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 Avocado Travel Club reprezintă

De turiști în fiecare an

și, de asemenea

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Este alegerea tururilor pe baza feedback-ului de la călătorii satisfăcuți

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Procurarea de tururi în rate. Petreceți vacanța acum - plătiți mai târziu! Luați acești bani cu dumneavoastră)

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Rezervați tururile din orice regiune a Moldovei și plătiți online. Nu trebuie să vă deplasați nicăieri!

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Suport informațional și grijă pentru vacanța dvs. pe întreaga durată a turului.

Gata cu munca -  e timpul pentru o vacanță!

Gata cu munca   - e timpul pentru o vacanță, ce spun  turiștii noștri.

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Termeni si conditii Generalitati Bine ati venit pe pagina web https://avocado-travel-club.com/ care are drept scop asistarea Dvs. in obtinerea informatiilor de calatorie, a face rezervari de bilete, hotel, pachete turistice, precum si beneficierea de alte servicii oferite de noi sau de partenerii nostri. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie acesti Termeni si Conditii care reprezinta un aranjament contractual intre noi si Dvs. ca utilizatori a paginii web. Daca nu sinteti de acord cu vreo prevedere a conditiilor contractuale nu utilizati in nici un caz serviciile acestei pagini web. Acceptarea Termenilor si Conditiilor presupune ca Dvs. Va asumati respectarea prevederilor stipulate aici. Ne rezervam dreptul sa modificam oricind dorim Contractul fara nici o notificare suplimentar, iar continuarea folosirii site-ului nostru presupune acceptarea prevederilor acestuia modificate sau actualizate. Daca utilizati pagina noastra web inseamna ca: – aveti cel putin 18 ani; – aveti capacitatea de a va asuma obligatii legale; – veti utiliza acest site in conformitate cu prevederile acestui Contract; – veti utiliza acest site doar pentru a face rezervari pentru Dumneavoastra sau pentru alta persoana in numele careia aveti dreptul sa actionati; – veti informa aceste persoane despre termenii si conditiile care se aplica rezervarilor pe care le-ati facut in numele lor, inclusiv toate regulile si restrictiile care se aplica in acel caz; – toate informatiile pe care le oferiti acestui site sunt adevarate, corecte, valabile si complete. Orice achizitionare de servicii facuta pe site-ul nostru din numele Dvs. va fi considerate facuta de Dvs. sau de o persoana careia Dvs i-ati incredintat datele de acces la contul Dvs. Compania noastra nu poate fi tinuta responsabila in caz ca datele Dvs. au fost utilizate fraudulos pentru operatiuni de pe site-ul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . Daca vom avea suspiciuni ca Dvs. utilizati site-ul cu incalcarea prevederilor prezentelor Termeni si Conditii ne rezervam dreptul de a Va interzice accesul pe site, fiind notificat despre aceasta la adresa electronica furnizata de Dvs. Pagina noastra web Va pune la dispozitie un sistem automat care va ofera posibilitatea de a cauta si verifica disponibilitati pentru diferite pachete turistice, bilete de avion, rezervari hoteluri, inchirieri automobile si Va permite sa efectuati rezervarea dorita. Beneficierea de serviciile enumerate se supun prezentelor Termeni si Conditii, precum si Conditiilor speciale pentru fiecare serviciu in parte. Puteti alege dintr-o multitudine de servicii disponibile pe Site, avand posibilitatea de a efectua rezervari de pachete turistice, bilete de avion, inchiriere de masini, excursii sau hoteluri direct de pe Site (in timp real). https://avocado-travel-club.com/ actioneaza ca si agent pentru terti furnizori cum sunt: liniile aeriene, hoteluri, companii de inchiriat masini, altii (Furnizori de Servicii Turistice). Noi nu ne asumam nici o responsabilitate pentru produsele si serviciile turistice oferite de Furnizorii de Servicii Turistice si nu garantam acuratetea sau calitatea produselor si a serviciilor reflectate pe acest Site.

Informatiile publicate pe Site Informatiile de pe https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sunt publicate in limba româna, rusa si engleza. Noi nu garantam ca informatia de pe pagina noastra web (incluzand, dar fara limitare, tarifele, descrierile sau datele) nu poate avea erori sau lipsuri, dar vom depune tot efortul sa corectam erorile de indata ce ne sunt aduse la cunostinta la urmatoarele date de contact: [email protected], tel. +373022011007

