
France’s Visa Rejection Rate in 2024

The France Visa Rejection Rate in 2024 is approximately 21.6%. The France Visa Rejection Rate for previous years is as follows:

This comprehensive guide offers an in-depth analysis of the France visa rejection rate, the common reasons for visa denials, and invaluable tips on enhancing your chances of visa approval.

What Is The France Visa Rejection Rate in 2024?

Based on France’s rejection rate trajectory, the year 2024 has seen a slight improvement in France’s visa rejection rate, currently standing at approximately 21.6%.

This implies that out of every 100 Schengen visa applications submitted, around 21 to 22 receive a negative outcome.

However, it’s worth noting that this rate varies across visa categories, such as tourist, business, student, and work visas. Factors like the applicant’s nationality, purpose of visit, and adherence to application procedures also significantly influence this rate.

France’s Top 5 Countries with the Highest Visa Rejection Rates

1. algeria (50.4% rejection rate).

Interestingly, Algeria, a North African nation, has the highest French visa rejection rate. French consulates located in Algiers, Annaba, and Oran processed 239,927 applications, with an average rejection rate of 50.4%.

The reasons behind such a high rejection rate could span a broad spectrum, from issues related to documentation, inadequate financial proof, to concerns over illegal immigration. Further exploration into these factors is necessary to get a more comprehensive picture.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

2. Angola (48.4% Rejection Rate)

The African country of Angola is second on the list, with a French visa rejection rate of 48.4% out of 1,907 applications. Angola’s economic conditions, low human development index, and potential documentation issues might significantly impact the Luanda consulate’s rejection rate.

These factors cumulatively influence the decision-making process, affecting the visa acceptance rate.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

3. Sri Lanka (48.1% Rejection Rate)

Third on our list is Sri Lanka, known for its rich culture and scenic landscapes. Yet, it has a French visa rejection rate of 48.1% from 8,728 applications.

Economic disparity in Sri Lanka could be a contributing factor to the high rejection rate. Moreover, the complex visa application process might deter potential applicants, leading to riskier applications and affecting the overall rejection rate.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

4. Haiti (46.0% Rejection Rate)

Haiti, a vibrant Caribbean nation, unfortunately, finds itself fourth on this list, with a French visa rejection rate of 46.0% with 5,052 applications made.

Haiti’s political instability, social challenges, and economic struggles could contribute to the high rate of visa rejections. These factors might induce the perception that Haitians are potential overstayers, leading to a higher number of denied applications.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

5. Guinea (46.0% Rejection Rate)

Guinea, another West African nation, shares the fourth position with Haiti, exhibiting a French visa rejection rate of 46.0% from 9,264 applications.

Economic difficulties, potential issues with documentation, and overstaying concerns may collectively contribute to the high rejection rate. Such elements significantly influence the consulate’s decision-making process, culminating in a high rejection rate.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

France’s Top 5 Countries with the Lowest Visa Rejection Rates

1. australia (0.9% rejection rate ).

Starting off our list is Australia, with the consulate in Sydney rejecting only 0.9% of 2,190 schengen visa applications. Australia, being a developed nation with a high standard of living, sees most of its citizens traveling for tourism or business.

The low rejection rate can be attributed to the applicants’ financial stability, adherence to visa rules, and strong ties to their home country, reducing the likelihood of overstaying.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

2. Belarus (0.6% Rejection Rate )

Surprisingly, the second-lowest visa rejection rate belongs to the Eastern European country of Belarus. Despite economic challenges and political turmoil, the rejection rate at the consulate in Minsk stands at just 0.6% out of 8,975 applications.

This could be due to the rigorous application process, which filters out potential overstayers or illegal immigrants.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

3. New Zealand (1.1% Rejection Rate )

The island nation of New Zealand makes it to our list with a low rejection rate of 1.1% with 269 applications made.

The low rejection rate for visas can be attributed to the country’s high standard of living, strong economy, and the strict adherence of its citizens to immigration rules and regulations.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

4. Romania (1.6% Rejection Rate )

Romania, another Eastern European country, has a very low visa rejection rate at the French consulate in Bucharest from the 1,209 applications. At just 1.6%, this figure showcases the strong bilateral relations between France and Romania.

The two countries have enjoyed a long-lasting relationship characterized by cultural exchange and economic cooperation, which could be a contributing factor to the low visa rejection rate.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

5. Uruguay (1.8% Rejection Rate )

Rounding off our top 5 list is Uruguay, with a rejection rate of 1.8% at the consulate in Montevideo with just 65 applications. This South American country has a reputation for stability, which may influence the French authorities’ confidence in issuing visas to its residents.

Furthermore, Uruguay’s good economic standing and strong rule of law are also factors contributing to this low rejection rate.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

A Historical Analysis of France Visa Rejection Rate: 2018 – 2022

Year-on-year analysis.

Starting with 2018, France received a staggering 4,010,604 applications for the Schengen visa. Of these applications, 15.7% were not issued, indicating a rejection rate of nearly 630,000 visas. The reasons for these rejections can be myriad, ranging from incomplete documentation, insufficient financial resources, or doubts about the applicant’s intent to return to their home country.

In 2019, the volume of applications was slightly less, with France receiving 3,980,989 applications. However, the rejection rate increased marginally to 16.0%, translating to approximately 636,958 visa denials. This upward trend in the rejection rate, despite a reduction in applications, may reflect stricter immigration policies or increased scrutiny in application evaluations.

