
10 Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

We often run out of words on what to say. It also happens when we talk about travel lovers or want to impress our  nomadic friends . Are you tired of using the same old words? If so, today’s fun  post is for you. 

Do you know what a person is called who loves to travel? Travel lover. Yes, but we all know that, and besides, that’s two words, not a one word noun .

Words for Travel Lovers

How about “Hodophile”. If you are saying, “what, a hodophile!” Yes, a hodophile is a person who loves to travel. Now, that’s certainly going to grab your friends’ attention next time you talk to them.

Below are the top 10 simple to pronounce words you should start using to enhance your regular travel vocabulary.

These are nothing like out-of-the-tongue kinda words but refreshing synonyms one should add to their day to day vocabulary.


Do you know anyone who loves to hop between countries? Or anyone who is a hardcore traveler? Anyone who leaves their tiny footprints across the various continents? Globetrotter is what you call them, and Globetrotting is their religion.

Globetrotter_Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Few of us hate staying in one place. We are people of many lands who live to travel. Itinerant is an apt word for travel lovers who have got a gypsy soul.

Itinerant_Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Read Next: 201 Greatest Travel Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless

Many times we say, let’s hit the road ! That is exactly what roadies do, but they accompany bands or musicians and travel in a group. In recent time though, the term has become more generalized and biking groups can be also called Roadies.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Wandering around might get old after a few days, why not use roving around for a change? Become a Rover aka Travel Lover. 🙂

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Related:   The Ultimate Travel Bucket List and 101 Couple Goals

“Catch flights, not feelings”  is what the quote says, but what about after you get off the plane? Hop on a car, and move to your hotel, then what?

You need to walk around and discover the destination. All travel lovers are wayfarers in a way.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers


Nothing is permanent. And this world is massive to just live in a corner. People who make any place their home are in reality the Vagabonds – the daring nomads, adventurers , and travel lovers.

Also, you might have heard this quote from Saint Augustine of Hippo: “The World is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Traveling alone is empowering. And when you are brave enough to take on the roads yourself you become a Solivagant. Wandering alone is an unadulterated bliss which travel lovers should try once.

Related: Women Solo Travelers on Rise  and Best Destinations for Traveling Solo

Travel Buff

Wisdom comes from experience and those who are travelers amass knowledge through traveling. That is what makes them the travel-buffs.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

You don’t need an explanation for this word. It is as perfect as it comes. Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”

In Australia , a retired old man traveling in a motorhome or caravan is named as Grey Nomad. But why just use it in the context of an old man?

Nowadays the travel lovers who live a nomadic life are often called “Grey Nomads.” (They may or may not have grey hairs though, Lol!)

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

What are some other words for travel lovers? Comment below and we’ll add to this list. We hope this post cheered you and brought you value. If yes, please share it with your globetrotting friends and tell them they are too young to be a grey nomad. (wink)

Next up:   The Ultimate Travel Bucket List and Couple Goals

November 2, 2017 1:26 pm Published by Staff Writer 24 Comments

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8 Words To Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel

Someone who loves to travel often enjoys introducing themselves to a wide range of cultures and countries. We might want to come up with a good synonym to describe people like that, and this article is the place for that.

Which Words Can Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel?

There are plenty of options to describe a person who loves to travel. Some of the best ones that we’ll cover in this article include:


  • Travel freak


Which Words Can Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel?

The preferred version is “globetrotter” because it refers to somebody who is happy to spend their days traveling around the globe. They like to immerse themselves in their travels, and it’s the only word on the list that specifically plays into someone ’s love of traveling.

Let’s start with “globetrotter,” which is by far the best word we can use on this list.

A globetrotter is somebody who enjoys traveling and will do so more often than most people. They’ll usually be the first person to book plane tickets out of the country, and they usually won’t care much about the time they come back.

Making holiday or vacation plans for a globetrotter is easy. Since they love traveling so much, they’re more than happy to invest a lot of their time and money into their next big trip.

The definition of “globetrotter,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “someone who often travels to a lot of different countries.”

You might see “globetrotter” in the following ways:

  • He’s such a globetrotter! I wish I could visit as many countries as he has.
  • I like to think of myself as a globetrotter, and I never stay in one country for more than two weeks.
  • We’re a family of globetrotters, and we can’t wait to explore more of the world as we adventure.

Travel Freak

“Travel freak” is a slang phrase, where “freak” is a positive word to talk about someone’s obsession with something.

A travel freak is somebody who is completely obsessed with traveling. They’re more than happy to explore the world, and they don’t care what people might think about their freedom or love to explore new cultures and countries.

While “freak” is usually a negative slang phrase, we use it here in a positive way to show that we’re amazed by someone’s obsession with traveling.

You could see the slang phrase “travel freak” work as follows :

  • You’re such a travel freak! I wish I was as confident as you at getting out and seeing the world.
  • I’m a travel freak! I can’t get enough of all the wonderful adventures I get to have.
  • I’m a travel freak, and I’m more than happy to admit it! I don’t know where my next adventure will be.

“Wanderlust” is a noun and not an adjective. However, it’s still a great way to describe somebody’s feeling of the love they get from traveling around.

Someone who has wanderlust will often dream about new adventures and places to go. We combine “wander,” meaning to explore, and “lust,” meaning “to long for.”

Wanderlust is an emotion that people can feel, which is why it’s not a descriptive word and doesn’t rank higher on this list. Still, we can describe someone’s emotions with “wanderlust” as a noun, which makes it a good choice nonetheless.

The definition of “wanderlust,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “the wish to travel far away and to many different places.”

While “wanderlust” is a noun, we can still use it in the following ways:

  • I’ve got wanderlust, and it won’t go away until I get abroad!
  • Wanderlust is such a powerful emotion that I feel nearly every day.
  • He’s got plenty of wanderlust to go around, and I’m sure you can ask him where he’ll be traveling to next!

Now we come to some of the more specific words. “Rover” doesn’t strictly apply to someone who loves travel, but it can still work well.

A rover is somebody who spends a lot of time traveling. While the exact definition doesn’t mean they love traveling, it’s heavily implied that somebody who calls themselves a rover is more than happy to explore the world and everything in it.

The definition of “rover,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a person who spends their time traveling from place to place.”

“Rover” works in the following examples:

  • I’m a rover, meaning that I never like to spend too much time in one place.
  • He loves to travel so much that he refers to himself as Roger the Rover!
  • She’s a rover, and she’ll always be looking for the next best adventure on her laptop!

A “nomad” isn’t always a person who loves traveling and sometimes refers to someone who travels out of necessity. That’s why we didn’t include it higher, but it also belongs on this list.

Nomads are people who travel and never live in one place. They’ll have plenty of options outside of their original housing or settlement to move to. It is used to refer to a group of people but can also work to describe a singular person.

While there’s no direct reason for nomads to love traveling, it’s still implied when we use it to describe somebody.

The definition of “nomad,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time.”

“Nomads” are more specific, but the following examples demonstrate how we can use the word:

  • You’re a bunch of nomads, which explains why you’re all more than happy to up and leave at a moment’s notice.
  • He’s a nomad, making it much harder for him to settle down and find a family.
  • I’m just a nomad, and I don’t like to hang around for longer than I’m welcome.

“Peripatetic” is an uncommon word with Greek origins, but it works really well as a member on this list.

A peripatetic person or lifestyle is someone who travels around to different places. The most common reason for this is because of their work, which might require them to travel out to new lands.

While the word is heavily linked to working abroad or in distant cities, that doesn’t mean a peripatetic person can’t have fun traveling. We use it to mean that somebody is constantly on the move, and they’ll often have plenty of stories to share about the things they’ve done.

The definition of “peripatetic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “traveling around to different places, usually because you work in more than one place.”

We might use “peripatetic” as follows:

  • My work gives me a peripatetic life, making it hard to make any friends.
  • I live a peripatetic lifestyle thanks to all the chances and fun I get to have with work.
  • We’re both quite peripatetic, which I suppose helps us to stay in such a healthy relationship.

A wanderer is somewhat similar to a rover, but the two people have different aims with their travel.

Wanderers often travel from place to place, but they rarely have a clear reason for doing so. Wandering refers to an aimless or mindless attempt to travel and doesn’t always mean that someone is in love with traveling.

Usually, wanderers are hippy-types, where they’re happy to let the universe or other signs tell them where to go and what to do. It’s a very free way to live your life, which is why it works well in this list.

The definition of “wanderer,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “someone who often travels from place to place, especially without any clear aim or purpose.”

“Wanderer” works in the following ways:

  • I suppose you could call me a wanderer because I like adventure, but I rarely plan it out.
  • He’s just a wanderer, and we’re sure he’ll be passing through this town just like every other town out there.
  • You’re not a very good wanderer if you end up staying in the same place for longer than three months!

Finally, we’ll talk about a vagabond. It’s the furthest away from the original meaning of someone who loves to travel, but we can still use it as such.

A vagabond is someone who has to travel, usually because they don’t have a home or a job to tie them down. While this doesn’t always mean that they love the process of traveling, they’ll usually have a good time once they reach their new destination.

Vagabonds don’t often want to travel, but sometimes they are forced to if the conditions of their original life become too poor.

The definition of “vagabond,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a person who has no home and usually no job, and who travels from place to place.”

We can use “vagabond” in the following ways:

  • I’m a vagabond, which makes it hard for me to keep up with my own lifestyle.
  • Because of my work schedule and business trips, you might as well call me a vagabond!
  • Everyone in this city seems to be a vagabond because nobody works and everybody leaves.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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ᐅ TRAVEL LOVER: 100 Unique + Creative Travel Words From Around the World

Published January 18, 2024 · Updated January 18, 2024

Get inspiration from around the world with these catchy and creative travel words in other languages >> A list of the best words for travel lovers. ❤️

Fernweh synonym for wanderlust travel words

Travel. It can leave you speechless and then turn you into a storyteller . The experience has a tendency to make us feel a plethora of emotions and when you’re reliving those times there may not be an accurate word to describe the travel experience , the adventure, the magic, the moments, or the way you felt.  This loss of words is more common than you may think. Especially since the English language is limited when it comes to words related to travel or words to describe a person who loves to travel.  Sure, you could use the popular travel word wanderlust, but it is also often way overused (have you noticed every new travel influencer and their dog jumping on the wanderlust-wagon?). Rather use these wanderlust synonyms below instead.

Wanderlust (n.) Origin:  German Definition:  A strong, innate, impulse or desire to travel the world

How do you explain your deep-seated need to get away or the desire to always be on the move and live a nomad existence? Is there a travel-related word to describe the mix of excitement and anxiety one feels on starting a new journey? Are there other creative words for travellers to articulate the curiosity to experience other cultures , other exotic foods , other landscapes, and other ways of life around the world? How can you express the profound feeling of awe you feel on the awareness of the vastness and beauty of the universe when observing the stars? Or the thrill of discovering a hidden waterfall during a hike up a mountain to catch the last sunset?

Fortunately, there are foreign words from other cultures and different languages to voice these special moments. These beautiful travel words , often with no English equivalent, are meant to educate and inspire you. And perhaps even assist with your next clever travel caption for the gram or pinterest.

>> Must Read:

  • More foreign language guides: How to say Hello , Thank You , Goodbye , and Love in different languages around the world
  • Fun list: Best travel questions , the world’s best flags , or these road trip questions
  • The top 50 travel songs to add to your playlist
  • Why is travel important? Find 10 key benefits of travelling the world
  • Get inspired: Short quotes about traveling and funny travel quotes

What do you call someone who loves travel?

Hodophile — one who loves to travel

Studies have shown that people who spend their money on experiences rather than material stuff, such as travel, tend to be more open minded, creative, carefree, and happier in their life. *searches for my next flight out.

Creative words for travel lovers Hodophile Greek language

Travel the Word: Unique + Beautiful Travel Words from Other languages of the World

A handful of my favourite words associated with travel. Save a couple of your own favorites from this list , bookmark this page, and add them to your vocabulary before your next adventure!   Describe your explorations with these foreign words about travel taken from different languages around the world . Ready. Let’s go…. 

v. = verb n. = noun adj. = adjective

In alphabetical order….

Absquatulate (v.)

to leave without saying goodbye.

Origin:  North America My close friends know that I absquatulate. Like, a lot.  So no surprise there, when the urge to pack your things and just disappear shows up… with no time to say goodbye. Continue reading to find more creative words for travelers.

Coddiwomple (v.)

To travel purposefully towards a strange location.

Origin: English slang Some days you wander with no plan at all, seeing where the day will take you. And other days, you coddiwomple. I do like the sound of this unusual word related to travel.

Cosmopolitan (v./adj.)

A citizen of the world or at home all over the world.

Origin: English This definition varies, depending on whether you use the word as a noun or an adjective. Even though, the origins of these creative travel words are from English, it can be traced back to Pythagoras, who first used the Greek word kosmos as a way to describe the order of the universe.  Travellers naturally feel at home in the world and the saying, “home is where the heart is” applies perfectly. 

Fernweh synonym for wanderlust travel words

Dérive (n.)

To drift unplanned on a spontaneous journey, leaving everyday life behind and guided by the scenery, architecture, and landscapes.

Origin: French One of my favourite words to describe my travel experience. This untranslatable travel term perfectly describes spontaneous exploration.  There is no strict plan, instead going with the flow away from the beaten beaten path and towards unplanned discoveries such as a beautiful sunset .

Dromomania (n.)

An uncontrollable and irrational impulse or psychological urge to wander or travel without purpose.

Origin: Greek Dromomania, also referred to as travelling fugue or vagabond neurosis, is seen as an abnormal and uncontrollable psychological impulse to wander. It comes from a combination of the Greek words dromos and mania to diagnose those with this condition to spontaneously abandon their everyday lives to travel long distances, even taking up different identities and occupations. This irrational desire stems from a strong emotional and physical need to constantly be travelling and having new experiences. It also often involves sacrificing security, relationships, and careers in the hunt for these experiences. Fantasies about exploring occupy their thoughts and dreams. I guess, I have a serious undiagnosed case of the dromomania.

Ecophobia (n.)

A fear or distaste of home.

Origin:  Greek Now, this unusual word for travel can be used in the literal sense. Or, as I prefer, to describe when you can’t stop thinking about a different place. A place, other than where you live. Say, an exotic tropical island ?

Eleutheromania (n.)

The intense and insatiable desire for freedom.

Origin: Greek When asked why I pursue travel so much, my response often involves an insatiable yearning for freedom, amongst the many other reasons for exploring the globe.   Yes, I’ve since learned that freedom comes from within as much (or even more) than your external circumstances. However, the very act of travelling does leave me feeling free and eleutheromania perfectly describes the desire for this feeling.  For sure, one of my favourite words associated with travel holidays and tourism.

Eudaimonia (v.)

A state of feeling happy and content whilst travelling.

Origin: Greek This is one of my favourite words associated with travel because it such an apt description of the journey. The joy of wandering, the excitement of new discoveries, the contented state of living the dream…. and everything feels perfectly alright. Even when things go wrong . 

Beautiful Travel word Numinous Latin language

Exulansis (n.)

When you give up trying to talk about an experience because none are able to relate to it.

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows How many times have you given up trying to explain yourself or something you’ve done because those around you are just not on the same wavelength as you and are unable to relate or even understand. Yeah, I know this feeling all too well and exulansis is one of the most unique travel words I’ve come across to articulate this.

Fernweh (n.)

Distance sickness. A yearning, a longing, an ache to be elsewhere. To be in a far away place.

Origin: German Not as popular or overused as wanderlust, this catchy travel word has gained much traction over the past few years. This German word is often described as feeling homesick for a far away place. A place you’ve never been to before.  This urge to travel is strong and fernweh, a synonym for wanderlust, describes the aching desire to be far away from home.

Flâneur (n.)

Someone who strolls aimlessly and enjoyably, observing life and their surroundings.

Origin: French One of the best words describing travel lovers, flâneur derives from the French  flâner, meaning to stroll or saunter. My favourite kind of days when travelling do not have a plan nor involve a requirement to be in a particular place. It is simply wandering around aimlessly at a comfortable pace, observing the local life and appreciating the day as it unfolds.  Yes, I am a big time flâneur.

Forelsket (adj.)

The overwhelming euphoric-feeling that takes place at the early stages of falling in love.

Origin: Norwegian

Gadabout (n.)

A habitual pleasure-seeker who moves about restlessly or aimlessly.

Origin: Old Norse It is used to refer to a person who gads or walks idly about. A person who’s constantly on the move, restlessly seeking amusement along the way.

Gallivant (v.)

to roam without a plan… to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion.

Origin: German No list of creative travel words is complete without including gallivant. This word is used to describe the action of going to many different places as a form of enjoyment while completely forgetting or disregarding other things you should be doing. As an example, using travel as a form of escape, something that many a lover of travel is guilty of.

Unique travel words for travelling Saudade

Hiraeth (n.)

A homesickness for a place which you can’t return to. A longing for what may no longer exist.

Origin: Welsh This Welsh term describes not just a longing for home, but a nostalgic desire to reconnect with a place or time period you can’t return to or that may not exist anymore.

Hodophile   (adj.)

A lover of roads . A love of travel.

Origin: Greek A unique word to describe a person who loves to travel.  I mean, what’s there not to love about exploring the world. The unusual sights, the new tastes, the beautiful landscapes and the people you meet along the way. Raise your hand if, like me, you’re the biggest hodophile? *guilty as charged

Holoholo (n.)

to ride or walk around for pleasure.

Origin: Hawaiian One of my favorite Hawaiian words , it is the perfect description of something I do a lot when exploring a new country.

Hozhoni  (n.)

a feeling of being filled with beauty and balance.

Origin: Navajo

The feeling of comfort, relaxation, and coziness in certain settings around certain people, particularly friends.

Origin: Danish This unusual word is not just reserved for travel and holiday, but it is perfectly suited to describe those moments when you’re enjoying a meal, drinks, and those simple pleasures with friends around the world. The Dutch words gezellig or gezelligheid is similar to hygge, describing that feeling of ease and coziness when you’re around friends you feel comfortable with. 

Creative words for the travel lover

Kismet (n.)

Destiny, sometimes referred to as fate, is a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual .

Origin: Arabic This beautiful Arabic-derived word refers to one’s destiny and something that one believes was meant to be. 

Livsnjutare (n.)

A person who truly enjoys life and lives it to the extreme .

Origin: Swedish This unique trip word, of Swedish origin, is often used to describe someone who enjoys life and lives it to the full, making the most of each moment. When I am wandering around the world, in places like Mexico , it certainly feels like living to the extreme. 

The feeling of enjoyment and oneness with the Universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures .

Origin: Serbian

Meraki (n.)

Doing something with creativity, with love, with soul — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing.

Origin: Greek A beautiful word, that also happens to be one of my favourites. Meraki, derived from Greek, describes the action and the feelings that results when one does something with complete focus and love. Being so caught up with what you’re doing as if your entire being and soul is part of the whole experience. Moments of meraki flood my experience often when painting or when exploring a beautiful landscape.

