Passport To Eden

10 Travel Romance Books To Read Right Now

travel and romance

I personally love travel romance books. Witty banter? Check. Happily ever after? Check. Stunning backdrop? Check. They’re cute. They’re cliche. They’re feel-good. So over the past two months, I’ve binged a lot of travel romance novels. A questionable amount.

But let’s not get into that. Instead, let’s dive into the best travel romance books to read right now.

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Table of Contents

Love With A Chance Of Drowning

Travel Romance Books: Love With A Chance Of Drowning

Love trumps fear in Torre DeRoche’s heartfelt memoir. After a reader ( thanks Becky ) recommended this as our next book club pick , I knew I had to pick it up immediately. And I fell in love. That’s an understatement. Love With A Chance Of Drowning follows Torre through the South Pacific with her Argentinian boyfriend ( who is adorable to boot ). She’s afraid of the ocean. He wants to sail. It’s one of the most unique travel romance novels ever ( and I have to constantly remind myself that it’s a true story ). It’s about love ( of course ), but it’s also about so much more than love – taking risks, overcoming fear, believing in yourself .

Love & Gelato

Love & Gelato cover

Love & Gelato might just be one of the cutest travel romance books I’ve ever read. It’s a young adult novel and I can’t recommend it enough. The descriptions of Italy are so heartfelt and real and humorous and wonderful that I felt like I was right there whilst reading it. Reading any one of Jenna Evans Welch’s books gives me the same feelings as seeing a rainbow, petting a puppy, and eating fresh-baked cookies. Love & Gelato is no different. This book is a warm hug. Lina’s Italian adventure is so sweet, you’ll be laughing and crying and wanting to read it all over again ( or maybe, follow up with the sequel – Love & Luck ).

Eat Pray Love

bloomsbury modern classics edition of one of the best travel books - Eat Pray Love

It’s no secret that Eat Pray Love is one of my favorite memoirs of all time. I’ve talked about Elizabeth Gilbert’s three-country adventure a lot on Passport To Eden: here , here , and here . And I guess, considering I’m mentioning it again, that’s not enough. In Eat Pray Love, you follow Liz ( Groceries, according to Richard ), a fast-paced writer who travels to Italy, India, and Bali in search of herself . It’s raw and honest and emotion-packed.

P.S. The copy I have is the Bloomsbury Modern Classics edition ( it’s a little nicer than the mass market version and the same cost ). I’ll link it here .

The Unhoneymooners

travel and romance

Barring the toucan on the cover ( seriously, why is there a toucan? Toucans aren’t native to Hawaii ), The Unhoneymooners is one of the best travel romance books. Much like Olive and Ethan’s romance, my relationship with The Unhoneymooners was hate-to-love. The travel writer in me wanted Olive and Ethan to explore a bit more than their resort. But at the same time, this book made me want to book a ticket to Hawaii ASAP . The Unhoneymooners is a quick, fun, binge-able read . There are funny moments aplenty (mostly two-line quips and fast-paced banter). And it made me laugh more than I care to admit.

The Tourist Attraction

travel romance books: The tourist attraction cover

If you like Luke from Gilmore Girls, you’ll love The Tourist Attraction . It’s a breezy travel romance novel that’s filled with plenty of witty banter and cute moments. It’s also set in Alaska. Do I just like travel romance books set in Alaska? Maybe ( *silently wonders if I have a book type* ). Graham is a gruff local who owns a diner called The Tourist Trap ( a joke. well, it started off as a joke ). Zoe’s the opposite of Graham. She’s a tourist on a two-week Alaska vacation. And the Moose Springs rom-com that ensues is cute and sweet. Sarah Morgenthaler’s debut is one of the most underrated travel romance novels.

The People We Meet On Vacation

travel and romance

I’m saving People We Meet On Vacation for this summer ( side note: this is also one of our Travel Book Club picks – just saying ). It’s the story of Poppy and Alex, two longtime friends with a broken relationship and a plan for a remedy (or at least closure). I’ve tried to steer clear of spoilers for this book (given all the rave reviews on Booktube) but know this: People We Meet On Vacation has been described as a “heartfelt” (Jodi Picoult) “gorgeous slow-burn” (Beth O’Leary) . I can’t wait to finish it this July and update you with all my thoughts!

Happiness For Beginners

travel romance books: happiness for beginners

One year post-divorce, Helen Carpenter signs up for a wilderness survival course in a remote range of Wyoming’s peaks . The humor and the wit sold me ( if you enjoyed the dialogue in The Unhoneymooners , you might enjoy the dialogue in this ). And much like Cheryl Strayed’s Wild , it’s deep ( but nowhere near Wild-level deep ). There’s a cheesy happily ever after . I knew there was. But for some reason, expecting a surface-level chic-lit threw me for a loop. Because Happiness For Beginners is anything but. It’s packed with life lessons and characters that seem to spring from the pages. And let’s be honest, I absolutely adored Jake.

outlander movie tie-in cover

Outlander will make you want to visit Scotland immediately ( and book that future plane ticket ). It’s a passionate love story woven around a rich historical tapestry – an ode to Scotland. On a random side note, I completely believed Diana Gabaldon lived in Scotland whilst reading this novel ( in the same way I thought Stephanie Meyer lived in Forks, Washington ). Turns out she lives in Scottsdale, Arizona ( I only discovered this after visiting her home bookstore and wondering why in the world there were so many Outlander books on sale )! You’ll be hard-pressed to find a list of travel romance books that doesn’t include Outlander ( or any of the books in the series ) so I’m slipping in a mention as well.

What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding

what i was doing while you were breeding cover

Definitely the raciest of the travel romance books on this list ( odd considering the title ), What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding is also undoubtedly funny. What I remember is this: Kristin Newman, an incredibly confident scriptwriter ( That ’70s Show, How I Met Your Mother ), shares her juiciest hookup stories in this hilarious travel memoir. Vacationship at its finest. It’s far from my favorite novel but I felt the need to mention it because every traveler I know who has read it has absolutely loved it. My issue ( which is nitpicky so maybe I should give it a reread ) was Kristin’s tone. I feel like she put down people who wanted to settle down. Everyone has different goals. It’s okay to want to travel and not settle immediately. But it’s also okay to settle.

Amy And Roger’s Epic Detour

Amy & Roger's epic detour cover

A few years ago, I created a list of 20 YA travel novels that I wanted to read . There were a lot of books that inspired that list. Amy And Roger’s Epic Detour was one of them. It’s the kind of book that kept me up all night, the kind of book that I wanted to read and reread, the kind of book where details layered words . I’m a fan of Morgan Matson so it wasn’t hard to fall in love with this road trip tale. But to be honest, I also fell in love with Amy And Roger’s Epic Detour because in some ways, the story reminded me of my own travels . I got a chance to reflect on the small moments, the bits I thought were trivial but might just have been the most important.

Did you enjoy this list of travel romance books? What are your favorite travel romance books? Let me know in the comments below!

Side note: Why do so many male love interests in travel romance novels have bodybuilder muscles? I mean, most of them have back abs. How many hours do they spend in the gym? Who is their personal trainer? Important life questions right here.

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Anshula grew up with a love of stories and places. Thirty-five states and 100 bookstores later, she's made her hobbit home in Middle Tennessee. Her Tookish side still takes over and leaves her chasing window seats, literary destinations, adventure books, sunrise coffee, and indie bookshops. She's appeared as a travel source on HuffPost, Reader's Digest, and MSN.

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I’m so glad you liked Love With A Chance Of Drowning! It’s one of my favorite books of all time.

Thank you for recommending it! I absolutely loved the book! xx – Anshula

The side note as the end of the post killed me ? I never thought about that. Have you read Under The Tuscan Sun? That’s a good travel romance.

Oh, I read it a long time ago! I’ll have to reread it (I think my initial thoughts were that the movie was more romantic than the book ?) xx – Anshula

You should read The Flatshare! Not a travel romance but a light and fun read.

I’ll look into it! Always on the lookout for a good book. xx – Anshula

Read On The Island by Tracy Garvis Graves. You’ll love it.

Oh, that sounds interesting. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I’ll try it! xx – Anshula

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How to find - and survive - a holiday romance

Fabienne Fong Yan

Jan 27, 2020 • 5 min read

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When you go on a solo adventure, you learn to expect the unexpected… but travelers rarely anticipate the unexpected could be a holiday or travel romance. It has happened to me several times, and while I’ve always found it rich and exciting, it has also taught me a few lessons about love on the road.

A couple hold hands walking on an urban sidewalk

I am a 30-year-old female traveler. The nomadic lifestyle I chose for myself a few years ago hasn’t allowed me to build long-lasting romantic relationships. I have lived in more countries and cities than I can recall, and fallen in and out of love along the way. I moved from a Couchsurfing community in Peru to a shared flat with friends in Germany , then backpacked across Japan (three times) to eventually start a business in Vietnam . To survive this emotional rollercoaster, I had to teach myself how to deal with the expectations travel romances create, as well as their bittersweet endings.

How does travel romance blossom?

It is easier than we think to find love while traveling;  we are usually at the top of our game after all. More laid back, outside of our regular environment, far from the pressure of work and maybe the gaze of our friends and families, we break free from some of the restrictions we – consciously or not – put on ourselves at home. That’s usually how we make it possible for love to catch us off guard. 

A couple laughs while carrying a picnic basket on the beach, dressed for a cold, drizzly day

Travel romances have always started for me at the most unexpected times. My first meaningful travel story started in Hualien , Taiwan and ended in Okinawa , Japan — with many winding turns and beautiful memories in between. I didn’t know he had been eyeing me from the first day; I only realized later that spending more time with him would enhance my journey, so I made my travel plans coincide with his. That’s how my happiest trip to Okinawa happened. If it hadn’t been for him, I would probably never have discovered so soon that Naha Island has such beautiful sunsets on the beach. 

A couple dances in an archway in Venice

While a holiday romance can come in the form of a local, for me, it’s generally happened with other travelers for simple reasons:  shared accommodation makes it easier to meet and the tourist sights help arrange a common schedule and more opportunity to get to know each other. Besides, I travel more often to countries where I can’t speak the language, which tends to limit my interactions with locals — maybe body language can suffice when it comes to some aspects of the romance, but personally, I still need a proper introduction!

What to expect from a holiday romance

The instability inherent to travel tends to make holiday romances very special; because they are limited in time and space, they are often an accelerated version of a traditional love story. You meet, you live, you part, sometimes in a timespan of a few days. From traveling solo, you suddenly jump into a full-on adventure with somebody, spending all your time with them while knowing you might only have a couple of days to enjoy their company. The setting only amplifies both the love and the location. Add the fact that short-lived romances are usually exempt from the pressure of tomorrow, and get ready for one of the most emotional journeys of your trip! 

A couple on a scooter stop to look up at mural on the wall

When you encounter romance along the way, you must do two things: enjoy it as much as you can, and manage your expectations. One of my favorite things when my solo trip turns into a two-person holiday is the new dynamics it creates; the feeling of attraction with another person full of travel passion coupled with new momentum to enjoy activities that you might not have taken up on your own . It can create space for more exploration and, as our world is designed for duos, it has a practical advantage; you now become eligible to all these travel activities made for at least two.

Now for expectation management: it might sound unromantic but trust me, it will help you cope when facing the inevitable end of your love story. As strong as your feelings might be away from home with this undoubtedly beautiful person, it likely has a very real expiration date, often in the form of a ticket back home. So unless one of you, or both, are flexible enough to bend your travel plans (and it’s not that easy to decide), or feel like transforming your holiday romance into something more, it is very unlikely it will turn into a solid long-term relationship. That's a big leap of faith based on one brief, shared experience.

Couple backpacking in the mountains holding hands

You might have felt like you’ve never felt before. You might even have fallen in love. But a long-lasting relationship is built on persistence, actions, and consistency over time. Will you be able to demonstrate these to each other during only a few days or weeks on holiday?

What to do when travel romance ends

The end of a romance is never an easy transition. It is at best bittersweet, and at worst leaves you bursting into tears any moment — the result depends on how you manage your expectations. I have gone through bitterness, sadness, and a great deal of frustration after my own travel romances have ended because, whatever we say and however detached and self-sufficient we believe we are, we are all looking for love. 

The writer, a young woman, sits on a boardwalk overlooking a river. There is a lush jungle and the remains of a temple gate in the background.

So what to do if your romance has come to an end and it seems the world has faded a little bit with it? What to do if, despite your desire to travel more, your heart aches? Well, there are not many choices: you will have to heal and move on. It hurts, and that's okay. The fact a chapter is ending doesn’t mean it wasn’t written. Love is going away, but it was there . And there is beauty in this.

If it made you feel good, if it made your heart grow, if you know those feelings you created will remain forever in your soul, honor your feelings and gracefully tuck them away in your memory box, right where they belong. 

Do you still want to travel and see more? Well, the world is big enough! Don’t worry. You will love a person in some corner of the world and, rest assured, lasting love will come around eventually .

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This article was first published November 2019 and updated January 2020

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When it’s one of those moments when I have a trip coming up but I just can’t wait for it to arrive – I love to pick up one of the best travel romance books to give my wanderlust an extra kick. Whether you’re craving that wanderlust, a new place, a person, or just a new perspective of life with travel in it, you will love these 10 books.

So, buckle up, wanderluster and romantic, let’s go on an adventure! – Of course, To make your life easier, I’ve included direct links to Amazon and Goodreads, so you can either add it to your cart, designate it to read, or purchase it. 🙂

Best Books to Read While Traveling – Best Travel Romance Books Edition

There is nothing quite like an excellent book to transport you to another time and place, regardless of whether you are an avid traveler or a homebody. But what if you’re on the road and searching for a compelling read to enhance your trip? These stories combine the excitement of exploration with the heady joy of love, making them the ideal companions for your next journey, wherever it may take you.

The best part is that these stories aren’t just about summer flings or star-crossed romances in exotic locales (though rest assured, you’ll find plenty of that, too). They are about the physical and emotional journeys we undertake in the pursuit of connection and self-discovery.

These books will make your heart race and inspire your wanderlust – guaranteed.

best travel romance books travel photos

Looking for something specific? Head over to it!

# 1 Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

After a difficult breakup, Gilbert travels the world in search of herself, stopping for spaghetti in Italy, spiritual guidance in India, and an unexpected romance in Bali. This book is a classic for all the right reasons: sometimes you have to be lost before you can find your way home to yourself.

This book is an excellent testament for the life-changing potential of travel and the strength it can instill in you – especially if you’re interested in solo travel. It’s a moving and eye-opening story about appreciating the wonder of the unplanned and abandoning your assumptions about how your life should go.

Find this bestselling book on:

#2 Under the Tuscan Sun, by Frances Mayes

More than just a love story, it’s taking you to Italy, a renovation diary and a mouthwatering culinary journal all in one. It will not only inspire you for love and wanderlust, but also to the beauty of spontaneity and taking a transformative journey: like purchasing a villa in the Tuscan countryside.

Immerse yourself into a transformative journey that you didn’t plan for in your life and reflect on your own life.  

Discover yourself in the simple things again, such as vibrant local markets or homemade mouthwatering pasta. The lush Italian landscapes described in the book will make your heart yearn for travel, while at the same woven you seamlessly into a love story. 

Die-hard romantic? Travel enthusiast? Food lover? This book will check all your boxes.

Find it on:

#3 The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Even if there were a plan for romantic relationships, most of us wouldn’t stick to it. During his journey to understand why romantic love can’t be represented with algorithms, genetics professor Don Tillman falls in love and writes a novel about it. 

Usually, when you think of passionate couples in romance novels, you picture them in faraway places like Bali or Italy, but in this book, you’ll meet a man who goes about finding his soul mate in an unexpected way: by creating the perfect partner survey . Once he does find her, he learns that she is everything he (n)ever dreamed of: unpredictable, fiery, and willing to travel the world to track down her biological father ( makes sense, right? ).

This book will combine travel, humor, romance, and showcase transformation in all the different ways you wouldn’t expect.

Skip the scrolling and add your fave to your cart here!

#4 out of africa by isak dinesen .

A mesmerizing memoir that will transport you into the wild, untamed heart of Kenya with cinematic landscapes and adventures. Engage in a passionate affair with Africa’s wild places and discover a deeper appreciation for Mother Nature.

This book will stand out through the vivid depiction of the Kenyan wilderness and Blixen’s deep respect and understanding of it. The story of Blixen and Finch’s love will make your heart race with excitement and warm you up inside. So, what’s better than learning more about what it means to love a person, a place, and a new way of life?

Get captivated by poetic prose and make you yearn for the African sun on your face and the thrill of love in your heart.

