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9 Motorcycle Documentaries to Watch Now

Austin Rothbard

We all know that motorcycle documentaries are educational, inspirational, and enjoyable to watch.

But which ones are the best? 

Our list of 9 moto documentaries will get you excited to get back out on two wheels. Good luck making it through one of these movies or shows without hitting pause, grabbing your motorcycle helmet , and hitting the open road.

And if you want more cinema versions, check out our list of top motorcycle movie scenes !

1) On Any Sunday (1971) 

This moto-classic covers the motorcycle racing world of the 70s. It’s as enjoyable watching Steve McQueen in this flick as it checks out the sideburns and hairstyles of the era.

2) Long Way Round (2004) 

Ewan McGregor and his friend Charley Boorman decide to ride motorcycles from London to New York—by taking the scenic route. In this 10-episode show, you’ll see everything from route planning and motorcycle selection to border crossings and friendship as these buddies ride through 12 countries in three months.

3) TT 3D Close To The Edge (2011) 

If you haven’t heard of the Isle of Mann TT Motorcycle Race, you need to watch this motorcycle documentary. And if you’re already familiar with the Isle of Mann TT? You need to watch this documentary.

4) Why We Ride (2013) 

If anyone asks you why you ride, point them to this doc. It explains motorcycle riding culture better than any other movie we’ve seen.

5) 12 O’clock Boys (2013) 

Learn about the illegal Baltimore stunt-riding-and-wheelie underworld in this brilliant motorcycle documentary. 

6) Being Evel (2015) 

You’ve heard his name, but you may not know his story. What makes someone attempt to jump  the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle (or any of the other stunts he’s pulled)? Learn about this hero of the 70’s who became one of the world’s most well known celebrities. 

7) Hitting The Apex (2015) 

Brad Pitt narrates this Moto GP documentary where we learn about six of the fastest motorcycle riders in the world, and their race to the top.

8) Oil In The Blood (2019) 

Gareth Maxwell Roberts showcases the custom motorcycle scene and the talented builders who have created these unique motorcycle works of art.

9) Greasy Hands Preachers (2015)

The unsung heroes of the motorcycle world are appreciated during this movie as we learn more about the world of being a mechanic and restorer.

While we might be able to connect with characters in big Hollywood movies (again, check out some of our favorite  motorcycle movie scenes from the big screen), watching a documentary about our passion can take our interest to a whole new level.

We can hear the motor through the speakers and probably even feel the twists, turns, gravel, jumps, and more; we can see motorcycles being ridden by real people sharing their own meaningful stories; we can be moved.

We hope these motorcycle documentaries will reinforce your love of riding — and might make you want to rent a bike from Twisted Road and feel the real deal for yourself.

Austin Rothbard

Austin is an experienced business leader and passionate rider. In his former life, he ran companies with recognizable brand names, making everything from boats and furniture to kitchenware. But, he traded in freshly-shined shoes for beat-up boots and has never been happier. With Twisted Road, his goal is to connect riders worldwide — to create new experiences and friendships, and most of all, to build a community.

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5 Great Motorcycling Documentaries

What’s your favorite motorcycle documentary.

Joe Appleton

Everyone loves a good motorcycle documentary or movie – it doesn’t even matter what type of bike you ride, as soon as a bike comes on screen, you can’t help but get a little bit excited. Except maybe about the film Wild Hogs­ , but the less said about that the better. Those actors obviously had bills to pay… Anyway, unlike car movies, where we see overpaid actors mess around in cars we could never afford, when it comes to the humble motorcycle, everyone can afford one, and everyone can have fun on one. These are a few of our favorites and by no means are these the absolute best.

We’re mainly focusing on documentary films here rather than fictional movies. However, if that’s what you’re looking for then you should check out The Motorcycle Diaries , an account of Che Guevara’s motorcycle travel adventures in South America, before diving into other motorcycle classics like The World’s Fastest Indian , and Mad Max.

Ranking The Best Motorcycle Movies!

#05. on any sunday.

As far as motorsport documentaries go, this one is quite possibly one of the best, if not one of the most influential. Here, we have Bruce Brown taking us through the world of riding and most importantly, racing. If you haven’t seen it yet, get on it now. If you weren’t planning to go for a ride out this weekend, after watching this, you’ll be planning one. It ticks all the right boxes and not only is it visually stunning, it also has a great soundtrack too.

Even better: if you’ve seen the first one, it’s also high time that you took a look at the ‘sort of’ sequel and follow up film from Bruce Brown’s very own son, Dana. It features some cool interviews with some big industry names from MotoGP world champion and Honda rider Marc Marquez, to renowned motorcycle builder Roland Sands. It’s called On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter (obviously) and this motorcycle documentary is well worth your time.

#04. Why We Ride

When this came out last year, it kind of passed me by. It didn’t get the press that it well and truly deserved. Luckily, if you want to check out this absolute masterpiece, it’s readily available on whatever internet ‘on-demand’ entertainment outlet you’re currently using. It does cover quite a lot of old ground, asking the usual ‘why we ride?’, ‘what does riding mean to you?’ etc kind of questions but it works because it answers those questions with visually stunning riding footage and honest and heartfelt responses that would easily inspire anyone to get on two wheels and ride off into the sunset. If you’re trying to convince someone to get on a bike, this is certainly a powerful persuasion tool and one of the best documentary films on the topic of two-wheels that we’ve seen in a while that applies to all riders, from dual sport adventurers to cruiser riders.

#03. Long Way Round

Any talk of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman’s epic road trip journey from London to New York usually divides the camp: some love it for being a truly inspiring and proper old fashioned adventure, others hate it because Ewan McGregor is a household name with a vast bank balance and a support crew like no other motorcycle travel show could emulate. In reality, it really is a great adventure story and the whole “it’s easy for rich people” argument shouldn’t come into play. It’s one that I watch again and again, because despite their fame, they’re easy to relate to and their story is true. And who doesn’t like watching adventure bikes actually adventuring ?

It’s also worth mentioning the Long Way Down too. While it certainly wasn’t as good as their first adventure, it still captures the road trip mood that only motorcycle travel can inspire. BMWs , open roads, dual sport adventure bikes, and Africa, in all of their splendor. Even Ewan’s (now-ex) wife couldn’t put a downer on that… right?

#02. TT3D: Closer To The Edge

As motorcycle racing goes, nothing can top the Isle of Man TT for thrills and excitement but unlike the MotoGP or World Superbikes, the Isle of Man isn’t going to come to a race track near you – you have to go to it if you want to enjoy it – and for many people, that just ain’t gonna happen. A few years ago, TT3D: Closer To The Edge came out and it’s truly incredible. It brings the TT to you in a way that regular TV coverage just can’t. It deals with the thrill and excitement excellently and covers the darker side, the risk and the tragedy head on. It does mainly focus on Guy Martin and sure, his personality isn’t for everyone but don’t let that stop you from watching this amazing documentary. You’ve got John McGuiness, Ian Hutchinson Connor Cummins to balance him out… And if you prefer your motorcycle documentaries to be more US focused, we recommend Dust to Glory – it follows similar motorcycle racing themes, but Dust to Glory takes a different approach.

#01. Mondo Enduro

Unlike Long Way Down , Mondo Enduro has no reason to piss anyone off. What you’ve got here is a real bunch of guys tackling the world without support, making for one of the best motorcycle documentaries ever filmed. It’s an epic journey that takes across Central Asia, across Siberia, down from Alaska to South America and from South Africa through the Middle East back through Europe to London, all on Suzuki DT350s without a hint of a support crew (or a Hollywood bank balance) to be seen. It’s the everyman’s Long Way Down and the perfect inspiration to get you planning your next big bike trip. Granted, it’s a little bit dated now as the footage was shot between 1995 and 1996 but this is a seriously important documentary for all motorcyclists out there. Watch Mondo Enduro and be amazed, it’s one of the best motorcycle documentary film productions ever made

Still in need of more viewing? Check out our list of top motorcycling movies for more iconic cinema!


Joe Appleton

Joe is a motorcycle industry veteran who has not only been paid for his words on the industry but also to throw a leg over a bike on the track. Besides riding, and occasionally crashing motorcycles, he also likes to build up older bikes in his garage in Germany. He says; "I like what I like but that certainly doesn’t make my opinion any more valid than yours…" We like Joe's educated opinion and hope you do too.

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5 Must Watch Motorcycle Adventure Films

5 Must Watch Motorcycle Adventure Films

Posted by: Adrian from YouMotorcycle in Product Reviews , Reviews November 22, 2013

The art of adventure and motorcycling go hand in hand. The level of freedom and excitement that can felt on a bike compares with very little out there in the world of travel and transport, so it’s no surprise that motorcycling has been the subject of many films over the years.

Travel films are no exception – they tap into the consciousness of riders who are curious for more – always asking questions and always wondering ‘where next?’ This blog post looks at 5 must watch motorcycle adventure films, and discovers why watching them will get you in the mood for your next big trip….

Long Way Round

Between April and July 2004, Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor travelled from London to New York ‘the long way round’ – taking two BMW R1150GS bikes with them and transversing some of the most difficult terrain the world had to throw at them. It was an epic documentary series, and still one of the best watches for a combination of travel, adventure and motorcycle fuelled action.

The Motorcycle Diaries

This film about the written memoir of the 23 year-old Che Guevara recounts an epic 1952 expedition across Central America. Stunningly shot, with some great bike sequences combined with an adventure fuelled coming of age story – it’s almost certainly worth a watch

Riding Solo to the Top of the World

Filmmaker Gaurav Jani did exactly this – journeying from Mumbai to one of the most remote places on earth, the Changthang Plateau. Filming entirely as a one man unit, he captures some incredible moments with the landscape, the people who inhabit it as well as himself and his own experience of this stunning journey.

Mondo Enduro

This is perhaps one of the most famous motorcycle expeditions to have been caught on camera. Between 1995 and 1996, a team of 7 experienced long-distance riders decided to travel the longest way round the world – in the shortest time possible. Using Suzuki DR350 Dual Sport bikes, they documented their epic journey while often camping rough and travelling through some of the most dangerous terrain in the world.

Cycles South

Badly behaved, rock’n’roll and one of the ultimate old-fashioned motorcycle road movies – Cycles South is about three guys riding from Colorado to Panama and having one hell of a time doing it. Action and adventure is the name of the game; with hedonism packed into every spare minute.

About the Author:

Infinity Motorcycles in London have long since been the go-to supplier of the very best motorcycle accessories, clothing, helmets and luggage. They stock a wide range of travel based products perfect for your next adventure – visit their online store for more information and the latest deals:

About Adrian from YouMotorcycle

best motorcycle travel documentaries


best motorcycle travel documentaries

Cycles South I did see, their stop in Albq. N Mexico is almost ‘historic’, comparing it to the current city, the shop they stopped @ in Albuquerque, Bobby J’s, (yama) is still there tho’.

best motorcycle travel documentaries

What about “the fastest indian”

best motorcycle travel documentaries

The Fastest Indian is a great movie. I saw it in Invercargill, New Zealand, which is the home town of its main character, Bert Munroe. Highly recommend.

best motorcycle travel documentaries

best motorcycle travel documentaries

5 Must Watch Motorcycle Adventure Films via @YouMotorcycle

best motorcycle travel documentaries

RT @JacobCLittle: An article I put together for @YouMotorcycle on Motorcycle Travel Films has been published. Have a look…

best motorcycle travel documentaries

RT @YouMotorcycle: Too cold to ride? Grab someone cute, stay in, and watch these 5 Must-Watch Motorcycle Adventure Movies…

best motorcycle travel documentaries

We just got back from a trip to Newfoundland (leaving from Ottawa, ON) which took place over 2 weeks. We (really just me) documented the whole trip and ended up putting together a 16 episode series which covers the year long prep (episodes 1- 4) and the trip itself (episodes 5-16). Hope you get a chance to watch it. And hope to see more motorcycle travel vids!

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Sadly Gaurav Jani passed away in 2020! He was a gem of a person and always took time to answer strangers phone calls and have amazing conversations with other travellers! He was an inspiration to the riding community in India. Rest in Power!

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25 best motorcycle movies ever (25 Essential Motorcycle Films worth watching )

Movies that inspire you to go for a motorcycle ride The art of adventure and motorcycling go hand in hand. The level of freedom and excitement that can felt on a bike compares with very little out there in the world of travel and transport, so it’s no surprise that motorcycling has been the subject of many films over the years. Travel films are no exception – they tap into the consciousness of riders who are curious for more – always asking questions and always wondering ‘where next? 5 must watch motorcycle adventure films, and discovers why watching them will get you in the mood for your next big trip…. Here’s my list of 25 motorcycle films that you may have never seen or even heard of. All of them we think are worth taking a look at.

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1. The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

R | 126 min | Adventure, Biography, Drama

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, popularly known as Che, along with his friend Alberto Granado, decides to take a road trip across South America. His experiences on the journey transform him.

Director: Walter Salles | Stars: Gael García Bernal , Rodrigo de la Serna , Mía Maestro , Mercedes Morán

Votes: 104,785 | Gross: $16.78M

2. On Any Sunday (1971)

G | 96 min | Documentary, Sport

Documentary on motorcycle racing featuring stars of the sport, including film star Steve McQueen, a racer in his own right.

Director: Bruce Brown | Stars: Steve McQueen , Dave Aldana , Mark Brelsford , Bruce Brown

Votes: 1,545

Considered to be one of the best ever motorcycle sport documentaries ever made, this 1971 film was nominated for an Academy Award. Director Bruce Brown successfully reflected the lives of various types of motorcycle enthusiasts that were racing in motocross, desert racing and the Grand National in the early 1970’s. From a motorcycle point of view they are all here – BSA, Harley-Davidson, Triumph, Husqvarna, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Hodaka and Bultaco. The film focuses on the people and what makes them want to ride a motorcycle in competition and features Steve McQueen, AMA legend Mert Lawwill and off-road racer Malcolm Smith. A fascinating glimpse of why people race bikes, any bikes, and still a relevant film today.

3. One Week (I) (2008)

Not Rated | 94 min | Adventure, Drama

Chronicles the motorcycle trip of Ben Tyler as he rides from Toronto to Tofino, British Columbia. Ben stops at landmarks that are both iconic and idiosyncratic on his quest to find meaning in his life.

Director: Michael McGowan | Stars: Joshua Jackson , Peter Spence , Marc Strange , Gage Munroe

Votes: 12,046

4. Easy Rider (1969)

R | 95 min | Adventure, Drama

Two bikers head from L.A. to New Orleans through the open country and desert lands, and along the way they meet a man who bridges a counter-culture gap of which they had been unaware.

Director: Dennis Hopper | Stars: Peter Fonda , Dennis Hopper , Jack Nicholson , Antonio Mendoza

Votes: 116,960 | Gross: $41.73M

This is one of the most iconic American counter-culture films ever made, it follows the entertaining and illegal adventures of Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, with Jack Nicholson chiming in for good measure.

5. Riding Solo to the Top of the World (2006)

94 min | Documentary

Riding Solo To The Top Of The World' is the unique experience of a lonesome traveler, who rides his motorcycle all the way from Mumbai to one of the remotest places in the World, the ... See full summary  »

Director: Gaurav Jani | Star: Gaurav Jani

Filmmaker Gaurav Jani did exactly this – journeying from Mumbai to one of the most remote places on earth, the Changthang Plateau. Filming entirely as a one man unit, he captures some incredible moments with the landscape, the people who inhabit it as well as himself and his own experience of this stunning journey.

6. On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter (2014)

PG | 90 min | Documentary, Action, Adventure

Inspired by Bruce Brown's 1971 documentary, "On Any Sunday," chronicles the international sport of motorcycle racing.

