Meaning of Wandering by James Taylor

In "Wandering" by James Taylor, the lyrics portray a restless and nomadic lifestyle. The song expresses a sense of constant movement and an inability to settle down. Let's break down key lyrics and their meanings to understand the song's message:

"I've been wandering Early late From New York City To the Golden Gate"

These lines suggest that the narrator has been roaming and traveling extensively, ranging from New York City to the Golden Gate (a reference to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco). The use of "early late" indicates that this wandering has been ongoing for a long time, possibly implying a sense of aimlessness or searching for something.

"My daddy was an engineer My brother drives a hack My sister takes in laundry While the baby balls the jack"

These lyrics highlight the narrator's family background, revealing that their father was an engineer, their brother drives a cab ("hack"), their sister takes in laundry for a living, and their younger sibling engages in dubious activities ("balls the jack" refers to gambling or engaging in illicit behavior). These lines imply a working-class upbringing and perhaps suggest a heritage of instability or struggle.

"I've been in the army I've worked on a farm And all I've got to show Is the muscle in my arm"

These lines indicate that the narrator has experienced various jobs and lifestyles, including serving in the army and working on a farm. However, the narrator feels that despite their efforts, the only thing they have to show for their endeavors is physical strength ("muscle in my arm"). This could reflect a sense of disillusionment or dissatisfaction with the results of their labor.

"My ma she died When I was young My daddy took to stealing And he got hung"

These lyrics reveal a tragic family history, where the narrator's mother died when they were young, and their father turned to criminal activity ("took to stealing") and ultimately met a grim fate ("got hung"). This personal background adds another layer of hardship and loss to the narrator's life story.

"Snakes in the ocean Eels in the sea I let a redheaded woman Make a fool out of me"

These lines utilize symbolism and metaphor to express the narrator's experiences with betrayal or manipulation. The mention of "snakes in the ocean" and "eels in the sea" suggests treacherous or deceitful situations. The reference to a "redheaded woman" could represent a particular person who deceived or led the narrator astray. This imagery reinforces the theme of the narrator being caught in a never-ending cycle of disappointment and poor choices.

Overall, "Wandering" portrays a sense of restlessness, discontentment, and an inability to find stability or purpose. The lyrics draw upon themes of family, work, betrayal, and personal struggles. The song reflects the feelings of being adrift in life, constantly moving from place to place without finding a true sense of home or fulfillment. The significance lies in the exploration of how difficult circumstances and personal choices can lead to a perpetual state of wandering, both physically and metaphorically.

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I wish this song has some comments for us to read. Love this song so much, the music behind the lyrics soothes my soul, and somehow makes me want to cry. I guess the lyrics speaks for myself too...

'coz I am too might never stop wandering my whole life.

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James Taylor released the song Wandering . Date of release: 1975.

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James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, Taylor was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2000. more »

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Written by: JAMES TAYLOR

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

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  • #1 Sweet Baby James
  • #2 Lo and Behold
  • #4 Steamroller Blues
  • #5 Country Road
  • #7 Fire and Rain
  • #10 Oh Baby, Don't You Loose Your Lip on Me
  • #11 Suite for 20 G
  • #12 Love Has Brought Me Around
  • #13 You've Got a Friend
  • #14 Places in My Past
  • #15 Riding on a Railroad
  • #16 Soldiers
  • #17 Mud Slide Slim
  • #18 Hey Mister, That's Me up on the Jukebox
  • #19 You Can Close Your Eyes
  • #20 Machine Gun Kelly
  • #22 Let Me Ride
  • #23 Highway Song
  • #24 Isn't It Nice to Be Home Again
  • #25 One Man Parade
  • #26 Nobody but You
  • #27 Chili Dog
  • #28 Fool for You
  • #30 New Tune
  • #32 Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
  • #33 Woh, Don't You Know
  • #34 One Morning in May
  • #36 Someone
  • #38 Fanfare
  • #39 Little David
  • #40 Mescalito
  • #51 The Promised Land
  • #52 Fading Away
  • #55 How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)
  • #56 Wandering
  • #60 Lighthouse
  • #69 Daddy's All Gone
  • #70 Woman's Gotta Have It
  • #72 Don't Be Sad 'Cause Your Sun Is Down


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James Taylor: 'I don't read music. I don't write it. So I wander around on the guitar until something starts to present itself.'

