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How To Do Eiffel Tower Yoyo Trick Tutorial

  • August 22, 2023
  • Tricks , Yoyo

Eiffel Tower Yoyo Trick Tutorial

Eiffel Tower Video Tutorial

  • Learn Eiffel Tower yo-yo trick from pro yoyo player Ann Bubak
  • Practise the trick with yoyo not spinning first
  • Strong and straight throw

Most Common Mistakes

  • Weak throw, slow spin
  • Catching yoyo without fully winded string
  • Picture trick not visible

Bikini Steps

  • As with all picture tricks, you can first practice this trick while the yoyo is not spinning.
  • You’ll start the same as Robin Hood, by making an L-shape on your throw hand and pulling the string through.
  • Then you’ll move your hand down and pinch the string, pulling it upward and through. The strings you first grabbed on your non-throw hand should drop and you’ll end up in this position with your palm facing outward.
  • From here, you’ll turn your palm down and move it to the side. The inside of your palm should be facing inwards towards you. You’ll begin to see the Eiffel Tower form.
  • You’ll then unfold the strings and drop them. Tug the yoyo back and get it back to your hand.

Reccomended Yoyo

If you are looking for great overall yoyo to learn modern yoyo tricks with, we recommend the SA Yo-Yo by Skill Addicts.

SkillAddicts Yoyo Teal Silver

Best Way To Learn Yoyo Tricks

We recommend learning yo-yo tricks with Skill Addicts learning app. You can get it at App Store or Google Play for free. 

  • video tutorials created by pro players
  • rewards and level system
  • feedback from other yoyo players
  • easy to follow learning system 
  • over 1000 yoyo tricks
  • joining the yo-yo community

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Eiffel Tower

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Step 1

A hard Sleeper


The Eiffel Tower yo-yo trick is one of the most well-known tricks by non-yoyoers. It involves manipulating the string to form the famous tower.

  • 1 Instructions
  • 2 4.put yourhands down with string around your hands.
  • 3 5.Catch the string.
  • 4 6.While holding the string put your hands up releasing the loop around your hands making like Y shape.
  • 5 7.Rotate it.
  • 7 External Link

Instructions [ ]

1. The Eiffel Tower trick starts off with hard sleeper .

2. Then you want to pull a loop of string between your thumb and yo-finger. The size of the tower will depend on how much string you pull through you fingers.

After, you want to twist that loop of string and pull the extra string hanging down through that loop.

4.put yourhands down with string around your hands. [ ]

5.catch the string. [ ], 6.while holding the string put your hands up releasing the loop around your hands making like y shape. [ ], 7.rotate it. [ ], 8.done. [ ], external link [ ].

  • Eiffel Tower Video at MasterMagic.net
  • Eiffel Tower Video at Yomega.com
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How to Make an Eiffel Tower With String

Last Updated: February 28, 2023

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 45 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 230,818 times. Learn more...

Have you mastered a few basic string figures and want to expand your skills? The Eiffel Tower can be a fun but challenging string figure to master. It may take some practice, but once you're familiar with the different methods of making it, you can make it just for fun, as part of a performance, or teach it to friends. This may be difficult for you, so take time and concentrate on each step. Say the instructions out loud if it helps you.

Making a Simple Eiffel Tower

Step 1 Be prepared to try a few times.

  • If you are using a touch screen device, you should be able to use some part of your hand to scroll down. You might even try using your nose.

Step 4 Tie the ends of the string together in a knot.

  • In other words, slide your pinkies into the loop from underneath, and then make them straight again. Afterwards, when pulled taut with your palms facing each other, the loop will be in a rectangular shape behind your fingers and pinkies, but in front of your pointer, middle, and ring fingers.

Step 6 Take the pointer finger of either hand and hook the string on the opposite hand with it.

  • Repeat this with your other hand as well, looping the string onto your pointer finger from the middle of the opposite hand.
  • Pull the string figure taut once again. Now you have your string figure in "open a" position. This position is the starting position for many string figures.
  • Holding your hands vertically, from top to bottom you will see a downward pointing triangle, a diamond, and an upward pointing triangle.