The year 2020 marked a significant shift due to the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel restrictions and lockdown measures led to a precipitous drop in visa applications to 658,247 – a fraction of the previous year’s volume. Interestingly, the rejection rate jumped to 18.5%. The higher rejection rate can likely be attributed to the pandemic’s impact, with authorities exercising caution due to health concerns and applicants finding it harder to justify non-essential travel.

Continuing with the trend of high rejection rates, 2021 saw a further increase to 21.1%. The total number of applications remained relatively stable at 652,331. The sustained high rejection rate, despite the low number of applications, suggests a carryover of the cautious approach from 2020 as the world continued to grapple with the pandemic and its aftermath.

Finally, in 2022, France saw a significant recovery in the number of visa applications, reaching 1,918,515. However, the rejection rate continued its upward trend, hitting a five-year peak of 22.2%. While this continued increase in the rejection rate may initially seem disconcerting, it could be attributed to a surge in applications as global travel restrictions eased. In such a situation, the absolute number of rejections would increase even if the authorities did not change their evaluation standards.

What Should I Do if My Visa Application is Rejected?

If your French visa application is rejected, the first step is to understand the reasons behind the refusal. These reasons will be detailed in the refusal notice you receive from the French consulate.

Take the time to thoroughly review the reasons and understand where your application fell short. Perhaps you provided insufficient documentation, or there were issues with your proof of financial resources, or there were discrepancies in your travel itinerary.

The reasons for visa rejection can be diverse, and understanding them is crucial to addressing them effectively.

If you need further clarification, consider reaching out to the consulate or an immigration expert to understand better what went wrong. You may also want to consult with an immigration lawyer if you believe your application was unjustly denied.

Once you’ve understood the reasons, take steps to rectify the issues. This might mean gathering additional documents, providing more substantial proof of financial stability, or better articulating the purpose of your visit. The objective is to build a stronger application that addresses the consulate’s concerns.

5 Common Reasons for Visa Rejection

Understanding the primary causes for visa rejection equips applicants with the knowledge to rectify potential pitfalls. The most common reasons for France visa rejection in 2024 include:

  • Incomplete or Incorrect Documentation: Ensuring all requested documents are provided, correctly filled, and up-to-date is critical.
  • Insufficient Financial Resources: Applicants must prove they can financially sustain their stay in France. Failure to provide adequate proof can lead to application rejection.
  • Lack of Health Insurance: France mandates visa applicants to have health insurance coverage for their entire stay duration. Absence of valid health insurance can lead to application refusal.
  • Invalid Purpose of Stay: The intended purpose of your stay must be clear and plausible. If there are doubts about your intention to return to your home country, the application may be rejected.
  • Past Immigration Violations: If an applicant has a history of overstaying visas or other immigration violations, this can negatively impact the application and lead to rejection.

Is It Possible to Appeal Against a Visa Rejection?

Yes, you have the right to appeal a visa rejection. In France, the appeal process is known as a “recours” and must be initiated within two months from the date of the visa refusal.

The appeal process essentially involves submitting a request to the Commission de Recours Contre les Décisions de Refus de Visa d’Entrée en France (Commission for Appeals against Decisions of Refusal of Entry Visa to France).

This request should detail why you believe the decision to reject your visa application was unjustified, and it should be accompanied by supporting documents.

Bear in mind that the appeal process can be time-consuming and complex. It’s advisable to seek legal advice before initiating an appeal.

How Long Should I Wait Before Reapplying After a Visa Rejection?

There’s no specific waiting period mandated by the French authorities to reapply after a visa rejection. However, it’s not advisable to rush into reapplying without first addressing the reasons for the initial rejection.

Once your visa application is rejected, take the time to understand why it was refused, rectify the issues, and prepare a stronger application. This process might take weeks or even months, depending on the nature of the issues.

Remember, the goal is not to reapply as quickly as possible, but to reapply with a more robust and compelling application. So, don’t focus on the clock; instead, focus on improving your application. Once you’re confident that you’ve addressed the issues that led to the initial rejection, you can proceed with submitting a new application.

Does a Rejected Visa Application Affect Future Applications?

A rejected visa application does not necessarily affect your future visa applications, but it could.

When reviewing visa applications, the consulate may look into the applicant’s travel history, including any prior visa rejections. If you’ve had a visa application rejected in the past, it’s crucial to ensure that any issues that led to that rejection have been effectively addressed in your new application.

However, repeated rejections could raise red flags and may adversely impact the consideration of your future applications. Consulates want to ensure that visa applicants are genuine, meet the eligibility criteria, and will comply with visa conditions. Repeated rejections could imply that you’ve consistently failed to meet these standards.

In future applications, it’s important to be upfront about any past visa rejections, as withholding this information could lead to more serious consequences, including visa bans.

Can I Apply for a Different Type of French Visa After a Rejection?

Yes, you can apply for a different type of French visa after experiencing a visa rejection.

The key thing to keep in mind is that each visa type has its own eligibility criteria and requirements. When applying for a different visa, you must ensure that you meet the specific criteria for that visa and are able to provide the necessary documentation to support your application.

However, it’s important to consider the reasons for your initial visa rejection. If your visa was rejected due to fundamental issues, such as fraudulent documentation or past immigration violations, these could similarly affect your applications for other visa types.

If My Visa Application is Rejected, Do I Receive a Refund for the Visa Application Fee?

