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Tour México a tu alcance

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Tour a México

México a tu alcance , 8 días 7 noches.

En el tour México  conoce a uno de los países con más sitios Patrimoniales de la Humanidad con Spring Travel.

Al comienzo del tour nos envolverá con su diversidad cultural e histórica de México, por esta razón lo convierten en uno de los destinos turísticos favoritos, También, déjate embelesar con los acordes del mariachi por sus riquezas naturales e historia. Descubre lugares nuevos.

Durante el recorrido usted estará en las expertas manos de nuestro equipo de trabajo va a estar al pendiente para que tenga las mejores experiencias en este destino.

Seguramente es un destino que te va a cautivar y desearas volver.

Spring Travel Ecuador sobre todo precautelara la salud de sus clientes cumpliendo con normas de seguridad en sus recorridos.

INCLUYE  Tour a México:

  • Boleto aéreo Quito o Guayaquil  – México –  Guayaquil o Quito ( con Copa Airlines o Aeroméxico).
  • Traslados Aeropuerto –  Hotel – Aeropuerto.
  • 07 Noches de alojamiento en ciudad de México. 
  • Desayunos diarios.
  • City tour por la ciudad de México (Panorámica o caminando).
  • Visitaremos lugares como la Basílica de Guadalupe (acorde de restricciones gubernamentales), Visita Xochimilco y Visita a la Plaza Garibaldi 
  • Guías Profesionales para todo el recorrido.
  • Servicios Garantizados por Spring Travel.
  • Salida de divisas.
  • Cortesías Spring Travel. ( Kit se seguridad Spring Travel, esferos con el personaje dela seria “Chavo del  8” o canastita de dulces Mexicanos y Visita al set de la vecindad del Chavo .

NO INCLUYE  Tour a México:

  • Propinas a maleteros, choferes y guías (mínimo 2 USD diarios ADT y 1 USD diario CHD).
  • Nada no especificado en el programa.
  • Bebidas no especificadas.
  • Alimentos no detallados, de acuerdo al plan contratado.

OPCIONAL Tour México:

  • Seguro de Viajes con ASSIT CARD cobertura de hasta USD. 40,000, no aplica para enfermedades preexistentes. Este seguro cubre asistencia médica en caso si el pasajero se enferma de COVID – 19.



tour mexico ecuador


tour mexico ecuador


tour mexico ecuador


tour mexico ecuador


Notas importantes..

  •   Spring Travel cuenta con todas las normas de bioseguridad por lo tanto su viaje sera seguro y placentero.
  • Reserva hasta agotar stock.
  • Precios sujetos a cambio y disponibilidad sin previo aviso.
  • Es necesario un abono de USD. 100,00 no reembolsables para mantener el espacio del programa.
  • Requisito el envío de los pasaportes para proceder con la reserva, en consecuencia de no hacerlo Spring Travel no se hace responsable de errores en los nombres de los pasajeros al momento de la emisión del tkt.
  • Se recomienda revisar nuevos requisitos al momento de viajar (en algunos países se pide prueba de COVID-19 negativa para viajar).
  • Finalmente el  pago total máximo 30 días antes del viaje.
  • En caso de grupos, la gratuidad solo paga impuestos durante el tour.
  • Habitaciones de tres personas, cuentan solo con dos camas debido a políticas de Hotel.
  • Tarifas no válidas para ferias, convenciones o grupos, el motivo es cambio de tarifas.
  • No obstante la tarifa de niños aplica siempre y cuando compartan habitación con dos adultos.
  • Para aplicar tarifa de niño deben ir en habitación doble con dos adultos debido a políticas del Hotel.
  • Pasajeros individuales fuera de nuestras fechas de grupo, pueden tener una variación en el programa debido a cambios de tarifa.
  • Al llegar al destino, seguidamente deben colocar el PIN identificativo en un lugar visible, para que nuestros guías les puedan ubicar fácilmente.
  • Antes de realizar el pago comunicar a su asesor de viajes, debido a la verificación  disponibilidad y valores.
  • Este paquete tiene penalidad, si el pasajero no se presenta en el destino por razones fuera de nuestra voluntad.
  • En el caso de no viajar, inmediatamente consultar las políticas de cancelación y No Show.
  • La reserva no está pagada en su totalidad, por lo tanto no se emiten boletos, ni entregan voucher de servicios.

Booking Information

Customer information.

tour mexico ecuador

Ermel Tufiño

Gerente General

ermel tufino

593-2 6014372

[email protected]

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Ciudad de México - Cancún - Basílica de Guadalupe - Pirámides de Teotihuacán

Aprecia  las Pirámides de Teotihucán

Viaje a México - Cancún desde Quito 7 días

Itinerario turístico. - Gran promoción  Viaje a Ciudad de México y Tour a Cancún  desde Quito o Guayaquil.

Día 1   QUITO - MÉXICO. -  Bienvenida por parte de nuestro guía en el Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez de la Ciudad de México . Traslado hacia hotel, recomendaciones e información para el tour a México  - alojamiento.

Día 2   MÈXICO - BASÍLICA - PIRÁMIDES. - Visita la basílica de Guadalupe - Misa Opcional. Observaremos a la Virgen de Guadalupe conocida como la Morenita. Continuamos nuestro City tour en México visitando los sitios turísticos más destacados. Después nos dirigiremos hacia las Pirámides de Teotihuacán pertenecientes a la civilización azteca . Vista del maguey obsidiana . Descanso hotel mexicano .

Día 3   MÉXICO - TAXCO. -  Salida a Taxco - Ciudad de la Plata , parada para conocer los diferentes tipos de plata, tiempo para realizar compras, podremos escuchar la música romántica de Taxco para luego visitar la Iglesia de Santa Prisca , destacada por su interior recubierto de oro. Regreso a la Ciudad México - alojamiento.

Día 4   MÉXICO - CANCÚN PLAYA. -  Nos dirigiremos al Aeropuerto de la ciudad de México para tomar el Vuelo hacia Cancún ubicado en la Riviera Maya . Llegada al hotel, tiempo para disfrutar de sus espectáculos nocturnos - alojamiento.

Día 5  CANCÚN. -  Disfrute de las instalaciones de nuestro Resort, día libre pueden realizar actividades como la visita a las Pirámides de Chichén-Itzá centro ceremonial mejor preservado de la civilización Maya ubicado en la península de Yucatán - no incluye en el tour. Retorno al hotel, tiempo para disfrutar de shows nocturnos - alojamiento .

Día 6   CANCÚN. -  Mañana para disfrutar la playa de Cancún con sus aguas color turquesa y su arena fina blanca. Tiempo para aprovechar de las múltiples actividades que nos ofrece nuestro hotel en Cancún - alojamiento

Día 7    MEXICO - QUITO. - Desayuno por la mañana y salida hacia el  Aeropuerto  para nuestro  retorno a Quito .

Paquete a México - Cancún incluye:

  • Vuelo de Quito a México - Cancún  (ida y vuelta) vía Aeromexico.
  • Traslado en México: aeropuerto - hotel - aeropuerto.
  • 3 noches alojamiento en Hotel Casa Blanca.
  • Desayunos, almuerzos y cenas en todo el recorrido de acuerdo al sistema de compra.
  • Guías de turismo  durante los recorridos (excepto en cancún).
  • Recorrido por la Basílica de Guadalupe  y   Pirámides de Teotihuacán.
  • City Tour en Coyoacán  y Xochimilco.
  • Vuelo interno: Boleto de   México a Cancún.
  • Traslado en Cancún: aeropuerto - hotel - aeropuerto.
  • 3 noches alojamiento en Hotel Occidental at xcaret destination
  • Sistema todo incluido:
  • Habitaciones  de  lujo , completamente equipadas.
  • Alimentación tipo buffet : desayunos, almuerzos y cenas.
  • Ilimitados : snacks, cocteles, bebidas naturales y alcohólicas.
  • Actividades programadas  diarias para  adultos  y  niños .
  • Shows  diurnos y nocturnos.
  • Centros   de entretenimientos  y áreas recreativas.
  • wi-fi gratis en todo el hotel.
  • Tasas Aeroportuarias de Ecuador y México.
  • Seguro de asistencia de viaje en el tour.
  • Tours Mexico Cancún 2024.

🟠Información y  ofertas a Mexico Cancún clic 👉 aquí whatsapp  - 099 2026 806

Como reservar:

  • Nombres completos y copia de pasaporte del pasajero.
  • Se requiere de un abono de $200 para garantizar la reserva (no reembolsable).
  • El saldo del tour se deberá cancelar por lo menos 30 días antes de la fecha de viaje.

No incluye:

  • Propinas a maleteros, choferes y guías.
  • Servicios no especificado en el programa.
  • Actividades sujetas a restricciones gubernamentales y de salubridad.
  • Impuesto de saneamiento cada noche por habitación $1,50 al momento de realizar el check-in.

Notas importantes:

  • Check in 15:00pm / Check out 12:00pm
  • Visa vigente 6 meses a la fecha de regreso del viaje.
  • Se requiere visa mexicana o americana abligatoriamente.
  • Habitaciones de tres personas, cuentan solo con dos camas.
  • Infantes (2-10 años) aplica compartir habitación con 2 adultos.
  • Los asientos en el avión serán asignados por la aerolínea de manera aleatorio.
  • Llevar maleta 1 pieza de 23 kilogramos en bodega y una maleta de mano máximo 10 kilos.

Requisitos para viajar a Mexico y Cancún desde Ecuador:

Atractivos Turísticos:

Basílica de Guadalupe. - Esta basílica las personas acuden por diferentes motivos en su paso por la ciudad de México , sin duda este es un fenómeno social, cultural, religioso , este es el recinto mariano más visitado del mundo acá vienen entre 17 y 20 millones de personas, el gran edificio circular de la nueva basílica resulta impactante por su grandiosidad. Proyectado por el arquitecto Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, su construcción comenzó en 1974 y terminó en 1976. 

Pirámide de Teotihuacan. - Es uno de los centros arqueológicos más impresionantes del mundo. La ciudad de las pirámides estuvo habitada desde el año 100 a. C. hasta el 650 d.C. aproximadamente. Está ubicada en un amplio valle del centro de México a unos 2.300 metros de altura, además que sólo queda a unos 50 km de distancia.

Taxco. - Su nombre del vocablo náhuatl tlacheco, que quiere decir-nombre del juego de pelota ( tlacht ) y al locativo  co , (lugar), es decir “lugar donde se juega pelota” . Este pueblo se encuentra sobre un cerro , consiguiendo admirablemente adaptarse a la pendiente, su centro histórico es una sucesión de plazas y calles que van ganando altura hacia el cerro. Pasear por su zócalo, curiosear en los ​Tianguis de plata, entrar en los talleres de orfebres de la avenida San Agustín.

Cancún. - Es reconocido en todo el mundo por sus espectaculares playas de arena blanca y su fascinante mar en tonos azul turquesa. Con lugares naturales únicos, cultura maya, actividades acuáticas y de aventura.

Avalados por:

Te invitamos a conocer nuestras certificaciones otorgadas por las instituciones públicas las mismas que nos avalan como Agencia de Viajes - Sur de Quito - Operadora de TGurismo. Ver nuestros Certificados -->

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tour mexico ecuador


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Ecuador Mexico Tours & Trips

491 ecuador trips. tours from 147 tour companies. 1,197 reviews. 4.8/5 avg rating..

Filter by trip style:

Private Guided

Small Group

River Cruise


Small Ship Cruise

Large Ship Cruise

8 Days in Ecuador's Heartland: From Mountains to Hot Springs

8 Days in Ecuador's Heartland: From Mountains to Hot Springs

Baños de Agua Santa, Cotopaxi National Park, Otavalo, Quito

  • Immerse in the Vibrant Culture at Otavalo Market: A Colorful Fusion of Crafts and Tradition
  • Experience Serenity at Cuicocha Lagoon: Nature's Tranquil Oasis in the Andean Highlands
  • Marvel at the Majestic Cotopaxi National Park: Nature's Splendor Unleashed
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the turquoise lake surrounded by high Andean peaks.
  • Visit iconic waterfalls like Pailón del Diablo and Manto de la Novia, surrounded by lush rainforest.

Cultural, Family Friendly, Hiking & Walking, Nature & Wildlife

What travelers are saying

"We just returned from a wonderful 3-week trip in Ecuador that included Quito, Amazon jungle, touring down the Andes to Cuenca, and Galapagos cruise. Our travel agent Alvaro did an excellent job helping us plan our trip - he was very knowledgeable, patient, and kind. All our guides were excellent, special shout-out to Christian, Sergio (aka Mike Tyson), and Pablo. Our favorite experiences were the Napo Cultural Center in the Amazon, biking/hiking at the Cotopaxi and Chimborazo volcanoes, and cruising the Galapagos."

Galapagos Discovery

Galapagos Discovery

Galapagos, Isabela Island, Otavalo, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz

  • Get your blood pumping as you scale Sierra Negra Volcano during an epic hike, then cool off with a swim in the perfect waters of Isla Isabela’s beaches.
  • Many come to Isla Santa Cruz just for the giant tortoises. Get up close and personal with these enormous animals as they drag themselves through the sand.
  • Learn about the unique habits of the marine iguana. This dinosaur-like little creature has an iridescent sheen and is only found on the Galapagos Islands.
  • Birdwatching at the Galapagos is quite an experience. Watch the aerobatic routines of blue-footed boobies and the death defying stunts of the frigate birds as they whizz through the air.
  • This trip combines plenty of must-try activities and islands with generous mounts of free time, so you can explore the Galapagos at your own pace.

Cultural, High Adventure, Local Immersion & Homestays, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife

"We joined the Intrepid “Real Italy Food Tour” and enjoyed it thoroughly. Our tour guide, Micol, was very knowledgeable and provided us with lots of good information. It seems Micol knew many of the staff of the venues we visited, including the pasta making class we attended. Our group of 11 travelers was extremely compatible, which greatly added to the fun and enjoyment."

