soap and water.
  • – Applying a clean, cool compress to reduce pain and swelling.
  • – Immobilizing the affected limb or area.
  • – Keeping the bite victim calm to prevent an elevated heart rate.

Do’s and don’ts in case of a bite

  • – Seek medical attention promptly.
  • – Take note of the spider’s appearance (if possible) to aid identification.
  • – Keep the bite victim still and calm to reduce the spread of venom.
  • – Do not try to suck out venom or make incisions at the bite site.
  • – Avoid applying tourniquets.
  • – Don’t use ice directly on the skin as it can worsen tissue damage.

Seeking medical attention

Medical attention is essential after a Brazilian Wandering Spider bite, even if symptoms appear mild initially. Antivenom is available and can be administered to counteract the effects of the venom. Medical professionals can also manage symptoms and monitor for potential complications.

Complications and Long-Term Effects

Potential complications

Complications from Brazilian Wandering Spider bites can include:

  • – Severe muscle spasms
  • – Respiratory distress
  • – Cardiovascular issues
  • – Kidney failure (rare)
  • – Allergic reactions to antivenom

Long-term consequences

Long-term consequences of a bite can vary depending on the severity and medical treatment received. Some individuals may experience lingering pain, muscle weakness, or psychological trauma following a severe envenomation.

Recovery and rehabilitation

Recovery from a Brazilian Wandering Spider bite typically involves medical treatment, rehabilitation for muscle and nerve damage, and psychological support for individuals affected by the experience. Rehabilitation may include physical therapy to regain muscle strength and function. Prompt medical attention and appropriate care are crucial for minimizing long-term effects and complications.

Facts of Brazilian Wanding Spider

Here are 10 creepy crawly facts about the Brazilian Wandering Spider:

  • Big and Hairy:  These spiders are giants! Their bodies can grow up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) long, with a leg span of up to 7 inches (18 cm). They are covered in hairs, making them appear even bigger.
  • Wanderlust:  They are aptly named – Brazilian wandering spiders don’t spin webs. Instead, they wander the forest floor at night in search of prey.
  • Venomous Bite:  Their venom is considered one of the most potent among spiders. A bite can cause severe pain, swelling, sweating, nausea, and even priapism in males. Thankfully, bites are rare as they are typically shy and defensive.
  • Not So Fond of Bananas:  While sometimes called ‘banana spiders,’ they are not typically found in bananas. They might, however, take shelter in them during transport, which is how they might end up in a faraway land.
  • Rainforest Resident:  These spiders are native to the rainforests of South America, particularly in Brazil.
  • Fearsome Feasters:  They’re active hunters and will eat almost anything they can overpower, including insects, lizards, frogs, and even small rodents.
  • Mom’s the Word:  Female Brazilian wandering spiders are dedicated mothers. They lay hundreds of eggs in a silken sac and fiercely guard them until they hatch.
  • Multiple Molts:  Like all spiders, Brazilian wandering spiders grow through molting. They shed their exoskeleton multiple times as they grow into adults.
  • Mating Dance:  Male Brazilian wandering spiders perform a elaborate mating dance to attract a female.
  • Medicinal Potential:  Despite their scary reputation, the venom of the Brazilian wandering spider is being studied for its potential use in treating erectile dysfunction.

What happens if a Brazilian Wandering Spider bites a man?

A Brazilian Wandering Spider bite on a man can cause a range of symptoms, some severe:

  • Pain:  The bite is known for causing intense, localized pain at the site.
  • Autonomic effects:  Sweating, nausea, and increased heart rate are common.
  • Priapism:  In some cases, males may experience a prolonged and painful erection (priapism). This is due to a component in the venom.
  • Muscle paralysis:  Severe bites can lead to muscle paralysis, which can affect breathing in rare cases.

However, it’s important to remember:

  • Bites are uncommon as these spiders are typically shy and defensive.
  • Antivenom is available and effective in treating bites.

If bitten, seek medical attention immediately. Early treatment can help prevent complications and ensure a full recovery.

How poisonous is a Brazilian Wandering Spider?

Brazilian Wandering Spider packs a nasty venomous punch, considered one of the strongest among spiders. Bites are rare though, as they’re shy and prefer to escape trouble.

What is the world’s deadliest spider?

The term “deadliest” can be subjective and depends on how one defines it (e.g., based on venom potency or human fatalities). However, the Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) is often considered one of the most venomous spiders in the world. Another spider often mentioned in discussions of venom toxicity is the Sydney Funnel-web Spider (Atrax robustus and Atrax formosus), found in Australia. These spiders are known for their potent venom and have caused fatalities in the past.

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7 Facts About The Brazilian Wandering Spider Living in Florida has its perks—sunshine, beautiful beaches, and a tropical atmosphere. However, it also comes with its fair share of surprises. Recently, I had an unexpected visitor in my home that sent shivers down my spine—a Brazilian Wandering Spider. As I navigated through this unnerving encounter, I delved into understanding this intriguing arachnid and unearthed seven fascinating facts about the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Unexpected Visitor: Imagine my surprise when, living in sunny Florida, I found myself face to face with a Brazilian Wandering Spider. This eight-legged visitor wasn't your typical household spider—it was a creature straight out of a wildlife documentary. With a leg span that seemed to stretch for miles and those unmistakable red fangs, it was a sight that sent shivers down my spine. Intimidating Fangs: The first thing that caught my eye were those red chelicerae, poised and ready for action on its abdomen. It was like a warning sign that I had an unwelcome guest in my home. I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and agility of this arachnid as it gracefully moved along the walls of my living room. Venomous Trepidation: As I observed from a safe distance, the realization hit me—the Brazilian Wandering Spider is known for its venomous bite. The mere thought of those potent neurotoxins coursing through my veins was enough to send a chill down my spine. I quickly decided that this was not a creature to be dealt with lightly. No Webs, Just Wanderers: Unlike the common house spiders that spin intricate webs in corners, this spider was a wanderer. True to its name, the Brazilian Wandering Spider doesn't bother with the whole web-building routine. Instead, it actively roams around, and that's probably how it ended up in my living room in the first place. Aggressive Standoff: As I mustered the courage to guide it out of the house, I was met with an unexpected display of aggression. The spider raised its front legs, showcasing those fearsome fangs, and warned me not to underestimate its capabilities. It was a standoff between a curious human and a defensive arachnid. Out-of-Place in Florida: Living in Florida, encountering exotic wildlife isn't unheard of, but a Brazilian Wandering Spider was certainly unexpected. These creatures are native to the rainforests of South America, so how did one end up in my Sunshine State abode? The mystery behind their presence outside their natural habitat adds an extra layer of intrigue to the encounter. Maternal Instincts: As I cautiously observed the spider, I couldn't help but wonder about its life cycle. Learning that the females exhibit maternal care by creating silk sacs to protect their eggs was both surprising and fascinating. It added a touch of complexity to this creature that, moments ago, I saw as nothing more than a potential threat. My Personal Encounter It was a typical evening in my Florida home when I stumbled upon this eight-legged visitor. Startled, I cautiously observed its intricate movements as it traversed the walls of my living room. The distinctive red fangs immediately caught my attention, triggering a mix of fascination and concern. Unsure of how to handle the situation, I decided to document the encounter and seek professional assistance. Aggressive Defensive Posture When confronted, the Brazilian Wandering Spider doesn't shy away from displaying its aggressive defensive posture. My attempt to gently guide it out of the house was met with an intimidating display—raised front legs, exposing those red fangs, and a readiness to strike if I posed a threat. It was a reminder of the potential danger these spiders pose and the importance of handling them with care. Reproduction and Maternal Care One surprising fact about the Brazilian Wandering Spider is its unique approach to reproduction. The female constructs a silk sac to protect her eggs and carries it with her. Unlike many spider species, the mother doesn't abandon her eggs but actively guards and cares for them. Witnessing this maternal instinct adds a layer of complexity to the creature that goes beyond its fearsome reputation. Importance of Professional Assistance Given the potential dangers associated with the Brazilian Wandering Spider, seeking professional assistance is crucial when encountering one in your home. I promptly contacted local pest control services that specialize in handling venomous spiders. Their expertise ensured the spider was safely removed without posing a threat to me or my household. Conclusion Encountering a Brazilian Wandering Spider in my Florida home was undoubtedly an unexpected and nerve-wracking experience. However, it opened the door to a deeper understanding of these fascinating arachnids. From their distinctive appearance to the potent venom they carry, the Brazilian Wandering Spider remains a creature worthy of both caution and appreciation. As I bid farewell to my unexpected guest, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate world of nature that often finds its way into our daily lives, even in the most unexpected places.

7 Facts About The Brazilian Wandering Spider

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Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria fera) is a teardrop-shaped arachnid with a brown coloration. Known for its potent venom, it thrives in both the lush rainforests and human dwellings of Brazil. Its notorious wandering behavior makes it a significant presence in its habitats.

Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria fera)

Fascinating Facts about Brazilian Wandering Spider

Here are 3 interesting facts about Brazilian Wandering Spider:

  • The Brazilian Wandering Spider is considered the world's most venomous spider by the Guinness World Records.
  • They are known as 'wandering' spiders because they roam the jungle floor at night instead of residing in a lair or web.
  • Despite their notorious reputation, their bites rarely cause death in humans due to the small amount of venom they inject.

Taxonomy and Classification

Here is the scientific categorization of Brazilian Wandering Spider, providing a glimpse of their position in the biological hierarchy:

Lifecycle and Growth

Brazilian Wandering Spider's life is a journey of transformation - an adventure marked by the following captivating stages:

Egg → Spiderling → Adult

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, primarily found in the rainforest, exhibits a lifecycle that spans both wilderness and human habitats. From egg to adult, it navigates a complex path through dense foliage and human dwellings, adapting to these contrasting environments.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Behaviour and Adaptations

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are known for their nomadic behavior. Instead of building webs to catch prey, they actively hunt at night, using their highly developed senses, particularly vision, to locate and stalk their prey.

These arachnids have adapted to a wide range of habitats, from forests to urban areas. Their potent neurotoxic venom, one of the most powerful among spiders, allows them to incapacitate and consume a variety of prey.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Interaction with the Ecosystem

Now, let's look at how they help maintain the balance in the ecosystem:

  • Brazilian Wandering Spiders play a crucial role in controlling the population of their prey, which includes insects and small mammals.
  • They serve as a food source for larger animals, contributing to the food chain in their ecosystem.
  • Their venom, although dangerous to humans, is studied for medicinal purposes including treatments for erectile dysfunction and pain relief.

