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திருச்சியில் உள்ள சுற்றுலா தலங்கள் | Trichy Tourist Places in Tamil

Sathya Priya

திருச்சியில் பார்க்க வேண்டிய இடங்கள் | Tiruchirappalli Tourist Places in Tamil

ஹாய் பிரண்ட்ஸ் வணக்கம்.. கண்டிப்பாக பலர் வருடத்திற்கு ஒரு முறையாவது எங்காவது சுற்றுலா சென்று வர வேண்டும் என்று திட்டமிடுவார்கள்.. அப்படி நீங்கள் திட்டமிட்ட இடங்களில் திருச்சியும் உள்ளதா.. அப்படியென்றால் இந்த பதிவு உங்களுக்கானது தான்.. ஆம் நண்பர்களே திருச்சியில் உள்ள சுற்றலா தளங்களை பற்றி தான் நாம் தெரிந்துகொள்ள போகிறோம். தமிழ்நாட்டின் நான்காவது மாநகராட்சியாக கருதப்படுவது இந்த திருச்சி தான். திருச்சி தமிழ்நாட்டின் கல்வி மற்றும் தொழில் நகரமாக விழுகிறது, இந்த நகரம் காவேரி ஆற்றின் கரையில் அமைந்திருக்கிறது. சரி வாங்க திருச்சியில் பார்க்க வேண்டிய இடங்கள் (Trichy Tourist Places in Tamil) என்னென்ன உள்ளது என்று பார்ப்போம்.

Trichy Tourist Places in Tamil

வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி பூங்கா – trichy butterfly park:.

காவேரி கொள்ளிடம் ஆறுகளுக்கு இடையில் இயற்கையாக அமைந்திருக்கும் தீவுப்பகுதியான ஸ்ரீரங்கம் பக்கத்தில் உள்ள மேலூரில் 25 ஏக்கர் பரப்பளவில் இந்த பூங்கா அமைந்துள்ளது. வனத்துறை பரம்பரிக்கப்பட்டு ஆசியாவிலேயே மிக பெரிய பூங்காவாக இந்த வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி பூங்கா அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

திருச்சி மலைக் கோட்டை:

Trichy Tourist Places in Tamil – இந்த மலைக் கோட்டை கோயில் என்பது ஒரு தொல்பழங்கால மலைப்பாறை மீது கட்டப்பட்ட கோட்டை ஆகும். இந்த கோட்டை கோவில்களை கொண்ட ஒரு தொகுதியாக பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. நடுவில் ஒரு மலையும் அதனை சுற்றி கோட்டை அமைந்திருப்பதால் இதனை மலைக்கோட்டை என்று அழைக்கின்றன. இந்த மலைக்கோட்டை கோயிலுக்கு வெளியூர்களில் உள்ள மக்கள் அதிகம் வருகை தருகின்றன. ஆக இதுவும் திருச்சியின் ஒரு சுற்றுல தலமாக பார்க்கப்படுகிறது.

ஸ்ரீரங்கம் ரங்கநாதர் கோயில்:

திருச்சி மாவட்டத்தில் ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் உள்ள ஸ்ரீரங்கம் ரங்கநாதர் கோயில். இதுவும் சுற்றுலா தலங்களில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ள ஒரு கோயில் ஆகும். இந்த கோயிலில் உள்ள கோபுரத்தை பார்ப்பதற்கு மிகவும் அழகாக இருக்கும். இது ஒரு வைணவ கோவில் ஆகும். ரங்கநாதர் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் ஸ்ரீமகா விஷ்ணுவிற்காக கட்டப்பட்ட கோயில் ஆகும். 108 திவ்விய தேசங்களில் மிக முக்கியமான தலமாக கருதப்படுகிறது. இந்த மகா விஷ்ணுவை சந்திக்க தமிழ் நாட்டில் உள்ள மக்கள் மற்றும் வெளி மாநிலங்களில் உள்ள மக்களும் வருகை தருகின்றன.

ஜம்புகேஷ்வர் கோயில்:

திருச்சிக்கு அருகில் அமைத்துள்ள மிக பெரிய சிவன் கோயிலாக இந்த ஜம்புகேஷ்வர் கோயில் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. பஞ்ச பூதங்கள் தலங்களில் இந்த தலம் நீருக்குரிய தலமாக கருதப்படுகிறது. இந்த தலத்திற்கும் அதிக அளவிலான மக்கள் வருகை தருகின்றன.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil


திருச்சியில் இருந்து தஞ்சை செல்லும் வழியில் 13 கிலோ மீட்டர் தொலைவில் இந்த கோயில் அமைத்துள்ளது. ஒரு சிறிய குன்றின் மீது இந்த கோயில் அமைந்துள்ளது. இந்திரர்களும், தேவர்களும் எறும்பு வடிவம் கொண்டு வழிபட்ட தலம் என்று ஒரு சிறப்பு நம்பிக்கை இந்த கோயிலுக்கு உள்ளது.

வயலூர் முருகன் கோயில்:

இந்த வயலூர் முருகன் கோயில் திருச்சியில் இருந்து 13 கிலோ மீட்டர் தொலைவில் அமைந்துள்ளது. திருமண தடை நீங்க இந்த ஆலயத்திற்கு பக்தர்கள் வருகை தருகின்றன.

இதையும் கிளிக் செய்து படியுங்கள் 👇 கோவை மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள மிகவும் அருமையான 12 சுற்றுலா ஸ்தலங்கள் பற்றி உங்களுக்கு தெரியுமா..?

உலக பழமை வாய்ந்த அணைகளில் ஒன்று தான் இந்த கல்லணை. இந்த கல்லணை திருச்சியில் அமைத்துள்ளது. இது காவேரி மீது கட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது. திருச்சியில் அகண்ட காவேரி என அறியப்படும் காவேரி முகப்பில் இரண்டாக பிரிக்கப்படுகிறது. அவற்றில் ஒன்று தான் கல்லணை.

ராணி மங்கம்மாள் கொலு மண்டபம்:

இந்த ராணி மங்கம்மாள் கொலு மண்டபம் கிபி 1700-யில் நாயக்கர் அரசியான ராணி மங்கம்மாவால் திருச்சியில் கட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது. மங்கம்மாள் கணவரான சுகநாதர் நாயக்கரால் 1666-யில் கட்டப்பட்ட அரண்மனையின் ஒரு பகுதியாக சொல்லப்படுகிறது. தற்பொழுது இந்த மண்டபத்தில் அருங்காட்சியகங்கள் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இதையும் கிளிக் செய்து படியுங்கள் 👇 பாண்டிச்சேரியில் பார்க்க வேண்டிய சுற்றுலா இடங்கள்..!

புளியஞ்சோலை நீர்வீழ்ச்சி:

தமிழ்நாட்டின் கிழக்கு தொடர்ச்சி மலை என்று கருதப்படுகிற கொல்லிமலை பள்ளத்தாக்கில் இந்த புளியஞ்சோலை நீர்வீழ்ச்சி அமைத்துள்ளது. இது திருச்சியில் இருந்து சுமார் 72 கிலோ மீட்டர் தொலைவில் அமைந்துள்ளது.

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Places To Visit In Trichy

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1. Kallanai Dam

Kallanai Dam

12 km from city center 1 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Kallanai Dam, which is also known as the Grand Anicut, is an ancient dam built across the Kaveri River, located at a distance of 15 kms from Tiruchirapalli. The dam was originally constructed by the then ruler of the area, a Chola king Karikalan around the 2nd Century AD. One of the oldest standing dams of the world, this dam aptly exemplifies the amazing engineering marvel India was capable of at that time.

2. Rockfort Ganpathi Temple

Rockfort Ganpathi Temple

11 km from city center 2 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

By far the most popular place in all of Trichy is the Rockfort Ganpathi Temple. It derives its name from it's unique building style. The temple structure comprises a huge rock, which is believed to be the oldest rock in the world, even older than The Himalayan Mountains.

