volare travel colombia

Replacing vacation planning overwhelm with breathless anticipation for over 40 years! Call or visit us in Clinton Township, MI. We'll take your breath away too!

volare travel colombia

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“ linda and her team go above and beyond to make sure that your travel experience is world class. highly recommend them for all of your travel needs. best travel agency experience ever. thank you volare travel.” - michael mcnamara, a delighted volare travel customer.

volare travel colombia

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volare travel colombia

Based in Clinton Township, we're one of Michigan's most traveled travel agencies

We've traveled the globe for over 40 years to bring you vacations you'll never forget.

Tailoring a custom experience - and making the best choices - is far more complex than what online travel booking can provide. Volare Travel's advisors will provide options you may not readily find online, plus over 40 years of experience helping people like you get the best vacation imaginable just like Larry Olmstead had to say…

Read why this Forbes journalist says a travel agency is your best bet for a better vacation…

“ They [travel agents] know more than you do, they are better connected than you, they have access to benefits you can't get otherwise, they can often beat any other prices available (even online, yes)." - Larry Olmstead, Forbes Magazine - Forbes Magazine

Mr. Olmstead also said, "…if you don't use a travel agent you are likely making a costly mistake - no matter how much you think you know.

And he's right in more ways than one. So, please don't make a costly mistake.

Like only a travel agency with 40 years of experience can, let us create for you the vacation you can only dream about.

Call one of Volare's experienced travel agents now in Clinton Township, Michigan and we'll go to work for you - finding the best experiences at the best prices with all the best perks so you can sleep peacefully and simply dream about the most amazing adventure that awaits you instead of agonizing about it!

Our fourty years of vacation planning means less guesswork and better opportunities for you!

  • Let us take your breath away! Call Volare Travel agency now.

volare travel colombia

Volare's travel agency is located in Clinton Township, Michigan and serves clients across the nation including the surrounding communities of Sterling Heights, Shelby Township, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, Grosse Point, Grosse Shores, Grosse Park, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Washington, Macomb, St. Clair Shores, Harrison Township. We look forward to serving you!

8-Day South Pacific from Brisbane, Australia

From $690.00 (USD)

Destination: South Pacific/Australia/New Zealand Ship: Carnival Luminosa

7 Day Eastern Caribbean From Port Canaveral (Orlando), FL

Destination: Caribbean Ship: Mardi Gras

5 Day Western Caribbean From Galveston, TX

Destination: Caribbean Ship: Carnival Breeze

8 Nights Australia Wine From Sydney, Australia - Onboard Celebrity Edge

Destination: South Pacific/Australia/New Zealand Ship: Celebrity Edge

Barcelona Spain to New York New York on Seven Seas Grandeur

From $12,799.00 (USD)

Destination: Transoceanic Ship: Seven Seas Grandeur

Lisbon Portugal to Barcelona Spain on Seven Seas Navigator

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Destination: Europe Ship: Seven Seas Navigator

Cape Town South Africa to Cape Town South Africa on Seven Seas Splendor

From $18,199.00 (USD)

Destination: Africa Ship: Seven Seas Splendor

Genoa, La Spezia, Civitavecchia, Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Cannes, Genoa

From $729.00 (USD)

Destination: Europe Ship: MSC Seaview

Idyllic West Indies - Miami Florida to Miami Florida

From $4,499.00 (USD)

Destination: Caribbean Ship: Vista

2025: Reflections on the Rhine (Southbound) (WDZ) - Imagery II

From $4,999.00 (USD)

Destination: Europe Ship: Imagery II One of Europe's most legendary rivers takes you across Germany and touches in Holland, France, and Switzerland!

Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Ilheus, Salvador, Maceio, Las Palmas de G.Canaria, Funchal

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Destination: Transoceanic Ship: MSC Poesia

Pointe-a-Pitre, Castries, Bridgetown, Kingstown, Saint George, Fort de France, Pointe-a-Pitre

From $694.50 (USD)

Destination: Caribbean Ship: MSC Virtuosa

2024 : Wonders of Colombia : 7- Night Cruise : Cartagena to Barranquilla : ms AmaMagdalena

From $3,420.00 (USD)

Destination: South America Ship: ms AmaMagdalena OverviewWonders of Colombia7- Night CruiseCRUISE FROM : Cartagena to BarranquillaImmerse yourself in the wonders that this So...

13-Day Antarctica Exploration

Destination: Antarctic Ship: Seabourn Venture

volare travel colombia

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  • Clinton Township, MI 48038
  • Ph: 586 263-4500
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Agencia de viajes Volare Travels fue sancionada por estafa

La agencia prometió a los consumidores ir a dos lugares y solo cumplió con uno.

La agencia prometió a los consumidores ir a dos lugares y solo cumplió con uno.

Foto: José Alberto Mojica / El Tiempo

La Superintendencia suspendió el Registro Nacional de Turismo mientras alista sanciones.

volare travel colombia

Temas Relacionados

Bogotá MARZO 29 DE 2024

Familia denuncia que fue víctima de estafa por falsa agencia de viajes: les ofrecieron planes más económicos

La víctima fue estafada con un viaje a San Andrés.

Viajar FEBRERO 26 DE 2024

Revista VIAJAR vuelve para acompañar el buen momento de la industria turística

Tubing por el río Duda.

Viajar FEBRERO 16 DE 2024

Vacaciones: ¿cómo saber si una agencia de viajes es legal y segura?

Antes de entregar su dinero y el sueño de viajar tenga en cuenta estos consejos.

Viajar NOVIEMBRE 28 DE 2023

Nariño será, por primera vez, destino nacional invitado de honor en Vitrina de Anato

El Santuario Las Lajas, en Nariño, está nominado.


Personaliza, descubre e informate.

Empodera tu conocimiento

Sectores 07:05 A.M.

El 72 % del presupuesto público de las pensiones se va a los regímenes especiales


Finanzas Personales ABRIL 25 DE 2024

Bono pensional de Colpensiones: estas son las personas que tienen derecho a tenerlo

El Gobierno ha cedido en su propósito porque sea Colpensiones la entidad que manejaría los recursos que lleguen al fondo de ahorro previsional que se crearía con la reforma pensional.

Sectores 12:00 A.M.

Exministros y excomisionados rechazan cuestionamientos del ministro Andrés Camacho sobre la Creg

Ministro de Minas y Energía, Andrés Camacho.

Finanzas Personales 11:15 A.M.

Nueva subasta de la Dian: así puede acceder al catálogo de carros, camionetas y motos en puja

La subasta recibe ofertas desde las 8 a.m. del jueves 2 de mayo hasta las 2:30 p.m. del viernes 3 de mayo.

Finanzas Personales ABRIL 26 DE 2024

Nueva subasta de la Dian de carros, camionetas y motos desde $ 9 millones: vea cómo participar y las fechas

Subasta de vehículos de la Dian.

Más noticias

El valor promedio de los hospedajes está en 75 dólares.

Viajar 12:00 A.M.

Colombia, entre los países que más dinero ganan por rentas en Airbnb

Paisaje alrededor de la Puerta del Cielo en el parque nacional de Tianmen. Para llegar hasta allá hay que subir 999 escalas.

Viajar ABRIL 28 DE 2024

Seis destinos con escaleras para llegar hasta el cielo

¿Solo o con leche? Depende del tipo de té.