Threats to Brazilian Wandering Spider

Despite their popularity and predator status, Brazilian Wandering Spider encounter several threats as well:

  • Destruction of natural habitat due to deforestation
  • Increased usage of pesticides affecting their food chain
  • Climate change potentially disrupting their breeding patterns

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Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Brazilian Wandering Spider

where does a brazilian wandering spider live

Brazilian Wandering Spider , scientifically known as Phoneutria, emerges as a captivating enigma in the realm of arachnids.

Renowned for its formidable reputation as one of the world’s most venomous spiders , Phoneutria embodies a plethora of intriguing traits that have captured the curiosity of enthusiasts and researchers alike.

From its distinctive appearance and neurotoxic venom to its nomadic hunting strategies and unique mating behaviors , this remarkable spider species holds a wealth of fascinating secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the captivating world of the Brazilian Wandering Spider, shedding light on its captivating characteristics and dispelling myths that have shrouded its true nature.

1. Taxonomy and Distribution of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. scientific classification of phoneutria.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically referred to as Phoneutria, occupies a distinct place within the arachnid taxonomy.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Belonging to the family Ctenidae, this spider genus is further categorized into several species, each boasting unique traits and behaviors .

Phoneutria’s taxonomic position not only distinguishes it from its arachnid counterparts but also underscores its intriguing evolutionary journey.

B. Native Habitat in South and Central America

Endemic to the lush landscapes of South and Central America, the Brazilian Wandering Spider finds its natural haven within these diverse regions.

From the rainforests of the Amazon to the tropical stretches of the Caribbean, Phoneutria has adapted to a range of environments over the course of its evolution.

The spider’s ancestral ties to these regions are tightly woven into their behaviors , anatomy, and survival strategies.

C. Preference for Tropical Rainforests and Urban Areas

Within its native territories, the Brazilian Wandering Spider exhibits remarkable versatility in its chosen habitats.

While it thrives amidst the vibrant biodiversity of tropical rainforests, it has also displayed a propensity for urban locales.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Phoneutria’s adaptability has led it to establish a presence in urban areas, where it often finds shelter in crevices, gardens, and even human dwellings.

This adaptability to both wild and urban spaces further showcases the spider’s resilience and capacity to thrive in varying conditions.

2. Physical Characteristics of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. size, coloration, and distinctive markings.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider , a creature of remarkable visual intrigue, boasts an array of captivating physical attributes.

Ranging in size from a few centimeters to several inches, Phoneutria showcases a size diversity that reflects the breadth of its genus.

Its coloration varies across species, encompassing shades of brown, black, and gray, often accompanied by intricate patterns and markings that adorn its exoskeleton.

These unique markings serve not only as a visual spectacle but also as essential components of its survival toolkit.

B. Camouflage and Defense Mechanisms

The Brazilian Wandering Spider’s appearance is a masterpiece of evolution, meticulously crafted to ensure both survival and predation .

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Its coloration and markings are tailor-made for blending seamlessly into its surroundings, granting it a potent advantage in ambushing prey and evading predators . Moreover, these markings also play a role in its defense mechanisms.

When threatened, Phoneutria adopts a defensive posture, raising its front legs and revealing its striking markings, a visual warning to potential threats. This dual-purpose camouflage and defense strategy exemplify nature’s ingenuity at its finest.

C. Sexual Dimorphism: Unveiling Gender Differences

A fascinating facet of the Brazilian Wandering Spider lies in the realm of sexual dimorphism , where gender-based variations manifest in pronounced ways.

Females tend to be larger and more robust than their male counterparts, showcasing a size disparity that has evolved in tandem with their roles in reproduction and hunting .

Beyond size, other characteristics, such as leg structure and coloration, also exhibit subtle differences between male and female Phoneutria specimens.

This divergence in physical traits adds depth to our understanding of the species’ intricate biology and behavior .

In exploring the physical characteristics of the Brazilian Wandering Spider , we uncover a canvas painted with size diversity, intricate coloration, and unique markings.

These features, finely tuned by evolution, contribute to its prowess in camouflage and defense, while the fascinating interplay of sexual dimorphism further enriches our perception of this captivating arachnid species .

3. Venomous Nature of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. potent neurotoxic venom: a silent lethal weapon.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, known scientifically as Phoneutria, harbors a venomous arsenal that stands as a testament to nature’s intricate design.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

This spider’s venom contains a potent concoction of neurotoxic compounds, tailored by evolution to incapacitate its prey swiftly and efficiently.

The neurotoxins interfere with nerve cell communication, leading to paralysis and ensuring that Phoneutria’s quarry is rendered immobile and defenseless, setting the stage for a successful meal.

B. Effects on Prey and Human Hazard

When a victim succumbs to the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s venom , the effects are a symphony of paralysis and predation .

The venom’s impact on the prey’s nervous system results in swift immobilization, offering the spider a decisive advantage in subduing its catch.

While this venomous efficiency is well-adapted for predation, it also underscores the potential danger to humans.

A bite from Phoneutria can lead to a series of neurotoxic reactions, with varying degrees of severity depending on factors such as the individual’s age and overall health.

While human envenomations are relatively rare, they can result in a range of symptoms, from localized pain and swelling to more severe neurological effects.

C. Recorded Cases of Envenomations: Unraveling the Symptoms

Throughout history, documented cases of Phoneutria envenomations have offered insights into the spider’s potential threat to humans .

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

Symptoms typically include intense pain at the bite site, accompanied by swelling and redness . In some instances, victims have reported systemic reactions, such as muscle cramps, elevated heart rate, and even breathing difficulties.

Swift medical attention and the administration of antivenom have proven effective in mitigating the severity of these symptoms.

These cases serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s potent venom and the potential risks it poses to those who unwittingly encounter it.

4. Hunting and Diet of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. hunting techniques and wandering behavior.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically known as Phoneutria, unveils a mesmerizing repertoire of hunting techniques that set it apart as a master predator .

Displaying an agile and nomadic behavior , Phoneutria does not confine itself to the confines of a web. Instead, it actively prowls its surroundings, tirelessly searching for potential prey.

This dynamic wandering behavior ensures that its chances of encountering a variety of food sources are maximized, showcasing a strategic approach to sustenance.

B. Active Hunting Triumphs Over Web-Building

Unlike its web-weaving counterparts, the Brazilian Wandering Spider relies on a more hands-on approach to securing its next meal.

While weaving webs might seem an efficient method, Phoneutria’s active hunting strategy offers a distinct advantage in versatility.

By forgoing the constraints of a stationary web, it can tailor its approach to suit different environments and prey types, adapting its tactics on the fly.

This adaptability demonstrates the spider’s remarkable ability to adjust its methods for optimal results.

C. Diverse Prey Spectrum: Insects to Small Vertebrates

Phoneutria’s diet is a testament to its prowess as an opportunistic predator . Its menu spans a diverse range of creatures, from insects like crickets and cockroaches to small vertebrates such as lizards and frogs , and even small rodents.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

This wide-ranging palate highlights its ecological significance in controlling various populations within its habitat.

By consuming creatures both large and small, Phoneutria ensures a balanced ecosystem, playing a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ecological equilibrium.

5. Mating and Reproduction of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. courtship rituals and behaviors: a complex affair.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically referred to as Phoneutria, reveals a captivating array of courtship rituals and behaviors that form the cornerstone of its reproductive cycle.

Courtship among these arachnids is a complex affair, involving intricate dances and displays that serve as both communication and assessment.

Male Phoneutria employs a combination of visual cues, vibrations, and tactile interactions to court potential mates.

This elaborate courtship process highlights the significance of precise communication in the delicate dance of reproduction .

B. Cannibalistic Tendencies: A Post-Mating Phenomenon

An aspect that sets Phoneutria’s mating process apart is the notorious cannibalistic tendency exhibited by females after mating.

Following successful mating, females may exhibit an inclination to consume their partners. This seemingly counterintuitive behavior has evolutionary underpinnings.

It is believed that this cannibalistic act not only provides the female with a much-needed nutritional boost but also eliminates potential competitors and safeguards the male’s investment in the next generation.

This intriguing behavior sheds light on the complexities of reproductive strategies within the species.

C. The Unique Mating Plug Phenomenon: A Puzzling Enigma

A distinctive feature in Phoneutria’s reproductive saga is the enigmatic mating plug phenomenon. After mating, male Phoneutria deposit a specialized substance that forms a plug within the female’s reproductive tract.

This plug is believed to serve multiple purposes. It may prevent other males from mating with the female, thus ensuring the successful transmission of the mating male’s genetic material.

Additionally, it might aid in sealing off the female’s reproductive tract, potentially protecting her from external pathogens.

This phenomenon underscores the intricate interplay of biological strategies that contribute to the species’ reproductive success.

6. Human Interaction and Urban Legends of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. occasional presence in urban areas: nature in our midst.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically known as Phoneutria, has carved a niche for itself not only in the wild but also in the fabric of urban environments.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

While its primary habitats are the lush landscapes of South and Central America, Phoneutria occasionally ventures into human -inhabited spaces. Its adaptability allows it to find shelter in gardens, crevices, and even within homes.

This coexistence with humans adds an intriguing dimension to our encounters with this enigmatic arachnid .

B. Debunking Misconceptions: Separating Fact from Fiction

The presence of the Brazilian Wandering Spider has sparked a plethora of misconceptions and exaggerated tales, contributing to the creation of urban legends.

Stories of spiders leaping from banana bunches or hiding under toilet seats have become part of modern folklore, often fueled by sensationalism.

It’s crucial to sift through these tales and recognize that while Phoneutria’s venom is potent, the likelihood of encountering a dangerous encounter is relatively low.

Separating fact from fiction empowers individuals to approach these creatures with accurate knowledge.

C. Importance of Proper Education: Identifying Friend from Foe

Education plays a pivotal role in fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and the Brazilian Wandering Spider .

Learning to identify and understand the behaviors of Phoneutria species enhances safety for both humans and the spiders themselves.

Instead of succumbing to unwarranted fear, individuals can take steps to reduce the chances of accidental encounters and, if necessary, engage in responsible removal methods.

By arming themselves with knowledge, individuals can navigate encounters with urban-dwelling Phoneutria specimens with confidence and respect.

