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Thoiry ZooSafari – billets, tarifs, à quoi s'attendre, horaires, plan, FAQ

Zoo de ThoirySafari

Thoiry ZooSafari est un parc animalier unique et passionnant situé à Thoiry, en France.

Il offre aux visiteurs une expérience unique en combinant un zoo traditionnel avec une aventure safari immersive. 

Le parc couvre une vaste zone et abrite une grande variété d'espèces animales du monde entier.

L'un des points forts du ZooSafari de Thoiry est l'expérience safari drive-through. 

Cet article couvre tout ce que vous devez savoir avant de réserver des billets pour le ZooSafari de Thoiry.

Top ZooSafari de Thoiry Billets

# Billets pour ZooSafari de Thoiry : coupe-file # Safari Zoo de Thoiry + Aquarium de Paris # Zoo de ThoirySafari + Parc Astérix

Table des matières

À quoi s’attendre au zoosafari de thoiry, où réserver des billets, comment fonctionnent les billets en ligne, tarifs des billets zoosafari paris de thoiry, billets pour zoosafari de thoiry, safari zoo de thoiry + aquarium de paris, zoo de thoirysafari + parc astérix, zoosafari de thoiry + château de versailles et jardins, comment se rendre au zoosafari de thoiry, horaires d’ouverture de thoiry zoosafari, combien de temps dure la visite, meilleur moment pour visiter zoosafari de thoiry, zoo de thoirycarte safari , faq sur le zoosafari de thoiry.

Les visiteurs ont la possibilité de conduire leur propre véhicule dans des zones de safari désignées.

Avoir l'occasion d'observer des animaux tels que des lions, des éléphants, des rhinocéros, des zèbres et des girafes errant librement dans leur habitat naturel. 

Thoiry ZooSafari va au-delà de la simple observation des animaux et propose une rencontre passionnante et rapprochée avec ces magnifiques créatures.

En plus du safari drive, Thoiry ZooSafari propose également une section zoo traditionnel. 

Ici, les visiteurs peuvent explorer une variété d'expositions d'animaux et découvrir des espèces fascinantes de différents continents.

Des grands félins aux primates en passant par les reptiles et les oiseaux, le zoo présente un large éventail d'animaux, offrant des informations éducatives et une appréciation de la conservation de la faune.

Le parc propose également diverses attractions et activités pour tous les âges. 

Il y a des spectacles interactifs, des terrains de jeux, des aires de pique-nique et même un château à explorer. 

Les visiteurs peuvent également profiter de visites guidées, de programmes éducatifs et d'événements spéciaux qui permettent de mieux comprendre le règne animal.

Avec sa combinaison d'aventure safari, d'expositions de zoo traditionnelles et d'activités engageantes, Thoiry ZooSafari offre une expérience mémorable et agréable pour les familles, les passionnés de la faune et les amoureux de la nature. 

Il offre une occasion unique d'observer des animaux dans un cadre naturel et immersif tout en favorisant la conservation et l'éducation.

Retour au sommet

La Billets pour ZooSafari de Thoiry sont disponibles en ligne et à l'attraction. 

Les prix des billets en ligne ont tendance à être moins chers que les billets sur place.

Lorsque vous achetez en ligne, vous pouvez éviter les longues files d'attente aux guichets de l'attraction.

Certaines attractions vendant un nombre limité de billets, il se peut qu'elles soient épuisées pendant les jours de pointe. Réserver tôt permet d’éviter les déceptions de dernière minute.

Rendez-vous sur Page de réservation du ZooSafari de Thoiry choisissez la date souhaitée et le nombre de billets. 

Une fois que vous avez acheté des billets pour le ZooSafari de Thoiry, ils sont livrés à votre adresse e-mail. 

Il n'est pas nécessaire d'imprimer le billet. 

Vous pouvez présenter le billet électronique sur votre smartphone lorsque vous visitez l'attraction.

Apportez vos pièces d'identité officielles.

Billets pour ZooSafari de Thoiry sont au prix de 30 € pour tous les visiteurs de plus de 12 ans. 

Les enfants âgés de 11 à 6 ans bénéficient d'une réduction de 24 € et ne paient que XNUMX €. 

Les visiteurs handicapés de plus de 12 ans ne doivent payer que 16 €, tandis que ceux âgés de 11 à 13 ans ne peuvent payer que XNUMX €. 

Les enfants de moins de deux ans bénéficient d'une entrée gratuite. 

Billets pour le ZooSafari de Thoiry coupe-file

Profitez d'une visite sans tracas au zoo de Thoiry avec notre billet d'entrée coupe-file. 

Avec ce billet, vous pouvez contourner les files d'attente et entrer directement, ce qui vous fait gagner du temps et vous permet de profiter au maximum de votre journée. 

Explorez le zoo à votre rythme et embarquez pour une expérience de safari passionnante en traversant le parc dans votre propre voiture. 

Approchez-vous des girafes, des zèbres, des éléphants, des ours, des lions et de plus de 800 autres animaux alors qu'ils se promènent librement dans leur habitat naturel. 

Le billet vous donne également accès à l'aire de jeux, où les enfants peuvent s'amuser avec des jeux et des activités. 

Ne manquez pas l'événement enchanteur des Lumières sauvages durant la saison hivernale, qui illumine le parc d'un spectacle magique. 

Veuillez noter que le billet n'inclut pas le service de taxi-brousse ni l'activité de tyrolienne. 

Prix ​​des billets 

Billet adulte (12 ans et plus) : €30 Billet Enfant (3 à 11 ans) : €24 Visiteur handicapé (12 ans et plus) : €16 Visiteur Handicapé (3 à 11 ans) : €13 Billet bébé (jusqu'à 2 ans): Test d'anglais

Billets combinés

Les billets combinés sont parfaits pour les touristes locaux et étrangers car ils offrent des réductions intéressantes.

Il y a quelques attractions emblématiques à proximité du ZooSafari de Thoiry et vous pouvez toutes les explorer en réservant une seule fois.

Vous pouvez obtenir des billets combinés pour le ZooSafari de Thoiry en combinaison avec Aquarium de Paris , Parc Astérix et Château de Versailles et jardins .

Safari Zoo de Thoiry + Aquarium de Paris

Distance: 50 km (miles 31) Temps pris: 55 min en voiture

Plongez dans les merveilles de l'océan à Aquarium de Paris avec notre billet d'entrée. 

Plongez dans une excursion en haute mer en plein cœur de Paris et découvrez le monde marin envoûtant. 

Avec ce billet, vous aurez accès à l'Aquarium de Paris, où vous pourrez explorer une vie aquatique diversifiée et vous émerveiller devant de superbes expositions d'espèces marines.  

Laissez-vous séduire par le spectacle enchanteur des sirènes, assistez à des nourrissages d'animaux passionnants et plongez dans les animations éducatives et l'espace cinéma. 

Ce billet offre une expérience complète pour explorer et en apprendre davantage sur le fascinant royaume sous-marin. 

Pour une aventure animalière hors du commun à quelques encablures de Paris, le ZooSafari de Thoiry est la destination idéale.

Avec le billet d'entrée coupe-file, vous pouvez éviter les files d'attente et plonger dans l'expérience de la faune.

Réservez dès maintenant vos billets avec 7% de réduction et embarquez pour un voyage inoubliable à travers les fonds marins de l'Aquarium de Paris et la faune du ZooSafari Paris de Thoiry. 

Coût du billet: 52 € par personne 

Zoo de ThoirySafari + Parc Astérix

Distance: 90 km (miles 56) Temps pris: plus d'1 heure en voiture

Embarquez pour une aventure palpitante à Parc Astérix , un parc à thème plein d'action situé près de Paris qui célèbre la bien-aimée Gaule. 

Avec le billet d'accès, vous entrerez dans un monde d'excitation et de plaisir. 

Profitez d'un accès illimité au Parc Astérix et plongez dans toutes les attractions et spectacles exaltants que propose le parc. 

Découvrez des montagnes russes palpitantes, des manèges immersifs et des spectacles divertissants qui donnent vie à l'esprit des Gaulois. 

Ce billet vous offre l'expérience complète du Parc Astérix, vous assurant une journée remplie de rires, d'aventures et de souvenirs inoubliables. 

Explorez également le ZooSafari de Thoiry et observez de magnifiques lions, des tigres majestueux, des ours espiègles et bien plus encore alors que vous vous lancez dans une expérience de type safari. 

Le billet comprend l'accès au safari, où vous pouvez traverser le parc avec votre propre voiture, en vous rapprochant des animaux dans leurs habitats naturels. 

Ne manquez pas cette excitation - réservez votre billet maintenant et préparez-vous pour une journée pleine d'action au Parc Astérix et un passionnant voyage avec la faune. 

Coût du billet: 76 € par personne

ZooSafari de Thoiry + Château de Versailles et Jardins

Distance: 30 km (miles 18) Temps pris: 30 min en voiture

Plongez-vous dans la grandeur du Château de Versailles avec le billet d'entrée. 

Entrez dans le monde opulent de cet élégant château du XVIIe siècle et explorez ses magnifiques salles.

Émerveillez-vous devant l'architecture exquise, les détails complexes et les décorations somptueuses en vous promenant dans les différentes salles. 

Pour agrémenter votre visite, vous pouvez télécharger une application interactive gratuite qui fournit des informations pertinentes et enrichit votre expérience. 

Pour un voyage inoubliable, vous pouvez vous lancer dans l'aventure animalière au ZooSafari de Thoiry et au Château de Versailles et Jardins. 

Ne manquez pas l'occasion d'explorer le Château de Versailles et le ZooSafari Paris de Thoiry et de vous immerger dans sa beauté intemporelle. 

Réservez dès maintenant votre billet d'entrée avec une réduction de 5 % et embarquez pour un voyage captivant.

Coût du billet: 47 € par personne

Économisez du temps et de l'argent ! Buy Paris Museum Pass et visitez plus de 60 attractions célèbres dans et autour de Paris. Réservez dès maintenant et explorez des musées et des monuments tels que le Louvre et Versailles.

Thoiry ZooSafari est situé à Thoiry, une commune du département des Yvelines de la région Île-de-France en France.

Adresse : Château de Thoiry, 78770 Thoiry, France. OBTENIR UN ITINÉRAIRE . 

Vous pouvez soit vous rendre sur place en voiture, soit prendre les transports en commun. 

Prenez le train express 78, 35, 40, 41 ou 55 et descendez à Mairie .

De là, c'est à trois minutes à pied. 

Si vous envisagez de prendre la voiture, mettez-la Google Maps et commencez! 

Pour trouver le parking le plus proche, cliquez ici . 

Les horaires d'ouverture du ZooSafari de Thoiry varient selon la saison, avec des horaires généraux de 10h à 5h. 

Pendant la haute saison (de mars à septembre), le zoo et le safari fonctionnent jusqu'à 6 heures.

Pour obtenir des informations exactes sur les horaires, visitez le site web officiel .

Il faut au minimum 4 heures pour découvrir le ZooSafari de Thoiry, comprenant le zoo, le safari et le château.

Le safari dure de 45 minutes à 1 heure, tandis que la visite du zoo à pied dure 2 à 3 heures et l'exploration du château 30 minutes.

Visiter pendant la haute saison ou le week-end peut entraîner une plus grande affluence, ce qui pourrait affecter la durée de la visite.

Meilleur moment pour visiter ZooSafari de Thoiry

Le meilleur moment pour visiter le ZooSafari de Thoiry à Paris est dès son ouverture à 10h.

Il y a quatre avantages à commencer tôt : les animaux sont plus actifs tôt le matin, les températures sont encore modérées, la foule n'est pas encore entrée et vous avez toute la journée à passer à l'attraction.

Au fur et à mesure que la journée se réchauffe, les animaux préfèrent rester à l'intérieur de leurs abris. En conséquence, vous pourriez être déçu si vous ne les voyez pas dans l'exposition.

Les jours de semaine sont meilleurs pour une visite paisible car le zoo est bondé le week-end et les vacances scolaires.

A Localisation est indispensable lors de la visite du ZooSafari de Thoiry car il offre un aménagement complet du parc et assure une visite facile et organisée. 

Avec une carte, les visiteurs peuvent facilement naviguer dans les vastes terrains et localiser les diverses expositions d'animaux, attractions et installations. 

La carte aide à planifier un itinéraire efficace, vous assurant d'obtenir tous les animaux ou spectacles à ne pas manquer.

Il met également en évidence les principaux points d'intérêt, tels que les séances d'alimentation, les toilettes, les salles à manger et les zones de jeux pour les enfants. 

