travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


Una cadena de hoteles exclusivos únicos por su confort, calidad y ubicados en pleno centro..

  • Los Hoteles ofrecen:
  • Restaurantes y restobar
  • SUM y seguridad privada
  • Cabinas de teléfonos
  • Cajas de seguridad


Con toda la logística y seguridad.

travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


Seguridad, Calidad, Cortesía, Cumplimiento y Show: son la base de nuestra solidez, éxito y confianza. Somos una compañía que se formó en el año 2002. Quienes la creamos, hemos transitado más de 25 años en el mundo del turismo y el entretenimiento. Durante nuestra trayectoria transportamos a más de un millón de chicos de viaje de egresados a Bariloche.

Tomamos como estandartes principios de cultura ligados a fuertes conceptos que contienen un alto significado a la hora de brindar servicios de excelencia. Seguridad, en primer lugar y siempre. Es nuestro primer compromiso no solo con ustedes y los chicos, sino con la vida y nosotros mismos. Lo aplicamos a diario, en cada paso, en cada decisión. No hay improvisaciones.

Nuestros departamentos de Sistemas, Operaciones, Relaciones Institucionales, Coordinación, Coordinación de áreas y Coordinación General, operan 24 hs. monitoreando y controlando cada situación del viaje, cada traslado, cada comida, cada inquietud, cada movimiento, cada consulta, todo. En Bariloche más de 100 personas entre coordinadores, coordinadores de hotel, coordinadores de asistencia médica, médicos, representantes de relaciones institucionales, coordinadores de RRPP, expertos en calidad y gestión, gerentes, directivos, y accionistas, forman nuestra compañía y son parte fundamental de nuestro servicio, dedicado a la atención y el cuidado de cada uno de los chicos. No te lo pierdas, pasa una sola vez en la vida, TRAVEL ROCK Lo hace mágico!

Contratación ¿Cómo contrato el viaje de egresados con Travel Rock? Lo podes contratar mediante nuestros representantes que van a estar visitándote en la puerta del colegio o podes solicitar una reunión contactándote con nosotros a [email protected] o comunicándote al 011-4325-7625

¿Ya nos decidimos a viajar por Travel Rock, como se efectiviza? Se firma un contrato grupal, que se hace con dos padres representantes del grupo y luego se llena una solicitud de adhesión individual que se complementa a ese contrato grupal

¿Puedo contratar a Travel Rock en cualquier lugar de la Argentina? Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625

El Viaje ¿Cuándo días dura el viaje? El viaje tiene una duración de 11 días, 8 noches, para la mayoría de las provincias, en algunos casos el tiempo de viaje se extiende dependiendo desde donde parta el grupo. ¿Cómo es el transporte? Todas las unidades de viaje, no tienen una antigüedad mayor a 2 años. Servicio 5 estrellas, servicio semi-cama.

Hoteles ¿Cómo son los Hoteles? Todos los hoteles cuentan con la misma categoría de calidad y servicios, son todos céntricos y los mismos son diagramados de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros viajantes y fecha de salida.

Fecha de Salida ¿Cuándo me confirman mi fecha de Salida? La fecha de salida se confirma 30 días antes del inicio de la temporada contratada.

Pagos ¿Dónde se puede realizar los pagos? Todos los pagos se realizan en pago fácil o rapipago siempre que se esté dentro de la fecha de vencimiento que figura en la chequera de pagos. Pasada esta fecha se dispone de 10 días para abonar en Banco Nación, posterior a esto se debe abonar en casa central o en cualquiera de las sucursales habilitadas.

Coordinación ¿Cuántos coordinadores acompañan al grupo? Cada grupo dispondrá de dos coordinadores que se encontraran acompañando al grupo las 24hs en el transcurso del viaje. Además contamos con coordinación estable en San Carlos de Bariloche durante toda la temporada, supervisando cada una de las áreas que componen el viaje de egresados.

Documentación ¿Qué documentación es requerida para la salida? Documentación para la salida es DNI, CHEQUERA DE PAGOS Y FICHA MEDICA PERSONAL, debidamente firmada por los padres y médico autorizado.

Otras consultas Cancelación: Si por algún motivo debes cancelar tu viaje, podes leer las normas de cancelación que figuran en la cláusula DECIMO PRIMERA de las condiciones generales del contrato. También podes optar por transferir el viaje como se especifica en la cláusula DECIMO SEGUNDA del mismo contrato.

Bonificados y Liberados: La empresa da bonificados para padres acompañantes. Y liberados para estudiantes o integrantes del contingente de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros pagos.

Centro Médico

Travel rock tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía.

La cobertura Incluye el viaje de ida y regreso con chequeo médico en ruta. Técnico en emergencias y médico las 24 hs en las discotecas y excursiones.

Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles.

Staff de prevención con personal capacitado para asistir en seguridad de higiene y predios, hoteles, unidades de transporte y discotecas. Ambulancias exclusivas.

Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre. Staff de médicos permanente para que te cuiden durante toda la estadía.

travel rock buenos aires

Sistema de Control

Monitoreo con tecnología de punta, una herramienta revolucionaria y exclusiva.

Seguridad y control de última generación. Travel Rock utiliza el sistema EFESUR y sus dispositivos que permiten tener un control total y completo, ágil y práctico.

