"Surfin' Safari" lyrics

  • The Beach Boys Lyrics

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Surfin' Safari

  • The Beach Boys

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Surfin' Safari Lyrics as written by Michael E. Love Brian Douglas Wilson

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words to song surfin safari

A great hit...No comments??? That's a bit strange...

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cool song, and there's STILL no comments?? You people are loco.

3 comments on this song, from 2 Floyd fans and an Elvis fan where are the Beach Boy fans, huh?

excelent song

Always makes me think of teen wolf.....

It's what I tell everyone whe"n they ask me what I do. "I'm on Safari to Stay"...(until my unemployment checks run out)

Im from Peru, and last weekend i went to Cerro Azul Beach, 133 KM's from my place (LIma) and when i was traveling on the car i listen this song (together with another "beach songs") and i hear the words about Cerro Azul and Peru and i feel myself so good. Beach boys rocks, and this song too!!! Every beach song its great!!! Thanks!!!

1 GREAT SONG—Helped Launch The Teenaged Years of The Then—LARGEST GENERATION EVER PRODUCED BY THE USA... until the sheer Numbers of Their Kids—THE MILLENNIALS SURPASSED The Boomers... tho... in a more spread out population wave... whose birth rates were much lower [40% lower at the peaks] than at any point of the Boomers' steep rates of birth... except that there were now far more (Boomer) Americans becoming Parents than at any previous time in our nation's history... en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_baby_boom

2 some surfin' safari terms & phrases that may be unfamiliar....

Woody = Woodie Wagon (truck or station wagon used to portage Surfers & Equipment to & between beaches) hagerty.com/articles-videos/articles/2014/05/15/surf-city-here-we-come

Shooting The Pier = Surfing under a big Ocean Pier between it's numerous, cement pilings [NOT recommended] surfertoday.com/surfing/10875-how-to-shoot-the-pier

Walking The Nose = Moving to the front of the surfboard and maybe doing something like Hanging Ten toes over the nose of the board.

3 As for...

Huntington Malibu Rincón Laguna Cerro Azul Dohini (Doheny ??) Hawaii Peru

Go Google Map 'em—Yourself.

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Surfin' Safari by The Beach Boys

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  • Many of the early Beach Boys songs were about surfing, which was their niche (their first record label named the band; they were almost The Surfers). Only their drummer, Dennis Wilson, surfed, but they could fake it in photos and songs. "Surfin' Safari" is a travelogue of popular surf spots in California: Huntington, Malibu, Doheny State Beach, Rincon, Laguna Beach. They also mention Cerro Azul in Peru. Released June 4th 1962, this was the Beach Boys' first major hit. In his 1990 autobiography Brian Wilson said it sold 900,000 copies, and more overseas: #1 in Sweden, #13 in New Zealand, and a hit too in Italy and France, where it attracted cover versions.
  • In the first verse, the band grabs some honeys and loads up the woody with some boards, setting the stage for the surfin' safari with some hip lingo. A woody is a funny looking wood-paneled vehicle popular with surfers. It also gets a mention in " Surfer Girl " with the line, "In my woody I would take you everywhere I go."
  • Written by Wilson and lead singer Mike Love , this was the first recording to display the distinctive counterpoint harmonies for which the group became famous. The recording was also self-produced, and taken to Capitol complete with its B-side "409" which was a minor hit. This precedent made the Beach Boys the first total, self-contained artists of the rock era, not to be matched for many years to come.
  • When the Chrysler corporation conducted a survey in 2004 on "What is the best song to cruise to?" - this won. >> Suggestion credit : Gary - Auckland, New Zealand, for above 3
  • This was the second Beach Boys single, and their first with Capitol Records. Their first single, " Surfin' ," was issued on the independent label Candix Records. Group patriarch Murry Wilson sold the masters of "Surfin' Safari," along with two other songs, "Lonely Sea" and " 409 ," to Capitol for $100 each, with a 2.5% royalty for the group. With "409" issued as the B-side, the single proved successful, and Capitol signed the band. The group had already done a lot of work on their debut album by the time they got the deal.
  • On the DVD Brian Wilson Songwriter 1962 - 1969 , Mike Love credits Murry Wilson - father of Brian, Carl and Dennis of The Beach Boys - with the distinctive treblelly guitar sound on this track. When Brian Wilson would leave the control room to record his bass parts, Murry, who fancied himself a producer, would switch the sounds on the guitars to the treble he preferred. Love feels that guitar sound really cut through and helped "Surfin' Safari" sell.
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Comments: 6

