Customer Journey (2024): Uitleg en Voorbeelden [+ Template]

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Gust de Backer

November 1, 2023.

Customer Journey Map

De Customer Journey is het proces dat je klanten doorlopen met jouw bedrijf. Dat gaat dan over de eerste tot en met de laatste interactie die iemand met jouw bedrijf heeft.

Veel bedrijven hebben niet in kaart hoe hun klanten oriënteren, wat ze belangrijk vinden of wanneer het bedrijf in kaart komt bij de potentiële koper.

Het onvoldoende in kaart hebben van de Customer Journey brengt het risico met zich mee dat je, wellicht onbewust, negatieve touchpoints met je (potentiële) klant zou kunnen hebben.

Ik ga je laten zien:

  • Wat de Customer Journey is
  • Hoe je jouw Customer Journey opstelt
  • En wat goede voorbeelden van een Customer Journey zijn

Laten we beginnen…


Wat is de Customer Journey?

De Customer Journey is het proces dat elke interactie met je merk in kaart brengt:

Customer Journey

De eerste interactie die iemand met je merk heeft is het begin van de Customer Journey. Als je jezelf in een niche-markt bevindt kan het ook interessant zijn om interacties met je niche in kaart te brengen.

De Customer Journey voor B2B en B2C ziet er vaak behoorlijk anders uit:

De Customer Journey is voor ieder bedrijf relevant, maar met name belangrijk voor bedrijven die:

  • Klantgericht zijn
  • De klanttevredenheid willen verbeteren
  • Omzet willen verhogen

Over het algemeen zie je vaak in bedrijven dat de marketingafdeling verantwoordelijk is om te zorgen dat (potentiële) klanten een positieve ervaring krijgen met het merk.

Een mooie ontwikkeling die je ziet is dat marketing / growth teams steeds verantwoordelijker worden voor de volledige funnel in plaats van enkel het bereiken en binnenhalen van nieuwe klanten.

7 Fases van de Customer Journey

Er zijn verschillende modellen waarmee je de Customer Journey in kaart kunt brengen, maar uiteindelijk komen ze allemaal op hetzelfde neer:

See Think Do Care

Houdt rekening met de verschillende rollen van de Decision-making Unit , maar in essentie zijn er 7 stappen die je in de Customer Journey kunt opnemen…

1. Behoefte

Je (potentiële) klant kan 2 soorten behoeftes hebben:

  • Latente behoefte : de persoon weet nog niet dat hij behoefte heeft aan iets. Als je een auto gaat kopen ben je nog niet direct bezig met de verzekering.
  • Concrete behoefte : de persoon weet dat die een bepaalde behoefte heeft, het is hierbij belangrijk om zichtbaar te zijn met je merk. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het kopen van een telefoon als je oude kapot is.

Iedere Customer Journey begint in principe bij een bepaalde behoefte.

In de praktijk kun je hierin 5 type klanten tegenkomen:

  • Unaware : realiseren zich niet dat ze een probleem of behoefte hebben.
  • Problem Aware : realiseren zich dat ze een probleem of behoefte hebben.
  • Solution Aware : ze weten dat er oplossingen zijn voor hun probleem of behoefte, maar ze kennen jou niet.
  • Product Aware : ze kennen jou, maar hebben je nog niet gekocht.
  • Most Aware : merkambassadeurs.

2. Oriëntatie

Het oriëntatieproces is de afgelopen jaren sterk veranderd dankzij de digitalisering, dat maakt het extra belangrijk om deze in kaart te brengen met behulp van onderzoek.

Je wilt met je merk in ieder geval zichtbaar zijn in de oriëntatiefase zodat je uiteindelijk ook meegenomen wordt in de overwegingsfase .

Enkele voorbeelden van gedrag in de oriëntatiefase:

  • Concrete zoekwoorden in zoekmachines
  • Bekenden om hun mening vragen
  • Inspiratieplatformen bekijken zoals Pinterest, TikTok of Instagram

3. Overweging

In de overwegingsfase wordt er gekeken welke optie uit de oriëntatiefase het beste aansluit op de wensen en behoeftes van de klant.

Het is hierbij belangrijk om te weten welke beslissingscriteria voor de klant het zwaarste wegen, hier dient goed onderzoek naar gedaan te worden.

Enkele voorbeelden van beslissingscriteria:

  • Merkbekendheid

4. Beslissing

In de beslissingsfase wordt er daadwerkelijk voor een product of dienst gekozen van een specifieke leverancier.

Er zijn een aantal zaken die het voor de klant makkelijker maken om voor jouw product of dienst te kiezen:

  • Maak het makkelijk om te vergelijken
  • Zorg voor een goede selectie in verschillende opties
  • Biedt een goede deal, zorg ervoor dat je klant geen nee kan zeggen
  • Zorg voor een soepel betaalproces
  • Verhoog de betrokkenheid in je merk door waardevolle inhoud, aanbiedingen en ondersteuning te bieden

Zorg voor zo min mogelijk afleiding tijdens de beslisfase, mensen die vanuit de checkout nog gaan Googelen naar “[bedrijfsnaam] kortingscode” wil je overtuigen om te gaan converteren.

5. Levering

Nadat iemand klant is geworden zal er een product of dienst geleverd moeten worden.

Hier zullen de eerste momenten van evaluatie zijn of iemand daadwerkelijk de juiste keus heeft gemaakt om voor jouw bedrijf, product of dienst te kiezen.

Enkele tips:

  • Zorg ervoor dat je op tijd levert en dat je product in de juiste staat aankomt of dat je dienst van hoge kwaliteit is.
  • Geef duidelijke instructies voor het gebruik of geef aan wat de toegevoegde waarde van de dienst is.
  • Biedt goede ondersteuning als de klant problemen ondervind in het gebruik van je product of dienst.

In de gebruiksfase is het belangrijk dat klanten het maximale uit je product of dienst halen en dat ze écht de toegevoegde waarde ervan inzien.

Dat kun je op een aantal manieren stimuleren:

  • Tutorials opnemen
  • Impact meten en communiceren
  • Aftersales telefoontje

Dit is het ultieme evaluatie-moment , als je product of dienst de klant niet goed heeft geholpen dan is de kans klein dat er een herhaalaankoop gemaakt gaat worden of dat diegene een merkambassadeur wordt.

Het is in ieder geval belangrijk om te voorkomen dat mensen slecht over je merk gaan praten, zorg er dus voor dat je in de eerdere fases al zorgt dat mensen die geen ideale klant voor je zijn worden uitgesloten en dat je zorgt dat klanten de toegevoegde waarde van je product of dienst inzien.

7. Loyaliteit

Het is 5 tot 7 keer goedkoper om klant te behouden dan een nieuwe klant binnen te halen. Juist daarom is het zo belangrijk om loyaliteit te stimuleren.

Loyaliteit kan worden uitgedrukt in het aantal herhaalaankopen of upsells een klant uiteindelijk bij je maakt. Dit kun je stimuleren door waardevolle inhoud, aanbiedingen en ondersteuning aan te bieden.

Het doel is dat mensen loyaal blijven aan je merk en niet gaan overstappen op een concurrent of überhaupt uit de markt gaan raken.

Er zijn verschillende vormen van loyaliteit:

  • Transactional Loyalty : klanten herhaalaankopen laten maken door aanbiedingen te geven.
  • Social Loyalty : interactie aangaan met je klanten op bijvoorbeeld social media.
  • Engagement Loyalty : je beloont mensen die engagement met je hebben waarbij je bijvoorbeeld punten kunt ontvangenvoor het inschrijven op een nieuwsbrief.
  • Emotional Loyalty : als je merk positief in lijn ligt met de emoties van je klant, deze vorm van loyaliteit kun je niet krijgen met aanbiedingen. Je wilt hierin zorgen dat mensen zich onderdeel voelen ergens van.
  • Behavioral Loyalty : een mate van loyaliteit waarin je klanten iets wilt laten doen zoals het kopen van hogere volumes waarbij je een derde product gratis geeft na aankoop van 2 producten.
  • Advocacy Loyalty : je gaat mensen belonen die andere aandragen om klant bij jouw merk te worden.

Customer Journey Mapping

Download het Customer Journey Canvas :

Customer Journey Map Template

Hoe vul je het Customer Journey Canvas in?

Decision Making Unit

Als je weet wie zich allemaal in je Decision-making Unit bevinden kun je persona’s en empathy maps op gaan stellen zodat je beter inzicht krijgt in de gedragingen, behoeften, problemen en wensen van die personen.

Bepaal op welke vragen je graag antwoord zou willen hebben na het doen van je Customer Journey Mapping onderzoek. Enkele veelvoorkomende vragen zijn: – Wanneer ervaar je X? – Op een schaal van 1 – 10, hoe graag zou je een oplossing hebben voor X? – Hoeveel ben je bereid te betalen voor een oplossing op X? – Hoe zou je je gaan oriënteren op een oplossing voor X? – Welke merken zou je in overweging nemen in een oplossing voor X? – Waar moet een oplossing voor X in voldoen voor jou? – Hoe zou je gaan bepalen of de oplossing effectief was?

De drempel qua tijd en kosten ligt voor kwantitatief onderzoek vaak wat lager dan voor kwalitatief onderzoek. Hierin kun je vanuit een helicopterperspectief goede inzichten vergaren over je doelgroep. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan: – Vragenlijst – Post-purchase Survey – Exit-intent Survey – Zoekvolume

Als je op hoog niveau gevalideerd inzicht hebt in je doelgroep kun je je bevindingen gaan aanvullen op gedetailleerd niveau met behulp van kwalitatief onderzoek. Denk hierbij aan: – Klantgesprekken – User tests – Screen recordings

Als je je Customer Journey Map inzichtelijk hebt gemaakt heb je veel inzichten vergaart waar je je Customer Journey op kunt gaan verbeteren. Om het geen stoffig document te laten worden waar niet meer naar gekeken wordt is het belangrijk om vervolgacties te bepalen en daarop te gaan evalueren.

Veelgemaakte fouten

Er zijn een aantal fouten die je vaak voorbij ziet komen in Customer Journey Mapping:

  • Op basis van aannames : vaak zie je dat een Customer Journey volledig wordt berust op basis van aannames en niet op gevalideerd onderzoek.
  • Verkeerde scope : bepaal vooraf kritisch waar je wilt dat je Customer Journey begint en eindigt anders verlies je snel focus en overzicht.
  • Geen klantperspectief : beredeneer de Customer Journey vanuit je persona of klant en niet vanuit je bedrijf.
  • Inside-out : als je begint bij hoe je het als bedrijf doet ben je niet klantgericht en gaat er een mismatch ontstaan in hoe de klant iets ervaart en hoe je bedrijf het doet. Zorg dat je Customer Journey daadwerkelijk vanuit de klant zijn perspectief wordt ingevuld.
  • Stakeholders : het is belangrijk om alle relevante stakeholders te betrekken zodat je draagvlak gaat creëren voor de Customer Journey.
  • Einddoel : de Customer Journey is geen einddoel, maar een startpunt. Het is iets wat continu zal blijven spelen en veranderd moet worden.

Nu ben je bewapend met genoeg kennis om je Customer Journey te gaan visualiseren.

Ik ben benieuwd, wat is voor jou het grootste inzicht geweest bij het inzicht krijgen in je doelgroep?

Laat het weten in een reactie.

P.S. als je graag extra hulp zou willen krijgen kun je me een mail sturen op [email protected]

Veelgestelde vragen

De 7 stappen van de Customer Journey zijn: behoefte, oriëntatie, overweging, besluit, bezorging, gebruik en loyaliteit.

Een customer journey is een term die in marketing en customer experience management wordt gebruikt om de weg te beschrijven die een klant aflegt door de stadia van bewustwording, overweging, aankoop en gebruik van een product of dienst. De term kan ook worden gebruikt om de weg te beschrijven die een potentiële klant aflegt.

Een customer journey map is een visualisatie van de ervaring van een klant met een bedrijf, product of dienst. Het begint wanneer de klant zich voor het eerst bewust wordt van een behoefte en eindigt bij de mate van loyaliteit. De kaart volgt alle contactmomenten die de klant met een merk heeft, zowel online als offline. Customer journey maps kunnen bedrijven helpen te begrijpen waar ze verbeteringen moeten aanbrengen om hun klanten een betere ervaring te bieden.

De Customer Journey voor ieder bedrijf is anders. Het is belangrijk om voor jou bedrijf te onderzoeken wat de meest ideale customer journey is, hierbij wil je alle aannames valideren.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Ik probeer bedrijven door hun groeiplafond heen te helpen met mijn content.

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Account-based Marketing (ABM) | Bedrijfsstrategie | Customer Development Process | Customer Journey | Decision-making Unit (DMU) | Leadgeneratie | Marketing en Sales | Marketing Strategie | Marktonderzoek | Online Marketing

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Gust’s Must-Reads 👇🏼

  • Value Proposition
  • Brainstorming
  • Decision Making Unit
  • Product-Market Fit
  • North Star Metric
  • Market Research
  • Customer Development
  • Growth Hacking
  • Brand Identity
  • Customer Journey
  • Account-Based Marketing

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Customer Journey Map

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Wat is de customer journey en hoe breng je hem in kaart?

De term ‘customer journey’ staat voor de reis die jouw klant aflegt om tot de aankoop van jouw product of dienst te komen. Door dit visueel weer te geven, krijg je inzicht in hoe je de beleving van jouw klant kunt verbeteren. In dit artikel lees je alles wat je moet weten over customer journeys en het in kaart brengen ervan: customer journey mapping. 

Wat is de customer journey?

De customer journey is een visuele representatie van de klantreis waarin je alle contactmomenten vastlegt die jouw potentiële klant heeft met jouw organisatie. Dit proces begint bij de oriëntatie van jouw klant tot ná de aankoop van een product of dienst. Het vastleggen van de customer journey helpt je namelijk ook te onderzoeken hoe je waardevolle klantrelaties behoudt.

De contactmomenten met jouw bedrijf, product en service in de customer journey noemen we ook wel brand touchpoints . Deze brand touchpoints ontstaan iedere keer wanneer een klant een interactie heeft met jouw merk. Door deze touchpoints te identificeren en prioriteren zie je welke van deze niet geheel in lijn zijn met jouw merkboodschap en heb je de mogelijkheid om ze te verbeteren. Hieronder zie je een voorbeeld van een customer journey visualisatie.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Fases van de customer journey

Het customer journey model bestaat uit verschillende fases. Deze vijf fases zijn verdeeld over het gehele koopproces. Iedere fase roept verschillende emoties en gevoelens op bij de klant. Door deze emoties in kaart te brengen leer je beter inspelen op de wensen van je klant. Hieronder staan ze voor je op een rijtje.

Breng de klantreis in kaart met customer journey mapping

Bij het maken van een customer journey map koppel je de verschillende brand touchpoints aan de juiste fase in de customer journey. Het doel is om al deze touchpoints overeen te laten komen met de boodschap van jouw merk. Door de touchpoints in de juiste fase van de customer journey te plaatsen, zie je in welke fase van de reis de klant zich bevindt bij ieder touchpoint. Je ziet hierdoor ook welke kanalen de klant gebruikt en welke touchpoints je liever niet gebruikt. Op deze manier verbeter je de kanalen in de klantreis en zet je deze efficiënter in.