Viajar ABRIL 26 DE 2024

Afternoon Tea: uno de los placeres gastronómicos en Londres con más encanto

El sector se ha transformado por medio del arte. A los turistas se les ensaeña la historia y el sentido de los grafitis que adornan las calles del barrio.

La actividad turística de Colombia que entró a las mejores del mundo, según Tripadvisor

Avianca fue denunciada públicamente en redes sociales por varios usuarios.

Avianca anuncia estos cambios en sus aviones y nuevos beneficios para sus pasajeros

El país fue reconocido en los II Premios Afroturismo durante la World Travel Market

Colombia es elegido como mejor destino afro del mundo: ¿Cómo se logró este reconocimiento?

Vista general desde el Balcón de Lisboa. Se aprecia el puente 25 de Abril.

Conociendo Lisboa a bordo de un ‘tuk tuk’: ¿Qué hacer durante un día en la capital de Lisboa?

Agüeros de fin de año.

Viajar ABRIL 27 DE 2024

Ofertas de viajes a grandes destinos: anuncian más del 50% de descuento en promociones de agencias

Nuestro mundo.

Las expresiones “agua desalinizada” y “agua desalada” son válidas.

Colombia 12:44 P.M.

¿Qué significa la palabra ‘bacano’ fuera de Colombia? No se lo imagina

El diccionario de la Real Academia Española se actualiza constantemente.

A pesar de lo rápido que se prepara un café instantáneo, las propiedades son diferentes al molido.

Colombia 11:56 A.M.

Los 3 mejores lugares de Colombia para degustar café, según TasteAtlas

Cerca del 12% de la producción mundial de café proviene de agricultores regionales de Colombia.

Colombia ABRIL 25 DE 2024

Un destino de Colombia, premiado en el top 10 de los mejores del mundo por Tripadvisor


Colombia ABRIL 26 DE 2024

Calendario escolar 2024: fecha de las vacaciones de mitad de año en cada departamento

La prostitución se ha aumentado por las dificultades económicas y la migración.

El pueblo a 2 horas de Medellín con hermosos miradores y que era hogar de una santa

La zona es conocida como

Internacional 09:38 A.M.

Al menos 18 muertos deja el volcamiento de un autobús en el centro de México

Las autoridades precisaron que el accidente habría ocurrió sobre la carretera Capulín-Chalma, en el paraje de Guarda de Guerrero.

Manifestaciones por Gaza

Internacional ABRIL 28 DE 2024

Manifestantes por Gaza piden boicotear la cena de corresponsales de la Casa Blanca Washington

El CPJ en EE. UU., afirma que al menos 97 periodistas y trabajadores de medios de comunicación han muerto en Israel.

Internacional ABRIL 26 DE 2024

¿Qué es el principio de reciprocidad en materia de visados y cómo lo beneficia a usted?

Foto de referencia

Internacional ABRIL 23 DE 2024

Bolsonaro exalta a Elon Musk por defender las libertades, ante una multitud en Río

El expresidente de Brasil Jair Bolsonaro.

Estadounidense y nigeriano fueron rescatados en el Darién luego de permanecer 5 días perdidos

El paso por el tapón del Darién es uno de los más complejos de la ruta hasta EE. UU. En la foto, de fondo, Capurganá.

Bogotá 01:36 P.M.

Marchas del miércoles 1 de mayo, Día del Trabajo, en Colombia: puntos de concentración y horarios

Las marchas están convocadas en Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla y las principales ciudades del país.

Región metropolitana

Bogotá 01:56 P.M.

Soacha se convierte en el primer municipio que ingresa a la Región Metropolitana: ¿qué beneficios tendrá?

Recibirá apoyo en proyectos para la conexión con la capital, como un puente entre la Av. Cali y el municipio.

Bogotá 11:40 A.M.

Estos son los programas en los que puede participar en 'Jóvenes a la E' en Ciudad Bolívar

Con este fondo de compensación un estudiante pasaría de pagar 850.000 pesos de cuota de financiación por sus estudios a 173.000 pesos.

Bogotá 10:37 A.M.

¿Rezó y pecó?: feligrés se robó las ofrendas de una iglesia en Bogotá tras asistir a la misa

Robo en iglesia

Bogotá 10:09 A.M.

Cárcel para hombre que habría asesinado a una conductora de plataforma en Bogotá: la engañó con un negocio

Luis Alfredo Cely González, presunto responsable del asesinato.

Medellín 12:19 P.M.

Juez falla a favor de Federico Gutiérrez y no tendrá que pagar cinco días de arresto

El hecho ocurrió en la pasada administración. La accionante recibió el pago que solicitaba. 

Hallan nuevo archivo que dejó el señalado asesino de urólogo en Medellín: hermano revela detalles

Medellín 11:35 A.M.

Hallan nuevo archivo que dejó el señalado asesino de urólogo en Medellín: hermano revela detalles

Alex Cano dio a conocer nuevos detalles del caso en charla con 'La W'.

Medellín 09:10 A.M.

Alcalde de San Rafael, Antioquia, denuncia amenazas en su contra por parte de las Agc

Eduin Aniceto Giraldo Quintana, alcalde San Rafael

Medellín 08:45 A.M.

¡Tome precauciones! Pico y placa en Medellín para el martes 30 de abril 2024

Así funciona la movilidad en la ciudad

Medellín 08:01 A.M.

Incautan millonario cargamento de marihuana que había llegado del Cauca a Antioquia

Tonelada y media de marihuana incautada en Antioquia.

Cali 01:24 P.M.

John Freddy Gil: las nuevas pistas por el asesinato del concejal de Jamundí

Investigan si su actividad de reclamar sustitución de cultivos de coca fue un factor en el crimen. Alcaldesa de Jamundí denuncia riesgo extraordinario y espera respuesta de UNP.

La gobernadora Dilian Francisca Toro, en consejo de seguridad por la crítica situación en Tuluá y en el Valle.

Cali 12:35 P.M.

Así opera la escuela de sicarios de la banda 'La Inmaculada', implicada en asesinatos de concejales en Tuluá

Cada vez más, los menores son instrumentalizados por los violentos para convertirlos en sicarios y autores de otros delitos.

Cali 12:00 A.M.

Capturan a mujer que presuntamente lideraba una estructura criminal en Palmira

Captura de dos mujeres que harían parte de una estructura criminal.

Avioneta cayó sobre un motociclista en la vía entre Cartago y Ansermanuevo

Las autoridades ya se encuentran en la zona del accidente.

Cali ABRIL 28 DE 2024

Estas son las medidas de seguridad en el Valle del Cauca, tras asesinato de concejal

Refuerzan seguridad

Barranquilla 01:33 P.M.

Fiscalía pedirá que Nicolás Petro vaya a la cárcel durante su juicio

El juez define si aplaza o no la audiencia, tras solicitud de la defensa del hijo del presidente.

Hibácharo, Atlántico.

Barranquilla 11:44 A.M.

Impactante video: batalla campal en fiestas patronales de Hibácharo (Atlántico)

Dos bandos integrados por jóvenes se enfrentaron a piedras y botellas, provocando pánico en el sector.

Barranquilla 09:13 A.M.

Barranquilla : piden agilizar la demolición del antiguo puente Pumarejo

Puente Pumarejo.

Barranquilla 12:00 A.M.

Líos de italiano en Colombia por herencia de Berlusconi: Registraduría pidió indagación

Marco Di Nunzio junto al notario Jaime Horta.

Un 'arroyo de basura': graban en video impresionante canal de agua lleno de residuos en Barranquilla

Arroyo en Barranquilla.

