ceramic plates at the entrance to a travel souvenir shop in orvieto italy, one of the best things to collect while traveling

31+ Cool Travel Souvenir Collection Ideas

Brainstorming souvenir collection ideas for your next trip and looking for unique things to collect while traveling?

I have lots of ideas to share!

After visiting 50+ countries and traveling full-time for years, I am an unapologetic lover of travel souvenirs, from the free (pretty ticket stubs to various attractions, Broadway programs) to the inexpensive (vintage maps) to the traditional (the number of ceramics I have bought around the world is mildly ridiculous).

And really, I didn’t always think this way: during the first year my husband Jeremy and I backpacked the world , I bought very few souvenirs.

Other than photos and a few items like ticket stubs, a carved elephant from Thailand and a vase from Nicaragua are the only physical reminders I still have of that incredible time.

kate storm and jeremy storm in bazaar in cairo egypt shopping for travel souvenir collection

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And, while I cherish them both, I regret not carving out a bit of room in our budget and backpacks for a bit more.

No, you don’t need to buy souvenirs while you travel, but mine bring me immeasurable joy that continue to pay happiness dividends over time.

Sometime around the point where I carried that Nicaraguan vase (it’s not a particularly small vase either) in my backpack through 4 countries, I realized that shopping for unique items from around the world is clearly worth it to me.

If you feel the same and are looking for a fun theme for your travel souvenirs, here are some of the best things to collect while traveling!

Table of Contents

The Ideal Features Of Something to Collect on the Road

Display-worthy things to collect while traveling, (sort of) useful sounveir collection ideas, tips for building the perfect souvenir collection for you.

two santa mugs being held up in front of a white christmas tree, one of the best souvenirs christmas markets

When deciding what to collect while traveling, I’d recommend landing on something that is either worth displaying as a group, or something that you can actually use many of.

To me, the ultimate purpose of a souvenir collection is to add joy to your life by sparking travel memories throughout your day-to-day existence, and either a beautiful display or a collection of something you reach for frequently in daily use can accomplish that goal.

(Or both, of course—there’s no rule that you can only have one kind of travel souvenir collection!).

And why a collection instead of just randomly purchasing souvenirs as you go?

In my experience, a souvenir collection pays dividends that are greater than the sum of its parts, by wrapping up disjointed travel memories into one physical representation of your adventures as a whole.

kate storm in a red dress walking through istanbul grand bazaar, one of the best places to visit in istanbul turkey

Don’t get me wrong: I still purchase all different kinds of souvenirs, but collections are worth the effort.

By creating a cohesive collection, you can also add a method to the madness of souvenir shopping, make it easier to narrow in on what you actually want (and/or will use), and you’ll also find it can make it easier to say no to things that would end up as regrettable impulse purchases.

And, of course, it’s also easiest if most of the items you’d like to add to your collection are (reasonably) small.

You can certainly ship your new treasures home from many places around the world, but it definitely adds both costs and logistical headaches to your quest for the perfect collection of travel souvenirs.

Table of small toys being sold at El Rastro Madrid Spain

If you’re looking for travel souvenirs to display at home, these ideas have you covered!

Local Figurines or Dolls

Local figurines or dolls, either of animals, people, or both, are one of the most interesting things to collect from around the world.

Virtually every culture has some sort of handicraft that represents either local animals or people, and both options are a wonderful way to create a unique travel souvenir collection that shows the heart of the cultures you have visited.

traditional fertility doll in monsanto portugal in a red dress

This can be as contemporary as collecting modern maps of the towns you visit and using them to create a collage or other artwork at home.

… or it can be as vintage as browsing antique markets for out-of-date maps from decades or centuries past!

These are often very affordable (they’re frequently ripped out of old books of maps and sold page-by-page, and can look wonderful when framed), and also fascinating.

My 19th-century Italy map with the pre-WWI boundaries is one of my favorite souvenirs from Italy , and I only spent 4 Euro on it.

vintage maps for sale at an antique market in italy, as seen when shopping for things to collect while traveling

Vintage Papers

In a similar vein to local maps, you can often find fascinating vintage papers at markets around the world, ranging from postcards filled out 80 years ago to photographs of strangers to advertisements and pamphlets printed decades ago.

This is very much in the vein of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, but if you collect items in a similar vein from around the world, the resulting collection can be incredibly cool!

Pile of postcards for sale at Libreria Acqua Alta Venice. Bins are marked with 1 Euro price tag, travel souvenir ideas

Original Art

I’m still kicking myself for not springing for an oil painting I fell in love with in Montmartre almost a decade ago!

Buying original art when traveling can be one of the most unique souvenirs you can find, and due to its nature, it’s absolutely something you should jump on when you find something you love… because you may not be able to find it again soon.

While collecting original art can certainly be an expensive idea for a travel souvenir collection, it doesn’t have to be: you can find both vintage and contemporary art at all price points when traveling.

Place du Tertre in Montmartre, a fun place to stop during your 2 days in Paris weekend trip!

Books (New or Used)

As a self-professed bibliophile, I will always advocate for books as travel souvenirs.

What kind of books, exactly?

Well, that’s up to you!

Options include beautiful copies of books purchased at famous bookstores, books focused on the local culture (history, art, cooking, guidebooks, you name it), or vintage books that strike your fancy.

One of my favorite books that I’ve bought while traveling is a 1995 copy of Lonely Planet Slovenia , which was the very first Lonely Planet Slovenia guidebook published after Slovenia became an independent country.

If you’re into local history, art, and culture, don’t shy away from poking around the book sections in gift shops of churches and museums, either.

Some are pretty bare, yes, but you’ll sometimes find them stocked with books about the local area that were done in a limited printing (so you may not be able to find them on Amazon, for example).

kate storm in a red dress on a staircase in a bookstore in bucharest romania

Vintage Tchotchkes

Souvenir markets around the world are overflowing with often beautiful and interesting vintage items, from mirrors to figurines to old electronics to decor pieces to flowers, and so much more.

These items, picked up at markets, antique shops, or anywhere else you may stumble upon, can be some of the most unique travel souvenirs of all!

Some are expensive and (rarely) valuable, most are just an opportunity for a clever decorator to give new life to a discarded item (and many finds are very affordable).

In many ways, the more random or unexpected the item, the more memorable of a souvenir it is.

Collection of antique items for sale, laid out on a table at a market in Nice, as seen during a south of France vacation.

Going on a wine-centered trip?

Consider keeping the corks of the bottles you drink along the way, and then displaying them in a glass vase or jar when you get home!

Whether you prefer coins, paper money, or both, holding back a bit of currency from the place you were visiting makes for a fun travel souvenir!

pile of money from various currencies sitting on a striped table cloth

Leaving this one under “display” instead of “sort of useful”, because no one actually uses the pretty tea towels they buy abroad, right?

In our house, at least, those are purely for display.

embroidered dishtowel souvenirs from portugal

Pressed Pennies

I’ll admit, I haven’t pressed a penny in about 20 years–but if you’re looking for an inexpensive, very portable, and fun souvenir, a bowl of pressed pennies kept on a coffee table or shelf will certainly do the job!

Masks, like dolls and figurines, are one of those items that exists in a wide variety of cultures, but is interpreted very differently depending on where you are.

This can make for a dynamic souvenir collection (and masks look so striking hanging on a wall).

Two Days in Florence Itinerary: San Lorenzo Market

Yes, of course, all photos you take on a trip (and who doesn’t take hundreds these days?) are a souvenir of sorts!

However, to create a cohesive collection, consider picking a theme or two of photos that you will always shoot so that over time, you have examples of something specific from many locations.

This doesn’t need to be a scenery shot–in fact, as someone who has taken literally hundreds of thousands of photos while traveling, I’ll be the first to say that the candids are often the most sentimental.

Consider taking a photo of your first breakfast at each destination, or one of each method of transportation you use (boats, taxis, tuk tuks, planes, trains–it all counts).

Other options include animals you meet along the way, the less-photographed back of popular monuments, or a close-up of an architectural detail that catches your eye at each “iconic” spot.

Take all the other typical photos too, of course–but creating a themed collection of shots can make for a memorable travel souvenir.

Kate Storm standing in front of colorful Isla Mujeres sign, one of the fun places to visit in Isla Mujeres Mexico

Souvenir spoons may just be the most classic souvenir to collect when traveling.

If they don’t appeal to you though, there’s always the option of collecting spoon rests!

Spoon rests are both eye-catching and easy to source: you’ll find them at virtually any souvenir shop around the world.

collection of ceramic spoon rests for sale at a tourist souvenirs market

Kitschy Icon Statues

A figurine of the Eiffel Tower or Colosseum displayed in your office?

Maybe a little kitschy, but fun.

A full collection of kitsch featuring several landmarks from around the world like Big Ben, Chichen Itza, Petra, and Angkor Wat, all grouped together as one souvenir collection?

Absolutely delightful, over-the-top kitsch.

souvenir eiffel towers for sale at a bouquinista one day in paris france

If your idea of what to collect when traveling leans more toward function than decor, then these souvenir options are for you!

Water Glasses

Mugs may be a more traditional collection option, but an eclectic collection of water glasses sourced from all over the world is a fun way to mix up your kitchen!

Similar to water glasses, an eclectic mix of dishes can be a wonderful way to remember your trip!

I already mentioned my ceramic habit above–and it has led to many colorful new additions to our kitchenware!

Consider options like serving dishes, teapots, or teacups and saucers (one of my friends has been collecting these for years).

Alternatively, consider buying one of the same kind of item–one salad plate, one soup bowl, etc, in each location.

collection of ceramics for sale as travel souvenirs in orvieto italy

Easy to buy, easy to pack, and popular as souvenirs all over the world: placemats make wonderful travel souvenirs!


This only counts as “useful” if you actually write in them, of course, rather than put them on a shelf and stare at them (not that I have any experience with that…).

But, if you use notebooks in your daily life, picking up new ones as you travel can be a fantastic way to incorporate your travel memories into your daily life!

I keep a daily to-do list, and the notebook I keep them in right now came from Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice –and it makes me smile every morning when I pick it up.

pile of travel journal ideas in a market

Whether your interests run toward fine jewelry, local handicrafts, or some combination of the 2, jewelry makes for a fantastic travel souvenir collection.

It’s something small, extremely unique to your style, and fun to pick out!

colorful jewelry for sale at a tourist souvenirs market

Reusable Bags

Reusable canvas bags are a popular souvenir that you’ll see in all the usual souvenir shops these days!

Buy several in a few different locations around the world, and you’ll have a full collection of grocery bags to shop with at home.

Photo from Abbey Bookshop in Paris. There are the tops of spines of books visible in the foreground and a tote bag that says "Abbey Bookshop" in the background.

Do you like to wear aprons when you cook?

If so, a collection of aprons from around the world can help bring your travels home with you!

Available around the world and at a variety of price points, aprons are easy and fun to shop for when traveling.

Prepare a hot drink and fondly remember a fun travel destination: what could be a better combination than that?

Kate Storm holding a red mug out to the camera at a Cologne Christmas market, home to some of the best Christmas markets in Europe

I hesitate to include clothing here because while it’s an excellent souvenir idea, it’s harder to make a “collection” of.

If you have a passion for clothing, though, it can be done!

For example, you can collect the same category of item from each place (say, a new scarf in every city), or you can instead choose to purchase something iconic from each destination (say, a wool sweater in Ireland).

Souvenir shop in Ireland selling wool sweaters. The building is stone and red. If you want to buy wool in Ireland, don't overpack when deciding what to bring to Ireland.

I never once considered collecting coasters until I randomly stumbled upon one I liked in Porto, Portugal , and started keeping it on my desk.

I quickly realized I smiled and thought of Porto every time I sat down with my coffee in the morning–and if that isn’t the mark of a successful souvenir, I don’t know what is.

I now plan to collect more coasters at my favorite destinations while traveling and keep them scattered around the house!

stacks of coasters for sale in a market, a fun option for souvenirs from traveling to collect

Christmas Ornaments

Christmas ornaments are one of the most classic souvenir collection ideas for good reason!

The combination of their small size, varied price points, and the fact that you only get them out once a year (and get to relive your travel memories in the process) makes Christmas ornaments one of the ideal things to collect while traveling.

Winter in Salzburg: Kate Storm at Christmas Market

If you’re the type that likes to keep a mug of pens somewhere in the house, what better to fill it with than a different pen from every destination you visit?

A bit more unique than a postcard, yet still inexpensive to buy and very easy to carry home, bookmarks are a fun option for souvenirs to collect on the road!

This goes quadruple for bibliophiles, of course.

red staircase of livraria lello famous bookstore porto portugal

Beach Towels

This really only qualifies as useful if you swim regularly at home and/or like to visit lots of tropical locations.

That being said, if you have a pool or beach that you use regularly at home, a different beach towel from each place you visit can add a dash of whimsy to your towel cabinet!

Cefalu Beach in Sicily Italy, with towels for sale on the right and the sea visible on the left, one of the best places to visit in Sicily travel

An oldie but goodie: there are several reasons magnets are one of the most popular souvenir collection options out there!

Relatively cheap, easy to transport, and available everywhere, a magnet collection for your fridge will always be a fun way to display your travel memories.

collection of rome themed magnets for sale as rome souvenirs, as seen during 2 days in rome italy

Attraction Tickets

For a souvenir collection that doesn’t cost a penny more than your travels do, save all the attraction tickets you collect along the way!

Creative display options can include a shadow box, using them as bookmarks, and letting them pile up in the backs of drawers so when you eventually clean them out, you’ll smile to see them again.

(We may have used that last one a time or two–I think our Angkor Wat tickets, which I kept in part because they printed our photos onto them, are still somewhere mixed in with our general paperwork from that year).

ticket for tulum ruins being held out in front of the beach, a fun travel souvenir collection idea

If you love to burn candles at home, where better to shop for new scents than as you travel?

Foodie Souvenirs

I’m not going to cover all the many delicious possibilities for food and drink that can act as a souvenir in this guide, mostly because (with the possible exceptions of wine and spices), you can’t really “collect” something that won’t last more than a few weeks after your return.

That being said, we love shopping for local food around the world and recommend you do the same!

Trastevere Food Tour: Man in Cheese Shop

It doesn’t literally have to be the same item.

Collections have exactly as much or as little meaning as we give them–so that means you’re the only one who has to recognize the theme between your items of choice!

A group of animal-themed souvenirs, for example, that is collected in a mix of mediums and styles, may not be immediately apparent as a collection to others (especially if it’s not displayed in one place).

To you, though, the theme can add depth to your shopping while traveling.

Salzburg in WInter: Carved Houses at Christmas Market

You can create a capsule collection of souvenirs in a single trip.

While it can be fun to create long-term travel souvenir collections over a period of years, it can also be very rewarding to create a capsule collection in a single trip!

If you’re planning a trip to Europe with stops in Paris , Venice , and Amsterdam , for example, choosing a theme and picking up similar souvenirs in each place can be a wonderful way to remember your trip as a whole.

Classic cameras for sale at El Rastro in madrid Spain

Things you collect while traveling gain meaning with time.

There isn’t a single souvenir that I own that means less to me now than it did the day I picked it out.

In fact, it’s usually the opposite–and by quite a wide margin, too!

This is partially due to the fact that I haven’t kept less-meaningful purchases, of course, or let them go when they were no longer useful (RIP, adorable elephant romper that shrunk in the wash).

Still, if you know you’re the kind of person who enjoys sentimental items, don’t hesitate to buy some souvenirs while traveling: in 10 years, you’ll be glad you did.

kate storm and jeremy storm in vang vieng, wondering if they picked the best time to visit laos

Make a souvenir shopping list.

Generally, I find that I’m most successful with collecting souvenirs from travel when I go in with a plan.

This doesn’t need to be extremely detailed, but doing a bit of cursory research on what products and handicrafts a destination is known for and what prices you can expect to pay can go a long way in helping make sure you curate the perfect souvenir collection for you!

I find knowing a bit about what to expect and what I plan to buy makes it easier to make purchase decisions when in, say, a bustling market stall next to a person who wants to haggle over the price of an object.

That being said, I’ve definitely been very satisfied with spontaneous travel souvenirs, too!

piles of spices in marrakech medina--spices are an affordable addition to trip to morocco costs and a morocco travel budget

If you’re shopping for gifts while traveling, a theme can help here, too.

Whether it’s a magnet for each of your coworkers or a mug for each of your best friends, picking a theme when shopping for groups can definitely make it easier to pick out souvenirs for others.

When you find something you love, pounce.

When shopping for souvenirs, it can be hard to strike a balance between not over-buying early in the trip as opposed to not buying something you’ll wish you had snapped up.

I tend toward the second issue–I hem and haw over purchases at the best of times–but there are several souvenirs I wish I had grabbed while I had the chance over the years!

Learn from my mistakes: if you’re looking over something that will be hard to replicate elsewhere, like work by a particular artist, and you still want it within a couple of hours… get it while you can.

My personal collections of travel souvenirs are definitely missing a few pieces that I wish I would have sprung for!

front facade of a storefront in italy, a fun place to look for travel souvenirs to collect

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

5 thoughts on “31+ Cool Travel Souvenir Collection Ideas”

Hello Kate and Jeremy, I Love your travel site. I have been reading all of your tips for traveling to Italy. Thank you, it has been very helpful as I finalize our itinerary. My Husband and I have a trip planned for September 2023 (our first time to Italy). We fly into and out of Rome and are planning our land itinerary prior to boarding our cruise out of Venice returning to Rome. I may have planned an overachiever trip. I would love your input if you have time. We’ve decided to rent a car in Rome. We love red wine and want to spend time in Tuscany in the villages and towns. We have always wanted to see Cingue Terre and hoped to fit a night or two there before heading to Florence for a couple days then onto Venice by train. We have approximately 11 days on land. My plan as of now is as follows; Rome to Orvieto, day stop then on to Montepulciano 2 nights? (recommendation) (because the cruise returns to Rome, we may do Rome touring at the end of our cruise?) Montepulciano to Val d’orcia (day stop?) or Montalcino (day stop?)or both and stay a night? (recommendation) Siena for 2 nights San Gimignano, Volterra and Livorno are on our list but not sure if day trips or stay? (recommendation) Cinque Terra for two nights? Cinque Terra to Florence and return the car. Florence for 2-3 nights Florence to Venice by Train (we will have a night and full day in Venice before we set sail. Your hotel, restaurant, car rental, and site ticket purchase recommendations have been so helpful, I have started a travel to Italy folder with all your suggestions. Thank You so very much. We have a Golden Retriever, Brady, however he will not be traveling with us this trip lol I would greatly appreciate any tips you have re: our Itinerary. We are so excited for our trip to Italy.