  • John from Cleveland "This precedent made the Beach Boys the first total, self-contained artists of the rock era, not to be matched for many years to come." self-contained: "Not dependent on others; self-sufficient." Despite the massive effort that came from within included production, since studio musicians recorded a great deal of their music, I do not think this description is accurate, particularly when contrasted against bands that played all of their own parts.
  • Tim from San Mateo In response to the comment about different lyrics between the Candix era version and the version released by Capitol: those lyrics were obviously changed before Capitol ever heard the newer version, so insinuating that Capitol objected to "honeys will be making the scene" is complete rubbish. There are numerous examples where lyrics to Brian Wilson penned tunes get revised, usually by Mike Love, when they are being recorded. My guess is that Mike with Brian changed it to "some honeys will be coming along" since it just flows better.
  • Steve Dotstar from Los Angeles, Ca Spencer-Brian Wilson opens the song with his high voice stacked on the top of harmonies "let's go surfin'now"...etc..then when the solo voice comes on,it's Mike Love.("early in the morning,.."etc)
  • Boogiespencer from Bethesda, Md who opens with lead vocals on this track?
  • Gary from Auckland, New Zealand This has been sales-ranked above known 1962 million-sellers 'Return to Sender' and 'Twistin' the Night Away' by the analysis of Classicbands.com. It broke Capitol sales records in New York City, was ranked #1 in LA, San Diego and the Twin Cities, #3 in San Francisco, #5 in Chicago, etc, etc -- but only #14 by Billboard. This might have been partly because it wasn't guaranteed as much airplay as Dick Clark favorites the Four Seasons, but probably mainly because each regional market was left to take it up individually -- its flip, '409', was first promoted by Capitol as the A-side. 'Surfin' Safari's regional chart runs extended over a period of nine months, from June 1962 to February 1963, not falling all within three months as national hits normally do.
  • Rick from San Juan, United States The early Candix version began with the phrase "some honeys will be makin' the scene" ... ". It was watered-down by Capitol as "some honeys will be coming along" to avoid controversy that would affect airplay and sales.

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The Beach Boys - Surfin' Safari (Vol. 2) Lyrics

Artist: The Beach Boys

Album: Best Of The Beach Boys Vol. 2

Genre: Rock

words to song surfin safari

Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with...) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our Woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari)with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with...) At Huntington and Malibu They're shooting the pier At Rincon they're walking the nose We're going on safari to the islands this year So if you're coming get ready to go Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with...) They're anglin' in Laguna in Cerro Azul They're kicking out in Dohini too I tell you surfing's mighty wild It's getting bigger every day From Hawaii to the shores of Peru Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with...) With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari

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Surfin Safari - The Beach Boys

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Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) At huntington and malibu They're shooting the pier At rincon they're walking the nose We're going on safari to the islands this year So if you're coming get ready to go Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) They're anglin' in laguna in Cerro Azul They're kicking out in dohini too I tell you surfing's mighty wild It's getting bigger every day From Hawaii to the shores of Peru Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) With me Surfin' safari With me Surfin' safari With me Surfin' safari With me Surfin' safari

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Surfin' Safari

The beach boys.

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About Surfin' Safari

"Surfin' Safari" is a song by American rock band the Beach Boys, written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love. Released as a single with "409" in June 1962, it peaked at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song also appeared on the 1962 album of the same name.

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words to song surfin safari

The Beach Boys are an American rock band, formed in 1961 in Hawthorne, California. The group was initially composed of brothers Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson, their cousin Mike Love, and friend Al Jardine. Managed by the Wilsons' father Murry, the Beach Boys signed to Capitol Records in 1962. The band's early music gained popularity across the United States for its close vocal harmonies and lyrics reflecting a Southern California youth culture of surfing, cars, and romance. By the mid 1960s, Brian Wilson's growing creative ambition and songwriting ability would dominate the group's musical direction. The primarily Wilson-composed Pet Sounds album and "Good Vibrations" single (both released in 1966) featured a complex, intricate and multi-layered sound that wa… more »

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words to song surfin safari

  • #1 Surfin' Safari
  • #3 Girls on the Beach
  • #4 Let's Go Trippin'
  • #5 I Get Around
  • #6 Hushabye
  • #7 Summertime Blues
  • #8 This Car of Mine
  • #9 Be True to Your School
  • #10 Surfer Girl
  • #11 Louie, Louie
  • #12 Finders Keepers
  • #13 Wouldn't It Be Nice
  • #14 Don't Worry Baby
  • #15 Devoted to You
  • #16 Why Do Fools Fall in Love?

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  1. Surfin' Safari

    words to song surfin safari

  2. Super Partituras

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  3. The Beach Boys: Surfin' Safari (Lyrics)

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  4. Surfin' Safari (180g Lp+Farbige 7" Single) [Vinyl LP]: Amazon.de: Musik

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  5. Surfin' Safari

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  6. Surfin Safari

    words to song surfin safari


  1. Surfing Safari Song Intro


  3. Serena


  5. Outer Banks Running

  6. The Beach Boys


  1. The Beach Boys

    Yes, I'm going to (surfing) take you surfing (surfing safari) with me. Come along (surfing) baby wait and see (surfing safari) Yes, I'm going to (surfing) take you surfing (surfing safari) with me ...