3. Tiruchirappalli Rock Fort

Tiruchirappalli Rock Fort

3 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

If you are planning to delve yourself in the history of fierce battles, then Tiruchirappalli Rock Fort is an ideal place for you. It is a famous historical fortification and temple complex built on an ancient rock which is said to be 3.8 billion years old. This makes it the oldest formations in the world; also older than the Himalayas. The fort complex has witnessed many historic battles between the Madurai Nayakas and Adil Shah dynasty of Bijapur, Maratha Imperial Forces, and Carnatic region.

4. Samayapuram Amman Temple

Samayapuram Amman Temple

20 km from city center 4 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

The beautiful temple is located at about 20 km from the main city of Trichy. The Goddess worshipped here, Goddess Mariamman is believed to be the goddess of power.

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Vekkali Amman Temple

6 km from city center 5 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Vekkali Amman Temple is another very famous Hindu temple dedicated to Vekkali, a form of the Hindu Goddess Parvathi. It is located in Woraiyur, Trichy.

6. Sri Ranga Nathaswamy Temple

Sri Ranga Nathaswamy Temple

8 km from city center 6 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is situated in Srirangam Town of Trichy. The temple is devoted to Lord Ranganatha, a reclining form of Lord Vishnu. The temple complex along with the surrounding area covers a total area of 156 acres.

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7. Puliyancholai Waterfalls

Puliyancholai Waterfalls

41 km from city center 7 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Puliyancholai Waterfalls are situated at the base of Kolli Hills in Tiruchi. The mesmerizing waterfalls are a popular site of tourism and receives a huge influx of visitors. The waterfalls are truly a spot of peace and tranquility and offers solitude like no where else.

8. Agaya Gangai Waterfalls

Agaya Gangai Waterfalls

63 km from city center 8 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Falling down from a massive height of 300 feet, Agaya Gangai Waterfalls are situated amidst Kolli Hills in the Eastern Ghats. The waterfalls can be reached through a trek or by climbing almost a 1000 steps. The waterfalls are best visited during monsoons. The waterfall is also considered sacred, not just for its natural exuberance, but because it falls near the Arappaleeswarar Temple.

9. St. Joseph's Church

St. Joseph's Church

5 km from city center 9 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Built in 1792, the St. Joseph's Church is one of the most beautiful churches in all South India. It is also one of the oldest Churches of India. It was built by Schwartz.

10. Makkombu


17 km from city center 10 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

In addition to beautiful temples, Trichy also has something for your children. Mukkombu is a picnic spot located at a distance of about 18 km from the city.

11. St. Johns Church, Tiruchi

St. Johns Church, Tiruchi

2 km from city center 11 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Trichy also has its share of places for Christian worship. St John's Church, built back in 1812, still stands tall. The white painted church does not see a lot of crowds and is the perfect place for you to spend some quiet hours by yourself. The church also has an adjoining cemetery.

12. Viralimalai Murgum Temple

Viralimalai Murgum Temple

27 km from city center 12 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Viralimalai Murugan Temple is located in the centre of the Viralimalai town of Trichy. The temple is one of the most popular temples in Tamil nadu. The temple derives its name from the Viralimalai hill, where it is located.

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Temples in Trichy for a Divine Vacay

13. Brahmapureeswarar Temple

Brahmapureeswarar Temple

28 km from city center 13 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Located in the Thirupattur area near Tiruchi in the state of Tamil Nadu, Brahmapureeswarar Temple is a revered Hindu temple enshrined by Lord Brahmapureeswarar in the form of Swayambu Lingam as he is believed to have changed the destiny of Lord Brahma. Predominantly a Shiva temple, it is local myth that one can change his own fate of he seeks blessings in this temple. Lord Brahma has a separate shrine where he sits in a meditative pose in his signature lotus flower. Goddess Parvathi is also worshipped in the temple.

14. Thiruvanaikoil Temple

Thiruvanaikoil Temple

7 km from city center 14 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

Located in the suburb of the city Tiruchirappalli, Thiruvanaikoil Temple, also known as Jambukeshwarar Temple is one of the holiest places in Tamil Nadu, India. It is one of the Panchabhoota Temples (signifying the 5 elements of nature) and represents the water element (Neer). It is situated on an island surrounded by rivers Cauvery and Coleroon and should definitely be on your list when moving around this suburb. 

15. Varahi Amman Temple

Varahi Amman Temple

7 km from city center 15 out of 15 Places To Visit in Trichy

The Varahi Amman Temple is located in Mangal Nagar, Woraiyur in the Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to Saptha Matha Varahi Amman who is regarded as one of the Matrikas. The Matrikas are a group of seven mothers or Goddesses, Saptha Matha being the fifth mother. The temple in Tiruchirapalli was founded by Sri Varahi Daasar Boopathi Swami who was an extremely loyal and dedicated devotee of the seven Goddesses.

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The Top 18 Things to Do in Tiruchirappalli, India

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Westend61/Getty Images

Tiruchirappalli (known as Trichy) is an important industrial city in South India's Tamil Nadu state. It has an ancient and diverse history that can be traced back to the Early Chola Dynasty in the 3rd century BC. This makes it one of the oldest inhabited cities in the state. Over time, the city has had about 10 different rulers who have left their mark on it, including the British.

It wasn't until the 16th century that Tiruchirappalli began to flourish as part of the Madurai Nayak kingdom. The Nayaks reigned for two centuries and established the city as a trading hub over that period. After the end of Nayak's rule, there was a lengthy period of instability with numerous battles for control of the city. During this time, the Carnatic Wars between the British and French for supremacy in India broke out (Rock Fort was instrumental during these battles). Ultimately the British won and took control in 1763, ending the period of instability. The city, renamed Trichinopoly by the British, was further developed under them in the 19th century and became renowned for its special handmade cigars. They were made famous by Winston Churchill , who was a massive fan of them!

These things to do in Tiruchirappalli cover the city's popular attractions.

Enjoy the View from the Rock Fort Temple Complex

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The Rock Fort Temple Complex presides over Tiruchirappalli, perched on a huge rock that's said to be 3.8 billion years old (this makes it older than the Himalayas!). It's the city's most prominent landmark—the complex consists of three Hindu temples and a fort. The oldest of these temples was cut into the side of the rock by Pallava king Mahendravarman I in the 6th century AD. The fort was built much later, in the 16th century, by the Nayaks, who recognized the rock's strategic location. They also finished constructing the temples inside the fort.

These days, the temple complex provides a perfect sunrise or sunset spot with a captivating view of the city. It's best visited at dusk or dawn when it's not too hot. There are about 400 steps to the top, and you'll need to take your shoes off and climb barefoot because of the holy temples. The entrance is through the Main Guard Gate market area, off Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Road, on the rock's south side, where a lane leads to the temple complex. Alternatively, a road (apparently once used by processional elephants) leads halfway up. In addition to the temples, highlights include a 100 pillared hall where Carnatic music concerts were held in the 19th and 20th centuries, a British-era Indo-Saracenic bell tower topped with a colorful Dravidian vimana, and art and sculptures depicting Hindu mythology. Entry is free, but there's a 20 rupee camera charge.

Explore Around the Teppakulam

John Noble/Getty Images

The Nayaks also built the Teppakulam (translated to English as temple pond) at the base of the Rock Fort Temple Complex. This sizeable artificial temple tank is bordered by bazaars and steeped in history. The area is ideal for street photography! Notably, military commander Robert Clive lived in a residence there in 1752 while leading the British troops in the Siege of Trichinopoly. Clive's building was later turned into a hostel for students attending nearby Saint Joseph's College. The hostel fronts the tank on Nandhi Koil Street and is accompanied by a shopping arcade.

Feeling hungry? Stop by Vasanta Bhavan on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Road, just around the corner from Clive's hostel. Order a lunchtime vegetarian South Indian thali (platter), and you'll be able to dine with a view.

Just up the road, Saratha's claims to be the largest textile showroom in India. Go there for a seemingly endless and irresistible range of saris, dress materials, and other traditional apparel.