Step 7 Move each thumb...

  • After the third string is looped, pull your thumbs back out to their normal position, pulling the figure taut while you do.
  • You should now have two loops of string on each of your thumbs, a lower loop, which was the original on your thumbs, and an upper, which you just hooked onto.

Step 8 Release the lower loop from your thumbs.

  • If you experienced with making string figures, you can also do this by rotating your thumbs in a circle down toward your palms. As you do this, you will make sure that you are still hooked onto the upper loops while the upper loops are released.
  • Make sure to keep your string figure pretty taut while completing this step. It's important that you don't let loops other than the top ones on your thumbs come off your fingers.

Step 9 Release the loops that are on your pinkies, gradually pulling the string figure taut as you release them.

  • This string figure is explained fully, with illustrations here .

Step 11 Loosen the cup and saucer figure by moving your hands closer together.

  • If you're not keen on holding it with your teeth, nail a small tack to a board that won't move when you pull on it. Attach the string to the tack instead of your teeth.

Step 13 Release the loops on your thumbs slowly as you pull the loop with your teeth toward your finger tips.

Making an Elaborate Eiffel Tower

Step 1 Be prepared to try a few times.

  • Pull the string figure taut once again.
  • This position is called "open a." It is the starting position for many other string figures as well. [5] X Research source

Step 7 Drop the loops off of your thumbs.

  • Use the fingers on your left hand to expand and move this loop without dropping the strings they hold. This can be a bit difficult but just do it slowly and carefully.
  • Repeat this step on the other hand.

Step 16 Pull the bottom loop on one thumb up and off.

  • Repeat this step on the other hand as well.
  • You should see a small triangle form on both of your hands between your right index fingers and thumbs.

Step 17 Put your index fingers down through the two small triangles you created in the previous step.

  • You now have Jacob's Ladder!
  • This is the most difficult step of this method. Don't get discouraged if you mess it up a couple times. Simply keep practicing so that you can master this movement.

Step 19 Position your Jacob's Ladder vertically, with one of your hands on the top and one on the bottom.

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yoyo figure tour eiffel

  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXV1rX-PvR0
  • ↑ http://www.alysion.org/figures/introkids.htm
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8011qtgyvIM

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Eiffel Tower

Yo-yo trick.

Alright, next trick is called the Eiffel Tower. It's a great trick. If you ever go to France this is a good one to do in front of the Eiffel Tower and get your picture taken. It looks like this. With a little imagination, you can picture the Eiffel Tower there. It's got 2 bottom legs and it's one post staying straight up. It's just like that. We'll teach you how to do this. Once again, just like the Jamaican flag, start with a dead yo-yo. It's going to give you a lot more time to work with it while you're doing it. Drop it straight down. To do it, you take your throw hand. Make an L with it just like that, and you bring it across the string. You take your non-throw hand and you actually grab the string that's coming in between your thumb and your middle finger here. You grab it and pull it. It's kind of like making a sling shot. It looks like you can let go and shoot like a sling shot. It's an L. You grab and pull. Then put your non-throw hand all the way through that loop that you just created. What you want to do is just grab that one string hanging down from your thumb. You grab it, pull it through that loop like so. Now what you hold on to is you got one hand holding on to one string that you just pulled through, and your thumb is still in this loop over here. That's important. We'll do that one more time. You pull through like a sling shot, grab that one string, and notice how I let go everything else when I pull that string to my non-throw hand. Keep that L with your throw hand just like that. Take your thumb, your thumb is the pivot point. Take it and point it straight down like so. See how is brings that string across. Then use your scissor fingers, your pointer middle finger, and you pinch the string like that. Notice you've got your shape. Usually when you display it, you just take both hands and turn it sideways to display. That's your Eiffel Tower just like so. Once again, sling shot, pull through, grab that string, twist your throw hand down, pinch, and display. With a little practice, put the sleeper into it. You can get it going pretty fast. It looks just like that. The Eiffel Tower.


The birth of the Eiffel tower

A realized utopia, eiffel tower.

You are at the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking Paris at a height of almost 300 m / 1000 feet.

At the opening of the Tower in 1889, this very place was different from what you are seeing.

Le Campanile et le Phare de la tour Eiffel - Les merveilles de l'Exposition 1889 by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

It was used, in particular, as a laboratory to carry out scientific experiments and measurements. Many instruments were installed here such as barometers, anemometers, lightning conductors.

In fact, Gustave Eiffel arranged an office for himself at the very top of the Tower for astronomical and physiological observations. He even installed a weather station.

It was these scientific experiments carried at the Tower which saved it from being destroyed by popular demand. Did you know the Tower should have been pulled down just 20 years after it was erected for the 1889 Exposition Universelle!

Affiche - Chemin de fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée - Exposition Universelle 1889 - Paris by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

For the 1889 Universal Exhibition, marking the centenary of the French Revolution, a great competition was announced in the country's Official Gazette.

Universal exhibitions were a technological and industrial showcase for nations, testifying to the achievements made during the industrial revolution.

Le Champ de Mars et l'Ecole Militaire depuis les hauteurs du Trocadéro avant la construction de la tour Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The 1889 competition consisted of "studying the possibility of erecting on the Champ-de-Mars a 300-metre tower with a 125m2 square base". 

The Champ-de-Mars and the Military school as seen from the Trocadéro before the construction of the Eiffel Tower.

Selected from among 107 projects, it was that of Gustave Eiffel, an entrepreneur, Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier, both engineers, and Stephen Sauvestre, an architect, that was accepted.

Gustave Eiffel en pied dans l'escalier de la tour Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

A brilliant engineer, Gustave Eiffel founded a company specialising in metal structural work.

In this sense the Eiffel Tower was the very height of his career. He devoted the last thirty years of his life to experimental research.

This enthusiast and true genius was able to transcend his own limits to leave us monuments such as the dome on the Nice Observatory, the metal structure of the Statue of Liberty and the Bordeaux railway bridge.

Bureau des Etudes de Gustave Eiffel - La Tour Soleil de Bourdais, projet concurrent de la tour Eiffel (calque à la plume) by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The competition held at the time of the 1889 Exposition Universelle received several other entries for 300-metre towers.

A serious component was the project of Jules Bourdais, he was the architect of Palais du Trocadéro. 

He imagined a tower of 300 m based only of stone.

Dessin projet de MM Eiffel, Nouguier et Koechlin by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

In June 1884, Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin, the two chief engineers in Eiffel's company, came up with the idea of building a very tall tower. It was to be designed like a large pylon.

It would have four columns of latticework girders, separated at the base and coming together at the top, and joined to each other by more metal girders at regular intervals.

Pylône de 300m de hauteur pour la ville de Paris - 1889 - Avant Projet de MM Nouguier et Koechlin by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The company had by this time perfectly mastered the principle of building bridge supports. The tower project was a bold extension of this principle up to a height of 300 metres - equivalent to the symbolic figure of 1,000 feet.

Reproductions des planches originales de Gustave Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

On 18 September 1884, Eiffel registered a patent “for a new configuration allowing the construction of metal supports and pylons capable of exceeding a height of 300 metres”.

Sauvestre proposed stonework pedestals to dress the legs, monumental arches to link the four columns and the first level, large glass-walled halls on each level, a bulb-shaped design for the top and various other ornamental features to decorate the whole of the structure.

The first floor - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The second floor - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The top - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

Antennas - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The first digging work started on 26 January 1887 and marked the beginning of the Tower's construction.

Conception—Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel

The Eiffel Tower in 1900

The eiffel tower's inauguration and first visitors, the construction of the eiffel tower.

Take a photo from the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower

Guided tour up to the second floor with access to the Top

An unforgettable ascent and fascinating history.

maximum of 12 people

All the benefits of a guided tour and self-guided visit in one ticket!

This comprehensive visit includes a tour by an official Eiffel Tower guide and includes facilitated access to the elevator from the ground to the second floor. Learn more about the major historical events and little-known anecdotes behind the Eiffel Tower and experience the thrilling ascent to the top. Your guide will take you up to the second floor during a one-hour guided tour. You can then continue your visit the whole way to the Top, making sure you take time to explore the second and first floors at your own pace on the way back down.

Vue depuis le sommet pendant un coucher de soleil

The guided tour, available in French or English, is open to groups of up to 12 people. After meeting on the esplanade, your official guide will take you on a seamless one-hour visit. Once the tour is over, your guide will say “au revoir” on the second floor after showing you how to get to the elevator that will take you to the Top. The rest of your visit will be self-guided. Explore at your own pace, taking in the panoramic views at every level and enjoying all the benefits of the guided tour ticket at selected shops and food and beverage outlets.

The visit experience

Vue sur les éléments de machinerie d'ascenseur

01 – Meet your tour guide on the esplanade beneath the Eiffel Tower

Punctuality is the key to starting this visit on the right foot. Make sure you arrive at the Official Guided Tours meeting point (provided on your e-ticket) at least 15 minutes before the time indicated on your ticket. The tour starts right on time. Your guide will start by taking you to an exclusive area reserved for visitors taking the guided tour to show you how the two historic Eiffel Tower elevators work.

02 – Learn more about the monument during a one-hour tour

Your guide will then facilitate your access to the elevator taking you to the second floor. During the one-hour guided tour, you will discover the major milestones in the history of the Tower and learn more about how this iconic monument operates on a daily basis.

03 – Self-guided ascent to the top

After your guided tour, you can complete your visit at your own pace. Your ticket allows you to take the elevator from the upper level of the second floor to the Top of the Eiffel Tower. You may have to wait to take this elevator. Take your time and enjoy the most beautiful view of Paris and the surrounding region. If you’d like to raise a glass to celebrate this unforgettable moment, be sure to visit the champagne bar on the top.

04- Make your way back down and explore

Continue to explore the Eiffel Tower on your way back down. Feel free to return to both levels of the second floor. Take in all the different views of the city and surrounding areas and be sure to enjoy the restaurants and shops! To make your way down to the first floor and ground floor, we recommend taking the stairs to discover the tower’s fascinating structure. Once you've reached the first floor, take your time exploring this level and its wealth of content and panoramic views. The Ferrié Pavilion bistro on the first floor is also the best place to make the most of your guided tour ticket advantages: 10% off products from the exclusive Eiffel Tower brand and 10% off a specific menu at the bistro.

Also available

Vue sur le sommet de la tour Eiffel

Ticket to the Top via the Lift

Experience the most comprehensive visit of the Eiffel Tower!

Boire du champagne au sommet de la tour Eiffel

Ticket to the top via the elevator with a glass of champagne

The most comprehensive experience celebrated with bubbles

Ticket prices

Pictogramme drapeau français

Guided tour to the second floor and access to the Top for a maximum price of €59.40 (adult price) The guided tour price includes the elevator ticket + €30 (Adult & Youth rates) or €20 (Child rate)

  • Adult : 59.40 euros
  • Young from 12 to 24 : 44.70 euros
  • Children from 4 to 11 : 27.40 euros
  • Children under 4 : free

The guided tour starts right at the time listed on your ticket. You will need to arrive at the meeting point on the esplanade 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

To prepare for your visit, be sure to use Entrance 1 upon your arrival at the monument and get in the line for Official Guided Tours. Allow 15 to 20 minutes to go through the security checks before arriving on the esplanade.

For safety reasons, this tour with access to the Top is not authorized for people with reduced mobility.

Get 10% off the Eiffel Tower brand’s exclusive range of products at the monument’s shops and save on a special menu served at the bistro on the first floor and at the buffe

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