The 15 Best Star Trek Books Ever Written

Picard reads on Risa

Like all our favorite franchises, "Star Trek" is a multimedia phenomenon. Today's kids grow up in a world full of TV series, movies, comics, games, and, of course, tie-in novels. "Star Trek" novels are notable because they're non-canon by default, and that's allowed their writers to go ham while exploring strange new worlds. Some of these earliest tie-in writers went on to become science fiction titans, and sometimes those titans like to return for more Trekkie fun.

"Trek" books are also a unique part of the fandom experience. "Star Trek: The New Voyages" was a licensed, two-book anthology, printed in the late '70s and curated from fanfiction. Wilder still, in 1985, writer Della Van Hise saw her "Star Trek" novel "Killing Time" published and recalled for an edited reprint as longtime fans realized their beloved slash fiction pairing of Kirk and Spock was no longer hiding in the shadows. It's a goofy testament to how fans helped "Star Trek" thrive in the first place, and today, these tie-in novels are still great comfort food. These are 15 of the best that I've found, read, and loved over the years.

A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson

Garak with a flower

Elim Garak isn't special to "Star Trek" fans alone. He's also part of actor  Andrew Robinson in a unique way. The charming-yet-wily Cardassian tailor (and spy) called Deep Space Nine his home, but Garak's too big a personality to be contained by its steel corridors (or with a word from Dr. Bashir, his unlikely best friend.) Robinson grew him that way from the start, creating an in-character diary to guide him through Garak's behavior. Garak's diary, however, took on a life of its own as Robinson made readings from it part of his convention appearances. Eventually, Robinson was coaxed into turning it into a novel.

"A Stitch in Time" is epistolary, presented as a series of letters sent by Garak to Dr. Bashir in the wake of the Dominion War. Contained within are fragments of Garak's childhood, memories of a long-ago love, and preparations for the future. The greatest compliment I can offer is that every word drips with Robinson's genteel drawl. No one else could have written this novel, and it's the perfect love letter from an actor to the character he brought to life.

Imzadi by Peter David

Troi and Riker, young and old

"Imzadi" was rereleased in 2003, packaged with its sequel and listed as "Imzadi Forever." By all accounts, the follow-up is a fine tale, but I haven't read it. My recommendation is for the original 1992 release, which I eagerly bought in hardcover. Like another upcoming Peter David selection, "Imzadi" has a complicated timeline, but the emotional thread and David's clean prose make the plot easy to follow.

The word "imzadi" is first used in "Encounter at Farpoint," telepathically sent to Riker by Troi. However, it's author Peter David who expands on the power of the Betazed term for "beloved." The word refers not to a teen's first love but to something richer and deeper. The novel explores Riker's and Troi's early relationship through the lens of a distant, alternate future in which Troi is dead, and Riker is a bitter old cuss. Obviously, nobody wants a future like this one, but the Guardian of Forever, that magical archway from classic "Star Trek," has our backs. The return of this sentient space rock is always a selling point, but the story also has all the political twists and turns a Trekkie could want.

How Much for Just the Planet? by John M. Ford

A dandy stands between Kirk and a Klingon

John M. Ford was one of the best, most underrated writers of the modern era. Until recently, almost all of his work had fallen out of print with his death in 2006. Most of his catalog is still pretty hard to find and requires trawling used bookstores with an eye for treasure. Unfortunately, that includes 1987's "How Much for Just the Planet?" It's Ford's second "Star Trek" novel, and it's a "Dr. Strangelove" -style artifact of perfect absurdity.

"How Much for Just the Planet?" is a surreal sci-fi mélange: Take the crew of the Enterprise, pit them against opportunistic Klingons, and add a previously undiscovered planet full of untouched dilithium. Then, mix in a troupe of truly incomprehensible, goofball aliens, slap everybody in a hotel (with a golf course — it's a plot point), and make them play in a "Squid Game"-style competition that focuses on heists and ballroom dancing instead of murder. The goal is friendship and having some good laughs along the way.

Spock Must Die! by James Blish

Two Spocks in psychedelic red

The first original "Star Trek" novel is still a good read and a great place to get some context for the ways "Trek" fiction has evolved. "Spock Must Die!" feels fresher than its 1970 print date in many places, but bear in mind, it plays with some "exotic sexuality" tropes regarding Spock. Yeah, he was definitely the unlikely sex symbol of original "Star Trek," but Blish's prose occasionally takes that to a funky place.

Otherwise, this book does introduce some neat concepts way before later "Star Trek" wore them out. The evil clone plot line is a groaner staple now, but Blish's novel twists it up with some unsettling fridge logic questions about how the transporter room could work with some mad science drive. From there, the science is pretty pulpy, but the high-stakes thrills leading up to the title drop — a Spock does have to die — make for a nice, cozy ride through an earlier science fiction era.

Q-Squared by Peter David

Trelane grins manically

Like most "Star Trek” tie-ins, "Q-Squared" isn't canon, but it's close enough to an assumed truth that fans have kind of adopted it anyway. It's a three-lane timeline pileup, and this time, it is a little confusing. It makes sense for there to be some confusion over what the hell is going on because this book brings in John de Lancie's omnipotent trickster, Q . And it's not a Q story unless everyone (including Picard) asks, "What the hell is going on?" at least once.

In this case, what the hell is going on is a tantrum thrown by a young Q whom "Trek" fans know as Trelane, the Squire of Gothos. A longtime "Star Trek" favorite, Trelane was a quirky, omnipotent brat that futzed around with Kirk and his buddies until his family pulled him in line at the end of the episode . David's novel draws on the fan-inspired retcon that this classic character is actually a Q ( a speculation John de Lancie also shares ) and ties it all together in a messy bow. It doesn't always make sense, especially the semi-metaphorical sword fight finale. Still, it's a great trip through the fringes of the Continuum.

Spock's World by Diane Duane

Spock on the cover of Spock's World

Author Diane Duane is a modern treasure. Her "Young Wizards" fantasy series remains one of the best ways to hook a kid on the dreams hidden inside books. Still writing and still a part of fandom today, she also wrote 1988's "Spock's World," one of the first and best books to dig into the social intricacies and history of Vulcan.

The framing narrative deals with a fledgling separatist movement working to pull Vulcan out of the Federation, and it provides a chance for Spock and his family to take the spotlight. It's a great political yarn, and it pulls on some threads from classic "Trek" episodes, most notably "Amok Time." However, the real meat here is the intricate world building with lingering glimpses of major moments in Vulcan history. It's a great reminder that what makes "Star Trek" so special are the worlds it explores. Although "Spock's World" is not canon, Duane's graceful creation continues to influence other "Star Trek" creators .

The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack

A grim Picard portrait

With the debut of every new "Star Trek" TV series, you can rest assured that a swath of new tie-in novels are in the works. Obviously, the tie-in tradition continued with "Picard." The first novel based on Jean-Luc's solo outing was published within a month of the show's premiere. "The Last Best Hope" is a prequel to " Picard ," and it does a solid job of fleshing out a number of connections that the first season didn't get a chance to work on.

Though a lot of the novel is devoted to Raffi , the troubled intelligence officer we grow to love on the show, it's the glimpses of Romulan culture that stand out. The religious order introduced in the show, the Qowat Milat , are in sharp focus here and help round out the childhood of Elnor , our orphaned Romulan Legolas. "The Last Best Hope" has another trait that may make it attractive to fans of the show: Until "Picard" contradicts it, this book is currently as close to actual canon as a "Star Trek" novel can be.

Star Trek: The Eugenics War by Greg Cox

Khan's chest is all natural.

It's easier to refer to this bulk recommendation as "The Khan Trilogy." The first two novels are formally titled "The Eugenics War: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh" ( volumes one and two , respectively), and the third is "To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh." The trilogy is two parts covert war thriller and one part survivalist nightmare. All together, it pieces together the complete life of one of the mightiest (and bare-chestiest) foes in "Star Trek" history .

"The Eugenics War" is a look inside the doomed effort to prevent that legendary conflict from ever happening. As mentioned in the classic episode "Space Seed," eugenicist science created a social schism the likes of which Marvel's Magneto barely dreamed of. The effort to stop Khan from dominating Earth fails, but infighting eventually drives the tyrant into exile. The events of "Space Seed" happen after the first two books, and the final novel sees Khan struggle to survive on Ceti Alpha V , the sandy death-world we discover in "The Wrath of Khan," surrounded by loyalists and scarce resources. Great stuff.

The Final Reflection by John M. Ford

Spock plays chess with a Klingon tactician

My prior John M. Ford recommendation may have the spotlight, but don't pass up "The Final Reflection" if you can find it. While not as richly built as Diane Duane's "Spock's World," Ford's book treats Klingons with such detail and complexity that it went on to affect later portrayals of the proud warrior race. It's a book that's occasionally lauded as a "Star Trek" novel that stands on its own as a great work of science fiction, which is a backhanded compliment that ignores the love and passion of "Trek" writers. Nevertheless, that is an accurate assessment here.

The focus of the book is on Klingon Captain Krenn, whose decades-long effort to prevent his own people from destroying the Federation remains a secret until he pens his own chronicle of events. During his career, Krenn flickers in and out of the lives of the characters we know, with special emphasis placed on his encounter with Spock as a child. There's some hefty focus on Klingon stratagems in the early part of the novel, which can be daunting for the reader, but the journey is worth it.

