voyage paris fatima portugal

Le pèlerinage, c’est lire la bible en images

et ceux qui ne voyagent pas n’en lisent qu’une page


Aupres de notre dame de fatima et des 3 petits bergers.

voyage paris fatima portugal


5 jours – 4 nuits sur place.


100 km séparent Lisbonne de Fatima La ville de Fatima est célèbre à travers le monde grâce au 3 petits bergers : Francisco -Lucia – jacinthe Fatima est considérée comme étant une grande ville de pèlerinage dans le monde (après Lourdes) avec plus d’un million de visiteurs chaque année.




5 jours / 4 nuits permettent à tout pèlerin de bien s’imprégner de la vie et surtout de ressentir en lui cette Sainte qui n‘a fait que vous aimez et aimer Jésus.

Du mois de Mai au mois d’Octobre chaque année : il est bon de choisir sur votre séjour le 13 du mois : date des apparitions de Notre Dame de Fatima aux 3 petits bergers. Il y a une grande messe en matinée sur le sanctuaire ou des milliers de pèlerins participent à ce moment merveilleux

Première journée de pèlerinage

Arrivée à Fatima et installation à l’hôtel : en général il faut arriver en début d’après-midi que vous veniez de Lisbonne ou d’autres villes ou pays. Votre pèlerinage commence l’après-midi si vous arrivez en fin de matinée sinon installation à l’hôtel -diner et nuit : prières et recueillement – visite ensuite du sanctuaire et principalement la procession du soir Visite complète du sanctuaire et retour à l’hôtel – dîner procession aux flambeaux et nuit à Fatima

Deuxième journée de pèlerinage

Visite du sanctuaire de Fatima la matinée avec la visite de la basilique (notre Dame de Fatima) où se trouve les tombes des 3 petits bergers

Ensuite nous irons à la chapelle des apparitions pour vous permettre d’admirer et de prier sur le lieu même ou la vierge est apparue en 1917 : le 13 de chaque mois de mai à octobre (une messe est toujours organisée si vous êtes accompagné d’un prêtre sinon messe pour tous les pèlerins en portugais.

Déjeuner après-midi : visite de la basilique de la sainte trinité et recueillement au sanctuaire – diner – procession aux flambeaux et nuit à Fatima.

Troisième journée de pèlerinage

Le matin recueillement au sanctuaire de notre Dame de Fatima -messe – déjeuner et après midi nous faisons le chemin de croix (un des plus beaux dans le monde du pèlerinage car on a l’impression d’être à Jérusalem (nous sommes entourés au cours de notre chemin de croix de champs d’oliviers: magnifique paysage qui rappelle celui de Jérusalem à l’époque de Jésus .

Après le chemin de croix nous visitons à Ajustrel : la maison familiale des 3 petits bergers – nous revenons sur Fatima pour visiter l’église paroissiale et le cimetière où sont enterrés les parents de jacinthe et Francisco Marto : Très fort moment de recueillement – diner et nuit à Fatima

Quatrième journée de pèlerinage

Après la messe à la chapelle des apparitions nous allons en excursion pour visiter le monastère de Batalha , celui d’ Alcobaça , nous allons déjeuner à Nazaré : merveilleuse ville au bord de mer avecune église de toute beauté (à voir impérativement)

Le Portugal est un très beau pays et cette excursion spirituelle et culturelle vous permettra de voir une des plus belles régions du Portugal

Nous revenons en fin d’après-midi à Fatima. Diner procession aux flambeaux et nuit à Fatima.

Cinquième journée de pèlerinage

En fonction de votre horaire départ par transport aérien ou terrestre nous organiserons cette journée à Fatima


Très important : si vous voulez prolonger votre séjour : aucun problème pour que nous assurions votre prolongation de séjour aux meilleures conditions tarifaires


L’endroit où se trouve le sanctuaire de Fatima , était jusqu’en 1917 un lieu-dit inconnu situé dans la paroisse de Fátima, dans la commune d’Ourém.

Cette année-là, un évènement religieux qui a profondément changé son histoire et son importance a eu lieu, lorsque trois jeunes bergers, Jacinthe, son frère Francisco et sa cousine Lucia , ont été les témoins d’apparitions successives de Notre-Dame du Rosaire .

Initialement considéré avec réserve par l’Église, mais déjà vénéré par le peuple, ce phénomène ne sera reconnu qu’en 1930 par l’évêque de Leiria. Dès lors, le développement de cette localité a été tel que Fátima a obtenu le statut de bourg, en 1977, puis de ville, en 1997.

La renommée mondiale de ce sanctuaire s’est accentuée au cours du pontificat de Jean-Paul II , dévot assumé de Notre-Dame de Fátima et qui s’y est rendu en 1982, en signe de remerciement pour avoir survécu à un attentat l’année précédente. La balle de 9 mm a été placé dans la couronne de la vierge

En 2000, lors de sa troisième visite sur les lieux, il a annoncé la béatification de Jacinthe et de Francisco , à qui le Vatican a attribué une guérison miraculeuse .

voyage paris fatima portugal


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L’accueil et l’assistance de l’accompagnateur Pèlerins du Monde, organisateur du circuit « FATIMA »

L’hébergement en chambre double en hôtel 3*** ou 4**** ou pension religieuse 3***

La pension complète pour votre séjour toutes prestations comprises (selon les horaires des vols ou trains ou route arrivée et retour)

Les services d’un guide pour les visites si souhaité

Les visites et entrées des sites demandés au cours de la réservation du séjour

Participation aux messes de la journée (libre ou accompagné de votre prêtre) 

Une casquette et un sac « Pèlerins du Monde »

Si nécessaire au moment du pèlerinage Un masque de protection chaque jour et gel hydro alcoolique à disposition pour se laver les mains le plus souvent possible

Le pourboire aux guides (un grand plaisir pour eux s’ils vous en ont bien guidé)

Gâteau de fin de pèlerinage avec un bon porto offert

Petit livret de pèlerinage incluant tous les renseignements spirituels, culturels et pratiques du circuit (prières et chants) remis au responsable du groupe : 4 livrets remis


Le transport aérien international (si nécessaire nous pouvons traiter certains parcours européens)

Le supplément single

Les boissons au cours des repas (certains lieux le vin sera éventuellement compris)

Les dépenses d’ordre personnel

Offrandes au sanctuaire

Le test PCR : se conformer aux règles sanitaires du pays au moment de votre pèlerinage



Prestations non utilisées / modifications

Les prestations volontairement modifiées par le client sur place sont Soumises aux conditions des prestataires locaux : les prestations Supplémentaires ou de remplacement engendrant un surcoût devront être réglées directement à Pèlerins du monde et ne pourront en aucun cas engager la responsabilité de Pèlerins du Monde.

Les prestations non utilisées sur place (transferts, excursions, Logements…) ne donneront lieu à aucun remboursement.

RESPONSABILITÉ : Pèlerins du Monde ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des conséquences des événements suivants :

1/ Défaut de présentation ou perte de documents d’identité et/ou sanitaires périmés ou d’une durée de validité insuffisante (Passeport, visas, certificat de vaccination…) ou non Conformes aux formalités prescrites au poste de police de douanes ou D’enregistrement. En cas de défaut d’enregistrement (y compris pour Retard à l’embarquement), il sera retenu, à titre de frais, 100 % du Montant total du voyage.

2/ Incidents ou événements imprévisibles et insurmontables d’un Tiers étranger à Pèlerins du Monde tels que : guerres, troubles Politiques, grèves extérieures à Pèlerins du Monde, incidents techniques extérieurs à Pèlerins du Monde , encombrement de L’espace aérien, intempéries, retards (pannes, perte ou vol de bagages ou d’autres effets.

3/ Le ou les retards subis ayant pour origine les cas visés ci-dessus ainsi que les modifications d’itinéraire qui en découleraient éventuellement ne pourront entraîner aucune Indemnisation à quelque titre que ce soit de Pèlerins du Monde , notamment du fait de la Modification de la durée du programme initialement prévu retard à une correspondance. Les éventuels frais additionnels liés à une perturbation (taxe, hôtel) resteront à la charge du client.