I don't read music. I don't write it. So I wander around on the guitar until something starts to present itself.

In this quote by James Taylor, the renowned singer-songwriter opens up about his creative process, revealing a distinct approach to music-making. Exploring the meaning and importance of Taylor's words, we grasp the essence of his musical style and how it sets his artistic journey apart. Moreover, delving deeper, we'll introduce an unexpected philosophical concept to shed new light on Taylor's perspective, presenting an intriguing parallel between his creative process and the broader human experience of finding meaning and purpose in life.When Taylor says, "I don't read music. I don't write it. So I wander around on the guitar until something starts to present itself," he unveils a method that departs from conventional musical practices. Many musicians are trained to read and write music, following established rules and structures. However, Taylor's approach speaks to the intuitive and spontaneous nature of his music-making. Rather than restricting himself to pre-conceived notions, he allows himself to explore the vast sonic landscape of the guitar, embracing the unknown until an idea germinates.The importance of Taylor's quote lies in its celebration of creativity in its purest form. By eschewing formal music education, Taylor embraces a freedom that enables him to forge his unique style. He taps into his inner well of inspiration, trusting his instincts and allowing his creative journey to unfold organically. In doing so, he encourages others to find their own creative path, unburdened by constraints and conventions.Now, let's introduce an unexpected philosophical concept to find deeper meaning in Taylor's words. Taylor's wandering on the guitar, waiting for something to present itself, resonates with the human quest for purpose and meaning in life. Just like Taylor allows ideas to emerge as he explores the guitar, we, too, engage in a journey of self-discovery as we navigate the complex tapestry of existence.In this parallel understanding, life becomes the guitar, and our actions, emotions, relationships, and experiences akin to the meandering footsteps of Taylor's fingers on the strings. Just as he stumbles upon the melody hidden within the guitar, we encounter moments of revelation and understanding when we engage wholeheartedly in life's wanderings. By embracing uncertainty and curiosity, much like Taylor does with his instrument, we open ourselves up to possibilities and discover the depth and richness that life holds.In this philosophical approach, Taylor's quote takes on a new dimension. He becomes a metaphorical guide, reminding us to wander, explore, and be open to what life presents. Similar to how he embraces the guitar and trusts in the creative process, we should trust in ourselves and the process of living authentically. By doing so, we can tap into the infinite potential that resides within us and find our own unique melodies within the symphony of life.In summary, James Taylor's quote encapsulates his unconventional approach to music-making and emphasizes the importance of embracing creativity on our own terms. Rather than rigidly adhering to established norms, Taylor finds inspiration through exploration and intuition, urging others to do the same. Moreover, by drawing a parallel between Taylor's creative process and our journey through life, we discover that his wandering on the guitar holds a poignant message. Just as he finds melodies when he allows himself to wander, so too can we find meaning and purpose by wandering through life with open hearts and curious minds.

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This Aston Martin Could Be the New James Bond's Ride

T he name Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been circulating in the news lately as a possible replacement for Daniel Craig as James Bond . Taylor-Johnson is no stranger to action movies, but playing 007 would be a whole new level of stardom. And it would come with the privilege of driving some seriously cool cars.

In his personal life , Taylor-Johnson hasn't been spotted driving a lot of flashy cars. His most notable ride is a Volvo XC90 . But if he does take on the Bond role, we can expect to see him behind the wheel of some very elegant vehicles.

What Car Would Aaron Taylor-Johnson Drive as James Bond?

When we think of James Bond, we think of Aston Martin. The British automaker has a long history of providing Bond with his iconic cars. Over the years, we've seen Bond drive everything from the Aston Martin DB10 to the BMW 750iL, and even the unique Lotus Esprit that transformed into a submarine. But the most iconic Bond car of all time is undoubtedly the Aston Martin DB5.