Monachopsis (n.)

The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place .

Origin: Greek It comes from the combination of words monos and opsis, where ‘monos’ means solitary or unique and ‘opsis’ refers to like or appearance.

Nefelibata (n.)

One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination and does not obey convention.

Origin:  Portuguese  Ok, this is me. Just a beautiful meaning word to describe a person who loves to travel. The direct translation is “cloud-walker,” referring to those, like myself, who live in their own world/imagination. An unconventional person that does not blindly follow the rules of society.  More about me here.

Creative Travel words in other languages

Novaturient (adj.)

A desire to alter your life. The feeling that pushes you to travel.

Origin: Latin This is the feeling that pushed me to quit my job and travel the world. You know, when you are curious to discover what more is out there. 

Numinous (adj.)

The powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired.

Origin: Latin Numinous has its origins in Latin, meaning to be both fearful, awed, and inspired by what you see and experience before you. Exploring tends to bring up all the human emotions, often simultaneously, and these catchy travel words are an apt description of the experience. Like the time I went trekking among some of the highest mountains in the world in Nepal .

The awareness of how little of the world you will experience.

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Once you start seeing the world, you realise just how much more there is to see out there.  And you actually reach a point, somewhere along the journey, where you come to the realisation that no matter how extensive your travels are, you will only ever experience a little bit. This realisation is referred to as onism.  This creative word associated with travel is not from a foreign language, but actually originates from a book by John Koenig. 

Peregrinate (v.)

Travel or wander from place to place.

Origin: Latin From the Latin peregrinari, meaning “to travel abroad,” this type of inspirational travel words refers to a long journey in which you travel to various different places, especially on foot.

Peripatetic (adj.)

A person who travels from place to place.

Origin: Greek Originating from the Greek word peripatein, “to walk up and down,” this adjective is used to describe backpackers who are constantly moving from place to place, living a nomadic existence .

Creative travel words about traveling lover

Photophile (n.)

A person who loves photography and light.

Origin: English This pretty word is derived from the biological term of the same name for an organism that loves or thrives in light . If you carry a camera with you wherever you go and post to photo sharing websites ( like instagram ) all day, you’re a photophile.

Quaquaversal (adj.)

Directed outwards in all directions from a common centre

Origin: Latin A good word for travel and the desire to experience everything all at the same time. 

Querencia (n.)

The place where you are your most authentic self. Where one’s strength is drawn from; where one feels at home.

Origin: Spanish The term comes from the Spanish verb “querer,” which means “to desire.” Many long term travellers feel at home in the world and their most authentic self when connecting with this place. One of the best words for travel lovers. 

Resfeber (n.)

the restless race of a traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

Origin: Swedish Another catchy word related to travel, resfeber is universally used to describe the mixed emotions one feels just before the journey begins. These emotions include both excitement as well as anxiety and nervousness when starring in the face of the unknown. Like that time I had decided to climb Kilimanjaro , the highest mountain in Africa . 

Rückkehrunruhe ( n.)

The feeling of returning home after a trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness. 

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Words for travel in Other languages

Saudade (n.)

a deep emotional state of nostalgic or melancholic longing for something or someone far away that one cares for and loves.

Origin: Portuguese This is the creative word to use when you’re fondly thinking back to a beautiful moment during your travels and longing to return to that experience.

Schwellenangst (n.)

a fear of, or aversion to, crossing a threshold or entering a place to begin a new chapter.

Origin: German That anxious and fearful feeling you get when you’re about to begin a new chapter in your life, like a new travel adventure to the Caribbean islands . That’s schwellenangst.

Sehnsucht (n.)

a wistful longing and yearning of the heart for travels that have been and travels to come.

Origin: German

Selcouth (adj.)

Strange and uncommon. Unfamiliar, rare, and yet marvellous.

Origin: Old English This is one of my favourite travel words on this list. Not only because of its unusual sound, but also because it is an appropriate way of describing the way you see things when you travel. Everything is unfamiliar and strange, yet we find it inviting and marvellous anyway, much like my time in these South American countries .

Smultronställe (n.)

A special place discovered for solace and relaxation.

Origin: Swedish This Swedish word directly translates to “place of wild strawberries,” used to describe a location or place in this world where you feel most at home. A place that serves as a refuge from any stress and/or sadness. This place, once discovered, is often returned to for comfort and consolation.

Creative Catchy travel words associated with travel

Sojourn (n.)

To stay as a temporary resident. A short period when a person stays in a particular place.

Origin: Old-French Like the months I’ve spent in one of my favorite cities Paris , over the years.

Solivagant (adj.)

A lone wanderer. A solo traveller. A person who revels in the act of wandering alone.

Origin: Latin This popular word, to describe a person who loves to travel alone, as opposed to vacationing with family or friends . It originates from the Latin sōlivagāns, with sōlus meaning “alone” and vagāns meaning “wander.”

Sonder (n.)

The realisation that everyone you pass is living a life just as complex as yours.

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Have you ever had that realisation that a random stranger is living a life that is just as complex and vivid and important as your own. This is sonder. Just a beautiful word and one of the best for travel lovers. 

Strikhedonia (n.)

The joy of being able to say “to hell with it.”

Origin: Greek This word about travel perfectly describes the time you stop making excuses, quit everything, book a one way flight , and explore the world.  Exactly what I did in 2013, leaving behind my well-paying career in finance to travel the world . 

Sturmfrei (adj.)

The freedom of being alone. The ability to do what you want.

Origin: German This German word that directly translates to “storm-free.” However, its real meaning has nothing to do with the weather nor a description about how we feel. It is more a description of the situation itself, such as having the house to one’s self or not having to wait or compromise on what you want to do as a solo traveller.

Catchy travel word foreign language Nefelibata Portuguese

Thalassophile (n.)

a lover of the sea.

Origin: Greek A coconut, a tropical island, a hammock, (maybe some cute animals like those found on Flamingo Beach Aruba ), and a bungalow that leads directly onto the beach and into the sea. Is there anything more that you need, fellow thalassophile?

To wander or roam around in a carefree way

Origin: Thai

Traipse (n.)

To go on foot. A tedious or tiring journey on foot

Origin: unknown

Travitude (n.) 

when you start to feel grumpy cause you to miss traveling.

Anyone been feeling this way recently? I sure have.

Tripophobia (n.)

The fear of not having any travel trips currently booked.

When the world and travel shut down in 2020, thipophobia was the main emotion running through my veins. What kind of life is it where there are no adventures to look forward to and you’re forced to remain in the same location for the foreseeable future. You tell me?

Hiraeth word for traveling

Trouvaille (n.)

Something lovely discovered by chance. A chance encounter with something wonderful.

Origin: French When travelling, especially without much of a plan and with an open heart, it is not uncommon to discover something beautiful purely by chance. These discoveries make for some of the most memorable experiences. This interesting travel word is often used by French travellers to describe a chance encounter. It’s time the rest of us use this word too the next time we unexpectedly stumble upon an inspiring landscape, a cute cafe, or a welcoming local. 

Vacilando (v.)

The act of wandering when the experience of travel is more important than reaching the a destination.

Origin: Spanish The word, from Spanish, aims to describe someone who travels for travel sake, and not to reach a particular goal or destination. For us, the journey is more important than the destination or vacation spot .  While others despise the act of getting to a place, I savour it and enjoy the long plane, boat, or bus rides and the happenings along the way, especially if the journey occurs in a beautiful setting like the Spanish islands or Greek islands . One of the most inspiring travel words that should be a part of every globetrotter’s vocabulary. 

Vagary (v.)

A whimsical or wandering journey.

Origin: Latin With its origins in 16th-century Latin, Vagārī translates as, “to roam.” This unique travel word to describe the travel experience of an unpredictable or impulsive desire or action for a wandering journey.

Vorfreude (n.)

The joyful anticipation when looking forward to something or while imagining future pleasures.

Origin: German Much like the idea or plan of moving abroad and living in Costa Rica .

Waldeinsamkeit (n.)

The feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods and connected to nature.

Miss Traveling words synonyms for wanderlust

Wayfarer (n.)

Someone who travels, especially on foot.

Origin: English The travel term may seem modern, but it goes back all the way to the mid-1400s as a combination of way defined as “a path or course leading from one place to another,” and fare, meaning “to go, travel.”

Xenophilia (n.)

An attraction to foreign peoples, foreign cultures, and/or customs.

Origin: Greek This attraction, appreciation, and affinity for foreign people, their cultures and customs is what draws many to explore the world. These unique travel words, as a synonym for wanderlust, comes from the Greek “xenos,” meaning “unknown, stranger, foreign” and “philia,” defined as “attraction or love.”

Yoko meshi (n.)

The stress of speaking a foreign language.

Origin: Japanese Another word related to travel that literally translates to, “a meal eaten sideways.” It is used to explain the difficulty and stress when trying to speak a language that is not your native language, whether at home or when abroad. Like, that time I found myself in St Petersburg , struggling to speak Russian to get around the city.

The desire to feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger.

Origin: Chinese As you grow older, life seems to be less exciting. Travelling overseas and exploring new places is one way of mitigating this. Yu Yi is an inspirational Chinese word that describes the yearning to feel things the way you did while growing up, before expectations, before memory, before words.

a profound, mysterious awareness of the vastness and beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering.

Origin: Japanese This untranslatable travel word is used for those moments that lead to a greater awareness and trigger a deep emotional response within.

Inspiring Creative travel words foreign language

Over to YOU… Did you enjoy traveling the word? How many of these these creative travel words have you heard before? Which one(s) your favorite and which of these unique words associated with travel do you resonate with most? What phrases describe the travel experience and make for the best words for travel lovers in your language? Let me know in the comments below or start a conversation with me on social media.

>> Read next:

  • Learn these words in other languages: Beautiful . Light . Cheers
  • The ultimate list of smile quotes to keep you smiling all day
  • The best quotes about travelling to inspire you
  • How many countries in the world? And should you visit all?
  • Sustainable travel: 10 ways to become a more responsible tourist
  • Be inspired: An ode to my fellow travellers .
  • What should you do with you life? What is the purpose of life?

Your fellow hodophile, Rai

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28 Beautiful Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

Travel words and wanderlust synonyms

Describe your travels with these unique and beautiful travel words from different languages around the world.

I love travelling and I love languages, so imagine my excitement when I came across a treasure trove of travel words and wanderlust synonyms that describe how we feel before, during, and after we travel. 

Just like a photo can’t fully capture what it feels like to stand on the edge of a fjord , neither can ‘wanderlust’ fully express how we feel when we crave our next adventure. These travel words are literary gems which have been gathered from languages around the world. From Japanese to Swedish , Latin to Greek , travel brochures of the future will be peppered with travel words like of resfeber , livsnjutare, and coddiwomple .

Wanderlust meaning

As you’ll see in the list below, every language has its own variation of how it explains and defines what wanderlust is. In English, wanderlust means to have a strong desire for or impulse to travel, wander and explore the world.

Learn a language from home

During these times it can be bittersweet to think about travelling when we have to stay at home and practice social distancing, let this list of wanderlust-filled words inspire you to a learn a language from home and prepare yourself for your next trip. Being travel fluent is the best way to enrich your travel experiences.

Without further ado, here are 28 beautiful travel words you should slip into your vocabulary. When you’re done, take and look at this collection of inspirational travel quotes . I’d love to hear which ones are your favourites in the comment section below.

Table of Contents

  • Eleutheromania
  • Quaquaversal
  • Schwellenangst
  • Strikhedonia
  • Livsnjutare
  • Novaturient
  • Coddiwomple

1. Resfeber  (n.)

Origin: Swedish

Definition: The meaning of resfeber refers to the restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

It’s that moment just after you buy your plane tickets and excitement and fear floods in all at once, creating a mixture of emotions that make you feel anxious or physically ill.

Resfeber Tote Bag

For more inspiration, don’t miss my guide to cool gifts for language learners and the best travel accessories and travel gadgets here.

2. Sonder (v.)

Origin: Unknown

Definition: The realisation that each passerby is living a life as complex as your own.

The full definition, taken from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows reads:

[Sonder is] the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

I often feel this way when I pass groups of strangers, speaking a language that is completely foreign to me, and realise just how incredibly big the world is. We all have a life that is full of different connections, memories and possibilities. That’s sonder.

The internet suggests this may not be a real word, either way, the concept is beautiful.

3. Solivagant (adj.)

Origin: Latin

Definition: Wandering alone. A solitary adventurer who travels or wanders the globe.

Not all those who wander are lost, but all those who wander alone are definitely solivagants . From the Latin word solivagus , meaning lonely or solitary, solivagant describes anyone who enjoys meandering around new countries, alone, in order to take it all in.

4. Fernweh (n.)

Origin: German

Definition: This German word,means an ache to get away and travel to a distant place, a feeling  even stronger than wanderlust. If wanderlust wasn’t poetic enough for you, allow me to present fernweh , a German word that literally translates to “distance-sickness.”

While someone with wanderlust might sit at home and happily fantasise about all the places they might visit, someone with fernweh would feel a deeper sense of longing, a sort of homesickness but for foreign lands.  For me, it’s wanting to be back in Rome . Fernweh is one of most those beautiful untranslatable words I’ve ever come across.

Carry this beautiful word with you with my Fernweh T-Shirt available in men’s and ladies styles and black or white. Buy it here.

Gifts for language learners and travellers - Fernweh T-Shirt

5. Sehnsucht (n.)

Definition: A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels past and future.

One author translated it as the “ inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what .” Another compared it to “ a longing for a far-off country, but not one which we could identify.”

When you return from travelling and wish you could do it all over again and experience every moment like it was the first.


6. Eleutheromania (n.)

Origin: Greek

Definition: An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

We all want to be free, and travelling shows us how the freedom in the lives of others that is different from our own. Eleutheromania describes a person who has a strong desire and obsession for freedom.

7. Cockaigne (n.)

Origin: French , Middle French

Definition: An imaginary land of luxury and idleness.

Every destination seem like a wonderland or cockaigne before you set foot there and see it for yourself.

The term c ockaigne ” comes from the Middle French phrase pais de cocaigne, which literally means “the land of plenty.” The word was first popularised in a 13th-century French poem that is known in English as “The Land of Cockaigne.”

8. Quaquaversal (adj.)

Definition: Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously.

This perfectly describes my state when I’m in a new place and want to see and do everything at once.

9. Dérive (n)

Origin: French

Definition: A spontaneous and unplanned journey where the traveller leaves their life behind allows themselves to be guided by the landscape and architecture.

Literally translated as “drift”,  dérive is the idea that even if you drift you will end up on the right path. This could describe life in general, but it also describes small journeys. When you’re wandering through a new city and you just happen to wander on a path that takes you to great discoveries.


10. Ecophobia (n.)

Origin: English

Definition: This word came into English word via Greek and means a fear or dislike of one’s home.

I don’t dislike my home, but recently I can’t stop thinking about going back to Lofoten, Norway.

11. Numinous (adj.)

Definition: A powerful feeling of both fear and fascination, of being in awe and overwhelmed by what is before you.

Originally, this word refers to having a strong religious or spiritual quality; but it can also be used to describe how you feel when you see things that are so beautiful that you realise how wonderful the world is and the small part you play in it.   Hiking Trolltunga was a numinous moment for me.

12. Schwellenangst (n.)

Definition: Fear of crossing a threshold to begin a new chapter.

From s chwelle (“threshold”) and a ngst (“anxiety”), this word explains that feeling you get before deciding to set out on a new journey. Argh! Did I make the right decision?

13. Strikhedonia (n.)

Definition: The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”.

Another personal favourite word on this list. Not only is it the joy I feel, but the freedom to be able to say “to hell with it” and book that next trip and embark on your next adventure.

14. Vagary (v.)

Definition: A whimsical or roaming journey.

From Latin, vagārī meaning “ to roam”, is an unpredictable idea, desire or action to travelling without knowing the destination, and not caring.

15. Livsnjutare (n)

Definition: Literally meaning, “enjoyer of life”, this describes a person who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

If you’re reading this, that’s probably you!  Need more inspiration?

16. Commuovere (v.)

Origin: Italian

Definition: To stir, to touch, to move to tears.

Just like the euphoric emotions I felt whilst whale watching.

17. Sturmfrei (adj.)

Definition: The freedom of being alone and being able to do what you want.

Literally translating to “stormfree”, this describes the freedom of not being watched by others and being alone in a place where you have the freedom and ability to do what you want.

Another great German word. Travelling solo can be especially rewarding because you have complete control. No compromises, no one else to please. Just you and the big wide world.

18. Saudade (n.)

Origin: Portuguese

Definition: This Portuguese word describes the emotional state of nostalgia and longing for someone or something distant. S audade  was once described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone.

Saudade  is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that brought excitement and happiness but now triggers the senses and makes one live again.

19. Yūgen (n.)

Origin: Japanese

Definition: A profound and mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe.

An awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.

20. Acatalepsy (n.)

Definition: The impossibility of comprehending the universe.

Henry Miller said “ One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. ” Do we ever really understand the world and what we see on our  travels,  and how they mould us? Sometimes, if at all, it takes time to discover how these things change our lives.

21. Trouvaille (n.)

Definition: A chance encounter with something wonderful.

Whether it’s stumbling across a hidden back street, a quaint cafe, or connecting with a local, trouvaille describes those magical moments we experience in our journeys. 

22. Hygge (n.)

Origin: Danish

Definition: Pronounced hue-guh , hygge describes the warm feeling you get while enjoying the company of great friends and all life has to offer.

Hygge is the conscious appreciation of recognising everything you have and enjoying to the present moment.

23. Onism (n.)

Definition: The world is a big place as not everyone will get to see it. Onism describes understanding that we’ll never get to see it all. It’s the frustration of being stuck in just one body that can only inhabit one place at a time. I felt this way before going to Copenhagen !

Similar to the Swedish word ‘resfeber’, onism describes the feeling of knowing that you’ll never be able to see it all. They say that the more you travel, the harder it gets to stay in one place.

24. Novaturient (adj.)

Definition: A desire to change and alter your life.

This was exactly how I felt when I quit my job and moved to Rome . There was this strong urge that pulled me towards my dream of pursuing a life of speaking Italian and travelling. I knew I  wouldn’t be living my life if I didn’t go.

25. Yoko meshi (n.)

Definition: This untranslatable gem describes the stress of speaking a foreign language .

The Japanese word ‘meshi’ literally means ‘boiled rice’ and ‘yoko’ means ‘horizontal,’ together it means ‘a meal eaten sideways.’ The Japanese have created a beautiful way of describing the unique kind of stress you experience when speaking a foreign language. Furthermore, ‘yoko’ also references the fact that Japanese is normally written vertically, whereas most foreign languages are written horizontally. Clever, right?

Related: 69 Wonderful Japanese Expressions That Will Brighten Your Day

26. Selcouth (adj.)

Origin: Old English

Definition: When everything you see and experience is unfamiliar and strange, yet you find it marvellous anyway.