Unfortunately, visa application fees are non-refundable, whether your visa application is approved, rejected, or withdrawn. The fee covers the administrative costs of processing the visa application, and these costs are incurred regardless of the final decision.

It’s also important to note that you cannot transfer the fee to another visa application. If you decide to reapply after a visa rejection, you’ll need to pay the visa application fee again.

How To Improve Chances of Visa Approval

Despite the rising visa rejection rate, applicants can take several steps to enhance their chances of visa approval:

  • Thorough Preparation: Ensure your application is complete, accurate, and neatly organized. Check all your information meticulously before submission.
  • Financial Stability Proof: Provide a comprehensive demonstration of your financial resources, showing your capability to support yourself during your stay in France.
  • Health Insurance: Procure health insurance coverage that aligns with your planned duration of stay.
  • Clear Intentions: Articulate the purpose of your visit clearly and truthfully, providing strong evidence of your intention to return to your home country.
  • Respect Immigration Laws: If you’ve previously traveled to France or other Schengen countries, ensure you complied with the immigration laws and left within the permitted period.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do visa rejection rates affect bilateral relations between countries.

While visa policies can be influenced by various factors, including international relations, they primarily depend on immigration regulations, security considerations, and bilateral agreements. A high visa rejection rate does not necessarily indicate strained relations between countries.

Do French consulates in different countries have varying rejection rates?

Yes, visa rejection rates can vary between different French consulates. This is often due to differences in the local population, including factors such as average income, travel history, and ties to the home country.

Can the visa rejection rate change throughout the year?

Visa rejection rates are typically averaged over a year and do not tend to fluctuate significantly within a single year. However, there might be slight variations depending on the season and application volume. For instance, rejection rates might increase during peak tourist season due to a higher volume of applications.

What factors could lead to an increased visa rejection rate in a particular year?

Various factors could lead to an increased visa rejection rate in a certain year. These could include changes in immigration policy, international relations, security concerns, economic factors, or an increase in fraudulent applications.

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Visas for France: how often are they refused and for what reasons?

Nearly 3 million visas were requested in 2023.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

More than 506,000 visa applications were refused in 2023, according to provisional figures from France’s Interior Ministry.

Just under 3 million visas requested across the year, meaning that a little more than one in six were refused.

The figure includes short-stay visas for those without visa-free access to the Schengen Zone, which accounted for the vast majority of applications.

This includes people from countries including China, India, and those in North Africa, but not, for example, Australians, Britons or Americans, who do not need tourist visas.

The list of countries that currently do not need a visa (but will soon need a visa waiver) can be found below:

Read more: 59 countries affected by new EU visa-free scheme

However one-year long-stay visas and ‘talent passport’ visas are also included in the figures.

Despite an increase in applications compared to 2022 (an extra 700,000), only 6,000 additional visas were refused compared to the year before, when 500,000 were denied.

These figures are considerably below pre-Covid levels, however, where 4.2 million visas were demanded and over 680,000 refused.

There are a number of reasons visas can be refused, ranging from incorrect paperwork to a lack of funds to cover your visit.

What visas are included in the figures?

The Interior Ministry's provisional information for 2023’s visa applications mostly covers visa de court séjour applications.

As a reminder, those from a country which does not have a visa-free access agreement with the EU need to obtain a visa to enter, which is a visa de court séjour .

These visas last for 90 days, and are obtained for people visiting the country mostly for tourist reasons.

Britons, Americans, Australians, Canadians, Japanese, New Zealanders, Brazilians, and many others do not currently need any visa to enter the EU, provided they leave within 90 days and do not break the 90/180 day rules.

This will soon change, thanks to the implementation of the EU’s new border security systems, the Entry/Exit System and Etias.

They will instead have to apply for a visa waiver before their visit.

Read more: What is the EU’s Etias visa waiver scheme?

There were 2,139,937 short-stay visas requested, an increase of 47.2% on the year before, largely spurred by a return to global tourism after the pandemic and in particular from Chinese visitors.

Long-stay visas ( visa de long séjour ) were broken down into reasons for application, with ‘economical’ reasons (full-time employment, job transfers, seasonal workers) and ‘familial’ ones being the most common.

The number of ‘humanitarian’ long-stay visas (not the same as asylum seekers) saw a 39% drop compared to the previous year, with only 9,579 being approved.

A 20.2% increase in long-stay visitor visas (such as the VLS-TS or visa long séjour valant titre de séjour) was recorded, although there are no national breakdowns for who applied for these specifically.

Overall, 295,447 of these visas were handed out, only a 6.6% increase on the previous year.

Who applied for the most visas?

The Chinese were the highest number of applicants, requesting over 370,00 visas.

This was followed by Moroccan (240,000), Indian (213,000), Algerian (209,000) and Turkish (130,000).

These, alongside the rest of the top 15 – Russian, Saudi Arabian, Tunisian, Lebanese, Filipino, Thai, Egyptian, Ivorian, South African, and Nigerian – made up almost 75% of all visa applications.

Why can visas be rejected?

There is no breakdown for the reason visas were refused precisely, however there are a number of common reasons that visas can be refused.

The most likely of these is issues with supporting documents.

People coming on short-stay visas need to prove they have suitable health insurance for their journey, a place to stay, and proof of travel arrangements to leave the bloc before their visa expires.

They also need to prove they have enough funds to cover their journey – around €65 per day spent in the bloc, and if staying with a host, the host needs to have at least €33 per day.

