travel agency marketing tactics

Travel Agency Marketing (11 Proven strategies & Tips)

Travel Agency marketing is something that I’m passionate about, and I’m pretty good at it too. It’s also how I really started in marketing in 2009, working on my mom’s niche travel agencies.

In this guide, I’m going to explain some tactics I use. I hope you can implement some of the ideas below.

Have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Find what works

Links and PR

Social media, social advertising.

  • Set up a website
  • List yourself in all the local directories

Customer Relationship Software

Word of mouth, search engine marketing.

It wasn’t easy to start; I had to learn quite a lot and didn’t have someone to really help me, and the internet was very different back then. But I practised, learned, and tested. I grew to love it. It’s kinda why Travel Tractions Marketing was born 🙂

This guide details how I helped my mom to market her sites 10 years ago and what I do to market my own and client sites today.

My mom had one main business called Webtours, and then she decided to make niche websites for each service offering.

I thought this very silly at the time, but little did I know this was one of the smartest things we did.

travel agency websites

It enabled me to learn much quicker than normal (because she had 3+ sites – I could test, try and dabble).

Not only did it allow me to test, but the agency position was also so niche; it gave access to different markets and appeared as a “specialist”.

Becoming or positioning herself as the “specialist” was a no-brainer and her niche agencies grew so much faster (in traffic and clients) than the general brand.

In this article, you will get:

  • The best way to stand out
  • Travel marketing ideas
  • A travel marketing plan
  • Travel agency ad examples

And leave a marketing ninja, not really. But you will be wiser. 😉

Marketing for Travel Agents Tips

site speed

Know where you differentiate and sell that. This could be customer service, affordability, quality, or speed. Anything that sets you even more apart.

I know it seems like laser focus, but sometimes that’s key. Especially with data-based digital marketing today. If you can zero down on your perfect customer, your cost of Return On Marketing Investment is much lower.

Find What Works

Different things worked for different businesses. Bridal conferences worked well for honeymooners while ranking for school holiday specials worked for the beach holiday agency website. Ranking for “all-inclusive ski holidays” worked great for selling Club Med ski holidays.

When you find out what channel, gap or method of marketing works for you, double down on it! But don’t give up on the other channels – consistency is key.

When she first started her business, it was general travel, but when she specialised, things really took off. Being known as an expert and having more experience/knowledge sets you apart from most of the competition.

Travel Agency Advertising Ideas

travel agency advertising ideas

There are many methods to market your travel agency. below you will find the ones that actually worked.

Search Engine traffic accounts for 68% of the traffic , and COVID has drastically changed how consumers spend money online. So if you are not investing more than 50% of your marketing budget into SEO, you are doing yourself a disservice.

SEO does involve many different aspects that assist other channels

Creating long-tail content is KEY to surviving in the travel industry!

Google your area and “hotel” or “tour” it’s probably taken up by one of the big 5 behemoth sites like Viator, GetYourGuide, Booking, Agoda, Trip Advisor or some other monster…. You might find your site/page somewhere on the bottom or maybe on the next page, but no one will know because no one goes to the second page of Google.

By creating content that is more long tail and niche, like “best family resorts in Europe for a ski holiday”, you’ll find a lot of blogs and sites that you compete with, and beat.

woman writing

My calculations for an average ski holiday for an average family (4 people) costs start at 10k USD. Sell one holiday from this piece of content, and you’ve paid for it 3 times over. The best part? It stays on top of Google until someone outranks you. Another win, you can use this content for social over and over again.

Content is king. Even 10 years ago, when backlinks were the bee’s knees in SEO, I got the majority of my wins/leads, if not all, by great content.

Invest in SEO. Ok, I’m biased here, but I wasn’t taught SEO in my marketing degree, but it isn’t rocket science to figure out where most of our enquiries and new customers were coming from. That’s why I specialised.

Links (other websites linking to your website) is one of the top 3 ranking factors. A few years ago, it was undoubtedly the number one ranking factor.

Links serve two purposes:

#1 They help you get higher in Search Engines.

#2 If you get a link in a good publication to the right audience, you could get referral traffic and maybe a booking.

So do what you can to acquire publicity, exposure and links as much as you can.

social media team

It’s important to build credibility, especially in the travel market, so building a brand and appearing to be a trustable business is key here. If you don’t, you will lose many customers.

Putting money behind average campaigns is how I see most business owners lose faith in online marketing.

Use your social media to remind and be top of mind.

Set up your social media so that you are continuously in your PROSPECTIVE clients’ faces as often as you can. It is important that you spend money only on people who have shown interest in your business.

My view (and many others since Apple gave less targeting data to Facebook ) is that social is a branding tool more than anything else, and only when you drill down into your customer insights and have amazing targeting.  During the Cambridge Analytica scandal they also limited some targeting (like targeting people who recently got engaged with honeymoon ads).

But if you can get in front of your potential clients at the right time, this is gold. But branding, attention, and social proof has the ability to convert customers and keep you top of mind.

email gra

Touchpoints and a well-created email funnel is one of the most powerful items in your arsenal.

A monthly newsletter goes a long way but keeping in touch with your customers is key to this. Again, consistency wins here.

Travel Agent Marketing Plan

This is how I had to market a website in 2020+ It includes small steps on creating different avenues for getting customers and then tracking them and managing your leads effectively.

Set Up a Website

This can be done on almost any platform, and I will always recommend for hundreds of reasons I won’t list here. If you are going to spend money on a website, you might as well make it SEO friendly and hire a professional before you make it live. I see sooooo many businesses make this mistake, so please get an external SEO to check out your development agencies website.

List Yourself in All the Local Directories

woman working online

Once you have a website or somewhere to direct your potential customers, you need to start listing with all the directories in your local area and online. To be honest, you won’t get many leads from here, if any, but if you could rank in your area, it would be the easiest route to go from the start.

Attend Conferences

It’s important to build connections. I know in the 2020s, even passed COVID days, trade shows and conferences are a great way to make connections and learn about new developments in the industry,

Often the main pages of the website are not targeting long tail keywords. Your blog is where you get to write about the “best family resorts in Europe for a ski holiday” and many, many, many other opportunities. This also feeds into your social media and media strategy if done correctly.

I think this is really a place where businesses can excel. Make sure that you are pixeling all users (tracking who they are) that come to your site and marketing to them effectively.

If you have a CRM system, you will know their past consumer history and will appear more as a friend than some stranger off the street. Also, if tied in with email is gold in the holiday season.

How to Promote Your Travel Agency

tarvel agency marketing

There are various ways to promote your agency, and some work better than others. You can often ask your clients how they found you and then double down on that channel. All I know is that customer service and delivering what you promised is the best way to promote yourself, but below are some of the best ways that can be amplified.

Word of mouth or friends’ referrals is still the best way to get new customers – this is INCREDIBLY difficult when you are just starting out. So let any and everyone know what you are starting.

Have great service, I’m in the online game, but word of mouth is still one of the best ways to ensure your agency has some longevity increase your marketing falls flat.

Send an email to your friends. Nothing like a personalised email to a friend letting them know what offers you could have and if they would be interested. Try capturing emails on your website, an email list is an extremely powerful thing.

social media networks

Don’t just start it and then invite all your friends to like the page – if you do this often enough; it’s one way to reduce your Facebook friends without unfriending anyone.

Write about offers and news, and try to write about evergreen topics with SEO in mind.

Make specials for particular times of year like school holidays, Christmas, New Year, and Easter. Promote those holiday times the most and try to have a special running.

There are two disciplines here: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advertising, often called organic, or PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, often called paid ads.

It is imperative that when someone is searching for you, your business, or the problem your business solves, they find you! If not perhaps the most important thing.

SEO is more long-term. It’s an investment to be placed higher in Google or search engines naturally – think about it as buying a house (website) on Google pages; it takes a lot of time but is there for a very, very long time if done correctly.

pay per click marketing

I hope these ideas and plans help you with your marketing, and if you ever fall a little flat or are struggling to get real traction, give us a try . It’s what I’ve done for a decade, and we’d love to save you time.

Matt G Davison

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travel agency marketing tactics

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Travel agency marketing tactics 2023 that will help you stand out.

As a travel agency, you know that marketing is essential to your success. With the right marketing tactics , you can attract new customers, retain existing ones, and differentiate yourself from the competition. In this article, we’ll explore travel agency marketing tactics that will help you stand out and grow your business.

Table of Contents

Develop a Strong Brand Identity

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

A strong brand identity is essential to any successful marketing strategy . It’s what sets you apart from the competition and makes you memorable to potential customers. To develop a strong brand identity, you need to define your brand values, mission, and voice. This will guide your messaging, design, and overall marketing strategy . Make sure your brand identity is consistent across all channels, including your website, social media, and advertising.

Leverage Social Media (Travel Agency Marketing Tactics)

Social media is a powerful tool for travel agencies to promote their services, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. To effectively leverage social media , you need to identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and create engaging content that resonates with them. Use social media to showcase your travel destinations, share customer stories, and promote special offers and promotions. You can also partner with influencers to reach a wider audience.

Offer Unique Value Propositions

To differentiate yourself from the competition, you need to offer unique value propositions that meet the needs and desires of your target audience. This could include offering personalized travel itineraries, exclusive access to events and experiences, or exceptional customer service. Whatever your unique value proposition is, make sure it’s clear in your messaging and marketing materials.

Use Email Marketing (Travel Agency Marketing Tactics)

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

Email marketing is an effective way to nurture relationships with your existing customers and attract new ones. Use email marketing to promote your travel destinations, share travel tips and advice, and announce special offers and promotions. Make sure your emails are visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and personalized to the recipient’s interests and preferences.

Invest in SEO (Travel Agency Marketing Tactics)

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By investing in SEO, you can increase your visibility online and attract more customers to your website. This could include optimizing your website for keywords related to your travel destinations, creating high-quality content that attracts backlinks, and improving the user experience on your website.

Embrace Video Marketing (Travel Agency Marketing Tactics)

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

Video marketing is a powerful way to showcase your travel destinations and engage with customers. Use video marketing to create destination videos, travel vlogs, and customer testimonials. You can also use video marketing to promote your special offers and promotions. Make sure your videos are high-quality, visually appealing, and optimized for social media and mobile devices.

Identify Your Target Audience

To effectively market your travel agency, you need to identify your target audience. This could include families, solo travelers, or luxury travelers. Understanding your target audience will help you create marketing messages that resonate with them and choose the right channels to reach them.

Offer Packages and Deals

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

Offering packages and deals is a great way to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This could include discounted travel packages, exclusive access to events and experiences, or loyalty programs. Make sure your packages and deals are clear and easy to understand, and promote them on your website and social media channels.

Partner with Other Travel Businesses

Travel Agency Marketing Tactics 2023

Partnering with other travel businesses can help you expand your reach and attract new customers. This could include partnering with airlines, hotels, or car rental companies to offer bundled travel packages or cross-promote each other’s services. Make sure your partnerships align with your brand values and unique value propositions. Key Points: Develop a strong brand identity that is consistent across all channels.”

  • Create a user-friendly and visually appealing website that showcases your services, destinations, and packages.
  • Leverage social media platforms to connect with your target audience and engage with them through creative and informative content.
  • Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to improve your website’s visibility on search engines and drive organic traffic.
  • Implement email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and keep your audience informed about new offers, promotions, and destinations.
  • Offer personalized and tailored travel experiences to meet the unique needs and preferences of your customers.
  • Use analytics tools to track and analyze your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve your performance.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt to the latest industry trends and changes to stay ahead of the competition.

By implementing these travel agency marketing tactics, you can effectively promote your services, attract new customers, and build long-lasting relationships with your audience. Keep in mind that marketing is an ongoing process that requires dedication, creativity, and a customer-centric approach. With the right strategies and tools, you can take your travel agency to the next level and thrive in a competitive and dynamic industry.

What is the best way to attract new customers to a travel agency?

The best way to attract new customers to a travel agency is to develop a strong brand identity, create a user-friendly website, leverage social media platforms, utilize SEO tactics, implement email marketing campaigns, offer personalized travel experiences, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and changes.

How can partnering with other travel businesses benefit a travel agency?

Partnering with other travel businesses can help a travel agency expand its reach, attract new customers, and offer bundled travel packages or cross-promote each other’s services. However, it is important to ensure that the partnerships align with the travel agency’s brand values and unique value propositions.

How can a travel agency measure the success of its marketing efforts?

A travel agency can measure the success of its marketing efforts by using analytics tools to track and analyze website traffic, conversion rates, email open and click-through rates, social media engagement and reach, and customer feedback and reviews. This data can help the agency make data-driven decisions to improve its marketing performance and achieve its business goals.

In conclusion, marketing is a crucial aspect of running a successful travel agency. By developing a strong brand identity, creating a user-friendly website, leveraging social media platforms, utilizing SEO tactics, implementing email marketing campaigns, offering personalized travel experiences, and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and changes, travel agencies can effectively promote their services, attract new customers, and build long-lasting relationships with their audience.

Partnering with other travel businesses can also be a valuable strategy to expand the reach and attract new customers. It is important to continuously monitor and adapt to the ever-changing industry to stay ahead of the competition. With the right marketing strategies and tools, travel agencies can thrive in a competitive and dynamic industry and achieve their business goals.

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Travel Agency Marketing Blueprint: What Every Travel Agent Should Know

Aug 15, 2020 | Aspiring travel agents , Launch a travel business , Marketing , Travel Business

If you’re going to succeed and excel in today’s travel industry, you’re going to have to wear multiple 👒 hats.  And I’m not talking about wearing your Mickey Ears on top of your Goofy Ears (although that’s a fashion statement I could get behind).

The first article of headwear I’m referring to is that of the travel expert.  That’s probably the one you’re probably the most 😃 excited about.  You love to ✈️ travel, you love learning about travel, you love teaching others about travel…  It’s what got you into this business in the first place, right?

But the other hat, the one that you may not have spent a lot of time thinking about, is that of the online marketer.  

That’s right, the customers aren’t going to show up at your doorstep by magic, begging you to set them up with 💰💰 millions of dollars worth of 🚢 cruises and safaris.  You’re going to have to market your services to draw them in.  

I’ve been studying the ins-and-outs of travel agency marketing for decades now, both for my own business and for the travel agents I’ve been helping to grow their businesses through Careers on Vacation.  With all that experience and research, I’ve developed some 🗝️🗝️ keys to travel agency marketing that every travel agent should know, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced newcomer to the field.  

In this YouTube video, I lay all that goodness out for you.  You’ll learn how to prepare before you start marketing your business, how to decide what niche(s) you should focus on, how to identify your ideal clients , how to plan your marketing calendar to account for seasonal travel opportunities…  This is all gold and I want to share it with you.  Check it out here:  

If you’re fairly new to the travel biz, you should also know about my brand-new FREE Masterclass, 5 Shifts To A Six Figure Travel Business And Beyond!   It’s designed especially for travel agents in your position – agents who are just starting out or with limited experience – and it’s going to teach you how to boost what may only be a hobby at this point into a successful, portable, 💲 profitable travel business.  

Click the link here to sign up:

And if you’re ready to really supercharge your business and make it soar, you may be ready to dive into the Careers on Vacation Mastermind !  It’s the ultimate tool for travel professionals and travel agency owners.  You’ll get hands-on support, private coaching, and of course all the travel agency marketing tactics and strategies you need to keep new customers rolling in.

Apply using the link below and let’s get on a discovery call and see what we can do together!

I want your travel business to succeed and excel, and really stand out in today’s market.  Get yourself out there and make it happen!

In abundance,

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Travel Agency Marketing Blueprint: What Every Travel Agent Should Know

Learn the keys to marketing your business in today’s travel industry!

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That’s why we put together Cyndi’s Top 10 Tools for Travel Agents – to give you the tools you need to grow your client base and business!

Inside, you’ll find:

💰 Valuable marketing content 👀 Helpful YouTube videos 🎨 Design resources 🎧 Podcast episodes 💸 Discounts and coupons ⭐ …and SO much additional gold to help you grow your business!

You’re going to love it!

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travel agency marketing tactics


Travel Marketing Best Practices: How To Apply The 7P’s To Make Your Travel Business More Successful

Understanding the crux of the 7Ps of marketing is pertinent for you as a tour operator. It can help you analyze your competitive strategies, capitalize on key elements of marketing to attract new customers and ultimately reach your sales targets.

The marketing mix involves various processes, each one focusing on different areas of your marketing strategy. These different processes all need to work together in order for you to successfully attract and generate new customers.

In this guide, we’ll break down the 7s of marketing and cover some of the most important travel marketing best practices to keep in mind with each of these different areas.

WeTravel Academy Course: Content Marketing for Tourism Businesses

The 7Ps of Marketing for Travel Businesses 

The beauty of the marketing mix is that it helps you to set objectives and create a clear roadmap for your business to promote itself in the market. This includes the different marketing channels and tactics that are applied.

In 1960, professor Jerome McCarthy first proposed the idea of the 4Ps of marketing - which refers to the four elements that make up a traditional marketing mix. This applies to any kind of business. The 4Ps are

However, strategies in marketing have changed tremendously since then, and the way different types of businesses reach customers varies. This resulted in the 4Ps evolving. It only made sense to add additional Ps to accommodate all industries. These Ps include

  • Physical Evidence

The 7Ps can help you attract your target audience more easily and provide the right kind of marketing messages and value to turn those prospects into paying customers.

Let’s break down the 7Ps of travel marketing.