Director: Dana Brown | Stars: Bo Derek , Jimmy N. Roberts , Travis Pastrana , Ashley Fiolek

Votes: 422 | Gross: $0.54M

On Any Sunday is one of the best-loved motorcycle films of all time. Directed by Bruce Brown—famous for the surf classic Endless Summer—it captured the spirit of motorcyling in a way that even non-riders could understand. And deservedly won an Academy Award nomination. A sequel is now being readied for release, directed by Bruce’s son Dana Brown and shot using 4K Ultra HD equipment. On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter is backed by Red Bull, KTM and Skullcandy, and the PR machine is about to hit top gear. Fortunately, the trailer suggests that the film will live up to the hype. It’ll hit theaters in the USA on November 7.

7. Long Way Round (2004–2010)

TV-PG | 32 min | Documentary, Adventure

Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embark on a grueling quest to motorbike from London to New York. Going east through Europe, Asia and then to Alaska, they experience different cultures and have to overcome the elements and adversity.

Stars: Ewan McGregor , Charley Boorman , David Alexanian , Russ Malkin

Votes: 15,279

Between April and July 2004, Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor travelled from London to New York ‘the long way round’ – taking two BMW R1150GS bikes with them and transversing some of the most difficult terrain the world had to throw at them. It was an epic documentary series, and still one of the best watches for a combination of travel, adventure and motorcycle fuelled action.

8. TT3D: Closer to the Edge (2011)

Not Rated | 104 min | Documentary, Sport

Motorcycle racers reveal their motivation to participate each year in the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy, the most dangerous and deadliest event in the sport.

Director: Richard De Aragues | Stars: Guy Martin , Ian Hutchinson , John McGuinness , Michael Dunlop

Votes: 6,627

If you’ve never been to the Isle of Man in May to watch the annual Tourist Trophy, this film is almost the next best thing to being there. Filmed in 2010 you get some truly spectacular footage of the world’s greatest motorcycle race. This 104-minute documentary follows racers Guy Martin and Ian Hutchinson in their bid to claim the title of King of the Hill. You won’t believe how fast or how dangerous the 37.73 course is. There is no other motorcycle race – or for that any motor sport event – like this and we could watch this over and over again. Ultimately the only thing to do is go and see this astonishing race for yourself. You won’t regret it.

9. 12 O'Clock Boys (2013)

TV-MA | 76 min | Documentary, Biography, Crime

Pug, a young boy growing up on a combative West Baltimore block, finds solace in a group of illegal dirt bike riders known as The 12 O'Clock Boys.

Director: Lotfy Nathan | Stars: Coco , Pug , Funmi Sodipo , Steven

Votes: 1,545 | Gross: $0.04M

10. The World's Fastest Indian (2005)

PG-13 | 127 min | Biography, Drama, Sport

The story of New Zealander Burt Munro, who spent years rebuilding a 1920 Indian motorcycle, which helped him set the land speed world record at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats in 1967.

Director: Roger Donaldson | Stars: Anthony Hopkins , Diane Ladd , Iain Rea , Tessa Mitchell

Votes: 58,613 | Gross: $5.13M

There are several other films that could be at the number one slot but The World’s Fastest Indian is just a great film. Based on the true story of a middle-aged but very determined Kiwi Burt Munro, who against the odds brought his modified Indian scout to Bonneville to set land speed records. It may not be historically accurate but there is a fantastic performance by Anthony Hopkins playing Munro and it takes little time before you start to empathize with this character and the huge challenge he has to overcome to achieve his dream. Lots of motorcycle content and one of those films that you will want to watch again and again. We’re not saying this is the definitive list of all motorcycle films ever made. Just a cross-section of a wide variety of films that have motorcycle content that we think are worth watching. If you’ve got some better suggestions then let us know.

11. Why We Ride (2013)

PG | 89 min | Documentary, Family, History

The passion of the riders and the soul of their machines.

Director: Bryan H. Carroll | Stars: Jim Adams , Ernie Alexander , Kenny Alexander , Jay Allen

WHY WE RIDE MOVIE TRIES TO ANSWER THE AGE-OLD QUESTION By all accounts, the new documentary Why We Ride is a beautifully filmed work that will make you want to hop on a motorcycle the moment you step out of the theater. It’s that kind of film. Through exquisite vintage and slow-motion footage from places such as Bonneville, Daytona, motocross tracks, and campsites in the California desert, the audience is taken on a stunning visual journey into our two-wheel world, with dozens of riders, some famous, some not, speaking poignantly about what motorcycling means to them. There’s no narrator, and there doesn’t need to be; the various folks who do the talking are all remarkably well-spoken. We only wish they were identified as they appeared on screen and not later in the movie as the credits were rolling.

12. The Wild Angels (1966)

R | 93 min | Action, Drama, Thriller

The "Angels", a San Pedro motorcycle gang, parties in the Coachella Valley's Palm Springs Indian Canyons, California, and wreaks havoc with the local police.

Director: Roger Corman | Stars: Peter Fonda , Nancy Sinatra , Bruce Dern , Diane Ladd

Votes: 3,321

13. Dust to Glory (2005)

PG | 97 min | Documentary, Action, Adventure

A documentary on the Baja 1000, an annual off-road race held in Baja, Mexico that attracts hundreds of racers, their souped-up machines, and thousands of fans.

Director: Dana Brown | Stars: Chad McQueen , Mario Andretti , Sal Fish , James Garner

Votes: 1,023 | Gross: $0.64M

When you’ve finished watching this you will go straight out and buy yourself an off-road motorcycle and head to Baja. This documentary, which was actually filmed in 2003, follows the Baja 1000 race and all of the competitors through 650 miles of the Mexican desert. There was a huge film crew, several helicopters involved in making this film and the result is pretty spectacular. Not only do the competitors have some fearsome terrain and weather conditions to ride through but they also have to watch out for the spectators that take some pleasure in laying traps for them. Despite being eight years old this is still a riveting watch.

14. Stone (1974)

Not Rated | 132 min | Action, Drama, Adventure

After one of its members witnesses a political assassination, a motorbike gang becomes the target of a string of murders, prompting a cop to join their ranks to determine who is responsible.

Director: Sandy Harbutt | Stars: Deryck Barnes , Sandy Harbutt , Hugh Keays-Byrne , Lex Mitchell

Votes: 1,774

Don’t let the fact this is classed a low-budget film, it’s actually quite entertaining. Set in Australia it features an undercover cop (Ken Shorter) who joins an outlaw motorcycle club called The Gravediggers to find out why their members are being murdered one by one. There are quite a lot motorcycles involved included a Norton at the outset followed by a Kawasaki Z1 900cc. Not a seat of your pants film but an interesting snap shot of motorcycle culture outside the U.S.

15. Hells Angels on Wheels (1967)

Approved | 95 min | Crime, Drama, Thriller

At first, gas station attendant Poet is happy when the Hell's Angels gang finally accepts him. But he's shocked when he learns just how brutal they are.

Director: Richard Rush | Stars: Adam Roarke , Jack Nicholson , Sabrina Scharf , Jana Taylor

Votes: 2,698

One of Jack Nicholson’s first films which tells the story of a disillusioned gas station attendant who’s attracted to the life with the Hells Angels MC. Lots of late 1960’s bikes and an attempt at portraying what life in an outlaw motorcycle club was really like then. Several fist fights, an occasional stabbing and an interesting film to watch. Ralph ‘Sonny’ Barger, President of the Hells Angels, is credited in the titles as being a consultant to the filmmakers and he plays a non-speaking part early on in the film. So it must be true…

16. Choppertown: The Sinners (2005)

Not Rated | 93 min | Documentary, Action, Adventure

Custom chopper builder and punk rocker Kutty Noteboom builds his working man's chopper from the ground up with the help of good friend Rico and the rest of his biker brothers in this ... See full summary  »

Directors: Zack Coffman , Scott Di Lalla | Stars: Rico Fodrey , Rob Fortier , Cole Foster , Gary Frye

An interesting take on Southern California motorcycle culture and life. This award-winning documentary takes a refreshing look at what it takes to build a custom motorcycle with a group of friends. It’s not your OC Chopper story but an honest look at why Rico Fodfrey and his So Cal Sinners crew build their bikes. How they do it and why they do it. How they search for parts and re-use parts in clever and innovative ways. These are average guys keeping motorcycle culture alive and who are not interested in building bikes for big bucks but creating motorcycles for themselves.

17. Electra Glide in Blue (1973)

PG | 114 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery

Ambitious but diminutive motorcycle cop John Wintergreen patrols the Arizona highways, yearning for promotion to Homicide Detective, while investigating a murder tied to hippies.

Director: James William Guercio | Stars: Robert Blake , Billy Green Bush , Mitchell Ryan , Jeannine Riley

Votes: 6,427 | Gross: $1.60M

The open desert roads of Arizona, a pair of Harley-Davidson riding traffic cops called John Wintergreen (Robert Blake) and his partner Zipper (Billy ‘Green’ Bush) are on a mission to prove that a suspected suicide is in fact a murder. Not the best plot line in the world but some great motorcycle footage and worth watching on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

18. The Wild One (1953)

Approved | 79 min | Crime, Drama, Romance

Two rival motorcycle gangs terrorize a small town after one of their leaders is thrown in jail.

Director: Laslo Benedek | Stars: Marlon Brando , Mary Murphy , Robert Keith , Lee Marvin

Votes: 17,589

Apart from The Dude, a badass Daft Punk soundtrack and flying discs of doom, the best thing about Tron: Legacy has to be the Lightcycle bikes. These light-lined beasts produce a destructive field making their gaming arena lethally entertaining. The real-world version might not be so dangerous but its looks are still killer. To get an idea of the effort that went into creating spectacular CGI sequences like the lightcycle battle: this film was shot in 64 days, the special effects took 68 weeks.

19. Road to Paloma (2014)

R | 91 min | Drama, Thriller

Wolf, a Native American on the run after avenging his mother's murder, flees across the desolate American West on his motorcycle, where he'll discover that justice has a cost.

Director: Jason Momoa | Stars: Jason Momoa , Robert Homer Mollohan , Lisa Bonet , Sarah Shahi

Votes: 5,545

20. Hell Ride (2008)

R | 84 min | Action, Drama, Thriller

Two rival bikers gangs, the Victors and the Six-Six-Six's, refuel their decades-old rivalry.

Director: Larry Bishop | Stars: Larry Bishop , Dennis Hopper , Michael Madsen , Julia Jones

Votes: 16,359 | Gross: $0.19M

21. Akira (1988)

R | 124 min | Animation, Action, Drama

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath who can only be stopped by a teenager, his gang of biker friends and a group of psychics.

Director: Katsuhiro Ôtomo | Stars: Mitsuo Iwata , Nozomu Sasaki , Mami Koyama , Tesshô Genda

Votes: 205,275 | Gross: $0.55M

22. The Born Losers (1967)

PG | 113 min | Action, Drama, Thriller

Billy Jack battles a motorcycle gang in a small California beach town.

Director: Tom Laughlin | Stars: Tom Laughlin , Elizabeth James , Jeremy Slate , William Wellman Jr.

Votes: 2,762 | Gross: $26.54M

23. Every Which Way But Loose (1978)

PG | 114 min | Action, Comedy

The San Fernando Valley adventures of trucker turned prize-fighter Philo Beddoe and his pet orangutan Clyde.

Director: James Fargo | Stars: Clint Eastwood , Sondra Locke , Geoffrey Lewis , Beverly D'Angelo

Votes: 30,048 | Gross: $106.00M

24. Somewhere Else Tomorrow (2014)

Not Rated | 107 min | Documentary, Adventure, Drama

A naive dreamer attempts to circumnavigate the world on his motorcycle, surviving only on the money he makes along the way.

Director: Daniel Rintz | Stars: Issa Breibish , Kristian Bruun , Megan Gay , Grant Johnson

25. Race to Dakar (2006– )

354 min | Documentary, Sport

This documentary follows the entry of motorcyclist and actor Charley Boorman into the 2006 Dakar Rally from Lisbon to Dakar.

Stars: Charley Boorman , Russ Malkin , Matt Hall , Gareth Edmunds

26. An Island Legacy Edge Closer (2013)

Not Rated | 61 min | Documentary, History, Sport

A feature documentary with a charming look-behind-the-scenes at the Isle of Man TT road racers and all else about the Island. Enjoy the history, the entertainment, and the glitz of it all with this documentary feature.

Director: Paul Fielding

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20 Best Motorcycle Movies and TV Shows To Inspire Wanderlust

Written By: The Planet D

Travel Movies

Updated On: March 2, 2023

When Dave and I passed our M1 motorcycle licenses we fell in love with traveling on two wheels and spent a summer doing motorcycle road trips all around Ontario. While on a long motorcycle ride around Lake Superior, I went through a list of some of the best motorcycle movies and motorcycle moments on film that we’ve ever seen.

Table of Contents

The Best Motorcycle Movies

I was definitely fantasizing about being the star of my own motorcycle movie. I had Born to Be Wild cranked in my helmet and visions of Easy Rider living free in the 1960s. Obviously, Easy Rider made our list of the best biker movies, but there are many other great motorcycle movies out there too! These are our favorites. Also read: The Best Road Trips in the World

1. One Week

motorcycle movies

Our trip around Lake Superior stirs up many memories of this heartwarming movie starring Joshua Jackson of Dawson’s Creek fame.

Diagnosed with cancer, Ben Foster buys a motorcycle and starts a cross Canada tour contemplating the meaning of life.

He stops at many of the monuments we’ve seen during our journey, including the Terry Fox Memorial near Thunder Bay. This is our pick for the best motorcycle movie out there. Rent it on Amazon

2. World’s Fastest Indian

best motorcycle travel documentaries

It was a close call between One Week and The World’s Fastest Indian for the number 1 spot, but we settled on One Week for the best motorcycle movie because it is pure Canadian. However, we say rent both! Watch it on Amazon

Anthony Hopkins plays Kiwi Burt Munro. We love this soft performance by Hopkins chronicling the lifelong dream to take his 1920 Indian motorcycle to the salt flats of America and test the speed and performance of his beloved motorcycle. It’s an inspiring journey against all odds and it would be number 1 for us if it had taken place in Canada.

3. Kill Bill Volume 1

best motorcycle movies | kill bill

While riding my motorcycle I had visions of Uma Thurman stalking Sofie Fatale through the streets of Tokyo. Her yellow jumpsuit ala Bruce Lee is an iconic scene that definitely deserves a mention in the best motorcycle movie moments. Check it out on Amazon

4. Motorcycle Diaries

motorcycle movies | motorcycle diaries

This movie was all the rage a decade ago. I remember everyone at work talking about it. If you have wanderlust, this will make you want to travel more. Before he became Che Guevera, medical student Ernesto Guevara went on a motorcycle trip through South America . This movie made Gael Garcia a star. Watch it Now

5. Terminator 2

movies featuring a motorcycle | terminator 2

Watch the Trailer

Whenever I think of motorcycle moments on film, I can’t help but think of Arnold on a bike. I think the chase in Terminator 2 where little Edward Furlong tries to outride the new model Terminator on his dirt bike .

Arnold saves the day on his Harley that he stole from a guy at a biker bar. Remember this? “I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle” Ah, the good old days of Arnie. Check it out

Also check out Read: Best Travel Books for Inspiration

6. Art of the Steal

biker films | art of the steal

Check out the trailer

This is a movie that not many people have seen, but seriously, it’s a goodie. Kurt Russell stars as a motorcycle daredevil down on his luck after a stint in jail thanks to his bumbling partners.

After taking a fall on a jump at a fair for a few hundred bucks, he gets pulled back into a life of crime and shenanigans ensue. It takes place in Niagara Falls, Canada too, so how cool is that? Make it your movie night tonight

mad max | motorcycle movies

Mad Max was the first of the Road Warrior movies starring Mel Gibson. A cop and family man takes revenge on a motorcycle gang who murdered his wife, his son and his partner. There’s a lot of leather, mayhem, violence, and oh yeah…motorcycles.

The Road Warrior is the best of the Mad Max trilogy, but this first low-budget installment made in Australia gives insight as to why The Road Warrior is what he is in future films.