Con sólo aproximar un smartphone sobre la pulsera con chip RFID que se le coloca a cada pasajero al comenzar su viaje, se obtendrán todos sus datos y accesos a los diferentes lugares que visite.

travel rock buenos aires

Travel Rock Headquartes

  • Florida 253 - 1° piso - CP 1005. Tel: 011-4325-7625
  • LOMAS DE ZAMORA Saavedra 370 (1832) Tel: 4292-1911
  • BAHIA BLANCA O'higgins 321 (8000) Tel: 0291-4546921
  • MARTINEZ Alvear 387 Planta Alta (1640) Tel: 011-4793-3507
  • LA PLATA Calle 49 Nº 882 (1900) Tel: 0221-4221840
  • MAR DEL PLATA Falucho 3252 (7600) Tel: 0223-4957404
  • PERGAMINO San Nicolas 244 - Planta Alta (2700) Tel: 02477-441517
  • CATAMARCA Esquiu 418 Local 11 (4700) Tel: 0383-4427164
  • CHACO Julio A. Roca 460 -Local 3 (3500) Tel: 0362-4426600
  • CÓRDOBA Av. Colon 259 - Primer Piso Galeria Planeta - Local 135 (5000) Tel: 0351-4242713
  • CORRIENTES Belgrano 1698 - Local 4 (3400) Tel: 0379-4429752
  • FORMOSA Fontana 766 1º Piso - Oficina 4 (3600) Tel: 0370-4429399
  • JUJUY Independencia 658 1º oficina 3 (4600) Tel: 0388-4243549
  • LA RIOJA Belgrano 217 (5300) Tel: 0380-4434706
  • LA PAMPA Juan B. Justo 12. Tel: 02954-422957 Cel: 0230 -2463883
  • MENDOZA Peltier 50 1º Piso - Oficina 14 (5500) Tel: 0261-4247856
  • MISIONES Calle 3 de Febrero 1915 E307 (ES307),Posadas Tel: 0376-4440821
  • PARANA 25 de Mayo 181 - Local 8 Gal. Paseo De La Catedral (3100) Tel: 0343-4228200
  • RECONQUISTA Belgrano 672 (3560) Tel: 03482-449204
  • RIO CUARTO Sobremonte 530 1ª Piso, OF 30 Galeria Sobremonte (5800) - Córdoba Tel: 0358-4642375
  • ROSARIO Cordoba 1724 - Planta Alta (2000) Tel: 0341-4407532 / 0341-4832278/2638
  • SALTA Santiago del Estero 555 1º oficina C (4400) Tel: 0387-4227889
  • SAN JUAN AV. Libertador San Martín 403 Oeste, Planta alta Tel: 0264-4229005
  • SAN LUIS Chacabuco 645 (5700) Tel: 0266-4443344
  • SANTA FE 9 de Julio 2350 (3000) Tel: 0342-4563036
  • SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Independencia 125 1º Piso - Oficina A (4200) Tel: 0385-4228143
  • TRELEW Italia 164 (9100) Tel: 0280-4429284
  • TUCUMAN Buenos Aires 39/41 - Local 7 Galeria Baires (4000) Tel: 0381-4975400 / 0381-4975885


travel rock buenos aires

#TravelRock #RockYourLife

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Are you ready for a good time?

Ministerio de Turismo Leg. 11297. Res. 23/2014 . | TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS - TRAVEL ROCK ARGENTINA | LEGALES .

travel rock buenos aires

Ski día completo... alucinante!!! incluidos el equipamiento tablas / bastones instructores y medios de elevación! El mejor sector de la montaña para practicar Ski con mayor facilidad!.

  • Día de Ski completo
  • -Aventura en four trax o speed mountain Chall-Huaco.
  • -Hard trekking en Colonia Suiza
  • -Travel Rock Sports Games
  • -Circuito regional y City Tour
  • -Cerro Catedral y Gruta Virgen de las Nieves
  • -Refugio de Montaña Rock
  • -Circuito Chico y Punto Panorámico.

City Tour Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza. Rafting en el rio Limay Circuito Regional TRAVEL ROCK Sport Games!!! y Premios.

travel rock buenos aires

Toda la Magia del día, aventuras a toda nieve.

EXCURSIONES circuito chico, punto panorámico y Cerro López, Ski. Cerro Catedral, visita a la gruta Virgen de las Nieves. Piedras Blancas, Cabalgatas en la montaña, Safari 4x4, Paintball, Aventura en Four Trax, Speed Mountain! Búsqueda del tesoro de los piratas.

City Tour Magic Search! Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza, rafting en el Río Limay, Cross road, Circuito regional.

TRAVEL ROCK Sports Games! Premios! Staff de coordinadores 24hs intercomunicados por radio VHF. Lugares privilegiados! Aventura nocturna en la montaña! Expedición patagónica de TRAVEL ROCK!

TRAVEL ROCK tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía. Chequeo médico en ruta y médico las 24hs en las discos y excursiones. Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles. Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre.

travel rock buenos aires

COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola) Incluye 5ta comida. Al regreso de las discos hay pizzas, empanadas, hamburguesas y gaseosas sin cargo.

SERVICIO Equipados con Play Station y otros entretenimientos para que puedas disfrutar al máximo. Cómodas y perfectas habitaciones amplias totalmente equipadas.

Salidas de emergencia, credenciales de acceso.

COBERTURA MÉDICA TOTAL E INTEGRAL DE ASSIST CARD: Asistencia médica total y completa, con medicamentos durante toda la estadía y consultorio médico en los hoteles las 24hs. Los médicos son exclusivos de Travel Rock.


