Growing Together through the Journey of Marriage

Emmanuel Abimbola

Emmanuel Abimbola

Growing Together through the Journey of Marriage

When married couples assist and encourage one another, they connect their lives with the bigger purpose and plan God has for them as they travel down this shared path together, enjoying the divine symphony of development, meaning, and love.

Marriage is tremendously gratifying but obviously a tedious developmental journey. The road to developing a deep connection and mutual understanding is fraught with stumbling blocks, and achieving a careful balance between our unique needs and our partner's objectives sometimes demands tremendous work. Throughout my personal journey in marriage, I've realized that accepting the concept of dependency is the key to growing together as a pair. While it is easy to concentrate simply on our individual wants, we must also acknowledge that our partner's wants matter. Recognizing the presence of our spouse enriches our individual journeys as we lay the groundwork for a relationship based on shared development and collective resilience.

However, when we embark on this journey, we face several obstacles that threaten to impede our progress. Communication, or rather, its absence, is often a powerful enemy of relationship growth. We bridge the gap between our emotions and heads through open and honest communication rich with empathy and active listening.  When we have healthy communication with our spouse, our words, delivered with purpose and compassion, have the potential to heal wounds, clear up misconceptions, and create deep understanding. We build bridges via good communication that allows us to navigate the tumultuous waves of life hand in hand, reinforced by a deep connection.

The quest for progress needs the fortitude to address our weaknesses and anxieties since genuine power is found in these times of vulnerability. Even though we are a couple, each carries a distinct trait of fear, past hurts, and firmly held beliefs. But we create an atmosphere for development in the relationship by building a safe place inside our union that is free of judgment and adorned with compassion. We establish a culture of acceptance, support, and development by accepting vulnerability in ourselves and our partners, which drives us forward on our shared path.

Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship are pillars of strength in a Christian couple's relationship. Prayer and worship are essential because they serve as holy channels for you and your spouse to speak with God, seek His counsel, and develop the spiritual link that connects your hearts and souls. Worship becomes the symphony that uplifts your spirits and connects your souls with God; prayer is how we communicate with Him.  As a couple, you pour out your souls in prayer, exposing your joys, worries, hopes, and challenges to the One who listens with boundless compassion and understanding. Prayer becomes a hallowed area for you to seek direction, find consolation in times of adversity, and show thanks for the benefits that come your way. You align your wishes and intentions with God's will via prayer, allowing Him to guide your choices and actions.

Worship, similarly, creates a harmonic beat that vibrates throughout the couple's souls, linking them to something higher than themselves. They sing praise songs in worship, their emotions overflowing with thankfulness and devotion for the love and grace given to them.  When accepted as fundamental components of a Christian couple's relationship, prayer and worship will help to build unity and spiritual connection. The couple gives testimony to one another's goals and dreams by praying together and interceding on their behalf before the throne of grace. They receive comfort and encouragement in knowing that their partner's prayers support and elevate them and that their emotions and needs are in God's loving hands. Similarly, worshiping together unites their souls, enabling them to feel the transformational power of God's presence as their voices mingle in songs of respect and wonder.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Effective communication and conflict resolution are critical foundations in a Christian couple's relationship, allowing them to traverse the ebbs and flows of their journey with grace, compassion, and understanding. As couples, we experience the transforming power of open discussion, active listening, and the direction of their religion in resolving problems and promoting deeper connection through the lessons we learn and the progress we achieve.  Though communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, and opposing viewpoints threatened to tear the fabric of our relationship, our unwavering faith in Christ teaches us to approach these challenges with humility, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand one another.

Active listening has been one of the most vital things my wife and I have learned. It's easy to slip into the trap of merely hearing words these days rather than genuinely listening to our partner's heart. We have chosen to open the channels of greater understanding and empathy by actively putting aside distractions, providing full attention, and attempting to absorb the emotions underlying the words said. We value each other's points of view, validate each other's feelings, and create an environment of trust and safety in which honest dialogue can develop.

Grace and Forgiveness

With its transforming power to heal hurts, bring about peace, and build the basis of love and devotion, forgiveness is crucial to the sacred tie of marriage. Colossians 3:13 urges us to 

" Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. ."  

Through this divine direction, we understand forgiveness is a mirror of God's unfailing love and compassion for us rather than being based on our partner's behavior. We follow in the footsteps of Christ, who offered His forgiveness to everyone who sought after His grace by embracing forgiveness.

Forgiveness relieves us of the weight of sorrow, anger, and resentment that may corrupt our hearts and weaken the foundation of our bond. When we forgive, we let go of the hurt and reach out in the spirit of reconciliation, restoring, and healing to our union. We are endowed with a spirit of harmony and compassion when we learn to forgive. It makes room for development, understanding, and commitment.  The road to forgiveness isn't always smooth. It calls for vulnerability, humility, and a readiness to face our own failings and show our partner compassion. We find encouragement in Ephesians 4:32 , which says, 

" Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

This heavenly guidance gives us comfort and motivation to develop a gentle and tenderhearted attitude, creating a conducive atmosphere for forgiveness. A marriage based on forgiveness, resiliency, and enduring love is possible when we embrace forgiveness because it creates a place where our past errors do not determine our present. It also allows God's grace to thrive and have the transforming power it deserves.

Growth and Purpose

Christian couples journey together beyond romantic love to a shared commitment that fosters and encourages mutual development. We begin a holy effort to raise and empower one another, realizing our unique callings and desires are connected with God's bigger purpose for our lives. Ephesians 4:16 says, 

"   He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. ." 

Support and encouragement for each other are essential for individual development and our joint pursuit of God's purpose.  Mutual love, support, and understanding are essential to progress, and it depends on them. Our relationship develops into a loving space where people may share their aspirations, appreciate their abilities, and find their purpose. We help one another pursue personal progress by appreciating the talents and interests that God has given each of us. We also provide a steady presence and support as we follow our particular callings. As we embark on this path of encouraging each other's development and purpose, we are motivated by  Proverbs 27:17 , which says ,

 " As iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend."

This helps us understand our union's transformational power in developing and honing one another's character, abilities, and spiritual journey. By pushing and supporting one another to achieve our individual potential while being led by God's unwavering love and grace, we become each other's growth-promoting catalyst.  My wife and I encourage and support one another as Christian spouses, reminding one another of God's promises and fostering spiritual practices and routines that feed our spirits. Together, we pray, asking for heavenly wisdom and direction. Through prayer, we are endowed with the power to overcome challenges, discernment during times of ambiguity, and a closer connection with the source of all knowledge and meaning.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Vasil Dimitrov

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journey of our marriage

The Ever-Evolving Journey of Marriages: How Relationships Transform Over Time

Marriage Dynamics Institute July 26, 2023 Commitment , Connection , Listening , Marriage Health

Marriage is a profound commitment that sets the stage for a lifelong journey of love, growth, and evolution. While the initial stages of wedded bliss may seem like a fairytale, it’s essential to acknowledge that marriages change over time. As couples navigate through the various stages of life together, their relationship undergoes a transformation, adapting to new challenges, opportunities, and personal growth. In this blog, we will explore three key ways in which marriages evolve over time, highlighting the importance of communication, mutual support, and embracing change.


The Backbone of Lasting Bonds. In the early days of marriage, communication often revolves around the excitement of sharing experiences, dreams, and aspirations. However, as time passes, effective communication becomes even more crucial. Couples learn that open and honest dialogue is the cornerstone of a strong partnership. They discover the importance of active listening, empathy, and compromise to overcome obstacles and address changing needs. Through effective communication, couples can navigate life’s challenges, express their desires and concerns, and continuously deepen their understanding of one another.

Mutual Support:

Growing Together, Not Apart.  As years go by, couples experience personal growth and embark on individual journeys of self-discovery. It is during this time that the concept of “we” evolves, transforming into a partnership of two individuals who are continually evolving together. Marriages thrive when both partners support each other’s dreams, ambitions, and personal development. They encourage each other to explore new passions, take risks, and pursue individual goals, knowing that their collective growth strengthens the foundation of their relationship. By embracing change and supporting each other’s personal journeys, couples can build a resilient bond that withstands the test of time.

Embracing Change:

Adapting to Life’s Seasons.  Marriages are not immune to the ebb and flow of life’s seasons. The early excitement of starting a family may give way to the challenges of raising children, maintaining careers, or facing unexpected setbacks. Over time, couples learn to adapt to these changing circumstances, understanding that flexibility is vital to sustaining a healthy relationship. They develop resilience, patience, and a shared sense of purpose, finding new ways to connect and nurture their love amidst life’s inevitable changes. By embracing change together, couples create a space for growth, understanding, and lifelong companionship.

Conclusion: Marriages are dynamic journeys that transform over time. Effective communication, mutual support, and the ability to embrace change play pivotal roles in the evolution of a lasting partnership. As couples navigate the various stages of life together, they learn that love is not static but rather a living entity that thrives on continuous nurturing and adaptation. By acknowledging and embracing these changes, couples can create a marriage that flourishes with depth, resilience, and a love that grows stronger with every passing year.

About the Author

journey of our marriage

Marriage Dynamics Institute

Marriage Dynamics Institute (MDI) wants to cultivate healthy families, churches, and communities by helping create marriages full of joy, meaning, and purpose. Having served more than 75,000 couples since 1994, MDI offers workshops and seminars for marriages at every stage, including those in crisis.

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Finding Jesus' grace in the daily journey

Marriage Journey: 4 Lessons from 4 Years Together

June 11, 2018 |

If we were sitting down over coffee talking about relationships, I’d share these things I’m learning on my marriage journey with you.  I’m no expert, in fact sometimes I feel so massively unqualified to even write about marriage.  But God keeps reminding me that marriage is something that requires constant cultivating, and that mistakes are part of growth.

We’ve crammed a lot of life into our short time as a married couple – a baby , job loss , illness, the death of my father, daily joys and trials.   So many blessings and major life changes, all rolled into four short years.

I spent some time reflecting and wanted to share these 4 major lessons from our marriage journey thus far.

For more marriage posts go here.

For more on our wedding go here.

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is a safe haven.

I’ve always felt safe with Josh, but I found a new level of this when my dad passed away.  For awhile, I kept my grief and pain to myself.  But there was such relief when I finally (literally) broke down, let him in and was honest about how I was doing.

Since I tend toward extremes, I’ve found that I need to make sure I’m going to God first and not putting unrealistic expectations on my husband.  I’m also learning that treating our marriage as a safe haven means speaking the truth  in love – not getting so comfortable that we treat each other with less care than we would give other relationships.

“Let’s not strive to be the Holy Spirit in someone else’s life.  Speak the truth in love and stand back.” – Dale Partridge

Two are better than one,      because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,      one can help the other up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage brings things into the light.

Marriage is not a bandaid fix to past issues.  Each person brings their own set of baggage into a marriage.  It’s how you deal with the issues that come up as you learn what it means to be one that shapes your future together.  I don’t know about you, but over our four years of marriage I’ve realized I have a lot more baggage than I thought!

There is so much beauty in this brokenness though, when we learn to take our junk to God instead of project it on our spouse.  It becomes this amazing opportunity for growth and intimacy with your spouse – as you walk this path toward wholeness and holiness together!

The marriage journey doesn’t just bring out the not so great stuff though.  It also brings out new sides of you and your spouse that you’ve not experienced before.  Getting to see Josh as a father, walking with him as he discovers passions and gifts he didn’t know he had, having the opportunity to be a part of his journey, watching him step up to lead our family, caring for my family when my father died – those are true gifts!

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Ephesians 5:8-14

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is blessing not a burden.

After the newness of your new marriage journey wears off, it’s easy to start looking at this wife role as a burden rather than a blessing from God.  All of a sudden there are new responsibilities and another human around that may or may not get on your nerves sometimes.

No matter how you divide up the daily, household chores, there is also more on the to-do list – especially once you start adding littles into the mix!

God has been teaching me a lot about what living an entrusted life means – especially when it comes to my people.  My husband is a gift from God that I have the joy of doing life with, even on the hard days.  I have written more about this here  and  here , if you’d like to read more of my journey!

I don’t think anyone starts off thinking, “Oh my husband is such a burden” or they probably wouldn’t have gotten married!  But it is a trap that the enemy sets in his attempts to separate us from each other and from God.  Just being aware of this trap has changed my perspective so much!

When my dad was suddenly diagnosed with cancer and then gone in just a month, I think I woke up to the reality that we aren’t promised tomorrow.  We are only given today – I just don’t have time to view my husband as anything other than the blessing that he is!

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.   Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.   Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

marriage journey,4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is refining.

Oh my goodness – marriage and motherhood are two of the most refining relationships I’ve ever experienced.  Learning how to truly be one with my husband is something I think will probably take a life time.  We are still learning how to communicate well, fight fairly, to love unconditionally.

This marriage journey takes work, a willingness to learn, a humble heart, and forgiveness.

But most of all, it requires a firm foundation.

If my love for my husband was founded in my own capacity to love, at some point it would run out.  If my foundation is in my husband instead of my Savior, going through the fire would destroy me instead of refine me.

How amazing that our God would use marriage as a way to call up His people to carry out His kingdom work!

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Reflecting on these last four years, I am so grateful for a God who carries us.  A God who loves us.  A God who wants to refine us as individuals and as a couple.

And I am so thankful for my husband, who has stood beside me and walked with me on this marriage journey, encouraged me, held me, and loved me through the most difficult times of my life.

Set me as a seal upon your heart,      as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death,      jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire,      the very flame of the  Lord . Many waters cannot quench love,      neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love      all the wealth of his house,      he would be utterly despised. Song of Solomon 8:6-7

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Happy Anniversary to us, babe!

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

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Liz Fischer

By Liz Fischer

By Liz Fischer • November 12, 2023

14 Key Marriage Milestones! Unlock Love's Secrets

Understanding marriage milestones: a journey of love and growth.

Marriage is not just a legal bond but a journey filled with significant milestones that mark the growth and depth of a couple's love. Each milestone, from the first anniversary to decades of togetherness, symbolizes a unique phase in the relationship. Understanding these milestones helps couples appreciate their journey and prepare for the road ahead.

The concept of marriage milestones is not just about celebrating anniversaries. It's about recognizing the evolution of love, trust, and understanding between partners. These milestones serve as checkpoints, offering a chance to reflect, cherish, and plan for future endeavors as a unified team.

Embracing these moments is essential for nurturing a healthy, enduring relationship. Whether it's the excitement of the first year, the challenge of navigating life changes, or the joy of golden anniversaries, each milestone carries its own significance and lessons.

In this article, we'll explore the key milestones in a marriage, offering insights and advice on how to cherish and celebrate these moments to strengthen your bond.