Sincerely, Lenora and Neil

Thank you so much, I’m glad we’ve been helpful in planning your trip!

Your plan looks pretty solid, though you’ll want to trim a day trip or two for time and ease.

In Montepulciano: the town itself isn’t in the Val d’Orcia but it’s very close, so it makes a great base. Montalcino is in the Val d’Orcia and makes a great stop there, along with Pienza. I’d pick one base in this area and then day trip to the others.

San Gimignano and Volterra are both doable as day trips from Siena, I’d choose one of those to visit. I’d skip Livorno this time, as there’s so much else to see and you’ll already be visiting the coast in Cinque Terre!

Between San Gimignano and Volterra, both are lovely but San Gimignano will almost certainly be more crowded. It will be easiest to drive to either place, whichever you choose. You could also stop for a few hours in either village on the day you drive from Siena to Cinque Terre rather than doubling back.

For Cinque Terre, you won’t drive into the villages, but you can leave your car for a couple of days in either La Spezia or Levanto and take the train into the villages. I’d check the prices on returning the car entirely at this point and then taking the train to Florence, too.

Hope that helps and that you guys have a fantastic time!

Your awesome and we so appreciate your input. You’ve been so very helpful as we plan our dream trip to Italy. I’m sure it won’t be our last trip but we have realized there is so much to see and it’s not going to happen in one trip. Again, thank you so much for your recommendations. We appreciate you! Wishing you many more amazing travels! Lenora and Neil

You are so welcome! Thrilled that we can help. 🙂

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30 Gift Ideas for Travelers to Europe

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Do you have a friend who’s traveling to Europe? Apart from feeling insanely jealous, there is something else you could do. Why not get them one of these bon voyage gift ideas for travelers to Europe to wish them all the best on their travels? (And then maybe they’ll bring you back a bottle of that wine you love!) 

Gift Ideas for Travelers to Europe | Gifts for Backpackers | What to buy a college graduate | Christmas presents for a traveler | Birthday gifts for a backpacker | Presents for someone traveling

Fun and Practical Gift Ideas for Travelers to Europe

Bon Voyage!  And come back safe! 

Rosetta Stone Membership

Rosetta Stone Membership

If they’re not going to Europe right away a language learning app like Rosetta Stone makes an amazing gift for travellers to Europe. They can work on one language or buy them the unlimited option so they can get conversational skills for a variety of Eurotrip stops.

Custom Travel Sweatshirt

Custom Travel Sweatshirt

Not only is this custom travel sweatshirt cute and trendy, it’s also going to be nice to wear on the plane and during cooler weather.

I Was Here: A Travel Journal for the Curious Minded (Travel Journal for Women and Men, Travel Journal for Kids, Travel Journal with Prompts)

I Was Here Travel Journal

This cool travel journal is the perfect gift for travelers to Europe. They’ll be so grateful that they can record their memories in a way that they’ll want to keep forever.

Europe 1 (Lonely Planet Europe)

Europe Travel Guide

An obvious but totally essential gift! They’ll need it to plan their trip and also to find spontaneous places to explore while away.

Lonely Planet Europe Phrasebook & Dictionary

Europe Phrasebook

“Être con comme un balai!” Help your friends avoid being as called as dumb as a broom by giving them this phrasebook. They’ll be able to communicate like a local wherever they go!

europe travel souvenir ideas

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Local Experience Gift: steam train ride

Local Experience Gift

Instead of giving them something to take on their trip, give them something to do on their trip instead!

We like the Gift Experience for UK travellers.

W&P Craft Champagne Cocktail Kit, Mini Portable Carry On Travel Cocktail Kit, Great Gifts for Him or Her, 1 Pack

Carry on Cocktail

So you can’t afford to pay for them to upgrade to first class, but you can give them the experience with this Carry on Cocktail set!

European Travel Plug Adapter, VINTAR International Power Plug Adapter with 1 USB C, 2 US Outlets and 3 USB Ports, 6 in 1 Travel Essentials to Most of Europe Greece, Italy(Type C)

European Plug Adapter

If they don’t already have one of these in their luggage you might have just saved the day with this gift idea. Even if they already have an adapter, though, an extra one (especially one with USB ports too) is always nice to have when you’re travelling to Europe.

Passport Cover

Passport Cover

Get your traveling friend this European map passport cover so, during their trip, they never forget where they are!

G4Free 10L/15L Hiking Backpack Lightweight Packable Hiking Daypack Small Travel Outdoor Foldable Shoulder Bag(Grey)

This hipster day pack will keep them looking stylish as they saunter the streets of Rome. We have more bags you can gift them for travel here . You can’t go wrong with practical gift ideas for travelers to Europe.

Scratch Off Travel Map + BONUS Europe Map | Premium World Map Scratch Off Poster in Nebula Watercolor | Travel Scratch Off Map with Travel Map Gift Tube

Scratch Off Travel Map

The great thing about travelling to Europe is the countries are close together so it shouldn’t be hard for them to scratch off a few countries this trip! Great for someone who loves to travel or has just recently been bitten by the travel bug.

Nomader BPA-Free Collapsible Sports Water Bottle - Foldable with Reusable Leak Proof Twist Cap for Travel Hiking Camping Outdoor and Gym - 22 oz (Aqua Blue)

Water Bottle

All that sightseeing is thirsty work! Make sure your friend keeps hydrated with this collapsible water bottle. Just make sure they don’t take it on the plane filled up or it’ll be in the TSA bin before they know it!

TRAVELREST Ultimate Travel, Neck & Body Pillow - Strap to Plane & Car Seat - Compact, Comfort and Convenient for Office Napping, Airplane, Bus & Train - Upright Sleeping - Rolls Up Small - Blue

Travel Pillow

Your friend won’t know what to do when you give them this weird-looking travel pillow! Though they’ll be thanking you for it when it’s time for sleep on the plane (or when they’ve feeling a little lonely and need something to cuddle!)

Zero Grid Hidden Bra Wallet - Travel Pouch & Secret Pocket for Passport, Money & Valuables - Undercover Bra Stash Fits All Bra Sizes

Bra Travel Wallet

For the women travellers in your life! This little pouch fastens onto a bra or underwear to conceal important documents and money under your clothes. It might sound silly, but several places in Europe are notorious for pickpocketing (looking at you, Italy) so this is actually a very useful gift.

Perilogics Universal in Flight Airplane Phone Holder Mount. Hands Free Viewing with Multi-Directional Dual 360 Degree Rotation. Pocket Size Must Have Airplane Travel Essential Accessory for Flying

Airplane Phone Holder

If you’re in North America and travelling to Europe the flight is almost always going to be pretty long. Not all airlines have TVs in the seats, and it seems less and less are doing it now that everyone has a smartphone. This device makes it easier to watch on a plane.

eBags Classic 6 Piece Packing Cube Set (Titanium)

Packing Cubes

These cool cubes are a gift that any friend would be grateful for.  They make packing so easy! No more unpacking every time they get to a new hotel, they can just take out the cubes, open them up and put them in a draw. Sorted!

FitKit: Total Fitness in a Kit

Fitness Kit

After eating their weight in irresistible pasta, wine and cheese your friend will be grateful for this portable fitness kit!

City Walks: Paris: 50 Adventures on Foot

City Walks Paris

Give your friend a personal city tour with this book of essential Paris walks. If they really love Paris, we have even more gifts for Paris lovers ! 

Personalized travel Photo Album

Photo Album

Why not give the gift of memories? While it won’t help out much on their trip, this Europe-themed photo album will be treasured for years after once they fill it with their favourite snaps.

Anywhere Travel Guide: 75 Cards for Discovering the Unexpected, Wherever Your Journey Leads (Travel Games for Adults, Exploration and Discovery Games)

Travel Cards

Make your friend’s trip even more of an adventure with these amazing travel cards! Each card is a mini-challenge to encourage to get them out of their comfort zone and start experiencing the local’s Europe.

Legend Travel Planner – Vacation Itinerary Organizer for Solo Travel & Couples – Travelling Journal for Women & Men – Traveling Log with Expense Tracker & Packing List – Hardcover (Mystic Blue)

Travel Organiser

If your friend’s trip is still a little way off, get them this inspiring travel organiser. They’ll have so much fun using it to collect ideas and plan their European trip of a lifetime.

Knock Knock Pack This! Pad Packing List Notepad, 6 x 9-inches

Packing Checklist

Is your friend one of those people who leaves all their packing until the night before their flight? We all know one of those, so make it a little easier for them with this packing checklist gift.

Portable Travel Makeup Cosmetic Bag - Mr.Pro Waterproof Haning Travel Kit Toiletry Bag Bathroom Organizer Carry On Case (Polka Dot Blue)

Hanging Toiletry Bag

This is a great, practical gift that will save a ton of time and space.  They can just fill it with toiletries and then hang it up on the back of their bathroom door for the night!

Neck Wallet Travel Pouch and Passport Holder, RFID Protected, Fits Passport with cover, Includes Global Recovery Tags. Passport Holder Neck For Men and Women (Classy Black/Gray)

This neck pouch will keep valuables just as secure as a travel belt but without any of those embarrassing “I need to get some more money out, but how do I do this without looking weird?” moments!

Custom Vacation Travel Ornament

Custom Vacation Travel Ornament

For that friend who just came back from Europe and can’t stop talking about their trip. Now they’ll be able to think of those memories every time they decorate the Christmas tree!

Travelon Floating Waterproof Smart Phone/Digital Camera Pouch, Pink

Waterproof Phone and Camera Pouch

Keep their phone or camera safe even if they get a little too close to the Trevi Fountain!

CarBoss Foot Rest Flight Airplane Travel Accessories Portable Carry-on Home Foot Sling Office Footrest Adjustable Foot Hammock with Pouch Bag, Black

Airplane Footrest

Make that transatlantic flight a little less painful with this ingenious footrest.

Camry Digital Luggage Scale, Portable Handheld Baggage Scale for Travel, Suitcase Scale with Hook,110 Pounds, Battery Included

Luggage Scale

An essential tool for deciding how many of their clothes they’ll need to leave behind so they can bring all of that French wine back and still be under the weight limit!

Steamer Iron for Clothes, Hand Held Portable Travel Garment Steamer, Metal Steam Head, 25s Heat Up, Pump System, Mini Size, Handheld Steamer for Any Fabrics, No Water Spitting, 120V Black

Portable Steamer

This is actually handy for travelling anywhere, not just to Europe. It can help perk clothes up that are wrinkled in your suitcase; great if your friend or family member wants to dress nice on their European adventures. Just make sure they have an adapter in case it needs to be charged while on holidays.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (16 GB) – Now with a larger display, adjustable warm light, increased battery life, and faster page turns – Without Lockscreen Ads – Black

If you’re shopping for a book lover who doesn’t already have a Kindle or similar e-reader it can be a great gift ahead of a European trip. It’s easier to manage than bringing a book for the plane and hotel downtime. Plus you can charge it with USB making it easy to charge on the go.

Which of these fun but useful gifts are you going to choose for your friend who’s traveling to Europe? Whether it’s an essential item or an added extra, they’ll be so grateful to receive any of these bon voyage gifts.  If you do buy any of these gifts, we’d love to hear about it! Let us know in the comments or find us at @ugifter on twitter and @uniquegifter on instagram .

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Over several decades of travel, I confess I’ve collected enough tacky tourist souvenirs to open my own shop. From souvenir glasses to gaudy fridge magnets (you name it, I’ve got it), most of it is now packed away in a box in the attic gathering dust. But in recent years I’ve made a conscious effort to buy souvenirs that actually have a purpose — or are at the very least worthy of putting on display. Next time you go on a trip, why not seek out something that doesn’t have a place name on it? To get you started, here are 10 souvenirs you should actually buy in Europe.

Italy: Murano Glass

Murano glass hanging on fishing line

The tradition of glassmaking on Murano began in the 13 th century. If you find yourself in Venice , hop on a vaporetto bound for the island. There, you’ll discover a cluster of workshops making colorful hand-blown glass. Find inspiration in the fascinating Museo del Vetro before heading down to the Vetreria Murano Arte to watch a glass-blowing demonstration. Shop around before you buy as prices and quality vary considerably.

Lithuania: Amber

europe travel souvenir ideas

Nuggets of amber wash up on the shores of the Baltic States with the tide. Head down to the beach at Palanga, Lithuania and you’ll see them being harvested. Inside the resort’s Tiškevičiai Palace is a museum devoted to the resin. Raw and polished, there are pieces in every conceivable size and shape including the largest lump in the country and an extensive collection of intrusion pieces. Grab yourself something to take home from the museum shop.

Belgium: Lace

Lace in Belgium

Lace making has a 600-year history in Belgium. A century ago, there were still something like 47000 lace makers in the country, with over two-thirds of them in Bruges. Today, the city hosts a dedicated lace tour , which finishes up at the lace museum housed in the Kantcentrum. Much of the lace that you see in the city’s souvenir shops is machine made, but seek out the handmade items in shops such as ‘t Apostelientje for a piece to take home.

Iceland: Knitted Sweater

europe travel souvenir ideas

Made from sheep’s wool and usually featuring a distinctive geometric design of zig zags and diamonds around the yoke, a knitted sweater is one of the most practical purchases you’ll make in Iceland. They’re warm, soft, and breathable, keeping the wearer toasty warm when the weather’s the exact opposite. In no small part that’s down to lopi, the unspun yarn that contains more air than the regular stuff and thus retains heat a lot better.

Austria: Swarovski Crystal

Swarovski crystal on reflective table

Tourists from all over the world flock to Wattens, a market town in the Austrian Tyrol, for one reason: it’s where you’ll find Swarovski Kristallwelten . This dazzling world of crystal is part amusement park, part museum, and part shop. From glittering jewelry to exquisitely-crafted miniature animals, there’s sure to be something that will catch your eye.

England: China Teapot

Teapot and cups on wooden tray

A good cup of tea is an essential part of any English vacation. Learn how to make one while you’re there. Boil water and pour immediately over loose tea or bags; leave to brew in a china pot before adding to a cup containing a dash of cold milk. Next, hunt out the perfect teapot to take home with you – a vintage porcelain pot found in an antique store, perhaps, or one of the quirky designs from Ceramic Inspirations in Leyburn, North Yorkshire.

Germany: Birkenstock Sandals

Pair of Birkenstock sandals sitting on steps

Love them or hate them, it’s hard to argue with the fact that many a traveler swears by this iconic footwear. Comfortable and robust, cobbler Johann Adam Birkenstock originally made these cork-soled fitness sandals in Langen-Bergheim, Germany in 1774. Today, his name has become a global brand, and the shoes are sold in over 90 countries around the world. But there’s still something special about being able to say that yours came from their homeland.

France: Lavender

Lavender field in Provence, France

Provence in the South of France is famous for its lavender fields. Although most customs agencies won’t allow the import of potted plants because of the risks posed by the soil, with a bit of creativity it’s possible to make this flower a souvenir purchase. Bottled essential oils are one example of how to do so, as is buying eau de toilette, scented candles, and handmade soap – some lavender distilleries even offer workshops where you can make the latter yourself.

Denmark: Scandi Homewares

Scandinavian interior design living room

If you’re a fan of that pared down, elegantly rustic style that is Scandi chic, then you need to get yourself on a plane to Copenhagen. While it might not be practical or cost-effective to ship home furniture, there are plenty more home décor pieces that will have you rushing for the till. Don’t miss the high end but utterly aspirational Illums Bolighus on Strøget, the city’s main shopping street (its window displays are to die for) or Paustian’s store occupying a glamorous, columned old bank in nearby Niels Hemmingsens Gade.

Switzerland: Chocolate

Swiss chocolate on trays

Fortunately, most border agencies will allow the import of chocolate so long as you declare them. The rich creamy texture and delicious flavor of Swiss chocolate makes it a favorite of travelers. Set out from Montreux on the Chocolate Train to visit the Cailler factory in Broc. After a tour of the premises, stock up on bars and boxes to take home in the factory shop.

Feature Image Credit: mapodile/iStock

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Gallery 8 European Souvenirs You Need to Take Home

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Bring your European experience home with you. Here is a list of must-buy European souvenirs to share with friends and family…or keep for yourself!

National liqueur, Estonia

A trip to Estonia is best enjoyed with a glass of local flavor . That’s why a bottle of Vana Tallinn Winter Spice makes for the perfect souvenir. This liqueur is dressed up with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, anise and nutmeg. Even better, it was elected the Best Estonian Alcohol of 2013.

Opanak Traditional Shoes, Croatia

The Croatian souvenir of choice is a pair of Opanak. They’re light but durable leather footwear that has been worn in Croatia for generations. Sure, they’re worn with traditional garments here, but they pair surprisingly well with a simple pair of blue jeans.

Souvenir Shopping, Lucerne, Switzerland

This one is easy. No matter what souvenir you decided to take from Switzerland, just make sure it has the iconic Swiss flag on it. The bold red-and-white flag is often adorned on everything from clothes to mugs to tools. As long as you take home something with the flag, you’ve chosen well.

Shopping in Slovakia

Slovakia is full of creative, crafty people. So it makes sense that they’re known for their immaculately handcrafted leather goods . That’s why a handmade wallet, belt or even canteen case make for the ideal Slovakian souvenir.

Jewellery made from Baltic amber, Lithuania

Lithuania has been known for its craftsmanship of amber jewellery for hundreds of years. That’s why your souvenir from Lithuania should be of the amber jewellery variety. Whether it’s a necklace, pendant or brooch, take home a special piece of local jewellery to call your own.

Celtic souvenirs, Ireland

In Ireland, everything has a particular style to it. To the locals, it’s called Celtic craftsmanship . It’s distinguished by its green hues, intricate but geometric designs and an undeniable level of quality. So, make your Irish souvenir something with a beautiful Celtic design.

Hand-painted mugs and crafts, Montenegro

Montenegro’s mugs and other handcrafted goods are the souvenirs you should be eyeing on your next trip. They come adorned with bright colours and beautiful landscapes that have a special local touch. Whether it’s a stein, mug or plate, take home something totally homemade.

Clogs, Netherlands

Shopping off the beaten track.

There’s more to shopping in Europe than the designer brands on Champs-Élysées.

6 Stunning Palaces in Europe

Explore some of the grandest of Europe’s palaces in this breathtaking photo gallery.

Explore Europe Through Your Taste Buds

Discovering Europe’s creative hotspots. A selection of trendsetting venues, innovative concepts, and the freshest ingredients to inspire your visit to Europe.

The Amazing Monasteries and Abbeys of Europe

Some of Europe’s oldest and most iconic places are in its humblest buildings. Monasteries and abbeys are sprinkled throughout the countries and make for a somber and unforgettable experience. From ancient abbeys in Italy to majestic monasteries in Austria, browse this gallery for a better look at them all.