8. Easy Rider

best classic motorcycle film | easy rider

It’s the original motorcycle road tripping movie. From 1969, the summer of love! Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda travel through America’s Southwest by motorbike while carrying a cocaine deal.

I’ll never forget being in the New Orleans Cemetery where Hopper created so much mischief, he sparked the no public entry law without a guide that is still in place today! Read more: Things to do in New Orleans – Rent it on Amazon

9. Wild Hogs

motorcycle movies | wild hogs

A silly fun motorcycle comedy following a group of guys – John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macey and Tim Allen on a motorcycle trip.

This ragtag group of suburbanites take off on a cross country trip to get some adventure back in their lives only to burn down a bike gangs hangout. All kinds of shenanigans ensue. Watch it now

10. Place Beyond the Pines

films with motorcycle riding | place beyond the pines

Ryan Gosling and Bradly Cooper star in this drama follows Gosling trying to reconnect with this son. A motorcycle daredevil turned bank robber who uses his motorcycle as the getaway vehicle. This is a crime drama and one of the first places we get to really see Bradly Cooper’s acting chops flourish. Rent it on Amazon

And we just had to add…

11. Ghost Rider

fun motorcycle movies | ghost rider

Ghost Rider with Nicholas Cage gets a lot of flack and it deserves it, but I think it’s a fun movie night in for movie night. Who doesn’t want to see a flaming skeleton ride a motorcycle and punish the evildoers of the world?

Add to that a flaming horse and cowboy and you’ve got yourself a hell of a night indoors. Besides, the entire movie stars a motorcycle, so if you love to ride, you’ll enjoy giving Ghost Rider a shot. Rent it on Amazon

12. The Wild One

classic motorbike movies | the wild one

No Motorcycle movie list would be complete without Marlon Brando’s vehicle the Wild One. It’s a classic, if not dated motorcycle film, but if you love old movies and Marlon Brando, you’ll. enjoy watching his performance and the gang at war with a small town. Rent it here

Motorcycle Documentary Movies and Series

13. the long way round.

the long way round motorcycle series

Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman take an epic motorcycle trip around the top of the world. Dave and I have done both the routes that these two best friends took in both series The Long Way Down ( when cycling through Africa ) and Long way Round ( During the Mongol Rally ) so we loved these series resisting many of the places that we had been ourselves.

Who doesn’t love Ewan McGregor and seeing him as an average dude (albeit on a BMW motorcycle) is pretty cool to watch. Watch it The Long Way Round and Long Way Down Complete Series

14. Race to Dakar

race to dakar | motorcycle documentary

Charley Boorman took things even farther when he decided to race to Dakar. This is an epic race that I really enjoyed watching. There is more at stake in this film, as it is more dangerous and wild than the Long Way Round.

The 16-day race is brutal and Charley had a severe mishap while another of his teammates was stranded on this trip. Get the Complete DVD series

15. On Any Sunday

on any sunday | original motorcycle documentary

It is considered the most exciting film ever made about Motorcycle sports. It was nominated for an academy award and reminds me of those old Warren Miller Ski Movies.

Steve McQueen stars alongside motorcycle champions and it is all about the sport of motorcycle racing. Get your adrenaline fix as it answers the question of why do people risk their lives on tracks around the world. Rent it Today And Check out the follow up On Any Sunday the Next Chapter

16. Riding Solo at the Top of the World

motorcycle documentary | riding solo at the end of the world

This is a motorcycle movie and a travel movie. Follow Mumbai native Gaurav Jani as he rides solo from the busy city of Mumbai to the Himalayas of Ladakh. The cultural experience takes you through India as he interacts with the people he meets along the way as he showcases the landscape, beauty and hardships of India.

It reminds me of Survivorman as he is a one-man production. It is truly amazing what he accomplished.

Other Shows to Watch for Motorcycle Lovers

  • 17. Sons of Anarchy – This series was a must watch from 2008 – 2014. Starring Charlie Hunnam
  • 18. Ride with Norman Reedus – Walking Dead Star Norman Reedus is a huge motorcycle enthusiast and stars join him as he travels around the country checking out motorcycle culture.
  • 19. Mayans MC – A spinoff of the Sons of Anarchy picks up four years after the original left off.
  • 20. American Chopper – American Chopper is still going strong after making its debut in 2003 as it showcases the behind the scenes working of a custom motorcycle shop. Get the DVD

So these are our choices for the best motorcycle movies and moments out there. What’s yours?

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Game of Thrones Filming Locations You Can Visit in Real Life

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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8 thoughts on “20 Best Motorcycle Movies and TV Shows To Inspire Wanderlust”

You forgot Harley Davidson meets the Marlboro man .

The 16 day race is brutal and Charley had a severe mishap while another of his teammates were stranded on this trip.

Race to Dakar is an epic race that was widely enjoyed. There is more at stake in this film, as it is more dangerous and wild than the Long Way Round.

You guys must be too young to remember “EASY RIDER”… Now that’s a great motorcycle movie…

You should also check out The Journey, for an interesting old school travel journey in shot in remote places in Malaysia =) I’m sure it will make you smile

Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely check it out.

ghost rider bike was a great machine .

Uma Thurman in that stunning jumpsuit always amazed me, but I never realized that she rode a matching bike until today! 🙂

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Motorcycle Documentaries To Watch Over The Holidays

Motorcycle Documentaries To Watch Over The Holidays

Long Way Up came out and it was funny to read how many inmates bitched and moaned about it being on Apple and them not wanting to buy a $5 subscription, that subscription can be canceled at any time by the way…and they do give you a week free if you wanted to binge-watch it.

I think the biggest gripe more than it being on Apple was, it was Ewan and Charley and their massive support crew, and electric bikes.

Personally, I think the comments on here were more entertaining than the show. Having personally ridden in South America five times I was amazed at how much they missed. oh well!

So saying that are there any good motorcycling docs out there that you can relate to more – yes there is!

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The 15 Best Motorcycle Movies of All Time

Home » The 15 Best Motorcycle Movies of All Time

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As the weather starts to get colder motorcyclists everywhere are left wondering what to do after winterizing their bikes. Fortunately for them (and for us) there are hundreds if not thousands of incredible motorcycle movies available for purchase or rent online. 

Below is a list of our top favorites to help you get through the cold season , or simply unwind after a long day out riding: 

1. On Any Sunday

best motorcycle travel documentaries

One of the oldest and most iconic motorcycle movies of all time, On Any Sunday was created in 1971 and still stands as one of the most popular motorcycle movies in the world today. This historic film offers you a glimpse into the grassroots origins of racing, and the lives of legends like Steve McQueen, Malcolm Smith, Mert Lawwill and more.

Want more? Check out On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter , produced by Redbull Racing.  

2. Why We Ride

best motorcycle travel documentaries

This lesser-known documentary was created in 2013, yet it already has a cult following! Winner of “Best Documentary” at the 2013 Motorcycle Film Festival, this inspiring and comprehensive film dives “into the world of motorcycling, told by the famous racers, passionate riders, and everyday families” who live to ride. 

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3. The World’s Fastest Indian

best motorcycle travel documentaries

One of the most eccentric, quirky, hard-to-believe, and 100% true motorcycle racing stories of all time. In this movie viewers follow the real-life trials, challenges, and victories of the world record setting New Zealander Burt Munroe as he races his 1920 Indian Scout on the Bonneville Salt Flats. 

4. The Wild One

best motorcycle travel documentaries

The original outlaw biker film! At the time of its release in 1953, The Wild One was actually considered to be a representation of the motorcyclists involved in the controversial “Hollister Riot.” This movie rocketed legendary actor Marlon Brando to fame, who then later became a cultural icon of the 1950s (and today). 

5. Riding Solo to the Top of the World

Sometimes you just have to get away from it at all, and in this case that meant literally going to the top of the world! Filmed in 2006, the documentary was the original motorcycle travel vlog. Follow rider and director Guarav Jani as he makes a solo trek to the highest habitable place on earth — the Changthang Plateau in Ladakh, bordering China. 

6. Easy Rider

best motorcycle travel documentaries

This American independent road drama is a hugely influential counterculture piece written by Peter Fonder, Dennis Hopper, and Terry Southern in 1969. Easy Rider explores prevalent 1960s issues of the time through the story of two drug-dealing bikers carrying cocaine through the American Southwest. 

7. Being Evel

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Evel Knievel was a legend in his time, and still is today. Learn about this daredevils stunt rider’s fascinating origins, personal triumphs, societal pressures, and wildest stunts in Being Evel. For fans of the legendary performer, this is the perfect behind-the-scenes look into the man, myth, and legend. 

8. TT3D: Closer to the Edge

If you’re looking for an action-packed, pure-adrenaline, high-intensity racing story then look no further than TT3D: Closer to the Edge . Travel to the Isle of Man and to follow along with the world’s fastest, and arguably bravest, motorcycle racers. This movie features stunning visuals and rare behind the scene glimpses into the deadliest race in the world. 

9. Hitting the Apex

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Another high-adrenaline choice in motorcycle movies — Hitting the Apex is narrated by Brad Pitt and follows the story of six elite MotoGP motorcycle racers. Get access to behind the scenes footage and exclusive insight into this highly competitive and dangerous world. 

10. One Week

best motorcycle travel documentaries

After all that speed it would only make sense to watch a movie about the meditative quality of motorcycle riding! One Week follows the journey of Ben Tyler (played by Joshua Jackson) as he rides from Toronto to Tofino in search of mental clarity and personal peace. 

11. Long Way Round

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Just in case a 1-week trip wasn’t enough… The Long Way Round follows the story of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman as they embark on a grueling 19,000-mile (30,578 km) journey from London to New York. Ride along with them through challenges, victories, unique cultural experiences and more.

12. The Great Escape

best motorcycle travel documentaries

This 1963 Epic American war film stars Steve McQueen and features one of the most iconic motorcycle jumps in all of two-wheeled history. Based on a true story, this action/adventure film follows the story of a group of World War II allied prisoners, and their attempts to escape.

13. Dust to Glory

This is a movie for dirtbike enthusiasts everywhere. This incredible action-adventure film documents one of the most dangerous and challenging off-road races in the world — the SCORE Tecate Baja 1000.  To make this visually stunning documentary, the team used 55 cameras, 4 helicopters, 1 buggy camera car, and a crew of over 80 people. 

14. Somewhere Else Tomorrow

The ultimate combination of wanderlust and motorcycling, Somewhere Else Tomorrow follows the journey of Daniel and Lars, who set out to circumnavigate the world on the motorcycles — getting by with just the money they make along the way.

15. Max Max: Fury Road

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Though not “technically” a motorcycle film, Mad Max definitely makes our list. The visually stunning special effects, unbelievable stunts, and fictional reliance on two-wheeled machines in this world makes for incredible storytelling and high-octane adventures.

While daring adventures and life-changing trips may be at the top of your bucket list as a rider — it’s important to always keep safety top of mind . Whether you’re travelling around the world, planning a race, or just riding to meet up with friends, make sure you have the best motorcycle gear and gadgets possible to ensure that you stay safe while enjoying the ride.

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The 10 Best Documentaries About Harley Davidson

Nov 7, 2023 | Best Of , Sports

best motorcycle travel documentaries

It’s a word that is known throughout the world of motorcycle enthusiasts as one of the most iconic names in bike history – Harley Davidson. The legendary brand has been inspiring and thrilling motorcyclists for over 110 years, with its unmistakable style and design. For those interested in learning more about this incredible company, there are many documentaries available that explore different aspects of Harley Davidson’s incredible legacy. From its humble beginnings to its current status as one of the biggest and most popular motorcycle brands in the world, these documentaries provide an insightful look into the history of this iconic brand.

1. 50 Years of Wins | Harley-Davidson

For 50 years, the Harley-Davidson XR750 has been a hallmark of flat track racing. From its first race in 1972 to its last in 2019, it was a machine that defined success on the track. Now, ’50 Years of Wins’ tells this history with the words and stories of those riders that experienced it firsthand. Through interviews with championship winners and team owners, the film captures the stories of triumph and tragedy that shaped the XR750’s legacy. Featuring original archival footage and beautiful cinematic reenactments, ’50 Years of Wins’ is a must-see for any fan of flat track racing.

2. Harley-Davidson – Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

Harley Davidson is an iconic American name and brand that resonates with many different riders. From the passionate aficionado to the casual observer, it has become a symbol of freedom and adventure for millions of people worldwide. Now you can experience this amazing story firsthand through some of the best documentaries about Harley-Davidson ever made. It gives viewers an up close and personal tour of the Harley-Davidson lifestyle, from a stunning tour over some of the most rugged terrain in America to an intimate look into some of their most iconic factories. Along the way, viewers get to hear from long time fans and employees as they share tales of triumphs and defeats on two wheels.

3. The North Rim on a Harley-Davidson

The Laidlaw Brothers are determined to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon – and they’ve chosen to do it on Harleys. This feature-length documentary follows them as they embark on this unique American road trip, traveling through southern Utah into Arizona. Every moment is documented with stunning cinematography that highlights some of America’s lesser-known, but no less incredible sites. Whether discovering the hidden corners of the Grand Canyon or soaking in breathtaking desert vistas, this documentary captures a true sense of adventure and exploration on two wheels – setting out with Harley-Davidson to discover a story unlike any other.

4. Route 66 on a Harley-Davidson

The 12 riders rev their engines and begin an epic journey of nostalgia, zigzagging the western US on Route 66. They make their way from Jerome, AZ to southern California while stopping off at some of America’s most iconic spots along The Mother Road.

5. Zion on a Harley-Davidson

A thrilling and breathtaking adventure awaits for those who wish to take the journey through Zion and Bryce Canyon National Park. Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson set out on an epic 3 day ride from southern California, ready to take in the stunning sights of Utah. Along the way they encountered countless breathtaking views as they rode their powerful motorcycles through mountain passes, canyons, and deserts. From the breathtaking sandstone monoliths of Zion National Park to the strikingly beautiful red cliffs of Bryce Canyon, they encountered a variety of landscapes and wondrous views on their journey. By the time they reached their destination, they were feeling both exhausted and exhilarated by their experience – an unforgettable ride that will remain etched in their memories for a lifetime!

6. The Untold Story Of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson has become an iconic American brand with a history dating back to 1901. It all started when 20-year-old William S. Harley and his childhood friend Arthur Davidson teamed up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to build their first motorbike from scratch. In the confines of a small shed on the north side of town, they worked tirelessly to bring their dream to life.

7. Push the Limit – The Story of the Harley-Davidson

In 2022, the Wyman Brothers and their skilled team of Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle racers have set out on a new mission – to defend their 2021 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers championship title. This highly anticipated season will be filled with adrenaline-pumping races and exciting challenges as they strive to keep their crowning victory in sight.

8. Harley-Davidson’s Race to Outdo Indian Motorcycles

At the dawn of the 20th century, a vision was born – to build the best motorcycle in the world. Arthur Davidson had seen what an Indian could do and he wanted to go one better. This is his story; that of the birth of Harley-Davidson. From humble beginnings to legendary status on two wheels, this gripping documentary reveals how these iconic machines were created and how they became part of the American culture.

9. This man succeeded in turning an old bike into the first Harley Davidson

This was a passionate motorcyclist with a dream of turning an old bike into something special. With his ingenuity and determination, he set out to create the first Harley Davidson motorcycle. It unparalleled ambition and attention to detail enabled him to transform this once mundane machine into a work of art. He took painstaking care in every aspect of the craftsmanship, from the intricate welds to the smooth engine pistons. The result was a unique and powerful vehicle that continues to influence motorcycle designs today.The story is an awe-inspiring testament to how far passion and hard work can carry you, even against the greatest of odds. He will forever be remembered as the one who started it all – the father of Harley Davidson.

10. History of Harley-Davidson Mortorcycle

Harley-Davidson is a household name, but do you know where it all began? It starts with William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson who in 1903 decided to build an engine-powered bicycle in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The two friends had the ambitious goal of creating the world’s first motorcycle. After months of tinkering, they finally achieved their goal in 1904. This first motorcycle was so powerful that it surprised even the two friends who created it.