1. Product 

First, there’s your product. This refers to what you’re selling your customers, and it’s what your entire travel marketing strategy will be centered around.

For many traditional businesses, a product is a physical item that you can place in your basket, or buy online and unwrap at home. However, in the travel industry, your product is not tangible. For travel businesses, product refers to some kind of tour, service, or travel experience.

travel advertising

When it comes to travel marketing best practices, you must understand how your product fits into the market, and what type of demand there is for your product. You’ll also need to know the unique selling proposition (USP) behind your product, and what will motivate a customer to make a purchase (or, book a tour).

There are typically a lot more factors involved in the purchase decision process for travel products. For example, a travel business customer will need to

  • Plan their trip around what free time they have available
  • Plan their trip around the weather
  • Purchase without understanding the direct effect, or benefits, the travel purchase will offer them
  • Travel purchase decisions often involve a fairly large investment, without getting a tangible product in return

This means there’s a lot to keep in mind when marketing your travel product to your audience. Understanding the market conditions, the competition, and what makes your product special is essential for attracting and retaining customers.

Of course, you also need to offer a high-quality travel product if you want to make a lot of sales.

Some travel marketing best practices include sharing as many details about your products as possible on your website, sharing videos and images of your travel experiences on social media, and showcasing reviews and testimonials from past customers.

2. Place 

Place is an element of the marketing mix that refers to where and how you make your product available. Because your travel product is intangible, you will likely be selling it online (as opposed to a shelf in a shop). You could also be selling through a booking platform, an OTA , or a travel desk.

Travel marketing best practices

Whatever the case, travel marketing best practices here involve making sure that the place you sell your product offers a smooth customer journey. This means providing a booking process that is easy and secure, and that includes all of the information your customers could possibly want to know.

For example, your website should include detailed booking pages for each of its travel experiences, with an easy and secure payment gateway. This is easy to apply with travel booking tools like WeTravel . The right booking platform will reduce friction in the customer journey, helping you sell more tours.

3. Price 

The price of your product, or tour, is arguably the most important factor in your travel marketing mix. You need to price your tours strategically in order to make enough profit, be competitive in the market, and attract enough bookings.

First, you’ll need to understand the market and the competition to understand the costs of other tours in your area.

Second, you’ll need to align your pricing strategy to the USP and value your tour offers. It’s important to relate price to value. This is because customers will be willing to pay more for a travel experience if it is justifiable, and the extra money relates to extra value.

If you offer the same experience as the competition but charge more, then your tours will seem unappealing. If you offer added value to your travel experience, then you can get away with charging more. You’ll also be able to use this added value as your USP.

travel advertising

Of course, you also need to cover your overhead costs and make sure that your pricing strategy makes sense for your travel business.

How much you charge for your travel products determines how your business will fit into the market, so it's important to have a full understanding of your financial situation in order to price appropriately.

4. Promotion 

This element of the marketing mix is all about how you promote your travel business to your target audience. Travel advertising includes a lot of key tactics, so, you should choose ones that best align with your target audience and overall marketing goals.

When it comes to travel marketing best practices, it’s recommended that you utilize a wide range of marketing channels and processes. This could include:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO and content marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Physical marketing (flyers, posters, etc)

It is also essential that you have an optimized website , as this is where you will direct all of your marketing efforts to generate bookings.

Whatever tactics you use to promote your travel business, you need to make sure that they align with your customer journey and with the behavior patterns of your target audience/buyer persona.

This means using marketing channels that your target audience routinely uses, and promoting the right messages and content on these channels to appeal to your viewership.

Of course, you’ll need to keep your USP and market positioning in mind when running your travel advertising campaigns. Use your promotional efforts to stand apart from the competition and strategically communicate why customers should book your tours and what kind of value they would get in return.

You can check out our guide to creating a travel business inbound marketing strategy for more tips and tactics.

Travel marketing best practices

5. People 

Who represents your business? This is incredibly important for travel marketing, as your products are closely linked and associated with the people who deliver them.

If you sell a product like a toothbrush, customers wouldn’t care much about who is behind the toothbrush. However, if you’re offering a guided tour through the Andes, then the person providing the tour is an essential factor in understanding whether the tour is worth purchasing.

This means that people are a factor in your travel marketing mix that you need to carefully consider and promote.

In terms of travel marketing best practices, anyone who comes into contact with a customer and represents your business must maintain a certain standard of friendliness and professionalism. The people behind your business play a major role in shaping the customer journey and influencing their purchase decision.

It’s also a good idea to display your credentials and experience on your website or booking pages. Use the people in your travel business to offer more value to your customers.

For example, you could highlight the fact that all of your tour guides are trained in first aid safety, or that they are experts on the local flora and fauna. This gives your tours a competitive edge and gives customers more reason to book your tours and helps them develop more trust in your travel business.

6. Processes 

Process is one of the unique “P’s” of marketing for travel businesses. This refers to the journey, or processes, that a customer goes through from when they book your tour to when they complete it. Your goal is to make these processes as enjoyable as possible for the customer.

travel advertising

Make sure that you offer customers all of the information they need at any given stage of their journey. You also want to ensure that your customers can easily communicate with your business when needed.

Some useful tactics involve sending automated consummation messages after a customer makes a booking, and sending the customer a pack of relevant information before the tour. All of their booking information, itinerary, waivers, and anything else, should be easily accessible.

When optimizing the processes in your marketing mix, it's also important to consider efficiency for your business. Your aim should be to plan out a strategy that is reliable, scalable, and efficient.

Using the right travel booking system is essential as it will help to provide a smooth journey for both your customers as well as for your business.

7. Physical Evidence 

This is the final element of the travel marketing mix. Physical evidence can seem tricky because travel experiences are largely intangible. This means it can be difficult for your customers to look into the physical evidence of your travel experiences before making a booking.

However, carefully presenting any physical details about your business or topics will play an important role. Keep your vehicles clean and well maintained, make sure your staff are well-presented, and carefully maintain your storefront if you have one. These elements all help to build trust.

You can also use your website to help you provide physical evidence around your tours. Make sure your website is modern, trustworthy, and functional.

Travel marketing best practices

You should also try to incorporate a lot of images and videos of your travel experiences into your booking pages, to help customers gain an idea of what these experiences look like.

Stay Ahead of Travel Marketing Best Practices 

Staying ahead of travel marketing best practices can be tricky because the industry is constantly changing. As technology develops and customer journeys change, so do the marketing tactics and strategies you use to attract new customers.

That is why it's important to stay ahead of industry trends with a reliable and trusted platform.

A key resource in this regard is WeTravel Academy . The sole focus of this resource is to create a valuable “database” (so to speak) to help all the professionals in the travel industry with a wide range of focus areas. This may include group and multi-day travel, international tour operators, other trip leaders, wellness, and retreats.

You can freely access a wide range of e-books, webinars, courses, and articles to help you stay ahead of industry best practices and grow as a professional and tour business.


Understanding the key elements of a travel industry marketing mix is important for being able to develop a well-rounded marketing strategy.

You need to understand and address all of the different factors involved in the customer journey and decision-making process in order for you to be successful at marketing your travel company.

The travel marketing best practices above should help you lay the foundation. Of course, you’ll also need to be set up with the right travel software and tools to help you seamlessly implement these different areas of the travel marketing mix.

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About the author

Allan Formigoni (he/him)

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  • Invest in Google Ads. 

*Bonus tip*

With the increase in competition and easy travel options in the market, it can be pretty difficult to keep up with the ever-changing travel industry and stay on top of your game. Actually, to say it’s difficult would be an understatement. But don’t worry; we’re here to cheer you up with these incredible seven effective marketing strategies for the travel industry.

To develop a travel agency marketing strategy that appeals to customers and increases your ROI, a travel agency must first understand its niche and target market and then plan accordingly. This is where we come in. 

Today’s article will refer to several tips and tricks for developing an effective marketing strategy for your travel agency.

So let’s get rolling!

Did you know? 

  • According to Insider Intelligence’s extensive research , the travel industry spent 22.5% more on digital advertising in 2022 than it did in 2021. Compared to other verticals such as retail and consumer packaged goods, digital ad spending in the travel sector is considered proportionately lower. However, it is gradually increasing again, with a forecast of $4.54 billion in 2023 in the United States.
  • Even though the travel industry has not yet fully recovered from the pandemic, Outbrain’s research found nearly as many clicks on content from travel campaigns in the first half of 2022 as in 2020. Consumers are most interested in once-in-a-lifetime destinations such as the Maldives, Spain, Greece, Thailand, Japan, and Australia.
  • On the other hand, travel advertising agencies made a strong comeback, purchasing some of the year’s most coveted advertising spots. For example, check out’s massively popular 2022 Super Bowl ad starring Idris Elba. 
  • 44% of internet users’ interactions with travel content begin with no destination in mind. That means that nearly half of all online travelers have no idea where they intend to spend their vacation! This is a fantastic opportunity for travel marketers to capture consumer attention when looking for discoveries and experiences.

So, assume you own a travel agency and want to improve your marketing and reach a larger audience. Here’s what you should do. 

Seven best marketing tips and tricks for kickstarting your travel agency 

Understand your audience. .

Understanding your audience is critical for developing new strategies and modifying existing ones. When you know your customers’ travel desires, you allow them to feel special. Your customers are the ones who will assist you in fulfilling your goal. Therefore, it is critical to understand who these customers are.

To understand your niche clearly, you must create a buyer persona. What exactly is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional character who represents your clients. It would be beneficial to base your buyer persona on your target travel audience research. The more specific it becomes, the easier it is to work around. For example, you may have different target audience groups with different characteristics and interests. You can segment them and create separate buyer personas for each customer segment.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who are your travelers? Understand who you target and how users interact with similar products based on gender, age, ethnicity, income, qualification, and marital status.
  • Where do they go? Understanding traveler demographics will assist you in narrowing down the number of strategic destinations and service providers operating there.
  • How do they find tours and tickets, and how do they book them? First, find out how they go about getting a ticket or a time. These may include various search engines. If you’re not new to the industry, you’ve probably heard that, on average, people use 2-3 travel websites before they decide to book a destination.
  • How frequently do they travel? Investigating this question may yield some painful results. While the average American travels twice a year, your target group may travel so infrequently that you may discover this segment is not viable.

We’ve written an article about buyer behavior and personas and, more importantly, how to start figuring them out, so make sure you give that a go before moving on to the next step.

Leverage content marketing and compelling copywriting. 

We can not stress this enough. Welcome 101, since you’ve probably heard this 100 times before. To attract and retain your target audience, you must create and distribute valuable and consistent content, resulting in long-term growth in visitors, leads, and customers. To succeed, this marketing strategy necessitates several elements, including high-quality content optimized for SEO and readers.

If your website lacks excellent content, it will not generate the traffic required to make your travel agency successful. To be great, content must not only be interesting, original, creative, informative, personal, and engaging, but it must also be well-written.

By writing good, competitive, and compelling copy, you are not only making your service visible to search robots. The added value here is that you are attracting customers with an educational and engaging read. It encourages them to make informed decisions and increases their likelihood of accepting your offer. 

TripMyDream , a small Ukrainian online travel agency, is a great example. They started a blog that grew to become the country’s largest travel media outlet. The content includes articles about their best deals, popular destinations, local attractions, and recent travel industry news. 

Don’t disregard the power of email marketing. 

Even though email marketing is one of the oldest tricks in marketing, it is still highly effective, especially in the travel industry. This is because the primary goal of email marketing is not only to attract new customers but also to retain existing ones.

Most first-time visitors to your travel agency will not make an immediate purchase. However, you can get the person to subscribe to your email list so that you can demonstrate your authority and credibility by sending them valuable content via email and encouraging them to purchase your travel products.

The weekly and daily time-sensitive updates on your product information inspire previous guests to become regular customers. For example, you could notify them when you offer an appealing deal. 

Examples of typical travel agency emails to clients include:

  • Welcome emails;
  • Newsletters;
  • Thank you emails;
  • Special offers;
  • Confirmation emails;
  • Notifications and updates;
  • Happy birthday emails.

The first step is to acquire a customer relationship management (CRM) system. This is a database where you keep your clients’ information, from first and last names to email addresses, phone numbers, and social media handles. An example of such a tool would be HubSpot. The CRM platform from HubSpot also includes enterprise software for marketing, sales, customer service, content management, and operations.

Now it’s time you build a list. Use a trustworthy email marketing service like MailChimp or AWeber. These and other similar services, also known as autoresponders, offer a variety of tools for automating your marketing, including scheduling, subscription forms, automated responses, newsletter templates, and more.

Put subscription forms in prominent locations on your website and social media pages. You can test various placements and tactics, such as exit popups on your website. Your Facebook page is another excellent location for your form. 

Let’s move on to newsletters now. It’s critical to contact your subscribers regularly if you want to get the most out of them. Creating a newsletter allows you to position yourself as an expert while teaching people to anticipate your emails. Of course, you can also send out messages regularly. But on the other hand, a newsletter has a higher perceived value and allows you to build your brand. 

Give your newsletter a straightforward name that helps you brand yourself (for example,” Tom’s Travel Tips for Overseas Traveling “) and include your logo. In addition, you gain access to many professional-looking templates when you use an automated email service.

Oh, and one other thing. Remember to make your newsletters mobile-friendly as well. Travelers use smartphones and tablets not only for research and booking but also at every stage of their journey. So check that your emails are easy to read on mobile devices. Keep email copy brief and to the point. Similarly, keep subject lines short, so they don’t get cut off.

Make sure your website is optimized for SEO. 

A website designed to attract travelers should have a cool vibe to it. The written content should be of high quality and should address the travelers’ fundamental concerns. Search engines like Google change their algorithms regularly to place relevant travel websites on their results pages.

As a result, it is critical that, in addition to the search engines, you keep updating relevant content on your website regularly rather than filling content solely for keyword purposes.

Identify and target a specific keyword phrase for each authoritative content page on your website. Then, consider how your reader might find your particular page. Aside from the page URL, title, and headings, content has the most influence on search engine rankings. Repeat your keyword phrase several times throughout the page, once or twice in the opening and closing paragraphs, and two to four times more throughout the rest of the content. 

Furthermore, user experience and SEO are inextricably linked. It is essential to understand that search engines rank websites according to how well they satisfy users. You should therefore create an innovative website that captures users’ attention to get noticed by search engines.

Engage in video blogging and social media. 

Let’s tell it how it is: Social media is the most effective platform for increasing brand awareness. In addition, it is the cheapest and most effective medium for increasing sales, engaging customers, and establishing a presence among your target audience.

Advertising your products and services on various social media platforms can broaden your sales reach. For example, you can promote your exciting travel packages on Facebook or dedicate an Instagram page to show the various destination options for travel enthusiasts. You could also launch a hashtag campaign to highlight your travel company and bring it to the attention of thousands of people worldwide.

What about videos? 

One advantage of using videos on your travel agency’s website is that they are easier for search engines to index. This results in higher click-through rates when people use search engines like Google and Bing to find information about vacation destinations and travel agencies.

Also, when creating video content, remember to include a variety of media. For example, experiment with destination photos or add music or sound effects in the background instead of just text on the screen. This will help keep viewers interested in the travel video because it will not be boring.

However, keep your travel videos brief. When creating an explainer video for your travel company, keep it short and sweet. People will lose interest in travel videos that are too long and will move on to something else. Therefore, these videos should be no more than 2 minutes long.

If you want to learn more about video marketing and how big brands are reaping the benefits of it, feel free to look at a previous article we covered, discussing how retailers put together their video marketing strategy. There might be a few tips you can glean from there as well. 

Create compelling content with the help of AI. 

Just like MakeMyTrip has done it before. MakeMyTrip was an early adopter of in-app content. It has many firsts to its credit, including curated destination videos, a chatbot that provides information on flight cancellations, and more. 

However, given its low monthly active user (MAU) frequency (typical for travel apps), the brand decided to use AI to connect user data and create compelling creative for cross-selling and up-sell campaigns. 

What does this consist of? 

Customers can receive rail/flight booking suggestions, alerts, baggage details, and even car booking suggestions via its AI-powered chatbots. It also means that customers can book tickets on MakeMyTrip using their voice. Well, isn’t that awesome?

Invest in Google Ads. 

Paid advertising allows you to show your ad only to those people who are most interested in your offer – your target group. The most significant advantage of AdWords is that your offer is displayed simultaneously as the tourist actively searches for it.

Assume someone searches Google for “accommodation in Lisbon.” If they know how to take advantage of the situation, hoteliers and property owners will post their ads at the top of the search results like the other organic (non-paid) search results.

This is what it will look like: 

travel agency marketing strategy

If you look closely at the image above, you’ll notice that even the first four search results are paid ads and that only the fifth search result is the usual organic first search, which would be the first search if no one was advertising for this search phrase. You can see whether these people clicked on your ad, how many of them saw it, and who made the reservation if you are more skilled.

Google Ads allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of online marketing by showing your ad to the right people, at the right place, and at the right time, known as targeting. 

Targeting is selecting your target group based on their specific interests and characteristics and who are potentially the most interested in your offer, requiring you to show them an advertisement. Therefore, the primary prerequisite for successful targeting is that you are familiar with your target group and have profiles of your ideal guests.

It’s also worth noting that travelers like to comparison shop and visit multiple online travel agency websites. Visibility is essential for increasing bookings and improving business results, so your ads must be visible via desktop, mobile, and apps. 

Your ad placements will appear across all channels, providing travelers with a unified experience. According to Expedia, travelers who subscribe to their newsletters and use their mobile apps are more loyal, with higher intent and engagement.