Fallen Heroes by Dafydd ab Hugh

Kira and Sisko in a close up portrait

"Fallen Heroes" is a sentimental choice. It's one of my gruesome comfort food books. Pairing the horrific invasion of DS9 with a time-shifted mystery, the novel puts Quark and Odo together as ad hoc detectives trying to stop the massacre of their friends from happening. It's not a perfect tale, and, coming back to it later, it misses some character tone due to how early in the show's airing it was published. Still, it's a good yarn from a time when we were starved for stories that put our best frenemies together.

Author Dafydd ab Hugh has a gift for crunchy, visceral action sequences, and that got him a pretty decent gig writing "Doom" tie-ins in the '90s. It's best to go in with the reminder that, according to the classic "Star Trek” fiction trope, our heroes will be alright by the end, but there's some gnarly road before this book gets there. "Fallen Heroes," like many older tie-in novels, is easily found used.

Q-In-Law by Peter David

Picard stands between Q and Lwaxana Troi

Peter David gets on this list three times because, along with his clean prose and keen understanding of the franchise, he also understands what a fan would kill to see. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to great recurring characters, and two fan favorites take the spotlight in "Q-In Law." The omnipotent Q is a guaranteed good time, but adding Deanna Troi's dramatic mother Lwaxana to the mix makes for a salty popcorn festival.

The premise is simple: Noticing that the Enterprise is ready to host a wedding, Q shows up with mischief on his mind. Lwaxana arrives for the diplomatic event, and Q picks up on the Betazed noble's talent for chaos. However, for once in his life, Q gets more than he bargained for when he flirts with Lwaxana. Somewhere in the mayhem, Worf notes the crew might as well sell tickets to watch it all fall apart. I recommend tracking down the audiobook . It's narrated by John de Lancie and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Q and Lwaxana themselves), and they happily go all in on the verbal sparring.

Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Portraits of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy

The Prime Directive is one of the few immutable tenets of the "Star Trek” universe. However, Starfleet General Order 1 is not without its flaws. To wit, no Starfleet command or crew is to interfere with the development of an alien society. It's a Cold War product that was designed by minds worried about escalation and accidental destruction. Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens' "Prime Directive," published in 1990, digs into what happens when that order is disobeyed.

In both the original series and the movies, Kirk and his crew rarely receive lasting consequences for their actions. This novel sets about dismantling that trope. Kirk, in charge of observing Talin IV, a world on the cusp of first contact, seems to accidentally violate the Prime Directive. Worse, his mistake devastates the developing Talin society. From Kirk to Uhura, the command crew of the Enterprise see their careers ended for their failure. The bulk of the novel is the long process of the crew (who have either resigned, been demoted to ensign, or court-martialed) seeking out what actually went wrong on Talin IV. The answers are complex, and the ethical questions are thought-provoking.

Sarek by A.C. Crispin

Sarek looking stoic

Author A.C. Crispin was a key figure in not only helping readers understand that tie-in novels shouldn't be dismissed as "amateur" content but also in protecting other writers from being scammed. Her talents as a writer provided light but intricate stories. "Sarek" (not to be confused with the phenomenal "Next Generation" episode of the same name ) is a rich look at one of "Star Trek's" most complicated figures .

"Sarek" is a political thriller tempered by Sarek's sometimes cold Vulcan discipline. A veiled threat from an unknown alien race aims to unbalance the core of the Federation. Balanced against these high stakes is the famed Vulcan ambassador's wife's illness. Amanda Grayson 's humanity helped both Sarek and Spock bridge their two worlds. However, her impending loss threatens to undo the peace father and son forged years ago. In the book, Amanda's journal provides empathetic glimpses inside Sarek's life. "Sarek" is a novel as crucial as "Spock's World" for fans of the iconic Vulcans.

Uhura's Song by Janet Kagan

Uhura singing and playing a Vulcan lyre

Uhura 's popularity was a big deal for television back when "Star Trek" first came on the air. Unfortunately, moments in which she took the lead were all too rare. By 1985, Uhura was still a supporting character on screen, but now, she had a couple of novels that gave her some more in-depth attention. "Uhura's Song" is the best and, frankly, the weirdest slice of fanfic-style glory to make it to the printed page.

Long ago, Uhura made friends with a woman named Sunfall of Ennien, a diplomat from the planet Eaiaou, whose love of dance and song outlived her when a deadly pandemic decimated her world. However, there's a clue in the songs Sunfall taught Uhura that might help end the pandemic before it wipes out the whole planet. This is where I have to warn you that this strange and lovely novel is basically "Warrior Cats” in space. Yes, the people of Eaiaou are cat people — with emphasis on the cat side of that equation. Shut up! It's awesome!

Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah

Data smiles lasciviously

This last pick is going to be a divisive one. Jean Lorrah 's "Metamorphosis" is a chunky book that lags in a few places, but it does two things well enough to get a sentimental recommendation: First, though non-canon, the book picks up after "Measure of a Man," the "Next Generation" episode that gave Data legal protection as a sentient lifeform and explores the ethical aftermath in a way that's catnip to me. Second, the novel makes the acerbic Dr. Pulaski somewhat likable and empathetic. Now, that's an achievement!

Although there's a handful of plot threads going on in this large, lumpy novel, the biggest one is Data's temporary tenure as what he's wanted to become all along — a fleshy human (with all that entails). As anyone who rolls out of bed to the symphony of their bones cracking could tell the android, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Still, he persists in a weird kind of hero's journey, and although everything is set back to baseline by the end, the trip is one of a kind.

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Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Book #1 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

The Entropy Effect - Book #2 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Entropy Effect

The Klingon Gambit - Book #3 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Klingon Gambit

The Covenant of the Crown - Book #4 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Covenant of the Crown

The Prometheus Design - Book #5 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Prometheus Design

The Abode of Life (Star Trek, No 6) - Book #6 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Abode of Life (Star Trek, No 6)

The Wrath of Khan - Book #7 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Wrath of Khan

Black Fire: A Star Trek Novel - Book #8 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Black Fire: A Star Trek Novel

Triangle - Book #9 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Web of the Romulans

Yesterday's Son - Book #11 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Yesterday's Son

Mutiny on the Enterprise - Book #12 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Mutiny on the Enterprise

The Wounded Sky - Book #13 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Wounded Sky

The Trellisane Confrontation (Star Trek, #14) - Book #14 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Trellisane Confrontation (Star Trek, #14)

Corona - Book #15 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Final Reflection

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - Book #17 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

My Enemy, My Ally - Book #18 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

My Enemy, My Ally

The Tears of the Singers (Star Trek: The Original Series #19) - Book #19 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Tears of the Singers (Star Trek: The Original Series #19)

The Vulcan Academy Murders - Book #20 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Vulcan Academy Murders

Uhura's Song - Book #21 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Uhura's Song

Shadow Lord (Star Trek, #22) - Book #22 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Shadow Lord (Star Trek, #22)

Ishmael (Star Trek, No 23) - Book #23 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Ishmael (Star Trek, No 23)

Killing Time - Book #24 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Killing Time

Dwellers in the Crucible - Book #25 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Dwellers in the Crucible

Pawns and Symbols (Star Trek, No 26) - Book #26 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Pawns and Symbols (Star Trek, No 26)

Mindshadow (Star Trek) - Book #27 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Mindshadow (Star Trek)

Crisis on Centaurus (Star Trek) - Book #28 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Crisis on Centaurus (Star Trek)

Dreadnought! (Star Trek, Book 29) - Book #29 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Dreadnought! (Star Trek, Book 29)

Demons - Book #30 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Battlestations! (Star Trek, No 31)

Chain of Attack (Star Trek, No 32) - Book #32 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Chain of Attack (Star Trek, No 32)

Deep Domain - Book #33 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Deep Domain

Dreams Of The Raven (Star Trek, #34) - Book #34 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Dreams Of The Raven (Star Trek, #34)

The Romulan Way - Book #35 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Romulan Way

How Much for Just the Planet? - Book #36 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

How Much for Just the Planet?

Bloodthirst - Book #37 of the Star Trek: The Original Series


The IDIC Epidemic - Book #38 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The IDIC Epidemic

Time for Yesterday - Book #39 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Time for Yesterday

Timetrap (Star Trek, No 40) - Book #40 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Timetrap (Star Trek, No 40)

The Three-Minute Universe - Book #41 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Three-Minute Universe

Memory Prime - Book #42 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Memory Prime

The Final Nexus - Book #43 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Final Nexus

Vulcan's Glory (Star Trek, No. 44) - Book #44 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Vulcan's Glory (Star Trek, No. 44)

Double, Double (Star Trek, No 45) - Book #45 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Double, Double (Star Trek, No 45)

The Cry of the Onlies (Star Trek #46) - Book #46 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Cry of the Onlies (Star Trek #46)

The Kobayashi Maru (Star Trek, Book 47) - Book #47 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Kobayashi Maru (Star Trek, Book 47)

Rules of Engagement - Book #48 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Rules of Engagement

Pandora Principle, The (Star Trek #49) - Book #49 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Pandora Principle, The (Star Trek #49)

Por Prescripcion Facultativa - Book #50 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Por Prescripcion Facultativa

Enemy Unseen - Book #51 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Enemy Unseen

Home is the Hunter (Star Trek, No 52) - Book #52 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Home is the Hunter (Star Trek, No 52)

Ghost Walker. STAR TREK. No.53 - Book #53 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Ghost Walker. STAR TREK. No.53

A Flag Full of Stars (Star Trek, Book 54) - Book #54 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

A Flag Full of Stars (Star Trek, Book 54)

Renegade (Star Trek, Book 55) - Book #55 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Renegade (Star Trek, Book 55)

Legacy (Star Trek, Book 56) - Book #56 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Legacy (Star Trek, Book 56)

The Rift (Star Trek, Book 57) - Book #57 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Rift (Star Trek, Book 57)

