train travel vancouver to los angeles

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Popular train routes to los angeles.

  • Trains from San Diego to Los Angeles from $70
  • Trains from Albuquerque to Los Angeles from $138
  • Trains from Oakland to Los Angeles from $110
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Trains from Los Angeles, CA to Vancouver, BC

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Based on 3562 reviews, the company was rated 4.1 stars on Busbud. Travellers were especially satisfied with the seats and the ticket access but often complained with the WiFi. Amtrak ticket prices on this trip start at $278.00

Where are the popular train stations and stops in Los Angeles and Vancouver?

Stations map

530 Ramirez St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA

571-581 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA

Stations map

1150 Station St, Vancouver, BC V6A 4C7, Canada

Frequently asked questions on the trip Los Angeles - Vancouver

Which train companies travel from los angeles to vancouver.

When taking the train from Los Angeles to Vancouver, you can travel comfortably and safely with Amtrak.

What are the departure and arrival stations for a train from Los Angeles to Vancouver?

Trains travelling between Los Angeles and Vancouver leave from Ramirez Street bus stop or UCLA and arrive at Pacific Central Station.

About Train Travel

Train travel tips.

Taking the fastest trains allows you to travel at speeds greater than 300 km/h. Taking a trip from Los Angeles to Vancouver is not only much quicker but more comfortable too! You can usually travel directly to the city centre and save time while you're at it.

Whether you take a regional or high-speed train to Vancouver, you’ll help reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of your trip. As you watch the landscapes unfold before your eyes, you can tell yourself that with this choice, you are making sure they remain protected.

With up to 30x less CO2 emissions for your train journey between Los Angeles and Vancouver, the train is an ecological alternative to flights or personal cars.

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your train trip from Los Angeles to Vancouver while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

You can find the straightest railway in the world in Australia. This railway line is 478 kilometres long and is also considered the longest and straightest railway line in the world.

One of the deepest train stations in the world is in Kiev. Located at a depth of 105 m, it was designed in this way to serve as a shelter in the event of an attack. The second deepest station is in China. Badaling station is located 60 m under the Great Wall of China!

The magnetic levitation train (Maglev for short) is currently the fastest train in the world. With a speed of 603 km/ h, it is closely followed by the French high-speed train (574.8 km / h) which remains in 2020, the fastest train to date.

Top Travelled Train Routes


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Trains Leaving from Los Angeles

  • Train from Los Angeles to Anaheim
  • Train from Los Angeles to Vancouver
  • Train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas
  • Train from Los Angeles to San Francisco
  • Train from Los Angeles to Palm Springs

Trains Going to Vancouver

  • Train from Toronto to Vancouver
  • Train from Edmonton to Vancouver
  • Train from Jasper to Vancouver
  • Train from Kamloops to Vancouver
  • Train from Winnipeg to Vancouver

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  • Train from Boston to Toronto
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TraveLynn Tales

  • Coast Starlight – Scenic Train Travel from LA to Vancouver

Posted by Lynn on July 5, 2018 in Advice + Tips , California , Coast , Landscaapes , Los Angeles , Transportation | 12 comments

train travel vancouver to los angeles

Tired of the hassles of flying? Try traveling the old-fashioned way, via train. Recently, after leaving Mexico for California, Oregon, and Vancouver, I looked into taking a train up the western coast of the US. Amtrak’s Coast Starlight run was affordable, and from what I’d read, provided great views. Following is a glimpse of life on a train. There are pros and cons to this mode of travel, at least on this Amtrak experience, and I’ll share both sides.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

One nice thing about train travel is that getting on is so much quicker and easier than on flights – no X-ray scanners for your luggage or you (and you can take a lot more luggage for no extra cost, if you’d like). No taking off your shoes or taking out your laptop or liquids – just show your ticket and hop on board.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

There are several different classes – regular, business, and sleeper cars. After being advised by a friend, I switched my ticket ahead of time from regular to business class for not much more money, and there was a very big difference, especially in seat size and leg room, not to mention that it’s quieter, as most families and younger partying travelers don’t tend to opt for business class. In business class you get to choose your seat once you arrive in the car, but get there early if you want one on the more scenic, ocean-view side. The sleeper option was quite a leap, price-wise, so I didn’t choose it, though after suffering through a freezing cold night with no blankets available, that may have been a mistake.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

The ride was quite comfortable, with room to put your feet up, and it’s much easier to move around and stretch your legs on a train than on a plane. There are outlets to recharge your electronics, and a tray to work or dine on. The food in the dining car was better than expected, though I was disappointed that they no longer offered the wine tasting that was still advertised on their website (the host told me they could no longer afford the parlor car. I guess maybe they can’t afford heat either!) But you could still order wine (or other beverages and food) at your seat, in the bar, or the dining car.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

The best views of the ride, in my opinion, were a little north of Los Angeles (where I’d boarded), up around Santa Barbara. I saw sweeping ocean vistas, plenty of palm trees, and the occasional pier.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

There were roads that seemed to go nowhere…

train travel vancouver to los angeles

…and landscapes in all different colors!

train travel vancouver to los angeles

The scenery varies from farm fields to prisons to oil fields…

train travel vancouver to los angeles

…with stops at several stations, and a stunning sunset at the end of the day.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

In the morning, I awoke to completely different scenery and temperatures in Oregon…

train travel vancouver to los angeles

If you’re tired of checking out the views from your seat, you can go hang out in the observation car, with huge windows all around, providing even greater vistas. It’s a great place to socialize and meet your fellow passengers. The dining car is a good social spot too, especially if you’re traveling solo, as they seat you at shared group tables.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

