Csoportos látogatás, osztálykirándulás, céges rendezvény lebonyolítását vállaljuk. Sajtókapcsolat [email protected] Kizárólag a sajtó munkatársak számára!


A park Budapesttől mindössze 50 perces autóútra, az ország középső részén, Nagykőrös mellett található, 10 percre Kecskeméttől. Pest megyei matricával az M5-ös autópálya is igénybevehető a lajosmizsei lehajtóig. Itt lehajtva néhány perc alatt megközelíthető a Richter Safari Park, elkerülve a nagykőrösi forgalmat.

● Az autós safari útvonalon az autóból, kisvonatból a kijelölt hely kivételével kiszállni tilos! Haladni maximum 5 km / óra sebességgel lehet. ● A parkot mindenki csak saját felelősségre és a szabályok betartásával veheti igénybe. ● A szabadon sétáló állatokat kizárólag a parkban vásárolt eledelekkel etetheted! ● A jármű ablakait vagy teljesen, vagy csak résnyire húzd le. Ha félig húzod le az ablakot az állat feje beszorulhat és balesetet okozhat. ● Abban az esetben, ha egy állat bedugta a fejét az ablakon, ne húzd a nyakára az ablakot! ● Ha nem szeretnéd, hogy az állatok közel jöjjenek, ne húzd le a jármű ablakát. ● A park teljes területén a visszapillantó tükröket be kell hajtani! ● Az állatokat megijeszteni, ütlegelni vagy rájuk dudálni szigorúan tilos! Ha nem tudsz továbbhaladni, várd meg a munkatársunk segítségét. ● A park safari logós autóját minden esetben előre kell engedni! ● Belépőjegy váltása 2 éves kortól szükséges.

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Hasonló cégek Nagykőrös településen

  • MAKOLA Kkt.
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  • F&M Plussz Kft.

Hasonló cégek ebben a tevékenységeben: 9104 Növény-, állatkert, természetvédelmi terület működtetése

  • Xantus János Állatkert Közhasznú Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
  • Mr. Big Fish Kft.
  • Fabi-Com Bt.

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  • Safari '95 Bt.
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  • Seven Solutions Kft.

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: egész évben telepített magyar idegenvezetés

guanajuato mexico tour

The 10 best guanajuato tours & excursions.

Guanajuato tours.

  • Private Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

guanajuato mexico tour

1. Private Tour in Guanajuato Capital Leaving San Miguel Allende

guanajuato mexico tour

2. Private walking tour in Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

3. Private DayTrip San Miguel de Allende to Guanajuato City and back

guanajuato mexico tour

4. 3-Hour Guided Walking Tour of Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

5. Guanajuato City Tour

guanajuato mexico tour

6. ATVs through the mountains and city of Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

7. ATVs Through Guanajuato City

guanajuato mexico tour

8. Tour the Night City of Guanajuato in ATV

guanajuato mexico tour

9. Private Walking Tour of Exclusive Terraces in Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

10. Guanajuato Private Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Tour

guanajuato mexico tour

11. Private Tour to Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel from Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

12. Horseback Ride in Guanajuato with Live Music and Food

guanajuato mexico tour

13. Private from Guanajuato City: Tunnels, and Mines Tour

guanajuato mexico tour

14. San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

15. Wine Route !, Vineyards, wine tasting and pairing

guanajuato mexico tour

16. Private Vineyard and Wine Testing Tour From Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

17. Colonial Treasures: San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Zacatecas and Guadalajara

guanajuato mexico tour

18. Private Historical Tour in the Sierra Santa Rosa by Bicycle

guanajuato mexico tour

19. Hiking through Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

20. Museums of Guanajuato Private Tour

guanajuato mexico tour

21. 09 Days: Great Viceregal Cities

guanajuato mexico tour

22. Mexican Equestrian Experience

guanajuato mexico tour

23. Private tour Guanajuato, Dolores Hidalgo, Atotonilco and San Miguel de Allende route

guanajuato mexico tour

24. 7 day circuit west: México, San Miguel, Guadalajara, Morelia

guanajuato mexico tour

25. Nature Walk - Bufa hill OR Santa Rosa Area

guanajuato mexico tour

26. Guanajuato Private City Tour

guanajuato mexico tour

27. Private History & City Walking Tour of Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

28. Private Guanajuato City Tour From San Miguel

guanajuato mexico tour

29. Private Tour to the Tolantongo Caves from Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

30. Rappelling in hills of Guanajuato

What travelers are saying.

Daniel D

  • 3-Hour Guided Walking Tour of Guanajuato
  • Private walking tour in Guanajuato
  • Private Tour in Guanajuato Capital Leaving San Miguel Allende
  • ATVs through the mountains and city of Guanajuato
  • Horseback Ride in Guanajuato with Live Music and Food
  • Mariana Castillo
  • Guanajuato Walking Tours
  • Mexico Street Food Tours
  • Estigo Tours
  • Professional Tours English
  • Turismo Alternativo En Guanajuato


APRIL SALE:   Book now and get   up to 60% off!

Guanajuato Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Guanajuato. We've got 31 adventures going to Guanajuato, starting from just 3 days in length, and the longest tour is 22 days. The most popular month to go is July, which has the largest number of tour departures.

31 Guanajuato tour packages with 77 reviews

Essential Central Mexico Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Essential Central Mexico

Excellent trip. Fabulous guide well informed and extremely helpful. Well organised and so much variety

Colonial Mexico ( 9 days ) Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing

Colonial Mexico ( 9 days )

Colonial Treasures of Mexico Tour

Colonial Treasures of Mexico

This trip was excellent thanks to our tour guide and driver. However, the previous handling and sending of the vouchers was very bad. We got them only on the day of departure!!! This is not possible!

Unforgettable Mexico ( 16 days ) Tour

Unforgettable Mexico ( 16 days )

Independence Route Tour

Independence Route

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Viceregal Route from Guadalajara Tour

Viceregal Route from Guadalajara

Colonial Treasures of Mexico - 3 Days Tour

Colonial Treasures of Mexico - 3 Days

Mexican Fiesta (8 Days) Tour

Mexican Fiesta (8 Days)

  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Mexico: Independence Route - 7 days Tour

Mexico: Independence Route - 7 days

Mexico Grande (13 Days) Tour

Mexico Grande (13 Days)

It was alot of money and not alot was included plus everyone met up the day before it started

Mexico Coast-to-Coast: Puerto Vallarta to the Mayan Riviera Tour

Mexico Coast-to-Coast: Puerto Vallarta to the Mayan Riviera


  • Educational


Colonial Circuit: México City, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende - 10 days Tour

Colonial Circuit: México City, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende - 10 days

A unique experience of seeing the most quaint and beautiful colonial towns in Mexico. The best part was that I was the only one in the tour accompanied by Mr. Luis who was the guide and the driver in a brand new car I mean zero miles. Mr Luis is a wonderful gentleman who is a knowledgeable and cordial. He took time and care to show me everything .and stayed beyond his working hours to help me see the places and enjoy the events. I truly enjoyed my time in Mexico. I believe Mr. Luis made it all possible and I thank him for that.

Colonial Jewels Of Mexico - 7 Days Tour

Colonial Jewels Of Mexico - 7 Days



What people love about guanajuato tours.

My wife and I along with three friends signed up the tour to Mexico from Indus Travel. The total 12-day Maya Culture trip really gave us opportunities to learn Mexico indigenous cultures thoroughly. We have seen a lot of ruins and pyramids, each of them has different representations and can tell the history of what was happening atthat time. We also had chances to visit the indigenous families toexperence the real Mexican people's life inthe rural area. The views of volcanoes, villages and canyons are also unforgettable. This is a small group with total 7 tourists, our driver/tour guide is a very experienced guide, Jose explained the history in sequence of events in and out. Most of all with 2500km driving he made us fell safe with his skills. All in all, this trip worths a 5+ star. I was so surprised that Indus Travel assigned a tour coordinator dedicated to our group, Kathlene helped a lot to make the arrangements for the whole trip, her prompt responses made us worry free.
  • to Latin America (1)
  • Mexico Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 10 Best Mexico Vacation Packages 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

Let's Travel To Mexico

Best 29 Things to Do in Guanajuato Mexico + Tips from a Local

Guanajuato Overview by DJI

Disclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of those links, I may earn a commission at zero cost for you. Please see my disclaimer policy here, and my privacy policy here.

Looking for things to do in Guanajuato Mexico? Look no further. In this complete guide to Guanajuato you will find all the amazing things you can do in this pretty city and learn about practical tips that I am sharing from personal experience.

Hey! I’m Isabella and I have lived in Mexico since 2010. I have been to Guanajuato several times, taken many different city tours, and eaten my way around the most delicious restaurants.

In this post, I will tell you all about Guanajuato Mexico, the best tours, and hidden gems of the city, and practical tips on how to make the most of your time there.

So, let’s get started.

Facts about Guanajuato City

  • Guanajuato City – Capital City of the State of Guanajuato
  • Population: 250.000
  • Area: Km2 72.54
  • Elevation: 2000mt
  • Foundation year: 1548
  • Official language: Spanish
  • English is widely spoken

Looking for the best local tour? this is my favorite⤵️

subterranean Road Guanajuato Mexico

Private Historical Tour in Guanajuato

130 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews | 2-3 hrs I took this walking tour of the city by Cacomixtle , a family-owned local company. The guide is Susanna, who manages the company with her dad. They both are very knowledgeable about their surroundings and will fill you in with a lot of interesting information about the city.

Best things to do in Guanajuato Mexico

1. kiss in the callejon del beso.

The city of Guanajuato is full of narrow streets and lanes called “callejones”. One of them is called Callejon del Beso and it’s definitely one of the most visited streets in the city. It’s so narrow that two opposite balconies almost touch.

guanajuato callejon del beso

Here is the short story of the local legend attached to it.

Here we are in the 18th century when a poor miner and a girl from a wealthy family of silver mine owners fell in love with each other and used to meet on the balconies and share words of love, dreams, and kisses.

When the girl’s father found out, in a fit of rage, stabbed her. Needless to say, the young lover couldn’t take the pain and killed himself as well.

Despite the tragic ending, it is a tradition now, that if you kiss your sweetheart on those stairs below the balconies you gain 7 years of love and luck.

Apparently, to have your luck renewed after 7 years you would need to go back to Guanajuato and kiss each other (or somebody else) again. 😉

2. Get lost in the historical city center

Guanajuato House facade with trees beside the door

I always love to wander around without a specific itinerary and just go with the flow. You will be surprised by the amazing hidden gems you can discover.

I usually find amazing corners, beautiful old doors, interesting old buildings and churches, and cute little cafes. Or maybe nothing but it just makes me feel like a local.

Guanajuato is the perfect place for that, especially for its typical narrow alleyways, full of art galleries, colonial buildings, street artists, markets, and street food.

You never know what you will encounter in your wandering.

Also, I love to take locally guided walking tours to learn about all the secret spots of the city. I took this tour with Susanna a young local guide, very passionate about her city and sharing all she knows with visitors. She speaks very good English. ▻ BOOK IT HERE

3. Visit Diego Rivera Museum

Diego Rivera is one of Mexico’s most prominent artists, especially known for his spectacular murals, but also for being the most significant man in Frida Kahlo’s life.

Although his art has been talked about as quite controversial, he’s now considered one of the greatest artists in Latin America.

The building that was his birthplace and home has now been converted into a museum displaying his less popular works and, on the ground floor, a recreation of what was his house at the time of his birth.

Museo Casa Diego Rivera

The visit doesn’t require a long time, but if you like art and culture this is a very interesting visit.

Cost 30 MXN (2 USD)

In the museum you can also find a lovely bookshop specializing in Mexican history and literature, they also have nice mini-guides of Guanajuato and an entire room with kids’ books.

Right in front of the Museum, there is my favorite vegan-friendly restaurant in Guanajuato, Escarola .

4. Hike to el Pípila Statue

guanajuato mexico tour

You should go up to the statue to watch the sun setting beyond the multicolored city from the giant Pipila monument that watches over the city.