En suivant la carte, les visiteurs peuvent profiter au maximum de leur temps au zoo, en évitant les détours inutiles et en maximisant leurs chances de voir et d'en apprendre davantage sur la faune diversifiée. 

Que vous soyez un visiteur pour la première fois ou un visiteur de retour, une carte est un outil précieux pour une expérience fluide et agréable au ZooSafari de Thoiry.

Voici quelques questions que les visiteurs se posent habituellement avant de visiter le ZooSafari de Thoiry.

Plusieurs espaces de restauration rapide et options de collations sont disponibles au sein du zoo, offrant une variété d'articles sucrés et salés en fonction de la saison. Vous êtes autorisé à apporter votre propre pique-nique au zoo. Plusieurs aires de pique-nique désignées sont disponibles pour que les visiteurs puissent prendre leurs repas et collations à leur convenance.

Oui, ils peuvent être loués à l'entrée du zoo pour une somme modique. Vous pouvez également apporter vos propres poussettes dans tout le zoo, sauf dans les enclos d'immersion tels que Lémur Trek, la zone Amérique du Sud et l'enclos des chèvres.

Absolument! Vous pouvez entrer et sortir du parc le même jour en utilisant le même ticket. Assurez-vous de conserver votre billet avec vous et de le présenter à chaque fois que vous rentrez dans le parc.

Pour assurer la sécurité de tous les visiteurs, l'utilisation de scooters, patins à roulettes, patins, vélos et autres "machines à rouler" similaires est strictement interdite dans l'enceinte du zoo.

Oui, le zoo propose un parking gratuit à tous les visiteurs.

Oui, les allées du zoo sont adaptées aux fauteuils roulants.

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C'est une fanatique de la ville qui aime explorer différentes villes, comprendre leur culture, rencontrer des gens et découvrir des trésors cachés. Elle aime passer ses vacances dans des lieux insolites que les touristes traditionnels n'ont pas encore découverts. En vacances, elle évite les pièges à touristes bondés. Villes préférées : Berne, Los Angeles et San Francisco

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  • Thoiry ZooSafari
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Community facilities, accessibility, buy your tickets.

Zebras, giraffes, elephants, bisons, bears and lions… There are as many different animals wandering freely here as in an African game reserve about thirty kilometers from Versailles ! To view the animals, visitors drive their own cars around the park, as though on safari. For a guided tour, reserve your seat in the park's Camion Brousse. Beyond the safari park, but still within the Thoiry site, more animals are housed in vast enclosures in the zoo.

Small creatures also have their own quarters, inside a wooden arc: marvel at the incredible dance of the moon jellyfish or the frightening Mexican red-kneed tarantulas – not to mention elephant shrews, pygmy marmosets, panther chameleons and helmeted lizards…

After the fauna, the flora: Thoiry boasts an autumn garden, scented garden, rose garden , as well as French and English gardens , where thousands of trees and flowering plants bloom throughout the year, stunning visitors with their colours and scents.

To take full advantage of the site, visitors should set aside a whole day. Especially as the public can also visit the rooms of the château , still inhabited by the La Panouse family to this day. Choose the experience that suits you best: visit the château with or without a guide, in period dress, or even play an escape game.

Want to extend your adventure? Why not try a night in the wild? Head to the Tanières de Thoiry and take up residence in a wooden cabin on stilts to admire the wildlife park’s animals from above as they go about their nocturnal activities. Your kids won't believe their eyes!

From the African reserve to the refinement of the castle's decorations, you will make a great journey!

Access and contact


Days and opening hours

From 01/01 to 31 ⁄ 05 , daily between 10 am and 5.30 pm. Park closing time at 17:00 or 18:00 between april and June depending on dates. Closed on Monday and Tuesday in February and March. From 01/06 to 31 ⁄ 08 , daily between 10 am and 6.30 pm. From 01/09 to 31 ⁄ 12 , daily between 10 am and 5.30 pm. Closed exceptionally on December 25th.

  • From 01/06 to 31/08/2021 Adult: 30 € Child : 24 € Disabled: 16 €. From 01/09 to 31/12/2021 Adult: 30 € Child : 24 € Disabled: 16 €. From 01/01 to 31/05/2022 Adult: 30 € Child : 24 € Disabled: 16 €. Free entry for children < 3 years. Child entry valid for 3 - 11 years. Group rate available for > 25 people.
  • Sustainable development
  • Self service

Spoken languages

Documentation languages (home), bulletin board languages, single services tour.

  • Unguided individual tours available permanently
  • Hearing disability
  • Mental disability
  • Visual disability
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
  • WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
  • Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities
  • Copyright image:
  • © Parc de thoiry

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The Family Vacation Guide

The Family Vacation Guide

Entry into the Bearizona Wildlife Park, Williams, Arizona, USA.

12 of the Best Drive Thru Zoos & Safaris in the US

posted by Charmaine Cortes on December 23, 2022 // last updated on June 12, 2023

To get a one-of-a-lifetime safari experience, you do not have to travel long distances or go overseas. There are plenty of drive-thru zoos in the US that enable you to encounter exotic species from the safety and comfort of your own car.

If you are an adventurer looking forward to experiencing wildlife, here are our recommendations for the best drive-thru zoos, safaris, and wildlife preserves to have an exciting road trip. 

African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton, Ohio

Wildlife safari in oregon, bearizona wildlife park in arizona, phoenix zoo in phoenix, pine mountain wild animal safari park in georgia, custer state park resort in south dakota, lion country safari in loxahatchee, florida, lee richardson zoo in garden city, kansas, natural bridge wildlife ranch in san antonio, texas, southwick’s zoo in madison, massachusetts, arbuckle wilderness park in davis, oklahoma, safari lake geneva in lake geneva, wisconsin.

safari zoo voiture

From alpacas, emus, llamas, zebras, and giraffes to fallow deer, white bison, and a variety of wild birds, visiting the African Safari Wildlife Park can be an unforgettable experience. This drive-thru safari is home to a lot of unique species and puts animal safety and health as its top priority. 

Here, you will also come across many species of wildflowers and plants. The safari offers various activities, including a walk-thru safari in spring, giraffe encounters, a safari cafe, and gem mining. It provides an adventurous experience and enables visitors to get up close and personal with hundreds of animals from around the world. 


Cost: Ticket prices range from $14.95 to $29.95; free for children of 2 and under

Note: While the African Safari Wildlife is open the whole year around, there are certain animals you can only view during the warm months, which is something to consider when going. 

safari zoo voiture

In the Wildlife Safari in Oregon, you can come across a variety of species, including Tibetan Yanks, camels, African elephants, hippopotamuses, and American alligators. The accredited safari has one of the most successful cheetah breeding programs in the US, which you can support with donations.

Hop on the safari tour vehicle and meet and feed one of the most adorable animals, like red pandas or get closer to the king of the jungle and head to the elephant barn to meet with these animals and take a photo. The Wildlife Safari in Oregon offers a lot of activities and safari events. 

The Safari includes bused or open-air adventures through the park’s drive-thru, which is very exciting, but you can also sign up for activities such as hippo encounters, tiger feed, walking with cheetahs, and more. 


Cost: Drive-thru safari tickets range from $17.95 to $23.95 

Note: This is an excellent 60-90 minutes experience for families. The tour features diverse wildlife from the US, Africa, and Asia. 

safari zoo voiture

The Bearizona Wildlife Park provides a natural, spacious environment. The visitors drive through the largest ponderosa pine forest and view various animals in their natural habitats from their own private vehicles. 

Jump on the Wild Ride bus with their tour guides and get familiar with each animal that you encounter along this 3-mile safari. During your drive, you can also get off the bus for a unique backstage experience and view the wolf training sessions.

On this journey, you can witness a broad range of animals, such as black bears, Alaskan tundra wolves, reindeer, arctic wolves, mule deer, and so much more. The mission of the zoo is to promote the preservation through educational encounters of North American wildlife. 


Cost: Ticket prices range from $20 to $50; free for children of 3 and under

Note: Aside from the exciting drive-thru, you can also scroll through the park, enjoy unique animal encounters and dine in their themed restaurant. 

safari zoo voiture

The Phoenix Zoo cares for more than 3,000 animals, including endangered species. Their guided drive-thru tours cover a wide range of animals, which makes it a thrilling experience. There are also plenty of fun daily activities happening in the zoo, including camel rides, giraffe encounters, and others. 

During the tour, you will drive past the main areas of the zoo, including the Africa Trail, where there are rhinos and zebras, and the Tropics Trail, where you will witness elephants and tigers roaming around. 

The Arizona Center for Nature Conservation also features discovery tours, backstage and premium adventures, as well as custom guided tours. Among the animals you can come across at this zoo are Asian elephants, coyotes, Mexican grey wolves, white-faced Saki monkeys, cheetahs, flamingos, and more. 


Cost: $65 per vehicle 

Note: The number of vehicles per day is limited, so make sure to get tickets on time. 

Among the best drive-thru zoos in the US is the Pine Mountain Wild Animal Safari Park in Georgia. The safari park allows visitors to encounter more than 120 species of animals, including lizards, wolves, ostriches, parrots, lemurs, and many others.

You will travel down a 2.5-mile trail and view a wide variety of animals along the way. To experience the excitement of the safari, you can use your own vehicle, rent one or get into a bus for a guide. 

Aside from seeing the wild animals, this drive-thru zoo enables horse riding adventures and exclusive animal encounters that allow you to interact with some of them. This is an animal-friendly park for visitors of all ages, where you will have a chance to meet some of the zoo’s friendliest animals. 


Cost: Adult (ages 13-64) – $29.00; junior (ages 3-12) – $24.00; senior (age 65+) – $24.00

Note: You can feed the animals with only park-purchased food. 

safari zoo voiture

Go through the park in an open-air jeep or your own vehicle to look for prairie dogs, buffalos, elks, and pronghorns. The guided tour takes around two hours and features guides that share historical and educational stories about the wildlife and the park. The tours depart from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. every day and offer breathtaking views of nature. 


Cost: Adults – $68; Children (under 12) – $58

Note: You need to make a reservation to get a drive-thru experience.

safari zoo voiture

Despite the name, the Lion Country Safari is home to more than 1,000 animals. During the 4-mile-long drive-through, you can view animals from six different countries, such as lions, zebras, giraffes, white rhinos, chimpanzees, and more.

All of the animals roam in naturalistic habitats. The Lion Country Safari was the very first drive-thru safari park in the United States, as it was established in 1967. After you finish the drive-thru, you can also enjoy activities like boat rides, carnival rides, and water attractions.


Cost: $34-$45

Note: The safari preserve is divided into seven natural habitats you can visit. 

The Lee Richardson Zoo offers visitors a drive-thru of the park to view wild animals. The zoo is home to over 300 hundred native and exotic animals, including lions, alpacas, Amur leopards, camels, bison, bobcats, elk, giraffes, jaguars, sloth bears, and much more. Each animal is an ambassador of its counterparts, promoting the conservation of wild animals. 


Cost: $10 per vehicle, pedestrian entry for free

Note: The Lee Richardson Zoo is open the whole year around 

safari zoo voiture

Start your adventure with the 450-acre safari drive-thru in San Antonio, Texas. Here visitors can interact with animals and look at picturesque views that resemble safari in Africa. You can view over 40 species of animals from the comfort of your own vehicle and roam around the trees and the hills within the ranch.

The safari covers 6 miles and provides 1-2 hours of an incredible experience. You can also get a guided tour from animal specialists and feed the animals. During the guided tours, the visitors can learn more about the animals and come across ostriches, giraffes, zebras, buffalos, and other animal species.


Cost: Adults (12-64 years) – $28.99;  children (3-11 years) – $19.99;  seniors (65+years) – $25.99

Note: Check your map before the visit, as there are different routes to take.

Among the best drive-thru zoos in the US is Southwick’s Zoo which enables visitors to go on a self-driven tour of the 200-acre park. On such a 45-minute tour, you will come across various wild animals and download an audio tour as well. 

After the journey, the visitors can also order takeaway from the restaurant, go on rides and visit attractions, or book a giraffe, rhino, or sloth animal encounter. 


Cost: $60/car

Note: The guests should arrive 30 minutes before the selected tour time.

Go on a safari-like experience as you drive through 200 acres in the beautiful Arbuckle Mountains and come across hundreds of exotic animals roaming free. This park is also a home for reptiles and is filled with diverse creatures from over five continents.

Llamas, giraffes, donkeys, camels, deers, yaks, zebras, and more; you can enjoy feeding animals from the comfort of your own vehicle. The Arbuckle Wilderness Park provides an exciting adventure for guests of all ages. 