7. Brazilian Wandering Spider Conservation and Misunderstanding

A. significance of phoneutria in ecosystem dynamics.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider , scientifically termed Phoneutria, assumes a pivotal role within its ecosystem, contributing to a delicate balance of populations and interactions.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

As a top-tier predator , it plays a crucial part in controlling insect and small vertebrate populations, preventing unchecked growth that could disrupt the ecosystem’s equilibrium.

By maintaining these population dynamics, Phoneutria ensures the health and stability of its habitat, highlighting its significance beyond its ominous reputation.

B. Impact of Fear and Misunderstanding: Hindrances to Conservation

Despite its ecological contributions, the Brazilian Wandering Spider often falls victim to fear-driven misconceptions that negatively impact conservation efforts.

Misunderstandings surrounding its behavior and potential danger can lead to unwarranted extermination campaigns and habitat destruction.

Fear-driven reactions not only disrupt the natural balance but also hinder opportunities to study and appreciate the species for its ecological significance.

Addressing these misconceptions is crucial to ensuring the spider’s survival and maintaining the health of its ecosystems.

C. Efforts to Dispel Myths and Promote Coexistence

Efforts to conserve the Brazilian Wandering Spider are interwoven with endeavors to educate and dispel myths.

By providing accurate information and dispelling exaggerated tales, conservationists aim to reshape public perception.

Collaborative initiatives emphasize coexistence, highlighting the importance of responsible behavior when encountering Phoneutria.

Educating communities about the spider’s role, behavior, and conservation status fosters an environment where fear gives way to appreciation, and where balanced cohabitation becomes a reality.

8. Research and Medical Significance of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

A. ongoing scientific research on phoneutria venom.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider , Phoneutria, has garnered significant attention from the scientific community due to the unique properties of its venom.

Ongoing research delves into the intricate composition of the venom, aiming to unlock its mysteries and potential applications in various fields.

The diverse array of compounds within the venom, particularly its neurotoxic components, has attracted interest for their potential medical and therapeutic implications.

B. Antivenom Development and Therapeutic Prospects

One of the most promising areas of research surrounding Phoneutria lies in the development of antivenoms and therapeutic agents.

Brazilian Wandering Spider-AnimalBehaviorCorner

The venom’s potent neurotoxic effects on the nervous system have spurred efforts to create targeted treatments for conditions such as chronic pain and neurological disorders .

Additionally, the potential for antivenoms holds promise in mitigating the effects of envenomations, offering a lifeline for individuals who encounter these spiders .

This focus on harnessing the venom’s properties for positive medical outcomes highlights the transformative potential within this enigmatic arachnid .

C. Balanced Perspectives: Navigating Ethical and Scientific Endeavors

While research on the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s venom offers tremendous potential, it necessitates a balanced perspective.

As researchers probe the venom’s properties, ethical considerations arise, including the well-being of the spiders and their ecosystems.

A holistic approach acknowledges the value of understanding Phoneutria’s natural behaviors and conserving its habitats.

This balanced perspective extends to utilizing the venom’s potential responsibly, ensuring that breakthroughs are achieved while respecting the complex interplay of science and nature.

9. Frequently Asked Questions about the Brazilian Wandering Spider

What is the brazilian wandering spider.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider , scientifically known as Phoneutria, is a venomous arachnid found in South and Central America. It’s notorious for its potent venom and is considered one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

Is the Brazilian Wandering Spider dangerous to humans?

Yes, the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s venom contains potent neurotoxins that can cause a range of symptoms in humans , from localized pain and swelling to more severe reactions. While bites are relatively rare, it’s advisable to exercise caution when encountering these spiders.

What is the spider’s habitat?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is native to tropical rainforests of South and Central America. However, it’s adaptable and can also be found in urban areas, such as gardens and houses.

How does the Brazilian Wandering Spider hunt?

Unlike many spiders that build webs, Phoneutria is an active hunter. It roams its environment in search of prey, relying on its keen senses to detect vibrations and movements.

Are Brazilian Wandering Spiders aggressive toward humans?

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not naturally aggressive towards humans and will typically only bite in self-defense. However, caution is advised, especially in areas where these spiders are known to inhabit.

Can the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s venom be used for medical purposes?

Yes, research is ongoing into the potential medical applications of Phoneutria’s venom. Its neurotoxic properties have sparked interest in pain management and neurological treatments.

Is the spider’s reputation for crawling into banana shipments true?

While there have been stories of Brazilian Wandering Spiders being found in shipments of bananas, these occurrences are extremely rare. Spiders are unlikely to survive the conditions of shipping and storage.

How can I stay safe around Brazilian Wandering Spiders?

To stay safe, it’s important to be cautious when encountering spiders in their natural habitat. Avoid provoking or handling them, especially if you’re unsure of their identity. If you suspect you’ve been bitten, seek medical attention promptly.

Are there any efforts to conserve the Brazilian Wandering Spider?

Conservation efforts for the Brazilian Wandering Spider are intertwined with public education and dispelling myths. Recognizing its role in ecosystems and promoting coexistence are essential steps in preserving this unique species.

What can I do if I find a Brazilian Wandering Spider in my home?

If you encounter a Brazilian Wandering Spider in your home, it’s advisable to contact local pest control professionals who can safely remove the spider without causing harm.

In the intricate tapestry of nature, the Brazilian Wandering Spider , Phoneutria, emerges as a creature of both fascination and caution.

Its venomous nature and captivating behaviors have earned it a place among the most enigmatic arachnids .

As we continue to explore its world, debunk myths, and understand its vital role in ecosystems, we find a delicate balance between awe and respect.

Armed with knowledge, we navigate the realm of Phoneutria, appreciating its complexity while fostering coexistence, a testament to the intricate dance between humans and the natural world.

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

Brazilian Wandering (Phoneutria)

The Brazilian Wandering spider is a type of spider from the Phoneutria group. Even though they’re called “Brazilian,” not all of them come from Brazil. They’re known for having strong venom. In this post, we’ll share cool facts about these spiders and help you understand them better.

Scientific Classification

  • Family: Ctenidae
  • Genus: Phoneutria

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

List of Spiders Belonging to This Genus

Physical description and identification.

  • Size: They are large in size, with their body being 17- 48mm (.67 – 1.89 inches) long and they also have a leg span of 130 – 150 mm (5.1-5.9 inches).
  • Color: The color may vary from one species to the other, though most of them have a brown hairy body, with black spots on their stomach. Some have bright, red hairs on their mouthparts or chelicerae, while others may lack it, a feature that confuses them with species of another genus, particularly the Cupiennius.
  • Other characteristics: They often lift their body in an erect posture and hold their frontal legs high to defend themselves against predators.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

They are safely placed in a silken sac and the female spiders of this genus are known to lay about 1000 of them in her lifetime.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Egg


They remain with their mother for some time after which they disperse to be on their own. The juvenile spiders are known to consume pin crickets as well as non-volatile fruit flies for their diet.

The spiders of this genus do not build webs but walk on the jungle floor, on the lookout for their prey.

Are Brazilian Wandering Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Brazilian Wandering Spiders have strong venom. They use it to catch their food. It’s one of the reasons they’re pretty famous.

Can Brazilian Wandering Spiders Bite?

Yes, they can bite. While they don’t always want to, they might if they feel scared or threatened by something.

Banana Spider

How Fast Can a Brazilian Wandering Spider Kill One?

It has been reported that the bite of species belonging to this genus may result in the victim’s death within one hour after the venom enters the person’s body. However, with effective anti-venom being introduced for treatment in Brazil to combat the toxic effects of these spiders, the incidence of fatalities has been less. In fact, most studies show that death mostly occurs in children below seven years of age. Of all the eight species, P. nigriventer , followed by P. fera, is said to account for most venom intoxications in Brazil.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, scientifically known as Phoneutria, stands out not just because of its reputation as one of the world’s most venomous spiders , but also due to its ecological significance and unique behavior.

Natural Predator: Despite their fearsome reputation, Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not at the top of the food chain. They fall prey to larger animals and birds. Among their predators are the coatis, certain species of large spiders, and a variety of avian predators.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: The dynamic between the Brazilian Wandering Spider and its prey is a showcase of nature’s balance. While they are efficient hunters, specializing in ambushing their prey, their own survival is constantly under threat from their predators. This cycle ensures that no one species dominates the ecosystem and that biodiversity thrives.

Relationship with Humans: The relationship between humans and the Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of respect and caution. Their venom is potent and can be harmful to humans, although fatal encounters are rare. 

Quick Facts

Brazilian Wandering Spider Picture

Did You Know

  • Species of this genus are known for wandering along the jungle floor during the night which is why they are referred to as “wandering spiders”.
  • They are alternately called “banana spiders”, a name that they also share with other species because members of this genus have often been found in banana shipments. Research in shipments going to North America showed that 7 of the 135 spiders found in such shipments were of the Phoneutria genus.
  • Phoneutria in Greek means murderess, a name perfectly attributed to its aggressive nature.

Mumpi Ghosh

Other Spiders in this Family

Wandering spiders.

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Phoneutria depilata

Phoneutria Boliviensis

Phoneutria boliviensis

Phoneutria Fera

Phoneutria fera

Phoneutria nigriventer

Phoneutria nigriventer

Anahita punctulata

Southeastern Wandering (Anahita punctulata)

Anahita Spider

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The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as the armed spider or banana spider, is a venomous arachnid found in Central and South America. It is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. The spider is medium to large in size, with a leg span of up to 6 inches. It has a hairy body, long and slender legs, and displays a variety of colors and patterns, including a distinctive red or orange mark on its abdomen. Unlike most spiders, it does not build a web; instead, it wanders the forest floor or hides in crevices during the day, making it particularly dangerous to humans.

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

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Brazilian wandering spider : diet, predators, aggression, and defensive behaviors, what do brazilian wandering spiders eat.

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are carnivorous predators, feeding primarily on insects like crickets, cockroaches, and beetles. They are also known to hunt small vertebrates such as lizards, frogs, and mice. These spiders may also catch other spiders or even small snakes as prey. Their venom helps to immobilize and digest their food.

Do Brazilian Wandering Spiders have any predators?

While Brazilian Wandering Spiders are apex predators in their ecosystems, they do have some predators. Birds like owls and hawks have been observed preying on these spiders. Additionally, snakes and certain types of wasps are known to feed on these spiders. However, due to their venomous bite and agile movements, Brazilian Wandering Spiders are not an easy meal for most predators.