The Pipila statue has been built in memories of a brave miner who despite his fragile health conditions set Guanajuato free from the Spaniards, while they were finding refuge in the Alhóndiga de Granaditas. Historians don’t know yet if this is a legend or a true story, but it’s a lovely tale.

colorful house market clock

The news of his brave action spread out quickly all around Mexico and it was one of the first battles of the Mexican revolution and one of the triggers. You can read the full story here .

You can also get a ride with the funicular for 70 mxn (return ticket) if you don’t feel like walking. Here below the opening hours and prices

Taquilla funicular el pipila

5. Walk around Mercado Hidalgo

Going to markets is one of my favorite things to do in a city. Mercado Hidalgo in Guanajuato is definitely one of the best places to hang out and mingle with locals.

Not only you can find great fresh fruit and veggies, local food, and all sort of objects, but it is also an example of the architecture of the industrial times.

Guanajuato market entrance

The building is, in fact, a mixture of different styles and ideas and rumor has it that it was originally constructed to become a major central station. But I just learned from my recent visit that this is not accurate just like the fact that Alexandre Gustave Eifel was also involved in the project.

According to the majority of Mexican historians, the building of the present market was built to be a market and a place for the Independence Day celebrations. It was designed by two architects, Antonio Riva Mercado and Hernesto Brunel.

Miguel Hidalgo was, in fact, a Mexican priest who together with a few others instigated the first victory of the Mexican revolution, the storming of the “Alhóndiga de Granaditas”, right a few blocks from the market.

guanajuato mexico tour

Mercado Hidalgo Guanajuato

Inside the building, the market is made of three levels and hosts small restaurants with local dishes at a very cheap price, great for breakfast or a quick lunch.

Other stalls sell clothes, local arts, and many other different items, it’s a great place to shop for your Mexican souvenirs or just browse and watch the local life going by.

6. Visit the Alhondiga de Granaditas Museum

Alhondiga Museum Entrance door

Even if you are not fond of museums and prefer open-air activities, I believe that Alhóndiga de Granaditas is still worth visiting.

It’s a regional museum where you can learn about the local history and the different phases of the Mexican revolution besides the historical events that took place in the Guanajuato region.

Guanajuato colorful houses market

The building in itself has historical importance because it is where the locals used to store their grains to supply the population in less productive seasons.

However, the most significant use of the building was in 1810 when the Spaniards were hiding while waiting for reinforcement.

It was there when the inhabitants of Guanajuato, enhanced by the local hero El Pipila (see above story) raised up against the Spaniards.

That’s where the first battle of the war of independence took place. Needless to say, it was the first Mexican victory and the Spaniards were defeated.

The Regional Museum of Guanajuato is open Tuesday to Saturday (between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm), Sunday (between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm), and it’s closed on Mondays.

The entrance fee is $30.00 pesos.

Unfortunately, there is no  English translation of the Exhibits.

I would suggest paying a visit anyway as the interior of the building in itself makes it worth the 30 pesos (1,5 USD)

The exterior and the famous door can be viewed at any time from the main street. It’s located right above Miguel Hidalgo Market.

cathedral guanajuato

7. Visit the Mummy Museum (Museo de las Momias)

To be honest I don’t really understand what’s so interesting in watching creepy mummified bodies which are a little over 100 years old and most of the time with gruesome and horrifying expressions on their face.

I don’t see the attraction in it but, apparently, The Mummy Museum of Guanajuato is one of the most visited museums in Guanajuato and I felt like I should put it on the list of the things you could do, just for the sake of information. I didn’t go there, though.

Guanaguato blue pink home stairs

I intentionally avoid a more detailed description and the creepy pictures, as it doesn’t really make me feel good about it.

I am sure if you are interested in this kind of thing you will find all the information about the history and the installation within the premises of the museum.

The entrance costs $95.00 pesos and the museum is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm daily.

Guanajuato doors

8. Pay a visit to the Basílica Colegiata de Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato

guanajuato basilica

In Guanajuato, there are more than 20 Churches, and the Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato or simply called the Guanajuato Basilica is the most significant for the history of the beautiful colonial city.

The exterior walls are painted yellow and red just like the main colors in the entire historical center.

The main portal is surrounded by a decorative pink sandstone formation of stepped layers with carvings of the saints.

The peculiar location of the Basilica is also part of its charm as it’s right in the middle of the city on the main square, in between two main streets converging into Plaza La Paz.

Guanajuato cathedral area

The building is also on a slight hill so that when you see it from a distance it appears to tower over the other beautiful surrounding buildings.

The basilica was initially constructed in 1671 but was remodeled upon demand of the leading silver Baron after the independence of Mexico from Spain, as a demonstration of wealth.

The Basilica was named after the patron saint and protector of the city, Our Lady of Guanajuato (Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato).

9. Walk by the Jardín de la Union

Jardin de la Union is a triangle-shaped Plaza (square) right in the middle of town, behind the Basilica and in front of the Teatro Juarez.

Its main features are the perfectly square-shaped trees wonderfully trimmed to form a square box running around the entire perimeter of the Jardin Union.

These trees were originally planted in 1836 and by 1860 they have become the most popular feature of the square.

Jardin de la union Guanajuato City

Below their shade, you can find a comfortable and stylish french iron bench for you to take a peaceful rest from your walks.

Or you could dine or have a drink in one of the fancy restaurants located around the plaza.

They are of course a little touristic and overpriced, while not necessarily the best restaurants in town.

At night this is one of the most popular places where students gather to offer their callejoneadas , painters display their works, musicians play and other artists come out there in search of temporary fame.

The area is very safe at any time of the day or night.

Guanajuato plaza fountain - Plaza San Fernando

10. Visit Plaza San Fernando

Located in the heart of town, even though a little off from the busier roads, this is a lovely peaceful corner where to hang out and relax, go for dinner or lunch or a coffee.

It’s the typical square, made of cobblestones and a fountain in the middle, surrounded by lovely bars, restaurants, and coffee shops in a bohemian atmosphere. 

Local artists are occasionally playing or selling their works. I particularly loved this spot. 

Also, I would suggest you explore the roads around the plaza as they will take you to other special corners of the city.

Guanajuato Plaza man reading while sitting on a bench and pigeons eating

11. Admire the Teatro Juárez architecture

Inaugurated in 1903 by President Porfirio Diaz it was considered one of the most prestigious theatres of the entire Mexico and it’s now the main focus of the International Cervantes Festival – Festival Internacional Cervantino – where all the activities converge.

Beyond the historical significance and quality of the performance, the Theatre definitely catches your eye with the stunning building that reminds you of ancient Roman architecture.

teatro juarez in guanajuato

It was designed by the architect Jose’ Noriega inspired by the stories of ancient Rome and Greece. The glorious entrance resembles, in fact, the Pantheon of Rome while on the rooftop 8 bronze statues are inspired by Greek mythology.

Certainly a unique building in Guanajuato, massive and majestic.

Teatro Juarez is also a delightful point of reunion where tourists and students gather during the day to rest from their city walks on its stairs.

You can also appreciate street vendors and performers in the nearby square.

Here is also the meeting point of the callejoneadas . (more about it later)

Guanajuato Theatre

12. Take a walk around the University of Guanajuato

Guanajuato is definitely a University town. The University of Guanajuato attracts students from all over the Republic and plays an important role in the cultural life of the city, full of events, like festivals, art, and a vibrant social atmosphere.

university of guanajuato

The main campus building of Guanajuato University is located right in the heart of the city, just a block from the Basilica of Guanajuato.

The beautiful white building is one of the most photographed construction in Guanajuato and it’s definitely worth a visit.

The origins of the university are related to the Jesuits who have been all over Mexico during the Spanish colonization, building beautiful churches and organizing education.

In fact, the building incorporates an important church, Templo de los Hospitales, which caused a little controversy when it was built.

tempo de la compañia de jesus entrance guanajuato

Curious fact – The University of Guanajuato was founded in 1945 and one of the promoters of its foundation was Armando Olivares, a literate who played an important role in the cultural growth of Guanajuato.

The house where he lived has now become one of my favorite luxury hotels in Guanajuato ( Casa del Rector ), just a few steps from the University.

13. Participate in a Callejoneada

If you speak Spanish you should not miss the Callejoneada Cervantina .

Guanajuato is a University city full of traditions, legends, and culture.

The callejoneada is one of those traditions, where very well-prepared students, dressed in ancient elegant clothes, will take you around the most historic corners of the city while telling stories singing songs, and telling jokes.

They make you interact and participate in singing and playing if you want. It costs about 200 pesos and it’s all worth it, better if you speak Spanish otherwise you can just enjoy the music.

Guanajuato uni zoom

The guys are really great performers and they put a lot of work and time into this show. It’s also a nice way to support their studies.

14. Walk around the Guanajuato Tunnels

guanajuato mexico tour

Initially engineered to protect the city from frequent flooding, the Guanajuato tunnels have evolved into an essential part of its infrastructure, serving as underground roads.

This network of tunnels, some of which are old mine shafts repurposed in the 20th century, helps in managing the city’s traffic and preserving its historic surface streets.

You can explore these tunnels by car or on foot at certain sections, offering a unique way to navigate and understand the city’s layout.

These tunnels highlight Guanajuato’s innovative approach to urban challenges, blending historical elements with functional modern use, and are a testament to the city’s rich mining history and adaptive urban planning.

Guanajuato narrow lane near the university

Walk around Guanajuato historical center

15. Go to Guanajuato during the international Festival Cervantino

The first time I went to Guanajuato was 15 years ago I was traveling on a budget and I couldn’t find a place where to stay.

I couldn’t understand why. How is it possible? then I found a bed in the aisle of a random house and the owner explained what was going on.

(Internet was not so accessible at that time and smartphones were just starting to appear. Yes I am that old!)

Those were hot dates due to the Festival Cervantino and I didn’t know. I was excited. How lucky I was to be there right for those dates without even knowing it.

The whole town was a big cultural party. Music, poetry, paintings, and food, all over the city. It was a joy, even for somebody like me who doesn’t love crowds.

Walking around those same streets I have walked after 15 years, just full of people playing, singing, and lecturing, it was just a huge cultural show with the beautiful colonial city as the open-air theatre.

The tradition started in 1953 and it is continuing so far, every year richer and better. More international artists, more venues and events, and more days.

It’s normally in October so if you are around I wouldn’t miss it. You can check out this site to see the updated news.

Santo Cafe

Top tours in Guanajuato

16. cerro del cubilete cristo rey guanajuato.

guanajuato mexico tour

While walking around the beautiful streets of the historic city of Guanajuato you will find a few stands selling tours. Those are legit and I recommend booking one of the tours to the Cerro del Cubilete and Cristo Rey.

It’s only 30 minutes from there and I believe it costs between 200 to 300 pesos. While the guide will share interesting facts about Guanajuato and surroundings, the vieews from the Christo Rey hill are spectacular.

17. Explore Cerro de La Bufa with a local

If the steep narrow streets in Guanajuato are not enough, this beautiful hike up to the Cerro de la Bufa will keep you entertained and fit.

Worry not it/s, not a long hike. But the meeting point is either at the front door of your hotel or at the offices of the tour operator.

You will start knowing the famous dam “de la Olla” where we will learn about the history of Guanajuato always accompanied by a guide.

You will continue with the route to the “Lighthouse” to see one of the best panoramic views of the city and its old buildings.

You will begin to enter the hill to change the panorama and enjoy the endemic flora and fauna of the area.

The hiking lasts in its entirety 4 hours with approximately 14 km in total.

► Book your tour to Cerro de la Bufa

Food Tour mercado Embajador

18. Premium Guanajuato Historic Tour

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 104 Reviews

Tim will take you through 4 hours of a historical tour of the city while walking through the numerous back alleys of Guanajuato.

The tour also includes a visit to two museums of your choice along the way, including the boyhood home of Diego Rivera or grand Teatro Juarez.

It ends at a rooftop bar or plaza cafe to see the city from a different angle.

All admissions and expenses are included.

Since the tour lasts 4 hours, make sure you fuel up with a good breakfast and you may want to wear some sunscreen , bring drinking water, and wear good walking shoes!

