Proposal Template AI

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Field Trip Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template Download + How to Write it

Planning the perfect field trip with a field trip proposal template.

As a teacher or school administrator, organizing a successful and educational field trip requires careful planning and preparation. To ensure that the field trip is beneficial for both students and educators, a well-thought-out proposal is essential. A field trip proposal template serves as a valuable tool in outlining the details of the excursion, including its purpose, learning objectives , logistics, and budget. Unlike a standard proposal, a field trip proposal template is specifically tailored to address the unique considerations and requirements of organizing a school trip . In this article, we will explore the importance of using a field trip proposal template and how it can streamline the planning process for a memorable and enriching educational experience.

Field Trip Proposal Template

Title of field trip proposal, example: exploration of local ecosystems.

Description: Our field trip will involve exploring the various ecosystems in our local area, including a visit to a nearby forest, a river, and a wetland. Students will have the opportunity to observe and learn about the different plant and animal species that inhabit these environments, as well as the importance of preserving and conserving natural habitats.

Educational Objectives : – To understand the interconnectedness of different ecosystems – To learn about native flora and fauna – To appreciate the importance of environmental conservation

Activities: 1. Guided nature walk through the forest 2. Observing and identifying plant and animal species 3. Water quality testing at the river 4. Bird watching at the wetland

Logistics: – Date: April 15th – Location: Local forest, river, and wetland – Duration: 6 hours – Transportation: School bus

Budget: – Transportation: $500 – Guides and educators: $300 – Supplies (binoculars, field guides, water testing kits): $200 – Total: $1000

Rationale: Exploring local ecosystems will provide students with a hands-on learning experience and foster a deeper understanding of the natural world around them. This field trip aligns with our science curriculum and will enhance students’ environmental literacy.

My advice on Title of Field Trip Proposal: Be sure to clearly state the focus and purpose of the field trip in the title. This will give stakeholders a clear understanding of what the proposal entails from the outset.

Risk Assessment for Field Trip

Example: geological field trip.

Hazards: 1. Uneven terrain and rocky outcrops 2. Exposure to the elements (sun, wind, rain) 3. Potential encounters with wildlife 4. Sustaining injuries while hiking

Control Measures: 1. Students will be briefed on safe hiking practices and will be required to wear appropriate footwear. 2. Students will be advised to bring sunblock, hats, and rain gear as needed. 3. Educators will be equipped with bear spray and first aid kits. 4. Students will be encouraged to stay in groups and be mindful of their surroundings during the hike.

Emergency Procedures: – In the event of an injury, educators will have first aid training and will be able to provide immediate medical assistance. – In case of wildlife encounters, students will be instructed on how to react and educators will take necessary precautions to ensure student safety.

Assessment: The risk assessment has been thoroughly reviewed and appropriate control measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of all participants during the field trip.

My advice on Risk Assessment for Field Trip: When conducting a risk assessment , it’s important to identify potential hazards and devise effective control measures to mitigate any risks. This demonstrates a proactive approach to safety and helps to instill confidence in stakeholders.

Consent Form for Field Trip

Example: parent/guardian permission slip for museum field trip.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are planning an educational field trip to the local museum to enhance our students’ learning experience. The trip is scheduled for May 1st and will involve guided tours and interactive exhibits related to our history curriculum. We are seeking your permission for your child to participate in this enriching opportunity.

Details of Field Trip: – Date: May 1st – Location: Local museum – Departure time: 9:00 AM – Return time: 3:00 PM – Cost: $10 per student (includes admission and transportation)

Emergency Contact Information : In the event of an emergency, we will contact the primary guardian listed on the school records. Please ensure that your contact information is updated and accurate.

Permission and Consent: I, [Parent/Guardian Name], give permission for my child, [Student Name], to participate in the museum field trip on May 1st. I understand that all reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure my child’s safety and well-being during the trip.

Signature: _ _ _ _ [Parent/Guardian Signature] Date: _ ___

Emergency Contact Information: – Name: _ _ _ – Relationship to student: _ _ _ – Phone number: _ _ _ __

My advice on Consent Form for Field Trip: When creating a consent form, it’s important to provide all necessary details about the field trip, including the purpose, location, and emergency contact information. This ensures that parents/guardians are fully informed and can make an informed decision about granting permission for their child to participate.

Download free Field Trip Proposal Template in Word DocX, Powerpoint PPTX, and PDF. We included Field Trip Proposal Template examples as well.

Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template PDF and Examples Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template Word Document

Download Free Field Trip Proposal Template Powerpoint

How do I fill out the Field Trip Proposal Template?

You can fill out the Field Trip Proposal Template by simply entering the required information in each section of the template. Be sure to provide all necessary details about the proposed field trip, including the purpose, destination, activities, and budget.

What information should be included in the Purpose section of the Field Trip Proposal Template?

In the Purpose section of the Field Trip Proposal Template, you should include a clear and specific explanation of why the field trip is being proposed. This may include educational objectives , cultural enrichment, or team-building activities, depending on the nature of the trip.

Are there any specific guidelines for selecting a destination for the field trip?

When selecting a destination for the field trip, it’s important to consider factors such as the educational value, safety, accessibility, and cost. Additionally, you should ensure that the chosen destination aligns with the purpose of the trip and provides meaningful learning opportunities for the participants.

How should I determine the budget for the proposed field trip?

To determine the budget for the proposed field trip, you should consider costs such as transportation, admission fees, meals, and accommodations (if applicable). It’s important to be thorough and realistic when estimating expenses to ensure that the trip is financially feasible.

What should be included in the Activities section of the Field Trip Proposal Template?

In the Activities section of the Field Trip Proposal Template, you should outline the specific activities and experiences that participants will engage in during the trip. This may include guided tours, workshops, interactive demonstrations, or hands-on learning opportunities.

What is the approval process for the field trip proposal?

The approval process for the field trip proposal may vary depending on the organization or institution. Typically, the proposal will need to be reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders, such as department heads, school administrators, or event coordinators. It’s important to follow any specific guidelines or protocols for submitting and obtaining approval for the proposed trip.

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Contoh Proposal Field Trip Sd

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Pengertian Field Trip

Field trip adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan di luar kelas atau di luar sekolah. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa di luar lingkungan sekolah. Field trip merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif untuk memperluas pengetahuan siswa.

Manfaat Field Trip

Field trip memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar bagi siswa. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat field trip untuk siswa:

  • Memperluas pengetahuan siswa
  • Meningkatkan kreativitas siswa
  • Memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa
  • Meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa
  • Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa

Contoh Proposal Field Trip SD

Berikut adalah contoh proposal field trip untuk siswa SD:

Judul Proposal: Field Trip ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Latar belakang.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia. Taman ini memiliki berbagai macam miniatur bangunan dan budaya dari seluruh Indonesia. Selain itu, taman ini juga memiliki berbagai macam wahana dan atraksi yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Oleh karena itu, kami ingin mengadakan field trip ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah untuk siswa SD.

Tujuan dari kegiatan field trip ini adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa tentang berbagai macam budaya dan bangunan dari seluruh Indonesia. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dan memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan bagi siswa.

Waktu dan Tempat

Kegiatan field trip ini akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 24 Juli 2021 dan akan dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB sampai dengan pukul 16.00 WIB. Tempat kegiatan adalah Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Peserta kegiatan ini adalah siswa kelas 3 SD sebanyak 30 orang, 2 orang guru pendamping, dan 1 orang pengemudi bus.

Berikut adalah kegiatan yang akan dilakukan selama field trip ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah:

  • Mengunjungi berbagai macam miniatur bangunan dan budaya dari seluruh Indonesia
  • Mengikuti atraksi dan wahana yang ada di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
  • Mengikuti sesi tanya jawab tentang budaya dan bangunan dari seluruh Indonesia
  • Membeli oleh-oleh khas dari Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Peralatan dan Perlengkapan

Berikut adalah peralatan dan perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan field trip ini:

  • Bus pariwisata
  • Air mineral
  • Makanan ringan

Berikut adalah anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan field trip ini:

  • Sewa bus pariwisata: Rp. 3.000.000,-
  • Tiket masuk Taman Mini Indonesia Indah: Rp. 150.000,-
  • Makanan ringan: Rp. 500.000,-
  • Perlengkapan field trip: Rp. 500.000,-

Total anggaran yang dibutuhkan adalah Rp. 4.150.000,-

Contoh Proposal Kegiatan Umum

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Field Trip Project Proposal Template

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Planning a field trip can be a daunting task, especially when you're trying to get approval from multiple stakeholders. But fear not! ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template is here to save the day.

With this template, you can easily create a comprehensive project proposal that will impress decision-makers and ensure a successful field trip. Here's how it can help:

  • Clearly outline the objectives, budget, and logistics of your field trip
  • Present a detailed itinerary and schedule to showcase the educational value
  • Collaborate with team members and gather feedback in real-time
  • Track the progress of your proposal and stay on top of deadlines

Whether you're planning a school outing or an educational excursion, ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template has got you covered. Get started today and make your field trip dreams a reality!