Cost: Adults – $16.99; kids (4-11) – $14.99; senior citizens – $14.99

Note: The drive-thru safari is open every day. 

safari zoo voiture

The wildlife preserve known as Safari Lake Geneva is home to animals from all around the world. You can drive through this safari park as many times as you want and view the variety of animals that are free to roam. 

Moreover, you can also purchase a bowl of grain and feed the animals as you come close to them. Here you can drive your own vehicle or rent a Zebra van if desired. You can opt for a solo trip or bring your whole family for a unique safari adventure. 


Cost: Adult (ages 16+) – $21.95; children (ages 3-15) – $14.95; infants (ages 2 and under) – free

Note: The giraffes may not be visible during unpleasant weather.

If you are on a hunt for drive-thru zoos and safaris for an unforgettable experience, you can choose the one that appeals to you the most from our list. The zoos are home to a wide number of animals which we often see on TV, and they also offer many activities for their visitors, including special animal encounters. 

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Charmaine Cortes

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Zoosafari Fasanolandia: The Best Car Safari in Italy

  • April 4, 2024

We’re constantly learning about what it takes to travel with a child. For the most part, our expedition style hasn’t changed, but we’ve certainly noticed a few differences. As parents, it’s difficult to not realize how many activities and attractions are geared towards kids. Whether it’s motorized toys you can rent by the minute or carousels in the park, the opportunity to entertain children at our expense exists everywhere .

Naturally, when we saw the consistent advertising of Zoosafari Fasanolandia throughout Puglia, we knew we just had to visit. Luckily, our experience ended up being just as much for us parents as it was for our daughter!

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know before planning a fabulous visit to Zoosafari in Fasano.

And Where Is Zoosafari Fasanolandia?

  • Why You Should Visit

How Much Do Tickets Cost?

Where should you purchase tickets, when is zoosafari open, can you feed the animals, can you drive through with your windows down, how long does the drive through take, are dogs allowed, arrive before opening or during lunch hours, pack a lunch, be mindful of show times, scope out the park map beforehand, how to get to zoosafari in fasano, where to stay while visiting zoosafari.

  • Is Zoosafari Worth Visiting?

Car Safari in Puglia

What is Zoosafari Fasanolandia?

Zoosafari Fasanolandia is a combined theme park which consists of both an amusement park and an animal park . It is most known for its drive-through safari , which makes up the Zoosafari portion of the park.

Zoosafari is impressively the second-largest drive-through zoo in all of Europe and a prominent destination in Fasano altogether. Fasanolandia is the park’s other half and resembles a traditional theme park with rides, exhibits, and even an aquarium. Additional highlights of the theme park include a theatre, reptile house, monkey village, and a couple of small museums.

→ 🚘 Book a rental car from Bari Airport ←

Although the overall park is divided into two main components (Zoosafari and Fasanolandia), access to both typically goes hand in hand. A bit more on this below, but by purchasing tickets to Zoosafari, a visit to Fasanolandia is also included. On the other hand, it is possible to solely visit Fasanolandia without completing the drive-through safari. In short, there’s a ton to see and do at Zoosafari, but it can get confusing when planning your visit due to the way ticket sales are structured.

As the name suggests, Zoosafari Fasanolandia is located near the town of Fasano. Fasano is situated in southern Italy, specifically in the beautiful region of Puglia . It is 60 km (37 miles) from Puglia’s capital of Bari and less than a one-hour drive from Bari’s international airport.

→ ✈️ Find cheap flights to Bari Airport ←

Amusement Park in Puglia

Is Zoosafari Fasanolandia Worth Visiting?

Puglia is one of Italy’s most beloved summer destinations. There is no shortage of gorgeous beaches to enjoy, seafood to devour, and charming towns to explore. With that being said, Zoosafari is likely on your radar for only two reasons.

  • You are an animal enthusiast and thoroughly enjoy zoo visits.
  • You are travelling with kids.

For those who resonate with the first reason, it makes complete sense to be interested in visiting a well-curated and straight-up fun animal experience . Sure, a zoo is one thing, but it’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t like a drive-through safari. How often can you come across the chance to see wild animals without being confined to small cages, all while in the comfort of your own car?

There are unfortunately many zoos out there that do not have the best interest of animals at heart. Zoosafari is not one of them, and their dedication to research programs, conservation of species, and education to the public takes the first priority.

It doesn’t take much to persuade any parent with children to visit Zoosafari. Whether your family is a lover of animals or not, Zoosafari and Fasanolandia effortlessly provides entertainment for kids of all ages . Particularly for any family who has done the beach and the aqua parks, the animal park is an excellent choice for switching it up. After all, fellow parents will understand that we’re just here to serve our children and their attention span! (Kind of only kidding).

Zoo in Puglia

Zoosafari Fasanolandia FAQs

Our least favorite part about Zoosafari Fasanolandia is the price. Compared to a typical zoo, admission fees are a bit costly . On top of that, the ticket structure is more complicated than it should be. During our visit, we paid for a Zoosafari ticket, which costs €32 per adult and €25 per child (free for children under 4 years old).

Aside from the main feature which consists of the drive-through safari, this type of ticket gives you access to Fasanolandia. However, it does not include entrance to the aquarium or any rides.

If you omit the safari altogether, a ticket to just Fasanolandia costs €18 per adult and children over four years old. For those eager to go on amusement park rides, this type of ticket is recommended since it includes six rides. Lastly, the third type of ticket, which is an add-on to the Zoosafari and Fasanolandia ticket, is admission to the Aquarium. A ticket to the Sea Lion Aquarium costs €10.

One of the best things about visiting the Zoosafari complex is that you can walk up and purchase tickets on the spot . There is no need to buy tickets upfront or online before arriving. This is the most ideal scenario for families who tend to make last minute plans like us.

As soon as the park is open, you will line up at the ticket booth while in your car if you’re headed to the drive-through safari. If you’re only visiting Fasanolandia, you can park your car and then walk to the kiosk to buy entry tickets. Reservations are also never required unless you have special requests or are traveling in a very large group.

Zoosafari Bears

To fully experience Zoosafari, plan a visit during April to September . This is the period when the park is completely open and operational, with regular visiting hours, shows, and exhibits. Outside of these months, the park is occasionally open with certain conditions. For example, in February, March, and October, you can only experience the drive-through safari on specific dates, while Fasanolandia (the theme park) remains closed. Additionally, there are special events during holidays such as Christmas and Halloween.

For Zoosafari (drive-through animal park), it is possible to purchase tickets and begin the tour from 9:30 to 15:00. Fasanolandia, which includes the amusement park with rides and other features like the theater and museums, is available from 10:00 to 16:00. These opening hours are only applicable from April to September.

By the park’s official rules, it’s not allowed to feed the animals or attract them towards you with food. It’s advised to follow this regulation while touring the safari because you may not know how animals will react. It’s a bit different than feeding pigeons at the park! In a worst-case scenario, the safari animals may cause damage to your car or you if you attract them with your own food.

Ironically, as you approach the entrance and parking area for the park, you’ll see a ton of roadside vendors. Each of them is selling plastic bags of food geared towards the zoo animals, typically carrots or even peanuts. Clearly, these vendors are not associated with the actual zoo, and that’s why you’ll see them making their sales before the park grounds.

Similar to Zoosafari’s stance on feeding animals, you’re technically not allowed to drive through the safari with your windows down. There are signs posted in multiple areas of the park prohibiting this for safety and liability reasons. However, this is where we slightly broke the rules, but only when it made sense. For example, the drive-through route begins with a large section of many goats, donkeys, and some horses.

There was not one car among ours that did not have their windows down and sticking their arms out to pet the animals. How can you resist a friendly lick from a farm animal?

As you get further into the excursion and into high-risk sections like the tigers, it’s probably not a good idea to treat them like goats. Additionally, the guards staged in these areas are more alert and will remind you to put your window up.

Overall, we kept our windows closed at all times in the backseat for our daughter but kept ours cracked open in order to take better photos. Use your best judgment with this one!

Things to do in Puglia with kids

Driving through the safari can take 30 minutes or over one hour. It completely depends on how long you stop at each animal species and take the time to observe or admire. There were some animals to which our daughter was glued to and didn’t want to leave. Other animals were shy or not visible, so we zipped on by. Secondly, the time to complete the route will also depend on the number of other visitors accompanying you. After all, it’s a drive, which means there will either be a lot of traffic or not.

To our surprise, we saw a handful of dogs joining their human owners at Zoosafari. The dogs were even seen in the Fasanolandia theme park, which has access to the aquarium, monkey village, and reptile house. We believe there is a size limit for dogs allowed inside , as all of the pups we saw were rather small. If your dog isn’t large and is well mannered, bring them along!

Tips for Visiting Zoosafari Fasanolandia

This tip seems to apply to any frequented attraction or even beach, particularly in Italy. Arriving early is only effective if you get there before doors open so you are at the front of the line. If you arrive at opening hour, there will already be many cars ahead of you which cause traffic throughout the safari course.

We learned from our mistake, and when we visit Zoosafari again, we will likely arrive around 12:30pm when most people (Italians in particular) will start to leave for lunch instead.

Car Safari in Fasano

On the subject of lunch, it’s recommended that you pack your own sandwich or something easy to bring along with you. There are a handful of kiosks selling food inside Fasanolandia, but they are overpriced and of low quality. We were definitely not the only ones taking a picnic break in our car after the drive-through safari and before entering the theme park.

If you’re keen on catching a show at the theatre, aquarium, reptile house, or any other special performance, consider planning your visit around the show times . Unfortunately, show times vary and they’re not on a structured schedule (or published online). But there are two ways to confirm this beforehand. First, you can ask the ticket booth when you first arrive for all the show times. Alternatively, you can email Zoosafari in advance if you like to plan well ahead.

For us, seeing the performances was not a critical aspect of our visit so we played it by ear. Still, we were pleasantly surprised to catch a dog show by chance as we walked by the theatre.

Parents who are traveling with young children will likely want to avoid as much backtracking and wandering in the wrong direction as possible. We know from experience that there is nothing worse than disappointing a toddler by ending up at the wrong ride or attraction. Luckily, when you purchase your admission tickets, you’ll also receive a copy of the park map (for both Zoosafari and Fasanolandia) .

The drive-through safari is very straightforward because it’s just one road and designed for you to see all of the animals. Fasanolandia is less intuitive, and the signs placed within the park don’t really point in the correct directions. Using the physical map to navigate the amusement park is best. It will give you a good preview of the layout instead of cluelessly walking around.

kid friendly puglia

The town of Fasano is conveniently located right off the E55 motorway. The zoo and park are then situated on a hill just up the street from Fasano’s centre. Reaching Zoosafari Fasanolandia by car is by far the quickest way.

Zoosafari’s distance from a few major cities and towns in Puglia includes:

  • Bari to Zoosafari – 60 km (37 miles)
  • Alberobello to Zoosafari – 16 km (10 miles)
  • Monopoli to Zoosafari – 18 km (11 miles)
  • Brindisi to Zoosafari – 66 km (41 miles)

BY TRAIN: Reaching Fasano by train is possible, but the station is located 3 km from the town center. There is a bus that regularly shuttles passengers from the Fasano train station into town. However, there is no bus that departs from Fasano’s town center to Zoosafari park. You would need to catch a taxi or walk the remainder of the journey.

→ 🚊 Find schedules and train tickets to Fasano ←

Ever wonder what it’s like to sleep at a theme park? Zoosafari has a few options for guests looking to stay directly at the park and zoo. If you’re looking to make the animal park a focal point of your trip, spending the night or two can be super appealing to families with kids. Minimize travel time and maximize park time!

Park Hotel Sant’Elia (7.9 rating) – Book with

Hotel Castel Miramonti (8.2 rating) – Book with

Masseria Borgo Ritella (9.3 rating) – Book with

→ 🛌 Find a place to stay in Fasano ←

Final Thoughts on Visiting Zoosafari Fasanolandia

If you are looking for our honest review of Zoosafari Fasanolandia, then we’d quickly tell you, yes, it’s worth a visit. It may not make the traditional list of the best things to do in Puglia but if you have the time, it won’t disappoint. As if we haven’t mentioned it enough, it’s especially a no-brainer if you are traveling with kids . To simplify our recommendation further, let’s break it down to pros and cons!

  • The drive-through safari is excellent and good old-fashioned fun for all. There is a great variety of animals , and the route is well-maintained and designed.
  • The Zoosafari ticket gives you automatic access to the pedestrian zone and Fasanolandia. It’s a good value to see additional exhibits like the reptile house, monkey village, and museums.
  • There is plenty of parking, so you do not need to stress about sold-out tickets or availability.
  • Much less affordable than a traditional zoo.
  • For the price of admission, it feels like access to the Aquarium should also be included.
  • Parking is also not free in the designated lots and costs around €3 for the whole day.

