Screen Rant

Make mac safari go full screen & more ways to expand your viewport.

Apple Mac users can customize Safari to see more content from a website and less browser chrome by using full screen, zooming, and hiding controls.

Apple 's Safari browser for the Mac is more customizable than ever and there are several ways to expand the viewport to show more of a website at once, including full screen mode. When looking at a photo or a video, more is usually better and the same is true of data-heavy websites that may have several large tables filled with relevant information. Fitting that all in on a MacBook screen might be a tight squeeze.

It feels like Safari has been around forever, but Apple first launched its browser in 2003. Before that, Mac users primarily relied upon Microsoft's Internet Explorer , although, Opera, Netscape, and Mozilla were well known and good solutions as well. Google's Chrome followed soon after and, over the years, the browser wars have settled into a fairly consistent rendering and performance level, making the differentiating factor more about user-friendliness as well as   the overall look and feel of the browser. Apple usually opts for minimizing the appearance and letting the website shine, but there are ways to show even more of a website's content with Safari.

Related: How To Clear Cookies On A MacBook & Why You Should

Switching to full screen mode is the quickest way to hide all of Safari's chrome, the developer terminology for the user interface, including the address bar, tab bar, and any other controls that are open. Basically, the entire screen becomes a window to the current website. To enter full screen on a MacBook , simply hold the globe key, also known as the function key, and tap the letter 'F.' Tapping the escape key will exit full screen mode. On a Mac that doesn't have such a key on its keyboard, a combination of control and the command key, which looks a bit like a four-leaf clover, plus the letter 'F' switches to full-screen. This is as much screen space as possible, but there is a way to see even more of a web page. Also, Apple gives Safari users ways to minimize the chrome without hiding it all.

See More Website, Less Safari

With Safari on the Mac, some controls can be hidden to allow more room for content while keeping the tab bar visible. Under the View menu, there are options to show or hide the favorites bar and sidebar. Full screen can be accessed from this menu as well. Reader mode, also found there, offers a different type of content viewing that hides ads and removes the website's styling, instead formatting the page in a narrow column with a large font. For anyone looking for a distraction-free view of an article, going to Reader and full screen displays the words and photos in a minimalist fashion. For those running macOS Monterey , opening preferences from the Safari menu and choosing compact tabs will merge the search field and the tab bar together, an easy way to gain vertical space, which is tight on a MacBook, but might be less of an issue on a desktop Mac.

Another way to view more of a website on a Mac computer is to zoom out, which is easily accomplished by holding the command key and tapping the minus key. Zooming back in is done with a combination of command and equals key, which is the same key used for the plus sign but there is no need to hold the shift key. Command plus the zero key restores the zoom level to normal. Zooming affects both text, images and other graphics on a page and Safari remembers the zoom level set for each website, so upon returning it will default to the magnification used at the last visit, which is a nice touch by Apple . If there is a need to reduce images and graphics on a website, but keep text readable, under the advanced preferences pane, there is an option to set a minimum font size. Apple's Safari offers several ways to customize the view of a website to help the user see more of the content and less of the browser.

Next: A Safari Feature That Apple Killed In macOS Monterey Is Finally Coming Back

Source: Apple

Mac Life

Mac-Apps automatisch im Vollbildmodus öffnen - so geht's

Mac-Apps automatisch im Vollbildmodus öffnen - so geht’s. Wenn Sie Apps im Vollbild öffnen, können Sie sich ungestört auf die Arbeit konzentrieren. Normalerweise starten Apps am Mac aber im Fenster. Sie unternehmen dann in der Regel noch einen Klick, um die App in den Vollbildmodus zu bringen. Doch es geht noch einfacher und funktioniert bei sehr vielen Software-Titeln. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit einem kleinen Trick vielen Apps den Vollbildmodus von Haus aus beibringen.

Alexander Trust

Gehören Sie zu den Nutzern, die gerne denn Vollbildmodus verwenden? Wäre es nicht schön, wenn Apps von Beginn an über den ganzen Bildschirm ausgebreitet starten?

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So lassen Sie Mac-Apps automatisch im Vollbild-Modus starten

Es gibt in macOS keine zentrale Einstellung, die Apps im Vollbildmodus starten würden. Sie können aber viele Apps dazu bewegen. Gehen Sie dazu wie folgt vor:

  • Öffnen Sie die Systemeinstellungen und dort den Punkt „Allgemein“.
  • Entfernen Sie den Haken bei der Option „Fenster beim Beenden eines Programms schließen“.
  • Beenden Sie die Systemeinstellungen.

Wenn Sie nun Apps beenden, werden deren Fenster nicht komplett geschlossen. Falls Sie die App erneut starten, öffnen die Fenster stattdessen dort, wo sie sie zuletzt genutzt haben.

Systemeinstellungen „Allgemein“

Aktive Apps im Vollbild beenden

Damit der Trick funktioniert, müssen Sie nun außerdem Ihr gewohntes Verhalten ändern. Es kann sein, dass Sie eine Software häufig einfach beenden, indem Sie alle geöffneten Fenster schließen. Sie müssen aber nun dafür sorgen, dass Sie die App zwingend immer beenden, wenn das aktive Fenster gerade im Vollbild zu sehen ist. Sie tun dies beispielsweise mit der Tastenkombination CMD + Q.

Sie können darüber hinaus Apps auch weiterhin verwenden wie bisher.

Tipp : In neueren Versionen von macOS können Sie mit der Tastenkombination CMD + Steuerung + F zwischen Fenster- und Vollbildmodus wechseln.

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Dazu muss man das Programm aber bei geöffneten Fullscreen-Fenstern beenden; hat man mehr als ein Fenster offen, muss man also alle offen halten, was nicht das gleiche ist wie immer Fullscreen öffnen. Es ist also eine Funktion, die sich auf Fenster bezieht, die wieder so wie sie waren geöffnet werden, also ein sehr simpler Workaround. Und natürlich erneut eine falsche Überschrift…

safari vollbildmodus mac

CMD + Steuerung + F ??? Wenn man denn eine Windows Tastatur hat mag das wohl stimmen, ansonsten benutze ich auch gern die control-Taste stattdessen

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Tipps » Computer » Mac OSX » Vollbildmodus Mac: So nutzen Apps den kompletten Bildschirm

Vollbildmodus Mac: So nutzen Apps den kompletten Bildschirm

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Martin Goldmann

30. Juli 2017

In Mac OS X haben die meisten Anwendungen einen Vollbildmodus. Per Knopfdruck breitet sich das Programmfenster auf den kompletten Bildschirm aus. Alle anderen Fenster und Steuerungselemente werden ausgeblendet. Besonders auf kleineren Monitoren hat das den Vorteil, dass Sie die gesamte Bildschirmfläche für eine App nutzen können. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie den Vollbildmodus starten und wieder beenden.