Conditiile Furnizorilor de Servicii Turistice Orice rezervare sau cerere de rezervare efectuata pe Site sau prin call center va fi considerata drept intentia Dvs. de a achizitiona un anumit produs sau serviciu turistic de la https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . Daca cererea Dvs. va fi acceptata, veti primi un e-mail de confirmare de la noi si va intra in vigoare acest contract. Emiterea efectiva a biletelor de avion, efectuarea de schimbari de data a biletelor de avion, anulari de bilete de avion sau vouchere, eliberarea voucher-elor pentru hoteluri, pentru inchirieri de masini, a asigurarilor de calatorie, excursii, asigurarea de suport telefonic si orice alte actiuni ce necesita interventie umana se va face in timpul programului de lucru al https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . Toate serviciile turistice publicate pe Site sunt in functie de disponibilitatea Furnizorilor de Servicii Turistice. Termenii si conditiile Furnizorului de Servicii Turistice (incluzand regulile de transport al pasagerilor impus de liniile aeriene, orele de intrare/iesire din hotel, conditiile de anulare/modificare a serviciilor turistice) se vor aplica aditional Termenilor si Conditiilor acestui Site. Termenii Furnizorilor de Servicii Turistice pot include prevederi referitoare la diferite proceduri de plata, obligatii, anulari, modificari ale rezervarilor si restituiri de bani (daca este cazul) ori restrictii de alta natura. Unele companii aeriene pot impune taxe suplimentare cum este taxa Transit-without-visa, https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu este responsabil pentru costurile care pot sa apara in momentul transferurilor de la un aeroport / terminal la altul. De asemenea, unele hoteluri pot colecta diferite taxe locale. In caz ca aveti nevoie de conditii speciale in calatorie (loc pentru persoane cu handicap, servicii transport minori neinsotiti, transport bagaje speciale, camera fumatori/nefumatori, pat in camera pentru copil), compania noastra nu garanteaza confirmarea acestor cereri, dar le va trimite catre Furnizorul de Servicii Turistice. La momentul navigarii dvs. in Site, veti putea observa referiri catre diferite conditii aplicabile ofertelor speciale. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie acesti termeni, dar va rugam sa luati legatura cu noi pentru detalii complete. La momentul rezervarii unui zbor, aveti posibilitatea de a introduce detaliile cartii de fidelitate in cazul in care sunteti inscris deja intr-un astfel de program al unei companii aeriene. Va rugam sa notati ca aceste programe de fidelitate se supun termenilor si conditiilor impuse de catre compania la care sunteti inscris. Conform acestor reguli, premiile obtinute de pe urma acestor programe nu se aplica tuturor tarifelor sau clasei de servicii in care veti calatori. Pentru mai multe detalii, va rugam contactati compania la care sunteti inscris. Sunteti direct responsabil pentru respectarea conditiilor impuse de Furnizorul Serviciilor Turistice timpul de imbarcare, reconfirmarea zborurilor sau a oricaror alte reguli.

Colectarea de opinii https://avocado-travel-club.com/ poate colecta opinii de la clientii sai, dupa ce acestia s-au intors din vacanta cu privire la hoteluri, destinatii, serviciile oferite de noi si partenerii nostri. Clientii isi dau acordul asupra publicarii opiniilor pe site sau sa fie folosite offline de catre consultantii https://avocado-travel-club.com/ in vederea recomandarii de hoteluri/destinatii, asupra publicarii numelor persoanelor care au oferit opinii si a datii acestora. Opiniile pot fi colectate online, in sistemul disponibil pe site-ul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sau offline (prin email sau telefon) de catre consultantii https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . https://avocado-travel-club.com/ isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza anumite opinii, in special cele cu limbaj vulgar. Inainte de publicarea opiniilor pe site, https://avocado-travel-club.com/ isi rezerva dreptul de a edita erorile gramaticale si de exprimare, fara a schimba sensul cuvintelor. Opiniile oferite de clienti pe site-ul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu pot fi publicate pe alte site-uri. Conditii de garantie/service Inainte de a lansa comanda, clientul trebuie sa fie de acord cu „Termenii si conditiile” https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . Existand diferente intre tipurile de servicii oferite, anume bilete de avion, hoteluri, city-break-uri, excursii, asigurari medicale de calatorie, rezervarea nu poate fi efectuata pana la capat, daca clientul nu bifeaza casuta aferenta acceptarii „Termenilor si conditiilor”.

Politica de confidențialitate I. Generalităţi Stimați clienți, Vă mulțumim pentru interesul acordat serviciilor https://avocado-travel-club.com/ .

Site-ul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ (în continuare ”site”), destinat serviciilor online de rezervare – vânzare PACHETE TURISTICE, CAZARE IN HOTEL, ASIGURARE aparține, în calitate de autor/proprietar/administrator, Agenției turistice ”FITEX-M” S.R.L., IDNO: 1009600043623, cu sediul aflat la bd. Trian 22 , m. Chișinău, Republica Moldova, MD-2043 (în continuare ”Agenția”).

Ne propunem să oferim vizitatorilor și utilizatorilor site-ului, o experiență online sigură și care să nu afecteze în nici un fel viața personală a acestora. Agenția și-a luat angajamentul prin Declarația de confidențialitate să respecte viața privată vizitatorilor și utilizatorilor site-ului. Luăm în serios protecția datelor, securitatea și conformarea cu legislația privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal și a vieții private.

Prin urmare, acordăm o atenție deosebită protejării vieții private a utilizatorilor care accesează site-ul nostru și ne obligăm de a prelucra în condiții de siguranță și numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele cu caracter personal care ne sunt furnizate în conformitate cu:

Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului, din data de 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și libera circulație a acestor date (”GDPR”), Legea Republicii Moldova nr. 133 din 08.07.2011 privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal, Cerințelor față de asigurarea securității datelor cu caracter personal la prelucrarea acestora în cadrul sistemelor informaționale de date cu caracter personal, aprobate prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1123 din 14.12.2010 și Politica de securitate privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal la prelucrarea acestora în cadrul sistemelor informaționale gestionate de COMVITAV SRL Noțiunile ”date cu caracter personal”, ”prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal”, ”operator”, ”terț”, ”subiect al datelor cu caracter personal” au înțelesul definit în articolul 3 al Legii RM 133/2011, dar în orice caz, date personale reprezintă orice date referitoare la o persoană fizică identificată sau identificabilă, indiferent de forma sau formatul în care există astfel de date. Reclamatii: Problema survenita in timpul sederii turistului, trebuie comunicata de urgenta catre https://avocado-travel-club.com/ pentru a o putea rezolva in timp util. De asemenea, orice reclamatie trebuie facuta in scris catre unitatea de cazare, iar o copie trebuie sa ajunga la https://avocado-travel-club.com/ in maxim 2 zile de la incheierea sejurului. Toate plangerile vor fi cercetate si se va incerca primirea unui raspuns in maxim 14 zile. Pentru rezolvarea cat mai rapida, eficienta si pe cale amiabila a eventualelor probleme aparute, va rugam sa trimiteti mesajele dumneavoastra la adresa [email protected] .