#5 The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

If you’ve ever dreamed of 1920s Paris, then you’re in for a gin-soaked, jazz-filled ride with a love story of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley. A beautiful blend of love, betrayal, and the lure of the City of Lights. It’s based on a real-life love story in an intoxicating place filled with exhilarating freedom, artistic revolution, and sweeping romance. 

The author’s description of Parisian life during the Jazz Age will transport your heart to the city’s intellectual and artistic movements and is so much more than the love story: it’s a love letter to Paris. 

Get captivated by the enchanting charm, the vivacious culture, and the transformative influence among the dazzling highs and heart-wrenching lows of love and loss.

This book will inspire a different sense of wanderlust and just a deep appreciation of complex love – that you may just be yearning for.

Need some real-life inspiration? Check out my recent trip to Antigua, Guatemala!

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First time traveler and don’t know where to go? Check this handy guide out!

#6 Chasing the Monsoon by Alexander Frater

Let me start out with, picture this: traveling the subcontinent and capturing the monsoon rains while stumbling into a spellbinding and breathtaking love story. Sounds about right, right? Well, in this novel you can experience the magic of a captivating travelogue and love story as you’re wandering through India chasing awe-inspiring natural phenomenons. 

Anticipate rich descriptions of how the author makes the monsoons into a living force that enchants, revitalizes, and romances the country and its people. His writing evokes a strong sense of longing to see the world and a desire to feel the sensation and smell of rain on your skin and the aroma of freshly soaked soil – or literally just crave that warm summer rain on your skin outside.

Discover new places, cultures, and experiences while falling in love with them in this novel.

#7 Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

How about a love affair on the Italian coast? This love story spans across landscapes and decades. Starting in 1962 in Pasquale Tursi, a man falls in love with an American actress that’s trying to flee the chaos of Hollywood, right into his arms. However, true love persists across oceans, through a span of 50 years that keeps rekindling over decades, showcasing that true love is in fact a marathon and not a sprint. 

Be mesmerized by the exploration of love, dreams, and second chances that withstand time. Just like a trip, life in all its messy glory is a grand adventure of twists and turns, beautiful ruins and restored hopes. 

#8 French Lessons by Ellen Sussman

Three Americans, three French tutors, and one day in Paris equals the perfect recipe for heart-wrenching romance. In the city of love, these people learn more than just the language in this single day of unexpected romances that can blossom when we step out of our comfort zones. 

This book is about more than simply love; it’s also about finding one’s identity in the face of a new culture and a new place. It will make you long for walks along charming alleys and make you reflect on your history and your future. 

You may just find love in the most unexpected place too. 

#9 Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

You’ve heard of discovering love when you least expect it, but what if it comes at a time of pure chaos while traveling? This semi-autobiographical play is set in Mumbai and depicts resilience, revealing beauty, chaos, and contradictions, as well as how love can heal almost anything. 

Deeply moved by its raw and heartfelt portrayal of life and love, will make you not want to put it down but book the next flight to Bombay. 

This book will be your favorite because it explores the human spirit and its capacity for love, resilience, and redemption while demonstrating the transformational power of travel, love, and second chances. 

Down for an adventure that intertwines romance and travel, while taking you into the labyrinth of Bombay’s streets and the human heart?

Pick your favorite here and add it to your cart now!

#10 the japanese lover by isabel allende.

This transcending love story spans continents, from Poland to San Francisco, from WWII to the twenty-first century. This book delves into a profound and enduring love that defies time, cultural boundaries, and personal catastrophes. 

Follow a secret romance between a girl fleeing the war and the son of the family’s Japanese gardener. You’ll follow the couple as they prove the enduring power of love that transcends societal norms, distances, and the passage of time. Prepare to explore your identity, displacements, and the deep connections you establish with people, all while testing your self-awareness. 

This novel is about a story that will not only pique your wanderlust but will also touch your heart with its timeless romance. 

Books about Travel and Finding Yourself

Travel and self-discovery are two components that are tightly linked in literature. Books on travel and self-discovery provide a beautiful combination of both themes, allowing you to embark on a voyage of geographical exploration and internal introspection at the same time.

What Makes Travel Books So Powerful?

For starters, they offer immersive experiences that provide a window into other cultures, landscapes, and peoples from around the world. You can go to different places without even leaving your couch, making it an easy escape. 

Second, it’s much more than just the physical travel. They dive into the characters’ transforming journeys – their self-discovery, personal growth, and the profound insights they receive about life and themselves along the way. These works speak to us on a deeper level, often echoing our own search for meaning and identity.

Third, they capture the essence of travel – the sense of freedom, the delight of finding new places, and the transforming experiences that mold and define us – beautifully. The journeys of the characters remind us of our own capacity for change and progress.

After all, it’s a never-ending search for love, connection, and comprehension. These experiences inspire, stir, and leave a lasting impression, whether it’s finding love in a faraway nation, pursuing the monsoon throughout India, or discovering oneself in the seductive streets of Paris.

Last Few Thoughts 

Ultimately, these books allow us to discover new horizons while also exploring undiscovered territory within ourselves. They encourage us to enjoy life’s journey with all of its twists and turns, reminding us that every trip, no matter how long or short, leads to self-discovery.

Looking for travel necessities? Check here if you have everything you need!

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Anna is a traveler, blogger, and entrepreneur who can’t keep herself still. She’s always on the move, whether working hard on a new passion project or exploring a new city as a part-time digital nomad. Dare to keep up? Check out The Tatted Nomad for everything digital nomad, social media marketing, mental health, and travel (and to see her latest addition, Novah, her service dog and travel companion). As a psychotherapist (to be) she also offers insights about your mental health related questions – anything you see that isn’t covered but you have questions about? Let her know!

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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Ohh fun! Great list of books. I want to check out the Rosie Project.

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These sound like good books to read if you want to escape reality. I liked Eat.Pray.Love.

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Oh yes!! I love Eat.Pray.Love! It’s a classic!! Have you read any of the other ones yet?

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20 Destination Romance Novels to Get Lost In

Published on 9/11/2020 at 10:40 PM

travel and romance

A holiday fling is dreamy, romantic, and full of endless possibilities. It adds an element to a vacation that makes your surroundings become even more magical and new (they can be heartbreaking too, but that just might be part of the appeal). If a true, real-life travel romance isn't exactly in the cards right now , then we suggest you dive into a novel instead.

With these books, you'll travel from Tuscany to Paris and even to Maui, experiencing the tastes , smells, and sights of these cities and losing yourself in their corners and turns, while also falling in love with the protagonists. Old romances becoming new again, sparks where one least expects them, and falling in love with a spouse all over again are all narratives included in this list, intensified by a new, exciting destination. You'll want to cancel your return flight, and keep on reading these forever! Swipe through to find our top picks.

You Me Everything: A Novel by Catherine Isaac

You Me Everything: A Novel by Catherine Isaac

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The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler

The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler

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A Room With a View by E.M. Forster

A Room With a View by E.M. Forster

If you're in the mood for an early 20th century classic, but still love a travel romance, this is your best bet. A Room With a View by E.M. Forster is an Edwardian social critique set in Italy, revolving around a forbidden love. Young Englishwoman Lucy Honeychurch faints into the arms of fellow Brit, George Emerson, when she witnesses a murder in Florence. George is unsuitable for her class and her conflicting desires, and she already has an acceptable suitor back in England. Will she choose passion, or what's expected of her?

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

How about a destination romance with two people who already know each other, and maybe even hate each other? The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren is like the perfect rom-com, filled with hilarious antics, love where you least expect it, and a lot of bad luck . . . until it becomes the best luck of all. Olive Torres, the self-proclaimed "unlucky twin," is the maid of honor at her sister Ami's wedding, alongside best man Ethan (who she absolutely hates). Soon enough, he's winning a free honeymoon at the wedding and she convinces him to split the prize. They're off to Maui, and, you guessed it, their hatred for each other begins to transform into something entirely different.

That Weekend in Paris by Inglath Cooper

That Weekend in Paris by Inglath Cooper

Music, Paris, and luxury hotels. Into it? Yeah, so are we. That Weekend in Paris by Inglath Cooper is about a recently separated songwriter named Dillon who goes to Paris to see country music star Klein Matthews perform in concert. Her reasoning isn't totally pure: she's starting her own publishing company, and her first goal is to sign Klein away from her ex, Josh. That, and she's always had a crush on Klein. Turns out, he feels the same, and so begins a story about new beginnings set in the city of lights.

The Italian Villa by Daniela Sacerdoti

The Italian Villa by Daniela Sacerdoti

While Paris might be the city of lights (and love), the Italian countryside holds a different kind of visceral, sun-kissed romance. The Italian Villa by Daniela Sacerdoti depicts a small-town waitress named Callie who recently found out she's adopted. She heads to Montevino, Italy, to search for her family and stays at a hillside villa that she has just inherited. As she begins to fall for the mysterious groundskeeper Tommaso, a parallel story unfolds through a diary of a woman named Elisa, who secretly married her childhood sweetheart and fled to join the resistance in World War II. But plans and destiny quickly changed, and those secrets begin to unfold, too.

Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory

Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory

Then this one's for all the royals fans. Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory illustrates a second chance at love. Vivian Forest accompanies her daughter, Maddie, on a work trip to England where she's been tasked with styling a member of the royal family. There, she quickly falls for a private secretary, and soon they're kissing under the mistletoe. Will it end after the quick holidays or will they make it work?

Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman

Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman

Timothée Chamalet fans may already be aware of the original book that inspired the gorgeous film Call Me by Your Name . André Aciman's 2007 novel is heartbreaking in a crushingly beautiful way and is set in Italy among the golden sun and forbidden fruit.

The Summer House by Jenny Hale

The Summer House by Jenny Hale

The epitome of a summer beach read, The Summer House by Jenny Hale is about island secrets, forbidden mysteries, and a possible romance with a rich playboy. Callie and her best friend Olivia buy a beach house together in North Carolina's Outer Banks, where they open a bed and breakfast. Callie meets Luke, a local heartthrob who's the heir to her father's real estate empire, but there's more to him than meets the eye. One diary full of secrets later, and the entire island is threatened by a storm of mysteries and truths.

More Than Words by Mia Sheridan

More Than Words by Mia Sheridan

For lovers of childhood crushes that evolve into adult romances, More Than Words by Mia Sheridan confronts inner demons, innocence, and secrets. Lost souls Jessica and Callen became a safe haven for each other at a young age — until Callen suddenly disappeared from her life. As an adult, Callen becomes a famous composer, but his deep troubles cause him to hit a creative roadblock. Soon enough, Callen and Jessica stumble into each other in France, and they're suddenly wrapped up again in forbidden memories, renewed passion, and musical sparks.

Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts

Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts

An Irish romance that's as haunting as its history, Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts is a story of folklore, magic, and passion above all else. Jude Murray escapes to Faerie Hill Cottage in Ireland to learn about Irish folklore and magic, soon meeting Aidan Gallagher, a pub owner who recognizes wildness in Jude. They connect over the mystic land they reside on, and create something otherworldly of their own.

That Month in Tuscany by Inglath Cooper

That Month in Tuscany by Inglath Cooper

That Month in Tuscany by Inglath Cooper tells the tale of rock star Ren Sawyer and his unlikely romance with Lizzy Harper, a self-proclaimed regular person whose husband ditched her on their anniversary trip. On the flight to Italy, turbulence makes Lizzy fall onto Ren's lap in classic rom-com fashion, and they feel an immediate attraction. They explore Florence and Tuscany together, discovering the countryside, each other, and themselves.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

This Scottish tale of deep passion, with the added feature of time travel, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon is a must read (pro tip: watch the Outlander series on Starz once you're done). The time-traveling fantasy book series revolves around Claire Randall, a World War II nurse from 1945, who magically transports to 1743 Scotland through an ancient boulder. She soon falls in love with Scottish soldier James Fraser, who is a dichotomy between innocence and sex appeal, strength and fragility. Here, you'll find real-life historical references mixed with mysticism.

Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes

Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes

Another story that was adapted for the screen, Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes depicts the process of renovating a torn-down Tuscan villa, and through it, finding friendship, incredible food, a different culture, and a renewed romance within a long marriage. With endless problems along the way involving language barriers, a different attitude toward time constraints, and more, this book is about finding love and joy through a leap of faith.

Summer at Firefly Beach by Jenny Hale

Summer at Firefly Beach by Jenny Hale

Another great summer beach read, Summer at Firefly Beach by Jenny Hale is about rising from the ashes. Hallie Flynn's favorite place is her great Aunt Clara's beach house in Firefly Beach, filled with the magic memories they made together — but one day, Aunt Clara unexpectedly passes away. Hallie discovers a bucket list her great aunt left behind for her, and drops everything to pursue it. As she begins to find herself through this healing journey, her childhood best friend Ben is by her side. Soon enough, she meets newcomer Gavin Wilson, a photographer who leaves her questioning everything.

The Secrets of Villa Rosso by Linn B. Halton

The Secrets of Villa Rosso by Linn B. Halton

Ah, more Italian romances. Are we complaining? Absolutely not. In The Secrets of Villa Rosso by Linn B. Halton, Ellie Maddison heads off on a business trip to Southern Italy — the land of vineyards, sun-kissed hills, and the director of the estate Villa Rosso, Max Johnson. Suddenly, Ellie is entangled within the place's walls, sharing secrets with Max that cause her to question her entire life up to that point.

The Hideaway by Lauren K. Denton

The Hideaway by Lauren K. Denton

The Hideaway by Lauren K. Denton tells a sweltering story set in Alabama about family, loss, and love. Sara Jenkins's last family member dies, so she goes home to The Hideaway, her grandmother's bed and breakfast in Sweet Bay. Sara learns she has inherited The Hideaway and now must renovate it, where she soon learns more about her grandmother than she ever thought could lurk beneath. Add to that a handsome contractor, and Sara's life may never be the same.

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Much like Under the Tuscan Sun or You Me Everything , People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry is about finding the unexpected with someone you already know like the back of your hand. Poppy and Alex are complete opposites, and have been best friends for a decade. But two years ago, something occurred that made them stop speaking, and almost lose that friendship forever. Now, they've decided to embark on one final vacation together and fix it all: but there's a secret that may risk everything.

Mermaid Inn by Jenny Holiday

Mermaid Inn by Jenny Holiday

Charming and witty, Jenny Holiday's novel Mermaid Inn is set in Matchmaker Bay, a small town summer escape. Eve Abbott has just inherited her grandmother's Mermaid Inn, and now must go back to handle it. But Police Chief Sawyer Collins, a heartbreaker from Eve's past, lives right down the street, and he can't forget what they had either.

One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan

One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan

Because Paris is the glittering city of romance, wine (and bread!), One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan perfectly encapsulates the destination romance novel. It's a parallel narrative about second chances that unite American teacher Grace Porter, who recently separated from her husband David on their anniversary, and Londoner Audrey Hackett, a student and hair salon employee that faked her way into a Parisian summer job. As opposites, they inspire each other in opposing ways, as Grace offers advice to Audrey about adulthood and love with her new French boyfriend, and Audrey gives Grace the strength to take risks.

travel and romance

  • Romance Novels
  • Travel Inspiration
  • Book Roundup

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All Inclusive Honeymoon packages to The Maldives by Chic Romance Travel


Helping busy couples choose, plan, and book romantic all inclusive honeymoons & best destination weddings worthy of their love story with authentic experiences.

Stress-free travel planning, unique exciting experiences, handling your travel list, planning your destination wedding, honeymoon, or romantic getaway should not feel like a full-time job., are you afraid of overspending i listen to our clients to help them receive the most value from their vacation. with my close partnerships with luxury romantic resorts, i can offer special amenities on many vacations that are not available to couples who book online. , is the thought of planning a honeymoon, destination wedding, or group travel feel overwhelming & not sure you are making the right decisions as an expert. i'm with you every step of the way. guiding you so you can choose, then i will plan & book your romantic getaway. gives you peace of mind that i'm with you until you return home., let me create a romantic vacation that checks all your boxes, and leaves you confident and excited about reconnecting as a couple..

What are the best destinations for a wedding?


A romantic getaway for....

Are you looking for a Honeymoon, Destination Wedding, Vow Renewal, Couple's Getaway, or love itself?

Take the quiz below to see what might match you both. It's fun, interactive, and straightforward.

Once you've taken the quiz, you can explore the destination using our helpful guide. pictures, videos, and sample itineraries will give you an idea of what to expect at that destination..

Find your top 2 destination matches by answering just 17 interactive, fun questions. You can also Explore the whole destination library to view the exotic possibilities.

Let us know which 2 Destinations you received.


