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Thing to Do

Shark Valley Tram Tour

Everglades National Park

Tram tours are accessible for persons with disabilities. Please call ahead (305) 221-8455 so that staff will be ready for any special needs that you may have. 

  • everglades national park
  • shark valley
  • tram service

Last updated: November 30, 2023

Je bekijkt nu Shark Valley Tram Tour in de Everglades

Shark Valley Tram Tour in the Everglades

  • Post author: Wim & Jessica
  • Message published on: 15/02/2021
  • Message category: North America

Shark Valley Tram Tour

From Everglades City it is to “Shark Valley Tram Tour” 45 miles (72 km) or an hour's drive. We had one there kayak trip to Sandfly Island made. To enter you need a National Park Entrance Fee (25 $ per car). It is valid for 7 days and good for access to the Everglades National Park. We only bought it when we got one canoe trip in the Everglades made at Nine Mile Pond . That was accessible through another entrance. We were too late to rent bicycles, but a ride with the Shark Valley Tram Tour was still possible. I quickly went to buy tickets and we were able to just make it to the last tram tour of 16 PM (00 PM).

Shark Valley Tram Tour

Shark valley by bike

I would have rather done the tour by bike. The total distance of the cycle route is 15 miles or 24 km and takes about 2 hours. We rather like places “off the beaten track” and are not too fond of tourist trains. In hindsight it was not too bad and we were happy with the tram tour through Shark Valley. There was a nice nature guide. Every now and then the tram stopped and the guide gave us an explanation about the vegetation and the animals in the park. I thought it was quite interesting and the Ranger explained it well. Most of the bicycles had already returned to the entrance, because at 5 pm you have to return the bicycle.

tram tours velo

Baby alligators

Shark Valley Tram Tour

The advantage of a guided tram tour is that the rangers know the whereabouts of each alligator, so we spotted many among the tall grass. The guide told us that there are almost no deer left in the park, because the Everglades are full of the choke snakes that eat the deer. Especially the baby alligators eat them. The snakes are not native and have become a real pest. They are difficult to catch and probably never even to be removed. We were able to view 2 alligator nests on the route, with baby alligators, from 2 meters away, albeit from the tram because mama-gator was lying in wait.

tram tours velo

Shark Valley Observation tower

Eventually, after 8 miles or 12.8 km, you will come to the 45-foot high viewing tower, the Shark Valley Obsevation Tower. There we had 15 minutes to get to the viewpoint. On the way to the tower we saw a small light green snake on a branch, several water birds, three baby alligators and a lot of black vultures. The path runs in a wide arc all the way up and is wheelchair accessible. The entire tour is fully accessible for disabled people. At the top you have a beautiful panoramic view of the wide plains of the Everglades. There was not a breath of wind and the temperature was really blissful.

tram tours velo

Are alligators in Florida dangerous?

On the way back we stopped a few more times by tram to see water birds, a large water turtle and a huge alligator. In the photo, he or she is really just holding his mouth open to let air out of his stomach. Still keep your feet in ... 😄 We have been told that there has never been an alligator attack on walkers or cyclists on the bike path. The alligators cross the road or just lie on the warm asphalt. So you can't help but cycle around it. Always keep a safe distance . It is always recommended that you keep 10 to 15 feet (3 meters) away from wildlife.

Shark Valley Tram Tour

Once there was an incident with a child who was bitten by an alligator, but that was because the boy missed a turn in the path with his bicycle and ended up in a pond on top of an alligator. If you want to hear the whole story, then you should also do the Shark Valley Tram Tour… When we are in South Florida again, we will definitely do the bike tour.

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Shark Valley Tram Tour - INFO

Shark Valley Tram Tour

Shark Valley Visitor Center

Shark Valley Loop Road Miami, FL 33194

Price Tram Tour: adults 25 $, children 12,75 $ and seniors 62 + 19 $

Rent a bike: 9 $ per bike (not to be reserved)

You can book the tram tour via email: [email protected] or tel: (305) 221-8455

Map: Shark Valley Tram Tour & Sandfly Island

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Wim & Jessica

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tram tours velo

Faciliter la mobilité pour tous !  La mise en service de la 1 re ligne de tramway a permis d'augmenter la fréquentation du réseau tram-bus de 43 % en moins de 4 ans. Chaque année, cette fréquentation progresse pour atteindre en 2017, 37,5 millions de voyages!  Un succès public  à mettre au crédit  de Tours Métropole Val de Loire, autorité organisatrice des transports pour les 22 communes qui a lancé en 2017 le projet d'une 2 e ligne. Tours Métropole Val de Loire définit la politique des transports en commun, met en œuvre le Plan de Déplacements Urbains (PDU), définit le schéma directeur cyclable du territoire avec l'objectif de renforcer son positionnement de référence en matière de pratique du vélo et propose un large bouquet de mobilité : Velociti, service de location vélo longue durée, Fil Blanc , service à la demande dédié aux personnes à mobilité réduite ou encore Citiz, service d’auto partage.

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Un réseau de transport urbain de qualité, intégré au paysage tourangeau

Le réseau bus/tram a été restructuré avec la mise en service de la 1 re ligne de tramway le 31 août 2013. Il couvre les 22 communes du territoire, ainsi que  les communes de La Ville-aux-Dames, Vernou-sur-Brenne et Vouvray et transporte 25 millions de voyageurs par an. Par ailleurs, le réseau de transport régional Rémi (Réseau de Mobilité Interurbaine en Région Centre-Val de Loire) ,dessert plus de 180 communes du département.

Le tramway de Tours est un "projet urbain de transport". Telle a été l’ambition des élus de la Métropole qui ont pris le parti de développer une identité globale sur le territoire. Le design en a été le catalyseur, la clef pour trouver l’équilibre entre histoire, urbanisme, usages et mobilités : engager un dialogue contemporain et durable entre le transport et la ville. Une démarche inédite dans l’histoire de la conception des tramways .

Découvrez le tramway de Tours !


La concertation préalable sur la future 2ème ligne de tramway s'est déroulée du 18 avril au 8 juin 2018 et Tours Métropole Val de Loire en a publié le bilan.

