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How to Contact Kayak Customer Service

Last Updated: November 5, 2022

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 65,813 times. Learn more...

Kayak is an online travel search website where you can find the best deals on flight schedules, hotels, and rental cars. You may want to contact Kayak customer service to get more information about a recent flight or rental car you booked on their site. You may also want to file a complaint or provide feedback to the company. You can connect to Kayak customer service by phone. You can also reach them online through their official website and on social media.

Step 1 Use their online booking support page.

  • You can then use this information to find the receipt for your Kayak booking and adjust it online.

Step 3 Fill out the feedback form on their website.

  • You can choose from topics like “I have a question about my booking,” “I found a price inaccuracy,” “I have a question about Trips,” “I want to add/edit my hotel or property,” and “I want to buy an ad.”
  • Once you have filled out the form, you can submit it online.

Step 4 Chat with a Kayak customer service agent on Facebook messenger.

  • You should be able to send multiple messages to Kayak through Facebook messenger and chat with a customer service representative for as long as needed until your issue is remedied.

Step 5 Reach out to Kayak on Twitter.

  • For example, you may write, “@KAYAK Customer Service issue with my booking, who can I speak to directly about this?” or “@KAYAK I need to reach Customer Service about my car rental. What can you do about my concern?”
  • Make sure you follow Kayak on Twitter so you can stay connected with them, especially if they tweet back to you.

Step 6 Send Kayak a message on Instagram.

  • For example, you may send them a message on Instagram like, “Hi Kayak, I have a customer service issue that I need to get remedied right away. What can you do to help me?"
  • You may leave a comment like, “Repeat #kayak customer with a booking issue, need #customerservice right away.”
  • Use hashtags in your comment like “#kayak” and “#customerservice” so other Instagram users can see your comment as well. This may put more pressure on Kayak to respond to you promptly if they know other users are paying attention to your comment.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Before calling the customer service department or sending a feedback form, visit Kayak’s help section first at http://www.kayak.com/help . Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 2

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Contacter le service client de Kayak par email ou par téléphone

Comment joindre les services de Kayak?

  • Comment joindre le service client de Kayak ?
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Les services et offres de Kayak

Kayak est un site de voyage d’une entreprise américaine du même nom. En effet, à travers ce site, vous avez la possibilité de préparer un voyage vers une destination facilement. Tout d’abord, le site dispose d’un moteur de recherche qui vous permet de trouver et de réserver des hôtels, des billes d’avion, des voitures à louer, des billets de train et même des séjours. Ce moteur de recherche, tout comme Govoyage est accessible depuis la page d’accueil.

Ensuite, outre les éléments précédents, un outil de recherche du site de Kayak disponible ici vous donne la possibilité de trouver une activité sur une destination. Cet outil vous sera surtout utile une fois que vous serez à votre destination. C’est comme un genre de journal qui vous informe sur les activités, événements ou bons plans à ne pas rater sur place (foire, cuisines et sorties, carnaval…).

Enfin, comme tout bon site de voyage qui se respecte, vous trouverez sur Kayak.fr; de nombreux conseils voyages ainsi que des guides, surtout à travers sa page blog . Vous verrez sur ce dernier, divers articles portant sur le thème du voyage : top destination, bon plan pour trouver un hôtel, choix du type de vol (avec ou sans escale)…

Comment contacter Kayak ?

Depuis 2004, KAYAK révolutionne l’industrie du voyage. Vous pourrez rechercher des locations de voitures pas chères grâce à sa fonctionnalité, c’est le vrai comparateur de location de véhicule qui parcourt de nombreux sites de voyage.

numéro service client

La voiture de location parfaite sera disponible pour vous, afin de visiter sa liste de destinations populaires à travers le monde. Louer une voiture est devenu facile, une voiture sera toujours là pour vous, même si vous venez d’arriver de l’aéroport ou si vous devez faire un déplacement professionnel ou encore partir en vacances ou juste en trouver près de chez vous.

Kayak possède des offres pour des voitures de location de toutes sortes en passant par la petite catégorie, moyenne, grande, SUV, van, voiture de luxe, pick-up ou encore un véhicule commercial. L’entreprise compare les prix afin de trouver la meilleure offre à vous proposer, elle le fait surtout par rapport aux principales agences de location de voitures telles que Thrifty, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, Payless et bien d’autres encore.

L ‘enseigne compte plus de 6 milliards de recherches annuelles sur ses plateformes. D’après les chiffres, la classe économique est la plus prisée des Français car elle rassemble les avantages de ne pas être chère et aussi une taille de véhicule correcte..

N’hésitez pas à contacter l’équipe de Kayak si vous avez des questions ou si vous voulez faire une réservation grâce aux coordonnées ci-dessous.

Les différents moyens de contacter le service client de Kayak

Pour avoir des informations sur les conditions de location de voiture auprès de la marque vous pouvez visiter son site web sur  https://www.bsp-auto.com/ .

Vous pouvez aussi visiter la page Foire aux questions où vous trouverez peut-être la réponse à vos questions, elle regroupe l’ensemble des renseignements importants sur la réservation, les politiques du groupe, l’assurance et les tarifs.

Envoyer un e-mail

Si vous voulez envoyer un email à Kayak pour avoir des informations plus précises

Vous pouvez leur soumettre toutes vos questions par courriel à l’adresse suivante   [email protected] . Et si vous êtes un hôtel ou une agence et que vous désirez être affichée sur vos offres sur le site, vous êtes tenu d’envoyer votre message sur le mail suivant : [email protected] .

Une autre façon de contacter le service client de Kayak : le formulaire de contact facile à remplir.

Si vous voulez devenir partenaire avec Kayak, veuillez-vous référer à l’adresse [email protected] .

Siège social : adresse postale

Vous pouvez également écrire au siège social européen sur l’adresse suivante:

KAYAK Europe GmbH

Fraymünsterstrasse 16

8001 Zurich

Réseaux sociaux

Kayak est présent sur la plupart des réseaux sociaux

Si vous voulez discuter avec des conseillers expérimentés :

  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kayak/?brand_redir=1958757694264942
  • YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC51WxJ5wuMAoJhhGsg4Y7wg
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/KAYAK_FR
  • LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/kayak/
  • Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kayak_europe/

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Accueil » Voyages, Transports » Contacter le service client de Kayak par email ou par téléphone

  • Dernière mise à jour de la page : 24 juillet 2023

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Kayak comparateur

Contacter Kayak

Lancée en 2004, la société KAYAK est une plateforme en ligne destinée au voyage. C’est un moteur de recherche qui permet aux voyageurs de comparer les vols, les hôtels, locations de voitures et séjours afin de choisir librement ce qui leur convient selon leur budget. Cette initiative a révolutionné l’industrie du voyage à tel point qu’aujourd’hui, la plateforme enregistre annuellement des milliards de recherches effectuées par des millions de voyageurs à travers le monde entier. Alors, si vous souhaitez contacter Kayak pour des renseignements ou pour solliciter leurs services, vous trouverez dans les lignes ci-dessous, les coordonnées nécessaires pour le faire.   

kayak voyage telephone

Sachez que vous avez plusieurs options qui sont mises à votre disposition si vous souhaitez contacter Kayak.

Kayak service client par téléphone

Kayak a un mode de fonctionnement particulier. En effet, la société ne dispose pas de numéro qui pourrait vous permettre de la joindre par téléphone. Alors, si vous souhaitez contacter son service client, vous devez procéder autrement en utilisant les autres moyens ci-dessous.

Contacter Kayak par email

À défaut de pouvoir contacter kayak par téléphone , vous pouvez leur soumettre toutes vos questions par courriel à l’adresse suivante : [email protected] .

Dans la même logique, vous avez la possibilité d’utiliser le formulaire de contact disponible sur leur site pour leur envoyer un message ou un commentaire. Dès réception de votre message, le service client se chargera de vous apporter les réponses adaptées à vos besoins. Pour ce cas, vous devez renseigner votre mail, le sujet ainsi que votre message.

Ensuite, si vous êtes une chaîne hôtelière ou une agence et que vous désirez être affichée sur la plateforme, vous êtes tenu d’envoyer votre message sur le mail suivant : [email protected] .

S’il s’agit par contre d’un partenariat, veuillez-vous référer à l’adresse ci-après : [email protected] .

Étant donné que Kayak dispose aussi des espaces publicitaires sur son site, si cela vous intéresse, vous pouvez écrire au service dédié via ce mail : [email protected] ou [email protected] . Chacun de ces services vous répondra aussitôt possible afin de vous orienter dans votre requête.

Contacter Kayak service client par adresse postale

Si pour vous, l’envoi de courrier est le moyen par excellence pour faire vos demandes, sachez alors qu’il est possible d’utiliser ce moyen pour joindre la marque. Toutefois, il faut préciser que la société n’a pas de siège en France. Donc, vous devez rédiger votre courrier et l’envoyer à l’adresse suivante :

Kayak Europe GmbH Fraumünsterstrasse 16 8001 Zurich Suisse

Services utiles Kayak

Dans le but de vous aider à trouver rapidement des réponses à vos questions, la marque a mis en place une plateforme d’assistance autonome. En effet, il s’agit de la foire aux questions qui vous propose des réponses aux questions régulièrement adressées à la société. C’est pourquoi, si vous recherchez des informations précises concernant les prestations offertes par Kayak, il est d’abord recommandé de consulter la FAQ mise à votre disposition avant de penser à la contacter. Car, il se pourrait que vous y trouviez des réponses à vos interrogations. Pour vous faciliter la recherche, les questions/réponses ont été classées par domaine comme suit : Vols, Hôtels, Voitures, Trips et compte.