Health Safety +

Galapagos Islands Retreat

Galapagos Islands Retreat

Galapagos, Pacific Ocean, Quito, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz Island

  • Be inspired by the serenity of yoga on this wellness tour of theGalapagos Islands
  • Watch the dance of marine iguanas and see a parade of blue-footed boobies as frigate birds soar overhead
  • Quito is one of the most incredible cities in South America. From its historic churches to the middle of the world, there is always something to do
  • Get up close and personal with the famed giant tortoises in the highlands of Santa Cruz island
  • Witness the most incredible, endemic wildlife on the planet. Remember, the animals can touch you, but you can’t touch the animals!

50 plus, Birding, Cultural, Education / Learning, Nature & Wildlife, Relaxing Retreats, Yoga, Meditation & Wellness

"We loved this trip. Our guide was excellent. We really enjoyed all the included highlights. Our favorite was Biltmore Estate. It is a must!"

Galapagos: In Darwin's Footsteps

Galapagos: In Darwin's Footsteps

Darwin, Galapagos, Quito, San Cristobal

  • Trek to the crater rim of the Sierra Negra volcano
  • Enjoy plenty of island walks to discover the Galapagos landscape
  • Experience incredible wildlife-viewing and photographic opportunities with near-tame animals
  • Snorkel with iridescent fish, playful sea lions and turtles
  • Island hop by motorboat but sleep in hotels and lodges

Hiking & Walking, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife, Photography

"Discover Costa Rica is a great itinerary, covering varied habitats around the country and staying 2 nights each at 6 centres. Their birdwatching specials are led by local experts who really know their stuff."

Generous cancellation

14 Days Andean Cultures Tour Ecuador

14 Days Andean Cultures Tour Ecuador

Chimborazo Volcano, Cotacachi, Cotopaxi National Park, Otavalo, Pacific Ocean, Quilotoa Lagoon, Quito

  • Discover the beauty of Cuicocha Lagoon and explore Cotacachi and Otavalo's vibrant markets.
  • Engage with the local Kichwa community, gaining cultural insights.
  • Trek through the rainforest, exploring its biodiversity with guided excursions.
  • Hike to the Shuar Waterfall and explore Lagunas de Atillo's enchanting scenery.
  • Experience local culture at Guamote Market and visit another Kichwa community.

Cultural, Hiking & Walking, Nature & Wildlife, Singles Travel

Best of Galapagos

Best of Galapagos

Cotopaxi, Darwin, Galapagos, Galapagos Islands, Guayaquil, Otavalo, Quito, Ronda, San Cristobal, Santa Cruz

  • Explore the islands on this in-depth adventure, coming face-to-face with some of the most extraordinary wildlife on earth.
  • Get your blood pumping as you scale a volcano on Isabela Island.
  • Acquaint yourself with the beautiful churches and graceful boulevards of Quito, Ecuador's capital.
  • Get up close and personal with giant tortoises on Santa Cruz Island. These nearly extinct creatures are one of the greatest drawcards to the Galapagos.
  • This is a land based Galapagos trip, meaning you'll use locally owned hotels on the islands and have more opportunities to interact with the locals as opposed to staying on a boat.

Cycling & Biking, Hiking & Walking, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife, Rafting, Kayaking, Canoeing, Trekking & Expeditions

Andes to Amazon

Andes to Amazon

Cuenca, Guayaquil, Quito

  • Visit colonial Quito, the Otavalo indigenous market and Cuenca's Unesco reserve
  • Stay overnight in the peaceful Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve
  • Spend two nights soaking up the sounds of the Amazon Rainforest
  • Visit the ruins of Ingapirca and Cajas National Park
  • Take a mangrove boat trip by the Pacific coast and visit a cacao plantation

Cultural, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife

Ecuador & Galapagos Islands: See & Experience Almost it ALL in 11 Days, 1st Class Custom Tours

Ecuador & Galapagos Islands: See & Experience Almost it ALL in 11 Days, 1st Class Custom Tours

Cotacachi, Cotopaxi, Cotopaxi Volcano, Galapagos, Galapagos Islands, Isabela Island, Otavalo, Puerto Villamil, Quilotoa, Quito

  • 6-Day Cruise Around the Galapagos Islands
  • Daily Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner on Your Yacht
  • Going to Centuries-Old & Indigenous Markets
  • Seeing Animals Found Nowhere Else on Earth!
  • Donkey-Riding Around a Caldera

High Adventure, Nature & Wildlife

"Thank you guys for setting up this trip. We spent 7 days in Palawan and Coron island and enjoyed every day. The remote coordinator worked very well for us through Whatsup, and the daily itineraries were exactly what we expected. Not too much and not too short. We recommend this tour for every one who wants to explore these locations"

Health Safety

Best Ecuador Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

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See all Ecuador reviews

Ecuador Tour Selection Trips

  • Ecuador is so rich in biodiversity and tourist attractions – the Galapagos, the Andes, the Amazon, the colonial cities, the Pacific coast -- that you may need several visits to do the country justice. 
  • Taking a week-long Galapagos cruise allows you to see more of the islands and their diverse wildlife than simply staying on one of the two populated islands.
  • Many visitors combine Galapagos tours with tours to Machu Picchu in Peru, and many tour operators offer such combinations.
  • If your tour takes you to the Amazon basin, look to stay at least three days if possible in a jungle lodge. This not only allows you to get a good taste of the region, but it will increase your chances of seeing certain species, and more animals. 
  • Even though Ecuador is on the Equator, pack a jacket if your tour includes high-elevation cities like Quito and Cuenca. In these mountain towns, the temperatures can drop pretty significantly at night.  You might also consider bringing high-altitude medication if you’re really bothered by the rarefied air, but discuss possible side effects with your doctor.

Additional details

Always Find the Best

On Travelstride you can find 491 trips to Ecuador and more than 20,000 trips worldwide ranging from budget to luxury and private guided to group tours and everything in between. Only on Stride can you find and compare expert-planned trips from 1,000+ tour operators, cruise lines and local experts. Read traveler and professional reviews so you can confidently find your perfect trip.

Ecuador Tours & Vacations

Cotopaxi Volcano at dusk, with snow on top, on a clear day, near the city of Quito, Ecuador

Ecuador might be smaller than its heavyweight South American neighbors, but it has no shortage of natural wonders.

Blessed with a bonanza of perfect beaches and the wildlife haven of the  Galapagos Islands , Ecuador’s wealth of natural riches creates a one-stop shop for incredible experiences. Whether it’s spotting hummingbirds in the Amazon rainforest , seeing a condor swoop through the Andes or getting an up-close view of marine life along the coast – Ecuador is unrivaled in serving up South America ’s best. 

Our Ecuador trips

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Ecuador tour reviews

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Galapagos Island Hopping

Best of Galapagos

Galapagos Discovery

Galapagos at a Glance: Southern Islands (Grand Daphne)

Articles of Ecuador

I love solo travel, but anonymous travel is what I really need

7 ways to travel responsibly in the Galapagos Islands

Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travel List is here

Quito and beyond: 3 things to do in Ecuador after a Galapagos trip

How to visit Cotopaxi: Ecuador’s most famous volcano

Everything you need to know about visiting the Amazon

Bohemian Baños: The highlight of my year in South America

The magic of conquering my fears on a Galapagos trip

Ecuador at a glance

Capital city.

Quito (population 2.8 million)

18.2 million

US Dollar (USD)

(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin)

Learn more about Ecuador

Culture and customs.

About 65 per cent of Ecuadorians have a mixed European background and 25 per cent are indigenous (there are more than a dozen distinct groups). The rest of the population is predominantly from either Spanish or African descent. It’s a small country, but food, dress, dialects and customs can vary throughout.

Ecuador’s two largest cities – Quito and Guayaquil – split most of the population into mountain living and coastal living. People from the coast (Guayaquil) call mountain people (Quito) conservative, whereas mountain people have been known to argue that those from the coast are uncultured. While usually contained to light banter, this rivalry sometimes creates tension between the two cities.

Eating and drinking

Ecuadorian cuisine is largely shaped by its abundant fresh produce. Seafood and plantain dominate the coast, with dietary staples including ceviche, tropical fish (particularly corvina or sea bass) and seafood soups such as encebollado.

Creamy coconut milk is commonly used to create flavourful sauces. Look for the word ‘encocado’ on menus – it means the dish is served in a coconut sauce. 

Foods to try in Ecuador

1. locro de papa.

A classic Ecuadorian potato and corn soup, usually served with cheese, corn and avocado.  

2. Encebollado

Usually made with albacore tuna, encebollado is a pickled onion fish soup. Ecuadorians swear this soup is the ultimate hangover food.

There are many variations of this dish, but just about all of them use seafood as its core ingredient, such as fish, shrimp, octopus, squid, crab, clams or lobster. It’s diced and then marinated in various ways for flavor. 

4. Ceviche de chocos

Vegetarians don’t need to feel left out while everyone is feasting on all the ceviche – ceviche de chochos is a vegetarian alternative. An indigenous bean called chocho is combined with onions, tomatoes, cilantro (coriander), limes, oranges and tomato sauce, then topped with maiz tostado (toasted corn nut), chifles (plantain chips), avocado and hot sauce.

Geography and environment

Tucked away on the continent’s Pacific coastline, Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America . Bordering Colombia in the north and Peru in the south, Ecuador contains its own segments of some of South America’s most famous landmarks, including the Amazon rainforest and the Andes.

Like many other South American countries, Ecuador’s coastline boasts a large number of pristine beaches. Mantra, Crucita, Canoa and Montanita are among the famous spots, however there are many other national parks and small coastal towns that offer their own variations of beachside bliss.

Ecuador’s capital, Quito, is located in the north of the country and is renowned for its colonial architecture. To the west of the city is Pichincha, one of Ecuador’s many spectacular volcanoes.

Adding to Ecuador’s list of natural wonders are the incredible Galapagos Islands, which lie about 1000 km west of the mainland. These volcanic islands are famed for their association with botanist Charles Darwin, who spent considerable time studying their incredible biodiversity.

Follow in the footsteps of Darwin on our 10 day Best of Galapagos trip

Top 5 natural marvels of Ecuador

1. volcanoes.

Ecuador is a climbing and mountaineering paradise, with some of the grandest (and most active) volcanoes in the world. Just south of Quito lies the ‘Avenue of Volcanos’, which includes the country's highest peak, and no less than nine awe-inspiring volcanos.

Ecuador is a beach lover’s haven, with a well-earned reputation for supplying some of the most gorgeous spots on South America’s Pacific coast. While there are no shortage of backpacker havens and crowded Ecuadorian holiday spots, those seeking a little more privacy should check out the beautiful Manta and the gorgeous Machalilla National Park.

3. The Andes

Hard to ignore, the Andes form Ecuador’s rocky spine and are home to breathtaking tropical valleys, snow-capped peaks and fresh mountain lakes. A welcome escape from Ecuador’s hot summers, the Andes offer an unforgettable array of high-altitude adventures.

Explore the Andes and the Amazon on our 8 day Ecuador Highlands trip

4. The Amazon

Rich in color and natural diversity, Ecuador is blessed with a sizeable portion of the famous Amazon rainforest. Lying to the west of the Andes, this incredible jungle is home to some of the world’s most fascinating and unique species, as well as being an ideal place to enjoy activities such as canoeing, trekking and bird watching.

5. Galapagos Islands

Journey to a lost world and discover a wildlife sanctuary that continues to inspire visitors and scientists alike. Relatively untouched by human life, the Galapagos is an ecological Disneyland, the jewel in Ecuador’s already glistening crown.

Discover incredible wildlife on our 8 day Galapagos Island Hopping trip

If you're looking for gifts to take home after your trip, you'll find plenty of local markets throughout the country. Here are a few top shopping spots to buy local goods and souvenirs in Ecuador.

In Quito, the Olga Fisch Gallery is an excellent place to shop clothing, ceramics, paintings and other creations by Ecuador’s best artisans and craftspeople. Be aware that the gallery focuses on high-end products and the price tags reflect the quality.

Otavalo Market in the city of Otavalo – the largest and most famous market in South America – is the best place in the country to shop for handmade artisan goods including alpaca sweaters, textiles, ceramics, leather products, jewelry and woodcarvings.

Known locally as Plaza de los Ponchos, Otavalo Market has been around for hundreds of years, predating Incan times. Vendors sell their wares seven days a week, though Saturdays and Wednesdays are the best days to go when more vendors are set up. Like most markets in Latin America, bargaining is accepted.

Despite popular opinion, Panama hats are not from Panama, they are an Ecuadorian creation. Originally woven using local straw along the coast, these days they’re mostly made in Cuenca.

The city’s hat factories offer an interesting glimpse into the production of this UNESCO-listed craft. Make sure to shop around if you are in the market to purchase your own Panama hat as price and quality vary greatly (between USD 10 and USD 250).

Cuenca is also famed for its ceramics. Artesa and E. Vega Galeria – the workshop of Ecuador’s most famous artist, Eduardo Vega – are two notable places to shop for quality ceramics.

Festivals and events

Ecuador has a busy festival calendar. Here are some of the country's most popular events:

1. Carnival

While many associate colorful costumes and giant floats with Carnival, celebrations in Ecuador are a bit different. Here, the week before Lent (usually in February) is marked with boisterous water/food fights.

Friends and strangers alike can expect to be doused in all kinds of things including flour, water balloons and eggs. If this sort of play sounds more annoying than fun, head to Ambato, where flour is replaced with flowers.

2. Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun)

Commemorating the June solstice and harvest, this festival is celebrated by indigenous communities across South America. The main event in Ecuador takes place in Otavalo, where barbeques, bonfires, traditional dances and parades go on for a week.

3. Mama Negra

The most important event on the Latacunga calendar features a parade of characters in flamboyant costumes, dancing, drinking and general revelry. Honouring both the Virgen de las Mercedes and the 19th century liberation of African slaves, it’s so important it happens twice – once in September and then again in November.

4. Cuenca Independence Day

Celebrations fill every corner of the city each November as Cuenca commemorates its independence from Spain. Overlapping with the annual Day of the Dead festival, streets fill with people taking in parades, dances, and sporting events; crafts fairs are held across the city; and food vendors set up at cemeteries while families visit the graves of loved ones.

Similar destinations

Thinking about a trip to Ecuador but still browsing other destinations? Check out tours to neighboring countries:

  • Colombia tours
  • Brazil tours

Further reading

Ecuador travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to Ecuador?

Most travelers do not need a visa to enter Ecuador. This includes visitors from Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland and most other Western European countries. Visa-exempt travelers will receive an entry stamp valid for 90 days on arrival.