Otras Ciudades 01:51 P.M.

Temblor en Colombia, en zona de influencia del volcán Galeras: el sismo fue superficial

El Servicio Geológico Colombiano entrega detalles del más reciente sismo en el país.

Hermanos gemelos murieron tras chocar con un tractocamión en la vía Panamericana

Otras Ciudades 01:57 P.M.

Hermanos gemelos murieron tras chocar con un tractocamión en la vía Panamericana

El hecho ocurrió exactamente en la zona del Estrecho, municipio de Patía (Cauca).

Otras Ciudades 12:51 P.M.

Flip condena agresiones contra trece periodistas durante marchas del 21 de abril en Colombia

Denuncias de periodistas agredidos durante manifestaciones en oposición al Gobierno Nacional.

Otras Ciudades 10:55 A.M.

Atención | Avioneta se accidentó en el Tolima; Defensa Civil reporta que el piloto falleció

Avioneta se cayó en Tolima

Otras Ciudades 09:56 A.M.

Valledupar : se abren las acordeones en el 57 Festival Vallenato

Los más pequeños, inauguran el 57 Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata

Latinoamérica 01:32 P.M.

¿Quién era Landy Párraga, la exreina de belleza asesinada públicamente en Ecuador?

La víctima, de 23 años, fue mencionada en el caso Metástasis, una trama de presunta corrupción surgida a partir de la muerte del narcotraficante Leandro 'El Patrón' Norero.

Asesinato de Landy Párraga: ¿Cuál era su relación con el presunto narcotraficante ecuatoriano Leandro Norero?

Latinoamérica 01:03 P.M.

Asesinato de Landy Párraga: ¿por qué vinculan a la modelo con el narcotraficante ecuatoriano Leandro Norero?

En 2022 fue mencionada en unos chats de Norero. La modelo, sin embargo, nunca fue procesada por la Fiscalía.

Latinoamérica 12:26 P.M.

Elecciones presidenciales en Panamá: ¿quiénes son los candidatos más opcionados y cuáles son sus apuestas?

Los candidatos a la presidencia de Panamá de izquierda a derecha: Ricardo Lombana, José Raúl Mulino, Rómulo Roux y Martín Torrijos.

Latinoamérica 11:43 A.M.

Ecuador contrademanda a México ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia por asilar al exvicepresidente Jorge Glas

El exvicepresidente de Ecuador, Jorge Glas.

Latinoamérica 10:18 A.M.

Policía se resistió al robo de la moto en la que viajaba con su novia, fueron baleados y ella murió


Venezuela 01:02 P.M.

Candidato antichavista plantea una dolarización oficial en Venezuela si llega a la Presidencia

Asimismo, Antonio Ecarri explicó que no eliminará el bolívar como moneda de curso.

La líder opositora venezolana María Corina Machado

Venezuela 12:44 P.M.

'Permítannos verlos': Maria Corina Machado exige liberar a los dirigentes de su partido detenidos

La líder de la oposición denunció que desde su detención hace 40 días, a los funcionarios no se les ha permitido las visitas.

Venezuela 09:05 A.M.

Nicolás Maduro avanza hacia su posible reelección en Venezuela: ¿qué opciones reales tienen los opositores?

volare travel colombia

Venezuela 12:00 A.M.

Video | Pasajeros vivieron momentos de terror en evacuación de avión por alerta de humo: hubo críticas al proceso

Evacuación de emergencia

Venezuela ABRIL 27 DE 2024

Elecciones y transición, ¿Cuál es el plan de María Corina Machado para ser presidenta?

María Corina Machado desde el estado Portuguesa junto a sus seguidores.

EEUU 01:56 P.M.

El hombre de EE. UU. que paga esto en dólares por anunciarse para conseguir novia

Cansado de estar soltero está ofreciendo "matrimonio y karaoke".

Foto de referencia.

EEUU 01:54 P.M.

Buscan en Texas trabajadores que hablen español por sueldo de hasta US$68 la hora

El puesto precisa habilidades interpersonales y conocimientos de interpretación y traducción.

EEUU 01:12 P.M.

Karla Panini: ¿cómo es su vida con Américo Garza a 6 años de la muerte de Karla Luna?

La pareja se ha mantenido unida y le ha hecho frente a la controversia.

EEUU 12:51 P.M.

Cada vez más migrantes intentan entrar por una ciudad de California: ¿cuál es la razón?

Solicitantes de asilo hacen fila para ser procesados por agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza y Aduanas de Estados Unidos.

EEUU 12:46 P.M.

La ciudad de Nueva York que ofrece estos servicios gratis a los refugiados por un mes

Ciudad de Utica, en Nueva York.

Europa 07:04 A.M.

La creciente oleada de actos de espionaje de Rusia y China que enfrenta Alemania: ¿qué está pasando?

Los servicios secretos del país europeo han arrestado a media docena de personas sospechosas.

Yousaf es dmirador de la tarea de Sturgeon durante sus más de ocho años de mandato.

Europa 07:03 A.M.

Escocia: el independentista Humza Yousaf dimite como primer ministro, amenazado por una moción de censura

Yousaf, de 39 años, fue elegido líder del SNP, el Partido Nacional Escocés, en marzo de 2023, tras la dimisión de Nicola Sturgeon.

Europa 06:52 A.M.

Pedro Sánchez: las principales frases del discurso sobre su permanencia en el poder en España

Pedro Sánchez, presidente del gobierno español.

Europa 10:31 A.M.

Pedro Sánchez no renuncia y sigue como presidente de España: 'Con más fuerza si cabe'

Pedro Sánchez

Europa ABRIL 27 DE 2024

Begoña Gómez, ¿el talón de Aquiles del presidente de España, Pedro Sánchez?

El presidente del gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, anunció este miércoles la suspensión de sus actividades públicas para sopesar su posible renuncia.

África ABRIL 19 DE 2024

Exclusivo: entrevista con activista LGBTIQ+ elegido por TIME como una de las personas más influyentes de 2024

Frank Mugisha habla sobre la ley anti-LGBTIQ+ de Uganda, una de las más severas del mundo. 'Mientras exista una ley así, siempre habrá discriminación', dice.

Foto de archivo de octubre 19 de 2016, una semana después de que Boko Haram liberara 21 jovenes de Chibok.

África ABRIL 18 DE 2024

Ejército de Nigeria rescata a una joven secuestrada hace 10 años por el grupo Boko Haram

Todavía unas 100 jóvenes siguen desaparecidas. Esto es lo que se sabe.

África ABRIL 12 DE 2024

Moderna suspende el plan para construir en Kenia una fábrica de vacunas para África


África ABRIL 11 DE 2024

Bailarín colombiano, de 21 años, murió en Egipto tras presentar fuerte dolor de cabeza: esto se sabe

Muerte de colombiano en Egipto.

África ABRIL 8 DE 2024

Naufragio en Mozambique deja 97 muertos, entre ellos muchos niños: esto es lo que se sabe

Al menos 94 personas han muerto tras el naufragio en las islas de Mozambique.

Medio Oriente 10:33 A.M.

Biden y Netanyahu vuelven a hablar ante presión sobre una tregua entre Israel y Hamás, ¿llegaron a un acuerdo?

El presidente de EE. UU. volvió a insistir este domingo sobre el aumento de ayuda humanitaria en Gaza y la apertura de un nuevo paso al norte de la Franja.

Palestinos en los campos de refugiados en Rafah, sur de la Franja de Gaza.