Browse the Local Markets

Hal Beral/Getty Images

Head south along Big Bazaar Street from the Rock Fort Temple Complex, and you'll pass through the busy local shopping area, ending up at Gandhi Market. This wholesale fruit and vegetable market was made to service the fort in 1868. It was expanded in 1927 and named after Mahatma Gandhi. A recent attempt to de-congest the area and relocate the market to the new central vegetable market complex at Kallikudi, on the city's outskirts, has been unsuccessful. But try your best to visit it while you still can. It's an energetic and fragrant market, where men carry sacks of vegetables on their backs and vendors sit surrounded by mounds of fresh produce.

Learn About the Past at the Government Museum

Dinodia Photo/Getty Images

Rani Mangammal Mahal is another historical attraction in the old part of the city at the base of the Rock Fort Temple. It was built in the 17th century by Madurai Nayak King Chokkanatha Nayak after he shifted his capital to Trichy and was initially known as Chokkanatha Nayak Palace. However, it was renamed after the king's wife, Mangammal, who adeptly led the kingdom through a tough 12 years following the king's death and his son. (Unfortunately, her grandson locked her in the palace prison, where she starved to death so that he could take over the throne). The building's most prominent remnant is the grand Durbar Hall, with its magnificent Indo-Saracenic architecture and dome, where the rulers held meetings with their audiences. It now houses the Government Museum, government offices, and police station. Unfortunately, it has been surrounded by more recent British additions.

The museum's diverse exhibits of about 2,000 objects encompass prehistoric tools, fossils, ancient coins, agricultural implements, musical instruments, Thanjavur paintings, old photographs, palm-leaf manuscripts, weapons, and stuffed birds and animals. Its outdoor stone sculpture collection has 45 Hindu deities dating from the 13th to 18th centuries. Rani Mangammal Mahal adjoins Coronation Garden Park, hidden away among a warren of shops. The museum is open daily, except Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry tickets cost 5 rupees for Indians and 100 rupees for foreigners.

Visit Historic Churches

Kevin Clogstoun/Getty Images

Christianity spread to Tiruchirappalli in the early 17th century, after the Madurai Nayaks made the city their capital and the Madurai Mission made the city its main center. This Jesuit missionary movement converted many military officers, whose founder had come from Portuguese-colonized Goa in India. As a result, there are several churches in Tiruchirappalli that are more than a century or two old. A couple of them are situated in the Teppakulam area. Saint Joseph's College's Our Lady of Lourdes Church , completed in 1895 by Jesuit priests, is a replica of the Neo-Gothic church in Lourdes, France . It has a 200-foot-tall spire and stained glass panels that illustrate Bible stories. The less-elaborate Christ Church, on Nandhi Koil Street north of the Teppakulam, is one of the oldest churches in the city. It was founded in 1762 by Danish missionary Reverend Frederick Christian Schwartz but has since undergone a rather unsuitable renovation. Two more prominent old churches are about 15 minutes south of Teppakulam, in Melapudur and Palakarai. These are Saint Mary's Cathedral (built in 1841) and Holy Redeemer's Basilica (built in 1882). Saint John's Church, a bit further south past the Rail Museum, was built by the British East India Company in 1816. It's remarkable for its colonial cemetery.

Step Back in Time at the Colonial Cemetery

The 200-year-old colonial cemetery at Saint John's Church is one of hundreds of British-era cemeteries in India. The bodies of those who never made it back to Britain are buried there. They include officers killed at war and people who died from cholera or malaria. Bishop Heber, a celebrated hymn writer and one of India's best-known missionaries, is also buried at Saint John's Church. He died in Trichy in 1826.

The church and cemetery are situated on Trichy-Dindigul Road, Bharathiyar Salai, in the Sangillyandapuram neighborhood.

Sample Traditionally Prepared South Indian Food

Chellamal Samayal

Never mind that Chellamal Samayal hasn't been around for decades, like some restaurants in Tiruchchirappalli. The unique concept more than makes up for it! This simple restaurant, which opened in 2012, serves mouthwatering vegetarian food specially cooked in clay pots over a fire. What's more, the spices are hand-pounded using resurrected traditional grindstone methods. About 30 different regional dishes from Tamil Nadu are on the menu, made with local ingredients. You can watch them being prepared in the restaurant's open kitchen. What's also outstanding is that it's run solely run by women.

Chellamal Samayal is open daily for lunch, from noon until 3 p.m.

Marvel Over Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple

One of Tiruchirappalli's most impressive attractions sits on Srirangam Island, in the middle of the Kaveri (Cauvery) River, north of the Rock Fort Temple Complex. The Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple dates back 2,000 years to the early Chola-era in Tamil Nadu and is the world's largest functional temple (Angkor Wat in Cambodia is bigger but no longer functional). The gigantic Dravidian-style temple complex is spread across 156 acres (63 hectares), with seven enclosures and 21 towers. What's surprising is that it's essentially unheard of, even though Madurai's famous Meenakshi Temple pales compared to its grandeur!

The temple is dedicated to Ranganatha, a form of Lord Vishnu reclining on a snake. Unfortunately, only Hindus are allowed into the innermost sanctum (beyond the sixth enclosure) to view it. There's still quite a bit to see in the other areas. This includes a rooftop with stunning vistas, superb stone sculptures (such as rearing horses in battle), carved pillars, frescoes, a small art museum, and a grand shrine belonging to Vishnu's man-eagle assistant Garuda. Most of the structures were made from the 14th to 17th centuries. The immense Rajagopuram tower, completed in 1987 after a gap of about 400 years, is an exception.

To get to the temple complex, take Bus Route 1 from the city's Central Bus Station or Main Guard Gate near the Rock Fort. Taxis and auto rickshaws are available too. Try to get an early start to beat the heat and hordes of devotees.

Soak Up the Scene at Amma Mandapam

Tuul/robertharding/Getty Images

Devotees usually take a purifying dip at the nearby Amma Mandapam bathing ghat, on the Kaveri River, before heading to Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. It's a fascinating hive of activity, as people also perform rituals and pay homage to their ancestors there. Many residents wash their clothes in the water as well. Be aware that it sometimes gets crowded and is not very clean.

Admire Jambukeswarar Akilandeswari Temple

To the east of Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple on Srirangam Island, Jambukeswarar Akilandeswari Temple is architecturally finer, although it seems tiny alongside it. The temple is one of the largest and oldest Shiva temples in Tamil Nadu. Lord Shiva is believed to have manifested himself in the form of water there, and the inner sanctum has an underground stream that fills it. Akilandeswari, a form of Lord Shiva's wife Parvati, is worshiped at the temple too. Unfortunately, the inner sanctum at this temple is also off-limits to visitors who aren't Hindu. The temple's initial construction is attributed to king Kocengannan Chola, who is thought to have reigned during the early Chola era sometime around the 2nd century. The highlights are the delicate stone carvings and sculptures. Phased restoration of the temple, including the repainting of its towers, is currently going on.

Jambukeswarar Akilandeswari Temple can be reached by taking Bus Route 1 from Trichy and disembarking at Thiruvanaikoil. Note that the temple is closed daily between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Experience the Serenity of Rural Life

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The countryside to the west of Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is a beautiful place to spend a few hours (or even a night) amid the serenity of rural life. If you'd like to stay there, Tranquility is a cozy and welcoming boutique homestay that has four guestrooms with private balconies fronting nature. Visit the local village and have a chat, dine with the neighbors, swim, walk along the river bank, go bird watching, or meditate under a tree. In addition, there's a new butterfly park nearby. Trichy Rock Fort is about 30 minutes away by car.

Spot Exotic Butterflies

Balajijagadesh/Wikimedia Commons/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Billed as one of Asia's most extensive butterfly conservatories, the Tropical Butterfly Conservatory is spread over 25 acres of reserve forest at Melur on Srirangam Island. This relatively new attraction was inaugurated in late 2015 and aims to create a natural breeding ground for butterflies. A total of 100 species have been recorded, although this number varies depending on the time of year. There are usually about 50 resident species. Facilities include a walking trail, an amphitheater to screen educational films about butterflies, an in-house incubation laboratory, and a boating and play area for kids.

