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  • Mar 18, 2022

Conan Exiles: Journey Steps Explained

conan journey steps

Conan Exiles can be pretty confusing when you’re starting out, but one way the game teaches you how to play is to present you with a series of Journey Steps to be completed. A list of three Journey Steps will be displayed on the top right of your screen and as each one is ticked off it will be replaced by a new one. There are 100 steps in total divided between 10 Chapters.

The first 20 steps of Chapters I and II are pretty easy, and completing them will help you level up quickly. Below are notes on how to complete all the Journey Steps in the first two chapters, with a few extra from Chapter III thrown in for luck. The instructions are for PS4, but should be easily translatable for XBox and PC.

At the beginning of the game (after the character creation) you’ll be dumped in the Southern Desert at one of the Broken Highway locations (there are six of these, all pretty similar). Stay in this area to complete the first three steps, then head north towards the river (on the PS4 the right-hand directional button will call up the map). The river is where the fun really starts.

Conan Exiles skulls

Journey Steps: Chapter I

Climb any surface - literally any large rock, cliff-side, ruined building or stone slab. Near your starting point on the Broken Highway you’ll see a large upright slab with writing on it. Go up to it and press ‘square’ to interact. The slab starts talking to you (which completes step 1.8). Then walk up to the slab and press ‘X’ to climb it.

Conan Exiles character looking at Lore Tablet

There’s a waterskin lying on a boulder a few steps away from your starting point (don’t miss it, it’s useful) pick it up by pressing 'square' and it should go into your wheel-menu (or radial menu, if you want to get fancy about it). Press L1 to bring up this menu, then select the waterskin to drink. If you miss the waterskin, do this step at the river. Stand or swim in deep water and press 'square' to interact with it.

Run into any of the bushes you come across and use ‘square’ to harvest plant fibre, seeds and insects. The insects should go into your wheel-menu. Interact with the bugs to eat them.


Use some of the plant fibre you collected in step 1.3 to make twine, then pick up branches from the ground (walk over them and press ‘square’), and collect more fibre (if needed) to make a bedroll. These materials will end up in your Inventory. Press the central pad to access the Inventory and you'll see a list of crafting recipes to the right of the screen. The bedroll will be one of them. Once made, the bedroll should end up in your wheel-menu. Place it on any area of flat ground to complete this step. It might be best to place it somewhere safe when you get nearer the river. If you die you'll be given the choice of re-spawning at this bedroll or back at the Broken Highway.


Use more harvested fibre to create a tunic, trousers, hand-wraps and shoes (all found in the Inventory recipe list). Once they’re made they’ll automatically appear on your body.

Gather up branches and pieces of stone (five of each) to make a hatchet, then do the same to make a pick. These are harvesting tools, but each can be used as a weapon. The easiest things to kill at this stage are baby Shalebacks (these look like beefed-up turtles the size of a dog), rabbits, and imps (squat, man-like creatures). You’ll encounter all of these by the river. A light attack is R1, a heavy attack is R2. Once you’ve killed something, keep hacking its corpse to harvest its body parts. Make sure you get some feral flesh from one of these creatures. You’ll need it later for 2.3.

Conan Exiles character slaying an imp


You did this in step 1.6.


You did this in step 1.1.

Put away any weapon or tool you might be carrying and press ‘L2’. It’s that easy.

1.10. DODGE

Press the ‘O’ button. Again, very easy.

And that's the end of Chapter I.

Conan Exiles adventurers confronting the Abyssal Remnant

Chapter II Steps


Press the central pad to get to your Inventory, then use R2 to cycle to Attributes and then Feats. The game gives you recipe points each time you level up and here’s where you spend them. The Feats menu lists all the recipes you can buy. Some will be locked until you get to the right level; others will have three dots on their icon to show they’re available to buy. Essential first purchases are Primitive Cook , Warrior and Apprentice Mason .


Buy the Warrior recipe (see step 2.1) and make a Stone Sword out of stones and branches.


You can just about survive on insects and berries, but you’ll soon be starving if you don’t eat properly. Feral flesh (see step 1.6) makes a good meal, but will give you food poisoning if you don’t cook it first. To do this, buy the recipe for Primitive Cook (see step 2.1) and make a camp fire - your first crafting station. Once the fire is placed on the ground, harvest some wood (whack a tree with an hatchet or pick) then place the wood and feral flesh into the fire. Press L2 to get it going, or stop it again. Once the feral flesh has changed to ‘shredded roast’, you can press 'square' to interact with it and eat it.

Conan Exiles cooking menu


You can either run into a cave (which is likely to be full of imps) or make a shelter. Buy the recipe for Apprentice Mason (see step 2.1) and make yourself a house. The smallest house you can build has a single Sandstone Foundation, three Sandstone Walls, a Sandstone Doorframe, a Simple Wooden Door, and a Sandstone Ceiling. This step usually completes once the building is half-finished. Building a small shack like this will also complete step 2.9.


With your Stone Sword (from step 2.2) try a combination of heavy attacks (pressing R2). The sequence of blows will end with a Heavy Finisher.

Conan Exiles character with stone sword


Create an Improvised Torch . Add it to your wheel-menu (if that's not already happened automatically) then select it. To add things to your wheel-menu. Go to your Inventory and highlight the object you want move, then press L2 to bring up the wheel-menu. Select the menu slot you want to use and press X to confirm. If you choose a menu slot that already has something in it, that item will transfer to the Inventory.


There are lots of camp-fires along the river with two or three NPCs gathered around them. Just get close enough to trigger this step, then run away if you don’t want to fight.

Conan Exiles character scouting an NPC camp


Buy the Boxmaker recipe (see step 2.1) and make a box from wood and twine. Then place the box on the ground, or in your house, and put something (anything) in it.


You did this in step 2.4.


This one requires a bit more effort. Buy the Defender recipe, then make a wooden shield. Find an NPC to aggro and, when they attack, press L2 to raise your shield to block them. This can take a few tries.

And that’s the first 20 Journey Steps of Chapters I and II done, most of the remaining steps require more work and the use of more crafting stations. However, the following are some Chapter III Steps you should also be able to complete early on.

Conan Exiles Conan looking at girl on cross

Chapter III - Odds and Ends


The NPCs you’ll find near the river are not members of tribes. The tribal camps are usually much larger and more dangerous. If you explore the west of the river, you’ll soon find a location called the Shattered Bridge . Follow this to the north bank of the river and you’ll come to an area called Shaman’s Rise . Look for a small camp next to a cliff-face and you’ll find Nunu the Cannibal (who’s much nicer than he sounds). Nunu willl teach you the Yog religion (talking to him completes step 3.5). High above Nunu’s shrine is a Darfari Camp called Howling Plateau . It’s a steep climb, but you’ll make it. You only need to get close enough to complete this scouting mission, then run off if you want to.

Conan Exiles Nunu the Yog priest


These are hard to make until you find iron ore nodes (these are further to the north), but if you attack a large NPC camp (like the one you find in step 3.3) anyone you kill is likely to drop something useful. Sometimes they drop iron bars. These Tribal camps usually have a few boxes lying around the place and these are often full of goodies too.


You did this in step 3.3.


Buy the Archer recipe and make some simple Flinthead arrows. Then shoot an enemy (you can't just shoot at them though, you have to hit them).


If you're lucky, you might have already completed this one. To get a head you have to chop up an animal with a hatchet. However, only large adult animals drop heads, and many only rarely. For a guaranteed head, find a Kudu antelope on the north side of the river (these are the large male antelopes with twisted horns). The Kudu will put up a fight, but a head is virtually a certainty once you give it the chop. However, heads aren't much use to you at the moment, and they weigh a ton, so don't bother keeping it.

Conan Exiles a Kudu


These are complicated to make, but you might find one on a dead enemy or in a camp loot box (see step 3.4). If you find an orb, equip it like a weapon, then find an enemy to lob it at (press R2).


Easy peasy. Just hack at a tree with a pick. Bark is very useful for tanning and drying food, so don’t throw it away.

And that's it. Once you know what the easier steps are, burning through them takes no time at all, and by doing them and discovering new locations it's quite possible to reach Level 20 in as many minutes.

If you'd like to see some Conan Exiles gameplay check out my YouTube channel/

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Guides 4 Gamers

  • Guides for Gamers
  • Conan Exiles Game Guide

The Exiles Journey

Use a bed or bedroll, clothe yourself, craft a tool, find signs of intelligent life, spend knowledge points, get a dedicated weapon, eat a filling meal, find shelter, perform a heavy finisher with a weapon, use a torch, scout an exile camp, store goods, create a home, block an attack, chapter iii, equip a piece of light armor, use a skinning dagger to skin an animal, scout a darfari camp, obtain an iron bar, find somebody to talk to, shoot an enemy, venerate the gods, throw an orb, use a pick to gather bark from trees, put an enemy in the wheel of pain, sleep in a bed, craft an iron tool, obtain a potion, show your religious zeal, mine all the iron in a node, dye an item, catch a fish, plant seeds, earn a perk, craft an exceptional or flawless item, destroy the abyssal remnant, upgrade a building piece, obtain the head of a boss creature, ride an elevator, scout a black hand camp, decorate yourself with warpaint, fire a trebuchet, combine orb effects, climb the tower of bats, use an explosive, modify a weapon, scout a dogs of the desert camp, lure an enemy into a trap, modify a piece of armor, squish something in a fluid press, drink water from a well, cripple an enemy, sunder an enemy, make an enemy bleed, chapter vii, survive a sandstorm outside of shelter, explore the unnamed city, survive a purge, destroy a dragon, visit sepermeru, attune an obelisk, create a map-room, recruit a unique thrall, equip a raider armor piece, cleanse corruption by watching an entertainer, chapter viii, visit new asagard, defeat the kinscourge, get extremely drunk, enter the palace of the witch queen, drink the yellow lotus potion, harvest the black lotus blossom, discover all the lemurian lorestones, harvest a fallen star for ore, build or upgrade your building to the highest tier, discover what haunts the sanctuary ruins, visit the mounds of the dead, defeat the barrow king, obtain a black ice weapon, buff yourself with warpaint, summon witchfire, pour boiling oil from a siege cauldron, maintain normal temperature in the most extreme cold, defeat hrugnir of the frost, equip a nordheimer armor set, discover all the giant-king obelisks, find a legendary weapon, destroy whatever dwells at the heart of the volcano, obtain an obsidian weapon, create a master workstation, summon the avatar of a god, explore the entire exiled lands, equip an epic armor set, survive the heat of the volcano, defeat the mummy of the ring, escape the exiled lands.