Featured Experiences

Walloniaʼs sporting wonders.

From Ski Slopes to Beer Marathons.

Winter and light in Luxembourg

Get into the festive spirit at Christmas markets.

Czechia’s wild side

Succumb to the beauty of untamed nature.

BeethovenFest Bonn

A festival in the city of Beethoven’s birth. The heart of the Bonn Beethovenfest is the music of Ludwig van Beethoven.

Liberation Festival Pilsen

The Liberation festival in Pilsen unites people worldwide to celebrate the town’s liberation by the US Army.


Winter Wonderland Netherlands

Christmas markets, lights, ice skating and more.

Croatia: architecture and music

Meet the Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun.

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The best souvenir to buy in 20 European countries

The insider summary:.

  • Forget gimmicky key chains and cheap T-shirts: Every European country offers unique souvenirs native to that country.
  • Examples include chocolate from Switzerland, leather goods from Italy, amber from Poland, and coffee from Turkey.

Sometimes the closest you can get to Europe is an American town with European influences . But for the times that you can make it abroad, it's always a good idea to commemorate your trip with a souvenir .

Many European countries are known for certain foods or handmade crafts that are ideal for bringing back home. Portugal, for example, is the single producer of port wine in the world.

Keep scrolling to see the ideal souvenir to buy in 20 different European countries.

Germany: mass

europe travel souvenir ideas

Germans have long been known for their love of beer — often it's cheaper than water — and they drink it by the liter in heavy glass mugs known as a mass. Take a trip to Munich's historic Hofbräuhaus and grab a mass with the iconic blue "HB" on the front.

Italy: leather goods

europe travel souvenir ideas

Italy is full of outdoor markets packed with vendors selling a variety of leather goods that range from bags to belts to notebooks. The country's most famous market — and the ideal spot to find quality leather goods — is the San Lorenzo Market in Florence. You could spend the better part of a day wandering around the endless array of stalls.

Croatia: licitar heart

europe travel souvenir ideas

Popular all over Croatia, licitar hearts are simple cakes made from flour, water, yeast, and sugar shaped with tin molds and baked and painted bright colors — most commonly red. The hearts have been around since the Middle Ages. The smaller versions can make for a great Christmas-tree ornament.

The Netherlands: delftware

europe travel souvenir ideas

Delftware is blue-and-white pottery named after the city where it's produced — Delft. The pottery dates from the 1600s , and at its peak Delft was home to 33 factories that produced the unique pieces. Now only one factory remains, but you can find Delftware all over the Netherlands. Pieces range from plates to teapots to decorative statues.

Austria: Mozartkugeln

europe travel souvenir ideas

Mozartkugeln are chocolate-coated truffles filled with pistachio-flavored marzipan and nougat, and they're one of Austria's most beloved confections. They were created in Salzburg in 1890 by Paul Fürst , who decided to name his creation after the famous Austrian composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Romania: wooden spoon

europe travel souvenir ideas

Once used for more practical purposes, Romanian wooden spoons are now mostly a decorative item. The hand-carved utensils come in an array of designs, from animals to religious symbols to people. Many motifs also have special meaning; for example, a rooster is supposed to symbolize hope.

Spain: handheld fan

europe travel souvenir ideas

You'll see women using colorful, handheld fans all over Spain. Even if you don't intend to use the fan for its actual purpose, it can serve as a great decorative piece thanks to the intricate hand-painted patterns you'll find on most of them.

Turkey: coffee

europe travel souvenir ideas

Turkish coffee is served black and is known for being both stronger and sweeter than the coffee you'll find in the US. Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is one of the country's most historic brands. Coffee is traditionally served in a copper cup, so if you want to bring back the full experience, grab a cup and saucer as well.

Poland: amber

europe travel souvenir ideas

Known as the Baltic's gold, amber is everywhere in the Polish port city of Gdańsk. You'll find plenty of boutiques selling unique jewelry made of the material, which is simply tree resin that's been hardened and weathered by water. The city hosts an international amber fair with pieces from over 215 vendors.

Sweden: dala horse

europe travel souvenir ideas

Dating from the early 19th century, dala horses are named for the region from which they originated: Dalarna, in central Sweden. The brightly painted horses are now considered the country's unofficial symbol, and though they're popular as souvenirs, plenty of locals have one in their homes as well. The red horse is the most traditional.

Portugal: port wine

europe travel souvenir ideas

Portugal's scenic Duoro Valley is the world's only producer of port wine, a fortified wine that's sweet and often enjoyed after a meal. Spend the day visiting the lodges of the Duoro Valley and trying different kinds of port. Chances are you'll find a bottle you'll want to take home.

Greece: evil eye beads

europe travel souvenir ideas

Believed by the Greeks to help ward off misfortune, the evil eye (mati) is a symbol that you'll find on bright blue charms and jewelry throughout the country. It's been a fixture in Greek history for centuries.

France: Camembert cheese

europe travel souvenir ideas

A baguette probably won't make it in your luggage on the trip back from France, but Camembert cheese will. The creamy cow's milk cheese comes from the northern region of Normandy and is the ideal end to any meal. Since raw milk cheese is illegal in the US, you won't find the real deal stateside.

Ukraine: lizhnyk

europe travel souvenir ideas

Lizhnyk are wool blankets that are handmade primarily in Yavoriv, a village on the Ukraine's western border with Poland. The wool used to make the blankets comes from sheep that are raised in the Carpathian mountains, and the blankets themselves are produced the old-fashioned way: on a homemade wooden loom. They're super soft and warm.

Czech Republic: Bohemian crystal

europe travel souvenir ideas

Bohemian crystal is glass made in Silesia and Bohemia. Both regions are now part of the Czech Republic. The glass, which often features beautiful detailing, is known for being hand-blown, cut, and engraved. It's higher quality and more durable than most other glass.

Switzerland: Lindt chocolate

europe travel souvenir ideas

The average Swiss consumes a whopping 24 pounds of chocolate a year. Switzerland has produced many of the chocolate industry's greats, including Rudolf Lindt , a Swiss-born chocolatier who invented the conche, in 1879, a machine that forever changed the way the dessert was manufactured. Lindt still uses that technique to make the rich chocolate they produce today. Grab a bar, or 10.

Norway: knit wool sweater

europe travel souvenir ideas

Norway is known for being a producer of high-quality knit sweaters. Dale of Norway is a particularly popular brand that's been handcrafting the intricately designed wool sweaters at its headquarters in Dale since the late 1800s. It's been outfitting the Norwegian national ski teams since the 1950s. These sweaters not only look nice but will keep you warm no matter how frigid temperatures are.

Hungary: embroidered tablecloths

europe travel souvenir ideas

There are several styles of embroidery popular in Hungary. Flowers are probably the most common design and make for a pretty decoration on the numerous tablecloths and runners sold in shops and stalls throughout the country.

England: Cadbury chocolate

europe travel souvenir ideas

Yes, Cadbury chocolate is available in the US, but the ingredients and the taste aren't the same. Hershey's makes the Cadbury chocolate that's sold here, and it may have more sugar than the British version, and isn't nearly as creamy or rich. Go for the brand's famous creme eggs or just get a bar of chocolate. There are lots of flavors you'll find in England that don't exist in the US.

Ireland: whiskey stones

europe travel souvenir ideas

Instead of going for the more obvious bottle of whiskey, try whiskey stones, best known for their ability to keep a glass of whiskey at the right temperature without diluting it (as ice will). Take a trip to Connemara, on Ireland's west coast, and you'll find stones made from the rare marble that exists only in that region.

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Rory Mouton

Travel writer, author, europe travel expert, 47 gifts for people who love europe.

November 17, 2022 By Rory Moulton

I love traveling Europe . Riding trains, eating street and fancy-restaurant food, scouring museums, strolling cobblestone streets and losing myself in historic daydreams. What can I say? I’m a bonafide Europhile. Naturally, I love receiving European-flavored gifts.

Maybe you’re the same way or have a special someone in your life who also loves everything about Europe. Its food, culture, wine, beer…  If so, then you’re in luck because this list is for you.

What follows is a carefully curated guide of European gifts made in, inspired by or somehow connected to Europe. And I’m serious about that “carefully curated” bit. Unlike most travel gift guides, you won’t find any travel pillows, suitcases, passport carriers or other boring travel gear. Just European-made or European-inspired goods. Here’s just a smattering of what lies ahead:

  • Books on cooking, hiking and traveling Europe
  • Kitchen gadgets
  • Cooking lessons

It’s a little bit of everything. Go ahead, splurge on European gifts this holiday season. You have my permission. Cheers!

European Gifts for Foodies

1. the ultimate christmas cheese board.

Ultimate cheese board…?

Ultimate Christmas cheese…?

There’s only one way to find out…

After a beef en croute dinner with my Airbnb hosts and their friends in Bayeux, France (eaten in the candlelit courtyard of their 16th-century home no less), I thought, “Airbnb should really offer dinner, too. Or maybe a whole different website and app just for booking home-cooked dinners with locals.”

So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this website. I showed it to my wife, told her it was my idea and made the mistake of asking her what these jokers have that I don’t. “Money, experience, connections, a plan, developers, marketing, venture capital, an actual product…”

3. How to Read the Menu: France, Italy and Spain

I’ve never met a menu I couldn’t confidently order from, no matter how little I actually understood. So you can probably guess that my travels are rife with culinary surprises. From a party platter of thinly sliced ham when I thought we were getting a small tapas plate to constantly mistaking tagliata (beef) with tagliatelle (pasta), what I’m trying to say is I need these books.

4. Truffle Oil 3x Selection

My neighbor recently adopted an Italian truffle dog. They call her Eliza. By next fall, I will harness this crazed hound to do my truffle bidding in the oak forests of Western Colorado. I can’t bear knowing that the only thing standing between me and potential truffle ecstasy is nothing but a little expert training gleaned from decades of experience and handed down from generation to generation.

5. Italian Farmhouse Cookbook

Speaking of canines: One Thanksgiving, I saved a copy of this 20-year-old cooking/travel book from the frothing pack of attack dogs that prowl my in-laws’ farm, very nearly losing a few digits and definitely a chapter or two in the process. It costs under $2 on Amazon.

LIKE FREE BOOKS? Get a free Paris ebook when you subscribe to my free, monthly email newsletter, EuroExperto . Subscribe here!

6. Squid Ink Pasta

Did you know cephalopod ink contains the neurotransmitter dopamine? And did you also know dopamine produces a sensation of euphoria in human brains? Now, I’m not saying that squid-ink pasta will get you high, but I’m also not saying it won’t.

7. Laguiole 3-Piece Cheese Knife Set

Before  the yellow-vest protests  erupted in France, I highlighted the following passage on French taxes from the 1991 book, “ A Year in Provence ,” by Peter Mayle:

“You buy a bidet,” he said, jabbing me with his finger, “and you pay full TVA [ ed. note: 18.6% at the time, 20% nowadays ]. The same for a washer or a screw. But I will tell you something scandaleux and altogether wrong. You buy a pot of caviar, and you will pay only 6 percent TVA, because it is classified as nourriture . Now tell me this: Who eats caviar?…I will tell you. It is the politicians, the millionaires, the grosses légumes in Paris — they are the ones who eat caviar. It’s an outrage.”

So, as you can see, this rural resentment of Paris and the moneyed elite — though potentially rooted in the Great Bidet Uprising of 1991 — has been percolating for some time. Like since 1789 .

8. French Cooking for Beginners

I don’t remember how I stumbled upon the Instagram account Pistou and Pastis, but it immediately lured me in with perfectly composed photographs of sumptuous home-cooked French meals, huge hauls from the backyard garden, sausage-and-oyster BBQs and an overall approachable feel to what many consider complicated and high-brow: French cuisine. The man behind the account, Francois De Melogue, has written two cookbooks, French Cooking for Beginners is his latest. Much like his Instagram, the book celebrates simple French cooking that anyone with a pan and a spatula can make. He scours French favorites and demystifies the cooking process.

9. Dirt: Adventures in Lyon as a Chef in Training, Father, and Sleuth Looking for the Secret of French Cooking

Before I was born, my parents ran a restaurant in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. It was a dream come true that quickly became an all-consuming nightmare. Foot traffic in the summer resort town was predictably irregular. Locals were reliably cheap. And good, reliable employees were hard to find.

My father cooked and my mom ran the front. One day while prepping dinner and cooking lunch, my dad sliced the tip of his left index finger clean off. He bagged it in ice and drove himself to the ER. He returned a couple hours later, fingertip back in its original configuration, and proceeded to cook the full dinner service. They closed the restaurant less than a year later.

10. European Bread/Charcuterie Boards

I want these. I want lots of these. I want to replace all the dishes and platters in my house with these. I won’t stop until they hang from every wall in every room in my little mountain house.

11. Cooking Lesson with Nonna Live

Since the pandemic began, Nonna Live has gone viral, making appearances across international news shows. But she’s not just a pretty face who’s handy with a rolling pin, Nonna is also an inspiration to seniors everywhere and a bit of a philosopher to boot:

“10 years ago my husband passed. I have spent every single day of my life together with Gino. And his place was suddenly empty. One day, as the other days, I was sitting on the sofa, crying. There wa no one around. So I said myself aloud: “stand up! What are you doing? Go out!”. And so I got dressed with a colorful dress, and I went out. From that day I slowly started to come back to live. Every day I found a way to be happy. You need to be brave in life, you must love yourself. And you must LAUGH every day of your life. This could be a good purpose, be able to laugh every day. With lot of love, Nonna Nerina”

12. A Tinchitè Sicilian Cooking Box

Just before the pandemic struck, I took a pasta-cooking class in Rome . I learned many tricks, including to never whip eggs in a bowl but instead to always scramble them in a hot pan. But it was my instructor’s honesty that really stuck with me. When the daylong class concluded, she wished us well, said we’d all make great pasta chefs, then looked directly into my eyes and said, “But maybe some of us should just buy the pasta.”

European Gifts for Trip Planners

13. scratch off world map.

The world needs more “scratch-off” things. Why is scratch-off technology limited to lottery tickets and maps? There’s no shortage of opportunities! College acceptance letters? Make ’em scratch off. Restaurant menus? Definitely scratch off. Report cards? No brainer, scratch off. Election ballots? Scratch to win, baby!

14. Airbnb Gift Card

Some people say gift cards lack sentimentality. Some people also wear Under Armour in public.

15. Scott’s Cheap Flights Gift Card

Technically, I don’t find cheap flights. They find me. Or rather, someone else finds them for me.

No, I don’t have a virtual assistant holed up in Manila searching Google Flights all day and night. I haven’t taught my pet hamster how to search flight websites (yet), and, no, I don’t have a secret software program scraping flight-search sites.

I’ve got something much better: A membership at Scott’s Cheap Flights.

Scott’s Cheap Flights is, as the name heavily implies, a discount-flight-finding service. You sign up, choose your departure airport and Scott’s minions send emails whenever they find super-cheap flights originating from said airport. Sometimes they even score “mistake fares”—tickets at least 50% off.

All told, I’ve saved thousands of dollars on European flights thanks to Scott and his hardworking minions. It’s also saved me loads of time. Time I could better spend teaching my pet hamster how to use the internet.

16. Rick Steves Best of Travels in Europe (2001)

Rick Steves, or Uncle Rick as he’s known around my house, isn’t shy about spreading his content far and wide. He’s famous for producing and distributing his award-winning show for free on PBS. His shows from 2001-present are also available on YouTube and Hulu.

But you know what’s not readily available? His shows from the 1990s. Don’t worry, I found them on Amazon. Available on DVD and VHS (should you be so lucky), this “best of” box set is one of two available right now on Amazon.

Steves isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. That’s okay. I too find him a bit hokey and overly focused on tour-guide traveling at times, but I respect his trailblazing efforts to get Americans traveling abroad. And I admire his work ethic, business savvy and positive attitude. Watching these old shows, throwbacks to my youth when I first watched Steves on PBS, stirs up the nostalgia. Plus, it’s just plain fun to see how much European travel (and fashion) has changed in 25+ years.

17. European Map Ornament

After reading the first version of this gift guide in 2018, my mom’s disappoint was palpable…and verbal: “What kind of second-rate holiday gift guide doesn’t even include a single decorative tree ornament?” Sorry, mom. Here you go.

18. Parisian Postcards

During the 2020 pandemic lockdown, Paris-based artist Lina Gee dazzled her Instagram audience with near-daily posts of original watercolors and postcards. Before long, the people demanded an Etsy store. Lina obliged.

19. Europe by Rail

A few years back, I took local trains from Dinan, France to coastal Saint-Jean-de-Luz, also France. To travel “free” on my Eurail pass required six local train connections during a roughly 12-hour travel day.

Amazingly, only one of those trains was canceled. I don’t even remember where but we — an entire trainload of passengers — were unceremoniously dumped onto another train, which, of course, itself was already packed to the gills. I rode that connection, some 90 minutes, in the loud, unceasingly bumpy (aren’t train tracks flat?!?) connecting corridor between two rail cars, squeezed asses to ankles with 20 other people. And their luggage. And luggage of the train’s original passengers.

Eventually, after about 10 minutes of pissed-off silence, someone in a heavy French accent said in English, “French efficiency.” We all burst into laughter, a British woman daubing her eyes as she sat on her husband’s lap, who himself was folded in half and stored atop his roll-aboard in the luggage closet. I made my destination, several hours later than expected, and walked directly to the beach, stripped down to my black boxer briefs and plunged headlong into the Atlantic Ocean.

European Gifts for Oenophiles

20. c’est la vie wine club.

What European gift guide is complete without a wine club subscription? None! So, I listed two because this gift guide strives for nothing if not overachievement.

21. Old World Wine Puzzles

Wine and puzzles go together like wine and cheese. Or wine and chocolate. Or wine and medium-rare steak. Or wine and more wine.

22. Moleskine Wine Journal

When I was young, aimless and very happy, I worked a wine harvest in Napa and Sonoma, California. Besides learning a whole new arsenal of Spanish curse words, I discovered that it takes a lot of cheap beer to make expensive wine.

The winery’s blender — a virtual God of the label who walked around the co-op like Julius Caesar after the conquest of Gaul — would polish off a sixer of High Life before noon. While also tasting and blending wine for hours. After tasting more wine and checking vats for a few hours after lunch, she’d then go pick up her kids from daycare. In a car. After that, the real drinking began.

23. Opinel Wine & Cheese Knife

Is it just me or does wine and cheese taste better outside?

24. Vapur Collapsible Wandervino Flask

Yeah. These two models know what I’m talking about.

25. Murano Art Deco Wine Charms

The same neighbor responsible for bringing me THISCLOSE to my truffle destiny happens to be a professional glassblower. He trained in Europe and last year went to Murano — an island in the Venetian Lagoon famous for its glass art — for a weeklong class. He makes amazing stuff. Check out his work here . Is this a transparent attempt to curry favor with the owner of my soon-to-be truffle hunter? Perhaps. But the real takeaway here is that I shall have my precious truffles one way or another.

26. Roscioli Italian Wine Club

The family and I met my parents and my brother and his wife in Tuscany one summer. We created a daily competition around who could find the cheapest, yet still drinkable wine. The competition ended when my wife came home from the grocery with juice boxes of wine, complete with attached straws. We all lost.

European Gifts for Beer Drinkers

27. the perfect pint: a beer lover’s handbook.

Did you know Spain recognizes approximately 8,000 different sizes of beer? Not  types  of beer, but  sizes  of beers. Depending on where you are in Spain, you may encounter: un tubo, una caña, una botella de cerveza, botelín de cerveza, un doble, una copa, una jarra and una pinta. That’s not even all of them and it’s already far too many sizes of beer-delivery vessels. The British, on the other hand, have precisely one. And it’s called the pint. Carry on.

28. The Lantern Tankard

Did I just say the British have one size of beer?

Well, then, what’s this Lantern Tankard?

Although it appears larger, it holds one Imperial pint, or 20 ounces.

Also, am I the kind of beer snob who insists on always pouring canned beer into a glass?

Why, yes, yes I am.

Am I done answering my own questions?

29. uKeg Pressurized Growler

I love filling up my growler at the local breweries (which outnumber the traffic lights in my little mountain town). But I can’t a drink a whole growler by myself. And by “can’t,” I mean my wife won’t let me. And there’s nothing worse than second-day flat beer, except no beer at all. Enter this thing.

30. Belgian Beer Box

During a two-hour train layover in Brussels, I hoofed it to the famed  Poechenellekelder  for a swift nip of Belgium’s finest. I hurriedly pointed out a saison to my waiter. Side-eyeing me, he asked if I was sure, really positively sure, that’s the beer I wanted. Yes, yes of course it is, I replied. (Read #2 above if you haven’t already.) With about 30 minutes left until I had to walk back across old town to catch my train, the waiter placed a magnum-sized bottle on my table. And you better believe I polished that thing off, before stumbling and burping my way to the train station just in the nick of time.

European Gifts for Adventurers

31. gaia gps membership.

Remember the ending to the Sound of Music ? When the Von Trapp family escapes across the alps without backpacks or supplies? They don’t even grab a map, yet they traverse the alps from Austria into Switzerland. In their singing costumes and coats. While a world war raged.

I love that movie.

32. Hiking France

Ditch the tourist trail, hit the hiking trail and experience the REAL France!

Ever felt the urge to shoulder a backpack and explore fairytale villages? Do your travel daydreams involve eating picnic lunches beside lavender fields? And feasting on freshly prepared classic French dinners? Have you dreamed of hiking in France among vineyards and stone villages, enjoying the leisurely pace of rural life at the languid pace of foot travel?

You’ve come to the right place.

Now, go to a different place and buy this book.

33. Manduka Travel Yoga Mat

The older I get, the more I appreciate the little things, like a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s morn, the way the fall light hits the Aspens in my front yard and a straight spine.

34. Explore Europe on Foot

“By simply taking advantage of what the trail put in our path — from ancient ruins in Turkey to harvest festivals in Bavaria — we found each day filled with more interesting experiences and Rick-Steves-eat-your-heart-out, only-tourists-around moments than we’d ever experienced through traditional tourism.”

European Gifts for Linguists

35. lingo playing cards.

In Rome one summer, after a huge morning at the Colosseum and Palatine Hill, the wife, boy and I played cards all afternoon under some lovely shade trees in a pocket park beside the Tiber River, sipping beers, sodas and snacking on nuts. It was divine, and the memory of that afternoon is seared in my mind as clearly and more wistfully than the entire morning we spent among the ruins.

So, there’s clearly a solution to my linguistic difficulties thrice mentioned above. I just can’t put my finger on it.

European Gifts for Readers

37. hidden europe magazine.

The pioneering authors of Europe by Rail publish this no-advertising, slow-travel quarterly. It’s the standard by which all European travel magazines are measured. Definitely grab some back issues when subscribing.

38. Europe by Milk Run

“★★★★★ Blending historical information with authentically funny personal anecdotes, Europe By Milk Run is both informative and entertaining. A beautiful testament to the importance of living in the moment, while always being open to what the world has to offer.”

39. Kindle Unlimited

Anything that has “unlimited” in the name must be good, right? Like salad bar, breadsticks, refills, crab legs…Anyone else suddenly hungry?

40. The Neapolitan Novels

“Outside was worse than inside, everything was moving and shouting, we were assaulted by rumors that multiplied the terror. Red flashes could be seen in the direction of the railroad. Vesuvius had reawakened.”

41. Lagom: The Swedish Secret of Living Well

“Not the middle. Not average. Not complacency. Just right. And that distinction remains the underlying power of lagom as the basis for achieving an optimal lifestyle where one gives and receives in equal part without disturbing the balance between individuality and group dynamics.”

42. Walking to the End of the World: A Thousand Miles on the Camino De Santiago

“What I was missing was a life that felt real. I was here because the Camino, with its thousand years of history, felt real.”

43. Oil and Marble: A Novel of Leonardo and Michelangelo

“No one knew what the future held for Leonardo. Only one thing was certain: the Master from Vinci needed to find a new home, a new patron, a new life, and a new legacy.”

44. Villa des Violettes Novels

“Everything was going so well in Kat and Philippe’s life together. Then suddenly it wasn’t. Roman ruins delayed the work on the Villa des Violettes. The Russian drug gang might be back in the neighbourhood. On top of that, Kat had worked herself into what Molly classified as a full blown “Christmas conundrum.” Kat wanted the holidays to work perfectly as she blended a Canadian Christmas with a Provençal Fête de Noêl for the first time in their new home. Now she’d lost her confidence and, with it, the holiday spirit. Philippe hoped a weekend trip to the famous Christmas markets of Strasbourg would solve everything.”

European Gifts for Families

45. go happy travel tray.

Do you know what I never, ever want to see? One of those germ and body-substance detecting infrared lights used on an airplane. I don’t care how clean airplanes are now. NEVER. EVER.

46. Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting

“I hadn’t thought I was supposed to admire French parenting. It isn’t a thing , like French fashion or French cheese.”

47. The Road Taken: How to Dream, Plan, and Live Your Family Adventure Abroad

“Maybe by breaking down the conceptions of what mainstream society expects of families, I could empower parents to write their own story.”

When you’re ready for Europe…

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Keep Reading

Paris metro, taxis & gare du nord: weekly european travel q&a, the ‘goldilocks window’ for summer flights to europe is rapidly closing, one day in munich: weekly european travel q&a, about rory moulton, trip planning, european travel consultations, free paris books, smarter european travel.

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Trip Planning

13 Best Gifts for Europe Vacation

Last Updated Mar 16, 2024

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Are you looking for the best gift ideas for someone who’s planning a trip to Europe? Here are some of our favorite gift ideas for Europe travelers. Whether you’re shopping for your travel buddy , significant other , family member , or best friend , you will surely find something for them on this list.

Traveling abroad can be an exciting and fun experience, but it also can be stressful and overwhelming. Regardless if they are going on a romantic getaway , exploring the world with their family , or backpacking solo around Europe , they’ll need to be prepared for all sorts of situations.

So what kind of gift would be perfect for someone who is traveling to Europe? You may want to give them something that will help them on their adventures , but you also want to stay within a budget .

The best gift for a traveler is something they will use and enjoy. These gifts should be small and lightweight , easy to pack in a suitcase or backpack. They should also be practical and useful when traveling. You don’t want to get them something that sits in their closet, collecting dust.

In this article, we’ve put together a list of the best travel gifts for anyone who is traveling to Europe. Each one is a useful , affordable , and thoughtful travel gift that any traveler will love and use. Whether it’s a gift for their  next trip  or for a  birthday ,  graduation , Mother’s Day , Father’s Day , Valentine’s Day , or Christmas , you’ll be sure to find something on this list that they’ll love.

Best Gifts for Europe Vacation

1. portable power bank.

A portable power bank can be an essential tool for any frequent traveler .

There’s nothing more frustrating than running out of battery in the middle of nowhere and not being able to call for help or take photos. A portable power bank can be a lifesaver in these situations.

Whether they’re going on an international trip or just taking a weekend getaway , a power bank can be used to keep their phone, tablet, and other devices charged.

If you have a friend or family member who’s traveling a lot, it might be a good idea to get them a portable power bank as a gift.

Most power banks are small and lightweight and can be carried in a backpack or even a pocket. And, they’re extremely affordable —making them a perfect gift for anyone who travels a lot.

There are many types of portable power banks available for purchase on Amazon, including power banks with multiple ports and even ones that can be recharged using solar energy .

We recommend the Anker 325 Power Bank for its high cell capacity, fast-charging capabilities, and affordability. You can also find many other types of portable power banks on Amazon that will meet the needs of the adult who is always on the go.

Anker Portable Charger, Power Bank, 20,000mAh Battery Pack with PowerIQ Technology and USB-C (Recharging Only) for iPhone 15/15 Plus/15 Pro/15 Pro Max, iPhone 14/13/12 Series, Samsung Galaxy (Black)

For more information and reviews, check out the Anker 325 Power Bank on Amazon .

2. World Travel Adapter

A world travel adapter is a thoughtful gift for someone who is often traveling.

People often forget to bring an adapter when they pack for a trip because it’s not something that is necessary (unlike money and plane tickets).

However, it’s one of those things that can make or break a trip. For example, it can be a lifesaver when they travel to countries that have different voltage or outlet configurations.

So this time, why not surprise them with a world travel adapter? It’s small enough to fit in their carry-on bag but will be very useful when they need it.

You can find a variety of travel adapters on Amazon . These small, lightweight adapters are perfect for travelers who want to stay organized and avoid extra weight in their bags.

If you’re not sure which adapter is right for them, we recommend the EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter , which can be used in more than 150 countries.

EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter One International Wall Charger AC Plug Adaptor with 5.6A Smart Power and 3.0A USB Type-C for USA EU UK AUS (TA-105, Grey)

For more information, see what other people are saying about the EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter on Amazon .

3. Sleep Eye Mask

A sleep eye mask is a thoughtful gift for someone who travels a lot and needs to catch some z’s during their flights or while in transit.

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get some rest on an overnight flight or in a hotel room when the lights are too bright and there is no way to block them out. A sleep eye mask can be a lifesaver for anyone who struggles to sleep in a bright environment.

Whether they are trying to get some quality shut-eye on an overnight flight or trying to catch a nap during their lunch break at work, a sleep eye mask can be a useful gift.

There are many different styles of sleep eye masks available on Amazon , so you can easily find one that is suitable for the person you are buying it for.

If you’re looking for a comfortable eye mask that’s well-suited to travel, we recommend the MZOO Sleep Eye Mask . This sleep mask has a contoured design that makes it comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

MZOO Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, 3D Contoured Cup Sleeping Mask & Blindfold, Concave Molded Night Sleep Mask, Block Out Light, Soft Comfort Eye Shade Cover for Travel Yoga Nap, Black

For more information, read customer reviews about the MZOO Sleep Eye Mask on Amazon.

4. Inflatable Travel Pillow

One of the most overlooked items in any adventurer’s bag is the travel pillow. It can be the difference between sleeping comfortably or waking up with a stiff neck.

For the person who travels frequently , an inflatable travel pillow is a thoughtful and practical gift.

Because of their small , portable size and weightlessness when deflated, inflatable neck pillows are ideal for stowing in a carry-on bag.

They are the perfect companions for long flights , road trips , and camping expeditions . They are also great to use on overnight train journeys and airport layovers .

There are dozens of types of inflatable travel pillows available on Amazon . You can find pillows to meet any need, from lightweight pillows for easier carrying to ergonomic pillows that reduce neck strain.

If you are not sure which type of travel pillow is best for them, we recommend the UROPHYLLA Inflatable Neck Pillow for Travel . This pillow is an excellent choice for napping on the go and would make a great gift for them.

UROPHYLLA Inflatable Travel Pillow, 100% Soft Velvet Inflatable Neck Pillow for Traveling, Airplanes, Train, Car, Office with Compact Bag, Breathable Washable Cover, Suit for Adults Sleeping - Grey

For more information and reviews, check out the UROPHYLLA Inflatable Neck Pillow for Travel on Amazon .

5. Laundry Bag

A laundry bag is a practical gift for the frequent traveler . It can be used to store dirty clothes and keep them separate from clean clothes.

It’s especially helpful for business travelers who are staying in hotels , where they may not have access to laundry facilities.

Most laundry bags are made from lightweight , durable fabrics like nylon and polyester. A laundry bag can be a worthwhile investment since it will last for many years.

There are dozens of types and brands of laundry bags available on Amazon , so you can easily find one that fits your last-minute shopping.

If you are not sure which one to choose, we recommend Wash Me Travel Laundry Bag . This bag is made with a high-quality fabric that is durable, washable, and easy to carry around.

HOMEST 2 Pack XL Wash Me Travel Laundry Bag, Dirty Clothes Organizer, Large Enough to Hold 4 Loads of Laundry, Easy Fit a Laundry Hamper or Basket

Read more about the Wash Me Travel Laundry Bag on Amazon to find out what people are saying about this product.

6. Luggage Scale

If you are looking for a last-minute gift, luggage scale makes an excellent gift.

This is a great gift for travelers who tend to overpack and worry about exceeding the weight limit on luggage.

A luggage scale will help them avoid overpacking by ensuring that their bags meet airline weight restrictions.

There are a variety of luggage scales available on Amazon , but we recommend the FREETOO Portable Travel Scale for its affordability and reliability.

FREETOO Luggage Scale Portable Digital Hanging Scale for Travel, Suitcase Weight Scale with Superior Piano Lacquer 110 Lb/ 50Kg Capacity, Battery Included

For more information and reviews, check out the FREETOO Portable Travel Scale on Amazon .

7. Luggage Strap

For the frequent traveler , luggage straps make a smart gift.

Luggage straps can help secure suitcases and keep them closed, making it easier to transport several pieces of luggage at once. They can also help keep the contents of bags from being lost or stolen.

There is a wide selection of luggage straps available on Amazon , so it’s likely that you’ll be able to find one as a gift that is both useful and affordable.

If you are looking for the best luggage strap, we recommend the Untethered 4-Pack Luggage Straps . This strap is the perfect solution for traveling with multiple pieces of luggage or keeping bags closed while transporting them. Plus, it also makes for a good present.

Untethered 4-Pack Luggage Straps | Suitcase Strap, Luggage Strap, Luggage Belt Strap, Luggage Straps for Suitcases TSA Approved, Suitcase Belt Strap, Bag Straps for Luggage. Buckle Straps and Wraps.

To find out what other customers are saying and to see current pricing, check out the Untethered 4-Pack Luggage Straps on Amazon .

8. Personal Safety Alarm

For the solo traveler , a personal safety alarm is a must-have.

A personal safety alarm is a small device that can be worn on a keychain or attached to one’s purse or backpack. When activated, it emits a high-pitched noise that is designed to draw attention and scare off potential attackers.

Personal safety alarms can make a great gift for travelers who love to explore on their own , especially if they plan on traveling outside of the country.

There are many different types of personal security alarms available on Amazon . Some personal security alarms especially appeal to female travelers. Other personal security alarms are designed for use by anyone—men, women, children, and elderly people alike.

If you are considering buying a personal security alarm for them, we recommend the KOSIN Safe Sound Personal Alarm . It is small but powerful , so they can wear it on a keychain or attach it to a handbag or backpack. Plus, it makes an ideal gift for female travelers, especially if they are headed to a country where they will be going out alone at night or spending time in unfamiliar places.

KOSIN Safe Sound Personal Alarm, 8 Pack 140DB Personal Security Alarm Keychain with LED Lights, Emergency Safety Alarm for Women, Men, Children, Elderly

Check out the Amazon reviews for the KOSIN Safe Sound Personal Alarm to see what others are saying about this product.

9. Emergency Whistle

For the outdoorsy person in your life, an emergency whistle is a must-have item.

This small tool can be used to signal for help if lost or stranded. It’s also useful for calling attention during emergencies that occur in the wilderness.

An emergency whistle is a small , lightweight item that can easily be attached to a keychain or backpack.

If you are shopping for someone who loves to hike , backcountry ski , or camp , an emergency whistle is a great choice.

There are many different styles of emergency whistles available on Amazon , but our favorite is LuxoGear Emergency Whistle . This emergency whistle is made from durable plastic and has a lanyard for easy carrying. It’s also very loud, which is an important feature of any emergency whistle.

LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard Safety Whistle Survival Shrill Loud Blast for Kayak Life Vest Jacket Boating Fishing Boat Camping Hiking Hunting Rescue Signaling Kids Lifeguard Plastic 2 Pack

For additional information, reviews and pricing, check out the LuxoGear Emergency Whistle on Amazon .

10. Waterproof Phone Case

If he or she loves to go swimming or is always near the water , you may want to consider purchasing a waterproof phone case.

A waterproof phone case will protect the device from water damage and can provide a protective layer from scratches and scuffs as well.

It is important to note that not all waterproof phone cases are equally effective at protecting the phone from water damage. There are many different brands of waterproof phone cases , so it is important to do your research before purchasing one.

If you are looking for a great waterproof phone case that is affordable, highly rated, and easy to use, we recommend the JOTO Waterproof Phone Pouch Universal Waterproof Case . This case is designed to be compatible with most smartphones, including the iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, and more.

JOTO Waterproof Phone Pouch IPX8 Universal Waterproof Case Dry Bag Phone Protector for iPhone 15 14 13 12 11 Pro Max Plus XS XR X 8 Galaxy S23 S22 S21 S20 Pixel Up to 7" -2 Pack, Black

Check out the Amazon reviews for the JOTO Waterproof Phone Pouch Universal Waterproof Case to see what others are saying about this product.

11. Electronics Organizer

If he or she is always losing their sim cards, phone chargers, and power cords, you might want to consider getting them an electronics organizer.

An electronics organizer is a useful gift for the man or woman who has a lot of tech accessories and needs help keeping them organized.

For travelers and business peopl e, an electronics organizer can be a lifesaver — it keeps all their travel accessories together and ready to go.

So if you’re planning on giving a gift to someone this time, why not get them something that will help them stay organized?

You can find a large selection of electronics organizers on Amazon , so there’s sure to be one that will suit the needs of anyone on your gift list.

If you’re not sure what kind of electronic organizer might be best for him or her, we recommend the BAGSMART Electronic Organizer . This organizer is ideal for people who travel frequently, as it has plenty of room for all their tech accessories.

BAGSMART Electronics Organizer Travel Case, Small Cable Organizer Bag for Travel Essentials, Travel Tech Organizer as Travel Accessories, Cord Organizer for Phone, Power Bank, SD Card, Black

For more information and customer reviews, see the BAGSMART Electronic Organizer on Amazon .

12. RFID-Blocking Wallet

If you’re looking for something practical , an RFID wallet is the perfect travel gift.

For those who travel frequently or enjoy seeing new places , the worst-case scenario is having their credit card information stolen while out and about. RFID-blocking wallets can help prevent this from happening.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a type of technology that allows objects to transmit information via radio waves. RFID-blocking wallets are designed to protect people from identity theft by preventing (RFID) signals from being transmitted.

If you have a girlfriend who travels frequently, an RFID-blocking wallet would make a great gift for them.

There are many types of RFID-blocking wallets on Amazon , so you can easily find one that fits your budget and the needs of the person you’re buying for.

If you’re not sure what kind of RFID wallet is best for him or her, we recommend the FurArt Credit Card Wallet . This wallet features 13 card slots, 2 cash pockets, and an RFID blocking lining — a great gift for the man or woman on the go!

FurArt Credit Card Wallet, Zipper Card Cases Holder for Men Women, RFID Blocking, KeyChain Wallet, Compact Size

Check out the Amazon reviews for the FurArt Credit Card Wallet to see what others are saying about this product.

13. TSA-Approved Luggage Lock

TSA-approved luggage locks are designed to be opened by TSA agents, so they can inspect the luggage without damaging it.

You can find several different types of TSA-approved locks on Amazon , so it’s easy to find one that fits your needs and budget.

If you don’t have time to find out what type of lock they need, we recommend the Fosmon TSA Approved Luggage Lock . It’s one of the most popular and highly rated locks available. It is made with a durable material that has been approved by the TSA for use in airports.

Fosmon TSA Accepted Luggage Locks, (4 Pack) Open Alert Indicator 3 Digit Combination Padlock Codes with Alloy Body for Travel Bag, Suit Case, Lockers, Gym, Bike Locks - Black, Blue, Pink, and Silver

Check out the Amazon reviews for the Fosmon TSA Approved Luggage Lock to see what others are saying about this product.

We hope this list helps you find the perfect gift for your traveling friend or family member!

Are you looking for more information? Check out the following posts:

Power Plugs and Outlets in Europe: Do I Need a Travel Adapter?

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The 58 Best Gifts for Travel Lovers in 2024

Peruse these practical and thoughtful gift ideas for every traveler on your list.

europe travel souvenir ideas

We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Travel + Leisure / David Hattan

Shopping for your travel-loving friends and family can be tricky — after all, you’ll want to ensure you’re picking up something practical, but you also don’t want to gift them something they already have. It’s also worth considering that frequent travelers, especially digital nomads, tend to live a more minimalist life. This means practical gear will reign supreme over more frivolous items.

You’ll also want to take into account the kind of travel your favorite globetrotters or influencers are into. City explorers or luxury-leaning travelers, for example, probably won’t want the same gear as someone who spends their PTO hiking and trekking through the wilderness.

The following options were hand-picked by our team to suit every type of traveler and vacationer on your list. We’ve extensively researched (or personally tested) all of the following gifts to ensure your purchase will make a thoughtful and genuinely practical addition to your loved one’s travels. Here are the best gifts travelers will love — for all budgets and needs.

Solo Re:Define Backpack

You can’t go wrong with a new travel backpack, and the Solo Re:Define Backpack earns our top pick as the absolute best laptop backpack in the game. It’s lightweight and stylish while still roomy enough to hold the essentials whether your gift recipient plans to use it as a carry-on bag or as a city bag while exploring a new town. It also has a built-in USB port and headphone jack for ease of use.

Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow

The gift of a good night’s sleep on a red eye isn’t exactly something you can wrap in a bow and place underneath the tree — but the Cabeau TNE S3 Travel Pillow makes it possible. This is the best travel pillow in our book; it’s designed to attach to any headrest which helps keep the user’s head from dropping or moving around when sleeping. The air-like cushion is also super comfortable and cozy without being too hot.

Samsonite Freeform Carry-on Spinner

If your giftee is on the go a lot, chances are they could use new carry-on luggage . The Samsonite Freeform Carry-on Spinner is our top pick when it comes to long-lasting and practical carry-on luggage. It’s aesthetically pleasing but also incredibly durable and is able to withstand packed travel schedules thanks to the polycarbonate design.

Away Travel The Compression Socks

Compression socks might not seem like the most exciting holiday gift at first glance — but trust us when we say that once your loved ones start flying with the compression socks from Away, they won’t want to go back. These are the best compression socks we’ve found not just because they’re stylish but also because they work well (see: help prevent swelling and discomfort) without being too tight.

Paravel Passport Case

If your favorite travelers don’t already have a high-quality passport cover, you might want to consider the Paravel Cabana Passport Case. The elegant leather case is our highest rated passport case and can even be personalized with a hand-painted monogram or custom graphic to add another layer of elegance. We also like that this option has an abundance of pockets and card slots to make organization easier.

Stanley Quencher H2.0 FlowState Tumbler

The Stanley Quencher has become everyone’s favorite emotional support bottle over the past few months — and it’s easy to see why. This aesthetically pleasing cup fits up to 64 ounces of their favorite beverage and promises to keep their drink ice cold for hours. It’s also available in a ton of fun colorways and patterns.

Boka Fresh on the Go

The Boka Fresh on the Go set was made for travelers who avoid checking a bag at all costs. It includes everything they’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene while on the go, but the toothpaste is TSA-approved and the mouthwash — this is the best part — comes in the form of chewable tablets so it won’t even count toward their liquid quota.

T-core Power Bank

The T-core Power Bank makes a great stocking stuffer — look how tiny it is! — for travelers who are constantly in search of a power outlet to juice up their devices. The compact 10,000mAh portable power bank is small enough to fit in your pocket and can fully charge a new iPhone 2.9 times with one charge.

Jamaica Vibes

Jamaica Vibes is the latest in the Assouline coffee table book family — and possibly one of the most fun options to date. The stunning visual-first book will allow travelers to reminisce about any time spent in Jamaica (or dream about future trips) while the cover and spine of the book will add a dose of elegant and trendy style to coffee tables and bookshelves.

Contiki Tour

You can’t go wrong with the gift of travel itself, and if you’re looking for a big-ticket experience gift for a younger traveler in your life, look no further than a Contiki tour. The pre-packaged trips will take them all over the world with like-minded young people and range from exploring the Garden Route in South Africa to road-tripping through the Balkans.

Epicka Universal Travel Adapter

Sure, a travel adapter might not immediately come off as the most exciting gift. But any traveler will tell you just how valuable a reliable one really is. The Epicka Universal Travel Adapter is the best travel adapter in our book; it works in more than 150 countries and it’s super compact and easy to pack thanks to the modular design. Plus, you can always pair it with a flashier item like a travel-themed phone case .

L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream

Luxury hand cream is a great gift for anyone, but particularly for the frequent flyer. The L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream is very lightly scented (which is great for the plane), but it’s also incredibly moisturizing and rich in texture. It’ll serve as the hydration and comfort MVP during long, dry flights.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 16GB

Being a traveler and a voracious reader can be tricky — you likely don’t want to go bookless on the go, but who wants to lug several books from city to city just to make sure they’ve got reading material? Certainly not us, and that’s why the Kindle Paperwhite has become a non-negotiable. The ultra-lightweight device can store thousands of books in one spot and you can even download new content while traveling — so avid readers will never run out of material (or worry about going over the carry-on weight limit with books).

Mise 店 Udon Gift Set

Traveling to Japan changes you; once you’ve visited, you’ll want to return again and again. That’s why the Mise 店 Shoshi Watanabe Udon Gift Set is a major win for anyone who has traveled to (and fallen in love) with the country. The bundle includes everything your gift recipient will need to cook delicious udon at home, all of which has been sourced directly from Japan.

Lavazza Espresso Italiano

If they’re constantly posting throwbacks to their summer vacation in Italy, give them the gift of an Italian morning at home. The Lavazza Espresso Italiano tastes just like those shots of espresso you can guzzle at every corner cafe in Rome. Bonus points if you pick up a set of espresso cups to really set the mood.

SereneLife Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board


The SereneLife Stand-up Paddle Board is an excellent option for anyone who wants to bring the spirit of resort life home. We tested out a variety of inflatable paddle boards and our team agrees that this is the best board on the market thanks to the lightweight, portable design and impressive stability in the water.

Jabra Elite 8 True Wireless Earbuds

It doesn’t matter if your gift recipient is a city or a wilderness traveler: everyone can use a reliable pair of earbuds to take on the road. The Jabra Elite 10 True Wireless Earbuds offer the same high-quality sound and design as much more expensive options, but the under-the-radar headphones come with a much more digestible price tag.

LARQ Bottle PureVis

The Larq Self-cleaning Water Bottle is a true game changer for all kinds of travelers. The smart bottle uses UV technology to not just disinfect itself but also to purify the water you’re drinking. This means the jetsetter you’re shopping for will be able to comfortably drink from most water sources without worrying about getting sick.

Tommy Bahama Backpack Beach Chair

The Tommy Bahama Backpack Beach Chair is simply the best beach chair around — and it makes a great gift for road-trippers and camping enthusiasts alike. It’s super easy to transport thanks to the folding backpack design and is surprisingly comfortable due to the adjustable head pillow and elongated seat. We also like that the frame is rust-proof, meaning it’s perfect for using at the beach or in the rain.

Gonex Compression Packing Cubes

Packing cubes are a game changer for efficient and organized packing, and the Gonex Compression Packing Cubes are our top pick for best packing cubes . The ultra-soft, lightweight ripstop nylon design simplifies packing and compresses everything from T-shirts and sweaters to socks and underwear, taking up way less space in a suitcase and making it easy to find specific garments without having to unpack completely.

Raytix RFID Money Belt

Travelers who take organization — and safety — seriously will particularly appreciate the Raytix RFID Money Belt. Our number one pick for the best money belt , this practical pouch is super comfortable to wear and is also large enough to hold things like earbuds, transit tickets, and other small travel accessories they may want to keep close by. It’s also available in a huge variety of fun colorways to suit every style

Intelligent Change Inc. The Five Minute Journal

Sometimes, it can be hard to live in the moment and absorb all the magic that is travel — but a gratitude journal can help ensure your globetrotter stays centered on the go. The Five Minute Journal takes, as advertised, just five minutes of a traveler’s time, but jotting down their thoughts for those few minutes will help them remember and appreciate the most exciting parts of their day while traveling or at home.

The Alchemist

This famous fable by Paulo Coelho is an excellent gift for travelers (and aspiring travelers) of all ages. The Alchemist is one of those books that we’ve read time and time again when searching for inspiration. It’s a quick but impactful read that’ll inspire anyone to continue to work toward their goals and find their own Personal Legend.

Andobil Car Phone Holder Mount

The best car phone holder mount in our book is the Andobil Car Phone Holder Mount, and it’ll make a great gift for roadtrippers and car commuters. It’s super easy to install and, once set up, is incredibly stable and easy to use while on the go. There’s also space to plug in a charger so drivers won’t have to mess around with their phone just to get some juice.

Puffer Hug 418 Scarf

Think of the Puffer Hug 418 Scarf as a stylish and equally practical alternative to the fishing vest. Hear us out: this cozy accessory serves as a regular scarf but also has tons of pockets for things like a smartphone or passport. It’s great for wearing to the airport when you need to have documents at the ready but is equally sensible for wearing to explore a new city.

Slip Silk Skinny Scrunchies

The Slip Pure Silk 4-pack Skinny Scrunchies is a fail-safe gift for anyone with long hair. The silk design is gentle on the hair and is designed to not pull or cause breakage, even with regular use. We also really like the elegant patterns and colors of the scrunchies, which can easily double as cute arm candy among a stack of bracelets.

Vinarmour Travel Wine Carrier

Wine-loving travelers will flip for the Vinarmour Travel Wine Carrier. This stunning carrier is designed to transport a bottle of wine without any risk of breakage. It features sufficient padding to keep the bottle safe while in transit, but it’s also made from leak-proof material — so even if the bottle was already damaged and cracks while in cargo, it won’t spill on the rest of your luggage.

Smithsonian White Mineral Globe Paperweight


The Smithsonian White Mineral Globe Paperweight makes for a stunning addition to a coffee table or desk. The hand-polished globe is crafted from a stunning combination of two kinds of green jade, lilac lepidolite, red stone, marble, and abalone, and it’s designed to pay tribute to the National Gem and Mineral Collection — one of the largest collections of its kind.

The Harmonist Travel Coffret

The Harmonist

The Harmonist Travel Coffret is a game-changer when it comes to feeling fresh and relaxed in transit. The set of three heavily-concentrated perfumes were designed to foster a sense of calmness and relaxation thanks to the various notes, including patchouli, pomelo, Bulgarian rose, and vanilla. It also comes with a striking travel case to keep the vials safe in transit.

Spirit Daughter Malachite Palm Stone

Spirit Daughter

If you’ve got a nervous traveler on your list (or someone who could use a little extra protection), consider the gift of a Malachite Palm Stone. Malachite is believed to ward off danger and fight off illness which makes it a great healing crystal for any traveler to keep in their carry-on or toiletry kit while traversing the globe.

Twelve South AirFly Pro

The Twelve South AirFly Pro is such an easy way to upgrade the economy experience. This handy little device allows travelers to use their own Bluetooth headphones or earbuds with the inflight entertainment system rather than having to use the sub-par freebies provided by the airline. The AirFly is super easy to use as well — all you have to do is plug it into the headphone jack on the plane and pair it with your headphones.

Tumi Leather Jewelry Case

The Tumi Leather Jewelry Case is a game changer for anyone who typically travels with their jewelry loose in their carry-on or cosmetic bag. The beautiful leather accessory is striking in its own right, but the interior makes it incredibly easy to keep all jewelry and accessories properly stowed and organized on the go. The suede interior is also super soft and won’t scratch or scuff delicate pieces.

Four Seasons Velvet Slippers

Four Seasons

There’s something inherently luxurious about slipping into a pair of hotel slippers upon check in — and the Four Seasons Velvet Slippers amplify that feeling and bring it home. These stunning slippers are made in Italy from sleek velvet and cotton with the Four Seasons logo embroidered on the top. The elastic back and rubber sole make them appropriate for both indoor and outdoor use.

Apple AirTag

Don’t let your loved one get stuck with lost luggage sans AirTag. This tiny gadget offers major peace of mind for anyone who has to check a bag (and it’s worth throwing one in a carry-on, too — just in case a gate check situation arises). The AirTag is no bigger than a quarter and pairs with iPhones to easily track and monitor the location of gear at all times — and it has actually helped people get their suitcases back faster.

Nurse Jamie Super Cryo Mini Massaging Orb

The Nurse Jamie Super Cryo Mini Massaging Orb is a frequent flyer’s best friend. The device works to increase localized circulation and reduce surface-level inflammation in the skin. It stays cool for up to six hours at a time which should be more than enough to get jetsetters through a red eye to Europe. The stainless steel device can also be used hot for a soothing under-eye treatment.

Birdie Personal Safety Alarm

Here’s one for the solo female travelers on your list. The She's Birdie Personal Safety Alarm is designed to fit incognito in her handbag or pocket — but if she finds herself in any kind of trouble, it’s easy to grab and sound the alarm to draw attention and deter an attack. All she has to do is pull off the top tab to activate the 130-decibel siren and flashing strobe light.

Dagne Dover Tech Organizer

Dagne Dover

Nobody thinks they need a tech organizer while traveling, but when you take into account all the cables and adapters required to make international travel smooth, having a specific spot to keep everything untangled is major. The Dagne Dover Arlo Tech Organizer is small enough to pop into a carry-on but has plenty of interior space to store everything a traveler needs.

Lindsay Albanese Toptote Leather Hat Holder

Traveling with a cute hat seems like a great idea, but in practice it can be a bit of a pain. The Lindsay Albanese Toptote Leather Hat Holder allows travelers to bring along a wide-brim hat without having to wear it the entire commute or risking it getting crushed in a suitcase. The clip attaches to the brim of a hat and the built-in carabiner lets you pop it onto a handbag or carry-on for a hands-free solution.

Diptyque Travel Cleansing & Moisturizing Set

This cleansing and moisturizing set will be a welcome addition to any routine whether at home or on the go. The decadent set includes both rinse-free and regular hand wash as well as a moisturizing hand lotion — all of which smell just like your favorite luxury hotel bath products. We also like that this option comes with a cute carrying case that makes it easy to store the items in a handbag or carry-on.

Tangle Teezer Compact Styler Detangling Hairbrush

This detangling hairbrush is a must-have addition to any cosmetic bag thanks to its compact design and convenient top cover. The brush combats knots and tangles without damaging the hair, but it’s truly the streamlined design that makes it so great for travel; your giftee won’t have to worry about squishing the bristles or getting anything stuck in the brush. Plus, the shiny holographic-inspired finish is very pretty to look at.

Baimei Jade Roller & Gua Sha Facial Tools

You’ve probably already heard about the wonders of a jade roller, but the gua sha is just as efficient. This set of two gives travelers everything they’ll need to depuff after long flights or nights out. Note that this set is also available in amethyst and rose quartz, should your favorite traveler prefer a different hue.

Tinggly Bucketlist Experience Collection

If you prefer to gift experiences over physical items but aren’t sure where or when your recipient’s next trip is, consider a Tinggly Bucketlist Experience Collection. The gift package allows them to choose from hundreds of different experiences to partake in around the world, from sandboarding in Abu Dhabi to a food tour of Istanbul.

Vasco V4 Language Translator Device

World travelers always have a few favorite travel products they swear by. For traveling abroad, the Vasco V4 Language Translator Device makes the experience so much easier — not just on the traveler but on the locals as well. This genius device provides instant voice translation in 108 languages and comes with free lifetime internet to ensure it’ll always be functional anywhere in the world. The instant translations mean your traveling pal can have real-time conversations with people across the globe, even if there’s no common spoken language.

Pokoloko Harem Towel

The Pokoloko Harem Towel is handcrafted using 100 percent Turkish cotton by artisans in Turkey — and it’s the perfect beach bag essential. It’s very lightweight and rolls down much smaller than the average towel. However, it’s also incredibly absorbent and quick-drying, so travelers can pop it back into their beach bag at the end of the day without worrying about lugging home a soggy towel.

Ugg Franca Hooded Travel Cardigan

The Ugg Franca Hooded Travel Cardigan was designed with travelers in mind. It’s ultra-cozy and comfortable, but it’s also incredibly easy to fold up and pack away when not in use. We love that it’s fitted like a structured cardigan so you can get away with wearing it from the plane and right into the city if you’re so inclined.

Fellow Carter Everywhere Mug

If your giftee is still traveling the world using disposable coffee cups, it’s time they’ve upgraded. The Fellow Carter Everywhere Travel Mug is a super chic reusable coffee cup that is particularly great for travel, as it has a leak-proof seal that prevents the cup from spilling everywhere when tossed into a carry-on. It also keeps beverages hot for up to 12 hours (and cold for up to 24), so travelers won’t have to deal with lukewarm coffee or water on even the longest travel days.

Vacation Luxury Shine Duo

You can’t go wrong with a selection of sun care products, especially if the traveler on your list tends to prefer warm-weather destinations. The Vacation Luxury Shine Duo offers a cheeky, oil-based take on sunscreen with high-quality ingredients and retro packaging that’ll keep beachgoers protected from the sun without actually smelling like sunscreen.

Babelio Mini Sound Machine

Light sleepers might struggle to fall asleep in a hotel, but the Babelio Mini Sound Machine makes it a whole lot easier. The tiny sound machine won’t take up any space in a carry-on, but the powerful white noise will be more than enough to lull your loved one to sleep, whether they’re in a noisy hostel or a too-quiet luxury suite.

lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L

It’s called the Everywhere Belt Bag for a reason! This Lululemon staple has quickly become a cult classic for travelers (it has quite literally been everywhere this year). The adjustable belt bag is super convenient for everything from hiking to exploring cities hands-free, and the durable nylon material means you won’t have to worry about potential spillage or getting stuck in the rain (it’ll wipe clean with a bit of water).

Longchamp Le Pliage Filet Mesh Bag


Regular travelers know the importance of throwing a decent-sized tote into their luggage. After all, you never know when you’ll need the extra bit of space while on the road. The Longchamp Le Pliage Filet L Mesh Bag offers a sophisticated take on the humble mesh tote complete with a snap closure and both a top handle and shoulder strap for added versatility.

Conair Travel Garment Dual Voltage Steamer

The Conair Power Steam Handheld Travel Garment Steamer makes looking and feeling put together on the road a snap. The compact steamer is small enough to slip into a carry-on bag and pull out as needed while traveling. It boasts a 35-second heat-up time so the traveler in your life can power away wrinkles and creases in no time at all.

Sidney Sleep Mini Travel Size Neck Pillow

Sometimes you just need the comfort of your own pillow to get a good night’s sleep, and this mini travel pillow will do just the trick. The travel-sized memory foam pillow is great for using on planes or camping trips, and the compact size means it can easily slip into a bag for easy carrying when not in use. Consider adding a cozy travel blanket to complete the set.

YETI Roadie 24 Cooler

The Yeti Roadie 24 Hard Cooler will be well received by the road trip warriors and beach bums on your list. Not only is it super aesthetically pleasing, but it can also actually fit an incredible amount in such a compact space — we’re talking up to 33 cans, 26 pounds of ice, and even full-sized bottles of wine.

Loop Quiet Ear Plugs

You don’t quite realize how high-quality the Loop Quiet earplugs are until you really need them. The surprisingly stylish earplugs were designed to be comfortable while sleeping and will serve as a major blessing the next time your gift recipient has been put in a hotel room next to a crying baby or bachelorette party.

Native Union Universal Sling

The Native Union Universal Sling is designed to pop onto smartphones like a phone case — but it comes with a built-in strap that allows travelers to wear their phone like a crossbody bag or around their neck like a lanyard. It’s available in a variety of colorways and is made from recycled material for a more sustainable approach. It’s perfect for travel as it’s more secure than throwing a phone in a pocket or bag as well.

Hotel Lobby Candle City Collection Trio

Hotel Lobby Candle

There’s something inherently luxurious about slipping into a pair of hotel slippers upon check in — and the Four Seasons Velvet Slippers amplify that feeling and bring it home. These stunning slippers are made in Italy from cozy velvet and cotton with the Four Seasons logo embroidered on the top. The elastic back and rubber sole make them appropriate for both indoor and outdoor use.

Conscious Coconut Coconut Oil Travel Ready Tube

Conscious Coconut

Frequent flyers and dry skin just go together, unfortunately — which is why it’s so essential to have heavy moisturizer on hand at all times. The Conscious Coconut Coconut Oil Travel Ready Tube is pretty much the best way to carry around ultra-moisturizing coconut oil without getting it everywhere. It’s pure but packaged in a convenient tube that makes application much easier than that of your standard coconut oil jar.

Metáfora Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Portugalia Marketplace

If you’re shopping for a frequent flyer who doubles as an excellent home cook, you’ll want to consider Metáfora Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This high-quality olive oil is imported directly from Portugal and offers a surprisingly spicy flavor, which makes it great for cooking Mediterranean dishes or simply serving with fresh bread and cheeses.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Kaitlyn McInnis is a lifestyle editor-turned-freelance travel writer for T+L. She started her career as a gift guide editor and has a long-standing passion for helping others find the absolute best gifts (at great prices) for everyone in their life.

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europe travel souvenir ideas

73 Best Travel Gifts for Book Lovers, Beauty Gurus, & Everyone Else on Your List

By Madison Flager and Paris Wilson

Image may contain Human Person Cushion and Pillow

When it comes to choosing the best travel gifts, there are many routes to take: You can get your go-to vacation companion something practical that they'll reach for every time they take out their carry-on. Or, you can gift something to encourage them to start planning their next trip (and hopefully invite you along). There are also gifts that bring travel to them, making the space between adventures feel a bit more like a vacation, and experience gifts to make their next trip even more exciting. No matter the occasion, or the traveler, we've rounded up nearly 60 travel gifts from brands we love, so you can find something for each person on your list.

For even more specific gift guides, be sure to check out all our recommended gifts for travelers, which we've gathered for you here . And keep an eye on the calendar—the sooner the better if you're shipping presents straight to a giftee, or mailing to yourself to wrap. Standard free shipping deadlines end as early as December 13 for delivery by Christmas, so aim to order by that date if you're hoping to avoid shipping costs.

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Lunya washable silk pajama set

Washable silk pajamas? Say no more. For the traveler who could use a little luxury in their life, Lunya's matching set—which we've raved about time and time again—will get plenty of use at home and on vacation.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Dreamegg White Noise Machine

This sound machine fits into the palm of a hand and weighs less than five ounces. It's perfect for travelers with small children or who find it hard to fall sleep in new environments. It has a rechargeable USB battery, features 21 different sounds, and has an easy-to-use timer setting.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Ashya Passport Bolo

For those who like to travel light, the Passport Bolo from Ashya is an adjustable, hand stitched leather passport necklace made with 14K gold-plated hardware. It can be worn as across the chest like a slingbag or around the neck like a lanyard. Use it to hold important cards while traveling or as an everyday wallet .

europe travel souvenir ideas

Ember Travel Mug 2

The charge on this mug can last up to three hours, but lasts all day when combined with the charging coaster. When left unattended, it automatically goes into sleep mode, but can keep the cup warm for up to two hours with the help of its thermal hardware.

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Sleepy Ride Airplane Footrest

Sleepy Ride Airplane Footrest

We could wax poetic about what our office has dubbed “the foot hammock,” but it all comes down to this : for those roughly 5'7" and under, it'll transform your in-flight economy experience. Sling it around your tray table and enjoy stretching out your legs (or curling up to sleep) throughout your next flight.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Ralph Lauren Cable Cashmere travel set

This Ralph Lauren travel set is a travel accessory you'll use again and again. It comes with a large shawl that can be used as a blanket, a small pillow, and a soft eye mask—all made from cashmere.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Zendure mini portable charger

For frequent travelers, a small, lightweight portable charger is truly a must-have. The Supermini portable power bank is extremely slim, durable, and is compatible with USB-A, USB, and USB-C ports.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Rifle Paper Co. AirTag luggage tag

If your giftee has gotten on the AirTag train this year, they’ll appreciate this handy luggage tag, designed to hold said tag and look aesthetically pleasing while doing so. The garden party print will add a Bridgerton-meets-cottagecore vibe to their suitcase, and the AirTag compartment is detachable, making it even more versatile.

Bellroy Tech Kit

Bellroy Tech Kit

Every organized traveler needs a good tech kit. We like Bellroy's for its many pockets and loops that will fit any size cord and offer a safe place to stash AirPods, portable chargers, and work-from-anywhere accessories like a mouse or Wi-Fi extender.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Dagne Dover Seoul Dopp kit

Ahead of the holidays, Dagne Dover released a new slate of items in its eco-friendlier collection. The Seoul Dopp kit, much like the rest of the collection, is made from 100 percent recycled polyester while the interior is made from a spill-proof recycled poly lining.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Canada Goose Trillium Parka Heritage

For winter travel, a thick, packable coat is a necessity. The Canada Goose Trillium parka is built for extreme cold but is by no means bulky, and actually has a slimming effect. It has a chin guard to protect the neck from cold air, interior pockets, and a hoodie with removable trims, giving your giftee some style options.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Comrad Knee High Ombre compression socks

Socks have a reputation as a boring gift option, but for travelers, these ones are an actually thoughtful pick. Comrad is known for bringing comfort and style to the world of compression socks, which are designed to help regulate swelling and keep the blood pumping through the legs. They're perfect for long flights, road trips, or just walking around sightseeing.

Image may contain Cylinder Cup and Coffee Cup

AeroPress coffee maker

The AeroPress coffee and espresso maker is perfect for coffee lovers who can't go without their morning cup. It's durable, shatter-proof, and fits compactly into a backpack . It's easy to use and easier to clean, making it a must-have for travelers.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Pak Réve The Wilder Bundle

Trying to make it out of the house as a new parent can be stressful to stay the least. The Wilder Bundle, designed by Traveler contributor Jordi Lippe-McGraw , can fit everything you need and more. On the exterior, we see a full-size backpack, but its included attachments—a mini backpack, wristlet, and insulated lunchbox—easily snap off to lighten your load when you don't need them, or to be used separately.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Parks by Brian Kelley

From intricately drawn brochures and eye-catching advertisements emerges a collection of over 400 designs produced by the United States National Park Service over the last century, compiled into a giftable portfolio by photographer Brian Kelley.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Shinola The Canfield Sport

The Shinola Canfield Sport watch is a timeless piece of jewelry that can withstand whatever life throws at it. It features a stainless steel outer case and bracelet with a gunmetal finish making it extremely durable. Its sportier look is perfect for casual wear but the black finishing makes it easy to dress up.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Filson x Chris Stapleton Traveller Bag

Country music star Chris Stapleton recently collaborated with Filson on the Traveller collection that features both clothing and travel gear. One of the standout pieces is the rereleased archived duffel. The Traveller Outfitter Bag is one of Stapleton’s favorites and we understand why: It has an adjustable shoulder strap, a large main compartment for a few days' worth of clothing, and a comfortable leather grip handle. The leather on the handle won’t transfer any color and with each wear, the leather gets softer.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Browit silk sleeping bag

This silk sleeping bag sack gives a subtle glamping touch to any camping trip. The sleeping bag liner can be put into a sleeping bag for added comfort, or placed on top of a blow-up mattress or even a hotel bed. It comes with a drawstring bag that makes it easy to store and pack.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Simo Solis Portable Hotspot

When it comes to working outside of your home, we all know how unstable Wi-Fi can be. Instead of struggling through Zoom meetings on an Airbnb’s outdated router or a hotel on a crowded line, invest in your own hotspot. This one has a better bandwidth than the one you find on your phone, lasts longer, and won't run down your phone battery.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Collapsible Food Tent

This is an ideal gift for those who love to host outdoor get-togethers. Each tent is handwoven with long-lasting sinamay abaca fiber. It can easily be placed over trays, bowls, plates, and cups to keep bugs out of the food.

Béis The Expandable Pouch

Versatile is the best way to describe The Expandable Pouch from Béis. It transforms from a fanny pack into a sleek, lightweight backpack, with plenty of space to fit must-haves for a whole day. It's great for trips with packed itineraries, and when you find yourself picking up items throughout the day.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Aman x 111Skin nourishing gold algae eye mask

Perfect for the skincare routine queens on your list, these eye masks blend the expertise of Aman and 111Skin. A set comes with eight Nourishing Gold Algae Eye Masks to hydrate and brighten the under-eye area. They’ll come in handy after long-haul flights, or just the post-holiday drive home.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Té Company Tea set

The Formosa tea set is a perfect starter bundle for those looking to expand their tea palate. It has seven different blends and includes detailed instructions on the tea-making process to guide your giftee toward the perfect cup.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Four Seasons velvet slippers

Slippers are a no-fail gift option for pretty much anyone on your list, and this velvet style from Four Seasons will bring a touch of luxury to their day. The elastic back makes them easy to slip on and off, and the recycled rubber sole adds some durability to them.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Oui The People Body Renewal set

Oui The People has been bringing some heat to the skincare world, with formulas that produce an unmatched glow. The brand's holy trinity includes the new Clean Slate body wash, Cheat Sheet body exfoliant, and Featherweight body oil. The trio work together to achieve visibly smoother, brighter, and more hydrated skin.

Image may contain Electronics Headphones Headset and Sink Faucet

Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones can improve any journey, whether they're blocking out a snoring plane neighbor or immersing you in movie after movie on a long car ride. This popular option from Sony offers multi-device Bluetooth pairing, so you can connect to two devices at once and switch between them seamlessly.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon’s best-selling, waterproof Kindle Paperwhite is perfect for bookworm travelers—its battery lasts for weeks, it can hold more than 2,000 e-books, and the adjustable warm lighting emulates actual book pages.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Verloop trio colorblock knit touchscreen gloves

Add some fun to a practical gift with these colorblock touchscreen gloves from Verloop. The nano-metallic knit fingertips allow you to keep using your phone without sacrificing warmth—ideal for winter travel, especially on days when you’re relying on Google Maps to get around.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Malin + Goetz Essential Starter Kit

This is the ideal stocking stuffer for the traveler who is always squirreling away shampoo and body wash minis from hotels. They'll be treated to a full swath of toiletries—face cleanser and moisturizer, body wash and lotion, shampoo, and conditioner—all with the delicious scents Malin + Goetz is known for.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Pi7 S2 Wireless earbuds

Bowers & Wilkins have created an industry first: a wireless audio retransmission case, so you no longer have to worry about swapping out your headphones on the plane to enjoy in-flight entertainment. Simply plug each end of the included audio cable into the case and seatback console for up to five hours of crystal clear audio.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Shinola denim duffle

The denim duffel is Shinola Detroit's spin on an American classic. It's made from American denim and reimagines the brand's traditional cotton duffel with a more elevated flare. Accompanied by a striped band, you can carry it as a crossbody, over the shoulder, or opt to tuck the strap in and use the elegant arched handles.

Image may contain Plant and Food

Patagonia Provisions roasted garlic mackerel

Upgrade your outdoorsy traveler's camping meals with anything from Patagonia Provisions. We're fans of the brand's tinned fish , and especially this tender, garlicky mackerel. A single can makes a great stocking stuffer, but if you're shopping for a full-on seafood lover, splurge on the Tinned Seafood Sampler Box .

europe travel souvenir ideas

Lyft Gift Card

Calling Lyfts while traveling can quickly add up; a gift card helps take the pressure off any back and forth over whether a car is worth it or not, making it a great gift for younger travelers heading out on group trips or gap years. Another perk: Lyft's partnership with Delta means SkyMiles members can earn miles with each ride.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole mini hip pack

We love a good fanny pack here at Traveler , and Patagonia's is ideal for any frequent hikers (or bikers) on your gift list. Given its size—it stuffs into its own small pocket when not in use—and light weight (3.5 ounces), it's great to throw into your suitcase to use on city trips, too.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Apollo Walker picnic backpack bag

This all-in-one picnic fits comfortably inside a backpack and includes everything one could imagine: a set of stainless steel knives, forks, spoons, dinner plates, napkins, and wine glasses, just to name a few. As the cherry on top, it comes with a waterproof blanket.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Oak Essentials Mini Routine

Fancy skincare products are always welcome, especially when they come in a travel-size set that means you don’t have to rely on whatever’s in the hotel or Airbnb. This set, which comes with complimentary gift-wrapping, comes with the five products that make up Oak Essentials’ routine: a cleansing balm, balancing mist, ritual oil, moisture rich balm, and restorative mask.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Yellowstone National Park magnet

Like Parks Project , another  Traveler -favorite company for gifts for outdoorsy pals, The Landmark Project creates national park-themed gear that raises money to preserve outdoor spaces. These national park magnets make great stocking stuffers, and if you purchase something from the  Smokey Bear collection , 10 percent will go to the US Forest Service. 

europe travel souvenir ideas

Away The Bigger Carry-On

When it comes to luggage, Away is a solid choice—you can find this bag and many other Away styles in the closets of many a Traveler editor. Treat the graduate, new traveler, or family member in need of a suitcase upgrade to this larger-than-average carry-on.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Amalfi Coast coffee table book

Perfect for the traveler who just moved, or is in the middle of redecorating, this Assouline coffee table book will add a splash of color to any living room. Inside, there is plenty of eye candy and details on the 13 towns that comprise the Amalfi Coast.

Image may contain Nature

Cadence The Bestsellers

These toiletry travel bottles have changed the game when it comes to bringing your own products with you—they are entirely leak-proof, and are magnetized, making them snap together to minimize they space they take up in your Dopp kit and the hotel shower.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Carbone print

Created by a former New Yorker editor, All the Restaurants offers limited-edition, hand-drawn sketches of iconic restaurants in New York, London, Paris, and Napa Valley. Order one to commemorate a special meal with a loved one, or one you’re still dreaming of visiting together.

1000 Perfect Weekends Great Getaways Around the Globe

1,000 Perfect Weekends: Great Getaways Around the Globe

For the traveler who doesn't know where to go next, this National Geographic book will give them plenty of inspiration. It is filled with 36- to 72-hour weekend guides to places around the world, with itineraries meant to tack onto existing trips or use as a weekend getaway from home (tags let readers know what hub the destination is within six hours of). Inside, you'll find ideas for beachy escapes, nature parks, food and wine-focused trips, even pet-friendly vacations. Also mixed in: helpful insights like wheelchair-friendly beaches to visit in the U.S.