Contacter Kayak France sur les réseaux sociaux

Il faut noter que vous pouvez passer par les réseaux sociaux pour joindre la marque en dehors des moyens mis à votre disposition. En effet, la marque Kayak est disponible sur Facebook et Twitter . Par conséquent, à travers la messagerie de ces réseaux, vous pouvez leur écrire en leur expliquant votre problème. Le plus souvent, le temps de réponse est court et les conseillers clients vous répondent de façon instantanée. Vous pouvez également suivre les actualités de Kayak si vous êtes abonné à ses pages.  Attention le compte twitter Kayak France ne semble plus exister, il faudra donc passer par le compte principal (en anglais).

Compte Kayak

La marque dispose d’un espace dédié à ses clients sur sa plateforme. Ainsi, lorsque vous avez un compte, il vous permet de bénéficier de plusieurs offres spéciales et d’accéder à divers services. Entre autres, il vous permet de faire des réservations et de gérer ou de modifier vos informations personnelles en cas de besoin. Pour vous connecter, vous devez obligatoirement vous rendre sur le site et lorsque vous y êtes, vous verrez la mention « Connexion » situé dans la partie supérieure droite de votre écran. Vous n’avez qu’à cliquer dessus pour renseigner vos informations (votre mail et mot de passe). Dans le cas contraire, vous cliquez sur « Inscription » pour créer votre compte.

Application Kayak

Enfin, la société a créé une application mobile qui regroupe tous ses services. Celle-ci vous aide à effectuer rapidement vos recherches où que vous soyez et vous propose de nombreux services. Entre autres, l’Application Kayak vous donne des astuces et conseils pratiques lors de vos recherches.

En plus de vous permettre de mieux organiser votre voyage, elle vous alerte également lorsqu’il y a des offres promotionnelles sur les prix et bien d’autres. Pour la télécharger, vous devez vous rendre sur « Play Store » si vous utilisez une version Android ou sur « Apple Store » si vous avez un Iphone. Une fois sur ces plateformes, vous recherchez « Kayak ». Ou soit, rendez-vous directement sur cette page pour recevoir le lien de téléchargement.

Quelques conseils sur le fonctionnement de Kayak

Ainsi, lorsque vous faites une recherche sur la plateforme Kayak en termes de vols, hôtels, billets, etc., vous trouverez plusieurs propositions de la part des entreprises. Donc à partir de là, vous faites des comparaisons et vous choisissez le budget qui vous convient. Une fois que votre choix est effectif, vous pouvez directement faire votre réservation auprès de la compagnie choisie ou de l’hôtel, etc.

En ce qui concerne les tarifs, ils sont affichés sur la plateforme Kayak. Mais ils proviennent des sites des différents fournisseurs sans aucun montant de plus venant de Kayak. Quant à la rémunération de la société, c’est le fournisseur qui lui verse des frais pour avoir aidé le client à réserver sur son site. L’entreprise Kayak tire aussi ses revenus à partir des différentes publicités de voyage qu’elle affiche sur son site.

7 Commentaires


Votre vol vers Ajaccio

Bonjour,  Suite aux problèmes engendrés par la pandémie actuelle, pourriez-vous m’indiquer quelle est la marche à suivre pour annuler ou reporter un vol à 2021 ? J’ai fait cette réservation via My Trip.com, mais je ne reçois aucune réponse de ce site. Est-ce qu’il y a une possibilité d’obtenir un voucher pour 2021? Merci pour l’information d’avance. Bien cordialement,Ewa

Nassim Jerbi

Bonjour, je voudrais me rendre en Tunisie la semaine prochaine mais malheureusement mon passeport est perimer mais je sais qu’en voyage organiser il est possible de s’y rendre avec seulement la carte d’identité je voudrais donc savoir si nous prenons vol+hotel avec votre site est-il possible de s’y rendre.


Vous mettez en vente des vols Londres/paris les 21 et 22 décembre, mais les autorités ont fermés les frontières et visiblement les vols sont annulés. Quel est le sérieux de ces ventes, j’ai déjà été trompé plusieurs fois par OPODO et TRIPAIR, qui ont encaissé l’argent et n’ont toujours pas remboursé 9 mois après l’annulation. J’ai l’impression que votre site ne vérifie pas les annonceurs ce qui occasionne une tromperie.


bonjour j ai fait une recherche sur votre site pour un vol Paris Budapest aller le 15/04/22 Retour le 18/04/22 J ai été redirigé sur Tripmonster a qui j’ai reglé par CB pour lequel j’ai pu imprimer un recu de paiement j’ai été interpellé par la mention nous vous enverrons une confirmation de réservation par mail dans quelques heures:::::: or pratiquement 12 heures après toujours pas de confirmation:::: sur leur site aucune réservation ????? en regardant sur le net il semblerait que cela soit une arnaque !!!!! Votre partenaire ne parait pas très fiable car je ne suis pas le seul dans ce cas avez vous une possibilité de m aider ? qu’en pensez vous ? dans l’attente de vous lire cordialement


bonjour lors de ma tentative d’acheter un billet aller retour de brest a marseille du 10 fevrier au 18 fevrier 2022 a 77.63€ votre site depuis plus d’une heure m’indique qu’une erreur est survenu pouvez vous m’aider cordialement Mr thonont


Bonjour je vais bientôt aller en Suisse je voudrais savoir si sur Lausanne en Suisse vous avez une agence de location en ville et merci de me donner des informations pour la location tarif paiement en euros ou francs Suisse ? Très cordialement tombois


Bonjour, je recherche un vol aller pour Hanoi le 09/10/2022 et un retour au départ d’Ho chi min le 30/10/2022. Je réside dans la région de Strasbourg. Nous sommes trois voyageurs. Nous pouvons nous déplacer pour les aéroports de Frankfurt, Bruxelles et Paris Roissy.

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Où voulez-vous partir ?

  • St Christopher's Inn Paris - Canal 33 €+
  • St Christopher's Inn Paris - Gare du Nord 36 €+
  • Generator Paris 38 €+
  • Le Regent Montmartre by Hiphophostels 45 €+
  • Hotelf1 Paris Saint Ouen Marché Aux Puces 50 €+
  • The People - Paris Nation 52 €+
  • hotelF1 Paris Porte de Châtillon 53 €+
  • Auberge Internationale Des Jeunes 62 €+
  • Hotel De La Poste 63 €+
  • ibis budget Paris Porte de Montmartre 65 €+
  • Hotel Ferney République 85 €+
  • ibis Paris 17 Clichy-Batignolles 98 €+
  • Yays Paris Issy 99 €+
  • B&B HOTEL Paris Nord 18ème 107 €+
  • Hôtel Félicité 111 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Paris (TLS - ORY) 55 €+
  • Vols Nice - Paris (NCE - ORY) 62 €+
  • Vols Nice - Paris (NCE - CDG) 63 €+
  • Vols Lourdes - Paris (LDE - ORY) 83 €+
  • Vols Pau - Paris (PUF - ORY) 83 €+
  • Vols Montpellier - Paris (MPL - ORY) 89 €+
  • Vols Toulon - Paris (TLN - ORY) 94 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Paris (BOD - ORY) 96 €+
  • Vols Perpignan - Paris (PGF - ORY) 102 €+
  • Vols Biarritz - Paris (BIQ - ORY) 103 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Paris (BOD - CDG) 112 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Paris (LYS - CDG) 113 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Paris (NTE - ORY) 114 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Paris (LYS - ORY) 117 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Paris (MRS - CDG) 120 €+
  • Book A Bed Hostels 23 €+
  • Generator London 35 €+
  • Ramada London North M1 61 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Londres (BOD - LGW) 44 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Londres (LYS - LGW) 45 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Londres (LYS - LTN) 45 €+
  • Hotel Riad Qodwa 27 €+
  • Imperial Holiday Hôtel & spa 34 €+
  • Mogador Menzah 37 €+
  • Oudaya Hotel & Spa 39 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Marrakech (BOD - RAK) 30 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Marrakech (TLS - RAK) 34 €+
  • Vols Nîmes - Marrakech (FNI - RAK) 50 €+
  • Vols Châlons-en-Champagne - Marrakech (XCR - RAK) 55 €+
  • HI Porto - Pousada de Juventude 22 €+
  • Selina Porto 26 €+
  • The Central House Porto Ribeira 27 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Porto (BOD - OPO) 29 €+
  • Vols Brive-la-Gaillarde - Porto (BVE - OPO) 33 €+
  • Vols La Rochelle - Porto (LRH - OPO) 33 €+