You’re allowed to hop on and hop off for days at different locations if you book accordingly ahead of time, and my goal was to visit friends in Oregon on my way to Vancouver. This allowed for some fun times hiking to see Oregon’s famous waterfalls and indulge in a little wine tasting. (Note: the 2 photos below are from hikes on my layover stays, not views from the train – a more extensive post on Oregon will follow).

train travel vancouver to los angeles

After a few fun days with friends near Ashland and Roseburg, I boarded the next leg in Eugene for Vancouver. Some more fine views streamed by my window, including northern Oregon and Washington, past Puget Sound as we rumbled into Seattle.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

Downsides of this train trip, as mentioned, were freezing overnight – the man across the aisle from me must have done this before, as he brought along a full-sized bed blanket. The food was pretty good, but on the pricy side, though if you want, you can bring your own gourmet picnic. Since I got off in Oregon for several days, and then back on, I was on 2 different trains, and the second one had windows that could have used a good cleaning (especially as the Coast Starlight is marketed as one of the routes with the best views).

train travel vancouver to los angeles

My only other complaints are that it’s rumored to be late fairly often, and although we arrived into Seattle on time, there was a broken engine ahead of us, and we sat waiting to disembark for about an hour and a half. Fortunately, my ongoing transportation from Seattle to Vancouver was guaranteed. The intercom system wasn’t working well, so none of us in the business class car could hear the delay-updates. And the “train” that was listed in my email, to take me from Seattle to Vancouver turned out to be a bus! “Oh, yes, the listing always says train, even when it’s a bus,” I was told when I enquired. A bit of false advertising, from my viewpoint, but it was nighttime by then, traveling from 9pm to midnight, and the Canadian bus was clean and in good condition, so the 3 hour ride from Seattle to Vancouver was fine.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

A heads up for those crossing the Canadian border – it’s gotten a little more challenging than I remember from years ago when I used to drive or take the train from Michigan to Toronto. I withstood several minutes of questioning from a rather stern young fellow, who asked me everything from where I’d been and why I was coming to Canada, to why I was staying so long (3 weeks), how I was affording it, if I was retired, what kind of work I’d done, and did I have an outbound ticket. When I mentioned I was waiting to book my flight to Michigan, as I needed to arrive for the birth of my first grandchild in a few weeks, and wanted my schedule  to be flexible in case she came early, he seemed convinced I wasn’t going to try to overstay and let me through. Whew!

train travel vancouver to los angeles

So that’s the Coast Starlight in a nutshell. Would I do it again or recommend it – yes, but with some reservations. Flying is a whole lot faster, so if your time is limited, you might skip the train. If you have a thing for rail travel, by all means try it out – the woman behind me said she rides trains all over the world and loves them, even belongs to a train travelers club. Things I’d do differently – book the sleeper car for overnight, or else bring much warmer clothes (including a hat!) and/or a blanket , and carry on some of my own treats for at least part of the trip (though it was fun eating dinner in the dining car as I met some interesting people).

A few other pointers – go to the Amtrak website to see if you’re eligible for any of their discounted fares. These include child, student, and senior rates, weekly specials, and more. Also, when you purchase your ticket can determine the rate (how far ahead, and which day of the week). Sign up for notifications – I was notified that my scheduled Coast Starlight train was being re-routed to a non-coastal track due to some repairs. Thankfully, it was early enough that I was able, at no cost, to change the date so I could travel the scenic route. Without their notification, I would have been very disappointed to board a train without a coast view, my main reason for train vs plane.

If you do have questions for Amtrak, I recommend calling, not emailing them. My email wasn’t answered for weeks, but when I finally called, my questions were answered right away.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

Sometimes it’s fun to try something different, and it’s very different riding the rails, taking a train vs flying, for a change of pace.



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Thx, Lynn….we will be taking a train trip or two over the next couple of years. Appreciate the tips.

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You’re very welcome – I hope you enjoy your train travels!

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Perhaps my biggest disappointment in moving to Mexico …. the elimination of trains.

It’s sad to se the trains in Mexico disappear, but I was amazed and impressed with the quality of city to city bus travel there.

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Great advice for the train, and amazing shots!

Thanks Pat, glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

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Thanks that’s great —- makes me want to travel by train!

Maybe you should book a ticket, Jane!

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Happy you made it home and we were finally able to meet after so many years.

Thanks Doug, though “home” is kind of where I hang my hat these days 😉 It’s been fun reminiscing about the old design days & all of our mutual friends.

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beautiful as always!

Thanks Mitt!

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train travel vancouver to los angeles

Vancouver, SF and LA by Train – what I spent in eleven days.

Janice Waugh

May 7, 2014 by Janice Waugh

The Coast Startlight - one of Amtrak's special routes.

There's nothing wrong with cobbling a trip together. My trip from Vancouver to LA with a major stop in San Francisco was cobbled together.

I do it all the time. I plan around what I want to do and what I can afford. Just because a place or thing to do is not high on my list does not mean that it won't turn out to be great. In my experience, it often does.

This trip came about because I wanted to go to a conference in San Francisco. Ah, if I'm going to be on the west coast, why not stop in to see relatives in Vancouver. Hmm. How to cover the distance between the cities? Well I love the train. Oh yes, there's a major train route I haven't yet taken… You know how a trip can grow.

Cobbled made the trip multi-faceted.