► Book your walking tour to Guanajuato city in advance on VIATOR

Guanajuato historical center - Plazuela de Mexiamora

Day trips from Guanajuato

19. pay a visit at the old hacienda san gabriel de barrera.

Located just a few km from Guanajuato city center, this spectacular estate is a unique place that must be visited both for its extended manicured gardens and for the interesting history of the luxury building.

The San Gabriel de Barrera hacienda was first built in the late 1600s by a descendant of one of the wealthy silver mine owners of Guanajuato.

The beautiful colonial home is now a museum where you can appreciate beautiful pieces of furniture from that era.

It’s located at about 30 minutes drive from the city. Check it on Google Map !

Or you can book this tour that includes the Hacienda among other interesting historical sites.


20. Take a day trip to San Miguel de Allende

Among the best places to visit in Guanajuato the elegant colonial town of San Miguel de Allende stands out big time. The pretty city has been nominated as one of the most beautiful cities in the world several times.

Walking around the pretty historical center, you will be mesmerized by the spectacular colonial buildings, art shops, and galleries.

It’s one of my favorite cities in Mexico. If you don’t have time to include it in your Mexican itinerary you could still take a day trip from Guanajuato .

But I do recommend saving a few days to enjoy the city fully and check out some of its hot springs.

You can also join a guided tour and cover San Miguel de Allende and the historical town of Dolores Hidalgo.

21. Take a day trip to the Valenciana mines

Unfortunately, I didn’t go and visit this time. However, it must have been a lovely day tour of the town and I believe it is a great thing to do if you have extra time in Guanajuato.

You can go on an organized tour or on your own. Buses leave from town, right behind the Alondhiga close to the Miguel Hidalgo Market.

Or there is a little tour Kiosk just outside Mercado Hidalgo where you can buy a tour for about 300 pesos.  It’s about 30 minutes drive.

As I was mentioning before Guanajuato built its fortunes with the mining industry when the Spanish discovered that underneath the city and on the surrounding hills there was a silver fortune.

(There are still underground tunnels below the city)

The Valenciana Mines were the biggest, deepest, and most extensive mining network in the region that extracted vast amounts of silver.

The buildings of the main mining area were restored mimicking the old construction and structure of the 17th century and visitors can descend the first 60 meters of the mineshaft.

The visit is not recommended if you are claustrophobic or if you suffer from heart/back conditions. Some of the tunnels to access the mine are in fact very tiny and obscure and in some parts, it is required to crawl down.

The visit takes just about 30 minutes to 1 hour and can be combined with a stop at the church  “Templo La Valenciana” (Valenciana Temple).

You can also visit a small exhibition of tools and equipment that were being used at the time. Also, a mummified body of a miner is displayed there, which can be a disturbing sight for many (me included) Unfortunately, the descriptions are not in English.

In our history where there was wealth, there was also exploitation. And that was the case also for the mining industry, as you can imagine.

La Valenciana Mine was one of the most important silver mines in Mexico and in the World as they provided the 30% of the total world’s yearly silver vein.

However, somebody had to pay for this fortune.

Underneath the surface, up to 3,300 indigenous were enslaved and forced to work for rich landowners and ultimately for the Spanish Crown. The only consolation was La Valenciana Temple, which was built for them to pray in their newly converted religion.

Although after the independence of Mexico in 1821, miners started to get paid minimum wages, the mine became even more dangerous as they had to dig deeper and deeper to find more silver and the security measures were not ideal.

There is a small figure of Mary carved into the stone on the way down. The miners used to pray before descending and thank upon a safe return.

You can see the statue at the bottom of the first flight of stairs on the right side.

For sure if you take the visit and descend the mine even at fewer meters you will have the feeling of depth and obscurity.

I can’t even imagine being there for the entire day not knowing if you would make it out alive.

guanajuato mexico tour


130 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews | 2-3 hrs The Tour includes ✔️ Museo Ex Hacienda San Gabriel de Barrera ✔️ Mina de San Juan de Rayas ✔️ Hotel Castillo Santa Cecilia ✔️ Presa de La Olla

San miguel de allende overview

22. Private Historical Tour in the Sierra Santa Rosa by Bicycle

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ 11 Reviews

Duration: 3 hrs 30 min approx.

This unique bike ride will take you on a historical journey through the mountain of the Sierra of Santa Rosa while you learn about the past and present mining of the city of Guanajuato, as well as the importance of the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

The guide will also explain the diversity of the Sierra de Santa Rosa, the people, the local flora, and fauna.

Sierra Santa Rosa

One of the Guest reviews:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Historic ride to Sombrero Mt. Susana and Antonio were fantastic ‘bike guides’, well-informed about local history (including prehistory), plants and fauna. And they were very patient with folks who haven’t been on a bicycle for a while. We rode through Puentecillas and up to Sombrero Pt. which gave us a beautiful view of the reservoir and surrounding landscape of Guanajuato. It was my favorite activity in the city. Will definitely do it again. A Tripadvisor Reviewer, Aug 2022

► Book your bike tour in the Sierra Santa Rosa on VIATOR

23. Hiking through Guanajuato

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ 7 Reviews

If you love outdoor activities this short hike is for you. Your local guide will take you on a walk around the hills that surrounds the city of Guanajuato all the way up to the top of Cerro de la Bufa while enjoying the spectacular views.

► Book your Hiking through Guanajuato on VIATOR

show from a local school in Guanajuato

24. Private tour of Guanajuato, Dolores Hidalgo, Atotonilco, and San Miguel de Allende route

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 Reviews

Duration: 8 hrs

This full-day tour will take you through the most important sanctuaries and historical sites of Guanajuato state from the iconic Dolores Hidalgo, to the Sanctuary of Atotonilco, named the Sistine Chapel of Mexico, to the Gothic church of San Miguel de Allende, called La Parroquia, and the nearby Jardin where you will have time to take a walk around and have lunch in one of the cozy restaurants.

This tour is perfect for those who have limited time and want to see as much as possible in a few hours.

► Book your day tour to Dolores Hidalgo, Atotonilco and San Miguel de Allende VIATOR

Atotonilco Sanctuary Overview

25. ATVs through the mountains and city of Guanajuato

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 47 Reviews

Duration: 4 hrs

For all the adventures here, this ATV tour will take you through the old mining towns hidden among the mountains that surround Guanajuato.

The itinerary includes , the underground streets, the monument to Pípila, the viewpoint of the Rayas mine, the panoramic road that surrounds the city over the hills, the viewpoint of the hill of Las Comadres, the Monte de San Nicolas, La Fragua, the Sierra de Santa Rosa de Lima, the dam of Mata, Valenciana, among many other places.

► Book your ATVs through the mountains and city of Guanajuato on VIATOR

26. Private Horseback Ride on El Camino Real in Guanajuato

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 12 Reviews

This fun horseback ride will take you to experience a full immersion in the local culture while enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings of Guanajuato.

You will learn a lot about the work of soil restoration, reforestation and forest care in general with the help of a local guide from the community.

I have taken other tours from this familiar company by Sunsanna and Antonio and I cannot recommend them enough.

► Book your horseback ride tour VIATOR

27. Presa La Purisima Park Kayak Tour

This is a unique tour on a kayak in La Purisima Dam, where you will paddle among the ruins of a submerged church.

Presa de la Purísima is a popular tourist destination in Guanajuato due to its natural beauty and recreational activities.

The dam has hiking and mountain biking trails, picnic areas, and camping sites. The total duration of the tour is 4 hours, while the time in the kayak is approximately 1.5 hours.

Check rates and availability for the kayaking tour here

Las grutas de Tolantongo Waterfalls

Grutas de Tolantongo

28.Visit the spectacular Grutas de Tolantongo

I do believe that Las Grutas de Tolantongo is an experience that requires more time and it’s not to be rushed. It’s located about 5 hours drive from Guanajuato, meaning you will be 10 hours on the bus. However,5-hour since the tour is available I thought I would let you know in case you want to squeeze it in your schedule.

The departure time is 5 am (just saying) –

You can book your tour here , but I would recommend reading my dedicated post first before booking.

29. Private Tour to Mineral de Pozos from Guanajuato City

Take a private tour of the Pueblo Magico of Mineral de Pozos. The guide will take you through the mining history and the spectacular colonial architecture. The tour includes visits to the town’s abandoned mines, where you can witness the tools and equipment used to extract minerals from the earth.

In addition to exploring the town’s mining history, you will also enjoy the town’s natural beauty, with its stunning landscapes and rugged terrain.

The tour includes a visit to one of the town’s scenic viewpoints, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Best restaurants in Guanajuato

If you are looking for great vegetarian or vegan restaurants I can suggest a few that I have tried.

Escarola inside Guanajuato

Located in a lovely garden right in front of the house-museum of Diego Rivera, they not only offer a variety of healthy meals but also organize and promote cultural and art events. Escarola is a great place to check out.

Habibti Falafel

This Middle-east cuisine offers delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes. It used to be a tiny restaurant with a long waiting line.

But now they have changed location and they can welcome more people so you can have a relaxed healthy email in a cozy environment.

Estacion Gelato

Estacion Elado

Stop by Estacion Gelado for delicious refreshing ice cream after walking around the steep callejones of Guanajuato you will appreciate it. But they also have a delicious tiramisù.

Costal Cultura Cafetera

One of the most interesting representations of contemporary Mexican cuisine, with an incredible presentation, great service, and ambiance.

Santo Cafe' and callejon

Santo Cafe’ is a must, very popular for their burgers and fries but most of all for their seating on the iconic bridge over the Callejon del Campanero. I have never made it but you should try it. There are only two or three tables outside though.

Enjoy the views from some of the best rooftop terraces in Guanajuato

Nigromante rooftop.

Nigromante rooftop bar in Guanajuato

Right in the heart of Guanajuato, you can enjoy an incredible sunset from Nigromante Rooftop while sipping delicious cocktails end eating a tasty meal.

La Notaria Terraza y Bar

La Notaria rooftob bar

A stylish rooftop bar and restaurant to watch the spectacular views and citylights, have a drink and eat delicious tacos or hamburger (their specialty). During winter it can get cold but they offer blanket and they have eaters. A cute place to spend the evening.

Casa Del Rector Sky Bar

The exclusive roof top terrace from this luxury hotel is a must if you are in Guanajuato. Sip your expensive drink, have a snack and while enjoying the cozy atmosphere with stunning views.

On a different note, I also enjoyed a delicious breakfast in the hotel internal courtyard.

La casa del rector Guanajuato garden

Cafes in Guanajuato where to work remotely

Cute little cafe with great interior design and beautiful art work on the walls. They are open all day from 8 am to 10 pm. It’s a great place to get work done or just have a coffee and relax after a day exploring.

This is the place where university students tend to go to gather or get some work done. It can be busy at times. I found it has a very bohemien atmosphere somehow.

Great WIFI and delicious backery and healthy dishes.

Where to stay in Guanajuato

Guanajuato is brimming with cute boutique hotels for any budget and style. I would suggest you stay within the historical center so that you can make the best of your visit.

Here are my top favorite hotels. For a longer list check out my post on where to stay in Guanajuato .

La Casa del Rector – Luxury Hotel

guanajuato mexico tour

Casa del Rector is a luxury hotel in Guanajuato that blends modern elegance with historical charm. Offering exquisite rooms, a rooftop pool with panoramic city views, and top-notch amenities, it provides an unparalleled stay for those seeking comfort and sophistication in the heart of this UNESCO World Heritage city. If you are not staying there it’s worth trying their delicious breakfast served in the patio.

Hotel El Meson de Los Poetas – Mid-range Hotel

guanajuato mexico tour

Hotel Mesón de los Poetas , nestled in the heart of Guanajuato, Mexico, offers guests a charming retreat amidst the city’s vibrant history and culture. With its cozy, poet-inspired rooms, close proximity to major attractions, and warm hospitality, it’s the perfect base for exploring the enchanting streets of Guanajuato.

Casa de Pita – Budget hotel

guanajuato mexico tour

Casa de Pita the hotel where I have stayed on my latest time in Guanajuato. The hotel looks like a home with many rooms. It’s very nicely decorated with local pieces of art and it has a rooftop terrace with spectacular views over the city.