4/ Annulation imposée par des circonstances ayant un caractère de force majeure dans un lieu visité ou pour des raisons liées à la sécurité des clients et/ou sur injonction d’une autorité administrative se réserve le droit d’annuler l’excursion -Les horaires ou les itinéraires prévus s’il juge que la sécurité du voyageur ne peut être assuré

5/ Bien étudier votre contrat d’assurances que nous ou vous avons ou avez souscrit et bien tenir compte des conditions d’exclusions spécifiques aux garanties frais médicaux à l’étranger et assistance, rapatriement valable en général pour toutes les assurances – Pèlerins du Monde ne peut être responsable des conséquences liées au non-respect de ces garanties

VIVEZ VOTRE PELERINAGE EN IMAGES A FATIMA Nous nous souvenons de la dernière apparition de Notre Dame de Fatima

Le Pape François vous confie tous à la Mère Céleste de Dieu, afin qu’elle vous accompagne avec une tendresse maternelle sur votre chemin et vous réconforte dans les épreuves de la vie.

voyage paris fatima portugal


voyage paris fatima portugal

La Sainte Vierge est apparue à Fatima , au Portugal en 1917 à 3 petits enfants : Jacinthe , 7 ans (morte en 1920) – Françisco , son frère, 9 ans (mort en 1919)- Lucie, leur cousine (morte en 2005 à 97 ans)

Il faut distinguer trois périodes dans les événements de Fatima. Avant 1917 Par trois fois en 1916, l’ange du Portugal vient instruire et préparer les enfants à recevoir et à comprendre le grand message de la Reine des Anges et les invite à la prière, au sacrifice et à la réparation.

En 1917 Entre le 13 Mai et le 13 Octobre 1917 , la Vierge Marie, elle-même, apparaît 6 fois aux trois enfants. Notre Dame vient alerter l’humanité sur le châtiment qui menace le monde à cause de l’impiété et de la corruption des mœurs, et désigne le grand fléau du XXe siècle : « La Russie répandra ses erreurs à travers le monde ».

Mais dès le 13 juillet 1917 , après avoir communiqué aux petits un secret en 3 parties (dont 2 sont connues intégralement depuis 1941), Notre Dame de Fatima présente la dévotion à son Cœur Immaculé, comme le moyen providentiel offert au monde moderne, non seulement pour assurer le salut d’un grand nombre d’âmes, mais aussi pour redonner et conserver la paix à la terre .

« Si l’on fait ce que je vous demande, beaucoup d’âmes se sauveront et on aura la paix»

Après 1917 Les apparitions viennent compléter les révélations précédentes en précisant à Sœur Lucie, alors religieuse en Espagne, les pratiques de la dévotion au Cœur Immaculé de Marie .

LE MESSAGE Il est la manifestation du Cœur Immaculé de Marie, au monde actuel, pour le sauver

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  • 1.1 Visitor information
  • 3 Get around

voyage paris fatima portugal

Fátima is a world famous Catholic pilgrimage city and civil parish in the municipality of Ourém in Portugal 's Beira Litoral region.

Understand [ edit ]

Fátima ( FAH-tee-muh , /ˈfa.ti.mɐ/) is a world-famous place of Christian pilgrimage in commemoration of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary reported by three young shepherds (Lúcia, Francisco and Jacinta) from 13 May until 13 October 1917. The Catholic Church later recognized these events as "worthy of belief". A small chapel, now known as the Chapel of the Apparitions , was built at the site of the supernatural events, and a precious statue of Our Lady of Fátima installed.

Due to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, a Marian shrine complex containing two minor basilicas in Cova da Iria, the city has become in one of the most important international destinations for religious tourism, receiving between 6 and 8 million pilgrims by year. It attracts religious people and also those who seek the kind of peaceful lifestyle usually only found in convents and monasteries.

Visitor information [ edit ]

  • 39.6273 -8.6753 1 Welcome Center ( Tourism Office ), Avenida de Dom José Alves Correia da Silva 213, Cova da Iria . M–F 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–17:00, Sa Su 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–18:00 . ( updated May 2022 )

Get in [ edit ]


There are buses to and from Lisbon (1 hour) and Porto (2 hours 30 minutes) at least every hour from dawn to dusk. A round trip can cost up to €25. From Fátima bus station, it is a short walk of a few hundred metres along the streets with shops and hotels to the Sanctuary (the Marian Shrine).

Do not catch a train to the misleadingly-named Fátima station, as this is over 20 km by road from the city.

Get around [ edit ]

It is a short walk from the bus station to the basilicas and the Chapel of the Apparitions. It is also possible to walk to the Way of the Cross in Valinhos and to the Aljustrel village, the birthplace of the children who claimed to see the Marian apparition.

Within the city there is an electric mini train.

See [ edit ]

voyage paris fatima portugal

The Sanctuary of Fatima , also known as Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima , is a group of religious buildings and structures in Cova da Iria, a place in the civil parish ( freguesia ) of Fatima.

In addition to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, the sanctuary comprises the Chapel of the Lausperene, a great oak tree (near which the famous Marian apparitions occurred), a monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Chapel of the Apparitions, where three children Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, were first visited by Virgin Mary. In addition, several other structures and monuments were built in the intervening years to commemorate the events associated with the events in 1916, including: the Hostel/Retreat House of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Rectory, the Hostel/Retreat House of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a segment of the Berlin Wall, monuments to Fathers Formigão and Fischer, a High Cross (by artist Robert Schad), and individual monuments to recent popes. Across from the main sanctuary is the much larger Basilica of the Holy Trinity constructed after 1953, owing to the limited scale of the Marian shrine for large-scale pilgrimages and religious services.

  • 39.625537 -8.665933 6 Monument of the Three Little Shepherds ( Monumento aos Três Pastorinhos ). Statues dedicated to the three little shepherds of Fátima.  
  • 39.624978 -8.667326 7 Way of the Cross and the Hungarian Calvary in Valinhos ( Via-Sacra e Calvário Húngaro dos Valinhos ). The Stations of the Cross and the Hungarian Calvary are an obligatory visit for all pilgrims to Fatima.  
  • 39.616343 -8.670258 8 Monument of Our Lady and of the Angel of Peace in Valinhos ( Monumento a Nossa Senhora e ao Anjo da Paz nos Valinhos ). The statue dedicated to the apparition. There is also a statue of the Angel of Peace, who also made an alleged appearance in 1916.  
  • 39.615534 -8.664897 9 Houses of the Three Little Shepherds in Aljustrel ( Casas dos Três Pastorinhos em Aljustrel ) ( In Aljustrel village ). Visit the late 19th century family homes of the three witnesses to the Apparation: the house of Lucia dos Santos and the house of Francisco and Jacinta Marto.  

Do [ edit ]

For Catholics visiting Fátima as a pilgrimage, there are several masses daily at the basilicas and at the Chapel of the Apparitions.

Do a tour to the places surrounding the Sanctuary of Fátima or even to the medieval Castle of Ourém, where you can drink "Ginjinha", the special morello cherry liqueur.

  • 39.625282 -8.66671 1 Fátima Guided Tours ( Visitas guiadas a Fátima ), [email protected] . Walking tours for a nominal fee in the city and to the surrounding places related to the Angel of Peace and Virgin Mary apparitions. They also distribute free materials that you can pick up without going on a tour: maps, prayer cards, etc.  

Buy [ edit ]

The street between the bus station and the church are lined with shops that sell church-related items (rosaries, statues of the Virgin Mary, etc). The Basilica itself has a shop as well. Some items of note are rosaries with a little bit of earth from Fátima (€3-€4.50). With several masses each day at the Basilica and at the Chapel, there shouldn't be a problem finding a priest to bless the rosaries after you purchase them.

Eat [ edit ]

Do not forget to taste the pastries of Fátima ( Pastéis de Fátima ).

  • 39.618019 -8.65309 1 Tia Alice , Avenida Irmã Lúcia de Jesus, 152, 2495-557 , ☏ +351 249 531 737 . 12:00–15:00 / 19:30–21:00 . Rustic-chic environment with traditional Portuguese food.  
  • 39.624608 -8.665595 2 A Cave , Avenida dos Pastorinhos, 895, 2495-408 , ☏ +351 249 153 159 . 11:30–14:30 / 19:00–22:00 . Traditional Portuguese food.  
  • 39.618673 -8.662109 3 Cantinho dos Amigos , Avenida dos Pastorinhos, 795, 2495-408 , ☏ +351 249 151 740 . 10h00–23h00 . Food from the Alentejo region.  
  • 39.627373 -8.666938 4 Taberna do Bacalhau , Rua Francisco Marto, 28, 2495-448 , ☏ +351 249 538 420 . 12:00–15:00 / 19:00-22:00 . Specialises in cod dishes.  
  • 39.60561 -8.656943 5 A Fandanguita , Avenida dos Pastorinhos, 635, 2495-408 , ☏ +351 249 531 024 . 12:00–22:30 . Traditional Portuguese food.  

Drink [ edit ]

  • 39.615978 -8.663928 1 "Anta" Bar , Rua dos Pastorinhos, 70, Aljustrel, 2495-301 . Terrace bar with background music.  
  • 39.612428 -8.666548 2 "I Love Beer" Collection Bar , Rua do Biqueiral 67, 2495-350 . Great bar with music and several collections.  

Sleep [ edit ]

Fátima is a city of hotels and guesthouses, so it's not difficult to find a place to sleep. Budget accommodation with breakfast starts at €30 for a twin room. If you want to book in advance via hotel booking web sites, the time for best prices is approximately one to two weeks before your stay.

Around town, there are also some lodging alternatives for those who want to get away from the conventional hotels. Here are some examples:

  • 39.62435 -8.665434 1 Fátima Lounge Guesthouse , Avenida dos Pastorinhos, 887, Cova da Iria, 2495-408 ( next to the Valinhos ), ☏ +351 249 532 275 , [email protected] . This lounge residence allow guests to cook their own meals and feel as if they were in their own home.  
  • 39.621615 -8.677139 2 Luz Houses , Rua Principal, 78, Moimento, 2495-650 , ☏ +351 249 403 911 , [email protected] . Accommodation in a rural setting.  
  • 39.574957 -8.62239 3 "O Casal" House , Estrada Coelho Prazeres, 49, Casal Farto, 2495 , ☏ +351 249 521 562 , [email protected] . Residence of rural tourism with historical chapel.  

Go next [ edit ]

  • Batalha — near Fátima is located the beautiful Monastery of Saint Mary of the Victory of the Battle
  • Ourém — the city's beautiful castle and regional liqueur ( Ginjinha ) are musts for any visitor
  • Tomar — the city of the Knights Templar: it is highly recommended to visit the medieval castle and the Convent of Christ
  • Alcobaça — 12th-century Cistercian Gothic monastery listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and excellent conventual sweets and pastries
  • Nazaré — a lovely village that became an international surf spot and entered into the Guinness World Records for its gigantic sea waves
  • Santarém — the city where is located the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle
  • Leiria — town with a castle and with the episcopal cathedral
  • Óbidos — a village dominated by an old medieval castle

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  • Central Portugal

Only an exceptional event could transform Fátima , a small village in the countryside of Extremadura with no particular attraction, into a tourist destination capable of attracting more than six million visitors every year.

The event we are talking about is, of course, the famous apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917.

A century later, pilgrims from all over the world continue to come here to pay homage or ask for graces from the Holy Mother of God, making Fatima one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in the world.

The tourism industry has taken advantage of this great opportunity, developing a series of accommodation facilities designed to accommodate hundreds of pilgrims, as well as a long line of dubious souvenir shops such as Madonnas and glow-in-the-dark busts of the Pope.

In spite of itself, Fatima has become both the realm of the sacred and of kitsch. Follow your own inclination: listen to religious sentiments or indulge in the earthly pleasures of shopping.

Sanctuary of our lady of Fatima

Fatima would be an anonymous country city if it wasn’t for the Marian apparitions. The history has changed and today the  Sanctuary of Fatima  has become an unmissable stop on a tour around Central Portugal.

The Sanctuary includes several buildings, temples, and religious monuments within a complex named Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Basilica of the Holy Trinity. Nearby there is the Chapel of the Apparitions, which symbolizes the  apparition of the Holy Mary  in front of the shepherds.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary

The  Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary , the most central and majestic buildings of the Sanctuary of Fatima, consists of a 65 meters high tower decorated by a 7000 kg bronze crown.

It was designed by the Dutch architect Gerardus Samuel van Krieken, who arrived to Porto towards the end of 1800 in order to teach art. He passed away before the consecration of the building.

Inside the basilica, over the main portico, there is a mosaic representing the Holy Trinity crowning Mary, which was blessed by Pope Pious XII, who was named the  Pope of Fatima .

Several events related to the  Marian apparitions of Fatima  are depicted in the stained glass windows in the basilica, while the 15 altars are dedicated to the 15 mysteries of the rosary. At the four corners of the basilica there are the statues of the four great apostles of the Rosary: Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Saint Dominic, Saint John Eudes, and Saint Stephen, King of Hungary.

Basilica of the Holy Trinity

The  Basilica of the Holy Trinity  is a church and a minor basilica built inside the Sanctuary of Fatima. It was consecrated in 1953, but it was clear since the beginning that its size was too small to host the huge flow of pilgrims coming to Fatima to honor the Lady.

For this reason, in 1974  Monsignor Luciano Guerra  proposed the construction of a new basilica. Works only began in 2004, when the Greek architect Alexandros Tombazis completed the project.

Since the end of construction works the Basilica of the Holy Trinity was designed as a  GECA , which in the Portuguese language means Grande Espaço Coberto para Assembleias (Great Covered Space for Assemblies), due to its majesty and its importance. Its modernist architecture is very peculiar, contrasting with the classical style of other churches around the area. For this reason it represents one of the most interesting monuments to see inside the Sanctuary of Fatima.

Chapel of the Apparitions

The  Chapel of the Apparitions  was built in 1920 at the exact location where the three shepherds have witnessed the apparition of the Holy Mary in 1917. According to the history, it was the Virgin to ask them to build a chapel in her honor.

Construction works were started by  Joaquim Barbeiro  in 1912 and the first mass was celebrated only two years later. On March 6th 1922, some anticlericals put a bomb inside the church; in spite of what happened the local community didn’t demoralize, and reconstruction works began a few months after the explosion.

Today the Chapel of Apparitions is the most important site of the Sanctuary of Fatima and it is visited by at least  5 million pilgrims every year .

Rua dos Valinhos

The Valinhos correspond to the road that Lúcia, Jacinta and Francisco followed from their homes in Aljustrel to Cova da Iria to graze their flocks. Two Marian apparitions took place here and they have now been transformed into a station on the Fatima Way of the Cross. It is a perfect place for prayer and introspection.

In the following map you can see the location of the main places of interest mentioned in this article

When to go to Fatima

The busiest days in Fatima are 13th May , the anniversary of the first apparition, and 13th October , the anniversary of the fifth and last apparition. Many pilgrims come to Fatima on foot, so they are already in Portugal in the days and weeks before the commemorations.

If you want a quieter visit, with fewer crowds, avoid the dates of the commemorations and the days immediately before or after.

Where to stay in Fatima

There are several accommodations in Fatima, around the Sanctuary: mainly hotels, but also flats and B&Bs for every need, from 5 star hotels with spa to budget accommodations.

Recommended hotels in Fatima

How to arrive to fatima from lisbon.

Religious tourists can reach Fatima from Lisbon by following the Caminho do Tejo , a walking path along country roads where there is very little traffic. The pilgrimage lasts about 5 days by walking an average of 20-30 km per day.

A much easier solution consists of taking one of the numerous buses living from Lisbon; it is possible to reach Fatima within one hour and a half. The sanctuary is located within walking distance from the bus station.

Another opportunity is to  rent a car .

Excursions and guided visits to Fatima

If you don’t want to visit the sanctuary on your own you can join a guided tour from Lisbon; choose the one you prefer.

Fatima Weather

What's the weather at Fatima? Below are the temperatures and the weather forecast at Fatima for the next few days.

Some more information: the appearance of the Lady

The history is well known. Two Portuguese little girls and a little boy were herding sheep and reported witnessing a big cloud in the sky from where appeared a woman dressed with white colors holding a rosary. The woman, who was identified as the Holy Lady, spoke to one of the girls.

It was the 13th of May of 1917 and the appearance took place in  Cova da Iria , Fatima. The woman told them to return on the 13th of every month until October. During the last appearance, a crowd of more than 70000 people witnessed the so called “miracle of the sun”; on a rainy day the clouds broke and the sun appeared as a spinning disc throwing rays to the earth.

It was only in 1930 that the Bishop of Leiria recognized the visions of the three shepherds and the worship of the  Lady of Fatima  became official.

Pope John II was the greatest devout to  Nossa Senhora de Fátima as well as its unintentional touristic promoter; he visited the Sanctuary on numerous occasions, including the famous visit of 1982 when he thanked the Lady for surviving his attempted assassination the previous year. It was Pope John II himself who asked to add the bullet to the crown of the statue of the Holy Lady.

In 2000 John Paul II announced the beatification of the three shepherds who were recognized as the authors of a miraculous care.

Despite there are still many mysteries connected to the  marian apparitions  and scientists are still skeptical about this topic, the belief is very much alive and the tourism around this area is always increasing.

Did you know…

  • Besides the basilica itself, there are ten chapels representing the life of Jesus. The Chapel of the Apparition is open towards all directions in order for pilgrims to receive the holy communion at the exactly same location where the Holy Mary appeared.
  • It is very interesting to notice how church candles are lit at this sanctuary; they are thrown inside a big body-shaped brazier.
  • The major flux of pilgrims takes place every year during the nights of 12 and 13th of May and 12 and 13 of October in order to celebrate the apparitions.