Another common reason a visa can be denied is if you applied for the wrong one (i.e a tourist visa as opposed to a seasonal worker visa), in which case you will need to reapply.

Any doubt over the validity of your travel documents (passport, ID card etc) will also see your visa refused.

Finally, people who have previously overstayed their visa requirements, particularly for the Schengen bloc, may be refused entry.

The full provisional data from the Interior Ministry can be found here .

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2023 Top 10 Nationalities with Highest Schengen Visa Denials

2023 Top 10 Nationalities with Highest Schengen Visa Denials

In 2022, Schengen visa applications witnessed varying degrees of success , and some nationalities faced notably high rejection rates. This list highlights the top 10 nationalities that experienced the highest Schengen visa denials, shedding light on the challenges applicants from these countries encountered in their pursuit of European travel.

  • Here is the table of the top 10 nationalities with the highest Schengen visa denials in 2022, in the sequence you have requested:

Cape Verde: Highest Schengen Visa Rejections in 2022

Cape Verde topped the list with the highest number of Schengen visa application rejections in 2022, registering a staggering 844 rejections per 100,000 people. Among Cape Verdean nationals, a total of 17,572 visa applications were submitted. 

However, a significant portion of these applications, specifically 5,055, faced denials. This resulted in a rejection rate of 28.7% of all applications filed by Cape Verdeans. In practical terms, nearly every third person in the country experienced a visa application rejection during that year, highlighting the substantial challenges faced by Cape Verdean travellers in obtaining Schengen visas.

Kosovo and Suriname: Second and Third Highest Rejection Rates

In the ranking of countries with the highest per capita visa application denials, Kosovo and Suriname occupied the second and third positions, respectively. Kosovo, with 722 denials per 100,000 inhabitants , and Suriname, with 548 denials per 100,000 people , demonstrated significant challenges for their citizens when seeking Schengen visas. 

United Arab Emirates: Significant Rejection Rates

The United Arab Emirates encountered substantial difficulties with Schengen visa applications in 2022, reflecting a challenging landscape for Emirati travellers. Specifically, the data revealed 442 rejections per 100,000 Emirati residents, and a notable rejection rate of 22.4% of the entire population. This translates to approximately every fourth Emirati applicant facing a visa refusal. Alarmingly, a total of 42,105 visa applications from Emiratis were rejected throughout the year, emphasising the considerable obstacles Emirati citizens confronted in obtaining Schengen visas.

Algerians, Tunisians, and Lebanese: High Rejection Rates Persist

Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon remained among the top countries grappling with substantial numbers of rejected visa applications in 2022. Algeria, in particular, faced a significant challenge, with 393 visa applications denied per 100,000 residents. 

Tunisia closely followed with 392 rejections per 100,000 applicants, while Lebanon experienced 340 denials per 100,000 citizens. These statistics underscored the significant hurdles that nationals from these countries encountered when seeking Schengen visas, reflecting a persistently high rejection rate among their populations.

Algeria: High Visa Denial Rate

In 2022, Algeria confronted one of the most formidable challenges in securing Schengen visas, with a staggering 45% of its population encountering visa rejections. This alarming rejection rate paints a vivid picture of the difficulties faced by Algerian citizens in obtaining permission to travel to Europe. 

The sheer volume of denied applications for Algerian nationals was staggering, reaching a significant 179,409 . This data underscores the formidable barriers that Algerian travellers encountered in pursuing their European travel aspirations.

Algerians: Highest Expenditures for Rejected Applicants

Among all nationalities grappling with visa denials, Algerians stood out not only for their exceptionally high rejection rates but also for incurring the highest financial expenditures among rejected applicants. The financial toll on Algerians seeking Schengen visas was substantial, amounting to a significant €31.93 million. 

Furthermore, the sheer magnitude of visa denials experienced by Algerians in 2022 was unmatched, solidifying their status as the nationality with the highest number of visa rejections during the year. This combination of high rejection rates and significant financial costs underscores the challenges and frustrations faced by Algerian travellers in their quest for Schengen visas.

Qatar, Morocco, and Armenia: Also Facing High Rejection Rates

Among the top ten nationalities with the highest rejection rates per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022 were Qatar, Morocco, and Armenia, all of which grappled with substantial challenges in securing Schengen visas. These c ountries displayed rejection rates ranging from 200 to 350 denied applicants per 100,000 residents , reflecting the significant obstacles faced by their nationals in their visa application processes.

Qatar: Every Ninth Applicant Denied

Qatar, in particular, experienced a noteworthy visa rejection rate, with 325 denied applicants per 100,000 Qatari nationals. This statistic elucidates that a substantial 8,837 visa applications from Qatari citizens were denied, comprising 11% of the total population that encountered visa denials. 

In practical terms, this meant that nearly every ninth applicant from Qatar faced a visa application rejection during the preceding year. This data highlights the substantial challenges and uncertainties that Qatari travellers encountered in their endeavours to secure Schengen visas.

Morocco: A Significant Proportion Denied Visas

Morocco faced a substantial challenge in its quest for Schengen visas, as nearly every fourth applicant encountered a negative response to their visa application in 2022 . This translated to a significant total of 119,346 denied visa applications throughout the year. 

Remarkably, the visa rejection rate for Moroccan nationals reached a staggering 45.7%, with 315 rejections per 100,000 people. This data underscores the formidable barriers that Moroccan travellers experienced in obtaining Schengen visas, portraying a substantial portion of the population facing visa denials.

