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Besseling Travel

  • De Stuwdam 5 , 3815 KM Amersfoort , Netherlands

Tailor-made transport: Besseling Travel is located in Amersfoort. Thanks to our central location, we can be deployed throughout the country. But of course we also find our way abroad. With our large and very varied fleet, we can always deliver tailor-made solutions. Whether it concerns the transport of a small group or thousands of people, wheelchair transport, shuttle transport or very luxurious VIP transport, we are happy to arrange it for you. Luxurious and safe fleet: We realize that we are your calling card when we transport your customer. That is why Besseling has the youngest and most beautiful fleet in the Netherlands, consisting of more than 50 SETRAs: the Rolls Royce of coaches. Our coaches are equipped with seat belts, roll bar and the most modern safety gadgets. Thanks to our own workshop and own car wash, all coaches are continuously in a beautiful state of maintenance. Environment: The coach is a very environmentally friendly way to travel. Besseling goes one step further. Almost all our coaches already have a EURO-5 engine, the most environmentally friendly engine in the touring car world. This means that Besseling amply complies with the currently applicable environmental standard. In addition, we pay a lot of attention to maintenance, so that the tires are continuously under pressure and fuel is not wasted unnecessarily. The coaches are refueled on our own site, which saves a detour. Excellent quality You are ultimately responsible for every event. That is why you do not take any risks and you want to be able to substantiate that you have been careful in your decision-making. If you choose Besseling, you choose proven quality. Besseling Travel is a Quality Mark Touring car company and also works according to a quality system that is certified in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO 9001: 2000. This way you are assured of the correct execution of your assignment.

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Vervoer op maat: Besseling Travel is gevestigd in Amersfoort. Door onze centrale locatie zijn wij in het gehele land inzetbaar. Maar vanzelfsprekend vinden wij ook onze weg in het buitenland. Met ons grote en zeer gevarieerde wagenpark kunnen wij altijd maatwerk leveren. Of het nu gaat om het vervoer van een kleine groep of duizenden mensen, om rolstoelvervoer, pendelvervoer of zeer luxe VIP-vervoer, wij regelen het graag voor u. Luxe en veilig wagenpark: Wij realiseren ons dat we uw visitekaartje zijn op het moment dat wij uw klant vervoeren. Daarom beschikt Besseling over het jongste en mooiste wagenpark van Nederland, bestaande uit ruim 50 SETRA's: de Rolls Royce onder de touringcars. Onze touringcars zijn voorzien van veiligheidsgordels, rolbar en de meest moderne veiligheidssnufjes. Dankzij onze eigen werkplaats en eigen wasstraat verkeren alle touringcars continu in een prachtige staat van onderhoud. Milieu: De touringcar is een zeer milieuvriendelijke manier van reizen. Besseling doet daar nog een schepje bovenop. Nagenoeg al onze touringcars beschikken al over een EURO-5 motor, de meest milieuvriendelijke motor in touringcarland. Daarmee voldoet Besseling ruimschoots aan de thans geldende milieunorm. Daarnaast besteden wij veel aandacht aan onderhoud, zodat de banden continu op spanning zijn en niet onnodig brandstof wordt verspild. Op ons eigen terrein worden de touringcars afgetankt, dit scheelt weer omrijden. Uitstekende kwaliteit Bij ieder evenement bent u eindverantwoordelijk. Daarom neemt u geen risico's en wilt u kunnen onderbouwen dat u zorgvuldig bent geweest bij uw besluitvorming. Indien u kiest voor Besseling kiest u voor bewezen kwaliteit. Besseling Travel is een Keurmerk Touring-carbedrijf en werkt daarnaast volgens een kwaliteitssysteem dat is gecertificeerd conform de NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2000. Zo bent u verzekerd van een juiste uitvoering van uw opdracht.

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Touristram is reeds 23 jaar op de markt met zijn unieke 4-seizoensvoertuigen voor open-deur-dagen, shuttle diensten, bedrijfsevents, promo-voertuig, huwelijken, braderijen, enz...


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Besseling Travel B.V.

