

Journeys around Britain by bus and train

The new X34 non-stop down the A34

thames travel newbury

Tuesday 8th August 2023

thames travel newbury

Here’s some good news from Thames Travel, the sister company to Oxford Bus. Its bus routes between Didcot and Harwell Campus were rejigged from 23rd July to include a new hourly service X34 linking both locations with Newbury travelling non-stop down the A34.

thames travel newbury

I took a ride last Tuesday to check out the potential and see how it’s settling in.

thames travel newbury

Harwell Campus (as well as Milton Park) are both sited close to Didcot and in recent years have been big supporters of sustainable travel initiatives which have done wonders for a decent bus network in this part of Oxfordshire.

thames travel newbury

Their distinctive blue (Milton Park) and green (Harwell Campus) branding can be found on bus shelters…

thames travel newbury

… bus timetables …

thames travel newbury

… and the buses themselves.

thames travel newbury

It all creates a very positive image for buses and demonstrates their commitment to sustainable transport to and from their respective sites.

thames travel newbury

Unfortunately the result can be a bit confusing with liveried buses appearing on the wrong routes as well as a myriad of other liveries Thames Travel has at the moment, thanks to inheriting vehicles from other Go-Ahead companies …

thames travel newbury

…. as well as the ‘Connector’ brand it uses for many of its routes.

thames travel newbury

It’s all a bit confusing.

Harwell Campus enjoys a 15 minute frequency to and from Didcot via the nearby village of Harwell as well as serving the recent (since 2009) extensive residential development known as Great Western Park (GWP) on the western flank of Didcot.

thames travel newbury

The 15 minute headway comprises the new hourly X34 between Didcot and Newbury as well as an hourly short between Didcot and Harwell Campus and a half hourly X35 from Didcot which continues west to Wantage and alternate (hourly) journeys on from there to Faringdon (one R – not the London one). It’s a neat timetable which as you can see below sees interworking between both routes in Didcot.

thames travel newbury

The X34 and X45 have replaced route 98 which used to run every 15 minutes to Great Western Park and half hourly on to Harwell Campus …

thames travel newbury

… and the half hourly X32 on its longer journey from Oxford (JR Hospital and city centre) via Milton Park and Didcot to Harwell Campus and Wantage.

thames travel newbury

The X32 has now been split, with the Oxford to Didcot section continuing as an X32 with the Didcot to Wantage section being taken over by the new X35.

The new X34 between Harwell Campus and Newbury restores a service which last ran in 2016 when Newbury Buses’ routes 6/6A were cut back. The 6 had used the A34, as the new X34 does, while the 6A served villages but the timetable comprised only about four journeys on each route so nothing like the hourly service now operating.

It’s 13 miles from Harwell Campus to Newbury and after a four minute detour around the village of Chilton just south of the Campus the X34 then runs non-stop down the A34 on a 15 minute romp…

thames travel newbury

… until it reaches the Vodafone complex on the northern edge of the town.

thames travel newbury

Only two young teens travelled on the new section of route to Newbury on my southbound journey – they boarded in Harwell Village – but I was impressed that eight were waiting in Newbury bus station to board the return.

thames travel newbury

The timetable includes a 13 minute layover in Newbury but we arrived 15 minutes late having left Didcot similarly late as were other journeys I observed, not helped by the dreaded 4-way temporary traffic lights at the busy roundabout just west of Didcot Parkway station.

thames travel newbury

The X35 only has five/six minute turnaround times in Wantage and Faringdon with minimal time in Didcot between the X34 and X35 journeys so I reckon late running could become a thing especially as the roads around Didcot seem to always be busy and on my trip last Tuesday an incident near Harwell blocked the A34 with surrounding roads soon feeling the effect.

thames travel newbury

That concern aside this really is a great initiative and it’s particularly good to see a new cross county route being introduced and with support from Oxfordshire County Council who are paying a subsidy of £158,670 with a review in September 2024.

thames travel newbury

Another bonus from the X34 is the opportunities it provides for a quick link by bus between Newbury and Oxford by changing at Harwell Campus from the X34 to route ST1 which provides a fast direct link between the Campus and Oxford. Journey time is only 80 minutes and a timetable showing the convenient connections is included in the Harwell Campus timetable book illustrated earlier.

thames travel newbury

Here’s hoping the X34 (and X35) is a success and it attracts enough passengers to make it a permanent feature of the network.

thames travel newbury

Roger French

My grateful thanks to Hugh Jaeger of Bus Users Oxford for the historic references.

Blogging timetable: TThS and Su DRT extras

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17 thoughts on “ the new x34 non-stop down the a34 ”.

I must have known!! I rode on the X34 yesterday . . . the 1034 from Newbury. The bus arrived on time, seemingly empty. Departure was 9 minutes late, for no reason, other than we were only 5 minutes late at Chilton and would have been on time at Didcot apart from the 4-way traffic lights referred to in the blog. 3 passengers boarded in Newbury; 4 more in Chilton, and then 4 more in GWP, so 11 overall . . . pretty quiet, but it’s early days.

Those traffic lights seem to be delaying occasional buses; the X34 to Newbury at 1128 was 15 minutes late, but my following X35 to Wantage was nearly on time, but delayed again at the TTLs (it was the same bus as from Newbury). Arrival into Wantage was delayed again by more TTLs . . . the curse of bus operations!

I’d say that the running time to Newbury via the A34 was a tad excessive, although I daresay peak traffic around Vodaphone might sort that out! I note a review is due in September 2024 . . . might a diversion via East Illsley on alternate journeys be worth while? It’s pretty thin territory, though.

I concur with the confusing liveries . . . vehicle branding on routes with only a small PVR never seems to work well. Nottingham cracks it by grouping routes together into areas, and having just enough buses for the basic PVR, with generic spares (as do Reading, and to some extent Oxford).

I do wonder about long-term viability, though . . . Harwell was deserted on my first journey, and even at lunchtime there were very few people walking about. Every bus I saw, (and with 10 BPH serving the terminus [including the ST1], there are plenty to see!), had only a handful of passengers on board . . . I hope the peaks are much busier! 2 BPH to Wantage seems OTT, though . . . the Saturday daytime service has only 1 BPH to Wantage and Newbury, which sounds better.

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If I have the correct road works they are due to last until the 18th August

It would have been sensible to adjust the timetable temporarily to allow for those works. Probably going to add at least 5 minutes to the journey time

Many thanks for this news. I’ve often thought that numbering a bus route to relate to a main road that it uses might attract more car drivers, who tend to know road numbers pretty well. I wonder if any surveys will be carried out to find if this is the case?

Thanks for the positive write up. Just a couple of things from me:

– the Harwell to Newbury section of route is funded by BSIP money from both Oxfordshire and West Berkshire Councils, although the contract is with us. It is important that the contribution made by colleagues from West Berkshire is appreciated in getting this service up and running.

– the last time there was a regular service between Newbury and Didcot was 2011. The former 6/6A services then only reached Harwell three, and then latterly, two times a day until their eventual demise in 2016 – they were not well used, primarily because the morning peak journey arrived very early and the evening peak journey departed very late. The 6/6A now terminates in West Ilsley, a few miles south of Chilton.

Beyond the BSIP funding period we have S106 funds remaining from Great Western Park and therefore we do expect to be able to fund the service for a reasonable period beyond the end of the initial contract (which is until September 2024 because that’s when the main GWP contract ends).

There are still some things to iron out but overall we are very pleased to have been able to restore this connection and we hope it is successful.

Kind regards Dave Harrison Principal Public Transport Planner Oxfordshire County Council

Many thanks for all that info Dave.

A great illustration of why branding buses outside urban areas that do NOT stay on the same group of routes (Nottingham style) should not be branded. It just looks an unholy mess in the same vein as Stagecoach, with “distance”, “local” and “special”, none of which bear much relation to each other or mean anything to the public, yet appear haphazardly on most services. By the time Thames Travel get round (if ever) to sorting out liveries, there will have been another review or swapping routes/vehicles with parent Oxford once more and………….further confusing mess.

Far better to standardise liveries, as in the past, and introduce bold destination equipment back and front which can actually be read Transdev Coastliner style, in bold white day-glo or whatever the technical term is.

Branding routes in my view just adds to costs and the buses rarely keep to the branded route

There is no real benefit in branding other than a corporate brand

Most people just want a bus. As long as the route number and destination is clearly displayed which is not always the case passengers do not care

LED display are petty flexible so if they want to clutter it with some kind of branding on that they can

If you go around the country you can see endless old attempts at branding running on random routes

The money could be better spent on running better services in my view, Branding buses does not come cheap

I suspect if you run a survey most people would not have a clue as to the branding of the bus they use

Following the introduction of its new Grey livery across its Fleet National Express West Midlands is abandoning route branding on its services on repaint. After routes such as Nifty Fiftry & the oo2 & 226 Diamond Bus has already abandoned eoute branding. Here NXWM branded WB87s often end up the WB12/A/13/A whilst most days a WB41/2 is on the WB3 while WNX8 branded buses usually end up on any WN route including WN15/6.!

Only a few operators have ever done route branding properly. The ones that spring to my mind are Nottingham, Reading, and Brighton & Hove, although the latter is changing to an aquamarine livery so not sure if route bbrandingis continuing. Really bad examples IMO are Go North East (way too many garish liveries, in an operating territory shared with two other large operators, the overall effect is to chaotic reminding me of Latin America), and TrentBarton with its silly names.

Incorrect route branding might be the least of the X34 problems. For those of us who have spent decades travelling up and down the A34 will know, this stretch of road is notorious for accidents and delays. Back in the early days of privatisation, when traffic was a lot lighter, Hampshire Bus introduced the short lived X34 between Southampton and Oxford, it soon became plagued with timekeeping issues and abandoned. No doubt Thames Travel drivers will soon become accustomed using the parallel roads through West/East Ilsley and Chieveley.

Whilst I commend the ambition, I’m a little skeptical as to the long-term prospects for a Newbury to Didcot link. It’s been tried several times and it’s just very thin territory.

As for the wider question of branding, it does work well but it has to be managed. Routes like the Lands End or Exmoor Coaster would not be as successful without the marketing and branding of the product. However, as Cornwall also testifies, there has to be careful management of vehicles and a critical mass of a PVR to enable the image to be consistently managed.

It depends how it’s promoted, to be honest. The end to end Newbury to Oxford journey is not too bad on rail, but if they were to divert into East Ilsley, they could take quite a few walkers off the nearby Ridgeway, who often pop the mile down into the village centre for a drink in the pub. A short divert to outside Newbury Showground during events might also gain enough passengers to help sustain the service.

What’s in effect you mean is, extend existing routes 6/6A (Newbury to West Ilsley) to Didcot, just as their predecessor routes used to for very many years. Given those routes are relatively infrequent, the improvements to the villages served by providing an hourly service would be certain to generate more passengers.

In part, yes, the issue with that is that the X34 wouldn’t serve the areas of Chieveley and northern Newbury, so I would keep the X34 for now.

How about a blog on the worlds most remote bus service? Just getting there will be a challenge in itself. The only real transport to it is the once a month ship from South Africa a mere 2800Km away which takes about 8 days

One issue you appear to have overlooked is that the residents of Harwell village no longer have a bus which takes them to the Doctor’s Surgeries, Didcot Hospital and pupils at the senior schools are now required to walk I mile in winter evenings to connect with busses at GWP. We are very upset and powerless, some residents require weekly GP appointments, which even if taxis were affordable by they feel their independence has been removed and they are being punished.

Good to see this report. I hope a demand develops.

Can I question the statement “The 6 had used the A34, as the new X34 does, while the 6A served villages but the timetable comprised only about four journeys on each route”. In fact, when the 6 and 6A were introduced in 2009, they were clockwise and anticlockwise circulars via the villages east and west of the A34 between Newbury and The Ilsleys and so served the very same roads and villages, neither was direct via A34 although each used a part of it. Two journeys only (of 8 in total) between them diverted to serve Harwell. At a later points in time the eastern village route was reduced as 6A and the western route became the 6, no longer circulars, still neither direct via the A34.

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Thames Travel

Thames travel - schedules, routes and stops.

Thames Travel is a public transport provider in London which operates bus routes.

The Thames Travel has 33 bus routes in London with 621 bus stops.

Their bus routes cover an area from the North (Vale Of White Horse) with a stop at Field Station, Wytham to the South (Newbury (W Berks)) with a stop at Park Way, Newbury.Their most western stop is Challow Station, Goosey (Vale Of White Horse) and the most eastern stop is Northfield End, Henley-On-Thames (Henley-On-Thames).

Thames Travel line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

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For Thames Travel service alerts, please check the Moovit website for real-time info on status, delays, changes of routes, changes of stops and any service changes.

Facts about Thames Travel

The Thames Travel has bus routes operating across London including: Reading, Oxford, West Berkshire, Newbury (W Berks), Vale Of White Horse, South Oxfordshire, Henley-On-Thames.

The longest line from the Thames Travel is: X40 . This bus route starts from Westgate, Oxford City Centre (Oxford) and ends at Station Road, Reading Town Centre (Reading). It covers over 46 km and has 62 stops.

The shortest line is: 136 . This bus line begins from Cholsey Meadows, Cholsey (South Oxfordshire) and finishes at The Forty, Cholsey (South Oxfordshire). It runs through 2 km with 5 stops.

Thames Travel - fare information

Costs and prices of different ticket types may change, based on several factors. Please check the Moovit app to view fares of individual lines. For more information on ride fares and for buying tickets online please visit Thames Travel's official site.

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Looking for a specific Thames Travel bus timetable? All Thames Travel routes and timetables in London can be found in the Moovit App. Moovit gives you directions for Thames Travel routes and provides helpful step-by-step navigation.

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GeoPunk Bus Timetables

X34 Bus Route: Didcot - GWP North - Harwell Campus - Chilton - Newbury with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Thames Travel

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Map of the x34 bus service, bus timetable for the x34 - didcot - gwp north - harwell campus - chilton - newbury route, outbound localities visited.

  • Newbury - THATCHAM
  • Vodafone HQ - NEWBURY
  • Chilton - DIDCOT
  • Harwell Campus - DIDCOT
  • Rowstock - DIDCOT
  • Harwell - DIDCOT
  • Great Western Park

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thames travel newbury

New bus service between Newbury and Harwell

Harwell Campus Roadshow event launches major new Thames Travel bus link

2023-Newbury to Harwell Bus Service

Thames Travel has enhanced its existing partnership with Harwell Campus, the UK's leading science and innovation campus, by launching a new bus service linking it with Didcot Railway station and Newbury.  

The new route is a rare example of a 'cross-border' bus service connecting Oxfordshire with West Berkshire. It is funded by Oxfordshire County Council and West Berkshire District Council, via central government Bus Service Improvement Plan funding.

Ultra-low emission Euro 6 buses will serve the new route and are branded in distinctive green Harwell Campus livery to celebrate the partnership with Thames Travel. It was launched in Harwell's "Green Week" to celebrate the progress of the partnership in encouraging people to use active modes of travel to commute, improving traffic congestion, air quality and sustainability.

The new service will operate every hour on Mondays to Saturdays and forms part of a combined 15-minute frequency service between Didcot Railway station and the campus. In further good news for passengers, single adult fares on the new service will be covered by the government's current £2 fare cap on single adult journeys.

The new route launches on 23 July 2023, and follows a roadshow last week (Thursday 6 July) at Harwell Campus to celebrate the launch of the service which was attended by local MPs and county councillors alongside senior representatives from Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire County Council, West Berkshire District Council and Thames Travel.

The new service builds on the partnership between Harwell Campus and Thames Travel which began in 2015 with the launch of more frequent buses between Didcot Railway Station and the Campus. In 2019, the partnership was expanded with Thames Travel launching its Science Transit Shuttle ST1 Service, connecting key sites in Oxford to the Campus via a partnership between the bus operator, The University of Oxford and the Science & Technologies Facilities Council (STFC). Earlier this year, Harwell Campus introduced enhanced bus travel discounts for employees at the site to further encourage people to use active travel.

Luke Marion, Thames Travel Managing Director, said:

"I'm proud Thames Travel has been selected to operate this important new cross-border route bringing significant economic and environmental benefits to the region.   "It is the next step in our continued strategy to improve connectivity between Oxford and key employment sites in south Oxfordshire to improve congestion, air quality and sustainability. Cross-border services are difficult to achieve and this new route demonstrates what can be done when key stakeholders work together under the Government's National Bus Strategy. I hope to see more cases like this across the UK."

Stuart Grant, Chief Executive of Harwell Campus, said:

"Together with our partners the Science and Technology Facilities Council, we're delighted to be able to support Thames Travel with the introduction of a new route from Newbury to Harwell Campus. We're passionate about finding sustainable and tangible ways that we can improve connectivity and the new route will not only reduce congestion, but will further improve the accessibility of Harwell Campus for innovators and scientists across the region."

Cllr Andrew Gant, Oxfordshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said:

"This new service is a direct result of Oxfordshire County Council being granted £12.7m of government funding for our Bus Service Improvement Plan, to support new rural routes and a host of other measures.   "Effective public transport is one of this council's priorities and this demonstrates our commitment to encouraging more people to use the bus." 

Cllr Lee Dillon , Leader of West Berkshire Council, expressed his delight at the launch of this long awaited bus service, saying:

"Before this bus service was launched, anyone travelling from Newbury to Harwell Business Park had to either go direct by car / taxi or go on a rather lengthy public transport journey consisting of a train journey to Reading, then a train to Didcot and then a bus from here to the campus.  This all took about 90 minutes on a good day.  Now, with this new bus service, the travel time is reduced to around 30 minutes which is fantastic!  "This is all great news for bus travel in West Berkshire and Oxfordshire to encourage more commuters and leisure users to use the service. I hope this will open up more opportunities for residents to take up jobs and apprenticeships that are available here at the Harwell Business Park as well as Newbury, Didcot, Wantage and Oxford."

David Johnston, MP for Wantage and Didcot, said:

"This new bus service will benefit local people in Didcot and the great companies at Harwell Campus - boosting connectivity across counties and helping to cut emissions. It is also great news that everyone using this service will benefit from cheaper journeys thanks to the Government extending the £2 bus fare cap to October." 

Laura Farris, MP for Newbury, said: 

"I am absolutely delighted about the launch of the new Newbury - Harwell - Didcot - bus route. This marks the culmination of my two-year campaign, in which I have worked with the Department of Transport, Oxfordshire County Council, West Berkshire Council, Reading buses and the Department of Transport to create a public bus route up the A34. Such a bus route existed for many years but was sadly abandoned in around 2004. "With 10,000 new jobs coming to Harwell Campus in the next few years, and more and more Newbury residents working in both Harwell and Didcot, the case for a bus route was overwhelming.  I am grateful to all the residents of Newbury who have filled in one of my surveys or written to me about this campaign. This victory means that you will now have a quick, direct and cheap route up the A34 which is much more environmentally friendly by taking people out of their cars."

Roads Minister, Richard Holden, said: 

"People up and down the country deserve a modern, reliable, and affordable public transport system. That is why we have provided Oxfordshire County Council with almost £13 million to boost its bus services.    "Supporting Go-Ahead with providing the new Thames Travel bus link is great for local residents, who will now be able to get around more easily and make the most of the fantastic work and research opportunities Harwell Campus has to offer."

The new buses have free on-board Wi-Fi, next stop announcements and USB charging points. The new timetable can be found here: https://images-oxfordbus.passenger-website.com/downloads/Harwell%20July%202023%20X34%20X35%20web_1.pdf

Harwell Campus is the UK's leading science and innovation hub, hosting 240 public and private sector organisations employing over 6,000 people.  

Thames Travel is part of Go-Ahead's Oxford Bus Group which also includes Oxford Bus Company, Pulhams Coaches, Carousel Buses and CitySightseeing Oxford.  

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  • Vale of White Horse

Chilton, opposite Garden Centre

On Newbury Road, near Garden Centre

Buses point south-east ↘

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  • 340001953SOU

Monday 1 July

Later ↓

Bus services

  • X34 Didcot, Broadway - Newbury, Wharf Bus Station Thames Travel
  • 43 Oxford City Centre, Railway Station - Wantage, Market Place Oxford Bus Company
  • 94 Didcot, Parkway Station - Didcot, Parkway Station Thames Travel
  • BB5 Chilton, Latton Close - Didcot, St Birinus School Thames Travel

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  • adj Garden Centre ↑ X34 43 94 BB5

James Newbury Hotel

Photo of James Newbury Hotel - Coxsackie, NY, US.

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60 S River St

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in Florists, Event Planning & Services

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Escape to James Newbury Hotel, a modern-luxe boutique in Coxsackie's mansion district. Savor scenic riverfront or historic village views from your room. Immerse yourself in our story: industrial-chic design meets natural beauty, inspired by eagles, herons, and the Hudson River. Unwind at our 1902 spa housed in a vintage electric station, or sweat it out in our fitness center. Next door, explore The Wire, a former ironworks factory turned event space. Fuel your adventures with our two acclaimed restaurants: Patrick Henry's waterfront tavern & Dayline's rooftop fine dining. Wander charming streets, explore historic sites, and stroll the tranquil riverfront. Discover Upstate New York like never before. …

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Photo of Nicole G.

A gem of a place in Coxsackie NY, the rooftop offers a lovely view of the river, mixed with the calming Hudson River lapping up onto the shore. We sat by the fireplace and started our night off with some aperol spritzes, then tried the Uni nachos, crab cakes, and the bread. The bread is baked to order and is well worth the wait. It is fluffy with a tender crumb and pairs well with the whipped butter. 10/10 would recommend for the vibes, drinks, food, and atmosphere, everything was amazing!!!

thames travel newbury

The hotel is on a lovely site, right on the Hudson river. It is beautifully decorated. The room was pretty and bright, and we appreciated the large windows with a river view. The staff was warm and friendly. The restaurant's menu looked yummy, and I would imagine there is quite a view from its 5th story window in the daytime. The hotel could well be five stars for many people, but not if you have noise issues. Sounds travel through the building surprisingly well. We happened to have been given the room directly above the bar. It sounded as if the performers were playing right in our room...not an exaggeration. Realizing that the sounds would carry up again first thing in the morning as soon as the staff began preparing breakfast (and already irritated from the excessive noise), we decided to leave. The desk staff attempted to make accommodations for us, but when none were available, they were understanding of our departure. I believe we are not being charged for the night, which is much appreciated. If you are not easily irritated by noises, there is probably no reason not to stay. Just avoid the north end of the 2nd floor! :) (Attached is a view from the parking lot...similar to the view from the window.)

thames travel newbury

Gorgeous Hotel on the Hudson River! Nothing else like it. We enjoyed the historic downtown and riverside park next door. Day line and Patrick Henry's restaurants were great also.

thames travel newbury

I recently had an awful experience with this hotel. I booked a room four weeks in advance and received both email and text confirmations. However, on the day of my arrival, the hotel claimed they didn't have my reservation. They blamed it on a change in management but offered no assistance or solutions. The staff was incredibly rude--one employee even hung up on me, and another was passive-aggressive when I called back. They told me to find another hotel on my own, leaving me stranded in an unfamiliar area. This place is overpriced, poorly managed, and inconveniently located. I highly recommend avoiding this hotel at all costs. .

Photo of Adrienne B.

Love it! Coxsackie, NY does it again! The hotel bar at the James Newburyport Hotel will be the new place to be seen in town. A new addition to the blooming of Coxsackie's downtown on the river. A quick 20 minute drive from Albany, Coxsackie is charming, walkable, and fast becoming a great destination for an afternoon or evening visit or for longer with a stay at the James Newbury Hotel. Either way, be sure to stop in for cocktails at the hotel bar. The design is sort of industrial meets Mad Men. It's cool and cozy with beautiful bar to sit at. You might also choose to chat over drinks in comfy club chairs or hang with friends in one of the sumptuous leather banquettes all the while enjoying a great view of the Hudson River. The bartenders are friendly and attentive, and happy to help with deciding which tasty cocktail one might choose. Looking forward to next time!

Photo of Torey C.

Stayed here for our wedding and everything was beyond perfect. The attention to detail was incredible and the bridal suite was gorgeous for getting ready photos. Highly recommend this hotel and events at The Wire!

Photo of Jill K.

Can't remember the last time I've written a review but really want to advocate for this hotel. It was such a wonderful stay! The location is right on the Hudson River with a roof deck that is absolutely fantastic as well as a loubby lounge with both a fireplace and a view of the river. The hotel's design incorporates materials from the original structures of the site - it's gorgeous. Staff is lovely and attentive and the breakfast is great too. We slept so well - very comfortable beds and bedding! Really, nothing was spared in the creation of a lovely stay which made for a memorable weekend!

Photo of A B.

Coxsackie is poised to be the stylish littl brother to Hudson but the townspeople, business owners and workers will have to pull together to make it happen. town has nice new waterfront park and nice big hotel. why did all restaurants close 5min before 9pm on a summer weekend? even the one attached to the hotel?? hotel has nice design and vibe. large rooms. nice big floor to ceiling windows with unfortunate view of parking lot and then beyond to the Hudson River. hotel has the makings of a wonderful destination experience and a special place. need to invest in hiring and providing hospitality training to develop good staff. i stayed shortly after hotel opened. when we called down to front desk with a question about tv, staff said she couldn't help and indeed had never been in a guest room. asked about the hotel and the town but front desk(a different person) knew nothing. Odd.

Photo of Karyn C.

What an incredible weekend at The James Newbury Hotel and The Wire! We cannot thank Aaron Flach enough for the most beautiful wedding celebration! He truly went above and beyond for anything that we needed and has created the most beautiful venue. When we made our plans 15 months ago we knew it would be gorgeous but seeing it come to life was more than we could have asked for! The bridal suite came out spectacular and every detail in the hotel is just so well thought out! Thank you so much Aaron!

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    thames travel newbury

  3. Visit Sunbury on Thames: 2024 Travel Guide for Sunbury on Thames, England

    thames travel newbury

  4. Mark Lyons' Images: Thames Travel Hybrid

    thames travel newbury

  5. P1088613

    thames travel newbury

  6. P1088576

    thames travel newbury


  1. Newbury #beautiful #travel #viral #nature #promenade

  2. Thames travel 623 in Newbury 9/4/24

  3. Thames Travel Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini at Henley-On-Thames

  4. ‼️new‼️ Thames Travel X32 livery in Oxford city centre #bus

  5. Mission: Thames Part 7

  6. Trains at Newbury


  1. X34

    For this reason, we strongly recommend arriving at your stop around 5 minutes ahead of time. Any stops you have favourited will also show in the Major Stops view alongside the Timing Points for your convenience. PDF Timetables, maps and fares: Timetable for X34 - Didcot to Newbury (X34) or Wantage (X35)

  2. Thames Travel

    Thames Travel. A bus operator in South East England. 32 routes. Map. Vehicles. X2 Oxford City Centre, Westgate - Didcot, Orchard Centre. X32 John Radcliffe Hospital, Main Entrance - Didcot, Cockcroft Road Shops. 33 Abingdon, High Street - Henley-on-Thames, Hart Street. 33A Great Western Park North, Asda - Henley-on-Thames, Hart Street.

  3. X34

    X34 - Didcot, Broadway - Newbury, Wharf Bus Station. A bus service operated by Thames Travel. Close map. Timetable; Map; Didcot, Broadway to Newbury, Wharf Bus Station. Show all stops. Didcot Haydon Road (Stop H1) ... Thames Travel. Website www.thames-travel.co.uk. Twitter @thames_travel. Contactless payment accepted

  4. Times & maps

    Didcot to Newbury (X34) or Wantage (X35) via GWP North, Harwell Campus, Chilton (X34) Operated by Thames Travel ... city4A, connector 33 and Thames Travel 63/63S. Full details can be found using the link below. BB3, 143. Reading to Langtree School. via Reading West, Purley on Thames, Pangbourne, Goring. Operated by Thames Travel Service updates ...

  5. Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel

    Plan your journey, buy tickets and travel with Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel. Find out more. Download the app from the Google Play Store. Download the app from the iOS App Store. Things to do. Ashmolean Now: Pio Abad To those sitting in darkness . 10th February - 8th September

  6. The new X34 non-stop down the A34

    Tuesday 8th August 2023 Here's some good news from Thames Travel, the sister company to Oxford Bus. Its bus routes between Didcot and Harwell Campus were rejigged from 23rd July to include a new hourly service X34 linking both locations with Newbury travelling non-stop down the A34. I took a ride last Tuesday to check…

  7. Didcot to Newbury

    Thames Travel operates a bus from Parkway Station to Park Way every 2 hours. Tickets cost $3-5 and the journey takes 49 min. Alternatively, you can take a train from Didcot Parkway to Newbury via Reading in around 1h 6m. Train operators.

  8. Wantage, Market Place

    Timetable data from Go-Ahead/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), 14 June 2024.We're not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don't warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.

  9. Thames Travel, London

    Thames Travel is a public transport provider in London which operates bus routes. The Thames Travel has 33 bus routes in London with 621 bus stops. Their bus routes cover an area from the North (Vale Of White Horse) with a stop at Field Station, Wytham to the South (Newbury (W Berks)) with a stop at Park Way, Newbury.Their most western stop is ...

  10. GWP North

    Choose Bus Stop. Get the latest X34 bus timetable, route maps, and fare information for the Didcot - GWP North - Harwell Campus - Chilton - Newbury. Operated by Thames Travel.

  11. Thames Travel

    Thames Travel is a bus operator serving the southern part of the English county of Oxfordshire. It is based in Didcot and is a subsidiary of the Go-Ahead Group's Oxford Bus Company operation, ... Wantage, Grove, East Hanney, Newbury, Harwell Campus, JR Hospital, Great Western Park and Milton Park. ...

  12. Newbury to Thame

    You can take a train from Newbury to Cricket Ground via Reading, Oxford, Haddenham & Thame Parkway, and Station Bridge in around 2h 40m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Newbury Wharf to Town Hall via Parkway Station, Didcot Parkway, Oxford, and Railway Station in around 2h 47m. Train operators. First Great Western Service.

  13. Newbury to Henley-on-Thames Station

    You can take a train from Newbury to Henley-on-Thames via Reading and Twyford in around 1h 27m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Park Way to Henley-on-Thames Station via Station Road, Friar Street, and Christ Church in around 2h 41m. Train operators. First Great Western Service. Bus operators.

  14. Home

    THTR Thames Travel ASES Arriva (in Beds and Buc Realtime Prediction i + −. ⤢. Favourites Favourite Stops. You do not have any location or bus stop saved as favourite ... 1 Newbury - Reading via Thatcham, Woolhampton, Theale RBUS; 1A Newbury - Newbury via West Berks Hosp, The Moors, Thatcham Broadway, Sagecroft Road, West Berks Hosp ND;

  15. New bus service between Newbury and Harwell

    Thames Travel has enhanced its existing partnership with Harwell Campus, the UK's leading science and innovation campus, by launching a new bus service linking it with Didcot Railway station and Newbury. The new route is a rare example of a 'cross-border' bus service connecting Oxfordshire with West Berkshire. It is funded by Oxfordshire County ...

  16. Thames Travel

    Thames Travel is based in Didcot, Oxfordshire. The Company started in 1998 with a fleet of four vehicles and has gone from strength to strength, expanding to its position as the third-largest bus operator in Oxfordshire. We now employ about 150 colleagues and maintain a fleet of over 60 vehicles. Our services cover the geographical area of ...

  17. X34

    12th Dec 2023 - 11th Jan 2024. UPDATE 11/01: The A417 at East Challow has now reopened and as a result, our X35 services to Faringdon will be resuming normal route and the shuttle service will cease to operate. Due to flooding at East Challow, and the remedial repairs that are taking place in the area until further notice.

  18. Newbury to Sunbury-on-Thames

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Newbury to Sunbury-on-Thames easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Newbury to Sunbury-on-Thames right here.

  19. Trains from Henley-on-Thames to Newbury

    How to travel from Henley-on-Thames to Newbury by train. Want to find out more about taking the train from Henley-on-Thames to Newbury? Look no further. You'll usually find 31 trains per day running between Henley-on-Thames and Newbury, which usually take 1 hour 55 minutes to complete the 20 miles (33 km) journey.

  20. 30 Meadowbrook Ln, Thames Centre, ON N0M 2P0

    Zillow has 27 photos of this $799,900 3 beds, 3 baths, 2,232 Square Feet single family home located at 30 Meadowbrook Ln, Thames Centre, ON N0M 2P0 built in 1991. MLS #40595083.

  21. X2

    Timetable data from Go-Ahead/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), 14 June 2024.We're not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don't warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.

  22. Goring-on-Thames to Newbury

    What companies run services between Goring-on-Thames, England and Newbury, West Berkshire, England? You can take a train from Goring & Streatley to Newbury via Reading in around 56 min. Alternatively, Thames Travel operates a bus from Parkway Station to Park Way every 2 hours. Tickets cost $3-5 and the journey takes 49 min.

  23. 38 Elliott Trl #12, Thames Centre, ON N0M 2P0

    Zillow has 48 photos of this $739,900 3 beds, 3 baths, 1,254 Square Feet single family home located at 38 Elliott Trl #12, Thames Centre, ON N0M 2P0 MLS #40612672.

  24. Chilton, opposite Garden Centre

    X34 Didcot, Broadway - Newbury, Wharf Bus Station Thames Travel; 43 Oxford City Centre, Railway Station - Wantage, Market Place Oxford Bus Company; 94 Didcot, Parkway Station - Didcot, Parkway Station Thames Travel; BB5 Chilton, Latton Close - Didcot, St Birinus School Thames Travel; Nearby stops Map. adj Garden Centre ↑ X34 43 94 BB5;


    9 reviews and 17 photos of JAMES NEWBURY HOTEL "Love it! Coxsackie, NY does it again! The hotel bar at the James Newburyport Hotel will be the new place to be seen in town. A new addition to the blooming of Coxsackie's downtown on the river. A quick 20 minute drive from Albany, Coxsackie is charming, walkable, and fast becoming a great destination for an afternoon or evening visit or for ...