It’s that feeling you get when you travel to a foreign land and food, culture, customs, or language, is strange and different to everything you’ve experienced before, yet you love it and find it fascinating.

27. Eudaimonia (n.)

Definition: A state of being happy whilst travelling and everything feels great.

That intense excitement and appreciation when you travel and everything feels great. Seeing the Northern Lights was one of the best experiences of my life, a feeling I won’t forget.

28. Coddiwomple (v.)

Origin: English slang

Definition: To travel purposefully towards an unknown destination.

A brilliant word, coddiwomple is when you have a vague idea of your destination within a care for how long it takes to arrive. A great example is when you go hiking, you know you’ll eventually reach the summit, but every part of the trail along the way is just as beautiful.    Like the time I hiked Norway’s Trolltunga.

Travel Words Coddiwomple

If you enjoyed these words, then let wordsmiths Stephen King, Mark Twain and the Dalai Lama transport you around the world with these inspirational travel quotes or start using some of the beautiful untranslatable words from other languages.

Want to know more about learning languages? Start here!

  • 18 Unexpected Advantages & Health Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language
  • The World’s Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words from Around the World: The Ultimate List A-Z
  • 13 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Language Learning into Your Daily Life
  • What Type of Language Learner Are You? Your 4-Step Personalised Learning Plan
  • 15 Top Language Learning Resources You Should Use
  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Go on a Language Holiday
  • 11 Life-Changing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Language
  • How to Learn Your First Foreign Language in 8 Simple Steps: A Beginner’s Guide
  • 42 beautiful Inspirational Quotes for Language Learners
  • Language learning tips: 11 Polyglots Reveal The Secrets of Their Success
  • Top 10 Best Ways to Learn a Language Better and Faster
  • How to Learn Italian Before Your Trip
  • Free Travel Phrase Guides
  • How a ‘Potato’ improved my French Pronunciation
  • How Many Languages are there in the World?
  • Hilarious Idiomatic Expressions that Will Brighten Your Day
  • 78 FREE Dictionaries to Learn a Language Fast [Free eBook Download]
  • 22 KEY Travel Phrases That Will Transform Your Travels [Free Guide]

Over to you!

Which one of these travel words do you identify with the most? What others would you add? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.

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Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. Get her free guide 9 reasons you’re not fluent…YET & how to fix it! Planning a trip? Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today!

Italian Cognates & Loanwords: 17 Rules to Italianizing English Words You Already Know

124 inspirational travel quotes that’ll make you want to travel in 2022, 12 comments.

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Amazing list! One word I’d add is the Dutch word “gezellig” or “gezelligheid” – similarly to hygge, it describes a feeling of warmth/comfort/coziness/quaintness in certain settings or around certain people.

Thank you so much for sharing this Heba. So interesting to learn that Dutch has a similar word 🙂

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This is such a fun article! Love these words and phrases!

Glad to hear it! Thank you so much, Eric 🙂

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So many of these describe me or my feelings about seeing the world. But, if I had to pick one, the one that best describes how I choose my destinations would be “selcouth”. I so want to be a stranger in a strange land. To have my belief that there is no such thing as “normal” affirmed again and again and over again.

What a beautiful word. Thanks for sharing, Janet 🙂

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Thanks Michele what a wonderful list of inspirational words. It nearly made me cry as I realised that I suffer from acute eleutheromania! ha

Thanks Juliana 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed this list. Eleutheromania? I know how you feel hehe

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Unique list i must say – If you want to add one more word than check this !

In Hindi language (India) traveler called as “Musafir”

thanks Niraj 🙂

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Thanks for sharing this! Really enjoyed it a lot ❤

Thanks Donah, I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😉

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What Do You Call a Person Who Loves to Travel?

love to travel called

Perhaps you love to explore new places or take long walks in whatever mysterious areas you can find. Is there a word for a person who simply loves to travel around the world?

Below, you’ll find a list of great terms for a person with an adventurous spirit who never says no to a good journey!

Words for a Person Who Loves to Travel


  • Travelholic
  • Travel enthusiast
  • Peripatetic
  • Travel buff


  • You can use the word “globetrotter” to describe a person that often travels from country to country.
  • If you have a deep longing for travel, you can say you have “wanderlust.”
  • A “solivagant” is a person who likes to travel alone.

Keep reading to see a more in-depth discussion of our favorite words for a person who loves to travel.

We’ll even provide some helpful example sentences along the journey!

According to the Cambridge Dictionary , “globetrotter” is a very suitable word for someone who travels a lot. In fact, it literally defines this term as “ someone who often travels to a lot of different countries .”

The meaning behind this word is clear. After all, to “trot” is to walk at a moderate pace, so this phrase essentially states that someone wanders around the globe. Of course, they do not literally have to walk their entire path!

However, it isn’t clear whether a “globetrotter” travels so much because of their inherent love for traveling or whether they do it as a means to an end for work or other purposes.

Nonetheless, if you travel a lot because you simply love to do so, it would be perfectly correct to call yourself a “globetrotter.”

Consider the examples below to see this phrase in action:

It was Tokyo last month and this month it’s Spain; you’ve become quite the globetrotter indeed!

Work has turned me into somewhat of a globetrotter ; I’m constantly flying to different cities around the world to meet clients.

A person who loves adventure can be described as having “wanderlust.” As you can tell, this word literally refers to a lust for wandering .

The Collins Dictionary states that “someone who has wanderlust has a strong desire to travel .” Therefore, this term describes more than a person who travels the globe a lot. It means that a person deeply enjoys the experience of traveling and longs to do it often.

However, it’s important to note that the word “wanderlust” does not describe a person . Rather, it describes the feeling of yearning to travel .

Therefore, if you are dying to get out and see the world, you might just have a case of wanderlust!

Finally, let’s see a couple of sentences making use of this phrase:

At that moment, I was overcome with wanderlust , and I packed my bags immediately.

I’m afraid we have lost George to his wanderlust ; I don’t believe we will see him until at least next year.

If you’re not sure what to call someone who loves to travel alone , we would recommend the word “solivagant.”

Merriam-Webster defines a “solivagant” as “a solitary wanderer.” Essentially, this is a person who enjoys their solitude and revels in the act of taking a long, potentially arduous journey with nothing but the clothes on their back and the thoughts in their head.

Moreover, it is suggested that a solivagant likes to visit secluded places, free from tourists and, well, other people in general. Good for them.

So, if you prefer the lone wolf lifestyle, and you like a good, long wander about the place, you can call yourself a solivagant!

Check out how we use this term in the examples below:

I am a writer, but I would still describe myself as a solivagant – I go on long adventures in my own head.

Paul is a notorious solivagant and refused to let us accompany him on his journey, but he did let us know that he was safe wherever he had a signal.

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  • 10 Words for Someone Who Won’t Admit They Are Wrong
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  • What Do You Call a Person Who Always Thinks Negatively?

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60 Beautiful Travel Words Every Travel Lover Should Know

Travel Words

Are you dying to perambulate? Dreaming of the day when you can coddiwomple around? Wondering what the heck those things even mean? If the latter rings true, well, we’ve got some travel words you need to add to your vocab ASAP. Because, let’s be honest , being a lover of travel is almost a language unto itself already . If you’ve got roam in your bones and run across someone else in the world who does too, you just sort of get each other. And so hearing words that capture the inherent magic of being a traveler is bound to stir something inside of you. Or, at the very least, stir you into planning your next trip .

As an added bonus, the following lexicon can serve a few other excellent purposes for the wandering soul — like making for a great tattoo, or helping you beast all of your friends in Scrabble. So, keep reading, but be forewarned… you’re going to want to pack your bags and book a flight by the time you’re finished.

Other Words for Travel

  • Pilgrimage (n.): A journey; the course of life on earth.
  • Trek (n.): A trip or movement, especially when involving difficulties or complex organization; an arduous journey.
  • Voyage (n.): An act or instance of traveling; a course or period of traveling by other than land routes.
  • Gallivant (v.): To travel, roam, or move about for pleasure.
  • Perambulate (v.): To travel over or through, especially on foot.
  • Expedition (n.): A journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose.
  • Excursion (n.): A usually brief pleasure trip.
  • Odyssey (n.): A long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune .
  • Walkabout (n.): A short period of wandering bush life engaged in by an Australian aborigine as an occasional interruption of regular work — often used in the phrase go walkabout; something (such as a journey) similar to a walkabout.
  • Migrate (v.): To move from one country, place, or locality to another.
  • Globe-trotting (adj.): Traveling widely.
  • Itinerant (adj.): Traveling from place to place.
  • Sojourn (v.): To stay as a temporary resident.
  • Traverse (v.): To go or travel across or over; to move or pass along or through.
  • Circumnavigate (v.): To go completely around, especially by water .
  • Peregrinate (v.): To travel, especially on foot; to walk or travel over.
  • Peripatetic (n.): Movement or journeys hither and thither.
  • Coddiwomple (v.): To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.
  • Dérive (n.): A spontaneous and unplanned journey where the traveler is guided by the landscape and architecture.
  • Hitoritabi (n.): Traveling alone; solitary journey.

Words for Travelers

  • Nemophilist (n.): One who is fond of forests or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.
  • Gadabout (n.): A person who flits about in social activity.
  • Flâneur (n.): A person who strolls the city in order to experience it; deliberately aimless.
  • Nefelibata (n.): One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not obey conventions of society, literature, or art; “cloud walker.”
  • Hodophile (n.): One who loves to travel; a traveler with a special affinity for roads.
  • Wayfarer (n.): A traveler, especially on foot.
  • Livsnjutare (n.): One who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.
  • Thalassophile (n.): A lover of the sea; someone who loves the sea, ocean.
  • Musafir (n.): “Traveler” in Arabic, Persian, Hindu, and Urdu.
  • Nomad (n.): An individual who roams about.
  • Solivagent (adj.): Someone who wanders or travels the world alone; a solitary adventurer.
  • Luftmensch (n.): An impractical dreamer, literally an air person; someone with their head in the clouds.

Creative Travel Words

  • Sturmfrei (adj.): The freedom of being alone and being able to do what your heart desires.
  • Resfeber (n.): The restless race of a traveler’s heart before a journey begins; a ‘travel fever’ of anxiety and anticipation.
  • Hireath (n.): A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.
  • Sonder (v.): The full definition, taken from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows , is: “[Sonder is] the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.”
  • Fernweh (n.): An ache for a distant place; missing places you’ve never been before.
  • Sehnsucht (n.): A craving for adventure; an intense yearning for something far-off and indefinable.
  • Numinous (adj.): A powerful feeling of both fear and fascination, of being in awe and overwhelmed by what is before you.
  • Vagary (v.): An unpredictable instance; a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action.
  • Saudade (n.): A nostalgic longing to be near again to something, someone, or some place that is distant, or which has been loved and then lost.
  • Trouvaille (n.): Something lovely discovered by chance; a windfall.
  • Yoko meshi (n.): The peculiar stress induced by speaking a foreign language.
  • Selcouth (adj.): Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous.
  • Yugen (n.): A profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe that triggers a deep emotional response .
  • Novaturient (adj.): A desire to seek powerful change in one’s life; the feeling that pushes you to travel.
  • Travitude (n.): When you start to feel grumpy and sassy because you miss traveling.
  • Eudaimonia (n.): The condition of human flourishing or of living well.
  • Ukiyo (n.): Living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life; “the floating world.”
  • Strikehedonia (n.): The joy of being able to say “to hell with it.”
  • Solivagant (n.): To wander alone. Someone who is a solo adventurer who travels the world. This word comes from the Latin word solivagus , which means lonely or solitary.
  • Eleutheromania (n.): A great or incredible desire for freedom. This is a person who has an intense longing for liberty and independence.
  • Cockaigne (n.): A place of luxury or idleness. This word comes from the French word cocaigne, which means “the land of plenty.”
  • Ecophobia (n.): An abnormal fear of home surroundings.
  • Morii (n.): The desire to capture a fleeting moment.
  • Exulansis (n.): This is what you feel when you stop trying to explain or talk about an experience because the surrounding people cannot relate to it.
  • Rückkehrunruhe (n.): The feeling of returning home after a trip and finding that you keep forgetting you’ve been away. The person has to constantly remind themselves that the excursion even happened.
  • Absquatulate (n.): To flee or leave abruptly without saying goodbye.
  • Onism (n.): The awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience. The frustration of being stuck in just one body that inhabits only one place at a time.
  • Hygge (n.): The cozy feeling of relaxing with friends while having a meal or drinks. A quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a sense of contentment or well-being.

This article was originally published on Jan. 8, 2021

love to travel called

Nomads, Jetsetters, and Wayfarers: What Do You Call A Person Who Loves Traveling?

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: August 2, 2023  - Last updated: August 3, 2023

Categories Travel

So, you’re a person who loves to travel? You’ve got an insatiable urge to pack your bags and explore the world’s hidden corners. But what do we call you?

Wanderlust has likely driven you across borders, but is there more to it than that? From being a globetrotter who hops from one country to another, a nomad without a fixed home, or even a drifter constantly on the move – there’s more than one way to label this love for journeying.

Perhaps you’re a digital nomad embracing technology while living life on the road or an expatriate residing in foreign lands long-term. As we delve into these different terms and their meanings, let’s also ponder over how travel promotes cultural exchange and necessitates responsible tourism.

Let’s embark on this adventurous linguistic journey together!

Key Takeaways

  • Travelers who love traveling can fall into various categories such as backpackers, digital nomads, expatriates, and solo travelers.
  • These individuals thrive on adventure, discovery, and self-discovery, and embrace the challenges and rewards of traveling.
  • They appreciate diverse cultures, seek personal growth and extraordinary experiences, and create unforgettable memories and stories to share.
  • Travelers who love traveling can also contribute to local communities, engage in meaningful projects, and make a positive impact on the world through their travels.

Wanderlust: Defining the Term

You’ve got that itch to explore, haven’t you? That’s called wanderlust, a term used to describe someone who has a deep desire to travel. It’s not just about visiting new places; it’s a relentless call of the unknown that tickles your curiosity and pushes you to step outside your comfort zone.

In terms of wanderlust psychology, it’s much more than an urge to break routine—it’s an inherent part of your character. You thrive on exploration and discovery, constantly seeking out new experiences and cultures. However, be aware of the travel addiction impact – while it can enrich your life with unique experiences and memories, always ensure balance so as not to disrupt other aspects of life.

Your adventurous spirit makes you a true wanderluster – someone forever longing for distant horizons and fresh adventures!

Wanderer: An Old Term with a Modern Meaning

Here’s the scoop: a wanderer isn’t just an old term, it’s morphed into a modern label for globe-trotters with an insatiable desire to explore. The word conjures images of historical wanderers, like nomadic tribes and seafaring explorers who broke boundaries and mapped uncharted territories.

Wanderer psychology suggests an innate thirst for new experiences. Here are some key traits that define them:

  • Curiosity: A ceaseless yearning to discover the unknown.
  • Resilience: The ability to adapt and thrive in unfamiliar environments.
  • Freedom-seeking: A deep-seated urge to break free from societal norms.

As you embark on your own adventures, remember: being a wanderer is about embracing the journey as much as the destination. It’s about coloring outside the lines of conventional life and daring to live differently.

Globetrotter: A World Traveler

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of being a globetrotter, exploring every corner of this magnificent earth with an open heart and an adventurous spirit. As you journey from one country to another, tasting exotic cuisines, interacting with diverse cultures, your understanding of the world exponentially expands.

Indeed, being a globetrotter is not just about traveling; it’s about embracing life in its rawest form.

Nomad: A Person Without a Fixed Home

In stark contrast, a nomad’s life isn’t tethered to any one place – it’s a fluid existence that flows with the rhythm of their heart. The lure of new experiences and cultures is what drives the modern nomadism. It’s not about traveling for them; it’s about living.

A nomadic lifestyle is all about embracing change, seeking out novelty and taking the road less traveled. As a modern nomad, you aren’t just visiting places – you’re immersing yourself in them, learning their stories, and making them part of your own perpetual journey.

Drifter: Someone Who Moves from Place to Place

Drifters, much like nomads, embrace a life on the move, but with a twist. They’re not just without a permanent home; they thrive in change and crave new experiences. The drifter lifestyle is inherently adventurous and full of excitement.

Drifters frequently:

  • Seek out unfamiliar territories for the thrill of discovery.
  • Immerse themselves in diverse cultures to broaden their perspective.

However, being a drifter comes with its own set of challenges:

Drifter challenges often include:

  • Navigating language barriers or cultural differences.
  • Facing uncertainty about what’s next or where they’ll sleep each night.

As you roam from place to place as a drifter, you relish the unpredictability that accompanies your journey. Every landscape holds promise; every interaction offers another story.

Peregrinator: A Medieval Term for Traveler

As a peregrinator, your heart beats in rhythm with the unknown roads of medieval times, stirring deep emotions of awe and curiosity for what lies beyond the horizon. Your spirit is eternally ignited by unfamiliar landscapes, and you find joy in every step that brings you closer to new experiences.

Delving into peregrinator origins, it hails from Medieval Latin ‘peregrinatus’, meaning foreigner or stranger. It’s a term that paints vivid images of ancient travelers embarking on journeys through uncharted territories using medieval travel methods. Imagine yourself on horseback or foot, navigating through dense forests, across rocky terrains under open skies. You’re guided only by natural landmarks and stars above.

Living as a modern-day peregrinator, you carry these profound echoes of history within you, enriching each journey with depth and meaning.

Vagabond: The Romanticized Traveler

Moving on from the medieval peregrinator, let’s journey into the romanticized world of the vagabond.

As a vagabond, you’re more than just a traveler. You represent freedom and adventure, living life on your own terms. You’re drawn to the open road like a moth to a flame, craving new experiences and landscapes.

The vagabond lifestyle challenges conventional norms – it’s not for everyone but it calls out to your rebellious spirit. Literature is rife with depictions of such wanderers, capturing their unquenchable thirst for exploration in poetic detail.

From Jack Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’ to John Steinbeck’s ‘Travels with Charley’, vagabonds are often portrayed as intriguing characters who dare to embrace uncertainty in their pursuit of discovery.

Jetsetter: The Modern, Stylish Traveler

Jetsetters, aren’t they just the epitome of modern, chic exploration? They are individuals who’ve mastered ‘Jetsetter Etiquette’, zipping from one end of the globe to another with an unrivaled flair.

As you envision them stepping off a private jet, you can almost feel the cool breeze that accompanies their commanding presence. They effortlessly blend into any locale, savoring unfamiliar delicacies or conversing in foreign tongues.

Their travel style is dictated by ‘Luxury Travel Trends’ – think five-star resorts in Bali or skiing getaways in Swiss Alps. Their Instagram feeds glisten with sun-soaked beaches and towering cityscapes.

Jetsetters embody the adventurous spirit of today’s world travelers; seeking not just destinations but experiences – memories captured not only through lenses but also etched forever in their hearts.

