


ステイケーション 在住者限定料金あり





サムイ島/クラビ/ピピ島/ etc

スコータイ/チェンライ/パーイ etc

イサーン/ウドンタニ/チェンカーン etc

ホアヒン/サメット島/カオヤイ/カンチャナブリ etc

ホーチミン / ハノイ / ダナン

カトマンズ / ナガルコット / ポカラ

コロンボ / シギリヤ / アーユルヴェーダ





his tour thailand


Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration

バンコク モノレール🚄イエローライン🟨 タイ動画・Vlog一覧


タイ長期滞在・移住に VIPビザ

  • フライト運航状況 (日本行き)
  • タイ国内移動規制まとめ

New Arrival

<a href="/activities/peninsula-spa-60min/" target="_blank">『お得!なセットプラン』 ペニンシュラ・スパ60分&ヘルシー食事付き♪</a>


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タイ国内パッケージツアー/日帰りツアー/観光/送迎/入場券, let's go on a trip in thailand, タイ スパ・オプショナルツアー予約.

お得な特典が付いたタイ国内のホテル/リゾート プロモーション

5つ星ホテル の アフタヌーンティー や お部屋アップグレード 、ラグジュアリーなヴィラ リゾートでの夕食や スパマッサージ などなど、様々な特典が付いているお得プロモーション。 オンライン予約サイトでは取り扱っていない、H.I.S.タイランドだからできるホテルプロモーションを定期的に仕入しておりますので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。

his tour thailand

バンコク ホテル ステイケーション / タイ在住者限定特典盛り沢山

ホアヒン / カオヤイ / パタヤ / カンチャナブリ / サメット島 / チャーン島 / クッド島

プーケット / クラビ / サムイ島 / カオラック / カオソック

チェンマイ / チェンライ


プーケットやクラビのアイランドツアー、 アユタヤ寺院観光巡り、チェンマイ象乗りトレッキング などの日帰りツアー(オプショナルツアー ) をはじめ、バンコクでのスパマッサージやパタヤゴルフほか割引クーポンなど、タイ各都市の 現地発アクティビティを ご紹介。クルーズディナーや高級ホテルでの夕食券なども期間限定での大幅ディスカウントでご提供もございます。こちらもぜひチェックしてみてください。

his tour thailand




TAVIE タヴィ~世界中の旅好きな輝く女性に夢と癒し

クメール遺跡が点在しロマンを感じる イサーン 地方と、カンボジア国境の街へ。 催行日 限定でお得!


毎年大人気のコムローイ祭り2023 HISでは2つのコムロイ ツアーを販売いたします




H.I.S.タイランド採用情報 | スタッフ募集 旅を知ると旅が楽しくなる。

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  • カンペーンペット 旅行
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  • H.I.S.タイランド店舗
  • H.I.S.タイランド会員
  • 法人様 / パートナー様向け

Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration


HISコールセンター 09:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

メールでのご予約・お問い合わせ ご旅行のお日にちや人数など決定している場合は、ご記入ください。お知らせ頂ければ、空席(空室)状況と共にお見積り可能です。弊社担当者のほうでメッセージ内容の確認が済み次第、折り返しご連絡を差し上げております。もしお急ぎの場合は、直接お電話を頂けますと幸いでございます。 ※出発日、ご希望宿泊日から起算して5日前のご予約は状況により手配が難しい場合がございます。予めご了承くださいませ。

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Tour Themes

Set out on a Southeast Asian escapade, where every traveler finds their perfect theme. Dive into the heart-pounding adventures of jungle treks and water excursions, relax on pristine beaches under the sun, hop between bustling cityscapes rich in history and culture, and indulge in a culinary journey that tantalizes the taste buds. Explore ancient temples and historical wonders, craft unforgettable honeymoon memories in romantic settings, and discover the harmonious blend of multiple countries in one epic journey. Whether you seek the thrill of adventure, the serenity of nature, the richness of culture, or the flavors of diverse cuisines, Southeast Asia offers a kaleidoscope of experiences, ensuring your travel dreams come to life in every theme imaginable.