Some travelers will need to apply for a visa prior to departure including citizens from Kenya, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Please contact your nearest Ecuadorian embassy for more information.

In any case, your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Argentina.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 08/12/2023

When is the best time to visit Ecuador?

There are two seasons in Ecuador, wet and dry, and they vary depending on the region. For the most part, Ecuador is a sunny, warm country, and even the wet season will bring its fair share of sunny days.

The best time to visit is largely dependent on your itinerary, although it should be noted that the Christmas period (December to January) is often the busiest, so be prepared for large crowds.

In the Amazon, August and December through March are the driest seasons and April to June are the wettest. In the highlands, the dry season is from June to September as well as December. The Galapagos and coastal regions are mainly influenced by ocean currents.

The hot and rainy season runs from January to April. It doesn't rain much, but you can expect some downpours at times. From May to December, it can be a bit cooler with more overcast days.

The high seasons in the Galapagos (June through August, December and January) are generally determined by holiday trends and not by weather conditions

Is tipping customary in Ecuador?

While tipping isn’t mandatory, tips are very much appreciated by service workers and guides. Leaving a 10% tip is customary in restaurants. Some automatically add a 10% service charge to your bill, in which case an extra tip isn’t required.

What is the internet access like in Ecuador?

Internet can be accessed at internet cafes and hotels in large cities and towns but is limited in rural and remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Ecuador?

Cell phone coverage is good in Ecuador’s cities, but may not be available in rural and mountainous areas. Ensure global roaming is activated with your service provider before leaving home.

What are the toilets like in Ecuador?

Ecuador has a mix of Western-style flushable toilets and squat toilets. Either way, always carry your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as these are not always provided. You’ll notice that most flushable toilets have a wastebasket next to them. This is because toilets in Ecuador can’t handle toilet paper and will overflow if you try to flush it. Instead, always put used toilet paper in these baskets. 

What will it cost for a...?

Short bus ride = USD 0.20 Juice = USD 1 Street food snack = USD 1.50 Simple lunch = USD 3-5 Sit down dinner at a cafe or restaurant = US$10

Can I drink the water in Ecuador?

Travelers should avoid drinking tap water in Ecuador. For environmental reasons, try to avoid bottled water. Ask your leader where filtered water can be found as some hotels provide this. Remember to peel fruit and vegetables before eating and avoid ice in drinks.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Ecuador?

Credit cards are usually accepted by hotels, large retailers and tourist sites but are less commonly accepted by smaller vendors and family-run restaurants and market stalls. Always carry enough cash for smaller purchases in case credit cards are not an option.

What is ATM access like in Ecuador?

ATMs are easily found in the large cities and airports, although are less common in rural and remote areas. When traveling out of the city, be prepared by having enough cash, as ATMs aren't always available.

Do I need travel insurance before travelling in Ecuador?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of your trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.  For more information on insurance, please go to:  Travel Insurance

What public holidays are celebrated in Ecuador?

  • 1 Jan: New Year’s Day
  • 19 Apr: Good Friday
  • 1 May: Labour Day
  • 24 May: Battle of Pichincha
  • 10 Aug: Independence Day
  • 9 Oct: Guayaquil Independence Day
  • 2 Nov: All Soul’s Day
  • 3 Nov: Cuenca Independence Day
  • 25 Dec: Christmas

For a current list of public holidays in Ecuador go to: https://www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/south-america/ecuador/public-holidays/

Will I experience altitude sickness in Ecuador?

Most people can start to feel the effects of altitude at over 2000 m (6561 ft) regardless of age, gender or fitness level. Quito, as well as other tourist spots, sit above this elevation and some travelers might experience symptoms of altitude sickness, including shortness of breath, headache, nausea and loss of appetite. It’s important to take it easy, drink plenty of water and speak to your group leader at once if you feel unwell.

We recommend seeing your doctor if you have any health concerns before undertaking the trip. Particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take any medication.

Do I need any vaccinations before visiting Ecuador?

Ecuador requires proof of yellow fever vaccination if you are travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever. Many South and Central American countries pose a risk (including Argentina, Brazil and Colombia), so if you are planning on visiting other nearby nations before Ecuador you may be required to get this vaccine. 

Visit your doctor or travel clinic for advice and make sure to schedule your vaccination 4-6 weeks before your departure date, as some require time to become effective. No other vaccines are required in order to enter Ecuador but some are recommended for protection against disease.

Is Ecuador a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Ecuador is a relatively hassle-free destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers. Same-sex marriage was legalised here in 2019 and LGBT discrimination is illegal. In saying that, conservative attitudes still exist throughout the country and LGBTQIA+ travelers are generally advised to use discretion when it comes to public displays of affection.

In the big cities like Quito and Guayaquil, there are many gay-friendly hotels, bars, clubs and cafes, however, they can be harder to find in smaller cities and towns.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting Equaldex  or ILGA before you travel.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip to Ecuador support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Ecuador directly support our foundation partner, Galapagos Conservancy . 

Galapagos Conservancy  

The Galapagos Conservancy protect the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos. Donations from our trips support their Galápagos Conservancy Women in Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WISE) program, providing critical capital for sustainability initiatives and building the entrepreneurial capacity of Galápagos women.

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

tour mexico ecuador

Out of Your Comfort Zone

The art of backpacking & adventures to get out of your comfort zone – tips and advice, 13 best group tours to explore mexico (prices & itineraries).

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Talita

13 excellent and different guided tours around Mexico. Tours with a variety of prices, days, destinations, themes, age, luxury level, and adventure.

Mexico is an incredibly diverse country rich in culture, history and stunning scenery, making it a popular tourism destination for travelers from all over the world. With a history that dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs, Mexico offers a rich cultural heritage that can be enjoyed in its colonial cities, archaeological sites and traditional festivals.

One of Mexico’s top tourist attractions is its stunning beaches along both the Pacific and Caribbean coastlines. Places like Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Los Cabos offer luxury resorts, crystal clear waters and a variety of water activities such as snorkeling, diving and surfing. In addition, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea are famous for their marine biodiversity, which makes diving an unforgettable experience.

Mexico’s archaeological heritage is another big draw for tourists. Sites such as Chichen Itzá, Teotihuacán and Palenque offer fascinating glimpses into the ancient civilizations that inhabited the region.

Colonial cities are also must-see destinations for visitors who want to experience Mexican culture and tradition, with a rich food scene where the authentic flavors of Mexican cuisine can be enjoyed.

In addition, Mexico’s geographic diversity allows travelers to explore a variety of stunning landscapes, such as the Sierra Madre Mountains, the rainforests of Chiapas, the caves in the Yucatan and the deserts in the north of the country.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

Table of Contents

  • 1 Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Mexico
  • 2 Is it better to travel independently or in group tours in Mexico?
  • 3.1 Best Mexico Tours and Itineraries for Guided Small Group Adventures
  • 3.2 Best Mexico Tours and Itineraries for Groups of Young Singles (18-35 Years Old)
  • 3.3 Tourradar’s Best Mexico Tours (Best site to search and compare Mexico tours of different lengths, styles, prices, and operators)
  • 4 Concluding
  • 6 Planning your next trip?

Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Mexico

Before we delve into the main topic of this article, it’s worth highlighting some of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Mexico to facilitate your search for tours, Mexico itineraries , and trips that match your preferences.

As mentioned earlier, Mexico is a charming country filled with fascinating places to visit. Below, we present a list of the top 10 attractions and tourist cities that deserve to be explored in Mexico:

  • Mexico City: The vibrant capital of the country is an exciting metropolis with a rich history, culture, and art. The Zócalo Square, the Palace of Fine Arts, and the National Museum of Anthropology are some of its main attractions.
  • Cancún: Known for its stunning beaches and luxury resorts, it’s a popular tourist destination in the Mexican Caribbean. It offers a variety of water activities, lively nightlife, and a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Playa del Carmen: Located on the Riviera Maya, it’s a charming coastal town with beautiful beaches, shops, restaurants, and a lively Fifth Avenue.
  • Chichen Itzá: One of Mexico’s most famous archaeological sites, it’s an ancient Mayan city located on the Yucatán Peninsula. The impressive Kukulcán Pyramid is the most iconic attraction here.
  • Palenque: Situated amidst the jungles of the Chiapas state, the Palenque archaeological site is famous for its well-preserved Mayan pyramids and rich history.
  • Guadalajara: Mexico’s second-largest city is known for its colonial architecture, delicious cuisine, and vibrant cultural scene.
  • Cabo San Lucas: Located at the tip of the Baja California Peninsula, Cabo San Lucas is a popular destination for water activities such as fishing, diving, and whale-watching.
  • Teotihuacán: Another important archaeological site, Teotihuacán is home to the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, along with many other impressive structures from the pre-Columbian civilization.
  • Oaxaca: This colonial city is known for its rich indigenous culture, traditional crafts, colorful festivals, and delicious cuisine.
  • Tulum: Famous for its seaside Mayan ruins, Tulum offers a unique blend of history and pristine beaches.

Is it better to travel independently or in group tours in Mexico?

Regardless of the option you choose for traveling in Mexico, whether independently or in a group tour, each has its pros and cons.

Opting for independent travel, for instance, provides greater flexibility to plan your own Mexico itinerary and choose activities according to your preferences. You’ll have the freedom to decide when and how to engage in activities, allowing you to explore Mexico at your own pace. Additionally, this option can be more budget-friendly, as you can control expenses according to your choices.

However, independent travel requires detailed planning, including research on accommodation, transportation, and activities. You need to be prepared to deal with potential challenges, such as language barriers, and take extra precautions regarding safety, especially in more remote areas.

On the other hand, a group tour with a guide offers the company of fellow travelers and the opportunity to meet people with similar interests. Traveling in a group can also provide a sense of security, especially when accompanied by an experienced guide familiar with Mexico.

However, this option might somewhat limit your freedom to explore Mexico independently, as you’ll be following a predetermined itinerary and schedules set by the group.

In summary, the choice between traveling independently or in a group in Mexico depends on your personal preferences. Evaluate your interests, available time, budget, and comfort level when making your decision. The important thing is to make the most of your Mexico experience, whether you’re enjoying the freedom of independent travel or the social and safety advantages of a group tour.

13 Best Tours and Itineraries for Exploring Mexico

Best mexico tours and itineraries for guided small group adventures.

   1. G Adventures – Mexico Coast-to-Coast   (22 Days)

Explore Mexico from coast to coast, from the Pacific to the Riviera Maya, on an exciting three-week journey.

During this trip, you will have the opportunity to experience memorable moments, such as walking or dancing to the sound of mariachis in Guadalajara, walking through the charming narrow streets and tunnels of Guanajuato, and exploring ancient ruins.

All this adventure is sure to whet your appetite and, to satisfy it, you can enjoy the famous street tacos in Mexico City or try the different varieties of mole in Oaxaca.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   2. G Adventures – The Most Mexico (16 Days)

Travel from one beautiful hostel to another from Mexico City to Cancun. Along the way, you’ll immerse yourself in the incredible cultures, landscapes, and flavors (tacos and tequila are just a taste) of Central Mexico.

Afterwards, get ready to explore the jungles, ruins and white sand beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula. End the journey with a few amazing days of classic fun in Cancun, and you’re on your way to an unforgettable Mexico adventure.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   3. G Adventures – Mexico City to Oaxaca (7 Days) 

This short but extremely charming journey through Central Mexico showcases some of the best facets of the country’s culture, landscapes and delicious culinary traditions.

The journey begins with a visit to the imposing pyramids of the ancient Aztec capital of Teotihuacán, then heads to Puebla, a city famous for its talavera pottery and stunning architecture.

Then it’s time to explore Oaxaca, where you’ll have the opportunity to sample a myriad of delicious foods and immerse yourself in the region’s cultural traditions, including a visit to an “alebrijes” workshop, where these vibrant works of art characteristic of the area come to life. life.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   4. Intrepid – Mexico Unplugged (15 Days)

During this journey, you will discover fascinating ruins, visit charming pueblos and meet wonderful people.

The itinerary covers all the essentials so you can fully dedicate yourself to exploring. Relax on the beautiful beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula, immerse yourself in pre-Hispanic culture in San Cristóbal de las Casas and unravel the mysteries of ancient civilizations in Chichen Itza.

Plus, enjoy plenty of opportunities to swim, snorkel, and hike, making this trip the perfect introduction to one of Central America’s most vibrant and exciting destinations.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   5. Intrepid – Premium Mexico Yucatan Highlights (8 Days) 

On an eight-day Premium adventure, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy the best the region has to offer.

Explore the Riviera Maya’s bountiful coastline, experience the vibrant city of Valladolid, delve into Merida’s colonial history and relax on the white sand beaches of Tulum.

During the journey, learn the ancient secrets of the Mayans as you visit Chichen Itza, Muyil and the archaeological site of Tulum, accompanied by a local guide.

In addition, you will have the unique opportunity to meet local Mayan families, talk to conservationists and historians to discover a side of the country that is rarely explored.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   6. Intrepid – Best of Mexico (15 Days) 

Travel deep into Mayan history by exploring the incredible ruins of Chichen Itza and visiting indigenous communities near enchanting San Cristobal de las Casas.

Savor an authentic Pibil feast alongside a Mayan family and immerse yourself in Zapotec culture over lunch at a local home. Wander the charming streets of Merida, explore the vibrant markets of Oaxaca and relax on the beaches of Playa del Carmen.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

Best Mexico Tours and Itineraries for Groups of Young Singles (18-35 Years Old)

   7. Contiki – Mexico Grande (13 Days) 

This magical destination is truly a complete place. Filled with rich cultural heritage and a diverse geography, it offers something for everyone, from the beaches of Puerto Vallarta and Cancún to the lush jungles of Yucatan, from the stunning World Heritage site of Chichen Itza to the bustling metropolis of Mexico City.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   8. Contiki – Mexican Fiesta (8 Days)

This festive trip lets you immerse yourself in this beautiful country, with adventure activities, colonial sites, ancient ruins, water sports, spicy food and a vibrant nightlife.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   9. Contiki – Yucatan Highlights (6 Days) 

Around every corner, there are endless things to see and do! Make the most of adventure activities, water sports, cultural sites, an incredible variety of cuisines and a lively nightlife! Mexico is a country that ignites enthusiasm!