Plata Nu se accepta alte modalitati de plata in afara celor prezentate pe Site si nu ne asumam nici o responsabilitate pentru sumele de bani trimise prin curierat. In functie de termenii si conditiile impuse de hoteluri, la momentul rezervarii vi se poate cere plata integrala sau partiala a serviciului rezervat, iar plata va fi efectuata in contul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ , hotelului sau a reprezentantului acestuia. In anumite cazuri, detaliile cartii dvs. de credit pot fi transferate catre Furnizorul de Servicii Turistice. Furnizorul, in cauza, va prelua platile pentru rezervarile dvs. Platile pentru hoteluri sunt efectuate in concordanta cu paragraful de mai sus. https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sau Furnizorul de Servicii Turistice nu-si asuma nicio obligatie de a emite biletele, voucher-ul sau alte documente de calatorie in cazul neplatii integrale a serviciilor comandate. In orice situatie, sunteti responsabil pentru plata sumelor aferente serviciilor turistice comandate. Plata se poate efectua cu principalele carti Viza sau Mastercard de credit recunoscute. https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sau Furnizorul de Servicii Turistice isi rezerva dreptul de a incasa suplimentar orice taxe (sau comisioane) care pot sa apara la momentul rezervarilor prin cartile de credit. In acest caz veti fi informat despre comisioanele aplicabile. https://avocado-travel-club.com/ isi rezerva dreptul de a transfera costurile generate de penalizarile de charge back. Daca rezervarea dvs. este platita cu cartea de credit a unei alte persoane, ne rezervam dreptul de a cere o autorizatie scrisa din partea detinatorului/proprietarului. In cazul in care emitentul cartii dvs. de credit o cere, https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sau Furnizorul de Servicii Turistice isi rezerva dreptul de a trimite biletele, voucher-ele sau alte documente de calatorie la adresa dvs. declarata la momentul emiterii cartii/cartelei de credit. Informatia eronata despre aceasta adresa se poate reflecta in anularea rezervarii, intarzierea livrarii documenteleor de calatorie si poate determina cresterea tarifului confirmat. Va rugam sa va asigurati ca detaliile adresei dvs. de facturare se potrivesc cu cele de pe extrasul dvs. de cont. In plus, pentru a minimiza efectele incercarii de fraudare a cartii dvs. de credit, inainte de a emite documentele de calatorie, ne rezervam dreptul de a efectua verificari aleatorii, de a cere dovada adresei dvs. si o copie a cartii de credit, precum si un extras de cont recent. Toate tarifele si taxele pot fluctua datorita modificarii cursului de schimb.

Modalitati de livrare Documentele de calatorie aferente rezervarii (bilet de avion, voucher de calatorie sau factura) pot fi trimise prin posta electronica, la adresa introdusa in momentul initierii rezervarii, prin posta (la adresa specificata in momentul efectuarii rezervarii) sau pot fi ridicate direct de la sediul nostru. Consultantii nostri Va pot da oricand informatii detaliate, daca este necesar.

Responsabilitatea https://avocado-travel-club.com/ https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu este responsabila pentru pierderile indirecte rezultate din prevederile acestor Termeni si Conditii, din utilizarea defectuoasa a Site-ului sau a serviciilor turistice rezervate si achizitionate de pe Site. https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu este responsabila pentru pierderile directe si/sau indirecte suferite de utilizator cauzate de, dar fara a se limita la: posibile diferente de tarif, lipsa de disponibilitate, precum si orice alte informatii incorecte comunicate si/sau preluate de la companiile aeriene si/sau hoteliere sau de catre toti si/sau oricare dintre societatile partenere care furnizeaza servicii turistice prin intermediul https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . https://avocado-travel-club.com/ isi rezerva dreptul sa nu furnizeze serviciile turistice a caror tarife au fost afisate in mod eronat.

Legaturi catre alte Site-uri Acest Site poate contine legaturi catre alte pagini web externe si operate de alte parti implicate. https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu are nici un control sau asociere cu aceste pagini web si nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate in legatura ca acuratetea, integritatea sau calitatea acestor pagini web ale partilor implicate. Continutul acestor pagini web externe nu reflecta produsele, serviciile sau informatiile furnizate de https://avocado-travel-club.com/ . Orice opinii referitoare la continutul acestor pagini web externe vor trebui redirectionate catre administratoriil paginilor in cauza. Forta Majora sau Insolventa Furnizorului de Servicii Turistice https://avocado-travel-club.com/ nu este responsabila in cazul petrecerii unor evenimente cauzate de forta majora sau in cazul in care furnizorul de servicii turistice intra in insolventa. Evenimentele majore includ, dar fara a se limita, interventii guvernamentale, razboaie, rapiri, incendii, inundatii, accidente, furtuni, greve, atacuri teroriste etc. care pot afecta https://avocado-travel-club.com/ sau furnizorii sai.