Les grandes étapes à venir du projet :

2019-2021 : Etudes d'avant-projet et dossiers réglementaires

2021 : Enquête publique

2022 : Travaux

2025 : Mise en service progressive

Le tram et quatre lignes principales au coeur du réseau

La ligne A du tramway et la ligne 2 Tempo sont les 2 lignes à haut niveau de service. La ligne A représente 44% des voyages réalisés sur le réseau. La ligne Tempo est plébiscitée avec 4,9 millions de voyageurs en 2017. Retrouvez ici les chiffres de fréquentation du réseau en 2017


Le réseau tram-bus de l'agglomération tourangelle :

2 lignes à haut niveau de service du nord au sud : tram A et la ligne 2

3 lignes fortes de bus d'est en ouest : les lignes 3, 4 et 5 connectées au tram, circulent de 5h à 0h30 avec un bus tous les 10 à 12 minutes entre 7h et 20h.

12 lignes urbaines :les lignes 10 à 19 circulent tous les jours en semaine

11 lignes suburbaines :ces lignes de bus desservent les communes plus éloignées, de 6h à 19h en semaine.

19 lignes spéciales dites « scolaires » : les lignes 100 à 118 offrent des liaisons directes aux principales heures d'entrée et de sortie des campus, des collèges / lycées, ainsi que des dessertes spécifiques

1 ligne Citadine :   navette desservant le centre-ville de Tours du lundi au samedi, toutes les 15 minutes

7 parkings-relais

9 parcs à vélos sécurisés

1 service de location vélo longue durée, Velociti

1 service de voiture en libre-service, Citiz

1 service de transport à la demande dédié aux PMR, Fil Blanc

1 Accueil Vélo Rando en coeur de ville à destination des cyclotouristes et randonneurs

1 site de covoiturage : www.covoiturons-en-touraine.com

Un réseau accessible


L'ensemble du réseau bus-tram est accessible.

  • Tous les quais des stations tramway (sauf Tranchée, Charles Barrier et Place Choiseul) sont facilement accessibles pour les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant.
  • Les rames de tramway sont à plancher bas intégral et de plain-pied avec le quai (pas de lacune entre le tram et le quai).
  • Les double-portes des rames permettent aux utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant de pouvoir accéder sans difficulté au tramway.
  • Des bandes d'éveil de vigilance ont été spécialement conçues pour les personnes malvoyantes et mises en place sur toutes les bordures de quais. Incrustées de mini plots, elles sont sensibles au toucher du pied et à la canne, et préviennent les déficients visuels de la proximité de la voie.

Les bus sont équipés de palettes électriques amovibles, sur les portes médianes des véhicules, déclenchées à la demande des personnes en fauteuil roulant. Des annonces sonores indiquent le nom du prochain arrêt et la destination de la ligne. Les bus disposent aussi d'un haut-parleur situé à l'extérieur près de la porte avant, qui permet d'indiquer aux personnes déficientes visuelles attendant à l'arrêt le numéro du bus et sa destination.

Le guide de la Mobilité facilite vos déplacements quotidiens ou occasionnels dans la métropole tourangelle.  Initié par Tours Métropole Val de Loire, ce guide vous présente toute l'offre pour vous déplacer.

Les missions de la direction Transports de Tours Métropole Val de Loire

La direction transports de Tours Métropole Val de Loire a en charge :

  • Le réseau Fil Bleu, le transport urbain de personnes (bus+tram/ P+R/velociti) , par une DSP (Délégation de Service Public) attribuée fin 2018 à Keolis (opérateur sortant) pour 7 ans. Le délégataire accompagne la Métropole dans le lancement de la deuxième ligne de tramway en 2025 et en assurera l’exploitation. L'objectif de Keolis est d'atteindre 47,6 millions de voyages par an en 2025.
  • L e service Fil Blanc, le transport de personnes à mobilité réduite , par une DSP attribuée à Connex Ligéria/Véolia/Transdev )


La direction Transport assure :

l’exploitation du réseau de transport bus+tram (définition de l’offre, fixation des tarifs, analyse de la fréquentation, mise en œuvre du plan pluriannuel d’investissement , suivi des systèmes d’aide à l’exploitation, billettique, dossiers de sécurité, contrôles qualité …),

le suivi et le contrôle de la DSP pour le transport des personnes à mobilité réduite « Fil Blanc »,

la 1 ère ligne de tramway : suivi des marchés, dossiers de sécurité, suivi de la maintenance des équipements de la ligne de tramway, matériel roulant et centre de maintenance

la réalisation des études relatives à la fréquentation du réseau, l'adaptation de l'offre de transports aux besoins en déplacement, les pôles d'échange, la définition de la tarification, l'information voyageur.

la réalisation des travaux (mise en accessibilité, travaux d'aménagements, acquisition de matériel (bus, abris, poteaux d'arrêts), aménagement des dépots bus et tram.

La Métropole, territoire de référence pour la pratique du vélo


Tours est la 5ème ville où le vélo est le plus utilisé pour aller travailler ! (source INSEE). La pratique du vélo est en plein essor sur le territoire métropolitain avec ses 585 km de voies cyclables et l'itinéraire Loire à Vélo qui le traverse.

La politique cyclable de la Métropole s'inscrit dans un schéma directeur visant à créer des liaisons intercommunales de centre à centre, à desservir les principaux équipements et à organiser les sorties d'agglomération.Chaque années, de nouvelles voies viennent compléter ce schéma. En 2017, Tours Métropole Val de Loire, référence du tourisme à vélo et pédestre, a ouvert  "L'accueil Vélo et Rando" , situé au coeur de la ville de Tours, près de la gare. La Métropole a conçu ce nouvel équipement à la fois comme une vitrine de l’offre touristique du Val de Loire et un lieu de promotion de tous les acteurs du vélo et de la randonnée sur le territoire.