Adventure (1)

Beach getaway (3), city tours (9), culinary (4), cultural (3), historical (4), multi countries (2).

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Thailand Privilege

Thailand Privilege

HIS is a global company with headquarter in Japan and has more than 540 branches in 70 countries with 40 year experience in travel industry. Millions of tourists trust HIS every year and satisfied with highest quality of services we offer. HIS is an authorized General Sales and Services Agent (GSSA) of Thailand Privilege Membership Program. We believe that with our global network and expertise in travel industry we will offer the best customer service and support to those who are interested in Thailand Privilege Membership Program. Our team makes the application process quick and easy, whether you are in Thailand or abroad. We will manage the whole application process for you and provide first-class support at every stage until you get the visa in your passport.

his tour thailand

H.I.S. TOURS CO., LTD. (Thailand)

Company Information

Authorized / member organization.

HIS is an Authorized Thailand Privilege Agent

H.I.S. Co., Ltd. (Japan)

His websites.

H.I.S. Co., Ltd. (Parent company in Japan)

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• BTS (Payathai, On nut, Siam, National Stadium and Saladeang) • MRT Rama 9 station • Suvarnabhumi international airport • Department store (Amarin plaza and Gateway Eakamai) • Other branches in Thailand including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Sriracha and Pattaya.

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H.I.S. Tours Co., Ltd.

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THB 20,000,000


Number of Employees

222 people (Updated : January 31, 2013)

Head Office

246 Time Square Bldg., 11th floor. room no. 11-1 and 12th floor., Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok. Thailand 10110.

Accession and Approval Association

Tourism Authority of Thailand

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HIS TOURS CO., LTD. (Bangkok, Thailand): Hours, Address - Tripadvisor


  • バンコク・アユタヤ
  • HISのタイ旅行はここがスゴイ!




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his tour thailand


安心&快適 HISのタイ旅行はここがスゴイ!


夏休み出発もご用意!成田午前出発 往復直行便利用 バンコク4日間

59,800円〜149,000円 ※燃油サーチャージ込み


  • 嬉しい5つのポイント
  • タイの首都 バンコク おすすめのホテル
  • タイ最大のリゾート プーケットのおすすめホテル
  • 安心&快適 HISのタイ旅行はここがスゴイ!
  • 海外ツアー タイ・エアアジアで行く! バンコク4日間
  • 海外ツアー マレーシア航空で行く! プーケット6日間
  • 海外ホテル ロハスレジデンス [部屋タイプ] ロハスデラックス 5,640円〜 1室あたり
  • オプショナルツアー アユタヤ遺跡とバンパイン宮殿(往復車) THB1400(約4,700円)〜
  • 海外航空券 タイ・エアアジアX バンコク(ドンムアン空港)直行便 32,000円〜 燃油不要・諸税別


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バンコク(ドンムアン空港)直行便 ※燃油不要諸税別

タイ・エアアジアX利用: 41,000円〜



バンコク 航空券+ホテルの検索はこちら




往路午前発&復路深夜発 タイ・エアアジアXで行く!うれしい朝食付 アジアティークまで徒歩圏内!バンコクトンタラリバービュー ホテルに滞在 バンコク5日間


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往路のんびり午後出発!タイ・エアアジアXで行く!うれしい朝食付 地下鉄駅まで徒歩圏内!バンコクマンダリンホテル マネージド バイ センターポイントに滞在 バンコク4日間

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タイ・エアアジアXで行く!世界遺産アユタヤ&バンコク観光、名物料理を含む全6回の食事付 380室の客室を備えたホテル!センチュリーパークに滞在 バンコク&アユタヤ4日間


タイ北部に佇む歴史ある静かな古都。 可愛いアジア雑貨や山岳民族の村を訪ねてチェンマイの旅へ。

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チェンマイ 航空券+ホテルの検索はこちら


his tour thailand

往路昼発&復路夜発!タイ国際航空で行く ナイトバザールまで徒歩1分の全500室の大型ホテル ドゥアンタワンホテル チェンマイに滞在 チェンマイ5日間

往路昼発&復路夜発!タイ国際航空で行く 賑やかなニマンヘミン通りの近く ノボテル チェンマイ ニムマン ジャーニーハブに滞在 チェンマイ5日間

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タイ国際航空で行く 幻想的な世界が広がる感動のコムローイ上げ体験!バンコク&チェンマイ5日間



