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J-Cruise II

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The Shoei J-Cruise II: where comfort, style, and safety combine. With advanced aerodynamics, superior ventilation, and an integrated sun shield, it's perfect for urban riders and tourers seeking top-tier quality and performance.

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shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

  • Shell Type AIM
  • Shield Type CJ-2
  • Liner Impact Absorbing Liner
  • Weight 3.53 lbs
  • Certifications DOT Certified

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Parts for J-Cruise II

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オープンフェイスの手軽さや解放感に、インナーサンバイザーの利便性を兼ね備えたJ-Cruiseが進化し、新たにJ-CruiseⅡが誕生。 安全性はもちろん、コンパクトさやベンチレーション性能など機能性や快適性を追求し、SHOEIの最新技術をもって全ての機能を刷新しました。 進化したJ-CruiseⅡが新たなライディングの価値を創造します。

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J-cruise ii.

ジェイ-クルーズ ツー

  • *2024年1月10日より下記価格になりました。



ジェイ-クルーズ ツー キュリアス



ジェイ-クルーズ ツー アダージョ



ジェイ-クルーズ ツー アグレロ



ジェイ-クルーズ ツー マルケス6

2022年9月30日受注終了 マルク・マルケス選手のレギュラーグラフィック仕様のレプリカモデル


頭の一番大きな部分でハチ周り(周長)を測ります。その数値を目安に大まかなサイズを選びます。 しかし、ヘルメットは帽子とは異なり、ハチ周りだけではサイズを特定することはできません。 また、同メーカーのヘルメットであってもモデルによって同じサイズでも感じ方が違います。 ご希望のモデルを必ず販売店でご試着の上ご確認ください。


SHOEI TECHNICAL SHOP ではSHOEIヘルメットのスペシャリストが最適なサイズのアドバイスをご提供できます。 また Personal Fitting System のフィッティングサービスでは技術をマスターしたスタッフが専用の計測器により頭部を詳細に計測することも可能です。



shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5


従来モデルの端正でシンプルなデザインから、J-CruiseⅡではよりモダンで洗練されたイメージのシェルデザインを追求。サンバイザー操作機構の見直しなど、詳細まで検証し、従来モデルよりコンパクトなシェルを実現しました。 また、後頭部の特徴的な形状は空力性能を追求した結果のデザインであり、シェル形状がスポイラーとして機能するエアロデバイスです。


shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5


ライディングにおける暑さはライダーの疲労に直結します。ヘルメット内を換気し暑さを和らげるベンチレーション性能は、ライダーがヘルメットに求める非常に重要な要素といえます。 J-CruiseⅡは自社大型風洞実験設備にて繰り返し風洞実験を行い、ベンチレーション性能を徹底的に追及しました。 アッパーエアインテークはインテークホールを1か所増やし、ヘルメット内へ取り込む風の流入量が従来モデルより30%アップ。また、トップアウトレットは様々なパーツ形状を検証し、最も排気効率の高い形状を検証しました。その結果、アウトレットホール数は従来モデルと同様でありながら、排気量が20%以上向上しました。


shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

100km/h相当の風を送風し、従来モデルJ-CruiseとJ-CruiseⅡのアッパーエアインテークから取り込まれる風の量を計測。従来品と比べ、J-CruiseⅡは流入量が1.3倍に増加。 *当社大型風洞実験設備にて測定した参考値比較

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shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5


shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

J-CruiseⅡではシールドベースに新たに微開ポジションを設定しました。シールドが曇った際に微開ポジションで走行することで、ヘルメット内を効率よく換気し、曇りを素早く取り除くことができます。シールド下端やPINLOCK EVO lensのシリコンシーリング部分が視界を妨げない位置でシールドが保持されるよう、微開ポジションを設計しています。

shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

J-CruiseⅡはシールドの曇りを防ぐPINLOCK® EVO lensを標準で装備。湿気の多い時や寒い時のライディングも、クリアな視界を確保します。 *写真はイメージです。