Romantic getaways to make your heart race..

You feel overwhelmed & stressed, and maybe you feel like you’ve wasted many hours, days, and even weeks, planning your own travel.  Your time is irreplaceable. Our experts make quick work of finding exactly what you need and want.

Let us put the hours in so you enjoy all the things you love. 


There is a vacation for everyone, but not every vacation is for everyone. .  Find unique experiences while traveling can be challenging.  I listen to your interest, and combine them with exciting experiences to match your travel style.


You’re confused, lost, and wondering if there is someone out there that can give you

the “real deal”.

I can help you get clarity, excited about your getaway & check off your travel planning items, by helping you choose, plan & book your romantic getaway to match your travel style.

Best Destination Wedding


As a busy mom & wife, I understand the pressure of planning and organizing a romantic vacation like a destination wedding, celebration with friends & family, a honeymoon, or love itself, that includes everyone's travel styles.

Having to plan all the overwhelming details not knowing if you are making the right decisions… is why I work with travelers just like you.

I've helped thousands of couples to create incredible romantic getaways & destination weddings that have changed their lives.

Over 3 Decades of Travel Industry experience.

I am an accredited member of the American Society for Travel Advisors, Destination Wedding & Honeymoon Specialist Association, which means that I am a verified Travel Professional.

It's time to go from overworked and overwhelmed to suitcase packed and flight mode ready!


30 - take your family and friends to italy and experience a magical villa or castle for yo


Whether you are celebrating a honeymoon, anniversary, or just love itself, I can help you choose, plan, and book a romantic trip to whisk you away to your own private paradise or countryside in Tuscany, where every evening brings a new romantic enchantment.

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Thinking about getting married or renewing your vows in some deliciously romantic location? Or maybe you are looking at celebrating a milestone. I can help you choose, plan, book, and organize your travel for just the two of you or 100+ excited friends & family.

24 Gliding on the river.jpg


On a romantic river cruise, you will enjoy unique experiences. In many cases, you will have a choice of excursions, such as bike tours, hikes, wine tasting at a local winery, castles, and breathtaking romantic scenery throughout Europe. I love planning & booking these.

destination wedding Italy

I'm Camille Sanders from Chic Romance Travel.

At Chic Romance Travel, whether you are celebrating a destination wedding, honeymoon, vow renewal, anniversary, or just love itself, I know that you want a romantic vacation or destination wedding that accommodates everyone's travel style, and stays within budget, and local experiences for a relaxing vacation.

To have that, you need a professionally planned vacation. The problem is that while you love taking vacations and exploring the world, you do not have the planning skills, experience, or travel industry connections to make it easy.

I have been in the travel industry for the last 33+ years. I have worked with thousands of couples to create incredible romantic getaways & destination weddings that have changed their lives.

I am also an accredited member of the American Society for Travel Advisors, Destination Wedding & Honeymoon Specialist Association, which means that I am a verified Travel Professional.

Camille Sanders

Trying to DIY your travel plans leaves you feeling overwhelmed, 2nd guessing yourself, and it's like a full-time job. It's not your fault. Your busy schedule does not leave time for this.

You deserve to have a vacation that makes you feel excited and relieved that everything has been planned for you.

I understand/know what the pressure is to try and organize a romantic vacation that includes everyone’s travel styles.

Having to plan all the details, not knowing if you are making the right decisions… is why I work with travelers like you.


– step 1 –, schedule a 15 min quick hello call.

Our initial quick hello allows us to get to know each other, hear about your travel ideas to learn about what is important to you.

– STEP 2 –

In this 45 minutes virtual meeting, we'll kick off the planning process.

I will ask you several questions to get to know your travel preferences and style.

– STEP 3 –

I will research and design your itinerary.

  Based on our planning session and your preference, I will design your itinerary, check on destination requirements & advise you, and make recommendations for unique destination experiences so that you can have an unforgettable & romantic vacation.  

– STEP 4 –

We'll prepare travel documents so you can get started packing.

While you are having the time of your life, if something should arise, we are only a text aways. I will be doing the final document preparation, pre-departure documents & final checks, latest travel guidelines for your destination.

While you are having the time of your life, if something should arise, I'm only a text away.

It gives you Peace of mind that I'm with you until you return home


Camille Sanders Destination Wedding and Honeymoon Specialist- Travel Advisor.jpg

Just a few of the dream-worthy destinations that we send our clients to

travel and romance


Travel tips + inspiration.

travel and romance

5 Can't Miss Places To Visit In Los Cabos



It's no secret that the best olives in the world are produced in Greece. Greek olives are essential in Greek cuisine and culture. They aren't just in Greek salads but many authentic dishes. The Greek town of Kalamata is known for the most famous olive in the world.


Happy clients.

"Camille was extremely helpful in all the changes that we had to make to our honeymoon related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

She was super easy to work with and made it so easy to change our travel plans in reaction to the pandemic.

Camille is super easy to talk to and super responsive, and she was super supportive in an extremely tough time.

She is also super knowledgeable about travel options and was very considerate of our budget and helped us plan a honeymoon that is a dream vacation within our original budget.

I would recommend her to anyone who asks, give Camille a call, you will not regret it! "


When customers come to us, they are looking for travel expert to help sort out of confusion from all the hours spent on the internet.  They are stress trying to find the perfect romantic romantic.  Trying to plan all the overwhelming details not knowing if they are making the right decisions.  


We researched, planned and, booked the following: ​

In-depth custom itinerary planning

Insider tips specific to your destination

Local activity & excursions recommendations

Assistance in choosing the best Travel Insurance

Assistance in the choice of destination/resort that best matches your travel style

Confirming the wedding date, the specific location within the resort

Setting up and monitoring shuttles to resorts on the day of travel

Guidance through the Destination Wedding planning process

Research & validate reviews of travel elements.

Coordination of honeymoon/destination wedding plans & receive perks that you cannot get on your own

Support by text, email, call while on your trip

Final Document Preparation & Pre-Departure Documents & Final Checks

And much more!


"Run don't walk to book your next trip with Chic Romance Travel - WOW it was by far the best trip we have ever taken and we travel often! Every single little detail was taken care of the entire honeymoon and it was a true luxury experience.  

We went to Croatia for two weeks traveling to their main cities for our honeymoon.  

Camille and Tara planned the trip and choose the best hotels, restaurants, tours, activities, etc. We had a full itinerary and everyday was an amazing adventure.  

Planning the trip itself was so seamless and she took all my ideas and sites I wanted to see into consideration. Not to mention, the entire time we were there I had someone to ask questions to, change a reservation if we were running late etc.

I could not be happier with how well our honeymoon turned out!! ​ I am so excited to plan our next trip with them!."


travel and romance

Romantics Travel Destination Weddings & Honeymoons

Destination Weddings, Honeymoons, & Romantic Getaways

Helping busy couples plan amazing experiences, we create the ultimate destination wedding, honeymoon, or dream getaway experience with both of you in mind, romantics travel, destination weddings, honeymoons, & romantic getaways - a boutique luxury travel agency specializing in helping busy couples plan  amazing experiences.

Romantics Travel Logo

LET US TELL Y OUR Travel Love Story...

Wading through an endless array of internet pictures, and confusing information isn't the type of person you are. In fact, you have a life and other things to do! You're looking for a true expert that can manage all the details while leaving you free to concentrate on other things.

You deserve more when it comes to travel. You deserve someone that can take your wants, needs, personality, and travel history and deliver an amazingly memorable getaway. You deserve someone that can offer you the personalized attention, while assisting you every step of the way, and all without the hassle or stress of planning your trip on your own.

Our clients are busy couples who are looking for a professional Travel Advisor to plan their destination wedding, honeymoon, or dream getaway experience.  They want an expert to help choose the perfect destination and accommodations, manage the countless details, streamline logistics, and simplify the process, while creating an unmatched experience.



We'll save you time and upgrade your experience, 

all while making the process easy and stress-free for you.

Romantics Travel is a boutique, highly specialized luxury travel agency that

provides their professional expertise and knowledge to create the ultimate travel experience.

Our clients never have to worry about choosing the wrong destination or resort,

or sifting through mounds of information.

By using a professional Travel Advisor like Romantics Travel, you can benefit from our expert advice, trusted supplier connections, extra perks, amenities, VIP service, and 24/7 assistance and support while traveling to ensure you have the best experience possible.

We promise a better travel experience

ROMANTICS TRAVEL DESTINATION WEDDINGS, HONEYMOONS & ROMANTIC GETAWAYS is an award winning agency that has been featured in numerous wedding and travel publications including  Brides Magazine , Destination Weddings and Honeymoons Magazine, and Travel Weekly Magazine  

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Take  the Quiz

Unsure on where to go.

Maybe you just need ideas on where to start!

Go ahead and take our fun and interactive quiz now!

Our Specialties

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Destination Wedding Travel Agency for Island Destination Weddings


Beach Honeymoons by Romantics Travel

Romantic Getaways

Plan a Romantic Getaway with Romantics Travel

Romantics Travel

Clients are....

Busy couples, that are overwhelmed with too many internet choices, and would love someone to take over the full planning aspect so they can co ncentrate on other things. They want an amazing romantic getaway, honeymoon, or destination wedding where everything is expertly planned and taken care of, so all they need to really worry about is packing and getting excited!

Does this sound like you? If so, we'd love to hear from you!

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Transparent Romantics Travel Image


Unmatched experiences, matching you to right destination and experience is crucial. you will benefit from our expertise, personal experience, and connections while also receiving  exclusive destination information, benefits, and perks., unsurpassed convenience, having an expert at romantics travel plan your getaway instead of you resorting to doing it on your own is a huge timesaver sit back and relax while we work our magic, peace of mind, know that you're in great hands before, during, and after your trip with an agency that truly cares about their clients also benefit from 24/7 access to us while traveling..

Closeup sea sand beach. Panoramic beach landscape. Inspire tropical beach seascape horizon

Meet the Team

Nice to Meet You!

Hello, we're Romantics Travel. We're Romance Travel Experts who cut through the myriad of destination and resort choices to find you the absolute perfect dream getaway. So whether you want to travel to an international or local destination by land or sea, we would LOVE to put our knowledge and expertise to work for you!

You see... we really are about the details and the experience. the things that online booking sites do not seem to handle very well since they lack the human touch. this is because online websites can seem like a wealth of info, but in the end leave couples confused, overwhelmed, and on their own you deserve better than that, with the help of our trusted travel partners and connections, we'll manage all of the fine details all while upgrading your getaway in to an incredible experience, and we are there for you every step of the way..

Kimberly Jacoby

Kimberly Jacoby

CEO & Co-Owner

Meaghan Knauer

Meaghan Knauer

Travel Designer

Jeff Jacoby

Jeff Jacoby

COO & Co-Owner

Tiffany Fehribach

Tiffany Fehribach

Fatima Cruz

Fatima Cruz

Executive Assistant

Tarrian Grant

Tarrian Grant

Nickie Harris

Nickie Harris

Senior Travel Designer



love notes from our clients

Clients of Romantics Travel

— Jade & Graydon J.

Hanford, CA

“ "I tell this story to everyone... But when following The Knot Wedding Timeline Planner, it suggested that it's time to start the honeymoon planning. I thought to myself, there is NO WAY. They want me to plan a wedding AND a honeymoon?! They're crazy. But then I remembered meeting a honeymoon travel agent at a wedding expo. Let me just say, it was one of the best decisions of my life getting in contact with Romantics Travel. Kimberly and Jeff are amazing! From the very first call with them, to arriving back at home from the trip, THEY WERE AMAZING! They planned everything down to the last detail. They asked us how we imagined our honeymoon, they set up the flights, transportation to the resort, they gave us an itinerary of the day, who to look for, sent us maps, check lists, and many other things to simply make sure your trip goes smoothly and perfect. And IF we had any issues they took care of it right of way. It was a wonderful feeling to know I could call or send them a message and they responded within seconds. They deserve every praise they receive because they are the best travel agents anyone could ask for. I encourage everyone to have them plan their honeymoon if you want excellent service and to have the honeymoon of your dreams." .”

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The COST of Love: Managing Guilt Around Destination Weddings

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Bringing your Home Photographer to Mexico for Your Wedding

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Essential Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Destination Wedding Planner

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Why You Should Consider Private Group Transportation for Your Destination Wedding Guests

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The Top Questions that Couples Often Overlook When Planning a Destination Wedding

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Unforgettable Resort Bachelorette Party Ideas - Creating Lasting Memories with Your Bridesmaids


Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer

Can You Find Love on the Road?

A black and white photo of a couple holding hands while walking at night

“Isn’t it hard to have a relationship when you’re traveling all the time? Do you ever have a girlfriend? Do you even want one?”

These are questions people often ask me in response to hearing about my perpetual solo travels. (My parents ask way more than often than I’d like.)

But the brutal – and honest – truth is that yes, it’s very hard to have and maintain a long-term relationship when you travel.

One of the major downsides to long-term travel is the perpetual singleness that goes along with it. When you are always on the move, you are never in one place long enough to build a lasting relationship with someone. Right as it’s about to blossom, it’s time for you to go.

But, while relationships are difficult to keep, they do happen.

Many years ago, I was in Cambodia . While talking to some other backpackers, a group of Swedish girls sat down next us. One caught my eye. Or, more accurately, I caught her eye. When the group went out later, the girl and I talked mostly to each other. Four months later, we were saying goodbye in Bangkok as she boarded a flight back to Stockholm .

Once, on a tour of Uluru in Australia , I struck up a conversation with a German girl. She became my travel partner for 2 months in Australia. I stayed at her place in Brisbane and we met up again in Amsterdam the following year.

Then there was the Austrian girl I dated while living in Taiwan . We kept going when she moved back to Vienna but after a while the truth became painfully obvious: she didn’t want to leave Vienna and I wasn’t ready to live there.

Then there was the girl I fell in love with while traveling Southeast Asia a few years ago. We traveled for months but, in the end, the timing was off.

Finding romance on the road isn’t hard.

But finding long-term romance is a different story .

In the intense forge of travel, romances spring up rapidly. The same mindset it takes to open yourself up to new experiences also helps you open yourself up to new people. Travel itself is romantic—passionate, scary, risky, all at once—and so it shouldn’t be surprising that travel fosters romance. When we’re on the road, we’re often our best—or at least our most exciting—selves.

For a brief time in our lives, we’re people straight out of personals ads: curious, adventurous, full of new ideas, and thrilling plans. Anyone seems sexier when setting out to explore a brand-new city than they do on the third or fourth morning of a five-day work week.

Travel accelerates relationships. You can court, fall in love, and break up, all in a matter of a few days. In that way, there is almost paradoxically a perpetual singleness that goes along with traveling as well.

But it’s very hard to have a long-term relationship when you are always on the move. You’re never in one place long enough to build a lasting relationship with someone who lives there. And if you are dating another traveler, at some point it’s time for you (or them) to move on. They go one way, you go another, and that’s the end of your relationship.

Nowadays, it can be a little easier to meet someone on the road and sustain a relationship. If you’re looking to meet another travel lover, remote worker, or backpacker with a similar lifestyle there are apps and websites that can help you do so. One of my favorites is an app specifically to help you meet others with the same travel mindset called Fairytrail

Fairytrail is a great app for long-term travelers because you can meet others with the same mobile and adventurous lifestyle from all over the world. It’s even possible to start a relationship and travel the world together because 93% of Fairytrail members are full-time remote workers or aspire to be. The entire mission of the app is to help reduce loneliness in the remote worker and traveler community, so if you’re looking to form more relationships on the road this may be for you! Fairytrail is definitely something I wish was around when I first started my nomadic adventures. You can download it for free right here .

I’ve met lots of couples who have met while traveling. I even attended the wedding of one couple who met on a beach in Thailand .

But what makes those relationships work is that, eventually, someone changes their life to accommodate the other. Two travelers going on separate journeys can’t maintain romance from afar. The allure of the world is simply too much.

Someone needs to say, “Ok, I’ll move to your place” or “Ok, I’ll go with you to that country.” Someone has to cede the wheel.

While a lot people wish to find that special someone while sitting on a beach in Bali or exploring the streets of Paris . We have this idealistic notion of travel romance. However, the realities of your route, timetables, or flights often get in the way and it becomes much harder to really keep things going.

So what do people have on the road then? What I call “destination relationships.” You meet someone, you hit it off, and, for that place and time, you are together. When it is time for someone to leave, the relationship ends.

Bonds form very quickly on the road, whether a friendship or a relationship. Without “life” getting in the way, people become instant best friends. And, in this case, instant couples. You don’t think about tomorrow or the person’s past. You simply enjoy each others’ company for as long as it will last. Maybe that’s 4 months in Southeast Asia . Maybe it’s a few weeks up the east coast of Australia . Or maybe it is just that week together in Amsterdam.