Key Takeaways:

  • Marriage milestones are more than anniversaries; they're markers of relationship growth and depth.
  • Understanding these milestones can help couples appreciate their journey and plan for the future.
  • Each milestone, from the first year to the golden years, has unique significance in a marriage.
  • Celebrating these milestones is crucial for nurturing a lasting and healthy relationship.
  • This guide offers practical advice and insights for each significant marital phase.

The First Year: Laying the Foundation for a Strong Relationship

The first year of marriage is often referred to as the honeymoon phase, but it's much more than that. It's a crucial time for laying the foundation of a lifelong partnership. This initial year is filled with learning, adapting, and growing together as a couple. It's about understanding each other's habits, preferences, and ways of communicating.

Navigating the first year successfully requires patience, love, and a willingness to compromise. It's about creating a balance between individuality and togetherness, ensuring that each partner feels valued and heard. Couples often face the challenge of aligning their goals, managing finances, and blending their lives seamlessly.

One of the most important aspects of this first year is the development of trust. Building a strong, reliable foundation of trust sets the tone for the years to come. It involves being honest, dependable, and open with each other, even in difficult situations.

Celebrating small victories and milestones during this year is vital. Whether it's marking the first month anniversary or successfully hosting a dinner party, acknowledging these moments strengthens the bond. Couples often create new traditions in this year, laying the groundwork for future celebrations.

Conflict resolution is another crucial skill that couples begin to develop in their first year. Learning to navigate disagreements in a healthy, constructive manner is essential for a lasting relationship. It's about understanding that disagreements are natural and finding ways to resolve them without damaging the relationship.

The first year is also about building a support system that includes family and friends. Integrating into each other's social circles and establishing a network of support can greatly enhance the relationship's strength and resilience.

Ultimately, the first year of marriage is a beautiful blend of romance, challenges, and growth. It sets the stage for a deeper, more meaningful connection in the years to follow.

Five-Year Mark: Overcoming Challenges and Deepening the Bond

Reaching the five-year mark in marriage is a significant achievement. By this time, couples have likely navigated through several ups and downs, learning more about each other and themselves. This milestone often reflects a deeper understanding and a stronger bond .

One of the challenges at this stage is maintaining the spark that initially brought the couple together. Keeping the romance alive requires effort, creativity, and a continuous commitment to nurturing the relationship.

Many couples at this stage may have started or are planning to start a family. Balancing parental responsibilities with the needs of the marriage can be challenging but also rewarding. It's a phase where the relationship evolves to include more dimensions and responsibilities.

Communication plays a key role in overcoming challenges at this stage. It's about being able to express needs, desires, and concerns effectively. Good communication helps in understanding each other's perspectives and working together to find solutions.

Financial planning and management often become more pronounced at the five-year mark. Couples work on building their future, whether it's buying a home, saving for their children's education, or planning for retirement. Navigating these financial decisions together strengthens the partnership and mutual goals.

Lastly, the five-year mark is an ideal time for couples to reflect on their journey, appreciate their growth, and recommit to their shared future. It's about celebrating the past achievements and looking forward to the new adventures that lie ahead.

Decade of Togetherness: Celebrating a Significant Milestone

Decade of Marriage

Reaching the ten-year mark in a marriage is a testament to love, resilience, and mutual growth. It's a significant milestone that deserves celebration and reflection. This decade often brings with it a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.

By this stage, couples have likely experienced a range of life events together, from career changes to growing a family. These experiences, both challenging and joyous, contribute to a stronger, more resilient relationship. The journey of a decade solidifies the partnership, intertwining their lives more intricately.

Communication and mutual respect are often more refined after ten years. Couples have learned how to navigate conflicts more effectively and understand the importance of supporting each other's individual goals and dreams.

Celebrating this milestone often involves reminiscing about the journey so far. Many couples choose to renew their vows or take a special anniversary trip to rekindle their romance and make new memories.

The ten-year mark is also a time for looking forward. It's about planning for the next phases of life, whether that's focusing on personal aspirations, family goals, or new adventures together. This milestone is not just a look back at the past, but a hopeful gaze towards the future.

Twenty Years Together: Reflecting on Shared Experiences and Lessons Learned

Reaching twenty years of marriage is a remarkable achievement. It's a time to reflect on the shared experiences, the challenges overcome, and the wisdom gained along the way. This milestone is about celebrating the enduring nature of love and the journey of partnership.

At this stage, couples have likely navigated significant life changes together, such as children growing up and leaving home or career transitions. These experiences bring a new perspective to the relationship, highlighting the importance of adapting and growing together.

Reflection is a key part of this milestone. Couples often look back on their earlier years, appreciating how their relationship has evolved. This reflection can bring a deeper understanding and gratitude for each other.

The twenty-year mark is also an opportunity for couples to renew their commitment to each other. It's a time to set new goals, dream new dreams, and continue building a life filled with love and shared experiences.

Golden Years: Navigating Life Changes and Renewing Commitment

Golden Years

The golden years of marriage , often marked by the couple reaching retirement age, are a period of significant life changes and an opportunity to renew commitment. This phase brings a new rhythm to the relationship, with more time spent together and often, a focus on enjoying the simpler things in life.

For many couples, this time can involve adjusting to a new lifestyle after retirement. It's about finding new hobbies, activities, and perhaps even new social circles, while also enjoying the freedom that comes with this stage of life.

Health can become a more prominent focus, with couples supporting each other through various health challenges. The care and compassion shown during these times can greatly strengthen the bond between partners.

These years are also an opportunity to reconnect with each other, often rediscovering the joy of each other's company without the distractions of a busy work life. It's a time for deeper conversations, shared laughter, and creating new memories.

Traveling together, exploring new places, or revisiting old favorites can be a rewarding way to spend these years. It's about sharing experiences and adventures, whether big or small.

For many, this is also a time to pass on wisdom and experiences to younger generations, often involving more time with grandchildren and family. Sharing life lessons and stories can be a deeply fulfilling experience.

Ultimately, the golden years are about cherishing the life built together, reflecting on the journey so far, and looking forward to the moments yet to come. It's a celebration of enduring love and companionship.

Renewing Vows: A Symbolic Gesture to Rekindle Love

Renewing vows can be a deeply meaningful and romantic gesture for couples at any stage of their marriage, but especially as they reach significant milestones. It symbolizes the ongoing commitment and love that has grown and evolved over time.

This ceremony can be as grand or as intimate as the couple wishes. Some prefer a private reaffirmation, while others choose to celebrate with family and friends. The essence of this event is about recommitting to each other and the shared journey ahead.

Renewing vows allows couples to reflect on their marriage, acknowledging the challenges they've overcome and the joys they've shared. It's an opportunity to express gratitude for each other and the life they have built together.

This ceremony can also be a chance to include elements or promises that may not have been part of the original wedding. It's a way to add new meaning and depth to the relationship, based on the experiences shared so far.

For many, renewing vows is also a celebration of growth, both as individuals and as a couple. It highlights the importance of continuing to evolve together, supporting each other's dreams and aspirations.

Ultimately, renewing vows is a beautiful way to rekindle love and reaffirm the bond that has carried the couple through their journey. It's a reminder of the enduring nature of their commitment to each other.

The Role of Anniversaries in Strengthening Marital Bonds

Anniversaries play a significant role in a marriage, serving as reminders of the love and commitment shared between partners. These special days offer an opportunity for couples to reflect on their journey together, celebrate their achievements, and look forward to future adventures.

Marking anniversaries is more than just a tradition; it's a way to strengthen the marital bond. It allows couples to pause and appreciate each other, acknowledging the effort and love that has gone into building their life together .

Each anniversary can be celebrated in a unique way, reflecting the couple's personality and journey. Some prefer quiet, intimate celebrations, while others might opt for grand gestures or trips. The key is to create meaningful experiences that resonate with both partners.

Anniversaries also serve as a time for couples to set new goals and aspirations for their relationship. It's a chance to discuss future plans, dreams, and how they can continue to support each other in achieving these goals.

Gift-giving, though a common practice, is just one aspect of anniversaries. The true essence lies in the time spent together, the memories created, and the reaffirmation of love and commitment.

Ultimately, celebrating anniversaries helps to keep the romance alive, reminding couples why they chose each other and reinforcing the foundation of their relationship.

Navigating Parenthood: A New Dimension of Marriage

Becoming parents introduces a new dimension to marriage, bringing with it a mix of challenges and joys. Parenthood can significantly alter the dynamics of a relationship, requiring adjustments and a strong partnership.

Communication becomes even more crucial during this stage. Couples need to openly discuss their parenting styles, expectations, and how they plan to balance parental responsibilities with their relationship.

One of the key challenges is maintaining the marital relationship amidst the demands of parenthood. It's important for couples to find time for each other, ensuring that their relationship remains a priority.

Navigating the stresses and sleepless nights of early parenthood requires patience, understanding, and mutual support. It's a time when the couple's bond can be tested but also strengthened.

As children grow, parents must adapt to new stages of development, which can bring new challenges and opportunities for growth as a couple. This evolution requires ongoing communication and adaptation.

Ultimately, parenthood can deepen the connection between partners, as they share the joys and responsibilities of raising a child. It adds a rich and rewarding layer to the marital relationship.

Retirement Together: Planning for a Future Hand-in-Hand

Retirement marks a significant phase in a marriage, offering new opportunities and challenges for couples as they plan their future together. This period is about transitioning into a different lifestyle, where priorities and daily routines may shift considerably.

Effective communication and planning are essential as couples approach retirement. Discussing expectations, financial aspects, and lifestyle choices can help in creating a harmonious transition into this new phase of life.

Retirement provides couples with more time to spend together, which can be both rewarding and challenging. It's important to find a balance between enjoying shared activities and respecting each other's need for individual space and hobbies.

Traveling, exploring new hobbies, or volunteering can be fulfilling ways to spend retirement. Engaging in these activities together can strengthen the bond and bring new excitement into the relationship.

Financial planning is a critical aspect of this stage. Ensuring financial stability and agreeing on how to manage finances can prevent stress and conflict, allowing couples to enjoy their retirement fully.

Health and wellness become increasingly important during retirement. Supporting each other in maintaining a healthy lifestyle can enhance the quality of life and the ability to enjoy this period together.

Ultimately, retirement is a time for couples to reap the rewards of their life's work and enjoy the fruits of their long-standing partnership. It's an opportunity to cherish the time together, create new memories, and continue growing as a couple.

Dealing with Conflicts: Strategies for a Healthy Marriage

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and marriage is no exception. However, how couples deal with conflicts can significantly impact the health and longevity of their marriage.

Effective communication is key in resolving conflicts. This involves actively listening to each other, expressing thoughts and feelings honestly, and trying to understand each other's perspectives.

It's important to focus on the issue at hand and avoid bringing up past grievances. Staying on topic and addressing the current concern can lead to more productive and less hurtful discussions.

Seeking compromise and finding common ground can help resolve conflicts in a way that respects both partners' needs and perspectives. Remember, the goal is not to win an argument but to find a solution that strengthens the relationship.

Keeping the Romance Alive: Tips and Tricks for Long-Term Passion

Maintaining romance and passion over the long term is a common challenge in marriages, but it's certainly achievable with effort and creativity. Keeping the spark alive requires ongoing commitment and willingness to invest in the relationship.

Regular date nights are a great way to reconnect and break the routine. Whether it's a fancy dinner, a movie night, or a simple walk in the park, what matters is dedicating quality time to each other.

Surprise and spontaneity can reignite passion. Small gestures, unexpected gifts, or planning a surprise outing can add excitement and show your partner that you care.

Communication about desires and needs is essential. Being open about what you find romantic or exciting can help your partner understand how to keep the romance thriving.

Physical intimacy plays a crucial role in maintaining a passionate relationship. This doesn't just mean sexual intimacy but also simple acts of physical affection like holding hands, hugging, or cuddling.

Lastly, remembering and celebrating the reasons you fell in love can help keep the romance alive. Reflecting on shared memories and experiences can rekindle the feelings that brought you together.

Marriage Milestones FAQ: Answers to Your Common Questions

Q: How important are anniversaries in a marriage? A: Anniversaries are significant as they offer a chance to celebrate your journey, reflect on your growth as a couple, and look forward to future adventures together.

Q: What are some unique ways to celebrate marriage milestones? A: Unique celebrations can include renewing vows, taking a dream vacation, starting a new hobby together, or creating a time capsule of your relationship.

Q: How can we keep our relationship strong during major life changes? A: Keeping your relationship strong through major changes involves open communication, mutual support, flexibility, and maintaining a sense of humor during challenging times.

Q: Is it normal for romance to fade over time in a marriage? A: While it's normal for the intensity of romance to fluctuate, it doesn't have to fade completely. With effort and commitment, you can maintain a romantic connection throughout your marriage.

Q: How can we effectively resolve conflicts in our marriage? A: Effective conflict resolution involves clear communication, understanding each other's perspectives, focusing on the issue at hand, and seeking compromises that respect both partners.

Celebrating Unconventional Milestones: Unique Ways to Honor Your Marriage

Marriage milestones don't always have to follow the traditional script. Celebrating unconventional milestones can add a personal and unique touch to your journey as a couple. These milestones are about recognizing and honoring the distinctive aspects of your relationship.

One idea is to celebrate the anniversary of significant events that are unique to your relationship, such as the day you first met, your first trip together, or even the moment you knew you wanted to spend your life together.

Creating your own traditions can also be a meaningful way to celebrate your marriage. This could be an annual activity that you both enjoy, like hiking to a favorite spot, a cooking night with dishes from different cultures, or a yearly photo session to capture your evolving journey.

Some couples choose to honor their growth and changes by writing letters to each other each year, reflecting on their experiences, challenges, and hopes for the future. These letters can be read together on a special day, creating a beautiful ritual of connection and reflection.

Another unique milestone to celebrate could be the achievements you've accomplished together, such as buying your first home, completing a major project, or overcoming a significant challenge. Acknowledging these successes strengthens the sense of partnership and shared goals.

Incorporating a charity or community service element into your celebrations can also be rewarding. For instance, volunteering together on your anniversary can be a way to honor your relationship by giving back to the community.

Ultimately, the key to celebrating unconventional milestones is to find what resonates with your relationship's story. It's about creating moments that are deeply personal and reflective of the journey you share, adding depth and meaning to your marital bond.

Recommended Resources

  • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert , John Gottman and Nan Silver, Harmony, 2015
  • What Makes Love Last? How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal , John Gottman and Nan Silver, Simon & Schuster, 2012
  • The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts , Gary Chapman, Northfield Publishing, 2015

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30 Days of Marriage Prayers for a Stronger, Healthier Relationship

  • Michael and Carlie Kercheval Contributing Writers
  • Updated Feb 01, 2024

30 Days of Marriage Prayers for a Stronger, Healthier Relationship

Prayer serves as an important part of communication with God and gives us the ability to approach the throne of grace in an intimate way. Prayers for a stronger marriage are a powerful force that can help create a solid, life-long marriage bond. We’ve watched God work miracles in our marriage covenant over the years from the simple act of prayer.