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   10. Topdeck – Delve Deep: Mexico (11 Days)

The real Mexico, filled with majestic temples, fascinating culture, otherworldly natural wonders and ancient Mayan heritage, is what you’ll find here.

Do you want to take advantage of every stop to swim, enjoy delicious cuisine, marvel at stunning scenery and participate in exciting activities, plus have plenty of free time to do whatever you want? That’s exactly what this experience offers.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

Tourradar’s Best Mexico Tours (Best site to search and compare Mexico tours of different lengths, styles, prices, and operators)

   11. Tourradar – Cancun to Antigua Express Travel Pass (13 Days) 

Start your journey in Cancun and end in Antigua! With the travel package you will enjoy an exciting 13-day journey through Cancun, Mexico, and 11 other fascinating destinations in Latin America. The tour includes an experienced guide, meals, transportation and more to make your experience even more special.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   12. Tourradar – Mexico City Stopover (4 Days)

Start and end your journey in Mexico City! With the tour you will have a package of 4 days exploring the charms of Mexico City. The excursion includes accommodation in a hotel, the presence of an expert guide, meals, transportation and many other unique experiences.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

   13. Tourradar – Mexico Highlights (16 Days) 

Start your adventure in Mexico City and end it in Cancun! With the tour you will have a complete 16-day experience that will take you to explore Mexico City and 10 other fascinating destinations within Mexico. The tour is led by expert guides and includes meals, transportation and more.

13 Melhores Excursões em Grupo p/ Explorar o México (Preços e Itinerários)

Mexico is a fascinating country that attracts travelers in search of cultural, historical and adventure experiences.

With a wide variety of tour and excursion options available, it is critical to conduct thorough research before choosing the company that best meets your needs and expectations. Reading the reviews of other travelers and analyzing the details of the accommodations offered are essential measures to ensure a smooth and safe trip.

However, whichever company you choose, one thing is certain: visiting Mexico is a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience! So get ready for an unforgettable journey and embark on this adventure across the country!

Planning your next trip?

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 Already reserved your hotel or hostel? If not, our article with The 6 Best and Cheapest Websites to Find & Reserve Accommodation can help you out. You’ll also find some promotions and discount codes .

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 Still haven’t booked your plane ticket and want to save big? Take a look at our page with 16 Tips to Save on Flights where you’ll also find the 4 best websites to buy your plane tickets. 

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And finally, will you need to rent a car during your trip? Then surely our page with The 5 Best and Cheapest Websites to Compare and Rent Cars Around the World will help you choose the best rental car and find a good deal.

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Ecuador Vacation Packages & Tours at -45%

Our recommendation to visit ecuador.

Map of Amazon Adventure & Galapagos Discovery

From $3,279

Per night : $164

Ecuador in 12 days +

Amazon adventure & galapagos discovery.

  • map-pin-check-icon Amazon
  • map-pin-check-icon Galapagos Islands
  • map-pin-check-icon Guayaquil
  • map-pin-check-icon Middle of the World Monument
  • Accommodation
  • All flights
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Alex, Travel Expert

Alex Travel crafter

Our classic tour of Ecuador, complete with a stay in the Amazon rainforest and wildlife-spotting in the Galapagos Islands.

Live your dream trip then do it again!

Our recommendation to visit Ecuador and neighboring countries

Travel to ecuador, multi country vacation packages including ecuador, extraordinary ecuador trips & vacation packages.

Ecuador tours transport you to one of the most environmentally diverse countries . Amazon rainforest and snow-covered Andean peaks are crammed into its comparably small area, but that’s not all. 

Exoticca provides all-inclusive packages that take care of your trip to Ecuador from the US. It leaves you free to pack and dream about all the fascinating landmarks you’ll visit. 

Most tour packages include flights, hotels, tours, and transfers . It allows you to enjoy your unique middle-earth experience. All come with included insurance to guarantee your peace of mind. 

Trips to Ecuador from the USA

If you need a break, why not book and embark on one of our matchless Ecuador tours? Exoticca has a variety of carefully tailored schedules to suit your preferences , providing a complete experience of this diverse nation. All our packages originate and conclude in the United States.

Many include visits to the awe-inspiring Galapagos islands . While it’s an obvious drawcard, you miss out on the mainland to your detriment. 

The capital Quito is a UNESCO World Heritage city with beautifully restored examples of colonial architecture. The second-highest capital sits high in the Andes, surrounded by volcanoes and snowy peaks. It’s an integral part of an Ecuador trip.

Book your trip to Ecuador with Exoticca

Our Ecuador vacation packages are all-inclusive, with several travel itineraries that combine captivating and educational experiences . With various options to choose from, there’s sure to be something that suits your preferences.

All included: Flights, hotels, tours & transfers At Exoticca, we understand that the hassle of organizing breaks can prove stressful, so why not let us take the lead ? 

We have decades of firsthand experience and know the best attractions and places to see . Our Ecuador tour packages are informative and entertaining, balancing fun and fantastic. 

We sort out all your requirements so you can concentrate on making the most of your dream vacation. Our inclusive packages cover flights, hotels, tours, and transfers, so you can rely on us from the beginning of your trip to the end .

Ecuador trips partially or fully guided Our Ecuador vacation packages include experienced and knowledgeable guides to explain procedures, activities, times, or terms . As locals, the guides are there to show you the best that Ecuador has to offer and help you get the most from your trip. 

Most of our Ecuador tours have full-time guides, but you could also choose a partially guided option. It allows you to maintain independence and include a little flexibility in your itinerary. We provide an in-depth schedule with details that give you time to yourself.

Crafted by our own travel experts Trust our experts to use personal experience to plan, produce, and direct epic Ecuador tours from the USA. They can provide incredible deals thanks to fantastic rates negotiated with hotel groups and airlines.

Our travel experts have curated vacations to many exotic destinations and select iconic sights and “must-see” attractions , combining them in a full schedule. 

We check into the same hotels to appraise accommodations, cuisine, and service. We provide a complete travel experience , so we cram many awesome activities into our tours. Don’t worry, though, because we leave plenty of room for R&R too.

Top points of interest in Ecuador

One of the smallest on the continent, this country punches well above its weight. It includes a few bonafide superstar attractions that pack our Ecuador tours with bucket-list items.  

Middle of the world monument

Ecuador got its name from its geographic location in the middle of the earth or on the equator. Our Ecuador tours ferry you 19 miles north of the capital to the Middle of the World Monument. It allows visitors to put a foot in the northern and southern hemispheres . 

Modern technology has shown the actual equator is a couple of hundred yards north, where the Intiñan Solar museum now stands. You can perform a few equator-related science experiments and enjoy the interactive exhibits .

Most Ecuador adventure tours feature the second-highest capital city at 9,350ft. The fascinating city of Quito lies on the slopes of a looming volcano called Pichincha to the west. A UNESCO World Heritage site, it remains the center of culture, economy, and political affairs .

The closest capital city to the world’s middle, the views are breathtaking, but so is the altitude. Its foundation dates to the conquistadors and it’s the longest continually-inhabited city in South America.

The city is located in north-central Ecuador in the Andean highlands. Quito’s historic old Spanish colonial center is intact and has a distinct atmosphere, befitting the oldest capital city on the continent.

On our tours of Ecuador, note the skyline dotted with church steeples and spires. Quaint squares, cool parks, a botanical garden, and 16th and 17th century architecture punctuate the landscape.

Located in the south at about 8,400 ft above sea level, it’s the provincial capital and a UNESCO World Heritage city . It’s the third-largest city and the financial hub of the southern highlands.

The city of 330,000 inhabitants sits amongst the Andes with beautiful and well-maintained colonial architecture . Learn more about the people, history, and culture at the impressive Pumapungo Museum, or get yourself a Panama hat from one of the vendors.

On our trips to Ecuador, you could stroll along the Tomebamba riverfront or visit the central plaza in Parque Calderon. Compare the blue-domed Catedral Nueva with its 16th-century predecessor, now a religious museum. 

Take a day trip to El Cajas National Park , where hikers enjoy the evergreen cloud forests. Walk around the dotted lakes and spot condors, alpacas, spectacled bears, or even hummingbirds. This gem is one of the country’s little-known treats . 

Join an Ecuador tour to learn about this city in the South, gateway to the Pacific coast and the Galapagos islands. The most significant metropolis in the country with over 2.7 million inhabitants , it lines the Guayas river and doubles as the main port.

The Malecón 2000 promenade offers a lively, well-patrolled boardwalk. It has views of some of the most iconic landmarks , including the La Rotonda monument. It celebrates the meeting of Simon Bolivar and San Martin, leading to the emancipation of South America from Spain.

Tours in Ecuador explore the large city nicknamed the “ Pearl of the Pacific .” It’s bustling with commerce, culture, architecture, and delicious cuisine. Climb colorful Santa Anna Hill, or explore downtown highlights like the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Municipal Palace. 

Learn more about the city in the Parque Histórico de Guayaquil , which offers different sectors covering wildlife, urban, and traditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to tour Ecuador?

It all depends on what you prefer. June through September are dry and warm, meaning clear views of the stunning mountain and volcano vistas. October through May are wet months with cloudy conditions and fewer crowds.

Is an Ecuador tour worth the effort?

Sure! Ecuador trips are some of the most popular among tourists. The incredible Amazon jungle, the soaring Andes, and the remarkable Galapagos islands make three legitimate international top 10 attractions.

How many days is enough to see Ecuador?

The best Ecuador tours need two weeks to shine light on the incredible variation, covering five days in the highlands, three in the jungle, and six on the islands. 

Is Ecuador affordable to tour?

Ecuador tours are less expensive than most destinations. The cost of living in Ecuador is about half that in the USA, but it’s hardly a budget destination. Accommodation takes up a chunk of your travel budget while food and transport are relatively low. 

What are the main things to do on Ecuador trips?

Spend time checking off a few unique species in the Galapagos, or visit El Coca to launch into the mighty Amazon. You could climb the Cotopaxi volcano or check out Quito's old town in this varied country.

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Galapagos Islands · Ecuador

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Everything that you have dreamt about and imagined is right there. From mating blue-footed boobies to swimming with sea lions! This was our David Attenborough moment, a bucket list destination. Finally, we were able to take the plunge and boy was it worth it. Be brave, be explorers!

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Ecuador Travel guide

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Best time to visit Ecuador

Events and festivals in ecuador, food in ecuador, shopping in ecuador, ecuador tourist attractions.


Avenue of the Volcanoes


Baquerizo Moreno


Cotopaxi National Park


Galapagos Islands


La Loberia Beach


Middle of the World Monument


Pailon del Diablo Waterfall


Papallacta Hot Springs


Ruins of Ingapirca


San Cristobal Island


Santa Cruz Island


The Devil's Nose

More information about ecuador.

Situated on the  equator  in  South America, Ecuador  is known for its tropical rainforests, indigenous culture and it’s the mystical  Galápagos Islands , an isolated volcanic archipelago home to more endemic species than anywhere on earth, and where the giant tortoises live.  Charles Darwin’s  playground, the  Galapagos  have put  Ecuador  on the map as a bucket list destination; a  trip to Ecuador  now tops the lists of most intrepid travelers searching for an adventure tour. On the mainland, you can expect to find charming quintessential colonial architecture, Andean villages and remote Amazonian settlements, where the rainforest is at the heart of local life. 

Choose a  holiday to Ecuador  and you can quench both your thirst for adventure and your desire to unwind; go bird-watching in the  Mindo Cloudforest  or kick-back in a tranquil hilltop village where gracefully restored  haciendas  provide a sublime setting to relax in. The capital city,  Quito,  the second-highest capital city in the world after  La Paz,  is the starting point for most adventures, either into the highlands or out into the  Pacific coast  for a  Galapagos  discovery, although the largest city is  Guayaquil , situated at the mouth of the  River Guayas.   Ecuador  borders it’s larger neighbors of  Peru , to the south ,  and  Colombia  to the north. A non-negotiable stop on any  South American   tour ,  an  Ecuador tour package  is the perfect way to discover the unbeatable biodiversity, stunning natural landscapes and colorful culture of a country famed as the first in the world to recognize the ‘rights of nature’!

History of Ecuador

Ecuador  is known for its  Incan  heritage and many visit the country to uncover legacy and ruins of this once mighty empire, such as the walls of  Ingapirca , a captivating highlight on a  tour of Ecuador.  Despite the fame of the  Incas , other civilizations have left their own influence on modern  Ecuador . A variety of  Amerindian  groups were incorporated into the huge, territory-spanning  Inca Empire  in the  15th-century , but the following century marked the beginning of the  Spanish  colonization of  Ecuador  and the consequential collapse of the mighty  Incas.  Native communities were forced into the labor system and  Quito  was appointment as an important administrative center for the  Spanish Empire . A huge earthquake in  1797  devastated the city of  Riobamba  and its surroundings, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties and dubbed the most powerful historical event ever known in  Ecuador’s  history. In the  19th-century, Ecuador  set the trend for independence in  South America , beginning its struggle in  1820  and finally unifying with the  Republic of Gran Colombia  in  1822,  which was led by the liberator,  Simon Bolivar.   Ecuador  later broke from the republic, becoming its own independent republic in  1830.  

On a  holiday to Ecuador , you’ll notice the diversity of local culture and people, evidence of the complex history which built the country into what it is today. More recent history has been dominated by on-going disputes and conflicts over the  Amazon Basin  with neighboring  Peru,  a struggle which lasted over  100 years  until the signing of a peace treaty in  1998.  A brief  military junta  in the  70s  was followed by the return of democracy in the  80s , with modern  Ecuador  famed for its dedication to wildlife preservation and the protection of the natural environment.

Nature in Ecuador

One of the world’s most biodiverse and species-rich destinations, an  Ecuador holiday  is a dream-come-true for nature lovers. Famously home to the iconic  Galapagos Islands , which attract travelers from across the globe, the  Amazon rainforest  and the  Andes  also offer excellent opportunities to get in touch with nature. Due to its location on the  equator,  there are roughly  12 hours  of sunlight a day throughout the year, with the sun setting at  6 p.m.  and rising again at  6 a.m. , making any time of year the perfect time to embark on a  tour of Ecuador.  