Explorer: The Adventurous Traveler

On the other end of the spectrum, there’s something incredibly alluring about strapping on your hiking boots and embracing the unpredictable thrill that comes with being an adventurous explorer. You’re not just a tourist; you are a traveler in its truest sense.

  • You live for the unknown and thrive on exploring uncharted territories.
  • Your Explorer Psychology drives you to push boundaries, challenging yourself with every trip.
  • Mapping Journeys is more than just plotting routes; it’s about discovering new cultures, cuisines, landscapes, and experiences.
  • The joy of travel for you lies in immersing yourself in unfamiliar surroundings and connecting with local communities.
  • Every journey for you is an epic adventure story waiting to unfold.

So pack your bags, chart your course – because as an explorer, every mile is a thrill!

Backpacker: The Budget-Conscious Traveler

As a backpacker, your heart beats for the thrill of adventure and the joy of discovery, all while keeping a keen eye on the purse strings. You’re an expert at budget travel hacks like finding hidden gem hostels or eating like a local to save pennies. Your backpack is packed strategically with only essentials – multi-use items that are lightweight yet durable.

Each day, you wake up in new surroundings ready to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. You navigate through bustling markets, sit by serene riversides, or trek along rugged mountain trails. Every step is an experience gained and a penny saved. You cherish these priceless moments more than any five-star hotel could offer.

You’re not just a traveler; you’re a backpacker – adventurous, resourceful, and always on the move.

Tourist Vs Traveler: Understanding the Difference

Ever wondered about the fine line that separates a tourist from a traveler, and where you might fit in? It’s time to debunk those tourist stereotypes and delve into the psyche of a true traveler.

As opposed to tourists who often follow pre-planned itineraries, travelers seek out unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences. They thrive on immersing themselves in diverse cultures and capturing moments rather than just landmarks.

Tourists, however, aren’t always sunburned folks with fanny packs; many are simply seeking comfort and familiarity while exploring new places.

So whether you’re a seasoned traveler or an eager tourist, remember: every journey offers its own adventure and learning experience. Just embrace your style of travel without judgment! The world is waiting for your footprints.

Digital Nomad: The New-Age Traveler

Having explored the nuances between a tourist and a traveler, let’s now set our compass towards a new breed of globetrotters – Digital Nomads.

You’re no longer bound by traditional notions of travel. This is about merging work and wanderlust, where every coffee shop or beach becomes your office.

But be warned, it’s not all scenic backdrops and exotic cuisines; there are remote work challenges to contend with too. Internet issues, timezone troubles, language barriers – these might test your spirit at times.

However, you strive for sustainable travel practices to respect Mother Earth even as you tread her diverse paths. You’re the epitome of an adventurous soul embracing technology while respecting cultures and ecosystems alike!

Welcome aboard this journey as a digital nomad!

Expatriate: Living Abroad Long-Term

It’s not just fleeting adventures that tantalize some; there are those who choose to fully immerse themselves in a foreign culture, becoming expatriates and living abroad long-term. You may be drawn to the allure of starting anew or the prospect of an adventurous life filled with unexpected twists and turns.

However, being an expatriate is not always smooth sailing. There can be challenges such as navigating language barriers, struggling with local dialects, misunderstanding cultural nuances, adjusting to new customs and traditions, dealing with homesickness, and missing familiar comfort foods.

On the flip side, the benefits of expatriation can outweigh these trials. They include developing newfound appreciation for diverse cultures, broadening your global perspective, and forming lasting friendships across borders.

The journey may be tough at times, but it’s often one filled with personal growth and extraordinary experiences.

Cultural Exchange: The Role of Travel in Promoting Understanding

Travel plays a vital role in promoting cultural understanding and fostering global harmony. It’s not just about ticking off destinations on a map. Imagine yourself stepping into bustling markets of Bangkok or savoring the delicate flavors of French wine in Paris. These are more than just simple excursions; they’re cultural immersion experiences that open your mind to various perspectives and ways of life.

Your adventures become a form of travel as diplomacy, breaking down barriers and building bridges between cultures. You realize that despite our differences, there’s so much we share as part of the human family.

This way, you’re not only satisfying your wanderlust but also contributing to global unity. So be that passionate traveler who loves learning and understanding the world from different angles!

Responsible Tourism: The Role of the Conscious Traveler

As a globetrotter, embracing responsible tourism isn’t just about exploring new territories; it’s your chance to make a positive impact on the world.

Imagine setting foot in unspoiled landscapes, breathing in the purity of nature. Yet, it’s not enough to marvel at these wonders; you’ve got to protect them too.

Adopting sustainable practices is an adventure itself, as you learn how little changes can make big differences. Whether it’s respecting local customs or reducing waste, every action counts towards ethical tourism.

One Luggage To Destination

100 Love Travel Quotes to Inspire You For Adventure

Table of Content

Traveling and love share an incredible connection. Both journeys take you to places you’ve never been before, fill your heart with unforgettable moments, and create memories that last a lifetime. Love and travel intertwine like the threads of a beautiful tapestry, and the result is a life enriched by adventure, companionship, and discovery.

In this collection of 100 Love Travel Quotes, we’ll explore the profound ways in which love and travel intersect. These quotes capture the essence of exploring the world with a loved one, cherishing the shared experiences, and finding romance in the most unexpected places.

Love Travel Quotes

  • “Adventure is always better when shared.”
  • “Traveling with you is my favorite adventure.”
  • “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Unknown
  • “Exploring the world with you is my idea of a perfect date.”
  • “Love is the compass that guides us in our travels.” – Unknown
  • “Our love story is written in the places we’ve been.”
  • “Love knows no borders.”
  • “With you, every destination is a dream come true.”
  • “We’re not lost; we’re exploring together.”
  • “Traveling with you is like a romantic movie.”
  • “You, me, and the open road—what more could we ask for?”
  • “Love and adventure are the best travel companions.”
  • “In your arms, I’ve found my favorite place in the world.”
  • “Together is our favorite place to be.”
  • “Love and travel go hand in hand, for they both lead to unforgettable journeys.”
  • “Our love is the greatest adventure.”
  • “Every moment with you is an adventure of a lifetime.”
  • “Traveling together is a journey of love.”
  • “With you, every day is an adventure.”
  • “Love and travel—two incredible journeys combined.”
  • “Exploring the world is better when you’re holding my hand.”
  • “Life is short; let’s travel the world together.”
  • “You are my greatest adventure.”
  • “The world is more beautiful with you by my side.”
  • “Love grows as we explore.”
  • “With you, every place feels like home.”
  • “Our love story is a travel diary.”
  • “Together, we’re writing the best chapters of our lives.”
  • “Love makes every journey sweeter.”
  • “My heart is always on an adventure with you.”
  • “Love is the ultimate souvenir of our travels.”
  • “Adventures are better when shared with the one you love.”
  • “The best part of any journey is being with you.”
  • “You are my favorite travel companion.”
  • “Our love knows no boundaries.”
  • “Love is the greatest adventure.”
  • “Love and travel—my two favorite things.”
  • “Exploring the world, one love story at a time.”
  • “I’d travel to the ends of the Earth with you.”
  • “Our love is an adventure waiting to happen.”
  • “Our love story is a journey, and the best is yet to come.”
  • “Adventure is calling, and love is leading the way.”
  • “I love you more with every adventure we share.”
  • “Our love is like a compass; it always points us in the right direction.”
  • “With you, I’m at home anywhere in the world.”
  • “You are the destination of my heart’s journey.”
  • “In your arms, I’ve found my paradise.”
  • “Together, we’re making memories all over the world.”
  • “Love is the greatest adventure, and you are my favorite companion.”
  • “Our love story is the most beautiful journey I’ve ever been on.”
  • “Exploring the world with you is a dream come true.”
  • “In every journey, love is our guide.”
  • “Life is short; let’s travel often and love deeply.”
  • “With you, even the longest flights feel short.”
  • “Adventure awaits, and I want to share it with you.”
  • “In your eyes, I find the beauty of every place we visit.”
  • “With you, every day feels like an adventure.”
  • “You are my favorite adventure.”
  • “Love makes every destination special.”
  • “Together, we’re collecting moments, not things.”
  • “Traveling with you is the best kind of escape.”
  • “With you, every sunrise is more beautiful.”
  • “Exploring new places with you is the greatest gift.”
  • “Love and travel are the keys to a happy heart.”
  • “You are the map to my heart’s journey.”
  • “In your smile, I find the warmth of every destination.”
  • “With you, I’m on a perpetual adventure.”
  • “Our love story is a journey that will last a lifetime.”
  • “Love knows no distance.”
  • “With you, every journey is a love story.”
  • “Our love is the compass that points us to new adventures.”
  • “In your laughter, I hear the echoes of our travels.”
  • “You are my favorite adventure buddy.”
  • “Together, we’re creating a lifetime of memories.”
  • “With you, every moment becomes an adventure.”
  • “Our love is the most beautiful journey.”
  • “Adventure is calling, and I want you by my side.”
  • “In your love, I find my home.”
  • “Traveling with you is my greatest joy.”
  • “With you, I’m living my dream adventure.”
  • “Our love is the destination of a lifetime.”
  • “Love and adventure make the perfect pair.”
  • “You are my heart’s true north.”
  • “Together, we’re making the world our playground.”
  • “With you, every day feels like a new beginning.”
  • “Our love story is an adventure I cherish.”
  • “In your love, I’ve found my greatest treasure.”
  • “With you, every place feels like a fairytale.”
  • “Love is the greatest adventure, and you’re my favorite partner.”
  • “Our love story is written in the footprints of our travels.”
  • “Adventure is the spice of life, and you’re my favorite flavor.”
  • “With you, every journey is a work of art.”
  • “You are the reason I believe in love at first sight—of a new destination.”
  • “Our love is like a well-traveled road, filled with memories and adventure.”
  • “In your love, I find the strength to explore the unknown.”
  • “With you, every journey feels like an epic adventure.”
  • “Our love is the passport to a world of happiness.”
  • “Love is the journey, and you’re my favorite travel partner.”
  • “With you, every day is an adventure worth living.”

As we conclude this exploration of 100 Love Travel Quotes, we’re reminded that love and travel are the twin flames of life’s grand adventure. They push us to step outside our comfort zones, connect with others on a profound level, and savor the beauty of the world around us.

If you’re wandering through bustling cities, relaxing on sun-kissed beaches, or trekking through remote landscapes, may these quotes be a source of inspiration and motivation. Let them serve as a reminder that love and travel are not only destinations but also incredible journeys that enrich our lives and shape our souls.

So, embark on your next adventure with an open heart, create lasting memories with those you love, and let the magic of travel and love continue to inspire your life’s story.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an inspirational quote about travel and love.

An inspirational quote about travel and love might be: “Traveling with the one you love is like writing a beautiful novel together, filled with adventures, chapters of laughter, and pages of love.”

What does love to travel mean?

“Love to travel” means having a deep passion and enthusiasm for exploring new destinations, seeking adventure, and embracing the enriching experiences that travel brings.

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Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

Hodophile is the term used to reference people who love to travel. It means “one who loves to travel.” People love to travel for many reasons. It offers them a chance to escape the monotony of daily life, explore new cultures and ways of life, and gain new perspectives.

Traveling can also be an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and adventure. For many, the memories created and relationships built while traveling are priceless. It also allows people to break out of their comfort zones and step outside their familiar surroundings, leading to a greater appreciation for the world and their place in it.

Additionally, traveling can offer a sense of relaxation, stress relief, and numerous physical and mental health benefits. Ultimately, travel is a unique and fulfilling experience that appeals to people’s curiosity and desire for new experiences.

#1 – We Travel to Experience

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Pamela of The Directionally Challenged Traveler

We travel to experience – new cultures, new food, new adventures, and new people. These experiences are more than just a check on a list of things to do in a place, but rather a way to change the core of who we are.

Cooking a traditional dish in a local’s home is an experience of kindness and loving our neighbors despite how different they are. Bungee jumping in a canyon shows us that we are stronger than the fears that try to stop us. Standing in pristine nature reminds us that we are connected to this earth. Even the difficult experiences of getting lost somewhere teach us to be adaptable and open to where the road is taking us.

Traveling opens us to experiences that we may never have thought we could have – and many of which we can’t have if we’re glued to our screens. We travel to experience all that life has to offer us – the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the powerful.

#2 – We Travel to Eat

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Sydney from A World in Reach

Eating delicious food is a major part of my everyday life, and that doesn’t stop when traveling. One of my favorite parts about visiting a new place is experiencing all the delicious food that it has to offer. I’m always so excited to try new foods, especially local dishes I can’t find back home.

When it comes to trying new foods, I don’t discriminate. I love trying everything from cheap street food to fine dining and even dishes that some might consider strange.

Some of the highlights of my travels have been experiencing fine dining in Japan, trying guinea pigs for the first time in Ecuador, and sampling amazing street food all around the world. Taking a cooking class is another fun way to experience local cuisine – you’ll be able to try new dishes and learn how to prepare them at home!

Even if you’re a picky eater, I recommend stepping out of your comfort zone (even if it’s just a baby step) on your next trip and trying a new dish. Who knows – you might even come home with a new favorite food!

#3 – We Travel to Meet Others

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Nick of The World Overload

One of the best parts of traveling is being able to interact with people from all over the world you never would have otherwise. Not only does traveling help get you out of your comfort zone, but it’s a great opportunity to find others of a similar mindset. You can meet people with similar interests, personalities, or professional careers. It allows you to branch out and opens up endless possibilities.

Meeting and starting up a conversation with strangers are never easy, even more, when you are completely out of your element in another country. But it does help to get you out of your comfort zone and to be a more adventurous type of person.

Introducing yourself to some locals gives you a chance to experience a new city and country authentically firsthand. They might even have suggestions on locations and events you may not have even heard about or considered going to.

Not only do you make new friends while you’re making your way through the world, but what about after you are done traveling? You get a whole network of local and international friends.

Keeping in touch with people from your traveling days not only lets you reminisce about the good old days, but they may want to come out and visit you. This not only gives you a chance to reconnect with some old friends but may get you out of your stay-at-home rut. Or even give you an opportunity to play tour guide to your own hometown.

#4 – We Travel to Bond

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Corritta of  It’s a Family Thing

We had the idea to become a full-time travel family after I had to return to work only 7-weeks after giving birth to our son. I was angry that I barely had the time to heal, let alone spend quality time with my son. We decided to sell everything and travel to spend more time together as a family.

Travel has allowed us to bond. I haven’t missed a moment of our son’s major life milestones because we decided to leave the daily grind and travel. We are growing together and learning from one another in different ways that wouldn’t be possible if we lived the typical lifestyle.

Traveling together has given us some life-altering memories. We’re learning from each other’s interests, up close and personal. As we take on different experiences throughout our journey, we can always rely on one another.

#5 – We Travel to Explore

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Debbie of WorldAdventurists.com

The world is huge, and there are endless adventures out there! There is a great allure in experiencing different cultures and meeting people from all over the world. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new ways of life, and challenge what we think we already know about the world. The more you explore, the more you also realize how little you know, fueling the fire for more exploration.

Travel has an amazing ability to take us outside of our comfort zones. We are constantly inspired to experience and try new things, take chances, and become the best version of ourselves as we learn from the world around us. Travel broadens the mind and feeds the soul.

We travel to explore because it gives us a true perspective. We develop a greater appreciation for things we would otherwise take for granted and gain a greater respect for different ways of life.

#6 – We Travel to Relax

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Tawnya of Money Saved is Money Earned

An oft-forgotten reason we love to travel is simply to relax. While it’s great to travel to see and explore new places, it’s also important to plan trips just for relaxing . These trips help you escape the hustle of everyday life and recharge your body and mind. Relaxing trips are essential for reducing stress and boosting your mental health.

It’s important to think about your purpose for traveling before planning or booking. If you want to relax, make sure you pick a destination and accommodations that will help serve this purpose. Think about the beach, nature, pools or water, and other things to help you kick back and enjoy it all.

Be sure to limit your use of technology, go with like-minded people (or solo), and not overbook yourself with activities. If you simply must do some exploring, alternate exploration and relaxation days so you don’t need a vacation to recover from your vacation!

Knowing who we are is an integral part of life. It helps us to love ourselves better. Along life’s journey, we often feel as if we’ve lost ourselves. Traveling is a good way for us to rediscover the things we used to love and discover new passions.  We get lost to find ourselves again.

#7 – We Travel to Escape

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Cassie of Cassie the Hag

We travel to escape – to run away not just from our troubles but towards something better. Some are escaping mediocrity, monotony, or the expectations set by traditions and society. Others want to escape a life they already cherish, just for a little while, to experience something new and go back home with appreciation.

Some of us are escaping traumas, the darkest depths of our pasts. I have learned that travel is merely a distraction from our struggles; the things that haunt us can follow us all around the world. But, in allowing ourselves space and time to deal with these things, travel can help us find a path toward acceptance.

We travel to escape our former perceptions of ourselves. We are braver, stronger, and more deserving than we ever knew. We travel to escape our preconceived limits – we push ourselves, we grapple with our mind over matter and our feet over the earth.

We escape a sense of never quite belonging in favor of feeling connected to the world around us. And thus, we learn compassion toward people who cannot escape. We learn privilege. We learn to be grateful that we were able to escape our troubles and hope to be better for those who cannot.

#8 – We Travel to Learn

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Brodi of Our Off Beat Life

My family and I travel to learn. When on the go, we prioritize picking up a few key phrases in the local language as well as educational opportunities in each place. If there are ruins, museums, or nature tours, we do it all!

However, education is more than formal learning. It’s also just experiencing new things to expand our worldview. Trying local cuisine in restaurants or food carts helps us learn about our new location. Staying in local housing, not just resorts, helps us understand how people live their lives around the world.

One of our favorite ways to learn is visiting local parks and playgrounds. This gives us an opportunity to see how local people like to spend their free time. Throughout Asia, we found many adults using the free outdoor workout equipment in the parks while kids played on playgrounds nearby.

Typically, our first reaction to travel is noticing how people and lifestyles are different from our own. However, the more we travel, the more we learn about the similarities between people and cultures around the world.

#9 – We Travel to Teach

Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

By Sally of Our 3 Kids V the World

People travel for many different reasons, but mine as a mother is two-fold. I travel to teach my children, ‘our little citizens of the world’ we call them. Travel teaches them about different cultures, different food, different sights and senses, and to be more accepting of others and their differences. We have taught them to adapt quickly to new environments, to live outside their comfort zone, and, best of all, to challenge themselves.

When we travel, we give them their own money before we leave Australia. They have it changed into a different currency, whether that currency might go further than home or not as far. We teach them to budget their money so they can buy the things they want.

We teach them to catch public transport and how to get around in different places, using all sorts of modes of transport. We hire private guides at culturally significant landmarks such as Angkor Wat, Taj Mahal, and Bagan so that we learn the history of the place and why it is so significant to the country as we are visiting.