Benefits of Field Trip Project Proposal Template

Planning a successful field trip requires careful organization and coordination. With the Field Trip Project Proposal Template, you can:

  • Clearly outline the purpose, objectives, and logistics of the field trip
  • Provide a detailed budget breakdown to ensure proper allocation of funds
  • Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to ensure the safety of participants
  • Streamline the approval process by presenting a comprehensive proposal to stakeholders
  • Save time and effort by utilizing a pre-designed template that covers all essential aspects of a field trip project proposal.

Main Elements of Field Trip Project Proposal Template

ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal template is the perfect tool to plan and execute successful field trips. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template:

  • Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your field trip project with two statuses - Open and Complete, ensuring that all tasks are completed before the trip begins.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to capture important information such as trip location, budget, transportation details, and participant details, making it easy to access and organize all necessary information.
  • Custom Views: Access two different views - the Project Proposal view and the Getting Started Guide view. The Project Proposal view allows you to outline the project plan, set goals, and assign tasks, while the Getting Started Guide view provides a step-by-step guide to help you kickstart your field trip project.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Collaborate with your team members, assign tasks, set due dates, and communicate seamlessly within ClickUp to ensure a smooth and successful field trip experience.

How to Use Project Proposal for Field Trip

Planning a field trip can be a complex task, but with the Field Trip Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you can streamline the process. Follow these 6 steps to create a comprehensive field trip project proposal:

1. Define the purpose and objectives

Start by clearly defining the purpose of the field trip and the specific objectives you hope to achieve. Are you aiming to provide a hands-on learning experience, foster team building, or expose students to a specific industry? Clearly outlining your goals will help guide the rest of the planning process.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to create and track your field trip objectives.

2. Identify the target audience

Determine the target audience for your field trip. Is it a school group, a corporate team, or a community organization? Understanding the demographics and interests of your audience will help you tailor the trip to their needs and preferences.

Create custom fields in ClickUp to capture important information about your target audience.

3. Research and select a destination

Research various destination options that align with your objectives and target audience. Consider factors such as accessibility, educational value, safety, and cost. Once you have a shortlist of potential destinations, gather more information about each one to make an informed decision.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to compile and compare information about different destination options.

4. Develop an itinerary

Create a detailed itinerary that includes all the activities, visits, and timelines for the field trip. Consider the logistics, such as transportation, meals, and accommodations if necessary. Make sure to include a balance of educational and recreational activities to enhance the overall experience.

Utilize the Calendar view in ClickUp to visually plan and organize your field trip itinerary.

5. Estimate the budget

Determine the estimated budget for the field trip by considering all the expenses involved, including transportation, entry fees, meals, and any additional costs. It's important to be as accurate as possible to ensure that you can secure the necessary funding.

Use the Table view in ClickUp to create a budget spreadsheet and track expenses for your field trip.

6. Prepare the project proposal

Pull all the information together to create a comprehensive project proposal. Include a summary of the purpose and objectives, target audience, destination selection, itinerary, and budget estimate. Clearly communicate the benefits and value of the field trip to gain support and approval from stakeholders.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to create a professional and visually appealing project proposal.

By following these 6 steps and utilizing the Field Trip Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you can effectively plan and present a compelling field trip proposal that meets your objectives and delights your target audience.

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Get Started with ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal Template

Teachers and educators can use this Field Trip Project Proposal Template to streamline the process of planning and organizing educational field trips for their students.

First, hit “Get Free Solution” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to plan a successful field trip:

  • Use the Project Proposal View to outline the details of your field trip, including the purpose, destination, and learning objectives.
  • The Getting Started Guide View will help you create a step-by-step plan for organizing and executing the field trip.
  • Organize tasks into two different statuses: Open and Complete, to track progress.
  • Update statuses as you complete tasks to keep team members informed.
  • Assign tasks to team members and set due dates to ensure accountability.
  • Communicate with stakeholders using Docs and Comments to keep everyone in the loop.
  • Monitor and analyze progress to ensure a smooth and successful field trip.

Related Templates

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  • Maintenance and Repair Project Proposal Template
  • Intramural Project Proposal Template
  • Beauty Salon Project Proposal Template
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Contoh Proposal Field Trip SD

Field trip merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa SD. Dalam field trip, siswa dapat belajar di luar kelas dengan melihat langsung objek yang berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menyajikan contoh proposal field trip SD yang dapat dijadikan referensi dalam menyusun proposal field trip yang efektif dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari pihak sekolah.

1. Latar Belakang

Field trip merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang efektif untuk memperkaya pengetahuan siswa. Dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang relevan dengan materi pelajaran, siswa dapat melihat secara langsung objek yang dipelajari di dalam kelas. Hal ini akan membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif bagi siswa.

Tujuan dari field trip ini adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang berbeda bagi siswa SD. Dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat menarik yang berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat memperdalam pemahaman mereka dan mengembangkan rasa keingintahuan terhadap lingkungan sekitar.

3. Tempat Tujuan

Tempat tujuan field trip ini adalah Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). TMII merupakan taman rekreasi edukatif yang memiliki berbagai macam paviliun yang mewakili kebudayaan dari seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Di TMII, siswa dapat belajar tentang budaya, seni, dan keanekaragaman Indonesia secara langsung.

4. Rencana Kegiatan

Field trip ini akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2022. Rencana kegiatan field trip sebagai berikut:

– Jam 08.00: Persiapan dan pemilihan kelompok

– Jam 08.30: Keberangkatan dari sekolah menuju TMII

– Jam 09.30: Tiba di TMII dan pembagian tugas

– Jam 10.00: Pengenalan TMII dan paviliun-paviliun

– Jam 12.00: Istirahat dan makan siang

– Jam 13.00: Kunjungan ke paviliun-paviliun

– Jam 15.00: Diskusi dan refleksi

– Jam 16.00: Kembali ke sekolah

5. Anggaran Biaya

Untuk melaksanakan field trip ini, kami memperkirakan biaya yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 5.000.000,-. Biaya tersebut akan digunakan untuk transportasi, tiket masuk TMII, makan siang, dan honor pemandu wisata.

Field trip ini memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar bagi siswa SD. Beberapa manfaatnya antara lain:

– Memperkaya pengetahuan siswa tentang budaya dan keanekaragaman Indonesia

– Meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran yang dipelajari di kelas

– Mengembangkan kemampuan sosial siswa melalui interaksi dengan teman sekelas dan pemandu wisata

– Meningkatkan rasa keingintahuan siswa terhadap lingkungan sekitar

7. Kesimpulan

Dengan menyusun proposal field trip SD yang baik dan lengkap, diharapkan pihak sekolah dapat memberikan persetujuan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini. Field trip merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang efektif dan menyenangkan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa. Dengan adanya field trip, diharapkan siswa dapat memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang materi pelajaran dan mengembangkan rasa keingintahuan mereka terhadap lingkungan sekitar.

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How to Write a Field Trip Proposal

Samuel hamilton, 25 jun 2018.

How to Write a Field Trip Proposal

Field trips provide an excellent opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and learn about the world firsthand. Though many field trips are often initiated by school administrators, educators and even students can propose plans for possible field trips. Writing a field trip proposal requires you to identify the school administrators' crucial concerns when planning a field trip: educational purpose, safety and cost.

Explore this article

  • Research Your Topic
  • Propose Objectives
  • Detail Your Outings
  • Organize Your Schedule
  • Determine the Resources You Need
  • Summarize Your Needs

1 Research Your Topic

Start your proposal with a detailed and thoroughly researched background of the educational topic on which your field trip will focus. Include statements connecting your educational topic to state or school educational standards as well as statements explaining why hands-on, first-person experience is the best way to learn about the topic. For example, if you are proposing a field trip to a local pond to collect bug samples, you might indicate that such a field trip would mimic the procedures real entomologists use in the field.

2 Propose Objectives

Outline your proposed field trip's educational objectives. Align your objectives with the state or school educational standards used to construct unit and lesson plans for the discipline in which your proposed field trip best fits. For example, a proposed field trip to a newspaper office might align with standards for composition, editing, proofreading and design.

3 Detail Your Outings

Describe the field trip details. Include the names of any organizations or individuals with whom students might interact as well as the names of businesses or organizations the group might patronize. Remember to be precise when describing how your proposed outings will meet student needs. For example, if the plan is for students to stop for lunch, provide a list of two or three restaurants that will fit the timeframe allotted for lunch, be able to accommodate large groups and fit the trip's budget.

4 Organize Your Schedule

Describe the field trip's schedule. Include the departure and arrival times for each destination as well as the times certain activities—such as planned presentations, meals and breaks—might take place.