Wait! We’re not finished yet. Here are some additional bonus marketing ideas for your travel business that you can consider implementing.

  • Always conduct a market and target audience analysis. First, determine the most desirable market for your business model. For this to happen, you can use tools such as Google Search, Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Facebook Search, and Twitter Search. 
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas. Be inventive and self-assured.
  • Your message and timing should be consistent. Your audience should be able to put their trust in you.

Now Over to You

And that’s a wrap! I suppose we can conclude that marketing activities are not a single campaign and that no one-size-fits-all solution exists. Instead, it is a continuous and dynamic process. 

To thrive, you must constantly monitor your performance and keep an eye on the market, as running a travel agency in a constantly changing industry is a never-ending process. We hope this article has given you some ideas for marketing your travel agency and that you can get to work!

travel agency marketing tactics

Gabriella is a Digital Content Writer and Marketer with a zeal for all things WordPress. When she’s not researching and drafting the upcoming articles, you can find her in the open air exploring the outdoors with her dog.

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How to Market a Travel Agency + Marketing Plan


As a travel agency business owner, you need to have a marketing plan in place to help ensure the success of your business and grow your travel agency . A marketing plan will help you to identify your target market, develop strategies to reach them, and track your progress over time. Keep reading to learn how to develop a marketing plan for your travel agency business.

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Key Components of a Travel Agency Marketing Plan

A great marketing plan has eleven sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Target market segments.

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Pricing and Positioning Strategy

Distribution strategy, marketing materials, promotions strategy, digital marketing plan, conversion, referral, and retention strategy, financial projections.

We provide more detail for each of these key components below.

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire marketing plan. It should include your overview information from each of the other sections, such as your target market, unique selling proposition, key promotion strategies, and financial projections.

When it comes to marketing a travel agency, it is important to identify your target market segments. Who are your most likely customers? Consider factors such as age, gender, income, location, and lifestyle when determining your target market segments.

For example, a travel agency business’ customers may include families, business travelers, or retirees.

Once you have identified your target market segments, you can begin to develop strategies to reach them.

Break down each of these segments even further by considering their needs, wants, and pain points. For example, the needs of a travel agency business’ customers may include finding affordable travel options, planning a hassle-free trip, or finding the best deals on flights and accommodations.

Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets your travel agency apart from other travel agency businesses. What do you offer that nobody else does?

For example, your travel agency may specialize in planning destination weddings, or you may have a team of experienced travel agents who can help customers plan the perfect trip.

No matter what your USP is, make sure it is clear in your marketing materials. Your clients/customers should be able to see immediately what makes you different from the other business in their area.

Your pricing and positioning strategy will be determined by your target market segments and your unique selling proposition.

For example, if your target market is budget-conscious travelers, you will want to position your travel agency as an affordable option. Similarly, if your target market is luxury travelers, you will want to position your travel agency as a high-end option.

Once you have determined your pricing and positioning strategy, it is important to be consistent in all of your marketing materials.

No matter what your positioning strategy is, make sure your pricing strategy is competitive. Consider conducting a market analysis to see what other travel agency businesses with which you compete are charging for similar offerings.

Your distribution strategy will determine how you get your travel agency’s products and services in front of your target market.

For example, you may use a combination of online and offline marketing channels to reach your target market. Some offline marketing channels you may consider using include print advertisements, direct mail, and public relations.

Providing special offers through your travel agency is a great way to entice customers to make a purchase. Consider offering discounts for first-time buyers or loyalty rewards for frequent customers. You could also offer promotional items such as coupons or free samples.

Your marketing materials should be based on your unique selling proposition and target market segments. They should be designed to grab attention and generate interest in your business.

Some of the marketing materials you might want to create include product brochures, flyers, and website banners. You will also want to make sure your branding is strong and consistent across all of your marketing materials.

Your promotions strategy includes the methods you will use to attract new customers. It should be designed to generate excitement and encourage customers to try your business. 

Travel Agency businesses should consider the following promotional strategies:

  • Sponsoring travel-related events
  • Hosting open houses or information sessions
  • Offering discounts or coupons
  • Creating a referral program
  • Running contests or giveaways

Your promotions should be designed to reach your target market segments. For example, if you are targeting families, you may want to sponsor a kids’ soccer team or offer a discount for families who book a vacation through your travel agency.

In today’s digital age, it’s important to have a solid digital marketing plan. This will help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your business.

Some of the digital marketing tactics you might want to use include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing. You will also want to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

Your conversion, referral, and retention strategy should be designed to keep customers coming back. Consider offering loyalty rewards, discounts for referrals, and other incentives to encourage customers to continue using your business.

You will also want to make sure your customer service is top-notch. Respond quickly to any complaints or concerns, and always go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations.

Last but not least, you will need to create financial projections for your business. This will help you track your progress and ensure you are on track to meet your goals.

The key information to include in these financial projections are your monthly marketing expenditures and expected sales. Be sure to update your projections on a regular basis to reflect any changes in your business.

By following these steps, you can develop a quality marketing plan that will help you successfully launch and grow your travel agency business. Just remember to be creative, think outside the box, and always put your customers first. With a little hard work and dedication, you will be well on your way to success!

The ultimate travel marketing strategy guide

Discover the ultimate travel marketing tactics to succeed and stay ahead.

travel agency marketing tactics

The importance of getting your marketing right in the travel sector is at an all-time high. Social media and influencers have helped make the world more visible than ever before. Consumers are turning to social channels as a source of inspiration. They’re hunting for the next trending destination and best travel deals.

On top of this, there has been a much-needed post-COVID travel boom. So-called ‘revenge holidays’ are in full swing and worldwide tourist arrivals are expected to reach up to  95% of pre-pandemic levels . It finally looks like things are getting back to normal and opportunities are everywhere.

But competition is growing. Standing out from the crowd is becoming increasingly difficult and keeping travelers engaged enough to complete the checkout process is a challenge.

At the same time, there are question marks over how long this travel boom will last. Staffing issues, the cost of fuel and energy, and uncertainty around the cost of living are causing concern for travelers and travel marketers alike.

In this ultimate guide, we will have a look at the current state of the travel marketing landscape and break down all the channels and tactics you need to utilize to succeed in the highly competitive sectorwere

  • Travel marketing strategy
  • Email marketing for travel marketers  
  • Segmentation strategies
  • SMS marketing for travel brands
  • Marketing automation programs

6. Web personalization for travel brands 7. Push notification marketing 8. Reporting and analytics  9. AI for travel marketing 10. Integrations for travel marketers

What is travel marketing and why is it important?

People are always dreaming of their next vacation, surely that means travel brands basically sell themselves, right?

Unfortunately, not. How brands market themselves is what makes travelers choose one resort and airline over another. Travel brands must promote and sell their products, services, and experiences to customers. You need to showcase the distinctive features of your destination, accommodation, leisure activities, and travel packages to spark interest and motivate bookings.

The travel industry is vast and continuously evolving. Some of the primary types of businesses that make up the industry include:

  • Train operators
  • Cruise liners
  • Bus companies
  • Car rental agencies
  • Hotels and resorts
  • Bed & breakfasts (B&B)
  • Vacation rentals (e.g. Airbnb, VRBO)
  • Camping and glamping sites
  • Travel agencies (online and offline)
  • Tour operators
  • Online travel agencies (OTAs)
  • Travel management companies (TMCs)
  • Travel insurance providers
  • Guided tours and sightseeing excursions
  • Adventure activities and sports (e.g. skiing, scuba diving)
  • Museums, galleries, and cultural centers
  • Theme parks and amusement parks
  • Restaurants, bars, and cafes
  • National tourism boards
  • Regional and state tourism offices
  • City visitor bureaus
  • Travel booking and comparison sites
  • Mobile applications for travel planning and navigation
  • Travel review and recommendation sites (e.g. TripAdvisor)
  • Metasearch engines for flights, hotels, and car rentals (e.g. Kayak, Skyscanner)

Why is marketing in the travel industry important?

Marketing is an indispensable tool for travel brands. Without it, you would struggle to achieve your business goals. Effective marketing can help you attract more customers, increase your revenue, and establish a strong brand.

What are the benefits of travel marketing?

  • Increased visibility: Marketing helps significantly to increase your brand’s exposure. This ensures that potential customers are aware of the travel services and experiences you offer and boosts overall visibility in the crowded marketplace.
  • Customer acquisition: A well-executed marketing campaign attracts new customers by showcasing the value and unique aspects of your travel business, ultimately driving revenue growth.
  • Improved customer retention: Marketing enables your travel brand to maintain long-term relationships with your existing customers by offering personalized and contextually relevant content and engaging with them consistently across channels.
  • Enhanced customer loyalty: Including loyalty programs, exclusive offers, and personalized promotions in your marketing can build customer loyalty, leading to repeat business and higher customer lifetime value (CLV).
  • Competitive advantage: Innovative and targeted marketing strategies can help your travel brand stand out from the competition, positioning you as a leader and providing an advantage in a highly competitive market.
  • Increased revenue: Marketing can be used to generate upselling and cross-selling opportunities, increasing the average transaction value and ultimately resulting in higher revenue.
  • Improved brand reputation: Using marketing, you can manage your online presence, customer reviews, and social media engagement. This positively influences your brand reputation, driving more business from potential customers who trust and value your brand.
  • Informed decision-making: Leveraging data collected through your marketing activities for analysis and insights can help your business make informed decisions about product and service offerings, and marketing strategies, allowing you to optimize your efforts and boost performance.
  • Expansion into new markets: Marketing can play a critical role in identifying new potential markets, demographics, and customer segments to target, enabling you to expand your reach and tap into new growth opportunities.
  • Adaptability and resilience: Marketing enables you to react quickly to unpredictable events, market trends, and competitive moves, adapting your strategies to maintain customer engagement and drive bookings while ensuring resilience in the face of challenges.

Need to know marketing statistics for the travel industry

In today’s complicated and dynamic digital world, you must do all you can to understand the intricacies of the travel industry. Using these statistics, you will be able to get a bird’s eye view of global trends, customer behavior trends, and forces that are set to drive the multibillion-dollar industry forward in the years to come.

travel agency marketing tactics

What are the challenges of travel marketing?

Despite economic uncertainty and the lasting impact of the pandemic, the travel industry is returning to pre-pandemic levels and enjoying steady growth.

Still, airlines, hotels, travel agencies, and other travel brands across the world are facing unique challenges that set you apart from typical marketing teams. In the ever-changing world of travel marketing, you have your hands full keeping up with the latest trends and technological advancements. Below are just a few of the top challenges you’re facing on an almost daily basis and how to overcome them.

With inflation in flux and travel expenses rising, travelers now consider price to be their top priority. To connect with your audience, you should emphasize low rates and demonstrate high value. Promoting discounts, bundles, and loyalty programs will appeal to budget-conscious consumers.

As remote work, digital engagement, and eco-consciousness continue to impact customer behaviors, you need to stay on top of trends to cater to emerging segments like bleisure (business and leisure) travelers. Data-centric platforms like Dotdigital plug into CRM systems and use machine learning can help brands understand these new customer groups.

With 86% of travelers seeking personalized experiences , you need to create tailored campaigns that resonate with your audience. Data collection and integration with CRM platforms are essential for delivering enjoyable, relevant, and personalized marketing experiences.

By understanding and following emerging travel trends, you can engage with audiences throughout the whole customer journey. You need to approach the journey holistically and create a cohesive experience across channels. Tools like single customer view (SCV) and eRFM will help you get a clearer view of travelers’ behavior.

To maintain your competitive edge, you must offer a seamless, efficient experience for customers, from booking to post-break feedback. You should tap into technology to adapt to market changes. Ensuring data quality and consolidation will help you reap the full benefits of new tech advancements.

To cater to your more environmentally-conscious travelers, you need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainable practices. Avoiding greenwashing and adopting eco-friendly practices help you align your campaigns with customer values and support a greener future.

How to build a successful travel marketing strategy

Building a successful travel marketing strategy involves careful planning, targeting the right audience, and effectively leveraging your various marketing channels. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a winning travel marketing strategy:

Step 1: Define your target audience

Start by clearly defining your target audience. Conduct market research to determine their demographics, preferences, and behaviors. This will help you tailor your marketing materials to resonate with this specific group and achieve better results.

Step 2: Develop a strong brand identity

Create a memorable and eye-catching brand identity that encapsulates your company’s ethos and values. This includes your company name, logo, tagline, color scheme, and visual style. Consistency across all marketing channels reinforces brand recognition and establishes trust.

Step 3: Optimize your online presence

Create a user-friendly website that provides relevant information, showcases your offerings, and guides visitors to conversions (i.e. bookings or inquiries). Ensure your website has strong SEO to improve search engine ranking. Utilize social media platforms to engage with your audience and share valuable content.

Step 4: Leverage content marketing

Produce high-quality, informative, and engaging content that inspires travelers and provides value. This could include blog articles, videos, or destination guides. Diversifying your content not only keeps your audience interested but also addresses different stages of their customer journey.

Step 5: Monitor, analyze, and adapt 

Implement analytics tools to track your marketing efforts and identify what works best. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjust your strategy accordingly to optimize results. By continually learning from your data, you can make informed decisions and enhance your marketing effectiveness.

Boost growth with cutting-edge marketing technology

To enhance your visibility, captivate travelers, and boost bookings and inquiries, it’s essential to tap into the technology you have available. For peak success in the travel sector, you need technology that collaborates seamlessly with your existing tech solutions. 

Dotdigital’s customer experience and data platform (CXDP) delivers an array of travel marketing tools and channels through a unified, all-encompassing platform. By maximizing your technology usage, you can elevate traveler engagement, increase bookings, and optimize your travel marketing initiatives.

Email marketing for travel marketers

Email marketing is a powerful tool for the travel industry, as it enables you to reach your target audience, build lasting relationships, and drive conversions.

In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of email marketing and the essential elements of successful email marketing for travel businesses, including creating targeted campaigns, utilizing data to send personalized content, and ensuring that emails are engaging and mobile-friendly.

benchmark results email marketing for travel brands

The benefits of email marketing for travel brands 

Email marketing is an essential tool for marketers in the travel industry for several reasons:

1. Direct communication channel

Email marketing is a direct line of communication with your target audience, allowing you to share news, updates, offers, and content straight to subscribers’ inboxes, enhancing engagement and nurturing long-term relationships.

2. Strong ROI

Compared to other forms of marketing in the travel sector, email marketing is relatively inexpensive while maintaining a high return on investment (ROI). This makes it one of the best options for travel brands looking to reach large audiences or target specific segments without breaking the bank.

3. Personalization capabilities

Email marketing enables you to create perfectly personalized content and offers based on your subscriber’s demographics, preferences, and travel or engagement history. Ultimately, personalization leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as your audience feels catered to and valued by your brand.

4. Behavioral targeting

With email marketing campaigns, you can track various metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, allowing a better understanding of travelers’ behaviors and preferences. This valuable information can be utilized to optimize future campaigns, ensuring better audience targeting and fostering long-term customer relationships.

5. Urgency and exclusivity

You can use email marketing to create a sense of urgency through time-sensitive offers, limited promotions, and exclusive deals, encouraging customers to book their travel or upgrade reservations.

6. Increased customer retention

By regularly sending informative content, helpful resources, and engaging promotions through email marketing campaigns, you will nurture customer loyalty and increase repeat bookings over time.

7. Relevance and timeliness

Email campaigns can be triggered based on specific events or customer actions, ensuring that the content is relevant and timely as per each individual’s needs. This could include sending reminder emails about upcoming trips or limited-time promotions resulting in better engagements and more conversions. 

Email marketing best practice for travel marketers 

Travel marketers can employ these best practices to create effective and engaging email campaigns:

Write catchy and enticing subject lines to increase open rates. Make your subject line relevant to the email’s content, and ensure it resonates with your target audience. Tap into the power of generative AI to really save time and improve results. 

Personalize your email campaigns by using the recipient’s first name and providing recommendations, content, or offers based on their preferences, travel history, or demographics.

Divide your subscribers into targeted segments based on factors such as geographical location, interests, booking history, or language, and send tailored content that appeals to each segment’s unique attributes.

Embed high-quality images and videos of destinations, accommodations, or activities to inspire and evoke emotions, leading to higher engagement levels.

Make your CTAs clear, concise, and visually emphasized, directing subscribers toward the desired action, such as visiting a web page, booking a travel package, or redeeming special offers.

Ensure that your email template is mobile-friendly, with easy-to-read text and a clean layout, as a large portion of your audience will likely read your emails on mobile devices.

Aim to provide valuable, informative, and engaging content that relates to the interests and needs of your subscribers, building trust and fostering lasting customer relationships.

A/B test various elements of your emails, such as subject lines, send times, layout, or content, to determine what generates higher engagement and conversions. Continuously optimize your campaigns based on the insights gained from these tests.

Keep track of key email marketing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

Regularly review and clean your email list, removing inactive subscribers or outdated addresses to improve deliverability and maintain a high-quality mailing list.

Segmentation strategies for travel marketers

Segmentation is a crucial tactic for all marketers, but none more so than marketers in the travel sector. It involves dividing your target audience into distinct groups based on their preferences, demographics, or behaviors.

Implementing a segmentation strategy allows you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate better with each group, ultimately driving higher customer engagement and conversions.

Top five benefits of segmentation

1. targeted marketing messages.

Segmentation allows you to tailor your marketing messages and content to specific segments, resulting in greater relevance, customer engagement, and conversion rates.