The hotel is located in the heart of Guanajuato historical center at a walking distance to all the major attractions, plazas, and restaurants.

Map of Guanajuato

Guanajuato Map

How to get to Guanajuato

As one of the most popular cities among local and international tourists, Guanajuato is very well connected to the most important cities and bus routes. Depending on where you are coming from here are the most convenient ways to get to Guanajuato

Getting to Guanajuato by plane

If you are not in the area the most convenient option to get to Guanajuato is to fly to Leon airport, most commonly known as El Bajìo International Airport. (Airport Code BJX) It’s located 40 minutes drive from the city and you can find both shared and private transportation to your hotel in Guanajuato.

The area is not one of the safest in Mexico and I would recommend booking a reputable service in advance to get to your hotel from the Leon airport.

  • Private transfer from BJX to Guanajuato City – BOOK HERE
  • Leon Airport shared shuttle – BOOK HERE

guanajuato mexico tour

Getting to Guanajuato by bus

Mexico city to guanajuato by bus (5 hrs).

Wherever you are in Mexico City you will need to head to Mexico Norte Bus Terminal. I suggest you should UBER in Mexico City as it’s a safer and faster way to get where you want.

From Mexico Norte, you can choose from different bus companies to get to Guanajuato. My favorite is ETN , the most expensive but the most comfortable. You will feel like you are on an airplane in first class.

Otherwise, you can also find Primera Plus which offers good service as well. Futura is the cheapest bus company among the three.

Whatever you choose make sure you travel during the day.

While Guanajuato city is a safe place, the bus will go through less safe cities, such as Celaya. Therefore traveling during the day makes it safer.

Queretaro to Guanajuato by bus (2hrs 30 m)

If you are traveling from Queretaro Primera Plus has 2 trips to Guanajuato every day and it tasks 2hrs 30 minutes

ETN has one bus per day at 7 pm.

San Miguel De Allende to Guanajuato 1h 30 m

ETN bus has different schedules from San Miguel de Allende to Guanajuato throughout the day.

You can now get from Mexico City to San Miguel De Allende directly, in case you were wondering. It will stop in Queretaro.

guanajuato mexico tour

Getting from Mexico City to Guanajuato by car

You could also rent a car in Mexico City and drive to Guanajuato. However, I would just be careful about the route you choose and I would avoid driving at night.

Avoid Chelaya and Irapuato for a start. Also, check out apps such as IOverland where other travelers on the road will share their experiences. It’s very useful.

Car rental

Discover Cars Mexico Review

Discover Cars is one of the most popular car rental for many reasons, among which:

✔︎ straight forward information ✔︎ full coverage add-on ✔︎ listing of different companies with reviews

Guanajuato Mexico: a brief history

The capital city of the tiny homonymous state, Guanajuato was founded by the Spanish in 1548 as Real de Minas de Guanajuato.

It became the world’s leading silver extraction center in the 18th century. Its captivating colonial architecture in the colorful historical center makes it one of the most interesting cities to visit in Mexico.

The city was in fact, made UNESCO World Heritage site in 1988 and it is one of the most visited cities in Mexico, both by local and international tourists.

Gunanajuato colorful homes framed

The majestic churches, beautiful examples of Baroque architecture, and neoclassical buildings are a witness to the glorious past of the mining industry.

Glorious for the mines and landowner, less glorious for the enslaved miners who were forced to work in very poor and dangerous conditions.

This is part of Mexican history ; we should not forget it while enjoying our strolls on narrow roads through the beautiful colonial buildings.

Guanajuato has also been home to important events in the history and culture of Mexico including being the hometown of the famous artist Diego Rivera , one of the best internationally recognized Mexican muralists.

But let’s check out all the things you can do in Guanajuato.

Things to do in Guanajuato: FAQ

How many days should i spend in guanajuato.

Although you can visit the most interesting spots in Guanajuato in two days, I would recommend spending more time in the city so that you can experience more of all the incredible experiences and historical sites it has to offer.

What does Guanajuato mean in Spanish?

The name Guanajuato comes from its original name  Kuanasïuatuthe, in Purepecha language,  which means “Hilly place of many frogs”. It was founded in the XVI century by the Spaniards which made the city one of the most important mine settlements of New Spain.

Guanajuato Market - Things to do in Guanajuato

Is Guanajuato safe?

Although Guanajuato state is not one of the safest in State in Mexico for the strong presence of drug cartels, the city of Guanajuato itself and its surroundings are pretty safe and so are San Miguel de Allende and the other Pueblos Magicos of Dolores Hidalgo and Mineral de Pozos. Other than that, just please be just as aware of your surrounding as you would do it anywhere. Don’t leave your belongings unattended, don’t get wasted, and don’t walk around alone in the middle of the night in isolated streets. Also if you are renting a car avoid driving at night. Avoid driving through cities such as Celaya and Irapuato.

Guanajuato cathedral universidad

What to pack for Guanajuato

I would recommend dressing in layers and even when it appears to be hot, bring a jacket with you just in case. Guanajuato as a mild climate all year round. In fact the coldest month is January with an average high temperature of 68 F and an average low temperature of 39 F. The hottest month is May with he highest average temperature of 81F, so all the other months range in between.

Guanajuato Cristo Rey cerro landscape

Things to do in Guanajuato, Mexico: Final thoughts

As you can see there is so much to do and see in Guanajuato in the city and its surroundings.

I hope this post helped you figure out what to do and what to leave for the next time. Or maybe you decided to stay longer and do as much as possible.

No matter how many days you choose to stay you are going to love this city.

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Isabella is traveler and animal lover, a former tourism professional with an multinational background that lead her to Mexico, that she can proudly call home. After seven years in Cancun where she's still a resident, she took a bold leap, leaving her fancy job to embrace a nomadic lifestyle. She traveled all over Mexico, from Baja California to Ciudad Juarez, Oaxaca, Chiapas Hidalgo exploring and living like a local. Isabella founded Let's Travel to Mexico to help travelers plan their own trip on and off the beaten path in this beautiful land that she loves so dearly.

guanajuato mexico tour

Walking Tours

Come join an expert local bilingual guide for one of our Guanajuato tours through this beautiful UNESCO World Heritage city.

Tour Overview

Monuments and buildings, historical walking tour.

The tour starts at 10 am near Teatro Cervantes in down town. From there we explore the whole historical center of the city, stopping at each important monument.

guanajuato mexico tour

About Guanajuato Walking Tours

We provide the best experience for you to visit guanajuato city..

Join our Guanajuato walking tour and experience the colorful alleyways that hold rich stories of romance, perseverance, and history. See the most important Spanish colonial sights and learn what came after when Guanajuato became the most important city in Mexico’s independence from Spain. You will hear about legends, heroes, and local Mexican culture as you go on a Guanajuato tour with an expert guide. Discover all the layers of this unique historic city in central Mexico and get the lay of the land in the capital of Guanajuato state.

guanajuato mexico tour

World Heritage City Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

Come explore the whole historical center of Guanajuato City, walking by sites where history was made and seeing it all from different perspectives.

guanajuato mexico tour

Premium City and Museum Tour

Go deeper and get a richer experience with our premium guided Guanajuato walking tour that includes stops in two local museums.


At mexicostreetfood.com.

guanajuato mexico tour


guanajuato mexico tour


Get in touch.

Let us know if you have a question about our Guanajuato tours or want to set up a custom program. Send us a email or a message by whatsapp.

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  • +52 473 137 1330

[email protected]

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Sat Mexico Guanajuato, Colonial Treasures

Visit Guanajuato Mexico

Visit Guanajuato one of the most important colonial cities in Mexico and a true colonial Jewel

Patrimonial histories, enriching culture, and spectacular architecture are just some of the elements that make Guanajuato a unique place for learning about Mexico’s legacy.

In other words, Guanajuato has an exceptional richness: A place where art, history, nature, and culture go together, shaping one of the most fascinating states in Mexico. Cities like San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato are the favorite destinations for national and international tourists. But, there are so many other resources and destinies Guanajuato has to offer.

Reasons to visit.

  • Guanajuato is one of the most important settings of Mexican history, events of one of the most essential and representative movements, left an incredible scenario full of museums, theatres, monuments, and markets.
  • Popular as a gastronomic destination for its typical delicious candies such as strawberries from Irapuato,  Cajeta  from Celaya, and artisanal sorbet from Dolores Hidalgo.
  • Its annual International Arts Festival  Cervantino , in honor of Miguel Cervantes Saavedra, author of Don Quijote de la Mancha, has become an opened space for cultural exchange.


Guanajuato city.

Situated in a picturesque valley, in the heart of Mexico, Guanajuato is definitely one of Mexico’s most charming colonial cities.

It was founded in 1559 as a mining town. The “ Valenciana”  mine was a rich source of silver, and it became one of the richest and most productive mines in the world during the 18th century. Nowadays, you will be surprised by the beauty of this city. It has winding lanes, its plazuelas shaded by Indian laurels, its large variety of decorative styles, its  Mummy Museum , and its curious underground avenue. With its history as an important mining center, it derived great wealth from its abundant silver deposits. The city is a real jewel among Mexico’s colonial towns. Besides that, the city is full of old legends. Best known is probably the one of the  “Callejon del Beso”  (Alley of the Kiss).

Downtown is full of tiny streets that make walking through the city an unbelievable experience; driving around might be confusing, so you need to be prepared to walk around in this delighting city.

San Miguel de Allende 

Declared UNESCO World Heritage, this city shows the fancy side of Guanajuato state. Its bright Downtown will make you feel in a dream. It offers all kinds of high-class establishments such as restaurants, hotels, boutiques. Not to mention countless galleries offering the best variety of handmade craft from Mexico.

Also famous for its neo-gothic style: “Parish of San Miguel,” the iconic church with the pink, sugar-candy pointing towers waits for you. These bizarre towers were designed by an untutored Indian, Zeferino Gutierrez, in the late 19th century. The indigenous people of Pátzcuaro made an image made from corn stalks and orchid bulbs. You can find it in the main chapel.

You can have a good time in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato and other amazing places in Mexico in our tour:  6-day Colonial Jewels of Mexico

Dolores Hidalgo 

Small town, where Miguel Hidalgo, father of Mexico, delivered his famous “Grito de Dolores” (Cry for Independence). This cry symbolizes the start of the Mexican independence movement in the early nineteenth century. This relaxed town shows a fantastic picture of Colonial architecture with its big houses and ranches that will make the experience of visiting this town unforgettable. All kinds of crafts can be found in Dolores; nevertheless, the most representative ones are pottery and  Talavera .


Small colonial village decorated by its calmed river, wood parks and plazas, big colonial  “casonas”  and churches. While visiting this town, don’t forget to stopover the remarkable  Capuchinas’  convent-fortress dated from the XVII century.

Salvatierra has its characteristic handmade crafts: embroidered tablecloth and napkins.


This  Pueblo Magico  takes part in Mexico’s religious route thanks to its beautiful churches and convents.

Yuriria is a native word that means “ Blood Lake ,” making reference to an extinct crater that made its lagoon water turn into red color where extraordinary religious constructions dated from XVI and XVIII centuries especially Saint Agustin’s old convent. This impressive construction looks like a medieval fortress on the lagoon’s edge, creating an incredible photographic frame.

Irapuato’s main activity is strawberry harvest, you will find loads of candies made with this fruit. These delicious bites deserve your attention on your visit to this delightful town.

Don’t forget to visit its gardens, plazas, and markets that will take you to colonial times. At sunset, dancing fountains create a fascinating spectacle where lights and music lead the way.

Located in Guanajuato’s south-eastern; this Mexican’s revolution battle setting is also called “Bajio’s golden gate,” thanks to its last year’s development. Today, it has turned into an industrial and mercantile city without dismissing its touristic points.

In Celaya, you can go walk over Downtown and visit its Cathedral; at the same time, you can enjoy tasting its delicious traditional candies, including its famous  Cajeta(traditional milky caramel) .

After that, on the night, dare you to explore the spooky experience of visiting Celaya’s own mummy museum and cemetery on an incredible night tour discovering thrilling stories and legends.