The butterfly park is open daily, except Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It's best to go early in the morning or later in the afternoon to spot the most butterflies, as they tend to rest in the shade during the day. Avoid summers due to the heat and humidity. The entrance fee is 10 rupees for adults and 5 rupees for kids. There's an additional fee of 200 rupees for cameras other than a DSLR or 500 rupees for a DSLR. Regular bus services run between Srirangam town and the butterfly park.

Discover India's Rail Heritage

Dethan Punalur/Getty Images

Interested in trains? Don't miss visiting the Railway Heritage Center and Museum. Trichy was previously the headquarters of the Southern Indian Railway Company during the British era, and the first train arrived there in March 1862. The museum opened in early 2015 to preserve and display old items from the company's initial days and narrate its developments. The indoor exhibition area has about 400 artifacts and 200 photos in its galleries. These include clocks, maps, manuals, hand signal lamps, staff badges, emblems, railway track pieces, a 1923 vintage typewriter, and a teacup set. There's also an outdoor exhibition area with a 1953 Swiss-made X-class steam locomotive that used to run on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway , a vintage fire engine, a narrow gauge ZDM5-507 diesel locomotive, and a functional toy train for joy rides.

The Railway Heritage Center and Museum are located adjacent to the Rail Kalyana Mandapam community hall near Tiruchirappalli Junction Railway Station. It's open daily, except Mondays, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The entry fee is 10 rupees for adults and 5 rupees for children.

Visit the Shrine of Nathar Vali Dargah

The eclectic Tiruchirappalli has significant Islamic heritage as well. Nathar Vali Dargah is the 1,100-year-old burial place of Hazrat Dada Nathar Auliya, a revered Sufi saint who is said to have come from Istanbul and died in Trichy. He renounced the throne to pursue a dream of bringing Muslim teachings to South India. The influential saint drew all kinds of devotees, from the reigning Nawabs of Arcot to humble farmers. According to legend, Nathar Vali performed many miracles and defeated a powerful three-headed Hindu demon called Tiriasuran. The shrine was built on top of the demon's dead body and is considered a potent source of blessings. A hand-written Quran from the 11th century is also kept there.

Nathar Vali Dargah is located on Madurai Road, south of Main Guard Gate and the Rock Fort area.

Visit the Erstwhile Capital of the Early Cholas

 Ssriram mt/Wikimedia Commons/ CC BY-SA 4.0

The Early Chola kings had their capital at Uraiyur, now an often overlooked suburb of Trichy, about 10 minutes west of the Rock Fort Temple Complex, during the poetic Sangam period (estimated to be from around the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD). At the time, it was a flourishing center of the muslin cloth trade. Sadly, there is little archeological evidence available to indicate what their capital might have been like. When excavations finally took place in the mid-20th century, much of the land had already been built upon. Nevertheless, if you're into history, it's worth visiting Uraiyur to retrace the Cholas' footsteps. The main attraction nowadays is the Dravidian-style temples. These include the Panchavarnaswamy Temple, Sri Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Temple, Vekkali Amman Temple, and Thanthoneeswarar Temple.

See One of India's Greatest Engineering Feats

Sudarshan v/Getty Images

About 2,000 years ago, king Karikala Chola built one of the world's oldest irrigation systems—and it still works! The Kallanai (Grand Anicut) dam is located a scenic 40-minute drive east of Trichy, along the Kaveri River. It was designed to divert the river into multiple streams, prevent the area from flooding, and irrigate the nearby Thanjavur rice belt. The dam is made from stone and is more than 300 meters long and 20 meters wide. The British remodeled it in the early 19th century and added other hydraulic structures nearby, making it difficult to understand more about the dam and its construction. More recently, a bridge was added to allow traffic to cross over the top of the dam to the other side of the river.

Take a Day Trip

Michele Falzone/Getty Images

Tiruchirappalli is a convenient base for visiting other parts of Tamil Nadu. The ancient cultural hub of Thanjavur , where the must-visit Big Temple is located, is only an hour and a half east of the city. Likewise, the Chettinad region , south of the city, can be reached in an hour and a half. It's renowned for its old mansions and fiery food.

Another option is a full-day local circuit where you'd visit Viralimalai (a hilltop temple and natural peacock sanctuary), Sittanavasal (a 2nd century Jain cave site with carvings), and Narthamalai (more ancient rock-cut cave temples, in a forested setting).

Celebrate a Festival

Samayapuram Mariamman Temple

For an added dose of local culture, visit Trichy during one of the city's regional festivals. Vaikunta Ekadashi is a 21-day festival dedicated to Lord Vishnu that takes place at Sri Ranganathaswamy temple in late December and early January each year. It features the temple deity being carried into the 1,000-pillar hall through the Paramapada Vasal (Gateway to Heaven), which is only opened once a year on this occasion. This popular festival attracts hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.

Pongal, the annual thanksgiving harvest festival of Tamil Nadu , is enthusiastically celebrated in Trichy in mid-January.

In March or April, the annual Float Festival of the Rock Fort's Rockfort Thayamunaswamy Temple takes place at the Teppakulam. The temple deities are carried out in a procession and placed on a raft in the tank.

The Urs (annual commemoration of the death) of Sufi Saint Hazrat Dada Nathar Auliya is held at Nathar Vali Dargah for a fortnight in August. The qawwalis (Islamic devotional songs) performed by singers from all over India are a highlight.

Allur Jallathiru Vizha is another traditional festival whereby women worship clay figurines of cows and calves made specially by local potters for the occasion. The festival takes place over nine days, usually in October, culminating with the figurines being carried in procession and immersed in the Kaveri River on the 10th day.

Some interesting regional festivals also take place at Samayapuram Mariamman Temple in Trichy. These include Thai Poosam in late January, the Poochoriyal flower sprinkling festival during February-March, and the Chithirai chariot car festival in April.

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Tiruchirappalli Travel Guide

Let the pristine land of Tiruchirappalli itself narrate to you its story! Seated on the banks of Kaveri River, Tiruchirappalli is an educational and industrial city in the state of Tamil Nadu. In 3rd-century BC, the city was the capital of the early Cholas and later Pallavas, Pandyas, Medieval Cholas, Vijayanagaras, Delhi Sultanate, and Madurai Nayaks. The scenic charm and picturesque attractions make Tiruchirapalli amongst the most travelled destinations in Tamil Nadu. Moreover, the city has a rich cultural heritage which can be easily seen through its various monuments and temples. With plenty of religious sites like Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Erumbeeswarar Temple, Jambukeshwara Temple, Vayalur Murugan Temple, All Saints Church, the city draws a major chunk of devotees for a memorable pilgrimage tour. Being the fourth largest city in the state, Tiruchirapalli boasts some more equally enthralling tourist places that are definitely worth checking out while in here which include Rock Fort and Railway Museum.

Apart from these, tourists can also experience a couple of more interesting day trip around the areas, which include a visit to Kallanai Dam, Pachamalai Hills, and Puliancholai Falls. Tiruchirapalli is also a prominent shopping site in Tamil Nadu. Cigars, textiles, and fake diamonds are some famous things to buy in Tiruchirapalli. We at Tour My India offers a detailed travel guide for your Tiruchirapalli tour. Find all the necessary information on things to do, places to visit, how to reach, best time to go, and accommodation that are essential to make your Tamil Nadu vacation memorable. Our Tiruchirappalli travel guide is crammed with every little information that is important in making your holiday an unforgettable affair.

Best Time to Visit Tiruchirappalli

The charismatic culture and resplendent attractions of the city of Tiruchirapalli can be witnessed throughout the year. Yet, in terms of tourism, the most ideal time to visit Tiruchirapalli is from December to March, i.e., the winter season. These months witness a pleasant and comfortable weather for tourism.


Summer season in Tiruchirappalli starts in the month of March which continues till May. During these months, the temperature of the city ranges from 26°C to 41°C. Hot and humid weather condition makes it quite difficult for tourists to explore the city.


Monsoon in Tiruchirappalli marks its beginning in the month of June and continues until September. The season is all about heavy rainfall and humid temperature.


Probably the best season to visit Tiruchirapalli is winter. Begins in the month of December, the season witnesses a pleasant temperature throughout the the winter months that ranges between 20°C and 32°C. The season lasts until February.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Best Places to Visit in and around Tiruchirappalli

Dotted with numerous temples and monuments, Tiruchirapalli is a haven for Hindu pilgrims as well as history lovers. The city offers a tranquil and sacred environment which also perfect for relaxing along with observing the influence of rich culture. For nature lovers, Tiruchirapalli has a few attractions in the form of a gurgling waterfall and a dam.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple

Devoted to Lord Vishnu, Ranganathaswamy Temple is one of the largest and most esteemed shrines in Tamil Nadu that traces its history from somewhere 6th to 9th centuries. Spread over a rambling area of 2.5 sq km, the Dravidian style of architecture make this holy a must-visit attraction in Tiruchirapalli.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Erumbeeswarar Temple

Built atop an 18 m high hill land during the period of Chola dynasty, this temple is another masterpiece of Dravidian design in Tamil Nadu but seems a bit unique than others. Erumbeeswarar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the temple is a highly sacred place in Tiruchirapalli.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Kallanai Dam

One of the star attractions of the city, Kallanai Dam is nearly a 2000-year old construction and was built by the kings of Chola dynasty. Being one of the oldest water diversion, the dam is an ideal picnic spot in Tiruchirapalli supported by lush green vegetation and scenic environ.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Jambukeshwara Temple

One of the five temples in Tamil Nadu that are devoted to Lord Shiva is Jambukeshwara Temple. The distance between the temple and the city is just 7 km. This Dravidian style temple was built in 2nd century AD by Cholas and depicts astonishing stone carvings related to various Hindu epics.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Pachamalai Hills

With magnificent mountains, resplendent greenery, and sedating ambiance, it's no surprise that Pachamalai Hills is the best and must-see tourist place in Tiruchirapalli. The enduring exquisiteness of this beautiful hill station is something which one can't get enough of it while being here. This hill station is located 86 km away from the city yet it is worth visiting.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Vayalur Murugan Temple

The name, Vayalur Murugan Temple, itself tells that this shrine is dedicated to Lord Murugan. It is another Hindu pilgrimage which was constructed during Chola Period and is one of the important tourist places in Tiruchirapalli. Various inscriptions can be seen inside the temple which along with devotees also lure a large number of archaeological buffs.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Railway Museum

Railway museum in Tiruchirapalli is surely a place for your kids. Exhibiting a fascinating assortment of train-related equipment of both pre and post-independence period, it boasts old artefacts, documents, and photographs of South India's Railway heritage. Read more

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Rock Fort Temple

An ancient fort and a temple, Rockfort Temple is the star attraction of Tiruchirapalli. The bewitching architecture of this of the majestic temple is one of oldest construction in Tamil Nadu. The fort complex also has the famous Ucchi Pillayar Temple which was built in the 7th-century. Read more

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Puliyancholai Falls

Puliyancholai Falls is another ideal picnic spot in Tiruchirapalli. The serene and azure environ of this place attracts a large number of tourist here.

Where to Stay in Tiruchirappalli?

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

While on a tour to the beaut Tiruchirapalli, one doesn't need to worry about the accommodation as there are plethora of staying options available for tourists. These options range from budget to standard to deluxe. The services, arrangements, and facilities of the hotels in Tiruchirapalli depend on their category.

How to Reach Tiruchirappalli?

Being one of the largest cities in Tamil Nadu, the city of Tiruchirapalli is easily accessible by all means of transport, and hence, reaching here is neither a difficult task nor a complicated one. However, airways is the best way to reach Tiruchirappalli for travellers travelling from far states or for foreign visitors. Those travelling from nearby cities and states, railway is ideal means for them.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Tiruchirappalli International Airport is located in the city itself. Being an international airport, it connects the city to all the other major domestic cities and states and other countries as well. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Mysore are well connected with the airport through daily flights.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

The city has its own railway station which is Tiruchirappalli Junction. This railway station connects is well-connected with other parts of the country like Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, and Maharashtra through frequent trains.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Road network makes it convenient for travellers to reach Trichy from other southern parts of the country through inter-state buses, both private and government. However, you can also prefer to drive yourself in order to reach here.

Popular Tour Packages Tamil Nadu

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Classical Tamil Nadu Tour


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Ooty & Kodaikanal Tour


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Temples with Beach Tour of Tamilnadu & Kerala

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Tamil Nadu Tour with Kerala


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Spiritual Tour to Tamilnadu


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Temple Tour Package Tamilnadu


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Navagraha Temple Tour


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Temple Tours South India

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Palaces Wildlife & Beaches


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

Educational Tour to India


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

South India Historical Tour


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Ooty Madurai and Rameshwaram Tour


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Ooty Hill Tour Package

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Best of South India Hill Stations

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Ooty Coorg Hills with Wayanad Tour

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Ooty Munnar Kodaikanal Tour

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Coorg Hill Station Tour

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Munnar Hills Tour Package


Tamil Nadu Tourism- Top Things to Do and See

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Hill Stations

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Arts & Culture

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Tamil Nadu Travel Information at a Glance

There's an abundance of culture, tradition, art, craft, nature, and wildlife experiences awaiting in Tamil Nadu. Choose from our wide array of Tamil Nadu travel packages and get that incredible holiday experience at this colour palette kind of a destination. We design the finest tour packages keeping your likes and dislikes in mind so that you are guaranteed a holistic travelling experience that too in a budget of your choice.

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  • Tiruchirappalli


tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

  • Tiruchirappalli Overview
  • Top 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli
  • 18 Best Tiruchirappalli Tour Packages
  • Top Resorts in Tiruchirappalli
  • Best Time to Visit Tiruchirappalli

How to Reach Tiruchirappalli

  • Tiruchirappalli Tour Plans
  • Driving Directions to Tiruchirappalli

About Tiruchirappalli

Country: india | state: tamilnadu, #6 of 23 places to visit in tamilnadu | #69 of 100 places to visit in india, ideal trip duration: 1-2 days, base station: tiruchirappalli, nearest city to tiruchirappalli: tiruchirappalli, best time to visit tiruchirappalli: october to march, peak season: december to january & may to june, tiruchirappalli weather: summer: maximum - 41°c and minimum - 26°c winter: maximum -31°c and minimum - 18°c.

At a distance of 57 km from Thanjavur, 133 km from Madurai, 212 km from Coimbatore, and 334 km from Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, also called Tiruchi or Trichy is the 4th largest city and administrative headquarters of Tiruchirappalli district in Tamilnadu. Situated on the banks of the Cauvery River, Trichy is one of the famous Tourist places in Tamilnadu . Tiruchirappalli is home to numerous historical monuments and temples that attract tourist and pilgrims from all parts of the country throughout the year as part of Trichy tour packages . The history of Tiruchirappalli begins in the 3rd century BC, when it was under the rule of the Cholas. It was a stronghold of the early Cholas which later fell to the Pallavas. But the Pallavas never really managed to retain control of this strategic city and lost it to the Pandyas several times. Trichy continued to be in the possession of Cholas until the decline of the empire after which it became a Vijayanagara stronghold. Trichy came under the rule of Nayaks of Madurai after the collapse of Vijayanagara, later to the Marathas of Tanjore, the Nawabs of Carnatic, the French and finally the British. Trichy flourished under Madurai Nayaks and prospered to be the city that it is today. The city played a critical role in the Carnatic Wars (1746-1763) between the British and the French East India companies. Ranganathaswamy temple at Srirangam, one of the most famous pilgrimage centers in South India is situated near Trichy. Rockfort Temple, a spectacular monument perched on a massive rock is another important monument in old city of Trichy. The Rockfort, Jambukeswarar temple at Thiruvanaikaval, Uraiyur, Maariamman Temple, Government Museum and the St John's Church are other places to visit in Trichy . Tiruchirappalli is internationally known for a brand of cheroot known as the Trichinopoly cigar. The city is very popular for its cigars, handloom saris and stone-studded jewelry, Pith models and cheroots. According to the National Urban Sanitation Policy (2010), Tiruchirappalli was one of the ten cleanest cities in India. About 8 km from Trichy Junction, Tiruchirappalli International airport is the nearest airport that has regular flight connectivity with cities like Chennai, and Bengaluru. Trichy Junction is well-connected by train with Chennai, Madurai, Tanjavur, Nagercoil, Delhi, Tirupati, Rameshwaram, Dindigul, Kanyakumari, Howrah, Hyderabad, Villupuram, Mysore, Tirunelveli, Palani, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Trivandrum, Kanchipuram, Thrissur, Bangalore, Kochi, Pune, Bhubaneshwar, Agra, Bikaner, Tuticorin, and Mumbai. Trichy has two major bus stations called Central Bus Station (750m from Trichy Jn Station) and Chathiram Bus Station (6 km from Trichy Junction Station & 2 km from Trichy Town Station). The Central Bus Station handles long distance and inter-state buses like Bangalore, Chennai, Tirupathi, Coimbatore, Mysore, Vellore, Madurai, Thanjavur , etc. While the Chathiram Bus Station handles buses to nearby destinations like Lalgudi, Samayapuram, Navalpattu, etc and local destinations like Srirangam, Railway Junction, Rockfort, etc. The best time to visit Trichy is during the months of November to March. It usually takes two full days to explore all the important places in Trichy.

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Nearest Airport: Tiruchirappalli - Tiruchirapalli Airport (6.5 Kms)

Direct flights to tiruchirappalli, nearest train station: tiruchirappalli junction (0 kms) tiruchirappalli town (5 kms), direct trains to tiruchirappalli, nearest bus station: tiruchirappalli central bus station (0.75 kms) chathiram bus station (6 kms), direct buses to tiruchirappalli, distance chart, distance chart & driving directions to tiruchirappalli, top 10 places to visit in tiruchirappalli, sri ranganathaswamy temple - srirangam.

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

#1 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 1 km from Srirangam Railway Station, 9 km from Trichy Railway Junction, 62 km from Thanjavur, 145 km from Madurai & 327 km from Chennai, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is a prominent Hindu temple situated at Srirangam near Trichy. It is one of the famous temples in South India , and among the most visited places in Tamilnadu . Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is the foremost of the eight self-manifested shrines of Lord Vishnu, and among the important places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu . Built across an area of 156 acres, this temple is dedicated to Ranganatha, a reclining form of Hindu deity, Lord Vishnu. This temple lies on an island formed by the twin Rivers Cauvery and Kollidam. Though the temple existing since the 2nd century BC, the archaeological inscriptions are available only .....

The Rock Fort Temple

The Rock Fort Temple

#2 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 5 km from Trichy Railway Junction, the Rock Fort is a historic fort and temple complex situated in Trichy. It is one of the important places to visit as part of Trichy packages . Perched on a large rock with a height of 85 meters, the temple was initially built by the Pallavas but the Nayaks made use of its naturally fortified position and designed it as a fort. There are 344 steps carved out of rock lead to the top. The fort complex has witnessed fierce battles between Madurai Nayakas and Bijapur, Carnatic, and Maratha forces. The fort played an important part during the Carnatic wars, helping lay the foundations of the British Empire in India. The Rockfort is the most prominent landmark of the city. There are three Hindu temples inside the Rockfort, the Ucchi Pillaiyar Temple, Thayumanavar Temple, and the Manikka Vinayakar Temple. The Manikka Vinayakar Temple is located at the foot of the hill, dedicated .....

Thiruvanaikoil / Jambukeshwar Temple

Thiruvanaikoil / Jambukeshwar Temple

#3 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 2.5 km from Srirangam Temple and 11 km from Trichy Railway Junction, Sri Thiruvanaikoil or Thiruvanaikaval, is famous for Jambukeswarar Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple was built by Kochengon, one of the Early Cholas around 1800 years ago on Srirangam Island. Thiruvanaikoil Temple is one of the five major Shiva Temples known as Panchabhoota Sthala representing element of water. The sanctum has Shiva Lingam in the form of Appu lingam (water lingam). The sanctum of Lord Jambukeshwara has an underground water stream and one can see water coming out of that stream all the time. The presiding goddess is Devi Akilandeswari Amman. According to legend, Parvathi performed penance in the form of Akilandeswari in the Jambu forest. She made the lingam out of the water of river Kaveri, installed it under the Venn Naaval tree evolved out of Saint Jambu and commenced her worship. Lord Siva at last gave darshan to Devi Akhilandeswari and taught her Siva Gnana. According .....

Mariamman Temple - Samayapuram

Mariamman Temple - Samayapuram

#4 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 1 km from Samayapuram Bus Stand, 11 km from Srirangam, 19 km from Trichy, 66 km from Thanjavur & 317 km from Chennai, Sri Mariamman Temple situated at Samayapuram on NH-45 is one of the popular temples in the state of Tamil Nadu. Sri Mariyamman Temple is dedicated to Samayapurathal or Mariamman, an incarnation of Goddess Shakti. The main deity in the sanctum is made of sand and clay and hence there are no abhishekams conducted to the main deity, but instead the abishekam is done to the small stone statue in front of it. According to legend, the present deity was at the Ranganathaswamy temple at Srirangam, and one of chief priests of the temple believed that the idol caused him illness and hence asked it to be removed from the temple. It is a common belief that such local deities have immense powers and they must always be satisfied by proper offerings and sacrifices. According to history, King Vijayaraya Chakaravarthi built the present day temple in .....

Sri Brahmapureeswarar Temple - Tirupattur

tiruchirappalli tourist places in tamil

#5 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 35 km from Trichy, Sri Brahmapureeswar Temple is one of the rare temples dedicated to Lord Brahma situated at Thirupattur. While this is predominantly a Shiva temple, it is very closely associated with Lord Brahma. Devotees believed that a person can change his fate by seeking blessings at Brahmapureeswarar Temple. The presiding deity of the temple is Sri Brahmapureeswarar in the form of a Swayambu Lingam. He is called Brahmapureeswarar since he changed the destiny of Brahma. There are seven enclosures leading to the sanctum. Every year in the Tamil month of Panguni (March-April) for three days, the sunlight falls directly on the presiding deity. It is a miracle that the sun rays cross the seven entrances and fall directly on the lingam. Goddess Parvathi is worshipped as Brahma Sampath Gowri, situated adjacent to Sri Brahmapureeswarar shrine. There is a separate shrine for Lord Brahma in meditative pose sitting on a lotus. The idol of Lord Brahma is magnificent .....

Sri Prasanna Venkatachlapathy Temple - Gunaseelam

Sri Prasanna Venkatachlapathy Temple - Gunaseelam

#6 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 19 km from Srirangam and 26 km from Trichy, Sri Prasanna Venkatachalapathi temple is a famous Vishnu temple situated in Gunaseelam. Also known as Abhimana Sthalam, it is located on the banks of River Cauvery. Gunaseelam Temple is famous for curing mentally challenged people. Devotees bring the mentally challenged people to the temple and keep in the temple premises for 48 days. At the end of the 48 days it is believed that their illness is cured by the grace of the Lord Prasanna Venkatachalapathi. According to legend, Gunaseelar Rishi after his darshan at Tirupathi, came here and begged the Lord to come and stay in his ashram on the banks of Cauvery River. The place came to be known as Gunaseelam after his name. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple houses the presiding deity Prasanna Venkatachalapathi in standing posture. The image is depicted with four hands, one showing Abhaya mudra other three are carrying Gatha, Conch and Chakra. There are carvings .....

Vekkali Amman Temple - Woraiyur

Vekkali Amman Temple - Woraiyur

#7 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 5 km from Trichy Railway Junction, Sri Vekkali Amman Temple is an important pilgrimage centre dedicated to of Goddess Parvathi. It was the seat of early Cholas situated in Woraiyur. The presiding deity in this temple is found facing towards north. It was believed by the ancient kings that Gods and Goddess facing north will bless the kings with victory in the battle. Hence all the ancient kings used to pray Vekkali Amman before leaving to the battle field. The sanctum of the temple houses the idol of Vekkali Amman. The major feature of the temple is the absence of roof over the sanctum. The idol of Vekkali Amman is seen in a seated posture. She is seen holding a trident, udukkai, a rope and Akshaya patra in her four hands. The temple has a golden chariot which is 9.75 ft high, made of 10.5 kg of gold and 25 kg of silver. The temple is conducting the Sarva Chandi Homam for the past 23 years in the month of Avani (August / September), 5 day festival in .....

Viralimalai Murugan Temple

Viralimalai Murugan Temple

#8 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 750 m from Viralimalai Bus Stand, 28 km from Trichy and 43 km from Pudukkottai, Viralimalai Murugan Temple is one of the famous Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Murugan, also known as Subrahmanya located in the town of Viralimalai in Pudukkottai District. Built by Aditya Chola in 9th century, this temple is located in the heart of the Viralimalai town. The temple lies on the Viralimalai hill, hence the town takes the name of the hill. This hill is small and rocky and there are 207 steps to reach the temple. On the way to the top, there are beautiful mandapas for devotees to rest. The surroundings of this temple is filled with thick vegetation. This temple is specially known for the peacocks that are found in plenty. Within the premises of the temple, there is a statue of Kashyapa and Narada Muni along with several sculptures of Arumugan and Arunagirinathar on its pillars. At the foot of the hills the water tank called Saravana Poigai. On the eastern side there .....

Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple - Vayalur

Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple - Vayalur

#9 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 500 m from Vayalur Bus Stand and 10.5 km from Trichy Railway Junction, Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple in Vayalur is one of the famous temples of Lord Murugan in Tamilnadu. This temple was built by Cholas in 9th Century. Later Thirumuruga Kirupananda Variyar helped a lot to renovate this temple. This temple is also known as Kumara Vayalur, Adi Vayalur, Vanni Vayalur and Agnishwaram. In the sanctum sanctorum, Sri Subramanian along with his consorts Valli and Devayani is seated on a peacock. Behind the main sanctum sanctorum, there is a temple for Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva here is said to be a Swayumbu lingam known as Agniswarar. Adjacent to Agniswarar is the shrine for his consort Sri Adi Nayaki and is known as Munnilai Nayaki. One of the special features about Lord Nataraja idol here is it has both its legs placed on the ground. According to mythology, Lord Muruga worshipped Lord Shiva here. Lord Muruga created a tank here with his weapon to worship his parents. .....

Erumbeeswarar Temple / Malai Koil - Thiruverumbur

Erumbeeswarar Temple / Malai Koil - Thiruverumbur

#10 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

At a distance of 2 km from Thiruverumbur Railway Station and 13 km from Trichy, Sri Erumbeeswarar Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is one of the group of shrines built by Aditya Chola along the banks of River Cauvery, to commemorate his victory over Pandyas during Tirupurambiyam Battle in 885 CE. The temple has several inscriptions from the Chola period dating back to the 10th century. The temple has been declared � protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India. The temple enshrines Erumbeeswarar, another form of Lord Shiva as the presiding deity along with his consort Saurabhya Kudalaambal. This temple is built on a 60 ft high hill called as Malai Kovil and can be accessed by a plight of steps. Lord Shiva in this temple is believed to be self manifested. As it is a sand Lingam, no abhishekas are performed here. According to the legend, there lived a demon Tharukasura, who was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, but was against .....

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Tourist Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

Photo of Srirangam

Trans India Travels

Top 7 Places To Visit In Tiruchirappalli

The 4th largest town in Tamil Nadu, Tiruchirappalli is an ancient town with a recorded history that dates back to the 3rd century BC. The city has been ruled by various ancient and historical kingdoms and empires. The Cholas, the Pandya, the Pallava, the Vijaynagar Kingdom, the Carnatic Kingdom and the British have ruled this region and have deeply influenced the city’s culture over the years. As a result of the various cultural influences Tiruchirappalli is famous for its various monuments and temples. Also, due to the city being surrounded by various channels of the Kaveri River is rich in vegetation and natural resources. Here’s the list of the best places you must visit in Tiruchirappalli .

1. The Rockfort Temple


Rockfort Temple refers to an ancient fort and the temple which is situated in the fort’s highest reaches. Rockfort played a major part in the Carnatic wars that was a major battle that helped establish the British Rule in India. The fort also has the famous Ucchi Pillayar Temple which was built in the 7th century and stands 83 meters high atop a rock in the fort complex. The cave temples built by the Pallavas in 508 AD are the oldest structure in the fort and is also a must be seen attraction.

2. Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple


Often listed among the largest functioning Hindu temples in the world, the Sri Ranganathaswamy temple was built between the 6th and the 9th centuries by the Azhwar Saints. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is the 1st of the 108 Divya Desams or Vishnu Temples in the world. The temple complex is spread across 156 acres and is built in the Dravidian style of architecture. The temple gopuram is 72 meters in height and consists of 72 tiers. The temple is a must visit and is one of the major Hindu temples in the country.

3. Jambukeshwara Temple


The Jambukeshwara Temple is one of the 5 major temples in Tamil Nadu which are dedicated to the Hindu deity Lord Shiva. The temple was built in Dravidian style of architecture by the Cholas in the 2nd century AD. The marvelous stone carvings depict the various mythological events and are fine examples of the artists’ stone carving mastery.

4. Erumbeeswarar Temple


Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Erumbeeswarar Temple was built by the Chola atop an 18 meters tall hill. The temple is again built in a Dravidian style but is somehow a bit different than the other Dravidian temples. The Gopuram of the temple is not as tall as the other temples and has only two tiers. The temple structure is more like a fort than a temple and also served as the infantry to the French during their war with the British for the region’s occupation.

5. Vayalur Murugan Temple

The temple is dedicated to Lord Murugan and was built in the 9th century AD by the Cholas. The temple is one of the important ones from an archeological perspective as the walls have various inscriptions related to the Hindu religion.

6. Kallanai Dam


Kallanai Dam is one of the major attractions in Tamil Nadu which was built nearly 2000 years ago. The Kallanai Dam was built by the Cholas in the 2nd century AD and is one of the oldest functioning water diversion structures in the world which are still in use. The place is located in peaceful and lush green vicinity and is a great picnic spot.

7. Puliancholai Falls

The Puliyancholai Falls are one of the most amazing picnic spot you can visit in the ancient town of Tiruchirappalli. The falls are a terrace waterfall located in a very serene and calm environment. The calm scenery which can be encountered during your commute is an amazing experience and will refresh your senses for sure.

The ancient city of Tiruchirappalli is one of the best tourist towns in Tamil Nadu. Owing to its vast history and the culture that the town acquired from the various dynasties and empires that ruled the area, Tiruchirappalli is a must visit .

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Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)

Nearby Places In Tiruchirappalli Trichy Within 100km

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  • Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple
  • Rockfort Temple
  • Jambukeswarar Temple
  • Kallanai Dam (Grand Anicut)
  • Lourdes Church
  • Samayapuram Mariamman Temple
  • Srirangam Melur Ayyanar Temple
  • Vayalur Murugan Temple
  • Rettai Tirupathi Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple
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Other Suggested Reads for Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)

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  • Places To Visit in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • Things to do in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • How to Reach Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • Best time to Visit in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) Tourism History
  • Food in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • FAQS about Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)
  • Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) Tourist Map

THE 10 BEST Tiruchirappalli Private Tours

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1. Ooty & Kodaikanal Tour - 5n6d

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2. UNESCO Chola Temple Trail Private day trip from Trichy

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3. Timeless Treasures of Chettinad: Day Excursion from Trichy

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4. Navagraham & Arupadai Veedu Temple Tour - 9n10d

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5. Heritage Trail: Thanjore & Velankanni Excursion From Trichy

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6. Explore Navagraha Temples Of Mars, Mercury & Ketu From Trichy

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7. Basilica Of Our Lady Of Lourdes, Poondi From Trichy

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8. Madurai Marvels: Temples and Palaces Private Tour From Trichy

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9. Private Four Day Tour of Madurai and Rameswaram

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10. Day Trip to Tiruchirappalli (Guided Sightseeing Tour by Car from Madurai)

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11. One-Day Tour from Madurai to Trichy and Thanjavur

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12. The Best Kept Secret of Kerala & Tamilnadu

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13. 5-Day Private Tour of South India Temples from Madurai

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14. Tamilnadu Heritage Tour Package

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15. Trichy, Madurai, Rameshwaram & Thanjavur Temples Tour

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16. Heritage Havens: Day Tour from Madurai to Chettinad and Trichy

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17. Hill of Enlightenment: A Day Trip from Trichy to Tiruvannamalai

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18. Day Excursion To Chettinad Region From Trichy

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19. Half Day Guided Tour from Madurai to Athangudi

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20. Ancient Wonders: Trichy's Rich Heritage Tour From Madurai

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21. Explore Navagraha Temples Of Sun, Moon, Venus & Rahu

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22. Temple Of Jupiter In Alangudi From Trichy

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23. Pondi Marvels: Auroville & French Colony Tour from Trichy

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24. Private Full-Day Mysore Tour with Visit to Srirangapatna

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25. Explore Navagraha Temples Of The Sun, Moon, Venus & Rahu With Lunch

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26. Explore Srinivasa Ramanujan House and Kumbakonam Temples with Lunch

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27. Trichy and Great Living Chola Temples Tour

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28. Culture & History: Chettinad & Madurai Excursion Tour From Trichy

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29. Day Excursion To Chettinad Region From Trichy With Lunch

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30. 2 Day Great Living Chola Temples Tour From Trichy

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  • Timeless Treasures of Chettinad: Day Excursion from Trichy
  • Day Trip to Tiruchirappalli (Guided Sightseeing Tour by Car from Madurai)
  • Madurai Marvels: Temples and Palaces Private Tour From Trichy
  • Culture & History: Chettinad & Madurai Excursion Tour From Trichy
  • 2 Day Great Living Chola Temples Tour From Trichy
  • Moksha Tours
  • Uvamai Niche Tourism
  • South India Vacation
  • Akalya Cabs


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    The nearby temples are Nachiar Azhagiya Manavala temple in Woraiyur (One of the Vaishnavite Divya Desams), Jambukeswarar Temple (7.5 kms), Vayalur Murugan temple (10 kms) and Sri Ranganatha swamy temple (9kms) nearly. People going to Trichy should not miss visiting this powerful Shakti Kshetra.

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    Mariamman Temple - Samayapuram. Pilgrimage. #4 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli. At a distance of 1 km from Samayapuram Bus Stand, 11 km from Srirangam, 19 km from Trichy, 66 km from Thanjavur & 317 km from Chennai, Sri Mariamman Temple situated at Samayapuram on NH-45 is one of the popular temples in the state of Tamil Nadu.

  3. திருச்சியில் உள்ள சுற்றுலா தலங்கள்

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    Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620006, India. Get directions. Phone +91 431 243 2246 Web Visit website. One of Tiruchirappalli's most impressive attractions sits on Srirangam Island, in the middle of the Kaveri (Cauvery) River, north of the Rock Fort Temple Complex. ... visit Trichy during one of the city's regional festivals. Vaikunta ...

  6. Tiruchirappalli Tourism- Best Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil

    Rock Fort Temple. An ancient fort and a temple, Rockfort Temple is the star attraction of Tiruchirapalli. The bewitching architecture of this of the majestic temple is one of oldest construction in Tamil Nadu. The fort complex also has the famous Ucchi Pillayar Temple which was built in the 7th-century. Read more.

  7. Tiruchirappalli (Trichy)

    Thiruvanaikoil / Jambukeshwar Temple. Pilgrimage. #3 of 18 Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli. At a distance of 2.5 km from Srirangam Temple and 11 km from Trichy Railway Junction, Sri Thiruvanaikoil or Thiruvanaikaval, is famous for Jambukeswarar Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple was built by Kochengon, one of the Early Cholas around ...

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    Reserve. Heritage Trail: Thanjore & Velankanni Excursion From Trichy. 2. Historical Tours. from. ₱5,771. per adult (price varies by group size) Reserve. Visit Brihadeeswara Temple, Saraswati Library, Palace And Gallery In Thanjavur.

  9. Tiruchirappalli Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    28. Star Residency. 46. Tranquility Trichy. 49. Sri Ranga Krupa. 1. Tiruchirappalli Tourism: Tripadvisor has 13,773 reviews of Tiruchirappalli Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Tiruchirappalli Tourism resource.

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    Sunlight falls on Brahmapureswarar Lingam for three days in a year on 15th, 16th and 17th day of the Tamil month of Panguni(March-April). People visit this temple to seek good marriage alliance, or to solve their marital problems and have good progeny. The garden area and the pond look shabby and untidy. Improvements have to be made.

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    Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) Tourism: A Complete Guide To Tourist Attractions, Top Activities, Essential Experiences, Accessibility, And Optimal Visiting Times For Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) ... View all Places to Visit in Tamil Nadu. Explore Places to Visit Near Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) by Type. Hill Stations (15) Beaches (36) Religious Places (73)

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    Ancient Wonders: Trichy's Rich Heritage Tour From Madurai. from. RM 382. per adult (price varies by group size) Day Excursion To Chettinad Region From Trichy With Lunch. from. RM 1,322. per adult (price varies by group size) Explore Navagraha Temples Of The Sun, Moon, Venus & Rahu With Lunch.

  13. Tourist Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli

    A guide to over 40 places to visit in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) to plan a trip as per your interest. This includes tourist attractions in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) like Shri Ranganatha Swamy Temple, Rock Fort, Kallanai Dam and plenty more.

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    Tiruchirappalli (also called Tiruchi or Trichy) is an ancient city in India's southern Tamil Nadu stateFollow Me On -----Facebook : https://www.fac...

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    Here's the list of the best places you must visit in Tiruchirappalli. 1. The Rockfort Temple. Photo by Ashok Prabhakaran, CC BY-SA 2.0. Rockfort Temple refers to an ancient fort and the temple which is situated in the fort's highest reaches.

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    Sunlight falls on Brahmapureswarar Lingam for three days in a year on 15th, 16th and 17th day of the Tamil month of Panguni(March-April). People visit this temple to seek good marriage alliance, or to solve their marital problems and have good progeny. The garden area and the pond look shabby and untidy. Improvements have to be made.

  17. திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி

    திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி (Tiruchirappalli அல்லது Trichinopoly), இந்தியாவில் உள்ள ...

  18. List of tourist attractions in Tiruchirappalli

    List of tourist attractions in Tiruchirappalli. 1 language. ... The list of tourist attractions in Tiruchirappalli a city in Tamil Nadu state of India. Temples. Ranganathaswamy Temple, Srirangam; ... Tiruchirappalli Fort; Kallanai Dam; Tropical butterfly conservatory, Trichy;

  19. 30 BEST Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to visit in Tiruchirappalli. Top Things to Do in Tiruchirappalli, India. Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli. Enter dates. Attractions. Filters. Sort. Map. All things to do. Category types. ... Sunlight falls on Brahmapureswarar Lingam for three days in a year on 15th, 16th and 17th day of the Tamil month of Panguni(March-April). People ...

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    Discover Captivating Spots Near Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) (Tamil Nadu) Within 100kms. Immerse Yourself In Scenic Beauty And Cultural Wonders For An Unforgettable Experience. ... Explore 8 Religious Places to Visit in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) 1101 reviews. Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) 75 reviews. Rockfort Temple ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Tiruchirappalli Private Tours (Updated 2024)

    8. Madurai Marvels: Temples and Palaces Private Tour From Trichy. Historical Tours. 7-8 hours. Embark on the Madurai Marvels: Temples and Palaces Private Tour from Trichy with a 7:00 AM hotel pickup. Begin your 2.5-…. Free cancellation. from. ₹6,661.