Where is located Fatima

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Paris Pilgrimage to Lisieux, Lourdes and Fatima

Paris Pilgrimage to Lisieux, Lourdes and Fatima

  • 5x Breakfast
  • Accommodation included: 5 nights
  • Paris-Lisieux round trip 2nd class train ticket
  • Paris-Lourdes 2nd class train ticket
  • Transfer from Lourdes to Toulouse Airport
  • Flight from Toulouse to Lisbon with TAP (regular flight)
  • Round-trip Transfer Lisbon-Fatima
  • Entry/Admission - Carmel De Lisieux
  • Entry/Admission - Sanctuaire Notre Dame de Lourdes
  • Entry/Admission - Toulouse-Blagnac Airport
  • Entry/Admission - A Fátima
  • Entry/Admission - Basilica de Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Fatima
  • Entry/Admission - Intermarche - Aljustrel
  • International flights into France and out of Lisbon
  • All meals not included in the program
  • Tips for the guides and drivers
  • Night 1 in Paris is not included
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Not recommended for travelers with back problems
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Travelers should have a moderate physical fitness level
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate

Eiffel tower

  • Information & Tips

Go To Portugal

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, the biggest pilgrimage site in Portugal

Located in Central Portugal , the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima has become, throughout the years, the fourth biggest catholic pilgrimage site in the world, due to the apparitions of Virgin Mary to three little shepherds in 1917.

In this article, you’re going to learn more about the history of Our Lady of Fátima , the places to visit in the city and outskirts as well as the places where you can spend the night and have lunch or dinner.

On the  13th May 1917 ,  Lúcia  and her cousins  Jacinta and  Francisco , aged 12, 9 and 7 years old, were herding sheep at Cova da Iria – Fátima , when they saw a bright light.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning i get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. Please read my disclosure for more info.

First, they thought it was a lightning but soon after a brighter light illuminated that place. At that instant they saw next to a small oak tree a lady that shone more than the sun.

voyage paris fatima portugal

This lady asked the three little shepherds to go to Cova da Iria on the 13th day of each month, at the same time for 6 months. She promised to reveal her identity as well as the purpose of her presence.

During the apparitions, this lady foretold some revelations  like the end of the First World War and that Francisco and Jacinta would soon go to heaven (Francisco past away in 1919 and Jacinta in 1920, victims of the Spanish flu).

As months went by, more and more people would appear to witness the apparitions. By the time of the second apparition, about 50 people were present but in the 13th October, during the sixth apparition, there were 50 000 people present to witness the miracle promised by this lady.

It was then that the three little shepherds knew that this lady was Our Lady of the Rosary .

Here’s what Our Lady of the Rosary said to Lúcia:

« Lúcia:  – What do you want of me? Our Lady of the Rosary : – I want to tell you that a chapel is to be built here in my honour. I am the Lady of the Rosary. Continue always to pray the Rosary every day. The war is going to end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes. Lúcia: I have many things to ask you: the cure of some sick persons, the conversion of sinners, and other things… Our Lady of the Rosary: Some yes, but not others. They must amend their lives and ask forgiveness for their sins. Looking very sad, Our Lady said: Our Lady of the Rosary: Do not offend the Lord our God any more, because He is already so much offended! {If the people amend, the war will be over, and if they do not amend their ways, the world will come to an end.}»

Information:  this excerpt, like others from the other apparitions, can be found in the official site  of the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima.

Apart from the three little shepherds, no one saw Our Lady of the Rosary, so on the 13th October 1917 a miracle happened so that everyone could witness and believe in the apparition of the Virgin Mary.

That day was cloudy and rainy but suddenly the clouds disappeared giving place to a bright sun and a clear blue sky.

Thus a phenomenon of light occurred in the sky and, since then, it is known as the “ Miracle of the Sun “. Don’t hesitate to click on the link to learn more about this miracle.

voyage paris fatima portugal

What to visit in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima?

Chapel of the apparitions, basilica of our lady of the rosary of fátima, basilica of the holy trinity, the three little shepherds houses, the coin cave (gruta da moeda), mira de aire caves, how to get to fátima, where to eat in fátima, luz charming houses, meio country house, hotel mar & sol ****, what will also interest you:.

voyage paris fatima portugal

One of the places you must visit in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima is the chapel of the apparitions . This small chapel was built in 1919 on the exact spot where the tree was rooted (the oak tree disappeared soon after the apparitions due to pilgrims that cut its branches to keep a part of this “relic”), next to which the Virgin Mary appeared to the three little shepherds.

Although it was destroyed by strangers in 1922, the small chapel was rebuilt some months later.

In 1982, a big roof was added to the small chapel to protect the pilgrims from the hot days and rainy days.

In the centre of the chapel you’ll find the original statue of the Virgin Mary (1920). In its crown you can find the bullet that hit the Pope John Paul II in the assassination attempt in Rome in the 13th May 1981.

In some days of the year, masses are celebrated in this chapel and rosaries are prayed with live broadcasts  on the Internet.

voyage paris fatima portugal

In the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima you can also visit the basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary .

Built between 1928 and 1953 in a neo-baroque style, the basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary has the tombs of Jacinta and Francisco (1951 and 1952). After the death of Lúcia in 2005, her body was also put to rest  in this basilica, side by side with her cousins.

Basilica da Santissima Trindade - Fatima Portugal

The construction of this basilica in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima began in 2004 and ended three years later. With its 8633 seating capacity, this is the fourth biggest catholic church in the world.

This basilica is located in the southwest end of the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, facing the processions area. In the other end (500 metres away) you can admire the basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary and closer you have the chapel of the apparitions.

What to see close to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima?

voyage paris fatima portugal

Two kilometres away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, in a place called Aljustrel , you’ll find the location where the three little shepherds lived. In the house of Francisco and Jacinta you can admire furniture from that time and objects from everyday life; you can even take a picture in the exact spot where the three little shepherds were photographed – a photo known worldwide (see it in the beginning of this article).

Lúcia’s house is 150 metres away from her cousins’. Here, you can find a museum that offers to visitors the possibility to learn more about the life in the 20th century.

  • Location: Rua de Aljustrel 42, 2495-301 Fátima

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Located 5 km away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, Gruta da Moeda  is one of the places you can’t miss when you visit this region.

Discovered in 1971 by two hunters chasing a fox, this cave can be visited in its 350 metres of extension and 45 metres of depth. Its temperature is 18 ºC during the whole year, which makes it easier to visit it in the summer and in the winter.

  • Location: Google Maps

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Located in Mira de Aire and 15 km away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, Mira de Aire Caves  were voted in 2010 as one of the 7 natural wonders of Portugal .

This 11-km complex of rare beauty was found in 1947. You can only visit 600 metres and climb down the 683 steps until you get to a depth of 110 metres.

But don’t worry! You won’t need to climb up again because, at the end of your visit, you’ll have an elevator waiting to take you to surface.

These caves can be visited throughout the year at Mira de Aire  location. To get to know its opening hours and ticket prices, you can visit  their webpage .

If you’re going to stay some days in this region, then don’t hesitate to visit Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park  (20 km away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima), Tomar and its amazing Castle and Convent of Christ , listed by UNESCO as World Heritage (37 km away),  Leiria  and its beautiful castle (23 km away) and  Batalha Monastery  (17 km away).

If you want to visit the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima , the caves, the natural park and the beautiful monuments in Tomar and Batalha, then I suggest that you take your own car (there is even a highway exit near the sanctuary).

You can also take the bus  in Lisbon or in Porto. Fátima also has a train station but it is located 20 km away from the sanctuary.

When I went to Fátima, I had lunch in O Crispim , a typical Portuguese restaurant that I totally recommend! This restaurant is located 1,5 km away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, far from the other most touristy restaurants.

  • Location: Rua São João Eudes, n. 23 | Lomba D’Égua | 2495-630 Fátima GPS : N 39.63136 – W 8.66283
  • Tripadvisor reviews

People also recommended me Pátio do Avô  and the well known Tia Alice Restaurante .

Where to sleep in Fátima?

Located 1,5 km away from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, this boutique hotel is an idyllic place where you can enjoy one or more wonderful nights in this region.

I spent two nights here and I can tell you that I could stay here forever! Apart from the beauty of this place and the warm welcome, I loved the fantastic breakfast with some magnificent background music, fado .

Important information:  I wasn’t paid to promote this property. I’m only doing it because I loved the time spent in this beautiful boutique hotel.

Where to sleep in the outskirts of Fátima?

Meio Country House  is located in a centennial 4-hectare farm in Alcanede, a place just outside the Natural Park of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros and 40 km away from Fátima.

voyage paris fatima portugal

The house where you can sleep was refurbished recently, however its history remains intact. This place can accommodate up to 14 people (7 bedrooms with private bathroom).

Aside from the bedrooms, you can also enjoy the beautiful living-room, the kitchen (that you’ll have to share if you only book a room), the terrace and, if you have to work, you’ll find the necessary equipment and even a training room.