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14 Must-Watch Documentaries About White-Knuckle Racers and Oil-Stained Mechanics

Racers, veterans and novices, mechanics, amateurs and professionals — and their motorized obsessions — make for fantastic stories.


By Bryan Campbell

The greatest documentaries tell intriguing stories and dive into the life or lives of the people or events it’s portraying. Whether the stories are widely known or coming to light right before you, the idea is to stir empathy and relate through passion. It’s no surprise, then, that laser-focused race car drivers and meticulous mechanics make perfect subjects for deep-diving films.

They’re true artists of their craft, blurring the lines of man and machine — not in the physical sense, but through the heart and soul they dedicate to their passion. And the greatest stories of people bringing that passion to life — whether by hammering out sheets of metal, building high-power engines, or tracing the perfect line around a race track — can inspire similar adrenaline-inducing emotions. Some of the documentaries on this list are long, some are short, a few stories see speeds in excess of 200 mph while others idle in a garage, but each tells the story of a motorized passion, perfectly.

Love the Beast

[youtube] Actor and racer Eric Bana turns the camera on himself, allowing us an introspective look into the life-long relationship the man has with his car and the friendships that have grown from it. Heavy-hitting gearheads like Jeremy Clarkson and Jay Leno weigh in; even Dr. Phil contributes an odd yet accurate analysis of Bana and his Ford Falcon XB.

Director: Eric Bana Starring: Eric Bana, a ’73 Ford Falcon XB, Jeremy Clarkson, Jay Leno, Premiered: 2009

[youtube] Arguably the greatest F1 driver of all time, Aryton Senna enjoyed a meteoric rise to the pinnacle of motorsport. Archival footage and interviews reveal a hero’s life full of tumultuous relationships, incredible skill behind the wheel, an international cult following and a tragic and untimely death. What heights his career could have reached will never be known, but this documentary poetically reaffirms he had — and still has — no equal.

Director: Asif Kapadia Starring: Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost Premiered: 2011

Urban Outlaw

[youtube] Few cars in the history of the automobile garner a following quite like the Porsche 911. Fewer still are the followers who can claim a level of obsession equal to Magnus Walker. Harvesting parts from donor 911s , Walker creates vintage-style Porsches, faithful to the original but in a spirit all his own.

Director: Tamir Moscovici Starring: Magnus Walker, the Porsche 911 Premiered: 2012

On Any Sunday

[youtube] The director of the iconic surf documentary The Endless Summer turns his lens towards two-wheelers to reveal a taboo (at the time) culture. Friends, family and the entire motorcycle lifestyle — casual riders, racers, motorized nomads — are at the center of one of Bruce Brown’s greatest works.

Director: Bruce Brown Starring: David Evans, J.N. Roberts, Mert Lawwill, Steve McQueen, Malcolm Smith Premiered: 1971

Dust to Glory

[youtube] The son of director Bruce Brown, Dana Brown has deep roots in motorcycles and racing. Brown (the younger) focuses his attention on the racers of the Baja 1000 and the race’s own family legacies — and the fact that even over generations the fabled desert race has not gotten any safer.

Director: Dana Brown Starring: Chad McQueen, Mario Andretti, Robby Gordon, Sal Fish Premiered: 2005

[youtube] In a bygone era of Formula 1, safety was of no real concern. For years drivers died almost every season, safety standards became antique and speeds doubled. It all came to a head in the early ’90s when Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna died over the same race weekend: from there, safety standards rose exponentially; more modern measures have since saved the lives of countless drivers. In 1 , some of the best drivers over the decades are thoughtfully interviewed, their monologues set parallel to stunning archival footage.

Director: Paul Crowder Starring: Michael Fassbender, Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton, Niki Lauda, Jackie Stewart, Mario Andretti, Jenson Button, Eddie Jordan, Bernie Ecclestone, Nigel Mansell, Damon Hill, Emerson Fittipaldi Premiered: 2013

Super Speedway

[youtube] One of the best modern-day uses of IMAX filming, Super Speedway goes in depth into the world of CART racing, with fantastic onboard and driver-POV shots.

Director: Stephen Low Starring: Mario Andretti, Paul Newman, Michael Andretti Premiered: 2000

On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter

[youtube] A sequel of sorts to his father’s Any Sunday , Dana Brown works with Red Bull to discover just how far motorcycle culture has come since his father’s film. Speeds have risen, popularity has grown and new heights have been reached. Red Bull Media helps to capture modern motorcycle culture in fantastic fashion.

Director: Dana Brown Starring: Travis Pastrana, Mickey Rourke, Robbie Maddison, Ashley Fiolek Premiered: 2014

TT: Closer to the Edge

[youtube] TT: Closer to the Edge focuses on Guy Martin, arguably the best road racer to never win the Isle of Man TT , and his quest to finally take a victory at the infamous race.

Director: Richard De Aragues Starring: Guy Martin, Ian Hutchinson, John McGuinness, Michael Dunlop, Keith Amor Premiered: 2011

Shinya Kimura, Chabott Engineering

[youtube] Some artists work with paint, others clay. Shinya Kimura sculpts with metal, but his finished works of art happen to have two wheels and an engine. He’s meticulous in his craft yet has a laid-back demeanor, and these two qualities combine in the fluidity of the styling and character of his motorcycles .

Director: Henrik Hansen Starring: Shinya Kimura Premiered: 2011

The Ferrari 250 GTO Speaks for Itself

[youtube] Sometimes the love of cars and driving ignites with a spark, a moment. Other times it can run in the family like a dominant gene. Derek Hill, accomplished racer and son of American F1 legend Phil Hill, inherited his father’s race-winning Ferrari 250 GTO and love for driving on the limit. Hill expertly narrates the story of his family’s 250 GTO, while the car provides the operatic soundtrack for the short film.

Director: Petrolicious Starring: Derek Hill Premiered: 2014

When Playboys Ruled the World

[youtube] If you’re a fan of James Hunt and his off-track antics, Barry Sheene was Hunt’s equivalent in the two-wheeled world. Coincidentally, they both were at the top of their sports at the same time and, unsurprisingly, both were good friends. When Playboys Ruled the World looks at the lives of two individuals at a point in history when they both dominated life on and off the track.

Director: Gabriel Clarke, John McKenna Starring: James Hunt, Barry Sheene Premiered: 2010

Greasy Hands Preachers

[youtube] Greasy Hands Preachers is a gritty and stylized look at some of the best motorcycle builders in the world. The film follows multiple builders and captures all the characters that fill their shops, assist at races and go on rides. It’s a film that provides a window into a world that is rarely seen.

Director: Clément Beauvais, Arthur de Kersauson Starring: Deus, Roland Sands Premiered: 2015

Hitting the Apex

[youtube] At the pinnacle of every sport, there always has to be one contender who is the absolute best. Apex follows six of the fastest riders of all time in MotoGP . The film reveals a constant battle among the riders and other internal struggles each rider aces to physically and mentally fight to stay on top.

Director: Mark Neale Starring: Brad Pitt, Jorge Lorenzo, Dani Pedrosa, Valentino Rossi, Marc Marquez, Casey Stoner, Marco Simoncelli Premiered: 2015


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Top 10 Motorcycle TV Shows and Documentaries

Finding something interesting to watch on the TV or Netflix is always a struggle, especially when there’s no racing on! It is for this reason we’ve put together our Top 10 motorcycle TV shows and documentaries. From the Dakar Rally and round the world trips, to visiting abandoned sheds in Britain, this guide has it all. We’ve tried to cover all bases, so there should be something that interests you. Enjoy!

TT: Closer to the Edge

Released: 2011

Starring: Guy Martin, Ian Hutchinson, John McGuinness & Conor Cummins

This movie documentary is a great watch for everyone, from those that already love to Isle of Man TT; to those that have never heard of it before. The movie documentary starts off with big name road racers such as John McGuinness and Ian Hutchinson being interviewed at their homes and workplaces prior to the 2010 Isle of Man TT. You really get a taste for just how normal and down-to-earth these people are, yet, once a year you’ll find them going at ridiculous speeds around the Isle of Man.

You are then taken through the build-up to the TT, with Guy Martin explaining his regime and how he lives during the TT. The movie documentary then throws you into the thick of the action, following the highs and lows of practice, qualification, and the races themselves.

TT: Closer to the Edge is available to purchase on Amazon or view for free on YouTube .

Oil in the Blood

Released: October 14, 2019

This documentary movie is directed by avid biker Gareth Maxwell Roberts and takes you through the years of the introduction of motorcycling, the growth and development of the custom scene, as well as the electric future of biking.

Oil in the Blood claims, ‘This isn’t a film about motorcycles. It’s about motorcycle people,’ and we think that is absolutely spot on. The documentary movie features hundreds of interviews with bike builders, riders, journalists, artists and racers from all around the world, exploring why they love what they do, how they got into the motorbike scene, and much more.

The film is available to download on iTunes or you can order a DVD or BluRay copy at Amazon.

The Motorbike Show

Released: 2011 – present

Channel: ITV 4

Presenter: Henry Cole

With 8 series so far, The Motorbike Show is a popular ITV documentary hosted by motorcycle fanatic Henry Cole. A show that explores all things motorcycling, you will see classic bike restorations, rides around the UK and other countries, specialist workshops, land speed record attempts, track and road racing, and anything else you can think of to do with motorbikes!

Interviews and discussions with some of the biggest names in motorcycling feature, as does a look back at some of the best motorcycles ever made.

Having been presenting TV shows for over 20 years, his great motorcycle knowledge and relaxed, relatable presenting style keeps viewers engaged and watching The Motorbike Show series after series.

The Motorbike show is aired on ITV 4 at 10.55am every Saturday, with repeats shown throughout the week.

Long Way Round

Released: 2004 – 2005

Channel: Sky 1 (repeated on BBC Two in 2008)

Starring: Ewan McGregor & Charley Boorman

This television series follows motorcycle mad Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman on their 19,000-mile journey from London all the way to New York on two wheels. The trip saw them ride through UK, then through France, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Canada, and the US, where they eventually arrive in New York.

Episode 1 shows the preparation for the trip and from Episode 2 onwards the pair begin to pass through the countries. This adventure documentary features all the ups, downs, accidents, laughs, motorcycle breakdowns and unbelievable scenery that McGregor and Boorman faced on their epic adventure.

This series is 7 episodes long, although a 10 episode special edition is available. Each episode lasts roughly 40 minutes, and are available to view on YouTube .

A follow up documentary was released featuring the duo named Long Way Down, this time traveling from Scotland to South Africa. This follow up series was released in 2007.

Released: 2014

Starring: Liam Neeson, Joey Dunlop, Robert Dunlop, Michael Dunlop, William Dunlop & John McGuinness

A documentary movie about a legendary road racing family, narrated by a legendary actor, what’s not to love? The Dunlop family are road racing’s most successful family ever, with Joey Dunlop often regarded as the best racer to ride the Isle of Man TT Mountain Course.

This film takes you through the story of brothers Joey and Robert Dunlop’s unbelievable success in road racing, celebrating the highs of race wins at the Isle of Man and in Ireland. The Dunlop families road racing dominance does not stop there, with Michael and William Dunlop going on to make names for themselves on the road.

In this film you will see how the Dunlop family have been united by success, as well as united by tragedy. Empire Magazine described this documentary as adrenaline fuelled and emotionally draining, we think they’ve got their summary spot on!

You can download and buy Road on Amazon.

World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides

Released: 2008 – present

Channel: Travel Channel

Starring: Henry Cole

This documentary series is what is says on the tin, presenter and motorcycle adventure lover Henry Cole taking you around the globe, showing you the World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides. From Series 1, Episode 1, riding the US highway, Cole has visited countless countries since, including Australia in Series 8 and 14, Norway, Sweden and Finland in Series 10 and South Africa in Series 17. Yes, you read that right, there’s 17 series so far… though it has to be said, each series usually contains two or three episodes, with some exceptions.

As well as adding some of the world’s best and most scenic riding routes to your bucket list, this documentary will also help you understand the biking culture around the world. On his adventures Cole talks to riders, indulges in local culture, and battles the varied conditions riders from around the world face.

The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides airs on the Travel Channel, with some episodes available to view on Youtube.

On Any Sunday

Released: 1971

Starring: Bruce Brown, Steve McQueen, Mert Lawwill, Malcolm Smith & Paul Carruthers

The oldest of the documentaries in this Top 10, On Any Sunday is an American motorcycle sport documentary film. The director, Bruce Brown, looked to display the different personality traits and talents required to race in each category, covering everything from motocross to desert racing.

On Any Sunday takes you to motocross dirt tracks, ice races, drag races, the sunny Daytona Beach and everywhere in between. If you’re looking to better understand motorcycle racing culture from this time, this is without doubt the motorcycle documentary film for you.

The film features racing and film legends from the 60’s and 70’s, including Steve McQueen and Mert Lawwill. McQueen even helped finance the creation of the film through his “Solar Productions Company.”

Regarded by many as the greatest motorcycle movie ever made, the On Any Sunday DVD is available to purchase on Amazon.

Mondo Enduro

Channel: Discovery Travel / Adventure Channel

Released: 2003

Mondo Enduro follows seven team bikers as they ride the longest route around the world, in the shortest time. The team consists of Austin Vince, Gerald Vince, Chas Penty, Bill Penty, Clive Greenhough, Nick Stubley and Mark Friend; none of which had any real filming experience, or had experience in front of the camera.

Starting and ending their trip in London, the quest sees them travel through different climates, cultures and conditions on their Suzuki DR350 Dual Sport bikes. As expected on a round the world trip lasting over 400 days, there was thrills and spills, which all feature on the documentary.

As Mondo Enduro was filmed by amateurs on a Sony VX-1 camera in 1995, don’t expect the picture or sound quality to be anywhere near most of the other documentaries in this Top 10, though we think this adds to the viewing experience!

Mondo Enduro has been shown on Discovery Travel and Adventure Channel over 40 times and is available to purchase on Amazon.

A follow up expedition was made in 2000 named Terra Circa, in which a different team successfully cross the Zilov Gap.

Race to Dakar

Channel: Sky Two

Released: 2006

Starring: Charley Boorman, Simon Pavey & Matt Hall

Charley Boorman dreamt of entering the Dakar Rally and in 2006, that dream became a reality when he got Simon Pavey to train him and Matt Hall to film. All three entered the mammoth challenge which sees competitors race from Lisbon to Dakar, through the desert.

The extreme race does not quite go to plan for two of the team, which turns this action packed documentary from a battle with the sand dunes and desert, to overcoming a battle of emotions and mental strength.

The documentary features a brief appearance from Ewan McGregor at the finish line, McGregor of course Boorman’s travel partner in the Long Way Round documentary, in which gave Charley the inspiration to enter the Dakar Rally.

This documentary was aired on Sky Two and is available to purchase on Amazon or view for free on YouTube. Boorman has also released a book about the great adventure with the same name.

Shed and Buried

Released: 2015

Channel: Quest

Starring: Henry Cole & Sam Lovegrove

That man Henry Cole again, this time his with his mechanic friend Sam Lovegrove travelling around the UK in search for automotive bargains. On their travels, the duo visit some of the most amazing and intriguing sheds and garages, finding all things from vintage motorcycles, to tractors, to cars.

Once they’ve found unwanted machinery in some of the UK’s abandoned sheds, they do all they can to bring it back to life, make it look the part, and sell it on for profit! This is a great way to learn how you can do up your old vehicles and get them back on the road.

So far there has been 2 series of the show, with the first made up of 20 episodes and the second season 30 episodes. Shed and Buried is aired on Quest, with some episodes available on YouTube.