Are Brazilian Wandering Spiders aggressive?

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are known to be highly aggressive when threatened or provoked. They will not hesitate to bite if they feel cornered or in danger. However, they will typically give warning signs such as rearing up on their hind legs and exposing their fangs before attacking. It is important to exercise caution and avoid provoking these spiders in their natural habitat.

Do Brazilian Wandering Spiders fight with other species?

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are solitary creatures and will generally avoid confrontation with other spiders or animals, unless it is for hunting or self-defense. They are more likely to engage in combat with prey or potential threats than with members of their own species. However, if two male Brazilian Wandering Spiders encounter each other during mating season, they may engage in a territorial dispute.

How do Brazilian Wandering Spiders defend themselves?

When faced with a threat, Brazilian Wandering Spiders have several defense mechanisms at their disposal. They may exhibit aggressive behavior, raising their front legs and exposing their fangs as a warning. If this does not deter the threat, they are capable of delivering a venomous bite that can cause severe pain and potentially be fatal to humans. Additionally, these spiders are agile and quick, enabling them to evade predators or escape dangerous situations.

What is the biggest weakness of Brazilian Wandering Spiders in a fight?

Despite their potent venom and aggressive nature, Brazilian Wandering Spiders have a vulnerability in their soft exoskeleton. Their bodies are not as robust as some other arachnid species, making them more susceptible to physical damage in a fight. Predators that can overpower them with sheer strength, like large birds or snakes, may pose a serious threat to these spiders. Additionally, injuries sustained in combat can hinder their ability to hunt and survive in their environment.

Fun Fact : This spider has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the world's most venomous spider, as its venom can cause severe pain, swelling, and even paralysis or death in humans if untreated.

Fun Fact : Male Brazilian Wandering Spiders often exhibit a unique and fascinating courtship ritual, which involves drumming or tapping their legs on the leaves to attract females, showcasing their agility and fitness in the process.

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

Banana Spider, or Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer)

where does a brazilian wandering spider live

Phoneutria nigriventer: Taxonomy and characteristics, where does it live and what does it eat? Bite and symptoms; other effects of the bite.

The banana spider, or Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer ), or banana wandering spider, is probably the most venomous spider in the world and is one of the spiders of the Amazon .

Its name comes from the fact that it is frequently found in banana plantations, and it is widespread throughout Central and South America, whose economies are closely related to banana or plantain exports. Although it can be found in other areas, such as northern Argentina and Uruguay.

There is a spider species that competes with it in terms of venom potency, Phonetria phera , of the same genus, but it does not cause as many victims as P. nigriventer.

Taxonomy and characteristics

Specialists describe it as an araneomorph spider species of the family Ctenidae, genus Phonetria.

The banana spider, which Brazilians call armadeira spider and which causes terror in the Brazilian Amazon , is fearsome not only because of its venom, but also because of its appearance.

Its head and abdomen measure up to 5 cm, but its legs extend up to 15 cm. It is as large as the palm of an adult person.

It has four eyes: two large eyes at the front of the head, and two smaller eyes. It has two reddish “tusks” and eight large, hairy legs. It is very fast and aggressive, but only attacks when it feels threatened.

Where does the banana spider live and what does it eat?

It likes to live in dark places, and feeds on insects, especially crickets and flies.

Banana spider bite and symptoms

Their venom, the toxin, can be fatal to an adult person. Its victims immediately feel great pain, and experience intense sweating, strong tachycardia, and progressive asphyxia, which can lead to death by cardiac arrest.

It does not produce necrosis of the affected part. The only spider that does this is the violin spider (Loxosceles reclusa), but its venom is more potent and lethal.

Another effect, which has attracted the attention of the scientific world: it produces priapism, that is, a prolonged erection, which can be maintained for more than four hours, and even up to 12 hours.

As a result of these effects, if the victim is not treated in time, he dies, but with an erection that creates unbearable pain, because it affects the cavernous vessels, leaving the glans soft.

Other effects of banana spider bites

However, it not only causes the erection of the male member, but also the erection of the female clitoris. This curious effect is the result of the Pn toxin Tx2-6 or Tx2-5, and particularly of the peptide pNPP-19.

Antimicrobial peptides are substances whose molecules produce effects on the innate immune system, forming part of its defense mechanisms.

In the case of banana spider bites, the venom increases the levels of nitric oxide in the blood, increasing blood flow.

The peptide induces relaxation of the spongy tissue and facilitates the distribution of blood flow to the penis or clitoris of the victim, resulting in erection.

This effect has been studied by Brazilian researchers since 1987, particularly at the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (FUNED), which operates in the state of Minas Gerais.

They, and others who have joined the research, believe that there are possibilities of obtaining a drug to help combat erectile dysfunction, or sexual impotence, which affects so many people in the world, and that it may be a better alternative to Viagra and similar drugs.


  • Spanish, El. Elespañ
  • Jornada, Argentina. 09.03.2019. La_arana_bananera_provoca_ mejores_erecciiones_que_el_viagra.

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Understanding the Wandering Spider: Quick Essential Facts

Wandering spiders are a group of venomous arachnids found primarily in South America.

Among these, the Brazilian wandering spider is particularly known for its potent venom and unique behavior. They are often referred to as “banana spiders” due to their frequent encounters with humans in banana plantations.

As a reader, you might be interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures, including their habitat, hunting techniques, and the effects of their venom.

In this article, we will delve into the world of wandering spiders and provide you with all the essential information to satisfy your curiosity.

Scientific Classification and Naming

The wandering spider belongs to the genus Phoneutria , which is a part of the Ctenidae family.

These spiders are known for their potent venom and aggressive behavior. Here is the scientific classification of the wandering spider:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Subphylum: Chelicerata
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Ctenidae
  • Genus: Phoneutria

Within the genus Phoneutria, two species are particularly noteworthy: Phoneutria fera and Phoneutria nigriventer, also known as P. nigriventer . These spiders are primarily found in South America and other tropical regions.

Phoneutria fera and P. nigriventer differ in some aspects. Let’s compare their features using a table:

Some key characteristics of the wandering spiders in the genus Phoneutria include:

  • Potent venom that can be dangerous to humans
  • Nocturnal hunters and are active at night
  • Equipped with long, spiny legs for capturing prey
  • Aggressive defenders of their territory

By understanding the scientific classification and differences between Phoneutria species, you can better appreciate the diversity and fascinating biology of these wandering spiders.

Identification and Appearance

Color and size.

The wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, has a distinctive appearance that can help you easily identify it in the wild.

They usually have a combination of hairy brown and black colors on their body. Their size can vary, but they are generally considered large spiders. Their size can range from 1 to 2 inches in body length.

When it comes to wandering spider’s leg span, these creatures can have an impressive reach. Their leg span can extend up to 5-6 inches.

Some key characteristics of a wandering spider’s legs include:

Habitat and Distribution

Wandering Spiders are known to inhabit various environments, including rainforests and tropical forests.

These spiders can adapt to different habitats based on their needs and availability of food sources. They prefer warm and humid places, as these conditions suit their growth and reproduction.

Geographical Coverage

Wandering spiders are found in Central and South America .

They live in forests from Costa Rica to Argentina, including Colombia, Venezuela, The Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Northern Argentina.

They may also be present in some parts of the United States, particularly in the northern part of southern America.

However, they don’t inhabit countries like Australia. In summary, the Wandering Spider is mostly prevalent in the following areas:

  • South America
  • Central America
  • Southern parts of the United States

Types of Wandering Spiders

Here’s a brief description of the major types of wandering spiders.

Brazilian wandering spiders

Also known as armed or banana spiders, these spiders are nocturnal and don’t make webs.

They are known to have been transported outside of South America in banana shipments.

Phoneutria nigriventer

These spiders contain neurotoxins that can cause cerebral changes and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier .

Their venom is medically significant and has been used in manufacturing drugs. Their bites may be fatal to children.

Ctenus captiosus

Also known as the Florida false wolf spider or tropical wolf spider, this species is found in the United States.

Some species of these spiders are large and scary-looking, but they’re only mildly venomous. Their venom is comparable to a bee sting.

Other types of wandering spiders include: Acantheis, Acanthoctenus, Africactenus, and Afroneutria.

Behavior and Diet

Aggression level.

Wandering spiders, as their name suggests, are known for their aggressive behavior .

While they won’t attack without provocation, if they feel threatened, they will not hesitate to defend themselves.

This is especially true during mating season.

Prey and Predators

In their natural habitat, wandering spiders primarily feed on insects and small vertebrates, such as:

  • Insects like ants and moths
  • Small amphibians

This diverse diet allows them to thrive in various ecosystems.

However, they are not top predators, as their natural predators include larger birds, mammals, and other spiders.

Nocturnal Activities

Wandering spiders are nocturnal creatures , which means they are active during the night.

During the day, they remain hidden in their retreats, often made from rolled-up leaves or small crevices.

At night, they leave their hiding spots to search for prey using their strong hunting skills.

Venom and Its Effects

Composition of venom.

The venom of the wandering spider is a complex mixture containing several toxic components.

Its main component is a potent neurotoxin, which can have severe effects on your nervous system 1 . Here’s a brief overview of its composition:

  • Neurotoxins

Symptoms and Severity

A wandering spider’s venomous bite can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the severity of envenomation. These symptoms may include 2 :

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Redness and swelling at the bite site
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blurred vision
  • High blood pressure

Some severe cases may result in life-threatening complications, such as respiratory failure or even death 2 .

Medical Treatment and Antivenom

If bitten by a wandering spider, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Treatment often involves the following steps:

  • Cleaning and immobilizing the affected area
  • Monitoring and managing the symptoms
  • Administering antivenom if it’s available and appropriate, depending on the severity of envenomation 3

Antivenom is specific to the venom of the wandering spider and can help neutralize its effects.

However, the availability of antivenom may be limited in some regions 3 .

Always remember that prevention is better than cure: learning how to identify and avoid wandering spiders is the best way to stay safe.

Reproduction and Mating

Mating ritual.

When it’s time for reproduction, the wandering spider undergoes an intriguing mating ritual.

The male spider performs a dance to attract the female by displaying his brightly colored legs and vibrating his body.

During the process, the male also produces a sperm web and transfers his sperm to the female’s reproductive organs using his pedipalps.

Egg Sacs and Offspring

After the mating process, the female wandering spider will create an egg sac to protect her eggs.