If you and your spouse do not pray together, don’t let that deter you from standing strong and continuing to pray each day. Make it a point to fight for your marriage in prayer – even if it means you stand before the Lord alone. He will honor you. Start saying these marriage prayers today with an expectant heart.

We believe that prayer can make the difference between a lasting marriage and one that fails.  Today we are sharing with you 30 prayers for a stronger marriage. We’ll be focusing on prayers in the areas of: unity , intimacy, honesty, forgiveness , health , and restoration. These marriage prayers can help build a strong foundation for newlyweds and are also powerful reminders for couples who have celebrated anniversary milestone.

A Prayer for Unity in Marriage

Heavenly Father we come before you to thank you for all you have done and continue to do in our lives and marriage. We come before you today, God, asking for a stronger bond of unity in our marriage covenant.

We are thankful and excited to see the work of your hand as we do our best to seek your face daily. We love you and thank you for all of these things. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

“Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”  ( Ephesians 4:3 NLT)

A Prayer for Intimacy in Marriage

Heavenly Father, we ask you today, to strengthen the bonds of both physical and spiritual intimacy in our marriage. We are thankful that you have called husband and wife to intimacy with you first, and intimacy with one another.

Please show us any behavior we have been committing that has been preventing us from entering into a deeper intimate relationship with you and one another. Once trust is broken it can be nearly impossible to regain on our own, however, we know that all things are possible with you God. Heal our hearts, Father, of past hurts and help us to trust in you and one another again.

We thank you right now for increased intimacy in our marriage as we seek to honor you and one another through our marriage covenant. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” ( Ephesians 5:31 NIV)

Marriage Prayer for Honesty

Father God we come before you today to ask you to help us do everything with absolute honesty in our marriage. Sanctify us by your truth – your word is truth ( John 17:17 ).

Help us to never lie to one another. Help us to come clean if we mess up or make a mistake that can affect our marriage – no matter how bad we may feel or embarrassed we may be. Give us the ability to be completely transparent with one another regardless of how we feel.

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”  ( Colossians 3:9-10 NIV)

Prayer for Forgiveness in Marriage

Heavenly Father, as we strive to continuously build a stronger marriage, help us to forgive one another for things that may hurt or offend us. Help us to walk in forgiveness and never lose sight of the fact that you have forgiven us.

Help us to show your mercy and grace to our spouse each time they need it and not bring up past hurts or failures. Let us be an example of forgiveness to not only our spouse but to those around us so we can continue to show your love to all we meet. Help us to also forgive ourselves if we struggle with condemnation.

Thank you for your life-giving words of truth that we may be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” ( 1 John 1:9 NIV)

Prayer for Health for You and Your Spouse

Father God we thank you for divine health in our physical bodies, spiritual life, and marriage. We pray that you will make known to us anything that we are doing that does not directly correlate with healthy living; body, spirit, soul.

Give us the strength to honor you through our bodies as they are the temple of the Lord. Give us the wisdom to continuously build a healthy spiritual life and marriage with you at the center.

Help us to always remember the sacrifice you made that gave us the promise of healing and peace. You are worthy to be praised! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” ( Isaiah 53:4 KJV)

Prayer for Restoration of a Marriage in Trouble

Teach us how to communicate—to simply talk to each other again with courtesy and kindness. Show us again what love and respect look like, and what it means to honor and mutually submit to the other as a man and woman in love with You, Lord. We’ve forgotten all the basics. And we sense that if we don’t deal with even small problems now, we’ll be facing a much greater roadblock later. Maybe we’ve forgotten what love is really like. Or maybe we never really knew. Regardless, Lord, our marriage is in trouble. We need you. No matter how difficult the circumstances, we want to face them together—with You on our side. You’ve told us we would experience troubles on this earth, but that You are the great Overcomer. With You, Lord, we can mend the tears and amend the errors. With You, we can build a successful marriage. In Your name, Amen. - Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Prayer for a Christ-Centered Marriage

Today, we give our marriages to You. Forgive us for putting them and our spouses before You. Forgive us for putting ourselves as well as our desires and plans for the future before You and Yours.

Search our hearts, Lord. Convict us and clear out all the hardness and ick that is clogging up the flow of Love in our lives. Reset our relationship with You. Restore our hope in Jesus Christ and open our minds and hearts to the healing truth that only He can rush into our lives in these moments of madness.

Give us the strength to be brave. Replace the fear of what might happen and what the future might hold with Christ-centered courage. We can’t be strong right now. We are broken and barely breathing. But You, the living God, in us, are our strength.

Through the Holy Spirit of the One True God, empower us with humility, gentleness, patience, peace, and unity ( Ephesians 4:2-3 ). Curb our anger from morphing into bitterness and hatred. Forgive us for the times we lose our tempers and our sanity towards our spouse. Amen. - Meg Bucher

Prayer for Your Marriage

Father, help me to be the [husband/wife] you have intended me to be. Show me where I need to improve. Help me to be a better communicator, help me to love my [husband/wife] better, and help us both to grow closer to You and to each other in this new year. In Jesus' name, amen. - Brent Rinehart

A Prayer for Love and Joy in Marriage

Prayer for a healed marriage.

We promise to trust You through the brokenness and heartbreak, trusting that it will not last forever. The process of forgiveness will begin in our hearts this very moment, but we will leave restoration and reconciliation in Your hands. Take it all – our marriage and our lives. We have come to the end of ourselves and the ability to repair what has been broken in ourselves, our spouses, and our marriages. We are taking a backseat to Your sovereignty. Break it all if you must, in order to restore completely what has been lost. As we walk through the unknown state of our futures, we are believing You for who You say You are.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’”  ( Jeremiah 29:11-13 , NIV)

Come Lord Jesus. Into our lives with miraculous healing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Meg Bucher

A Prayer for Divorce-Proof Marriage

Father, I lift up my marriage to You today, asking that You would give us a fresh hunger for seeking Your truth- both individually and as a couple. Reveal to us just how incredible the experience of gaining wisdom and understanding of Your Word really is and how much it will strengthen our walk with You as a couple. I pray our marriage will become divorce-proof and will stand so mighty against the fiery darts of the enemy! In Jesus’ name, Amen! -  Emily Massey

Marriage Prayer for Peace

Lord, we prayer for peace in our marriage – peace in our home, peace in our relationship, and peace in our decisions. Give us the wisdom and patience to create a harmonious and peaceful environment within our home. May our love be a source of solace and tranquility, a safe haven from the storms of life. Help us to be peacemakers, to resolve conflicts with understanding and compassion, and to cherish the serenity that comes from a loving partnership.

In our decisions, both big and small, guide us to seek light on our path as we walk this journey of marriage together. Let the choices we make be rooted in love and consideration for one another.

A Prayer for Better Communication

Father, help me to be the best [husband/wife] you have intended me to be. Show me where I need to improve. Help me to be a better communicator, help me to love my [husband/wife] better, and help us both to grow closer to You and to each other in this new year. In Jesus' Name, Amen. - Brent Rinehart

A Prayer for a Love that Reflects Christ

Happy couple laughing together walking in the fall

God, we come before You today on behalf of every wife or husband that reads this and every marriage that is reflected. We ask that You dramatically shift our focus from our happiness to Christ’s holiness. Help us to see our own flaws and mistakes and make the adjustments in our hearts that allow us to reflect You. Show us the areas where we can do better, and give us the courage to ask for help when we need it. Pour Your blessings out on the women who want to grow in You, and use their marriage to be a testimony to a world who needs to see Christ’s love. - Annah Matthews

Prayer for Restored Connection and Intimacy for Your Marriage

God, would you help restore the lost connection and intimacy in my marriage? Give me the empathy for my spouse that I need to be able to share their burdens well. Remove the distractions, deadlines, obstacles, fatigue, selfishness, or pride that keeps us from remaining connected as a couple. Help me to prioritize time spent with my partner and not let our responsibilities zap away every opportunity we have to converse during the day. Give me the ability to respond warmly to them when they need my attention. Restore trust between us so that we feel safe when confiding our cares and concerns. 

Even when my spouse and I don’t see eye-to-eye help me to still be willing to hear them out. Let me words and actions show that they are loved, safe, and cherished by me. Help me to keep my heart open to them even if I have felt hurt or disappointed in the past. Knit us back together in a way that only you can. Amen. - Amanda Idleman

Marriage Prayer for God's Strength, Peace, and Unity

Today, we give our marriages to You. Forgive us for putting them and our spouses before You. Forgive us for putting ourselves as well as our desires and plans for the future before You and Yours. 

Through the Holy Spirit of the One True God, empower us with humility, gentleness, patience, peace, and unity ( Ephesians 4:2-3 ) . Curb our anger from morphing into bitterness and hatred. Forgive us for the times we lose our tempers and our sanity toward our spouse. -   Meg Bucher

Prayer For Marriage Protection

We know Satan is on a mission to kill, steal and destroy marriage and that His attacks are constant. I pray that I would be sober-minded and watchful. Because “my adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” ( 1 Peter 5:8 ). He wants to cause confusion, division, and conflict. I know our only hope is found as we sit in your presence, interrupting Satan’s attacks, and allowing you to flood us with your perspective, grace, and love for our spouse. - Gina Smith

Marriage Prayer for Your Wedding Day

Heavenly Father, on this joyous day, we come before You with grateful hearts. We thank You for bringing us together in love and for the commitment we are about to make. Bless our marriage with strength, patience, and understanding. May our love deepen with each passing day, and may we always cherish and support one another. As we embark on this journey, grant us the wisdom to navigate the challenges and the joy to celebrate the blessings. We entrust our union to Your loving care, and we pray for a lifetime filled with love, respect, and happiness. In Your name, we ask for Your blessings on our wedding day and the days to come. Amen.

A Prayer for Jesus at the Center of Your Marriage

We want you to be the center of our marriage. Help us to choose to do what it takes and turn to you throughout the day. Not just at the beginning or end of the day – but moment by moment, with every task and interaction. Help us to remember that you are with us every second and are present as we live out your calling as married people. - Gina Smith

A Prayer to Bring Glory to God Through Your Marriage

Never let us forget how very desperate we are for you and how needful of keeping your presence central we are! As we practice your presence, cause us to hear your voice leading us through the daily life we have been given, and cause us to trust that you are working in our lives. Enable us to experience and intimacy with you, and with our spouses, that can only happen when we practice being in your presence in all that we do. - Gina Smith

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for leading me on the path to everlasting love, peace, and joy. Sometimes I let my circumstances steal my peace, which affects my marriage and other relationships in my life. When that happens, I pray you will search my heart and begin to renew me from the inside out.

I fix my eyes on you once again, Lord, as I take steps toward the peace I know is possible.  - Kristine Brown

When the Storms in Marriage Come

Couple on couch family conflict discussion arguing

Help us to find refuge in you when the storms in marriage come. Wash away our selfish ambitions. Help us to be there for our spouse when they are weak, when their spiritual life seems dry, when we can’t see where they are coming from, or when they simply don’t care to try in return.

Help us to be patient with them while continuing to hope for a better marriage, better communication. Help us love them as our brother or sister in Christ. May you be at the center of our marriage, helping us withstand the rain and droughts of rough seasons. May our love be a fire, burning for you. Help us strive side by side for the gospel.

Lord you can redeem all things. I pray we can come together and communicate the way you would have us, God, so that our marriage would point others to you. That we would be an example to our kids, friends, family, and all, of what good communication and a healthy, thriving marriage looks like. We are thankful to be able to come to you even when we can’t come to our spouse. - Sarah Nichols

Marriage Prayer for Faithfulness

A prayer to be of one mind and spirit.

Prayer: Father, your greatest command was to love You and love each other ( Matthew 22:36-40 ). You’ve given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. Show us how to follow your example and set aside our selfishness and pride and humbly serve each other. Help us to be of one spirit and of one mind and value each other above ourselves, looking out for each other’s interests ( Philippians 2:2-4 ). In the midst of our busy lives, help us take time to love each other deeply from the heart, as you have loved us ( Ephesians 5:1-2 ). May the love we have for each other be an example to the world of how You love them and gave Your life for them.

Marriage Prayer to Grow Together

Father, help us not to just go to church on Sunday, but to recognize that your presence goes with us wherever we go. May we know a deep communion with you every day. May our marriage be a place where we grow together and lean on You in every situation. Help us to grow to be more like You every day, having a unity in Spirit, being patient, humble and gentle with each other, and bearing each other’s burdens with Your love and strength. Fill our marriage with Your peace. When a struggle or strife arises, may our first response be to come to You together for help. Help us make talking about You and Your Word a priority. We ask your Spirit to help us understand Your Word and grow together in our love and service to You. - Amelia Rhodes

Marriage Prayer for Closeness

Father, life gets so busy and things can creep into our marriage and cause distance. Help us be intentional in spending time together and reveal things that are creating a chasm in our relationship. Protect us from things that will divide us, whether it be time spent online or a recreational activity or a friendship that is taking away from our marriage. Help us know how to remedy the situation and bring a closeness back into our marriage with You at the center. - Amelia Rhodes

Prayer for a Strong Marriage

Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the foundation upon which our marriage is built. We thank You for the love, trust, and commitment that bind us together.

Grant us the wisdom to weather the storms of life together, and the grace to celebrate the joys. Let our love for each other deepen with each passing day, as we grow together in understanding and patience.

Lord, be the cornerstone of our marriage, the rock upon which we stand. With You at the center, we believe our love will endure and flourish. In Your name, we pray for a marriage that remains strong, resilient, and full of love. Amen.

Marriage Prayer for Humility

Father, enable us to forgive each other as You have forgiven us. Help us not to hold onto bitterness, keep records of wrong, or allow the enemy any foothold in our relationship. Keep our hearts sensitive to You and each other, and move us to the work of reconciliation quickly. When we are wounded, help us be honest with each other and not fear retaliation. Help us to work through our differences in a way that honors You and strengthens our relationship. Help us grow in humility and recognize when we have wounded each other. Give us Your strength to ask for and give forgiveness. - Amelia Rhodes

Marriage Prayer for Financial Trouble and Disagreements

Heavenly Father, we come before You in a time of financial difficulty and disagreement within our marriage. Grant us the strength to communicate openly and honestly about our financial concerns and differences. Help us find common ground, make wise decisions, and manage our resources responsibly.

 We want to be on the same team in our marriage - we want to fight for our relationship and each other. Lord, may our love for each other be unwavering, even in the face of financial stress. Teach us to support and encourage one another during these trying times, and remind us that we are a team, bound by love and commitment.

In moments of disagreement, help us to seek compromise and understanding, putting the unity of our marriage above all else. Grant us the patience and grace to work through our financial issues together, with respect and kindness.