Things to see in Puglia with kids

Zoosafari Travel Resources

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Paris ThoiryZoo Safari Tour

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  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Restroom on board
  • Bottled water
  • We pick up all customer from their hotels and their guesthouses in city canter.
  • Charles De Gaulle Airport, 95700 Roissy-en-France France
  • We pick up all our customer from they Hotels and they guesthouses.
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infant seats available
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Most travelers can participate
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

safari zoo voiture

  • patricksK4165XX 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Rough Did not meet us at the pickup spot and ended up buying extra tickets to see the magnificent Eiffel Tower. Read more Written June 18, 2023
  • irene m 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles very good An excellent experience o had the best time i would recommend this to anyone who is interested you won't regret it. Read more Written January 25, 2023
  • irene m 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Amazing I had a lovely time at Paris Dinner Night cruise the food and view was amazing I would come back again Read more Written January 25, 2023

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Paris ThoiryZoo Safari Tour provided by MATADI AFRICA AND TRAVEL TOURS

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Réserve zoologique de la Haute-Touche

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Un zoo du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle

Safari voiture

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Parcours pédestre   Safari voiture

plan safari voiture

Parcours en voiture de 4,5 km

Le début de la visite s’effectue en voiture*. La route traverse de vastes enclos accueillant la grande faune européenne (Loup d’Europe, Cerf élaphe, Sanglier, Daim, Chevreuil) puis des espèces remarquables de cerfs et d’antilopes (Cerf du Père David, Cerf d’Eld, Daim de Mésopotamie, Oryx algazelle, Gnou à queue blanche…).

À l’issue de ce premier parcours de 4,5 km, différents circuits sont proposés pour une promenade au long de chemins ombragés, à pied, en calèche, à vélo ou en voiturette électrique.

* Il est interdit de descendre de votre véhicule avant l’arrivée au parking.

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The Parc Omega – A Drive-Through Safari in Canada

15. September 2021 Categories: Travel reports , North America , Canada

We are always happy when we can visit during our travel the many different zoos in the world. On our 670-kilometer journey from Tadoussac on the St. Lawrence River to Ottawa in the southeastern part of the province of Ontario, we visited a very special zoo: Parc Omega – a safari park where we could even drive through independently with our large camper .

Park Omega Canada Header Image

Table of contents

Things to know about Parc Omega

Omega Park was founded in 1985 and opened its doors to the public in 1991. The park’s original concept was a place to spot North American wildlife on a 2,200-acre site in the region’s natural landscape. Gradually, the park was expanded taking into account nature, so that today more than 20 different animal species can be observed in their natural environment. The aim is to show visitors the beauty and simplicity of nature while providing unforgettable and respectful experiences with the wildlife, culture and history of Québec and Canada.

Park Omega, Canada, Map

The location of Parc Omega in Canada

Parc Omega is open every day of the year, including public holidays. Depending on the season, the opening hours are different, usually the park is open on weekdays from 10 am to 5 pm and on weekends from 9 am to 5 pm, with the last entrance possible at 4 pm. Due to pandemic, it is currently only possible to buy the entrance tickets online . You can therefore not just go there and buy tickets at the ticket booth, unless you have an annual pass or other free tickets.

Our tip: Buy one (or preferably several) bags of carrots in a supermarket beforehand. These may be fed to the deer and moose. Alternatively, you can also buy carrots in the visitor center.

The entrance to Parc Omega

The entrance to Parc Omega

The cash register

The cash register

At the Visitor Center

At the Visitor Center

The Visitor Centre

The Visitor Centre

A map of the Safari Park

On the following overview map you can see very nicely how the Parc Omega is laid out. Along a route of about 12 km you will pass lakes, meadows, small valleys, forests and rocky hills. You can discover many different species of wild animals such as.B beavers, moose, raccoons, wolves, coyotes, musk oxen, deer, turtles, wild boars, red foxes, ibex, caribou, black bears, moose, wild turkeys and bison.

Parc Omega, Canada, Map, Map

The Parc Omega in Canada

With our caravan on Drive-Through Safari

The Parc Omega is a drive-through park . So you stay in the car as a visitor and drive on a wide, well-signposted path through the park – this is even possible with a motorhome or with school buses. In addition, there are some designated places where you can leave the car, e.B. at hiking trails, playgrounds or picnic areas.

Road along Beaver Lake

Road along Beaver Lake

The wide paths through the park

The wide paths through the park

Our camper at Parc Omega

Our camper at Parc Omega

The wide paths through the park

Reindeer, Moose, Deer & Roe Deer

Most of the animals in the park – in addition to countless wild geese – are reindeer, moose, deer and roe deer. You can find them almost everywhere in the park. The special thing is that they all walk around completely freely and are totally trusting. As soon as you stop somewhere with the car, it does not take long for the first animals to come to the car and wait longingly for a carrot.

The Drive through Safari

The Drive through Safari

Feeding the animals at the car

Feeding the animals at the car

That was delicious

That was delicious


Feeding them from the car and being able to observe them up close is an incredibly great experience. Our little mouse also liked this very much and she was very interested in the animals 🙂

Feeding place

Feeding place

On safari with the camper

On safari with the camper

Is there something to eat here?

Is there something to eat here?

A trusting deer

A trusting deer

We are hungry

We are hungry

The Drive through Safari

Black Bears & Cinnamon Bears

The highlight of our park visit was waiting for us at the end of the trail: a group of black bears and cinnamon bears. The black bear is the most common bear species in Canada and is perfectly equipped for the cold winter due to its thick, shiny coat. Although black bears are omnivores, they eat 75% plant-based. One color form and subspecies of the American black bear is the so-called cinnamon bear, of which there are two pairs in Omega Park. Cinnamon bears are native primarily to the central, eastern, and western areas of the United States and Canada. The most striking difference between cinnamon bears and all other black bears is their brown or reddish-brown fur, which is a bit reminiscent of cinnamon. We were able to convince ourselves that cinnamon bears are excellent climbers. The sight of this big bear in the tree was really gigantic and we could hardly believe our eyes. A great experience!

A climbing bear

A climbing bear

A black bear

A black bear

A black bear

A bear in the tree

Other animals in the park

On our way through the park we saw some more animals, such as wolves, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, wild boars, goats, geese, ducks, turkeys and bison.

A group of bison

A group of bison

A Wolf

A wild boar

A Wolf

A wolf pack

A group of deer

A group of deer

In total, we spent just over 2 hours in the park. We had the impression that all animals are housed in sufficiently large enclosures, many even run around wild and are therefore not really locked up.

All travel reports from our camper round trip through Canada

Reiseberichte Kanada

Réserve Africaine de Sigean, le spectacle de la vie sauvage dans le sud de la France

Entre Narbonne et Perpignan, sur la côte méditerranéenne et en bordure des étangs qui jalonnent le littoral languedocien, la Réserve Africaine de Sigean accueille plusieurs milliers d’animaux sur de grands espaces afin que ces derniers restent sauvages et expriment pleinement leurs comportements naturels.

Achat en ligne obligatoire pour garantir votre accès au parc

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Les visiteurs témoignent

Une visite improvisée sans enfant, nous avons pu apprécier chaque instant. Le safari en voiture a sans doute été notre coup de cœur, les autruches et les zèbres étaient juste à côté de nous. Le parc est propre, le sandwich, la glace étaient bonne. Les animaux ont l’air heureux. Nous sommes restés 4h, avec un grand plaisir et des yeux d’enfants

Le safari a enchanté petits et grands. Le parc est bien pensé avec des endroits ombragés avec brumisateurs ce qui en plein été est très agréable. Les vastes espaces pour les animaux font plaisir à voir, les animaux semblent être en excellente santé et heureux. Nous avons vraiment apprécié notre visite à voir absolument !

Une super journée dans cette réserve remplie d animaux. Ça fait plaisir de voir les animaux bien libre avec beaucoup d espace. En plus on voit beaucoup le personnel surtout pendant la visite en voiture et dans la grande volière. Ils surveillent que tout se passe bien et surtout que les animaux vont bien. C etait une super journée. A faire.

  • Billetterie
  • Visite de la Réserve
  • Plan du parc

Gratuit pour vous

le jour de votre anniversaire !

En 2024, pour fêter les 50 ans du Parc, nous vous offrons l’entrée le jour de votre anniversaire.

Parc complet

Mais vous pouvez réserver vos places pour demain


safari zoo voiture


Driving through Safari Aventure in your own vehicle will be possible only in the afternoon.

In the morning, you can discover Safari Aventure in a new ecological way, aboard our new electric bush trucks!

Go on an Aventure!

Safari Aventure is divided into three areas: Africa, Eurasia and the Americas. On this 4 km journey, you can observe, photograph, touch and feed dromedaries, watussis, bisons, elks, greater kudus and many more magnificient species.  You will create memories for life!

Please give your new friends only lettuce, celery, cucumber or the animal food sold on site.

Please do not give carrots, apples, corn or vegetables from the cabbage family to the animals. Fruits and sweet vegetables, as well as crucifers, can cause digestion problems and health issues to several species. Thank you.


Road safety standards must be respected in Safari Aventure.

It is forbidden to sit in the box of pickup trucks, and to keep the rear and sliding doors of vans, SUVs and hatchbacks open.

Feed the animals only with green vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber and celery, or with the animal food sold on site.

The right lane is for feeding the animals, the left lane is to drive along.

Please follow the instructions specific to each section, as indicated on signs along the way.

Do not throw garbage out the window, trash cans are available at the exit of Safari Aventure.


Jeeps are allowed but must have their half doors in place.

Motorcycles, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles and other vehicles that do not offer side protection are prohibited.

For the safety of our animals, trailers are prohibited. They must be unhooked and left in the parking lot before entering Safari Aventure.

Bicycles and other large objects tied on a rear rack must be removed before entering Safari Aventure. 

Buses and recreational vehicles are allowed in Safari Aventure.

Meet the animals of Safari Aventure!

safari zoo voiture

Parc Planète Sauvage

Dormir au Zoo

Planète Sauvage recrute

safari zoo voiture

Planète Sauvage

Billets et tarifs, nos missions, préparez votre visite.

Découvrez Planète Sauvage, un parc unique en France, à 15 min. de Nantes, où vous embarquerez pour un safari extraordinaire à travers la faune sauvage.

Billetterie et options

Grâce au billet d’entrée, profitez d’une journée de découverte de la faune sauvage avec un accès aux 6 univers du parc , y compris la Piste Safari (avec votre propre véhicule) et la  présentation pédagogique des dauphins .

Pour une expérience encore plus approfondie, ajoutez des options !

safari zoo voiture

Billet d'entrée 2024

  • Billet adulte : 28,50 €
  • Billet enfant : 22 €
  • Billet PSH* adulte : 19,90 €
  • Billet PSH* enfant : 16,50 €

*Billet d'entrée PSH (Personne en Situation de Handicap) : présentation de la carte d'invalidité obligatoire en arrivant au parc. 

<ul> <li>Billet adulte : <strong>28,50 €</strong></li> <li>Billet enfant : <strong>22 €</strong></li> <li>Billet PSH* adulte : <strong>19,90 €</strong></li> <li>Billet PSH* enfant : <strong>16,50&nbsp;€</strong></li> </ul> <p><span style="font-size:12px"><i>*Billet d'entrée PSH&nbsp;(Personne en Situation de Handicap) : présentation de la carte d'invalidité obligatoire en arrivant au parc.&nbsp;</i></span></p>

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Option Raid 4*4

  • Tarif unique : 11 € / personne

Partez 2h en visite guidée à bord de nos camions brousse pour découvrir tous les secrets des animaux de la Piste Safari !

<ul> <li>Tarif unique : <strong>11 € / personne</strong></li> </ul> <p>Partez 2h en visite guidée à bord de nos camions brousse pour découvrir tous les secrets des animaux de la Piste Safari !</p>

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Option Rencontre avec les Dauphins

  • Tarif unique :  18 € / personne

Une rencontre d'exception pour tout savoir du travail des soigneurs animaliers et mieux connaitre les dauphins

<ul> <li>Tarif unique :&nbsp;<strong>18 € / personne</strong></li> </ul> <p>Une rencontre d'exception pour tout savoir du travail des soigneurs animaliers et mieux connaitre les dauphins</p> <p><span style="font-size:12px"><i></i></span></p>

Les expériences inoubliables

Petits et grands, découvrez Planète Sauvage et ses coulisses sous un autre regard grâce aux expériences guidées.