The sac consists of silk and can hold hundreds of eggs. She then attaches it to a safe hiding place, usually against a protective surface or within a secure web.

The female often guards the egg sac to ensure the protection of her offspring until they hatch.

Once the spiderlings hatch, they are known to be highly independent.

They disperse quickly and start their own journey, fending for themselves soon after emerging from the egg sac.

As they grow, they’ll go through a series of molts before reaching adulthood and beginning their own reproductive cycle.

Danger and Defense Mechanisms

The Wandering Spider is known to be one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.

Although they can potentially kill humans, fatalities are rare due to their reluctance to bite.

Oddly enough, their venom can cause an involuntary erection in men, alongside other painful symptoms.

Here are some ways the Wandering Spider protects itself and displays its dangerous nature:

  • Fangs : These spiders are equipped with strong, sharp fangs that can easily pierce human skin, allowing them to inject their venom with ease.
  • Venom : Their venom is potent and can cause severe pain, inflammation, and other adverse effects. In rare cases, it can even lead to death.

While interacting with Wandering Spiders, be cautious and observe them from a safe distance.

Knowing their defense mechanisms will help you respect their space and avoid any unpleasant encounters.

Remember, it’s essential to be informed and aware when dealing with these fascinating, yet dangerous creatures.

Comparison with Other Dangerous Spiders

Comparison to black widow.

The black widow spider is notorious for its potent venom, but the wandering spider has a stronger venom overall.

Both spiders are capable of causing severe symptoms, but the black widow’s venom is primarily neurotoxic, affecting your nervous system.

In contrast, the wandering spider’s venom can cause both neurotoxic and cytotoxic effects, potentially damaging your nerves and cells.

  • Potent neurotoxic venom
  • Red hourglass marking
  • Stronger venom (neurotoxic and cytotoxic)
  • No distinct marking

Comparison to Brown Recluse

The brown recluse spider is known for its necrotic venom that can lead to tissue damage and sometimes requires medical intervention.

While both the brown recluse and wandering spider can produce venomous bites, wandering spiders are considered more dangerous due to the potency of their venom and the severity of their bite symptoms.

  • Necrotic venom
  • Dark violin-shaped marking

Comparison to Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are frequently mistaken for more dangerous spiders due to their size and appearance.

Although they can bite, their venom is not particularly potent and generally only causes mild itching, redness, and swelling.

In comparison, the wandering spider’s venom is far more dangerous, and its bite can result in serious symptoms, requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Large and hairy
  • Smoother appearance

Comparison to Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

The Sydney funnel-web spider is another highly venomous spider known for its potentially lethal bites.

While both spiders possess powerful venom, the wandering spider has a broader range of symptoms due to the combination of neurotoxic and cytotoxic effects.

In conclusion, wandering spiders are more dangerous than wolf spiders but their venom’s effects are more varied compared to black widows, brown recluses, and Sydney funnel-web spiders.

Be cautious around these spiders and seek medical help if bitten.

Interesting Facts and Guinness World Records

The Wandering Spider, also known as the Brazilian Wandering Spider, is a fascinating creature that has caught the attention of many.

They belong to the genus Phoneutria , which means “murderess” in Greek, giving you an idea of their potency. Let’s explore some interesting facts about this spider and its place in the Guinness World Records.

First, you might be curious about their venom. The Wandering Spider is known for having one of the most potent venoms among spiders.

In fact, it holds the Guinness World Record for the most venomous spider. Their venom contains a potent neurotoxin that can cause severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, and intense pain.

Apart from their venom, their behavior is also quite intriguing. These spiders are called “wandering” because they are known for actively hunting their prey rather than spinning webs to catch them.

They are mostly nocturnal creatures and, during the day, can be found hiding in logs or dark crevices.

Here are a few more notable characteristics of the Wandering Spider:

  • Females are larger than males, with a body length of up to 1.6 inches (4 cm).
  • They have eight eyes, arranged in two rows, which help them in hunting.
  • The Wandering Spider is primarily found in Central and South America, particularly in Brazil.
  • They are known to show aggression when threatened.

While the Wandering Spider is a marvel of the arachnid world, it’s essential to keep a safe distance from them due to their venomous nature.

However, their unique characteristics and record-breaking venom potency make them a fascinating subject for those interested in the natural world.

Prevention and Safety Measures

To protect yourself from wandering spiders, there are some simple safety measures you can take.

Firstly, be cautious in areas where these spiders may live, such as dark and warm spaces. For example, avoid reaching into crevices or lifting piles of wood without inspecting them first.

Always wear appropriate shoes when outdoors, particularly in wooded or grassy areas. This can help prevent bites on your feet or ankles.

Reduce the risk of wandering spiders entering your home by sealing gaps and cracks. This minimizes the chance of the spiders finding a way inside.

Regularly clean your living spaces, paying special attention to dark and hidden areas. By maintaining a clean environment, you’ll discourage wandering spiders from making themselves at home.

When out in nature, avoid disturbing spider habitats like webs or egg sacs. This can prevent agitating wandering spiders, reducing your chance of accidental encounters.

Remember, wandering spiders can be dangerous, but by taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of encountering them or being bitten. Stay safe and always be aware of your surroundings.

In summary, wandering spiders, particularly those in the genus Phoneutria, are a group of venomous arachnids predominantly found in Central, South America and parts of Southern United States.

These spiders, including the Brazilian wandering spider, are known for their potent venom, nocturnal hunting habits, and aggressive defense mechanisms.

Their venom, containing neurotoxins and other components, can cause severe symptoms in humans, making them one of the most dangerous spider species.

Despite their fearsome reputation, fatalities are rare, and they play a vital role in their ecosystems.

It’s important to respect their space and take preventive measures to avoid encounters. Understanding these spiders’ behavior, habitat, and characteristics can help in appreciating their role in nature while ensuring safety. ↩ ↩ ↩ 2 ↩ ↩ 2

Reader Emails

Over the years, our website, has received hundreds of letters and some interesting images asking us about wandering spiders. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.

Letter 1 – Wandering Spider from Ecuador

Hi Michele, There is a resemblance to the Dolomedes Fishing Spiders, and finding it near a river lends credence to that possibility. Eric Eaton noticed this posting and has this to say: ” Ok, the spiders from Ecuador and Costa Rica: They are most likely NOT wolf spiders, but wandering spiders, either in the family Ctenidae or Sparassidae. They tend to be more common, and even larger than, wolf spiders in the tropics. At least one species, Phoneutria fera, is extremely aggressive, with potentially deadly venom. Do not mess with large spiders in Central and South America! The venomous types are very difficult to distinguish from harmless species, and in any event, a bite is going to be really painful. These spiders sometimes stow away in bananas, houseplants, and other exported goods, so they can show up in odd places. Be careful where you put your hands.”

Update:  May 14, 2013 We now have a confirmation that this is a Wandering Spider, Phoneutria fera , and it is a dangerous species.  See Encyclopedia Britannica and Animal Corner .

Letter 2 – Brazilian Wandering Spider: Most Venomous Animal

Hi Martin, We are happy you were able to write to us after your encounter with this Brazilian Wandering Spider and are thrilled to be able to post your story and photos to our site. We started to research, and our first hit has a different species name. Phoneutria fera is described as: “The Brazilian Wandering Spider is not for the ‘pet keeper’. Brazilian Wandering Spiders are extremely fast, extremely venomous, and extremely aggressive. These large and dangerous true spiders are ranked among the most venomous spiders known to man. In fact, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most venomous spider in the New World! In South America, these true spiders are commonly encountered in peoples’ homes, supposedly hiding in peoples’ shoes, hats, and other clothes. The Brazilian Wandering Spider does not remain on a web, rather, it wanders the forest floor, hence the name.” Our favorite information on Wikipedia is that Phoneutria is Greek for “murderess”. Here is one final tidbit about the effect of the bite of the Brazilian Wandering Spider on the human male .

Letter 3 – Possibly Wandering Spider from Ecuador

Dear Mike, This is really an interesting Spider, but other than to say it appears to be a hunting spider that does not build a web to entrap prey, we aren’t sure about its identity.  Many hunting spiders can jump quite well.  It looks very much like the spider in a posting in our archives, also from Ecuador, that we identified as possibly a Wandering Spider in the genus Phoneutria, a venomous and potentially dangerous genus .  The spotted legs on your individual look like the spotted legs on an individual in an image on Wikipedia of a Wandering Spider in the genus Phoneutria .  There are many images of Brazilian Wandering Spiders on Primal Shutter and we believe that might be a correct identification for your individual.

Thank you for the information.  After reading more about the spider, I’m glad it didn’t jump! Mike

Letter 4 – Possibly Wandering Spider from Ecuador

Dear Carl, We believe, though we are not certain, that this might be a Wandering Spider in the genus Phoneutria, and you may read more about Wandering Spiders on the Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe website where it states:  “There is no doubt that the venom of some of the species is quite potent for mammals, including humans.”  We eagerly welcome additional opinions on this identification.  Perhaps Cesar Crash of Insetologia can provide something.  In the future, please submit a single species per submission form as it makes it extremely difficult for us to categorize postings with multiple species.

Letter 5 – Wandering Spider from Belize

Hi Karl, Thanks for allowing us to post your excellent image of a Wandering Spider, Cupiennius salei .  The species is pictured on iNaturalist .

Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page .

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Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

8 thoughts on “Understanding the Wandering Spider: Quick Essential Facts”

Hi Michele, I am an Ecuadorian scientist and specialized on spiders, I would like to find one like yours, I can say that, almost without doubt, you found the Phoneutria itself, it is the Phoneutria fera, look at this picture: Can you see the similarities?, unfortunately the spider might be in a better life today 🙂 Another thing, when you want identifications you should take a picture in front, the under part, and the upper part, as well as some characteristics about behaviour like how they react when you approach. The Phoneutria is a very agressive one.. best wishes, bye.

Hi Miguel, Thanks so much for the comment. This is a seven year old posting and we did not have the ability to post comments when it was originally posted online. We have made an update on What’s That Bug? and your comment is greatly appreciated.

Ah, there is also needed the size and the picture of its face so we can see the eye arrangement, depending on that it could also be pisauridae, but I stay in Ctenidae..

This is a female Cupiennius sp. wandering spider.

Perhaps surprisingly, this ubiquitous large spider of the Mindo area appears to be undescribed to species level.