2. Improved customer experience

Offering personalized content, recommendations, and offers based on segmentation fosters a better customer experience, deepening brand loyalty, and strengthening long-term relationships.

3. Resource allocation

By focusing marketing resources on specific customer segments, you can effectively allocate your budget, time, and efforts, ensuring maximum impact for your marketing activities. eRFM customer modeling will help you identify highly engaged, high-value customers to prioritize.

4. Increased ROI

Using segmentation, you can build tailored campaigns designed to appeal to different groups, resulting in higher response rates and, ultimately, an increased return on marketing investment.

5. Market insights

Segmentation provides insights into your customer preferences and behaviors, helping you identify new market opportunities, improvement areas, or trends that can inform marketing strategy.

Top tips for implementing a segmentation strategy

Collect customer data from various sources, such as website behavior, booking history, survey responses, third-party travel partners, and CRM systems, and unify them to build a comprehensive understanding of your audience.

Utilize Dotdigital’s advanced segmentation tools, including eRFM (engagement, recency, frequency, monetary) modeling and single customer view (SCV) data. These features allow you to achieve more precise targeting and improved insights into customer behavior.

Develop content and promotional offers that resonate with the specific needs, desires, and pain points of each segment. Personalized marketing messages have a higher chance of engaging and converting customers. Use the data collected from Dotdigital’s eRFM and SCV features to inform these strategies.

Ensure that appropriate marketing channels are used for each segment. Different customer groups may prefer email, SMS, or other channels, so align your strategy accordingly. Dotdigital’s customer insights will help you build a seamless cross-channel marketing plan.

Continuously test and analyze the performance of segmented campaigns. Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and CLV to identify areas for improvement. Adjust your segmentation approach and marketing strategies based on these data-driven insights.

Customer preferences and behaviors change over time. Periodically reassess your segments, refresh your data, and leverage updated customer insights to ensure your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective.

Dotdigital | icelolly Case Study - Featured Thumbnail

Successful customer re-targeting

Discover how the holiday comparison site, Icelolly boosted conversion rates and enhanced its email marketing performance with personalized re-targeted marketing.

SMS marketing in the travel industry

SMS marketing is a powerful and often underutilized marketing channel that can boost engagement and provide exceptional value for travel businesses like yours. As a direct and immediate form of communication, SMS marketing can help you reach customers in ways other channels might not.

Benefits of SMS marketing for travel marketers

1. high open rates.

SMS messages have an exceptional open rate, with most recipients reading the message within minutes of receiving it. This ensures that promotional offers, updates, or reminders are seen by the vast majority of your target audience.

2. Real-time communication

SMS provides real-time, immediate communication that allows you to send time-sensitive offers, last-minute deals, or critical travel updates to your customers.

3. Mobile accessibility

With the vast majority of the population carrying mobile devices, SMS marketing provides an efficient way to reach your customers regardless of their location or internet access.

4. Cost-effective

SMS marketing campaigns are easy to set up and cheaper than most other marketing channels. This means you can effectively reach your target audience, even on a budget.

5. Personalized experiences

SMS campaigns can be tailored to individual users based on their preferences, interests, or travel history, creating a more personalized and engaging experience for your customers.

6. Easy integration with other marketing channels

SMS marketing can be easily combined with other channels such as email, app, or social media, to create a comprehensive and cohesive marketing campaign for your travel brand.

How to integrate SMS into your travel marketing

By adopting SMS marketing, your travel business can unlock new avenues of customer engagement and diversify your overall marketing efforts, ultimately boosting bookings and customer satisfaction. Here are some campaign ideas that can be implemented through SMS marketing:

example of SMS marketing for travel booking confirmation

Send helpful reminders for upcoming trips, pre-travel checklists, departure times, locations, or travel document requirements.

SMS travel reminder insurance example

Share essential real-time updates like flight delays, gate changes, or itinerary adjustments, ensuring customers are well-informed and prepared. Ultimately, this will lead to higher satisfaction and experience overall. 

SMS markeitng example travel updates

Send exclusive deals, discounts, limited-time offers, or last-minute specials to encourage customers to book travel or secure a service through your business.

Promo campaigns example for SMS in travel industry

Remind customers about travel packages, accommodation options, or services they were considering but have not completed the booking process.

Travel abandoned cart sms campaign

Suggest relevant add-ons or upgrades to customers based on their travel plans, such as excursions, activity bookings, premium seating, or transportation options.

SMS marekting exmaple for travel marketers

Request post-trip feedback, ratings, or reviews through an SMS message, using the insights to improve your services and customer satisfaction. SMS is a great channel for this because it requires little lift from your team and has a high completion rate. 

SMS example for travel marketers reveiws and feedback

Notify customers of their rewards or loyalty points balance and inform them of any opportunities to earn additional points or redeem special offers.

SMS loyalty programs for marketers in the travel sector

Share useful destination-based information, such as local attractions, events, dining options, or safety tips, to enhance your customers’ travel experiences.

SMS tips and recommendations travel marketing

Top tips for successfully incorporating SMS into your travel marketing campaigns

  • Combine SMS with email marketing Integrate SMS marketing into your existing email marketing strategy, sending important alerts, reminders, or limited-time offers through SMS to complement your email marketing activity.
  • Segment your audience Create targeted SMS campaigns based on demographics, geographic location, or travel preferences, ensuring that your messages resonate with subscribers and are relevant to their needs in the moment.
  • Personalize messages Deliver tailored content and offers based on customers’ booking history, travel destinations, or preferences, creating a sense of exclusivity and personal connection.
  • Use automation Use customer actions to trigger SMS marketing campaigns, such as booking confirmation, travel reminders, or payment due notices. This will ensure your text messages are landing at the best time to drive customer conversions.
  • Keep messages concise Deliver the key message or the call-to-action within the constraints of the character limit. Stay concise, and focused, and ensure your message is easy to understand. Tap into AI tools to help.

Dotdigital | British Airways Case Study - Featured Thumbnail

Using SMS for two-way communications

Discover how British Airways used Dotdigital’s two-way SMS functionality to encourage travelers to complete monthly customer satisfaction surveys. 

MMS for travel marketing campaigns

MMS (multimedia messaging service) is a branch of SMS marketing that allows the sending of multimedia content, such as images, videos, and audio files, alongside text messages. It presents new and exciting opportunities to engage customers in a more dynamic and visually appealing way.

MMS allows you to send rich visual content, including high-quality images and videos that showcase destinations, accommodations, or activities. This allows customers to get a better sense of the travel experience being offered and will inspire them to book.

Multimedia messages, including images and videos, have higher engagement rates compared to simple text messages. By leveraging MMS, you can evoke stronger emotional responses and drive customer interest, resulting in increased conversions and bookings.

MMS helps you to create immersive narratives by sharing pictures, videos, or audio clips of real travel experiences. This storytelling approach can help build a connection with potential travelers, increasing the likelihood of them engaging with your brand.

MMS can be customized based on individual preferences, interests, or travel history. By sending personalized multimedia content to customers, you can create a more relevant and memorable connection, ultimately fostering brand loyalty.

Although MMS adoption is growing, many businesses still primarily rely on text-based marketing. By being an early adopter of MMS, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a unique brand identity in the minds of consumers.

MMS works well in conjunction with SMS, email, and social media campaigns. Integrating MMS into your overall marketing strategy can help create a comprehensive and cohesive approach that covers different stages of the customer journey.

Marketing automation for travel marketers

Marketing automation streamlines and optimizes repetitive marketing tasks, leading to enhanced efficiency, reduced manual efforts, and improved results. Intelligent marketing automation tools like Dotdigital create conversion-driving, loyalty-inspiring experiences by tapping into customer data and turning it into real-time marketing campaigns.

Benefits of marketing automation for travel brands

1. time-saving and cost-efficiency.

Marketing automation significantly reduces manual tasks associated with campaign management and customer segmentation, freeing up time for you and your teams to focus on strategic tasks, such as content creation and performance analysis.

2. Seamless communication

Marketing automation ensures regularly scheduled and consistent communication with customers across different channels. This is essential for maintaining customer engagement and building long-term brand loyalty.

3. Personalization

By tracking customers’ actions, preferences, and booking history, marketing automation tools help you deliver personalized and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. This moments-based approach to marketing enhances the overall customer experience, improving ROI, average order value (AOV), and customer lifetime value (CLV).

4. Cross-channel campaign management

Marketing automation platforms help you manage and coordinate campaigns across various channels, such as email, SMS, social media, and web push notifications, ensuring a seamless and cohesive marketing strategy.

5. Data-driven insights

With the help of detailed analytics provided by Dotdigital, you can make data-driven decisions, monitor campaign performance, and optimize your strategies for maximum results.

Essential automation programs for travel brands 

Set up automated welcome emails or messages for new subscribers, providing an initial introduction to your brand, exclusive offers, and personalized travel recommendations based on their preferences.

Welcome onbaording email from Skyscanner travel comparison site

Automate booking confirmations, reservation details, and pre-travel reminders, ensuring all necessary information reaches the customer on time. This can include flight check-in reminders, pre-trip preparation tips, and travel documentation requirements.

Marketing automation travel hotel booking confirmation

Implement automated messages for customers who added travel packages or services to their cart but didn’t complete the booking process. These messages can include personalized incentives or offers to encourage conversion, AI-powered recommendations, or exclusive discounts for high-value customers.

Abandoned booking automation program from travel brand

Build automated re-engagement or nurture campaigns to connect with inactive or lapsed customers, offering relevant travel deals or content that sparks renewed interest in your brand. Use eRFM to identify these customers and SCV to gain insight into the channels and content that will drive them toward conversions.

re-engagement program from Airbnb

Loyalty programs are a big motivating factor in the decision-making process of modern travelers. Automate loyalty program updates, notifications, or special offers to reward repeat customers and enhance long-term brand loyalty.

Rewards loyalty program automation for travel marketers

Automate post-trip feedback requests, analyze customer experiences, and collect valuable insights to inform improvements in your offerings and services. Positive reviews also make great marketing collateral so the importance of this program must not be underestimated. 

Review and feedback automation program

Schedule automated campaigns centered around holidays, seasonal offers, or special events, targeting customers with relevant deals and packages. Use customer insights to see when customers are most engaged or typically looking at your website to identify essential times to launch annual offers.

Seasonal automation program promotion travel brand marketing

By understanding the benefits of marketing automation and implementing these recommended automation programs, you can streamline your marketing efforts, engage customers across multiple touchpoints, and enhance the overall customer experience while driving revenue and brand loyalty.

Dotdigital | Copa Airlines Case Study - Featured Thumbnail

Marketing automation in action

Discover how international flight operator, Copa Airlines used Dotdigital to streamline its automated marketing communications to deliver a significant increase in revenue.

Web personalization for travel marketing teams

Web personalization involves tailoring website content to individual visitors based on their preferences, behavior, and demographic data.

In the travel industry, web personalization offers significant benefits and opportunities for enhancing customer engagement and boosting conversion rates. In this section, we’ll discuss the advantages of web personalization for travel marketers and provide strategies to create personalized online experiences.

Benefits of web personalization for travel marketers

1. enhanced customer engagement.

Personalized content and offers on your website can capture users’ attention and create a positive, engaging experience, increasing the likelihood of bookings and purchases.

2. Improved relevance

By addressing customers’ preferences and needs, web personalization ensures that your website’s content remains relevant and tailored to each user, making your brand more appealing to potential customers.

3. Increased conversion rates

Personalized content, offers, and recommendations can lead to an increase in customers taking action, whether booking a trip, subscribing to newsletters, or requesting more information.

4. Reduced bounce rates

An engaging and personalized website encourages visitors to spend more time exploring your offerings, reducing bounce rates and increasing the chances of customer conversions.

5. Improved ROI

By delivering personalized content and experiences to specific segments, web personalization can result in better use of marketing resources and a higher return on investment.

Strategies for personalizing web experiences

Show customers recommended travel destinations, offers, or services based on their current location, accounting for local events or geographic preferences.

Leverage customer behavior, such as browsing habits, pages visited, or previous booking history, to deliver personalized content, deals, or recommendations.

Divide your website visitors into specific segments based on demographics, interests, or travel preferences, and tailor website content to cater to these segments.

Implement exit intent pop-overs with tailored, last-minute offers or incentives that persuade visitors to book, subscribe, or engage further with your brand before leaving the website.

Use dynamic content that adapts based on user interactions, website behavior, or previous travel bookings, recommending related destinations, accommodations, or activities.

Employ remarketing campaigns that display personalized ads to users who have previously visited your website, featuring customized offers, messages, or promotions.

Integrate AI-driven recommendations into your website, providing visitors with personalized travel options across your homepage, product, and service pages.

Create dedicated, personalized landing pages for various promotions or travel offers based on customer segments, increasing the chances of conversions and bookings.

Push notification marketing for travel brands

Push notification marketing is a powerful tool for brands operating in the travel industry. It allows you to engage with customers directly through real-time, targeted, moments-based messages delivered directly to users’ mobile devices or web browsers.

Benefits of using push notifications in your travel marketing

1. increased engagement.

Push notifications give you new opportunities to re-engage customers by sending personalized promotions, announcements, and reminders. Ultimately, this enhances customer interactions and brand connection.

Timely and relevant notifications help you to communicate instantly with users, facilitating real-time updates on special deals, flight status, itinerary changes, or exclusive offers.

3. Higher conversion rates

By delivering tailored offers and targeted content, push notifications can increase conversion rates, driving bookings and encouraging customers to take action.

4. Improved user experience

Push notifications can enhance the user experience by offering personalized recommendations, location-based offers, and immediate assistance, fostering a stronger bond between customers and your brand.

5. Trackable performance metrics

Push notifications offer valuable performance insights, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, helping you optimize campaigns and improve future marketing efforts.

Reporting and analytics for travel marketers

For marketers in the travel industry, maximizing efficiency and leveraging your budget and resources effectively is crucial. Utilizing advanced reporting and analytic tools can streamline and optimize your digital marketing efforts.

Advanced analytics and reporting tools 

Email reporting and analytics.

Email reporting and analytics provide insights into the performance of your email marketing campaigns. This information helps you to:

  • Identify trends in your email marketing campaigns
  • Ensure your campaigns are meeting their objectives
  • Pinpoint areas that need optimization to enhance campaign performance

Email dashboards

Email dashboards provide you with an overview of all your email marketing campaigns, while email reports focus on a single campaign, outlining key performance metrics. By getting a bird’s eye look at your email marketing campaigns, you can discover:

  • Statistics about your delivered, bounced, and skipped emails.
  • Data about opens, unique opens, non-opens, and social shares.
  • A heat map showing the areas of the world where your email campaign was most opened.
  • The most popular links in your campaign, clicks, unique clicks, and click-to-open rates.
  • Details about your winning and losing split tests.

SMS reporting

SMS campaign reports monitor channel performance, enabling you to continuously improve your marketing results. These reports showcase:

Helps track the frequency of SMS campaigns and analyze performance metrics over time.

Measures the effectiveness of your campaign, comparing the number of clicks to successfully delivered messages, which can inform improvements in content or targeting.

Indicates the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action, such as booking a trip or signing up for a newsletter, helping to evaluate the success of promotional efforts.

Evaluates the total revenue generated by a specific SMS campaign, determining ROI and guiding budgeting decisions.

Provides insight into the revenue generated from bookings or purchases influenced by an SMS campaign, even if completed through different channels.

Informs segmentation strategy by showing the number of segment groups targeted in the campaign, helping you assess the depth and breadth of your reach.

Indicates engagement with SMS content by revealing the number of clicks on embedded links, allowing you to better analyze which messages resonate best with your target audience.

Measures the reach of an SMS campaign by tallying messages successfully received, helping to gauge overall marketing effectiveness.

Provides an overview of SMS campaign volume, enabling evaluation of the relationship between quantity and campaign success.

Program analytics

Dotdigital’s program analytics tools offer several benefits to travel marketers, especially by helping you optimize your marketing automation programs and maximize campaign impact. Key benefits include:

Program analytics provide a comprehensive and data-driven overview of your marketing automation programs, allowing you to make informed decisions about marketing strategies and tactics.

The visual representation of the different nodes in your marketing automation workflow enables you to gain a deeper understanding of your programs and quickly identify areas that require optimization.

Dotdigital’s program analytics tools allow you to monitor the performance of your marketing automation programs in real-time, enabling you to quickly adapt to changing trends and make necessary adjustments.

The detailed view feature allows you to choose between different chart views (trend and cumulative) to get a granular analysis of key program metrics, providing insights tailored to your specific needs.

By evaluating the performance of start nodes, decision nodes, and action nodes, you can better understand customer interactions and optimize your marketing automation programs to increase effectiveness.

Program analytics tools can help you identify the success of different segments and decision paths in your automation workflows. This allows you to refine your targeting strategies and drive better results.

The ability to analyze the detailed data and insights provided by program analytics tools enables you to streamline your efforts, eliminate inefficiencies, and allocate resources more effectively. 

By providing in-depth data and insights on marketing automation programs’ performance, program analytics tools can help you optimize campaigns to maximize ROI. Through continuous improvement, marketers can generate better results and higher revenue, ultimately improving the overall ROI of their marketing efforts.

Advanced revenue attribution

Advanced revenue attribution is a method used to calculate the revenue generated by email and SMS marketing campaigns, based on clicks that lead to a purchase within a specified conversion window. Unlike direct tracking, which attributes revenue to clicks within a single window, advanced revenue attribution provides a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of how a campaign may have influenced the customer’s purchasing decision.