Palma de Majorque

  • Hotel Cassandra 42 €+
  • Hotel Amic Can Pastilla 57 €+
  • Hotel Linda 61 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Palma de Majorque (NTE - PMI) 24 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Palma de Majorque (BOD - PMI) 26 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Palma de Majorque (MRS - PMI) 26 €+
  • La Porte Du Paradis 65 €+
  • Bayfront Hotel 66 €+
  • Hotel L'Imperatrice 81 €+
  • Vols Paris - Fort De France (ORY - FDF) 337 €+
  • Vols Paris - Fort De France (CDG - FDF) 470 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Fort De France (TLS - FDF) 531 €+
  • Sleep At Phuket Sha Plus 12 €+
  • Acca Patong 13 €+
  • Grand Supicha City Hotel (Sha Plus+) 25 €+
  • Vols Paris - Bangkok (CDG - BKK) 475 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Bangkok (LYS - BKK) 522 €+
  • Vols Nice - Bangkok (NCE - BKK) 527 €+
  • Ho36 hostels 30 €+
  • Pilo Lyon 31 €+
  • Slo Living Hostel 33 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Lyon (BOD - LYS) 43 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Lyon (NTE - LYS) 48 €+
  • Vols La Rochelle - Lyon (LRH - LYS) 51 €+
  • Eklo Bordeaux Centre Bastide 29 €+
  • hotelF1 Bordeaux Ville Aréna 38 €+
  • Central Hostel 40 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Bordeaux (MRS - BOD) 31 €+
  • Vols Lille - Bordeaux (LIL - BOD) 40 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Bordeaux (LYS - BOD) 40 €+
  • Hi New York City Hostel 52 €+
  • West Side Ymca 105 €+
  • Central Park West Hostel 152 €+
  • Radio Hotel 158 €+
  • Vols Paris - New Windsor (CDG - SWF) 258 €+
  • Vols Paris - Newark (ORY - EWR) 326 €+
  • Vols Nice - New York (NCE - JFK) 332 €+
  • Vols Paris - New York (CDG - JFK) 333 €+
  • HI Lisboa - Pousada de Juventude 22 €+
  • room00 Lisboa Hostel 30 €+
  • Home Out Rooms & Apartments 77 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Lisbonne (TLS - LIS) 30 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Lisbonne (BOD - LIS) 31 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Lisbonne (NTE - LIS) 38 €+
  • Seven Hills Village 25 €+
  • Litus Roma Hostel 33 €+
  • Palace Rome 56 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Rome (BOD - FCO) 26 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Rome (MRS - FCO) 26 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Rome (TLS - FCO) 26 €+
  • Pod Hotel 27 €+
  • Auberge Saintlo Montréal Hostel 40 €+
  • M Montreal Hostel 42 €+
  • Hotel Quartier des Spectacles 66 €+
  • Hotel Chrome Montreal Centre-Ville 69 €+
  • Hygie Boutique Hotel 85 €+
  • Hotel Newstar Montreal 87 €+
  • Days Inn Montreal East 88 €+
  • Hotel Saint-Laurent Montreal 89 €+
  • Best Western Plus Montreal Downtown-Hotel Europa 100 €+
  • Travelodge Hotel by Wyndham Montreal Centre 101 €+
  • Hotel Faubourg Montreal 107 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Montréal (TLS - YUL) 281 €+
  • Vols Paris - Montréal (CDG - YUL) 296 €+
  • Vols Paris - Montréal (ORY - YUL) 329 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Montréal (LYS - YUL) 343 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Montréal (NTE - YUL) 363 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Montréal (MRS - YUL) 367 €+
  • Vols Nice - Montréal (NCE - YUL) 371 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Montréal (BOD - YUL) 378 €+
  • Vols Rennes - Montréal (RNS - YUL) 462 €+
  • Vols Clermont-Ferrand - Montréal (CFE - YUL) 485 €+
  • Vols Lille - Montréal (LIL - YUL) 488 €+
  • Vols Montpellier - Montréal (MPL - YUL) 513 €+

Los Angeles

  • Boutique Hostel 32 €+
  • Freehand Los Angeles 38 €+
  • City Center Hotel 97 €+
  • Vols Nice - Los Angeles (NCE - LAX) 439 €+
  • Vols Paris - Los Angeles (CDG - LAX) 449 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Los Angeles (MRS - LAX) 450 €+
  • Sunset Surf Camp 36 €+
  • Villa Pistaches 68 €+
  • Coco Beach Marie-Galante 89 €+
  • Vols Paris - Pointe-à-Pitre (ORY - PTP) 336 €+
  • Vols Paris - Pointe-à-Pitre (CDG - PTP) 504 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Pointe-à-Pitre (TLS - PTP) 508 €+
  • Canadas Best Value Inn Chinook Station 39 €+
  • Divya Sutra Plaza and Conference Centre Calgary Airport 50 €+
  • Olympia Lodge 51 €+
  • Vols Paris - Hamilton (CDG - YHM) 254 €+
  • Hotel Sylvabelle 23 €+
  • Hostel Vertigo Vieux-Port 36 €+
  • hotelF1 Marseille Valentine 39 €+
  • Vols La Rochelle - Marseille (LRH - MRS) 26 €+
  • Vols Limoges - Marseille (LIG - MRS) 27 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Marseille (BOD - MRS) 31 €+
  • Hôtel Mercure Toulouse Sud 16 €+
  • Hostel Toulouse Wilson 37 €+
  • Résidence le Pastel François Verdier 44 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Toulouse (NTE - TLS) 34 €+
  • Vols Rennes - Toulouse (RNS - TLS) 48 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Toulouse (LYS - TLS) 53 €+
  • Prince Palace Hotel Bangkok 32 €+
  • Asia Hotel Bangkok 32 €+
  • Ambassador Bangkok Hotel 33 €+
  • Travelodge Sukhumvit 11 35 €+
  • Jc Kevin Sathorn Bangkok Hotel 44 €+
  • Baiyoke Sky Hotel 46 €+
  • Rembrandt Hotel & Suites 50 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Bangkok (NTE - BKK) 549 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Bangkok (TLS - BKK) 571 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Bangkok (MRS - BKK) 573 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Bangkok (BOD - BKK) 610 €+
  • InOut Hostel Barcelona 25 €+
  • Barcelona Pere Tarrés Hostel 27 €+
  • Mellow Hostel Barcelona 33 €+
  • Ideal Youth Hostel 34 €+
  • Bcnsporthostels 35 €+
  • Generator Barcelona 46 €+
  • Casa Gracia 52 €+
  • The Central House Barcelona Gracia 53 €+
  • Exe Campus 80 €+
  • Holiday Inn Barcelona - Sant Cugat, An IHG Hotel 91 €+
  • Sercotel Porta Barcelona 92 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Barcelone (BOD - BCN) 25 €+
  • Vols Paris - Barcelone (BVA - BCN) 26 €+
  • Vols Paris - Gérone (BVA - GRO) 26 €+
  • Vols Poitiers - Barcelone (PIS - BCN) 26 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Barcelone (LYS - BCN) 33 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Barcelone (MRS - BCN) 36 €+
  • Vols Nice - Barcelone (NCE - BCN) 38 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Barcelone (NTE - BCN) 39 €+
  • Vols Paris - Reus (ORY - REU) 41 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Barcelone (TLS - BCN) 47 €+
  • Vols Paris - Barcelone (CDG - BCN) 50 €+
  • Amsterdam Teleport Hotel 38 €+
  • Via Amsterdam 40 €+
  • Generator Amsterdam 43 €+
  • Clinknoord Hostel 44 €+
  • Budget Hotel Tourist Inn 46 €+
  • The Flying Pig Uptown Hostel 47 €+
  • The Flying Pig Downtown Youth Hostel 63 €+
  • Vols Nice - Amsterdam (NCE - AMS) 84 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Amsterdam (BOD - AMS) 123 €+
  • Vols Paris - Amsterdam (ORY - AMS) 132 €+
  • Vols Paris - Amsterdam (CDG - AMS) 132 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Amsterdam (LYS - AMS) 134 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Amsterdam (NTE - AMS) 135 €+
  • Vols Biarritz - Amsterdam (BIQ - AMS) 143 €+
  • Generator Madrid 29 €+
  • C&h Aravaca Garden 37 €+
  • Toc Hostel And Suites Madrid 42 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Madrid (BOD - MAD) 27 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Madrid (MRS - MAD) 29 €+
  • Vols Paris - Madrid (BVA - MAD) 44 €+
  • Harris Hotel And Conventions Denpasar Bali 22 €+
  • Wina Holiday Villa 28 €+
  • b Hotel Bali & Spa 31 €+
  • Vols Nice - Bali (NCE - IDBA) 516 €+
  • Vols Paris - Bali (CDG - IDBA) 525 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Bali (BOD - IDBA) 527 €+
  • Hôtel Boustane 19 €+
  • Mohammed V Airport Home 22 €+
  • Lhostel 23 €+
  • Vols Paris - Tanger (BVA - TNG) 48 €+
  • Dar Tlidjene Hotel 21 €+
  • Best Night 2 34 €+
  • Hotel Hydra 36 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Alger (MRS - ALG) 56 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Alger (BOD - ALG) 78 €+
  • Vols Toulouse - Alger (TLS - ALG) 103 €+
  • Lyonnais 36 €+
  • Villa Saint Exupéry Beach - Hostel 37 €+
  • Hostel Ozz Nice 53 €+
  • Vols Lille - Nice (LIL - NCE) 40 €+
  • Vols Nantes - Nice (NTE - NCE) 46 €+
  • Vols Bordeaux - Nice (BOD - NCE) 48 €+
  • hotelF1 Nantes Est La Beaujoire 42 €+
  • Quick Palace Nantes La Beaujoire 43 €+
  • Hôtel Le Petit Duquesne 45 €+
  • Vols Montpellier - Nantes (MPL - NTE) 31 €+
  • Vols Marseille - Nantes (MRS - NTE) 45 €+
  • Vols Lyon - Nantes (LYS - NTE) 50 €+

Questions fréquentes à propos de KAYAK

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How to Book Travel on Kayak

Ramsey Qubein

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Kayak, like many other third-party travel search websites, scours dozens of airlines, hotel companies and rental car brands to list as many travel options as possible. What sets it apart from the likes of Orbitz and Expedia, however, is that you can’t actually book travel on Kayak. Instead, it serves as a search engine for you to find the deals you want, then provides a link to the other website to book it. That can include actual airline and hotel websites or third-party online travel agencies .

As a search engine, it can provide more options than you know what to do with, but understanding how to filter and sort through them can prove extra helpful. Here's a look at how to book travel on Kayak .

How to book flights on Kayak

Many people use search engines to book flights , and Kayak makes it easy to find exactly what you want. Like most other sites, you enter the details of your itinerary, like departure and arrival cities, dates of travel, and class of service. You can also select the number of bags you are traveling with to help sort through special fares like basic economy that may not include baggage.

kayak voyage telephone

Once the search engine pulls up the long list of results, you’ll have the option to further filter them based on criteria such as nonstop versus connected flights or whether you will have a carry-on or checked bag (a service that Kayak dubs “fee assistant” to help you manage extra fees for bags ).