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  • World Motorcycle Day 2021: 6 Best Motorcycle Documentaries & Movies To Binge On


By Sameer Contractor

1 mins read

Published on June 22, 2021

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  • On Any Sunday is a much-watch for those who like vintage motorcycles
  • Hitting The Apex brings the best of MotoGP to your screens
  • Long Way Round & Gaurav Jani's documentaries will satiate your wanderlust

It's another year we are home celebrating World Motorcycle Day as the pandemic continues to restrict our travel. But hey, from adversity comes opportunity, and that's what we plan to do this year. While riding a motorcycle may be restricted for a while, it's a good time to binge on some great content around - any guesses? - motorcycles, of course. Over the years, there have been some fantastic movies and documentaries made around two wheels and now's a good time as any to catch them. So without waiting any longer, we present our top six best motorcycle documentaries and movies you must watch this World Motorcycle Day 2021.

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This documentary staring Steve McQueen recently celebrated its 50th anniversary

1. On Any Sunday (1971)

This Bruce Brown moto film recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and it has managed to stand the test of time. On Any Sunday is possibly one of the most iconic motorcycle films every made and is absolute visual experience for motorcyclists. The 96-minute feature film is centred around riding buddies Malcolm Smith, Mert Lawwill, and a certain star Steve McQueen. It's captures the simple pleasures of riding together, jumping dunes, pulling wheelies for the camera, and riding off into the sunset. No matter the era you were born in, On Any Sunday will resonate with you and its impact travels beyond celluloid even today.


Watch it for the love of life, death, motorcycles and everything in between

2. TT3D: Closer to the Edge (2011)

Based on the races held at the Isle of Man in Ireland, Closer to the Edge is absolutely fantastic show of all's that's at stake when it comes to competing in the race there. It also dives deeper into the lives of the motorcycle racers that have attempted to conquer this island circuit. The 104-minute documentary is a worth watch for motorsport aficionados and has a tremendous repeat value.


Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman ride from London to New York on BMW Motorcycles remains an iconic travel documentary

3. Long Way Round (2004)

It's been over 15 years since this series starring Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman released but Long Way Round continues to be a favourite for motorcycle travellers. It documented the Ewan and Charley's ride from London to New York on BMW Motorcycles, paired with a support crew and a doctor. If you do like adventure travel stories from these two, do check out the documentary sequels Lock Way Down (2007) and the latest Long Way Up (2020) that cover their adventures on two-wheels in other parts of the world. Has that travel bug bitten you too?

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Gaurav Jani astride his Royal Enfield Bullet 350 Campus

4. Riding Solo To The Top Of The World (2006)

This documentary almost works in the same way as ASMR if you watch without any distractions. Gaurav Jani's visual time capsule witnesses motorcyclist/filmmaker starting his ride from Mumbai, going all the way up to the Changthang Plateau in Tibet, astride the Royal Enfield Bullet 350. It's exactly the old-school, no-nonsense travel story that you can revisit time and again. We know we do.


Road. The Dunlop Family Story offers a closer look at the Dunlop family synonymous with racing in Ireland

5. Road. The Dunlop Family Story (2014)

If you liked Closer to the Edge then you have to watch Road. It's based on the Dunlop family, who have arguably won and lost the most competing in the Isle of Man TT. Joey Dunlop was of the first generation to race on the island's closed country circuit only to be succeeded by the next generation. For fans of racing, this is a documentary that you have to watch.


Bringing the superstars of MotoGP for your viewing pleasure

6. Hitting The Apex (2015)

Hitting the Apex is the story of six of the fastest motorcycle racers of all time. It's the kind of high octane action you'd expect, only with real people and no retakes. The film manages to move beyond its MotoGP narrative and focus on the superstars of the sport. It also does a good job of conveying the technicalities of MotoGP without feeling too pedantic. And that quality makes it accessible to a wider audience, and not just MotoGP fans.

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The best travel documentaries to stream right now

By Condé Nast Traveller and Antonia Quirke

My Octopus Teacher

There are films that make you want to travel . But that’s easy. Just point a camera at an April meadow or a Sicilian back street and most of us salivate. And then there are films that make you feel like you have actually, physically travelled to a place. That leave you suffused with the sensations of its air and sounds. As though the camera lens has been your own eyes, noting details of light against brick, hills stepping inland, fruit and cigarettes on a table, springs gushing out of rocks, courtyards hanging with people and flowers, shirts on a line across a high, unstable balcony. So much that it can begin to feel spooky: you muddle the movie’s memories with your own.

Passing Stromboli on a boat one summer I thought, ‘Been there.’ I hadn’t. I’d just seen the movie, and more recently Ingrid Bergman’s own cine-film footage of the shoot (see below.) But still, I got off, and walked around. And it was true. I had been there already. The mesmerising, almost drugging déjà vu! Here are some more of the best travel documentary films that have that very singular effect.

My Octopus Teacher (2020)

Be immersed in the wonders of nature with this uplifting Netflix original, which won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature at the 2021 Academy Awards. Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, it follows the unexpected friendship between filmmaker Craig Foster and a wild octopus in a South African kelp forest. After swimming in the remote location near Cape Town and discovering this curious marine animal, Foster decided to visit the same spot every day to learn and understand more about the creature and subsequently form a strong bond with it.

In one hour and 25 minutes of beautiful imagery and filmography, this documentary leaves you feeling sentimental about human connections, our extraordinary interactions with other life – and intrigued about what else lies below the ocean’s surface… By Cordelia Aspinall

'My Octopus Teacher' is available to stream on Netflix now

Cher and the Loneliest Elephant documentary (2021)

Watch the trailer below

Released in the USA on Thursday 22 April to mark Earth Day 2021 , this heart-warming wildlife documentary follows singer Cher’s mission to rescue a captive elephant named Kaavan. Kaavan, a Sri-Lankan born elephant, was sent as a gift to the daughter of the president of Pakistan and ended up, confined, in Islamabad Zoo. After a global petition via and Twitter received more than 400,000 signatures, a five-year fight for his freedom began, with none other than global pop superstar Cher stepping in after she spotted the campaign online. Having been confined for more than 35 years (the duration of its life) and given the title ‘the loneliest elephant in the world’, the five-tonne animal was relocated across Asia to a 30,000-acre Cambodian wildlife sanctuary.

With teary moments and incredible footage of the massive process involved in the transportation of Kaavan to Cambodia, this is a moving story focusing on the unsettling trauma the elephant was forced to experience, yet it has an uplifting end. Not only does the film with Cher’s narration walk you through this elephant’s long struggle of neglect and maltreatment, it also shines a light on the cruelty that so many animals around the world endure every day. It is a moving yet educational documentary hooked on a powerful true story. Cher co-founded the animal rights organisation Free the Wild as a result and even released the song 'Walls' inspired by her experience. By Cordelia Aspinall

'Cher and the Loneliest Elephant' is available on Smithsonian Channel from Wednesday 19 May 2021

MAN ON WIRE (2008)

‘I remember the vastness of New York . The altitude! It was all so alive!’ Was a city ever so breathtakingly captured as in this celebrated account of the mist-swagged August morning in 1974 when French wire-walker Philippe Petit illegally rigged a cable between the twin towers of the World Trade Center and made eight entirely improbable crossings in 45 minutes. Dressed all in black, his slender figure carrying its long balancing pole occasionally kneels on the thin wire (he even lies down – how your stomach heaves!), saluting the dazzling morning, and his own skill and chutzpah, as the startled pedestrians on the streets far below gaze up weeping and gasping while steam filters up through cracks in the pavement in that quintessential NYC way. Even though the crossings themselves are all in fact captured only in stills taken at the time by Petit’s assistants and friends you somehow remember the whole marvellous incident in moving images. It’s the city itself that’s doing that to you: its inherent dynamism, its irrepressible atmosphere of perpetual motion.

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We see Manhattan photographed here from so high above (much as we see it in the 1933 King Kong ), the Hudson spreading like glitter – like nitrate itself – in any black-and-white images. And the colour of apricot in colour stills, under blue swags of cloud and summer sky. ‘Everyone was spellbound by the watching of it,’ exhales a policeman dispatched to arrest Petit, who was ultimately charged with trespass and disorderly conduct. But the city embraced him.

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FREE SOLO (2018)

An immense, waning moon stares into a canyon’s abyss of sharp stones. A fierce river below spurts along the valley, wild grasses on the banks rolling in the wind like feathers or fur. All this the free-climber Alex Honnold sees – or does he? Fixed like Spider-Man to the side of a cliff, climber’s white chalk clinging to the back of his blistered hands, as the evening flushes rose right across Yosemite National Park. A film that follows Honnold in 2017 preparing to climb the infamous El Capitan – ‘3,200 feet of sheer vertical granite… the centre of the rock-climbing universe’ – without ropes. You sweat in sickly fear for his safety while also completely revelling in the fresh air every frame seems to blow your way, the bright warmth of sun on boulder, the absurd beauty of distant trees, the sight of a rainbow slicing through the foaming heart of a waterfall. You emerge healthier and freer somehow, just for having watched it. Your own limbs spasm as though you walked all day. Despite it being a compelling story of self-induced terror (what drives the angel-faced Honnold remains a mystery), you remember more the awesome sights, the very visceral sensation of movement.

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Not one for the faint of heart, this 90-minute Netflix documentary has been hitting audiences hard in quite a few ways. It’s from the team behind C owspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (another in-depth spotlight, this time on the impact of agriculture on our planet), and you can expect to see similar themes, upsetting footage and quite controversial interviews with figures in the global fishing industry. The film, directed and narrated by British filmmaker Ali Tabrizi, sets out to explore the damaging effects of mass-scale commercial fishing on marine life and the levels of pollution in waters around the world. Expect to learn about the importance of dolphins, sharks and whales for our oceans ’ ecosystems, that sustainably sourced seafood might not be all that it seems, and that, ultimately, we should all be reducing our fish consumption. You might very well be off fish by the end, but it’s also worth reading around some more: there are some conflicting views about the film and whether the scientific points it makes are factually out of context. Katharine Sohn

Seaspiracy is available to stream on Netflix now

Chasing Coral (2017)

You may not be able to travel to see the Great Barrier Reef , the subject of this Netflix documentary, for much longer if we don't do something about climate change and ocean warming. The film uses hi-tech camera equipment and time lapses to show the deterioration of the coral as it turns from 'colourful, vibrant ecosystems into barren, lifeless wastelands,' writes Condé Nast Traveler US 's Sebastian Modak. You'll feel truly gutted once the movie's over, but it will have you planning a trip to Australia , and other areas with endangered natural wonders, within minutes of the rolling credits.

Stream Chasing Coral on Netflix



Here’s a treat. Andrew Kotting – our most quietly influential experimental filmmaker – released a film online that sweeps us up on a pilgrimage to return a box made of whalebone to a far beach on the Hebridean Isle of Harris, whence the whale bones originally came. So, we cram in a car with Kotting and the psychogeographer Iain Sinclair and rumble north (filming mostly on a camera-phone) all overseen by Kotting’s daughter Eden, who wears a pagan crown of ivy and seems to be conjuring the whole mysterious and somehow healing road trip in a fever-dream. It’s a perfect evocation of that desire to travel. To move, to be en route, to feel twinges of uneasy excitement, to spin out illusionary ideas of a distant location. The place names whirl by: Ardlui, Mallaig. (At one point we suddenly find ourselves in a Templar castle in the Pyrenees.) Inside the car there’s that super-seductive sense of a gang travelling light, seeing what happens and who they might meet along the jagged coastline. ‘There are places you go, to access time,’ Kotting tells us, as the startling white sand of Harris glows in its near-sinister, beckoning way, under racing skies full of clouds like shredded curtains, and sudden glimmers of wet, green Hebridean sunlight.

Streamed exclusively on MUBI


A phenomenon as much as a movie, the spectacular success of the Buena Vista Social Club album and film had a limitless impact on the Cuban tourist industry. Some 20 years later, the music you hear on street corners in that city is more likely to be the music of pre-revolutionary Cuba defined in the film, by a cadre of musicians (some in their 70s and 80s) who had long fallen out of favour, only to be made world famous in their dotage.

I especially love when the camera sways out onto the streets of Havana, filming fast and in natural light the life there: the men working on immense old cars observed by stray dogs the colour of a sweet cold beer; the breeze off the sea playing against shirts; children rolling wooden toys before them; the unloading of mountains of bananas; residents of stuccoed tenements easing vast, scratched and defunct Fifties American fridges out of doors past murals of Che, as though demonstrating the very sickness of capitalism that Guevera railed against. Guitarist Compay Segundo recalling how, aged five, he would light his grandmother’s cigars in Santiago. Or baritone crooner Ibrahim Ferrer showing us the wooden carving he has always kept of Lazarus, and the little bowls of honey, rum and perfume he would offer to it, for good luck – which finally came to him after years of penury and shoe-shining in Havana after the film was released. Every frame takes you to that city, that climate. The smoky smell of the pavements as the sun grows stronger.

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‘The North Sea and the sand is the start for me…’ says Agnès Varda, esteemed filmmaker of the Nouvelle Vague and photographer of genius, who aged 80 in this autobiographical collage of personal memory and feeling, takes us to the beaches that shaped her childhood, her marriage, her art and beyond. ‘Time passes, except on the beaches, which are timeless…’ she reasons, remembering with fondness Belgian sands at La Panne and Middelkerke. And especially the port city of Sète in France ’s southern region of Occitanie, where she speaks of seeing fishermen in the 1940s living in rough tents on the dunes, canvas walls slung with storm lamps and old pans. Noirmoutier, the French island in the Bay of Biscay, she recalls her husband Jacques Demy particularly loving, and she films it here in tribute and with such freshness it’s since become a destination for fans of the movie. ‘What is cinema?’ Varda asks, ‘It is LIGHT coming from somewhere…’ We see her sailing up the Seine in a wooden boat, right under the Ponts des Arts, the craft itself painted the sun-flashing yellow of the Provençal sunflowers that Varda always seemed to feature in her movies. I had the good fortune to interview Varda when she was 90, just months before she died, and I took a bunch of sunflowers as a gift – she received them with a yelp of happiness, saying they reminded her of French summers, her wise eyes warm as landing lights.


‘Sometimes images themselves develop their own mysterious stardom…’ narrates German director Werner Herzog, over this his most heart-rending film. Part ‘kind warrior’ part ‘samurai’ the conservationist-activist Timothy Treadwell lived for 13 summers with wild Kodiak bears in remote areas of the Alaskan peninsula, shooting 100 hours of footage of those bears in their natural habitat. Styling himself as a Prince Valiant, his eventual death-by-Kodiak was shockingly violent, and Herzog shapes Treadwell’s sad, strange story as a tribute to ‘wild, primordial nature’ where his subject was truly at home. As you watch, you’re convinced you too can feel the fresh air on your own skin, the nip of mosquitoes, the pelter of rain. The long evenings spent alone, the vast plateau of mountains, the tide flats, the tumbled jags of glaciers, the sensation of Treadwell’s hands calloused like leather, the yelp of light in the mornings, the changing Alaskan sky.

In one scene, little slim foxes (called Ghost and Spirit) wake him by pressing their noses and paws against the walls of his tent, and he runs with them across a flower-studded meadow, delirious with the surprising gift of such companionship and freedom that would make any child’s heart explode. To be friends with the animals! ‘He captures such glorious improvised moments the likes of which studio directors with their union crews could never dream of,’ says Herzog, with patent admiration, himself an absolute master of putting not just nature, but the profound euphoria of travel on film. Think of those moments in Herzog’s Nosferatu the Vampyre, when the hero walks the High Tatra mountains of northern Slovakia, or the Partnach Gorge in the Reintal valley in southern Germany . Rhapsodic.


Even though this documentary is almost entirely set inside a 10-seater Tokyo restaurant with no view, its location somehow comes to feel as though the whole history of Japan might be contained within its temple-like walls. Jiro Ono (now 94) is Japan’s most famous sushi master. He left home aged nine to become an apprentice, opening his own restaurant in the 1960s that now has a three-Michelin-star rating, which means (says one food critic) ‘It’s worth visiting that country just to visit the restaurant.’ Jiro is modest and stern, and we glimpse snatches of his past – anecdotes about his harsh infancy or an alluring black-and-white photograph of his father formally seated in 1927 wearing a sheeny kimono, an image with unforgettable resonance and romance, that seems to far, far predate the Taisho era.