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プーケット行き航空券検索 -->

アジア・アトランティック・エアラインズ利用 プーケット直行 年末チャーター便 往路:12/30 復路:1/3日本着

エコノミークラス利用: 210,000円〜

ビジネスクラス利用: 340,000円〜


プーケット 航空券+ホテルの検索はこちら


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マレーシア航空で行く!うれしい朝食付!パトンビーチ中心部!時代を超越したエキゾチックなトロピカルリゾートの雰囲気を感じられるザ ロイヤル パラダイス ホテル&スパに滞在 プーケット6日間


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マレーシア航空で行く!うれしい朝食付 パトンの高台に位置するラグジュアリーホテル クレストリゾート&プールヴィラズに滞在 プーケット6日間

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マレーシア航空で行く!うれしい朝食付!美しいサンセットが望めるカマラビーチに位置する高級リゾート インターコンチネンタル プーケット リゾートに滞在 プーケット6日間


ココナッツ薫るリゾート、サムイ。 美しい海と自然に囲まれた、優しさに包まれるピースフルアイランド。

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サムイ 航空券+ホテルの検索はこちら


his tour thailand

羽田発シンガポール航空深夜便で行く!コンラッド・コ・サムイ(オーシャンビュープールヴィラ)に滞在! サムイ島5日間



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パタヤ 航空券+ホテルの検索はこちら


his tour thailand

往路午前発&復路深夜発 タイ・エアアジアXで行く!往路送迎付 パタヤビーチから徒歩1分!ムードホテルパタヤに滞在 パタヤ4日間

his tour thailand

往路午前発&復路深夜発 タイ・エアアジアXで行く!往路送迎付 ラグジュアリークラスホテル ホテルMASONに滞在 パタヤ4日間

his tour thailand

往路午前発&復路深夜発 タイ・エアアジアXで行く!往路送迎付 1泊目はパタヤビーチから徒歩1分!ムードホテルパタヤに滞在 バンコク&パタヤ5日間


  • おすすめホテル
  • オプショナルツアー
  • おすすめホテル・オプショナルツアー


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Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thaïland

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S̄wạs̄dī txn yĕn

"From the blissful beaches and magical mountains, to the fun-loving locals and unforgettable food, Thailand will hold a place in your heart long after you leave."

Travel Director

Practice your skills at a traditional Thai cooking class

Discover the secrets of traditional Thai cooking in a teak wooden house surrounded by beautiful gardens and an organic farm in Chiang Mai. You’ll visit a market to sample some local delicacies, pick fresh herbs from the garden, then learn how to cook your own Thai food, including Northern Thai cuisine and classic Thai favorites.

Stroll through Pak Klong Talad market in Bangkok

Pak Klong Talad is one of the world’s most incredible flower markets, with flower species of every shape and color from all over Thailand. It’s open 24 hours and the busiest time is just after midnight, when trucks full of fresh flowers arrive and the florists begin trading to find the best bouquets for their stalls.

Meet a local monk and learn about Buddhism

Our Local Specialists will take you to Wat Suan Dok, a royal temple in Chiang Mai, where we'll meet a local Buddhist monk. It’s an incredible opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Buddhism and you’ll learn about the monk’s sacred traditions against the backdrop of the temple's striking golden chedi.

Join the locals for a graceful T'ai Chi practice

Live like a local and rise early for a peaceful T’ai Chi session in Lumpini Park. The park is a green haven with shaded lawns to practice the ancient art of T’ai Chi, and it’s a great way to ease into your day and the bustle of Bangkok.

Relax at the beachfront in Phuket

With long stretches of powdery white sands and turquoise waters, the beaches of Phuket are one of the most beautiful sights in Thailand. Relax under palm trees, go swimming or kayaking on the ocean, or dive below the water to discover brilliant sea life in protected marine parks.