Under the Hood of the Classic Aston Martin DB5

The Aston Martin DB5 made its first appearance in the 1964 film Goldfinger , driven by the legendary Sean Connery. The car is powered by a 4.0-liter 6-cylinder engine that produces 286 horsepower at 5,500 rpm and 290 lb-ft of torque at 3,850 rpm. It can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 7.8 seconds and has a top speed of 150 mph.

While information about Daniel Craig's successor is still scarce and unofficial, we're already excited to see the Marvel and Kick-Ass actor take on the iconic role. We're also keeping an eye out for any teasers or trailers that might reveal other cars that could be part of the next Bond film.

El actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

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‘Uncropped’ Review: An Enticing Portrait of James Hamilton Makes You Wonder: Is He the Greatest New York Photographer Ever?

D.W. Young's documentary gets you hooked on the work of the legendary Village Voice and Harper's Bazaar photographer, whose images are a miracle of spontaneous classicism.

By Owen Gleiberman

Owen Gleiberman

Chief Film Critic

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Hamilton’s black-and-white images — in the documentary, we see hundreds of them — have a burnished tactility, and a psychology so effortless that every one of them tells a story. The photographs are gallery beautiful, but they’re also a form of New Journalism. He, too, showed us freaks, and made his shots of the famous into encounters , and captured what his life partner, the writer Kathy Dobie, calls “the choreography of street life.”

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Yet Hamilton, born in 1946, is that rare thing, a lifelong bohemian. In the documentary, we see him wandering, today, through Washington Square Park, always with his camera. He’s tall, with a shock of white hair, and a voice of surprising velvet gentleness. He talks about how much he misses the analog days, when you had to go into the darkroom to discover what you had shot. In the summer of ’66, Hamilton and two buddies moved into a small apartment on University Place (the rent was $109), and it’s one he still occupies — a shadowy, cozy-in-a-beatnik-rat-trap-way flat with a darkroom he built into the kitchen that was barely big enough to house a kitchen. As a magazine photographer, he did his own processing and printing there, insisting the images go in as he’d framed them, uncropped, which is basically what happened. He was so good at what he did that his editors let him write his own ticket.

In 1969, Hamilton spent several months hitchhiking across the country, shooting hundreds of rolls of film (the shots from that trip have a Larry Clark rawhide vibrance), and he wound up crashing the Texas Pop Festival, forging a press badge so that he could stand in front of the stage and shoot pictures of B.B. King, Janis Joplin, and Johnny Winter. This led to his first gig, a two-year stint (1969-71) as the staff photographer at Crawdaddy, which was then a newspaper. He had a blast. The rock stars all stayed at the Albert Hotel, across the street from the newspaper’s office, or at the Chelsea. Hamilton took a million photographs in hotel rooms, and he practically lived backstage at the Fillmore.

His music-world photos are blazingly alive. And one of the things that “Uncropped” takes us back to is the world before publicists, when a photographer like James Hamilton could show you the life backstage, or hang out for hours in a hotel room with Duane Allman, capturing his dissolute hedonism, or with Alfred Hitchcock, who produced a grin for him unlike that seen in any other Hitchcock photograph. He also, not so incidentally, caught the punk revolution.

Hamilton, as we see, was something of a purist, without being obnoxious about it. In his heyday, he was very good-looking, like a tousle-haired Tim Robbins with a private smirk, and it was said that everyone at the Voice had a crush on him. Combine that with talent, and that’s the kind of aura you can’t buy. Yet Hamilton, by keeping himself at a remove, was too hip to be a player . He traveled light, with a small camera and a single-camera-top flash, and he lived, every day, for his photographs, and didn’t cozy up to power. (You have to do some of that to become famous.)

He thrived at the Voice during the era Clay Felker owned it. He also bonded with director George A. Romero and became the on-set photographer for Romero’s “Knightriders” (and then “Creepshow,” where he got to be pals with Hal Holbrook; the two would sneak off to fly ultralight gliders over Pittsburgh). Then he went back to the Voice, where in 1989 he and Joe Conason snuck into a morgue in Beijing and took pictures of the corpses of protesters who’d been killed by the Chinese government after Tiananmen Square. This was hair-raising, life-risking stuff.