Celaya is an excellent place for shopping addicts. Producing leather is one of its strengths, that’s why you will find shoes, belts, jackets and other accessories.

Leon has its particularly exciting points like the Metropolitan park, where International Balloon Fair takes place: Old  Hacienda  ruins and a high number of bird species create a perfect scene for zip-line, train, and boat rides.

Festivals and International Events  in Guanajuato

In October, for two weeks, there is a presentation of works of music, dance and theater from around the world. This festival was born as a tribute to Miguel de Cervantes made by university students. Over time, it has grown to become one of the most famous art festivals.

Through the years, this joyful tradition made a romantic and magical environment, which has become an attractive touristic activity. Have a walk through Guanajuato’s beautiful streets and alleys participating along the famous  “estudiantinas”  singing representative serenade songs.

Balloon Festival

Performed in Leon City, definitely one of the most beautiful and spectacular events in Mexico and Latin America. In this incredible event, you can enjoy more than 200 hot air balloons, unique gastronomy, music, games, and camps. All this makes this festival one of the favorites.

Guanajuato Mexico Official Website

Goverment of Guanajuato

Why you should contact us

MexicoTours.travel provides you with advice and assistance in organizing your holidays in Mexico. We provide the best selection of one day tours, and we tailor-made your next visit to Mexico . Contact us, and we will be happy to help. 

guanajuato mexico tour

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Mexico Street Food

Popular Tours

Check out the Most Popular Tours offered.


Guanajuato Street Food Tour


Bars and Tacos Night Tour

Founder Tim Leffel is a full-time travel writer, editor, and author from the USA who has published articles from around the world. He has a home in Guanajuato and has lived there for years. Our bilingual local guides trade off doing the Guanajuato tours now for groups from around the world. See more on the Your Guide page.

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Bill and Carol

Tours range from US$33 to $40 per person depending on group size and current exchange rates. This includes all food, walking tour guidance around the city, and a funicular train ride to a panoramic viewpoint (daytime Guanajuato food tour only). See more on the street food tour pricing page.

Unless your group requires otherwise, day tours run for at least three hours starting at 9:30 a.m. The whole tour is done on foot and requires the ability to walk on uneven surfaces. Guanajuato tours at night usually meet up at 7:00 p.m. You must pay a 10% deposit in advance by Paypal or credit card at least 24 hours in advance then the rest on the day of the tour in cash.

We need at least two people to run a tour and all tours must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. See more on the Prices and Bookin g page.

Book with Confidence - we want you to be as confident as possible when planning your next vacation. Learn More >>

guanajuato mexico tour

7-day Magical Tour of San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato

guanajuato mexico tour

Price: Please inquire

Take this culturally rich tour of San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato and immerse yourself in two of Mexico’s most beautiful and historic cities. Starting in Guanajuato, this week-long vacation will stop at the cities’ most famous landmarks while uncovering some of their lesser-known gems.

Marvel at Colonial architecture, uncover the artistic spirit that fuels both these UNESCO World Heritage Cities, and experience the tranquil beauty of everyday life in this gorgeous part of the world.

As with all our Mexican vacations, you can customize this San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato vacation to your exact desires, so if there’s something your heart longs to see, our expert Travel Planners can make the arrangements for you.

San Miguel de Allende

6N Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada – Set across a collection of six colonial houses on the quaint cobblestone streets of San Miguel de Allende, this luxury hotel is a tranquil and exclusive option in the city.

Atotonilco Chapel  – Discover the Sistine Chapel of Mexico, the Sanctuary of Atotonilco, just 20 minutes from San Miguel, boasting stunning Mexican Baroque murals and UNESCO recognition.

San Miguel de Allende – Visit San Miguel’s gorgeous city center and its greatest landmarks including the famous Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel church

Guanajuato – Take a guided excursion of the vibrant center of Guanajuato, stopping at its historic landmarks

Vineyard Experience – Sip wine atop the tower, explore vineyards on a carriage, visit the winemaking area, and savor a four-course gourmet meal with wine pairings in Cuna de Tierra’s charming dining room.

Mineral de Pozos – Venture into this little-known colonial mining center, recognized as a Magic Town ( Pueblo Magico ) by the government.

Feeling Creative? You can customize this itinerary by adding or removing the tours and activities. Go to our Online Journey Builder to start customizing this itinerary


Day 1: Arrive in Leon, private transfer to Guanajuato

On arrival at Leon International Airport, you will be met by a Journey Mexico guide and privately transferred to your hotel of choice. Spend the rest of the evening at leisure, relaxing in your accommodation and preparing for the rest of your adventure.

Hotel: Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada

Day 2: Explore San Miguel, Atotonilco Chapel & Botanical Gardens

Immerse yourself in a day of exploration with a private guide. Discover the UNESCO World Heritage Site of San Miguel de Allende, wandering through its vibrant historic center and visiting iconic landmarks like the Parish of San Miguel Arcángel. Experience the awe-inspiring Sanctuary of Atotonilco, known as the Sistine Chapel of Mexico, with its intricate murals and rich artistic heritage. Explore the nearby botanical gardens, home to a diverse collection of Mexican plants, including fascinating cacti and agave species.

After a fulfilling day, your guide will drive you back to San Miguel de Allende, leaving you with lasting memories of this culturally rich town.

Day 3: Discover Guanajuato & Dolores Hidalgo

Today you´ll experience the cultural and artistic city of Guanajuato before going deeper into national history in Dolores Hidalgo, the birthplace of Mexican Independence.

Discover the cultural treasures of Guanajuato and delve into Mexican history in Dolores Hidalgo on this captivating journey. Marvel at the vibrant architecture and cobblestone streets of Guanajuato’s historical center, exploring churches, plazas, and renowned sites such as Diego Rivera’s house-museum. Don’t miss the iconic “Alley of the Kiss” and panoramic city views. In Dolores Hidalgo, discover the heartland of the Mexican Independence movement, visiting churches, museums, and a bustling market. Connect with contemporary culture through ceramic workshops and indulging in exotic sorbets. Conclude your day with a scenic drive back to your San Miguel de Allende hotel.

Day 4: Vineyard Experience & Gourmet Lunch with Wine Pairing

Enjoy beautiful landscapes and modern architecture as you sample some of Mexico´s best wines at Cuna de Tierra vineyard. Your private guide will pick you up from your hotel to begin the experience.

Indulge in a captivating wine experience at Cuna de Tierra vineyard, where stunning landscapes and modern architecture await. With a private guide, sip wine atop the tower, explore vineyards on a carriage, and gain insights into winemaking processes. Conclude with a delectable four-course meal, expertly paired with wines, at Cuna de Tierra’s charming dining room. Your private driver ensures a seamless return to your hotel, leaving you with cherished memories of this remarkable journey.

Day 5: Visit Pueblo Magico, Mineral de Pozos

Today, it’s time to explore a lesser-visited part of Mexico, the little-known colonial mining center of Mineral de Pozos, recognized by the government as a Pueblo Magico (Magic Town) for its beauty and historic significance.

Pozos, which sits in a mesquite tree-strewn landscape, was once known throughout Colonial Mexico for its opulence and thriving mining industry. However, by the 1960s it became a virtual ghost town. Now, it’s undergoing a revival — thanks in no small part to its gorgeous surroundings.

Take a guided tour of the city center and visit the mysterious ruins before a lovely lunch in the courtyard of the boutique hotel, Posada de las Minas.

After, visit a local artisan who crafts unique, handmade musical instruments. Receive a demonstration of his musical talents before perusing his shop. Return to San Miguel in the mid-afternoon with time to explore the city center or to relax in your hotel.

Day 6: Kitchen Experience in the Heart of San Miguel de Allende

Get ready for a tasty afternoon in San Miguel de Allende with this fabulous market to kitchen experience. With the guidance of your own private chef, you´ll visit a vibrant market to hand select the ingredients, before cooking a delicious meal and of course enjoying your creations!

After meeting your expert guide, together you´ll wander down to the city´s main food market (just 4 blocks away) where you´ll pick the freshest ingredients for the feast ahead from a variety of Mexican foods and herbs. Nibble on ´botanitas´ while perusing the produce and take in the sights, smells and atmosphere of this classic Mexican mercado.

Once back at the chef´s lovely kitchen, it´s time to get hands on with the ingredients as your chef leads you through an exploration of the flavors, colors, and aromas of the Mexican cocina. You´ll learn many essential tips to making authentic Mexican dishes as you discover the chili and herb combinations that go into salsas, and how to cook up several ‘guisos’, or stews.

Your mouthwatering preparations will culminate in a fine and flavorsome meal, straight from the market to the kitchen, accompanied by some tasty margaritas.

Day 7: Departure from Leon

On the final day, you will enjoy a private transfer from your hotel to Leon International Airport — your airport for departure.

Our trips are fully customized, allowing us to build your itinerary for any time of the year.

Our custom-tailored journeys start from $1,000 USD per day for two travelers. Contact us today to discuss your travel desires and design a personalized proposal with exact pricing.


Our custom-tailored journeys start from $1,000 USD per day for two travelers. ($1,800 per couple in beach destinations)

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guanajuato mexico tour

Top-rated⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ GUANAJUATO 🎨 Tours and Private Activities

Private tours in guanajuato 🎒🕶️.

Visit Guanajuato City is an excellent option if you prefer private tours and great experiences. Guanajuato City was established in 1559 and has become a perfect stop whom like history tours, cultural trips in Mexico, museum worms, and colonial architect lovers.


guanajuato mexico tour

Cultural Tour 🎒

History + City Walking

Price from $45 USD

guanajuato mexico tour

Historical Tour 👑

Tunnels + Mines Tour

Price from $259 USD

guanajuato mexico tour

Historical Tour 🌿

Price from $249 USD


We create personalized private tours, our special custom-made private tours cover a variety of travelers, from friend escapes, family encounters, honeymoon getaways, wellness travels, just women’s travel, and corporate retreats..

guanajuato mexico tour

SECTUR No.35090170003


Disfruta de éste increíble paraíso potosino durante 3 días y 2 noches.

Te llevaremos a conocer las maravillas naturales de la Huasteca Potosina, donde podrás nadar en aguas azul turquesa, asombrarte con la caída de las cascadas de Tamul y echarte clavados de hasta 10 mts de altura. También te llevaremos a conocer el increíble sótano de las golondrinas para ver el espectáculo natural. Además podrás sentirte en un cuento de hadas cuando te llevemos al jardín surrealista de Edward James lleno de esculturas y arquitectura surrealista. No nos iremos sin antes visitar el pintoreco pueblo mágico Xilitla, podrás comer zacahuil, enchiladas huastecas, bocoles y más, así como subir a la iglesia y disfrutar de la increíble vista. 


Descubre la magia de Guanajuato en un tour de 2 días. Durante éste tour podrás conocer los lugares más representativos del estado, como el callejón del beso, el teatro Juárez, el museo de las momias de Guanajuato y mucho más! También tendrás la oportunidad de ser parte de la tradicional callejoneada nocturna, bailar, cantar y tomar porrón. Al siguiente día te llevaremos al spa  más bello del estado, su arquitectura, diseño y atención te encantarán; podrás nadar en sus aguas termales que también resultan beneficiosas para la salud y si quieres refrescate también hay opciones, en tu estancia en el spa podrás desayunar y para más relajación contratar un servicio de masaje.Para cerrar el tour con broche de oro, te llevaremos a San Miguel de Allende, declarado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, aquí podrás tomar el recorrido en tranvía y visitar la iglesia.


Fecha: Del 3 al 4 de Septiembre

Salida 6:30 am del Sábado 

Regreso: 10:30pm del domingo

Punto de reunión en el ángel de la Independencia, frente al hotel Sheraton

Costo por persona

Habitación cuádruple $2,699

Habitación doble/triple $2,799

Reserva con $1,000 por persona, haz cómodos pagos y liquida antes del 26 de Agosto.