Our top 5 things to do in Thailand

Our Thailand vacation packages will reveal every side of Thailand, from the Buddhist temples of Chiang Mai to the glittering beaches of Phuket.

Grand Palace

The Grand Palace is one of the most iconic sights in Bangkok and we’ll take you on a journey through this dazzling complex. See the impressive Royal Reception Halls and the revered Emerald Buddha, a Buddha image carved from a single block of jade, dating back to the 14th century.

Jim Thompson House

Located in Bangkok, the Jim Thompson House is the former home of James Thompson, an American businessman and architect. He dedicated his life to the revival of Thai silk and designed the house in 1958, with six traditional Thai-styled houses to showcase his large art collection of Thai paintings and historical Buddhist statues.

Wat Doi Suthep

Perched at the top of Doi Suthep mountain at an elevation of 3,520 feet, Wat Doi Suthep is one of the most sacred Buddhist sites in Thailand. We’ll take you up the 309 steps to find glittering shrines and statues, the holy gold plated chedi, and a sweeping view over the city of Chiang Mai.

Best museums in Thailand

Our guided trips to Thailand take you the country’s most incredible museums, from the former house of a Thai silk trader, to a sacred golden temple at the top of a mountain.

A delicious stir-fried noodle dish, Pad Thai is one of the most classic foods found in Thai street stalls. It’s a combination of egg, fish sauce, tamarind, and your choice of chicken, tofu and prawns. Top with bean sprouts and peanuts for crunch and chilli and lime juice for a zesty kick.

The most famous salad in Thailand, Som Tam is a fiery dish of shredded green papaya, tomatoes and green beans. The vegetables are mixed with fish sauce, lime juice, palm sugar and a healthy dose of chilli, and you can tailor the dish to your taste for extra sweetness or spiciness.

Green Curry

You’ll find the beloved green curry all over Thailand and our Local Specialists will show you the best spots to try this spicy coconut milk curry. Green chillies give the curry its color, and it’s filled with beans, Thai aubergines, the meat of your choice and served with steamed rice.

Best food in Thailand

The Thai cuisine is one of the best parts of a trip to Thailand and our Thai vacation packages will show you all the best places to try these beloved dishes.

What to pack for Thailand

People packing for a tour

Adaptor plug

In Thailand the standard voltage is 220 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type A, B, C, F and O. The standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Reef-safe sunscreen & insect repellent

Protect yourself from the harsh Thai sun with SPF 30 or higher and protect the coral reefs with reef-safe sunscreen. You’ll also need to pack plenty of DEET insect repellent.

In Thai culture, it’s required to remove your shoes before entering houses, temples and some shops and restaurants. Bring a comfortable pair of sandals so you can easily slip them off all day.

With plenty of islands ringed with golden shorelines and turquoise waters, you’ll definitely need a swimsuit for snorkelling, diving and blissful beach days in Thailand.

Thai phrasebook

The Thai language is unique to the country, and you’ll gain plenty of smiles and appreciation from the locals if you attempt to learn a few phrases.

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APRIL SALE:   Book now and get   up to 60% off!

Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Thailand

Find the right fully guided tour for you in Thailand. There are 262 trips to choose from, that range from one day in length, up to 27 days. The month with the most departures is November, making it the most popular time to visit Thailand.

250+ Fully Guided tour packages in Thailand with 11,348 reviews

Southern Thailand Sojourn: Nightlife & National Parks Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Southern Thailand Sojourn: Nightlife & National Parks

Would highly recommend this tour! Our CEO was amazing!