  2. The Beach Boys

    Come along (surfing) baby wait and see (surfing safari) Yes, I'm going to (surfing) take you surfing (surfing safari) with me. Let's go surfing now. Everybody's learning how. Come on on safari with me. (Come on on safari with me) They're angling in Laguna in Cerro Azul. They're kicking out in Doheny too.

  3. The Beach Boys

    Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you ...


    (Surfin', surfin' safari) Yes, I'm gonna take you surfin' with me (Surfin', surfin' safari) Come along girl wait and see (Surfin', surfin' safari) Yes, I'm gonna take you surfin' with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learnin' how Come on and safari with me Come on and safari with me They're anglin' in Laguna in Cerro Azul They're ...

  5. Lyrics for Surfin' Safari by The Beach Boys

    Let's go surfin' now. Everybody's learnin' how. Come on and safari with me. (Come on and safari with) Early in the mornin' we'll be startin' out. Some honeys will be comin' along. We're loadin' up our Woody with our boards inside. And headin' out singin' our song.

  6. The Beach Boys

    Surfin' Safari Lyrics by The Beach Boys from the Oldies But Goodies, Vol. 2 & 3 album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the mornin…

  7. Surfin' Safari

    Surfin' Safari by The Beach Boys with lyrics on screen.Written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love.

  8. Surfin' Safari (song)

    The "Surfin' Safari" single backed with "409" was the band's second single and the first single to be released on the band's new label Capitol Records in the United States in June 1962. Originally Capitol Records felt "409" should be the 'A' Side, and first promoted the car song (according to Beach Boys biographers Badman, Gaines and Carlin) instead of "Surfin' Safari".

  9. The Beach Boys

    Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Well, surfin' is big in Sunset-Beach They do it in South ...

  10. Surfin' Safari Lyrics

    Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin ...

  11. The Beach Boys

    Song - Surfin' SafariArtist - The Beach BoysAlbum - Surfin' Safari

  12. The Beach Boys

    Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you ...

  13. Surfin' Safari lyrics by The Beach Boys

    Yes, I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes, I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on a safari with me (Come on a safari with me) With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me ...

  14. The Beach Boys

    The Shift Lyrics. About "Surfin' Safari". Outside of lead single 'Surfin'', the Beach Boys' debut album was recorded throughout mid-1962 and produced by Nick Venet. In contrast to ...

  15. The Beach Boys

    About Surfin' Safari "Surfin' Safari" is a song by American rock band the Beach Boys, written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love. Released as a single with "409" in June 1962, it peaked at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song also appeared on the 1962 album of the same name.

  16. The Beach Boys

    Official Audio for Surfin' Safari performed by The Beach Boys.Follow The Beach Boys:Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebeachboysInstagram: www.instagram.com/thebe...

  17. Surfin' Safari by The Beach Boys

    This was the second Beach Boys single, and their first with Capitol Records. Their first single, "Surfin'," was issued on the independent label Candix Records.Group patriarch Murry Wilson sold the masters of "Surfin' Safari," along with two other songs, "Lonely Sea" and "409," to Capitol for $100 each, with a 2.5% royalty for the group.With "409" issued as the B-side, the single proved ...


    Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with...) With me Surfin' Safari With me Surfin' Safari With me ...

  19. "Surfin Safari" by The Beach Boys Lyrics

    Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna (surfin') take you surfin' (surfin' safari) with me Come along (surfin ...

  20. The Beach Boys

    Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Let's go surfin' now Everybody's learning how Come on and safari with me (Come on and safari with) Early in the morning we'll be startin' out Some honeys will be coming along We're loading up our woody With our boards inside And headin' out singing our song Come on (surfin') baby wait and see (surfin' safari) Yes I'm gonna ...

  21. The Beach Boys ~ Surfin' Safari (1962)

    This fantastic song by "The Beach Boys" was released in 1962 and only made it to number 14 on the billboard hot 100, hmm how crazy was that.. The song was al...

  22. The Beach Boys

    [Chorus 1] Surfing is the only life The only way for me Now surf, surf with me Bom Bom Dit Di Dit Dip [x2] [Verse 1] I got up this morning turned on my radio I was checking on the surfing scene To ...

  23. SURFIN SAFARI CHORDS by The Beach Boys @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Artist: The Beach BOys Song: Surfin' Safari Album: Surfin' Safari Capo 2 D C Lets go surfin' now, everybody's learning how A D G Come on and safari with me, come on and safari with me G C Early in the morning well be startin' out D G Some honeys will be coming along G C Were loading up our woody with our boards inside D G And headin' out singing our song Chorus: G Come on baby wait and see ...