We trust in Your providence and ask for Your blessings upon our financial situation. Guide us towards financial stability and peace, and help us grow stronger as a couple through these challenges. In Your name, we pray for harmony, understanding, and resolution in our marriage. Amen

A Prayer to Seek Marital Help When Needed

Some ideas of when to pray are:.

  • just before you get out of bed
  • while in the shower
  • while brushing your teeth
  • on your way to work

Of course, there are many, many other times of the day you can pray for your spouse and marriage, but start off by doing it during the same time each day, and soon it will become second nature to you. Then gradually increase it to one more times each day until you find yourself living a lifestyle of prayer. 

Related: Prayer for Newlyweds to Start Marriage Off Right Hopeful Prayers for Marriage Restoration Prayers for Your Husband Each Day Powerful Prayers for Your Wife 40 Powerful Blessings to Pray Over Your Marriage

Michael and Carlie Kercheval  have been blissfully married since June 10, 2000. They have been blessed with three precious children that they have been able to raise while traveling the world as a military family. They are co-authors of the popular marriage devotional:  Consecrated Conversations . Together they founded Fulfilling Your Vows in obedience to the ministry God has placed in their hearts to help equip couples for biblical marriage.

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering  how to pray  or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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journey of our marriage

journey of our marriage

12 Blessing Prayers for Engaged Couples' New Journey

Explore 12 heartfelt blessing prayers for engaged couples embarking on their new journey together. Find inspiration and guidance for strengthening your bond and inviting love, joy, and divine grace into your life as you prepare for marriage.

Table of Contents

Prayer for god's blessing to dwell in their future home..

  • Encourages a spiritual foundation for the new chapter in the couple’s life.
  • Invokes divine presence, protection, and guidance within the home.
  • Strengthens the couple’s faith as they embark on their journey together.
  • May inadvertently imply that material blessings or a physical home are the most important aspects of marriage.
  • Could be perceived as less inclusive of those facing financial or housing instability.

Engagement is a season of joyful anticipation, not just for the wedding day, but for the lifetime journey that follows. As two souls prepare to intertwine, the sanctity of their future home becomes a vessel for their love and faith. It is within these walls that prayers are whispered, dreams shared, and unconditional love flourishes. In the Christian faith, blessing a home is more than a tradition; it's inviting God to be the cornerstone of the new life being built together. 

Heavenly Father, In Your infinite grace, look kindly upon this engaged couple as they stand on the threshold of their new life together. As they seek Your blessings for their future home, may Your love be the light that fills each room, guiding them through days of joy and challenge alike. Lord, bless their home with peace that surpasses understanding, so that in the quiet moments and the bustling ones, they feel Your presence. Let it be a refuge of hope, a sanctuary of faith, and a haven of love. May its walls echo with laughter, its rooms hold stories of Your greatness, and every door open to opportunities for growth and grace. Grant them the wisdom to build their lives on the solid ground of Your Word, ensuring that though storms may come, their bond will remain unbreakable. May their love for each other reflect Your love for them — endless, pure, and unfailing. We ask that their home be filled with Your Spirit, nourishing their souls and those of all who enter. Through every season, let their love be a testament to Your eternal blessings. Amen.

In entrusting their future home to God's care, the engaged couple sets the foundation of their life together on spiritual bedrock. Such a prayer is not just a request for a happy home but a vow to keep God at the center of their marriage. As they venture into this new chapter, their faith serves as both anchor and compass, ensuring that their shared journey is marked by love, guided by wisdom, and blessed by the divine. True home is where God's heart dwells, making every space a holy ground on which their love can boldly grow.

Prayer for Fertility and the Blessing of Children in their Family.

  • Strengthens faith and trust in God’s plan for the couple’s life together.
  • Encourages a spirit of hope and positivity towards building a family.
  • Fosters a deeper bond and mutual understanding between partners about their desires for children.
  • May lead to disappointment if expectations are not met in the timing or manner hoped for.
  • Can be sensitive for those facing fertility challenges, requiring careful and compassionate consideration.

Fertility and the blessing of children hold a special place in the heart of many engaged couples, symbolizing the growth of love and the continuation of family. Just as a garden requires time, patience, and care to bloom, so does the journey towards parenthood. This prayer seeks divine guidance and blessings for this sacred and hopeful path.

Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts full of dreams and desires to expand our family. We humbly ask for Your blessing on this loving union, that it may be fertile ground for the seeds of life You wish to plant. Grant us the grace to embrace Your will with open hearts, trusting in Your perfect timing and providence. Lord, bless them with the joy of children, that their home may echo with laughter and their lives be enriched with the lessons and love only a child can bring. Just like the first blooms of spring that signal new beginnings, let their journey into parenthood be a testament to Your endless grace and generosity. We pray for health and strength for them and their future children, that they may grow in a home filled with love, faith, and devotion. Guide them through the challenges and joys of raising a family, always reminding them of the infinite love You have for each of Your children. Amen.

Praying for fertility and the blessing of children is a deep expression of faith and hope for engaged couples. It's a journey of trust, entrusting their desires and dreams into God’s loving hands, knowing He understands their hearts better than they understand themselves. This prayer encapsulates the hope, joy, and faith entwined in the sacred desire to create a family under God’s grace.

Prayer for their Engagement to be a Foundation of Love, Trust, and Respect.

  • Reinforces the importance of core values in a relationship.
  • Encourages spiritual growth and guidance.
  • Provides a shared vision for the couple's future.
  • May create expectations that are difficult to meet at all times.
  • Can be seen as overly idealistic in challenging situations.

Engagement marks the beginning of a beautiful journey towards marriage. It's a time filled with hope, excitement, and dreams for the future. At the core of this new chapter, love, trust, and respect serve as the foundation upon which a resilient, enduring relationship is built. Like a house that withstands storms because of its strong base, an engagement rooted in these values promises a lasting, fulfilling partnership. As we engage in this prayer, let's invite divine wisdom and grace into the hearts of the engaged couple, guiding them to nurture these essential qualities in their journey together.

Heavenly Father, In Your wisdom, You have brought two hearts together, embarking on a sacred journey of engagement. We pray that their bond may be firmly grounded in love, rich in trust, and unwavering in mutual respect. May their love for each other reflect Your love for us—patient, kind, and enduring.  Guide them, Lord, to build their relationship on the solid rock of faith, where trust is their compass and respect their shelter. In moments of doubt or challenge, remind them of this foundation, strengthening their confidence in each other and in Your divine plan.  Bless their engagement as a season of growth, where they learn to love deeply, trust wholeheartedly, and respect profoundly. Let their journey illuminate the path to a marriage that glorifies You in every word and deed. Amen.

Engagement is more than just a step towards marriage; it's the nurturing ground for the values that will sustain a relationship through life's ups and downs. Love, trust, and respect are not merely ideals but the very essence of a strong partnership. This prayer is a humble request for divine guidance, ensuring the engaged couple treasures and cultivates these virtues as they prepare for their lifelong commitment. With a foundation this solid, their love is set to flourish in abundance and grace, echoing the infinite love God has for each of us.

Prayer for Blessing their Journey towards Becoming One in Spirit.

  • Encourages unity and spiritual growth as a couple.
  • Invokes divine guidance and blessings for their mutual journey.
  • Strengthens their bond and commitment to each other.
  • May inadvertently emphasize spiritual unity over practical aspects of marriage preparation.
  • Could be perceived as exclusive if not inclusive of various interpretations of spirituality within Christian contexts.

In the wonderful journey of life, an engaged couple embarks on a sacred path towards becoming one in spirit. This unique journey is adorned with hopes, dreams, and the promise of a unified future. As they weave their spirits together under God’s watchful eyes, it’s essential to seek His blessings and guidance to fortify their bond through faith, love, and mutual respect.

Heavenly Father, We come before You today to ask for Your unending blessings on this loving couple as they prepare to unite their lives. In the tapestry of creation, You have masterfully designed the union of two souls to reflect Your glory and love. As they embark on this sacred journey towards becoming one in spirit, shower them with Your grace. Guide them with Your wisdom, that they may walk hand in hand with hearts aflame with love and understanding. Let their spirits intertwine with strength and gentleness, patience, and passion, embodying the unity of Christ with His Church. May their love for each other mirror Your love for us—endless, forgiving, and renewing. Bless their path with light, removing obstacles that may divert their gaze from You. Teach them to lean on You and each other during trials, and to rejoice with You in their triumphs.  In Your loving kindness, mold their hearts to be reflections of Your divine love, so that through their union, the world may see the beauty of Your eternal promise of love and companionship. Amen.

This prayer celebrates the spiritual journey of becoming one in spirit for engaged couples. It’s a beautiful reminder of the divine essence of marriage, emphasizing that through God’s grace, love, and guidance, two people can beautifully mirror the unity and love of Christ. By inviting God into their relationship, engaged couples set a strong foundation for a loving, enduring marriage that stands as a testament to divine love in our world.

Prayer for Health, Prosperity, and Joy in their Life Together.

  • Encourages a focus on holistic well-being.
  • Inspires hope and positive expectations for the future.
  • Invites divine guidance and blessings into their union.
  • May create unrealistic expectations if not coupled with practical efforts.
  • Risks disappointment if outcomes differ from what is prayed for.

Engaged couples embark on a journey not just of love, but of shared dreams, challenges, and triumphs. A prayer for health, prosperity, and joy recognizes the multifaceted nature of a life built together. It is a comprehensive blessing that covers the physical, material, and emotional aspects essential for a harmonious and fulfilling life partnership.

Dear Lord, We come before You today to lift up this engaged couple embarking on their new journey together. May their path be blessed with robust health, allowing them to enjoy each day to its fullest and overcome any challenge with strength and grace. Shower them, O Lord, with Your prosperity. Let their hands find the work that fulfills and enriches, not just materially but in spirit and purpose. Guide them to manage their resources wisely, to be generous, and to remember that every good gift comes from You. Fill their lives with joy unspeakable. In moments of happiness, let their joy be a beacon of Your love and faithfulness. In times of trial, remind them that joy comes not from circumstances but from a deep, abiding trust in You. Bless their union, Father, with the richness of Your love. May their love for each other reflect Your love for them—a love that is patient, kind, and endures all things. Amen.

This prayer encompasses the hope for a life together filled with health, prosperity, and joy—essential ingredients for a strong and lasting relationship. By seeking God's blessing, an engaged couple lays a foundation based on faith and trust, poised to weather life's storms and celebrate its beauties together. The journey of marriage, underpinned by such prayer, promises not just survival but a thriving partnership illuminated by divine grace.

Prayer for God's Presence in their Life and Future Marriage.

  • Invites divine guidance and a sense of peace into the relationship.
  • Encourages spiritual growth and unity between partners.
  • Provides a strong foundation based on shared faith and values.
  • May create expectations that challenges won’t arise, leading to potential disappointment if difficulties are encountered.
  • Different interpretations of what it means to invite God into a relationship could cause misunderstandings between partners.

Embarking on the journey of engagement brings with it the promise of new beginnings and shared dreams. As two hearts pledge to become one, the importance of laying a foundation rooted in faith cannot be overstated. A prayer for God’s presence in their life and future marriage is akin to setting a compass to true north—guiding the couple through the seas of life, anchored by divine love and wisdom.

Heavenly Father, In Your boundless grace, we come before You today, lifting up this engaged couple embarking on life’s most beautiful journey together. Lord, as they intertwine their hearts and dreams, may Your presence be the cornerstone of their relationship and future marriage. Like a lighthouse guiding ships through stormy seas, let Your light illuminate their path, guiding them in love, patience, and understanding. Bless them with the wisdom to recognize Your guidance in every decision they make and the courage to follow where You lead. Encircle them with Your protection, keeping their bond strong against the winds of adversity. May their love for each other be a reflection of Your endless love for them, growing deeper with each day that passes. Grant them the grace to nurture a relationship that brings glory to Your name—a testament to the power of faith, hope, and love. Let their life together be a beacon of Your eternal love, inspiring all who know them. Amen.

The prayer for God's presence in their life and future marriage not only seeks divine blessing but also acknowledges the need for spiritual nourishment and guidance. It is a reminder that the journey they are about to embark upon is not just a union of two hearts but a covenant under God. Inviting God into their relationship means walking a path where love is patient, kind, and reflects the very essence of the Divine. As this couple steps forward into their future, may they carry with them the assurance that they are never alone, for God walks with them, blessing each step of their united journey.

Prayer for Strength and Understanding during Tough Times in their Marriage.

  • Helps couples feel supported spiritually during challenging periods.
  • Encourages communication and empathy between partners.
  • Strengthens faith as a foundational pillar in the marriage.
  • May lead some to overly rely on divine intervention without taking practical steps to resolve issues.
  • Could be misinterpreted as a suggestion that faith alone will solve all marital problems, ignoring the importance of professional counseling or advice.

The journey of marriage, like any great voyage, is marked by both sunshine and storms. It's in the tempests, however, that our anchors are truly tested. Invoking strength and understanding during these trials becomes essential, not just for weathering them but for emerging stronger together. This prayer seeks the divine assistance needed during these times, ensuring that love is the compass guiding every step.

Heavenly Father, In the sacred garden of marriage, where love is sown and hope blooms, we seek Your grace. As this couple walks hand in hand, may they find Your strength woven into the fabric of their unity, especially when shadows lengthen and the path grows uncertain.  Grant them the lamp of understanding to illuminate misunderstandings and fears, turning obstacles into stepping stones. Clothe them in patience, that they may endure the storms, and in wisdom, to discern the lessons hidden within trials. Let their love be a testament to the power of faith, growing deeper roots in times of drought. In moments of weakness, be their fortress; in times of division, be their bridge. May their joint journey reflect the resilience of Your love, teaching them that every challenge overcome together adds a new chapter of grace to their story.  Amen.

Concluding a prayer for strength and understanding recognizes that the fabric of a strong marriage includes threads of perseverance, faith, and mutual support. In seeking divine guidance, couples are reminded that they are not navigating their challenges alone. This prayer serves as a beacon of hope, a reminder that with God's grace, every trial can forge a stronger bond, transforming the very trials that threatened to divide into the ties that more deeply unite.

Prayer for Protection against any Challenges that might test their Bond.

  • Strengthens unity: This prayer topic emphasizes the couple’s commitment to facing challenges together, strengthening their bond.
  • Invokes divine guidance: It seeks God’s protection, acknowledging that divine help can navigate the couple through tough times.
  • Prepares for reality: Acknowledges that challenges are part of life, preparing the couple mentally and spiritually for future obstacles.
  • May induce anxiety: Focusing on potential challenges might cause unnecessary worry about future hardships.
  • Could be perceived as negative: Concentrating on obstacles may overshadow the joy and excitement of engagement.