Faces of Fire (Star Trek, #58) - Book #58 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Faces of Fire (Star Trek, #58)

The Disinherited (Star Trek, Book 59) - Book #59 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Disinherited (Star Trek, Book 59)

Ice Trap (Star Trek, Book 60) - Book #60 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Ice Trap (Star Trek, Book 60)

Sanctuary - Book #61 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Death Count

Shell Game - Book #63 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Starship Trap

Windows on a Lost World - Book #65 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Windows on a Lost World

Star Trek: From the Depths - Book #66 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: From the Depths

The Great Starship Race (Star Trek, Book 67) - Book #67 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Great Starship Race (Star Trek, Book 67)

Firestorm (Star Trek, Book 68) - Book #68 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Firestorm (Star Trek, Book 68)

The Patrian Transgression (Star Trek, Book 69) - Book #69 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Patrian Transgression (Star Trek, Book 69)

Traitor Winds (Star Trek, Book 70) - Book #70 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Traitor Winds (Star Trek, Book 70)

Crossroad - Book #71 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Better Man

Recovery (Star Trek, Book 73) - Book #73 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Recovery (Star Trek, Book 73)

The Fearful Summons - Book #74 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Fearful Summons

First Frontier (Star Trek, Book 75) - Book #75 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

First Frontier (Star Trek, Book 75)

Captain's Daughter - Book #76 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Captain's Daughter

Twilight's End (Star Trek, Book 77) - Book #77 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Twilight's End (Star Trek, Book 77)

The Rings of Tautee - Book #78 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Rings of Tautee

First Strike - Book #79 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

First Strike

The Joy Machine - Book #80 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Joy Machine

Mudd in Your Eye - Book #81 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Mudd in Your Eye

Mind Meld - Book #82 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Heart of the Sun

Assignment: Eternity - Book #84 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Assignment: Eternity

Republic (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 1) - Book #85 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Republic (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 1)

Constitution (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 2) - Book #86 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Constitution (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 2)

Enterprise (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 3) - Book #87 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Enterprise (Star Trek: My Brother's Keeper, Book 3)

Across the Universe - Book #88 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Across the Universe

Wagon Train to the Stars - Book #89 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Wagon Train to the Stars

Belle Terre (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 2) - Book #90 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Belle Terre (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 2)

Rough Trails (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 3) - Book #91 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Rough Trails (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 3)

The Flaming Arrow - Book #92 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Flaming Arrow

Thin Air (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 5) - Book #93 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Thin Air (Star Trek: New Earth, Book 5)

Challenger - Book #94 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Swordhunt (Star Trek, #95)

Star Trek, Book 96: Honor Blade (Rihannsu, Book 4) - Book #96 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek, Book 96: Honor Blade (Rihannsu, Book 4)

In the Name of Honor (Star Trek, No 97) - Book #97 of the Star Trek: The Original Series

In the Name of Honor (Star Trek, No 97)

Die Anfänge - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Die Anfänge

Spock's World (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Spock's World (Star Trek)

Prime Directive - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Prime Directive

Federation (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Federation (Star Trek)

The Eugenics Wars Vol I:  The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Eugenics Wars Vol I: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek)

Sarek - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 2: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek, Giant Novel 16)

Star Trek Enterprise: The First Adventure - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek Enterprise: The First Adventure

The Lost Years - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Lost Years

The Voyage Home - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Voyage Home

Vulcan's Forge - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Vulcan's Forge

Strangers from the Sky (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Strangers from the Sky (Star Trek)

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Vulcan's Heart - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Vulcan's Heart

Spock: The Fire and the Rose - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Spock: The Fire and the Rose

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Best Destiny (Star Trek, Giant Novel 8) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Best Destiny (Star Trek, Giant Novel 8)

Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering

From History's Shadow - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

From History's Shadow

Star Trek Final Frontier (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek Final Frontier (Star Trek)

Probe (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Probe (Star Trek)

No Time Like the Past - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

No Time Like the Past

Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows (Star Trek)

The Children of Kings - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Children of Kings

Exodus - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek)

Star Trek: Troublesome Minds - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: Troublesome Minds

Shadows on the Sun (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Shadows on the Sun (Star Trek)

Exiles (Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul, #2) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Exiles (Star Trek: Vulcan's Soul, #2)

The Empty Chair - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Empty Chair

Star Trek: Unspoken Truth - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: Unspoken Truth

Burning Dreams (Star Trek) - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

Burning Dreams (Star Trek)

The Latter Fire - Book  of the Star Trek: The Original Series

The Latter Fire

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star trek book 1970

Star Trek Books In Order

Publication order of star trek: tos adaptations books, publication order of star trek adventures books, publication order of star trek: the animated books, publication order of star trek wanderer books, publication order of star trek: odyssey books, publication order of star trek: the mirror universe trilogy books, publication order of star trek: totality books, publication order of star trek: new frontier books, publication order of star trek: starfleet corps of engineers books, publication order of star trek: enterprise: romulan war books, publication order of star trek: enterprise: rise of the federation books, publication order of star trek: enterprise episode novelizations books, publication order of star trek: enterprise books, publication order of star trek: stargazer books, publication order of star trek: the lost era books, publication order of star trek: vanguard books, publication order of star trek: invasion books, publication order of star trek: day of honor books, publication order of star trek: typhon pact books, publication order of star trek: the fall books, publication order of star trek: prey books, publication order of star trek: titan books, publication order of star trek: section 31 books, publication order of star trek: academy books, publication order of star trek: excelsior books, publication order of star trek: klingon empire books, publication order of star trek: the next: generation myriad universes books, publication order of star trek: seekers books, publication order of star trek: discovery books, publication order of star trek: picard: countdown graphic novels, publication order of star trek: picard books, publication order of star trek: tos (numbered) books.

Star Trek is a series of episodes initially divided into three seasons and produced by America based producer Gene Roddenberry which was an experiment of its own kind and later set the legend for many people. Star Trek is highly appraised by many people around the world for its futuristic thinking as per the time and era it was created in. There are huge crowds at its big conventions where people can meet their favorite stars and discuss episodes and theories with other people. The genre of science fiction got a new meaning through this show and the ideas used in each episode. While initially this show was not quite famous and accepted widely it stopped producing once CBS cancelled it in 1969 after which the show got quite famous through a process known as syndicate broadcasting where a channel can buy the original rights of a television show to broadcast it as per their timings. Soon it grew famous and remained a legacy throughout the 70’s becoming a huge hit and a cult classic with people known as trekkies devoted to each and every aspect of the show and having great knowledge about it. Such people regularly attend the meetings and events of Star Trek and maintain an amazing fan base for the series at all times.

Storyline of the books: The story of the episodes of the Star Trek book series originally released are adventures of the starship which travels through a part of the milky way galaxy and is known as the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). The crew members aboard the space ship are the leading captain of the crew James T. Kirk whose role is played by William Shatner who became quite famous for his acting through the show along with other cast once the show gained popularity. Other members of the crew are First officer and science officer Spock played by Leonard Nimoy and is often compared with the crew’s captain Kirk, another crew member is the chief medical officer Leonard McCoy who is played by DeForest Kelly.

The storyline of the show is based about the year 2260’s and the time is measured in startime in the series. The initial series got the name after its fame as Star Trek: The Original Series so that it always stands out amongst the massive fan along with media franchise. Captain Kirk often states the purpose of the series in the beginning of the episodes in the world renowned series by introducing the show as voyages of the Starship Enterprise and its mission for five years is to go on an exploratory mission on different planets in order to find and research them and seek out new life and civilizations primarily by going where no human has gone previously.

Creation of Star Trek: Gene Roddenberry, finished drafting a short plot for a series based on science fiction on March 11th 1964, which he referred to as Star Trek and was set aboard a spaceship on the 23rd century. While his influences to the idea of Star Trek as accepted by Roddenberry himself include the stories featuring spaceship Space Beagle written by A. E. van Vogt along with Marathon which is a series of stories written by Eric Brand Russell along with the film Forbidden Planet launched in 1956.

While the works of Roddenberry are one of their kind and imprinted in history people have been seen debating his television series similar to a television series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger launched in 1956 which has similar elements to that of Star Trek along with a few technologies displayed on the show as well. While Roddenberry accepts deriving elements for his show from the Horatio Hornblower novels which depict a daring sea captain who goes on a journey for a noble purpose and overcomes various feats using his authority and daring and Roddenberry sometimes refers Captain Kirk by referring to him as Horatio Hornblower in Space.

Roddenberry had a good share of experience in writing successfully crafted television series which depicted his fine artistic skills through their popularity in the decades following 1960 and 1950. Except Star Trek: Deep Space Nine all the later movies based on Star Trek are based around the idea originally used by Roddenberry in the original series which depicted each episode as having a separate storyline contained within a single episode through a different adventure. In short the script was drafted such that each episode is a new adventure of the ship at a new location while their main motive remains carrying on at a slower pace. Thus, any person can view an episode as each episode has its own different story and is quite independent of others.

Books published in Star Trek: James Blish was the first person to write Star Trek books through short stories for each episode into one book. He wrote total 11 books based on the three seasons of original Star Trek episodes. The books were quite famous once the show gained popularity and Bantam Books republished Blish’s books in three volumes one for each season. There was an acknowledgement stating that after Star Trek 7 or Star Trek 8 the credit for writing Star Trek novels goes to his wife and mother J. A. Lawrence who ghost wrote the books for him. A short story written by Blish’s wife known as Mudd’s Angels was published with the book. The Star Trek books were published from 1967 to 1975 based on rough initial drafts for the show and initially they were not referenced to the show since James Blish was based in United Kingdom and the show had not yet been aired there.