Vollbildmodus Mac starten

Um ein Fenster in den Vollbildmodus zu schalten, drücken Sie die Tastenkombination  [Ctrl – Befehl – F] . Alternativ dazu klicken Sie auf das Vollbildsymbol oben links in der Fensterleiste. Hierbei handelt es sich um die dritte Schaltfläche von links.

Schaltfläche für Vollbildmodus auf dem Mac

Vollbildmodus Mac beenden

Um den Vollbild-Modus wieder zu verlassen, verwenden Sie erneut die Tastenkombination [Ctrl – Befehl – F] . Gleich danach schaltet das Fenster zurück in die normale Ansicht. In vielen Fällen funktioniert auch die Taste [Esc] , um zurück in die Fensteransicht zu kommen.

Vollbildmodus Mac: Schaltfläche zum Abschalten

Alternativ dazu führen Sie den Mauszeiger an den oberen Bildschirmrand. Nach etwa zwei Sekunden Wartezeit erscheint die obere Menüleiste. Darin sehen Sie links das Symbol, um zurück in den Normalmodus zu schalten.

Falls sich das Programm im Vollbild aufgehängt hat, nutzen Sie diesen Tipp, um die App zu beenden .

Zwischen Anwendungen im Vollbildmodus umschalten

Sehr praktisch ist, dass Apps im Vollbild einen eigenen virtuellen Desktop belegen. Das bedeutet, Sie können auch mit einer Trackpad-Geste oder einer Tastenkombination zwischen der Vollbild-Anwendung und dem Desktop umschalten. Um zum Beispiel mit dem Trackpad umzuschalten, legen Sie drei Finger auf das Pad und bewegen sie nach links oder rechts. Schon schaltet der Mac die Desktops um. Analog funktioniert das auch mit der Tastenkombination [ctrl – Pfeil links] und [ctrl – Pfeil rechts] .

Die Gesten zum Umschalten zwischen Desktops stellen Sie in den Systemeinstellungen ein unter  Trackpad – Weitere Gesten . Die Tastenkombination ändern Sie ebenfalls in den Systemeinstellungen  unter  Tastatur – Kurzbefehle – Mission Control .

  • Mac OS X: Bildschirm sperren
  • Mac Schreibtisch wechseln – Tastenkombination
  • Mac: Die wichtigsten Trackpad-Gesten
  • Mac: Rückgängig machen – Tastenkombination
  • So verwenden Sie mit OS X mehrere Arbeitsflächen

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Safari full screen video issue

I saw a similar topic on apple discussion however, no clear solution yet. So I decided to create another post.

The problem is;

When I switch to full screen video on safari while on Youtube or Netflix, sometimes Safari recognize it as another start page rather than the video so I can't see the control bar of the video and the mouse can't control the screen unless I press x on the Touch Bar. These happens even after I reload my OSX with Internet recovery to Mojave.

Thanks for your help

MacBook Pro 13”, macOS 10.14

Posted on Jan 5, 2020 1:18 PM


Posted on Jan 13, 2020 3:18 PM

if your cursor is unable to click (it has no effect) when watching a video full screen do this steps

  • pull down the “ Safari ” menu and choose “ Preferences ”
  • Select the “ Search ” tab.
  • Uncheck  the box next to “ Show Favorites ” under the 'Smart  Search  Field' section.
  • Close  Preferences  as usual.

safari vollbildmodus mac

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Jan 13, 2020 3:18 PM in response to canjohnson


Jan 8, 2020 6:42 AM in response to canjohnson

Good afternoon canjohnson,

Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!

I understand that when you switch to view full screen in Safari that a new page opens rather than seeing the control bar at the bottom of the screen. Are you seeing a new window appear, or a new tab?

I tested this in Safari by going to the Apple Youtube channel, clicking the link below, and then clicking the full view icon (or pressing the letter "f" on my keyboard. The result was the expected behavior of moving from a window to full screen.

The two things I would suggest you try are to check the display settings for your Mac and change the resolution back to default settings, and to test this behavior in a new user account. I'll include some links below to help you with this:

Using a Retina display

How to test an issue in another user account on your Mac

Jan 8, 2020 8:21 AM in response to Joseph_S.

Thanks for your prompt response. However, I see that I couldn't explain the situation correctly.

When I switch a video to full screen on Youtube or Netflix, sometimes I can't control the control bar of the video and I see a new page icons on the TouchBar which belongs to Safari. That's why I describe as recognizing it as another start page rather than the video. I have to press X on the left side of the Touch Bar for the get it back to normal. These issue happens few times a day. It works very well most of the time but still could't solve it.

Jan 13, 2020 11:42 PM in response to crvt

Thank you very much for your response.

That's the solution of the issue. Surprisingly, I also discovered the problem one day before your post. I still believe this problem happens because of a bug because I should be able to show favorites without that kind of issue.


Jan 8, 2020 12:20 PM in response to canjohnson

Hi canjohnson,

Based on the information you've provided, I think contacting Apple Support may be the best way to troubleshoot this issue.

Contact Apple Support

Bei Safari in den Vollbildmodus schalten

Auf dem iPad bietet Safari keinen Vollbildmodus.

Den Vollbildmodus unter Mac OS X aktivieren

  • Starten Sie den Internetbrowser Safari und besuchen Sie damit eine beliebige Webseite.
  • Möchten Sie den Vollbildmodus aktivieren, so klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Doppelpfeil-Symbol rechts oben.
  • Die Menüs vom Safari verschwinden automatisch und Sie können die Webseite im Vollbild genießen. Beenden können Sie den Modus mit dem Symbol nicht, denn dieses wird im Vollbild nicht mehr angezeigt. Drücken Sie stattdessen einfach zweimal auf die Esc-Taste und die Leisten werden wieder eingeblendet.
  • Alternativ können Sie für den Modus auch die Tastenkombination Apfel + Ctrl + F verwenden. Mit dieser lässt sich nicht nur der Browser ins Vollbild versetzen, sondern auch andere Anwendungen.

Safari beim iPhone und iPad maximieren

Safari steht Ihnen auf allen Geräten, die das iOS-Betriebssystem verwenden, zur Verfügung. Den Vollbildmodus aktivieren Sie auf dem iPhone aber auf eine andere Art und Weise als beim Mac OS X.