The benefits of using advanced revenue attribution include:

By tracing revenue to specific email and SMS campaigns, you can better assess the true influence of your marketing efforts on customers’ purchases, even if the purchase occurs outside the one-hour window of direct tracking.

Advanced revenue attribution offers a more complete picture of how different touchpoints contribute to your customer’s decision-making process, enabling you to optimize your campaigns for higher engagement and conversion rates.

Visibility into campaign performance through revenue attribution helps you to allocate budget and resources more effectively, focusing on campaigns that deliver the most significant ROI.

You can analyze the performance of email and SMS campaigns side by side, determining which channel is more effective at driving revenue and adjusting your marketing strategies accordingly.

By understanding which campaigns generate higher revenue, you can refine your targeting and segmentation strategies to engage the right audience with relevant and persuasive messaging, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Advanced revenue attribution can reveal patterns in customers’ behavior over extended periods, helping you identify crucial touchpoints for nurturing long-term relationships and customer loyalty.

WinstonAI™️ marketing intelligence engine

Designing a successful marketing campaign is far from easy. Especially in the ever-evolving travel sector, you must stay ahead of your competition. Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) at this early stage and leveraging it in your day-to-day marketing will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Benefits of early AI adoption

1. perfect personalization.

AI ensures you offer highly tailored experiences to your customers. By analyzing a vast amount of customer data, AI can identify patterns and preferences that are crucial for the creation of personalized marketing campaigns. As a result, your customers are more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their overall experience.

2. Data-driven decision making

AI-driven analytics provides you with actionable insights and data that help you make informed decisions. Early AI adopters can use powerful tools that analyze customer behavior, identify trends, and provide valuable recommendations. This ensures that your marketing resources are optimally allocated and drives higher ROI.

3. Time and cost efficiency

Adopting AI early on helps to streamline and automate your routine tasks. As AI can process a vast amount of data quickly, it saves time, increases productivity, and greatly reduces human errors. This frees up your time to focus on higher-value strategic and creative tasks.

4. Real-time optimization

AI provides real-time performance tracking and optimization opportunities for your marketing campaigns. By continually monitoring and adjusting, you can optimize your outreach methods, ultimately enhancing customer engagement, conversions, and revenue.

5. Competitive edge

Early AI adopters in the travel marketing sector will stay ahead of the competition by leveraging technologies that many competitors may not even be aware of. This provides a unique opportunity to gain market share and establish a brand reputation as a forward-thinking, innovative business.

WinstonAI capabilities

WinstonAI is Dotdigital’s industry-leading marketing intelligence engine, designed to simplify your daily marketing activity. Its ever-growing capabilities help you save time, money, and effort, further streamlining your market teams’ outputs.

Effortlessly create compelling content with WinstonAI’s innovative features, which include:

  • Subject line assistant: WinstonAI helps elevate your subject lines by analyzing past engagement rates and generating inspiring suggestions for your next travel campaign.
  • Email campaign assistant: WinstonAI not only offers alternative subject lines but also provides valuable feedback to refine your content. Get insights on tone evaluation and creative suggestions for your upcoming email campaigns.
  • Grammar and spell check assistant: Eliminate time-consuming manual proofreading by using WinstonAI’s grammar check for emails, SMS, landing pages, and forms.
  • One-click email to SMS generator: Save time by repurposing valuable email content into SMS messages for subscribers who prefer text messages. WinstonAI achieves this with just one click.

Transform your data into insightful actions with WinstonAI’s powerful analytics capabilities:

  • Predictive analytics: Anticipate your customers’ behavior and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly, ensuring continuous engagement throughout their journey.
  • eRFM segments and opportunities: Develop a deeper understanding of your customer base by integrating engagement scores with RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) ratings to create distinct personas.
  • SCV and lookalike segments: Engage deeply with individual customer profiles using single customer view and generate segments with similar traits to your ideal customers.

Maximize your outreach potential and ensure your messages land at just the right moment with WinstonAI:

  • Send time optimization: Enhance engagement levels by utilizing AI-driven send time optimization (STO) to deliver emails at the most opportune moment for the recipients.
  • Automated reputation manager: Improve campaign performance and sender reputation by employing top-quality data that WinstonAI continuously monitors and evaluates.
  • Watchdog data importer: WinstonAI’s data watchdog acts as a vigilant guardian of your sender reputation by safeguarding your delivery rates and thoroughly analyzing incoming email addresses.
  • Non-human interaction (NHI) filtering: WinstonAI filters out activity from security tools or bots that can skew marketing results, providing you with a more accurate assessment of your campaigns’ performance.

Integrations and data management for travel marketers

From your booking systems and CRM to ticketing and customer service software, tech stacks for travel brands are vast and spiraling. The only solution is to have a customer experience and data platform that connects and unifies all your systems into a single source of truth. This will help you provide seamless and personalized customer experiences, streamline operations, and enable relevant and timely marketing activity.

Key integration and agency partners 

CRM systems allow you to manage and analyze interactions with potential and existing customers. This helps to maintain and improve customer retention, satisfaction, and revenue generation. Integrating your CRM and marketing channel providers ensures you have all the data you need to provide data-driven marketing campaigns. 

Integrations with booking platforms and reservation systems are crucial for streamlining traveler information management, allowing you to personalize offers and communications based on booking history and preferences.

Ticketing systems are vital for travel brands as they help manage and streamline customer support inquiries, leading to enhanced customer experiences. Integrating these into your marketing platform empowers cross-team collaboration, ensures timely communication, and improves customer retention as every interaction is accessible for marketers and customer service teams alike. 

Loyalty programs play a significant role in retaining customers and enhancing brand loyalty for travel brands. Integrating these systems into your marketing platform helps you tailor rewards and offers to customers based on their preferences, purchase history, loyalty points, and other relevant data. Personalized rewards lead to higher customer satisfaction and engagement, strengthening brand loyalty.

Integrations with review platforms such as TripAdvisor, Feefo, and Trustpilot enable you to monitor customer feedback, identify areas for improvement, and showcase highlighted reviews to increase credibility and trust.

Dotdigital | VisitVictoria Case Study

Integrations that deliver results

Discover how the Australian tourism board, Visit Victoria used Dotdigital’s Zapier integration to segment, personalize, and automate tailored cross-channel re-targeting campaigns.

Travel businesses need to understand the different types of marketing channels and tactics available to them to effectively promote their products, services, and experiences. By utilizing innovative strategies, personalized promotions, and data-driven insights, travel businesses can stand out from the competition, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.

The travel industry is constantly evolving, and you need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to succeed in the highly competitive market. With the right marketing strategy in place, travel businesses can capitalize on the current post-COVID travel boom and take advantage of the many opportunities available in the industry.

Honeymoon Always

10 Travel Agency Marketing Ideas You Need to Know

By: Author Dan Bagby

Posted on Published: September 15, 2021

As a Travel Agency, you know how important it is to market your services. Over and over again we talk to agents that are looking for more qualified leads. As experts in marketing and travel, we have been able to use our digital marketing expertise to generate hundreds of leads each month for travel agencies.

You need to start with a travel agency marketing plan that includes several marketing efforts that come together for an effective marketing strategy. This includes tactics like search engine optimization, social media, a referral program, and other marketing strategies.

Hawaii honeymoons main image sunset

Here are 10 of our top marketing Ideas for travel agencies.

Treat Google My Business like it is your website.

SEO is difficult and there is tons of competition. One way to make it easier to show up on Google is with a Google My Business Page. There is much less competition and if someone is in your area and they search for a travel agent, you are much more likely to show up.

Start by claiming your listing on Google My Business. Add as much information as possible, solicit reviews from clients, and keep the page updated.

Get Started With Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your Travel Agent clients. You can email them about upcoming deals, new products, and specials that you offer for repeat customers. It will also help fill up the idle time between vacations! Another benefit of emailing Travel Agents regularly is the ability to get on their radar when they are looking for a Travel Agent.

We recommend using Mail Chimp or Constant Contact to create your email marketing campaigns because both of these services provide you with free templates and tutorials, which makes it even easier for Travel Agencies without much tech skills to get up and running in no time!

Start A YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel may sound like too much work, but the results are worth the effort. Start simple by having webinars where the suppliers are presenting. Simply record the meeting and upload it to YouTube.

Once you feel comfortable, do a presentation of your own to show your expertise. This will be one more way for people to feel a connection with you and want to work with you.

Over time you can see where your YouTube channel takes you. Some travel advisors film room tours, cruise ship tours, or experiences like wine tastings, and those videos become their only means of marketing.

Get Results With Social Media

Start your Travel Agent social media with a profile on the main channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. And remember to include a video! Just like YouTube, you can use these profiles as another way for people to get to know you better. It is also an opportunity for them to see what life is like working with you or planning their next vacation with you.

A statue of a fisherman in front of the ocean.

While you want to have a social media strategy for all the main social media sites, focus mostly on one to not be overwhelmed. Today, I would recommend TikTok due to the potential for reaching new audiences.

To get started on TikTok, all you need is a phone and the app. Now just start making TikTok videos until you find something that works. Try to be as helpful as possible. You can use photos to create a slideshow-like post that are easy to make.

Build up your Travel Agency Website

The Travel Agent website should be like an online Travel Guide. You can provide all kinds of helpful information such as:

– Resource pages that include links to your favorite sites and blogs

– Blog posts featuring tips for traveling with kids, pets, etc…

– Travel guides for specific destinations around the world so people know where they want to go and what they need to do when they get there

– Travel packing lists, pre trip checklists, etc…

You can include all of this in your Travel Agent website. The goal is for people visiting the site to feel like you are a friend who knows them better than anyone else so that when it comes time for them to plan their next vacation, they come to you first.

This will also help with SEO. As you create new, in-depth posts that are answering the questions that people are asking, you are more likely to see success.

For example, I know a lot of people ask if you should wear shorts in Italy. When I went to Italy I saw plenty of people wearing shorts, so I wrote a quick post about it. That article took off and brought thousands of people to my website who were looking for the answer.

Get Partners to Write Guest Post For You

In addition to creating your own content, ask other partners to write blog posts for you in the form of a guest post. You can partner with other travel agencies with a different focus than you or you can ask suppliers if they would like to provide a few posts for you. This is a win-win because you get more content on your website, and they get more exposure.

You can in turn write guest posts for their websites, something search engines will love.

Encourage your individual agents to do the same thing. They can start their own blogs and write some content for the travel agency website as well.

Start A Referral Program

If you are not already running a Travel Agent referral program, start one. This is an easy way to earn more business without having to purchase advertising on Google or Facebook. Plus, referrals are some of the highest quality leads because they come from trusted sources who know what it takes for someone else to have a great experience with your agency – and they want that for themselves.

Use HARO To Get Free Press

Have you heard of HARO before? It stands for Help A Reporter Out. After signing up, you receive regular emails with queries reporters are writing about. They are looking for experts to chime in and there is a section related to travel.

Refresh Your Travel Agency Website

Beyond just creating content, you want your website to look good as it may be someone first impression of your business and services.

Adding Travel Agent photography to your Travel Agency website can help make it more engaging.

Focus on the experience you want others to have when they come into contact with your agency, and use that as inspiration for everything you do including Travel Agent marketing ideas.

Find Influencers To Work With

When you think of influencers, someone with a huge following on Instagram may come to mind, but influencers do not need a huge audience.

Some ideas for influencers to work with would be the owner of a cheese shop in town, a genealogy expert in the community, or an expat-focused real estate agent.

These are all people with fans or customers that can be related to travel. Work with the owner of the cheese show to create a group trip to France that will include visiting some cheese production sites. The genealogy expert can create a trip to Europe focused on the origins of some of her clients. The expat-focused real estate agent can promote a group trip to the area she works in, allowing people to come to experience the area with other people considering the move.

Those are just a few ways you can market travel along with an influence to build your business.

Travel agent marketing is essential for any travel business looking to increase its online presence. Travel agency marketing ideas are easy to come up with, but Travel Agent Marketing takes some planning and effort.

travel agency marketing tactics

He is an expert travel advisor and enthusiast. He has traveled extensively in the USA, Central America, South America, and Europe. He has visited every Sandals Resort and is one of a select few Diamond Elite members of the Sandals Chairman’s Royal Club. Dan graduated from Johnson & Wales University with an associate degree in Culinary Arts. Later he graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in International Studies with a focus on people and culture.

  • Building Your Site
  • Promote Your Site
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Design & Inspiration
  • Tips & Tricks

Expert Tips for Travel Agency Marketing Success

In the competitive world of travel agency marketing, it's crucial to have a solid plan to market your travel services effectively. Numerous strategies, from advertising for travel agencies to developing innovative marketing ideas, can help you stand out in the industry. By understanding key marketing tactics and building a strong brand, you can create a successful travel agency marketing plan that drives growth and attracts customers.

Strategies for Travel Agency Marketing Success

To effectively market your travel agency, you must develop a comprehensive strategy that encompasses various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and advertising. By leveraging these platforms, you can reach potential customers and showcase your agency's unique experiences.

Building a Strong Travel Agency Brand

Establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for standing out in the crowded travel industry. Creating a compelling brand story and visually appealing content can differentiate your agency from competitors and build trust with potential customers.

Key Marketing Tactics for Travel Agencies

From utilizing influencer partnerships to implementing effective SEO strategies, various key marketing tactics can help elevate your travel agency's visibility and attract new clients.

Leveraging Social Media

Strikingly Social Media Feeds Section

In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for travel agency marketing. Engaging with potential customers on Instagram is a great way to showcase stunning destinations and connect with travel enthusiasts. Creating compelling content on Facebook allows you to share engaging stories, travel tips, and promotional offers that resonate with your audience. Utilizing Twitter for customer service enables you to address inquiries, provide assistance, and build trust with your clients in real time.

Engaging with Potential Customers on Instagram

Instagram is a visual platform that offers many opportunities for travel agencies to showcase their unique offerings. By sharing captivating images and videos of exotic destinations, local experiences, and insider tips, you can captivate potential travelers' attention and inspire them to explore the world through your agency's lens.

Creating Compelling Content on Facebook

With its vast user base, Facebook provides an ideal platform for travel agencies to engage with their audience through informative and entertaining content. You can create a community of loyal followers who turn to your agency for their next adventure by sharing engaging blog posts, destination guides, customer testimonials, and promotional offers.

Utilizing Twitter for Customer Service

Twitter's fast-paced environment makes it an excellent channel for addressing customer inquiries and providing real-time assistance. By promptly responding to queries, resolving issues, and showcasing your dedication to customer satisfaction, you can build a strong reputation as a reliable travel agency that puts its clients first.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Strikingly newsletter feature, crafting engaging newsletters.

Crafting engaging newsletters is a crucial aspect of travel agency marketing. By providing valuable and relevant content to your subscribers, you can keep them engaged and interested in your travel services. Share travel tips, destination highlights, and exclusive deals to entice your audience to open and read your newsletters.

Segmentation for Personalized Campaigns

Segmentation allows you to create personalized email campaigns tailored to different customer groups' interests and behaviors. For example, you can send specialized vacation packages to adventure-seekers and luxury getaways to high-end travelers. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of conversion and customer satisfaction .

Using Automation to Curb Abandoned Bookings

Implementing automation tools in your email marketing strategy can help reduce abandoned bookings by sending timely reminders or incentives to customers who have shown interest but haven't completed their purchases. This recaptures potential sales and enhances the overall customer experience by showing that you care about their needs.

With these effective email marketing practices, you can enhance your travel agency’s outreach efforts and build stronger relationships with potential clients.

Partnering with Influencers

Clean Blog Template from Strikingly

In today's digital age, collaborating with travel bloggers, YouTube vloggers, and Instagram influencers can significantly boost your travel agency's marketing efforts. By partnering with these influential individuals, you can tap into their engaged audience and leverage their credibility to market your travel agency effectively.

Collaborating with Travel Bloggers

Travel bloggers are a great asset for advertising for travel agencies. Their well-documented experiences and personal stories can inspire potential travelers and drive traffic to your website. By collaborating with them, you can gain access to their loyal followers and showcase your travel agency's unique offerings through engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Engaging with YouTube Vloggers

YouTube vloggers can visually transport viewers to different destinations through their captivating videos. Partnering with vloggers allows you to showcase your travel agency's experiences compellingly and authentically that resonate with potential customers. Their authentic reviews and first-hand experiences can help market your travel agency effectively.

Leveraging Instagram Influencers for Destination Promotions

Instagram influencers can create stunning visual content that captures the essence of a destination or experience in a single image or video. By leveraging their influence, you can reach a wider audience and promote your travel agency's services in an organic and visually appealing manner that aligns with the platform's aesthetic appeal.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

Strikingly SEO Checklist

When it comes to travel agency marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for boosting your online visibility and attracting potential customers. Optimizing your website content with relevant travel keywords is essential for ranking higher in search engine results and driving organic traffic. By incorporating popular travel-related terms into your web copy, blog posts, and landing pages, you can effectively target users actively searching for travel services online.

Optimizing Website Content for Travel Keywords

To effectively market your travel agency, optimize your website content with relevant travel keywords that resonate with your target audience. Incorporating terms such as the best vacation packages, affordable travel deals, and luxury holiday destinations into your web copy and blog posts can help improve your search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic to your site.

Local SEO for Destination-specific Searches

In addition to optimizing for general travel keywords, it's crucial to focus on local SEO strategies that cater to destination-specific searches. By including location-based keywords such as top attractions in Paris, best hotels in New York City, and adventure activities in Bali, you can better target users seeking information about specific travel destinations, thus increasing the relevance of your content in search results.