Vivez une aventure unique et enrichissante !

A partir de 3 ans

A partir de 3 ans

A partir de 3 ans

A partir de 12 ans

A partir de 12 ans

De 7 à 12 ans

De 7 à 12 ans

Et si vous passiez la nuit au plus proche des animaux? 

Les séjours en lodges.

Vivez des moments inoubliables au cœur de Planète Sauvage en séjournant dans nos lodges exclusifs, offrant une immersion totale face aux animaux les plus emblématiques. Plongez dans l'atmosphère d'un authentique safari africain et profitez d'une proximité exceptionnelle avec la faune sauvage, vous plaçant ainsi aux premières loges pour observer cette fantastique biodiversité.

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Kilamba Lodges

Un séjour en lodge face aux lions d'Angola

Imaginez-vous, confortablement installé sur votre terrasse privée, observant le territoire des lions. Le lodge, conçu avec élégance et souci du détail, allie harmonieusement le confort et l'authenticité africaine. Votre hébergement spacieux offre un refuge de tranquillité où vous pourrez vous reposer et vous ressourcer après une journée d'exploration. 

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Taman Lodges

Un séjour en lodge face aux tigres de Malaisie

Bienvenue dans notre lodge luxueux en plein coeur de la jungle malaisienne face aux tigres, où l'élégance et le confort se fondent harmonieusement avec la beauté naturelle de notre environnement. Niché au cœur d'un paysage époustouflant, le lodge offre une expérience exclusive et raffinée.

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Savannah Lodges

Un séjour face aux girafes du Cap 

Bienvenue dans notre lodge face aux girafes du Cap, situé en plein cœur d'une magnifique plaine de savane africaine. Préparez-vous à vivre une expérience inoubliable au plus près de la nature sauvage.

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Un séjour en lodge face aux guépards

Bienvenue dans notre lodge luxueux en plein coeur de la nature, face au plus élégant des félins. Visiteurs privilégiés, profitez du spectacle de chaque instant qui s'offre à vous au gré des comportements des guépards !

Les séjours en Bivouacs

Pour une immersion totale en Afrique ou en Asie, optez pour l'un de nos deux bivouacs au coeur du parc pour un séjour inédit ! Profitez d'une immersion totale dans l'atmosphère d'un authentique safari africain, vous plaçant aux premières loges pour observer et apprécier de près la richesse de la faune sauvage. 

Bivouac en Tanzanie

Bivouac en Tanzanie

Un séjour en Bivouac Africain 

Vivez une expérience authentique et une nuit mémorable au plus près des animaux. Reconnectez-vous à la nature, et partagez des moments conviviaux empreints d'authenticité lors de cette aventure qui vous ramène à l'essence même de la vie sauvage

Bivouac en Mongolie

Bivouac en Mongolie

Un séjour en Bivouac en terre Mongole

Mettez-vous au rythme de la Mongolie nomade, bercé par la nature et les troupeaux. Avec cette expérience unique, observez les animaux cohabitant avec les voyageurs sur la steppe Mongole de Planète Sauvage et passez une nuit au zoo inoubliable. 

Nos actualités

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Au coeur de la course !

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Évènement Loto

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Le défi de Pâques

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Nouveauté 2024

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Recherche scientifique

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Urgence climatique !

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Animations Halloween

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Journée de solidarité en soutien à l'association Petits Princes

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Avis des visiteurs

"super weekend ".

Weekend magique en lodge, avec découverte d'un parc très bien entretenu, les animaux sont calmes et paisibles dans des enclos adaptés, safari avec notre voiture personnelle et on a pris notre temps.. Partie piétonne très agréable, moment privilégié avec les dauphins et les soigneurs passionnés qui a été très instructif

giportille, Trip Advisor, Mars 2022

"Bonne journée au parc"

Je conseille le safari vip et la rencontre avec les dauphin les soigneur sont tres accessibles et agréables et professionnels

Nicolad B, Trip Advisor, Septembre 2021

"un moment inoubliable"

Très intéressant, bon accueil, bonne organisation ..Un moment inoubliable à observer des animaux en semi-liberté. La visite en camion un vrai bonheur, même pour des personnes à mobilité réduite (mais pas en fauteuil). Je reviendrais avec mes petits enfants.

Sabine D, Trip Advisor, Septembre 2021

"Très belle expérience"

Nous avons passé un moment inoubliable. Et sommes repartis avec des souvenirs plein la tête ! Que ce soit le parcours à pied, le safari en voiture ou encore la présentation des dauphins que dire... Foncez !

Enicax, Trip Advisor, Septembre 2021


Pour mon premier Safari c'était magnifique ! Découvertes au plus près des animaux. Pouvoir les voir au côté de la voiture !! De très belles espèces, ensuite à la fin, le parc est top ! Propre et grand ! La représentation des dauphins est sympathique ! Nous avons même pu refaire le safari l'après midi et découvert d'autres animaux ! À refaire avec grand plaisirs

Jevoyage, Trip Advisor, Septembre 2021


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  • Krasnopresnenskaya • 6 min walk
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Dur­ing the sec­ond half of the nine­teenth cen­tury the first menageries in Moscow were estab­lished as enter­tain­ment facil­i­ties. The first was founded in 1855 by two French­men (names unknown), while the Kreuzberg fam­ily owned a pri­vate menagerie that opened its door to the pub­lic in 1862 . Together these ani­mal col­lec­tions formed the heart of the Moscow Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den founded by the Soci­ety for Acclima­ti­za­tion of Plants and Ani­mals, which was estab­lished by pro­fes­sors of the Moscow State Uni­ver­sity. The ini­tial idea for such a zoo­log­i­cal gar­den came in 1857 , but it took the Soci­ety, includ­ing one of its found­ing fathers pro­fes­sor Ana­toly P. Bog­danov, until 1863 to be able to buy prop­erty for the future zoo. The Zoo was opened to vis­i­tors on 13 Feb­ru­ary 1864 at the loca­tion where it still exists until this very day. On open­ing day 287 ani­mals were on dis­play, of which 134 were domes­tic ani­mals, while the oth­ers were exotic spec­i­mens such as tigers, lions, jaguar, leop­ard and rhino.

In those days it was an unique exper­i­ment to cre­ate “a liv­ing museum out­doors,” as pro­fes­sor Bog­danov said, in such severe cli­matic con­di­tions of cen­tral Rus­sia. The pri­mary pur­pose of the Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den accord­ing to the mem­bers of the Soci­ety was:

to col­lect alive spec­i­mens of higher ver­te­brates ( firstly — the ani­mals of Russ­ian fauna) for sci­en­tific observations;

to estab­lish a col­lec­tion of typ­i­cal ani­mals that could serve edu­ca­tional pur­poses, i.e. dis­tri­b­u­tion of zoo­log­i­cal knowl­edge among the wide pub­lic communities;

to carry out sci­en­tific exper­i­ments and obser­va­tions of impor­tant ani­mals, espe­cially domes­tic ani­mals of Russ­ian breeds.

The Zoo was financed by the entrance fees and pri­vate dona­tions, includ­ing con­tri­bu­tions by mem­bers of the impe­r­ial fam­ily. In the first years the annual num­ber of vis­i­tors grew up to ten thou­sands. Nev­er­the­less, the incomes did not cover the expenses and the Moscow City Coun­cil refused to give finan­cial sup­port. So, the Zoo went into pri­vate hands of the Ryabinins’ fam­ily in 1874 . They trans­formed the Zoo into an amuse­ment park and in three years time ruined the place. In 1878 the Zoo was run by the Soci­ety for Acclima­ti­za­tion of Plants and Ani­mals again, includ­ing fund rais­ing activ­i­ties. This time the Soci­ety was able to man­age the Zoo suc­cess­fully, and even to buy a num­ber of ani­mals. But in the tur­moil of the Rev­o­lu­tion of 1905 the Zoo was severely dam­aged: the build­ings were ruined, the library was set on fire, many ani­mals per­ished. So, for the sec­ond time the Soci­ety was forced to turn over the Zoo to pri­vate owners.

Then in 1914 World War I broke out. For the Zoo this meant that in the autumn of 1914 the only build­ing that remain to this day was trans­formed from the director’s premises to a hos­pi­tal for wounded WWI sol­diers. The WWI impact com­pounded Russia’s suf­fer­ing from a num­ber of eco­nomic and social prob­lems, which resulted first in the 1917 Feb­ru­ary rev­o­lu­tion fol­lowed by the Octo­ber rev­o­lu­tion. In the after­math of the Great Octo­ber Social­ist Rev­o­lu­tion of 1917 and the fall of the Russ­ian Empire, the Soci­ety ceased to exist, and in 1919 the Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den was declared national prop­erty and trans­ferred under the respon­si­bil­ity of the min­istry of Cul­ture of the com­mu­nist Moscow par­lia­ment, the Mossovet. In 1922 it was trans­ferred to the author­ity of Moscow City Coun­cil and since then it has been sup­ported by the City Author­i­ties. Con­struc­tion work began on the Zoo grounds. The Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den premises almost dou­bled in size with the estab­lish­ment of the ‘New’ ter­ri­tory on the oppo­site side of Bol­shaya Gruzin­skaya street. New exhibits, which fol­lowed the prin­ci­ple of Carl Hagenbeck’s bar-​less enclo­sure design were estab­lished. One of the most inter­est­ing exhibits of the Zoo called ‘Ani­mal Island’ still exists. It was a high stony rock sur­rounded by a deep water ditch that sep­a­rated the vis­i­tors from bears, tigers, lions and other large preda­tors on the ‘Island’. The total size at the time was nearly 18 hectares.

In 1926 the Zoo­log­i­cal Gar­den was renamed ‘Zoo­log­i­cal Park’. At that time the range of activ­i­ties extended, the ani­mal col­lec­tion increased con­sid­er­ably with expe­di­tions col­lect­ing wildlife in Cen­tral Asia, the Far East and the Cau­ca­sus. New depart­ments were estab­lished, focussed on for instance sci­en­tific research, edu­ca­tion, vet­eri­nary sci­ence and nutri­tion. In those same years Moscow Zoo was the first zoo in the world where edu­ca­tional activ­i­ties were the main priority.

In 1924 the Zoo had estab­lished the Young Biol­o­gists Club that gath­ered like-​minded young peo­ple that joined in real sci­en­tific research. Many of them became a Zoo employee. The Club was founded by Petr Man­teifel, who also was the pio­neer father of the sci­ence called ‘zoo biol­ogy’. Man­teifel and his young biol­o­gists dis­cov­ered a way of arti­fi­cial breed­ing sables (Martes zibel­lina), which were on the verge of extinc­tion due to man’s insa­tiable pur­suit for its expen­sive fur. In the 1930 s dur­ing Stalin’s great purge many mem­bers of the Young Biol­o­gists Club were arrested accused of spread­ing anti-​soviet pro­pa­ganda and liberal-​minded ideas and hav­ing con­tact with Ger­man col­leagues at Berlin zoo, some were even exe­cuted as for­eign spies. The Club was con­sid­ered a non-​governmental organ­i­sa­tion beyond the direct con­trol of the author­i­ties, which in fact was partly true because the Club was a real democ­racy, with mem­ber­ship avail­able to all.

Although many ani­mals were evac­u­ated and many of the zoo staff were called to arms at the begin­ning of World War II the Zoo was kept open. Of the 750 employ­ees at autumn 1941 only 220 remained on the staff, most of them women. Get­ting enough food for the ani­mals was a con­stant chal­lenge, for instance car­casses of killed horse at the bat­tle­field around Moscow were brought to the zoo. More than six mil­lion peo­ple vis­ited the Zoo from 1941 to 1945 to enjoy the sights of ani­mals that had remained.

At wartime the sci­en­tific work pro­ceeded, per­haps even more intense than before or after the war. The sci­en­tific staff worked espe­cially on devel­op­ment of antibi­otics. But the most impor­tant mis­sion of the Zoo dur­ing the war was to give peo­ple hope. It pro­duced the illu­sion of a peace­ful life until peo­ple sur­vived through the des­per­a­tion of the war with the Red Army sol­diers as the most fre­quent vis­i­tors of the Zoo. Which were given the plea­sure of watch­ing new­born off­spring even dur­ing the war.

Dur­ing the soviet union period ( 1922 − 1991 ) not many highly ranked peo­ple cared about the zoo — no soviet leader had any inter­est in it. The city encroached on the zoo premises, while the zoo needed addi­tional space for the ever expand­ing zoo pop­u­la­tion of ani­mals. Because the breed­ing results were still excellent.