You can even stand with one foot in each hemisphere at the  Middle of the Earth Monument , just outside of the colonial city of  Quito.  Aside from the fascinating  Galapagos , there’s plenty of other natural attractions to whet your appetite for nature.  Cotopaxi National Park , home to the volcano of the same name, the highest active volcano in the world, is filled with fantastic hiking trails and is the perfect destination for exhilarating mountain biking or tranquil horseriding. If you’re looking for something a little more tropical, then the village of  Mindo , nestled in the slopes of the  Andes , is a natural paradise of  cloud forests , waterfalls, butterflies and tropical birds; in fact, it's a bird-watching haven which attracts bird-watchers from across the world! 

Finally,  Cuicocha Lake  is another unmissable natural attraction to discover on a  trip to Ecuador . This ancient crater lake, close to  Otavalo , is filled with bright blue water and dotted with tiny little islands. It was formed over  3000 years ago  by a huge volcanic eruption.

Culture in Ecuador

As diverse as its natural attractions,  Ecuador’s  culture is a fusion of numerous different influences, cultivated by the communities that have settled on its beautiful lands over the centuries.  Spanish  is the official language although  Quechua , known as the ‘living language of the  Incas ’ is widely spoken, particularly in the highlands. Much of the population belong to the  Roman Catholic  church, a remnant of the  Spanish  colonialists who arrived in the  16th-century.  

Although  Latin  culture is predominant, as seen in the music, architecture, and cuisine of  Ecuador , there exist countless remote communities of indigenous peoples, particularly in the wilds of the  Amazon Basin.  Many of these communities practice their own native cultures, such as the  Huaorani  people, who have almost entirely rejected contact with the outside world and, instead, move deeper into the rainforest in a hope to preserve their ways of life. 

Communities like these posses traditional  animistic  worldviews and tend to hunt and gather in order to sustain themselves. If you have the opportunity to explore the  Amazon jungle  on an  Ecuador travel  you may have the chance to get close to and learn about these distinct and unique cultures. 

What could be more exotic than visit  Ecuador?  An exciting and diverse travel destination, a  holiday to Ecuador  is unique in so many ways. From the vast endemic species of the iconic  Galapagos Islands  to the rich tapestry of local culture and the landscapes of towering volcanoes and tropical rainforests, it’s a bucket-list-worthy destination for any intrepid traveler. 

Entry requirements

Minimum of 6 months validity with one passport page. Mandatory travel insurance.

No visa required for stays of up to 90 days

Tourist Office website


Types A and B, 110 V North American type plug

Other useful information

It is mandatory for tourists to carry a valid health insurance policy.

Please consult your doctor regarding the vaccination against yellow fever and malaria prophylaxis. Travellers over 60 years must consult their doctor as the Yellow Fever vaccine can have serious side effects.

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Ecuador Tours & Trips

The snow-covered Cotopaxi volcano is the highest active volcano in the world, and an overnight climb is one of the many adventures available in Ecuador. Another is a visit to the eerie Cloud Forest of Mindo, and not to be missed is a trip to Galapagos Islands .

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250+ ecuador tour packages with 1,238 reviews.

Galápagos Adventure: Snorkelling & Sea Lions Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Galápagos Adventure: Snorkelling & Sea Lions

I absolutely loved everything about this tour. The guide was fantastic and knew everything there is to know about all the wildlife on the islands. The hotels and food and drinks were wonderful. Every day included a fun activity. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who loves adventure!

Galápagos Multisport Tour

  • Ocean Cruise

Galápagos Multisport

The GAdventures App needs updating and is not very well laid out. The trip itself was excellent - made especially memorable by the fantastic group we had. Our CEO was responsive to requests and various tastes and there was never a time that we were waiting for transportation. Accommodation was as expected - clean, friendly

Best of Galapagos Tour

Best of Galapagos

There are a lot of tours to choose from when you are looking at touring in the Galapagos so you need to choose one that is right for you. Best of Galapagos is exactly what it says. We saw everything!!! 10 days was the perfect amount of time to immerse ourselves into everything the islands have to offer. Just brilliant

Galapagos Discovery Tour

Galapagos Discovery

This was an amazing trip to three islands with many things to do! The tour introduced the islands well and out guide Genesis was amazing. Genesis was very hands on and proactive with all the activities and presented equally good energies. I highly recommend this tour with Genesis as a really good group tour with a fun guide!

8 Days Ecuadorian Adventure, Exploring Nature, Culture, and Wonders Tour

8 Days Ecuadorian Adventure, Exploring Nature, Culture, and Wonders

Absolutely memorable experience with Responsible Travel Agency! Their attention to detail and personal approach made my trip unforgettable. From customised itineraries like a small hike in Chimborazo to helpful tips along the way, they went above and beyond to ensure every aspect of the journey was comfortable and also will help if some unexpected changes happen during the trip. Thank you Santiago for a great time and friendly approach for arranging this tour!
  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Ecuador Highlights Tour

Ecuador Highlights

It was an excellent experience, it met all my expectations and much more. The guide was very professional: well informed, patient, always on time, understood and met our needs, friendly and willing to go the extra mile on a daily basis. I will recommend Rafael Arévalo as a guide to my family and friends . Thank you!!!

13 Days Exploring Ecuador: Highlands and Rainforest Tour

13 Days Exploring Ecuador: Highlands and Rainforest

An alle die noch überlegen: Bucht es! Ich habe mit dieser Reise tolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und es war einzigartig. Schon allein die Vielfalt war überwältigend. Von den Besuchen der tollen historischen Altstädte, über die kahlen Landschaften der Vulkane bis hin zum Regenwald, war bei dieser Tour alles dabei. Außerdem war es immer super organisiert und man fühlt sich immer willkommen und gut aufgehoben. Mein Guide, Santiago, war bei Fragen oder Problemen immer zu erreichen und zudem sehr hilfsbereit und freundlich. Ich würde die Reise jedem ans Herz legen und weiterempfehlen.

Looking for tours beyond just Ecuador?

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including Ecuador.

Ecuador Multisport Once in a Life Time Tour

Ecuador Multisport Once in a Life Time

this was a trip of a lifetime. I really would recommend it to all active travelers.

6 Day Ecuador Multisport Tour

6 Day Ecuador Multisport

We had an amazing trip! Alirio was an incredible guide and all the excursions and hotels were well planned and unique. Somehow every day seemed better and better! My husband and I fell in love with Ecuador and would highly recommend this tour!

Ecuador: Amazon, Hot Springs & Volcanoes National Geographic Journeys Tour

Ecuador: Amazon, Hot Springs & Volcanoes National Geographic Journeys

This is a relaxed yet full itinery, a great introduction to Equador , accomadation , guides, varied landscapes, with insights culture , surperb trip by Gadventured.

Ultimate Galapagos Islands Adventure Tour

Ultimate Galapagos Islands Adventure

The guides were terrific, very educational and entertaining. We loved the ability to stay at 4 of the different islands, and have an ocean view from every room! We got to see and do so much! I was never board, snorkeling, biking, watching and learning about the animals and environment, hiking, kayaking, etc…. It was great that the agenda was flexible. Having the agenda changed to enable us to be able to participate in all activities instead of having to pick and choose was fantastic! We were excited to find out we could snorkel the tuneles and hike the volcano. The food was fantastic, they were able to accommodate my gluten allergy every we went. All the local restaurants we very good at accommodating allergies as well as giving us a fantastic variety of local delicious foods. All in all it was an amazing trip that I definitely recommend!

Affordable Galapagos 8 Days Tour Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

Affordable Galapagos 8 Days Tour

Just wanted to share that our trip to the Galapagos Islands was fantastic. Everything worked out seamlessly! The hotels and the tours recommended by Guidecuador were excellent! Hotel locations in particular were ideal. We did all as promised, especially the awesome snorkeling with sharks and pinguins, that experience was very special for us. Also, the communication with the staff was very easy for us too. It was nice that we could all check out the daily plan at any time, and be able to pull up all the vouchers and tickets Thank you again Sofia and Alejandro from Guidecuador for making our bucket list place tour an unforgettable lifetime experience. We will definitely go back to you guys in our next trip to Latin America.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Magical Galapagos (5 Days) Tour

Magical Galapagos (5 Days)

Great experience, loved every bit

Tailor-Made Private Ecuador Vacation with Daily Departure Tour

Tailor-Made Private Ecuador Vacation with Daily Departure

We had a wonderful trip! Ivan was an excellent guide! He shared his wealth of knowledge about everywhere we visited. He was professional, kind and patient with us. We would highly recommend this tour and Ivan!

Galapagos Experience: 5 days Tour

Galapagos Experience: 5 days

  • €134 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

What people love about Ecuador Tours

This was a great experience if you are looking for a little adventure! It is not a luxury, relaxing vacation, but has a good mix of exciting experiences, eating good food, waking up early to travel to new stops, and some time to chill and interact with other travelers.
This tour is intended for people who are physically fit,able to walk 6 kilometers a day, love to kayak/snorkel/swim/bike, and still have plenty of energy to enjoy the wildlife. I cannot cope up with the group, but luckily our CEO offered me options like museum visit, tour to Tntoreras. I still was able yo see all the wildlife I need to see exvept the cormorant. I did not expect to stay in a 5 star hotel. I find the accommodation suitable enough for my needs: comfortable bed, air condition, water, electricity, wifi. Special thanks to Sandra, CEO. She is one of the best tour guides I met in my years of travel. She is a great listener and teacher. She was born in Santa Cruz. She knows Galapagos like the palm of her hand.

Ecuador Destinations

  • Galapagos Islands (363)
  • Pacific (356)
  • Andes Mountains (232)
  • Ecuador Andean Highlands (144)
  • Avenue of the Volcanoes (125)
  • Amazonian Basin (96)
  • Cotopaxi National Park (42)
  • Cayambe Coca National Park (16)
  • Yasuni National Park (12)
  • Amazonian Region Ecuador (39)
  • Amazon Rainforest (34)

Travel Styles

  • Small Group (230)
  • Budget (125)
  • Luxury (62)
  • Singles and Solo (405)
  • For Couples (67)
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  • Personalized (172)
  • Private (114)
  • In-depth Cultural (93)
  • Ocean Cruise (74)
  • Sailing (62)
  • Hiking & Trekking (55)
  • Self-Guided (22)
  • Bicycle (9)
  • Intl. Flights Included (9)
  • River Cruise (9)
  • 3 Day Tours (37)
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  • June 2025 (196)
  • July 2025 (184)
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  • September 2025 (167)
  • October 2025 (173)
  • November 2025 (175)

Ecuador Tours starting in

  • Starting in Quito (276)
  • Starting in Baltra Island (112)
  • Starting in San Cristóbal Island (35)
  • Starting in Galapagos Islands (11)
  • Starting in Guayaquil (9)
  • Starting in Santa Cruz Island (8)
  • Ecuador Travel Guide | All You Need to Know

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Guided Tours of Ecuador & Private Ecuador Tour Packages 2024 & 2025

Ecuador only tours, authentic, immersive & inspiring guided ecuador tour package itineraries for 2024 & 2025, multi-country tours, from the majestic amazon rainforest to the highest peaks of the andes, our guided ecuadorian tour packages pack a punch, start your journey here.

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Ecuador is home to the highest active volcano in the world – Cotopaxi. If that’s not intriguing enough, our feature-rich Ecuador Adventure Tours give you the opportunity to hike up this historical landmark. Our Ecuador private tours are tailor-made to ensure you get the most out of your trip and truly experience the unique historical attractions of exquisite Ecuador. Our luxury guided tours of Ecuador create a tailor-made plan that guarantees you are relaxed, safe and relishing all the wonders the country offers.

If you crave adventure on your tour to Ecuador, you must check out our Ecuador Adventure Tours, which delivers unique experiences, exploring this beautiful country with our expertly curated tours in Ecuador, allowing you to truly embrace the culture. It’s time to park the car and experience the life of many local tribes with the backdrop of breathtaking waterfalls and mesmerising scenes. We guarantee our Ecuador Adventure Tours will offer a jammed-packed itinerary that brings you on an unforgettable journey making your Ecuador Tour an unforgettable lifetime experience. Looking for adventure elsewhere on another escorted tour in South America ? Check our guided tours to Peru , Colombia private tour packages , guided tours in Costa Rica and Galapagos islands small boat tours .

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Widely renowned as the leading Ecuador tour operator in the region. When you book a tour to Ecuador with us, you are guaranteed to feel safe, secure and comfortable throughout. We take your guided tour of Ecuador as seriously as you do, and we aim to allow you to experience the unique wonders of the country in the safest, most secure and carefully curated way possible, giving you a luxurious experience with our Ecuador escorted tours.

 We are the best tour operator Ecuador offers for good reason; our attention to detail is unsurpassed in the industry. We thrive on the satisfaction of our customers, ensuring you experience the wonders of your Ecuador vacation. Book a guided Ecuador tour today and relish in the culture-soaked marvels of your private Ecuador tour. Experience majestic art museums or soak up the vibrancy of the capital city of Quito. Our unique escorted tours to Ecuador will provide memories of Latin America's most beguiling aspects. For the more adventurous and intrepid travellers please check out our guided tours to Antarctica , Amazon rainforest tour packages and South America adventure tour packages .

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Mexico will not ask Ecuador ambassador to leave country, top diplomat says

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Police and military officials stand outside the Flagrancy Unit, where former Ecuador Vice President Jorge Glas is believed to be detained, in Quito

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The Americas

Mexico severs ties with ecuador after a late-night raid on its embassy.

A Martínez headshot

Eyder Peralta

Mexico has severed diplomatic ties with Ecuador, after a Friday night police raid on its embassy in the capital Quito.


Ecuador's late-night raid on the Mexican Embassy in the capital, Quito, has led to diplomatic uproar between the two countries. Now, late Friday night, fully armed Ecuadorian police breached the doors of the Mexican Embassy to detain the former Ecuadorian vice president, who was taking refuge there. NPR's Eyder Peralta has been following the story from Mexico City. So this diplomatic fallout started with that late-night raid. Take us through all the details.