Medio Oriente 09:20 A.M.

Estados Unidos dice que aún no ha visto el plan de Israel para proteger civiles ante invasión en Rafah

Washington pide una protección 'eficaz' de los civiles. Entre tanto, se negocia en El Cairo una tregua que podría detener la ofensiva.

Medio Oriente 08:31 A.M.

Israel teme que la CPI emita órdenes de detención contra Benjamín Netanyahu y otros altos cargos

El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; el ministro de defensa, Yoav Gallant; y el jefe de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel, Herzi Halevi.

Medio Oriente 06:38 A.M.

Rapero iraní fue condenado a muerte por protestas contra el gobierno: esto se sabe

El rapero, que comenzó a cantar a los 24 años, es conocido dentro y fuera de Irán.

Medio Oriente ABRIL 28 DE 2024

Hamás a Reino Unido: si envían soldados a Gaza serán un objetivo militar 'legítimo'

Bombardeos en la Franja de Gaza.

Hamás responderá el lunes a la propuesta de tregua de Israel

Medio Oriente ABRIL 27 DE 2024

Video: Hamás muestra a dos de los rehenes que mantiene secuestrados en Gaza

El video muestra a dos rehenes con vida.

Hezbolá libanés afirma que bombardeó el norte de Israel 'con drones y misiles guiados'

Israel no se hizo cargo del ataque del viernes por la mañana en Isfahán.

Medio Oriente ABRIL 26 DE 2024

Así van las investigaciones contra empleados de UNRWA acusados de participar en ataque de Hamás a Israel

Vista de un centro de operaciones de Unrwa.

Irán asegura que las armas atómicas no tienen cabida en su doctrina nuclear

Iraníes pasan junto a una enorme pancarta antiisraelí con imágenes de misiles, en Teherán.

'Es el último momento': Israel acepta una última ronda de negociaciones con Hamás antes de atacar Rafah, en Gaza

Edificios destruidos en Jan Yunis, en Gaza.

Recoger todos los escombros de Gaza tras los bombardeos de Israel podría tardar 14 años, según la ONU

Dos palestinos inspeccionan los escombros en Gaza cerca del Hospital Al-Shifa.

Muere la bebé rescatada por cesárea del vientre de su madre durante bombardeo de Israel en Gaza

Las bebé falleció luego de cinco días de lucha por mantenerse viva.

Colombia se suma a presión contra Hamás y exige la liberación de rehenes

Trabajadores sanitarios desentierran cadáveres hallados en el Hospital Nasser, en el sur de Gaza.

Medio Oriente ABRIL 25 DE 2024

'Turbas antisemitas se han apoderado de las universidades': Israel sobre protestas propalestinas en Estados Unidos

Los índices de aprobación del Primer Ministro Benjamín Netanyahu han mejorado después de caer en octubre.

Relatora de ONU pide investigar si apoyo militar de otros países a Israel equivale a complicidad con genocidio

Tras la incursión de Hamás en territorio israelí, el gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu inició una ofensiva en la Franja de Gaza que aún continúa.

Medio Oriente ABRIL 24 DE 2024

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Sitthipong Charoenjai, abogado de Daniel Sancho

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Edwin Arrieta y Daniel Sancho.

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Edwin Arrieta, colombiano asesinado en Tailandia.

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Combinados Colombia

13 things to know before visiting Colombia

Feb 29, 2024 • 9 min read

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From health and safety to etiquette, these tips can help you plan your trip to Colombia © jeremykingnz / Shutterstock

Whether you’re drawn by its beguiling coastlines , untamed jungle or high-altitude national parks , Colombia is guaranteed to dazzle.

After decades of association with armed conflict and drug cartels, this South American country has moved well beyond those dark decades, emerging from that chapter of history as one of the continent’s most thrilling and welcoming destinations to explore . 

Travelers to Colombia should prepare for a trip that will leave them wishing they never had a return ticket, thanks to the country’s remarkably warm and friendly people and uniquely Latin spirit.

Follow these tips on planning and health and safety to ensure a truly unforgettable trip to Colombia.

1. Don't attempt to see all of Colombia in one trip

A big mistake that even seasoned travelers have made is to try and pack too much into a trip around Colombia. Before trying to squeeze every last corner of the country into a two-week itinerary, cast your eyes over the map.

Stick to exploring one section of the country and exploring it well: spend three weeks bouncing between sun-soaked,  Caribbean beaches or heading from Medellín deep into the Zona Cafetera . Your trip should match Colombia’s characteristic pace: slow and enjoyable. 

2. Domestic flights are affordable and quick

If you’re still planning to cram as many places as possible into a short trip, Colombia’s wealth of low-cost airlines offer the most efficient way of getting around (although there's your carbon footprint to consider too).

While nothing quite compares with the cultural experience of taking a regional bus (where you’ll be “entertained” by deafening music for the duration), increasingly cheap fares are available for domestic flights.

Don’t be fooled by headline prices, these typically don’t include checked baggage. Peak traveling seasons (December through mid-January, Semana Santa and June through August) will add a premium and can sell out rapidly, so book flights in advance if visiting during these months.

Woman walks across a bridge in the wind in Medellín, Colombia

3. Pack for all weather

Whether you’re hitting the Caribbean coast or heading to the rainier climes of the capital,  Bogotá , you can expect to experience a full array of weather conditions.

While Colombia officially has two distinct seasons – the dry season (December through February and July through August) and the rainy season (April, May, and September through November) – because of the country’s variation in altitudes and ecosystems, you’ll probably experience all four seasons in one trip.

As a rule, the Caribbean coast is hot and humid, while Bogotá and the wider Andean regions receive a surfeit of rain. Come prepared with plenty of layers, including a warm, easy-to-pack rain jacket, and you’ll be primed to adapt to whatever the weather might throw at you.

4. A little Spanish will get you a long way

For a country so long enveloped by violent conflict, Colombia today is a remarkably open and welcoming destination for international travelers. Wherever you are, it’s easy to strike up a conversation with the owner of a restaurant, your taxi driver or a local enjoying the sunshine in a city plaza (and they’ll be delighted if you do!).

Knowing more than the basics of Spanish can go a long way, spurring engaging, fascinating conversations about Colombian culture, football, history and politics.

Colombian Spanish, particularly in Bogotá and Medellín, is considered one of the easiest to understand in Latin America because Colombians tend to enunciate their words. Make the most of affordable language schools in both cities to get some practice in before you head out into the rest of the country.

5. There are checkpoints with a strong military presence

When traveling in rural parts of Colombia, it’s not uncommon to come across road checkpoints staffed by army personnel, who’ll often ask to see your documents before waving you on your way.

In areas recently opened to tourism, you might even spot tanks and other military vehicles stationed alongside roads. 

While it might seem intimidating, the strong military presence around the country is there for the safety of the local people – and you. Be polite and have the correct paperwork (either your actual passport or a photocopy of the main page and entry stamp) with you, and you’ll rarely have an issue.

A colorful chiva bus pulls into a street in Yolombó, Antioquia, Colombia

6. Don’t expect punctuality

Like much of Latin America, Colombian culture isn’t known for its strict adherence to the clock, and a punctuality-obsessed traveler is often a disappointed one. “Colombian time” is practically its own time zone, and you should leave any notions of timeliness at home.

To avoid getting frustrated, relax and embrace being flexible – really, the only way to deal with the typically laid-back Colombian attitude toward life, the universe and pretty much everything.