This learning can’t be taught in a classroom, and they are learning valuable lessons they will need later. Best of all, my kids are patient, accepting, adventurous and adaptable in all aspects of their lives, and I attribute that to all the amazing travel experiences we have been able to provide them with. And we get to see the world through a child’s eyes which is priceless.

#10 – We Travel to…

We Travel to…

“We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate. We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the globe whose riches are differently dispersed. And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again- to slow time down and get taken in, and fall in love once more.” ― Pico Iyer

This article originally appeared on Wander With Alex .  


Why Are We So Obsessed With Traveling? 10 Reasons.

Alexandrea Sumuel is a nationally syndicated travel writer and founder of the Wander With Alex travel blog. Her work has appeared on MSN, YAHOO!, Euronews, and FOX, ABC, and NBC affiliates across the United States. 

Alex travels to experience, eat, explore, and occasionally escape! She collaborates with destinations, vacation property management companies, and hospitality technology firms to provide her readers with exclusive insights and information.

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33 Meaningful Reasons Why People LOVE to Travel

A World in Reach contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a commission at no cost to you! Read my full disclosure here .

“Do you like to travel?”

This is a question I’ve been asked so many times in my life.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with seeing the world. In high school, I joined all of the clubs that had travel opportunities to out-of-state conferences.

In college, I studied abroad four times – and planned solo trips and trips with friends in between!

You could say that I LOVE to travel – it’s also one of the reasons I created this blog! Traveling is in my blood, and I have two major missions in life: 1. see as much of the world as possible, and 2. inspire others to do the same!

There’s even a word for people like me. I’m a hodophil e , which means “one who loves to travel.”

I could talk all day long about why I love traveling and the fulfillment that traveling has brought to my life. And there are tons of other travelers out there that feel the same as me!

To put together this ultimate list of reasons why people love to travel, I worked with some fellow travel addicts to tell stories of what travel means to us.

You’ll find stories of personal growth, checking off bucket list experiences, and learning new things – all thanks to travel.

So, if you’re thinking about traveling the world for yourself, or are just wondering about how traveling can change your life, keep reading for personal stories of why people love to travel!

Table of Contents

1. Travel helps you check things off your bucket list.

Written by Sydney from A World in Reach

Tourists walking on the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China

Growing up in a small, rural town, I dreamed of one day flying across the ocean, visiting world-class cities, and seeing the landmarks I had only seen on TV in real life.

I had always found Stonehenge and its history to be so fascinating, and I thought that climbing the Great Wall of China would be one of the coolest things anyone could do.

Seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris sparkle at night was something I often dreamed about, as was walking through the hectic streets of Tokyo.

At the time, all of these experiences seemed like a pipe dream. How would I ever be able to afford to visit such faraway places?

But now, thanks to the gift of travel, I’ve been able to check all of these things and more off of my bucket list. And thanks to learning how to travel on a budget, I’ve been doing it cheaply while still maximizing my experiences.

Today, my bucket list is never-ending – each time I check something off, something new gets added. I’m still dreaming of seeing the Pyramids of Giza, going on a South African safari, and eating my way through Mexico City.

I wake up each day thankful for the experiences I’ve been given, and I look forward each day to checking the next thing off my bucket list.

2. Traveling gets you out of your comfort zone.

A canal in Amsterdam at twilight

One of the things I love most about traveling is that it gets me out of my comfort zone.

To me, travel is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences in the world. Hopping off a plane and being in a completely new environment is a feeling unlike any other.

When I get stuck in my day-to-day routine, I crave the excitement (and sometimes, chaos) of a travel day.

Traveling forces you to do something difficult – you might have to navigate a city with a language barrier, get accustomed to cultural norms totally different from your own, or figure out how to get a spare key to your accommodation when you got locked out of your Airbnb late at night with a dying phone battery (if you’re wondering why that’s so specific, it’s because it was easily my most stressful travel experience to date!).

Thanks to travel allowing me to get out of my comfort zone, I’ve improved my critical thinking and decision-making skills. I’ve also become a more empathetic person, and striking up conversations with strangers doesn’t seem so intimidating since I do it regularly when traveling.

Travel is an incredible way to broaden your horizons and expand your worldview. It challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone, confront your fears and insecurities, and connect with others.

If you’re ever yearning for an escape from the routine, start planning a trip.

3. Travel lets you try new foods.

Cheesy oysters on Miyajima Island in Japan

I travel for a lot of reasons – seeing iconic landmarks in person, learning something new at museums and historical sites, and meeting new people from different walks of life.

One of my favorite things about travel though is all of the different food!

I’ve always been a foodie, and traveling has opened me up to so many unique dishes and cuisines that I can’t get at home.

Some of my fondest travel memories include eating my way through Ueno Market (one of the best things to do in Tokyo ), trying cuy (guinea pig) in Ecuador, and taking a Hawaiian cooking class in Oahu.

When I’m planning a trip, I always keep a list of foods to try and the best restaurants to visit. I also love taking local cooking classes so that I can learn how to make the dishes at home!

One of the #1 pieces of travel advice I always give others is to always try a new food , even if it’s something out of your comfort zone. You never know, you might end up with a new favorite!

4. Travel lets you escape everyday life and discover yourself.

Written by Kristin from Tiny Footsteps Travel

Skydiving over the beach in Australia

Traveling helps you discover not only new places but yourself.

Having grown up in a small town that I never left where I faced bullying at school, it was hard to imagine life outside of my reality.

At 12 years old, I got on a plane for the first time, to visit family in Sweden. This was my first taste of international travel, and it taught me more than just that there are beautiful, breathtaking landscapes abroad.

In meeting my extended family members, I learned that life could look different from how I grew up. Travel became my passion that fired my spirit, and became the dream at the end of the tunnel whenever I faced hard days.

I pursued traveling in my teens and early 20s. I traveled back to Sweden and also lived abroad in France, Germany, Mexico, South Korea, and Australia.

Overseas in far-off countries, it didn’t matter whether I was popular in school or not. I got to meet people as a whole new person and discover what I liked and who I really was.

I empowered myself by doing adventurous things, like skydiving on the beach in Australia.

Now as an adult, I love to give the gift of travel to my own two children. Our most recent family trip was to Costa Rica , which is the perfect destination with kids, a partner, or on your own.

5. When you travel, you get to learn about other cultures.

Written by Cristina from My Little World of Travelling

Chichen Itza in Mexico

One of the main reasons why I love traveling is learning about other cultures. Although you can read books, watch documentaries or hear other travelers’ stories, nothing is better than experiencing the culture yourself.

Each destination I’ve visited has taught me something about a culture, but Mexico stands out for me. Despite Spanish being my first language, Mexican Spanish and culture are very different from Spain’s.

Visiting places like Chichen Itza and eating at local restaurants inspired me to cook more Mexican foods at home, learn more about its gastronomy, and made me curious about their traditions.

I also love that you can take new habits and traditions from other countries. Having traveled and lived in the UK , I adopted new habits like drinking tea and using words and expressions from regions like Yorkshire.

6. Traveling allows you to meet new, interesting people.

Written by Tammi from Wander Healthy

Traveling is a fantastic way to meet new and interesting people, especially for first-time travelers.

It puts you outside of your usual routine, providing opportunities to interact with people who share unique insights and experiences about the places you’re visiting. This is an easy and awesome way to learn about different cultures and customs.

Whether it’s chance encounters or shared experiences, you’re likely to interact with others every time you turn around.

It could be striking up a conversation on a train, meeting someone in a coffee shop, or attending a local event, but the possibilities for meeting new people are endless.

Staying in hostels or going on tours, my personal favorites, have a way of leading to conversations and lifelong connections with friends you wouldn’t have met otherwise.

Whether you’re backpacking through Europe, exploring Southeast Asia, or taking a road trip across the United States, you’re likely to meet people with interests and hobbies similar to yours, and your community builds naturally.

Traveling is the only thing that does this so effortlessly, letting you meet new and interesting people from all walks of life and create memories for a lifetime.

7. Traveling lets you see unique landscapes unlike any you’ve seen before.

Written by Sierra from Your Guide to Wandering

Mountains and a stream in Zion National Park, Utah

Traveling has allowed me to see landscapes found nowhere else in the world.

There are many places on earth that, without protection, would have disappeared with time. I’m grateful for our protected lands and historic monuments to allow me to experience nature and history from a first-hand perspective.

The ability to see fossils along my hikes in Moab, Utah, bike along 75-foot sand dunes in Cape Cod , or stroll the grounds of 12th-century castles in Portugal is invaluable.

Travel allows every day to be a different story and a different adventure. I don’t have to read about history or natural wonders just in books – I can experience them in real life.

Traveling to unique landscapes sparks our curiosity and childlike wonder. How were humans able to build the Roman Empire in ancient days with the most primitive of tools? How were the caves in Carlsbad, New Mexico formed over millions of years by just wind and water?

Travel constantly inspires me and keeps me exploring the bounds of history, science, and nature. What a privilege we get to travel and see such unique historical and natural places on Earth.

8. Travel helps you see things from a new perspective.

Written by Jo from World Wild Schooling

One of the things that I love most about traveling is the ability to see things from a new perspective.

Whether it’s a different culture, a new environment, or simply a change of scenery, traveling has a way of opening up your eyes to the world around you.

When we’re stuck in our daily routines and familiar surroundings, it’s easy to become complacent and forget about the wider world.

Traveling helps to break us out of this bubble and expose us to new ways of thinking and living. It allows us to see how people in other parts of the world approach life, work, and relationships.

For example, I was surprised to find out that in Phuket, Thailand, buses have no glass in the windows due to the consistently warm climate. This may seem like a small detail, but it highlights the unique ways that different cultures adapt to their surroundings.

Similarly, my jaw dropped when I first visited Brussels, Belgium , and saw that all signs are bilingual, even the subtitles in cinemas (yes, this means 4 lines of text!). This reflects the country’s complex linguistic history and the ongoing efforts to maintain both French and Dutch as official languages.

9. Travel can make you feel alive.

Written by Michele from Adventures Abound

Standing in front of the famous Gum Wall at Pike Place Market in Seattle

Traveling makes simple experiences feel momentous, it sparks creativity, and it makes me come alive!

My first time going to another country was when I studied abroad in Costa Rica , and I realized that even the smallest experiences like taking a bus to a cool landmark or walking to a neighborhood festival were suddenly interesting in a new country.

I loved meeting new people, learning about the culture and the language, and traveling around to see beautiful nature in Costa Rica. Even just taking a bus to go visit a coffee farm felt like the most fun adventure.

Once I went on that trip, I was bitten by the travel bug as they say.

I started seeking out ways to feel like I was exploring and that often meant getting out around where I lived.

It’s so fun to explore little towns, peruse around farmer’s markets and shop with local vendors with the lens that I am traveling like I would if I were further from home.

10. Traveling allows you to see art in the world’s best museums.

Written by Lisa from Waves and Cobblestones

One of the reasons that I love to travel is that it gives me the opportunity to visit world-class art museums and spend time looking at fabulous pieces of art up close.

It’s quite a special way to experience art when you can look at a statue from different angles to note and admire all of the fine details.

If you can, always walk around a sculpture to view it from all sides. You just can’t appreciate it in the same way from a photo.

In some museums, the way that the art is displayed improves the viewing experience. In the Musée de l’Orangerie (one of my favorite Paris attractions ), Monet’s Water Lilies paintings are displayed in a unique oval room for an immersive panoramic viewing experience.

Visiting museums is one of my favorite things to do when I travel. And it’s also a great option for a rainy day!

11. Traveling strengthens friendship bonds.

Written by Kristin from Global Travel Escapades

Two girls traveling together - traveling to strengthen bonds with friends is one of the reasons why people love to travel.

One of the biggest reasons why I love to travel is because it allows me to strengthen the bonds I share with friends.

My friends and I traveled together right after graduating from university.

Although we somewhat knew each other before going on the trip, we didn’t really know each other!

But on this trip, we spent over a week laughing our butts off, dealing with stressful situations, and generally going on all kinds of crazy adventures around French Polynesia together.

There was no shortage of mistakes during this intense period, but we all came out on the other side for the better!

Fast forward almost two years later, and we all still speak so fondly of that time together. In addition, we went from mere acquaintances to the best of friends.

So, for me, I love traveling because it helps strengthen the friendships and relationships I have with others!

12. Travel helps you learn about history and its impact on places you visit.

Written by Diana from Travels in Poland

Traveling has always been my passion, but when you visit a place where you really feel something you can’t explain, it can transform your perspective on travel.

This happened to me when I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau .

My family is Polish and my grandmother, who was there with me, couldn’t get herself to enter the camp fully for several hours. She lived through the occupation and knew people shipped off to the camp. I realized how deeply this impacted me when I visited.

I’ve long been captivated by the way events shape societies, leaving indelible marks on the fabric of their being.

Stepping onto the hallowed grounds of Auschwitz, I felt the weight of the past heavy on my shoulders.

My grandmother’s eyes, glistening with unshed tears, told a thousand stories. This was where she lost family and friends, their lives snuffed out by the unimaginable cruelty of the Holocaust.

It was in walking onto these grounds that I grasped the true power of travel: the ability to connect with the past, witness history firsthand, and gain insight into the myriad of ways it continues to shape our world.

Through this poignant journey, I found a renewed appreciation for the transformative potential of travel, and a deeper understanding of the impact places have on people. Learning not only about history, but about the way it has shaped our world, and how we can learn from it.

13. Traveling helps you find a home base.

Written by Mal from Where To Stay Bali

A street in Canggu, Bali

Traveling was always my passion, but since I quit my career in finance and my conventional life in my home country, traveling has a whole new meaning for me.

Slow travel has become my way of life and a search for somewhere I can one day settle.

Since the beginning of my digital nomad life, I’ve lived part-time in Greece, Albania, Mexico, and the Netherlands.

I loved each of these places for different reasons – for their weather, culture, food, and people.

But, there has been one place that felt different to me, more special, a place that I want to keep coming back to. I found a place in Bali , which is now my second home.

If you keep an open mind during your travels, you may also find a place like that – a second home that can change your life!

14. Travel gives you the chance to study and learn in a new culture.

Written by Amber from Amber Everywhere

I love to travel because it allows me to experience new cultures and ways of living.

In particular, I had wonderful experiences studying abroad when I was in college because it gave me a chance to learn and live in a new place.

I stayed with a host family during my first two trips abroad, once in Guatemala and again in Jordan.

Living with a local family gave me a chance to experience the culture, try different foods, and see entirely different parts of those cities that I would’ve otherwise found.

Studying abroad also gave me a chance to travel slowly, and I stayed in each place long enough to have a favorite restaurant or route to take to school.

There were smaller cultural nuances that I learned, either because they were explained to me by locals or because I just picked them up as I went.

15. Travel teaches self-confidence and self-acceptance.

Written by Chelsea from A Wandering Redhead

A girl in a red dress walking on a beach

I want to personally thank travel for the self-love and self-acceptance that it has taught me. 

Pre-travel, I was shy, people-pleasing, and disbelieving if someone called me pretty. 

Post-travel, I am confident, I love my body and what it can do for me, and I’m overall more radiant and bubbly. 

Without travel, I may have never started my self-love journey and I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today. 

I love the progress that I have made and believe that everyone should solo travel at some point in their life.

16. Traveling fulfills childhood dreams.

Written by Colleen from Then We Walked

A collage of three photos: a woman walking in a temple, a photo of a young girl, and a woman with an elephant in the background.

As a girl, I would watch Whicker’s World on our black-and-white TV.

Every week, Alan Whicker would appear on screen like a traveling James Bond, complete with his very correct English accent, and transport me to a new exotic corner of the globe.

I was enthralled. It lit a flame. I wanted to explore, too. I dreamed of Table Mountain, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Sphinx, the Parthenon, Hal Long Bay, and the Cook Islands.

But ordinary people didn’t travel in the 1960s, and I was a child.  I started work, married, bought a house, and had a family. Inside, I still dreamed.

We traveled a little, ticking off some of my bucket list, but last year, our children had flown the nest and we retired.  Now, we’re traveling and exploring in earnest!

I’ve waited half a lifetime to go exploring and I’m beyond excited about our plans.

My advice to the girl who watched the TV: don’t wait.

17. Traveling allows you to connect with nature.

Written by Taryn from Happiest Outdoors

Hiking the Overland Track in Tasmania, Australia

One of my favorite things about traveling is connecting with nature.

I love the simplicity of hiking and wilderness camping because it removes all the chaos and distractions of everyday life. It’s just me and the mountains.

It’s also a great way to understand the local ecology. I find it fascinating to learn about the way glaciers and volcanoes work or what unique animal species live in the area.

Instead of just looking at a spectacular view, I can understand the way the landscape came to be, and that deepens my relationship with the place.

Spending time traveling in nature has also been pivotal in my life.

Back in 2019, I had some time to think while hiking the 65-kilometer Overland Track in Tasmania, Australia . The trek made me realize that it was the right time to leave my 9-5 job and write full-time.

Since then I’ve expanded my outdoor adventure website, written a hiking guidebook, and moved to a small mountain town so I can hike every day. 

18. Travel increases feelings of gratitude.

Written by Kristin from World on Wheels Blog

Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil

One of the reasons I love to travel is that it makes me more grateful.

When you are constantly in the same country or even environment, it’s easy to take things for granted.

As a traveler who uses a wheelchair and lives in the United States, it’s easy to forget that not all countries have ADA laws that guarantee access.

When I travel to places like South America, I am reminded how little things like curb cuts make a huge difference in how hard or easy it is to navigate a town. I can’t help but feel sad for the people with disabilities that actually live there.

Aside from reminders about how lucky I am to live in a country that encourages accessibility for all, I also feel a sense of gratitude that I’m able to explore the world and witness some of the immense beauty it has to offer.

There’s something incredibly special about seeing the power of Iguazu Falls and realizing how small you are in this massive world of ours. It’s a feeling and experience that photography just cannot seem to capture.

Travel is important for so many reasons, but helping to feel more gratitude is one of the things that I love the most.

19. Travel humbles you.

Written by Milijana from World Travel Connector

Muxia, at the end of the Camino de Santiago trail

Gustave Flaubert, a literary genius and a wise man, once noted: “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

And indeed, it is one of many lessons that traveling teaches you. Traveling puts you into a broader perspective of time, place, and the universe.

Visiting fascinating archeological sites like Petra in Jordan, Angor Wat in Cambodia, Giza in Egypt, and Pompeii in Italy made me see what a tiny place I occupy in today’s world and question the knowledge of contemporary times. It made me think.

Meeting other cultures while traveling showed me how oblivious I could be to other customs and traditions and how much there is always left to learn.

Traveling made me aware of the prejudices that I thought never existed. Travel shamed me. However, it also taught me the importance of being always open to learning while keeping the ego in check. 

I found it especially rewarding to hike Camino de Santiago in Spain. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims walked the trail before me. The Camino reminded me of the importance of modesty, effort, perseverance, and purpose. And, most importantly, what a tiny place I occupy in the world.

So, if you like meaningful travels, prepare your  Camino de Santiago packing list and walk the Camino. Let the Camino teach you valuable life lessons! 