Recorrido guiado a pie por las calles del centro de Guanajuato, visitando:

-El museo de las momias

-Monumento al Pípila


-Mercado Hidalgo

-Alhóndiga de Granaditas

-Callejón del beso

-Teatro Juárez 

-Basílica de Guanajuato

-Universidad de Guanajuato

Callejoneada tradicional 

Acceso a spa Escondido Place

Visita a San Miguel de Allende - Patrimonio de la Humanidad

Hospedaje en hotel céntrico

Coordinadores de viaje

Traslados internos

Transporte redondo

Seguro de viajero a bordo del transporte .


Alimentos y bebidas

Propinas a guías locales

Gastos personales

Entrada a los museos (alhóndiga de granaditas y museo de las momias)



Día 1 6:00 - Iniciamos el registro de los viajeros, se dan las indicaciones del viaje y se otorgan los brazaletes para cada uno de los viajeros. 6:30 pm - Comenzamos el trayecto hacia Guanajuato. Recuerda que no se da tiempo extra de tolerancia, así que llega temprano =D


Día 1 Al rededor de la 1pm llegaremos a Guanajuato centro, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. En éste hermoso lugar tendremos un recorrido guiado por los lugares más representativos del estado.


Día 1 Llegaremos al museo de las momias, donde tendrás tiempo de recorrerlo y asombrarte de la exhibición.


Día 1 Realizaremos la tradicional callejoneada nocturna. Habrá estudiantina, música y porrón! =D


Día 2 Nos dirigiremos a spa Escondido Place, un lugar en donde se repira relajación y bienestar, podrás nadar en las aguas termales que resultan terapeúticas. Además cuentan con restaurante para que puedas desayunar a gusto.


Día 2 Te llevaremos a recorrer un Patromonio de la Humanidad! San Miguel de Allende se caracteriza por su catedral y sus calles empedradas. Te recomendamos entrar a la catedral y subirte al tranvía turiístico.


Depósito en ventanilla, transferencia y oxxo.

datos bancarios tingo bbva (1).png

1.-   Aparta tu lugar con $1,000.00 por persona.

2.-  Envíanos una foto de tu comprobante de pago junto con tu nombre, fecha de cumpleaños, teléfono y correo de los viajeros. EN EL CONCEPTO DEL          PAGO DEBE IR: GUANAJUATO Y TÚ NOMBRE COMPLETO

3.-  Recibirás nuestra confirmación de anticipo, así te aseguraremos que tus lugares no serán ocupados por nadie más.

4.-  Deberás liquidar tus lugares en pagos ó en un sólo pago antes de las fechas límites.

5.-  Una vez completado el pago envíanos tu comprobante y recibirás tu pase de viajero, el cuál tendrás que presentar el día del tour para canjearlo por tu brazalete.

Mándanos tu comprobante por whatsapp, correo ó inbox

whatsapp: 5528575623

correo: [email protected]

inbox:  https://www.facebook.com/tourspormexicodeltingoaltango/ ​ ​

Los adelantos y liquidaciones pueden realizarse vía depósito, transferencia, pago en oxxo ó pago con tarjeta a través de un link de pago.

Pagos con Tarjeta a meses sin intereses

guanajuato mexico tour

1.-   Solicita la tarifa dependiendo de los meses a los que quieres realizar tu pago.

2.-  Solicita el link de pago por cualquiera de nuestros métodos de contacto.

3.-  Una vez completado el pago recibirás por correo tu reservación del viaje.

*Este método de pago no es reembolsable ni cancelable, lee nuestras políticas de cancelación*


6   meses sin intereses

$520  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,120

3   meses sin intereses

$1,000  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,000

9   meses sin intereses

$359  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,230

12   meses sin intereses

$278  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,330


$1,040  cada mes

$539  cada mes

$372  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,340

$287  cada mes

en total pagarás $3,440


1.-   Es responsabilidad del viajero liquidar su reservación antes de la fecha límite, en caso de no poder liquidar en la fecha límite se tendrá que poner en contacto con el equipo de México del Tingo al Tango y solicitar una prórroga, que tendrá un costo de $199.00 mxn adicionales al costo del tour. En caso de no solicitar la prórroga nos veremos obligados a cancelar la reservación.

2.-   El día del tour es necesario tu pase de viajero impreso y firmado para poder subir a la unidad.

3.-  Es responsabilidad del viajero ubicar con anticipación el punto de reunión y llegar al menos 5 minutos antes de la    hora de salida indicada en la reservación del tour.

4.-  Por respeto a todos los viajeros y para no retrasar el itinerario no se otorga tiempo extra de tolerancia bajo ninguna  circunstancia.

5.-   Para pagos con tarjeta ó pagos directamente en la oficina es necesario agendar una cita.

6.-   Una vez realizada tu reservación aceptas la política de cancelaciones, términos y condiciones.

7.-  Todos los precios mostrados no incluyen IVA.

8.-  Aviso de privacidad,política de cancelación, términos y condiciones disponibles en el  enlace .

9.-  Niños a partir de 4 años pagan tarifa normal. Menores de 0 a 3 años tienen tarifa de $1,500

10.-   Para PAGOS CON TARJETA no aceptamos tarjetas departamentales, únicamente de BANCOS PARTICIPANTES disponibles en https://clip.mx/

11.-  En caso de que la terminal CLIP decline el pago,es responsabilidad del cliente ponerse en contacto con su banco.

12.-  Conoce las características de las habitaciones dobles, triples y cuádruples:

Habitación doble: habitación con una cama matrimonial, 2 personas en la habitación.

Habitación triple: habitación con dos camas matrimoniales ó con una cama matrimonial y una cama individual, 3 personas en la habitación.

Habitación cuádruple: habitación con dos camas matrimoniales, 4 personas en la habitación.

13.-  Todas la reservaciones y pases de acceso se envían al correo electrónico proporcionado por el cliente al momento de realizar la reservación, sin excepción alguna.

guanajuato mexico tour

1. Private Tour in Guanajuato Capital Leaving San Miguel Allende. 28. Historical Tours. 7-8 hours. Tour in the beautiful city of Guanajuato considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. We will visit its mines and its main…. from. $285.

Private San Miguel de Allende Walking Tour. 217. Walking through the historic district of San Miguel de Allende is a great way to discover this town's beautiful hidden enclaves and must-see attractions alike. This private San Miguel walking tour introduces you to the city's charms with unparalleled personal attention.

Colonial Circuit: México City, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende - 10 days. (1) Browse the best tours in Guanajuato with 75 reviews visiting places like Mexico City and Guanajuato. All Major Brands.

25. Visit one of central Mexico's thermal gems, Tolantongo Caves (Grutas Tolantongo). This beautiful, mountainside hot springs natural area features a thermal river, pools, suspension bridge, waterfalls and a grotto. In addition to soaking and swimming, visitors can hike throughout this mountain paradise.

27. Presa La Purisima Park Kayak Tour. This is a unique tour on a kayak in La Purisima Dam, where you will paddle among the ruins of a submerged church. Presa de la Purísima is a popular tourist destination in Guanajuato due to its natural beauty and recreational activities.

Find the top-rated and best-reviewed tours and activities in Guanajuato, Mexico for 2023. From prices and availability to skip-the-line options and mobile tickets, get all the information you need to make the most of your trip to Mexico.

See more. 5. From San Miguel de Allende: Guanajuato City Tour. Discover the incredible city of Guanajuato, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, on a full-day tour from San Miguel de Allende. Explore the history of the city, visit wonderful churches and the Diego Rivera Museum, and savor lunch at a local restaurant.

Vineyard, tour, tasting and fun in San Miguel de Allende. 14. Discover the charm of San Miguel de Allende, one of Mexico's favorite destinations, now a paradise for wine lovers. Join our exclusive tasting and pairing tour, where you will have the opportunity to taste the best local wines.

Guanajuato Walking Tour. Learn about Mexican History with a local. Guanajuato is one of the most amazing cities in Mexico. In the 16th century, people started living there because the mines produced much silver and gold. This is a 4 hour tour to know the main spots in the historic center. We'll start at Juarez Theater and then continue walking ...

Join our Guanajuato walking tour and experience the colorful alleyways that hold rich stories of romance, perseverance, and history. See the most important Spanish colonial sights and learn what came after when Guanajuato became the most important city in Mexico's independence from Spain. You will hear about legends, heroes, and local Mexican ...

Guanajuato City. Situated in a picturesque valley, in the heart of Mexico, Guanajuato is definitely one of Mexico's most charming colonial cities. It was founded in 1559 as a mining town. The " Valenciana" mine was a rich source of silver, and it became one of the richest and most productive mines in the world during the 18th century.

Guanajuato is a colonial gem sitting in a valley northwest of Mexico City. The city has been named as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The architecture of this gorgeous city was built using the great wealth generated from the silver mines during the 17th and 18th centuries; during this period, Guanajuato was the source for 1/3 of the world's ...

Days: 7. OVERVIEW ITINERARY DETAILS DATES AND PRICES. Take this culturally rich tour of San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato and immerse yourself in two of Mexico's most beautiful and historic cities. Starting in Guanajuato, this week-long vacation will stop at the cities' most famous landmarks while uncovering some of their lesser-known gems.

Things to do in Guanajuato. Take a waLking tour through the streets of Guanajuato (like we did) Visit the Lady of Guanajuato Basilica. Tour Diego Rivera (Frida's husband) Ride the Funicular Cable car to see Guanajuato from above. Wander around the Mercado Hildalgo . Explore the Alhóndiga de Granaditas (art and history museum) Visit the Mummy ...

Tour a las Grutas de Tolantongo en inglés, saliendo de Querétaro. 25. Visite una de las gemas termales del centro de México, las cuevas de Tolantongo (Grutas Tolantongo). Esta hermosa área natural de aguas termales en la ladera de la montaña cuenta con un río termal, piscinas, puente colgante, cascadas y una gruta.

Private tours in Guanajuato. Visit Guanajuato City is an excellent option if you prefer private tours and great experiences. Guanajuato City was established in 1559 and has become a perfect stop whom like history tours, cultural trips in Mexico, museum worms, and colonial architect lovers.

No compras sólo un tour o paquete a Guanajuato, adquieres seguridad de compra, protocolo de asistencia y soluciones inmediatas. Podrás reservar directamente y conocer toda nuestra gama de servicios. Además de los mejores artículos con los lugares y opciones más top de la ciudad y un sin fin de opciones para realizar durante tu visita.

Descubre la magia de Guanajuato en un tour de 2 días. Durante éste tour podrás conocer los lugares más representativos del estado, como el callejón del beso, el teatro Juárez, el museo de las momias de Guanajuato y mucho más! ... en caso de no poder liquidar en la fecha límite se tendrá que poner en contacto con el equipo de México ...

GUANAJUATO MEXICO TRAVEL GUIDE: This is a travel vlog from Guanajuato Mexico. In this travel guide we discuss the history of Guanajuato including the silver ...

With the help of the easy-to-use interface of the app you can create self-guided walks to explore Guanajuato single-handedly. Each such walk comes with a detailed route map and GPS navigation to guide you from one tour stop to next. The app works offline, so no data plan is needed when traveling abroad.

Jesuit priests and a tour guide in Cerocahui, Chihuahua State, in June 2022. As of October, authorities had not arrested the individuals who killed Portillo ... Chihuahua; Silao, Guanajuato ; and the state of Mexico. In May, the Attorney General's Office arrested three alleged smugglers in the state of Nuevo León. Authorities found 17 ...

Tennessee Safari Park LLC

NO outside animals allowed NO exceptions.

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Feed Cup Pricing $3 each or four Cups for $10

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Virginia's Only Drive-Thru Safari

Virginia safari park is home to king cheetah, africa's rarest cat, fun for the entire family, experience unique animal encounters, explore our 180-acre safari drive-thru, stroll through our 10-acre village walk-thru, the virginia safari park is open for the 2024 season. plan your visit, attractions.

You can interact with our animals safely from your vehicle while exploring our drive-thru safari, on foot walking through our village walk-thru, or up close during a special, behind-the-scenes encounter with sloths, rhinos, or penguins.

Safari Drive-Thru

Safari Drive-Thru

Village Walk-Thru

Village Walk-Thru

 Animal Feeding

Animal Feeding

Animal Encounters

Animal Encounters

Important information.