Link-building for Travel Agency Authority

Link-building is vital in establishing authority and credibility for your travel agency website. By acquiring backlinks from reputable travel-related websites, blogs, and directories, you can enhance your site's perceived value in search engines. This improves your website's domain authority and helps drive referral traffic from other high-quality sources within the travel industry.

Implementing these SEO strategies can effectively market your travel agency online and increase its visibility among potential customers searching for travel-related services online.

Effective Advertising Methods

Compass Travel Template from Strikingly

When it comes to advertising for travel agency success, Google Ads is a powerful tool for targeting travel keywords. By bidding on relevant search terms, you can ensure that your agency's website appears at the top of search results, increasing visibility and driving traffic to your site. With the right strategy and budget allocation, Google Ads can be a game-changer for your travel agency marketing plan.

Facebook Ads offer an effective way to reach targeted audiences with personalized messaging. With advanced targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can tailor your ad campaigns to specific traveler segments. Whether promoting vacation packages or highlighting unique travel experiences, Facebook Ads provide a cost-effective solution for marketing your travel agency to potential customers who are most likely to convert.

Utilizing Pinterest for inspirational travel ad campaigns allows you to tap into the platform's visual appeal and engaged user base. By creating eye-catching pins that showcase stunning destinations and must-visit attractions, you can inspire users to consider booking with your travel agency. Pinterest ads can link directly to your website or specific landing pages, making them an effective way to drive traffic and conversions.

With these effective advertising methods as part of your overall travel agency marketing plan, you'll be well-positioned to attract new customers and grow your business over time. By leveraging the power of Google Ads targeting, Facebook Ads for targeted audiences, and inspirational Pinterest ad campaigns, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success in the competitive travel industry.

Strikingly Features for Travel Agency Marketing

Strikingly Landing Page

In today's competitive travel industry, a strong online presence is essential for travel agencies. Strikingly, with its user-friendly website builder and marketing features, it can be your one-stop shop for creating a captivating website that attracts new clients and boosts bookings. Here's how Strikingly empowers your travel agency's marketing efforts:

Stunning Visuals for Dream Destinations

  • Template Magic. Start with a pre-designed template that reflects your agency's style. Strikingly offers a variety of travel-themed templates, from sleek and modern to adventurous and whimsical. Customize the template with captivating photos and videos showcasing breathtaking destinations, luxurious accommodations, and exciting activities.
  • Image Galleries that Inspire. High-quality image galleries showcase the beauty and diversity of your travel packages. Strikingly, you can categorize photos by destination, theme (e.g., family vacations, adventure tours), or travel style (luxury, budget-friendly). Let your visuals transport potential clients to their dream vacations.
  • Integrate Breathtaking Videos. Take visual storytelling further by embedding captivating travel videos on your website (availability depends on the plan). Showcase drone footage of exotic locations, highlight cultural experiences, or give viewers a glimpse of the luxurious amenities offered at your partner hotels.

Engaging Content that Converts

  • Craft Compelling Descriptions. Don't just list destinations—tell captivating stories! Write engaging descriptions of your travel packages that highlight each trip's unique experiences and unforgettable memories.
  • Detailed Itineraries. Provide potential clients with clear and detailed itineraries for each travel package. Outline the daily activities, planned excursions, and included accommodations, allowing visitors to visualize their dream vacation.
  • Testimonials and Reviews. Build trust and social proof by showcasing positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients. Let past travelers rave about their experiences, encouraging potential customers to book their dream vacations with you.

Marketing Tools to Reach New Horizons

  • Built-in SEO Tools. Optimize your website content with relevant keywords to improve your search engine ranking. Strikingly's user-friendly interface makes SEO optimization accessible to everyone.
  • Social Media Integration. Connect your social media accounts to your Strikingly website. This lets you share updates, travel deals, and captivating photos directly with your social media followers, driving traffic back to your website.
  • Email Marketing . Capture email addresses and integrate them with email marketing tools (availability depends on the plan) to send targeted email campaigns with special offers, new destination announcements, or last-minute deals. This fosters customer engagement and encourages repeat business.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design. In today's world, a mobile-responsive website is crucial. Strikingly ensures your website looks flawless and functions seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones – where many potential clients will be searching for their next travel adventure.

Strikingly is more than just a website builder. It's a marketing platform that empowers you to create a captivating online presence, showcase your travel expertise, and attract new clients ready to embark on unforgettable journeys. So, ditch the outdated travel brochures and embrace the power of Strikingly. Watch your travel agency soar to new heights!

Strikingly's SEO-friendly Website Templates

Strikingly's website templates are specifically tailored for travel agencies. They feature stunning designs that capture the essence of different destinations. These templates are optimized for travel-related keywords, ensuring your website ranks high on search engine results pages and attracts organic traffic from potential customers seeking travel services.

Email Marketing Integration with Strikingly

With Strikingly's seamless email marketing integration, you can easily reach your customer base with engaging newsletters and promotional campaigns. This feature allows you to segment your email lists for personalized campaigns, ensuring your messages resonate with customers' demographics and preferences.

Social Media Integration for Seamless Content Sharing

Strikingly's social media integration makes it effortless to share compelling content across various platforms, allowing you to engage with potential customers and build brand awareness effectively. By leveraging social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you can showcase your travel agency's unique offerings and connect with a broader audience.

Utilizing Strikingly's powerful features for travel agency marketing can elevate your online presence and attract more customers to your business. With SEO-friendly website templates, seamless email marketing integration, and social media sharing capabilities, you can effectively market your travel agency and drive long-term growth in the competitive travel industry.

Implement Successful Travel Agency Marketing Plans

In the fast-paced world of travel agency marketing, it's crucial to implement successful marketing plans that leverage the latest trends and technologies. You can create compelling advertising for your travel agency and reach a wider audience by utilizing effective travel agency marketing ideas . Innovating with new strategies will keep your brand ahead of the curve, ensuring long-term growth for your travel agency.

Implementing successful travel agency marketing plans involves leveraging social media, email marketing, SEO strategies, and effective advertising methods. Integrating these tactics into a cohesive marketing plan allows you to market your travel agency and attract more customers effectively.

Innovating with New Travel Agency Marketing Ideas

To stay ahead in the competitive travel industry, it's essential to innovate with new travel agency marketing ideas that resonate with modern travelers. Whether partnering with influencers or utilizing emerging digital platforms, embracing fresh ideas will set your brand apart and capture the attention of potential customers.

Achieving Long-term Growth for Your Travel Agency

Achieving long-term growth for your travel agency requires a proactive approach to marketing and branding. By consistently refining your strategies and adapting to market trends, you can ensure sustained success for your business in the ever-evolving landscape of travel agency marketing.

Remember that effective travel agency marketing is about staying agile and embracing innovation in today's digital age. By implementing cutting-edge tactics and constantly refining your approach, you can position your brand for sustained growth in the competitive travel industry.

Trusted by millions of entrepreneurs & creatives.

travel agency marketing tactics

Marketing for Travel Agencies: A Guide To Thrive In Competitive Market

Marketing for Travel Agencies

Do you know?

Tourism has emerged as one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most competitive industries worldwide in the twentieth century. ( source )

Reflecting on this, a Google study revealed that 90% of travelers turn to the Internet before making their final booking decisions.  ( source )

Since travelers have countless options at their fingertips, capturing and retaining their attention has become a daunting task for travel agencies. 

If you’re a travel agency owner or responsible for managing their marketing campaigns, you understand the gravity of these challenges. 

Therefore, in this guide, we have put together a few effective marketing strategies tailored for travel agencies so that you not only survive but also thrive in this fiercely competitive market.

So, let’s get started.

1. Understand Your Market and Target Audience

In the realm of travel agency marketing, knowledge is power. As travel agencies vie for attention in a bustling marketplace. By understanding the nuances of your specific market segment can be the difference between blending in and standing out. 

Answer the questions below to decode this vast market:

Question 1: What’s Your Agency’s Niche?

What specific category or segment does your agency belong to? 

Are you primarily destination-specific, offering unique experiences in certain areas, or do you focus on delivering the best value deals?

Question 2: Who Exactly Are Your Ideal Travelers?

Considering factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, income level, and education, who would benefit most from your offerings?

Are they families looking for package tours, solo travelers seeking adventures, or professionals searching for luxury retreats?

Question 3: Where Are Your Travelers Heading?

Which destinations or types of experiences are currently in demand within your identified demographic?

Are there specific regions or activities they show a clear preference for? 

Question 4: How Do They Plan and Book Their Trips?

What platforms or channels are your target travelers using to discover new destinations and make their bookings?

Do they lean more towards online travel aggregators, direct bookings, or seek recommendations through social platforms?

Question 5: What’s Their Spending Behavior?

Are they predominantly price-sensitive, looking for the most affordable deals, or are they willing to splurge on unique experiences?

How does the financial factor influence their travel decisions? 

Considering that a significant number of travelers cite finances as a barrier, where does your offering fit in?

Question 6: How Can You Personalize Their Experience?

Based on the answers to the previous questions, how can you tailor your packages or offerings?

What can you introduce or modify to make your services more aligned with their preferences and needs?

By seeking answers to these questions, travel agencies can gain a clearer perspective on their position in the market. Plus also understand how to appeal to their target audience to ensure a more effective and resonant marketing approach.

2. Do a Competition Analysis 

Striving to get ahead of the competition in the travel industry is like joining a race where everyone wants to get ahead. So, how do you ensure you’re not just running, but sprinting with the right strategy? The answer is by taking a good look at what the other racers are doing. This is what we call a “Competition Analysis.” Let’s understand how to do competitive analysis to get ahead of your competitors.

1. Identify Your Main Competitors:

Who’s hot in the game right now? Think about the big names, but don’t forget the smaller ones that might be doing something special. List them out.

2. Check Their Online Presence:

Hop onto the web. How are they presenting themselves? Look at their websites, social media pages, and any online ads they might be running. Are they more on Instagram, or are they blogging their way to success? Take notes!

3. Analyze Their Offerings:

What trips or packages are they selling like hotcakes? Maybe they’ve got a special Bali retreat or a unique trekking experience in the Himalayas. What prices are they charging, and what’s included?

4. Read Customer Reviews:

Places like TripAdvisor or even Google Reviews can be a goldmine. What are travelers raving about?  More importantly, where are these competitors slipping up?  These insights can help you avoid making the same mistakes. 

To get data of customer reviews from other travel agencies or travel metasearch platforms you can use reviews API, and for getting an insight of what customers are talking about your competition on social media or the web, you can use brand monitoring tools.

5. Analyze Competitor’s Pricing

In the travel industry, even a 5% price difference can sway customer decisions.( Source )

In a study, 96% of respondents travelers said that they compare hotel prices using various comparison websites. ( source ). For analyzing other travel agency’s pricing, you can use tools like a hotel price comparison API . It helps you keep up with market rates and allow you to offer attractive deals that lead to more conversion.

Hotel Price Comparision API

5. Spot Competitor’s Marketing Techniques:

In order to be competitive, as a travel agency you need to adopt new marketing tactics. 

However, you should also brainstorm effective ways to attract customers. 

But, nothing can give you a significant edge than analyzing what your competitors are doing and executing that in a better way. 

So, analyze-  Are they using beautiful videos to lure in travelers? Maybe they’re offering early-bird discounts or loyalty programs.  

Plus, also understand the tools and tactics they’re using to pull customers in.

6. Learn From Their Strengths (and Weaknesses!):

Here’s where you play smart.

Adapt the good stuff they’re doing, and try to better it. 

Saw a gap they missed? That’s your golden ticket. Dive right into that space and make it your own.

Remember, in this race, it’s not just about speed but also about direction. Competition analysis is a compass to guide you toward where you should be heading.

3. Partnership With Service Providers

Give partnerships a whirl. It might just be the golden ticket your agency needs to thrive in this bustling market! Here is how you can do it-

One-Stop Shop: By joining forces with hotels, airlines, or car rentals, you offer travelers everything in one place. It’s like being the ultimate travel package artist!

Competitive Edge: You know, by teaming up with various providers, you really open up a world of possibilities for your services. Think about it – from family getaways to solo travelers, you’d have the flexibility to offer all sorts of packages, deals, and even cool coupons. Imagine tossing in a free dining coupon for families or perhaps a relaxing spa session for couples. Sounds enticing, right? That’s a surefire way to grab the attention of more travelers and get a competitive edge in the fiercely competitive market.

Building Bonds: By connecting with other industry folks, it’s like opening new doors left and right. It’s kind of like when two cafes team up for a special promo — suddenly, they’re the buzz of the town. Similarly, building those bonds in the travel world? It can lead to some seriously cool opportunities down the road.

4. Craft An Effective Pricing Strategy

Creating a fruitful pricing strategy is not just about slapping a price tag on your packages but it’s about finding that sweet spot where your offers are enticing to travelers and profitable for your business. Follow these steps to determine the best prices-

Understand Your Costs: First and foremost, know your numbers. Factor in everything – from hotel bookings, transportation, guide charges, and even the tiny overheads. You can’t price effectively if you don’t know how much you’re spending.

Analyze the Competition pricing: Again! As mentioned above in the article, analyze what they are charging. How does their offering differ from yours? This isn’t about copying, but understanding where you stand in the market. To know competitor pricing you can use this Hotel Pricing API .

Perceived Value: Think about what makes your agency special. Maybe it’s those unique local experiences or the extra safety measures you take. These unique factors can add perceived value, and people often don’t mind paying a tad more for something they perceive as superior.

Dynamic Pricing: The travel world is ever-changing. Seasons, demand, and even current events can greatly influence the desirability of certain destinations. Adjust your prices based on these factors. 

Offer Bundles or Packages: People love feeling like they’re getting a deal. Create packages that combine various services (like transportation, accommodation, and excursions) at a reduced total cost. They’re not only convenient for travelers but can also boost your sales.

Regular Review: The travel landscape shifts regularly. Make it a habit to revisit your pricing strategy every few months and make changes accordingly.

Remember, the aim is not to be the cheapest but to provide the best value. Price communicates value, so ensure that your pricing reflects the wonderful experiences travelers will get when they book with you. 

5. Adapt The Right Promotional Strategy

When it comes to creating a promotional strategy for your travel agencies, it’s essential to remember that every travel agency has its unique vibe and audience. 

Tailoring your promotional strategy to reflect that uniqueness isn’t just smart; it’s the key to resonating with your ideal customers. 

Here are a few promotional strategies for travel agencies you can use-

1. Metasearch Engine Integration

Partnering with large metasearch engines like TripAdvisor and Skyscanner can boost a travel agency’s visibility. These platforms aggregate deals that allow travelers to compare prices and offers. Agencies are usually featured based on a pay-per-click model. It’s crucial to continuously monitor competitor’s rates and use analytical tools, such as Skyscanner’s Performance Analytics for Partners, to gauge performance and adjust markups accordingly. Depending on the resources available, this adjustment can range from manual to fully automated.

2. Search Engine Visibility

Roughly 30% of travelers use search engines to find travel deals. Travel agencies can capitalize on this by writing quality blog posts that both educate and engage potential customers. Dedicated landing pages can also be created for specific deals or offers, ensuring that they’re optimized with specific keywords to rank higher on search engines. Effective search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses both internal and external activities that focus on meeting technical standards and providing valuable content.

3. Email Marketing

A tried-and-tested method, email marketing is about more than just sending offers. It’s about fostering relationships with potential customers. To effectively leverage this channel, agencies need to collect email addresses, pick a suitable mailing tool like MailChimp, and track user behavior to provide tailored offers. This strategy can include offering unique deals, bundles, holiday specials, and even birthday discounts.

4. Web Advertisements

Online ads, while straightforward, require a strategic approach in the travel industry. Using targeted Google search ads can yield positive results, especially if focused on niche segments. Retargeting is another powerful strategy, where potential customers who’ve visited the site but didn’t make a booking are reminded of their previous searches. The key is to use data-driven personalization to ensure ads are shown to users most likely to convert. Social media platforms like Facebook also offer specialized tools for targeted advertising campaigns.

5. Vlogging and Social Media Engagement

Travel bloggers and influencers have a growing audience, and agencies can tap into this trend. A consistent, well-documented social media strategy can make a difference. Instead of merely promoting services, agencies should showcase the experience of traveling, highlighting destinations, and local attractions, and offering travel hacks. 

Quality imagery and photos are vital, especially on platforms like Instagram. Given the interactive nature of social media, agencies should be prepared to engage with customers actively, address feedback, and resolve issues promptly.

6. Partnerships and Collaborations

Co-Marketing Initiatives: By collaborating with non-competitive businesses that cater to a similar demographic (e.g travel gear brands, local eateries, or transport services), travel agencies can pool resources and run joint promotions.

Influencer Partnerships: Engaging with travel influencers or bloggers to showcase your services or packages can be highly effective. Their authentic reviews and experiences can influence their follower’s decisions.

7. Loyalty Programs and Referral Schemes

You know when you can’t resist coming back to your favorite coffee shop because they offer that ‘buy-10-get-1-free’ card? That’s exactly the charm of a loyalty program for travel. When you offer something like a points-based system, customers feel like they’re working towards a reward. 

“Stay with us for five trips, and get a massive discount on your sixth!” sounds tempting, doesn’t it? And then there’s the magic of referral schemes. Imagine giving your happy customers a little incentive, maybe a discount or a special perk, for bringing in their friends. It’s like saying, “Loved our service? Tell your friends and get rewarded!” It’s a win-win.