Destination relationships give travelers a chance at human contact — but without all the messy emotions that so often get involved. There’s no baggage. There’s a clear start and end date. There are no messy breakups. Often times you remain good friends. I still talk to the girls I’ve dated on the road. We had each other and then we both moved on.

People travel to explore the world for themselves , which is why so few people change their plans. It’s a big step to change your whole trip around or stop it completely because of someone else. That puts a lot of pressure on the relationship. And, most of the time, no one ever wants to think, “What if I had kept traveling…”

I’m a believer that if things are meant to be, they will work out. If you meet someone and it’s meant to be, it will work. Maybe not right now, but in the future.

Because if you both feel the same way, you will make it work. You’ll find a compromise. Travel romances are like all other long-distance romances – hard, challenging, and, sadly, with a horrible failure rate.

But, when they work, they are perfection.

Every day all over the world, thousands of travelers get together and then quickly say goodbye as they move to the next city.

Finding something that lasts more than a few days?

It’s hard but not impossible.

As for me, it would be nice to have something long-term. I’d love to have a travel partner to explore the world with.

Maybe one day I’ll check into a hostel, find my counterpart, and we’ll travel the world together.

Until then, I roam the world. Travel is my love.  

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

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Our Favourite Romantic Travel Movies

travel and romance

There’s something so romantic about travelling to an unfamiliar place that the experience is practically made for the big screen. Watching movie characters navigate new places means you can live vicariously through them and experience double the escapism without having to get off the couch. 

If your next holiday feels far away, watch these romantic travel movies and get ready to be transported to a world filled with swoon-worthy romance and scenic destinations. These films are guaranteed to satisfy your wanderlust — at least for the time being. 

  • Before Sunrise
  • Letters to Juliet
  • The Proposal
  • Eat, Pray, Love
  • The Holiday
  • Crazy Rich Asians
  • Roman Holiday
  • Call Me By Your Name
  • The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

See Also: Romantic Tours & Trips

1. Before Sunrise

For those who have ever dreamed of making an unexpected connection with a stranger while abroad, this movie is for you. Before Sunrise is a 1995 indie film that tells the story of Jesse and Céline, who meet on a train and decide to explore Vienna together on a whim. 

They walk the streets of Vienna at night, talking the whole time about their views on life and love while knowing that when the night is over, they will part ways and likely never see each other again. The movie makes Austria’s capital the perfectly enchanting backdrop to Jesse and Céline’s growing connection, and the soft glow of the evening streets lend a sense of melancholy to their short time together. 

You can watch Before Sunrise on its own, or follow the rest of Jesse and Céline’s story in the sequels, Before Sunset and Before Midnight.

2. Letters to Juliet

On a trip to Verona with her fiancé, Sophie visits Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s House), where it’s customary for lovelorn visitors to leave letters and messages for the Shakespearean heroine (or in this version of Verona anyway). 

When Sophie discovers an unanswered letter from decades ago, she writes back with the help of the Secretaries of Juliet. Her response brings Claire, the author of the letter, to Verona with her grandson Charlie, and the trio embark on a journey through Tuscany in hopes of finding Claire’s long-lost love. 

The movie features gorgeous shots of the Italian countryside, and it’s a celebration of love that will melt even the coldest of hearts. After you watch it, you might just want to hop on a plane to Verona yourself and leave your own letter to Juliet!

See Also: 7 of the Best Movies to Watch on a Plane

3. The Proposal

When Margaret Tate, a high-powered publishing executive, finds out that she might be deported back to her home country of Canada, she enlists the help of her assistant Andrew to act as her fiancé. To convince the immigration agent of their relationship, the two travel to Andrew’s hometown of Sitka, Alaska to meet his family where, spoiler alert: they fall in love. 

While the movie was not actually filmed in Alaska , seeing the contrast between the towering skyscrapers that Margaret is accustomed to and snow-capped mountains that Andrew calls home will make you feel like you’ve taken a quick getaway. This formulaic rom-com hits all the right spots: a fake relationship turned real against a scenic backdrop, with no shortage of charming hijinks.

4. Eat, Pray, Love

In all its forms, Eat, Pray, Love is a travel classic. Follow Liz Gilbert as she embarks on a year-long travel journey around the world after a difficult divorce to regain balance in her life. This movie is a visual dream, featuring sweeping panoramic views of Italy , India , and Indonesia , along with close-up shots of glorious, mouth-watering food. 

The storyline is dreamy and inspirational, and while not everyone can take a year off from their lives to wander the world, hopefully savouring a delicious margherita pizza in Naples is in your future. 

5. The Holiday

Separated by the Atlantic Ocean, Iris and Amanda are two women who exchange houses for the holidays in an effort to escape their respective romantic troubles. New romances spark for both of them in this holiday favourite, and what starts as a spontaneous getaway ends up being much more. 

Amanda’s modern California mansion could not be more different from Iris’ cosy English cottage, and it’s incredibly entertaining to watch them get accustomed to their new settings. This movie is a win for anyone whose favourite part of travelling is being spontaneous and opening your heart to something new. 

See Also: 7 Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel

6. Crazy Rich Asians

The glitz and glamour of Singapore’s luxurious side is on full display in this vibrant movie where Rachel Chu, a young Manhattanite, travels to Singapore with her boyfriend Nick to meet his family.

Unbeknownst to her, his family is part of the ultra-wealthy Singaporean elite, and they’re experts at throwing lavish and extravagant parties. Unfortunately, there’s trouble in paradise for the pair when Rachel realises Nick’s family disapproves of their relationship. 

This movie is a glittering guide to Singapore’s best sights, from sweeping nighttime shots of Gardens by the Bay to glimmering aerial views of Marina Bay Sands with fireworks exploding overhead. The movie also features glamour shots of Newton Food Center — where you can go to get a taste of authentic Singapore — and Sentosa, a prime Singaporean weekend getaway destination.

No wonder travel searches skyrocketed following the movie’s release — after watching this movie, you’ll want to add Singapore to your travel list, too. 

7. Roman Holiday

In this classic tale of mistaken identity, a crown princess falls in love with an American reporter when she decides to explore Rome on her own on a state visit. Audrey Hepburn’s first film doubles as a scenic romp, hitting quintessential Roman spots like the Spanish Steps, the Colosseum, and the Trevi Fountain. 

Princess Ann’s zeal for exploring Rome on her own terms speaks to the souls of intrepid travellers everywhere, and you’ll love watching her careen through the streets of Rome on a vespa, eat gelato on the Spanish Steps, dine al fresco, and fall in love on her Roman holiday. 

8. Call Me By Your Name

Set in Northern Italy in 1983, Call Me By Your Name tells the story of the love that blossoms between Elio, the young son of an archaeology professor, and Oliver, a visiting American graduate student. 

Filming for the movie took place in Lombardy, and the province is rendered beautifully, with its ornate architecture, sunlit piazzas, and lush countryside, making for the perfect setting for this melancholy love story.

See Also: Romantic Getaways to Rekindle Your Marriage

9. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

On the night before they’re slated to go their separate ways, a group of lifelong friends devise a plan to say connected during their first summer apart: by sharing a pair of thrift-shop jeans that inexplicably fit each of their figures perfectly. 

This coming-of-age story follows the four girls — and the magical jeans — to Greece , South Carolina, Mexico , and Maryland, as they journey through a summer of first loves, losses, and heartbreak. 

Being away from the people you love is one of the hardest parts of travelling, and this movie serves as a great reminder that nothing can come between best friends — including time and distance.

What are your favourite romantic travel movies? Let us know in the comments!

travel and romance

Melanie Cheng

Melanie is a Toronto-based writer and editor who loves experiencing new things in new places. In between adventures, you can find her with her nose in a book, re-watching episodes of Friends, or on the lookout for her next favourite brunch spot.

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For the Love of Travel

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it’s natural to dream of your next romantic getaway. Let Travel + Leisure be your guide.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to romance — some sweethearts favor an adventure-packed itinerary in the woods, while others fancy a week-long jaunt in a big city known for its culture and culinary scene. Some desire blissed-out days on the beach, and others crave the countryside, or afternoons on a private island, or strolls down cobblestone streets in a charming small town, or, well, you get the idea. But there’s one thing we can all agree on: Whether you’re in a budding relationship or a deep, years-long marriage, a romantic getaway is a great way to reconnect with your loved one. After all, nothing strengthens a bond quite like navigating a new place together and building everlasting memories.

As we approach Valentine’s Day,  Travel + Leisure  has compiled a collection of stories that celebrate love on the road. If nothing more, let this help inspire your next adventure with your special someone. Who knows what magical, spark-flying moments await?

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21 most romantic getaways in florida.

For couples who love the beach, Florida is the ultimate destination for a romantic getaway.

Romantic Getaways in Florida

A couple dines by the beach at Marriott Harbor Beach Resort.

Courtesy of Marriott Harbor Beach Resort

The Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale provides all the essentials for a romantic getaway in Florida.

From world-renowned beaches bordered by small towns and big cities to island escapes and even all-inclusive resorts , Florida offers a seemingly endless variety of destinations perfect for an escape with your partner. To help you choose your next romantic getaway in Florida, we've rounded up the best of the best.

St. Augustine

  • Bungalows Key Largo
  • Little Palm Island Resort & Spa
  • The Don CeSar

Miami Beach

Sanibel island, fort lauderdale.

  • Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa
  • Henderson Park Inn

Amelia Island

  • The Breakers Palm Beach
  • JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort
  • Acqualina Resort & Residences on the Beach
  • The Boca Raton Beach Club
  • Cheeca Lodge & Spa
  • Islamorada Resort Collection
  • White Elephant Palm Beach

Two beach chairs at the beach facing the sunset at Casa Monica Resort & Spa in St. Augustine.

Courtesy of Casa Monica Resort & Spa

Head to St. Augustine if you and your soul mate appreciate history. Start your visit exploring Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park, where you and your significant other can drink from the mythical spring early settlers believed had anti-aging properties. Then, spend some time at the aptly named Old Jail before visiting the town's famous Castillo de San Marcos National Monument. Round out your trip by signing up for one of St. Augustine's spooky ghost tours .

If you and your beau would rather explore at your own pace, plan a leisurely stroll up and down St. George Street. This downtown, pedestrian-only thoroughfare is lined with old-world structures that house boutique shops, eateries and art galleries, including local favorites like Whetstone Chocolates and the Spanish Bakery & Café. Later, you'll have the chance to fall in love all over again on a romantic sunset cruise , amid a horse-drawn carriage ride or after climbing to the top of the St. Augustine Lighthouse.

Where to stay: After a day of sightseeing, share a bottle of wine and gourmet international cuisine at lovebird-approved restaurants like Collage and Michael's before retreating to one of several enchanting properties located within the town center. The Collector Luxury Inn & Gardens boasts impeccable service, beautiful grounds, and well-appointed rooms and suites, which feature charming details like fireplaces, coquina walls and rain showers; verandas are also offered in select suites.

Meanwhile, the Casa Monica Resort & Spa , an Autograph Collection property, appeals to couples in search of old-world charm, spacious accommodations and an exclusive atmosphere (thanks in part to the pool cabanas and private beach club).

Bungalows Key Largo: Key Largo

Florida resorts

Courtesy of Bungalows Key Largo

Located on the sun-kissed island of Key Largo, around 70 miles south of Miami, Bungalows Key Largo appeals to couples in search of an adults-only, all-inclusive escape . One of few all-inclusive resorts in Florida, the resort offers luxuries spanning an in-town courtesy car to complimentary valet parking, along with amenities such as free cruiser bikes and daily yoga sessions. While here, go for a dip in one of two outdoor pools, relax on 1,000 feet of private beach, or get out on the water in one of the resort's kayaks or paddleboards. For an additional cost, lovebirds can even pamper themselves with decadent treatments like a bamboo massage or mineral bath at the resort's on-site spa.

For dinner, enjoy coastal Mexican cuisine with your beau underneath a bevy of palm trees at the beachfront Sea Señor restaurant, then grab a cocktail under the Sunset Tiki Bar's thatched roof. When you're ready to bed down, you'll get to kick back in an exclusive bungalow that comes with a pillow-top mattress, rain shower and private veranda with a soaking tub. All bungalows feature garden or ocean views, but for a separate sitting area with a sofa bed, opt for the King Bungalow. For additional romantic perks, Bungalows Key Largo offers vacation packages for special occasions ranging from honeymoons and babymoons to engagement and elopement celebrations. With the popular "Romance Package," couples will receive extras like chocolate-covered strawberries, a bottle of sparkling wine and rose petals upon arrival.

Address: 99010 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037

Little Palm Island Resort & Spa: Little Torch Key

travel and romance

Courtesy of Little Palm Island Resort & Spa

Twosomes who crave peace and quiet will love visiting Little Palm Island Resort & Spa , a Noble House property. Located roughly 25 miles northeast of Key West on Little Torch Key, this adults-only property is solely accessible by seaplane or boat. Inside all of the British West Indies-inspired bungalow suites, visitors will discover details like vaulted ceilings, private decks and indoor-outdoor showers. Dial up the romance even further by adding on a turndown package that includes perks like a bottle of Champagne, a drawn bath for two and chocolate-covered strawberries. But while the resort is certainly laden with luxury, what makes Little Palm Island's suites ideal for couples is what they lack: Guests won't find TVs or telephones inside the accommodations, an intentional move by the resort to help travelers disconnect from everyday stress.

When you're ready to venture outside your digs, you can arrange off-site fishing excursions, scuba diving outings and more through the concierge or take advantage of the resort's countless amenities. The on-site spa offers a variety of treatments, including couples massages and an aromatherapy bath, while the beach is the place to go for activities like paddleboarding and kayaking. The outdoor pool also features front-row views of the ocean, lounge chairs, and a bar that serves tropical cocktails and casual bites. For more substantial meals showcasing fresh seafood, grab a bite to eat in the resort's dining room. Enhance the mood even further by arranging a private dinner on the beach at sunset.

Address: 28500 Overseas Highway, Little Torch Key, FL 33042

The Don CeSar: St. Pete Beach

Romantic getaways Florida

Courtesy of The Don CeSar

Opened in the late 1920s as a tribute to real estate scion Thomas Rowe's lost love, The Don CeSar regularly welcomes vacationing couples to St. Pete Beach, a community just west of St. Petersburg . Upon entering the "Pink Palace," you and your sweetheart will feel as if you've stepped back in time thanks to the property's old-Florida details, such as retro tile floors, wicker furnishings and palm leaf print. This Roaring '20s vibe is especially apparent in the lobby bar, which plays live jazz music and serves a selection of sophisticated cocktails and small plates. For a more romantic setting, grab a sweet treat at the ice cream parlor before enjoying a sunset, or cuddle by one of The Rowe Bar's outdoor fire pits. Maritana, the main restaurant, is the place to go if your ideal date night involves dressing up and savoring gourmet seafood.

Later, you can go for a dip in one of two heated outdoor pools, pamper yourselves at the full-service spa or borrow loaner bicycles to check out nearby attractions like Fort De Soto Park, a 1,136-acre park that sits a little more than 5 miles south of the property. When it's time to bed down, you and your partner will enjoy charming digs decorated with blush-pink tones and beds dressed in plush linens. Some previous guests said basic rooms are small, so for more elbow room, reserve one of the hotel's penthouses, whose two-story layouts come with kitchenettes and furnished balconies.

Address: 3400 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach, FL 33706

Miami South Beach sunrise with lifeguard tower and coastline with colorful cloud and blue sky.

Getty Images

For a dose of art and culture in a chic atmosphere, travel to bustling Miami Beach . In this ritzy seaside community just east of Miami, you'll discover miles of gorgeous sand and boulevards lined with upscale shops. Begin your vacation sunbathing at Lummus Park, or head north to Haulover Park for some fun in the sun sans clothing. If you and your partner would rather get out on the water than gaze at it from the shore, you can sign up for a private sailing charter ; take to the skies on a parasailing trip ; or rent water sports equipment like paddleboards, Jet Skis and powerboats through a reputable outfitter like Miami Tours & Water Adventures.

After soaking up some rays, get a dose of contemporary art at The Bass – a top Miami-area museum – then explore the lush Miami Beach Botanical Garden or admire the incredible structures that constitute the Art Deco Historic District on a guided tour. If your stomachs start to grumble, sit down for an Italian-inspired meal in Casa Tua's garden; the tropical plants, hanging lanterns and candles will help set the mood. Another top dining option involves savoring plates of salmon tartare, wagyu beef gyoza or truffle risotto at the rooftop restaurant Juvia.