20. Traveling helps you de-stress and recharge.

Written by Paulina from UK Everyday

A beach on Anglesey Island in Wales

Traveling is an excellent way to de-stress and recharge.

Discovering new places can allow you to reconnect with yourself. It can also help reduce stress levels by providing a change of scenery and an escape from the mundane routines of everyday life.

Traveling can also provide people with a sense of freedom from their work-related responsibilities, allowing them to relax surrounded by natural landscapes.

Exploring some of the best beaches in Wales can be a great way to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life.

Additionally, traveling can help boost creativity, as it encourages new ideas and perspectives. This can help spark creativity by introducing fresh ideas that you might not have otherwise thought of when stressed.

For these reasons, traveling is great to help de-stress and recharge.

Furthermore, travel also provides a break from your daily routine, allowing you to step away from your comfort zone and explore the unknown without worrying about your daily problems.

21. Travel lets you connect with other cultures through the arts.

Written by Dawn from Culture Feasting

If you consider yourself an artistic person, know that traveling can be a total game-changer.

As a creative person myself, I’ve found that exploring new destinations has the power to expand my spirit and give me all sorts of new artistic opportunities.

Over the years I have come to crave the stimulation of experiencing different cultures and their unique art forms.

From visiting local museums to catching a traditional dance performance, there are so many ways to connect with the arts while on vacation.

It’s not just about admiring pretty paintings or sculptures, either. It’s about immersing yourself in a foreign environment and gaining a whole new perspective on the world.

I’ve found that this can really inspire me to incorporate new artistic elements into my own creative projects.

So next time you’re planning a trip, consider how it could enhance your love for the arts and help you connect with other cultures on a deeper level.

22. Travel gives you a change of scenery.

Written by Tina from Veganderlust

A beach in Barcelona, Spain

I grew up in a small village in Austria, a country with beautiful lakes and mountains, but also a landlocked country.

The best part about traveling is the change of scenery. My favorite places to go to are cities next to the ocean, which is a completely different scenery from landlocked Austria.

There’s nothing better on your holiday than exploring a city and then relaxing at the beach.

That’s why I really loved my last trip to Barcelona . There’s so much culture and history to discover in this city, and afterward, you can go swimming in the sea.

By visiting different places with a change of scenery, you also develop a new appreciation for your own home scenery – one of the many positive side effects of traveling.

As much as I love traveling to coastal destinations, I always love seeing the mountains when I come back home.

23. Travel can strengthen your romantic relationships.

Written by Amy & Liam from Plain2Plane

There are so many wonderful reasons to travel.

If you’re in a relationship then there is nothing better than sharing experiences with your significant other.

Imagine waking up in Egypt with your partner, ready to go out for the day. You are going parasailing together, enjoying cocktails, quad biking – the list really is endless. You get to enjoy all of this with someone that you love and care about.

Traveling can be challenging at times and you have to make many different, sometimes difficult, decisions.

You have the luxury to share these moments together and form a closer relationship unlike any other. This will help you create a deeper bond with your partner.

You will also be able to step out of your comfort zone and try new things together. This will ultimately bring you closer together too!

24. Travel is inspiring.

Written by Chelsea from Adventures of Chels

Standing in front of Machu Picchu in Peru

One of the reasons I enjoy traveling is because of the many ways it inspires me.

Traveling inspires me to better myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I’m inspired physically when I’ve committed to a trip that involves physical effort. One example would be hiking the Inca Trail in Peru.

When I learned that the trail involved miles of steady incline at high altitudes I felt motivated to prepare for that physically. This resulted in healthier eating habits and weeks of exercising leading up to my trip.

I’m inspired mentally by the way traveling increases my desire to do even more of it. This usually prompts me to tighten my budget to save for my next trip.

It also helps put into perspective the things I need vs. want and how that plays into not only my budget but also my overall happiness.

Emotionally, traveling inspires me to be a better person. When I see the way people in other parts of the world live, many times with very little, I feel humbled.

I feel inclined to be more grateful for the things I have and the experiences I’m afforded. It contributes to my overall well-being when I’m reminded of how little I need to truly be happy.

There are many reasons why I love traveling; but, the way it inspires me is definitely high on the list.

25. Travel turns kids into global citizens.

Written by Brodi from Our Offbeat Life

As full-time digital nomads, my family has seen so many places and experienced so much that I never thought possible when I was younger.

My son is learning about different cultures, languages, and ways of life that he would have never been exposed to if we had stayed in one place.

Traveling as a family has allowed him to gain a greater appreciation for the world around him.

He’s able to see how people live differently in different parts of the world and understand why those differences exist.

He is also learning valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving as he navigates through unfamiliar places and situations.

Most importantly, traveling has given him the opportunity to explore his own identity as a global citizen.

He is developing an understanding of what it means to be part of something bigger than himself – a global community – and how he can contribute positively to it.

26. Traveling helps you find new opportunities in life.

Written by Min from Amsterdam Travel Blog

Photo by Min from Amsterdam Travel Blog

Traveling is not just visiting new places, experiencing new cultures, and trying local food. It can mean much more than that; it allowed me to find new opportunities and has changed my life forever.

When traveling to Europe for the first time at 18 years old, I noticed how big the world was, and life was so different on the other side of the world.

Because of that, I became more motivated to embrace the world. I decided to travel and meet more people.

While traveling in Amsterdam , luckily, I met some friendly people, including international students from Paraguay and South Africa. They studied in the Netherlands with a full scholarship.

They told me that the Netherlands was their first choice since they could have more connections with people around the world quickly while studying, and easier to find a job here after graduation as a non-European.

I came from Taiwan and grew up there all my life. After working for a few years, I quit my job and studied in the Netherlands. Now, I finally moved to The Netherlands permanently on my own, and if I didn’t travel, I would not know that it was possible to move here.

I encourage you to travel more and be open to meeting new people. The world is so big – people you meet can help you see the world from a different perspective and get valuable information about your life.

27. Travel can help you create change in your own community.

Written by Annie from Your Friend the Nomad

Travel is not just about the place you visit, but the transformation you experience and how you transform your community in response.

I learned this when I spent a few months volunteering with a reconciliation organization in the Middle East.

Despite decades of violence between their communities, I saw ordinary people working together to build bridges across social divides.

As an outsider looking in, I only saw the tip of the iceberg of the challenges locals were facing—yet I could see that peacemaking was not an easy or quick task.

After a few months, I returned to the US completely changed. The framework for reconciliation that I learned abroad guided how I navigated the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, conversations about immigration, and even interpersonal conflicts.

Personal transformation is available to you as you travel whether you’re traversing war zones or relaxing on  tranquil tropical beaches . You just have to lean in and allow your biases to be broken.

28. Travel lets you see the vast landscapes of the world.

Written by Jessica from Uprooted Travel

Standing on sand dunes in the desert

As an outdoor adventure lover, one of the primary reasons I love to travel is to experience the vast array of landscapes the world has to offer.

This can take shape in so many different ways, from exploring the lush rainforests and rugged beaches of my own backyard in the Pacific Northwest to checking out any of the best hikes in Arches National Park in Utah, with unique sandstone fins and dramatic natural arches.

Of course, this takes me beyond my home country of the United States—there’s endless natural beauty to explore, like the turquoise waterfalls of Costa Rica , the luscious highlands of Iceland, or the sweeping grasslands of the Serengeti.

Along the way, of course, I get to enjoy all of the other aspects of travel, like trying new cuisines, befriending locals, and seeing the world through a new perspective.

But for me, getting to step foot in a uniquely stunning landscape propels me to keep traveling and seeing this big, beautiful world.

29. Travel helps you make the world a better place.

Written by Chloe from Passport Down Under

Traveling has allowed me to positively impact the world by leaving the country in a better position than when I entered it, which is what I love most about traveling.

Traveling has allowed me to give back by supporting local businesses and economies.

By choosing to buy locally-made products and using local services, I have helped to create jobs and support the growth of small businesses. This can contribute to the development of sustainable tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Furthermore, traveling has allowed me to give back through volunteering and community service.

I have participated in activities such as clean-up projects on the beaches of Byron Bay, wildlife conservation projects in Cambodia, and teaching English to local children in Thailand.

These experiences not only allowed me to contribute to the community but also to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs of the local people, especially in counties such as Cambodia.

Overall, traveling has allowed me to leave the world a better place by positively impacting the communities I visit.

30. Travel is great for learning a new language.

Written by Diana from Avagu Press

Learning a language is a huge reason to travel. While textbooks and classrooms might work for math and literature, learning a foreign language requires a bit of independent study and a lot of practice time.

The best way to get that practice time?

Immersion — spending hours, days, weeks, and even longer completely immersed in a foreign language, using it to live.

Unless you happen to live somewhere where multiple languages are spoken, travel is key to immersing yourself in a foreign language.

For the most effective language-learning, language-learning resources that specifically target your travel plans (like a Swahili-learning guide specifically for safari ) will help you make the most out of your experience.

Focus on communication, and don’t worry too much about mistakes.

The beautiful thing about being a novice in a foreign language is that nobody expects too much, so the pressure is off! Enjoy your trip, and enjoy your language learning.

31. Travel brings adventure.

Written by Melissa from My Beautiful Passport

Swimming with sea turtles in Barbados

One of the reasons I love to travel is for adventure and trying adventurous activities.

When traveling to new destinations, not only do you get to immerse yourself in different cultures and try new foods, but you have the chance to participate in exhilarating adventure sports that will leave you breathless.

From snorkeling with turtles to parasailing over beautiful coastlines, and volcano boarding down an active volcano, the rush of excitement is unmatched.

For adventure-seekers like myself, traveling to participate in activities like these create memories that last a lifetime.

I have chosen many of my vacation locations specifically for the fun adventure sports I can try there, and often, it is the first time I’m trying each activity.

The thrill of adventure travel is hard to beat, and the rush of excitement that comes with it is truly unforgettable.

32. Travel inspires me to write about and share my experiences.

Written by Wayne from Always On The Shore

The biggest reason that I love to travel is because it inspires me to write about places I’ve visited and my experiences, so I can motivate others to travel and do the same.

I have always liked traveling but I never had the money to travel until my mid-30s.  Once I started traveling more consistently, I fell in love with the idea of warm-weather locations, such as Florida.

Since I’m from Minnesota and half the year is snowy, cold weather, beach vacations became something that I became obsessed with. Later, that became writing about all things Florida and even the Caribbean.

I know that other people can relate and have similar reasons for wanting to get away, but maybe there’s something stopping them. Like maybe they’re too nervous to fly, which I also experienced, until I did research on flying, and learned ways to cope with flight anxiety.

The main takeaway is that if you’re passionate about seeing amazing places and the world like I am, don’t let anything stop you. If I can inspire others to do the same by sharing my experiences, then I’m happy.

33. Traveling gives me a creative outlet.

Pink and red rose bushes in front of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China

As I was growing up, I always assumed that I wasn’t creative. I couldn’t draw, didn’t play an instrument, and I certainly couldn’t sing or dance.

I always did great in English class, but I never enjoyed the creative writing assignments. Coming up with fictional stories just wasn’t my strong suit.

When I finished my undergraduate degree, I had studied abroad four times in four different countries. I had also gone on several independently-planned trips, both international and domestic. At that same time, I also discovered a new creative outlet: travel blogging.

In school, I was always great at writing research papers and writing travel guides was a fun way to use my strengths. Plus, I had always enjoyed giving travel advice to friends and family, so why not share my stories and tips with the world?

Since starting A World in Reach in 2018, I’ve learned and grown so much. I’m so glad that I have a creative outlet where I can share about one of the most important aspects of my life – travel – and help others explore the world on a budget.

Reasons Why People Love to Travel: Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are SO MANY reasons why people love to travel.

For some, traveling sparks creativity, brings personal growth, and helps them escape the routine. For others, traveling brings bucket-list-worthy experiences, delicious food, and adventure.

The question “Why do you love to travel?” has no right or wrong answer. Traveling is a deeply personal experience that can bring happiness to different people in many different ways.

So, if you’re thinking about traveling in the future, I hope this post and the stories told within have shown you all of the positivity that travel can bring to your life.

If you were asked, “Why do you love to travel?”, what would your answer be?

Reasons why people love to travel pinterest banner image

After traveling outside of the US for the first time while studying abroad, I quickly developed a love for travel and an obsession for exploring as much of the world as possible. Now, I'm on a mission to teach college students, young adults, and anyone else who wants to see the world how to travel while minimizing their expenses and maximizing their experiences.

Fair Dinkum Traveller

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Why I Love Travelling – a personal story about how travel changed my life

Aug 6, 2022 | Feature | 0 comments

accommodation mandurah wa

If you’re still wondering why I love travelling so much, then read on for my personal story about how travel changed my life! It’s hard to imagine where it all began because I wasn’t raised to see the world. But once the floodlights switched on and I had a taste of travel, there was no coming back. Travelling has opened my eyes to new cultures and different ways of life and shown me an endless amount of natural beauty. It has changed me as a person for the better and given me experiences that I will never forget.

There are special memories in life, like when I met my wife for the first time, my kids were born, and we bought our first house and truly felt like adults. But for me, some of my most cherished memories are from my travels. I love the adventure and excitement that comes with planning a trip, not knowing what lies ahead but being confident that it will be amazing.

Hey, not that my wedding day over 16 years ago and the day my kids were born don’t top the list; of course, they do. However, there is something about getting away from every day and exploring our big beautiful world.

From the first time I stepped foot on a plane as a young adult, I was hooked. I loved everything about flying; the anticipation of takeoff, the views from above, and finally touching down at a new destination. The sense of freedom and adventure that comes with travel is unlike anything else. And I knew that I wanted more.

So, why do I love travelling? For me, it’s all about the experiences. Each new place I visit presents an opportunity to learn something new, see things from a different perspective and make memories that will last a lifetime. 

Whether watching the sunset over the Himalayas in Nepal, I was hiking the jungle in Borneo or enjoying a coffee in a Bali cafe. While travelling, I will always create memories that I will treasure forever.

Nepal Mountain

The sunrise from Chisapani in Nepal.

Why do I love travelling, and how did it change my life? Let’s go back a bit before I even saw another country outside of Australia. By the end, you’ll understand why I love travelling and how I can’t stop.

Unless a virus takes control of the world, naturally.

I never travelled internationally growing up.

I don’t think I am alone in this because international travel is undoubtedly more convenient in modern times than in my youthful years in the 80s and 90.s. But my family never went on holidays overseas, except for domestic trips to Sydney from Melbourne. That was fine, Sydney was superb, and the memories were strong, especially the beachside area of Manly. Yet, international travel remained a mystery. 

However, going overseas was a pipedream growing up. It all changed when I got my first real job and joined the Australian Army.

My first overseas trip came about a deployment in the Army.

On my first overseas trip, I didn’t even have a passport. I didn’t need one getting deployed to another country with the Army, so that’s always a remarkable fact I like to mention from time to time. How is this for a little fun fact?

Anyway, my deployment was peacekeeping in East Timor, and I was there for just three months. It was a fantastic experience and one that changed my life in so many ways that I am forever grateful for.

However, it wasn’t a holiday. Besides being based in the hills of Bobonaro with fantastic views near the Indonesian Border, there wasn’t a lot of time to be a tourist.

Visiting South Korea is when travelling truly opened my eyes.

Okay, my first real trip overseas with an official passport happened in 2005 when I visited Seoul, South Korea, with my Korean girlfriend. Spoiler alert She became my wife, and we’ve been married 16-plus years now, so happy ending and all that.

But this is where I had what I like to call my ‘travel epiphany’. I hadn’t given travel much thought, but being in Korea and seeing the sights of Seoul, exploring the city region and seeing impressive palaces and temples and so forth was genuinely fantastic. I loved it; I was beginning to get the travel bug.

vacation in Seoul

The Gyeongbokgung Palace must be on your list during your vacation in Seoul.

A travelling Halt as Marriage and Kids took over.

Unfortunately, a trip to South Korea would be the last trip abroad for eight years, that’s right, eight years! Because we got married, had kids and bought a house, the critical stuff required in adulthood. Which is excellent, I love being a husband and father, but the travel itch was still there. I often researched for trips, but timing and financings were not there.

But why do I love travelling? Especially when I barely touched the surface in the travel stratosphere.

It’s hard to explain why I love travelling so much because it is an indescribable feeling whether you travel a lot or not.

But as circumstances changed, kids grew older, and we had a bit more money, we finally started to travel again.

And I haven’t stopped since!

Travel restarted with a trip to Fiji.

Suppose I ever think about why I love travelling. In that case, the paradise islands of Fiji in the Pacific stand out because it was here on the beaches of Fiji that I realized that I wanted to travel more. That I needed to see more places and explore this big wide world we live in.

However, it was not only the stunning beachside resorts and cocktails that helped too; the locals were the kindest people I had ever met. They had this unique way of life and culture that I wanted to learn more about.

If a tiny island country could get me enthusiastic about the rest of the world, I was keen to see what other countries had in store.

Exploring Fiji

I was visiting a boutique island in Fiji.

Then Asia came calling again, and I never looked back.

Fiji got the blood pumping for travel. Therefore it was time to travel more frequently. With Asia being the most affordable place to travel from Australia, it became my haven for a trip.

Over the years following Fiji and before the virus hit the world, which took travel to a halt, I visited terrific destinations.

I return trips to South Korea, expanding further than Seoul and seeing beautiful destinations in Muju, Busan and Jeju. I had several trips to Bali, Malaysia and Thailand. I’ll never forget my tenth wedding Anniversary in Koh Samui, Thailand, where it became the Island of Love.

I became well-travelled in Asia, but what stands out the most was two adventures of different kinds. Firstly, in 2017, was the volunteering experience I had in Vientiane, Laos, where I tried my hand at teaching English to school kids and monks.

The second unbelievable experience was hiking in Nepal, just outside Kathmandu, and seeing the unbelievable Himalayas with my two eyes. It was better than any picture I could see on social media or television.

The continent of Asia is spectacular for many reasons, and I’m excited to see what else is out there in this big wide world. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll conquer Europe or even Africa! And that’s why I love travelling, it changes you as a person, witnessing experiences of different cultures in different destinations.

first-time traveller

Happy and smiling from a high vantage point in Koh Samui in Thailand.

My most memorable trips to this date

Hiking in Nepal, volunteering in Laos or having a wedding anniversary in Koh Samui all stands out, but what indeed is the most memorable trip. Well, I can tell you, it’s none of the above.

  • Kyoto in Japan – Japan is incredible, and Kyoto is a beautiful city to get lost in for a few days. I saw the best tourist attractions, the Fushimi Inari-Taisha and the Kinkaku-Ji, to only name a few best places to visit in Kyoto. The temples, the food and the culture make this place very special to me.
  • South Korea – Whether it’s Seoul, Busan, Jeju, or Gyeongju, there’s an excellent reason I’ve returned to Korea on numerous occasions . It’s a beautiful country with something new, whether the food, the nightlife, or just exploring a new neighbourhood.
  • Nusa Lembongan in Indonesia – The beautiful island of Bali, Nusa Lembongan is the perfect place to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of city life. With its turquoise waters, white sand beaches and coral reefs, it’s easy to spend a few days on the island and cherish life and what is around you.

things to do in nusa lembongan

Paradise awaits any traveller on arrival in Nusa Lembongan.