Rata de schimb Ratele de schimb cotate pe Site sunt provenite din mai multe surse si pot sa nu fie intotdeauna actualizate zilnic. Este obligatoriu sa verificati ratele de schimb din ziua in care efectuati procurarea.

Modificari asupra Site-ului https://avocado-travel-club.com/ poate modifica de sine statator si fara o notificare prealabila design-ul sau continutul Site-ului, inclusiv disponibilitatea furnizorilor serviciilor turistice, baza de date, precum si alte caracteristici ale Site-ului.

Modificari ale Termenilor si Conditiilor https://avocado-travel-club.com/ isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica sau actualiza oricand Termenii si Conditiile referitoare la utilizarea acestui Site, fara notificare prealabila a Dvs. Versiunea actuala a Termenilor si Conditiilor va fi afisata pe Site din data in care modificarile intra in vigoare. Continuarea utilizarii acestui Site dupa publicarea acestor modificari va constitui acceptul dvs. cu privire la aceste modificari. Acesti Termeni si Conditii reprezinta intelegerea contractuala intre Dvs. si https://avocado-travel-club.com/ si este guvernat de legile din Republica Moldova, iar oricare litigiu va fi oferit instantelor competente din Republica Moldova. Limba romana a Termenilor si Conditiilor va prevala in cazul unor neintelegeri.

FITEX-M SRL IDNO 1009600043623 Mun. Chisinau bd. Traian22 TELEFON 022011-007

Avocado Travel Club

Viorel Gherman

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The Top 12 Things to Do in Omsk

Feel the love in the very heart of Russia

In Russia, all roads lead to Moscow , on account of the city's status as the national capital and its importance throughout history. If geography were the deciding factor, however, the Siberian city of Omsk would be the point where all Russia's roads converge—it's located literally in the heart of the country, approximately as far from Vladivostok as it is from the Belarusian border. Omsk boasts a spate of exciting attractions, even if you simply make a stop here as you ride the Trans-Siberian Railway eastward or westward.

Marvel at Assumption Cathedral

Chelsea Hicks/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

Orthodox architecture never gets old, even if you've been traveling in Russia for a long time. This is particularly the case when it comes to the Assumption Cathedral of Omsk, whose gold-and-turquoise domes look resplendent under the blue skies that bless Omsk during the warmer months of the year. The cathedral was built in 1891 under the orders Nicholas, the last Tsar of Russia.

Time Travel at Omsk Fortress

Ogg-omsk/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0

The bad news? Much of what was once Omsk Fortress is now a residential area, with the only notable landmark that still stands being Tobolsk Gate (think Paris' Arc de Triomphe , but yellow and smaller). The good news? There's essentially no reason for a military fortification to exist in today's peaceful Omsk, which means you can stroll amid parks and cafés and imagine the area being war-torn—a small sacrifice to make in exchange for not being blown to bits.

Go Green at Ptich'ya Gavan'

Forinrap/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0 

Or white, as it were: Omsk is covered with snow several months of the year, which means that its prized Ptich'ya Gavan' central park is often more of a winter wonderland than the green reprieve you experience in summer. The park is popular with local families, to whom you can say "Privet" (Hello) as you walk past.

Walk on Omsk's Artsy Side

G0rn/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0

Although the building that houses Omsk District Museum of Visual Arts is unmistakably Russian, the collection you find inside is surprisingly eclectic for a city deep in Russia's interior. Recent collections have included a revival of Van Gogh's great works, among others. This is a particularly enjoyable Omsk attraction on cold winter days, when temperatures can drop far below freezing and sunshine can be rare.

Shoot for the Moon

Worldwide Planetarium Database

Though Omsk is a relatively large city, the skies over it become dark enough in the evening for stargazing. While visitors are not permitted to use the expensive telescopes housed inside, exhibits inside the museum provide a fascinating look into the cosmos, narrated by expert astronomical guides.

Shop on Lenin Street

yykkaa/Getty Images

Lenin Street's name is appropriate: Although it's the high street of a city thousands of miles from Moscow, the European-style architecture and cosmopolitan vibe you feel as you stroll past its boutique and cafés evokes the capital of Russia more than its forlorn interior. Local specialties you can purchase here include rustic jams made from local berries (and even, in some shops, cedar cones), as well as handmade rugs from Kazakhstan, which sits just south of Omsk.

Sample Siberian Cuisine

Quynh Anh Nguyen/Getty Images 

Speaking of unique Siberian food, it's not just preserves made from the fruits of evergreen trees. Omsk is a great place to discover the flavors of Russia's wild interior, whether you eat zagutai and stroganini (Siberia's take on sushi) or classic Russian plmeni dumplings filled with decidedly Siberian ingredients, such as bear and rabbit meat. Vkusno ! (That's Russian for "delicious"!)

Enjoy Historical Houses—While You Still Can

Simon Richmond/Getty Images

The wooden houses that line Nikolskiy Prospekt aren't protected, but they should be. Historical structures that are unfortunately in a state of disrepair, these houses are slated for demolition at some unspecific point in the future. Be sure to catch a glimpse of these historical house before they're gone. There will, however, be at least one left standing for a long time. The Omsk State Art Museum is in a traditional wooden house.

Go to the Circus

Vladislav Domnich/Getty Images

Omsk State Circus is a popular spot for local families, whose children love the opportunity to see acrobatic performances and animals that wouldn't otherwise make appearance in Siberia. If you do attend a show here, keep in mind that ethics with regard to animal treatment might not match up with those in North America or Western Europe, to say nothing of the smell that can pervade the auditorium during and even after a show.