EYDER PERALTA, BYLINE: So, you know, diplomats are supposed to solve things with words, so this is as serious a diplomatic scuffle as it gets. This had been building for days. Mexico seemed intent on offering the former vice president of Ecuador political asylum, and Ecuador seemed intent on not letting the former vice president, Jorge Glas, out of the country. So in the days before the raid, security forces surrounded the Mexican Embassy in Quito, and on Friday night, they made their move. That meant that security forces in full riot gear stormed the embassy. Roberto Canseco, the head of the consular section at the Mexican Embassy, actually tried to physically stop them, and then he ran after the cars that took the former VP out of the embassy, and he was thrown to the ground. He said, quote, "they came in like criminals."


ROBERTO CANSECO: (Speaking Spanish).

PERALTA: And you can hear him there. He's distraught. He's saying, "this is not possible. This is madness. I'm worried because they might kill him." Very shortly thereafter, the Mexican president broke diplomatic ties with Ecuador, and he ordered his diplomats to come back home. The whole staff flew in yesterday afternoon.

MARTÍNEZ: It sounds like an espionage movie, just like some thriller.


MARTÍNEZ: I mean, so, OK, Jorge Glas. Who is Jorge Glas, and why would Ecuador risk this to arrest him?

PERALTA: He's the former VP who served under President Rafael Correa, and these men are part of the left wing of Ecuadorian politics, but former vice president Jorge Glas was convicted of corruption in 2017, and he served four years in prison. He was released, but Ecuadorian authorities issued another arrest warrant alleging further corruption, and this past December, he sought refuge at the Mexican Embassy, and that's when all of this starts. The Ecuadorian government says he's a criminal and that they will not let any criminal go free. And the Mexican government seems to believe that this is part of a purge of left-wing politicians in Ecuador.

The now-former Mexican ambassador to Ecuador almost broke down in tears at the airport here yesterday. She said Ecuador's current government, quote, "improvises and is alien to the art of politics and the importance of asylum to Mexico and Ecuador," and she has a point here. Mexico has offered refuge to all kinds of people throughout history, from Leon Trotsky to Jose Marti to the Shah of Iran, and so has Ecuador. They famously gave refuge to Julian Assange in their embassy in London.

MARTÍNEZ: Yeah. All right. So what's done is done, but how seriously is this abuse of diplomatic protocols being taken not just by Mexico, but in the region and beyond?

PERALTA: Mexico's foreign ministry said that the raid of its embassy was, quote, "a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention," which does prohibit states from violating diplomatic premises. And while you can see this as a spat between a leftist Mexican government and the center-right government of Ecuador, the condemnation has been broad. The U.S., the U.N., a mix of left- and right-wing governments in Latin America, they have all stood with Mexico. And Mexico says that today, it will file a case with the International Court of Justice.

MARTÍNEZ: All right. That's NPR's Eyder Peralta in Mexico City. Thank you very much.

PERALTA: Thank you, A.


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El Comercio E10-93 y La Razón. Edif.: Gutierrez 2º piso. Atras de Quicentro Norte.

Guayaquil: (04) 60 33 777

Joaquin Orrantia y Leopoldo Benítez, Edif.: Trade Building. Mezanine 11. Junto a Mall del Sol.

Horarios de Atención

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Este paquete.


(02) 60 44 095


(04) 60 33 777

Centroamérica - México | HOTELES EN México | Qué hacer en México | Paquetes Turísticos - Viajes de familia - Temporada Baja - Copa Airlines




México un país que ofrece ilimitadas posibilidades para sus visitantes, una amplia cultura, naturaleza, playas, hospitalidad y la sonrisa amistosa que caracteriza a su gente. Estos factores hacen que nuestros visitantes queden atrapados en la Magia de México , que hace que la gente regrese una y otra vez para descubrir siempre cosas nuevas. Seguramente, nuestros visitantes encontrarán lo que buscan en festivales coloridos, sitios históricos, montañas maravillosas, playas, deliciosa comida exótica, el mundialmente famoso tequila y mezcal, y la famosa música de Mariachis. Solcaribe, abre las puertas de México para descubrir la riqueza y el esplendor que dejaron; Aztecas, Mayas, Olmecas, Zapotecas, Toltecas y muchas otras civilizaciones, que definitivamente marcaron nuestras propias raíces y crearon lo que es México hoy. Con nosotros descubrirás todas las maravillas que ofrecen las Culturas Coloniales en las diferentes ciudades Mexicanas. De hecho, puede que necesites años para descubrir México ... Su naturaleza, su flora y su fauna, las majestuosas Sierras Madres, sus volcanes, sus bosques tropicales, sus desiertos, lagunas, lagos y ríos, el Océano Pacífico, el Golfo de México, el mar de Cortés y el mar Caribe. Disfrútalo solo por Solcaribe.  

TOUR DE 3 NOCHES A MÉXICO SALIDAS 2024 ¡Reserva inmediata  hasta agotar stock! Oferta aplica para viajar desde el 03 de Enero hasta el 31 de Diciembre del 2024 Tarifa requiere compra anticipada de 22 días


Boleto aéreo Quito o Guayaquil - México - Quito o Guayaquil vía COPA AIRLINES 1 equipaje de mano de hasta 10 kg + Objeto personal Traslado  aeropuerto - hotel - aeropuerto 3 Noches   de alojamiento en Ciudad de México en HOTEL A SU ELECCIÓN Plan desayunos diarios México city tour Transporte en unidades con aire acondicionado durante todo el recorrido Guías profesionales durante todo el recorrido Impuestos y Tasas de Aeropuertos.


Fechas de vuelos, seleccionar plan, seleccionar hotel, seleccionar salida, cantidad de habitaciones, número de adultos, número de niños ( 2 - 11 años), precios por personas, salidas más económicas del año.

  • Salidas del 1 may al 1 may del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 1 may al 1 may del 2024 --> $ 953
  • Salidas del 6 may al 22 may del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 6 may al 22 may del 2024 --> $ 953
  • Salidas del 27 may al 14 jun del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 27 may al 14 jun del 2024 --> $ 953
  • Salidas del 14 oct al 26 oct del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 oct al 26 oct del 2024 --> $ 953
  • Salidas del 16 ago al 9 oct del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 16 ago al 9 oct del 2024 --> $ 953
  • Salidas del 27 abr al 30 abr del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 27 abr al 30 abr del 2024 --> $ 964
  • Salidas del 16 ago al 9 oct del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 16 ago al 9 oct del 2024 --> $ 900
  • Salidas del 14 oct al 26 oct del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 14 oct al 26 oct del 2024 --> $ 900
  • Salidas del 1 may al 1 may del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 1 may al 1 may del 2024 --> $ 900
  • Salidas del 6 may al 22 may del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 6 may al 22 may del 2024 --> $ 900
  • Salidas del 27 may al 14 jun del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 27 may al 14 jun del 2024 --> $ 900
  • Salidas del 27 abr al 30 abr del 2024 HOTEL REGENTE CITY 3* - Valores aplican para habitacion triple Del 27 abr al 30 abr del 2024 --> $ 911

NO INCLUYE .scc-tooltip + .tooltip > .tooltip-inner {background-color: #224099;}

Gastos no especificados en el programa como Lavandería, Teléfono, etc. Propinas a guias, choferes, maleteros, meseros, etc. Comidas no especificadas en el programa. SOLCARIBE CARE con cobertura de hasta 50.000 USD para asistencia al viajero y cancelación de viaje de hasta 600 USD  


Se requiere los nombres y número de PASAPORTE de los pasajeros. COPIA DE LOS PASAPORTES Realizar  Abono de 700 USD   por persona para garantizar la reserva. El saldo del tour se deberá cancelar por lo menos 30 días antes de la fecha de viaje.  

Reservas desde Quito y Guayaquil con Copa Airlines en clase "L" Económica Basic . Aplica suplemento de no existir disponibilidad en la clase indicada. Precios referenciales por persona, sujetos a cambios al momento de confirmar la reserva y dependen de la disponibilidad de las aerolineas.  Acomodación en Triple es en base a dos camas Pasajero viajando solo, aplica suplemento de traslados Check in en los hoteles es partir de las 15H00 PM y check out a las 12H00 PM Niños de 2 a 11 Años y 11 meses a la fecha de viaje, acompañados con 2 adultos. Precios no aplican para grupos, feriados, eventos o congresos. El itinerario previsto está sujeto a cambios dependiendo de diferentes factores climáticos, políticos, de seguridad, etc. La agencia no se responsabiliza por inadmisiones en destino y aplica 100% de gastos en caso de deportación.  


tour mexico ecuador

Hotel Regente City

Las habitaciones del Hotel Regente City est&aac ... ute;n decoradas en tonos negros, blancos y rojos, son elegantes, funcionales, y con los suelos laminados. Tienen baño completo, aire acondicionado, calefacción, TV por cable, acceso a Internet de alta velocidad y caja fuerte. Sus 139 confortables habitaciones entre las cuales se incluyen 3 Jr. Suites y 2 Suites Presidenciales, lo harán sentir en casa. Cuenta con Habitaciones Sencillas, Dobles, King Size, Junior Suites y Suites. Servicios: El hotel ofrece Servicio de recepción las 24 horas , Servicios de concierge, Servicio de limusina, Servicio de tintorería, Lavandería, Periódicos gratuitos en el lobby, Resguardo de equipaje, Portero o botones Instalaciones: El hotel dispone de Restaurante (buffet), Terraza, Gimnasio, Zona de fumadores, Aire acondicionado, Calefacción, Alquiler de coches, Caja fuerte, Ascensor, Suite nupcial, Habitaciones con servicios VIP, Adaptado personas de movilidad reducida, Habitaciones no fumadores.

tour mexico ecuador

Hotel Royal Reforma

El Hotel Royal Reforma es una opción ide ... al para sus negocios y viajes de placer. El hotel en reforma se encuentra ubicado entre 3 de las más importantes arterias de la ciudad, el Paseo de la Reforma, Avenida Insurgente y Avenida Chapultepec, en la zona donde se conjugan los centros financieros, de entretenimiento y comerciales más importantes de la Ciudad de México.  La ubicación de nuestro hotel en reforma se encuentra a solo unos minutos del Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez, entre el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México y el Bosque de Chapultepec.  En la Zona Rosa y cerca de ella usted puede disfrutar del sabor cosmopolita de la gran Ciudad de México. Tiendas, boutiques, los más importantes  corporativos y restaurantes del más alto nivel, museos mundialmente famosos como el Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia, el Museo de Arte Moderno, el Bosque de Chapultepec y, a una corta distancia, por el deslumbrante Paseo de la Reforma encontrará el Centro Histórico, sin rival en Latinoamérica. Cuenta con sus 162 habitaciones. Servicios: Tv con Cable, Mesa de trabajo, jacuzzi, secadora de cabello, caja de seguridad. Instalaciones: 3 Restaurantes, 1 Piscina, Gimnasio, área de vapor, Centro de Negocios, Salones de Eventos. Restaurantes: Tezka, Primavera, Terraza Bar.

tour mexico ecuador

Hotel Hampton Inn & Suites México City

Hospédate en el corazón del centr ... o de la Ciudad de México. Estamos en el corazón del centro de la Ciudad de México, a menos de una milla del Palacio Nacional y el Templo Mayor, y a dos cuadras del Zócalo. Explore la Catedral Metropolitana, el Palacio de Minería y el Palacio de Bellas Artes, todos a solo una milla de nosotros. El Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México está a cinco millas de nuestra puerta. Disfruta de nuestro gimnasio, desayuno caliente gratis y wifi gratis. Instalaciones: Restaurante, Gimnasio, Centro de negocios, sala de reuniones. Servicios: Wifi gratis, conserje. Restaurantes:  Desayuno gratis.

tour mexico ecuador

Hotel Galería Plaza Reforma

Ubicado en la zona financiera, con conectividad ... inmediata a las principales avenidas de la Ciudad de México, Galería Plaza Reforma es ideal para juntas de negocios, congresos y eventos sociales. Nuestras modernas instalaciones fueron diseñadas para brindarle la mejor experiencia durante su estancia con amenidades que lo harán sentir como en casa. Servicios: Escritorio, silla HM, estación multicontactos, baño privado, aire acondicionado, internet, TV, minibar, teléfono, radio, plancha, caja de seguridad, secador de pelo. Instalaciones: Piscina en el Penthouse, Centro de Negocios, 2 bares, 2 restaurantes.

tour mexico ecuador

Barceló México Reforma

El hotel Barceló México Reforma se encuentra en Ciudad de M&e ... acute;xico. Cuenta con piscina climatizada, centro de spa, centro de fitness, restaurante a la carta y aparcamiento privado. Instalaciones: Las habitaciones disponen de TV de pantalla plana por cable, escritorio, caja fuerte, cafetera y baño privado con artículos de aseo gratuitos y secador de pelo. El Barcelo Mexico Reforma proporciona WiFi gratuita en todas las zonas. Cuenta con peluquería, agencia de viajes, varias tiendas y recepción 24 horas. Con 505 habitaciones perfectamente acondicionadas, este hotel recientemente remodelado, es capaz de sorprender al huésped desde su llegada, gracias a un excelente servicio al detalle. Su gastronomía selecta, su centro fitness y su zona Wellness permiten a los amantes del lujo disfrutar al máximo en una ciudad llena de posibilidades. Spa y gimnasio: De los más exclusivos de Ciudad de México. Cuenta con 6 salas de masaje, vapor, sauna, 3 bañeras de hidromasaje y una sala de belleza con los servicios más completos. El Barcelo Mexico Reforma está a 600 metros del mercado de La Ciudadela y a 800 metros del Museo de Bellas Artes. El aeropuerto más cercano es el de Benito Juárez, situado a 7 km del Barcelo Mexico Reforma.

tour mexico ecuador

Sheraton María Isabel

El Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel está muy bien situado en el coraz&oac ... ute;n del distrito financiero de la ciudad de México, en el Paseo de la Reforma, justo enfrente del monumento Ángel de la Independencia, y ofrece piscina al aire libre y restaurante. Además, hay conexión Wi-Fi. Instalaciones: todas las habitaciones cuentan con aire acondicionado, minibar y canales por cable. Las camas disponen de un afelpado colchón de diseño personalizado, edredón y almohadas mullidas. El baño es amplio y elegante e incluye bañera o ducha. También hay escritorio, caja fuerte y utensilios de planchado.Alberga una pista de tenis y un centro de fitness. Jorongo, el bar del hotel, ofrece música mariachi en vivo. Restaurante: el Ristorante Amici, el galardonado restaurante del Sheraton Maria Isabel, está especializado en cocina italiana.