Bangkok to Chiang Mai Express Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Bangkok to Chiang Mai Express

wonderful guide (sammat ) really appreciated his knowledge and he was so humbly friendly and kept us entertained and full of laughter . super thankful and blessed to been part of a rad travel guide 5 STARS

Thai Island Hopper West (Standard, 8 Days) Tour

  • Island Hopping
  • Sightseeing

Thai Island Hopper West (Standard, 8 Days)

I did the Total Thailand with Rhi and she is honestly one of the coolest chicks I've ever met! Super down to earth, easy going, super professional and knowledgeable, always sorted things out and not to mention one of the FUNNIEST people ever! She wasn't just our tour manager but she became close friends with the whole group and always made time to speak with everyone on tour. I would absolutely recommend Rhi to anyone, miss her already!
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Northern Thailand Adventure Tour

Northern Thailand Adventure

Insane experience. Recomand

Thai Experience Tour

Thai Experience

Just finished the Thai Experience tour with Dan. Best experience of my life! Dan brought so much energy and enthusiasm with all things Thai, providing all his fun facts and sharing all his knowledge with us. He ensured we were all up to date with our plans for the day and was always checking in to make sure we were all enjoying ourselves. Could not have asked for a better leader! Accommodation was amazing!!! Floating bungalows were like you were on a different planet, surrounded by such beauty and ending the tour meeting the elephants was magical. To name a couple of highlights… the whole tour was a highlight! Highly recommend Thai Experience to everyone and if you can get Dan as your leader, you are winning!

Thailand Island Hopper Tour

Thailand Island Hopper

Peanut, our tour guide made this trip a once in a lifetime for me! Thailand was so beautiful and we had a great time!

Explore Northern Thailand Tour

Explore Northern Thailand

Great homestay, postcard scenery, terrific food and awesome experience. Recommend New Years as the time to travel.

South to North - 15 days Tour

South to North - 15 days

Hi there travelers! Are you thinking of going to to Thailand with feelfree? Stop thinking and start booking! I was quite nervous to spend 2 weeks in a foreign country with strangers, but from day 1 we all became friends. Thailand is an amazing country and feelfree is an amazing travel company. Everyday we visited beautiful places and did extraordinary activities. Our guide Jonny was so passionate and caring. Together with Jamie they made sure we all had the time of our lives! Highly recommend!

Thai Intro 18 Day Tour

Thai Intro 18 Day

I’ve just finished the 18 day Intro Thailand tour with Dan Woodward and Joe as group leaders. Can easily say it was the most amazing experience, meeting some incredible people and I loved every second of it. It was so well organised and really didn’t have to worry about anything with all transport between places and accomodation organised so could enjoy visiting all these beautiful places. Dan (and Joe) were both amazing leaders and bought so much energy and knowledge whilst supportive with any queries or problems that arose including onward travel. Truly can’t recommend it enough and already plan on doing further intro tours.

Thailand Island Hopper - 9 days Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Thailand Island Hopper - 9 days

Feel Free is the best! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience with Feel Free. Jamie and Jonny were top of the line group leaders and helped create a group culture that built lasting friendships. The places we explored in Thailand and excursions we took part in have quickly become some of my favorite memories and I’m so thankful I chose to travel with Feel Free! I love my group and hope to be back so soon! -Sam

Highlights of Thailand Tour

Highlights of Thailand

Ae was phenomenal. She was so friendly and knowledgeable and very patient with some of the more high maintenance tourists. The trip was an enlightening and magical experience that is will not soon forget. Every activity was enjoyable but I think more time in Chiang Mai would have been good.

Treasure of Thailand in 9 days 8 nights Tour

Treasure of Thailand in 9 days 8 nights

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Fantastic Circle of Thailand Tour - 10 Days Tour

Fantastic Circle of Thailand Tour - 10 Days

Excellent arrangement by the tour agency. Pleasant and courteous service. Hotels were nice, clean, and conveniently located. Great value for money. Will definitely come back to revisit Southeast Asia with Legend Travel Group and TourRadar. Thanks, Tony Bui.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Highlights of Bangkok, Phuket 5 Days Tour

Highlights of Bangkok, Phuket 5 Days

Very friendly and knowledgeable guides. Very content with this tour.