While big, inter-regional buses and flights do tend to leave on time, tight schedules aren't followed in many other contexts. If you’re making an appointment with a Colombian person or waiting for a rural colectivo to depart, bring a book as you may well be waiting up to an hour beyond the agreed time.

7. Drugs and talking about that Netflix show are big no-nos

If there’s one way to annoy Colombians, it’s to get onto a topic that many Western tourists, despite Colombian’s attempts to dissuade them, continue to associate with the country: drugs. Illegal substances are a taboo subject in Colombia, and despite (or more likely, because of) the country’s history, few Colombians take them.

Residents of Medellín, in particular, are fed up with the city’s association with drug cartels and with tourists who go there to use cocaine, which is illegal and could see you getting into a lot of trouble if caught. 

When traveling in Colombia, don’t mention Narcos , either. Colombians are frustrated with the Netflix show’s portrayal of the country and what they see as the exaltation of a mass murderer.

Show some respect and steer clear of the many Pablo Escobar tours, too. Listening to local people's experiences during the drug-war years is likely to be far more informative and accurate.

8. Taxis will help you get around safely

While safety is no longer the same overwhelming concern it once was, taking taxis when traveling between neighborhoods in big cities across Colombia is a sensible choice.

Wandering around at night, particularly after you’ve had a shot of heady aguardiente or two, is often an invitation to opportunist thieves.

Taxis are extremely affordable and relatively painless if using a ride-share app, such as Cabify or Uber . Hailing a taxi can leave you open to scams or worse, so calling for a cab (or asking your hotel to) is recommended. Always confirm the price or check that the taxi has a working meter before entering a vehicle.

A drag queen dressed in a colorful rainbow-patterned dress draped with beads strikes a pose at an outdoor Pride event

9. Bogotá has a well-established gay scene

Homosexuality was decriminalized in Colombia in early 1980s, and the first same-sex marriage ceremony was performed in 2013 – evidence that this country has some of the more progressive attitudes toward LGBTIQ+ rights in Latin America.

Bogotá has a well-established gay scene, with bars and nightlife mostly found in Chapinero, one of the city’s most dynamic neighborhoods . Some lodgings and restaurants are beginning to advertise themselves as gay-friendly.

Despite its progressive laws, much of Colombian society remains traditionalist, and many same-sex couples still feel unsafe showing affection in public. For more information specifically for LGBTIQ+ travelers, check out Guia Gay Colombia. 

10. Tipping isn’t obligatory, but it is appreciated

Dining out in Colombia is extremely affordable.

When you go to pay the bill at fancier or more upmarket restaurants, it’s likely you’ll be asked if you want to include the propina (tip), typically around 10% of the cost of the meal.

Service in restaurants, cafes and bars across Colombia is generally much better than in many other parts of South America , so unless you had a terrible experience, consider paying the tip to show your appreciation. 

A female cyclist rides through the Paramo in the Andes Mountains of Boyacá, Colombia, South America

11. Traveling is safe – but stick to the beaten track

Colombia has experienced an about-face in the past few decades, shedding its title as one of Latin America’s most dangerous countries and coming into its own as a worthy travel destination.

It all comes down to the history-making peace accords signed in 2016 between the Colombian government and the FARC, which, after five decades of conflict, have led to many rural parts of the country finally shifting from no-go areas into welcoming places for visitors.

However, it still isn’t wise to go too far off the beaten path. Some rural areas remain dangerous because of their links with neo-paramilitary and drug-trafficking groups, particularly along the borders with Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador.

Before traveling anywhere unusual, always research the situation on the ground as well as your government’s travel advisories.

12. Scams and muggings do happen

While safety has improved significantly, you should always “ no dar papaya .” This delightful idiom – which literally translates to “don’t give papaya” – means you should always keep your wits about you, staying alert to those who would take advantage of you.

In practice, this means following common-sense guidelines: don’t wander down dark, empty streets at night, don’t head out into neighborhoods you don’t know without checking their safety first and don’t flap about the city with an expensive camera or phone on display.

Travel insurance is essential because muggings are, unfortunately still an issue in cities such as Bogota, Cali and Medellín.

You should never resist if someone tries to rob you. Distraction techniques are those used most fruitfully by would-be thieves, so always be wary of people coming up to you in the street or being asked to show your money to scammers posing as police officers.

If things do go wrong, head to the nearest police station immediately to report the crime. The police will put together a report and give you a copy, which you’ll need to make an insurance claim.

13. Don’t let this country’s history scare you away

Colombia has come on leaps and bounds since the dark days of the 1980s and 1990s, and its residents are more than excited to show you their beautiful and wonderfully diverse country.

The biggest mistake you can make is to let Netflix or historic newspaper headlines scare you away: this is a country that just about every traveler can’t help but fall in love with. The biggest danger when visiting Colombia? Finding yourself never wanting to leave.

This article was first published May 2022 and updated February 2024

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20 Best Places to Visit in Colombia, According to Locals and Experts

These are 20 of the best places to visit in Colombia, from colorful villages to stunning beaches.

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atosan/Getty Images

A hypnotizing mix of charming coastal cities, world-class cuisine, and lush landscapes hiding immense biodiversity have made the bicoastal country of Colombia one of the most sought-after destinations in the Americas. Spending a long weekend in Cartagena or a few days in Bogotá isn't enough; even after spending months living in Medellín, I felt I barely scratched the surface of all Colombia offers.

With the help of Medellín-based Travel + Leisure A-List advisor Boris Seckovic and locals who work at some of the country's most incredible accommodations, like Bio Habitat Hotel and Casa Pestagua, we've assembled a list of the best places to visit in Colombia. Read on to find the country's most scenic trekking trails, untouched white-sand beaches, and where to get the best cup of Colombian coffee.

Meet the Expert

Boris Seckovic is a T+L A-list advisor and Colombia specialist living in Medellín.

Carolina Bernal is the general manager at Casa San Agustin and Casa Pestagua, luxury hotels located in Cartagena. 

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Lara D'agostino/Travel + Leisure

Few destinations have done a better job rebranding themselves than Medellín, a vibrant metropolis whose rapid transformation has made it one of South America's most sought-after cities for travelers and digital nomads alike. Laureles was recently named the coolest neighborhood in the world , though travelers might be more familiar with El Poblado as home to some of Colombia's trendiest cafes, restaurants, and bars. Medellín's impressive public transportation network includes several cable cars, making the journey to green spaces like Arvi Park one of the best ways to enjoy breathtaking views of a city that crawls dramatically up the mountainsides of the Aburrá Valley.

Valle de Cocora

John Crux Photography/Getty Images

Don't be surprised if the Valle de Cocora (Cocora Valley) in the heart of Colombia's coffee country looks familiar. This magical area served as the real-life inspiration for Disney's “Encanto,” so you'll be sure to hear the soundtrack's most famous song as you pass through the nearby village of Salento. Despite its new claim to fame, the Valle de Cocora has long been famous for its impressive forest of wax palm trees, which tower high above the valley, growing up to 200 feet tall.

diegograndi/Getty Images

One of the best cities in South America , Colombia's bustling capital city of Bogotá is much more than just a stopover after an international flight. As soon as you arrive, take a funicular or cable car up the Cerro de Monserrate to take in the city views and get your bearings before exploring the historic neighborhood of La Candelaria. Visiting the Museo del Oro (Gold Museum) is a must, as is experiencing the city's increasingly impressive culinary scene at spots like the award-winning El Chato, one of the world's best restaurants .