Complete (Chapters: I - X) list of achievements being part of The Exiles Journey . You will find here their names and descriptions before and after completion.


This is a dangerous place. You can sense it, like a stag senses the stalking hunter on the wind. You are in no state to fight large or dangerous creatures – even a well-fed human would be a match for you in your current state.You decide that climbing away from danger might be your best course. You flex your fingers and look around for something that might be climbable.

Almost any vertical surface in the Exiled Lands can be climbed. Walk up to a surface and hold Jump to attach. Press Crouch to release.

Description after completion:

You finish climbing and smile grimly to yourself. No matter what comes your way, you can at least try to climb away from it.

Weakened by your wounds and in desperate need of time to heal, you find yourself confronted by even more basic needs. The water shared by your mysterious rescuer has long since been absorbed by your parched body. Your tongue rasps dryly against the inside of your mouth.

You must find water. You have no other choice.

Gain water by interacting with water sources in the world or items such as waterskins and canteens.

Despite your wounds and the abuse that your body had received while on the cross, you managed to find and drink some water. The battle for survival in the Exiled Lands will be a long one, but in this skirmish, you are the victor.

As the pain of crucifixion recedes, a new pain sets in. Hunger. Not the pain of going without a meal or two, but the deep gnawing ache of your body slowly devouring itself.

You have not eaten for days, and now you need to find something to eat.

Unless you have the means to cook, you can get sustenance from insects, eggs and grubs. Food will regenerate your health.

You barely remember whatever it was that you ate. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that the pain in your stomach has receded. For now.

Hunger is truly the best sauce.

Pain has made your mind foggy. Days spent in horrible conditions have left your mind dazed – pulled inwards to protect itself.

You need to sleep. To make sense of events. To allow your mind to reorder itself around the future. You just need to find a safe location where you can collapse.

Craft a bedroll and place it in the world. This will make the bedroll your respawn point.

Your mind feels refreshed and restored, despite the aching in your muscles. The insights that your dreams provide and the primal vitality that sleep restores will all be important in the days and weeks ahead.

The heat of the desert sun is merciless and it beats down upon your head with vicious savagery. Without even the most basic clothing you need to clothe yourself before heatstroke, insanity and death set in.

Basic clothing can be crafted from fibrous plants. Harvest some plants and then weave some basic clothing

Coarse clothing offers very little protection against fang or claw, but it does provide a measure of relief against the burning sun.

You wove yourself some rudimentary clothing from the strands of fibrous plants and ensured your ongoing survival just a little longer.

Life returns slowly to your aching muscles. Every step is a misery of aches and pains. But you are here. You are alive.

And as that thought arrives in your mind, a slow burning anger fills you.

You were taken from your home and left to die on a cross in a place you have never seen before. Taken from everything you knew, and left on a cross for the vultures.

You are gripped by the sudden, inexplicable urge to kill something.

Equip a weapon or use your fists to damage enemies

Blood drips. Your fists ache. But for now, the fire of your anger has dimmed.

Your future looms before you and it is blood, death and the endless cycle of survival.

Probably a good idea to get a weapon.

You study the callouses on your hand and conclude that if you are going to pull up plants and gather stones, you’d best be effective about it.

Besides, you aren’t sure what manner of creatures you are sharing this place with. There is always something reassuring about the heft of a tool in your hands.

Tools can be used to harvest objects in the world for resources. Craft you first tool from the stones and branches lying around

You smile grimly and bounce your tool against the palm of your hand.

There is something beautiful about the act of creation. There is something even more beautiful about using your creation to smash something.

Loneliness is not something you are accustomed to. For days, as you hung from the cross, you were a prisoner inside your own mind. And then your liberator came and freed you from the cross, before abandoning you once again within the wasteland.

You’re alone again. But perhaps amongst this sea of windswept dunes, there are others.

Keep a close eye on the world around you in order to find lore objects and notes left by other travelers.

It doesn’t matter that whoever left that note is long gone. It is enough to know that others have passed this way in the past and, gods willing, will again in the future. You are an exile, but you are not alone.

Your hands ache. Sore knuckles, bloody palms and the ragged holes torn in your flesh by iron nails. As weapons, they are less than formidable.

But you have a backup. The simple kick. You know you can use it to keep your enemies on the backfoot and give you the distance you need to escape.

Press KICK to perform a kick. Use it to keep enemies at a distance when you have nothing equipped in the off hand.

You snap off a few air kicks, feeling satisfied with the feeling as your leg hammers through the air, the weight of your body behind it.Beware the mighty kick!

You’re still concerned about the diminished capacity of your body to avoid threats and damage. While on the cross, your muscles spasmed uncontrollably due to the strained positions in which they were held. Now, freed from those constraints, you feel stiff and sore.Your concern is that if something knocks you down, you will stay down.

You need to practice your tumbling – rolling and returning to your feet quickly.

Press DODGE to perform a roll. You can use this keep distance from enemies, or get in closer. If you are wearing heavy armor, you cannot roll.

Your momentum carries you back to your feet and you smile, despite the pain. That felt good and you know it will be very useful.

The fog of pain has begun to clear and you begin to focus on your circumstances.

You reject the idea that your situation is hopeless and instead cast your mind back over everything you have learned in your life about surviving in a dangerous place.You half-remember fragments of learning, tidbits dropped here and there throughout your life. If you just try, you are certain that you can put together practical applications for some of these things.

Press O to open the Feat screen. There you can see new types of knowledge which you can unlock. Learn a feat to gain access to crafting recipes which can then be accessed in your inventory, or in the workstation that is required to craft the object

It all starts to come back – pieces of knowledge fitting together in your mind to form a complete picture of how to make things.There’s a certain pleasure to knowing things and knowing that no matter how injured your body, your mind will retain this information.

Your first encounters are behind you and you’ve gotten through them with a blend of grit and a raw natural strength.

But the Exiled Lands are clearly a hostile place and you’re going to need to be more effective in combat in the future.

You think it is time to get yourself a real weapon.

Weapons can be crafted or looted from fallen enemies. Just remember to keep them in good repair. Nothing worse than a weapon that breaks mid-battle.

You give your new weapon a few swings and it moves through the air with a satisfying whoosh.

You almost feel sorry for the next fool who tries to kill you. Almost.

A life spent eating insects, eggs and grubs is a life lived on the very edges of desperation. You understand that such sparse foods are useful in dire times, but they are not what is needed to feed a strong, vital body.

The thought of rich juicy meat makes you begin to salivate. You’d better cook it first though. The creatures around here are probably crawling with parasites.

Cooking food requires a campfire and the raw ingredients. Eating raw meat is a bad idea!

You smack your lips with relish. It has been so long since you have had to fight for your food, you’d forgotten what it was like.

Never mind the taste of woodsmoke or the charred, overcooked meat. A good meal, hard earned, is a satisfaction all of its own.

You find yourself worrying about the weather. While on the cross, you saw the great sandstorms sweeping across the north, a moving wall of sand that scoured all in its path.

You are certain that there are many ways to shelter yourself from it. You simply need to find one of them that covers you fully.

Shelter can be created through building or found in various locations in the world.

You now know at least one place that will be safe for you to be during a sandstorm. You might be trading the danger of the scouring sandstorm for the depths of a monster-filled cave or the dubious safety of hiding underwater, but nowhere in the Exiled Lands is a truly safe place.r

You’ve been experimenting with your weapon. How it feels in your hands during each swing; how the rhythm of combat reveals itself in the interplay of balance and counterbalance.There is a light rhythm which inflicts small amounts of damage on the enemy, while keeping them off-balance. And then there is the heavy, brutal rhythm which batters at the enemy, inflicting grievous wounds and bringing the fight to an end quickly.Your eyes widen as you understand that the rhythm is the same and you can switch between them at will, building your own unique style.

You need to test this, ending a series of rhythmic blows with a brutal heavy finisher.

Combine light attacks and heavy attacks in a combo that finishes with a heavy finisher.

The last swing whips through the air with a satisfying whoosh. You’re certain that the key to skillful combat is to chain together your attacks in a way that sets your foe up for that single, definitive blow.Woe be to your enemies.

You see that darkness comes quickly in the Exiled Lands, and with it comes danger.

You’ll need fire to drive off beasts and keep the darkness at bay while you explore.

Craft or find a torch and equip it. Torches can be held in the off hand, freeing the main hand for tools and weapons.

You know how to keep the darkness at bay, whenever it comes. If you have enough fuel to keep your torch burning, you’ll always have at least one ally in the darkness.

There are other people here, you are certain of it. Other exiles, left to rot in the desert. What is the common thread binding you all together? Why were you all brought here and left to die?

What is the meaning of this bracelet that encircles your arm like a shackle?

Perhaps finding other exiles might help you to make sense of it.

You can find other people near water sources or easily defended locations

You can only feel pity. Driven to the edge of desperation, the men and women you encountered were little more than animals themselves. They threw themselves at you and you were forced to take action.