Information:  obviously you’ll have access to free wifi throughout the property

voyage paris fatima portugal

After having visited the points of interest in the surrounding area, you can rest or do one of the activities available at Meio Country House.

You can witness in real time how goat cheese  is made, you can also try to bake  artisanal bread , savour local liqueurs , try to bake local delicacies  and go on a  guided tour to Natural Park of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros.

Apart from this calm and relaxing atmosphere, you’ll also have a warm welcome by Michael , a Portuguese that was born in France but lives in Portugal since he was 12 years old.

Do you want to spend some enjoyable and relaxing moments and discover the most touristy but authentic places?

Important information 2: I wasn’t paid to promote this property. I’m only doing it because I loved the way I was welcomed, loved the house and its location.

Located in São Pedro de Moel, facing the sea, this 4-star hotel is the perfect place to rest after your visit to Fátima (47 km), Batalha, Leiria, Alcobaça and Nazaré.

Hotel  Mar & Sol has 57 available rooms with a magnificent view over the sea, the lighthouse and the village where it is located; a spa , where you can relax while enjoying a massage, jacuzzi, sauna and a Turkish bath; a  restaurant where you can enjoy the local speciality, shellfish rice, while admiring the views over the sea; on the roof, you’ll find a terrace where you can have a drink (in the summer) and enjoy the magnificent views.

On Sundays, for those people who like parties, the hotel has a sunset party  from 16h30 to 22h30 (in the summer) where you can have a cocktail while enjoying some lounge music – all this is complemented with the wonderful views over the sea, the beach and the village.

Do you want to enjoy some pleasant and relaxing moments and discover one of the most beautiful villages in the Portuguese coastline?

Important information 2:  I wasn’t paid to promote this property. I’m only doing it because I had a warm welcome, loved all the available amenities and its location.

Are you going to visit Fátima? Then don’t hesitate to book your hotel room, your car or the best activities by clicking the links below . This way you are helping me in the development of my blog and I’ll be able to offer you free tips and travel guides so that you can better prepare your visit to Portugal . Thank you !

  • Travel guide to discover the Centre of Portugal in 7 days
  • Top 20 of the places to visit in Nazaré and surrounding area
  • Things to do in Peniche – from Berlengas to the most beautiful beaches!
  • Visit Santarém in one day and discover all of its marvellous places
  • Visit Tomar and discover its beautiful castle and Convent of Christ

About The Author

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Fatima Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Fatima. We've got 248 adventures going to Fatima, starting from just 3 days in length, and the longest tour is 26 days. The most popular month to go is June, which has the largest number of tour departures.

248 Fatima tour packages with 6,414 reviews

Wonders of Portugal Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Wonders of Portugal


Wonders of Portugal Tour

Overall, I got to see a lot of the surrounding areas of Lisbon. However, this is not a tour, this is a package, and should be advertised as such. The organisation and communication with Omega was terrible. I repeatedly asked for the location of my accommodation (which was actually lucky!) but was still told the wrong place and had to make an international call (which cost me additional money) after being dropped at the wrong hotel. I had also asked about being booked in for an extra night and being advised about the cost, told them I would book my own accommodation, only to find on my arrival that it was booked and paid for already, meaning I had double booked unnecessary accommodation elsewhere. I was also not advised about morning pickups until I specifically asked. The actual day trips were well organized although the quality of the guides varied. The one day we had an English only guide she seemed disinterested and it was clear to me that she was uncomfortable speaking in English. The days where the information was being translated into multiple languages it felt like English was being given the least amount of information. I would not recommend that someone does this package again, particularly as you can book each day trip separately and the overall organization was terrible.

5 Day Lisbon including visit to Fatima, Nazare, Sintra, Cabo da Roca, Cascais & Estoril. Tour

5 Day Lisbon including visit to Fatima, Nazare, Sintra, Cabo da Roca, Cascais & Estoril.

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Lisbon and Fatima City Adventure Tour

Lisbon and Fatima City Adventure

Northern Portugal Discovery Tour

Northern Portugal Discovery

It highlighted Portugal’s hidden treasures, its history and culture. Group size was perfect (15) and our guide was very knowledgeable.

Best of Portugal (11 Days) Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Best of Portugal (11 Days)

The tour director was excellent and food was wonderful. Only wished that we had some downtown at the beaches.
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Iberian Capitals Tour

Iberian Capitals

Excellent. The tour was worth more than what I paid. Europomundo came thru in every aspect

Picturesque Portugal (End Lisbon, 7 Days) Tour

Picturesque Portugal (End Lisbon, 7 Days)

Too little time spent on optional excursions. Hotels okay. City tours only from bus. Little walking tour of Lisbon and Porto. Stayed in Lisbon xtra day to explore and walk. Optional farewell dinner overpriced. Whole tour overpriced.

Iberian Explorer (13 Days) Tour

Iberian Explorer (13 Days)

The overall experience was good. It would be better if the stays in the cities/ towns could be 3 nights and 2 nights respectively.

5 Days Lisbon and Fatima City. Tour

5 Days Lisbon and Fatima City.

Highlights of Spain and Portugal Tour

Highlights of Spain and Portugal

For last 3 days, the coach is not so comfortable . The tour should included Valencia city tour. Thank you.

North of Portugal Tour

North of Portugal

I would have enjoyed it much more had we visited less churches and more actual cities and castles

From Santiago to Lisbon Tour

From Santiago to Lisbon

I concur with Kristi's review. This tour is advertised as bilingual (spanish & english) but majority (like 90%) of the passengers on our excursion were south american tourists. You would benefit joining this tour if you understood & spoke a bit of spanish. We had 2 tour guides: our initial tour guide would speak a page worth in spanish then translate a sentence worth in english. Perhaps, its the organizer's fault to assign a not so english-proficient tour guide. However, the local tour guides in Porto & Lisbon were both excellent & fluent!!! Our 2nd tour guide for the remaining 6 days of our journey (Carmen) was AMAZING !!! We had an excellent driver as well. This tour has a great itinerary. Sadly, the english speakers on the bus missed out on the translations during the first part of the trip; more could have been said, but mainly limited to the tour guide's knowledge & ability to express herself fluently in english. All the hotels we stayed at were decent, rooms were very clean & comfortable and served full breakfast buffet. Though the dinner at Hesperia Vigo was drab. Also, all the hotels assigned on this trip (none had swimming pool) were located in the outskirts of town, meaning you have to take a taxi if you want to visit the sites or restaurants downtown. Overall, it was a very nice vacation - the weather was fantastic entire week, had great food & wine, met some nice people and saw beautiful sceneries!

Best of Spain & Portugal Tour

Best of Spain & Portugal

Great itinerary and guide, but hotels/ transportation were very basic

Lisbon, Oporto and Fatima Tour

Lisbon, Oporto and Fatima

Well paced tour that covers Portugal and Spain.

What people love about Fatima Tours

A wonderful Tour Will definitely book again
Tour was fantastic, Livingtours tour organisers are very professional and very knowledgeable tour guides & highly professional staff. I thoroughly enjoyed my trip and would highly recommended Living tours for travel enthusiastics out there.
Beautiful country but guide needs to pay more attention to his customers. When we go in for a tour, he needs to stay with us and talk about the place, not wonder around on his own or with his guest. Or wait for us to pay for our food and then he pays the difference! Also your mini bus needs to be a little more comfortable and maintained , not teared tents for small items, and the overhead space needs to be tented or can be closed so items like backpacks, umbrellas, and jackets would not fall from the open overhead space on our heads. Thank you!
  • to Europe (2)
  • Portugal Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • Best 10 Day Portugal Itineraries 2024/2025 (With Reviews)
  • Discover the Best Portugal Vacation Packages 2024/2025


Marian Pilgrimage Fatima, Lourdes and Vatican

  • Information

Pilgrimage of a lifetime

In Inspired Voyager we take pride in serving the American Catholic groups that travel to Europe. This tour is a proof of our in depth knowledge and dedication to provide best services and unique destination. A combination of 4  Amazing countries France , Spain , Portugal and Italy. That influence and played an important role in the history of the Catholic Church.



Marian Pilgrimage Fatima

Day 1: Departure USA

Day 2: arrival paris, day 3: tour louvre, day 4: lourdes tour and burgos, day 5: burgos & avila, day 6 bathala & fatima, day 7 lisbon & fly to rome, day 8 vatican & colloseum, day 9 departure, tour location, history of lourdes, make your own memories.

voyage paris fatima portugal


Where to sleep?

voyage paris fatima portugal

Where to eat?

voyage paris fatima portugal

What to do?