Engagement is a journey of unity, love, and shared visions. Yet, like any voyage, it can encounter storms. A Prayer for Protection against Challenges that might test their Bond is like setting sails with awareness of possible storms but trust in divine guidance to navigate them. This prayer does not dwell on the fear of encountering challenges but emphasizes the strength found in faith and unity to overcome them.

Heavenly Father, We come before You today, united in love and purpose, embarking on this sacred journey towards marriage. We humbly ask for Your protective embrace around us, shielding our bond from the tempests that may seek to test us. In the face of trials, grant us the grace to anchor our relationship in You, turning challenges into stepping stones that strengthen our unity rather than fragments that drift us apart. Lord, imbue us with wisdom to perceive obstacles as opportunities to grow closer and fortify our commitment. May our love, rooted in Your divine example, be a beacon of light guiding us through dark moments. Let patience, understanding, and unwavering support be the pillars of our bond, ensuring no hardship can sway our dedication to one another. Amen.

Prayer, especially in anticipation of marriage, is like threading a tapestry of love, resilience, and faith. By seeking divine protection and guidance through challenges, a couple weaves a stronger bond, capable of withstanding the tests of time. This Prayer for Protection emphasizes not the looming shadows of potential difficulties but the light of divine presence and mutual support that makes every challenge surmountable. It is a declaration of faith in love’s power and God’s guidance to carry them through all seasons of their journey together.

Prayer for Selfless Love and Commitment toward Each Other.

  • Encourages couples to prioritize each other's needs, strengthening their bond.
  • Inspires a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, essential for a lasting relationship.
  • Reinforces the importance of commitment, crucial in overcoming life's challenges together.
  • May inadvertently pressure couples to neglect personal needs or boundaries in pursuit of selflessness.
  • Overemphasis on selflessness could potentially overshadow the need for individual growth and autonomy within the relationship.

When embarking on a life together, the virtues of selfless love and unwavering commitment become the bedrock upon which engaged couples build their future. Like trees that intertwine their roots to stand stronger against the storm, so must partners weave their lives together, anchored in the soil of selflessness and dedication. This prayer seeks divine guidance to cultivate such virtues, ensuring a love not just proclaimed, but lived.

Heavenly Father, In Your infinite wisdom, You created love as a mirror of Your boundless, self-giving nature. As these two hearts prepare to unite in a sacred journey, we ask for Your blessing to instill in them a love that reflects Your own: selfless, enduring, and ever-giving. Grant them eyes that truly see each other, beyond the surface, to appreciate the profound beauty of selfless love. May their commitment be as steadfast as the mountains—unshaken by the winds of trial, and as deep as the oceans—endlessly renewing itself in grace and forgiveness. Bless their path with the light of understanding and patience, teaching them to put each other first, to listen more than they speak, and to love without keeping score. In moments of challenge, remind them of this sacred promise to walk hand in hand, not led by self-interest, but guided by mutual sacrifice and devotion. Through the intercession of all the saints who have gone before us in love, we place this prayer before You, confident in Your mercy and love. Amen.

The journey of marriage is one paved with lessons of love and moments of self-discovery. Through a prayer for selfless love and unwavering commitment, engaged couples invite God into their relationship, seeking His guidance to cultivate a love that is genuine and giving. Such a prayer is not just words spoken but a daily commitment to action, a testament to the belief that true love is a reflection of divine love—selfless, steadfast, and utterly transformative.

Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance in their Joint Decisions.

  • Encourages couples to seek divine guidance, fostering a spiritual foundation in their relationship.
  • Helps in developing mutual understanding and respect by considering each other’s perspectives under God’s wisdom.
  • Can reduce potential conflicts by aligning decisions with spiritual values.
  • May lead to over-reliance on divine intervention, overlooking practical decision-making processes.
  • Could cause frustration if expectations for clear, divine answers are not met.

Engagement is a beautiful prelude to the lifelong symphony of marriage. As two souls prepare to embark on this divine journey together, they stand at the crossroads of numerous decisions that will shape their shared future. Praying for wisdom and guidance in their joint decisions is like asking for a map and compass from God, ensuring every step taken is in harmony with His will.

Heavenly Father, In Your infinite wisdom, You have brought these two hearts together, embarking on a journey of unity, love, and commitment. As they stand on the precipice of this new chapter in their lives, we humbly ask You to bless them with the gift of Your divine wisdom and guidance. Illuminate their path, O Lord, with the light of Your truth, so that every decision they make may be infused with Your grace. Grant them the clarity to discern your will, the courage to follow it, and the strength to withstand any storm. May their choices reflect not just their desires, but Your eternal love and wisdom. In moments of uncertainty, remind them that You are their steadfast guide. Let their hearts be attuned to Your whisper, turning to You as their ultimate source of direction and peace. Together, may they build a life that glorifies Your name, hand in hand, with You leading the way. Amen.

Embarking on the journey of engagement and towards marriage is a testament to hope and faith in God's plan for love. Praying for wisdom and guidance in joint decisions not only fortifies a couple's bond but also integrates God's voice into the very fabric of their relationship. It's a beautiful blend of divine providence and human commitment, setting a strong foundation for a future together under God's watchful eye. This prayer is a beacon, guiding engaged couples through the seas of life, with God's wisdom as their North Star.

Prayer for Peace, Unity, and Harmony in their Family Life.

Pros and Cons of Praying for Peace, Unity, and Harmony in Family Life

  • Strengthens family bonds and fosters a loving environment.
  • Encourages patience, understanding, and mutual respect among family members.
  • Reduces stress and conflict, leading to a more peaceful home atmosphere.
  • Aligns the family’s values and goals with Christian teachings of love and unity.
  • Overemphasis on harmony might discourage addressing necessary but difficult issues.
  • May create unrealistic expectations of constant peace without acknowledging natural family dynamics.

Engagement is a journey that begins with two hearts uniting, with dreams of building a life together. As two families blend into one, the quest for peace, unity, and harmony in their new shared life becomes paramount. Like a river that flows effortlessly, weaving through the landscape, so should the lives of engaged couples merge, navigating challenges with grace and love. This prayer seeks divine guidance and blessings for engaged couples, that their union may be a testament to the power of love, unity, and peace within their family life.

Heavenly Father,  In Your boundless wisdom and grace, You have brought two souls together, embarking on a sacred journey of love and commitment. We pray for Your blessing upon their engagement, that it may be the foundation of a family life filled with peace, unity, and harmony. Let their home be a sanctuary of love, where patience flourishes and understanding blooms. Lord, guide them through the complexities of life with a steady hand and a compassionate heart. May they navigate the waters of disagreement with the anchor of respect and the sails of forgiveness. Bless their families, merging them with bonds of love and mutual respect, as threads in a beautiful tapestry, distinct yet part of a grander design. Encourage them, O God, to nurture a family rooted in the teachings of Christ, where love is the language spoken in abundance and peace the air they breathe. May their union inspire those around them, shining as a beacon of Your divine love and unity. We ask this in Your Holy Name, Amen.

The prayer for peace, unity, and harmony within the life of an engaged couple is a powerful reminder of the strength found in love and commitment under God’s guidance. Just as a garden thrives with care, so too does family life blossom with the nurturing of these virtues. This prayer seeks not only to secure divine blessings for the couple but also to inspire continued growth and devotion in their shared journey. Through the grace of God, may their lives together be a harmonious symphony of love’s enduring power.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for their Love and Union.

  • Reinforces the spiritual bond between the couple.
  • Acknowledges God's role and blessings in their union.
  • Cultivates a culture of gratitude within their relationship.
  • Can be perceived as exclusive if not inclusive of all beliefs within the couple.
  • May overlook specific challenges or requests the couple is facing.

Embarking on a journey of love and lifelong commitment, engaged couples find themselves at the threshold of a new chapter. This significant transition is not only a testament to their love but also a reflection of divine grace and unity. In acknowledging this blessed union, a prayer of thanksgiving becomes a beacon of light, guiding them with hope and gratitude.

Dear Heavenly Father, We approach Your throne of grace with hearts brimming with gratitude. Today, we celebrate the gift of love and union You have bestowed upon this beloved couple. Like rivers merging into a single course, their paths have been divinely guided to intertwine, crafting a tapestry of companionship that mirrors Your love for us. We thank You, Lord, for being their foundation, for every moment of laughter and even the tears from which they draw closer, building their fortress of faith. May their love for each other continue to flourish, rooted in the soil of Your unwavering love and nurtured by the sunshine of Your blessings. Bless them, O God, with patience to weather storms, wisdom to cherish peace, and an abundance of grace to forgive and forge forward. May their union glorify You, as they grow together in love, reflecting Your grace and kindness to the world. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

The prayer of thanksgiving for love and union serves as a humble acknowledgment of God's hand in nurturing and sustaining the love between engaged couples. It is a reminder that their journey together is not just a testament to their love for one another but also a reflection of divine guidance and blessing. As they embark on this new chapter, their thanks-giving heart sets a solid foundation for a future built on faith, love, and unwavering support.

Frequently asked questions

Why are blessing prayers important for engaged couples.

Blessing prayers are vital for engaged couples because they are not just words but a divine intervention that invokes God's favor upon the couple’s life. These prayers express our faith in God's promises for their future and provide spiritual support to face any challenges that may come along their journey.

How can engaged couples incorporate these blessing prayers in their lives?

Engaged couples can integrate blessing prayers into their daily lives by setting aside specific times each day to pray together. This shared spiritual experience fosters unity, builds trust, and keeps their relationship centered on God.

Can others, like family and friends, also offer blessing prayers for engaged couples?

Yes, absolutely! Family members and friends are encouraged to offer blessing prayers for engaged couples. These prayers create a network of spiritual support that uplifts the couple, contributing to their strength and perseverance in their journey together.

Do these prayers need to be formalized or said in a particular way?

No, blessing prayers do not need to be formal or said in a specific manner. The prayer's sincerity is what matters most. It could be a heartfelt spontaneous prayer, a prayer using Scriptural blessings, or a traditional prayer - all are pleasing in God's eyes.

What if we're feeling unsure or overwhelmed, can these prayers help?

Certainly! God is our greatest source of strength and comfort. When you feel overwhelmed, these prayers serve as a reminder of His unfailing love, His promise to guide you through your journey, and His power to overcome any obstacles you may face.

Do blessing prayers guarantee a smooth journey for the engaged couple?

While blessing prayers are a powerful tool of faith, they do not necessarily guarantee a journey devoid of trials. However, they do assure the constant presence and help of God. It's important to remember that challenges often serve to strengthen us and our relationships, aligning us more closely with God's will for our lives.

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The Teaching Couple

35 Poems About Marriage

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Written by Dan

These poems are all about love, sticking together, and the shared adventures of life. They explore every corner of married life, from the butterflies of new love to the solid bond that stands the test of time.

Whether you’re just starting your journey or have been on it for years, these poems will hit home. Love, after all, is something we all understand – so be ready to connect, be inspired, and maybe even shed a tear or two with these 35 poems about marriage.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Poems About Love  here.

free verse poetry

Table of Contents

Five Free Verse Poems About Marriage

1. the dance of two souls.

Two souls, dancing in the cosmos, Entwined by a thread of love, Each step, a melody of life, Each twirl, a testament to time. A waltz that echoes across galaxies, A rhythm that pulses through veins, An eternal dance, Of two souls in love.

2. The Tapestry of Togetherness

Marriage, a tapestry woven with threads of time, Each strand, a story, a memory, a shared laugh, a shared tear. In its warp and weft, the essence of togetherness, A beautiful chaos, a harmonious blend.

3. The Voyage

Setting sail on the ship of matrimony, Navigating through the sea of life, Sometimes calm, sometimes stormy, Together, they chart their course. With love as their compass, And trust as their anchor, They voyage into the horizon, Their hearts beating in unison.

4. The Garden of Love

Marriage, a garden of love, Cultivated with care, nurtured with patience, Where seeds of trust grow into trees of companionship, And flowers of affection bloom in abundance. Through seasons of joy and phases of pain, The garden thrives, resilient and radiant, A testament to the gardener’s love, A testament to the miracle of marriage.

5. The Symphony of Souls

Two souls, writing a symphony of life, Each note, a shared moment, Each crescendo, a celebration of love, In this concert of existence, they create magic. A harmony that resonates across the universe, A melody that whispers tales of togetherness, Their music, a testament to their bond, Their symphony, an ode to their marriage.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Poems About Weddings  here.

Haiku Poem

Five Haiku Poems About Marriage

1. joined in harmony.

Two hearts intertwined, In love’s sweet rhythm they sway, Joined in harmony.

2. The Journey

Together we tread, Life’s path, hand in hand, we stride, In love, we journey.

3. Seasons of Love

Winter’s chill subsides, In the warmth of our love’s spring, Blossoms our marriage.

4. The Promise

In your eyes I see, A promise of tomorrow, Bound in love, we are.

Two souls, one heartbeat, In the dance of life, we move, In unison, always.

Related : For more, check out our article on  Poems About Hope  here.


Five Limerick Poems About Marriage

1. a journey together.

There once was a couple so bright, Their love was a radiant light. Through joy and through strife, They journeyed through life, Their bond was a beautiful sight.

2. The Vows We Made

On the day when we both said, “I do,” The sky was a perfect blue. We promised to cherish, Our love wouldn’t perish, And each day feels exciting and new.

3. The Dance of Love

In the dance of marriage, they twirled, In their own little love-filled world. With laughter and tears, And the passing of years, Their love story beautifully unfurled.

4. Sailing on Love’s Sea

Together they sailed love’s vast sea, In their boat of matrimony. Though waves may crash, Their love won’t dash, For they’re as happy as can be.

5. A Lifetime Promise

There once was a promise, so sweet, Two hearts in love did meet. Now hand in hand, Through life they stand, Their love story is truly complete.


Five Tanka Poems About Marriage

1. eternal bond.

Joined in sacred vows, Two hearts beating together, In love’s sweet rhythm. Through life’s storm and sunshine, Their bond remains unbroken.

2. The Journey of Love

Hand in hand, they tread, Down the winding path of life, Love their guiding light. With every step they take, Their bond grows ever stronger.

3. Seasons of Marriage

Winter’s chill gives way, To the warmth of spring’s embrace, Just like their marriage. Through seasons of joy and pain, Their love blooms in abundance.

4. Symphony of Souls

Two souls in concert, Creating life’s melody, In perfect harmony. Their love, a symphony, That echoes through eternity.

5. Garden of Companionship

Marriage, a garden, Cultivated with patience, And nurtured with love. In its soil, trust deep-rooted, Blooms the flower of friendship.

Five Sonnet Poems About Marriage

1. the eternal dance.

In the dance of life, we twirl and sway, Bound by love’s rhythm, day after day. Two hearts, in time, beating as one, Underneath the moon and the sun.

In your eyes, I see my reflection, A mirror of our love’s perfection. Through joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, Together we conquer our fears.

Our love, a melody sweetly played, With each note, our bond is remade. In this dance, we find our grace, In your arms, I find my place.

Marriage, our eternal dance, In love’s rhythm, we find romance.

2. The Voyage of Matrimony

Upon the sea of matrimony, we sail, With love as our compass, we shall not fail. Through stormy seas and calm waters bright, Our love guides us through the darkest night.

Hand in hand, we explore the deep, Where secrets of our hearts we keep. In every sunrise, in every tide, Your love is my constant guide.

Our voyage, an adventure untold, A testament to a love that’s bold. Marriage, our endless voyage, In love’s sea, we find our courage.

3. The Garden of Love

Marriage, a garden, carefully grown, With seeds of love that have been sown. In its soil, trust takes root, And blossoms into love’s sweet fruit.

Through every season, come what may, Our love grows stronger every day. In the sunshine and the rain, Together we share joy and pain.

Our garden, a testament to our care, A love that’s beyond compare. Marriage, our beautiful garden, In love’s soil, our hearts harden.

4. The Symphony of Souls

Two souls, in harmony, create, A symphony that’s truly great. In every note, in every sound, Our love is profoundly bound.

Through crescendos high and low, Together we watch our love grow. In your arms, I find my song, With you is where I belong.

Our symphony, a love untamed, In each other’s hearts, we’re named. Marriage, our symphony sweet, In love’s music, we meet.

5. The Journey of Hearts

Hand in hand, we journey far, Guided by love’s shining star. Through every path, through every door, Our love becomes so much more.

In every smile, in every tear, Your love is what I hold dear. Through every trial, through every test, In your arms, I find my rest.

Our journey, a testament to our bond, Of a love that’s deep and beyond. Marriage, our endless journey, In love’s path, we find our glee.

Five Ode Poems About Marriage

1. ode to unity.

Oh, sweet unity of marriage, A bond formed not just by a carriage, But by love, deep and true, A connection that constantly renews.

Two hearts intertwined, forever linked, In the sea of love, they have sunk. A unity that stands the test of time, A rhythm, a harmony, a perfect rhyme.

2. Ode to Commitment

Oh, noble commitment of wedded bliss, Sealed with a promise and a kiss. Through thick and thin, come what may, Together, always, come what may.

A commitment strong, a commitment true, An eternal bond between the two. Through every storm, through every strife, Commitment is the essence of life.

3. Ode to Partnership

Oh, wonderful partnership of marriage, A journey embarked upon a carriage. Hand in hand, side by side, In each other, they confide.

A partnership of love and trust, A bond that’s fair and just. Through every challenge, every strife, Partnership is the spice of life.

4. Ode to Love

Oh, glorious love in wedded bliss, A feeling pure, like a first kiss. A flame that burns, bright and clear, A beacon that draws each other near.

Love that grows, love that heals, A force that’s powerful and real. Through every joy, through every sorrow, Love promises a brighter tomorrow.

5. Ode to Companionship

Oh, cherished companionship of marriage, A voyage embarked upon a carriage. Through life’s journey, through every stage, Companionship is the sage.

A friendship deep, a friendship true, A bond that’s constantly renewed. Through every laughter, every tear, Companionship is always near.

Villanelle Poem

Five Villanelle Poems About Marriage

1. the dance of two hearts.

In the dance of two hearts, love takes the floor, A rhythm that pulses, forever more. In marriage, two souls learn the steps of this dance.

Through joy and sorrow, in every circumstance, Their movements in sync, in a loving trance. In the dance of two hearts, love takes the floor.

Their bodies sway, their spirits soar, In this dance, they find love’s true core. In marriage, two souls learn the steps of this dance.

With each twist and turn, with each glance, Their love deepens, given the chance. In the dance of two hearts, love takes the floor.

Their dance, a testament to their romance, A story told in every prance. In marriage, two souls learn the steps of this dance.

In this dance of love, they take the chance, To live, to love, to enhance. In the dance of two hearts, love takes the floor, In marriage, two souls learn the steps of this dance.

Upon the sea of matrimony, we set our sail, With love as our compass, we shall not fail. In marriage, two hearts navigate this voyage.

Through stormy seas and calm waters, we engage, Our love, the anchor, our rage. Upon the sea of matrimony, we set our sail.

Hand in hand, we brave the gale, Our love, a tale, beyond the pale. In marriage, two hearts navigate this voyage.

Through every sunrise, through every hail, Your love, my constant trail. Upon the sea of matrimony, we set our sail.

Our voyage, an adventure, without a rail, Our love, the wind in our sail. In marriage, two hearts navigate this voyage.

In this voyage of love, we avail, To live, to love, to prevail. Upon the sea of matrimony, we set our sail, In marriage, two hearts navigate this voyage.

Marriage, a garden, carefully sown, With seeds of love, that have been thrown. In marriage, two hearts cultivate this garden.

In its soil, trust takes root, love begins to harden, And blossoms into love’s sweet pardon. Marriage, a garden, carefully sown.

Through every season, come what may, Our love grows stronger, day by day. In marriage, two hearts cultivate this garden.

In the sunshine and the rain, we play, Together, we share joy and dismay. Marriage, a garden, carefully sown.

Our garden, a testament to our array, A love that’s beyond any cliche. In marriage, two hearts cultivate this garden.

In this garden of love, we lay, To live, to love, to portray. Marriage, a garden, carefully sown, In marriage, two hearts cultivate this garden.

Two souls, in harmony, create, A symphony, that’s truly great. In marriage, two hearts compose this symphony.

In every note, in every debate, Our love is profoundly innate. Two souls, in harmony, create.

Through crescendos high and low, we relate, Together, we watch our love inflate. In marriage, two hearts compose this symphony.

In your arms, I find my fate, With you, is where I resonate. Two souls, in harmony, create.

Our symphony, a love, that’s up-to-date, In each other’s hearts, we nominate. In marriage, two hearts compose this symphony.

In this symphony of love, we celebrate, To live, to love, to replicate. Two souls, in harmony, create, In marriage, two hearts compose this symphony.

Hand in hand, we journey far, Guided by love’s shining star. In marriage, two hearts embark on this journey.

Through every path, through every scar, Our love becomes so much more. Hand in hand, we journey far.

In every smile, in every tear, Your love is what I hold dear. In marriage, two hearts embark on this journey.

Through every trial, through every fear, In your arms, I find my cheer. Hand in hand, we journey far.

Our journey, a testament to our par, Of a love that’s deep and bizarre. In marriage, two hearts embark on this journey.

In this journey of love, we spar, To live, to love, to raise the bar. Hand in hand, we journey far, In marriage, two hearts embark on this journey.

In conclusion, these 35 poems about marriage encapsulate the beautiful journey that is shared between two people who have chosen to spend their lives together.

They delve into the depths of love, commitment, companionship, and the lifelong adventure that marriage brings. Each poem serves as a reminder of the strength, resilience, and profound connection that form the foundation of a marital relationship.

Whether you are at the threshold of this journey or deeply entrenched in its path, these poems resonate with universal truths about love and commitment.

They inspire us to cherish our relationships, weather the storms together, and celebrate the joyous moments. Love is a language we all speak, and through these poems, we are reminded of its power and beauty.

These 35 poems about marriage are not just verses but reflections of the myriad emotions, challenges, triumphs, and deep bonds that marriage encompasses.

They serve as a mirror to our own experiences, a source of inspiration, and a testament to the enduring power of love. So, embark on this poetic journey, connect with the sentiments, draw inspiration, and perhaps, let your eyes well up with the touching resonance of these verses. After all, marriage is a beautiful voyage, and these poems are its poignant chronicles.

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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Marriage is a Journey, Not a Destination

  • Pre-Marriage
  • 5 minute read
  • Gary Thomas

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One of the most common questions I get about my book for singles, The Sacred Search , which gives a lot of advice about what to look for and what to avoid when choosing someone to marry,  is, “What if I can’t find a person like the one you describe?”

Singles who ask this question reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of marriage. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. To explain what that means, as well as the difference that makes, let me ask you a couple of questions:

  • What did you imagine your future spouse would be like?
  • How close is that “imaginary” spouse to your fiancé/fiancée?

What is better than imaginary? A real spouse

In his book Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer , C. S. Lewis told a friend, “You and I have both known happy marriage. But how different our wives were from the imaginary mistresses of our adolescent dreams! So much less exquisitely adapted to all our wishes, and, for that very reason (among others), so incomparably better.”

The real will never equate to the imaginary; we naturally assume that means the real will never live up to the imaginary. But Lewis suggests (and he’s correct) that though the real won’t seem to be as good a fit in theory, the real will actually be much better than the imaginary.

How is this so?

It’s the nature of fulfillment in a fallen world. When we “dream” of a spouse, we don’t dream of things to overcome; we dream of battles already won. We dream of the victory, not the fight; the ecstasy, not the moments of doubt.

We dream of the moments of tenderness, not the storms of misunderstanding. We dream of intimacy, not lonely nights of distance. But it’s the battles, the fights, the doubts and the storms that make up so much of what marriage actually is; it’s having to overcome those challenges that make us grow; and the presence of those challenges makes overcoming them all the sweeter, richer, purer, and ultimately more fulfilling.

That’s why the question, “Where do I find someone like this to marry?” fails to take into account that marriage is a journey, not a destination. It’s a journey toward each other, toward God, toward growth, toward maturity, perhaps toward children, eventually, toward heaven. Enjoy the journey; don’t let it be eclipsed because you haven’t yet arrived at the destination. Overcoming obstacles is part of every “championship season.” Writing as a man who is now in his thirty-third year of marriage, I can honestly say that marriage has never been sweeter.

Les Parrott's Making Happy

Let your spouse be part of the journey, not the destination

My wife and I had some difficult seasons early on, but there are moments now, just going on a bike ride or seeing the sun catch her smile just right, that make me swoon like a teenager. She is the delight of my life. But it was a journey to get to this place. Marriage has brought me many of my happiest moments in life, but it has not been one solid state of always being happy, or even being increasingly happy. You might, along the way, have to walk through a few dark valleys that feel like a setback. Some of you, with high expectations, hope to inherit heaven immediately by making a wise marital choice. But be forewarned: the only way to get to heaven is to die, not to get married. Here on earth, we travel toward heaven, and I’ve found, as many have, that my preference is to travel with a lifelong companion, even one who is not perfect.

If you ask your future spouse to be your destination—the one who completes you, makes everything better, and leaves you always feeling completely satisfied (which is what we  thought our imaginary spouse would do and be), you will bury him or her with your expectations and resent it when your spouse’s ill health inconveniences you. You’re not choosing a destination; you’re choosing a traveling. The joy of marriage isn’t that there are no more battles; it’s that you never have to face a battle alone.

Fantasy spouses don’t exist

You’ll discover soon after you are married that one of the reasons “fantasy” spouses don’t exist in real life is because just about every relational strength comes with a corresponding weakness—the patient man may be, at times, a little too passive. The fun woman may, at times, be a little too irresponsible. The pious man may, at times, seem to hold you accountable just when you wish he wouldn’t. The organized woman may feel controlling. These are the layers of relationship, and they’re what makes growth possible.

That is why you need to die to the fantasy of arriving in order to begin the journey of becoming. Click To Tweet

Until you desire the real more than you do the phantom, you’re not ready to be married. Remember: you’re accepting your spouse’s weaknesses as you receive his or her strengths. That’s the only attitude that will help you fulfill the call to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11). There would be no need to encourage and build up your spouse unless your spouse occasionally breaks down. Marriage is often about helping each other get back up even more than it is about entering an early paradise.

Heavenly Father, help me to accept my future spouse as a traveling partner as we journey toward your will for our lives. I know we will struggle at times; I realize we will frustrate each other; I’m sure the day will come when marriage will feel like a lot of hard work. Help us to embrace these moments as part of the purpose of marriage—to encourage and build each other up as often as life seems to break us down.

Adapted from Preparing Your Heart for Marriage. Copyright © 2018 Gary Thomas, published by Zondervan,  used with permission, all rights reserved.

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Journey For Life

Marriage Insights from our First Year of Marriage

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Meet Cecil and Trucle. We have had the pleasure of mentoring them in many areas of their lives over the past 10 years. One such area of mentoring was helping to prepare them for the journey of marriage and building a family. Early this year we received a note from them, giving us insights from their first year of marriage that we wanted to share with you (with their permission of course). Tondra and I do a lot of teaching on marriage and relationship matters, but we are excited to allow one of our mentee couples to share their first year insights and wisdom.

Marriage Insight #1

“As newlyweds, we are learning to live together without “getting stuck” or developing bad habits that might trap us later. “Never go to bed angry” and “always be transparent” are the most common advice we get from married couples like George and Tondra. Easier said than done. In fact, it is often our pride that keeps us from asking for forgiveness or saying three simple words – “I am sorry”. Instead of trying to “fix” the other person, we often have to work on ourselves first. And this too, can only be accomplished by humility and patience.”

Marriage Insight #2

“Despite the many challenges that come with marriage, we can confidently say that marriage is still a blissful blessing. Why? Because the laughs along the way are simply the most fulfilling! We enjoy having each other’s support, creating lasting memories, sharing each other’s dreams, solving problems together, and building a legacy for our children, just to name a few.”

Three Simple Words

I love their perspective. They’ve clearly had a few things to overcome in their first year, but as newlyweds they seem to have a good handle on the reality not to get stuck developing bad habits. Instead, they are learning to embrace new habits and ways in a new marriage and life together. In fact, they’ve even picked up on a huge marriage insight that saves so much hurt and miscommunication in building a life of oneness, “saying three simple words – “I am sorry”.

Did you catch that? It can be so simple yet go over our heads if we don’t take a moment to listen. “I am sorry”.  Learning to say those simple words can be the difference of continuing a war of words which causes hurt and pain which leads to isolation; or simply admitting one was wrong and being able to move on “together” which should be the goal of all our communication.

They’ve seemed to have learned to let go of the not so good moments and capitalize on the things that bring them closer – laughter, supporting one another, creating memories, sharing dreams and building a family that was built to last. We are proud of these two for the first year marriage insights!

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We hope their story and recap of their first year helps to encourage you on your marriage or relationship journey. We’d love to hear from you. Take a moment and let us know in the comment section below your best marriage or relationship insights. Don’t forget to sign up for our “Journey Today” blog just to your right to receive our latest blog posts as they become available.

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Few days in our lives are as memorable as our wedding day, and few decisions more significant, than deciding to marry. While couples spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on the wedding, which will last a few hours, they often neglect to prepare for the marriage, which we want to last a lifetime. All couples dream of living “happily ever after” but many are unaware of, and ill-prepared for, the normal challenges and struggles of marriage. The sad reality is that almost half of all couples will experience the pain of divorce because strong feelings of attraction are not what you need to have a great marriage.

