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Burj Khalifa, la plus grande tour du monde en 7 chiffres spectaculaires

Située à Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis, Burj Khalifa culmine à 828 mètres. Des dimensions hors-norme qui font de cette tour la plus haute du monde. Un édifice spectaculaire, oeuvre architecturale de tous les records.

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Un chantier de 5 ans et demi

Le chantier de Burj Khalifa a débuté le 21 septembre 2004 et la tour a été officiellement inaugurée le 4 janvier 2010. Plus de cinq années ont donc été nécessaire pour bâtir cet édifice gigantesque dont la visite figure dans la liste des activités incontournables à Dubaï . Les 1200 ouvriers étaient pour l'essentiel des immigrés d'Asie du Sud-Est. Leurs conditions de travail déplorables et leur rémunération très basse ont suscité de nombreuses critiques.

1,5 milliard de dollars

C'est le coût de construction colossal de Burj Khalifa. Un prix pharaonique à la hauteur de cette construction de tous les records. Le gratte-ciel fait partie d'un vaste projet de réaménagement de ce Downton Dubai qui abrite aujourd'hui de nombreux immeubles de luxe et complexes touristiques.

Burj Khalifa mesure 828 mètres de haut

Avec ses 828 mètres de haut, Burj Khalifa est non seulement le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde mais aussi la plus grande construction humaine. Elle dépasse de près de 200 mètres la deuxième tour sur le podium : Tokyo Skytree au Japon qui culmine à 634 mètres. Mais le record de la Burj Khalifa est en passe d'être battu par la tour de Djeddah, en Arabie saoudite, qui devrait atteindre 1 000 m de hauteur.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Burj Khalifa by Emaar (@burjkhalifa)

310 000 m2 de superficie

Outre sa hauteur spectaculaire, Burj Khalifa dispose d'une superficie extravagante de plus de 300.000 mètres carré. Plus de 330 000 m3 de béton armé, 39 000 tonnes de poutres en acier et 142 000 m2 de verre ont été nécessaires à sa construction.

160 étages habitables

Burj Khalifa dispose de 160 étages habitables (bureaux, appartements, hôtels de luxe, restaurant, spa etc.) et de 3 étages supplémentaires abritant des locaux techniques.

57 ascenseurs

Qui dit gratte-ciel dit ascenseurs et sur ce point, Burj Khalifa bat également tous les records. La tour comporte 57 ascenseurs (et 8 escaliers mécaniques) mais tous ne montent pas au sommet de la tour. L'ascenseur principal mesure 504 mètres et est à ce jour le plus élevé au monde, il atteint 36 km/h à pleine puissance.

Burj Khalifa consomme 946 000 litres d’eau par jour

C'est la quantité d'eau nécessaire pour faire fonctionner chaque jour la climatisation de la tour. Un véritable désastre écologique dans un des pays les plus chauds du globe .

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⋙ La piscine la plus profonde du monde a ouvert à Dubaï

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Burj Khalifa, la plus grande tour du monde

Burj Khalifa, la plus grande tour du monde



Burj Khalifa, la plus grande tour du monde

Avec ses 828 mètres de haut, la tour Burj Khalifa de Dubaï (Émirats arabes unis) est la plus haute tour du monde. Inaugurée en janvier 2010, ce gratte-ciel gigantesque de 160 étages est situé au cœur du quartier Downtown Burj Khalifa . En plus de sa hauteur impressionnante, elle est caractérisée par une structure en forme de flèche gigantesque. Les travaux ont débuté en 2004 et se sont terminés cinq années plus tard.

Hauteur : 828 mètres Localisation : Dubaï (Émirats arabes unis)

© KhanSaqib, Flickr, CC by-nc-sa 2.0

La Perle de l'Orient, à Shangai

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Burj Khalifa: Everything You Need to Know About the Tallest Building in the World 

By Katherine McLaughlin

The burj khalifa seen among the Dubai skyline

Within a three-week period,  Adrian Smith sketched out the original designs that would eventually become the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. In the early 2000s, he was approached by Emaar Properties, the real estate company that developed the skyscraper. “They wanted to ask us about our experience with supertalls,” Smith tells  AD . At the time, he was working at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill ( SOM ) and had designed buildings such as Jin Mao Tower, a 1,380-foot tower in Shanghai; and Zifeng Tower (formerly known as Nanjing Greenland Financial Tower), a 1,480-foot tower in Jiangsu, China. 

Smith and colleagues, including Bill Baker, a structural engineering partner at SOM, took the meeting and traveled from Chicago to New York for an informal yet informational conversation. “We talked a lot about designing tall buildings, because they are so different from even a 60-story building,” Smith says. Emaar representatives told the SOM team that they were looking to develop the tallest skyscraper in the world in Dubai, and asked for recommendations for selecting an architect. “I said that you ought to have about a two- or three-week ideas competition,” Smith remembers. “And they called back the following week, and said, ‘That’s what we’re gonna do.’”

Soon after, Emaar approached a handful of architectural firms, including Smith’s team at SOM, with the basic project details—they wanted something in the 1640- to 1968-foot range—and gave each team a few weeks to pull together their ideas. As Smith explains, the SOM team submitted “a rough form” of what eventually became the Burj Khalifa. “The initial drawings, which weren’t much, suited their needs,” he says. “They selected us and we then started in earnest about a month later.”

What is the design of the Burj Khalifa based on?

burj khalifa floor plan

The floor plan at the Burj Khalifa. 

Structurally, the Burj Khalifa is designed with a Y-shaped tripartite floor geometry. The design was largely based on Samsung Tower Palace Three, a skyscraper in Seoul with a similar structure that Smith had previously worked on. Because of zoning restrictions, Tower Palace Three currently stands at 73 stories, though it was originally meant to be 93, with multiple setbacks as it grew taller. When the height was reduced, “I brought it down to a point where they still stepped but only in two-story or three-story increments,” Smith explains. “So it was almost like building a top to the building.” 

Though the original vision for Tower Palace Three didn’t come to pass in Seoul, the Smith still had the idea for a supertall structure with varied stepping from the three points of the tripod. “I had a scheme where each leg of the three tripods would drop off at different points,” he says, “and the other two legs would go up and then one of those would drop off, until just one leg would continue on.” Similarly, Smith had also designed a version where the legs stepped at varying intervals around the building, so that from a distance the building would appear to spiral. During the three-week ideas competition, Smith had presented both of these concepts to Emaar, who were drawn to the fact that in either iteration, the building was not only buildable, but also had a dynamic quality. 

Tower palace three in Seoul

Tower Palace Three designed by Adrian Smith in Seoul, South Korea. 

After winning the competition, the architect turned his attention to refining the building to better match the heritage of the Middle East. “As I was developing the massing, I thought about the architectural elements that exist in the Middle East, not just Dubai, that people are familiar with,” he says. Thinking particularly about Islamic architecture, pointed arches came to mind as did the onion dome—though often associated with Russian Orthodox churches, this form has roots in Syria and Iran. “So I thought, ‘I’m gonna use that, and I want to use it in an abstracted way where it’s not obvious,” Smith says of the dome shape. Because of its various setbacks, when looking down at the building, a dome form appears, though when looking up from the base, the shape isn’t particularly visible. “I wanted that to be a little mysterious, but prevalent.” 

Where is the Burj Khalifa?

Burj Khalifa is located in Downtown Dubai in the United Arab Emirates near the Dubai Fountain Boardwalk. Today, the building is surrounded by other offices, shops, and restaurants including the Dubai Mall, which includes many designer retailers such as Hermés, Saint Laurant, Cartier, and Balenciaga, with other notable destinations like Burj Al Arab and Palm Jumeirah nearby. Though the city is now known for its glitzy lifestyle and wealth, when the project was first getting started, the area wasn’t much more than a plot of land with a few buildings scattered here and there.

An Aerial View of Dubai Interchange taken at sunset

Downtown Dubai now has an impressive collection of modern architecture, though this wasn’t always the case. 

“Sheikh Mohammed was a brilliant leader and had all of this land around Dubai, and he wanted to develop this city into a world class destination,” Smith explains. The effort was, in part, to diversify Dubai’s economy away from being largely oil-based. “He told his developer friends ‘if you have a really good idea, I'll give you the land as long as you develop it quickly,’” Smith says. “So that's really how Dubai blossomed so quickly.” 

It’s also the reason the Burj Khalifa started coming together so fast. Less than a year after Emaar had selected Smith and SOM to design the supertall structure, they’d broken ground. “We got that building in the ground, in about four or five months,” Smith recalls. At the time, the Burj Khalifa was designed as a 2297-foot tower, but since it can take about a year to excavate and lay the foundation for a building of that size, Smith used that time to further develop the structure’s design. “During that process, I was able to do a series of options which would incrementally increase the height of the building, one of them even went up to about 3117 feet,” he says. 

How tall is the Burj Khalifa?

From the base of the building to the very top—which includes a spire and antenna—the Burj Khalifa is 2,722 feet, or a little over a half of a mile. Still, this wasn’t always the case. Though excited to win the design competition, there was something in the back of Smith’s mind that didn’t feel quite right. “As I was developing it over the next three or four months, it was just nagging at me that it still wasn’t tall enough and it wasn’t completing itself,” he recalls. 