5 Determine the Resources You Need

List resources required to take your proposed field trip. In addition to activity costs, include a list of personnel that will chaperone or otherwise work with the trip. Include transportation requirements like how many vans your group will need. Also indicate the items students participating in the field trip will need to bring. Such items might include special clothing or accessories, writing implements or pocket money.

6 Summarize Your Needs

Recap the positive features of your proposed field trip. Reiterate the objectives and emphasize ways that your group can accomplish the trip for maximum education and enjoyment for everyone involved.

  • 1 Scholastic: Planning Field Trips
  • 2 Owlcation: How to Plan a Field Trip

About the Author

Samuel Hamilton has been writing since 2002. His work has appeared in “The Penn,” “The Antithesis,” “New Growth Arts Review" and “Deek” magazine. Hamilton holds a Master of Arts in English education from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Arts in composition from the University of Florida.

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Field Trip Proposal Template

Download this field trip proposal template design in word, google docs, apple pages format. easily editable, printable, downloadable..

Ensuring that your proposal has all the essential information about your upcoming field trip will help you get the approval. If you need help in creating the proposal, we have created a Field Trip Proposal Template just for you!

Our template has strategically used a simple and brief format complete with details relevant to the purpose of your field trip, significance, schedule, and budget. Our team of professional business writers ensured that the content of this template maintains relevance, brevity, and clarity for higher chances of approval.

No need to stress about the effectiveness of your proposal when you use our editable and printable template. Download now!

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FREE 10+ Field Trip Proposal Samples in PDF | MS Word | Apple Pages | Google Docs

sample field trip proposal templates

Field trips are fun and exciting activities for students to participate in. They provide excellent opportunities for students to get out of the four-walled classrooms and learn about the world in firsthand experience. Though a lot of field trips are often planned and initiated by school administrators, teachers and even students can propose ideas for possible field trips. To do that, they must need a proposal to help share their ideas. If you’re a teacher or a student who wants to propose a field trip for your class to partake, you need to make a proposal that will identify the school administrators’ concerns when planning a field trip such as the educational purpose, safety, and expenses. Read the article to know how to create a field trip proposal.

Field Trip Proposal

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field trip proposal

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graduate student field trip proposal

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event field trip proposal

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A field trip , or also called an excursion, is a journey taken by a group of people to a place far away from their usual environment. Most schools have field trips to visit areas outside of the normal classroom. Field trips are usually planned by teachers or principals, or sometimes with the students throwing in suggestions.

There are different purposes for doing field trips in schools. They are done to provide firsthand experience, to stimulate interest and motivation in various subject areas when they get to see their learnings being applied in real life, to strengthen their observation and perception skills, and to promote personal and development.

1. Research The Background of the Field Trip

Your proposal must start with the proposed field trip idea that includes a detailed background of the educational topic that your field trip will focus on. Include statements that explain that first-hand experiences are the best way to learn about the topic and how the field trip can address the students’ needs of learning. Connect your topic to the educational standards of your school to make sure the reader will understand how you’re proposed field trip is important.

2. State Your  Objectives

Identify your field trip’s objectives that align with your school education standards that fit best with your area of discipline. Your objectives are what you hope to achieve during the field trip, and the main goal is for the students to learn something. Your objectives must be more specific than that. The objectives what specific area of learning the students can learn while they’re out in the field.

3.  Describe Your Field Trip Details

This is the part where you will provide more specific details of your proposed field trip. List the name of the venues of your field trip, the date and time of the trip, the students who will participate, the names of the teachers and faculty members assigned to assist the students during the field trip, the transportation to be used, the food and beverage the students and teachers will have, the items that the participating students will need in the trip, the permission slips details to give to parents, the names of organizations, businesses, or individuals that students might interact. List down the estimated budget you will need and break each expense on each aspect. Always remember that when writing down the details of the field trip, be precise in describing them.

4.  Organize the Schedule

This section is where you will outline the trip’s itinerary . This includes the departure and arrival times for each destination, the time for each certain activity like lunch meals, breaks, presentations, etc. that might take place during the trip.

Field trips are trips taken by students outside of their school. Most field trips sites include art museums, zoos, nature centers, fire stations, hospitals , government agencies, local businesses, amusement parks, science museums, factories, aquariums, TV stations, botanical gardens, theatres, movies, and farms.

The answer to that question is yes. Students learn best when they can use their five senses when experiencing things first-hand.  Multi-sensory learning is important to use in learning because it can help the students learn faster and understand their lessons better.

Once you’re done writing your proposal, go over it again to review it to make sure you didn’t miss any important points or details of the field trip. Make sure you highlight the positive features of your field trip and emphasize the ways that your group can accomplish the trip for education and enjoyment for everyone involved. Furthermore, revise any grammatical or spelling mistakes that you have might have in your proposal. To help you get started proposing, download our free sample templates above for you to use as your guide!

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Contoh Proposal

Contoh Proposal Field Trip

Field trip merupakan kegiatan yang kerap berlangsung di sekolah. Kegiatan ini membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya. Beberapa contoh proposal field trip bisa disusun dengan format yang berbeda, tergantung lembaga yang membuatnya.

Namun, contoh-contoh tersebut bisa membantu dalam penyusunan proposal kegiatan yang baru. Untuk mendapatkan contoh proposal yang baik dalam menyusun rencana kegiatan field trip, simak informasi lengkapnya berikut ini.

Table of Contents

Pengertian Proposal

Pengertian Proposal

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), proposal memiliki arti sebagai rencana kegiatan yang tertuang dalam rancangan kerja. Di sisi lain, para ahli juga menjelaskan bahwa proposal memiliki pengertian sebagai rencana yang disusun untuk kegiatan tertentu.

Penyusunan proposal sangat dibutuhkan untuk pelaksanaan sebuah kegiatan. Mulai dari kegiatan umum, pendidikan, hingga kegiatan penelitian semuanya membutuhkan proposal. Maka dari itu, proposal ini harus selesai sebelum kegiatan berlangsung.

Karena berupa rencana, proposal dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan setiap kegiatan. Jenis tulisan ini juga bersifat formal dengan bagian yang sistematis. Adapun tujuan dan struktur proposal ini sebagai berikut:

1. Tujuan Penulisan Proposal

Sesuai penjelasan sebelumnya, proposal disusun dengan tujuan utama sebagai rencana tertulis dari sebuah kegiatan. Namun, dibalik tujuan utama tersebut, ada beberapa tujuan lain yang membuat keberadaan proposal sangat penting, di antaranya:

  • Sebagai bentuk pengajuan izin untuk melakukan kegiatan, sebab proposal diajukan kepada pihak terkait.
  • Sebagai bentuk pengajuan bantuan dana kepada sponsor yang berkaitan dengan tema atau tujuan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai bentuk ajakan kerjasama kepada pihak luar yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai bukti tanggung jawab pelaksanaan kegiatan.
  • Sebagai alat evaluasi setelah kegiatan selesai dilaksanakan.
  • Sebagai arahan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan.

2. Struktur Proposal

Proposal akan diajukan kepada berbagai pihak. Karena itu, dokumen penting ini juga berisi tanda tangan dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kegiatan. Inilah yang menyebabkan proposal bersifat resmi dan harus disusun secara sistematik.

Secara umum, susunan sistematik atau struktur proposal terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup. Pada bagian pendahuluan, akan tercantum latar belakang kegiatan, tujuan, tema kegiatan, serta nama kegiatan.

Sedangkan, bagian isi memuat informasi yang lebih terperinci seputar kegiatan yang akan berlangsung. Beberapa isi tersebut meliputi landasan kegiatan, lokasi, waktu, sasaran kegiatan, susunan acara, susunan panitia, hingga anggaran dana kegiatan.

Terakhir, bagian penutup menyertakan halaman pengesahan dengan tanda tangan pihak terkait. Tidak sedikit pula yang menyertakan lampiran, seperti perhitungan anggaran dana lebih terperinci hingga beberapa bagian yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan dalam penutup ini.

Baca juga: Contoh Proposal Kegiatan Napak Tilas

Pengertian Kegiatan Field Trip

Pengertian Kegiatan Field Trip

Field trip atau kegiatan lapangan merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang membutuhkan proposal. Biasanya, kegiatan ini dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan, mulai dari TK hingga universitas. Memahami contoh proposal field trip akan membantu penyusunan proposal ini dengan baik.

Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan dengan berkunjung ke berbagai tempat bernilai sejarah, seperti museum atau candi. Tujuannya untuk memberikan pengalaman berwisata dengan nilai pendidikan kepada peserta didik.

Ada juga field trip yang bertujuan untuk mengajak peserta didik merasakan langsung pengalaman melakukan pengamatan. Biasanya, kegiatan ini dilakukan di lokasi yang memiliki sumber daya untuk pengamatan tertentu, misalnya di pantai untuk pengamatan hewan laut.