Die Möglichkeit, beim Browser Safari die Option "Privates Surfen" zu wählen, erleichtert es Ihnen …

  • Starten Sie den Safari-Browser auf Ihrem iPhone und öffnen Sie eine beliebige Webseite.
  • Drehen Sie das iPhone ins Querformat und der Vollbildmodus wird automatisch aktiviert. Die Menüs verschwinden dann von alleine. 
  • Möchten Sie die Menüs wieder anzeigen lassen, dann wischen Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über eine freie Stelle der Webseite nach oben.

Während Sie den Vollbildmodus beim Apple iPhone ohne große Probleme aktivieren können, funktioniert dies beim iPad nicht. Der Safari lässt sich auf dem Tablet-Computer nicht maximieren. Möchten Sie dennoch im Vollbildmodus im Internet surfen, dann sollten Sie sich den Webbrowser Google Chrome besorgen. Diesen bekommen Sie kostenlos im App Store von Apple.

Alexander Bürkle

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Mac-Tipp: Im Safari-Browser mit echtem Fullscreen surfen

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Mac-Nutzer wissen: Die mit Safari mitgelieferte „Vollbild“-Funktion liefert in OS X die Webseite gar nicht über das gesamte Display aus. Adresszeile sowie die Lesezeichen und gegebenenfalls offenen Tabs heften nach wie vor am oberen Rand des Bildschirms. Das muss aber nicht so sein. Wenn ihr euch eine Minute Zeit nehmt, dann könnt ihr mittels Lesezeichen echtes Fullscreen für Safari Einzug erhalten lassen.

safari vollbildmodus mac

Erstellt dazu zunächst von einer beliebigen Seite ein Lesezeichen und nennt es „Vollbild“ oder etwas in der Art. Das könnt ihr im Share-Menü mittels „Lesezeichen hinzufügen“ ohne Probleme tun. Dann sollte sich der Knopf bereits in der entsprechenden Leiste ganz vorne eingefunden haben. Nun geht ihr mit der Maus auf das Lesezeichen und wählt über einen Rechtsklick „Adresse bearbeiten“ an. Die URL ersetzt ihr jetzt durch diesen Codeschnipsel:


Speichern und fertig. Mit einem Klick auf das Lesezeichen wird die Seite nun in den Vollbild-Modus konvertiert, über Escape (esc) könnt ihr das problemlos wieder rückgängig machen. Für Shortcode-Liebhaber empfiehlt sich jetzt noch die Kombination aus „cmd“ und der Stelle, an der sich das Lesezeichen befindet. Also beispielsweise „cmd+2“.

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Safari standardmäßig im Vollbildmodus öffnen?

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mhh... dann scheint da irgendwas nicht zu stimmen  

Dann stimmt bei mir auch was nicht! Geht bei mir definitiv nicht. ML10.8.0  

Schon mal Safari im Vollbildmodus mit cmd-alt-Q beendet?  



gibts hier was Neues? bei Mail und iTunes klappt der Neustart im Vollbildmodus wunderbar, bei Safari nicht :/  



Neustart vom Mac oder Safari? Beende ich Safari im VBM und starte Safari neu, dann ist Safari wieder im VBM.  


Bei mir nicht :-/  


Bei hat Safari leider auch noch nie im Fullscreen geöffnet. Egal ob ich Safari neu Starte oder nach dem schließen aller Fenster ein neues öffen  

Ich habs mehrfach getestet, Safari öffnet jedesmal im VBM.  

Bei leider nur mit maximiertem Fenster.  


Es funktioniert nur dann, wenn man Safari mit der Tastenkombination CMD+ALT+Q beendet.  

hr47 schrieb: Es funktioniert nur dann, wenn man Safari mit der Tastenkombination CMD+ALT+Q beendet. Zum Vergrößern anklicken....
SwissBigTwin schrieb: Nicht korrekt... auch per Menue > Safari > Safari beenden Zum Vergrößern anklicken....
hr47 schrieb: ich glaube dir, das es so bei dir funktioniert. Bei mir geht es aber nur über die Tastenkombi (habs natürlich ausprobiert). Zum Vergrößern anklicken....
SwissBigTwin schrieb: Du hast es eben verallgemeinert beschrieben... was bei Apple ja wirklich auf nix mehr zu trifft. bei jedem funktioniert das gleiche OS anders, als bei anderen... traurig, aber wahr. Mit "cmd Q" Safari schliessen, gehts übrigens auch. Zum Vergrößern anklicken....
SwissBigTwin schrieb: Mit "cmd Q" Safari schliessen, gehts übrigens auch. Zum Vergrößern anklicken....

safari p.list löschen hat geholfen  

How to browse full screen on the iPhone using Safari

safari vollbildmodus mac

When the iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5 went 16:9 there was a risk that, while browsing the web in landscape, the top and bottom navigation menus in Safari would not only look ridiculously long, but the screen would look far too short to be enjoyable. Luckily, Apple thought of that and included a new, full-screen mode for Safari in iOS 6 . Using full-screen, every pixel of that new, widescreen display is available to show you content and nothing but content.

Here's how it works.

  • Launch the Safari app from the Home screen of your iPhone.

safari vollbildmodus mac

  • Navigate to the page you'd like to view in full screen mode.

safari vollbildmodus mac

  • Rotate your iPhone or iPod touch so it's in landscape mode if you haven't already.
  • Tap the Full Screen button in the bottom right hand corner. (it looks like two diagonal arrows.)

safari vollbildmodus mac

  • Tap the Full Screen button (now transparent) again to return to regular mode.

safari vollbildmodus mac

You can now browse to your heart's content in full screen mode until you choose to turn it off. How do you like that bigger screen now?

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How-To Geek

How to turn on the develop menu in safari on mac.

The Develop menu lets you view page source in Safari on Mac.

Quick Links

How to enable the develop menu in safari on mac, how to view page source in safari on mac.

When you right-click on any web page in Safari on Mac, it doesn't reveal the Show Page Source and Inspect Element buttons. To see these, you need to enable the Develop menu---we'll show you how to do that.

Once you've enabled the Develop menu, right-clicking a blank space on any website will reveal the Inspect Element and Show Page Source buttons. These allow you to take a look at the source code of any website, which is useful for things like downloading images from websites and debugging code or finding out what it looks like behind any site (for website designers).

You can easily turn on the Develop menu in Safari by following a couple of steps. Open Safari on your Mac and click the "Safari" button in the menu bar.

Next, select "Preferences." Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command+, (comma). This will also open up Safari preferences.