Stay at the luxurious W Bogotá , named by T+L readers among the best hotels in South America last year, or stop by for their beloved night brunch. The hotel's bold design is a modern interpretation of the legend of El Dorado.

Amazon Rainforest

alfnqn/Getty Images

"Colombia's slice of the Amazon rainforest isn't as well-known as the Amazon in neighboring countries, but it's almost better that way," says Seckovic, who heads Amakuna , the leading specialist for luxury travel in Colombia. "You'll see far fewer people here and have a much better chance of encountering wildlife because of it." Explore the jungle by starting in the regional capital of Leticia, hidden among forest canopy and accessible only by airplane. From there, head to one of the region's ecolodges for biologist-led excursions into the wilderness, where colorful butterflies dart above waters where pink Amazonian river dolphins play.

Santa Cruz de Mompox

Uwe-Bergwitz/Getty Images

Set along the Magdalena River that winds towards Colombia's Caribbean Coast, the colonial village of Santa Cruz de Mompox "feels like what Cartagena used to be," says Seckovic. An important stop along the river used by the Spanish to extract gold, the UNESCO-protected town still retains all its historic beauty, and an artisan filigree jewelry industry points to its golden past. First-of-their-kind cruises along the Magdalena River with AmaWaterways will kick off in 2024, offering a new way to experience the region on routes that twist through the countryside between Cartagena and Barranquilla.

Starcevic/Getty Images

Cartagena is officially Colombia's worst-kept secret. Whether by cruise ship or via newly added flight routes from major U.S. cities, travelers now flock to Colombia's buzziest and most colorful hotspot year-round. A walk along age-old Spanish colonial walls at sunset with glimpses of the glimmering high-rises of Bocagrande in the distance is all you'll need to see why. 

Carolina Bernal, general manager at Casa San Agustin and Casa Pestagua , recommends staying in a restored mansion for a look into the city’s past. Longtime Cartagena favorite Casa San Agustin is a gem; its sister property, Casa Pestagua, is a meticulously restored and luxurious 17th-century mansion colloquially known as the most beautiful home in Cartagena.

maphke/Getty Images

Until recently, Isla Barú was mostly a destination for day trippers looking for the best beaches near Cartagena. The recent addition of the Sofitel Barú Casablanca Beach Resort changes all that, making this "island" just 45 minutes from the city an increasingly popular destination all its own. Travelers can also enjoy a beach day or book an overnight at one of the six new cabana-style bungalows at Acasi Private Beach, a luxe extension of Casa San Agustin and Casa Pestagua on the sand.

Eje Cafetero

Anna Haines/Travel + Leisure

Colombia's idyllic coffee-growing region is known as the Eje Cafetero , the "Coffee Axis." This verdant landscape is peppered with grand haciendas and tiny, shaded cafetales where families have long worked the land, and even passersby enjoy the aroma of the world's best coffee. Explore the countryside in a colorful, open-air Jeep Willy, visiting historic villages like Salento, Jardin, and Filandia along the way.

One of the region's coolest places to stay is Bio Habitat Hotel , where luxurious free-standing accommodations are enveloped in rainforest flora and fauna and offer views across the Andes. This eco-conscious, regenerative hotel perched amidst the forest canopy feels a world away, though it's just minutes from the city of Armenia and some of the country's finest artisan coffee farms.

Ciudad Perdida

traffic_analyzer/Getty Images

Tucked within the lush, tropical Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range, Colombia's Ciudad Perdida ( or “Lost City”) is among the great ancient ruins in South America. There's no easy way to reach Ciudad Perdida; visiting this hidden settlement demands a four-day mountain trek with numerous river crossings. The payoff is well worth it: Just a few dozen intrepid travelers reach this expansive site with its terraced hillsides and circular plazas every day, meaning you'll get to enjoy it almost uninterrupted.

Only a handful of Santa Marta-based tour operators are certified to guide visitors to the site, still cared for by the descendants of the Tairona people who built the settlement centuries ago.

Guatapé and El Peñol

nicolasdecorte/Getty Images

It's impossible to miss El Peñol, a massive monolith towering many stories over the countryside of Antioquia as if dropped from the heavens by a giant. If the climb to the top doesn't take your breath away, the 360-degree views from the top certainly will. Just minutes down the road, the small town of Guatapé has its own flavor of fantasy, with a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns covering the facades of its historic buildings. These twin destinations are an easy day-trip distance from Medellín, but an overnight stay at some of the country's coolest glamping spots is even better.

Caño Cristales

Claudio Sieber/Getty Images

Known as Colombia's "river of five colors," Caño Cristales is home to unique aquatic plants that give it a liquid rainbow effect you must see to believe. When the colorful effect is at peak vibrancy between July and November, the river seems to run green, magenta, purple, maroon, and canary yellow simultaneously. The river is located in the relatively isolated Serranía de la Macarena National Park, though locals attest it's well worth the trip to see one of the world's strangest natural wonders.

Related: Visiting Caño Cristales, Colombia's Liquid Rainbow

mehdi33300/Getty Images

The village of Barichara is arguably Colombia's prettiest. Barichara is a bit further from the country's major cities than other historic gems like Villa de Leyva, so "it's stunningly beautiful, but still not too touristy," says Seckovic. The town made T+L's list of the best hidden gem destinations to visit last year and is conveniently located just a stone's throw from San Gil, the undisputed capital of adventure travel in Colombia.

Tayrona National Park

Rodrigo A. Rodriguez Fuentes/Getty Images

In Tayrona National Park, Colombia's best beaches line untouched jungles with enough endemic flora and fauna to make any eco-conscious traveler swoon. Take a skippered sailing excursion to the park directly from Santa Marta, with stops at spots like Bahia Concha and Cabo San Juan for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing. More adventurous travelers can trek through the park and camp in hammocks perched directly over white sands.

Rosario Islands

“The Rosario Islands, or Islas del Rosario, are known for coral reefs and year-round diving and snorkeling opportunities," says Bernal of this perennially popular destination located off the coast of Cartagena. Hop on a speedboat in town and escape to eco-friendly boutique hotels tucked away on sandy shores, offering some serious rest and relaxation far from the crowds. It's an affordable and laid-back alternative to the built-up Caribbean islands where you would spend your days fighting for beach chairs.


Roxana Charris/Long Visual Press/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Among the cities on Colombia's Caribbean Coast, Barranquilla can't compete with buzzy, beautiful Cartagena. However, for one week a year, Colombia lives and breathes to the rhythms of the Carnival of Barranquilla. Folkloric dance, music, and rich, regional food shine among a packed schedule of events including the Battle of the Flowers, the Great Troupes Parade, and the Death of Joselito Carnival, each more vibrant than the last. It's such an essential spectacle that it made the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity .

Related: T+L's Guide to Colombia's Caribbean Coast

Antoine Barthelemy/Getty Images

The small city of Popayán still flies under the radar of most travelers, but it's all the better for it. Known as Colombia's "White City" for its grand historic center's whitewashed facades, this laid-back town feels like a breath of fresh air for travelers with an itinerary packed with just the country's biggest highlights. It's a great first stop on a road trip north through cities like Cali and to the haciendas and villages that make the Eje Cafetero so memorable.