Charming Thailand (4 Star Hotels) Tour

Charming Thailand (4 Star Hotels)

Guide was great, accommodations as well. Too much time in a bus, even with the stops, i would have prefered to fly from Bangkok to Chiang Mai , have more time to spend in local markets etc. Hellfire pass ans museum are redundant in term of content, hell fire pass is more interesting. Maybe skip a few temples to allow time to enjoy the city…
  • €150 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Thailand

The trip was amazing, the CEO (papa chai) mad the trip smooth… and met some amazing people and had wonderful time altogether… definitely returning back
This trip gives a well paced overview of central North Thailand. G Adventure organized the trip well and their travel manager Sek was amazing.
This tour was unforgettable. Met some great people and visited great places. The islands visited were amazing and the nights out were good fun. Angus was a great tour guide who was very helpful aswell as making the trip more fun for all of us. Definitely recommend!!

Regions in Thailand

  • Northern Thailand (84)
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  • เวลาทำการ : จันทร์-ศุกร์ 09.30 น.- 18.00 น. หยุดเสาร์ อาทิตย์ และวันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์


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Eric Nam announces ‘There And Back Again’ Asia tour stopping in the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and more

The Korean-American songwriter will also perform in Taiwan and South Korea this November

Eric Nam

Korean-American singer-songwriter Eric Nam has announced Asia dates of his ‘There And Back Again’ world tour – find the full list of dates and venues below.

  • READ MORE: Eric Nam on his reinvention: “It’s an approach to music that I’ve wanted to take for a long time”

Today (August 24) Nam announced concerts in five cities across Asia on his tour, which be his first visit to the region since 2020. So far, the tour will take place in November and stop in the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea, as well as a stop in Thailand for the River Festival in Kanchanaburi this November 12.

Nam’s Singapore concert will take place on November 14 at the Gateway Theatre. Tickets will go on sale this September 8 at 11am local time via Ticketmaster , starting at SGD98. A SGD278 VIP package will also be available that offers a meet and greet with Nam, an autographed poster and a premium ticket.

The concert in the Philippines is set to be held on November 10 at the Samsung Hall – SM Aura Premier. Tickets will go on sale this September 8 at 10am local time via the singer’s website , though ticket prices have not been released yet.

Ticketing details for Nam’s other Southeast Asia tour dates at Taiwan’s Legacy Taipei and YES24 Live Hall in Seoul, Korea have yet to be released.

Nam’s tour comes in support of his sophomore album of the same title , which was released earlier this year on January 7 alongside a music video for the album cut ‘Lost On Me’. The seven-track record was Nam’s first as an independent artist and also featured his 2021 singles ‘I Don’t Know You Anymore’ and ‘Any Other Way’.

The singer is about to conclude his 51-date headline ‘There And Back Again’ North American tour with performances in Honolulu, Hawaii this September 1 and 2. Nam will then head to Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the UK to continue his tour.


It was recently reported that Nam will make his acting debut  in the psychological thriller movie  Transplant . Nam  pushed his tour dates in Australia and New Zealand from July to September due to the movie, which has not yet been given a release date.

Transplant will also star actors Bill Camp ( The Queen’s Gambit ), Michelle Okkyung Lee ( Strangers’ Reunion ), April Grace ( Whiplash ) and Adam Arkin ( A Serious Man ), and has reportedly finished production.

Eric Nam’s ‘There And Back Again’ Asia tour dates 2022 so far are:

NOVEMBER Thursday 10 – Samsung Hall, Manila, the Philippines Saturday 12 – River Festival, Kanchanaburi, Thailand Monday 14 – Gateway Theatre, Singapore Wednesday 16 – Legacy Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan Sunday 20 – Yes24 Live Hall, Seoul, Korea

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An American expat who retired at 53 said he got 3 things right on his decades-long FIRE journey

  • Todd Miller retired at 53 because he did not want his life to be defined by his career.
  • To ensure post-work fulfillment, he recommends people "retire to, and not from, something."
  • He has published a book and travels around the world from his Thailand home.

Insider Today

Todd Miller was 27 and working in entertainment management when he sketched out his first life plan.

"I didn't have the vocabulary back then of 'financial independence,' but I said I wanted optionality, " Miller told Business Insider. "I wanted the ability to live and work on my own terms."

He picked age 50 to retire — what the personal finance industry now calls FIRE , which stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. He would have about 25 more years to build a career and still have time in retirement to work on his passions.