The Sanctuary of Fátima encloses an atmosphere of serenity and light, inviting prayers, reflection and harmony of spirit. Regardless of religious belief, no one stands indifferent to the universe of tranquillity and faith that it is found there.


Planning a Trip


Fatima by Night

What to do.

See all the places that Fátima and the region have reserved for you.

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Welcome to Fatima, Portugal

Dear pilgrim of Fatima: welcome to our official website.

We schedule guided tours for those willing to experience the Sanctuary of Fatima (Portugal) and the surrounding places related to the Angel of Peace and Our Lady apparitions. We provide an intimate and personalized full-day tour with a local professional guide.

We are waiting for you here, in the Virgin Mary's land, in the «altar of the world».

1st Part: Morning Tour

Our guided tour starts in Cova da Iria and includes a presentation and guided tour to the Sanctuary of Fatima and its main references, which include: the Chapel of the Apparitions (considered as "the heart" of the Marian Shrine and where the Virgin Mary appeared in 1917); the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary (where can be visited the tombs of the three little shepherds: Lucia dos Santos, St. Francisco and St. Jacinta Marto); and the modern Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity .

2nd Part: Afternoon Tour

Our guided tour continues to the surrounding apparition sites of the Angel of Peace , along with the place of the 4th apparition of Our Lady in August 19, 1917, who took place in Valinhos . We will also go to Aljustrel village to visit the late 19th century family houses of the three seers of Our Lady. The guided tour ends with a visit to the Parish Church of Fatima where the three shepherd children were baptized. All visits described are made by walking tour.

Sightseeing tours Places of interest

Sister lucia's house.

This is the family home of Lucia dos Santos – Sister Lucia, the main seer of the Virgin Mary apparitions in Cova da Iria, Fátima, Portugal.

Francisco and Jacinta's House

This is the family home of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the little shepherds to whom Our Lady appeared in Cova da Iria, Fátima, Portugal.

Aljustrel village

Aljustrel is a small village that became famous for being the birthplace of Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta – the three little shepherds of Fatima.

Francisco and Jacinta's Room

Bedroom where were born the saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto, little shepherds to whom Our Lady appeared in Cova da Iria, Fatima, Portugal.

Loca do Cabeço / Valinhos

The place of the 1st and 3rd apparitions of the Angel of Peace – known as the Guardian Angel of Portugal – is located in Valinhos, Fatima.

Hungarian Calvary / Valinhos

The Way of the Cross stations in Fatima and the Calvary were offered by Hungarian Catholics, refugees in Portugal after the soviet invasion.

Chapel of King Saint Stephen

The Chapel dedicated to the King Saint Stephen was offered by Hungarian Catholics, refugees in Portugal after the soviet invasion of Hungary.

Parish Church of Fatima

The Parish Church of Fatima is where the three little shepherds were baptized and where Saint Francisco Marto spent many hours in adoration to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Wax Museum of Fatima

The Wax Museum of Fatima depicts the whole history of Our Lady of Fatima apparitions in 31 scenes with 119 wax figures.

Our Lady of the Rosary Basilica

The Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary is the main temple of the Sanctuary of Fatima. It was consecrated to the Marian invocation presented by Our Lady during her apparitions in 1917.

Chapel of the Apparitions

The Chapel of the Apparitions is a small chapel located in Cova da Iria that was constructed in the 1920s to mark the exact place where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Portugal.

Basilica of the Holy Trinity

The Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity is the latest temple built in the complex of the Sanctuary of Fatima. This Minor Basilica was designed by the Greek architect Alexandros Tombazis.

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ortiga

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ortiga marks the place where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared around 1758 to a mute shepherdess and where she promised that would bestow many graces.

Eucharistic Miracle (Santarém)

The Church of St. Stephen – current Sanctuary of the Most Holy Miracle – in Santarém marks the place where the sacred particles of the 13th century Eucharistic miracle are preserved.

Shrine of Our Lady of Nazaré

The Shrine of Our Lady of Nazaré dates back to the 14th century. It evokes the famous miracle that occurred through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1182.

Monastery of Batalha

The Monastery of Saint Mary of the Victory was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This monument was also elected as one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.

Monastery of Alcobaça

The Monastery of Saint Mary of Alcobaça was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This monument was also elected as one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.

Óbidos – The medieval village

UNESCO considered the iconic Portuguese medieval village of Óbidos as a "literary city". Its castle has been declared one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.

Special offers

We provide all the necessary materials so that you may have the best visit / pilgrimage to Fátima, Portugal: printed color maps, tourist itineraries, prayer cards of Our Lady of Fatima and of the three little shepherds, etc.

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Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes Faith Tour

Description. route of Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes tour

9 Days / 8 Nights

Our Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes tour is our most popular pilgrimage package. Your spiritual pilgrimage will be accompanied by a Catholic priest and professional tour guide throughout your adventure for a holistic spiritual experience. Travel between important holy shrines through Spain by deluxe motorcoach, and visit Salamanca, Alba de Tormes, Avila, Burgos, and Loyola before arriving in Lourdes. Experience a true Fatima pilgrimage, visit the holy sites of Our L ady of Lourdes, and more with our faith tour of a lifetime. See our sample itinerary below!

Day 1: Arrive in Lisbon

Upon landing at Lisbon airport, claim your baggage proceed to the arrival hall, where your tour guide and/or driver will greet you. In the afternoon, enjoy a panoramic tour of Lisbon, which will include St. Jerome's Monastery, built to give thanks to the Virgin Mary. We will drive by the Belem Tower and many landmarks, like; the 25th of April Bridge, the Basilica of the Star, and the Marquee of Pombal Square. Our last stop will be St. Anthony's Church. The patron saint of lost things is best known as St. Anthony of Padua (Italy), but he was born and baptized here in Lisbon, Portugal. The Church where we will celebrate Mass was built upon the site of St. Anthony's birth. Welcome dinner and overnight in Lisbon.


  • Tour the coastal city of Lisbon
  • St. Jerome's Monastery
  • Belem Tower
  • 25th of April Bridge
  • St. Anthony's Church

Day  2: Lisbon - Santarem - Fatima

Today, we will head to Fatima. On the way, we will stop at St. Stephens Church in the town of Santarem to celebrate Mass and venerate the 13th century Eucharistic Miracle. Continue to Fatima - this hamlet of Aljustrel, is the birthplace and home of the three shepherd children. Dinner and overnight in Fatima.

  • Church of St. Stephen
  • Hamlet of Aljustrel
  • Parish Church & Cemetary

Day  3: Fatima

Today will surely be a memorable experience as you pray and meditate at one of Our Blessed Mother's apparition sites. Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children; Lucia (age 10), Jacinta (age 7), and Francisco (age 9). These apparitions occurred monthly from May until October of 1917. Historically, as the entire world was in turmoil amidst World War I, the most prominent message from Our Lady of Fatima was to pray for world peace. In her messages to the children, specifically in the second secret, she mentioned the destruction of the world. Our profoundly reflective day begins with a visit to the Little Chapel of the Apparitions simple, yet modern, which is the site where the Virgin Mary first appeared on May 13th in 1917. Follow with a visit to the stunning neoclassical Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary. This Sacred space contains the tombs of St. Francisco, St. Jacinta, and Sister Lucia. View the monument that commemorates the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the square. Our Lady's messages included consistent reminders to pray the Rosary - the Basilica honors this, by featuring fifteen altars dedicated to the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. While in the Basilica, you will feel, through the love of Our Lord and Lady, the many graces received here. Visit the museum with the exhibition: "Fatima: Light and Peace". Continue with a visit to the Holy Trinity Basilica. After free time for lunch, we will experience Christ's unconditional love by participating in the Stations of the Cross along the Via Sacra. "The Sacred Way" marks the path the shepherd children took to the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. The path is composed of fifteen small chapels in commemoration of the Passion of Our Lord. The fifteenth station, the Resurrection, can be found close to the Chapel of Calvary, dedicated to St. Stephen, King of Hungary. The day ends with a visit to Valinhos, the site of Our Lady's August 19th, 1917 Apparition, which was also the first and third apparition of the Angel. Your night will conclude with private devotions and a candlelight procession, requested by Our Lady (1917). Enjoy dinner and a comfortable night's rest in Fatima.