Is everything in the Exiled Lands hostile?

You can’t keep carrying everything around with you. You only have so many hands and the tools and stones and branches and leaves quickly add up.

You need something to store your more valuable items in. Whether you make it or steal it from somebody else is irrelevant.

Place items in a storage container to keep them safe. Open the radial menu to lock and unlock the box for other people

You’re a little nervous about not carrying everything around with you, but you feel lighter, more agile and more ready to face the challenges of the desert with just a few things on your person.

Besides that wooden box should keep your gear safe from would-be thieves. Unless they have access to metal or sorcery.

Wandering and scavenging is good enough when you are clinging to survival by your fingernails, but you realize that you need to start building something slightly more permanent.

To keep out the hazards of the Exiled Lands, to store and protect the things that you have created, and as a place from which to stage your explorations.

Place out foundations and walls to create a base. You can place building pieces by equipping them to the hotbar then selecting them. Of course, you might need to craft them first.

You’ve started to build something that provides shelter, protection from attacks and a place to keep your equipment.

Now it just needs to be finished.

It’s obvious to you that the people you are encountering are not well trained in combat. Whatever your past experience, you can see the obvious flaws in their methods, the way that they swing too hard and too often.

With a shield, you think you could probably stun them long enough to get in some devastating blows of your own.

Equip a shield and use it to stagger an enemy in combat by blocking their attacks. Shields are useful, but they lose durability quickly and can be destroyed mid battle.

The bone-shaking blow was easily deflected back at the attacker, causing them to stagger and lose complete control. You made note of the opening, and the technique for future battles.

As long as you can keep your shield in one piece.

The coarse clothing that you put together from plants fiber has served you well, but you decide that it is time to find something more…protective.

You wonder if you can make or find something.

Armor can be crafted using an armorer’s bench. It can also be dropped by human enemies that you kill.

You like the feel of this new armor against your skin. You feel confident and protected. You’re ready to take on anything.

Slaughtering animals is a part of surviving, but up until now you have been avoiding another, messier part of the process. Skinning animals is a disagreeable task at any time, but you need hides in order to craft armor.

And from what you have seen of the Exiled Lands, you’re going to need armor.

By using a skinning dagger you can harvest hides exclusively from animals

You sniff the air, then shrug. One of the better things about being exiled is that there aren’t a lot of people around to smell you after you’ve skinned something.

You wipe your dagger and put it carefully away. You’re going to be doing a lot more of this.

You can hear drums throbbing in the night and you recognize the sound. The Cannibals of Darfar.

Does this mean that you are in Darfar? You do not know. But you can find out. Are the Darfari wearing bracelets as you are? Are they also trapped in this land?

You need to scout one of their camps and find out.

The Darfari are cannibals and will almost always be hostile when encountered. They eat human flesh in their worship of the demon-god Yog

The Darfari were also wearing the bracelets which means they are probably also captured and trapped here.

You wonder who has such power, that they could capture entire bands of Darfari and imprison them. Though the cannibal slaves are common enough in the cities of Shem, you suspect that these Darfari have never known the lash.

Your wood and stone tools are no longer sufficient. Not for harvesting the stone and wood that you need to create things. Not for cutting down your enemies who seem to be ever-increasing in power.

You want to make the next step, out of the stone age and into the iron age. And the first thing you’ll need is some pure iron.

You can make iron by smelting iron ore in a furnace or take if from someone who has already done the work for you

You have an iron bar and taken your first tottering step on the path that leads out of the age of stone.

Now you just need a few hundred more.

Despite that fact that every single person you’ve met so far has been hostile, you’re certain that somebody out here might want to talk to you.

You just need to find them.

Occasionally you will meet friendly NPCs in the world. They provide valuable information about the world, as well as teaching new skills and abilities

You finally found somebody who was willing to talk to you. It’s good to know that not everybody wants to kill you when they see you.

Just most of them.

Bashing heads and lopping off arms is a brutal but necessary part of the life in the Exiled Lands. You are starting to suspect, however, that it might be better to try and kill your enemies from a distance. And at least hunting antelope will be so much easier.

You decide that you should find a ranged weapon and try it out.

Craft or find a bow and arrows. To equip arrows to a bow, drag them over the bow in your inventory or hotbar.

You took a moment to become used to the flight of the arrow but once it was under control, you shot your first enemy.

Though the bow might not be useful against very fast creatures, you can see that it will give you a decided advantage when attacking from ambush.

The gods are watching. You realize that whatever your feelings about the gods, in this place you need to avoid offending them.

You should find or create an altar and see what the gods have to offer you.

Use an altar just like any other crafting machine. If you are a worshipper of that particular god, the recipes available to you will show on the right

You used an altar and saw immediately that there were things that you could create only with divine inspiration.

Perhaps something to make use of in the future.

You want a trophy of your adventures. Something that says “I was here. I slaughtered this thing”.

For example, a head.

Some creatures can be harvested for their heads, which can be stuffed and mounted on walls

You have taken a head. It is oozing and smells badly and you’re not sure if you can remember how to stuff and preserve it. But you have it.

You’re so lonely.

You’ve seen them before dangling on the belts of alchemists, small glass orbs filled with some bizarre concoction. Whatever is inside them, when exposed to air it reacts and causes some interesting effects.

Fire, slippery grease, poison gas – all of these would be of use when confronting your enemies. You think it is time to find out for yourself.

Equip an orb and press LMB to throw it so that it rolls for a distance. Use RMB to shake the orb and mix the contents, ensuring that it will react immediately upon impact.

With the shattering of glass and the accompanying reaction, you’ve found a new weapon. Good for removing walls, choking enemies, and making everybody fall down.

You need to figure out how to create leather. You’re not sure exactly the process but you remember that bark is needed.

Stripping bark off one of these trees should be a easy, provided you have the right tools.

You can use different tools on the same harvestable for different results. Use a pick to harvest wood and bark from trees, a hatchet to harvest wood and branches

You’ve figured it out and managed to gather some bark. Now you’ll just have to experiment to see which other tools you can use for varying purposes.

Thus far, you’ve been killing the enemies that you come across. But they would be more useful alive – as allies. The problem is that nobody you’ve met out here seems very interested in making an alliance.

Making thralls of your enemies is a way to turn their strength to your advantage. And the Wheel of Pain is designed to do exactly that.

You just need to capture an enemy first.

Capture enemies by knocking them unconscious with a truncheon and then binding their legs with fiber and dragging them back to the Wheel of Pain. If you have a bound npc, using the Wheel of Pain will attach them to it.

You’ve captured your first thrall and put them on the Wheel of Pain. Over time, you realize, that you could create an army of willing servants.

But all people are born with different skills and you will need to find the right thralls in order to quickly increase your production.

The appeal of sleeping on a bed of leaves or fur has long since disappeared. You realize with a jolt that you probably have the resources and knowledge to build yourself a proper bed, one that you don’t destroy by using.

Or you can just borrow someone else’s bed. If they’ll let you.

Beds are much more powerful than bedrolls and do not despawn once they have been used. Craft a bed in order to have a permanent (until someone destroys it) respawn location.

You crafted a bed to give yourself a permanent place to sleep. Not to mention the added benefit of being off the ground, where the snakes and spiders can crawl in.

Now that you have access to iron, you realize that you can improve your tools. Harder tools means having to repair them less, which in turn provides you with more time to gather resources.

Time to enter the iron age.

You can craft an iron tool at a blacksmith’s bench.

You have successfully crafted a iron tool. You admire the heft and feel of it in your hands.

Trees and rocks beware – you are coming for them.

You have heard tales of miraculous potions that can heal the sick, strengthen the weak and restore the constitution of the weary.

You decide that experimenting with the different herbs and plants that can be found in the Exiled Lands is worth the risk of accidentally poisoning yourself. When the land itself is tainted by sorcery, the plants must have some miraculous properties.

Use a firebowl cauldron to combine ingredients into a potion, or steal one from your enemies.

You gulp down the potion and let the effects spread slowly throughout your body. For all you know, it might all be in your mind.

It’s just nice not to be drinking water for once.

The gods tend to be passive until invoked, and the strength of the invocation depends on the zeal of the one performing the ritual. You realize that no matter your feelings toward the gods, in the Exiled Lands they are capable of providing real, tangible benefits.

All you need to do is offer them proof of your zeal.

Crafting items on the altar of the gods will create physical representations of zeal. Zeal is used to upgrade altars to higher tiers.

Your rudimentary acts of zealotry were enough to create physical manifestations of the favor of the gods on the altar.

With enough favor, who knows what is possible?

Iron is becoming the most important resource that you require for creating tools and weapons. In order to get enough, you need to harvest iron deposits directly, and not rely upon the iron that you occasionally find in other stones.

Iron deposits in the world have a metallic grey. They are mostly found north of the river. Harvest them directly to receive large amounts of iron.

You found and harvested an iron deposit in the world and you are certain that you can identify more of them in the future.

It is time to move beyond stone and start working with iron.

You understand the principal of changing the color of clothing. As a survival mechanism, it can be useful to help you blend into your surroundings, to attract certain animals and drive away others.

Some people uses dyes for fashion too, but that would be a frivolous waste of dye out here.

Craft or steal a dye and then use it to dye an item in your inventory. Dyes can be crafted using the firebowl cauldron, but you will first need to create a flask to hold them. Glass can be crafted from crystal.

You look at the colors of your new item. The dye seems to have taken and the clothing seems as robust as ever.

You also look good.

Hunting food requires energy and commitment. Catching fish, you realize is a much simpler pastime. Especially if you simply place out a trap and come back and check it some time later.

You decide that maybe fishing is just what you need.

If you have a fish trap, you can use it to catch fish. Just place it in some water and wait.

Your first fish lies dead at your feet. The lifeless eyes stare up at you accusingly but it was you or it.

Perhaps not, but regrets are for the weak.

You remember hearing once that agriculture is the key to civilization. The benefits of civilization are less interesting to you than they once were, but the benefits of agriculture cannot be denied.

This shouldn’t be too hard. Nature does it all the time.

Seeds can be placed in a planter, and over time they will grow into plants that can be harvested. Using compost and fertilizer will speed the process.

Tamping down the earth over your first planted seed, you feel a sense of satisfaction. It might not be as glorious as slaying enemies in battle, but there is a certain pleasure in growing something of your own.

You can feel that you have grown more powerful over the past days of hardship – expanding your capabilities in ways that you could not have imagined before.As you change, you feel that you are adapting in ways that are unique, ways that could be very useful to your continued survival.

Open your Attributes screen. Spend points in a single attribute to earn a perk. The more you focus on a single attribute, the higher the point cost, but the more powerful the perks.

You’re certain that what you have figured out will help you to survive for longer. Perhaps even give you the edge in a crucial situation.It feels good.

You’ve recently come to the realization that you will never be as accomplished a craftsman as one who as worked at a trade their entire life.

The things that you hammer out at the blacksmith bench are decent enough and very good by the standards of the Exiled Lands, but you can tell that they lack the finesse of proper craftsmanship.

You’d miss the feeling of a quality item in your hands and you’d like to have that back. You just need to find somebody with the right skills and…acquire them.

Exceptional and flawless weapons are crafted by artisan thralls. Capture an artisan, break them on the wheel of pain, then attach them to a crafting station to use their abilities

Ah there it is. That undeniable quality of craftsmanship that separates the novice from the master. You marvel at the little details that you would never have thought to include and, most importantly, the extra power that imparts.

You’re looking forward to testing this out.

You’ve heard rumors of something in the darkest depths of the Dregs. Something that lives beneath the city and devours all that dare to face it.

The rumors set you afire with curiosity. What could that creature be guarding? Where did it come from? Why is it there?

You decide that you want to test yourself. You have survived the Exiled Lands, thus far, but you have not ventured into the darkness. You wish to try.

The Dregs dungeon can be found on the western end of the river in the south.

You have overcome the Abyssal Remnant and won through The Dregs. Your confidence in yourself grows along with your ability.

Simple buildings are a good first step, but you understand that your first walls are lucky to keep out a strong wind. A determined, well-armed enemy could easily break through your walls, take your things and destroy everything you have worked for.

Time to upgrade.

You can upgrade your buildings to the next tier by crafting stronger pieces and placing them on top of the old pieces.

You’ve upgraded a building piece to make it stronger, sturdier and more resistant to attack. Now you simply need to do the rest of the building.r

Some of the creatures that you’ve encountered are larger and fiercer than others, unique in a land of large and fierce creatures. You want to take a trophy from one of them, proof of what you have seen.

If you ever make it out of here.

Kill one of the unusually large creatures that do the Exiled Lands and take its head

You have the head and proof of both your prowess and the unnaturally large creatures that haunt the Exiled Lands.

Something to remind you to be alert at all times.

You find yourself impressed with the ingenuity of survivors in the Exiled Lands. With the application of counterweights, pulleys, and strong ropes, platforms that move around and provide safe access in and out of mountainous places not only exist, but seem to work with little accident.

You want to try one of these contraptions.

Craft an elevator, or find one in the world that you can use. Interact with the control lever while standing on the platform to activate it.

You shake your head as you step off the elevator. Necessity really is the mother of all invention.

You’ve encountered different inhabitants of the Exiled Lands thus far – desperate exiles and Darfari cannibals. But rumor has it that there is a group of pirates who hunt the desert, plundering the sands for their own enrichment.

You're not really sure if you believe in these so-called “Black Hand” pirates, but you’ll need to find one of their camps to know for sure.

The Black Hand can be found north of the river in the desert. Their camps are easily identified by their seafaring aesthetic.

You shake your head. The rumors were true, a group of pirates stuck in the desert. Interestingly, also wearing the bracelets, marking them as prisoners in the Exiled Lands.You wonder what the Black Hand of Set would think if they knew that a bunch of pirates had stolen their name and were running around the desert.

You’re curious about the warpaints that you have seen some of your enemies wearing in the Exiled Lands. They are intimidating, but they also serve to identify members of various tribes and groups.

You know that some tribes use paints to prepare themselves for war, but for now, you’d just like to see how it feels to paint on yourself, without help.

Decorative warpaint patterns can be learned in the feat tree or found at various locations around the world. Using the pattern will apply it to your body.

In the beginning, the paint feels odd against your skin, but you know that over time you will become used to it. Oddly satisfied with your freshly patterned skin, you move onwards with a bounce in your stride.

Your enemies in the Exiled Lands are well protected and well-armed. Sometimes, swords and spears are not going to be enough.

The pinnacle of modern siege weaponry, the trebuchet is designed to address that imbalance. Too cumbersome to hit single targets, but powerful enough to bring down the walls of enemy forts, it is a vehicle of destruction.

You really want to fire one.

Trebuchets can be crafted via the feat tree. Make sure the trebuchet is loaded, the counter-weight is set and then pull the lever!

The payload arcs through the sky and lands with a satisfying thump. You’re certain that simple walls won’t be able to stand up to the pounding of such a machine.War is coming and you are prepared.

After experimenting with alchemical orbs, you understand their basic applications. But the compounds within can be combined to cause a variety of secondary effects.

You’d like to see what happens when you combine two orb effects.

Experiment with different orbs and combine their effects to produce new effects.

You’re not sure how it works, but it works. And now you know a new trick to use against your enemy.

It stands in the desert, a ruined structure of impressive stature. A whispered rumor names it the Tower of the Bat, a relic of the ancient past.You are curious about the bracelet still clinging to your wrist and preventing you from leaving the Exiled Lands.

Perhaps the tower can offer some answers…perhaps not. Either way, you're going to climb it.

The Tower of the Bat is a mysterious structure on the river bank, just east of the Unnamed City. Climb it to discover what mysteries await at its apex.

You heave a heavy sigh as you pull yourself over the edge of the Tower of Bats.Time to find out if this place anything of value to you at all.

You've heard of alchemical powders from Khitai that can be used to cause great explosions and fire in the sky, but it has never gained impetus in the Hyborian kingdoms due to a scarcity of the resources required to create it.Here in the Exiled Lands, however, the ingredients are plentiful.

You want to craft an explosive of your own. You want to blow something up.

Explosives can be learned and crafted through the feat menu. They can be triggered by interacting with their fuse or simply walking into them.

The satisfying boom of the explosion still rings in your ears. The raw power of the powder is enough to smash walls and bring down forts and castles.Oh, the destruction you will leave in your wake.

Swinging your weapon in battle has made you acutely aware of its flaws, but it has also grown familiar, like an additional limb. You don't want to give it up, but the problems it has could eventually be lethal.You know that you can modify your weapon to customize it for your combat preferences with the help of a special set of tools.

You'll just need to make the tools first.

Craft or acquire a weapon modification and then apply it to a weapon by placing it over the weapon in the inventory.

Your newly modified weapon still feels familiar, but subtly different. You won't be certain until you try it in combat, but you're looking forward to.

You can hear them on the night of the full moon, howling across the desert. Hyenas, a great roaming pack that devours anything in their path. But you've observed here and there, mingled with the pawprints of the beasts, the distinct footprints of humans.There are rumors of a group known only as the "Dogs of the Desert". Perhaps they are the ones who accompany the great pack on its hunt.

You decide to scout their camps. Cautiously.

The Dogs of the Desert can be found in the northern areas of the desert. Their camps are usually marked by animal hides and the pawprint of the hyena.

The Dogs of the Desert were as aggressive as their name implies – attacking you on sight. Still, there was something animalistic about their features. As if they weren't truly men at all – they were just wearing the mask.

Direct confrontation is not the only way to deal with an enemy. Sometimes, you realize, it pays to be smarter.You've often considered traps with spring-loaded mechanisms that could be used to trigger death on those who dare to trespass in your home.

Time to put those thoughts into action.

Traps can be crafted or found on enemies in the Exiled Lands. Place a trap and lure an enemy on to the trap so see what effect it has.

There is absolute delight in watching a plan execute itself perfectly. In this case, the trap worked flawlessly, triggered by the weight of the attacker it fired off with devastating effect.

Your armor creaks and groans when you use it. It isn't that the armor isn't useful, it just feels like it could be more useful.

There are specialized tools that can be used to make your armor slightly better; a small scraping of leather here, a touch of additional oil there.You decide to try and modify your armor with the help of a small kit.

Craft or acquire an armor modification and then apply it by placing it over an armor piece in the inventory.

Your armor still creaks and groans, but somehow, it all feels slightly better. And you've learned how to modify your armor, which your certain is a useful skill to have.

As you establish yourself in the Exiled Lands, you've become aware that you need access to various resources to lubricate the gears of your production chains.

You remember seeing merchants using their fluid press to separate the pulp from the useful liquids inside various creatures. It's disgusting, but you imagine it will help to provide you with resources.

Craft or acquire a fluid press, then fill it with something you'd like to squish.

With a sickly gurgle, the fluid press squeezes pungent liquid into the world. You're becoming quite efficient at producing things, even if it is mostly just bad smells.

You’re tired of continually having to find a stream or river to refill your waterskin. You’re tired of having to search out water before you can go on long trips. And you’re concerned about your ability to defend your home if an enemy blocks your access to fresh water.

You’re confident after so much time spent in the desert that you can see the telltale signs of an underground water source. You decide that you can dig a well for simpler access to water, or at the very least locate one nearby that you can use.

Find or craft a well and then use it to quench your thirst or fill your waterskin. Wells will fill up over time, so check back to get more water later.

You wipe your mouth with your hand. The water tastes a little brackish, but is drinkable.One of the great threats of the Exiled Lands, thirst, is thus overcome.

You’re aware that you’ve become much more intimidating during the last few weeks of clawing out an existence in the Exiled Lands. You’re more formidable than ever – but this has led to a new set of problems. Foremost among them, enemies who run away from you.You need to find a way to pin them down – literally.

A well placed arrow or javelin to the legs, or a special cripple combo with a weapon ought to do it.

Hit an enemy in the legs with an arrow or throwing weapon in order to cripple them. This will reduce their movement rate significantly.

You grin mercilessly as you watch your enemy limping away. There’ll be no escape for them this time.

Increasingly, you find yourself fighting opponents wearing layers of protection that your weapons are unable to penetrate. You realize that against such well defended foes, you need to angle your strokes so as to expose the flaws in the enemy protection.

You have a few tricks in mind, but you really need to try them out in battle, and with the correct weapons, to see if you can manage.

Apply the Sunder debuff to an enemy by using a weapon combo that contains a sunder. Some weapons that include sunder combos are the two-handed hammer, the axe, and the mace.

Your deft moves and crushing attacks left your foe exposed and off-balance. From that position it was simple to exploit the weakness.You tuck this technique into your mind for future reference.

Not all of your enemies deserve a fast death. In a land full of murders, thieves and rapists, you are certain that a fast death is a mercy that not all of them should recieve.Some of your weapons are designed to inflict bleeding – gaping wounds that are designed to leave the enemy spilling their precious lifeblood onto the sands.

You decide to master this technique, against the chance that you might need to use it in the future.

Apply the Bleed debuff to an enemy by using a weapon combo that contains a sunder. Some weapons that include bleed combos are the daggers, the sword, and the pike.

You watch with satisfaction as your enemy drips blood onto the sand. Sadistic, yes? But then again, they should never have tried to kill you.You store your knowledge of enemy anatomy for future battles.

The huge sandstorms that roll across the Exiled Lands are an unnatural phenomenon. Their frequency and ferocity are a testament to whatever terrible force it is that drives them across the landscape.They are more than an annoyance to you, being forced to flee for shelter every time a sandstorm approaches.

You’ve heard tell of certain desert nomads who craft a specific mask that allows them to breath and see while among the stinging sands.

Either way, you are tired of cringing behind shelter during sandstorms. Time to face the beast.

Find a way to survive in the sandstorm without being in shelter. The sandstorm mask can be crafted from the armor tab in the feats window.

You’ve stood unharmed during the course of the sandstorm. As the fury of the sands whipped around you, you stood tall, protected by your ingenuity.You feel that, finally, you have faced the harshest of what the Exiled Lands can throw at you.

The brooding black city haunts the corners of your vision. Impossible to ignore, it is a testament to the strength of the ancient culture that once ruled these lands. And the mystery of the bracelet that enslaves you probably has roots within the walls of that city. It is inevitable that your journey will bring you to walk along those avenues of haunted, cyclopean stone.

Do you dare to tread where none has gone before in thousands of years?

Explore the Unnamed City and discover all the major points of interest in the area

You have seen the empty boulevards and shattered streets of the ancient city of the Giant-kings. The places where they held their human slaves, performed their sorcerous rituals, and even the archives where they keep the entire knowledge of their race.And the corruption of the ancient city yet lingers on your mind, clinging like a thin layer of grease to your consciousness.

The creatures and people of the Exiled Lands are extremely territorial. Anybody who dares to build in an area that they have claimed will face swift consequences.You have built your home and it is only a matter of time until the hordes come for you.

You're ready to fight back, to defend what you have with tooth and nail.

When the purge meter is full, you have a chance of being attacked by a purge. Purges will vary based upon your location in the world. Survive a purge to update this journey entry.

The battle was bloody and the screaming horde were intense in their desire to see your home destroyed.But you overcame. You won again. That is all that matters.

You’ve heard of these creatures through whispered stories around the hearth your entire life. Dragons, magnificent creatures of legend, known for their ferocity and power. And every tale accompanying dragons comes with a promise of hoards of treasure for those bold enough to pit themselves against such creatures.You’ve seen the dragons. Here, in the Exiled Lands, they walk as living creatures.And you decide that you must slay one, not for gold, but for glory.

And so that you can tell people you did it.

Dragons can be found roaming the Exiled Lands. Kill one.

You stand above the broken body of your foe and feel only exhaustion. That was one of the most difficult fights of your life and you salute the creature who gave it to you.You realize that you are now entitled to call yourself, Dragonslayer.

Your travels in the Exiled Lands thus far have been dogged with enemies of every kind, factions of cannibals, pirates and desperate exiles have hindered your progress at every turn.But you have heard of a city in the far west, a city of Relic Hunters who welcome any to visit them.

Could it be true? There is really only one way to find out.

Find Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters

You found Sepermeru and the rumors were true, the inhabitants did not attack you at first sightYou’ve found a cure for perhaps one of the greatest threats of the Exiled Lands, loneliness.

Among the weathered stones of the Exiled Lands are Obelisks that pulse with a dark energy. Approaching them seems to sap at your will, but your bracelet seems to respond to the dark energy with a pulsing of its own.

Touching your bracelet to an obelisk seems to activate it – perhaps you can glean something from the interactions.

Find an obelisk in the world and interact with it to attune your bracelet.

When you touched your bracelet to the obelisk, the patterns inscribed upon it seem to burn themselves into your mind. Along with something…darker.You hope that whatever has hidden itself in the back of your mind will be useful.

You’d like to have a better idea of the full scope of the Exiled Lands and all that they contain. You lack the necessary cartographic knowledge to create a map, but you are certain that somewhere the Giant-kings kept knowledge of their kingdom and all that it entailed.If you can find their map, then you might be able to reproduce your own.

Learn how to create a map-room from the Archivist in the Unnamed City. Then build one of your own.

You’ve reproduced the map room from the ancient ruins with a precise level of detail. Now you can see an overview of the lands that the Giant-kings once ruled and, if The Archivist was correct, even access their sorcerous system of travel.

You don’t know where they are. You don’t know what they want. You don’t have any money to pay them, but what you do know is that there are people out there with a particular set of skills. Skills that they have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make them a boon for people like you.

You will look for them. You will find them. And you will enslave them.

Unique thralls are masters of their particular craft or weapon. They can be found scattered across the Exiled Lands. Recruit one to work for you.

Your new ally, known far and wide for their skills, gets quietly to work. You’re satisfied to have such a skilled person on your side.Willing or not.

There are cultures feared across the Thurian continent for the ferocity of their raids upon neighboring kingdoms. Shemite and Stygian slavers, raiding each other and their neighbors to the north and south. And from the far east, the mysterious Kambujans who set forth from their jungle kingdom.

You know that to establish yourself here, regardless of whether you are a raider or not, you need to borrow some of the fear that comes with their image.At least you get three choices.

Raider armors can be learned in the feat tree and crafted at an armorers bench.

You like the feel of your new armor. It makes you dangerous. And fearless.Like you’d like to go on a raid.

The things that you’ve seen have affected your mind. Though you try to convince yourself otherwise, you feel off. Half-glimpsed visions, whispers that seem to come from nowhere. You feel corrupted.

You need to distract your mind, focus on something other than survival and the horrors of the Exiled Lands in order to heal yourself.

Perhaps dancing?

Entertainers can cleanse corruption from your mind and body with their unique talents. Capture an entertainer or find a location where you can watch one in action.

You feel refreshed, like you’ve awoken from a dark dream. The menacing clouds on your consciousness have lifted. You are restored.

There is a line where the desert gives way abruptly to the scrubby bush and grey-green grasses of the highlands. It is rumored that somewhere up there is a tribe of nordheimer barbarians, eking out an existence in the bitter cold.

You think it sounds wonderful, you’ve spent too long in the heat.

Find New Asagard, the village of the Nordheimers, located in the highlands.

You’ve found the walled village known as New Asagard – but the locals were less than happy to see you. Unlike Sepermeru, it seems that strangers are particularly unwelcome in the village of these brutes.

There is a tower in the northern reaches of the highlands. At the top of the tower is a light that stays lit eternally.If the rumors are to be believed, it is the home of Tyros the Kinscourge, leader of the Silent Legion. Dark tales speak of his eternal watch and the circumstances that brought it into being.

You want to know if the tales are true. And as far as you know, entering the tower and confronting the Kinscourge is the only way to find out.

Tyros the Kinscourge can be found at the top of the Black Keep at the heart of the Ruins of Xulla in the northern highlands.

You sheathe your weapon and look upon the corpse of the creature that you have just slain. Man, spirit or something else? All you know is that this tragedy, played out over ten thousand years, was ended by decisive action.Your action.

The more you explore and learn about your imprisonment, the clearer it becomes to you that there is no short term solution. For better or worse, you are stuck here among the outcasts and exiles.

Well, as a wise drunkard once slobbered into your ear, it could be worse. There might not be alcohol.And you could really use a drink.

Learn to brew alcholic beverages in the feat tree, or find someone willing to share. Then drink until you forget about everything.

Your head hurts too much for you to think of a benefit to this. You’re certain there was one but…you just want some greasy food.

Rumor has spread across the Exiled Lands, from the depths of the swamps that haunt the eastern reaches of the Exiled Lands. Rumors of the Witch Queen of Lemuria and the opulent palace that she maintains at the heart of the ruins.You’re always interested in ancient ruins and, particularly, the treasures contained within.

Find and enter the Palace of the Witch Queen in the eastern swamps.

The Palace of the Witch Queen was not what you expected, but you have uncovered treasure of a different sort.You think it is going to work out just fine.

The herbs and concoctions of the Exiled Lands seem to have a potency that you have never seen in your former life. You’ve heard of potions that bring dying men back to full health, that allow one to breathe underwater for an insane length of time, and that open your eyes to new experiences and new horizons.

The blossom of the yellow lotus, used as a narcotic in southern Stygia and the Black Kingdoms, can apparently be prepared in such a way as to add new insights and allow you to see yourself as you might have been if you’d made different choices in life.

You’re determined to try it out and see what you can glean from the experience. The Yellow Lotus Potion can be used to reset your feat and attribute points. Craft one at a Firebowl Cauldron or find one in the world and devour it.

Infinities explode before your eyes. The world spins and turns. You see yourself as a child, an adolescent, an adult. You see every road you never turned down, every path untrodden and with a flick of the wrist, you can change it all.You can become something else entirely.

The blossoms of Black Lotus are dangerous. To breathe in their scent is to bring dreams of darkness and death.

The mighty sorcerers of the Black Ring use the smoke of the black lotus to revive their sorcerous powers.For you, the Black Lotus represents a challenge. Like so many of the other things you have achieved in the Exiled Lands, the task of plucking a Black Lotus Blossom appeals to your sense of adventure.

You’re not even sure what you would use it for. Harvest Black Lotus in the Black Gardens of the ruined city in the swamp.

Holding the blossom carefully away from your face, you smile triumphantly. Another challenge overcome and another mystery of this place conquered.

One of the most unsettling features of the Exiled Lands are the large lorestones scattered across the landscape. Through sorcerous means, the stones speak directly into your mind, though the messages are clearly for people living in the dim reaches of the past.

You wonder if that is also why you can understand what would have been ancient and alien languages.There are two distinct voices that speak to you from the lorestones. One of them, the voice of a woman, seems to preach rebellion from the stones themselves.What she has to say provides fascinating insight into the events that took place here.

And somewhere in her words, might be the key to your escape. Listen to all of the Lemurian Lorestones to find out their side of the story

The tale of how the Lemurians came to the Exiled Lands – the sinking of their homeland in the cataclysm, their forced enslavement by the vicious people who captured them as they made landfall – strikes a chord with you.And yet… you don’t fully trust the words spoken by the stone. There is another side to this story.

In the north, where the cold highlands give way to the frozen slopes, you can see the stars falling from the sky. You’ve always heard tales of the strength and power of metal forged from stars and now is your opportunity to get your hands on some of it.

You need to find a fallen star and harvest it for star metal.

Find a fallen star and harvest it by shattering the outer shell with a demon-fire orb

You have a gleaming lump of star-metal ore, ready to be smelted into a weapon or tool. You want to see what it can do.

As you explore the lands, you find you are dissatisfied with the materials you have used to build your home. You’ve seen ancient architecture that has stood for ten thousand years, and the robust dwellings of the other captives of the Exiled Lands.

In order to protect yourself and your clan, nothing but the highest tier of protection will do.

Craft build pieces of the highest tier (black ice, reinforced stonebrick) and upgrade your building

You’ve begun to turn your home into a fortress. Raiders and enemies will need to be very determined indeed if they hope to break down your walls.You almost hope they try.

In the north, men speak of ghosts in quiet whispers. Perhaps because they are surrounded by them – the armor-clad undead of the Silent Legion, the flickering Wights that haunt the mounds of the dead or the other, more regular ghosts that you have seen all across the Exiled Lands.The latter are more like memories than ghosts, spectral messages embedded in the universe for thousands of years.

Apparently one of these ghosts haunts the Sanctuary Ruins – and has information about the Kinscourge. For those who are willing to listen.

The Sanctuary Ruins can be found on the southeastern edge of the Exiled Lands.

You found the spirit of Telith in the Sanctuary Ruins, and listened as she sang her lament for her lost lover, Tyros.There is a greater nuance and mystery to the story of the Kinscourge than you had imagined.

Once, a battle was fought in the lands north of the Unnamed City – between the Giant-kings and the humans who had once been their allies.It is unclear to you who the victor was. But the battlefield itself still exists and is apparently haunted.

Finding the burial grounds of the dead might provide some clue as to who won the titanic battle, and in turn, might lead you closer to solving the mystery of your exile.

The Mounds of the Dead lie on the western side of the northern highlands.

You’ve walked the ancient battlefield of the Exiled Lands. You’ve seen the grave mounds rising in the mist. You’ve seen the lost souls of the warriors who fell, wandering the graves with a nameless, timeless hunger.

You’ve seen the Mounds of the Dead. But what has it taught you?

Where the dead lie sleeping, there is a secret and a whisper. You have heard the name as you walked among the fallen, The Barrow King.Apparently one of the leaders who fell in the titanic battle that took place here in the north, the Barrow King still haunts these lands. But where?You just need to find the place where his army laid him to rest.

Perhaps the Cimmerians in the area can help?

The Barrow King is buried somewhere close to the Mounds of the Dead. Find his barrow, open it, and defeat him to learn more of his role in the war.

The Barrow King, also known as the Priestking, member of the Giant-king triumvirate, lies dead at your feet. You are not sure whether all that you find in his tomb is unvarnished truth, or whether it is indeed tainted by his alien perspective, but it give you more knowledge of events in the Exiled Lands than you had before.You feel as though the mystery is starting to unravel.

On the frozen slopes, you’ve heard of giants roaming with frost glittering from their icy weapons. You’ve heard of a secret method of working the hardest ice into weapons and you’d like to try out such a weapon.But, rumor holds that the secret of Black Ice is jealously guarded by the Frost Giants at their temple in the north.

You grit your teeth and prepare to go north, into Frost Giant territory.

Learn to craft Black Ice weapons from the Frost Giants, or find one and equip it.

You heft your new weapon, proud of the combination of balance and power throbbing through the haft. You must admit, however, that you dislike the slow burning cold that seeps into your skin from the weapon itself.

You’ve mastered the art of painting yourself with decorative paints that stain your skin. But you want to learn the higher art, the one that tribes use to drive themselves into a frenzy. The patterns that give strength, agility, vitality and more to their wearers.

Perhaps the effect is all in the mind. You’re not concerned. As long as it works.

Warpaint buffs can be learned on the feats page, or found in the world. Craft or find one, then apply it to yourself.

You can feel the paint tingling upon your skin. And you feel the effect in your blood, roaring through your veins.It works. That is all that matters

The person you were would have been intimidated by the mention of witchfire. Before the Exiled Lands, the mere hint of sorcery was to be feared and spoken of in whispers.

Now, you realize that the right combination of alchemical effects can be combined to produce the flickering, ghostly lights that other people refer to as witchfire.You want to create some, just to spite the shadow of who you used to be.

Witchfire recipes can be learned on the feat page.

Your witchfire burns blue against the night, a flickering flame that gives off little smoke and casts a harsh light on the landscape.Looking down, you can see that your shadow is gone.

The more you accumulate, the more important it has become to defend what you have. Thick walls can be climbed, after all, and even the sturdiest ceiling in the world cannot stand up to repeated blows.You’ve seen some of the nasty tricks that fortresses use to defend themselves against climbing foes and indeed, those foolish enough to hang around at the base of their walls.

Time to heat the oil.

Place a Siege Cauldron, and use it to pour oil down the length of your wall.

You survey the slick patch of oil left on the wall proudly. This will hinder anyone silly enough to climb the walls.You look forward to them trying.

There are places of extreme cold in the Exiled Lands – so cold that you will literally die if you spend any time there.But you are not to be conquered by this place.

You plan to stroll through the coldest areas without even the smallest shiver.You simply need to prepare a bit first.

Visit the coldest area of the Exiled Lands while maintaining a normal body temperature. You will need to combine food effects, special clothing and armor to achieve this.

You shake the frost from your clothing and look at your icy skin. You didn’t feel any discomfort at all.You’ve conquered another aspect of this place.

The leader of the Frost Giants that inhabit the northern slopes of the frozen north is known simply as Hrugnir of the Frost.Perhaps he is the reason that the Frost Giants cling to this area, perhaps he is as trapped as you are.

Either way, you’re going north to confront him and his band of Frost Giants.

Find and kill Hrugnir of the Frost

You found and defeated Hrugnir of the Frost. And while you found no sign of a bracelet on his corpse, you are still certain that the Frost Giants are tied to this place in the same way as the other Exiles.You’re just not certain why.

As you penetrate further into the northern areas of the Exiled Lands, you find that the armor and clothing of the desert is inadequate to protect you against both the damage and temperatures of the frozen region.The locals, however, seem to have developed armor that keeps them warm even in the coldest of areas.

You might just need to borrow some.

Loot a Nordheimer enemy for their armor, or craft it yourself from the recipes learned on the feats page.

The new armor pleases you and simply for the warmth that it imparts. It also looks really good.

From your very first moment in the Exiled Lands, the voice of the Giant-kings has reached out to you across the eons. The giant lorestones that dot the Exiled Lands speak directly to your mind, carrying messages for slaves that served the Giant-kings so very long ago.As you’ve explored the world, they have taught you about their places, their culture and what they once did to their slaves who wore the bracelet.

You know that you need to seek out all of the Giant-king lorestones in order to understand more about this alien culture.

Listen to all of the Giant-king lorestones to find out their history

The lorestones of the Giant-kings contained echoes of their culture and their attitude. You’re not certain you will ever understand how such ancient creatures thought, and the reasoning behind their actions.

But you understand that their history is the key to your freedom.

Some weapons carry a story with them. It can be as simple as a blade that become famous because its wielder managed to slay five enemies with it, or something as complex as a weapon specifically crafted by a sorcerer to kill a single person.Over time, such weapons gain a certain mythical quality and it is said that they confer those bonuses to whoever wields them.

There has to be weapons like that in the Exiled Lands, considering the rich history that you have been uncovering during your explorations.