Over the next two and a half decades, Miller lived in various US cities and in Singapore and Hong Kong, working in leadership at media and entertainment companies.

As he approached age 50, he said he found himself thinking that "the only reason to continue working was to buy a bigger house or a longer boat. But that's not going to move the needle in terms of what I want out of life."

In 2019, just three years after the initial age target he had set for himself, Miller took the plunge and retired at 53.

Today, he is four years into retirement and living in Phuket, Thailand. He told BI that three things help ensure he does not regret his decision even for a "nanosecond."

1. Waiting until it felt right

While Miller said he was financially ready to retire at 50, he didn ' t feel emotionally or psychologically prepared to leave the workforce. As an American expat, there were practical concerns, too.

Miller and his partner were living in Hong Kong at the time. He did not want to retire there, but moving away would have disrupted their then-middle school son's education. So he waited.

In 2019, when the city faced a wave of political protests, he knew their time in Hong Kong was up. His son had also just started attending boarding school in the US.

Professionally, he realized his job brought him a "diminishing" amount of satisfaction, and he preferred to focus on his hobbies. It was time to retire.

2. Ensuring financial stability through passive income

Many people in the early retirement community quit the movement because of financial hiccups.

Some are hit with unplanned expenses or feel financial stress because of languishing investments. Others experience income fluctuation and find that they have essentially replaced one type of stress with another.

Nearly all of them struggle with calculating how long they will live and how much they need to save — making sure they won't outlive their money.

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Miller saw the calculation differently.

Traditional FIRE calculations suggest that early retirees should estimate what they need to retire by tallying their yearly expenses in retirement and multiplying that number by 25. Instead of calculating a sum of money that depletes with time, Miller focused on annual cash flow that would fund his lifestyle.

"How much income am I going to generate after taxes without having to do anything to earn that money? That's the number that I care about," he said.

Miller's income streams are 100% passive, which means they require little to none of his time to manage. He said most generate recurring and predictable income either monthly or quarterly.

A significant chunk of his portfolio is parked in tax-advantaged assets, such as real estate and government bonds.

Here's how he breaks down his portfolio: 1. Real estate, such as owning single-family homes in the US: 50%

Liquid investments, including municipal bonds, income funds, Treasury bills, and money market funds: 40%

Private equity and private credit investments: 10%

Miller calls himself a Fat FIREe, a term used to describe those who retire without sacrificing their lifestyle post-retirement.

His passive income now funds the family's lifestyle in Phuket, Thailand, where they live. He said they budget over $100,000 annually for trips, and they spend two-thirds of their time traveling.

Their son attends college in the US. While they pay for his travel and expenses out of their passive income earnings, his tuition is almost fully funded by a 529 college savings plan that Miller set up while he was working.

3. Filling his days mindfully

Some FIRE devotees return to work because they don't have enough money, while others miss the camaraderie , or feel like they've checked off all their retirement plans.

Miller knew he would have to be intentional about his retirement.

"It is important to retire to something, and not from something," he said. "Unless there's a reason to get out of bed in the morning, retirement may be an unfulfilling experience."

He gave himself two goals: Write a self-help book and travel.

Since retiring in 2019, he has published his book and traveled around the world. In the last year, he completed a primate trekking trip in east Africa, cycled from Cambodia to Vietnam, and went on a Pacific island-hopping tour.

He and his partner plan six to eight trips a year. This year, they have booked trips to visit countries across Europe, have planned a holiday in the US and Canada, and are going to watch the Olympics in Paris.

He also fills his time with passion projects. Miller writes a travel column for a Phuket publication and said he raises funds for children's organizations in Uganda and Cambodia.

Are you part of the FIRE community in Asia or Europe? If you've got a story to share, get in touch with this reporter: [email protected]

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‘Conan O’Brien Must Go’ Is a Keeper: TV Review

Legendary talk show host and hot wing evangelist returns to television with hilarious new Max travel show

By Stephen Rodrick

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Conan O'Brien tries Thai boxing with predictable results.

The key to understanding Conan O’Brien’s comedy is knowing that it comes from a point of kindness. Yes, I know in this age of comics punching down , this kind of compliment may leave you with a neon “Must Avoid!” sign flashing in your bleary eyes — but stay with me.

