
¡¡Bienvenidos a nuestro Campamento de Verano 2022!!

Adéntrate en un sorprendente viaje con los monitores más divertidos del planeta, que os harán pasar una inolvidable experiencia repleta de aventuras.

Nuestro campamento se realiza en un espectacular cortijo rural ubicado en la Fuensanta, un lugar único perteneciente al municipio de El Burgo (Málaga), en pleno Parque Nacional de la Sierra de las Nieves.


Qué incluye el campamento.

travel aventura malaga

  • Transporte en autobús desde Málaga ida y vuelta con coordinador acompañante.
  • Alojamiento en habitaciones de 4/5/6/7/8 participantes por habitación. Todas las habitaciones con baño y ducha.
  • Pensión completa con meriendas (menús adaptados a alergias e intolerancias).
  • Monitores 24 horas. Director de Campamento y Coordinador.
  • Seguro responsabilidad civil y accidentes.
  • Diario de Campamento para padres mediante grupo de difusión de WhatsApp, creado por nuestro coordinador/a, que será quien se encargue de enviar información diaria y en tiempo real.

travel aventura malaga


  • Paddle Surf individual.
  • Paddle Surf gigante.
  • Hidropedales.
  • Ruta a Caballo.
  • Láser-Tag (divertida batalla de pistolas láser en campo de obstáculos).
  • Tiro con Arco.
  • Escalada en roca.
  • Pista Americana.
  • Gymkanas deportivas.
  • Escape Room.
  • Gran juego de orientación (El último superviviente).
  • Juego de pistas.
  • Talleres: Serigrafía, máscaras….
  • Divertidos juegos y dinámicas de grupos.
  • Piscina natural con barcas hinchables y variedad de juegos acuáticos.
  • Zona de ocio y tiempo libre con juegos de mesa, pin-pon, dianas y mucho más.

travel aventura malaga


Feria TravelAventura: con puestos de pruebas, disfraces y premios.

Asalto a la Bandera: actividad de estrategia.

Cine de Verano: pantalla al aire libre con las últimas películas de estreno.

Ruta nocturna: un ameno paseo con linternas bajo las estrellas.

Casius loco: divertido juego de pruebas en equipos.

Discoteca: nuestra animación nocturna, dentro del recinto, cuenta con un espectáculo de luces, música y DJ para que los participantes despidan su última noche a lo grande.

  • *Descuento por hermano
  • 345€ a partir de la segunda inscripción
  • Ejemplo: primer hermano (365€), segundo hermano (345€)
  • Dos turnos seguidos: 690€ (descuento de 40€)


  • Nuestro albergue, recientemente reformado y gestionado exclusivamente por TravelAventura durante la realización de los campamentos y viajes de fin de curso, cuenta con todos los requisitos legales, seguros e inscripciones necesarios para el desarrollo de nuestra actividad. La labor fundamental de TravelAventura es fomentar el desarrollo personal y educativo de los/las participantes mediante experiencias inolvidables. El conocimiento y cuidado de la naturaleza, las actividades deportivas, el compañerismo y la convivencia harán de este campamento un viaje único y especial.
  • Teniendo en cuenta que, aunque la situación sanitaria mejorará notablemente con la vacuna, desde TravelAventura seguiremos adaptando nuestros campamentos a los nuevos protocolos que vayan marcando las autoridades. Nos comprometemos a seguir todas las pautas de seguridad e higiene que determine el Ministerio de Sanidad y las normas y recomendaciones específicas que establezca la Consejería de Sanidad de la Junta de Andalucía, con quienes mantenemos contacto directo, en el momento de la realización de los viajes o campamentos.


  • Habitaciones: 16 habitaciones (todas con baño incluido) con capacidad desde 4 a 8 participantes por habitación.
  • Otras instalaciones: comedor interior, comedor exterior, zona de multiaventura: rocódromo, tirolina, tiro con arco, slackline, pista americana, Gymkanas, piscina natural, porche exterior para talleres, zona de caballos, discoteca, quiosco, tienda, salón multiusos para talleres y cine. Zona de actividades y juegos para el tiempo libre.
  • Todas las actividades se realizan con las máximas medidas de seguridad , materiales de calidad y en perfecto estado. Las actividades deportivas siempre serán voluntarias, aunque se intentará que cada participante disfrute de las máximas posibles.
  • El campamento lo incluye todo, tal y como viene descrito en el programa: alojamiento, pensión completa, meriendas, materiales, monitores 24 horas.
  • Contamos con un veterano equipo de monitores titulados , un coordinador y un director de campamento que convivirán con los participantes las 24 horas del día.
  • Todos ellos aportan sus titulaciones, certificado actualizado de delitos sexuales y pasaporte Covid-19, siendo TravelAventura la encargada de custodiar dichos documentos por si fuese necesario entregarlos a las autoridades que así lo requiriesen.
  • Todo el personal de cocina y mantenimiento es contratado directamente por la agencia TravelAventura sin tener intermediarios y gestionando así nuestros menús, organización, limpieza y cuidado de las instalaciones.
  • Desarrollamos menús especiales para todo tipo de intolerancias, así como las adaptaciones alimentarias necesarias.


  • Adaptándonos a la nueva situación provocada por el Covid-19 se ha incorporado el Protocolo COVID 19 para que nuestros campamentos se realicen con total garantía, ya que entendemos que salud de todos los participantes es lo más importante.
  • Ese protocolo será el que determinen las autoridades sanitarias en el momento de la realización del viaje.


Nuestro objetivo es que los participantes disfruten de la naturaleza, desconecten y no estén pendientes de la tecnología. De esta forma, también evitaremos que los dispositivos se pierdan o extravíen y que suban imágenes privadas o inapropiadas a las redes. Son muchos los motivos beneficiosos por lo que creemos que es la opción más adecuada. Nuestra experiencia nos dice que, una vez en el campamento, no echarán de menos sus teléfonos.

  • Los responsables del campamento disponen de móviles para que los participantes puedan llamar. Al estar en pleno Parque Natural, la cobertura de telefonía es limitada, motivo por el que llamaremos por WhatsApp, ya que los datos de internet funcionan a la perfección.
  • El coordinador/a elaborará un listado con los teléfonos de cada familiar, así los participantes no necesitarán saber de memoria los teléfonos de casa. Se realizarán turnos de llamada y cada participante podrá llamar a sus familias al menos dos días durante su estancia. Hay que tener en cuenta que son muchos participantes y se llamará en horario de duchas, tiempo libre y almuerzos, ya que el resto del tiempo estarán realizando actividades.
  • Si algún participante tuviera la necesidad en algún momento de hablar con sus familiares, nos pondremos en contacto con ellos.
  • Si en cualquier momento, un padre/madre/tutor legal/familiar necesitase contactar con el participante en el campamento, se lo comunicará al coordinador/a y éste facilitará la comunicación.
  • Si en cualquier momento necesitáramos contactar con ustedes, no duden en que lo haremos.


  • SÁBANAS DE CAMA DE 80-90 (Bajera, de arriba y funda de almohada).
  • Bolsa de aseo (peine o cepillo, cepillo de dientes, pasta, jabón, esponja …).
  • Geles y champús.
  • Muda interior, una por día.
  • pantalones cortos, uno por día.
  • Pantalones largos, por lo menos para caballos y rocódromo. Cómodos.
  • Camisetas manga corta una por día.
  • Alguna camiseta manga larga.
  • Camiseta blanca lisa para taller de serigrafía (en caso de ser un programa de 4 o 5 días).
  • Zapatos deportivos cerrados, mínimo dos pares (no hacen falta botas).
  • Escarpines para pista americana y juegos en la piscina y actividades acuáticas (muy importante).
  • Camiseta que pueda mancharse de barro para la pista Americana (muy importante).
  • Ropa para el día de la Discoteca.
  • Chanclas para la piscina y ducha.
  • Toalla de aseo.
  • Secador pelo en caso de usarlo.
  • Toalla de piscina.
  • Protector solar.
  • Antimosquitos.
  • Cantimplora.
  • Pequeña mochila de mano.
  • Algo de abrigo ligero por si alguna noche refresca.
  • En todas las habitaciones hay mantas por si alguna noche refrescara.
  • Algo de dinero para tienda y quiosco.
  • Bolsas de plástico para la ropa sucia.


Vamos a mostrarte una breve guía de ayuda para que no te pierdas a la hora de realizar tu reserva. no olvides que deberás dirigirte al pie de página donde encontrarás los links de reserva de los distintos turnos..

  • Una vez leída la información del campamento de esta página, al final deberás elegir entre los distintos turnos disponibles.

travel aventura malaga

  • También recibirás un email con toda la información.
  • Dispondrás de 10 días para realizar la transferencia, pasado el cual, la reserva se liberará y se pondrá a disposición nuevamente en la web.
  • Una vez realizado el pago de 50 € por transferencia o ingreso bancario os enviaremos un correo electrónico para confirmaros la plaza.
  • El resto del pago lo podéis hacer fraccionado y pagar una cantidad al mes con la misma referencia . También se puede realizar un pago único del resto de total con 15 días de antelación a la fecha de inicio del turno elegido.
  •  En caso de querer realizar el pago en efectivo en nuestras oficinas, deberá acordar una cita previa llamando al Teléfono 650573602.


¿qué ocurre si las autoridades sanitarias confinan a la población o prohibieran la realización del viaje/campamento.

 En este caso, Travelaventura no cobrará gastos de gestión y procederá a la devolución íntegra del importe abonado.

 ¿Qué ocurre si un participante no puede participar en el campamento por motivos médicos o familiares graves una vez pagada la reserva o el total del viaje?

En ese caso se devolverá el total abonado siempre y cuando se acredite un justificante médico.

¿Qué ocurre si un participante decide cancelar de forma personal?

Si un participante decidiera cancelar su viaje de forma personal y no por obligación ni recomendación de las Autoridades Sanitarias se cobrarán los siguientes gastos de gestión:

  • El importe de la reserva de 50€ que se realiza para confirmar el viaje si se produce una anulación una vez pagada la misma sin justificante medico u oficial si así lo requiriera otro caso de urgencia.
  • 100% del precio total en el caso de que el participante no se presente a la hora de la salida

¿Qué ocurre si un participante quiere abandonar el campamento por motivos personales?

Si un participante decidiera abandonar su viaje de forma personal y con autorización de su padre/madre o tutor legal y no por obligación ni recomendación de las Autoridades Sanitarias se cobrarán los siguientes gastos de gestión:

  • 100% de lo abonado.

¿Qué ocurre si un participante debe abandonar el campamento por motivos médicos o sanitarios?

Si un participante tuviese que abandonar su viaje por motivos médicos o sanitarios se procederá a la devolución de la parte proporcional de los días no disfrutados.


Del 15 al 22 de Julio 8 días / 7 noches De 7 a 15 años

Del 22 al 29 de Julio 8 días / 7 noches De 11 a 16 años

Del 29 de Julio al 5 de Agosto 8 días / 7 noches De 7 a 15 años

**Todos los Turnos incluyen Transporte  en autobús con coordinador desde Málaga ida y vuelta

Horario y lugar de Salida 17:00 en Avenida del Obispo Ángel Herrera Oria Nº 1, Málaga (en caso de variación, se confirmará unos días antes por correo electrónico).

Horario y lugar de Llegada 16:00 en Avenida Herrera Oria Nº 1, Málaga.

travel aventura malaga

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Luxe Adventure Traveler

Adventure Travel With a Glass of Wine

The Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Málaga

By Jennifer Dombrowski 18 Comments

Malaga Itinerary Pinterest Pin

Bustling Barcelona and museum-laden Madrid top the list of just about every traveler to Spain’s list. With Spain recently overtaking the US as the world’s second most visited country , it’s worth seeking out destinations beyond Spain’s well-trodden tourist paths. The Province of Málaga, with its year-round temperatures and sunshine that earn the Costa del Sol its name, is a great choice for a long weekend getaway filled with good food, adventure and a bit of luxury.

Málaga isn’t jam-packed with monuments, which makes the city perfect for a long weekend break coupled with day trips to Spain’s famous and formerly dangerous Caminito del Rey and the beautiful clifftop town of Ronda. Head to the port city as your base for these things to do in Málaga.

Sunset over the skyline of Malaga as seen from Castillo de Gibralfaro

Day 1: Málaga

The city of Málaga is the gateway to the Costa del Sol. Most visitors make a beeline from airport to beach resort, the city barely getting a second glance in their rear view mirrors. But the once shabby port city has gotten a makeover and it’s worth exploring.

A lighthouse stands at the end of Pier One Port of Malaga

Pier One Port of Málaga

Even in winter, the temperatures in Málaga are those of a perfect summer day. Not too hot, not too cold and beckoning you to be outside basking in the sun. After a flight, we don’t always want to hit the pavement running and the Pier One Port of Málaga is a perfect place to punctuate strolling with sipping gin and tonics.

This area of Málalga, bordering the old city, was one of the areas to get a major spruce up a few years ago. Locals and tourists alike love the seaside promenade, where it seems the entire city is out walking their dogs, biking or lounging in the sun.

There’s shops, restaurants, cafes and bars lining the promenade. Stretch your legs on the walk, then relax at one of the many bars where the gin is generous.

An aerial view of the Plaza de Toros de La Malagueta bullring

Castillo de Gibralfaro

High above the port, the 14th-century Castillo de Gibralfaro stands watch over the coast. It’s one of Málaga’s remnants of its Islamic past and though just about nothing inside the castle is original, the ramparts provide one of the best views over Málaga and the Mediterranean.

A path winds (steeply) up from the port through the Alcazaba, eventually reaching the castle. It definitely works off any gin and jámon you might have already had, or you can hop on the number 35 bus to the top.

Though the castle closes at least an hour before sunset, this is still clearly one of the most popular places to take in sunset in Málaga. There’s a terrace just below the castle ramparts and the scene is worth elbowing your way in among the crowd that gathers as the sky turns shades of pink, orange and purple.

Prawns, croquettes and a bottle of wine at Torro Muelle Une

Toro Muelle Uno

After being frustrated trying to unsuccessfully find a restaurant that was recommended to us, we ended up back at Pier One for dinner. Toro Muelle Uno is a gem among some international and touristy restaurants who’s picture menus in multiple languages scream “run away!”

The tapas dishes are plentiful and three dishes were plenty to share between the two of us. Try the croquettes, sizzling prawns pil-pil and suckling roast baby goat with couscous. Pair it with a bottle of local Málaga wine.

And if you’re looking for more recommendations of what to try and where to eat it, our friend Lauren (who owns the fantastic Devour Tours) has a fantastic guide to where to eat in Málaga . We asked for Lauren’s recommendations immediately when we started planning our trip.

A wooden boardwalk clings to the cliffside on the Caminitio del Rey

Day 2: Caminito del Rey and Ronda

While Málaga is a lovely port city, it’s the beautiful mountains of Andalucia that we’ve come for. And getting outdoors is an excellent way to work off all the jamón ibérico and fried seafood you can’t help but stuff yourself full of.

A group of hikers begins the trek along the boardwalks of Caminito del Rey

Caminito del Rey

El Caminito del Rey , meaning the “King’s little pathway,” was built by the Sociedad Hydroelectrica del Chorro between 1901 and 1905. The pathway had two purposes. There was project to build a dam, an arch-supported aqueduct and over a kilometer of aqueduct tunnels, and materials needed to be efficiently transported for the construction. It was also built so that workers of the Salto del Chorro and Salto del Gaitanejo hydroelectric power plants could easily cross between them without going all the way around the mountain.

Just one meter in width and over 100 meters (330 feet) above the river, the original pathway was built of concrete poured on top of three-inch steel rails. The steel rails were supported by stanchions built at 45-degree angles in to the rock face of the gorge.

The pathway became known as El Caminito del Rey when King Alfonso XIII crossed it during the inauguration of the Conde del Guadalhorce dam in 1921.

Holes where parts of the old path have fallen away

The original pathway quickly fell out of use. It decayed in varying states over the years since it hadn’t been maintained since the 1920s. Some parts of the concrete path collapsed entirely, leaving nothing behind but the steel rails. In other places, the concrete was polka dotted with holes of varying sizes. And there were few places were the original hand rails still existed at all. A safety cable bolted in to the rock face did run the length of the pathway, though its integrity was questionable at best.

Even so, Caminito del Rey was open to the public and a popular attraction. After a number of accidents, it was closed in the 1980s. But only a wire with a sign across the entrance to the path attempted to deter adventurous hikers and rock climbers. It was still accessible.

After a fatal accident in 1999 was followed by three more hikers plummeting to their deaths in 2000, the local government closed the entrances on both ends. As a further deterrent, the first 30 meters of the pathway on the lake end was even entirely removed. And a €6 000 fine was set for those caught trespassing.

A suspension bridge cross the end of the gorge

None of it deterred daredevils that didn’t mind flirting with death , though. Some locals even installed a via ferreta cable to access the pathway where the government had removed a section and would take people out – for a fee, of course.

In 2011, the regional government of Andalucia and the local government of Málaga came to an agreement to share the costs of restoration of the pathway. It wasn’t until three years later in March of 2014 that the restoration work finally began with the laying of the cornerstone.

The path hugs the cliff 330 feet above the boulder strewn river below

It was completed and re-opened to the public in May 2015. While it’s no longer the “world’s most dangerous walkway,” Caminito del Rey’s setting isn’t any less spectacular. The wind still whips through the canyon and the rushing sound of the Guadalhorce River below reminds you that you’re still 330 feet above a boulder strewn gorge on a narrow walkway built from wooden planks.

Jennifer standing on the new path built several feet above the old, crumbling path in the gorge

The new pathway was built directly over the old, crumbling pathway and you can see the rusting, decaying bits below you as you move along the 1.5 kilometers of boardwalks. The walkways are definitely the most famous part of Caminito del Rey, but not the only part. A forest trail separates the two sections of boardwalks and passes by ruin houses and even through a small section of the old aqueduct.

The hike begins through a borehole in the mountain

The hike actually begins well before you even reach the new control cabin. Following a sign, the adventure begins through a borehole in the mountain. The light fades away as you walk through the dark toward the other end, and emerging a few minutes later to a dirt path running high above an azure reservoir.

This path is around 2 kilometers before reaching the actual entrance of Caminito del Rey. Once reaching the control cabin, ticket holders have a timed entry – so don’t be late. There’s a maximum of 1100 people admitted per day in order to preserve the new pathway and area.

Once you reach the north entrance control cabin, you’re provided with a helmet and a hair net that must be worn while on Caminito del Rey. It’s to protect against falling rocks from above while on the boardwalks.

Once passing the south entrance control cabin, it’s just a little more than 2 kilometers to the meeting point where the bus shuttles hikers back to Restaurante el Kiosko. In total, Caminito del Rey is 7.7 kilometers (almost 5 miles) and it takes between 3-4 hours to complete.

The Puente Nuevo bridge spans the El Tajo gorge and a waterfall falls beneath the bridge

Ronda is one of Andalucia’s most emblematic towns. The sight of Puente Nuevo spanning the gash in El Tajo gorge carved out by the Río Guadalevín is, quite literally, breathtaking. Just one hour drive from Caminito del Rey, Ronda simply shouldn’t be missed.

It’s one of the oldest towns in Spain, first settled by the early Celts in the 6th century BC. Originally called Arunda by the Celts, Ronda got the name still used today from Julius Caesar when the Romans founded it and fortified it during the Second Punic War.

La Ciudad is the old Moorish town

Ronda has a dramatic history and would change hands many times between the Visigoths, Moors, Christians and eventually the Spanish. But much of Ronda’s Islamic architectural heritage came under the Moor rule, which can be seen in La Ciudad (the old Moorish town).

Clinking a beer and a gin and tonic on a terrace in La Ciudad

This is the land of pueblos blancos , the famous white houses of Andalucia stunningly perched atop cliffs. A walk through La Ciudad reveals terraces just beckoning you to rest your weary feet for a while to take in the view. The pueblos blancos stretch out on the landscape beyond the lower part of the town, known as El Barrio, where you can still see parts of the old walls.

El Mercadillo, the New Town, is clustered around the Puente Nuevo bridge

The Puente Nuevo (New Bridge), sort of a misnomer since it was actually built between 1751 and 1793, is actually just one of three bridges that span El Tajo. It connects La Ciudad with El Mercadillo (the New Town), which sprang up after the Christian Reconquest of 1485.

A set of a couple hundred stairs lead from El Mercadillo down to the canyon floor, offering spectacular viewpoints of the Puente Nuevo and the waterfalls.

Back up top, you’ve definitely earned a pastry. Try a Goyesca Dulce, a typical sweet kind of like a cookie from Ronda with honey, almonds and chocolate. We got ours from Albaceria Gourmet Delicatessen just at the edge of Puente Nuevo.

  A post shared by I ❤️ ? the ?.. Where to next? (@katiestravelpics) on Feb 8, 2018 at 1:19am PST

Though bullfighting dates back to the Visigoths in the 5th century, Ronda is considered the birthplace of modern bullfighting. The Romero family of Ronda were some of the most celebrated bullfighters and produced three generations of bullfighters, including Pedro Romero. He’s touted as the father of modern bullfighting, having killed some 5600 bulls in Plaza de Toros de Ronda during his career.

The official inaugural corrida is considered to have been on May 19, 1785 with Pedro Romero battling his rival Pepe Hillo. An inauguration did take place upon the ring’s completion in a year earlier in 1784, though part of the stand collapsed and forced the ring to be closed until repairs could be made.

Plaza de Toros de Ronda is rarely used today, and functions more as a museum for tourists to visit. Madonna did shoot her music video for Take a Bow in the bullring back in 1994 and each September the bullfight during the Feria de Pedro Romero takes place here.

By now, you’ve no doubt worked up an appetite. Head to dinner at Tragatá , a small tapas restaurant just opposite the parador and before the Puente Nuevo bridge. You might find the Asian-Spanish fusion a bit unusual, but the prices are good and the restaurant is consistently rated highly. Try the fried calamari sandwich – the roll is made with squid ink.

A Malagueta sign spans Malagueta Beach

Day 3: Málaga

Málaga’s beaches aren’t anything to write home about, but we can never resist hanging out at the sea anyway. If you’re up for it, head a couple kilometers out of the city center to the old fishing village of Pedregalejo . Here you find traditional beach fish restaurants where the sardines go straight from sea to skewer to be grilled up for hungry guests.

If, like us, your feet are just worn out from all the walking on Caminito del Rey and Ronda, head to Malagueta Beach just on the back side of Pier One. It’s the city’s main beach, and you can even find some chiringuitos (fish shacks) here, too.

The trick to ordering at the chiringuitos near Malagueta beach is to ensure you get fresh fish by asking what the fresh catch of the day is and watching what they’re grilling up on the barbecue.

Tim sliding down the slide at Barcelo Malaga

Where to Stay in Málaga: Barceló Málaga

Barceló boasts unusual stays and it’s pretty obvious from the giant, spiraling slide in the lobby that you’re in for a totally unpretentious, yet luxurious stay. That slide is actually an artwork by Jordi Torres called Sliding Structure for Daring Humans, but guests still use it and we made a trip (or three) down it to the lobby.

Our junior suite at Barceló Málaga

There’s 221 guestrooms and we stayed in a junior suite on the eighth floor with views out to the beach and Mediterranean. The beds are comfy with a big pile of pillows, just the way we like it.

The bed and seating area is separated by a desk, where there’s a swivel tv. The bathroom has a jacuzzi bath with a separate shower that has both an overhead rain shower and handheld shower.

A plate of jamon and cheese with kiwi jam and bread

Perhaps our favorite feature of Barceló Málaga are all the treats left throughout the stay. Turn down service included bottle of fresh fruit infused water one night, and milk with chocolate rice krispies the other. Smoothies and planchas of jámon and cheese were left midday.

Breakfast is an ample buffet with healthy options like fresh pressed juices and chia, along with a good selection of charchuterie, hot dishes and pastries. There’s also a station with eggs cooked to order. And best of all, breakfast is served late on weekends until 11 and until 10:30 during the week.

Purple gin cocktail garnished with a lime and blackberries

Try the kitschy mosaic tiled B-Lounge in the hotel lobby for cocktails, like the locally produced Simbuya gin cocktail. Simbuya Purple Gin is made exclusively from purple carrots grown in Cuevas Bajas, Málaga. The cocktail is made with a syrup of berries made by the hotel, the Simbuya Purple Gin and a sugar syrup, then garnished with lime and more fresh berries. Definitely the best gin cocktail we had while in Spain.

Barceló Málaga is directly connected to the Málaga María Zambrano train station, making an excellent choice if you’re arriving by train. It is about a 15-20 minute walk in to the city center from the hotel. There is also a car park at Pier One Port of Málaga, making it easy to drive in to the city center and find parking. Or you can arrange a Malaga Airport transfer if you plan to get around via public transportation during your stay.

Know Before You Go

Caminito del Rey is best reached by car and car rental is available from many companies right at Málaga–Costa del Sol Airport. There are day tours that include transportation from Málaga to Caminito del Rey if you don’t want to rent a car or you can also take the train to El Chorro Train Station, then take the bus from the town to the North access point.

There are also trains that travel from Málaga to Ronda in about 2 hours time. Málaga is an excellent base for exploring the city, Caminito del Rey and Ronda. Barcelo Málaga is located just a few minutes from Málaga’s center and is steps away from Málaga María Zambrano train station.

All tickets include a helmet and hair net that must be worn. The guided tour is a group of up to 25 and gives information on history and geography of the area.

You must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your timed entry. It’s about a 2 kilometer (1.25 miles) walk to the control cabin. North entrance hikers should part at Restaurante el Kiosko. The cave entrance is about 200 meters from the restaurant and this is where the bus drops you back off.

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About Jennifer Dombrowski

Jennifer Dombrowski is an independent travel publisher and an American expat who has lived in Bordeaux, France since 2016. She previously lived in Northern Italy in a small village near Venice for seven years where she fell in love with wine and wine tourism. She is an award-winning travel writer. She is also a travel correspondent on Traveling on the American Forces Radio Network. Luxe Adventure Traveler was named one of the top travel blogs to watch by the Huffington Post and TripAdvisor, and has been featured by top publications such as National Geographic, CNN, Buzzfeed, and Business Insider. Jennifer's photography has also been featured on publications such as USA Today and Travel + Leisure and on the Travel Channel.

Danila Caputo says

February 24, 2018 at 11:31 AM

My parents have been to Malaga and can’t stop talking about it. They always say it’s an awesome place and now, after reading your post, I’m itching to go! I had no idea that Spain is becoming the second most visited country in the world!

Jennifer Dombrowski says

February 26, 2018 at 12:43 PM

Spain has just recently overtaken the US as the second most visited country. And we have so much of Spain yet to explore! But we’re already itching to go back to Málaga to do some more hiking and via ferrata there.

Anuradha Goyal says

February 24, 2018 at 11:49 AM

Mountains of Andalucia look so beautiful – rugged yet inviting. If I am not wrong, it is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Spain. That plaza also looks stunning and it seems you had a good sunny day there. I do not see a dearth of places to see or experiences to explore at Malaga 🙂

February 26, 2018 at 12:47 PM

Andalucia does have a couple of UNESCO sites, but none are in Málaga province. We’re usually pretty good about making sure we visit any UNESCO sites in the destinations that we visit.

February 25, 2018 at 5:14 AM

I knew Malaga to be a port city and having the old town feel but what I did not know is that it has mountains too! I love your picture of Puente Nuevo, it looks like a perfect day trip. I plan to visit Spain soon and Malaga was definitely on my list but I haven’t started researching yet on things to do, so this is a great start for me. Bookmarking this post, thanks!

February 26, 2018 at 12:55 PM

We’d definitely recommend spending the night in Ronda. We wished we had done that since Ronda is so picturesque!

Himanshu says

February 25, 2018 at 3:46 PM

Spain is high on my wish list and it is good to know that it has over taken USA. Thanks for introducing me to this new place called Malaga which has so many things from mountains, beaches to history and heritage. I would love to be there someday and explore all the places especially Castillo de Gibralfaro and board walk in Caminito del Rey. And yes will try local wine too.

Efthimis Kragaris says

February 26, 2018 at 2:06 PM

The story of El Caminito del Rey is truly fascinating! The views definitely deserve the hike! I’ve seen some videos on social media about Ronda and I’m dying to visit this city. It is so unique!

Jen Joslin says

February 27, 2018 at 3:39 AM

The Málaga region sounds like a lovely jumping off point for the region! I especially like the sound of the temperate weather, even in winter. I would love to watch the sunset from the terrace below Castillo de Gibralfaro, then go for tapas at Toro Muelle Uno. It’s always good to know which restaurants are good, especially in more touristy areas. The background of the Caminito del Rey is so interesting! It’s sounds like the restoration work was a good move by the local government to make locals and travelers happy, and safe. The views from the path look spectacular! Ronda looks stunning too. Thanks for introducing me to this lesser visited area of Spain!

February 27, 2018 at 10:00 PM

Malaga has changed a lot since I was there when I was a kid. And now with el Caminito del Rey as a new attraction there are even more reasons to choose Malaga as basecamp. Did you find it that scary? I like the idea of preserving the former caminito below the new one.

February 27, 2018 at 11:30 PM

Málaga looks so nice! The walk at Caminito del Rey looks really fun, I will be doing this when I go. The town of Ronda is so beautiful and can see myself enjoying a day there with a nice tapas lunch and a glass of wine.

Meg Jerrard says

February 28, 2018 at 4:16 AM

I had never heard of this area of Spain before. Found Barcelona to be a bit too touristy and overcrowded so this looks like a great option next time. Would have to check out the Plaza de Toros de Ronda….looks like a Gladiator ring. Hotel looks great, I would definitely take a few trips on the slide and love the food bar area at the foot of the bed.

Naddya says

February 28, 2018 at 11:00 AM

Hey Jennifer,

Malaga and the region have been on my radar for quite some time! I hope I’ll make it in the next couple of months and I’ll surely use your tips to plan my trip 🙂

Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!

Ami Bhat says

March 1, 2018 at 3:59 AM

I did not know much about Malaga till this post and from what you have shared, it does appeal to me. I think the most fascinating thing for me was that trek. The old path does look treacherous and the new path is no less scary, It gives me goosebumps just to see how high you would be traversing between the two cliffs. I suppose that would be my thrill too and I would love to do it irrespective. Thanks for sharing this interesting piece

Susan Dunn says

April 9, 2018 at 2:42 PM

We visited the Malaga area last summer after travelling through Spain. We loved the Caminito del Rey. It was one of the many highlights of our trip. There are tours that can take you from Malaga but we rented a car. The drive is easy and the scenery beautiful. You have to book advance tickets on their website if you want to ensure a spot. The added tour guide was great. The walk did take about 4 hours but it was fairly easy if you are a walker.

April 9, 2018 at 3:44 PM

Thanks for sharing your experience, Susan! If you’re keen to know the history and not research it on your own like we did, then we agree that the tour guide can be great for learning that info.

Patty Beyersdorfer says

July 22, 2018 at 6:19 PM

what is the best way (and easiest) to get from downtown Malaga to Caminito del Ray? How far away is it?

July 27, 2018 at 2:55 PM

As we said in the “Getting There” from the fact box:

Caminito del Rey is best reached by car and car rental is available from many companies right at Málaga–Costa del Sol Airport. There are day tours that include transportation from Málaga to Caminito del Rey if you don’t want to rent a car or you can also take the train to El Chorro Train Station, then take the bus from the town to the North access point.

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Via ferrata Caminito del Rey

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  • Descent of the Almanchares canyon
  • Via Ferrata of Zafarraya
  • Via Ferrata of the Caminito del Rey
  • Via Ferrata of Comares
  • Hiking El Saltillo, the suspended trail
  • Hiking: Cliffs and beach with snorkeling
  • Hiking in Frigiliana
  • Water trekking in the Chíllar River
  • Pirate Kayak Route Maro – Nerja
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7 most beautiful towns near Málaga

towns near malaga

Have you already seen everything Málaga has to offer? Don’t worry, there are many towns near Málaga really worth visiting and perfect for a 1 day trip!

Andalusia is a very diverse and unique part of Spain. Although we love Málaga, we also believe that you should always explore and look for new inspiring places. So don’t hesitate and visit the most beautiful towns in Málaga province !

We prepared for you a route of 7 towns where you can discover the wide variety of landscapes and cultures that characterized our beautiful Andalusia. 

So if you’re ready, let’s go and explore together!

Indice de la Entrada

The first one on our list of towns near Málaga is Ronda , located about 100 km north-west of Málaga. It is a mountaintop town between two natural parks Sierra de las Nieves and Sierra de Grazalema. It sits right at a 100 m deep ravine called El Tajo . El Tajo divides the city into two parts: the new town (El Mercadillo, ca. 15th century) and the old town (La Ciudad, dating back to the Arab times).

best towns near malaga

The town has about 35 000 inhabitants. Ronda is one of Andalusian White Towns.

What to visit in Ronda

Without any doubts, when we think about Ronda, we think about its undeniable star: Puente Nuevo (New  Bridge) . This imposing bridge was built in order to connect the two parts of the city, giving to Ronda its peculiar aspect. It’s the main landmark of Ronda and it appears in every picture of the city.

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Additionally, Ronda is the city symbol of the bullfight ; here this particular Spanish tradition developed, going from being a knightly preparation for wars to what we know today. Moreover, in the town there was a famous kind of bullfight called “Corrida Goyesca” where participants wore clothes dating back to the 18th century. 

Built during the 18th century,  Plaza de Toros (the bullfight of Ronda) is one of the town’s famous landmarks . In front of the building, you can stroll around the“walk of fame” of the city but here, instead of famous actors and singers, you will see the stars of important local toreros (bullfighters). 

The town marked its relevance in Spain’s history – it is the place where the bullfighting rules were developed (and are still in use today).

The Baños Árabe de Ronda are another interesting attraction that you should add in your list; thermal baths from the 13th century organized as Roman therms. They are considered the most preserved in Spain and the entrance ticket is only 3,75€

Finally, another stop to do in the center of this beautiful town is the Duchess of Parcent Square . What catch the attention here is the Church of Santa Maria thanks to its peculiar structure that includes a balcony in the main facade. 

How to get from Malaga to Ronda

Bus : From Malaga Maria Zambrano you can take the bus until Ronda. We recommend you a direct line because in this way the travel is shorter, approximately 2h and a half

Train : From the train station Maria Zambrano, you can take the train until Ronda train station. It is around 2 hours of travel and when you will get there you have to know that there’s only one train station in the city and after 15 minutes walking you will arrive to the center. 

Remember that there’s only one direct line per day, otherwise you should do different stops and the travel will get longer.

Car : Going to Ronda by car it’s faster. Take the internal way A-357 and A-367 and if there’s no traffic, in one hour and 15 minutes you will be there.

towns in malaga province

Nerja is definetly one of the most beautiful towns in the Málaga province . The city is a coast town about 50 km east of Málaga and has about 22 000 inhabitants.  

The town is famous for its beautiful beaches and its pretty city center with a viewpoint called Balcón de Europa . Moreover, Nerja is famous for the caves located 4 km outside of town.

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The caves have been discovered in the 20th century and inside some Neanderthal paintings were found, possibly the oldest paintings of humanity. The caves create a large complex stretching for almost 5 kilometers. What is more, one of the caves also forms a natural amphitheatre where concerts are held.

Opening hours of Nerja caves : 9.30 to 16:30 (last entry 15.30) / 9.30 to 19.00 (from June to beginning of September – last entry time 18.00)

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Nerja is one of the most beautiful places near Malaga thanks also to its stunning viewpoint: El Balcón de Europa (literally Europe balcony).

It is a round plaza at the end of an avenue that provides amazing views over the coastline. By one of the railings stands the statue of King Alfonso XII, who gave the name to the balcony after its visit in 1885. Until 1882 Balcón de Europa used to be a fortress which is why there are some cannons on display today.

How to go to Nerja

Bus: going by bus it’s very easy: From the station Malaga maria Zambrano every 30 minutes there is a direct line of Alsa, that in 1h and 40 minutes will bring you to Nerja. 

Train : No trains from Malaga to Nerja.

Car : take the route A-7 and in approximately 43 minutes you will be in Nerja. 

3. Frigiliana

With a population of about 3000 Frigiliana is one of the smallest on this list of most beautiful towns in the Málaga province . It is about 71 km east of Málaga and about 6 km north of Nerja. So you should definitely consider visiting Frigiliana when in Nerja. There are multiple buses going from Nerja to Frigiliana daily from the same bus stop as ALSA. The one-way ticket is 1,15 € and the ride takes about 15 mins.

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What to visit in Frigiliana

Frigiliana i s one of the most beautiful White Towns (Pueblos Blancos) of Andalusia. The upper section of the town, the Mudejár neighborhood, is the oldest part of the town, famous for its Moorish architecture.

Since Frigiliana is located on a hilltop, the views from there are truly amazing; therefore we highly recommend staying at the viewpoint to enjoy the sunset. Surely the town with its narrow cobblestone streets is best to be explored on foot, make sure you don’t miss anything in the maze of winding streets!

malaga towns nearby

In August Frigiliana hosts the Festival of the Three Cultures . It is a festival organized in order to honour the three cultures that influenced bot only this town but Spain in general: Muslim, Jewish and Christian. During  the festival you can attend musical performances, follow a route of tapas and walk through various craft markets.  

How to go to Frigiliana

Bus: Frigiliana is 54 km west from Malaga and just 6 km north of Nerja; for this reason, if you can, we recommend you to visit the two cities together since from there there are multiple daily buses. The one-way ticket is 1,15 € and the ride takes about 15 mins.

In any case, if you’re in Malaga don’t worry you can take bus from there to Nerja and later change to Frigiliana.

Train: no trains from Malaga to Frigiliana. 

Car : take the route A-7 for Nerja and in 45 minutes you will get to Frigiliana.  

4. Antequera

malaga towns

Antequera is known as “ el corazón de Andalucía ” (the heart of Andalusia) because of its cultural and historical meaning but also because of its central position among the big cities of Andalusia: Málaga, Granada, Sevilla and Córdoba.

It’s about 50 km north of Málaga and has about 41 000 inhabitants. Antequera has a lot of different sights to offer, from old burial sites from the Bronze Age, over remnants of Roman presence, such as the Baths, to Arabic architecture.

What to visit in Antequera

Besides of walking around this historical town, there are some attractions that you cannot miss.

  • The Dolmens of Antequera : It is  an archeological site nominated World Heritage from Unesco . It is one of the best preserved examples of Megalithic architecture during the Prehistory and you can visit this precious archeological rest for free.
  • The Alcazaba of Antequera : As the Alcazaba of Malaga, the one of Antequera is the Muslim heritage that we can admire in this place. The price to visit the monument is 6€ for adults, 5€ children until 16 years and retired people and 3€ children until 6 years. 

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Nearby you can find El Torcal , a unique Natural Park Reserve with breathtaking karst landscapes. The 150 million years old limestone creates surrealistic rock formations which leaves you breathless. Stunning views, caves, narrow passages and rare vegetation make El Torcal a perfect place for hiking.

Additionally, you can visit it for free . If you want to know more, check our blog post dedicated to el Torcal.

How to go to Antequera

Bus: from the bus station Maria Zambrano, the company Alsa offers various lines to go to Antequera in only 1 h and 15 minutes, if there’s no traffic. 

Train: no trains for this line. 

Car: the shortest way is going through the route A-45 and in 45 minutes you will be in Antequera, ready to visit it.  

5. Marbella

villages around malaga

Marbella , well-known for its beautiful beaches , is the place where the rich and famous go on holidays. With a population of about 140 000 it is one of the biggest towns on this list . It is about 60 km south-west of Málaga.

This town is a famous destination all over the year, but especially during spring and summer time since it is famous for its beautiful beaches

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What to visit in Marbella

Marbella is divided into two main parts: the Old Town and Puerto Banus .

The Old Town is incredibly charming with its narrow cobbled streets and flower decorations everywhere. There are a lot of shops that sell all kinds of souvenirs and local products. Moreover, you can still see the old city walls. The heart of Old Town is Plaza de los Naranjos , which, as the name suggests, is filled with orange trees. The plaza is also surrounded with multiple shops and restaurants so it’s a perfect spot to take a break and relax.

towns to visit near malaga

Puerto Banus is located 6 km west of the town center and it was built in 1970 as a luxury shopping complex. Here you can find designer shops, restaurants and other signs of luxurious lifestyle.

In the summertime the port is filled with yachts and boats. You can sunbathe going to its beautiful beaches or do some shopping all around!

How to go to Marbella

Marbella is 60 km south-west from Malaga, just 30 km more compared with Mijas and for this reason we recommend to do them together if you want to spend a full day outside the city. 

Bus : From Malaga center, go to the bus station of Alameda principal. There you will find the Avanza buses waiting for you to go. The travel will be at least 1h 10 minutes / 1 h 45 min, depending on the changes you have to do. 

Train : no trains for this line.

Car : there are two ways to go from Malaga to Marbella by car: one internal and one on the coast line. We recommend you the last one, since it’s faster (39 minutes) and additionally you will have a nice view! Take the MA-20 and then AP-7 direction Marbella. 

beautiful villages near malaga

Mijas is another Pueblo Blanco of Andalusia and definitely belongs in the list of most beautiful towns in Málaga province. It is about 30 km south-west of Málaga, so it’s a perfect destinations for a one day trip . The hillside town offers an amazing view over the landscape below. Although nowadays it’s a popular tourist destination, Mijas still keeps its traditional Andalusian spirit.

However, the hillside town of Mijas (Mijas Pueblo) is just one part; other parts of the town are Mijas Costa (about 10 km away, at the coast) and Las Lagunas (a commercial area).

What to visit in Mijas

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The first thing that you will see as soon as you do the first step is… donkeys ! Yes, Mijas is full of donkeys in everywhere; this is one of the peculiarities of the town and one of its symbols.

After the economic boom of the 50s’, a lot of tourists who came to Mijas were surprised to see donkeys in the village. They  started taking pictures and paying the farmers for a ride. And that’s how everything starts! If you go to Mijas nowadays, you will find the famous “Burro Taxi” (donkey taxi) that you can take to explore this little village.

In any case whether you visit the town walking or “by donkey”, for sure you will be impressed by its colours…all the buildings are white and decorated with red flowers and blue flower pots. A real postcard scenario .

How to go to Mijas

Bus : Go to the bus station of Malaga Maria Zambrano (just at the back of the homonymous train station); from there you will find the line of the Avanza bus that bring you to Mijas pueblo. 

Depending on the line that you will choose, the travel will last about 1 hour or 1 h and 50 minutes…even if Mijas is very close to Malaga, by bus there are various stops to do!

Train : No trains from Malaga to Mijas.

Car : If you are traveling by car, it very easy and fast to reach the town. From malaga take the AP-7 direction Ctra. Mijas-Fuengirola/A-387. Take exit 214 from AP-7 and at the roundabout take the first exit direction Ctra. Mijas-Fuengirola/A-387. It will take you 30 minutes to go there. 

If you go by car, we recommend you to park at the Parking situated under the City Hall of Mijas, weather if you go by bus, you will already stop there.

towns close to malaga

Casares is one of the towns near Malaga located a little farther – about 100 km south-west of Málaga, however it’s still worth a visit. It is a small Pueblo Blanco with a population of just 4000; one of the smallest towns near Malaga.

What to visit in Casares

most beautiful towns near malaga

The town is perfect for a relaxing stroll . There are various churches and plazas you can see along the way and some buildings still retain the old Moorish style.

Some attractions that you cannot miss while visiting this small town near Malaga are:

  • The Castle of Casares : located in the highest point of the town, was a strategic point in order to control the territory and to communicate. Here you can visit the ruins of this old medieval castle.
  • Casa natal de Blas Infante : the birthplace of Blas Infante, considered the father of Andalusia is situated in this town. Nowadays it is a museum with permanent and temporary exposition and it is also the tourist info point.  
  • Baños de la Hedionda : outside the town there are these thermal baths dating back to the Roman times. There are various legends related to this site and one of them says that Julio Cesar after curing an infection in this thermal water decided to order the construction of the Baños that we can still visit today. 

How to go to Casares

Bus: Going to Casares by bus, is a long travel, compared with all the others that we have seen. From Malaga Maria Zambrano you can take the Avanza bus line and in almost 4 hours you will get there. 

Train : no trains to Casares.

Car: Don’t worry, if you’re travelling by car the trip is shorter. Also here you can choose between two ways, the internal one and the coastal one and again the second is the shorter. Take the MA-20 an later the P-7; the travel will be around 1h 11 minutes if there’s no traffic

These one are some of our suggestions for towns near Malaga that you should visit before going away. If your favourite is not in the list, or you want to share your experience with us, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. 

Enjoy Malaga!

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A rental car from Marbesol makes the excursion an experience rather than a mere drive. The cars are quick and reliable, not to mention the great discounts. The best part is that you don’t have to carry cash because a VISA or MasterCard will do.

Ultimate Lifestyle in Malaga

Driving to Malaga and not going to the beach would be quite unfortunate. The various beaches in Malaga are iconic, enchanting and a perfect location to unwind. The famous El Pedregalejo beach is the ideal place to be. It offers a beautiful view, and you get to enjoy the wavy tides of the sea.

Traveling by car, the beautiful landscape, the flora, and fauna that graces the land cannot go unnoticed. Having a serene and tranquil drive as you admire nature, is the ideal road trip therapy. For only half an -hour driveway from the town; you will see the Malaga Botanic Garden.

Museums and parks in Malaga have a reputation of the rich historical background that you need to explore. The famous castle of Gibralfaro natively known as Castillo de Gibralfaro has an interesting story behind it. The castle also is a partial military museum

Exclusive resorts and restaurants located in Malaga are just around the area, an amazing location for a stopover when you feel thirsty or hungry. The coastal delicacies are mouth-watering, and the ideal cultural food in Malaga is every tourist’s preferred dishes. Note that you can even park the car and enjoy the cool breeze as you sip on a chill glass of your favorite cocktail. The surprise menu in Malaga is a rich collection of diverse culinary.

A travel encounter cannot be complete without activities. Get a wholesome package of outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, gym, and merry-go-round. The children and adults have their diverse share of entertainment. Security too matters as you navigate the beautiful scenes in Malaga. Car hire Malaga services have you covered. The prices are affordable for the economy and prestigious classes.

If you are planning to have a tropical getaway whether it’s a solo trip, romantic proposal, or a family trip, Malaga is the perfect destination. Get world-class touring and travel services at https://www.marbesol.com Book cabs, travel, and accommodation services in Malaga and beyond at discounted charges. Make your reservation on time.

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Aventura Amazonia - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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Valeriano Rodríguez St., 2 - 29604

Monday to Friday: 952 835 505 / Weekends, holidays and today: 625 089 320

Lunes a viernes: 918 522 546 Fines de semana, festivos y día en curso: 680 62 83 48



"Come to the greatest adventure park in ANDALUsiA"

AVENTURA AMAZONIA MARBELLA is the largest adventure park in Andalusia, and one of the leading theme parks on the Costa del Sol.

Located in Elviria, and just 500m from the beach, the park has 6 Adventure Circuits and includes the longest treetop zipline in Andalusia, with a length of 240m.

AVENTURA AMAZONIA MARBELLA has an amazing 103 challenges, and 24 ziplines spread over 6 adventure circuits: MiniKids, Kids, Explorer, Jungle, Adventure and Sports; and 3 Beginner circuits. You will also find the Monkey Jump, a spectacular leap into the void from a height of 12m.

Strategically located in the heart of the Costa del Sol, the park is in the area known as Elviria (Marbella), alongside the A7 highway, less than 20 minutes from the main coastal towns: Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Benalmádena, Estepona.

Our Marbella adventure park features 24 ziplines, distributed among a variety of different adventure circuits: an authentic and fun challenge for all ages, and the largest number of ziplines in Malaga.

If you’re looking for non-stop fun and maximum safety in a Malaga zipline park, we offer a unique experience in an authentic treetop adventure park. Our Marbella ziplines feature important safety measures that include a state-of-the art “smart” carabiner system that ensures maximum safety at all times.

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The park can be easily reached by road as it is just near the Elviria exit, at the kilometre point 1.033 of the A7 highway. 

Bus stops at Elviria

  • M220. Marbella - Fuengirola
  • Linea 6. Cabopino - La Cañada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit litora rutrum egestas ut inceptos commodo, convallis lectus accumsan torquent donec. Ultricies libero accumsan etiam mattis blandit interdum semper, facilisi netus cum erat taciti sagittis nascetur felis, lectus ad egestas proin in nisl.

Por Colmenar Viejo

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Your entrance ticket gives you 3 HOURS of Excitement and Adrenaline to enjoy our multi-adventure circuits. This means you can make the treetop circuits as many times as you like in this time. Visits include an Initiation Course on a special learning circuit, where all participants, whether adults or children, have to practice before going on the circuits.

(1,35m + and under 16 yrs)


(from 1,15m a 1,34m., 6 yrs +)

(from 4 to 6 yrs.)

MONKEY JUMP          


                       1 jump  

Monday to Friday: 952 835 505

Weekends, holidays & current day: 625 089 320


We recommend prior booking to guarantee the availability of your tickets. You can find out about the opening days in our CALENDAR .

We put at your disposal 2 channels so you can make your booking: Online though the website or by Telephone.

Acceptance Conditions of Participation. This document needs to be filled in, either in the park or at home. If you bring it printed and filled out from home, you will save time by not having to do it in the park: download the form .

el tiempo

Conditions for Participation:

  • - Minimum age: 6 years and 1.15 m. Minikids: from 4 to 6 years.
  • - Maximum age and weight: 65 years and 130 kg.
  • - You must arrive at the park 30 minutes before your reservation time.
  • - Equipment will be handed in 15 minutes before the closing time of the park.
  • - Your tickets allows you up to 3 hours of adventure in the trees.


Frequently asked questions.

What are the requirements for participating in the activities at AVENTURA AMAZONIA?

You need to be at least 6 years old, with a minimum height of 1.15m, maximum weight of 130kg and in physical and mental condition that is appropriate for participating in the activities. For the MiniKids zone you need to be at last 4 years old.

What kind of clothing should I wear?

Comfortable clothes and sports shoes (or soft climbing boots). Depending on the time of year and the location of the park, you should wear warmer or cooler clothing.

Should I wear gloves?

Gloves are not necessary. If you want to use them you can bring them (typical fingerless cycling gloves), or buy them in the park.

Why do I need to arrive half an hour before the start of the activity?

We give you a specific time for the initiation course, which all participants have to complete. Equipment needs to be in place, and paperwork, payment etc. completed before the course begins.

You need to be at least 6 years old, with a minimum height of 1.15m, maximum weight of 130kg and in physical and mental condition that is appropriate for participating in the activities. For the MiniKids zone you need to be at last 4 years old. It is not advisable to participate people with coronary bypass or similar devices.

Gloves are not necessary. If you want to use them you can bring them (typical fingerless cycling gloves), or buy them in the park.

Why can’t I take part if don’t meet the requisites?

If the minimum requisites for height and size, and the maximum weight and physical and mental conditions are not met, the activity could potentially be unsafe and physically impossible. We can only guarantee safety if the activity is performed within these parameters.

Is it necessary to make a reservation?

There is no need to reserve, but it is highly recommended.  This way, we can guarantee you a time slot on the day and at the time you have chosen for carrying out the activities.  

When is the park operation suspended?

The facilities are prepared for exposure to adverse weather conditions.  Operations are suspended in extreme conditions of wind, rain or any other unfavorable condition that might cause a hazard to operations.

What am I entitled to?

  • 3-hour stay in our park
  • “Personal Protection Equipment”, consisting of harness, double safety anchorage with carabiners, and pulley for the zip-lines.
  • Introduction course, in which we show you how to handle the Personal Protection Equipment, the basic safety rules that must be observed in the park, and how to perform the activities.
  • Accident insurance.

How long does it take to complete each multi-adventure circuit?

The circuits at Aventura Amazonia are of varying length, depending on the park you have chosen, but as a guide, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes.

Why do I have to do the Introduction Course?

The course provides you with the skill and autonomy to tackle the high level challenges.

Is it safe?

It’s a totally safe activity, provided that the minimum participation requirements are met, and the basic safety rules we teach you in the initiation course are respected. And for your added safety, we use "smart carabiners" in the parks in Cercedilla, Pelayos and Marbella.

¿Are there many zip-lines? Are they very long?

The zip-line is one of the most popular challenges, which is why they are present in all our parks and on all the circuits.  In each adventure park you will find a minimum of 15 zip-lines, but there are Aventura Amazonia parks with more than 33. Depending on the park, you will find longer or shorter zip-lines, but in all the parks there are zip-lines of over 200m.  At AVENTURA AMAZONIA PELAYOS park in Madrid, you can enjoy the longest treetop zip-line in Spain, 252m long, a real Super Zipline with a maximum speed of 60Km/h. In Marbella the longest is 241m.!!

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Tarjeta Socio CLub Amazonia

Join the CLUB AVENTURA and benefit from all its advantages. Become a member of the Club is TOTALLY FREE.


If you don’t know what to buy as a gift, and want to give something original and exciting, we provide you with the perfect answer... send Excitement and Adventure with a gift they’ll never forget!


Tarjeta Socio Club Amazonia


Planeta Aventura

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Marbella’s #1 activity.


Follow Us on!

4×4 experience natural andalusia, incentives and team building, 4×4 discover natural ronda, monte aventura, andalucía eco-tours, marbella’s #1 activity:, welcome to costa del sol- málaga – spain. thinking on what to do during your vacations experience the natural andalusia. ecotours, incentives, adventure activities..

MONTE AVENTURA, # N 1 MARBELLA ACTIVITIES TRIP ADVISOR   provides outdoor adventure activities and fun off road ecotours & safari in convertible 4×4. For the cheapest and best price you can discover the sunny Real Spain, Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park or Ronda Mountains in Andalusia.

Leisure activities for all the family, groups of friends or corporate meetings in Marbella (Elviria, Banus, Guadalmina, Nueva Andalucía,…). We can also supply and share all our leisure & sightseeing activities with incoming and travel agencies, MICE and DMC.

We offer several things to do as a tourist attraction, like: Ecotours, Team Building, Trekking-Hiking, Private Trips & Excursions, Birdwatching,… Swimming into relaxing, crystal clear waterfalls in the middle of an ecological paradise.

Funniest and best day of your holidays in the Costa del Sol (Fuengirola- Benalmádena- Mijas Costa- Marbella- Benahavis-Zagaleta-Estepona) !!

Book in the last minute or in advance, we’re waiting for you in the paradise!

4×4 Natural Park Tour

4×4 ronda natural tour.

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Lizzy S

AVENTURA AMAZONIA (Costa del Sol) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

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Where to travel in 2024: 7 new summer flight routes from the UAE

F rom new routes to discover animal-tastic africa, to returning summer flights that take you into the heart of europe’s buzzing beach towns….

Already thinking about where to jet off this year? Whether it’s a city break, beach escape or a bucket list destination, with two thirds of the world accessible within an eight-hour flight of the UAE , there’s plenty of exploring to be done. And as regional airlines add more flight routes, those new places just keep getting closer. While some are returning destinations, others are brand new.

Here are 7 new flight routes from the UAE to inspire where you travel in 2024. 

From May 1: Nairobi, Kenya from Abu Dhabi with Etihad

If you’re dream 2024 holiday includes a bucket list safari, then Abu Dhabi’s new route to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi should be music to your ears. Taking off from May 1 x times per week, there’s a wealth of bush, beach and natural beauty to explore in Kenya, a beautiful nation full of rolling savannahs and home to an incredibly diverse, abundant wildlife. The Maasai Mara National Reserve, a one-hour flight from Nairobi, is one of the world’s few sweeping natural locations, a hotbed of wildlife conversation and a concentration of culture, heritage and wildlife. The coastal areas of the country are equally as captivating, and so is the Great Rift Valley – a colossal depth fashioned out of millions of years of movements in the tectonic plates. Think dramatic cliffs, expansive vistas and lakes. And in case you missed it, this January Kenya opened up for visa free travel , making it that bit more accessible for all.

From June 2: Malaga, Spain from Abu Dhabi with Etihad

On June 2, Etihad’s flights to the Spanish city of Malaga will resume for the summer. This summer, the Abu Dhabi-based airline is increasing its flights to Malaga to thrice per week, giving you several options for your sun-soaked Spanish getaway. Malaga provides a gateway to the Costa Del Sol, the province of Andalucia, an electrifying world of passion cuisine, pristine beaches, coastal adventures, Iberian soirees filled with out-out fuego , and unlimited portions of paella, live at the source.

From June 15: Santorini, Greece from Abu Dhabi with Etihad

Santorini is one of Greece’s most romantic spots, and for the last three summers, a number of UAE airlines have flown to this sought-after spot. For 2024, Etihad will reinstate its flights to Santorini from June 15, with a bi-weekly flight on Tuesday and Saturday, taking you to the Cyclades dream in just over four and a half hours. This island is best enjoyed by walking the winding, petal-lined streets, for bucket-list views of bone-white buildings and the sprawling Aegean beyond.

From June 15: Nice, France from Abu Dhabi with Etihad

The UAE’s National Airline will return to the French Riviera in 2022, operating direct flights between Abu Dhabi and Nice from June 15. The twice-weekly service will operate on Wednesdays and Saturdays between Abu Dhabi and Nice Côte d’Azur Airport on a modern Boeing 787 aircraft, offering the perfect opportunity for a long weekend on France’s south coast. Renowned for its famous waterfront, Nice boasts a scenic seven-kilometre walkway known as the ‘Promenade des Anglais’. The city was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2021.

From June 17: Mykonos, Greece from Abu Dhabi with Etihad

Although this is a returning summer route rather than a new one, it’s worth a mention. From June 17, Etihad will return with two weekly flights to the charismatic Greek island of Mykonos. As much a hedonistic party spot with its celeb-filled beach clubs, dazzling entertainment and array of restaurant as it is a magnet for those seeking history and culture, it’s one of Europe’s most popular summer destinations. The flight will operate twice weekly on Mondays and Fridays, perfect for long weekend in the Grecian sunshine.

From June 28: Athens, Greece from Sharjah with Air Arabia

In recent years, Greece has become the destination du jour for many UAE travellers – whether they’re dreaming of vacations packed with relaxation, exploration, or gourmet delights. The Greek capital of Athens offers all three in spades, and is reachable via a new flight route with Air Arabia launching on June 28. Taking off four times per week from Sharjah, it invites travellers to discover cultural big-hitters like the Acropolis, Temple of Poseidon, and The National Gardens. When you’ve had your fill of history, escape the sweltering city heat in favour of the Athens Riviera, where you can get a taste of local coastal life with days on the beach, stays at some of the city’s top hotels, and sampling the delights of the myriad waterfront eateries.


From August 2: Basel, Switzerland from Dubai with flydubai

From August 2, flydubai will offer a four times weekly service to Basel’s EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg a unique gateway to not one – but three – different countries and their impressive cultural and culinary offerings. The northwestern Swiss city, perched on the border of the Alsace historical region in France and Baden-Württemberg in Germany, sits pretty on the banks of the river Rhine. A cultural capital with bags of historic and modern architecture to admire, visitors are also encouraged to retreat to the rolling Swiss countryside, an unmissable part of any Basel itinerary. Return rates start from Dhs1,500.


Images: Unsplash/ Supplied

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    Aventura, cultura, deporte, historia…. un viaje para cada curso y cada grupo, adaptado a cada edad y a cada proyecto educativo. Experiencias a medidas. Atención personalizada. Actividades en tu centro. Financiación. Escapadas de un día. Regalo viaje. NUESTRO DESTINO ESTRELLA.

  2. TravelAventura

    TravelAventura, Málaga. 3,157 likes · 2 talking about this · 3 were here. TravelAventura es una agencia especializada en viajes escolares y campamentos de verano

  3. Malaga Adventures

    Malaga is one of the most beautiful cities in Andalusia which has a lot to offer to its visitors, even to the ones who are on a budget. ... Me a parecido un aventura muy buena, Flavio nos ha echo la hora y media de vista muy amena por la forma que tenía de explicar todo que era muy buena. Lo recomiendo mucho.


    Travel&Aventura, especialistas en viajes escolares. ACTIVIDADES NOCTURAS Feria TravelAventura: con puestos de pruebas, disfraces y premios. Asalto a la Bandera: actividad de estrategia. Cine de Verano: pantalla al aire libre con las últimas películas de estreno. Ruta nocturna: un ameno paseo con linternas bajo las estrellas. Casius loco: divertido juego de pruebas en equipos.

  5. TravelAventura

    TravelAventura, Málaga. 3.134 Me gusta · 20 personas están hablando de esto · 3 personas estuvieron aquí. TravelAventura es una agencia especializada en viajes escolares, viajes de fin de curso y...

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    Campamentos de verano y viajes de fin de curso. Expertos en viajes escolares ⛺️🚣🏻‍♂️⛷🏇🏻 Málaga 650573602 [email protected] #travelaventura

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    The legacy of Malaga's most famous inhabitant, Pablo Picasso, permeates throughout the city. His life and work remain prevalent, and the people of Malaga take immense pride in their esteemed son. A significant cultural milestone occurred in 2003 with the opening of the Museo Picasso, which has contributed to the city's flourishing artistic scene.

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    Depending on the park, you will find longer or shorter zip-lines, but in all the parks there are zip-lines of over 200m. At AVENTURA AMAZONIA PELAYOS park in Madrid, you can enjoy the longest treetop zip-line in Spain, 252m long, a real Super Zipline with a maximum speed of 60Km/h. In Marbella the longest is 241m.!!

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    Located just 300m from the beach in Marbella, Aventura Amazonia Marbella is the biggest adventure park in Andalusia. Aventura Amazonia Marbella - Visit Costa del Sol - Costa del Sol Málaga This web page uses its own cookies and the third-party cookies to collect the information which help us make the service as good as possible.

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