Go to the "Advanced" tab.

Check the box for "Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar."

Now the Develop menu will appear between Bookmarks and Window at the top.

Apart from being able to view the page source, this will allow you to access developer-focused features, such as disabling JavaScript on any website.

Once you've enabled the Develop menu, there are a couple of ways to view the page source in Safari.

Open any website in Safari and right-click the blank space on the page. Now, select "Show Page Source." You can also get to this menu by using the keyboard shortcut Option+Command+u.

If you're looking for images or other media elements from any web page, Safari makes it easy to find these. In the left-hand pane, you will see various folders such as Images, Fonts, etc. Click the "Images" folder to quickly find the photos that you need.

After selecting an image, you can view its details easily by opening up the details sidebar. The button to open this is located at the top-right of the console, just below the gear icon. You can also open this with the shortcut Option+Command+0.

Click "Resource" at the top of the details sidebar to view details, such as the size of the image and its full URL.

You can change the position of the page source console easily, too. There are two buttons at the top-left of this console, right next to the X button. Click the rectangle icon to move the console to a different side within the browser window.

If you'd like to open the page source console in a separate window, you can click the two-rectangles icon. This will detach the console and open it in a separate window.

To check out the code for any specific element on the page, you can right-click that element and select "Inspect Element." This will take you directly to the code for the element that you selected.

Whenever you're done looking at the code, click the X button to close the page source console and return to browsing on Safari. You can also check out how to view a website's page source in Google Chrome  here.

Related: How to View the HTML Source in Google Chrome

IPhone Safari Adressleiste verschwunden

Heute wurde ich nach meinem bevorzugten browser gefragt. Ich habe Safari ausgewählt. Seitdem ist die Adress-/Suchleiste verschwunden.

wie kann ich die alten Einstellungen wiederherstellen?

iPhone 15 Pro Max

Gepostet am 31. März 2024 16:41

Seiteninhalt wird geladen

Seiteninhalt wurde geladen

31. März 2024 17:22 als Antwort auf RichardB.

Hallo RichardB,

ich weiß nicht, ob ein Screenshot weiterhilft.

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31. März 2024 17:06 als Antwort auf Willi_

Mache mal bitte einen Screenshot und füge diesen hier ein.

31. März 2024 17:26 als Antwort auf Willi_

Vermutlich hast Du Safari schon einmal neugestartet. Hast Du auch das iPhone schon neugestartet?

31. März 2024 17:29 als Antwort auf RichardB.

Neustart war die Lösung. Vielen Dank!

31. März 2024 17:50 als Antwort auf Willi_

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I hope Apple makes Safari usable in macOS 15

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Apple’s Safari is no longer my primary browser after macOS Sonoma had such a negative impact on its performance, but I hope macOS 15 brings me back. To be honest, the issues started almost four years ago with the macOS Big Sur beta .

While this problem was eventually fixed, it took Apple far too long to address the Safari issue on macOS Big Sur. In addition, it was with this operating system update that the  pop-up warnings  that a page was draining my MacBook’s battery became more frequent.

This could have been solved if Apple was blocking all those ads and trackers it promised to. Not only was that not happening, but the pop-ups made pages load more slowly as well.

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Around the time that macOS Ventura rolled out, I switched from a 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro to the 2021 M1 Pro MacBook Pro, but even Apple’s silicon optimization wasn’t enough. A few Safari tabs opened, and everything slowed down. With that, I decided to switch to Microsoft Edge .

Microsoft Edge browser

At the end of the day, I was utterly convinced that even a 2023 Mac Studio with an M2 Max and 32GB of RAM couldn’t handle Safari.

I don’t care about AI, but I hope macOS 15 makes Safari better

macOS Big Sur

Meanwhile, I have never had any issues with Microsoft Edge. Everything works smoothly; it saves and remembers all my passwords. Still, since I’m reluctant to use Edge on iOS and iPadOS, I don’t have the seamless experience I once had.

If Apple can’t fix Safari, I think I might fully switch to Edge in iOS 18 and macOS 15. I can’t wait for WWDC 2024 to see if Apple has heard our concerns.

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José is a Tech News Reporter at BGR. He has previously covered Apple and iPhone news for 9to5Mac, and was a producer and web editor for Latin America broadcaster TV Globo. He is based out of Brazil.

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Eu rejects apple’s european app store changes: company could be fined 10% of global turnover.

Avatar for Ben Lovejoy

The EU has today announced that it is not satisfied that Apple’s App Store changes comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and the company is now officially under investigation for non-compliance.

If that investigation confirms that Apple failed to comply with the antitrust law, then the iPhone maker could be fined up to 10% of its worldwide turnover – increasing to 20% for repeat infringements …

The story so far

The DMA requires tech giants to ensure that they are not using a dominant market position to give their own products and services an unfair advantage over competing ones.

The first step in the process was to decide which companies qualified as “gatekeepers” under the law – that is, companies whose power was enough to effectively harm competitors. Apple was found to be a gatekeeper in terms of the App Store, as there was no other way for a developer to sell iPhone apps. That meant the company was obliged to make policy changes to comply with the DMA.

Apple announced that it would allow third-party app stores , but with a mass of asterisks. These included charging a Core Technology Fee for any app sold outside of its own App Store, which could potentially bankrupt small developers .

We said at the time that these proposals were not going to satisfy the EU .

Apple has bought itself some time here for sure – in part, because what it has come up with is so complicated it will take regulators some time to digest all the details and run all the numbers. But there seems little doubt that Apple is aiming to do everything it can to make leaving the App Store as difficult and expensive as possible. Once all the dust has settled, it seems pretty clear that regulators are  not  going to consider what Apple has done as DMA compliant. 

App Store changes investigated for non-compliance

As we predicted, the EU has today announced that it is not satisfied with the changes Apple has made, and the company is now subject to a non-compliance investigation. Google and Meta are also under investigation for their own responses to the DMA.

Today, the Commission has opened non-compliance investigations under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) into Alphabet’s rules on steering in Google Play and self-preferencing on Google Search, Apple’s rules on steering in the App Store and the choice screen for Safari and Meta’s “pay or consent model”. The Commission suspects that the measures put in place by these gatekeepers fall short of effective compliance of their obligations under the DMA. In addition, the Commission has launched investigatory steps relating to Apple’s new fee structure for alternative app stores […] Apple’s new fee structure and other terms and conditions for alternative app stores and distribution of apps from the web (sideloading) may be defeating the purpose of its obligations under Article 6(4) of the DMA.