Inside the restaurant – a capsule of absorption, firmly sealed in its own private weather – every day proceeds without alteration. The rice is steamed and hand-fanned, the halibut and squid and eel finely sliced and pressed together. ‘Press the sushi like you’re pressing a little chick,’ Jiro advises. ‘The world has turned outside, but he has remained the same,’ someone says, as the camera occasionally takes us outside to the brooding, energetic Tokyo streets, where it always seems to be raining and the crowds hurry. Down to the fish market full of tottering porters and barrow-pushers rhythmically going to and fro, where the best tuna trader drags frowningly on his hand-cupped cigarette, his hair slicked like Elvis, dreaming of the days when the fish were fat as pianos.

Stream on Amazon , and Netflix (US)


Not just one of the most important travel films ever made, but a precious artefact. A time capsule, a relic. If the third attempt to ascend Everest culminated in the sad deaths of the determined English climbers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, the moving image of their expedition (shot by Captain John Noel with a hand-cranked camera sometimes using high-powered telescopic lenses) has thankfully survived. Some of the earliest filmed records of life in Tibet are here, and several frames have been tinted in the original reds and purples of the first screenings in 1924, thanks to meticulous restoration by the BFI.

Every second is a marvel, the images profound. Mallory and Irvine facing the climb of their lives in modest tweed jackets. Tibetan babies in stone villages, their skin slathered in yak butter, lying out happily in the sun. A Tibetan gentleman showing his glimmering ear to the camera, dangling its pendant earring of gold and aquamarine. A baby donkey born during the long march west, expected to walk 25 miles on its first day of life, collapsed in the mud (‘How tired and sleepy he is!’). Ancient castles and monasteries stud the mountains, hermit lamas dwelling in cliff-built cells predicting doom for the mission, climbers snow-blind and in states of collapse or trudging past ice-caves and picking off stalactites, as though they were great jags of lickable sugar on a fairy palace.

The mountain itself – Tibet’s Goddess Mother of the World – seems to physically pulsate with (as a title card tells us) ‘lofty solitude. Grand, solemn and unutterably lonely.’ And then the image of Mallory and Irvine ascending up, and up, and up, only to disappear, eternally out of sight. ‘We may think of ourselves and nature,’ warns the original text on screen, with what feels like definitive prescience. ‘We spring from nature. In life, we defy her.’

Stream on BFI Player


Perhaps the ultimate concert film, made during the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival on Rhode Island, headlined by (among others) Thelonious Monk and Dinah Washington, Gerry Mulligan and Chuck Berry. How many times you wish yourself into the frame! To be among that happy, confident, peanut-crunching crowd. Because the camera has such a lovely, casual eye, it’s like a friend describing little moments and scenes, interested, curious, relaxed.

We see Monk take the stage with his bamboo-rimmed dark glasses. Sal Salvador on guitar with a buzz cut, eyes closed in bliss. Anita O’Day singing Tea for Two in a black hat fringed in white feathers, snapping her fingers as she sings, her gloves immaculate. The crowd sways and giggles and sighs, a jewel-box of capri pants and Breton tops. Strappy yellow sundresses and cat-eyed shades, baked shoulders and freckled clavicles draped with hipster cardigans. Well-fed babies are passed down rows to be greeted with kisses by mothers waving choc-ices. Beyond, the water of Narragansett Bay is a sparkling blur dotted with pretty racing boats called Nomad and Pixie. ‘The weather out here is summery, with a smoky haze on the horizon,’ someone thrills over a tannoy, as the camera picks out brown, sandalled feet dangling from a crow’s nests during a race.

Sometimes it feels like everything is reflected in the glistering water of the movie; all of the USA’s post-war reach and ambition. It has the optimism of a Cadillac. The ‘Dionysian potential of American life,’ as John Updike put it; that ‘carnival under the dome of heaven, every fair day.’ To me, this film captures precisely that gorgeous, lost moment in time and place, when Ted Hughes was gazing at his new and glamorous wife, Sylvia Plath, recalled in the poem 18 Rugby Street, ‘So this is America, I marvelled. Beautiful, beautiful America !’

60th-anniversary edition available on DVD


‘I don’t want any roots. I want to be free.’ Ingrid Bergman’s will to travel came from deep within her. Sweden , California , Italy , France, London – she was able to up and move, reinvent herself, leaving lovers and children behind, documenting it all with a cine-camera – and her own footage occupies the majority of this powerfully alluring film. ‘I wanted desperately to get out in the world,’ she said, in letters to friends. ‘It’s as if a bird of passage is living with me.’

And so we follow her through the various stages of her life, with different husbands, and all her pretty infants blowing about like bright petals across the terraces of various villas and hotels (Hotel Raphael in Paris was her favourite). She’s here, driving around Rome in a white convertible, laughing at the paparazzi. Or clambouring with fishermen about the Aeolian island of Stromboli, sweeping shining hair from out of her tear-filled eyes. Or knitting topless in the powerful sunlight, all broad shoulders and witty expression. Diving into a pool in Hollywood, using a magnum of Champagne as a life buoy. And best: her robust, salty skin tanned the colour of rosewood against an unglamorous raincoat on the isolated, harshly granite island of Dannholmen off the Swedish west coast, where she joined the local sailing school, and where her ashes were scattered after she died. ‘I love your island,’ she’d said to her third husband, seeing his modest wooden house in 1958, with its rusted anchor sitting sentinel off the grey and merciless rocks. ‘Good,’ he’d nodded. ‘Let’s get married, then.’

Stream on Amazon

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (2018)

Chef and food writer Samin Nosrat’s four-part series focuses on the four ingredients she thinks makes food delicious. In Italy she explores fat, in Japan she finds salt, in Mexico it’s acid and in the USA there’s heat. Her smile and spontaneous dancing are irresistible viewing, not to mention the sizzling close-ups of her adventurous, elemental cooking. Meredith Carey

Stream Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat on Netflix

Chef’s Table Pastry (2018)

This is a four-episode-only spin-off from the Emmy award-winning Chef’s Table. The show kicks off with Christina Tosi and her New York Milk Bar empire, an instant hit into the series. Also on the menu: Jordi Roca, Will Goldfarb and Corrado Assenza. Mesmerising and delicious – don't think about watching without sweet snacks to hand. MC

Stream Chef's Table Pastry on Netflix

Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories (2016)

Set in a tiny Tokyo diner that's only open from midnight to 7am, the fictional show follows the Midnight Diner's owner and clientele as they share their trials and joys, all while eating whatever the owner, called Master, dishes up. In the diner, pork miso soup is the go-to, but Master will cook visitors anything they order, as long as he's got the goods to make it. Episodes are a little more than 20 minutes long, so it's the most bingeable of the bunch. Watch with subtitles and don't - seriously, don't - watch while hungry. MC

Stream Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories on Netflix

Travels with My Father (2017)

Follow stand-up comedian Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael, in this six-episode Netflix original across Southeast Asia . The series tracks the duo as they finish the gap year Jack never got to complete, just a few years late (eight, to be exact). MC

Stream Travels with My Father on Netflix

Stephen Fry in America (2012)

In this six-part mini-series, Stephen Fry drives around all 50 US states in a London cab. Football games at the University of Alabama and lobster fishing in Maine are on the menu. Expect a lot of laughs and a surprise appearance from Morgan Freeman. MC

Stream Stephen Fry in America on Netflix

Chef's Table (2015)

If you've ever raised an eyebrow at food as art, set aside some time to watch this Netflix original docu-series. Each 50-minute episode profiles one of the world’s most extraordinary chefs (such as Peruvian Virgilio Martínez, pictured, the owner of Lima's Central restaurant, and Swede Magnus Nilsson) as they create impossibly complicated dishes. MC

Stream Chef's Table on Netflix

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30 Best Travel Documentaries & Series To Watch

  • by Jonny Duncan
  • October 20, 2023 December 7, 2023

We all need a bit of travel inspiration and these are some of the best travel documentaries that will give you some wanderlust, and understanding, of the regions of the world involved.

These are my favourite travel documentaries and series that have inspired my travels.

Disclaimer: I own none of the images in this post, they are used under fair-usage terms to discuss the travel documentaries.

Himalaya With Michael Palin (2004)

himalaya Micheal Palin

Michael Palin is my all-time favourite travel presenter, writer, and hell, just an awesome person in general and his travel documentaries are some of the best you can watch.

His sense of humour, interest in the places he visits, how he interacts with the local people, and the way he presents himself is what makes this travel journey one of the best.

Add to that epic Himalayan scenery and adventure and you have the perfect combination for the best travel documentary.

You can watch it here as well as some of his other travel documentaries.

The Endless Summer (1966)

endless summer best travel documentaries

Surfs up! And also lots of fun, fun, fun, in the sun.

Set in the mid-sixties it follows two surfers from California as they travel around the world, including countries like South Africa, Australia, and Ghana, in search of the ‘perfect wave’. 

It’s very laid back to watch and entertaining and a good insight into surfer travels in the sixties.

I would love to hit up some of the waves they found! If you want one of the best travel documentaries based around surfing and beaches then watch this.

Watch it online here .

Encounters at the End of the World (2009)

encounters at the end of the world travel documentary

Want some cold weather viewing, beautiful scenery in the vast expanse of Antarctica, and some fun with scientists? This is it.

Filmmaker Werner Herzog tackles this perfectly, exploring the desolate and vast wilderness of Antarctica around the US base of McMurdo Station, and the people who live and work there.

This will make you want to go to a remote and cold place.

Watch it here .

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (2013 – 2018)

Anthony Bourdain parts unknown

Anthony Bourdain was one of my travel heroes. He died in 2018. His style of reporting and meeting the people he visits around the world and coming together around a common theme worldwide, food, brought a personal approach to the travel genre.

Parts Unknown is one of the best travel documentaries to watch for food. 

The other series with Anthony Bourdain exploring world cuisine, such as No Reservations is also worth watching.

See it on Netflix here .

Under An Arctic Sky (2017)

under an arctic sky

This is a short travel documentary coming in at only 40 minutes, but worth the watch for sure.

I had been recommended this by a fellow travel blogger and was glad about it.

It’s beautifully shot in Iceland in winter, following a group of surfers looking for (as usual) the perfect waves. 

But a storm comes through during this time and they have to outrun it.

The first time surfers have been filmed under the Northern Lights.

This has made me want to return to Iceland again to explore more of the country in the Arctic darkness.

See what it’s like surfing under the Northern Lights !

Sahara With Michael Palin (2002)

sahara Michael Palin

Yes, another Michael Palin travel documentary. I can’t help it his journeys are just so good.

This time he’s out exploring the Sahara Desert, getting into remote adventures with tribal nomads, and so much more.

This will inspire you for a desert adventure.

Watch the epic Sahara journey here .

180° South (2010)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

180° South follows Jeff Johnson, an adventurer who travels across South America to Patagonia to visit the places that Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins had visited in 1968, two people who had inspired him.

Easily one of the best travel documentaries about South America to see.

Chasing Coral (2017)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Chasing Coral is a documentary for anyone interested in the ocean and, given the title, especially coral reefs.

It follows scientists and divers who explore the coral areas to see why they are disappearing and to explain it all to you. A good conservationist documentary as well as one for travel to these beautiful parts of the world.

Billy Connolly’s World Tour of Australia (1996)

Billy Connolly australia travel

Billy Connolly is one of the great all-time stand-up comedians.

He also travels a lot and his ‘world tour’ series has taken him to lots of different countries around the world, with Australia being the best.

It’s a combination of him exploring Australia and what is there, with a great sense of humour for everything, as well as some short clips of his stand-up performances in each area he visits with views and opinions about his experience in Australia.

A must-see travel documentary for anyone interested in Australia with a very amusing outlook on travel there.

It ain’t cheap but if you’re a Billy Connolly fan, or want to give a gift to someone who is, this is the Billy Connolly box set of all his world tours.

Dark Tourist (2018)

dark tourist best travel documentaries

For some people (myself included) there’s a strange and weird fascination with some of the ‘darker’ tourist spots to visit and dark tourism has become more popular.

From nuclear disaster zone tours to death-worshipping cults, this travel documentary covers them all.

It can be disturbing given the tragedy behind some of the events, but it is history, and it is part of humanity. 

To escape the ‘normal’ tourist spots this will give you an idea of an alternative travel experience.

Right or wrong it is fascinating.

See it on Netflix .

Given (2016)

given movie travel documentary

This is such a unique and refreshing take on a travel documentary as it’s narrated by a six-year-old boy.

It follows a family from Kauai (part of Hawaii) on a journey through 15 countries around the world.

This a really good insight into family travel and the life-teaching experiences travel can have on young children.

Watch their website for the documentary.

Stephen Fry In America (2009)

Stephen Fry in America travel documentary

Stephen Fry is one of my favourite comedians and in this travel series, he travels across the U.S. in search of what makes America.

Just like Billy Connolly and Michael Palin, there is lots of humour involved.

It gives a great insight into American culture.

This is one of the best travel documentaries to watch if planning a trip to the United States. 

Watch here .

The Eagle Huntress (2016)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

One of those interested in Central Asia travel, this documentary is about a 13-year-old Kazakh girl called Aisholopan who wants to be an eagle hunter, the first female in her family for twelve generations to do it.

Beautiful scenery and an inspiring story make this a spellbinding travel documentary to watch.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2010)

best travel documentaries

Have an interest in sushi and Japanese food? Then this is the ultimate travel documentary for you.

It follows an 85-year-old sushi master called Jiro Ono and how he makes some of the best sushi in the world and tries to teach his son the way and the family business.

It’s one of the best documentaries about Japan to watch.

Baraka (1992)

best travel documentaries

Out of all the travel documentaries, this is one of the older ones but it has aged well. It’s also one of the most beautiful travel documentaries to watch.

The tagline is “A world beyond worlds”, and after watching it you will see why.

There is no narrative, just epic films from all over the world showing natural environments, cities and everything else.

Personally, I remember watching this in the 90s and being inspired to see the places it showed.

Happy People: A Year in the Taiga (2010)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Happy People: A Year in the Taiga is another Werner Herzog travel documentary that is absolutely brilliant if you have an interest in cold places and Siberia in particular.

It follows the people in a remote village in the Siberian Taiga region and shows the repeated way of life in how they deal with living in a harsh cold environment. It includes footage of some of the native Ket people as well.

Tawai: A Voice From The Forest (2017)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Out of all the travel documentaries, this is one of the best ones taking a look at indigenous people around the world.

Adventurer Bruce Parry explores the forests of the Amazon and Borneo, as well as the Isle of Skye in Scotland where he looks at the ways the native people get on with the nature around them.

Nomad: In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin (2019)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Nomad is yet again another one with Werner Herzog and this time it’s a much more personal one.

His good friend Bruce Chatwin, who was a well-known travel writer, died of AIDS in 1989 he left Werner his rucksack as a parting gift. Thirty Years after his death Werner heads out to explore places inspired by his friend’s travel life.

Maidentrip (2013)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Maidentrip will make you want to get a yacht and go on an adventure around the world! It’s about a 14-year-old sailor who leaves home for a 2-year journey around the world alone to become the youngest person to ever achieve such a task.

This is one of the best travel documentaries not just about yachting and boats but also about the determination of the human spirit to achieve something great.

Travel Man (2015 Onwards)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Travel Man is a great travel documentary series where each episode host Richard Ayoade visits a new city with a different celebrity to explore what the city has to offer in the way of tourist attractions and other things.

Lots of fun to watch and one of the best recent travel documentaries to see.

Fishpeople (2017)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Fishpeople is a group of stories about various individuals who have dedicated their lives to the sea. It includes a long-distance swimmer, surfers, and many more.

This is one to watch if you have an interest in anything related to life with the ocean.

Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands (2013 – 2016)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

If you love Scotland or really want to go there then this is the ultimate Scottish travel series for you. The presenter is Paul Murton and he explores all around the Scottish Isles.

He also has other shows such as the Grand Tour of Scotland and Grand Tour of Scotlands Lochs. He really gets into the culture of Scotland.

Backpackingman note: I am of Scottish ancestry with my great-grandfather being a proper Scotsman from Aberdeen and I have visited Scotland a few times now and can highly recommend this series.

Rick Steves’ Europe (2000 – Onwards)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Rick Steves’ Europe is one of the longest-running travel documentary series out there, if not the longest.

Given the title of the show, it follows Rick as he travels around Europe showing everything the place has to offer. The series from 2018 focuses on Scotland so goes nicely with the Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands mentioned above.

Desert Runners (2013)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Desert Runners is the ultimate documentary about people who run in some of the harshest environments and in this case the desert.

But the twist to this story is that it explores a group of people who join the hardest ultra-marathon race series on the planet and none of them are professional runners.

Watch this one if you have an interest in deserts and running.

Down To Earth (2020)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Down To Earth is a travel documentary series on Netflix that follows actor Zac Efron to different parts of the world where he looks at the sustainability efforts of each destination.

For example, in Iceland, he learns about the efforts to use the natural energy of Earth for power.

Magical Andes (2020 – Onwards)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Magical Andes a travel documentary series is set in South America and takes a look at the Andes Mountain range, from the mountains themselves to the deserts, forests, and everything else that surrounds them

Highly recommended if you’ve ever wanted to visit South America and in particular the Andes region.

Expedition Happiness (2017)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Expedition Happiness follows a couple who get an old school bus and then drive throughout North America with their dog.

The couple is so lovely it’s worth watching just to see them and their life.

Free Solo (2018)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Free Solo follows Alex Honnold, a professional rock climber, as he attempts to be the first person to free solo climb El Capitan’s rock face.

It’s set in Yosemite National Park and is thrilling to watch not just for the action but also for the scenery. Watch this documentary if you are interested in mountain travel and rock climbing as a sport.

The Dawn Wall (2017)

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Following on from Free Solo, The Dawn Wall is also set in Yosemite National Park, and this time follows Tommy Caldwell, a free climber, who tried to climb the Dawn Wall of El Capitan.

As with Free Solo, watch this one for mountains.

Mountain (2017)

best travel documentaries about mountains

The Mountain is one of the best travel documentaries about mountains and is breathtaking to watch.

It explores mountains around the world and tells at the same time the history between humans and mountains.

Notable Mention: BBC Planet Earth 1+2 (2006 + 2016)

planet earth travel documentaries

The BBC Planet Earth series is absolutely beautifully filmed and epic to watch.

In each episode, they explore different parts of the planet, such as deserts, mountains, oceans, forests, etc.

There are also other travel documentaries by the BBC, like The Blue Planet, Frozen Planet, and a lot more. Each one shows a different side of our planet.

These will get you wanting to get out and see the world!

The Best Travel Documentaries

And that’s the list of the best travel documentaries that will hopefully give you some inspiration for your own travels.

Interested in more travel-related movies? Check out 10 movies to watch before travelling to Japan .

You can find some of the older travel documentaries on places like YouTube. In fact, YouTube is a great place to find new and old travel documentaries in general.

And for some travel reading 20 books to read set in the Arctic and Antarctic .

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Dark Tourist is the best part of this post ..

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The 4 Best Travel Documentaries to Inspire Your Next Adventure

C Calvin • Published on August 23, 2023 7:32 PM

best motorcycle travel documentaries

If you're looking for inspiration for your next adventure , look no further than the world of film. More specifically, travel documentaries. These films provide an immersive look into the world of travel , culture, nature, and exploration, and can fuel your desire for new experiences. In this article, we'll take a look at the 4 best travel documentaries that will surely inspire your wanderlust.

1. 'Long Way Round'

This raw and engaging documentary series follows actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman as they embark on an epic motorcycle journey from London to New York, the long way round. Covering 31,000 kilometers and spanning over four continents, the adventure is a testament to the enduring spirit of travel and exploration. It's a must-watch for any travel enthusiast or adventure seeker.

2. 'A Map for Saturday'

'A Map for Saturday' is a solo traveler's take on the world. It captures the essence of long-term backpacking and offers a glimpse into the unique lifestyle of perpetual nomads. The documentary, made by a former HBO producer who quit his job to travel the world, provides a mix of humor, adventure, and introspection. It's an inspiring watch that may just motivate you to pack your bags and hit the road.

3. '180 Degrees South'

'180 Degrees South' retraces the epic 1968 journey of adventure icons Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia. The film captures the adventurous spirit of the original journey, while also highlighting the importance of environmental stewardship. The beautiful cinematography and powerful narrative make it a must-see for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

4. 'The Art of Travel'

'The Art of Travel' is less a documentary and more a philosophy of life. The film offers a series of vignettes that represent different aspects of travel and adventure. It pushes viewers to question their own relationship with travel and inspires them to seek authentic experiences.

Here's a quick overview of these documentaries:

There you have it, the 4 best travel documentaries to inspire your next adventure . These films don't just entertain - they inspire, provoke thought, and feed the soul. They will undoubtedly challenge your perception of what it means to travel and to live. So, sit back, get comfortable, and let these documentaries whisk you away to the four corners of the globe.

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The Best Motorcycle TV Shows to Stream Right Now

Apr 19, 2024

The Best Motorcycle TV Shows to Stream Right Now

Table of Content

If you are a true motorcycle enthusiast and scrolling down the TV shows list to find something that matches your interest but fails, you are in the right place. Riding a motorcycle is fascinating, unpredictable, and sensational which is why it drives so many people towards it. The TV shows suggested in this article are not only the perfect way to go further in discovering the motorcycle culture around the world, but also the place where you can experience the thrill and emotions that motorcycles incorporate. Whether you prefer action, drama, or the real world of motorbikes, we have picked some motorcycle TV shows that cater to almost all types of motorcycle fans. From the bikers’ gangs of Sons of Anarchy to the multi-layered and adventurous trip of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman in Long Way Round, the TV shows listed in this article can make you stick to the TV screen and keep you entertained. This article lists the 12 best motorcycle TV shows to stream right now.


1. Sons of Anarchy (2008)

Sons of Anarchy (2008)

Other than the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO), which is the main highlight of the amazing, intense, suspenseful American crime action TV series, Sons of Anarchy, and several other elements equally contribute to the show’s success. The great imaginary mind of Kurt Sutter, the creator of the show, works as the main force of this series as he drives us through an uncontrolled rollercoaster of emotions. It is not just a story of adventurous happenings in a small town, it is a tale of loyalty, betrayal, and being good versus bad.

The outlaws, who seem to be a violent motorcycle gang, are revealed to have good hearts as they face the unfaithful world. They remain loyal to each other as they carry on with their journey as motorcycle club members. The bond they share in the show is as tough as the steel frames and structures of their bikes.

Jax Teller, the club’s vice president, played by Charlie Hunnam, takes you on a journey of mixed emotions as his character gets afflicted heavily by the past of his father and the complicated moralities involved in leading a motorcycle club such as the outlaws. As Jax struggles with his inner demons, the difficulty of welcoming love into his life, and the weight of the responsibility of being a pack leader, he discovers that even the strongest warriors need a support system.

In the show, the sound of motorcycles’ engines has become a character in itself. Throughout the seasons, motorcycles have received the most limelight and are involved in almost all types of actions you can expect in a successful motorcycle TV show.

The representatives of the motorcycle club also blur the distinction between good and evil by participating in illegal matters such as gun running, drug trafficking, and other acts of violence.

In this series, we find characters going through the consequences of their decisions that bring catastrophic outcomes to the lives of other people in the show. Considering the plot and countless heart-wrenching moments in the show, it is surely inevitable to stop your tears while watching certain scenes.

If you are inspired by the show and want to look as cool as the bikers riding in a pack, Viking Bags can help you make your bike attain the same attire. Through the various motorcycle parts offered by Viking Bags , including the sissy bars , crash bars , fairings , backrests , custom handlebars , and new seats , you can completely modify the look of your bike.

2. Mayans M.C (2018)

Mayans M.C (2018)

The other brilliant motorcycle TV show on our list is Mayans M.C. which takes place in the same universe as the Sons of Anarchy. However, this time, the spotlight is received by Mayans Motorcycle Club. This motorcycle club story is about Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes, a young man who enters the club as a prospect with great potential but a troubled past.

The motorcycles featured on Mayans M.C. have an entirely different feel compared to those used in Sons of Anarchy. Alongside the lowered H-D Road Kings, there are the classic Harley Heritage Softails and the Softail Deluxe models freshened with a lowrider style, colorful details, and shiny features. The actor, JD Pardo, who plays EZ learned motorcycle riding specifically for the show. His learning journey throughout the show depicts how difficult it is to ride a customized bike rather than a factory-built one.

The show was first broadcast on September 4th, 2018, and it completed five seasons after which it was off-aired in 2023. The script is full of many high points that demand appreciation from the audience, which is mainly the captivating storyline and incredible characters. However, the only weak point of this TV show is the presence of some plotlines that are too complex.

Overall, the show seemed to be very much on the right track as many noticeable issues, including the family, feuds, and social issues, while being a part of a motorcycle club, are highlighted.

3. Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook (2004)

Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook (2004)

The TV show, "Hairy Bikers' Cookbook", with its two presenters, Si King and Dave Myer, who happened to be great friends takes the viewers on an incredible journey to bring an admirable fusion between motorcycling and food. They travel on their motorbikes through different countries to cook and taste a variety of food.

The show covers motorbiking and eating experiences which makes it more unique and enjoyable. Nevertheless, while the other motorcycle shows do emphasize the technical part of motorcycling, "Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook" is different as Si King and Dave Myer travel to different places on motorcycles to get to know different cultures, traditions, eating habits, and most of all to experience the real life. The viewers of the show can gain knowledge about the various cuisines and cooking techniques of other countries and cultures.

The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook may not be the first show that comes to our mind when discussing the best motorcycle TV shows but it shows the phenomenal combination of food, travel, and motorcycling that makes it worth watching.

4. Gangland Undercover (2015)

Gangland Undercover (2015)

Gangland Undercover is a Canadian-American TV series that takes you on a spellbound journey with its main character, Charles Falco. Falco had a troubled past as he was involved in drug dealing, until he happened to get the job to go undercover to infiltrate the Vagos, one of the most dangerous motorcycle gangs in the US.

Gangland Undercover premiered on the History Channel in 2015 and is based on Falco's memoir, Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws: My Infiltration of America's Deadliest Biker Gangs, which is a fictionalized account of Falco’s life as part of the Vagos motorcycle gang.

The series' protagonist is a freshly-appointed skillful undercover cop, Falco, played by Damon Runyan, who takes part in a perilous world, where he looks to uncover the criminals, by putting together the gathered evidence. Risks are profound since he is at the frontline of danger and he has to keep his identity secret while being an active part of the gang. The series is well known for accurately depicting the gritty and realistic way biker gangs do business.

There are two seasons of Gangland Undercover, consisting of 14 episodes, premiered in 2015-16. The main highlight, besides Falco’s character, that sets this show apart is the professional production, including top-notch cinematography and editing.

5. CHiPs (1977)

CHiPs (1977)

The show, CHiPs (California Highway Patrol), was aired on television from 1977 to 1983. The show revolves around Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello who are both motorcycle officers. They travel through California on the superhighways. The show follows the police procedural genre pattern and every episode brings a new case or a certain investigation that the officers deal with.

Motorcycles take the center place in the show as they are used as the mode of transportation by CHiPs’ police officers. This is what that brings the most excitement, adventure, and thrill, as the cops accelerate on turns and go through narrow alleys on their bikes. The TV show is not only full of excitement and the fight scenes but the high-speed chase scenes also make the viewers more excited.

The CHiPs was a very popular show in the 70s and is now generally considered a classic. With timeless action, thrill, and comedy, it remains a favorite of trendy content viewers and vintage TV show lovers alike.

6. Long Way Round (2004)

Long Way Round (2004)

The Long Way Round (2004) is the incredible motorcycle travel diary of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, who took on the awesome challenge of riding 20,000 miles across Europe, Asia, and North America on BMW 1150 GS adventure tourers. Although they had to deal with the same difficulties as other travelers on an adventure journey, their support team and generous budget gave them an advantage over the rest of the riders which welcomed a certain amount of criticism. Nevertheless, their adventure resulted in increased sales of large BMW GS motorcycles.

The documentary is outstandingly beautiful and shows the experience of the two friends, who are building friendships while traveling through different areas with diverse cultures. It will most certainly appeal to motorbike lovers as well as travelers looking for an exciting and insightful show that highlights the true spirit of adventure on two wheels.

7. Ride with Norman Reedus (2016)

Ride with Norman Reedus (2016)

The show titled "Ride with Norman Reedus" features Norman Reedus, who also played a role in "The Walking Dead". In this show, he is seen on the road on a motorcycle to learn more about various bike cultures and meet mechanics and people involved in the motorcycle custom building. Every episode demonstrates Reedus' riding with different companions ranging from actors, musicians, and local motorcycle folks as well as the visit to some interesting locations such as custom bike shops and tattoo parlors. The show provides an unmatched close-up perspective of the motorcycle world, which brings together the taste of adventure with a profound understanding of the freedom and companionship of the riders.

"Ride with Norman Reedus" is a must-see TV show for motorcycle enthusiasts and those who want to feel that exhilaration of riding through the viewpoint of a passionate motorcyclist.

8. Long Way Down (2007)

Long Way Down (2007)

The Long Way Down is a motorcycle travel documentary that follows both Ewan McGregor and his companion, Charley Boorman, as they ride their motorbikes from the north of Britain, namely John o' Groats to Cape Town. This show is a continuation of the “Long Way Round” travelogue that had the two of them touring the world by motorcycle and was a huge success.

Long Way Down is an amazing journey to Africa and explains a lot about this region, including its beauty and variety, but also the struggle and reward of a motorcycle tour. The film is a 30-day journey in which viewers can see McGregor and Boorman encounter different people and cultures and they discuss and show the things they have experienced and witnessed with the viewers. The TV series is well-praised for its success in capturing the beauty of nature in Africa through the camera in a mesmerizing way.

If you feel motivated enough, you can also go on a long adventurous journey to relax your mind and feel the true colors of life. However, what might stop you from this lifetime experience is the incapability of your motorcycle to carry luggage. With the large variety of motorcycle   luggage bag options at Viking Bags, including   backpacks ,   saddlebags ,   tank bags ,   tour packs ,   sissy bar bags , and more, let your motorcycle take all the load so you can chill on the trip more peacefully.

9. Long Way Up (2020)

Long Way Up (2020)

Long Way Up is a roller coaster and adventurous British TV series that takes you on a trip with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman who ride electric Harley-Davidson motorcycles from Ushuaia in Argentina to Los Angeles, California. The show which was launched in Apple TV+ in 2020 follows a 13,000-mile journey through 13 countries and 100 days, presenting the amazing beauties of South and Central America.

The Long Way Up is the third part of the Long Way series, which consists of Long Way Round and Long Way Down, which saw the duo ride from London to New York and from John o’ Groats in Scotland to Cape Town in South Africa. Ewan and Charley ride with the prototype Harley-Davidson LiveWire electric motorcycles in this new adventure. The journey is the first of a kind with electric motorcycles produced by a major motorcycle manufacturer.

The trip is not simple; it is full of challenges, such as the harsh winter, border crossings, and the limitations of electric vehicles, for example, range issues, which means that the batteries can only go a certain distance, and chargers, which are needed along the route.

The Long Way Up perfectly demonstrates the difficulties of this long journey and it is undoubtedly a great achievement to travel by electric motorcycle. If you are an enthusiast of motorcycle adventures or love to go on an amazing journey through the most beautiful landscapes in the world, Long Way Up is a must-watch series.