The Zoo lived up to the goal it had set for itself and made edu­ca­tional activ­i­ties the main pri­or­ity. Zoo staff dis­trib­uted knowl­edge in the field of nat­ural his­tory and tried to raise the pub­lic aware­ness and con­cern about the neces­sity for wildlife con­ser­va­tion. The zoo assisted school­child­ren and stu­dents with study­ing biol­ogy, actively par­tic­i­pated in sci­en­tific research, and actively con­tributed to sci­en­tific pub­li­ca­tions. So, the Zoo became one of the larger sci­en­tific insti­tu­tions in Moscow. And of course it still was the favourite recre­ational place for Moscow cit­i­zens and those who vis­ited the city.

As off 1974 when Igos Sos­novsky retired as direc­tor and his suc­ces­sor Vladimir Spit­syn took over Moscow Zoo became part of the inter­na­tional zoo com­mu­nity again. Sos­novsky as a WWII vet­eran hadn’t been able to brush aside the fear of repres­sion and avoided all inter­na­tional con­tacts for some rea­son. Spit­syn restored all inter­na­tional activ­i­ties from before the war and the Zoo became mem­ber of many Euro­pean and Inter­na­tional Breed­ing Pro­grammes in which it exchanged its rare and endan­gered ani­mals, shared expe­ri­ence and information.

Although already in the 1970 s improve­ment of all zoo facil­i­ties was needed and ideas of a new zoo in another region of Moscow were launched, noth­ing hap­pened due to local eco­nom­i­cal and social prob­lems. By the end of the 1980 s the Zoo’s con­di­tion became alarm­ing. Facil­i­ties were dete­ri­o­rat­ing, enclo­sures were dilap­i­dated and tech­ni­cal equip­ment needed to be replaced as well. And while a few improve­ments had been achieved — such as a par­tial ren­o­va­tion of the main entrance, the mon­key house and lion house — urgent mea­sures were still needed.

Then, in 1992 the new Moscow gov­ern­ment made a deci­sion to start the most ambi­tious recon­struc­tion project in Moscow Zoo’s his­tory with the first stage of the project to be com­pleted by 1997 , when the 850 th anniver­sary of the City would be cel­e­brated. Ana­toly A. Andreev who had been involved in the Zoo’s design and archi­tec­ture since the 1970 s headed the team of archi­tects. The project’s ren­o­va­tion objec­tives were focussed at (a) preser­va­tion or par­tial ren­o­va­tion of the his­tor­i­cally valu­able build­ings and exist­ing pools, (b) reduc­tion of the noise from the sur­round­ing streets, © con­nec­tion of the Old and the New ter­ri­tory via a foot­bridge, and (d) expan­sion of the Old ter­ri­tory by incor­po­rat­ing adja­cent areas and buildings.

Besides the preser­va­tion and ren­o­va­tion of almost all impor­tant zoo con­struc­tions, includ­ing the ones that actu­ally were dilap­i­dated, many new enclo­sures and facil­i­ties were built. Already in 1993 the foot­bridge that con­nected the Old and New ter­ri­tory was com­pleted. It allowed vis­i­tors to avoid cross­ing the busy B. Gruzin­skaya street with its heavy traf­fic. In 1993 other con­struc­tions were com­pleted as well, such as an enclo­sure for large birds of prey and a com­plex of enclo­sures for feline species, includ­ing leop­ards, Pal­las’ cats and lynx. Next, the Hagenbeck-​style ‘Ani­mal Island’, one of the most remark­able exhibits in the New ter­ri­tory, was ren­o­vated. The his­toric appear­ance with enclo­sures that resem­bled the nat­ural habi­tats of Amur tiger, striped hyena, African wild dog and Asian black bear was pre­served. Later they intro­duced Asian lions in one of the enclo­sures around the large rock in the cen­tre of the ‘island’. Dur­ing the ren­o­va­tion they cre­ated the Exo­tar­ium, which held sev­eral aquar­i­ums, inside the rock on the sec­ond floor.

The fol­low­ing years many more enclo­sures were ren­o­vated, besides the new research and vet­eri­nar­ian facil­i­ties that were put into oper­a­tion in 1994 . In 1996 , the main entrance itself (fea­tur­ing a small arti­fi­cial water­fall) was recon­structed. The same year the old, dilap­i­dated ele­phant com­plex was demol­ished and a new ele­phant house was erected at the same spot, while the inhab­i­tants (four African ele­phants and four Asian ele­phants) were tem­porar­ily moved to a a for­mer tram depot that was com­pletely ren­o­vated and spe­cially equipped. A new children’s zoo was opened in the New ter­ri­tory, includ­ing a children’s the­atre that organ­ises shows with edu­ca­tional ele­ments. And besides sev­eral aviaries, a pavil­ion for water birds was built on the shore of the large pond in the New territory.

Although in those days 4 addi­tional hectares of space was added to the for­mer exist­ing 18 hectares, the Zoo still lacked space to cre­ate favourable con­di­tions for their species to breed. And its loca­tion in the cen­tre of Moscow didn’t con­tribute to the favourable breed­ing con­di­tions they wanted of course. There­fore, the 200 hectares area near the city of Voloko­lamsk (about 100 km from Moscow) that was given to the Zoo in 1996 for the estab­lish­ment of a breed­ing sta­tion was very much wel­comed (see also Breed­ing Cen­tre ).

The first major stage of the gen­eral recon­struc­tion of the Moscow zoo rep­re­sents a unique event. Not only over 50 facil­i­ties have been ren­o­vated ( 90 % of all exist­ing facil­i­ties) and newly built, but it was achieved in such a short period of time. But main­te­nance and small and larger refur­bish­ment is ongo­ing busi­ness in a zoo. So, i n 2002 , the Moscow City Gov­ern­ment and the City Coun­cil allo­cated the nec­es­sary funds to start con­struc­tion of a new pavil­ion for the Asian ele­phants. In 2003 the three ele­phants could move house already, and in spring 2009 , the first new­born ele­phant calf was welcomed.

The Moscow Zoo­log­i­cal Park has come a long way from the small zoo­log­i­cal gar­den it was to the large insti­tu­tion of sci­en­tific research, edu­ca­tion, con­ser­va­tion and recre­ation it is today. And due to the dynam­ics of the stan­dards used in the zoo com­mu­nity regard­ing ani­mal health and wel­fare, Moscow Zoo is con­stantly improv­ing its facil­i­ties, also dur­ing 2014 cel­e­brat­ing its 150 th anniversary.

(Source: Moscow Zoo web­site; Zoo with a Human Face, to the 150 th anniver­sary of the Moscow Zoo — a doc­u­men­tary by Darya Vio­lina and Sergei Pavlovsky, 2014 ; Zoo and Aquar­ium His­tory by Ver­non N. Kisling, Jr., 2001 ; Wikipedia)

An account of 150 years of his­tory of the Moscow Zoo

(A doc­u­men­tary by Darya Vio­lina and Sergei Pavlovsky)

The his­tory of Moscow Zoo shown through the per­spec­tive of the lives of the peo­ple who have been impor­tant to the Zoo’s devel­op­ment and con­tin­u­ous progress over those many years since 1864 . Thou­sands of pho­tographs, hun­dreds of chron­i­cles, accounts and rec­ol­lec­tions that have pre­served the story that began so long ago, against all odds, and lasts unin­ter­rupted to this day. A doc­u­men­tary about those who have devoted their lives to serv­ing a noble and reward­ing cause, those who have started from scratch, those who main­tained that work and about those who revive the Zoo as off today.

(Source: sdpavlovskiy YouTube channel)

20 . 06 . 2014

Finally, Moscow Zoo is paid a visit. I have been look­ing for­ward to this for quite some time. It has been on my to-​do list since I learnt about the large col­lec­tion of feline species on dis­play at the Zoo. So, I am here on this sunny day in June to sat­isfy my curios­ity, in the year they cel­e­brate the Zoo’s 150 th anniversary.

I am enter­ing as one of the 1 , 5 mil­lion pay­ing atten­dance yearly. Which is not even half of the total num­ber of vis­i­tors a year. This is about 4 mil­lion, because there are spe­cific cat­e­gories (e.g. dis­abled, pen­sion­ers, chil­dren, stu­dents, etc.) for whom the admis­sion is free.


I turn left after the main entrance to visit the large preda­tor sec­tion of the Old ter­ri­tory. Not that only here you will find preda­tors, but the great­est part of their preda­tor col­lec­tion is grouped in this sec­tion. I will come back to the group­ing of Moscow Zoo’s ani­mal col­lec­tion later. After hav­ing walked along a fence that blocks most of the views on the work in progress at the lake I arrive at what they call here the ‘trop­i­cal cats’ sec­tion: Ben­gal tiger (unfor­tu­nately the genet­i­cally aber­rant ver­sion — a white tiger), jaguar and chee­tah. Both the tiger and the jaguar have their indoor enclo­sures in the same house built at the perime­ter of the premises. The chee­tahs have their shel­ter for the night and bad weather in their out­door pad­dock, so that can­not be vis­ited. The tiger and the jaguar how­ever have inter­est­ing hous­ing that serves the needs for both the cats and the vis­i­tors. The lat­ter are pleased with Asian and South Amer­i­can (Inca) orna­ments to make sure they under­stand the geo­graph­i­cal ori­gin of the species. While the walls have murals rep­re­sent­ing the species’ orig­i­nal habi­tat … Machu Pichu for the jaguar. The ani­mals them­selves have var­i­ous enrich­ment fea­tures at their dis­posal, includ­ing high level obser­va­tion posts, in rather small exhibits. The out­door facil­i­ties for these two species are acces­si­ble from the indoors. It has nat­ural veg­e­ta­tion, but not a lot. Like­wise there are not a lot of options to shel­ter from extreme weather or loud crowds. Although the cats have access to sev­eral rest­ing posts at dif­fer­ent lev­els, these enclo­sures can do with some improve­ments — at least more veg­e­ta­tion — to make them bet­ter fit for pur­pose, in my opin­ion. The enor­mous expo­sure of the cats is also due to the fact that they use win­dows to sep­a­rate ani­mal from man along almost the total length of the enclosures.

When I walk the few steps to the entrance of the Bear House, which is like the jaguar and tiger indoor enclo­sure built at the edge of the Zoo grounds, I pass in between the Pal­las’ cat exhibit and a sec­ond jaguar exhibit. The Pal­las’ cat has a flat grassy area with three large trees, some shrubs and a poten­tial pond (when filled with water) avail­able in its out­door enclo­sure. Win­dows all around and a wire mesh roof pre­vent the cat from flee­ing this scenery that doesn’t resem­ble the cat’s orig­i­nal Himalyan habi­tat. Across the foot­path there’s a jaguar enclo­sure that’s more inter­est­ing than the one directly neigh­bour­ing the tiger. This one has a small stream and loads of veg­e­ta­tion and a mul­ti­level rest­ing plat­form. Still the ani­mal is quite exposed.

The Bear House pro­vides a nice and secluded area where three adja­cent bear enclo­sures houses sloth bear and spec­ta­cled bear. As a vis­i­tor you walk via a roofed cor­ri­dor more or less in the dark along the enclo­sures hav­ing good views on the exhibit via man-​sized win­dows. The enclo­sures have a dry shal­low moat at the visitor’s side, but I don’t think this with­hold the bears from com­ing close to the win­dows. The enclo­sures are small but almost com­pletely filled with enrich­ment fea­tures includ­ing var­i­ous plat­forms, a tree trunk struc­ture, rub­ber ham­mocks and nat­ural veg­e­ta­tion. Con­sid­er­ing the design I think these enclo­sures offer peace and quiet for the bears, unless peo­ple start bang­ing the win­dows of course.

In slightly larger enclo­sures they keep Amur leop­ard, snow leop­ard and cougar ( Puma con­color ). At all of these felid species enclo­sures the dis­tance between the pub­lic bar­rier and the fence does allow con­tact when peo­ple lean far forward.

Fur­ther along the foot­path around the cor­ner the arc­tic fox and the dhole are housed in enclo­sures that have a sim­i­lar inte­rior design as those for the felids. Despite the fact that these species live under dif­fer­ent nat­ural cir­cum­stances in the wild (for­est and tun­dra habi­tat respectively).

When I walk back to have a look at the large birds of prey aviary I can­not pre­vent myself to have a brief look at the giraffe enclo­sure as well. It’s obvi­ously a relic of the past that is not fit for pur­pose any­more. Still they have one retic­u­lated giraffe on dis­play at a sad­den­ing small area. It loves to be fed by the pub­lic that doesn’t care about the warn­ing not to feed the ani­mals. On the other side of the build­ing a sim­i­lar piti­ful sit­u­a­tion for the sin­gle white-​tailed gnu can be seen.