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai

The Burj Khalifa stands at 2,722 feet tall. 

While construction crews excavated the building’s foundation, Smith and his team flew to Dubai to present a series of models to the developers to show different ways the building could be completed. “We modeled them as a tower where I could take the top off and put another top on,” Smith explains. The architect was advocating for something in the 850-meter range (about 2790 feet), though developers were conscious about the price implications of this additional height. But pre-sale numbers were good, interest in the building was high, and the development team made a decision immediately. As soon as Smith was done presenting, they’d decided on an option that brought the building up an additional 500 or so feet—to the 2,722 feet it stands at today. “We made the decision right there,” Smith says

Is Burj Khalifa the tallest building in the world?

Up close image of the cladding on the Burj Khalifa

A reflective glazing on the Burj Khalifa’s cladding made from aluminum and stainless steel. 

At 2,722 feet from base to tip, the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. When construction finished in 2010, it claimed the record from Taipei 101, a mixed-use building in Taipei, China, that stands at 1,667 feet tall. For greater context, two Eiffel Towers could be stacked on top of each other, and the Burj Khalifa would still be taller; the Empire State building just barely passes Burj Khalifa’s midpoint. Excluding the antenna and spire, the building is 1,919 feet tall, which is still equivalent to almost six and half football fields stacked on top of each other. 

However, this is only one of the many world records Dubai’s Burj Khalifa holds. The monumental skyscraper is also the tallest structure ever built (surpassing the 2,121-foot Warsaw Radio Mast), the tallest freestanding structure (surpassing Toronto’s 1,815-foot CN Tower), and the building with the most floors (surpassing the World Trade Center’s 110 floors to its 163). 

What is the cost of Burj Khalifa?

Total construction costs for the Burj Khalifa were reported to amount to $1.5 billion . Though it did cost a large sum, the Burj Khalifa is not the most expensive building in the world; that title goes to Rawabi Abraj Al-Bait Tower in Saudi Arabia, which cost $15 billion. In fact, there are  11 buildings across the globe that were more expensive to build than Burj Khalifa, despite all being shorter. 

What is Burj Khalifa famous for?

Though the Burj Khalifa’s height is certainly its most obvious claim to fame, it’s the implications of this astounding elevation that makes it so special. “Whenever you do a world’s tallest building, it’s different because you confront issues that you don’t know exist yet,” Smith says. When designing a building of this size, it’s not only finding problems that haven’t existed before, but solving them too. “Every time you do a super tallbuilding, you’re learning about 10% more than previously anyone knew about supertall buildings.” 

For example, when designing the Burj Khalifa, Smith and his team received incredible insights from the wind tunnel tests, which are used to predict a building’s response to various wind conditions. As buildings get taller, the impact from the wind is greater, and “with Burj Khalifa, they did wind tunnel tests that showed it would be better to move the orientation of one of the legs about 10-15 degrees in one direction to point more at the wind,” Smith says.

Burj Khalifa seen from a distance

According to Adrian Smith, one of the most challenging—and exciting—parts about designing supertall structures is solving problems that haven’t been encountered yet. 

For other architects and designers, the building’s design serves as inspiration and guidance for their projects. According to Ashley Davis, an architect and strategic construction advisor at  Real Estate Bees , Burj Khalifa is a model for consumer safety and evacuation procedures in high-rise structures. “As an architect, our initial concern is for the public’s health, safety, and welfare,” she says. “The Burj Khalifa tower employs a combination of safety factors, some traditional and some taking into consideration the special circumstance of the massive square footage.” At the world’s tallest tower, some of these notable features include well-defined exit routes with refuse areas, multiple fire and smoke protected egress stairs, and fireproof floors.

However, besides redefining occupant safety and wellbeing, the structure is also aesthetically inspiring. “Burj Khalifa stands out in the midst of copy-and-paste architecture clichés, because its aesthetic fully integrates every detail from materials to geometry, history, metaphor and symbolism,” Ana Maria Torres, a New York City–based architect and founder of  At Architects , tells  AD . According to Torres, architecture has a way of speaking to people, whether passersby are aware of it or not, and Burj Khalifa has made her a more conscious reader of the environment. “It speaks about subtlety, strength, and intelligence,” she says. “It reinforces the connection between our sense of beauty and our understanding of the nature of a good life,” she explains. 

Burj Khalifa and the Dubai skyline during sunrise

Among it’s outstanding height, the Burj Khalifa serves as an inspiration for many other architects and designers around the world.

What is inside the Burj Khalifa?

Originally, developers planned for the building to be fully residential, though over time it changed into a mixed-use structure. “Most of these supertall buildings really need to be mixed-use because the taller they are, typically the larger they need to be at the base,” Smith says. “So you're building maybe two million, three million square feet of space, and if it’s just one use it takes time to fill it, and the carrying costs become excessive while you’re trying to rent out the building.” 

At Burj Khalifa, the building is largely categorized into three main uses: residential, corporate, and hospitality. There are 900 residences in the tower made up of studio, one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom units that span levels 19–108. In addition to the prestige of living in the tallest building in the world, residents also have access to an array of amenities like indoor-outdoor swimming pools, jacuzzis, a library, cigar lounge, and a four-floor health club that includes two gyms and spa facilities. “On the amenity floors we have the pool that actually goes inside and outside,” Smith says. “It goes underneath the exterior wall, so you can actually swim under the wall and go outside.” 

Looking up in a lobby in the Burj Khalifa

Each use within the Burj Khalifa has its own lobby. 

Hospitality offerings include the Armani Hotel Dubai, the first hotel developed by Georgio Armani; At.Mosphere, a fine-dining restaurant on the 122nd floor; and two sky lounges, At The Top Burj Khalifa SKY and the Lounge Burj Khalifa, which are respectively located across the 124th floor, 125th floor, and 148th floor and floors 152, 153, and 154. Corporate suites are found across levels 112 to 154.

“I visited an empty office space in the Burj Khalifa that was available for rent a few years ago and it was the most oddly shaped office space I’ve ever seen,”  Nadia Michel , a journalist, podcast host, and author, tells  AD . Though the structure of the building yielded a somewhat unusual floor plan—a cavernous, circular area with a pillar in the center, Michel says—the views were unparalleled. “Looking out from a high floor, after sunset, onto the Dubai Fountain is a magical experience. Imagine ending a long day at the office with a spectacular dancing fountain show.” 

A lobby in the Burj Khalifa

A lobby within the Burj Khalifa. 

Others who have stayed at or visited at the Burj Khalifa have noted similar quirks about the layout, though they also find the view and amenities tend to make up for it. “The hotel had long corridors and some rooms were shaped odd if you were in a room on a curve,” Larina Chen-Mehta, a principal partner at  LWC Concepts tells  AD . Chen-Mehta visited the Armani Hotel a few years back, and though she noted some of the rooms could be strangely shaped, “everything was impeccable in terms of the design and service.”

Still, while the various uses in the building may have certain similarities—like the floorplans—Smith was intentional in making sure each had its own identity as well. “One of the disadvantages of a Y-shaped building and plan is that when you’re entering that building, you’re basically entering it between the two of the legs,” Smith says. However, he decided to use this to his advantage by crafting distinct entryways and lobby spaces within the legs—one for each use of the building. “We designed each one of those in a different way to relate to the ethos of that function,” Smith says, adding it’s one of his favorite features of the tower. Armani took creative control of the hotel entrance, and Smith and his team designed the other two. 

What is it like at the top of the Burj Khalifa?

Professional stuntwoman Nicole SmithLudvick standing on top of the Burj Khalifa holding a sign that says I'm still here

Professional stuntwoman Nicole Smith-Ludvick stands at the top of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. 

Perhaps no one will quite understand what it feels like to be at the very top of the Burj Khalifa quite like  Nicole Smith-Ludvick , a skydiver and stuntwoman, who stood on top of Burj Khalifa’s spire in an advertisement for Emirates airline. “Standing on the pinnacle of the world’s tallest man-made structure, a place where no other woman has ever been, was one of the most extraordinary and exhilarating experiences I have ever had,” Smith-Ludvick tells  AD . To shoot the commercial, she went to the top of building three times for about five hours each, usually arriving right before sunrise. “At this time of day, the city is still mostly asleep, so it’s quiet and serene,” she says. “I got a bird’s eye view of the sun rising over the Arabian desert; I watched the fog roll in from the ocean and burn off as the temperature warmed up.” Other than the views,  Smith-Ludvick says the most notable difference between the Burj and the ground is the noise pollution. “It was much quieter up there,” she says.  

Woman standing at the top of the Burj Khalifa with a plane flying behind her

As part of a commercial for Emirates airline, Smith-Ludvick visited the top of Burj Khalifa’s spire three separate times.  

However, non-stunt professionals who want to experience Dubai from the Burj Khalifa will have to settle for the Burj Khalifa observation decks, which are currently the highest points accessible for visitors. “When you’re at the top of the Burj, it feels like you’re in an airplane, as though you are surrounded by clouds, literally,” Sarah Churbuck, a financial services communications strategist in Boston, tells  AD . Churbuck visited the skyscraper in 2011 with her dad, and took what she described as the “very fast” elevator to the 148th floor, one of the two observation decks at Burj Khalifa. “I went through a door to the observatory area, which I didn’t realize was outside,” she explains, “When I realized I was outside, I looked down and noticed I was standing on a wooden deck, hammered together with screws and you could see the sky in between the cracks.” Not the biggest fan of heights, Churbuck quickly dropped to her knees, and crawled back inside, “where I did not last long before taking the elevator down,” she says. 