En 2018, l'accueil Vélo et Rando a reçu 10 000 visiteurs dont 69% d'habitants de Tours Métropole Val de Loire et 31 % de touristes ( France et reste du monde). 24 animations ont été organisées  (balades estivales et animations à l’atelier). La Métropole propose également un service de location de vélo longue durée, Velociti, spécialement conçu pour les déplacements en ville, géré par l'Accueil Vélo et Rando. Elle a également accueilli en 2018, Indigo Weel ,service de vélos en libre-service sans station (free-floating). Tours est la 2ème ville de France à proposer ce service.

Le Plan de Déplacements Urbains

La Direction des Transports urbains a également pour mission d'élaborer et de mettre en œuvre le Plan de Déplacements Urbains (PDU) qui définit pour 10 ans les principes d'organisation des transports de personnes et de marchandises, de la circulation et du stationnement, à l’échelle du périmètre de transports urbains.

Le PDU 2013-2023 La synthèse du PDU 2013/ 2023

Le Versement Transport (VT) est la principale source de financement, affectée aux dépenses de fonctionnement et d’investissement des transports collectifs et, au financement des opérations visant à améliorer l’intermodalité. Sont assujettis à cette taxe toutes les entreprises de plus de 9 salariés, sur le Périmètre des Transports Urbains.

Plan de Mobilité /de Déplacement : pourquoi, pour qui, comment ?

PDE, PDA, PDIE ! Le plan de mobilité, ou plan de déplacement d’entreprise (PDE) ou d’administration (PDIE), vise à optimiser et à augmenter l’efficacité des déplacements liés à l’activité de l’entreprise ou de l’administration. Cela regroupe les déplacements domicile-travail des salariés, ainsi que tous les déplacements professionnels générés par l’activité, par type d’usagers (salariés, clients, fournisseurs, visiteurs…). Une obligation nouvelle La Loi relative à la Transition Energétique pour une Croissance Verte de 2015 rend son élaboration obligatoire à partir du 1er janvier 2018 pour toute entreprise regroupant au moins 100 travailleurs sur un même site, et située dans le périmètre d’un plan de déplacements urbains (PDU). L’entreprise qui ne respecte pas cette obligation ne pourra bénéficier du soutien technique et financier de l’ADEME. Le Plan de déplacements urbains de l’agglomération tourangelle, adopté en décembre 2013, concerne les 22 communes de Tours Métropole Val de Loire ainsi que celles de Vouvray, Vernou-sur-Brenne et La Ville aux Dames. Un intérêt pour tous Le plan de mobilité est dans l’intérêt de toute entreprise, collectivité ou association d’initier un plan de mobilité. En effet, celui-ci s’inscrit à l’origine dans une démarche de développement durable, et ses actions ont une portée dans de nombreux domaines :

  • budgétaire (économies pour le salarié et l’employeur),
  • organisation et climat social de l’entreprise,
  • modernisation des moyens de communication,


Une démarche en 3 temps

  • Effectuer un diagnostic auprès de toutes les personnes concernées par l’activité de l’entreprise : les mobilités liées à l’activité de l’entreprise sont auditées et analysées. Ce diagnostic est généralement effectué à partir d’un questionnaire auprès de toutes les parties prenantes : salariés, visiteurs, fournisseurs etc.
  • Proposer des actions adaptées au site et aux besoins des personnes, à partir de l'analyse du diagnostic. Ce plan d’actions fait l’objet d’un dialogue interne, d’un plan de financement et d’une instance de pilotage. Il pourra comporter des mesures relatives à la promotion de l’usage des transports alternatifs à la voiture individuelle, à l’utilisation des transports en commun, au covoiturage des courtes distances et à l’autopartage, à la marche et au vélo, à l’organisation du travail, au télétravail et à la flexibilité des horaires, à la logistique et aux livraisons de marchandises.
  • Faire vivre son plan de mobilité, c’est veiller à l’application des actions proposées et les réévaluer régulièrement pour les adapter à l’évolution de l’entreprise, de la technologie et des comportements sociétaux.

La boite à outils de la DREAL et de l'ADEME

La DREAL et l’ ADEME Centre-Val de Loire ont mis en ligne des informations et des outils utiles pour élaborer votre plan de mobilité. Vous pourrez accéder à ces informations , sur le site de la DREAL ( www.centre.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/plan-de-mobilite-de-deplacement-pourquoi-pour-qui-r1196.html et sur le site de l'Ademe Centre- Val de Loire www.centre.ademe.fr/domaines-dintervention/transports/plan-de-deplacements

Le Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine vous accompagne 

Le Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine, Autorité Organisatrice de la Mobilité, accompagne les employeurs qui veulent orienter la mobilité domicile-travail et professionnelle de leurs salariés vers des pratiques plus durables.

Votre contact pour toute précision ou conseil : Agnès THIBAL, Responsable du pôle PDU / Nouvelles Mobilités 02 47 80 12 19 [email protected]

Vous pouvez aussi adresser au Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine votre plan de mobilité (diagnostic et plan d’actions), de préférence sous forme dématérialisée, à l’adresse : [email protected]

Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine, à l’attention de Mme Thibal 60 avenue Marcel Dassault 37200 TOURS

Nous pouvons également venir vous présenter l’offre de service Velociti, location de vélo longue durée, accessible à l’ensemble de vos salariés résidant sur l’une des 25 communes du Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine.

Votre contact à l’Accueil Vélo et Rando est Marion MOULUN, 02 47 33 17 99 - [email protected]

Le Forfait Mobilité Durable

Depuis le 1 er Janvier 2020, la loi LOM (Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités) propose une mesure à destination des employeurs sous la forme d'un "forfait mobilité durable".

Ce forfait a pour ambition d'encourager les salariés à utiliser un mode durable de déplacement pour leurs trajets quotidien en prenant en charge les frais engagés jusqu'à 400€/an pour :

  • se déplacer entre leur résidence habituelle et leur lieu de travail avec leur cycle ou cycle à pédalage assisté, personnel;
  • en tant que conducteur ou passager en covoiturage.

Les employeurs peuvent ainsi contribuer aux frais de déplacements de leurs salariés par la mise en place de ce forfait, exonéré d’impôts et de cotisations sociales.

THE 10 BEST Moscow City Tours

City tours in moscow.

  • Private Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • Garden Ring
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Good for Couples
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Hidden Gems
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Adventurous
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Moscow Private Tours


2. Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer


3. Moscow Free Tour


4. Bridge to Moscow


5. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours


6. Go Russia Travel Company


7. Privilege Tour


8. Moscow Navigator


9. Put-in Tours


10. Walks With Folks


11. Moskovskiye Gulyaki

tram tours velo

12. Moscow Bike Tours


13. Happy Moscow Tours


14. Tour of Moscow - Day Tours


15. Kremlin Tour


16. IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow


17. Excursions in Russia


18. Tsar Visit


19. VikiTours


20. Moscow Greeter


21. MoscowMe


22. Gulyayem po Moskve

tram tours velo

23. Tour Gratis Moscu


24. Tour-Moscow


25. Gorodskoi Voyazh


26. Rusiatourmoscu


27. Moscow 360


28. Express to Russia


29. Russia With Love


30. Angel Taxi - Day Tour


What travelers are saying


  • Put-in Tours
  • Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours
  • Walks With Folks
  • Happy Moscow Tours
  • Moscow Bike Tours
  • IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow
  • Moscow Private Tours
  • Tour Gratis Moscu
  • Moscow Free Tour
  • YourLocalGuide Moscow
  • Moscow Navigator
  • Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer
  • Angel Taxi - Day Tour
  • Your Moscow Guide & Driver
  • Excursions in Russia
  • Vadim Pavlov Guide and Driver in Moscow

Didn't book FREE tour? Do it now!

2,5 absolutely FREE DAILY walking tour in Moscow. We're TOP-rated company according to TA reviews! Book now and get meeting points details!

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Just 45 € - the best price for the best kremlin tour in moscow book now, ...also in petersburg.

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Top Rated City Daily Tours

Welcome! Good to see you here!

  • We're top-rated tour company in Moscow, based on your TripAdvisor reviews!
  • DAILY tours. Moscow Free Tour is the only company in the city offering 5 daily tours, including the Kremlin, regardless of the weather, day of the week and group size!
  • Totally FREE 2.5-hour city tour and great paid tours!
  • Great routes which cover must-see places off the beaten track!
  • Charismatic, entertaining and experienced local tour guides who love Moscow and speak English fluently!
  • Always best prices in Moscow
  • No prepayment for daily tours (except Kremlin Tour)
  • No cancellation fees for daily tours (except Kremlin Tour)
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


Find more details!

See the day schedule and book tours now.

You can split your tours or do several of them on the same day.

Moscow Free Tour: Every day, 10:45 AM

Moscow Free Tour: every day, 10:45 AM

Since 2011 Moscow Free Tour has been rated number 1 among all the Moscow tour companies (according to TripAdvisor.com, the world's largest travel site). Our Free Tour covers the most important and interesting attractions of the city: St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, Lenin's mausoleum, etc.


  • We love our city and we want to share it with guests, regardless of their budget. We want to change foreign tourists' perception of Moscow and show a beautiful, modern, open-minded and friendly city. You might like our Free Tour so much that you will decide to join our paid tours.

Just make a booking, and our guides will eagerly take you for an amazing walk through our magical city!

More info & meeting point details

Moscow kremlin tour: 2.30 pm, except thursday.

Moscow Kremlin Tour: Every day, exc. Thu, 2.30 PM

The Moscow Kremlin is a must-see attraction in Russia, a beautiful fortress in the heart of the city full of history and legends. It used to be a residence of Russian tsars and communist leaders and now it's a working place of the president of Russia. Behind medieval walls you will discover the oldest square of Moscow and amazing cathedrals where Russian rulers used to get married, crowned and buried. You will see once the largest cannon and church bell in the world. 8 hundred years of Russian history in one place. Don't miss this experience with Moscow Free tour. No prepayment and no cancelation fee.


Moscow Kremlin Introduction Tour: Every day 3PM, except Thursday

Moscow Kremlin Introduction Tour

This tour is definitely useful and beneficial for tourists who visit the Kremlin for the first time. The guide will meet you in front of the Monument to Marshal Zhukov nearby the Four Seasons Hotel and take you on a 45-minute introduction tour about the Kremlin in English. You’ll receive the most important information about the Kremlin as well as other city center highlights. Behind medieval walls you will discover the oldest square of Moscow and amazing cathedrals, where Russian rulers used to get married, crowned and buried.

Moscow Metro Tour: Every day 2PM, except Friday at 12:30PM

Moscow Metro Tour: every day, 3 PM

Take our Moscow Metro Tour and discover why our subway is recognized as the most beautiful in the world!

Booking is not essential! Just come and join the tour!

Communist Moscow Tour: Every day, 5:30 PM

Communist Moscow Tour: every day, 5:30 PM

For more than 70 years Moscow was the capital of the huge Soviet empire. The streets of the city are still full of remnants of the communist regime and the Cold War, and the fearsome Soviet strongholds still guard the young democracy in Russia.

Alternative Moscow Tour, 6:00 PM.

Alternative Moscow Tour: every day, 6:00 PMt. Other times on request!

  • St. John's hill, a quiet place in the city center with a pre-revolutionary spirit
  • Khokhlovka, Russian hipsters and street art
  • Khitrovka, the most terrifying neighborhood of Moscow in the nineteenth century: criminals, brothels and alcohol
  • Zamoskvorechie, beautiful streets and lanes full of legends and love stories.

Booking is essential!


Save money buying all of our tours! Take Moscow City Pass and get 4 daily tours just for 97€ .

  • Kremlin tour
  • Communist Tour
  • Alternative Moscow Tour


Just choose and book the first tour you’d like to take – you’ll be able to purchase the Moscow City Pass on that tour and then visit other three tours during the week.

Bunker-42: A Secret Stalin's Times Bunker in the Center of Moscow

Bunker-42: A Secret Stalin's Times Bunker in the Center of Moscow

Hit the secret nuclear bunker of the the Cold War times in the center of Moscow!

  • walk with a guide across all levels of the secret Bunker-42
  • visit the Museum of the Cold War and get a crash course on the history of the war
  • as a little bonus, you will "survive" a nuclear attack and launch a ballistic missile!

Please note that tour happens not every day and the schedule may vary. If you booked the tour online, please wait until our administrator will contact you to confirm the date and time of the tour. Or contact us +7 495 222 34 66.

Utopian Soviet Buildings

Utopian Soviet Buildings

  • The Palace of the Soviets instead of the Cathedral of the Christ the Saviour. It could have become one of the highest buildings in the world with a 100 m Lenin statue on the top.
  • The eighth Stalinist skyscraper instead of the Zaryadye Park. It was supposed to be the tallest of all the Sisters.
  • The Narkomtiazhprom (the People’s Commissariat of Heavy Industry) building instead of the GUM. How would the Red Square look like with three skyscrapers or gigantic staircases going all the way up to the 16th floor?
  • The Palace of Labour instead of the Moskva Hotel. What was it, kind of a fantastic beast lying on the square or an ultimate Constructivist manifesto?
  • The alternative Lenin’s Mausoleum, the “Leningradskaya Pravda” buildings and many others.
  • Moscow Free Tour
  • Moscow Free Tour rated "excellent" by travelers
  • 177 reviews of Moscow Free Tour in Moscow


"A very enjoybale day in Moscow. We had a very nice and knowledgeable guide Anastasia.(Nastia) She was very passionate about the City and we learnt so much in our brief four hours walk with her! Certainly this walking tour added a lot of value to our Moscow Holiday. A great idea to educate visitors about Russia and Moscow. The group was intimate enough to ask questions and stop for snacks etc..we thoriughly enjoyed it and would highly reccomend it.Carry on doing a great job!"

"I really enjoyed the tour, it was a great experience, very informative and fun. I will definitely tell everybody about that tour, keep it it is a fantastic idea!"

"Sorry I do not remember the names :( ... They were very talkative and very into everything. I think they both really love the city, and they made me feel like this to. They knew much about History, which was very informative! Great guides!!!"

"We partook of the fantastic Petersburg Free Tour. Due to our timing during the low season (shockingly not everyone is flocking to Moscow while the average temperature is 15F), it ended up being just us and Sonia, the afore-mentioned super-guide. She quickly ascertained the limited scope of our wanderings.."

tram tours velo

Moscow Voyager

Moscow’s best free city tour

tram tours velo

I love Moscow – this charming metropolis, its people, its history and its unique cityscape. I would like to share my passion for this city with you. It is my job to show you the most exciting corners of this fascinating metropolis. That’s why, as a travel specialist and your private tour guide Moscow in Russia, I organize a guided free city tour Moscow – so that everyone, regardless of their budget, would be able to enjoy the insider’s view of Moscow.

You get to see what only Moscow residents know and what other tourist guides keep from you. I am a licensed travel specialist in Russia and would like you to enjoy all facets of the capital of the largest country in the world, without demanding any money from you. I’ll show you the city on my free Moscow walking tour for 1.5-hours on foot.

Everything you need to know:

  • My tours take place daily by arrangement, I am the only English-speaking licensed tourist guide Moscow, who offers a free city tour.
  • My 1.5-hour free tours Moscow do not cost you a cent, I also offer other great paid tours as well.
  • I am an experienced local, I make the tours informative, but at the same time relaxed and not off the plane.

tram tours velo

Free Tours Moscow – Daily

My free tours Moscow city starts on Slavonic Square (Kitay-Gorod Metro Station), passes the world-famous St. Basil’s Cathedral, which was built by Ivan the Terrible on the south side of Red Square in the 16th century and where the tsars were once crowned. Then it goes across the Red Square at the Lenin Mausoleum, the luxury department store GUM and with a view of the Kremlin towards the historical museum. Of course, you will also learn more about the stories that once happened behind the thick walls of the Kremlin – from the Tsars and Napoleon to Stalin. Then we continue through the idyllic Alexander Garden.

tram tours velo

An advance booking is required!

Practical information:

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 1.5 hours Price: Free Language: English

«First acquaintance with Moscow» – a 2.5-hour city tour in the center of Moscow

This Moscow city tour starts on the Theater Square, past Lubyanka Square and the KGB-building, then through Kitay Gorod district and Varvarka Street, past the world-famous St. Basil’s Cathedral. Then it goes across Zarjadje Park, over Red Square at the Lenin Mausoleum, the GUM-department store and towards the Historical Museum. We walk through the Alexander Garden.

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 2.5 hours Price: 17 $ Students and children: 6 $ Language: English

A 3.5-hour car/bus tour of Moscow.

This is the best tour of Moscow city as all the important sights are visited. I am your Moscow city guide who will walk you through the city explaining the charming history of the city. This tour begins with picking you up from the hotel. 3 breaks are offered for photographing.

First, we will visit the most famous riverside streets and bridges in the center of the city with the most beautiful views of the Kremlin and the Moskva River (e.g. the Kremlin embankment and the Great Stone Bridge).

The first photo break is made at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. We then pass by the district with numerous museums, Prechistinka Street and the district with numerous medical areas.

We again stop at the Novodevichy Convent, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the other bank of the Moskva River to click pictures.

Then we visit “Sparrow Hills” where you can enjoy a bird’s eye view of the city of Moscow from the observation deck. Then there are the skyscrapers of Moscow-City, the Kutuzov avenue, the New Arbat, Tverskaya Street, the world-famous Bolshoi Theater, the KGB building and Varvarka Street. Here there are ample spots to click pictures.

We then drive past the Kremlin again and finally reach Red Square. We take a short tour of Red Square and say goodbye in the Alexander Garden.

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 3.5 hours Price for a group: 170-200 $ (depending on the number of travelers) Language: English

Metro tour – daily

Palaces for ordinary people – that was what Stalin promised to the people when the construction of the Moscow Metro began between the World Wars. The communist dictator hadn’t promised too much. No other underground system in the world can boast such spectacular architecture – chandeliers, decorations, stucco, paintings on the walls – each station is individually designed. No wonder that Moscow residents love their metro. I will guide you through the bustle of one of the busiest subways in the world and show you the most beautiful stations Moscow city has.

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 2 hours Price: 21 $ Students and children: 17 $ Language: English Included in the price: Metro tickets / the guided tour

Tour of Communist Moscow – every day

After the Communist October Revolution in 1918, Moscow became the capital of the Soviet Empire and was the center of socialist orbit for more than 70 years. This left its mark on Moscow, even if the USSR disintegrated more than a quarter of a century ago. The city streets are full of remnants of the communist regime and the Cold War. This is a walking tour where I will show you the most exciting places in Soviet Moscow: from the notorious KGB headquarters, also known as Lubyanka to the Karl Marx Monument to small hidden remains from the time of hammer and sickle. You will also learn about Stalin’s Great Terror political campaign and the system of the GULAG and how the USSR, the communist Russian republic, became modern Russia.

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 2 hours Price: 21 $ Students and children: 17 $ Language: English Included in the price: the guided tour

Alternative Moscow Tour – daily

Explore the unseen Moscow with your Moscow private guide and discover a range of sights during this alternative walking tour.  Away from the main tourist spots (in the central district of Kitay-Gorod), just a short walk from Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral, you suddenly find yourself in one of the trendiest districts of Moscow. This place not only has trendy cafes and green squares, but here you can see the most beautiful spray works (according to Albrecht Dürer), hangout-places of the youth and hipsters, as well as learn what Moscow looked like in the 19th century. Here you will also learn exciting and even bloody stories about famous gangsters, eccentric business people and legends like the wandering preacher Rasputin, who is known in Russia either as the “holy devil” or the mad monk. To learn a little more about Moscow’s culture, this is the tour for you. On my alternative tour, you will get to know Moscow away from the tourist hotspots. This tour is of 2 hours duration and you will experience the following on the tour:

  • St. John’s Hill, a quiet oasis right in the center, where time has stopped as it did in pre-Communist times
  • Khokhlovka Art Center, where Russian hipsters and street artists hang out
  • Samoskvorechye District where you can see beautiful streets and hear stories from old Moscow
Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 2 hours Price: 21 $ Students and children: 17 $ Language: English Included in the price: the guided tour / tram ticket

Kremlin tour – daily (closed on Thursday)

With its 20 towers and high walls, the Kremlin rises imposingly over Red Square. This world-famous fortress with its area of ​​28 hectares is home to over 800 years of Russian history. Described as the eighth wonder of the world, this historic fortress complex is the principal symbol of Russia that sits on the banks of the Moscow River. Today the Kremlin still harbors numerous secrets and has palaces and cathedrals, surrounded by Kremlin Wall. The current wall was constructed between the 15 th  and 16 th  centuries, but the original wall was made of wood around the year 1147. The Kremlin Wall became an important symbol of Moscow’s importance in the Russian Empire. This top tourist destination attracts millions of people every year and there are various sights to see. With my Kremlin tour, you will see the oldest square in the city in the heart of the Kremlin, the once largest cannon in the world and the scene of numerous dramas – from Ivan the Terrible and Napoleon to Stalin. You cannot miss this unique experience.

An advance booking and prepayment for tickets are required.

Time: by arrangement, daily (closed on Thursday) Duration: 2 hours Price on request Students and children: on request Language: English Included in the price: Kremlin tickets / the guided tour

Moscow pub crawl – Friday / Saturday

Experience the real nightlife of Moscow with my Moscow Pub Crawl and enjoy 4 pubs/bars plus 4 welcome shot drinks. Move from one bar to another and get to know travelers from around the world as well as the locals. Play fun adventure games and contests in addition to getting perks in the bars. Between the bars, move from one place to another on foot. The routes are organized as such that you will walk no more than 10 minutes between the bars. Visit the most exciting events, parties, concerts, and dance in the bars. Moscow Pub Crawl is a tour that you will never forget.

This tour runs every Friday and Saturday evening at 8 PM and you need to bring along your passport or an ID card, comfortable shoes, and wear smart casual clothes.

An advance booking and a small prepayment are required!

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 4 hours Price on request Language: English Included in the price: the guided tour, 4 shot drinks

1.5-hour boat trip on the Moskva River.

Taking a boat tour in Moscow on the Moskva River is a very pleasant experience. It allows you to know the city from a totally different perspective and admire the beautiful bridges. In this 1.5-hour river trip, you will sail past many beautiful sites in Moscow, so you can take the best photos to commemorate this day. The ship makes several stops on the way. The trip starts from the Ustinskiy Bridge near Sarjadje Park and ends at the Kiev train station.

On this Boat Trip, you can see sights such as: the former Imperial Education House, Sarjadje Park, the “flowing”, “floating” bridge, the most beautiful view of the Kremlin, the Great Stone Bridge, the legendary House on the Quay, the Christ the Savior Cathedral , the monument to Peter the Great on the ship, the central sports arena Luzhniki, the Sparrow Hills, 240 meters high Lomonosov University, the numerous architecturally spectacular skyscrapers of Moscow-City, the Novodevichy Convent, the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs etc.

Time: by arrangement, daily Duration: 1.5 hours Price on request Language: English

A military tour – riding on tanks in Stupino (Moscow region)

Russian Military is one of the largest military forces in the world formed in 1992. With my Military Tour experience what it likes to be in the Russian military, shooting guns, ride the Tank T-34 and various models of German tanks from the Second World War, as well as armored personnel carriers and vehicles. You will also shoot from the AK-47 and another combat weapon.

The tour will begin with your private tour guide Moscow in a Soviet army van accompanied with some tasty snacks and tea for a tasty start. Upon arriving, you will have to put on the army safety clothing and climb the Russian armored vehicles. The tour will take you on the noisy, smoky tank, driving through mud roads. All participants will get the chance to drive the tank which is coordinated by the Russian military.

Time: by arrangement, daily Price on request Language: English

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Alexander Popov

Welcome to Russia! My name is Alexander, I was born in Moscow and I'm a passionate tour guide. I want to share my passion for Russia and my hometown with you. On my website you will find useful information to make your individual trip to Russia as interesting as possible.

Gorky Park and Sparrow Hills: Green Lungs, place to relax and meet

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@2019-2020 - Moscow Voyager. Alexander Popov

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tram tours velo

  • Customized biking tour

La Loire à vélo trail : 12 cycling tour(s)

4-day family holiday in the heart of the loire valley castles.

Cher river banks - château de Chenonceau

  • The variety of landscapes at each stage
  • Chenonceaux, Amboise, Chaumont sur Loire ... the most elegant castles!
  • The possibility to choose between short and long stages

Loire à vélo: cycle tour from Saumur to the Atlantic sea

Guérande salt marshlands

  • The Loire wildest landscapes
  • Discovery of the nice and peacefull city of Nantes
  • After the “sweet Loire Valley”, the nice beaches of Le Croisic !
  • Go back up the Loire to the Ocean

Family tour on Loire à Vélo: from Tours to Saumur

a break along the Loire river

  • Cycling paths appropriate for families
  • Rigny-Ussé, the « sleeping-Beauty » chateau
  • The medieval town of Chinon
  • The château of Langeais with its air of fortified castle

Loire à Vélo: cycle tour from Orléans to Tours

chateau de Chambord

  • Cycling itineraries on the « Loire à Vélo »
  • Magic arrival facing the Château of Chambord
  • A route on François 1st and Leonard Da Vinci’s traces

3 days biking in the heart of the greatest Loire Valley castles

tram tours velo

  • The main châteaux of the Loire Valley: Chambord, Chenonceaux, Chaumont, etc...
  • The landscapes’ alternation: the Loire river banks, forest paths and vineyards
  • The city of Amboise

3 days biking on Loire a Velo trail from Tours to Saumur

Villandry gardens

  • The chateau of Azay-le-Rideau in its water and greenery setting
  • The abbatial church of Candes-Saint-Martin
  • Troglodytes and Chinon and Saumur vineyards
  • Chinon and Saumur vineyards

Loire à Vélo: bike tour from Nevers to Orléans

Canal de Briare

  • The Canal de Briare and its canal-Bridge, World Heritage Site by UNESCO
  • The beautiful landscapes offered by « Loire Natural reserve »
  • The Sancerre wine
  • Discover the « Kilometre Zero » of the « Loire à Vélo »

A family cycle tour in the Loire Valley

chateau of Azay-le-Rideau

  • The loire river banks and the Villandry Renaissance gardens
  • An easy route accessible to everyone

Loire à Vélo: cycle tour from Blois to Tours along the great chateaux

chateau de Cheverny

  • Discovery of the Loire Valley greatest chateaux: Chambord, Cheverny, Chenonceau, Amboise!
  • A bit of shopping in Tours … while visiting the old town!
  • Loire à Vélo cycling paths!

5 days on Loire a Velo trails from Blois to Saumur

Candes St Martin

  • The architecturale wealth in every stopover town
  • The variety of the Loire wines: Vouvray, Montlouis, Saumur-Champigny, etc...
  • The unmissable chateaux of Chambord and Chenonceau

The Loire Valley's greatest chateaux by bike

Chambord chateau

  • Discovery of the most prestigious chateaux: Chambord, Chenonceau and Cheverny
  • Varied landscapes between the ‘Loire by bike’, forest and vineyards
  • Possibility of canoeing on the Loire and Cher rivers

The hidden treasures of the Loire à Vélo routes, from Tours to Saumur

château du Rivau

  • A mix between cycling paths and outstanding sideroads
  • Montsoreau and Crissay-sur-Manse : ones of the « Most Beautiful Villages of France »
  • The elegant chateau d'Azay le Rideau and the surprising château de Brézé
  • Français ( French )


  • Moscow Tours
  • Customized tours
  • Moscow for kids
  • Evening activities
  • Moscow evening activities
  • St Petersburg evening activities
  • Day trips out of Moscow
  • Golden Ring tours
  • St Petersburg tours
  • Russian tour destinations
  • Package tours
  • Moscow highlights
  • Travel Tips
  • Upcoming group tours
  • Moscow events

Moscow buses and trams

tram in Moscow

How to pay for the public transport in Moscow

ticket validator in public transport

How to use Moscow buses and trams

  • Enter buses and trams using the front door.
  • Upon entering, you'll find several ticket validators. You need to pay using your Troika card or a contactless card/a smartphone.
  • Please note that they do not make any announcements in English.

tram in Moscow in Sokolniki park

What are the most scenic routes of Moscow buses and trams?

tram 39 route

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  1. Le Tramway de Tours: the world's most beautiful tramway?

    tram tours velo

  2. Les vélos autorisés dans le tram à toute heure

    tram tours velo

  3. Tram, marche à pied, vélo : l'équation gagnante

    tram tours velo

  4. Tours : 7 parcs à vélo autour de la ligne de tram A

    tram tours velo

  5. Transports en commun

    tram tours velo

  6. velo-pony

    tram tours velo


  1. Tours Tram at Gare SNCF, Tours


  3. TET Pyrenees (Trans Euro Trail)

  4. DiviaVélodi

  5. TGV trains France with bicycle


  1. Everglades Bike Rentals

    A self-guided bicycle tour is a wonderful way to conduct your own Everglades ecotour. You can get some exercise on our Everglades bike trail while you move at your own chosen speed. The 15-mile paved road is ideal for any type of bicycle, and the road is flat and free of rough terrain. A typical ride takes between 2 and 3 hours, and it usually ...

  2. Everglades National Park Tours

    Shark Valley Tram Tours The Captivating and Educational Way To See The Everglades. The Everglades is a unique and fascinating ecosystem. When you take an Everglades National Park tour at Shark Valley, you'll travel in a relaxed setting, learning about the ecology and history of The Everglades from our friendly and knowledgeable Park-trained naturalists.

  3. Accueil: Filbleu

    Fil Bleu, compagnie de transport de Tours, gère les déplacements effectués en transport urbain par le réseau bus-tram-vélos de la Métropole de Tours. Aller au contenu. Info réseau - Vacances de Printemps 2024. Pensez-y, les vacances scolaires de Printemps sont du 22/04 au 05/05 inclus.

  4. Bike Rentals for Self-Guided Bike Tours

    Bicycle rentals for use on the Everglades bike trail at Shark Valley begin at 8:30 AM and continue until 4 PM. All bikes must be returned to the rental office by 5 PM. IF ALL ONLINE BIKE RESERVATIONS ARE SOLD OUT THERE ARE STILL A PERCENTAGE OF BIKES HELD FOR RENT ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS BEGINING AT 8:30AM. ADVANCED RENTAL PURCHASES ...

  5. Shark Valley Everglades Tram Tours Hours & Rates for 2021

    Browse Shark Valley Everglades Tram Tour rates & see what time our tram tours depart. Dates, departure times, and rates are for 2021. **ATTENTION** During weekends and holidays expect delays when entering Shark Valley, those with reservations between 10AM - 3PM we recommend arriving no less than 1 hour prior to tour time.

  6. Biking at Shark Valley

    The Shark Valley Tram Road is a 15-mile (24 km) paved road that is flat and free of rough terrain. The road is approximately 8 feet wide. It is suitable for any type of bicycle. Electronic Bikes (E-Bikes) are allowed at Shark Valley. The term "E-bike" means a two- or three- wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of ...

  7. Bike Rental

    Daily Bike Rental. $ 25.00. ADVANCED RENTAL PURCHASES ARE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:30AM AND 12PM. ARRIVALS AFTER DESIGNATED RESERVATION WINDOW WILL BE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. If you require children's bikes please indicate in the additional notes section at check out.

  8. Shark Valley Tram Tour

    Exploring the Shark Valley area by tram is a great way to see and learn about the wildlife and history of Everglades National Park. Guided two-hour tram tours are offered along a fifteen-mile loop trail into the "River of Grass". The open air trams allow for abundant wildlife viewing opportunities, and stop at the Shark valley Observation tower ...

  9. Se déplacer à vélo

    Le vélo dans le tramway. Se promener à vélo / La Loire à Vélo. Louer un vélo, l'offre Velociti. Geovelo, l'application qui guide les cyclistes. Bien "pratiquer" le vélo. La pratique du vélo est en plein essor sur le territoire et la Métropole propose un large éventail de services adaptés à l'usage de la bicyclette.

  10. Shark Valley Tram Tour in the Everglades

    Shark Valley Visitor Center. Shark Valley Loop Road. Miami, FL 33194. Price Tram Tour: adults 25 $, children 12,75 $ and seniors 62 + 19 $. Rent a bike: 9 $ per bike (not to be reserved) You can book the tram tour via email: [email protected] or tel: (305) 221-8455.

  11. Home: Filbleu

    Fil Bleu, compagnie de transport de Tours, gère les déplacements effectués en transport urbain par le réseau bus-tram-vélos de la Métropole de Tours. Aller au contenu. Info réseau - Vacances de Printemps 2024. Pensez-y, les vacances scolaires de Printemps sont du 22/04 au 05/05 inclus.

  12. Titres et tarifs: Filbleu

    Fil Bleu, compagnie de transport de Tours, gère les déplacements effectués en transport urbain par le réseau bus-tram-vélos de la Métropole de Tours. Aller au contenu. Info réseau - Vacances de Printemps 2024. Pensez-y, les vacances scolaires de Printemps sont du 22/04 au 05/05 inclus.

  13. Mobilités

    Faciliter la mobilité pour tous ! La mise en service de la 1re ligne de tramway a permis d'augmenter la fréquentation du réseau tram-bus de 43 % en moins de 4 ans. Chaque année, cette fréquentation progresse pour atteindre en 2017, 37,5 millions de voyages! Un succès public à mettre au crédit de Tours Métropole Val de Loire, autorité organisatrice des transports pour les 22 communes ...

  14. Maps: Filbleu

    Fil Bleu, compagnie de transport de Tours, gère les déplacements effectués en transport urbain par le réseau bus-tram-vélos de la Métropole de Tours. Aller au contenu. Info réseau - Vacances de Printemps 2024. Pensez-y, les vacances scolaires de Printemps sont du 22/04 au 05/05 inclus.

  15. Fil Bleu

    Fil Bleu, Tours, France. 13,491 likes · 122 talking about this · 260 were here. Fil Bleu, votre réseau Bus Tram Vélo de la métropole tourangelle !

  16. THE 10 BEST Moscow City Tours (Updated 2024)

    4. Bridge to Moscow. 455. City Tours • Cultural Tours. Basmanny. By Charito1967. Our tour guide was the best, very knowledgeable and lots of patience and caring to explain and to help us in all we r... 5. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours.

  17. Moscow Free Tour

    Welcome! Good to see you here! We're top-rated tour company in Moscow, based on your TripAdvisor reviews! DAILY tours. Moscow Free Tour is the only company in the city offering 5 daily tours, including the Kremlin, regardless of the weather, day of the week and group size! Totally FREE 2.5-hour city tour and great paid tours! Great routes which cover must-see places off the beaten track ...

  18. Moscow's best free city tour

    Included in the price: the guided tour / tram ticket. Kremlin tour - daily (closed on Thursday) With its 20 towers and high walls, the Kremlin rises imposingly over Red Square. This world-famous fortress with its area of 28 hectares is home to over 800 years of Russian history. Described as the eighth wonder of the world, this historic ...

  19. velo dans tram tours

    Collectif Cycliste 37. Association cycliste au quotidien en Touraine. Les vélos autorisés dans le tram à toute heure. Depuis le 9 février 2017, les vélos sont autorisés à l

  20. Loire a Velo

    12. cycling tour (s) The most beautiful bike itinerary in France is certainly La Loire à Vélo. Running beside Europe's last untamed river, its 800 km (500 miles) of signposted itineraries and bike paths offer sweeping and contrasting panoramas. From the city of Nevers to the beaches of Saint-Brévin, the treasures of nature blend ...

  21. Moscow buses and trams

    The trams run every 10-12 minutes. Travel time: 70 minutes. tram 39 route. Tram A. This tram runs from the Chistye Prudy metro station to Novokonnaya Square. The city's oldest tram line is over 110 years. In the past, the route followed the Boulevard Ring, which was called Ring A.