In 5 praktische stappen naar de customer journey map

Voordat je aan de slag gaat met je touchpoints, is het van belang om vast te leggen wat je wil uitstralen als bedrijf. Waarom zouden klanten kiezen voor jouw merk ten opzichte van een ander merk? De ‘waarom’ is hier de basis. Vraag jezelf waar je bedrijf voor staat en denk vervolgens na over hoe jullie te werk gaan. Wat maakt jouw bedrijf sterk en uniek? Zet op papier wat jouw brand essence is.

2. Creëer complexe persona’s voor je doelgroep

Een persona weergeeft een karakterisering van jouw potentiële klant. Hoe zit deze klant eruit? Wat zijn diens hobby’s? Welke kanalen gebruikt deze klant? Door een fictief, maar concreet karakter te bouwen rondom je persona krijg je meer inzicht in wie jouw ideale klant is. Via deze website bouw je via een template gemakkelijk je eigen persona. Door persona’s te gebruiken leer je je doelgroep beter begrijpen en verzeker je een solide basis voor je marketing-uitingen.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Voorbeeld van een persona

3. Identificeer alle touchpoints in de klantreis

Nu je weet wie je ideale doelgroep is en welke boodschap je wil uitdragen als bedrijf is het tijd om je touchpoints te identificeren. Je kunt hierbij denken aan zoekresultaten op Google of het zien van advertenties. Een methode om dit als team te doen is bijvoorbeeld door alle touchpoints op te schrijven op een memoblaadje. Schrijf de vijf fases vervolgens op een whiteboard en ga aan de slag met het categoriseren van de touchpoints door ze op de juiste plek te hangen.

Je kunt de touchpoints ook categoriseren in handige templates zoals de afbeelding hieronder. Dit doe je bijvoorbeeld via deze website.

customer journey mapping betekenis

4. Analyseer en beoordeel je touchpoints

Doordat je duidelijk inzicht hebt in alle contactpunten tussen je klant en je bedrijf zie je eenvoudig welke touchpoints verbetering nodig hebben. Koppel je touchpoints terug aan je brand essence uit stap 1 en zie of ze overeenkomen. Het doel is niet om zoveel mogelijk touchpoints te realiseren, maar om deze zo waardevol en effectief mogelijk in te zetten. Een tip is om tijdens deze stap in contact te komen met je doelgroep. Vraag na een contactmoment bijvoorbeeld wat je klant van de ervaring vond of maak een vragenlijst en stuur deze rond naar je doelgroep. Heb je de wensen van je klant duidelijk voor ogen, dan is het eenvoudiger om deze om te verbeteren en de klant centraal te stellen.

5. Start met verbeteren

Je klantreis is in kaart gebracht. Nu is het tijd voor verandering! Maak een strategisch plan om touchpoints te verbeteren en kijk waar je terrein kan winnen. Zorg ervoor dat je altijd vanuit het perspectief van de klant blijft denken bij het maken van deze verbeterslagen.

Ben je marketing- of communicatieprofessional en wil je de customer journey-methodiek compleet beheersen? Wil je diepgaand onderzoeken wat een klant drijft, zodat je hem een onvergetelijke ervaring kunt meegeven? In de training Customer Journey van ICM leer je de klantreis in kaart te brengen en momenten van de waarheid te herkennen. Vervolgens maak je een plan om op die belangrijke momenten klantervaringen te optimaliseren. Ben je benieuwd naar meer? Bekijk hier de training en start gelijk met het verbeteren van de klantreis .

Ook interessant voor jou

  • Vragen over dit onderwerp? We helpen je graag met een persoonlijk advies over welke opleiding of training het beste bij je past. Maar ook voor praktische vragen kun je terecht bij onze adviseurs. Wij zijn te bereiken op Telefoon 030 - 29 19 888 van maandag t/m vrijdag van 08.30 tot 17.30 uur. Stel jouw vraag via mail Voor meer informatie kan je ook de ICM Brochure bestellen Bestel nu ICM - Je kunt meer dan je denkt Voorwaarden

customer journey mapping betekenis

Customer journey map: de klantreis in kaart brengen

Lucid Content

Leestijd: ongeveer 9 min


Een customer journey map maken

  • Stel doelen  - Door de juiste doelen te stellen heeft je customer journey de gewenste impact.
  • Doe onderzoek naar persona  - Verzamel zoveel mogelijk info over de wensen en behoeften van je klanten.
  • Definieer contactpunten voor klanten  - Breng alle interacties tussen de klant en je merk in kaart
  • Breng huidige situaties in kaart  - Visualiseer je huidige staat. Pro tip: Gebruik Lucidchart !
  • Breng toekomstige situaties in kaart  - Deel de resultaten van je onderzoek met relevante stakeholders en ga samen op zoek naar verbeteringen.

Steve Jobs, het brein achter de unieke klantervaring van Apple, zei: "Je moet beginnen met de klantervaring en dan naar de technologie toe werken, niet andersom."

Tegenwoordig is een duidelijke visie en strategie voor interacties met klanten niet langer een optionele "nice-to-have"—het is essentieel. Terwijl je je customer experience verfijnt, is een customer journey map één van de krachtigste manieren om inzicht te krijgen in je huidige situatie en toekomstige situaties.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Een customer journey map is een diagram die het proces weergeeft waar je klanten doorheen gaan bij interactie met jouw bedrijf, zoals de ervaring op de website, de ervaring in de winkel, de service, een product of een mix van deze dingen.

Wat is een customer journey?

Een customer journey, ofwel klantreis, is een visuele weergave van de ervaring van een klant met jouw merk. Deze beelden vertellen een verhaal over hoe een klant zich door elke fase van interactie beweegt en elke fase ervaart. Je customer journey map moet contactpunten en momenten van waarheid bevatten, maar ook potentiële gevoelens van de klant, zoals frustratie of verwarring, en eventuele acties die je wilt dat de klant onderneemt.

Customer journey maps zijn vaak gebaseerd op een tijdlijn van gebeurtenissen, zoals het eerste bezoek van een klant op je website en de manier waarop ze evolueren naar hun eerste productervaring, daarna de aankoop, onboardingmails, annulering, enz. 

Je customer journey maps moeten misschien worden afgestemd op je bedrijf of product, maar de beste manier om deze fasen te identificeren en te verfijnen is door daadwerkelijk met je klanten te praten. Doe onderzoek naar je doelgroepen om te begrijpen hoe ze beslissingen nemen, overgaan tot aankoop, enz. Zonder een essentieel inzicht in je klanten en hun behoeften, zal een customer map je niet naar succes leiden. Toch kan een goed geconstrueerde en onderzochte customer journey map je de nodige inzichten geven om de customer experience van je bedrijf drastisch te verbeteren.

De voordelen van het in kaart brengen van customer journeys

Het in kaart brengen van de customer journey is een krachtig hulpmiddel om inzicht te krijgen in de klantervaring, zakelijke doelen te stimuleren en veerkracht op te bouwen in een veranderende markt. In een rapport uit 2022 ontdekte Hanover Research dat 94% van de bedrijven zei dat hun customer journey maps hen helpen nieuwe producten en diensten te ontwikkelen die aansluiten bij de behoeften van de klant. Nog eens 91% zei dat hun maps de verkoop stimuleerden.

Het begrijpen van een customer journey door je hele organisatie doet echter zo veel meer dan je inkomsten uit marketingcampagnes verhogen, je servicekosten verlagen en je verkoopcyclus verkorten. Het stelt je in staat te ontdekken hoe je consistent kunt zijn als het gaat om het bieden van een positieve customer experience en het behouden van klantloyaliteit. Dit was vooral duidelijk in de afgelopen jaren, aangezien naast het verbeteren van marketing, customer journey maps naar voren kwamen als een waardevolle manier om evoluerend kopersgedrag te begrijpen. Sterker nog, 1 op de 3 bedrijven gebruikte klantreiskaarten om hen te helpen navigeren door het veranderende landschap tijdens de pandemie.

Wanneer het goed is uitgevoerd, helpt het in kaart brengen van de customer journey om:

  • De betrokkenheid van klanten te verhogen door kanalen te optimaliseren.
  • Momenten van waarheid in de CX te identificeren en optimaliseren.
  • Ineffectieve contactpunten te elimineren.
  • Van een bedrijfsgericht naar een klantgericht perspectief over te stappen.
  • Silo's tussen afdelingen te doorbreken en interdepartementale kloven te dichten.
  • Je te richten op specifieke buyepersona's met marketingcampagnes die relevant zijn voor hun identiteit.
  • De omstandigheden te begrijpen die eventueel tot onregelmatigheden in bestaande kwantitatieve gegevens hebben geleid.
  • Eigendom toe te kennen aan verschillende contactpunten voor klanten om de verantwoordelijkheid van de werknemers te vergroten.
  • Het mogelijk te maken om de ROI van toekomstige UX/CX-investeringen te beoordelen.

Door het proces te volgen dat we hierboven hebben geschetst, kan het in kaart brengen van klanten je organisatie op een heel nieuw succesvol traject zetten. Volgens onderzoek van HAnover Reasearch beschikt slechts 47% van de bedrijven momenteel over een proces om customer journeys in kaart te brengen. De investering om je customer journey in kaart te brengen en dat proces te versterken als onderdeel van het DNA van je bedrijf, kan resulteren in aanzienlijke voordelen in het competitieve landschap, waardoor jouw oplossing de beste optie wordt waar klanten van houden.

Customer journey map maken

Customer journey maps kunnen ingewikkeld worden als je ze niet overzichtelijk houdt. Hoewel je je op meerdere persona's kunt richten, kies je toch maar één persona en één klantenscenario per keer om te onderzoeken en te visualiseren. Als je niet zeker weet wat je persona's of scenario's zouden kunnen zijn, verzamel dan een aantal collega's en probeer een  affiniteitsdiagram in Lucidchart uit om ideeën op te doen.

1. Stel doelen

Zonder een doel zal het moeilijk zijn om te bepalen of je customer journey map zich zal vertalen in een tastbare impact voor je klanten en je bedrijf. Je zult wellicht bestaande en toekomstige kopers moeten identificeren, zodat je specifieke doelen kunt stellen voor die doelgroepen in elke fase van hun ervaring.

Breng de belangrijkste stakeholders van je bedrijf samen — van wie velen wellicht te maken hebben met verschillende punten van de customer experience. Om een logisch en haalbaar doel te stellen, is functieoverschrijdend teamwork essentieel. Verzamel unieke perspectieven en inzichten over elk onderdeel van de huidige customer journey, waar verbeteringen nodig zijn en hoe die verbeteringen gemeten zullen worden.

Pro Tip : Creëer buyer personas, als je deze nog niet hebt, ze helpen je om je customer journeys te focussen op de specifieke kopers waar je voor optimaliseert.

2. Doe klantonderzoek

Geef zoveel mogelijk informatie over de persona waarop je customer journey map is gebaseerd. Afhankelijk van de maturiteit van je bedrijf, heb je misschien maar een handvol dossiers, rapporten, of andere bestaande gegevens over de doelpersoon. Je kunt je voorlopige bevindingen samenvoegen tot een schets van hoe de customer journey er volgens jou uit zou kunnen zien. De belangrijkste gegevens die je kunt verzamelen, zijn die van echte klanten of potentiële klanten, van degenen die daadwerkelijk ervaring hebben met je merk. Verzamel nuttige klantgegevens op een van de volgende manieren:

  • Doe interviews.
  • Praat met werknemers die regelmatig met klanten communiceren.
  • E-mail een enquête naar bestaande gebruikers.
  • Doorzoek de logboeken van de klantenservice en klachten.
  • Haal fragmenten uit opgenomen telefoongesprekken van het callcenter.
  • Volg discussies over je bedrijf die op sociale media plaatsvinden.
  • Maak gebruik van webanalyses.
  • Verzamel gegevens over de Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Zoek naar informatie die verwijst naar:

  • Hoe klanten je merk hebben gevonden
  • Wanneer/of klanten kopen of annuleren
  • Hoe eenvoudig of moeilijk ze je website vonden om te gebruiken
  • Welke problemen je merk wel of niet heeft opgelost

Door tijdens het onderzoeksproces zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve informatie te verzamelen, zorg je ervoor dat je bedrijf datagestuurde beslissingen neemt op basis van de mening van echte klanten.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Ontdek meer manieren om de Voice of the Customer te begrijpen

3. Definieer contactpunten voor klanten

Contactpunten voor klanten vormen het leeuwendeel van je customer journey map. Zij zijn de manier waarop en de plaats waar klanten met je merk in aanraking komen en het ervaren. Wanneer je onderzoek doet en je contactpunten uitstippelt, zorg er dan voor dat je informatie opneemt die elementen van actie, emotie en potentiële uitdagingen aanpakt. 

Het aantal en het soort contactpunten op je customer journey map hangt af van het soort bedrijf. Zo zal de customer journey bij een SaaS-bedrijf inherent anders zijn dan die van een koffiehuis. Kies de contactpunten die de customer journey met je merk nauwkeurig weergeven.

Nadat je je contactpunten hebt gedefinieerd, kun je ze gaan ordenen op je customer journey map.

4. Breng de huidige situatie in kaart

Schets wat volgens jou de huidige status is van de customer journey, de huidige customer experience. Gebruik een visuele werkruimte zoals Lucidchart, en begin met het organiseren van je gegevens en contactpunten. Geef voorrang aan de juiste inhoud boven esthetiek. Vraag de stakeholders om input en maak samen een customer journey map om de nauwkeurigheid te garanderen. 

Nogmaals, er is geen "juiste" manier om je customer journey map op te stellen, maar vermeld voor elke fase van de journey de contactpunten, acties, kanalen, en toegewezen verantwoordelijkheid van een contactpunt (verkoop, klantenservice, marketing, enz.). Pas vervolgens het ontwerp van je diagram aan met afbeeldingen en kleur- en vormvariaties om de verschillende acties, emoties, overgangen, enz. beter te visualiseren in één oogopslag.

Door je huidige situatie in kaart te brengen, kun je ook beginnen met het identificeren van tekortkomingen of rode vlaggen in de ervaring. Bijdragers kunnen direct commentaar geven op verschillende delen van je diagram in Lucidchart, zodat het precies duidelijk is waar er ruimte is voor verbetering.

5. Breng de toekomstige situatie in kaart

Nu je de huidige situatie van de customer journey hebt gevisualiseerd, zal je map waarschijnlijk enkele tekortkomingen in je CX laten zien, overlappende informatie, slechte overgangen tussen fases, en belangrijke pijnpunten of obstakels voor klanten.

Gebruik hotspots en lagen in Lucidchart om gemakkelijk potentiële oplossingen in kaart te brengen en vergelijk snel de huidige situatie van de customer journey met de ideale, toekomstige situatie. Presenteer je bevindingen aan het hele bedrijf om iedereen op de hoogte te brengen van de verbeterpunten, met een duidelijk stappenplan voor verwachte veranderingen en hoe hun rol kan bijdragen aan het verbeteren van de customer journey.