Of course, for those who don’t mind the heart-stopping heights, the experience is nothing short of magical. “I come from New York City, so I spend a lot of time atop tall buildings, and this one is marvelous,” says Christine Deussen, president of  Deussen Global Communications . “The views are great, and it is not dizzying or uncomfortable at all,” she says, adding a recommendation to reserve tickets in advance to be there at sunset. According to Deussen, the building staff are friendly and helpful, you can stay for as long as you’d like, and the photo opportunities are plentiful. 

Is Burj Khalifa Entrance Free?

Observation deck at the Burj Khalifa

Observation decks at the Burj Khalifa are open to the public with the purchase of a ticket. 

Generally, entrance for visitors looking to stop by the observation decks at Burj Khalifa is not free, although it does depend on the circumstances. There are many different admission packages available to guests, though visits to the At The Top SKY observation deck generally cost between $108 and $150 depending on the date, time, and the visitor’s age. Visiting the lounge on the 154th floor, the highest observation deck, is reported to cost upwards of $230 per person. 

What is bigger than Burj Khalifa?

While there is currently nothing taller than Burj Khalifa, this likely won’t be the case forever—since Smith has already designed a building that is set to surpass it. “Whenever you’ve done something that’s a first and somebody else wants to build something taller, they usually seek out people that have done it before,” Smith explains. Jeddah Tower, a 3,281-foot-tall tower designed by Smith, is poised to be the world’s first building spanning an entire kilometer. In 2013, construction started on the building—which will be located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia—though it was put on hold in 2018. 

Smith has also been doing research into mile-high structures, though testing for these hasn’t begun yet. “We’ve done a couple of ideas on mile-high structures,” he says, “but oxygen content becomes a factor when you get that high.” At that level, architects and engineers will have to include supplemental oxygen into occupied units since people would be going in and out and wouldn’t have the opportunity to adjust to the higher altitude like in, for example, Colorado. Still, it’s a challenge that Smith, and others, are looking forward to solving. “After doing the Burj Khalifa, I always thought it was a possibility I’d do something taller,” he says. 

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Burj Khalifa

  • Que voir et faire
  • Monuments et attractions touristiques

Burj Khalifa

Le Burj Khalifa (tour de Khalifa) est l’édifice le plus haut du monde avec 828 mètres de haut .  Plus de 12 000 personnes de 30 pays ont participé à sa construction. La tour était autrefois appelée Burj Dubai (Tour de Dubaï).

Pour vous aider à vous faire une meilleure idée de ce que représente cet édifice, mieux vaut le comparer au gratte-ciel le plus célèbre du monde : l’ Empire State de New York . Le gratte-ciel newyorkais mesure 381 mètres de haut (431 mètres si l’on prend en compte son antenne), soit la moitié du Burj Khalifa .

La construction du Burj Khalifa a commencé le 21 septembre 2004 et s’est achevée le 4 janvier 2010 , plus d’un an après la date prévue. Ce gratte-ciel est prisé pour accueillir un grand nombre d’étages résidentiels, ce qui est plutôt insolite jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Belvédères du Burj Khalifa

Le Burj Khalifa compte deux belvédères qui proposent des vues surprenantes . Au 124e étage , situé à 442 mètres de haut , vous trouverez celui qui était jusqu’alors l’unique belvédère de la Tour Khalifa. Il s’agit sans aucun doute du meilleur point de vue de tout Dubaï pour contempler la ville.

Le deuxième belvédère, récemment inauguré, attire désormais tous les regards depuis qu’il est devenu le plus élevé du monde (devant la Tour de Canton à Guangzhou). Situé à 555 mètres de haut , le belvédère se trouve au 148ème étage et propose de surprenantes vues où l’on peut découvrir la ville en miniature.

Vous devez savoir que les tickets s’épuisent généralement en avance. Il est donc recommandé d’ acheter le ticket en ligne sur son site internet officiel le plus tôt possible. Si vous ne souhaitez pas vous compliquer la tâche, vous pouvez réserver l'expérience sur notre site , elle inclut la prise en charge à l'hôtel et l'entrée rapide au Burj Khalifa.

La meilleure heure pour y monter et la plus demandée est celle du coucher de soleil . Si vous ne pouvez pas acheter d’entrées pour cette heure-ci, il faut savoir que la vue est plus belle de jour que de nuit puisque Dubaï n’est pas particulièrement prisée pour ses illuminations nocturnes.

Aux alentours du Burj Dubai

À côté du Burj Khalifa se trouve un grand lac artificiel où est la Fontaine de Dubaï , l’une des attractions incontournables de la ville. On trouve autour du lac des bars et restaurants , et bien sûr, le très prisé centre commercial Dubai Mall .

Chiffres et curiosités

  • En arabe, "burj" signifie tour .
  • Le 24 juillet 2007, la tour est devenue l’édifice le plus élevé du monde jusqu’à maintenant devant la Tour Taipei 101 dans la ville du même nom.
  • Le coût du gratte-ciel a été estimé à 1 500 000 000 dollars .
  • Le Burj Khalifa est visible à 95 kilomètres de distance.
  • La tour compte 57 ascenseurs , pèse 500 000 tonnes et est recouverte de 28 601 baies vitrées .

Burj Khalifa


Burj Dubai Boulevard 1.

Le point de vue du 124ᵉ étage est ouvert  entre 08h00 et 00h00 (jeudi, vendredi et samedi jusqu'à minuit). Le pojnt de vue du 148ᵉ étage est ouvert de 10h30 à 22h00 .

Point de vue 124 et 125ᵉ étage  : Adultes entre 169 AED (46 US$ ) et 244 AED (66,40 US$ ) en fonction de l'horaire. Enfants entre 4 et 12 ans : entre 134 AED (36,40 US$ ) et 152 AED (41,30 US$ ) en fonction de l'horaire. Moins de 4 ans : entrée gratuite. Point de vue 148ᵉ étage  : Entre 399 AED (108,60 US$ ) et 533 AED (145,10 US$ ) en fonction de l'horaire. Moins de 4 ans : entrée gratuite.

Lieux à proximité

Downtown Dubai (181 m) Fontaine de Dubaï (213 m) Dubai Mall (481 m) Safa Park (3.1 km) Dubai Safari Park (3.3 km)

Cela peut aussi vous intéresser

Burj Khalifa, le Safari dans le désert, le Palmier Jumeirah, la Fontaine de Dubaï... Découvrez les 10 lieux incontournables de la ville émiratie.

Guide de Dubaï

Fontaine de Dubaï

Inaugurée au printemps 2009, la Fontaine de Dubaï (Dubai Fountain) est à Dubaï ce que les Fontaines du Bellagio sont à Las Vegas, l’un des plus beaux spectacles gratuits des deux villes.

tour khalifa taille

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The Burj Khalifa: The Tallest Building in the World

Main Points

From Dream to Reality: All You Need to Know About the World’s Tallest Building – The Burj Khalifa – Facts

Opens in a new tab.

The Burj Khalifa was completed in 2010 formerly known as Burj Dubai, is an extremely tall skyscraper located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is renowned as the tallest building in the world, boasting a height of 828 m (2,716.5 ft). The 200 plus storey Burj Khalifa has 160 habitable levels making it the tallest structure and building in the world. Burj Khalifa features 57 elevators and eight escalators to meet the travel needs of the residents and visitors to the tower.

The tower became the world’s tallest man-made structure just 1,325 days after excavation work started in January 2004. Burj Khalifa utilised a record-breaking 330,000 cubic metres of concrete; 39,000 tonnes of steel reinforcement; 103,000 square metres of glass; and 15,500 square metres of embossed stainless steel. The tower took 22 million man hours to build. It was designed by the renowned architect, Adrian Smith, and was built by a team of over 12,000 workers.

At the Top Burj Khalifa Dubai

First of all, the view from the observation deck is truly breathtaking. Located on the 124th floor, the observation deck offers panoramic views of the city and beyond. You can see the Palm Jumeirah, the Dubai Marina, and even the desert in the distance. Kids will love looking out at the tiny cars and buildings below, while older folks can appreciate the vastness of the landscape.

For an even more stunning view, head up to the At The Top SKY observation deck on the 148th floor. This VIP experience includes access to a private lounge, refreshments, and even more incredible views. Couples will definitely want to consider splurging on this option for a romantic date with a view.

You will also find an option to dine at one of the many restaurants in the Burj Khalif and the views from these restaurants are some of the best in the city.

For those who dare, can have an unforgettable experience at the SKY which takes you to the highest point of the building for an outdoor , open air experience.

Burj Khalifa is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Dubai. From the stunning views to the endless entertainment options, there’s something for everyone at this iconic tower. Whether you’re traveling with kids, your significant other, or your parents, you’re sure to have an amazing time at the Burj Khalifa.