Be a Drama Queen

While there's no guarantee that any shows will be playing at Omsk Drama Theater at the time of your trip, a visit to this 19th century building is a spectacle in and of itself. While not as huge, say, as Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre, it's nonetheless an ornate architectural wonder that hearkens back to a glorious time in history. The interior of the theater is even open during the daytime; ask the person who's inside if any tours are available when you turn up.

Explore Cities Deeper in Siberia

Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images

Siberia starts in Omsk, even if you can't continue far into it. If you don't plan to travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway, take one of two day trips from Omsk. Travel to Tobolsk, whose hilltop Kremlin is one of the most picturesque in all of Russia, and whose beauty inspired a photo by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that ended up winning several awards. Or visit Tomsk, where you'll find a botanical garden dedicated to Siberian flora, and a museum that celebrates wooden architecture.

Ride the Trans-Siberian Railway

 lvinst/Getty Images

The idea of leaving Omsk behind can seem difficult, especially now that you've gotten to know this city in the heart of Siberia as well as you have. The mint-colored facade of Omsk Railway Station will make you smile, however, even if you're crying inside as you depart. Though it's not quite on the mid-line of the Trans-Siberian route between Moscow and Beijing , Omsk is a worthy starting place to begin a journey to either. If you head east make sure to stop in Irkutsk , the home of Lake Baikal and another underrated Siberian city.

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Sri Lankais a welcoming country that invites people from all over the world to visit and experience its rich cultural heritage, beautiful beaches, diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. It is a blessed destination for any traveler seeking transformative and AMAZING MEMORIES which last forever.

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Avocado Club Berlin | Review

I’m obsessed with scouring the internet for the best food places in each city I visit: from takeaways serving vegan versions of classics to fine dining with a plant-based edge, I want to try them all! But on my trip to Berlin, there was one place that took me completely by surprise and unbelievably, it happened just a few steps from our front door. Honestly, if you’re looking for the next destination that tastes as good as it looks on your Instagram feed, Avocado Club Berlin is the place to be.

Avocado Club Berlin

It was a crisp but freezing morning in the eastern district of Friedrichshain so we wrapped up warm, intent on a bakery breakfast of deliciously salty pretzels. It was just a few minutes into our frantic power walk when we saw an shiny new sign reading ‘Avocado Club’ and we gratefully bundled ourselves inside to the welcoming warmth within.

An absolute haven of Instagram-worthy interiors awaited us, complete with chilled out music and a gentle scent of fresh paint. Each surface was crammed with draping greenery which, combined with the soft pink and grey walls, created a real aura of calm and relaxation. There may not have been pretzels but the meal to come was way better than our original plan of a breakfast on the go.

It was pretty tough to choose from the menu although each item included some variety of – you guessed it – avocado! We loved how most of the options were veggie friendly and even the dessert menu included imaginative combinations like avocado tiramisu which looks incredible if their Instagram is anything to go by. In the end, I went for a refreshing fruit smoothie and waffles while my travel buddy picked a breakfast sandwich filled with avocado cream, pickled onion, feta and date chutney accompanied by a warming tea.

Avocado Club Smoothie

When our drinks arrived, I couldn’t believe how beautifully they were presented. From the cute little peg in my smoothie to the jar of tea, the little touches that they added to each item on the menu made it really special.

Rather than displaying the cutlery on the tables, the beautifully polished pieces are easily accessible from a drawer in each table, keeping the surface clear for our breakfast…yum!

If I loved the presentation of our drinks, the food blew me away. Our plates were decorated like something from Masterchef! I’ve never had a waffle made with avocado before but it was deliciously smooth with just a hint of crisp, complemented by the rich feta and light salad leaves.

Avocado Club Berlin Breakfast

With our bellies full ready for a day of sightseeing, we were in for one last surprise. A trip to the bathroom proved to be unexpectedly pleasant when I opened the door to be greeted by a pink-tiled interior, complete with more plants and motivational signs above the mirror reading ‘Shut up, I think YOU are gorgeous’. Now if that’s not attention to detail, I don’t know what is.

Avocado Club Breakfast

Just before we left, we found out from the lovely guys who run the cafe that they had been open for just five days! While I’d already virtually written this review in my head, hearing this cemented my desire to write about Avocado Club so that anybody travelling to Berlin would put it on their must-visit list immediately. It’s the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time, that’s for sure, and if it wasn’t in a different country, I could easily imagine going every weekend.

Interior Avocado Club Berlin

If you’ve got a trip planned, put Avocado Club on your list of places to visit – you definitely won’t regret it. They don’t yet have a website but I can imagine their Facebook and Instagram places will be revealing some pretty delicious plates of food soon…

Let me know if you decide to visit Avocado Club Berlin, I’d love to hear if this has helped anybody discover a new food gem!

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Avocado Club Berlin Review | Blush Pink, Greenery and Avocados | Wander with Laura

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Traveler’s guide to the city of Omsk, Western Siberia’s secret gem

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Omsk was founded in 1716 when a wooden fort was constructed to house a Cossack unit in the area to protect the expanding Russian frontier from Central Asian nomadic incursions. It served various administrative functions throughout the 1800s and became infamous as a place of exile and incarceration. The city was rundown when selected as a hub for the Trans-Siberian railway in the 1890s. Many international trade companies and foreign consulates relocated here and the remnants of their offices can still be found in the city today.