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires


travel rock buenos aires

Resolución 23/2014

VISTO el Expediente N° STN:0001846/2011 del Registro del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria, y CONSIDERANDO: Que por el artículo 1o de la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria se determinó que las agencias de viajes debidamente habilitadas e inscriptas en el Registro de Agentes de Viajes de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO de la PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, de conformidad con la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829, que brinden servicios a contingentes estudiantiles, deben contar con un "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil". Que la misma ley en sus artículos 5o, 6o y 7o impuso una serie de requisitos para el otorgamiento del citado certificado y la realización de contratos, según condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad de Aplicación. Que mediante la Resolución No 237 de fecha 15 de marzo de 2007 de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN se aprobó el Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil, siendo posteriormente modificada por las Resoluciones Nros. 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008 del mismo registro y 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN. Que a través de la Resolución No 237/07 y sus modificatorias se establecieron los requisitos para el otorgamiento y vigencia del "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", se indicaron las causales objetivas de reintegro de los aportes efectuados al referido fondo, se especificaron las obligaciones de las agencias y las sanciones en caso de incumplimiento, entre otros aspectos. Que, posteriormente, mediante el artículo 6o de la Resolución No 435/08 se implementó la modalidad de pago de multa voluntario para determinadas conductas con sanciones de contenido pecuniario. Que es intención de este Ministerio agudizar y extender los controles ya existentes para el funcionamiento de las agencias destinadas a la comercialización de turismo estudiantil. Que se propicia asimismo el pago de la denominada "Cuota Cero" al inicio de la relación contractual, a fin de lograr una cobertura desde el comienzo de la vigencia de los contratos de todos aquellos turistas-usuarios que la norma intenta proteger. Que la sola denominación "Cuota Cero" indica que su pago debe ser anterior a todo otro y que la base del sistema de cobertura está dado por el pago efectivo de esta cuota. Que como acción preventiva y en cumplimiento del principio de protección de los derechos del turista, este Ministerio debe efectuar los controles también directamente con los prestadores de servicios de las agencias de viajes que cuenten con el "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", de conformidad con los datos que surgen del Sistema Aplicativo de Turismo Estudiantil. Que con el fin de evitar la acumulación innecesaria de trámites y obligaciones que pesan sobre los administrados, corresponde restringir presentaciones de documentación para los viajes de estudios, sin que esto implique un menoscabo en el control pertinente. Que ello obedece a que las modalidades de turismo estudiantil (viajes de estudio y viajes de egresados), si bien tratadas de manera uniforme por la legislación vigente, poseen características disímiles que obligan a diferenciarlas. Que mediante el "Convenio de Cooperación y Emprendimientos Conjuntos para la Implementación y Puesta en Marcha del Registro de Coordinadores y Asistentes de Turismo Estudiantil", suscripto entre el MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES Y TURISMO y la ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DEL TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL y aprobado mediante la Resolución No 154 del 23 de diciembre de 2010 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, es requisito indispensable que los coordinadores y asistentes de coordinador de turismo estudiantil se inscriban en dicho registro y efectúen la renovación anual de su inscripción, como presupuesto indispensable para desempeñarse en tal carácter. Que además resulta necesario efectuar otras modificaciones a la normativa vigente, en aras de establecer mejores herramientas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de servicios de turismo estudiantil en los destinos del exterior de la REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. Que asimismo, en virtud de las obligaciones que se generan corresponde imponer nuevas sanciones y modificar el monto de las existentes ante posibles incumplimientos. Que por último, resulta conveniente establecer en un único cuerpo normativo las normas reglamentarias vigentes a la fecha. Que la presente medida se dicta en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria y los Decretos Nros. 919/10 y 8/11. Por ello, EL MINISTRO DE TURISMO RESUELVE: ARTÍCULO 1°.- Apruébase el "Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil" que como Anexo integra la presente medida. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Deróganse las Resoluciones Nros. 237 del 15 de marzo de 2007, 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008, todas ellas de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN y 143 del 6 de junio de 2012 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO. ARTÍCULO 3°.- La presente medida entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial. ARTÍCULO 4°.- Comuníquese, publíquese, dése a la Dirección Nacional del Registro Oficial y archívese. RESOLUCIÓN No 23 Publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 6 de Febrero de 2014

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Atención Presencial - Reservá Tu Turno

Atención: para pagos, presentarse sin turno en su sucursal.

  • Agencias y Empresas de Turismo de Argentina

Agencias de Turismo 28/04/2024.

Agencias por destino, travel rock.

Tipo: EVT - Legajo: 11297


+ 011 4325-7625 - [email protected]

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This Argentinian City Is Called the 'Paris of South America' but It's So Much More — How to Plan the Perfect Trip

Buenos Aires' local culture makes it a one of a kind destination.

travel rock buenos aires

Evie Carrick is a writer and editor who’s lived in five countries and visited well over 50. She now splits her time between Colorado and Paris, ensuring she doesn't have to live without skiing or L'As du Fallafel.

travel rock buenos aires

Best Hotels and Resorts

Best things to do, best shopping, best restaurants, best time to visit, how to get there, neighborhoods to visit, how to get around.

Elijah-Lovkoff/Getty Images

Buenos Aires goes way deeper than its tired "Paris of South America'' cliché. Sure, it's got lively sidewalk cafés, a wealth of Belle Époque architecture, and grand leafy avenues leading to flowering urban parks. But Buenos Aires wouldn't be the dynamic capital city it is without the native Argentines and immigrant Portenos who call it home and make it distinctly Buenos Aires. 

“Buenos Aires’ architecture is a living testament to the blending of European and Latin American influences, creating a stunning urban landscape that never ceases to amaze. However, it's the people of Buenos Aires who truly set it apart. They are welcoming, vivacious, and have an infectious zest for life that is simply contagious,” Mery Calderón, the founder and CEO of Kuoda Travel , a luxury tour operator in South America, told Travel + Leisure .

In Buenos Aires, local passions run deep — whether it's for asado, tango, literature, art, or fashion. 

“From savoring delectable cuisine to immersing yourself in art, history, and exhilarating outdoor activities, Buenos Aires has it all. The delta, a hidden treasure accessible only by boat, holds a magical allure. And of course, the passionate heartbeat of the city is the tango, which pulses through its streets and venues,” said Calderón.

Paris could never.

Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires

The Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires does the chain proud. The luxury hotel is housed in a Belle Époque mansion surrounded by immaculate gardens and the only outdoor swimming pool in the neighborhood. Sophisticated suites feature stand-alone soaking bathtubs and glass chandeliers. The real action is down at the polo-inspired bar, Pony Line. Oh, and Madonna stays here.

Faena Hotel Buenos Aires

Faena Hotel Buenos Aires (or The Faena, as the locals call it) is the most distinct hotel in Buenos Aires. It is located in a converted warehouse, but thanks to top-line interior design by Phillippe Starck, known for his work on the Delano in South Beach and Mondrian in Los Angeles, it has everything you’d expect from a high-end hotel — and then some. Expect arabescato marble bathrooms and hand-embroidered throws in rooms that are punched up with red details. The art-centric property even has a giant crown sculpture in the middle of its chic outdoor pool.