QSV-2 サンバイザー


ライダーの顔全面部分をシールドでカバーしているオープンフェイスタイプは、フルフェイスより日差しが侵入する範囲が広い分、より防眩性が求められます。 シールド下部分からの日差しの侵入を軽減するため、J-CruiseⅡでは従来品より5ミリ延長したQSV-2サンバイザーを採用。サンバイザーの長さが伸びた分、サンバイザー使用時に鼻との距離がQSV-1よりも近くなることから、鼻部分のカット形状をQSV-1より深くし、鼻との干渉を避けた設計です。

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shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

アイポート両脇のレバーを両方引き出すことで、サンバイザー脱着時にスムーズに作業できます。 *サンバイザー脱着時以外は必ずレバーを下げ、ロックを外した状態にしてください。


内装表面生地には吸湿速乾生地のHYGRA®と起毛生地をハイブリッドで使用。額や頬部など汗をかきやすい部分には吸湿速乾生地を、ヘルメット脱着時に肌とこすれる被り口に近い部分には起毛生地を配置し、快適性の向上と最適な被り心地を実現しています。 チークパッド下端のレザー調生地には従来品よりも耐久性の高い素材を採用し、生地にパターンを入れディテールまでデザインにもこだわりました。




厚手のグローブをしたままで操作できるマイクロラチェット式のチンストラップを装備。 締結時は常に2か所のツメがラッチにかかり、バックルのレバーは一定以上の開度でロックが解除される、利便性と安全性を両立させたSHOEI独自構造です。



  • *写真のチンストラップカバーは実際の製品と異なる場合がございます。
  • ヘルメットがエンジンやマフラーなど高温になる部分に当たらないように掛けてください。
  • ヘルメットをオートバイのヘルメットホルダーに掛けたまま走行しないでください。ヘルメットに傷がついたり、走行の妨げになったりする恐れがあります。



利便性の高いコミュニケーションシステムは、多くのライダーにとって必須のツールとなってきています。J-CruiseⅡはSENA製専用設計コミュニケーションシステム「SRL」、「SRL2」取り付けのためのマウント機構を装備。 コミュニケーションシステム装着時のデザインの調和と取り付けやすさは、専用設計ならではです。

shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5


SRL/SRL2 適合表

  • *NEOTEC IIは、生産時期によりSENA SRL2非適合品と適合品があります。 2019年3月7日までの生産分:SRLのみ装着可能 2019年3月8日以降生産分:SRL/SRL2ともに装着可能
  • *生産時期に関わらず、全てのNEOTEC IIにSRLは取り付け可能です。
  • *SRL2適合品かどうかの識別については、 こちら をご確認ください。




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Shoei J-Cruise 2 Aglero TC5 Open Faced Helmet (Grey|Black)

One of the most advanced open face helmets on the planet has received a big upgrade, the Japanese brand Shoei are bringing out the new J-Cruise II. This new premium tour helmet is one of the best helmets available when it comes to things such as fit, weight and comfort. Seen as the original J-Cruise was released and became successful without a lot backup in terms of marketing, we expect nothing less from the new and improved successor.

  • AIM multi composite fibre outer shell
  • 3 size outer shell (XS+S+M /L/ XL+XXL)
  • Eligible for Shoei Personal Fitting System
  • Prepared for Sena SRL1/SRL2 communication system

The outer shell of the new J-Cruise II is made from Shoei’s patented AIM multi fibre material. This material is built up from fibreglass and organic fibres and it is rock solid, but it remains compact. The outer shell comes in three different sizes, this ensures you will always be wearing the smallest possible helmet – which is a big advantage for the weight and the comfort of the helmet.

The Shoei J-Cruise 2 has a large thermoplastic shaped visor, thanks to this is has a lot more shape than a regular visor would have. At the bottom of the visor we can see a clever ‘double lip’ edge, this little edge ensures that the wind is guided to the sides of the helmet and it doesn’t roll under the visor. Many riders choose this helmet to ride all year round – in all conditions.

The visor may not have changed, but the base plates on the helmet have. It’s now possible to put the visor in a slight ventilation notch, a feature that was missing on the previous version of the J-Cruise II.