Armenia: High Rejection Rate Amongst the Top Ten

Armenia secured a place in the top ten nationalities with the highest visa application denials per 100,000 people in 2022. Specifically, 283 out of every 100,000 Armenians faced visa denials, highlighting the substantial hurdles faced by Armenian nationals in securing Schengen visas. 

The rejection rate for Armenians was noteworthy, with 12.7% of the country's population being denied visas during the year. This marked Armenia as one of the nationalities with the highest rejection rates in this ranking, emphasising the challenges encountered by its citizens in their pursuit of European travel.

Concluding Insights

The analysis of the top 10 nationalities with the highest Schengen visa denials in 2022 reveals several critical takeaways:

Concluding Insights

  • Common Challenges 

Across these nationalities, a common challenge emerged: the formidable hurdles faced by their citizens when seeking Schengen visas. High rejection rates, often reaching alarming levels, underscored the difficulties encountered in navigating the visa application process.

  • Impact on Travel Aspirations

The impact on travel aspirations was substantial. For many individuals within these nationalities, the dream of exploring Europe remained elusive due to the significant number of visa denials. Families, students, and business travellers alike faced limitations on their mobility and opportunities.

  • Potential Policy Implications

These findings highlight the need for a nuanced examination of Schengen visa policies and procedures. Policymakers must consider the unique circumstances of each nationality and strive for greater transparency and fairness in the application process. Measures to improve visa application success rates, such as clearer guidelines and enhanced consular support, could mitigate the challenges faced by these nationals.

Future Trends in Visa Application Dynamics

As we look ahead, several potential trends and changes in visa application dynamics for the nationalities that faced high Schengen visa denials in 2022 are worth considering:

  • Increased Diplomatic Engagement

One potential trend is an increase in diplomatic efforts by these countries to improve visa application processes. Diplomatic negotiations and agreements may aim to address specific issues leading to high rejection rates and create a more favourable environment for their citizens.

  • Technology and Digital Solutions

The digitization of visa application processes may play a significant role in the future. More user-friendly online application systems, electronic document submission, and biometric verification could simplify and expedite the process, potentially reducing rejection rates.

Technology and Digital Solutions

  • Enhanced Consular Support

Nationalities with high visa denial rates may seek to establish stronger consular support networks in Schengen countries. This could include expanding embassy and consulate services, providing better guidance to applicants, and ensuring that their citizens are well-prepared for the application process.

  • Bilateral Agreements

Some countries may pursue bilateral agreements with individual Schengen member states to facilitate travel for specific purposes such as tourism, business, or education. These agreements could provide exemptions or streamlined processes for certain categories of travellers.

  • Advocacy and Lobbying

Civil society organisations, both within these nationalities and internationally, may engage in advocacy and lobbying efforts to highlight the challenges their citizens face in obtaining Schengen visas. Such campaigns could put pressure on Schengen countries to review and amend their visa policies.

Policy Considerations to Address Visa Challenges

To address the challenges faced by the nationalities experiencing high Schengen visa denials in 2022, several policy measures and recommendations can be considered:

  • Review and Transparency

Schengen member states should regularly review their visa application processes and decision-making criteria. Greater transparency in these processes can help applicants understand why their applications were denied and allow them to rectify mistakes.

  • Consular Support

Schengen countries should ensure robust consular support services in the countries with high rejection rates. This includes well-staffed and accessible embassies and consulates to guide applicants through the process and address their concerns.

  • Improved Communication

Schengen embassies and consulates should provide clear and detailed information to applicants about the required documentation, eligibility criteria, and the application timeline. This can reduce the likelihood of errors and misunderstandings.

  • Streamlined Procedures

Simplifying and streamlining visa application procedures, including the digitization of processes, can make it easier for applicants to apply and reduce processing times.

  • Differentiated Visa Categories

Consider creating different visa categories based on the purpose of travel. This could include separate categories for tourists, students, business travellers, and family visits, each with tailored requirements.

Differentiated Visa Categories

Which nationality had the highest Schengen visa rejection rate in 2022?

In 2022, Cape Verde had the highest Schengen visa rejection rate, with 844 rejections per 100,000 people.

What percentage of Schengen visa applications from Cape Verdeans were denied in 2022?

Schengen visa applications from Cape Verdeans faced a denial rate of 28.7% in 2022, indicating that nearly every third applicant received a rejection.

Which countries ranked second and third for the highest per capita visa application denials?

Kosovo ranked second, with 722 denials per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Suriname in third place with 548 denials per 100,000 people.

What percentage of the population in Algeria was denied visas in 2022?

In 2022, 45% of the population in Algeria encountered visa denials, reflecting significant challenges for Algerian travellers.

Which nationality faced the highest expenditures for rejected Schengen visa applicants?

Algerians incurred the highest expenditures for rejected Schengen visa applicants in 2022, totaling €31.93 million.

How many visa applications from Moroccan nationals were denied in 2022?

A total of 119,346 visa applications from Moroccan nationals were denied in 2022, resulting in a rejection rate of 45.7%.

Which nationality had a rejection rate of 12.7% and faced visa denials in 2022?

Armenia had a rejection rate of 12.7% in 2022, with approximately every eighth person in Armenia experiencing a visa application rejection.

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10 Schengen countries with the lowest visa rejection rates

By Ria Gupta

Paragliding over Swiss Alps at Männlichen in Wengen.