Other filters include the ability to select certain airlines and alliances (important if you are chasing elite status or interested in upgrades). Narrowing down the departure and arrival times can help you find the best itinerary without having to sort through all the options.

kayak voyage telephone

An important thing to note is that Kayak sorts options by best results first, but this doesn’t always mean the cheapest. It’s giving the easiest trips (like shortest or most convenient connections), but this may leave cheaper flights toward the bottom. Toggle between the tabs at the top (cheapest, best, quickest, etc.) to choose the filter that best meets your needs.

One downside about Kayak is that it clutters up the search engine with sponsored deals that may look like real flight options, such as the Priceline ad in the image above. Ignore these and carry on to the actual flight details.

» Learn more: The best days to book a flight and when to fly

Booking features

Kayak comes with several features to make your flight search easier and more comprehensive. One such feature is the price tracker that lets you know whether flight prices change between your search time and departure date. Kayak even gives you advice whether you should wait or buy now. If you choose to wait and track the prices, you’ll need to add your email address to get alerts.

kayak voyage telephone

Kayak even lets you compare prices with Priceline , which sometimes might offer a cheaper combination of flights. Just remember, when booking flights via online travel agencies, or OTAs, like Priceline rather than booking directly with the airline, you will have to deal with the OTA in the event of a flight disruption or change. The airline may not be able to help you and refer you to the travel agency instead, which can add an extra layer of unneeded complexity . This is why it is often easier to book with the airline directly if the fares are the same.

kayak voyage telephone

If you’re wondering how to book travel on Priceline directly, it’s a similar interface to Kayak with the ability to filter results. It’s easy to use, but all flights are booked via Priceline rather than being sent to another OTA or even the airline directly. That’s why Kayak is advantageous since it gives you the opportunity to book directly with the airline.

With Kayak, you also have the ability to search with flexibility on dates to find a lower price or better itinerary. Kayak is all about widening the net of itineraries that you can find, then filtering down those results to meet exactly what you need. It’s like a bull's-eye for airfare to target the best option.

kayak voyage telephone

Kayak does a good job of explaining exactly what comes with each fare type, which is important to set expectations. The last thing you want is to find out after booking is that the fare doesn’t include a seat assignment or allow ticket changes.

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Selecting a flight

Once you’ve selected a flight, click on “View Deal” and Kayak takes you directly to the airline or online travel agency website to book the flight. Sometimes, it appears like you are booking a flight directly through Kayak, but it will take you to an OTA instead. Kayak doesn't sell flights directly.

If you’re looking for somewhere to go, but don’t have a particular place in mind, Kayak Explore is a feature where you enter your departure city and search for the cheapest fares to a variety of destinations. You can filter the results by choosing the number of stops, how much you are willing to spend and the type of destination (beach, skiing, city, etc.) among others. The problem with Kayak Explore is that it doesn't let you search one-way or for premium cabin fares. It also doesn't help filter the baggage details like the main section of the site.

kayak voyage telephone

Kayak Hacker Fares

Kayak’s Hacker Fares are for advanced travelers, as these don't book as a round-trip itinerary. Instead, you’ll book them as two one-way flights on different airlines. This is a great way to find lower fares, but it may complicate things if you’re looking to travel with just one airline or alliance .

kayak voyage telephone

A concern is if you have a problem with the outbound of your trip (like say a mechanical delay) and want to change the return date, it isn't likely since the second airline won’t be responsible for the outbound delay. In addition, international travelers may want to print out their full travel itinerary because you may need to show your return trip details. Consider if this is worth the risk for the savings — and many times, it just might be. Be sure to read through the details since it may include basic economy or a low-cost airline as part of the trip.

How to book hotels on Kayak

Let’s start with some important details. When booking hotels through an OTA, you most often forfeit the elite status perks and opportunity to earn points for the stay. With that out of the way, travelers that may not have elite status or not care about points may find that Kayak is a good resource for hotels. While Kayak may sometimes direct you to a hotel brand website (in that case you would still earn points and elite status perks), it isn't always the case. When it sends you to a third-party website, loyalty program members would lose out on certain hotel benefits.

Like flights, the search engine for hotels is rather straightforward. Once you input the travel information, Kayak returns results for hotels and home rentals that you can sort using a variety of filters.

kayak voyage telephone

You can adjust the search functions for price range, hotel star class and other perks that may be important to you, like free breakfast or parking. Above the “View Deal'' button, there are details like whether internet is included or if you can cancel the reservation without penalty. You will also see whether the reservation is offered via a third party (limited elite status benefits and points) or directly with the hotel company (eligible for perks and points).

Be sure to sort through the results, as the hotels that Kayak recommends over others may not be the cheapest options. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are a member of a hotel’s loyalty program , you may find a cheaper rate on its own website. Don’t assume that Kayak has the lowest price, especially given that many hotels have best rate guarantees promising the lowest price on their own website. If you are booking suites on Kayak, the savings by joining a hotel’s loyalty program may be even more valuable when booking directly.

Like with flights, you can set a price alert to track hotel rates and enter your email address to be notified.

kayak voyage telephone

Kayak also lets you see the hotels on the price list according to a destination map so you see where your chosen hotel is.

And also like flights, Kayak has “Hacker Stays” for hotels, too. With these, the nights will be booked on separate reservations and sometimes via two different sites. This may require switching rooms during your stay.

» Learn more: The best airline and hotel rewards loyalty programs this year

How to book a rental car on Kayak

Like with flights and hotels, Kayak searches for rental cars in the same way, but it also compares rates with several other websites (not just Priceline).

kayak voyage telephone

The search features allow you to select the dates, type of car, airport or city pickup locations (including if the drop-off spot is different), and car rental company . Remember that when booking rental cars on kayak, the cheapest options aren’t always listed first. Instead, it recommends certain deals over others, so be sure to toggle the categories at the top to find your preferred option.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

Final tips for booking

Keep in mind that Kayak isn't a travel agency, but a search engine. The vast number of results that it returns can be sorted via a variety of categories depending on the type of travel you are looking for. Kayak often recommends certain results over others, so be sure to sort them by price if you are looking for the best deal.

You’ll always want to review the Kayak hotel/flight/car rental cancellation policy, too. If it is flexible, Kayak will usually list that next to the price. Kayak also calls out other important features like whether a hotel offers free breakfast or whether a flight charges for baggage.

Kayak has exceptional search functions like maps for hotel options and various flight destinations from a chosen location. Still, it is wise to compare findings from Kayak with the airline, hotel or car rental company directly to see if it is cheaper. Booking directly is important for loyalty program members hoping to take advantage of member discounts, elite status perks and points earning.

Kayak is an excellent tool for travel planning as long as you are aware of the occasional caveat to make sure you have the best trip possible.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are our picks for the best travel credit cards of 2024 , including those best for:

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-6.5% Enjoy 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel; 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and 3% on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year). After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

$300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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Alaska Small Ship Cruise and Kayak

Alaskan cruise and kayak voyage.

Exploring the ancient rainforests and icy straits of Alaska, join us for an adventurous expedition like no other. Accompanied by sightings of brown bears, sea lions and humpback whales, you’ll kayak through tranquil waters and along the face of calving glaciers, with not another soul in sight. Embark on naturalist-led hikes through stunning wilderness areas and find breathtaking moments of solitude to appreciate the sheer wonder of our natural world. Despite the active itineraries, our Sea Wolf adventures are designed for people of all ages and abilities.

Images & Videos

Yellow kayaks scattered across green water with glacial mountains in front of them

At 8:30 in the morning, we’ll meet at Bartlett Cove to board the Sea Wolf and begin with an orientation session in the main salon. Your journey begins with a cruise towards Geike Inlet where we’ll embark on our first paddle, but not before a short introduction to kayaking session. Geike Inlet is a stunning fjord where black bears, wolverines and mountain goats are often spotted, together with a variety of seabirds and ducks.

After a leisurely paddle, we’ll return to the ship and cruise towards our anchorage while learning about the natural history of Glacier Bay. Hear about some of the research projects that are being conducted within the national park, as well as the abundant wildlife that you may encounter over the following days. After dinner aboard the Sea Wolf, enjoy an unforgettable sunset overlooking Glacier Bay.

  • Accommodation: Sea Wolf Ship
  • Meals included: Lunch, Dinner

Following an early breakfast, we’ll embark on a hike to the Reid Glacier to get an up-close look at its glacially carved landscape. Your guide will explain the geology of the glacier and its plant and animal succession as you explore its grounded icebergs and hunt for ice worms. Returning to the ship through the intertidal landscape, take time to uncover rocks to see what brown bears, wolverines and small mammals feast on during low tide.

Refuel over lunch as we cruise towards Tarr Inlet where the Grand Pacific and Marjorie glaciers flow, then board your kayak for a picturesque paddle beneath the sheer cliff. Keep your eyes peeled for kittiwakes and puffins that nest along the cliffs before kayaking along the face of the Marjorie Glacier to watch it calve. In the mid-afternoon, we’ll continue cruising through Russell Cut while observing the local wildlife and make our way to our anchorage for the evening.

  • Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 

This morning begins with an excursion to Gloomy Knob where we’ll search for mountain goats and other wildlife that resides in the area. Soak up the incredible views across the bay from this elevated location before returning to the ship. In the afternoon, enjoy a leisurely paddle at our anchorage as we make our way ever closer to the entrance of East Arm.

  • Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

While you’re enjoying breakfast onboard, we’ll fire up the engines and make our way towards Muir Inlet on the East Arm of Glacier Bay where numerous activities will be available (based on weather, park closures and wildlife). Embark on a spectacular hike beside McBride Glacier or go paddling from Muir Glacier to the Riggs Glacier while spotting bears, wolves, moose and birdlife along the shore.

Once we’re back on the Sea Wolf, we’ll continue towards our evening anchorage for dinner and a night spent stargazing.

*Note: Other destinations for this day may include Dundas Bay, George Island or Idaho Inlet.