Safari choice screen also under investigation

Another DMA requirement was for Apple to ensure that iPhone users had a free choice of web browser. The company announced that it would make this possible with a new option screen during iPhone setup .

This has now been implemented, and seems to be having at least some small effect . However, the EU is not satisfied with the specifics of this – which may simply be down to the wording used. This one is likely to be easily resolved.

Maximum fine is 10% of total worldwide turnover

The maximum fines allowed under many laws are trivial for a company of Apple’s size – but this is not the case with the DMA.

In case of an infringement, the Commission can impose fines up to 10% of the company’s total worldwide turnover. Such fines can go up to 20% in case of repeated infringement.

Top comment by Karl Meszaros

Apple management has to accept that they're going to have to adapt to a new reality. They've made trillions of dollars. They have a massive, loyal, consumer base. They're going to be incredibly successful, no matter what. The only thing that can be of any real danger to them is antagonizing governments to the point that they do something drastic

Apple’s 2023 turnover was $383B, which could mean fines of up to $38 billion initially, rising to $76 billion.

Investigation aims to complete in less than a year

Such investigations take time, but in this case the stated goal is to complete it in less than a year – which is lightning speed by the usual standard.

That won’t be the end of matters, however. If the EU does find Apple non-compliant, the Cupertino company will appeal the ruling, and we will then be set for literally years of court battles as the case works its way up the court hierarchy.

Photo by Pixabay

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Ben Lovejoy is a British technology writer and EU Editor for 9to5Mac. He’s known for his op-eds and diary pieces, exploring his experience of Apple products over time, for a more rounded review. He also writes fiction, with two technothriller novels, a couple of SF shorts and a rom-com!

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Jonny Evans

By Jonny Evans , Computerworld |

Appleholic, (noun), æp·əl-hɑl·ɪk: An imaginative person who thinks about what Apple is doing, why and where it is going. Delivering popular Apple-related news, advice and entertainment since 1999.

Apple will continue to enhance its DMA compliance

With wwdc 2024 now confirmed, here are a handful of changes apple is working on to bring itself more in line with government demands. but will they all be eu-only.

Apple, iPhone, regulation, WWDC

With WWDC 2024 now set , Apple continues to work on bringing itself more in line with US government demands . What we don’t know yet is the extent to which these changes will be restricted to the EU , or whether Apple intends to make them available worldwide in an attempt to quell  regulatory zeal .

That regulators want to diminish the Apple user experience to open up additional digital competition is not in doubt. What isn’t known is whether these decisions will make things better or worse in the long run .

So, what else does Apple plan to do to bring itself into line with regulatory demands?

Android switchers get an easier life

If you end up with an Android phone and need to port all your information across from your iPhone, you can either follow this guide or wait until the end of the year; that's  when Apple will introduce tools other mobile operating system providers can use to create user-friendly migration solutions to transfer data from iPhones to Android.

This won’t actually arrive until late 2025.

Big changes in Safari

By the end of this year or possibly early in 2025, Apple will introduce a browser switching solution for exporting and importing relevant browser data into another browser on the same device. Later this year, Apple will also make it possible to completely delete Safari from iPhones in favor of an alternative web browser.

For some, this is a step forward from what is possible in the EU, where developers can now use alternative browser engines in browsers and apps with browsing experiences inside.

RCS for Messages

Another big change is the adoption of Rich Communication Service (RCS) messaging support. Google hinted (and subsequently deleted) a claim that such support was coming this fall, which strongly suggest Apple intends to make it available in this year’s major operating system updates. This is not a total shock — Apple said it was working on this last year.

What this means is that it will be possible for Android and iPhone to exchange higher resolution media. It’s a modern messaging standard that will eventually replace SMS/MMS messaging, lack of support for which has drawn regulatory angst.

Navigation apps

It’s not ready yet, but by March 2025 Apple intends to introduce a new default control for users for navigation apps. Presumably this will let you choose which navigation app your device uses as a default – you might ask Siri how to get to your next appointment but receive instructions from Google Maps, for example.

Marketplace setting

A new Setting on iPhones will appear that lets users enable and disable third-party apps on their device. The idea here is that users can very easily stop using apps they don’t like or don’t trust sourced from outside the App Store.

User data sharing

On the very slim chance you're prepared to share your personal data with developers (which I don’t recommend), Apple will by the end of the year introduce a new solution that lets users authorize developers to access such information. The idea is that users will get asked if they are willing to share this information and to what extent, while developers will be able to access that information subject to that approval.

This particular piece of privacy erosion comes from the EU.

Please follow me on  Mastodon , or join me in the  AppleHolic’s bar & grill  and  Apple Discussions  groups on MeWe.

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Jonny is a freelance writer who has been writing (mainly about Apple and technology) since 1999.

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iPhoneでのWebブラウザー比較:Safari vs Chrome


記事概要: この記事では、iPhoneで利用可能な主要なWebブラウザーであるSafariとChromeを比較します。SafariはAppleデバイスに最適化されたパフォーマンスを提供し、Chromeはわずかに速いとされていますが、その速度の差はほとんどありません。iOS版のChromeとSafariの使い勝手についての比較は、iOS 16.3.1のiPhone 11 Proを使用して行われました。両者は同じエンジンである「WebKit」を使用しており、Webページの描画やJavaScriptの処理において大きな差はありません。記事では、SafariとChromeの使用感や機能についての詳細な比較を提供します。また、Safariへの切り替えを試みた際に感じたことや、Chromeにあるニュース表示機能の欠如など、両者の利点と欠点についても検討します。これにより、iPhoneユーザーが自分にとって最適なブラウザーを選択する際の参考情報を提供します。

最後に、iPhone15 Proはamazonから購入するのがおすすめです。


Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • View a Privacy Report
  • Change Safari preferences
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
  • Troubleshooting

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Use Private Browsing in Safari on Mac

When you browse privately , the details of your browsing aren’t saved, and the websites you visit aren’t shared with your other devices.

Open Safari for me

Browse privately one time

When you use a private window:

Browsing initiated in one tab is isolated from browsing initiated in another tab, so websites you visit can’t track your browsing across multiple sessions.

Webpages you visit and your AutoFill information aren’t saved.

Your open webpages aren’t stored in iCloud, so they aren’t shown when you view all your open tabs from other devices.

Your recent searches aren’t included in the results list when you use the Smart Search field.

Items you download aren’t included in the downloads list. (The items do remain on your computer.)

If you use Handoff , private windows aren’t passed to your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or other Mac computers.

Changes to your cookies and website data aren’t saved.