Alvear Palace Hotel

The old-school luxury of the Alvear Palace Hotel has charmed presidents, Hollywood celebrities, and rock stars since the hotel opened in 1932, and thanks to some recent updates, it continues to wow anyone who has the pleasure of staying there. Expect Hermès bath products, Louis XVI furniture, and Buenos Aires' best views from the rooftop bar. Don't miss afternoon tea at L'Orangerie with monogrammed teacups and all the edible trimmings.

T+L Backpack Quiz

Palacio duhau - park hyatt buenos aires.

This Neoclassical palace was built in 1934 as a private residence. It wasn’t open to the public until 2006 when it was brought back to life following a major $74 million renovation. "The hotel really captures the spirit of the city it's in in both historic and modern ways. Not only is the Palacio Duhau an actual historic palace with grand gardens and design, it's also home to a thriving art scene," said Elspeth Velten, T+L's general manager, who visited in October 2023.

Even after all the work, most of the original building’s details remain, including its distinctive red marble flooring. A second, newly constructed building added more rooms, suites, and amenities, including three restaurants, a bar, lush gardens, an expansive spa, and a private art collection.

"When I visited, a hundred or so hip Porteños celebrated an art opening in the hotel's underground gallery, which during the day also hosts the hotel's buzzing florist. Add a fantastic spa and an impressive plant-based restaurant (in addition to the hotel's more traditional steakhouse) and the Palacio Duhau makes the perfect complement to any time spent in this grand capital city," said Velten.

Home Hotel Buenos Aires

Ever imagined what it would be like to live like one of Argentina's coolest artists? Book a room at Home Hotel , a chic, boutique property set in a former private mansion. The vintage 20th-century decor includes Scandinavian design, vintage French wallpaper, and Eero Saarinen furnishings. The outdoor swimming pool is one of the city's best outdoor spaces, with jasmine and fruit trees providing smells and shade.

"During my springtime stay, I couldn't get enough of the hotel's blossoming grounds — we had breakfast outside, drank our coffee in the sun, and even sat poolside on a hot afternoon with a bottle of wine," said Velten. "The hotel's garden vibe extends throughout. Our room had a beautiful view of trailing vines on the building's facade. And every time I entered the mod-designed lobby, I truly did feel like I was coming off the street into someone's home."

Recoleta Cemetery

Lauren Breedlove/Travel + Leisure

Visiting Buenos Aires and not paying homage to Eva Perón’s (Evita) grave in Recoleta Cemetery (Cementerio de la Recoleta) is sacrilegious. Evita aside, wandering through the above-ground tombs and religious symbols in this National Historic Landmark is a memorable experience.

Rojo Tango Show

OK, so a tango show is touristy. But the Rojo Tango Show inside the sexy Faena Hotel is touristy done right. It's intimate, and fun, and might inspire a tango lesson or trip to a local milonga. The entertainment is paired with a multi-course meal that includes braised Patagonian lamb and tres leches. Free drinks include Champagne and wine.

Elspeth Velten/Travel + Leisure

Strolling down the historical and colorful Caminito (“little path,” in Spanish) is like visiting an outdoor art gallery. If tango dancers and bargain souvenirs hawkers frequented art galleries. Colorfully painted houses edge the walkway, which is busy with artists selling their wares and tango and folk dance performances.

Estadio Alberto J. Armando Stadium (La Bombonera)

If you're a soccer (fútbol) fan, then La Bombonera is a church. If you manage to visit during the fútbol season, you can catch a Boca Juniors match. If not, take a tour and visit the stadium’s dedicated museum , which showcases the club’s history and is located under the grandstand.

Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA)

If you have to pick one museum to see in Buenos Aires, MALBA is it. The modern building is known for its permanent collection of famed contemporary Latin American artists. Check out works by Frida Kahlo, Fernando Botero, and Antonio Berni. Talented curators also highlight local artists for seasonal exhibits.

Galería Patio del Liceo

This shop-filled building brings designers and artists together in one of the hippest art and design spaces in Buenos Aires. The shops sell everything from basic clothing to vintage and one-of-a-kind artist-made finds. There’s a cute patio cafe for cafe chicos and an ongoing calendar of events and workshops that draw the city’s hip, artist crowd.

Gil Antiguedades

This labyrinth of a boutique has specialized in early- and mid-century vintage clothing and homewares since it opened shop in Buenos Aires in 1973. Gil Antiguedades is a collector’s dream, with everything from antique beaded necklaces and lace wedding gowns to rare vintage crystal and one-of-a-kind textiles.

After years of working in the Paris fashion industry for brands like Golden Goose, Hermès, and Isabel Marant, María Abdala Zolezzi (nicknamed “Maydi”) returned to her native Argentina and launched her own label. Maydi is a sustainable, high-fashion knitwear label that uses native materials and dyes. The selection of knitwear — for both men and women — is wearable art at its best.

Fueguia 1833 Recoleta

This perfumery, also known as Fueguia 1833 Patagonia , is a true Argentinian sensory experience. The lovely melody of smell found at Fueguia 1833 was inspired by founder Julian Bedel's travels throughout Patagonia and is a tribute to the Indigenous communities of South America. Pro tip: the handcrafted candles make perfect gifts.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

Buenos Aires has a serious literary scene. Celebrate it at El Ateneo Grand Splendid , a bookstore housed in a grand theater that was built in 1919. The enormous space is now packed floor-to-ceiling with books and ornate original fixtures. The former stage now houses a cafe.

Sarkis is a family-style Armenian restaurant that's the perfect place to start a night out. Small plates of succulent lamb, marinated eggplant, and flaky nut pastries arrive willy-nilly, adding to the eatery’s distinct charm. The wandering belly dancers and coffee ground readers are a good distraction between courses and real Armenian coffee will keep you awake until the discotheque closes. 