One of the most extra­or­di­nary group of species brought together on dis­play can be found right after the row of preda­tor enclo­sures. The maned wolf from South Amer­ica has the red-​necked wal­laby and emu from Aus­tralia as neigh­bour. But also in the same area the African wild dog is on dis­play as well as white-​tailed gnu (Africa) and kiang (Asia) in the row of sta­bles along the rim of the premises.

The rac­coon exhibit is worth men­tion­ing con­sid­er­ing the afore­men­tioned acci­dent risks. It has a very typ­i­cal enclo­sure design with elec­tri­cal wire on top of win­dows sur­round­ing the entire exhibit. The elec­tri­cal wire is within reach of the pub­lic. So, there are numer­ous warn­ing signs! But why they installed elec­tri­cal wire on top of win­dows that are unclimbable for rac­coons? To keep out the pub­lic perhaps?

In the bird house, in the far end cor­ner from the main entrance, birds from all geo­graph­i­cal regions are grouped together, includ­ing Hum­boldt pen­guin and African pen­guin. The house con­sists of two part with one part half empty, and has also very com­mon species on dis­play, such as wild turkey, com­mon pheas­ant and Euro­pean hedge­hog. Out­side this build­ing sev­eral aviaries com­prise a large array of par­rot species (South Amer­ica and Australia).

Pro­ceed­ing with my tour around the Old ter­ri­tory I have a look at the Asian ele­phant house and its sur­round­ing grounds. The fancy steel with blue details of the ele­phant house doesn’t appeal to me, but that is just a mat­ter of taste. It is def­i­nitely the most mod­ern exhibit in the Zoo I’ve seen yet, in style and in size, with a nice pool at the visitor’s side.

I skip the rep­tile house to save some time, and money too, because an addi­tional fee com­plies. So I walk straight to another mod­ern enclo­sure — the bar-​less and moated wolf exhibit. Although it has a Hagenbeck-​style design, the space avail­able for the wolves is ridicu­lously small. The wolves will never be able to cross the water-​filled moat and climb the wall and thus break out, still there is impres­sive elec­tri­cal wiring in place on top of the wall. Again, prob­a­bly to keep out the public.

Mak­ing my way to the foot­bridge that con­nects the Old and New ter­ri­tory I pass along a very old-​fashioned row of enclo­sures built in a semi­cir­cle in front of the 16 metres high sculp­ture by Zurab Tsereteli called ‘Tree of Fairy Tales’, 1996 . The enclo­sures house sev­eral species of mustel­idae (sable, Euro­pean pole­cat, stone marten), as well as African wild cats. Then fol­lowed by sev­eral aviaries again. At this point I am really lost regard­ing the way they group the Zoo’s ani­mal collection.


Pro­ceed­ing clock­wise I find the doors of the Trop­i­cal House closed for ren­o­va­tion. So, no but­ter­flies for me this time. But in one of the two spa­cious aviaries around this house I dis­cover sev­eral ducks, such as the man­darin duck and the black-​bellied whistling duck, together with the com­mon kestrel ( Falco tin­nun­cu­lus ), though nei­ther rare nor endangered.

Then a rather spe­cial exhibit appears, the Ani­mal Island, which was devel­oped in the 1920 s as one of the first Hagenbeck-​style enclo­sures in the New ter­ri­tory. Although it took some ren­o­va­tion activ­i­ties it still exists to this very day. In the cen­tre of this moated area they have erected a fake ruined fortress, which serves as the back­ground for the species in the sur­round­ing exhibits. These bar-​less exhibits have a more mod­ern appear­ance but it isn’t nec­es­sar­ily an improve­ment for the ani­mals. For instance the Asian black bear has a bare envi­ron­ment with minor enrich­ment avail­able and no veg­e­ta­tion, but the brown bear is even worse off in a sim­i­lar enclo­sure but next to noth­ing of enrich­ment fea­tures. The tun­dra wolf ( Canis lupus alba ) and the striped hyena have a lit­tle bet­ter place at their dis­posal, but the Asian lions have by far the best enclo­sure. They have sev­eral rest­ing plat­forms, trees and a stream that ends in the moat. Again to save time I skip an exhibit. This time the Exo­tar­ium with its aquar­i­ums that has been cre­ated inside the ruined fortress and by the way requires an addi­tional fee to get in.

One of the rare areas in Moscow Zoo where you find mixed-​species exhibits is called ‘Fauna of the Savan­nah’. It has a South Amer­i­can sec­tion with capy­bara vicuna and gua­naco, and — very impor­tantly — a large pool at the dis­posal of the largest rodent on earth. Though absolutely not endan­gered, these water-​loving capy­baras should have access to water at all times, in my opin­ion. The real savan­nah area with African species has sev­eral enclo­sures. A mixed species exhibit with sable ante­lope and dikdik. And Grevy’s zebra together with ostrich and giraffe. Also this time there’s only one giraffe in the pad­dock. The loca­tion of the meerkat enclo­sure is well cho­sen, because when they sit on top of one of their hills they can watch the other ani­mals. Although it is the largest and prob­a­bly the most mod­ern facil­ity at the Moscow Zoo I still think it is dis­ap­point­ingly mediocre com­pared to other zoos I have seen in Europe and North America.

Before I go to the pri­mate sec­tion I buy myself an ice cream and walk along the horse sta­bles on the east­ern edge of the New ter­ri­tory premises. Look­ing for an answer to the ques­tion “why are there horse sta­bles at this place?” The ques­tion still waits for an answer.

At Moscow Zoo they keep both Suma­tran as Bornean orang­utans, which is quite unusual. The out­doors for the five indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing 2 young, of the Suma­tran species looks impres­sive due to the enor­mously high rock face at the rear. The wall looks extra impres­sive because it is rather close to the view­ing win­dows. Unfor­tu­nately, the exhibit lacks trees and veg­e­ta­tion other than grass while the enrich­ment is scant and I don’t see puz­zle feed­ers. The Bornean orang­utans have a sim­i­lar out­door enclo­sure, but it is sug­gested that olive baboons ( Papio anu­bis ) are on dis­play here as well. It could be that they alter­nate in the same out­door enclo­sure, but this is not very clear.

The west­ern low­land goril­las also have a sim­i­lar out­door enclo­sure design due to which the ani­mals are enor­mously exposed to the inquis­i­tive pub­lic. Con­sid­er­ing the num­ber of young­sters Moscow Zoo appears to be hav­ing good results breed­ing orang­utans and gorillas.

Indoors, all the great ape exhibits have much enrich­ment and jungle-​like murals, but the agile gib­bon has even more enrich­ment inside. I haven’t seen a spe­cific out­door enclo­sure for the agile gib­bon but it could be pos­si­ble that it alter­nates with the Suma­tran orang­utans. Only this enclo­sure lacks high trees or other options for the gib­bon to brachi­ate, which is its nat­ural behav­iour in the canopy of the gibbon’s native habi­tat, the rain­forests of south­east Asia.

The ter­rar­ium build­ing, located behind the Pri­mate House, is beau­ti­fully dec­o­rated with lit­tle mosaic tiles. They have the usual row of exhibits, but in this case espe­cially the larger rep­tiles and tor­toises (python, croc­o­diles, alli­ga­tor, tor­toise) are kept. And out­side they have two giant tor­toise species, the Aldabra and the Gala­pa­gos tortoise.

On my return to the exit I pass the exhibits of a few of the many preda­tor species they have on dis­play at Moscow Zoo. The polar bear is pro­vided with a big heap of arti­fi­cial ice, but that’s about it when it comes to enrich­ment, though there are some plas­tic drums to play with. The enclo­sure as such is the pro­to­type of polar bear enclo­sures world­wide, rear wall of cement and large bricks, con­crete floor, large and deep water-​filled moat. Unfor­tu­nately, again here the annoy­ing reflect­ing win­dows. The yellow-​throated marten I do not see, and the same counts for the Eurasian otter in its large elon­gated out­door exhibit with a shal­low pool along the whole length. It must be great to see the sub­merged otters swim in this pool.

Con­clu­sion There are sev­eral ways to group a col­lec­tion of ani­mals which can sup­port a zoo’s edu­ca­tional efforts. Of course, some peo­ple just come to the zoo to be enter­tained, but when an indi­vid­ual is ready to learn some things the worst thing you can do is con­fuse him or her. And to be fairly hon­est, con­fus­ing it is. Some­times they group the col­lec­tion accord­ing their tax­o­nomic tree, which is the case with the felids, the bird species and the pri­mates. Then again they have decided to present the col­lec­tion by geo­graph­i­cal ori­gin, like in the ‘Fauna of the Savan­nah’, or accord­ing orig­i­nal habi­tat like the mountain-​dwelling tur and mark­hor. And at some point they just make a mess of the group­ing, for instance in the area with the maned wolf, the red-​necked wal­laby and oth­ers. In the end it seems the Zoo just want to have on dis­play as many species as pos­si­ble, because all species that live in herds they keep them in small num­bers. I do under­stand that it is not easy, requires tough deci­sions and cer­tainly is not cheap to rearrange your entire col­lec­tion, espe­cially when it is that huge as it is here at Moscow Zoo. Any­way, fur­ther ren­o­va­tion is fore­seen and prob­a­bly some rethink­ing as well.

I hope that they get rid of all these win­dows they have at so many exhibits. For some sit­u­a­tions it is inevitable I under­stand, but I sin­cerely hope they will return to the orig­i­nal Hagen­beck idea of bar-​less enclo­sures, tak­ing into account mod­ern hus­bandry stan­dards of course. As the posi­tion of the sun makes it some­times hard to get even the slight­est glimpse of the ani­mals due to the reflec­tions in the win­dows. And last but not least they have the ten­dency to have win­dows all around or at more than 50 per­cent of the perime­ter of an enclo­sure. Most of the time lead­ing to more expo­sure of the ani­mals to the pub­lic and pos­si­ble unrest.

Suma­tran orang­utan young­sters at Moscow Zoo

Just another day at the zoo for these orang­utans ( Pongo abelii ) — noth­ing much excit­ing going on in this safe and secure envi­ron­ment. But wouldn’t it be nice to see them swing­ing and romp­ing in the forests of Sumatra.….

Rac­coons at Moscow Zoo

Rac­coons are known for their habit to clean their food in the water before eat­ing it. It seems they also want to have a clean ball before play­ing with it.

Breed­ing Centre

Infor­ma­tion and education, zoo details, breed­ing farm.

The Moscow Zoo has always been try­ing to cre­ate the most favourable con­di­tions for their ani­mals to ful­fil their basic needs. Not only for ani­mal health and wel­fare pur­poses but also to breed the ani­mals suc­cess­fully. These spe­cific breed­ing con­di­tions could not be achieved due to its loca­tion in the City cen­tre and the lack of space. In 1996 the Zoo came into pos­ses­sion of an area of 200 hectares near the city of Voloko­lamsk (about 100 km from Moscow). In this pic­turesque hilly area of the for­mer quar­ries of the Sychovo min­ing fac­tory, with streams, springs and arti­fi­cial ponds bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties were avail­able for breed­ing var­i­ous — pre­dom­i­nantly rare — species of animals.

The main goals of the Breed­ing Cen­tre, besides main­tain­ing rare and endan­gered species of ani­mals, are estab­lish­ing breed­ing pairs and groups and devel­op­ing new hus­bandry meth­ods. Since exces­sive dis­tur­bance is likely to have adverse effect on the breed­ing efforts, the actual Breed­ing Cen­tre is not open to the public.

The con­struc­tion of the Breed­ing Cen­tre started in March 1996 . The first inhab­i­tants of the Cen­tre were birds of prey and water­fowl and they have been suc­cess­fully breed­ing birds ever since. The col­lec­tion of water­fowl has grown notably since the begin­ning. Apart from the numer­ous mal­lards and ruddy shel­ducks, the inhab­i­tants of the ponds include pin­tails, pochards, tufted ducks and black geese of the genus Branta. Bewick’s swans are thriv­ing, rais­ing their chicks every year. Japan­ese, white-​naped and Siber­ian cranes are also breed­ing suc­cess­fully and many other species, includ­ing par­rots. The breed­ing cen­tre for birds of prey is con­tin­u­ously expand­ing, with Himalayan grif­fon vul­tures, golden eagles, impe­r­ial eagles, Steller’s sea eagles, and black vul­tures among its most promi­nent inhab­i­tants. Reg­u­lar breed­ing has also been achieved in saker fal­cons ( Falco cher­rug ).