Baca juga: Contoh Proposal IHT

Contoh Proposal Field Trip Download

Memahami contoh proposal akan membantu proposal sebuah kegiatan ditulis dengan baik dan benar. Pasalnya, contohnya berisi bagian-bagian yang dibutuhkan dalam sebuah proposal. Beberapa contoh proposal yang bisa dijadikan acuan, di antaranya:

Ternyata, field trip sangat penting untuk menunjang proses belajar peserta didik. Kegiatan ini juga membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya berlangsung. Maka dari itu, diperlukan contoh proposal field trip untuk membantu penyusunannya.

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  • Contoh Proposal Gedung Sekolah Swadaya Masyarakat

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South Dakota Field Trips

Field trips are a great way to reboot a bad homeschooling week, get out of the house when everyone has cabin fever, and learn about your local area. Before heading out, check out Jeanne's tips for improving homeschool field trips .

South Dakota Homeschool Field Trips

Our listing of South Dakota field trips for homeschoolers is ordered alphabetically by city. If you would like to submit a South Dakota field trip destination, you may do so using the red button above.

Three separate areas in this park cater to the needs of campers, swimmers, naturalists, boaters and anglers. Campers stay in the South Unit, while the 200-acre Forest Drive Unit is a great place for wildlife viewing. The Boat Ramp Unit provides access to the more than 1,000-acre lake.

Richmond Lake Recreation Area website

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One of the largest lakes in the state, Lake Poinsett was named after Joel Poinsett who served as U.S. Secretary of War. He was instrumental in promoting the expedition of Joseph Nicollet and John Fremont who first explored the region in 1838. The party camped on the north side of Lake Poinsett. Today, the lakeshore still provides excellent camping opportunities, as well as many other recreational activities.

Lake Poinsett Recreation Area website

The 8,000-acre Belle Fourche Reservoir was created in 1911, when Orman Dam was constructed to store water for agricultural use. At the time of its completion, Orman Dam was the largest earthen dam in the world. In 1989, Orman Dam was designated a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Rocky Point is the newest park in the South Dakota state park system, and opened in 2006.

Rocky Point Recreation Area website

Rich glacial soils supporting a lush growth of native woods is the scenic setting for this hidden treasure. Horseback riders, hikers, bikers and cross-country skiers enjoy several miles of trail through the forest along Brule Creek. The trees and plants attract a variety of birds sure to keep botanists and birdwatchers entertained for hours. Campers enjoy the quiet well-shaded campsites and the horse camp is the perfect base for a weekend of riding.

Union Grove State Park website

Big Sioux Recreation Area lies on the banks of South Dakota's Big Sioux River. Close to both the cities of Brandon and Sioux Falls, Big Sioux is an ideal place to camp when in the area for sporting events, hospital visits or conferences. Big Sioux is popular among campers, canoers, history buffs and archers. When the snow flies, groups of cross-country skiers and snowmobilers gather at the enclosed warming house.

Big Sioux Recreation Area website

Since 1970, the South Dakota Art Museum has been a place for people from many different parts of the world to enjoy the artistic legacy of South Dakota in all its diversity. Permanent galleries, changing exhibitions, publications, lectures, workshops and guided tours provide the public, artists, university students and faculty with a variety of opportunities to learn about art and engage in the centuries-old dialogue between artist and viewer. The Museum features 6 spacious galleries, the Museum Store and the Kid's Sensation Station.

South Dakota Art Museum website

Nestled among eight connecting glacial lakes, this park provides a never-ending variety of activities throughout the year, from hiking and swimming, to ice fishing and cross-country skiing. Shaded campgrounds and picnic areas complement the park's excellent swimming and boating facilities. The park was once used as a summer camp and an annual gathering spot for American Indians. Later, Samuel Mortimer arrived in 1869 and built the log cabin that still stands at the park. The visitor center showcases an archeology display of items found in the area

Oakwood Lakes State Park website

According to history, American Indian people had encampments in this area. In 1804, George Shannon of the Lewis and Clark expedition was found near the area after being lost for 16 days. Years later, Gregory County began mining gravel from the site. Campground development started in the early 1990s and now Buryanek takes its place as one of the great state park along the Missouri River.

Buryanek Recreation Area website

Lake Vermillion Recreation Area is a popular area for fishermen, boaters and swimmers. During the fall, sportsmen can find waterfowl and upland game within minutes from the park, making it an ideal hunting camp. This 512 acre reservoir is located 27 miles west of Sioux Falls.

Lake Vermillion Recreation Area website

Glaciers created this narrow strip of rolling hills and forest that is part of the geological formation called the Coteau des Prairie, which extends along the eastern boundary of South Dakota. At its highest point, the Coteau rises to more than 2,000 feet above sea level. Artifacts and burial mounds found near the park indicate that a Woodland Indian Culture inhabited this region between 300 B.C. and 900 A.D. The area's unique dark forest, amidst a vast open prairie, has prompted many recent legends, including of buried gold, robbers' hideouts and horse thieves.

Newton Hills State Park website

An 1823 expedition led by Major Stephan Long and geologist William Keating explored the Big Stone Lake region. Shortly after entering present-day South Dakota, they met an American Indian village. Keating wrote in his journal that "The village ... consisted of 30 skin lodges... This permanent residence is on a rocky island (Big Island) ... they cultivate their cornfields secure against aggression of their enemies. "This island is now the 100-acre nature area.

Big Stone Island Nature Area website

Big Stone Lake provides the setting for this popular camping and picnic area nestled in the shade of a native wooded forest. Along the many hiking trails, you can observe wildlife, prairie plants and scenic vistas.

Hartford Beach State Park website

Discover Buried Treasure in Jewel Cave. At 143 miles, Jewel Cave is the second longest cave in the world. It is filled with calcite crystals and other wonders that make up the "jewels" of Jewel Cave National Monument.

Jewel Cave National Monument website

The granite peaks and rolling plains are calling. The clear mountain waters are inviting and the open ranges are waiting to be discovered. Bring your family to Custer State Park and let yourself run wild. Encompassing 71,000 acres in the Black Hills, Custer State Park is home to abundant wildlife and adventure; camping, hiking, biking, swimming, fishing, or relaxing, there's something here for everyone. Filmed in the Black Hills of South Dakota! National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Custer State Park website

The Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC) has the opportunity to protect and make accessible for the first time ever the history of the Homestake Mining Company. The 10,000 cubic foot Homestake Mining Company archival collection is of national significance. While there are many aspects that make the Homestake Mining Company unique, it is also representative of an industry of iconic proportions that dominated and helped settle much of Western America. Mining deeds, land claims, mineral surveys, annual reports, exploration and production records, photographs, assay ledgers, timber contracts and a plethora of other mining-related documents, dating from 1876 to 2002, detail the company's 126-year history in Lead, South Dakota and far beyond.

Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center website

The Adams Museum's leadership in historic preservation led naturally to its involvement in restoring the Victorian home of two of Deadwood's founding families, including the Adams Museum's founder W.E. Adams. Built in 1892, the Queen Anne-style home with its oak interiors, hand-painted canvas wall coverings, stained glass windows, thoroughly modern 19th century plumbing, electricity and telephone service and original furnishings sat silent for almost 60 years after W.E. Adams' death in 1934, when his second wife Mary Adams closed the doors. Mrs. Adams left everything intact from the sheet music in the piano bench, the books in the library, the china in the pantry, to the patent medicines in the bathroom, the gilded settee in the parlor and even the cookies in a cookie jar. The home was purchased by the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission in 1992.

Historic Adams House website

Deadwood's Adams Museum is considered the Black Hills' oldest history museum. Artifacts on display from Deadwood's infamous past reflect the powerful legends of Wild Bill, Calamity Jane and Deadwood Dick. From a one-of-a-kind plesiosaur, the Thoen Stone and W.E. Adams' love letters to a lively folk art collection, Lakota bead and quill work and Potato Creek Johnny's gold nugget; the Adams Museum exhibits capture the mysteries, the tragedies, the bawdiness and the dreams found in the history, art and natural history of the Black Hills.

Adams Museum website

The first crossing for the Watertown-to-Pierre stage line crossed the river here on American Indians' traditional rock river crossing. Belchers Ford, as the site was called, had a hotel for tourists. The park is named after Frank I. Fisher, the first permanent European settler in Spink County who lived at this site. A restored country school at the park reminds visitors of earlier times.

Fisher Grove State Park website

Heritage Hall Museum and Archives in Freeman, SD has 25,000 square feet of exhibits telling the immigration story of settlers who arrived in southeastern Dakota Territory in the 1870s, persevered and built a vibrant community. More than 20,000 artifacts are an excellent resource for Native American and South Dakota history. It includes a functional one-room school. While a self-touring museum, guided tours are available including specifically tailored experiences. The adjacent 40-acre Prairie Arboretum has a mile of walking paths through ponds, grasses, trees and flower gardens.