Although one is indeed best advised to exercise caution in the presence of large ctenids, members of the genus Cupiennius are not known to be dangerously venomous (Barth, 2002). By way of confirmation, my girlfriend, Shannon Bowley, managed to be bitten by a mature female of this Mindo species in 2013 – she felt only mild effects, equivalent to a bee sting.

Thanks for this valuable information.

I’m planning a trip to Ecuador and I’m fearing these spiders. Do they get in houses? Any tips to keep them out, so I can sleep at night?

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Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts: What Happens If It Bites You?

Brazilian wandering spiders belong to the genus Phoneutria  and are represented by eight spider species that are native to Central America and South America. This spider group is also collectively known as armed spiders and banana spiders. In Brazil, they are locally known as "aranha armadeira" which means armed spider. With these, some people often wonder if a person can survive after being by a member or species of this group.

What is a Brazilian Wandering Spider?

Brazilian Wandering Spider

The genus Phoneutria , which the Brazilian wandering spider  and related spider species belong to, was first described in 1833 when two species was included on it. The following century saw various scientists to move the Phoneutria species between genera Phoneutria  and Ctenus . In 1936, Mello-Leitao restored Phoneutria  and currently contains eight species, as reported by the University of Florida.

Banana spiders, a name given to the arachnid group due to their frequent presence on banana leaves, are large and robust arachnids in the family Ctenidae .   They resemble the morphological appearance of wolf spiders. In addition, their body length can grow ranging from 17 and 48 millimeters and their leg span can reach 180 millimeters. Their distinct color ranges from light brown, brown, or grey. Furthermore, the natural habitats of armed spiders are forests.

Also Read:   Deadly Erection-Giving Spider Crawls Out of Banana In Bristol

What Happens If It Bites You?

The natural prey of Brazilian wandering spiders includes small animals like crickets, mantids, and katydids, and larger ones like bats, frogs, and lizards. However, they can still bite humans and other animals not native in their habitats. In the past, scientists have identified that the bite of banana spiders living in Central and South American rain forests can lead to shortness of breath and excessive salivation.

According to wildlife experts, a Brazilian wandering spider bite can also lead to other serious symptoms, including increased blood pressure, above-normal pulse, and unusual respiratory rate, as well as extreme pain, hours-long penile erection, and death, in some cases. These spiders inject neurotoxin venom to its bitten victim and can be deadly to humans, particularly for children. However, it is not the world's deadliest spider.

Venomous Spider

In a study published in the journal Frontiers  in February 2023, researchers stated that the Brazilian wandering spider is amongst the world's most dangerous venomous spiders in the world. In Brazil, there have been an estimated 4,000 envenomation accidents of Phoneutria nigriventer  spider species each year in Brazil. Additional symptoms were also observed, including blurred vision, priapism, and vomiting.

The armed spider only follows the world's most venomous spider, which according to the Guinness World Records , is the Sydney funnel-web spider ( Atrax robustus ).

Like the Brazilian wandering spider, the venom of A. robustus  can be neutralized by anti-venoms but some cases still lead to deaths when these arachnids bite a human, who did not receive any medical attention. Experts also weigh that the mortality of venom depends on the amount that enters a human body.

Related Article:   Arachnophobia Nightmare: Giant Spider Found Inside Banana Box at Grocery Store in Germany

Tags Brazilian wandering spider , banana spider , Spider , spider bite , animals , Wild Animals

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

FACTS ABOUT Wandering spider

Brazilian wandering spider

Phoneutria genus.


Did you know? Our Rainforest Expeditions guests find the relatives of these shy, eight-legged creatures on night hikes!

Brazilian wandering spider fun facts.

  • Most toxic spider venom is known : The venom of at least one species of Phoneutria is much more toxic than the Black Widow Spider and can easily kill mice with one bite. Human fatalities in Brazil are an extremely rare occurrence.
  • No web : Unlike many other spiders, the wandering spiders don’t build webs but actively search for their prey.
  • The banana spider : Wandering spiders occasionally turn up in shipments of bananas! One such stowaway actually bit a man in England in 2005. He survived but spent a week in the hospital!
  • Understory predator : These spiders are active, aggressive predators that feed on large insects, small lizards, mice, and frogs.

How to plan your Amazon jungle travel to see Brazilian Wandering Spiders and other jungle wildlife

  • Go on a night hike: These large spiders are most active at night. We have nightly hikes in the rainforest with trained guides so you can see wandering spiders and other nocturnal jungle animals.
  • Make science happen with AmazonCam: even if Amazon Travel is not in your short-term plans, you can connect with Amazon wildlife!
  • And of course, if you´re thinking (or even dreaming) of Amazon jungle Travel, drop by to chat with the Amazon Travel experts . We will help you get there.


  • TARANTULA (Lycosa tarantula) TARANTULA (Lycosa tarantula) Height 3-10 cms Weight 130 grs Lodge Posada Amazonas, Refugio Amazonas, Tambopata Research Center
  • ORINOCO GOOSE (Neochen Jubata) ORINOCO GOOSE (Neochen Jubata) Height 58 cm Weight 1.2 kgs Lodge Tambopata Research Center
  • RED HOWLER MONKEY (Alouatta Seniculus) RED HOWLER MONKEY (Alouatta Seniculus) Height 44 - 59 cm Weight 7 kg Lodge Tambopata Research Center, Posada Amazonas
  • CHESTNUT-FRONTED MACAW (Ara severa) CHESTNUT-FRONTED MACAW (Ara severa) Height 40-50 cm Weight 300 - 390 gr Lodge Tambopata Research Center



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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

A truly magical experience. It’s set in a completely unique location in the middle of the jungle with no other lodges around. The guide we had (Jarinson) was the best, so so knowledgeable, experienced and lovely to spend the time with. The lodge itself is beautiful and food was great too. Would highly recommend. Read all

Interesting bus and river boat rides bring you to Posada Amazonas on the Tambopata River. It’s managed by the Ese Eja indigenous community. Luis M., our guide, helped us observe birds and learn about plants and other animals. A canopy tower, clay lick and oxbow lake are highlights. All personnel are extremely kind and researchers give short lectures in the evening. The food is delicious! Excellent mosquito netting in rooms! Read all

Wow where do I even begin. This was one of the most unique and special experiences we've ever had. You are smack dab in the middle of nowhere, deep in the Amazon jungle. Surrounded by plants and animals of all kinds and some of the most breathtaking scenery you can imagine. And in the company of scientists doing conservation work all around you. The facility is gorgeous beyond belief. Everything is so thoughtfully prepared, from water servers everywhere to comfy couches to hammocks to raised walkways so you can pad around barefoot without feeling like you're going to step on a scorpion. The meals are positively gourmet. They have delicious fresh juice out for you when you come back from your hikes. We spend 2 days there and I genuinely feel like I saw the jungle. 2-3 excursions a day with a private guide to show you everything from plants to birds to animals to a very tall tower where you can watch the sunset over the canopy. We only had 3 people in our group but I believe there can be up to 7. You have the same guide your whole trip so you really get to know them. Johan was our guide and he was wonderful. And I do believe the number of excursions/type/length can be adjusted based on your groups physical ability. The rooms are beautiful and comfy and they help you prepare mosquito netting at night so you can be comfortable. There's a full bar, in the middle of the rainforest. At night there are short (30 min) lectures you can go to if you want where the scientists talk about their work. Fascinating. We loved that the center was very eco conscious and put a lot of effort into being low impact while also offering a truly luxurious experience. That being said. Do yourself a favor and read the web site. This experience will not be for everyone. Ppl posting negative comments here about the heat, bugs, open rooms, etc did not do their homework. You are far, far inside pristine Amazon jungle. It is hot, humid, rainy, and there are bugs. You can expect to use your lovely shower a few times a day to cool off. Fortunately you have lots of down time during the heat of the day to rest under the ceiling fan in your room. There were lots of grasshoppers, moths etc around our room but honestly we didn't have many issues with biting insects or mosquitos despite visiting during the rainy season (we did use bug spray). Your room has one open wall that faces nature. Yes, technically than means someone could see you walking around naked in your room, but you are 15 feet up in the air and facing directly into thick jungle, there is no one out there besides birds and monkeys to see you. They do cut the brush back so nothing except maybe some birds could get into your room. The sounds are magical at night and during the day. It's hot especially if you go during the rainy season as we did. If you hate bugs or can't handle life without air conditioning, this is not for you. Truthfully we had no issues sleeping. Ventilation is another big benefit of the one open wall. Think of this as the glampiest glamping you'll ever do and you will not be disappointed. Read the web site and reviews thoroughly and you won't be surprised. Being good hiking shoes, a lightweight waterproof jacket, refillable water bottle, a hat, binoculars (you can rent them too), bug spray, and sunscreen. Lightweight long sleeved shirts and long pants are essential bc you want to be covered so you won't get bitten or in case you brush up against a nasty plant. We saw monkeys, macaws, capybaras, owls, a caiman, and some cool jungle bugs. The guides even have a telescope you can use to both look at the animals and take great pictures with your phone. once in a lifetime experience in one of the most special and precious ecosystems in the world. Worth every penny and honestly we felt the price was cheap considering what you get. The highlight of our trip to Peru. Thank you so much. Read all

It was our first time in the rainforest and we wouldn't do it any other way. The boat rides on the Madre de Dios and the walks through the rainforests were both exciting and peaceful. Exciting when we spotted wildlife and peaceful as we settled in to hear the sounds and sights of the forest. The lodge was comfortable and the food was great. The research talks in the evenings were a great pre-dinner ritual for us. Do check them out. Saul was an amazing guide - friendly, fun, knowledgeable and very tuned to the rainforest. He could pick up on slight sounds and movements and helped us spot some great wildlife. Read all

TRC is up close with nature deep inside the Peruvian Amazon. If you are a fan of wildlife and love being in the nature t his is the place for you. This is an eco lodge, so come with similar expectations. The sound of macaws flying over would make your day. TRC is doing some amazing work on Macaw conservation, the visits to the clay lick would be special. During your journey you would be able to spot a number of animals, birds. Do not miss the guided walks, you would really see a lot of monkeys. If you are a photographer, invest in a good zoom lens ( it will pay you back). The other thing is the amazing staff that take care of you. The food is among the very best I tasted in Peru and they really pamper you. So make sure you walk a lot to burn the additional calories 🙂 Starting from the booking to the pickup in the airport everything is meticulously planned. From Mariella of the booking team, Juan Carlos the guide and Tania, our manager in the hotel everyone was fantastic. Ultimately spotting wild animals is a lot of luck, but this would be a great experience. Rooms: Rooms are large, spacious with wide open balconies, but no monkeys come in ( they strictly don't encourage wildlife feeding). Nearby activities: Lots of them, morning hikes, afternoon hikes, sunset cruise Walkability: You need to walk a bit, so you need to be mobile Food & drinks: Awesome Buffet, great food. Read all