La Cocina de Casa Cavia

La Cocina restaurant is tucked inside Casa Cavia, a high-end retail and restaurant concept in Palermo. In keeping with the creative vibes, La Cocina has an incredibly diverse and artistic seasonal food and cocktail menu. The interior alone is reason enough to visit. Inspired by 1920s cafes, it features white marble, brass, and antique mirrors — while still staying fresh and airy. If you can't get a dinner reservation, a breakfast of dulce de leche baked goods is almost as good.

There are lots of reasons why La Cabrera is considered to be one of the best steakhouses in the world — and great steak is just one of them. The asador (master griller) working a firebox filled with red-hot embers and racks of meat is another. And then there’s the fact that La Cabrera is overflowing with atmosphere. 

Calderón calls La Cabrera “a long-standing Argentinian steakhouse known for its perfectly seasoned rosemary-flavored steaks. Complemented by an array of delectable side dishes, La Cabrera has garnered a well-deserved reputation among Palermo residents.”

El Banco Rojo

Don't leave Buenos Aires without trying empanadas. Though hand-held street food is everywhere, finding empanadas with good dough texture and perfectly seasoned fillings can be a challenge. El Banco Rojo delivers both, along with a Buenos Aires-renowned menu of burgers and tacos. Pair your empanada of choice with a bottle of Rubia craft beer. This is a hip, counter-service spot with a picnic table and stool seating. 

Presidente Bar

If you want a glamorous night out in Recoleta, Presidente Bar is your spot. Every detail is carefully thought out, from the music and lighting to the staff — it's all on point. The glowing back-lit bar, high ceilings, and hanging chandelier evoke a classic era that adds to the bar’s old-world charm. The menu includes everything from calamari and empanadas to risotto and the Hamburguesa Presidente. 

The best time to visit Buenos Aires is spring and fall — just remember that spring in the Southern Hemisphere falls between September and December and fall is between April and June. 

“Spring, without a doubt, is my favorite season in Buenos Aires,” confirmed Calderón. “As the city awakens from its slumber, it transforms into a lush oasis. The jacaranda trees burst into bloom, painting the streets with their enchanting violet blossoms, creating an atmosphere of pure magic. Spring gifts Buenos Aires the perfect weather — sunny days and the intoxicating scent of blossoms in the air.”

Spring and fall may offer visitors mild temperatures, blooms, and thinner crowds, but Buenos Aires is a lively metropolis with something to see and do all year round. 

The league fútbol season for the Primera División, the country's premier level, runs from late January until early August, and Argentina's La Triple Corona, a polo triple crown, runs from late September until early December. The city also hosts an international tango festival in mid-August.

Keep in mind that travel might be tricky during Semana Santa, the Holy Week of Easter when Argentina all but shuts down while residents travel to visit family and attend religious services. 

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Buenos Aires is serviced by three airports: Ministro Pistarini International Airport, Ezeiza (EZE); Jorge Newbery Airport, known as Aeroparque (AEP); and El Palomar (EPA).

EZE is the biggest and most used airport, especially for travelers coming from the U.S., as there are plenty of direct flights between the U.S. and Buenos Aires. And from the EZE airport, it's around 20 miles (roughly 50 minutes) to the center of the city. 

The closest airport to central Buenos Aires is AEP, but most flights are to and from neighboring South American countries or other airports within Argentina. The same goes for EPA, which typically welcomes low-cost domestic flights.

FrankvandenBergh/Getty Images

Palermo is top of the neighborhood-to-see list for most visitors. It has plenty of offerings that will make even the most Americanized visitor feel at home, and there are plenty of shady parks and tree-lined walking paths. According to Calderón, “Palermo buzzes with life, boasting an abundance of bars, restaurants, museums, parks, and picturesque streets to explore. It's where you'll find the pulse of the city.” 

This neighborhood has a high-end feel, with luxury hotels and glamorous bars, but it also acts as a cultural center for Buenos Aires, with ongoing concerts, art exhibitions, and popular local haunts. Calderón confirms that Recoleta “exudes elegance and offers a glimpse into Buenos Aires' architectural grandeur.”

Villa Crespo

If you’re looking for nightlife and a hip, up-and-coming vibe, Villa Crespo is your spot. This neighborhood, which surrounds a former shoe factory, has a great selection of cafes and bars.

This neighborhood is best known for its bohemian vibe, which is complemented with street murals and ongoing pop-up art galleries. The San Telmo Market , a large indoor market that opened in 1897 to serve the area’s immigrant populations, is a must.

Fandrade/Getty Images

This colorful neighborhood is best known for its popular art walk, the aforementioned Caminito. But in reality, La Boca is an art mecca, with spaces like Usina del Arte , a cultural center located in an old power plant. If you want to avoid the tourist mayhem on Caminito, check out Calle Suarez or Pinzon.

If you’re planning to stay in the city, there’s no need to rent a car. The city is walkable and there’s a great city-bike system, BA Ecobici , which has over 3,000 bicycles spread throughout the city.

Subway: Buenos Aires also has a dependable and well-used subway system called Subte . Six lines connect commercial, tourist, and residential areas throughout Buenos Aires, with trains running every three to 10 minutes, depending on the line. To travel by Subte (or bus) in Buenos Aires, you'll need to get a rechargeable SUBE card . For schedules, routes, and live updates, download the transpo app, BA Cómo Llego . Train: For transportation with a tourist twist, Calderón recommends “ Tren de la Costa , a picturesque train journey that takes you on a captivating ride through the charming suburbs of Buenos Aires, particularly in Zona Norte.”

Taxi: You’ll find over 40,000 licensed taxis and plenty of Ubers waiting to take you to your destination any time of day (or night). Calderón also recommends trying out Cabify , a Latin American rideshare app that operates in Buenos Aires.

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Travel Rock respondió a las quejas sobre los viajes de egresados

Desde la empresa recalcaron que un inconveniente en la cisterna de un hotel obligó a reprogramar algunos viajes. Insistieron en que de 6.000 estudiantes que ya visitaron Bariloche en pocas semanas, la mayoría no tuvo problemas.