Websites can’t modify information stored on your device, so services normally available at such sites may work differently until you use a non-private window.

Note: None of the above applies in non-private Safari windows you may have open.

Always browse privately

Click the “Safari opens with” pop-up menu, then choose “A new private window.”

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Stop browsing privately

Delete any items you downloaded while using private windows.

Close any other private windows that are still open, to prevent other people from using the Back and Forward buttons to see pages you visited in them.

Besides using private windows, you can manage cookies and data stored by all websites and prevent cross-site tracking .

If you forget to use a private window, you can clear your browsing history .

Mac: Programme immer im Vollbild-Modus starten - geht das?

Unter OS X können Sie Mac-Programme im Vollbild-Modus nutzen. Standardmäßig starten diese jedoch immer noch im Fenstermodus. Wie Sie Programme automatisch im Vollbild-Modus starten lassen, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxistipp.

Die mit einem Symbol oder farbiger Unterstreichung gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Kommt darüber ein Einkauf zustande, erhalten wir eine Provision - ohne Mehrkosten für Sie! Mehr Infos.

Programme im Vollbild-Modus starten

Zwar gibt es keine Funktion, mit der Sie alle Programme automatisch im Vollbild-Modus starten können. Mit einem kleinem Trick können Sie aber einmal in den Vollbild-Modus gesetzte Anwendungen immer wieder genau so starten:

  • Öffnen Sie die Systemeinstellungen und wählen Sie den Bereich ¨Allgemein¨. Hier finden Sie einen Eintrag "Fenster beim Beenden eines Programmes schließen". Sollte der Haken davor aktiv sein, deaktivieren Sie ihn.
  • Ihr Mac merkt sich jetzt den letzten Stand geöffneter Anwendungen und stellt diesen beim erneuten Öffnen des Programmes wieder her. Diese Funktion ist zum Beispiel bei Browsern sinnvoll, da so Ihre zuletzt geöffneten Tabs nicht verloren gehen.
  • Dabei wird auch gespeichert, ob das Programm im Vollbild-Modus lief. Wenn Sie also ihre Programme im Vollbild-Modus schließen, werden diese beim erneuten Öffnen auch wieder genauso gestartet.

Video-Tipp: Mac OS X Yosemite im Praxistest

Yosemite im Praxistest

Unter Yosemite wurde der Vollbild-Button oben rechts entfernt. Wie Sie Programme trotzdem maximieren können, erfahren Sie im nächstem Artikel.

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#protect2024 Secure Our World Shields Up Report A Cyber Issue

Reported Supply Chain Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data Compression Library, CVE-2024-3094

CISA and the open source community are responding to reports of malicious code being embedded in XZ Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1. This activity was assigned CVE-2024-3094 . XZ Utils is data compression software and may be present in Linux distributions. The malicious code may allow unauthorized access to affected systems. 

CISA recommends developers and users to downgrade XZ Utils to an uncompromised version—such as XZ Utils 5.4.6 Stable —hunt for any malicious activity and report any positive findings to CISA. 

See the following advisory for more information: 

  • Red Hat: Urgent security alert for Fedora 41 and Rawhide users 

This product is provided subject to this  Notification  and this  Privacy & Use  policy.

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We recently updated our anonymous product survey ; we’d welcome your feedback.

Related Advisories

Cisco releases security updates for multiple products, apple released security updates for safari and macos, cisa releases four industrial control systems advisories, cisa adds one known exploited vulnerability to catalog.

  • 3.8 • 1万件の評価

Webを超高速で閲覧でき、強力なプライバシー保護機能と強力なカスタマイズオプションを備えています。Safariでは、サイトをブラウズしたり、Webページを翻訳したり、開いているタブにiOS、iPadOS、macOSのすべてでアクセスしたりできます。 機能 • iPhone、iPad、Macの間でパスワード、ブックマーク、履歴、タブなどをシームレスに同期できます • プライベートブラウズモードでは履歴が保存されないため、閲覧しているものは自分にしか見えません • インテリジェントトラッキング防止機能により、閲覧したWebサイト間でのトラッカーによる追跡が阻止されます • タブグループを使うと、複数のタブを保存および整理して、iOS、iPadOS、macOSのすべてでアクセスできます • プロファイルを使って、ブラウズ履歴やWebサイトデータなどを仕事用や個人用などのテーマごとに分けることができます • 共有タブグループは、家族や友達とタブを共有して共同作業を行うのに役立ちます • 機能拡張を使ってSafariをパーソナライズできます。ブラウザにさらに機能を追加することもできます • リーダーでは、広告、ナビゲーションやその他の気が散るものを取り除いて読みやすくしたフォーマットで記事が表示されます • プライバシーレポートには、自分を追跡することが阻止された既知のトラッカーが表示されます • リーディングリストを使うと、簡単に記事を保存してあとで読むことができます • 音声検索では、音声だけでWeb検索を行うことができます • Webページの翻訳では、Webページ全体をブラウザ内で直接ほかの言語に変換することができます • Handoffを使うと、Safariでしていることをデバイス間で簡単に引き継ぐことができます • “ホーム画面に追加”で、WebサイトやWebアプリをホーム画面から素早く開くことができます




ある予約サイトなどのフォーム入力で、ID、ニックネーム、名前、ふりがな、電話番号、メールアドレスなどを入力する際に設定済みの連絡先けら自動入力を使って入力する際に、「連絡先を自動入力」で一括入力すると思い通りのフォーム入力にならないので、「連絡先を自動入力」の下に表示される入力候補文字列から1項目づつ選択して入力していましたが、IOS 15.4 以降の挙動がおかしくなって使いにくくなりました。 第一入力項目をタップし、先ず候補から文字を選択すると、文字は正常に入力され、次の第2項目へ自動でフォーカスされるのですが、その際、本来表示される筈の文字列候補が表示されないのです。第3, 第4項目でも同様です。 自動でフォーカスされるとそのような現象になる様で、一旦フォーカスを手動で他の項目へ移すなどして再度手動でその項目にフォーカスを当てると、本来の正しい文字候補は表示されます。 どうやら safari 連絡先 自動入力のバグと思われます。 早急な改修をお願いいたします。