If the tides are right, we’ll begin the day with a morning paddle to North Sandy Cove, an incredibly rich ecosystem that supports black bears, moose and coyotes, not to mention an abundant marine life. We’ll slowly kayak along the shores, then continue paddling over to Puffin Island to explore the low tide vertical intertidal zone. This region is home to a fascinating array of sponges, periwinkles and sea stars, as well as sea cucumbers and urchins awaiting the high tide’s return.

After returning to the vessel, we’ll continue cruising to South Marble Island to observe a large stellar sea lion haul-out and a seabird nesting rookery. We’ll then make our way to Fingers Bay where we’ll spend the night.

Begin the day with a hearty breakfast before cruising towards Point Adolphus where we’ll spend the morning looking for humpback whales. Around midday, we’ll make the return journey to Gustavus where we’ll be docked by 1 pm. Here, you’ll embark on a walking tour of the Huna Tribal House before being transported to the airport for your flight to Juneau.

  • Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch

At 8:30, you’ll board the Sea Wolf in Bartlett Cove and be greeted by an orientation session in the main salon. We’ll then cruise towards Geike Inlet where we’ll embark on our first paddle, but not before a short introduction to kayaking session. Geike Inlet is a stunning fjord where black bears, wolverines and mountain goats are often spotted, together with a variety of seabirds and ducks.

Following an early breakfast, we’ll embark on a hike to Reid Glacier to get an up-close look at its glacially carved landscape. Your guide will explain the geology of the glacier and its plant and animal succession as you explore its grounded icebergs and hunt for ice worms. Returning to the ship through the intertidal landscape, take time to uncover rocks to see what brown bears, wolverines and small mammals feast on during low tide.

While you’re enjoying breakfast onboard, we’ll fire up the engines and make our way towards Muir Inlet on the East Arm of Glacier Bay where a variety of activities will be available (dependent on weather, park closures and wildlife). Embark on a spectacular hike beside McBride Glacier or go paddling from Muir Glacier to the Riggs Glacier while spotting bears, wolves, moose and birdlife along the shore.

If the tides are right, we’ll begin the day with a morning paddle to North Sandy Cove, an incredibly rich ecosystem that supports black bears, moose, coyotes, and an abundance of marine life. We’ll slowly kayak along the shores, then continue paddling over to Puffin Island to explore the low tide vertical intertidal zone. This region is home to a fascinating array of sponges, periwinkles and sea stars, as well as sea cucumbers and urchins awaiting the high tide’s return.

While you’re enjoying breakfast, the Sea Wolf will make its way to Admiralty Island, which is home to southeast Alaska’s largest concentration of brown bears. Keep an eye out for humpback whales, orcas, sea lions and migratory birds throughout this morning’s cruise. After anchoring, we will spend the afternoon exploring the surrounding bays, with a highlight seeing brown bears fishing for salmon.

As you’re enjoying breakfast, we’ll continue down the coast of Admiralty Island en route to the Brothers Islands. This archipelago is an important feeding ground for migratory humpback whales, as well as being frequented by Stellar sea lions. After lunch, we’ll spend time exploring the Brothers Islands by kayak and anchor nearby.

This morning we will make our way to Ford’s Terror and explore its magnificent wilderness by kayak. Lunch will be served on the beach before we embark on a hike to the top of the mountain for sweeping views across the region. In the late afternoon, we’ll make our way to our evening anchorage.

It’s an early morning start as we head into Endicott Arm, with breakfast served as we navigate the fjord’s icebergs. At the face of Dawes Glacier, we’ll stop to watch as it calves, with seals and their newborn pups often seen playing in the surrounding waters.

After a relaxing lunch, we’ll launch the kayaks to get an up-close view of Dawes Glacier as we paddle along its face. Continuing down the fjord, we’ll be met by the Sea Wolf.

Begin the day with a paddle around Wood Spit while observing the nesting birds that frequent this area before exploring the ancient rainforest on foot. Back on board the Sea Wolf, we’ll cruise up Stephens Passage while keeping an eye out for orcas, humpback whales and sea birds.

Breakfast will be served as we make our way to Juneau where we plan to dock by 10:00 am.

  • Meals included: Breakfast

Board the Sea Wolf at 9:00, with time to settle in before our orientation and safety briefing. Our first kayaking excursion will take us down the Gastineau Channel and out into Stephens Passage, en route to our anchorage point at Wood Spit. In the afternoon, we’ll embark on a second paddle to explore this spectacular glacial fjord.

It’s an early morning start as we head into Endicott Arm, with breakfast served as we navigate the fjord’s icebergs. At the face of Dawes Glacier, we’ll stop to watch as it calves, with seals and their newborn pups often seen playing in the surrounding waters. We’ll launch the kayaks to get an up-close view of Dawes Glacier as we paddle along its face, then make our way to Ford’s Terror to explore its magnificent wilderness by kayak or on foot.

  • Meals included:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

In the morning, we’ll return to Stephens Passage and travel into Frederick Sound, continuing down the coast of Admiralty Island. Along the way, we may spot migratory humpback whales, which come to feed in the waters around the Brothers Islands. Joining them are often Stellar sea lions and eagles soaring in the skies above. After lunch, we’ll spend a few hours kayaking around the archipelago and exploring its coastal rainforest on foot.

While you’re enjoying breakfast, the Sea Wolf will make its way to Admiralty Island, which is home to southeast Alaska’s largest concentration of brown bears. Keep an eye out for humpback whales, orcas, sea lions and migratory birds throughout this morning’s cruise. After anchoring near Point Adolphus, we will spend the afternoon exploring the surrounding bays, with a highlight seeing brown bears fishing for salmon.

This morning, we’ll cruise towards Geike Inlet, a stunning fjord where black bears, wolverines and mountain goats are often spotted, together with a variety of seabirds. After a leisurely paddle, we’ll return to the ship and cruise towards our anchorage while learning about the natural history of Glacier Bay. After dinner aboard the Sea Wolf, enjoy an unforgettable sunset overlooking Glacier Bay.

Following an early breakfast, we’ll embark on a hike to Reid Glacier to get an up-close look at its glacially carved landscape. Your guide will explain the geology of the glacier and its plant and animal succession as you explore its grounded icebergs and intertidal landscape.

Refuel over lunch as we cruise towards Tarr Inlet where the Grand Pacific and Marjorie glaciers flow, then board your kayak for a picturesque paddle beneath the sheer cliff. Keep your eyes peeled for kittiwakes and puffins that nest along the cliffs before kayaking along the face of the Marjorie Glacier as it calves. In the mid-afternoon, we’ll continue cruising through Russell Cut and make our way to our anchorage for the evening.

This morning begins with an excursion to Gloomy Knob where we’ll search for mountain goats and other wildlife that resides in the area. Soak up the incredible views across the bay from this elevated location before returning to the Sea Wolf. In the afternoon, enjoy a leisurely paddle at our anchorage as we make our way ever closer to the entrance of East Arm.

Once we’re back on the Sea Wolf, we’ll continue towards our evening anchorage for dinner.

Begin the day in magical Fingers Bay where we’ll enjoy a full day of kayaking and hiking through its diverse habitats. In the late afternoon, we may continue to Bartlett Cove to spot wildlife around its forested ponds.

An early breakfast will be served before disembarkation.

After boarding the vessel at 9:00 am, we’ll conduct an orientation and safety briefing before launching the kayaks for our first excursion. This will take us down the Gastineau Channel and out into Stephens Passage, en route to our anchorage point at Wood Spit. In the afternoon, we’ll embark on a second paddle to explore this spectacular glacial fjord.

This morning we will make our way to Ford’s Terror and explore its magnificent wilderness by kayak. Lunch will be served on the beach before we embark on a hike to the top of the mountain for sweeping views across the region. It’s then time to paddle back to Wood Spit where the vessel will be anchored.

Day 5 & 6

While you’re enjoying breakfast, the Sea Wolf will make its way to Admiralty Island, which is home to southeast Alaska’s largest concentration of brown bears. Over the next two days, we will explore its bays by kayak and on foot while spotting humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, and migratory bird species. A highlight is undoubtedly seeing brown bears fishing for salmon.

This morning, we will head to Thomas Bay, hopefully accompanied by sightings of humpback whales and a variety of other marine mammals. After anchoring near Scenery Cove, we will take the skiff over to Baird Glacier and hike across its moraine till to step foot on the glacier itself.

In the early morning, we’ll make our way through the Wrangell Narrows, with this 22-mile-long channel providing safe passage for small vessels. After passing the picturesque community of Petersburg, we’ll navigate through 60 different markers and anchor at the end of the passage in the evening.

Today begins with a cruise through the serpentine Eastern Passage, which takes in ancient forests along its route. Our kayaking excursion for the day may be accompanied by eagles and whales, as well as black and brown bears fishing along the banks of Anan Creek. If possible, we will hike along the Anan Creek boardwalk to its observation area.

After a morning kayak, we will embark on a hike on Etolin Island before making a beeline for our evening anchorage.

Breakfast will be served as we make our way to Ketchikan, hopefully with a spot of whale watching along the way. If all goes according to plan, we will dock in Ketchikan by late morning.

  • Meals included:  Breakfast

Fly into Ketchikan Airport and jump aboard the water taxi that will whisk you from the airport to Ketchikan. From here, it’s just a short taxi ride to where the Sea Wolf is moored. After settling in, we will hold a brief orientation meeting as we head toward our evening anchorage.

  • Meals included:  Dinner

It’s an early start today as we cruise towards the Eastern Passage and our first paddle out into the southeast Alaskan wilderness. Along the way, we may encounter a variety of marine mammals and migratory birds that inhabit the ancient forests along the shores.

This morning will be spent exploring Etolin Island by kayak and on foot, with a scenic hike taking us to Kunk Lake. Along the way, keep your eyes peeled for Roosevelt elk, as well as brown and black bears. Our anchorage this evening is just a stone’s throw from the entrance to Wrangell Narrows.