Where to stay: In the evening, hang your hats at Fontainebleau Miami Beach , one of the best hotels in the city. Past guests praised the attentive staff and clean accommodations (which include amenities like iMac computers and minibars) but said it was the property's on-site facilities that set it apart from the rest. Duos can swim in one of 11 pools, lounge on the beach and enjoy a luxurious spa treatment, among other activities.

Romantic getaways Florida

Few Florida destinations are as serene and laid-back as Sanibel Island , which continues to make a remarkable recovery following damages sustained from Hurricane Ian in 2022. Situated about 25 miles southwest of Fort Myers on Florida's Gulf Coast, Sanibel Island appeals to couples seeking rest and relaxation. While there are no shortage of fun activities – such as shopping along Periwinkle Way or bird-watching at the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge – lovebirds will likely spend the bulk of their time at Sanibel Island's beautiful beaches. Turner Beach and Blind Pass Beach are especially popular for shelling, while the shoreline by the Sanibel Island Lighthouse is an excellent place to spot wild dolphins.

Where to stay: Local accommodations here run the gamut from charming cottages and inns to beachfront resorts and hotels. Couples who prefer boutique-style properties will love staying at Island Inn , which features an outdoor pool, two tennis courts, a restaurant and 500-plus feet of pristine shoreline.

Aerial of Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Take your partner to Fort Lauderdale if having a mix of things to see and do is just as important as sticking to a budget. Spend some time lounging on the beach – Fort Lauderdale Beach and Las Olas Beach earn rave reviews from visitors for their crystal-clear waters, clean sand, and proximity to restaurants and hotels. You may also want to prioritize Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, a lush oasis in the heart of the city where couples can rent tandem kayaks and pedal boats. Outside the park, you'll find countless other ways to keep yourselves occupied, whether you're exploring the Riverwalk Arts & Entertainment District on a bike tour or paddleboarding along Fort Lauderdale's famous waterways.

Once you've worked up an appetite, head to traveler-approved eateries like Kaluz Restaurant for fresh seafood, premium cuts of meat, and comfort classics like burgers and flatbreads. Diners also loved Steak 954 and Casablanca Cafe, which serves up specialties such as baked escargot. Meanwhile, couples seeking an enchanting ambiance can opt for an exclusive gondola dinner cruise along the city's New River.

Where to stay: Check in to the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort , where you and your partner can lounge by the pool, enjoy a couples massage at the spa and go for a stroll on the beach at sunset. For a romantic dinner, make reservations at the hotel's signature restaurant 3030 Ocean, which specializes in fresh seafood and oceanfront views.

Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa: Lake Buena Vista

The newly reimagined Citricos inside Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., nods to “Mary Poppins Returns” with subtle design cues. Starting July 15, 2021, guests can dine “underneath the lovely London sky” in a fanciful garden setting surrounded by the glow from decorative lamps and chandeliers. Bookings for Citricos will begin July 1, 2021. (Matt Stroshane, photographer)

Matt Stroshane | Courtesy of Walt Disney World Resort

Reserve a room at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa if you and your significant other are kids at heart. Unlike other properties on the Walt Disney World Resort grounds, this hotel – situated less than 25 miles southwest of central Orlando – offers an opulent setting made for couples. While you and your partner will undoubtedly want to take advantage of the Grand Floridian's easy access to Magic Kingdom, which is only one stop away on Disney's monorail, the hotel's Victorian-style architecture and upscale amenities shouldn't be overlooked. Inside the grandiose lobby, sweethearts can forget about life's stresses while listening to live piano music. What's more, the hotel's two zero-entry pools provide a quiet atmosphere ideal for adults. And if you're feeling nostalgic, you can participate in property activities like making s'mores by a fire pit or watching movies beneath the stars.

Following a day of relaxing or Orlando theme park hopping, get dressed up for a romantic evening on-site. You can start the night toasting to your love at the Enchanted Rose, an elegant lounge with four areas inspired by "Beauty and the Beast," including an outdoor patio and a library. Then, treat yourselves to dinner at Cítricos. Featuring decor inspired by the film "Mary Poppins Returns," this upscale restaurant serves mouthwatering Mediterranean-influenced cuisine. To explore Orlando's culinary offerings outside of the hotel, guests can reserve a table at traveler-approved restaurants Kres Chophouse or Capa. After filling up on gourmet fare, retreat to your guest room or suite. You can upgrade to an Outer Building suite with a direct view of Cinderella Castle, or choose a club-level room for extras like health club access and admission to a lounge with complimentary refreshments.

Address: 4401 Floridian Way, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

Henderson Park Inn: Destin

You may not immediately think of Destin when planning a romantic getaway in Florida, but this quiet town on the Florida Panhandle makes a perfect escape for twosomes. In addition to offering ample outdoor activities, such as fishing and sunset cruises , this laid-back town overlooking the Gulf of Mexico is where you'll find the Henderson Park Inn . At this adults-only, all-inclusive Florida hotel, you and your sweetheart will have access to all kinds of amenities, including loaner bicycles, daily happy hour beverages and the use of a fitness center. You can also check out the hotel's sister property – Henderson Beach Resort – to lounge by the upper-deck pool or unwind at the spa.

When hunger starts to set in, make your way to the Henderson Park Inn's Beach Walk Café to savor delectable seafood and meat dishes. (Keep in mind, though, that the all-inclusive plan does not cover dinner here.) With the restaurant's "Toes in the Sand" private dining experience, you and your partner can enjoy an intimate sunset dinner on the beach. Once you've finished your meal, retire to one of the hotel's plush rooms or suites. The Presidential Suite offers amenities ranging from a whirlpool tub to a spacious private balcony, while the Studio Suite is the only suite equipped with a kitchenette.

Address: 2700 Scenic Highway 98, Destin, FL 32541

Romantic getaways Florida

Located less than 35 miles northeast of Jacksonville, Amelia Island draws twosomes in search of secluded shores, lush vegetation and ample activities. Spend your visit lounging on the 13 miles of beaches – complete with soft Appalachian quartz sand – and strolling hand in hand beneath Spanish moss-covered oak trees. For a more active getaway, explore the island on a 6-mile bike ride through Fort Clinch State Park before hitting the links at one of Amelia Island's five world-renowned golf courses. In the evening, lovers can head to Peters Point Beach Front Park for a sunset horseback ride along the coast, and round out the night with a romantic dinner for two at traveler-approved restaurants like Le Clos or Salt at the Ritz-Carlton, an AAA Five Diamond award recipient.

Where to stay: For those looking to pamper themselves during their vacation, Amelia Island offers a variety of luxurious hotels. Bed down at The Ritz-Carlton on Amelia Island for access to a spa with sea-inspired treatments, multiple pools with private cabanas and an oceanfront tennis court; the accommodations here feature romantic touches like terraces with fire tables and plush bathrobes. Or, couples can opt for a stay at Omni Amelia Island Resort , a 1,350-acre property that boasts an adults-only infinity pool, a spa, a steakhouse, and 400-plus guest rooms with ocean-facing balconies or patios.

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The Breakers Palm Beach: Palm Beach

This colossal South Florida property – which has been a fixture in Palm Beach since 1896 and sits less than 2 miles from downtown West Palm Beach – features an extravagant appearance that pays homage to Rome's Villa Medici. After driving down the palm-lined driveway at  The Breakers , past manicured lawns and a Florentine Fountain, step into the grandiose lobby to admire beautiful Venetian chandeliers hanging from painted ceilings. Though standard accommodations come outfitted with everything you need for a romantic date night in (think: minibars, plush bathrobes and flat-screen TVs), you may want to upgrade to a Flagler Club room or suite to make your stay extra memorable. These accommodations, which sit on two restricted floors of the resort, come with exclusive perks like chauffeured Tesla car service, a cocktail hour, and access to a private lounge and rooftop terrace.

Outside your room or suite, you'll find numerous amenities made for twosomes. Head to the resort's private beach to enjoy activities like paddleboarding, kayaking and surfing; lounge by the adults-only infinity pool; tee off on the state's oldest golf course; or treat yourselves to a personalized couples massage at the spa. When you're ready to eat, sit down for a meal at the property's steakhouse or seafood bar, both of which earn rave reviews from past patrons. Another top dining option is nearby Renato's, an Italian-inspired eatery with an enchanting outdoor courtyard.

Address: 1 S. County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480

JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort: Marco Island

travel and romance

Courtesy of JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort

At the JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort in southwest Florida, you and your significant other will instantly feel at ease while lounging on the resort's 3-mile-long private beach or challenging each other to a game of tennis on the outdoor courts. The resort also houses a 24,000-square-foot spa, where you can unwind in the steam room or soothe aching muscles during a couples massage. Should you crave a Caribbean-inspired cocktail or bite to eat, head to the on-site Quinn's on the Beach – in the evenings you can witness both a gorgeous sunset and fire dancers putting on an incredible performance.

Most accommodations here offer balconies that face the Gulf, but if you don't mind splurging for newer digs and additional privacy, previous visitors suggest booking a Paradise by Sirene room or suite. Located on the top four floors of a private tower that only permits guests ages 21 and older, these accommodations include extras like access to an adults-only rooftop pool, daily breakfast for two and concierge services in their nightly rates. Guests can also enjoy the Mediterranean-inspired restaurant, Tesoro, that offers panoramic views of the Gulf of Mexico.

Address: 400 S. Collier Blvd., Marco Island, FL 34145

Acqualina Resort & Residences on the Beach: Sunny Isles Beach

Romantic getaways Florida

Courtesy of Acqualina Resort & Residences on the Beach

Feel worlds away from busy Miami Beach without sacrificing proximity to its top attractions by staying at the serene Acqualina Resort & Residences on the Beach . Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean from its perch in Sunny Isles Beach, a town situated about 10 miles north of South Beach, this award-winning property offers all kinds of relaxation-focused amenities. Guests can arrange a treatment in the ESPA-affiliated spa's Royal Spa Suite, equipped with a two-person rainforest shower and a private wraparound balcony. Then, reserve a cabana for additional privacy and pampering while enjoying the adults-only pool, or sink your toes in the sand at the 400-foot-long beach. To satiate your appetite, surprise your beau with a picnic or private dinner on the beach. A highly regarded Italian restaurant with charming terraces and an excellent selection of wines is also located on-site.

Past guests praised the hotel's kind and attentive staff, and many said the resort's smaller size added to its tranquil atmosphere. Standard rooms are spacious at 600 square feet and feature everything from Jacuzzi tubs to minibars to private balconies. Meanwhile, suites offer even more square footage and additions like dining chairs and separate living rooms. Enhance your stay by booking the resort's "Ultimate Spa Package for Two," which covers an oceanfront room or suite, four spa treatments, a welcome amenity, and a spa lunch for you and your partner, among other perks.

Address: 17875 Collins Ave., Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160

Naples, Florida, USA town skyline on the water at dawn.

A romantic getaway to Naples is all about spending time outside while also enjoying the finer things in life. In this luxe coastal town on Florida's Gulf Coast, you'll discover uncrowded beaches, world-renowned golf courses, and an abundance of high-end shops interspersed between alfresco dining and boutique art galleries. Stroll hand in hand along a favorite beach, or venture approximately 30 miles northwest of town to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, where you can admire verdant vegetation and spot alligators, otters and more. If you'd rather surround yourself with water views and sunsets, you'll have your pick of beautiful beaches, including Vanderbilt Beach Park and Clam Pass Park.

Balance your time in nature with some retail therapy. Downtown's Fifth Avenue South is where you'll find a variety of locally owned art galleries, clothing boutiques and specialty shops. Later, satisfy your appetite at one of the best restaurants in Naples ; top romantic eatery options include BALEEN, Campiello's or Bleu Provence with its extensive wine collection.

Where to stay: Because Naples offers a ritzier vibe than most beach destinations in Florida, you can expect to pay a pretty penny for accommodations here. Those who love to golf should seek out a room or suite at The Ritz-Carlton Naples, Tiburón , which features two Greg Norman-designed courses at its famous Tiburón Golf Club, plus an outdoor pool and restaurant that overlook the links. For lodging closer to the water, choose the centrally located Inn on Fifth . Situated a few blocks east of the beach on Fifth Avenue South, this property offers accommodations with Juliet balconies or terraces, a spa, and a rooftop pool.

The Boca Raton Beach Club: Boca Raton

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Courtesy of The Boca Raton Beach Club

Couples who want to spoil themselves while on vacation should consider a room or suite at The Boca Raton Beach Club , part of the larger Boca Raton resort. Nestled on a private peninsula in the Palm Beaches resort town of Boca Raton, just north of South Inlet Park, this luxurious property aims to please with its plethora of perks. Inside the modern accommodations, twosomes will find minibars and floor-to-ceiling windows alongside marble bathrooms equipped with rainfall showers and soaking tubs. Select upgraded rooms and suites also come outfitted with lanais, sun decks or balconies that provide phenomenal ocean views.

Duos interested in getting some vitamin D may want to spend the bulk of their time swimming and sunbathing at the resort's private beach or three oceanfront pools. For those who need a break from the water, there is an 18-hole championship golf course and 16 tennis courts available to test your athletic skills. In the evening, clink glasses with your sweetheart at the chic Colin Cowie-designed lobby lounge.

Address: 900 S. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33432

Taken in Vero Beach Florida

Choose charming Vero Beach for a romantic trip away if you and your partner appreciate art and love spending time outside. Situated on Florida's east coast about 80 miles north of West Palm Beach, this idyllic town offers ample ways to pass the time. Craving some outdoor solitude? Stop by Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, a natural oasis known for its diverse bird population and excellent stargazing opportunities. If you'd rather stay within town limits, grab a pair of paddleboards or kayaks from Orchid Outfitters and head to Round Island Riverside Park. In this quiet park by the Indian River, you can paddle past wild manatees (taking care not to disturb them) or admire them from the 400-foot-long boardwalk; you'll also find beach access across the street in Round Island Oceanside Park. Meanwhile, couples seeking a dose of culture can check out nearly 900 pieces on display at the Vero Beach Museum of Art or McKee Botanical Garden's impressive collection of sculptures and native plants.

Where to stay: After a leisurely day of exploring town, split a bottle of wine and Florida-inspired bites like conch fritters at The Tides – or watch the sun dip below the ocean's surface while savoring fresh seafood, prime cuts of meat and more at Ocean Grill. Both restaurants sit within walking distance of the Kimpton Vero Beach Hotel & Spa and Costa d'Este Beach Resort & Spa , two beachfront hotels made for couples. The Kimpton property features tropical accommodations, as well as a spa and an outdoor pool surrounded by swaying palm trees. Meanwhile, Costa d'Este offers sunrise yoga classes, water sports equipment rentals, and ocean-facing rooms and suites.

Exterior of Hemingway House in Key West, Florida.

Laurence Norah | Courtesy of Florida Keys News Bureau

Key West attracts couples seeking dreamy accommodations set amid a laid-back island atmosphere. Look for lodging at the well-appointed Ocean Key Resort & Spa , where every guest room comes with a personal balcony and whirlpool tub, or opt for a charming personal cottage at Sunset Key Cottages . Located on a private island and only reachable by boat, this enchanting property features luxe amenities like fully equipped kitchens and separate living rooms. Here, couples can relax at the resort's serene spa during the day and, in the evening, dine at the award-winning beachfront restaurant Latitudes. Recent diners complimented the terrific service and delicious menu but said the view was what really made their experience unforgettable.

When you're not lounging around your resort, spy a six-toed cat at the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, watch the sun go down from Mallory Square or grab a drink with your beau along bustling Duval Street. Plus, thanks to its abundant marine life and colorful coral reefs, Key West is a perfect place to snorkel or scuba dive. If you're looking to up the romance factor even further, take an exhilarating seaplane tour with your sweetheart to Dry Tortugas National Park, which sits roughly 70 miles west of Key West and is known best for its 19th-century fort and cobalt-blue waters.

Green beach loungers and umbrellas at white sandy beach

From stunning beaches to historic estates, couples will find plenty to see and do in this southern Florida locale. Explore nearby Lovers Key State Park on a guided ecotour, or plan your visit for winter to spot wild manatees at Manatee Park. For an unforgettable Fort Myers date night, board the Murder Mystery Dinner Train, an interactive show where lovebirds can put their sleuthing skills to the test while savoring delectable meat dishes and sipping on specialty cocktails. Round out your romantic getaway to Fort Myers with a chocolate-making class at Norman Love Confections, where you and your other half can learn how to create decadent sweets like truffles and fudge. When your stomach starts to rumble, check out romantic restaurants like Bayfront Bistro & Bar and The Veranda, where couples can fill up on specialties like veal piccata and Chilean sea bass.