Research indicates that couples who take some sort of marriage preparation have a lower divorce rate than couples without marriage preparation. Preparing for marriage means…

Learning What Marriage is For

God is the author and architect of marriage. He reveals to us, through the Scriptures, the Church, and the Tradition, His purpose and plan for marriage. Couples get married for a variety of reasons, but couples need to learn that a successful marriage needs to follow God’s plan for marriage.

Marriage is a journey together, a journey of getting to know ourselves and each other, and a journey of becoming one. “O Master, stretch out Your hand…and join your servants; …Yoke them in oneness of mind; crown them in one flesh.” (Orthodox wedding prayer before the crowning) Becoming one means learning how to make decisions together, not apart, and working together through the challenges and disagreements of daily life. It’s easy to work together when spouses agree on things. Marriage is a journey of learning how to build oneness with your spouse when you disagree.

“Marriage is a journey of love,” writes Elder Aimilianos. I remember how much I loved my wife on my wedding day. After 20 years I realize how limited my love was for my wife back then. It is easy to love my wife’s good qualities, or when she sees the world the way I see it. Marriage is a journey of learning to love each other as you discover the faults and when we you see things differently.

Marriage is about learning to love each other with God’s love, with Christ-like love. Christ’s love for our spouse is selfless and unconditional. God’s love is much deeper than feelings, which come and go. God’s love is expressed as a commitment to serve and care for someone, no matter what we’re feeling. Christ’s love is expressed as putting our spouse’s needs before our own desires. God allows the predictable struggles and challenges of marriage so that we can learn His perfect love. “Marriage is the key that opens the door to discover…perfect love.” (St. Gregory Nazianzus)

This journey of acquiring God’s love for our spouse is a process of healing of our own sins, rather than trying to change our spouse. Preparing for marriage means learning that God’s plan for couples, on their wedding day, is that they do live “happily ever after,” but not by getting all our desires met, or trying to change each other. Rather, it is by learning how to love with Christ-like love, and allow God to change us.

“If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us.” 1 John 4:12

Learning the Danger Signs

All couples have differences and all marriages experience disagreements and difficulties. Happy couples learn how to work together through these differences. When couples chose to react selfishly, then criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling to enter their relationships. When these selfish types of reactions fill a couple’s relationship, intimacy and oneness are undermined and couples slip down a slippery slope toward marital meltdown and divorce. Couples need learn how to recognize these warning signs that they are sliding down that slope and learn to address their difficulties in a way that nurtures intimacy and oneness.

Getting to Know Each Other

Everyone enters marriage with certain expectations about marriage, assumptions about the world, and ideas about love and family life. We acquire these things from the families we grew up in. The list is endless of the ways the families in which we grow up shape our expectations about everything from the role of the Church in the home to the role of the dad in the home. Preparing for marriage means getting to know your own family, and your fiancée’s family, and deciding together how you would like to do things in your new home. These mature conversations facilitate oneness and put good patterns in place for how couples work together in the home.

It’s one thing if you discover, after the wedding, that your wife prefers Miracle Whip to real mayonnaise. It’s another thing to discover that she wants a career, and you want to have kids right away, or you want to attend Church and he wants to sleep in on Sundays. Preparing for marriage means making the time to discuss the larger issues that can undermine oneness in marriage if they are unaddressed. Issues related to faith, finances, parenting, in-laws, communication, sexual intimacy, problem solving, and personal time versus couple time need to be addressed before the wedding. Discussing this issues as a couple, and with your priest, prepares couples for all the issues that will arise along the journey of marriage.

Engaged couples can feel a lot of pressure to go through with the marriage without addressing these issues. While it’s disruptive to postpone a wedding until these issues are addressed, it is more disruptive to get divorced because one of these issues was not attended to before the wedding.

Learning to Communicate

We inherit our communication style, in part, from our families. Before the wedding is the best time for couples to learn how to speak and listen to each other in a way that builds oneness and intimacy. Learning to speak, as an offering of our thoughts, feelings, and ideas, allows couples to grow in intimacy as they work though difficulties.

No marriage struggles from too much listening. Rather, listening is the first casualty in marital discord. Listening is a sacrificial act of self-offering to your spouse. Real listening requires that we suspend our own thoughts, feelings, and agenda, and allow the other to be heard. Real listening is an act of veneration that nurtures oneness in the midst of daily life. Couples do best when they learn the importance of listening and make time to listen to each other.

Making a Plan

As engaged couples learn about the path of marriage, the danger signs, about each other, and how to communicate, they can put some strategies in place before the wedding to help them stay on the path of marriage. Several of the strategies include:

Ground rules: Like guardrails along winding roads, ground rules keep happy marriages on the path on oneness and salvation. Couples need to make ground rules together around those areas they have difficulty, whether it’s anger, communication, finances, or time together. We show our love to our spouse by sticking to these ground rules no matter how we feel.

A guide: Couples who desire to stay on the path of marriage need a guide, a priest who knows the path, to work with them, to lead them on the path of marriage, and assist them when they get stuck. It is the priest, with the Gospel in hand, who leads couples on their very first steps of their marriage in our wedding ceremony. Couples are united in Church, in the midst of a community of friends, family, and faithful. Couples who desire to stay on the path of marriage keep their marriages, and their homes, Christ-led, intimately connected to the Sacramental life of the Church.

Forgiveness: All couples have struggles and all couples make mistakes. Happy couples learn how to incorporate forgiveness and repentance into their daily and weekly lives. Christ offers to each of us the sacrament of Confession, to help us get back on the path of oneness and salvation.

Prayer: We participate in the life of Christ and His Church by incorporating prayer into our marriage and our homes. Couples who learn how to pray together, and as a family, invite the Holy Spirit into their union. It is the Holy Spirit who transforms a couple and unites them into one. Oneness is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

Mandatory Marriage Preparation for All Couples

We need to make marriage preparation a priority as we prepare for our wedding day. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Center for Family Care, developed a 3-part marriage preparation program designed to address this need,  The Journey of Marriage in the Orthodox Church . For more information about workshops in your area please contact Center for Family Care  [email protected]  for more information.

Dr. Philip Mamalakis is the Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Director of the Field Education Program at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA. Together with Fr. Charles Joanides, he authored The Journey of Marriage, marriage preparation program. He offers seminar for couples and trainings for facilitators on the marriage preparation program. He and Georgia, his wife of 20 years, live in Boston with their seven children.

journey of our marriage

Pope: Couples need Church's help

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"Your work is precious to the Church," Pope Francis told the international leaders of the Teams of Our Lady International Catholic Movement for Christian Married Couples ,  as he thanked them for their commitment to help families, especially many "striving to live Christian marriage as a gift."

The movement, whose origins date back to the 1930s in France but now operates across several continents, is recognized as a private international association of the faithful.

The Christian family, the Pope warned, "is currently facing a true 'cultural storm' in this changing era, threatened and tempted on various fronts."

For this reason, the Holy Father emphasized the value of the efforts to accompany couples closely so that they do not feel alone in the difficulties of life and in their marital relationship.

Pope Francis meets international leaders of the Teams of Our Lady international movement

"In this way," he said, "you are an expression of the Church 'going out,' which draws close to people's situations and problems and spends itself without reserve for the good of families today and tomorrow."

Safeguarding marriage and families

"It is a true mission today to accompany couples!" the Pope said. "To safeguard marriage, in fact, means to safeguard an entire family, it means to save all the relationships generated by marriage: the love between spouses, between parents and children, between grandparents and grandchildren."

It means, the Holy Father suggested, saving that witness of "a possible and forever love," in which "young people struggle to believe."

For children, the Pope said, this is particularly important.

"Children, in fact," he urged, "need to receive from their parents the certainty that God created them out of love, and that one day they too will be able to love and feel loved as Mommy and Daddy did."

That seed of love, planted in their hearts by their parents, the Holy Father reassured, will eventually sprout.

Jesus' grace offers couples strength to remain united

The Holy Father went on to recognize a great urgency in the world today, namely "to help young people discover that Christian marriage is a vocation, a specific call that God addresses to a man and a woman so that they may fully realize themselves by becoming generative, by becoming father and mother, and by bringing the Grace of their Sacrament into the world."

This grace, he recalled, is the love of Christ united to that of the spouses, His presence among them, and God's fidelity to their love.

"It is He," Pope Francis insisted, "who gives them the strength to grow together everyday and to remain united."

“It is He who gives them the strength to grow together every day and to remain united”

Christ's presence makes journey possible

The presence of Christ among spouses, the Holy Father continued, "makes the journey possible," and the yoke transforms into a game of glances: the gaze between the two spouses, the gaze between the spouses and Christ.

Christ, the Holy Father suggested, is the key for couples to protect their "precious treasure" of the married life.

Pope Francis then offered two recommendations, the first concerning newly married couples.

Pope Francis meets international leaders of the Teams of Our Lady international movement

"Take care of them!" he insisted, especially younger couples who need examples of faith and love.

"Do not let them accumulate suffering and wounds in the loneliness of their homes. Help them discover the oxygen of faith with gentleness, patience, and trust in the action of the Holy Spirit."

“Take care of young couples... Do not let them accumulate suffering and wounds in the loneliness of their homes.”

The Pope's second suggestion was to build an always-greater co-responsibility between spouses and priests within their movement.

Rediscovering joyful prayer together

The Pope encouraged them to help families in their Dioceses understand the importance of helping each other and building communities where Christ can "dwell" in homes and family relationships.

Pope Francis concluded by entrusting their mission and families to the Virgin Mary and her protection.

"In this year dedicated to prayer," he encouraged, "may you help discover and rediscover the joy of praying together at home, with simplicity and in daily life."

“May you help discover and rediscover the joy of praying together at home, with simplicity and in daily life”

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How To Sail Through The Hurdles Of A Marital Life

Barbara Grossman

Barbara Grossman is a Ph.D. marriage counselor with over 30 years of experience with 60,000+ client hours. Barbara along with her husband, Michael Grossman MD, an antiaging... Read more

The Journey of Sailing Through the Hiccups of Marital Life

In This Article

Marriage is very different today than it was a hundred years ago. The roles of husband and wife are more unclear, and our society seems to have no set rules for them. Even so, most people have great expectations for romantic satisfaction within marriage, as well as high hopes for healing and personal development. Each partner yearns, consciously or unconsciously, for the other to heal their early childhood wounds, and to love, accept, and cherish them.

The journey of marriage

The marriage journey is a hero’s and a heroine’s journey with many adventures including the experience of facing your fears, finding courage, discovering mentors, learning new skills, and dying to your old sense of self which feels something like depression before it feels like a new and more vital life. It will take time to go on this adventure, but it is a worthy human endeavor. It has the potential to transform your experience of love into something much more intense than you could ever imagine.

Marriages are not smooth

The path of the romantic hero and heroine is not supposed to be a smooth ride. There are no shortcuts. Seeing the world, yourself, and your partner from a bigger perspective is always an intense process of stretching and letting go. Understanding our process for encountering and resolving those experiences in the context of adult development will allow you to reflect on your own life, and inspire you to use the challenges in your marriage for improvement and growth in your romantic relationship.

My husband Michael Grossman, MD (an antiaging rejuvenation physician specializing in bioidentical hormone replacement and stem cell therapy), narrates how we realized and rectified the hurdle in our married life-

“Our story that leads to our own transformation began in our early thirties when late one night, a rare Southern California thunderstorm approached our neighborhood. Barbara had been pressing me to talk about some emotional difficulty in our marriage while I was impatient to get to sleep. Yet the more she pressured me, the angrier I became. I was exhausted from work and was desperate to relax and get to sleep. Every few minutes, a distant flash of lightning flickered in our bedroom, and a few seconds after that some muffled thunder growled. Barbara insisted that I was uncooperative, unreasonable, and unwilling to talk about the issues, but I kept putting her off by saying that I was tired and to wait until tomorrow after we had gotten some sleep. Still, she persisted and we both became angrier.

Barbara kept insisting, until finally, we both exploded. I yelled, “You are so selfish,” to which she screamed back, “You don’t care about me!”

Anger ensues destruction

Just then, in the middle of our yelling and screaming, a bolt of lightning shook the house with a deafening boom! The huge flash lit up our bedroom like daylight for a moment, and showered fiery sparks through the protective metal grating around the fireplace. A message from the heavens? We were stunned into silence and just looked at each other, suddenly realizing the destructive power of our anger.

Right then and there we both knew we needed to find a better way to communicate and work out our individual emotional needs.”

Identify the core underlying cause of conflicts

In every marriage, there are issues that create the same fight over and over again. The fight may take different forms and appear in different situations, but it remains the same conflict at the core. Think about your own marriage and your repeated patterns of unhappiness. A deep commitment to resolve those underlying issues in marriage requires each husband and wife to undertake a healing journey as an individual, and a combined healing journey as partners.

The process of healing my marriage with Barbara required me to learn new skills and acquire new abilities, all of which seemed overwhelming at first. Listening to my wife was something I had to learn to do—even if it was painful.

Michael recalls a sitting in a communication training class and pairing off with a random student and days,  he had to listen to his classmate and offer feedback about not only what she said, but also what he thought about her underlying feelings. He was pretty good at paraphrasing what his classmate said, but had no clue about her underlying feelings. Even with a helpful list of words to describe emotions, he failed. It was only then that he realized he needed to grow in this emotional realm of life.

Marital journey is different for both men and women

The hero’s journey is somewhat different for a man and a woman. . After a man learns competence in his 20’s and 30’s, he needs to learn humility in later years. After a woman learns connection, she needs to find her voice in her 30’s and 40’s. The path of the hero and heroine is not supposed to be a smooth ride. Difficult episodes and life transitions are inevitable in romantic relationships. There are no shortcuts. Seeing the world, yourself, and your partner from a bigger perspective is always an intense process of stretching and letting go.              

The idea that something should not be happening to us on this journey or that we don’t deserve this emotional pain comes from that part of us that strives to preserve our ego’s limited perspective. This attitude blocks progress on the healing journey. From our point of view as a selfish, self-centered egocentric being, we are constantly being shortchanged, cheated, mistreated, and not valued as highly as we expect. From a bigger perspective, as God might look at us, we need to be worked on, cracked, molded, and transformed into a wise and loving being.

The emotional and cognitive development that is stimulated by the conflicts of two personalities in partnership and the simultaneous desire for love and family is both intense and rewarding. It is the catalyst for healing and deepening love. Our purpose is to support your journey so that you fulfill the potential of your marriage.

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Barbara Grossman, Marriage & Family Counselor Irvine, CA

Barbara Grossman is a Ph.D. marriage counselor with over 30 years of experience with 60,000+ client hours. Barbara along with her husband, Michael Grossman MD, an antiaging rejuvenation physician specializing in bioidentical hormone replacement and stem cell therapy, have conducted marriage workshops Read more for thousands of couples for over 25 years. They are the authors of The Marriage Map: the Road to Transforming Your Marriage from Ordeal to Adventure.  Learn skills and perspectives in their online workshops at Read less

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The First 'Young Sheldon' Spin-Off Trailer Is Here and Georgie and Mandy Are Making It Work

'Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage' will premiere this fall.

The Big Picture

  • The Big Bang Theory spin-off, Young Sheldon , has been a hit with fans following the childhood of Sheldon Cooper.
  • Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage , a spin-off of Young Sheldon , will premiere on CBS this fall.
  • The series finale of Young Sheldon airs May 16.

The Big Bang Theory is an iconic sitcom which thrilled us with iconic characters like Jim Parsons ' Sheldon Coooper and Johnny Galecki 's Leonard Hofstader. After a twelve season run spanning nearly 300 episodes, the show came to and end. The universe would go on to expand with the much beloved prequel, Young Sheldon , following the childhod adventures of the boy genius, Sheldon, with Iain Armitage portraying the character brilliantly. Now with the series drawing to a close, the Georgie and Mandy spinoff is foremost on our minds, and as we look ahead to its arrival in the fall, CBS has released the spinoff's first trailer.

The trailer begins with a sit down between the upcoming series' leading lights in Emily Osment and Montana Jordan . Playing Mandy and Georgie respectively , the pair reveal their excitement at continuing the journey begun in Young Sheldon before the clip cuts to the characters seemingly celebrating a car purchase. Osment's suggests its going to be "really fun" to which Jordan's Georgie quips, "Georgie and Mandy Cooper. I'd go to barbecue at their house." I sure would.

Just like with Young Sheldon , the upcoming spinoff, titled Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage , will see Chuck Lorre , Steven Molaro and Steve Holland will serve as executive producers of the series. While we are certain of Sheldon's whereabouts with his move to CalTech imminent, the level of involvement for the rest of the Coopers remains unknown. George Cooper Snr. ( Lance Barber ) is expected to have passed away by the time the show gets up and running, while Missy Cooper ( Raegan Revord ) has, in the meantime at least, been ruled out of the show .

What to Expect From 'Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage'

With the end of Young Sheldon and the arrival of Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage , there are a number of changes to be expected going forward. Filming on the series is billed to commence in the summer and production will feature a multi-camera sitcom shot in front of a studio audience as opposed to Young Sheldon 's single camera style. Osment describes it as " just a completely different experience , just a completely different form of comedy." The coming series will also feature an evolution for Osment's Mandy. While the series focus on how the pair navigate their marital union, Osment had previously revealed that Mandy will not be content with being a stay-at-home mom . “It's hinted in the marriage episode that [Mandy] wants to go back to school, that she maybe wants to have a career, that she doesn't want to just be a stay-at-home mom, which is how I feel ,” Osment had revealed previously. “ I think that's such a tremendous thing for mothers to also be working, and I can't wait to see what they do with that ."

Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage will premiere on CBS this fall. The Young Sheldon series finale airs May 16, with past seasons streaming on Paramount+ in the U.S. Check out the trailer below:

Young Sheldon

This television series is a prequel to a popular sitcom, focusing on the childhood of a gifted young boy in East Texas. Navigating school and family life with a unique intellect far beyond his years, it humorously explores his early endeavors to be understood by his conventional family and classmates.

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United Methodist Church Reverses Ban on Practicing Gay Clergy

In a meeting on Wednesday, church leaders also voted to allow L.G.B.T.Q. weddings.

A person in a gray blazer puts his hands together on his face with eyes closed. Nearby, other people also have emotional reactions.

By Ruth Graham

The United Methodist Church removed on Wednesday its longstanding ban on ordaining gay clergy, formalizing a shift in policy that had already begun in practice and that had prompted the departure of a quarter of its U.S. congregations in recent years.

The overturning of the 40-year-old ban on “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” passed overwhelmingly and without debate in a package of measures that had already received strong support at the committee level.

Delegates, meeting in Charlotte, N.C., also voted to bar local leaders from penalizing clergy or churches for holding, or declining to hold, same-sex weddings. The vote effectively allows same-sex marriage in the church for the first time, although the original penalty was already unevenly enforced. Some clergy may still decline to perform same-sex weddings.

Further votes affirming L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion in the church are expected before the meeting adjourns on Friday.

“We’ve always been a big-tent church where all of God’s beloved were fully welcome,” said Bishop Tracy Smith Malone, the new president of the denomination’s Council of Bishops and the first Black woman to serve in that role. She called the vote “a celebration of God breaking down walls.”

She described the atmosphere in the room as a “Pentecost moment,” in which the presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable.

Last week, the conference approved the first phrase of a “regionalization” plan that would restructure the global denomination to give different regions autonomy on adapting rules on issues including sexuality. The move is seen as a way to defuse tensions between the increasingly progressive American church and more conservative factions internationally.

Though the end of the ban on gay clergy applies to the global church, regionalization means that in practice it may primarily affect churches in the United States.

The United Methodist Church is the second-largest Protestant denomination in the nation; the Southern Baptist Convention is the biggest. There were 5.4 million Methodists in the United States in 2022, a steep decline from just a few years earlier, and a number that is expected to drop again once last year’s accelerated departures are counted.

Delegates also voted this week to end a ban on using United Methodist funds to “promote acceptance of homosexuality,” a change particularly welcomed by those in ministries working with L.G.B.T.Q. people.

“The energy that’s gone into preparing for and trying to get to this moment can now be refocused,” said Jan Lawrence, the executive director of Reconciling Ministries Network, a group that advocates for full inclusion in the church. “We have a huge opportunity in front of us.” Ms. Lawrence noted that not only were all the group’s goals for the meetings likely to be achieved, but they were doing so in at atmosphere that was notably agreeable, even joyful.

Wednesday’s vote follows years of turmoil in the denomination over sexuality, an issue that has prompted tumultuous debates and schisms in other Christian traditions and institutions.

Conservatives in the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, for example, have formed breakaway denominations in reaction to the acceptance of gay clergy. Catholic Church doctrine forbids same-sex relationships, but Pope Francis has alarmed some traditionalists by allowing priests to bless same-sex couples.

At their most recent meeting in 2019, Methodists voted to tighten an existing ban on same-sex marriages and gay and lesbian clergy.

Since that contentious vote, however, the denomination’s makeup has changed, in large part because of conservative congregations departing in anticipation of the loosening of strictures around homosexuality that are becoming official this week.

Conservatives were given an exit ramp when Methodist leaders opened a window in 2019 for congregations to leave over “reasons of conscience,” in most cases allowing them to keep their property and assets if they received approval to depart by the end of last year. Many conservative congregations accepted the offer, prompting an extraordinary decline for the geographically and culturally diverse denomination.

In Texas, for example, a historic stronghold, more than 40 percent of United Methodist congregations left the denomination. Some joined the breakaway conservative Global Methodist Church, while others have remained independent.

Many conservatives had been disturbed by what they saw as the church’s failure to enforce its bans on gay clergy and same-sex weddings. Some leaders in more progressive regions had begun defying the restrictions, and the church now has a number of openly gay clergy and two gay bishops.

“This is certainly the lightning rod issue, the presenting issue, but our division goes so much deeper,” said Rob Renfroe, the president of Good News, a traditionalist caucus within the United Methodist Church. He described sexuality as a proxy issue for larger debates in the church about the authority of the Bible, the reality of sin and beliefs about salvation.

Mr. Renfroe is attending the meeting in Charlotte but says that given the outcome, he will leave the denomination within the next month. He cautioned that many denominations that have moved in the direction that Methodists have taken this week have seen their numbers dramatically decline.

“As the church becomes more and more liberal, and if a social agenda becomes its driving force, that’s not going to grow the church,” he said.

For others, the vote was a moment of deep optimism. Chet Jechura, the pastor of Good Shepherd UMC in Baltimore, wept as he watched the vote at home via livestream. Almost exactly five years ago, when the denomination tightened enforcement of its ban against gay clergy, he had broken into sobs while he was serving communion. Now he will be ordained in just a few weeks.

“Today I am weeping tears of joy — and profound existential relief,” he said. “It’s a privilege to be ordained into this renewal movement at such an historic moment.”

On the floor of the meeting after the vote on Wednesday morning, the mood was equally jubilant.

Some delegates and observers gathered in a circle to sing a Methodist song that has become a refrain for many L.G.T.B.Q. Christians. “Draw the circle wide, draw it wider still,” they sang. “Let this be our song: No one stands alone.”

Elizabeth Dias contributed reporting.

Ruth Graham is a national reporter, based in Dallas, covering religion, faith and values for The Times. More about Ruth Graham

What is the biggest fire to burn in the US? The answer requires a journey through history.

journey of our marriage

Evidence found at the heart of centuries-old trees, in the stories of Indigenous peoples and yellowed journals and newspaper clippings bear record of the massive fires that ravaged landscapes across North America in the past.

But comparing those fires to modern day blazes such as the Smokehouse Creek fire in Texas in February isn't as simple as it sounds. Past records, when they're available, can be conflicting, haphazard and they rely on anecdotal observations or measurement techniques that may not be as precise as today.

Cowboys riding the range on horseback in the 1800s to measure a blaze isn’t quite the same as measuring by satellite the acres burned.

To develop a comprehensive list of the nation's biggest fires, USA TODAY combed through historical records from state and federal agencies and the Western Fire Chiefs Association and talked with several fire historians and experts. We also compared lists and documentation with Birgitte Messerschmidt, director of research at the National Fire Protection Association. 

The documents and conversations produced a list of 35 wildfires larger than 500,000 acres in 19 states, dating back to 1825. Nearly half the fires burned in Alaska, including seven before it became a state. These are the fires that covered the most ground, not the most deadly or the most devastating in terms of structural loss and damage. 

What are the biggest wildfires in US history? 

The full list is online here . The following are the 20 largest fires in the United States, although several of the fires in Alaska, and one in Oregon, were before statehood. The fires are ranked by estimated acres burned:

  • Great fire of 1910, Idaho and Montana – 3,000,000. 
  • North and South Carolina wildfire complex , 1898 – 3,000,000.
  • Great Michigan Fire , 1871 – 2,500,000.
  • Great Fire, Oregon , 1845 – 1,500,000.
  • Taylor Complex Fire, 2004, Alaska – 1,303,358.
  • Peshtigo Fire, 1871, Wisconsin – 1,250,000.
  • Ruby Fire, 1940, Alaska – 1,250,000.
  • Kateel River, No. 5, 1957, Alaska – 1,161,200.
  • Smokehouse Creek Fire , 2024, Texas – 1,058,482.
  • August Complex , 2020, California – 1,032,648.
  • Thumb Fire , 1881, Michigan – 1,000,000.
  • Unalakleet, 1941, Alaska – 1,000,000.
  • Dixie Fire , 2021, California – 963,309.
  • East Amarillo Complex, 2006, Texas – 907,245.
  • Little Black River Fire, 1950, Alaska – 892,900.
  • Lime Complex, 2022, Alaska – 892,900.
  • Miramichi Fire , 1825, Maine – 832,000. (An additional 3 million acres burned in New Brunswick, Canada.)
  • Solstice Complex, 2004, Alaska – 812,771.
  • Holanada Creek Fire, 1969, Alaska – 803,470.
  • Northwest Oklahoma Complex , 2017 – 779,292.

What to know about the largest wildfires

Any list of historic fires comes with a few footnotes. Some of the fires on the list were multiple fires that burned together, others were single fires.

The Smokehouse Creek Fire was considered a single fire, until the Reamer fire – roughly 2,000 acres in size – was added to it, according to Texas A&M officials. When only fires in the lower 48 states are considered, it was the biggest single fire in more than a century.

It's certain that fires are missing from the list because they weren't reported at the time, possibly because they didn't really affect towns or many people, said Jennifer Marlon, a senior research scientist at Yale School of the Environment.

Research shows the 1889 fire season in the Rockies and the Northwest exceeded the area of the 1910 fire season, for example, but no agencies reported numbers, said Jed Meunier, a fire historian and research scientist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

In 1891, a large fire burned again in the region where the Thumb fire in Michigan burned 10 years earlier. Based on tree ring evidence it was one of the biggest fires in the region, Meunier said. But only merited one line in a historic timeline and no other records about the fire are readily available.

Though they don't appear on the Texas state list of large fires in history, historical accounts show grass fires in Texas and New Mexico in 1906 may have exceeded 6 million acres, said Stephen Pyne, an emeritus professor at Arizona State University and author of several books on fire history. A 1967 paper by a Texas Tech professor reported a fire in eastern New Mexico burned a strip 150 miles long and 60 miles wide, the equivalent of nearly 6 million acres, and a fire on the Texas high plains later that year that burned a million acres.

Measuring the biggest wildfires

Each era has had its own method of recording and measuring fires, Pyne said. Fire mapping methods changed over time.

In the Adirondacks in 1903, a map was drawn for an official report and in 1910, a Forest Service cartographer prepared an official map of the fire and smoke.

The first big difference in fire mapping happened "when we started being able to map with aircraft around the late 1950s/early 1960s," said Jim Karels, president of Karels Forestry and Fire LLC, who previously served as the national fire director for the National Association of State Foresters and as director of the Florida Forest Service. "Then came GPS in the 2000s and finally now with satellite imagery, including infrared for seeing through clouds or mapping at night, for large fires."

Today's mapping is much more accurate and can be updated daily or even hourly, Karels said. "We are even able to map burn severity within the fire itself."   

Better fire mapping also tends to make the total size of the fires smaller than some of the big fires of the past, he said, because the calculations take out the unburned pockets.

US fires and smoke See the latest fires in this interactive map

The value in understanding fire history

One thing is certain, large wildfires definitely aren't new, the fire historians said. Many landscapes across the continent evolved to depend on fire for forest health.

Incredibly massive wildfires burned across the North American landscape long before European settlers arrived, said Marlon and Meunier. They know that millions of acres burned by studying tree rings and paleo records, then compiling estimates of fire seasons or the approximate size of acreage burned in a single season. The U.S. Forest Service reported as early as 1912 that tree rings showed fires in California more than 1,600 years earlier.

Though there were large fires during the settlement era, they were not as frequent.

In the 20th century, modern firefighting efforts kept the larger conflagrations at bay for nearly a century. Today, large wildfires are back, Pyne said. “Megafires have returned in a big way."

The chances of large wildfires are increasing with climate change, and conditions are becoming more unpredictable, Marlon said. For example, temperatures are rising, flash droughts occur more often and hurricanes occur more often farther north, leaving downed trees in their wake to provide fuel for fires.

Studying the wildfires of the past has value because it shows any region of the country could experience a massive wildfire, she said. "People think it's just something that happens in the West or the South," she said. "We've had bad fires (in the Northeast). It could happen again."

Dinah Voyles Pulver covers climate and the environment for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] or @dinahvp.


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