Heritage Hall Museum & Archives website

Scenic rolling hills, wide expanses of prairie, and one of the most outstanding vistas along the Missouri River await those who love the outdoors. Spend a day, a weekend or week relaxing in this quiet, scenic, almost wilderness area. The miles of sandy beach invite park visitors to play in the water, enjoy a volleyball game, try some shore fishing and walk near the river wave.

Okobojo Point Recreation Area website

The park's three campgrounds give visitors a variety of recreational opportunities, from boating to hiking to disc golf. During the winter, bird watchers can view bald eagles, which roost in the treetops below the dam. The Corps of Engineers began building the dam in 1948 and in 1962 started generating electricity. It's one of the largest constructed reservoirs in the United States, measuring 231 miles connecting the capital cities of South Dakota and North Dakota.

Oahe Downstream Recreation Area website

A day-use park, Spring Creek offers water-lovers access to the Oahe Reservoir. Fishermen try to catch walleye, sauger, northern pike and more, both off shore and from boat. Others just listen to the waves as they crash along the shore.

Spring Creek Recreation Area website

Unusual terrain and a colorful past make Palisades State Park one of the most unique areas in South Dakota. Split Rock Creek, which flows through the park, is lined with Sioux quartzite formations varying from shelves several feet above the water to 50-foot vertical cliffs. Scenic overlooks and rushing water make Palisades a popular getaway. The park is popular among campers, sightseers, picnickers, rock climbers and hikers.

Palisades State Park website

Nestled between Lake Cochrane and Lake Oliver is an 88-acre playground for campers, anglers, boaters and those who simply enjoy the outdoors. Both the quality of the park and the clear, spring-fed lake bring people to this area. Lake Cochrane was named for the area's first homesteader, Byron J. Cochrane, who settled on the south side of the lake in 1872. The area's rich farmlands and attractive setting soon attracted other homesteaders.

Lake Cochrane Recreation Area website

This small, quiet park is a great get-away for those seeking to relax. And, if your idea of relaxation involves a fishing pole, North Wheeler aims to please. With lake access between Pease Creek and Platte Creek, visitors can spend their days on the water and their night relaxing in the campground.

North Wheeler Recreation Area website

With almost 600 acres to explore and easy access to the Missouri River's Lake Francis Case for great fishing, Pease Creek has become a popular day use and camping park. The wooded terrain provides both for shaded campsites and hiking opportunities on the bluffs above Lake Francis Case.

Pease Creek Recreation Area website

A popular campsite for the Arikara and Mandan people in the past, West Whitlock now draws modern-day campers and fishermen to its shores. When the area became a park, it was named for Mrs. J.F. Whitlock, whose pioneering family once owned the land. Whitlock Crossing was the name given to a small settlement that operated a ferry across the river near the area.

West Whitlock Recreation Area website

Situated on the rolling prairie bluffs, the east and west campgrounds provide anglers the opportunity to stay overnight. Two ramps offer access to Lake Oahe for boating and fishing fun.

Swan Creek Recreation Area website

Situated in the heart of the Glacial Lakes Region, Pickerel Lake offers 77 campsites in two campgrounds and access to excellent fishing waters. The swimming beaches are popular spots during hot summer days. A hiking trail in each campground introduces you to the park's many plants and animals.

Pickerel Lake Recreation Area website

Excellent walleye and small mouth bass fishing is supported by a relatively stable lake level and cool water temperatures. With most fishing done from boats, the protected marina offers convenient boat launching, regardless of the wind direction. Add shaded campgrounds and showers, and this park is a dream come true. In the autumn, hunters use this as a base camp to hunt pheasants and Canada geese.

West Bend Recreation Area website

Although small in size, Lake Alvin has become a very popular area. This 59-acre park is best known for its beach facilities and excellent fishing. Its proximity to both Sioux Falls and Newton Hills State Park make it a great place to enjoy a day on the beach.

Lake Alvin Recreation Area website

One of the world's longest and most complex caves and 28,295 acres of mixed-grass prairie, ponderosa pine forest, and associated wildlife are the main features of the park. The cave is well known for its outstanding display of boxwork, an unusual cave formation composed of thin calcite fins resembling honeycombs. The park's mixed-grass prairie is one of the few remaining and is home to native wildlife such as bison, elk, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes, and prairie dogs.

Wind Cave National Park website

Angostura Reservoir is a water-lover's haven in the southern Black Hills. With plenty of room for boating, fishing and swimming, this recreation area attracts visitors to its clear waters and natural sand beaches. The dam was built in 1949 by the Bureau of Reclamation across the Cheyenne River for irrigation purposes but paved the way for recreation. The word "angostura" is Spanish for "narrows."

Angostura Recreation Area website

Containing the world's richest Oligocene epoch fossil beds, dating 37-28 million years old, the evolutionary stories of mammals such as the horse and rhinoceros arise from the 244,000 acres of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles, and spires. Bison, bighorn sheep, endangered black-footed ferrets, and swift fox roam one of the largest, protected mixed-grass prairies in the United States.

Badlands National Park website

More Than a Mountain Carving - Mount Rushmore is most famous for the faces of the four presidents carved on the mountain, but there is a lot more to Mount Rushmore than that! Did you know there are many different species of wildflowers that bloom along the walking paths in the park? Would you like to learn more about these flowers and how the Native Americans used them?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial website

Located on the shores of the Missouri River, just above Fort Randall Dam, the park provides a spectacular river view. Lewis and Clark came up the river in late-August, early-September in 1804. In this area, they saw their first prairie dogs, which they called "barking squirrels." They were also told to watch for an infrequent phenomenon called "burning bluffs," where the shale ignites and smokes.

North Point Recreation Area website

Roy Lake is known for its excellent walleye, bass, panfish, and pike fishing, but you don't have to be an angler to enjoy all this park has to offer. Visitors will find sandy beaches, campgrounds, picnic areas, boat ramps and a variety of trails to keep them busy. A resort offers conveniences like groceries and bait, as well as boat rentals and cabins to enhance your stay.

Roy Lake State Park website

Walk the grounds where the officers' quarters, stone barracks, powder magazine, guard house, and other buildings remain at frontier Fort Sisseton. This 1864 fort, atop the Coteau des Prairies (or hills of the prairies), is a rare reminder of the western frontier. The fort's name comes from the nearby Sisseton Indian Tribe, and it is now a picturesque state park that unfolds the area's history

Fort Sisseton State Historical Park website

Originally called Dry Woods Lake by American Indians, the lake was renamed for Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior under President James Buchanan. The lake is mentioned as Twin Lakes in many of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books, including By the Shores of Silver Lake and The Long Winter. In the 1930s, the lake was completely dry and used for pasture. In 1980s, the area was a 9,000-acre marsh. Heavy rains and snowmelt in the mid 80s filled the lake to over 20 feet deep and now covers 18,000 acres in Kingsbury County. The lake is so distinct it was designated as a National Natural Landmark.

Lake Thompson Recreation Area website

Imagine a path where the ghosts of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane still roam. A path where bicyclists, hikers and horseback riders can explore spruce and ponderosa pine forests. And, a path accessible to the very young, the very old and people of all abilities.

George S. Mickelson Trail website

Located on a peninsula, Lake Herman State Park offers visitors spectacular views of Lake Herman. Melting glacial ice formed this 1,350-acre lake thousands of years ago. Now, camping, boating, fishing, and cross country skiing are favorite activities at the park. Wildlife observation is aided by the native oak woodlands and prairie grasses that blend to create a lush savanna in the natural areas of the park. Most of the trees are native, while others were planted to provide convenient camping and hiking areas, as well as provide habitat for the variety of birds and animals that live in the park.

Lake Herman State Park website

Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve Spanning 1,500 acres along the Missouri River, this area was donated to the people of South Dakota in 1984 by Mary and Maud Adams, granddaughters of original homesteader Stephen Searl Adams. They envisioned the area as a place where others, particularly youth, could enjoy the land and learn more about the natural world surrounding them. Mary and Maud wanted to give others a "place for inner renewal."

Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve website

Lake Louise was made in 1932, when the south fork of Wolf Creek was dammed. Water depth in this 164-acre impoundment averages nine feet, with a maximum depth of 25 feet. Panfish are a popular catch here. Anglers and hunters come to this area for its abundant game. The park is located in the heart of pheasant and duck country, making it an ideal place to set up camp.

Lake Louise Recreation Area website

Nestled along the wooded shores of Mina Lake, Mina Recreation Area is is a water-lover's haven with plenty of room for boating, fishing and swimming. When you leave the water, a spacious campground, hiking trail, and several picnic areas will provide hours of family fun.