  • Little Chapel of the Apparitions
  • Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Museum expo - Fatima: Light and Peace
  • Holy Trinity Basilica
  • Stations of the Cross - Via Sacra
  • Private devotions & candlelight procession

Day  4: Fatima - Salamanca

Depart Fatima and head to Salamanca, following a full breakfast at the hotel. Salamanca is a city in the Castilla y Leon region known for its large university, the oldest in Spain that is still active along with its prominent culture. Our walking tour will bring us to the most noteworthy sites, such as; the grand Plaza Mayor, an iconic square filled with food, shopping, and city events. La Clerecia, a church, and college of the Jesuit Order constructed in the seventeenth century. La Casa de las Conchas currently a public library and monument, decorated with shells that symbolize the famous pilgrimage to Santiago (El Camino). The University of Salamanca is the oldest University in Spain and the third oldest in Europe. The Roman Bridge is a national monument that extends along the River Tormes and is among Salamanca's sturdiest bridges. La Iglesia de San Marcos, constructed in the Romanesque style contains breathtaking paintings that portray many scenes of Our Lady's life. La Iglesia de San Martin is a Church devoted to St. Martin de Porres, who is the patron saint of mixed-race people and all those seeking interracial harmony. Visit the inside of the two joint Salamanca Cathedrals (old and new), one Romanesque style and the other Gothic style. Following this eventful day, you will return to your hotel for a delicious meal and overnight at your hotel in Salamanca.

  • Grand Plaza Mayor
  • La Clerecia
  • La Casa de las Conchas
  • University of Salamanca
  • Roman Bridge
  • La Iglesia de San Marcos
  • Salamanca Cathedrals (old and new)

Day  5: Salamanca - Alba de Tormes - Avila - Burgos

This morning, following breakfast, you will board the bus and enjoy a short transfer to the village of Alba de Tormes. This town is home to the Carmelite Monastery that Saint Teresa founded in 1571. Upon arrival in Alba de Tormes, celebrate Mass at the Monastery where she died and was buried. Following Mass, you will have the opportunity to visit the museum dedicated to St. Teresa of Avila, which also holds her incorrupt heart and left arm. Enjoy free time for lunch on your own before continuing to the medieval city of Avila. Upon arrival in Avila, you will immediately notice the perfectly preserved eleventh-century walls surrounding the old town. The conservation of architecture in this city, to which St. Teresa was born, deems its shrines, convents, and churches necessary to visit any Catholic pilgrimage. The Cathedral de Avila encompasses the Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance styles of its time with its artwork and architecture. La Basilica de San Vicente in Avila stands on the site of the martyrdom of St. Vincent. Visit the Incarnation Convent, where St. Teresa became a nun. Saint Teresa convinced Saint John of the Cross to reform the male Carmelite order, the reform she started when she met Saint John in Medina del Campo. After walking in the footsteps of St. Teresa, continue your journey to Burgos. Upon arrival in the historic capital of Old Castile, enjoy dinner. Following dinner, you will have the opportunity to explore the city of Burgos and admire its magnificent limestone, gothic-style Cathedral. Late this evening, you will return to your hotel for a restful overnight.

  • Carmelite Monastery
  • Museum of St. Teresa of Avila
  • Cathedral de Avila
  • La Basilica de San Vicente
  • Incarnation Convent
  • Burgos Cathedral

Day  6: Burgos - Loyola - Lourdes

Following breakfast, transfer from Burgos to Loyola to visit the birthplace of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit Order. St. Ignatius dedicated himself to becoming a soldier of the Christian faith, and as a result of many tribulations, he wrote the ever-famous Spiritual Exercises. In Loyola, you will see the 17th-century Basilica dedicated to this remarkable saint - the Basilica is part of a series of buildings surrounding the "Holy House," or birthplace of St. Ignatius. When you visit these Holy places, you will also have the opportunity to pray at the most venerated room, where St. Ignatius prayed and began his conversion. After meditating on the life of this founder of the Jesuit Order, enjoy free time for lunch. We will continue to Lourdes for a spectacular view of the Pyrenees Mountains. Upon arrival in Lourdes, you will check-in to your hotel and enjoy a splendid dinner and peaceful overnight.

  • Holy House - birthplace of St. Ignatius
  • Basilica of St. Ignatius
  • Pyrenees mountains vista

Day  7 & 8: Lourdes

Over the next two days, you will stay in a small town nestled within the Pyrenees Mountains. During your time in Lourdes, you will pray and meditate in yet another site of Our Lady's apparitions. Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette in 1858 and announced herself as "The Immaculate Conception" near the Grotto of Massabielle. During the first two apparitions, little Bernadette prayed the Rosary with Our Lady. She left without exchanging any words. During the following apparitions, Our Lady emphasized God's love for us, penance, and the necessity of performing acts of penance for sinners. Throughout your time in Lourdes, you will have the opportunity to attend Mass at the Grotto, where Our Lady appeared to Bernadette. Here you have opportunities to watch a video presentation that explains in detail the story of Lourdes; drink water from the miraculous spring that has healed many or submerge yourself in the healing baths. You will have the opportunity to experience Christ's unconditional love as you meditate upon the "life-size" Stations of the Cross that overlook the Grotto of Massabielle. You will walk in and meditate upon the footsteps of St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to see Boly Mill, the birthplace of St. Bernadette, and the "Cachot," an abandoned prison where Bernadette's impoverished family lived. Each evening following dinner, you will have an opportunity to attend the candlelight procession and the Rosary before a restful overnight.

  • Our Lady of Lourdes holy site
  • Mass at the Grotto
  • Drink & bath in water from the miraculous healing spring
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Grotto of Massabielle
  • Boly Mill - birthplace of St. Bernadette

Day  9: Departure

After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, leave by motorcoach and transfer to the Toulouse, Pau, or Lourdes airport for return flights home.

What's Included

Your trip includes:.

  • Hotels: 8 nights in first class (4 stars) hotels. Please see sample hotels by clicking on the "Hotels" tab.
  • Transfers as per the itinerary are available if booking air with us
  • Breakfast and dinner daily
  • Wine with dinners
  • Assistance of a professional local Catholic guide(s)
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
  • Catholic Priest available for Spiritual Direction
  • Mass daily & Spiritual activities

Not included:

  • Transfers (free if air is included in package)
  • Travel insurance - optional
  • Cancel for Any Reason protection - optional
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Add-on airfare from your hometown. Please inquire

If you wish to be paired up in a double room with a roommate (same gender), please indicate in the reservation process.

Dates & Rates

  • Rates are per person in US dollars
  • Prices can change at any time and without previous notice
  • Dates shown are for tour land departure. If you are taking an overnight flight to reach the tour city of origin plan to leave one day earlier than date shown in table
  • Rates do not include cost of flight. Please indicate in the reservation process that you will need air and a quote will be submitted for your review. Note that we can only book air departures from the USA.

Roommate requests

This is a very popular request for Faith tours. If you are looking to share the costs of your room/trip with a same genre roommate, please make a note in the reservation process and we'll send you the terms and conditions

Booking your Faith tour

  • A $400 per person deposit is required at the time of booking with a completed reservation application
  • Deposit and/or payment in full must be received within 7 days of booking or reservation will cancel
  • Full payment is due 60 days prior to the departure date
  • If a booking is made within 60 days of departure, full payment is required at the time of booking
  • If deposit is received less than 30 days before departure, please include a $50 late fee with your final payment.
  • Packages shipped outside of the USA will incur additional shipping charges
  • Final documents are issued upon receipt of final payment only and within 3 weeks of departure

Cancellation Policy

  • Air inclusive reservations. Once air tickets are issued the ticket value is non-refundable
  • Once a deposit or partial/full payment has been made, cancellations will only be accepted in writing. Cancellation terms will be applied based on the date that the written cancellation is received. In addition to a $300 per person administration fee, the following charges apply:
  • 46 - 60 days prior to departure 10%
  • 21 - 45 days prior to departure 50%
  • 3 - 20 days prior to departure 80%.
  • 02 days prior to departure or less no refund
  • Requests for a refund must be in writing (mail, fax or e-mail). Phone calls cannot be used as a form of cancellation. Refunds will be issued within 30 to 60 days of receipt of written notice No change of names or substitutions are permitted. No refund or cancellation fees will be waived due to death or sickness.

I want to book. What do I do next?

  • Click on the Book Now button to send your reservation request
  • No payment will be collected at this time
  • Our travel Associate will contact you via email to answer any questions and book your Package
  • If you don't plan to book at this time please click here to contact us with any questions or concerns about your trip or your holiday

Booking Changes

  • After a reservation is confirmed any changes that would reduce services to your order/booking is subject to a $100 nonrefundable fee.If you wish to change to a different departure date outside of 60 days prior to departure $100 non- refundable transfer fee will apply. Within 60 days prior to departure graduated penalties may apply. Example: If you book Air and Land package then reduce your package to Land Only after your booking is confirmed will result in a $100 fee.

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No price gimmicks.

In those cases where we are not the tour operator, we do not charge booking fees, convenience fees, courtesy fees, and we do not mark up our prices or add commission. The rates you see from us is the price you see if you were going to book directly with the tour operator in Portugal or Spain.

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In those cases where we are not the tour operator, we pass on any discounts and promotions from the tour operators to you. If you get a lower price for the same exact package let us know and we'll match it.