Europe beckons you, with sandy shores, antique castles, and in some cases, low Schengen visa rejection rates. With the  Schengen visa statistics of 2022 out, we now have a list of the 10 easiest countries to get a Schengen visa to. Take your pick, and get cracking on that summer trip. The countries have been listed as per ascending order. Rates are for a seven-day round trip in July.

Iconic view of the fjaðrrgljúfur canyon during moody weather Iceland

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

The Nordic country received 7,715 visa applications in 2022, and rejected only 146 of them. That’s a rejection rate of  1.9% —the lowest across the Schengen region. Go for : The phenomenal beauty of glaciers and geysers, lava fields and waterfalls, and the Northern Lights. Iceland is also the world’s most peaceful country, as per the Global Peace Index of 2022. Flights to Reykjavik : From Delhi: Rs3,40,000* onwards; Mumbai: Rs3,41,000* onwards; Kolkata: Rs71,600* onwards

Vilnius Old Town

Vilnius Old Town

Lithuania got 25,556 visa applications, and accepted most of them. Its rejection rate was only 7.8% . Go for : Forested national parks teeming with wildlife and a taste of Jewish history and culture. The capital city of Vilnius is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a treasure trove of Baroque architecture. It’s the only European capital city that allows hot air balloons to cruise over its skyline. Flights to Vilnius : From Delhi: Rs69,570* onwards; Mumbai: Rs71,650* onwards; Kolkata: Rs72,670* onwards

10 Schengen countries with the lowest visa rejection rates

Latvia’s rejection rate was at 9.5% , with the country granting 18,890 of 21,142 visas. Go for : The Art Nouveau district in Riga; Gauja National Park, the largest in Latvia; bird watching and bobsleigh riding. Flights to Riga : From Delhi: Rs67,000* onwards; Mumbai: Rs68,000* onwards; Kolkata: Rs78,100* onwards

10 Schengen countries with the lowest visa rejection rates

Slovakia received 12,211 applications in 2022, and rejected only 9.7% of them. Go for : The spa town of Piestany, natural beauty around the Danube River, folk traditions, handicrafts and vintage architecture . Flights to Bratislava : From Delhi: Rs1,05,000* onwards; Mumbai: Rs1,11,000* onwards

Helsinki Cathedral

Helsinki Cathedral

Finland’s rejection rate was also at 9.7% . However, the country received a lot more applications than Slovakia. Of the 1,64,427 applications, it rejected only 15,530. Go for : Arctic Finland, where you can spend your entire time outdoors as the sun doesn’t set for six months straight. Also look out for the Northern Lights, visit some of the 50,000 islands and mingle with people of the happiest country in the world. Flights to Helsinki : From Delhi: Rs66,390* onwards; Mumbai: Rs67,800* onwards; Kolkata: Rs87,600* onwards


Luxembourg received only 6,931 applications in 2022, but granted visas to 6,222 of them. That’s a rejection rate of 10.5% . Go for : Hiking trails, stunning castles and fine-dining at a number of Michelin-starred restaurants. Flights to Luxembourg : From Delhi: Rs58,800* onwards; Mumbai: Rs56,600* onwards; Kolkata: Rs62,000* onwards


In 2022, Poland made it into the list of countries with the lowest visa rejection rates at 11.6% . The country received 83,114 Schengen visa applications and rejected 9,841 of them. Go for : Craft beer ; saunter through the hip bars of Warsaw and historical buildings of Kraków; and visit the Tatra mountains, which create a natural boundary between Slovakia and Poland. Flights to Warsaw : From Delhi: Rs40,530* onwards; Mumbai: Rs63,370* onwards; Kolkata: Rs84,200* onwards


The Landwasser Viaduct

Switzerland rejected 49,263 visas in 2022—not bad for a country that received over four lakh visa applications. Go for : The galleries and nightlife of Zurich and the hikes and adventures that await you in Bern. In Basel, you’ll trace the roots of the international art event, Art Basel, in the city’s graffiti, museums and local artworks. Flights to Zurich : From Delhi: Rs58,200* onwards; Mumbai: Rs58,500* onwards; Kolkata: Rs84,860* onwards

The Acropolis in Athens

Greece rejected 12.5% of the 1,59,129 visa applications it got. That’s l 4,02,573 visas granted in 2022. Go for : The thousands of Greek islands and beaches, hundreds of which have now been made wheelchair-accessible. Visit the Acropolis in Athens, of course, but also the rock formations of Meteora. And how can you miss the picture-perfect landscape of Santorini? Flights to Athens : From Delhi : Rs45,100* onwards; Mumbai: Rs37,700* onwards; Kolkata: Rs78,650* onwards

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Italy received over seven lakh Schengen visa applications from around the world. With only 92,186 of them rejected, the country’s rejection rate was 12.7% . Italy also had some of the lowest rejection rates  in India (11.5%). Go for : The marvels, from the colosseum in Rome to the Sistine Chapel and Vatican City itself. The country has 55 UNESCO World heritage sites, lip-smacking food and stunning natural landscapes from lakes to peaks. Flights to Florence : From Delhi: Rs56,000* onwards; Mumbai: Rs55,600* onwards; Kolkata: Rs68,000* onwards

*Prices are subject to change.

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france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

US student visa rejection rate at a record high!

Student visas were denied at nearly twice the rate of all other nonimmigrant visa applicants..