TRC is up close with nature deep inside the Peruvian Amazon. If you are a fan of wildlife and love being in the nature t his is the place for you. This is an eco lodge, so come with similar expectations. The sound of macaws flying over would make your day. TRC is doing some amazing work on Macaw conservation, the visits to the clay lick would be special. During your journey you would be able to spot a number of animals, birds. Do not miss the guided walks, you would really see a lot of monkeys. If you are a photographer, invest in a good zoom lens ( it will pay you back). The other thing is the amazing staff that take care of you. The food is among the very best I tasted in Peru and they really pamper you. So make sure you walk a lot to burn the additional calories 🙂 Starting from the booking to the pickup in the airport everything is meticulously planned. From Mariella of the booking team, Juan Carlos the guide and Tania, our manager in the hotel everyone was fantastic. Ultimately spotting wild animals is a lot of luck, but this would be a great experience. Read all

The immersion experience was great. Be prepared though to feel hot and full of bug spray much of the time. Wear hiking p ants. Not Lulu leggings (too hot). The guides are great and you can do as much or as little as you want. We saw a lot of animals. Read all

Posadas Amazonas is an eco-friendly lodge that makes a huge commitment to preserving the rainforest for generations to c ome. The food served (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is fresh and delicious! The staff is extremely knowledgeable and caring. A special shoutout to the lodge manager Cesar for ensuring that we had packed meals for the onward journey when we were delayed by a rain storm. The main attractions apart from the abundant wildlife are the canopy tower and nearby Oxbow lake. The canopy tower gives a great 360 degree view of the rainforest and we were fortunate to see monkeys and macaws from the vantage point. At the Oxbow lake we saw river otters and Caimans and we were able to catch a piranha fish as well. Overall, Posada Amazonas is a great lodge owned and operated by the native communities located in the amazing Amazon rainforest. Read all

I had an amazing time here. I was traveling solo and did 4 days/3 nights through Inca Expert Travel. It was an unforgett able experience! I opted for a group tour for the excursions and am glad I did. Our guide, Boris, was fantastic and made sure we saw as much wildlife as possible. I can't say enough good things about him. The rest of the staff were also very kind. I enjoyed the large variety of fresh food at each meal. I felt safe and well-taken care of the entire time. Read all

TRC was an amazing place to stay. Being in the Amazon rainforest was truly like no other trip I have or will ever take. From arrival we were greeted by staff with cool drinks, warm welcomes. Beautiful main area w bar, sofas, tables,games. Our guide Fernando was SO knowledgeable, interesting, enthusiastic,. We already miss his smile and laugh 🙂 We did every excursion available over our 4 days there. The night hike turned out to be our favorite as we spotted the wandering spider then and many other intersting moths/insects. January is hot and humid, so yes expect to be wet,sweaty. Pack extra bag for wet stinky clothes ... Be ok w insects as no 4th wall in your rooms so at night mosquitio nets do a good job preventing bugs in your bed but when you wake up to use bathroom excpect moths, grasshopppers etc in room. All harmless!! TRC does provide nice rainboots for wet swampy treks.. Read all

A perfect experience in the Amazon. Harry, our guide, made the entire experience very memorable. The food is good, the b ar is expensive but good and the support staff were excellent. Tanya, the manager, took care of all our needs and was very supportive the entire stay. Please remember that the rooms are open to the nature and therefore comes with its pros and cons. You wake up with the nature including the mosquitos 🙂 The experiences offered by the Refugio is fantastic and provides a great exposure to the Amazon. Dont miss the Macaw trip. It is just magical. Read all

This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! From the getgo, it was easy to coordinate our 4-day stay at Tambopata. The book ing was all done via email with quick responses, there was clear communication leading up to our stay and even upon arrival the staff was extremely organized (incl. taking our bags and making sure they arrived to our rooms). During our stay the staff was all very friendly and accomodating, the lodge was always clean (actually impressively clean given it is located in the jungle), and the food was great and plentiful. By far the best part of our stay was our tour guide, Saul. Upon arrival, Saul helped us pick our activities based on what animals we wanted to see (using his 10 years of experience). He worked on timing to make sure we can see as much as possible, was extremely knowledgable on the rainforest, the plants, the insects and the animals and noticeably put in the extra effort to find animals. You can tell that he truly loves his job and was always equally as excited to see the animals as us, even though he has seen them thousands of times. He helped us find monkeys, birds, countless insects, lizards, capybaras ect. I am 100% confident our experience wouldn't be the same without him. He even helped us capture these cool photos with only our iphone!! If you are planning to stay are TRC, I would highly recommend asking for Saul as a tour guide, if possible. Read all

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where does a brazilian wandering spider live

The Spider Blog

A home for Tarantula, Spider, Scorpion and Arachnid Enthusiasts.

Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

Brazilian Wandering Spider size: how big do they get?

As an avid arachnid enthusiast, my fascination with these eight-legged creatures knows no bounds. There’s something utterly captivating about their intricate web-weaving capabilities, their exceptional survival strategies, and of course, their range of sizes and appearances. But amongst this vast collection of species, one has particularly piqued my interest – the Brazilian Wandering Spider.

Arguably one of the most notorious names in the world of arachnids, the Brazilian Wandering Spider, holds a firm position at the pinnacle of spider folklore. Their reputation extends far beyond their native tropical South American rainforests, captivating the minds of arachnologists and laymen alike around the globe.

What sets this spider apart in the arachnid world? It’s not just its venomous nature – it’s also its astonishing size. The dimensions of the Brazilian Wandering Spider are a spectacle in themselves.

How big are Brazilian Wandering Spiders?

Picture this: a spider so large that it could comfortably cover an average dinner plate. That’s right – the Brazilian Wandering Spider can grow to an impressive leg span of up to 7 inches , or approximately 18 cm, with females tending to be larger than the males.

To put this into perspective, that’s around half the size of an average adult human’s face! The body length of these spiders can reach up to 2 inches, or around 5 cm. This considerable size, coupled with their highly potent venom, makes them a formidable presence in their habitats.

But as an arachnid hobbyist, the allure of the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s size lies not in its potential threat, but in the fascinating evolutionary adaptations that have allowed it to grow to such an impressive scale.

The advantage of large size for a cursorial hunter

From an evolutionary standpoint, the Brazilian Wandering Spider’s significant size offers multiple advantages. For starters, their considerable size allows them to subdue and consume a larger variety of prey, including insects, other spiders, and sometimes even small amphibians and reptiles. This dietary diversity is a testament to their adaptability and survival prowess.

However, the size of these spiders is not solely an indicator of their hunting prowess. It also reveals a fascinating aspect of their biology. The Brazilian Wandering Spider, unlike some smaller spider species, does not weave a web to capture its prey. Instead, as their name suggests, they wander in search of food, relying on their size and strength to overpower their prey. This is called cursorial hunting .

Their size also plays a crucial role in their mating rituals. Male Brazilian Wandering Spiders, despite being smaller than their female counterparts, engage in a daring dance of danger during mating. They utilize their size and strength to lift the larger female’s body to prevent her from eating him – a gruesome but prevalent behavior known as sexual cannibalism in the arachnid world.

Brazilian Wandering Spider facts

Size relates to the biology of the Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider’s size, therefore, is much more than just an intimidating factor. It’s a key to understanding their hunting methods, their mating rituals, and their overall survival strategy. Each inch adds to the mystique of these extraordinary creatures and deepens our understanding of the diverse world of arachnids.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is undeniably a creature of fascination. From its substantial size to its potent venom, it’s a spider that demands respect. Whether you’re an arachnid hobbyist like me, or just someone intrigued by the wonders of the natural world, the Brazilian Wandering Spider offers a fascinating insight into the awe-inspiring world of arachnids.

Final thoughts…

In conclusion, the world of spiders is as vast and varied as the creatures themselves. The Brazilian Wandering Spider, with its impressive size, offers a fascinating window into this world. It’s a testament to the incredible diversity of life on Earth and a reminder of the intricate balance that governs our ecosystems.

My fascination with spiders continues to grow, much like the impressive size of the Brazilian Wandering Spider. And while their size may be a source of fear for some, for me, it only fuels my passion and curiosity about these fascinating creatures. After all, understanding is the first step to appreciation, and these giant spiders deserve nothing less.

Whether you’re a fellow arachnid enthusiast or just passing by, I hope this deep-dive into the size of the Brazilian Wandering Spider has sparked your curiosity. So the next time you hear about this giant spider, remember, there’s more to its size than meets the eye!

If you’d like to learn more about these spiders, check out my article on Brazilian Wandering Spider facts .

Brazilian Wandering Spider size

FAQ related to Brazilian Wandering Spider Size

How bad is a brazilian wandering spider bite.

A Brazilian Wandering Spider bite is considered a medical emergency. If you have a suspected or confirmed bite, your first move should be to contact the emergency services. Upon reaching you, they will determine whether to administer antivenom, and how to proceed with treatment. Fortunately, deaths are very rare, and the antivenom is widely available in South America.

Is a banana spider the same as a Brazilian wandering spider?

The common name of “Banana Spider” is used for a few species, not just the Brazilian Wandering Spider. For example, the Golden Silk Orb Weaver is often referred to as a banana spider, despite being completely unrelated. If you wish to find out if a spider is venomous, always rely on its scientific, or binomial name, rather than common names.

Where do Brazilian wandering spiders hide?

Brazilian Wandering Spiders are nocturnal hunters, and generally prefer to shy away from daylight. This means they often hide in the shadiest places they can find, either indoors or outdoors. For example, under a log or in leaf litter would be a perfect place outdoors. Indoors, they will try to hid behind or under furniture, or in dark corners.

What is the world’s biggest Brazilian wandering spider?

There are around 40 species of Wandering Spider, but the largest, and most infamous are those that we call the Brazilian Wandering Spider. This name is in fact commonly ascribed to two species: Phoneutria nigriventer and Phoneutria fera. Both of these spiders can reach at least 6 inches (15cm) in legspan.