There are numerous attractions and activities available at the Burj Khalifa that are sure to amuse guests of all ages. Couples can enjoy a romantic stroll along the Dubai Fountain, while children will enjoy exploring the neighboring Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo in the Dubai Mall. The interactive screen on the ground floor, which allows kids to explore and learn about Dubai’s history and culture. There are also special “Kids’ Club” areas where kids can enjoy educational activities.

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai provides some of the finest dining experiences. Here are a few of them:

Atmosphere burj khalifa dubai

What are the Suitable Time to Visit Burj Khalifa?

The Burj Khalifa is open to visitors throughout the day, however most of the people prefer to visit during sunset, as the views of the city at this time are truly breathtaking.

If you want an extra-special experience, consider booking a ticket for the At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY experience, which takes you to the highest observation deck in the world, located on the 148th floor. This experience also includes access to the lower observation deck on the 125th floor.

The tower r is open daily from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm, with the last entry at 10:00 pm. The time slot s for Non-prime hours are from 10:00 am to 02:30 pm and 07:00 pm to 11:00 pm and the time slots for Prime hours are 03:00 pm to 06:30 pm. These schedules may vary depending on holidays or any special occasions, it is always a good idea to check the official website before planning your visit.

During Ramadan, the tower normally is open from 10:00 am to 2:00 am, with the last access at 1:00 am. Also, tourists should be advised that many restaurants may close during the day to show respect for people who are fasting. Evening hours may see some restaurants and cafés open and selling food, nevertheless.

Be sure to remain hydrated and dress appropriately for the weather if you’re planning to visit in the summer.

If you’re planning to visit Burj Khalifa plan ahead and book your tickets. If you have the flexibility in your schedule it is worth visiting during weekday as it will be less crowded.

How much is the entry ticket for Burj Khalifa?

Various ticket packages are provided for touring the tower Burj Khalifa, however, the ticket prices can vary depending on the time of day and the type of experience you choose.

The basic At the Top experience starts at around 169 AED per person for a regular admission ticket. However, prices can be higher during peak hours or for the SKY experience.

Children under 4 years old are free of charge, while children between the ages of 4 and 12 are eligible for discounted tickets

It is always a good idea to book your tickets in advance to avoid any potential lines or delays

There are best Burj Khalifa offers currently available, including package deals, combo tickets, and special promotions that can help you save money on your Burj Khalifa visit. Whether you’re a budget traveler or simply looking to make the most of your trip to Dubai, these offers will help you experience the magic of the Burj Khalifa. For Special Offers you may click the below links:

How to Reach Burj Khalifa?

It is relatively easy to reach the Burj Khalifa which is located in the heart of downtown Dubai and is well connected to the public transportation.

Metro- You can reach Burj Khalifa by the fastest , affordable and convenient mode Metro. Take a Red Line and get off at the Burj Khalif/Dubai Mall Station which is located just a short walk away from the tower.

Taxi- Taxis are readily available but just keep it in mind that during peak hours you may feel a bit traffic congestion in the area.

Please keep it in mind that bus travel in Dubai can be crowded and time-consuming, especially during peak hours

Car-If you are driving your own car you will find plenty of parking options in Dubai Mall including dedicated parking area for visitors to the Burj Khalifa. Keep in mind that parking can be quite expensive in this area, especially during peak hours.

Regardless of the mode of transportation you select, it’s simple to get to and well worth the trip to see the Burj Khalifa. Just make sure to schedule your travel in advance to prevent delays or traffic jams.

Do include the Burj Khalifa in your travel itinerary. You will have the invaluable experience and an incredible chance to witness the amazing vistas from the Burj Khalifa. Do Not Miss out this Unique experience when you are planning to visit Dubai.

Frequently Asked Question FAQs on Burj Khalifa

What is the height of burj khalifa.

Burj Khalifa stands 828-metres (2,716.5 feet) tall, making it the tallest building in the world.

What are 3 interesting facts about Burj Khalifa?

Burj Khalifa is a tallest free standing structure and has a highest number of stories in the world. It has highest outdoor observation deck in the world.

What is the secret of Burj Khalifa?

Tallest Freestanding Structure in the World

How long can I stay in Burj Khalifa?

Visitors can stay At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY level 148 for up to 30 minutes and then to continue the journey to level 125/124. However it’s really up to you how long you want to spend at the top of Burj Khalifa enjoying the views, but most people spend about one hour on average.

Do I have to pre-book the tickets to enter Burj Khalifa?

It is recommended to purchase the tickets in advance, especially on weekends so that you can plan your experience at your leisure.

Is the Burj Khalifa experience safe for expectant or pregnant mothers?

Are our bags allowed at the top burj khalifa.

Personal handbags and purses are allowed. However, shopping bags, sports bags, backpacks, etc. must be stored in the secure baggage check room.

Is it allowed to take the food at the top Burj Khalifa?

No it is not allowed to take At the Top

Is At the Top accessible for disabled guests?

Is there any restaurants at the burj khalifa.

Yes. Atmosphere, Armani Amal, Armani Mediterraneo, and Armani Deli, Armani Hashi. There is also a Lounge.

How long before the scheduled time should I arrive at Burj Khalifa?

It is recommended to arrive at least 10-15 minutes before your scheduled admission time.

What are the opening hours of Burj Khalifa?

Burj Khalifa is open from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm every day of the week.

How to get to Burj Khalifa?

It is relatively easy to reach the Burj Khalifa which is located in the heart of downtown Dubai and is well connected to the public transportation. You can take Metro, Bus, Taxi or your own transportation.

What is the best time to visit the Burj Khalifa?

Visit in the morning to avoid the crowd or can go during sunset to have the great view.

What are the different types of Burj Khalifa Tickets?

At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY Level 148 +125 + 124 From 399 AED At the Top, Burj Khalifa Level 125 + 124 From 169 AED Please visit the website to check more details on this.

How many floors Burj Khalifa have?

The Burj Khalif has 163 floors.

How much is Burj Khalifa per night?

One night hotel stay in Burj Khalifa would be approximately between AED 2500 to AED 4000 depending on the season and dates you selected for. Prices are subject to change, please visit the respective hotel websites.

What is the dine in cost at Burj Khalifa

The dine in cost at Burj Khalifa would be approximately starts from AED 200 per person. However it is advisable to check the website for the latest menu and prices.

What is so special about Burj Khalifa?

The Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest freestanding construction, with the most stories, the highest occupied level. It has the highest outdoor observation deck, the elevator with the longest journey distance, and the tallest service elevator.

Human Resource professional and writer.


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Discover Burj Khalifa

Standing proudly at 828m, the world's tallest building is truly a feat of engineering. Built over five years from 2004 to 2009, the building represents Dubai's ambition and passion.

Design inspiration

The iconic tower's design is rooted firmly in Dubai's heritage, with the stepped spiral plan representing traditional Middle Eastern architecture. Its design motif takes cues from Islamic geometric traditions and features interlocking circles radiating out from the tower’s footprint.

Sky-high experiences

Burj Khalifa views can be taken in from two dedicated observation decks, At The Top and At The Top SKY. You can also dine at At.mosphere restaurant on floor 122 or visit The Lounge, Burj Khalifa – spread across floors 152, 153 and 154 – making it the tallest lounge on the planet.

cooler at top cooler at top

Did you know the Burj Khalifa is so tall there is a stark difference between the temperature at the very top and at ground level? Six degrees to be precise.

Get Instagram-ready

There's no surprise the tower is one of the most photographed buildings in the world, and with more than 6.3 million posts with the hashtag #burjkhalifa on Instagram alone, it is definitely a place to be, and be seen.

Plan your Burj Khalifa visit today

Tour Dubaï

Montez dans la tour plus élevée du monde

Guide de visite.

Avant d’acquérir votre ticket d’or pour cette expérience unique, nous vous invitons à explorer notre  guide de visite de la plus haute tour du monde, le Burj Khalifa, un monument que Burj Khalifa est la plus haute réalisation.

Burj Khalifa - Réserver

Découvrez notre guide pour vous aider à choisir le meilleur ticket

Burj Khalifa - Où dormir

Sélection des meilleurs hébergements à proximité du Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa -Où manger

Sélection des meilleurs adresses pour se restaurer durant votre visite à la tour Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa - Alentours

Pour prolonger votre visite de Dubaï en plus du Burj Khalifa

Comment est née la tour de Khalifa Dubaï Burj Khalifa de Dubai ? De quand date sa construction ?

tour dubai

Prenez l’ascenseur et admirez une vue panoramique imprenable sur Dubaï.

Inauguré par le premier ministre Mohammed ben Rachid Al Maktoum en janvier 2010, le Burj Khalifa détient le titre prestigieux de la plus haute structure du monde, une prouesse architecturale de plus de 200 mètres. la tour la plus haute du monde avec ses 828 mètres d’altitude !

Visible jusqu’à 95 kilomètres aux alentours, cette prouesse architecturale se situe au cœur du quartier commerçant Downtown Dubaï , véritable épicentre de la ville.

Rêve ambitieux d’un émir visionnaire, le Burj Khalifa est devenu, au fil du temps, un symbole touristique incontournable .

Son design unique, inspiré de la fleur du désert Hymenocallis (un noyau central et 3 « pétales » servant de contreforts), permet au Burj Khalifa d’offrir une vue à couper le souffle sur la métropole de Dubaï, le désert du Rub al-Khali et le golfe Persique depuis son sommet. Selon une étude de Remitly, c’est le meilleur panorama du Moyen-Orient .

Chaque jour, 10 000 visiteurs ont le privilège de monter sur la plateforme d’observation panoramique de ce joyau architectural. Plusieurs options sont disponibles pour rejoindre cette foule… mais n’oubliez pas que la réservation est indispensable !

Avant d’acquérir vos billets pour Burj Khalifa pour cette expérience unique, nous vous invitons à explorer notre guide de visite du Burj Khalifa . En savoir plus .

Pourquoi vous devriez visiter la Tour Dubai

La Tour Dubai, également connue sous le nom de Burj Khalifa, est l’une des merveilles architecturales les plus emblématiques du monde. Si vous prévoyez un voyage à Dubai , une visite à cette tour emblématique est tout simplement incontournable. Avec une hauteur imposante de 828 mètres, elle domine le paysage urbain de la ville et offre une vue imprenable sur les horizons de Dubai . Et au-delà, le Burj Khalifa n’est pas seulement un monument, mais une icône dépassant tous les records. Les visiteurs de la Tour Dubai peuvent s’attendre à une expérience inoubliable, et voici pourquoi.

Une vue à couper le souffle

Tout d’abord, la vue depuis la Tour Dubai est tout simplement à couper le souffle . L’ ascenseur ultramoderne vous emmène à une hauteur vertigineuse en quelques secondes seulement, vous offrant une vue panoramique depuis le plus haut building perspective panoramique sur la ville depuis , la côte et le désert environnant, ainsi que la présence du Dubai Creek Tower Que vous choisissiez de visiter pendant la journée pour profiter de la lumière du soleil qui se reflète sur les gratte-ciel scintillants de Dubai , ou que vous préfériez une visite nocturne pour admirer les lumières étincelantes de la ville, la vue depuis la tour de Dubaï est tout simplement époustouflante.

Une expérience éducative

De plus, la Tour Dubai offre une expérience éducative enrichissante lors de la visite de Burj Khalifa . Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur l’histoire de la tour, son architecture audacieuse et les défis techniques liés à la construction de la plus haute tour du monde qu’elle a représentés lors de sa construction. Des expositions interactives et des informations sur la conception et la construction de la tour sont disponibles pour les curieux qui souhaitent en savoir plus. C’est l’endroit idéal pour les amateurs d’architecture et d’ingénierie.

Des activités palpitantes

Si vous cherchez une aventure unique, la Tour Dubai propose également des activités palpitantes, telles que l’ observation des feux d’artifice depuis les étages supérieurs du plus haut gratte-ciel, battant ainsi tous les records . Vous pouvez également opter pour une expérience de restauration exceptionnelle dans l’un des restaurants de la tour, offrant une vue panoramique sur la ville de Dubaï tout en dégustant des plats délicieux. La visite de la plus haute tour du monde, le Burj Khalifa est une expérience sensorielle complète.

Questions sur le Burj KHALIFA

Absolument. Le Burj Khalifa, avec sa hauteur de 828 mètres, est le bâtiment le plus haut de Dubaï. Il surpasse Marina 101 (425 mètres, 101 étages), Princess Tower (414 mètres, 101 étages) et 23 Marina (395 mètres, 90 étages).

La superficie totale du Burj Khalifa est de 309 473 m².

Le poids du Burj Khalifa « vide » est de 500 000 tonnes, ce qui le distingue comme un record parmi les gratte-ciel du monde. Sa construction a nécessité 330 000 m3 de béton armé et 39 000 tonnes d’acier.

La construction du Burj Khalifa a débuté en janvier 2004 et s’est terminée le 2 décembre 2009, soit près de 6 ans plus tard. Le bâtiment, un icône parmi les records mondiaux, a été inauguré le 4 janvier 2010.

La construction du Burj Khalifa a coûté 1,5 milliard de dollars et a nécessité 22 millions d’heures de travail.

Le Burj Khalifa abrite :

  • plus de 170 000 m² d’appartements résidentiels ; plus de 28 000 m² de bureaux ; un hôtel de luxe (Armani Hotel) ;
  • le restaurant le plus haut du monde (At.Mosphere, situé au 122ème étage, à une hauteur de 441,3 mètres) ;
  • un centre de fitness avec spa (Burj Club) sur 5 étages ;
  • une bibliothèque ;

Le nom de « Burj Khalifa » a été donné en l’honneur de l’émir d’Abu Dhabi et président des Émirats arabes unis, le cheikh Khalifah Ibn Zayid Al Nahyan. C’est une marque de reconnaissance envers celui qui a aidé à rembourser les dettes de Dubaï pendant la crise financière de 2009.

Le Burj Khalifa est la propriété du groupe Emaar Properties, l’un des plus grands groupes immobiliers des Émirats arabes unis.

Le Burj Khalifa, plus grande tour du monde, est ouvert au public pour des visites inoubliables. N’oubliez pas de réserver vos billets au préalable. Cependant, pour atteindre le sommet, il faut réserver un billet en ligne. Sur place, un ascenseur vous emmène au point de vue à une vitesse de 10 étages par seconde.

Le Burj Khalifa compte 200 étages, dont 160 étages habitables et 3 étages réservés aux équipements techniques.

Deux des 57 ascenseurs montent à 425 mètres en moins d’une minute, soit 10 m/sec. Il faut donc moins de 1 minute 30 pour atteindre le sommet.

Oui, le Burj Khalifa a été conçu pour résister à un séisme de magnitude 6 sur l’échelle de Richter.

Lors de la visite de la Burj Khalifa, notamment les bars et les restaurants, le code vestimentaire est généralement de type « smart casual » ou élégant. Pour les hommes, cela signifie porter une chemise à col, un pantalon de longueur complète et des chaussures fermées. Pour les femmes, une tenue modeste telle qu’un costume, une robe ou une longue jupe est appropriée. Il est conseillé d’éviter les vêtements révélateurs ou provocateurs, y compris les t-shirts, les shorts, les tongs ou sandales, les minijupes, les vêtements de sport et les chaussures de course lors de votre visite dans le plus haut gratte-ciel. En dehors des espaces de restauration, une tenue décontractée est acceptable, et les vêtements traditionnels des Émirats arabes unis sont également les bienvenus​

Le meilleur moment pour visiter la plus grande tour du monde, le Burj Khalifa, est pendant les mois d’hiver, de novembre à février. ​​ ​. Durant cette période, la météo est agréable avec des températures variant entre 17 et 30 degrés Celsius, ce qui est idéal pour profiter des plates-formes d’observation extérieures et de la vue imprenable sur Dubaï​ ​. Pour une expérience optimale, il est conseillé de planifier votre visite tôt le matin, pendant le coucher du soleil, ou tard dans la nuit pour éviter les longues files d’attente​ ​. Pour ceux qui souhaitent observer le coucher de soleil depuis ​. Enfin, pour éviter la foule, il est préférable de visiter pendant les jours de semaine et les heures creuses, comme entre dimanche et mercredi, ou tôt le matin ou tard le soir

Pour la Burj Khalifa, les enfants de moins de 4 ans sont admis gratuitement, tandis que ceux âgés de 4 à 12 ans bénéficient d’un tarif réduit​ ​​ ​. Les prix des billets pour les adultes (12 ans et plus) commencent à partir de 114 AED (environ 27€), et pour les enfants (4-12 ans), à partir de 72 AED (environ 17€)​ ​. En outre, il est possible d’obtenir diverses réductions sur les tarifs des billets pour la visite de Burj Khalifa en réservant à l’avance, notamment pour les enfants, les seniors et les groupes.

Pour se rendre à la Burj Khalifa en utilisant les transports en commun à Dubaï, plusieurs options sont disponibles :

  • En Bus : Vous pouvez planifier votre trajet en téléchargeant le site web de l’Autorité des Routes et des Transports de Dubaï (RTA) ou l’application RTA. Les bus numéros 27, 29, 81 et F13 vous emmèneront au Dubai Mall, qui abrite la Burj Khalifa​ ​. En prenant spécifiquement la ligne F13, vous pouvez descendre à l’arrêt Dubai Mall et, après quelques minutes de marche, atteindre l’entrée du gratte-ciel​ ​.
  • En Métro : La ligne de métro M1 passe près de la Burj Khalifa. Si vous êtes à Bur Dubai, par exemple, vous pouvez prendre le métro à la station BurJuman Metro Station 2 et descendre à la station de métro Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall Metro Station 2, ce trajet dure environ 24 minutes​ ​.

Il y a plusieurs hôtels recommandés à proximité de la tour Burj Khalifa à Dubaï, offrant des options pour tous les types de voyageurs, y compris des hôtels familiaux et des établissements de luxe au quartier de Jumeirah. Découvrez lesquels ici .

quartier deira dubai

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Eiffel Tower fireworks 2017

The Eiffel Tower in the world

« A vision, an object, a symbol, the Tower is anything that Man wants it to be, and this is infinite. A sight that is looked at and which looks back, a structure that is useless and yet irreplaceable, a familiar world and a heroic symbol, the witness to a century passing by and a monument that is always new, an inimitable and yet incessantly imitated object... » (Translation of Roland Barthes, La tour Eiffel, Ed. Delpirre 1964).

It was the tallest tower in the world at the time of its construction and has been imitated in various places around the world. Overtaken in height by today’s great towers, it nevertheless remains unique.

  • Las Vegas, la plus haute des répliques de la tour Eiffel
  • Burj Khalifa, Dubai, Emirats Arabes Unis

CN Tower, Toronto, Canada

  • Empire State Building, New-York, Etats-Unis
  • L’Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai, Chine
  • Skydeck Chicago, Chicago, Etats-Unis
  • La Space Needle, Seattle, Etats-Unis
  • The View from The Shard, Londres, Royaume-Uni

One of the best known and most imitated monuments in the world

Since the Eiffel Tower was built, people around the world have wanted it for their own. Many monuments have imitated this symbol of Paris and France. Some are inspired by Gustave Eiffel’s work while others are either very similar or replicas.

In 1889, the year of the Tower’s inauguration, the Washington Monument with its height of 169 metres had held the world record for four years. The world would have to wait more than forty years before seeing the Tower dethroned by the Chrysler Building in New York (319 m), which was overtaken in 1949 by the Empire State Building (381 m). Today, towers reaching staggering heights are plentiful, such as the one in Taipei (508 metres) and more recently the Burj Khalifa (828 metres).

The most famous and tallest replica is found in Las Vegas , Nevada. Reaching a height of 541 feet (165 meters), it was built near a luxury hotel-casino complex in 1999. The Eiffel Tower Restaurant and its panoramic terrace offer a superb view of the Bellagio Hotel’s famous fountains.

The Blackpool Tower was built in 1894 and is 518 feet (158 meters) high. Situated along the seafront, its base is obscured by a circus and an aquarium that only reveal its upper structure. Its astonishing architecture gives the impression that the Tower is simply emerging from of the ground! Tokyo, Japan, is home to one of the most famous Eiffel Tower-inspired constructions in the world. Tokyo Tower was erected in 1958 and rises to 1,093 feet (333 meters), 30 feet (9 meters) taller than its Parisian model! Red and white by day and golden by night, it offers a magnificent view of the Japanese capital.

Two Eiffel Tower replicas were built in China. One in a theme park in Shenzhen in the South-East of the country, and the other in Tianducheng next to Hangzhou. The latter is a 1:3 scale copy of the original and weighs more than 1,000 tonnes. We find other copies in Europe, such as the one in Prague (60 metres tall) at the top of the Petrin Hill. In Slobozia , Romania, there is a copy of around fifty metres in height, just like the one in Parizh , in the South of the Ural Mountains, in Russia. In Lyon (Fourvière), the top part of the Tower has also been reproduced.

How could there be a Paris without its Eiffel Tower? Two replicas in the American cities of Paris , Texas, and Paris, Tennessee, were created in 1995 and 1993. The city in Tennessee erected its simplified Eiffel Tower, which is 60 feet (18.3 meters) high, as a tribute to the French capital. The Texas city added an original touch of local culture to its Tower, crowning it with a red cowboy hat. This 66-foot (20 meter) high tower shines in all colors at nightfall.


Miniature Eiffel Towers

Not far from the original Eiffel Tower, Elancourt is home to France Miniature, a theme park featuring replicas of French monuments including the inescapable Eiffel Tower. Its 33-foot (10-meter) high scale model has nearly identical architecture and is repainted every seven years to match the colors of the original Tower .

A little further away from the Tower, the Mini-Europe theme park in Brussels features many replicas of Europe’s most beautiful monuments. Here, the Eiffel Tower is located just a stone's throw from the Arc de Triomphe, the Sacré Coeur Basilica, and Pompidou Center. Although it’s reduced to a height of 43 feet (13 meters), its details are no less amazing!

Other, similar theme parks have their own Eiffel Towers including Park Miniatur in Andrychow , Poland, or Parque Europa in Torrejon de Ardoz , Spain.

At Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando , Epcot park’s French pavilion boasts a 75-foot (23-meter) replica of the Eiffel Tower that’s remarkable for the fact that it intentionally doesn’t have a first floor, to create the illusion that it’s proportional to its environment. The effect is astonishing!

Epcot Disneyworld

World Great Towers

Founded in Paris in 1989 for the Eiffel Tower’s centenary, this federation groups together towers all around the world, all of them symbols of their town or country, which display the common characteristic of both viewing platforms accessible to the public and television broadcasting antennas. The Eiffel Tower is the eldest . The tallest tower is Burj Khalifa (828 metres) and the shortest is the Bratislava UFO (95 metres).

With 50 members in over 20 countries across the world, the World Federation of Great Towers exists to showcase the great towers of the world and celebrate the astonishing feats of architecture and engineering that created them.

Tour Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Described as both a ‘Vertical City’ and ‘A Living Wonder,’ Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building.

Rising gracefully from the desert, it is an extraordinary union of art, engineering and craftsmanship. At 828 meters, the 200 story tower holds seven Guinness World records including the world’s highest observatory, At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY.

CN Tower

National icon, engineering wonder, Toronto must-see – CN Tower is an award-winning dining and entertainment destination.

Spectacular views include world-famous Glass Floor, SkyPod and glass fronted elevators with glass floor panels. Three restaurants include award-winning 360 Restaurant. Plus film, shopping and thrilling EdgeWalk – world’s highest ‘hands-free’ walk, 356m/1168ft (116 stories) above ground.

Empire State Building

Empire State Building, New York City, USA

At the heart of New York City, the Empire State Building offers unparalleled panoramic views of five different states!

From its open-air 86th floor Observation Deck and climate controlled 102nd floor to its stunning Art Deco design and informative exhibits, the Empire State Building is more than just a view — it’s an immersive experience inside a world-famous landmark.

Empire State Building

Oriental Pearl Tower

Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai, China

As the Shanghai City landmark, the 468m Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower is a multifunctional venue with sightseeing, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, Museum and Cruise Dock.

Sightseeing includes a 259m transparent observatory, 263m main floor and 351m “Space Capsule”. Three restaurants are respectively the world’s first Coca-Cola themed restaurant, No.8 Old Shanghai restaurant and 267m revolving restaurant. The most popular choice is their Shanghai History Museum.

L’Oriental Pearl Tower


Skydeck Chicago, Illinois, USA

No trip to Chicago is complete without a visit to Skydeck Chicago!

Enjoy 360⁰ views spanning up to 50 miles and 4 states and their most spectacular view—1,353 feet straight down! “Dare to Stand Out” on The Ledge—glass balconies extending 4.3 feet outside the Willis Tower provide a thrilling, once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Skydeck Chicago

Space Needle

The Space Needle, Seattle, USA

Since opening for the 1962 World’s Fair, the Space Needle has welcomed visitors from every corner of the world to enjoy breathtaking views and savor all things Seattle.

The iconic signature of the city’s skyline, the Space Needle makes the perfect launching pad for Pacific Northwest adventure, exploring Seattle’s vibrant culture, or soaking in the area’s natural beauty. If you see one thing in Seattle, see everything!

Space Needle

The Shard

The View from The Shard, London, UK

At the top of the European Union’s tallest building The View from The Shard is the highest viewing platform in London, offering stunning panoramic views stretching up to 64km.

Travelling skyward in high-speed lifts, this multi-sensory journey takes you 244m (800ft) above London, where 1000 years of history unfolds beneath you.

The View from The Shard

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Eiffel Tower lace

Eiffel tower facts, height & weight

An object of discord, desire and fascination, the Eiffel Tower never fails to impress. Enriched by a history full of new developments, here you can discover all of its key information.

Eiffel Tower under construction

Origins and Construction of the Eiffel Tower

It was for the 1889 Exposition Universelle , the date that marked the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, that a great competition was launched in 1886.

Eiffel Tower antenna

The Eiffel Tower Laboratory

The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be destroyed only 20 years after its construction. To remedy the situation, Gustave Eiffel had the ingenious idea of crediting it with a scientific purpose – the Tower was saved!

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Blog Scaling New Heights: A First-Time Guide to Experiencing the Burj Khalifa in Dubai

Scaling New Heights: A First-Time Guide to Experiencing the Burj Khalifa in Dubai

tour khalifa taille

June 7, 2023

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Table Of Contents

Burj Khalifa Tickets

Traveling to burj khalifa, things to know before you go:, fascinating facts about dubai's burj khalifa that will surprise you:.

Dubai, the sprawling desert city, is renowned for its incredible architectural wonders and exhilarating experiences. Whether it’s skydiving over the Palm Islands or ziplining amidst towering skyscrapers, Dubai offers a plethora of innovative attractions that captivate even the most discerning millionaires. Amongst these attractions, the Burj Khalifa stands out as a true gem. Soaring to a height of over 828 meters, the Burj Khalifa is an emblematic symbol of Dubai. Crowned as the world’s tallest building, it encompasses more than 160 floors. It provides visitors with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to behold an eagle’s eye view of the Persian Gulf from its highest outdoor observation deck, situated at 555 meters. This architectural marvel showcases cutting-edge technology and a myriad of engineering marvels. Within the Burj Khalifa, you’ll find a vibrant hub bustling with activity. It houses offices, residential units, ultra-luxurious restaurants, and stunning observation decks that beckon both locals and tourists alike. Now, let’s delve into our comprehensive guide to visiting the top of the world and exploring the Burj Khalifa.

Dubai Burj Khalifa – Things to know

Best time to visit – Early morning or evenings Suggested duration – 2.5 Hours Opened on – 4 January 2010 Closest Bus station – South Ridge Tower 1 (Stop ID: SRT1)

Dubai Burj Khalifa – Opening Hours

Burj Khalifa Opening Hours – Open 24 hours

Dubai Burj Khalifa Highlights

Burj Khalifa height – 830 meters (2,722 feet) to tip Burj Khalifa Floors – 163 Burj Khalifa At The Top Floors- Levels 124, 125 & 148

Dubai Burj Khalifa Location

Burj Khalifa Address – 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd, Downtown Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


When planning a visit to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, it’s important to consider the different ticket options available. The most popular choice is the “At the Top” ticket, which allows you to access the observation decks on the 124th and 125th floors, providing stunning panoramic views of the city. For a more exclusive experience, you can opt for the “At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY” ticket, which grants access to the 148th-floor observation deck. This option offers priority access and a more intimate setting. Combination tickets are also available, allowing you to explore additional attractions like the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo. It’s recommended to book your tickets in advance to secure your preferred time slot and make the most of your visit to this iconic architectural marvel.

Fun Fact: You can see the sunset twice from Burj Khalifa. Once from the lower floor and the second time from the observation deck. However, sunset occurs just once but the skyscraper’s height makes it looks like it’s happening again.

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Combo: At The Top Burj Khalifa (Level 124+125) with Skyviews Dubai

View Experience

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Combo: At The Top Burj Khalifa (Level 148) and Sky Views Observatory

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At The Top Burj Khalifa Level 124 with Sunrise Breakfast

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Burj Khalifa: At the Top Level 124 & 125 (Fast Track Access)

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Burj Khalifa At the Top: Level 124 & 125 with Soft Drink or Snack

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Burj Khalifa and 3-Course Lunch at the Armani Hotel

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Combo: Burj Khalifa Level 124 &125 with Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo Tickets

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Burj Khalifa Tickets - At The Top (Level 124+125)

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CÉ LA VI Set Menu Lunch: Burj Khalifa Views & Beverages

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Dubai Night Tour with Burj Khalifa Dining Experience

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By Dubai Metro: Take the Red Line to Burj Khalifa Metro Station. From here, you can either walk or take the F13 bus and get off at the next stop, which is the Dubai Mall Bus Stop.

tour khalifa taille

By Bus: There are two buses that service The Dubai Mall every 16 minutes: Route 27 which picks up passengers from the Deira Gold Souk Bus Station and Route 29 from the Ghubaiba Station.

tour khalifa taille

By Taxi: You can also take a taxi to the Burj Khalifa; while it may be the fastest option, it is the least economical one. Meter fare starts from AED 1.6/kilometer. The waiting fare is AED 0.5/kilometer. Starting fee for regular taxis is AED 3 (6:00 AM to 10:00 PM) and AED 3.50 (10:00 PM to 6:00 AM). Starting fee for pre-booked taxis is AED 6 (day) and AED 7 (night).

  • Burj Khalifa tickets are required to access the structure’s observation decks.
  • The Burj Khalifa observation decks have floor-to-ceiling glass walls—perhaps avoid if you don’t have a head for heights.
  • An At the Top admission ticket includes access to floors 124 and 125, while an At the Top SKY ticket allows access to floors 124, 125, and 148.
  • Kids under 4 years old can enter for free.
  • The Burj Khalifa is fully accessible for wheelchair users.
  • Large pieces of luggage are not allowed inside. However, you can check them in at the Secured Baggage Area located near the entrance.
  • You can download the official app of the Burj Khalifa “At the Top” experience where you will find all the information you need.
  • Make sure you arrive 15 minutes prior to your given admission time. This will give you time for a peaceful security check and other last-minute hassles. Food & Drinks are not allowed at the top, so make sure you don’t have any on you.
  • Both Burj Khalifa ticket options have prime and non-prime hours, with higher prices during prime hours. For At the Top tickets, prime hours are from 3:30 pm to 6 pm daily; for At the Top SKY, prime hours are from opening until 6 pm.
  • Burj Khalifa Bin Zayed or Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world and was opened in 2010 after almost 6 years of construction at the cost of $1.5 billion.
  • Sheikh Khalifa, the ruler of the United Arab Emirates, granted monetary aid for the building to be built, hence resulting in the naming of the building “Burj Khalifa.”
  • The building has 2,909 stairs from the ground floor to the 160th floor.
  • Designed by Skidmore, Owings, and Merril, the architecture features a triple-lobed footprint, which is an abstraction of the desert flower Hymenocallis.
  • Burj Khalifa boasts a dizzying height of 828 meters and has a total of 163 floors, with observation decks on the 124th, 25th, and 148th floors.
  • The world’s tallest building is a multi-use development tower with a total floor area of 460,000 square meters, including residential, hotel, commercial, office, entertainment, shopping, leisure, and parking facilities.
  • Apart from holding the world record for the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa holds six other world records – the tallest freestanding structure in the world, the highest number of stories in the world, the highest occupied floor in the world, the highest outdoor observation deck in the world, the elevator with longest travel distance in the world, and the tallest service elevator in the world.

How tall is Burj Khalifa?

At over 828 meters (2,716.5 feet) and more than 160 stories, Burj Khalifa holds the following records: Tallest building in the world. Tallest free-standing structure in the world. The highest number of stories in the world.

Where is Burj Khalifa Located?

1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd – Downtown Dubai – Dubai – United Arab Emirates.

How many stories is the Burj Khalifa?

163 floors.

Who designed the burj khalifa?

The Burj Khalifa is one of the most iconic buildings illuminating Dubai’s skyline, designed by Chicago-based architectural, urban planning, and engineering firm Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM).

How long can I stay in Burj Khalifa?

Guests of At the Top, Burj Khalifa SKY can stay at level 148 for up to 30 minutes and then continue the journey to level 125/124, where they can stay as long as they prefer.

Can tourists go inside Burj Khalifa?

The very top of the Burj Khalifa is the 163rd floor, however, it is not accessible to the public. You need to purchase a ticket to get to the top of the Burj Khalifa. Your ticket price will vary based on the observation deck you choose and what time of day you stop by.

What time is best to visit Burj Khalifa?

If you’re looking for the best view, sunset time, between 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM would be the best option. However, if you’re looking to visit with the least crowds, early mornings around 10:00 AM, and evenings before closing, are the best time to visit Burj Khalifa.

What are the timings for Burj Khalifa?

Non-prime timings are between 09:00 AM to 03:30 PM and from 06:30 PM to 11:00 PM. Prime hours are between 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM. Prices may fluctuate depending on the time you opt to go.

What are the nearest attractions to Burj Khalifa?

Attractions near Burj Khalifa:

  • The Dubai Fountain
  • Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
  • The Dubai Mall

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Anjana S Nair

Always journeying through the labyrinth of my own imagination, turning words into galaxies and dreams into reality.

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Burj Khalifa Vs Eiffel Tower

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I have always been fascinated by the world’s most iconic architectural marvels. Two of my personal favorites are the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Both are magnificent structures that showcase human ingenuity, creativity, and technical prowess.

In this article, I will compare and contrast these two landmarks on various parameters such as architecture, history, height, popularity, and more.

The Burj Khalifa is a modern skyscraper that stands tall at 828 meters (2,716 feet) with 163 floors. It is a symbol of Dubai’s ambitious growth and prosperity over the last few decades.

On the other hand, the Eiffel Tower is a classic example of French art nouveau architecture that was built in 1889 for the World’s Fair to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution. It stands at 324 meters (1,063 feet) with three levels for visitors to enjoy panoramic views of Paris from different heights.

The stark differences in their design and purpose make them unique in their own right but also raise intriguing questions about what makes a building truly great.

Table of Contents

Architecture and Design

The two iconic structures differ in their architectural styles and design elements, with one embodying classic elegance and the other exuding modern innovation. The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, is a masterpiece of wrought iron lattice work that stands at 324 meters tall. Its unique design showcases its metal skeleton while also giving it an open and airy feeling. Gustave Eiffel’s inspiration for the tower was to create a symbol of France’s industrial prowess for the Exposition Universelle World Fair.

On the other hand, the Burj Khalifa, completed in 2010, is a towering skyscraper made out of steel and concrete that reaches over twice as high as the Eiffel Tower at 828 meters tall. Its sleek design features a series of wings that extend from its central core and taper towards its peak. It was designed by Adrian Smith from Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP to reflect Dubai’s status as a global hub for commerce and tourism.

While both structures are engineering marvels in their own right, they each showcase distinct styles that have come to define them over time. Moving on to their history and significance…

History and Significance

Did you know that the Eiffel Tower was initially met with criticism and deemed a ‘monstrosity’ by many when it was first built for the 1889 World’s Fair? However, over time, it became an iconic symbol of Paris and one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world.

The tower’s design was meant to showcase France’s technological advancements at the time, but it soon became much more than that. It represented a new era of progress and innovation, capturing people’s imaginations from all over the globe.

Similarly, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai also has a rich history and cultural significance. It was designed as part of an ambitious plan to diversify Dubai’s economy beyond oil, and its construction took six years to complete.

The building represents a major engineering feat and is seen as a symbol of modernity in Dubai. From both structures’ humble beginnings to their current status as architectural marvels, they continue to inspire wonder and amazement among visitors from around the world.

Speaking of which…let’s talk about height and views!

Height and Views

Get ready to experience breathtaking views and dizzying heights as I take you on a journey through the Burj Khalifa and Eiffel Tower.

Standing at an impressive height of 828 meters, the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Its observation deck, located on the 124th floor, offers panoramic views of Dubai’s stunning skyline. Visitors can also enjoy a meal at At.mosphere, which is situated on the 122nd floor and boasts incredible views of the city.

On the other hand, while not as tall as its counterpart in Dubai, the Eiffel Tower still offers spectacular views from its three levels. The first level allows visitors to see Paris from a height of 57 meters, while those who venture up to the second level will be rewarded with breathtaking views from 115 meters above ground. Finally, brave souls who are willing to climb all 704 steps up to the top will be treated to unparalleled panoramic views stretching across Paris and beyond.

As we move into discussing popularity and tourist attractions, it’s important to note that while both structures offer incredible sights for tourists visiting their respective cities, they each have unique features that set them apart from one another.

Popularity and Tourist Attractions

Let’s explore the popularity and must-see tourist attractions of these iconic structures!

The Eiffel Tower is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. It attracts millions of tourists each year who come to marvel at its intricate lattice-work design and stunning views from its observation deck. The tower is also a popular spot for romantic proposals, with couples flocking to its top floors to take in the panoramic vistas of Paris.

On the other hand, Burj Khalifa in Dubai has quickly become a must-visit destination for travelers seeking modern luxury and extravagance. In addition to being the tallest building in the world, it boasts an impressive array of high-end restaurants, luxurious spas, and extravagant shopping centers that cater to visitors from all over the globe. Its main attraction is undoubtedly its observation deck on level 148, which offers breathtaking views of Dubai’s ever-expanding skyline.

Transitioning into our next section about overall comparison and conclusion, it’s clear that both structures have their unique charms and draw visitors for different reasons.

Overall Comparison and Conclusion

It’s clear that both the Burj Khalifa and Eiffel Tower have their own unique attractions and charms.

The Burj Khalifa, being the tallest building in the world, offers visitors a chance to experience breathtaking views of Dubai from its observation decks on the 124th and 148th floors. It’s also home to luxurious hotels, high-end restaurants, and shopping malls.

On the other hand, the Eiffel Tower is known for its romantic charm and rich history. Visitors can take a ride up one of its three levels for stunning views of Paris or dine at one of its many restaurants. Additionally, it has become an iconic symbol not only for France but also for love itself.

Overall, both structures offer different experiences that are worth visiting. The Burj Khalifa may be more modern with its luxury amenities while the Eiffel Tower exudes old-world charm with its romantic atmosphere. Regardless of which one you choose to visit first, they both leave unforgettable impressions on their guests.

Well, after analyzing the architecture, history, height, views, popularity, and tourist attractions of the Burj Khalifa and Eiffel Tower, it’s safe to say that both these iconic structures are breathtaking in their own right.

While the Eiffel Tower has a timeless charm and elegance with its intricate ironwork and romantic allure, the Burj Khalifa boasts cutting-edge technology and modern design that defies gravity itself.

But beyond just physical characteristics lies a deeper meaning – both these towering landmarks symbolize human innovation and excellence. They inspire us to dream big, reach for the sky (literally!) and push ourselves to new heights.

Whether you’re gazing at Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower or marveling at Dubai’s skyline from the Burj Khalifa’s observation deck, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe at what humans are capable of achieving.

In conclusion, comparing two such iconic structures as the Burj Khalifa and Eiffel Tower is like trying to compare apples to oranges – they’re different yet equally amazing. But what truly sets them apart is their ability to inspire generations with their beauty, grandeur, and symbolic significance.

As we gaze up at these towering giants in wonderment, let us also remember that anything is possible if we dare to dream big enough!


Meet Scott Robinson, a seasoned traveler with 28 countries under his belt, has immersed himself in diverse cultures around the world. His articles are a window into the rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and local flavors he has encountered on his globetrotting escapades. Scott’s deep appreciation for the beauty of cultural diversity shines through his writing, allowing you to embark on a virtual journey that celebrates the vibrant mosaic of humanity.

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    Join me on a tour of Burj Khalifa in Dubai. At 828 meters/ 2,717 feet, the world-famous skyscraper is the tallest building in the world. The observation deck...

  8. Dubai's Burj Khalifa: Inside the world's tallest building

    The Burj by numbers. Soaring over the city at an impressive 2,716 feet (828 meters) and boasting 200 stories (160 habitable), the $1.5 billion Burj Khalifa project was unveiled by Dubai's ruler ...

  9. Burj Khalifa

    En arabe, "burj" signifie tour. Le 24 juillet 2007, la tour est devenue l'édifice le plus élevé du monde jusqu'à maintenant devant la Tour Taipei 101 dans la ville du même nom. Le coût du gratte-ciel a été estimé à 1 500 000 000 dollars. Le Burj Khalifa est visible à 95 kilomètres de distance.

  10. The Ultimate Guide To Burj Khalifa: World's Tallest Building

    The Burj Khalifa was completed in 2010 formerly known as Burj Dubai, is an extremely tall skyscraper located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is renowned as the tallest building in the world, boasting a height of 828 m (2,716.5 ft). The 200 plus storey Burj Khalifa has 160 habitable levels making it the tallest structure and building in the ...

  11. Rediscover Dubai: Burj Khalifa

    Sky-high experiences. Burj Khalifa views can be taken in from two dedicated observation decks, At The Top and At The Top SKY. You can also dine at At.mosphere restaurant on floor 122 or visit The Lounge, Burj Khalifa - spread across floors 152, 153 and 154 - making it the tallest lounge on the planet.

  12. Plus grande tour du monde : Burj Khalifa, à Dubai

    Avec ses 828 m, Burj Khalifa est la tour la plus grande du monde. Construite à Dubaï, elle accueille un hôtel de luxe Armani, des appartements de prestige et des bureaux.

  13. Eiffel Tower vs. Burj Khalifa

    The Eiffel Tower is the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.91 million people ascended it in 2015. The tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey construction, and also the tallest structure in Paris. Its base is square, measuring 125 metres (410 ft) on each side. During its construction, the Eiffel Tower ...

  14. Burj Khalifa: A Day Inside The World's TALLEST Building

    Take a step inside Burj Khalifa, the architectural wonder that's the tallest building in the world. Whether you're looking to experience the Dubai Fountain s...

  15. Burj Khalifa : La tour la plus haute du monde de Dubaï

    Pourquoi vous devriez visiter la Tour Dubai. La Tour Dubai, également connue sous le nom de Burj Khalifa, est l'une des merveilles architecturales les plus emblématiques du monde. Si vous prévoyez un voyage à Dubai, une visite à cette tour emblématique est tout simplement incontournable.Avec une hauteur imposante de 828 mètres, elle domine le paysage urbain de la ville et offre une ...

  16. The World's Biggest Towers

    The tallest tower is Burj Khalifa (828 metres) and the shortest is the Bratislava UFO (95 metres). With 50 members in over 20 countries across the world, the World Federation of Great Towers exists to showcase the great towers of the world and celebrate the astonishing feats of architecture and engineering that created them.


    Monter en haut de la plus haute tour du monde pour admirer Dubaï sur une plateforme d'observation au 125 étage : vertigineux ! Empilez 2,53 tours Eiffel et voilà la Burj Khalifa. Une ville verticale où vivent 10 000 personnes, et qui domine la capitale du petit émirat. Commande du groupe Emaar, dessinée par les Américains de Skidmore ...

  18. Scaling New Heights: A First-Time Guide to Experiencing the Burj

    Soaring to a height of over 828 meters, the Burj Khalifa is an emblematic symbol of Dubai. Crowned as the world's tallest building, it encompasses more than 160 floors. It provides visitors with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to behold an eagle's eye view of the Persian Gulf from its highest outdoor observation deck, situated at 555 meters.

  19. Burj Khalifa Vs Eiffel Tower

    The Burj Khalifa is a modern skyscraper that stands tall at 828 meters (2,716 feet) with 163 floors. It is a symbol of Dubai's ambitious growth and prosperity over the last few decades. On the other hand, the Eiffel Tower is a classic example of French art nouveau architecture that was built in 1889 for the World's Fair to commemorate the ...

  20. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  21. Tour & Travel Agency in Moscow

    In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg. You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights), Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights), Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more. As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former ...

  22. Walking Tour: Kitai Gorod

    Walking Tour: Kitai Gorod. Kitai Gorod, with its twisting and winding streets, is the oldest section of Moscow outside the Kremlin. The literal translation of Kitai Gorod is "Chinatown," but there has never been a Chinese settlement here. The origin of the word kitai is disputed; it may come from the Tatar word for fortress, but most likely it ...

  23. Exploring Moscow

    I've been living in central Moscow for just over a week now so I thought it was about time for me show you around this beautiful city! My original plan for t...