DESDE QUITO Quito (UIO) - México (MEX)              CM 153 / 148   SALIDA 04H45 AM     LLEGADA 11H35 AM México (MEX) - Quito (UIO)             CM 135 / 211   SALIDA 16H32 PM     LLEGADA 23H37 PM DESDE GUAYAQUIL Guayaquil (GYE) - México (MEX)     CM 300 / 120   SALIDA 06H11 AM     LLEGADA 13H01 PM México (MEX) - Guayaquil (GYE)     CM 135 / 301   SALIDA 16H32 PM     LLEGADA 23H59 PM Los horarios de los  vuelos son referenciales , están sujetos a cambios y se confirmaran 24 horas antes de la salida. Es obligación de todos los pasajeros reconfirmar sus horarios de vuelo 24 horas antes de su salida, llamando a nuestro PBX QUITO Matriz (02) 3822 490 - Sector Portugal (02) 4772 920 - Valle de los Chillos (02) 3822 490 / GUAYAQUIL (04) 6055 555 y revisar su correo electrónico para notificaciones que la aerolinea requiera informar.  


1 equipaje de mano de 10 kg incluido UNA maleta de 23 kg peso máximo con cargo adicional de 45 USD por trayecto, a pagar al momento del check in en la aerolínea.Valor referencial sujeto a cambios según las políticas de franquicia de equipaje de la aerolinea.

DÍA 01 LLEGADA A CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Vuelo desde Ecuador y arribo al Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México, recepción y bienvenida por nuestro personal en destino. Durante el traslado al Hotel el guía dará indicaciones acerca de los recorridos. Registro en el hotel. Alojamiento. DÍA 02 MÉXICO CITY TOUR Después del desayuno incluido, iniciaremos el Tour de la ciudad visitando el centro histórico; patrimonio cultural de la humanidad, así como el Palacio Nacional y sus bellos murales, obra del gran muralista Diego Rivera, la Plaza de la Constitución o Zócalo, el Templo Mayor Azteca y la Catedral Metropolitana así como sus principales avenidas, posteriormente visitaremos el bosque de Chapultepec y una de las zonas residenciales mas famosas así como la Zona Rosa. Regreso al hotel y resto del día libre. DÍA 03 DIA LIBRE Después del desayuno incluido puedes disfrutar de los encantos de la ciudad. DÍA 04 AEROPUERTO DE CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – ECUADOR Desayuno incluido, a la hora indicada saldremos al Aeropuerto de México para tomar vuelo con destino a Ecuador. FIN DE NUESTROS SERVICIOS.  


No tener ningún impedimento para abandonar el país  CONSULTAR   (Clic) Ecuatorianos con Visa Americana No requieren visa Mexicana Ecuatorianos: VISA MEXICANA con Pasaporte vigente  que no expire en los próximos 7 Meses  a la fecha de viaje. Requisitos para obtener Visa Mexicana ( Aquí ) Citas para obtener Visa Mexicana ( Aquí ) Declaración Jurada para Ecuador: Los pasajeros deben completar la "Declaración de salud del viajero" y debe ser presentado a la llegada. El formulario se encuentra en el siguiente enlace: Declaración Extranjeros: Consultar en todos los casos. Menores de edad: Permiso notariado (original) firmado por los padres para abandonar el país. Mujeres embarazadas: Podrán viajar máximo hasta los 5 meses de gestación con certificado médico.  


Se puede pagar en Efectivo, Cheque, Transferencia Bancaria O con tarjetas de crédito DINERS CLUB, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS  


º Si por cualquier motivo se cambia o se da de baja la reserva, el importe total no será reembolsado en ningún caso. º En caso de que los pasajeros no se presenten a tomar el tour o no puedan viajar por cualquier motivo, serán considerados  NO SHOW y aplicará 100% de penalidad , quedando sin efecto cualquier tipo de reembolso. º Para los pasajeros que han adquirido nuestro seguro de asistencia al viajero SOLCARIBE CARE y no puedan viajar por un motivo específico (*Verificar causales) , deberán informar de manera obligatoria con 48 horas de anticipación antes de iniciar el viaje como mínimo, para que se active la cobertura de cancelación de viaje. (Ver condiciones)

Cotizar -->

Salidas: 2024 Enero a Diciembre

Temporada: Temporada Baja

Tipo de Viaje: Viajes de familia

Tipo de paquete: Paquetes Turísticos

Aplica precios: Desde: 29-01-2024 Hasta: 15-12-2024

Aerolinea: Copa Airlines

Solcaribe CARE

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Enero a Diciembre

Ofertas Sugeridas en México






Copa Airlines

Disfruta de un increíble viaje a Méxic o con 3 noches espectaculares conociendo la ciudad de México y disfrutando de la Basílica de Guadalupe y las famosas pirámides de Teotihuacán.






Viaje a México DF y disfrute de la visita a la Basílica de Guadalupe . Conozca los sabores, colores y la alegría de esta maravillosa cultura. Solo por Solcaribe.




Un fantástico tour a la ciudad de México especialmente diseñado para que disfrutes de la ciudad a tu manera, a tu tiempo y en tus horarios. Disfruta de este bello país lleno de cultura e historia. Solo por Solcaribe.





Fantástico tour de 7 noches visitando México , Taxco, Puebla, Cholula y Coyoacán. Realmente te sorprenderá la cultura e historia que puedes admirar en este maravilloso viaje. Disfrútalo solo por Solcaribe.



Aprovecha tus vacaciones y visita Panamá Ciudad y Playa, la oportunidad perfecta para ir de Shopping, ir de excursión al Canal y disfrutar las atractivas playas Panameñas, sólo por Solcaribe.




Febrero a Diciembre


Latam Ecuador

Un viaje a Galápagos de oferta para disfrutar de las Islas encantadas a bordo del Catamarán EcoGalaxy, uno de los mejores de su clase.



Disfruta del encanto de México una ciudad apasionante para conocer y descubrir toda su riqueza cultural y ancestral, así como su gastronomía y su música que realmente son un tesoro del mundo.

Otros Destinos cerca de: México Acapulco   - Guadalajara   - Guatemala   - Huatulco   - Los Cabos   - Mazatlán   - México   - Panamá Ciudad   - Panamá Ciudad y Playa   - Panamá Playa   - Puerto Vallarta   -

Mexico releases footage of Ecuador police storming its embassy in Quito

The raid spurred criticism as being a violation of international law as Ecuador sought to arrest a former vice president.

Daniel Noboa walks through a room surrounded by armed security forces.

Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released footage of the police raid on its embassy in Quito, Ecuador, calling the law enforcement action an “unauthorised and violent break-in”.

In an accompanying statement on Tuesday, published both in Spanish and English, the ministry blasted Ecuador for violating international accords protecting embassies from law enforcement interference.

Keep reading

Amid diplomatic spat, mexico grants former ecuadorian vice president asylum, mexico suspends ties with ecuador after police raid embassy, latin american countries condemn ecuador raid on mexico embassy.

“The world witnessed the violence, abuse and mistreatment of our Mexican personnel at the hands of the Ecuadorian police and the violation of the immunity of our embassy in Ecuador,” the statement said.

“Mexico will bring these violations of international law to the international courts and tribunals with the support of friendly countries.”

The video captured Friday’s successful attempt to arrest former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought refuge within the embassy walls after being convicted on corruption-related charges.

Clips show Ecuadorian police gathering outside the walls of the embassy late at night, with one officer scaling the barrier, gun in hand.

Then the footage cuts to security cameras inside the embassy, where police burst in through the door and point a gun at Mexican diplomat Roberto Canseco, who attempts to block their path.

Canseco is later shown being thrown to the ground outside the embassy, as he tries to prevent law enforcement vehicles from leaving the property with Glas.

During his daily news conference on Tuesday, outgoing Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador addressed the footage. He reiterated the foreign ministry’s warning that the storming of the embassy would have consequences in international court.

“Mexico is an independent and sovereign country, and we will not allow anyone’s meddling in it,” he told reporters.

▶️ The world witnessed the violence, abuse and mistreatment of our Mexican personnel at the hands of the Ecuadorian police, and the violation of the immunity of our embassy in Ecuador. Mexico will bring these violations of international law to the international courts and… pic.twitter.com/rLAOOS3EnZ — Relaciones Exteriores (@SRE_mx) April 9, 2024

Tense relations

The police raid ruptured the already tenuous relationship between Ecuador and Mexico.

On Friday night, in the wake of the raid, Mexico officially severed diplomatic ties with Ecuador, recalling its diplomatic staff from Quito.

Over the weekend, Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Relations Alicia Barcena said the employees came home “with their heads held high”, posting pictures and praising “the defence they made of our sovereignty”.

Tensions between the two countries started to simmer last week after President Lopez Obrador commented on Ecuador’s recent presidential elections.

He suggested that media scrutiny over the assassination of an Ecuadorian presidential candidate helped tip the outcome of the race last year.

Those comments led to Ecuador naming Mexico’s ambassador, Raquel Serur Smeke, a “persona non grata” in the country. In her absence, Canseco became the highest-ranking official at the Mexican Embassy.

While the spat over the election comments was unfolding, the Mexican Foreign Ministry issued a statement offering political asylum to Glas, who had been sheltering in the embassy since December.

Glas was one of the many Latin American politicians caught up in the Odebrecht corruption scandal , named for a Brazilian construction company.

He and other officials across the region were accused of accepting bribes in exchange for inking favourable government contracts with the company. Glas, for example, faced allegations of pocketing $13.5m in bribes.

He was convicted twice in relation to the corruption scandal: once in 2017, for which he was sentenced to six years in prison, and once in 2020, resulting in an additional eight-year sentence.

But Glas, who served in the left-wing government of former President Rafael Correa, has repeatedly alleged he is a victim of political persecution.

Before Friday’s police raid, the Mexican Foreign Ministry warned that police had started to gather outside its embassy walls in Ecuador. Police in the country have long sought to enter the embassy and arrest Glas.

A protester in Mexico holds up a sign that says, "Noboa Fascista."

International outcry

International law, like the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, protects embassies and consulates as spaces off limits to local law enforcement.

That principle — often known as the “rule of inviolability” — allows for diplomatic affairs to be conducted without police or military interference.

But it has also been used to protect figures seeking to dodge prosecution or other threats they might face in a given country.

On Tuesday, United States National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan joined in the international condemnation of the Quito embassy raid, referencing the newly released footage from a White House podium.

“We’ve reviewed the security camera footage from the Mexican embassy and believe these actions were wrong,” he said.

“The Ecuadorian government disregarded its obligations under international law as a host state to respect the inviolability of diplomatic missions and jeopardised the foundation of basic diplomatic norms and relationships.”

He added that the US has “asked Ecuador to work with Mexico to find a resolution to this diplomatic dispute”.

The Organisation of American States (OAS) is scheduled to hold a meeting on the embassy raid on Wednesday in Washington, DC, something Sullivan said the White House welcomed.

But on Tuesday, Mexican President Obrador expressed frustration with the US, as well as Canada, calling their statements on the matter lukewarm and “ambiguous”.

“We are neighbours. But their position was very undefined,” he said.

Ecuador’s President Daniel Noboa, meanwhile, has defended his country’s actions.

“Ecuador is a country of peace and justice, which respects all nations and international law,” he wrote in a statement posted on social media on Monday.

For his part, Glas returned to prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on Tuesday after a brief hospital stay : He had reportedly been refusing to eat after his arrest.

Here's why Ecuador raided the Mexican Embassy, sparking a diplomatic row

Mexico suspends bilateral relations after ex-ecuador vp seeking asylum is arrested.

Police officers in riot gear attempt to break into a gated and fenced area with a battering ram.

Social Sharing

Mexico abruptly suspended bilateral relations with Ecuador in an escalating diplomatic dispute, after Ecuador's police forced their way into the Mexican Embassy in the capital Quito to arrest a former vice-president on graft charges.

Why did Ecuador raid Mexican Embassy?

Heavily armed and balaclava-clad police broke into the Mexican Embassy in Quito late Friday night to arrest Jorge Glas, Ecuador's former leftist vice-president who is wanted on graft charges.

Glas has been living at the embassy since December after requesting asylum in Mexico, which was only granted on Friday.

Ecuador, which asked for Mexico's permission to enter the embassy at the start of March to detain Glas, contends the asylum offer was illegal because under international law, people facing charges should not be granted asylum.

Armed police officers and military personnel gather outside a building.

Mexico, whose president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, immediately suspended relations with Ecuador after the raid, has said it closely studied Glas's case.

The arrest capped a week of growing tensions between the two Latin American countries, after Quito declared the Mexican ambassador persona non grata , citing "unfortunate" comments by leftist López Obrador.

  • Ecuador in 'internal armed conflict' after gang leader's prison escape, president says

The Mexican president had compared election-related violence in the two countries, alleging the murder of Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio last year was unfairly tied to the leftist candidate in the race, who subsequently lost.

López Obrador further blamed what he said was corrupt media for what he described as election manipulation. The media have been a frequent target of the president's ire during his nearly six years in office.

Who is Jorge Glas, and what charges is he facing?

Glas, who was vice-president during the government of Rafael Correa between 2013 and 2017, has been convicted twice in corruption cases and is now facing fresh charges of misuse of public resources.

He was first sentenced to six years in prison in late 2017 after a court found him guilty of taking bribes from Brazilian construction company Odebrecht in return for handing the scandal-choked firm's state contracts.

Glas, 54, was convicted again in 2020 of using money from contractors to fund campaigns for Correa's political movement and received an eight-year sentence.

A person gestures while speaking.

Correa, who has lived in Belgium since he left office, was convicted in the same case.

Both men have long alleged that the charges are politically motivated, an accusation prosecutors have denied.

Glas served more than four years in prison before being released in 2022, only to be jailed again the same year after a court ruled he needed to serve the remainder of his sentences — although his lawyers had requested he serve them concurrently and benefit from parole.

People raise their fist and shout at a balcony.

He was last released in November 2022, but Glas faces new charges of misusing funds collected to aid reconstruction of coastal Manabi province after a devastating 2016 earthquake.

His lawyers in December appealed a judge's decision to send him back to prison, arguing his life could be in danger, but it was denied.

What has been the regional reaction?

On Saturday, governments across the political spectrum in Latin America — including Brazil and Colombia on the left, and Argentina and Uruguay on the right — sharply criticized the arrest of Glas.

Brazil's government condemned Ecuador's move as a "clear violation" of international norms prohibiting such a raid on a foreign embassy, while Argentina called for compliance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

What's next?

Mexico's Foreign Affairs Ministry said it will file a complaint with the United Nations' International Court of Justice, while the government of leftist Colombian President Gustavo Petro said it will seek human rights protections for Glas from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, saying his right to asylum was "barbarously violated."

The Washington-based Organization of American States said a session of the body's permanent council will be convened to discuss the need for strict compliance with international treaties.

Mexico and Ecuador embroiled in diplomatic crisis following Quito Embassy invasion

  • Omar Duwaji

Mexico has severed ties and recalled its ambassador to Ecuador following that country’s invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito. The attack on the embassy resulted in the arrest of the Ecuador’s former vice president, Jorge Glas. Host Carolyn Beeler speaks with Sebastian Hurtado, a political risk analyst, about how the move to detain the former vice president could help current President Daniel Noboa domestically while putting Ecuador in a tough spot abroad. 

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Más de Ecuador (10 videos)

¿Por qué es necesario que México y Ecuador restablezcan su relación?

¿Por qué es necesario que México y Ecuador restablezcan su relación?

OPINIÓN | ¿Hay justificación del ataque de Ecuador a la Embajada de México?

OPINIÓN | ¿Hay justificación del ataque de Ecuador a la Embajada de México?

Ecuador: Análisis del caso del exvicepresidente Jorge Glas

Ecuador: Análisis del caso del exvicepresidente Jorge Glas

Jorge Glas: ¿ Convicto corrupto o perseguido político?

Jorge Glas: ¿ Convicto corrupto o perseguido político?

Debate en la OEA por conflicto entre México y Ecuador

Debate en la OEA por conflicto entre México y Ecuador

Así ingresó la Policía a la embajada de México en Quito

Así ingresó la Policía a la embajada de México en Quito

Diputada: México no puede estar "encubriendo criminales" como Glas

Diputada: México no puede estar “encubriendo criminales” como Glas

¿Cómo se inició el conflicto diplomático entre Ecuador y México?

¿Cómo se inició el conflicto diplomático entre Ecuador y México?

Por posible descompensación Jorge Glas fue hospitalizado

Por posible descompensación Jorge Glas fue hospitalizado

Diplomáticos mexicanos regresan a su país desde Quito, Ecuador

Diplomáticos mexicanos regresan a su país desde Quito, Ecuador

Sonnenholzner: se necesita que méxico y ecuador restablezcan relación para trabajo conjunto en migración y seguridad.

El exvicepresidente de Ecuador Otto Sonnenholzner dice en entrevista con Fernando del Rincón que espera que no sean graves las sanciones que pudieran venir para Ecuador por su entrada sin autorización a la embajada mexicana en Quito, para evitar que los ciudadanos de su país terminen pagando las consecuencias. Agrega que, aunque México y Ecuador no tienen un gran intercambio comercial, sí se necesita que restablezcan relaciones para que puedan trabajar juntos en temas de migración y seguridad en la región.

Por Fernando del Rincón , CNN

tour mexico ecuador

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  1. Tour a México desde Quito Ecuador

    tour mexico ecuador


    tour mexico ecuador

  3. The Best Ecuador Travel Guide

    tour mexico ecuador


    tour mexico ecuador


    tour mexico ecuador


    tour mexico ecuador



    Las ciudades coloniales de México te esperan, solo por Solcaribe. CIRCUITO DE 9 NOCHES EN MÉXICO. MÉXICO CUERNAVACA TAXCO QUERETARO SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE. GUANAJUATO GUADALAJARA TLAQUEPAQUE PÁTZCUARO MORELIA. Tour con llegada a CDMX los viernes, sábados y domingos. SALIDAS 2024. ¡Reserva inmediata hasta agotar stock!

  2. México

    AEROLINEA: Disfruta un tour de 7 noches a México, en donde podrás conocer toda la tradición, recorre Cuernavaca, Taxco, Chochula, Puebla, San Miguel de Allende, Atotonilco y Querétaro. Sólo por Solcaribe, tu mejor asesor de viajes. PAQUETE INCLUYE.

  3. Tour México desde Quito

    Tour a México INCLUYE: Boleto aéreo Quito - México - Quito. Boleto interno de Acapulco a Mexico. Traslados Aeropuerto - Hotel - Aeropuerto. Visita a la Vecindad del Chavo del 8. 05 Noches de alojamiento en la ciudad de México DF. Desayunos, almuerzos y cenas en todo el recorrido, excepto el día 3 que no incluye almuerzo.

  4. Tour a México

    TOUR A MÉXICO ESENCIAL 5 DIAS / 4 NOCHES Ven y se parte de nuestro México Tour Esencial conoce un país lleno de tradición, historia, cultura y gastronomía. Además la hospitalidad de su gente hará de tu viaje inolvidable pues son reconocidos internacionalmente como anfitriones por excelencia. Sin duda no podemos dejar aun


    Traslados aeropuerto - hotel - aeropuerto. Mínimo 3 Noches en el HOTEL IBEROSTAR PARAÍSO DEL MAR 4*. Sistema ALL INCLUSIVE. Desayunos - Almuerzos - Cenas Tipo Buffet. 6 Restaurantes: El Mercado, El Faro, La Dorada, El Rodizo, Staro Rock Café, Tratoria.

  6. Tours a México desde Ecuador

    Si estás planificando tu viaje a México ya sea por cultura, recreación, diversión, paseo con tu pareja o simplemente conocer. Te cuento que en Veltur tenemos excelentes opciones de paquetes turísticos con salidas desde Quito y Guayaquil. Solicita la ayuda de un asesor, con gustoso te damos la orientación necesaria para que tomes la mejor ...

  7. Tour México

    8 Días 7 Noches. En el tour México conoce a uno de los países con más sitios Patrimoniales de la Humanidad con Spring Travel. Al comienzo del tour nos envolverá con su diversidad cultural e histórica de México, por esta razón lo convierten en uno de los destinos turísticos favoritos, También, déjate embelesar con los acordes del ...

  8. Mexico Ecuador Tours & Trip Packages

    Compare all Mexico Ecuador tours, cruises, and vacations from hundreds of companies. Get the best price and experience for your travel style. Compare all Mexico Ecuador tours, cruises, and vacations from hundreds of companies. ... South America Peru Ecuador Brazil Argentina Chile Colombia Patagonia Amazon Rainforest Bolivia See all >

  9. Guided Mexico Tours

    When you book one of our guided tours, Mexico, its culture and the mysteries of the Mayan pyramids will be ready to meet you! Our 2024 & 2025 guided Mexico tour packages are perfect for the avid travel bug. Our tours include a knowledgeable guide who will take you to all the must-see sites, as well as some hidden gems.

  10. Tour a México y Cancún desde Ecuador

    Viaje a México - Cancún desde Quito 7 días. Itinerario turístico. - Gran promoción Viaje a Ciudad de México y Tour a Cancún desde Quito o Guayaquil. Día 1 QUITO - MÉXICO. - Bienvenida por parte de nuestro guía en el Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez de la Ciudad de México. Traslado hacia hotel, recomendaciones e información ...

  11. Ecuador Mexico Tours & Trip Packages

    Compare all Ecuador Mexico tours, cruises, and vacations from hundreds of companies. Get the best price and experience for your travel style. Compare all Ecuador Mexico tours, cruises, and vacations from hundreds of companies. ... South America Peru Ecuador Brazil Argentina Chile Colombia Patagonia Amazon Rainforest Bolivia See all >

  12. Mexico Tours & Trips

    Mexico is full of rich cultural traditions, historic sites, and beautifully diverse landscapes. Discover the highlights of Mexico on tour, from charming colonial cities to ancient Mayan ruins and the relaxed beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula. The friendly locals welcome you with open arms and the delicious cuisine will delight you as you explore Mexico on one of our 64 guided tours and small ...

  13. Best Ecuador Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Ultimate Galapagos: Central Islands (Grand Daphne) June · Traveled February 2024. What an amazing trip. This was a celebration for our Golden Wedding anniversary. We saw and visiting almost every Galápagos island, we snorkeled, we hiked and we learnt so much. The stay on the Grand Daphne was great.

  14. 13 Best Group Tours to Explore Mexico (Prices & Itineraries)

    Table of Contents. 1 Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Mexico; 2 Is it better to travel independently or in group tours in Mexico?; 3 13 Best Tours and Itineraries for Exploring Mexico. 3.1 Best Mexico Tours and Itineraries for Guided Small Group Adventures; 3.2 Best Mexico Tours and Itineraries for Groups of Young Singles (18-35 Years Old); 3.3 Tourradar's Best Mexico Tours (Best site to search ...

  15. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Ecuador 2024/2025

    This tour offered a great overview of the 4 regions of Ecuador, the Andes mountains, the Amazon rain forest, the costal area and the Galapagos Islands. Hiking in the Andes and the Amazon, ziplining over canyons and waterfall, Snorkeling with Giant sea turtles and sharks and seeing the giant Galapagos tortoises up close.

  16. Ecuador Vacation Packages & Tours All Inclusive

    México · MXN $ 1-888-488-0592. Call us toll-free now. Book with an expert for free: 1-888-488-0592. Prefer us to call you? Drop your number in the box: ... A non-negotiable stop on any South American tour, an Ecuador tour package is the perfect way to discover the unbeatable biodiversity, ...

  17. 10 Best Ecuador Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    It is not a luxury, relaxing vacation, but has a good mix of exciting experiences, eating good food, waking up early to travel to new stops, and some time to chill and interact with other travelers. Galápagos Adventure: Snorkelling & Sea Lions. Ella-Lisa Giele 24 Feb, 2024. 5.

  18. Ecuador Guided Tours

    Authentic, Immersive & Inspiring Guided Ecuador Tour Package Itineraries For 2024 & 2025. Our curated 2024 & 2025 guided Ecuador Tours offer an authentic and quality experience for you. We pride ourselves on our high-quality and detailed itineraries. We want you to experience every aspect of luxurious Ecuador.


    Declaración Jurada para Ecuador: Los pasajeros deben completar la "Declaración de salud del viajero" y debe ser presentado a la llegada. ... Un fantástico tour a la ciudad de México especialmente diseñado para que disfrutes de la ciudad a tu manera, a tu tiempo y en tus horarios. Disfruta de este bello país lleno de cultura e historia.

  20. Ultimate Ecuador Family Trip: From the Andes to the Pacific Coast

    If your family is having trouble deciding between a mountain or a beach-focused vacation, this two-week tour of Ecuador ticks both boxes. Starting in the high-altitude capital Quito, you'll embark on a kid-friendly adventure through the Andean highlands, skirting the edge of the Amazon rainforest in Baños before ending up on the Pacific coast for some beach time and wildlife-watching fun.

  21. Ecuador & Galapagos

    10 Day Ecuador with Andes & 3 Day Eastern Galapagos Cruise. Mar - Dec '24. 3 Quito, 2 Ibarra, 3 M/V Galapagos Legend, 1 Guayaquil. Escorted. $4649. $5199*. 10 Day Kaleidoscope of Ecuador with Andes Mountains & Amazon. Jan - Dec '24. 2 Guayaquil, 2 Cuenca, 1 Riobamba, 2 Amazon, 2 Quito.

  22. Explainer: Why did Ecuador raid Mexico's Quito embassy?

    Item 1 of 2 Police officers stand guard as Ecuador's former Vice President Jorge Glas is expected to arrive at the La Roca Prison, after Ecuadorean forces raided Mexico's embassy to arrest Glas ...

  23. Mexico will not ask Ecuador ambassador to leave country, top diplomat

    MEXICO CITY, April 8 (Reuters) - Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena said on Monday that Ecuador's ambassador to the country will not be asked to leave, days after Ecuadorean police raided ...

  24. Mexico severs ties with Ecuador after a late-night raid on its ...

    Ecuador's late-night raid on the Mexican Embassy in the capital, Quito, has led to diplomatic uproar between the two countries. Now, late Friday night, fully armed Ecuadorian police breached the ...


    DÍA 01 LLEGADA A CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Vuelo desde Ecuador y arribo al Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México, recepción y bienvenida por nuestro personal en destino. ... Alojamiento. DÍA 02 MÉXICO CITY TOUR Después del desayuno incluido, iniciaremos el Tour de la ciudad visitando el centro histórico; patrimonio cultural de la ...

  26. Mexico releases footage of Ecuador police storming its embassy in Quito

    9 Apr 2024. Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released footage of the police raid on its embassy in Quito, Ecuador, calling the law enforcement action an "unauthorised and violent break ...

  27. Why did Ecuador raid the Mexican Embassy?

    Mexico abruptly suspended bilateral relations with Ecuador in an escalating diplomatic dispute, after Ecuador's police forced their way into the Mexican Embassy in the capital Quito to arrest a ...

  28. Mexico and Ecuador embroiled in diplomatic crisis following Quito

    Mexico has severed ties and recalled its ambassador to Ecuador following that country's invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito. The attack on the embassy resulted in the arrest of the Ecuador's former vice president, Jorge Glas. Host Carolyn Beeler speaks with Sebastian Hurtado, a political risk analyst, about how the move to detain the […]

  29. México denunciará el jueves a Ecuador en Corte Internacional de

    México denunciará el jueves a Ecuador en Corte Internacional de Justicia por irrupción en embajada. La policía ecuatoriana intenta entrar por la fuerza en la embajada de México en Quito, Ecuador, el viernes 5 de abril de 2024, después de que el gobierno mexicano concediera asilo político al exvicepresidente Jorge Glas, que buscó refugio ...

  30. ¿Por qué es necesario que México y Ecuador restablezcan su relación

    Sonnenholzner: Se necesita que México y Ecuador restablezcan relación para trabajo conjunto en migración y seguridad. El exvicepresidente de Ecuador Otto Sonnenholzner dice en entrevista con ...