US visa rejection rate, foreign students, denied visa, F-1 visa, Optional Practical Training, international students

Over one-third of international students who applied to study in the US were denied admission in 2023. Overall, a record quarter of a million foreign students were denied visas, 36% of applicants to be exact. In 2023, consular officers denied a record 253,355 student visas. Interestingly, more visas were denied in 2023 than were issued in 2002 and 2005.

David J. Bier, associate director of immigration research at The Cato Institute, presented data from the US government in a study on the rate and reasons for student visa denials.

france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

International students study at America’s universities and then find jobs here when they graduate, largely through the post‐graduate employment authorization program called Optional Practical Training.

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Temporary job that is directly relevant to an F-1 student’s major field of study is known as Optional Practical Training (OPT). Before finishing their academic studies (pre-completion) or after finishing their studies (post-completion), qualified students may seek to receive up to a 12-month OPT job authorization.

Despite the importance of these visas, the State Department rejected an unprecedented 36 percent of student visa applicants in 2023, surpassing 2022’s record.

Student visas are known as F-1 visas. You can enter the country as a full-time student with the F-1 Visa (Academic Student) if you’re enrolled in a language training program or a recognized college, university, seminary, conservatory, academic high school, or other academic institution.

The study shows that student visas usually had a similar rejection rate to other nonimmigrant visa applicants. But from 2021 and 2023, student visas were denied at nearly twice the rate of all other applicants. The student visa denial rate increased from a low of 15 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2023.

To apply for an F-1 visa, a student must first be admitted into a government-approved university. This means that the US Department of State turned down 253,355 students who would have spent approximately $30,000 per year, or $7.6 billion, in tuition and living expenses. Over four years, the figure grows to $30.4 billion in missed economic gains for the United States.

According to the report, the State Department does not separately delineate the reasons for student visa denials but nearly all nonimmigrant visa denials are for failing to prove “nonimmigrant intent” (that is, the desire not to move to the United States permanently). Applicants need to show sufficient ties to their home country that would impel them to return to their home country when their reasons for visiting have ended.

The government does not publish country-by-country student visa denial statistics.

The report goes on to suggest other reasons for an increasing trend in denials. What may explain the sudden increase in denials is the sudden increase in issuances for Indian students. After major delays during the pandemic, Indian consulates issued an unprecedented 130,839 student visas, by far the highest total for India ever.

But according to data obtained by researchers via Freedom of Information Act requests, before the pandemic, US consulates in India were far more likely to deny students than US consulates in China. Indians accounted for a record 29 percent of all visa issuances in 2023, so their higher rate of denial could have affected the worldwide average more.

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  1. France refused the most number of schengen visas for Europe

    france tourist visa rejection rate 2023

  2. Schengen Visa Rejection: Reasons, Appeal, How to Apply, Rejection Rates

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  3. These Countries Have The Highest Schengen Visa Rejection Rates

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  5. France refused the most number of schengen visas for Europe

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    The UK Visitor/Tourist Visa Success Rate in 2023/2024; UK Tourist Visa from India [2024 Ultimate Guide] UK Visit Visa from Pakistan Requirements in 2024; ... Based on France's rejection rate trajectory, the year 2024 has seen a slight improvement in France's visa rejection rate, currently standing at approximately 21.6%. ...

  2. Visas for France: how often are they refused and for what reasons?

    More than 506,000 visa applications were refused in 2023, according to provisional figures from France's Interior Ministry. Just under 3 million visas requested across the year, meaning that a little more than one in six were refused. The figure includes short-stay visas for those without visa-free access to the Schengen Zone, which accounted ...

  3. Top 10 Easiest Countries to Get a Schengen Visa for Summer 2023

    Slovakia - 9.7 per cent. Latvia - 9.5 per cent. Lithuania - 7.8 per cent. Iceland - only 1.9 per cent. The countries with the highest rejection rates, on the other hand, are Malta, Sweden, Belgium and France. While Malta tops the table with a rejection rate of 36.4 per cent, the second is listed Sweden, with 29 per cent of applications ...

  4. 2022 Schengen Visa Statistics for Schengen Countries

    How to Apply for a Schengen Visa - a Step by Step Guide; Travel Health Insurance for a Schengen Visa Application; News; About Us; Press and Media; 2022 Menu Toggle. ... Not issued rate for uniform visas: Total 51,907 : Total 41,885 : Total 9,504 : First name. Email. Organisation/Media. By continuing, you accept the privacy policy. Home;


    nationality fy23 adjusted refusal rate adjusted refusal rate - b-visas only by nationality fiscal year 2023 france 10.11% gabon 29.62% gambia, the 60.40% georgia 49.23% germany 10.84% ghana 37.56% great britain and northern ireland 14.69% greece 15.57% grenada 20.37% guatemala 21.55% guinea 61.37% guinea - bissau 48.15% guyana 39.22% haiti 47.94%

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    In 2021, France received 652,331 Schengen Visa applications, -0.9% compared with 2020. In 2021, France received 84% fewer Schengen Visa applications compared with 2019. France issued 480,057 Schengen Visas in 2021, 13% or 72,336 fewer than in 2020. In 2021, France recorded 961.3 million overnight stays, an increment of 12% compared to 2020.

  7. France most sought after among Schengen states, but also sees highest

    Germany has the lowest visa rejection rate of 5.08%. May 15, 2023 04:09 am | Updated June 01, 2023 12:26 pm IST - NEW DELHI ... for Indians include France which saw 1.38 lakh visa applications in ...