The VIRGINIA SAFARI PARK, a 180-acre drive-through zoo located in Natural Bridge, VA, is NOT associated with the Natural Bridge Zoo, which is also located in Natural Bridge.

Unfortunately, with the recent legal issues and press coverage surrounding the Natural Bridge Zoo we have found it necessary to post this clarification. We have been contacted by many sources that have inadvertently confused the two zoos.

Our official website is www.virginiasafaripark.com. Please beware of copycat imitations. Again, the VIRGINIA SAFARI PARK is NOT associated with the Natural Bridge Zoo and never has been.

Thank you for your understanding.

Events & news, featured animals.

Get to know our resident animals. We spotlight a few featured animals and teach you about their eating habits, their status in the wild and statistics, like their average weight, height and more.

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Giant Anteater

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King Cheetah

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The Virginia Safari Park is hands down one of the best zoo experiences I’ve ever had!,”

Jahmelia B.

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Virginia Safari Park is dedicated to wildlife conservation. We serve this mission by educating our visitors, caring for our resident animals and supporting organizations. Learn more


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Great British Bucket List

12 BEST Safari Parks in the UK

From guided tours and drive through safaris, to wallaby walkthroughs and big cats roaming, here are the best safari parks in the uk..

safari parks in the uk

Forget going to the zoo, this post is all about going on safari in the UK!

Did you know that the UK offers some of the best safari park experiences in Europe? It’s true! And it means you don’t need to spend big bucks when seeing the big 5.

Whether you’re looking for a drive through experience or to get up close and personal with the animals, we’ve compiled a list of the best safari parks in the UK. These are the best ones in England , Scotland and Wales .

From drive-through experiences at Longleat, to walkthrough experiences such as the foot safari at Woburn Safari Park, there are so many options to choose from. And all of them are guaranteed good days out!

uk safaris

If you prefer a guided tour with zoo experts, West Midland Safari Park offers fantastic mini bus tours. Or maybe you’d prefer to walk with the wallabies at Manor Wildlife Park? 

We absolutely love watching the monkeys climb on top of the cars at Blair Drummond – be warned because they are very cheeky! Will you choose to sleep with the animals, ride a safari, or hand feed parakeets?

Find out all of this and more in our list of the best UK safari parks.

Best Safari Parks in the UK

Longleat safari park.

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Check out the UK’s Number 1 safari park at Longleat, Wiltshire! Discover big cats, elephants, wolves and more at the drive-through safari experience.

Wind up your windows for the safari of a lifetime as you pass through Tiger Territory, Cheetah Kingdom and The Big Game Park, where you can see a herd of Southern white rhinos.

Don’t forget to check out our favourite part – Monkey Mayhem. The troupe of macaques are known for causing mischief (just watch out for your windscreen wipers!)

Jump out at the African Village and Walking Safari as you journey across the African reserve and discover giraffes, zebras, wildebeest and ostriches. 

  • Address: Longleat, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 7NW
  • Website: https://www.longleat.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Longleat tickets here

West Midland Safari Park

best safari park uk

Whether you’re driving yourself or jumping on a guided minibus tour, the safari experience at West Midland Safari Park can be enjoyed by everyone.

Animal fanatics can book onto a guided minibus safari tour where the knowledgeable staff will teach you all about the different animals. Can you spot the rhinos, lions, camels and elephants across the 5 different zones? You can even take your own car if you’d prefer to experience the safari at your own pace.

View the animals up close on the African Walking Trail. Watch out for the elephants roaming their new habitat, or the giraffes grazing on the trees.

  • Address: West Midland Safari Park. Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 1LF
  • Website: https://www.wmsp.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your WMSP tickets here

Chessington Safari Resort

chessington safari resort

For a unique type of safari experience, check out Chessington Safari Resort. With a range of themed rooms, you can see animals whilst you sleep.

Choose between exquisitely themed rooms with views over the enclosures of your favourite animals. The giraffe room, tiger room, penguin room and monkey mayhem room overlook the Wanyama reserve.

Many of the rooms include access to the savannah splash pool and hotel entertainment. To finish off your trip, check Chessington World of Adventure for a day full of thrill rides and zoo fun. 

  • Address: Chessington World of Adventures, Leatherhead Rd, Chessington. KT9 2NE
  • Website: https://www.chessington.com/
  • Tickets: Get your Chessington World of Adventures tickets here

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

biggest safari park uk

Whipsnade Zoo is one of the biggest zoos in England with over 10,000 animals. As part of the Zoological Society London , Whipsnade is dedicated to conservation, sustainability, and science. 

Whipsnade Zoo has many incredible animals you won’t see elsewhere, like brown bears and wolverines. This year an endangered baby Asian elephant was born at the zoo! Grab tickets for the Elephant Cafe where you will be able to see mum and baby.

Why not try one of the many experiences at the zoo? Become a keeper for the day and you can work with the rhinos, giraffes and elephants. 

  • Address: Whipsnade, Dunstable. LU6 2LF
  • Website: https://www.zsl.org/zsl-whipsnade-zoo
  • Tickets: Get your Whipsnade tickets here

Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park

blair drummond safari

Scottish readers are definitely going to want to visit Blair Drummond Park to get their animal fix. From lions and macaques, to deer and antelope, there’s so much to see. 

Venture through the African animals, Asian animals, the lions and the macaque reserve in your own car for a day of family fun. Will you spot the rhino in the grass or hear the lion roar? The cheeky monkeys love to jump on cars as they pass so don’t forget to lock your doors!

Once you’ve had your drive-through fun you can check out the 300 species at Blair Drummond. I’m a big fan of the wallabies!

  • Address: Blair Drummond, Stirling. FK9 4UR
  • Website: https://www.blairdrummond.com/
  • Tickets: Get your Blair Drummond tickets here

Manor Wildlife Park

manor house safari park

If you like to get up close and personal with the wildlife, Manor Wildlife Park in Wales is the safari park for you. With several walkthrough safari experiences, there are so many animals to spot.

Start off your day in the Wallaby Walkthrough, where visitors can see young Joey’s hop into their mother’s pouch. I love to look for my favourite animal, the red panda, through the forest canopy. 

Don’t forget to visit the Lemurs in their Madagascan home where you can watch them jump and climb. If you’re lucky they might even sit next to you!

  • Address: Manor Wildlife Park, St Florence, Tenby. SA70 8RJ
  • Website: https://www.manorwildlifepark.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Manor Wildlife Park tickets here

Port Lympne Safari Park

best safari parks in the uk

Come face to face with rare and endangered animals at Port Lympne Safari Park. Head to Kent to experience hundreds of acres of savannah. 

Port Lympne offers three unique safari experiences for you to choose from. On the AAA safari, an expert ranger takes you on a guided tour to see Savannah animals, like the giraffe, zebra, ostrich and wildebeest. Can you spot the black rhino?

Perhaps you’d prefer to jump on the rhino and giraffe safari, or the rangers tour, where you’ll journey through the Asian and African exhibits. 

  • Address: Aldington Rd, Lympne, Hythe. CT21 4LR
  • Website: https://www.aspinallfoundation.org/port-lympne/
  • Tickets: Get your Pork Lympne tickets here

Knowsley Safari Park

knowsley safari park

Did you know that Knowsley Safari Park is actually the biggest safari park in the UK?

This 550 acre safari park is home to animals from across the globe. Journey through Eastern and Southern Asia, where you can see yaks and deer, or check out the African Savannah zone which is home to one of the largest white rhinos in the UK. Hop on the baboon bus for a car-friendly view of the baboons as they swing off the ropes.

Finish off your day with a walk through the Amur Tiger trail where you can get nose to nose with the two tigers.

  • Address: Knowsley Safari Park, Prescot. L34 4AN
  • Website: https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Knowsley Safari Park tickets here

Woburn Safari Park

woburn safari park

Check out over 300 acres of drive-through safari nestled amongst the Bedfordshire landscape at Woburn Safari Park. You can have a whole day of fun with the drive-through and walk-through safari experiences.

Drive through the vast nature reserves to spot the animals lurking within. From bison and rhinos, to bears and tigers, there are so many incredible animals across 5 zones. I’d recommend the Kingdom of the Carnivores, where you can see tigers, lions, bears and wolves!

End your experience with the foot safari, where you can explore small mammals and birds. With lemurs, penguins, birds of prey, otters, wallabies, and more, this is not one to be missed.

  • Address: Woburn Safari Park, Crawley Rd, Woburn, Ridgmont, Bedford. MK43 0TU
  • Website: https://www.woburnsafari.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Woburn Safari Park tickets here

Knepp Wildlife Safari

knepp wilding safari

If you’re looking for something different, check out the safari experiences at Knepp Safari. Encounter local wildlife, such as ponies, deer, and pigs, on one of the many vehicle and walking safaris at Knepp.

Hop on the all terrain vehicle and enjoy the half-day safari to discover British wildlife. You will see free-roaming herds of cattle, ponies, pigs and deer on your journey.

You’ll get to stop at the wildlife ‘refugia’ and spot small animals, such as grass snakes, toads and voles. There’s even a cafe stop so you can enjoy delicious local brownies.

Why not try a themed safari, such as the autumn safari, where you can spot red deer stags, or the bats and moths safari, where you can see nocturnal creatures.

  • Address: Knepp Wildland Safaris, New Barn Farm, Swallows Ln, Dial Post, Horsham. RH13 8NN
  • Website: https://www.kneppsafaris.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Knepp Wildlife Safari tickets here

South Lakes Safari Zoo

south safari zoo

Home to over 1,000 of the rarest and most endangered species across the globe, South Lakes Safari Zoo is the perfect place to get up close and personal with the animals.

From Africa and Madagascar, to Australia and South America, there’s so much to see. Check out the jaguars and snow leopards or head to the lemurs and arctic wolves. South Lakes Safari Zoo is committed to conservation so you can view the animals in their natural environment. 

Why not book an animal encounter to learn all about your favourite animal? I’d love to prepare Stanley the sloth his favourite snacks!

  • Address: South Lakes Safari Zoo, Melton Ter, Lindal in Furness, Ulverston. LA12 0LU
  • Website: https://www.southlakessafarizoo.com/
  • Tickets: Get your South Lakes Safari Zoo tickets here

Peak Wildlife Park

peak wildlife park

Peak Wildlife Park offers fantastic walk through experiences for all the family. Whether you decide to explore the African village or walk with the penguins, there’s something for everyone.

Have you ever wanted to walk with the lemurs or wallabies? I certainly have! Watch the lemurs leap through the canopies and listen to their distinct calls, or check out wallaby wonderland where the friendly animals will munch on branches out of your hands.

Head to the African village where you can spot meerkats, chickens, and Pygmy goats. Don’t forget to give their horns a good scratch!

  • Address: Peak Wildlife Park, Winkhill, Leek. ST13 7QR
  • Website: https://www.peakwildlifepark.co.uk/
  • Tickets: Get your Peak Wildlife Park tickets here

Twycross Zoo

twycross zoo uk

Twycross Zoo prides itself on being at the heart of conservation. With several walkthrough enclosures and a brand new The Gruffalo Discovery Land, this is a fantastic choice for little ones. 

Walk among the flutters of colourful wings in the Butterfly Paradise or hand feed the birds at Lorikeet Landing. Head to the goat walkthrough where your little ones (and the biggest members of the family!) can stroke the farmyard animals. 

Check out the lemurs as they weave in and out of your feet. You can even watch the tigers roam above you in the glass visitor tunnel. 

  • Address: Twycross Zoo, East Midland Zoological Society, Burton Rd, Atherstone. CV9 3PX
  • Website: https://twycrosszoo.org/
  • Tickets: Get your Twycross Zoo tickets here

That concludes our list of the best UK safari parks. Which one will you be visiting on your next day out with the family? If you have any questions at all, you can let us know in the comments below!

If you’re looking for other fun days out, then check out our guide to the best theme parks in the UK . Again, this is perfect for the whole family!

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Adult & Pre-Schooler

Take advantage of our new Adult & Pre-Schooler offer, where you and your little one (0-4yrs) can come and have a fantastic midweek day out for  just £20!