There are legendary weapons scattered across the Exiled Lands, hidden in locked chests guarded by ferocious creatures. Find yourself one.

You hold a legendary weapon in your hands and while it feels good, you have a doubt. Can you be worthy of its legacy?Time will tell.

Something festers at the heart of the volcano. You don’t know what it is, but you know that it was at least partially responsible for the war that took place in the Exiled Lands ages past.

Does it still live? Does it still whisper betrayal to those who trust it?Does it have something to do with your imprisonment?

You know there is only one way to find out.

Find and destroy the creature that dwells at the heart of the volcano

The Degenerate, ancient enemy of mankind, lies dead in the ruins of his city. Such a creature knew nothing but deceit and contempt for other living things. The Giant-kings were fools to trust it, the Lemurians were fools to believe that it revealed itself to them willingly.Now, you wipe the ichor of its passing from your blade and stride forth from the ruins. It will never attempt to rule from the shadows again.

Obsidian, a dark-glass formed from flows of lava, is abundant in the volcano. You have heard tell of fantastically sharp weapons that can be crafted from the glass, but the secret of their forging is beyond your knowledge.

Perhaps somewhere in the Volcano, you can find someone or something to teach you how to craft these fine weapons. Or perhaps you can simply find one of the weapons to steal.

Whatever works.

Learn to craft Obsidian weapons in the volcano, or find an obsidian weapon and equip it.

You have a weapon made of the dark glassy substance known as Obsidian. You have no doubt it will shatter quickly under repeated stress, but until then it is a smooth and welcome weight in your hands.

You realize that your have become something of a master in your chosen crafts over your time in the Exiled Lands. You can identify dozens of inefficiencies in the production chain and you have ideas on how to improve them all.These are the small things, you realize, that separate the master from the journeyman or apprentice.

You get to work on your master crafting station, certain that your improved design will be faster and more efficient.

Learn a master crafting station from the feat page and then craft one to be placed in the world.

You stand proudly beside your master workstation. This, as much as your combat prowess, is proof that you have come to dominate the Exiled Lands. You have become so much more than you were.

You have tried to find time to make devotions to the gods. You’ve visited their altars and even made sacrifices to them. But to call upon the power of the gods requires earning a lot of favor and a lot of favor requires a lot of sacrifice.You decide to renew your efforts on behalf of your chosen deity. Or deities.

That way lies true power.

Craft a True Name token at a tier 3 altar and summon the avatar of your god. Just don’t do it in your house.

For a brief moment, you soared! You saw through the eyes of a god and smote those who opposed you with the wrath of a deity.Such power coupled with a glimpse of infinity. There is no greater domination!

You have explored much of the Exiled Lands, but to truly dominate you know that you need to understand the land intimately.

Every chokepoint that can turn the tide of battle, every cave where an enemy might be hiding, every location where a rare resource might be found – you must learn them all.

Time to get cracking.

Explore your map to find every point of interest in the Exiled Lands

You have found every single location of interest within the Exiled Lands. You’ve been everywhere that there is to go, seen every vista and visited every scene.You are the ultimate explorer.

Looking back over the different types of armor that you have used throughout your travels, you can see minute ways in which they can be improved.Some additional padding here, some minor tweaks there and every single armor set could be more valuable than they were before.

You just need to take the time to make the alterations.

Craft an Epic Armor set and equip it. Epic armors can be found in the armor tab on the feats page.

You smile as you clamber about in your new armor. Your alterations have made it far more effective and yet it still retains the visual and cultural flair that it had earlier.You are very pleased with yourself.

The volcano is the hottest place in the Exiled Lands – so hot that it can burn a person to death just walking on the stones there.

You will not allow it to beat you. You will stroll through the Volcano and you will not sweat and you will not quiver.You need to prepare, of course.

Visit the hottest area of the Exiled Lands while maintaining a normal body temperature. You will need to combine food effects, special clothing and armor to achieve this.

Steam rises from your skin and your armor crinkles in the extreme heat. But you, you felt nothing out of the ordinary.You consider this challenge conquered.

So it comes to this – Thoth Amon, lord of the Black Ring, is the one who imprisoned you in the Exiled Lands. He seeks the artefacts that you have gathered and he is sending his black servant to collect them.

Destroy the Servant of the Ring, by any means necessary.

When you placed the artefacts in the vessel, the Servant of the Ring was summoned to take them. You must defeat it!

You have destroyed the servant of Thoth Amon and recovered the essence of the Serpent Ring of Set from its body. You now have a single final act to perform to remove your bracelet and leave the Exiled Lands forever.

You have gathered the artefacts of the Giant-kings, their enemies and their allies. You have defeated the Servant of the Ring and earned your right to freedom. Now, you need only complete the ritual to free you of the bracelet and escape the Exiled Lands forever.Or, you can choose to stay and dominate.

You must make a choice.

Use the keystone to remove the bracelet and escape the Exiled Lands. Be aware that this will delete your character and end the game.

You walk from the Exiled Lands into the desert. Behind you, the cursewall crumbles. And with every step, the world fades until…“So then, you’re not quite dead.”

User Comments

All your comments, suggestions and additions are very welcome and will certainly help other players who visit this site. Thank you.

This document covers the functionality of the revamped Journey System.

BP AC ExilesJourney

The Journey system is based around the “ /Game/Systems/Progression/BP_AC_ExilesJourney “ component attached to player characters. This component handles both Journeys and Achievements.

In order to complete Journey Steps, the easiest way is to call the this blueprint to resolve the journey steps, or by a Component call.

Component call

conan journey steps

Note that the Component to get is NOT “BP AC JourneySystem” - rather, it is “NewExilesJourneyComponent” - this is the code-class parent to that blueprint, and this should be used when getting the component.

Resolving Journey Steps

When resolving a Journey-step, it’s possible to use either the RowName in the JourneyStep table or the LegacyTrigger Name-variable in the same table.

conan journey steps

Setting up what Journey is the player’s first

In the MapDataTable, a new column exists called “First Journey”. This determines which journey in the DT_NewJourney table is set up when players first enter the respective map/s.

conan journey steps

Journey Tables



The order of Rownames is the order used for sorting the Journey in the Journey Book UI.

Title + Image + Description

The Title and Image are displayed in the Journey Book UI.

Journey Steps

This is the RowName for all the Journeysteps that this Journey should contain. This data comes from the rownames in the “/Game/Systems/Progression/DT_NewJourneySteps” table.

Map Restriction

Players need to be on the correct map in order to obtain the journey. If this is empty, it means that any map is eligible.

Unlocking Journeys can be done in four ways (Unlocking Feats, Levelling up, finding a map marker, or completing a Journey). A journey can only be unlocked once and never goes away unless the character is deleted. These criterias are all "OR" criterias, meaning that meeting any of the criteria will unlock the journey.

Unlocked by Feat

This is an INT-array. Buying/Unlocking a feat can unlock a Journey.

Unlocked at Level

This is an INT-variable. Players can unlock journeys by simply levelling up.

Unlocked by Finding Map Marker

This is a NAME-array that compares the entry to a localized text variable in the Map Markers Data-table.

Completion Reward

We want to reward players for completing an entire journey. The rewards from completing a journey can be multiple different things, and all rewards are handed out to the player.

Start Hidden

If this boolean is TRUE, the journey is not shown in the Journey Book UI until the prerequirements for it are met.

Suggested Next Journey

If this field has a journey name in it, and the option for autopicking next journey is on, the journey system will switch to this when a journey is completed.

Prereq Override

Should you want custom text to appear as a requirement for the journey, filling in this will override the normal prereq text.


If this is ticked, it means players can skip the journey and not receive the reward


This is the rowname used by the JourneyTable when it lists all the journey steps it should contain.

This is the player-facing title of the Journey-step as it appears in the Journey Tracker and in the Journeybook sidepanel when inspecting journeys.


This is the descriptive text shown to the player when they have the journey active in the Journey Tracker.

This is an icon that is displayed next to the Journeystep in the Journeybook sidepanel when inspecting a journey.

This is the amount of XP given out when completing a single journey step.

Legacy Trigger

This, or the RowName, may be used as a NAME variable for resolving journey-steps.

Reward Achievement

This is the NAME variable for any achievement to be granted on completing the journey-step.

Num Repeats

If this is more than 0, the step will repeat that many extra times. A value of “1” therefore makes it so that players need to go through the step twice.

Related Tables

Several new tables have been made to aid with solving journey steps. These tables typically use gameplay tags and RowNames to solve which journey-step should resolve based on criterias in the table.











Deprecated Tables

The following tables have been deprecated and are no longer in use






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Journey steps unresponsive/unreliable

Basic Info: Platform: Steam Issue Type: Gameplay Game Mode: Online Private Server Type: PvE Map: Exiled Lands Server Name: FarkasPack Conan Exiles Mods: Male New Faces Female New Faces Highmane’s Arsenal Barbarian Barber [vers. 3.6.4] Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) v0.29.12 Devious Desires Shadows of Skelos - Extended v1.7.5 Kerozards Paragon Leveling - Reloaded - v2.4.13 ExilesExtreme - v1.5.52 Simple Minimap (by Xevyr) v1.1.7, Emberlight 3.5.4 Restricted Exiles 1.9.14 RA: Character Customisation Level 300 Thrall RA: Fantasy Extension Forgotten Depths [Character Customization] New gen DyeMoreBetterer Commando Edit Appearance v1.2.6 Thralls are alive Beyond the Forge Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.9.10 Pythagoras: Expanded Building - v2.1.23
Bug Description: Multiple journey bugs
Bug Reproduction: track journey and follow steps

When doing the following journeys, certain steps are unreliable/unresponsive. Warrior: Perform a heavy attack does not work with any weapon only with bare handed fists, Soldier: doesn’t register killing enemy with str weapon, Rogue: same issue as soldier, Archer: powershot step unreliable, kill step non-responsive, Farmer: requires multiple attempts over long periods of time before working, Sorcerer: will sometimes not register cave discovery, requires multiple visits to the inside of the cave (you don’t need to leave area just enter and exit cave repeatedly) Dungeon delver: sometimes does not register finding/completing the dungeon requiring multiple run throughs. I will update with further journeys i find to be broken.