With time the fans have grown for the show and books and people and experts often state the phenomenon of Star Trek as ever growing with time and people are found in huge crowds at the premiering of new episodes, movies, comics, books, graphic novels etc. at the Star Trek conventions. There are new experiments done by a variety of writer and a number of franchised shows for Star Trek have been released along with books over time. Many of the Star Trek books and comics along with shows cover the original show in an enhanced or detailed manner there are also a vivid variety of cases where people have based the book on a show or with their unique inputs. Some famous fan or company based books have also become the plotline of famous Star Trek movies or stories while some comics and book series of star trek are genuinely famous for their writing style and regular updates. Many of these franchised books do not relate to the original series in many aspects along with the plotline and there is a huge variety to choose from.

What to Choose: While there are a number of options available to the readers beginning with the initial novels of Blish are the best idea as it gives the starting plot of the story thought by the creator at that point. There are also a huge number of famous and appraised novels created by fans and other companies along with a wide array of books which grow in number each week and many of these books are quite impressive.

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Star Trek Book Club

Star trek: reader’s reference novels 1970-1979.

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A fan of Star Trek since seeing her first episode “Devil in the Dark,” Alva Underwood has provided a wealth of information about that world as offered in the first twelve novels that appeared between 1970 and 1979. She has brought together, as much as possible, far-flung information from a variety of sources, providing complete documentation of sources and bibliography. Offered here are biographies of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Chapel and, of course, the Enterprise. Found within are tantalizing glimpses of the Romulans (originally Vulcan stock that chose to leave Vulcan), Klingons who hate and fear Kirk but find him utterly fascinating, and a greater variety of aliens than could be seen in the TV episodes. Did you know that Kirk enjoys romboid cakes served either with a dressing or jelly? Just how many Alices did Mudd create? That Kirk, Spock, and McCoy has had enough dalliances to have fathered a small town of offsprings? That quivas are cultivated on Vulcan? That NCC stands for Naval Construction Contract? This reference is a MUST for the serious reader of STAR TREK novels.

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Order of Books

Order of Star Trek Books

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The first Star Trek novels were direct novelizations of the original Star Trek episodes by James Blish, running from 1967-1978. Along with the various Star Trek novel series there have also been dozens of authors who have contributed to the franchise, including (but not limited to) Roddenberry himself, G. Harry Stine (as Lee Correy), A.C. Crispin, Diane Duane, J.M. Dillard, Vonda N. McIntyre, Michael Jan Friedman, Peter David, Diane Carey, David R. George III, Greg Cox and many others.

Below we have listed the various series not directly linked to any of the major Star Trek novel series (read more about those by clicking the various links on this page) and any crossover series that spans multiple Star Trek series, sorted by year of publication:

Publication Order of Star Trek: TOS Adaptations Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek Adventures Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: The Animated Books

Publication order of star trek wanderer books.

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Odyssey Books

Publication order of star trek: the mirror universe trilogy books, publication order of star trek: totality books.

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Publication Order of Star Trek: New Frontier Books

(by: peter david, josepha sherman).

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Starfleet Corps Of Engineers Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Enterprise: Romulan War Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Enterprise: Rise Of The Federation Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Enterprise Episode Novelizations Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Enterprise Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Stargazer Books

Get notified when Ilsa J. Bick releases a new book at .

Publication Order of Star Trek: The Lost Era Books

Publication order of star trek: vanguard books, publication order of star trek: invasion books, publication order of star trek: day of honor books, publication order of star trek: typhon pact books.

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Publication Order of Star Trek: The Fall Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Prey Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Klingon Empire Books

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Publication Order of Star Trek: The Next: Generation Myriad Universes Books

Publication order of star trek: seekers books, publication order of star trek: discovery books.

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Picard: Countdown Graphic Novels

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Publication Order of Star Trek: Picard Books

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3 Responses to “Order of Star Trek Books”

I just discovered Star Trek books. I’m particularly interested in those written by Peter David. Does anyone know where I can get a list of his Star Trek books and should they be read in order?

Good evening, looking at your order for the Titan Series, it seems to be missing Absent Enemies published in 2014

Thanks. The whole section needs an update.

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[REVIEW] “These Are the Voyages” Offers an Exhaustive Look at Star Trek in the ’70s

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It’s easy to argue that the most vital time in the history of the Star Trek franchise is the 1970s. As The Original Series was axed off air but sustained in the form of unprecedented fan interest, the future of Star Trek was simultaneously unsure and a sure thing. This chaotic time can be difficult to assess; one must delve into not only network drama, press coverage, and ratings information, but also consider the positions of Star Trek’s various key players at the time – namely, Gene Roddenberry , William Shatner , and Leonard Nimoy .

Study of this period is an enormous undertaking, but luckily for Star Trek fans, Marc Cushman was up for the task in his recent book, These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-1975) . 

This enormous publication, merely the first volume of Cushman’s study of the decade, is rife with information likely unknown to casual – and perhaps even hardcore – Star Trek fans. Volume 1 is a deep dive into the first five years of the 1970s, when TOS was the subject of spectacular fan interest, and when Gene Roddenberry’s, William Shatner’s, and Leonard Nimoy’s attention was often diverted on other projects. In this way, Cushman provides an excellent bird’s eye view of how and why interest in the franchise grew so exponentially, and what Star Trek players were doing while their cancelled low-budget, three-season sci-fi show was exploding all over the world.

"These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s" front cover

“These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s” front cover

Accompanying Cushman’s overview is a healthy collection of primary source documents, including hundreds of pictures related to Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, and various tangential projects. Cushman also provides countless press clippings showcasing behind the scenes info, ratings information, Star Trek press hype, or excerpts of how Star Trek actors were performing in other projects. Any historian will be satisfied with the amount of effort Cushman and his researchers did to help illuminate this time period.

1970-1975 was a time when Star Trek as a franchise was actually quite active. Cushman details the various comics and books that helped maintain fan interest, as well as the numerous now-famous grass-root conventions happening all over the country – a first for a franchise at that time. The Animated Series also gets a healthy episode-by-episode deep dive, as Cushman explains how the idea for such a show happened and why some resisted transforming Star Trek into a seemingly “kids show.” Learning about the animated history of Star Trek is more relevant than ever, as fans now are looking forward to two animated shows coming soon .

"These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s" back cover

“These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s” back cover

If there’s a critique to be had about Cushman’s exhaustive work, it’s that because he uses so many primary sources, the writing can feel disjointed at times. Working with so many documents and putting them into a flowing narrative is a tall order, as any historian could attest to. While Cushman does it fairly well most of the time, don’t be surprise if it is a bit jolting to, say, go from reading about Roddenberry’s non-Star Trek work, to reading about the airing schedule of Star Trek reruns. Although this is admittedly a small complaint leveled against an otherwise excellent repository of information.

If you are a Star Trek fan who either lived through this time and wants to learn more, or missed this decade and wants to go back and learn about the revival of Star Trek, These Are the Voyages is an excellent way to do that. Cushman’s attention to detail is astounding, and he does fans a great service by recounting not only the Star Trek-related happenings of these years, but also what the folks involved in Star Trek were doing at that time. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.

Final Rating : 9 out of 10.

You can order These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-1975)  and Cushman’s other Star Trek books on Amazon. 

star trek book 1970

Kyle Hadyniak has been a lifelong Star Trek fan, and isn't ashamed to admit that Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek: Nemesis are his favorite Star Trek movies. You can follow Kyle on Twitter @khady93 .

star trek book 1970

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Thanks for laying out the depth of material covered. I’m the book’s editor and your review is fair. To address the disparity of topics … Roddenberry himself lived a scattershot professional and personal existence in this time, jumping from speaking engagements to pitch sessions for unsold projects to scripting and producing others, and so on. The book which covers the rest of the 1970s through The Motion Picture is being worked on now. Stay Tuned!

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Published Mar 30, 2019

Remembering the 'The Best of Trek' Fanzine

The meticulous collections of articles and essays are yet another reminder that 'Star Trek' would be nothing without its fans.

Fanzine Image

Before the internet and social media – even before Dan Madsen ’s historic and important Communicator magazine and official fan club – Star Trek fans used fanzines, unofficial, fan-produced magazines, to communicate ideas and stories. One of the most influential of these fan magazines was Trek , published for two decades beginning with its first 1974 issue. Known for its quality articles and fan submissions, Trek was a place for debate, discussion, and exploration.

star trek book 1970

The quality of the writing was so good that beginning in 1978, the best articles from the fanzine were collected in book appropriately named, The Best of Trek . The 18 book series (published first by Signet and then ROC Books) remains a significant resource for charting the fan experiences of the 1970s to the 1990s. Additional to the regular books, there were four Best of The Best of Trek compilations.

The books were edited by Walter Irwin and Gordon “GB” Love, both sadly lost to us since. The pair were pioneers in the modern era of science-fiction fandom. In addition to creating the Science Fiction and Comics Association, for example, Love helped usher in the era of Star Trek conventions. Much of the credit for making Trek such a quality publication goes to Irwin and Love’s dedication, love, professionalism, and commitment to providing fans a voice in the science-fiction community.