  • I visited family in Vancouver for four days.
  • I toured San Francisco for three of days and then attended a conference for two days.
  • I went to LA simply because I wanted travel the full length of Amtrak's Coast Starlight. I spent one night there and took the red-eye home to Toronto.

The result, at times it was expensive and other times less so. I'll give the details and then the total cost at the end.

I started out in Vancouver - Totem Poles in Stanley Park.

Table of Contents

The big ticket travel items.

Transportation and accommodation are always the most expensive aspects of any trip. Here's how I worked it:

  • Flights – I had Aeroplan points which I decided to use for this trip. I used 25,000 points plus $130 (for fees and taxes) to fly to Vancouver and home from Los Angeles. My total flight cost was $130.00
  • Train – Amtrak is an amazing deal when you book in advance. The Coast Startlight's official run is from Seattle to LA however they bus people from Vancouver to pick up the trip there. My total train fare (coach) was $159.
  • Four nights in Vancouver – free thanks to my relatives.
  • One overnight on the train – free.
  • Five nights at the HI San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf Hostel at Fort Mason with views of the Golden Gate Bridge. It is a 15-minute walk to Fisherman's Wharf where the conference I was attending took place. – $248.43.
  • One night at the Inn at Venice Beach – $24.82 thanks to one room-night credit from

Coffee and bread pudding at Tartine

Trains, planes and food trucks – the cost of eating when traveling

There were a couple of good restaurants, some food trucks, airplane/train food (the food on the train was quite good – on the place, not so much) and grocery store purchases. I have no standard go-to solution when it comes to eating. Not to get into too much detail, here's how I spent on food.

  • 3 meals at good restaurants including tips – one was a light meal at a bistro – $108.00.
  • 4 meals on the planes (not included on the flight?), trains and airports – $61.52.
  • 2 meals at food trucks – $32.50.
  • 3 meals from grocery stores and specialty food stores – $42.12.
  • Light fare at coffee shops – $64.81.
  • Breakfasts at the hostel – free.
  • Meals at my relatives – free.
  • Meals at the conference – free.

I rented a bike in San Francisco. What was I thinking??? Ah, it was good as long as I didn't go too deep into the city.

Getting around – the cost of transit and taxis in Vancouver, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

LA is the main reason that I separate this out from other expenses but there are getting-around expenses in every city. The main challenge is getting to and from airports inexpensively.

  • Vancouver airport into town by transit – $9.00. (It's less expensive to return to the airport due to a tax structure.)
  • Public transit in Vancouver. The cost is $2.75 per one zone trip – $8.25.
  • Taxi to train station for early morning of departure for Coast Starlight trip – $18.00 with tip.
  • Public transit in San Francisco. There is a visitor pass for $15 a day or $29/week however I'm a big walker and didn't need these. I paid $2 each time I got on a bus – $16.
  • Taxi in LA from train station to my hotel in Marina del Rey. I arrived at night (something that I don't recommend doing but I didn't have an option due to the train schedule) so I took a taxi – $70 with tip.
  • Public transit from Marina del Rey to the LA airport – $1.50 (what a deal!).

The fountain in front of the de Young Fine Arts Museum in San Francisco.

The Price of Entertainment

There are trips where going out in the evening is great and trips when it is really not important at all. This trip was the latter. I spent Vancouver enjoying family. Half my days in San Francisco were at the conference and half were spent enjoying the city.  My one day in Marina del Rey (Venice Beach) I spent at the beach people watching. So I didn't spend much on entertainment.

  • Bike rental – I rented a bike for a day, rode across the Golden Gate Bridge and took a ferry back – $33
  • de Young Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco – I spent the good part of a day there – $24 (normal price $26 because of a special O'Keeffe exhibit but I saved $2 for having taken MUNI public transit.).

The Coast Starlight train runs along the beach for almost an hour as it approaches LA. This is the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean.

And the Vancouver to Los Angeles with a long stop in San Francisco trip cost…

The actual cost, all in, for this eleven-day trip was $1052.95 thanks to:

  • Using points for my flights
  • Staying with family for the first four days
  • Booking my train early and traveling coach. This trip has one overnight between Seattle and San Francisco. Not the most comfortable choice but certainly an affordable one.
  • Staying in a hostel.
  • Using transit as much as made sense.
  • Going to just a few restaurants.

It should be noted that my conference pass, which included lunches, was $350.

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Los Angeles to San Francisco overnight train a step closer to reality

Rendering courtesy Dreamstar

LOS ANGELES - A luxury, high-tech overnight train connecting travelers between Los Angeles and San Francisco is one step closer to reality. 

Newport Beach -based transit startup Dreamstar Lines announced it has signed an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad allowing it to operate its trains on Union Pacific's tracks linking Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.

"Our collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad is a significant milestone for Dreamstar Lines and for the future of private rail travel in the United States ," said Joshua Dominic, CEO of Dreamstar Lines, Inc. "By launching this service, we are not only offering a luxurious and eco-friendly travel option but also revitalizing the rich heritage of overnight rail travel in America."

According to Dreamstar, the train cars will offer private rooms, lay-flat beds, in-room showers, high-speed Internet access, and food and drink service. 

The company is also exploring an "add-on auto transport service" allowing travelers to bring their own cars on board to make travel even easier once they arrive at their final destination after the overnight journey, but did not give further details.