8. Attend Travel Trade Shows and Events

Picture this: a massive hall filled with travel enthusiasts, agencies, and experts under one roof. By being a part of travel trade shows or local tourism events, you’re not just putting up a stand. You’re diving deep into the hub of the industry. 

This is your chance to shine, make some strong connections, and even learn a thing or two from other experts. You’re essentially putting your brand on the map, both for potential clients and industry peers.

9. Paid Advertising

Ever noticed how sometimes, after checking out a pair of shoes online, those shoes seem to follow you everywhere on the web? 

That’s retargeting, a smart trick in the world of paid advertising. From Facebook ads showcasing your latest holiday packages to PPC campaigns designed to draw in quick clicks, paid advertising can be a game changer. It’s like having a giant billboard but on the web.

12. User-Generated Content

There’s something incredibly authentic about seeing real travelers share their own tales and photos. It’s not a glossy ad; it’s raw and real. 

When you encourage your clients to share their journey experiences and showcase them on your platforms, you’re sending a powerful message: “See how much fun our travelers are having!” And in today’s age, where authenticity is king, this can be gold.


In today’s bustling tourism market, effective marketing for travel agencies is paramount. With countless options available to travelers, agencies must differentiate themselves through innovative marketing strategies. 

The tactics laid out in our guide are not merely recommendations but necessities for those who want to stand out. Overlooking the significance of marketing for travel agency endeavors means potentially missing out on vast opportunities. 

To truly excel, agencies must not only meet industry standards but set them to make their brand at the forefront of travelers’ minds. As travel fervor reignites worldwide, it’s essential your agency is their first port of call.


Marketing for Travel Agencies: Understanding and Surviving in the Online Travel Industry

  • 16 min read
  • Business ,   Travel
  • 23 Dec, 2019
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Marketing in Online Travel Agency

Understanding the travel agency market

  • Leading players holding the market. Booking Holdings with its 41 percent share and Expedia with about 32 percent are dominating the online travel agencies market. And their shares keep growing. So, for travel agencies, it’s difficult to stay afloat without a specific niche.
  • Distrust. People tend to be skeptical and even suspicious in arranging their trips. They would rather follow word of mouth, go to their old, time-tested local travel agent, or stick to larger players, even if they are not totally satisfied. So, new travel agencies have to work hard to break through the wall of mistrust.
  • Invisibility. Unless a travel provider puts a lot of effort and resources into promotion, it risks staying unnoticed. Here, the choice of distribution channel plays a decisive role.

The ad published in National Geographic by Econo-travel hotels

This ad, published in National Geographic by Econo-Travel hotels, dates back to 1978

 Eightydays cuts creating a complex itinerary to minutes

It will take days for a regular traveler to create such a complex itinerary, Eightydays cuts this to minutes

Investigate and define your market and target audience

Skift, Experiential Traveler Survey, 2019

Skift, Experiential Traveler Survey , 2019

Analyze your competitors

Establish your partnerships with service providers, define your pricing strategy, determine the right distribution and promotion channels, metasearch engine.

  • You can manually check prices and manually change markups.
  • You can use automated dashboards to track your performance and then manually change markups.
  • The most advanced scenario is to create an automated commission engine that will keep all your markup rules and will be adjusting your margin on the go, reacting to competitor results.

Prestigia, a small OTA with about 200 thousand monthly visitors, wins on Kayak with the hotel deal

Prestigia, a small OTA with about 200 thousand monthly visitors, wins on Kayak with this hotel deal as it targets boutique accommodation

Search engine

Orbitz has dedicated landing pages for hundreds of their deals

Orbitz has dedicated landing pages for hundreds of their deals and packs them with all useful information that a traveler may need: a booking widget, selected fares, basic information, and even short copy describing the trip

  • Internal activities to meet technical standards of search engines. These usually include installing tools like Google Console and Google Analytics, working with meta tags, reviewing a website for the right page redirection, code errors, and others.
  • External activities usually include working with keywords, texts in general, and acquiring backlinks from other websites.

Email marketing

One of the great examples of submitting discounts was Kimpton Hotels and restaurants.

One of the great examples of submitting discounts was Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants. The discounts promoted the unpopular post-Christmas holiday season

There are both wallet-friendly and luxurious destinations and tour packages

As you can see, there are both wallet-friendly and luxurious destinations and tour packages

Web adverts

Video blogging and other social media, final recommendations.

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Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies

How much do you love to travel and discover new places? Do you ever imagine yourself up there when you search for a place on the internet?

Traveling, in our opinion, might be one of the very reasons why people work hard towards the year: to be able to have new memories and experiences while discovering. Seeing new places and learning about other cultures is always a blast! However, as there are endless destinations that we can discover both locally and globally, we sometimes have a hard time finding the necessary details about the location or the place where we’d like to spend the night.

We assume that the main reason for this is that travel and tourism companies don’t put enough effort into being found online, where they can actually reach out to their buyer persona by benefiting from digital marketing strategies for travel.

In order to prepare for a trip, practically all of us spend countless hours online researching the greatest -or sometimes the cheapest- hotels, exciting new places to visit, and restaurants. We read reviews from other travelers, take them into consideration, and occasionally make decisions based on the information we find online. Thus, a travel agency that uses digital marketing strategies to reach out to us – and by us we mean its buyer persona- is always one step closer to turning 

The things we’ve mentioned above may have been written entirely from the customer’s point of view; however, it is obvious that it contains many warnings for tourism and travel agencies. 

So, if you think the emergency bells are ringing, ask yourself these questions: Can customers easily locate you? Do you have a solid marketing strategy? Do you think your engagement with social media is sufficient? How are you extending your reach to additional buyer persona? Do you believe your efforts are enough or do you want to do even more? If so, we’re pleased to inform you that we’ve assembled all the tips and tricks and necessary travel marketing strategies required for your agency in this article, as well as numerous other examples for your inspiration. Let’s go!

Digital Marketing for Travel Companies

It is unlikely that you operate in the travel and tourism industry and aren’t taking use of digital marketing. If, however, you believe you don’t benefit from it enough or feel that your efforts are ineffective, you may not be acting appropriately.

The travel and tourism industry may benefit the most from digital marketing , which is now essential for practically all types of enterprises. It is quite unlikely that the clients you want to attract will discover you out of nowhere and book a trip if they have never benefited from the services you provide. Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important for travel and tourism agencies, as more and more people use the internet to research and book their trips. This has led to a shift in consumer behavior and preferences, with travelers looking for personalized experiences and recommendations that meet their specific needs.

Especially for the U.S. market, digital marketing has had a significant impact, and with the rise of it, travel agencies in the U.S. are facing increased competition from both traditional and online travel agencies (OTAs). This means that travel and tourism companies need to be more strategic in their digital marketing efforts in order to stand out and attract customers. It is safe to assume that the tourism and travel industry is the backbone of the American economy. In 2021, the sector’s GDP reached to nearly 900 billion dollars thanks to the increase in travel spending by Americans and the influx of tourists.

Exactly for the reasons mentioned above, we’ve put together the key reasons why digital marketing is essential for your business.

travel agency marketing tactics

Marketing Strategy Examples and Ideas for Travel Agencies

There are many ways that you can engage with your customers and make your brand and organization visible online. From content marketing to email marketing, every digital marketing strategy has its own unique way to contribute to your success; however, you should define the right strategy that is suitable for you. If you believe all or a few of the strategies can benefit your online growth but are confused about how to operate them, travel and tourism agencies in the US can support you in this journey.

Let’s talk about the strategies behind your business to achieve success.

Let’s start with the basics. Creating high-quality, informative and engaging content is a great way for travel and tourism companies to attract potential customers and build brand awareness. For example, creating blog posts or video content for travel industry that highlight popular travel destinations or provide helpful tips for travelers can be a great way to capture the attention of potential travelers.

The advertising video produced by VisitScotland to encourage cyclists to visit and ride bicycles among Scotland’s beauties is a fantastic example of content marketing in action. The video showcases the country’s breathtaking surroundings while advertising parkour for cyclists, where people can comfortably enjoy cycling. To be able to create similar videos or content for your business, make sure you discover the best travel and tourism marketing agencies in the UK.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are great tools for travel and tourism companies to connect with potential customers and showcase their services. Companies can create a successful social media marketing strategy and use social platforms to share photos and videos of their destinations, run social media contests, and engage with customers by responding to their comments and messages. 

As one of the most iconic destinations on earth, Hawaii offers many incredible scenery and activities on its islands. Hawaii Tourism Department started a social media campaign where travelers and influencers used the #LetHawaiiHappen hashtag to reach a wider audience showcasing the opportunities islands provide such as surfing, incredible hotels and scenery, and delicious food.

travel agency marketing tactics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In the travel and tourism industry, SEO is particularly important, as people often use search engines to plan their trip and find information on destinations, accommodations and activities. Local SEO, in particular, can be a smart marketing strategy for travel and tourism companies. Hotels that cater to niche markets or specialize in particular types of accommodation might benefit greatly from the ability to target particular geographic areas through local SEO. Companies can draw customers who are particularly interested in their services by marketing to their area.

Travel and tourism companies can use SEO to ensure their website appears at the top of search results for relevant keywords and phrases, such as “best hotels in New York” or “family-friendly resorts in the Caribbean.”

Email marketing is a great way for travel and tourism companies to stay in touch with potential and existing customers. Companies can use email to share promotions and special offers, provide updates on new destinations or services, and offer personalized recommendations based on a customer’s travel history and preferences. In order to turn your products and services into an experience and to make your destinations more appealing, personalization in tourism marketing is necessary. 

Companies can work with influencers to promote their destinations or services, through sponsored posts or partnerships that showcase their products to a larger audience. Influencers typically have a large and engaged following across multiple social media platforms, giving travel and tourism brands the opportunity to reach a broader audience than they might with traditional advertising methods. Influencer partnerships help travel agencies tap into new markets and demographics. They are also highly skilled at creating visually stunning content, from photographs to videos, that can help showcase a destination or travel experience in a unique and engaging way. This can definitely help attract and inspire potential travelers to book their next trip. 

Ritz-Carlton hotels are one of the best hospitality companies in the world especially when it comes to creating effective influencer marketing campaigns. The hotel has partnered with a variety of influencers across social platforms to showcase their luxury hotels and resorts. Influencers they partner with share their experiences staying at Ritz-Carlton properties, highlighting the amenities, services, and overall experience. The company also has hosted events for influencers, such as blogger retreats and culinary experiences to give influencers a firsthand experience of Ritz-Carlton’s luxury offerings. 

travel agency marketing tactics

5 Key Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Important for Travel and Tourism Agencies

Companies that are able to adapt to the changing landscape and embrace digital marketing strategies will be better positioned to succeed and grow. They reach more people in the right way, thus it is easier for them to turn travelers into customers. Here are the key reasons why marketing strategies for travel agency are essential:

1. Increased Visibility

Increasing visibility is perhaps the main reason why you decided to explore the wonders of digital marketing for travel agencies. To reach a much wider audience businesses now need to benefit from a variety of different strategies to make sure they’re visible online. By using must tactics such as social media, email marketing, and SEO, travel agencies can ensure that their brand and services are visible to a large number of potential customers.

2. Targeted Advertising:

You can target your ads to specific demographics and interests by benefiting from targeted advertising, meaning that your marketing efforts will reach the people most likely to be interested in your services. For example, a hotel in a tropical location may use targeted advertising to reach people who have recently searched for vacation destinations in warm clients. So, by targeting their advertising, travel businesses can increase their chance of converting potential customers into actual ones. This is not only helps to increase revenue but also improves customer satisfaction as they are more likely to receive offers and promotions that are relevant to their needs and interests. 

3. Improved Customer Engagement:

Digital marketing provides opportunities for travel agencies to engage with customers in a more interactive and personalized way. This can include responding to customer inquiries on social media, providing helpful content on blogs and websites, and using email marketing to keep customers informed about special offers and promotions.

4. Reputation Management

Online reviews and ratings have become a major factor in the travel decision-making process. Travel agencies need to ensure that they have a strong online presence and positive reviews in order to attract and retain customers. By monitoring and responding to customer reviews and social media comments, travel agencies can address any negative feedback and demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction. 

5. Greater Emphasis on Visual Content:

Travel is a highly visual and experiential industry, where people seek inspiration and ideas for their future trips through visually engaging content. Thus, visual content such as photos and videos have become increasingly important in digital marketing for the tourism and travel industry. These types of content can help to showcase destinations and experiences in a way that words cannot. High-quality visual content can give potential travelers a taste of what they can expect from a destination, and can inspire them to book a trip, which is the ultimate goal.

Partner with an Experienced Travel Marketing Agency

Perhaps, all you need is to find the right digital marketing agency to help you build your company’s online presence.

Crowd created a global social media campaign to promote tourism in Sichuan, China. The tourist board wanted Crowd to raise awareness of this distinctive Asian location and build a responsive and knowledgeable audience for upcoming advertising. The Visit Sichuan Tourist Board and Crowd collaborated closely to develop a campaign that produced a welcoming and approachable interface for potential guests to interact with.  Crowd developed a welcoming and engaging campaign that changed people’s perceptions of the province for the better. The results they’ve received are as the following:

  • 132% increase in followers on social media channels
  • 3,375% increase in social media impressions
  • 550% improvement in social media engagement

Based in the UK, Propeller works with a variety of lifestyle and travel brands. The agency is an expert at building custom digital experiences, centered around brand building and storytelling. From creating a unique digital experience for a newly-built private terminal at LAX or a stunning brochure website for an award-winning luxury yacht brand, Propeller definitely understands the lifestyle and travel industries and works with leading brands to deliver their digital vision.

travel agency marketing tactics

Propellic achieved remarkable SEO success for Captain Experiences, focusing on the travel and outdoor adventure sector. They employed a deep industry analysis, AI-powered content generation, and a meticulous website URL structure strategy to enhance organic visibility.

travel agency marketing tactics

This comprehensive approach led to significant growth in page rankings and organic traffic, demonstrating Propellic’s expertise in delivering customized SEO solutions for niche markets. Their work exemplifies how targeted SEO strategies can drive substantial business growth in competitive digital landscapes.

Checking Out

As we wrap up the article, it is important to mention again that digital marketing is essential for all industries, most especially for travel and tourism agencies. We put in a lot of effort all year, so we merit a trip or vacation, but we also have to make a lot of various arrangements for planning. Because of this, it becomes crucial that the trip we organize is flawless. To achieve this, customers look for the best and most realistic reviews and content that are created by the potential hotel or destination that they’d prefer to choose. In addition to all the strategies we mentioned above, there are also a full of handy digital marketing tools for travel companies that can help you to boost your online game.

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Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies: How to Attract More Customers

travel agency marketing tactics

This post is for all you travel agents who follow offMetro (you’ll be surprised how many there are!). If you’re a travel agent, you know that marketing is key to attracting new customers. In this article, we will discuss multiple marketing strategies that are perfect for travel agencies.

Travel agencies seem like a fun business, but you might know how stressful it is if you own a travel agency. You’re constantly on the lookout for more clients. Of course, the only way you can get clients is through effective marketing. 

The only problem is how to cut through the noise and stand out from the cut-throat competition. There are loads of other agencies out there, all vying for a piece of the pie. How do you make your agency stand out from the rest? That is the question you’ll find the answer to in this blog.

Find your target audience among all Travelers

The first step of every marketing campaign is to identify your target audience. You can’t just waste resources trying to reach out to everyone – that’s a surefire way to fall on deaf ears. Figure out who your ideal customer is and make a list of their characteristics. Are they families? Retirees ? Adventure-seekers? Once you know who you’re targeting, it’ll be much easier to come up with a marketing strategy tailored to them.

Let’s say you’re a travel agency in Istanbul. Who will your target audience be? If you’re targeting families, you’ll want to focus on family-friendly attractions in the city.

If you’re targeting retirees, you might want to focus on luxury experiences and amenities that appeal to an older demographic. Most likely, you’ll be targeting tourists who are visiting Turkey.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical example – in reality, your target audience will be entirely unique to your agency. Once you’ve identified them, it’ll be much easier to plan your marketing strategy.

Develop a unique selling proposition for your Travel attractions

Ask yourself why customers would want to come to you and not any other travel agency? What are you offering that the competition isn’t?  These are all the hard questions you need to address before you start marketing your travel agency.

For example, let’s say you’re a luxury travel agency. What makes you different from the rest? Are you offering exclusive access to private beaches? Five-star accommodations? A personal butler for every guest? Whatever it is that sets your agency apart, make sure it’s front and center in all of your marketing materials.

Your unique selling proposition is what will make customers want to come to you, so it’s important that you spend some time pondering over it. The bottom line is that you need to offer something that the competition doesn’t – otherwise, why would customers choose you?

Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies

Think outside the traditional Travel advertising channels

There are many creative ways to market your travel agency – you just have to think outside the box. Traditional advertising methods, like print ads and TV commercials, are becoming less and less effective as consumers become more immune to them. That’s why it’s important to get creative with your marketing.

One way to think outside the box is to develop an experiential marketing campaign. This type of campaign focuses on creating a memorable experience for potential customers rather than just selling them a product.

For example, you could host a pop-up event in a busy area of town. You could have people walk in and wear a VR (virtual reality) headset to see glimpses of what they’ll get if they sign up with you. The sky’s the limit when it comes to experiential marketing – just make sure that whatever you do, it’s creative and memorable.