Mina Lake Recreation Area website

The rolling hills and beautiful river views make this park an excellent place to camp picnic and explore. Park visitors will find new adventure in this rugged land explored by Lewis and Clark in 1804. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, cowboys used the area to fatten thousands of cattle for shipment south

Indian Creek Recreation Area website

For a day on the beachfront, Revheim Bay offers a great way to spend your time. Whether you're working up a sweat playing volleyball in the sand, winding down with a game of horseshoes, or relaxing as you watch the sun set behind the large rolling hills, you're sure to find an activity that fits your pace.

Revheim Bay Recreation Area website

The town of Pollock and the recreation area are both named after a pioneer lay minister and respected citizen of the area, R.Y. Pollock. Anglers enjoy this recreation area as a prime location to stay when fishing for walleyes and an abundance of other Lake Oahe fish. The boat ramp provides easy access to the water. In the fall, pheasant, grouse and waterfowl hunters come to camp.

West Pollock Recreation Area website

Lewis & Clark, in their quest for a water route to the Pacific Ocean, opened a window onto the west for the young United States.

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail website

Ace In The Hole - Here you will find remnants of the Cold War, including an underground launch control center and a missile silo. Minuteman missiles held the power to destroy civilization. Yet the same destructive force acted as a deterrent which kept the peace for three decades. At Minuteman Missile it is possible to revisit the Cold War and learn how nuclear war came to haunt the world.

Minuteman Missile National Historic Site website

On the banks of the Missouri River, immediately downstream from Fort Randall Dam, hours can be spent peacefully watching the water flow, observing the animals and birds that frequent the area, and enjoying he breathtaking beauty of the surrounding shoreline. The US Army Corps of Engineers began building the dam in 1946 and started generating electricity in 1954.

Randall Creek Recreation Area website

Located east of Pierre, Farm Island attracts all types of visitors ... campers, swimmers, hikers, anglers, bird watchers and bicyclists. With easy access to Lake Sharpe and popular beaches and trails, this park stays busy throughout the year. Additionally, the park has ties to the Lewis and Clark expedition, which is detailed in the new Lewis and Clark family center.

Farm Island Recreation Area website

LaFramboise Island Nature Area is a unique area along the Missouri River in the Pierre Area. The island is covered in trees and meadows, which are home to a variety of wildlife and bird species. Additionally, the island is mentioned in the Lewis and Clark journals as they passed through the area in 1804.

LaFramboise Island Nature Area website

The Heritage Center of Red Cloud Indian School opened as a museum in 1982. It offers to the public - local, national, and international - an outstanding collection of Native American fine arts and Lakota tribal arts, located on the main campus of Red Cloud Indian School. One of the early successful museum located on an Indian reservation, The Heritage Center's fine arts collection includes over two thousand paintings, drawings, and sculptures representing a large number of different Native American tribal traditions. Its tribal arts collection concentrates on traditional Lakota arts and history.

Red Cloud Museum website

Like an oasis on the prairie, this area has a 25-acre lake which is surrounded by trees. Whether boating, sailing or canoeing, visitors will enjoy this lake that averages only eight feet in depth. Native and introduced prairie grasses and wildflowers abound in the 206-acre park, and wildlife of all kinds inhabit this unique area.

Burke Lake Recreation Area website

Lake Francis Case draws visitors to Snake Creek Recreation Area. The park is popular with boaters and anglers, as well those looking for scenic beauty along the Missouri River. History buffs will enjoy knowing that the Lewis and Clark expedition traveled through the area, where they were told to watch for "burning bluffs" along the river.

Snake Creek Recreation Area website

Fishing and water recreation draws a quieter crowd to Platte Creek Recreation Area to enjoy Lake Francis Case on the Missouri River. Visitors to Platte Creek RA enjoy natural features similar to those at Snake Creek RA, but from a quieter campground with similar amenities.

Platte Creek Recreation Area website

The Journey Museum takes you on an incredible trek through time, from the violent upheaval that formed the mystical Black Hills over 2.5 billion years ago to the continuing saga of the Western Frontier. When your journey is complete, you will fully understand the legacy of the land and its people. Planetarium on site.

Journey Museum website

Melting glaciers carved the valley of Hiddenwood Creek. Traditionally, this area was home for several American Indian tribes. Early explorers crossed this area on their way between Big Stone Lake and the Rocky Mountains. The first European settlers named the area because no trees were visible on the vast prairie until they reached the crest of the hills overlooking the valley. In 1927, the Department of Game and Fish used a new technique called an earthen dam to make Lake Hiddenwood, one of the first artificial lakes in South Dakota.

Lake Hiddenwood Recreation Area website

The watersheds of the Moreau and Little Moreau Rivers once provided winter campgrounds for the Cheyenne, the Minneconjou, and Two Kettle bands of Teton Sioux. Grassland attracted the first European settlers to the Moreau Valley. During the late 1870s through 1890s, cattle barons from southern states grazed thousands of cattle on this rich grassland. Today visitors can enjoy campgrounds, picnic shelters, and a boat ramp while enjoying area plants and wildlife.

Little Moreau Recreation Area website

A small, get-away park, Llewellyn Johns' ten first-come, first-served campsites offer spur-of-the-moment camping. Nearby Shadehill Recreation Area offers recreational opportunities as well as points of historical interest to keep you busy all day. Or, if you prefer peace and quiet, this is a great campground to just sit back and relax.

Llewellyn Johns Recreation Area website

Nestled on the shores of Shadehill Reservoir, the park offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy land- and water-based activities. The reservoir is one of western South Dakota's few large lakes. The dam, built in 1951 by the Bureau of Reclamation, creates more than 5,000 surface acres of water creating fun for everyone.

Shadehill Recreation Area website

The building is constructed of native Sioux Quartzite stone, a popular local building material of the late 19th century. When completed in 1893, Dow claimed the structure would be the "largest courthouse between Chicago and Denver." Interior courthouse features include slate stairs, granite pillars, stained glass windows, and tiled fireplaces. Perhaps one of the most striking features of the building is the 16 large murals on the walls of the hallways painted between 1915 and 1917. Painted by Norwegian immigrant Ole Running, the murals detail early life in Dakota, natural features, and images of his home in Norway. Today, you can visit three floors of public exhibit space that provide a colorful look at the region's history.

Old Courthouse Museum website

One of R.F. Pettigrew's passions was his collecting. He was a world traveler and amateur archaeologist. His holdings led him to build his own museum on the rear of his home that opened to the public in 1925. Artifacts such as stone tools, projectile points, Native American clothing, guns, natural history specimens, and items related to the settlement of Sioux Falls all were included. When he died in 1926, he left his home and museum to the city of Sioux Falls to be maintained as a museum.

Pettigrew Home and Museum website

These rolling hills were left after the last glacier receded less than 20,000 years ago. It is easy to understand why these hills, located in the middle of the plains, were held in awe by ancient Indian tribes. Through the centuries, these hills become the subject of many legends. A journey through the area still reveals the natural occurrences that fueled the legends.

Sica Hollow State Park website

The High Plains Western Heritage Center includes a Five-State Regional Museum founded to honor the old west pioneers of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming & Nebraska. View quality exhibits of Western art, Artifacts & Memorabilia including the original Spearfish to Deadwood Stagecoach, turn-of-the-century Kitchen, Saddle Shop & a Blacksmith Shop. Forestry, Mining, Ranching & Rodeo are also depicted. Outdoor displays feature a furnished Log Cabin, rural Schoolhouse & antique Farm Equipment.

High Plains Western Heritage Center website

Nestled along the shore with breathtaking views of the Missouri River, park visitors experience friendly, small-town America. A bike trail connects the park to the town of Springfield for easy access for groceries and other supplies. Adjacent to the park overlooking the river is a beautiful nine-hole golf course.

Springfield Recreation Area website

Mato Paha or "Bear Mountain" is the Lakota name given to this site. To the Cheyenne, it is "Noahvose." This geological formation is one of several intrusions of igneous rock in the Black Hills that formed millions of years ago. The mountain is sacred to many American Indian tribes who come here to hold religious ceremonies. Please be respectful of worshippers and their religious practices

Bear Butte State Park website

Developed to increase environmental awareness in visitors, Beaver Creek Nature Area highlights natural and historical resources in the vicinity. Pioneers named the creek for the numerous beaver they found along the winding spring-fed stream. The stream flows year-round, supplying the numerous plants and animals with water, and in turn, supplying visitors with opportunities to observe nature up-close.

Beaver Creek Nature Area website

Having heard legends of little spirits living at Paha Wakan, now know as Spirit Mound, the Lewis and Clark expedition was intrigued. On August 25, 1804, while the rest of the expedition went on up the river, Captains Lewis and Clark took several men and Lewis' dog, Seaman, on a nine mile walk to Spirit Mound. Seaman, suffering from the heat, had to be sent back to the Vermillion River. Despite the rumors of danger, the men approached the hill and climbed to the summit. The men were deeply impressed by the view.