"An ostensibly two-hour flight, when one accounts for travel to and from airports, check-in and security, can take up to six hours total. With next-generation sleeper trains, the same distance can be covered in just two or three "waking" hours – and they’re not spent crammed into an 18-inch wide airline seat," the company said in a press release.

SUGGESTED COVERAGE: Vegas-California bullet train gets major funding

Brightline West, a high-speed train project that would connect Los Angeles to Las Vegas, just won a massive $3 billion grant from the Biden Administration.

Dreamstar must also sign agreements with Caltrain - the commuter rail line serving the San Francisco Peninsula and Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley) - and Metrolink, Southern California's commuter rail system serving Los Angeles , Orange , Riverside , San Bernardino , and Ventura counties, as well as to Oceanside in San Diego County. 

The company plans to start service - if all goes according to plan - as early as summer 2025.

Meanwhile, work is progressing on two other separate train projects in California - Brightline West's Las Vegas to Los Angeles bullet train , as well as the state's high-speed rail project. 

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New luxury overnight train proposed for San Francisco to LA

  • Dreamstar would like to start the service in the summer of 2025
  • The luxury train cars would offer a range of classes from economy roomettes to deluxe first-class staterooms
  • Passengers could sleep most of the way, and amenities will include showers, high-speed internet, on-board food/beverage services, and last-mile transportation
  • The company plans to use remanufactured bi-level cars and might allow customers to bring their vehicles on board
  • Union Pacific has entered into formal negotiations with Dreamstar regarding the proposed passenger service but has not yet committed to a final agreement
  • To complete the link between San Francisco and Los Angeles, Dreamstar also needs agreements to use tracks owned by regional transit operators Caltrain and Metrolink

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Here comes a luxury train from Los Angeles to San Francisco and it might even carry fancy cars

Dreamstar lines is close to finalizing a deal with union pacific railroad to start a new overnight train service next summer.

Rendering of a Dreamstar Lines train at sunset

We’ve been telling anyone who will listen about how the U.S. needs better train travel options as flight alternatives , especially between major cities on the west coast at a quicker-than-leisurely pace. It seems like we might be getting close to such an option, as Newport Beach-based startup Dreamstar Lines is gearing up to start a luxurious overnight service between San Francisco and Los Angeles as soon as next summer.

(Before we get into the details, it seems like the images released by Dreamstar are AI-generated, which both sucks and doesn’t give me a ton of confidence that this company is actually real.)

As reported by KTLA , Dreamstar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Union Pacific Railroad, a major step towards formalizing an agreement that will allow Dreamstar’s trains to use the same Union Pacific tracks already in use by other trains. Says KTLA:

Dreamstar trains would be running on the track that make up the Coast Line railroad line between Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay area, which travels primarily along the California coast. That line is already in use by Amtrak‘s Pacific Surfliner and Coast Starlight, among others.A final agreement has not been drafted or agreed to, but if and when that does happen, Dreamstar hopes to be granted overnight rail access that will allow it to offer service between the two regions, giving riders the chance to board in one city, fall asleep, and wake up in another.“Our collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad is a significant milestone for Dreamstar Lines and for the future of private rail travel in the United States,” said Joshua Dominic, CEO of Dreamstar Lines, Inc. “By launching this service, we are not only offering a luxurious and eco-friendly travel option but also revitalizing the rich heritage of overnight rail travel in America.”

No pricing has been officially announced, so we don’t know just how luxurious and potentially exclusionary the Dreamstar trains will be, but CEO Joshua Dominic told SFGate that fares “will be on the low end of overnight rail travel in North America,” and that walk-up fares “would be competitive with plane tickets bought within the typical business travel window, less than three weeks before departure, or the cost of a flight with advance purchase plus a hotel.” Dreamstar says on one of its trains, passengers would spend fewer waking hours traveling than they would if they flew.

Dreamstar will be overhauling existing bi-level trains for its service. The train cars will have private rooms with lie-flat beds, and every ticketholder will have access to high-speed wi-fi. Premium rooms will get queen beds, in-suite showers and nicer appointments. A lounge will offer snacks, desserts and drinks, and an on-board breakfast delivery service is being looked into. Dreamstar will also offer app-based services for purchasing tickets, hospitality services and last-mile transportation options.

Beyond the standard overnight suites, Dominic says Dreamstar is looking into family accommodations that would be cheaper than airfare for groups of four or more, depending on where the demand ends up. There will also be “limited coach seating” for shorter sections of the trip near the end of the route, as the trains won’t be stopping in every station.

Dreamstar is also considering an “add-on auto transport service,” so you can bring your ride along with you. While driving from SF to LA (or vice versa) is a pretty easy journey, it can be really tedious, and isn’t always worth the cost of gas or the added mileage. Being able to drive your car onto the train, like you can with some trains in Europe, would be really appealing to enthusiasts wanting to bring their special car to a track day or car show, or for people who just want a car at their destination but don’t want to drive or rent.

Following the MOU, Dreamstar is hoping to have the agreements finalized one year before the company’s intended launch date at the end of summer 2025. Says SFGate :

The MOU “is a preliminary agreement memorializing the status of our discussions to date, and to identify the basic compensation formula for track access,” Dominic said. Dreamstar hopes it becomes a template for similar arrangements with the other track and facility owners. Next, Dominic says he plans to nail down the final track access and operations and maintenance agreements and complete the required insurance policies. He also needs to “raise the remaining funds to launch the service,” but the MOU is a momentum boost.