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Conan’s three-decade run as a talk show host ended in 2021 under less-than-optimal circumstances , as he wound down his TBS show during the pandemic year. He talked to longtime sidekick Andy Richter , who sat among dozens of cardboard cutout fans. O’Brien quipped that they were last in line for the vaccine because the CDC had looked at the shows and “they said ours is the least essential of pretty much all the non-essential shows.”

There was some truth in that, but Conan had already started his move to other outlets , starting with his “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast in 2018.

The podcast is funny and sweet, especially the pre-interview segments with longtime associate Sona Movsesian and producer Matt Gourley. Conan mocks Sona’s legendarily bad work habits. and Gourley’s flea market predilections, but any kind of comedic acid is reserved for the self-lacerating O’Brien. (On a recent episode, Conan runs down his own looks, and it is cruel and hilarious, but part of me is thinking, “Dude, cut yourself a break.”). The only time things get contentious is when Conan visited by longtime friend Kevin Nealon — perhaps the podcast’s best episodes.

The podcast had an offshoot called “Conan O’Brien Needs a Fan,” on which O’Brien would talk to a fan, often in a faraway land. That led to O’Brien traveling to Norway, Thailand, Ireland and Argentina to meet them. Why? Well, a dour and ominous narrator, aka Werner Herzog, offered this rationale at the beginning of each episode: “Once a proud talk show host, he’s been driven by a changing ecosystem to a drier and harsher climate: the weekly podcast. Here , without the nourishment of his studio audience, this clown with dull , tiny eyes, the eye of a crudely painted doll , is forced to feed on that meagerest of morsels: the random call-in fan. Unhinged by the feral scent of their mild enthusiasm. He scavenges in distant lands uninvited, fueled by a bottomless hunger for recognition , and the occasional selfie.”

It’s a self-deprecating bit, but it’s also the truth. Conan has been doing travel shows for years, most notably one to Movsesian’s native Armenia , as well as a chaotic trip to Finland where O’Brien is treated as a god because of his physical resemblance to the Finnish president who happens to be a woman. He clearly loves the journey. And he loves the comedy set piece–see his classic “Old Timey Baseball” opus — which has always been an essential part of his appeal.

The encounters work because O’Brien doesn’t treat his new friends as fools — rather , he revels in the fact that he is the fool. (See his instant-classic appearance on “Hot Ones,” the show where interviews are conducted while the celebrity consumes increasingly acidic chicken wings. Conan rhapsodizes on comedy being all around us as green-yellow mucus drips down his nose.) Of course, there are exceptions made for old friends. Conan goes out for asada in Buenos Aires with the effete and erudite Jordan Schlansky, a longtime producer and frenemy. Schlansky and Conan are the Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon of American cable , and on his TBS show and podcast the two have tangled over Japanese customs, Conan hosting Schlansky’s bachelor party in his own office, and Schlansky hiding an expensive Espresso machine in an inaccessible part of their offices. (As with the Courtney Thorne-Smith segment, Conan’s visceral malice toward Schlansky works because it is so out-of-character).

During the Argentina episode, they get into a fierce argument about the proper pronunciation of the word “tango,” Conan then licks Schlansky’s favorite cut of meat — wait, that came out wrong. After, they go on an ill-fated trip to the Pampas, where both fail spectacularly at gaucho life.

Not everything works. O’Brien does a self-referential bit about the expensive drone he is using on the first show , and for the next four episodes I am distracted every time I see a beautiful shot thinking about the drone’s specifications and capabilities. Some of the stuff goes on a bit long, but so does my writing.

These are minor quibbles. If you’re a Conan fan, you’ll treasure the trips, just like his completists treasure encounters with a masturbating bear. The series ends with Conan tracing his family’s roots in Ireland. He comes across his ancestor’s land, makes a few jokes, but then looks at the land, clearly moved. Conan O’Brien has played the fool long enough; we grant him this moment of humanity with all our hearts.

All four episodes of “Conan O’Brien Must Go” are now available on Max.

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