Lorena Roncarolo

Por Lorena Roncarolo

En tres semanas, viajaron unos 6.000 estudiantes por Travel Rock. Foto: archivo

En tres semanas, viajaron unos 6.000 estudiantes por Travel Rock. Foto: archivo

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“ Está plagado de videos dando vueltas que son falsos -tanto nuestros como de la competencia-. Y es lamentable porque daña a la industria. Lo cierto es que la gente vuelve feliz”. Michael Casavilla, responsable de prensa de Travel Rock, respondió a las quejas por parte de algunos contingentes sobre las condiciones del viaje de egresados en Bariloche.

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Crecen las quejas por incumplimientos en los viajes de egresados en Bariloche

Reconoció que días atrás, se generó un problema con la cisterna de un hotel y eso los obligó a reacomodar pasajeros y reprogramar algunos viajes de egresados. “El diagrama del viaje de egresados es complejo. Es un rompecabezas fino que no te permite acomodar las actividades como si fuera turismo individual ”, indicó.

“Al tener un hotel menos -continuó-, no podíamos hacer entrada a Bariloche. Y eso nos obligó a reprogramar todos los servicios. Por eso se reprogramó el viaje del colegio de Formosa (ya está acordado con ellos) y los chicos de Misiones se quedaron dos días más en Bariloche”.

Respecto a las quejas por el servicio de salud durante el viaje, señaló que “ tal como establece el contrato, contratan asistencia al viajero ”. “Los médicos no son nuestros. Los aporta Assist Card. Se culpa a la empresa porque se les da paracetamol a los chicos, pero no es una decisión nuestra”, advirtió.

Sobre las quejas de un contingente de Formosa por las cancelaciones del viaje y el cambio de aerolíneas, Casavilla explicó que el contrato establece que los chicos pueden viajar por cualquier línea aérea. Se trata de garantizar el vuelo, dijo, sin importar la empresa.

Recalcó que desde fines de junio, unos 6000 estudiantes ya viajaron a Bariloche y la mayoría no tuvo ningún inconveniente. La firma traerá alrededor de 60 mil jóvenes en todo este año.

En diálogo con RÍO NEGRO, Lorena Lavascsk, abogada de la Defensoría del Turista de Buenos Aires, aseguró que reciben constantes denuncias vinculadas a Travel Rock. En muchos casos, las quejas son por el atraso en el pago de las cuotas de los viajes que lleva a que los chicos queden en una lista de espera hasta el momento del viaje. Consideró que las cuotas luego duplican el valor y consideró que las cláusulas de los contratos so «abusivas».

“Son cláusulas comunes al turismo estudiantil”, expresó Casavilla y agregó: “ La única manera de saber qué pasajeros viajan y quiénes no es con el pago de las cuotas. Algunos pagan seis, siete cuotas y dejan de pagar porque deciden no viajar. Es difícil diagramar el viaje”.

Dijo que cuando el pasajero se atrasa más de 30 días en el pago de cuotas y no avisa que tuvo un problema -para adaptar el plan de pagos-, la empresa considera que no viaja y lo da de baja. “ Si ese pasajero se quiere reincorporar y hay lugar, lo hace con una tarifa actualizada. A pasajeros que abonan cuotas se les respeta el precio del contrato. Es la única industria que mantiene los precios congelados un año antes de que los chicos viajen”, especificó.

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Buenos Aires Herald

The air travel requirement giving digital nomads a migraine — and how to avoid it

Airlines overcomplying with proof of onward travel has seen full-time travelers miss their flights. here’s how to avoid the problem.

A passport, boarding pass, and credit cards. Source: Cardmapr via Unsplash

  • April 24, 2024

In January, Veena Khan packed her suitcase and headed to Buenos Aires Ezeiza airport for a trip to see friends in Porto. But when she reached the check-in desk, the airline staff refused to issue her boarding pass. The reason? She didn’t have a return ticket back to the U.S.

A full-time traveler originally from New York, Khan was used to flying in and out of Argentina and was planning on returning to Buenos Aires. But, since she was not formally resident in Argentina, the airline said she could only board the plane if she had a return ticket to her country of origin — this despite the fact that she did not live in the United States.

“They wouldn’t let me return to another country, such as Brazil, and insisted I had to have a flight back to New York,” she said. 

Khan tried to secure a ticket number for a dummy ticket to Atlanta, but it didn’t work. In the end, she missed her flight. The whole experience left her frustrated and angry. Adding insult to injury, she couldn’t get a refund.

Legally, travelers do not have to present anything except a valid ID to leave Argentina. While some countries require proof of onward travel to enter, they do not typically place requirements on visitors’ next destination. But Khan is one of several travelers who recently told the Herald they had been refused boarding on their flights unless they had a return ticket to their home countries. 

Full-time remote work and travel — a lifestyle known as digital nomadism — has boomed since the COVID-19 pandemic, even as the near-total shutdown of the travel industry left many airlines gasping financially. As businesses taking on scores of new staff struggle to stay abreast of regulations, some travelers, like Khan, are falling through the cracks.

 An AirEuropa spokesperson said that the company was unable to identify the problem with Khan’s flight, and that it fell under the purview of “check-in staff, immigration and airport staff.” 

Why is this happening?

“Airlines are hyper-sensitive about regulations and making sure they’re not sending somebody somewhere they shouldn’t,” said Ryan Ewing, founder of air travel website AirlineGeeks.

“Airlines always need new ways to check regulations and requirements, which can change every week,” he added.

Ewing explains that because so many new workers have entered the industry since the COVID-19 pandemic, some are overcomplying with travel restrictions, creating complications that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) produces a computerized system known as Timatic, which allows major carriers to check people’s passports against the current regulatory state when they check in. This allows airlines to double-check they are not accepting passengers who aren’t cleared for travel.

“Airlines like to overcomply because fines can be immense,” said Ewing. According to IATA, major carriers face fines of up to US$2 million annually for transportation of inadmissible passengers. 

Because mistakes come at such a high price, Ewing argues, airlines are relatively safe in failing to let admissible passengers on board. 

“There may be a legal argument that they’re violating the contract of carriage in some way, but otherwise there’s not a lot of accountability in that regard,” he said.