Many of the book’s contributions dealt with alien cultures, especially the Vulcans. Delving into Vulcan language, familial relationships, politics, and history, these writings are certainly not cannon, yet they provide a clear picture of the affinity and creativity of fans for Mr. Spock and his heritage. More real-world experiences like Star Trek convention reports, which are fascinating to compare to today’s cons, contributions about how educators were beginning to use Star Trek in the classroom, and also making-of articles about everything from special effects to cinematography, also were a consideration. There were, of course, parodies of the TV shows and films included to add to the fun.

star trek book 1970

Of special note was the “ Trek Round Table,” where fans would write in, discussing and debating everything from story points to the newest films – a precursor to internet message boards and Facebook. The “ Star Trek Mysteries Solved” series was also fascinating, with fans submitting questions about inconsistencies between or within episodes, and these mysteries being solved and explained by Leslie Thompson, a frequent contributor. The published fan polls continue to give researchers today an idea of what fan favorites and feelings were during the past.

The Best of Trek books were never Pollyanna -ish. There were thought-provoking criticisms, sometimes proffered by the fan writers, that became especially important as Star Trek began to return during the late 1970s and early 1980s as films. The commentaries about the introduction of The Next Generation, and subsequent sequel shows are also worth reading for their historic value in detail. What was great about The Best of Trek was that even if a reader disagreed with the thesis of the piece they were reading, the work was still a worthwhile effort, with a reasoned argument nonetheless.

By reproducing the best articles in book form, Irwin and Love were able to bring these quality writings to a larger audience than the niche fanzine market. The role the books played in helping keep Star Trek in the public eye cannot be exaggerated. The articles that were reprinted in The Best of Trek series are a delight to read again, and are often available at online and brick-and-mortar used-book stores for today’s fans who wish to check them out.

star trek book 1970

Maria Jose and John Tenuto are both sociology professors at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, Illinois, specializing in popular culture and subculture studies. The Tenutos have conducted extensive research on the history of Star Trek , and have presented at venues such as Creation Conventions and the St. Louis Science Center. They have written for the official Star Trek Magazine and their extensive collection of Star Trek items has been featured in SFX Magazine . Their theory about the “20-Year Nostalgia Cycle” and research on Star Trek fans has been featured on WGN News, BBC Radio, and in the documentary The Force Among Us . They recently researched all known paperwork from the making of the classic episode " Space Seed " and are excited to be sharing some previously unreported information about Khan's first adventure with fellow fans. Contact the Tenutos at [email protected] or [email protected].

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Margaret Wander Bonanno is the bestselling author of Star Trek: Burning Dreams; Star Trek The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows, Star Trek: Dwellers in the Crucible and Star Trek: Strangers from the Sky, as well as two science fiction trilogies, The Others and Preternatural. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she now lives on the Left Coast.

star trek book 1970

Diane Duane was born in New York City -- a descendant of New York's first mayor -- and worked there as a psychiatric nurse before leaving the profession for the only one she loved better, the business of writing. Since the publication of her first novel in 1981, she's written fifty more, not to mention numerous short stories, comics, computer games and screenplays for TV and film, and has picked up the occasional award here and there. (She's also worked with Star Trek in more media than anyone else alive.)

Right now DD is probably best known for her "Young Wizards" series of young adult fantasy novels, featuring the New York-based teen wizards Kit Rodriguez and Nita Callahan. The series now enters its third decade with Nita's and Kit's newest adventure, GAMES WIZARDS PLAY, the tenth Young Wizards novel (published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in February 2016). Also new from DD in the Young Wizards universe are the interstitial collections INTERIM ERRANTRY (containing the 110,000-word YW novel LIFEBOATS), available at Amazon and from the author's ebook store, and INTERIM ERRANTRY 2: ON ORDEAL (at this time available only at Ebooks Direct).

DD shares a two hundred-year-old cottage in the Wicklow Mountains of Ireland with her husband, the Belfast-born novelist and screenwriter Peter Morwood, and various overworked computers... an odd but congenial environment for the staging of epic battles between good and evil and the leisurely pursuit of total galactic domination. (And a lot of ethnic cooking: her own favorite foods come from the cuisines of central Europe and the Mediterranean.) In her spare time DD gardens (weeding, mostly), studies German and Italian, chats with friends and fans on her Tumblr at, listens to shortwave and satellite radio, and dabbles in astronomy, computer graphics, iaido and amateur cartography... while also trying to figure out how to make more spare time.

Her favorite color is blue, her favorite food is a weird kind of Swiss scrambled-potato dish called maluns, she was born in a Year of the Dragon, and her sign is "Runway 24 Left, Hold For Clearance."

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New York Times Bestselling Author A. C. (Ann) Crispin's major original science fiction undertaking was her StarBridge series. These books, now available as Kindle ebooks and in audiobook editions from Audible, center around a school for young diplomats, translators and explorers, both alien and human, located on an asteroid far from Earth. There are seven StarBridge books: StarBridge, Silent Dances, Shadow World, Serpent's Gift, Silent Songs, Voices of Chaos, and Ancestor's World.

A. C. wrote prolifically in many different tie-in universes, and was a master at filling in the histories of beloved TV and movie characters. Over the years, she became the unofficial "Queen of Backstory." Ms. Crispin had a unique talent for writing dialog that captured the essence of those characters. She began publishing in 1983 with the Star Trek novel Yesterday's Son, written in her spare time while working for the US Census Bureau. Shortly thereafter, Tor Books commissioned her to write what is perhaps still her most widely read work, the 1984 novelization of the television miniseries, V, which sold more than a million copies. She went on to collaborate on two more books in the V series, East Coast Crisis with Howard Weinstein, and Death Tide with Deborah Marshall.

For Star Wars, she wrote the bestselling Han Solo Trilogy: The Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn, which tell the story of Han Solo from his early years right up to the moment he walks into the cantina in Star Wars: A New Hope. She wrote three other bestselling Star Trek novels: Time for Yesterday, The Eyes of the Beholders, and Sarek.

Crispin and science fiction Grand Master Andre Norton wrote two Witch World novels together, Gryphon's Eyrie and Songsmith, that are finally available as ebooks. Crispin and Andre Norton were friends for nearly 30 years. These two books showcase the best qualities of both writers and add intriguing details to the Witch World saga.

Ann's historical fantasy for young adults, TIME HORSE, is now available as an ebook for Kindle. It's the story of Danielle Tomasky, who is twelve years old and wants nothing in the world but a horse to ride. She finds a horse that turns out to be something extraordinary, and that takes her on a magnificent adventure back to a time that tests every one of Danni's equestrian skills to their limits.

star trek book 1970

Award-winning and eight-time New York Times bestselling author Christie Golden has written nearly fifty novels and several short stories in the fields of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Among her many projects are over a dozen Star Trek novels, a similar number for gaming giant Blizzard’s World of Warcraft and StarCraft novels, three books in the nine-book Star Wars series, Fate of the Jedi, which she co-wrote with Troy Denning and the late and greatly missed Aaron Allston, and the novelization of Star Wars: The Clone Wars unaired episodes, Dark Disciple, which many reviews and lists have cited as the best of the new canon novels.

2014 saw the publication of no fewer than four novels. They were the highly successful World of Warcraft novel, War Crimes; Blackbeard: The Lost Journal, a companion book to the video game “Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag”; a second Assassin’s Creed book, “Assassin’s Creed: Unity--Abstergo Employee Handbook” and The Accidental Knight, a novel set in the world of Cryptozoic’s online card game, HEX.

2015 saw only one book published, but it was a big one- her fourth Star Wars novel, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Dark Disciple, novel featuring the popular characters Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos.

In 2016, Golden revisited two favorite franchises with Warcraft: Durotan, the prequel novel to the movie, Warcraft, based on Blizzard’s games, as well as the official novelization of the film itself. November 15 sees her returning to the world of Assassin’s Creed with Assassin’s Creed: Heresy, in which she introduces high-ranking Templar Simon Hathaway, who explores history at the side of Joan of Arc. Her September short story “Promises to Keep,” in the anthology Fractures, in contrast, marks her first exploration into the world of Halo

Golden launched the TSR Ravenloft line in 1991 with her first novel, the highly successful Vampire of the Mists, which introduced elven vampire Jander Sunstar. To the best of her knowledge, she is the creator of the elven vampire archetype in fantasy fiction. Several original fantasy novels include On Fire’s Wings, In Stone’s Clasp and Under Sea’s Shadow, the first three in her multi-book fantasy series “The Final Dance”. She is delighted to see her first original novels, Instrument of Fate and In Stone’s Clasp, available in an entirely new format as online books nearly fifteen years after their original publication.

Prior to her job as prolific bestselling novelist, Golden attended the University of Virginia, where she won the Clay E. Delauney Award for Playwrighting. She worked at USA Today and served as an editor at Orbit Video Magazine and The Retired Officer Magazine. She also worked as a teacher with the Writer’s Digest School, and currently accepts clients for in-depth critiquing. You can find her at, on Facebook as Christie Golden, and on Twitter @ChristieGolden.

Born in Atlanta, Georgia with stints in Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, Tennessee, and Texas, Golden has returned to Virginia for a spell.

star trek book 1970

Christopher L. Bennett is a lifelong resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, with a B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in History from the University of Cincinnati. A fan of science and science fiction since age five, he has spent the past two decades selling original short fiction to magazines such as Analog Science Fiction and Fact (home of his "Hub" series of comedy adventures), BuzzyMag, and Galaxy's Edge. Since 2003, he has been one of Pocket Books' most prolific and popular authors of Star Trek tie-in fiction, including the epic Next Generation prequel The Buried Age, the Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations series, and the Star Trek: Enterprise -- Rise of the Federation series. He has also written two Marvel Comics novels, X-Men: Watchers on the Walls and Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder. His original novel Only Superhuman, perhaps the first hard science fiction superhero novel, was voted Library Journal's SF/Fantasy Debut of the Month for October 2012. Other tales in the same universe can be found in Among the Wild Cybers and the upcoming Arachne's Crime, both from eSpec Books. His Hub stories are available in two collections from Mystique Press.