Where to stay: After spending the day reconnecting with your sweetie, couples can retire to upscale digs at the Marriott Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa , a lovebird-approved property facing the Caloosahatchee River. Or, book your stay at Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina , a quiet beachfront retreat that offers exclusive amenities such as a full-service marina, a zero-entry pool and a relaxing spa.

Cheeca Lodge & Spa: Islamorada

Cheeca Lodge & Spa pool at night.

Courtesy of Cheeca Lodge & Spa

If you and your sweetie like to keep busy while on vacation, book a room at Cheeca Lodge & Spa , one of the best resorts in the Florida Keys . This tropical paradise offers myriad ways for couples to spend their romantic getaway. Work on your swing at the resort's nine-hole golf course, challenge your partner to a volleyball tournament on the beach, cast a line from the property's 525-foot-long pier or get out on the water in a clear-bottomed kayak. Later, you can give your aching muscles a break by taking advantage of the resort's Xbox arcade, extensive book collection and game room, which features classics like air hockey, pool and ping-pong.

Cheeca Lodge & Spa is also home to three heated swimming pools, more than 1,000 feet of white sand beach and seven spa treatment rooms. Plus, with two outdoor bars and three top-notch restaurants serving everything from sushi to artisanal pizza, foodie couples will rejoice come dinnertime. When you're ready to hit the hay, you'll be treated to accommodations that feature either resort, lagoon or ocean views and come equipped with screened-in or open-air balconies, plush bedding and rain showers. While many travelers raved over the resort's beautiful property and well-appointed rooms, others lamented that the beach can sometimes get overrun with seaweed, so consider elsewhere if you plan on spending the majority of your vacation lounging on the beach.

Address: 81801 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036

Islamorada Resort Collection: Islamorada

Kayaks on beach at La Siesta Resort and Villas.

Courtesy of Islamorada Resorts Collection

Perfect for couples seeking seclusion in the Florida Keys, The Islamorada Resorts Collection comprises four hotels: Amara Cay Resort , Pelican Cove Resort & Marina , Postcard Inn Beach Resort & Marina and La Siesta Resort & Villas . No matter which accommodations you choose, you'll enjoy access to the amenities at all four hotels – including 55 boat slips, eight restaurants, two fitness centers, complimentary beachside yoga, daily scheduled events and water sports ranging from jet skiing to fishing charters. There's also a lagoon-style pool at Amara Cay. When and if you decide to leave the property, you'll enjoy its proximity to local attractions like the History of Diving Museum and the arts and culture district.

Address: 80001 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036

White Elephant Palm Beach: Palm Beach

Patio of White Elephant Palm Beach guest room.

Chi-Thien Nguyen | Courtesy of Elkus Manfredi Architects

Different from the region's mega beach resorts , the White Elephant Palm Beach feels more like a private residence, with just 19 suites and 13 guest rooms. The aethestic varies from many local hotels, too, with black-and-white-striped awnings, terracotta roof tilings and hardwood floors throughout the property. Upscale accommodations are outfitted with custom-designed furniture including king beds with beautifully upholstered head boards, and two penthouse suites feature terraces overlooking Bradley Park.

Complete with a patio, pool and ice cream cart serving complimentary treats, the lush outdoor courtyard is the ultimate place to relax and recharge at this boutique hotel. And at the brand's signature restaurant, Lola 41, you can enjoy globally inspired cuisine and seafood specialties.

If and when you and partner are ready to dig your toes in the sand, grab your complimentary beach gear and hop on the hotel shuttle (also complimentary), which will transport you to the beach a few blocks away. For other romantic rendezvous in Palm Beach, you can borrow bikes, be chauffeured into town via a BMW 7 Series luxury sedan or book an exclusive excursion aboard a Barton & Gray yacht.

Address: 280 Sunset Ave., Palm Beach, FL 33480

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5 of the Best Romantic Time Travel Novels

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Shireen Hakim

Shireen Hakim is the author of the award-winning refugee story "Rabbi the Rabbit" in the anthology OUT OF MANY, ONE: CELEBRATING DIVERSITY. She is a Contributing Writer for We Need Diverse Books. She has written for HelloGiggles and NaNoWriMo blog. Shireen has a writing certificate from Stanford University Online.

View All posts by Shireen Hakim

This list of time travel and romance books is sponsored by Flatiron Books, publisher of Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore.

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We all think back to a potential meet-cute, and say to ourselves what if? But what if you are already in a relationship with the person and wonder if it went differently?

For instance, there are so many potential (romantic) story lines in the many multiverses Marvel superheroes travel to. I am familiar with them because I have read plenty of different versions of Gwen Stacy AKA Spider-Gwen’s love life because I read so many of her comics: she dates Harry Osborn AKA Green Goblin in one version, and slowly but surely falls for Miles Morales AKA Spider-Man in another. So that is how I relate to these time traveler romance novels, and maybe you will, too.

Here are five upcoming 2020 time travel and romance novels that explore the ways timing plays into romantic relationships, rather than just “fate.”

Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know by Samira Ahmed

In Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know , the reader time travels instead of the protagonist or their love interest. Who would have thought, especially back in the 19th century, that the art—and lives—of Western cultural icons could have been influenced by Africans and Arabs, and even Muslims?! Yet Samira Ahmed spins two mysterious and thrilling tales dating back from the 19th century all the way to present day 21st century, that include French, Arab, and American cultures. If you grew up in the West, you learned about European creative geniuses like Alexandre Dumas and Lord Byron. Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know is an art history meets romance YA fiction novel. Once again, the New York Times bestselling author of Love, Hate and Other Filters shows the similarities and overlaps of cultures and religions that we would never think to link together. Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know is available for pre-order.

In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

In this Freaky Friday meets Groundhog’s Day meets Beaches story, the dramatic plot twist makes this romance a page-turner, and almost a thriller! Heads up, this book is a tearjerker. I don’t usually read romance sagas, but I’m so glad I read this one. In Five Years is available for pre-order.

All About Us by Tom Ellen

The yearning of the main character Ben in All About Us tugged at my heartstrings. It’s rare that I come across a contemporary book about pining for a lover told from a man’s perspective, so this fiction romance caught my eye. Although it takes place around Christmastime, All About Us can be read by any adult at any time of the year.

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird: A Novel by Josie Silver

#1 New York Times bestselling author Josie Silver writes about the guilt one feels after losing a loved one. It often causes them to think about that person constantly, even if they’ve found someone new. But what if that remorse is so strong it transports them to another reality with the one they lost?

A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende

Legendary Chilean American New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende takes us back in time to the 1930s Spanish Civil War. Although the events of the book are based on the past, they will seem startlingly current—refugees fleeing fascism rejected by the country they escape to, women protecting one another from sexual assault, and adjusting to immigrant life. A Long Petal of the Sea is an Amazon #1 New Release in Historical Romance, and the Goodreads reviews are as tantalizing as the book description.

After reading these books about time travel and romance, I realized we all get opportunities to time travel in our own lives. We come across people that are living a life we hope for, and through meeting them we catch a glimpse of what our lives will be.

Last week, I visited The Staples Center to pay my respects to Kobe Bryant and the city of Los Angeles, and I ran into a Muslim lady. What are the odds I would find her out of the hundreds of mourning fans, in a city of millions? She was a lone traveler, a frequent traveler, like me. She was married but her husband lived in a different city so they saw each other a couple times a month. That sounds ideal to me, since I’m an introvert and need my alone time to recharge. I felt like I was looking at my future self. She joined me and my good friend, who lives with her husband and a few cats in lieu of kids. That is definitely my ideal. So she is nearer future me.

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15 Fantastical Time Travel Romance Books

Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Louisa

Time travel has always been something that’s both fascinated me and intrigued me. Paired with romance, and you’re on to a winning romance trope!

Time travel love stories can be truly enthralling as love is explored between characters across different periods and places. 

As readers, we have often been whisked away to faraway moments in history beyond our imagination and knowledge, whether in the past to 17th-century Scotland or the future when Martians have conquered the earth.

And this makes time travel romance books so gripping for me; it’s not just the romance story but what I learn about history and cultures in a time beyond the one I know.

If you’re looking for a special time travel romance book that combines creative imagination, history, and love, then you’re going to love these 15 books… 

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What To Expect From Time Travel Romance Books?

Time travel romance books are known to combine elements of science fiction, adventure, and romance.

What I love about this genre is there are no limits. You can soar into a dystopian future, or back in time to a regency period.

Wherever your time travel plot takes you, you can expect to be taken on an imaginative journey where love transcends time and space.

These books often feature strong-willed characters from different eras or dimensions, who find themselves drawn to each other even though they are separated by time or circumstance.

Being from different generations and time periods, there are often cultural clashes, and different opinions on values, morals, or ways of courtship.

The character dynamics are one of the biggest reasons to read a time travel romance book, and they will be sure to have you questioning your own values and morals in today’s world.

Best Time Travel Romance Books

Now you know a little bit about the main features of the genre, it’s time to show you my favorite fantastic time travel romance books to leave you wishing time travel was real. 

1. A Highlander For Hannah – Mary Warren 

A Highlander for Hannah (Mystic Falls)

A Highlander for Hannah is a warm and easy-going, time-travel book with a slow burn romance story.

As the title suggests, the story is about the heroine Hannah and her budding relationship with Graham. Graham is a Highlander from the 1700s. 

Hannah summons Graham with a love spell purchased at a Renaissance Fair. Eventually, Hannah has to listen to her heart and decide if she wants to send Graham back to his own time at the next equinox.

Many readers describe this book as charming. Where many time travel stories can be action-packed, this story is more light-hearted and a book to cozy up with. 

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2. The River of No Return – Bee Ridgway

The River of No Return: A Novel

The River of No Return is an action-packed read. The story tells of Nick Devanant, who was set to die during the Napoleonic Wars but finds himself in London in 2003.

He eventually settles down as a farmer in Vermont. 

Nick is also a part of a time-traveling organization that is involved in intrigue and spying across different eras.

Previously a Lord, Nick navigates his new life while shadowed by The Guild (a guild of time lords), who want him on an assignment in the past. 

Nick also meets Julia, a woman from a neighboring estate.

Their romance is explored through all the action and mystery of Nick’s life as a spy and time traveler for the Guild. The mystery and romance are sure to leave you curious. 

3. The Winter Sea – Susanna Kearsley 

The Winter Sea (The Scottish series, 1)

The Winter Sea tells the story of Scottish author Carrie, who treads the fine line between fiction and reality.

As a writer, Carrie starts recounting memories of her characters’ lives. A more imaginative way to explore time travel, this book transports you back to 17th-century Scotland. 

The time travel is done as Carrie recollects vivid memories of her book’s fictional characters. However, the reader is left curious as to what memory is, what imagination is, and what reality is.

The book also explores a secretive and tense romance between Carrie and her landlord’s son, Graham.

A more unconventional way to explore time travel, this story jumps back and forth through the visions of the heroine. A book that will spark your curiosity and leave you guessing til the end. 

4. Beautiful Wreck – Larissa Brown

Beautiful Wreck

Beautiful Wreck is about a girl who travels back in time and falls in love. Though it’s not anything new in terms of plot, it has been well written and the world-building is excellent.

Ginn is a virtual reality designer who surprisingly finds herself in 10th-century Iceland. Ginn’s current reality is dull as she exists in a future that is desolate and void of the romance she is craving. 

The book tells the story of how Ginn surprisingly finds herself in Viking Iceland!

She starts to enjoy the simple and homely life of the village she finds herself in and meets and falls in love with a native Icelandic Viking named Heirik. 

Although she finally finds the romance she has always wanted, she learns that love is much more complicated than expected. Henrik is reserved and tormented by what he believes is a curse. 

Penetrating his heart and also fighting against forces that try to tear them apart, this time travel romance lives up to the name of its title, a beautiful wreck.

5. A Knight in Shining Armour – Jude Devereux

A Knight in Shining Armor

A Knight in Shining Armour is a classic time travel romance book by author Jude Devereux .

It tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a real knight from the Elizabethan age in England.

The book unpacks the love between the heroine Douglass, a young teacher, and a medieval knight, Nicholas.

Douglass is in a dating relationship with a doctor who treats her poorly, and only when meeting Nicholas can she experience true love. 

Although the book is about finding true love, it also shows that love between people from different decades can be challenging. Nicholas and Douglass are tested when they are separated from each other to go back to their times. 

This book will captivate your heart as you become invested in the fight for love between the two main characters.

They fight to discover why Nicholas has come to the current day and how to save his life in the past. 

This is a must-read for fans of time travel, romance and adventure genres, as it combines all three in an unforgettable story.

6. What the Wind Knows – Amy Harmon

What the Wind Knows

What the Wind Knows follows the protagonist Anne as she surprisingly finds herself in Ireland in 1921.

The context is war, and we also glimpse Anne’s inner turmoil as she struggles with hurt and navigates the past.

You are introduced to the history of The Irish Revolution in the 1920s and also to a mysterious doctor named Thomas Smith.

The book explores Anne’s struggles as she begins to fall in love with a man who becomes involved in the war.

Readers are mesmerized by Amy Harmon’s poetic writing and ability to capture the love and heartbreak between Anne and Thomas. 

What the Wind Knows brilliantly weaves history, love, and social commentary into one book.

7. In A Holidaze – Christina Lauren

In a Holidaze

In A Holidaze is a different take on time travel where the main character Maelyn (Mae) is stuck in a time loop.

She travels back in time, but again and again. She is given a chance to re-live the past as she sees fit.

The book’s romance is not too heavy as it’s about Mae’s budding crush on her friend Andrew. Reliving the past gives her the courage to express how she feels about him finally. 

Set during the Christmas season, it is also festive. This is a friends to lovers romance book with a story that is great for a casual, fun, and upbeat read.

8. Before the Coffee Gets Cold – Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Before the Coffee Gets Cold: A Novel (Before the Coffee Gets Cold Series Book 1)

This is a charming story about a coffee house in Tokyo that allows people to travel back in time.

It follows the story of four people who want to travel back in time.

Examining the reasons we love Before the Coffee Gets Cold provides insight into the motives behind love.

One story follows a wife as she travels to the past to meet her husband again and explores love with sincerity and honesty. 

Time travel in this book is not without its rules. Time travelers must return to the present in a stipulated time, and their journeys prove interesting. 

A moving and emotional read, Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s novel is for those who want to dive deeper into time travel and deeper into love. 

9. Time and Again – Jack Finney

Time and Again

Time and Again is not only a love story between the main character Simon and Julia but a love story about New York…

The story tells of a 1970s man Simon traveling back to 1882 to solve a mystery plaguing his heart. 

This is one of the historical time travel love stories that is also an ode to the city in which it is set. New York is the third love in this book, with the author Jack Kinney capturing the city in its early years. 

His writing is gripping and makes it feel like you have been transported back to New York.

The romance is also a tale of choosing to follow the head or the heart, as Simon is torn between the present and the past.

10. Ruby Red – Kerstin Gier 

Ruby Red (The Ruby Red Trilogy, 1)

Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier is a witty and lively story of young Gwen who lives in London but soon learns that she can time travel.

A time travel gene runs through her family, although she does not expect to be someone who can time travel.

Soon she is catapulted into time travel suddenly and an unexpected romance. To tell you who the romance is with would spoil the book. You would have to find out by yourself. 

The book is fun and an excellent read for younger readers.

The heroine is 16 years old, and we see the world through her eyes. Described as a clever story, Ruby Red is the easy-going read for your next pick-me-up book.

11. In Five Years – Rebecca Serle

In Five Years: A Novel

In Five Years is a time-travel romance that fast-forwards to the future!

The main character Dannie finds herself 5 years in the future (through a vision, or is it a reality?), living a life she did not anticipate. She is living with a random man who is not her current fiance.

The book follows Dannie as she unpacks her life 5 years in the future.

A future she is not familiar with but one with desirable possibilities. In this book, time travel is a tool that helps her to ask, what does she want?

It leaves the reader also wondering, what if I could get a picture of my future? Would I change anything?

The author’s writing style is poetic and evocative, with descriptions that transport you to different times and dimensions.

12. Somewhere in Time – Richard Matheson

Somewhere In Time

Somewhere in Time is a beautiful story of love that lasts the test of time and different periods.

It explores the complications that exist for a modern man as he falls in love with a famous actress in San Francisco in 1896.

The author, Richard Matheson, writes this book intricately and can describe the love between the two characters with warmth.

We learn about love at first sight and are taken away by the chemistry between the two main characters. 