I really hope Dreamstar Lines’ plan comes to fruition. If I’m not in a rush to get to my destination, I’d much rather spend the night on a train than take a short flight but have to deal with getting to and from the airports. It would be more scenic and spacious, and certainly less stressful, and train travel is just plain romantic. Plus, there could always be a murder mystery or action movie scenario that starts to play out.

It’s just too bad that true high-speed rail in the U.S. still seems to be a far-off fantasy .

A version of this article originally appeared on Jalopnik .

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A bullet train to Sin City? What to know about Brightline West project between LA and Vegas

The brightline west project is set to break ground in the spring and be finished in time for the 2028 olympics in los angeles. it could turn a four-hour drive without traffic into a two-hour ride..

train travel vancouver to los angeles

In Vegas, it seems like trains are the new thing to set your soul on fire.

The Brightline West project is in progress to connect a suburb of Los Angeles to Sin City, aiming to reduce traffic and environmental impact.

The majority of the track will be in the median of Interstate 15 and trains will hit speeds of up to 186 miles per hour, cutting a roughly four-hour car trip without traffic into a two-hour ride.

The project received $3 billion in federal funding in December and $2.5 billion in private bonds from the U.S. Department of Transportation in January. The project is expected to cost $12 billion.

Preparations to break ground on the project are underway with the aim to start construction this spring, presenting a major contrast to the oft-delayed California High Speed Rail project.

Here's what you need to know about Brightline West.

Where will the Brightline West route start?

Brightline West will start in Rancho Cucamonga, about 40 miles east of Los Angeles. A Metrolink train will connect Union Station in downtown Los Angeles to the start of the Brightline West line.

How long is the Brightline West route?

The Brightline West route will run 218 miles and have two stops between Rancho Cucamonga and Las Vegas.

Where does the Brightline West route end?

Renderings depict the Las Vegas Station being situated on Las Vegas Boulevard between Blue Diamond and Warm Springs roads, roughly 3.5 miles south of Mandalay Bay and 5 miles south of Caesar's Palace on the Strip.

The station is set to be built on 33 of 110 acres of land that Brightline owns in the area, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal .

When is Brightline West scheduled to open?

Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of this year. The company aims to have service begin in time for the 2028 Olympics.

Has this been tried before?

A private bullet train that would connect Victorville, California to Las Vegas called DesertXpress was proposed in 2005. The name was changed in 2012 to XpressWest and the project was shelved in 2016 after XpressWest pulled out of a deal with a Chinese firm to construct the line.

Brightline purchased the project in 2018 and added an expansion from Victorville to Rancho Cucamonga.

Has Las Vegas had train service?

The Desert Wind Amtrack line ran between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City with a stop in downtown Las Vegas from 1978 to 1997.

train travel vancouver to los angeles

Take A Scenic, Bucket List Train Trip From Los Angeles To Seattle

  • Hop on the iconic Coast Starlight train for an unforgettable 35-hour scenic adventure from LA to Seattle.
  • Choose from different ticket options starting at $100 to enjoy coastal views, mountains, and cities along the way.
  • Consider the best season for your trip for stunning Pacific Coast views and unforgettable sunsets.

The beloved and memorable Pacific Coast Highway is one of the most iconic and scenic drives in the United States. The route starts in Los Angeles, California, weaving along the coast with sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean, through the mystical Cascade Mountains, and continuing into the pine-blanketed state of Washington, with Seattle as the final destination.

9 Scenic Amtrak Trips On The West Coast & Their Costs

While the PCH cruise is one of the essential things to do while visiting California (at least part of it), there is another way to take in the sights. Soak in the stunning views aboard one of the most scenic train rides in the United States: the Coast Starlight. Here's what to know about enjoying a trip on the Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to Seattle.

UPDATE: 2024/03/23 21:44 EST BY LANE VASQUEZ

There's So Much To See On A Train Trip From LA To Seattle

This West Coast train trip feature has been updated with current pricing information, more visuals that sketch out the itinerary, and add-ons that showcase what to expect during this trip.

Is The Coast Starlight Worth The Trip?

A train trip from los angeles to seattle takes around 35 hours.

The Coast Starlight is Amtrak's train service between Los Angeles and Seattle and is a trip that will require some planning to ensure a comfortable journey. The Coast Starlight is for those with some time on their hands, looking for that next, new adventure.

The ride takes around 35 hours from Los Angeles to Seattle with many memorable stops in between. Seattle makes a great ending point as one of the best cities in the US to explore without a car . Once travelers arrive, they will have the Emerald City at their fingertips.

There is a lot to consider while booking a Coast Starlight trip to ensure a pleasant and comfortable journey. However, no matter what happens along the way, cruising up the Pacific Coast Highway up to Washington will provide one of the most scenic and epic train adventures of a lifetime.

The Coast Starlight departs from both Seattle and Los Angeles. However, northbound is the way to go, with more scenery during the day.

Explore The Coast Starlight Route (& Stops Along The Way)

The long route means plenty of scenery (and scenic stops).

The journey begins in Los Angeles, which has some unmissable attractions of its own — take time to explore before departing if you're not from the area!

  • The Coast Starlight departs from Union Station , leaving every day around 10 a.m. with a final destination of King Street Station in Seattle, Washington , arriving around 8 p.m. the following night.

From Los Angeles, the train meanders through Simi Valley, coming out to the coast of the Pacific where passengers will have stunning views of the ocean from the glass-domed observation car, slithering along the rocky, palm tree-strewn cliffs of southern California.

Most bookings require multiple segments, where travelers have to disembark from one train and get on another. Be sure to read the details of your trip before booking — or look for a nonstop trip if desired.

What makes this adventure even more worthwhile is all the Coastal Starlight's stops along the coast . Plan a trip with some overnight stops to make the most of the journey! Some of the most popular stops include:

  • San Luis Obispo, CA
  • Santa Barbara, CA
  • San Jose, CA
  • Oakland, CA
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Portland, OR

It's worth looking over all the stops the Coast Starlight makes and doing some research on some places that may be worthy of an overnight visit.

These destinations offer travelers some truly phenomenal adventures, including stunning beaches, epic hikes, wineries, and exploring some of the West Coast's best towns and cities, including indulging in some great food and wine tours in Santa Barbara and exploring the city of San Francisco .

It's important to note that when planning on getting off the train for a night, passengers will need to book each leg of the trip separately, which can be done hassle-free via Amtrak's website .

Amenities & Options On The Coast Starlight

The coast starlight can be an affordable trip (depending on the seat you choose).

The journey on Amtrak's Superliner Coast Starlight offers different levels of comfort, amenities, and accommodation, which depend on the ticket purchased. Standard coach tickets will give guests access to the dining car, the small café, and the glass-domed observation car.

When booking a roomette or bedroom, passengers will be graced with complimentary dining, exclusive lounge access, along with private restrooms and showers.

With limited food options in the dining car, it's worth packing snacks and beverages in your on-board baggage.

Coast Starlight Train Costs

Tickets for the coast starlight start at around $100.

There are three different tiers of tickets, each offering different needs and desires of passengers. It's important to be aware that costs will also vary depending on how far in advance tickets are booked, the time of year, and even the departure day.

Seating/ Accommodation:

The Coast Starlight does offer sleeper cars; private rooms start at around $600, depending on the time you travel from Los Angeles to Seattle.

Business class seats do not appear to be available for the long-haul trip, though other accommodations are available for shorter trips along the Coast Starlight's route.

When booking a standard coach seat for the full journey, it's important to remember that this will be your bed and accommodation for the next 35 hours! If you're feeling adventurous, it's only one night of compromised sleep and the scenic ride is worth it.

How To Book Tickets For The Coast Starlight

Booking is easy on amtrak's website.

Booking tickets for the Coast Starlight is as easy as visiting Amtrak's website . Travelers can view the full itinerary of the trip, choose the departure and arrival, the date of departure, and select the appropriate seating and accommodation options for their journey.

Best Time Of Year To Take The Train From LA To Seattle

Summer is the busiest time on the coast starlight.

The best time of year to take the Coast Starlight is highly worth pondering, considering the vast amount of terrain being covered. Southern California and the Pacific Northwest vary greatly when it comes to weather, so leaving in the sunny, warm, middle of winter from Los Angeles isn't going to mean the same is happening in Seattle.

Summer is going to be the busiest time of year when temperatures are all around warm and sunny and families are on their vacations. So, it's worth keeping this in mind when planning a trip if avoiding summer crowds is important.

The fall and spring are going to bring cooler temperatures and smaller crowds while presenting the opportunity to see some fall colors and spring blooms, which will make the adventure that much more scenic and beautiful.

Winter will still be beautiful, with snow-capped mountains, bringing cooler and rainier weather, especially coming into the Pacific Northwest, which would make for a cozy train ride.

7 Epic Round-Trip Amtrak Vacations In The US

While booking any train, it's always worth considering which side of the train to book a seat or room on. When it comes to the Coast Starlight, it is highly suggested to book on the left side, where the sweeping Pacific Coast views and sunset will be.

Passengers can always wander to the dining car, lounge, or glass dome observation car to change sides if needed, but for the long haul, the left side is the way to go.

The Coast Starlight will allow travelers to experience the beautiful West Coast in a whole new way. While road trips are one of the best ways to see the country and have great adventures, sometimes it can be nice to be able to just sit back and soak up the endless views.

It's time to add a train trip from Los Angeles to Seattle to the bucket list because this is a trip that will never be forgotten!

Take A Scenic, Bucket List Train Trip From Los Angeles To Seattle

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Dreamstar train

A luxe overnight train from L.A. to San Francisco may soon become a reality

The new service may even debut as early as the summer of 2025.

Anna Rahmanan

It’s still in the beginning phases but a new luxurious overnight train could soon connect San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Dreamstar Lines , a transit start-up based out of Newport Beach, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (or MOU) with major freight company Union Pacific Railroad that would allow the former to operate on the latter’s tracks through the Central Coast.

“Our collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad is a significant milestone for Dreamstar Lines and for the future of private rail travel in the United States,” said Joshua Dominic, CEO of Dreamstar Lines, Inc, according to KTLA . “By launching this service, we are not only offering a luxurious and eco-friendly travel option but also revitalizing the rich heritage of overnight rail travel in America.”

Here’s what the startup has revealed so far: The high-tech train cars will offer private rooms and beds that will let riders lay flat, plus in-room showers, high-speed Internet access and food and drink service. 

There are even talks about an “add-on auto transport service” that would allow ticketholders to bring their own cars on board as well, KTLA reported—but “the company did not say how that system would work,” the outlet added.

Although Union Pacific owns the majority of the 470-mile stretch between the two cities, Dreamstar still needs to come to an agreement with Caltrain and Metrolink, two other regional transit operators that own some of the tracks that Dreamstar would have to use on the route.

If all goes as planned and proper agreements are made in a timely manner, the service could debut as early as the summer of 2025.

According to SFGate , the last night train to connect the Bay Area and Los Angeles stopped operating back in 1983. It’s clearly a big deal, especially when you consider the current state of train service between L.A. and the Bay Area: a mash-up of overlong train and bus combinations or an 11-and-a-half-hour Amtrak train into Oakland.

  • Anna Rahmanan

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Solar eclipse maps show 2024 totality path, peak times and how much of the eclipse people could see across the U.S.

By Aliza Chasan

Updated on: April 9, 2024 / 5:00 AM EDT / CBS News

A total solar eclipse  crossed North America Monday with parts of 15 U.S. states within the path of totality. Maps show  where and when astronomy fans could see the big event  as skies darkened in the middle of the day Monday, April 8.

The total eclipse first appeared along Mexico's Pacific Coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT, then traveled across a swath of the U.S., from Texas to Maine, and into Canada.

About 31.6 million people live in the path of totality , the area where the moon fully blocked out the sun , according to NASA. The path ranged between 108 and 122 miles wide. An additional 150 million people live within 200 miles of the path of totality.

Solar eclipse path of totality map for 2024

United states map showing the path of the 2024 solar eclipse and specific regions of what the eclipse duration will be.

The total solar eclipse started over the Pacific Ocean, and the first location in continental North America that experienced totality was Mexico's Pacific Coast, around 11:07 a.m. PDT, according to NASA. From there, the path continued into Texas, crossing more than a dozen states before the eclipse enters Canada in southern Ontario. The eclipse exited continental North America at around 5:16 p.m. NDT from Newfoundland, Canada.

The path of totality included portions of the following states:

  • Pennsylvania
  • New Hampshire

Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan also experienced the total solar eclipse.

Several major cities across the U.S. were included in the eclipse's path of totality, while many others saw a partial eclipse. These were some of the best major cities for eclipse viewing — though the weather was a factor :

  • San Antonio, Texas (partially under the path)
  • Austin, Texas
  • Waco, Texas
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Dayton, Ohio
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Buffalo, New York
  • Rochester, New York
  • Syracuse, New York
  • Burlington, Vermont

Map of when the solar eclipse reached totality across its path

The eclipse began in the U.S. as a partial eclipse beginning at 12:06 p.m. CDT near Eagle Pass, Texas, before progressing to totality by about 1:27 p.m. CDT and then moving along its path to the northeast over the following few hours.

Eclipse map of totality

NASA shared times for several cities in the path of totality across the U.S. People could have also  checked their ZIP code on NASA's map  to see when the eclipse was to reach them if they were on, or near, the path of totality — or if they saw a partial eclipse instead.

How much of the eclipse did people see if they live outside the totality path?

While the April 8 eclipse covered a wide swath of the U.S., outside the path of totality observers may have spotted a partial eclipse, where the moon covers some, but not all, of the sun, according to NASA. The closer they were to the path of totality, the larger the portion of the sun that was hidden.

NASA allowed viewers to input a ZIP code and see how much of the sun was to be covered in their locations.

Could there be cloud cover be during the solar eclipse?

Some areas along the path of totality had a higher likelihood of cloud cover that could interfere with viewing the eclipse. Here is a map showing the historical trends in cloud cover this time of year. 

You could have checked the latest forecast for your location with our partners at The Weather Channel .

United States map showing the percent of cloud cover in various regions of the eclipse path on April 8. The lakeshore region will be primarily affected.

Where did the solar eclipse reach totality for the longest?

Eclipse viewers near Torreón, Mexico, got to experience totality for the longest. Totality there lasted 4 minutes, 28 seconds, according to NASA. 

Most places along the centerline of the path of totality saw a totality duration of between 3.5 and 4 minutes, according to NASA. Some places in the U.S. came close to the maximum; Kerrville, Texas, had a totality duration of 4 minutes, 24 seconds.

What is the path of totality for the 2044 solar eclipse?

The next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the contiguous U.S. will be on Aug. 23, 2044.

Astronomy fans in the U.S. will have far fewer opportunities to see the 2044 eclipse they had on April 8. NASA has not yet made maps available for the 2044 eclipse but, according to The Planetary Society , the path of totality will only touch three states.

The 2024 eclipse will start in Greenland, pass over Canada and end as the sun sets in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, according to the Planetary Society.

Map showing the path of the 2044 total solar eclipse from Greenland, Canada and parts of the United States.

Aliza Chasan is a digital producer at 60 Minutes and She has previously written for outlets including PIX11 News, The New York Daily News, Inside Edition and DNAinfo. Aliza covers trending news, often focusing on crime and politics.

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  1. Vancouver to Los Angeles Train

    Average prices by travel date. $180 $120 $60 Apr Apr. The average cost of a one-way train trip from Vancouver to Los Angeles is expected to fluctuate between $120 and $173 in the next 30 days. If you're planning a train trip to Los Angeles in the upcoming week, the cheapest price in the next 7 days for a ticket from Vancouver is $129.

  2. Vancouver, BC to Los Angeles, CA Train

    Trip Summary. There are 2 daily trains from Vancouver to Los Angeles. Traveling by train from Vancouver to Los Angeles usually takes around 37 hours and 58 minutes, but the fastest Amtrak train can make the trip in 35 hours and 5 minutes. Distance. 1081 mi (1740 km)

  3. Vancouver to Los Angeles

    Fly Vancouver to San Diego, train • 9h 23m. Fly from Vancouver (YVR) to San Diego (SAN) YVR - SAN. Take the train from San Diego Old Town Transportation Center to Los Angeles. $168 - $572.

  4. Amtrak Tickets, Schedules and Train Routes

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  5. Vancouver, BC to Los Angeles

    Alternatively, you can take a bus from Vancouver, BC to Los Angeles via Seattle, 2nd Ave Ext S & S Jackson St, SODO Busway & S Royal Brougham Way, Seattle Bus Station, and Sacramento Bus Station in around 31h 42m. Airlines. Alaska Airlines, Inc. United Airlines.

  6. Find train tickets from Vancouver to Los Angeles

    1 adult. Tue 5/7. Tue 5/14. Search. Trains. Los Angeles. Trains from Vancouver to Los Angeles.

  7. Los Angeles, CA → Vancouver, BC Train: from $144

    4.1/5 (3538) Staff 93 %. Timeliness 76 %. Cleanliness 92 %. Wifi 71 %. Based on 3538 reviews, the company was rated 4.1 stars on Busbud. Travelers were especially satisfied with the seats and the ticket access but often complained with the wifi. Amtrak ticket prices on this trip start at $198.00. CA train company: Brightline.

  8. Vancouver Ultimate Getaway Roundtrip from Los Angeles

    Start from any of the 500+ Amtrak Stations across the United States. Upgrade to a sleeping accommodation onboard the train. Add extra nights in a favorite destination. Pick your own accommodation. Add additional sightseeing.

  9. Vancouver to Los Angeles

    You can take a bus from Vancouver to Los Angeles via NW 5th & Davis SB, Portland Curbside Bus Stop, and Sacramento Bus Station in around 24h 16m. Alternatively, Amtrak operates a train from Vancouver to Los Angeles once daily. Tickets cost $50 - $350 and the journey takes 32h 1m.

  10. Coast Starlight Train

    Coast Starlight. Seattle. Portland. Sacramento. Los Angeles. 35 hours Daily Departure. A grand west coast train adventure, en route daily between Los Angeles and Seattle, the Coast Starlight train passes through Santa Barbara, the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento and Portland. Widely regarded as one of the most spectacular of all train routes ...

  11. Los Angeles, CA → Vancouver, BC Train: from $180

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  12. Coast Starlight

    Recently, after leaving Mexico for California, Oregon, and Vancouver, I looked into taking a train up the western coast of the US. Amtrak's Coast Starlight run was affordable, and from what I'd read, provided great views. Following is a glimpse of life on a train. There are pros and cons to this mode of travel, at least on this Amtrak ...

  13. Vancouver to LA by Train

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  14. train from Vancouver to Los Angeles. Tickets from TrainBuster

    train from Vancouver to Los Angeles. Tickets from TrainBuster. warning There are no trains leaving on this day or perhaps we're not serving this route at the moment! Please try another date. Saturday. 01/27/2024. Sunday. 01/28/2024. Monday.

  15. Train Schedules & Timetables

    When you're looking for the most up-to-date schedule information for the origin and destination of your choice, create a customized timetable. Just select a date (or date range) and two stations, and you'll get a personalized timetable showing you all the available travel options, whether it be train, connecting bus or a combination of the two.

  16. Amtrak to Vancouver, BC

    Vancouver is the only stop in Canada on this route, and there is direct service from many cities in Washington State (including Seattle, Tacoma, Everett) and from Portland, Oregon. To connect with these cities, you can travel on the Empire Builder from the Upper Midwest and Montana Rocky Mountains, or board the Coast Starlight in Los Angeles ...

  17. Los Angeles to Vancouver, BC

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  19. Another California passenger rail project clears another hurdle

    Dreamstar hopes to launch new overnight passenger rail service between San Francisco and Los Angeles. (Dreamstar Lines Inc.) Dreamstar says its traincars will have the "luxury and convenience of ...

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  21. Luxury train from Los Angeles to San Francisco might come soon

    Here comes a luxury train from Los Angeles to San Francisco and it might even carry fancy cars ... but CEO Joshua Dominic told SFGate that fares "will be on the low end of overnight rail travel ...

  22. San Francisco-to-L.A. overnight train inches closer to reality

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  23. Brightline West: The train connecting Las Vegas to Los Angeles

    0:50. In Vegas, it seems like trains are the new thing to set your soul on fire. The Brightline West project is in progress to connect a suburb of Los Angeles to Sin City, aiming to reduce traffic ...

  24. Vancouver to Los Angeles flights

    10. Fr. Range $128. chevron_left. chevron_right. *Fares and availability are based on round trip searches for 1 passenger (1 adult) in Economy class in the last 48 hours. Fares are inclusive of tax and surcharges, and subject to availability. Searching for cheap flights from Vancouver to Los Angeles?

  25. Take A Scenic, Bucket List Train Trip From Los Angeles To Seattle

    Here's what to know about enjoying a trip on the Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to Seattle. UPDATE: 2024/03/23 21:44 EST BY LANE VASQUEZ There's So Much To See On A Train Trip From LA To Seattle

  26. A luxe overnight train from L.A. to San Francisco could become a reality

    Tuesday April 9 2024. It's still in the beginning phases but a new luxurious overnight train could soon connect San Francisco and Los Angeles. Dreamstar Lines, a transit start-up based out of ...

  27. Solar eclipse maps show 2024 totality path, peak times and how much of

    A total solar eclipse crossed North America Monday with parts of 15 U.S. states within the path of totality. Maps show where and when astronomy fans could see the big event as skies darkened in ...