Content marketing is not optional

A travel agency is bankrupt if it doesn’t have a content marketing plan. This involves creating informative blog posts, helpful videos, or even podcasts that potential customers will find useful. The goal here is to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry – someone who potential customers can trust.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider creating a blog post about popular travel destinations. You could even include a video tour of the destination to really whet people’s appetites. Just make sure that your content is high-quality and informative – otherwise, people will tune out.

You could also create a podcast about travel tips or interviews with people who have interesting stories about their travels. The key here is to provide value for your potential customers – if you can do that, they’ll be more likely to remember you when they’re ready to book a trip.

Create a strong branding strategy for your Travel Agency

Your branding is what will make your agency recognizable and memorable. It’s how you communicate who you are and what you do to potential customers.

There are loads of different elements to consider when creating your branding strategy. For starters, you’ll need to come up with a name and logo that represents your agency well. You’ll also need to consider your brand colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic.

Your branding should be consistent across all of your marketing materials – from your website to your social media accounts to your business cards. This will help potential customers recognize you and remember you when they’re ready to book a trip.

For instance, if you’re a travel agency focused on luxury and fancy living for tourists, make sure all your marketing material and how your staff presents itself exude that luxury vibe. Lastly, don’t forget to be authentic. Your branding should be an accurate representation of who you are as an agency.

Referrals can take you a long way

Referral marketing should be your number one priority when it comes to marketing your travel agency. Why? Because it’s the cheapest and most effective form of marketing there is. Referral marketing simply means getting customers to spread the word about your business to their friends and family.

There are a few different ways you can encourage referrals. First, offer a discount or other incentive for customers who refer someone to you. This will give them an incentive to actually do it. Second, make it easy for customers to refer people to you. For instance, you could create a referral program where customers can earn points for every person they refer.

Finally, stay in touch with your customers and keep them updated on what’s new with your agency. This will remind them of your business and make it more likely that they’ll think of you when someone asks for a travel recommendation.

SEO is the name of the game

If you want people to find your travel agency online, you need to make sure you’re doing SEO (search engine optimization). This simply means making sure your website and content are optimized for Google, so you can appear higher up in its search results.

There are a few different ways to do this. First, make sure your website is well-designed and easy to use. Second, fill your website with high-quality, keyword-rich content.

This means writing blog posts and creating other types of content (like videos and podcasts) that potential customers will find useful. To get a hold of keywords, you can use Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

Third, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This is increasingly important as more and more people are using their phones to search for things online.

And lastly, create a website blog where you post content regularly. These could be a customer’s personal travel blog and their experience with you or a DIY guide for new travelers. Whatever it is, make sure it adds value to your readers.

Offer Travel discounts and promotions

Discounts and promotions are a great way to attract new customers and get existing ones to come back for more. People love a good deal, so offer discounts on your services from time to time. You could also run promotions where people can win prizes or get special discounts if they book a trip during a certain time period.

Just make sure you don’t go overboard with your discounts and promotions. You don’t want people to think that’s all you’re about. A few well-timed discounts and promotions here and there will do the trick.

Also, make sure you’re promoting your discounts and promotions on your website and social media accounts. And don’t forget to include a call-to-action, so people know what to do next. One of the most engaging ways to advertise discounts is on travel poster templates .

The final piece of the jigsaw puzzle

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and existing customers. And it’s a great platform for promoting your travel agency.

There are a few different ways you can use social media for marketing your business. First, create social media accounts for your business on all the major platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Then, start posting regular updates, including photos, videos, and blog posts.

Make sure you’re using relevant hashtags so people can find your content. And finally, run social media ads from time to time. These are paid advertisements that appear in people’s feeds, and they’re a great way to get more eyes on your business and attract new customers.

Want more tips? Check out this useful video about crafting an effective marketing strategy for your Travel Agency:


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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

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Why travel to Moscow

Contrasts: 12th century monasteries and some of the tallest skyscrapers in Europe can be found side-by-side in this complex and captivating city. The diversity of this mega-city is astounding. Only a few steps away from the solemn red facade of the Kremlin and the sounds of righteous church bells, a buzzing night scene and alternative-fashion boutiques can be found.

Culture: In Moscow only the best goes. Be it a theatre, restaurant or gallery, the standards are certain to be world-class. The Bolshoi ballet company is reputed to be even better than the Mariinsky’s and “MMOMA” (Moscow’s museum of modern art) exhibits works of art as profound as any that could be found in the famed MOMA.

Convenience: Unlike the rest of Russia, it’s easy enough to get by with just English in Moscow and, driving excepted, it is surprisingly safe: the murder rate is lower than in some of America’s major cities.

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Why visit Moscow

It would take more than two days to walk around the perimeter of the biggest city in Europe, Moscow. Many of its inhabitants barely know what’s beyond the few blocks around their flat and there are so many attractions that it’s almost impossible to know where to start. If there is such a thing as an antidote to boredom, Moscow City is it. The mind-boggling range and diversity of things to do, places to eat, parks, historical monuments and more means that a vacation in Moscow has a wealth of activities to offer for every type of traveler, from young families to retirees.

Reasons to Vacation in Moscow in 2022

The Bolshoi theatre is familiar to almost everyone as Russia’s grandest theatre, but what people don’t know is that there are many more bolshoi (big) sites in Moscow that are worth travelling all the way to Moscow to see. For more than 100 years, the world’s biggest bell has been hidden behind the Kremlin’s walls and inside Moscow’s main park (which is bigger than some countries!) there is the world’s largest outdoor ice-rink. Travelers that visit Moscow can stay at the Izmailovo, Europe’s biggest hotel, then eat at the largest and most historic McDonald’s in Europe and after that have fun at the largest European indoor theme park!

Ancient Past & Stunning Architecture:

As those who travel to Moscow will see, just because Moscow is a city of record-breaking, glitzy high-rises doesn’t mean that there is no history. On the famous Arbat street, time-worn, wooden storehouses and century-old churches are squashed up against grey, soviet blocks which are then towered over by 21st century office-blocks. Unlike its much younger sibling, St Petersburg, Moscow’s roots stretch way back to the 12th century. Within the walls of the Kremlin, the city’s oldest building the Cathedral of Assumption can be admired in all its 500+ years of age.

Culture & Convenience

For a foreigner who has never visited Russia, Moscow is the perfect stepping stone into this great land of mystery. From the country’s best classical ballet troupes to snow-white troikas trotting through the parks, all the highlights of Russian culture can be had in Moscow without any of the complications that would be expected in other, less developed regions of Russia.

Cheap as Caviar

In Moscow, everything is bargain when with the current foreign exchange rates being what they are. Even caviar doesn’t seem so dear when the exchange rate is at 60rub to the dollar, so go on indulge yourself! Take your 2022 vacation in Moscow and have the best of both worlds, with European luxury at very affordable prices.

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Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

We had a great time both in Moscow and St Petersburg. Your travel agency was excellent in coordinating the whole trip. Everything worked like clockwork. The guides assigned to us were very nice and friendly. They had a great knowledge of their subjects. The cars and the drivers were great. The hotels were good and the itinerary was good. All in all, it was a wonderful experience. It was nice dealing with you and your company. Thank you very much for a great Russian experience. Have a great future ahead

  • 31 reviews of Express to Russia Moscow Tours in Moscow

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  • Online Games
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We know the ropes of the Russian media market. We understand specifics of how to work with international agencies. We work with global brands and help them successfully introduce any products and services in the Russian market. We render full assistance to our foreign partners.

Among our partners, there are agencies from more than 10 countries and 3 continents.

Learn our cases, part of which has been implemented jointly with international advertising agencies.

We build effective communication between companies. We attract new clients and help you keep those that you already have. We help global business build corporate communications and sales in a consistent manner by means of PR, content marketing, event management, and other tools. We develop unique strategies for your business to achieve its goals.

Wolters Kluwer

The online games market is growing every year. A bigger market share is occupied by mobile games. We know the audience of online games and know how to work with it. We promote and bring games to the market, expand user audience or create it from scratch


Russians pay more and more attention to real estate beyond Russia. Nowadays, they are not only deep-pocketed people, but also ones with moderate means. We know wishes of the Russian audience and offer effective strategies to promote foreign projects in Russia. We find clients and investors for developer projects in European and Asian countries.


We help international companies and their products or services take their place in the Russian market. We deal with product promotion in social media, media, and offline. We will help you take a place on a shelf of major retailers and tell potential buyers about it.


We know everything about Russian tourists. We help build and implement strategies to attract them to different countries. We deal with promotion of travel destinations in traditional offline media, think over special projects in mass media, organize digital marketing, and do joint projects with tour aggregators


How to gain b2b and b2c audience's confidence in Russia?

We understand what is inside of Russia!


Do you know that Russians do not value cheap items? And the English word “bargain” cannot be translated properly into Russian, because the idea of a good or service of high quality which has a reasonable price is foreign to ordinary people. But a "freeloader" (“khalyava”) is a different story. The fact that upscale goods can be gotten for free does not make the goods seem to be any worse. This is one of the differences between Russian consumers and the consumers of other nationalities. The RMAA helps international businesses to communicate with Russian audiences as in the complex field of b2b and as well as in the mass markets.

Start work with Russia

Founded 2008

Founded 2008

RMAA was founded as a traditional advertising agency, and for more than 10 years we’ve become a group of industry-focused marketing teams and increased our service offerings to include marketing, advertising, consulting and strategy solutions.


At RMAA, it’s all about the relationship with clients. We are doing a lot of great work together with travel, gaming, beauty, complex b2b and other industries. Check our clients list here.

Cases 200

We`ve accomplished more than 200 cases helping our clients to increase their businesses on the Russian market.

Why RMAA Agency?

We are a team of talented individuals who love Russia and thoroughly understand Russia's insights. We truly understand what b2b and b2c companies need to do to win the favour of the Russian audience

Our clients choose us because working with a single team is easier than juggling multiple agencies

We are independent. Our management decisions are not influenced by the politics or requirements of a large holding network, so we avoid high overhead expenses and operate more economically. RMAA only answers to one authority: the client.

We are boutique marketing agency that work with limited number of clients with a unique approach because we believe that each client is special. We don`t strive to serve huge flow of clients.

We help brands navigate cultural and linguistic barriers to communicate their stories consistently to the Russian audience.

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Russian Digital Market Overview 2023

Complete Guide

to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy in the Russian Market

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White Paper:

Learn how to conquer this billion-dollar marketplace

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Clients Testimonials

VisitKarelia's winter marketing campaign for the Russian market won bronze and silver in the competition of marketing agencies in Russia! Thank you for implementing RMAA - Marketing Agency! In the marketing campaign, we had the opportunity to implement new, bold approaches to increase awareness of the region.

Client photo 3

Anna Härkönen in

Visitkarelia Destination Project Coordinator

Appreciate the creativity and professional client servicing of RMAA Agency.

Client photo 4

Ms. Bashi Fernando

Area Manager, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC Colombo

RMAA Group has been a strong partner for over five years. Their expertise on the Russia market has been invaluable to us and our clients. In addition, RMAA Group is flexible, creative and client focused which has been important for us as we’ve grown and evolved our global business.

Client photo 1


VP, Global Data and Strategic Alliances, Acxiom Corporation

RMAA Group has been a greatly partner for our campaign. Our collaboration with RMAA Group has allowed us to enter new territories and collect a lot of valuable intelligence on new marketing channels and attracting new audiences. RMAA Group`s team has been a greatly partner for our campaign and we look forward to working with them again.

Client photo 2

Thyge Backen in

Media Marketing Manager, Bigpoint GmbH

Working with Vadim and his team on an advertising campaign (focus: Russian-speaking YouTubers) for our PC space simulation game "X4: Foundations" was professional, responsive and targeted. No fairy tales, but facts and realistic implementations. I am satisfied with the results of the campaign and the probability that we will work with RMAA again in the future is high.

Client photo 3

Gregory Wintgens in

Head of Marketing & PR bei EGOSOFT

Working with the RMAA team, we value their flexibility and ability to accept our objections. The RMAA Agency's team is very good, we recommend them.

Raweewan Sangchan

Chief of the Tourism Authority of Thailand

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RMAA Moscow

123317, Russia

Moscow, Presnenskaya emb. 12,

Moscow-City, Federation Tower,

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  • Saint Petersburg
  • Golden Ring
  • Moscow tours
  • Siberia and Arctics
  • North Caucasus
  • Guided tours
  • Tour packages
  • Tips for tourists travelling to Russia
  • Useful apps to download
  • Visa and registration
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Packing tips
  • Transport in Moscow

Visit Moscow Tours


Saint Petersburg - Karelia 9 days - 8 nights


Moscow - Saint Petersburg tour package 8 days/7 nights

Moscow - saint petersburg 5 days/4 nights.


Moscow - Saint Petersburg 6 days/5 nights


Sochi tour 8 days/7 nights


Altai tour package 11 days/10 nights


Murmansk 4 days/3 nights


Happy New Year tour package- best price 8 days/7 nights


Baikal tour package 7 days/6 nights


Christmas tour package- best price 5 days/4 nights

Moscow tour package 4 days/3 nights.


Special Winter Edition Tour 8 days/7 nights


Saint Peterburg tour package 4 days/3 nights


Moscow-Kazan-Saint Petersburg 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Suzdal-Saint Petersburg 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Saint Peterburg tour package 8 days/7 nights BEST DEAL (15th of MAY-22d of MAY only)

Moscow-sochi tour package 6 days/5 nights.


Moscow - Velikiy Novgorod - Saint Petersburg tour package 9 days/8 nights


Moscow-Saint Petersburg-Baikal lake 14 days/13 nights


Moscow-Saint Petersburg-Sochi tour package 10 days/9 nights


Moscow-Altai tour package 14 days/13 nights


Moscow-Murmansk-Saint Petersburg 11 days/10 nights


Saint Petersburg - Karelia 8 days/7 nights


Moscow tour package 5 days/4 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


Moscow-Saint Petersburg tour package 7 days/6 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


Magic Ice of Baikal Lake - 7 days / 6 nights


SPA tour package Grozny (Chechnya) 4 days - 3 nights


Hiking tour package Dagestan 5 days - 4 nights


Suzdal and Vladimir Tour


Moscow Kremlin Tour


River Cruise Tour


Driving Tour around Saint Petersburg


Peterhof Tour


Moscow Driving Tour


Moscow in 1 Day (Walking tour)

Welcome to visit moscow tours.

We provide authentic, informative and memorable tour packages and city tours, at very competitive prices. Visit Moscow Tours are available not only in Moscow, but also in other cities: Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad.  We also organise customised individual programs tailored just for you.

Our guests come in large groups, small private groups, as couples or as single travellers. We take care of and treat our guests with respect in a friendly and warm family environment. We show people our beautiful cities with passion and deep knowledge of their history, culture and traditions.

Our guides are extremely hospitable, helpful and well-informed. They are simply the best because only by providing the best services can we make the world fall in love with Russia. And we are very happy when our guests say that they will definitely come back to Russia and that they will tell all their friends how great Russia is! That is what inspires us to put even more dedication and hard work into our tours, knowing that what we do is positive and meaningful.

Our classic tours include tours of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, two main Russian cities.

Moscow is a big and busy  megalopolis and Russia’s capital city, where more than 12 million people live and work. Our capital city is happening place; it is mysterious, elegant, luxurious, fashionable, clean and bright, with its unique legends, traditions and events. It is with great pride that we show the Red Square and the Kremlin, our Underground and Tretyakovskaya Gallery, among other stunning attractions.

Saint Petersburg is our second capital,  the second largest city in the Russian Federation. This wonderful city has a strong and lively aristocratic spirit, uniquely Russian royal architecture, magnificent museums and theatres. Saint Petersburg bears the royal heritage of Russia, which can be felt in its air, its streets, parks, monuments, museums and citizens.  In Saint Petersburg tours, we will take you to the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Faberge Museum and Orthodox Cathedrals. We’re sure you will love it!

If you have a few more days to spare, venture into the dreamy Russian countryside in Suzdal or Sergiev Posad. Suzdal is a small town with a population of about ten thousand people, situated on less than 15 square kilometres. This tiny area is home to 53 historic cathedrals, five monasteries and a kremlin. Church domes are visible like mushrooms from anywhere and everywhere in the town like in a fairy tale. No wonder Suzdal is called the ‘Town Museum”.  It is definitely worth visiting!

Just try any of Visit Moscow Tours’ tour packages or any individual city tour, and we promise that you will want to come back to Russia again.  Russia is huge with countless amazing places to visit. There are so many unique experiences to be had and energies to be felt that one tour is definitely not enough to explore this vast land. It is also a very safe destination to travel, and we have a tradition of warm hospitality. Our people adore and take care of visitors as our own guests, and even if they do not know your language very well, they still try to be helpful and hospitable.

Our guides will show you the most interesting attractions and historical places, taking you on a journey to the past to enjoy stories of medieval times, the Romanov monarchy, the Soviet Era. And of course, we will show you the contemporary life of our country through authentic local experiences.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

8 interesting facts about the Hermitage


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  22. RMAA Group

    floor 3-4. Phone: +74958189658. RMAA marketing agency creates for its clients a detailed and extensive understanding on how to increase sales, improve their marketing techniques and grow businesses and brands in Russia and the CIS.

  23. Russian travel agency

    The Food Tour by Visit Moscow Tours is a perfect chance to sample all the variety of cuisines of the former Soviet Republics and to understand the Russian customs, traditions and ways of life. You will taste Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian food. Meeting time: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meeting point: