• Destinazioni

Safari in Sudafrica: prezzi, quando andare e dove

Leoni Zoo Animale Safari Africa

Viaggiare informati: info utili

  • Kruger National Park
  • Gondwana Private Game Reserve
  • Isimangaliso Wetland Park
  • Addo Elephant Park
  • Parco Nazionale di Pilanesberg

Dove si trova e come arrivare

Quando andare: clima e periodo migliore, organizza il tuo viaggio: costi e consigli.

" Non c'è passione nel vivere in piccolo, nel progettare una vita che è inferiore alla vita che potresti vivere " diceva Nelson Mandela, Sudafricano, Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1993. Un viaggio in Sudafrica è certamente qualcosa che va oltre il nostro "piccolo": è superiore alle nostre aspettative, e per questo motivo è sempre una garanzia di esperienza indimenticabile. Scegliere il Sudafrica è vivere giorni pieni, intensi e sorprendenti, a contatto con una natura a tratti incontaminata e con popolazioni dalle millenarie cultura ed accoglienza, conoscendone i riti e le usanze quotidiane. Un Safari in questo territorio sarà il modo migliore per capire la magnificenza di tutto ciò che ci circonda : osservare la vita primordiale che si dipana dall'alba al tramonto, con guide esperte locali, nella vastità di queste terre, per potersi sentire liberi eppure protetti, e godere di una tra le esperienze più incredibili della nostra vita.

  • Abitanti 55.091.000
  • Capitale Pretoria (amministrativa) - Città del Capo (legislativa) - Bloemfontein (giudiziaria)
  • Lingue Afrikaans, Inglese, Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele del sud, Sesotho del nord, Sesotho del sud, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda
  • Moneta locale Rand (ZAR) - (1 EUR = 14,44 ZAR)
  • Clima Mediterraneo a Sud-Ovest, arido lungo la costa occidentale, mite tra mediterraneo ed oceanico caldo lungo la costa orientale, umido a Nord-Est, mite e piovoso nell'entroterra di Johannesburg, caldo nella zona dell'estremo Nord-Est
  • Vaccinazioni Nessuna vaccinazione. È soltanto consigliata la profilassi antimalarica per chi intende recarsi nella zona del Kruger Park e nelle riserve faunistiche della provincia del KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Requisiti d'ingresso I viaggiatori con passaporto italiano, fino a un massimo di 90 giorni di permanenza in Sudafrica, non hanno bisogno di visto. Il passaporto deve essere in corso di validità per 30 giorni successivi alla data di rientro del viaggio e deve avere 2 pagine libere. A partire dal 1 giugno 2015 sono entrate in vigore nuove regole per i minori in ingresso e in uscita dal Sudafrica, valide qualunque sia la nazionalità degli interessati. Maggiori info: [email protected]
  • Distanza dall'Italia 9.000/10.000 chilometri circa - 7/12 ore circa (a seconda degli scali)

Scegli un' assicurazione di viaggio/sanitaria : con noi ottieni uno sconto del 10% e hai copertura completa, assicurazione medica h24 e consulenza telefonica illimitata - calcola un preventivo gratis

Cosa vedere: safari ed escursioni

1 - kruger national park.

kruger national park

  • Periodo migliore da Aprile a Settembre, durante la stagione secca, quando la vegetazione è meno densa e le pozze d'acqua più concentrate. Tuttavia, ogni stagione ha un suo lato positivo e negativo, quindi se vi interessa avvistare i cuccioli è meglio partire da Novembre a Gennaio, mentre durante la stagione delle piogge da Novembre a Marzo, la savana si trasforma in un mare verde in cui fare intense sessioni di birdwatching.
  • Durata consigliata Perlomeno un soggiorno di 6 notti
  • Prezzo medio a partire da €1.200 a persona
  • Safari consigliati Parco Nazionale Kruger: safari ravvicinato di 1 giorno da €70,00 Safari di 3 giorni alla scoperta del Parco nazionale Kruger da €550,00 Kruger National Park 2 giorni Camping Safari in una tenda privata da €290,00

2 - Gondwana Private Game Reserve

gondwana private game reserve

  • Periodo migliore Gennaio/Febbraio per la scarsità di piogge
  • Durata consigliata perlomeno un soggiorno di 4 notti
  • Prezzo medio a partire da €1.100 a persona
  • Safari consigliati Safari di 2 giorni da Città del Capo nella natura selvaggia da €195,00

3 - Isimangaliso Wetland Park

Nella provincia del KwaZulu Natal (costa orientale) invece si trova l'Isimangaliso Wetland Park, la terza area protetta più grande del Sudafrica e patrimonio dell'UNESCO. Si può raggiungere facilmente da Durban, la città più vicina con un aeroporto internazionale. Il parco copre un'area di 32.000 ettari e comprende ben 8 diversi ecosistemi. L'emozione di partecipare ad un safari in notturna, alla ricerca dei Big Five che si mostrano soltanto dopo il crepuscolo, oppure scegliere un' escursione in barca per imbattersi in ippopotami e coccodrilli lungo l'estuario di Santa Lucia . La città di Durban nelle vicinanze, offre sicuramente altre esperienze altrettanto forti: vita notturna, clima perfetto, spiagge e mix culturale.

  • Periodo migliore per evitare la pesante afa dei mesi estivi, meglio programmare il viaggio durante l'inverno, da Maggio a Settembre.
  • Durata consigliata perlomeno un soggiorno di 5 notti, così da poter visitare anche Durban.
  • Safari consigliati Safari nella Game Reserve da Durban da €199,00 Safari in barca sull'estuario del fiume St Lucia con avvistamento felini e coccodrilli da €230,00

4 - Addo Elephant Park

addo elephant park

  • Periodo migliore Gennaio/Febbraio per il clima secco e soleggiato
  • Durata consigliata perlomeno un soggiorno di 3 notti
  • Prezzo medio a partire da €950,00 a persona
  • Safari consigliati Addo Elephant Park: Full-Day Tour da Port Elizabeth da €150,00 Tour di 6 giorni: Garden Route e safari al Parco Addo da €460,00 Port Elizabeth: Addo Elephant National Park Safari di 2 giorni da €270,00

5 - Parco Nazionale di Pilanesberg


  • Periodo migliore praticamente tutto l'anno, in inverno temperature decisamente più fredde
  • Durata consigliata va bene anche un giorno, ideale almeno due
  • Prezzo medio a partire da €180,00 a persona
  • Safari consigliati Safari di un giorno intero del parco nazionale di Pilanesberg a veicolo chiuso da €170,00 Pilanesberg National Park: 2-Day Safari con Chalet da €750,00 Parco nazionale di Pilanesberg: camping Safari di 2 giorni da €390,00

Con 300 Parchi Nazionali e Riserve, il Sudafrica offre esperienze infinite di safari: da quelli nella savana più ricca di vita fino ai luoghi più desolati. Ovviamente la vasta dislocazione dei luoghi offre climi diversi, a seconda anche del periodo; per questo motivo è bene scegliere con cura la destinazione più adatta alle nostre esigenze.

  • Clima a Città del Capo e nella costa Sud il clima è molto mite, con variazioni di temperatura limitate tra l'inverno e l'estate e piogge non abbondanti e distribuite nel corso dell'anno. La temperatura media va dai 12 gradi di luglio ai 21 di Gennaio e Febbraio. Nella zona di Alexander Bay e nella Costa Ovest il clima è costantemente mite, tanto che le temperature diurne rimangono mediamente intorno ai 15/16 gradi in inverno e intorno ai 20° in Estate. Nella zona di Durban (costa est) il clima è decisamente più afoso in estate e mite in inverno. Johannesburg, nell'entroterra Nord-Est, ha invece un clima mite e piacevole. La zona del Parco Nazionale Kruger al confine con il Mozambico (nord est) ha inverni secchi e soleggiati (con grandi escursioni termiche notte/giorno) ed estati calde ed umide.
  • Periodo migliore In generale la primavera (Settembre - Ottobre) è un buon compromesso. Per un tour completo vanno benissimo Aprile/Maggio, per il safari e la zona di Johannesburg il periodo tra Maggio ed Ottobre è perfetto. A Sud, nella zona di Città del Capo, è preferibile da Novembre ad Aprile, a Sud-Est (la zona di Durban) meglio scegliere da Maggio a Settembre. Tuttavia, con un minimo di adattamento e di consapevolezza, il Sudafrica può essere vissuto al meglio tutto l'anno.
  • Periodo da evitare i mesi estivi (da Novembre a Febbraio) vedono un gran numero di turisti internazionali, così che le varie strutture tendono ad aumentare i prezzi fino al raddoppio. A Dicembre la chiusura delle scuole riversa sulle spiagge folle di persone, e c'è anche da considerare che la parte Sud-Est ha temperature molto elevate. Forti venti spazzano Città del Capo, con le zone interne montuose soggette a nebbie e piogge violente.

sud africa citt c3 a0 del capo 1 1

  • Voli low cost l'aeroporto di riferimento è l'Aeroporto Internazionale O.R. Tambo di Johannesburg. A partire da €480,00 - confronta i voli
  • Dove dormire in base all'itinerario ci si sposta in guest house, campi tendati o lodge. Un hotel di fascia media costa minimo €50,00 a notte - confronta gli alloggi su booking
  • Costo medio di un viaggio in Sudafrica da circa €2.500 a persona per 15 giorni
  • Durata minima consigliata 15 giorni
  • Cosa indossare e cosa mettere in valigia abbigliamento a strati, minimale e funzionale, per le forti escursioni termiche e climatiche. Macchina fotografica, binocolo, cappello, occhiali da sole, costume, crema solare, torcia, kit medico, borraccia, zaino, quaderno/diario.

Assicurazione di viaggio: il nostro consiglio

Compagnia di assicurazioni

Hai dei suggerimenti?

Orari, prezzi e altre informazioni cambiano spesso, grazie ai tuoi feedback puoi aiutare migliaia di viaggiatori come te.

safari sud africa costo


  • Destinazioni

I nostri viaggi e tour in Sudafrica suscitano meraviglia ed emozioni indimenticabili e scoprirlo con un viaggio in esclusiva di African Explorer significa vivere tutti gli aspetti di questo fantastico paese.

La natura del Sudafrica è un paradiso incontaminato, bellezza allo stato puro. Dalle savane del Parco Kruger, alla regione di Mpumalanga, famosa per l'immenso Blyde River Canyon, fino a Città del Capo, una delle città più belle di tutta l'Africa. La famosa e lussureggiante Garden Route, ideale per l'incontro con le balene australi a Hermanus. Un tour in Sudafrica può essere concluso con un estensione alle Cascate Vittoria oppure, ideali per i viaggi di nozze, con un estensione mare a Mauritius, Seychelles, Mozambico e Maldive.

Parti con la selezione di viaggi in Sudafrica organizzati dal tour operator specializzato in Africa da 50 anni. A tua disposizione diversi viaggi con piccoli gruppo, tour su misura, individuali e di lusso con Safari a bordo di 4x4 scoperti accompagnati da ranger esperti locali e piena assistenza in loco.

I nostri Tour

  • Tour con piccoli gruppi
  • Viaggi Individuali
  • Viaggi di Nozze
  • Viaggi per famiglie
  • Partenze Esclusive

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Smart

Africa del Sud

10 /giorni 7/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Smart & Victoria Falls

12 /giorni 9/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Smart e Garden Route

13 /giorni 10/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Smart, Victoria Falls e Chobe

14 /giorni 11/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Explorer

11 /giorni 8/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Smart - Malaria free

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Freedom - Silver

15 /giorni 12/notti

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Freedom - Gold

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Unique

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Freedom - Romantic

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Romantic e Mauritius

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica Romantic e Mozambico

safari sud africa costo

Sudafrica freedom - Family

Richiedi informazioni, informazioni sudafrica.

Alcuni consigli di viaggo utili per organizzare al meglio un viaggio in Sudafrica:

Qual è il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Sudafrica?

In qualsiasi momento! Il Sudafrica è una destinazione per tutto l'anno. Tuttavia, se prevedi di combinare alcune aree in cui i modelli meteorologici variano, dovresti notare un paio di cose. Il periodo che va da aprile a ottobre è ideale per gli amanti dei safari e delle balene, nel periodo che va da Giugno a Settembre è possibile avvistarne moltissime. Da novembre a marzo, invece, il Sudafrica e in particolar modo la costa di Western Cape diventano le destinazioni perfette di chi proprio non sa rinunciare al caldo ed alle spiagge da cartolina. 

Cosa rende i safari in Sudafrica così speciali?

I safari in Sudafrica sono speciali e famosi in tutto il mondo per molte ragioni! Ci sono molte riserve e parchi nazionali come il Kruger tra cui scegliere, comprese destinazioni per famiglie con bambini e malaria-free, nonché riserve private per un safari più esclusivo. Con tanti paesaggi diversificati, i famosi Big5, l'esperienza del safari con veicolo aperto accompagnato da ranger locali e molti lodge selezionati, è la destinazione ideale per i safari e per gli amanti del comfort.

Quali possibilità di viaggio ci sono in Sudafrica? 

Il Sudafrica offre diverse possibilità di viaggio, che permettono tutte di vivere una esperienza di viaggio completa a 360 gradi. Si può scegliere di partire con piccoli gruppi, ed essere assistiti per tutta la durata del viaggio da una guida locale di lingua italiana. Un’altra possibilità è la formula di viaggio Fly and Drive, ovvero con noleggio auto incluso per avere la flessibilità e l’indipendenza desiderata, pur essendo comunque assistito da un ranger professionista durante i safari su veicoli 4x4. 

Quale soggiorno mare si combina meglio con un safari in Sudafrica?

Fare un safari con una estensione mare è una delle esperienze più complete che si possa fare. Ogni isola ha le sue peculiarità e straordinarietà, per questo nella scelta, ci sono diversi fattori da considerare, come gli interessi personali, il budget, la durata del viaggio e disponibilità. I resort più esclusivi di African Explorer sono a Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldive, Isola di Pemba e Isola di Mafia, Zanzibar e Réunion. Per questo, per pianificare attentamente l'itinerario, coordinare i voli e organizzare il trasferimento tra i due luoghi è sempre meglio rivolgersi ad un Tour Operator, esperto di viaggi qualificato.

Un viaggio in Sudafrica è adatto ad una famiglia con bambini?

Il paese offre una vasta gamma di esperienze adatte alle famiglie e molte attrazioni che potrebbero interessare sia i genitori che i bambini. Parchi nazionali come il Kruger National Park offrono safari in jeep guidati, dove i bambini possono imparare e divertirsi osservando gli animali nel loro habitat naturale. Il Two Oceans Aquarium a Città del Capo e il Gold Reef City a Johannesburg regalano momenti di puro divertimento. Gli itinerari esclusivi Malaria Free e Family di African Explorer sono progettati per far vivere un’esperienza di viaggio su misura per i bambini e in totale sicurezza.

African Explorer

  • Destinazioni
  • Individuali

safari sud africa costo

Tour e safari in Sudafrica

Montagne spettacolari, spiagge dorate, una natura selvaggia ricca di animali, vivaci città e secoli di storia, tutto questo è il Sudafrica . Se cercate un viaggio in Sudafrica siete nel posto giusto. Qui potrete scegliere il vostro tour in Sud Africa per durata e per fascia di prezzo. Per questo meraviglioso Paese proponiamo i seguenti viaggi:

I Big Five - Sudafrica

Pensati per persone dinamiche, con spirito giovanile, per chi pone come primo obiettivo del tour una intensa scoperta dell’Africa con un ruolo da protagonista. Le distanze percorse saranno sempre a bordo di comodi veicoli, ed i pernottamenti in strutture fisse quali B&B, guesthouse, lodge, bungalow. Alcuni viaggi avranno la guida parlante italiano mentre in altri ci sarà la guida parlante inglese affiancata da un traduttore italiano.

Sudafrica e Mozambico Big 5

Sudafrica e mozambico kruger e oceano.

In questi viaggi in Sudafrica le persone singole troveranno vantaggioso il fatto che possono NON aggiungere il supplemento singola, ma condividere la sistemazione con un altro partecipante dello stesso sesso. Le coppie invece avranno sempre la sistemazione privata .

I Classici / Viaggio di Nozze in Sudafrica

I “ Classici ” sono viaggi di gruppo in Sud Africa con guida in italiano e partenze fisse. Gli spostamenti sono a bordo di minibus o pullman, a seconda del numero di persone dato dalla stagionalità. “Il Meglio del Sudafrica” è adatto a chi cerca un viaggio in Sudafrica con alloggi di alto livello e guida parlante italiano.

Il Meglio del Sud Africa

Ai viaggi in Sud Africa “Classici” è possibile aggiungere varie estensioni. Mentre i tour sono di gruppo, le estensioni sono su base individuale. Non è detto che nell’estensione si trovino quindi gli stessi compagni di viaggio presenti nel tour di gruppo in Sudafrica . Vai alle Estensioni–>

Fly & Drive in Sudafrica

I viaggi fly & drive sono adatti per chi vuole viaggiare in libertà, avendo la sicurezza degli alloggi prenotati, come anche l’auto e il volo. Questa sezione è dedicata a chi cerca un viaggio fly & drive in Sud Africa personalizzabile in tutto e per tutto. Potete prendere spunto dagli itinerari che vi proponiamo di seguito ed esporci la vostra idea di viaggio. Insieme costruiremo il vostro itinerario rispettando le vostre esigenze.

Magie del Sudafrica

Sudafrica discovery, sudafrica completo.

Gli itinerari esposti sono stati studiati da noi in loco e sono ideali dal punto di vista dei tempi, delle visite da effettuare e delle distanze da percorrere. Le strutture indicate sono di medio livello, anch’esse selezionate da noi, pulite e confortevoli. Nella costruzione del vostro viaggio fly & drive in Sudafrica possiamo aggiungere o togliere tappe di viaggio, aumentare il livello delle strutture o, per i più avventurosi, prevedere notti in campeggio. Nella zona Kruger proponiamo di alloggiare nei restcamp all’interno del Parco principale, ma esiste la possibilità di alloggiare in una delle riserve private adiacenti, per un’esperienza più lussuosa.

Viaggi Overland in Sudafrica

I seguenti sono viaggi di gruppo a bordo di camion equipaggiati. I viaggiatori singoli troveranno vantaggioso il fatto di poter NON aggiungere il supplemento singola, ma dividere la sistemazione con un altro partecipante dello stesso sesso. Le coppie invece avranno sempre la sistemazione privata . I pernottamenti di questi  viaggi in Sudafrica  possono essere in lodge o in campeggio, a seconda del viaggio scelto. I gruppi sono formati da partecipanti internazionali e la guida parlante inglese . Potrete quindi trovare con voi in viaggio partecipanti Spagnoli, Tedeschi, Americani, Australiani, Norvegesi e altri, magari qualche altro Italiano.

Overland Soft (in lodge)

Sudafrica breve, sudafrica e zimbabwe soft, dal capo a windhoek grand explorer, sudafrica trekking, sudafrica e mozambico parchi e mare, zimbabwe e botswana grand explorer, sudafrica rainbow route, sudafrica explorer, dal capo alle cascate vittoria grand explorer, overland camping (in tenda), dal capo a windhoek desert tour, botswana lato selvaggio, zimbabwe e botswana selvaggi, dal capo alle cascate vittoria, dal capo a johannesburg via victoria falls.

Le dimensioni dei gruppi variano di viaggio in viaggio, dipendendo dai posti sul mezzo. I mezzi possono portare 12, 13, o 17 posti al massimo. I mezzi usati per ogni viaggio variano in base alle condizioni stradali previste dal tour: i camion possono avere la normale trazione posteriore con grandi vetri che si abbassano, o essere 4×4 con dei teli che si aprono completamente, al posto delle finestre. Nei tour più facili talvolta possono anche essere utilizzati dei comuni minibus. In ogni caso il mezzo sarà equipagiato di vani porta bagagli, frigo/freezer e tutto il materiale necessario per il campeggio.

Sede di Verona

Sede di Roma

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Safari in Sudafrica: 8 consigli per la prima volta

Sogno della vita per molti, un safari in Sudafrica può assumere forme diverse: da fuga nel bush più remoto a immersione nel lusso più estremo, la gamma delle esperienze può soddisfare tutte le esigenze...e le tasche.

safari sud africa costo

Quando andare

Per osservare la fauna selvatica l'inverno (da giugno a settembre ) è la stagione ideale: molti alberi sono privi di foglie e ciò che facilita gli avvistamenti. La scarsità di cibo e acqua poi, spinge gli animali a uscire allo scoperto. L'estate sudafricana (da dicembre a febbraio ) vede il paese al massimo del rigoglio , ma è meno facile scovare la fauna selvatica. Sarà decisamente più semplice notare i visitatori europei, che qui accorrono in branchi.

Guide e prodotti consigliati:

Sudafrica, Lesotho e Swaziland

Sudafrica, Lesotho e Swaziland

Scegliere il parco giusto.

Il Sudafrica possiede circa 300 tra parchi nazionali e riserve . Le esperienze possibili sono quasi illimitate, dai luoghi più desolati alla savana ricca di vita. Puoi unirti a un safari guidato, muoverti in autonomia o cercare la pace in un campo isolato. Ci sono soluzioni per chi ha un budget contenuto (con qualche rischio di affollamento) e non mancano le strade percorribili con un'automobile presa a noleggio.

Per il tuo primo safari, considera questi aspetti:

a. Il Kruger National Park è il grande riferimento per i safari. In alcune aree è affollato, ma c'è sempre una possibilità di fuga, dal momento che è vasto grossomodo quanto la Lombardia. Tutti i grandi animali dell'Africa vivono qui. Puoi soggiornare in campi spartani o in cottage decisamente accoglienti. Intorno al parco ci sono città come Nelspruit nelle quali ti aspettano hotel, ostelli e resort di ogni tipo. L'aspetto negativo è che i safari possono iniziare all'alba e gli spostamenti fino al parco a volte richiedono un'ora o più.

b. Il parco di Hluhluwe-iMfolozi abbina splendidi paesaggi e fauna inattesa. Si trova nel cuore dello Zululand , dove ancora regna la cultura zulu. Le spiagge che punteggiano la Elephant Coast sono tra le più belle del Sudafrica, così si può fare safari e subito dopo un'immersione nel blu. Il parco, poi, è noto per la sua rete di percorsi escursionistici, che comprendono itinerari di più giorni e campeggio nel bush.

safari sud africa costo

Scegliere una riserva privata

Ci sono due ragioni per non scegliere una riserva naturalistica privata: è troppo cara ed è troppo comoda. Non si tratta di posti per chi viaggia con budget limitato e non sono nemmeno posti per viaggiatori in cerca di avventure in libertà. In alcuni lodge privati, avventura significa che al massimo lo champagne dopo il safari ti verrà servito senza le fragoline di bosco... Detto questo, se cerchi il top dell'esperienza safari, tieni presente che i lodge nelle riserve private offrono:

a. Stretta vicinanza alla fauna selvatica. Non solo eviterai di guidare a lungo prima di iniziare il safari, ma il tonfo che sentirai alla finestra di notte potrebbe essere quello di un elefante che sbircia nella tua stanza. Sabi Sand , che confina con il Kruger, è considerato da molti il posto migliore per osservare gli animali.

b. Niente ressa. Si viaggia su jeep che ospitano al massimo sei persone, e non in carovane come nei grandi parchi, le guide riservano molta attenzione e quando si avvista una leonessa con cuccioli non scatta una frenetica gara per il fuoristrada che arriva più vicino.

c. Lusso. Alcuni lodge privati sono accoglienti e nulla più, ma alcuni, come quello di Ulusaba a Sabi Sand, sono il ritrovo dei ricchi e famosi, come il proprietario Richard Branson (quello della Virgin), e non fanno mancare nulla ai loro ospiti.

d. Personalizzazione. Puoi creare il tuo menu di attività ed esperienze, scegliendo di farti guidare nel bush o di dedicarti all'avvistamento di una specie in particolare. Alla Samara Private Game Reserve , in una valle verde incastonata nel deserto dell' Eastern Cape , puoi percorrere sentieri che ti porteranno a pochi metri dal muso di un ghepardo.

Un modo per risparmiare è soggiornare in una riserva privata per poche notti all'inizio del viaggio. Approfitta della preparazione delle guide e dell'abbondanza della fauna per imparare subito molte cose sulla natura del Sudafrica. Poi, con questo bel bagaglio di esperienza, potrai rilassarti in un parco nazionale, rallentare i ritmi e osservare da vicino quelli di madre natura.

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Affidarsi a una guida

La prima volta che la tua guida ti porterà sulle tracce di un leopardo, ringrazierai di non esserti affidato alle tue sole forze. Una brava guida non ti terrà solo al sicuro dai leoni, ma ti farà apprezzare tutta la complessità del bush. Nelle riserve private, il servizio è compreso nel prezzo, ma nei parchi nazionali sarai tentato di farne a meno. La fortuna potrebbe assisterti (come è capitato a noi al Kruger), ma il rischio è di perdere molte cose interessanti.

Evitare l'ansia da Big Five

Sì, vedere leoni, leopardi, bufali, elefanti e rinoceronti (i cosiddetti Big Five ) vale il viaggio. Troverai le due parole magiche (coniate dai cacciatori negli anni Venti per indicare le prede più pericolose) ovunque, anche sugli autobus. Anche zebre, ippopotami e giraffe non sono niente male. Scegli gli animali che non vuoi perdere anche tra quelli meno famosi. Non puoi dire di conoscere la ferocia di un facocero se non ne hai visto uno. E un branco di impala in allarme ti ricorderà che il pericolo si nasconde anche nella bellezza della savana.

Guidare o volare?

Puoi arrivare a un passo dal Kruger park volando da Cape Town o Johannesburg . Se vai di fretta, l'aereo è il mezzo migliore. Molti altri parchi sono serviti a dovere da voli interni e alcuni lodge si occuperanno di organizzare i tuoi spostamenti. Se disponi di tempo, però, guidare in Sudafrica è un'esperienza che merita. Anche perché non ci sono solo parchi e riserve, ma anche strade del vino e piccole città da scoprire. Per esempio, da Johannesburg puoi raggiungere il Kruger o Sabi Sand in una giornata alla guida o fare una sosta a Pilgrim's Rest, un'affascinante cittadina protagonista della corsa all'oro intorno al 1880, la cui atmosfera non è stata intaccata da restauri o altri interventi.

Portare le cose giuste

I safari all'alba al Kruger possono essere sorprendentemente freddi. Gli strati, compresi guanti e berretto, possono essere tolti con l'aumentare della temperatura. I binocoli sono essenziali, ma non aspettarti che ti siano forniti da lodge o guide. Un modello compatto ti permetterà di non perdere i movimenti dei gattoni in lontananza. E non contare sul wi-fi nel bush, quindi una buona guida si rivela essenziale.

Rilassarsi, soprattutto

Oltre a non battere i denti in un safari all'alba, cerca di rilassarti. Le guide faranno del loro meglio per farti osservare gli animali, ma non sempre tutti i desideri possono essere soddisfatti. Animali a parte, il paesaggio in sé, la bellezza delle pozze d'acqua nel deserto che riflettono la vastità del cielo e il canto degli uccelli sono aspetti da gustare fino in fondo. Quindi, non farti venire l'ansia di completare la tua checklist zoologia e non passare tutto il tempo con gli occhi all'obiettivo della videocamera. A volte, il momento magico del safari è quando non vedi proprio nulla.

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Safari in Africa: Prezzi, Viaggi e Info per i migliori safari

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  • Consigli Safari

Safari in Africa

I safari sono una delle esperienze più belle che si possano vivere, e vi è un unico luogo dove recarsi per viverne di indimenticabili: l’Africa. I safari in Africa sono infatti uno dei viaggi più desiderati da chi ama i paesaggi mozzafiato e gli animali, perché questa terra nasconde alcuni dei parchi, laghi e paesaggi più belli al mondo, nonché una straordinaria varietà di animali.

In Africa vi sono centinaia di luoghi diversi dove recarsi per un safari, dal Kenya alla Tanzania , e ognuno di questi permette ai viaggiatori di vivere un’ avventura indimenticabile a stretto contatto con la natura e culture lontane. Vivere e organizzare un safari in Africa , però, non è cosa semplice. Bisogna conoscere i prezzi , i costi dei tour operator e della permanenza, bisogna riuscire a scegliere i migliori itinerari e possibilmente riuscire a prenotare voli low cost, così da vivere un viaggio in Africa perfetto ed economico.

Di seguito scoprirai tutte le informazioni a riguardo! Buona lettura.

1. Dove andare: le migliori mete per safari in Africa

Se hai deciso di fare un viaggio in Africa spinto dall’amore e dalla passione per gli animali, allora le mete migliori dove recarti sono sicuramente   Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia e Sud Africa , dove potrai facilmente incontrare i Big Five . Se invece sei interessato a vedere i gorilla e a condurre trekking nella natura selvaggia, allora la scelta dovrebbe ricadere su Uganda , Rwanda e Kenya.

Se invece fosse solo una questione di cultura, le mete più adatte potrebbe essere  Mali, Burkina Faso e Ghana ; diversamente, se stai cercando di provare ad andare fuori dai sentieri battuti, allora prova Camerun e il Gabon in Africa centrale . Se vuoi visitare l’Africa per incontrare culture lontane può anche essere interessante uno dei nostri numerosi itinerari in Tanzania, dove mettiamo a disposizione la possibilità di incontrare le tribù Masai .

Vediamo più nel dettaglio dove recarsi in un viaggio in Africa.

Safari in Africa Orientale:

Uganda, Kenya e Tanzania offrono una tipologia di  safari particolarmente africana; le strade, i servizi e le culture sono più autentiche rispetto alle opzioni dell’Africa australe. Recarsi in questi magici luoghi sarà come fare un tuffo nel passato immergendosi in culture autoctone con usi e costumi molto distanti dai nostri.

I più famosi parchi nazionali dell’Africa si trovano proprio in questa zona, come ad esempio il Parco del Serengeti e l’ Area di Conservazione di Ngorongoro , due delle destinazioni più ricercate per i safari in Tanzania . Qui vi è inoltre la costa africana tropicale del Kenya e la famosa isola delle spezie di Zanzibar, visitabile anche con il nostro itinerario Rino .

I safari in Africa Orientale, soprattutto in Tanzania, Zanzibar e Kenya sono i migliori in assoluto, perché permettono di incontrare il più grande numero di animali e di vedere una quantità di paesaggi e luoghi indescrivibili mozzafiato.

Safari in Sud Africa:

Zambia, Botswana, Namibia e Sud Africa sono molto più occidentali e comodi rispetto ai paesi dell’Africa orientale, tuttavia tende a mancare l’atmosfera della “vera Africa” , quell’aria di magia e avventura che si può provare in Tanzania o Kenya.

I parchi più famosi in questa zona sono: Chobe, Etosha, South Luangwa, Delta e Kruger; il famoso deserto del Namib e Fish River Canyon alla regione vinicola di Stellenbosch. Il Sud Africa offre però un’esperienza molto diversa dall’Africa orientale ed è preferibile recarvisi per viaggi di lusso o molto comodi.

Africa occidentale:

Mali, Burkina Faso e Ghana  sono ottime mete in caso tu non sia troppo orientato verso la cultura e non preoccupato per la fauna selvatica. Il Mali è famosa per Djenné, Timbuktu e Dogan Paese; il Burkina Faso è ben noto per la sua scena musicale e il Ghana offre siti storici dei vecchi anni, spiagge tropicali e alcuni parchi giochi con pochissimi animali.

Africa centrale:

Il Camerun e il Gabon sono per il viaggiatore un’avventura reale. Un safari attraverso questi paesi ti porterà in un mondo diverso compostoda spiagge tropicali, pigmei, mercati con carne di animali selvatici, surf, ippopotami e migliaia di gorilla in pianura. Questa parte dell’Africa è molto meno percorsa dal turista medio e può essere difficile trovare una guida in lingua inglese che vi accompagni in un viaggio in Africa in queste zone.

2. Prezzi e Costi dei safari in Africa

I prezzi dei safari in Africa possono variare notevolmente in base a molti fattori diversi. I costi di un viaggio in Africa dipendono dallo stile di vita che si vuole adottare, dal tempo di permanenza e dalla tipologia di viaggio (un safari fotografico e una vacanza africana sulle spiagge di Zanzibar hanno costi diversi). In genere i costi si aggirano intorno ai 200 € al giorno.

Per farti un’idea puoi dare un’occhiata ai nostri itinerari in Tanzania e scoprire i costi di un viaggio in Africa.

Safari e viaggi in Africa lussuosi

Hotel a 5 stelle e alloggi di lusso per il campeggio sono tutti in offerta in Africa orientale, Africa meridionale e l’Africa occidentale. In Africa Centrale ci si aspetta un minimo di alloggio 3-5 stelle.

Le strutture sono eccellenti e offrono bar/ristoranti ben forniti , piscine, docce calde, servizi igienici così come le romantiche casette turistiche africane  e gli alberghi in stile coloniale.

I campeggi sono cambiati enormemente nel corso degli anni. Sono finiti i giorni in cui non c’era l’erba per piantare le tende, docce fredde (quando l’acqua era destinata a tutti) e bevande calde in frigo. La maggior parte dei campeggi in Oriente e in Africa del Sud sono molto ben serviti e attrezzati e vantano  docce calde, degli scarichi, ampi bar e ristoranti e una buona sistemazione in camera pulita (qualora il campeggio non soddisfi la tua esigenza ogni notte). Naturalmente gli inconvenienti vi sono anche li ma i campeggi offrono un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo e tutti i comfort che  il viaggiatore medio desidera.

3. Trasporti

safari sud africa costo

Il modo più costoso, forse anche quello più pratico, per coloro che hanno un budget cospicuo e che non hanno tempo da perdere, è quello di volare da destinazione a destinazione. La maggior parte dei parchi e le principali attrazioni turistiche Africane sono infatti piste di volo costruite appositamente per soddisfare il turista. Gli aspetti negativi di volare in un safari sono la perdita dei siti locali, i suoni, gli odori e la cultura di un paese.

La scelta di 4×4 Land Cruiser o di mini van è di gran lunga più conveniente rispetto all’aereo e permette di vivere un’esperienza molto più reale e autoctona.

I camion costruiti e personalizzati per i safari sono l’opzione più economica. La maggior parte dei tour proposti in camion safari sono accampati con l’eccezione di una coppia a cui si offre un alloggio hotel / lodge. Viaggiare in un grande camion safari ti dà il miglior punto di vista per la tua esperienza in Africa. I veicoli sono totalmente autosufficienti completi di attrezzature da campeggio e cucina ampia. Viaggiare in gruppo  da 13-25 persone in stile soggiorno comune è particolarmente popolare tra i viaggiatori singoli o coppie anziane che desiderano una certa sicurezza.

Questi safari spesso fondono la visione degli animali ed i progetti comunitari con attività di avventura, facendo appello al vecchio viaggiatore di 20-40 anni. Questi tour stanno diventando sempre più popolari , sopratutto fra gli over 50 che cercano uno stile più avventuroso per il viaggio . Non c’è nulla come la cottura a fuoco aperto, lo shopping nei mercati locali e socializzare con la gente del posto.

Safari in Tanzania in offerta

Scopri le migliori offerte per un Safari in Tanzania, scoprendo i Parchi più belli e suggestivi dell’Africa Orientale; percorrerai la savana alla scoperta dei Big Five osservando le grandi migrazioni in uno scenario unico al mondo

4. Safari individuali o di gruppo?

Un certo numero di tour operator offrono safari privati su misura. Per un certo prezzo si può avere il proprio veicolo, il proprio itinerario su misura sviluppato per le tue esigenze e un autista/guida privato, come quello messo a disposizione dal nostro staff. Le opzioni non sono limitate solo al campeggio, ma è proprio per questa ragione che sono così ambiti. Queste opzioni sono popolari per le coppie in luna di miele e uomini d’affari con un tempo limitato e date ristrette.

Il safari di gruppo può essere molto gratificante. Gli Itinerari sono stati sviluppati per includere i punti salienti di ogni regione e sono più economici rispetto ai safari privati su misura . La preoccupazione più grande con un viaggio in un gruppo è se tutti i partecipanti vanno d’accordo, nella maggior parte dei casi se vige un certo affiatamento, allora la meta Africa diventa un viaggio ambito. Diversamente, le cose vanno male quando a determinati clienti viene venduto un safari che non soddisfa le loro aspettative.

5. Le aspettative e il livello di partecipazione

E’ importante prenotare un safari in Africa che soddisfi le proprie aspettative.  La cosa grandiosa dell’ Africa è che si adatta a tutte le esigenze personali e di budget. E’ importante sapere cosa si vuole e a cosa si va in contro, quindi cerca una agenzia turistica che fornisca quel livello di safari e di servizio.

Diversi safari offrono vari livelli di partecipazione. I safari di lusso più costosi sono quelli in hotel 5 stelle, molto diversi dai safari camion in cui si prevede che i clienti si aiutino nella  gestione quotidiana del safari.

Se si desidera partecipare alla gestione quotidiana del safari, dovrai aiutare a cucinare e acquistare cibo fresco per il gruppo, quindi prenota un Overland Truck Safari. La maggior parte delle aziende offrono tra i servizi un cuoco, così la partecipazione del cliente è limitata ad aiutare a preparare i pasti, piuttosto che assumersi la responsabilità per il prodotto finale. Questi safari lavorano su un sistema di rotazione dei clienti, quindi potrebbe essere che nel corso di un periodo di 3 settimane si debba assistere solo 3-5 volte; abbastanza tempo per conoscere come barattare per la frutta fresca e la verdura nei mercati locali e come cucinare a fuoco aperto.

Ci sono un paio di operatori Overland Truck Safari dove lo shopping e la cucina sono interamente a carico dei gruppi. Questo potrebbe essere un ottimo modo per sfruttare appieno l’esperienza in Africa. Anche se gratificante, questo potrebbe risultare piuttosto stressante soprattutto se non hai mai cucinato per 20 persone prima, figuriamoci cuocere a fuoco aperto.

Quanto tempo hai a disposizione per fare un Safari? Un itinerario che comprende molte tappe in breve tempo non può essere la migliore soluzione per un buon safari in Africa. Ccùonsidera di chiedere al tour operator quanto tempo si trascorre in viaggio in funzione ad alcuni punti.

Di volta in volta i clienti confrontano gli itinerari da una compagnia all’altra e scelgono l’azienda che offre il Safari con la maggior parte dei punti salienti solo per rendersi conto al secondo giorno che il tutto si traduce in: colazione alle 5 del mattino ogni giorno e non arrivare alla destinazione finale entro le 20:00. Questo vuol significare distruggere lo scopo di una vacanza!

Essere realistici su ciò che è realizzabile, il settore dei safari è molto competitivo, quindi gli operatori tendono ad aumentare le tappe per rendere il loro prodotto più attraente e vendibile ai potenziali clienti.

Osserva bene una mappa dei paesi che desideri visitare, l’Africa è un continente enorme . Valuta bene le condizioni della strade che non sono all’altezza degli standard occidentali, quindi, non ti aspettare di coprire 500 km sostando in diversi siti di interesse turistico in un solo giorno.

7. All Inclusive versus Pay-As-You-Go

La scelta di un all-inclusive rispetto a pay-as-you-go ha molti vantaggi e svantaggi. I vantaggi dell’ all-inclusive risiedono solo nel pagare i  visti e le spese personali. Lo svantaggio è che potresti pagare per le attività che non hanno alcun interesse, ad esempio la foresta a piedi o in canoa lungo lo Zambesi.

Il Pay-as-you-go offre la flessibilità nel pagare solo per le attività che ti interessano con conseguente miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo. Il lato negativo è decidere prima di iniziare il tuo safari in quali attività desideri e non desideri partecipare. E ‘sempre meglio sopravvalutare quello che si può fare durante il safari assicurandosi di non rimanere a corto di soldi.

8. Volantini e prenotazioni su Internet

Nel corso degli ultimi 2-3 anni c’è stata una tendenza a seguire gli opuscoli, come sempre più persone sono fiduciose nel prenotare escursioni su internet. Inoltre, come società siamo consapevoli di sprecare risorse preziose come la carta. La maggior parte dei siti web (come il nostro) hanno informazioni dettagliate su safari togliendo la necessità di valutare un opuscolo.

9. Poniti le domande giuste

Prima di prenotare un safari in Africa in primo luogo poniti (e si onesto) la  seguente domanda: che tipo di safari mi piacerebbe fare? A seguire:

  • Dove voglio andare?
  • Cosa voglio vedere e sperimentare?
  • Quanto tempo devo restare?
  • Cosa mi aspetto?
  • Voglio un safari privato o di gruppo?
  • Quanto voglio spendere?
  • Voglio tutto compreso o pay-as-you-go?
  • Che tipo di trasporto voglio?

Una volta che ti sei posto queste domande e ti sei dato risposta, puoi iniziare la ricerca di un operatore adeguato che soddisfi le aspettative. Personalmente, fra i tanti tour operator che esistono, noi ti consigliamo il nostro staff, ovvero Safari Avventura, un tour operator specializzato in safari in Tanzania e Zanzibar che ti offre un numero incredibile di itinerari diversi di grande qualità.

Qual è il miglior safari in Africa?

C’è poco da fare, quando si vuole vivere un viaggio indimenticabile e riuscire a prenotare il migliore safari in Africa , bisogna cercare fra gli itinerari di viaggio in Tanzania che noi di Safari Avventura mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti. La Tanzania è infatti la destinazione per safari più bella che c’è, sia per quanto riguarda i paesaggi che per quanto riguarda l’enorme biodiversità animale e la quantità di animali che si possono incrociare.

Per questo il miglior safari in Africa è uno fra i nostri numerosi itinerari. Alcuni dei migliori itinerari sono: il Safari Ghepardo , quello più venduto, il Safari Rino , comprendente anche un viaggio a Zanzibar e nelle località marittime della Tanzania, e infine il Safari kudu , un viaggio in Africa indimenticabile di ben 11 giorni. Puoi anche dare un’occhiata alle nostre offerte , dove trovi promozioni e sconti incredibili per viaggi e safari indimenticabili.

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  • African Safari Cost: 10 Factors + How We Saved $6,800+!

by Nichole | Last updated Aug 15, 2023 | South Africa , Travel Hacking

For many, a trip to Africa and experiencing an African safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And, it is not cheap if you want a little luxury and modern comfort! How do you make that dollar stretch and drive down that overall African safari cost? What is worth splurging on? What is not? Here are the 10 cost factors to consider and a personal real-life example of how we saved over $6,800 on our Africa trip. Dream trips can be turned into reality!

* Some of the links in this post contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. All recommendations are from first-hand experience that I feel will deliver value to you! Thank you for your continued support.


01- Safari Location

02- quality of the safari lodge , 03- low season vs. high season, 04- cost of internal flights, 05- other destinations in the itinerary, 06- number of days spent on safari , 07- national park vs. private reserve , 08- the extras, 09- self-drive vs. guided drive , 10- currency exchange rates , how we saved over $6,800 for our africa trip, #1- airline points, #2- credit card points, final thoughts, related content.

Map of top African safari destinations

Where you choose your safari location will dictate the cost.

For example, Botswana is one of the most expensive safari destinations whereas South Africa and Zimbabwe offer more affordable options.

For more comparisons between all the top 7 safari destinations, check out my article below.

Lion Sands River Lodge fire pit

There are typically 3 price points  for safari lodges: moderate, premier, and luxury.

For example, in South Africa, a moderately priced safari lodge in Sabi Sands will cost you around $300-$700 USD per person, a premier lodge will cost around $800-$1200 USD per person, and an ultra-luxury lodge will cost about $2000+ USD per person.

Quite the range. Impeccable service and food and a smaller number of rooms (and thus guests) come at a premium.

We stayed at Lion Sands River Lodge in Sabi Sands, South Africa for one of our safari experiences. It was incredibly luxurious without being pretentious and had some of the best staff we have encountered.

We also had another amazing safari experience at Chobe National Park in Botswana.

We used the Stanley & Livingstone Boutique Hotel in Zimbabwe as our base, which was absolutely stunning. The hotel also offered its own safari drives right on its property.

Stanley & Livingstone Boutique Hotel guest lounge area

To give you a sense of the price points, I constructed a chart comparing the cost of the safari lodges we had researched in the Sabi Sands and Timbavati private game reserves in South Africa. 

Motswari (Timbavati/Umbabat): from ZAR 4,959 ($279 USD)

Arathusa (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 7,729 ($435 USD)

Kambaku River Sands (Timbavati): from ZAR 9,834 ($553 USD)

&Beyond Ngala Safari Lodge (Timbavati):  from ZAR 10,199 ($573 USD)

Inyati (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 11,305 ($636 USD)

&Beyond Kirkman’s Kamp  (Sabi Sand) from ZAR 11,434 ($643 USD)

* Timbavati properties, in general, will be cheaper than Sabi Sand 

* Exchange rates are accurate as of 10/5/22. These rates are starting rates and will vary depending on the season. 

Lion Sands (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 15,114 ($850 USD)

Londolozi Varty Camp (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 18,645 ($1049 USD)

Savanna (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 12,947 ($728 USD) 

Dulini (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 19,129 ($1076 USD)

MalaMala  (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 15,730 ($885 USD)

Silvan (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 19,614 ($1104 USD)

Singita (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 32,959 ($1855 USD)

Londolozi Pioneer Camp (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 31,625 ($1780 USD) or the Private Granite Suites (Sabi Sand): from ZAR 33,495 ($1885 USD)

If this is your first time planning a safari, don’t miss my article on how to choose a safari lodge.

We stayed at Lion Sands River Lodge in Sabi Sand, South Africa during the month of September.

If we had stayed at the end of December, we would have paid $250 USD more per person per night. Staying during the peak season will drive the price up dramatically.

For me, the ideal time is picking the shoulder season that still coincides with the dry season.

Courtesy of Shutterstock: small propellor plane in the African bush

Some safari destinations can be quite remote, and others are near well-established airports. The location of the safari lodge will dictate the cost of transfers via plane or car.

We stayed at Lion Sands River Lodge, which is about a 25-minute drive from the local airport, Skukuza Airport. Because of the lodge’s close proximity, transfers were included in our lodge rate.

Plus, Skukuza Airport had direct flights to/from major airport hubs like Cape Town and Johannesburg, which made the internal flights more affordable. The cost per passenger when we went was $480 USD through SA Airlink.

If you are trying to reach more inaccessible lodges, the African safari cost is going to be much higher because you are relying on light charter flights.

2-week South Africa itinerary

If you fly to a destination where the safari experience is the only activity, your cost is going to be higher than if you combine it with more affordable destinations.

The safari will be the most expensive part of your trip.

One reason why South Africa is such a desirable safari location is that it can be combined with places such as Cape Town and the Cape Winelands which are significantly less expensive. 

PRO TIP : We offset our African safari cost in Sabi Sands by staying at much more affordable accommodations while in Cape Town and the Cape Winelands. Splurge on the safari experience and then pick more budget-friendly hotels in the other destinations.

You can get incredible value for your money while staying in Cape Town and the Cape Winelands.

We stayed at the highly-rated Derwent House Boutique Hotel while in Cape Town and the adorable bed & breakfast Cape Vue Country House while in Cape Winelands.

Both properties offered incredible value for the money, which drove the overall cost of our trip down.

Derwent House Boutique Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa

Obviously, the more days you spend, the higher the African safari cost.

However, some safari lodges like Singita Kruger National Park will offer a nice package deal such as “Stay 4 Days/Pay for 3.”

Always be on the lookout for these special deals to reduce your African safari cost.

Two lionesses consuming a giraffe in Sabi Snds Private Game Reserve

National parks tend to be much more affordable than private game reserves.

For example, if you stay in Kruger National Park in South Africa, which is owned and managed by the government, the cost is going to be substantially cheaper but much more crowded.

In contrast, if you stay in a private reserve in Sabi Sands in South Africa, the cost will be higher but fewer people and jeeps and more close-up wildlife encounters.

If you want to know more differences between Kruger National Park and Sabi Sands, check out my article below.

Our safari ranger and tracker at Lion Sands River Lodge

What do I mean by “the extras”?

Think tipping, airport transfers, laundry, park fees & permits, premium drinks, etc.

It is important to factor in all fees because they can certainly add up quickly. For example, if you are going to Rwanda to see gorillas, the gorilla trekking permit alone costs $1500 USD per person! 

Also, it is imperative to know what is included in your all-inclusive safari lodge rate. For example, some lodges charge for premium drinks.

Laundry service is another factor to consider. You cannot carry much weight in your luggage on those little planes. Packing light is important, which will likely require you to do laundry while at the lodge. Some lodges will include it, and some will not.

That is why I’m a big fan of the incredibly lightweight Anatomie travel clothing, specifically the Kate Skinny Cargo pants . They take up very little room in the suitcase.

An Africa safari is one of the most expensive vacations you will probably take. The staff at these safari lodges go above and beyond to take great care of you. The safari guides are spending at least 6+ hours with you daily to deliver an exclusive experience.

I know this is a touchy subject because every country has a different tipping culture, but please consider showing your appreciation for good service by leaving a tip. Budget accordingly.

It is customary in Africa to tip the staff (but not mandatory).

Courtesy of Shutterstock: Safari jeeps watching a lion

If you want more flexibility and are looking to cut costs, you can do a self-drive safari in certain countries such as South Africa.

For example, in Kruger National Park, many opt to rent a car and drive independently around the park looking for the animals.

Although you have the freedom of when and how long you want to stay in each location, you do not have the expertise and knowledge of a guide who can greatly add to your experience.

Most African countries will quote and charge you in USD. There are a few countries, however, like South Africa and Namibia, that only quote the cost in their own currency.

Because the currency exchange rate is volatile, your US dollar could stretch further if the rate is favorable. The opposite, of course, would be true as well.

Breakdown of how we saved over $6800 USD on our 2-week Africa trip

I am NOT a travel agent who gets discounts on properties.

I am NOT an influencer who gets sponsored free trips.

I work full-time, have limited PTO hours, and take 3-4 vacations a year.

So, how am I bringing my African safari cost down?

Airline and credit card points!

An African safari is usually just one component (and the most expensive!) of most travelers’ Africa itinerary. The key to making this epic trip affordable is knowing where to spend and where not to spend and utilizing airline and credit card points to erase some or all of the cost.

A premier safari experience in Sabi Sands, South Africa for 2 people for 3 nights/4 days costs around $5,400 USD.

So, how did we save over $6,800 for our entire 2-week Africa trip ? 2 ways. Let’s break it down.

Courtesy of Shutterstock: airplane

We used 2 different strategies for the major international legs of our Africa trip:

UNITED POINTS:  For this Africa trip, we used 40,000 United points per person (+ nominal $11 USD per person for taxes) to pay for our flight from the United States to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

The cash price per person for the flight would have been $1,121 USD. Our total savings for two people was $2,220. The redemption value was 2.8 cents per mile.

By the way, one strategy for getting a bulk amount of points is to sign up for a travel credit card during a big sign-up bonus promotion, where you have to meet x amount of minimum spend within x amount of months.

VIRGIN ATLANTIC POINTS: For our return flight from Johannesburg, South Africa back to the United States, we used 22,500 Virgin Atlantic points per person (+ $350 USD per person for taxes).

The cash price per person for the flight would have been $888 USD. Our total savings for two people was $1,076. The redemption value was 2.4 cents per mile.

How did we get Virgin Atlantic points? From my Amex Membership Reward (MR) Points.

If you want to know more about travel hacking tricks and how to know if you are getting a good redemption value, don’t miss my travel hacking 101 guide.

Chase Trifecta Travel Credit Cards

What credit cards we used and how we used them:


We used Amex Membership Reward (MR) points to pay for our international flight home from Johannesburg to the United States.

We transferred 22,500 MR points to Virgin Atlantic at a 1:1 transfer rate. Our total cost was 22,500 points + $350 USD for taxes/fees per person for a flight that would have cost $888 per person.

Our total savings for two people was $1076.


We used 239,138 Chase Ultimate Reward (UR) points to pay for the majority of our hotels on our Africa trip. That saved us a whopping $3,587.07!

When you redeem your UR points through the Chase travel portal for hotels (or flights if you choose), you redeem at 1.5x the rate .

What does that mean?

Pretend you have 200,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards Points, which is equal to $2,000 USD. If you redeem those same 200,000 points through the travel portal, they are now worth $3,000 USD. Incredible value!


An African safari was one of the most memorable travel experiences we’ve had. It can be quite expensive depending on the location and quality of the safari lodge.

You can make it quite budget-friendly by picking cheaper safari locations, going during low season, doing a self-drive safari, and picking a more affordable safari lodge.

Since this was a trip of a lifetime for us and we were celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary, we wanted a little more luxury.

When we started planning our African safari and adding up the costs, it was clear the price for our dream vacation was much higher than our travel budget would allow.

Luckily, because we had started to accumulate airline and credit card points years ago, we were able to cash in those points to erase much of the African safari cost. Those airline and credit card points made this epic trip a reality.

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Questions about how to reduce your African safari cost?

Let me know in the comments below!

Lindsey Slaby

Hi there! I was about to book Lion Sands on Chase but cant find it anymore as their booking look up has gotten more complex. What did you use to find it? An airport code?


Thanks for reaching out. I booked 3 out of the 4 Africa hotels we stayed at (Derwent in Cape Town, Cape Vue in the Cape Winelands, and Stanley & Livingstone in Zimbabwe) through the Chase travel portal. Lion Sands was the only one I didn’t book through Chase. I went through booking.com: https://www.booking.com/hotel/za/lion-sands-private-game-reserve.en-gb.html .

I just checked to see if Lion Sands was on the Chase travel portal, and I could not find it either (even with using the airport code, SZK). I’m surprised though because it’s a MORE property, and their other property (Stanley & Livingstone in Zimbabwe) is on there. You could always call Chase just to make sure.

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safari sud africa costo

Para obtener una tarifa lo más aproximada posible al precio real, indica la moneda y el país de origen deseados.

· safaris en sudáfrica ·, en el corazón de los exclusivos safaris africanos, resalta nuestra siempre amada y soñada sudáfrica., un requisito codiciado -de manera internacional- con los mejores avistamientos y destinos, por excelencia..

Los safaris de lujo en Sudáfrica, - premiado como el país más famoso de África y el sexto país más diverso del mundo - varían significativamente en cuanto a estilo, paisajes y especies salvajes. Podrás descubrir la verdadera rutina de los hipopótamos y elefantes a las orillas de los ríos, hasta simpáticos pingüinos paseando por su bello hogar en las costas del Cabo.  ¡Sí, acaba de comenzar tu aventura en Sudáfrica!

Por fortuna, este país tiene algo especial, algo único para disfrutar de un verdadero safari, al natural .

Las flores silvestres del desierto Kalahari y su reserva natural, la idílica Table Mountain y su excepcional paisajismo innato, y por eminencia, la impetuosa y delicada vida silvestre del Parque Kruger ; harán que los más apreciados requisitos para tu safari, sean auténticamente reales, puros y memorables .

¡Sudáfrica lo tiene todo!

Deja fluir tu imaginación. ¿Qué se te viene a la mente? Un viaje al sur de África… llega al más allá .

Un safari único, nuestro templo en el Parque Kruger ofrece infinitas oportunidades para conocer a los más célebres Big 5 de África , entre uno de ellos, el imponente leopardo, con una población próspera de estos gatos veloces, es uno de los lugares Top en el mundo para... ¡interactuar y disfrutar de ellos en su propio hábitat natural!

Podrás diseñar el itinerario a tu gusto, pero siempre disponemos de las mejores recomendaciones, vividas y experimentadas por nuestros más expertos en tierras africanas.

En el corazón floral del Cabo , encontrarás una eco-reserva de lujo , donde disfrutar de un rico safari entre montañas, bosques y vibrantes mares: la Reserva Natural de Grootbos siempre logra sorprender, hasta a su más exigente y exquisito visitante.

La reserva de Madikwe -y su impresionante Wild Dog- junto a Grootbos, son sin duda, unos de nuestros lugares favoritos para disfrutar de un safari de lujo privado y con total comodidad, donde te sentirás como un auténtico miembro de los arcaicos exploradores. Una atmósfera espolvoreada de paz, y confort; rodeado de numerosas especies animales, ¡hasta las más pequeñas!

Y es que, en África no sólo vagan libremente los Cinco Grandes, sino que además, para los minimalistas y curiosos, este continente custodia a seres puramente detallistas y singulares; la hormiga león, el escarabajo rinoceronte, la musaraña elefante, el búfalo piquirrojo y la tortuga leopardo ,  formando los lindos Cinco Pequeños . No cabe duda, viajar a Sudáfrica es una oportunidad única de safari, lujo y énfasis.

Tours distinguidos y sofisticados por Sudáfrica, con diversos ecosistemas y un clima similar al de los trópicos. ¡Atrayendo tanto a cebras como a delfines!

Desde el primer momento que pongas pie en estas aromáticas tierras sudafricanas, notarás ese ambiente cálido, esa atmósfera salvaje que atrapa los cinco sentidos y expone libremente sus antepasados. Un entorno soñado por los más aventureros y alegres viajeros, aquellos que han sentido alguna vez ese deseo de safari real y de película; la llamada de la vida salvaje en un entorno de paz. Sensaciones que son sinónimo puro de los safaris de lujo en Sudáfrica.

Además, hemos seleccionado los mejores alojamientos inmersos en pura vida silvestre, vivirás una experiencia por todo lo alto de safari, con obsequios dignos de admirar. Avistamientos únicos a los animales en libertad -vagando tal nómada-, revoloteando alrededor de tu lodge privado y desde una suite con esencia y absoluto estilo ‘’ a lo afrikáans ’’.

Paisajes, avifauna, vegetación… una fusión exclusiva tanto para grandes y energéticas familias, como para los más íntimos románticos. Actividades celestiales ; desde safaris en 4x4, a pie o en globo, hasta exquisitos cruceros entre la diversa fauna marina, vuelos en helicóptero para una selecta observación de aves ,  exploraciones de buceo con los emblemáticos tiburones blancos y mucho más.

Un recuerdo de viajar a África incomparable , una esencia de haber vivido de manera verídica y exclusiva, las auténticas tradiciones africanas y sus safaris, como si dedicados a los antiguos dioses se tratara.

Estamos deseosos de poder deleitarte con el que quizás, sea uno de los viajes más especiales, que jamás hubieses imaginado.

Descúbrelo con nosotros, un equipo de entusiastas aventureros en el corazón de Ciudad del Cabo; fundamos la ilusión sudafricana con · AVENTURA ÁFRICA ·

El Big 10 Gran Safari de Sudáfrica

Sudáfrica en todo su esplendor y de la forma más completa posible. Es uno de los mejores países del mundo para viajar debido a su gran diversidad.

Por medio de este viaje, hemos creado una forma de honrar a Sudáfrica - con Ciudad del Cabo, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve y Johannesburgo. El viaje insignia Número 1 de la Colección Aventura Africa Safaris.

El viaje más estiloso a Sudáfrica

Disfruta de la exquisita gastronomía de Sudáfrica, sus premiados vinos y su fauna a través de safaris únicos.

Descubre la mejor oferta de ocio y cultura de Ciudad del Cabo y haz un safari de lujo en el Kruger National Park donde vivirás una experiencia inolvidable.

La cara más virgen y tropical de Sudáfrica

El viaje ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza. Con safaris únicos y visita a iSimangaliso Wetland, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. 

Además, te sumergirás en la naturaleza y visitarás playas tropicales donde relajarte y alejarte de las multitudes.

La pura aventura africana

Este viaje lo hemos diseñado especialmente para combinar las mejores aventuras de Ciudad del Cabo y las de Zambia. 

Sube a Table Mountain, bucea con tiburones, explora el Río Zambeze y sobrevuela las Cataratas Victoria en helicóptero.

Estilo y comodidad en Sudáfrica

Descubre los principales atractivos de la región del Cabo y la vida animal de África en los safaris de la Reserva Natural de Sanbona. 

Confort absoluto, donde verás ballenas desde la costa, seguirás de cerca a los Big Five y te enamorarás de la Región Floral de Cabo. 

How to Safari in South Africa

By Laura Dannen Redman

Zebra on Phinda Private Game Reserve South Africa

It doesn’t matter what you’ve read, or how many times you watched Out of Africa, or if you’ve always felt comfortable in khaki-colored clothing: Nothing prepares you for the first time you’re within 10 feet of a lion in the wild. Your breath catches—there they are, the kings and queens of the African savanna, with retractable claws and powerful haunches any Cross-Fitter would envy, and the only thing between you and them is a few inches of safari-jeep metal and a very hearty guide with a gun, should you need it.

You won’t need it. The lions don’t care about you. (Even if you're advertising your snackability in a white or red windbreaker—don't do that.) Lions only see the massive multi-tiered Land Rover and figure it’s not worth wrangling with that elephantine creature. So you get the privilege to watch, quietly, binoculars and iPhones out, as they go about making a meal of the baboon they just caught. It’s a circle-of-life moment that makes you rethink what you know about survival, or the multi-course lunch spread you’ll have back at the safari camp. It also makes people who were previously blasé about animals want to quit their jobs and stay on as guides, teaching other newcomers about the tell-tale signs of rhino droppings.

That first safari may change you, in subtle ways—sharpening the senses to the slightest rustle in the bushes, or training the eye to look for different birds in the trees, even once you’re home in a concrete jungle. It’s addictive, and despite its legacy as a vacation for the rich and regal, it doesn’t have to exclusive. Think about this: South African children grew up exploring the bush on school trips, camping out under the stars, and keeping night’s watch with a buddy and a flashlight, just like Traveler’s Mary Holland did ; Capetonians may make a long weekend out of the same excursion you feel like you need a lifetime to plan. South Africa offers everything you may want in a safari, so it's a great place to get your boots dusty.

Consider this your nudge out the door—our guide to planning your first, but hopefully not your last, safari holiday.

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Let’s start with the basics: Are you worried about malaria?

If you’d rather not fuss with malaria medication, just plan a trip to a no-malaria or low-risk malaria zone. A number of South African private game reserves—like Phinda in KwaZulu-Natal on the east coast and Madikwe just south of the border with Botswana—check all the boxes. “Madikwe Reserve has wonderful and varied game viewing as well as camps that cater to families, ” Daniel Saperstein , co-owner of Hippo Creek Safaris and a Condé Nast Traveler travel specialist, told us . “Also, Tswalu Kalahari is one of the largest private game reserves in Africa—it’s malaria-free and has fantastic activities for children, including Southern Skies stargazing and daytime meerkat tracking.” Tswalu doesn’t guarantee sightings of all Big Five, though. “If you want something different, there’s Shamwari in the Eastern Cape, a no-malaria area,” says Holland. Shamwari has a number of options, including the luxury tents of Bayethe and the family-friendly Riverdene Lodge, and is just an hour-long drive from Port Elizabeth.

Is it a top priority to see the Big Five: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, buffalo?

If yes, “definitely head to Kruger Park,” says Holland. South Africa's pride and joy of national parks, with nearly 5 million acres to explore, all but guarantees a Big Five sighting in a two- or four-day safari (though, really, there's no guarantee, no matter what anyone says). East Africa may deliver more of the "ur-safari people think of"—those wide-open, big-sky, Lion King landscapes—says Traveler's Andrew Sessa, but Kruger gives you a better shot at seeing white and black rhinos. There will be crowds, though, so consider private reserves within Greater Kruger National Park like Royal Malewane , a luxury lodge in Thornybush Private Game Reserve, and Tanda Tula Safari Camp , a luxury camp in Timbavati Private Nature Reserve. For more budget-friendly options, try Jock Safari Lodge (from US$630 per adult per night) or the Sanparks website, which has a huge range, from cheap to expensive, self-catering to camping and luxury lodges.

Are you going solo, or as a couple, maybe on a honeymoon?

"South Africa is great because you can have incredible city and wine experiences [by pairing a few days in Cape Town and its surrounding wine country] with safari," says Sessa. I did just that for an anniversary trip: four days in Cape Town, then a flight to Durban, where we rented a car and drove to andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve (though that drive is only suited for nerves of steel—you can also fly to Phinda via Johannesburg and Cape Town). There are multiple andBeyond lodges in this game reserve: Phinda Forest Lodge, Phinda Mountain Lodge, Phinda Rock Lodge, Phinda Vlei Lodge (which will reopen June 2018 after a complete renovation), Phinda Zuka Lodge, and Phinda Homestead. We booked a four-day, three-night stay at the Rock Lodge, which has six suites built of contoured stone and adobe—our own private pueblo in Zululand. Each comes with an outdoor deck and plunge pool, big ensuite bathrooms and outdoor showers, and feels entirely secluded and romantic. If you're celebrating an anniversary or birthday, tell the staff ahead of time, and they may surprise you by prepping a champagne-and-roses bath at night.

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And the two-a-day safari drives? Incredible. We spotted the Big Five easily, but there were so many other special sightings: a pregnant zebra, an albino giraffe, a cheetah and cubs, white and black rhinos (and their babies!) that looked like they had stumbled out of some prehistoric time warp. And then there was the unexpected visit by a herd of elephants looking for a mid-day drink out of our plunge pool.

Are you going as a family?

“I would say a high-end lodge or camp in Sabi Sands Game Reserve (on the outskirts of Kruger) is ideal for the first-time family safari," says Traveler correspondent Paul Rubio, who’s been on 20 safaris in as many years. "This area is incredibly wildlife-dense so sightings are prolific—it's not uncommon to see rhinos, lions, elephants, and a pack of wild dogs in a single game drive (read: the kids will be constantly entertained)." At the lodge, you have every amenity possible to ease the transition for tech-driven teens, he says. "The Wi-Fi and TVs we want to avoid as adults are there for the kids to enjoy if need be. Plus everyone loves the pool." For starters, try Singita Ebony Lodge , where all ages are welcome, and infants under the age of two are free, or Ulusaba Private Game Reserve , one of Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Limited Edition collection of retreats, which has a dedicated Cub’s Club.

Related: Should you bring kids on a safari?

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South African safari leopard

Budget Safari Guide: How Much Does a South African Safari Cost?

Posted by Kate Explorer on August 26 2022 in Safari Costs & Budgeting Enquire Now!

South Africa is a prime wildlife safari destination that attracts millions of visitors each year. Many of them, fall in love with the country to return time and again. But, how much does a South African safari cost? 

With over 20 national parks and hundreds of private game reserves, South Africa is one of the best safari destinations in the world. It is home to Africa's wildest animals and a wide variety of insect, bird, and plant life, boasting some of the richest ecosystems on the planet. Yet, you can experience South Africa on a budget safari!

Sabi Sands safari elephant

In South Africa, safari experiences come in many different forms; from private game drives to walking safaris, travellers can decide how they would like to explore the wilderness. There’s more to South African safaris than seeing the Big 5 animals, an item on many travellers' bucket lists. At African Budget Safaris, we offer a host of South Africa safari packages for the adventurous and brave, families, first-timers, and seasoned safari-goers.

Seeing lions on safari in South Africa

In this budget safari guide, we will look at a range of different South African safari experiences. From exciting one-day tours to longer overnight adventures, we’ll show you what a budget South Africa safari costs. We will explore different types of South African safari locations and accommodation options. You can also check out our comprehensive list of South Africa safari tours for more ideas or browse our  budget safari tours across Africa.

One-day South Africa safari costs  

For under $200 per person, there are several one-day South Africa safaris leaving from the cities of Cape Town and Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth). Our Big 5 Cape Town Safari takes travellers to Aquila Private Game Reserve, a privately owned game reserve about a 2-hour drive from the city. This full-day safari includes a two to three-hour game drive in an open 4x4 game-viewing vehicle. Accompanied by professional game rangers, guests enjoy the best of African wildlife: the Big 5 (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo), zebras, giraffes, and more. Optional extras include spa treatments, a quad bike safari, or even a horseback safari.

Sea lovers will delight in our Marine Big 5 Safari - the Great White Shark Cage Diving Day Tour . On this South Africa safari, it is common to see two or more of the Marine Big 5 (sharks, dolphins, seals, whales, and penguins). About a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Cape Town, this boat tour includes all cage diving gear, a private guide, and light meals -  all for just $191 per person! 

Great White Shark in South Africa

If elephants are your thing, then we recommend a visit to Addo Elephant Park - one of South Africa's top national parks. Our Full Day Addo Elephant Park Safari starts and ends in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), or PE as it is known by the locals. For under $160 per person, you can enjoy a full day at Addo Elephant Park with a small group of up to eight travellers. Addo is the third largest National Park in South Africa and is home to 400 Cape buffaloes, nearly 50 black rhinos, and one of the largest populations of African elephants in the world. 

South African safari elephant

If you can't decide between a regular Big 5 South Africa safari and a Marine Big 5 safari, then our Full Day Addo Elephant Park Big 7 Safari is for you. For just $186 per person, you'll start your day with a boat cruise to a colony of African Penguins before heading into Addo for a 4x4 game drive. You’ll have the chance to see a wide variety of animals in their natural habitats, both on land and in the sea!

Multi-day South Africa safari costs

If one day just isn't going to cut it, then you’re looking at going on a safari for two or more days. In South Africa, safari cost ranges from just $220 per person, for a two-day budget lodge safari at Aquila, to more for luxurious accommodation options. 

Our 4-Day Luxury Kruger Lodge Safari  starts at $2,095 per person and includes stays at two different safari lodges and game drives in three of South Africa's top game reserves: Kruger National Park, Balule Private Reserve in the Greater Kruger Park, and the scenic Motlala Reserve.

South African Safari game drives

Apart from the length of your safari, the type of accommodation you choose makes a big difference to the cost. Typically South African safari accommodation includes bungalows, chalets, lodges, and tented camps. Let’s do a cost comparison of a few three-day South Africa safaris that include some of these different accommodation options. 

South Africa safari costs for different accommodation options

Starting at $1,118 per person, our 3-Day Kruger Park Exclusive Lodge Safari includes three-star lodge accommodation. Surrounded by lush indigenous vegetation, guests can make use of an outdoor swimming pool and laundry services. Rooms have air conditioning and en-suite bathrooms, making your stay comfortable while still being affordable. 

South Africa safari cost, Kruger Lodge

With this tour package, a maximum of 10 travellers experience an intimate South African safari. Included in the price is an afternoon or evening game drive on the first day, a full-day game drive on day two, and a final game drive on the third day.

A more affordable three-day South Africa safari is our 3-Day Kruger Safari - Lodge & Treehouse Tour . Starting from $673 per person, guests spend the first night in a budget-friendly game lodge in the Greater Kruger. On the second night, guests stay at an enchanting Treehouse Camp near Kruger National Park. This tour starts with a sunset-to-night game drive on day one. 

Treehouse on South Africa safari

The highlight of day two is exploring Kruger National Park in an open safari vehicle with an experienced guide. Day three starts with an early morning bushwalk with an armed ranger who explains the wonders of South Africa's wild ecosystems as you explore the area on foot. 

For adventurous travellers on a tight budget and limited time, our 3-Day Budget Kruger Safari - Backpackers Tour brings you right into the heart of the South African bush for just $614 per person sharing. With two nights and affordable lodge accommodations, such as en-suite chalets, travellers can enjoy a budget safari without camping.

Semi-luxury camping safari costs in South Africa

While some of us prefer our creature comforts, others revel in the thought of sleeping in a tent nestled deep in the African bush. Starting from just $841 per person, you can enjoy three days of semi-luxury camping in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve with our 3-Day Kruger & Sabi Sands Safari-Tented Camping tour. Camping options include standard, luxury, and superior tented suites - you choose the one that suits your budget and needs. 

Sabi Sands South African safari tent

Sabi Sands is the ideal base camp for exploring the Sabi Sands Reserve and Kruger National Park. Diverse habitats and wild animals abound. This exclusive yet affordable South Africa safari hosts up to 12 guests at a time. 

The standard tents are spacious and set on wooden platforms with an en-suite bathroom and shower. These canvas tents have either a king-size bed or two twin beds. The luxury tent is a larger and more private option. Luxury tents include a bathtub, and an outdoor shower and can accommodate two guests and one child. Superior tents are completely secluded and can host two adults and up to three children.

Enjoy a seven-day South Africa safari on a budget

The last part of this budget safari guide is dedicated to seasoned safari goers looking to get a bit more out of their time in South Africa . These travellers should consider one of our longer South African safari packages. For just $1,232 per person, the Addo to Durban via the Drakensberg - Overland Lodge Safari combines a safari experience with hiking and sightseeing. 

Overland African safari truck

Our South Africa Safari - Kruger to Durban Lodge & Camping tour costs $1,096 per person for a seven-day tour starting in Johannesburg and ending in Durban. It includes game viewing in the Kruger National Park with expert local guides, a visit to KwaZulu-Natal game reserves, and optional extras, such as rhino tracking, boat cruises, game walks, and turtle and whale watching tours (seasonal).

The most dedicated safari goers will enjoy our 7-Day Sabi Sands & Kruger Safari - Tented Camp Safari. This South African safari includes seven days of semi-luxury camping inside the Sabi Sands Reserve where you can enjoy crowd-free game viewing with a private guide. For just $1,656 per person sharing, you get seven days of uninterrupted nature.

South African Safari Cost - Budget Safari Guide

South Africa offers some of the most affordable and comfortable wildlife safaris. With a wide range of destinations, safari types, and accommodation options, there is something to suit any budget. For example, our 4-Day Budget Kruger Park Safari Package (Bungalow Tour) starts from $847 and is also available as a 3-day Kruger Safari ($641) or as a 5-day Kruger Safari ($1,023).

South African safari cost on a budget

Check out our budget South Africa safari packages or get in touch with the team of safari experts at African Budget Safaris.

Pick from a range of South African safaris or let us custom design a private tour according to your personal specifications. Simply let us know how long you want to go, where you want to stay, and which areas you like to visit and our team of travel consultants will do the rest. We look forward to planning your next budget South Africa safari with you!

If you liked this post, these trips cover similar ground…

  • 4 Day Kruger National Park Safari

About the Author

Kate explorer writer, linguist, explorer.

Kate Explorer

Places Mentioned in this Post


1. South Africa

2. Aquila Private Game Reserve, R46, Touws River, 6880, South Africa

3. Gansbaai, 7220, South Africa

4. Addo Elephant National Park, Addo, 6105, South Africa

5. Kruger National Park, South Africa

6. Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Portion 4, Shaws Gate, shaws gate, Kruger, 1350, South Africa

7. Durban, South Africa

8. iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa

9. Drakensberg, Lesotho

10. Gqeberha, South Africa

11. Cape Town, South Africa

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Private Group?

A private, tailor-made safari is within your reach. Experience all of your bucket-list safari related items on a budget now.

APRIL SALE:   Discover and book at   up to 60% off!

Best South Africa Safari Tours

Find the perfect Safari adventure in South Africa. There are 293 South Africa safaris to choose from, that range in length from 1 days up to 22 days. The most popular month for these tours is October.

250+ South African safari packages with 1,340 reviews

Kruger in Depth Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Kruger in Depth

It was awesome! Safari was exceptional, tour guide knowledgeable, tour group outstanding.

5-Day Kruger National Park Big 5 Safari & Panorama Route Tour Tour

5-Day Kruger National Park Big 5 Safari & Panorama Route Tour

Excellent safari from kruger adventure lodge the staff all fantastic and very helpful and welcoming definately be coming back to this lodge once again
  • €30 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Route 62 Adventure Safari 15 Days / 14 Nights Tour

Route 62 Adventure Safari 15 Days / 14 Nights

Die Reise war ein voller Erfolg, wir waren bestens betreut in allem. Es war eine unvergessliche Reise für uns alle, trotz dem schlechten Wetter zwischendurch war es wunderschön. Alain hat die Trips immer so gut angepasst, dass alles möglich war, und er hat uns Südafrika mit seinem reichhaltigen Wissen über dieses Land, sehr bereichert. Kann man nur wärmstens empfehlen. Vielen Dank nochmal für die tollen Eindrücke. Herzliche Grüße Christine

South Africa: Kruger Wildlife Tracking & Vineyards Tour

South Africa: Kruger Wildlife Tracking & Vineyards

Kruger Lodge Experience (3 days) Tour

Kruger Lodge Experience (3 days)

The tour guides and the tour itself were spectacular. The guides did their best to keep us entertained and knew exactly what they were doing. They went the extra mile to show us the big 5 which we really appreciated. The organization of intrepid and their customer service, on the other hand, was very poor. They were not responsive in a timely manner. They weren't willing to accommodate for minor inconveniences from the customer. For example, my crew asked to be picked up from a destination that was 5 min away from the original pick up location. Keeping in mind that we were supposed to be at that location at 5:30am, intrepid should have accommodated for us but it took 5 different people contacting them separately and several back and forth to come pick us up. Tourradar was also responsible for this mess because they acted as a middle man instead of directly allowing us to deal with the issue. These and other types of details that seem simple caused a lot of negative experiences in the tour. Aside from that, seeing the animals and the actual tour were priceless.

9 Day Incredible South African Safari and Drakensberg Adventure Tour

9 Day Incredible South African Safari and Drakensberg Adventure

We had a wonderful tour, made possible by a great guide. We wanted to get a taste of a variety of parks and found the destinations very thoughtfully put together. It is a lot of driving to see the various areas but there were strategic breaks. Loved staying inside the parks and having critters outside the veranda . We saw 13 rhinos in one day! Wade was great at seeing things we would have missed and always able to manoeuvre the car for best views and photos. They are quite happy to tailor your experience so don’t be afraid to ask.

Kruger Lodge Experience Tour

Kruger Lodge Experience

First time participation. First and last Africa. It was great to experience this safari. 6 hours to go, 8 hours to return, not much trouble. Close to the Big 5 was seen. It's not a zoo. now. A wild, lively animal is in front of you. Impressive thing.

6 Day Classic Kruger Park Safari Tour

6 Day Classic Kruger Park Safari

Amazing beautiful! The staff was very friendly and made my experience unforgettable, the food was very good, but really beautiful people all the staff. I hardly recommended this safari from the moment they pick me up at my hotel to the last minute, thank you so much for life time memories and friendship.

5 Day Cape to Addo Safari Tour  (Return) Tour

5 Day Cape to Addo Safari Tour (Return)

Kruger Safari And The Panorama Route Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Kruger Safari And The Panorama Route

I feel so lucky to have seen and experienced all that I saw on this trip. Our tour guide was amazing and so insightful about daily life in South Africa.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Luxury Garden Route Journey from Cape Town Tour

Luxury Garden Route Journey from Cape Town

Following a 5 day stay in Cape Town, my wife and I were (by pure fluke) lucky enough to be the only people on this particular tour; we therefore had our own private tour at our disposal. Jakes - our tour guide and the owner/operator of Amatungulu Tours - was absolutely first class. He was punctual, very polite & attentive and knowledgeable regarding all things relating to South African culture, history and wildlife. Jakes provided a real personal touch that we felt was second to none and was happy to accommodate any requests regarding the tour itinerary. All of the accommodation and experiences that he booked were excellent & thoroughly enjoyable - all of which made for a wonderful holiday, that we will never forget. Thank you Jakes. My wife and I cannot recommend this tour highly enough.

Best of Kruger National Park Tour

Best of Kruger National Park

Es hat organisatorisch alles geklappt. Alle Mitarbeiter von Kurt Safari haben sich große Mühe gegeben. Unterkunft und Verpflegung alles sehr ausreichend. Hatte erwartet, mehr Tiere zu sehen. Das Gras war aber auch ziemlich und es gibt ausreichend viel wasser im Park. Bei eigener Safari vor langer Zeit in der Etoscha pfanne habe ich etwa 100 mal so viele Tiere gesehen. Trotzdem war es ganz gut. Sehr gut leider nicht.

2 Day Wildlife Safari Tour (Return) Tour

2 Day Wildlife Safari Tour (Return)

Die Tour war toll, abwechslungsreich und hat mir viel Spaß gemacht.

Working Safari/Conferencing at luxury bush lodges, Kruger National Park & Panorama Route Tour

Working Safari/Conferencing at luxury bush lodges, Kruger National Park & Panorama Route

PRO: 1. "All included" tour - professional guide, comfortable transportation, very good hotels, all meals and taste of great South Africa's wines. 2. Diversified itinerary - South African nature, culture, history - well presented by knowledgeable guides and thoughtfully designed by tour operator. 3. Hotels, B&B, Lodges, restaurants - exceptional. CON: None. My husband and I would like to thank Jakes for the great organization of this tour. Our guide was very professional, attentive, patient and of great personality. We recommend THIS TOUR to all who really wish get to know this beautiful country, travel in comfort and have a relaxed conference safari.

5 Day Classic Kruger Park Safari Tour

5 Day Classic Kruger Park Safari

Excellent program really well run safari by Viva Safari. Accomm was basic but clean and comfortable, scheduling ran like clockwork, food was excellent, staff charming and efficient and we saw loads of animals.

South Africa Safari Reviews

Our guide was superlative. Our itinerary was superb. Our accommodation and food really satisfying and well beyond expectations. It was a great trip and I'd do it again at my first opportunity. And I'll recommend to far and wide!
The tour was really awesome. Each day we got to see so much and we were so lucky to get to see the Big 5! The only thing that let the experience down was the accommodation which was pretty dated and felt damp. But it had been wet and we were reluctant to overuse the aircon. The food was generous and the staff were very friendly and accomodating. Next time we go safari, we will spend a little more now that we know what to experimenter. Thank you for a great tour.
Amazing trip! We saw a lot of animals despite bad weather. The food was nice and the lodge was cosy. I would recommend staying longer than we did (we only had three days).

Safari Tours

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  • Big Five (76)

National Park

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  • Limpopo (45)
  • Garden Route (45)
  • Western Cape (34)
  • Guateng (12)
  • North West (5)
  • KwaZulu-Natal (5)

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  • 10 Best Safaris in January 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in November 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in October 2024/2025
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Africa Freak

How much does an African safari cost? (and how to make it cheaper)

Wild dogs chasing a puku antelope in South Luangwa

Unfortunately, many people associate safaris with exorbitant prices and see it as a vacation that’s financially out of reach. You’ll be pleased to know this is not always the case. In the end, how much does an African safari cost comes down to what you’re looking for .

Yes, you can go on safari for USD 1000 per day. But you can also enjoy incredibly intimate safari experiences for much less than USD 100 per day.

How Much Does a Safari Cost?

Small herd of elephants stands on the edge of Madison Pan, with treehouse in the background, Hwange National Park

African safaris vary enormously in cost. There is the cheap and relatively cheerful, all the way up to some of the most expensive holidays on the planet.

You can enjoy good wildlife encounters for less than USD 100 per day. Expect to pay a minimum of USD 150 per day for the best destinations and a multi-day safari program. USD 250 per day and upwards is mid range.

How much does a safari cost in East Africa vs Southern Africa

In general, entry to mid-range East African safaris cost more than those in Southern Africa.

The park fees are higher and you cannot safari in your own vehicle. There are fewer public campsites so you are reliant on private camps.

For example, a safari on Tanzania’s Northern Circuit or anywhere multi-day trip in Kenya, is going to cost USD 200 per day and more.

Check out more detailed costs on the ultimate safari guides to Tanzania , Kenya , Zambia and gorilla trekking .

Cheaper park fees bring that cost down in Southern Africa. Many of the best safari destinations in Southern Africa are also very accessible, like Chobe National Park’s proximity to Livingstone and Victoria Falls . This limits private transport and further reduces costs.

Southern Africa has many smaller safari destinations. These don’t offer the ultimate wildlife experience but are a cheap alternative.

So how much does a safari cost in Southern Africa? You can get a good multi-day safari for under USD 150 per day .

Check out South Africa safari guide , Botswana safari guide , Namibia safari guide , and Zimbabwe safari guide .

What do you want and expect on a safari?

If you envision a safari with luxurious rooms, satellite television, air conditioning, en-suite bathrooms, exotic cuisine, and your own fireplace, you may need to review your priorities.

Why are you going on an African safari? To sit in your room and watch television? Or to connect with your wild side?

If it’s too big, too beautiful, or too luxurious, it’s consequently going to hit your wallet hard. And it’s not going to be the best possible safari experience.

Luxury safari lodge in South Africa

However, if you’re content with common restroom facilities, decent food, and a small bungalow or safari tent, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the affordable costs of going on safari.

Remember that you’ll be staying in a stunning location . This alone makes the price worth it. And while it’s great to stay in the lap of luxury, the main part of the experience is the wildlife and game viewing , and that’s very similar regardless of your accommodation choice.

Most Safari Costs are Based on an All-Inclusive Formula

The well-known “all in” formula means that everything is included in your package: from air flights (if applicable) to park entries, accommodation, game activities, and meals.

Additional costs may apply for drinks and any other extra activities around the lodge, which include night drives, boat trips, and guided walks. Prices will vary from place to place. To give you a general idea, typical daily activities cost anywhere from $20-100 pp (higher prices in top safari destinations). But then again, they might even be part of the deal.

Sometimes the cost of an African safari is very off-putting. But in general, you shouldn’t need much to spend after buying your safari package. USD 200 per day may sound a lot, but when that includes everything , including the greatest wildlife encounters on Earth, it’s totally worth it.

The Easiest Way to Reduce Your Safari Costs

Beautiful male lion with safari jeep in the background, Kenya

Later in the article we will discuss all the variables, including transport, accommodation, season, activities and more. You will learn some easy tips for reducing your safari costs. But these pale into insignificance in comparison to this…

African safaris cost less when you book with a local African safari operator .

Local safari operators , whether in Tanzania or Botswana, are the experts. They will be guiding your safari, whether you book direct or via an international travel agent. Local operators operate on a budget. They have low overheads and employ local people on local wages.

Compare that to any travel agent in your home country. Or to any major online travel agent. All travel agents have big overheads and big wages, so they need to make more money.

Every travel agent makes money through commission . You pay them for a safari. They keep 25-50%. And pass the rest to the local safari operator.

Book a USD 300 a day African safari with a travel agent and you will get a USD 200 a day safari. But book a USD 300 a day safari directly with a local tour operator and you really will get a USD 300 a day.

Many people don’t trust local tour companies. But you can still find reviews and recommendations for local operators, just as you do for travel agents.

Some people visit Africa, haggle over the price of everything, and complain that they are being ripped off. But the same people are very happy spending thousands of dollars on staying in hotels owned by multinational corporations, and using travel agents who funnel their profits to shareholders.

Book with a local operator and you will get a better safari for a better price, plus more of your money will be used to support the local economy .

If you need assistance then we have a partnership with a pan-African expert who can connect you with trusted local safari operators.

safari sud africa costo

Lodges will often have two areas: one with bungalows/rooms, and another with campsites or tents. The second option is by far the most cost-effective (unless you are looking at “Luxury Camping”, but we won’t go into that here). Prices are reasonable, where you’ll only pay a small fee of as little as $5-15 per day to put up your tent and use the ablutions.

Additionally, another advantage of camping is that you’ll be inherently closer to nature . Especially at night, when nocturnal animals roam by your tent or bizarre sounds haunt your sleep.

Your most common visitors at night will be sneaky hyenas and common bush babies . Moreover, it is not unusual to hear lion calls from a distance.

A personal experience from Michael Theys

Elephant right outside a lodge in Lower Zambezi

“I’ve personally experienced some interesting events on various occasions. One time, there was a huge bull elephant right outside my tent window. It was such an intense feeling. Besides being exciting, it was also a little intimidating. You could hear this tremendous animal smashing branches and crunching its food with a ravenous appetite. I was praying he wouldn’t suddenly decide to play with my tent! 🙂

Luckily, as you can tell, I’m still alive and well! I imagine that you might be figuratively jumping up and down on your seat as you read these sentences, but don’t worry. Many facilities are fenced off , and if not, they are guarded by armed men (quite often Maasai warriors in East Africa).

Regarding food, pay attention as this part is very important. Be on the look out for baboons and vervet monkeys that have a tendency to come and steal some of your belongings for themselves. Never leave anything lying around!  There’s a good chance that what you leave misplaced will be gone in an instant.”

Planning a camping safari

The only downside to camping is that it demands more organisation and effort . On some safaris you will have to take your own camping equipment with you.

In some cases however, equipment may be provided at the camp itself. You will need to bring your own groceries, though some facilities have their own shops (i.e. Skukuza, inside Kruger National Park). You’ll also have to cook your own food (eating at the restaurant is an option), and drive your own car in the game area.

Then there are camping safaris organised by tour operators. These are popular budget safaris in East Africa. An operator will bring all the equipment and use public campsites , which keeps costs down.

safari sud africa costo

Bed and Breakfast Formula

One alternative to camping inside the park is to stay in the vicinity of the reserve . It’s not as unique an experience without the wildlife roaming around, but it can be a sensible choice if you’re on a tight budget.

Usually, there are a number of options available, ranging from hotels to hostels and guesthouses. Some hotels even have an impressive view overlooking the reserve itself, which is a great bonus as it gives you a flavour of the bush.

Residents vs Foreigner Fees

As you might expect, tourists are charged more than the locals to enter a conservation area. In most places the price difference is significant.

For instance, park entrances might be as low as $2 for a resident and as high as $100 for a foreigner . A place like Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania charges $80 per person and $200 per vehicle .

safari sud africa costo

Africa Freak tip : If you’re on safari with friends who happen to be residents, it’s sometimes possible for you to enter as a local and pay the resident fee. Stay in the car, remain quiet, and let your pals do the talking.

It’s not always successful, but it’s worth a shot! 😉

How Much Does a Safari Cost (High vs Low Season)

Black-backed jackal trying to catch a dove at a waterhole

Dry season months are peak season for tourists and safari attractions in East Africa. In Southern Africa, peak season is during the cooler drier winter months.

Make sure that you have your reservations prepared well in advance , as places are often fully booked months beforehand. In South Africa for instance, areas of the Kruger are reserved up to a year ahead of time.

If you’re looking for a cheaper safari, try to plan your trip during the low season when the game viewing isn’t as good.

But “not quite as good” is a relative term. Whenever you visit, a safari is a magical experience. You can experience incredible sightings during the rainy season or tropical summer months.

In the dry season , wildlife must congregate around waterholes, which makes it easier to spot. But that doesn’t mean it disappears during the rest of the year. It’s still around. You just need to look a little harder. In some places of East Africa, when it really rains, dirt roads become impassable and several facilities are forced to close down.

Jeep crosses the river on an African safari in the Lower Zambezi

Driving your own vehicle or renting a car for a safari might be the cheapest available option, especially in Southern Africa. Park roads are well indicated and it’s possible to buy local maps at the entrance.

However self-driving is not always possible . In private game reserves and certain nature reserves, you can only go on safari with cars provided by the lodge or park.

How Much Does it Cost for an African Safari?

Aerial view of a hippo in the Okavango

Like all vacations and all unique experiences, the price of an African safari varies person by person . So instead of thinking about how much does an African safari cost, how about switching the question to something more meaningful.

Our recommendation is to think about how much is a safari worth to you .

An Africa safari is an unfiltered connection with the greatest wildlife and wildernesses on the planet. Africa is Africa – you can’t have the safari experience anywhere else!

There truly is nothing like it, this chance to go eye to eye with the greatest animals to walk our planet. Not only is an African safari an incredibly personal experience, it’s an experience that will change how you view the world .

So how much is that worth?

About The Author

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Editorial Team

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  • Marc’s Treehouse Lodge in the Media
  • Safaris Staying at Marc’s Treehouse Lodge
  • Katekani Introduction
  • Safaris Staying at Katekani Tented Lodge
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Elephant crosses in front of Viva Safaris clients

Kruger Park Safaris

See africa's mighty big 5.

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Viva Safaris

Sharing our passion for wildlife for 30+ years.

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Value-for-money Safaris to Kruger Park


Kruger Park Safari Experiences with Viva Safaris

From humble beginnings in 1991, Viva Safaris has grown to become the most sought after tour operator servicing the Kruger National Park region. Our diversity of Kruger Park safari experiences easily beat those of any competitor.

Get up close to the Big 5 in Kruger National Park safari in one of our open game viewers!

Get up close to the Big 5 in the Kruger Park with one of our open game viewers!

safari sud africa costo

Viva Safaris is consistently rated amongst the top 10 tour operators in South Africa!

I would like to, once again, congratulate all the Viva Safaris staff on another year of outstanding work. Your energy, enthusiasm and excellence have been fundamental in our success story. The fact that we have had departures from Johannesburg EVERY SINGLE DAY this year is both remarkable and enviable. We shall complete the year in the same manner, resulting in 365 departures for 2023. Take a bow, every single one of you. The quality of reviews posted by previous guests plays a big part in helping tourists decide to choose one of our packages. Without exception, these reviews bear testimony to the passion and energy that our happy staff bring to their workplace.  Well done to all !!!!

Kruger National Park Safari Packages and Tours

We are completely self-sufficient and highly experienced….we own our lodges; we have a fleet of air conditioned mini busses that will bring you from your location in Johannesburg right to the bush; we have our own fleet of game viewing vehicles; our own rangers and trackers; our own chefs and lodge management staff and of course a range of 30 different Kruger Park safaris that vary from cost effective on night/two day safaris to combined Kruger Park and Private Reserve safaris where you can experience the thrill of walking in the bush amongst the Big Five of Africa – of course for those who demand the luxurious, our Fly In safaris and Luxury Lodge safaris are legendary !!!

Viva Safaris has got it right – the blend of exclusive and personal sightings in our private reserve, Balule, and the wide diversity and great number of animal encounters in Kruger provide an unequalled wildlife opportunity.

The beautiful Marula Tree Boma under the African night sky

The beautiful Marula Tree Boma under the African night sky

Bongani leads group of guests along Olifants River

Armed ranger leads group of guests along Olifants River

  Click play below to see a brief video overview of what you may experience on a safari to the Kruger National Park with Viva Safaris:

Young bull elephant keeping a close eye on us in the Kruger

Young bull elephant keeping a close eye on us in the Kruger

Viva Safaris was established in 1991 by people that love wildlife. Family-owned and wholly South African, our aim has always been to enthusiastically share that love and passion with the thousands of satisfied tourists that have been through our hands. We do not aim for exclusivity – we have made our Kruger Park safari packages accessible to a wide range of pockets.

Guests being shown wildlife during bush walk on safaris to Kruger Park

Guests being shown wildlife during bushwalk

We are aware that current tourists are a lot smarter, more price-conscious and have high expectations for their money. If one compares our tariffs to other Kruger National Park safari operators, it is evident that our safaris are not only eminently affordable but also offer our guests a value-filled product with a personal touch . There can be no doubt that our safari products constitute the very best value for money safaris to the Kruger National Park .

Relaxed Motlala leopard looking at Jordan and guests

Relaxed Motlala leopard looking at Jordan and guests

Mindful of our guests’ need to share their wonderful wildlife experiences with friends and family at home, we have introduced  FREE 24hr WIFI at all our lodges.

Dining room overlooking Breakfast Dam at Marc's Camp

Dining room overlooking Breakfast Dam at Marc’s Camp

Kruger Park Safari Lodges

Viva Safaris is in the unique position of owning its own accommodation establishments. We are thus able to guarantee levels of excellence expected by our valued international guests. We offer a wide spectrum of products that are affordable to backpacker and bush connoisseur alike.

TREMISANA GAME LODGE is our flagship establishment and is relatively upmarket. It is the largest and leading Big Five game lodge in the Balule Section of the Greater Kruger National Park . We have 15 chalets as well as a 2-bedroom guesthouse. All units are en suite and airconditioned. The exquisite luxuriant gardens and water features make this camp a veritable oasis. Guests at Tremisana enjoy the best of both types of safaris : the traditional lodge operation includes a 4 hour bush walk and 4 hour sunset game drive on open Landcruisers including an unforgettable Bush Braai (BBQ) in the middle of wildest Africa while our guests will also enjoy full day open vehicle   Kruger National Park safaris .

Tremisana chalet, Kruger Park safari lodge

Tremisana chalet

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The water feature and lush gardens at Tremisana Game Lodge, Kruger National Park

The wildlife viewing at the Tremisana Game Lodge waterhole is unbelievably good. We have sightings of all the Big Five on our property.

MARC’S TREEHOUSE LODGE  is a unique lodge beautifully positioned along the banks of the perennial Klaserie River. It is situated in the Motlala Game Reserve which has 3 of the Big 5 : Black and White Rhino, Buffalo and Leopard. The rustic treehouses are romantic and restful and blend perfectly into the bush.

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One of the treehouses at Marc’s Treehouse Lodge

KATEKANI TENTED LODGE  comprises of eight beautifully appointed Tented Chalets  with bathtub, indoor and outdoor showers, splash pool and deck. Each chalet has a thatched roof and is elevated so as to allow for spectacular views of the bushveld.

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Katekani Tented Lodge

Katekani Tented Lodge Bed

Katekani Tented Lodge Bed

MASANGO CAMP  is named after the late Ronald Masango, Viva Safaris’ and the whole region’s first ever black Camp Manager, and is extremely popular with budget-conscious travellers. The camp comprises 8 en suite chalets and each chalet has an overhead fan, electric lights and power points and all the comfortable beds are covered by mosquito nets. The camp has a good-sized swimming pool and an open BBQ Boma. The central common room has a bar, a breakfast nook, a lounge as well as indoor dining facilities.

Chalet interior

Masango Camp Chalet interior

The pool at Masango Camp

The pool at Masango Camp

All our lodges have 24 hour WIFI available to all our guests

The Kruger National Park

One of South Africa’s most popular tourist destinations , the Kruger National Park is famous the world over.  It is the oldest Park in Africa and also one of the largest.

In 1898, then president of the Transvaal republic, Paul Kruger established The Kruger National Park – then called the Sabie Game Reserve.  Paul Kruger recognised the need to protect the wildlife of the Lowveld region and created an area where no hunting was allowed. 

In 1902 when Scotting-born James Stevenson-Hamilton was appointed as the first Warden of the park it was still known as the Sabie Game Reserve.  Finally, in 1926 Paul Kruger’s vision was realised and the national parks act was brought into effect, following this in 1927 the Sabie Game Reserve & Shingwedzi Game reserves were amalgamated and merged to become the Kruger National Park. (Named for the efforts and drive of the honourable Paul Kruger) When the park first opened to the public Game enthusiasts and motorists were allowed entry into the Kruger National Park at the cost of one pound.

The Kruger National Park stretches across the vast tract of land between the Sabie & Crocodile Rivers. The Kruger National Park is similar in length to England and is about 65% of the area of England.

  • Kruger is approx 350km long and 60km wide and covers an area of 19,485 square kilometres
  • The Kruger National Park is located in the north-eastern provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in South Africa, and borders Mozambique and Zimbabwe to the east and north respectively.
  • It was first protected by the then Transvaal Republic in 1898 and known as Sabi Game Reserve
  • In 1926 it became South Africa’s first national park , when Sabi Game Reserve was combined with the adjacent Shingedzi Game Reserve and farms and given the name Kruger National Park
  • The Kruger Park is named after the President of the Transvaal, President Paul Kruger (1825 – 1904) who was responsible for creating the original protected area of Sabi Game Reserve in 1898
  • The Kruger Park is home to all of the “Big Five” (lion, rhino, buffalo, elephant and leopard), as well as more large mammals than any other game reserve in Africa (147 species in total).
  • An amazing 517 species of birds can be found in the Kruger Park.
  • In 2000, a multinational agreement between South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique lead to fences coming down between Kruger National Park, Limpopo National Park in Mozambique and Gonarezhou National Park, Manjinji Pan Sanctuary and Malipati Safari Area in Zimbabwe.  This new combined area is called The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park , and is the first phase of a larger conservation area that is planned to measure almost 100,000 square kilometres when complete!
  • Over 300 archeological sites of Stone Age man have been found in the park, containing cultural artefacts from 100,000 to 30,000 years ago.
  • There is also numerous evidence of San and Iron Age people from around 1500 years ago in the park, with San Art found throughout.


The mastermind and animal lover behind the development of the Kruger National Park was then president of the Transvaal Republic, Paul Kruger. He was not a well-educated man, with only three formal months of education spent in a rural farm school, but he grew up in the wild frontiers of the old country and had an enduring love of nature and wildlife.

At the urging of early conservationists who were alarmed at the scale of unchecked hunting in the Lowveld region, he made an indelible mark in history by proclaiming an expansive area would be allocated for the protection of South Africa’s wild animals.

Paul Kruger was born on a rural farm in 1825.  When the Great Trek started in 1836, his father uprooted the entire family and moved them to what was known as the Transvaal, where they settled in a town called Rustenburg.

At the age of 16, Paul Kruger was allowed to choose his own farm and chose to settle on a property at the base of the Magaliesberg Mountains. Kruger married in 1842 and shortly thereafter moved to the Eastern Transvaal where he lost his wife and young infant son to what was suspected to be malaria and re-married a woman who bore seven daughters and nine sons, although many of his children died in infancy.

Kruger showed strong leadership qualities and eventually became Commandant-General of the then South African Republic, later known as the Transvaal. His leadership skills became more prominent when he was appointed member of a commission of the Volksraad, the Transvaal Republican Parliament who were tasked with drawing up a constitution.

He resigned as Commandant-General, in 1873 and retired to his farm, Boekenhoutfontein. His retirement was short-lived and he was elected to the Executive Council. Shortly after that he became Vice-President.  Paul Kruger led a resistance movement and became leader of a deputation. The first Anglo Boer war was 1880 and the British forces were defeated in a battle at Majuba in 1881. Paul Kruger was instrumental in negotiations with the British at this time, which later led to the restoration of Transvaal as an independent state under British rule.

Paul Kruger was elected as president of the Transvaal in1882 at the age of 57. He left for England in 1883 to revise the Pretoria Convention of 1881, an agreement which was reached between the Boers and the British that ended the first Anglo Boer War. During this time in Europe Paul Kruger acquired many allies. Paul also attended an imperial banquet in Germany at which he was presented to Emperor Wilhelm I, and spoke at length with the renowned Bismarck.

The political climate of the Transvaal changed with the discovery of gold in the Witwatersrand basin. It spurred a gold rush and immigrants from around the world descended on the gold fields in search of fortunes.  Paul Kruger’s leadership was put to the test at the end of 1895 when the failed Jameson Raid, led by Doctor Starr Jameson, brought about a breakdown in relations between the British and the Boers. It ultimately led to the second Anglo Boer War, known as the South African war.

Kruger was known as a fierce protector of the Afrikaner nation and on being elected as President of South Africa in 1883, he tirelessly campaigned for South Africa’s complete independence from Britain and the abolition of British supervision.

The South African war broke out in 1899 and Kruger, now 74, remained in Pretoria due to ill health until 1900. When the war swung in favour of the British army, Kruger was forced to flee the capital just days before Lord Roberts occupied the city. He boarded a Dutch warship at Lorenço Marques (Maputo) and left for Europe, where he lived out his remaining years in exile. He died of heart failure at the age of 79 years while still living in Switzerland.

Kruger made allies of the European sovereignty and arch enemies of the British and was regarded as a fierce politician and military man. However, Paul Kruger’s legacy will always be the creation and the formation of the Kruger National Park.


The Kruger National Park had a precarious start with numerous factions threatening its survival. Hunters wanted access to the Park; soldiers returning from the First World War expected land for sheep farming; prospectors wanted access to the land to search for gold, copper and coal; and South Africa’s veterinarians were campaigning for a mass slaughter of wildlife to contain the spread of tsetse fly disease.

South African Railways (SAR) that incidentally saved the Kruger National Park when they opened a new route from Pretoria to Lorenço Marques (now Maputo in Mozambique). The train stopped within the reserve and travellers were allowed to explore the surrounding bush with a game ranger on hand.

Awareness of the Park and growing interest in it empowered conservation lobbyists to secure the future of the Kruger National Park as a tourist destination that would generate revenue for it to be self-sustainable.

The Kruger Park finally received international acclaim when Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret visited as part of their royal tour of South Africa and stayed in one of the first luxury lodges built in the reserve. By 1955, over 100 000 people were visiting the Park each year.

The Kruger National Park grew in size when the game fences between the private reserves on Kruger’s western border came down in 1994. In 2001, the fences were removed between South Africa, Mozambique on its eastern border and Zimbabwe on its northern border. This created the multinational Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area.

Now called a Peace Park, it incorporates Parque Nacional do Limpopo in Mozambique and Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe, making it the largest conservation reserve in Africa. The Peace Park is part of the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere, an area designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO ) as an International Man and Biosphere Reserve.


Scottish-born James Stevenson-Hamilton was appointed as initial warden of the Park in 1902 whilst it was still called the Sabie Game Reserve. The reserve was later united with Shinwedzi Game Reserve in 1927 and transformed into the Kruger national park. His journals are housed within the Memorial Library in Skukuza and make for fascinating reading.  He came to South Africa in 1888 as a member of the 6th Enniskillen Dragoons. This is the first time he came across wild game in the bush and he immediately fell in love with the country.

He returned to South Africa during the second Boer War, as a major in the British army. He did not want to return to England at the end of the war and secured the position of Warden of the Sabi Game Reserve. There was no clear instruction on what to do in the position except to make himself “thoroughly disagreeable to everyone”. Stevenson-Hamilton took his job seriously and when he caught two policemen poaching game he had them arrested and convicted. This incident earned him quite a reputation. Amongst other tasks, he stopped the movement of cattle through the Park and stopped all prospecting for coal and minerals.

In 1914, Stevenson-Hamilton joined the forces at the start of the First World War. He left the management of the Park in the hands of a ranger who ultimately let the administration slide. On his return to the Park, Stevenson-Hamilton found his beloved Park was in a shambles. He fought tooth-and-nail to save the Kruger National Park, as the war had stimulated greedy development of the land for agricultural purposes.

The Selati Railway Line was established and this saved the Kruger Park. A 9-day tour of Mozambique and the Lowveld included a one-night stop at what is present-day Skukuza. Stevenson-Hamilton invited members of the Provincial Council to visit the reserve which helped these influential members of government to understand the value and importance of the proclaimed Park.

Stevenson-Hamilton was called Skukuza by his staff, a Shangaan name meaning either “he who sweeps clean” or “he who turns everything upside down. Skukuza, roughly interpreted, is taken from the Zulu word for “broom”. However, it wasn’t a positive term as the Tsonga tribe was bitter at being deprived of their historical land. The main rest camp at Sabie Bridge was called Skukuza in Stevenson-Hamilton’s honour.

Stevenson-Hamilton remained with the Park until he retired in 1945, on the eve of his 80th birthday.


In 1957 the first wilderness trails were pioneered by a Natal Parks Board game ranger named Ian Player (brother of legendary South African golfer Gary Player) and his friend and mentor Magquba Ntombela. Dr Player is well-known for his work in environmental fields and international involvement in wildlife conservation.

The wilderness trails established by Dr Player, as well as the walking safaris, were pioneered in South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s by visionary South African conservationists and forward-thinking individuals which has partly resulted in the Kruger National Park we know and love today.

Dr Player is probably one of South Africa’s most highly regarded environmentalists and a conservationist who led efforts to rescue the southern white rhino from extinction.

He was instrumental in developing the first wilderness trails in 1957 in the Kruger National Park.

Player was a game ranger on the Umfolozi Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, the oldest nature reserve in Africa. When it was established in 1897, there were only about 50 southern white rhinos left in the world and all of them were on the reserve. The rhino faced extinction as vast numbers of Zulus that were displaced by the government’s land policy had settled on the borders of the reserve and poaching was out of control. There was also the threat of an anthrax breakout from stray infected cattle that wondered into the reserve.

By the 1960s the Umfolozi’s population of white rhino had grown to 600; however, Player realised the danger of keeping an entire subspecies restricted to one small Park and started a campaign that eventually allow him permission to move a small herd of rhino to the Kruger National Park. This would ensure the survival of the rhino by establishing a gene pool in other regions of the country.

By this stage, veterinarian Toni Haarthoorn had pioneered a “dope darting” technique that was used in Operation Rhino, one of the most successful wildlife translocation programmes that included moving rhino to other parts and to overseas reserves.


Ample evidence shows that prehistoric man (Homo Erectus) roamed the Kruger National Park Area between 500 000 and 100 000 years ago. The Kruger National Park boasts 254 cultural heritage sites in the Kruger National Park, including nearly 130 recorded rock art sites. Over 300 archaeological sites of Stone Age man have been discovered dating back 100 000 to 30 000 years ago. There is evidence of Bushman tribes (San people) and Iron Age inhabitants dating back 1500 years ago and Nguni people as well as European explorers throughout the Kruger National Park area.

Significant archeological finds have been at Thulamela and Masorini where there are numerous examples of San art.  San art can be found throughout The Kruger National Park Reserve.


In 1927, when the Kruger National Park Was proclaimed a national park in south africa under the national parks act of 1926, the value of tourism from game reserves as a major source of revenue was already well established and The Kruger National Park had been identified as a main destination by that time. Stevenson-Hamilton, Warden of the Kruger National Park at the time had been arranging  excursions and overnight stays in the Kruger National Park. There were, however, no facilities for the tourists who usually slept on the train that had brought them to the Kruger National Park from Witwatersrand.

Roads and small routes through the Kruger National Park were built with the hopes of attracting more tourists, the idea being that paying tourists would be accompanied by a guide.  The media of the time were invited to visit and write about the Kruger National Park and share their wildlife adventures in Kruger – over time the Kruger National Park became rather renowned and gained international repute.  There was still a problem with the lack of accommodation and facilities so, the South African Railways (SAR) approached the board of the Kruger National Park in 1927 with a request to erect quarters that the Park could rent to visitors. This  partnership between the Kruger National Park and South African Railways led to the development of the necessary infrastructure and roads. Facilities for guides and game rangers were erected throughout Kruger National Park and facilities and infrastructure abound.  In exchange for use of these facilities for their paying tourists, South African Railways undertook to provide all transport, by rail and road, and launched an advertising campaign, set up catering services and paid the board a percentage of the income received.

Four two-track roads were built initially; from Crocodile Bridge to Lower Sabie, from Acornhoek to the Mozambique border, from Gravelote to Makubas Kraal (near Letaba) and from White River to Pretoriuskop.

The Pretoriuskop area was opened to tourists in 1927 but only on the issue of a permit from the secretary of the board in Pretoria and the game warden on duty at Pretoriuskop. This arrangement was restrictive and confusing and eventually the board appointed an agency in 1931 to issue permits at Numbi Gate.

There were still no overnight facilities built at that time and the general public had to leave the Park before the gates closed in the evening. Hunting by this stage had been strictly prohibited but visitors could carry a revolver on them for their personal protection.

SAR received permission from the board to open the railway bridges over the Crocodile, Sabie and Olifants Rivers for motor vehicles, and to run a train service on the Selati Railway for tourists. The number of visitors to the Kruger National Park steadily grew as it became more accessible and convenient.


The board of Kruger National Park committed in 1928, to extensive plans to boost tourism to the reserve. A total of three new rest huts were built at Satara, Pretoriuskop and Skukuza. A year later, two rondavels (round houses) were built at Skukuza, and two were built at Satara. there were plans submitted to build more rondavels at other camps were the and older ranger quarters were restored and made available for tourists. The Kruger National Park was set to start attracting overnight stays.

Originally the design of the original rondavels was in the “Selby” style, named after an American mine engineer, Paul Selby, that was on the board at the time. There was a gap between the wall and the roof for ventilation, and there was a hole in the door that was used as a peephole to see if there were dangerous animals outside the hut. The rest camps were not fenced and animals roamed freely in and out of the designated visitors’ area.

The original rondavels weren’t well-liked as they were stiflingly hot in summer and mosquitoes came in through the open gaps. From 1931, new rondavels were designed that were closed to the thatch roof and had windows in them. The board extended any developments including tented rest camps and ancient huts created type wattle and native cement.

The first ablution blocks went up at Skukuza in 1932, with four baths and four showers. The rest camps were also finally fenced at the same time. more modern and improved designs were introduced and the Kruger National Park took on a more uniform look overall, as it was previously quite haphazard. Facilities focused on the comfort and needs of tourists, as well as their safety.

Hot water for bathing was a luxury in those early days. Eventually the board relented and provided hot running water to the camps on the condition tourists paid one shilling per bath.

Demand for accommodation had increased so much by the mid 1930’s that the Kruger National Park board asked the government for additional funding of £50,000 and additional beds and rest camps were made available for some 200 visitors.

Kruger National Park received even more fiscal support from the government. Money was spent on luxuries such as mosquito nets, septic tanks and hot showers, the park also invested heavily in game management programmes.

The board of Kruger National Park started charging a fee to visit the Park for the first time in 1928 to raise much-needed revenue. Five shillings for day visitors and a nominal charge per car was implemented. Visitors could hire a game ranger to escort them through the Park for an added fee, they were also charged to cross the rivers in their cars on pontoons that were set up.

The board also outsourced the management of the rest camps and refreshment stops for Skukuza and Satara to independent contractors and providers when tourist traffic increased to a point that the Park staff could no longer manage the demand.

These contractors were responsible for the issuing of permits, supervision at the camps and catering services. The rest camps were only equipped with wood and ‘riempie’ beds and visitors could hire mattresses and linen from the camp supervisors.

The board eventually employed their own management staff to run the rest camps because of the number of complaints from the tourists. The board took over all trade activities and employed the first tourism manager in the mid-1940s. In the 1960s, the first liquor license was issued.

The rules and regulations for the Kruger National Park when it first opened to visitors were pretty relaxed, except that firearms were strictly prohibited. Tourists had pretty much free range and did not even have to return to the rest camps at night. However, the first list of regulations was published in the 1930s when poor behaviour started causing problems.

Tourists were limited to driving through the Park between sunrise and sunset, and were made to return to their rest camp for the evening. A strict speed limit was implemented and littering was prohibited. The board appointed the Automobile Association (AA) to run a service where patrol cars would monitor traffic on the Park roads.

The only mode of transport when the Park was first proclaimed was the Selati railway line, ox wagons, buggy carts, pack donkeys and horses. There were no roads and no vehicles in the Park in those days.

Bush clearing started in earnest in 1927 and the first roads were put in to create more convenient routes between the ranger’s posts within the Kruger National Park. The construction of roads within the Kruger National Park for tourists followed a few years later. Three pontoons were built on the main rivers and a new causeway was built over the Sand River and the Letaba River.

The impressive road network that had developed by 1946 was a massive achievement, considering how remote the Kruger National Park was, and the fact that the Kruger National Park was in serious financial trouble, had a shortage of equipment and lacked manpower.

Requests to tar the roads were vehemently opposed, with the thinking that it would turn the reserve into a “glorified Park” and it would lose its natural appeal. Stevenson-Hamilton was strongly opposed to tarring the roads, saying it would result in speeding incidents and the death of animals.

Permission to tar the roads was only granted in 1965 and only for the main strip between Pretoriuskop and Skukuza. Today there are more than 850 kilometres of tarred roads in the Park.


The Kruger Park is in the north-east of South Africa on the confluence of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces. The Luvuvhu and Limpopo Rivers converge at Crookes Corner in the Pafuri triangle at the most northerly point of the Park and if you stand in the river bed, you have Mozambique on your right, Zimbabwe straight ahead and South Africa on your left.

The Lebombo Mountains towards the eastern region of the Park separates Kruger Park from Mozambique. The Limpopo and the Crocodile Rivers act as its natural boundaries on the north and south of the park.

The Kruger National Park’s topography varies and altitude ranges between 200 metres (660 feet) in the east and 840 metres ( 2 760 feet) in the south-west near Berg-en-Dal. The highest point in the Kruger Park is a hill called Khandzalive.

Several rivers run through the park including the Sabie River, Olifants River, Crocodile River, Letaba River, Luvuvhu River and Limpopo River.


In the year 2000 a vision to create Peace Park came to fruition when a multi-national agreement led to the fences being brought down between the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique, the Kruger National Park, and Makuleke region in South Africa, and Gonarezhou National Park, Manjinji Pan Sanctuary and Malipati Safari Area in Zimbabwe.

The fences were removed based on a Memorandum of Understanding that did away with political boundaries that restricted the free movement of animals along old migratory routes. In 2001 the first 40 elephants were relocated from Kruger Park to Limpopo National Park (including 3 breeding herds of a planned 1 000 elephants).

The aim of these transfrontier parks is to preserve traditional animal migration patterns, and ensure there are sufficient food and water sources as the population of animals increase. Peace Parks also encourage tourism and economic development that is mutually beneficial for all parties. It is entirely reliant on the goodwill and integrity of the frontier countries.


The Kruger National Park is in the Lowveld region and is part of a subtropical zone where summer days are hot and humid (temperatures often reaching the 40°C (100°F) mark.)

Rainfall mainly occurs in the summer months, with showers expected from September until May. Early September to October are considered the best game viewing months as the grass is thin short due to the preceding drier months making for excellent game viewing. The winter months from are popular because the mosquitos are less active in the cooler months and there is less chance of contracting malaria if you are not taking prophylactics. The game also conveniently stay close to the watering holes in the drier winter months and this attracts the predators which makes it an ideal time of the year for game viewing.


The Kruger National Park is has four main bushveld regions that each boast their own distinctive appeal:

  • Thorn trees and red bush-willow veld Between the western boundary and roughly the centre of the Park south of the  Olifants River. Combretums, like the red bush-willow (Combretum apiculatum) and  Acacia species dominate while there vast numbers of marula trees (Sclerocarya  caffra). There are many Acacias along the rivers and streams.
  • Knob-thorn and marula veld South of the Olifants River in the eastern half of the Park, this area provides the most  important land for grazing. Species such as red grass (Themeda triandra) and buffalo  grass (Panicum maximum) predominate while the knob-thorn (Acacia nigrescens),  leadwood (Combretum imberbe) and marula (Sclerocarya caffra) trees are the main  tree species.
  • Red bushwillow and mopane veld This area lies in the western half of the Park, north of the Olifants River. The two  most prominent species here are the red bushwillow (Combretum apiculatum) and  the mopane tree (Colophospermum mopane).
  • Shrub mopane veld Shrub mopane covers almost the entire north-eastern part of the Park. There are a  number of smaller areas in the Park which carry distinctive vegetation such as  Pretoriuskop where the sickle bush and the silver cluster-leaf (Terminalia sericea) are  prominent. The sandveld communities near Punda Maria are equally definitive, with  a wide variety of unique species.


The Kruger National Park is a birder’s paradise boasting 517 species of birds; 253 are residents, 117 non-breeding migrants and 147 nomads.

Locally called the Big 6, there are six large species that are mostly restricted to the Park’s conservation areas. They are the lappet-faced vulture, martial eagle, saddle-billed stork, kori bustard, ground hornbill and the reclusive Pel’s fishing owl, which is localized and seldom seen.

There are between 25 and 30 breeding pairs of saddle-billed storks in the Kruger National Park, besides a handful of non-breeding individuals. In 2012 178 family groups of ground hornbills roamed the Park and 78 nests were known, of which 50% were active.

Pafuri and Punda Maria in the far north of the Park are regarded as one of the birding hotspots of the world. There are a number of species in the Kruger National Park that are not found anywhere else in the world.

The rest camps in the Park are where birds often see some of the best birds, particularly those bushveld camps that are situated on one of the main rivers. The comical hornbills and glossy starlings have made the rest camps their home, with easy pickings from picnic scraps and family barbeques.

The many dams scattered around the Kruger National Park are excellent birding spots, with the African Fish Eagle being a prize sighting. Its signature call is an absolute delight.

Let us take a look at the few bird routes in the Kruger National Park that attract avid birders to the region.

  • Lowveld Mpumalanga Birding Route This is a popular birding route in the southern part of the Park which is a sub-tropical area with a lot of open bushland. Typical species of trees in the area include the acacia, leadwood, marula and tamboti trees. Common species found in the area include the African scops-owl, bateleur, crested francolin, lilac-breasted roller, southern ground hornbill and white-crested helmet shrike. Some of the sought-after and rare birds found in this route include the martial eagle, narina trogon and southern bald ibis.
  • Soutpansberg-Limpopo birding route This route falls within the northern region of the Kruger National Park and is part of the Greater Limpopo birding route which extends beyond the borders of the Park through Mapungubwe National Park, the Soutpansberg mountain range and Venda. Punda Maria is known for sightings of the crowned hornbill, eastern (yellow-spotted) nicator and mosque swallow. The mopani bush and woodland areas attract the Arnott’s chat, black coucal, little bittern, racket-tailed roller and white-breasted cuckooshrike. Along the banks of the Levuvhu River, look out for the Böhm’s spinetail, Dickinson’s kestrel, lemon-breasted canary, mottled spinetail, river warbler and sooty falcon.
  • Kruger to Canyons Biosphere birding route This route incorporates parts of northern Kruger National Park and big sections of the central region. It begins outside the park in Graskop, moves along the Blyde River Canyon, down to Hoedspruit and on to the Kruger National Park via Phalaborwa. Popular sightings include the African barred owlet, collared (red-winged) pratincole, Pel’s fishing-owl, white-crowned lapwing (plover) and yellow-billed oxpecker.


The Big 5 was a collective term used for the most difficult animals to hunt, namely Leopard, Rhino, Elephant, Transvaal Lion & Cape Buffalo. This term takes on a much more gentle form today, and refers to spotting the “Big Five” out in the wild and NOT shooting them!  All five species are endangered to some extent and under threat of extinction from poaching that continues despite earnest anti-poaching programmes.

  • Buffalo’s primary predator is the lion. Buffalo will try to rescue another member who has been caught. They have been observed killing a lion after it has killed a member of the group.
  • Leopards are excellent at climbing trees. They’ll often safeguard their kill in a tree to prevent lions and hyenas from stealing it. They are also strong swimmers and occasionally eat fish and crabs.
  • African elephants communicate across large distances at a low frequency that cannot be heard by humans.
  • Rhinos have poor vision and will sometimes attack trees and rocks by accident. However, their hearing and sense of smell are excellent, thus often making up for their poor eyesight.
  • The African or Cape buffalo is not believed to be closely related to the water buffalo even though they superficially resemble each other. And unlike the water buffalo, the dangerous African buffalo has never been domesticated.
  • The rhino is the most endangered species of the Big Five. Rhino poaching worldwide hit a 15-year high in 2009. The illegal trade is being driven by an Asian demand for horns, made worse by increasingly sophisticated poachers who are now using veterinary drugs, poison, cross bows and high caliber weapons to kill rhinos. Very few rhinos now survive outside national parks and reserves.
  • Typically, the darker a lion’s mane, the older he is.
  • The leopard is nocturnal, solitary and secretive, staying hidden during the day. They are the least seen of the Big Five.
  • Many plant species have evolved seeds that are dependent on passing through an elephant’s digestive tract before they can germinate. At least one third of tree species in West African forests rely on elephants in this way for dissemination.
  • White rhinos aren’t white, but slate gray to yellowish brown in color. The species name actually takes its root from Dutch, “weit” (wide), in reference to the animal’s wide muzzle.

What to look out for at the Kruger National Park

There is so much more to the Kruger National Park than the Big 5.  Birders and animal enthusiasts can enjoy an abundance of game both big and small in the Kruger National Park.

The Little Five: Buffalo Weaver, Elephant Shrew, Leopard Tortoise, Ant Lion and Rhino Beetle Birding Big 6:  Ground Hornbill, Kori Bustard, Lappet-faced Vulture, Martial Eagle, Pel’s Fishing Owl and Saddle-billed Stork Five Trees:  Baobab, Fever Tree, Knob Thorn, Marula and Mopane Tree


Main Rest Camps:

  • Berg-en-Dal (with satellite Malelane)
  • Crocodile Bridge
  • Lower Sabie
  • Mopani (with satellite Tsendze)
  • Olifants (with satellite Balule)
  • Orpen (with satellites Maroela and Tamboti)
  • Pretoriuskop
  • Punda Maria

In addition to the 12 main rest camps that are popular destinations for overnight visitors, the Kruger National Park has an array of bush camps and private lodges for those wanting a more exclusive experience.

  • Private lodges:
  • Camp Shonga
  • Hamiltons Tented Camp
  • Hoyo Hoyo Tsonga Lodge
  • Imbali Safari Lodge
  • Jocks Safari Lodge & Spa
  • Lukimbi Safari Lodge
  • Pafuri Camp
  • Plains Camp
  • Rhino Post Camp
  • Shishangeni Lodge
  • Singita Lebombo Lodge
  • Singita Sweni Lodge
  • The Outpost Lodge
  • Tinga Game Lodges


The Kruger National Park has 9 gates:

  • Crocodile Bridge Gate, near Komatipoort
  • Malelane Gate, near Malelane
  • Numbi Gate, near Hazyview
  • Phabeni Gate, near Hazyview
  • Paul Kruger Gate, near Hazyview
  • Orpen Gate, near Klaserie
  • Phalaborwa Gate, near Phalaborwa
  • Punda Maria Gate, near Thohoyandou
  • Pafuri Gate, near Musina


Day visitors to the Kruger National Park are welcomed and encouraged. All the main rest camps have areas allocated for day visitors and there are a few picnic spots dotted around the Park where visitors can enjoy a mid-day break.

The Park manages the volume of traffic on its roads by imposing a maximum number of vehicles allowed in each day and during high-peak season it’s important that visitors book beforehand to ensure they will be able to enter the Park.

The Kruger National Park recently introduced a “Park and Ride” facility which is available at the Numbi, Phabeni and Kruger gates.


Most visitors head off into the bush for morning and evening game drives. The time in-between can be spent at one of the natural or cultural features in the Park:

Letaba Elephant Museum

The museum covers elephant evolution, biology, behaviour, ecology and research. It also showcases the ivory of eight of Kruger’s greatest tuskers (including six of the Magnificent Seven). This site introduces you to these, and some of Kruger’s other big tuskers. It also has fun and games for kids and information for schools and educators.

Albasini Ruins

The Albasini Ruins are located at the Phabeni Gate and are the remains of the 19th century trading post of the famous Portuguese trader, Joao Albasini.

Albasini arrived in the then Portuguese-occupied port of Lourenco Marques (now Maputo, Mozambique) in the early 1800s and set up a trading business. He set up an extensive network of trading routes that reached inland as far as the Lowveld. By 1845, Albasini had established a vital trading post at Magashula’s Kraal (now the site of the Albasini Ruins) which was positioned along two of the most active trading routes.

Legend has it that Magashula’s Kraal was the first European settlement, where traders sought refuge from the disease-ridden Lowveld. Albasini and fellow intrepid traders lived under difficult conditions of poor trade and the threat of deadly diseases such as malaria and tsetse fly. Magashula’s Kraal was renowned for its fine white bread, which was made from grain grown at the trading post.

Evidence of early man from the late Iron Age can be found at a site on a prominent hill just 12 kilometres from the Phalaborwa gate on the tar road to Letaba rest camp. The site was inhabited by the Sotho-speaking BaPhalaborwa during the 1800s, who developed advanced methods of mining, smelting iron ore and trading in these iron products.

Dome-shaped clay furnaces used to smelt the iron ore are found at the Masorini site, which has been reconstructed as closely as possible to the original iron works. This living museum can be explored with a field guide.

Thulamela archaeological sites

Thulamela is a stone-walled site located in the northern region of the Park, and dates back to between 450-500 years. It comprises evidence of the Zimbabwe culture and is linked to the world-famous Mapungubwe Ruins.

When Great Zimbabwe was abandoned, several groups moved south across the Limpopo River into the north-eastern regions of South Africa (including northern Kruger). They established smaller chiefdoms such as Thulamela and started farming subsistence crops such as sorghum and millet. The grain was ground and used to make porridge and beer.

There is evidence of clay spindle wheels which would suggest that the people also grew cotton. There are remains of pots of various shapes and sizes, some decorated, which were used for cooking, eating and drinking.

Stevenson-Hamilton Memorial Library

The knowledge resource centre is located at Skukuza, the largest rest camp in the Kruger National Park. It consists of a library and a museum and holds many fascinating artefacts, books and valuable documents depicting the life and times of James Stevenson-Hamilton who was the first Warden of the Sabie Game Reserve, now the Kruger National Park.

The rest camp was named Skukuza as it was the nickname given to Stevenson-Hamilton by the Shangaan people. It was his job to stop poaching and to create a safe haven for wild animals that were being ruthlessly hunted. His nickname means “he who sweeps clean” or “he who turns everything upside down”. It has a more negative connotation as Stevenson-Hamilton was responsible for the relocation programme that move the native people out of the area when it was proclaimed a national park.

One of the most popular attractions at the museum is the knife that belonged to Harry Wolhuter, a ranger who killed a lion that had him firmly in his jaws and was dragging him through the bush.

There is also a small “Heroes’ Acre” outside the museum where the loyal pets who served their masters and played a role in protecting the park are remembered. Some died of old age and some in the line of duty.


Visitors are expected to adhere to strict rules and regulations that govern gate and rest camp opening/closure times. Plan your arrival/departure times and game viewing around these times as fines are imposed on late arrivals or you may be turned away from the entrance gates if you arrive too late. You have to factor in the time it will take you to drive from the entrance gate to your overnight rest camp, driving at the enforced speed limit.

Speeding is a prosecutable infringement and strictly monitored. Drive slowly for the sake of the animals.

Visitors may only get out of their vehicles at designated picnic spots or look-out points, and you will face a hefty fine if caught with heads and bodies out of the car. There is an online app that encourages visitors to post photos of badly behaved visitors and if they catch your license plate on camera, the driver may be banned from visiting the Park.

A list of the Park’s rules and regulations are provided on entry into the Park and visitors are expected to adhere to them or face the consequences.

The use of drones inside (and just outside) all national Parks is strictly prohibited in line with anti-poaching measures.

Visitors can occupy their accommodation from 14h00 and must vacate the premises by 10h00.

Late arrivals are only permitted in cases of emergency (proof and a valid reason is required) until 21h00 for guests with pre-booked accommodation at certain camps within 10kms from the entry gates. A late arrival fee of up to R500 will be charged. No late arrivals are allowed at Pafuri, Phalaborwa and Phabeni gates or any other gates where the rest camps are more than 10kms away.


Long game drives with small kids are not recommended, as most parents know. It is important then that you choose to stay in one of the main rest camps that cater for children. These rest camps have swimming pools and open space that is fenced and safe for children to run around in.

Berg en Dal in southern Kruger is a spacious camp with a stunning viewing area overlooking the Matjulu Dam. There is a well-kept walking path around the perimeter of the camp that is suitable for kids.

Skukuza in southern Kruger has a beautiful dining and viewing area overlooking the Sabie River. Children can be taken through the Stevenson-Hamilton library and museum to learn about the history of the Park. Skukuza has a large, well-stocked shop with something for everyone.

Satara in central Kruger is located in what is known as “cat country”, where you are fairly guaranteed to see one or all of the big cats such as lion, cheetah and leopard.

There is a jungle gym and kids’ play area at the swimming pool.

Letaba in central Kruger is where you will find the Elephant Museum which is a must-see attraction for the whole family. Children can learn more about the past and current “Tuskers” and there are various wildlife displays, diagrams, models and pictures. The camp restaurant overlooks the Letaba River.

Punda in northern Kruger is remote and far from the maddening crowds. However, it is a long drive to the northern regions of the Park and not ideal for small children as it is a malaria area. Older children who have an interest in birding will enjoy Punda as it is renowned as the best birding area in the Park.

The main rest camps are fenced and you are safe within its boundaries, except for the odd encounter with a greedy baboon at your braai. However, small rodents, bats, insects and snakes will find their way into the rest camps and you must always be aware of your surroundings.

Rodents and other hungry critters are lured to the rest camps for easy pickings in the litter bins or food left out. Take care to put leftover food away in cupboards or fridges and don’t throw meat bones in the nearby bushes.

To avoid stepping on a spider, scorpion or snake; firstly always wear closed shoes walking around the camp and don’t go anywhere without a torch after the sun goes down.

If you see snake in your path or near your accommodation, alert a camp supervisor. Don’t poke or prod it, and definitely don’t try to pick it up. Snakes are usually more scared of you than you are of them, and will slither away quickly.

Bats are your friends as they eat literally hundreds of mosquitoes a night but if one flies into your room, do not panic. Calmly place a towel over the bat and release it outside. Call a camp supervisor for assistance if you’re not up to the task.

You will see signs all over the camps warning visitors not to feed the monkeys, baboons and tame bushbuck. They might look cute but they can become very aggressive and then they have to be destroyed. Pack away any edible foodstuff and close doors and windows when you leave your cottage. Monkeys and baboons are so clever they have learnt to open fridges and cupboards.

Kruger Park Safari Packages

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14 Day Scheduled Volunteer Safari Program

Elephant Bull with Mbuzo and guests in the background

2 Day Blitz Overland Safari

Rhino spotted on Kruger Park gamedrive

2 Day Fly-in Safari

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3 Day Budget Tented Safari

Male lion - King of Balule!

3 Day Fly-in Safari

Leopards spotted in a tree

3 Day Tremisana Lodge Safari

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3 Day Tremisana/Masango Safari

Cheetah in Kruger Park

3 Day Tremisana/Treehouse Safari

Brilliant sighting of Leopard

4 Day Fly-in Safari

Katekani Tented Lodge

4 Day Katekani Tented Lodge Safari

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4 Day Luxury Lodge Safari

Elephant spotted in Kruger Park

4 Day Tremisana Lodge Safari

4 day tremisana/masango safari.

Four man tent exterior

4 Day Tremisana/Tent Safari

Elephants in the Kruger Park

4 Day Tremisana/Treehouse Safari

Great shot of a cheetah

5 Day Fly-in Safari

Katekani Tented Lodge

5 Day Katekani Tented Lodge Safari

Luxury lodges

5 Day Luxury Lodge Safari

Lions spotted on gamedrive in Kruger National Park

5 Day Tremisana Lodge Safari

5 day tremisana/masango safari.

Tent exterior

5 Day Tremisana/Tent Safari

View from treehouse balcony

5 Day Tremisana/Treehouse Safari

Katekani Tented Lodge

6 Day Katekani Tented Lodge Safari

Black Rhino and youngster seen on Bushwalk

6 Day Luxury Lodge Safari

Clients get up close to a lion on a gamedrive in the Kruger Park

6 Day Tremisana Lodge Safari

6 day tremisana/masango safari.

Tent exterior

6 Day Tremisana/Tent Safari

Treehouse at Marc's Treehouse Lodge

6 Day Tremisana/Treehouse Safari

Great leopard sighting

7 Day Tremisana Lodge Safari

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7 Day Tremisana/Pumusa Kruger Hluhluwe and St Lucia Safari

Read our latest kruger park safari newsletters.

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February 2024

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December 2023 / January 2024

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November 2023

At Nsemana Dam in KNP, this leopard crossed right in front of us, heading south.

October 2023

Hippo in Olifants River on Rome 1 property

September 2023

Elephant on Tremisana property

August 2023

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Viva Safaris Pic of the Week!

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North of Xigamba Dam a White Rhino cow with teenage bull calf

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Big herd of Buffalo at Ngirivane waterhole

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Brilliant shot of White Rhino at Hluhluwe on our 7 Day Kruger Hluhluwe Safari

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Elephant inside Tremisana

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Elephant at waterhole at Tremisana Lodge

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A very beautiful leopard on Barnard eastern side of Ngwenya dam.

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Black Rhino on Balule Nature Reserve

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Male Lion attacked and killed wild dog

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Happy guests up close

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New white lion cub seen near Orpen

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Lion greeting at Tremisana Lodge

On H7 about 5km from Orpen Camp reception in Kruger Park

On H7 about 5km from Orpen Camp reception in Kruger Park

Elephant at Tremisana Lodge car park

Elephant at Tremisana Lodge car park

Lionesses, Tremisana property

Lionesses, Tremisana property

Close up to feeding elephant near Tremisana Dam

Close up to feeding elephant near Tremisana Dam

Spotted hyena crossing Olifants road heading north to Campfire, Balule Nature Reserve

Spotted hyena crossing Olifants road heading north to Campfire, Balule Nature Reserve

Baby Impala, Marula Road, Balule Nature Reserve

Baby Impala, Marula Road, Balule Nature Reserve

Male lion on Campfire property, sundowner drive.

Male lion on Campfire property, sundowner drive.

Hippo Bull showing his teeth, Olifants River. Balule

Hippo Bull showing his teeth, Olifants River. Balule

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Nyalas having a drink at breakfeast dam – Marc’s Camp

Wonderful recent reviews.

July 2023: Awesome 5 day safari. This was my first visit to South Africa and experiencing a safari.

My whole stay was just amazing. I saw so many animals that I only saw on TV till now. Saw the Big 5 but also saw zebras,giraffes, rhinos, warthugs,monkeys,different colourful birds,vultures …😊😊😊😊😊 The sunset drive and dinner in the African Bush was just a great experience on the first night there at the Tremisana Lodge.

Then we had the morning bush walk the next day which was amazing too.

Both accommodations were great but the 4 nights at the Treehouse was awesome. You can hear the animals at night (hyenas,leopard,water buffalos). My treehouse was perfect.i loved it. loved walking to it especially at night😃.under the stars and hearing the animals.

The view and sounds in the morning when you wake up …wowwww!!connected to nature.And when walking to the breakfast area, impalas walking next to you, kudus grazing away…

Awesome staff and guides as well and great cooking.The food was delicious.

Fabulous stay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🦁🐆🦌🐃🦓🐗🐘🦒🦅🦜🦦🐾🐾

March 2023: Perfection

I am going to try to answer all the questions I had before booking my first Safari of my life. I randomly found this company online along with many others. This company is literally one of the best experiences I’ve had with any company in any field ever. The people are fantastic. The prices are great. They pick you up and drop you off. Absolutely anywhere to get you to and from the Safari. They are on time. The food is great. These are the most happy and kind people I’ve ever met at a place of business. They go the extra mile over and over again to make sure you are happy and comfortable and get the best viewings of wildlife. I have absolutely zero complaints. Trust me, if you’re interested in seeing lions and the big five, etc., you should take my advice and just book with this company.

February 2022: Best experience at Viva Safaris!

It’s been a couple of weeks we left Tremisana Lodge and we still think of it with goosebumps. Everything was perfect: the lodge, the food, the organisation of the day. What made the experience so special though were the team and the game drives. The excitement to spot animals with no guarantee (because there is no fence between Kruger and the reserve), the “chase” of the big 5 as soon as the guide received a signal at the radio, holding yourself in the car because we were on gravel roads and off roads, it made everything so real and fun. I don’t think you can have a better game reserve experience. We tried another one after, and we were so disappointed because we were expecting something similar to Viva Safaris, but it wasn’t.

During the 5 day safari it was my birthday and guides George and Rocky made my day with a beautiful surprise and a speech. 🥰 I can totally recommend you to book with Viva Safaris, really fair price and each day is different. Thank you thank you !!! ❤️

December 2022: Can’t Wait to Return!

As an avid nature and animal lover, I came to Viva Safaris Tremisana lodge to experience the African Bush and to view it’s wildlife. And that we did! We saw more animals than I can count… So many elephants, lions, impala, giraffes, zebra, hippos and many more. For my family, we were just one animal short of the big five, the elusive leopard. But we saw mating lions, mere feet from us, so that more than made up for it. Witnessing the creation of life in the wilderness was powerful and brought tears to my eyes. We have photographs and videos and memories that will last a lifetime. But what I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the most, was the human experience. The other guests become instant friends and comrades and the entire staff at Tremisana was warm and welcoming. Our guides were friendly, knowledgeable, and went beyond to make sure our views and lighting were just right for photos. If you have the pleasure of riding with Smiley, consider yourself lucky! His optimism and smile were infectious and his determination to find us our animals were bar none. Thank you Smiley (Halala!) and Rocky! Mama D and her staff cooked us amazing and comforting meals, never once leaving us hungry or unpleased. Thank you Mama D, and I still want your recipes! The accommodations were clean and the grounds were meticulous. Just walking around camp was a joy. Cannot recommend enough!

November 2022: From world travelers, BEST experience we’ve ever had!!!!!!! Highly recommend!!!!!!!

I don’t even know where to start! My partner and I travel often, several times a year and travel all over the world, so we try to make the most out of our vacations. Having flexibly is very important since “packages” don’t always fit want we want in our time frame. Well, this was not a problem for viva safari!!!! Talk about accommodating, customer service!!!!! Wow! From the first contact with the proprietor, Piero (an amazingly kind, intelligent, sweet person, but more on that later) we felt like our needs were being heard. He put us in touch with Rei, the property manager who called us in the middle of the night (her middle of the night, daytime for us) and answered all our questions and concerns and made us feel comfortable with our choice, seeing how this was our first experience in South Africa and we didn’t know what exactly we wanted/needed. So, before we even got into the country, we had personal contacts with actual people we later met on the property.

We were picked up from our hotel in jo-burg and taken to the first of the viva safari lodges we stayed at, tremisama. What an amazing place! It is exactly what you picture a safari lodge to be. Rustic, yet clean and quite and beautiful. Looks like Hemingway would be writing his books from our patio looking into the bush or at the desk in our room. Just lovely. Beautiful lagoon like pool; nice bar and lounge area where the staff and guests spend time eating dinner and hanging cocktails together in the evenings. The safaris themselves were just wonderful. You can’t be sure you’ll see anything because animals are animals but we did! And what viva doesn’t tell you is how skilled and trained their safari guides are!! These men aren’t just your guides; they’re highly skilled and trained men who have gone through rigorous arms training for safety and who are extremely knowledgeable in wildlife and all the vegetation. They also have a passion for what they do and where they live that just can’t be learned. We spent time with one of the guides, Rocky, who talked about being what it is to be a “tracker ” (following animal tracks) and his experience in the bush and his life in his country and his passion for what he does. In fact, all of the staff, like Rei, who I wish I had more time to spend with, talked about their lives and how it is to live on the property. You can feel their love for the bush and their jobs. Pierro, the proprietor, met us the first night we were there and made sure we were satisfied with our accommodations and did so throughout our trip. The last night we were there before we moved to another property, we had a wonderful dinner with everyone on the patio of our room (where we watched elephants eat the trees right from our room!!!). I can’t say enough about the staff. Amazing!

And then we left with the most amazing amazing guide there ever was charl, to Pimusa Bush Lodge. The 7 hour trip there felt like nothing because the road trip with Charl was part of the fun! We learned more about the bush, the country, and his absolute love and passion for his country and his job during that trip. We know we’d be friends for life. When we arrived at the lodge, Andre, our host made us feel like family arriving home. What a host!!!!! And every meal he tailor made to our tastes . And, again, the wildlife experiences were outstanding. Just outstanding. We were fortunate to see Pierro and his wife again and spend time with them, and what a pleasure that was. You can tell when someone puts their heart into something. Pierro’s love for the bush and his lodges shines through in the properties as well as his staff and customer experience, and we can’t say enough how much we appreciate everyone there. We miss you all.We have spend 5x as much money at top resorts and they can’t hold a candle to what we experienced with viva safari. We highly recommend.

Gallery of Viva Safaris vehicles close to wildlife

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How Much Does a South African Safari Cost?

Embarking on a South African safari is a dream for many adventure enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.

However, one common question that arises when planning such a journey is "How much does a safari in South Africa cost?"

In this article, we will explore the various factors that influence the cost of a safari in South Africa, delve into different budget ranges, from affordable options to luxurious experiences, and provide recommendations for couples and families.

What Affects a South African Safari Cost?

Safaris are generally not a budget-friendly vacation choice, although South Africa remains one of the most affordable safari destinations .

The cost of a South African safari can vary significantly. It is usually affected by the factors detailed below.

1. Accommodation Cost

Accommodation is a significant factor in determining the cost of your safari. South Africa offers a wide range of options, from budget-friendly campsites and lodges to mid-range and luxury lodges.

Below is a summary of the average costs of accommodation in South African safari lodges (safari programs with guide and vehicle come with these options, and these are covered in more detail below):

  • Budget accommodation: Budget-friendly options could start at about $300 to $500 per person per night. These often include comfortable tented camps or basic lodges.
  • Mid-range accommodation: For a more comfortable experience, mid-range lodges could cost between $500 and $800 per person per night.
  • Luxury accommodation: If you're looking for a luxurious experience, expect to pay between $800 and $1,000 per person per night.
  • Super-luxurious accommodation: For the ultimate indulgence, super-luxurious lodges could exceed $2,000 per person per night, offering the pinnacle of comfort and exclusivity.

2. The Type of Safari: Group or Private

The type of safari you opt for could significantly influence the cost and impact your overall experience.

Group safaris , where you share the adventure with fellow travelers, tend to be more budget-friendly. However, they often come with limitations in terms of flexibility and can result in crowded game drives, which may limit your wildlife sightings and diminish the overall sense of intimacy.

Conversely, private safaris offer a more tailored and exclusive experience but typically come with a higher price tag. Private safaris are highly recommended for couples seeking privacy and a romantic escape or for families with children who require a personalized experience and a flexible itinerary.

3. Length of Your South African Safari

The duration of your safari plays a crucial role in determining the overall cost. Longer safaris naturally incur higher expenses. A typical safari duration r anges from 3 to 7days , with longer trips costing more.

4. The Time of Year

South Africa typically welcomes the majority of its visitors during the summer months, from November to March, which is considered the peak season . However, the winter months, from May to September, are classified as the low season.

Surprisingly, this low season actually presents optimal game-viewing opportunities and more budget-friendly safari options.

If you could be flexible with your travel dates, it would be a good idea to avoid July and August, which is when international demand surges.

The most expensive time for a safari is from December to January. Prices are at their highest during that period.

For a more cost-effective and less crowded safari experience, consider planning your visit during the months of May to June or September to October.

5. Extra Activities

Participating in optional activities, such as hot-air balloon rides, a night game drive, and cultural tours , could add to the overall cost of your safari. These activities provide unique experiences but should be factored into your budget.

With a wealth of incredible resources at our disposal, we offer competitive prices and an array of options for accommodations and experiences that are tailored to meet your every need. Contact our South Africa specialists to make e your dreams a reality .

How Much Do Budget Safaris in South Africa Cost?

For budget-conscious travelers, South Africa still offers incredible safari experiences. On average, a budget safari can cost between $300 and $500 per person per day.

These often include comfortable tented camps or basic lodges. If you want great places to visit with expert guidance and don't mind staying in simple safari lodges, such as tents with basic amenities, this choice could be a good fit for you.

Here are some recommended safari destinations and reserves that are ideal for couples and families on a budget:

1. Kruger National Park

  • Budget-friendly options: Kruger National Park has a wide range of accommodations, including rest camps and self-catering cottages that are budget-friendly.
  • Family-friendly: Kruger is a great choice for families with children as it offers a variety of child-friendly activities and accommodations.

2. Addo Elephant National Park

  • Affordable accommodation: Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape is known for its elephant herds and offers budget-friendly accommodation.
  • Family-friendly: Families would appreciate the easy accessibility of the park and the chance to see a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and more.

3. Marakele National Park

  • Scenic beauty: Marakele is known for its stunning landscapes and offers budget-friendly accommodation.
  • Couple's retreat: The park's tranquil atmosphere and diverse wildlife make it an excellent choice for couples seeking a romantic safari experience.

How Much Do Mid-Range Safaris in South Africa Cost?

Mid-range safaris provide a balance between comfort and cost. Expect to pay between $500 and $800 per person per day. These packages include more comfortable lodges, better dining options, and a more extensive range of activities.

Here are some recommended safari destinations and reserves in South Africa that are ideal for mid-range travelers:

1. Amakhala Game Reserve

  • Malaria-free: Amakhala is a malaria-free reserve in the Eastern Cape, making it suitable for families with children.
  • Romantic escapes: The reserve offers intimate lodges and luxurious tented camps for couples seeking a romantic retreat.

2. KwaZulu-Natal Game Reserves (such as Phinda Private Game Reserve)

  • Diverse wildlife: KwaZulu-Natal boasts a range of game reserves, including Phinda Private Game Reserve, known for its diverse wildlife, including the Big Five.
  • Family adventures: Many lodges in KwaZulu-Natal offer family-friendly accommodations and activities.

3. Pilanesberg Game Reserve

  • Close to Johannesburg: Pilanesberg is conveniently located near Johannesburg, making it a popular choice for travelers seeking a mid-range safari with easy access.
  • Balloon safaris: Consider adding a hot-air balloon ride to your safari for a unique and unforgettable experience.

Our experts have conducted extensive on-site inspections of numerous hotels and are capable of recommending the one that best suits your needs based on your preferences. Contact our South Africa specialists to customize a safari for you.

How Much Do Luxury Safaris in South Africa Cost?

Luxury safaris in South Africa offer the ultimate in opulence and personalized service. Prices range from $800 to $2,000 or more per person per day. These safaris include lavish accommodations, gourmet dining, and exclusive wildlife experiences. Luxury safaris are perfect for couples seeking a romantic getaway or families looking to indulge in an unforgettable adventure.

Here are some recommended safari destinations and reserves in South Africa that excel in providing luxurious and memorable experiences for couples and families:

1. Sabi Sands Game Reserve

  • Unmatched luxury: Sabi Sands is renowned for its ultra-luxurious lodges and incredible game-viewing opportunities.
  • Romantic getaways: The reserve is perfect for couples seeking a romantic escape, offering private plunge pools and indulgent spa treatments.

2. Londolozi Game Reserve

  • Exquisite accommodation: Londolozi sets the standard for luxury with its lavish lodges and exceptional service.
  • Family-friendly: Some lodges in Londolozi are family-friendly, providing immersive experiences for children.

3. Madikwe Game Reserve

  • Ultimate luxury: Madikwe combines luxury with conservation efforts, offering top-tier accommodation and unrivaled game drives.
  • Couple's retreat: Enjoy romantic dinners under the African sky and spa treatments for couples.

How Much Do Flights to South Africa Cost?

The cost of a trip to South Africa usually includes a significant amount going to the price of flights. Prices can vary greatly depending on your departure location, time of booking, and airline choice.

The tourist season peaks from November to March, during the warm summer season, as well as from May to September, when travelers opt for a safari. This means that booking flights during shoulder seasons could save you a significant sum of money. You might have to sacrifice the ideal weather conditions, but you'd also get to see this beautiful country with far smaller crowds.

If you're traveling from the UK to South Africa, then expect to pay somewhere between $800 and $1,300, while US travelers should budget for anything between $1,000 and $1,500, depending on airport connections and the time of travel.

However, it's possible to find deals and discounts, especially if you book well in advance or are flexible with your travel dates.

Learn about Costs and More: Get in Touch

The best way to learn about how the pricing of your South African safari could be optimized is to contact us, as we specialize in custom safaris in Africa.

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quanto costa un safari in africa

Quanto costa un safari in Africa?

21 Maggio 2019 //  by  Valeria

Il vostro sogno è fare un safari in Africa, ma siete spaventati dal costo? Ecco qui alcune informazioni  e consigli per risparmiare sui prezzi di un Safari in Africa .

Safari e costi

I costi di un safari variano in base a diversi elementi, che qui vi riassumo:

  • Self Drive o Safari guidato
  • Tipologia di struttura (campo tendato o lodge)

Passerò poi in rassegna voce per voce, con alcuni consigli per scegliere l’opzione più economica.

Safari in Africa: dove andare

Vi sono inevitabilmente dei Paesi più economici di altri.

Se ve la sentite di guidare in Sudafrica (con la guida a sinistra), questo è decisamente il Paese più economico in cui provare a vedere i famosi Big Five (Leone, Leopardo, Bufalo, Elefante e Rinoceronte).

Per ottimizzare i prezzi, appunto, vi consiglio di arrivare a Johannesburg , noleggiare un’auto (non è necessario un 4X4) e andare verso il parco Kruger . Questo parco è tranquillamente visitabile anche da chi non ha alcuna esperienza: seguite gli altri turisti, leggete nei vari camp dove ci sono stati i principali avvistamenti, cercate pozze d’acqua dove è più probabile che si concentrino animali… e il gioco è fatto.

Se dormite fuori dal Parco, ad esempio a Phalaborwa , una cittadina che si è sviluppata nei pressi del Gate (i cancelli del parco), potrete trovare sistemazioni per tutte le tasche. Vi sono graziose Guest House, dotate di tutti i confort, con piscina, a 50 euro a notte.

Ecco un’idea di costi tutto compreso per un Safari in Sudafrica , che comprende addirittura un soggiorno mare alle Seychelles a conclusione del viaggio.

Se volete approfondire le varie destinazioni per capire qual è la migliore per un safari in Africa che faccia al caso vostro, leggete il mio post relativo.

Safari low cost: il Kenya

Se volete un assaggio di safari, anche solo di un paio di notte, a un prezzo contenuto, il Kenya , a mio avviso, è l’opzione più economica. 3-4 giorni di safari guidato, con autista, alloggio e tutti i pasti costa intorno ai 1.000 euro.  Tenete presente, inoltre, che tra tutte il Kenya è la destinazione con i prezzi dei voli generalmente più bassi, visto che è meglio collegata e più vicina rispetto alle destinazioni dell’Africa Australe (ma vale sempre la pena verificare le eventuali offerte).

safari in africa rinoceronti

Fare un safari fai da te o organizzato?

In Namibia , Sudafrica e (con alcune limitazioni) Botswana , è fattibile noleggiare un’auto e muoversi in libertà.

Se si guida rispettando i limiti, non vi sono particolari problemi e, per lo meno per quanto riguarda Sudafrica e Namibia, è teoricamente possibile noleggiare un’auto normale (non 4X4).  Non è necessaria quindi esperienza di guida sportiva. L’unica difficoltà è la guida a sinistra, a cui ci si abitua facilmente dopo un paio di giorni. Considerate poi il fatto che in Namibia guidare è ancora più facile, perché, con la sola eccezione della capitale, non vi sono praticamente città e il traffico è inesistente.

Guidare fai da te è sicuramente la scelta migliore per abbattere i costi di guide e autisti (che in Namibia e Sudafrica, rispetto al Kenya, sono sicuramente consistenti).

quanto costa un safari giraffe

Periodo migliore per un safari: come risparmiare sul prezzo

Un altro piccolo trucco è viaggiare fuori stagione.

Luglio e agosto è periodo di punta in Namibia : se viaggiate in un altro periodo e prenotate con anticipo, riuscite mediamente a selezionare i lodge e le strutture con il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo.

La  differenza più rilevante però è relativa al Botswana : se viaggiate in primavera rispetto all’estate, i lodge vi offrono tariffe che sono spesso quasi della metà rispetto all’alta stagione.

Se siete invece interessati all’ Uganda e al Gorilla Trekking , sappiate che in alcuni periodi (aprile – maggio), il permesso per il trekking viene venduto a prezzi scontati rispetto all’elevato costo abituale (si passa da 600 dollari per persona a 450). Per il 2019, però, il governo non ha ancora annunciato gli sconti.

Io ho viaggiato in Uganda proprio durante la stagione delle piogge e sono comunque riuscita ad avvistare i Gorilla, l’unico inconveniente è che il trekking diventa un po’ più faticoso, perché il terreno risulta scivoloso a causa della pioggia.

Safari in lodge o in campeggio?

La soluzione più a basso costo è sempre quella dei campi tendati o della propria tenda.

Generalmente, persino in Botswana , che è la destinazione più costosa, i prezzi si abbassano se si partecipa a safari di gruppo con campi mobili (che spesso vengono montati di volta in volta).

Se poi in Namibia si decide di viaggiare con tenda su tetto e di dormire in campeggio, i prezzi di un tour in self drive scendono ulteriormente (si riesce a fare un viaggio di 15 giorni con budget sui 1.500 euro, volo escluso).

Inoltre il campeggio vi consente di cucinare da soli, facendovi risparmiare le spese presso i ristoranti.

Il consiglio della Travel Coach

Cosa è possibile portarsi a casa nella vita di tutti i giorni dall’esperienza di un safari.

Il gusto dell’attesa :  non so voi, ma a me sembra che nella vita quotidiana cittadina, abbiamo perso l’abitudine ad attendere.

Il cellulare sempre con noi fa sì che anche il tempo per aspettare l’autobus non sia più un tempo davvero di attesa, ma è sempre impiegato a far qualcosa: navigare su internet, ascoltare musica, controllare la posta. L’avvento di Amazon Prime è l’emblema della nostra incapacità ormai di attendere: quello che abbiamo acquistato ci arriva in meno di 48 ore.  Non c’è più il concetto di “tempo vuoto”, da utilizzare per guardarsi intorno e scorgere dettagli, nelle persone o nell’ambiente che ci circonda. Non c’è più trepidazione e, spesso, quindi , non c’è più soddisfazione.

Durante il Safari, i migliori avvistamenti li ho avuti dopo che ho passato un’ora ferma con l’auto vicino a una pozza a fare assolutamente nulla, a parte guardarmi intorno, acuire la vista, respirare davvero la polvere della savana.

L’attesa diventa quindi anche un mezzo per “riacutizzare” i nostri 5 sensi , ormai intorpiditi e messi in disparte da un’efficienza e un “multi tasking” estremo.

safari sud africa costo

Info Valeria

Sono Valeria Salvai, classe ’81, mente sempre in viaggio (fisico o pindarico). Nel blog racconto delle mie esperienze di viaggio e cerco di unire le mie due passioni: la scoperta di mondi e culture da un lato e la conoscenza delle persone e la crescita personale dall’altro. Per questo, oltre a dare consigli su mete e itinerari, qui e là troverete “I consigli della Travel Coach”, in cui, a volte in maniera scherzosa, racconto come una destinazione possa essere utile per affrontare problematiche della vita quotidiana. Viaggio in coppia e spesso anche da sola. Lavoro in un’agenzia di marketing, ma sono anche Travel Designer e Consulente di viaggio (offro consulenza per l’organizzazione di viaggi) e Travel Coach (mi occupo di crescita personale con l’aiuto del “viaggio”).

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Interazioni del lettore

safari sud africa costo

24 Dicembre 2019 alle 2:24 pm

ciao Valeria, interessanti le tue informazioni. Mi piacerebbe portare mia figlia a fare un Safari ma ho sempre desistito x i costi. Mi piace la tua mente sempre un viaggio (reale o pindarico). Ciao Stefano.

safari sud africa costo

24 Dicembre 2019 alle 8:56 pm

Ciao Stefano,

mi fa piacere che l’articolo sia utile. Non per forza un safari in Africa deve essere costoso.. parliamone se vuoi 😉 Eh la mente è sempre in viaggio… ma non sempre è facile! Buon Natale

safari sud africa costo

27 Marzo 2020 alle 6:15 pm

Sono portatrice sana di mal d’Africa ormai da 10 anni. Fare safari è per me il modo migliore per trascorrere le mie vacanze. Ho girato parecchio l’Africa, ma con i safari puoi tornare nello stesso posto più volte perchè tutto cambia e gli scenari sono diversi ogni giorno. E ogni volta che ci torno è un po’ come essere a casa.

28 Marzo 2020 alle 10:37 am

Ciao Paola, allora abbiamo molto in comune: anche io portatrice sana (o malsana) 😉

safari sud africa costo

27 Luglio 2020 alle 2:20 pm

Articolo molto interessante, hai colto il senso del mio voler fare un safari in Africa proprio per connettermi davvero al pianeta. Sento sempre meno il collegamento diretto e sincero tra gli umani e la natura, schiavi di una vita frenetica e social. Che consiglio daresti a una coppia che intende intraprendere il primo safari della loro vita?

27 Luglio 2020 alle 2:41 pm

Buongiorno Vittorio, grazie per l’utile domanda! Come primo consiglio direi di partire da voi e dalle vostre esigenze e aspettative: prima cosa come ve lo immaginate? Volete guidare voi e fare un viaggio on the road o preferite rivolgervi a qualcuno che vi guidi? In base alla risposta, infatti, vi suggerirei luoghi diversi. Nel primo caso direi Namibia, che è abbastanza facile anche per chi è alle prime arme, non è forse la meta più ricca di animali, ma l’Etosha da esplorare è affascinante e i paesaggi in generale sono selvaggi. Se volete partecipare a un safari guidato con un ranger (non parlo di un gruppo, ma potete organizzarlo anche con un autista/guida privato), i parchi della Tanzania sicuramente non deludono e sono ricchissimi di fauna! Poi, se non si hanno limiti di budget, c’è anche il Delta dell’Okavango… ma forse me lo lascerei come viaggio futuro, dopo che sarete assuefatti di safari! Un aggiornamento covid: la Namibia dovrebbe aprire al turismo internazionale da metà settembre, la Tanzania non mette al momento restrizioni (ma ovviamente dall’Europa ancora non si può volare nei Paesi extra UE senza restrizioni e quarantene).

safari sud africa costo

19 Agosto 2021 alle 6:49 pm

Ciao, interessante. Per quanto riguarda la Namibia sei stata decisamente bassa con il costo per un safari di 15 giorni. Un auto con tenda sul tetto costa almeno 100/150€ al giorno, più benzina, campi, cibo etc. Trovo anche che suggerire di guidare in Namibia senza 4×4 sia un bell’azzardo .

20 Agosto 2021 alle 2:55 pm

Ciao Giacomo, grazie per l’interesse. Organizzo viaggi in Africa, il prezzo indicato è una stima di massima per chi vuole ottimizzare al massimo i costi e si riferisce alla struttura del viaggio che si va a prenotare pre partenza (quindi senza i costi vivi in loco). Sul noleggio auto attrezzata i prezzi medi dei miei fornitori sono decisamente più bassi 😉 , non so a che operatori fai riferimento tu. Per il 4X4 ovviamente dipende dall’itinerario: se si va un po’ fuori dai percorsi più turistici sicuramente serve un mezzo diverso. Sull’itinerario “classico”, che per me è Sossus, Swakopmund, Etosha, io non ho mai dovuto inserire il 4X4 (con la sola esclusione degli ultimi km prima di Deadvlei, per cui ci sono comunque Jeep “navetta” proprio per questo scopo). Hai fatto bene a specificare che ovviamente dipende dall’itinerario e che le considerazioni vanno personalizzate a seconda del viaggio di ciascuno!

[…] maggiori informazioni su quanto costa un safari in Africa, leggete il mio post di […]

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safari sud africa costo

How Much Does a Safari Cost?

Starting planning your trip with our safari cost calculator tool, safari prices explained.

  • We’ll work with you to create a journey that makes the most of your time and money.
  • As a rule, we prefer to include as many of the costs up-front so that there are no unpleasant surprises once you’re on safari.
  • Pricing depends on the destination, your accommodation, how big your group is and the time of year you travel.
  • Not all companies price with everything included which means your holiday becomes unnecessarily expensive.

How much does a Safari Cost?

The costings table gives an instant overview of how much a typical safari costs in each of the safari destinations. This will guide you to choose the right destination for your budget.

All prices per person, per night, sharing.

Prices are based on an average of lodge prices within the applicable category and are just an indication pricing.

All prices per person in a double room per night

Prices are based on an average of lodge prices within the applicable category and are just an indication pricing

African Safari Cost Estimator

Curious about the cost of an African safari holiday? Calculate what kind of safari experience you can enjoy within your budget.

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What makes up the Cost of an Safari?

There are three main factors that will make a big difference in the price of your safari:

Our African safari pricing exclude international flights, but do include all local flights, transports and transfers.

Pricing displayed is for adults. Child rates vary from lodge to lodge. Some offer reduced rates or family rooms. Talk to our experts and we’ll recommend the best for your family.

If you are a group of six or more, we can negotiate better room rates for your group. We’ll always do what we can to bring your rate down.

Safari Costs: What to Keep in Mind

We’ll work with you to create a journey that makes the most of your time and money. As a rule, we prefer to include as many of the costs upfront so that there are no unpleasant surprises once you’re on safari.

1. Your accommodation

Accommodation usually makes up the bulk of your safari’s cost, so where you stay has the biggest impact on your budget. Options range widely, from a few hundred dollars to over $3000 a night per person.  We know which hotels and lodges offer the best value for money and these are the ones we’ll recommend. Remember to pay attention to what’s included and excluded. A lodge with all-inclusive rates may seem more expensive, but a lower-priced lodge may charge exorbitant rates for your gin & tonic, laundry, internet or other extras.

Because lodging accounts for the majority of your safari’s cost, where you stay has the most impact on your budget. The prices range from a few hundred dollars to over $1500 per person per night. We know which hotels and lodges provide the best value for money, and we’ll recommend them. Keep an eye out for what’s included and what’s not. While an all-inclusive lodge may appear to be more expensive, a lower-cost lodge may demand excessive charges for your gin and tonic, laundry, internet, and other amenities.

2. Your travel dates and time

We can advise you on how to benefit from low season rates.

Every destination has busy peak season rates, which can be as much as double the low season rates. Sometimes there are also shoulder seasons, priced between the two. If your travel dates are flexible, we can advise you on how to benefit from shoulder and low season rates. It’s important to be aware that the prices shown on our website – and on other travel sites – are based on low season rates. So if the price you’re quoted is higher than the prices you see online, it’s because you’re probably requesting travel dates that fall outside of the low season. Obviously, the time you spend on safari also has an impact. Reducing the length of your safari will certainly reduce what it costs!

We can help you take advantage of low-season pricing. Every destination has high season rates, which can be twice as costly as low season rates. There are also shoulder seasons, which are priced in the middle of the two. We can advise you on how to take advantage of shoulder and low season pricing if your travel dates are flexible. It’s crucial to note that the prices displayed on our website – and on other travel sites – are based on off-season rates. If the price you’re given is more than what you find online, it’s usually because you’re looking for travel dates that aren’t during peak season. Obviously, the length of your safari has an effect. Reducing the length of your safari will undoubtedly lower the expense!

3. Your destinations

Island and beach destinations are often less expensive than national parks. Each destination and country you add to your itinerary increases the price of your African safari because of the transport involved as well as possible visa costs. However, it is still more cost effective to do one proper safari and see everything, rather than three smaller ones. Island and beach destinations are often less expensive than national parks as there are no entry or park fees involved, and accommodation is also usually more economical. For example, if we were to book you six days on safari in Tanzania and six days in Zanzibar , it would be less expensive than 12 days on safari. Another option would be to include visits to some of the lesser-known parks and reserves, which are more affordable and often just as good. Popular destinations such as the Serengeti, Masai Mara, the Okavango Delta and gorilla sanctuaries come at a significant premium.

Beaches and islands are frequently less expensive than national parks. Because of the transportation needed as well as possible visa expenses, each stop and country you add to your schedule raises the price of your safari. However, rather than three smaller safaris, it is still more cost effective to go on one large safari and see everything. Because there are no entrance or park fees, island and beach destinations are frequently less expensive than national parks, and lodging is usually less expensive as well. It would be less expensive to book you six days on safari and six days in Zanzibar than to book you 12 days on safari. Another alternative is to incorporate visits to some of the lesser-known parks and reserves, which are often as good as the more well-known ones. The Serengeti, Masai Mara, Okavango Delta, and gorilla sanctuary are all popular attractions with a high price tag.

4. Your group size

Game packages, where you fly from camp to camp and join the lodge vehicles for game drives, often seem more affordable because you are sharing vehicle costs with other guests. However, the flights between the camps can negate the savings. Depending on your group size, it can be cheaper to hire your own vehicle (with an optional driver/guide) and drive from camp to camp. Your driver, vehicle and fuel costs remain consistent and can be divided by the number of people in your group. This could save you up to $1000 per person over a week. Once again, these are the kinds of things we can help with.

Because you are sharing vehicle expenditures with other guests, game packages where you fly from camp to camp and join the lodge vehicles for game drives appear to be more reasonable. However, the cost of flying between the camps may outweigh the savings. It may be less expensive to hire your own vehicle (with an optional driver/guide) and drive from camp to camp, depending on the size of your group. The prices of your driver, car, and gasoline stay constant and can be divided by the number of passengers in your group. Over the course of a week, this may save you up to $1000 per person. These are the kinds of things we can assist with once again.

East African Safari Cost Guidelines

Kenya is home to the world-famous Masai Mara National Reserve, Amboseli National Park and Samburu National Park, among many others like Mount Meru, Tsavo and the Aberdares. Tanzania counts the equally famous Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area, Selous and Ruaha among its national parks.

Together, Tanzania and Kenya make up East Africa and are considered to be the birthplace of safari. This is also where you will encounter the Great Wildebeest Migration safari .


The average cost for a low budget safari tours in Kenya starts from 350 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari tours in Kenya starts from 500 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari tours in Kenya starts from 1000 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari tours in Kenya starts from 750 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari tours in Kenya starts from 900 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari tours in Kenya starts from 1800 USD in high season.

There is no standard price for a Rwanda safari; each Rwanda gorilla safari tour itinerary has its own pricing, which is influenced by a variety of criteria such as the tour package chosen, the cost of the trekking permit, transportation costs, lodging costs, etc. Request a quotation for the gorilla trekking safari of your choosing today.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Tanzania starts from 350 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Tanzania starts from 600 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Tanzania starts from 850 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Tanzania starts from 600 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Tanzania starts from 900 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury african safari in Tanzania starts from 2000 USD in high season.

The cost of gorilla trekking in Uganda is determined by a variety of elements, which must be considered in order to determine the cost of Uganda Gorilla Trekking. When calculating the cost, one must consider the entire Uganda tour package. Which includes the cost of the gorilla trekking permit, the vehicles used, the lodgings chosen, the porters you hire etc.

East Africa Popular Safaris and Tours

These popular itineraries can be customised to match your budget and how many people you're planning to travel with..

safari sud africa costo

Enchanted Kenyan Safari

East Africa Kenya Chyulu Hills Maasai Mara

From $ 8900 /USD

safari sud africa costo

Oltyiani Trail - Camping with the Maasai

East Africa Kenya Maasai Mara

From $ 5350 /USD

safari sud africa costo

Tanzania Small Group Set Departure Safari

East Africa Tanzania Arusha Lake Manyara Ngorongoro Crater Serengeti

From $ 5440 /USD

Southern African Safari Cost Guidelines

Botswana’s most famous wildlife areas are the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park. South Africa is home to the Kruger National Park, Cape Town and Sun City. Namibia’s big hitter is the astonishing Etosha National Park, while Zimbabwe and Zambia share the Victoria Falls.

Namibia and South Africa are the most affordable of all the safari destinations we offer because you can rent a vehicle and drive yourself around, as well as stay in self-catering accommodation. Driving and cooking yourself will bring costs down but will add to the ‘work’ you do on vacation.

Peak season once again falls between July and August, thanks to a dry winter and huge demand from international visitors. The times between high and low season are known as ‘shoulder season’: the rains are starting or ending, the weather is heating up or cooling down and, generally, both availability and rates are good.

South Africa offers the best year-round game viewing. Many camps still close for Zambia’s intense rainy season, which falls between November and May. October is the hottest and driest month in Botswana, which makes for good game viewing but uncomfortable conditions unless you are in an air-conditioned lodge. By November, the rains have scattered the animals, making for challenging game viewing.


The average cost for a low budget safari in Botswana starts from 400 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Botswana starts from 600 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Botswana starts from 1000 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Botswana starts from 750 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Botswana starts from 1200 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Botswana starts from 3000 USD in high season.

The average cost for a low budget  safari in Mozambique starts from 440 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Mozambique starts from 550 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Mozambique starts from 750 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Mozambique starts from 580 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Mozambique starts from 700 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Mozambique starts from 900 USD in high season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Namibia starts from 70 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Namibia starts from 126 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Namibia starts from 422 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Namibia starts from 155 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Namibia starts from 246 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Namibia starts from 1057 USD in high season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in South Africa starts from 312 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in South Africa starts from 519 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in South Africa starts from 1039 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in South Africa starts from 450 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in South Africa starts from 246 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in South Africa starts from 1593 USD in high season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Zambia starts from 250 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Zambia starts from 400 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Zambia starts from 600 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Zambia starts from 400 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Zambia starts from 800 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Zambia starts from 1500 USD in high season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Zimbabwe starts from 200 USD in low season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Zimbabwe starts from 350 USD in low season.

The average cost for a luxury  safari in Zimbabwe starts from 600 USD in low season.

The average cost for a low budget safari in Zimbabwe starts from 300 USD in high season.

The average cost for a mid budget safari in Zimbabwe starts from 650 USD in high season.

The average cost for a luxury safari in Zimbabwe starts from 1200 USD in high season.

Southern Africa Popular Safaris and Tours

safari sud africa costo

Victoria Falls and Zimbabwe Safari

Southern Africa Zimbabwe Victoria Falls Hwange Kariba

From $ 7800 /USD

safari sud africa costo

Safari & Women Empowerment

Southern Africa Botswana Linyanti Concession Zambia Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

From $ 7600 /USD

safari sud africa costo

Grand Tour of Southern Africa

Southern Africa South Africa Cape Town Botswana Okavango Delta Zimbabwe

From $ 6690 /USD

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4 Day Luxury Timbavati Safari Review

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Vic Falls, Botswana & Okavango Delta Safari Review

Sally, South Africa 09 Sep 2019

Discover africa was extremely prompt and responsive..

Two-week Honeymoon in South Africa Review

Paul, United States 19 Jun 2017

Breathtaking, exclusive, unforgettable.

Big Five Safari in Africa Review

Sheila, United States 19 Jun 2015

The sound of the lion roaring still rumbles through me. absolutely amazing....

Masodini Lodge Review

Shaina Herman, United States 25 Feb 2014

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  • Norse Atlantic Adds New Direct Flight to Cape Town
  • Travel News Digest, 19 April: SA Airports Celebrated, Rhino Poaching Concerns, Cape Town ‘Big Six’ Appeal
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Sabi sands is the best place in the world for a safari..

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A little bit about Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Spanning 65,000 hectares, the Sabi Sands Nature Reserve is a testament to the vision of local landowners in the 1950s. It stands proudly adjacent to the globally acclaimed Kruger National Park, forming a vast wilderness teeming with wildlife.

The legacy of these founding families, now in their third and fourth generations of stewardship, resonates in the successful conservation of South Africa's richest density of big game. A unique feature of Sabi Sands is its 50-kilometer unfenced boundary with the Kruger National Park, creating a harmonious coexistence that allows wildlife to roam freely. This has led to remarkably close encounters with the local fauna, including prolific sightings of the elusive leopard. The dynamic landscape is further enriched by the Sabi and Sand Rivers, weaving their way through the reserve, enhancing the rich biodiversity of this extraordinary habitat.

safari sud africa costo

Going on safari in Sabi Sands

Embark on an incredible journey to Sabi Sands Nature Reserve in South Africa, but before you go, there are some important details you should know.

Curious about the travel duration? Wondering if this destination is accessible to everyone? Intrigued by the unique aspects that make this place truly special? And what essentials should you pack? In the following sections, you will find answers to these queries and more. If there's a question left unanswered, feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below, and our team will be thrilled to assist you!

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About Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve near Kruger National Park in South Africa is one of those very special places in the world and is the ultimate African safari destination.

safari sud africa costo

Sabi Sands special offers

Searching for that one special offer that makes all your safari dreams come through? Our Sabi Sands special deals offer excellent value for money. We hope to see you soon!

safari sud africa costo

Getting to Sabi Sands Reserve

The Sabi Sands is one of South Africa's best accessible game reserves. We have multiple daily flights, three access gates and a lot of world-class roads leading right to us.

So incredible, we started to plan a return trip during the flight home!
The food was spectacular - budget on gaining a kg or 3! Good, fresh South African food, prepared and served in style. You will love it!
...the highlights being following a pack of wild dogs and watching a leopard and her cub jumping from branch to branch high up in the trees.

safari sud africa costo

Sabi Sands Game Reserve lodges

Set off on a journey to Sabi Sands Nature Reserve, a captivating destination that offers a unique safari experience. After a day filled with discovery and exploration in the African bush, you'll appreciate a tranquil haven to relax and recharge.

Sabi Sands caters to every taste and budget with its varied accommodations. From cozy bush camps tucked away in the wilderness to luxury options beneath the stunning African night sky, there's a unique experience for every traveller. A stay in the Sabi Sands not only promises unforgettable moments, but also fosters a lasting bond with the pulsing heart of the African bush, leaving an enduring memory long after your journey is over.

  • Price $$$$$

View Chitwa Chitwa Lodge in Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Chitwa Chitwa Lodge

lodge style Art-inspired African

Chitwa Chitwa Lodge overlooks one of the largest lakes in the Sabi Sands. It is designed as a spacious yet intimate camp - presenting sophistication in a relaxed atmosphere. The eight very spacious suites all have plunge pools.

safari sud africa costo

from ZAR 26,550 per person per night

View Ulusaba Rock Lodge information

Ulusaba Rock Lodge

lodge style Tranquil hill & trees

Ulusaba Rock Lodge is built high on the summit of a small hill overlooking the South African bushveld. The rooms and suites offer views over a waterhole in front of the lodge, allowing you to view wildlife from the privacy of your room.

safari sud africa costo

from ZAR 14,159 per person per night

View Nottens Bush Camp

Notten's Bush Camp

lodge style Down to earth elegance

Notten's is one of the original family run lodges in Africa, and a true gem within the Sabi Sands Game Reserve. As one of the original lodges, it has a magical bush atmosphere and offers a truly authentic safari experience.

safari sud africa costo

from ZAR 9,975 per person per night

View Lion Sands Game Reserve in Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Lion Sands Game Reserve

lodge style Riverside serenity

The award winning Lion Sands is the only private reserve to have access to the perennial Sabie River, which it shares with Kruger National Park. You will find five beautiful lodges here, so there's always one that suits your taste!

from ZAR 23,800 per person per night

View Sabi Sabi Game Reserve information

Sabi Sabi Game Reserve

lodge style Present, past & future

Within the Sabi Sands Reserve, Sabi Sabi has created three unique worlds through its four first-class camps: one of yesterday's vintage romance; today's classic bush experience; and tomorrow's African renaissance.

from ZAR 15,969 per person per night

View Singita Sabi Sands

Singita Sabi Sand lodges

lodge style A very private affair

At the Singita lodges, guests share the privilege of experiencing this wonderful part of Africa. Spanning more than 45,000 acres, Singita is renowned for high concentrations of big game and frequent leopard sightings.

from ZAR 39,954 per person per night

View Dulini in Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Dulini Game Reserve

lodge style World class luxury

Dulini boasts several extraordinary safari lodges, including Dulini River, Dulini Leadwood, and Dulini Moya, where sumptuous accommodations offer a strikingly elegant contrast to the rugged bushveld.

from ZAR 26,800 per person per night

View Elephant Plains Lodge information

Elephant Plains Lodge

lodge style Bushveld simplicity

Elephant Plains Lodge offers comfortable style and affordable luxury. This lodge is family owned and sleeps a maximum of 24 guests. As such, you can be sure to expect personal service and a warm atmosphere.

from ZAR 5,500 per person per night

View Arathusa Safari Lodge

Arathusa Safari Lodge

lodge style classic lakeside safari

Arathusa offers an affordable wildlife and Big 5 Safari experience in a traditional safari camp. In front of your chalet is a lake that attracts lots of game throughout the day: perfect for game viewing from your lazy chair!

safari sud africa costo

from ZAR 9,045 per person per night

View Tengile River Lodge information

Tengile River Lodge

lodge style Tranquil river views

Tengile River Lodge is the latest addition to the Sabi Sands. Extremely spacious suites offer incredible views over the river in incredible luxury. Of course the sounds and views of the African bush are best enjoyed from the privacy of your own plunge pool.

from ZAR 34,799 per person per night

View Jaci's Sabi House information

Jaci's Sabi House

lodge style Group and family home

This is the ideal bush retreat for small groups and families alike. Jaci's Sabi House accommodates six guests only in a completely private setting. Explore the Sabi Sands from the comfort of your private safari vehicle and take home some unforgettable memories.

from ZAR 48,174 (sleeps four)

View Ulusaba Safari Lodge

Ulusaba Safari Lodge

lodge style Under a canopy of trees

Sir Richard Branson's Ulusaba Safari Lodge overlooks a dry riverbed and is shaded by ancient trees. The nearby waterhole guarantees great game viewing. The eleven luxury rooms provide a luxurious safari experience in complete privacy.

View Leopard Hills Lodge information

Leopard Hills Lodge

lodge style Hilltop splendour

Expect to enjoy some amazing views over the African bush when staying in Leopard Hills Lodge. Eight luxury suites offer only the best safari accommodation. Enjoy the sunset from your viewing deck or plunge pool.

from ZAR 22,714 per person per night

View &Beyond Kirkmans Kamp information

&Beyond Kirkman's Kamp

lodge style Victoriana delight

Kirkman's is a well known historic camp which was originally built in the 1920s. It airs a feeling of an early rural homestead, with a vintage style and gracious ambience. All cottages have a deck overlooking the Sand River.

from ZAR 18,394 per person per night

View Nkorho Bush Lodge

Nkorho Bush Lodge

lodge style stylish modesty

To ensure travellers of the best possible attention, Nkorho only sleeps a maximum of twelve people in six stylish thatched chalets. The spacious rooms have en suite bathrooms, contemporary interiors, and offer complete privacy.

from ZAR 9,379 per person per night

View Londolozi Game Reserve in Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Londolozi Game Reserve

lodge style Magical lodge collection

Londolozi is one of the pioneering Private Game Reserves of the ecotourism industry in South Africa and an unashamedly family run, stand alone operation. There are five beautifully appointed lodges to choose from.

from ZAR 22,564 per person per night

View Savanna Game Lodge in Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Savanna Game Lodge

lodge style Classic semi-tented savannah

A longtime favourite and much loved true South African safari lodge. Savanna Lodge is situated in an area where 'Big Five' sightings are so common that it is not unusual to see all of them during a single safari activity.

from ZAR 16,015 per person per night

View Idube Game Lodge

Idube Game Lodge

lodge style affordable african safari

Idube is situated in prime game area. Many animals are seen close to the lodge on a daily basis. The lodge is family owned and offers just ten luxury suites. Each suite has its own private wooden deck, great for wildlife viewing!

from ZAR 11,309 per person per night

View Inyati Safari Lodge in Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Inyati Safari Lodge

lodge style Classic bush experience

Inyati Game Lodge is situated on the banks of the Sand River, providing stunning river views. All chalets have been refurbished recently, now offering perfect luxury safari accommodation in the midst of the Sabi Sands Reserve.

from ZAR 12,584 per person per night

View Silvan Safari information

Silvan Safari Lodge

lodge style Luxury safari redefined

An innate understanding of the bush and a deep love for Africa: these two elements define Silvan’s story. Book yourself a stay in this new, luxury lodge and leave with an uplifted spirit and a firmly rooted love for this land.

from ZAR 29,129 per person per night

View Cheetah Plains Lodge

Cheetah Plains Lodge

lodge style Ultrachic retreat

Characterised by modern design, this three-villa lodge offers privacy and exclusivity, accompanied by superb service. The ideal setting to relish in the untamed wilderness, and unparalleled wildlife encounters.

from ZAR 33,869 per person per night

View Umkumbe Safari Lodge in Sabi Sands Game Reserve

Umkumbe Safari Lodge

lodge style Affordable elementary Bush

Umkumbe Safari Lodge is owner-managed and run; ensuring guests enjoy a personal, rustic and real South African safari experience. The lodge consists of six chalets with most overlooking the Sand River.

from ZAR 5,145 per person per night

View Mala Mala Game Reserve information

Mala Mala Game Reserve

lodge style Classic family owned reserve

Many years of superb service -and experience- has resulted in the satisfaction of many guests. Relax in the unpretentious elegance and style of one of the finest safari experiences in Africa at Mala Mala Private Game Reserve.

from ZAR 19,664 per person per night

View Simbambili Game Lodge

Simbambili Game Lodge

lodge style moroccan style Lakeside

Simbambili Game Lodge is a destination for the discerning traveller. Sophisticated yet simple, each suite has spectacular views whether from the unique en-suite bathrooms and salas or individual plunge pools.

safari sud africa costo

from ZAR 18,895 per person per night

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Sabi Sands Video

The best way of getting an idea what the Sabi Sands Game Reserve is about is by seeing some incredible footage from the area. We went out with our video camera and spent a lot of time outdoors to get you some of the most beautiful shots of the reserve imaginable.

Visit our Sabi Sands videos overview page for more videos and get inspired for your Sabi Sands safari.

We were off road and moving with the animals or quietly sitting watching them playing or feasting....magical.
The staff went out of their way to make our wedding and honeymoon as special as it could ever be. We were blown away.
Great place for viewing big cats!

Send your enquiry

We hope you have found all information needed to decide that the Sabi Sands Game Reserve is the perfect place for your next travel adventure. Still have questions? Or perhaps you would like more specific information about one of the topics on this page? Please fill in the contact form and we will get back to you soon!


  • Quanto costa fare un safari in Africa

I prezzi per fare un safari in Africa si aggirano tra i 1500 e i 4000 € se consideriamo i costi medi di questo viaggio ma è necessario considerare alcuni fattori che possono incidere molto sul budget.

Vediamo insieme quali sono questi fattori che possono far aumentare o diminuire le spese in questo straordinario continente famoso proprio per essere la destinazione ideale dove avvistare animali che in Italia e in altri paesi europei non potremmo mai vedere allo stato brado.

Se vuoi risparmiare non improvvisare!

Da evitare qualsiasi improvvisazione: si consiglia di rivolgersi a veri esperti in queste escursioni  e non solo perchè è più semplice ma anche perchè chi conosce l’Africa sa anche come risparmiare senza rinunciare a sicurezza , servizi e divertimento: con Evolution Travel si risparmia!

Ecco i fattori che incidono sul prezzo a prescindere dalla destinazione:

  • Periodo : ovviamente nei mesi di alta stagione si paga di più, è quindi necessario prenotare in anticipo per trovare buone tariffe.
  • Durata : il prezzo dipende anche da quanti giorni si vorranno dedicare all’esperienza: decidetelo subito .
  • Tipologia : è possibile partire da soli, in gruppo oppure con guida privata e ciascuna opzione ha costi differenti.
  • Tipo di sistemazione : si può scegliere se pernottare in campeggio , in campi tendati oppure in lodge .
  • Spostamenti interni : preferite muovervi con aerei da turismo oppure via terra? Anche in questo caso decidete come fare per non avere brutte sorprese sul portafoglio.

Safari in Africa

Vediamo insieme alcuni esempi per ogni singola destinazione africana, quindi: Namibia, Tanzania, Sudafrica e Botswana.

Namibia: safari a partire da 1500 euro

Il costo di un safari in Namibia va da un minimo di 1500 euro a persona a salire. Si intende una soluzione che potremmo definire “ super basic “, considerando il periodo più economico , il tour di gruppo e spostamenti via terra.

In generale il prezzo medio è di circa 2600-2800 euro; si sale poi a 3200/3500 euro per soluzioni di gruppo, fino a raggiungere i 4000/4500 euro come categoria “top” per un viaggio di questo tipo.

Tanzania: da 2000 € in gruppo o guida privata

Per questo paese Evolution Travel propone due tipologie di viaggio: in gruppo oppure con guida privata e si va dai 2200 ai 3500 euro. In questo caso è possibile sperimentare il campeggio, un’esperienza certamente da ricordare.

Sudafrica, da 1200 euro: non solo safari

Il Sudafrica è una destinazione che difficilmente viene scelta soltanto per fare safari. La gran parte dei viaggiatori, infatti, desidera scoprire le città , percorrere strade ricche di storia . Per questa ragione, spesso la soluzione scelta à il self drive, per potersi muovere in autonomia.

Per tour in auto individuali il budget va dai 1200 ai 1400 euro, mentre per la soluzione in gruppo   dai 2500/3000 euro in su. Queste ultime quote sono valide spesso anche per viaggi con guida privata.

Botswana: da 4000 euro con alloggio e guida

Diverso è il discorso da fare per questo paese: qui Evolution Travel non propone self drive ma tour di gruppo o con guida privata . Solitamente, come soluzione di alloggio, si opta per un mix tra campo tendato e lodge, per dare modo di vivere pienamente l’esperienza. I prezzi sono mediamente più alti tra un minimo di 4000 euro a 5500/6000 euro e anche oltre.

Insomma, chi ha già esperienza di safari noterà che si tratta di cifre più basse rispetto ad altri operatori : Evolution Travel non ha intermediari e conosce bene i fornitori locali. Tuttavia, la vera differenza non la fa il prezzo ma l’esperienza : una consulenza offerta da chi conosce davvero a fondo i territori assicura un viaggio sereno e con i migliori fornitori locali.


Ti sveliamo un segreto : non devi spendere una fortuna per fare un safari da sogno !

CLICCA E SCOPRI TUTTO : programma, foto, recensioni e itinerari.

un classico tour che abbina il safari nel parco con la visita del capo

Viaggio incentrato sulla visita di alcuni dei più bei parchi del nord della tanzania e sugli animali che li popolano. Si […]

Un viaggio indimenticabile, totalmente dedicato a chi ama il lusso e non vuole lasciare nulla al caso. Vi troverete a contatto […]

Lasciatevi accogliere dall'anima viva e dallo spettacolo di un paese straordinario: i suoni, la natura, il soffio del vento e le […]

Un itinerario di viaggio dedicato a chi desidera un contatto diretto con la natura ed effettuare emozionanti foto-safari nel […]

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  • Namibia & Seychelles
  • In Namibia con i bambini
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  • Parco Etosha
  • Vaccinazioni

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  • Itinerary can be customized (462)

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Top 20 Best South Africa Safaris - Compare 865 Tours

8-Day Cape & Garden Route Low-Key Self-Drive Tour

8-Day Cape & Garden Route Low-Key Self-Drive Tour

$777 to $922 pp (USD)

South Africa: Self-drive Mid-range Guest House & Hotel

You Visit: Cape Town (Start) , Cape Peninsula, Franschhoek (Cape Winelands) , Oudtshoorn (Garden Route) , Knysna (Garden Route) , Port Elizabeth (End)

Indigo Safaris

4.8 /5  –  125 Reviews

11-Day South Africa & Mauritius Family Safari & Beach

11-Day South Africa & Mauritius Family Safari & Beach

$6,928 to $7,621 pp (USD)

South Africa & Mauritius: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Resort

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Madikwe GR, Bel Ombre (Town & Beach) , Mauritius (End)

Tour operator has an office in United States

4.9 /5  –  149 Reviews

4-Day Kapama River Lodge Game Safari

4-Day Kapama River Lodge Game Safari

$2,008 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Luxury+ Lodge

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Kapama GR (Greater Kruger) , Johannesburg (End)

Ranger Buck Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  27 Reviews

3-Day Kruger National Park Experience

3-Day Kruger National Park Experience

$676 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 9 people per vehicle) Mid-range Guest House

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Southern Kruger, Kruger NP, Nelspruit (End)

Elephant Herd Tours & Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.8 /5  –  90 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day Incredible Greater Kruger to Canyon Safari

$815 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 9 people per vehicle) Lodge

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Balule NR (Greater Kruger) , Central Kruger, Blyde River Canyon (Panorama Route) , O.R. Tambo Airport (Johannesburg) , Johannesburg (End)

Shinzelle Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  63 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day Ultra Budget Glamping Kruger Safari

$513 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 10 people per vehicle) Budget Tented Bush Camp

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Kruger NP, Panorama Route (Highlight) , Johannesburg Airport (End)

MoAfrika Tours   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  1154 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

3-Day Classic Kruger Park Safari

$773 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Kruger NP, Johannesburg (End)

Wildlife Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  258 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day Katekani Tented Lodge Safari

$1,152 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 9 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Balule NR (Greater Kruger) , Buffaloland, Kruger NP, Blyde River Canyon (Panorama Route) , Johannesburg (End)

Viva Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  262 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

5-Day Kruger Park Safari + Panorama Route with Transfers

$1,283 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Guest House

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Graskop (Panorama Route) , Kruger NP, Johannesburg (End)

Khalanga Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  62 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

6-Day Sabi Sands and Kruger Park Safari

$4,081 to $4,477 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Sabi Sands (Greater Kruger) , Kruger NP, Johannesburg Airport (End)

Discover Africa Safaris   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  420 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

3-Day Sabi Sands Tented Camp Safari

$937 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Mid-range Tented Camp

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Sabi Sands (Greater Kruger) , Panorama Route (Highlight) , Johannesburg (End)

Safari With Us   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  217 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

5-Day Greenfire Game Lodge Safari

$1,458 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 9 people per vehicle) Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Balule NR (Greater Kruger) , Johannesburg (End)

The Kruger Safari Co.   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  125 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day Kruger Safari, Soweto & Apartheid Museum

$862 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Soweto (Johannesburg) , Kruger NP, Johannesburg Airport (End)

Nhlalala Travel   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  33 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

3-Day Camping Safari in Kruger National Park

$523 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 10 people per vehicle) Budget Camping

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Kruger NP, Johannesburg Airport (End)

Mbombela Experience Tours & Transfers   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  32 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day & 3-Night Kruger National Park Budget Safari

$583 to $649 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 8 people per vehicle) Mid-range Guest House

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Southern Kruger, Kruger NP, Johannesburg Airport (End)

The Mzansi Experience   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.8 /5  –  63 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

5-Day Luxury Kruger Park and Sabi Sand Safari

$2,921 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Chalet

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Kruger NP, Sabi Sands (Greater Kruger) , Johannesburg (End)

Safari.com   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.7 /5  –  186 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

4-Day Luxury Mdluli Game Lodge Kruger National Park

$794 pp (USD)

Gems of Africa Safari and Tours   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

4.9 /5  –  98 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

3-Day Fly-in Luxury-Eco Safari to Madikwe Game Reserve

$1,961 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Madikwe GR, Johannesburg (End)

5.0 /5  –  42 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

8-Day Panorama Route Tour Safari & Cape Town Escape

$5,706 to $11,187 pp (USD)

South Africa: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Panorama Route (Highlight) , Lion Sands GR (Sabi Sands) , Cape Town (City) , Cape Town Airport (End)

African Wildlife Plains   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

5.0 /5  –  2 Reviews

safari sud africa costo

3-Day Zula Lush Private Reserve Pilanesberg

$1,548 to $1,834 pp (USD)

You Visit: Johannesburg (Start) , Soweto (Johannesburg) , Pilanesberg GR, Cradle of Humankind (Highlight) , Johannesburg (End)

Zula Zula Adventure Bus   Tour operator has an office in South Africa

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  • South Africa Camping Safaris
  • Kruger Budget Safaris
  • 4-Day Kruger Safaris
  • 4-Day Kruger Safaris From Johannesburg
  • Garden Route Self-drive Tours
  • Kruger Self-drive Safaris
  • 3-Day Kruger Safaris
  • Kruger Camping Safaris
  • 5-Day Sabi Sands Safaris


  1. ¿Cuánto Cuesta Un Safari En Sudáfrica?Guía De Safari Económico

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  3. Disfrutar de un safari exclusivo en una reserva privada de Sudáfrica

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  5. Luxury Safari Holidays South Africa

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  6. Safari in Sudafrica, come organizzare l'itinerario perfetto

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  1. Go On an African Safari

  2. The Insider's Guide to Budget-Friendly African Safaris

  3. African Safari

  4. SAFARI al KRUGER National Park

  5. Quanto costano le moto in SudAmerica ? #nuovamoto#yamaha#costo#america#sud#moto


  1. Safari in Sudafrica: prezzi, quando andare e dove

    Costo medio di un viaggio in Sudafrica da circa €2.500 a persona per 15 giorni; Durata minima consigliata 15 giorni; Cosa indossare e cosa mettere in valigia abbigliamento a strati, minimale e funzionale, per le forti escursioni termiche e climatiche. Macchina fotografica, binocolo, cappello, occhiali da sole, costume, crema solare, torcia ...

  2. Viaggi, Tour e Safari in Sudafrica

    World Explorer. Contattaci. Per info. +39 0232060101. [email protected]. VIAGGI, TOUR E SAFARI IN SUDAFRICA. Home. Destinazioni. I nostri viaggi e tour in Sudafricasuscitano meraviglia ed emozioni indimenticabili e scoprirlo con un viaggio in esclusiva di African Explorer significa vivere tutti gli aspetti di questo fantastico paese.

  3. Tour e safari in Sudafrica

    Sudafrica e Mozambico Big 5. Un mix perfetto tra safari, mare, natura e cultura, con accompagnatore Italiano. 9 Ago - 25 Ago 2024. 4 POSTI DISPONIBILI. Da €2.980.

  4. Safari in Sudafrica: 8 consigli per la prima volta

    Per il tuo primo safari, considera questi aspetti: a. Il Kruger National Park è il grande riferimento per i safari. In alcune aree è affollato, ma c'è sempre una possibilità di fuga, dal momento che è vasto grossomodo quanto la Lombardia. Tutti i grandi animali dell'Africa vivono qui.

  5. 415 Kruger Safari Tours (Offered by 54 Tour Operators)

    3-Day Ultimate Kruger Park Open Safari Vehicle Tour. $607 pp (USD) South Africa: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Guest House. You Visit: Johannesburg (Start), Elephant Whispers (Elephant Sanctuary), Kruger NP, Nelspruit (End) Elephant Herd Tours & Safaris. 4.8 /5 - 90 Reviews.

  6. Safari in Africa: Prezzi, Viaggi e Info per i migliori safari

    Quali sono i prezzi per i safari nel nord e sud africa? Come si organizza un viaggio per un safari? Scoprilo qui! +39 380 253 1425 +39 327 249 0481; [email protected]; Home; ... Namibia e Sud Africa sono molto più occidentali e comodi rispetto ai paesi dell'Africa orientale, ...

  7. African Safari Cost: 10 Factors + How We Saved $6,800+!

    There are typically 3 price points for safari lodges: moderate, premier, and luxury. For example, in South Africa, a moderately priced safari lodge in Sabi Sands will cost you around $300-$700 USD per person, a premier lodge will cost around $800-$1200 USD per person, and an ultra-luxury lodge will cost about $2000+ USD per person.

  8. How Much Does an African Safari Cost?

    An African safari costs anywhere between $125 and $1,500 per person per night. A budget safari averages $150 per night, mid-range $350 and luxury $750. The extreme top-safaris can easily go up to $1,500 per night, or more! There is literally a safari to suit every budget.

  9. Safaris en Sudáfrica

    Sudáfrica. Disfruta de la exquisita gastronomía de Sudáfrica, sus premiados vinos y su fauna a través de safaris únicos. Descubre la mejor oferta de ocio y cultura de Ciudad del Cabo y haz un safari de lujo en el Kruger National Park donde vivirás una experiencia inolvidable. Ver tarifas personalizadas.

  10. How to Plan a South Africa Safari

    South Africa's pride and joy of national parks, with nearly 5 million acres to explore, all but guarantees a Big Five sighting in a two- or four-day safari (though, really, there's no guarantee ...

  11. How much does a South African Safari cost? Budget Safari Guide

    For example, our 4-Day Budget Kruger Park Safari Package (Bungalow Tour) starts from $847 and is also available as a 3-day Kruger Safari ($641) or as a 5-day Kruger Safari ($1,023). South African safari cost on a budget. Check out our budget South Africa safari packages or get in touch with the team of safari experts at African Budget Safaris.

  12. 10 Best South Africa Safari Tours 2024/2025

    Find the best South Africa Safari tours in 2024/2025 with TourRadar. Choose from 297 safaris with 1347 tour reviews. Book now and save up to 49% with TourRadar.com! APRIL SALE: Discover and book at up to 60% off! Ends on 1 May, 2024. 0. Destinations. Destinations. ...

  13. How Much Does an African Safari Cost? (and How to Make it Cheaper)

    They keep 25-50%. And pass the rest to the local safari operator. Book a USD 300 a day African safari with a travel agent and you will get a USD 200 a day safari. But book a USD 300 a day safari directly with a local tour operator and you really will get a USD 300 a day. Many people don't trust local tour companies.

  14. Viva Safaris

    From humble beginnings in 1991, Viva Safaris has grown to become the most sought after tour operator servicing the Kruger National Park region. Our diversity of Kruger Park safari experiences easily beat those of any competitor. Get up close to the Big 5 in the Kruger Park with one of our open game viewers!

  15. African Safari Vacations

    From a bucket list safari to whale watching on the Cape to the splendor of a river cruise, we offer the ultimate in African travel expertise across your choice of travel styles, all with special member value. Customize your own independent package with the premier destination specialists from Lion World Travel. Or choose a perfectly planned ...

  16. How Much Does a South African Safari Cost?

    Expect to pay between $500 and $800 per person per day. These packages include more comfortable lodges, better dining options, and a more extensive range of activities. Here are some recommended safari destinations and reserves in South Africa that are ideal for mid-range travelers: 1. Amakhala Game Reserve.

  17. Quanto costa un safari in Africa?

    Se ve la sentite di guidare in Sudafrica (con la guida a sinistra), questo è decisamente il Paese più economico in cui provare a vedere i famosi ... Ciao, interessante. Per quanto riguarda la Namibia sei stata decisamente bassa con il costo per un safari di 15 giorni. Un auto con tenda sul tetto costa almeno 100/150€ al giorno, più benzina ...

  18. How Much Does a Safari Cost?

    Because lodging accounts for the majority of your safari's cost, where you stay has the most impact on your budget. The prices range from a few hundred dollars to over $1500 per person per night. We know which hotels and lodges provide the best value for money, and we'll recommend them.

  19. 920 South Africa Safari Tours (Offered by 61 Tour Operators)

    3-Day Kruger Safari and Swaziland Cultural Tour. $855 to $941 pp (USD) South Africa & Eswatini: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Lodge. You Visit: Johannesburg (Start), Southern Kruger, Mantenga Village (Highlight), Kruger NP, Johannesburg (End) Balanta Imagine Safaris. 5.0 /5 - 1 Reviews. Top Rated Operator.

  20. Sabi Sands Nature Reserve

    Notten's Bush Camp. lodge style Down to earth elegance. Notten's is one of the original family run lodges in Africa, and a true gem within the Sabi Sands Game Reserve. As one of the original lodges, it has a magical bush atmosphere and offers a truly authentic safari experience. from ZAR 9,975 per person per night.

  21. Prezzi medi dei safari in Africa

    Vediamo insieme alcuni esempi per ogni singola destinazione africana, quindi: Namibia, Tanzania, Sudafrica e Botswana. Namibia: safari a partire da 1500 euro. Il costo di un safari in Namibia va da un minimo di 1500 euro a persona a salire.

  22. Top 20 Best South Africa Safaris

    4-Day Unforgettable Kruger Park Safari & Panorama Tour. $857 pp (USD) South Africa: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Hotel. You Visit: Johannesburg (Start), Southern Kruger, Kruger NP, Panorama Route (Highlight), Nelspruit (End) Elephant Herd Tours & Safaris. 4.8 /5 - 90 Reviews. Best Seller.

  23. THE 10 BEST Johannesburg Safaris (Updated 2024)

    1. Full Day Ultimate Pilanesberg National Park Safari from Johannesburg or Pretoria. You don't have to travel all the way to Kruger for the chance of seeing the Big Five (buffalo, elephant, lion, rhino, and…. 2. Half Day Lion Park tour from Johannesburg or Pretoria.