<p class="text-center">Take advantage of our new Adult &amp; Pre-Schooler offer, where you and your little one (0-4yrs)&nbsp;can come and have a fantastic midweek day out for&nbsp;<strong>just £20!</strong></p>

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Combi Ticket

Visit both West Midlands Safari Park AND Drayton Manor Resort with our Combi Ticket and get two family days out for just £45 – that’s our biggest ever saving of over 45% .

<p class="text-center">Visit both West Midlands Safari Park AND Drayton Manor Resort with our Combi Ticket and get two family days out for just £45 – that’s our biggest ever saving of <strong>over 45%</strong>.</p>

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Book your tickets in advance and you can save up to 30% compared to on-the-gate prices! 

The earlier you book, the more you can save!

<p class="text-center">Book your tickets in advance and you can save up to 30% compared to on-the-gate prices!&nbsp;</p> <p class="text-center">The earlier you book, the more you can save!</p>

See below for our forthcoming events at the Safari Park!

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Explorers' Weekends

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Quiet Morning

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Character Week

Safari showreel.

Want to stay the night?

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Latest news

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Safari Park Needs Help Naming Mini Monkeys

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Safari Park to Host Quiet Morning and Announces Inclusivity Plans

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Egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt for Lemurs

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Cracking Easter in Store at Safari Park

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20 Reasons to Visit in 2024

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West Midlands Safari Park reveals new look

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Meet Bluey at West Midlands Safari Park this half term

Watch the moment a rare baby rhino is born on cctv.


Bookings Open For Safari Park's Wild New Lodges

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Join the herd!

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<p><span style="font-size:20px">Sign up now to get our latest news, offers &amp; discounts!</span></p>

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What Our Visitors Think

Little piece of heaven in the west midlands.

Loved our visit. Happy animals, very polite and helpful staff, venue was very clean and well maintained, food was tasty and all reasonably priced.


Great day out

This was a real interactive and memorable day. The whole experience created laughs and memories which will last a long time. Such value for money! Would definitely recommend.

Great experience

Lovely Safari Park, I think is the best one so far. I will definitely go again and recommend to friends. 

Simply the best value for money day out!

This has to be one of the best attractions for a perfect day that is packed with so many things to do and enjoy... and, at such a great price, coupled with a free return visit. Awesome!

Best family day out

Love it!! Plenty to do and see for all ages, clean and tidy. All staff pleasent and friendly, been going at least once a year for over 30 years and still love going.

Fabulous place Great staff. Spotlessly clean

I have an annual pass so use WMSP a lot. It never fails to impress. Today we did the minibus safari tour with Clive, our tour guide and driver. He was so knowledgeable and helpful. It was a lovely experience.

Great day had by all

Lots of close ups with the animals. There was plenty to do and see. Lots of information available regarding the animals.

Operating Roller Coasters: 1

Aerial imagery.


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Giraffes at the Safari Park

Safari Park Single Day Tickets

Buy online and save, 1-day pass – any day.

Includes: One visit to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park®, Africa Tram, and all regularly scheduled experiences. Experiences above subject to availability.

1-Day Pass Any Day tickets valid any day within one year from date of purchase. Cannot be exchanged for Value Days ticket. No reservation required.

Additional $2 Mandatory Processing Fee Charged Per Ticket

1-Day Pass – Value Days

1-Day Pass Value Days tickets valid on any Value Day (see calendar)  within one year from date of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other discount/offer/promotion. No reservation required.

$72   $68

$62   $58, multi-day / multi-park tickets, 2-visit pass.

Includes: One visit to the San Diego Zoo and one visit to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park -or- Two visits to the San Diego Zoo -or- Two visits to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Two total visits by the same person on any and all days.

2-Visit Pass tickets valid on any day within one year from date of purchase. Tickets cannot be combined with any other discount/offer/promotion. 2-Visit Pass cannot be exchanged for Value Days tickets. No reservation required.

San Diego 3-for-1 Pass

Enjoy visits to the San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and SeaWorld® San Diego. The San Diego 3-for-1 Pass is valid for one visit per attraction—three total visits—by the same person on any and all days. Valid for seven consecutive days from the first visit.    

Go San Diego Pass

Discover 55+ top San Diego attractions and enjoy incredible savings with Go City. Meet wildlife at the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, spend the day at SeaWorld®, explore the USS Midway, cruise the bay with Speedboat Adventures, and more!

San Diego CityPASS®

One easy purchase saves big on admission to San Diego's top attractions and theme parks, including San Diego Zoo Safari Park, SeaWorld®, and LEGOLAND®. 

No need to decide now, choose which attractions as you go. Visit the attractions at your own pace, in any order, over a 9-day period. No reservation required.

Membership offers a variety of ways to visit both the Zoo and Safari Park all year long. Please visit our membership pages for more details.

Starting as low as $95 per person

San Diego Zoo Gift Cards make the perfect gift! A gift card is valid toward San Diego Zoo and Safari Park admission packages, gift shop and food-stand purchases, tours and education programs, Zoo memberships, and more!

Go Wild for Miles and Miles

Alaska Airlines

Hotel with pool


Gorilla Shadow ShopZoo collection

Gorilla Shadow

Save the Chubby Unicorn ShopZoo collection

Save the Chubby Unicorns

SDZWA adventures botswana elephant

Come Travel with Us!


  1. Kisvasút

    safari park kft

  2. Kanchanaburi Day Tour: Safari Park + River Kwai Bridge + Glass House

    safari park kft

  3. Крупнейший в Европе сафари-парк открылся в графстве Кент (7 фото)

    safari park kft

  4. Safari Park

    safari park kft

  5. Richter Safari Park

    safari park kft

  6. New West Midlands Safari Park lodges overlook spectacular elephants and

    safari park kft


  1. 608 Feet Above Fairmount Park Made with Clipchamp

  2. Nature are Everything. 🐥

  3. Camel 🐫 at the theme park bubbling through

  4. Escape from the police

  5. Captain America : The First Avenger

  6. If Everyone’s BODY COUNT was on their forehead (PART 2)


  1. Safari Park

    Rólunk. A Richter Safari Park Magyarország első és egyetlen autós safari parkja, amely Nagykőrösön, Budapesttől mindössze 50 percre, több mint 32 hektáros területen kínál egész napos kikapcsolódást gyermekeknek és felnőtteknek egyaránt. Ifj. Richter József, a Richter Safari Park alapító-tulajdonosa hazánkban elsőként ...

  2. safaripark.hu

    A Richter Safari Park 2024. március 28 - november 10. között, naponta 10:00 -től 18:00 óráig tart nyitva a naptárban ZÖLDDEL jelzett napokon. KAPCSOLAT. Telefonszám +36 30 905 5201 Cím. 2750 Nagykőrös, Szurdok dűlő 812. E-mail cím. [email protected] ...

  3. Safari Park Kft. rövid céginformáció, cégkivonat, cégmásolat letöltése

    500 cégfigyelés. 202 EUR + 27% Áfa. 256 EUR. Fizessen bankkártyával vagy és használja a rendszert azonnal! Safari Park Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság - rövid céginformáció 2024.03.31 napon.

  4. Safari Park Kft. short credit report, official company document download

    Safari Park Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság - short credit report on date 26/05/2023 Safari Park Kft. short credit report, official company document download Language:

  5. Safari Park Kft. céginfó, cégkivonat

    A Safari Park Kft. az OPTEN adatbázisában Safari Park Kft. Safari Park Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság. Működő cég Adószám. 28846011-2-13. Székhely cím. 2750 Nagykőrös, Szurdok dűlő 812. Térképen Főtevékenység. 9104 Növény-, állatkert, természetvédelmi terület működtetése.

  6. Safari Drive-Thru

    Safari Drive-Thru. The Virginia Safari Park, located in Natural Bridge, offers visitors the opportunity to see and feed animals up-close from their vehicles in the safari drive-thru attraction. The Virginia Safari Park opened in the spring of 2000 because we felt there was a need and desire for people to be able to see wild animals in a much ...

  7. Az afrikai szafari utazások specialistája

    Kenya szafari, Tanzánia szafari, Mauritius, Maldív-szigetek, Seychelle szigetek, Dominika, Hajós utak, Társasutazások - Safari Travel Utazási Iroda +36 1 239 4848 Irodánk: 1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 18/b Hírlevél feliratkozás

  8. Wildlife Safari

    Less than 5 days, payment is non-refundable. Wildlife Safaris are an all-weather event, however during periods of inclement weather please call 619-718-3000 to check the status of your tour. The San Diego Zoo Safari Park reserves the right to cancel or reroute a tour due to inclement weather, animal health, and/or safety concerns.

  9. Plan Your Visit

    2920 Zoo Drive, San Diego, CA 92101. The San Diego Zoo is the Safari Park's sister park to the southwest in San Diego. Distance between the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park is 35 miles. Please allow 45 minutes to 1 hour travel time. Purchase a two-park pass here.

  10. safari park kft

    A Richter Safari Park Nagykőrösön található, ahol a Magyar Nemzeti Cirkusz és más cirkuszok munkájából kivont vadállatok szép, hozzájuk méltó környezetben... Safari Park Kft. Teljes név. Safari Park Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság. Alapítás éve. 2020. Adószám. 28846011-2-13. Főtevékenység. 9104 Növény-, állatkert...

  11. Drive Through Safari Park, Zoo, Tennessee Safari Park, Alamo, TN

    Contact Us. 731-696-4423. 618 Conley Road, Alamo, TN 38001. Ticket PricingAdult $24.00. Children (2-12) $16.00. Children 1 and under FREE. all prices include tax. Feed Cup Pricing. $3 each or four Cups for $10.

  12. Flightline Safari

    Deluxe Flightline Safari. BUY. $106 & up per person. Offered daily. 1.5 hours. Safety/Age Restrictions. Age Range: Adults and children ages 8 and older only. Children ages 8 to 15 must be accompanied by a paid parent or guardian 18 years or older during the entire Flightline experience. Guests ages 16 to 17 may participate alone, but must have ...

  13. Virginia Safari Park, U.S. Zoo

    229 Safari Lane, Natural Bridge, VA 24578, Phone: 540-291-3205 ©2024 VIRGINIA SAFARI PARK designed and developed by atlantis-labs.net and powered by atlantis-cms.com

  14. Wildlife Safari Park

    Become a Member. Embark on your next outdoor adventure with a Wildlife Safari Park membership, good for one year from date of purchase. Wildlife Safari Park is open April through October and with your membership, the whole family can come along: up to two adults from one household and up to six dependent children, ages 0-20, at same address OR up to six grandchildren, also ages 0-20, will be ...

  15. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  16. Safaris

    Ages 8 & up. $81 & up per person. Soar as high as 130 feet above the ground, with a spectacular bird's-eye view of rhinos, giraffes, and other wildlife in the savanna habitats below you. READ MORE.

  17. 12 BEST Safari Parks in the UK

    Find out all of this and more in our list of the best UK safari parks. Contents: Best Safari Parks in the UK. Longleat Safari Park. West Midland Safari Park. Chessington Safari Resort. ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park. Manor Wildlife Park.

  18. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  19. West Midlands Safari Park

    Combi Ticket. Visit both West Midlands Safari Park AND Drayton Manor Resort with our Combi Ticket and get two family days out for just £45 - that's our biggest ever saving of over 45%. MORE INFO.

  20. Chudo Park (Elektrostal, Moscow, Russia)

    Looking for statistics on the fastest, tallest or longest roller coasters? Find it all and much more with the interactive Roller Coaster Database.

  21. Dining

    Menu. Dine outdoors on the water in an African-themed village, surrounded by waterfowl and other wildlife. Enjoy hand-battered chicken tenders plates, burgers with fries, salads, Kid's Meals, and a variety of beverage options, including draft/craft beer and soft drinks. Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available.

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  23. Tickets

    1-Day Pass - Value Days. Online offer only; advance purchase required. Select days only. Includes: One visit to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park®, Africa Tram, and all regularly scheduled experiences. Experiences above subject to availability. 1-Day Pass Value Days tickets valid on any Value Day (see calendar) within one year from date of purchase.