Spirit Mound Historic Prairie website

Founded in 1973 on the campus of The University of South Dakota in Vermillion, the National Music Museum (NMM) & Center for Study of the History of Musical Instruments is one of the great institutions of its kind in the world. Its renowned collections, which include more than 14,800 American, European, and non-Western instruments from virtually all cultures and historical periods, are the most inclusive anywhere.

National Music Museum website

An amazing architectural building with 3 stories full of Terry Redlin's art. Ask the front desk about the scavenger hunt for kids.

Redlin Art Center website

On the banks of Lake Kampeska, Sandy Shore offers just that ... a long, sandy beach. The beach is a great place to enjoy Lake Kampeska, which is a glacial lake named for its clear water. Early homesteaders settled along the shores of the lake. Had it not been for an invasion of grasshoppers that destroyed the first crops, Watertown probably would have been built closer to the lake.

Sandy Shore Recreation Area website

For those who enjoy a wide variety of activities, Pelican Lake is the place to come. Nestled among a grove of conifer trees, campers can enjoy the shade while still being close to the sandy beach, prairie trails and the boat dock. Naturalists enjoy the migrating birds and vast numbers of prairie grasses and wildflowers. Winter enthusiasts appreciate the park's cross-country ski trails, snowshoeing and ice fishing.

Pelican Lake Recreation Area website

Tucked along the shore of Lake Madison, this small but complete park meets the many needs of campers and anglers. Campsites are located near the water and many offer picturesque views of the 2,800-acre lake.

Walker's Point Recreation Area website

A Great American Riverway - The Missouri has a history like no other river. Explore the great waterway of American Indians, fur trappers, Lewis and Clark, and many others. Experience the dynamic character of the river's ever-changing nature. View the natural beauty of the "rec river" along 100 miles of the Nebraska-South Dakota border. Listen for the eerie screech of the majestic bald eagle or the splash of a trophy fish.

Missouri National Recreational River website

Convenience is the key word for this park. Right off Highway 52, the park provides easy access to four picnic shelters and 67 campsites. In addition, the large day-use area serves as an excellent facility for hosting family reunions and large group picnics. The playground equipment, bike trail and basketball/tennis court add to its popularity.

Pierson Ranch Recreation Area website

On the shores of Lake Yankton, Chief White Crane is in close proximity to the Missouri River and Gavins Point Dam. The park was named after Chief White Crane who met with Lewis and Clark in this area in 1804. The park has an abundance of large, mature cottonwood trees that provide excellent shade for the campground and serve as a place for bald eagles to roost during the winter.

Chief White Crane Recreation Area website

Lewis and Clark Lake, near Yankton, is one of the state park system's most popular resort park. Three separate units comprise this modern recreation area, attracting visitors from throughout the Midwest. Modern resort facilities - from marinas to camping cabins to sandy beaches - attract water lovers to Lewis and Clark.

Lewis and Clark Recreation Area website

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Proposal Kegiatan


SDIT Al-Iman Cipinang Elok

Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Al-Iman Cipinang Elok

Jl. Cipinang Elok II, Kel. Cipinang Muara, Kec. Jatinegara

Jakarta Timur

Page 2: PROPOSAL field trip



A. Pendahuluan

Puji serta syukur selalu kita panjatkan dan kita curahkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Rabb semesta

alam, atas segala limpahan rahmat, hidayah, dan inayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Sholawat beserta

salam juga selalu kita haturkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW, sang penyelamat yang

telah menghantarkan kita melalui sunnahnya dari jalan kegelapan menuju jalan penuh cahaya terang,

sehingga kita tidak ragu lagi dalam menapakinya. Kemudian kita haturkan pula kepada keluarga, para

sahabat dan pengikutnya yang senantiasa menjalankan risalah yang beliau bawa dengan

berpedoman al-Qur’an dan Sunnahnya SAW hingga detik ini sampai akhir zaman, amiin.

Pembelajaran bukanlah suatu proses yang hanya terjadi di dalam kelas, melainkan di segala

tempat, seperti di lapangan, di tempat ibadah, dan tempat-tempat lainnya disesuaikan dengan tujuan

pembelajaran itu sendiri.

Dalam rangka melaksanakan tujuan pembelajaran di SDIT Al-Iman, maka pengenalan

terhadap objek pelajaran secara langsung kepada siswa dirasa sangat penting. Karena dengan

melihat objek pelajaran tersebut, siswa akan lebih mudah memahami pelajaran dan menerapkannya

dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari. Dalam hal ini, pengenalan objek pelajaran secara langsung kepada

siswa dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan field trip atau kunjungan ilmiah. Dengan diadakannya field trip,

diharapkan siswa dapat lebih memahami materi pelajaran yang sedang mereka pelajari.

B. Nama Kegiatan

Adapun nama kegiatan ini adalah “Field Trip kelas V (lima)”.

C. Tema Kegiatan

Kegiatan Field trip kelas V (lima) ini bertemakan: “Kami Bisa karena Kami Melihat dan


D. Tujuan Kegiatan

Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dan siswi

kelas V SDIT Al-Iman terhadap materi pelajaran yang sudah, sedang ataupun yang akan


E. Bentuk Kegiatan

Bentuk kegiatan yang diadakan dalam acara ini adalah berupa kegiatan field trip dengan

model pengamatan objek pelajaran secara langsung.

Page 3: PROPOSAL field trip

F. Pelaksaan Kegiatan

Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari : Rabu

Tanggal : 2 Februari 2011

Waktu : 07.00 – 17.00 WIB

Tempat : 1. Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi

(Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 1 Jakarta Pusat)

2. Pusat Kebudayaan Negara Perancis

Kedutaan Besar Perancis di Indonesia.

(Jl. Salemba Raya No. 25 Jakarta Pusat)

3. Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

(Jl. Harsono RM. No. 1 Ragunan Jakarta 12550)

4. Museum Satria Mandala

Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan.

(bersifat kondisional apabila waktu masih memungkinkan)

Peserta : Seluruh siswa-siswi kelas V (lima) SDIT Al-Iman

G. Susunan Acara

Berikut ini adalah susunan acara dalam kegiatan field trip:

No Waktu Jenis Kegiatan Tempat

1 07.00 – 07.20 Persiapan keberangkatan sekaligus sambutan

dan pelepasan siswa oleh Kepala Sekolah SDIT

Halaman SDIT Al-Iman

2 07.20 – 08.00 Perjalanan menuju tempat Field trip di Museum

Perumusan Teks Proklamasi.

3 08.00 – 09.30 Tiba di Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi

dan langsung melaksanakan kegiatan.

Museum Perumusan Naskah

4 09.30 – 10.00 Selesai kegiatan di Museum Perumusan Naskah

Proklamasi, langsung menuju Pusat

Kebudayaan Negara Perancis di Indonesia.

5 10.00 – 11.00 Tiba di Pusat Kebudayaan Negara Perancis di

Pusat Kebudayaan Negara

Perancis di Indonesia

6 11.00 – 11.40 Selesai kegiatan di Pusat Kebudayaan Negara

Perancis di Indonesia, langsung menuju ke

Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Page 4: PROPOSAL field trip

7 11.40 – 12.45 Tiba di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan, Istirahat,

makan siang dan sholat dzuhur.

8 12.45 – 13.00 Persiapan menuju Pusat Primata Schmutzer Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

9 13.00 – 15.15 Kegiatan di Pusat Primata Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

10 15.15 – 15.45 Sholat Ashar berjamaah Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

11 15.45 – 17.00 Selesai seluruh rangkaian kegiatan, dan

perjalanan pulang menuju SDIT Al-Iman

12 17.00 Sampai di gedung SDIT Al-Iman SDIT Al-Iman

H. Susunan Panitia

Adapun susunan kepanitiaan dalam kegiatan ini adalah:

Penanggung jawab : Hj. Fitrijani, M.Pd.