How can you avoid this problem?

Travelers should always check whether the country they’re traveling to requires proof of onward travel in order to enter. If it does, booking a refundable flight or bus ticket may allow them to get around the problem.

Andrew Brush, also from the U.S., found himself in the same situation as Veena when traveling from Miami to Buenos Aires with an open ticket on the Colombian airline, Avianca. “[They] would not let us board without showing a return flight,” said Brush. After having to cut short a previous trip to Argentina, he and his wife had not booked a return flight because they wanted to take their time while touring the country. 

Brush ended up buying a plane ticket from a U.S. airline, which US law allows him to cancel without penalty up to 24 hours beforehand, and canceling it after getting through security. 

“Nobody in passport control asked us about it,” said Brush. “Nobody in Argentina seemed to care. It was just the airline when you’re trying to get on the plane.”

Travelers heading to a third country before returning home can show proof of their trip home, even if it does not depart from the country to which they’re traveling.

Dawn Handy, who has ventured to North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in her two years as a digital nomad, was flying from Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Cape Town, South Africa, via KLM. 

“The woman at the counter asked, ‘Can I see your flight back to your home country?’” Handy told the Herald . “I assumed that she needed to see my departure from South Africa, so I showed her my ticket from Cape Town to Tunisia. But she then said she needed to see a boarding pass or ticket going back to my country of residence.”

Handy had a ticket from Tunisia to the US, but she insists that the airline employee “made it very clear that she wouldn’t have allowed me on the plane if she hadn’t seen that.”

KLM said they complied with all immigration regulations, while Avianca declined to comment.

Ewing suggested that passengers facing these issues shouldn’t be afraid to speak up and ask for a supervisor. 

“A lot of airlines use contractors that are not airline employees in their international stages,” he said. “Make sure you have multiple people reviewing your situation.”

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Meet Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, the 60-year-old Miss Universe Buenos Aires

Alejandra marisa rodriguez, a 60-year-old has defied stereotypes and clinched the prestigious title of miss universe for the province of buenos aires..

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60-year-old lawyer who won Miss Universe Buenos Aires shares secrets of her youth

No matter what barriers society tries to pose, some ambitious women ignore them and work towards their goals. One such example would be Alejandra Rodríguez from La Plata, Argentina, who broke stereotypes and was crowned Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024 at the age of 60. For those who believe that beauty fades with age, Rodríguez proved that age is just a number. It was the first time in the history of the beauty pageant that a 60-year-old grabbed the crown competing with considerably younger contestants, per Hola! USA .

Working as a lawyer and journalist, Rodríguez bagged the Miss Universe Buenos Aires title in April. Speaking to the media channel after her win, an elated Rodríguez said, "I am thrilled to be representing this new paradigm in beauty pageants because we are inaugurating a new stage in which women are not only physical beauty but another set of values. I am the first of this generation to start with this." She loves the beauty of nature and is passionate about spending time soaking in the sun or enjoying the tranquility that the ocean and its crashing waves offer, as per the beauty pageantry's Instagram post . Rodríguez finds peace in meditation, traveling to explore new places and cultures and she is also an animal lover .

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Apart from her fervor for leading a peaceful life , Rodríguez is keen on being consistent with going for walks and doing physical exercises. Also, she takes kindly to eating healthy food, mostly organic and follows the same in her cooking. She believes in the saying, "A world without God is built against man." Not sure if a tranquil and healthy lifestyle favored her younger-looking physique, but Rodríguez joked during a conversation with Rock And Pop radio that "being single" was the secret to her beauty, as per Infobae . "It's better alone than in bad company. I got married many years ago, I'm divorced and now I haven't been in a relationship for quite some time," she added.

Surprisingly, Rodríguez has no experience in modeling and the only pageant she participated in before this historic win was when she was 17, which was for winning a trip to Bariloche, Río Negro. "In my time and my social circle, you had to study. What was expected of me was that I went to college and that I studied to have a career. So anything that had to do with this was not in my goal," she said during the conversation. She added, "Now this opportunity came up and I found it a very interesting challenge." Rodríguez was encouraged to break stereotypes and participate in the pageant at 60 by a friend who also began modeling at 55. "As a result of all this, a lot of friends are calling me, people who feel inspired like 'If she is 60 years old and doing this, we can do it too,'" she mentioned. Also, she said that the 60s are the new 40s in today's world.

Rodríguez is not just stopping with the Miss Universe Buenos Aires title and is determined to make her mark in more pageants. She is all set to participate in the Miss Universe Argentina 2024 contest on May 25 in Buenos Aires. Rodríguez is prepared to shatter the ageist norms and be an inspiration to many by setting the stage on fire in the upcoming contest.

60-year-old lawyer who won Miss Universe Buenos Aires shares secrets of her youth


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    Travel Rock Quilmes is located in the southern part of Buenos Aires, in the charming neighborhood of Quilmes. This neighborhood is known for its beautiful parks, historic buildings, and lively nightlife. It's also conveniently located near several public transportation options, which makes it easy to explore the rest of the city.

  7. Travel Rock Oficial

    Travel Rock Oficial, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. 274,128 likes · 19 talking about this. Travel Rock Lo Hace Mágico.

  8. 18 Unmissable Things to Do in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    6. Explore The Neighborhoods in Buenos Aires; 7. Have An Argentinean Steak; 8. Try Argentinean Wine; 9. Watch La Bomba de Tiempo; 10. Experience The Nightlife of Palmero; 11. Go Vintage Shopping ...

  9. Buenos Aires Travel Guide

    To travel by Subte (or bus) in Buenos Aires, you'll need to get a rechargeable SUBE card. For schedules, routes, and live updates, download the transpo app, BA Cómo Llego .

  10. Trabajar en Travel Rock: evaluaciones de empleados

    Evaluaciones de empleados de Travel Rock sobre la cultura de la empresa, los sueldos, prestaciones, el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, la seguridad, ... Turismos (Empleado actual) - Capital Federal, Buenos Aires - 26 abril 2018. Muy buena experiencia, con muy buenas ventas, y muy buenos compañeros. Ventajas. Vender.