Safari以前に、このAppStoreの不具合もなんとかしろ。レビュー記入中に別アプリに切り替えて戻ってきたら、編集内容が消えるどころか元のページすら残らずに最初のApp検索のところに戻されてる。最後にも言ってるが、ユーザーの都合を考えろ。 JavaScriptの設定変更が即時反映されない件をかなり以前から不具合報告のページに投稿してにもかかわらず、それを含めて諸々の不具合や不都合な仕様その他が全く何も直ってないという旨を自分の元のレビューに追記したら抹消してきよった。 ほんまここの会社、終わりやな。ユーザーの意見に耳を貸さず勝手なことばっかりやってな。OS15からほんまにあらゆるところがひどい。開発部門の人件費削減で中学生でも雇ってるのかと思う。要らないことばかりしてきとる。ピンチインでタブ一覧になるのも迷惑な時があるし、お気に入りの並べ替えでドラッグした時にイビツな動きをして以前と違って全くスムーズじゃなくなった。なんであんなにおかしい動きをするのか。プログラミングで根本的に間違ったことをしてるとしか思えない。それにお気に入りは、編集モードがあるのに通常時に長押しドラッグで移動になる必要が全くない。ポイントサイトなどでログボのためにアクセスだけしてプレビュー見る必要もない時もあるのに、下スワイプのタイミングが早いとブックマークの場所が変わってしまって、すぐに元の位置に戻しておかないと次の時に探さないといけなくなることもある。 いろいろなことがユーザーの都合無視で不便なものになっていってばかりしてる。 〝人が使うもの〟ということを考えろ。お前らの勝手なくだらない仕様を押し付けてくるな。変更を加えてくればくるほど使いにくくなってる。

デベロッパである" Apple "は、アプリのプライバシー慣行に、以下のデータの取り扱いが含まれる可能性があることを示しました。詳しくは、 デベロッパプライバシーポリシー を参照してください。





プライバシー慣行は、ご利用の機能やお客様の年齢などに応じて異なる場合があります。 詳しい情報

日本語、 アラビア語、 イタリア語、 インドネシア語、 ウクライナ語、 オランダ語、 カタロニア語、 ギリシャ語、 クロアチア語、 スウェーデン語、 スペイン語、 スロバキア語、 タイ語、 チェコ語、 デンマーク語、 トルコ語、 ドイツ語、 ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)、 ハンガリー語、 ヒンディー語、 フィンランド語、 フランス語、 ヘブライ、 ベトナム語、 ポルトガル語、 ポーランド語、 マレー語、 ルーマニア語、 ロシア語、 簡体字中国語、 繁体字中国語、 英語、 韓国語

  • デベロッパWebサイト


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  3. Set custom Safari backgrounds with macOS Big Sur

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  4. How to add Favorites in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac

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  5. Mac OS X: Aktivieren des Vollbildmodus und Erweitern der Festplatte

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  6. How to start using Safari on Mac

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  1. How to Customise Safari Toolbar on Mac

  2. How to See All History on Safari on Mac

  3. Safari vehicle helps van to escape from elephant #wildelephants #elephantattack #jungleelephant

  4. Clean Look Safari Browser Hack #shorts #safari #mac

  5. Safari Shortcuts in Mac

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  1. Make Mac Safari Go Full Screen & More Ways To Expand Your Viewport

    To enter full screen on a MacBook, simply hold the globe key, also known as the function key, and tap the letter 'F.' Tapping the escape key will exit full screen mode. On a Mac that doesn't have such a key on its keyboard, a combination of control and the command key, which looks a bit like a four-leaf clover, plus the letter 'F' switches to ...

  2. Apps im Vollbildmodus auf dem Mac verwenden

    Viele Apps auf deinem Mac unterstützen den Vollbildmodus, die App füllt die gesamten gesamte Anzeigefläche deines Bildschirms. Du kannst also den gesamten Bildschirm nutzen, ohne den Platz für die Anzeige des Schreibtisches zu verschwenden. Bewege den Zeiger auf deinem Mac auf die grüne Taste oben links im Fenster und wähle dann ...

  3. Use apps in full screen on Mac

    Press Control-Up Arrow (or swipe up with three or four fingers) to enter Mission Control, drag a window from Mission Control onto the thumbnail of the full-screen app in the Spaces bar, then click the Split View thumbnail. You can also drag an app's thumbnail onto another in the Spaces bar. On your Mac, expand an app window to fill the entire ...

  4. F11 Equivalent for macOS : r/MacOS

    CTRL CMD F should work for most apps. 6. fedexavier. • 4 yr. ago. Making a window "full screen" (Command-Control-F, or the green dot), won't give you a truly full screen experience by default. Both on Safari and Chrome, the toolbar and tab bar will remain. However, you can set those to autohide in full screen, matching the behavior in Windows.

  5. Use apps in Split View on Mac

    Press Control-Up Arrow (or swipe up with three or four fingers) to enter Mission Control, drag a window from Mission Control onto the thumbnail of the full-screen app in the Spaces bar, then click the Split View thumbnail. You can also drag an app thumbnail onto another in the Spaces bar. To use apps in Split View on other displays, make sure ...

  6. Mac-Apps automatisch im Vollbildmodus öffnen

    So lassen Sie Mac-Apps automatisch im Vollbild-Modus starten Es gibt in macOS keine zentrale Einstellung, die Apps im Vollbildmodus starten würden. Sie können aber viele Apps dazu bewegen.

  7. Vollbildmodus Mac: Einschalten und beenden

    Um ein Fenster in den Vollbildmodus zu schalten, drücken Sie die Tastenkombination [Ctrl - Befehl - F]. Alternativ dazu klicken Sie auf das Vollbildsymbol oben links in der Fensterleiste. Hierbei handelt es sich um die dritte Schaltfläche von links. Mit dieser Schaltfläche bringen Sie ein Fenster auf dem Mac in den Vollbildmodus.

  8. Safari: Fenster im Vollbild öffnen

    Alternativ navigieren Sie über "Darstellung" zu "Vollbild ein" oder drücken Sie die Tastenkombination [Ctrl] + [Cmd] + [F]. Sie verlassen den Vollbildmodus, indem Sie [Esc] wählen. Safari-Fenster im Vollbild öffnen. Der Praxistipp beschreibt einen Lösungsweg unter Mac OS X 10.9.5 und Safari Version 7.1.

  9. Vollbildmodus auf dem Mac (Mac OS): So beenden oder aktivieren Sie

    2. Halten Sie die grüne Taste gedrückt und wählen Sie "Wechseln Sie in den Vollbildmodus". im erscheinenden Menü. 3. Verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination Steuerung + Befehl + F. ♥ FÜR SIE: So versetzen Sie Ihren Mac in den Ruhezustand (Bildschirm sperren) - 7 Formen. Ein Fenster im Vollbildmodus deckt alle anderen ab, inklusive ...