10. Harley and the Davidsons (2016)

Harley and the Davidsons (2016)

Harley and the Davidsons is a captivating and thrilling American miniseries that tells the story of the motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson and its early period. The show which was first aired on Discovery Channel in 2016 is a three-part miniseries that covers the timeframe of 1901 – 1945 when the company’s founders William Harley and the Davidson brothers overcame all odds.

Harley and the Davidsons is a historical drama that depicts the founders as they try to establish a dominant motorcycle industry by beating other companies that are also in the business and at the same time with the challenges of building a successful business. The series has high production values, the cinematic and editing qualities are also of a higher grade, and the acting from the lead actors is also worth mentioning.

The series is a must-see for anyone interested in motorcycle history and Harley-Davidson because it provides a compelling and realistic view of the early days of the company.

11. Race to Dakar (2006)

Race to Dakar (2006)

Race to Dakar is a documentary series that narrates the Dakar Rally, the toughest off-road motorcycle race in the world. The series which started on the Discovery Channel in 2006, reports the 2005 edition of the race that was held in Morocco, Spain, and Portugal.

The series ‘Race to Dakar’ follows four riders and their motorcycles on the way to the famous Dakar rally, among them are Simon Pavey, the coach, and his student Charley Boorman who attends the race for the first time. The program highlights the obstacles that the riders encounter during their long journey and shows how they overcome the rigors of the race course including extreme weather conditions.

The series is a must-watch for motorcycle racing and adventure lovers, as it provides a real insight into the world of Dakar Rally, highlighting the difficulties and triumphs of the riders as they fight until the end of one of the toughest motorcycle races on earth.

12. Biker Battleground Phoenix (2014)

Biker Battleground Phoenix (2014)

In 2014-17, the History Channel aired a reality TV show titled Biker Battleground Phoenix. The show revolves around the unsparing environment of a customized bike building company located in Phoenix, Arizona, which is the custom bike building capital. The series highlights the top five most tough guys in the realm of customization, who offer their customers extravagant and unconventional custom motorcycle-building services.

The show is a heart-pounding documentary series that brings to light the fact that adrenaline, craftsmanship, and rivalry are the top factors behind all these people willing to go to such extremes for the sake of being the best.

Biker Battleground Phoenix is a reality show that emphasizes the competitive culture that has surrounded the custom-bike-building industry and also touches on strong language, arrogance, and insult-filled arguments among the builders. The program is intended for motorcycle lovers who will enjoy the way the builders use their imagination, creativity, and hard work to make the best out of motorcycles.

13. Wrap-Up

The realm of motorcycle TV shows and documentaries has a great deal of varied content appropriate for almost all types of motorcycle fans. From inspiring documentary series such as The Long Way Down to heart-wrenching dramatic motorcycle TV shows like Sons of Anarchy, there is something for everyone to watch. It doesn’t matter whether you just like old-fashioned bike restorations, a passionate fan of epic road trips, or a fan of heart-skipping racing, these above-mentioned TV shows offer a memorable experience. Therefore, if you are looking for entertainment or just to re-fill the passion for motorcycles in your life in the comfort of your home, these TV shows and documentaries will put you in the right mood.

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  • Best overall
  • Best for expensive trips
  • Best for exotic trips
  • Best for annual plans

How we reviewed travel insurance for seniors

Best travel insurance for seniors of may 2024.

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Reaching your golden years doesn't mean your adventures have to end. In fact, in this stage of life, you'll hopefully have more time and resources to travel. But as a senior citizen, you'll want to ensure you have travel insurance that covers any health-related issues arise while you travel.

Our top picks for the best senior travel insurance

  • Best overall: Allianz Travel Insurance
  • Best for expensive trips: John Hancock Travel Insurance
  • Best for exotic trips: World Nomads Travel Insurance

Best for annual plans: Travel Guard

How we rate the best senior travel insurance companies »

Compare travel insurance for seniors

Your health gets more unpredictable as you age, which makes travel insurance more important for seniors. Unfortunately, it's also more expensive. The best travel insurance for seniors won't have too steep of a price hike compared to rates for younger travelers. It will have high coverage limits for emergency medical coverage, trip cancellations, and and emergency medical evacuation. It's also important that your travel insurance offers pre-existing condition waivers , ideally at no extra cost to the traveler. 

Here are our picks for the best travel insurance coverage for seniors in 2024.

Best overall: Allianz

Allianz Allianz Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Good option for frequent travelers thanks to its annual multi-trip policies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Doesn't increase premium for trips longer than 30 days, meaning it could be one of the more affordable options for a long trip
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some plans include free coverage for children 17 and under
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Concierge included with some plans
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Coverage for medical emergency is lower than some competitors' policies
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Plans don't include coverage contact sports and high-altitude activities
  • Single and multi-trip plans available
  • Trip cancellation and interruption coverage starting at up to $10,000 (higher limits with more expensive plans)
  • Preexisting medical condition coverage available with some plans

Allianz Travel Insurance is one of the most widely recognized names in travel insurance, and it stands out as one of the top travel insurance providers for seniors. It offers a wide range of policies covering medical treatments overseas and emergency medical transport.

Allianz also provides options for varying trip lengths. Its annual multi-trip policies , for example, cover any trip you make during your policy period, even if they aren't yet planned, making it an excellent option for seniors who vacation multiple times per year.

Read our Allianz Travel Insurance review here.

Best for expensive trips: John Hancock

John Hancock John Hancock Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers 3 travel insurance plans
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancel for any reason rider available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable travel insurance premiums
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews of claims process are mixed
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Buyers may not get specialty coverage for sports equipment and other high value items
  • Trip cancellation for 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption insurance for up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Emergency medical coverage of up to $250,000 per person
  • Medical evacuation coverage of up to $1,000,000

John Hancock Travel Insurance plans for seniors offer some of the best coverage available. It provides generous maximum benefit amounts while still offering affordable prices.

Each plan includes coverages like trip cancellation, emergency accident, and emergency medical, with the option to add benefits like CFAR (cancel for any reason) . Plus, getting a free online quote is a quick and straightforward process.

Read our John Hancock Travel Insurance review here.

Best for exotic trips: World Nomads

World Nomads World Nomads Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Coverage for 200+ activities like skiing, surfing, and rock climbing
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Only two plans to choose from, making it simple to find the right option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. You can purchase coverage even after your trip has started
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. If your trip costs more than $10,000, you may want to choose other insurance because trip protection is capped at up to $10,000 (for the Explorer plan)
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Doesn't offer coverage for travelers older than 70
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) option
  • Coverage for 150+ activities and sports
  • 2 plans: Standard and Explorer
  • Trip protection for up to $10,000
  • Emergency medical insurance of up to $100,000
  • Emergency evacuation coverage for up to $500,000
  • Coverage to protect your items (up to $3,000)

World Nomads Travel Insurance is a great choice for active senior citizens under 70 who want comprehensive travel insurance. The key difference between World Nomads and many other providers is that it covers 200+ adventurous activities like scuba diving, mountain biking, surfing, skiing, and even bungee jumping. In addition, World Nomads' trip cancellation and emergency medical coverage includes COVID-19-related issues. Many other insurers are excluding that type of coverage now.

For adventurous senior citizens over the age of 70 years, World Nomads suggests working with its partner, TripAssure .

Read our World Nomads Travel Insurance review here.

AIG Travel Guard

Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost and trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of the cost, for all three plan levels
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. CFAR covers up to 75% of total trip costs (maximum of $112,500 on some plans) 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Medical coverage of up to $500,000 and evacuation of up to $1,000,000 per person
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes COVID coverage 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Above average baggage loss and delay benefits
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. High medical evacuation coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Premiums may run slightly higher than competitors

Travel Guard is a well-established and highly rated name in the travel insurance industry. It offers three main coverage options to choose from, and in general its policies have above-average coverage for baggage loss and baggage delays, plus high medical evaluation coverage limits.

  • Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Preexisting medical conditions exclusions waiver must be purchased within 15 days of initial trip payment
  • Annual travel insurance plan and Pack N' Go plan (for last-minute trips) available

Travel Guard  offers comprehensive insurance plans for shorter and longer trips. One of its more unique offerings is its Travel Guard Annual Plan.

This annual travel insurance comes with standard coverage benefits (trip delay, baggage loss, etc.) and substantial coverage amounts, which is important for seniors who travel multiple times per year. Travel Guard also offers a preexisting medical condition waiver, meaning those with certain medical issues can still gain coverage.

Read our AIG Travel Guard Insurance review here.

Understanding travel insurance for seniors

Before diving into the specifics, it's essential to understand what travel insurance is and why it's particularly important for senior travelers. The best travel insurance offers financial protection against unexpected events affecting your trip, such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.

Types of coverage

  • Medical Coverage: Ensures your medical expenses are covered in case of illness or injury.
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption Coverage: Provides reimbursement if your trip is canceled or cut short due to unforeseen events.
  • Baggage Coverage: Covers loss, damage, or theft of personal items during your trip.

Benefits of travel insurance for seniors

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you're covered in case of emergencies can make your travel stress-free.
  • Financial Protection: Shields you from potentially overwhelming medical costs and trip cancellations fees.
  • Assistance Services: Many plans offer 24/7 assistance services, providing help whenever and wherever you need it.

Making the most of your plan

After choosing a plan, it's crucial to understand your policy fully and know what services are available to you in case of an emergency.

Understanding your policy

  • Read the fine print and understand the claims process to avoid surprises.

Emergency assistance services

  • Familiarize yourself with the emergency assistance services offered by your plan and keep all necessary contact information handy.

How to pick senior travel insurance

It's wise to compare several different travel insurance policies for the best coverage and pricing, as premiums vary widely between insurers and depend on factors like your age and travel destination.

That said, some of the more essential coverages to look for if you're a senior citizen include:

  • Travel medical coverage - This coverage will pay for your medical bills outside the US.
  • Medical evacuation coverage - If you're injured or become sick while traveling, this coverage will transport you to the nearest hospital or even back home if your condition necessitates it.
  • Preexisting conditions - Coverage for known health conditions. You'll need to purchase travel insurance within a certain time period from when you book your trip to qualify for a preexisting condition waiver .
  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR) - The name says it all! It'll cost extra and you'll need to purchase insurance early, but it's the most comprehensive trip cancellation coverage you can get. Note that CFAR insurance usually only covers up to 75% of your trip fees.
  • Trip cancellation insurance - This coverage provides reimbursement for your prepaid and nonrefundable costs if you cannot make your trip due to an unforeseen event.
  • Baggage delay insurance - This coverage will reimburse you for essentials like toiletries and clothes if your bags are delayed.
  • Lost luggage insurance - This coverage will reimburse you up to a specified amount if your bags get lost en route.

Of these, the most critical to note are whether or not your policy covers preexisting conditions and the limits for travel medical insurance and emergency medical evacuation.

Some insurance companies offer a waiver that will cover preexisting conditions. You'll have to follow the requirements for adding a waiver to your policy, like insuring the entire cost of your trip. Or purchase the policy within a specific time after making your first trip deposit payments.

You'll also want to find a policy with high maximum limits for travel medical and emergency medical evacuation coverage. These types of expenses can be substantial, so you want to have appropriate coverage.

When comparing senior travel insurance options, we looked at the following factors to evaluate each travel insurance provider:

  • Coverage limits: We looked at each travel insurance company's coverage amounts for benefits like medical emergencies and trip cancellation.
  • Flexibility: We looked at how customizable a policy is, so you can choose what your travel insurance policy covers .
  • Coverage for preexisting conditions: Preexisting conditions are one of the more critical factors for travel insurance for senior citizens, so we looked at travel insurance companies that offer the best coverage for preexisting conditions.
  • Price: We compared travel insurance providers offering reasonable basic and comprehensive coverage rates.
  • Benefits geared towards seniors: We compared travel insurance companies that offer solid coverage for senior citizens, like medical evacuation, COVID-19 coverage, and trip cancellation.

You can read more about our insurance rating methodology here.

Seniors should look for travel insurance policies that offer comprehensive medical coverage, including for preexisting conditions and emergency medical evacuation. They should also consider policies with higher coverage limits to ensure adequate protection. Additionally, seniors should seek travel insurance plans that provide 24/7 assistance services, as well as coverage for trip cancellations, interruptions, and baggage protection.

The cost of senior travel insurance coverage can vary depending on your age, overall health, state of residence, travel destination, and length of your trip. However, assuming all other factors are the same, you'll pay more for travel insurance at 70 than at 30.

All travel insurance companies, except World Nomads, included in this guide offer coverage for pre-existing medical conditions as long as you buy your policy within the qualifying period from when you placed your trip deposit.

Allianz is the best travel insurance for seniors due to its wide array of medical coverages and emergency medical transport. Allianz also offers multi-trip insurance policies , which could make sense for seniors who travel frequently.

In some instances, travel insurance companies will have age eligibility restrictions, often only insuring people 80 years old and younger.

best motorcycle travel documentaries

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

best motorcycle travel documentaries

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    And if you prefer your motorcycle documentaries to be more US focused, we recommend Dust to Glory - it follows similar motorcycle racing themes, but Dust to Glory takes a different approach. #01. Mondo Enduro. Unlike Long Way Down, Mondo Enduro has no reason to piss anyone off.

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    Brown (the younger) focuses his attention on the racers of the Baja 1000 and the race's own family legacies — and the fact that even over generations the fabled desert race has not gotten any safer. Director: Dana Brown. Starring: Chad McQueen, Mario Andretti, Robby Gordon, Sal Fish. Premiered: 2005. Buy Now: Amazon.

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    On Any Sunday. Released: 1971. Starring: Bruce Brown, Steve McQueen, Mert Lawwill, Malcolm Smith & Paul Carruthers. The oldest of the documentaries in this Top 10, On Any Sunday is an American motorcycle sport documentary film. The director, Bruce Brown, looked to display the different personality traits and talents required to race in each ...

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  18. A Motorcycle Trip Documentary. Every Mile a Memory.

    A motorcycle trip documentary covering my 5000 mile motorcycle trip around the country. I wanted to share my thoughts and what I felt as I took my Harley Da...

  19. 30 Best Travel Documentaries & Series To Watch

    The BBC Planet Earth series is absolutely beautifully filmed and epic to watch. In each episode, they explore different parts of the planet, such as deserts, mountains, oceans, forests, etc. There are also other travel documentaries by the BBC, like The Blue Planet, Frozen Planet, and a lot more. Each one shows a different side of our planet.

  20. Motorcycle Travel Movies

    Redditors shared their opinions on various motorcycle-related movies and documentaries. Some of the popular recommendations include The Long Way Around, Akira, The original Mad Max film, The Great Escape, and Easy Rider.

  21. The Best Motorcycle Documentaries to Get You Through Canadian Winters

    Narrated by celebrity motorcyclist Ewan McGregor, this is the documentary on MotoGP. Filmed in 2001 and 2002, it was simply in the right place at the right time. Besides capturing the young and newly-dominant Valentino Rossi, Faster also highlights a particularly dangerous time in motorcycle racing. While littered with stunning action shots, Faster also takes the time to explore personalities.

  22. The 4 Best Travel Documentaries to Inspire Your Next Adventure

    This raw and engaging documentary series follows actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman as they embark on an epic motorcycle journey from London to New York, the long way round. Covering 31,000 kilometers and spanning over four continents, the adventure is a testament to the enduring spirit of travel and exploration.

  23. The Best Motorcycle TV Shows to Stream Right Now

    The CHiPs was a very popular show in the 70s and is now generally considered a classic. With timeless action, thrill, and comedy, it remains a favorite of trendy content viewers and vintage TV show lovers alike. CHiPs' - Theme Song (Intro) slide 7 to 9 of 4. 23L - Duo-tone Medium Motorcycle Messenger Bag Gray/Black.

  24. Best Travel Insurance for Seniors Guide

    Our top picks for the best senior travel insurance. Best overall: Allianz Travel Insurance. Best for expensive trips: John Hancock Travel Insurance. Best for exotic trips: World Nomads Travel ...