In the early morning, we’ll make our way through the Wrangell Narrows, with this 22-mile-long channel providing safe passage for small vessels. After passing the picturesque community of Petersburg, we’ll navigate through 60 different markers. Depending on the tides, there may or may not be an opportunity to kayak/hike today. Our anchorage this evening is at aptly-named Scenery Cove.

Today begins with a leisurely paddle through Scenery Cove, followed by an afternoon hike along the plains of Baird Glacier. If you prefer not to hike, you can opt for a skiff tour to see the colony of Arctic terns at Thomas Bay. In the late afternoon, we will make our way to our evening anchorage at the Brothers Islands where orcas and humpback whales are regularly spotted.

After breakfast, we’ll spend time exploring the Brothers Islands by kayak, hopefully accompanied by sightings of Stellar sea lions, whales, and a variety of birdlife. In the late afternoon, we’ll head to Gambier Bay, which is renowned for its resident brown bears.

After crossing Stephens Passage, we will make our way to Ford’s Terror and anchor in a protected cove near its entrance. Spend the day exploring this magnificent wilderness area by kayak, with a picnic lunch served in the middle of the day. If you don’t want to paddle the whole day, there will also be the option for a skiff tour.

Begin the day with a short hike to see Ford’s Terror from above before continuing to Dawes Glacier where we hope to arrive by lunchtime. Dine while listening to the sound of icebergs calving off the glacier before launching the kayaks for an up-close view. Today ends anchored at Wood Spit, which offers magnificent views of Sumdum Glacier.

Begin the day with a paddle around Wood Spit while observing the nesting birds that frequent this area. As we cruise towards Tracy Arm and Sawyer Glacier, lunch will be served onboard. Spend time marveling at this natural wonder before we continue to our anchorage near the mouth of Endicott Arm.

Today will be spent cruising and spotting a variety of marine mammals, with these waters known for their whale sightings. Our destination for the night is an anchorage not far from Juneau.

Enjoy your final breakfast onboard as we cruise into Juneau where taxis will be waiting to whisk you to the airport by around 10:00 am.

  • 6-day Glacier Bay
  • 11-day Glacier Bay to Juneau
  • 11-day Juneau to Glacier Bay
  • 11-day Juneau to Ketchikan
  • 11-day Ketchikan to Juneau

Dates & Rates

Ship details.

Sea Wolf ship on the water in front of trees and snowy mountains on a foggy day

Sea Wolf Boat

Add your review, faq & more, how should i dress on the sea wolf do i need to bring anything nice.

All you need for clothing on the Sea Wolf are good layers of non-cotton; light wool or poly-pro type of under layers, a fleece jacket and vest or something similar for warmth, and a warm hat and gloves. If the sun comes out it will be warm – or even hot!  You will want a lighter layer to be cool and a sun hat and sun glasses.  A pair of comfortable shoes for wearing aboard the boat and hiking boots or good trail shoes for adventuring on foot. 

Can I choose my own stateroom?

You may request a specific stateroom via email. They are assigned on a first request basis. Staterooms on the main deck #2 and #3 will be assigned to those with mobility restrictions.

What are the bed configurations in the staterooms?

All staterooms have single over/under bunks.

Can you accommodate dietary restrictions on the Sea Wolf?

Absolutely!  The packet called “Guest Info Forms” that we email you to fill out and return to us is the best place to let us know about your special dietary requests. Please be specific as you can with as much information as possible. Our expert chefs review this- weeks in advance to plan their menus – so getting this info to us early is better! 

Will alcohol be served?

A variety of beer and wine is served with dinner. If there are any specialty drinks you would like to have feel free to bring them with you.

Will there be Wi-Fi or cell service available on the boat?

No – sometimes you will go through spotty cell service but don’t count on it. There is no Wi-Fi capability on the boat.  Most of our guests are happy to leave it behind!

Can I smoke or vape on the Sea Wolf?

No – The Sea Wolf is a non-smoking / non-vaping vessel.

What are your Terms and Conditions?

Please see our full Terms & Conditions  HERE.

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Julien Burellier Sea Kayak Guide

Sea kayak trips and expeditions around the world

As a sea kayak instructor since 1998, with additional expertise as a river guide and ski instructor, I have traversed numerous countries across land, water, and snow. Drawing upon my extensive experience, passion, and professionalism, I am committed to providing you with an unforgettable holiday experience.

The genesis of Voyage-Kayak was born out of my aspiration to introduce you to the genuine beauty of sea kayaking, an endeavor that seamlessly weaves itinerancy with freedom, surprises, new discoveries, and a profound sense of calm.

Sea touring kayaking, the focal point of our adventures, is an inclusive activity accessible to all, where the silent rhythm of the oars becomes the guiding force. It is a unique opportunity to explore new destinations, each offering magnificent scenery and the promise of an unforgettable journey.

Whether we are navigating the idyllic waters of the Andaman, exploring the coastal wonders of the Baltic or the Mediterranean, or venturing into the enchanting realms of the Sulu Sea, my anticipation is matched by the enthusiasm to share a remarkable experience with you, transforming it into nothing short of your “dream holiday.”

I invite you to join us, on our expeditions where every stroke of the paddle unravels a new chapter of exploration and where each moment becomes a cherished memory etched in the canvas of your travel experiences.    Julien Burellier  

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Travel Agency specialized in seakayaking adventures

Voyage-Kayak stands out as a unique travel agency, far from conventional offerings that encompass a multitude of activities.

Our expertise lies in the exclusive specialization of sea kayaking journeys. Each of our trips is meticulously designed and orchestrated by an instructor passionate about this activity. This approach ensures a high-quality experience, characterized by attentive professional guidance and the use of equipment specifically tailored to each adventure.

When seeking information or making a reservation, your point of contact remains a professional in sea kayaking and the travel domain. This approach ensures personalized communication, where your needs and preferences are considered by an expert in both travel and sea kayaking.

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Customized and tailor-made trips.

Embark on an unparalleled journey with Voyage-Kayak, where we take pride in presenting an extensive array of tailor-made destinations meticulously crafted to cater to all your needs. Our commitment to delivering exceptional experiences spans across the globe, making your dream adventures a reality.

At the heart of our expeditions is a cutting-edge fleet comprising high-performance folding kayaks from industry leaders such as Trak Kayaks and Nautiraid. These top-of-the-line kayaks provide not only reliability but also the flexibility to navigate diverse waters around the world. From tranquil rivers to majestic coastlines and remote island paradises, our fleet is geared to conquer the most captivating destinations.

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The beauty of choosing Voyage-Kayak lies in the boundless possibilities that unfold before you. Your aspirations become the compass guiding our team to curate an itinerary that resonates with your unique preferences. Immerse yourself in the thrill of exploring untouched landscapes, venturing into the heart of nature, and encountering the extraordinary.

As we passionately believe, the only limit to your journey is the expanse of your dreams. Our mission is to transcend boundaries, opening up a world of possibilities where every stroke of the paddle propels you towards new horizons. Let your imagination run wild, and we’ll craft an adventure that exceeds your expectations, turning your dreams into vivid memories etched on the canvas of your travel experiences.

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Voyage Kayak invites you to step into a realm where bespoke journeys await, promising not just vacations but transformative escapades that leave an indelible mark on your soul. Embrace the boundless wonders of our planet with us, and let the rhythm of the paddle guide you through an extraordinary tapestry of exploration and discover.

Take a look at our “customer reviews” on TrustPilot. 

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Kayak Voyage

Kayak Guides, Reviews And Tips

How to Anchor a Kayak

How to Anchor a Kayak: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Are you a kayaker who loves fishing, sightseeing, or relaxing on the water? If so, you may have wondered how to anchor a kayak and why it is important. Anchoring a kayak is a useful skill that can help you stay in one spot, avoid drifting, and focus on your activity. It can also enhance your safety and comfort on the water, especially in windy or choppy conditions.

However, anchoring a kayak is not as simple as throwing a weight overboard and hoping for the best. You need to know the different types of anchors and how they work for different situations and environments. You also need to know how to anchor a kayak safely and effectively, without risking capsizing or entanglement.

In this article, we will show you how to anchor a kayak using various methods and devices. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to make anchoring a kayak easier and more efficient. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of kayak anchoring and how to do it right.

Types of Anchors for kayak

How to attach an anchor, how to use an anchor, safety considerations when anchoring a kayak, tips and tricks for successful anchoring, common mistakes to avoid when anchoring a kayak, why is it important to properly anchor your kayak, common faqs about kayak anchoring, how do you choose the right anchor for your kayak, what are the different types of anchors available, what accessories do you need for kayak anchoring.

There are many types of anchors available for kayaks, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of anchor you choose depends on several factors, such as the weight, size, ease of use, suitability for different water conditions and bottom types, and cost. Here are some of the most common types of anchors for kayaks:

Folding grapnel anchor: This is a four-pronged anchor that folds up when not in use, making it easy to store and transport. It is suitable for most water conditions and bottom types, as it can grip rocks, sand, mud, or weeds. However, it can also get snagged or tangled easily, and it is relatively heavy for a kayak. A typical folding grapnel anchor weighs between 1.5 and 3.5 pounds, and costs around $20 to $40. Some popular brands and models of folding grapnel anchor are BEST Marine and Outdoors Kayak Anchor, Extreme Max BoatTector Folding/Grapnel Anchor, and Seattle Sports Kayak Fishing Anchor Kit.

Stake out pole: This is a long, thin pole that can be driven into the bottom of shallow water, such as a lake, river, or marsh. It is ideal for kayak fishing , as it allows you to stay in one spot without making any noise or movement. It is also very lightweight and easy to use, as you just need to push it into the ground and attach it to your kayak. However, it is only effective in water that is less than 8 feet deep, and it can be difficult to remove if the bottom is too hard or soft. A typical stake out pole weighs between 1 and 2 pounds, and costs around $30 to $80. Some popular brands and models of stake out pole are YakGear Stake Out Pole, YakAttack ParkNPole, and Backwater Assassin Carbon Fiber Hybrid Stake Out Pole.