  10. Safari full screen video issue

    if your cursor is unable to click (it has no effect) when watching a video full screen do this steps. pull down the " Safari " menu and choose " Preferences ". Select the " Search " tab. Uncheck the box next to " Show Favorites " under the 'Smart Search Field' section. Close Preferences as usual. View in context. 5 replies.

  11. Bei Safari in den Vollbildmodus schalten

    Den Vollbildmodus unter Mac OS X aktivieren. Starten Sie den Internetbrowser Safari und besuchen Sie damit eine beliebige Webseite. Möchten Sie den Vollbildmodus aktivieren, so klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Doppelpfeil-Symbol rechts oben. Die Menüs vom Safari verschwinden automatisch und Sie können die Webseite im Vollbild genießen.

  12. Mac-Tipp: Im Safari-Browser mit echtem Fullscreen surfen

    Wenn ihr euch eine Minute Zeit nehmt, dann könnt ihr mittels Lesezeichen echtes Fullscreen für Safari Einzug erhalten lassen. Erstellt dazu zunächst von einer beliebigen Seite ein Lesezeichen und nennt es „Vollbild" oder etwas in der Art. Das könnt ihr im Share-Menü mittels „Lesezeichen hinzufügen" ohne Probleme tun.

  13. Safari standardmäßig im Vollbildmodus öffnen?

    Wenn du Safari in Vollbildmodus offen hast, und es dann beendest, dann geht es beim nächsten öffnen automatisch wieder in den Vollbildmodus, Hab das eben mal getestet . ... Neustart vom Mac oder Safari? Beende ich Safari im VBM und starte Safari neu, dann ist Safari wieder im VBM. WirbelFCM Aktives Mitglied. Dabei seit 24.01.2008 Beiträge

  14. How to browse full screen on the iPhone using Safari

    Here's how it works. Launch the Safari app from the Home screen of your iPhone. Navigate to the page you'd like to view in full screen mode. Rotate your iPhone or iPod touch so it's in landscape mode if you haven't already. Tap the Full Screen button in the bottom right hand corner. (it looks like two diagonal arrows.)

  15. Vollbilddarstellung von netflix in Safari…

    Nachdem ich auf die aktuellen Versionen von Mac OS und Safari upgedatet habe, stellt Safari Netflix-Inhalte, die im Letterbox-Format vorliegen, im Vollbildmodus (von Netflix, nicht den MacOS-Vollbildmodus) nicht mehr im Letterbox-Seitenverhältnis dar. Die schwarzen Balken oben und unten fehlen und das Bild scheint nach rechts verschoben, so ...

  16. How to Turn on the Develop Menu in Safari on Mac

    How to Enable the Develop Menu in Safari on Mac. You can easily turn on the Develop menu in Safari by following a couple of steps. Open Safari on your Mac and click the "Safari" button in the menu bar. Next, select "Preferences." Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command+, (comma).

  17. Customize the Safari browser window on Mac

    Customize the tab bar. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Tabs. Choose where to put tabs. Compact: Tabs move up to the toolbar. The active tab is the Smart Search field. Separate: Tabs remain in the tab bar, under the toolbar. See Change Tabs preferences in Safari. To customize Safari even more, choose Safari ...

  18. IPhone Safari Adressleiste verschwunden

    Normalerweise schiebst du eine geöffnete Webseite nach oben, dann erscheint die Adressleiste. Genau das passiert bei mir seit heute nicht mehr. im folgenden siehst du die seite, die geöffnet wird, wenn ich auf das „+" gehe. RichardB. Stufe 7. 25.127 Punkte.

  19. Safari needs to be a better browser, and macOS 15 could fix that

    Image source: Apple Inc. macOS 15 is expected to feature some AI improvements, but I really want a better Safari, and memory consumption isn't the only issue. Another common complaint is that ...

  20. App Store changes rejected: Apple could be fined 10% of ...

    Maximum fine is 10% of total worldwide turnover. The maximum fines allowed under many laws are trivial for a company of Apple's size - but this is not the case with the DMA. In case of an ...

  21. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  22. Apple Released Security Updates for Safari and macOS

    March 27, 2024. Apple released security updates to address a vulnerability (CVE-2024-1580) in Safari and macOS. A cyber threat actor could exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system. CISA encourages users and administrators to review the following advisories and apply the necessary updates: Safari 17.4.1. macOS Sonoma 14.4.1.

  23. Apple will continue to enhance its DMA compliance

    Big changes in Safari By the end of this year or possibly early in 2025, Apple will introduce a browser switching solution for exporting and importing relevant browser data into another browser on ...

  24. iPhoneでのWebブラウザー比較:Safari vs Chrome |ore-journal

    記事概要: この記事では、iPhoneで利用可能な主要なWebブラウザーであるSafariとChromeを比較します。SafariはAppleデバイスに最適化されたパフォーマンスを提供し、Chromeはわずかに速いとされていますが、その速度の差はほとんどありません。iOS版のChromeとSafariの使い勝手についての比較は、iOS 16.3.1 ...

  25. Use Private Browsing in Safari on Mac

    Always browse privately. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, then click General. Click the "Safari opens with" pop-up menu, then choose "A new private window.". If you don't see this option, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click General, then make sure "Close windows when quitting an app" is selected.

  26. CISA and Partners Release Joint Fact Sheet for Leaders on PRC-sponsored

    Today, CISA, the National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and other U.S. and international partners are issuing a joint fact sheet, People's Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber Activity: Actions for Critical Infrastructure Leaders.Partners of this publication include:

  27. Mac: Programme immer im Vollbild-Modus starten

    Programme im Vollbild-Modus starten. Zwar gibt es keine Funktion, mit der Sie alle Programme automatisch im Vollbild-Modus starten können. Mit einem kleinem Trick können Sie aber einmal in den Vollbild-Modus gesetzte Anwendungen immer wieder genau so starten: Öffnen Sie die Systemeinstellungen und wählen Sie den Bereich ¨Allgemein¨.

  28. Reported Supply Chain Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data ...

    March 29, 2024. CISA and the open source community are responding to reports of malicious code being embedded in XZ Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1. This activity was assigned CVE-2024-3094. XZ Utils is data compression software and may be present in Linux distributions. The malicious code may allow unauthorized access to affected systems.

  29. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  30. Safari」をApp Storeで

    Webを超高速で閲覧でき、強力なプライバシー保護機能と強力なカスタマイズオプションを備えています。. Safariでは、サイトをブラウズしたり、Webページを翻訳したり、開いているタブにiOS、iPadOS、macOSのすべてでアクセスしたりできます。. 機能. • iPhone ...