The time travel aspect is a unique and interesting vehicle that drives the plot, but at its core the story is about love, sacrifice, and second chances.

This book is also excellent for anyone who loves reading books about historical America and San Francisco. 

13. More of Us to The West – Trinity Dunn

More of Us to the West (The Adrift Series)

More of Us to The West tells of heroine Alaina’s budding romance with Jack as they are both stranded on an island after their plane crashes.

The only problem is that Alaina is already married to Chris. 

She struggles to make sense of her new romance and how Jack and she ended up stranded on an island, along with 11 other strangers.

The reader is torn between the past and the future as Alaina tries to make sense of her heart as she is torn between Chris and Jack. 

The book also lures you with a mystery you will be dying to solve, making it hard to put it down.  

14. Return Once More – Trisha Leigh

Return Once More

Return Once More tells of 16-year-old Kaia, part of a time-traveling group known as the Historians.

Set in the future where humans live on other planets, Kaia grows up quickly as she is taught to be a Historian.

She is tasked with going back in time to witness important events. 

Young and brave, Kaia is lucky enough to be told who her “True One” is. Learning that her true one is her soulmate, she is eager to meet him. 

This story explores Kaia’s relationship with her “True One,” Caesarion. Caesarion happens to be Cleopatra and Caesar’s son from the past! 

Expect nothing less than a creative and original narrative set in the future but also an exotic past.

This book does a great job of depicting a romance across two different cultures and timelines.

15. A Thousand Pieces of You – Claudia Gray

A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, 1)

A Thousand Pieces of You joins heroine Marguerite as she travels through time and a different universe. Marguerite is on the hunt to solve a mystery close to her heart. 

Marguerite’s parents are the inventors of the Firebird, the machine that allows her to jump from one exciting universe to another.

While focused on her mission, she finds love along the way in the most unexpected places!

This book does a great job of exploring the heart of a young girl keen on an adventure but also open to love.

Part mystery, part romance, this book is a fast-paced and action-packed book that is great for younger readers. 

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Final Word on Time Travel Romance Books

So there you have it, those are the best time travel romance books. As you can see, there are a lot of great novels to choose from!

I hope you found something on this list that sparks your interest. If you have any more suggestions, let me know in the comments.

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About Louisa Smith

Editor/Founder - Epic Book Society

Louisa is the Founder, Editor, and Head Honcho of Epic Book Society. She was born and raised in the United Kingdom and graduated from the University for the Creative Arts with a degree in Journalism. Louisa began her writing career at the age of 7 when her poetry was published in an anthology of poems to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Upon graduating university, she spent several years working as a journalist writing about books before transitioning to become a Primary School Teacher. Louisa loves all genres of books, but her favorites are Sci-Fi, Romance, Fantasy, and Young Adult Fiction. Read more Louisa's story here .

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Taking the kids: 12 ideas for romance and self-love any time

So much pressure … too much money.

Why not skip Valentine’s Day entirely and celebrate romance whenever it is convenient? That also means you can define romance any way you like — self-love perhaps; the romance of long friendships; of sharing a passion, an adventure, or a new experience with those you love most.

In case you were wondering, according to, February has long been celebrated as a month of romance and St. Valentine’s Day. Although no one is certain of the truth behind the Valentine legends, the stories all emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and romantic figure. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome and defied Emperor Claudius II when he outlawed marriage for young men, believing single men made better soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice, continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret and later was killed. Other stories say Valentine was killed for helping Christians escape Roman prisons. Some believe when imprisoned himself, Valentine sent the first “valentine” greeting after he fell in love with a young girl who visited him before his death, signed “From your Valentine.”

Some believe Valentine’s Day commemorates the anniversary of Valentine’s death. Others suggest the idea hundreds of years later was to “Christianize” a festival that honored Juno, the pagan goddess of love and marriage on Feb. 14; men would draw women’s names and court them during the festival.

The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt . By the middle of the 18 th century, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes, and by 1900 printed cards began to appear. Hallmark first sold Valentine’s Day cards 1913 and today, 145 million cards are exchanged (not counting those you supply for your child’s entire class); some 250 million roses are grown just for the holiday, and 58 million pounds of chocolate are consumed. According to the National Retail Foundation , Americans spent nearly $26 billion on Valentine's Day gifts in 2023.

Wow! Of course, there is nothing wrong with cards, flowers, or chocolate. But there are lots of other ways to show your love, including for yourself. If you find yourself unattached and your kids (and grandkids) are elsewhere, sign on for a solo trip you have always wanted to go on. The idea is to choose a trip with like-minded travelers. The Journeys With Purpose team is hosting their first all-women-for-women journey to Kenya on March 20. There are a handful of places available for those interested in a trip focusing on the women working to protect and restore the West African environment. Uniworld Boutique River Cruises, which has seen a more than 30 percent increase in solo travelers, has just waived a single supplement on select itineraries in Europe on these all- inclusive trips. For active travelers, small group adventure trips from companies like Backroads , Overseas Adventure Travel , and REI Adventures are guaranteed to satisfy your wanderlust in an atmosphere conducive to making new friends. Backroads and REI both have women-only trips and REI has some designed for the 35 and under crowd.

In Slovenia, known for its natural beauty, where the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain meet in the heart of Europe, St. Valentine's Day is not just a celebration for couples but also a day to express love and appreciation for friends and family. The country embraces the spirit of togetherness, making it a delightful destination for everyone seeking love and connection. Check out the packages at the Slovenian spas and wellness centers . Explore historic town centers with cobblestone streets and unusual cafes and restaurants. (Perhaps deep underground or in the country’s wine region?)

Help support Maui’s recovery. Respectful travel to Maui is welcomed and encouraged, now more than ever. With the exception of Lahaina, destroyed by the devastating wildfire, Maui is open and there is plenty to see and experience. Visit for suggestions on how to support local businesses. You are likely to find hotel deals. See packages from Pleasant Holidays .

If you want bragging rights to be the first somewhere, Naya Traveler’s experts craft unique experiences far beyond the well-trodden romance resort path. Discover Naya Traveler’s romance-inspired journeys, a different and refreshing take on couples’ travel to unchartered destinations, including Cambodia, Myanmar, Kashmir and Ladakh, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and more. Each curated trip is fully tailor-made.

If you opt for a getaway rather than a pricey Valentine’s Day dinner out, you might even snare a deal. If you ache for a wellness getaway, the Lake Austin Spa Resort is touting a $200 spa and personal experience credit. Stay by Feb. 29 get 20 percent off and a $400 credit. I love the Fairmont Mission Inn in Sonoma, California, in the middle of Wine Country, and famous for its geothermal pools and spa, is offering up to 25 percent off , as long as you book by the end of March and stay by the end of April. (You can also book a second room at half price.)

Find your perfect tropical beach with BeachBound Vacations and save $100 with a four- night stay as long as you book in February and travel through the end of August. Visit Washington state’s San Juan Islands for lodging deals, unique dining specials, shopping experiences and galleries and spectacular scenery. Leave all your stress behind as you take the ferry to San Juan Island, Orcas Island or Lopez Island where you can bike, kayak, gallery hop or possibly see some whales. The islands are home to five species.

The best Valentine’s Day gift: Knowing you have a trip planned.

(For more Taking the Kids, visit and also follow TakingTheKids on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram where Eileen Ogintz welcomes your questions and comments. The fourth edition of The Kid’s Guide to New York City and the third edition of The Kid’s Guide to Washington D.C. are the latest in a series of 14 books for kid travelers published by Eileen.)

©2024 Eileen Ogintz. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Every item on this page was chosen by a Veranda editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

white elephant nantucket

These Are the 5 Best Hotels in Nantucket for Every Type of Traveler

From historic bed-and-breakfasts to sprawling, amenity-rich resorts.

The hotels on Nantucket are all proud, thoughtful reflections of their coastal environs and pleasant pace of life that invite all guests to slow down and savor each moment. We’ve narrowed down the island’s top-notch properties that offer the best in hospitality, accommodations, dining and amenities that will keep you coming back for more, whether you prefer the buzzy summer months or relish in the quiet of the off season. These properties offer something for all ages and interests, whether you're seeking a multi-generational getaway, romantic weekend, vacation with friends, or a solo trip. Here, the best hotels in Nantucket for every type of traveler.

Best Hotel for Romance: The Wauwinet

the wauwinet hotel nantucket

  • Who it’s for: Couples seeking a romantic getaway, travelers seeking a five-star experience
  • Type(s) of Accommodations: Rooms, one-bedroom cottages, and the three-bedroom Anchorage House
  • Notable Amenities: Oceanfront with private beach access, one of the top restaurants in town, complimentary BMW X5 rentals
  • Location: Wauwinet

Pros: Privacy, unbeatable views, award-winning wine collection, seasonal in-room floral displays

Cons: Far from most other top destinations on the island, no on-site spa

While certainly the top pick for couples, The Wauwinet is also fantastic option for any party seeking the ultimate luxury experience on Nantucket. Situated at the farthest end of the island (about eight miles from downtown), guests will not only savor privacy but also some of Nantucket’s most picturesque views. There is truly no better place to be during golden hour than on the hotel lawn or seated outdoors at Topper’s sipping a glass of sunset-hued rosé.

The Wauwinet has a boutique feel that captures Nantucket’s breezy yet elegant charm while offering a host of top-notch amenities, such as a pre-arrival concierge to ensure a seamless experience; daily sherry, port, and cheese tastings in the afternoons; and tours of the hotel’s widely acclaimed wine cellar. It's also the only Relais & Chateâux property on the island.

Best Hotel Accommodations: White Elephant Nantucket

white elephant nantucket

  • Who it’s for: Families and other large parties looking for spacious, stylish accommodations and a range of amenities closer to downtown
  • Type(s) of Accommodations: Rooms, suites, residences, garden cottages, and downtown lofts
  • Notable Amenities: Plenty of kid-friendly equipment and activities, two beloved restaurants, pool cabanas, on-site spa
  • Location: Downtown Historic District

Pros: Newly renovated, wide variety of accommodations, location, complimentary transportation around town

Cons: Not on the water, very pricey during high season

The sprawling White Elephant resort, a sister property to The Wauwinet, is a top destination for families and parties of all sizes looking a luxe stay while being right in the middle of the action. This property boasts the widest range of accommodation options for whatever your group desires, be it a more traditional suite overlooking the Nantucket Harbor, a chic garden cottage, or a gracious pied-à-terre-style loft downtown.

Beyond having some of the best culinary destinations on the island in Brant Point Grill and Topper’s, the newly renovated White Elephant boasts one of the few hotel spas on Nantucket, along with a family-friendly pool equipped with cabanas and an ice cream cart. However, the resort offers complimentary use of bicycles and self-driving BMWs for those looking to venture outside the property, and a pre-arrival concierge will ensure that you make the most of your time with a roster of curated local experiences.


Best Boutique Hotel: Greydon House

greydon house nantucket

  • Who it’s for: Aesthetes and travelers seeking a cozier setting
  • Type(s) of Accommodations: Rooms, suites, private guest houses
  • Notable Amenities: Acclaimed Via Mare restaurant, Acqua di Parma and Ursa Major toiletries, library

Pros: Inspiring interiors, in-house dining, unique packages for enthusiasts of all kinds

Cons: No in-house breakfast or room service

Designed by famed husband-and-wife team Roman and Williams, this stunning 20-room boutique property in a mid-19th century house takes a global approach to Nantucket’s classic coastal design, from the block printed John Robshaw linens to the hand-painted Portuguese bathroom tiles featuring nautical scenes. However, Greydon House is much more than a pretty face, boasting a popular Venetian-inspired dining destination in Via Mare, clever amenities (think: complimentary use of Fujifilm INSTAX Mini 11 cameras), and thoughtful wellness-inspired programming, as well as seasonal retreats that feature functional medicine consultations, massages, and a memorable trek through Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge.

While we love the cozy, historic property that houses the main rooms, hotel restaurant, and charming library, Greydon House also offers more luxurious, private accommodation options in its four distinct guest houses nestled around the island's best neighborhoods. These stylish properties will help you establish a true home away from home in Nantucket while having the same chic design and curated amenities found at the hotel.


Best Hotel for Families: The Nantucket Hotel

the nantucket hotel

  • Who it’s for: Travelers seeking a quintessential Nantucket vacation with all the amenities and beach proximity
  • Type(s) of Accommodations: Rooms, suites, cottages
  • Notable Amenities: Unparalleled wellness facilities, a seasonal kids’ club, ample culinary programming
  • Location: Brant Point

Pros: Only all-season resort on the island, award-winning hospitality, complimentary shuttle services

Cons : May be too bustling for a romantic getaway

This iconic hotel became even more famous with Elin Hilderbrand’s The Hotel Nantucket , which was inspired by this property (sans ghosts!). If you’re looking for an all-ages destination with every amenity you can think of, The Nantucket Hotel offers a colorful, comprehensive vacation experience. Children will love the kids’ club (offered in-season) and dedicated kiddie pool, while the adults will appreciate the ample spa and fitness programming and a separate pool for ages 14 and up.

The Nantucket Hotel is acclaimed for its impeccable hospitality that will leave you feeling like family after just one stay at this beloved property. While there is clearly plenty to do without leaving the hotel (including plenty of exciting dining experiences), the property offers complimentary beach and ferry shuttles, as well as antique vehicle rides around town to help guests maximize their itineraries. It’s worth mentioning that the hotel is dog-friendly, which may be a major pro for some and a deal-breaker for others, but it does add to the festive atmosphere.


Best Hotel for Historic Charm: Jared Coffin House

jared coffin house nantucket

  • Who it’s for: History buffs and those looking to be at the center of it all
  • Type(s) of Accommodations: Rooms and suites
  • Notable Amenities: Pre-arrival concierge, courtesy car service, continental breakfast
  • Location: Downtown

Pros: Location, free island transportation, classic design, great value

Cons : On-site restaurant only open for part of the year, not much privacy for families

The historic Jared Coffin House is seated at an idyllic address on downtown’s buzzy Broad Street, though it manages to feel quite private. Another sister property to The Wauwinet and White Elephant, the Jared Coffin House offers a slew of modern amenities within this elegant bed-and-breakfast-style manse filled with antique furnishings and prominent local art. The hotel features a dining destination in the Nantucket Tap Room, daily continental breakfast and afternoon snacks, courtesy car service, and complimentary access to bicycles for cruising around town. Plus, you’re just steps away from the best dining, shopping, and local sights—many of which can be seen from the window of your suite.

While you may not have as many on-site amenities as the sister properties, Jared Coffin House offers the best of both worlds in staying at a cozy, historic inn, while having access to the pool, spa, fine dining, and other offerings at The Wauwinet and White Elephant. Each room is inspired by the grace and charm of this historic island and the suites are named after prominent citizens through the years.


Lauren Wicks is a freelance writer and editor based in Birmingham, Alabama. Before going on her own, Lauren worked for brands such as VERANDA, EatingWell, and Cooking Light , and she covers all things lifestyle from interior design and luxury travel to wine and wellness.

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Explore romance on budget: Top 5 affordable honeymoon destinations outside India

Embark on a dreamy honeymoon without breaking the bank. discover the top five affordable destinations outside india that promise unforgettable experiences..

Marriage is a beautiful commitment between two people, celebrated with rituals and festivities. A wedding is not complete without a honeymoon , an unforgettable and beautiful experience that strengthens your bond with your partner . The most cherished time to spend with the better half is a honeymoon, and sure, it must be the best experience that they witness. While the planning can be exciting, keeping the immersive experiences within budgets becomes a bit cumbersome. An economical luxury overseas experience is the best bet to maximize the quality time spent with the partner while also being light on the pockets. (Also read: Venice launches five-euro entry fee for day-trippers to ease the pressure of mass tourism )

For couples seeking budget-friendly honeymoon destinations beyond India, there are numerous charming spots around the globe waiting to be discovered. (Pixabay)

Manoj Kumar Tiwari, General Manager, Regency Holidays, shared with HT Lifestyle the top 5 cost-effective international destinations where Indian travellers can plan their idyllic and energy-filled honeymoon.

Top 5 cheapest honeymoon destinations outside India

Middle-East remains among the top picks for the Indian honeymoon market, given its proximity and engaging excursions. Qatar, being the most sought-after country in the region, offers the ideal grounds for couples to explore the destination, which is filled with heritage marvels and modern amenities. Doha is known for its busy bazaars, museums, and locales to explore Middle Eastern cuisine and art; couples can venture into the golden deserts to witness the extravagance of the Inland Sea. Equipped with best-in-class water sports, calming beaches, and other luxury-laced activities to explore, tailored experiences make Qatar a top pick for honeymooners.