Tested archer journey final step - Kill an enemy with a bow;

  • killing with the bow made during journey - unresponsive
  • One shot an enemy - unresponsive
  • Kill an enemy with multiple shots - unresponsive
  • Kill multiple enemies with the bow - unresponsive
  • trying multiple different bow and arrow combinations to kill - unresponsive

Update: new journey bug found. During the Adventurer journey, if the player has already found the library without the journey active then the step " find the library of esoteric knowledge" will not complete. thus rendering the journey impossible to complete.

Similar problem here. I can’t trigger the “spend attribute points” step in survivor (sic!) journey

I had to harvest multiple corpses yesterday (humans, animals, stone skinning knife, stone cleaver, even stone pickaxe) before the darn thing would register. On my other server, I didn’t have an issue with this one.

Also having issues completing journey steps on an unmodded server: -unable to craft iron sickle in blacksmith bench for Warrior journey- regular bench, no thrall, crafted 8 iron sickles, and journey will not progress -unable to powershot at all - wasn’t working prior to Archer journey, and still unable to work.

For both of these I have tried every suggestion given, and they are still bugged. Cannot progress without these steps being checked off.

this is gonna sound really dumb but, have you taken the sickle out? of the bench? that’s what does it for me

Also having issues with sorcerer/finding the cave not working. I’ve gotten all the way in and grabbed the tome (new character) but journey step did not progress.

I can see you’re running a couple of mods there.

A lot of journey steps rely on a pretty recently introduced tag system and any mod that either alters items, combo steps, mapmarkers, etc. by doing it via a full row merge or has a hard-edited table saved purposely or by accident of older versions of these entries that did not have tags will break journey steps.

You could try to figure out which mod is disabling which challenges by experimenting in single-player and disabling them one at a time and then report them to the relevant mod authors so that they may update. Chances are quite a few already received reports and are working on updates.

In the meantime if you want to have some workaround and be able to pass the steps you currently cannot complete, I did make a tiny mod specifically for this purpose capable of granting Journey steps as admin, even to other characters on the server.

For that you need to be at the Cave of Kurak. Within 4 foundations of the exact point. Discoveries have been a bit sluggish since Age of Sorcery, especially around caves, so you have to idle around for a bit for it to trigger.

The exact coordinates for that specific journey are X=-114990.304688,Y=167867.562500,Z=-14177.642578 or if you want a more visual representation, then the empty doorway itself connecting the cave and the stairs that lead up to the platform housing the book. Simply wait there for a minute and it should trigger

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Survivor (Journey)

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T JourneyRV card img survival

Survivor is one of The Exiles Journeys .

The requirement to unlock this journey is to be on the Exiled Lands map.

Icon supply package

Completing this journey will also unlock the Survival Shelter and Homesteader journeys.

This journey is skippable, allowing one to mark it as completed and unlock the next journeys, but losing out on the experience and reward.

Description [ ]

The Exiled Lands take the weak and test the strong. You must learn to survive these harsh lands before you can dominate them.

  • 2 The Sacred Hunt


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  2. New Journey System Guide: Journey Steps & Journey Rewards

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  3. ALL NEW Journey Steps

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  5. Steam Community :: Guide :: Conan Exiles: The Exile's Journey steps

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  1. Conan Exiles ~ Journey Steps 3





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  1. The Exiles Journey

    See also: Achievements. The Exiles Journey is a progression method within Conan Exiles. By default, it can be accessed by pressing the J key (PC). The player must select a journey from Journey tab to be their active journey. Progress can only be gained in the current journey. The next step of the active journey is displayed at the top-right of the screen, if Show Journey Steps is enabled in ...

  2. Conan Exiles: The Exile's Journey steps

    This guide catalogs what the journey steps are and how you can achieve them to best g. Login Store Community ... Since the pre-release patch on 18th April 2018, completing journey steps in Conan: Exiles grants significant amounts of experience. This means that completing those Journey steps is an important part of levelling up efficiently.

  3. The new Journey system

    Switching from one step to another can be done when ever how ever many times you like without penalty. Skipping a Journey step will forfeit the reward for completing that step. Journey rewards go straight to your Inventory, but you need to accept the reward in the tab it originates from. Each task must be completed in the order it appears.

  4. New Journey System Guide: Journey Steps & Journey Rewards

    A full guide to the new Journey System in Conan Exiles. Learn all about the new Journey System, how it works, how to complete Journey Steps, and how to unloc...

  5. New Journey System Guide: Journey Steps & Journey Rewards

    "A full guide to the new Journey System in Conan Exiles. Learn all about the new Journey System, how it works, how to complete Journey Steps, and how to unlock and claim Journey Rewards! The new Journey System is part of the Age of Sorcery Chapter 3 Update. New Journey System Guide! 0:00 - New Journey System Guide 1:02 - Journey System UI & Basics

  6. The Exile's Journey

    The Exile's Journey - ALL journey steps and info on how to get them All in my steam guide here: Conan Exiles: The Exile's Journey steps. Last edited by Stormknight; May 3, 2018 @ 6:53pm < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . SerTeddyCups. May 15, 2018 @ 9:55pm Thanks! This helps out a lot :D ...

  7. Conan Exiles

    In this episode, I cover how to unlock all the steps in chapters 1 & 2 of the Journey in Conan Exiles. These steps are extremely easy, but they are necessary...

  8. Mason (Journey)

    The requirement to unlock this journey is to reach level 10. The reward for completing this journey is Supply Materials. Completing this journey will also unlock the Master Mason journey. Description [] Masons build sturdy buildings out of hardy materials, and wells to draw water from. Steps []

  9. ALL NEW Journey Steps

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  10. Conan Exiles: Journey Steps Explained

    Conan Exiles can be pretty confusing when you're starting out, but one way the game teaches you how to play is to present you with a series of Journey Steps to be completed. A list of three Journey Steps will be displayed on the top right of your screen and as each one is ticked off it will be replaced by a new one. There are 100 steps in total divided between 10 Chapters.The first 20 steps ...

  11. Category:Journey Steps

    Pages in category "Journey Steps" The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total. ... Conan Exiles Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...

  12. The Exiles Journey

    Obtain an Obsidian Weapon. Create a Master Workstation. Summon the Avatar of a God. Explore the entire Exiled Lands. Equip an Epic Armor Set. Survive the heat of the volcano. Defeat the Mummy of the Ring. Escape the Exiled Lands. Complete (Chapters: I - X) list of achievements being part of The Exiles Journey.

  13. Journey System

    When resolving a Journey-step, it's possible to use either the RowName in the JourneyStep table or the LegacyTrigger Name-variable in the same table. Setting up what Journey is the player's first In the MapDataTable, a new column exists called "First Journey". This determines which journey in the DT_NewJourney table is set up when ...

  14. Journey steps unresponsive/unreliable

    track journey and follow steps. When doing the following journeys, certain steps are unreliable/unresponsive. Warrior: Perform a heavy attack does not work with any weapon only with bare handed fists, Soldier: doesn't register killing enemy with str weapon, Rogue: same issue as soldier, Archer: powershot step unreliable, kill step non ...

  15. Journey issue (solved) :: Conan Exiles General Discussions

    After closely reading the text for the journey step I noticed it reads: "… and activate it pressing the play button". So, I stopped the fluid press from auto-processing and that solved my problem. At the second I put human flesh into it, the journey step was solved. Apparently TL;DR is not an option here. One needs to read the darn text.

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  17. Raider (Journey)

    Conan Exiles Wiki. in: Journey Steps. Raider (Journey) Raider is one of The Exiles Journeys . The requirement to unlock this journey is learning the Engineer Knowledge . The reward for completing this journey is the Ironstone Siege Boulder recipe.

  18. Cartographer Journey Tips & Valeria's Sword Reward (w/ pictures)

    The Cartographer Journey is straight forward for all of the early steps but I had problems with getting Explore Volcano to pop! I used the map room, the portal to our base and the instanced tunnel by the obelisk and nothing popped the completion of this step! I had to head NE of the Black Keep and take the Road of the Pilgrim which (for new ...

  19. Admin Command to Complete a Journey Step? :: Conan Exiles General

    Conan Exiles. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews ... I did hear on the Funcom forums someone mention YouTubers using console commands to activate/unlock journey steps to showcase them for content so maybe there is one to complete them. If it exists I would like to know it aswell. #1. Cuddles

  20. Adventurer (Journey)

    Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Adventurer is one of The Exiles Journeys. The requirement to unlock this journey is reaching level 60 in the Exiled Lands. The reward for completing this journey is a Fragment of Power. Adventurers find and attain rare knowledge and powerful artifacts as they explore the ...

  21. Dungeon Delver (Journey)

    Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Dungeon Delver is one of The Exiles Journeys. The requirement to unlock this journey is going to The Dregs in the Exiled Lands. The reward for completing this journey is the Ranger Armor and Ranger Armor Epic recipes. Dungeons have powerful enemies and unique rewards ...

  22. Survivor (Journey)

    Survivor is one of The Exiles Journeys. The requirement to unlock this journey is to be on the Exiled Lands map. The reward for completing this journey is Supply Materials. Completing this journey will also unlock the Survival Shelter and Homesteader journeys. This journey is skippable, allowing one to mark it as completed and unlock the next journeys, but losing out on the experience and ...