How my love for travel opened my world to travel writing

The love of travel inspired my blog, Fair Dinkum Traveller, which started in 2016. It’s a place where I share my personal travel stories, itineraries and tips to help others explore this big wide world we live in.

I have visited some unique places as a travel writer and influencer through writing. I’ve written about travel destinations, especially my immense love of Asia and my home country in Australia.

I’ve been very fortunate to have articles published in well-known travel publications, giving me more opportunities to quench my thirst for travel.

But why do I write about travel? I want to inspire others to get out there and explore this big wide world we live in. I want others to know that seeing the world is possible, whether you’re from a small town or city.

And that’s why I love travelling, because it changes you as a person, witnessing experiences of different cultures in different destinations.

How did you catch the travel bug? Please let me know in the comments below.

Why I Love Travelling

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Get Lost Travel Blog

81 Inspiring Quotes for Travel Lovers

Last Updated on 12/03/2023

What is it about travel that we fall in love with? Sometimes it is hard to articulate why we love to travel, so rather than doing it ourselves, we’ve turned to the experts who have summed it up rather nicely. We’ve found 81 inspiring quotes for travel lovers that will inspire wanderlust and remind you why you love to travel.

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Quotes About Travel

To start things off, we’ve gathered some of the most beautiful quotes about travel. They delve into why we should travel, why we love to travel and touch on the benefits of travel.

1. It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times. – Asian Proverb

2. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page . – Saint Augustine

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3. Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember and remember more than I have seen . – Benjamin Disraeli

4. Don’t listen to what they say, go see. – Chinese Proverb

5. Traveling is not something you’re good at. It’s something you do, like breathing . – Gayle Foreman

Not all those who wander are lost . J. R. R. Tolkien

7. I travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. – Robert Louis Stevenson

8. We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. – Hilaire Belloc

9. Just Go. Go see all the beauty in the world. – Anonymous

10. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before . – Dalai Lama

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11. I read , I travel , I become . – Derek Walcott

Quotes About Adventure

One of the reasons we love to travel is because we love an adventure. These quotes are guaranteed to ignite your sense of adventure, while reminding you that life is one big adventure and you should embrace that.

12. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all . – Helen Keller

13. Great things never came from comfort zones . – Anonymous

14. If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go . – Anthony Bourdain.

15. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal . – Paulo Coelho

16. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. – Andre Gide

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17. Travel doesn’t become adventure until you leave yourself behind. – Marty Rubin

18. The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see . – G.K. Chesterton

We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls. Anaïs Nin

20. What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies. – Jack Kerouac

Travel Quotes About Journeys

Travel is just as much about the journey as it is the destination. These quotes remind us to acknowledge that and take a little while to appreciate the view along the way. Journey’s don’t always go smoothly, but they should be enjoyed as part of the overall travel experience.

21. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way. – George Fairman

22. It’s better to travel well than to arrive . – Buddha

23. A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. – Lao Tzu

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24. It is not the destination where you end up but the mishaps and memories you create along the way. – Penelope Riley

25. Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey. – Babs Hoffman

26. Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference . – Robert Frost

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end . Ursula K. Le Guin

28. Everything I was I carry with me, everything I will be lies waiting on the road ahead . – Ma Jian

Travel Quotes About Learning

There is a lot we can learn from traveling. These quotes encourage us to be open to learning from our expriences. Interestingly, a lot of the time, this means learning more about ourselves.

29. Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world . – Gustave Flaubert

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30. To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries . – Aldous Huxley

31. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust

Travel far enough, you meet yourself . David Mitchell

33. One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things . – Henry Miller

34. I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. – Mary Anne Radmacher

Travel Quotes About Life

Travel and life are so intrinsically linked. These quotes remind us that travel is an important component of life, which in itself, if a journey. They also remind us how travel contibutes to a sense of fulfilment and happiness.

35. We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. – Anonymous

36. The world is changed by your example, not your opinion. – Paulo Coelho

37. To travel is to live . – Hans Christian Anderson

38. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough . – Mae West

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39. Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

40. Travel brings power and love back into your life. – Rumi Jalalud-Din

41. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not . – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. David McCullough Jr.

Travel Quotes About Growth

Like with the lessons we learn from travel, travel also helps us grow. We grow through the new experiences that travel brings. These quotes perfectly capture how travel helps us change a little and grow a lot.

43. Travel has a way of stretching the mind. – Ralph Crawshaw

44. Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. – Anita Desai

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45. Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. – Terry Pratchett

46. Traveling allows you to become so many different versions of yourself . – Anonymous

You go away for a long time and return a different person – you never come all the way back. Paul Theroux

48. We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there . – Pascal Mercier 

Travel Quotes About Money

No matter how cheap you can make your travel buget, taking a trip is always an investment. However, these quotes explore what it is we are buying in return for our money. They remind us that it is experiences, not money, that makes us rich.

49. Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul . – Jamie Lyn Beatty

50. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer . – Anonymous

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51. There’s a sunrise and sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them. – Jo Walton

I would rather own a little and see the world than own the world and see a little of it. Alexander Sattler

53. To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice . – Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About Getting Lost

It would be remiss of us not to call out those quotes about getting lost. To us, getting lost is about the ability to escape and lose ourselves in the beauty of the world. These quotes perfectly capture our philosophy and remind us why getting lost is never a bad thing.

Travel…the best way to be lost and found at the same time . Brenna Smith

55. Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost. – Anonymous

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56. The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost. – Henry David Thoreau

57. We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel next, to find ourselves . – Pico Iyer

58. It feels good to be lost in the right direction. – Anonymous

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Marin Buber

60. Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost . – Erol Ozan

Funny Travel Quotes

So, we all know that there are elements of travel that just never go to plan or are just not enjoyable. These quotes find a lighthearted way of capturing those moments and we can’t help but smile at them!

61. It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression, ‘As pretty as an airport.’ – Douglas Adams

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them . Mark Twain

63. Jet lag is for amateurs. – Dick Clark

64. Travel is glamorous only in retrospect. – Paul Theroux

Travel is glamorous only in retrospect - quotes for travel lovers.

Quotes to Inspire Wanderlust

If you’re anything like us, you won’t need much to motivate you to jump on a plane to a new destination. If you do need any further prompting, these quotes for travel lovers are bound to light up your wanderlust. You’ll be booking your next flight after reading these!

65. I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list. – Susan Sontag

I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met . John Green

67. Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller . – Ibn Battuta

68. Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in an office or mowing your lawn. Climb that damn mountain. – Jack Kerouak

69. You can shake the sand from your shoes, but it will never leave your soul . – Anonymous

70. Paris is always a good idea. – Audrey Hepburn

Paris is always a good idea - quotes for travel lovers.

71. Every one of a hundred thousand cities around the world had its own special sunset and it was worth going there, just once, if only to see the sun go down. – Ryu Murakami

Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere. Isabelle Eberhardt

Travel Quotes About Dreams

And finally, quotes that talk about travel and dreams. Travelers are innately dreamers and these quotes capture those dreams of travel, adventure and discovery.

73. Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground. – Judith Thurman

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74. Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets . – Oscar Wilde

75. I address you all tonight for who you truly are: wizards, mermaids, travelers, adventurers, and magicians. You are the true dreamers. – Brian Selznick

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do . H. Jackson Brown Jr.

77. I want to make memories all over the world. – Anonymous

78. Someday I’m going to be free and I’m going to travel the world. – Anonymous

79. Don’t quit your daydream. – Anonymous

80. This heart of mine was made to travel this world. – Anonymous

This heart of mine was made to travel this world - quotes for travel lovers.

81. Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling. – Roman Payne

Quotes For Travel Lovers

So these are our top 81 inspirational quotes for travel lovers! Overall, they all capture the essence of what drives us to travel; the sense of adventure, self-discovery, growth, fun, escape and wanderlust. We hope you love these quotes as much as we do; let us know which one is your favourite!

If you like these quotes for travel lovers and you’re looking for more travel inspiration, why not check out our roundup of 11 extraordinary travel TED talks ?

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What is it you love about travel? We’ve selected 81 of the best quotes that explore our drive for adventure, dreams of world travel and wanderlust. These short inspirational quotes are everything from funny to motivational. The capture everything from discovering new destinations to life lessons. You’ll find your ideal Instagram caption here! #TravelInspiration #Travel #TravelMotivation #travelessentials #TravelQuotes #Adventure #Bucketlist #Quotes #getlosttravelblog

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Hello, I’m Hannah! I’m a writer and photographer who loves experiencing the wonders of Yorkshire. My guides will help you escape from your daily routine by showing you that you don’t have to go far to find an adventure.

15 thoughts on “81 Inspiring Quotes for Travel Lovers”

I love these great inspirational quotes!

Thanks! We’re glad you like them!

I love the quote “Don’t listen to what they say, go see” as it’s applicable to everything in life. It’s best to judge something for ourselves rather than depend on someone else’s version of it. Great post.

Absolutely! I love the way travel opens our eyes to so many new cultures and experiences. You definitely need to immerse yourself into things before you judge them! We’re glad you like the post!

Loving all of these quotes! Perfect for reminding me how much I love travel.

Aren’t they great? Some of them had us itching to get our bags packed straight away! We’re glad you like them!

“If you have someone you think is the one, take them and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all over the world, to places that are hard to reach and hard to get out of. And when you land at JFK and you’re still in love with that person, get married.” – Bill Murray

I love this! Thanks for the recommendation!

I love all of these! #35 and #38 are my favorites! <3

Aren’t they great? I find it too difficult to pick a favorite! I do agree with you on #38 though!

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Why I love to travel: 30+ powerful reasons to travel now

Since I have a travel blog, it’s clear that I love to travel. But you may ask: why do people love to travel? And I have to tell you that there are many powerful reasons to travel – and I’ll share them below!

I hope this article will show you the benefits of traveling more and will make you want to start planning your next trip and even give you some great travel destinations ideas.

Don’t forget about our series of free insider destinations guides for places across the globe, travel guides that include top tourist attractions, off the beaten path things to do, restaurants, hotels, and tips for each place.

Why I love to travel: 30 powerful reasons to travel now! Discover why you should travel more!

You create special memories

My love for travel started when I was very young. My mom took me to the mountains as often as she could, as a toddler and as a child.

I have many wonderful memories from that period – sometimes only glimpses: a nun at a monastery giving me a special yogurt (I was lactose intolerant, which wasn’t a thing 38 years ago and there were NO alternatives for people with my condition… – however, in Cheia, a mountain resort in Romania, there was a monastery that had milk and yogurt made in-house that I could tolerate. Yes, odd, but I was thankful for that.)

I remember picking up wildflowers with my mom. I remember climbing mountains or visiting special resorts and, I have to admit, now I go back to those resorts with the love and affection – treasured travel destinations for me in Romania – Busteni, Sinaia.

Oh, travel for me is a trip down memory lane! I could go on and on!

One special tradition I created when my son was born, was to travel each year to a new place – doing something special.

Yes, he went to the seaside for the first time on his birthday. We went to a bear sanctuary last year. We went with a cable car in Sinaia the year before.

You get the picture.

Each year – at least as long as we’ll be able to – we’ll do this and I hope Eric will treasure these moments when he’ll grow

up (he’ll be 9 this year) as much as I treasure each memory I have from my trips with my mom and grandmother from back when I was a little girl.

Creating happy memories is something we all aspire to, and according to studies (read Meik Wiking, The art of making memories). So, where do you want to create your new happy memories?

If you need some inspiration, maybe choose some of the safest travel destinations https://www.earthsattractions.com/the-safest-cities-in-the-world-to-visit-right-now/ to visit right now for your next trips!

You discover new cultures

One of the top reasons why I love to travel is that I get to discover new cultures.

By discovering new lifestyles and different traditions, you’ll get to see the differences between your culture and the one of the countries you are visiting, but also to notice similarities.

You will also get the chance to see, see that it’s possible to do something in a different manner and to live in a different way.

Travel is Food for Thought. Literally.

That’s definitely a reason why so many people love to travel around the world.

You learn new languages or practice your foreign languages learned in school

I am blessed to come from a country where all the TV shows and music and everything is distributed in the native language. Movies have subtitles, but they are not dubbed.

That’s actually how I first learned English. I would watch TV series and movies and listen to music and try to understand the words, to associate the way word sounds with how it could be written in English, a language that’s very different than Romanian which is a phonetic language.

From TV I also learned some Spanish and Italian, and I studied German and French in school.

One of the top benefits of travelling for me is that I get to use the languages I learned in school or from TV, I get to expand my vocabulary re, language or at least some words in a new language.

It’s an amazing feeling to be able to get along with the locals in their mother tongue. and, and while it may be challenging for me because I don’t use French or German or Spanish or Italian every day, as opposed to English, it’s still great practice and it’s wonderful to be able to make use of what you learned in school.

I actually notice all the time I’m how happy the locals are when I interact with them in their mother tongue or when, if I don’t know the language, I’m at least making an effort to say the basic words in their language, even though the rest is in English.

One of the top reasons to travel is the fact that it will relax you. You forget, even if for a little while, of your everyday tasks and worries, and you are free.

You are out of your usual routine, you are trying new stuff, you are recharging your batteries. I guess that if we would ask the question “why people love to travel”, relaxation will be one of the top reasons to travel for many people.

Relaxation is one of the top reasons to travel. Here is why I love to travel and 30 benefits of traveling you should consider!

Admiring the beauty of this world – waterfalls, beaches, oceans, mountains, flowers, wildlife

Our planet is stunning and there are numerous Earth’s attractions that will mesmerize everyone.

Whether you like impressive waterfalls, stunning beaches were just to admire the wonderful wildlife, whether you like the ocean, sand dunes, or mountains, you’ll definitely find many great travel destinations for you.

Admiring the beauty of this world is one of the reasons for travel! In fact, easily discover that there are so many places to visit across the globe, that it will be hard for you to choose where to go first and you’ll end up with a huge bucket list.

Be mesmerized by the nature wonders! 30 advantages of traveling!

Enjoying local food

While I admit I’m not very adventurous when it comes to food in my own country when I travel I try to sample the best of the local food. I’m in like some dishes, I made this like others, but I would have tried them at least!

The further you go from home, the bigger the chances to discover fruits, vegetables, and food combinations that you don’t have at home, not even imported sometimes. So how can you resist the temptation of trying new foods?

So, for me, one of the reasons that I love to travel is that I get to discover the local cuisine of the place I am visiting.

Discovering local traditions

Many people visiting Romania on Christmas or Easter or on some other special local celebrations discover the unique way in which we are celebrating each holiday.

They are open to learning more about new cultures and their traditions, and so am I when I travel. I don’t always get to visit a new place when there is a special holiday or event taking place there, but if there is such a holiday, or fair or Carnival, I try to learn as much as possible about it and to enjoy it.

Visiting amazing tourist attractions

You can choose something that’s close to you – for instance, these are the most visited tourist attractions in Europe – or go anywhere you want to.

Whether you are looking for instagrammable places to visit in Asia or iconic landmarks in the USA, you have where to choose from!

So, create choose your next destination, create your travel itinerary , and start travelling.

I can only wish you to have happy and safe travels, no matter where you go!

One of the top reasons why people love to travel is to see famous tourist attractions. here are 29 more reasons to travel the world now!

Find out interesting curiosities

One of the books I recently read focused on curiosities from across the globe. I read it with my son, because it’s a book created for children, but I admit that I found out numerous things I didn’t know about people, traditions, wonderful initiatives across the globe.

Some of them were so unusual, that I actually decided to look them up to see if they are true or not. And they were true. All of them.

And then I realised that it’s not such a big surprise, or at least it shouldn’t be. In fact, I two discovered numerous curious things both when travelling domestically and when travelling internationally.

I have to see that sometimes the first thing that I’m called about the given place I visited, is such a curious fact I discovered there.

Meeting new people – and gaining new friends

I know that one of the reasons people love to travel is that they can meet new people and even make new friends.

I too love to interact with the locals when I’m travelling, because it’s a great opportunity to learn more about that place, it’s history and culture, off the beaten path things to do. Sometimes I keep in touch with these people even after leaving that particular place.

Visiting friends or relatives or people you’ve met online

Linked to the previous thing, another great reason to travel is that you can visit friends and relatives living in different cities or countries across the globe.

This way you’ll feel welcome and you know that you will have someone to guide you through the city and spend time with you, so you won’t be a complete stranger in that place.

Another great experience is to meet in real life some of the people you’ve been interacting with for a while now online. As a travel blogger, I made some friends online.  It is a privilege every single time I get to meet one of them in real life. if

Discover art and museums

I love to visit museums, and from technical to art or unusual museums, I visit them all.

In fact, museums lure many tourists in various cities across the globe. They are special, they offer a view into our past, and each and every museum, no matter how small or big, gives us an opportunity to evolve, intellectually speaking. When I saw the list of the most visited museums in the world , I couldn’t be happier to notice that I visited some of those.

Obviously, at home and on my travels, I went to many more museums that didn’t make this list, but that are just as good –  including Musee d’Orsay or Schonbrunn Palace , cool art museums in Bucharest, Romania , my hometown, or some museums in Vienna .

I was pleased to hear the conclusions of a recent study which showed that people interacting with art – museums, exhibits, concerts – live longer – so I instantly added a few Amsterdam museums to my list of places to visit very soon! 

Museum of Art Collections, Bucharest. Visiting museums is one of the main reasons why I love to travel. Here are 30 more powerful reasons to travel more now!

Broaden your perspective

Travelling helps you see the big picture and this is one of the reasons why travel is good for your health and wellbeing. 

You can better understand the local conditions and circumstances, you can better understand why some people wish for something or not, and you get to understand that and you are very small in this world.

You begin to realise how different elements influence the evolution of the world today, and you start to go beyond news read on Facebook wear with some media outlets, and go deep within the locals minds and their concerns.

Also, as you travel, you get to see different perspectives, which, sometimes, are different than yours. And that’s a great reason to travel because you are broadening your perspective and you are getting a clearer picture of the world today.

Discovering that we are different, yet the same! – removing prejudices

Each person is unique, and each country and city has its particularities. We are indeed all unique, but, as you travel more, you come to realise that we are also pretty similar in many ways.

The grass is always greener on the other side we believe, but that’s not always the truth, you discover.

There is no perfection anywhere, and it’s up to you what you want to notice: the good or the bad, and what you decide to do with what you discover.

If you are always complaining about your country – and trust me I know many people who do that (read The Key to Happiness by Meik Wiking) – you may be discovered that they are people from other countries complaining about the same things.

Yes, it happened to me too to discover people from Nordic European countries complaining about the same issues we are having in Romania and considering that they have the worst of it.

One of the benefits of travelling is to remove prejudice. We may have some ideas about different countries or areas of the country,  different stereotypes.

Now these stereotypes may be true for some people in that area or country, but you’ll soon realise that it’s not something that can describe everyone there.

So there you have it: another great reason for around the world travel is that you get to discover how people really are, if the stereotypes are true or not, and you get to realise that we are all the same in some manners.

30 amazing reasons to travel more and why travel is great for your health!

Doing something different – experience new things

I wouldn’t say that I’m the most adventurous person on Earth, but I tried to experience new things so when I travel.

True, there’s a safety line I wouldn’t cross, but sometimes I push my limits. And it’s great. I’m not risking my life, but I’m doing something different, and if the experience is good, then I have a new great memory and the story to tell.

Learn more about yourself

When you travel, you learn more about yourself and this is one of the unexpected travel benefits.

You see how you react in certain circumstances, what your beliefs are, and that’s great.

Travelling becomes a way to know yourself better, and that’s never a bad thing. On the contrary, that’s one of the top travelling benefits.

When you are travelling with your significant other, you learn more about you as a couple. you discover your dynamic, your preferences, beliefs, willingness to change and so on and so forth.

Travelling is a discovery journey: that of the world and of oneself.

30+ reasons why travel is important.

Discovering your issues and fears and overcoming them

When you travel you may discover some issues you didn’t even know you had or fears.

And the best part? You may even overcome your fears or issues – one of the cool unexpected benefits of travelling.

I’m afraid of heights, for example, but I wanted to fly with an airplane. So I overcame my fear and I had an amazing trip to Paris and back. I was able to admire the sky and the mountains seen from above, and that, for me, was a huge win.

30+ travelling benefits! Discover 30+ reasons why travel is important

Get out of your comfort zone

One of the reasons people love to travel is that they can get out of their comfort zone, just as I did when I wanted to fly. Pushing yourself beyond your regular limits can be a good thing.

It can boost your confidence, it can show you that you can do more, and it can offer you through amazing experiences you would have otherwise missed.

Experience true happiness

Being free, doing what you want when you want, going where you want –  that’s true happiness. And travel brings this to you.

This is actually one of the top reasons why I love to travel.

Do something that seems unreal

Admiring an impressive waterfall may seem simple and common for some, but it is an amazing experience for me. But perhaps the most and the real experience I had was to see The Milky Way one night.

It looked just like in my encyclopedias as on TV or YouTube videos. Truly amazing!

Another thing that we like to do is to go, as often as possible, near a city and admire the meteorite shower taking place each summer.

One more great experience we share as a family and another reason to travel, even if it’s just a short distance from our house.

Learn to budget

One of the great things about travelling is that it helps you to be better with your finances.

As you plan your trip ahead, you need to budget everything: accommodation, transport, food, entry fees, souvenirs, etc. It helps you save money for your trips and to manage your budget while you are traveling. That’s something you really need on an everyday basis and one of the 30+ reasons why travel is important included in this article.

Learn to plan

As you can visit a specific city or area for a given amount of time, you learn to plan your trips better so that you can go everywhere you want to go and do everything you want to do.

These planning skills you are developing will help you on your job and on your personal life as well, so this is another benefit of travelling you have to consider.

30+ unexpected travel benefits. Discover 30+ reasons why travel is good for you!

Learn to be organized

As you learn to better manage your finances and to plan things, you’ll realise you are getting more and more organised.

This advantage of travelling will help you in your everyday activities and in your personal life, so go ahead and travel more!

Learn new skills (cooking classes or other types of classes)

Why you are travelling you can actually learn new things and skills. You may take a cooking class,  a pottery class, or a drumming lesson in Tokyo .

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn a new thing or skill, because they are truly beneficial for you and your health. You boost your brain and memory!

Boost your confidence

As you manage to sort everything out – the budget, planning your trips, packing your bag for a week in less than 30 minutes -,  as you get to be more open to interacting with new people, you’ll see a boost in your confidence.

You discover you can do it! In fact, this boost of your confidence is one of the top reasons why you should travel more because it will help you in every aspect of your life later.

Understand the need to protect the Earth

As you travel you’ll see that in order for everyone to be able to enjoy the beauty of our planet and the amazing natural wonders, which really need to keep the planet as is, to make it better, not worse.

You understand the more the people who are trying to gather garbage and the ones that try to limit the use of plastic.

More importantly, you realise that each action counts and that it’s important to recycle and to protect the Earth every single day,  for us, for our children and for the next generations to follow.

Why travel is good for your health and wellbeing: 30+ reasons to travel

Spend time outdoors

There are studies showing that spending time outdoors is beneficial to our health, and travelling can help with that.

Depending on your skills and health, you can go hiking, taking long walks in the parks and beautiful botanical gardens, swimming, kayaking, going to the beach, skiing, etc.

While in your hometown you may not go outside as much as possible, and rather spend your time at the office, at home, at the mall, all when you travel you may be at least tempted to go more outdoors and that will be good for you and your health and spirit. This is one of the main reasons why travel is good for you!

30+ benefits of traveling! Discover now 30+ powerful reasons to travel now!

Reduce the stress – feel carefree

There are studies that show travel can reduce the risk of a heart attack , and that it helps to manage stress and negative emotions .

Even taking just short vacations improves lowering your stress levels .

I admit, this is one of the top reasons why I love to travel and I feel rejuvenated, relaxed, and empowered after each trip or vacation I take!

Travel can reduce depression

Yes, travel can reduce depression and can impact, in a positive way, marital relationships, according to a study . You can easily see why travel is good for your health and your wellbeing!

So take as many trips or holidays as possible, as lowering the risk of depression is a great reason to travel more.

Learn to let go – Let things unfold

We are sometimes very cringy and stressed about what might happen, how things may unfold, what we want or what we think is good for us. We are on tight schedules and tight objectives.

When you travel more you actually learn to let go, to let things unfold.

And, as you do that, you will realise that you get more relaxed. you don’t need to control every single step and you are actually getting better results by letting go.

This may sound like a paradox –  and I have to say that it took me a while to understand it as well,  but as you learn to let go, you start to get the results you want because you are not cringing obsessing about anything, and you feel that you are worthy of what it is that you want to get.

30 Unexpected traveling benefits. 30+ reasons why travel is good for you, your health and your career.

Learn new skills and improve your career prospect

As mentioned a bit above, when you travel you’re learning new skills and they can help you in every aspect of your life.

As you get to discover more about how things work in a given country and culture, you may begin to see things in a new way and even do things in a different way, which may prove to be more efficient.

All the things you learn and the skills you are developing while you are travelling can improve your career prospects and give you an advantage when looking for a place to work.

And if you are trying to get a job in a multinational company, having interacted with people from different countries is definitely a huge asset for you.

Improve social and communication skills

As you travel more you often need to interact with the locals – to get directions to a specific place, to learn more about history or traditions, etc.

It may seem hard at first, especially if you are an introvert, but as you practice you’ll see that it gets easier and easier.

It becomes your second nature to speak with people from different countries and cultures, and did you get over the language barrier and fears, and doubting yourself, and you become better.

Yeah, improving your social and communication skills is one of the big reasons to travel!

Become more tolerant

It may surprise you to hear this, but as you travel more you become more aware of your own flaws.

And you get to accept that you are not perfect and that you can improve yourself.

As you do that, and as you become more aware of the differences between people and of the different ways to do something, and different lifestyles that are out of there, you get to become more tolerant –  and this is one of the huge benefits of travel.

As you can easily see, there are plenty of great reasons to travel. From the positive impact it has on your health, to the benefits to your career and your relationships, and to your personal development, travelling impacts every area of your life in a positive manner.

So travel more and be better.

Don’t think for an instant that you have to go overseas to travel. You can start locally, and go from there.

I hope the reasons to travel included in this article – and, as you probably might have noticed, I tried to group them to the best of my abilities –  will convince you to take as many trips as you can, shorter or longer, doesn’t matter as long as you travel.

For more information about quality and amazing backpacks for traveling check Tucker & Bloom .

Why I love to travel: 30+ reasons why travel is good for you. Discover the benefits of traveling right now and start planning trips :) #travel #traveltips #travelhack #earthsattractions #ilovetotravel #health #traveltherapy

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  • Romantic Getaways

For the Love of Travel

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it’s natural to dream of your next romantic getaway. Let Travel + Leisure be your guide.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to romance — some sweethearts favor an adventure-packed itinerary in the woods, while others fancy a week-long jaunt in a big city known for its culture and culinary scene. Some desire blissed-out days on the beach, and others crave the countryside, or afternoons on a private island, or strolls down cobblestone streets in a charming small town, or, well, you get the idea. But there’s one thing we can all agree on: Whether you’re in a budding relationship or a deep, years-long marriage, a romantic getaway is a great way to reconnect with your loved one. After all, nothing strengthens a bond quite like navigating a new place together and building everlasting memories.

As we approach Valentine’s Day,  Travel + Leisure  has compiled a collection of stories that celebrate love on the road. If nothing more, let this help inspire your next adventure with your special someone. Who knows what magical, spark-flying moments await?

Travel Under The Radar


Worldwide thoughts and quotes on the benefits and beauty of travel.

Carolyn Canetti

Carolyn Canetti

I polled my friends and family from all over the world on why they love to travel. Here are their responses:

"I think the exposure to new places and new people can be really reviving personally and also eye opening to see how other people live. To see how life functions, whether human or natural life, in other places is really humbling. It's easy to have your status quo at home, but as soon as you're in a new place - all bets are off. You can do anything, and are so willing to try new stuff to push your own boundaries purely because you're in a new place."

"I love to travel because not only is it the ultimate adventure but it also exposes you to new types of people, different ways of living, and opens up your mind. I just like to walk around in beautiful places that resemble the shire from Lord of the Rings while exploring new culinary terrains."

-Matty G "Traveling reminds me that my life isn't the only one I could live and that in the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty unimportant to this world we live in. People get so caught up in their daily lives and forget that they can be somewhere or someone else tomorrow if they'd like. There are no limits in the grand scheme of things except the ones we create for ourselves. Traveling helps make sure I don't forget that ."

"Travel puts me out of my comfort zone and inherently breeds challenge . I'm a firm believer that challenge leads to curiosity, maturity and growth."

"I use travel as an escape from daily life. Having future trips already planned brings me joy and gives me something to look forward to. I've never regretted a single trip I've taken ."

"I love to travel for a few reasons. First, you automatically become a naturally curious being . You are a traveler, tourist, backpacker, etc and even the most basic thing on a trip becomes an adventure - like catching a bus between cities. Second, you are hyper aware of your surroundings and appreciate the beauty or intrigue of a new land and culture! Third, when I travel and then return home, I see home in a whole new light . For example when I studied abroad in Buenos Aires and came back to NOLA, I realized there was so much more exploring of my own city that I needed to do and I was excited and motivated to do that, whereas before I was stuck in my daily routine."

"I travel to eat all the foods ."

love to travel called

" I love figuring things out . I love seeing new people."

"When I think about travel, I mostly think about traveling solo. I love it because it displaces you. In a state displacement you experience wonder, discovery, awe, discomfort. If you go with an open mind, you discover things about yourself, about others and about the world you would have not learned otherwise. It opens you up, turns on new lights so you can see and experience the world in a new way- even when you go 'home'. We get so involved in our current environments and lives - the chance to step out and explore and experience elsewhere gives us perspective and often provides new lenses with which we can see and think about who we are , what are doing with our lives and what we care about. The whole experience is filled with all these beautiful and crazy colors and feelings."

"I like the discovery part of it... I like to explore new things, new places, new views, new people, new everything...T here are many ways to explore new things, but traveling is the most satisfactory as it is the most comprehensive way as it encompasses many elements from views to people to foods etc. I also like getting away from the routine, and the daily chores and daily work and daily life and have a kind of a break from reality if you want... On the other hand with all the new crazy security issues, travel is not so "free spirited" anymore, as now one has to keep in mind and be aware and even worry a bit when traveling, when in the past the idea of travel was to get away from worries."

"I like to travel so that I don't have to text anyone for a week."

" It's fun ."

"People. Whether it's hiking a scenic overlook with old friends, or eating flatbread on the side of the road with new friends, you forge a special bond when you're both out of your elements. Every moment is an adventure."

"I love to travel to experience things and places that are completely unknown or different to me."

"Traveling somewhere new is an opportunity to really engage in being lost. You have to pay close attention to figure out what's your place, and how to act, and how to be respectful. You start to question and reflect on your own assumptions and behavior. You have a chance to represent your home , which both makes you consider other people's perspectives and better articulate who it is you want to be putting forth into the world." ​-Ella

love to travel called

"I love to travel for so many reasons. There is nothing like getting off a plane/train/bus and seeing the beauty of a new place for the first time . Sometimes, the outer beauty is overwhelming and I have to stand still and let time stop to try to take it all in at once. Sometimes, the beauty is less about aesthetics and more about that first conversation with a local when I am pleasantly overwhelmed by their openness and rich culture. I love walking several miles each day in a new place and thinking about who has walked there before me. It can be startling to realize that I do not know a single person for miles and miles, but I think that's part of what keeps it exciting. I feel the most 'alive' when I am exploring ."

"I love to travel to get away from the chaos of life, when I come home I've gained more perspective ."

"The world is full of interesting people, beautiful landscapes, incredible food, amazing music, and different cultures, and life is more interesting when you make time to enjoy as much of it as you can! We are lucky enough to have the ability to access all of this relatively easily, it's our responsibility to travel as much as possible and learn from other cultures."

“Because everything unimportant falls away - all the little stresses of New York. And I can just be. And learn. And see. And really truly lose myself in all the new things in a new different place.”

"I like getting out of the every day routine of things - it helps me get perspective on ma lyfe. And I like seeing how other people live and meeting the Matt Goodmans of other countries ."

“I love to travel because there's so much I haven't seen and every time I go somewhere new I learn about people and places I never thought about before and that's pretty neat. You can only see so much in a photo you gotta go live it to experience .”

“I love that a totally new perspective makes me reconsider my priorities and allows me to kind of recenter myself. Also food is delicious and I'm a sucker for taking pictures of things I've never seen.”

love to travel called

“I love moving away from the tourist trail and exploring where the locals eat, drink, dance and live. I find it so much more meaningful to see and immerse myself in that side of a city. It's nice to get away from the Aussie accents, English speakers and cameras, and just wander around and explore, and imagine yourself living there . I love everything about traveling, particularly trying new cuisines. I despise even the thought of eating at a Western fast food restaurant, when you have so many incredible and new foods to try. Even the experiences that are frustrating or difficult at the time, end up being some of the most memorable, and some of the most hilarious stories to share and reminisce about.”

“I love to travel because it excites me and energizes me ! It takes me out of my comfort zone and exposes me to cultures, landscapes and people that I find so inspiring.”

“Mainly to meet, experience, and learn from different people, for those wild unimaginable moments that just fall into place and make you question if your dreaming , for that crazy sensation of not knowing what's next, and overall for self reflection and personal growth.”

“I'd say I love to travel because I don't want to wake up one day when I'm 80 years old and say to myself I wish I had done that .”

"I like the feeling of adventure, like anything could happen ."

“ My first trip to Kenya made me examine and question how I live and what is important . It made (and continues to make) me wonder who is ‘happier’. I see such discrepancies between my life and others, although I live in a nice apartment with all of the ‘things’ I can desire - my life might be lonelier without a small community support system. So which life is ‘better’? This existential question is made sharper to me by traveling to countries whose cultures, customs and socioeconomic levels are different from what I grew up with and still. I also enjoy learning about the history of other cultures, why heritage and values result in suspicion to refugees and foreigners. This is a wake-up to me that not everyone (not most people) embraces diversity in every way . Much as I like to travel, I love to come home though.”

love to travel called

"I love the smells, tastes, sounds, sights and feelings of a place - new or familiar. I think my memories are closely interwoven with the scent of an event or a period of time so being able to catalogue a place by smell helps me remember the feeling of being there. Also food. Hooray for all the food and recipes that have been passed through generations, families and communities . I also love the feeling that I am somewhere removed from my everyday experience. It is exciting and relieving all at the same time. I love that traveling is not just one thing. Traveling can be fun. It can be invigorating, enlightening, powerful, relaxing, overwhelming, emotional or even a struggle.."

"The anticipate of travel is always the first exciting thing for me. The sheer idea of going somewhere far away. It's part coping mechanism, part restlessness, and part soul seeking. I love witnessing the way different people and cultures move through the world - how they interact with each other, love each other, how they make art, how they define community, what they value, what they fight for, and what they believe in spiritually . With every new encounter, you experience a new part of yourself."

“I love to travel because it takes me out of my comfort zone and I am always learning something new about myself and about that place each day I'm there.”

"For me it's meeting new people and learning about their different way of life - culture, traditions, food. And seeing what makes each place so unique ! Love finding a spot with a view that I'll always remember about that specific trip."

"I love the anticipation of a trip. Looking ahead, saving, planning, researching, all make the trip a greater adventure. I love the sense involved in experiences a new place, especially the taste. Every trip is magical and I feel fortunate; free to have wings at this stage in life."

"I can't remember a time when I wasn't dreaming about exploring a far away place. Trying to answer why I love travel is like trying to ask myself why I eat ice cream. I just love it. There's something so magical about getting the chance to live in each new place, surrounded by a new culture of sights, food and people."

love to travel called

"I love to see how other cultures eat and dance! Food and music is the best way to interact with people if you can't speak each other's language, and getting involved is the best way to show your appreciation . I also love challenging my own ideas about other cultures. It's so refreshing (and educating) to experience another side to what we see on TV, in movies and online.”

"I like to travel to understand history and learn how others live across the world. And for the food obviously ."

“I love to travel because I love to learn and meet inspiring people. It's important to educate yourself about different cultures and its pretty sweet to learn new skills (even if you pay for something 'tourists' do). Submitting yourself to the unpredictability of travel gives you experiences, some good others bad, that ultimately contribute to your world knowledge - even if it's only becoming a bit more aware of what is around you . Oh, and its fun learning dirty words in different languages.”

“I love to travel because it takes me outside of my culture and privilege and reminds me of great inequities in our world. Travel inspires me to learn more, think more and to better serve our world community. ”

“I rewatched Midnight In Paris last night. So I ask, 'is the age we are living in a golden age?' Certainly if Trump is president then No. But how would we ever know? The path towards the answer is to travel. Traveling allows you to drink with Hemingway, walk the path of Jesus, and gush over Joni Mitchell. I travel so I can debate and discuss this necessary question."

"My favorite part of traveling is being exposed to food, people, places, and things I've never experienced. To get that feeling of the first time is exciting ."

love to travel called

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    It is exciting and relieving all at the same time. I love that traveling is not just one thing. Traveling can be fun. It can be invigorating, enlightening, powerful, relaxing, overwhelming, emotional or even a struggle.." -Rachel W. "The anticipate of travel is always the first exciting thing for me.

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