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5 Types of Banana Spiders (From Harmless to Venomous)

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If you’re confused about banana spiders, you’re not alone. Turns out that there are at least 5 types of spiders commonly called banana spiders depending on where you live. Here’s what you need to know about range and venom levels.

Guide to Banana Spiders (All Types)

To help clear the confusion, let’s dive into the following banana spider facts.

1. Golden silk orb-weaver spiders

  • Common name: Golden silk orb-weaver spiders
  • Latin name: Nephila
  • Also known as Golden silk orb-weaver, giant wood spider, calico spider, writing spider
  • Venomous: Not harmful to humans
  • Range: Warmer regions throughout Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas
  • Size: Body length: 1.5 to 2 inches (4.8 to 5.1 cm)
  • Unique feature: Strong, impressive webs

What does a golden silk orb-weaver banana spider look like? These spiders feature cylindrical bodies. Females are much larger than the mostly-brown males and have yellow and white abdomens and long, skinny legs that are striped with yellow and brown bands.

Nephila banana spider

Chances are if you live in a warm region of the world, you’ve seen one of these golden silk orb-weavers that are often called banana spiders as well as various other names.

Much larger than their brown male counterparts, the females are the most striking because of the coloring on their bodies and their long, slender legs.

Most likely, it’s the webs of these spiders that catch your attention because they’re often quite large with intricate designs. If you’ve ever accidentally walked into one, you know how strong they are because they’re hard to get off your face.

banana spider Nephila

Did you know these spiders can even adjust the hue of their webs according to the local sunlight conditions in order to catch prey by surprise? How’s that for some pretty cool banana spider facts?

Nephila spiders usually won’t bite you unless you poke at them and threaten them. Their bites may sting and cause redness, but their venom is mild and not harmful to healthy humans.

2. Cupiennius (Banana Spider)

  • Common name: Banana spider
  • Latin name: Cupiennius (genus)
  • Also known as Red-faced banana spider
  • Venomous: Mild, comparable to a bee sting
  • Range: South and Central America
  • Size: Body length: 0.35 inches (9 mm) to 1.6 inches (40 mm)
  • Unique feature: Vivid red hairs on chelicerae (mouthparts). Frequently mistaken for Phoneutria  spiders

What does a Cupiennius banana spider look like? Spiders of the Cupiennius genus are usually large with brown, furry bodies and long, skinny legs. Some species of this genus are distinguished from other similar spiders by the bright red hairs on their mouthparts.

Native to Central and South America, Cupiennius is a genus of spiders broadly called banana spiders because bananas are the plants on which these spiders are most often found.

It’s quite common for workers in other countries to discover these spiders in imported banana shipments. Cupiennius are also called hunting spiders or huntsman spiders because they hunt their prey instead of spinning webs.

There are eleven species of the Cupiennius banana spider. In brackets is their known range.

  • Cupiennius bimaculatus (Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Ecuador )
  • Cupiennius chiapanensis (Mexico)
  • Cupiennius coccineus ( Costa Rica to Colombia)
  • Cupiennius cubae (Cuba, Costa Rica to Venezuela)
  • Cupiennius foliatus (Costa Rica, Panama)
  • Cupiennius getazi (Costa Rica, Panama)
  • Cupiennius granadensis (Costa Rica to Colombia)
  • Cupiennius remedius (Guatemala)
  • Cupiennius salei (Mexico, Central America, Hispaniola)
  • Cupiennius valentinei (Panama)
  • Cupiennius vodou (Hispaniola)

If you don’t know your spider types, you might freak out, mistaking one of these for the more venomous spider, the Phoneutria (Brazilian wandering spider).

The two look similar, but you can distinguish the Cupiennius by its bright red mouthparts . Some species of Cupiennius spiders are large and scary-looking, but they’re only mildly venomous. The effect of their venom to a human is comparable to that of a bee sting.

3. Hawaiian garden spider

  • Common name: Hawaiian garden spider
  • Latin name: Argiope appensa
  • Also known as orb-weaving spider, banana spider
  • Range: Pacific Ocean, in Hawaii, Taiwan, Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Indonesia
  • Size: Length including body and legs: 0.75 to 2.5 inches (1.9 to 6.4 cm)
  • Unique feature: Webs with zig-zag designs

What does a Hawaiian garden banana spider look like? Males are small and brown. The much larger females are yellow and black with a body shaped like a king’s crown.

Hawaiian garden spider banana

If you don’t live on any of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, you probably won’t see a Hawaiian garden spider because that’s where they call home.

At first glance, you might think this spider looks the same as one of the Nephila orb-weaver spiders because the females have similar black and yellow stripes. Take a second look, and you’ll notice that their bodies are not cylindrical like the Nephila but have the shape of a king’s crown.

Another way to tell the Hawaiian garden spider from other orb-weaver spider types is by their webs. These spiders know how to make their webs durable by weaving them with a distinctive zig-zag design.

Hawaiian garden spiders are not harmful to you unless you’re a bug. If you spot one in your garden, you should let it alone because they prey upon insects that eat plants and flowers.

4. Golden silk-orb weaver

  • Common name: Golden silk-orb weaver
  • Latin name: Trichonephila clavipes
  • Also known as Banana spider
  • Range: North, Central, and South America
  • Size: Body length: 0.31 to 2 inches (8 to 50 mm)
  • Unique feature: Clumps of dark hair on legs

What does a Trichonephila clavipes banana spider look like? These spiders are similar to the black and yellow Nephila but have longer, darker, and less yellow bodies.

Trichonephila clavipes

Officially regrouped within the Trichonephila genus, this silk orb-weaver was previously classified as a Nephila species. That’s no wonder since it looks similar to the black and yellow Nephila .

Upon careful observation, you’ll see that this species features a longer body that is also darker in color with less yellow. It’s also known for the clumps of dark hair on its legs which are common among its genus.

Trichonephila clavipes live in the range from the southeastern USA throughout Central America and all the way to Argentina in South America, but they can also be found as far north as Eastern Canada in the summer.

Although this spider may look threatening, it is not aggressive. It will only bite if it’s handled roughly, and its venom is harmless to humans, causing only slight redness to the bite area.

5. Brazilian wandering spider

  • Common name: Brazilian wandering spider
  • Latin name: Phoneutria
  • Also known as Armed spider, huntsman spider, banana spider
  • Venomous: Extremely venomous
  • Range: Central America and northern South America
  • Size: Leg span: 5.1 to 7.1 inches (130 to 180 mm); Body length: 0.67 to 1.89 inches (17 to 48 mm)
  • Unique feature: Dangerous venom that could be fatal to humans

Brazilian-wandering spider banana

What does a Brazilian wandering spider banana spider look like? Phoneutria are large, brown and hairy spiders with long legs and are recognized by the patch of dense, fine hair on their pedipalps (pair of appendages adjacent to the chelicerae mouthparts)

Another genus of spiders commonly called banana spiders because they’re often discovered in banana shipments, Phoneutria spiders have much in common with Cupiennius .

Their found in Central and South America, they’re large, hairy, and brown, and they also hunt their prey at night instead of using webs. Plus, the species, Phoneutria fera , features bright red mouthparts like Cupiennius .

Aside from the similarities, it’s vitally important that you recognize the differences between these two spider types. Although incidents are rare, bites from Phoneutria can be dangerously toxic to humans and have been known to be fatal to young children.

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to tell the difference between these two spider types.

  • Phoneutria has patches of dense, fine hairs on its pedipalps, which are the two appendages beside the chelicerae mouthparts. If you don’t want to get that close to the spider, then take a look at the forelegs.
  • Phoneutria forelegs often have a dark stripe on the front side and contrasting black and yellow/white bands on the underside.

Phoneutria banana spider

Banana Spider Questions and Answers

What is a banana spider.

Well, it might sound like it’s a spider that either eats bananas or looks like a banana, but a banana spider is actually the common name for various spiders found around the world.

Some are called such either because they feature yellow bodies or because they’re found living on banana plants and in shipments of imported bananas.

How many types of banana spiders are there?

There are at least five types of banana spiders which are discussed in this post.

They include:

  • Hunting spider ( Cupiennius )
  • Golden silk orb-weaver ( Nephila )
  • Hawaiian garden spider ( Argiope appensa )
  • Golden silk-orb weaver ( Trichonephila clavipes )
  • Brazilian wandering spider ( Phoneutria )

There is also a goblin spider native to China that’s listed in the Bannana genus.

Are banana spiders venomous?

The banana spiders in this post all contain venom, but most of them are not harmful to humans except for redness and a stinging feeling at the bite location.

The only banana spider you should be concerned about is the Brazilian wandering spider ( Phoneutria ) which can be harmful and possibly fatal to humans. If you’re ever bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider, you should seek medical help immediately.

How deadly is a banana spider?

Only the Brazilian wandering spider is considered deadly, and that’s not all the time. Unfortunately, two children died from bites by the same spider in São Sebastião, Brazil. But some workers on banana plantations have reported only mild reactions after being bitten.

Experts believe this is because these spiders don’t always release their full venom at once but sometimes produce “dry bites.”

banana spiders

Where do banana spiders live?

Different banana spiders live in different places around the world. The ones that are found in banana plants live in Central and South America.

Some known as golden silk orb-weavers live in warm regions like Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas while others live in the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Are banana spiders aggressive?

Banana spiders may look frightening, but they’re usually shy and won’t bother you as long as you don’t bother them. If they feel threatened, they may bite out of defense.

Common banana spider myth (debunked)

Have you ever heard that monkeys peel bananas from the end opposite to the stem because they know that banana spiders live in the banana tips? It’s a common myth that banana spiders lay their eggs in banana plant blossoms, and baby spiders can end up in your breakfast.

So, before you swear off eating bananas, rest assured that this myth is false. Banana spiders lay their eggs in the leaves of banana plants and not the banana blossoms which grow and change too quickly for a mother banana spider’s peace of mind.

Golden silk orb weaver spiders banana

Learn more about bananas in our Weird & Tasty Guide to 28 Banana Facts

You might also enjoy: 22 Rhinoceros Beetle Facts

We hope that these banana spider facts have helped you learn more about what banana spiders are and why they’re called such. Before this post, were you familiar with banana spiders? Did any of these facts surprise you? Let us know in the comments!

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Hi, I'm Bryan Haines . And I'm a co-founder of Storyteller.Travel . I'm a traveler and photographer.

I also blog about photography on Storyteller Tech .

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