They keep car­niv­o­rous mam­mals as well at the Breed­ing Cen­tre. These include endan­gered species such as Amur leop­ard, Pal­las’ cat, chee­tah, Amur tiger, dhole, wolver­ine, and yellow-​throated marten. Of these species the Amur leop­ard is listed Crit­i­cally Endan­gered accord­ing the IUCN Red List of Threat­ened Species™ , with about 45 indi­vid­u­als left in the wild. The Zoo’s track record says they have pro­duced off­spring from Pal­las’ cat, dhole, yellow-​throated marten, and Amur tiger.

For the ungu­lates that are kept at the Cen­tre the envi­ron­ment is almost ideal. There are bac­trian camels as well as kiangs, Saiga antelopes, blue sheep and vicu­nas. Hoofed ani­mals orig­i­nat­ing from moun­tain­ous areas have large pad­docks at their dis­posal that are sit­u­ated on the slopes of the sur­round­ing hills, more or less sim­i­lar to their nat­ural habitat.

Besides the more rare and endan­gered species the Cen­tre also has an inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of domes­tic hens, a horse sta­ble and a dog-​breeding cen­tre, mainly for the breed­ing of Cen­tral Asian sheep dogs. Fur­ther­more, there is a small quail farm and a poul­try farm with layer hens.

More­over a sub­sidiary farm in Loto­shino houses some cat­tle, smaller live­stock, and the main herd of bac­trian camels and yaks. The area of the sub­sidiary farm is about 51 hectares and it com­prises hay­fields, pas­tures, a sheep­fold and an api­ary. Most impor­tantly it pro­vides the Moscow Zoo with eco­log­i­cal feed for its animals.

The Breed­ing Centre’s col­lec­tion com­prises 10 species of car­ni­vores, 6 species of ungu­lates, 74 species of birds and a great num­ber of domes­tic ani­mals, but the col­lec­tion is expand­ing con­stantly. Although it is still closed to vis­i­tors, the Zoo’s goal is to open part of the farm (as they call the Breed­ing Cen­tre them­selves) to out­side vis­i­tors soon. They plan to cre­ate an addi­tional safari park at the loca­tion of the Breed­ing Centre.

(Source: Moscow Zoo web­site; Zoo with a Human Face, to the 150 th anniver­sary of the Moscow Zoo — a doc­u­men­tary by Darya Vio­lina and Sergei Pavlovsky, 2014 )

Infor­ma­tion pan­els and Edu­ca­tion at the Zoo

First thing to be noticed of course is that the infor­ma­tion on the pan­els around Moscow Zoo is given in the Russ­ian lan­guage. And no other lan­guage. This is not unex­pected as most of the infor­ma­tion pro­vided in Moscow is only in Russ­ian. For­tu­nately, the name of the species on dis­play is given in Eng­lish as well, together with its sci­en­tific name. As far as I can tell and under­stand no infor­ma­tion is pro­vided on the species con­ser­va­tion sta­tus (or IUCN Red List sta­tus). On the new revamped web­site this infor­ma­tion is avail­able but only in Russ­ian and no icons or logos are used, so you have to rely on machine trans­la­tion ser­vices. The pan­els show geo­graphic maps of the species dis­tri­b­u­tion and some­times the IUCN sta­tus and if the species is part of EEP /​ESB, as well. But this is not done con­sis­tently, and I am not sure how reli­able the infor­ma­tion is. Nev­er­the­less I have been able to find on the inter­net a list of species that rep­re­sent the Moscow Zoo con­tri­bu­tion to the Euro­pean Endan­gered species Pro­grammes (EEPs).

There is also a zoo school that is pri­mar­ily focussed on chil­dren, and I assume that the Young Biol­o­gists Club still exist. Fore­most because it has been very suc­cess­fully deliv­er­ing a range of impor­tant staff mem­bers over the years.

  • Direc­tions

direc­tions to Moscow Zoo

Address : B. Gruzin­skaya 1 123242 Moscow Rus­sia

pub­lic transport

The metro sys­tem can be quite intim­i­dat­ing for for­eign­ers because of the lan­guage issue, but I can assure you it is the best way of nav­i­gat­ing the city. The metro sta­tions are the most beau­ti­ful I’ve ever seen and buy­ing tick­ets can be done using sign lan­guage (see the tri­pad­vi­sor web­site how it is done). When you are not able to deci­pher the Cyril­lic alpha­bet on the fly it is best to pre­pare your metro trip before­hand and make sure that you know how many stops you have to travel from the depar­ture sta­tion to your des­ti­na­tion, includ­ing trans­fer sta­tions. Another way of travel sup­port is the Art-​Lebedev metro map , which has the names of the sta­tions both in Russ­ian and Eng­lish men­tioned. The most fancy way how­ever is by using the Russ­ian metro app on your smart­phone. The Yandex.Metro app — pro­vides a bilin­gual metro map which can even build con­nec­tion routes for you and esti­mate travel times.

Moscow Zoo’s main entrance is con­ve­niently located right across from the Krasno­pres­nen­skaya metro sta­tion on the Brown Cir­cu­lar line (no. 5 ). Also the Bar­rikad­naya metro sta­tion is rather close to the main entrance, Pur­ple line (no. 7 ).

by bicy­cle

As men­tioned already Moscow is a very large city. So, it really depends on how close you already are to the Zoo if cycling could be an option. The obvi­ous chal­lenge is the traf­fic which has grown dra­mat­i­cally in recent years — the cen­tre of Moscow is a non-​stop traf­fic jam. Fur­ther­more the poor dri­ving habits of Moscow motorists are noto­ri­ous, from road rage to rear-​ending. In addi­tion, knee-​deep snow and the grimy slush that inevitably fol­lows dur­ing the long and fear­some win­ters doesn’t make cycling in Moscow a very attrac­tive mode of trans­port. Nev­er­the­less the City Coun­cil tries to make the city more bike-​friendly with a bike rental scheme like in many major cities around the world. I decided to use the metro.

There is no ded­i­cated park­ing avail­able at the Zoo, but if you really want to drive your­self you can get direc­tions below by pro­vid­ing your point of departure.

From : --  Choose source      -- Moscow Zoo or

Down­load the zoo map here .

Goal: 7000 tigers in the wild

“ Tiger map” ( CC BY 2 . 5 ) by Sander­son et al., 2006 .

Latest Additions

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    21 Juillet 2018.France.Yvelines.Thoiry.Thoiry ZooSafari.Visite du Safari du Zoo de Thoiry, en voiture, dans les Yvelines.Retrouvez-vous au milieu des animaux...

  6. Thoiry ZooSafari

    Days and opening hours. From 01/01 to 31 ⁄ 05, daily between 10 am and 5.30 pm. Park closing time at 17:00 or 18:00 between april and June depending on dates. Closed on Monday and Tuesday in February and March. From 01/09 to 31 ⁄ 12, daily between 10 am and 5.30 pm. Closed exceptionally on December 25th.

  7. Thoiry : Un safari au parc

    Contrairement aux zoos classiques, les visiteurs du parc zoologique de Thoiry peuvent circuler au milieu de 30 espèces d'herbivores africains en liberté sur ...


    Informations et horaires sur WORLDS OF WILD SAFARI THOIRY. Fermé de décembre à février. Basse saison : ouvert le mercredi et du vendredi au dimanche de 11h à 17h. Haute saison : tous les jours de 10h à 18h. Gratuit jusqu'à 3 ans. Adulte : 32 €. Enfant (de 3 à 11 ans) : 25 €. Pass annuel : 62 €, enfant : 45 €. Chèque Vacances.

  9. 12 of the Best Drive Thru Zoos & Safaris in the US

    Here you can drive your own vehicle or rent a Zebra van if desired. You can opt for a solo trip or bring your whole family for a unique safari adventure. Website: Cost: Adult (ages 16+) - $21.95; children (ages 3-15) - $14.95; infants (ages 2 and under) - free.

  10. Zoosafari Fasanolandia: The Best Car Safari in Italy

    Zoosafari Fasanolandia is a combined theme park which consists of both an amusement park and an animal park. It is most known for its drive-through safari, which makes up the Zoosafari portion of the park. Zoosafari is impressively the second-largest drive-through zoo in all of Europe and a prominent destination in Fasano altogether.

  11. 2024 Paris ThoiryZoo Safari Tour

    Le safari et le zoo valent le déplacement (nous venons de Nancy). ... De plus, le personnel a refusé de nous laisser charger un petit chargeur de démarrage rapide pour voiture, car nous étions en panne de batterie de voiture sur le parking. En résumé : prévoyez votre pique-nique et armez-vous de patience à l'accueil.

  12. Safari voiture

    Parcours en voiture de 4,5 km. Le début de la visite s'effectue en voiture*. La route traverse de vastes enclos accueillant la grande faune européenne (Loup d'Europe, Cerf élaphe, Sanglier, Daim, Chevreuil) puis des espèces remarquables de cerfs et d'antilopes (Cerf du Père David, Cerf d'Eld, Daim de Mésopotamie, Oryx algazelle ...

  13. The Parc Omega

    A map of the Safari Park. On the following overview map you can see very nicely how the Parc Omega is laid out. Along a route of about 12 km you will pass lakes, meadows, small valleys, forests and rocky hills. You can discover many different species of wild animals such as.B beavers, moose, raccoons, wolves, coyotes, musk oxen, deer, turtles, wild boars, red foxes, ibex, caribou, black bears ...

  14. Réserve Africaine de Sigean

    Plusieurs milliers d'animaux sur plus de 350 hectares. Safari en voiture de 7 km + 3h de promenade à pieds. Ouvert tous les jours, toute l'année. Espace restauration, snacks & zones de pique-nique. Accueil bébé : coin à langer, micro-ondes et chaises enfant.

  15. Thoiry Safari Zoo, Autosafari (voiture)

    De Safari Zoo van het Franse Thoiry is ook met de eigen wagen deels te verkennen. In deze opname's nemen we jullie mee in onze wagen, en rijden we de auto-sa...

  16. Safari Aventure

    In the morning, you can discover Safari Aventure in a new ecological way, aboard our new electric bush trucks! More info. Go on an Aventure! Safari Aventure is divided into three areas: Africa, Eurasia and the Americas. On this 4 km journey, you can observe, photograph, touch and feed dromedaries, watussis, bisons, elks, greater kudus and many ...

  17. Planète Sauvage

    A 15 min de Nantes, le safari parc Planète Sauvage vous fait vivre une expérience unique sur 80 hectares, à la rencontre de ses 1100 animaux en semi liberté. En lodge ou en Bivouac, dormez au milieu des animaux lors d'un séjour de rêve

  18. Moscowzoo Web Site

    the moscow zoo became the laureate of the international panda award three times. Подробнее... painting lessons for big pandas in the moscow zoo. more... more than 1000 children was born in the moscow zoo for 2019. more... a rare sumatran orangutan born in the moscow zoo. more...

  19. Safari Park

    Parco Natura Viva Garda Zoological Park S.r.l Visitors Entrance: Località Quercia - Bussolengo (Verona) Italy Office: Loc. Figara, 40 - 37012 Bussolengo (Verona) Italy Tel: 045 7170113 - Email: [email protected] P.I. 01771090238 - REA N° VR-196347

  20. Moscow Zoo

    About. Recently renovated, this relatively small, 100-year-old city zoo, exhibits animals from around the world. Duration: 1-2 hours. Meets animal welfare guidelines. Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. All photos (2,637) The area. B. Gruzinskaya 1, Moscow 123242 Russia.

  21. Love and Animals: How Rare Species are bred at Moscow Zoo

    In July 2021, the Moscow Zoo reopened, and so did its branch near Volokolamsk called the Endangered Species Breeding Centre. There they breed animals, birds and reptiles that are almost non-existent in the wild. ... The herpetologist has plans to develop a safari theme park at Moscow Zoo, where visitors can observe reptiles in their natural ...

  22. What's new at the Zoo, Safari Park in 2024?

    ESCONDIDO, Calif. — The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is a world-class experience with 1,800 acres of sprawling savannas teeming with wildlife and botanical gardens. They want to let everyone know ...

  23. Moscow Zoo

    Reviews — Zoos in Europe. Moscow Zoo. Dur­ing the sec­ond half of the nine­teenth cen­tury the first menageries in Moscow were estab­lished as enter­tain­ment facil­i­ties. The first was founded in 1855 by two French­men (names unknown), while the Kreuzberg fam­ily owned a pri­vate menagerie that opened its door to the pub­lic in ...