Christopher's homepage, fiction annotations, and blog can be found at His Patreon page with original fiction and reviews is at, and his Facebook author page is at

star trek book 1970

Stephani Danelle Perry lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and two children. She writes horror/sci-fi/fantasy multi-media novelizations and tie-ins for love and money, dabbling in the universes of Star Trek, Aliens, AvP, and Resident Evil, among others. The Summer Man is her first original thriller.

star trek book 1970

James Swallow is a New York Times, Sunday Times and Amazon bestselling author, a British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) nominee, a former journalist and the award-winning writer of over sixty books, along with numerous scripts for video games, radio and television.

His Marc Dane novels are fast-paced action thrillers featuring a former MI6 field officer turned private security operative; NOMAD is the first in the series, published in the US by Forge. DARK HORIZON, his new stand-alone thriller, is out now from Welbeck; OUTLAW, the 6th Marc Dane novel, is published by Bonnier, and the 4th book in the series - SHADOW - is available in the USA from Forge.

My published fiction so far involves Star Trek, but I intend to branch out into general SF, and maybe fantasy, too, if I get the chance. My partner-in-crime is ex-Cincinnati resident Steve Mollmann, and together we’ve written one novella (Star Trek: S.C.E.: What’s Past #2: The Future Begins), two short stories (in Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Sky’s the Limit), and the forthcoming novel The Tears of Eridanus (in Myriad Universes: Shattered Light). Our first standalone, full-length novel comes out in August 2011, entitled Star Trek: A Choice of Catastrophes. You'll notice that the book titles are getting shorter. The next sale will probably not even involve any colons.

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If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve read one of my books or are considering doing so. Or, maybe you just clicked on a link by mistake while on your way to something more interesting.

Doesn’t matter. Welcome!

So…about me. Yeah…well, you see, it’s like this: Until recently, I was a software developer and analyst, having become a slave to Corporate America after spending eleven years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Why did I join the military? Pretty simple, really. I’d gotten tired of people telling me what to do all the time, and was looking for a change.

In truth, I joined for a handful of different reasons, from carrying on a family tradition to wanting a challenge unlike anything else I’d faced to that point to simpler stuff like just wanting to see the world. I’m proud of my time spent in uniform. I gave Uncle Sam eleven years, and he gave me a long list of skills and experiences that have continued to serve me to this day. I think I got the better end of that deal by a fairly wide margin.

In September 2014, I said goodbye to my day job and embarked on a bold new journey as a full-time writer.

Though I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, fate and circumstances have seen to it that my family and I now call Kansas City home.

star trek book 1970

David R. George III is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels, a novella, three novelettes, an introduction, and eighteen magazine articles. He also co-wrote the television story for a first-season "Star Trek: Voyager" episode, “Prime Factors.” The International Association of Media Tie-in Writers has nominated his work for a Scribe Award, and his television episode was nominated for a Sci-Fi Universe Award. You can learn more about David and contact him at his official website,

star trek book 1970

Tony Daniel is the author of five science fiction books, the latest of which is Guardian of Night, as well as an award-winning short story collection, The Robot's Twilight Companion. He is Hugo finalist for his story "Life on the Moon," which also won the Asimov's Reader's Choice Award. Daniel's short fiction has been much anthologized and has been collected in multiple year's best compilations. Daniel has also cowritten screenplays for SyFy Channel horror movies and during the early 2000s was the writer and director of numerous audio dramas for critically-acclaimed SCIFI.COM's Seeing Ear Theatre. Born in Alabama, he has lived in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Seattle, Prague, and New York City. Daniel is currently an editor at Baen Books. He is married and has two children.

star trek book 1970

Jeffrey J. Mariotte is the bestselling, multiple-award-winning author of more than sixty novels, including the CODY CAVANAUGH classic Western series, the historical Western crime epic BLOOD AND GOLD: THE LEGEND OF JOAQUIN MURRIETA (with Peter Murrieta), the MAJOR CRIMES SQUAD: PHOENIX police procedural thriller series, dark thriller EMPTY ROOMS, original supernatural thrillers SEASON OF THE WOLF, COLD BLACK HEARTS, RIVER RUNS RED and MISSING WHITE GIRL, horror epic THE SLAB, thriller THE DEVIL'S BAIT, and the Bram Stoker Award-nominated teen horror quartet YEAR OF THE WICKED, as well as books set in the universes of Tarzan, Narcos, Mafia III, NCIS: New Orleans and NCIS: Los Angeles, Supernatural, CSI, Star Trek, Spider-Man, Superman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Conan the Barbarian, 30 Days of Night, and more. His occasional nonfiction includes the true crime book CRIMINAL MINDS: SERIAL KILLERS, SOCIOPATHS & OTHER DEVIANTS. Some of his short horror fiction has been collected in NINE FRIGHTS.

With wife and writing partner Marsheila Rockwell, he has published the acclaimed sf/horror/thriller 7 SYKOS and the official video game prequel MAFIA III: PLAIN OF JARS, as well as short stories in the anthologies NEVERLAND'S LIBRARY, OUT OF TUNE, OCCUPIED EARTH, CUTTING BLOCK SINGLE SLICES, X-FILES: SECRET AGENDAS, V-WARS: SHOCKWAVES, MECH: AGE OF STEEL, and SUBMERGED. Much more is on the way.

He is also the author of more comic books than he has time to count, including the horror graphic novels FADE TO BLACK and ZOMBIE COP, the original Western series DESPERADOES, and the bestselling PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL: BARACK OBAMA.

Mariotte is a three-time winner of the Scribe Award for best novel, presented by the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers (IAMTW), a co-winner of the Raven Award from the Mystery Writers of America (MWA), and a recipient of the coveted Inkpot Award for his contributions to the fields of science fiction and fantasy from the San Diego Comic-Con. He's been a finalist for the Bram Stoker Award from the Horror Writers Association (HWA), the International Horror Guild Award, the Spur Award from the Western Writers of America (WWA), the Peacemaker Award from the Western Fictioneers (WF) (twice), and in the comics field, the Harvey and Glyph Awards.

He has held many jobs in the publishing industry, including bookstore manager and owner, VP of marketing at WildStorm Productions/Image Comics, senior editor at WildStorm Productions/DC Comics, and editor-in-chief at IDW Publishing. He is a member of the International Thriller Writers, Sisters in Crime, IAMTW, HWA, WWA, WF, and the Author's Guild.When he's not writing, he loves reading, travel, and exploring the desert Southewest. Learn more about him at and follow him on Facebook at and on Twitter at @JeffMariotte.

William Leisner made his break into professional writing as a three-time winner of Pocket Books’ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds short story competition. He has since written several more tales in the Star Trek universe, plus an original mystery e-novella, A Dimension of Death, casting Gene Roddenberry and Rod Serling as murder investigators. He is currently shopping an original historical fantasy novel and plotting his next installment in the Weird World War universe. A native of Rochester, New York, he currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Remembering the Star Trek Postcard Book (1977)


Every week or so in 2016 so far, I have been writing about Star Trek’s 50 th Anniversary here at Flashbak.

Today, I want to look back at another Trek collectible from the so-called lost\t decade, the span 1969-1979. This was the era between Trek’s TV cancellation and the first motion picture.

In 1977, Prime Press, a Division of Nostalgia Press, published a Star Trek Postcard Book , a large-sized book featuring 48 full-color post-cards from the original series that were “ detachable and ready to use .” The book sold for just $5.95.

These “ action and portrait photos from TV’s greatest sci-fi series ” were absolutely beautiful, fully-captioned, and each page of six postcards even featured specific themes.

One page, for example was devoted to shots of the U.S.S. Enterprise in space, and these are remarkable today in part because CGI effects have replaced these classic model shots in the actual episodes.  There are shots here from the award-winning episode “The Tholian Web,” for instance.


Another page offers a selection of Trek’s gorgeous matte-paintings, featuring imagery of planets Delta Vega (“Where No Man Has Gone Before,”), Janus VI (“Devil in the Dark”) Starbase 11 (“The Menagerie”), Eminiar VII (“A Taste of Armageddon”) and the Rigel Fortress (“The Menagerie.”)


A third page of six post-cards is devoted to Star Trek’s most memorable aliens, including the Gorn (“Arena,”) the Balok puppet (“The Corbomite Maneuver,”) a Tellarite (“Journey to Babel,”) The Mugato (“A Private Little War,”) the Talosians (“The Cage”) and The Vians (“The Empath”)


This lovely postcard book — almost 40 years old now — features a design by Jane Liean and the photos were selected and the page copy written by TV and film scholar Gary Gerani (author of Fantastic Television ). The front and the back of the book feature an episode index of all 79 episodes by Mr. Gerani.

All the photos of the post-card book you see in this post come from my own, slightly aged copy, which I acquired in South Carolina sometime in the late 1970s. Today, it’s on a shelf in my home office.

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Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) comic books 1970-1979

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Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 7

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Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Photo cover of Leonard Nimoy, DeForrest Kelly, and William Shatner. "The Voodoo Planet," script by Dick Wood, art by Alberto Giolitti; Kirk and Spock beam down to an exact replica of Earth; How did it come to be... and why? Gold Key Comics Club News. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 8

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Photo cover of cast members William Shatner (Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Spock), DeForest Kelley (McCoy), James Doohan (Scotty), Majel Barrett (Chapel), Walter Koenig (Chekov), George Takei (Sulu) and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). The Youth Trap, script by Dick Wood, art by Alberto Giolitti; the Enterprise crew stands helpless against an alien who dooms them to infancy. Gold Key Comics Club News. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 9

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Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 10210-102. Photo cover of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock; The photo of Spock comes from the TV episode Amok Time. The Legacy of Lazarus, script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; The Enterprise stumbles across a planet entirely populated by famous characters from history!; But how, and why? Stamp and Coin Collector's Corner article by George Allard. Gold Key Kid joke page. Gold Key Comics Club News. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 10

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. Josie and the Pussy Cats Cut 4 Records for Kellogg's ad. "Sceptre of the Sun," script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; A power-mad sorcerer gives Kirk, Spock, Bones & Scotty a mad quest on a hostile world!; Can they turn the tide, or is the galaxy doomed? Gold Key Comics Club News. Stamp and Coin Collector's Corner article by George Allard. Charlie Brown book ad. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 11

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Brain Shockers," script by Len Wein, pencils by Angelo R. Todaro, inks by Alberto Giolitti; A dark secret from Spock's home planet threatens to destroy The Enterprise! Gold Key Kid tells a joke to introduce the Jokes on You feature. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 12

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Flight of the Buccaneer," script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; Kirk and the crew infiltrate a 23rd Century pirate crew!; But when their cover is blown, what will become of Scotty and Spock? 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 13

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 10210-202. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Dark Traveler," script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; When an intergalactic nomad hitches a ride on The Enterprise, it spell trouble for Kirk and his more ways than one! 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 14-15C

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Enterprise Mutiny," script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; Following a planetary survey, Kirk begins acting irrationally; Spock and McCoy attempt to relieve Kirk of command but he escapes in a shuttle, with the Enterprise in pursuit. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 14-20C

Cover price 20 cents. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Enterprise Mutiny," script by Len Wein, art by Alberto Giolitti; Following a planetary survey, Kirk begins acting irrationally; Spock and McCoy attempt to relieve Kirk of command but he escapes in a shuttle, with the Enterprise in pursuit. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 15-15C

Number/month on cover: 90210-208, August. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Issue features "Museum at the End of Time" Parts 1 & 2 in which a cosmic storm transports the Enterprise to the "Museum of Missing Ships," a world inhabited by ships which mysteriously disappeared. Story and art credits: unknown. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 15-20C

20¢ edition. Number/month on cover: 90210-208, August. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Issue features "Museum at the End of Time" Parts 1 & 2 in which a cosmic storm transports the Enterprise to the "Museum of Missing Ships," a world inhabited by ships which mysteriously disappeared. Story and art credits: unknown. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 16

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Day of the Inquisitors," script by Len Wein, pencils by Angelo R. Todaro, inks by Alberto Giolitti; Spock and Kirk are stranded on a planet whose inhabitants think they're demons! 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 17

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 10210-302. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Cosmic Cavemen, Part 1," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; Stardate 19:24.3: Planet Neesan; Spock is taken for the god Unruho and is able to free his shipmates who are imprisoned by the Tols. "The Cosmic Cavemen, Part 2," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; The Tols are attacked by the Kovars, but Spock plays his role as a god and the two tribes are united. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 18-15C

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 10210-305. Last 15-cent cover price. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Hijacked Planet," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; bio-magnetic tape, the lifeblood of a dying planet, is hijacked, and its Spocks fault! 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 18-20C

20¢ variant. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 10210-305. Last 15-cent cover price. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Hijacked Planet," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; bio-magnetic tape, the lifeblood of a dying planet, is hijacked, and its Spocks fault! 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 19

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-307. First 20-cent cover price. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Haunted Asteroid," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; The Enterprise crew beam down to an asteroid that's supposed to be haunted...they may not believe in ghosts, but the ghosts might believe in them! 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 20

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-309. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "A World Gone Mad," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; The crew of the Enterprise must bring calm to a planet gone mad...if they don't go crazy themselves! 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 21

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-311. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Mummies of Heitius VII," script by John David Warner, pencils by Alberto Giolitti, inks by Alden McWilliams; the Enterprise crew is under attack by 10,000-year-old mummies that come to life. 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 22

Number/month on cover: 90210-401, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Issue features "Siege in Superspace" Parts 1 & 2 in which the Enterprise is trapped in Superspace, the "all encompassing entity which exists beyond our own infinite universe," and Kirk and company battle a war machine. Story and art credits: unknown. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 23

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-403. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Child's Play," script by Gerry Boudreau, art by Alberto Giolitti; Kirk and his away team have days to save a planet of children, or perish from an incurable virus! 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 24

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Last 20-cent cover price. 90210-405. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Trial of Captain Kirk," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; Kirk is charged with treason, and it's up to his loyal crew to clear his name! 36 pgs., full color. $0.20. Cover price $0.20.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 25

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. First 25-cent cover price. 90210-407. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Dwarf Planet," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alberto Giolitti; Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise must save a planet of miniature people from destroying their own sun! 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 26

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-409. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Perfect Dream," script by John David Warner, pencils by Alberto Giolitti, inks by Alden McWilliams; When the crew of the Enterprise beams down to a new planet, they risk being branded mutants. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 27

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-411. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Ice Journey," script by John David Warner, pencils by Alberto Giolitti, inks by Alden McWilliams; Kirk and Spock beam down to a planet with a perfect society... only to find that there's no such thing. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 28

Number/month on cover: 90210-501, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Issue features "The Mimicking Menace" Parts 1 & 2 in which Kirk and company investigate an asteroid and encounter a dangerous entity that can create duplications. Story and art credits: unknown. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 29

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-503. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Planet of No Return," script by Dick Wood, art by Nevio Zaccata; the Enterprise crew is on K-2, Planet of Death, where cannibal planets stalk animals. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 30

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-505. Cover by Albert Giolitti, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Death of a Star," script by Allan Moniz, art by Albert Giolitti; Kirk and Spock beam down to a planet on the brink of destruction, only to find a woman claiming to be Isis! 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 31

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-507. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Final Truth," script by John David Warner, art by Albert Giolitti; Kirk and Uhura are kept prisoner by a society protecting a tremendous secret! 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 32

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-508. "The Animal People," script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Albert Giolitti, inks by Alden McWilliams; Spock stumbles across a shocking secret on a world on the brink of destruction! 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 33

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-509. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Choice," script by Allan Moniz, art by Albert Giolitti; Kirk must face a deadly opponent — himself — in order to save the universe from oblivion. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 34

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-510. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Psychocrystals," script by Arnold Drake, art by Albert Giolitti; Kirk, Scotty, Bones and Spock must destroy a beast that feeds on living crystals, or be executed for crimes they didn't commit! Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 35

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-511. Painted cover, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Peril of Planet Quick Change, Part I: The Creatures of Light," script by Dick Wood, pencils by Albert Giolitti, inks by Giovanni Ticci; an alien form invades the Enterprise through Spocks mind. "The Peril of Planet Quick Change, Part II: The Sinister Guest," script by Dick Wood, pencils by Alberto Giolitti inks by Giovanni Ticci. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 36

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-603. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "A Bomb in Time," script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Albert Giolitti, inks by Alden McWilliams; A scientist escapes into time with a doomsday bomb; Kirk and Scotty must travel back to Earth's past to make sure it still has a future! 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 37

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-605. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Ghost Planet," script by Dick Wood, pencils by Albert Giolitti, inks by Giovanni Ticci; Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock save a planet from extinction, but are doomed by its war-mad leaders. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 38

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-607. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "One of Our Captains Is Missing!", script by Arnold Drake, art by Alden McWilliams; Captain Kirk, replaced as Captain of the Enterprise, is stranded on a savage planet and must battle creatures. 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 39

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Last 25-cent cover price. 90210-608. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "Prophet of Peace", script by Arnold Drake, art by Alden McWilliams; The crew of The Enterprise finds a 20th century genius floating in space!; But is everything as it seems? 36 pgs., full color. $0.25. Cover price $0.25.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 40

Number/month on cover: none listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "Furlough to Fury - Part 1" and "Part 2 - The Great Eye of Ara" in which the Enterprise's furlough on Earth leads to adventures with Dr. McCoy's daughter. Story credits unknown. Art by Alden McWilliams. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 41

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-611. Painted cover art, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "The Evictors," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alden McWilliams; Kirk finds himself in the middle of a war between merciless foes with superior technology and a planet gone mad after being betrayed! 36 pgs., full color. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 42

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-701. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. "World Against Time," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alden McWilliams; Spock and Scotty must save an entire planet, or be wiped out of existence! 36 pgs., full color. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 43

Number/month on cover: 90210-702, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "The World Beneath the Waves - Part 1" and "Part 2 - Unto the Queen a Child is Born" in which the crew of the Enterprise faces danger in a journey to a water world. Dr. McCoy's daughter appears in this story. Story credits unknown. Art by Alden McWilliams. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 44

Number/month on cover: 90210-705. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "Prince Traitor - Parts 1 & 2" in which the crew of the Enterprise finds themselves in the middle of a conflict on the planet Fayo. Story credits unknown. Art by Alden McWilliams. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 45

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-707. Photo cover of Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy); Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForrest Kelly), and Captain James Kirk (William Shatner). "The Voodoo Planet," script by Dick Wood, pencils by Alberto Giolitti, inks by Giovanni Ticci; Kirk and Spock beam down to an exact replica of Earth; How did it come to be... and why?; reprint of issue #7. Hostess Cup Cakes ad with Iron Man. 36 pgs., full color. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 46

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-708. Painted cover art. "Mr. Oracle," script by Arnold Drake, art by Alden McWilliams; Spock must become a living god, or an entire civilization will die! 36 pgs., full color. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 47

Number/month on cover: 90210-709, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "This Tree Bears Bitter Fruit" in which some mysterious pods lead the Enterprise on a long journey and Captain Kirk into a contest for survival. Story by George Kashdan and Doug Drexler, art by Al McWilliams. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 48

Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. 90210-710. Painted cover art. "Murder on the Enterprise," script by George Kashdan and Doug Drexler (story consultant), art by Alden McWilliams; A prominent Federation geologist is murdered on board The Enterprise!; But who did it; his ambitious research assistant, his bitter former lover, or his Andorian ex-student with an axe to grind? Hostess Twinkies ad with the Hulk. 36 pgs., full color. $0.30. Cover price $0.30.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 49

Number/month on cover: 90210-711, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "A Warp in Space!" in which the Enterprise visits the home of Zefram Cochrane, the discoverer of space warp drive, for help in tracking down some missing ships. Story by George Kashdan and art by Al McWilliams. Cover price $0.30.

Number/month on cover: none listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "Destination...Annihilation!" in which a peacekeeping mission to two warring planets becomes complicated when a passenger on board the Enterprise is mistaken for one of the planet's deity. Story by George Kashdan and art by Al McWilliams. Cover price $0.35.

Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) 50.35C

Number/month on cover: 90210-801, no month listed. Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. This issue features "Planet of No Life" in which Captain Kirk and Lt. Jinz, a new officer on the enterprise, visit a inhabited planet and find more than they bargained for. Story by Arnold Drake and art by Al McWilliams. Cover price $0.35.

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star trek book 1970

Canadian journalist, author and philanthropist Stevie Cameron dead at 80

Belleville, ont., native appointed to order of canada in 2014.

This black and white photo shows a person smiling for the camera.

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Stevie Cameron, a Canadian journalist, author and philanthropist whose work spanned decades, has died. She was 80.

Cameron's family told CBC News that she died in her home in Toronto on Saturday.

Born in Belleville, Ont., Cameron's journalism career began in the mid-1970s and lasted until the early 2000s.

During that time, she worked at many of Canada's pre-eminent news outlets — including the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the Ottawa Citizen and Maclean's — as a columnist, editor or reporter.

She also hosted CBC's  The Fifth Estate  in the early 1990s.

star trek book 1970

Stevie Cameron on secret sources

Cameron wrote several books, whose subjects ranged from serial killer Robert Pickton to the scandals of former prime minister Brian Mulroney.

Her philanthropic efforts focused on helping the homeless and others in material need.

  • Stevie Cameron among those honoured with Order of Canada

In 2013, she was appointed to the Order of Canada for her contributions in her field and "her volunteer work on behalf of the disadvantaged."

"She exercised her abilities as a writer and a journalist, really speaking truth to power," daughter Amy Cameron told CBC News.

Two people smile and shake hands as they pose for photographs.

"As a result, she felt that she might piss some people off, but it's also essential ... to tell these stories."

In addition to Amy, Cameron is survived by her husband, David, and daughter Tassie.

Her family said a funeral will be held on Sept. 8 at St. Andrew's Church in downtown Toronto, where Cameron was involved in establishing an Out of the Cold program in 1991.


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    Best Star Trek Books Best Star Trek Books flag All Votes Add Books To This List. 1: Imzadi by. Peter David. 3.93 avg rating — 6,199 ratings. score: 5,880, and 60 people voted Want ... (Star Trek: The Original Series #36, Star Trek: Worlds Apart, #2) by.

  3. The 15 Best Star Trek Books Ever Written

    "Trek" books are also a unique part of the fandom experience. "Star Trek: The New Voyages" was a licensed, two-book anthology, printed in the late '70s and curated from fanfiction.

  4. These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s

    These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-75), in hardback, and 768 pages in length, with hundreds of pictures, is the first in a two-book set chronicling the period in Star Trek history spanning the cancellation of the original series and continuing through the making and release of 1979 s Star Trek The Motion Picture.

  5. Spock Must Die!

    Spock Must Die! is an American science fiction novel written by James Blish, published February 1970 by Bantam Books.It was the first original novel based on the Star Trek television series intended for adult readers. It was preceded by a tie-in comic book line published by Gold Key and the novel Mission to Horatius by Mack Reynolds, all intended for younger readers.

  6. The Best Star Trek Books of the 1970's

    Discover the captivating worlds of the best star trek books from the 1970s decade (1970-1979). Year: 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, All. Star Trek | New Books | Upcoming | Top All. 1 2 3 ★ 7.00 / 1. The Trouble with Tribbles: The Birth, Sale and Final Production of One Episode

  7. Star Trek: The Original Series

    The novels of The Original Series have been published by many publication houses, but the one published by the Pocket Books or the Titan Books in U.K is very popular. The Star Trek: The Original Series was started in the year 1979 when the first novel of the series was published by the Pocket Books.

  8. Star Trek Series by James Blish

    A 12-volume series of novelizations of Star Trek: The Original Series episodes written by James Blish and J.A. Lawrence and published by Bantam Books through the 1970s. The episode novelizations were rearranged and collected in a three volume set Star Trek: The Classic Episodes. Star Trek Logs (The Animated Series novelizations under Ballan….

  9. Star Trek: The Original Book Series

    Out of Stock. Star Trek: Errand of Fury Book 3: Sacrifices of War. Kevin Ryan. From $8.29. Child of Two Worlds. Greg Cox. From $6.89. Trustpilot. Find the complete Star Trek: The Original book series listed in order.

  10. Essential Star Trek Novels That Even Non-Trekkers Should Read

    The Hugo Award-winning author wrote the books that adapted every single original Star Trek episode into short stories, and then went on to write the first Star Trek novel for adults, in 1970.

  11. Star Trek

    The books were quite famous once the show gained popularity and Bantam Books republished Blish's books in three volumes one for each season. There was an acknowledgement stating that after Star Trek 7 or Star Trek 8 the credit for writing Star Trek novels goes to his wife and mother J. A. Lawrence who ghost wrote the books for him.

  12. Star Trek: Reader's Reference Novels 1970-1979

    A fan of Star Trek since seeing her first episode "Devil in the Dark," Alva Underwood has provided a wealth of information about that world as offered in the first twelve novels that appeared between 1970 and 1979. She has brought together, as much as possible, far-flung information from a variety o

  13. Order of Star Trek Books

    The series is well known for its intricate mythology, including spawning its very own legitimate language, Klingon. The Star Trek novels were mostly written to accompany the various television series and movies, thereby enriching the mythos even more. ... (1970) Description / Buy at Star Trek: The New Voyages (1976) Description ...

  14. These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970's

    From Book 1: These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-75), in hardback and 763 pages in length, with hundreds of pictures, is the first in a two-book set chronicling the period in Star Trek history spanning the cancellation of the original series and continuing through the making and release of 1979's Star Trek - The Motion Picture.

  15. Books

    These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-75), in hardback and 768 pages in length, with hundreds of pictures, is the first in a two-book set chronicling the period in Star Trek history spanning the cancellation of the original series and continuing through the making and release of 1979's Star Trek - The Motion Picture.

  16. These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s

    These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-75), in hardback and 763 pages in length, with hundreds of pictures, is the first in a two-book set chronicling the period in Star Trek history spanning the cancellation of the original series and continuing through the making and release of 1979's Star Trek - The Motion Picture.


    1970-1975 was a time when Star Trek as a franchise was actually quite active. Cushman details the various comics and books that helped maintain fan interest, as well as the numerous now-famous ...

  18. Star Trek

    Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry, which began with the eponymous 1960s television series and became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.Since its creation, the franchise has expanded into various films, television series, video games, novels, and comic books, and it has become one of the most recognizable and highest-grossing media franchises ...

  19. Remembering the 'The Best of Trek' Fanzine

    The 18 book series (published first by Signet and then ROC Books) remains a significant resource for charting the fan experiences of the 1970s to the 1990s. Additional to the regular books, there were four Best of The Best ofTrek compilations. The books were edited by Walter Irwin and Gordon "GB" Love, both sadly lost to us since.

  20. Star Trek Paperback Books for sale

    New Listing Two Vintage Star Trek Novels Dwellers In The Crucible and Strangers From The Sky. Pre-Owned. $5.00. ... Vintage 1970's 80s Lot of 9 THE BEST OF TREK Star Trek Paperback Books By Signet. Pre-Owned. $19.99. Free shipping. Star Trek: The New Voyages 4 Paperback Set in Slipcase Bantam Books Sci Fi TV.

  21. Star Trek: The Original (44 book series) Kindle Edition

    by Judith Reeves-Stevens (Author) 4.4 544 4.0 on Goodreads 2,563 ratings. Following in the bestselling tradition of Spock's World and The Lost Years, this is a white-knuckled Star Trek tale of mystery and wonder that spans the galaxy in a vivid race against time. Starfleet's most sacred commandment has been violated.

  22. Remembering the Star Trek Postcard Book (1977)

    This was the era between Trek's TV cancellation and the first motion picture. In 1977, Prime Press, a Division of Nostalgia Press, published a Star Trek Postcard Book, a large-sized book featuring 48 full-color post-cards from the original series that were " detachable and ready to use .". The book sold for just $5.95.

  23. Star Trek (1967 Gold Key) comic books 1970-1979

    Gold Key Comics Club News. 36 pgs., full color. $0.15. Cover price $0.15. Published May 1971 by Gold Key . Comic book version of the original Star Trek TV series that starred William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Painted cover by George Wilson, with inset photos of William Shatner as Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock.

  24. Canadian journalist, author and philanthropist Stevie Cameron dead at

    Stevie Cameron's journalism career began in the mid-1970s and lasted until the early 2000s, with stops at media organizations including the CBC, the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail. She also ...