  8. These 4 countries rejected most number of Schengen visa requests

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  10. Schengen Visa Rejection: Reasons, Appeal, How to Apply, Rejection Rates

    Schengen countries with high rejection rates: Malta rejected 36.4% of visa application; Sweden rejected 29% of visa applications; Belgium rejected 28.4% of visa applications; France rejected 22.2% of visa applications; Norway rejected 20.3% of visa applications; Schengen countries with low rejection rates: Italy rejected 12.7% of visa application

  11. These 4 Countries Were Most Likely to Reject a Schengen Visa

    Algeria - 48.2 per cent. Nigeria - 45.6 per cent. Sri Lanka - 44.2 per cent. Ghana - 44.2 per cent. Haiti - 43.2 per cent. In many of third countries, Spain, and in particular France, are the Schengen countries that rejected for the highest number of applications in 2022. >> 30% of Schengen Visa Applicants in Morocco Were Rejected in ...

  12. Latest Europe Travel Data & Schengen Visa Statistics

    In 2021, Schengen consulates recorded -1,739 fewer Visa applications compared with 2020 (a bare 0.05% drop) In 2021, Schengen Consulates issued 83% or 12,600,000 fewer short-stay Visas than in 2019. In 2021, 13.4% of Schengen Visa applicants were rejected ( 0.2% fewer than in 2020). Syria marked the highest Schengen Visa rejection rate in 2021 ...

  13. 2023 Top 10 Nationalities with Highest Schengen Visa Denials

    In 2022, Schengen visa applications witnessed varying degrees of success, and some nationalities faced notably high rejection rates. This list highlights the top 10 nationalities that experienced the highest Schengen visa denials, shedding light on the challenges applicants from these countries encountered in their pursuit of European travel.. Here is the table of the top 10 nationalities with ...

  14. Schengen Visa Statistics 2022: Analyzing Countries and Nationalities

    Schengen embassies around the world received 7,572,755 short‑term visa applications in 2022. Of these, 3,448,324 visas were approved, and 1,322,819 — were rejected, amounting to 45.53% and 17.46% rejection rates, respectively. The five countries that issued the highest number of Schengen Visa rejections were: France — 408,876 rejections;

  15. Calculation of the Adjusted Visa Refusal Rate for Tourist and ...

    The Visa Waiver Program enables nationals of certain countries to travel without a visa to the U.S., when the intended travel is for "B" visa purposes (tourism or business) for stays of 90 days or less, if the traveler meets certain requirements. For more information, see Visa Waiver Program section. The Visa Waiver Program is administered by ...

  16. Countries Most Likely to Issue You a Schengen Visa According to Your

    The rejection rate is higher from Danish consulates, which denied 14.38 per cent of applicants, translating into 1,043 requests. Tunisia. Poland (23.05 per cent) and Portugal (23.22 per cent) had the lowest visa rejection rates for Tunisians, while Norway rejected none of the two applications that were filed in 2022. Egypt

  17. These 3 countries rejected nearly 50% of Schengen Visa requests from

    Going by volume, a different set of countries end up rejecting a higher number of visas. In 2022: Switzerland rejected 13,984 of 1,06,025 visas, though the country's overall rejection rate was significantly lower than the average at 13%. France rejected 19.9% or 27,681 of 1,38,643 visas and Spain declined 14,852 or 18.5% of 80,098 visas.


    refusal rate adjusted refusal rate - b-visas only fiscal year 2022 by nationality comoros 43.48% congo, democratic republic of the 43.93% congo, republic of the 37.19% costa rica 12.71% cote d`ivoire 23.08% croatia 5.56% cuba 56.51% cyprus 6.22% czech republic 8.50% denmark 12.17% djibouti 74.44% dominica 25.00% dominican republic 15.75% ...

  19. 10 Schengen countries with the lowest visa rejection rates

    Italy. joe daniel price. Italy received over seven lakh Schengen visa applications from around the world. With only 92,186 of them rejected, the country's rejection rate was 12.7%. Italy also had some of the lowest rejection rates in India (11.5%).

  20. These 3 Schengen Countries Rejected the Highest Number of Short-Stay

    France rejected 21.1 per cent of the 652,331 applications it received. Denmark rejected 21.1 per cent of the 26,469 applications it received. Belgium rejected 20.4 per cent of the 50,796 applications it received. This means that Sweden, Norway, France, Denmark, and Belgium were the most likely countries to reject a Schengen visa in 2021.

  21. Online application

    Visa Application Guidelines; France in the Schengen area; Short-stay visa; Airport Transit Visa; Long-stay visa; Tourism / Private stay . Tourist or Private visit; Young traveller (working holiday) Volunteering; Professional purpose . Business travel; Self employed person or liberal activity; Job Search - Business Creation; Salaried employment

  22. US Visa Rejection Rate 2023: A record quarter of a million foreign

    The student visa denial rate increased from a low of 15 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2023. To apply for an F-1 visa, a student must first be admitted into a government-approved university.

  23. Sweden, Norway, France & Denmark Were Most Likely to ...

    Malta - the visa authorities of which country rejected 16.2 per cent of the 4,295 applications they received; The average rejection rate for all Schengen states in 2021 was 13.4 per cent. The total number of visa applications filed in the same year is 2,926,104, or 82.7 per cent fewer visa applications than in 2019.