Sjablonen voor customer journey mapping

Je beschikt over alle juiste informatie voor een customer journey map, maar het kan moeilijk zijn om precies te weten hoe je de informatie moet rangschikken op een leesbare en visueel aantrekkelijke manier. Deze voorbeelden van customer journey mapping kunnen je op weg helpen en je inspiratie geven over wat en hoeveel je waar in kaart moet brengen.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Laat de mogelijkheid van een slechte customer journey je geen slapeloze nachten bezorgen. Ken de huidige status van de customer journey met je bedrijf, en breng de veranderingen aan die je nodig hebt om klanten aan te trekken en tevreden te houden.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Customer journeys in kaart brengen is gemakkelijk met Lucidchart.

Lucidchart, een slimme diagramapplicatie in de cloud, is een kernonderdeel van Lucid Software's pakket voor visuele samenwerking. Met deze intuïtieve cloudgebaseerde oplossing kunnen teams in realtime samenwerken om flowcharts, mockups, UML-diagrammen, kaarten van customer journeys en meer te maken. Lucidchart stuwt teams vooruit om sneller aan de toekomst te bouwen. Lucid is trots op zijn diensten aan belangrijke bedrijven over de hele wereld, waaronder klanten als Google, GE en NBC Universal, en 99% van de Fortune 500. Lucid werkt samen met brancheleiders, waaronder Google, Atlassian en Microsoft. Sinds de oprichting heeft Lucid talrijke onderscheidingen ontvangen voor zijn producten, bedrijfsvoering en werkcultuur. Ga voor meer informatie naar

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What is a customer journey map?

Customer journey mapping in Miro

Table of Contents

Definition of customer journey mapping.

A customer journey map (or CJM) is a visual representation of the process your customers go through when interacting with your company. This diagram takes you through the exact steps that lead to a customer choosing your specific product and buying it from your business. Creating a customer journey map will provide you with a visual storyline of how a buyer or a customer persona engages with your business at every touchpoint. From seeing your brand on social media to going into the store to buy the product — the customer journey will document the entire story. Customer journey maps are especially useful when they chart the experience of a single persona. By taking one specific customer persona, such as a small business owner or a single mother, the journey map can be detailed and specific — providing you with data and information about how to target specific customers. If you include too many personas on one customer journey map, you risk your diagram becoming too generic, and you may overlook new opportunities. You’ll likely need multiple customer journey maps to accurately depict the many personas of your target audience. But of course, you’ll need to define those personas first. Miro has a user persona template that can help you represent your target audience and better understand how to satisfy their needs with your product.

customer journey mapping betekenis

Why is customer journey mapping important?

Ever wondered what makes a customer buy a specific product from a certain company? The answer often lies in the journey the customer takes above all else. Here’s why mapping the customer journey is so important for every business, no matter how big or small.

Makes complex customer journeys easy to understand

Like other diagrams and concept maps, turning a complex process like a customer journey into a visual representation brings clarity and shared understanding. Instead of trying to describe a customer journey model exclusively with words, the diagram gives everyone on your team a visual overview of the entire customer experience.

Most customer journey touchpoints are mapped on a timeline, which creates a chronological understanding of the needs and wants of the customer at each stage of the process. Having a tool that makes it easier for your team to understand these complex journeys is crucial, as often, a customer journey doesn’t align with one specific department. For example, marketing, sales, customer service, and technical support may all need to be involved in creating an ideal user experience.

Everyone from each of these departments needs to be clear on how the journey works, where the handoffs are, and how to maximize the experience. By having one diagram act as a point of reference, different departments can ensure they are on the same page and can make informed, collaborative decisions.

Puts you in the customer’s shoes

An effective customer journey map helps you learn not only customer behavior but also how customers interact with your product. It also helps you understand your customers on an emotional level, acknowledging what causes them frustration, happiness, and excitement. By putting yourself in a customer’s shoes, you can follow their entire journey from brand awareness to advocacy. This allows you to gain deeper insights into the customer’s pain points and what compelled them to choose your company’s product. Based on this analysis, you can tailor your business processes to attract similar personas and increase conversions.

Creates a clearer understanding of your customer’s expectations

Customer journey mapping is a strategic approach that allows your company to understand customer expectations as well as what attracts certain personas to buy your product. By taking the time to understand the customer’s journey, you can understand what they expect from their experience with your business and product. This deeper understanding of what they need from your business allows you to proactively support them. It may also identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

Contributes to long-term customer retention

Striving to understand what the customer needs and following their journey will allow you to optimize their experience with your company. This will make your customer feel heard and appreciated, and, as a result, brand loyalty among your customer base will increase. In turn, this will lead to high customer retention and, hopefully, an increase in purchase frequency, which will benefit your company greatly in the long term.

The benefits of customer journey mapping

Many great tools can help you understand the customer journey. Why should you care about this one? Here are a few reasons why CJMs should be an essential part of your business toolkit.

Build better experiences

Customer journey mapping gives you a big-picture experience of your customer’s interaction with your brand. Think of a CJM as a map of a physical location like a city or a town. Once you have a map spread out in front of you, it’s easier to understand where you might run into roadblocks. It helps you plan ahead, and make adjustments to help customers overcome those obstacles.

Once you can visualize all phases of your customer’s journey, you can see where you’re not meeting their expectations. Armed with that knowledge, you can build a customer experience that’s seamless and satisfying. That translates into improved products and processes, more sales, faster sales cycles, and greater customer retention.

Enable customer success

For your business to succeed, your customer must also succeed. Customer journey mapping helps you see what is and isn’t working for your customer so you can set them up for success. Even a stylized picture of your customer’s journey can empower you to create, monitor, adjust, and enhance touch points.

Work better as a team

Even if your objectives are different, everyone in your organization is working toward the same goal: satisfying your customers. But it’s easy to lose focus. Engineering teams are busy coding, marketing teams are writing ad copy, sales teams are trying to sell to their prospects.… How do you all stay aligned?

Customer journey mapping is powerful because it keeps everyone focused on the customer. By creating a CJM, you can gain deep insight into what your customers want and need. For the marketing team, that means building better campaigns. For the sales team, that means deeper engagement with customers and prospects. For engineering, that means a holistic understanding of what programs are meant to achieve. Customer journey mapping makes it easy to equip every team member with a sophisticated understanding of your customers.

Set yourself apart from the competition

A  recent report  shows that 90% of the organizations that use customer journey mapping saw a decrease in churn and customer complaints. Customers and prospects respond positively when they feel like a brand understands their desires and pain points. The data is clear: customer journey mapping can set you apart from your competition.

5 customer journey stages

The customer journey map can be split into five important stages, as seen in this customer journey mapping template pack . Each customer will go through these stages as they interact with your company during their journey.

1. Awareness

Awareness is the moment when a buyer first becomes aware of your company, product, or brand. This can happen through a variety of mediums, from social media advertising to a word-of-mouth referral from another customer. Your brand can increase awareness and attract more customers through marketing practices and brand advertising. Paying attention to how your target audience grows their awareness of your brand enables you to optimize your marketing approach, budget, and channel prioritization.

2. Consideration

After your customer has become aware of your brand, they move into the consideration stage. This is a stage of ideation in which the customer considers whether they need the product or service your business is offering. They may also consider other companies that offer the same product. This stage proves the importance of good advertising at the awareness stage. If your company markets itself well, the customer will likely consider your product even more closely at this stage.

3. Purchase/Decision

After the customer has considered all of their options, it’s time to decide on the product or service they are going to purchase — or whether they’re going to make a purchase at all. Should they decide against buying, that will be the end of their personal customer journey. If that is the case, your company should focus on improving the awareness and consideration stages by working on its customer service or trying out new advertising or personalized promotional techniques.

4. Retention

Remember: the customer journey doesn’t end once they’ve made a purchase. Every company wants a loyal base of customers who return time and time again, which is why your team should analyze what needs to be done to stop customers from leaving. Fostering brand loyalty is a great way to improve your business’s general income. You can aim to retain customers by providing things like incentives, better customer support, and reminders about new products through digital marketing.

5. Advocacy

The last stage in the customer journey is advocacy — letting other people know about your brand or the service that you offer. Customers are more likely to advocate for your company if they are completely satisfied throughout each stage of the customer journey. This shows the interconnectedness of every step and how the journey is a circular pattern, even if it focuses on different personas.

What are customer journey touchpoints?

Throughout the five customer journey stages, there are different customer touchpoints . These are the moments in the customer journey when the customer interacts or engages with the business. Let’s take a closer look at the three types of touchpoints.

1. Pre-purchase touchpoints

A pre-purchase touchpoint includes any time when the customer interacts with your business before making a purchase decision. Pre-purchase touchpoints can occur in the awareness and consideration stages. They can also happen when another customer that has already gone through the entire customer journey refers your business. Pre-purchase touchpoints can happen if a buyer comes into contact with your business by visiting your website, seeing a post about you on social media, or hearing about your product from a friend. This point of the customer journey is all about persuasion and explanation. You need to make sure that when the customer discovers your business for the first time, you demonstrate that you can fulfill their buying needs.

2. Purchase touchpoints

Purchase touchpoints take place during the decision/purchasing stage of the buyer’s journey. This can happen in-store or online. You should optimize this stage to be as efficient and streamlined as possible so that the customer doesn’t change their mind during the purchase. For example, having a slow website that isn’t mobile optimized or forcing the customer to jump through hoops with a sales assistant to make a purchase will affect the buying process. Optimizing this touchpoint is essential to retaining customers, as a quick and easy purchase process could compel them to return in the future.

3. Post-purchase touchpoints

Post-purchase touchpoints include the journey’s advocacy and retention phases. The success of these touchpoints depends on how well-optimized the previous stages in the journey were. If the entire journey up until this point was enjoyable for the customer, they are more likely to refer your product or service to their friends and family. You should try to stay in regular contact with the customer to remind them about the journey and your company, as this will encourage them to return in the future.

customer journey mapping betekenis

What’s the difference between a customer journey map and a user story map?

Although customer journey maps and user story maps resemble each other, their functions are slightly different.

User stories are used to plan out features or functionalities, typically in an Agile model. In a user story, you describe a feature or functionality from user perspectives. That way, you can understand what the user wants to do and how that feature can help them accomplish it. Use a customer problem statement template to help you craft these perspectives.

Typically, a user story takes this form: “As a [type of user], I want to [goal], so that [benefit].” For example, “As a UX designer, I want to sketch on an online whiteboard, so I don’t have to be in the same location as my collaborators.”

You can then visualize that user story with a user story map. For example, if you wanted to visualize the user story above, you would start by detailing the various steps the user will take when using that functionality. In this case:

Sketch on the whiteboard

Share with teammates

See teammates sketch in real time

Then, you would document the features required to take each step. Once you’ve done that, you would write these features on sticky notes and rearrange them based on their corresponding functionalities.

In short, user story maps allow you to plan and implement changes to the customer journey. Customer journey maps allow you to discover and understand what those changes might look like.

How to create a customer journey map

Creating a great customer journey map can be challenging. You need to get into the mind of a specific customer persona and understand not only their needs but also the different ways in which they interact with your company. With Miro’s customer journey mapping tool , you can streamline the process of creating one of these maps for your specific needs. Or, if you'd rather not start from scratch, follow these steps when filling out Miro’s customer journey map template :

1. Set clear objectives for the map

Before diving into the creation of your customer journey map, ask yourself why you need to know this information. Are you looking to optimize certain touchpoints? Are you looking to see why customer retention is low? Do you want to determine why customers decide against your product? Figuring out why you’re building the map is essential to the success of the exercise.

2. Identify profiles and personas

As previously mentioned, you need to focus on a specific persona when examining the customer journey. It’s important to remember that the customer journey map should focus on one specific audience at a time. This will help you figure out exactly who your target customer base is and gain an in-depth understanding of the buyer’s needs that your company is attempting to fulfill.

3. List the customer journey touchpoints

Next, you need to understand what happens each time the customer comes into contact with your company. These points in the process will tell you which areas of the journey you need to streamline and optimize to improve the customer experience.

4. Take the customer journey yourself

For the customer journey map exercise to be productive, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the customer and be honest with the experience that you have. This is the best way to see if your customer journey mapping is accurate and identify areas for improvement in the customer journey.

Customer journey mapping example

Here are some customer journey mapping examples for you to draw inspiration from and better understand what goes into a customer journey model.

Alex Gilev’s Practical Customer Journey Map

Alex Gilev is a certified UX expert and product leader experienced in creating highly usable and intuitive web applications. His practical customer journey map example created in Miro is based on the idea that you want to create an irreplaceable product for your customers. This customer journey map is divided into four phases: Discovery, Onboarding, Scaffolding, and Endgame.

customer journey mapping betekenis

This take on a customer journey map allows you to figure out practical fixes that will increase your competitive advantage over other businesses in the same industry. It helps you identify the value metrics that make your product desirable to the specified persona so that they’ll want to use your product frequently and repeatedly.

Build a customer journey map suited to your needs 

As we’ve shown, creating a customer journey map with your team has many benefits. This exercise can help you create the ideal experience for anyone who may come into contact with your company. It could be invaluable to the future of your business and help you build a loyal customer base.

Are you ready to get started with customer journey mapping? Try the Customer Journey Map Template , the ideal foundation on which to begin. This template is tailored to help your company identify touchpoints so that you can meet your customers’ needs.

How to make a customer journey map?

Benefits of a customer journey map

Customer experience vs. customer journey map

Service blueprint vs. journey map

What is consumer decision-making process?

Buyer journey vs customer journey

The 7 steps of the customer journey

What is service blueprint?

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in 6 stappen een customer journey map

Customer journey en touchpoits CustomerScope

Customer journey mapping, in 6 stappen naar een onderscheidende klantbeleving.

  Customer journey mapping is een methode om het koop- en oriëntatieproces vanuit het perspectief van de klant te visualiseren. Het onderzoekt en beschrijft de ervaringen van een klant van oriënteren tot het moment dat het een ambassadeur geworden is. Hiermee helpt het organisaties in de huid van de klant te kruipen. En inspireert het medewerkers over afdelingsgrenzen heen, om met elkaar te werken aan een naadloze en congruente klantbeleving.

Dit artikel verondersteld dat je weet wat een customer journey is en wat fases en touchpoints zijn. Zo niet lees dan eerst wat een customer journey is:   

Wat is customer journey mapping.

“Customer journey mapping is een klantgerichte techniek voor het optimaliseren van klantprocessen en diensten. Het maakt zichtbaar waar in het contact met klanten verbeteringen mogelijk zijn om een optimale klantbeleving te realiseren over alle kanalen heen”.

Wanneer is customer journey mapping nuttig?

Tijdens elk contact met een organisatie bepaalt de klant steeds weer opnieuw wat je waard bent. Elk bezoek is weer een moment van de waarheid, aldus een publicatie in Harvard Business Review. Ik ga later in op deze  afhaakmomenten. Misschien is het in beeld brengen hiervan  de belangrijkste reden om te investeren in customer journey mapping. Andere overwegingen zijn:

  • Signaleren van groeikansen
  • Meer synergie tussen verkoopkanalen
  • Realiseren van een optimale customer experience
  • Meer koopbeleving voor de klant
  • Medewerkers vanuit het perspectief van de klant laten kijken
  • Biedt houvast bij het doorvoeren van organisatieveranderingen 

Customer journey mapping vraagt om in de huid kruipen van de klant. 

 Het opstellen van een customer journey map is een intensief proces, waarvoor veel onderzoek en denkwerk nodig is. Realiseer je dat budgetten flink kunnen oplopen door diepgaand onderzoek. Maar je kunt natuurlijk ook pragmatisch en relatief goedkoop starten. Indien nodig kun je altijd in een later stadium je hypothese toetsen door klantonderzoek. Technieken die helpen zijn: voice of the customer, klantinterviews, social media, reviews, desk research.

De gehele map is erop gebaseerd dat je in de huid kruipt van jouw klant. Ben je bewust dat dit tot vervelende blinde vlekken kan leiden. Medewerkers denken al snel (hardnekkig) vanuit de organisatie. En realiseer je dat wat de klant zegt, niet hetzelfde is als deze bedoeld. Karin den Bouwmeester pleit om  verder te kijken dan het gedrag alleen  en hypotheses op te stellen voor de aanleiding ervan.

In 6 stappen ga ik je helpen een goede customer journey map op te stellen. 

Weet wie je bent als bedrijf

Waar staat het bedrijf voor. Waarin wil ze zich onderscheiden en hoe wil ze het vertrouwen en de loyaliteit van haar klanten winnen. Alvorens de werkgroep gaat starten moet zij de merkwaarden en merkbelofte goed voor ogen hebben. In elk touch point komen deze terug! 

De doelgroep vaststellen

Voor wie is jouw product en of dienst de juiste oplossing. Customer journey mapping vraagt om in de huid kruipen van je doelgroep. Om dit mogelijk te maken gebruiken we persona’s. Dit is een karakterisering van jouw koper. Het beschrijft één persoon, die representatief is voor de doelgroep, op basis van gedrag, behoefte, doelen, persoonlijkheidskenmerken, angsten, zorgen, etc. Het voordeel is dat je hiermee de doelgroep tot leven brengt en persoonlijk maakt.  Onderstaand een voorbeeld van ons.

Persona van Katja CustomerScope

Analyseren wat de klant wil en beleeft.

Het gaat erom per fase ( van awareness tot delight ) de vragen, problemen, emoties van de persona te begrijpen. En vervolgens te gaan begrijpen hoe je hierop kunt inspringen. Voor alles geldt, kruip in de huid van de klant en beperk je tot key points. Met een groep werken geeft veel inzichten en maakt het makkelijker om tot de kern te komen. In de vorm van een workshop genereert dat veel inspiratie en ideeën.

Voor het uitwerken ga je alle fases doorlopen en per fase de touchpoints in beeld brengen. Ik gebruik hier altijd flipover vellen voor en gebruik post-it memo’s.

Beschrijf de klantbehoefte en waarom de klant dit touchpoint bezoekt. Later in het proces beschrijf je de werkelijke klantervaring. De gap tussenbeide is van belang voor stap 6. Mike Hoogenveld werkt in zijn model met wat klanten: doen, denken en voelen. Wat je ook kiest. Schrijf zoveel mogelijk redenen en problemen op en bij elk probleem zoveel oplossingen als je kunt bedenken.

Soms loop je vast in je denken. In dat geval kan een why, why, why analyse uitkomst bieden. Dit vraagt enige handigheid, maar helpt je het problemen op een dieper liggend niveau te doorgronden.

Aan het einde van deze fase ken je de touchpoints, weet je wat voor impact ze hebben en kun je de effecten beoordelen op gewenst en ongewenst. 

customer journey mapping betekenis

  • Wat is marketing automation?

Om succes te boeken in leads verkrijgen en efficiencyslagen te maken is marketing automation het antwoord. Zowel voor het MKB als eensmansorganisaties.

Een optimale SEO-tekst schrijven

  • Een optimale SEO-tekst schrijven

Om goed vindbaar te zijn in Google, heb je een goede SEO-tekst nodig. Leer in dit artikel hoe je dat doet.

Wat is een waardepropositie en hoe stel je deze op?

  • Wat is een waardepropositie en hoe stel je deze op?

Door het opstellen en presenteren van een waardepropositie kiest een klant sneller voor jouw business en herkent deze direct de voordelen.

Hoe presteert jouw website?

customer journey mapping betekenis

  • Werken aan bekendheid en nieuwe opdrachtgevers werven voor Van Lier Catering
  • De voordelen van een Facebook shop


Onze businesscases:.

  • Volledig Beheer Marketingproces
  • een explosieve groei door facebook-adverteren
  • hoe onderscheidt je je online-als-vertaalbureau
  • fitness scale up
  • het klantgerichtste tuincentrum van nederland

Customer journey map

Customer journey in kaart als fundament voor je klantstrategie

Klanten gebruiken steeds meer verschillende contactmomenten of ‘touchpoints’ om met bedrijven in contact te komen. Om een optimale klantbeleving te creëren moeten zwakke schakels in de klantreis in kaart worden gebracht en vervolgens worden geoptimaliseerd. Dit gebeurt met behulp van customer journey mapping.

  • Wie is de klant?

Vroeger wisten veel kleine en middelgrote bedrijven precies wie hun klanten waren. De eigenaar van de plaatselijke supermarkt begroette je vrolijk bij je voornaam als je boodschappen kwam doen. Grotere ondernemingen kostte dit wat meer moeite, maar ook voor hen viel te achterhalen wie die mensen waren die hun winkels bezochten. Dat is al lang niet meer zo. De grote toename van online verkopen zorgt voor meer anonieme klanten en een sterke uitbreiding van concurrenten. Met één druk op de knop van de computer kun je producten of diensten vergelijken. Dat kan bovendien 24 uur per dag, vanaf elk apparaat en in vrijwel elk land ter wereld.

  • Klantstrategie bepalen

Toch zijn er ook in de digitaliserende consumptiemaatschappij manieren om te achterhalen wie de klant is en hoe hij of zij bediend wil worden. Dat laatste is nodig om de klant met behulp van de juiste sales funnel naar een aankoop te leiden en aan je bedrijf te binden. In dit artikel bespreken we wat er nodig is om een goede klantstrategie te kunnen bepalen, met behulp van customer journey mapping.

Customer journey definitie

Wat is een customer journey map, wat zijn customer journey touchpoints, waarvoor dient een customer journey map, customer journey map maken in 5 stappen.

  • 1. Doelen van de customer journey bepalen
  • 2. Klantpersona’s maken
  • 3. Klantgegevens voor customer journey
  • 4. Analyse maken van de customer journey map
  • 5. Actieplan en optimaliseren van de customer journey

In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.

Vice president, Strategy & Incubation , Hewlett-Packard

Vrijwel het gehele koopproces van de klant wordt in kaart gebracht met een customer journey map. De processen worden hierbij vanuit de klant bekeken en gevisualiseerd. Hierdoor wordt zichtbaar bij welke customer journey touchpoints de klantbeleving verbeterd kan worden.

The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.

Marketing consultant en schrijver van de trilogie , 'Wizard of Ads'

Customer journey touchpoints zijn (potentiële) momenten van interactie met de klant. Door in te spelen op deze touchpoints kun je als marketeer de klantreis optimaliseren. Touchpoints maken dus een wezenlijk deel uit van de customer journey map.

  • Versterken van merkbeleving onder klanten
  • Versnellen van de dienstverlening
  • Bepalen van kernfactoren van klanttevredenheid
  • Afhaakmomenten in het aankoopproces verminderen
  • Conversie verhogen
  • Groeikansen en verbeterpunten blootleggen
  • Loyale klanten en ambassadeurs creëren
  • Helpen bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe producten of diensten
  • Aanknopingspunten bieden voor het samenstellen van een klantgerichte  marketingmix

Customer journey mapping voor betere klantrelaties

Om klantrelaties te verbeteren, moet eerst inzichtelijk gemaakt worden hoe de klant interacteert met een bedrijf tijdens het gehele koop- en klanttraject. Hiervoor reis je met de klant mee door het aankoopproces. Er wordt gekeken welke contactmomenten bepalend zijn voor de klant, wat de klant denkt en wat hij voelt. De belangrijkst vraag bij het maken van een customer journey map, is:

Welke contactmomenten zijn bepalend om klanten te boeien en klanten te binden?

Onderscheiden van concurrentie

Bij customer journey mapping worden enkele stappen doorlopen:

  • Stap 1: Weet wie je bent als bedrijf en bepaal het doel van de customer journey.
  • Stap 2: Maak klantpersona’s.
  • Stap 3: Vul per persona de klantreis en customer journey touchpoints in.
  • Stap 4: Analyseer de customer journey en identificeer verbeterpunten in de klantreis.
  • Stap 5: Maak een actieplan voor veranderingen en ga aan de slag.

Doelen van de customer journey bepalen

  • Doelen bepalen
  • Klantpersona’s
  • Klantgegevens
  • Analyse maken

Klantpersona’s maken

Kantgegevens voor customer journey mapping.

  • Welke verschillende customer journey touchpoints kan de klant tegenkomen?
  • Hoe zijn de verantwoordelijkheden binnen de organisatie op deze touchpoints verdeeld?
  • Op welke touchpoints scoort de onderneming al optimaal?
  • Waar scoort de onderneming niet goed of zijn verbeteringen mogelijk?
  • Hoe ervaren klanten de verschillende stadia of fasen in hun klantreis ?
  • Wat is het beslissende moment voor de klant vóór aankoop van een product of dienst?
  • Welke customer journey touchpoints zijn voor de onderneming het belangrijkst om aan te pakken?

Customer journey touchpoints

Voorbeelden van customer journey touchpoints, focus op relevante customer journey touchpoints.

Humans relive their experiences as snapshots, not videos.

Psycholoog en winnaar Nobelprijs voor de Economie

Cruciale touchpoints in de customer experience volgens Daniel Kahneman

Voorbeeld van negatieve touchpoints in hotelbranche.

Een laagdrempelige manier om dit zelf te onderzoeken, is het lezen van hotel reviews op beoordelingswebsites zoals Tripadvisor en Zoover. Bij mijn vroegere werk in de reisbranche pluisde ik regelmatig de beoordelingssites uit om na te gaan of een hotel dat ik aan een klant voorstelde nog wel voldoet aan de juiste maatstaven. Natuurlijk geldt daarbij ‘zoveel mensen, zoveel meningen’, maar zo nu en dan kom je tussen de reviews een dramatische beoordeling tegen die erg uit de toon valt met de rest van de beoordelingen. Bij het nauwkeurig lezen van zo’n beoordeling blijkt dan regelmatig dat de vakantieganger helemaal geen vreselijk verblijf heeft gehad in het hotel, maar dat er een negatief touchpoint is geweest waar alles mis ging. Een discussie met een personeelslid van het hotel bijvoorbeeld. Of iemand is uitgegleden in het zwembad. De buren kwamen de laatste nacht zingend thuis. Een insect is iemands kamer in gekropen, wat regelmatig voorkomt in tropische landen. Hoe goed de diverse touchpoints overwegend ook waren, dat ene negatieve moment heeft ervoor gezorgd dat de algehele klantervaring negatief is.

Analyse maken van de customer journey map

Customer service is the experience we deliver to our customer. It’s the promise we keep to the customer. It’s how we follow through for the customer. It’s how we make them feel when they do business with us.

Auteur en spreker , Amerikaanse customer service expert

Actieplan en optimaliseren van de customer journey

Literatuur: Van der Kooi, B. (2017). De customer journey in kaart in 60 minuten . Zaltbommel, Nederland: Haystack.

APA bronvermelding voor dit artikel: ‘Van der Linde, M. (2019, 22 januari). Customer journey map. Geraadpleegd van’

Meer over dit onderwerp: Customer journey , Customer journey model , Klantreis

customer journey mapping betekenis

Monique van der Linde

Journalist marketing en commercie

Monique is een gedreven onderneemster en heeft in de combinatie van haar commerciële en journalistieke achtergrond, de uitdaging gevonden om complexe marketing onderwerpen in jip-en-janneke taal uit te leggen. Daarmee maakt ze marketing toegankelijk voor een groot publiek.


ik doe onderzoek naar de toegankelijkheid van een deelmarkt. Kan ik hiervoor de customer journey map voor gebruiken en hoe?

Ik hoor graag van u.

Met vriendelijke groet, Tom


Het bedrijf waar ik mijn scriptie voor schrijf, wil overgaan van telefonische verkoop naar digitale verkoop. Hiervoor moet ik een model gebruiken: ik moet echter kiezen tussen de customer journey en het waardepropositie canvas. Ik denk dat het beide goede modellen zijn, maar ik kan geen onderbouwing vinden welke het best gebruikt kan worden in dit geval

Jerome Knoot

Hoi Mark, ik adviseer je om de twee modellen als logisch gevolg van elkaar te gebruiken. Misschien is het ook zinvol voor je om daar een Business model canvas aan toe te voegen en mee te beginnen. Je kunt vervolgens met een waardepropositie canvas de waardepropositie verder uitdiepen. Vervolgens zou je met de input van dit canvas je customer journey vorm kunnen geven. Deze modellen hebben gecombineerd een sterker effect dan losstaand!

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customer journey mapping betekenis

Jouw marketingplan in 7 stappen

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Customer Journey Maps: How to Create Really Good Ones [Examples + Template]

Aaron Agius

Published: May 04, 2023

Did you know 70% of online shoppers abandoned their carts in 2021? Why would someone spend time adding products to their cart just to fall off the customer journey map right at the last second?

person creating a customer journey map

The thing is -- understanding your customer base can be extremely challenging. And even when you think you've got a good read on them, the journey from awareness to purchase for each customer will always be unpredictable, at least to some level.

Download Now: Free Customer Journey Map Templates

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While it isn't possible to predict every experience with 100% accuracy, customer journey mapping is a very handy tool for keeping track of important milestones that every customer hits. In this post, I'll explain everything you need to know about customer journey mapping — what it is, how to create one, and best practices.

Table of Contents

What is the customer journey?

Customer journey stages.

  • What is a customer journey map?

The Customer Journey Mapping Process

What's included in a customer journey map, steps for creating a customer journey map.

  • Types of Customer Journey Maps
  • Customer Journey Map Best Practices

Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

  • Customer Journey Map Examples

Free Customer Journey Map Templates

customer journey mapping betekenis

Free Customer Journey Template

Outline your company's customer journey and experience with these 7 free templates.

  • Buyer's Journey Template
  • Future State Template
  • Day-in-the-Life Template

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

The customer journey is the series of interactions a customer has with a brand, product, or business as they become aware of a pain point and make a purchase decision. While the buyer's journey refers to the general process of arriving at a purchase, the customer journey refers to a buyer's purchasing experience with a specific company or service.

Customer Journey vs. Buyer Journey

Many businesses that I've worked with were confused about the differences between the customer's journey and the buyer's journey. The buyer's journey is the entire buying experience from pre-purchase to post-purchase. It covers the path from customer awareness to becoming a product or service user.

In other words, buyers don't wake up and decide to buy on a whim. They go through a process to consider, evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service.

The customer journey refers to your brand's place within the buyer's journey. These are the customer touchpoints where you will meet your customers as they go through the stages of the buyer's journey. When you create a customer journey map, you're taking control of every touchpoint at every stage of the journey, instead of leaving it up to chance.

Free Customer Journey Map Template

Fill out this form to access the free templates..

For example, at HubSpot, our customer's journey is divided into 3 stages — pre-purchase/sales, onboarding/migration, and normal use/renewal.

HubSpot customer journey map stages

The stages may not be the same for you — in fact, your brand will likely come up with a set of unique stages of the customer journey. But where do you start? Let's take a look.

Generally, there are 5 phases that customers go through when interacting with a brand or a product: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Retention, and Loyalty.

Customer journey stages

1. Awareness Stage

In the awareness stage, customers realize they have a problem. At this point, they may not know that they need a product or service, but they will begin doing research either way.

During this stage of the customer journey, brands should deliver educational content to help customers diagnose a problem and offer potential solutions. Your aim should be to help customers alleviate their pain point, not encourage a purchase.

Some educational content that I've created in the past are:

  • How-to articles and guides
  • General whitepapers
  • General ebooks
  • Free courses

Educational content may also be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

  • Social media
  • Search engines

2. Consideration

In the consideration stage, customers have done enough research to realize that they need a product or service. At this point, they begin to compare brands and offerings.

During this stage, brands should deliver product marketing content to help customers compare different offerings and, eventually, choose their product or service. The aim is to help customers navigate a crowded marketplace and move them toward a purchase decision.

Product marketing content may include:

  • Product listicles
  • Product comparison guides and charts
  • Product-focused white papers
  • Customer success stories or case studies

Product marketing content may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

  • Your website
  • Conferences

3. Decision Stage

In the decision stage, customers have chosen a solution and are ready to buy.

During this stage, your brand should deliver a seamless purchase process to make buying products as easy as possible. I wouldn't recommend any more educational or product content at this stage — it's all about getting customers to make a purchase. That means you can be more direct about wanting customers to buy from you.

Decision-stage content may include:

  • Free consultations
  • Product sign-up pages
  • Pricing pages
  • Product promotions (i.e "Sign up now and save 30%")

Decision-stage content may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

4. Retention Stage

In the retention stage, customers have now purchased a solution and stay with the company they purchased from, as opposed to leaving for another provider.

During this stage, brands provide an excellent onboarding experience and ongoing customer service to ensure that customers don't churn.

Retention-stage strategies may include:

  • Providing a dedicated customer success manager
  • Making your customer service team easily accessible
  • Creating a knowledge base in case customers ever run into a roadblock

Retention-stage strategies may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

5. Loyalty Stage

In the loyalty stage, customers not only choose to stay with a company — they actively promote it to family, friends, and colleagues. The loyalty stage can also be called the advocacy stage.

During this phase, brands should focus on providing a fantastic end-to-end customer experience. This should span from your website content to your sales reps all the way to your social media team and your product's UX.

Most importantly, customers become loyal when they've achieved success with your product — if it works, they're more likely to recommend your brand to others.

Loyalty-stage strategies may include:

  • Having an easy-to-navigate website
  • Investing in your product team to ensure your product exceeds customer expectations
  • Making it easy to share your brand with others via a loyalty or referral program
  • Providing perks to continued customers, such as discounts

Loyalty-stage strategies may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

  • Your products

To find out whether your customers have reached the loyalty stage, try a Net Promoter Score survey , which asks one simple question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend?" To deliver this survey, you can use customer feedback software like Service Hub .

Now, let's get to the good stuff. Let's talk about creating your customer journey map.

What is the customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the customer's experience with a company. It also provides insight into the needs of potential customers at every stage of this journey and the factors that directly or indirectly motivate or inhibit their progress.

The business can then use this information to improve the customer's experience, increase conversions, and boost customer retention.

Now, the customer journey map is not to be confused with a UX journey map. But, for clarity, let's distinguish these two below.

What is UX journey mapping?

A UX journey map represents how a customer experiences their journey toward achieving a specific goal or completing a particular action.

For example, the term "UX journey mapping" can be used interchangeably with the term "customer journey mapping" if the goal being tracked is the user's journey toward purchasing a product or service.

However, UX journey mapping can also be used to map the journey (i.e., actions taken) towards other goals, such as using a specific product feature.

Why is customer journey mapping important?

While the customer journey might seem straightforward — the company offers a product or service, and customers buy it — for most businesses, it typically isn't.

In reality, it's a complex journey that begins when the customer becomes problem-aware (which might be long before they become product-aware) and then moves through an intricate process of further awareness, consideration, and decision-making.

The customer is also exposed to multiple external factors (competitor ads, reviews, etc.) and touchpoints with the company (conversations with sales reps, interacting with content, viewing product demos, etc.).

Keep in mind that 80% of customers consider their experience with a company to be as important as its products.

By mapping this journey, your marketing, sales, and service teams can understand, visualize, and gain insight into each stage of the process.

You can then decrease any friction along the way and make the journey as helpful and delightful as possible for your leads and customers.

Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a customer journey map — the visual representation of a company's customer experience. It compiles a customer's experience as they interact with a business and combines the information into a visual map.

The goal of this process is to draw insights that help you understand how your customers experience their journeys and identify the potential bottlenecks along the way.

It's also important to note that most customer journeys aren't linear. Instead, buyers often experience a back-and-forth, cyclical, multi-channel journey.

Let's look at the stages that you should include in any customer journey.

  • The Buying Process
  • User Actions
  • User Research

1. The Buying Process

To determine your customers' buying process, you'll want to pull data from all relevant sources (prospecting tools, CMS, behavior analytics tools, etc.) to accurately chart your customer's path from first to last contact.

However, you can keep it simple by creating broad categories using the typical buying journey process stages — awareness, consideration, and decision — and mapping them horizontally.

2. Emotions

Customer journey map template service

Whether the goal is big or small, remember your customers are solving a problem. That means they're probably feeling some emotion — whether that's relief, happiness, excitement, or worry.

Adding these emotions to the journey map will help you identify and mitigate negative emotions and the pain points that cause them.

On HubSpot's journey map , we use emojis to represent potential emotions at different stages of the customer journey. 

3. User Actions

customer journey mapping: user actions

This element details what a customer does in each stage of the buying process. For example, during the problem-awareness stage, customers might download ebooks or join educational webinars.

Essentially, you're exploring how your customers move through and behave at each stage of their journey.

4. User Research

customer journey mapping: user research

Similar to the last section, this element describes what or where the buyer researches when they are taking action.

More than likely, the buyer will turn to search engines, like Google, to research solutions during the awareness stage. However, it's important to pay attention to what they're researching so you can best address their pain points.

5. Solutions

customer journey mapping: solutions

1. Use customer journey map templates.

Why make a customer journey map from scratch when you can use a template? Save yourself some time by downloading HubSpot's free customer journey map templates .

This has templates that map out a buyer's journey, a day in the life of your customer, lead nurturing, and more.

These templates can help sales, marketing, and customer support teams learn more about your company's buyer persona. Not only will this lead to improvements to your product, but also a better customer experience.

2. Set clear objectives for the map.

Before you dive into your customer journey map, you need to ask yourself why you're creating one in the first place.

What goals are you directing this map towards? Who is it for? What experience is it based upon?

If you don't have one, I would recommend creating a buyer persona . This is a fictitious customer with all the demographics and psychographics representing your average customer. This persona reminds you to direct every aspect of your customer journey map toward the right audience.

3. Profile your personas and define their goals.

Next, you should conduct research. This is where it helps to have customer journey analytics at the ready.

Don't have them? No worries. You can check out HubSpot's Customer Journey Analytics tool to get started. 

Some great ways to get valuable customer feedback are questionnaires and user testing. The important thing is to only reach out to actual customers or prospects.

You want feedback from people interested in purchasing your products and services and who have either interacted with your company or plan to do so.

Some examples of good questions to ask are:

  • How did you hear about our company?
  • What first attracted you to our website?
  • What are the goals you want to achieve with our company? In other words, what problems are you trying to solve?
  • How long have you/do you typically spend on our website?
  • Have you ever made a purchase with us? If so, what was your deciding factor?
  • Have you ever interacted with our website to make a purchase but decided not to? If so, what led you to this decision?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how easily can you navigate our website?
  • Did you ever require customer support? If so, how helpful was it, on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • Can we further support you to make your process easier?

You can use this buyer persona tool to fill in the details you procure from customer feedback.

4. Highlight your target customer personas.

Once you've learned about the customer personas that interact with your business, I would recommend narrowing your focus to one or two.

Remember, a UX journey map tracks the experience of a customer taking a particular path with your company — so if you group too many personas into one journey, your map won't accurately reflect that experience.

When creating your first map, it's best to pick your most common customer persona and consider the route they would typically take when engaging with your business for the first time.

You can use a marketing dashboard to compare each and determine the best fit for your journey map. Don't worry about the ones you leave out, as you can always go back and create a new map specific to those customer types.

5. List out all touchpoints.

Begin by listing the touchpoints on your website.

Based on your research, you should have a list of all the touchpoints your customers are currently using and the ones you believe they should be using if there's no overlap.

This is essential in creating a UX journey map because it provides insight into your customers' actions.

For instance, if they use fewer touchpoints than expected, does this mean they're quickly getting turned away and leaving your site early? If they are using more than expected, does this mean your website is complicated and requires several steps to reach an end goal?

Whatever the case, understanding touchpoints help you understand the ease or difficulties of the customer journey.

Aside from your website, you also need to look at how your customers might find you online. These channels might include:

  • Social channels
  • Email marketing
  • Third-party review sites or mentions

Run a quick Google search of your brand to see all the pages that mention you. Verify these by checking your Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming from. Whittle your list down to those touchpoints that are the most common and will be most likely to see an action associated with it.

At HubSpot, we hosted workshops where employees from all over the company highlighted instances where our product, service, or brand, impacted a customer. Those moments were recorded and logged as touchpoints. This showed us multiple areas of our customer journey where our communication was inconsistent.

The proof is in the pudding -- you can see us literally mapping these touch points out with sticky notes in the image below.


HubSpot's free customer journey map template makes it easier than ever to visualize the buyer's journey. It saved me some time organizing and outlining my customer experience and it made it clear how a website could impact my user's lives. 

The customer journey map template can also help you discover areas of improvement in your product, marketing, and support processes.

Download a free, editable customer journey map template.

Types of Customer Journey Maps and Examples

There are four types of customer journey maps , each with unique benefits. Pick the one that makes the most sense for your company.

Current State

These customer journey maps are the most widely used type. They visualize the actions, thoughts, and emotions your customers currently experience while interacting with your company. They're best used for continually improving the customer journey.

Customer Journey Map Example: Current State Journey Map

Image Source

Day in the Life

These customer journey maps visualize the actions, thoughts, and emotions your customers currently experience in their daily activities, whether or not that includes your company.

This type gives a broader lens into your customers' lives and what their pain points are in real life.

Day-in-the-life maps are best used for addressing unmet customer needs before customers even know they exist. Your company may use this type of customer journey map when exploring new market development strategies .

Customer Journey Map Example: Day in the Life

Future State

These customer journey maps visualize what actions, thoughts, and emotions that your customers will experience in future interactions with your company. Based on their current interaction with your company, you'll have a clear picture of where your business fits in later down the road.

These maps are best for illustrating your vision and setting clear, strategic goals.

Customer Journey Map Example: Future State Journey Map Example

Service Blueprint

These customer journey maps begin with a simplified version of one of the above map styles. Then, they layer on the factors responsible for delivering that experience, including people, policies, technologies, and processes.

Service blueprints are best used to identify the root causes of current customer journeys or the steps needed to attain desired future customer journeys.

Customer Journey Map Example: Service Blueprint journey map

If you want a look at a real customer journey map that HubSpot has used recently, check out this interview we conducted with Sarah Flint, Director of System Operations at HubSpot. We asked her how her team put together their map (below) as well as what advice she would give to businesses starting from scratch. 

Hubspot customer journey map examle

Customer Journey Mapping Best Practices

  • Set a goal for the journey map.
  • Survey customers to understand their buying journey.
  • Ask customer service reps about the questions they receive most frequently.
  • Consider UX journey mapping for each buyer persona.
  • Review and update each journey map after every major product release.
  • Make the customer journey map accessible to cross-functional teams.

1. Set a goal for the journey map.

Determine whether you aim to improve the buying experience or launch a new product. Knowing what the journey map needs to tell you can prevent scope creep on a large project like this.

2. Survey customers to understand their buying journey.

What you think you know about the customer experience and what they actually experience can be very different. Speak to your customers directly, so you have an accurate snapshot of the customer's journey.

3. Ask customer service reps about the questions they receive most frequently.

Sometimes, customers aren't aware of their specific pain points, and that's where your customer service reps come in.

They can help fill in the gaps and translate customer pain points into business terms you and your team can understand and act on.

4. Consider UX journey mapping for each buyer persona.

It's easy to assume each customer operates the same way, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Demographics, psychographics, and even how long someone has been a customer can determine how a person interacts with your business and makes purchasing decisions.

Group overarching themes into buyer personas and create a UX journey map for each.

5. Review and update each journey map after every major product release.

Every time your product or service changes, the customer's buying process changes. Even slight tweaks, like adding an extra field to a form, can become a significant roadblock.

So, reviewing the customer journey map before and after implementing changes is essential.

6. Make the customer journey map accessible to cross-functional teams.

Customer journey maps aren't very valuable in a silo. However, creating a journey map is a convenient way for cross-functional teams to provide feedback.

Afterward, make a copy of the map accessible to each team, so they always keep the customer top of mind.

Breaking down the customer journey, phase by phase, aligning each step with a goal, and restructuring your touchpoints accordingly are essential steps for maximizing customer success .

Here are a few more benefits to gain from customer journey mapping.

1. You can refocus your company with an inbound perspective.

Rather than discovering customers through outbound marketing, you can have your customers find you with the help of inbound marketing.

Outbound marketing involves tactics targeted at generalized or uninterested audiences and seeks to interrupt the customers' daily lives. Outbound marketing is costly and inefficient. It annoys and deters customers and prospects.

Inbound marketing involves creating helpful content that customers are already looking for. You grab their attention first and focus on the sales later.

By mapping out the customer journey, you can understand what's interesting and helpful to your customers and what's turning them away.

2. You can create a new target customer base.

You need to understand the customer journey properly to understand your customers' demographics and psychographics.

It's a waste of time and money to repeatedly target too broad of an audience rather than people who are actually interested in your offering.

Researching the needs and pain points of your typical customers will give you a good picture of the kinds of people who are trying to achieve a goal with your company. Thus, you can hone your marketing to that specific audience.

3. You can implement proactive customer service.

A customer journey map is like a roadmap to the customer's experience.

It highlights moments where people experience delight and situations where they might face friction. Knowing this ahead of time allows you to plan your customer service strategy and intervene at ideal times.

Proactive customer service also makes your brand appear more reliable. For example, when I worked in customer support, we would anticipate a surge in tickets around the holidays. To be proactive, we'd send out a message to customers letting them know about our team's adjusted holiday hours. We would aalso tell them about additional support options if we were unavailable and what to do if an urgent problem needed immediate attention.

With expectations set, customers won't feel surprised if they're waiting on hold a little longer than usual. They'll even have alternative options to choose from — like a chatbot or knowledge base — if they need to find a faster solution.

4. You can improve your customer retention rate.

When you have a complete view of the customer journey, it's easier to pick out areas where you can improve it. When you do, customers experience fewer pain points, leading to fewer people leaving your brand for competitors.

After all, 33% of customers will consider switching brands after just one poor experience.

UX journey mapping can point out individuals on the path to churn. If you log the common behaviors of these customers, you can start to spot them before they leave your business.

While you might not save them all, it's worth the try. Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25%-95%.

5. You can create a customer-focused mentality throughout the company.

As your company grows, it can be tricky to coordinate all your departments to be as customer-focused as your customer service, support, and success teams are. That's because each department has varying goals, meaning they might not be prioritizing customer needs -- they might focusing on website traffic, leads, product signups, etc.

One way to overcome this data silo is to share a clear customer journey map with your entire organization. The great thing about these maps is that they map out every single step of the customer journey, from initial attraction to post-purchase support. And, yes, this concerns marketing, sales, and service. 

For more examples of customer journey maps, read on to the next section for a few templates you can use as a baseline for your company's map. 

Customer Journey Mapping Examples

To help guide your business in its direction, here are examples to draw inspiration from for building out your customer journey map.

1. HubSpot's Customer Journey Map Templates

HubSpot's free Customer Journey Map Templates provide an outline for companies to understand their customers' experiences.

The offer includes the following:

  • Current State Template
  • Lead Nurturing Mapping Template
  • A Day in the Customer's Life Template
  • Customer Churn Mapping Template
  • Customer Support Blueprint Template

Each of these templates helps organizations gain new insights into their customer base and help make improvements to product, marketing, and customer support processes.

Download them today to start working on your customer journey map.

free editable customer journey map template

2. B2B Customer Journey Map Example

This customer journey map clearly outlines the five steps Dapper Apps believes customers go through when interacting with them.

As you can see, it goes beyond the actual purchasing phase by incorporating initial research and post-purchase needs.

B2B customer journey map example

This map is effective because it helps employees get into the customers' minds by understanding the typical questions they have and the emotions they're feeling.

There are incremental action steps that Dapper Apps can take in response to these questions and feelings that will help it solve all the current problems customers are having.

3. Ecommerce Customer Journey Map Example

This fictitious customer journey map is a clear example of a day-in-the-life map.

Rather than just focusing on the actions and emotions involved in the customer's interaction with the company, this map outlines all the actions and emotions the customer experiences on a typical day.

ecommerce customer journey map example

This map is helpful because it measures a customer's state of mind based on the level of freedom they get from certain stimuli.

This is helpful for a company that wants to understand what its target customers are stressed about and what problems may need solving.

4. Future B2C Customer Journey Map Example

This customer journey map, designed for Carnegie Mellon University, exemplifies the usefulness of a future state customer journey map. It outlines the thoughts, feelings, and actions the university wants its students to have.

future BTC customer journey map

Based on these goals, CMU chose specific proposed changes for each phase and even wrote out example scenarios for each phase.

This clear diagram can visualize the company vision and help any department understand where they will fit into building a better user experience.

5. Retail Customer Journey Map Example

This customer journey map shows an in-depth customer journey map of a customer interacting with a fictitious restaurant.

It's clear that this style of map is more comprehensive than the others. It includes the front-of-stage (direct) and back-of-stage (non-direct or invisible) interactions a customer has with the company, as well as the support processes.

customer journey map example for retail

This map lays out every action involved in the customer experience, including those of the customer, employees directly serving diners, and employees working behind the scenes.

By analyzing how each of these factors influences the customer journey, a company can find the root cause of mishaps and problem-solve this for the future.

To get your business from point A — deciding to focus on customer journeys — to point B — having a journey map — a critical step to the process is selecting which customer mindset your business will focus on.

This mindset will determine which of the following templates you'll use.

1. Current State Template

If you're using this template for a B2B product, the phases may reflect the search, awareness, consideration of options, purchasing decision, and post-purchase support processes.

For instance, in our Dapper Apps example, its phases were research, comparison, workshop, quote, and sign-off.

current state customer journey map template

2. Day in the Life Template

Since this template reflects all the thoughts, feelings, actions, needs, and pain points a customer has in their entire daily routine — whether or not that includes your company — you'll want to map out this template in a chronological structure.

This way, you can highlight the times of day at which you can offer the best support.

Get an interactive day in the life template.


3. Future State Template

Similar to the current state template, these phases may also reflect the predicted or desired search, awareness, consideration of options, purchasing decision, and post-purchase support processes.

Since this takes place in the future, you can tailor these phases based on what you'd like the customer journey to look like rather than what it currently looks like.

Get an interactive future state template.

Customer journey map template future state

4. Service Blueprint Template

Since this template is more in-depth, it doesn't follow certain phases in the customer journey.

Instead, it's based on physical evidence — the tangible factors that can create impressions about the quality and prices of the service — that often come in sets of multiple people, places, or objects at a time.

For instance, with our fictitious restaurant example above, the physical evidence includes all the staff, tables, decorations, cutlery, menus, food, and anything else a customer comes into contact with.

You would then list the appropriate customer actions and employee interactions to correspond with each physical evidence.

For example, when the physical evidence is plates, cutlery, napkins, and pans, the customer gives their order, the front-of-stage employee (waiter) takes the order, the back-of-stage employee (receptionist) processes the order, and the support processes (chefs) prepare the food.

Get an interactive service blueprint template.

Customer journey map template service

5. Buyer's Journey Template

You can also use the classic buyer's journey — awareness, consideration, and decision — to design your customer journey map.

Get an interactive buyer's journey template.

Customer journey map template buyer

Charter the Path to Customer Success

Once you fully understand your customer's experience with your business, you can delight them at every stage of their buying journey. Remember, many factors can affect this journey, including customer pain points, emotions, and your company's touchpoints and processes.

A customer journey map is the most effective way to visualize this information, whether you're optimizing the customer experience or exploring a new business opportunity to serve a customer's unrecognized needs.

Use the free templates in this article to start mapping the future of customer success at your business.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August, 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Apply for a job, keep track of important information, and prepare for an  interview with the help of this free job seekers kit.

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Customer Journey Map

What is a customer journey map.

A customer journey map is a visual depiction of all steps a customer or prospect takes when interacting with your company with a specific goal in mind. This could include, for example, the path a visitor to your website takes to reach your trial-signup page. You might also develop a customer journey map to document the entire process a customer goes through to buy your product — from their first visit to your website, through signing an agreement with a sales rep.

Why Are Customer Journey Maps Important?

Customer journey mapping is an important process because it can help various teams across a company gain a better understanding of the experience that prospective and existing customers have when dealing with their organization.

Sales teams, for example, can develop customer journey maps to get a holistic, objective view of every step a prospect must take as they move through the sales funnel. When stepping back and viewing this entire process, for example, the team might discover there are too many steps — some of which are unnecessary or could at least be shortened — and that as a result, they are losing prospects.

Similarly, when they can see and review their entire sales funnel, the team might realize there are missing steps in their customer’s journey, meaning they are asking their prospects to take too big a leap at some point to the next stage in the sales funnel.

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What Can Product Managers Learn from a Customer Journey Map?

Product managers can benefit in several ways from creating customer journey maps. For example, by mapping out the entire first-time-user experience, from landing on your product’s website to actually purchasing it, you and your product team can take a more objective look at the process from a potential user’s point of view.

This can help you better understand where a prospect might become confused or frustrated along their journey — as well as where your cross-functional team has created a compelling message or painless transition that will carry the prospect along to the next stage of the buying process.

You can then share this journey map with marketing, sales, design, and other teams across the company so you can work together to improve the customer experience where it’s needed.

As an example, here is a ProductPlan customer journey map that UX Raw founder Jeremy Rawson created to depict his experience with our company, from the first website visit through creating his company’s first product roadmap with our app.

Customer Journey Map Example Graphic by ProductPlan

Other things product managers can learn from customer journey roadmaps include:

  • Whether some area of your product itself does not allow your users to complete the desired action in a logical or streamlined way.

For a deeper discussion, read our blog on how journey maps can help product managers build better products .

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How Can I Create a Customer Journey Map?

Marketing expert Aaron Agius offers the following six-step process as a customer journey map template.

Step 1: Decide what you want from this journey map.

Before you can start creating a journey map, you need to determine what your objectives are for it. Do you want to know how customers go through your sales funnel, for example, or how they interact with your support team, or how they use some aspect of your product to achieve a goal?

You can create several customer journey maps, each addressing specific interactions your customers have when interacting with your company. But you’ll want to keep each map focused on a single aspect of the customer’s journey, to avoid confusion and to give your team a clearer picture of that journey.

Step 2: Figure out your personas’ goals.

This step will help you better understand where your prospects and customers are coming from, what they need and value, and how they view themselves. When you have all of this persona data to check against your journey map, you’ll have a clearer picture of where your current customer journey conflicts with the process you’re asking them to go through.

For example, let’s assume your primary personas are executives who describe themselves as “extremely busy” in your surveys or the market research you’ve reviewed. Knowing this, when you view your journey map, you will want to make sure your current buying process does not include too many steps or take any longer than necessary.

Step 3: Identify all touchpoints.

Now you will want to identify all of the channels a prospect could possibly take as their first step with your company. This could include online ads, social media posts, organic search leading to various pages on your website, or your company’s outbound marketing emails.

Next, you’ll want to assign to each of these touchpoints the likely emotional triggers that compel users to take action and seek to engage more deeply with your company or product.

At the same time, look for any obstacles that could be stopping users from taking further action on any of these channels. When they see a social ad, for example, perhaps your product’s cost is a turnoff. Or perhaps the next-step action — filling out a lengthy form, for example — might turn prospects away.

Step 4: Determine what you want your journey map to show.

Here Agius lists the four types of customer journey maps you can use:

Current state: A detailed walkthrough of how customers currently engage with your business.

Day in the life: Also a detailed walkthrough of your customer’s journey with your company today, but put into the broader context of everything else your customer does in the day.

Future state: Your vision of how you’d like customers to interact with your product, company, etc. in the future.

Blueprint: A map of either your current-state or future-state customer’s journey, but with roles, responsibilities, and possibly timelines added for implementing your desired improvements.

Step 5: Take the customer journey yourself.

Now you’re ready to act as your customer and take the path your company has put in place to achieve whatever objective you’re trying to measure.

If you want to learn exactly what steps your prospects must go through to download your free trial, or speak with a sales rep, or complete an action using your mobile app, take that journey now.

Important: You will also want to document every step of your journey, and make notes at each stage as well about insights you’ve had, pain points you’ve identified, and any gaps or unnecessary steps in the process.

Step 6: Adjust your journey map as needed.

After you’ve completed the journey and reviewed your notes, you will want to make all necessary changes to the map.

Then you can begin translating those changes into action across your company — which could mean updating your sales process, streamlining your free trial funnel, etc.

Here are a couple of other examples, taken from Agius’s Hubspot post on customer journey maps . You can use these as templates to start your own journey map.

Agius from Hubspot's Customer Journey Map

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When and how to create customer journey maps.

Portrait of Kate Kaplan

July 31, 2016 2016-07-31

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In This Article:

What is a customer journey map, deconstruction of a customer journey map, why do you need a journey map and when should you have one, key elements of customer journey maps, rules for creating successful journey maps.

In its most basic form, journey mapping starts by compiling a series of user goals and actions into a timeline skeleton. Next, the skeleton is fleshed out with user thoughts and emotions in order to create a narrative. Finally, that narrative is condensed into a visualization used to communicate insights that will inform design processes.

Storytelling and visualization are essential facets of journey mapping because they are effective mechanisms for conveying information in a way that is memorable, concise and that creates a shared vision. Fragmented understanding is chronic in organizations where KPIs are assigned and measured per individual department or group because many organizations do not ever piece together the entire experience from the user’s standpoint. This shared vision is a critical aim of journey mapping, because without it, agreement on how to improve customer experience would never take place.

Journey mapping creates a holistic view of customer experience, and it’s this process of bringing together and visualizing disparate data points that can engage otherwise disinterested stakeholders from across groups and spur collaborative conversation and change.

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Zone A: The lens provides constraints for the map by assigning (1) a persona (“who”) and (2) the scenario to be examined (“what”).

Zone B: The heart of the map is the visualized experience, usually aligned across (3) chunkable phases of the journey. The (4) actions, (5) thoughts, and (6) emotional experience of the user has throughout the journey can be supplemented with quotes or videos from research.

Zone C: The output should vary based on the business goal the map supports, but it could describe the insights and pain points discovered, and the (7) opportunities to focus on going forward, as well as (8) internal ownership.

Journey maps should always be created to support a known business goal. Maps that do not align to a business goal will not result in applicable insight. The goal could be an external issue, such as learning about a specific persona’s purchasing behaviors, or an internal issue, such as addressing lack of ownership over certain parts of the customer experience. Some potential business goals that journey mapping could be applied toward are listed below.

Shift a company’s perspective from inside-out to outside-in. If an organization lets internal processes and systems drive decisions that affect customer experience, a journey map could help turn the culture of that organization by refocusing on the thoughts, actions and emotions of customers. Journey mapping sheds light on real human experiences that often organizations know very little about.

Break down silos to create one shared, organization-wide vision. Because journey maps create a vision of the entire customer journey, they become a tool for creating cross-department conversation and collaboration. Journey mapping could be the first step in building an organization-wide plan of action to invest in customer experience, as it helps answer the question, “Where do we start?” by highlighting areas of friction.

Assign ownership of key touchpoints to internal departments. Often, areas of inconsistencies and glitches in customer journeys exist simply because no internal team has been tasked with ownership of that element. Journey maps can create clarity around alignment of departments or groups with different stages or key touchpoints in the journey that need addressing.

Target specific customers. Journey maps can help teams focus in on specific personas or customers, whether that means understanding differences or similarities across the journeys of multiple personas, prioritizing a high-value persona or exploring ways to target a new type of customer.

Understand quantitative data. If you are aware through analytics or other quantitative data that something specific is happening—maybe online sales are plateauing or an online tool is being underutilized—journey mapping can help you find out why.

While journey maps can (and should) take a wide variety of forms, certain elements are generally included:

Point of view. First and foremost, choose the “actor” of the story. Who is this journey map about? For example, a university might choose either students or faculty members, both of which would result in very different journeys. “Actors” usually aligns with personas, if they exist. As a guideline, when creating a basic journey map, use one point of view per map in order to provide a strong, clear narrative.

Scenario. Next, determine the specific experience to map. This could be an existing journey, where mapping will uncover positive and negative moments within that current experience, or a “to-be” experience, where the mapper is designing a journey for a product or service that doesn’t exist yet. Make sure to clarify the user’s goal during this experience. Journey maps are best for scenarios that describe a sequence of events, such as purchasing behavior or taking a trip.

Actions, mindsets, and emotions. At the heart of a journey map’s narrative is what the user is doing, thinking, and feeling during the journey. These data points should be based on qualitative research, such as field studies, contextual inquiry, and diary studies . The granularity of representation can vary based on the purpose of the map. Is the purpose to evaluate or design an entire, broad purchasing cycle or a contained system?

Touchpoints and channels. The map should align touchpoints (times when the actor in the map actually interacts with the company) and channels (methods of communication or service delivery, such as the website or physical store) with user goals and actions. These elements deserve a special emphasis because they are often where brand inconsistencies and disconnected experiences are uncovered.

Insights and ownership. The entire point of the journey-mapping process is to uncover gaps in the user experience (which are particularly common in omnichannel journeys), and then take action to optimize the experience. Insights and ownership are critical elements that are often overlooked. Any insights that emerge from journey mapping should be explicitly listed. If politically possible, also assign ownership for different parts of the journey map, so that it’s clear who’s in charge of what aspect of the customer journey. Without ownership, no one has responsibility or empowerment to change anything.

Even with all the above critical elements included, two journey maps could look completely different, yet both be perfectly suitable for the context in which they were designed.Tradeoffs in scope, focus, and breadth vs. depth are required when deciding on what elements to include. To make informed decisions on those tradeoffs, consider the following:

  • What level of detail is needed in order to tell the complete story?
  • What elements (such as device, channel, encountered content) are also necessary in order to provide the most truthful narrative?
  • Is the purpose of this journey map to diagnose issues with a current experience or to design a new experience?
  • What’s the balance between external actions (on the customer side) and internal actions (on the organization side)?
  • Who will be using this journey map?

Successful journey maps require more than just the inclusion of the “right” elements. Journey mapping should be a collaborative process informed by well-defined goals, and built from research. It requires hard work to keep the process on the right track and to build the buy-in needed to evangelize the insights it provides. Below are some tips for making sure that the process starts and stays in the right direction:

Establish the “why" and the “what.”  First, identify the business goal that the journey map will support. Make sure there are clear answers to these basic key questions before you begin the process:

  • What business goal does this journey map support?
  • Who will use it?
  • Who is it about and what experience does it address?
  • How will it be shared?

Base it on truth. Journey maps should result in truthful narratives, not fairy tales. Start with gathering any existing research, but additional journey-based research is also needed to fill in the gaps that the existing research won’t cover. This is a qualitative-research process. While quantitative data can help support or validate (or aid in convincing stakeholders who may view qualitative data as “fuzzy”), quantitative data alone cannot build a story .

Collaborate with others. The activity of journey mapping (not the output itself) is often the most valuable part of the process, so involve others. Pull back the curtain and invite stakeholders from various groups to be a part of compiling the data and building the map.

Don’t jump to visualization. The temptation to create an aesthetic graphic or jump to design can lead to beautiful yet flawed journey maps. Make sure the synthesis of your data is complete and well-understood before moving to creating the visual.

Engage others with the end product. Don’t expect to get “buy-in” and foster interest in your journey map by simply sending a lovely graphic as an email attachment. Make it a living interactive document that people can be a part of. Bring up your story in meetings and conversations to promote a narrative that others believe in and begin to reference. One idea is to create a journey-mapping showroom where anyone not on the direct team can come experience the process and resulting artifacts.

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Related courses, journey mapping to understand customer needs.

Capture and communicate UX insights across complex interactions

Omnichannel Journeys and Customer Experience

Create a usable and cohesive cross-channel experience by following guidelines to resolve common user pain points in a multi-channel landscape


Generating Big Ideas with Design Thinking

Unearthing user pain points to drive breakthrough design concepts

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A Guide to Customer Journey Mapping in 2023

We walk through what a customer journey map is and how to create one.

What is customer journey mapping?

Four benefits of customer journey mapping, how to create a customer journey map, why an omnichannel strategy is the key to successful customer journey mapping.

Customer journey mapping is the process of tracing a customer’s interactions with a business as they travel throughout the funnel (starting with initial awareness, all the way to their conversion). Customer journey mapping is a visual representation of a user’s journey, portrayed with diagrams, spreadsheets, and so on. 

Sometimes, a customer journey map may home in on a particular aspect of the customer experience (e.g., how existing users solve product issues through your self-serve knowledge base and customer support) or it may focus on a specific persona. 

The mapping process aims to understand customer needs and resolve pain points that may pop up at critical touchpoints. 


Here’s an example of an early product roadmap we created for Personas, which eventually would become Twilio Engage.

6 Questions Your Customer Journey Map Should Answer

The point of mapping out the customer journey is to understand their experience interacting with your business. What points of friction are getting in the way of a conversion? What’s the average length of the customer journey for each persona? (For instance, a B2C company will see a much shorter customer journey than a B2B company , where more stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process.) 

The specific questions you’ll be asking yourself when plotting out your own customer journey map will depend on your business, but here are six to consider: 

Where are we seeing high drop-off rates in the customer funnel? Is there a pattern here when it comes to persona, or is it a potential UX issue? 

Which touchpoints are critical to the customer journey? ( Multi-touch attribution , or the process of understanding which touchpoints influenced a conversion, is closely tied to this.) 

Which channels are the most popular among customers? 

Is there a clear path forward for customers at each stage? (E.g., are we making it easy for people to request a demo, connect to sales, or learn more about a product/service?) 

What content or information are customers looking for at each stage? Are there any knowledge gaps we need to fill? 

Are there opportunities for cross-selling and upselling ? And when would those pitches be the most effective? 

The insights you gain from journey mapping will be instrumental in personalizing experiences, streamlining operations, and creating a customer-centric culture. 

1. Understand the role of different touchpoints & channels

By building a customer journey map, you’ll see how all the different interactions with your business influence and relate to each other.

Say a journey mapping exercise uncovers that many young shoppers visit your stores to try out a product but buy online. Such store visits might not show up in your key business metrics. But this insight could lead you to alter the store experience or even prevent closing locations that don't drive direct sales but indirectly actually do.

2. Identify customer pain points

A journey map shows the many channels customers use to complete a purchase or essential action with your business. This overview helps you identify roadblocks so you can improve the experience at each touchpoint.

For instance, you might test the onboarding and check-out experiences all the time but never be on the receiving end of your app's mobile push notifications. But those interactions are part of the customer experience, and journey mapping ensures you don't forget about optimizing these moments, too.

3. Personalize the customer journey across channels

Mapping out the journey of a particular group of customers helps you understand which channels they visit and what they're trying to do at each touchpoint. This knowledge gives you two personalization benefits. You can:

Ensure your customer's preferred channels seamlessly connect, both on the customer-facing side (the user experience) and the backend (the data that underpins them).

Tailor each touchpoint's content to the information or solution a particular type of customer is looking for on that channel.

4. Create a customer-centric culture

A customer journey map is a deliverable everyone in your organization can reference and understand. It shows the experience with your company from the customer’s perspective without regard for departments and internal processes that often set the tone and structure of other documents and tools. This viewpoint can help break down silos and create company-wide support for customer-centric goals and projects.

There's no fixed format or approach for customer journey mapping. But since the practice became popular in the nineties , several common steps and best practices have emerged.

1. Pick a goal and buyer persona

The first step is understanding what goal you want to achieve with your customer journey map and for which buyer persona.

There are four common types of customer journey maps:

Current state , to show how a journey currently works and discover opportunities for improvement.

Future state , to illustrate what you want a journey to be like and plan what it takes to get there.

Day in the life , to understand how your touchpoints fit in with everything else a customer does in their life that influences the interactions with your company.

Blueprints show a current or future state journey map with your company’s people, processes, and technologies layered on top.

Unless you're an early-stage company with one product and one customer persona, it’s best to only address one goal and customer type per map. Otherwise, it can become too generic, complex, or both.

To recap, a buyer persona refers to your ideal or target customer. Businesses often have multiple different buyer personas depending on the products they offer. These buyer personas can span from engineers to C-suite executives, and the messaging and customer journeys will vary depending on these factors. Usually, businesses write backstories for their buyer personas based on feedback, market research, and an understanding of their product-market fit. These backstories will break down each persona’s priorities, and the questions they’ll likely be most concerned with throughout the customer journey. 

While by no means a definitive list, here is a general outline of how to create a buyer persona: 

Have a clear understanding of how your product fits in the market, your competitive differentiators, and the companies you’ll likely be going up against. 

Identify your ideal customer(s). Who is your product or brand for? Get specific when it comes to job titles, communication styles,  etc. For B2B companies, working with Sales is a great way to get more insight into the questions or feedback they’re gaining from prospective customers. 

Write profiles for each persona. Highlight which talking points or specific features they’ll be most interested in, their role within the company, and so forth. 

Shopify offers great resources into creating buyer personas for retail/e-commerce companies, which you can find here.

2. Identify all touchpoints & channels

A customer journey map should include every point of contact that occurs between the business and the customer, for the specific goal it’s focusing on. A common approach is to categorize these touchpoints by funnel stages, which will generally be broken into the categories of:


Of course, sometimes the funnel stages are talked about more granularly or more broadly, depending on the length of the customer journey, industry, etc. 

Let’s use the example of a person looking to purchase a pair of sneakers. They first became aware of the brand via a social media ad (with the brand including this user in one of their lookalike audiences ). After seeing the ad, this person visited the product page multiple times showing their interest and evaluation (e.g., did the product have positive reviews? Did it come in multiple colors and styles? How expensive were the shoes compared to other brands?). 

When the person added the item to their cart but didn’t check out, the brand recognized their intent to buy. This allowed them to tailor their messaging to fit with the person’s bottom-of-the-funnel positioning (e.g., sending discount codes or cart abandonment emails to nudge them into action). From these interactions, the business could also identify the best channels to reach the user on: do they seem to favor mobile browsing? Are they most active on Instagram (and therefore, a brand should focus their retargeting efforts on that channel)? The application of these insights will make the customer journey all the more effective at influencing a conversion.


When identifying all the touchpoints a customer journey, don’t forget these often overlooked interactions: 

404 Error pages on your website.

Subscription confirmation or opt-in email notifications.

Transactional emails like receipts or invoices.

Customer reviews of your products or services on other sites.

Real-world interactions with service personnel, like a receptionist or repair technician.

3. Analyze conversion & engagement data from different channels

With your map's touchpoints identified, collect all the data you have about them. Some common stats to look for are listed below. Ideally, break down these numbers between those that match your buyer persona versus others.

Customer retention, visitor, or user numbers of each touchpoint.

The bounce, drop-off, or unsubscribe rate at each touchpoint – people who stop their journey from that point on.

Conversation rates of customers taking an action you'd like them to take.

Customer feedback data about a touchpoint, say the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for a product feature.

4. Interview customers for direct feedback

You can't create customer journey maps without talking to customers. No matter how much data you analyze, you'll miss moments of the experience that only words and sights can convey.

Asking people about their experience is essential for creating and validating your customer journey map. Such market research will give you insights into people’s feelings and motivations. These aspects are hard to capture from quantitative data alone.

Here are some questions you can ask when you do such qualitative research :

In what ways does our product help you?

How satisfied were you with process X (e.g., onboarding, check-out)?

Aspect X of our service made it easy for me to do Y; True or false? (e.g., The instruction manual made it easy for me to put together the product. True or false?)

What else can we do to support you or improve your experience with our company?

5. Plot journeys between touchpoints based on your data & feedback

By now, you have a good understanding of your customer's journey based on the collected information. You now take all this data to build and finish your actual map:

List all the touchpoints your customer might visit on the way to the goal you've set.

Plot the routes customers take to reach the goal.

Depending on the map type and your goal, add more contextual information at essential touchpoints. For example, customers' emotions, common issues you've identified, or metrics to track for a certain step.

If you've mapped out a future state, you can use your map to plan the resources and actions necessary to build it. In other cases, you can work with a tool like Journeys , which allows you to orchestrate multi-step customer journeys based on real-time data. 


Using real-time events, Computed Traits , or even time logic, marketers can now design workflows that move users through multi-step experiences in real time.

6. Optimize your website & marketing campaigns

Like the omnichannel customer experience itself, modern journey mapping isn't linear with a clear beginning and end. Your map shouldn't be a fixed, static document but can instead serve as a tool for continuous customer journey optimization.

To do so, mark the essential points on the journey, then focus on improving those moments. You can also use your map to design and test alternative journey versions to see if those give better results than your current iteration.

To map and improve a modern customer journey, you need data from every touchpoint, plus the ability to make sense of all that information . An omnichannel strategy connects all your touchpoints so you can reach and recognize customers at any phase in their journey.

This interconnectedness means you always build your journey maps based on the latest information. And, as part of an omnichannel strategy, you continuously analyze which channels each target audience prefers and can include those in your maps, too.

Twilio Engage helps businesses collect and consolidate customer data from every profile, and unify it into a single profile that updates in real time. You can then send this data to any downstream destination for activation, and even orchestrate multi-step customer journeys across every channel.

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Frequently asked questions

How many steps are there in a customer journey map, what are the main components of a customer journey map, how can twilio engage help companies create customer journey maps.

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The 9 best customer journey mapping tools to grow your business

Customer journey mapping (CJM) software is a digital tool that collects and presents quantitative and qualitative data about how users interact with your product or website so you can better understand your buyer personas and ensure a delightful user experience (UX).

The more complicated the journey, the more data you’ll need to map it out. The right mix of CJM tools gives you data from multiple customer touchpoints and channels so you can collect as much information as possible to map your journey in detail.

Last updated

Reading time.

Customers will interact differently with your site or app depending on what part of the journey they’re in. Since journey maps include everything from awareness—when a customer first sees your ad on Facebook—to onboarding and using your product, the data you rely on to guide your map will vary at each stage.

This article walks you through three types of customer journey mapping software, so you understand how each fits into your different workflow stages and can choose the tool(s) that work best for your business:

Traditional website and behavior analytics tools  

Voice-of-the-customer tools for user feedback

Tools to visualize your customer journey map

Website and behavior analytics tools for customer journey mapping

Analytics tools give you insight into who your customers are and how they behave on your website.

Traditional website analytics tools give you quantitative data , including traffic and demographic metrics like bounces and bounce rate , new and returning users , and goal conversion rates .

Behavior analytics tools give you qualitative insight into how users actually experience your website and how they behave during their customer journey. These tools help you pinpoint where users spend time on individual pages, which buttons they click (or don’t), and where they exit from the funnel, so you can improve the user experience.

While traditional analytics tools tell you about the customer’s journey to your website, behavior analytics tools show where their attention goes after they’ve arrived.

Quantitative and qualitative analytics tools work together to help you identify usability issues in your customer journey and highlight opportunities to improve the customer experience .

Here are three popular analytics tools used by marketing and UX professionals to help you kickstart your customer journey mapping process:

Hotjar (hi there! 👋) helps you gain insights into customer behavior with tools like Funnels , Heatmaps , Recordings , Surveys , and a Feedback widget , giving you invaluable data on how users experience your site throughout their journey.

Hotjar Funnels shows you the path of the journey, while Heatmaps and Recordings show you how users behave along the way—where they click and scroll, where they get stuck, and the actions they take as they navigate from page to page. Hotjar’s tools also offer built-in automations—like AI for Surveys —and team collaboration features, including Highlights , which makes insight sharing quick and painless.

Hotjar reveals what numbers don’t. Funnels helped me identify where in the customer journey people drop off. Recorded user sessions let me understand what people see when they arrive on our website—what they click and what they don’t click. Heatmaps helped me identify where they spend most of their time and assess if they should be spending time there or not.

Furthermore, Hotjar Dashboards gives you key user behavior metrics, helping you prioritize how you build and fix your website to provide a better customer journey, which ultimately helps you increase conversions and improve customer satisfaction .

Hotjar complements tools like Google Analytics , giving you a full picture of customer engagement and behavior on your website.

Discover how visitors experience your site

Use Hotjar to gather data and insights into the customer journey so you can make the right changes at the right time for your visitors.

2. Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics tool that tracks and measures website traffic metrics, like bounce and exit rates, goal conversions, sources of traffic, and user demographics.

GA tells you how much traffic your website gets, where it comes from, and which channels convert best. You can also see what your most popular landing pages are and where people are exiting from your website.

💡 Pro tip: traditional analytics and behavior analytics tools work best as a team. 🤜🤛 Combining Hotjar and Google Analytics helps you to paint a more complete picture of your customers’ journey through your site—check out Hotjar’s GA4 integration to unlock the full potential of both tools.

Heap is a no-code product analytics tool that gives you customer data on how people use your product, tracking every stage of the customer journey.

This tool comes in handy when you’re looking for customer pain points with your product and you need data to help you make decisions aimed at increasing customer retention and reducing churn . Heap helps you understand which customer segments your users come from, giving you more granular insight into the customer journey.

Voice of the customer tools for user feedback

Voice-of-the-customer (VoC) tools help you understand your customer needs by capturing what they really think about your business or product , in their own words. 

Learning what your customers have to say about their experience helps you get raw, authentic feedback about how they perceive your brand and product at every stage of the journey, giving you deeper insight into customer emotions and motivations that drive their decision-making.

Here are three customer feedback tools to help you understand your users:

Hotjar (hello again! 👋) gives you insights into customer behavior with feedback tools like surveys , user interviews , and a visual feedback widget.

The Hotjar Heatmaps and Recordings tools show you the what and how of user behavior; Surveys and Feedback help you understand the why . 

Embed a survey or feedback widget on any page to ask customers what they think about your product experience, giving them the opportunity to share their unique perspectives. Use Hotjar’s Microsoft Teams and Slack integrations to receive survey response notifications in real time, so you and your team members are immediately notified of issues and can react promptly.

💡 Pro tip: the way you ask a question determines what kind of answer you’ll get. Open-ended questions will give you more qualitative data (and can be answered in detail), while closed-ended questions (think ‘yes/no’ questions) can help you create charts based on quantitative user research data.

Before you set up an on-site survey, know what information you want to get from your visitors—and how you’re going to use it—so you can ask questions that’ll get you the data you need.

One of our primary goals as a UX team is to understand the customer’s journey and what they’re doing on the website. Surveys give us the ability to reach out to people in context—we can just pop a survey on a page we want insights on.

2. Clarabridge

Clarabridge is an AI-powered feedback text analytics tool that collects what people say about your brand or business from every possible source and analyzes how they feel about you.

This tool is the way to go if you want to know how people really feel about your brand and business, and what the general user sentiment is. Use Clarabridge when people are already talking about your company: either on your website (through chats and surveys) or off your site (like on social media platforms).

3. InMoment

InMoment is an experience-intelligence (IX), AI-powered feedback tool that helps you get more detailed feedback from users.

For example, if you ask your users about their experience and they say ‘Good’, InMoment prompts them further: ‘What was good?’ It also offers social monitoring that gathers meaningful feedback on what your customers are saying about you online.

Tools to visualize your customer journey

Classic customer journey mapping tools are visual flowchart builders: the digital version of sticky notes, only these can be saved in the cloud, shared with your team, and turned into a remote-friendly collaborative workspace.

Once you’ve collected data about your users from user feedback and analytics tools you’ll have enough information to map out the user journey.

When you have a flowchart mapped out, it’ll be easier to:

Identify all customer touchpoints

See which pathways can be simplified

Find opportunities to increase engagement and build customer loyalty

Visualize which touchpoints belong to each part of the funnel

Create clearer CTAs and paths so users can navigate to the next step

Make an impact map to clarify and prioritize product decisions

Here are four tools to create visual and intuitive maps using customer journey software:

Miro is an online whiteboard workspace that’s great for remote teams who want to brainstorm and put their thoughts onto a shared digital whiteboard. The software lets you create a board from scratch—so you can still use your sticky note strategy, just digitally—or use one of their pre-made templates.

U se Hotjar with Miro to bring heatmaps, survey responses, and other analytics data to life. This helps ensure you and your team make data-driven decisions while visualizing your journey. Use this tool the same way you’d use a whiteboard for prototyping, wireframing, diagramming, or roadmapping.

2. UXPressia

UXPressia’s main functionality is to create customer journey maps. If you need a little more than a whiteboard, UXPressia helps you create consistently good-looking CJMs for your customer personas. 

This tool has a beautiful and intuitive interface, perfect for those who want to build maps that impress. You can easily visualize customer touchpoints and customize the maps to your own brand.

UXPressia is great for when you need a clean design and a tool that lets multiple stakeholders map data across different departments—very useful for real-time collaboration. This tool is also a good option if you're looking for a customer journey map template to help you get started.

Smaply is a mapping tool for complex customer journeys, helping you understand channel usage and backstage processes. It lets you create a repository of customer insights, including images, PDF files, and even audio files to link all your data together and get a full overview of the customer journey. Plus, it integrates with project management tools like Jira (which in turn integrates with Hotjar ).

Use this tool when you have a complex customer journey and you want to keep everything in one, easy-to-navigate place.

Gliffy is a fast and easy-to-use collaborative tool that lets you draw out large diagrams. You can drag and drop shapes from their library and leave feedback comments, and it also integrates with Google Drive. It stores past map versions and tracks changes, so you can always go back to previous iterations.

Gliffy is a great option when you don’t need a fancy customer journey mapping tool, but something simple yet versatile to get your ideas ‘on paper’.

How to choose the right customer journey mapping tool

The right customer journey mapping tool depends on the complexity of your journey, your level of understanding of the journey, how steep the tool’s learning curve is, the structure of your team, and why you’re mapping the customer journey in the first place—that is, what you want to learn from it.

The most important part isn’t really the tool you pick, it’s how you use it and what you do with the insights you get.

In the next chapter, we’ll dig deeper into why you need customer journey mapping tools and how specific features can help you accomplish your customer experience management goals.

FAQs about customer journey mapping tools

What is a customer journey map.

A customer journey map—sometimes called a user journey map or service blueprint —is a visual representation of how customers interact with and experience your website, products, or business across multiple touchpoints.

What are customer journey mapping tools?

Customer journey mapping tools are digital tools that collect and present quantitative and qualitative data about how users interact with your product or website.

Customer journey tools—also known as user journey mapping tools—tell you where your visitors come from, how they behave on your website, and what they think about their experience.

What are the best customer journey mapping tools?

The right mix of CJM tools gives you data from multiple customer touchpoints and channels so you can collect as much information as possible to map your journey in detail. Use one or a combination of these tools to create a customer journey that delights your buyers:

Google Analytics 4


CJM tips and how-tos

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CJM tools: features and how to choose

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  1. What is Customer Journey and the Customer Journey Maps?

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  5. Free Solution for Effective Customer Journey Mapping

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  6. Customer journey map: What it is and how to create one (and examples)

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  1. Customer Journey Mapping Tool

    Focus On The Right Solutions - Improve Your Customer Experience - Grow Your Business. TheyDo is Your All-in-One Platform for Customer-Centric Collaboration. Get Started.

  2. Wat is customer journey mapping?

    Een customer journey map is een visuele weergave van alle interacties die een klant met een merk of product heeft. Door elk contactmoment - van het eerste contact tot de aankoop en langdurige loyaliteit - in kaart te brengen, krijgt je organisatie waardevolle actiegerichte inzichten in het gedrag van je klanten.

  3. Customer Journey Mapping 101: Definition, Template & Tips

    Customer journey vs process flow. Understanding customer perspective, behavior, attitudes, and the on-stage and off-stage is essential to successfully create a customer journey map - otherwise, all you have is a process flow. If you just write down the touchpoints where the customer is interacting with your brand, you're typically missing up to 40% of the entire customer journey.

  4. Customer Journey (2024): Uitleg en Voorbeelden [+ Template]

    Een customer journey map is een visualisatie van de ervaring van een klant met een bedrijf, product of dienst. Het begint wanneer de klant zich voor het eerst bewust wordt van een behoefte en eindigt bij de mate van loyaliteit. De kaart volgt alle contactmomenten die de klant met een merk heeft, zowel online als offline.

  5. What is a Customer Journey Map? Definition, Importance, Examples, and

    A Customer Journey Map serves as a dynamic visualization, illustrating the intricate pathway customers traverse when engaging with your product or service. Unlike mere records of tangible actions, our Customer Journey Map meticulously captures the nuances of customer assumptions, motivations, and emotions at every interaction.

  6. PDF THE ULTIMATE GUIDE Customer journey mapping

    A customer journey map is a visual representation of customers' processes, needs, and perceptions throughout their interactions and relationship with an organization. It helps you understand the steps customers take - the ones you see, and don't - when they interact with your business. Customer journey mapping helps you look for the ...

  7. ICM

    De term 'customer journey' staat voor de reis die jouw klant aflegt om tot de aankoop van jouw product of dienst te komen. Door dit visueel weer te geven, krijg je inzicht in hoe je de beleving van jouw klant kunt verbeteren. In dit artikel lees je alles wat je moet weten over customer journeys en het in kaart brengen ervan: customer ...

  8. What Is A Customer Journey Map And Why Are They Important?

    A 2018 customer journey mapping report shows that 67% of customer experience professionals surveyed across the globe are using, or have used, customer journey mapping. Moreover, almost 90% of ...

  9. Customer journey map maken

    Kies de contactpunten die de customer journey met je merk nauwkeurig weergeven. Nadat je je contactpunten hebt gedefinieerd, kun je ze gaan ordenen op je customer journey map. 4. Breng de huidige situatie in kaart. Schets wat volgens jou de huidige status is van de customer journey, de huidige customer experience.

  10. Customer Journey Mapping: Complete Visual Process Guide

    The customer journey map (CJM) is one of the main tools that allows us to understand and improve customer experience. This video from Peer Insight shows a sample Customer Journey Map in action; but in essence, it is a graph which illustrates the steps customers go through: from initial contact, through the process of engagement, and hopefully into long-term loyalty.

  11. What Is Customer Journey Mapping and Why Is It Important?

    Customer journey mapping (also called user journey mapping) is the process of creating a customer journey map, a visual story of your customers' interactions with your brand. This exercise helps businesses step into their customer's shoes and see their business from the customer's perspective. It allows you to gain insights into common ...

  12. What is a Customer Journey Map? Tips & Examples

    A customer journey map (or CJM) is a visual representation of the process your customers go through when interacting with your company. This diagram takes you through the exact steps that lead to a customer choosing your specific product and buying it from your business. Creating a customer journey map will provide you with a visual storyline ...

  13. Customer journey mapping, in 6 stappen naar een onderscheidende

    Customer journey mapping is een methode om het koop- en oriëntatieproces vanuit het perspectief van de klant te visualiseren. Het onderzoekt en beschrijft de ervaringen van een klant van oriënteren tot het moment dat het een ambassadeur geworden is. Hiermee helpt het organisaties in de huid van de klant te kruipen.

  14. Customer journey map

    Bij customer journey mapping worden enkele stappen doorlopen: Stap 1: Weet wie je bent als bedrijf en bepaal het doel van de customer journey. Stap 2: Maak klantpersona's. Stap 3: Vul per persona de klantreis en customer journey touchpoints in. Stap 4: Analyseer de customer journey en identificeer verbeterpunten in de klantreis.

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    The customer journey map template can also help you discover areas of improvement in your product, marketing, and support processes. Download a free, editable customer journey map template. Types of Customer Journey Maps and Examples. There are four types of customer journey maps, each with unique benefits. Pick the one that makes the most ...

  16. What is Customer Journey Mapping & Why is it Important?

    Customer journey mapping (also called user journey mapping) is the process of creating a customer journey map, a visual story of your customer's interactions with your brand. This exercise helps businesses step into their customer's shoes and see their business from the customer's perspective. It allows you to gain insights into common ...

  17. How to Map Out the Customer Journey: 8 Stages for Success

    1. Define your purpose. The first step to creating a successful customer journey map is to define your product's vision or purpose. Without a clear purpose, your actions will be misguided and you won't know what you want users to achieve during their journey on your website, product page, or web app.

  18. Customer Journey Map

    A customer journey map is a visual depiction of all steps a customer or prospect takes when interacting with your company with a specific goal in mind. This could include, for example, the path a visitor to your website takes to reach your trial-signup page. You might also develop a customer journey map to document the entire process a customer ...

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    A customer journey map helps you gain a better understanding of your customers so you can spot and avoid potential concerns, make better business decisions and improve customer retention. The map ...

  20. Customer Journey Maps: When and How to Create Them

    See below for diagram annotations. Zone A: The lens provides constraints for the map by assigning (1) a persona ("who") and (2) the scenario to be examined ("what"). Zone B: The heart of the map is the visualized experience, usually aligned across (3) chunkable phases of the journey. The (4) actions, (5) thoughts, and (6) emotional ...

  21. Create a Customer Journey Map (Free Templates, Tips)

    Map out your customer journey. Start mapping the current or future states of your customer journey in a template you've chosen from Canva. Organize in the diagram all the insights and touchpoints you've gathered and listed as a team earlier. You can arrange them in the most visually appealing way you can think of.

  22. A Guide to Customer Journey Mapping in 2023

    1. Pick a goal and buyer persona. The first step is understanding what goal you want to achieve with your customer journey map and for which buyer persona. There are four common types of customer journey maps: Current state, to show how a journey currently works and discover opportunities for improvement.

  23. 10 Major Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

    Let's take a look at how customer journey mapping can benefit your company—and your customers. 1. Walk in your customers' shoes. Collecting real-world insights helps you dig deep into how customers interact with your brand, which makes it easier to empathize with their experience.

  24. 9 Customer Journey Mapping Tools to Grow Your Business

    Here are three customer feedback tools to help you understand your users: 1. Hotjar. An example of an on-site survey. What it is: Hotjar (hello again! 👋) gives you insights into customer behavior with analytics and feedback tools like heatmaps, session recordings, surveys, and a visual feedback widget.