A popular South Asian destination frequented by Indian travellers, Bangkok – the capital of Thailand, showcases the country’s culture and adventure and is ideal for couples because of its vibrant nightlife, shopping centres, and more. With its ancient attractions like the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, and Wat Arun, couples can learn about Thai heritage and culture. The mouth-watering street food and rooftop diners, along with the option to even get on a romantic cruise on the Chao Phraya River, make it a top pick for honeymooners from India.

3. Sri Lanka

Given its strategic proximity to India, Sri Lanka is a go-to destination for Indians. Sri Lanka’s tourism products have evolved interestingly in the recent past, with quality hospitality and activities developing throughout the country. The island country is home to wildlife, rich heritage, calm beaches, and speciality restaurants promoting local cuisines to give a momentous experience for honeymooners. Some of the popular attractions in Sri Lanka are Udawalawe National Park, Adam’s Peak, Kandy, Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Galle, Anuradhapura, Bentota, etc., to explore whale and dolphin watching, ancient dagobas, safari adventures, tea plantations, etc.

Yet another Middle-Eastern gem, Dubai remains a top pick for honeymooners for its luxe and extravagant experiences. The cosmopolitan city is lined with innumerable skyscrapers, home to man-made Palm Islands and serves as a shopper’s paradise with the world’s largest shopping mall. Couples can explore the city’s charm with the desert in the surroundings to experience varied activities like desert safari, camel rides, dune bashing, etc.; the luxury yachts in the marina can also be explored for best-in-class luxurious hospitality. Burj Khalifa Lake, Burj Al Arab, etc., are popular attractions which must not be missed by honeymooners.

5. Maldives

Honeymoongoers from India have it set in their minds that whenever it comes to spending the dreamy honeymoon, this island destination tops the list. The Maldives has ruled over the honeymoon market in India and the world over popularly for its bespoke hotels and resorts, seaplane experiences, clear waters, tranquillity, and, of course, the marine life and therapeutic water activities.

The destination has a range of attractive honeymoon packages to explore while being on a budget. Some popular locations in Maldives that couples can consider are Baa Atoll, Majeedhee Magu, Ari Atoll, etc. Malé, the capital city of the island destination, is popular for its local foods and museums, which couples can explore on a short haul before leaving for the trips to their respective island where they have their stay arranged.

Hence, experiencing peaceful beaches, breathtaking activities, stunning modern skylines, and global cuisines and packing a bunch of memories with the better half doesn’t demand to be an expensive affair. The dreamy budget honeymoon destinations are just a few clicks away!

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Romance Travel Forum 2024 17+

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The Romance Travel Forum is an exclusive event designed to engage a select audience of North America’s top performing romance travel sellers with the world’s most sought after romance vacation experiences. Dedicated to destination wedding groups, honeymoons and other romantic milestones celebrated with travel, this elite program will deliver high-caliber networking, top-level idea exchanges, hands-on educational opportunities and more, affording delegates the chance to collaborate, learn and build strong business relationships. Produced by Travel Show Marketing Group, the Romance Travel Forum will be celebrating its ninth anniversary, and will be held at the beautiful Secrets Playa Blanca in Costa Mujeres, Mexico from May 6th - 10th, 2024.

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Movie Review | ‘The Greatest Hits’

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Subscriber only, time travel-by-song hook is catchy in fantasy-romance.

Lucy Boynton's Harriet and Justin H. Min's David share a moment in a scene from "The Greatest Hits." (Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures)

Ned Benson appreciates how music and memory can become intertwined — how music can bring you back to a certain place, time or — perhaps most importantly — person.

The idea for “The Greatest Hits” — a fairly melodic fantasy-romance film written and directed by Benson that had its premiere last month at the South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, saw a limited theatrical release last week and debuts this week on Hulu — dates to 2008, when Benson read neurologist Oliver Sacks’ “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain.” According to the production notes for the Searchlight Pictures release, the first draft of the screenplay followed the next year, with Benson picking back up with the project during the pandemic.

In Benson’s occasionally magical tale, Harriet (Lucy Boynton) is still grieving the loss of her boyfriend two years after his death. However, Harriet regularly encounters Max (David Corenswet), briefly traveling back in time when she hears a song from their shared existence and being able to interact with him in a now-altered moment from the past.

Lucy Boynton's Harriet uses music to travel back in time to interact with her late boyfriend, David Corenswet's Max, in "The Greatest Hits." (Merie Weismiller Wallace photo/Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures)

We learn that Harriet has been attempting to use these time-bending moments to change what is to come.

“Hon,” she says after arriving back in the passenger seat of a car he’s driving, “I have seen what happens next, and I need you to listen to me: Please, please take the next right.”

“That’s right,” he says dismissively but at the same time lovingly, “you can see the future. I forgot who I was dealing with. You should have said something.”

“I have,” she says. “So many times.”

Lucy Boynton stars as a grieving woman in "The Greatest Hits." (Merie Weismiller Wallace photo/Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures)

He keeps going straight and another vehicle slams into his side of the car.

Lucy Boynton’s Harriet uses music to travel back in time to interact with her late boyfriend, David Corenswet’s Max, in “The Greatest Hits.” (Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures)

This seemingly supernatural predicament — it is, of course, possible she’s suffering from a mental condition — not only is psychologically draining and keeping her from moving on, but it’s also downright physically dangerous. Lucy seizes and passes out whenever and wherever she hears one of these songs, so the one-time future music producer has taken a job at a library and wears big headphones everywhere she goes to block out outside noise in the name of safety.

Nonetheless, she also spends time at home, going through records — via the music-listening setup she’s inherited from Max, including a record player, hi-fi speakers and a coveted but ill-fated used chair — to find the song that may allow to give her the future she desperately desires.

Her life is further complicated when she meets David (Justin H. Min), who takes an immediate interest in Harriet upon meeting her in a grief support group, the former dealing with the loss of his parents. He, too, is a music lover, and soon the two are having a flirtatious argument about who gets to buy a rare Roxy Music vinyl at the endangered record store where her best friend, Morris (Austin Crute), is DJing on this night,

Morris loves Harriet but also is quite tired of her wallowing in the past, both figuratively and literally, and encourages her to try to have something with David.

David, meanwhile, is understandably perplexed when Harriet lets him into her world, gradually revealing what is going on with her.

Benson, who shares a story-by credit on 2021’s “Black Widow” and is the writer-director of 2014’s “The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby,” walks a fine line with “The Greatest Hits,” encouraging the viewer to both want Harriet to be with the kind David while also not necessarily giving up on saving Max, who is never shown to be anything but a decent fellow himself.

And, at least for a while, it’s tough to envision how “The Greatest Hits” will end, even after Harriet concludes exactly how her particular brand of time travel works.

The film is anchored by the performance of Boyton (“Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Chevalier”), who makes us root for Harriet both when she’s sad and when she’s experiencing a mix of excitement and guilt as things develop with David. She has chemistry both with Min (“The Umbrella Academy”) and Corenswet, with whom she shared the screen in the TV series “The Politician.”

(If Corenswet’s name is ringing a bell, it’s likely because he’s been cast in writer-director James Gunn’s highly anticipated “Superman,” recently renamed from “Superman: Legacy” and planned for a 2025 release. We see nothing here to suggest he will prove to be at least a solid choice.)

The lone area where “The Greatest Hits” lets us down is its all-important music. Mileage will vary with this, of course, but, to our ears, so many of the songs chosen by Benson, music supervisor Mary Ramos and DJ Harvey, a music consultant, are relatively bland and uninteresting. Obviously, different folks adore different music, but it’s hard to imagine some of the songs featured would delight audiophiles Harriet and Morris, and you can’t help but wonder if the project’s budget for music were only so robust.

(For the record, we have no issue with the use of 2009 pop hit “I’m Like a Bird” by Nelly Furtado, who appears briefly in “The Greatest Hits.”)

Still, as a love letter to the power of music — as well as to Los Angeles, where the movie was shot entirely on location — “The Greatest Hits” is well worth a spin.

“The Greatest Hits” is rated PG-13 for drug use, strong language and suggestive material. Runtime: 1 hour, 34 minutes.

More in Things To Do

The Humboldt Botanical Garden will hold its annual plant sale Friday, May 3, for members only from 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, May 4, for the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Plant sale planned

“The cooperative gallery structure is unique, as it allows visitors to the MGMA to purchase original art by local artists, and many times directly from the artist themselves,” Harr said.

‘Where the magic happens’

Space Explorer Camp takes place June 17 to 21. Creature Camp runs from June 24 to 28 and Robots V Fairies Camp is set for July 8 to 12.

Maker’s Apron Creative Reuse offers summer camps

Striving for ‘imprefection’ | we’re all in this together.


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    French explorer Jacques Cousteau famously named it the "aquarium of the world." Today, you can try diving, kayaking, snorkeling, sailing, surfing, and island hopping there. For romantic outdoor ...

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    Unique Romance & Adventure Travel is a bespoke travel agency focusing on destination wedding travel, adventure travel, and romance travel services. We also assist with group travel and family reunions, as well as creating custom vacations and international travel for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 0.

  3. 10 Travel Romance Books To Read Right Now

    Toucans aren't native to Hawaii ), The Unhoneymooners is one of the best travel romance books. Much like Olive and Ethan's romance, my relationship with The Unhoneymooners was hate-to-love. The travel writer in me wanted Olive and Ethan to explore a bit more than their resort. But at the same time, this book made me want to book a ticket to ...

  4. 25 Best Vacation Spots for Couples

    Daniel Gorostieta/Travel + Leisure. If your version of romance is hiking through monkey forests and rolling rice paddies — or dancing to DJ sets and light shows until the wee hours of the ...

  5. Romantic Getaways + Vacations for Couples

    8 Romantic Places to Travel After You Get Engaged, According to T+L's A-List Advisors. ... The Best Caribbean Resort Hotels for Romance in 2016. 15 of the Most Romantic Hotels in Europe in 2016.

  6. How to find

    You meet, you live, you part, sometimes in a timespan of a few days. From traveling solo, you suddenly jump into a full-on adventure with somebody, spending all your time with them while knowing you might only have a couple of days to enjoy their company. The setting only amplifies both the love and the location.

  7. Travel Romance Books

    avg rating 4.03 — 22,612 ratings — published 2021. Books shelved as travel-romance: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry, The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren, Never Let You Go by Sabrina Devonshir...

  8. Escape into These Romance Books that Inspire Travel

    Perfect Strangersby J.T. Geissinger. Author Olivia Rossi hasn't been able to write a word since tragedy struck two years ago and ripped her world apart. Heartbroken and still haunted by the past, she accepts an offer to spend the summer at a friend's apartment in Paris in search of healing and her lost muse.

  9. 10 Best Travel Romance Books to Spark Your Wanderlust

    Head over to it! # 1 Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. #2 Under the Tuscan Sun, by Frances Mayes. #3 The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. Skip the scrolling and add your fave to your cart here! #4 Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. #5 The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. #6 Chasing the Monsoon by Alexander Frater. #7 Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter.

  10. Best Travel Romance Books

    A Room With a View by E.M. Forster. If you're in the mood for an early 20th century classic, but still love a travel romance, this is your best bet. A Room With a View by E.M. Forster is an ...

  11. Discover Your Perfect Romantic Getaway

    At Chic Romance Travel, whether you are celebrating a destination wedding, honeymoon, vow renewal, anniversary, or just love itself, I know that you want a romantic vacation or destination wedding that accommodates everyone's travel style, and stays within budget, and local experiences for a relaxing vacation. ...

  12. Get Swept Away with These 15 New Travel Romances

    Spain. When a little white lie takes on a life of its own, Catalina Martín needs to find a date to a family destination wedding—fast. Enter one Aaron Blackford, Superman look-alike and Lina's least favorite colleague. This slow-burn debut romance draws high praise from fans of Mariana Zapata and The Hating Game.

  13. Romantics Travel, Destination Weddings, Honeymoons, & Romantic Getaways

    Hello, we're Romantics Travel. We're Romance Travel Experts who cut through the myriad of destination and resort choices to find you the absolute perfect dream getaway. So whether you want to travel to an international or local destination by land or sea, we would LOVE to put our knowledge and expertise to work for you!

  14. Can You Find Love on the Road?

    Finding romance on the road isn't hard. But finding long-term romance is a different story. In the intense forge of travel, romances spring up rapidly. The same mindset it takes to open yourself up to new experiences also helps you open yourself up to new people. Travel itself is romantic—passionate, scary, risky, all at once—and so it ...

  15. The Best Time-Travel Romance Novels (957 books)

    If the novel is part of a time travel-romance series, please only vote for the first book. flag. All Votes Add Books To This List. 1. Outlander (Outlander, #1) by. Diana Gabaldon (Goodreads Author) 4.26 avg rating — 1,055,464 ratings. score: 169,088 , and 1,697 people voted.

  16. Our Favourite Romantic Travel Movies

    4. Eat, Pray, Love. In all its forms, Eat, Pray, Love is a travel classic. Follow Liz Gilbert as she embarks on a year-long travel journey around the world after a difficult divorce to regain balance in her life. This movie is a visual dream, featuring sweeping panoramic views of Italy, India, and Indonesia, along with close-up shots of ...

  17. For the Love of Travel: Vacation Ideas for Couples

    There's no one-size-fits-all approach to romance — some sweethearts favor an adventure-packed itinerary in the woods, while others fancy a week-long jaunt in a big city known for its culture ...

  18. The Best Time Travel Books Where the Romance Sweeps You Back in Time

    This time travel romance book also involves a character from the sixteenth century, but it begins with an Earl who travels forward in time to the future aka the 1980s. I remember enjoying not only their connection but also seeing the modern world through his eyes. There is also a sense of desperation and suspense to the novel given why Nicholas ...

  19. 21 Most Romantic Getaways in Florida

    With the popular "Romance Package," couples will receive extras like chocolate-covered strawberries, a bottle of sparkling wine and rose petals upon arrival. Address: 99010 Overseas Highway, Key ...

  20. 5 of the Best Romantic Time Travel Novels

    Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know is an art history meets romance YA fiction novel. Once again, the New York Times bestselling author of Love, Hate and Other Filters shows the similarities and overlaps of cultures and religions that we would never think to link together. Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know is available for pre-order.

  21. Home

    At AAV Travel, we give expert advice and make trip planning stress-free so you can enjoy your vacation before it even begins. We are available for online travel planning appointments via Microsoft Teams. Please schedule your appointment here, and we will follow up with a Microsoft Teams invitation. COVID-19: Updates and Safety Measures.

  22. 15 Fantastical Time Travel Romance Books

    1. A Highlander For Hannah - Mary Warren. A Highlander for Hannah (Mystic Falls) A Highlander for Hannah is a warm and easy-going, time-travel book with a slow burn romance story. As the title suggests, the story is about the heroine Hannah and her budding relationship with Graham. Graham is a Highlander from the 1700s.

  23. Time Travel Romance Books

    Time Travel Romance. Time-travel romances are a version of the classic "fish out of water" story. In most, the heroine is from the present day and travels into the past to meet the hero. In a smaller subset of these novels, the hero, who lives in the past, travels forward into his future to meet the heroine.

  24. Taking the kids: 12 ideas for romance and self-love any time

    Discover Naya Traveler's romance-inspired journeys, a different and refreshing take on couples' travel to unchartered destinations, including Cambodia, Myanmar, Kashmir and Ladakh, Peru ...

  25. The 5 Best Hotels in Nantucket for Every Type of Traveler

    Whether you're planning to visit Nantucket for the first time or it's the place your family has summered for generations, this stunning New England isle always manages to feel magical. From the classic shingle-style architecture and charming cobblestone streets to the endless array of hydrangea blooms, salty sea air and nearly 400-year history, there's truly no place like it in the world.

  26. Explore romance on budget: Top 5 affordable honeymoon destinations

    Top 5 cheapest honeymoon destinations outside India 1. Qatar. Middle-East remains among the top picks for the Indian honeymoon market, given its proximity and engaging excursions.

  27. Romance Travel Forum 2024 17+

    ‎The Romance Travel Forum is an exclusive event designed to engage a select audience of North America's top performing romance travel sellers with the world's most sought after romance vacation experiences. Dedicated to destination wedding groups, honeymoons and other romantic milestones celebrated w…

  28. Solehah Baijuri

    80 likes, 16 comments - solehahbaijuri.yl on September 14, 2022: ""We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost." - Ray Bradbury ...

  29. Movie Review

    Time travel-by-song hook is catchy in fantasy-romance ... The idea for "The Greatest Hits" — a fairly melodic fantasy-romance film written and directed by Benson that had its premiere last ...