  11. Travel Rock S.A. Company Profile

    Travel Rock S.A. is an Argentinean company, headquartered in the city of Buenos Aires (City) in Federal Capital region. It operates in the travel arrangement and reservation services industry. The company was established on 17 July 2000. Headquarters Florida 253, Floor 1 A

  12. Travel Rock Oficial

    ‏‎Travel Rock Oficial‎‏, ‏‎Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires‎‏. ‏‏٢٧٤٬٤٧٣‏ تسجيل إعجاب · يتحدث ‏٥١‏ عن هذا‏. ‏‎Travel Rock Lo Hace Mágico. ... ‏‎Travel Rock Oficial‎‏, ‏‎Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires‎‏. ‏‏٢٧٤٬٤٧٣‏ تسجيل إعجاب · يتحدث ...

  13. Travel Rock: teléfono y horarios

    Organización de viajes de egresados a S.c. de Bariloche - Florida 253 Piso 1 (1004) Capital Federal, Buenos Aires ... Hola solo una sugerencia no elijan nunca travel rock para viajar a ningún lado todos unos *** desde el más grande al más chico nos tendríamos que juntar todos los papas de todos lados a ecrachar a esta empresa.

  14. Travel Rock La Plata Oficial

    Travel Rock La Plata Oficial, La Plata, Buenos Aires. 4,595 likes · 35 were here. Sucursal Travel Rock de la Ciudad de La Plata. Horarios: Lunes a Viernes de 10 a 14hs y 15 a 18hs.

  15. Travel Rock Channel

    Productos de primera. Nuestros productos hacen la diferencia, por eso tenes que tenerlos, un recuerdo para toda la vida. Somos #TravelRockChannel. Instagram / @travelrockchannel.

  16. Travel Rock Avellaneda

    Travel Rock Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 800 likes · 7 were here. Travel agency

  17. Travel Rock respondió a las quejas sobre los viajes de egresados

    En tres semanas, viajaron unos 6.000 estudiantes por Travel Rock. Foto: archivo ... En diálogo con RÍO NEGRO, Lorena Lavascsk, abogada de la Defensoría del Turista de Buenos Aires, aseguró que ...

  18. 11 Best Airbnbs in Buenos Aires, From Palermo to San Telmo

    A s a full-time traveler with a strong affection for South America, I've spent more time in Buenos Aires than anywhere else in the world, save for my hometown. It's one of the most livable and ...

  19. An Iconic Art Deco Tower in Buenos Aires Has Been Remade Into a ...

    Casa Lucia, a 20-story tower in Recoleta, emanates Argentinian culture. As soon as one turns onto Arroyo Street in the tony neighborhood of Recoleta, it becomes obvious why Buenos Aires is known ...

  20. Escándalo con la empresa Travel Rock: Padres de estudiantes ...

    En un escenario desalentador, los viajes de egresados se convirtieron en una pesadilla para un grupo de aproximadamente 160 chicos de la ciudad de Formosa y 180 de la provincia de Misiones. La empresa de turismo Travel Rock, encargada de organizar el tan ansiado viaje a Bariloche, dejó a los padres y estudiantes sumidos en la desconfianza y la incertidumbre.

  21. Travel Rock en el Pais

    Travel Rock en el Pais viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013. #MiPrimerAuto El 18 de Diciembre sorteamos el último Peugeot 207 0Km de 2013! Pueden seguirlo en vivo y online en nuestros canales oficiales! #TravelRock lo hace mágico! Publicado por Travel Rock en 7:43 No hay comentarios:

  22. The air travel requirement giving digital nomads a migraine

    In January, Veena Khan packed her suitcase and headed to Buenos Aires Ezeiza airport for a trip to see friends in Porto. But when she reached the check-in desk, the airline staff refused to issue her boarding pass. ... Full-time remote work and travel — a lifestyle known as digital nomadism — has boomed since the COVID-19 pandemic, even as ...

  23. Facebook

    When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

  24. INCREDIBLE bakery visit in BUENOS AIRES! Must try!!! #bakerslife #travel

    This is a short intro to the incredible food fiesta/bakery tour in Buenos Aires. I was surprised by the level of the bakeries I tried! 🥐 Bucket list bakerie...

  25. StubHub


  26. Meet Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, the 60-year-old Miss Universe Buenos Aires

    Alejandra will be representing Buenos Aires in the national pageant for Miss Universe Argentina in May 2024. Last year, the Miss Universe organisation eliminated the age limits for the pageant contestants, and now any woman over the age of 18 can participate. Earlier, the maximum age limit to enter the pageant was 28.

  27. Baires Rocks

    Somos la casa de música mas completa de Argentina. Amplia variedad de Instrumentos Musicales. Guitarras, Ukeleles, Baterías y mucho mas. Ofertas exclusivas y cuotas sin interés en todos nuestros productos. Envíos a todo el País y el Showroom mas completo de Capital Federal.

  28. 60-year-old lawyer who won Miss Universe Buenos Aires shares ...

    60-year-old lawyer who won Miss Universe Buenos Aires shares secrets of her youth. No matter what barriers society tries to pose, some ambitious women ignore them and work towards their goals. One ...

  29. GABY Top Travel

    66 likes, 5 comments - gaby_top_travel on June 13, 2023: " *EVANESCENCE* ️ Buenos Aires *17 de Octubre* ️02 Noches de Hospedaje Traslados de llegada y salida Traslado Hotel/Evento/Hotel ️Ticket *SECTOR CAMPO* Desde Usd 289.-. Reserva ya !

  30. Rocktambulos

    42 likes, 4 comments - rocktambulos on April 27, 2024: "¿Cuantos fans del rock n roll rumbero de Estopa por acá? Así comenzaba el show de Estopa en Buenos Aires esta noche....". Rocktambulos | ¿Cuantos fans del rock n roll rumbero de Estopa por acá? 💃🏻🕺🏻 Así comenzaba el show de Estopa en Buenos Aires esta noche.... | Instagram