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Besseling Travel BV, gevestigd aan de De Stuwdam 5, 3815 KM Amersfoort (KvK 30202377), is verantwoordelijk voor de verzameling en verwerking van persoonsgegevens zoals beschreven in deze privacyverklaring.

Uw privacy is belangrijk voor Besseling Travel BV. We gebruiken uw persoonsgegevens uitsluitend om uw account te beheren, ons touringcarvervoer en daarbij behorende diensten aan u te leveren en om u te informeren over ons wagenpark aanbod en diensten, voor zover u hiertoe toestemming hebt verleend. We hechten veel waarde aan de bescherming, vertrouwelijkheid en integriteit van uw persoonsgegevens.

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We gebruiken uw persoonsgegevens uitsluitend voor de doeleinden waarvoor deze zijn verzameld en, waar van toepassing, om te voldoen aan wettelijke verplichtingen. We gebruiken uw persoonsgegevens voor de volgende doeleinden:

Uitvoering van de overeenkomsten  We verwerken uw persoonsgegevens om u de diensten van uw keuze te kunnen leveren. Zo gebruiken wij deze informatie om onze chauffeurs en/of reisspecialisten te informeren over de overeengekomen vervoers- of reisovereenkomst. 

Klantcontact en communicatie  We gebruiken uw gegevens om in verband met onze dienstverlening met u te communiceren via e-mail, ons plansysteem of andere elektronische en sociale media. Zo ontvangt u van ons facturen en kunnen wij met u communiceren om bijvoorbeeld uw touringcar-huur/rit te bevestigen, vragen over ons wagenpark te beantwoorden en om u uit te nodigen deel te nemen aan klanttevredenheidsonderzoeken/enquetes.

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Besseling Vervoert De Stuwdam 5 3815 KM AMERSFOORT

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The Moscow Metro Museum of Art: 10 Must-See Stations

There are few times one can claim having been on the subway all afternoon and loving it, but the Moscow Metro provides just that opportunity.  While many cities boast famous public transport systems—New York’s subway, London’s underground, San Salvador’s chicken buses—few warrant hours of exploration.  Moscow is different: Take one ride on the Metro, and you’ll find out that this network of railways can be so much more than point A to B drudgery.

The Metro began operating in 1935 with just thirteen stations, covering less than seven miles, but it has since grown into the world’s third busiest transit system ( Tokyo is first ), spanning about 200 miles and offering over 180 stops along the way.  The construction of the Metro began under Joseph Stalin’s command, and being one of the USSR’s most ambitious building projects, the iron-fisted leader instructed designers to create a place full of svet (radiance) and svetloe budushchee (a radiant future), a palace for the people and a tribute to the Mother nation.

Consequently, the Metro is among the most memorable attractions in Moscow.  The stations provide a unique collection of public art, comparable to anything the city’s galleries have to offer and providing a sense of the Soviet era, which is absent from the State National History Museum.  Even better, touring the Metro delivers palpable, experiential moments, which many of us don’t get standing in front of painting or a case of coins.

Though tours are available , discovering the Moscow Metro on your own provides a much more comprehensive, truer experience, something much less sterile than following a guide.  What better place is there to see the “real” Moscow than on mass transit: A few hours will expose you to characters and caricatures you’ll be hard-pressed to find dining near the Bolshoi Theater.  You become part of the attraction, hear it in the screech of the train, feel it as hurried commuters brush by: The Metro sucks you beneath the city and churns you into the mix.

With the recommendations of our born-and-bred Muscovite students, my wife Emma and I have just taken a self-guided tour of what some locals consider the top ten stations of the Moscow Metro. What most satisfied me about our Metro tour was the sense of adventure .  I loved following our route on the maps of the wagon walls as we circled the city, plotting out the course to the subsequent stops; having the weird sensation of being underground for nearly four hours; and discovering the next cavern of treasures, playing Indiana Jones for the afternoon, piecing together fragments of Russia’s mysterious history.  It’s the ultimate interactive museum.

Top Ten Stations (In order of appearance)

Kievskaya station.

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Kievskaya Station went public in March of 1937, the rails between it and Park Kultury Station being the first to cross the Moscow River.  Kievskaya is full of mosaics depicting aristocratic scenes of Russian life, with great cameo appearances by Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.  Each work has a Cyrillic title/explanation etched in the marble beneath it; however, if your Russian is rusty, you can just appreciate seeing familiar revolutionary dates like 1905 ( the Russian Revolution ) and 1917 ( the October Revolution ).

Mayakovskaya Station

Mayakovskaya Station ranks in my top three most notable Metro stations. Mayakovskaya just feels right, done Art Deco but no sense of gaudiness or pretention.  The arches are adorned with rounded chrome piping and create feeling of being in a jukebox, but the roof’s expansive mosaics of the sky are the real showstopper.  Subjects cleverly range from looking up at a high jumper, workers atop a building, spires of Orthodox cathedrals, to nimble aircraft humming by, a fleet of prop planes spelling out CCCP in the bluest of skies.

Novoslobodskaya Station

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Novoslobodskaya is the Metro’s unique stained glass station.  Each column has its own distinctive panels of colorful glass, most of them with a floral theme, some of them capturing the odd sailor, musician, artist, gardener, or stenographer in action.  The glass is framed in Art Deco metalwork, and there is the lovely aspect of discovering panels in the less frequented haunches of the hall (on the trackside, between the incoming staircases).  Novosblod is, I’ve been told, the favorite amongst out-of-town visitors.

Komsomolskaya Station

Komsomolskaya Station is one of palatial grandeur.  It seems both magnificent and obligatory, like the presidential palace of a colonial city.  The yellow ceiling has leafy, white concrete garland and a series of golden military mosaics accenting the tile mosaics of glorified Russian life.  Switching lines here, the hallway has an Alice-in-Wonderland feel, impossibly long with decorative tile walls, culminating in a very old station left in a remarkable state of disrepair, offering a really tangible glimpse behind the palace walls.

Dostoevskaya Station

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Dostoevskaya is a tribute to the late, great hero of Russian literature .  The station at first glance seems bare and unimpressive, a stark marble platform without a whiff of reassembled chips of tile.  However, two columns have eerie stone inlay collages of scenes from Dostoevsky’s work, including The Idiot , The Brothers Karamazov , and Crime and Punishment.   Then, standing at the center of the platform, the marble creates a kaleidoscope of reflections.  At the entrance, there is a large, inlay portrait of the author.

Chkalovskaya Station

Chkalovskaya does space Art Deco style (yet again).  Chrome borders all.  Passageways with curvy overhangs create the illusion of walking through the belly of a chic, new-age spacecraft.  There are two (kos)mosaics, one at each end, with planetary subjects.  Transferring here brings you above ground, where some rather elaborate metalwork is on display.  By name similarity only, I’d expected Komsolskaya Station to deliver some kosmonaut décor; instead, it was Chkalovskaya that took us up to the space station.

Elektrozavodskaya Station

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Elektrozavodskaya is full of marble reliefs of workers, men and women, laboring through the different stages of industry.  The superhuman figures are round with muscles, Hollywood fit, and seemingly undeterred by each Herculean task they respectively perform.  The station is chocked with brass, from hammer and sickle light fixtures to beautiful, angular framework up the innards of the columns.  The station’s art pieces are less clever or extravagant than others, but identifying the different stages of industry is entertaining.

Baumanskaya Statio

Baumanskaya Station is the only stop that wasn’t suggested by the students.  Pulling in, the network of statues was just too enticing: Out of half-circle depressions in the platform’s columns, the USSR’s proud and powerful labor force again flaunts its success.  Pilots, blacksmiths, politicians, and artists have all congregated, posing amongst more Art Deco framing.  At the far end, a massive Soviet flag dons the face of Lenin and banners for ’05, ’17, and ‘45.  Standing in front of the flag, you can play with the echoing roof.

Ploshchad Revolutsii Station

besseling travel bv

Controlled Atmosphere

The market price for fruit and vegetables is primarily determined by quality, supply and demand. But how do you maintain the best quality in your products until the most suitable moment?

Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere

Low oxygen levels have proved their effectiveness during the storage of fruit and vegetables. The lower the oxygen level, the less the fruits respire and the less they deteriorate in quality.

CO 2 adsorber

Fruit and vegetables ‘breathe’, a natural process in which oxygen is converted into CO 2 (carbon dioxide). An increased CO 2 level in a cold store 'calms' the fruit, but an excess will cause damage and must therefore be removed.

PSA nitrogen generator

By lowering the level of oxygen in the cold store, respiration is slowed down and the 'metabolism' of important nutrients in fruits and vegetables is reduced.

Pallet Fresh System

Soft fruit, a great product but also a sensitive one. It is a product that must be marketed at the right moment in order to fetch the best price. Especially for these sensitive fruit varieties Besseling has developed the Pallet Fresh System.

Controlled Atmosphere disinfestation

Insects are a pest for commodities. By decreasing the level of oxygen in a gastight, temperature controlled store a mortality rate of 100% can be achieved.

Besseling, the art of storage

Storing and protecting, two words which are key to everything Besseling does: giving your products exactly the care and attention they need in order to achieve the highest possible returns. As a specialist in CA, ULO, DCA and other storage technologies, we offer tailored solutions to create a protective atmosphere.

Why Besseling Group? The answer is simple: proven technology. Our products are tried and tested under the most difficult and most extreme conditions. We set the most stringent requirements for our products. Not surprisingly, because our founders have been active in the agrarian sector for generations and have always remained on the lookout for the best ways to store your precious products.

Thanks to our expertise, we are able to offer you integrated solutions for all your storage needs and, if desired, advice on the many facets of atmosphere, cold and humidity control. Our high-quality products have been specially developed to store your products – long-term, affordable, reliable and with a minimum of maintenance. In short: a complete program to preserve your products/income.

Besseling offers you peace of mind in your cold store and beyond. And that is exactly what we mean by “the art of storage”.

besseling travel bv

The importance of proper safety reliefs: Better safe than sorry! During the storage season a cold store is constantly subjected to changing circumstances which can directly affect the atmospheric conditions in your cold rooms. Because of changing air pressures as a result from atmospheric changes and temperature differences (including cooling actions), the air volume in […]

In less than one month, the fruit and vegetable industry’s spotlight will shine on Madrid as we prepare to showcase our Controlled Atmosphere Storage equipment at the Fruit Attraction show. Discover the critical role of proper storage solutions in preserving the freshness and quality of agricultural bounty. Our team is gearing up to take center […]

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The trains and stations of the Moscow Metro

2 Comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Cities , Travel , Video

The Moscow Metro is the third most intensive subway system in the world after Tokyo and Seoul subways. The first line was opened on May 15, 1935. Since 1955, the metro has the name of V.I. Lenin.

The system consists of 12 lines with a total length of 305.7 km. Forty four stations are recognized cultural heritage. The largest passenger traffic is in rush hours from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 19:00.

Cellular communication is available on most of the stations of the Moscow Metro. In March 2012, a free Wi-Fi appeared in the Circle Line train. The Moscow Metro is open to passengers from 5:20 to 01:00. The average interval between trains is 2.5 minutes.

The fare is paid by using contactless tickets and contactless smart cards, the passes to the stations are controlled by automatic turnstiles. Ticket offices and ticket vending machines can be found in station vestibules.

besseling travel bv

Tags:  Moscow city

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Tomás · August 27, 2012 at 11:34 pm

The Moscow metro stations are the best That I know, cars do not.

' src=

Alberto Calvo · September 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm

Great videos! Moscow Metro is just spectacular. I actually visited Moscow myself quite recently and wrote a post about my top 7 stations, please check it out and let me know what you think! :)


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Claudia Looi

Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

By Claudia Looi 2 Comments

Komsomolskaya metro station

Komsomolskaya metro station looks like a museum. It has vaulted ceilings and baroque decor.

Hidden underground, in the heart of Moscow, are historical and architectural treasures of Russia. These are Soviet-era creations – the metro stations of Moscow.

Our guide Maria introduced these elaborate metro stations as “the palaces for the people.” Built between 1937 and 1955, each station holds its own history and stories. Stalin had the idea of building beautiful underground spaces that the masses could enjoy. They would look like museums, art centers, concert halls, palaces and churches. Each would have a different theme. None would be alike.

The two-hour private tour was with a former Intourist tour guide named Maria. Maria lived in Moscow all her life and through the communist era of 60s to 90s. She has been a tour guide for more than 30 years. Being in her 60s, she moved rather quickly for her age. We traveled and crammed with Maria and other Muscovites on the metro to visit 10 different metro stations.

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Moscow subways are very clean

Moscow subways are very clean

To Maria, every street, metro and building told a story. I couldn’t keep up with her stories. I don’t remember most of what she said because I was just thrilled being in Moscow.   Added to that, she spilled out so many Russian words and names, which to one who can’t read Cyrillic, sounded so foreign and could be easily forgotten.

The metro tour was the first part of our all day tour of Moscow with Maria. Here are the stations we visited:

1. Komsomolskaya Metro Station  is the most beautiful of them all. Painted yellow and decorated with chandeliers, gold leaves and semi precious stones, the station looks like a stately museum. And possibly decorated like a palace. I saw Komsomolskaya first, before the rest of the stations upon arrival in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg.

2. Revolution Square Metro Station (Ploshchad Revolyutsii) has marble arches and 72 bronze sculptures designed by Alexey Dushkin. The marble arches are flanked by the bronze sculptures. If you look closely you will see passersby touching the bronze dog's nose. Legend has it that good luck comes to those who touch the dog's nose.

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Revolution Square Metro Station

Revolution Square Metro Station

3. Arbatskaya Metro Station served as a shelter during the Soviet-era. It is one of the largest and the deepest metro stations in Moscow.

Arbatskaya Metro Station

Arbatskaya Metro Station

4. Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station was built in 1935 and named after the Russian State Library. It is located near the library and has a big mosaic portrait of Lenin and yellow ceramic tiles on the track walls.

Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station

Lenin's portrait at the Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station


5. Kievskaya Metro Station was one of the first to be completed in Moscow. Named after the capital city of Ukraine by Kiev-born, Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's successor.


Kievskaya Metro Station

6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station  was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders.

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Novoslobodskaya metro station

7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power. It has a dome with patriotic slogans decorated with red stars representing the Soviet's World War II Hall of Fame. Kurskaya Metro Station is a must-visit station in Moscow.

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Ceiling panel and artworks at Kurskaya Metro Station


8. Mayakovskaya Metro Station built in 1938. It was named after Russian poet Vladmir Mayakovsky. This is one of the most beautiful metro stations in the world with 34 mosaics painted by Alexander Deyneka.

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya metro station

One of the over 30 ceiling mosaics in Mayakovskaya metro station

9. Belorusskaya Metro Station is named after the people of Belarus. In the picture below, there are statues of 3 members of the Partisan Resistance in Belarus during World War II. The statues were sculpted by Sergei Orlov, S. Rabinovich and I. Slonim.


10. Teatralnaya Metro Station (Theatre Metro Station) is located near the Bolshoi Theatre.

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Have you visited the Moscow Metro? Leave your comment below.

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January 15, 2017 at 8:17 am

An excellent read! Thanks for much for sharing the Russian metro system with us. We're heading to Moscow in April and exploring the metro stations were on our list and after reading your post, I'm even more excited to go visit them. Thanks again 🙂

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December 6, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Hi, do you remember which tour company you contacted for this tour?

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  18. The trains and stations of the Moscow Metro · Russia Travel Blog

    2 Comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Cities, Travel, Video. The Moscow Metro is the third most intensive subway system in the world after Tokyo and Seoul subways. The first line was opened on May 15, 1935. Since 1955, the metro has the name of V.I. Lenin.

  19. Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

    6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders. Novoslobodskaya metro station. 7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power.