Allbirds Tree Dashers

Allbirds Tree Dasher

Traveler readers went wild for Allbirds' first running shoe when it debuted in 2020 , and again when a higher-ankle version was released last year. Share the wealth of comfortable kicks this holiday season—they come in nearly a dozen colors, are lightweight and pack down well, and look sufficiently non-sporty enough to wear throughout a trip, not just while exercising. (For those who live in cold-weather climates, the newer Wool Dasher Mizzles are a good option, too.)

europe travel souvenir ideas

Noshinku refillable pocket hand sanitizer (three-pack)

A practical, but extremely useful travel accessory: hand sanitizer. Noshinku gets bonus points for its slim profile, aesthetically pleasing colors, and refillable design. File this under gifts that will most definitely be used.

europe travel souvenir ideas

1Mii Bluetooth 5.0 adapter

Sometimes, the best gifts are the most practical. This pocket-size Bluetooth transmitter lets you watch in-flight entertainment with your AirPods, or any other cordless headphone you may use. Never stress about forgetting that second pair of earbuds again.

Image may contain Cosmetics and Deodorant

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask

A favorite of Traveler editor Meaghan Kenny, this popular lip balm makes for another great stocking stuffer or gift set inclusion. Use it at bedtime, in the morning, or mid-flight to hydrate dry, flaky lips.

Nodpod eye mask

Nodpod eye mask

An eye mask is a light sleeper's travel essential, and Nodpod took things up a notch by creating a weighted version. Best for long-haul flights where you'll be in a lay-flat seat, or to use in bed—the mask can be secured with its pull-through slit, but is best used simply draped over your eyes—it adds a bit of weight to your eyes, promoting a deeper, more restful sleep.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Alex Mill The Perfect Weekday Tote

Every traveler needs a solid tote to bring on road trips and use as a personal item. This Alex Mill bag gets the job done and has a classic look they won't tire of. It fits up to a 13” laptop, plus all the other essentials: phone, keys, wallet, water bottle, snacks, the works.

Image may contain First Aid

Lay-n-Go drawstring toiletry bag

Travelers who are also regulars at Sephora or Ulta will appreciate this cool makeup bag : Instead of having to dump out all your products to find what you're looking for, the bag opens up by way of drawstrings, and can be laid out as a circle on any surface, allowing every product to be on display.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Mountain Valley Train Puzzle

The 1,000-piece puzzle, made out of other recycled puzzle boards, is based on the artwork of Lars Stewart. This super-detailed piece captures a scenic ride through the Arizona desert with illustrations of wildlife, maps, recognizable travel gear, and more.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Ceremonia The Scalp Power-Duo

Ceremonia is a favorite of many Traveler editors, and this haircare set will turn any giftee into a fan. It comes with a scalp massager and scalp remedy oil—use the former to distribute the latter evenly and gently exfoliate the scalp.

Behind the Bar Book

Behind the Bar: 50 Cocktail Recipes from the World's Most Iconic Hotels by Alia Akkam

Written by Traveler contributor Alia Akkam , Behind the Bar takes readers to 50 iconic hotel bars around the world, offering recipes and historical tidbits from each. Perfect for the consummate host in your friend group, they'll have a good time recreating classics and discovering new cocktails from home.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Robe and Fashion

Parachute Waffle Robe

A cozy robe is always a winner in our book, and Parachute makes some of the best. This classic waffle robe will remind them of days spend luxuriating at the hotel spa.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Papier travel notebook

You're either a journal person or you're not, but if you are, you know you can never have too many notebooks on hand. This pretty Papier pad will be a welcome addition to the stack, and is customizable: choose lined, plain, or dotted sheets, and either a hard or soft cover.

Go Neck Pillow

Go Neck Pillow

Ostrichpillow makes a whole bunch of nap-friendly designs , but we're partial to the classic Go Neck pillow for long-haul flights or lengthy road trips. It is made with a supportive (and compressive) memory foam, and has a Velcro close for an easily adjustable fit. Plus, it comes with a carrying case.

A bag.

Béis The Weekender Bag

A real text I got from a friend after writing about this Béis weekender : “BÉIS CONVERT FOREVER. You did not oversell this. Truly a miracle.” It has plenty of room inside for clothes, accessories, and toiletries, and a bottom compartment for shoes, dirty clothes, or anything else you want to keep separate.

Welly Adventure Kit

Welly Adventure Kit

Slip this into the stocking of any thrill-seeking , accident-prone traveler. It comes with all the essentials—more than 50 bandages, tape, butterfly strips, antibiotic packets, hydrocortisone packets, Ibuprofen—in a compact, easy-to-stash kit.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Mzoo contoured sleep mask

A good sleep mask is a travel essential for overnight flights. This one is made of memory foam and has raised sections over your eyeballs for added comfort, but lies flat around the nose and eyebrows to thoroughly block out light.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Ugg Scuffita slide slipper

Shopping for a homebody? Consider these shearling-lined Ugg slippers, made for lounging around the house (or hotel, or Airbnb) in peak comfort and style.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Upoy charging station

This multi-port charging station is a gift for the whole family—or for one very tech-obsessed traveler who need to juice up a phone, AirPods, smart watch, and Kindle all at once.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Mansur Gavriel Soft Lady Bag

A re-imagination of Mansur Gavriel's popular Lady Bag, the Soft Lady Bag was released to celebrate the original's five-year anniversary. It's softer and slouchier than its predecessor, meaning it'll pack down better in your suitcase. With room for daily essentials (a phone, wallet, keys, earphones, and even an iPad) and interior compartments to keep you organized, it's a polished crossbody you'll use for years to come.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Paravel Packing Cube Quad (set of four)

Paravel's packing cubes—which helped turn Traveler editor Lale Arikoglu into a more organized packer —are a practical gift any traveler will appreciate. They now come in a set of four, with two small cubes, a medium, and a large; for an extra touch, have them personalized with your giftee's initials.

Diptyque Orphon Eau de Parfum

Diptyque Orphéon Eau de Parfum

Diptyque candles are always a welcome gift, but for something a little more unique, go for one of the brand's eau de parfums. This one was formulated to recreate the scent of a ’60s Parisian bar—the woody scent smells great spritzed around the home.

Airbnb gift card

Airbnb gift card

Here at Traveler, we're always on the hunt for the coolest, coziest Airbnbs, whether we're looking for a romantic cabin getaway , a house with a pool , or one that can brighten up our mood with the sheer amount of color found within its four walls. For the travelers in your life who are also keen on staying in a rental, Airbnb gift cards can be purchased in amounts from $25 up to $500, so you can chip in (or cover) their next stay.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Supergoop! Unseen Sunscreen

Arguably the most popular sunscreen amongst Traveler editors, this gel-like face SPF blends in easily, leaves no white cast, and feels great on your skin. It'll be a welcome addition to any stocking stuffer or gift set.

Polaroid Hi·Print 2x3 Pocket Photo Printer

Polaroid Hi·Print 2x3 Pocket Photo Printer

Now that we all walk around with high-quality cameras in our pocket, fewer of our photos actually make it to print. This pocket-size printer from Polaroid spits out vibrant 2"x3" photos, so you can instantly hand over that new family portrait to grandma or share physical photos with a travel companion. 

europe travel souvenir ideas

Sabah slip-ons

Comfortable shoes are a hot topic among travelers and these Sabah slip-ons have articles director Lale Arikoglu's stamp of approval . Handmade in Turkey, they come in a range of colors and are long-lasting: “After six years of ownership, my pair is completely intact with the exception of the color, which is slightly fading in a way that, if anything, has only made them look better,” Arikoglu says.

Nixon Wizard Stick Beverage Sling

Nixon Wizard Stick Beverage Sling

This is a niche gift, but there's someone on your list who will absolutely love it. Nixon's insulated beverage sling fits six cans at once; they can bring it along to picnics, camping trips, tailgates, or hikes to keep drinks cold and avoid the clunkiness of a tote bag or backpack.

Hinoki Wood Rice Ball Mold

Hinoki Wood Rice Ball Mold

There are food gifts for friends who want a meal or snack that's nearly ready to go right out of the box. Then, there are gifts that require some effort. For the home chef who's looking to expand their cooking skills, gift a new kitchen tool like this rice ball mold, which they can use to shape homemade onigiri.

Gastro Obscura A Food Adventurer's Guide

Gastro Obscura: A Food Adventurer's Guide

Another great coffee table book, Atlas Obscura's new tome is made for travelers who plan their trips around food. Inside, readers will find a  guide to food experiences around the world, with chapters on every continent (including Antarctica!), as well as features on foodies like Tom Carvel, events like the Chicago World Fair,  and “how to try it” tips. Just a few noteworthy inclusions: Jeju Island's free-diving sea women in South Korea, the world's largest edible mushroom in Zambia, and the great fruitcake toss in Colorado.

The Carried Away Convertible Backpack

The Carried Away Convertible Backpack

Sarah Jessica Parker collaborated with Samsonite on this versatile bag, which has since sold out multiple times. It's a jack-of-all-trades—wear it as a backpack, carry it as a tote, or sling it over your shoulder. It comes with a removable clutch and an extra strap to turn the smaller bag into a cross-body. Otherwise, it has all the bells and whistles you'd expect in a travel backpack : luggage sleeve, water bottle pocket, laptop slot, etc.

Bokksu snack box subscription

Bokksu snack box subscription

There is no shortage of subscription boxes out there, but we're particularly fond of the edible ones. Bokksu, a Japanese snack service that recently launched an online Asian grocery store , sends recipients an assortment of sweet and savory snacks, candies, and teas on a monthly basis, sourced from small, family-run businesses in Japan.

Artifact Uprising Color Series Photo Book

Artifact Uprising Color Series Photo Book

Commemorate a special trip with a photo book from Artifact Uprising. Whether it's your first big trip this year or one taken decades ago, your loved ones will appreciate the thought that goes into picking out your favorite memories together.

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Great Gift Ideas for the Travelers in Your Life

Europe Shopping Women Bags Purchase Gift Ideas Expert

Find the best gift for travelers with our Travel Gift Guide

Don’t know what to get the globe-trotters you love? These gift ideas are just the thing. Our Travel Gift Guide helps to take the guesswork out of buying something for the frequent travelers in your life with these great ideas for the perfect travel gift! And we’re not just talking journals and discreet travel wallets, check out these unique ideas for gifts that will delight any traveler.

France Paris Eiffel Tower Woman Solo Traveler Expert

Need a quick travel gift idea?

Look no further than   The Sustainable Travel Store for great earth-friendly gifts for travelers including solid shampoo and conditioner bars with tins, sunscreen, bug repellent, scarfs, facial care, and more! You can also check out uncommongoods.com , one of our favorite websites to browse when we just don’t know what to get. The site offers a variety of unique handmade goods and is a unique online marketplace that connects makers and their creations with individuals looking for truly special goods. Plus, you’ll know you’re helping to contribute to an artist and community.

The perfect travel bag is an excellent travel companion! While it might not be the most practical of accessories for everyday life, travel bags are a wonderful way to carry your essentials around a city without having to lug around your suitcase and a purse or bag. You can even find ones with anti-theft components, which provide discreet, yet highly effective protection against pickpockets.

One of our favorite bags was actually designed by a guest of ours! After a lifetime of uncomfortably long flights, traveling, and consulting as a highly regarded veterinarian, Dr. Bernadine Cruz had had enough. She created Conmigo so everyone can have a first-class experience. The ULTI Travel Bag is an incredibly well-thought-out messenger bag/briefcase that even comes with its own seat so you can be comfortable anywhere.  Check out all the features of the ULTI Travel Bag on the Conmigo site.

Versatile Statement Pieces Save on Packing!

There’s really nothing better than a favorite statement piece you can travel with. If you know the style of the person you’re shopping for, or even if you’re browsing for yourself, versatile pieces are a quick and easy way to spruce up travel basics (and are cohesive with taking a single suitcase).

A Reusable Water Bottle 

We love these Eco-friendly bottles from Vapur. These "anti-bottles" are paper-thin and are designed to be rolled, folded, or flattened when empty and stand when full. This makes it easy to use and pack everywhere you go, making them the perfect travel gift. Unlike bulky, rigid bottles, they can be easily tucked away, conveniently fitting into pockets, purses, and packs. Plus, the inner layer is odor and taste-resistant, so it can safely be reused again and again! Great for long flights and sightseeing outings. 

Reusable Straws

LifeStraw Go protects against bacteria, parasites, and microplastics, reduces chemicals like chlorine, and improves water taste. The leak-proof, BPA-free bottle is built to be beaten up and is ideal for international travel. It’ll be your ultimate travel companion – it’s been used and tested all over the globe, and the microbiological filter provides five years of safe water. Check out prices for the LifeStraw Go Bottle .

Wrinkle-Free Travel Dresses

However, simple needn’t mean boring. Take Karina Travel Dresses , for example. Available in over ten styles, this dress just won’t quit. You can ball it up, throw it in a corner, slip it on and look flawless. Since the designs are simple and easy to accessorize, these dresses are a great base for several outfits. Classic, timeless, elegant, and comfortable, what’s not to love?

Versatile Men's Travel Jacket

For men, a travel jacket or blazer can make a statement and be easily worn across outfits. Magellan offers several great vests and amazing blazers perfectly designed for travel. Take the Men’s Voyager II Convertible Jacket , ideal for travel, even unplanned local sightseeing trips. The material is water-resistant, and there are 12 pockets for all your belongings that don’t add extra bulk or weight and enable you to be hands-free on your trips. What a great gift to keep your travelers safe and warm!

Convertible Jewelry

Look no further than some jazzy jewelry for the best statement pieces for women. Try to find versatile pieces that can easily transition from statement to simple. Being able to bring one or two pieces that you can wear several ways cuts down on the tangled mess we usually end up with. Check out Stella & Dot for some fantastic convertible pieces.

Travel Rings from the Traveller Collective

Collect a unique ring for every country visited and add them to any chain or clip you like. The brand also offers clips, keyrings, and necklaces designed perfectly for their rings. There’s more than one way to start these for your traveler, as the company offers rings by country, (new) continent, state, or Canadian province, and you can even customize a ring if you’d like. Check prices on   Travel Rings from the Traveller Collective .

Packing Cubes

Meant to help save space, organize, and compress your packed items, Eagle Creek packing cubes come in sets or alone. The sets come in various patterns and fabrics, so you can pick the right one for your traveler. Plus, with a lifetime warranty, you don’t have to worry about a thing. Check prices on   Eagle Creek packing cubes .

Adapters Converters Expert Advice Tech

Universal Travel Adapter

With a Power Converter, your travel-voltage worries are over. Convert overseas voltage and power up your small US electronic devices safely in the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Australia, Japan, and China, more than 150 countries around the world. With three AC outlets and 4 USB charging ports, you can charge up to seven devices simultaneously. Plus, the 5-ft detachable power cable makes this converter easy to pack and use almost anywhere you go! Check Prices on Amazon for the  BESTEK Universal Travel Adapter .

Custom map cuff links

Now he can wear his favorite destination   on his sleeve , literally. Simply name your destination for beautiful, custom-made cuff links crafted from silver and recycled materials.

A beautiful book

Make one of these lovely   personalized photo albums   with photos from anyone's travels.

A compact luggage scale

With this   compact digital luggage scale , travelers can be sure they’re within airline weight restrictions and avoid any excess baggage fees.

Expert RFID Passport Wallet

RFID-blocking wallet

This RFID-blocking wallet might be the ultimate tool for keeping your personal information safe and in one place. With internal zippered pockets and an area for credit and business cards on one side, the other side safely stores your passport so there’s no need to leave the hotel without it. As long as you keep this wallet safe it’ll protect RFID signals encoded in your passports, IDs, and credit cards. Check prices for the   Samsonite RFID Passport Wallet .

A practical backpack

Made of rugged water-resistant nylon cotton canvas,   these versatile backpacks   have multiple smart pockets for quick access to your cell phone, documents, and wallet.

An e-reader or tablet

Tablets and e-readers make excellent gifts for technology-loving travelers. The   Amazon Kindle   is great for reading on vacation, and the   Apple iPad mini   makes it easy to search the net and stay in touch with family back home.

Sockwell Compression Socks

Spice up your favorite travelers’ next trip with a fun pair of compression socks from Sockwell. In several stylish fashions, the graduated compression throughout is moderately firm to minimize swelling, helps promote circulation, and reduces fatigue. Check prices on The Sustainable Store for   Sockwell Compression Socks .

PacSafe Travelsafe Portable Safe

Beat bag slashers and trump thieves with these incredible, portable travel safes. Each offers 360’ of protection for your valuables with an uncuttable eXomesh wire woven entirely through the fabric. The lightweight, lockable, portable safes can be secured to almost any fixture thanks to a heavy-duty, TSA accepted combination lock (included with the bag). Secure it to fixtures in your hotel room, by the pool, or in-flight, lock it closed and your good to go. Check prices for the   PacSafe Travelsafe Portable Safe .

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Travel Souvenir Ideas: 10 Best Souvenirs to Collect Worldwide

Looking for travel souvenir ideas? These 10 classic keepsakes will ensure your holiday lives long in the memory…

best souvenir ideas

Everyone loves a holiday. But if there’s one thing that’s not particularly enjoyable about jetting off on a trip abroad, it’s coming back to face the post-holiday blues. You know, that feeling when you return to the day-to-day grind and all you can think about is how much you miss the mountains, the beach, or sipping coffee in that sophisticated city square. 

Well, fear not. I have the perfect solution to help you hold onto those vacation vibes for just a little longer: souvenirs. From locally-made crafts to amusingly tacky trinkets, bringing home a piece of your travels will give you something you can cherish forever. 

But what type of souvenir should you go for?

Helpfully, I’ve scoured the globe to bring you 10 of the best souvenir ideas. Next time you’re in a gift shop, pop any of these in your shopping basket and you’ll have something to commemorate your travels for years to come. Just don’t go too crazy — that portrait of the Eiffel Tower won’t do much to keep your luggage weight in check.

Enjoy these examples of souvenirs, and let me know which one you go for!

10 Best Souvenir Gifts to Collect Worldwide

From the kitsch to the classy, these useful souvenir ideas almost certainly won’t end up in the garbage (we hope)…

what to buy abroad

1. Fridge magnets souvenir

It’s an as-yet unproven scientific fact that the only time we ever feel compelled to buy a fridge magnet is when we’re in a gift shop in a foreign country hundreds of miles away from home. But that’s ok because the humble fridge magnet is a souvenir that’s both fun and functional.

travel souvenir ideas

They come in all types of whacky shapes and sizes and help to stick important documents such as bills, letters and children’s finger paintings to our fridges.

In fact, they make such good souvenirs gifts any time someone reaches for the milk, they’re reminded of how incredibly worldly we are. That’s if you don’t keep them all to yourself that is.

2. Snow globes souvenir s

souvenir gifts

Snow globes may be the ultimate travel souvenir. Like a miniature world in a glass bubble, they’re especially great to buy in tropical destinations where there’s absolutely no snow, because nothing says ‘I just spent a week sunbathing in the Caribbean’ quite like a snow globe . 