Tatacoa Desert

oscar garces/Getty Images

The Tatacoa Desert is the second-largest arid environment in Colombia, after the dune-studded La Guajira at the northern tip of South America. However, Tatacoa isn't a desert at all, but a long-dry tropical forest where lush flowers bloomed a millennium ago. Its unexpected past makes fossil-hunting a perfect pastime on hikes through its dramatic red canyons. Tatacoa's remote location and ideal atmospheric conditions also make it one of South America's best destinations for stargazing .

alarico/Getty Images

Known as the capital city of salsa, Cali is the best place to visit in Colombia if you want to settle into several days of lessons to truly master these sensual steps. Zaperoco Bar is one of Cali's most famous salsa clubs, while Siboney — its name pointing to the rhythm's original Cuban roots — has long been one of Cali's salsa institutions. Fill your dance breaks by exploring the city's historic center and with day trips through the Valle del Cauca for river tubing, ziplining, and waterfall hikes.

Judith Engbers/Getty Images

Tucked away within Utría National Natural Park on a remote stretch of Colombia's Pacific Coast, the tiny beach town of Nuquí is known as one of the best places in the country for whale watching. Between July and October, humpback whales travel from Antarctica to these warmer waters to give birth to their babies in the region's protected lagoons. Whale watching is the undisputed highlight for most travelers visiting Nuquí, but adventurous travelers will love surfing near jungle-fringed shores and hiking to long-hidden rainforest waterfalls.

San Andrés and Providencia

tifonimages/Getty Images

Search for the islands of San Andrés and Providencia on a map, and you'd be forgiven for thinking they were a part of Central America. These tiny, remote islands over 450 miles from the Colombian mainland sit within a stretch of sea so azure it's called the "Sea of Seven Colors," and they are home to some of Colombia's last truly untouched beaches. Livelier San Andrés and more unspoiled Providencia are little-visited, idyllic destinations worth considering for your next unplugged, unbothered Caribbean getaway.

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Colombia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory january 2, 2024, colombia - level 3: reconsider travel.

Reissued with updates to the country summary.

Reconsider travel due to  crime  and  terrorism . Exercise increased caution due to civil unrest  and  kidnapping . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do Not Travel to:

  • Arauca, Cauca (excluding Popayán), and Norte de Santander departments due to crime and terrorism.
  • The Colombia-Venezuela border region due to crime, kidnapping, and risk of detention when crossing into Venezuela from Colombia.  

Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide, assault, and armed robbery, is widespread. Organized criminal activities, such as extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, are common in some areas.

Terrorist groups and criminal organizations continue operating and carrying out attacks in Colombia. They may attack with little or no warning, targeting transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, police stations, military facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, airports, other public areas, and U.S. government facilities.

Demonstrations occur regularly throughout the country and can be about a variety of political or economic issues. They can shutdown roads and highways, often without prior notice or estimated reopening timelines. Demonstrations and road closures may significantly reduce access to public transportation and may disrupt travel within and between cities. Protests can become violent and can result in fatalities and injuries.

U.S. direct-hire government employees must adhere to the noted restrictions:

  • They are not permitted to travel by road between most cities.
  • Colombia’s land border areas are off-limits to U.S. government personnel unless specifically authorized.
  • They may not use motorcycles.
  • They may not hail street taxis or use public buses.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Colombia.

If you decide to travel to Colombia:

  • Avoid protest areas and crowds.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Colombia.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Arauca, Cauca, and Norte de Santander Departments – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, is widespread. Terrorist groups are active in some parts.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens as U.S. government-personnel travel to these areas is severely restricted due to security concerns.

Colombia - Venezuela Border – Level 4: Do Not Travel

U.S. citizens are advised not to travel to the border of Colombia and Venezuela. U.S. citizens are at risk of detention when crossing into Venezuela.

The Colombia-Venezuela border is not clearly marked, and U.S. citizens should not go near the border due to the risk of crossing into Venezuela accidentally.

U.S. citizens attempting to enter Venezuela without a visa have been charged with terrorism and other serious crimes and detained for long periods. For more information, see the Venezuela Travel Advisory.

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Travel Advisory Levels

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April 22, 2024 - Protests at Columbia and other schools escalate

Matt Egan, Alicia Wallace and Chandelis Duster

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says it is 'determining next steps'

From CNN's Jillian Sykes

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued a statement Monday regarding tents on its campus.

"MIT officials are aware of the tents, and are determining next steps with a focus on ensuring campus is physically safe and fully functioning. MIT Police were on scene throughout the night and will continue to be present."

Robert Kraft says he is willing to support The Kraft Center at the university

From CNN's Chandelis Duster

Robert Kraft, billionaire owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots and backer of Columbia University, on Monday said he is still willing to support The Kraft Center at the school that supports Jewish students, calling it “a haven of safety.”

Kraft, an alumnus of the university, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead” that he loves the school and “we have to have accountability.”

“There are both professors and students within the university who say things that I think cross the line and there should be accountability. I believe in free speech. Say whatever you want but pay the consequences. And don't have your face covered. I don't think that should be allowed,” he said.  

“I can’t believe in New York City at Columbia University Jewish students are afraid to go to classes in the United States of America in 2024. It’s amazing to me and horrible,” Kraft also said.

Asked where he drew the line at Columbia University regarding both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protests and what he finds objectionable, he said “there is a lack of education on the situation” happening in the Middle East. 

“I’m concerned about America and what’s going on in this country. And to keep it open and free for all people of all backgrounds to do as they wish,” he said.

Asked if he has confidence in Columbia University’s president, Minouche Shafik, he said he thinks she is “very well intentioned” and said “we have to look at what goes on with faculty.”

Columbia faculty stage walk-out in solidarity with students

From CNN's John Towfighi

Hundreds of people gathered on Low Plaza Monday afternoon as Columbia University faculty delivered speeches in support of the student protesters who were suspended and arrested Thursday.

Faculty who spoke denounced university president Minouche Shafik’s decision to authorize the New York Police Department to remove protesters from campus and demanded all legal and disciplinary charges be dismissed and expunged from students' records.

Faculty held signs that read, “Hands off our students,” and “End student suspensions now.” Some faculty donned their academic regalia and wore sashes that read, “We support students.”

Speeches were met with cheers and claps from the crowd, as well as chants for Shafik to resign.

Christopher Brown, a professor of history, said, “I’m here because I am so concerned about what is happening at this university, with where we are now and with where we are going. Thursday April 18, 2024, will be remembered as a shameful day in Columbia history.”

“The president’s decision to send riot police to pick up peaceful protesters on our campus was unprecedented, unjustified, disproportionate, divisive and dangerous,” Brown said.

US Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose daughter Isra Hirsi was among the protesters arrested Thursday , posted on X that while she’s glad to see faculty demonstrate in solidarity with students, she wants the protests to focus on Gaza.

"On Thursday, Columbia arrested and suspended its students who were peacefully protesting and have now ignited a nationwide Gaza Solidarity movement. This is more than the students hoped for and I am glad to see this type of solidarity. But to be clear, this about the genocide in Gaza and the attention has to remain on that," Omar wrote.

NYC Mayor condemns "vile" and "disgusting" rhetoric at college campuses

From CNN's Alicia Wallace

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Monday condemned “vile” and “disgusting” rhetoric being used at campuses such as Columbia University, where students are holding protests over the Israel-Hamas War.

Adams told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he supports First Amendment rights but said law enforcement officials are on the ready if any of that speech goes too far or if there’s an imminent threat to people or property.

"That is one of the fundamental rights we hold dear as Americans: The right to protest," Adams said on CNN's "The Lead." "What we have seen playing out on many of our college campuses, and particularly Columbia University, is hate. We’re seeing vile language being used."