Ketua Pelaksana : M. Alhabib Yusron, S.Pd

Pendamping : 1. Syahrul Lail, S.Pd

2. Ahmad Sunaryanto

I. Anggaran Dana

a) Pemasukan

1) Dana Kegiatan Siswa (22 siswa x @ Rp 175.000,-) = Rp. 3.850.000,-

b) Pengeluaran

1. Kesekretariatan dan fotokopi = Rp 40.000,-

2. Tiket masuk siswa ke Museum Proklamasi 22 @ Rp 500,- = Rp 11.000,-

3. Tiket masuk guru ke Museum Proklamasi 3 @ Rp 2.000,- = Rp 6.000,-

4. Tiket masuk siswa ke Museum SM 22 @ Rp 1.500,- = Rp 33.000,-

5. Tiket masuk guru ke Museum SM 3 @ Rp 2.500,- = Rp 7.500,-

6. Tiket masuk siswa ke TM Ragunan 22 @ Rp 3.500,- = Rp 77.000,-

7. Tiket masuk guru ke TM Ragunan 3 @ Rp 4.500,- = Rp 13.500,-

8. Tiket masuk ke Pusat Primata 25 @ Rp 5.000,- = Rp 125.000,-

9. Pemutaran Film di Pusat Primata = Rp 100.000,-

10. Sewa bus (29 sit) = Rp 1.000.000,-

11. Tips untuk Supir dan Kondektur 2 orang = Rp 150.000,-

12. Parkir Bus dan Tol = Rp 75.000,-

13. Kaos untuk 3 panitia, @ Rp 100.000,- = Rp 300.000,-

14. Snack siswa dan guru sebanyak 26, @ Rp 9.000,- = Rp 234.000,-

15. Paket Makan siang siswa dan guru 30, @ Rp 20.000,- = Rp 600.000,-

Page 5: PROPOSAL field trip

16. Makanan Tambahan (burger KFC) sebanyak 30, @ Rp 6.000,- = Rp 180.000,-

17. Aqua gelas 2 dus, @ Rp 17.500,- = Rp 35.000,-

18. Pocari sweat 1 dus = Rp 125.000,-

19. Survey Lokasi = Rp 100.000,-

20. Dokumentasi Kegiatan = Rp 100.000,-

21. Insentif guru pendamping 3 orang, @ Rp 100.000,- = Rp 300.000,-

22. P3K = Rp 68.000,-

23. Pulsa panitia = Rp 50.000,-

24. Bingkai Vigura kenang-kenangan 2 @ Rp 60.000,- = Rp 120.000,-

Jumlah = Rp. 3.850.000,-

Terbilang: Tiga Juta Delapan Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah

Demikianlah proposal ini kami ajukan dengan harapan semua pihak dapat membantu

kelancaran kegiatan ini dan semoga Allah SWT selalu melindungi kita semua dalam proses

pelaksanaan kegiatan ini.

Jakarta, Januari 2011

Ketua Pelaksana

M. Alhabib Yusron, S.Pd.


Kepala SDIT Al-Iman Ketua Komite SDIT Al-Iman

Hj. Fitriyani, M.Pd Ir. Tito Hartono

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    proposal field trip sd


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  1. Field Trip Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template

    Planning the Perfect Field Trip with a Field Trip Proposal Template. As a teacher or school administrator, organizing a successful and educational field trip requires careful planning and preparation. To ensure that the field trip is beneficial for both students and educators, a well-thought-out proposal is essential. A field trip proposal template serves as a valuable tool in outlining the ...

  2. Contoh Proposal Field Trip Sd

    Dalam contoh proposal field trip SD ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah di atas, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa tentang berbagai macam budaya dan bangunan dari seluruh Indonesia. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dan memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan bagi ...

  3. Field Trip Project Proposal Template

    ClickUp's Field Trip Project Proposal template is the perfect tool to plan and execute successful field trips. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template: Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your field trip project with two statuses - Open and Complete, ensuring that all tasks are completed before the trip begins. ...

  4. Contoh Proposal Field Trip SD

    Field trip merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa SD. Dalam field trip, siswa dapat belajar di luar kelas dengan melihat langsung objek yang berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menyajikan contoh proposal field trip SD yang dapat dijadikan referensi dalam menyusun proposal field trip yang efektif dan mendapatkan persetujuan

  5. 36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF

    Step 1: Choose A Topic. Before you can make a field trip proposal, you must first pick a topic for the Tour. Find a topic that will be interesting for the kids. Choose something that can enhance the learning objectives of the students. Pick something where you can have any activity that can be fun for all the kids.

  6. 36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF

    Permit Chaperone: In owner zone trip proposal, you can state that children can convey a chaperones. whenever parents will knows this they can go with their children the the field trip, they can like the trip improved. got a chaperone is a good thing as this school will not be solely responsible for of safety in the my. Because they exist ...

  7. How to Write a Field Trip Proposal

    Field trips can be a fun way for students to learn a topic through hands-on experience. Anyone can propose a field trip. To do so, research your topic and align your field trip idea with educational standards. ... educators and even students can propose plans for possible field trips. Writing a field trip proposal requires you to identify the ...

  8. Field Trip Proposal Template

    Field Trip Proposal Template. Download this Field Trip Proposal Template Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Ensuring that your proposal has all the essential information about your upcoming field trip will help you get the approval. If you need help in creating the proposal, we have ...

  9. Funding field trips for all in the Sioux Falls area

    The Butterfly House and Aquarium also provides free school field trips for k-5th graders every spring thanks to a longtime sponsorship from a Sioux Falls family. "With this program we've had ...

  10. Field Trips

    They offer in-person field trips and virtual learning options. All programs are FREE. K-5th. Middle. High. Nebraska State Standards in Earth Science and Social Studies. Tera Lynn Gray, Park Ranger. 308-436-9760. Badlands National Park.

  11. Field Trip Proposal

    field trip proposal - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  12. New Submission

    The following forms: Parent Permission, Consent & Release of Liability, List of Students and Chaperone Statement Acknowledging Responsibilities and Duties must be collected and on file at the campus level. State and National tournaments must adhere to District Out-of-County Field Trip Guidelines; requiring coaches to submit further ...

  13. Field trip proposal template: Fill out & sign online

    Edit Field trip proposal template. Effortlessly add and highlight text, insert pictures, checkmarks, and icons, drop new fillable areas, and rearrange or delete pages from your paperwork. Get the Field trip proposal template accomplished. Download your modified document, export it to the cloud, print it from the editor, or share it with others ...


    2019. PROPOSAL PhD BIDANG HADITH. Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin. Proposal PhD Degree Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin Tahun: 2015-2019 Tajuk: Isu Keselamatan Makanan Menurut Perspektif Hadith: Analisis Terhadap Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana di Lembah Klang. Download Free PDF. View PDF. PP NO 66 2015 MUSEUM. Museum Anatomi FKUAJ. Download Free PDF.

  15. FREE 10+ Field Trip Proposal Samples in PDF

    10+ Field Trip Proposal Samples. 1. Field Trip Proposal. 2. Graduate Student Field Trip Proposal. 3. Sample Field Trip Proposal. 4. Student Field Trip Proposal.

  16. √ Contoh Proposal Field Trip (Download PDF & DOCS)

    Contoh Proposal Field Trip. Field trip merupakan kegiatan yang kerap berlangsung di sekolah. Kegiatan ini membutuhkan proposal sebelum pelaksanaannya. Beberapa contoh proposal field trip bisa disusun dengan format yang berbeda, tergantung lembaga yang membuatnya. Namun, contoh-contoh tersebut bisa membantu dalam penyusunan proposal kegiatan ...

  17. South Dakota Field Trips

    South Dakota Field Trips. Field trips are a great way to reboot a bad homeschooling week, get out of the house when everyone has cabin fever, and learn about your local area. Before heading out, check out Jeanne's tips for improving homeschool field trips. Our listing of South Dakota field trips for homeschoolers is ordered alphabetically by city.

  18. contoh proposal kegiatan outbond anak sekolah dasar

    2. Melatih siswa agar mampu menyesuaikan diri (adaptasi) dengan perubahan alam. E. Manfaat Kegiatan. 1. Meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengenal diri dan orang lain. 2. Melatih ketahanan mental dan pengendalian diri siswa. 3. Menghilangkan kepenatan dalam aktivitas sekolah (refreshing).

  19. Proposal Kegiatan Field Trip

    Proposal Kegiatan Field Trip | PDF. Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

  20. PROPOSAL field trip

    Citation preview. Proposal Kegiatan "FIELD TRIP KELAS V (LIMA)" SDIT Al-Iman Cipinang Elok Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Al-Iman Cipinang Elok Jl. Cipinang Elok II, Kel. Cipinang Muara, Kec. Jatinegara Jakarta Timur 2011 PROPOSAL KEGIATAN FIELD TRIP KELAS V (LIMA) SDIT AL-IMAN A. Pendahuluan Puji serta syukur selalu kita panjatkan dan kita curahkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Rabb semesta ...


    Web ini menampilkan contoh proposal field trip untuk kelas 2 SD Muhammadiyah Kota, yang menyelidiki menggambar batik pada benda hias. Web ini juga menjelaskan pengertian, tujuan, sasaran, dan rencana pengeluaran kegiatan, serta pengungan anggaran dan penggunaan anggaran untuk field trip ini.

  22. (DOC) PROPOSAL field trip

    2011. Page 2. PROPOSAL KEGIATAN. FIELD TRIP KELAS V (LIMA) SDIT AL-IMAN. A. Pendahuluan. Puji serta syukur selalu kita panjatkan dan kita curahkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Rabb semesta. alam, atas segala limpahan rahmat, hidayah, dan inayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Sholawat beserta. salam juga selalu kita haturkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad ...