Crafting a User-Friendly Hotel Booking Website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


By Faraz - September 28, 2023

Discover how to create a seamless hotel booking website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Enhance user experience and boost conversions.

Crafting a User-Friendly Hotel Booking Website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.jpg

Table of Contents

  • Project Introduction
  • JavaScript Code

In today's digital era, the importance of a user-friendly hotel booking website cannot be overstated. It serves as the virtual gateway for travelers to explore and secure accommodations, making it a critical component of any hotelier's success. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricate process of creating an efficient hotel booking website using the dynamic trio of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

By the end of this journey, you will understand how to craft a website that not only attracts guests but also ensures a seamless booking experience. We'll cover the fundamentals of website development, explore the key elements of an effective hotel booking system, and delve into the nuances of responsive design.

Whether you're a seasoned web developer looking to specialize in the hospitality industry or a hotel owner seeking to improve your online presence, this guide is your roadmap to success. Let's embark on this enlightening journey to create a hotel booking website that leaves a lasting impression on your guests.

Source Code

Step 1 (HTML Code):

To get started, we will first need to create a basic HTML file. In this file, we will include the main structure for our hotel website.

After creating the files just paste the following codes into your file. Make sure to save your HTML document with a .html extension, so that it can be properly viewed in a web browser.

Let's break down the code step by step:

1. <!DOCTYPE html> : This declaration defines the document type and version of HTML being used, which is HTML5 in this case.

2. <html lang="en"> : This is the opening tag for the HTML document. The lang attribute is set to "en" to indicate that the content of the webpage is in English.

3. <head> : This section contains metadata about the webpage and links to external resources, but it's not visible to the user.

  • <meta charset="UTF-8"> : This meta tag defines the character encoding of the document as UTF-8, which includes support for a wide range of characters and symbols.
  • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> : This meta tag sets the viewport properties, ensuring that the webpage is responsive and adjusts to the width of the device's screen.
  • <title> Hotel Website </title> : This sets the title of the webpage, which is displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> : This line links an external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file named "styles.css" to apply styles to the webpage.
  • <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@easepick/ [email protected] /dist/index.umd.min.js"> </script> : This line includes an external JavaScript file from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for additional functionality on the webpage.
  • Several <link> tags are used to preload fonts and icons from external sources.
  • <script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/b8a58bc95c.js" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> : This script tag loads the Font Awesome icon library from a CDN, allowing the use of Font Awesome icons on the webpage.
  • <link rel="stylesheet" media="mediatype and|not|only (expressions)" href="print.css"> : This is a link to a CSS file specifically for print media, but the media type and expressions are not defined in this snippet.

4. <body> : This section contains the visible content of the webpage.

  • <header class="header" id="navigation-menu"> : This is the header section of the webpage. It contains a navigation menu, a logo, and a hamburger menu icon for mobile navigation.
  • <div class="location-ask"> : This div contains a form for users to search for hotel locations, check-in dates, rooms, and special rates.
  • <div class="hotel-front-container"> : This div contains an image of the hotel's front view.
  • <div class="welcome-text"> : This div contains a welcoming message and a button for users to explore more.
  • <div class="subheading"> : This div represents a subheading with a related paragraph.
  • <div class="destinations-images"> : This div contains images and captions for various travel destinations.
  • <div class="experience-images"> : This div contains images and captions related to different travel experiences.
  • <div class="different-hotels"> : This div contains an image and text about "Homes & Villas," a type of accommodation.
  • <div class="back-to-top"> : This div contains a button that allows users to scroll back to the top of the webpage.
  • <hr class="footer-line"> : This horizontal line separates the footer from the rest of the content.
  • <div class="footer"> : This is the footer section of the webpage, containing links, buttons, and social media icons.

5. <script src="script.js"> </script> : This script tag includes an external JavaScript file named "script.js" for additional interactivity and functionality on the webpage.

This is the basic structure of our hotel website using HTML, and now we can move on to styling it using CSS.

Select Date

Rooms and guests, special rates.

picture of the front of the hotel

Beautiful Brazil

Nestled amidst the lush tropical beauty of Brazil, this hotel offers a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and the enchanting allure of the country's vibrant culture.

Exhilarating Destinations

Here is a journey through some of the most wonderful places on Earth.

italy hotel

Experience Something New

The unknown beckons us, and our imaginations run wild with possibilities

discount picture

Homes & Villas

Homes & Villas was designed to provide travelers with access to high-end vacation rentals, such as entire homes, villas, and luxury accommodations. The platform featured a curated selection of upscale and unique properties, with distinctive architectural features, stunning views, or premium amenities. We offered additional concierge services, which could include personalized check-in experiences, access to local recommendations, and assistance with planning activities and dining reservations.

How can we help?

building the gta 5 weapon wheel using html, css and javascript.jpg

Step 2 (CSS Code):

Once the basic HTML structure of the hotel website is in place, the next step is to add styling to the website using CSS.

Next, we will create our CSS file. In this file, we will use some basic CSS rules to style our website. Let's break down the code section by section:

1. @import : This rule imports an external font from Google Fonts called 'Roboto Slab' with various weights (200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900) and sets the display property to 'swap'. This font will be used throughout the website.

2. * : This is a universal selector that selects all elements on the page. It sets some initial styling for all elements, including removing padding and margin and ensuring that the box-sizing property is set to 'border-box'.

3. html, body : Selects the HTML and body elements and sets the font family to 'Roboto Slab' and enables smooth scrolling behavior.

4. li : Selects list items and removes the default list-style.

5. a : Selects anchor links and remove the default text decoration (underlining).

6. .container : Styles a class named "container" by setting a maximum width of 90% and centering it with auto margins.

7. .head_container : Styles a class named "head_container" in a similar way to the "container" class.

8. header : Styles the header element by setting a fixed height, background color, and a high z-index, possibly indicating it's a top-layer element.

9. .logo img : Selects images within elements with the class "logo" and sets a specific width for them.

10. header nav : Styles navigation elements within the header, making them flex containers and adjusting their alignment and padding.

11. .hamburger and .bar : These styles appear to be for a navigation menu toggle (hamburger menu) where the "bar" elements represent the lines of the hamburger icon.

12. header ul : Styles unordered lists within the header, configuring their alignment and spacing.

13. header ul li a : Styles anchor links within list items in the header, setting font size, color, and hover effects.

14. #navigation-menu : This is an ID selector for an element with the ID "navigation-menu" and styles it as a fixed navigation menu.

15. Media Query : This media query applies styles for screens with a maximum width of 768px. It reconfigures the header's appearance, making it a fixed, slide-in menu with adjustments to spacing and font colors. It also styles the hamburger icon's animation.

16. Various class selectors : These selectors style elements with specific classes, including forms, buttons, pop-up dialogs, images, and more. They define dimensions, colors, and positioning for these elements.

17. .footer and related styles : These styles are for the website's footer, configuring its layout, columns, and the appearance of buttons and links.

18. Media Query for Responsive Images : This media query adjusts the sizes of images for smaller screens.

This will give our hotel website an upgraded presentation. Create a CSS file with the name of styles.css and paste the given codes into your CSS file. Remember that you must create a file with the .css extension.

Step 3 (JavaScript Code):

Finally, we need to create a function in JavaScript. Let's break down what it does step by step:

1. It starts by selecting DOM elements using document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll based on their CSS class names and IDs.

2. It sets up event listeners for certain elements , such as a hamburger menu button (presumably for a mobile menu) and navigation links. These event listeners trigger functions when specific events occur (e.g., a click event).

3. There are several functions defined in the code:

  • mobileMenu : This function toggles the "active" class on the hamburger menu and the navigation menu, presumably to show/hide the mobile menu.
  • closeMenu : This function is intended to close the mobile menu by removing the "active" class from the hamburger menu and toggling it on the navigation menu.
  • dateOpenPopup , dateClosePopup , roomOpenPopup , roomClosePopup , ratesOpenPopup , and ratesClosePopup are functions that add or remove specific CSS classes to show/hide popup elements.
  • topFunction scrolls the document back to the top when called.

4. It creates a date picker using an external library called easepick and sets various options for its behavior, like specifying the element it should attach to and its appearance.

5. There are multiple event listeners set up for different DOM elements like " italyDiv ," " portugalDiv ," etc. These listeners add or remove CSS classes to change the appearance of associated text elements when the mouse enters or leaves the respective div elements.

Create a JavaScript file with the name script.js and paste the given codes into your JavaScript file and make sure it's linked properly to your HTML document so that the scripts are executed on the page. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .js extension.

Final Output:

Creating a BMI Calculator from Scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.jpg


In the fast-paced world of online hospitality, a well-crafted hotel booking website can be your key to success. Throughout this guide, we've explored the essential elements that make a website stand out in the competitive market. From the foundational aspects of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the intricacies of a seamless booking system, and responsive design – we've covered it all.

By now, you should have a clear vision of how to create a user-friendly hotel booking website that not only attracts visitors but also converts them into satisfied guests. Remember, a visually appealing and intuitive website is your digital storefront, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping the perception of your brand.

As you move forward on your journey to establish a strong online presence for your hotel or accommodation business, keep these principles in mind. Continuously strive for improvement, listen to your customers, and adapt to emerging technologies. The world of web development is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve will set you apart from the competition.

We hope this guide has been a valuable resource in your quest to create a top-tier hotel booking website. Implement these strategies, monitor your performance, and don't hesitate to seek further expertise when needed. Your success in the hospitality industry awaits – now go out there and make your mark!

Code by: MichaelZhou334

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Now, with these examples, you can create your own amazing page.

Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below 🔥 and you can support me by buying me a coffee.

And don’t forget to sign up to our email newsletter so you can get useful content like this sent right to your inbox!

Thanks! Faraz 😊

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Code Boxx

Simple Booking System In Javascript (Free Download)

Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a simple booking system with Javascript and NodeJS – Yes, this is pretty much a pure HTML, CSS, and Javascript project. Read on!


Download & notes.

Here is the download link to the example code, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything.


Source code on GitHub Gist

Just click on “download zip” or do a git clone. I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.


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All right, let us now get into more details on how the booking system works. Not going to explain line-by-line, but here’s a quick walk-through.

travel booking system using html css and javascript


Install NodeJS if you have not already done so, run npm i express nodemailer body-parser multer  to install the required modules.


1a) the html.

This should be self-explanatory. Just a simple HTML form with 3 fields – The name, email, and reservation date.


A little bit of Javascript here to better manage the form:

  • (D1) Restrict the earliest reservation date to today on window load – Go ahead and set your own minimum/maximum date rules here.
  • (D2) Enable the submit button when the page is properly loaded.
  • (A To C) Yep, we will be submitting the form via AJAX (no page reload). Redirect the user to the “thank you” page on success.


Well, the “mandatory thank you page”.


The Node server script is probably the most intimidating, but keep calm and walk through part-by-part:

  • Load all the required modules.
  • A bunch of settings – Remember to change the email to your own.
  • Initialize the Express HTTP server and mail transporter.
  • http://site.com/ The main page, booking form.
  • http://site.com/book/ Where we POST and process the booking form, this will send an email to your specified email address.
  • http://site.com/thankyou/ The thank-you page.
  • Start the server.

Yep, that’s about it. It may look confusing, but it is actually just long-winded.

That’s all for the tutorial, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.


There are so many different services and hosting companies that support NodeJS – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Kamatera, A2 Hosting, DigitalOcean, Heroku, etc… Just do a search for “NodeJS hosting” on the Internet and there are a ton more.


travel booking system using html css and javascript

You guys on Linux/Mac should be fine so long as sendmail is in place. For Windows users, one of the easier ways is to just install Papercut SMTP for easy testing.


  • Node Mailer
  • PHP Reservation System – Code Boxx

Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end. I hope that it has helped you to better understand, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!

1 thought on “Simple Booking System In Javascript (Free Download)”

thank you brother.

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How to Build an Event Booking App Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Firebase

Ibrahima Ndaw

In this tutorial, we are going to build an Event Booking App with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Firebase.

Plan our app

Interact with firebase, fetch events, create an event, book an event, show and update data with javascript.

We are not going to build a complete event booking app with all the functionality. We don't need to cover everything in just one tutorial. Since I just want to keep things simple and easy to digest, we'll go over the authentication part in a separate article.

So, our Event Booking App will have the following functionalities:

  • The user can create an event and store it to Firestore.
  • The user can fetch all events in real-time.
  • The user can book an event.
  • The user can't book an event more than once.

Now that we know what our app will look like, let's start building it in the next section.

Our HTML file will be relatively simple. We will hold our navigation bar and the latest event in the header tag.

  • In index.html

Next, the main tag will wrap the list of events and the form which enables us to create a new event.

The events will be displayed later with the help of JavaScript.

Next, we need to connect our app to Firebase to be able to store our data.

To have these credentials, you will need to create a new app in the Firebase Console . And once the project created, click on the code icon </> that sits next to the iOS and Android icons to register your app.

Now, to generate the credentials, you have to register the name of your app. And finally, put the credentials in the HTML file as I do here.

Next, duplicate the first script tag and change firebase-app.js to firebase-firestore.js because we will use Firestore in this project.

Then, initialize firebase with the configuration and declare a db variable that will be used later to interact with Firebase.

Now, we have our markup and have successfully linked our project to Firebase. So let's start styling it in the next section.

The CSS file is a bit long, so I won't cover everything in this post. I will just highlight the most important parts. However, no worries, you will find the source code at the end of the article.

As usual, we start by importing our font and doing some resets to prevent the default behavior.

  • In style.css

Next, we use CSS Variables to store our colors and set the scroll-behavior to smooth so we have a nice scrolling effect when the user clicks in the navbar links.

However, be careful with the scroll-behavior , as it's not supported by all browsers . You can check on browser compatibility here .

For the navbar, by default, the background will be transparent. For better usability, it will change when the user starts scrolling.

Our Event Booking App is starting to take shape. Now let's start implementing Firebase and connect our app to Firestore.

Firebase is a platform that handles everything related to the back-end for us. The only thing we have to do is connect our app to it and start using the database or other services.

Firestore is a NoSQL database, and it's non-relational and uses documents, collections, and so on to create the database.

Now, let's connect to Firestore and create our very first database.

Earlier in this tutorial, we had declared a variable db in the HTML part. Now, let's use that variable to connect our app to Firestore.

I will put everything related to the database on the db.js file to just have a cleaner structure.

With the help of db , we can now access our collection events . It's just the name of our database, and if it doesn't exist Firestore will create it on the fly for us.

The collection object has a very handy method called onSnapshot() . It helps us listen in real-time to the database. This means that whenever a change occurs on it, it will react and return the change in real-time.

The onSnapshot() method will also help us access the document (our data). And now, we can extract the latest event to show on the header. And, before looping through the events array, delete the latest event so that it doesn't display it again.

Now, to display the events on the UI, we have to call our necessary functions showLatestEvent() and showEvents() . Then we pass the event and the id to them as parameters.

We can now fetch the events from Firestore, but we still don't have any events to show. Let's store our very first event in our database.

To get the values entered by the user, we have to first select the form tag and use it to pick the id of each input and pull the value entered.

The db variable (remember it's the reference to firebase.firestore() ) has another method to save data to Firestore: the save() function. It's a promise, and once it's complete, we can now reset the values of the form and show a success message to the user.

Now, let's move on and handle the case when the user wants to book an event.

As I said earlier, we can't check if the user is authenticated or not, so they can potentially book an event more than once.

So to handle this, I will use localStorage to prevent booking duplication.

And as you can see here, we first check if the event id is stored or not in localStorage. If it is, the user can't book the same event again. Otherwise, they will be able to book the event.

And to update the booking counter, we use again db to update the event on Firestore.

The db.js file is now complete, So, let's move to the final part and connect our project to db.js

As usual, we start by selecting the necessary elements.

Earlier in this article, we had passed as a parameter to the showEvents() function the event fetched from Firestore in the db.js file.

We can now pull the values held on the event object and display it. And, when the user clicks on the button to book an event, we will call the bookEvent() function to handle it.

As you can see, the showLatestEvent() method is quite similar to showEvents() , unlike the element used to display the event.

And, when the description is a bit long, we use substring() to truncate the value.

Next, we listen to the form element to handle the submit event and store it to Firestore with addNewEvent() .

And to make everything looking nice, when the user scrolls we add a background color and a box-shadow to the navigation bar.

With that change, we have now our Event booking App using JavaScript and Firebase.

Thanks for reading this article.

You can check it live here or find the Source Code here .

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JavaScript enthusiast, Full-stack developer & blogger

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Home / Vanilla JavaScript / Bus Booking Reservation System using HTML CSS and JavaScript

Bus Booking Reservation System using HTML CSS and JavaScript

Bus Booking Reservation System using HTML CSS and JavaScript

This code snippet helps you to create a bus Booking/reservation system using HTML CSS and JavaScript. It provides you an interactive UI to pick a route/location and set trevaling timetable.

Basically, it comes with frontend interface only where users can set treval destination and time schedule. After submitting, users can see the seats availability.

How to Create Bus Booking Reservation System using HTML CSS and JavaScript

1. First of all, create the HTML structure as follows:

2. Style the bus booking UI using the following CSS styles:

3. Load the TweenMax and jQuery before closing the body tag:

4. Finally, add the following JavaScript function to your project to  activate the Bus booking/reservation UI.

That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully integrated this bus booking reservation system into your project. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.

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I code and create web elements for amazing people around the world. I like work with new people. New people new Experiences. I truly enjoy what I’m doing, which makes me more passionate about web development and coding. I am always ready to do challenging tasks whether it is about creating a custom CMS from scratch or customizing an existing system.

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Travel Planning App API using Node & Express.js

In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating a Travel Planning App With Node and ExpressJS. This application will provide users with the ability to plan their trips by searching for destinations, booking flights and hotels, submitting reviews, receiving notifications, sharing their trips on social media, and processing payments.


Approach to create travel planning app api using node and expressjs:.

  • Identify key features like user authentication, booking flights/hotels, reviews, notifications, and payments.
  • Install Node.js, npm, and ExpressJS.
  • Create a new project directory and initialize it.
  • Implement features like user authentication, booking, review submission, and payment processing using Express.js controllers and routes.
  • Integrate third-party APIs for flight/hotel booking, implement notifications, and enable trip sharing on social media.

Steps to Create the NodeJS App and Installing Module:

Step 1: Create a NodeJS project using the following command.

Step 2: Install Express.js and other necessary dependencies.

Step 3: Create folders for different parts of the application such as models, controllers, routes, and middleware. I nside each folder, create corresponding files for different components of the application.

Step 4: Set up a MongoDB database either locally or using a cloud-based service like MongoDB Atlas. Define Mongoose models for the data entities such as User, Trip, Booking, Review, Notification, and Payment.

Step 5: Create controller functions for each feature such as searchDestinations, bookFlight, bookHotel, submitReview, sendNotification, shareTrip, and processPayment. Implement authentication middleware (authenticate) to protect routes that require authentication. Define route handlers for each feature in separate route files (authRoutes.js, tripRoutes.js, bookingRoutes.js, etc.).

Project Structure:


Project Folder Structure

The updated dependencies in package.json file will look like:

Example: Below is an example of Travel Planning App with NodeJS and ExpressJS.

Start your server using the following command:

Final Output

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Posted on Jul 9, 2022

Travel Website Using Html CSS JavaScript

In this video, I will show you how to Create Responsive Travel Website Using Html CSS JavaScript

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⏱️ Timestamps

0:00 - Demo 3:06 - File structure 3:34 - Project initial 8:44 - Header 19:31 - Hero section 25:04 - Destination section 32:57 - Popular tour section 42:30 - About section 48:32 - Blog section 55:42 - Footer 1:09:48 - Media queries

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Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

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That was Superb!!

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Such clean and awesome UI

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absolutely nice 🔥

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absolutely amazing work there.👍

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Awesome bro .. Super cool design

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nice creativity bro

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This looks great. And a live website also? Badass 🙂

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Great job 👍

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Can anyone help me with this project connecting it to Mongodb plz Help.

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Travel website Using Html and Css

Travel/Tourism Website Project Using HTML and CSS Code

  • Post author: admin
  • Post published: November 18, 2023
  • Post category: Project / HTML & CSS / Html & CSS Project / Project Ideas
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Hello Coder, This post will teach you how to create a Travel/Tourism Website Project Using HTML and CSS Code. The webpage I’m going to share with you in this article is about traveling. It’s quite simple, and you’ll have your own Travel Tourism Website by the end of this article.

Table of Contents

Travel/Tourism Website Project Using HTML and CSS

A travel website is a sort of business that provides customers with travel-related services. When it comes to the future of this industry, numerous aspects will influence how consumers plan their vacations. The rise of mobile usage, greater competition, and a shift in customer expectations are among these factors. The ideal tool for tourists is the travel website creator.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript Projects With Source Code

People are increasingly using their mobile gadgets when traveling, for example. As a result, businesses should ensure that their websites are mobile-friendly. To enhance their profits, companies employ an easy website builder for small enterprises. They should also be aware that competition among online booking sites is increasing.

Travel Website in HTML CSS JavaScript

I hope now you have a general idea of what the project entails. In our article, we will go over this project step by step.

Step1: Setting Up the Structure (HTML)

Let us begin by establishing a Travel/Tourism project. Create a new index.html file in a new subdirectory to house the website layout. copy and paste the HTML code given below into your HTML file.

Every website has three sections: the header, the main body, and the footer. In our project, we will use the same procedure; we will build a header section where we will add the heading, and we will add the main content inside the main section.

Create Portfolio Website Using HTML and CSS (Source Code)

Header Section of  travel website

First, in the header section of our website, we will add a navbar for our travel website using the <nav> tag, and inside the nav tag, we will create different navbar links for our website navbar using an unordered list.

Inside our header section, we will add another section called “banner,” within which we will add a heading using the <h1> tag; a text input box using the form tag; a menu list for selecting the countries from the menu list; an input of type “date” to select the date from the calendar; and a book button using the <a> tag.

Body Section of travel website

In the body section, we will develop three sections: one for services, one for places, and one for about us. In this section, we will introduce several structures. Within our services section, we will use the <div> to create a container for our service items, and within our div tag, we will add an image and a sub-heading using the <h2>, as well as three more service items.


Concerning the places portion, we will create the locations in card format. In our places sections, we will first create some div tags, and within those, we will add an image related to the place using the img> tag, and the text for that place using another div tag. We’ll use the span and h2 tags inside that div to add a rating for the place, and the h2 tag to add the subheading of our place items. We’ll make 5 more image cards with zoom features like this one.

Restaurant Website Using HTML and CSS

Now, within our about section, we will use the <section> tag to create another section for About us, and within that, we will use the< img> tag to add a display image about our organization, and we will use the general html element to give a brief explanation about our website.

Footer Section: 

We’ll use the footer tag to create a footer section and the <div> tag to create a div section. Using the &copy tag, we will add the copyright emblem and copyright material, as well as the name of the person who designed the website, using the <p> tag. We will generate links for the footer using the unordered list and the <h3> tag. We will include a heading for the quick link, as well as additional items and support.

Now that we’ve added structure to our webpage, let’s have a look at it.

tourism website project using html and css

Step2: Styling the Travel Website (CSS)

Let’s concentrate on how we can style our website. I’ll highlight some key points to remember when styling.

Default Styling:

We will import several new fonts for our travel website via Google’s import link using the @import url function. Then, using the universal selection, we’ll set the padding, margin, and box size to “border-box”. We’ll style our scrollbar with :webkit-scrollbarselector, setting the scrollbar width to 20px and the border radius to 10px with a yellow background.

Weather App Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript (Source Code)

Navbar Styling:

We will use the class selector (.nav-bar) to set the display to “flex,” with the width set to 100% and the height set to 90 px. We will change the background colour to white using the background colour property, and we will style the navbar items using the ul tag selector.

tourism website project using html and css

This is just scratching the surface of what you can do with CSS, And if you want an in-depth guide on CSS then we have got you covered. We have launched an E-Book for you, In this E-Book you will not only learn CSS but also HTML , Javascript , and Bootstrap as well. But Wait! It doesn’t end here, This E-Book also includes 100+ frontend projects and interview questions as well. You can find out more with this link – Master Frontend Development: Zero to Hero

Styling Banner:

Using the selector (.banner) and the background-image property, we will add an image to our background. We’ll set the width and height to 100% and 100vh, respectively, and use the text-align attribute to centre it. Our form element will also be styled.

tourism website project using html and css

Styling the Services and Places Section

We will utilise the basic CSS concept; first, we will choose the html element using the class selector, and then we will add a background image and set the width and height of the element using basic CSS styling.

tourism website project using html and css

Styling footer:

We will add an image background to our footer and the width and height of our footer using the undordered list tag selector. We will add a black background to our text using the background colour property, and the text will be set as white. We will add responsiveness to our trip website using the media query property.

Ecommerce Website Using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript (Source Code)

tourism website project using html and css

Now we’ve completed our travel website using HTML, CSS . I hope you understood the whole project. Let’s take a look at our Live Preview.

Final Output of Travel/Tourism Website:

Live Preview Of our Travel/Tourism Projects using HTML and CSS:-

If you find this Blog helpful, then make sure to search code with random on Google for Front End Projects with Source codes and make sure to Follow the Code with Random Instagram page.

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