Drag chain: This is a length of chain that can be dragged behind the kayak to create resistance and slow down the drift. It is useful for kayak fishing in windy or current conditions, as it allows you to control your speed and direction. It is also very simple and cheap to make, as you just need a chain, a rope, and a carabiner. However, it can also create noise and disturb the fish, and it can get caught on rocks or debris. A typical drag chain weighs between 2 and 4 pounds, and costs around $10 to $20. You can make your own drag chain by following this guide, or buy one from Kayak Fishing Supplies.

Drift chute/anchor: This is a cone-shaped device that can be deployed in the water to create drag and reduce the drift. It is similar to a drag chain, but it is more effective and less noisy. It is also suitable for deeper water, as it can be adjusted to different depths. It is ideal for kayak fishing in windy or current conditions, as it allows you to cover more area and target different fish. However, it can also be cumbersome and difficult to retrieve, and it can interfere with your paddling or steering. A typical drift chute/anchor weighs between 0.5 and 1.5 pounds, and costs around $15 to $40. Some popular brands and models of drift chute/anchor are YakGear Drift Anchor, Scotty Sea-Light Kayak Drift Anchor, and Sea Eagle Drift Anchor.

Powered anchoring system: This is a device that uses a motor and a spike to anchor the kayak to the bottom of the water. It is the most advanced and convenient type of anchor for kayaks, as it allows you to anchor and unanchor with the push of a button. It is also very effective and stable, as it can hold the kayak in place even in rough water. However, it is also very expensive, heavy, and complex, and it requires a battery and a mounting system. A typical powered anchoring system weighs between 10 and 15 pounds, and costs around $600 to $800. Some popular brands and models of powered anchoring system are Power-Pole Micro Anchor, Minn Kota Talon Shallow Water Anchor, and Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+ Trolling Motor.

Before you use an anchor, you need to know how to attach it to your kayak. This is important for your safety and stability, as attaching the anchor to the wrong place can cause your kayak to capsize or become unstable. The best way to attach an anchor to a kayak is to use an anchor trolley, a device that allows you to adjust the position of the anchor from the cockpit. Here is how to attach an anchor using an anchor trolley:

First, you need to install an anchor trolley on your kayak. An anchor trolley is a system of ropes, pulleys, and rings that runs along the side of your kayak, from the bow to the stern. You can buy a ready-made anchor trolley kit from YakGear, YakAttack, or Scotty, or make your own by following this guide.

Next, you need to tie or clip the anchor line to the kayak handle , boat cleat, or anchor trolley. The anchor line is the rope that connects the anchor to the kayak. You can use a simple knot, such as a bowline or a figure-eight, or a carabiner, a metal clip that can be easily opened and closed. Make sure the anchor line is long enough to reach the bottom of the water, and secure the excess line with a cleat or a jam cleat, a device that holds the line in place without tying a knot.

Finally, you need to attach a float to the line, and why it is useful for retrieving the anchor or marking your spot. A float is a buoyant object that floats on the water, such as a ball, a bottle, or a foam block. You can attach it to the end of the line, or somewhere along the line, using a knot or a carabiner. A float is useful for retrieving the anchor, as you can pull the line from the float instead of the kayak, which can prevent tangling or snagging. A float is also useful for marking your spot, as you can leave the float on the water while you paddle away, and come back to the same spot later.

Once you have attached an anchor to your kayak, you need to know how to use it properly. This involves choosing a suitable spot for anchoring, dropping the anchor into the water, tying off the anchor line, and pulling up the anchor when you are done. Here is how to use an anchor for your kayak:

First, you need to choose a suitable spot for anchoring. This depends on the depth, current, wind, and bottom type of the water. You want to find a spot that is deep enough for your anchor to reach the bottom, but not too deep that you run out of line. You also want to find a spot that has a moderate current and wind, but not too strong that you drift away or get pulled by the anchor. You also want to find a spot that has a soft or sandy bottom, but not too muddy or weedy that your anchor gets stuck or buried. A good way to find a suitable spot is to use a fish finder, a map, or a landmark, such as a buoy, a rock, or a tree.

Next, you need to drop the anchor into the water. This is done by holding the anchor by the line, and gently tossing it over the side of the kayak, either from the bow or the stern, depending on the direction of the current and wind. You want to avoid throwing the anchor too far or too hard, as this can cause the anchor to bounce or drag on the bottom, which can reduce its holding power. You also want to avoid dropping the anchor too close or too softly, as this can cause the anchor to land on the kayak or not reach the bottom at all. A good way to drop the anchor is to use a smooth and steady motion, and aim for a spot that is slightly ahead of your kayak.

Then, you need to let out enough line for the anchor to set and hold. This is done by releasing the line from the cleat or the jam cleat, and letting it run through your hands or a glove, until you feel the anchor hit the bottom. You want to let out enough line to create a proper scope, which is the ratio of the length of the line to the depth of the water.

A general rule is to use twice the depth of the water as the length of the line, or a 2:1 scope. For example, if the water is 10 feet deep, you want to let out 20 feet of line. This allows the anchor to dig into the bottom and create a strong hold. You also want to adjust the scope according to the water conditions, such as the current, wind, and waves.

A stronger current or wind requires a longer scope, such as 3:1 or 4:1, while a weaker current or wind requires a shorter scope, such as 1.5:1 or 1:1. A good way to measure the scope is to use a marked line, or a counting method, such as one second per foot of line.

Finally, you need to tie off the anchor line, and adjust the tension and position of the line using the anchor trolley or the cleat. This is done by pulling the line until it is tight, but not too tight that it lifts the anchor off the bottom, or too loose that it allows the kayak to drift. You also want to move the line to the desired position, either the bow or the stern, using the anchor trolley or the cleat. This allows you to face the direction of the current or wind, and avoid spinning or swinging. A good way to tie off the anchor line is to use a cleat hitch, a simple and secure knot that can be easily released.

While anchoring your kayak can enhance your overall experience, it’s essential to prioritize safety. Here are some important safety considerations to keep in mind:

1. Weather Conditions: Always check the weather forecast before heading out on your kayaking trip. Strong winds, storms, or extreme weather conditions can make anchoring unsafe. If the weather deteriorates, it’s best to avoid anchoring and seek shelter.

2. Anchor Trolley or Cleat Inspection: Regularly inspect your anchor trolley or cleat system for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure the attachment points are secure and the lines are in good condition. Replace any worn-out components to maintain the integrity of the system.

3. Visibility and Signaling: Make yourself visible to other watercraft by wearing brightly colored clothing and using reflective gear. Carry a whistle or other signaling devices to alert nearby boats or kayakers in case of an emergency.

4. Practice Emergency Procedures: Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures, such as how to release the anchor quickly in case of an emergency or how to cut the anchor line if necessary. Being prepared for unexpected situations can make a significant difference in your safety.

5. Life Jacket and Safety Equipment: Always wear a properly fitted life jacket while kayaking. Additionally, carry essential safety equipment such as a paddle float, bilge pump, and a first aid kit. These items can be invaluable in emergency situations.

To further enhance your anchoring skills, here are some expert tips and tricks to keep in mind:

1. Use a Kayak Anchor Trolley System: A kayak anchor trolley system allows you to adjust the position of your anchor easily. This system provides flexibility and enables you to respond to changing wind or current conditions without repositioning your anchor.

2. Use a Buoy or Float: Attaching a buoy or float to your anchor line can make it easier to spot and retrieve your anchor. A brightly colored buoy also serves as a visual indicator, helping you avoid collisions with your anchor line.

3. Consider Anchor Chute or Bag: An anchor chute or bag can streamline the process of deploying and retrieving your anchor. These accessories guide the anchor line and prevent it from tangling or interfering with your paddling.

4. Learn from Local Experts: If you’re kayaking in unfamiliar waters, seek advice from local experts or experienced kayakers. They can provide valuable insights into the specific challenges and best practices for anchoring in those areas.

5. Practice Anchoring in Different Conditions: Regularly practice anchoring in various water conditions to enhance your skills. Experiment with different anchoring techniques and familiarize yourself with the strengths and limitations of your anchor.

To ensure a smooth anchoring experience, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes that can lead to frustration or potential hazards. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

1. Choosing the Wrong Anchor: Selecting an anchor that is too small or unsuitable for your kayak and water conditions can compromise your safety and stability. Take the time to research and choose an anchor that matches your needs.

2. Insufficient Anchor Line: Using an anchor line that is too short may result in your kayak drifting away from the desired location. Ensure your anchor line is long enough to reach the bottom and provide adequate slack for a secure hold.

3. Dropping Anchor Incorrectly: Dropping the anchor too quickly or with excessive force can startle nearby fish or wildlife, disturbing their habitats. Gently lower the anchor into the water to minimize disturbances and respect the environment.

4. Neglecting Anchor Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your anchor to ensure it is in good working condition. Clean any mud or debris from the anchor after each use and lubricate moving parts if necessary.

5. Anchoring in Unsuitable Locations: Avoid dropping your anchor near sensitive ecosystems, underwater structures, or areas with heavy boat traffic. Respect the environment and choose anchor locations that minimize disturbances and potential hazards.

Kayaking is a popular recreational activity that allows individuals to explore stunning waterways and enjoy the serenity of nature. Whether you’re fishing, taking a break, or simply soaking in the picturesque scenery, it’s essential to know how to properly anchor your kayak for stability and safety. In this section, we’ll delve into the reasons why anchoring your kayak is crucial.

One of the primary reasons to anchor your kayak is to prevent it from drifting away. Kayaks are lightweight and can easily get carried away by currents or winds, especially in open water or rivers. By anchoring your kayak, you can stay in one spot, ensuring that you don’t end up far from your intended location.

Anchoring also allows you to maintain stability while engaging in activities like fishing. When you’re casting your line or reeling in a catch, having a secure anchor helps keep your kayak steady, providing a stable platform for better control and increased chances of success. Additionally, anchoring can be beneficial when you want to take a break from paddling and relax without constantly drifting away.

To summarize, properly anchoring your kayak not only prevents it from drifting away but also offers stability and safety during various activities on the water. Now that we understand the importance of kayak anchoring, let’s move on to addressing some common questions regarding this topic.

As a beginner or even an experienced kayaker, you may have several questions about how to properly anchor your kayak. In this section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions to help you gain a better understanding of this essential skill.

Choosing the right anchor for your kayak depends on various factors. Firstly, consider the water conditions you’ll be paddling in. Different anchor types perform better in specific conditions. For example, a grapnel anchor with multiple prongs is ideal for rocky or weedy bottoms, while a mushroom anchor is better suited for sand or mud. 

Secondly, take into account the size and weight of your kayak. Larger kayaks may require heavier anchors to ensure stability, while smaller kayaks can make do with lighter options. It’s crucial to strike a balance between the anchor’s weight and your kayak’s carrying capacity.

Lastly, personal preference also plays a role. Some kayakers prefer collapsible or folding anchors for their convenience, while others opt for traditional claw anchors for their reliability. Consider factors such as ease of use, storage, and your specific kayaking needs when making a decision.

There are several types of anchors available for kayaks, each with its own pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at some common anchor types:

1. Grapnel Anchor: This anchor features multiple prongs that grip the bottom surface, providing excellent holding power. Grapnel anchors are versatile and suitable for various bottom types, including rocks, weeds, and coral. They are also relatively compact and easy to store.

2. Mushroom Anchor: Mushroom anchors, as the name suggests, resemble a mushroom in shape. They work well in sandy or muddy bottoms, where their wide shape helps create resistance and secure holding. Mushroom anchors are lightweight and easy to handle, making them a popular choice for kayakers.

3. Claw Anchor: Claw anchors, also known as Bruce anchors, are highly reliable and offer excellent holding power. They have sharp, curved flukes that dig into the bottom, providing strong grip even in challenging conditions. Claw anchors are commonly used in larger boats but can be suitable for kayaks, especially if you frequently encounter strong currents or winds.

4. Folding Anchor: Folding anchors are compact and easy to store, making them popular among kayakers. They typically consist of multiple flukes that fold inwards for storage and unfold when deployed. Folding anchors are lightweight and great for recreational kayaking in calm waters.

While the anchor itself is the main component, there are a few essential accessories that can enhance your kayak anchoring experience. These accessories include:

1. Anchor Trolley System: An anchor trolley system allows you to position your anchor line at various points along the kayak, giving you more control over the direction your kayak faces while anchored. This system is especially useful when dealing with changing wind or current directions.

2. Anchor Float: An anchor float is attached to the anchor line and provides buoyancy, ensuring that the line stays on the water’s surface and doesn’t get tangled in the kayak or vegetation. This accessory prevents the anchor line from interfering with your paddling or fishing activities.

3. Shock Cord: A shock cord, also known as a bungee cord, can be used to secure the anchor in place on your kayak. This prevents the anchor from shifting or bouncing around while you’re on the water, ensuring a stable and secure setup.

4. Storage Bag: A dedicated storage bag for your anchor and accessories keeps everything organized and protected, preventing any damage to your kayak or other gear. It also makes it easier to transport your anchor when moving between different kayaking locations.

Anchoring a kayak is a useful skill that can enhance your fishing, camping, or sightseeing experience on the water. However, it is not as simple as just throwing an anchor overboard and hoping for the best. You need to consider the type, size, and weight of your anchor, the depth and current of the water, the weather conditions, and the safety precautions. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can learn how to anchor a kayak properly and securely and enjoy your time on the water without drifting away.

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Vacations in Caribbean

Vacations in Caribbean

Search hundreds of travel sites at once for vacation package deals in caribbean.

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Cheap Caribbean package deals

Most popular caribbean flight and hotel deals, all inclusive vacation packages to caribbean, last minute vacation packages to caribbean, search by stars, search by review score, search by board, search by price, search by freebies, when to book a vacation in caribbean, tips for finding caribbean package deals.

  • There are loads of types of vacations in Caribbean and the cost will depend on what type of trip you’re taking and for how long you’d like to stay. Here are the latest prices for a 3 night trip for 2 travelers: Top vacation $701; Family vacation $662; Romantic vacation $802; Luxury vacation $823; Budget vacation $460.

Why should you book a vacation package to the Caribbean?

When should you book a vacation package to the caribbean.

The Caribbean experiences hot weather throughout the year with the highest rainfall being in May. The average temperature is about 81 degrees Fahrenheit and the months between January and April are the best for holidaying.

In these months after the conclusion of the most hectic season, vacation packages are cheaper. At year's end various carnivals take place on islands such as Curaçao and Aruba.

Where should you stay in the Caribbean during your vacation?

For any vacation type in the caribbean:.

If you prefer to explore the island of Aruba, then either an all-inclusive or a beachfront hotel is a good pick. The Marriot Resort is a beachfront hotel with a surf club, a spacious dining area, swimming pools, and a casino.

If you opt for the British Virgin Islands, then the beachfront Anegada Beach Club is a viable option. It houses a bar and restaurant within walking distance of a spectacular coral reef ideal for snorkeling. Both hotels offer an inclusive pick-up from the airport.

For family vacations in the Caribbean:

The Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort in Aruba is a 4-star, Dutch-themed hotel, be-fitting a family holiday. The rooms boast a kitchenette. Kids under 12 can share a single room with their parents at no extra cost.

If you travel to Bermuda, then you might want to book at the Coco Reef Resort. It has air-conditioned rooms and outdoor pools with a beachfront view. The resort has a private supervised beach, making it kid-friendly.

For romantic vacations in the Caribbean:

The Royal Palms hotel is a 19th-Century colonial manor designed in an 18th-century British architectural style. It has a wine cellar, beautiful gardens with sun loungers, and an outdoor swimming pool. The daily wine reception is a great way to spend a romantic evening.

The Flora Suite Hotel Curaçao is an adult only, all-suite establishment. It features a spa, two restaurants, and two bars, including a poolside bar. The Parasasa beach is a 6-minutes walk while the Blue Bay Curaçao Golf Resort is just over 4 miles away. The rooms have a wet bar and a stand-in tub while the living area is spacious enough for a romantic candle-lit dinner delivered by room service.

For luxury vacations in the Caribbean:

The Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort and Casino is 7 miles from Queen Beatrix International Airport. Features include mini-bars, coffee makers, and balconies with an ocean view. There's also access to lounges with free happy hours, and the suites have pullout sofas.

Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Punta Cana is located in the Dominican Republic. It houses a casino, a beauty salon, a spa, a golf course, 13 pools, and 9 restaurants. Out of these restaurants includes a breezy Brazilian eatery and a Japanese grill. The upgraded suites have dining areas, whirlpool tubs, and butler service.

For budget vacations in the Caribbean:

The Rincon Of The Seas Grand Caribbean Hotel is located in Puerto Rico. It has beach access, tropical gardens, and an outdoor poolside bar. Any 2 children under 13 years of age can vacation with their parents in the same room at no extra cost, courtesy of sofa beds.

The Holiday Inn Resort Grand Cayman is a beachfront hotel with a scenic view of the ocean. It's located 5 1/2 miles from the Owen Roberts International Airport and 1 mile from the North Sound Golf Club. The rooms are equipped with coffee makers, microwaves, and mini-fridges. Relax in the pool bar after a session in the fitness room or tennis court.

Where to stay in Caribbean

Caribbean vacation information, other popular package vacation destinations.

  • Mexico package vacations
  • Europe package vacations
  • Jamaica package vacations
  • Las Vegas, NV package vacations
  • Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico package vacations
  • The Bahamas package vacations
  • Punta Cana, Dominican Republic package vacations
  • Florida package vacations
  • Honolulu, O'ahu, HI package vacations
  • Dominican Republic package vacations
  • Rome, Italy package vacations
  • Maui package vacations
  • Key West, FL package vacations
  • Toronto, ON, Canada package vacations
  • Denver package vacations
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico package vacations
  • Aruba package vacations
  • Orlando, FL package vacations
  • Paris, France package vacations
  • Puerto Vallarta package vacations

Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel

About priusadebny golitsynsky hotel.

  • Hotel Room You’ll have a private room with all the hotel’s amenities

Latest deals for Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel

* Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.

Prices are based on 1 night including GST, excluding local taxes and fees.

Reviews of Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

Learn how KAYAK collects reviews.

What's nearby

  • Kuskovo Estate 5 km
  • State Tretyakov Gallery 12.4 km
  • St. Basil's Cathedral 12.9 km
  • Gorky Park 12.9 km
  • GUM Shopping Centre 13.1 km
  • Lenin's Mausoleum 13.1 km
  • Moscow Kremlin 13.1 km
  • Red Square 13.2 km
  • State Historical Museum 13.3 km
  • Cathedral of Christ the Saviour 13.4 km
  • Bolshoi Theatre 13.6 km
  • Metro Museum 15.1 km

When to book a room at Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel

Faqs when booking at priusadebny golitsynsky hotel, where is priusadebny golitsynsky hotel located.

Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel is located at Topolevaya Alleya 10 1 Moscow Topolevaya Alleya Moscow in South-Eastern Administrative Okrug, 12.7 km from the centre of Moscow. Kuskovo Estate is the closest landmark to Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel?

Check-in time is 1:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel.

How far is Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel from the airport?

Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel is 26.9 km from Moscow Zhukovsky.

How does KAYAK find such great Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel in Moscow and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Priusadebny Golitsynsky Hotel.

Nearby hotels and places to stay

Most recommended, good to know.


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  15. How to Anchor a Kayak: A Complete Guide for Beginners

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