The hits kept coming. For New York magazine, he shot Robert Altman and Rudolph Guiliani (who reminded him of Boo Radley) and David Dinkins (it was said that his portrait of Dinkins was so sympathetic that it may have won Dinkins the mayoral election). He shot the “preppie killer” Robert Chambers, his camera lens staring into Chambers’ psycho soul, and he was sent to cover the Ethiopian war by the London Sunday Times Magazine. He spent months over there, driving in petrol trucks through roads dotted with landmines, and at one point was chased by Migs firing rockets.

The James Hamilton we meet in “Uncropped” is a fearless man of charming modesty: an artist-journalist who takes his work far more seriously than he does himself. He and Kathy Dobie have a lovely home in the Hamptons, and he brought his active career to a close after he was hit by a car in Brooklyn Heights, causing a leg injury that required four surgeries. But he owns all his own photographs (there are mountains of contact sheets), and he has put a fraction of them out in books. “Uncropped” is the documentary tribute he deserves, though there’s a reason I came out of the film thinking he deserves even more. “Uncropped” gets you so hooked on James Hamilton’s photographs it makes you want to share them with the world.

Reviewed online, April 21, 2024. Running time: 111 MIN.

  • Production: A Greenwich Entertainment release of a Fine Print Pictures production. Producers: Judith Mizrachy, D.W. Young. Executive producers: Wes Anderson, Chris Fralic, Irma Fralic, Dan Wechsler.
  • Crew: Director: D.W. Young. Camera: Marika Hacking, Francesco Saviano. Editor: D.W. Young. Music: David Ullmann.
  • With: James Hamilton, Sylvia Plachy, Kathy Dobie, Mark Jacobson, Joe Conason, Richard Goldstein, Thurston Moore, Thulani Davis, Eva Prinz, David Lee, Susan Vermazen, Michael Daly, Wes Anderson, Alexandra Jacobs.

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    james taylor wandering meaning


  1. The Meaning Behind The Song: Wandering by James Taylor

    The song "Wandering" by James Taylor is a poignant piece that dives deep into the complexities of human emotions and the perpetual pursuit for meaning and purpose in life. Taylor's soulful rendition and poetic lyrics captivate listeners, encouraging introspection and contemplation. This song resonates with individuals who feel lost ...

  2. The Meaning Behind The Song: Wandering by James Taylor

    The lyrics of "Wandering" paint a vivid picture of a lifetime filled with restlessness, frequent movement, and uncertainty. It begins with Taylor singing, "I've been wandering, early late, from New York City to the Golden Gate.". This line sets the tone for the song, emphasizing the nomadic nature of the protagonist's life.

  3. Meaning of Wandering by James Taylor

    Wandering. by. James Taylor. In "Wandering" by James Taylor, the lyrics portray a restless and nomadic lifestyle. The song expresses a sense of constant movement and an inability to settle down. Let's break down key lyrics and their meanings to understand the song's message: "I've been wandering Early late From New York City To the Golden Gate".

  4. James Taylor

    And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wandering. Snakes in the ocean, Eels in the sea, I let a redheaded woman. Make a fool out of me, And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wandering. I've been wandering early and late. From the New York City to the Golden Gate, And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wandering.

  5. James Taylor

    While the baby balls the jack. And it don't look like. I'll ever stop my wandering. I've been in the army. I've worked on a farm. And all I've got to show. Is the muscle in my arm. And it don't ...

  6. The story of a song: Wandering

    What is Wandering about? Wandering song analysis. The protagonist has traveled from New York to the Golden Gate Bridge, and it seems he will never stop wandering. His father was an engineer, his brother is a cab driver, his sister does laundry, and his little brother plays games. He has worked in the army and on a farm, but all he has to show ...

  7. James Taylor

    James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, he was inducted into the Rock and ...

  8. James Taylor

    Watch James Taylor perform his classic song Wandering live at the Beacon Theater in this stunning music video.

  9. James Taylor

    Music video by James Taylor performing Wandering (from Squibnocket). (C) 1993 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

  10. Wandering lyrics by James Taylor with meaning. Wandering explained

    Original lyrics of Wandering song by James Taylor. 2 users explained Wandering meaning. Find more of James Taylor lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.