At the rear of the helmet we can see a large spoiler to up the game on aerodynamics, this seems to be inspired by the one on the successful Neotec II modular helmet. The new J-Cruise 2 also features the famous Shoei ‘ducktail’ diffuser. The ventilation system has also received a vast update. The original J-Cruise only had 1 air intake on the top, but on the new version we are seeing 3 air intakes on the top. Thanks to this the helmet let’s in up to 30% more cool air than its predecessor.

Just like with the Neotec & GT-Air II, the J-Cruise has a specific preparation for the SRL1 & SRL2 communication systems by Sena. Both systems fit seamlessly into this helmet, thanks to this you will not be disturbing the flow of the design or the aerodynamics. The sun visor is 5mm longer than its predecessor and it has the characteristics of a good pair of sunglasses. Of course, the Shoei J-Cruise II can be custom fitted thanks to the patented ‘Shoei Personal Fitting System’. 

Shoei J-Cruise II Specifications:

  • AIM multi fibre compact outer shell
  • 3 outer shell sizes
  • EPS inner shell built up in different densities
  • Clear CJ-2 thermoplastic shaped visor
  • Renewed sun visor with qualities of sunglasses
  • Pinlock prepared
  • Shoei stainless steel micro ratchet chin strap
  • 3D ‘wrap around the head’ interior
  • Interior is removable and washable
  • Multiple ventilation inlets/outlets
  • Integrated spoiler for improved aerodynamics
  • ‘Ducktail’ diffuser
  • ECE 22.05 approved

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Shoei J-Cruise II review: the 3/4 that thinks it’s a full face helmet.


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Shoei J-Cruise II review expensive but quality open face helmet.

Shoei’s J-Cruise helmet has been around for a few years now and has built a reputation as being a high quality open face 3/4 helmet, but kind of like an open face that thinks it’s a full face.


That’s because Shoei designed it to offer pretty well all the functionality of a full face helmet , just without the chin bar.

The original J-Cruise was very well received with hardly any areas of weakness reported. So now it’s on with that difficult follow up: to try and replace the J-Cruise with a helmet that’s even better than the original.

So, Shoei’s taken that first helmet and tried to make the J-Cruise II that bit better in what seems to be more or less every area. They say it’s slightly lighter, better venting, has improved aero, a better sealing main shield and a slightly deeper sun visor.

But then they all say something along those lines whenever a helmet’s launched. So, here’s what the Shoei J-Cruise II is actually like – taken from the comments and opinions of riders around the web who actually own one.

  • Fiberglass composite AIM Shell
  • Four shell sizes (that’s lots)
  • Drop down sun visor
  • Integrated bluetooth : SRL/SRL2
  • Pinlock ready shield ( Pinlock not included)
  • Micrometric fastener
  • Sizes XS-XXL
  • Expect to pay $550-$600

Looking to buy a Shoei J-Cruise II?

Please click below to visit the Shoei J-Cruise II helmets pages at two of our recommended stores – both checked for great online ratings. And if you buy from either store, we get a small sum from the sale at no extra cost to you – a massive THANKS! (it’s how we finance the site).

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If you look at our overall star rating of the Shoei J-Cruise II at the bottom of the page, you’ll find it hasn’t scored amazingly high. That’s probably because one of the factors we rate helmets on is value for money – and by anyone’s measure, the J-Cruise II isn’t the best value around.

And because it’s an open face helmet , it’s going to drop points on the safety rating too.


Having said that, with it’s AIM shell that usually scores well in SHARP safety tests and a good rating for noise attenuation (for an open face helmet at any rate) it’s still one of the highest scores we’ve given a helmet without a chin bar. Which is saying something.

That’s because, if money’s no object and you want a 3/4 helmet, then the Shoei J-Cruise II is a fabulous helmet. It’s superbly constructed. It uses Shoei’s tried and tested shell tech. And that double visor system’s excellent – although it really should come with a Pinlock antifog included at this price.

And owner after owner that we came across loves their J-Cruise II.

Overall then, if you’re looking for a high quality open face helmet that acts as if it were a full face in terms of comfort, aero and features, then you needn’t look any further than the Shoei J-Cruise. It’s really very good.

(more about helmet safety)

As usual when looking at safety with an open face helmet, we’ve gotta start off by saying something along the lines of ‘it won’t be that protective… there’s no chin bar so if you come off, things could get messy.’

There, think that about covers it. It’s an open face helmet  so don’t expect it to stop your chin/face/nose taking a battering if you have an off.

If you really need the freedom of an open face helmet but want something that’ll protect you as well, then how about checking out one of these modular helmets from our top 10 flip-front helmets list instead?

Nope? OK, open face it is then.

In that case, the J-Cruise looks to be about as protective as you’re gonna get from an open face helmet. Not only do the sides come down nice and low to give you some protection lower down around your chin, but Shoei’s AIM shell uses the same helmet tech that’s used in some of their full face helmets.


It’s not their most technologically advanced shell construction – that’s their AIM+ shells. But it is a solid helmet shell material/construction, evidenced by other AIM helmets (admittedly the ECE version of the helmet, not the DOT) scoring pretty well when SHARP tests them (strangely Snell has never certified an AIM Shoei – just their AIM+ helmets).

For example, the ECE Neotech II has an AIM shell and that scored 4 stars out of 5 when tested by SHARP. So, given that every AIM shelled Shoei scored a four star rating (apart from the original GT Air which scored three) we’d have to say that, were SHARP to test the shell of the J-Cruise II (which they won’t because they only test helmets with chin bars so far) then I guess it probably would score 4 stars. Which is a good rating.

Of course, it’s not just the shell that’s at work here. It’s also that shock absorbing liner underneath.

And in the case of the J-Cruise II, it’s multi denisity liner as found on most of their range nowadays. So that should do the job nicely.

It’s also great to see that it’s manufactured in four different shell sizes . That’s just what you want to see with a premium priced helmet like the J-Cruise 2 and means the helmet you buy should be well optimized for fit, size and safety. So that means there’s one shell size each covering fitment sizes XS-S, M, L and XL-XXL.


Other than the helmet shell, you get optically correct face shield and sun visor, there to reduce distortion and the sun visor to prevent dazzling on sunny days.

And the main shield’s Pinlock-ready (Pinlock not included unfortunately) so fitting a Pinlock should pretty well prevent fogging (see shield section below).

The J-Cruise II also uses a metal micrometric fastener ; which are particularly easy to use – just always ensure the strap adjustor’s tightened up from time to time so your helmet doesn’t have the chance to come loose.

All in all then, the J-Cruise II does a good job of making a protective helmet; just not anywhere near as protective as a full face or the safest modulars.

Helmet Noise

(more about helmet noise).

OK, so the J-Cruise II is an open face that thinks it’s a full face. But open face helmets are always noisy helmets right, what with all that large area to let wind rattle around and noise creep in?

Thing is, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the J-Cruise II.

It’s fair to say that Shoei has made quite a bit of effort with the aero of the J-Cruise II, wind tunnel sculpting it to reduce drag and hence noise. They’ve also pushed some ear pads inside and made the shield fit tighter, slightly re-shaping it to divert the air. All of which should reduce noise when you’re riding.

I also suspect many J-Cruise owners’ expectations are pretty low in terms of noise suppression. I mean, you buy an open face helmet so you’re expecting it to be a bit windy and noisy, right?


But having said that, noise perception is always going to be just that… perception. It’s what you think that matters. And in the case of the J-Cruise II the vast majority of owners we found say they’re more than happy with the noise levels on the move, and that it’s super quiet for an open face helmet.

Of course, you need to ensure you get the fitment right in the first place. With the J-Cruise II that means you need to have a medium oval shaped head – and if you’re between sizes, make sure you buy the size up as we’ve heard from owners who found their helmets to be too tight when they were on the cusp.

But provided you get the size that fits and you’ve the right shaped head, then it seems like the J-Cruise II is one of the quietest open face helmets out there.

In comparison to the quietest helmets overall (including full face helmets), it probably ranks around average. But that’s very quiet for an open face and a great performance by Shoei’s engineers.


(more about helmet ventilation).

Ventilation is one of the key areas Shoei has worked on with the J-Cruise II. You’d have thought that because it’s an open face helmet, you’d get pretty much all the ventilation you need without really trying.


Couple that with the fact that the old J-Cruise helmet was highly rated for ventilation anyhow, even with just that single vent up top.

But Shoei hasn’t rested on their laurels. They’ve reworked the helmet shell to make it more compact and with better aero properties and have stuck 3 big vents on the top just to make sure a ton of air gets through.

Shoei reckons everything’s somewhere around 20-30% improved from the old helmet in terms of ventilation. Which is nice.

What’s not quite so great apparently, is that the corresponding rear air vent is actually just a couple of small holes, thereby apparently restricting the air flow a little overall, according to one owner.

Still, most owners agree that the head venting on the J-Cruise II is great and lets plenty of air in and over your head just when you want it. And if things get colder, those three vents are all 3-way adjustable with a half-open and closed position too, all operated with big glove-friendly sliders.

(more about face shields)

The main shield on the J-Cruise 2 is massive, giving you a great view of the road ahead, your clocks and pretty well all around you, even when the shield’s down.

It’s an optically correct shield too, which is useful with the shield being so large. And it’s quick change too, so you can pull it off quickly simply by opening the shield then pushing a lever either side and pulling it free.

Just like the old J-Cruise helmet, it uses a super low tech peg and hole lock to keep the shield closed. Even though it’s a system that’s as old as the hills (and probably older!), it seems like it works just fine because we didn’t find anyone complaining about it online. Job done.

A couple of useful links…

– All our Shoei helmets reviews –

– Open face helmet reviews –

Surprisingly for an open face helmet, lots of owners reckoned they can have a problem with fogging. I guess that’s what happens when you make such a large and well sealed shield on a helmet – even if it’s an open face.

That shouldn’t be a particular problem on the J-Cruise II as Shoei has made the shield Pinlock ready. Bizarrely, they haven’t included a Pinlock insert free in the box (like AGV has with their $200 AGV K3 for example – ahem) which is taking the piss a little on such an expensive lid.

Shoei_J-Cruise II_Intercom

Still, at least there is the option for a Pinlock available I guess.

Making a Pinlock Evo available for the J-Cruise II is arguably tacit admittance that it is prone to some fogging. So too is the addition of a cracked-open city riding position for the shield – usually there to let more air in and help with defogging.

Then again, stick any piece of cold polycarbonate in front of your face on a cold or humid day and it’s probably going to fog up, so it’s good to know Shoei’s taken steps to address it.

What also good to know is that Shoei says their polycarb shield cuts out 99% of UV rays. Polycarbonate’s known for cutting out at least 95% anyway, but it’s always good to see an exact figure.

(more about sun visors)

The same figure’s quoted for the sun visor too – another 99% protection against UV. And Shoei’s apparently got that US ANSI Z80.3-2010 standard which means it should give about as much protection as a pair of shades – and includes a test to ensure it won’t burst into flames. Which is always good to know!


Shoei have made the sun visor a bit longer than the old J-Cruise too. That’s often welcome as there’s always a few folks saying their sun visor doesn’t drop down low enough (just like we found with the J-Cruise I).

And while the placing of the sun visor’s slider is slightly unusual (necessitated by the location of the panel for the integrated bluetooth controller) the action’s nice and smooth and, once you get used to where to find it, it works well.

Comfort and Sizing

(more about comfort and sizing).

The J-Cruise 2 is available in sizes XS-XXL and comes in four shell sizes.

It uses Shoei’s 3D Max-Dry liner. The 3D refers to the 3D laser cut foam that goes inside, and Max-Dry is Shoei’s regular interior designed to absorb and wick sweat away twice as fast as nylon does (which doesn’t seem much of a bold claim since nylon’s basically plastic!).

Still, Max Dry liners are highly regarded and Shoei does make a nice and comfortable liner.


Like other premium helmet makers, you can also buy different thicknesses of cheekpads to help tailor the fit if you find it’s not quite right or loosens off over time.

And if you wear glasses, there’s also a glasses groove in there so the arms of your glasses won’t press into your head.

Overall, owners reckon that the J-Cruise II is a very comfortable helmet . In fact we didn’t find a single owner saying otherwise.

Obviously, you have to get the sizing right in the first place (check out our fitting guide ) and the word is if you find you’re between sizes with the J-Cruise II, you’re best opting for a size up as a size down will be too tight.

Other than that, the quality and overall feel of the comfort liner is spot on.

Looks & Graphics


If you’re looking for a solid J-Cruise II, then you’ve a matte black, grey or blue to choose from or a gloss black or white.

If you’re interested in buying one, please drop on to the J-Cruise II pages at our recommended retailers using the links below, where you’ll also find any discounts and new graphics that might be around. Cheers.

Best places to buy a Shoei J-Cruise II?

shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

J-Cruise II video

Other stuff – bluetooth, weight, glasses, aero & buffeting, build quality, warranty

If you’re looking to fit a bluetooth headset to your J-Cruise II, it’s designed to work with the SCL 1 or 2 set that’s been developed by Sena and Shoei to integrate with their helmets .

That means there’s a place to stick the controller on the left hand side (there’s a small panel on the bottom edge to remove) and the battery pack slots into a panel at the bottom rear. There’s also plenty of space for speakers and a boom microphone.


Shoei managed to reduce the weight of the J-Cruise II over the old helmet by around 100g. It’s not a lot, but it means the J-Cruise II weighs around 3.1lbs (1.4kg), down from the 3.3lbs of the old helmet.

It’s far from being the lightest open face helmet out there but it’s OK – and a few owners reckon the weight adds to its sense of quality too.

If you’re a glasses wearer, then the Shoei J-Cruise II is great for glasses . There’re glasses grooves inside and a several owners said there’s plenty of space to drop down the sun visor and main shield without interfering with your glasses. And because they’re both optically correct, there isn’t much noticeable distortion even though you’re effectively peering through three panes of plastic.

Shoei reckoned they’ve done a good deal of work on the aero of the helmet to reduce lift, drag and buffeting. That might be measurable in the wind tunnel but I’m not sure owners find much difference. Having said that, we didn’t come across any complaints either so it looks like the aero works just fine.

The build quality’s rated as excellent too. Lots of owners say just how fantastic quality the helmet is – the finish, the internals – you name it, they like it. Which is one of the reasons you go for a premium helmet like a Shoei: they take the time to get things right.

And it means they can happily offer a 5 year warranty on the manufacture of all their helmets.

Crash Helmet Buying Guides

For (hopefully!) other useful information to help you when buying your next helmet, check our various guides - or have a look at our top helmet lists where we've got the top 10 rated helmets overall and best budget / safest / full face / flip-up / sportsbike/track helmets.

Good Alternatives to the Shoei J-Cruise II?

You can check out all our open face helmet reviews here . But if you want an interesting selection that we think you should consider, take a look at these open face lids.


First up, and in a similar vein to the J-Cruise II – and even more practical – is the Nolan N40-5 GT. It’s a supremely versatile modular helmet that can be converted into a jet by fully removing the chin bar. The best of both worlds!

sena savage helmet with short peak

Or what about the Sena Savage ? It’s a fiberglass open face helmet that comes with a bluetooth communicator pre-installed. OK it’s a reasonably basic bluetooth, but most owners find it’s fine. And it’s a decent wodge cheaper than the J-Cruise II. Mind you, you’d have to make do with a snap on visor.

shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

The fiberglass Shoei Jo has one built in tho. It also uses the same AIM shell as the J-Cruise II though the Jo’s much lighter and cheaper. It’s more back to basics too.

shoei j cruise ii aglero tc 5

Finally, what about the Bell Broozer . It really looks the part and it has a fully removable but protective chin bar for when you want to get a lick on. It comes with both a clear and dark visor, weighs about the same as the J-Cruise II but comes in around half the price.

Star Ratings

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