Superior Hotels

Burgos, spain - abba burgos.

voyage paris fatima portugal

A quarter mile from Burgos Cathedral, Abba Burgos provides free use of the heated indoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and pedal tennis court. There is free Wi-Fi in all areas of the property.

On the Santiago Pilgrimage Route, the Abba Burgos is next to Castillo Park and across from Atapuerca Convention Centre. Burgos Castle is a 5-minute walk away. The hotel offers great views of the city.

The bright, air-conditioned rooms have satellite TV, a safe and a minibar. There is a work desk and suit press, and the private bathroom comes with amenities and a hairdryer.

The Abba restaurant serves fresh, seasonal dishes and features a terrace with views of the city. There is a cafe-bar, and room service is available.

There is a 24-hour front desk, and a laundry, ironing and dry cleaning service is available. 

voyage paris fatima portugal

Salamanca - Abba Fonseca

voyage paris fatima portugal

In the historic center of this city, Abba Fonseca is a contemporary-style hotel with an old stone facade, providing spacious and cheerful bedrooms.

Providing views of the magnificent cathedral in Salamanca, this is the perfect hotel from which to admire this historic city.

With an on-site gym, in Abba Fonseca you can get active in this hotel. After some exercise you can unwind in the small spa facility, with sauna and hot tub.

Return to the hotel in the evening for a light snack or a 3-course meal with friends or colleagues. Then head to the bar, terrace or cafe for a drink and a chat.

voyage paris fatima portugal

Lourdes - Grand Hotel Moderne

Facade of Grand Hotel Moderne |

Lourdes Grand Hotel Moderne was built in 1896, a fine example of late 19th-century French architecture. It is in a great location in Lourdes, 150 feet from the Sanctuaries.

Spacious and elegant, the rooms are decorated with a classic French style and have large and comfortable beds. Some include a private balcony.

The Grand Hotel Moderne hotel features a nice bar and cozy restaurant. Le Majorelle serves typical French-Italian cuisine in a stylish setting with decorative wall moldings, wood accents and Italian marble from Carrara.

A Baroque facade leads to Art Nouveau-style interiors, charm, elegance and comfort in the heart of Lourdes. The convenient location near the city’s main tourist sites make the Grand Hotel Moderne a stylish base when staying in Lourdes.

Bedroom of Grand Hotel Moderne |

Lisbon - Hotel Mundial

voyage paris fatima portugal

Set in Lisbon’s Baixa Pombalina district, this 4-star hotel features a terrace with panoramic city views. It is a 2-minute walk from Rossio Square and offers free on-site private parking.

Rooms at the Hotel Mundial have air conditioning and traditional-style furnishings. They come equipped with satellite TV and a minibar. The private bathrooms include a bathrobe and hairdryer.

The Veranda de Lisboa Restaurant offers local cuisine in an a la carte style. Both the restaurant and the rooftop bar offer extensive views of Lisbon. There is also a wine cellar, where guests can attend wine tasting sessions hosted by experts.

Hotel Mundial is a 5-minute drive from St. George's Castle, and is a 10-minute walk from various shops and restaurants.

voyage paris fatima portugal

Fatima - Hotel Santa Maria - Fatima

voyage paris fatima portugal

A 2-minute walk from the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, this hotel’s modern architecture lets in lots of daylight. It features spacious rooms and art works by Portuguese artists.

Santa Maria’s restaurant lays nestled on the hotel’s green grounds. It offers regional Portuguese cuisine as well as various international dishes. There is-athroom amenities. The rooms have free Wi-Fi and soft, carpeted floors.

Santa Maria hotel also features a meditation room and hotel chapel. There is a terrace on the 4th floor with views of the sanctuary.

voyage paris fatima portugal

Lisbon - Marques de Pombal Hotel

Hotel Marques de Pombal view Lisbon |

Hotel Marques de Pombal is a superior four star hotel featuring individually decorated rooms with floor-to-ceiling paintings and free internet, this 4-star hotel is located on the Avenida da Liberdade. Marques de Pombal Metro Station is 50 feet away.

A well-equipped gym with professional trainers is featured at Hotel Marques De Pombal. Guests can relax in the Finnish sauna and in the hammam, or request treatments at the beauty salon.

Lisbon-themed black-and-white pictures decorate the rooms of Marques De Pombal Hotel. Flat-screen TVs and iPod docks can be found in each room, and some rooms offer a view over the boulevard.

Restaurant Blu serves a range of international dishes, and guests can enjoy an after-dinner drink at the adjacent bar. An extensive breakfast, including rolls, fresh fruits and hot dishes, is served daily.

Santo Antonio is a great choice for travelers interested in monuments , history and architecture .

voyage paris fatima portugal

Similar Packages

Vatican view from bridge

Fatima, Spain, Lourdes, Rome Faith Tour

12 Days/ 11 Nights.  The popular Fatima, Spain and Lourdes pilgrimage adding 3 nights in Rome.

voyage paris fatima portugal

6 Night Fatima Faith Tour

7 Days/6 Nights. Visit Fatima beginning with a night in Lisbon. Additional time for private prayer, reflection, and retreat

pbx portuguese way santiago

Portuguese Way to Santiago de Compostela

14Days/13 Nights. This self-guided walking Tour, with accommodations included and luggage transportation, starts from Porto, passing through Vilar Pinheiro, Barcelos, Balugaes, Ponte de Lima, Pecene, Tui, Redondela, Pontevedra, Caldas de Reis, Padron and ending in Santiago de Compostela.

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For some packages you may be given a choice of different package types. They should be listed on the “Dates & Rates” tab:

  • Superior/Premier – Includes first class 4-star lodging. May include 5-star lodging.
  • Comfort/Standard – Includes 4-star tourist class lodging. May include first class 3-star lodging.

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Comfort: May include 3 star tourist class, 3 star superior, and 4 star tourist class hotels Boutique: Independent, more intimate smaller 4 star hotels characteristic of the area being visited. May include 5 star. Superior: Includes First class 4 star Hotels. May include 5 star.

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  1. Vol Paris Fátima dès 26€

    Réserver vos vols Paris Fátima dès 26€ sur Omio. Trouver des billets d'avions pas chers et les horaires de départ facilement. ... Transavia France, easyJet, Air France et TAP Portugal: Vols depuis Paris vers Fátima parcours 1 347 kms itinéraire Le trajet prend environ 2 h 35 min ; avec nos partenaires de voyage comme Vueling Airlines ...

  2. Paris à Fátima par Train, Avion, Bus, Voiture de luxe, Voiture

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  3. Paris to Fatima

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  5. Train Paris → Fátima

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  6. Votre séjour à Fatima

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  9. Fátima

    The radio station Radio Maria (Portugal) has a studio and chapel in Fátima that can be visited by all tourists and pilgrims, allowing everyone to get closer to the world of FM and digital radio. 39.605548 -8.626006 12 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ortiga ( Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Ortiga ).

  10. Fatima: when to go, things to do and where to stay

    Chapel of the Apparitions. 3 Cova de Iria, 2496-908 Fátima, Portogallo. The Chapel of the Apparitions was built in 1920 at the exact location where the three shepherds have witnessed the apparition of the Holy Mary in 1917. According to the history, it was the Virgin to ask them to build a chapel in her honor.

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    The cheapest way to get from Paris to Fatima (Station) costs only €112, and the quickest way takes just 6 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... What companies run services between Paris, France and Fatima (Station), Portugal? Blablabus operates a bus from Paris City Centre - Bercy Seine to Fatima 6 times a week. Tickets cost ...

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    Browse the best tours in Fatima with 6,409 reviews visiting places like Fatima and Lisbon. All Major Brands. Biggest selection. Best Prices. APRIL SALE: Discover and book at up to 60% off! Ends on 1 May, 2024. 0. ... One gets an excellent birds-eye overview of Portugal. Value for money for sure! Hotels were well selected & of a very good standard.

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  20. Home

    The Sanctuary of Fátima encloses an atmosphere of serenity and light, inviting prayers, reflection and harmony of spirit.Regardless of religious belief, no one stands indifferent to the universe of tranquillity and faith that it is found there. VisitFátima

  21. Fatima Tourism

    We schedule guided tours for those willing to experience the Sanctuary of Fatima (Portugal) and the surrounding places related to the Angel of Peace and Our Lady apparitions. We provide an intimate and personalized full-day tour with a local professional guide. We are waiting for you here, in the Virgin Mary's land, in the «altar of the world».

  22. Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes Faith Tour

    9 Days / 8 Nights. Our Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes tour is our most popular pilgrimage package. Your spiritual pilgrimage will be accompanied by a Catholic priest and professional tour guide throughout your adventure for a holistic spiritual experience. Travel between important holy shrines through Spain by deluxe motorcoach, and visit Salamanca ...