  11. Gorilla (James Taylor album)

    Gorilla is the sixth studio album by American singer-songwriter James Taylor.Released in May 1975, it was more successful than Walking Man, his previous release.Two album tracks released as singles, "Mexico" and "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)", rose to the top five on the Billboard charts.This would be Taylor's second-to-last album of new material for Warner Bros. Records, his last ...

  12. James Taylor

    While the baby balls the jack, And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wandering. I've been in the army, I've worked on a farm. And all I've got to show. Is the muscle in my arm, And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wandering. My ma, she died when I was young, My daddy took to stealing and he got hung,

  13. James Taylor

    James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A six-time Grammy Award winner, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000.. Taylor achieved his breakthrough in 1970 with the No. 3 single "Fire and Rain" and had his first No. 1 hit in 1971 with his recording of "You've Got a Friend", written by Carole King in the same year.

  14. James Taylor: 'I don't read music. I don't write it. So I wander around

    In this quote by James Taylor, the renowned singer-songwriter opens up about his creative process, revealing a distinct approach to music-making. ... let's introduce an unexpected philosophical concept to find deeper meaning in Taylor's words. Taylor's wandering on the guitar, waiting for something to present itself, resonates with the human ...

  15. James Taylor

    Another personal favorite... pls enjoy!!!~~~~~Gorilla is singer-songwriter James Taylor's sixth album. Released in 1975, it was more s...

  16. James Taylor

    James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, he was inducted into the Rock and ...

  17. Wondering about wandering

    Dear wondering wanderer, I've been wanderin' early and late. From New York City to the Golden Gate. And it don't look like. I'll ever stop my wanderin'. From the song, "Wandering". Traditional; arrangement and additional lyrics by James Taylor. Not sure if you mean that you're never happy with where you travel, say on vacation, or with where ...

  18. WANDERING CHORDS by James Taylor

    WANDERING chords and tabs by James Taylor. Learn to play using chord diagrams, transpose song key and more.

  19. WANDERING CHORDS (ver 2) by James Taylor @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    E7 AM7 Bm C#m D E E7 A And it don't look like, I'll ever stop my wanderin'. [Verse 2] A C#m My daddy was an engineer, my brother drives a hack, F# F#7 Bm7 E My sister takes in laundry while the baby balls the jack. E7 AM7 Bm C#m D E E7 A And it don't look like, I'll ever stop my wanderin'. [Verse 3] A C#m I've been in the army, I've worked on a ...

  20. James Taylor

    "Wandering" sung by James Taylor, is a traditional tune released with the "Gorilla" album in 1975. Additional lyrics were written by him for the recording. S...

  21. The Meaning Behind The Song: Walking Man by James Taylor

    The Meaning Behind James Taylor's "Walking Man" The Man, The Legend, The Song When it comes to iconic musicians, few can match the raw talent and longevity of James Taylor. Since his self-titled debut album in 1968, Taylor has consistently released hit after hit, becoming arguably one of the most recognizable figures in music history.

  22. 'Tortured Poets Department': A listener's guide to ...

    Taylor Swift released "The Tortured Poets Department" on Friday, a 31-track surprise double album. Track-by-track, CNN dives into each song.

  23. This Aston Martin Could Be the New James Bond's Ride

    TORK US. This Aston Martin Could Be the New James Bond's Ride. Story by Melisa Pinto. • 42m. T he name Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been circulating in the news lately as a possible replacement for ...

  24. Wandering by James Taylor (LYRICS)

    Wandering by James Taylor was released in May, 1975 included in his sixth studio album 'Gorilla'.SUPPORT ME ON BuyMeACoffee:

  25. 'Uncropped' Review: Is James Hamilton the Greatest NY ...

    The James Hamilton we meet in "Uncropped" is a fearless man of charming modesty: an artist-journalist who takes his work far more seriously than he does himself.

  26. James Taylor : Wandering

    James Taylor : Wandering : Gorilla (1975)I've been wandering early and late From New York City to the Golden Gate,And it don't look like I'll ever stop my wa...