The mystery of Kolchak’s gold

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Kolchak was entrusted with a large portion of the Tsarist’s gold reserves, yet amazingly lost much of it. Supposedly 250 million rubles were lost (about $8 million at the time). Legend has it that they were buried near the village of Taiga, yet numerous excavations have turned up nothing. The area still attracts the occasional fortune seeker.

Kolchak’s headquarters are located at what is today the Omsk Regional Archives at Broz Tito St., 3. Nothing shows how much times have changed as the imposing Kolchak statue that was unveiled in 2012 around the corner. The statue guards Kolchak restaurant , a four-story culinary complex featuring a steak house, an Irish pub, a Central Asian café and an Italian eatery.  For more details on where and how to dig Kolchak's gold, see Top Ten Mysterious Lost Treasures of Russia  

Dostoevsky and the Tsar

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Most foreigners have heard of Omsk via writer Fyodor Dostoevsky who spent four years here as a prisoner (1849-1853). He spent most of his time in Omsk in squalor and chains and with no books besides the Bible, however, it left an indelible mark on his memory and influenced his future literary output. There is a statue of the writer in chains grasping a Bible at the corner of Partizanskaya and Spartakovskaya streets, where Dostoevsky undoubtedly stepped many times. A museum dedicated to the author's time in Omsk is located nearby at Dostoevskogo St. 1. The local university is also named for him.

Tarskaya Street is one of the city’s oldest thoroughfares. It features a monument to victims of Stalinist repressions and the Tara gates, originally built in 1792 as one of the four entrances to the Omsk fort. Nearby stands the Assumption Cathedral, one of the largest churches in Siberia. Future Tsar Nicholas II laid the first stone here in 1891 when making his way back to St. Petersburg after his Eastern journey.

In Omsk you are never more than a few steps from the village, made clear when one exits the center to the north, where most houses are wooden and roads unpaved. Stroll along Bulatova and Rabinovicha streets, a well-preserved ensemble of wooden architecture.  

Omsk’s cultural heritage

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One of Omsk’s most famous sons is Symbolist painter Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910). Vrubel ignored contemporary trends and focused on themes from fairy tales, demons and religious subjects and also designed a majolica frieze for the Metropol Hotel in Moscow. Omsk’s Fine Arts Museum is named for him and features a number of his works .

Over the years a number of tourists have tripped over the monument to Stepanych. This bust of a plumber rising from a sewer was the idea of Omsk’s former mayor after a trip to Slovakia in the 1990s. Stepanych has become one of the symbols of the city.

Omsk is a hockey town, with one of the major teams, Avangard , in the KHL, Russia’s premiere professional league. Russian champions on several occasions, check out a match at Omsk Arena. But if you can’t catch a game there’s a large kiosk featuring the team’s merchandise at the airport.  

Siberian punk, jazz and the classics

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Perhaps Russia’s most famous punk band, Grazhdanskaya oborona (Civil Defence), was formed here in 1982. The band was active until 2008 when lead singer Yegor Letov died of heart failure at age 43. Letov is buried at the Staro-Vostochnoe cemetery. A sprawling graveyard with thousands of graves, fans should stop at the administration for help in locating his grave.

One of Omsk’s longest running live music venues is Jazz Cafe Party Piano . With live jazz and rock every night of the month, it’s legendary throughout Siberia. Take a taxi as it’s hard to find. Other options for live music include the Viking Folk Bar and Harat's Pub .  

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How to get there

The southern and northern branches of the Trans-Siberian Railway converge here with about 10 trains going to or from Moscow on any given day (37-47 hours each way) and many trains travel to and from the Far East (4-5 days) daily. Aeroflot, Transaero, and S7 fly to Moscow daily (3 hours). Less frequent flights connect to Saint Petersburg (3 hours), Krasnoyarsk (2 hours), as well as Frankfurt, Hannover and Köln in Germany (5 hours). For more information check out aeroomsk.ru

Where to stay

Central hotel choices include Tourist with rooms starting from 1800 rubles (about $47) and Ibis Sibir with rooms starting at 4000 rubles (about $104).

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Inside the club

Complimentary amenities and services are available to make your travel more productive and relaxing.

Admirals Club snacks

House drinks

Admirals Club beer, wine and spirits

Made-to-order specialties*

Fresh made guacamole

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Admirals Club shower suites

Business center*

Admirals Club business centers

Taking the lounge to the next level

We’re committed to providing you with the best experience possible. New, complimentary enhancements will begin rolling out on July 23, 2023.

Enhanced food

Enhanced food

Fill up on a greater variety of premium food and enjoy hearty regional dishes. Plus, select lounges will offer convenient grab-and-go snacks if you’re short on time.

Expanded drink menus

Expanded drink menus

Sip on sparkling wine, local craft beer and spirits. You can also enjoy more complimentary cocktails like mimosas, unique Bloody Marys and signature cocktails inspired by each location.

New look and feel

A new look and feel

Relax in redesigned lounges across the U.S., like the new Admirals Club ® in Washington Reagan (DCA) Terminal E. This new look and feel is also coming to Denver (DEN) and Newark (EWR) later in 2023.

Food and drink

Starting July 23, 2023, you can enjoy the expanded complimentary drink menus at all U.S. locations, with the locally inspired signature cocktails coming soon. Enhanced food will also be available on July 23 at Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA) and Washington Reagan (DCA), and at all U.S. locations by early 2024.

  • A unique, premium menu featuring local flavors**
  • Standard favorites including oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, whole fruit and cereal also available
  • Made-to-order avocado toast compliments of Mastercard*

Lunch and dinner

  • Standard favorites including soups, snack mixes, crudité, dip and whole fruit also available
  • Grab-and-go snacks*
  • Made-to-order guacamole compliments of Mastercard*
  • Non-alcoholic drinks including freshly brewed coffee, espresso and lattes, handcrafted artisanal teas, iced tea and soft drinks
  • Alcoholic drinks including house beer and wine, local craft beer, sparkling wine, spirits and cocktails
  • A locally inspired Bloody Mary and signature cocktail**

Full meals and premium drinks

Hungry for more? Our clubs have bigger meals and premium cocktails available for purchase.

Enjoy a complimentary Admirals Club® membership

Citi / AAdvantage Executive World Elite Mastercard

Citi ® / AAdvantage ® Executive World Elite Mastercard ® cardmembers enjoy perks like:

  • Earn 70,000 bonus miles. Terms apply.
  • Complimentary Admirals Club ® membership (a value of up to $850)
  • Earn up to 20,000 additional Loyalty Points after qualifying activities to elevate your AAdvantage ® status
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*At select locations

**Premium food and drink menus at each lounge may differ

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Omsk, founded in 1716, is a large industrial, educational and cultural center with a population of over one million. In the 50-s years of the 20th century, Omsk became an important oil-processing city. Omsk is a typical modern city with wide thoroughfares, numerous bridges, and high sky-scrapers. In the old part of the city, one can see examples of architecture of previous centuries including the Tobolskie Gate leading to the city fortress, the oldest constructions in Omsk.

In the 19th century, the convicts had to pass through this gate daily when they went to the timber cutting works. Among the convicts was famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky.

The palace of a general-governor is another interesting sight of Omsk. This old building witnessed many historical events.

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Omsk on your mind?

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Multi-city stops

Top places to visit, 1 monument lyubochka.

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2 Omskiy Akademicheskiy Teatr Dramy

3 omsk fortress, historical and cultural complex, 4 omsk district museum of visual arts, top places to eat, 1 kolchak, irlandskiy pab, 2 senkevich, 3 berlin kaffee, 4 kochegarka, what's the weather like in omsk.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Omsk for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Omsk in January
  • Weather in Omsk in February
  • Weather in Omsk in March
  • Weather in Omsk in April
  • Weather in Omsk in May
  • Weather in Omsk in June
  • Weather in Omsk in July
  • Weather in Omsk in August
  • Weather in Omsk in September
  • Weather in Omsk in October
  • Weather in Omsk in November
  • Weather in Omsk in December

All road trips from Omsk

  • Omsk to Yekaterinburg drive
  • Omsk to Novosibirsk drive
  • Omsk to Tyumen drive
  • Omsk to Astana drive
  • Omsk to Chelyabinsk drive
  • Omsk to Yaroslavl drive
  • Omsk to Tomsk drive
  • Omsk to Kostroma drive
  • Omsk to Vladimir drive
  • Omsk to Tula drive
  • Omsk to Sevastopol drive

Explore nearby places

  • Bolshekulachye
  • Ust-Zaostrovka
  • Novotroitskoye
  • Tat'yanovka
  • Serebryanoye
  • Bolsherechye
  • Petropavlovsk
  • Stepnogorsk
  • Novoderevenskaya

All related maps of Omsk

  • Map of Omsk
  • Map of Tara
  • Map of Podgorodka
  • Map of Luzino
  • Map of Bolshekulachye
  • Map of Ust-Zaostrovka
  • Map of Novotroitskoye
  • Map of Achair
  • Map of Tat'yanovka
  • Map of Serebryanoye
  • Map of Bolsherechye
  • Map of Tatarsk
  • Map of Okunevo
  • Map of Maryanovka
  • Map of Kupino
  • Map of Petropavlovsk
  • Map of Borovoe
  • Map of Stepnogorsk
  • Map of Shhuchinsk
  • Map of Kuybyshev
  • Map of Kokshetau
  • Map of Ereymentau
  • Map of Pavlodar
  • Map of Ekibastuz
  • Map of Omutinskiy
  • Map of Novoderevenskaya
  • Map of Dubrovnoye
  • Map of Slavgorod
  • Map of Yarovoye
  • Map of Mokrousovo
  • Map of Astana

Omsk throughout the year

  • Omsk in January
  • Omsk in February
  • Omsk in March
  • Omsk in April
  • Omsk in May
  • Omsk in June
  • Omsk in July
  • Omsk in August
  • Omsk in September
  • Omsk in October
  • Omsk in November
  • Omsk in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Omsk?

Get inspired for your trip to Omsk with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Omsk Itinerary
  • 2-Day Omsk Itinerary
  • 3-Day Omsk Itinerary
  • 4-Day Omsk Itinerary
  • 5-Day Omsk Itinerary

The Tasty Bite

Recipes for everyday life

Candied Bacon Avocado Club Sandwiches

Last Updated on April 15, 2022 by Karen

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These Club Sandwiches are stacked high with candied bacon and avocado – perfect for a party snack!

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Don’t you love it when you re-discover an old favorite? I used to make club sandwiches often and they sort of got lost in my recipe shuffle.  Although avocado is not typical in a club sandwich, I had some perfectly ripe avocados the other day and I didn’t want it to go to waste so I thought I would add it to my club sandwich. Plus, I made another modification with bacon, and not just any bacon. These are the ultimate candied bacon for you lovers of sweet and savory combination!

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When I think about club sandwiches, I think about golf, be it a day on the golf course, enjoying some wine and snacks at the club house after a game, or spending time with friends at a golf-themed party.  While I am nowhere near being a pro golfer, I do have a plenty of enthusiasm when it comes to swinging that club.  And since it’s finally warm and sunny here in New York, there’s no better time to get together with friends over delicious food, great wine, and a round or two of golf!

These Candied Bacon Avocado Club Sandwiches make the perfect bites for pre-game or post-game get together. They also pair nicely with Gran Reserva wines – I recommend serving both red and white (I chose Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon) so people can choose based on their preferences.

avocado travel club


  • 8 slices thick cut bacon
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbsps Dijon mustard
  • 12 sliced bread toasted
  • 8 sliced Swiss cheese
  • 8 oz thinly sliced deli turkey breast
  • 8 slices tomato
  • 8 romaine lettuce leaves
  • 2 medium ripe Haas avocados seeded and sliced


  • Preheat oven to 325F. Season bacon with black pepper and coat with brown sugar on both sides.
  • Arrange bacon in a single layer on a parchment paper lined with aluminum foil and bake until bacon is golden brown and crispy, about 20 minutes. Bacon will crisp up more when cooled.
  • Meanwhile, spread Dijon mustard on toast and layer with cheese, turkey, tomato, and lettuce.
  • Top with another toast, then bacon and avocado, and top with another slice of toast, mustard side down.
  • Cut into triangles and secure with toothpicks before serving.

If you love both wine and golf, you can now enjoy a $25 credit on a round of golf at major golf courses nationwide courtesy of Concha y Toro Gran Reserva . Find a specially marked bottle necker where you buy wine. Also, be sure to enter the Gran Reservation Tee Time  sweepstakes to win one year of free golf.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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This creamy Warm Bacon Cheese Dip is loaded with flavor, baked until bubbly, gooey, and perfect as a game day appetizer!


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  13. Avocado Travel Club

    1. WeDream str., 2029 Chisinau, Moldova. 2. Time Travel str. Bucuresti 90 of 11, MD2012 Chisinau, Moldova (www.timetravel.md) 3. Transport Italia Moldova 069280900 Zilnic

  14. The Top 12 Things to Do in Omsk

    Omsk is a great place to discover the flavors of Russia's wild interior, whether you eat zagutai and stroganini (Siberia's take on sushi) or classic Russian plmeni dumplings filled with decidedly Siberian ingredients, such as bear and rabbit meat. Vkusno! (That's Russian for "delicious"!) 08 of 12.

  15. Avocado Travels

    Avocado Travels is your gateway to unforgettable travel experiences. With meticulously curated packages, personalized itineraries, and exceptional service, we ensure seamless arrangements, top-notch accommodations, and expert guidance. Trust us to create cherished memories, cater to your unique preferences, and make your travel dreams a reality.

  16. Avocado Club Berlin Review

    Avocado Club Berlin Review: I investigate Friedrichshain's brand new avocado-focused restaurant with the most Instagram-worthy interiors you'll ever see. ... In the end, I went for a refreshing fruit smoothie and waffles while my travel buddy picked a breakfast sandwich filled with avocado cream, pickled onion, feta and date chutney accompanied ...

  17. Traveler's guide to the city of Omsk, Western Siberia's secret gem

    Traveler's guide to the city of Omsk, Western Siberia's secret gem. Travel. Sept 26 2014. Joe Crescente, for RBTH. Dmitry Feoktistov for RBTH. Follow Russia Beyond on Instagram. Omsk is an ...

  18. Admirals Club − Travel information − American Airlines

    Enjoy a complimentary Admirals Club® membership. Citi ® / AAdvantage ® Executive World Elite Mastercard ® cardmembers enjoy perks like: Earn 70,000 bonus miles. Terms apply. Complimentary Admirals Club ® membership (a value of up to $850) Earn up to 20,000 additional Loyalty Points after qualifying activities to elevate your AAdvantage ...

  19. avocado travel club

    avocado travel club

  20. Группа для членов клуба «Avocado Travel Club»

    Эта группа для членов клуба Avocado Travel Club, в которой участники могут делиться впечатлениями от отдыха, давать советы, а также получать доступ к...

  21. Travel to Omsk, Russia.

    Travel to Omsk, Russia. Omsk, founded in 1716, is a large industrial, educational and cultural center with a population of over one million. In the 50-s years of the 20th century, Omsk became an important oil-processing city. Omsk is a typical modern city with wide thoroughfares, numerous bridges, and high sky-scrapers. In the old part of the ...

  22. Omsk Travel 2024: Best Places to Visit & Restaurants

    Kochegarka is a trendy and unconventional beer club located on Lermontova Street in Omsk, Russia. Its unique atmosphere captures the essence of rock and roll, making it a must-visit establishment. Although I couldn't personally evaluate their beer menu and wine list, the food they offer is decent and reasonably priced.

  23. Candied Bacon Avocado Club Sandwiches

    Preheat oven to 325F. Season bacon with black pepper and coat with brown sugar on both sides. Arrange bacon in a single layer on a parchment paper lined with aluminum foil and bake until bacon is golden brown and crispy, about 20 minutes. Bacon will crisp up more when cooled. Meanwhile, spread Dijon mustard on toast and layer with cheese ...