3. T-shirts as tourist souvenir s

T-shirts are another classic souvenir choice. Who doesn’t love a good tourist tee?

Sure, some of the slogans may feel a little tired and overused; ‘I went to X and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt’, for instance.

tshirts as souvenirs

Oh, and while I’m on the topic of slogans, just make sure you check it before you buy — you don’t want to end up with a shirt that says who knows what in Chinese.

For example, by visiting  Stockholm attractions  in Sweden, you can buy shirts with the slogan ‘Sweden Land Of Vikings Shirts’ or look for nonstandard slogans, asking locals. You can apply this in other countries you visit, turn it into a hobby, and collect t-shirts from everywhere you have been.

These are the types of souvenirs your friends will want to pay you back for, and I mean with more terrible souvenirs ideas!

READ MORE: Great Gift Ideas for Outdoors Lovers

4. Sunglasses as souvenirs

Sunglasses are almost certainly every beach vendor’s top-selling product. The ultimate travel accessory, they’re stylish, practical, and make you look like a celebrity trying to avoid the paparazzi. And the best part? You can never have too many pairs.

souvenirs gifts

Which is just as well because by the end of your trip, you’ll have accumulated enough to open your own store.

READ MORE: The Best Souvenirs from Budapest

5. Local snacks as souvenir gifts

Head to any supermarket on holiday and the chances are you’ll make a beeline for their snacks aisle, in particular their wide array of exotic crisps. They might look like regular potato chips, but the flavours are a whole different story. Wasabi and ginger, Serrano ham and pimentón, kebab and onion… it’s like a culinary adventure in a bag.

snacks as souvenirs

The only downside is that they don’t travel particularly well. So while it might seem like a good idea to bring a few bags home as a flavoursome memento, it’s probably best to enjoy them while you’re there — unless you want to spend the next six months snacking on dried potato dust.

These could make for a great unique souvenir idea and make for the perfect gift as they’re so easily shared.

6. Hats as a travel souvenir idea

There are two occasions when hat-wearing is mandatory. The first is on Christmas Day when you pull a paper crown out of your cracker. The second is any time you visit the seaside on a summer holiday abroad.

Didn’t pack one?

hats as souvenirs

Fear not — the hawkers on the beach will have a plentiful supply. The question is, what style do you go for — floppy bucket hat, tasteful fedora or full-blown sombrero? 

I mean, who doesn’t love a wearable souvenir?

7. Traditional instruments for a souvenir item

Inspired by the local music scene on your overseas trip?

Why not form a deeper appreciation for your new favourite country’s culture by bringing home a traditional instrument and learning to play it yourself?

best souvenir gifts

It can be a fun and rewarding experience and a tangible reminder of your travels. Do, however, resist the urge to serenade your fellow passengers on the plane journey home — no one needs that on their flight.

These are the cool souvenirs gifts no one really wants you to bring home from your hols.

8. Local drinks as souvenirs gifts

There’s something about being on holiday that makes the local tipple taste delicious. So delicious, in fact, that you may feel compelled to take a bottle or two home with you. Before you do, just remember that the incredibly strong, aniseed-flavour liqueur may not tingle the tastebuds in quite the same way when you get back home as it did on the sunny terrace of your Greek island villa.

Sake in a supermarket

Suddenly, that strong liquorice taste goes from ‘exotic’ to ‘I think I just drank a bottle of mouthwash’. And you may later find yourself using it as a last resort for cleaning the bathroom tiles. But, if you’re looking for unique souvenirs ideas, local drinks could be the one for you.

Also a great idea if you’re looking for an inexpensive souvenir to really remind you of a place.

9. Decorative glasses as tourist souvenirs

sunglasses as souvenirs

Many of us have a shelf dedicated to the random glasses we’ve collected from our travels over the years. Whether it’s a shot glass from Cancun, a beer stein from Munich, or a wine glass from Bordeaux, these mismatched receptacles add a touch of international flair to our kitchen cupboards (and remind us of our questionable taste in travel souvenir ideas).

These make great souvenir gifts for your friends!

10. Traditional clothing as souvenirs gifts

While it might seem like a good idea to buy that traditional folk costume when you’re on holiday, there are two things to consider.

clothing as souvenirs

First, do you really want to be that person who wears lederhosen to the grocery store?

Secondly, is that full-sized poncho likely to fit in your carry-on luggage? And let’s be honest, you’ll probably only wear that intricately embroidered tunic once before it ends up at the bottom of your wardrobe. So unless you’re planning on starting your own Renaissance fair, it might be best to stick with something a little more practical (like a magnet or a snow globe). 

11. Local jewellery for souvenirs

Buying local jewellery as a souvenir idea is like capturing the essence of a place in a wearable art form. Whether it’s a handcrafted silver bangle from Bali, a turquoise Navajo ring from the American Southwest, or intricate Indian filigree earrings, each piece tells a story of local artistry, tradition, and materials.

Sea glass jewellery

Buy jewellery as souvenir gifts and not only do you get a beautiful accessory to flaunt back home, but you’re also supporting local artisans, like this necklace as a souvenir from Aruba.

It’s a win-win situation where culture meets fashion, transforming your travel memories into something both tangible and stylish. I’ve bought some lovely jewellery around the world, and plan to keep doing so!

If you’re looking to broaden your jewellery collection further, explore online platforms offering unique jewellery from various cultures. You might stumble upon  sustainable alexandrite rings , which not only add a touch of elegance but also contribute to ethical and eco-friendly practices in the jewellery industry. This way, your souvenir hunt extends beyond borders, supporting artisans globally while adding a distinctive flair to your personal style.

12. Patches as a souvenir idea

Patches as souvenirs are the unsung heroes of travel memorabilia. Compact and lightweight, they’re the perfect collectibles for globe-trotters on the go. Each patch is like a colourful emblem of an adventure, be it a city’s skyline, a national park’s wildlife, or a festival’s vibrant design.

travel souvenir ideas

The best part?

You can sew or iron them onto backpacks, jackets, or quilts, creating a personalised tapestry of your travels. As budget-friendly keepsakes that pack a punch of nostalgia, patches turn ordinary items into storytelling canvases.

What are your favourite holiday souvenir ideas? 

There you have it — 10 examples of souvenirs items to help keep those vacation vibes alive. Whether it’s a fridge magnet, a snow globe, a traditional instrument, or t-shirt with a questionable slogan, these keepsakes will serve as a reminder of the incredible moments you experienced on your trip.

which souvenirs to buy

When you’re buying souvenirs just be careful not to go overboard — your luggage allowance can be a real buzzkill. And remember, when it comes to traditional clothing, sometimes it’s best to leave the lederhosen behind.

Have I missed any of your favourite souvenir ideas ? Let me know in the comments below.

most popular souvenirs

Check out all these great souvenirs ideas from around the world

Souvenirs from Korea | Souvenirs from Greece | Souvenirs from Nepal | Souvenirs from Philippines | Souvenirs from Scotland | Souvenirs from Morocco | Souvenirs from Florida | Souvenirs from Cuba | Souvenirs from Italy | Souvenirs from Australia | Souvenirs from Japan | Souvenirs from New Orleans | Souvenirs from England | Souvenirs from Mexico | Souvenirs from Canada | Souvenirs from Vietnam | Souvenirs from Egypt | Souvenirs from Rome | Souvenirs from Bali

What is a travel souvenir anyway?

A travel souvenir is like a magic token that says, ‘Hey, remember that time you bravely ventured out of your comfort zone – or just left your couch – to explore new lands?’.

what is a souvenir

Whether it’s an artsy Eiffel Tower keychain souvenir from Paris , a mysterious vial of Icelandic volcanic ash, or an overpriced ‘I Love NY’ T-shirt souvenir from NYC, each keepsake serves as a tactile memory.

These trinkets might gather dust or even induce eye-rolls, but their real charm lies in storytelling. Just a glance and you’re teleported back to that bustling bazaar, tranquil beach, or awkward family photo in front of a world wonder. Oh, the memories!

travel souvenirs gifts

Quick list of the best souvenirs ideas

  • Fridge magnets
  • Snow globes
  • Local snacks
  • Traditional instruments
  • Local drinks
  • Decorative glasses
  • Traditional clothing 

What are some fun travel souvenir collection ideas?

If you’re looking for unique souvenir ideas to collect while travelling, how about these: – Beer mats – Fridge magnets – Figurines – Postcards – Currency – Maps – Stamps – Tickets

What is the most bought souvenir?

Fridge magnets are apparently the most bought travel souvenir idea worldwide. They’re the quintessential impulse buy at any tourist shop – small, affordable, and easy to pack. A fridge magnet offers a bite-sized piece of a larger experience, whether it’s an iconic landmark, a scenic vista, or even just the name of the place you visited spelled out in flashy letters. These magnetic mementos serve as tiny billboards on the domestic stage of your refrigerator, each one vying for attention as you reach for a snack. They form a patchwork narrative of your journeys, silently boasting, ‘I’ve been places, you know!’

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  • How to Stick to a Family Travel Budget: 9 Important Tips
  • 11 Fantastic Ideas for Souvenirs from Rome to Bring Home
  • 10 Best Souvenirs from Florida to Remember Your Trip By
  • 14 Best Souvenirs from Aruba to Remember Your Trip By
  • 10 Best Souvenirs from Switzerland to Remember Your Trip By
  • 16 Best Souvenirs from New York to Remember Your Trip By

Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

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Love and London

Great Gift Ideas for People Traveling Europe

If you need to get gifts for someone who’s going to be traveling to Europe soon-ish, then I’ve got a few recommendations for you of cool stuff that they’ll totally love to have for their Europe trip. Or if you’re the one going on a big European adventure, send this to someone who’s asking for your wish list!

Don’t want to read? Watch the video instead.

Airbnb Gift Card

So did you know that if you’re located in the US that you can give someone an Airbnb gift card ? This is a great gift idea for anyone who hasn’t already booked their accommodation for their trip, and could mean the difference between renting just a private room or being able to splurge and get a really nice private home! If you’re not sure what Airbnb is or how it works, I have this helpful video called “ How Does Airbnb Work? Airbnb 101 Guide ” that will explain it all.

You can also send them to this page  for $31 off their first booking (they might have to make a new account)

Read next: 10 Gorgeous Gift Ideas for Stylish Travelers

Europe Rail Pass

If you know that your recipient wants to travel by train, then you can help them with their purchase of a Eurail pass . There are a couple of ways to go about this– the first is that you can talk to your recipient to find out which pass they want to get, and then either give them the money for it or buy it online for them. I don’t recommend just picking one of the passes because the one that will be best for them will depend on the length of their trip and where they want to go.

Or if you’d rather be a bit more of a surprise, then you can get a Rail Europe Gift Card that will help contribute towards their pass.

Watch and read this next: How to Get Around Europe – Transportation Options

City Pass and/or Hop On Hop Off Tour Ticket

If your gift recipient will be spending a couple of days in one of Europe’s major cities and they’re a “major tourist sites” kinda person, then getting a City Pass or Hop on Hop Off Bus Tour  ticket would be great options. The Vienna , London , Dublin , Paris , Barcelona , or Berlin Pass gets them free access to tons of major sites around the chosen city, and the Hop on Hop Off Bus Tour Ticket gives them 24 hour access to the hop on hop off buses that travel around the city past all of the major sites.

If you’re not sure whether those two options would be good gifts for your recipient then I have two videos for you to watch that breaks down who they are good for and who they aren’t, plus pros and cons of each. Watch the bus tour video , and then watch the London Pass video.

Refillable Water Bottle

You can’t always just go into a restaurant or bar and ask for tap water in Europe, so having a refillable water bottle is handy to save money and to reduce plastic waste while traveling. It’s a great stocking stuffer, and there’s even some options that fold up so they are super small and easy to carry.

Amazon Kindle

Kindles are GREAT gifts for people who like to read lots on their vacations, and especially for people traveling to a few different places on their trip– it will help them pass the travel time. I’ve got the Paperwhite and although I love “the smell of a good book” I much rather have a teeny and lightweight Kindle to have to carry around instead of, like, 3 heavy books.

A nice idea is to also give an Amazon gift card along with the Kindle so they can get some books before their trip.

Read next: Clever Gift Ideas for People Visiting London soon

“Read the Menu” Booklets

I found this cute idea on Anthropology the other day, they’re little “How to Read the Menu” booklets  for dining menus in France, Italy and Spain. They’re pretty much to help you not get anything lost in translation when you’re ordering food, especially for those with food allergies. It’s a great idea for a stocking stuffer or secret santa gift.

Have a read of the rest of my gift guides for even more great travel-related ideas for your gift list.

Jessica Dante

Jessica Dante

Jess is the founder of Love and London, an online travel guide that helps London tourists to visit London like they live there. She's been featured in Refinery29, Forbes, BBC Radio 2, HuffPost, and more. Jess is also a sustainable and ethical travel advocate.

europe travel souvenir ideas

Jess Dante - Founder

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  2. 25 Travel Souvenir Collection Ideas

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  3. 10 Souvenir Ideas when Traveling Abroad

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    europe travel souvenir ideas

  5. 10 Best Souvenirs from Europe

    europe travel souvenir ideas

  6. 10 Travel Souvenir Collections to Start

    europe travel souvenir ideas


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  2. 25 Best Places to Visit in Europe

  3. 100 Best Places To Visit In Europe

  4. Top 100 Places To Visit in Europe

  5. 50 Best Places to Visit in Europe



  1. 31+ Cool Travel Souvenir Collection Ideas

    Magnets. An oldie but goodie: there are several reasons magnets are one of the most popular souvenir collection options out there! Relatively cheap, easy to transport, and available everywhere, a magnet collection for your fridge will always be a fun way to display your travel memories.

  2. 30 Europe Souvenirs to Bring Home from Your Next Trip

    Either way, it's certainly one of the most unique Europe souvenirs you can take home from your trip in Austria! 2. Turkish coffee - Turkey. Image credit: Roxiller via Canva Pro. Turkey's coffee culture is certainly something that will appeal to coffee lovers everywhere.

  3. 30 Gift Ideas for Travelers to Europe

    Bra Travel Wallet. For the women travellers in your life! This little pouch fastens onto a bra or underwear to conceal important documents and money under your clothes. It might sound silly, but several places in Europe are notorious for pickpocketing (looking at you, Italy) so this is actually a very useful gift.

  4. 10 Souvenirs You Should Actually Buy in Europe

    10 Souvenirs You Should Actually Buy in Europe. Over several decades of travel, I confess I've collected enough tacky tourist souvenirs to open my own shop. From souvenir glasses to gaudy fridge magnets (you name it, I've got it), most of it is now packed away in a box in the attic gathering dust. But in recent years I've made a conscious ...

  5. Europe Travel Gift Souvenir

    Check out our europe travel gift souvenir selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our journals & notebooks shops.

  6. Travel Europe Gifts

    Check out our travel europe gifts selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our gifts for mom shops. Get $10 off EVERYTHING. Min. $40 order. Ends 10/11. Code: YES10. ... Design Ideas and Inspiration Shop this gift guide Everyday Finds Shop this gift guide ...

  7. 8 European Souvenirs You Need to Take Home

    A trip to Estonia is best enjoyed with a glass of local flavor. That's why a bottle of Vana Tallinn Winter Spice makes for the perfect souvenir. This liqueur is dressed up with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, anise and nutmeg. Even better, it was elected the Best Estonian Alcohol of 2013. View all. Bring your European experience home with you.

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    Amazon. View On Amazon $30 View On Walmart $44 View On Loccitane.com $30. Luxury hand cream is a great gift for anyone, but particularly for the frequent flyer. The L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand ...

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    Meet Me In Spain Tote Bag,Europe Travel Gift,Madrid Print,Spain Souvenir Gift,Spanish Teacher Tote Bag,Summer Trip Bag,Barcelona Travel Bag ... Spanish Souvenir Perfect for International Gift Ideas Antoni Gaudi's Park Guell Art Poster European Travel poster for home and office decor (16) $ 2.00 ...

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    Ember Travel Mug 2. The charge on this mug can last up to three hours, but lasts all day when combined with the charging coaster. When left unattended, it automatically goes into sleep mode, but ...

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    Personalized Europe Travel Map Poster-Europe Road Trip Map Print-Personalized Gift For Traveler-Custom Travel Map Print-DIGITAL FILE. (202) $42.44. $56.59 (25% off) Digital Download.

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    You can get a good and cheap piece for $6-12 US (5-10 euros). Of course, there are almost no limits to the top. Note that in Europe, the price is usually given in 100 grams, which is about 3.5 oz. Cheese is actually the best souvenir for all kind of cheese lovers, someone who likes to cook, or gourmets. 3.

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    Like a miniature world in a glass bubble, they're especially great to buy in tropical destinations where there's absolutely no snow, because nothing says 'I just spent a week sunbathing in the Caribbean' quite like a snow globe . 3. T-shirts as tourist souvenir s. T-shirts are another classic souvenir choice.

  19. Great Gift Ideas for People Traveling Europe

    Amazon Kindle. Kindles are GREAT gifts for people who like to read lots on their vacations, and especially for people traveling to a few different places on their trip- it will help them pass the travel time. I've got the Paperwhite and although I love "the smell of a good book" I much rather have a teeny and lightweight Kindle to have ...

  20. European Travel Gifts

    Check out our european travel gifts selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our wall decor shops.

  21. Best Souvenirs to Bring from Europe

    Travel to to see Best Souvenirs to Bring from Europe. Our tours include remarkable attractions, best hotels, trusted drivers, and professional local guides. ... Best Souvenirs to Bring from Europe. ... we've put together a list of traditional souvenir ideas to bring back home or present to your friends and family! Last edited: 13.12.2019 ...

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    Personalised Wooden Luggage Tag Travel Christmas Decoration. (17.1k) $16.62. $20.78 (20% off) FREE shipping. Custom Vintage Map Bracelet. You Select Six Cities, States, or Countries Worldwide. Travel Gifts For Women. Wanderlust.

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    2:23. Clare Lombardelli, who is due to join the Bank of England on July 1 as deputy governor for monetary policy, said the "direction of travel" is for interest-rate cuts but that wage growth ...

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    April 16, 2024 at 9:45 PM PDT. At one point, as I sipped coconut milk by the infinity pool at Habitas AlUla, a resort in the remote Saudi Arabian desert, things started to feel very surreal. A ...

  25. European Gift Ideas

    Check out our european gift ideas selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our mugs shops. ... Bonus 50pins - Personalized Gifts - Travel Map of Europe - Best Birthday Gifts - Digital printable file available (698) Sale Price $24.90 $ 24.90 $ 30.00 Original Price $30.00 ...