Adams noted that he can feel the "duality of this moment" and how the events of the past six months are weighing heavily on Jewish and Palestinian New Yorkers. He added that the police escorts of Jewish students through campus were reminiscent of the Army soldiers who escorted nine Black students into a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, nearly 67 years ago.

"There is no place for hate in this city," he said.

New York Police Department officers have a “large presence” surrounding Columbia but have remained off the campus grounds at the request of the school’s administration, NYPD deputy commissioners said earlier on Monday.

Adams told Tapper that the NYPD’s commissioner of legal matter is monitoring the protests for any speech that violates law. Additionally, police officers will take "appropriate action" and go on private property if there’s an "imminent threat."

Protesters gather at The New School in New York City

From CNN's Elisabeth Buchwald

The New School students and pro-Palestinian supporters rally outside The New School University Center building, Monday, April 22, 2024, in New York.

Protesters have gathered at The New School, located near the Chelsea area of the New York City borough of Manhattan.

An encampment of four tents was set up in the lobby of the building that houses auditoriums, a cafeteria and a library. Roughly 75 students, and other people who have The New School IDs, gathered inside the building.

"Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not stop, we will not rest," was repeatedly chanted. 

Outside the building, protesters from the school, as well as outsiders, joined in chants from the sidewalk.

There is a stark difference between the inside and outside of Columbia University's campus

From CNN's Ramishah Maruf

A pro-Palestine rally is held at the steps of Lowe Library on the grounds of Columbia University today in New York City.

There’s a stark difference between the inside of Columbia University's campus and the outside, where there are protesters gathered on the street. 

The encampment is only open to those affiliated with campus. Only those with a Columbia ID can enter the campus gates. Inside the encampment, programs include teach-ins, poetry readings and film screenings. Some students are quietly finishing assignments, while others are painting posters.

Elsewhere around campus, students are eating and completing assignments. Many students take graduation pictures at this time, and some are in graduation gowns walking down Broadway. Risers are set up for an upcoming commencement ceremony.

Other students are holding large American flags underneath Butler Library.

Pro-Palestinian and Pro-israel face off outside of Columbia University which is occupied by Pro-Palestinian protesters in New York on April 22, 2024.

But the students can still hear the tension that is taking place yards away at the university gates. There is a gathering of pro-Palestinian protesters, who in the early afternoon were chanting “I believe that we will win” and “Long Live the Intifada.” There was a smaller group of pro-Israeli protesters, who chanted back “Down with Hamas” and “Victory to Israel.” A line of New York Police officers were monitoring the street.

What it's like inside the Columbia University encampment

Students protest in support of Palestinians on Columbia University campus, as protests continue inside and outside the university in New York City on April 22.

The inside of the encampment is quiet – most of the noise comes from protestors outside the gates of Columbia University's campus, who are chanting “I believe that we will win” and “Long live the Intifada."

It was a sunny day on campus, and in one corner, students were painting posters. One person strummed a stringed instrument, and other students are reading books or on their laptops finishing assignments. Others have donated provisions, ranging from a table of snacks to hygiene products. There was also a pile of blankets.

“We’ve just been trying to keep students mobilized and keep pushing for divestment,” Dalia, a first-year student at Columbia College, told CNN. “We are a very mobilized student body and a very unified student body. Hundreds of people have been in and out of the encampment.”

CNN agreed not to publish her surname due to safety concerns.

She said the students at the campus “refuse to be complicit in the genocide, the apartheid, and the occupation of Palestine.”

There are strict community guidelines for the encampment. One rule says not to share names or details of anyone met in camp, and asking for permission before photographing or taking video.

The encampment is filled with dozens and dozens of tents, from students to neighboring Barnard College staff. Today’s encampment program included an Earth Day performance, poetry reading and a Dabka lesson, a traditional dance from the Arab region. Prior program events included dance performances from different cultures.

Democratic House members tour Columbia campus

Democratic Reps. Jared Moskowitz of Florida, Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, Dan Goldman of New York and Kathy Manning of North Carolina, who are all Jewish, spoke at a news conference Monday after touring Columbia University’s campus. 

"We saw it firsthand as we walked past the encampments on the university's main lawn full of protesters spewing incendiary antisemitic hate and vitriol. Many aren't even Columbia students I've been told. Their campaign of intimidation is sickening and shocking and as the White House said yesterday, ‘echoes the rhetoric of Hamas terrorists,'" Gottheimer said. 

He also criticized Columbia University leadership, saying, “toothless combinations from administrators aren't going to stop the anarchy we’re seeing.”

“The only way to do it is with deeds, not words,” Gottheimer said. “Colleges have a legal obligation under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to provide students, including Jews and Muslims, a school environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race color or national origin. Yet just feet from here, Jewish students are being verbally and even physically assaulted.”

Gottheimer continued, “To the administrators of Columbia and beyond, here are our demands: Stop the double talk and start acting now. Discipline harassers, restore civility on this campus, encourage peaceful constructive dialogue.”

He also gave a message for students: “While the leadership of Columbia may be failing you, we will not. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe and do everything in Washington we can to make sure that you feel welcome at this university or any university across the United States of America. And Columbia University, if they don't follow through, will pay the price.”

Goldman said he was "encouraged" the Columbia University president issued guidelines about additional security, calling it a "very important first step" and criticized what is happening on campus.

"That is unacceptable for a university, that is unacceptable for an academic institution. There is no question that everyone has a First Amendment right to speak out in this country and that must be preserved," Goldman said. "But a university and all universities have an obligation to maintain the safety and security of their students from all backgrounds."

Manning said university leadership should "do more to keep Jewish students safe and to re-establish an atmosphere in which all students can learn, study and participate safely in campus life."

"Columbia must also move forward with its promised efforts to teach its students and its faculty about the nature and history and dangers of antisemitism. It must ensure that Columbia professors are not encouraging and spreading antisemitism," Manning said.

"I call on the US Department of Education and the US Department of Justice to work with the White House to ensure that all universities take steps necessary to keep Jewish students and faculty safe. I also call on Congress to enact legislation to implement the steps outlined in the US national strategy to counter antisemitism, to address the scourge of antisemitism which is a threat to the foundations of our democracy," she said.

President Joe Biden condemns antisemitism on campus

From CNN's Kevin Liptak

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a visit to Prince William Forest Park to commemorate Earth Day in Triangle, Virginia, today.

President Joe Biden decried antisemitic protests around college campuses Monday and said his administration was working to combat anti-Jewish hatred.

"I condemn the antisemitic protests, that’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that," Biden said when questioned about the events at Columbia University in New York.

"I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians," he said, without expanding upon what he meant.

Biden was speaking after an Earth Day event in Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, Virginia.

When asked whether Columbia's president should resign, Biden appeared to mishear: "I didn’t know that. I'll have to find out more," he said.

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    www.volaretravelrd.com. MEDELLÍN 🇨🇴🧠. CONGRESO 2021. CLIENTES🌎 ️. NEW ORLEANS🇺🇸. SEVILLA 2021💃🏻. INFORMACIONES ️. 1,008 Followers, 369 Following, 293 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from VOLARE TRAVEL 🌍🗺️ (@volaretravelrd)

  23. April 22, 2024

    Pro-Palestinian and Pro-israel face off outside of Columbia University which is occupied by Pro-Palestinian protesters in New York on April 22, 2024. Charly Triballeau/AFP/Getty Images. But the ...